#i like two ships alot and they share a character and i dont know which one i like better?
justa-moth · 1 year
its always "fish and chips" this "swordfish" that
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jazzyblusnowflake · 7 months
I wanted to talk about a topic that is interesting to me at the moment-
when me and my partner @/keebokuun bring up the subject about J x Tessa for murder drones- alot of people bring up the dynamics that may need to improve- to which we say yeah- we dont ship them in the context of the show. Tessa is still very much biased and treating drones as her slaves that dont have rights as her since shes a human. whether its cuz of her culture, her trauma or whatever else. but in the context of a human au where they all grew up together- yeah that doesnt exist, or at least we have room to improve. and people have been polite enough about this and sharing their opinions and im greatful of that. yall are really cool and gave me ideas to improve my stories on 👌
but then some OTHER people come and say "but Tessa was a minor in the FLASHBACKS- oh AND- was also their MOM"
to which... i say.... um.... So.... Tessa is a mom? [to a bajillion of those maid and butler drones that were not working at the begining of ep5] AND a minor? AAAND she asked her- CHILD DRONE- to pretend to be a RIPPING ROYAL STUD for her to practice flirting or talking with.... to yknow... HAVE A HUMAN RELATIONSHIP WITH-? [cuz correct me if im wrong- girls dont go looking for "ripping royal studs" just to stare at them autistcally right? they wanna talk and do human communication stuff with them right??] and uh... IM the one whos saying weird stuff here? hELLO???
once again. me and keebo will personally remove ANY INAPPROPRIATE content we have online if the creators come up and say "oh yeah that character is a minor"- i promise you all that. we are not degenerates- but first of all- yeah the thing i just said about Tessa being at least a late teen in the flashbacks for the whole stud thing- and also- she had toys in her room- for CYN! as we saw her playing with them- and she was referred to as a "robo child" ? i mean go back and watch the EP again and really look at Tessa, J and N and SAY they are at an age to play with a rocking horse and barbie/ken dolls [damn cyn was making those two naked ken dolls smooch fr]- look at me in the eyes and say a girl that big is at any age to play with those things. NO?? also- if yall actually LOOK at tessa- she has a very pronounced body/ heigh/ chest size even/ etc in the flashbacks. thats not a design youd give a MINOR. and by that logic then N and V having crushes on eachother should be incest because oh damn Tessa is the minor/teen mom to ALL those erroring drones and N and V are siblings omggg 😱!
if anything by this logic Tessa's first choice of going to J to pretend to be a hot stud for her [which probably works in my favor btw lmao] is def concerning jesus.
companies nowadays make it a point to make all characters above the age of 18 as much as they could to avoid these sorts of issues- lest i remind you all again of the fact that every classmate of Uzi in episode 3 has their age above 18 on their missing posters. companies wouldnt include shots like that unless they WANT people to know they are in the clear.
also.... being in a relationship doesnt always translate to "they are having SEX"????? you can be a kid and still hold hands and have crushes and hug and kiss-
not every couple french kiss or suck eachother off oh my God.
anyway thankyou for coming to my Ted talk- im willing to hear anyones opinions on this below cuz im genuinely curious 🤔
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klarolinexluv · 2 months
what's it like to be pro-fascist? jegulus is fucking disgusting and you freaks need to get out of the fandom
Omg i was just thinking I’ve never gotten a hate comment before. It’s so ugly omg. Anyway. Call me a fascist all you want, I’m still going to ship Jegulus.
WHICH BTW SHIPPING SOMETHING DOESNT MAKE ANYONE OR ANYTHING A FASCIST. It’s like, what if I said I shipped Snily? Would you call me a fascist then? Because Snape was also a death eater. And Lily was not. MY POINT IS, shipping what you like doesn’t make you and anyone a fascist. It doesnt make you remotely anything. the only thing it does is make you fan of whatever the ship comes from, (marauders era, golden trio era, new gen, etc etc.) (Fuck JKR) OMG I HAVE ANOTHER EXAMPLE. would ypu call me a fascist for shipping drarry? Draco was a death eater. Harry was the fucking chosen one. Hell, maybe you dont ship drarry. dramione is just the same. shipping draco with anyone basically. the same as shipping regulus or barty or evan. AT THE END OF THE DAY, IT DOESNT MAKE YOU A FASCIST FOR LIKING A SHIP OR CHARACTER. just becaude this ship or character 'gets in the way' of YOUR otp, doesn’t mean that anyone who does ship/like them is anything inherrently bad (or a fascist.) Also, you kinda like, taking away the actual meaning of the word??? Like, there are some people who are actual fascists, sometimes I see people comment things like this and I think that you don’t even know the definition of the word.
Fascist: Fascism is a far-right form of government in which most of the country's power is held by one ruler or a small group, under a single party. Fascist governments are usually totalitarian and authoritarian one-party states.
In case you were wondering, supporting and like a character who was a death eater and supporting the death eaters ARE TWO VERY DIFFERENT THINGS. PLUS THE DEATH EATERS AND TOM RIDDLE WERENT EVEN THE GOVERNMENT IN POWER. Not to defend them or anything but sure they held alot of power but the Ministry still had more (though they did nothing with it the dumb fuckers).
My final point is… ship and love whatever ships and characters you want. Most people don’t give a shit, and those that do are just mindless adults who think they are better than everyone. (newsflash, fandom is always changing and evolving. Get over it). I think it’s wonderful to have so many ships and variation in our fandom, I love exploring all these rare pairs and reading about them.
Don’t let anyone say otherwise, your art, your writing, your love is yours and there are so many people out their that love it just the same as you. Don’t let those single minded haters get to you, they may seem like there is so many of them but in reality it’s probably just one person sitting behind an anon trying to force you out, don’t let them! What you’ve created, what you love is so beautiful and so uniquely you. I love you. I love your art, your fandom. I love you.
I ALSO WOULD LIKE IT KNOWN THAT I AM ALSO A JILY SHIPPER. I actually love jily, but have a preference for jegulus. So… it’s also things like this that make me love jegulus that much more, because honestly, I’m going to love something that people continuously tell me not to. That’s probably unhealthy but it’s true.
My page and inbox is always open for anyone and everyone, even fucking haters, come at me, I’ll rant, like I just did. Anyway- my inbox and direct messages are always open if anyone wanted to talk or had anything they wanted to say to me. (Be warned if you are hating on me I will take screenshots and I will share it with the public, your blog name and all <3)
I hope everyone’s has a lovely day, drink lots of water. I love you!
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roxanneslosteyes · 10 months
Full DNI
Tw for brief mentions of heavily topics (p3d0philia, incest, abuse, SA/sexual abuse, rape and human trafficking)
(Note: how I use AFAB/AMAB aka assigned female/Male at birth is to reference people who were born female/male but do not identify themselves as "man/woman" aka they identity themselves as another gender. Because I sadly can't name all the gender identities in one post because it's makes it very long so i use afab or amab to shorter that)
There are no fandoms nor harmless ships on this dni list because if there any media or harmless ship I don't like is normally blacklisted by now. This dni don't really have tags for those types of people. And the ones that do have tags don't really use them sometimes so they can still interact with my account when I don't want them too.
Proshippers/Comshippers/Darkshippers (Whatever those types of "shippers" are now called, these shippers fetishizes heavily topics in ships like @bu$3, !nc3$t, etc. Also some Darkshippers still use proshipper term so that's why I added it here)
(In the original context of term proship and comship was originally pretty harmless. Comship was originally made for ships that were complexed like Goddess/God x human, vampire x human, Vampire x werewolf, etc. However the fetishes changed their name by stealing another shipper name which complicated things this is the same for proship which was originally meant supporters of ships (which was harmless and not fetishizing heavily topics) until those fetishizers stole the term and completely changing the original meaning.) (And the fact proship/darkship/comship community has alot of adults who are groomers too and has groomed minors into being proshippers/Darkshippers so yeah the community is just a safe place for online child sexual predators or child predators or Darkshippers/proshippers are child predators/Sexual child predators themselves but dont want to admit it) (side Note 1: Darkshippers still use proship/proshippers and still use comship/comshippers even though users are trying to get these terms BACK to their original meaning so that's why they are on the list) (side note 2:I have blacklisted the tags for proshippers/Darkshippers/Comshippers so I won't see them but sometimes they won't use the tags for some reason. I had a Darkshipper's artwork on my fyp of a fandom I love and a meme with two characters from the fandom I love. I reblogged it but didn't know they were a darkshipper until I looked back and saw a tag saying they are a Darkshipper. I did unreblog and unlike it and blocked them.)
profic people (in this context, it isn't supporting different themes in fiction because ik some themes even if the themes are harmless get people mad for some reason. In this context, It's basically the sibling of proshippers aka shippers who fetishizes heavily topics through "ships". But its for everything else including the messed up ships that fetishizes heavily topics. Even if the heavily topics are sexualized/fetishized, The harmful stereotypes, villaining minorities, anything that rooted in horrible things really in fiction, they see it as "okay" and support it. No I'm not talking about these topics to spread awareness on harmful they are through a fictional story. It's the opposite, the stuff that were created by horrible people for other horrible people.)
