#i listen to way too many podfics
burningaurora · 2 years
Can you give me a quick rundown of how you make the podfics? I liked the voice, and don't do much on the others I've tried, and most seem to have a character limit. I googled the "Microsoft Edge Read Aloud" you said you used? Do you have to do it on browser? If so, how to you save the audio file? Do you have to edit out all the authors notes and such?
I'd love to make a couple for myself, bc carpool is torture lol, and I've listened to all the long wolfstar ones I can find. Tysm!
I’m going to do my best here to explain my process. Read aloud is an option in the Microsoft Edge browser itself; you can right click to get to it or click the 3 dots at the top of the browser. The voice I’ve found I like best is “Microsoft Christopher Online (Natural) - English (United States)”. I generally use the PC version of Edge because I create my podfics through Audacity (free software) where it essentially records my computer audio, but there are Android and Apple version of it that have the same read aloud functionality. To get mine to the quality that they are at I actually wrote a computer program (I’m a software engineer in real life) that does a lot of the HTML formatting for me. It also does a lot of find and replace on words that edge pronounces funny that I’ve come up with creative spelling for to get it to sound accurate. My general process is to record the audio straight through and then when I’m listening to it I create bookmarks in my audio player (Smart AudioBook Player) to indicate where there are issues for me to go back and fix. Issues are generally a strange Microsoft Edge pronunciation or a grammatical error that was missed by the author - pretty minor things. If you’re only creating them for yourself it probably isn’t necessary, but I’m a perfectionist and things like that drive me nuts. I have so many more podfics recorded, but most of them I haven’t heard back from the author on about posting. I don’t feel like I can ethically post them without the author’s permission. @heartofspells was actually the first author who got back to me and I've been doing this for months.
Prior to learning about Microsoft Edge I used the Android Evie app which all things considered is pretty good. It's base pronunciation is definitely better than Edge. I just didn’t want to pay for the higher quality voices.
I hope that answers your questions. I'd love to create more of these to distribute, I just can't seem to find authors who are interested.
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drarry-reccage · 2 days
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The Thread Measurer's Apprentice by orphan_account (T, 9k)
Tags: Angst, Friends to Lovers
Potter picked up his own glass but didn't drink. "That's the way it always happens. I have a dream. Someone dies. I see it all. They're all strangers to me. Well, most of them. There was Scorpius, after all." He gestured at Draco, who nodded, throat freshly parched at the thought of his son splattered against a tree. "But most of the time, almost all the time," Potter continued, "they're strangers. But you see—" He pressed the glass to his forehead, "—when I wake up…." There was meant to be more, but Potter chose whisky over elaboration and fell silent. Draco tilted his head back against the cushion. Potter did the same, empty glass held to his lips. The tiny house throbbed with magic, feeding off Potter, no doubt. And Draco, caught in the backwash, was no different. Wordlessly he held out his glass. Potter refilled it. "I used to try to help them all," he said. "But there were too many." It was a horrifying prospect to consider. Draco set his glass aside, still full. "How do you pick and choose?" "I don't. Anymore."
(Rec by @cailynwrites)
🎧 Listen to the podfic version recorded by fire_juggler🎧
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trexrecs · 3 months
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Petey and Wade discuss the proper way to go about vigilantism (and maybe they fall in love too) by @isadancurtisproduction
Marvel: Peter Parker/ Wade Wilson, T, 33k (262k series)
Secret identify, miscommunication, tacos
This series is frankly adorable. This fic is actually a prequel, but stands on it's own well, full of wacky secret identity hijinks, hilarious misunderstandings, and, of course, an excess of texmex (my Mexican friends tell me there's no good Mexican food in New York, but Deadpool definitely disagrees).
What I love about spideypool is the dynamic between these two sassy superheros and the way so many spideypool fics really lean in to the inherent ridiculousness of superhero stories, something that's often hard to do when you're addressing Bucky's 70 years of being a brain-washed assassin or the impending end of the universe, and the author does that really well here, with this light hearted romp.
A note about the series: it's got an intimidating (for me at least) word count, but more than half of that is the last bit in the series, where the author does a lot of fun AUs of the previous works, so don't let it hold you back.
There are also great podfic of the first two works in the series, so, if you're a podfic listener you'll definitely want to check that out.
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spybrarian · 3 months
Twenty Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @storyspinner91 a while back but I was in Australia!
Who'd like to play? I've tagged a few people in the questions themselves, but maybe also... @onlyshestandsthere, @expensivefate, @jayenator565, @commanderbuffy @geek-and-nina if you like?
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
19, which feels *wild*! 19!!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Willow! Just Willow, these days. Tanthamore have my heart.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
one night at the start of the end of the world - my Shattered Sea one shot, tender tender Tanthamore, and there's only one bed, and it's the birthplace of pillbug Kit, and the fic where I worked out how much I liked writing them looking after each other. I'm glad this one is other people's favourite, too.
more than just survival - my multichapter canon story about Jade as she grows up, from when she was a kid in Tir Asleen to what happens after they return from the quest. Also a 5+1 (five times Kit made Jade blush and the one time Jade got her back).
The Pieces - kinkverse modern au short stories, a collaboration with @acre-of-wheat and @swashbucklery. I've written The Spider, The Mile High Club, The Maintenance and The Holes.
kiss me, kill me - my Bone Reaver Jade au, Jade busts into Tir Asleen to kidnap the princess and ends up getting got herself, in so many ways.
I scream at your chest for as long as I must - a post canon one shot, just after they return from the quest. Jade grieves for Ballantyne and Kit learns how to walk with her though her grief.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I like to!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
I don't know - I can tell you my darkest premises (probably the very canon divergent the cellar door is an open throat aka the barbed wire, Kit Jade and Elora in a dungeon au) but even the ending of that one finishes with a glimmer of hope.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Huh, I think with most of my fics I tend to go for hopeful endings over happy ones. I think my most *satisfying*, hopeful ending I wrote was Samaras (an Architect of Catastrophe story) that I wrote as a present for @wigster07. I'm really, really pleased with that one. It's about rebuilding after tragedy.
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
I haven't, and am very grateful for that.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
Do I ever?! What kind? What *kind*?! The gay kind. Aside from the aforementioned kinkverse, I've also got a canon based smut series (my kissing fics!) called There's not a step we can take that does not bring us closer where Kit and Jade are inventing all the different ways they love being together.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? and 11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope and nope!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Also nope - although Juliette made [Podfic of] one night at the start of the end of the world where she read this fic GORGEOUSLY! It's there for download if you want to listen.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
I've collaborated! I haven't done a true co-writing thing for this fandom but, there's the kinkverse series in which I'm in deep cohorts with Acre and J, the singing cowboy fic I wrote into J's (cowboy) take me away (tanthamore rdr2 au). I love them both - they push me in new directions, and the feedback loop of inspiration is an utter joy.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Tanthamore, hands down
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
I plan on finishing them all. Yes even Wyrm Jade/I'll be the sweetest thing to ever scare you, yes I know it's been a hot minute. I do have genuine plans to finish.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
Coming up with phrases/images that people remember, that's probably the part I get a kick out of the most. I think my pacing and character and words in general are all pretty good, but writing callbacks to earlier in the story, or getting the foreshadowing right, are two of my favourite things to play with.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get repetitive - mostly I manage to catch this in edits, but ho boy do I know how to say the same thing over and over.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I'm not fluent in anything other than English so I haven't used dialogue in other languages in any of my fics - unless you count the Ancient Angoran in 'kiss me kill me'.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Dragonball Z, an epic written by hand in double spaced lines over several exercise books ;)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
I'm really proud of 'one night' and 'more than just survival' but there is a special place in my heart for Let's take a knife and cut the world in two and its follow up there is light somewhere (it may not be much light but it beats the darkness) - my Exorcist Jade/possessed Kit au. The strange not-canon, not-modern, some-mix-of-the-two world that I made for that one is my *favourite*.
