#i literally visited her house all the time and she called them mom and mother
genericpuff · 4 months
What is the thing you feel like Lore Olympus failed at or did the worst. The comic has a magnitude of problems but what is one problem that you have the most hatred for or just flat out makes you angry?
(Just curious)
There are so, so many things I could point to as "the worst" thing that the comic did, because it has a LOT of worsts, but I think ultimately the failing of the original myth's messaging has to take the cake because it's ultimately the root of all of LO's problems.
Rachel herself seems to have this disconnect between what's going on in her head vs. what she's actually writing. It's especially present in her Q&A's and interviews where she claims certain things about the comic / text that just aren't present in the slightest during the actual comic. One such example that ties into my answer is this response she gave to Girl Wonder Podcast:
"I feel like female characters in general, people will be a little harsher on them and sometimes way harsher on them, and I used to be like.. before I started writing the story and like making a story I was like yeah, sexism is not that bad, and [now] I was like oh it's bad. It's quite bad [laughs], so like, I don't know, I feel like the female characters in the story don't get so much of a pass. But this isn't consistent across the board, it's not all the time"
It's ironic at best and tone deaf at worst that she would claim that it's her audience being harsh on the female characters, when she's the one who wrote them into the characters they are that would get that reaction. Minthe had her BPD retconned so now she's just the abusive other girl. Hestia was turned into a cruel hypocrite when it was revealed she was a lesbian. Hera is racist to nymphs and cruel to the lower class and yet she's still rewarded in the end by getting to run off with a nymph girl who we've never seen her have any extended interaction with. And worst of all, Demeter was robbed of all of her agency all in favor of turning her into the evil Mother Gothel mom who's overbearing and cruel to poor Persephone. Some of these women deserve to be called out (Hera and Hestia), and others like Minthe and Demeter were simply used as props to do exactly what Rachel claims she doesn't like people doing and is labelling as sexism - to get harsh reactions and give the audience someone to hate on. Rachel desperately needs to learn to read her own work. Her audience is "sexist" towards these women because Rachel wrote them that way.
It fucking sucks and it's, ngl, extremely disrespectful to the messaging of the original myth that was written to comfort and empower the mothers who had lost their daughters to marriages back in the day. It wasn't some simple "aww the girl moved out and now she doesn't visit anymore!" girls who got married off were often literally never seen again and it wasn't by choice. Not only that, but in certain regions (such as in Athens) the women were isolated to their own section of the house upstairs (while the men lived downstairs) so that they wouldn't be seen by visiting guests or strangers.
It's why in some cultures the original H x P myth was considered a "golden standard" for marriages (at the time) because not only was Persephone given power over the domain alongside Hades, but she actually did get to see her mother - but it wasn't because Hades was just such a kind guy who would let her go willingly, it's because Demeter had to literally hold the world hostage and fight for her right to reunite with her child.
So for LO to not only twist Demeter's love and justifiable concern for her daughter into "helicopter parenting", but also rob her of her agency and power in fighting for her child, it fundamentally misses the entire point of the original myth and undoes itself as a retelling that's trying to be taken seriously in the discussion of Greek myth media. And for that, Rachel should be ashamed of herself.
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silverflqmes · 5 months
may i please please please request an angeal x reader where angeal comes back to town to visit his mom and he takes the reader around where he lives for fun & his mom spills very embarrassing things about him? i love the fact that you write about angeal since he's on the rarer side of liking<3 thank you so much and have a nice rest of your day!
notes. hi hi anon, this is such a cute prompt, i hope my execution is to your liking<3 and i agree he fr is an underrated king, so i shall do my best to serve🫡
genre. fluff
angeal hewley x gn!reader.
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the fresh air of banora reminded angeal of how much he had missed home, being among the smog of midgar as he’d been.
after weeks of being asked- urged to visit his hometown with his partner of seven months now, the first class SOLDIER had reluctantly taken a small leave of absence. a few days away from action couldn’t be too, too bad.
besides — his two friends promised to deal with his share of missions. so his worries lessened.
however, he still couldn’t help the nerves he had for how things would go with his mother. granted, she was incredibly eager in the letters she had written him and excited to be meeting you — his beloved. but that excitement was what worried angeal.. who knew what she would spill about him, he had all sorts of embarrassing memories! especially with genesis..
the teal eyed male prayed the house would be enough for you — he hadn’t exactly lived a life of luxury, so the space was small.. but cozy. he hoped you found it the same, despite the minimal space.
“what’s it like being home after so long? did you miss it??” your voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts, a smile on your lips as he turned to face you with one of his own.
how did it feel, indeed.. “it’s always pleasant to be home, i haven’t been here in a good while.. though it hasn’t changed a bit.” he chuckled, gazing up at the overgrown arch of violet shapes, dangling from their branches. “looks like we came at the right time, too.”
it was none other the native fruit of his village.
for them to be in full harvest upon his arrival, must have been a sign that he was meant to be here, and with you, no less.
“woah, they’re purple!” you beamed in astonishment, wondering for a moment if you’d perhaps been color blind — but thankfully, that wasn’t the case.
“despite their name, they’re called banora whites — or dumbapples, as some like to refer to them as well, for their irregular harvests.” angeal explained, a eyes softening a bit. “the best ones came from the tree that grew at genesis’ estate.” he mused, smiling fondly.
your eyes managed to catch the look on his face before you let out a thoughtful hum. “is that so? maybe we should bring some back for him! oh- and sephiroth too! i think they’ll both appreciate it a lot.” you laughed, taking ahold of your lover’s hand as you watched a line of houses come into view.
banora was small, but quaint. it felt like an honor to be there beside angeal — to have the privilege of being shown around the place he’d grown up in. you couldn’t help but feel special.
“think so?” he asked for certainty before letting out a snort. “perhaps they will. we can pick some tomorrow if you’d like, my mother’s likely going to keep us for the remainder of the day.” the first could recall her letters pressing for him to bring you by, never failing to bring you up since the very first letter he’d sent out confirming his relationship. “i hope that’s alright with you.”
blinking, you then nudged his shoulder, rolling your eyes. “are you kidding?? of course it is! i have got to meet your mom and thank her for bringing the literal most perfect man to have ever existed into the world!” you grinned, squeezing his hand. “so let’s not keep her waiting!”
shock painted his features before he shook his head in defeat, heaving an amused sigh as a rosy hue colored his cheeks. “as you wish..”
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it hadn’t taken long for angeal and yourself to arrive at his doorstep, a combination of pleasant aromas invading your senses. just how much had his mother prepared..?
your boyfriend reached for the knob, holding the door open for you before closing it behind himself. “and we’re here.” he spoke up gently, removing the buster sword from his back to rest it against the wall. “i apologize if it’s not much.. but, it’s home.”
the space was relatively small, but cozy — it felt warm and homelike, somehow, despite having only just arrived there.
your lips parted to protest, wanting to say that it was perfect, only for a gasp to intercept you.
“a-angeal, could it be?” a voice chimed in, the sound of rushing water silencing as the dark haired woman in the kitchenette turned to face you both.
her eyes seemed to gloss over with tears as she made her way up to your lover, placing her hands on his cheeks tenderly. “my dearest son, oh how you’ve grown..” the woman whispered incredulously, smiling nostalgically. “it feels like only yesterday that you were just outside, running around with genesis.. now, you’ve returned as a strong, handsome SOLDIER, that has brought home the beloved he speaks of so highly in his letters.” her attention shifted to you as she took your hands in her own, squeezing them adoringly. “you must be y/n, goodness, you’re even more lovely in person! i trust that angeal has been treating you well?”
the male in question let out a breath, flushing a bit. “mother..”
a warmth spread through your chest as you fluttered your lashes before nodding rapidly. “t-that’s me! it’s a pleasure to meet you, miss hewley! rest assured that angeal has taken very good care of me thus far- i’m eternally grateful for him, so thank you for allowing me to date your son, and for inviting me here!” you bowed, wanting to express your appreciation as best as you could. should all go well, this would be your future mother in law!
it shocked her in all honesty. how had his silly son captured the heart of such a sweetheart?? truly, you were too good for this world!
“please, gillian is fine.” she assured you softly, wiping her tears before letting out a soft laugh. “i’m relieved to hear that my son has been well to you, i can worry less now, knowing that he is aware on how to treat his lover.” the charcoal haired woman sighed out contentedly before ushering you in. “ah- come in, make yourself comfortable! our humble abode may lack in space — but treat it as though it were your own. lunch will be ready shortly!”
the mako eyed male inclined his head, picking up your bags. “i’ll put these in my room. while i’d offer a tour, there isn’t much to show..” he chuckled awkwardly, walking ahead to his old bedroom.
you rolled your eyes, finally calming down from your initial bashfulness. “show away! don’t go gatekeeping!” you scolded lightly, attempting to snatch a bag off of him to lend assistance, however.. being as enhanced as he was.. your partner had been quicker.
“gatekeeping?” he repeated before laughing again. “alright, alright. well- this is my room. growing up, we didn’t have much- so it’s on the bare side, although genesis insisted on hanging up pictures of us as mementos.” he explained, smiling to himself a little. “he had also gifted me a copy of loveless, stating that our friendship required me to have one.”
that made you shake your head, a snicker tumbling past your lips. “that sounds like him for sure. you guys look so adorable, you were so so cute, angeal!!”
he rubbed his neck, averting his gaze. “cute is the last word i would use to describe myself.. but if you say so.” the SOLDIER loosed a low breath, smiling to himself before guiding you out. “the next room over is my mother’s, beside it is the restroom.. and i think that’s it.” he concluded, stopping to take in the living room.
not much had changed since he’d last been there, the raven haired male realized. save for a few extra photos his mother had likely framed in his absence.