(Note: The fetishized/Fetishizes/Fetishers as in fetishisation, Fetishisation and Fetishes are VERY two different things despite sharing a same word. One is straight up bad because its harmful aka Fetishisation because Fetishisation treats groups of people as sex objects not humans)
(Examples of groups of people that Fetishisation has its hands on: sex workers, women, lgbtq people, POC/People of colour, traumatised people etc. Fetishisation even applies to heavy topics like SA, p3d0, ¡nc3$t, etc which harms people who went through those trauma. This type of Fetishisation isn't from traumatised people nor does it come from people with mental issues/disorders, it's comes from non traumatised people/abled body people (people with no disorders/mental issues) because its apart of the Fetishisation of the traumatised people who went through this trauma. For example there is a popular book about heavy topics however re-releases of that book, the cover of these re-releases sexualizes the heavy topics in the book. Because its apart of that heavy topics Fetishisation.)
(Note pt 2: while one is in the grey zone aka Fetishes. Grey zone doesn't mean it is 100% bad thing and you are automatically a evil person! It's a complex thing that depends on the person 👍. How is it complex? Well Some Fetishes can be apart sadly apart of Fetishisation, while other come naturally, while others are from trauma, while others are come from disorders or mental issues, etc. That's why it's complex, this is same said with kinks which is also complex and in the grey area because it's depends on the person for that reason and how they are treating their Fetishes/kinks. Fetishes and kinks aren't all evil but we all have to be aware of horrible people who are misusing their fetishes/kinks to keep people with fetishes and kinks safe from those types of people because those types of people don't see their partners as human with boundaries, safe words and feelings but an object which doesn't create a healthy environment in that nature. The people who misuse kinks/fetishes come from fetishisation to the point they might harm people in real life because of their kinks/fetishes that came from fetishisation. Fetishisation even got its dirty hands of fetishes and kinks too however not everyone has sexual fantasies/kinks/fetishes come from fetishisation/want to harm others! There is a big difference between people with fetishes/sexual fantasies/kinks that don't come from fetishisation and people with fetishes/kinks/sexual fantasies that come from fetishisation!)
p3d0s (this includes L0l¡/sh0t@ likers/supporters) (Note: I'm not talking about people with intrusive thoughts nor people who was falsely accused of the horrible crimes like p3d0ph¡l¡a. They don't count in this dni)
Crypto bros/sisters (idk the female version of a Crypto bro even though there are women who go into Crypto)
People who think sexual abuse can be "consensual" (yes there are people people who think sexual abuse can be "consensual" when that "consent" wasn't even consensual)
People who uses "don't read/play/watch it" to put people down for criticaling media or calling out media which has harm in it. (Even though they can simply block those people instead of commenting that if they can't handle the truth, don't like their favourite media having criticism or straight up have harmful mindset they want to keep. Yes don't play/read/watch term has been used to put people down for criticism or calling out harmful behaviour instead of actual trying to help people LIKE ITS SUPPOSED TOO! You know people who thought they can handle it then they turn out they can't and thats perfectly fine!)
Fatphobic people
Ai artists/supporters
Ai fanfic/author writers
Art stealers
Fanfic stealers
Anti furries people
Anti therian people
Any people who just hate anything that is harmless and isn't harming people in real life
NFT supporters/likers
Wallyest aka Appleest DNI and selfest shippers in general (It's makes me uncomfortable, i have no problem with these types of shippers since its harmless most of the time. It's just not my cup of tea of ships. :3)
Transphobic people (This includes terfs/Transgender exclusionary radical feminists)
Homophobic people (This includes Lesphobic, Aphobic, Biphobic etc)
Racist people
people who believe in purity culture
Swerfs/Sex Worker exclusionary radical feminists)
Anti porn people (This is due that anti porn comes from whorephobia aka the name of the bigot nature against sex workers because pornstars are still sex workers and anti porn also comes from purity culture too. Its also demonises human trafficked victims and drug addicts. Its also supports police brutality)
anti sex work people (same reason as anti porn, it comes from whorephobia and purity culture, the demonstration of Human trafficked victims and drug addicts and supporting police brutality)
(How does anti porn and anti sex work demonise drug addicts and human trafficked victims? Simple it's the police, police arrest drug addicts when its been provided time and time again, addictions don't come out of nowhere it comes from some sort of cause like childhood trauma, peer pressure, trauma in general, mental health issues, etc. Sex workers can be drug addicts due that they are human just like everyone else, they can have the same reasons why they got addicted to drugs. The police will arrested human trafficked victims if porn and sex work is illegal because they are still a "sex worker" and not a victim in the eyes of the police and the victim were only trying to escape their abuse only to be thrown in prison or even get the death penalty. So being anti sex work or anti porn supports police harming drug addicts and human trafficked victims also making porn or sex work illegal harms POC/People colour and POC/People of colour sex workers because police will kill or arrest people of colour who aren't sex workers and cover their hate crime with "they were a sex worker/Pornstar so I can Legally kill them". Yes making porn or sex work illegal gives police to kill more innocent people legally meaning it won't count as "murder" or "hate crime" or "Abuse of power" in the eyes of the court.so yes being anti porn/sex work doesn't make you a "Feminist", an "Ally" to queer, victims of human sex trafficking or people of colour, disabled people, transgender people, its makes you a supporter of police's violence against minorities and victims. I swear many anti porn and anti sex work people have forgotten why the whole ACAB/All cops are bastards movement exists.)
N@z¡ supporters/N@z!s
Inotreal supporters
Ablest people
Pro Capitalism
Pro patriarchy
Anti abortion people/Pro lives
People who think fictional can't affect reality (I'm more talking fictional that has harmful elements such as demonising minorities, fetishizing heavily topics aka Fetishisation of heavily topics, etc, false information about animals or groups of people) (For example, in fictional media they demonise sharks which had a strong affect on real life. Fishers won't save a shark that been caught because they think they are going to kill them because that what fictional media told them. How racist people demonise cultures in their fictional media to the point, people start to think that's how the culture is like without looking into it. Another example is how media treat female sex workers to their male sex workers counterparts. Female sex workers are mostly seen as human trafficked victims that have no plot to the story, its just "all female sex workers are human trafficked" point. But when it's male sex worker, there is no mention him being human trafficked. It's seen as his job he signed up for. I have no problem with media calls out with serious topics that happen in jobs. But this is a double standard in fictional media about sex workers)
People who think cyber bullying isn't real
People are anti an religious that isn't Christian (example: Anti Jews, Muslims, Pagans, people who believes in Satanism, etc. These are about people who hate religion because they can not about people who hate religion due to religious trauma!)
zionists (not the religion, the people who support Isnotreal since that's what they are called.)
Incest likers/supporters
fetishizers (the ones who fetishize race, Sexuality, Disabled ppl, People's trauma, gender, bodytypes, etc aka seeing groups of people as Objects not humans.)
bimisogyny (another term I wasn't aware of that existed until now so its also on my dni list)
Sexist ppl
Victim blamers
People who hate on harmless ships (Such as Oc x canon, canon x canon, rarepairs, Self inserts x canon etc.)
•lso Helluva boss/Hazbin fans who have to make a big fuss over valid criticism or try defend the valid things that being criticism or even harmless redesigns. (I seen alot HH/HB fans being just bad people)
Any toxic fans really in any fandom
Alex Kister apologists/supporters (The creator of TMC, I'm not talking about people who don't know what he has done nor fans of TMC! Im just people who knew what he has done and still support him 👍)
Bigoted people!
People who make traumatised people's trauma as gender wars (Example: Mostly **from what I seen btw** the male fake allies of male trauma of any type survivors saying 'It's happens to men too' under a female or AFAB person of the same trauma video about their trauma)
Anti-Kink people
Fujios (This is under fetishizers who fetishizes groups of people since they fetishize gay people to my knowledge, correct me if im wrong 😭.)
People who forgave yan dev and people who support him
People who support Dream (The dsmp member)
People who romanticizes true crime
People who treat real victims of trauma as circus animals and not humans
MERF (Male exclusionary radfem/Radical "Feminist", I looked this up and many sources say its an alternative term for terfs who are Transphobic to trans women, they see trans women as men.)