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thegrimreaperisanerd · 11 months
hi :) binge read your de fic that you have posted on ao3 last night and really enjoyed all of it! excited to see any updates. was wondering if you have any rec for other fic youve read and enjoyed-- i am not god's bravest soldier and do not enjoy trudging through tags and was wondering if you had read anything yourself that you really enjoyed lolol
Hey, thanks so much!!! Sorry it's taken a couple days to answer this, I'm poor as shit and have two jobs now wah... capitilism...
I'm working on the next 46' chapter, It's about 70% complete and I generally let it sit for an evening once it's done then re-read it the next day to catch the vast majority of mistakes (I edit everything myself) so I'd say expect that in the coming days.
I have some thoughts! I... Have never been asked for fic recs before so I'm gonna list a bunch in no particular order that I enjoyed, and reasons why. I will note that I tend to enjoy meaty plot-based works over fluff, so that's what I'll be recommending. Anyway!
Paddling Out (THE REPEATER CORPSE CONUNDRUM) - @transhitman - So this is the first DE fic I read and it set the bar pretty fucking high. YOU'VE GOT: a very cool and insular setting (don't get me wrong I like fics where they travel around Revachol too, but there's something to be said for building a set and living in it for a while) YOU'VE GOT: extremely harrowing tension and pale-fuckery YOU'VE GOT: some genuinely beautiful, heartfelt moments (I don't want to spoil anything but "people don't need your permission to care about you" kinda undid me) YOU'VE ALSO GOT: Amazing art?! Always a bonus, I wish I could draw people lol
Have You Heard The News That You're Dead? - Wizardlover - Time Loop shenanigans hell yeah! Basic premise: Kim is *unable* to save Harry's life after he's shot at the tribunal, each time he dies he Reawakens in Martinaise on the first day and desperately has to try and find a way to either prevent the Tribunal entirely, or survive it. I think the major draw to this one is how well it's characterised and how well that lends to the major source of tension: trying to convince THE WORLD'S BIGGEST SKEPTIC that you *a man he 'has only just met'* is actually stuck in a time loop. Juicy shit.
The Case Of The Man Who Two-Thirds Wasn't There - @glisteningceruleaneyes - We got another case fic here, gang. This is one of those "they travel around Revachol" numbers I previously mentioned. A lot to love about this fic; the minor OCs are all loveable (or at least well-written, looking at you Mr. Bigot-All-Rounder), the elements of writing in the game's style (particularly use of Harry's 'to do' list that you find in the ledger, you don't see that as often!) are all fantastic. Also without spoiling too much I'm a sucker for hurt/ comfort :) I like when bad things happen to our specialist guy :) ALSO! alternating chapters, Kim vs Harry's perspectives contrast REALLY well! Just a super enjoyable read. - On that note I also wanna include a special mention: there's a podfic for this one and since I mentioned my two jobs, I've been listening to audiobooks at work (I'm a cleaner. It's very boring) and that was a fun change of pace!
The Emergent Causeway - hal_incandenza - Now you KNOW this one is good because it's the only *unfinished* fic I'm recommending. Again, We've got art! We've got a brand new (non-Revachol!) setting that still feels excellently Elysium! We got that excellent balance of humour and misery from the get go! EXCELLENT murder mystery so far, I am intrigued AND also there's a fucking puppy. Hell yeah. This one's from Kim's perspective and does a really good job of it, nothing like a man being begrudgingly sent on holiday and being somewhat relieved to have a corpse to deal with.
A Spilled Kaleidoscope - @spilledkaleidoscope - I'm actually recommending a series here. Real definition of "came for the art, stayed for the writing" I mostly have a soft spot because I got to watch a few "haha, what if-?" musing text posts become a series of written chapters and INCREDIBLE DRAWINGS HOLY SHIT. Like, you really just draw hands for fun, huh? This person made a pact with some sort of devil beasts to draw hands very good, at the bare minimum we can read their fiction.
Nothing To Lose But Our Chains - Lepak - I almost forgot this one and I honestly can't believe it because this is one of these ones that you need a cigarette afterwards. Good fucking god. This is probably the best fic I've ever read in terms of not shying away from the heavy themes that make Disco Elysium such a beautiful, moving game. It tackles a racism in many forms, particularly how people like Kim (in working for the RCM) and immigration laws do their part in upholding racist systems, despite the way it hurts him too. Of course, it's also excellently written with tense scenes and some real funny moments. A real good'un here.
The Catacomb Killer - SupposedToBeWriting - Give Harry more memory loss. Make him convinced he killed a kid. Make *Kim* convinced he killed a kid... Then the plot thickens. I won't lie I can't remember fuck all about this one because I was mostly drunk when I read it, but if it was good enough that I kept reading instead of smoking a spliff or something then it must have been excellent... I will re-read it when I have the time, lmao.
MURDER ON THE AIRWAVES - @randomisedmongoose - I'm just a really big fan of murder mysteries and gore. You show me somebody with brain matter pouring from their earholes and I'm like "yum yum, more of that please." I am a sucker for curious methods of murder and this one's good for that. Lots of trekking back and forth like in the game again. More ACAB - always good.
I did not mean to include this many...........................
Oh well. Here's my list, there are plenty of others I've enjoyed but these are just the ones that came to mind! Thanks again for reading my fic! Always makes me happy when people let me know they enjoy my writing :3
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klainelynch · 3 months
Hey friend! So I’ve been listening to a bunch of your Royai podfics lately and I just love them. Its the best way to get my fic fix while also being a productive adult lol. I’m blown away with how professional and polished your stuff is! You definitely could be recording full blown audiobooks, if you aren’t already! (And if you are, I’d love to know where to find those!)
I’m intrigued by your whole process: how you pick stories, record, edit, etc. Choosing when and where to use tone inflection, pacing, all that. You can fully nerd out if you feel like it! I’m so curious. ☺️❤️
Ahhhh what a wonderful message to find in my inbox!! 🥰🥰🥰 I'm so happy that my podfics have become something that you listen to in your daily routine! I don't record audiobooks or do this in any kind of a professional sense, but I do try to emulate what I love of different audiobooks/professional productions and other peoples' podfics, so your compliment means the world to me!
I started with a very stream-of-consciousness response and have tried to cohere it into something readable. You said I could fully nerd out, so here's over 2k of me taking you up on that xD
Choosing a fic:
I tend to gravitate towards fics that have more narration as opposed to dialogue. I love being in a character's head and fully living in their world and the way they experience it. When I am reading dialogue, I don't try to sound exactly like the voice actor (if it's from a tv show or movie) or adopt their accent, but I do try to embody the character in my voice, if that makes sense. If there are too many characters with dialogue, this gets difficult for me, which is why many of my solo podfics have two or fewer characters who speak, or why I create multivoice podfics with fellow podficcers.
