#i literally fell asleep while making this and got so confused this morning
snuize · 3 months
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what do yall think of my reanimator tattoo ideas
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 6 months
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[1:44 pm]
(cw: f!reader, "ass")
Fratboy!Jaehyun had woken up groggy and confused. He wasn't sure what time it was or even what day it was. His mouth was dry and it took every ounce of power to pry his eyes open. His room was dark and his internal clock told him at had to be at least mid-morning. He could hear his fray brothers going about their days. He could hear pots and pans banging in the kitchen, people going up and down the stairs, and someone had just gotten in the shower.
He rolled out of bed- literally, he got tangled in his sheets and fell with a muffled groan in pain.
He walked out of his room, walking down the stairs toward the kitchen to see if anyone would offer him any leftovers or second servings.
It was all hitting him now, he had just had his last final yesterday. A week full of studying until his brain felt like mush and his eyes burned. It was tough but he felt really confident. So his reward to himself was a day of playing hooky from work and all responsibilties.
That apparently meant you too... You'd been calling and texting him for half the morning and all your messages went unanswered and undelivered. His location was off because his phone was off so you frantically made a trip to the frat house to see if he was there and most importantly alive.
Your frantic knocks were answered by a calm Haechan who reassured you Jaehyun was alive and asleep. You even saw yourself. His mouth was wide open and his snores were practically shaking the wall.
So that's how you had ended up with Haechan, in the kitchen, wearing his hoodie, covered in flour, and that's how Jaehyun found you.
"What's going on here?" Jaehyun's groggy voice asked.
"So we were making a cake together and we started making the frosting but the powdered sugar went everywhere," you explained with a sheepish smile.
"You're making at cake in the morning?" Jaehyun deadpanned.
Haechan laughed, shaking the powdered sugar from his hair which created a large white cloud, "bro it's like 2 in the afternoon."
Jaehyun's eyes widened, he was in shock, but that didn't take away from the grumpiness he was feeling after waking up and promptly falling on his face. "So you came over and instead of spending time with your boyfriend on his day off you came over and made a mess instead?"
Your face fell and Haechan tensed. "But I called you and texted you all morning and you never answered! I came over because I was scared something had happened and you were knocked out!" You explained.
"So you decided to stay with one half of dumb and dumber and make a big ass mess?" Jaehyun countered.
Haechan pouted, mumbling under his breath, "I'm not dumb."
"We're obviously going to clean up, why are you being so rude right now?" You asked stepping closer to Jaehyun and out of Haechan's ear shot.
Jaehyun sighed, closing his eyes, "I spent the whole week studying my ass off and I woke up later than I wanted to then I fell on my face." His face flushed, "then I come down and see my girlfriend with her other boyfriend and I'm just hungry and tired... and I'm sorry."
You cup his cheek, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips pulling away to tell him, "you are such a baby when you wake up. I'll make you something to eat and then we can watch a movie, yeah?"
"And you're staying over." Jaehyun mumbled against your lips.
"Sure, I'll stay," you chuckle.
"Wasn't a question, baby," Jaehyun smiles, pressing one last kiss to your lips before you turn and help Haechan clean up the mess of powdered sugar.
You crouch down to clean up the mess on the floor while Haechan wipes down the counter. Haechan glared at Jaehyun as soon as your eyes meet the floor. "Don't ever let me catch you talking to her like that again," Haechan whispers.
"Huh?" You ask, peeking your head up.
Jaehyun has a stare down with with Haechan, "Nothing, baby."
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pablitogavii · 4 months
Happy Family 1
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Day 1
I arrived to Barcelona on March 21st at 7:35 pm only a day after I turned 18. My dream was to join this exchange program and travel to Spain ever since I was a little girl and now I was finally here.
"Welcome! I'm Aurora, your new hermana for a year" sweet looking girl approached me seeing the paper that said my name on it and i blushed nodding my head as the older couple approached us.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Y/n." I said politely shaking the older's couple hand and Aurora tightly hugged me already making me feel like we were real sisters.
"Ready to go home, girls?" woman said and I smiled thinking to myself that this will be "home" to me for a whole year nodding in excitement while walking with Aurora towards the car.
"Um..and your brother?" I asked obviously knowing who Pablo Paez Gavira was but also feeling nervous that I haven't met him. Ever since the Gavira accepted me into their home for a year, I was nervous to meet the boy all of my friends are drooling over.
"Pablo is a cabrón whose flight from Verona got delayed, but he'll be home tomorrow" she said while I gulped while nodding my head.
"Lengua Rora! Pablo will surely like you as we do" her dad said and I nodded although deep down it still made me nervous to meet the infamous footballer.
They showed me around the house and my room before leaving me to get changed and ready for bed since it was already getting late and I had my first day of school tomorrow.
Maria: so you haven't met him still!!!??
Sofi: Girl, he's literally the hottest guy! He has the body of a God!
Tina: Be careful not to fall for your "brother" girl ;)))
"Life is not a freaking wattpad story" I told myself while brushing my teeth and reading the group chat with my friends from US still going crazy that I am in house of THE Pablo Gavi.
I fell asleep exhausted from the long flight. When Pablo arrived home a lot earlier than expected everyone was asleep and he walked out of instinct into what till not used to be his room.
He was confused when he smelled strong floral scent but decided not to pay it much attention taking off his wet shirt since it was raining heavily tonight and even his hair got soaked.
When he tried to sit on the bed to take off his pants I wiggled making him jump and me to scream while sitting up. Awkward..
"What? Who? Where am I?" I said now completely confused and almost forgetting that I am no longer home and am face to face with a complete stranger who rudely woke me up.
"Who the hell are you!? What are you doing in my room!?" Pablo said and I brushed the sleep out of my eyes finally realizing who it was standing shirtless across from me right now..fucking great!
"Um..they said this is my room now?" was only thing I could say in that moment and he finally remembered that the exchange student was coming today.
"Joder! That's right, sorry. I'm Pablo.." he said reaching out his hand I shook it nodding my head and giving him a warm smile.
"Y/n.." I said shortly.
Even though this was kind of awkward he was still very nice and nothing like I expected. All my friends said footballers are supposed to be cocky and narcissistic but he seemed genuine.
"I'll see you in the morning..um..goodnight" he said before grabbing his shirt and quickly leaving my room closing the door behind himself.
So this was his room then...no wonder why it smelled so masculine when I first walked in..suddenly I felt my cheeks blushed as I laid in his bed feeling him surround me in that moment. Maybe my friends were right..
The next morning, I walked down where all of them were sitting at the breakfast table welcoming me to join them.
"Y/n this is Pablo." Belen introduced and just as I was about to say we have met already, he interrupted reaching out to shake my hand yet again.
I played along introducing myself one more time to him..maybe it was for the best for his family not to know that we met in the middle of the night with him half naked inside my room.
When breakfast was over and everyone went to tend to their own business, I slowly moved towards Pablo who was packing for training and he turned to face me.
"I won't say anything, don't worry.." I said and he smirked tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. I froze..fuck that feeling will be the death of me!
"It will be our little secret.." he said before turning back around to finish what he started and I went upstairs to grab my school bag.
First day at school wasn't bad. There was a girl who sat next to me in math class and we immediately clicked. Masa quickly became my best friend here and many things that will happen to me in the future wouldn't have been bearable without her by my side..
"Tonight is a back to school party at the beach, you have to come tía!" she said and I shrugged my shoulders.
"Aurora is coming too so I'm sure you can go with her?" Masa said and I nodded really happy to meet more people and start this school year off right.
"Obviously you're going hermanita!" Aurora told me the moment we talked at home and I smiled nodding my head excited for tonight.
"If you expect me to cover for your ass again, you owe me big time!" Pablo walked in without knocking realizing that he just interrupted "girl talk" as boys always called it.
"Or you can fulfill the dreams of all those girls and come with us tonight?" Aurora said and something in me tightened knowing deep down that Pablo Gavi was wanted by every single girl at that school.
"She's going too?" Pablo said not even looking at me and I thought what happened this morning was probably my own brain making up things..he was clearly not interested.
"Obviously!" Aurora said while Pablo seemed more agitated than before..like he didn't want me to go for some reason? It was weird.
"I might pop in later.." he said nonchalantly.
"You always say the same thing hermano!" Aurora said but he just left without another word. Why would he mind if I went to this party? What's it to him?
Pablo was at home looking at his phone when he saw his sister's story mentioning my username on it..out of curiosity, Pablo clicked checking out my profile and the new picture I posted from tonight.
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A brunette to my blonde :* @masa.bb
liked by pablogavi and others
aurorapaezg: and the best photographer jaja
masa.bb: luv you girl!
theodore.ross: two hottest girls tonight!
Pablo was looking at that guy's comment for a solid 15 minuted before he got dressed and snuck to the beach telling himself it was because he was bored at home.
When I saw him walk up, all the girls were already calling his name rushing to take pictures or offer him a drink. I decided not to join the crowd instead walking to sit by the water.
"Solita?" Theodore said about to sit down but someone's very much angry voice interrupted him as it was getting closer to where we were.
"She's not, now leave vale!!!?" Gavi said and the boy smirked raising his hands up in surrender before winking towards me and leaving to rejoin the party again. Now I felt confused..what the hell does this mean?
"You came?" I said standing up to face him noticing the way his jaw was clenching and unclenching. "Damn was he beautiful under the moonlight..." thought to myself.
"Your top is too revealing" he said simply and I looked down before meeting his eyes again..did he come to look after me tonight?
"Pablo.." I spoke but as always he was quick to interrupt me.
"Callate!" he said before grabbing my jaw and crashing his lips to mine passionately while my hands found his hair and his snaked around my waist protectively.
At the end of very my first night here, Pablo slept over at my new room (and his old one) with me cuddled up to his side and him holding me against himself protectively...
Interesante right? ;)))
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chanelles-world · 10 months
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STORMY NIGHT (chris smut) ! i need him
this has a slow start… but trust i promise it gets better !
"fuck... you know what i'm gonna do? i'm gonna fuck this pussy so fucking hard, and ill make sure you won't be able to walk the next morning.." chris growls in my ear. my heart racing fast at the thought of that.
it was a stormy saturday night and i was laying down in my bedroom on my phone while the tv was on playing in the background. my lights were off and the only glow was from my tv and the little lamp that was on my night stand near my bed.
i could hear the wind whistling and thunder clapping as rain fell from the sky. i always loved the sound of storms so it was nice and calming.
i was scrolling through instagram when i heard a quiet knock from the outside of my window. i quickly jump and look over at the door to my balcony. there was a shadow of what looked like a person. "what the hell" i whisper not wanting to get out from my  spot on the bed.
knock knock. you hear that same knock again, my eyes were fixated on the door that i didn't realize texts were coming thru to my  phone. "ding!" there went another text. i got so scared  i almost thru my phone but realized it was texts from chris. "what the fuck does he want at this ungodly hour??"  i think to myself.
i open the texts quickly and see he was texting me to open up the door. i raised my eyebrow confused. "what do you mean open up the door" i text back. "i'm standing outside, open up your balcony door, dumbass" i roll my eyes as i read the text that flooded my screen.
i get up quickly and quietly from my bed and walk to my balcony door sliding it open which led to reveal chris. there chris was outside my room soaking wet from standing in the storm.
"what the fuck chris?!" i yell whisper while motioning to his soaking body. he shrugs as he lets himself in. "you're gonna get yourself sick... what were you thinking coming over here in this weather and at this time??" i say concerned but also confused because what did he want that couldn't wait until the morning.
"i don't know i was bored and knew you were awake so i decided to head over here.. matt and nick were already asleep."
i sigh closing the glass door before walking to the bathroom to get chris a towel. i walk over to where he was still standing and hand it to him. "well what do you think i'm gonna want to do at this time?" i asked raising my eyebrow. chris shrugs his shoulders clearly not thinking before he made his way over to my house. "chris do you even know what time it is?"
he nods his head "yeah like 10pm.." he says unsure as i look at him with an amused face. "wrong, it's literally 12am" i say shaking my head before walking back to my bed.
"well i'm here now so what do we want to do?" he asks as he starts drying himself off, starting with his hair.
i took in the sight that was in front of me. there chris was with a white fit shirt and his gray sweatpants. his clothes hung to his body perfectly as they had gotten wet from the rain. you could see his biceps and chest thru his shirt as it went see thru.
my  eyes move south down his body and see his man hood poking thru from his sweat pants. god damn. he was big. wait what i thought trying to shake the thought out of my head. i know
i'm not supposed to be thinking these thoughts but i couldn't help it. my mind begins thinking of all the dirty things that i could imagine. my eyes travel back up north and before i could look back up at chris before he saw me staring, i was too late.
"you like what you see?" he asks as a smirk plays on his lips. i could feel my heart racing and cheeks burning as i quickly look away. i couldn't manage to look at his face. i felt so embarrassed.
"no need to be embarrassed.." chris says quitely as he takes a step towards me. i could feel my heart racing. oh shit. i could see chris slowly making his way towards me. i was sitting on the bed so there wasn't really anywhere to go.
before chris could get any closer, i quickly get up and fast walk to the opposite side of the room near the bathroom. i don't know what made
me think to do that, but i did it anyways.
chris doesn't turn around instead he slowly grabs the hem of his shirt and lifts it up and over his head. my brain fogs up as i take in his back muscles. he was so fine. i start to internally freak out because i barely thought of him like that. why now the change? chris turns around in my direction, my breathing hitched as i thought he was walking over to me but instead he makes his way to the bathroom, where he hung up his shirt.
"why are you standing there?" he asks amused
you blink at him a few times. "erm.. i i don't know.." you say speechless. "well cmon let's watch something." chris says excitedly before grabbing the remote to change the channel.
it's like the whole mood completely changed in just a few seconds.
i nod my head and walk quietly over to my bed sitting down on my mattress.
"um before i sit down, are you okay with me taking off my sweats? they're all wet and i don't want your bed getting wet either..." chris asks hesitantly. i gulp, taking his question by surprise.
i think about it for a few seconds. "um yeah sure.." i say nodding my head. i turn my head towards the tv looking straight forward.
out of the corner of my eye i could see chris watching my every move.
i swear i heard a sigh as he slid out of his sweat pants really quickly. i try my hardest not to look over at him as he standing there in only his ethika's. i chew on my lips as i wait for him to sit down on my bed.
chris places his sweats beside my bed and sits before laying down on my bed. he places his arms behind his head which was laying against the head rest.
"okay what do you want to watch?" chris asks calmly before grabbing the remote and scrolling through the channels like nothing had just happened. i know it wasn't like a huge deal but still.
"it doesn't matter.." i say quietly.
chris nods his head in acknowledgement and clicks on a random show. we both have been sitting there for quite some time fixated on the show before i start shivering. mind you it was still storming outside and so it was pretty cold.
"c'mere" chris says motioning me  to come lay next to him as he notices me shivering. i hesitate before moving towards him on the bed. i situate myself against his chest as he wraps his arms around me pulling me closer. i tense up just thinking about being this close to him when i remember he isn't wearing anything but his ethika's.
"why are you so tense?" he whispers into my ear. i shiver at just hearing his voice. why does he sound so hot? "loosen up i'm not gonna bite" he says again. i loosen up just a little bit. a few seconds later chris pokes my side which makes me squirm. "stop it" i say quietly as i let out a giggle. chris does it again, but this time i let out a laugh which ended up with me in a laughing fit.
i squirm every where trying to set free but in the mix of it all he had grabbed my hands with putting them above my head. which made it hard for me to break free. i was laughing so hard i couldn't breathe to the point where i started kicking my feet. i didn't mean to but the next thing i knew i had kneed chris in his no zone area. "FUCK" chris moaned out in pain as he let go of my hands to grab his dick while sitting up. "oh my gosh i'm so sorry." i say quickly sitting up also. "mm" chris audibly groans out.
i cover my mouth with my hand feeling really bad. "shit i'm so sorry, that was a complete accident." i apologize again.