People who sexualizes/Fetishizes religion (that does includes nuns because the fetishisation of nuns came from cisgender straight men who has/had a rape culture mindset)
Misandrists (It's rooted in Transphobic and transandrophobia against trans people and isn't queer progressing. Because making the "all men are violent/ perverts by nature." Makes a pipeline for transphobia and transandrophobia. Alot of cisgender women think trans women are violent/sexual predators that are men in dresses and they think trans men are the same as the cisgender male criminals. When trans people don't commit crimes the same level as their cisgender counterpart. Trans people are more likely to be harmed in some way, its also worse for POC trans people because of the racist transphobia then cisgender white women. Yes I seen trans men sharing their stories with transphobic women and how those transphobic women think trans men ARE the same as their cisgender male counterpart.)
Lovelypeaches fans/stans
People who demonised addictions (yes this includes the demonising porn addiction and Character ai/cai addiction since porn addiction and Character ai/cai is still addictions. Addictions are hard to stop being addictions, shaming someone for their addiction isn't helping or portraying someone for their addiction as a "bad person" or calling out a user for their addiction is also a shit thing to do)
Anti recovery people
White supremacy people
Classicism People (I think that's how you spell it, People who judge others based on where they are in the hierarchy)
Wilbur Soot (The YouTuber from Dream (Minecraft YTer's group) Supporters/forgivers
white feminists (White Feminists are basically a "Feminist" version of White supremacy)
People who think "blackwashing" exists (it's a term that was created by a white supremacist)
transmisogyny people (I didn't know this exists until recently)
Georgenotfound supporters/apologist (I'm not talking about people who didn't know, I'm talking about people who do know and still support him)
Those "meme/joke" accounts or people who support those accounts (the ones that joke about heavy topics not for comfort but they don't see those heavy topics as heavy topics, straight up bigoted or hating on people who is having fun and doing something harmless)
People who spread misinformation about important things and heavily topics on purpose
culture appropriation people (under the racist dni)
People who have crushes on REAL LIFE abusers/rapists/serial killers/etc
People who use character ai/cai to talk to AI bots of real people (I'm not talking about live action characters more so on real life abusers/actors/singers/rapists/serial killers/etc)
People who "joke" about fucking animals/fishes (it's fucking weird, I don't know what's so funny about sexual animal abuse)
I should really explain three things of my DNI list.
What's Terf?
A terf is short for Trans-exclusionary radical "feminism"/Trans gender exclusionary "Radfems"It's pretty self explanatory, they are "Feminists" who are Transphobic.
What's a Swerf?
A swerf is short for sex workers exclusionary radical "Feminism"/Sex Worker exclusionary "Radfems".
Swerfs are the sister of terfs in a way.
Yes the sex work industry and its sub industries have serious problems and exploitive however the sex work industry and its sub industries aren't the only industries with serious problems and exploitative, all industries in this world have serious problems and exploitative due to all industries are under Capitalism and Patriarchy's control.
Swerfs also have this black and white view of sex workers and clients, Swerfs think all sex workers are straight cisgender women and all clients are straight cisgender men when in reality sex workers can be any gender and Sexuality same with the clients.
Swerfs also think sex work is the reason for women objection (when it's Patriarchy's fault) and sex work is only for "Male gaze" (Which doesn't make sense as male clients aren't the only clients due there are clients that are all genders)
The time i know about the male gaze fits into sex work more on the heterosexual men side since well that's literally what male gaze applies too, gross Heterosexual men (I'm talking about misogynistic straight cisgender men who objectify women btw)
However Swerfs only use it to fit in "Every sex worker is a woman and every client is a man." View they have while completely forgetting about lesbian SWers, gay SWers, Bi Swers and other Sexuality outside of straight SWers and clients. Queer clients and Swers exist.
Swerfs also blame sex workers for the gross crimes of men and inappropriate behaviour against women (Again Patriarchy's fault) **FROM WHAT I SEEN**
They also blame sex workers for holding up the patriarchy and blame them for fetishisation of groups of people who get fetishized instead of the fetishizers and Patriarchy.
They also paint SW as all types of literal sexual crimes. When SW and those sexual crime CRIMES ARE VERY DIFFERENT.
(SW is legal and the crime they normally paint Sex work as takes place in countries where SW is illegal.)
Swerfs treat sex workers as not human as all, which is really dehumanising. For example when a gross man is being weird over a woman's body and people call it out they go "wow you met a real woman" since they associated this kind of behaviour with porn or they go "Wow, you met a woman outside of porn" which gives the vibe if a woman becomes a pornstar (a type of sex worker) she isn't a human anymore which is really dehumanising. It's like how terfs and transphobes hate trans women because they aren't "real women".
Also they are very hypocritical, For example many swerfs see SW as danger to women and queer people that aren't SWers (because they think Queer SWers and Female/Afab SWers are responsible for the queer fetishisation and gross men seeing women as objects. They only care about non female/ AFAB SWers and non queer SWers not Swers themselves even though that's what they are claim to be "saving") and fictional adult content is fine, only for them to a 180° and start attack fictional adult content and also calling it harmful to women and queer people (Also doing the same thing they do to SWers. They blame all SWers for the actions of gross men and not the gross men for their own actions or in some cases blame all SWers for a one bad SWer actions. For example if a SWer is doing kinks that are for traumatised people for the male gaze and people found out about this, swerfs blame all SWers for that SWer action.) But in this case, blame every person who does adult content instead of the gross people (aka the queer fetishers and gross men who see women as objects or the people who made that content for the male gaze/they are queer fetisher themselves). (Don't get me wrong there is problems with fictional adult content of all kinds, it's good and important to call it out. However what I explained with the swerfs, there aren't doing that. It's about villainizing and controlling thanks to purity culture.)
Also swerfs with anti fictional adult content movement they now hooked on, they also have the same black and white mindset like they do with SW but In this case be the only people who draw/write adult content are men. (I guess AFAB/female and queer people who draw/write adult content is non existence recording to swerfs)
I do understand the worry about minors getting into sex work while underage however it isn't sex work's fault for this, it's the lack of education because there are some important things that is missing like if they went homeless while underage its literally child endangerment but schools wont talk about it. but many schools don't teach that. Heck even in sex education, some schools don't teach kids consent or signs of sexual assault/sexual abuse or safe sex, some schools just stick to sex = babies and pregnancy over and over again. (From my experience at least in school at least). How to fix this? Tell people how important education is! Instead of blaming sex work.
What are anti-kink people?
Anti kink people are people who don't understand kinks at all but only know the serious harmful stereotypes of kinks. They don't want to learn about kinks, they want kinks to be illegal due to the harmful stereotypes against kinks they know of since these harmful stereotypes have filled up their brain so they assumed all kinks are like their harmful stereotypes counterparts
Also they confused kinks with Fetishisation.
(Note: Fetishisation isn't about fetishes, Fetishisation is about people seeing groups of people such as survivors of literally crimes, POC, disabled people, women etc as objects not as humans.)
When both aren't the same thing. Don't get me wrong there are people who misuse kinks for their own pleasure or for the "male gaze" or fetishisation of real types of people (especially kinks that are mostly used by traumatised people as a coping mechanism, that kink was formed from their trauma or take back control they lost in their trauma because people who aren't traumatised by the topics that the kinks are based on because they find those topics "hot" and it's closer thing they are going to get to their gross fantasies) also there is kinks that arent here to help traumatised people but to fetishisation people/fantasies about harmful stuff/justify gross mindsets (by non traumatised people/gross people btw) and we should call out these gross people but anti kink people can't tell the difference between kinks being used right, kinks being used bad or the "kinks" that are rooted in harmful nature
They think all kinks = bad/harmful without talking with traumatised people who have kinks, people with kinks or doing any research on the kinks themselves.
The same way Swerfs want SW to be illegal and Terfs want transgender to be illegal too.
Due to
Swerfs treat sex workers as subhumans and the cause of everything bad
Terfs treat Trans people (Mostly trans women) as sub humans
Anti kink people treat kinks as an abomination sub group to sex and the cause of every thing bad.
Because of the Transphobic ideas, SWphobic (idk if I can say the actual word on here) ideas and anti kinks ideas against those people (Sex workers and Transgender people) and that group (kinks)
Also making kinks, sex work, porn illegal is apart of Prison–industrial complex, if you don't know, to be it short it's a racist system in prison system aka putting POC sex workers and queer POC in danger (Since kinks are a big part in Lgbtq community). This system is already in prison system and is actively causing harm to POC (People of colour)
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areanoodles · 1 year
Heather Chandler the butler
Chandler as Veronica's butler!
