#i like having the app but god is it dangerous sometimes
man-made-object · 11 months
impulsively spent a bunch of money on my card earlier today. there goes $80 i guess :/
fucking steam sales and my need to complete sets (dlcs)
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cameronspecial · 10 months
Let Me Get This Straight, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Suggestive Ending
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.5K
Summary: Y/N's craving leads Rafe to believe she wants more out of their relationship.
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Y/N gets cravings sometimes, especially when she is on her period. Most of the time, she’ll just ignore it, but sometimes, it gets so bad that she needs to act upon it. And Rafe is more than glad to get her whatever she needs. Candy. Chips. McDonald’s. He loves giving her anything she needs. Y/N rests her head against Rafe’s stomach, chewing at her bottom lip. Rafe’s thumb comes up to the bottom of her mouth and tugs her lip out of her mouth. “Don’t do that, Angel. You are going to hurt yourself. What’s wrong? Are you nervous?” he questions, lacing his fingers through her hair. She shakes her head, “No, I’m craving something.” Rafe immediately takes his phone out and pulls up Uber Eats. “What do you want? Ramen? Sushi? Pasta? Pizza? Cheeseburger? Pancakes? Or I can go down to the bistro you like that doesn’t do delivery and get you the turkey bree sandwich you like so much.” Her head moves from side to side again, taking a second to think about it.
Her eyes light up at the realization of what she wants and she sits up. “I want Three Guys,” she announces. Rafe darts up from his seat, “Excuse me.” Thinking he didn’t hear her correctly, she repeats herself. “I want Three Guys.” When she said she had a craving, Rafe wasn’t expecting her to want to have a fivesome or worse a foursome without him. “Let me get this straight, Angel. You want me to go out and get three other guys to have sex with you?” he says with a dangerous edge in his voice. He’s prepared to hurt whoever she has been fantasizing about. Y/N’s eyebrows come together, “What are you talking about?” 
“You said you wanted three guys. So unless you are suddenly into cannabilism, which I really would prefer over the alternative, I can only assume you are asking for a fivesome.”
“What? No! Rafe, Three Guys is a bubble tea drink at Coco. It’s milk tea with three different toppings,” she explains, taking his phone into her hands to pull up the drink on the app. He takes the phone back into his hand and reads over the drink’s description. His arms pull her into him, “Thank god! I was about to kill whoever you wanted to have sex with.” “Rafe, I am fully satisfied with you. You don’t have to worry about me ever going to anyone else for my needs,” she whispers, straddling his lap. He nods and kisses her, “Good. Now, let me order us our drinks, Angel.” She watches as Rafe places the order and sees that they have about thirty minutes until their order gets here. “Looks like we have a little time before our order is here. And all this talking about guys has gotten me going,” she suggests, connecting his lips with hers and grinding down on him. This is his chance to remind her that he is the only one she needs.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @queen-shadow22 @nonbullshit-toleratingkindagirl
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scientia-rex · 4 months
Exciting updates in my life: my week of vacation has so far involved working physically in the house and or yard so hard that I’m in agony by bedtime. I have two modes, On and Off, and it’s been an On week, in large part because I’ve realized my thinning hair may well be due to my Wellbutrin so I’ve dropped the dosage and every time I change a psych med my anxiety goes bananas for weeks to months at a time. So instead of “relaxing” or “finishing one goddamn fic, what the fuck, me” I’ve (properly) removed the spare room’s asbestos popcorn ceiling and been forced to learn FAR more than I want to about ceilings and drywall given the state of what was covered up by the popcorn. Yesterday afternoon for a break from the Ceiling of Doom I cleaned the back deck that I couldn’t clean for a YEAR while we waited for the contractor to actually fix the dangerous structural instability. It took me four hours of continuous physical labor. There’s a lot wrong with me, but I AM getting biceps, which is delightful since I don’t like exercise per se and usually have the muscle tone of cooked linguine.
However! Tomorrow I’m going to sand down the joint compound I had to redo in a few places today after sanding the first time badly, and then! Then I shall prime it. Whenever that dries, time to attempt skim coating. Then realize I’ve failed and have to try that again one or two times before eventually sanding it again, priming it again, and finally, please God, painting it. Then painting the walls. Then painting, cutting mitered corners in, and gluing up the high density foam crown molding. Then yanking the carpets and learning how to lay vinyl flooring planks that will be impervious to the slings and arrows of senior dogs. It’s going to be a while. But one day, I will have that room in a condition where I can paint, miter cut, and install the baseboards. And after that? Build the FUCKING GUEST BED that has been IN BOXES IN THE GARAGE for TWO YEARS. over two years now! Jesus Christ.