In my podfic spreadsheet, there are several pages dedicated to fics that I'd like to record someday. Most of them are under 1k, though I do have a few that are around 3k (which would be on the longer side for me). I jot notes to remember what each fic is/what I would like to do with it—some examples of what those sound like with fics I haven't recorded yet: Zuko asks how Iroh survived when Lu Ten died because of Izumi feels; Al reflecting on Royai rebuilding Isvhal, no dialogue; Roy takes Riza out on a date (cover art would be a theatre program); good angsty Edwin moment after the boys come home (could have thunder in background); Ghost!Roy as Riza carried on, will need to build to this level of angst; Abbott Elementary book fair *chef's kiss*; Roy announces he’s engaged to some mystery woman but PSYCHE HE’S ALREADY MARRIED TO RIZA.
I used to have a pretty even split of recording fics with blanket permission versus asking authors for permission, but these days, I tend to be too lazy to ask lol. Not saying that I won't do it, but when the mood strikes me to record, I need to know pretty quickly if I can complete the project, and a bp statement really helps with that!
Prep work:
When I first began podficcing, I would put the entire fic into a google doc. This let me annotate the script for every little thing (highlighting dialogue, typing out phonetic pronunciations of difficult names/words, and putting spaces in between sections of text to help with breath control being the most common). The more I podficced, the less I had to annotate, until all I would do with my scripts was put in the spaces. I want my breath to be consistent/unnoticeable, so I read with that in mind. Often you can use the punctuation as your guide, but sometimes there are long stretches with no punctuation, and I have to figure out how a sentence should be cut up to make its meaning clear.
I didn't make these scripts for any of my solo podfics during Voiceteam this past May, and I still felt comfortable recording, so I think I may be past needing this tool for the most part. I just need to read through the fic a few times and look up any potential pronunciation issues right before I record.
Recording the podfic:
My early podfics were recorded with the microphone attached to my earbuds, and you can definitely hear it in the quality 🙈🙉 I did at least use a makeshift pop filter, so that helped with my plosives from the beginning.
After a few months, I got a blue snowball mic, which makes the quality so much clearer, and even more so once I got a computer that can run Audacity (more on why I love this program later).
I currently record in my closet, which is a long wide shape, so the doors don't close all the way when I'm inside of it. I shut them as best as I can to prevent outside noises, and I stand as I record. I used to sit at my desk with a soundproofing box around my mic, but I found it hard to get good breaths for long periods of time, so now I stand. The tradeoff is that I have to be wearing good shoes if I'm recording more than thirty-ish minutes (which could happen if the podfic is ultimately longer than twelve or so minutes because…)
My raw audio is usually at least twice as long as the final product. I often record several takes for lines, sometimes if I mess up, but usually if I don't think I captured the emotional quality that I can hear in my head when I read the line with my eyes. Sometimes it takes up to ten times for a line to feel right; other times, an early take ends up being the best one.
The previous point touches on how I handle putting inflection into my voice. The other part of it is thinking through how the speaker would say a particular word/phrase. If it's narration, I've emotionally been with that speaker for the entire fic, so I lean into that; if it's dialogue, it might be someone new, so I have to switch my brain. Either way, I have to (consciously or unconsciously) think through: 1. how would I personally say this? 2. how would the character say this? 3. how would the audience want to hear this? 4. how would the meaning be most effectively heard? Often there is overlap in these questions, but not always. If there's a conflict between these, I try to remember that my audience is probably just listening with their ears, not simultaneously reading with their eyes, so I need to prioritize their being able to understand what is happening and why. That's why I try to affect my voice in different ways and not literally mumble or shout, even if the fic has the character doing that.
Since you mentioned my Royai podfics, I will mention one way I distinguish their voices depending on who the narrator is. When Roy is the narrator, any of his dialogue is in my normal voice, and Riza's dialogue becomes slightly higher and slower; when Riza is the narrator, her dialogue is in my normal voice, and Roy's dialogue becomes slightly lower and faster.
I put a lot of pressure on myself to nail the first and especially the last line of a fic, so I will record a good number of takes for those. It's only happened once that I loved the first take I did of a final line. Sometimes I annoy myself at how many takes I record, but I'm thankful for the choices when I'm editing, so this is simply how I do things!
The hardest part of recording for me is keeping my voice quality consistent. I drink a lot of water throughout the day, but even so, I get dry mouth as I record, and once you're at that point, drinking more water doesn't really help. Tricks like chewing gum or brushing my teeth right before recording help me out.
Editing the podfic:
This has actually become my favorite part of the process! It feels like a puzzle and a treasure hunt, trying to find the best ways to pick out the best parts of my performance and turn it into a final product.
When I started podficcing, I had a chromebook, so the only audio editing software available was free online websites. I don't even remember the ones I used, but they did most of the things I wanted, and they let me get my foot in the door. The problem was that they were limited in tools, such as…
Noise reduction is my favorite feature of Audacity, which is the software I currently use. If you go back and listen to my podfics chronologically, you can clearly tell when I started using it because the general crackle in the background disappears. I have no plans to delete old pods, but it is as painful for me to listen to them for this reason as it is to reread fics I wrote in high school lol
The first round of edits is picking out the best takes for each line. Sometimes that means listening to several takes over and over before I choose my favorite; occasionally, I splice together the first half of one take and the second half of another. I'm very proud when I can do this with a single word and you can't tell the difference at all. I laugh when it sounds like I've done this with a word, but actually I just read it weird and I have no other take to substitute it with xD
Something else I do in the first edits is take out excessive space between sentences and paragraphs. I basically reset my breath/voice after every segment (could be a sentence or part of a sentence) so there's always extra space. I tend to edit down to one to two seconds between sentences, two to three seconds between paragraphs, and four to five seconds between entire sections of a fic. Of course, there are always exceptions (a character feeling very emotional, especially angry or excited, will have faster sentences; dialogue is formatted in paragraphs but it is inflection rather than time that indicates to the audience that a new paragraph/speaker has begun; an emotional line might require more space to let the audience process it).
Once I have all of the words edited together, I will do a second round of edits for tightening up the pacing. I listen to the edit without looking at the text, keeping my hands busy with a video game or coloring. As I'm listening, if something feels too fast or too slow, I'll make edits in real time, back it up, and listen again. The reason I can't read and listen during this pass is because my eyes are expecting too much and I can't properly hear what the audience will hear. When I began podficcing, I thought I had enough space in between words and sentences, but when I would listen back, I realized that I had cut too much out and the podfic's speed was faster than I liked. Now I leave more space in during the first edit and do this pacing pass.
Once I'm happy with the narration, I save it as a narration only file. I love adding in music and effects when I can, but I'm sure there are some who would rather only listen to the narration, so I make this available for accessibility and preference reasons.
I will usually make a final version with music and/or sound effects. This is one area where I'm specifically trying to emulate professional audiobooks and how they use music under the opening credits before fading out as the story begins.
Finding music is its own kind of scavenger hunt. I prefer to use public domain or creative commons music because it feels more true to the collaborative/transformative spirit that podfics have for me, and the idea of a podfic being taken down for copyright reasons does make me nervous. ccmixter and Purple Planet have a lot of songs that I've used in the past. The former has literally thousands of songs, which can overwhelm me if I'm working on a deadline, so I will sometimes just listen to random tracks and download anything that might be helpful in the future. That being said, if a fic uses a song lyric as a title or the author mentions a song as inspiration, I will try to use that song as the music if possible. I'm especially proud of how I used "Wait for It" at the end of An Endless Uphill Climb.