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I was watching some stuff and got an idea of Chandler being Veronica's butler. Like if they swapped lives for the day. But that kind of goes with my whole Veronica's idea, where instead of heathers it's Veronica's. I won't explain the whole story of how that would happen cause I don't feel like it. But just know I have this story of Veronica's.
but for now, I guess I'd say the roles:
Chandler- as veronica(of course)
Duke- as Jd
Mac- as Martha
Veronica- as chandler
Then they'll be like two other Veronica's to complete the clique..
..........I don't know how I'd put all the other characters in place cause some might disagree. But that's what I have. Maybe some other time I'll explain Veronica's. Just maybe...
Veronica brushing her teeth
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Since like, April pretty much, or maybe march... mainly April probably
I made up next generation kids in my mind for the heathers. I kind of thought I was the only one who made next generation kids for the heathers until I saw some post for it.
Sooooo, let me give you a tour!:
Since I ship chanduke, they'd have a daughter named: Madeline Chandler.
Was gonna give them a second daughter but I wasn't sure if I should.
Madeline would look more like chandler, she'd have strawberry blonde hair, but with brunette streaks in it. Her personality is a bit more like dukes(I don't have her personality down yet but I have to think of something). Madeline would most likely have anxiety sometimes. She's not as fierce as chandler but can sometimes be.
Since I ship Mcnamaywer, they'd have a daughter named: Camila sawyer.
I really wasn't sure if that would be her official name, but I just went with it(I don't know if I'll change her name in the future). I also was gonna give them a second daughter as well but I ain't too sure yet.
Shes alot like veronica. She's always there for Madeline when she's down. She also will protect Madeline at any cost. She's also pretty bright like mcnamara. So she can be energetic time to time(but Madeline's pretty energetic too)
Together Madeline and Camila ride skateboards together when they're outside and go on wild adventures.
*sighs* I know people might not agree with this one.... but.....
Since I ship kram, they'd have a daughter named: Charlie sweeney, and would probably also have a son named Denvor sweeney.
People might not agree with me on this because of how kurt and ram are, and I dont blame you. But I couldn't resist giving them a child for some reason. But ig in my universe of heathers, kurt and ram would be good. So... yeah. Don't come after me!
Charlie would be athletic of course, she loves to play tons of sports and sometimes might tease Camila and Madeline about certain stuff. 🤔 she'd probably think Madeline and Camila are gay for each other-
Denvor would be Charlie's little brother. He's acts charming and is a but more like Heather chandler. Which ram was confused about- he did enjoy hanging out with Heather chandler alot, so I guess so.... he also tends to get into ALOT of DANGER-
Anywayyyysss people.
Remember the stuff about their children isn't exactly official yet. Still have to figure out their personalities ig. Just wanted to share some stuff.
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marziblogsworld · 4 years
'9-1-1 lone star' a series that deals with diversty, mental health issues and also 9-1-1 calls. Here is my review.
So there are two reason why i wanted to explore this series. First its a spin off the original 9-1-1 so like duh had to. Second because or Rob lowe aka Owen Strand the current captain of the 126 Austin Texas. I have seen Rob lowe in Speedy Singhs (i dont know how many of you have watched this) but i loved him so much in that movie, he was the captain of this hockey team (long story). So when i found out that he is in this series i was like hell yeah i wanna see him again and like always he excelled in his role as a captain. A different captain i would say that actually showed what real masculinity is, i was in awe when i found out that he is a fasionista and a broad-minded guy and also straight. I have never seen a man talk so comfortably and proudly about his hair and skin products and i loved it. Like i said a different take is this series
So this series begans with Owen Strands gets transferred with his son Tyler Strand to Texas Austin to start a fire station from scratch after it was abandoned when its whole crew died in a tragic fire accident except Judson Ryder. Now Owen, with him being brought up in New York the cheif wanted some diversty setup in that county so they asked him for transfer and that is where the story begans
I salute and applaud when i saw that Owen hired a trans, a muslim woman, a dyslexic, and his own son who is an addict and homosexual in his team and showed all of them proudly and let me tell you all of them were rejects before in their previous station because of there status and appreances. So i kinda loved that. Owen Strand stood up and shoved a middle finger to the bigotry so👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 *hands down*.
TK! TK! TK! that poor child is like Buck from S3, when the writer decided to put him in a blender. TK got that taste in S1. He has gone through so much in this first season and i still think he needs to talk more since there is alot of things that is still on his chest. Owen and his bond makes me go 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 fuck these two are killing me. I am sucker for that. Poor baby i feel yah and I wanna see him more progress in S2.
At the same time Carlos honey i want your storyline, your footing, your steps in a situation, you were more of a side character rather then the main and please make some friends that reciprocate your feelings. I feel like you were either drag along or being used so many times because you are cop. Carlos please have a story line in S2 i need to see it. There is more in this latina boy than just being cute. Also a little advice take lesson from Athena in how to be a badass okay!.
ASMR lady Michelle Blake whenever you speak i go😴😴😴😴😴 because your voice is soo soft and smooth like silk. You gave me major vibes of Bedelia from Hannibal. Can you i dont know read an audio book for me it will be an amazing bedtime story for me. Michelle is the captain of the EMS team and her storyline revolves around her sister who suddenly disappeared 3 years ago and Michelle is still finding her. To be honest, her storyline was stretched way too much to complete till 10 episodes and then it was wrapped up so fast like wtf i waited 10 episodes for this!!! was my initial reaction.
So even in this series there is a ship and a pretty hyped one 'Tarlos between TK and Carlos so yaaaahh but sadly like BUDDIE was legit everything onscreen the same could not be said about Tarlos even though this is a canon ship. It didn't hit me that way, maybe because alot was happening offscreen and like OMG they haven't even you know what they are for each other. I mean mostly TK because Carlos is literally on the stage to marry him right at the stop but TK due to his own personal problem is dragging him along which really Carlos doesn't deserve but that poor boy is still with him. I mean talk about love. He didnt left TK at all i would say dedication but still Carlos honey get more scene so even i could see what you actually think about that and hey! Tarlos we don't need things happening offscreen. If you wanna talk, kiss or even just a dinner fucking do it onscreen.
Judd Ryder started as an asshole but than is gaining points more than anybody else, huge respect to him and Grace Ryder sweety you are literally a queen. I mean seriously wife goals.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa writers fuck you, i mean how could you, like you literally had the audacity to end the series with 'A Night We Met' why?!? Why?!? would you hurt us like this. 13RW fandom will understand my pain and agrees with me. The whole season aside and that feels of the last scene aside. 🤧.
So thats my review. I cant wait for more of them in S2 and also to share my thoughts and journey with you. Follow me guys for more amazing reviews about your favourite movies, tvshows and books and remember recommendations are open.
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tvdversefanfiction · 4 years
Since i have done this 30day challenge on two of my other pages it was about time I did it for this page, starting firstly with The Vampire Diaries, The Originals and Legacies will soon follow I promise.
So if you do not already no I have zero chill and zero patience so instead of 30 days I just do it all in one go 😂 feel free to sound off in the comments with your opinions, open to reading others' opinions and share in the love for this fandom 💖
1 - Klaus Mikaelson 💖 my king, my heart, the unrequited love of my life (fictional ofcourse)
2 - (in order) Caroline Forbes 👑 Rebekah Mikaelson 👑 Katherine Pierce 👑
3 - Klaroline, always and forever 😍
4 - Bamon or Stexi 🤔 although Stexi was definitely a more loyal friendship and I didnt want them together as a couple like I did Bamon
5 - Claire Holt, Love her to pieces, love her interviews and her post and pre TVD and TO work as an actress.
6 - Joseph Morgan, my husband in my fantasies only 💖 fantastic actor who I cannot wait to see what he does next 😍
7 - Daniel Gillies and Paul Wesley, their bromance is both adorable, authentic and slightly homoerotic ��😈
8 - Bamon or Elenijah, Bamon id have legit loved to see as endgame over Delena anyday and Elenijah I'd have love to have seen explored at least.
9 - Although neither the originals or Katherine were in every episode they were far from secondary in my mind, so in terms of secondary I'd say Lexi for sure.
10 - 2 and/or 3, most of the originals arc and Katherine stuff was peak TVD for me.
