#i like. also think i can say ill never have kids at this point either. which also makes me sad
cheswirls · 1 year
i started this ml sketch back in 2021 and have successively redone it so many times since and i think..... fingers crossed!!!!!! that i like this version from last night enough to maybe color or do something past sketching at least
#god this was part of the ml set i did back in the fall semester when i did those poni canyon studies#mind you this was also back when evolutions was airing and i was obsessed w ml again#one of those was a ship meme that i did lineless headshots for instead of inserting old art#i only did moon but maybe ill finish lillie so it's “completed” or smth#the other i think were the fullbody refs and maybe one of them was colored neither lined tho#anyway it's all old art so i doubt itll see the light of day but maybe i can retouch n drop a new ml set here#if i post this recent one it won't be alone plus ive been waiting to post abt the fks until i had a set done#god if i get this theoretical intro ml set done i could post sm old art **that i actually still like#im rly adverse to throwing fks into the parents ship tag on their own these days but ive had an old sk#of lillie + the kids for so long that i could use bc the intro set was gonna have /smth/ w both of them#together w either moon or lillie#the problem is i say ill post a bunch of art at once then get impatient n do one by one#or n e v e r finish the full set and nothing gets posted#haha at my pmshi set w the fullbody fk refs ive had done for literal yrs now that will never get posted ever anymore#anyway i rly do love ml so much it's honestly my fav gameverse ship now and i rly need more#content on here made by me so everyone else knows im down bad for them#the fks were never supposed to be a secret per se i am jus rly bad at completing full sets#anyway!!!! point is maybe future incoming ml art on here i am slowly making progress
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yamujiburo · 6 months
Why I Love Hanamusa
I get this question very frequently but have never given a really in depth, definitive answer. All just kinda implied through my comics and spread out asks. So here's this I guess! Long post ahead:
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First, as a Pokémon fan in her mid 20s, I love seeing a ship where the characters are both in their mid/late 20s. Already, they’re much more relatable to me and my current experiences. Most Pokémon ships are between preteens, which can be cute but ultimately don’t interest me as much as they used to when I was a kid myself. Not enough to get super invested in and draw a lot of fanart for anyways haha.
I’ll also start by saying that canon doesn’t always influence whether or not I’ll ship something. I’m much more drawn to potential. Could the characters work together? Do their personalities work together in a nice way? I feel like this so much of fanon is anyways. Especially with queer relationships because they’re rarely depicted in the first place. A lot of the context for these ships is usually up to the fans to piece together or make up in general. And that’s the fun part to me!
Jessie and Delia have only met in the anime a handful of times. Any interaction they’ve had has either been pleasant, or just a typical Team Rocket interaction, with Delia dismissing them/not seeing them as a threat. Already a great jumping off point for me since, truly, they don’t have any actual beef or true, ill feelings towards each other. It’s not TOO out of the realm of possibility for them to potentially fall for each other. “But Jessie chased Delia’s son around trying to steal his Pokémon!” That’s where that dismissive and aloof attitude that Delia has comes into play. I’ll go more into Delia’s whole deal a bit later but I do think this aspect of her personality is a large reason why this ship can work. It’s not that she doesn’t care that Jessie has a bad past, but she can tell that, on the inside, Jessie’s a good person. And, in a scenario where Jessie is trying to become a better person, is forgiving enough to give her a shot. I feel like this is such a solid foundation for a ship. A character who has done wrong but is trying to be better and another character who is willing to help them be better. A classic dynamic!
It’s not just one-sided though; where Jessie is the only one benefitting and learning from the relationship. I believe Delia could get a lot out of being with someone like Jessie. To understand why, I think it’s important to know these characters’ respective backstories.
Jessie is an orphan/foster child who grew up in poverty. Her mother Miyamoto (from The Birth of Mewtwo) was a Team Rocket operative herself, who went on a mission to find Mew. In order to do this, she had to leave Jessie when she was just a toddler. Unfortunately, Miyamoto went MIA on her mission leaving Jessie to more or less fend for herself. Jessie went through life with zero stability, evident by her MANY different careers and constant moving around. It’s implied in the show that she went from foster home to foster home, and later in life tried being an idol, weather girl, florist, wine connoisseur, actress, most notably a nurse and finally a Team Rocket field agent. And even while in Team Rocket, she, James and Meowth were always doing odd jobs to get by. We see that Jessie used to be a sweet kid, and even adult, but the world and her circumstances repeatedly did her dirty, leading her to become the character we know today. Hot tempered, mean, selfish, etc. But despite this, her soft side does still shine through for the people and Pokémon she cares about. She is incredibly loyal.
Delia, unbeknownst to a lot of fans, also had a rough past (see Pocket Monsters: The Animation). Like Jessie, she had a lot of dreams and aspirations like wanting to be a model and even a trainer. But when she was 10, her mother didn’t let her, telling her that she had to stay home and learn to run the family restaurant (she’s an only child). Delia’s father left her and her mother to be a trainer, and never returned. When she was 18, she married Ash’s father and became pregnant shortly after. But right after Ash was born, he also set off to be a Pokémon trainer. And soon after that, her mother passed away, leaving Delia with just the restaurant and baby Ash. This gives so much context to Delia’s attitude in the show. We see that Delia is pained whenever Ash leaves on a journey, but she never shows that pain to anyone. ESPECIALLY Ash. She’s very quick to shoo him off when he shows any sign of wanting to go on another journey and even when he returns home, she acts more excited to see Pikachu than him almost every time. Without all this backstory, it’s easy to just read this as a funny gag, BUT with context, I think it really shows how quickly Delia shuts down and detaches in order to not confront her own feelings. She’s afraid of losing people and getting hurt again.
All that said, I think Jessie and Delia provide each other with EXACTLY what the other needs. 
Aside from becoming rich and famous, Jessie’s biggest aspiration is to get married. In my opinion, this is more so an underlying want for love and stability. There is no one more stable in the show than Delia. Delia’s lived in Pallet her whole life, she’s worked at the same restaurant since she was young and she is always there when Ash comes back home. She has all the love, patience and stability Jessie needs and craves. While forgiving, Delia’s not stupid and can keep Jessie in check. Delia’s also just an angel, which I feel, would make Jessie want to be better. And on top of all this, on more of a surface level, Delia’s a chef and excellent cook. She shows love through cooking and Jessie, who grew up poor, regularly starving and eating snow, happily receives that love. Jessie’s able to live a happy and healthy life with someone like Delia.
Delia, as stated, is very stable. Likely pretty monotonous and solitary, especially living in such a small town like Pallet. This isn’t a bad thing but it’s a little sad when you consider that Delia also had dreams of traveling, being a model and a trainer. She had to give up so many dreams in order to fulfill her duties as a restaurant owner and mother. And even now, when Ash is off on his journey, she feels the need to always be home and be that stable pillar, leaving behind any ambitions she had, thinking it’s too late for her (she’s only 29 btw). But then along comes Jessie, dangerous, passionate, an absolute firecracker. Someone who’s whole life has been about chasing dreams and either, never giving up on them or finding a new dream to chase. Upon learning about Delia’s past aspirations, I could see Jessie pushing her towards them, letting her know that life’s too short and she has nothing to lose from trying. On top of this, Jessie’s also loyal. She, James and Meowth are depicted as doing anything for anyone who gives them food or shows them kindness. Delia does both so there’s no way Jessie would leave her. This fulfills an essential need for Delia, who is afraid of the people in her life leaving her.