I also finally managed to get rid of the plastic blinds I hated in the bedroom and put up curtain rods and curtains. And put up two bird feeders outside, including installing the hooks under the eves. I have been busy. Just not with writing. Also I’ve been deliberately avoiding tumblr bc it tends to make my mood worse rather than better; tragic. But sometimes I open the app and instead of checking notifications I just scroll and reblog and I can pretend that no one is being an asshole on the Internet.
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deirdreskye · 2 years
Commercial I would produce as an advertising executive:
We are treated to a succession of interviews with several different billionaires concerning their plans for the future.
"Humanity's destiny is in the stars," says the cool, young social media entrepreneur. "My new company will build a Mars colony in the next twenty years, and from there? The galaxy. The universe!"
"My next project is to render the human body obsolete," says the rideshare app CEO. "The mind-machine interface is no longer science fiction, it's reality. Soon, we will upload our minds to the cloud and live in virtual reality. Or as I call it, paradise!"
"We have forgotten God, and the traditional family values He has set out for us," says the aging, old-money oil man. "But my political contributions and policy think tanks will bring about an end to this age of sin and decadence!"
"Climate change is far from inevitable," says the real-estate mogul. "With my investments in green energy, we are only a technological breakthrough or two away from ending and reversing global climate change. As far as I'm concerned, the world has already been saved!"
Now we get to see how their plans turn out. A space ship drifts through oblivion and inside, all the lights are off. The social media entrepreneur is in his space suit, his lifeless eyes staring out into the void. It turns out his rocket ship was about as reliable as his electric cars.
Then we see the rideshare CEO. Or rather, his virtual avatar. He sits in the lotus position, meditating before a peaceful, pixelated field of grass. His eyes snap open. And then, he shrieks in agony. Back in the real world, his brain is in a jar, crisscrossed with wires and electrodes, suspended in fluid that is beginning to boil. The lab is on fire. Let's hope they fix this little glitch in the next patch.
The old-money oil man is long dead, of course, but his great-great-grandson lives on. We see him in the crumbling ruins of the Vatican, ritualistically sacrificing a lamb on a great pyre before the shit-smeared remains of the Pope's golden throne to the cheers of his tribe. An orgy breaks out to celebrate the occasion and we see the oil billionaire's progeny swallow a mouthful of the moon priestess' urine. "Thank you, daddy," he says, wiping his mouth. Now that's what I call "family values".
Finally, we see a field of shattered solar panels beneath a red sun, like so many broken windows in the sand in every direction as far as the eye can see. This place is not a place of honor. No highly esteemed deed is commemorated here. Nothing valued is here. What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us.
Sometimes, things just don't go the way you planned. When that happens, State Farm Insurance has you covered.
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judasgot-it · 9 months
I was originally going to upload this as part of an ask I got but I feel like I got carried away, so I decided to upload this separately. I'll upload it eventually, it's literally been 6 months I'm so sorry bro.
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1.5 k words
Scenario: Grocery shopping date with Tecchou
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Admittedly Tecchou was sometimes a bit boring. At least that's what he was told. He was just a man who enjoyed those simple things in life.
Like watching ants on the ground. For 8 hours. Call it weird and boring, although that's just how Tecchou preferred to spend some of his work hours.
He was getting paid for it.
Or his lunch. Usually, it was just something plain, like mashed potatoes and vanilla yogurt. Maybe some mayonnaise if he felt fancy.
If it's left up to him, it's whatever he can he really finds himself thinking up of on the spot.
His dates with you usually went the same way. If he could, he would sleep in every day and get takeout - maybe do laundry and watch an old movie the two of you never had the chance to see because of his job.
Like right now? It was just grocery shopping. Maybe it was boring. Run of the mill, even.
But it was miles better than dying on the battlefield. Walking boring plain tiles were better than stepping over dead bodies. So, today was a complete win for him.
It was all pushing the grocery cart and debating the price of bagels today - the perfect ideal in his world. Seeing you check off your list with a smile, then walking back across the store because you forgot something was the best thing he could imagine doing on his day off.
There wasn't any rush. With you - he could pretend that the price of bagels was the most important thing in his life. He could pretend that he actually cared about picking up dish soap or not.