“angeal, just in time! will you help with setting things up? i might have made too much..” gillian spoke up with a nervous chuckle, tucking a pair of wooden salad tongs into the bowl of greens.
too much felt like an understatement.. he hoped everything would fit on the table.
“let me!” you piped up, snapping the first out of his daze as you jogged up to his mother. “least i can do for receiving your hospitality!”
the older woman blinked before shaking her head. “nonsense, you are our guest! i couldn’t allow that-!” but your hands had already pried the bowl out of her grasp as you flashed a small, reassuring grin.
“doesn’t mean a ‘guest’ can’t lend a hand!”
with that said, the table set in a shorter amount of time, a whisper of thanks expressed for the food before the three of you ate in a comfortable silence.
there was idle chatter here and there, mostly exchanged between yourself and gillian — who was eager to pull out photo albums that you were certainly not opposed to viewing. angeal baby pictures?? that was all the convincing you needed!
“and this one is of him taking his first steps.” she cooed softly, reminiscing in the memory. “cutie, isn’t he?”
you melted at the sight, whining softly. “that’s what i’ve been saying! see ang, even your mom agrees!”
bringing a palm to his face, the male in question let out a soft breath of exasperation. although there was no hiding that undeniable smile on his face.
he was glad he’d given in to taking this small trip home that his two friends had urged him ( for the most part ) into. being back in banora and with his mother brought an indescribable warmth to his chest, which only increased with you at the very table he’d grown up eating at.
when had he gotten so lucky?
“ah- and this one is of him and genesis bathing together-”
or unlucky, in some cases..
“i-i think that’s enough photos for today, mother..”
something told him there would be handsome amounts of embarrassment in the coming days.
he prayed sephiroth and genesis, especially, wouldn’t catch wind of it..
notes. whoops, i had this sitting and finally got around to finishing it. little rushed at the end but i’m hoping it’s good and that i wrote angeal alright..
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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kairithemang0 · 1 month
thinking about Curt’s childhood and Mama Mega
She’s a single mom, raising a kid in the 30s and 40s likely. She’s probably working multiple jobs and gets paid under minimum wage, definitely not treated with respect by her likely male boss or her coworkers. She has a son at home, a growing kid who wants to fit in with his other classmates, but who likely gets punched around for the fact he’s so attached to his mom. I don’t think Curt started out as the peak of suave masculinity, more of became that over time. His mother could never provide everything he wanted, and while Curt was fine with that, just a quiet “oh, it’s ok” I think Mama Mega took the fact she couldn’t provide Curt everything he could ever want to heart. She loves Curt, Curt’s all she has. Her husband left her, she’s working multiple jobs, her son may or may not be getting picked on, he’s literally all she has. How would it feel if this son, the only person you have left, told you he wanted to become a spy?
I think Mama Mega was originally hurt by the idea. Her son, her perfect Curtis, shooting people for a living? Getting into danger purposefully? But, when she knew he was serious, she let him go. She spent her free time learning about her son’s job, waiting for his calls so she could make conversation with him. He said he’d visit her, he didn’t visit as much as he should have.
Mama Mega lived alone, trapped in her house, not working 2 jobs anymore to feed her kid but in a new safe house he bought for her. Even though Curt never visits, his mom and her safety is always on his mind. She matters to him, even if he can’t find the time to visit.
Of course, this job means Curt doesn’t have a stable relationship, something he didn’t have in high school either but it bothered Mama Mega. She wants her son to be happy, she also probably wants grandchildren, more people in her life to come visit.
She also probably thought that if Curt settled down he’d quit his dangerous job, she may know about his job more than she should but she certainly doesn’t approve. She’s constantly trying to set Curt up on the rare chances he comes and visits
At one point he starts bringing Owen along, she definitely notices that the bed she set up for Owen went unused when she comes in to clean after they leave. She questions it, but pushes it to the side. Boys will be boys, she thinks. Still no girl though, and Curt seems to talk about Owen a lot.
I don’t think she ever realized Curt was gay, if she thought about it she brushed it off because how could her son be gay? She didn’t raise him to be gay, so how could he be? She sees it as wrong, that she failed as a parent if her son ends up gay. She can’t take it, she refuses to believe the silent hunch in the back of her mind that her son just may be gay.
It hurts Curt that she’s so oblivious, that Owen will be at dinner with them and she’ll ask if they have girlfriends. Curt and Owen give each other and awkward look before saying they’re too busy. Owen makes a joke later about him being Curt’s girlfriend, Curt laughs it off but knows his mother couldn’t take the fact that he’s gay. How could she?
When she meets Tatiana her world changes. Her son for the first time since high school has brought a girl home, not only that but she’s cute, she’s perfect. Instantly starts planning their wedding, no doubt in her mind that they aren’t together.
it’s scary how much her life probably revolves around Curt, how for years until he became a spy he was all she had, the only person in her life who hadn’t left her. And Curt leaves her still, doesn’t visit, and then she has nothing, just has to hope he doesn’t die while waiting for the phone to ring
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rius-cave · 3 months
So I found another AU. And guess what.
It’s one of the most angsty shits I’ve ever came up with.
Guardian Angel AU.
Lucifer is a winner who died with his family in a car accident when he was 14. (Let’s ignore the fact that Lu’s parent is God and throw two random parents. He had a twin brother, Michael and a sister, Charlie.) And they went to Heaven.
Lucifer rose in status and became a Guardian Angel, whose job is to go and help people who SH themselves or people who thinks about oofing themselves. They have timers in Heaven which shows the time left to save these people.
One day, they give him a “To Be Saved” list and he sees his childhood friend, Adam there. They were neighbors until Lucifer moved away when he was 12. Adam lowkey had a crush on him but didn’t realize. He chose him as his next job.
Why does Adam want to oof himself? Let me tell you. Also this is the part with the most tw’s.
Starting from the beginning, Adam’s mental health took damage for the first time when he had a you-know-what relationship with someone named Steve, who was 2 years older than him. He fell in depression. Sera, his adoptive mother, didn’t want to take him to a psychiatrist (Because he’s just being dramatic and should get up and be a man) but Emily, his stepsister insisted, so he did see a doctor and got help. They gave him a medicine to help him heal. (Maybe Xanax)
Also he had to use Vicodin aswell at one point. This’ll be relevant I swear.
Years and years later, he met with Eve. And they had kids when they were both. 20. They got married because their parents forced them and moved to another state, where they opened their small farm. They had twin boys, Cain and Abel btw.
Adam thought maybe, even though they had a rocky start, he could live happily now with his family. But…
Cain killed Abel when they were 14. And he went to juvie.
Adam and Eve broke up after this, with Eve blaming it all on Adam. She got almost all their properties in court, sold them and moved to another country, telling Adam she never wanted to see his stupid face or be associated with someone like him.
Hopeless, Adam contacted his mom. Oh God I wish he didn’t.
Sera too blamed him for everything and disowned him, calling him a murderer because he was supposed to be the father of his kids and raise them properly. It wouldn’t have happened if he just did a better job at raising them. She refused to help him because “he was a grown ass man, he wasn’t a baby”
Emily was in another country as well, she went there for education and stayed there. Sera lied about what Adam did and made him look like the devil himself. So Emily thinks her mom is right to disown him.
Adam stayed at a small apartment for a while, but he couldn’t even afford the rent, so he was going to be thrown at the streets until a “superhero” came and saved him.
Alastor. His step cousin.
Alastor paid the rent, and even bought Adam a house, saying “He can take care of him until he’s fine again”. But as you may have guessed, of course that’s not his intention.
He gave Adam the same pills the doctors gave to Adam when he was a kid. Saying it’d ease the pain. And they did. But..
He became addicted. To both Xanax and Vicodin. He kept buying them from two weirdos named Vox and Velvette, who were actually helping Alastor.
Speaking of Alastor.. He thinks he can do any physical harm to Adam since he saved his ass. He visits him once every three weeks and gladly reminds him how much of a desperate piece of shit he is.
Slowly, Adam became addicted to tequila as well.
Adam slowly became a bit like a hermit, never leaving his house for days and always ordering stuff there.
Phew. With that’s out of the way I can continue.
So Lucifer disguises himself as Adam’s neighbor and does his job the best he could.
What he didn’t expect was to fall in love with him. He couldn’t help it. Adam did as well.
It was forbidden for an angel to love a human but Lucifer didn’t care. Adam literally lived Hell on Earth and deserved someone.
But one day another angel reported this. His ex, Lilith, a heaven born angel.
I’ll get to it later. It has much more stuff.
Well! That whole traumatic backstory seems very on par with what would happen to him tbh, plus the extra Alastor stuff, oof, yeah that's a lot.
The part that stings the most is definitely still the part about his children, but wow he's having not a good time.
You know this kinda reminded me of the youtube pilot Welcome to Hell (super recommend it btw), it has basically the opposite premise to this LOL because its a boy that is tasked to make other people want to end their lives, but then ends up becoming friends with the boy that he's supposed to torment.
Very interesting AU, having Lucifer as a guardian angel is <3<3<3<3<3 love that a lot!