There’s so much potential for mutual growth and learning between these two and I adore that. They compliment each other, they help each other and they bring out the best qualities in one another.
I’m not really sure how to end this and I could truly talk about them even more but I don’t want this to be tooooo long haha. OH I could end it with maybe the most funny aspect of this ship that I've brushed over and also what drew me to it in the first place. Jessie. As Ash’s stepmom. THE END.
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vanessagillings · 6 months
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I’m posting the ever-so-rare photo of myself alongside one of my characters based on my childhood because today is World Autism Acceptance Day, and I wanted to show my little corner of the internet who this particular autistic person is:  
I was officially diagnosed in February, at age 38 (I’m now 39). A lot of people thought I couldn’t be autistic.  Some people who know me in real life still don’t.  And until around 10 years ago, I didn’t think I could be either, because I was nothing like the stereotype media portrays. I was told that autistics lacked empathy (untrue), and never played make-believe (also often untrue) and only enjoyed STEM.  I was — and am — an empathetic artist -- and make believe?  I can spend days sketching finely bedecked bears brewing tea or carefully choosing the right words to weave tapestries of fiction — though perhaps my hyper focus was a bit of a red flag.  Even so, how could autism describe me?  I was a good student.  I got straight A's. I didn’t act out in class.  I can make eye contact…if I must.  And lots of girls hate having their hair brushed with an unholy passion, right?  Clearly I swim in sarcasm like a fish, so autism couldn't be why I was so anxious all the time, could it?
If someone had told me when I was younger what autism ACTUALLY is — instead of the nonsense I’d seen on screens — I would have seen myself in it.  I didn’t hear that autistics have sensory issues until I was in my mid-twenties, which is when I first began to really research autism symptoms, and I had almost all of them:  sensitivity to light, smells, fabrics, temperatures, textures, and certain touches, all of which make me feel anxious, I fidget (stim), I never know what the hell to do with my hands or where to look, I talk too little or too much, I have special interests, I have entire animated movies memorized shot-by-shot and can remember the first time and place I saw every movie I've ever seen but I often forget what I'm trying to say mid-sentence, I echo movies and tv shows (my husband and I have a whole repertoire of shared echolalias, making up about 20% of our conversations), I was in speech therapy as a kid, I have issues with dysnomia and verbal fluency, I toe-walk, I can't multitask to save my life, I like things just-so, I’m deeply introverted but not shy, I need to recover from all social interaction — even social interaction I enjoy — and I find stupid, every day things like grocery shopping, driving and making appointments overwhelming and intensely stressful, sometimes to the point where I struggle to speak.  It turns out, I am definitely autistic. My results weren't borderline. Not even close. And while these aren’t all of my challenges, and not everyone with these symptoms is autistic, it’s definitely something to look into if you present with all of these things at once. 
So why did it take me so long to get diagnosed? The same bias that exists in media threads through the medical community as well, and because I'm a woman who can discuss the weather while smiling on cue, few people thought I was worth looking into. Even after I was fairly certain I was autistic, receiving an official diagnosis in the US is unnecessarily difficult and expensive, and in my case, completely uncovered by my insurance.  It cost me over $4000, and I could only afford it because my husband makes more money than I do as a freelance illustrator — a job I fell into largely because it didn’t require in-person work; like many autists, I have been chronically underemployed and underpaid, in part due to physical illness in my twenties, which is a topic for another day.  But it shouldn’t be like this.  It shouldn’t be so hard for adults to receive diagnoses and it shouldn’t be so hard for people to see themselves in this condition to begin with due to misinformation and stereotypes. Like many issues in America, these barriers are even higher for marginalized groups with multiple intersectionalities. 
It’s commonly said that if you’ve met one autistic person, you’ve met one autistic person.  This is why it’s called a spectrum, not because there’s a linear progression of severity (someone who appears to have low support needs like myself might need more than it seems, and vice versa), but because every autistic person has their own strengths and weaknesses, challenges and experiences, opinions and needs.  No two people on the spectrum present in the same way.  And that’s a good thing!  No way of being autistic is inherently any better than any other, and even if someone on the spectrum struggles with things I don’t — or can do things I can’t — doesn’t make them more or less deserving of respect and human dignity.
But speaking solely for myself, the more I learn about autism, the happier I am to be autistic.  I struggle to find words and exert fine motor control, but my deep passion and fixation has made me good at art and storytelling anyway.  I find more joy watching dogs and studying leaf shapes on my walks than most people do in an entire day.  More often than not, the barriers I’ve faced weren’t due to my autism directly, but due to society being overly rigid about what it considers a valid way of existing.  My hope in writing this today is that maybe one person will realize that autism isn’t what they thought — and that being different is not the same as being less than. My hope with my fiction is to give autistic children mirrors with which to see themselves, and everyone else windows through which to see us as we actually are.
If you’re interested in learning more about autism or think you might be autistic, too, I recommend the Autism Self Advocacy Network  autisticadvocacy.org and the following books:
What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic by Annie Kotowicz
We're Not Broken by Eric Garcia
Knowing Why edited by Elizabeth Bartmess
Unmasking Autism by Devon Price, PhD
Loud Hands edited by Julia Bascom
Neurotribes by Steve Silberman
(trigger warning: the last two contain quite a lot of upsetting material involving institutionalized child abuse, but I think it’s important for people to know how often autistic children were — and are — abused simply for being neurodivergent).
Thanks for reading 💛
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restinslices · 2 months
Bi-Han As A Dad (fluff edition)
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I’m currently writing a fluff one shot of Bi-Han as a dad, but with the world being boo-boo, I thought why not drop a few headcanons I have until it’s done. Enjoy. (Also I love this gif).
It’s very easy to paint Bi-Han as someone who would be a terrible and strict dad
We not for that over here tho
Is Bi-Han strict? Absolutely. But he’s strict because he wants his kids to be focused and become the best warrior they can
Bi-Han cuts his kids fruit and leaves it outside their rooms if they’re sleeping
He genuinely believes they can succeed at whatever they want to if they try hard enough
Do not ever let his kid get bullied. I swear to y’all this man does not care that hitting kids is frowned upon
Or the parent gotta run him the fair one
Either way, that shit is not sliding
Bi-Han has nicknames for his kids
I don’t see them being smth like “oh my little boo boo cake”, but smth like 小天使 (Little Angel) or 小战士 (Little Warrior)
I got those from google so I’m HOPING they’re not wrong-
Since he’s the oldest brother, he has experience caring for younger people when they’re ill or injured
He’s still Bi-Han though, so he’s talking shit the whole time
“You never listen to anything I say. I just speak and you don’t listen. I said wear a jacket”
He keeps mumbling things as he’s making soup. His irritation and need to parent is clashing
“爸爸 you don’t have to-“ “shut up”
If his kid is affected by the cold more than he is, he takes that into account and gets them actual winter gear
Bi-Han 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾 Black parents - getting pissed off when they see kids without a coat
Kids get hyper fixated on stupid shit and while I don’t think he’d listen to every little thing, he’s definitely a pro at pretending he’s listening
“爸爸 is the moon following us?” “Yes and it’s going to eat you if you misbehave”
Okay maybe that’s not fluffy but it’s funny
Is it manipulation to use a child’s mind to get them to behave?