11 - The 100th episode for so many reasons, the nostalgic lookback at previous characters, Klaroline finally getting it on, a Mebekah reunion and lots of Katherine 👑
12 - He is your first love, I intend to be your last 💖 Klaroline was all kinds of epic and how poetic is it that she wound up being his last love💔
13 - Caroline singing at her mothers funeral 💔
14 - Elena, I know she went through alot but who didn't in the TVDverse, she was the victim and stayed within that role from beginning to end and god was she depressing to watch. She was also largely hypocritical with her judgements over things she too was guilty off 🙄 the fact I loathe her and love Katherine shows the incredible acting range of Nina Dobrev though 💖
15 - Stefan, he is like Angel with the Angelus edge, id say the male elena but that would be harsh as he didnt piss me off nearly as much 😂 he was alright I suppose I just didnt care for him that much, if he died early I'd have been like meh! I couldnt buy evil stefan either instead it made me cringe which is weird because Paul Wesley plays unhinged so well in Tell me a story...oh and also Stefan killed Enzo, not once but twice and he can only blame the humanity switch for one of those kills 😡
16 - i did ship Delena till they got together and lost all their magic, i never shipped Stelena but they did suit each other better than Delena or the very ill advised Steroline which should have stayed a friendship! Bonnie and Jeremy made absolute no sense and had zero chemistry so on those grounds id say those two or Steroline, Steroline itches me up the wrong way the most tbf.
17 - Elena and Caroline, Caroline was the better friend hands down for both Bonnie and Elena but Elena always seemed harsher to Caroline and yet couldnt handle it when Caroline gave her tough love back especially over Delena which tbh Caroline was right....IMO anyways.
18 - I cannot say Candice, Nina, Kat or Claire are anything but amazing actresses so I would never say any of them...maybe the actress who played Liv Parker, she was always kind of one note to me although not terrible but nowhere near as good as the others....I could probably later think of someone else but for now I'll go with her.
19 - Zach Roerig, a typical answer from fans I've noticed but he was just so blah for 8 full seasons I totally get why Im not alone here...also so far him and Steven McQueen are the only ones from TVD to appear in Legacies...Jeremy's cameo i didnt mind, Matts however...like when is he going to die and stay dead already? Sorry matt fans 😂
20 - A good chunk of episodes in season 7, didnt like Elena but didn't like TVD without Elena...would've loved the actress to stay on and either play another role or make Katherine come back preferably 🤩
21 - Most of them I started liking then hating, or hating to liking then back to hating 😂 I dont think I hated anyone from beginning then loved them by the end so ill just give a love to hate, Alaric...I liked him in early seasons but thought he came to a natural end when he died...from 6 onwards after he came back he lost any appeal and felt like he was just there to have another dead ex, then to cockblock Steroline which tbf was a good deed but still didnt revive him 🤣 and I full out despise him in Legacies but I'll dig deeper into that come a Legacies themed version of this challenge 😂
22 - Damon wins hands down here, loved him in the pilot, love turned to like as the show went on and then Delena happened and completely destroyed his chracter, Bamon gave him a much needed revival but Elena soon dragged him down once more...his live for her was obsessive to me, unhealthy and toxic and he couldnt cope without it. BAMON would've fixed all this IMO
23 - Okay stick with me here as this one has multiple answers for me...I'd have rathered Caroline or Bonnie as the main character alongside the salvatores than Elena so thats answer one. Answer two would be I'd have loved Katherine to have been the mainstay doppelganger instead of Elena. Answer three would be more flashbacks of Lexi and her life away from the Salvatores would have been interesting. Last answer, Rebekah should have been in more episodes both on this and TO but I'll probs get more into that when I do TO.
24 - The romances, the vampires, the villains and the aesthetic of Mystic Falls 😍 if you follow my other pages you know obsessed im obsessed with the supernatural genre 🥰
25 - Too much time centred around Delena and Stelena, which I know was the main story of this show their love triangle but it didnt have to be...
26 - Elena daggering Rebekah, my heart broke for Rebekah and hardened towards Elena...her biggest hypocritical move of many too!
27 - Heres one so this post isnt all bashing poor Elena 🤣 i love when Elena and Stefan wind up drinking in that bar together having a good time as friends...honestly wouldnt habe minded more scenes centered on this friendship.
28 - Klaroline getting together in the woods and/or the Klaroline moment in the last episode where he donates money to the boarding school...tbh any Klaroline moment 💖
29 - Liz's death and funeral, my heart breaks for Caroline everytime and Damon too, loved Liz and Damon's friendship 💔
30 - Almost all Lily Salvatore scenes, the worst mother alongside Esther Mikaelson....their deaths make me so happy every single time and I will never apologise for that 🤣
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The Blocklist: A essay (this is very long)
I know everyones sick of it at this point but I got shit to say so feel free to not read this absolute unit of a poorly written essay. The jjbablocklist divided their list into two different list now. One for creators and one for consumers/rebloggers and I cannot stress enough about how dumb that is since it shouldve been done since the beggining. Also, following alot of these artist and “consumers” of these medias, I noticed some of them are falsely accused, others while being minors. here’s why:
1. A lot of teens and young adults in the community like ships like GioMis, FuMis, NaraGio, MisTrish and plenty more and I know your singular shared braincell cannot handle the idea of 2-3 year age gaps not being pedophilia, but uh, newsflash for ya, THEY AINT. Legally, it is not a crime and that in america where the age of consent is 18, not in Italy where its 15 and not in Japan where its even less. Under the general United States Law, which is where I assume the list makers/defenders are mostly from, these ships are not classified as pedophilia or should be problematic and the ages of consent change to lower ages depending on state. The only way you can add these shippers for their “crimes” is if they promoted or created the interactions of these characters in a sexual or intimate manner whether they are aged up or not, which is still wack if their age is above that of the age of consent in writing/art and the fact that minors, in this case teenagers with the VA cast, are allowed to express themselves with people of their own age group in a sexual manner, real life kids do it all the time amongst themselves so why shouldnt people be able to create it, the whole ordeal is ridiculous imo BUT I can see how it makes a lot of people uncomfortable, a lot of it makes me uncomfortable too so we gotta make compromises somehow so absolutely no lewding the mafia lolis/ jojo lolis in general and if you do, tag it properly so it doesnt spread onto the basic hastags of characters and the show. If you dont you on the list.
2. Claim genderswapping/r63 is transphobic all you want but until I see clear and definitive proof of it being purposely made for that purpose then it’s absolutely ok. If someone makes it to offend someone then its wrong and they should be called out for it (which has never been the case in this fanbase as far as I cant tell) It’s creative, it allows people create new desings for characters or adjust current ones for cosplayers or other artist. Im sure one of your mods can relate, since the do the exact same thing as we do while not addressing a certaint character properly by their canon pronouns. Genderbending does not promote the attack or harrasement of the trans community and that is a fact unless its done by actual problematic artist like Sh*dbase and others, which is still a stretch because I dont think they’ve done it to target people or make fun of them but they are the popular problem icons. So get the actual transphobes on the list, aka those who created the content specifically to harras a specific person, or remove the catergory entirely. Its unnecessary and hypocritical.
— The rest of these are just things that bother a lot of people in the community so if you only cared about minors being on the list then you dont have to continue reading. —
Tumblr is infamously known to be a shitshow of a site where all you can find is problematic content. If you dont like this kind of content, why the hell are you here in the first place? There’s a lot of safer websites to use where like instagram, twitter, amino, facebook, and more. They have actual filters unlike tumblr and finding content you dont like is a lot harder unless you are purposefully looking for it, and even then it could be a challenge due to shadow bans or privatized accounts. Tumblr has none of that, everyone knows it, all of those who dont like it try to stay away from it or use it very scarcely. Why do you think that most of these “problematic” artist/creators/consumers are here? Tumblr has always been its own weird realm, trying to make it anything else goes against what it stand for.
You’re crimes make are literal nonsense sometimes because you include such obvious personal attacks like “Made a literal essay defending GioMis” and “All kinds of awful stuff” as crimes. You added a few account because they message you about how ridiculous the whole ordeal is and you take to findind the slightest bit of “evidence” that can aid you into making them look bad. You know thats not a good reason right?? Even if it were, yall are even more guilty for committing acts of Liable and Defamation and you are choosing to for those you incorrectly put on the list, invluding the minors! Let alone hypocrisy but yall are tired of hearing that one.
Dont add other fandoms into this mess. The Hetalia fandom has been dead for more than 5 years and it aint none of your buisness. It has nothing to do with Jojo. Unless you plan on making more blocklist for ALL fandoms then, goodluck, though make em better.