I use sound effects far less frequently than music, but they are fun when there is a natural place for them. I love the Star Wars audiobooks, and they often use sound effects and music in a way that heightens the emotions in the listener. That is always my guiding star, though I will admit to sometimes using effects just because they make me happy!
Cover art:
Like music/sound effects, this part is totally optional, but I usually do it because I have a lot of fun with it! I make everything in Canva, and again, I try to use public domain or creative commons images. Openverse is my go-to search engine because they make it really easy to tell which images I'm allowed to use in what ways. Sometimes I have a vision and try to find images to match; other times I have no idea and just see what I can find, or I can't find what I had in mind and have to switch gears.
Random facts that I couldn't find a spot for:
I learned how to read for an audience by being a lector at mass (reading either something from the Old Testament or something from the New Testament, other than the Gospels) in a church with lots of marble, which explains why I read on the slow side. Had to leave room for the echo before I started speaking the next line!
I've actually found that my own fic writing became easier to read aloud once I started podficcing. That doesn't make it better or worse—there are beautiful passages in literature/fic that are easier to read with the eyes than with the ears. But it is definitely a thing.
Thank you again for sending this ask! I hope this peek behind the curtain was interesting to you, even if it was probably far more than you were asking for xD And another thank you for listening to my podfics—it really does mean so much to me that something I've made can brighten up your day 💖
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booksandabeer · 2 years
I love your blog and I love how much work you put in when someone ask you to recommend fics for them, you’re truly beyond AMAZING! Just getting that out of the way.
And now, can you please tell me your favourite underrated stucky fics. I know this might be too big of an ask because there are SO MANY out there, so just tell me a few if you don’t mind.
Thank you so much ❤️
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Hello Stranger!
Thank you for the ask and your very kind words! ❤ It's so nice to hear that people like my rec posts because they really do take a surprisingly large amount of time to put together. Anyway, I'm not complaining & this is a lot of fun for me, so on to the recs!
I struggled a bit with how to define "underrated" and I think everybody has their own ideas of what exactly that means. Also, the Stucky ship has been around for more than a decade (even longer if you count the comics), so creative output and reader interest will fluctuate and ultimately decline over time. A Stucky fic posted after 2019--no matter how insanely good it is--will never do the numbers it would have done in the Golden Age of 2014-2018. So, for the purpose of this list, a fic written in 2016 with 15K hits or less does qualify as underrated, while a fic posted in 2021 with 10-15K would not.
Also, as always, this list is by no means an exhaustive one.
the wrote and the writ by declanlynchsrack | G, 10K
Author's summary: Bucky’s crying before he’s off the boat and he’s the least surprised out of anyone to realize it.
He’s always been a softie, a leaky faucet, and the war hasn’t changed that, so he doesn’t know why the sob that smacks him startles him bad enough that he grips the strap of his bag doubly hard, ready to swing it around like a battering ram, ready to find that cloying, invisible enemy. He’s not being ambushed, on his belly in the muck and camellias, cypress hanging low, moonlight casting an eerie smile upon Lake Como like it’s enjoying the hell out of muffled gunshots and the wet grunt of lifeblood spattering onto the undergrowth.
That’s done. He’s safe.
An AU in which Bucky--minus one arm--comes back from the war and Steve never got to go, and never became Captain America. A scrappy little story that is at once full of emotion and yet completely unsentimental. This story socked me on the jaw, tackled me to the ground, and then sat on me while twisting, twisting, twisting my arm behind my back. It also has one of my favorite descriptions of the SteveBucky dynamic I've ever read: "They’re all roughed up, the two of em, a pair of old marble statues weathered by time and harsh touches, but they know each other’s chinks and foibles and can side-step them with grace while still treating the other about as delicately as they’d handle a sack of potatoes." !!! If you prefer, you can also listen to it here: [Podfic] the wrote and the writ by quietnight
Hollywoodland by romanticalgirl | E, 69K
Author's summary: In 1930s Hollywood, the world is run on the studio system. Stars are told who to date, what to wear, what to say, and how to look pretty doing it. The only way you can really do what you want is if you don't get caught.
Steve's dating Peggy, which works out because she's married to Sam, even though it's not legal. But it's the perfect cover for the fact that Steve's gay. He's managing just fine skirting the system to find companionship, but then he meets James Barnes and life gets a lot more complicated.
If you know anything about me and my love for Golden Age Hollywood, then you won't be surprised that this pushes all of my buttons. This is loosely inspired by the real life relationship of Cary Grant and Randolph Scott (the exact nature of which we will probably never know, but let's just say it was most likely not strictly platonic). Is the world the author created here entirely realistic? No--and it's not intended to be. While it is indeed rooted in many of the horrible realities that queer people and POC have faced in the past (and are still facing today), it's a slightly kinder version of it that allows for a hopeful, if not a strictly happy ending in the traditional sense. A sumptious story with gorgeous art.
make progress together by frankoceansmoonriver | E, 24K
Author's summary: He feels like Steve’s mistress. He feels hollowed out. He feels like a jammed gun still trying to go off. When he’s not with Steve he convinces himself he’s ruining Steve’s life, and though he tries, he’s too selfish to stop. When he’s with Steve, he’d fight God himself to keep it, this tangible perfection that makes him drunk and anchors him in ways he did not know existed.
Or, the one where they both survived the war, Bucky loves Steve now, has loved Steve since he was fifteen, and the year is 1945.
This is a story that I have reread many, many times because it is the perfect wish fulfillment fic for me. It's the slightly unrealistic, or one could also say: optimistic version of what I imagine would have happened had Steve and Bucky both survived the war. That's not to say that this fic doesn't have its very angsty moments, but ultimately, this is a story about love and hope triumphing in the face of adversity, and sometimes you just want to see good things happen to good people. I know some readers may find the formatting and the non-linear structure challenging, but this is a beautiful story and I really urge you all to give it a try!
I'll Light Your Way Home series by BeaArthurPendragon | M-E, 69K, 5 parts
Author's summary: Two lost Vietnam vets find each other in a Hell's Kitchen gay bar one hot September night. This is how they find their way home.
A pattern emerges! Can you tell I'm really into (No Powers) AUs set in the early to mid 20th century? Well, here's another one, but we're actually moving into second half of the century, specifically to 1969, for this one! Bea is quite possibly my favorite Stucky writer and I have recommended her stories many times to anybody who will listen to me. It's debatable whether or not she actually counts as "underrated", I guess, but it is my personal opinion that her fics should have ten times the kudos/comments/hits they do and that she deserves to be up there with the "big names". This story in particular just completely won over my heart with its gorgeous (but not ostentatious) writing, its confident and mature characterizations, and great eye for historical detail. I *cannot* recommend her fics enough. /unabashed fangirl moment over.
The Northern Lights by ThisChairIsMyHomeNow | M, 21K
Author's summary: “I can’t feel my face,” Steve shivers.
“I can’t feel my left arm,” Bucky says, deadpan. Steve barks out a laugh. It’s all white puffs of vapor in the chilly air.
“This the spot?”
“Nah,” Bucky pants, breath ragged from the long ascent up a mountain. “Almost there.”
A post-CW canon-divergent story that the author jokingly describes in their author's note as "gay superhero reluctantly gets therapy in the jungles of Wakanda, then goes on a covert road trip." And yes, maybe I wouldn't put it quite so flippantly myself, but it's not... untrue. And yet there is so much more depth to it. If you like a Bucky who takes back his life, his identity, and his future on his own terms, a Steve who isn't reduced to being his recovery prop but instead gets to shine in all his glorious, intense, stubborn Steve-ness, and a Sam & a Natasha who aren't just window dressing for the SteveandBucky-Show, this is for you! Cap Quartet Road Trip where all four members get their moment to shine--what are you waiting for?