“爸爸 do you think the tooth fairy will come tonight?” “If you clean your room. The tooth fairy likes clean kids”
Mansplain, Manipulate, Murder
Murder is not towards the kids obviously
Imagine a kid just running back and forth and Bi-Han is watching
He’s not stopping them. Go ahead and tire yourself out
Gives his kids very blunt advise, which is dickhead-ish, but he has good intentions
“He broke up with me!” “Some relationships are not meant to be. No point on sulking”
Dad I get it but I’m hurt right now
Thankfully, he doesn’t raise those little monsters that tear up shit constantly and are assholes to everyone
Bi-Han 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾 Black parents - seeing a kid acting up in public and telling their kid “I would’ve beat your ass if you did some shit like that”
How is this situation circling back to me?
On the real though, Bi-Han is not a perfect father but he for sure tries his best. He has a lot of hiccups because he’s not used to being in tuned with his feelings and the feelings of others, but he’s trying. I don’t see his kids ever feeling genuinely hated by him or like he doesn’t like them
They’re not Tomas-
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jellybeanium124 · 1 month
Do you legitimately think men don't harass women in bathrooms? Like genuinely? Cause I can tell you right now, my middle and high school had shared bathrooms and the boys absolutely fucking harassed the girls all the fucking time.
To make fun of them when they heard period product wrappers and to make sex jokes.
I'd love to live in your world where people avoid eye contact in bathrooms 100% of the time, but alas, some of us live in the real world.
You not having a shitty experience with a predator or an abuser doesn't mean others have never experiences such.
I'm sorry that happened to you and I am aware this thing happens sometimes.
on an unrelated note, trans women are women. they aren't men. and they are much, much more likely (MUCH MORE!!!!!!!) to be assaulted than do the assaulting.
on a third unrelated note, you can go into whatever bathroom you want because there are no bathroom police. I (cis woman) have gone into multi-stalled men's bathrooms multiple times and nothing happened. I did not cross dress in order to do it. I didn't have to! because there are no bathroom police. I especially did not have to go thru the mega-hassle of getting T or doing any other sort of medical transition. I walked in there, boobs boobing, hair long, no make-up, and did my business and left. crazy how you can just like, walk thru doorways, huh. that's always the thing that gets me about your arguments. you can go into whatever bathroom you want, and so can everyone else, and the only thing stopping you are societal rules we impose on ourselves. there is no potty police. no bathroom brigade. no privy vigilantes. no can commanders. no facility fighters.
on a fourth unrelated note (brought to you by innuendo studios), you are falling for the conservative framework where bad things either happen, or they don't. school shootings happen or they don't. people either die from preventable illnesses or they don't. sexual assaults either happen or they don't. therefore there's no point to doing anything about it because you can't regulate evil. or, really, you can't regulate all evil. there is no world where every single assault, shooting, death from preventable illness, or whatever doesn't happen. you are leaving absolutely no room for scale. if one woman gets assaulted in the bathroom, then assaults happen and we all need to fear the penis!!!! when that's just not the world we live in. penises are not evil contraptions of the devil constantly trying to penetrate you. most people, regardless of gender, do not give a shit about you. most people mind their own damn business. nobody is out to get you. men are not constantly thinking about preying on you. they're probably thinking about football. or work. or music. or their kids. or shopping they need to do. or about their blorbos. or about plans this saturday they're looking forward to. or a million billion things that have absolutely nothing to do with you, some stranger they will never see again.
I'm not saying we should all go walk down strange dark alleyways at night hugging the wall but like... I am really genuinely sorry if you spend all your time afraid and angry. I've perused terf blogs on occasion. all y'all are afraid and angry all the time. and sure, that's just a tumblr blog. idk what you do offline. but anyways, you don't have to be afraid and angry all the time. you shouldn't be in a community that constantly affirms your worst fears in order to keep you afraid and angry. terfs prey on hurt, confused, scared women and tell them "yes, all men are evil!" and "yes, you are valuable just for being a woman!" and suck them into this ideology of hate (ironically this sentence is also a borrowed observation from the alt-right playbook, and maybe the fact that your movement does the same thing to you as the alt-right does to vulnerable, hurt, confused, and scared cishet white men should be a red flag but idk).
maybe that just sounds patronizing. but I mean it. you really don't have to be afraid and angry all the time.
but if you send me any more asks especially if they're nastier you're getting blocked.
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nataliesscatorccio · 1 year
about kevyn tan. like, why did this burnout goth kid elect to enter The System despite being so fringe in his youth? kevyn is first presented as our suburb 90s version of alternative gender expression, but he wears the goth title the same way he wears the cop title. loosely, ill fitting. this guy? really? on the surface he seems likable, but! but. he is always trying to be the most "inoffensive" in an offensive party, no matter which side of the line on. (he doesnt say anything when nat is harassed by the boys in the car, like he doesn't say anything about the out of line "undercover" work Saracusa does on the Sadecki case). he only takes on either role (goth/cop) because he thinks it will impress a girl. in a show centered so much around girlhood, womanhood — we have travis, who starts out immediately (begrudgingly) taking this very Masculine role in all the regular teen boy ways he's been bullied into but then also in the grown man ways he has to in his father's absence, for javi. and we have kevyn who is experimenting with a more Feminine self expression. they both suck at it. natalie has to cut the ring off of coach martinez's finger for travis to bring it back to javi. natalie has to tell kevyn not to use sharpie on his nails. but then javi goes missing for travis, and natalie goes missing for kevyn. without javi, travis can begin to slip into this honorarily Girl role that he was never allowed to before, a role he is more comfortable in. (travis' angry outbursts through the series are almost always linked back to moments when he is being asked to perform Manhood, vs the peace and comfort it brings him when someone else relieves him of that burden. like nat asking him not to go on tai's hike, and the sex scene where hallucination lottie holds him gently, opposed to how much nat saying "I want you so bad" scared him off). while travis is studying the blade coming into womanhood in the wilderness through his loss of bodily autonomy, through adhering to the rituals they begin to set (the laws of the wilderness/girlcode) and finally his emotional and bloody participation in the birth of shauna's ("their") baby... kevyn is in society coming into manhood by the laws of civilization, now that he no longer has nat to, yes, guide him but more importantly to wear the uniform for. travis wants to be a part of girlhood. kevyn covets girlhood, the same way he covets nirvana. he doesn't actually care about it, he just wants it to be his and nat's thing. he liked it better when it was just them. he begins his descent to cop (derogatory) as travis begins his ascent to deadwife (affectionate). later when nat tells kevyn that he and travis were a lot alike, it's true and it isn't. they have the same middle point, but only pass by each other briefly on their way to opposite ends of the spectrum, where they were headed all along.
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sashi-ya · 10 months
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𝑩𝒀𝑨𝑲𝑼𝒀𝑨'𝑺 𝑹𝑬𝑳𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑺𝑯𝑰𝑷 𝑾𝑰𝑻𝑯 𝑺𝑬𝑿 & 𝑩𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑭 𝑺𝑻𝑶𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑺 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝙰𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜. [part 1]
some ideas I have written regarding Byaku and how I actually think of him when I write when it comes to sex. This analysis doesn't cover his kinks, as I believe that should be a separate post! So, if you wanna read about those tell me and I'll post it 💖. There are also two short stories, one of them will be posted veeeery soon 🙊
tw: MDNI. not strictly a smut piece, but it is about sex. there is a brief story about his teenage experience, it is not meant to be a "smut" story either. Do not read it in such way. Thanks.