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is a wonderful and yet problematic series, guess who’s fault it is... its Araki’s. Created a hilarious nazi character, nah its the fanbases fault for roleplaying such a funny character. Pedophilia and rape represented in Jojo and not treated seriously, nah its the fandoms fault for romanticizing it. Homophobia as character traits and degradation of women in Jojo, pfft nah f a n d o m s f a u l t for painting such “false” representations of the characters. Ah, but yall wont drop Jojo cuz that kid your trying to control media for wont drop it either. It is not your responsibility to create a childproof community when the show already has heavy themes. Its their caretakers/parents or the childs own responsibility.
I despise the argument “well Jojo is a 17+ only show so no kids allowed!” you might be right, but has that really ever stopped kids from doing anything?? It does the opposite, it creates a sense of overwhelming curiosity which leads to venturing unkown territory which they may or may not end up enjoying. The problem lies wether young teens are mature enough to watch it or not and judging by this whole fiasco, alot of the people, teens and adults, involved are not.
I will give you this guys this, theres a few artist and creators that do belong there, very few as far as I could see and read into and some are missing since they are mostly on twitter instead of tumblr. But hey, I managed to find like 12 accounts that I probably wouldn’t like seeing the content of, and I found a lot of good accounts too. A hell of a lot more.
I know Im harsh and a total loser but y’all really gotta do some damage control and think ahead. Merely ignoring the fact that your movement cause a floodwave of hatred, deaththreats and suicide baiting is disgusting, adress it properly, dont condone it. Cuz Im yall wouldnt like 200+ messages of “Kill yourself you of lowlife degenerate. I dont like your the disgusting trash you like so I hope you rot in hell for the rest of your life” It isnt fun, a lot of people have received these, some are even worse and a lot dont even deserve it.
Run the list correctly, its a good idea, it could’ve been handled way better than this and you guys know it. This would’ve been great for 14 year old me not stumbling onto a lot of problematic ships when I first looked up Jojo and it can help many children in the community in the future, but you are ruiling out a majority of the fanbase with such vague and pointless rules as regular shipping and creative freedom. You are demonizing people who like basic shipping and different character desings, and that’ll scare them because they dont want tobe hated for something they like. Because a few biased opinions decided to rule out that what the kids liked is morally wrong and irredeemable. Cuz thats all I can see on the list with the exception of maybe a 12 people on the list. Thats all the rest of the JJBA community sees.
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fireeaglespirit · 6 years
This is awesome and because *hangs head in shame* I dont play the games (i'm a noob with no money and my parents never let me have video games so I just like the story okay?) I have never seen this bit.
I ADORE multiverse/underworld stuff as you know or perhaps you don't as I don't know how far I got explaining Aeq and Midnight Palace but it is FULL of that stuff. I love the symbolism and it is very Jungian (I am the Priest of Jung okay, welcome to the New Testament of Jess!) But I need to sleep rn so we can get to it later.
Thank you for showing me because then I can reference it if I have time but I have so many other things going on right now and dunno I love fanfic and these stories but then I get down because I get virtually no response and I need that interaction to continue. It is my luck to always like dead fandoms with minor prequel characters I guess...still I do feel the fanfic has improved my writing and vice versa
I was thinking alot about hell and demons and what 'heaven' would be as I had a very detailed review on FF.net asking me all this questions, like why Sparda would long for the light if he is a demon and dunno, it always comes back to my pet theories of light and dark and the union of opposites. Sparda is so interesting because I feel he came to 'justice' on his own but probably also cemented by this mysterious priestess who he had to sacrifice. At least that is the way
the way I would go if I was developing the lore or a prequel game. It seems the most juicy option. Anyways this 'light' ties into my feelings about the transcendent, this higher power/reality urging all to grow and develop. I guess I would see demons as base and vicious aspects of reality and sources of wild and violent energy - very much as both Jung and early cultures saw them or primal gods or 'titans'.
It's also why I have a headcanon Sparda a)is fascinated by humans - they have the same struggles as him and b)he has a huge library on religions of the world, history, philosophy and science because he is still trying to discover the nature of reality just like Eva and this is what really brings them together.  I wrote this line last night when Eva looks at all the books 'So you devour our souls metaphorically instead of physically now?'
I debated on making Sparda saintly, like he has already has his struggle and is now secure in himself but that isn't interesting to me plus you know our shared love of fighting with the feral nature to ultimately make the person better. Plus I kinda like the romantic angst that way like with MadaMito hehe
Okay I need to go to bed now.
Ok, prepare for huge contrived reply incoming...
First of all. What??
I hate when parents do this. I’m so sorry, I never knew about it... I really hate this.
Video games are just another media, I never understood why people would pick on that and forbid their child from having some fun. FFS. 
If you want to play something some day I’ll always be there to help you installing, finding them, etc.. whatever you might need. Or even just finding anything related to games, etc.. I don’t play much these days as you know the multiple reasons but it was such an important part of my life I can barely imagine being cut out from this, even thought we always had old consoles this was very important.
About Sparda and the fic. I need to be sincere and say I’m taking so long to reply for two reasons. First because I LOVE the way you wrote Sparda but I was afraid of being too simplistic with my reply so I delved a lot on things...
But... tah-dah : I lost the huge reply I had wrote before. My note has 0 battery so its glued to the wall and it just turns off sometimes suddenly and I’m dumb and don’t save things so yeah. I kinda lost myself and got angry about that. 
Anyway, I understand what you said here, especially your feelings about the fic, in many ways I can see how my fandom views reflect in the original world I’m making, and the inverse is contrary. There are many parallels. It really helps and fandom work is as worthy as original, imo, I’ve been thinking about this. Our obsession with prequels and obscure characters has a reason and that is exactly because we want to explore what is hidden behind the veil... exploring the possibilities.
Sometimes it comes to shipping speculation, and this too has a reason.
Thinking about your views on Sparda and Eva, I thought a lot on what it truly means to write or develop an obscure ship and why we are so interested in that (think about that, many of our common favorite characters from prequels, etc..)
I came to the conclusion that in Eva/Sparda just like in many of our other ships, has the common theme of the heroin facing her ‘dark reflection’, her ‘animus’ as Jung would say (OH BOY I’m entering that with you), and she, at first rejects it like she reflects her own darker aspects, her unconscious… its abhorrent for her so she seeks to destroy it as rapidly as possible as seen by Eva’s renewed determination after learning Sparda’s true nature in chapter 1. The animus represents her doubts and unconscious... However what we see in your story is much more interesting. 
Most stories of this kind focus solely in the female aspect changing from her interactions with the male, who is already developed, but here we have Eva being able to re-awaken some viciousness in Sparda when it seems he has been quite restrained from quite some time (centuries) but also, something that is much more interesting.. it calls to his own determination and his own personal story and sacrifice, for some reason his ‘lust’ and brush with the dark side makes it all more important and more powerful than if he simply had been saintly at that point, like you said. It makes he revisit it all and ponder.
I love how you added lines of ‘temptation’ from Mundus, part of Sparda seeks to surrender to his ‘nature’ as its just so easy, like slip in a pair of old shoes... while the priestess memory, albeit silently, fights it and reminds him of his struggle and his ideals and ultimately her sacrifice which was also his own sacrifice (of his old ways). I think his darker side has been neglected and I think you will use this to develop Sparda into greater heights. Its great we get to see this in the actual story and he is not perfect, but he certainly is incredible. 
Also, just as a side-note I loved how you described his hunger as mostly non-carnal as he glimpses her spirit and its light... when we see Sparda’s POV we get reminded every time of his non-human nature and his non-human perception of things which is clearly different. A demon’s prey is not flesh but spirit and this makes a lot of sense and a lot of potential.
To sum it up, you snatched the best of both worlds and is about to develop both characters under a relationship, as they have a lot to learn and gain from each other. I think this is the way your narrative is going, more or less.
These developments are unique aspects which I find extremely interesting and you are doing this in such a genial way and I can see already by the end of the latest chapter the strings of the themes I mentioned are pulled and ready to be followed.
So yeah, they’re in for a journey of development together. Neither of them starts the story as a ‘perfect’ entity either way... This was shown in a very nice way as you pointed out misconceptions regarding both sides involving the duo of protagonists.
“I was thinking alot about hell and demons and what 'heaven' would be as I had a very detailed review on FF.net asking me all this questions, like why Sparda would long for the light if he is a demon and dunno, it always comes back to my pet theories of light and dark and the union of opposites. Sparda is so interesting because I feel he came to 'justice' on his own but probably also cemented by this mysterious priestess who he had to sacrifice. At least that is the way I would go if I was developing the lore or a prequel game. It seems the most juicy option. Anyways this 'light' ties into my feelings about the transcendent, this higher power/reality urging all to grow and develop. I guess I would see demons as base and vicious aspects of reality and sources of wild and violent energy - very much as both Jung and early cultures saw them or primal gods or 'titans'.”