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coff-in · 4 months
wholesome ask this time!
during [reader]’s final months in high school she decided to find a part time job, just a little something so she didn’t have to ask their parents for money for a while.
and she finds it! she hears her neighbors talking to her mom about how they need some one on one time again and how hard it has been since their toddler came along, that’s when super hero [reader] comes in!
she’s kind of a natural at it, obviously it takes a few tries to differentiate a hungry cry from a dirty diaper cry, or a “I want attention please look at me” cry, but it’s basically a smooth sail for this girl, and she didn’t even realize she liked kids!
Andrew and Ashley were obviously there with her, 1. it’s literally besides their house? i mean the excuse to go with her was just given to them; 2. they’re proud of their little sister gaining some more independence from their parents
and 3, the one they would take a while to say out loud, but seeing [reader] taking such good care of the baby sparking something in them. the way she picked them up and cuddled them until they stopped crying, how she was always smiling every time the baby “talked” with her (baby nonsense), it was just so domestic? it was adorable, their baby sister with another baby, like two kitty cats taking care of each other.
maybe she needs a child of their own >:)
idk I just thought it was cute!!!!:D
- Dungeon Anon
notes from coff-in: do you think mrs. graves actually gave andrew and ashley an allowance? i know that andy used to buy groceries but did he had any money for himself, to spend on things he and leyley wanted, or was it all for the family?
[fem] reader-insert, implied incest
i could definitely see mrs graves talking to a neighbor about their sex lives (as weird as that sounds), like how did mrs graves know about all that freaky shit that they definitely do in bed, hm? had to be from somewhere... and she would NOT stop [reader] from getting that job. it's another kid out of the house for a couple hours
i think [reader] would call andrew for help when she needs it. he raised ashley and her when they were all younger, right, so he should know how to do some of this stuff! "the baby is still crying and i know they have a clean diaper, what do i do??"
"did you rock them?"
"rock??? i gotta rock them??"
"yeah, just cradle them in your arms and rock them back and forth."
andrew and ashley definitely come over to 'check up' and help [reader] watch the baby. ashley is on her 'good behavior' when visits, watching the baby when [reader] has to leave the room, but probably disinterested in the whole thing. andrew actually helps (or is more helpful) when he visits. he tells [reader] how to hold the baby and that she needs to burp the baby after they finish eating, etc etc. they're both so proud of [reader] for getting a job and being a little independent (not too much though :3)
also... [reader] is so good at taking care of this baby. she'd be a natural at this and a way better mother than their own. maybe when [reader] is older and if they're up for it... they could help expand the graves family tree. i'm sure andrew and ashley already have someone in mind for her to meet, someone who can take really good care of her. a father figure even :) she already knows him too!
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acourtofladydeath · 6 months
Poly+ ACOTAR Week Day 1: Beginnings
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All his life Nyx has been raised by his parents, Rhysand and Feyre, and their mate Tamlin. One day he decides to ask him mom how their bonds snapped and she is more than happy to oblige.
Inspired by the storytelling in "The Princess Bride" and "How I Met Your Mother" this is angsty, fluffy fun.
So excited to kick off the first day of @polyacotarweek with one of my favorite trios, Feytamsand. Start reading below, or read the entire fic on AO3 here!
“Mom!” I shouted through the hall of the River House. It was her day off, which probably meant she was painting. The River House had a state of the art studio for her to work in, but she typically painted wherever inspiration struck. Which means she could be anywhere. 
The house was entirely too large. Something I loved growing up when I wanted to hide, but hated when I needed to find them. Sure, we could mind speak, but once I walked in on my parents having daemati sex, something I literally didn't know existed before then. After that, I refused to communicate that way unless there was an emergency. 
“In here Nyxie!” She called back from the library at the end of the hall. It had a huge window overlooking the Sidra and sunset. Throughout the day light cast through the window, ricocheting through the room. As it traveled it glanced across the wide array of books, some gilded and some plain, painting the floor in its own way. With the kaleidoscope of colors and dancing light, it was one of mom’s favorite spots to paint. Aunt Nes spent most of her time here when she visited, but today it was just mom. 
“What’s up, baby?” Mom said as I walked in. Covered head to toe in paint, she turned to look at me and wiped even more on her apron and one of her mate’s old shirts. Now which one, I wasn’t quite sure. But judging by those giant, billowy sleeves and the gauzy white linen fabric I had a pretty good guess. 
“I’m not a baby anymore,” I scoffed from the doorway. There was no way I’d get any closer to her like this. Last time she hugged me while painting it took three baths to get it all off and my clothes had to be burned. 
“Nyx you are thirteen, you are definitely still my baby. Even a hundred years from now you’ll still be my baby. I’m your mother, that’s how it goes.” She smiled softly at me then, one of those smiles that told me she was thinking about the past and the future all at once. They were my favorites. 
“What did you need? Or did you just want to watch me paint?” My mom asked, slight worry in her eyes. I’d never been great at schooling my expressions like dad was, mom and I had that in common. We both wore our emotions on our sleeves for all to see. 
I sighed, settling in to ask the question that had been gnawing at me for some time now. “One of the kids at school said something today that bothered me,” I rubbed at the muscles in the back of my neck with one hand, my gaze cast down on the floor as I tried to find the right words. 
It took me several long breaths, but mom waited patiently even as I felt her own anxiety build. “They said…” I let out a long sigh, there really was no good way to say this. “They said it’s not fair that I have two High Lords for parents, or for you to have two mates. And it’s not the first time, either.” 
Mom wrung her apron uneasily between her paint streaked hands, her art now completely forgotten as she focused on me. “I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this love. We knew people might say things like this, Nyx. I wish I had better answers for you, but the Mother gave your fathers and I each two mates.” She looked up at me with apology in her eyes, something I never intended and didn’t need to hear from her again. “I never wanted it to affect you negatively though.” 
“I know mom, and I know we’ve talked it to death.” I ran a frustrated hand through my hair. “It’s just still a lot, you know?” A thought struck me then. I knew my parents were all mates, I knew they’d met around the time of Amarantha’s reign under the mountain. We’d had a lot of conversations that time so I wasn’t caught off guard if other kids or parents mentioned it, but still…
“How’d you all find out anyway?” 
Mom cocked her head slightly to the side, her brow furrowed just a bit. “What do you mean?”
“How’d you find out you’re all mates? I mean, we’ve talked about the mountain and how you met them, but I’ve never really heard the full story of how your bonds snapped.” 
A secretive smile slid across her face then, and my mom straightened her head toward me. “Would you like to hear the full story? I think you’re old enough now.”
“Only if you promise to spare the gross bits…” I said, internally cringing as the unbidden image of mentally walking in on them flashed through my mind again. Fighting back a shudder at the memory I continued,  "But I am pretty curious.” I smiled slightly, and her own brightened wide enough to light the whole room. 
“Are you too old to sit on mom’s lap for story time? I can change out of my paint clothes first, I know you’ve taken after your dad with how much you care for your clothes.” she asks, humor alight in her words. 
I feel the heat of a blush on my cheeks as I answer. “Definitely too old for sitting on your lap…but maybe not for the couch…” She knew what I meant. When I had bad dreams or hard days at school, sometimes I’d lay on the couch, head in her lap. It felt too juvenile to use the word ‘cuddles’ but I guess that’s what it was. A kid’s allowed to cuddle his mom right? 
A few minutes later, mom was back wearing leggings and one of her favorite sweaters. She sat on the couch next to the big window in the library and patted the seat next to her, warmth filling the space between us. I pushed off the wall from where I stood and went to join her. As I settled in, she began her story. “Alright Nyx, let’s start from the beginning. Here’s the story of how I met your fathers.” 
Continue reading at the first cut on AO3.
Please let me know if you would like off or on my taglist!: @pippsmcgee @born-to-riot @chunkypossum @bubybubsters @queercontrarian @yanny-77 @fieldofdaisiies @iftheshoef1tz @secret-third-thing
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 6 months
if you can, do you mind doing some toby and avery hcs??
toby and avery head canons
of course, i'd love to!! i'm literally so obsessed with them, and their story literally makes me sob. hope you like them <3. @catapparently helped.
i honestly may have read a fic about this on ao3, but toby got avery a music box that played her mom singing this lullaby when someone opened it. she cried for hours in his arms.
avery blames herself for what happened to toby and the blakes, and sometimes calls him to apologize profusely (even though he's already forgiven her). he assures her he still loves her and that she means the world to him.
they don't call or see each other often except for at galas and events that the blakes drag him to. they always sneak away (with the help of the hawthornes) so they have time to talk.
hannah would sometimes tell toby that they were going to be at like a bowling alley that day or smth, and he'd do his best to show up and watch her play and have fun. he would tear up at the life he wanted but could never have.
he walked her down the aisle on her wedding day. she originally didn't want anyone to do it because she doesn't like the idea of your parent 'giving you away to someone', but when she realized who toby was and what he meant to her, that changed.
they visit hannah's grave together and just cry in each others arms. they'll tell each other what they miss most from the life they had before with her.
toby tells her about all the wild things hannah would say to him and how much she hated him at first. avery loves hearing him talk about her mother because he always sounds so in love.
toby will mail her little puzzles that he carved for her to solve. she always sends him picks of it when she's done.
avery regularly goes back to the spot where they used to eat after their chess games/where they used to play chess to feel closer to him.
toby calls her horrible girl and princess, and, when she has kids, he starts calling them horrible boy and princeps (princess in latin according to google translate) (i hc that aj have a daughter and a son)
toby gave avery the talk not because she needed it but bc he saw it as a classic father/daughter experience that he wanted to have with her.
toby wishes he was less of a coward when he was younger and actually took part in avery' life. he regrets not seeing her grow, take her first steps, her first day of school etc..