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Not a virgin, but pretty close. Raised with the idea of upholding the law no matter what I believe Byakuya had to be a pretty structured man, therefore I think he married Hisana before touching her. Also, he is a very romantic man (yes, he is. Imagine going against your whole family and ideals for love. Marrying someone that comes from an absolute different world just for love) so I do believe he must have wanted to wait for their first night as a married couple to make love to Hisana. Of course, the first time with your loved one it’s always wonderful and sweet, but also realistically clumsy (Which I find adorable, imagine a clumsy Byakuya blushing). So, unfortunately because of Hisana’s illness, I believe they haven’t had a lot of sex. Therefore, Byakuya is pretty unexperienced to me -at first-.  
𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 .Oral sex; what is this pleasure given by the gods?. -this is not a Hisana slander- Following the same train of thoughts as the first point, to me, Byakuya never experienced oral sex on himself (I do believe he has done it, though. Being the protective man he is, he surely tried giving it before receiving it). So, the very first time your lips surrounds his hardness he could swear tears pool in his eyes… “This is… absolutely… delightful”. His delicate fingers brushing against your hair, still too timid and in pure awe to be pulling from it. Byakuya only wants to caress the person that has kneel in front of him to pleasure him. .At first, he won’t ask for sex, nor he will do anything to start it… until he can’t take it no more. Because he is unexperienced (that doesn’t mean he is not a good lover, for the love of god), he is hesitant to try. Even when his mind would get lost in the deepest forest of insecurity, he will try to repress the need as much as he can (he is always fighting an internal fight to repress his own desires, sex is no different). Normally you could say pissing him off or disobeying him would be the key to make him fall, but I believe he is much more moved by the need to posses such beautiful creature, in a state of weakness and submission towards him. Be clumsy, cough, tell him you are feeling cold, let him protect you… the touch of your delicate skin against his own will spread like a wildfire inside of his soul. .It will take some time, but making love will become a daily activity before bed. Byakuya learns new skills through tough work and dedication; it is not different when it comes to sex. Even if he still tends to repress his needs and desires as a constant, he slowly but surely let go that “savage” side of his inner workings. Exactly as Ukitake and Shunsui mentioned, Byakuya is a very impulsive man deep down. (Back when he was still a teenager he used to have quite a short fuse, he was a brat, and a very naughty kid…) So, once he become confident with his “skills” he will try to improve even more. So, get ready… as a sacred ritual, Byakuya will devour your body night after night.
𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐝 𝟎 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 & 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐲 and 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 & 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐳𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐚
The Healing ponds of Squad 0… 「this will be posted as a separate story very soon」 Let me tell you a short brief while you wait; those healing waters and food from Squad 0 made him incredibly strong… but also absolutely, desperately horny. Truth is after everything had been said and done, Byakuya couldn’t help but feel the burning sensation of desire creeping through his stronger muscles… guess he was hungry for more than revenge and battle.
Self-pleasure , and the first time he met Senbonzakura. ⚠︎ Please, do not read this point like something sexual but more funny/analytic about his character. We are talking about a minor here ⚠︎
As said prior to this point, Senbonzakura, his zanpakuto spirit, is the manifestation of his inner world: a clumsy, heavily impulsive, bratty, and childish side of Byaku’s soul. So, when did he presented to this sweet Shinigami for the first time? When did Byakuya met the real spirit behind his shiny and beautiful sword? Yes, during one of those nights at the Kuchiki manor after a tough training session while being just a teenager. Way before he could met Hisana, Byakuya didn’t attend the Shinigami Academy, so he used to be a very lonely kid. That’s why our young Yoruichi used to visit him to train -and annoy him-. The young Kuchiki may seemed like he hated her, but truth is the “monster cat” represented fun, a challenge, companion and also a first approach to attraction. Knowing the nature of Yoruichi, we could say she never tried any perverse interaction to him, but there is not much you need to wake a teenager’s hormones anyway…
Yoruichi’s freedom and rebellious spirit in conjunction with her natural beauty, woke in our young Byakuya a bodily desire and the need to satisfy it. Then, drowned, almost choking by that divine dichotomy of what should be done and what shouldn’t, his hand did what any other kid would have done. It feel relieving, it tasted like guilty freedom to succumb to his real inner rebellious side…
“Master!” “Wha- WHAT?” “Master, should we pay a visit to the noble bath house? She is probably there…” “NO. WHY NOW? WHY DURING….” "I know, the image of those two pair of..." "NO STOP SHUT UP"
(let’s not mention how embarrassing it felt for the poor kid… yet Byakuya understood, so perfectly well, the true nature of Senbonzakura that same night)
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penaltyboxboxbox · 5 months
i love ur charlos parents au sm!! im not requesting art or anything if u dont feel like drawing (tho youre a phenomenal artist!!), but i was wondering if you wanted to share any more details abt the au? i thinks its so cute haha and would love to know more. also hope ur having a great day!
I LOVE THIS AU TOO i do want to draw more i always have ideas for it.... but i will gladly ramble about my lore ive developed
1. is this an mpreg au even i do not know or care to know. yes these are their biological children who look like them and share their genes but how did we get here ill leave that to you to assume. either way both of them definitely wanted big families and even tho i draw them with 2 kids i think they want at least 4..... charles wants a daughter and carlos says the same but secretly he only wants sons. hes picturing a future football team and also doesn't understand women conceptually
2. i actually think carlos3 was an accident child and charlos get shotgun married over it. its part of the reason why theres a bit of a gap between their first and second child. they had to like reassess and settle stuff after kind of having to get their shit together and make honest men of each other.
3. they get divorced at some point during all this mainly due to SAINZ SENIOR PRESSURE. probably while carlos3 is like highschool age. charles talks so much shit and then proceeds to get emotional like I SHOULDNT TALK ABOUT YOUR FATHER THIS WAY vs carlos like. bro tries to just act like they are normal regular friends now like man thats not how this works....charles always plays cool irl but is annoyed as hell underneath. very good coparents though....always at all the events together. when the kids stay at sainz family evil mansion for the summer they come back to charles so villainous and feral. he has to go supernanny on them...
4. charlos DO get back together after like 10 years of being separated lol. and yeah there were lots of messy nights out and not quite reconciliations throughout that time. very confusing family dynamic but theyre happy at the end
5. carlos3 grows up to be a guy who just kind of piggybacks onto whatever business endeavors his dads are doing. ultimate nepotism hire. hes not bad at what hes doing he just never really found that passion. his passion is like.....posting peaky blinders quotes on instagram. hes kind of a failson but hes also the perpetual baby for charlos so they just...coddled him too much his whole life djhdksndksbs.... younger son herve becomes a FASHION MODEL!!!! hes beautiful gorgeous and also a perfect nepo child so he's ripe for this career....he walks runways in paris
thats all i can think of for now thankssssss ily
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xxx-caliber · 1 year
a kurogiri theory/hc.