"it's not your fault technically, it was mine" chris says finally able to talk. "but damn girl you are strong." he says looking over at me. i blush and look at something else that wasn't his face.
"why do you keep looking away?" chris asks confused as he felt better. "i don't know." i say still not looking at his face.
"really?" chris questions not convinced. i nod my head because i couldn't find the words to speak.
"look at me." chris demands. i don't look at him.
"look at me" chris says again before reaching over and gently moving my face to look at him. we both make eye contact and stare at each other for what felt like an eternity. his eyes were so blue, they were so pretty. he was staring all over my face, first my eyes, nose, and lips then back to my face. i wanted to break the eye contact so bad but his hand was still holding my face in place.
"let me ask again, why do you keep turning away?" chris asks after a few minutes. it's like chris read my mind "and don't say you don't know." he says narrowing his eyes at me. "honest, i- i don't know.." i say whispering looking down at his chest.
"i know damn well you know.." chris says whispering as he moved closer to me. he moves his head back to look at my face, then glances at my lips then back at me once again. the way my stomach did summersaults. i know now that i wanted it just as bad as he did but i don't know what was stopping me.
"i'm gonna kiss you okay?" chris says in a audible whisper as his lips were inches away from mine as he moved his hand to my chin. my brain fogged up and i couldn't think anymore. i slightly nod my head and before i could think about what i said yes to, i felt his lips on mine. i wasn't gonna lie, this kiss felt so good and his lips were so soft. don't even get me started.
chris was about to pull away but before he could i don't know what got over me but i quickly deepen the kiss. my hands make their way to either side of his face as my body moves closer to him not breaking the kiss. i was basically on his lap before one hand moved to his hair.
when it was time to get some air both of us pulled apart breathing heavily. i stare at him and his eyes were filled with lust and love. i could say the same with mine. i don't hesitate to kiss him again. my lips found his as i started playing with his hair. i could feel his tongue caresses my lips asking for an entrance. i oblige and our tongues start battling for dominance. i couldn't take it any longer, a deep moan escaped from my mouth as we continued to make out.
when it was time to catch our breath for the second time, chris motions me to stand up. he stands up after me. he turns me around with my back facing the bed and gently pushes me back making me land on the bed. chris crawls on the bed and hovers on top of me. he pushes my hair out of my face and behind my ear before latching his lip onto my neck. chris started kissing all over neck until he found my sweet spot.
"oh gosh.." i moan quietly. chris gently bites at my neck leaving a hickey in that spot. it didn't matter at that moment if i was left with a thousand hickeys, this felt too good. chris moves back to my lips and gently places kiss before staring at me.
his eyes were glazing over mine. i could tell that he wanted more, and if you couldn't tell by his face you could tell by his member that was poking my leg. it felt so hard making my insides tingle. i couldn't deny the fact that i wanted more. no scratch that. i needed more.
we stare at each other for a moment longer. "what.." i say in a low whisper. "you're just so beautiful.." chris says in a raspy tone. oh shit that was hot as fuck. my insides were burning even more.
"oh shut up.." i say with a blush forming on my cheeks . "no joke.. you're so fucking beautiful it's not even funny." chris says with a serious tone.
"well um thanks.." i say breaking the eye contact. chris grabs my chin moving my head, making me look at him.
"gosh you're killing me. like you have no idea what you do to me." he stares deep into my eyes. i swallow hard. his intense stare was making me crazy.
"that's not true.. i can name a few things.." i whisper boldly. "oh really?" chris whispers. i nod my head. "tell me then.." chris says in my ear. without thinking my hand makes its way down south and palms his dick. "oh fuck!" chris says as his hips flinch to my touch. i smirk knowing that i was able to make him this hard while still clothed and make him feel this good with just one touch.
chris ducks his head in between my neck as i continue palming his crotch. without any warning i quickly place my hand inside his ethika's and grab ahold of his dick. it was so warm against my palm.
"urgh" chris groans in pleasure. with my other hand i slide down his boxers, revealing his cock in my hand. i look down as my eyes bulge as i realized how big he was. damn. i start stroking his dick slowly as i could feel his hot breath against my neck. "oh fuck!" chris moans loudly.
i take that as a sign and apply pressure. "oh god yeah.." chris groans to my movements. i start feeling kisses being planted against my neck again as i continue pleasuring him.
"oh shit, f-faster" chris pleads. i obey his command and stroke his dick faster. "oh yeah, oh fuck!" i stroke his member as fast as possible. chris drops his head in my neck, breathing fast. i could tell he was about to release.
"oh shit, im about to cuum! oh fuck" he groans as his hips buckles towards my cooch. i still have a hand on his dick as he releases spitting cum around my hand and stomach as my tank had slid up during this ideal.
chris's head was still dropped on my shoulder as i remove my hand from his dick.
"oh god, that was too good.." chris moans in bliss as he goes to stand up. he first finishes removing his boxers from his feet before walking over to the bathroom to return with a cloth. I watch every step he takes. before he could hand it to me, i took him by surprise and slowly start licking up the cum that was on my hand while staring straight at him.
chris opened his mouth to speak but was in shock. i continue to lick up the semen until it was all gone. "holy shit, that was fucking hot" chris says finding his words.
i smirk at him. "you know what else would be hot?" I ask purring. at this time i stood up and stand right in front of him with my hands on his chest while biting my lip.
"w-what?" chris asks whispering. my hands slowly massage around his chest and make their way to his neck, leaving them there.
"hm your fingers... all up... in my pussy, maybe finger fucking me raw with your tongue on my clit until i squirt and you hearing me scream your name...." i whisper quietly in his ear.
"what the hell has happened to the shy girl i once knew.." chris asks shocked. "she's still there, she just wants what she wants and. that. is. you..." i whisper before placing my lips against his.
before he could react and kiss me back, i quickly break the kiss and let go of him. "watch and don't touch till I tell you to.. understood?" I say with lust.  my hands slowly travel to the hem of my tank top as i slowly start pulling it off. once it was off I throw it across my room. I unclasp my bra soon after exposing my tits. my nipples harden at the cool air.
"oh god... you're so beautiful" chris breaths . I smirk and continue stripping off my clothes, next with my spandex's. my fingers lace around my spandex slowly pulling them down with my thong while making eye contact with him. I let my underwear drop, making my pussy exposed. I step out of them and kick it out of the way. all the time I was staring at his deep blue eyes, making me almost fold, but I needed to stay strong.
I move closer to him with my naked body against his. I place my lips against his kissing him hungrily. chris snakes his arms around my body cupping my ass, pulling me closer. I let out a soft moan as he then grabs my waist throwing me on the bed aggressively.
he quickly gets on top of me and fondles my tits in one hand as his other hand slowly makes it's way down south towards my soaking pussy. chris starts kissing my neck finding, my sweet spot once more.
I squirm as I fiend for his touch. his fingers moves like magic as he pinches my clit— rubbing it in the process m. I let out a deep moan as he  bites down on my neck and glides his pointer finger through my wet folds.
"oh my gosh.." I say whimpering. I needed more. "you like that baby? chris purrs. I moan in response. "yes, oh shit.." i say needing his fingers in me.
"tell me what you want.." chris whispers in my ear. i groan in frustration. "you already know.."
i feel chris's smirk as my eyes clench shut from the need of his fingers penetrating my pussy.
"fuck chris, please.." i whimper. he continues teasing my folds. my hips buckle upwards feeling his finger slid into my heat. i moan but before i could get far he removes his finger.
"fuck you" i say annoyed. i move my hand through his hair holding onto it tight.
chris chuckles before finally obliging to my needs. his long finger slides through my pussy making me shiver. it felt so good.
"mmm oh yeah.." i moan in pleasure. chris moves his finger in and out while playing with my clit. "that feels so good oh.. faster" i breath out.
chris adds another finger and moves faster as he stares at me. i stare back at him with pleasure filling my eyes. my pussy tingling and clenching together as i could imagine my high. i was so close.
"oh shit! fuck! faster oh" i groan. chris scrapes his fingers on the inside of my pussy walls making my eyes roll to the back of my head. i feel my body start to shudder at the reaction that i was gonna cum any second.
"chris, im so close" i moan but before i could ride my high, chris pulls his fingers out. i shoot open my eyes which were filled with annoyance but also lust.
"what the fuck chris! i was so close" i groan out my frustrations. "i don't want you cumming just yet... i'm not finished with you yet." he whispers before guiding his dick down to my entrance— letting his dick rub my folds.
in the process of getting finger fucked, chris's dick got hard again just thinking about the fact that he was about to fuck her raw.
"mm" i say in response to feeling his hard cock rubbing up and down my pussy. my pussy was so fucking wet his dick could slip in at any moment.
"oh god you're so wet.. huh?" chris moans loudly before slowly settling his dick in the depression of my pussy. i nod in agreement and  as i urge for him to continue.
chris slowly pushes into my vagina, i gave an intake of breath as his cock parted my pussy gently. he slid inside of me, inch by inch.
god that feels so good but also big at the same time. chris pushes in a little bit more — a moan escaping his mouth. a few more inches in and i felt a slight resistance. i winced when chris tried to push further. he was so big.
chris noticed this and dropped a hand down to play with my clit. i moaned. chris captured my lips, mid moan chris took that as an opportunity to give a hard thrust into my pussy. his cock drowned in my pussy. past the resistance i groaned a little at the feel of it all. chris quickly pulled back.
"shit, are you okay?" he asks concerned. i nod my head in confirmation for him to continue. chris lands me a kiss and moves one hand to fondle my tits making me moan. i began to move underneath him, creating friction onto his dick — which made him move inside me.
chris began moving his hips, finding a good pace which started matching my movements. slowly he increased the speed of his thrusts. my breathing got choppier by the moment.
"oh shit y/n, you are so fucking tight..." chris moans as he pushes in and out of me. my pussy hugging at his dick as it felt really good.
"fuck, this feels so good!" i moan in pleasure, encouraging chris to go even faster.
at this point chris was pounding into my pussy. our bodies were mended together as i could feel my pussy walls tighten. this was literally the best feeling in the world.
chris places kisses all over my face as he continues pounding this pussy of mine. his hips thrusting at mine.
"chris oh fuck, harder!" i cry out. but instead of going harder chris pulls out quickly to lift my legs backwards towards my head. he puts his hand on either side of my thighs and motions me to hold them there as he wraps his hand around his dick — making sure to rub my pussy folds before pushing back in but this time a lot harder and faster.
chris replaces my hands with his that were on either side of my legs as he pounds his dick into me. "oh fuck! you feel so good baby" chris groans. his eyes travel and find mine making contact as he fucks me.
i start moaning uncontrollably as my pussy once again clenched around his cock. i was so close.
"fuck! shit! chris! oh god!" i sputter out different words. in my entire time of living i've never felt this good. my eyes shut close as my body shudders underneath of him.
"no! keep your eye's open.. i want you to continue watching me pound into your pussy.." chris breaths as he pounds even harder.. i open my eyes and do as he says. chris moves his hand down to my clit to pinch and rub back and forth.
"mm oh fuck yeah! baby your pussy feels so good" chris grunts leaning his head back clenching his eyes shut.
i whimper at the closeness of my release.
"shittt i'm so close.." chris moans. "me too, oh fuck.." i say moaning.
with that, any semblance that chris had left was gone. he quickly slowed down but before i could catch a breath, he rolled us to the side with his dick still in me. my back was against his chest and one leg was lifted, as he pulled his cock out but only for a second before he placed it near my entrance once again.
"fuck... you know what i'm gonna do? i'm gonna fuck this pussy so fucking hard, and ill make sure you won't be able to walk the next morning.." chris growls in my ear. my heart racing fast at the thought of that.
before i could say a word, chris started pounding into me. i gasped feeling the pressure implode against the inside of my walls.
"oh my god, yeah" i whisper in pleasure. chris let out a guttural moan as he pulled my hair, fucking me even harder and faster. i couldn't stop moaning as his cock slammed into me again and again. he grabbed my hand, motioning for me to hold my leg up as that hand went to my neck. placing me in a chokehold. oh fuck.
the feeling of chris's nine inches pounding into my pussy cavern, while pulling my hair and grabbing my neck was something i never thought i'd experience. but gosh did it feel amazing.
my moans did not stop whatsoever. his balls were slapping my ass, as chris continued pounding into me. i felt like i was going to explode. my eyes rolled to the back of my head as the feeling was getting too strong. chris bit my neck, squeezing his eyes shut. the pressure was building up.
"oh fuck, i'm gonna cum!" chris moans loudly. my body begins shaking as i couldn't contain my high. i was gonna cum at any second. "oh fuck!, cum inside me!.." i screamed in pleasure as i clench my pussy hard around his dick. "fill me up chris!.."
chris pounded into me one more time, so hard that i saw stars. "FUCK!" chris screamed pulling my hair and squeezing my tit at the same time.
"OH SHIT!" i moan so hard as i felt cum thrust into my pussy thrust after thrust creating a sensation that erupted my body into a deep state. i cummed so hard onto his dick.
i could feel the streams of semen inside my body. it felt so good that it almost hurt. chris didn't stop his movements. he thrusted into me hard, cum shooting in my pussy with each thrust. chris's moans turn into desperate pleasures.
our high's slowly came to an end, as our breathing began evening out. chris's hand wraps slowly around my stomach pulling me into his back. his dick  inside my vagina.
"holy... fuck.." chris whispers. a small smile plays out on my lips. i nod knowingly at what he was trying to say.
"are.. are you.. okay.." chris asks nervously.. i sigh. "i'm definitely more than okay.." i whisper.
chris kisses my cheek before slowly wrapping both his arms around my waist rolling me softly onto my back as he was on top of me.
chris pulls himself off of my body still from on top of me and lifts my chin to look at him. he bends his head down to give me a kiss. he lingers there for a few seconds before lifting his head again. this time he slowly glides his softening dick out of my pussy. i moan quietly as that felt good.
as he removes his dick from my pussy.. there pouring out of my vagina was cum. lots of cum.
chris looks down to see a puddle of it. "oh damn.." he blushes. "what?" i say moving my hand down to touch the area that was now wet for a different reason.. i felt the puddle of what my guess was cum. "damn chris!" i say surprised. "is it always this much?" i ask curiously as i look at the cum that i scooped up.
chris shakes his head.. "not really.." he says blushing even more before getting off the bed to grab the cloth he brought over earlier.
i lick some of the cum off my fingers as my curiosity takes over. out of the corner of my eye i notice chris staring at me. i lick the remaining cum off my hand and swallow it.
"fuck this shit, don't do that!" chris moans shaking his head. i smirk knowing exactly why.
chris gets back on the bed and using the washcloth to quickly clean both of us up before throwing it across the room and wrapping his arms around me pulling him to his chest with the blanket over us.
chris plants a kiss on my forehead before we both fall into a deep sleep.
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glitch-karma · 2 years
They flirt with you while drunk ;)
I only did characters I think would actually drink
Also some of them a slightly spicy so here ya go simps (Talking to myself.)
This is a semi-regular thing
"Y/n, belladonna, let's go back to my place~"
"Dazai.. PLEASE shut up."
At first, you thought it was sweet an cute; but now it's just something you have to deal with
Most of the time it ends with him falling asleep
But there's been a couple of times Kunikida has had to help you with him
Yosano convinced him to drink and unsurprisingly; He is a lightweight
He immediately got really goofy, startling you. Was this really Kunikida?
You tried helping him the best you could as he stumbled like a toddler and kept losing his own glasses
"Kida maybe you should sit down.."
He suddenly grabbed your hand and stared into your eyes
You were confused till you heard him mumble in a slur of words:
"You're stunning.. Have yous.. Always been this beautiful?"
All. Eyes. On. You.
You stared in shock as Kunikida still held your hand
After that, he passed out
You took him back to his apartment afterward
When he woke up the next morning and remembered what he said: he wanted to die.