I abstained a bit from the conversation earlier as I feared my careless/godless (lmao) perception was too disturbing for you or anyone but I also pondered on concepts such as heaven and hell, salvation, damnation, etc.. when considering Sparda’s tale. I know DMC isn't Christianity but its imagery is somewhat based on Abrahamic religion/mythos so I’m bound to take in consideration some of my ideas regarding biblical mythology, as in... 
When I started reading the bible so long ago it always puzzled me to imagine what exactly were angels/demons. I mean, are they even able to think in the same way as us?? Or are them more like ‘robots’, AI following orders (especially angels sometimes strikes me as that) and perhaps demons are those ‘robots’ that rebelled against their determined function, idk.
Something I wondered more than a decade ago was if demons in the bible are truly lost in every way so I started thinking within the dmc setting. I’m interested in that all and those things I mentioned. The interesting part is that I once asked that to my catechist if demons could be redeemed (lmao I was crazy, I know, but bored above all). She was at first very mad with me (she was always) but she reluctantly told me that demons had known god up close and felt his power so their sin in not following him is much bigger than a human’s, something of the sorts. So it sounded like they are also able to choose their way and I sort of apply this to dmc, lol. I’m weird, I know...
Are they capable or ‘worthy’ of forgiveness, because demons in dmc clearly have free will and thought like us, or at least similar to us. Some of them, like Sparda have clearly a lot of intellect, but like you said... others are very ‘primal’. Perhaps this is the key. The ‘evolved’ demon develops intellect and power... perhaps you are in the right track and it goes hand in hand? Does this make any sense?? The more powerful and developed they are, the more they develop ‘higher brain functions’ and star resembling a human more, idk because the lower demons in dmc are clearly more animal-like and primal while Sparda has a human-like shape and intellect.
I think I know where we are going and this looks like both angels and demons are actually a ‘reflection’ of human psyche. So, demons are the primal ancient aspects of the brain are somehow walking around hell just like that, while heaven and its inhabitants are mysterious. I really like the way you described hell and its inhabitants, it makes a lot of sense to imagine it as a part of human psyche embodied, in a way. I imagine Heaven as the exact inverse of Hell so it has its own creatures and they’re born from ‘order’ instead of chaos as stated above.
We have Bayonetta as a source of inspiration and I think its very valid to use that in order to understand Sparda. Heaven isn’t exactly good there, is it? In fact it appears like a very controlling environment.    
Hell: Primal, violent, survival of the fittest anyone? Hell inhabitants embodied  the most basic aspects of the brain, as you said.
Heaven: It might stem from higher planes of thinking and represent the more ‘sublime’ or ‘newer’ aspects of the evolving mammal brain.
It might make an easy choice for heaven but also such tight atmosphere is bound to become stagnant, it is no longer permitting flaws and strong emotions (thus angels look apathetic af in Bayonetta). 
It might seem at first glance that heaven is good, hell is bad, however I think, if you delve into heaven you might realize the beings born there might be too ‘disembodied’ as they represent exactly those parts of human psyche which are the most sublime. Let me explain, I always felt like too much spirituality tends to make people leave behind the reality of things, it might make them lack empathy for living beings who have to commit difficult decisions on a living basis, basic survival, starvation, the struggle for life, etc..
Think about enlightenment and Bodhisattva, also the rituals of mortification which are legit scary and reminds me of this concept as only those who leave behind all that is ‘mortal’ and are detached to an extreme, can reach Nirvana. I know this has not much to do with Christianity but even in this religion we find analogous associations regarding detachment as divine and saintly. Its also harmful in a way, or am I reaching? While too much focus on the primal/carnal leads to obvious horrible things: vice and chaos; too much detachment leads to apathy.
I do think some level of detachment is necessary to reach happiness but too much of it makes people forget the reality of life and makes them not able to relate anymore to the ones around them, as the focus becomes solely spiritual it kind of deafens them to the ‘real world’ and ignore it.
This is all about reaching a balance as its is our favorite theme, too much light is bad, too much darkness is bad, etc.. or else the story would fall into itself as the reality of the three settings (heaven, hell, earth) would be rigid.
So here we have a darker aspect of heaven, imo, to balance things out.
Heaven is clearly ‘order’ and hell is ‘chaos’ so we might as well find a balance... our favorite theme as always. The fact that one being like Sparda, born amidst ultimate chaos would gaze upward in delight and desire something else doesn't surprise me. The fact is he could be bitter about it, you even gave away the line on your fic where Sparda mentions he has been denied ‘light’. I wonder what exactly that means and this is one of my favorite aspects of your Sparda is that he is aware of his condition and even thought he worked against it its still lingering to him.. like his own flickering appearance.
But he hasn’t made his way up to heaven, huh? 
So its not a far reach to believe in it (that he desired ‘light’, whatever it is) but my personal belief is that too much ‘light’ is not good either and Sparda realized the beauty in flawed humanity, which sits right in the middle of light and darkness, order and chaos... that’s why he became enamored by the concept of humanity and all the struggle our own condition imposes upon us.
For me this is an archetypal theme.
Just food for thought.
The matter is... how? What exactly awakened him to justice? 
This makes stuff much more interesting. This was a huge ramble, I know but I needed to develop this and see if it works,
It's also why I have a headcanon Sparda a)is fascinated by humans - they have the same struggles as him and b)he has a huge library on religions of the world, history, philosophy and science because he is still trying to discover the nature of reality just like Eva and this is what really brings them together.  I wrote this line last night when Eva looks at all the books 'So you devour our souls metaphorically instead of physically now?'
So yeah, about a) I’m totally with you and I can see why Sparda would empathize with humans, as I talked earlier and I think my explanation on why Sparda would be fascinated by humans instead of ‘angels’ is made up above and I hope this doesn't sound too weird, just my line of thought.
As a demon, he’s born from a very ‘imperfect’ reality. He knows how shitty things can be... Now I really wonder how his life was before he ‘awakened to justice’ he must have witnessed some remarkably horrible things in his life..
Under the setting I mentioned, it would be I think its kinda easier for a demon to do this since angels would be too stuck up in their haven, idk so this is how Sparda, the unlikely hero is the first of these beings to take arms and defend humanity. Sparda is so special as he was the one to side with humans by his own decision and free will. What a guy!
I debated on making Sparda saintly, like he has already has his struggle and is now secure in himself but that isn't interesting to me plus you know our shared love of fighting with the feral nature to ultimately make the person better. Plus I kinda like the romantic angst that way like with MadaMito hehe
I’m glad you didn't! This is probably a gradual process even thought they say he ‘awakened to justice’ which makes it seem like he suddenly just did so I believe he had brewing feelings from his life as a demon in hell... 
He must have been such an unique individual to perceive truths his peers where not ready to learn and truly, an act of rebellion against the system itself coming from someone who is ‘supposed’ to do only harm is really something we want to see on screen and I’m so glad you didn't simplify it as being a single event in his life.
I’m really in love with this theme because it shows these beings are able to change their own destinies, even someone with such dark origins.
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witchofspades · 7 years
Team Wishful Crown Update!
Thanks to Mia I’ve been thinking alot about reviving Wishful Crown somehow, even though it’ll take a lot of editing old content to remove airs trash characters
All the info i can think of under the cut.