Misplaced Pencils | T, 13K & and our words would take us 'round the world | T, 13K by Somanywords
Author's summary:
Steve and drawing throughout the years. Also Bucky.
Bucky is two years old when he learns to talk.
I've spent a good 30 minutes debating with myself which one of these two I should include here, and then I just threw up my hands and said "why not both? Both is good!" So here they are, two beautifully written mid-length full-arc (childhood to sometime past TWS, where they diverge from canon) fics that I love both equally. These are standalone stories and are not set in the same universe, but they do read and feel like companion pieces to each other because both stories are told through the lense of Steve and Bucky's respective artistic sensibilities and how they use their art as a framework to make sense of the world. Misplaced Pencils gives you artist Steve who, from a very young age on, has always tried to understand the world by taking it apart into its visual components & falling back on a fixed set of questions that help him to categorize and compartmentalize the people he encounters and the emotions he feels for them (just like he will later do in other areas of his life). Only that there is of course one person who's always refused to fit neatly into just one of his categories. and our worlds... on the other hand, gives you storyteller Bucky who's constantly talking, singing, writing. Who, in the end, can't help himself but narrate even his own fall and who is later delightfully affronted by his own narrative arc in a "if I had been the one in charge, I would've written it better!" way. Both of these stories are very dear to my heart and they deserve a million more hits.
+ Bonus!
Fics that definitely could/should be on this list but that I've recced before:
You are here by dharmashark
A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall by DisraeliGears
Prisoner One by ancientreader
As Time Goes By by Trouble_With_The_Snap
new topography series by brideofquiet
What I'm Looking For series by TessaBennet
Welcome Home, Son series by BeaArthurPendragon
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I'm slowly working my way through my rec asks, so please be patient with me! Next up: Road Trip fics!
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thedrarrylibrarian · 1 year
hey, do you know of any drarry podfics?
Hello! Your holds have arrived!
Yes, I do have some podfics for you! I love listening to a podfic while I'm puttering around the house, or even occasionally on a long trip! It's so calming to have something to keep my mind engaged while I'm doing a repetitive task.
I hope these podfics are exactly what you've been looking for! And don't forget to check out my previous Podfics list!
Podfics 2
Your Presence Against My Skin written by @bafflinghaze, read by JocundaSykes (4 min, rated G)
Nightmares are a part of Harry's life; but so is Draco.
Too Many Potters written by @phdmama, read by @reveriepi (13 min, rated T)
Draco blinks, trying to make sense of what he's seeing.
“Weasley,” he says, not taking his eyes off the sight in the cell, “why are there eleven Potters in Holding B?”
“Twelve, actually,” Weasely replies from his desk. “I think one’s tucked away back in the corner.”
Harry Potter and the Incredibly Organized Personal Assistant written by megyal, read by @HappyHanabi (22 min, rated T)
Harry Potter's new assistant is snarkily organized.
5 times Draco Malfoy lied because of Harry Potter (and 1 time he was uncharacteristically honest) written by Ingi, read by ETL_Echo (26 min, rated G)
Although Draco Malfoy had no qualms against lying, he'd been taught from a young age how to benefit the most from his lies.
His Father had repeated the same over and over again, as Draco grew up: You shall never do anything that provides you no benefit. And Draco had never broken that sacred rule of his family, mostly because he'd never felt the compulsion to do so.
Of course Harry bloody Potter would have to come tumbling and ruin it.
Five Little Things written by @bixgirl1, read by ETL_Echo (38 min, rated T)
Harry was supposed to be good at this.
Still written by alexmeg, read by @reveriepi (47 min, not rated)
Dating Draco Malfoy, Harry thinks, will mean being at arms length outside of sex. No unnecessary physical contact or displays of affection. He wants him anyway, inexplicably. Perhaps that is exactly the kind of person he should be with, someone who will never need Harry to kiss him first, because Harry doesn't think he'll ever be that person.
The Full Monty written by @magpiefngrl, read by @sweatersinthesummer (1 hour, rated E)
Harry poses for a naked Auror calendar and Draco goes batshit crazy with lust.
Pinky Promises Are Powerful Magic written by megyal, read by @reveriepi (1 hour, 11 min, rated T)
Ickle Harry wants to stay with his newest hero.
the way you make me glow written by @softlystarstruck, read by @roseszain (1 hour, 14 min, rated M)
In a cottage next to the sea, love blossoms. Or perhaps it’s been there all along.
Potter written by Quine, read by @peony-podfics (1 hour, 17 min, rated T)
"Potter," Blaise muttered, a strewn over salt shaker in front of him.
"Where?" Draco asked, searching in vain for the raven-haired saviour.
Theo was grinning as he watched their exchange.
"Well," Blaise began, "As you're so fond of blaming all your problems on Potter, I thought I'd give it a try as well."
Crimson Neon written by @xanthippe74 and read by Spades (1 hour, 42 min, rated M)
Winter, 1999. Harry thought going to New York would help him get his head on straight, but all he has to show for it are sore feet and a fridge full of takeaway containers. And now he’s homesick on top of everything else. It doesn’t help that his mysterious neighbour in 2C keeps cooking dishes that remind Harry of home and all the people he lost or left behind.
Human written by @ghaniblue, read by @reveriepi (3 hours, rated E)
Harry isn't dealing well with being bitten and turned into a werewolf. Draco isn't dealing well with Harry packing up and leaving like a thief in the night. Things come to a head in a forest cabin in the German Ore Mountains.
Never Grow a Wishbone written by @shanastoryteller, read by SeaSage (10 hours, 41 min, rated T)
Draco returns to Hogwarts.
He has a duty to his blood and his name and his house, and he will fulfill it.
Always Already written and read by @aibidil (19 hours, 45 min, rated E)
Harry and Draco are perfectly fine, separately minding their business in 2004, when the Unspeakables conscript them into service... in the First War against Voldemort.
Come for mutual pining and forced proximity in a 1980 hotel room, stay for young Sirius and philosophising about immortality and wormholes. And an eighties cowboy soap opera.
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please remember to leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
Lots of Love and Happy Reading!
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cailynwrites · 2 days
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The Thread Measurer's Apprentice by orphan_account (T, 9k)
Tags: Angst, Friends to Lovers
Potter picked up his own glass but didn't drink. "That's the way it always happens. I have a dream. Someone dies. I see it all. They're all strangers to me. Well, most of them. There was Scorpius, after all." He gestured at Draco, who nodded, throat freshly parched at the thought of his son splattered against a tree. "But most of the time, almost all the time," Potter continued, "they're strangers. But you see—" He pressed the glass to his forehead, "—when I wake up…." There was meant to be more, but Potter chose whisky over elaboration and fell silent. Draco tilted his head back against the cushion. Potter did the same, empty glass held to his lips. The tiny house throbbed with magic, feeding off Potter, no doubt. And Draco, caught in the backwash, was no different. Wordlessly he held out his glass. Potter refilled it. "I used to try to help them all," he said. "But there were too many." It was a horrifying prospect to consider. Draco set his glass aside, still full. "How do you pick and choose?" "I don't. Anymore."