Needless to say he apologized a million and one times
Yosano is usually very good at holding her liquor, but this time she went a tad bit overboard
She was wobbling a lot and kept grabbing onto your waist, which you thought was cute
You held her while she kept stuttering and hiccuping like a goof
It was the end of the night and you were helping her home
You reached her apartment and were about to leave when she grabbed you by the collar, and basically straddled you in bed
"Don't be going so soon darling.. hicc.. You're so gorgeous I could cut you up.."
You were about a million shades of red as she ran her hands up and down your thighs
She started pulling your hair, forcing you to look into her eyes
At this point, you were ready to let anything happen
Just as your lips were about to touch, she fell asleep.
You sat there in shock
"Damnit... I was just getting excited."
The next morning you both had a nice breakfast and forgot everything that happened
Chuuya regularly drinks and with you, a bit of flirting is inevitable from him
You usually entertain it cause he's cute trying to flirt
But sometimes he'll get a little spicy kick to his flirting
"Y/n.." "Yes, dear-"
He slammed you against the wall
You were in shock as he leaned his head into your hair
"You're mine.. Forever.."
You calmed down and you both hugged before you forced him to go to bed
Nikolai, when not doing things for doa, does drink occasionally
On those occasions he tends to mess with you and tease you more than usual
"My my, it's my beautiful darlinggg~"
Nikolai is already very clingy with you, but drunk? Oh boy
He is literally laying on top of you and constantly talking to you
He places kisses all over your face and trys to make you flustered
Usually by the end of the night you both fall asleep on top on one another
Although Ango's job at the special ops is more strict than the P.M, I'd like to imagine Ango still drinks occasionally: whether it be after a hard day or in Oda's memory
I feel like he'd be a lot more open, and a tad bit more emotional
Definitely would need a lot of hugs from you
I feel like he wouldn't really flirt, more like appreciate you like a god/goddess
There will definitely be cuddles and kisses
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onecantsimply · 1 year
drunk!husband x reader for Jack, Hermes, Hercules respectively when they had just a bit too much and then see their wife?
• I can imagine this man getting home with Ares helping him, and you’re just standing there with a blink. You were probably trying to eat a treat or drink tea until the door burst open, with Ares walking in after saying a small “excuse us.”
• He and Heracles were most likely drinking after a successful job, which must have been quite important if the two had the time to celebrate.
• Heracles really didn’t do much until you peeked over at him, and he saw you. Both of you blinked for a moment before he immediately had you in his arms, already confessing his love for you. Even if he was already your significant other. Married, too.
• Still, you of course accepted his confession, making him somehow slur his laugh. You may have heard him cry a little bit but you ain’t telling him until tomorrow morning- Even if you tried to pull away to get water for him, Heracles has clung to your begging for you to stay with him.
• How could you say no to that man when he was straight up begging?
• So, you stayed with him until he had fell asleep, and prepared some things that could sober him up. You placed some water by his desk, and placed the blanket over him before getting in bed with him again.
• He already had you in his grip again, hugging you as if you were a type of teddy bear. Yet, it seemed normal, so you had slept steadily and safely that night.
• The next day, you were helping Heracles sober up, teasing him about how he was while drunk. He seemed embarrassed about it, naturally.
𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℝ𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕣:
• He had come in with Hermes escorting him. Both males seemed drunk, but the God seemed to have more control than Jack did, surprisingly. You had quickly rushed over to see what the matter was until Jack had softly grabbed your hand, gently kissing it.
• He asked you to marry him, clearly not seeing the ring on your finger. Hermes never even got to explain anything, as he was already outside, and ready to go home.
• Back to you and Jack, you had arched an eyebrow, and told him of how you two were already married. He pulled the shocked Pikachu face before clinging onto you, thanking the Lord for sending you to him.
• You could only giggle at how he was before he looked at you with seemingly confused eyes. He then clung to you once more, now praising you and thanking you for marrying someone like him with teary eyes. However, before he could do anything other than hug you, you had him drink water.
• That seemed to sober him up enough, judging from how he was sitting by the table, keeping his hand over his head from the hangover that seemed to occur within his brain. He reeked of alcohol, and he didn’t like that-
• Yet, he felt amused when you had sat next to him, now explaining how he was while drunk. He now felt embarrassed, but had expressed how genuinely grateful he was for someone like you.
• He could only kiss your forehead before you told him to take a bath. He perked up immediately.
• He looked as if he had a very long day from taking care of Zeus. But however, it was just drinking with Jack. So while you were possibly reading a book, you heard the door shut and lock. Of course, you walked towards it to greet Hermes, but saw how the man looked.
• He definitely looked like he had been drinking. You could only help him get comfortable, in which he had thanked you for multiple times. He seemed to call you a Goddess for helping him, in which you had only smiled softly.
• That smile only reinforced his opinion on you. You are his Goddess, and shall always be.
• And so, while you had helped him get sobered up with some water, he had only gripped your hand, kissing it like how Gomez Addams called Morticia’s hand a dead fish.
• It was lovely until Hermes drank that water. The headache that came soon after was literally making him feel as if his head were pulsing. Of course, you helped the pain go away, in which he had thanked you for.
• He reminded himself to never drink again, in which he knew Jack would possibly agree in.
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
Just an Intern // Part 3
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pairing: austin x makeup artist!reader | word count: 8.7k-ish
warnings: angst, smut, FLUFF???, confusing arrogant asshole!austin, one bed, alcohol, hot tub 👀, fingering, play fighting, lots of dialogue, fries lore lol, truth or dare, name calling, physical altercation, yelling, screaming, crying, i am so sorry (but not really), 18+ MDNI
summary: while the set of Bikeriders remains buried under snow, you're imprisoned at the nearest ski lodge, in the last vacancy with none other than your arch nemesis. as the novelty of a packed resort wears off quickly, you find yourself on a drunken adventure led by an unexpected partner in crime... literally.
PART 1 | PART 2 | see my masterlist for all other fics ♡
vibes: just an intern spotify playlist ⛓️
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Let's cause a little trouble Oh, you make me feel so weak I bet you kiss your knuckles Right before they touch my cheek
But I've got my mind, made up this time 'Cause there's a menace in my bed
Can you see his silhouette?
A glaring white morning light lulled you from your slumber. You were so warm and comfortable…. too warm and comfortable. Your eyes shot open and your body stilled completely the minute you sensed a heavy arm that was wrapped around your waist and a body pressed against your backside.
What the fuck
Last night’s events raced through your mind, remembering your transgressions with the actor vividly, but the end was quite fuzzy. All you remembered was going to shower then coming out to a completely dark room with Austin sleeping at the far edge of the twin sized bed, facing away from you. Then you slipped into bed, turned the opposite direction and fell asleep.
How the fuck did you end up being little spoon to the man that told you he’d rather rot in hell than sleep next to you. You stared at the wooden wall, following each swirl as if it would give you the answer to get out from this death trap of impending doom. You decided to take the plunge and try to slip from his grasp. A slight sleepy groan rumbled behind you made your eyes squeeze shut, like you were expecting a bomb to go off.
You knew exactly the song and dance it would ensue – some furious accusation and an insult.
Much to your surprise you felt him freeze just as you did then try to escape quietly. The realization hit that he perhaps didn’t know you were awake either. I mean realistically what would he reprimand you for? He was wrapped around you, what was he going to claim? That you forced him to play big spoon?
You chose to keep your place, taking advantage of the predisposition that you were still asleep. Besides it would give you just a sliver of peace before you had to go back to his ‘Intern’. There was a slight tug of sheets, then a cold emptiness when he pulled from the mattress.
He let out another hushed grunt then, “Fuck.” He mumbled to himself silently. You curiously opened one eye to observe him. He rounded the bed going to the dresser, tapping his fingertips across the top like he was looking for something. His hand landed on a pair of black rimmed glasses you hadn’t noticed when you went to bed in the dark. You couldn’t help but prop up a subtle brow.
Wanting to savor this little secret you stumbled upon, you decided to ‘wake up’ giving a performative stretch before cocooning yourself in the duvet. “Glasses huh?” You held back a ‘caught ya’ smirk, then a stifled giggle when you noticed him jump a tiny bit at the surprise.
He turned at the startle and instantly rolled his eyes. He hadn’t been awake not even 5 minutes and he was already annoyed with you. “Yes, I wear glasses, big whoop.”
“Well, I just didn’t know.” You tugged your bottom lip in trying not to laugh at his obviously embarrassed reaction.
“There’s lots of things you don’t know about me, Intern.” He spat back, turning to the phone ringing – to the tune of… Burnin Love? by Elvis? You were learning more about this man than you cared to know. He snatched his phone so fast, before it even got to the ‘hunka hunka’. Another thing he was clearly embarrassed about.
“What’s up?” While he spoke into the phone you found yourself distracted by the muscular lines of his bare back, just then noticing he was shirtless. His skin was golden and was toned like a swimmer. You followed the curvatures of his body down to were they met small dimples in his lower back then disappeared into blue stripped pajama pants.
His evidently aggravated groan snapped you out of your expedition down his body.
“Fucking great.” Bringing his hand to both temples. “We’re still fucking snowed in. We’re stuck here until tomorrow at least.”
“I take it there are no other rooms available?”
“No Intern, obviously not, the roads are closed. Nobody can fucking leave.”
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You both went your separate ways and you couldn’t have been happier, finally getting a moment to breathe and relax. There was a tiny café within the resort that you hid in most of the day taking time to catch up on the book you had been neglecting. The snow outside continued to pile up with no end in sight. Your odds of escaping Austin weren’t looking very promising. While it was what you wanted, there was a part of you – the machoistic part of you – that didn’t want it to end, just yet.
Before you knew it, it was evening and you were trying to avoid the hotel room at all costs, not wanting to risk running into Austin. So, you found yourself at the same bar from the Landon incident yesterday. You pressed your palms against the bar ledge that was littered with your coworkers, including Landon out of the corner of your eye. He sent a chill up your spine, but he seemed distracted by some giggly extra.
“Vodka soda please.” You ordered from the rather attractive bar tender. Maybe you could end up in someone else’s bed that night, maybe it would stave off the remnants Austin’s touch left on you. Regardless you had a mission - getting fucking wasted. How else were you supposed to deal with the confusion clouding in your head?
About 2 vodka sodas in, an aggravated sigh came from your left, “You would be here.” Said the exact voice you were trying to elude.
“What the fuck does that mean?” You rolled your eyes turning to him. He wore a plain black shirt that hugged his toned arms, tight dark denim jeans and leather boots.
He shrugged, “You just would.” Evading the question. “I guess I don’t blame you, there’s nothing else open in here at night.”
“Exactly.” You agreed taking a sip of your third drink, sending a warmth through your veins, then down to your core at the sight of his skilled fingers wrapped around a half-drank bourbon on the rocks.
“Last call!” Boomed from the tattooed bar tender.
“What?” You questioned, surprised. You tapped your phone screen to wake the time, “What, it’s only 12?”
“Bar closes at 12 on Sundays.” The worker informed, beginning his closing duties by wiping down the counter.
“Augh.” Austin groaned easily downing the remainder of his drink and harshly landed it on the bar. Without another word he was already out the door, likely at one of the cast’s room parties that had been going on.
You were in no rush to be alone in a hotel room but after a stroll through an uneventful empty lobby you decided to call it a night.
Opening the door to your room you noticed something that had been hiding behind a curtain, a wide open door. Being under the impression that the actor would be in some room party, you hesitantly tiptoed across the room. Your mind ping-ponged between the possibilities.
Maybe a resident had found the wrong room
Maybe you found the wrong room
Maybe the door hadn’t been locked and was swung open by the vicious snowy winds
Maybe it was a ghost
Finally at the door you peered through it from the edge to find… a hot tub? The jetted pool sat on a wooden platform covered by the room above’s balcony. And there sat the asshole right in the middle with another full drink in his grasp.
“Where have you been!” The blonde called out in a playful tune, the alcohol evidently taken over his body. “Did you know we have a hot tub?” His voice almost excited.
“Uh…” The entire scene threw you completely off, you’d never so much as seen this man smile and now, he was lightly playing in the water. “Am I hallucinating or are you actually having a good time?”
“C’mon get in here.” He gestured to join him hurriedly, ignoring your question.
“Austin it’s fucking freezing, you’re insane.” You thought he was even crazier when you realized that he was shirtless, because what else would you wear in a jacuzzi. “I’m not getting in there.” Shaking your head vehemently.
“It’s warm in here c’mon.” His gestures even more exaggerated through the steam that brewed above the water.
You shifted from one foot to another and chewed on your lip weighing your options. What else were you going to do? And who were you to turn down a hot tub?
“Augh fine.” You huffed, peeling your shirt over your head and unzipping then dropping your jeans. A blast of cold wind hit your bare body, covered only in a bra and panties. Your arms immediately wrapped around yourself shivering as you shuffled across the wood slats and up the short stairs.
You let out a relieved sigh once your shoulders were below the warm water across from him. “You’re fucking crazy.”
He gave you his signature eye roll, “Loosen up will ya? You’re always so stiff.”
You couldn’t help but let out loud scoff, “Me? Nah, that’s all you Actor.”
He let a chuckle as he lulled his head back, his arms resting on the edge of the tub. “Yeah, I guess I could stand to loosen up a little.”
“That’s a fucking understatement.” The edges of your lips tied into a smile.
“Hey,” He furrowed his thick brows at you, his face only illuminated by the blue tone of the pool. “That’s not very nice.” A light flick of water propelled at you from his fingertips.
“Hey!” You dodged the attack, “That wasn’t very nice.” Splashing warm water back at him.
“Oh, I don’t think you wanna play this game, Intern.” He brows propped up throwing another wave of water at you.
“Oh, I think I do Actor.” Swimming diagonal from him giving you a new angle to battle him with a rush of water.
He feigned surprise, “You’re goin’ down.” Mimicking your actions, getting you good that time, soaking you completely.
A giggle left your mouth as you attempted to swim in the opposite direction splashing him back once more. You heard another foreign laugh from him matching yours. “No, you’re goin’ down buddy.”
In some miscalculation you ended up near him and mid splashing war you felt familiar sizable hands take hold of your waist pulling you into his lap.
What kinda twilight zone were you in when this menace was play fighting and giggling with you?
After the initial stun of the move, you caught your breath your eyes meeting his. The ebbing waves from the tub reflected into his aqua eyes, the ripples of the water seemed to swim in them.
Silence fell between you both as the laughter had dissipated and the only communication was in your stare. You tried to place his thoughts by analyzing his eyes. At that point you had gotten fairly good at reading him though this sight was new, and you had no clue at what was behind it.
His eyes flickered between yours and your lips, the proximity of him now very apparent. The scent of bourbon laid thick on his breath. Your own air lodged in your throat as you took in the sight of him. Under the glow of the moon, he looked so soft, a lens you’d never seen him through before. He was so exquisite like that - flushed rosy cheeks, drunken glossy eyes and all.
Your entire body froze when his lips met yours, his arms wrapping around your torso. Whether it was the alcohol, the moon or your genuine desire, something let yourself melt into it fully. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you deepened the kiss. You expected him to escalate it with his tongue the way he did before, but he didn’t, his lips just took yours in completely.
You decided to take the plunge and slide your tongue against his bottom lip asking for entrance and he complied. His hands slid up your sides pulling you closer and your hands tangled into the little curls at the nape of his neck. The entire experience was different than any other time you’d hooked up with him, it mirrored his current demeanor – soft, gentle. He wasn’t groping and squeezing like he normally did, he just held you as your tongues danced together.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and found a not surprising prominent bulge beneath you. A groan rumbled in his chest when you pressed your panty-covered warmth against his boxer-covered erection.
As you grinded against him, the feeling of his tip nudging your bundle made you so desperate to relieve the rampant buzzing in your core. It was making you weak and was distracting you from the kiss. You reluctantly pulled from his soft lips and fell onto his shoulder letting out tiny whimpers as he rocked his hips against you.
He pressed full kisses in the curvature of your neck causing a churning in your tummy that wasn’t arousal, but something different. Something familiar but you couldn’t quite place. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.” He mumbled into your shoulder, his voice deep and dripping in liquor.