You were safe. The two of you were walking side by side, with no danger anywhere in sight.
He really felt no need to run anywhere.
This was a perfect date. An ideal one, if there were anything like that out there.
Of course, life sometimes doesn't go his way, and he's forced to deal with something out of one of the circles of hell.
The fucking return counter.
He had no problem public speaking. It was a big part of his job after all - but by god did he hate it when it came to the mundane.
Why does he have to download the store app? Why do only some of his coupons work and others don't? Why is there no tag on the item he specifically came to the store to buy, the only brand of peanut butter he could seem to find in this part of Yokohama?
Tecchou isn't one to complain, he understands the meanings of law and order very well - he is an officer, after all. But sometimes, every once and a while, he will find himself stuck in the position of what an ordinary man's hell is like.
Peanut butter and discount items. The ordinary.
Today that hell is spent with you at the return counter, waiting for them to find the correct price of his goddamn peanut butter because no one is paying an extra 3 dollars for that.
Luckily, you were there with him, so today's hell was quite bearable.
"When we get back home, what movie do you want to watch?"
Tecchou turned to you, broken out of his thoughts.
You were rummaging through the bags on his arms, looking for the snacks the two of you had bought. Not fair, since Tecchou still had to wait for his peanut butter thanks to the hell that was this store.
How could it even be called a convenience store? What was this lady doing? She had spent forever looking for the price.
"I don't know. Wasn't there a movie you wanted to watch?"
There was a scoff as you looked up at him.
"That's not fair, I picked last time."
You were cute as you pouted out your lip, acting as if he were an insolent child.
"I don't really care what we watch. Spending time with you is what's important."
If Tecchou could, he would rather stare at you all day. Even if you'd rather hide behind your hair or stare at down at your hands. Was there something catching your eye?
"Right. Well uh..."
You looked away completely, staring off somewhere towards the floor. He tried to follow your eyes, seeing what you were looking at.
Maybe it was a cool bug he hadn't noticed.
"Sir, I fixed the price."
He looked to the counter to get his peanut butter. Although, as he tried to grab it, the girl held it back. Her nails grazed his skin, the texture making him want to vomit.
"I'm gonna need something from you before I give this to you, actually."
Tecchou looked back at you, and then back at the lady at the counter.
"I already paid?"
"Oh, I know."
He stared at her.
She giggled, looking him up and down. Whatever she was on, it had to be illegal because this was just stupid.
"I want your number, hottie." She winked, her fingers grazing the top of the peanut butter cap. Somewhere in the back of the store, Tecchou heard the normal sounds of groceries being bagged and checked out - a sound he was jealous of for once in his life.
This question felt like a riddle of some sort. 
"How did you know I was in the military?" 
He hadn't worn anything showing he was in the hunting dogs whatsoever, which made him rather concerned - why would a civilian ask for his service number? He didn't even have his sword visible on his person, so how would someone like a store clerk know to ask that question?
All he recieved back was a blank stare. 
"Um. I think we should go now. Thanks for fixing my boyfriends peanut butter."
You saved the conversation, grabbing the peanut butter gruffly and shoving it in the bag. Tecchou couldn't see your face still, but as you grabbed his hand, he felt how iron tight your grip was - your skin changing shades as you tightened your hold on him.
With unhurried steps, followed your quicker ones out the doors - the sound barely registering as you nearly rushed away from the building in a sprint, as if seeing a ghost. 
Your back stayed against him, brushing against his shoulder every once and a while as he struggled to keep pace with you and your uneven movements.
He gently shook the arm you had held, trying to get your attention. It forced you to stop, but you were still avoidant, staring anywhere but at him - your eyes hidden by the shadows of the now blue hour of the winter. 
Tecchou pulled you hand closer, seeing how the air that blew out of your mouth condensed into a thick fog, your hand quickly losing its squishy warmth and turning as cold as the air surrounding the two of you.
"What's wrong?"
You shook your head, a whine whistling through your throat. Tecchou watched as you laid your entire body against his, feeling your body weight smack against his. He didn't complain, simply wrapping his free arm against your shoulders, pulling you closer.
"Tecchou, did you realize she was flirting with you?"
That broke some invisible dam inside of you, as you broke down, laughing so loud it almost sounded like a sob. You were holding onto him for support, your knees nearly buckling underneath you.