I have a theory for why Tomura was so much colder towards Kurogiri than he was towards the rest of League. We see Tomura be very accommodating and, dare I say, kind towards most of the League. He doesn’t get angry when Spinner gets up in his face and yells at him, he doesn’t lash out when Toga pulls a knife on him during the Overhaul arc, he never gives Twice shit for the self imposed limits of his quirk, etc. But with Kurogiri we see him be very angry, I remember him even calling Kurogiri stupid and threatening him during the USJ incident.
I think that this anger towards Kurogiri is likely a consequence of how Kurogiri’s programming effected his an Tomura’s relationship when Tomura was growing up. We don’t know much about Kurogiri’s programming (there might be more info about it in Vigilantes but I haven’t read that, if someone has and there is more info about how he was made/what AFO did to him please let me know!!) so I am going to guess what sorts of things he is forced to do and not do.
Kurogiri was made from Shirakumo Oboro’s corpse, someone who (from what little i know about him in Vigilantes) is very kind, great with kids, and a hero hopeful. I’m sure if Shirakumo saw little Tomura and how he was being raised (read: groomed) by AFO, he would try to put a stop to it, so AFO would want to ensure that Shirakumo’s personality does not break through (as has been known to happen to Nomu).
So the first bit of programming I think AFO did to prevent that is pretty obvious: I think AFO programmed in that Kurogiri cannot deny any order given by AFO to either Kurogiri or Tomura.
I think something else AFO would have been worried about is Tomura growing too dependent on or too affectionate towards Kurogiri. The reason grooming works is because groomers chose a victim who is isolated. They usually don’t have good relationships with their peers or their parents, so they latch on to their groomer who is giving them the attention that they don’t get anywhere else. Because of this lack of a relationship with anyone else, it also means that the victim does not have anyone to talk to about their relationship with the groomer, so no one will be there to point out that what the groomer is doing is inappropriate.
This leads me to my guess on the second bit of programming Kurogiri was given: do not show Tomura affection.
Showing Tomura affection would make him more attached to Kurogiri, and consequently not solely dependent on AFO, thus making the grooming less likely to work. Kurogiri obviously took care of Tomura’s basic needs and protected him, that is his job, but I think anything beyond the bare minimum was likely not allowed. No hugs, no bedtime stories, just what would keep him alive, so that AFO is the sole provider of all of the “love” and affection that Tomura craves.
Now, how would that cause Tomura to have the tumultuous relationship that he has with Kurogiri by the time of USJ? Well, from what little we see of Tomura’s childhood after being taken in by AFO, it was pretty fucked up. Getting beaten up in the streets, frequently physically ill, constantly scratching his own throat out, being forced to kill… not great to say the least. Couple that suffering with a “caretaker” who can only do the bare minimum, who cannot comfort him when he is in pain, who cannot step in when AFO is pushing him too hard, and some resentment towards said “caretaker” is likely to form.
I don’t think that Tomura hates Kurogiri, and I think that logically he knows some of Kurogiri’s coldness towards his pain is a result of AFO’s influence, but feelings don’t always listen to logic. I think that the planning of AFO in harboring a tumultuous relationship between them worked, and Tomura now has some deep seeded resentment starting from a very young age towards Kurogiri that can’t just be removed by the logical understanding he has as an adult that Kurogiri is just doing what he has to.
anyway, that’s my guess. I’d love to hear what you guys think and any other bit of programming you think AFO did.
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purplemninja · 20 days
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Little Nightmares: Rewind sequel 1 - Lingering Trauma
Alternate timeline of Hezu's Little Nightmares ‘Channel Change’ AU
[Animatic - WIP]
[Next: A discovery is made, then some decisions, one or two loose ends get tied up, a uniform is established, and caterpillars. Though not necessarily in that order]
Though you may have escaped the pain and demons of the past physically, they can still stick to you mentally.
In my post asking for sequel ideas I never said that it'd be all perfume and roses (I say that because if I said 'Sunshine and rainbows', people might point to the panel of the Signal Tower collapsing in the original comic)
@yansweetz gave me an idea that Raine could be touch-starved and that she'd let Six borrow her raincoat whenever Six gets cold. So from this I made this first sequel about Raine's trauma from her touch-starved past and her offering her raincoat to a cold Six, and Six still getting flashbacks from Raine's death (her survivor's guilt) and getting kidnapped and imprisoned by the Hunter (her PTSD) in the original timeline. But thankfully, Raine thinks of a way to comfort Six to remind her that she's there and that they are safe, and Raine gets some of the touch she's been starved of.
Mono in Hezu's 'Channel Change' AU has selective deja vu, whereas here Six in my AU however, because she's not trapped in the loop, doesn't get deja vu of the events of LN2, but she does remember everything from before she traveled back in time and created the Rewind timeline, hence why she still fully remembers Raine's death and being kidnapped by the Hunter from the original timeline. Which causes her to still have survivor's guilt and PTSD from those events. Of course, Six's PTSD would be much worse if she did have deja vu of the events of LN2 (and LN1), but she doesn't since she's not trapped in the loop. However, RCG's death, being kidnapped by the Hunter and kept locked in his basement for over a month (judging by the tally marks on the wall, though given that Mono never came to free her in 'Channel Change', I'd be hard pressed to assume that her imprisonment there wasn't much longer before the Hunter came for her), would still leave Six traumatised and with PTSD nonetheless.
I had a little trouble deciding how to draw some of the panels, so shoutout to @that-kid-bunny for helping me with Six's arms in the flashbacks of the Hunter's basement, and @penheadie for helping me with the panels of RCG stretching the raincoat around herself and Six. And lastly, I hope that I do not offend anyone in the audience who either has PTSD or knows someone that does. I'm trying to handle PTSD with tact and grace in this comic while also sticking to factors like the characters being children (therefore they wouldn't understand what's happening that well) and that LN seems to be set in the 1940s (where mental illnesses weren't as well understood compared to now), so I hope the way I had Raine get Six out of her flashbacks is okay.
Also, did anyone notice anything in one of the panels? 👀
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ladyodium · 4 months
Controversial take: (this is my own opinion and you don’t have to agree, but I ask you to respect it because that is just how I perceived Rhaenyra not everybody perceives the characters the same way.)
I don’t think Rhaenyra would be a good ruler. Neither do I believe Aegon is either. I am neither Team Black or Team Green. I don’t like either factions, it’s a stupid civil war between families.
However, Rhaenyra herself made me angry throughout the whole show and while reading the book. Rhaenyra was given the chance to show the realm that she could be a Competent ruler, a leader, a new hope for the people and women that lived in a society ruled by the patriarchy. Instead, we get to see her just straight trash all the opportunities, have affairs, have illegitimate children, and then turn almost every noble lady and lord against her.
Before anyone says “she was mourning her mother.” “Her kids were still targaryens!” “Oh, well she did the right thing.” “Oh, you’re just saying that cause you have some Internalized misogyny.” I understand this to a point, and I don’t dislike Rhaenyra because she’s a woman, I don’t like Rhaenyra because she makes these selfish choices that only benefit her. You can argue that she did this for her kids, which is true, but she still could have done those choices without offending the Great houses.
She tries to pass off her kids as Velaryons, and everyone knows this isn’t true even the people who are apart of House Velayon know that her children are illegitimate, and it’s seen as a huge slap in the face to her biggest ally. I also wanna point out that’s why Vaemond, Corlys brother, was so offended that the King would accept that this illegitimate child should take the throne of House Vearyon.