A short breathy whimper involuntarily escaped you, “You think so?” Your inner voice taking no time in reprimanding you for seeking validation from such a douchebag. His names for you weren’t normally so kind, nevertheless a compliment.
“Mhm,” He hummed against your shoulder, his hand tangling in your hair as he peppered kisses across your skin. “The prettiest.” He whispered below your ear, unleashing a kaleidoscope of butterflies throughout your chest, your ribcage locking them in. You knew it was the alcohol talking but you clung to every word.
You were so needy for him that only small moans left your mouth, “Please Austin, I need your cock.” You breathed out, your heart beating so hard you thought it might pop out. Your hips rutted against his length the wet material of your panties allowing your lips to part around his shaft, teasing him with your entrance. “Please?” Exaggerating your whine.
He groaned at your actions, fingers harshly digging into your thighs. “No.” He said simply, his touch now gliding up your thighs, “Let me take care of you.”
His response took you by surprise, “W-what?” You stuttered but didn’t pull from him. A hand drew up your inner thigh, scorching the skin it passed, then fingers up your panties.
“Let me take care of you baby.” He repeated, his fingertips easily pulling your panties to the side and rolled the pads of his fingers around your clit. A gasp left your lips at the sudden pleasure.
“Fuck.” You faintly muttered against his neck and leaned into his touch. “Please. I need you.” Your right hand tugging at his hair and the left curling into his shoulder.
“I wanna try something, do you trust me?” He asked, the question throwing you off, both at what he could possibly be thinking and whether you knew the answer. It occurred to you that it was the second time he’d asked you that impossible question, the first time in the saloon on set. You wondered on what planet he was living on where he had given you any reason to trust him. If anything, he should be the last person on earth to trust. And yet, you lied, “Hm- Yes.” Curious to find out his idea.
He purred against your shoulder and gently lifted your hips off of him then placed you across his lap. With one hand he slid your panties down your legs and draped it over the edge of the pool. You held onto him by an arm around his neck as his hand slid up your thighs again and spread them wide.
The pads of his fingers once again found your core, rounding your swollen nub then down dipping into your entrance. “Fuck.” You breathed out as his digits curled into your sweet spot. You let him float you to the edge of the tub, it was unclear to you why until you felt the strong stream of water from one of the jets. A sharp gasp fell from your lips at the immediate pressure.
“Oh my god,” Your chest was heaving, and your nails dug into his back. While the jet took care of your clit, his fingers were taking care of your core, fucking you in a way you never thought fingers could. It was rhythmic like a choreographed dance, every pump into your pussy landed in a curl into your g-spot and you never knew you could feel so much pleasure from so many areas at once. Your heart was thumping in your throat with a tight knot in your stomach threatening you to unravel already. “Oh my god Austin.”
“I know baby, I know.” He continued his plight on your neck, trailing passionate kisses all over it. “Feels good doesn’t it?” He asked.
“Y-Yeah- Fuck.” You could barely hear him over the pounding in your ears. His little experiment with you was overriding every nerve, waves of tingling pleasure washing through you, even causing your toes to curl. “Fuck Aus, I’m close I’m so fucking close.” You whined, squeezing your eyes shut barely holding on to your sanity. The bliss was practically numbing your brain, every thought was him, only him. His eyes that could make you wet with just one look, his plump lips that stamped kisses all over you, his skilled tongue against your own and even better on your clit, the curve of his neck and collar bone where you’d place your own kisses, his agile hips that allowed him to drill his perfect fucking cock into you. Right then you could’ve sworn he was some Greek god from the insurmountable euphoria that possessed your body.
His mouth pulled your skin into a suck while his tongue swirled over the darkening spot. “Let it out baby c’mon, cum for me.” His deep voice rumbled against your neck. That and a perfectly synchronized hit of the jet stream on your throbbing bundle and his fingers curved into you, set off your climax. The height of your orgasm ripped through you so violently that your moans were completely silent – which you we’re grateful for because you knew your coworkers were just above you. Your nails dug into his shoulder and your thighs clamped around his hand and you heard him let out a sort of entertained chuckle. If you weren’t underwater your juices most definitely would’ve soaked his thigh completely.
Once fully spent, you fell limp on his chest, heavy breaths flowing into his neck, “Fuck.” You murmured. His arm curled around your waist, pulling you closer against him. The act was so intimate compared to… well any other interaction you’d had with him. He was always so cold and rigid, now he was tender and warm. You blinked up at him, his focus on the stars above you. Even his moonlit features were soft compared to his normal sharp edges. “You sure like to use water fixtures as sex toys huh.” You tugged a lip between your teeth hoping the joke would land.
He took a moment to respond, his brows scrunching together before looking down at you, “Huh?”
You let out a tiny giggle, “Because the faucet on set-“
“Oh oh, yeah!” He boomed a drunken laugh straight from deep in his chest, “Yeah, I guess I do.” Looking down at you, for a moment you couldn’t tell the difference between the stary midnight sky behind him and the twinkling navy in his eyes. “Did you not like it? Because it seemed like you did-“ His voice sounded almost insecure, as if he was worried about disappointing you. The hint of insecurity echoed the one from earlier in the hotel room, about his glasses.
“No, no I definitely do.” You laughed, pulling yourself up to wrap both arms around his neck, straddling him once again. “I’ve just never been with someone so… innovative.” Your lips pressed together to stifle a chuckle.
The joke earned you another hearty laugh from the glowing blonde, which made you realize you’d barely heard him laugh before, nonetheless smile. And right now, he was a grinning mess, and he hadn’t even cum. From the lack of stiffness beneath you it seemed that the alcohol had taken its toll. Under any other circumstances, if there was a more competitive game at play, you would’ve tried your hardest to return the favor. But he was giggly and touchy and the nicest you’d ever seen him, you didn’t want to cut it short, so you laid against his shoulder again just taking in his breathing.
“You’re pretty funny.” He said once he caught his breath from laughing.
“Yeah?” You blushed and a giant grin pulled at your lip’s edges, for some reason you felt embarrassed and hid further into his neck. “I’m glad you think so.” You whispered beneath his ear and molded your body further around his, taking advantage of his warmth. He reciprocated, wrapping you up in his arms.
Silence fell for what felt like an eternity and you thought for sure the moment was about to end, and this unicorn version of asshole actor would disappear. But he surprised you yet again.
“I’m hungry.” He stated simply, “I want fries.”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh, “What?”
“I want fries!” He repeated, matter-of-factly. “We should go get fries.”
“Austin, where the fuck are we gonna get fries? The kitchens are closed and it’s not like we can DoorDash in a snowstorm.” You stated the obvious, sitting up in his lap.
You watched the gears churning in his head as if it was a difficult equation before the most mischievous playful smirk spread across his face. Immediately you knew it couldn’t mean anything good. “Austin,” You warned, propping up a cautious eyebrow, “What are you thinking.”
He practically threw you off of him, landing you to be floating alone in what now seemed like a giant empty ocean without him in it. He scrambled quickly into the hotel room, dripping water across the carpet, only in some plaid boxers. Once the blur of the action caught up to you, you followed suit, nearly flying out of the tub into the freezing cold air. “What are you doing!” You called after him as he hastily dried off with a towel and changed into sweats and a hoodie faster than you’d ever seen anyone move.
The mischievous smile never left his face in his hurried actions and stayed focused on his mission. In that moment you realized you were now babysitting a drunken toddler. Like any good caretaker, you matched his speed but soon remembered your limited wardrobe choices. He was already halfway out the door and the only reasonably warm and accessible choices were another hoodie and pair of sweats from his duffle.
“Austin!” You first shouted loudly after him, stumbling out the door trying to slide fully into your sneakers. Then in a more hushed yell, not wanting to wake the entire lodge at 2 am. “Where are you going!”
“Fries!” He threw over his shoulder as he booked it down the stairs.
“Hey! Slow down!” Taking a moment to catch your breath before following him down the two flights of mahogany stairs. “You couldn’t have taken the elevator at least?”
Finally, you caught up to him, standing in front of the restaurant that hosted the rotating buffet during the day. You leaned over attempting to catch your breath gripping your chest, reminding you that maybe a weekly gym day wouldn’t hurt. “They’re clearly closed Aus.” You huffed out, gesturing your arm at the darkened restaurant. The way it was laid out was that the floor was open so the buffet serving areas and seating were open, but the kitchen was locked. He was bent over eyeing the lock. “You’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking, are you?”
“Hmmm.” He hummed and stood up to face you, he held his tongue between his lips as he seemed to analyze you, then reached into your damp hair and plucked out a bobby pin you had forgotten was in there. He went back to his crouched position, unfolding the metal accessory in his sizable hands.
“No no no.” You whispered, “Austin you’re gonna get us in trouble what are you doing!”
“I’m opening a door that we found, already open y/n, obviously.” He slid the pin into the keyhole and wiggled it around.
“Oh god you’re really doing this aren’t you.” You brought a hand to your temple.
It didn’t take long for the doorknob to click open, probably because the hotel didn’t think patrons would be breaking in. “Aha!” He proclaimed, flinging the door open and turning on the blinding overhead lights. Relief washed over you when you didn’t hear immediate alarms blaring.
“I fucking can’t believe you’re doing this.” You exasperated, dropping your arms at your sides, “You know there aren’t going to be just magically fresh fries right?”
“Relax Intern,” His mission stayed focused on pillaging the stainless-steel industrial kitchen for his desired snack. “I know what I’m doing.” Waving you off.
“Oh,” You placed both hands on your hips, “You break into kitchens often?”
He shot you an unimpressed look, “No, if you must know,” He somehow miraculously found the frozen fries. “I used to work in a kitchen, I know how to make some pretty fuckin’ dope fries.” He inspected the knobs of the deep fryer and clicked it to a high setting.
“Oh, you mean before you were just an actor?” You sassed, crossing your arms across your chest and popping out a hip.
He rolled his eyes at you, “Believe it or not I was once a struggling actor.” The fries sizzled in the oil when he dunked an obscene amount of into the appliance.
“Ah, I see the humbleness didn’t stick around.” You teased back, walking over to the wall and flipped off 3/4ths of the blinding fluorescent lights, leaving only the one’s above the counters.
He shot you another glare, “Keep talkin’ like that and ya aren’t gonna get any fries.”
You contemplated continuing your defiance but ultimately decided the midnight snack was more important. They were already in the fryer after all, might as well follow through.
He drew the fries from the oil, threw them into a giant silver bowl, and salted them like a pro, tossing them in the air and everything.
You ended up on the floor of the dark kitchen, sat across from him binging on the perfectly golden fries and a random wine bottle you’d found. For someone who was evidently wasted, they were beyond impressive. “Damn, you weren’t lying, these are so fucking good.” You complimented then shoved a handful of salty fries into your mouth. On a first date, you’d never eat like that in front of anyone, but this wasn’t a first date, this was a drunken adventure with an asshole.
“I told you.” He went for another fistful of salted potatoes. “I was the best damn line cook that surf and turf place had ever seen.” He sassed, waving a fry for extra attitude.
Your eyes rolled involuntarily, “You so would work at a surf and turf restaurant.”
He feigned insult with a dropped jaw, “What is that supposed to mean!”
You giggled and shrugged, taking a sip from the wine bottle. “You just give that typa vibe.” You teased, covering your mouth to hide the chuckle that threatened to erupt.
“Well, that’s not very nice.” He picked up a fry and tossing it at you. He shot a smirk at you then stole the wine bottle, taking a long swig. His plump lips molded around the bottle opening, his adam’s apple bobbed with his swallow.
You gasped, “You’re not very nice.” You plucked a fry from the heap and hurled it back at him. His gaze turned to a playful one, moving slowly to the bowl scooping a bundle of fries and heaving them at you.
“You’re a fucking child you know that?” Your tone serious but gasping an equal bit of fries while he was focused on your expression, throwing it right back at him. First the water fight and now this? Who the fuck abducted Actor and who was sitting across from you?
“Oh, you’re gonna pay for that.” He sat up on his knees, taking a fistful of your improvised dinner and aimed a bit too close to your face. Your hands immediately covered your eyes, “Ow!” You whined, sitting back on your legs, “You hit my eye!”
Instantly you heard him move the bowl and wine out of the way to cross the gap between you. “Oh my god I’m so sorry.” The hands that normally had been so rough on you, now delicately holding onto your wrists.
“It really hurts.” You whimpered, not moving your hands from your face.
“I didn’t mean to y/n, I swear.” He said softly then gently tugging at your hands. “C’mon let me see, we can wash out your eyes or something.”
A mischievous smirk spread across your lips beneath your hands, taking the fries that landed on you and smushing them into his chest. “Ha! I gotcha!”
Utter shock softened his face once he realized he’d been played. “That’s not fucking funny, I thought I- that I had-“ He struggled to find his words amidst the swirl of competitiveness and deception. It seemed as though his thoughts had halted as he watched your expression. The silence bounding around the industrial kitchen was haunting, unsure as to whether he was actually upset or if he would counter your move.
While you were attempting to decipher his motives, he abruptly took your cheeks into his large hands and pulled you into a kiss. The way his lips felt pressed against yours sent flutters down into your tummy, but they were different than the usual flurries of desire he gave you, these almost made you sick.
It took no time for your own hands to find a home tangled his hair. He inched forward indicating that he wanted you to lay back and you obeyed the silent request, slowly leaning back to land flat against the thankfully freshly mopped floor.
The kiss was tender, not hungry or ravenous, not even pushing to enter your mouth. In that moment, he wasn’t looking for anything more than that.
Your lips stayed locked for what seemed like a lifetime. A part of you almost grew uncomfortable at the intimacy, reflexively wanting to deepen the kiss. That’s all he’d ever wanted before after all, wasn’t it? You’d never had just a kiss before, with no ulterior motives. Why would he?
So, you wanted to fast forward to the part you knew was coming, not wanting to linger in a meaningless moment longer than necessary. You couldn’t afford to hold onto a fantasy, nor did you want to. But every muscle in your body ceased to function. His hands held your face and drew the pads of his thumbs across your cheekbones gently while your fingers traveled through his hair like a maze.
He was the exactly that - a maze, a human embodiment of one. You followed each path of his thinking you figured the way out, only to find you had no idea what you were doing or where you were going. You were trapped within an impossible labyrinth you never meant to enter.
His lips struggled to demagnetize from yours and hovered above your face. His navy eyes swirled reluctance, seemingly lost in some maze of his own. “I uh-“ He sat back on his legs, scratching the back of his head and eyes diverting from you. “We should probably head back to the room.”
And just like that, you reached another dead end in his labyrinth.
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When you woke the next morning, the bed was empty. At first it took you by surprise, then a pit formed in your stomach. It was naïve of you to think that your drunken adventures with a rare Austin would change anything, foolish to think that version of him would stick around in the sober daylight. You wanted so badly to believe that wasn’t the truth, but you knew it was.
It dawned on you, why did that pit even form? This was the shithead that tormented you at work, treated you like shit and called you insufferable. In what twisted reality should you be sad that the illusion of a decent human fueled by alcohol didn’t stay for breakfast. At what point did you decide you wanted that version of him to stay? That’s not really what you want, was it? Of course not.
You brought your palms and pressed them into your eyes in a feeble attempt to clear out the thoughts swirling in your head. In a swift fling of the thick bedding, you unglued yourself from the bed, shuffling over to the window to check on the snow status. Thick snow still coated every surface, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as before, which meant that you’d probably be freed from this prison in the next day or two.
“Thank fucking god.” You mumbled to yourself, instinctively tucking your arms into your sides when you felt a chill. It was only then that you realized that you were still wearing his clothes. For whatever reason, you did a quick scan of the room as if someone would see you pulling up the collar of the hoodie taking an inhale. It smelled like him mingled with his cologne, a woodsy musk. You mentally scolded yourself when the tinge of longing filled your chest. Why the fuck would you miss him?