Tecchou tried his best to wait it out, holding onto you as you caused a small wet stain on his coat. He was almost concerned, seeing you breakdown over nothing so quickly. Before he could even open his mouth to ask if you were ok, you cut him off, more serious than ever.
"You didn't know that store clerk was flirting with you, right?"
Straight into the eyes you looked at him, gripping on the coat around his waist and feeling for his sword there. Almost like a threat.
Smiling, he shook his head, carefully taking your hands away from his sword. He didn't want any chances.
"No. I was more concerned about how she knew I'm a hunting dogs member. Do you think she might be a threat, possibly? Normal civilians shouldn't be able to notice those things."
Tecchou rested his head against yours, rubbing his hands up against your shoulders as he stayed deep in thought. Your hands climbed around to fall against the small of his back, Tecchou feeling as your smaller hands pressed his coat against his skin.
It made him feel warm. Even as he felt you continue to giggle, your warm breaths fanning against his throat as he tried to decode who that clerk was - your body pressed against his, your days groceries knocking between your thighs.
It made him feel a sort of domestic warmth, creeping a smile against his face.
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pokemenlovingmen · 1 year
Okay!! I was able to counter act the links being funky in my app by opening your blog in my mobile browser!!!! so I was able to read your rules n stuff so now I can finally request (yusss!!! also, I saw the "ingo,,, again" under the PLA characters you write for and it made me think "ingo 2,,, electric boogaloo" heheheh. also yeah fuck kamado, all my homies hate kamado)
okay, could I please request a lil drabble (if you only do hc's thats fine of course! I just couldnt find it clearly if you only do hc's) of Adaman taking care of a reader who is on bed rest and healing? the exact stuff of how and what is up to you, for me its more so the comfort and caring side, not so much the angst side (so like, nothing thats like "omg reader was near death" pls?). gender of the reader I dont mind, just do what youre most comfortable with and yee!! thank youuuu
Hi you’ve been such a kind supporter I’m sorry it took me so long to get to you!! And yeah. Fuck Kamado. That exile would have been my villain origin story if the game gave me more agency, I swear to god.
And conversely, we love Adaman. They put him in pokemas and my quality of life has improved significantly <3
Oh and I’m sorry about the lack of clarity of what I do! I do only HCs, but at the level of detail I can’t stop myself from including, they’re kinda like a weird fusion between drabble and headcanons.
Healing Takes Time — Adaman x M!Reader
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💎 — Hisui is a dangerous place and injuries ranging from minor to severe are all too common. So Adaman’s not exactly a stranger to presiding over loved ones on bed rest.
💎 — Doesn’t mean he’s good at it, though.
💎 — Mai reminds him that the slow passage of time is just as important as things that happen in the quick, efficient manner that he prefers as well. It’s not a slight from Mighty Dialga being displeased, it’s just the nature of time. But he can’t just stand around when it comes to your health! Yes, rest takes time, he’s aware, but all this waiting feels the same as doing nothing to him.
💎 — Mai basically has to keep him away from you constantly because he’s always fretting over you, which is definitely sweet of him even if it’s not exactly helpful, but it is funny to watch the cartoonish shenanigans of Mai trying to constantly shoo Adaman away from the medical tent.
💎 — Even if what you’re recovering from isn’t serious, you’d never be able to guess that from how he behaves.
💎 — He essentially becomes your primary nurse and seldom lets you out of his sight if he can help it (thanks to Mai being the reasonable one, he usually can’t).
💎 — Once things calm down though, after the first two or three days when your recovery progress is becoming quite apparent, he’s less frazzled and more willing to leave you be. He just can’t help that impatience winning out, though, sometimes.
💎 — He’ll be there to help you with maintaining yourself while you rest, sitting beside your futon while you recover, brushing your hair so you don’t have to, keeping a fresh cold compress on you at all times if the problem is that you’re sick and feverish, changing your bandages if it’s an injury, all that.
💎 — If you’re okay with it, he’ll also happily bring his Leafeon to see you for some good old fashioned grass-type aromatherapy. I know Leafeon can’t actually learn the move aromatherapy, but it’s clearly made of plants and must have some kind of floral/herbal smell.
💎 — And since we know he is a house husband in the making guy with an interest in cooking, you bet he’ll be bringing you all manner of home-cooked meals.
💎 — He’s so dutiful, oftentimes he doesn’t go back to his own tent for the night and will instead fall asleep on the cold floor next to your futon.