avery knows this and will sometimes send him videos her mom took of her when she was younger (we know she used to send him postcards sometimes but its not the same)
for his birthday, avery will head over to the blake's house (or wherever he's currently living), threaten the people who answer the door to let her in, and will spend a few minutes with him before she's forced to leave.
she sometimes gifts him things that used to belong to her mother
toby tried to teach her how to carve wood, but she could never get the hang of it. she tries her best and gifts him her attempts even if they suck. toby finds it very sweet and adorable.
avery has a really nice voice but doesn't like to sing bc it reminds her of her mom on her death bed (she used to ask avery to sing her her favorite songs before she died). toby loves her voice though so sometimes she'll suck it up and record a voice message of her singing.
they will send each other songs that remind them of the other.
toby has the best relationship advice (even though he's never really been in a relationship except for with hannah). when she's having trouble with jamie (very rare), she'll go to him IF possible (i literally say this in every post for like avery and grayson or nash, but i think it fits toby and avery best)
toby has an insta account avery doesn't know about that he uses to like and comment on each and every one of her posts.
toby watches all of the broadcasted events she attends, all of her interviews, etc. he's her biggest fan.
he knows she loves sushi so sometimes he'll order her some and get it delivered to her house on days where she's told him she's swamped with work.
avery's kids call him grandpa even though he's not actually their grandpa.
they love sending each other cryptic messages for the other to figure out.
they usually call each other late at night bc that's when the blakes are less likely to catch him. jamie will leave the room when this happens and let them talk.
after vincent blake died, he was more free to do whatever he wanted so he started visiting her more often. not all the time though because eve was still a pain in the ass.
avery has a bad habit of going to bed way to late and waking up way to early so toby will text to make sure she's getting sleep ('are you heading to bed, princess' or 'i hope you aren't still awake, horrible girl')
toby actually swears a lot and avery finds it hilarious. he starts to swear even more bc it makes her laugh.
toby loves sightseeing and will always be taking pictures of his favorite places (he travels a lot bc of the blakes). he sends her all of these pictures
toby tries to be cool and texts like gen z, and avery finds it absolutely traumatizing. she begs him to stop but it just eggs him on.
when avery wakes up from nightmares and has a panic attack, but doesn't want to wake up jamie, she'll call toby. he'll tell her to breathe with him and then will ask her if she's ok in a soft voice. then they'll hang up. she never talks about her nightmares and he never asks. this is literally what happens every time
toby is always sending her memes and dad jokes. she finds them embarrassing but cute at the same time.
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gyupremacy · 2 years
Parental Guidance | jhs.
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↳ Pairing: jung hoseok x wife!reader
↳ Genre: smut, fluff
↳ Au(s): established relationship
↳ Word Count: 2.3k
↳ Rating: 18+
↳ Warning(s): cursing, accusations of cheating (reader's father towards Hoseok), fondling, oral (male to female), dirty talk
↳ Summary: Hoseok and your father don't see eye to eye. With your parents staying over for the weekend, let's just hope things don't get TOO tense.
↳ a/n: So... this fic was a spur of the moment thing that came from another idea for a Hobi fic that wasn't working out 😭. I hope you guys enjoy it because I was really excited while writing it from all the ideas that were flowing for it. I want to give a special thanks to @hobeemin for making this amazing banner and divider and @archivebysky for beta-ing.
"Hoseok! I already cleaned off the couch an hour ago. Why is there still stuff on here?" You called out to your husband, who was coming back from outside after doing yard work.
"Sorry, baby. I was just going through some demos that Yoongi sent me." He responded, coming up behind you with a hug and kissing your cheek.
You were frantically making sure the house was spotless for the next few days, as you put away his earbuds, notepad, and folded up the blanket from the hallway closet.
"Y/N, you look like a chicken with its head cut off. Why are you in such a hurry?" Hoseok laughed, watching you move around faster than the speed of light.
"Did you forget what today is?" You asked, seeing the realization finally hit your husband once he turns over to look at today's date marked on the calendar in bold letters:
Your handwriting was unmistakable and so was the look of disbelief on Hoseok’s face.
"Your parents are coming over? Today? They are staying the whole weekend?" You swore you saw his eyes almost pop out of his head at that moment.
Hoseok's relationship with your parents was… complicated. Your mother absolutely loved him and made every effort in having a positive relationship with her son-in-law. Your father, on the other hand, was wary of your relationship from the get-go, seeing his occupation as the main source of contention.
The idol life is a hard one, being away from family and friends for long stretches of time. Being the wife of an idol had its own hardships, as the constant negative comments from "fans" proved to be an exhausting one. However, that didn't stop your relationship with Hoseok from becoming stronger.
"I know you and Dad won't see eye to eye Hobi, but they'll only be here for three days." You rub the small of his back to reassure him.
"Huh… I guess you're right. Just hold me back if he says something out of line." Hoseok said, which you hoped was a joke.
You were about to go back into the kitchen to finish the rest of the sweeping you had begun a while again, but were interrupted by the doorbell ringing.
Hoseok walked towards the door, where he was greeted by your parents. Your mother was smiling as she leaned in for a hug.
"Hoseok! It's been so long it seems. How have you been?" Your mother asked cheerfully.
"I've been doing great Mrs. Y/L/N! Been working a couple of songs and being with the Mrs., you know." Your husband laughed along with her, with your father watching on.
"Mom! Dad, you're here!" You rushed over to greet both of your parents.
You were so wrapped up in talking with your mother that you didn't pay attention to the cold glares that your father and husband exchanged with each other before entering the house.
"I was finishing getting the house ready for you guys right when you rang." You told your mother, sitting on the couch together.
The tension between Hoseok and your father was thick, the distance between either (figuratively and literally) was not helping them.
Besides the fact that he was an idol, your father also took opposition with the both of you getting married at a relatively young age. At the ripe young age of 20, you and Hoseok decided to get married in a small, intimate ceremony, with only his family and your close friends in attendance.
You didn't invite your parents due to your father's stance on you dating an idol, so the wedding went on. Eight years later, you always wondered what it would be like if they were there, daydreaming about what it would be like to be walked down the aisle by your father.
"So… how have you been Y/D/N?" Hoseok asked, not even bothering to turn in his direction to look into his eyes.
"That's Mr. Y/L/N to you, boy." Your father asserted, earning an audible sigh in return.
"Hey! Why don't I go make us all something to eat? You guys must be hungry from the long way here." You say in an attempt to diffuse the situation.
You got the pot ready with running water, soon grabbing noodles, tomato sauce, and cheese to make some pasta for everyone. You could overhear your mother having a conversation with Hoseok about a recent sale at her favorite store.
Hearing their exchange made you smile, reminiscing back to your sophomore year of high school when you first told your parents about Hoseok. He was your first real boyfriend and you wanted nothing more than for your parents' approval.
You came back to reality once you heard your father ramble on about how hungry he was, causing all of them to sit down at the table.
"Thanks for the meal, sweetie." Your mother said, watching you serve all of the food for everyone.
"Definitely, baby. The food is amazing." Hoseok beamed, pressing a kiss on your cheek.
"Oh please!" Your father mumbled under his breath (or so he thought).
You signaled your mother to do something to prevent him from going any further. She leaned over to whisper in his ear, and he looked down at his plate for the next few minutes.
"Honey, don't you think Y/N made a great meal?" Your mother spoke up.
"Yes, of course." Your father responded nonchalantly, still avoiding to gaze in your and Hoseok's direction.
The dinner remained silent until your mother perked up once again.
"So, when are you guys gonna have children?" Your mother mused.
You spit out your drink on the middle of the table and watch in horror at your parents' faces.
"Oh dear, is everything alright?" She said with concern laced in her voice.
"Everything's fine, Mrs. Y/L/N. It's just that with my career, we think that it would be best until the time is right to be fully involved parents." Hoseok interjected.
"I've never heard of a married couple of almost a decade not wanting to have kids. I guess someone's having trouble performing in the bedroom." Your father snarked.
You just wanted to curl up in a ball in the corner of the kitchen and cover your face at the thought of what you knew was yet to come. Hoseok balled his fists on the smooth surface of the table before banging them in frustration at his words.
"You know what, Y/D/N? I'm sick and tired of you always belittling me every fucking time you come to visit!" Hoseok said seething.
If your parents' shocked expressions weren't enough, your husband's increasing voice level was.
"Ever since the day Y/N brought me home to meet you, you've been nothing but a complete asshole to me! The only reason I still give a fuck about how you feel about me is the love I have for your daughter!" Hoseok paused to take a breath when it's your father's turn to speak his mind.
"Well, if it means anything, I'd rather have my daughter marry a businessman or a lawyer, not some rapper, who's probably whoring it up on tour." your father was about to unleash some more venom, with Hoseok in toe, until you finally grab their attention.
"Enough!" You yelled.
One after another, your mother's, father's, and husband's heads instantly whip towards your direction.
"What is wrong with you both? Do you not realize how much tension you BOTH have caused over the years because of this petty feud?" You folded both of your arms over your chest in an act of frustration.
"I've had it! You are two grown men acting little toddlers, and for what? Me? Squash this… NOW!" You rise up from your spot at the table without hesitation when Hoseok tries to stop you.
"Baby, wait!"
"I'm going to bed." You shrugged off his hand on your shoulder, marching upstairs.
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Almost two hours had passed and things somewhat calmed down for the evening. Your mother was sound asleep, your father was in the kitchen grabbing something to drink, and your husband was drying his hair as he emerged into your shared bedroom.