Then the memory of you sitting with him on the kitchen floor flashed across your mind pulling a giddy grin across your lips. “Fucking stop it.” Smacking your palm into your forehead. You shook your head trying to shake out whatever fucked up disease had taken over your mind, that was the only explanation for what you were feeling. The best way you could think of trying to remedy this ailment of yours was to take a long, hot shower. Maybe it’d wash it all away.
Once in the bathroom you let out a groan when you noticed all the towels were used and thrown about. “Fucking men.”
You headed down to the lobby and got the attention of a clerk. “Hi sorry to bother you but could I possibly get some more towels?”
“Sure of course! It’s no bother sweetie.” The middle-aged attendant sweetly smiled before heading into the back office.
She returned with a tower of fresh white towels. “There you go hon.” Placing them on the granite counter in front of you, “Your boyfriend use ‘em all?” She questioned in a joking tone.
You reflexively scoffed, “He’s definitely not my boyfriend.”
“Hm.” She pressed her lips together as if she had more to say but didn’t want to divulge.
“What?” You asked curiously, raising an eyebrow at her.
“Well it’s just- well I remembered you both from the night the snowstorm first hit so-“ She seemed to be trying to piece together some pieces of a puzzle in her head.
“…Mhm?” You urged on curious as to where this could possibly be going.
“So, when we had a vacancy open up yesterday, we called and asked him if he wanted to take it.” You knitted your brows together as you now tried to piece together the puzzle. “And well… he declined. So, I just assumed…”
“He turned down a room to himself?” You repeated for clarification, which was met with a timid nod, obviously feeling guilty for sharing personal information. “I uh, I have to go.” You stated shortly, snatching the tower of towels, “Thank you so much!” You thanked while you quickly made it back to the room.
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After your much needed long, hot shower you decided to roam the all-inclusive resort. The only perk of being there was that there was decent amount of things to do during the day. From bars to in house casinos, arcades, spas, even a bowling alley. While you told yourself it was because you were bored, in the pit of your tummy there was a part of you that hoped you’d bump into your…enemy?
You wandered around the wooden halls of the resort with a pamphlet of all your options. Each corridor, room and lobby were decorated in typical lodge décor, animal heads on the wall, buffalo print everything, luxurious fireplaces. Everything except the deer heads was stunning, if you visited under different circumstances the mini vacation would’ve been a tranquil little getaway.
Since Austin supposedly hated you, Landon was a creep and Tom had his own friend group, you were alone. There was a door at the very end of the hallway that intrigued you. Once you peered in you saw a much cozier den-style bar, a huge square sectional couch facing a stone fireplace. On the opposite a very quaint bar. As you scanned the room for possible acquaintances you landed on a group of familiar faces.
“Y/N!” Called Tom, “You’re just in time. We’re just about to play truth or dare!”
What we were in 6th grade?
You locked eyes with your resident tormentor, because of course he’d be there. There was a split second where you thought things would be different after last night but when he gave you a warning look to decline the game offer, you knew it was a pipe dream. That gentle, playful man from the hot tub and the kitchen was gone, just like that. Then, the hatred you’d always felt before piped back into you, like a coffee pot filling with molten hot caffeine. Keeping eye contact with him the edges of your lips curled into a cocky smile, “Sounds great.” You sauntered over to the place next to Tom that faced opposite of Austin.
A few rounds of the game ensued, nothing too juicy at first but the game soon heated up when the group had downed a fair number of drinks. It was a stagehand’s turn to dare Austin. The brunette male, who had been working near many of your interactions together, gave him a playful smirk, “I dare you…” His eyes landed on you, “To make out with y/n.”
How fucking juvenile
You weren’t sure why the absolute jarring panic settled into your stomach, but Austin’s expression of immediate disgust didn’t help.
“I’m not doing that.” He said sternly, his tone oddly irritated.
“Oh, c’mon dude, it’s just a kiss.” The stagehand, Ryan, prodded jokingly.
“No. I’m not fucking doing it, give me a truth.” His brows low and knitted, eyes dark and mean.
“Fine.” Ryan, clearly annoyed and drunk, matched his unnecessarily angry tone, “Have you fucked the intern?” The question hushed every person around the fireplace, an uneasy tension filled in the air.
Blood rushed to Austin’s face and a vein pulsed in his forehead. He was trying to restrain his anger, squeezing his fists to stave it off. Your own steaming coffee pot was on the verge of overflowing.
Whether it was the tequila or something else that fueled you was unclear but you balled up your own fists, and before you could stop yourself, the words flew out, “I’m not a fucking intern!” You boomed out louder than intended and shooting you straight up on your feet.
Austin rolled his eyes, sharply pushing off from the couch, “I’m fuckin’ outta here.” He scoffed, headed for the doorway.
“Answer the question you fuckin’ pussy!” Called a way too far gone Ryan. “We already know the answer.” He added in a cocky snide.
Any sinister look you’d ever seen on Austin didn’t compare to the one that bore into Ryan. You were surprised his fist wasn’t bashed into his face already, if there weren’t so many witnesses he probably would’ve been pummeled to a mush.
 “Let’s get this fucking straight.” He hissed, his eyes locked on Ryan, never once glancing at you, like you weren’t even in the room. “I have never and will never put my hands on such a low budget, low level, filthy whore nobody of an Intern.”
Your jaw nearly hit the floor at his words, a consequential dagger speared right through your intestines. You knew he hated you, he called you insufferable. You knew he hated you, you knew it even after last night, but you never expected him to say such vile words about you. A lump formed in your throat and tears welled in your eyes, but you couldn’t cry there – not in front of all your coworkers, not after being completely and utterly humiliated. Every ounce of alcohol in your bloodstream fueled your stomp over to him and didn’t even realize what you had done until you felt your palm stinging like a bitch from landing on his face. His hand instantly reaching to cover his newly red cheek from your slap, his eyes wide in disbelief, then narrowed with furious realization.
“Fuck you,” You attempted to hide the quiver in your voice, “You fucking rotten, disgusting, repulsive human being.” Your teeth clenched, you knew your little outburst could very well get you fired but there was too much rage and liquor in your body to care.
He did nothing, not a brow raise, not a twist in his face, nothing. Perhaps he’d never had someone talk back to him like that. Without further explanation he just pushed past you, knocking your shoulder back with his weight. The gravity of what just happened settled into your chest, having such a cruel intimate moment in front of all your colleagues was probably the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you. Something you’d never be able to forget, something you could never forgive. Blood rushed to your cheeks as you felt all eyes on you and your heart began to race feeling the purest form of ‘flight’ mode you’d ever had in your life.
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When you escaped there was no sign of Austin in sight. You knew he had to have gone back to the room, hopefully to pack his shit and leave. And if he wasn’t then you would, even if you had to beg to stay in someone’s room. All the way up the elevator your heart thumped against your rib cage, shaking out your hands and taking deep breaths mentally preparing yourself for confrontation.
You unlocked the door and found him standing there, looking like he got there just before you did. The anxiety of the confrontation dissipated the moment you laid eyes on his hardened face. “Get out.” You stated harshly, brushing past him yourself mimicking his actions from before.
“Intern there’s nowhere for me to fucking go.” His voice already raised and ready for battle, “I’m not fucking happy about it either but-“
Your brows scrunched together downwards, steam practically pouring from your ears. “You’re a liar! A filthy fucking liar! Get. Out.”
“What the fuck are you talking about? I’m not lying-“ He began but his incessant voice was driving you more livid by the minute.
“I know about the fucking vacant room Austin.” You growled, using his name and not Actor to let him know how serious you were. Just from how he opened his mouth to speak you could tell he was about to lie again so you beat him to it. “The front desk lady told me. Tell me Austin, if you hate me so goddamn much then why didn’t you just take the room? To fuck with me? To take me on some stupid drunken adventure to trick me into thinking you actually have a heart?”
He stayed silent, which only made you angrier. You just called him out on his bullshit, and he couldn’t even react. “Actually no, you know what? I’m the fucking liar. Because out there I called you a human being, but you’re too fucked up to be a human, you’re a fucking cockroach – I try to stomp you out but you keep fucking coming back.” When the words left there was an immediate sense of release, everything that had built up in your system spilled out.
“Oh, I’m a cockroach? If I’m such a cockroach, then why do you keep coming back for more huh?” He hissed, his arrogant scrunched face pissed you off even more. He had no right to talk to you like that after what he did. “I didn’t hear you complaining when I was making you cum.” Purposely using jarring sexual defenses to hurt you.
You thought lava was about to start seeping through your skin, what made it worse was that you didn’t have an answer. “Augh!” You grunted, pacing in a short lap, your fingers curling around air. “You are so fucking infuriatingly heartless it’s nauseating!”
He scoffed, “Well, I may be heartless, but you’re fucking naïve.” He snarled. “Naïve to think I would ever actually enjoy your company outside of your body.”
Your jaw dropped, tears pricked your eyes again realizing how senseless you were to have thought he was anything else but the arrogant, cruel man you met that first day on set. The building rage turned your tears into a terrifying laugh, “Oh, my body huh? That’s funny because out there you said you’d never touch me, when in there” Pointing to the back door leading to the hot tub, “You touched me with nothing in return for you. You were the one who wanted to ‘take care of me’, you held me, you called me pretty!” The ending sounding so pathetic, instantly regretting the vulnerability knowing it would be used as ammo.
He cackled, “Oh c’mon Intern you can’t be serious, nobody ever taught you not to believe the things men say when they’re drunk? It didn’t mean anything, I was drunk, I lied.”
The words sliced like blades and every ounce of restraint drained from your body. “You are by far the worst person I’ve ever had the disgrace of knowing. I wish I never fucking met you. If I could go back in time, I would turn down my apprenticeship. My apprenticeship, because I’m not and have never been a fucking intern!” Your voice raised into a yell, “I would throw away my entire career if it meant I could avoid ever crossing paths with you.”
A few moments passed and he was still there, silent and blank. You couldn’t read him at all, if he was angry or sad or insulted. He could’ve easily turned it on you, but he didn’t. He just stared at you.
Everything from the first day on set to the day of the snowstorm, yesterday and everything in between, compounded in your mind. Every insult, every backhanded comment, every accusation replayed in your head. No one had ever made you feel as low and as shitty as he did. The lump from before reclaimed its place in your throat and tears began to pool in your eyes, finally needing real answers. “Why do you treat me like this huh? Why do you say the horrible things you say to me? Call me all the vile names you do? What did I ever fucking do to you?” While you were holding back tears your voice remained furious and combative. “Why do you fucking hate me!”
His brows furrowed and his sharp jaw noticeably clenched, “You’re just fucking infuriating and annoying and it- it just drives me fucking insane!”
“What does! What the fuck do I do that bothers you so fucking much!” You nearly screamed out.
“You- just-“ He was grasping at straws, “No matter how much I try to hate you I fucking can’t!” His words darted from his tongue faster than he had time to process. His widened eyes gave away how much he regretted his slip up.
“W-What?” You stuttered out confused, that being the last thing you expected him to say. The rapid thumping of your heart accelerated, allowing only short breaths and you even felt a little lightheaded. You were overloaded, angry, confused, hurt, heartbroken, embarrassed. The small bit of control you had left was gone and the tears made their full appearance.
The minute he noticed the tears streaming down your face, Austin’s twisted face softened right before your eyes, even softer than the night before. “I-“ He stepped towards you but you immediately winced and recoiled from him.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You cried out wiping the tears from your face in an attempt to halt them.
In true Austin fashion, he didn’t listen, and his hands found your own on your cheeks. In an even stranger turn of events, he leaned down and placed a long kiss on your lips. Then he gently pulled your hands from your face, you looked up at him with watery puzzled eyes. You instinctively smacked his arm to push him away, but his strong arm didn’t budge.
He cupped your cheeks in his hands and placed a tender kiss under each stream of tears. “I’m sorry.” He said quietly after each kiss. Every single action he did was like a twisted turn on rickety rollercoaster ride. He returned to your lips, pressed another kiss followed with, “I’m sorry.” He whispered, an extra pillowy light kiss, “I’m sorry.” He repeated, another kiss, another apology. He trailed his lips down to just below your ear, stamping additional kiss there, “I’m sorry.”
Your breath hitched in your throat as he pressed another sloppy kiss below your ear, “I’m sorry.” No matter how furious you were didn’t stop the butterflies in your tummy. A longer, sloppier kiss further down your neck with a raspy, “I’m sorry.” Sent a buzzing through your chest and directly to your hips.
Maybe it was the same for you, no matter what horrible things he did or said to you, no matter how much you tried to convince yourself you hated him, you couldn’t. Maybe you were just as fucked up as he was.
“I’m sorry, let me show you how much.” He muttered against your skin, his fingers delicately smoothing down your sides like he was plucking a harp.
The shift from abhorrent to sweet gave you whiplash, not knowing which one was genuine. You squeezed your eyes shut, forcing any tears out, the salty liquid dripping off your chin. “Austin, I can’t.” You breathed out, the panic attack-like heaving never left. “Austin, you literally just humiliated me in front of everyone. You called me a filthy whore nobody, in front of everyone.” Reluctantly pulling from his grasp. His once venomous eyes now soft and apologetic, but that’s exactly what he did wasn’t it? He’d wrap you back in his hold like prey, constrict you until you were blue in the face, still hypnotizing you with snake eyes. You were a rat and he a cobra trapped in a 10 gallon tank, and he was still convincing you that he wasn’t trying to consume you whole. “I just can’t. I just- I respect myself too much. And I need you to go. I need to be alone.”
He stepped towards you once more, his fingertips ran down the back of your arms reaching your hands, taking them tenderly into his. “I’m so sorry y/n. I won’t do it again. I promise.” He bargained in a tone so quiet you’d think he was paranoid of people hearing him from behind the walls. “I’ll never talk like that ever, ever again.”
“Austin, I don’t know what you want from me.” You slipped from his hands, “But there won’t be another ‘again’. You were right the other day on set, this shouldn’t have happened.” Your voice cracked, “I need you to leave. Now.”  
His look faltered, a look you’d only ever seen on the faces of defeated Olympians. “Okay.” He said lowly, stepping forward and cupping your face then pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. His misty blue eyes looked down at you, “If you ever wanna cash in that apology, you know where to find me.”
Without another word he gathered his things and left to find the other room. The minute he was out the door, every emotion you had suppressed from the event took over. You doubled over gripping onto your stomach as you heaved, rivers of tears pouring from your eyes. Tight twists and knots wrapped around your abdomen, constricting you like the snake he was.
You stumbled to the bed and fell in it, wrapping the sheets around you and like a 15-year-old with their first heartbreak, you wailed into the pillow. You never felt so worthless, so pathetic, so stupid. You were so fucking stupid for letting him slither his way into you the way he did. How could anyone talk about someone like that? Someone who just last night was so sweet and gentle with you. Someone who said they didn’t mean any of it but then wanted to apologize so tenderly?
It made you sick to think how you let such evil into your body. You weren’t even able to say that you missed the red flags, you didn’t, you saw them clearly and raced past them. He showed you exactly who he was, and still let yourself believe he was something he wasn’t.
Yeah, your house was now haunted, but you were the one who invited the demon in.
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taglist: @lindszeppelin @steph-speaks @sagesolsticewrites @presleysdarling @purejasmine @slowsweetlove @powerofelvis @pennyroyalcreep @navsblog @eliseinmemphis @cryingabtab @ab4eva @samfangirls @julie181 @ccab @denised916 @katelswan @amaliking @michellelv @butlersluvbot @coloradohighs @rairaielv @centaine @babyminghao @h3ll0k1tt9 @tchalametishot @austinbutlerinleather @softsatnin @lillypink @babyhoneypresley @richardslady121 @emmymaehereeeeee @18lkpeters @rairaielv
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If you'd like to be tagged in a potential Part 4 please comment 💗
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author notes:
thank you all SO much for all the love and support on this story, it has truly been overwhelming. i know my numbers aren't as big as others but they're big to me - appreciate EVERY comment, message, ask, etc. i love you guys so much - i never expected this fic to get that much attention so again, thank you xx
if you enjoyed this story/my writing pls consider giving my main fic, Forever Winter, a read - if you like angsty sad smutty you’ll probably like it lol
also pls consider giving this a like, comment or reblog ♡
576 notes · View notes
sunnyfoxsstuff · 24 days
Hello! Hi! Im quite happy tonight lol between @shadowfuka here's the draw of Ghost shi qingxuan!