💎 — Adaman is very sure to keep you abreast of all goings-on in the clan, usually nothing much of interest, but he does uncharacteristically bring you all sorts of gossip. It’s not that he likes to gossip, but while you’re bedridden he can’t think of much to entertain you with so this is what he’s settled on. And also he probably would like to vent his multitude of frustrations with Melli specifically because you just know 3/5 instances of drama involve some kind of category 5 Melli moment.
💎 — Once you start to recover and leave your bedridden state, he’s still just as present as he was before.
💎 — If it was an injury he’s always making sure you’re not overexerting yourself, and if it’s something that happened to your legs, he’s volunteering to help you walk around so you don’t put too much pressure on the injury.
💎 — For illness he’ll always be on your case about taking whatever medicines/remedies you were instructed to, because your recovery has already taken ages (to him) already, and he’s not sure he can bear seeing you sick for much longer.
💎 — Regardless of the reason you’re bedridden, he’ll always give you a kiss on the forehead when he enters the tent and before he leaves—though if you’re sick, he musters the self control to wait. Ideally he can keep that up, but he might get a little impatient… oh well. He needs to remind you how much he loves you, and if he ends up getting what you have, he knows you’ll care for him just as dutifully as he did you.
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andr0medafallen · 2 years
First Love
A/N: Republishing my old fics
Pairing: Kate Bishop x reader
Warnings: Fluff, lost love, slightly juvenile, but in a cute way, me making up a ton of shit about New York City But I'm from LA so I get the vibe
Description: Ten years is a long time, but it seems that you can never forget your first love.
Word Count: 2.5k
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You’ve never felt too much one way or another about New York City. Lots of people have such strong opinions about it. You couldn’t begin to count the amount of times people have found out that you grew up in the City and started ranting to you about how wonderful and exciting it is, or how it’s gross and smells like shit. Or even worse, asking you to assert your nonexistent opinions on the rather arbitrary matter. You honestly didn’t care about the city itself; It was the people you missed when you moved out of town, that’s what still sometimes inspires an ache in your chest. You weren’t even that old when you moved away, not really; probably just around fourteen, but you still sometimes find yourself thinking about all the friends you’d had to leave behind because of your Dad’s shiny new job. It’s always hard to reconcile decisions that we don’t get to make, but that affect the course of our lives so drastically.
Still, with so many people asking for your obviously superior New York native opinion, of course you had to return to make sure that you weren’t misguiding anyone. Return to all of your old comforts like giant rats, and traffic. And the subway! Oh, the subway. Nobody does vaguely uncomfortable and endlessly interesting public transportation like you, New York.
You’re riding that very grungy subway now, stuck between two arbitrary hotspots of childhood memories, opening and closing various apps on your phone in an attempt to ignore the girl across from you, who is very obviously staring. If staring in a normal way is a thing, this is the opposite of that. Eyes wide, frequently shifting as if she wants to make a move to talk to you, which you would, quite frankly, rather avoid.
She seems nice enough, from the glimpses you manage to get without meeting her eye contact. Like, she doesn’t seem like she is being actively antagonistic. But the thing is, no one wants to talk to a random person on the subway; it’s the physical embodiment of stranger danger. And let's be honest, no sane person has that many bandaids on their face.
When the next stop comes and goes and neither of you make a move toward the exit, you huff a small breath, square your shoulders, and look up at her, ready for a confrontation; It takes about .2 seconds to get her attention, given that she is still looking at you as if you’re some sort of spectral projection.
“Can I help you?” You say it in that tone that you’ve spent years mastering. A lot aggressive and a little confused, to deter the advances of the creepy and ensure the empathy of the well-meaning.
“Oh! Me? You’re talking to…Yeah, um. Sorry, you look like someone I know.” She trails off, looking like she might have something else to say when it clicks. You might not have recognized her if it weren’t for the news articles that all of your friends like to wave around, exclaiming how ‘your first kiss is a superhero, dude’ and asking you how it feels having ‘an ex-girlfriend who is that much cooler than you. Which isn’t even true; Even if you look past how young the two of you had been, you weren’t even technically dating. It doesn’t really matter that you’ve never stopped thinking about her even though all you’d been doing was ‘practicing’.
You give her a small, hesitant grin. Maybe you have way too many conflicted feelings about her to have a normal conversation, but you can at least try. “Kate? Oh my god, you should’ve just said something. You were freaking me out, I thought you might have laser vision or something.”