Rhaenyra to me is a tragic character, I like how she’s charming, headstrong and willing to protect those she holds dear. I think she truly wants to show she can be a Great Ruler, but she plays the Game of Thrones like a man instead of playing it like a woman. Sometimes, when I was watching the show it seemed like she didn’t even want it until it wasn’t hers anymore.
To conclude this kinda rant, Rhaenyra was given the opportunity to become the first woman (after Rhaenys) to sit upon the iron throne, and instead of showing that she is capable of becoming the ruler of the seven kingdoms, she basically shows the realm that she is ill prepared to take the throne, and she takes advantage of the fact that her father, The King, is willing to be ignorant of her wrongdoings, and not a uphold her to the same laws of the realm that hold it together.
Rhaenyra was a child who was grieving the loss of a Mother who was always on the birthing bed and never in her life. She was surrounded by men in her life that continued to use and abuse her, even if she didn’t realize she was a victim. She is product of her surroundings and even after all my rants about her, I still want to believe she could be a Great Queen with the proper guidance and education.
( I’m gonna do one for Aegon as well and Alicent) 
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magicjesuscup · 5 months
I have feelings towards solo-romanced Halsin's ending/epilogue.
Halsin and Tav celebrate all night, and in the morning Halsin starts throwing out mixed signals. He's leaving to take care of the kids that were orphaned after the netherbrain fight and doesn't give any indication that he wants Tav to go with him, but it also doesn't sound like his feelings for Tav have changed.
I would've been (1) confused by the lack of an option to go with him, (2) hurt because this sounds like a break-up speech (like a "we shouldn't be together anymore, but let's stay friends" type thing), and (3) concerned that something's wrong because he's otherwise been a very good communicator up until this point.
It looks like originally going with him wasn't even an option (which was a weird choice to offer him as a love interest, but not give players a way to stay with him at the end of the game), and when that was patched in, they did it in the meanest way they could. Tav's line is:
Visit as soon as I can? Don't be an ass, Halsin. I'll come with you right now.
Oof. I wouldn't talk to my lover like this, and I don't know that I'd stay with someone who talked to me like that. I also want to note that I think you only get the cute, bragging "I love Halsin" lines to say to the other companions at the party if you call him an ass here first. Thanks, I hate it. I wish it was something more along the lines of:
Why can't I go with you?
Either option could've led to (most) of Halsin's dialog that followed.
But what about all that you'll miss out on? Your name will be feted in this city - there will be parades, medals, feasts, hands to be shaken, babies to be kissed…are you truly sure.
I know in the epilogue he's still surprised Tav chose him, and I'm trying to figure out why, and why he didn't throw out Tav accompanying him as an option. I get that a lot of people he loved/cared about didn't stay in life, but none of them left him voluntarily. His parents, the archdruid before him, and his peers died to either illness or the shadow curse. Thaniel's absence is only temporary if you lift the shadow curse, and the only reason he "left" in the first place was because he was trapped by the curse.
It would've made way more sense to me if he had a little freak out after falling in love with Tav and having the realization that the person he loves could turn into an illithid thrall. They would be gone, and he might have to kill what's left if they tried to eat his or someone else's brain. Also, it would absolutely be horrific to watch Tav go through ceremorphosis. Having a mind flayer parasite isn't the same as being sick, but it is a physical affliction that Halsin can't fix. He's weirdly positive that they'll find a cure, and they never do (at least not in the sense of medication or surgery).
It also would've made sense if he had a bit of a breakdown if Tav asks for one last kiss before the final battle starts ramping up. Things are getting stupid dangerous, and this has historically been when his friends start dying. But, nope he's still super calm here too and optimistic that they'd live (although after their night together, he admits he didn't dare believe they'd actually survive).
I'm not sure if they did the whole, "I'm going to ride off into the sunset, but watch the horizon for you everyday," thing to add some drama, but it feels out of place considering these other options. If Tav was going to "leave" it would've been due to the parasite or not surviving the battle. In the epilogue, those dangers have passed. If anything, it's at this part of the story where he should've felt most secure in their relationship because he's never had someone leave him "just because."
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
Live-read: "Julith et Jahash" - Part 1
In the past, I said that I would wait for a translation that is currently in the making in the russian fandom. However, because I am weak, and want to keep this blog going asap, I lied. (This liveblog will be very slow due to this, so be warned.)
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This comic will let us understand Joris better... while literally all of his personality, morals, body language, and tastes, are a product of Kerubim, — this might shed light on A. family history, that might dictate his physiology (what if Julith randomly says she has an allergy? This isn't real, but it would be big for Joris lore), and the things he went through after the movie: what experience he would have with the huppermage culture, which he was cut off from for his entire life thus far.
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Question: is there a single member of this family who DOESN'T fish??
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Kramdam is a part of Rok Island, the name of which will be familiar to you if you're A. a player of the MMOs, B. batshit insane about Joris lore.
It might be silly, for me to point this out, but listen: the movie, the series, they all happen hundreds of years before the Dofus MMO, — so to have confirmation that Rok Island is that old, is very interesting.
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I had previously said that huppermages aren't very fond of cultures outside their own, and I want to elaborate, so that my words aren't misconstrued: Huppermages culture is, in a lot of ways, a mixture of different classes, — because a lot of huppermages aren't born huppermages, but instead, people who convert to this class, and a lot of their spells are inspired or taken from other classes. However, not assimilating fully is... very unwelcome.
Having a history of oppression and at least one genocide in the years after the movie, made huppermages very understandably conservative and closed-off. But this culture, as we'll see from this comic, had some pretty toxic traits even before those scars.
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HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Like I already knew about this, but I want you to understand: the stupid fucking log thing is a family trait.
Do you think Joris told Bakara "I hate magic, I hate magic, I hate magic. I HATE WANDS. I HATE STAFFS. I KEEP BREAKING THEM. LET ME OUT. LET ME OUT OF THE ACADEMY. STOP HAVING ME BE ENROLLED!!!!" and the next day she brought him a fucking log. Do you think this is what happened.
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So small, and already sure that she'll never be as good as her brother... man.
Also... Bakara and Joris looked very similar as kids. At least that's my opinion.
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I didn't think this comic would make me emotional, but the Jurgen family having a thing for logs is making me violently ill.
It probably was Bakara who gave him that bright idea. And Kerubim was probably like "ok son, I am someone who also uses blunt weapons, I can teach you how to do this."
There isn't some "i like to use logs" gene, it was all just Joris preferring to use melee, Bakara's memories of Jahash's melee skills, and Kerubim's skill in melee fighting.
It is just... insane to me, how Joris ends up doing this one thing that his biological father liked to do, despite how different they are as people. Despite Joris likely feeling absolutely nothing towards the man.
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Well, that, or he fucking hates Jahash, though probably not as much as Julith.
Think about it this way, — Jahash and Julith ruined his childhood by their reappearance. They ruined his life for the next few decades too, probably. And after? They would always be a shadow over his life, for as long as they are remembered. It's always either "you're evil and we don't trust you because you're Julith's son" (even though he knows that Julith was framed,) or "you're not good enough, even though you're Jahash's son. How come?" (even though he knows from Bakara that... Jahash was just a man. Even if it is hard for him to put together the almost-holy image of his father as seen on the stained-glass in a temple, and the image of him that Bakara talks about, — a human person, who had fears and dreams.)