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Be the judge buddy >;p i hope y'all like this little Fanart i made of my own fanfic! With that imma hop onto the fanfic!
Chapter 4: meeting again
Xie lian, hua cheng and shi qingxuan all shared their deserved diner
After this they went to sleep, hua cheng and xie lian sharing the same bed again it obviously became an habit while on the other hand shi qingxuan was in the guest room however he could not find sleep imediatly so he stared mostly outside looking at the nature around and falling asleep beside's the stair's of the front of puqi shrine,
In the morning the Sun ray's woked shi qingxuan up he wasnt really hungry but he decided to prepare breakfast for xie lian and hua cheng he wasnt expecting any special reaction about it from hua cheng he was more doing it for his friend as a part of pay back for his past help he had offered, not too long After xie lian woke up walking toward's the kitchen to shi qingxuan
XL:"i could've made breakfast y'know you dont need to work or do chore's around" he said feeling a bit awkward
SQX:"pff-" waving his hand "dont worry about it and i wanted to Cook breakfast since you two were still asleep i didnt wanted to bother" he said smiling looking for a minute at his friend before putting his attention back on the food he was cooking
XL:"how-..how does it feel?"
SQX:"huh?" Confused by the question his Friend had just asked
XL:"like uh- yknow? Dying and being a Ghost like- how did it felt? How do you feel?" He said smiling awkwardly
SQX:"since when did you figure it out? But i suppose i cant really hide it well yet, and didnt you asked hua cheng that? He's a Ghost even better he's a Ghost king" he say's joyfull as his usual self extending his arm's up making dramatising gestures
XL:"no i didnt asked him i usually dont it feel's kind of awkward and personnal to Ask someone 'bout their death" fidgeting with his finger's looking down a little
SQX:"hm well i suppose i could tell you, however my death wasnt really tragic unlike other people's that either die saving someone or on war or protecting someone you should know you said it yourself that i was sick gotta admit it felt like torture staying back there sitting and not being able to properly digest my food like literally! I couldnt even move!" He say's a bit annoyed about it "i was already slow because of my limbs which by the way dont really hurt anymore cant deny the pain is still a tiny bit present i dont know why or how so i keep the bandage's just incase who know's but as for my death, first my injuries were pretty Bad and barely had even healed of course and seccond i suppose the illness got me.." he said pausing for minute
A silence fell for a little while, while these minute's xie lian was preparing the bowl's for their breakfast seeing that shi qingxuan was almost done
XL:"i wish i had came back and picked you up" he said with a sad tone
SQX:"naaaa! I didnt even feel my death i just closed my eye's one morning After waking up and..poof! I was a soul!" He say's with a brighter tone bringing the rice and putting some in each bowl's not really filling his enough
XL:"sooo you didnt feel anything?" Tilting his head
SQX"nope! Not even a pinch!" Saying proudly putting the vegetables on the rice with an omelette
XL:"why did you became a Ghost then? You're not one to want vengeance and your brother is-" he shutted his mouth before saying one more word
SQX:"yeah well i thought i would pass on After all there was nothing else to do but,.." he paused thinking about that moment for a minute until he got snapped out of his thought's
XL:"but?" He said looking at shi qingxuan who's smile had wore off because of his thought's
SQX:"i saw a black silhouette looking at me with golden eye's" he say's seriously "you're probably thinking i imagined it but i didnt" he stopped seeing xie lian wanting to speak and without loosing a second he exclaimed what he was thinking
XL:"wait! So you're saying, black water sinking ship"
XL:"the one that traumatised you and killed your brother!," he exclaimed louder
SQX:"yeeesssssss i mean my brother was kinda going insane obviously but i still love him of course he'll always stay my ge'" he answered
XL:"why would that one person Come see you it's odd" he paused thinking with his usual thinking pose while hearing hua cheng waking and sitting at the table too and shi qingxuan starting to munch on his food
HC:"it doesnt look like what you usually Cook gege" he said looking at xie lian snapping him out of his hard thinking
XL:"oh!- yes, that's because i didnt made it shi qingxuan did he didnt wanted to bother us since he woke up before us" smiling at hua cheng finally taking the bowl and eating it without any more word's hua cheng on the other hand looked like a kid a picky eater toying a bit with his vegetables even so he still ate a little bit of it since xie lian seemed to appreciate the food
However soon enough hua cheng felt a stare and looked in the direction of shi qingxuan raising an eyebrow looking at his bowl seeing that he was empty, he tried to ignore the stare of this..New ghost but he couldnt shake it off and put down his chopsticks turning his head to shi qingxuan which had now a side smile and he started glaring back, not giving up shi qingxuan continued his stare and with that they continued their stare glare fight while sometimes breaking it to answer xie lian
In the morning shi qingxuan went off in the forest wanting to explore while hua cheng insisted that xie lian stay's and pass Time together, soon the afternoon came shi qingxuan was coming back while hua cheng was displeased with the presence of a so said 'ghost king' he looked more like a angry fish to hua cheng's eye's, xie lian however tried to make him at home but he'd refuse to enter puqi shrine as to not get more debt from hua cheng
Hua cheng and he xuan were kinda bickering seeing who would Snap at who first like a competition, when suddenly someone got Heard from a far sounding like as if they were running back
SQX:"your highness look what i got!-" he'd exclaim happily to then stop straight infront the three of them seeing he xuan up close again made him feel, fear, with a mix of a bit of happiness and didnt quite know how to act
Xie lian came toward's his friend continuing his talk "what is it what you got?" He answered as if to change his thought's
Shi qingxuan looked at xie lian for a little and then openned outer robe a bit a little white bird peeking his head out
XL:"he look's adorable! You shouldnt take animal's like that though he's a wild bird!"
SQX:"i do what i want" saying proudly "beside's he's the one that came on my shoulder he was cold so i putted him in there" petting the bird's head
He xuan just observed he didnt know why hua cheng asked him to come and seeing qingxuan standing right there wasnt feeling right, he was sure to have seen him die that day, that morning
Suddenly hua cheng coughed a little bit only to bring the attention to him "he xuan i asked you to come because thi- his highness's 'friend'. Wanted to see you dont make me do it twice." He said with a strict tone grabbing xie lian bringing him inside not wanting to deal anymore with these two he had already beared shi qingxuan's presence long enough he had even dared to cook breakfast instead of his highness saying that he was pissed would be an understatement
Both of the ghost's stared at the door that had been slammed shut right infront their nose, they both felt awkward not knowing how to start the conversation something qingxuan was usually good at, for once he xuan started talking first
HX:"so you're not dead?" Talking with the same monotone tone as before
SQX:"actually- i am-" he answered awkwardly fidgeting with his finger's
HX:"qingxuan" he sighed crossing his arm's "why are you here dont tell me it was to see me because as far as i can tell your body is against being near me." He said coldly not looking away
and he wasnt wrong qingxuan's hand's were horribly shaking he still tried to hide it by putting his hand's behind his back and smile a forcefull smile he didnt know why he couldnt just smile right now, "well i thooought we could probably start over? Our friendship, i wanna get to know you" he exclaimed with a bit of a shaky voice
HX:"sure." Still cold still monotone no change's "but i dont recall you having a home"
SQX:"i'll build my own house we could share it!-" he said determined and bold while the bird flew off back into the wild where he belong
He xuan take a sigh before walking off with an instant shi qingxuan was right behind him following
SQX:"he xuan where are you goooiiiiing!? Wait for me!" His bad leg betraying right on that moment falling face flat down on the dirt
He xuan stopped and looked back amused at the sight but keeping a neutral face, walking back toward him handing out a hand as to help him get up shi qingxuan accepted the help of course a bit embarrassed about falling down like toddler that barely knew how to walk
HX:"your leg isnt healed isnt it?" Looking down at the Bad leg that qingxuan was keeping up
SQX:"uhm, well it depend on the time sometime's it does hurt sometime's it doesnt" he answered to then saying lowly "i didnt thought it would hurt right now, its embarrassing it was fine until now"
HX:"you Can walk or do you need a stick?" He raised an eyebrow looking at him
SQX:"i'd rather die than keep a walking stick by my side!" He exclaimed with a pouting face
HX:"..you are already dead idiot" slapping gently qingxuan's back head
After a little while of fighting and chatting which was as usual only qingxuan talking he xuan made a teleportation array to a nice spot and offered qingxuan to live in a small but big enough house that had been abandonned there,
He wasnt much of a builder so he agreed and so their journey together started.
Imma stop here i feel like i wrote longer than usual! However i loved writing this chapter my creativity just kept flowing lol x)
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scarletwinterxx · 8 months
and you knew what it was, he is in love - doyoung scenario
hiiii ~ i'm a mess right now and i literally cried while writing this for no reason at all😭😅 also, requests are noted just give me some time🥺😊 for now here's a cute doyoung scenario, hope you like it!!!
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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There's this phrase from a book you've read a long time ago that stuck with you, somewhere along the lines "I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once".
That's exactly how you would describe the way you fell in love with him. Little by little, like you were floating away then all at once you realized he's the one.
It's all the little things he did and still does that makes your heart flutter. How attentive he is, he knows when you're in the room shooting you a smile and saving a seat right beside him.
He'd tell you stories and ask you about your day. He asked about all the things you liked hoping he could one day be a part of that list.
He remembers you love your iced coffee in the morning so for you he'd get up early even though he's not a morning person. It doesn't matter though, not when you smile at him so brightly you might as well replace the sun as the center of his universe.
He pays attention to you, even when you don't know it. You always forget to bring a hair tie, so a lot of times you have to brush your hair away from your face sometimes he does it too. An action so simple yet it was enough to leave you a blushing mess.
Then one day just another day of you forgetting to bring your hair tie, but before you could brush your hair back he holds you by the shoulders making you stand in front of him. He gathers all of your hair with one hand and gets the tie with the other, he watched so many video tutorials on how to do this but he's still so nervous afraid that he might hurt you. But then you turned to face him with a confused but amused look on your face.
"Where'd you learn how to do that and where did you get the hair tie?" you asked
"I got it at the convenience store the other day, I got like a bunch of them for you. As for the learning, I'll you some other time"
You blinked at him, there it was again that thumping on your chest you get whenever you're with him. "Thank you" you tell him and he smiles back at you, like knocking the wind out of you.
Then that moment you knew he was someone you'd love for a long time. It's normal for the two of you to spend the day even outside of campus, he's the first person you'd call if you need someone to hang out with.
"Why are we getting ice cream when it's so cold out?" he asks you, but he didn't even stop you from choosing the ice cream on the freezer. Noticing you pick his favorite before getting yours.
"Because I want it" you tell him, walking towards the counter to pay. When all of that is done, the two of you sit outside. The cold breeze hitting your skin making you shiver.
Of course he notices this, but instead of getting the usual nag from him he just shrugs his jacket off catching your attention
"What are you doing?"
Once it's off, he pulls you up and throws the jacket over your shoulders. He pulls your arm that wasn't holding the ice cream through the sleeve before making you do the other one, "You're cold" he answers, gesturing for you to wear it properly while he eats his ice cream. Then he makes you hold his treat, stepping closer to you.
The wind is cold but you can feel your palms getting sweaty from feeling nervous. He closes the jacket, zipping it up enough to make sure you're warm.
"All better?" he asks you
"Do you like me that much that you'd rather be cold so you give me your jacket?" you ask back
"I like you so much, I can't stand the wind whirling by you" he answers back rendering you quiet.
You stayed quiet the whole walk back to your place, he doesn't say anything too. Letting you have time to yourself.
Then you stop walking, turning to face him
"Why do you only say it now?"
"That you like me? I thought you didn't see me that way" you mumble, in return you hear a chuckle from him then you feel his finger under your chin making you look up at him.
"I tell you all the time, I give you the first bite of my food always. I watched that movie you wanted even though we've seen it like 10 times before. I have your favorite snack in my bag always, my mom even brought extras for you. Do you think I do that for people I don't like?" Doyoung asks you, caressing your cheeks with the tip of his finger
"That's not telling me, you never said anything" you pout at him, "Do you want me to tell you?"
"No, now I feel like you're only saying it because I asked"
You stepped away from him, acting like you're walking away when he stops you. Holding your hand back making you halt your steps,
"You know, I was scared at first I admit. In my head I went 'Oh no I'm falling in love with my bestfriend' then I see you smile and every time you do I just think 'Oh I'm in love with my bestfriend'"
"I'm your bestfriend?"
"That's all you heard?"
Then you're grinning, smiling so big it might hurt. You jump towards his waiting arms, holding him close. Closer than you ever did. "I confess my feelings to you and you just bestfriend zone me?" Doyoung jokingly mumbles against your cheek
"I love you too, you dummy" you tell him, he puts you down but kept you in his embrace. To you there's no warmer spot than this.
"I just want you to know my feelings are sincere, it took some time to say it but I've been trying. I'm better at showing it to you, I could be better. I'll be better for you"
You shake your head, holding face in your hands, "You are the best there is for me, there's nothing better than this. Keep loving me the way you did, but this time I'll do it with you. I'll take care of you too, like you always do for me"
He smiles at you, taking in your appearance. Memorizing every detail of this moment so he'll never forget. In the silence of his mind he screams, he's in love.
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toomuchracket · 27 days
Do you think men have any idea how attractive it makes them when they're holding/wearing a baby? Thinking about bday matty turning up to a book launch wearing Amy and girlie just fumbling her words when she sees him, he's just oblivious to how hot he looks
the mental image of this is making me want to gnaw on drywall. anyway! yes! amy's a few months old when your book is released, and you're launching at the local bookshop in the early evening, so the week before it you suggest to matty that "maybe we could bring amy? let her see mummy at work? only if you wanna, though, because you're the one that'll be looking after her lol"; matty tears up, of course, and sniffles "yeah, i want her to see you in your element", and then he goes on another spiel about how much he loves his girls lmao. they get you flowers the morning of the launch, and a card each (you WEEP at the "proud of you, mummy!" one he's signed on behalf of the baby), and matty gets amy ready while you're sorting yourself out - he brings her in to see you in the CUTEST little outfit, and there's a little group hug with giggles from all of you before you do a little family photoshoot and leave. it's a really good night, actually, with one of your friends hosting and more in the audience, and you're so into the discussion that you barely notice matty sneaking out at one point to take a fussy little amy to the loo. when he comes back in, though, it's a different story; not that he's loud or anything, because he isn't, but because he's now got your daughter nodding off in the baby wrap against his chest, stroking and kissing her little fluffy head as he sits back down and watches as she falls asleep. it's not an unfamiliar sight to you, but it's really fucking attractive to you, watching him with the baby like that, so much so that you actually trail off speaking for a second and have to blink yourself back into reality - your friend's like "you good, babe?", and you nod seriously like "yeah, just... hot husband, tiny baby daughter. it's a miracle i get anything done anymore. anyway!" before continuing on with no more acknowledgement of it, other than a wink aimed at a now-blushing matty. but you bite your lip when he comes over afterwards, trailing your eyes all over him and making him look so confused lol; he's literally like "why are you looking at me like that lol you've seen me in this outfit a million times", and once he's kissed you in greeting and congratulations (and you've kissed amy) you're like "you just look really, REALLY hot holding our daughter like that", and he rolls his eyes and says "don't take the piss, she wouldn't settle unless i held her. and i wasn't going to let her upstage mummy, was i?", and you laugh and kiss him again like "babe, i'm serious. you're gorgeous. proper dilf. love it. and you", and matty just giggles and kisses you and says "i love YOU. and i'm so proud of you - we both are. ames was proper fascinated before she fell asleep, you know? she already knows her mum's a legend". and honestly you're ready to go home and snuggle with them right there and then, but you have to do some signings - after they're done, though, it's straight home for another group hug with the loves of your life. adorable <3
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princessfbi · 2 years
thinking now about buddie going to bed angry at each other (for something stupid or serious) but buck still holding eddie's hand because he knows he needs that touch to feel safe and fall asleep
Buck was not going to be the one to break. He refused to be the first one to break.