(Rec by @cailynwrites)
🎧 Listen to the podfic version recorded by fire_juggler🎧
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Well hello there! Happy Sunday friends!
I’ve got a little snippet of chapter 9 of Depth of Reason but first, have y’all been watching these podfics for the @caught-on-tape-fest rolling in? We just wrapped the fest yesterday and we added 32 podfics to the fandom for a grand total of 84 podfics on AO3! 🤩
There’s some truly top notch content created for this fest and I am thoroughly enjoying listening to them. Do yourself a favor and cue up a podfic the next time you go for a walk or have some laundry to fold. You won’t regret it!
Ok, on to date night with our boys. Have way too many sentences:
“I never took you as a man of mystery, Snow.”
We only get halfway down the stairs before I’m turning him and pressing up against him so he’s backed into the corner of the stairwell.
“I’m a man of many surprises,” I say, threading my hands into his hair and kissing him deeply.
I don’t really know where my nerves went. I think my urge to taste and touch him overrode the gentle thrum of date night anxiety.
“I have neighbors, Snow,” he says, and I feel victorious at the way he sounds slightly breathless.
I frown at him. “No one can see us from here.” I kiss him again, just to prove a point, and we stay like that for a full minute or more before I remember that we’re on a schedule.
“Come on,” I say, pulling him with me as I direct us down the stairs.
“Menace,” he murmurs and I think I see him adjusting his trousers from the corner of my eye. I don’t say anything, but I have a hard time keeping the grin off my face.
I am losing track of tags these days and haven’t check this morning yet (I will!) so here’s a whole bunch of tags under the cut 💛
@fatalfangirl @whatevertheweather @facewithoutheart @cutestkilla @thewholelemon @artsyunderstudy @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @toonysart @martsonmars @iamamythologicalcreature @ileadacharmedlife @captain-aralias @raenestee @bookish-bogwitch @ivelovedhimthroughworse @forabeatofadrum @j-nipper-95 @larkral @leithillustration @nightimedreamersworld @wellbelesbian @run-for-chamo-miles @theearlgreymage @theimpossibledemon @valeffelees @youarenevertooold @yellobb @letraspal @aristocratic-otter @prettygoododds @orange-peony @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ic3-que3n @shrekgogurt @rimeswithpurple @tender-ministrations @hushed-chorus
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stevetonyweekly · 8 months
SteveTony Weekly - January Podfic
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New this year, I’ll be sharing a list of podfic I listened to throughout the previous month on the last day of the month. I’m a few days late this month, but here’s the fic I loved to listen to this month. 
[Podfic] Nor An Evil Tongue Bewitch by M_Samro 
The thing about kisses is that they always come at the end of the story.
Steve's life has had an awful lot of endings.
I wish I could explain the way I love this fic, how lyrical and lovely it is?? M_Samro does an amazing job with the podfic, highly recommend.
[Podfic] The Sound Silence Makes by seleneaurora
“We need exactly what we don’t have,” Tony observed, annoyed and tired. He started to giggle and couldn’t stop himself. “Power.”
He cast a glance back at the door, sealed shut behind him, and he didn’t foresee the cavalry charging through anytime soon with a generator and a bomb kit. Tony took a deep breath and asked, “How much reserve power does the suit have, J?”
“The suit is currently running on the arc reactor, sir. You have approximately one hour of power remaining before the reactor reaches critical levels.”
Team dynamics are everything, and the way that Tony is just--his usual self-sacrificial idiot self is perfection.
[Podfic] In All the World by kalakirya
In a world where Sentinels, people with five heightened senses, bond mentally and spiritually with Guides, people gifted with empathetic powers, Tony Stark has spent thirty-three years overwhelmed by the emotions of those around him and running from his own. Sentinel Steve Rogers wakes up sixty years out of his own time and struggles to deal with the massive amount of new sensory input while trying to find his footing in a New York very different from the one he knew. When they finally find each other, how will their bond change them?
I've never watched the media Sentinel AUs are based off of, but I adore them, and this one is excellent, and the podfic is just--perfect.
Hide Your Love Away, by Sineala, (podfic) by cookiemom6067 
Tony has suspected for a long time that the soulmark on his chest matches Steve's -- but he's never told Steve about it. And then it's too late to tell Steve anything at all ever again. In the wake of Steve's death, the Skrull invasion, and Norman Osborn's rise to power, the identity of his soulmate is just one of the many things Tony cuts out of his memory forever.
When Tony returns to consciousness, he's forced to deal with the aftermath of a war he no longer remembers fighting, not to mention a Steve Rogers who can barely stand to be in the same room with him. Surely the last thing Tony could ever need in his life is more amnesia. But that's what he gets. And Tony's new missing memory just might be the key to finding out the truth of his soulmark... as well as his chance to make things right once and for all.
SOULMATE AU. One of my favorites, which is saying something. The narration for @sineala work is amazing.
[podfic] Degrees of Separation by plingo_kat, reena_jenkins
Oh god, what if Jarvis infected Dummy with, with emotions. Jesus Christ.
I honestly expected this to be fluffier than it was. And somehow I haven't actually read the fic? Which startled me. Oops.
[Podfic] Scars and Stitches by Cathalinareads (Cathalinaheart)
When Tony shows up to SHIELD to be fitted with the Iron Man armor, Steve, the original Iron Man, is there to help him out.
I have a huge soft spot for Bullet Points and this fic is just--so good. Iron Man Steve is so dear to me.
[Podfic] Straight on till Morning by Sineala by M_Samro
This is a podfic for the amazing masterpiece that is Sineala's "Straight on till Morning" which is summarized thusly:
Tony Stark resigned his commission in Starfleet five years ago, after a disastrous away mission, and he swore he'd never go back. He just wants to be left alone to build warp engines in peace. But the universe has more in store for him than that, as he discovers when Admiral Fury comes to him with an offer he could never have expected and cannot possibly refuse: first officer and chief engineer aboard the all-new USS Avenger, a starship of Tony's own design. What's more, the Avenger's captain is Steve Rogers, hero of the Earth-Romulan War. Believed dead for over a century, Steve is miraculously alive... and very, very attractive.
But nothing is ever easy for Tony. As he wrestles with his secret desire for his new captain and his not-so-dormant fears, another mission starts to go wrong, and Tony becomes aware that Steve has secrets of his own -- and the truth could change everything.
I'm gonna be honest. This is one of my favorite fics ever. Not just in the Stevetony fandom, like. Ever. As a fic, it's practically perfect (which is a feat considering my adoration for Star Trek) and the podfic somehow makes it even BETTER. The narration and production M_Samro brings to it is truly amazing, and I always cry through certain parts of the podfic. I chattered about the podfic on Twitter while I listened and the outpouring of love for this fic and podfic made me ridiculously happy.
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copperbadge · 1 year
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Just a periodic reminder: I know not everyone has the energy or money to volunteer or give, but I wanted to remind folks that even reblogging helps -- reblogging RFM, yes, but also (or, really, instead) taking a moment to go to a tumblr post and reblog the post helps too. You are also always welcome to crosspost to your social media of choice or post a link from there to here.
Ways to Give:
alirhi linked to a fundraiser to get herself, her mother, and her sister stable housing; they are currently staying in their cars in a a dangerous parking lot. They have a friend who will let them park a camper in her yard, but the camper there currently is unlivable, and they haven't been able to find an affordable replacement. With two of the family on disability it is difficult for them to keep up with bills and also save for housing. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
Anon linked to a fundraiser for West Maui Animal Clinic, a Lahaina-based clinic where one of their vet school classmates works; the clinic burned to the ground in the fires, and many of the staff lost everything. They are raising funds to try and keep paying clinic staff while they figure out how to recover. You can read more and support the fundraiser here. (sorry to credit you as anon, but your username wasn't a tumblr handle and I wasn't confident the username without stops was the right one.)