The only way for Joris to live his own life, without any judgement or comparison, without being reminded of how shit his childhood was, is to wait for the World of Twelve to forget who the fuck a Julith and Jahash even are. It's logical for him to have some irrational resentment.
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And yet he brings a log to a nuke fight in season 4. Jahash would never do this, because he got good at magic, but he WOULD approve.
His parents would have loved him a lot, if they had the chance.
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List of things that Joris and Bakara share:
Neurotic perfectionist who struggles with self-hatred about their skills and their body.
Cute ass behaviours and expressions as children.
Alcoholism (this is my fanon for Joris. It came to me in a vision. He's just like Kerubim and Bakara, — needs to get shitfaced to cope.)
Haunted by Jahash's success in life, even though Jahash would NEVER have wanted either of them to be haunted.
Thin grabbable waist and twinkish/waifish looks as adults. (Joris is already a twink, despite his 3ft stature, but NEVER forget the official concept art of how Joris would look if he wasn't possessed by a dragon as an infant. He would be a tall, blonde, anime twink instead.)
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Whisperers have, historically, been used as servants by Bontarians and Huppermages.
Though by Waven times, they are enemies of the state (at least dissenting ones), and Joris wants you to beat the shit out of them, for the sake of his beautiful nation. (because they're dissenting)
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Jahash and Bakara grew up with their dad, Juvence Jurgen.
By huppermage standards, they lived in very unusual conditions.
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"All huppermage towers are super-protected, we WILL die if we don't take precautions, so I will go ahead, and deliver the message myself."
Yeah, no, they're not typical huppermages. I guess Joris has a lot in common with Bakara and Jahash. (I keep making myself sad, thinking about this.)
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He thinks that Jahash and Bakara are some local hicks/rednecks that the huppermage has been experimenting on, which raises many red flags. Like the fact that apparently, human experimentation is a thing that some huppermages do. Then he thinks that the huppermage is experimenting on his own kids.
The headcanon that Jahash might have had some learning disabilities that he gave to Joris as one last "sayonara you weaboo shit" genetical move, and that it was REALLY hard for him to learn magic and impossible for Joris, stays winning.
By the way, I guess this is a good time to give you the next, very funny piece of trivia:
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Joris's name literally means "George George the Farmer Farmer".
I think it's likely that, historically, before Jahash's success in life, their family were just some random poverty-stricken farmers, who happened to be huppermages.
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Grandpa Jurgen is literally so fucking real.
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Juvence really cares about his kids.
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"If you don't do as master says, he will kill you and all your loved ones."
Guys I'm starting to think, that between this, the political intrigues, the bullying, the "using Bakara for PR while she becomes a teenage alcoholic and not giving a shit about her" thing, — that the huppermage academy and temple, are um.... not actually Good, as an institution.
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To most this is "an honour," and yet, this random selection process chose a teenage huppermage who, by all accounts, can't do magic and doesn't know a single spell.
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I'm so fucking sad.
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You know what else these two quotes can apply to? Haha. well. I ask you to imagine Jahash's funeral, and—— [i collapse on the floor weeping]
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"He was always more like a father to her, than an older brother."
I am going to crash my car into the sea. And I don't even have a car.
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ikeasharksss · 1 year
here's the thing. i think will in mortal aus would be a good doctor. a solid, in character choice. but canon will? hm. that's a bit more complicated
none of the demigods we meet in the rrverse are, like, Thrilled about their godly parent's guardianship. like percy isn't a marine biology freak who spends every summer at the beach before he realizes he's the son of poseidon. & even after he realizes, he's never like "oh my GODS i have such a PASSION for CONEY ISLAND!!!!" we don't see that in anyone else either: piper doesn't care for beauty much before & after she is claimed, nico didnt show any hades traits before bianca died & he goes rogue, and frank was actually afraid of showing aggression (around others at least) before he was claimed if i remember son right. the only exception i can think of is leo bc he worked in his mom's garage as a kid. but even then, he isn't a mechanic bc of his dad, he's a mechanic bc of his mom. (we don't know how academic-oriented annabeth was before she came to chb. it's possible that, bc she came so young, she formed her childhood personality around athena, since she had nothing else to hold on to.) so, therefore, i don't think demigods are enthusiastic about their godly parent's guardianship specifically bc of their godly parent. i don't think will would be enthusiastic about being a doctor just bc of apollo.
being a healer at a summer camp & being a field medic in a monster war is very different from being a doctor in a clinic, hospital, or private practice. the type of illnesses, injuries, & disorders a doctor sees in the field would be very different from what will sees in his healer career. we don't actually see much of the healing process in the books outside of ambrosia & nectar, but it's obvious that will would never use them if he became a real doctor. i don't think his healing skills would translate into doctor skills.
additionally, ive seen a lot of ppl in the fandom point out that will would have to relearn all his medical knowledge if he went to med school. that's true! add in his adhd & i don't think will would be to happy to sit through 7(?) years of school learning things he either A) already knows or B) would never use bc he has healing powers.
sure, i think will would CONSIDER becoming a doctor. it makes sense! that's the only life he's ever known! but i think he'd go get a bachelor's in biology & realize after like 3 semesters that it sucks.
"but tumblr user ikeasharksss!" i hear you say. "what profession would will go into if he isn't a doctor!!!!" oh don't worry. Don't Worry. he'd go into pharmaceutical sciences.
hear me out! ive already said we don't know much about healing outside of ambrosia & nectar. & those are basically just the demigod equivalent of mortal medications. will already works so closely w/ them, so it'd make sense for him to be interested in creating an alternative that is safe for mortals. in pharmaceutical science, will could research & make mortal medicine!! it would scratch his innate need to help ppl while also engaging his mortal side!!!!!
thanks baes
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muuurder · 28 days
your finest gaara headcanons my good regent
*breathes* I have so many anon thank you for asking. I’ll put more under cut to spare people from a long post lol.
*cracks knuckles*
-starting us off right here: I flip between Gaara’s gender but honestly I maintain the idea he has tboy swag and most of Suna was too afraid to question it for years and now it’s just the norm. Not to mention his general physique and medical neglect aided in pushing off puberty.
-gaara still has erratic mood swings post chin in exams even when he’s getting better and learning. That boy faced traumatic events from a young age and then was neglected and hunted for sport on top of total isolation. That shit doesn’t go away just because a blonde boy punches you with the power of friendship ok.
-that being said I will maintain the idea his siblings Lee and Naruto are the only ones he feels he can relax a bit with.
-also I do not see people making him weird enough. Cause affectionately as someone who like also experienced isolation, trauma and neglect. You end up having weird interests and like just a r e the weird kid. And I mean yes he is the weird kid, but like…… make him weirder you know lol.
- he loves gardening he talks to his plants. He also likes animals, and is fiercly protective of small kids. That amplifies as he gets older and temari has kids of her own.
-I also think he is a funny guy but his humor is super dry or a little dark. But he will catch you off guard and say some of the most out of pocket shit I swear.
-I am a medaru is gaara’s biological kid truther. I’ll maintain the idea medaru was not planned. Lee absolutely stayed in Suna for a longer period of time and Lee subjected Gaara to routine and healthy habits and the stars aligned and medaru happened.