But goddamnit he couldn’t sleep.
He couldn’t even remember what the dumb fight was about or why he and Eddie broke the couple cardinal rule about going to bed angry. All he knew was that they fell onto the mattress with a huff and Buck had rolled onto his side and not looked back.
He wouldn’t be the first one to break. It was stupid and petty but it was all he got and he refused to budge.
It was just… he was cold. The blanket he’d thrown over his shoulder was defective because he was freezing cold and who said it could be so cold in California! The literal birth place of the sun or whatever! And his pettiness wasn’t anything like a warm chest with just a few patches of thin chest hair and a freckle beneath a pec he loved to tease with his teeth.
No. Buck wasn’t going to be the one to apologize. Eddie was the one who said Buck apologized too much anyway! And honestly, he may not remember what they were fighting about but he was pretty sure he wasn’t sorry.
Except… it had been like… twenty minutes?
Buck checked the clock.
Yeah, twenty minutes since they turned off the lights and Buck could not shut up his brain. All the words he wanted to say were pushing against his lips and making his toes tingle but his throat felt hollow and sore from the vinegar that came with them.
Regret induced heartburn.
Maybe he should say sorry. He’d probably been stupid again and he hated the silence that was hovering like a storm cloud ever since the lights turned off. Had he been wrong? He didn't think he was but one thing had rolled into another and another and Eddie just kept pushing him away when he was just trying to—
Maybe that was it. Maybe he'd overstepped. Maybe he'd gotten in Eddie's space when he needed space and been clingy and maybe he'd ruined everything again. Buck thought he was getting better but he still slipped up sometimes. He still panicked and held onto to people too tightly, afraid they'll leave. He still—
Eddie let out an explosive sigh that cut through the cloud like a bolt of lightning. Buck felt the bed shift behind him before an arm swung over him like swooping vengeance itself. Buck half expected Eddie to shove him off the bed for thinking so loudly.
But instead, he was grabbed around the middle while Eddie slung his leg over Buck's just above the knee before being bodily dragged to the center of the bed.
Buck let out a confused noise from the back of his throat but Eddie ignored him in favor of pushing himself up against Buck and ducking his face into his neck. The rumbling sound from Eddie was one of pure frustration and contentment before the softest kiss was pressed into his pulse point.
"I'm sorry for snapping," Eddie said. "I know you were just trying to help."
An arm shoved it's way under his head and Buck fumbled with his cocoon — stupid blankets— until he could get an arm free and found Eddie's hand in the dark. Their fingers tangled together as they sighed and Buck felt Eddie finally relax back against him.
Eddie had been tense all night. Buck had been trying to help but... he'd just made it worse.
"I'm sorry for not giving you space."
"Couldn't sleep without you," Eddie whispered, his words already slurring together as the exhaustion crept in.
Buck pulled their fingers to his lips and kissed them. "Me neither. Talk in the morning?"
Eddie grumbled his agreement before Buck felt him breath out a quiet, "Night baby."
Buck was out in a matter of seconds.
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
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Media The Maze Runner
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Smut Af
Concept Perverted
Smut Non Concentual / Drunk / groping / breast play / nipple play / stroking / fondling / fingering / heavy make out / nudity /
I walked though the glade a little confused where everyone was, the whole glade was empty leaving me to wonder confused and alone��
"Where is everybody?" I muttered to myself until I stopped short apon seeing an... impressive sight
"Ohh, there you are newt I've been looking for you" Y/n cooes in her little jean shorts and her hoodie falling off her shoulder 
"Of course, I've been looking at you everywhere" she smiled holding her sleeves far past her hands 
"yeah why uhh why were you looking for me?"
"I desperately needed you" she cooes coming and wrapping her arms around me 
"uhhh for what?"
she chuckled "To solve the desperate ache between my legs" she whispered 
"Oohhhh... Well I'd be happy to love" I smirked stroking across her hips and leaning in for the kiss
"NEWT!" I jumped almost falling out my hammock as alby yelled waking me 
"Uuurrrrgh... Alby! I was having a nice dream" I complained 
"Oh? what dreaming of bacon burgers?" He asks 
"No," I sighed "I was having a lovely dream" 
I got out of bed and grabbed my things to go for a shower knowing it would be nice and empty given only keepers and runners are awake this early I went to the shower and spotted the door open just before I headed in and I saw y/n with her towel wrapped around her and her soaking wet hair dripping down her body "Ohh Morning newt" she smiled waving as she walked towards her hut 
"Ohh uhhhhh morning y/n" I waved, I shook it off and headed in for my shower, I did my best to just have a quick shower and get dressed for the day heading back out into the glade, I grabbed some breakfast and headed to work in the gardens I mostly kept my eyes straight and worked on the various jobs at hand, taking cuttings, pulling weeds, and such honestly trying to be busy to distract myself from… the pair of denim shorts wondering around.
She did her work in her hoodie that was miles to big for her and of course her little denim shorts both of which drove me insane,
I am a dirty. Disgusting. Horny little boy.
It's y/n. Your friend. The only girl. The sweetest most innocent thing in the world. Quit thinking with your damn penis!
I focused on my work for the rest of the day even if I often fell into my disgusting fantasies, once the box came up we sorted it all out and had a enjoyable bonfire after dinner, so I sat watching the fire with my moonshine not quite ready for bed yet
"Psst" I heard behind me making me turn but I saw nothing so I turned to the other side and saw a very giggly, clearly very drunk y/n with a sweet honeyglow in her cheeks "hi"
"Hi love. What's up?' I asked as she came to sit with me with her own moonshine
"Did you have a nice day?'
"I did, busy but nice you have a nice day?'
"Ummmm" she giggled
We chatted for a little while it wasn't exactly the easiest conversation as this was far from her first moonshine of the night and she was pretty drunk, but she's so cute when she's drunk all giggly and cuddly
"Whoa now I think that's enough little lady" I told her taking her moonshine even if she argued about it
"But I'm thirsty"
"Then have some water"
"But waters not fun"
"Water is very fun. Come on let's get you to bed before you cause any chaos" I told her helping her up and getting her back to her little hammock in the woods far from the rest of us, I Basically had to carry her as she was too drunk to walk straight and I helped her into her hammock tucking her in with a blanket "there we go all nice and safe" I told her
"Your too nice to me newt"
"I have to be, someone has to take care of you"
"Ummmm," she yawns "goodnight newtie"
"Goodnight love" I told her almost immediately she fell asleep starting to wheeze thought her nose it was only after about five minutes I realized I'd literally been stood staring at her sleep. I should really get back…
But I couldn't help my, curiosity.
God damn no! Stop! I'm not being a fucking pervert! …. Oh fuck I already am just thinking about it aren't I? Why am I such a horrific perv! I couldn't help but look at her hoodie, just one! Just one hand just one go and that's it get it out of my system, at this point my hands were working in their own slipping up her hoodie until I took a soft grasp of her breast
"Uummm" she groans happily
Ooohhh holy God! They feel good. Ummm soft and squishy all I wanted to do was squeeze them! I knew I couldn't drag my hand off now, infact I made sure I felt the other with my other hand lost in my own little world
I am a perverted sick little bastard…
Ummmm but it feels so good!
Just one squeeze it'll take my mind off It and I'll take my hands off I have them both a gentle squeeze but I couldn't help continued fondling her for a good ten minutes,
"Uummmmm" she Cooes in her sleep slightly shifting "newt…"
I jumped for a moment convinced I'd woke her but she didn't move anymore and still seemed completely asleep
Ohh my god she's… dreaming about me.
Uhhh why do you have to be so beautiful love I moved one hand away attempting to stop my perverted actions but I just moved down and stroked her waist and hips soon enough running my hand over her ass taking a firm grip
I'm a perv! I'm a disgusting person I can't believe I'm doing this to her
But my hands won't stop so much so the one on her breast moved down to slip under her hoodie quickly discovering she wasn't wearing a bra
"Uuhh! Newtie" she Cooes nuzzling close to her pillow
"Uummm oh fuck!" I groaned unable to control myself fondling and groping her sweet chest for so long I was already in the edge just from touching her like this, I couldn't stop myself moving my hand from her ass to her cute little shorts stroking the zip a moment before tugging it down and slipping my hand inside I expect cotton but I found heat
Ooooh god she's not got underwear either!
I am completely disgusted. I should not be doing this even if she was awake shes drunk! I am an absolute degenerate but I can't stop now I was utterly fuled by my sick twisted hormones. I stroked her softly a little listening to her little gasps and groans until I found her clit
"Uuughhh! Newt" she begged holding her pillow tightly as I rubbed on it hard I made sure to run for a good while noticing how hard her nipples got as I dif playing with them too with my other hand as I groped soon enough I couldn't take her whines anymore and moved my fingers down enough to slip inside her moving back and forth at a decent pace to give her pleasure "uughh! Uuuuuuuhhh!" She squealed and her eyes shot open immediately I panicked
"I can explain!" Was all that arrived at my mouth
She giggled at me and gently stroked my wrist pushing my hand so my fingers went deeper inside her "more" she whines
"Y/n. I can't I shouldn't have even been doing this, you were sleeping,I'm a terrible person, I just got distracted and one thing lead to enough, I'm so so sorry," I told her trying to move my hands away but she grabbed them forcing me to stay
"Y/n your drunk. I shouldn't have put us in this situation to begin with and you'd not in the best frame of mind right now" I told her forcing my hands away even if I ached the moment I lost contact with her
"Newt! More!" She whined dragging me into her hammock
"Y/n we shouldn't be-" I began but she grabbed my neck and kissed me immediately I gave in kissing her back wrapping my arms around her and she happily wrapped her arms around me too she purposely took the step to let her tounge slip past my lips and I happen battled with her trying to take some focus away from my hands getting free rein to stroke and fondle anything they could get at, but she was egar too her hands getting under my hoodie and even tugging at my pants while we kissed till I forced myself away "we really shouldn't I'm sorry for what I did y/n but we can't your drunk" I told her "maybe if you still want to we can tomorrow when your heads on straight" I told her holding her hands
She pouted and whined a little before she giggled giving me a soft kiss pulling her hoodie off her completely revealing her bare chest laying back in her hammock and pushing her shorts down to reveal her hips enough to basically make it pretty much impossible for me to say no especially as she then… opened her legs.
"Please newt" she whined
"....okay, but you have to promise not to be mad at me in the morning? Deal?" I suggest unable to stop myself hovering over her my body already screaming for just throw away any sense of morality and just fucking do her!
"Deal" she giggled
That's all I needed taking her in my arms and kissing her deeply…
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fluffyllamas-23 · 1 year
If you feel inspired, Stucky for this prompt: “It was just a dream, you’re alright.” (Esp if Steve is having super bad fever dreams?) Thank you!
Hiiiii so…this has been in my inbox for literal years (I AM SO SORRY), and i’m not sure if you even want this still, BUT I do love me a good Stucky prompt. It’s getting to actually feel like fall where I live now, so what better way to kick that off than a cute stucky prompt? I haven’t written much of anything in a couple of years so I’m probably really rusty, but i hope you like it <3 <3
This is a modern AU, but Steve's got that post-serum bod I love so much lmao
Bucky walks into the apartment foot first in case the cats are trying to make yet another unsuccessful escape outside. He’s not sure what they would do if they managed to get out, but he’s also not all that interested in finding out. 
There were no cats waiting, though, which was odd, he thought to himself. They’re usually waiting at the door, ready to greet whoever was coming home and sing them the song of their people. 
He figures maybe they’re keeping Steve company. He had woken up not feeling great (but not awful) and had opted to work from home today. When one of them works from home, the cats usually like being a nuisance and playing their favorite game of “how many times can I walk across dad’s keyboard before I get myself locked out of his office?”
Also weird, he thinks, is just how dark and quiet the apartment is. Steve’s work day ended a couple of hours ago at this point, and usually he’d be hanging out on the couch, watching something on TV, or making something for the two of them for dinner while he waits for Bucky to get home. It’s really out of the norm that things would feel this quiet and still, which is kind of a dead giveaway that Steve was probably feeling worse than he had that morning. 
Bucky closes the door behind him and sets down the drink carrier and paper bag he’d been carrying on the table. He had stopped by their favorite coffee shop on his way home to pick up Steve’s favorite tea latte and the pumpkin muffin they both think about year-round until fall hits. 
“Steve?” He calls out. “Honey? I’m home! I brought you some tea. How are you feeling?”
When he gets no response, he grabs Steve’s tea and walks to their bedroom. Steve is sprawled out under the covers, snoring softly as he sleeps, completely dead to the world. Bucky sets the tea down on Steve's nightstand, and then sits down on the edge of the bed next to him. 
He reaches out to feel Steve’s forehead and frowns as the skin beneath his hand burns. He sighs and slides his hand down to feel his cheek with the backs of his fingers.  He'd tried to sneakily check if Steve had a fever this morning, and he didn't, so the fact that he was this warm was alarming.
It’s not until he feels the back of Steve’s neck that he starts to wake. He blinks awake, looking at Bucky with the cutest, sleepiest expression. 
Bucky’s heart drops when he can really take in Steve’s appearance - he doesn’t look like he feels good at all. He’s pale and clammy, flushed with dark bags under his eyes. His eyes are bright and glassy, unfocused from the fever he’s most definitely running.
Steve squints in confusion when he sees Bucky. 
“What?” He croaks, voice thick with sleep and the congestion that’s starting to creep in. “You’re home already?”
“Already? Darling, it’s six-thirty,” he chuckles. “You have a fever. How are you feeling?”
“Fantastic,” Steve deadpans. “Never better. You should try it, feels awesome.”
Bucky rolls his eyes, smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he cards his fingers through Steve’s hair. It’s not helping the bedhead that he’s sporting, but Bucky knows how much Steve loves him playing with his hair when he’s not feeling well. 
“Alright, smartass. How long have you been asleep? Sorry for waking you.”
Steve runs a hand down his face. “I don’t know…texted my boss around noon that I was logging off for the day and fell asleep sometime after..”
Bucky frowns again, concern creeping in. “Since noon? Did you have a fever then?”
“Don’t think so,” Steve yawns, “just a really bad headache.”
“Did you take anything?”
“Some Advil…didn’t help, though.”
Bucky pats Steve’s thigh. “I’m going to go grab the thermometer and some more meds. Drink your tea.”
Steve pushes himself into a sitting position and then slumps back into the pillows. He definitely didn’t mean to sleep for as long as he did. He even set an alarm, but he vaguely remembers turning it off and tossing his phone on the floor in annoyance the moment it started blaring. 
His head is pounding and he can’t remember the last time he ached this badly. A bath sounds wonderful, but the thought of moving is enough to bring him close to tears. He can feel the congestion setting in - his face feels heavy, and his ears are starting to feel stuffy and full.  He sniffles, rubbing at his nose as he yawns. 
He should not be as tired as he is with how long he slept, but he’s ready to call it for the night and try to sleep off whatever the hell kind of bug this is. 
“Here,” Bucky says when he comes back into the room. He sets the blister pack of cold meds on the nightstand and then hands Steve the thermometer. He kisses Steve’s fever-warm forehead. “Take your temp, I’m gonna go change real quick.”
Bucky is pulling up his sweat pants when he hears the thermometer beep, followed by a pause, and then a very shocked “oh.”
“What’s it at?”
“Yikes…no wonder. Take the meds,” Bucky calls from the closet. 
He doesn’t respond, but when Bucky steps out of the closet, Steve is fussing with the blister pack of meds. Bucky can see the frustration building and then he throws it down on the bed next to him with an irritated sigh.  That launches him into a coughing fit that sounds rough enough it has Bucky wincing in sympathy. 