Beck is raising funds to help cover the vet bill for their tortie cat, Lady Clytemnestra, who had to be treated for an abscess; you can read more and reblog here or support the gofundme here (as a warning, there is a photo of the injury at the fundraiser if you scroll).
Anon linked to a fundraiser for lumierew, to cover the vet bills for her cat's spinal surgery. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
squidgiepdx and squidge.org are running a fall fundraiser; they are a small fansite that provides image and podfic hosting, site hosting, and a story archive for the fannish community, which runs them about $2K per year. They are now incorporated as a 501c3 (a nonprofit) in the US, and so your donations are tax-deductible. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
News to Know:
blackestglass is running the fourth annual Chromatic Characters Podfic Anthology, which collects podfics of stories of less than 1500 words and center characters of color. This year's optional theme is "solidarity" and the due date for submissions is September 12th; they are encouraging authors who'd like to write a story for the anthology to team up with a podficcer by commenting at the info post. They are also looking for technical betas who can commit to 2 hours of beta listening the week of Sept. 13, to check for volume issues and other errors in the files and metadata. If you are a person of color who would be willing to lend their services as a contextual content beta (formerly known as cultural sensitivity listeners), they'd love to have you onboard as well. You can read more and comment here to volunteer or ask a question, DM the mods on twitter at ccpamods, or email ccpamods at gmail.com.
Buy Stuff, Help Out:
grumpycakes's coworker made a Tarot deck that they're kickstarting, but they haven't yet reached goal; the deck is "A unique tarot deck that references not only symbols and keywords, but also; flowers, crystals and more with affirmations. [...] The Symbolic Tarot not only draws from the traditional tarot structure but also includes corresponding aspects including simple answers to questions, making each card a collectible piece of resourcefulness." You can read more and reblog here or join in the kickstarter here.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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fastcardotmp3 · 7 months
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“I was so careful with you,” she murmurs, almost quiet enough that it feels as though it wasn't meant for Robin's ears at all. Quiet enough, even that Robin feels herself straining to listen past the muffled flow of cars and people and life just beyond this alley. “You don't have to be,” she says, even if she's not supposed to, because it feels important. “I'm not fragile.”  » Ronance // Rated M // Vampire!Nancy // 2.4k » podfic & cover art by @n0connections 💜 » Febuwhump #8: "Who did this to you?" & Came Back Wrong » Febuwhump Masterlist
read (and listen) on ao3 // preview under the cut
There’s a regular at the bar where Robin works. A girl. Woman, actually, is a better fit in every conceivable way. 
There’s a woman who regularly comes to the bar where Robin works. 
She orders a vodka soda and sits at the bar, chats with Robin the whole night through, and leaves three hours later with a hefty tip tucked under a still-full glass. 
She’s immaculate. Mysterious. Beautiful.
Or at least at first it was only that, this sort of baffling level of oh my god her eyes sparkle when she smiles at me that Robin has definitely felt before in what Steve considers to be her numerous and unending crushes, but Robin knows is just an inevitable eventuality when there are so many beautiful and handsome women walking around every day. 
As if Robin’s supposed to just ignore that? Please. 
The thing is, though, the woman at the bar? The woman who goes by the name of Nancy and always pays in cash and never, not once, has taken a sip of her drink? 
She’s funny too. She’s witty, even. 
She holds a conversation with Robin so intriguing and gripping that Robin’s gotten reprimanded by the other regulars for ignoring them on more than one occasion. 
She makes Robin feel giddy like she's back in high school and Tammy Thompson is asking to borrow a pencil instead of twenty-seven years old working behind the bar at one of the dingier holes-in-the-wall in Chicago. 
The way she crafts a story has Robin leaning forward, elbow on bar and chin in hand, eyes all big and smile dopey and stupid, because she doesn't want to miss a single syllable of it, doesn't want to miss a moment of this woman's attention on her because it feels like a gift. It feels like an honor. 
It feels, at the end of the night, like such a fleeting and impossible thing. Because that's what happens isn't it, at the end of every night? 
Nancy leaves her tip of crisp bills and says goodbye and then steps away from the bar and finds someone else to take home within the following ten minutes. 
She takes someone home with her every time she comes in and that person is never, not once, Robin Buckley.
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20 questions for fic writers podficcers
Thank you for the tag @diazsdimples, @underwaterninja13, @aroeddiediaz❣️ (obviously I'm no writer so I'll be putting my own spin on the questions)
How many works do you have on ao3?
19, which sounds like a made up number given that I only posted my first podfic in July 2023
What's your total ao3 word count?
404 words 🤣 but that's podfic for you. My total run time is roughly 8 hours and 10 minutes
What fandoms do you write record for?
Mostly 9-1-1, but I also have a podfic of an amazing Lucifer story.
Top 5 podfics by kudos:
[podfic] do you love me? all you gotta do is say yes written by fleetinghearts
[podfic] wedding bells written by renecdote
[podfic] Blame It On the Alcohol/Halloween Candy/Mistletoe/Etc. written by HMSLusitania
[podfic] might as well be drunk in love written by fleetinghearts
[Podfic] Hot Potato written by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Do you respond to comments?
I do
What is the fic you wrote recorded with the angstiest ending?
I don't really do angsty endings, I don't like listening to them, so I don't record them either 🤷‍♀️
What's the fic you wrote recorded with the happiest ending?
goodness. All of them? Perhaps Coffee in bed (written by trysetmeonfire) which is about Chris giving Buck a father's day present? Or i have dreams where i kiss you and it’s pink (written by fleetinghearts) with Buck in the pink princess dress? Those two are I think the sweetest for entirely different reasons 😘 But honestly most of them because i love friends to fiancés and bedsharing and idiots to lovers, just happy happy stories 😁
Do you get hate on fics?
Everyone has been very sweet so far 😊
Do you write record smut?
Sooooo my first two podfics were two of letmetellyouaboutmyfeels's monsterfucking stories.... 😙😇
Craziest crossover?
I haven't done any crossovers
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I really really hope not and I keep my podfics locked to registered users because I don't want my voice to be scraped for/by AI
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I'd love it if someone wanted to record the stories I've already done, so that I could listen to their version, too!
Have you co-written co-recorded a fic before?
not yet
All time favorite ship?
Buddie ❤️. And Fitzwilliam Darcy/Elizabeth Bennett ❤️
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I'm planning on finishing all my wips but man, bucket list!Buck is taking a lot longer break than I expected right now between various sicknesses and injuries 🫣
What are your writing voice-acting strengths?
I think my pacing is usually pretty good? At least I like listening to myself 🙃 and I like to think I can do feelings pretty well
What are your writing voice-acting weaknesses?
voices, accents and smut
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
English is my L2 so all my recording is "in another language", I hope I could do passable French, Spanish if it were more than a word or two I'd definitely be asking a friend to check my pronunciation
First fandom you wrote podficced in?
9-1-1 😍
Favorite fic you've written recorded?