-honestly ever since I read the brunch fic (I linked it I love it please.) I love the idea of modern au gaara incorporating his mother’s ashes into his garden. It’s sweet.
-I also love the idea that the face tattoo fades as time goes on. Like he stops carving out the wound as a reminder and it fades with time which is a lovely show of his character change.
-I also like everyone else believe he and Lee begin corresponding through letters. Particularly I think the letters begun either after gaara’s death, where Lee wrote to him. Or perhaps Gaara begun them because he was growing and changing and felt guilty about Lee and reached out (at Naruto’s suggestion.)
-following the last point, I can never decide if when gaara died in shippuden if I headcanon Lee realized he was inlove with him and had feelings then the moment he thought he lost gaara.
-both Lee and gaara are gossip mongers I do not care. Gaara finds out so much shit and caught the gossip gene from his brother. He is nosy.
-I also think gaara is still a menace. A little shit even. He thinks it’s funny to fuck with people just a little bit.
-that being said I think he doesn’t do it often unless you work with him or he’s really close and you know he would never hurt you now.
- adding onto that, I will also say I headcanon that in his attempt to become more palatable for his people and suppress his mood swings and correct his behavior, he gets taken advantage of more often and gaara just lets it happen more sometimes because he’s afraid of slipping back into the old image. Especially once he feels connected to his people again. Gaara despite past transgressions chooses to be kind and gentle. He always was a kind gentle child. I think that shows a lot more as an adult and that shit takes so much strength.
-I am a rasa hater so. You know. Fuck rasa, he abused all his kids post the death of their mother.
-I also love the idea gaara has super human senses from shukaku. He can see better at night, detect and smell things better. That being said he isn’t immune to illness, he has gotten sick because his health is absolute dookie okay. He doesn’t sleep his immune system is shit.
-he had the fattest crush on Naruto I do not care lol.
-he doesn’t exactly hate sasuke. But he very much dislikes him because he mistreats Naruto.
-gaara is a crier. Like when he isn’t compartmentalizing and disassociating to cope with his mood swings and trauma, he is a leaky faucet.
-also convinced the whole chunin arc was a really fucked up way of him going friend? Because literally the only way he ever learned to socialize is through violence. The whole thing with him showing up at sasuke’s training was he tried to be friend cause he said “oh you’re fucked up too huh? Wanna fight about it?”
-gaara has the earth sign stank face when he doesn’t like something.
-gives solid advice
-modern au headcanons (might be courtesy of the moss cough cough) he would get into therapy and want to become a therapist lol, he gives solid advice. Also the incident with Lee will always be either he hits him with a car or my personal favorite (potentially for a fic I am brewing) he beat that fucker with a lead pipe when Lee tried to be a Good Samaritan and got involved :)
-also love the idea of gaara had substance abuse issues to cope in modern aus.
-oh and I love when shukaku is brought in as a fucking small crusty white dog with bad manners and barks too much. I may be biased because I have a white crusty small dog who barks too much and has an attitude that rivals god himself.
-gaara hilariously doesn’t actually like fighting especially as an adult. He by nature is nervous and it just sets his ass on edge.
-last thing I’ll say, he is a bratty bottom. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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an-au-blog · 11 months
We've all seen Sora take the kids and marry Zeff or leaving Zeff custody of Sanji but hear me out: Sora doesn't die and is the one to break Sanji out of the dungeon and escapes with him. They're in some no name town in the East Blue and Sanji sneaks on to Mihawk's little coffin boat to loot him and take it back to his mom and gets caught. Mihawk walks him back to Sora who apologizes profusely and Mihawk can see that shes ill and that they're clearly out of their depth and for whatever reason, his mind cannot fathom it honestly, he offers to take the Kuraigana with him. Sora and Sanji agree too, for whatever reason, maybe they're scared because they know who he is, or they're just that desperate. Either way they agree and leave with him.
They make a supply stop a couple islands away because Mihawk realizes they have nothing except a shared back pack of clothes and that's it. Sanji is trying not to hide behind his mom from Mihawk but he's a kid who's been through a lot and Mihawk reminds him of his brothers and Judge. Mihawk gets them a few outfits and picks up some more food because of how thin they both are. When they check into an inn and Sanji's asleep Sora finds Mihawk and thanks him and says she had to save her son.
Not even a month after they're all settled in his home Mihawk finds himself extremely endeared to this duo and hopes they never leave, it takes him another three to say it and Sora cries happily and Sanji nods. Sora has taken over most of the cleaning and Sanji cooks with Mihawk a lot and Sora has improved greatly. The dynamic isnt perfect by any means but it works for them. Sometimes Sanji's nightmares will wake Mihawk up before they wake him up so Mihawk will sit with him until they do or he calms down. Sora knows a lot about caring for weapons and instruments so she'll tune the piano or clean his antique swords.
Woops Mihawk is in love and suddenly has a wife and child he didn't think he would and Newgate is going to laugh at him. Doesn't even necessarily think of the implications or anything just tells them at dinner over their plates. They don't leave until Sanji decides to go work at Baratie when he's a teen and then joins the straw hat crew. Life goes on. Everyone thinks Sanji's an orphan still since he doesn't talk about his parents. His parents read the paper.
When Perona appears Sora confirms it's not her pink haired daughter but she'll take another. And then look! Zoro's here, Sanji's nakama and the kid Mihawk almost killed, how charming. Zoro's really confused because Mihawk in the castle is different from the master training him and he's a lot softer and kind towards Sora. Sora asks them both about their adventures in pirating and such.
Zoro asks point blank if she's Sanji's mom and she laughs and mentions how that's so Sanji to not talk about them and Mihawk mentions how smart that is because otherwise oops, they're either down a son or Mihawk's bounty is unfrozen. Sora jokes that need two more to make up for the other two she has and Mihawk tells her that they cannot keep collecting kids.
Zoro is absolutely gonna kick Sanji's ass.
That's a whole-ass fix right there, damn! I actually love any au where Sora doesn't die, I don't wanna see her go ngl hahaha ':)
And I genuinely think she can melt almost anyone's heart. But have you thought about the Sanji repressions??? He's already canonically bitchy but now he'll have all the sass from Mihawk as well????? I think that'd be absolutely hilarious!
Plus that would mean that Mihawk was going to the Baratie to check in on his son, that's so cute omg :') And that could also be an excuse for why he didn't kill Sanji's "new friend" during his fight with Zoro.
Also why do I feel like Mihawk would try his damned best to make Sanji call him father instead of dad and Sanji would do it just to spite him.
Sanji: thanks for uh... you know... not killing my new crewmates
Mihawk: I guess it couldn't be helped
Sanji: Whatever, bye dad
Mihawk absolutely not having the heart to correct him at this point:... yeah.
Also Sora adopting Perona during ts makes me so happy. She would brush and braid her hair thinking if she'll ever have the chance to do it with her biological daughter. So that only makes her want to savour every moment with Perona while she can. And I think Perona would love Sora as well, she loves cute and pretty things so they'd make a great dynamic just absolutely driving Mihawk up the wall by redecorating... or as he calls it "ruining the aesthetic" or his castle.
Also... for the haha's: Sanji knowing way yoo much about swords would confused the hell out of Zoro. Not to mention that once Zoro finds out about his connection to Mihawk, I feel like he'd want to fight him even more than he already does. Bonus if Sanji is actually a really skilled swordman.
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