You had finished your own shower minutes earlier, putting on a white silk nightgown, simply rubbing in your favorite body lotion.
"I always loved this number on you, Y/N." Hoseok said, creeping up behind you to lay a kiss onto your shoulder.
"I know. That's why it's so comfortable that I might just go straight to bed." You retort, moving to go on your side of the bed.
He sighs, truly feeling regretful for how the events at dinnertime unfolded. He took his spot on his side of the bed, leaning across to be leveled with you.
"Y/N… I'm really sorry for yelling at your dad during dinner. I was so tired of all the constant jabs towards me, but I shouldn't have acted like that in front of you or your mom." Hoseok begins.
"You mean the world to me. I hate it when you're upset and if that means I'll just have to suck it up when it comes to your father, I'll do it."
You sat there, taking in a deep breath, considering his words. He truly wanted to make amends with your father after all the years of animosity.
"Hobi, I appreciate your apology, but don't feel like you have to force a smile when it comes to my dad. I'll talk to him tomorrow, and hopefully, things work out between you both." You cradled his face, kissing him ever so softly.
"No, Y/N, let me talk to him. It's my responsibility to own up to my part in all of this." Hoseok insisted, rubbing his fingers over your knuckles.
"I love you." You whispered sincerely.
"I love you too, honey." He said.
You both lean in closer, feeling the rest of the world disappear around you. Your lips were captured by his, and soon enough, the tender and soft pecks became more swift and fervent.
Hoseok quickly moved his position, so he was now on top of you. He slipped his hand underneath your silk nightgown, taking the chance to grasp your chest.
"Even after all these years, you still somehow give me butterflies with your touches." You moaned.
One thing you loved about Hoseok (besides his kind personality and way with words) was his hands. Not too rough and not too soft, they were the perfect medium. His fingers were long and slender, perfect for tantalizing touches.
"That's just part of being a good husband. Making you feel as loved as possible and making you scream." He gives you the look of desire you're all too familiar with.
He brings the same hand he used to cup your chest down your torso, ghosting his fingers over your clothed womanhood.
"My parents are only a wall away." You warned, remembering how much of a light sleeper your father tended to be.
"Well then… I guess someone is just gonna have to be a little more quiet, angel." Hoseok winked, sliding your underwear to the side.
He stuck his tongue out to glide a stripe over your lips, causing you to lean your head back in pleasure.
"Fuck, you taste like heaven as always." Letting the praise go straight to your core.
He continued this, earning more moans from you. You ran your fingers through his silky, blonde hair, grabbing a hold of the back of his head.
"So, s-so good...!" You said in a hushed tone.
His movements became faster, and you began shaking from the wave of electricity between the both of you. Being so lost in the moment, you didn't pay attention to the knocking on the door.
"Oh shit!" You whispered out.
"I'm making you feel that good, huh?" Hoseok laughed.
"Yes, but Hoseok… the door!" You gestured ahead of you, watching it slightly creak open.
You ducked under the covers instantly, listening as your husband waited to see who was behind it.
"Hoseok, is it okay if I talk to you for a few minutes?" being met by the voice of your father, your heart started to race a mile a minute.
"Of course, sir." Hoseok responds almost timidly.
"Y/N's probably asleep right now, but I wanted to apologize for the way I acted during dinner. The comments I made about you and your relationship with her were inappropriate and uncalled for." He said.
During your entire life, you witnessed your father's stubborn ways, but rarely did you see him admit he was wrong.
"Mr. Y/L/N, I should apologize too for yelling at you and in front of Y/M/N. It's just, I don't know why you hate me so much." Hoseok stated.
Your heart almost pounded out of your chest at the sound of his words as you maintained your position under the covers. You spent many nights consoling him as he discussed his conflict with your father, but hearing him say the words to the man himself was almost surreal.
"Hoseok… I don't hate you at all. Y/N's my only daughter, and I don't want to see her getting hurt. Seeing how much you love her and how long you've been together, I know she's in good hands." Your father laughs a bit, soon joined by your husband.
"I appreciate it and accept your apology. Let's hope that these next few days can be peaceful and that we can develop a bond someday." Hoseok said.
They exchanged "goodnights" and the door shuts behind him when you rise up to be laying next to Hoseok.
"I'm glad you both made up. It was a long time coming." You mused as he positioned himself more comfortably.
"Yeah, it felt good to talk about everything, even if we’re so tired we won't remember it in the morning." He joked.
"Now that he's going back to sleep, do you think we can continue what we were doing before we were interrupted?" You bit your lip, still taking in all the satisfaction you felt earlier.
"Anything for you."
© gyupremacy, 2022. All rights reserved. 
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therottingrota · 6 months
Oh this is just shit I (& others) have noticed about the video. Now this could be nothing at all but I do think its alittle strange & I'm just pointing out what I'm seeing. If you guys have some answers, I'm all ears. *long post*
First thing that surprised me is that this is the clearest I've heard her speak. She usually mumbles🤷 Could be she got voice coaching lessons but still I'm just going to put on the table.
This is meant to be outside? The background isn't moving one bit her hair isn't slightly blowing or moving its alittle odd. Is there no wind in Britain?
The backs of the bench seem are not the same size on the left than the right.
At 1:18 her ring appears to disappear💀
The definitive outlined shadow of the stripes of her shirt on to the bench.
No background sound either, no birds chirping nothing...
Some lesser honorable mentions:
People claim when they zoomed up she had like double rows of teeth
She's crossing her legs which is a break of royal protocol and also after abdominal surgery.....
The location of the bench she's sitting doesn't fit the background
She's got no mole
Again this is speculation but the whole thing surrounding this has been shady from the beginning
Lets start with Kensington Palace
Kensington have been caught doing some shady stuff like lying about saying they'd provide "significant updates" in February was it? But then reveal the cancer at the end of March. Do they think cancer isn't significant enough to update the public? 💀 The speculation could've been lessened/cut short if they'd did what they actually said they would.
The release of those wonky Mothers Day photos. They literally could've USED A PHOTO FROM THE ARCHIVES. They went out of their way to put that photo out. Do they think we're dumb?
I don't remember KP making any type of announcement on Kates birthday...
Throwing the British Army under the bus. The Army made the announcement that Kate would be at Trooping the Color. KP said "only THEY can make announcements" which doesn't make sense because the British Army made a statement that King Charles would be at Trooping and KP never admonished them for that. Surely if Britsh Army can announce the Kings attendance they can announce the Kate's attendance...?
KP said the surgery was scheduled but then they canceled the Will & K's future engagements. If the surgery was planned wouldn't the engagements be planned around the surgery?
The press claiming Kate might not be back until 9 months & KP did not call them out like they did the British Army
The British Press
The notorious british press being at the beginning quiet as the grave. That was surprising. No photos of her at least leaving the hospital, meanwhile we have footage in 4k of Charles arriving, leaving, Camilla visiting several times. We have photo of Kate like 5 mins post birth💀 There is photos of Prince Philip leaving a hospital from heart surgery, there have been photos of Kate frolicking in grass with her kids on a picnic, there is photos of Kate shopping in london, there are photos of Kate driving from the school run. So when the british papers went hush I thought that was odd
The British press can't share the super market pap photos but not the pap photos of Kate & Mama Middleton? Make it make sense
Doctors questioning certain details about her cancer when speaking to the press
The Middletons
We have a photo of Kate and her mom in a car from TMZ.. but no photos of not one Middleton visiting Kate at the hospital
Pippa on vacation not by her sister's side at all
Where's William?
William is only seen visiting Kate after 2 WEEKS
The press claiming he's taking over the responsibility of the children despite there's not one photo of him after a school run (plus he has a house of staff and a nanny)
Missing Easter Service when old and sick Charles can manage to hobble out of his house
Missing from a Memorial Service that is basically in his backyard
Missing by Kate's side when she announced her cancer like a supportive husband
The Middletons are in debt and its funny that they have 2 supposed billionaires as in laws that couldn't given them a some cash to spare them the embarrassment. So again William seems to have gone missing again.
The 4 Catherines
So far there is Car Drive with Carole Catherine, Mother's Day Catherine, Market Run Catherine, and Announcement Video Catherine. To me neither 4 Catherine's look alike.
Honorable mention
Supposedly the Spanish nanny was fired. The Spanish press claimed Kate was in a coma.......
So anyway this is just my view of it all and they seem a smidge.....suspicious.
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snazzilystoopid · 1 year
What if I started a series about an AU where every ninja has a little sister? (So yes Nya and Kai "have a little sister")
(tw for sh!)