Fortunately for me, Air’s characters show up in very few of the actual comics, so editing them out where necessary is much less difficult than I expected Unfortunately, air insisted to write a lot of the stories that I wanted to comic, so that’s unfortunately a problem that will have to be fixed in some method of backtracking, retconning or rewriting/replacing which will be the largest share of work.  First and most importantly. I’m gonna be editing out Kal through all the comics with a new version of him, who’s gonna be a Kirlia and some of the dialogue will change to fit the story better (Since the whole “I’m stuck with Saroja for the rest of my life” shit was wierd and toxic in all kinds of ways) Saroja will be switched out with another Kirlia because I dont feel like making the switch between species, though i might anyway, depending on how many times she appears in the comics and how relevant her species actually is in the scheme of things. She also will not be New-Kal’s love interest so I’ll have to figure that out too. I’m also retconning everything and anything to do with Narcissus, Jezebel, Teagan, Samehk, Acacia, that other girl-frog, Bubblegum boys, and that sister team i can’t even remember anything about.  (Thank god honestly they were a waste of time and didn’t do much to tell what I needed to about Astra) They will either be edited out or replaced by throw-away characters, or new relationships that I’m gonna RP to bring around. (Still can’t promise that Astra will get along with everyone but there’s more space for that kind of thing now) Also, if you had any relations to Kalaghata or Saroja, then the new versions, are unfortunately gonna be throwing that info out too. (Aka if any of the stories includes your characters I’m gonna have to start from the beginning with relation development regarding those two because there’s a lot of stuff going on there that I either dont know about or it doesn’t fit anymore.) I’m sorry if you had something going on with the character in my comics, (fortunately i dont think there were many), I have to ask you to contact me and talk it out. Astra’s relationships will stay roughly the same, but i dont remember much. Not totally sure yet what im gonna do about Ig but I have half the mind to get rid of him if I can’t figure out some kind of redemption arc for him. (Air gave me rights to his character right before i cut off relations with her, so he’s mine now and i can do whatever I want with him.) For Kalstra shippers who got yelled at for shipping them, I apologize for any hurt feelings and stuff like that, I personally kind of liked that ship but I couldn’t show it myself, and if others were to say it, it impacted the plot’s progress due to reasons I’d rather not say in the concern that someone might try to rat me out and i honestly dont want a shitstorm at this point. Again, that’s not an excuse, but it’s worth noting if it helps anyone reconcile with what i did and if not i understand. Um...what else...After Geoda im going to make some transitional chapters towards having Astra move to a new place. Either ToT’s world, or a self-designed one similar to Tao Village or Treasure Town, seeing as PMDU is dead. Also, any written pieces will be switched out with comics because I absolutely hated switching between literature and comics, since it disrupted the flow so badly. Astra’s evolution story will have an extra part coming along, and again there will be some retconned stuff.  Ultimately its a LOT of work but doing it for four years makes me feel like this is little compared to what I had to do when dealing with my own workload and Air’s to boot. 
All in all: What this means is that im gonna try to be more active on the Wishful Crown tumblr for RPs but I’ll also be opening up a Discord for RPs which I’ll announce here and on the WC tumblr.  I’m gonna be using the tumblr where Astra is still in a team with Ig. (If that blog is there anymore, Air dropped out of it without warning and idk if I deleted it out of anger or smth) bear with me regarding Ig I dont know how to play him well. I’ll post links and more information when I have it.  WWG, Wishful Crowns successor, is my main focus since it brings me money at the beginning of every month, and its good pay so I’d rather get all the money i can before moving my focus back to WC completely. I have my doubts that they will keep paying me for any longer than the end of this year but we’ll have to see. Rereading it all might be necessary but there wont be any literature left, fortunately by the time re-reading needs to happen. TLDR: Hoping to bring back Wishful Crown from where it dropped, but no promises. More info when things have cleared up.
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Talk about your friends? What are they like?
my friends……….. Though leohanan has already described them, lemme give my slice of toast (lemme live with my fake proverbs) on the matter. i will use the same names leohanan mentioned so you know who i am speaking of
There’s SOCCER MOM: I share my morning classes with her this semester, and let me tell you its the best! Her locker is stuffed to the brim so she occasionally uses mine to store things (cuz i store like one (1) thing in there). These things are usually cookies she has made for us friends. THIS ONE TIME SHE WOKE UP AT 5:00 IN THE MORNING TO MAKE PUMPKIN SPICE FILLED PANCAKES AND BOAUGHT SOME AND I HAD THEM IN THE MORNING, IT WAS THE BEST!!! She and the others also decorated my locker on my half birthday! AND SHE GOT ME A FIDGET CUBE! Even though she is barely a day older than I am, she is the ultimate soccer mom. She brings snacks (she brought us cut orange slices once. I ate the most cuz oranges), makes sure we don’t do idiotic things, stares at us with a concerned face when our conversations get weird, and even has good taste in music! She recently put purple dye in her hair, which is hard to notice from the bottom tips because it just makes it darker, but you can notice it from the top. She has cool piercings in her ears, and PLANS TO GET MORE, hopefully. A fan of 5sos to the end. I showed my mom a picture of her in our yearbook and she now has 100% faith in soccer mom’s ability to make sure i don’t do anything stupid.
VODKA AUNT: Lemme tell you about this goddess: her fashion sense is on point, her clothes are always the best, and her makeup is perfect. I know its a saying when someone says the mascara is so sharp it could kill a man, but in this case its true, actually it probably has. She wakes up 4 in the morning my people, FOUR,  so she can look this fabulous. She hosted a Oatmeal party at her place when i mentioned i never had any. She has 2 cats, and they THE CUTEST BABIES IN THE WORLD. I am almost sure most of her phone photos are of memes, she LOVES memes, and the good kind too. She shows me new ones all the time and has a couple saved on my computer too. She is also a hardcore 5sos fan, and has a very good taste in music. A fan of hamilton forever, she has all the songs on her phone and can sing EVERY WORD in them. Was disappointed when i did not know who the beatles were, and proceeded to show me their music. I think she was the first to hear of my pink man theory…….HER HAIR I FORGOT TO MENTION HER HAIR …im not good at descriptions but just know it is a majestic masterpiece, also she very huggable
LEOHANAN (real name: Abdurahman, however you spell it): so if anyone wants to blame a person for introducing me to tumblr, blame this being. She kinda short, but you don’t notice it half the time cuz she got a big presence. She refers to other people as edgy but me and coatrack agree that she is the real edge god who bestows edge upon other beings. She currently in the process of getting her shit together, and not procrastinating (sounds fake i know). She an orange belt in like karate. Refers to me as a smol being. Her all might icon is cool though. She boasted this one time about this non-existent ship she had a blog about that would be the first thing that popped when you wrote the name of the ship. She is my main source for explanations of things i do not know the meanings of or do not get on the internet. Sometimes she tells me i’d rather not know something and then i proceed to ask coatrack who says ti very bluntly. She cool though. We tried to make a scale for how gay our group of friends were but couldnt decide whether leohanan or coatrack would be opposite to soccer mom’s straightness in the scale. She is also my designated rant friend, and the one i complain to alot. She likes to think i can make friends with guys, which is very naive cuz no, dont get me started on that one. Ummmm……. I feel like im forgetting something…………ah whatever
COATRACK: ok so when i first got to know coatrack through my other friends, i thought she was a plain piece of bread, with no character whatsoever. Boy was i wrong. She has good taste in webcomics, actually she just got me into another one called Namesake, its good, check it out! The main reason i got to know her better was because she’s in my last two classes of the day. I need someone to share my suffering with in math, and i also talk to her in TOK and EE. extended essay class (ee) is never productive. This one time we ended up searching names for her character who loves plants, and it was the best. I have also discovered coatrack has a good taste in sweaters, today she was wearing this starry night one and it looked so cool. OH I FORGOT…. She cut her hair, it used to be decently long before, and i could make good braids out of it, but now its as short as velma’s from scooby doo! She looks so adorable! Most of the time it is me complaining about something happening in the shows she makes me watch, which sometimes gets leohanan a little salty. She knows the ins and outs of the internets, at least in comparison to my sorry ass. She makes really good characters, like fergus who loves plants and i am sure she will give an unworthy boyfriend to. She a furry, totally a furry, and is kinda weird sometimes, but she generally a good person….. I think.
SUCCESS COUSIN: she gonna hack the mainframe, better watch out. She;s the person who does everything on time and has a goal for success. She also very small, but her personality is very big. This one time (was it halloween?) she came to school in this lady bug cape which was so amazing. She had it since she was little and it used to be like really long, but now it tiny on her. Her, vodka aunt, and me usually spend ITGS class searching up random stuff we were curious about. We were discussing 3D printers this one time and a few days later she brought these fish things he had made to hold her headphones, they were REALLY fun to play with! She will be the one to bust the success nut. She is like CEO style cool, and should totally come to school one day wearing a suit.
MEME QUEEN SUPREME: sooooooo……… i don’t know her too well to be honest, actually i’ve vaguely met her once, at a skating rink. She friends with leohanan and coatrack, and write4laifu. She goes to a different school with write4laifu, but she is in our group chat. I’ve seen some of her computer drawing, and they ARE THE MOST AMAZING THINGS EVER. like they hardocre really good, especialy this one she has of a circle with like some cool shit going on in the middle, its one of her profile pics for something i think. Also she seems really funny, and her appreciation for memes is very respectable. I would complain to her and coatrack about sherlock, and if she can stand that, she must be a patient person.
WRITE4LAIFU: i dont know her that well either, but her love for voltron is enough to be evidence of her respectableness. She also has cats, which itself elevates her to goddess level. She sends me picture of her cats, and they CUTE, like pinch your cheeks and scratch your belly cute. Her tumblr consists mostly of voltron and b99 posts. I am currently watching voltron, and her love for klance is so cute. Also she’s read the percy jackson series and heroes of olympus too and noticed when i made a jason reference so excuse me but i think that is the BEST.
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