“Here,” Bucky says, opening the meds for him. He cups Steve’s cheek and strokes it with his thumb.  “What are you in the mood for, dinner-wise? And don’t say nothing, that’s not an option.”
“How’d you know-”
“-How’d I know you were going to say that?” He asks, raising his brows. “Contrary to popular belief, Steven, I actually know you very well. You never want to eat when you’re sick.”
Steve sighs. “Yeah, well, I’m not hungry.”
“I know. You still need to eat…at least a little bit with the meds. C’mon. Does anything sound even remotely good? Soup? Ramen? Pho? Grilled cheese?”
Steve clears his throat with a grimace, “grilled cheese does, I guess. I don’t know. I really just want to go back to sleep.”
“We’ll compromise, then.” Bucky says gently, going back to carding his fingers through Steve’s hair. “You go back to sleep for a bit while I make you some dinner.”
When Bucky returns, Steve is fast asleep, but he does not look like he’s having a restful sleep.  
His face, pale and clammy, is screwed up in discomfort.  He’s tossing and turning, getting tangled in the blankets and looking like he’s having the hardest time being comfortable. Bucky sets down the plate of grilled cheese on top of the dresser next to the door quickly before crossing the room to get to Steve.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he says softly, sitting on the edge of the bed and taking Steve’s face in his hands. “Steve. Wake up.”
Steve’s eyes open immediately, but it’s like he’s looking straight through Bucky as his eyes dart around the room, distress clear on his face. 
“Stevie…hey-it was just a dream.  Sweetheart, look at me. Look at me,” he says firmly.  After a few moments, Steve’s eyes flick to Bucky’s face. “It was just a dream, you’re alright.  You’re okay. I’m here.”
“Oh,” Steve breathes, feeling himself relaxing immediately now that he’s seen his person and realizes whatever the hell he was dreaming of isn’t real.  
“You’re okay,” Bucky repeats, stroking Steve’s cheek.  “I’m right here. It’s not real, It was just a dream.”
Steve nuzzles his face into Bucky’s hand, mumbling a “thank you,” at him.
“I made you something to eat, and then I was thinking we could watch something and call it an early night.” Bucky says, alternating before stroking his cheek and tracing patterns on his arm, something that always calms Steve down after he’s had one of his fever dreams. “How’s that sound?”
“I can’t promise I’ll stay awake during the movie.”
Bucky furrows his brows. “Who said anything about staying awake? Might just be nice to have something to fall asleep to.”
Steve nods, rubbing at his eyes with a yawn, “yeah, okay.”
Once Bucky hands him the plate, he climbs into bed next to Steve. Steve adjusts his position so he’s curled up against Bucky.  He only really manages a couple of bites before he can’t eat anymore, and he finds himself nodding off.  Bucky takes the plate from him and sets it down on his own nightstand, making a mental note to bring it into the kitchen once Steve’s asleep and he can move without bothering him.  
Steve curls up into an even tighter ball, shivering a bit as Bucky pulls the blankets up and over his shoulder and kisses Steve’s cheek. 
“Feel better, Stevie,” he says softly.  
Steve mumbles something back at him, which is the last thing he remembers before drifting off.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
Your oneshot prompt thing—
g!dream for something? Maybe some noms?
hi sorry this took literally a month :'D
but have this !!
also ps don't ask me what tommy was doing because i myself do not know either :D /lh
heavy is the head that gets no sleep
words: 1004
tw: vore (sfw & nsx), swearing, mention of death
The house was quiet, eerily so. And, while Dream had first soaked in the relief of having a silent house, it soon got to him. He hated to admit this, and he certainly didn’t feel this way when it was consistently happening, but he missed the constant yelling and chatter that Tommy gave him. The company that the borrower offered was more than enough to keep him tethered to reality. And, without it, he grew beyond worried about his small friend’s health. It began fine, where the tiny blond disappeared into his home for the night for the night, as they do under normal circumstances. And there was a subtle silence for the first half of the day, where Dream simply brushed it off and got as much as he could done, for he was afraid that if he procrastinated on it any longer, he’d be forced to work on it when Tommy was around.
Then the day ended. He’d put off calling out for the borrower and simply fell asleep in hopes of seeing the boy in the morning.
Come morning and the house was still empty.
Now, they round the corner, officially making it to a week without any sign of life from Tommy. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel a small bit of concern. Believe him, he’s tried plenty of times to lure him out. From food to even plain threats, nothing has seemed to work. Dream isn’t even sure if Tommy is alive, at this point. 
“Tommy!” Dream called out, entering the kitchen; where the more popular of Tommy’s openings was. He knows that calling out the blond’s name has failed before, but some part of him is still clinging to the hope that whatever Tommy is experiencing right now is just a small inconvenience and something that they can easily cure. “Tommy,” Dream said, quieter than before. He lifted his knuckle to the wall, knocking a few times just above the hole, “are you alive?” he asked in an amused tone, despite the question being dead serious.
After another moment of silence, Dream exhaled sharply, breath leaving him as he decided to try anger again. He pounded his fist against the wall, the noise echoing slightly around the empty home. “Tommy!” He yelled, again pushing his fist to the wall.
He lowered his hands and curled them around the counter while he waited. He zoned out staring at the hole, his senses melting into one, until he was broken from said trance by the sound of subtle footsteps, something he’d been yearning to hear all week. He perked, hope rising. The reality that Tommy wasn’t dead made his entire body lose its tense muscles.
And, finally, to really seal this hope he had, Tommy’s frame came into view. He didn’t wait for the boy to say something, he simply swiped his friend off of the counter and connected his palms so Tommy could rest between them. “What the fuck, Tommy? Where have you been all week, I–” he cut himself off when he saw how Tommy’s eyes widened as much as they could. “It’s been a week?” the moy murmured, words tired.
Tommy’s eye bags became apparent to Dream, and when they did, his eyes twisted with concern. “Are you sleeping, Tommy?” he urged, curling his fingers protectively around the little form Tommy had. The borrower shrugged, his eyes on his knees. “Tommy,” Dream demanded, startling Tommy enough for him to look up with familiar blue eyes. He couldn’t pinpoint a real emotion out of Tommy – he just looked empty. Not necessarily happy, or sad, or irritated, just empty. He stared at Dream with a neutral expression.
 “No,” Tommy mumbled finally. Dream sighed in disappointment, and Tommy followed suit, “I’m sorry,”
Dream pinched his eyebrows together, somewhat in confusion, but mostly in sorrow. “What? No, no, Tommy–there’s nothing to be sorry for, it’s-it’s fine. I mean, we all have shitty days, right?”
“Mhm,” the borrower mumbled, and Dream felt a part of his heart break. It was bad enough for Tommy to be isolated in the walls for a week, let alone thinking that this entire thing would be something the human would be mad about.
After a small discussion with himself, Dream drew his hands closer to his mouth and parted his lips, allowing room for Tommy. The borrower made a noise of protest and pushed himself against Dream’s curled fingers, trying to find his way out of this situation. “I don’ want to–” Tommy’s words were tired and slurred; everything but reassuring. The human said nothing and continued as always, gently tilting the hand holding Tommy into his maw, where the blond used what little strength he had to try and stop himself from tumbling onto his friend’s tongue. Ultimately he failed, and within a moment Dream felt weight shift from his hand to the wet muscle. Tommy made a whiny noise as soon after having made a delayed realization that his complaints weren’t heard and he still ended up in a mouth. 
Dream heard the tiny groan out his name, and he had to suppress a laugh at the way he struggled to get a simple syllable out. He once again ignored the protest and prepared the boy for the short trip down by shifting Tommy around so his tongue was free. While Dream found himself wandering his home to find somewhere more comfortable than standing in the kitchen, he prodded and licked at Tommy’s form, smiling to himself at the feeling of tiny hands against his tongue, where the blond tried his best to push it away. 
And, by the time Dream had settled on the couch and was tilting his head back so he could swallow Tommy easily, there was no more fighting from the tiny’s end. The boy slipped down quickly, only a singular swallow was what it took to send the borrower slipping down his throat. He traced the outline of his friend as he descended in his gullet.
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multifandomlover01 · 2 years
Snow (another imaginative title, I know)
Early morning/snow - Eugene Roe
October 2022 writing prompts
Sorry this one took so long, I got a bit stuck and didn’t know how to end it (doesn’t really have an ending??); also school had me a bit busy
Word Count: 863
Disclaimer: as always, I own nothing other than my own writing
Tags: @cody-helix02 @georgelust @emmythespacecowgirl @immrsgeorge-luz
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You had gone to bed much later than you wanted to due to worrying about an approaching snow storm. You wanted to make sure you had everything you needed in case the power went out. Gene wasn’t back until late either.
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So you worried about him being out in the storm and you worried about being home alone. You fell asleep before Gene got home. He’d gotten home around midnight. So maybe it was more than “another hour or so”. And you weren’t answering his texts telling you he’d be even later, but he’d figured you’d gone to sleep. The storm hadn’t even been that bad. Nothing Eugene’s truck couldn’t handle. Sure there was a good amount of snow coming down and some ice on the ground, but nothing like some storms you’d gotten in the past in this area.
Eugene was as quiet as he could possibly be in the house when he got home. He didn’t want to wake you up. He was successful and settled into bed next to you.
When you awoke in the morning, you were very confused. You became aware of Gene’s arms around you and smiled as you sunk further into him. He’d made it home safe. [Assuming this was Eugene. But he smelled like Gene. He felt like Gene. You craned your neck up. Yup. It was Gene. You sighed. [literally why is this in here 😂]]You maneuvered so you could see the alarm clock. 6AM. No wonder the sun didn’t seem to be quite up yet. You wondered how much it had snowed. Obviously not so much as to keep Gene from getting home safely.
He stirred beside you.
“Good morning, ma chérie.” He smiled down at you.
“Good morning, Gene. I’m glad you made it back safely.”
“Storm waddn’t even that bad. Made it back just fine.”
“It wasn’t? That’s slightly disappointing.”
Eugene chuckled.
“You remember that storm last year?”
“Oh, God, how could I forget? We were without water or power for days.”
“That was a bad storm. This was nothing like that.”
“I guess it’s good when you think about it like that. That storm was so shitty. I hated it.”
Just then, I got a phone call. It was my work telling me everyone was working from home today due to the snow (and ice) on the road.
“Guess I don’t have to go into work today.”
Gene smiled as he got a phone call, telling him the exact same thing.
“Me neither.”
You both settled back into bed.
“You still got work to do today, though?”
“Yeah. Some virtual appointments with patients. But they don’t start until noon. And it’s not even 6:30 yet.” (Oops…I accidentally made this a little too “self insert” with acting like I’m a psychologist, my apologies)
“I got a couple of consultations today that’ll be over the phone now, I guess. And those aren’t until the afternoon.”
“Hmm. You know what that means, don’t you?”
“I certainly do. I get to stay in bed with you all morning, ma chérie.” He rubbed his nose against yours. You laid there holding each other until you both drifted back to sleep. Your phone alarm went off at 9 and you both woke up again.
“Why don’t I make up breakfast?” Eugene offered.
“That sounds nice. But I’d hate for you to leave the bed.”
“We gotta get up at some point, sweetheart.” (Oof) He teased.
“Don’t wanna.” You pouted and turned away from him.
“Don’t be like that, darling. Why don’t you go look outside at the snow while I make pancakes.”
“You think it’s still there?”
Gene checked his phone.
“It’s actually still below freezing and there’s flurries right now.”
“Ooh, flurries!”
That got you out of bed and bolting for the back door real quick. Gene chuckled and got up from the bed to go to the kitchen.
“It’s snowing, Gene!”
“I know, I drove home in it last night, remember?”
“I know. But it’s snowing again.”
“Wanna go out in it later?”
“Maybe. It’s so cold out, though. It’s much warmer in here.”
You padded into the kitchen to help Gene make the pancakes. It was a bit messy but that was all part of the fun. You sat at your dining room table to eat so you could draw the curtains back on the big window next to the table and watch the snow fall.
It was so beautiful. There was already a gorgeous blanket on the ground and the snow falling gently down adding to it was mesmerizing to watch. It was a wonderful sight.
You very much enjoyed the contentment that came with not having to worry about things. Sure you had Zoom calls with patients this afternoon, but there was nothing stressful about that. Work was good. You loved your job. And having to work from home was even better. Your house was your sanctuary. You felt relaxed and content here. You didn’t mind doing work here. It somehow made it less stuffy and professional and more personal.
Yeah, you loved days like this. Because the best part was being home with Eugene the whole day, even if you were in separate rooms working. You’d both be done by 6 and be able to enjoy dinner together and the rest of your evening.
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Eddie Kingston x Daniel Garcia
He did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Did you doubt him? Well sucks to fucking suck. He beat Claudio, He's done with him. Eddie Kingston. Mad King. Is the ROH World and NJPW Strong Openweight Champion, and he did it infront of his people.
But even on one of the best days of his life he can never seem to catch a break from the boy.
Pretty boy
He's literally the fucking king of New York, He did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Did you doubt him? Well sucks to fucking suck. He beat Claudio, He's done with him. Eddie Kingston. Mad King. Is the ROH World and NJPW Strong Openweight Champion, and he did it infront of his people.
But even on one of the best days of his life he can never seem to catch a break from the boy, he doesnt really mind it actually, the boys pretty, he really is but Eddie would rather fucking die than admit that to literally ANYONE.
Eddie finally got back to the hotel, The traffic held him back for like 30 minutes, So reaching the hotel was relief.
He unlocked the door once he fetched his key card from his back pocket, Now you may ask, Why the hell is he staying at a hotel when he is quite literally from New York. Well who would want to make a nearly 40 minute drive to Yonkers when he could crash a hotel and leave in the morning, and plus with the traffic and shit. He would have fell asleep and yknow.. that wouldn't end well.
Taking off his shoes and throwing his suitcase to god knows where. He stripped down and took a very much needed hot ass shower.
After about 30 minutes of staring into space he turned off the water and got out of the shower, being careful to not to fall and stares at himself in the foggy bathroom mirror. He looks quite rough doesnt he? Why does the kid have such a fasincation with him?
He changes into his clothes after he dries off and leaves the bathroom to check his phone.
Of course theres a text message from the one and only Daniel Garcia. He forgot how he got his contact info but honestly he doesnt care whatsoever.
Danny- Hey
He was quite awkward at some points, He never really expresses himself to Eddie, its odd.
Eddie- Rooms 114, come up.
It doesnt take very long for Danny to show up. Before he knows it, theres a knock at his door. He goes to open it and see's the younger man looking quite nervous.
"Hey pretty boy" He greets him calmly while inviting him in
Danny looks up at him in surprise and smiles slightly
"Hey Eddie" He whispers not looking the man in the eye
"Hey kid, Why're so glum?" he asks while unpacking his suitcase slightly.
"I-Im not" The boy stuttered slightly while staying close to the door trying to appear smaller
The older man looks him up and down and raises a brow.
"Fine, im just- Im proud of you okay, Wait why aren't you telling me to get lost?" He asks utterly confused
Why isn't he? That's the question of the night apparently. He gotten quite fond of the younger man. He doesn't get much affection anymore so its different to have someone who's quite fond of him.
"Listen. I dont fucking know alright. I've gotten quite used to you being here, Its become a routine, not a big fan of change" he simply shrugs
This information seemed to brightened up Danny immediatly.
"Really..?" He asks trying not to smile finally looking eddie fully in the eyes
"Yeah Yeah, come're pretty boy" He replies offering a hug to the beaming boy.
Daniel rushes into his arms finally getting the warmth and comfort he was seeking all this time.
"Im so happy for you, i watched every damn second, never looked away once" Danny says into Eddies chest, not breaking the hug.
He feels the older man smile into his hair.
"Imma need you to stick around for awhile pretty boy" They both know what he means, neither ready to say it yet in the fear of making one another feel uncomfortable.
Danny just hugs him tighter in response.
The boy has an affect on him, He's not mad about it. Tonight really has been a good night.
~Cross-posted on wattpad and ao3~
Btw sorry I haven't posted oneshots in awhile
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