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This gif makes me so sad I cant-
Libble "Lilly" Brookstone
Named Libble after her mom's best friend, Libber
(Yes I hc that Cole's mother and Jay's birth mother were besties)
Nicknamed Lilly because she looks exactly like her, they're basically identical apart from the fact that Libble has her dad's eyes
Her family sometimes give her the nickname "Libs" or "Libby"
(Most people acc call her Libby now)
She was the "naughty kid" and she ran away alot
Gave poor Lou lots of stress 😭
The moment Libble turned 13 (abt halfway through Possesion) she started to bunk off school and do stupid things (smoking, dr*gs, that sorta stuff)
She grew up WAY too fast
Like she rly didn't gave a shit abt Cole turning into a ghost or any of that until Day of the Departed
After DotD she had a much needed wake up call (still just age 13 at this point)
She didn't go and visit her home for the holiday and she realised just how much their family had suffered bc of Lilly's passing
So that night Libble cried herself to sleep in the crappy apartment she and her friends were camping out in
a) bc she missed her dad and big bro and b) because she knew she had seriously messed up
The next day she went back to school and finally started making an effort
She realised she really loved sketching and she also had a passion for programming/machinery/tech
She decided she wanted to pursue a career at Borg Industries before she mustered up the courage to go back to live with Lou
She apologised profusely and sobbed and begged for his forgiveness
Lou welcomed her back with open arms
Cole was skeptical of talking to her for a few days but after a week he ended up going back to visit
and he was the happiest he had ever been when he saw his baby sister had truly changed <33
They had a family dinner the following night catching up on things
During the one year gap after Hands of Time she continued to go to school and actually got an education, and regularly stayed in touch with Cole (since he was with Jay looking for Wu)
She met all the ninja just after March of the Oni and decided that Nya was her favourite (after Cole ofc)
After MotM, once Cole returned from Shintaro, his veins up his wrist/arms would sometimes pulse a faint orange. Libble liked to trace them and would always say she wished she was the one with elemental powers as a joke
By the end of Crystalized, Libble is 16!
Aaand that's her story!! Moving on to random facts abt her:
Unlike the rest of her family, Libble can't sing or dance to save her life
She'll stay up all night sketching and sketching and sketching
Cole often calls her "Libbler the Scribbler"
Whenever Lou and the Royal Blacksmiths have a performance, she always makes sure she's on the front row
She used to sh as "punishment" once she returned home, because she couldn't forgive herself for leaving her dad like that
Her classmates called her a freak because of the scars up her arms and the minute Cole found out he was PISSED
She hangs around Chen's Noodle House a lot, and she always orders the same thing: PUFFY POTSTICKERS
She smashed the TV in the monastery of spinjitzu once, because of Kai and Cole beating her in a video-game
Shes usually quite a calm and collected person, but she can also be really loud
Simillar to Lilly's locket, Libble owns a silver locket which pictures her and Cole in one photo, and Lilly and Lou in the other.
Thats all hehe, but I feel like I could've picked a better name, I had literally no ideas 😭😭
(Just to make things clear, each sister doesn't exist in the same universe, these are all gonna be seperate AUs!)
Hope yall enjoyed and I think I'll be doing either Lloyd or Kai + Nya next! <3
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Is Anya unrealistic
I never thought I’m going to write this but... I have no hate on any other shows. This is just a personal observation about kids, and let’s agree to disagree.
I just find it unfair to call Anya unrealistic. Mostly because all stories have to contain a certain level of realism to make it relatable. The only part unrealistic is that she is a telepath. The realistic part is that even if you tell a child every single thing that is in your head and try to explain why it is so, chances are the child will not understand, because have you ever tried to reason with a child by laying out facts made as easily understood as possible? (Stupid teenager me had.) That is where the comedy comes from. Obviously telepathy doesn’t really make Anya understand more about people. Her constant misinterpretation on people’s thoughts and words is literally play for laughs in both the anime and the manga. Endo made it clear that she doesn’t understand much despite the amount of thoughts she hears.
You would hear/read that quite a lot of people say Anya is quite believable as a 4 or 5 year old. They see Anya on other children, and more importantly they see echoes of their own childhood on Anya. To a certain extent Anya has to be realistic enough to be relatable, even for children. There’s a poll in Japan asking primary students who they admire the most. Anya came third, while "friends” and “mom” came first and second.
I’m not going to say Anya is an ordinary child due to her experiences, but then she’s an anime character. Most often even in the most SoL of SoL shows there has to be something extraordinary about the characters for them and/or the show to stand out. That’s why I find it unfair to say something like, oh this child sounds more like the children I know so the other child is “unrealistic”. Let me give you some of my examples.
A. I babysat a child. She’s four. It’s not that her parents don’t want her, but there are some complications so she’s currently living with a relative. It is apparent that the relative she’s living with loves her very much, and they are very close. She will soon go back and live with her parents. She is energetic, but she understands your reasonings and instructions and is very well-behaved. She doesn't really mess around.
B. I was walking on the street. A child, most likely 4-5, was throwing a tantrum. The mother threatened to count to three and if he didn’t stop there will be consequences. When the mother counted to two, the child cried even louder. The mother never counted to three.
C. My cousin is thirteen years younger than me. Our families are very close and we would have gatherings every week. When my cousin was a small child, she was shy but stubborn. She’s a tiny bit spoiled but overall well-behaved. She’s never a noisy child.
D. My younger brother, on the other hand, is the polar opposite. Loud and energetic. Very cunning and dramatic. My brother obviously knew he’s cute and smart. That doesn’t mean he can’t be the sweetest kid in the world.
There are many more examples but I’m not going to bother you with that. The point is, they are all kids, but they are all different. You won’t find a parenting book that is universal enough to solve all your problems. It could be useful for your first child but could be absolute trash when it comes to your second-born. Because they are inexperienced tiny human-beings being shaped by circumstances while growing up.
Admittedly, Anya is a calmer child. But then she was experimented on and abandoned four times. From my own observation, children know, and they learn from their experience. Remember the four-year-old I mentioned? After she visited my house, my mom was talking about that little kid, and commented how “all children test your limits by pushing your boundaries.” Even when they are four. Children are not dummies. They learn from your responses to their actions. Not saying that they will not ever mess up once they know where your limits are, but they do try to do better according to the reactions of others.
What I appreciate about the children in sxf is that Endo gives them different personalities and goals. Most often reactors to the show would say something like “that’s so Becky” or “that’s Anya being Anya” instead of “yeah, kids”. I see my six-year-old self, who watched way too many soap operas and tried hard to act like an adult but was way too dramatic, in Becky. I also see myself in Damian, because I remember myself working hard to gain my parents’ attention.
(But then a lot of people did say I acted more grown-up than others. That still doesn’t mean I was “mature” tho.)
They are not defined by their childish behaviours. I think I saw a comment stating the reason why the person think Anya’s a good child character, and it’s because children are still human-beings but with very limited experience. Endo did a good job in trying to show you Anya’s thought process. Anya behaved like that not because Anya is a child and all children do that. Anya thinks before she acts but she still acts like a child because of her own (limited) experience and child logics and misinterpretations. Like all other children, she understands very little, and that’s why she acts like the gremlin she is.
So yeah. There are people who don’t like kids, and there are people who prefer other child characters over Anya. I get it. But em, no, you don’t need to do that to Anya, or Endo, or people who have worked/are currently still working on the sxf project. They have their own vision they want to share with the audience, and they have their own experiences with kids, too. You really don’t need to say things like, my show or the characters I like is realer than yours. That might not even be the point, but still.
Like what you like. Focus on the positives about the characters you like. And have a nice day I guess.
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kqysukii · 2 months
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chapter 1 ~
tw!; swearing, slight grief, couple arguments, lmk if there’s anything else!
Chapter 1: Bittersweet Latte
Thursday, 11:03am
Momma's home.
"I love you, baby.." My mother said wiping tears from her eyes.
"Ma', I'm only gonna be a couple hours away. I promise I'll visit every holiday, and I'll call you every day.." Chantelle says voice cracking, pulling her into a tight hug.
Chantelle Levines, a 21 year old girl who had just bought a new house in Atlanta. She had lived in Tennessee for most of her life, so this was a big step for her. She had got a job offer for a writer in Atlanta, and her family thought it was best if she moved there.
My mom smiled. "You're such a big girl now!" She said with her hands on my arms. My mom pulled me in for another hug, sniffling. "I love you baby.. please be careful. Make me proud."
"I will momma, don't worry." I say holding my suitcases walking towards the door. I open the door and turn around looking my momma in the eyes. She was such a strong woman. Raising me as an only parent, working multiple jobs to keep a roof over my head, she was my role model. There was a comfortable silence before I walked out the door, closing it behind me. Leaving the cinnamon flavored air, yellow and brown home, that the same woman raised me in.
I walk towards my car looking at what used to be my home. Leaving this place would be leaving all I've ever know behind. But I got this. I'll make my momma proud. And when I make her proud, I'm gonna buy her anything she wants. I'll repay her after all these years. And I just know my daddy's watching me from above. And I know if I have both of them, I can do anything. And with that, I pull off, and head for the airport.
Monday, 4:09pm
"Turn to the left on Main Street to reach your destination" My GPS says. A few minutes later, I'm staring at my new home. Not bad.
I open my car door, locking it behind me as I walk up to the front door of my house. My house is pretty big. It has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, kitchen, and dining room. I would probably end up making one of the bedrooms my office.
A couple hours later, I start to unpack some of the things I had with me. The moving van was supposed to be coming that Wednesday. Maybe I could go out for some coffee? I had nothing better to do.. why not?? I thought to myself. I put my shoes on, and pull my hair back. I try to lay my edges down, and I quickly put on some light makeup. Nothing special, just going to pick up coffee...and maybe some guys too. I laugh at myself, as I pick up my car keys. I need to calm down, I literally just moved here..
In the coffee shop..
Butterscotch Café
6:32 pm
I open the café doors as a little bell rings in sync with the door widening. It looked really cozy, if I do say so myself. You could tell all different types of people from college students typing on laptops, elderly reading newspapers, music producers, writers, and so much more. As I looked around studying my environment, I make my way to the counter where several workers look ready to go home. To be honest, I don't blame them.
"Hello, can I take your order?" The worker asked.
"Hi! It's my first time here, what would you recommend..?" I say holding my arm.
"Actually, our drink of the day is our French Toast Latte. Me personally, I think it's pretty tasty."