[podfic] might as well be drunk in love. I love this story and I honestly love the way I recorded it.
tagging (if you'd like) writers and podficcers alike:
@shitouttabuck, @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels, @renecdote, @hmslusitania
@rhea314, @gracieryder, @blackestglass, @try-set-me-on-fire, @mayonnaisetoffees
@thewollfgang, @bucksbignaturals, @eddiegettingshot, @rainbow-nerdss
@cal-daisies-and-briars, @athenagranted, @daffi-990, @lover-of-mine
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imsiriuslyreading · 2 months
the way you portray remus with his accent mannerisms and everything i so perfect. i will never hear him in my head any other way. this podfic has been playing in the background of my life for the past months, and i have cried and laughed and really felt like i was there with the characters because of how you make each of them come alive. you truly are an amazing storyteller. how do you do it? is it something you have learnt? thank you for doing this, it means a lot to me<33
- girl 17
this is very very very nice of you. i love what you said about it playing in the background, that's how I feel about it too <3
it's very easy to narrate this story when its writing, plot and characters are all created so beautifully. in all honesty, I'm winging it. TCOPTP is just the most fun, moving thing to read and it feels like such a privilege that I get to say it all out loud.
remus in cadence is someone i have a lot of love for, there are many little things I can identify with and understand and also want to punch him in the face for. so maybe all of that comes through a bit, muahaha.
but to be honest, my favourite thing on the planet is just seeing how many people enjoy listening to it! I take no credit because it's all mots' talent, but it feels like we're all just reading it together and having the very best time <3
thanks for your lovely lovely message have the very best day! xoxox
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drarryweasley · 9 months
HP Rec Fest - Part 1 (Days 1-16)
Boy, has it been a moment since I've gone through my fanfic bookmarks. Thankful that @hprecfest has given me a reason to do so and rediscover some old gems!
Anyways making this list made me realize that I'm a connoisseur of explicit content so most of these are smutty and I'll leave that up to you to decide whether that's good or bad
(These are almost exclusively post-war fics where everyone is an adult, unless otherwise stated!)
1. A favorite fic under 5k: If We Lie Like This by everythingokay
(Harry x Charlie Weasley, rated E, 4.1k)
Harry/Charlie is one of my absolute favorite ships of all time, and this is one of the sweetest pwps I've ever read of them, so you know this had to be my first rec.
2. A comfort fic: Lumos by birdsofshore
(Drarry, rated E, 41.5k)
This is one of my oldest bookmarks, and still one of the best. I love, love, love eighth year fics, in no small part because of this one. The summary really says it all:
"Harry never expected to spend eighth year listening to Draco Malfoy wanking."
3. A podfic
I've truly never listened to a podfic in my life, I just prefer reading I'm sorry
4. A fic with art: What Have You Been Hiding Under Those Robes, Professor Malfoy? by Booktopus
(Drarry, Rated E, 15k - art is NSFW!)
Finding art in my fics is such a rare, exciting surprise, especially because I rarely go looking for them. Now, a GIF? And a smutty gif at that? Of tattooed professor Draco? What. A. Find.
5. A non-AO3 fic: The Lust of Gryffindors by Fearful Porpentine
(Harmione + so many pairings/groupings, rated M, 381.5k, aged-up during canon)
Yeah, I'm pretty much exclusively an AO3 girlie, so I don't have many options for this one. Still, this is a standout as one of my favorite smutty extravaganzas.
6. An unreliable narrator fic: Touch by bixgirl1
(Drarry, Rated E, 45k)
I had this fic on my TBR for so long before I actually read it, and when I finally did, I was KICKING myself for waiting so long! I love touch-starved characters finally getting what they need (is it self-fulfilling? perhaps), and I never thought a sleep-deprived Harry could be so funny.
(I'm aware this is an unreliable narrator in the loosest sense of the word but I'm sticking with it because it NEEDS to be recced)
7. A canon-compliant fic: With the Edges Worn Down by MayatheBee
(Harry x Ron x Hermione, rated E, 13k)
By "canon-compliant," we mean "takes place so far in the future that canon can't disprove it," right?
If so, then here's my pick. After Ginny's death, Ron and Hermione decide to finally act on feelings that have been ignored for their entire friendship. It is so, so sweet and so, so hot.
8. A canon-divergence fic: Safe Word is Devil's Snare by ShayaLonnie
(Neville x Hermione, rated E, 97k)
Hot Neville Agenda? Hot Neville Agenda.
Neville is fast becoming one of my favorite characters in fic (both in reading and writing). I'm a sucker for him growing into his self-confidence after the war while still being the same loveable plant guy we know. And a forced marriage with hyper-competent Hermione? Get ready for the spice, y'all.
9. A rare pair fic: 93 Diagon Alley by Schmem_14
(Harry x George, rated M, 30k)
I'm quickly realizing that most of the fic I consume (outside of drarry) is rare pairs, but this is one of the best. Harry and George leaning on each other through their grief, and realizing what they need to get through said grief is, in fact, each other? Sign me up. I usually avoid stories that feature Fred's death as a significant plot point, but this is too well done to ignore.
10. A fest fic: Beware: Naked People Ahead by SonnenFlower
(Lots of pairings, rated M, 6.6k)
I’m recommending this fic not only because of the absolute hilarity of the premise, but because it is a part of one of the best fests I’ve ever come across — the Hermione’s Nook Naked Weasley Fest! This fic had me laughing the whole way through (and crying when I wasn’t.)
11. A dark fic: Whore by orphan_account
(Harry x Fred x George + noncon, etc, rated E, 141.6k, takes place during canon)
Listen, I don't read dark fics very often. They tend to crush my soul and spin me out. This is my "I want to hurt" fic — SO MIND THE TAGS.
12. A WIP you're following: New Blood by artemisgirl
(Pairings still evolving, rated M, currently 1.3 million words, takes place during canon)
As a general rule, I don't read many in-progress fics (this is a personal fault because I get too impatient and invested). But when I started this fic, it had over 1 million words and didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon, so I took the plunge. It features a Slytherin, overpowered, badass Hermione, deep fae/wix lore, and a unique twist on all our favorite characters!
13. A fic with over 100k words: Finding Sophrosyne by mlfoyskhione
(Drarry, rated T, 136.5k)
An eighth year fic where everyone in Hogwarts falls into an unwakeable sleep...except Draco and Harry. Absolutely delectable.
14. A favorite series: Harry Potter & Seven Years of Chaos by Severitus812
(Harry x Fred + Severitus, unrated, 1+ million words; takes place during canon)
When I started this fic, the first six parts were published and part of the seventh. I DEVOURED them in a week, and I still haven't gotten around to finishing it because I'm positive it's going to break my heart. Still, an absolute beast of a story that is so, so fun to experience!
15. The most recent fic you bookmarked: The Best Laid Plans by Drarrymadhatter
(Drarry, Draco x George, Harry x Fred, rated E, 6.6k)
Okay, I’ve bookmarked entirely too many fics since the start of this fest, so to avoid repeats, I’m recommending the last fic I bookmarked BEFORE then. Based on my url, it couldn’t be more perfect — Draco, George, Harry, AND Fred? Absolute perfection. Sexy, sexy perfection.
16. A fic that made you laugh: I WANNA SEE SOME ARSE by thefrancakes
(NottPott, rated E, 10.5k)
From the title of this fic through the end of it, I was laughing. And where I wasn’t, I was fanning myself because. Hot. Damn. I’d never shipped Harry and Theo Nott until reading this.
So many excellent fics here...and yet I'm even MORE excited about the next set of prompts! Until then!
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