"Oh, then I'll have that!"
"Great!" He says tapping the digital screen. "That'll be $6.23"
Damn, Georgia EXPENSIVE.. I wince at the price, but it's whatever. "Alrighty.." "I say taking out a ten dollar bill and giving it to him.
I sit down at a booth to drink my coffee. The dim light from the sun makes it way through the giant window next to my booth. The reddish-brownish seats I sit on with slight coffee stains, and the fabric ripping. Nice. I take a sip of my drink, and it was pretty good. I was very picky when it came to drinks, so I was shocked I enjoyed it. While I was here, maybe I should try socializing; I don't know anyone here.
I look around for anyone I might find friendly, but I cant find anyone, really. Everyone is either staring at a computer, or already talking to someone. But there's a guy in the corner, he looks nice. As I'm building up enough courage to go over there, there's another girl. Shoot, well there goes my shot at meeting someone. The girl walks over to him, hastily. She looks mad. She starts to talk to him, and it looks like they're arguing. I cant really hear much, but what I do hear is
"Goddamnit, Mason! You always fucking do this. You know what, I'm done. I'm done with this— I'm done.." Her voice cracks. "I'm done with you. We're over."
"What the hell, K'yana? What did I even do? You're fucking overreacting!" The boy states.
"Oh, I'm overreacting? You sure weren't saying that when you left me because you were mad! Then hooked up with that ho? Hell no." She yells.
"Yeah. Cause' you thought you were too good for me. Don't forget, Ky, I was the one who fucking helped you when nobody else did." He shouts back.
Every word of the argument seems to get louder, while I'm over here sipping my latte, watching. It gets so heated, that they get kicked out of the café. Outside, you can see her throwing her coffee on him, and storming off.
"This could be my chance to go over there.." I think to myself. I throw what was left of my coffee away, as I make my way to the door. He has his hand over his head as he sits down on the sidewalk. Poor guy.
I act like I'm just now seeing him, to make it look more casual. I don't want to just sit next to him and freak him out or anything.
"Hey.. you okay?" I say softly.
"I...who the hell are you?!" He snaps back.
Oh! I guess this is what I get for trying to help a stranger.
"My name is Chantelle. You are..?" I say reaching my hand out to help him up.
"None of your damn business." He snaps back again.
"Oookkayyy..." I say as I awkwardly step back from him. "Just..uh. Keep safe, I guess."
He turns his head to look at me. He squints his eyes in confusion. Before I could look back at him, I quickly walk to my car and start it. As I sit in my car, I think about the previous interaction. What the fuck was that. "Keep safe I guess??" I bury my face in my hands to muffle my scream because, what the fuck was that? So much for Atlanta.
tysm for reading!! this chapter is also on my wattpad that I wrote like a year ago😭 I hope this gets attention because it’ll give me motivation to finish this. Sorry if there’s any grammar mistakes! I copied and pasted from my wattpad without changing anything so idk. anyways, tell me any thoughts or requests you have!! I’ll write more series along with requests!! byeee !
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unohanabbygirl · 1 year
Your newest story!! Omg!!
Aegon I looking down from Targ heaven with Luke like…ye let’s wrap this up…our involvement in the long night is cancelled.
Rhaenyra and Helaena ending the same way on the spikes. Oh I know Alicent went from visiting her in her chambers every night (unwanted) to sleeping in Rhaenyras chambers long after she was gone.
I understand he needed to get rid of threats but now he won’t have an heir at all. I can’t imagine him taking well to anyone implying Luke can’t give him his heir however. So people are just waiting for him to die. Like the realm will tear itself apart to try rule after him. He really is mad.
Is Anne’s mam really still seeing Alicent as this paragon of the Seven and blaming Luke on aemonds shit?? The call is coming from inside the house sis. Alicent directly fanned the flames of this obsession. Luke was a corpse at the tourney right? Or is that pre-stormsend?
Do you see Lucemond as canon in this fic or is this delulumond in full force?
Thanks so much for sharing with us!!
Aegon I is so fed up after seeing each one of his descendants wiped out while the last man standing has lost his mind to such an extreme degree that he’s violating his other descendants corpse. Visenya is pissed off that Aemond’s gross hands are touching all over her sword and Rhaena is just like “damn, maybe we shouldn’t have come to Westeros.” Meanwhile Luke is sitting in the corner trying to figure out how all this happened? Rhaenyra keeps trying to console him but he’s too busy attempting to string together the events that led to his uncle becoming this damn crazy.
Babes, if Alicent was going to do anything she was going to seek Rhaenyra out nightly. Even though there came a point where Nyra stopped screaming and crying and just went radio silent until hearing the news about her last two babies deaths and deciding there was nothing left to live for. Alicent is so in love and exceptionally delulu just like her son that in her mind, Rhaenyra only jumped out of that window because she knew it would hurt her. Most insane mother-son duo in history me thinks.
The chances of Aemond having an heir are zero at this point. There’s not even a chance that Dany will be born to bring back the dragons because that dude isn’t laying down with anyone but Luke, you hear me? And its not even just because his shattered mind somehow thinks he can simply have a baby with Luke/refuses to cheat on his queen, but that no woman would ever sleep with him knowing what they do. They’d likely off themselves before they could even make it to the sept (very understandable)
Though this won’t stop his council from trying to work out something behind Aemond’s back. It comes to the point where one of his men is like “what if we drug him with an aphrodisiac and try to find a noble lady who’s willing to…you know? Then kill him after the child is born in secret? Twins are common for them so we might have an heir and a spare or a future king and queen.” But the idea is so outrageous with so many plot-holes and chances to go wrong that everyone just slowly begins to accept the war that’ll break out over the crown once Aemond croaks. Only thing they can do is hope they’re long dead once that time comes because the thought of another civil war is so draining.
In a last ditch effort his hand goes digging around with hopes that at least one of the deceased Targ men have a living bastard that they could legitimize but comes up empty handed. All Aegons died tragically, Jace was obviously too busy in Cregan’s company to go out and sire a child, Daemon only had Nettles who they can’t even confirm was his daughter + she’s been missing since the war, Daeron was a nerd who would rather pray at the sept, and Viserys could barely wipe his own ass in his last days let alone find the energy to cheat.
It’s heartbreaking when you think about because literally everyone, including Alicent is just waiting for Aemond to go to sleep and never wake up.
Lol, Anne’s mom is my favorite because she’s somehow more obsessed with Alicent than Alicent was with Rhaenyra which is such a hard thing to accomplish that she kinda deserves a medal?? Her character is simply an embodiment of parasocial relationships and viewing the monarchy as these figures who are above everyone else. Appointed by the gods and all that nonsense. And yes, the tourney was pre Storms end!
Hmmm, personally I see it as a mix of the two. Lucemond had feelings for each other (Aemond more than Luke) but never actually acted on them let alone reached the extent of what rumors suggest. Though certain points like them meeting up before the dinner failure to talk things out did happen but without the ‘making love’ part. However those are just my own thoughts because I intentionally left those details up to the reader.
Thanks babes, I always love hearing from you 🩷
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cleoselene · 9 months
my mother - who is 74 - walks a neighbor's dog twice a day to make some money. No it's not a difficult job, but still. She is 74 and had planned all her life to be very much retired right now , but she ended up with one very sick kid (me) and one shithead kid (my brother) who strained her finances -- me by her needing to help me with housing (she took out a mortgage on her place to help me get my condo. My roommates and I pay rent to her and never miss a payment but with HOA fees and insurance constantly going up in Hurricaneland, and both me and roommates on fixed Social Security incomes, the ends don't exactly meet) and my brother by being a fucking asshole loser who refused to have a fucking job.
The man has three kids, two who are still minors, and he REFUSES to work. This is one of many reasons he is divorced (of course, his ex-wife cheated on him literally hundreds of times, so there's that mess too, but that's another story), because my ex-SIL got sick of him never having a fucking job. Once the divorce was final and he didn't have his wife supporting him, he turned to the only other woman he could rely on to pay his way: his mother. My mom didn't want to pay his rent every fucking month for three years, but she loves her grandchildren, and she wanted them to have a father.
Because her children didn't have a father. My dad dipped out when I was ten because he was a drug addict. My mom lives with that guilt all the time, always apologizing to me for not giving me a better father -- as if that's her fucking fault! She was a rock star of a mom! A single parent, a social worker who didn't have much money but her work genuinely made the world a better place. But she feels awful that her kids' father ditched out on us. And my brother knows she feels awful about it. And he exploited that. For literally years. She went from comfortably retired to now having a lot of credit card debt because she paid his rent for 3 years.
When she finally put her foot down as his lease ended and she was no longer a cosigner, he moved in with his girlfriend in Manhattan. She is 23. He is 48. Yeah, it's disgusting. He is leeching off her now. He is also not talking to my mom since she's not paying his way anymore (I mean, she IS paying for his fucking iPhone, though, more on that in a moment).
So. Christmas. She hasn't heard a word from him. She hears some news from my ex-SIL that the kids are going to fly up to NYC to spend a few days with him, which, as much of an asshole as he is, she is glad for, because she wants her grandchildren to have a father. But he hasn't called to wish her a Merry Christmas
So I mentioned her part-time job. For the former congressman whose dog she walks. Lovely, sweet people. They gave her a couple of gifts and a $50 Christmas bonus. Mom sent that $50 to my brother as a gift. He did not acknowledge it or even say thank you.
I am OUTRAGED on her behalf, honestly. She has done nothing to deserve being treated this way by him. And I am depressed that I am stuck being a sick kid who is also a drain. I was supposed to get a PhD and take care of her! Failing being able to make it rain for mom I just wrote her a sappy long facebook message telling her how she's the best ever, but god. Why is my brother such an asshole?
She told me yesterday that when I visit next she wants to go through her will and redo it. She wants to give him a token amount, a few grand, and reassign the rest of what she would have given him in her estate to his kids. It's unfortunate, but it is what it is. She deserves better. :/
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pagerspages · 3 months
It's not fair
I’m going to complain a bit in this post, just fair warning. 
You know what just isn’t fair? The fact that my absent father can just waltz back into my life any time it’s convenient for him and I just let him. The fact that I crave his attention and approval so fucking much that I won’t stand up for my own feelings. The fact that he has told me and my sisters multiple times that he will “do better” and just never does. It’s not fair. 
My parents got divorced when I was five or six. From what I understand he was cheating on my mother for quite a long time. From the ages of maybe 7-14 I would see my father maybe every other month if I was lucky. My sisters and I would always be the one to reach out to him. I played little league baseball because he wanted me to and he didn’t even come to any of the games. There are good memories too of course. My first NBA game. My first hockey game. A trip to California. It wasn’t all bad all the time, which kinda makes it all sting just a little more. 
My father got married again when I was a teenager. My sisters and I didn’t even meet her before they got married. They literally called us on the way to Vegas. We assumed it was just going to be them but later saw that her adult children went with them. I think I’ll be salty about that for a very long time. 
I remember once when I was really little I missed him so much I used my moms phone and called him a bunch while he was at work. He was PISSED when he finally answered and just heard me on the other end. I don’t remember my childhood very well. I know that’s because of the emotional abuse/neglect of my father. 
We had a gender reveal party for my sister's baby last week and our father just happened to be in town so he came to it. As he was leaving I asked him if he wanted to do something the following day and he said yes and I told him to just let me know. I proceeded to call off work, get ready and just wait. I waited all day and never heard from him. I felt like I was seven years old again, sitting by the window waiting for him to come visit. 
Three months ago I called him to ask him if I could spend the night at his house in Arizona as I was passing through on a road trip I’m taking for my 25th birthday. He said yes and he took the time off and I thought that was that. I got a text from him today asking if I was for sure planning on spending the night. My stepmother has been in the area for a couple weeks helping her daughter that just had a baby and has had some complications. Apparently she just has to come back that same day I was supposed to spend the night. I told him it was fine and I was already sleeping in my car for most of my trip so if he didn’t make it back in time not to worry about it. I wish I had the emotional energy to just yell and get angry at him.
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belzimbub · 6 months
The lack of essays about The Binding Of Isaac, a game that is literally a giant metaphor for everything, made me create my first English-speaking video. I hope you enjoy!
Text version of the video below:
Let's start from afar.
Every year the channel Nanda V Movies invites essayists to tell about their favorite scenes on a particular topic and then adds all their videos to one playlist. This way giant love letters are created that introduce us to moments from movies, TV shows and sometimes even video games. I wanted to participate but for a long time the previous topics were… difficult for me: One Musical Scene and One Villainous Scene. Which is weird because video games are full of great music and insidious bosses. For example, my dear series Like A Dragon is a wonderful combination of both of these things. Nevertheless, I didn’t have some personally impressive example to create an entire video… until recently. After a couple years from its release I was able to play the final expansion to one of my favorite game, The Binding Of Isaac. And this DLC is what gave me the boss, the villain that I keep thinking about, even when I turn off the screen.
Isaac and his Mother lived alone in a small house on a hill. Isaac drew pictures, played with toys and his Mom watched Christian broadcasts on the television. Life was simple, and they were both happy. That was, until the day Isaac’s mom heard a voice from above, telling her to kill the son. And she wasn’t going to disobey the Lord. To save his life, Isaac threw himself down into the basement and embarked on a journey into the unknown depths below. The depths where… there are a lot of bosses and all of them know how to impress. Worms, excrements, demons — I remember my first encounters with each monster. And sure, most of them are nothing more than obstacles in the way of the player. But some manage to stand out. Going deeper we’ll meet creatures that boggle our mind a bit: the nonhuman versions of Mother, Isaac as a hostile angel, the white face indiscreetly called Delirium and etc. After defeating the bosses of this type, the cutscenes are shown that reveal to us not something that is not obvious, but something we don’t want to think about.
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Of course, there are no caves, catacombs and the cathedral under the Isaac's house. The Binding Of Isaac is a fantasy of the child. The child imbued with religious ideas who goes through the parents’ divorce and blames himself for all the sins. Those bosses that I mentioned earlier bring out Isaac as a character: the lack of motherly love, self-loathing and the traumatized, wild side of the psyche. I love this game for such imagery and the same can be said about the people who worked on the DLC Repentance. And that’s why I am sure that when coming up with a new boss they had a question: «How to make it as artistically rich as others?» Thankfully, they found an answer and it was quite simple. You use what lies right before people's eyes.
With Repentance, the alternative routes will appear in the game that have most of the new content. One of these routes will lead us to Dad’s note and begin “Ascend”, the most overtly plot-driven moment in the entire game. For the first time we have an opportunity to visit locations in reverse order, and, rising higher and higher, we experience the most painful memory — the parents arguing because of Mom’s religious mania and Dad’s alcoholism. We go through several floors, return to the very beginning and then we see… The Isaac’s room. Not the weirdest thing as we could see it even in the depths. But everything seems… different. We leave the room and we are greeted not by the catacombs but by a hall, a closet, a TV room and Mom’s bedroom. We go to bed, wake up in the middle of the night from a terrible vision and approach the light in the middle of the gloom house.
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The first thing I’ll say is this boss looks awesome and very natural. The Binding Of Isaac style is based on this balance between cartoonish and disgusting. And some monsters, in my opinion, go overboard with one or the other. But the battle with this fetus made of noises, with its umbilical cord sticking out of the screen, feels right. It doesn’t mean that Dogma is unoriginal. Quite the opposite, its design exudes attention to details. If you put some effects on the boss, the static will suddenly get worse. Sometimes Dogma turns for a couple of seconds into 4 images, symbolizing the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. And speaking of religious imagery, its attacks include the qualities of both angelic and demonic items. And this connection between holiness and blackness is punctuated by the sound design. Remember my whole tirade about “One Musical Scene” and so on and so forth? Well, Dogma has one of the most unique musical themes that I have ever heard. The song is full of noises and static which after a while come out like an explosion, emphasizing the full power of the boss. And after the destruction of the TV and the start of the second phase, the battle becomes unforgettable thanks to…
The preacher's screams begin to be heard, warning of the wrath of God, saying that you need to atone for your sins and that blasphemy will not be forgiven! This voice passes from one ear to the other while we are trying to dodge the rays of light. By the way, they were perfectly described by a commentator on Youtube: these rays sound «both heavenly and like impending doom». And in the middle of this beautiful cacophony you may not notice the quiet reading of the psalm. Dogma tries to convey to us that in both life and death we can put our trust in God, while using the most sinister voice in the whole game (even though the Devil is in it!):
Well, as you can see, this boss's presentation is pretty cool. But let's return to the previous question. «Is Dogma "artistically rich?"» Yes, absolutely. Firstly, its concept is simply witty. Taking a line from the intro about «Christian broadcasts» and turning it into a monster — muah, beauty. Secondly, even though the player has yet to battle the final boss, I think the most important moment in the game is the fight with Dogma. Let me be a literature teacher. As I said, The Binding Of Isaac is a fantasy of the child, and this fantasy is based on his worldview. In Isaac's understanding, he is a demon, a sinner who deserves punishment from the highest powers. He does not doubt the fairness of his suffering, because it is more logical than the fact that the family could simply end. But at one point Isaac decides to face reality, to remember those terrible shouts of his parents, which allows him to fly back up. He looks back at what he experienced, what story he created for himself, and asks the question: «Where did it all begin?» «Ascend» marks the beginning of Isaac's doubts about the truth of his beliefs.
Beliefs that later take shape as Dogma, whose cries of God's wrath now seem wrong. It becomes clear that the faith of the self-critical boy was distorted by the television. The child's curiosity, his love for monsters and dressing up turned into sins leading to eternal torment. And as soon as the family tragedy occurred, this idea became true for Isaac. And that's why it's important to see him resisting Dogma. He understands that he does not deserve pain for his interests, that religion was used against him. And I hope he also stops blaming himself because these programs played a bigger role in Mom's mania and Dad’s abandonment than any of Isaac's hobbies. After defeat, Dogma turns into a cross of noise and falls on the hero, at last trying to destroy him from the inside. But it fails, and for the first time Isaac himself becomes an angel. All that remains is to defeat his last figment of imagination, and not as a punishment, but as a final trial.
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I recommend you to play The Binding Of Isaac. Not only because the gameplay is fun and you can spend hundreds of hours on it. Not only because, in fact, I did NOT spoil a ton of things and there is more for you to see. But because the game is a giant pile of metaphors that wants you to use your imagination. For example, for me, Dogma is the main villain: it combines the best aspects of the game, and the worst moments in Isaac's life are directly related to this boss, making defeating it feel like a real climax. Maybe you also have some ideas on this or any other matter? Maybe even something worthwhile, but thoughts about your own mediocrity turn creativity into a nightmare? It’s funny, because of something like this, I couldn’t participate in one YouTuber’s project. But now, I’m finally finishing this text and I can say without a doubt the following: give yourself one more chance.
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