Kate chuckles, fidgeting with the sleeve of her over-shirt—lavender colored, because of course she still hasn’t gotten over her random obsession with the color. “No, no laser vision.”
“Right, the superhero stuff! I mean, clearly you don’t need it,” you nudge her arm playfully. “Seem to be doing just fine with all those archery medals.”
Kate chuckles, face going pink. “Thanks.” There’s a bit of an awkward pause, before, “I didn’t know you were back in New York.”
“Oh, well…I’m not. Not permanently, anyways, it’s just a couple of weeks.” You give Kate a shy grin. “Wanted to tour all of our old haunts.”
“Tour the haunts without meeting up with the ghost? C’mon, I’ve got nothing to do for the rest of the day, we should catch up!”
You raise an eyebrow as Kate grins at you. “When you say ‘I’ve got nothing to do for the rest of the day,’ am I supposed to be ignoring the purple duffle bag with arrows sticking out?” You ask, mentioning the elephant in the room—well, there are plenty, it’s the subway, but that was the only one relevant to Kate.
“Yeah, duh. You’re thinking ice cream, right? God, it’s been so hot recently, you really could have caught us at a more flattering month—”
“You’re saying I should have come in December? Maybe I was planning my trip around your schedule, you seemed so busy at the time.” Kate doesn’t answer, just smirks at you smugly when the doors open at the next stop, grabbing your arm and forcing you to weave through the interwoven crowds of people if you want to have any chance of not hitting anyone or being hit. You don’t even have time to try to figure out where she’s dragging you, all of your energy and focus spent on trying to keep up so you won’t be unintentionally dragged to the floor.
When you get to the street level, you can feel the sun beating down on you, hardly able to see as your eyes adjust from the subway’s cool darkness. If it’s any consolation, there is some slight amount more walking (and breathing) room on the ground floor of the city. It’s a low bar, but at least you’re no longer in danger of trampling and death by asphyxiation.
“Kate, you’re crazy,” You tell her, still recovering from your exciting and absolutely unnecessary adventure.
“Big Dipper sound good? I’m paying, of course. We should catch up, I don’t live far from here.”
“Kate, you’re crazy.”
“Don’t be silly, come on.” Her grip on you shifts from your forearm to your hand, interlocking your fingers. You blush, emotions warring inside you like fire and water, unsure whether it will extinguish the flames or make them brighter. You never know what she means by things like that, or what her motives are. Still, you listen to her little rants as you walk to the little ice cream shop; You pay close attention to every crazy story of her adventures, from getting kicked out of University to becoming ‘basically an avenger.’ It doesn’t matter what she tells you, you’ll always listen. 
It’s not long before you’re at the doors of the white and blue ice cream store. Kate opens the door for you, the smells of vanilla and baked cones filling your senses with childlike wonder only slightly tinged by melancholic nostalgia. Kate continues talking your ear off as you wait in line. Life, death, The Beatles, the proper attire to wear to your enemies funeral; she never seems to care much what’s spoken as long as there is talking. You aren’t complicit in the conversation, either, adding little quips about up and coming celebrities or snarky remarks about mosquitoes. 
She still hasn’t let go of your hand as you’re walking out of the small shop. You’ve got your ice cream—chocolate for Kate and Chai for you, in waffle cones, because you aren’t paying—and she’s leading you down some strange alley; presumably to her apartment.
“What have you been doing, anyways? Since you moved to Arkansas?” Kate asks. She doesn’t wait for your reply, letting go of your hand to jump up and drag down the white-painted metal ladder of a fire escape. 
“California, dickhead. Do you expect me to climb up that, because I—”
“Yeah, the doorman’s a dickhead, this is the easiest way to avoid him.” Kate climbs up the ladder and reaches out her hand to help you out.
You cross your arms over your chest. “I know you don’t enter your own apartment through the window so that you can avoid the doorman.”
“Well, if you don’t know that, then you’re more stupid than I thought.”
You gasp, grabbing her hand indignantly even as you accept her help. “Asshole,” you proclaim, as she hauls you up with so much strength that you hardly have to help. Fucking show-off.
“It’s only four more flights up.”
You laugh; At first it's in shock, but honestly, you don’t know the last time you’ve had this much fun. Kate is crazy, and street stupid, and probably has waaaaay too much time on her hands, but no one can claim that she isn’t fun. Even if she does have a tendency to drag people around New York City and climb up very sketchy ladders. Very tetanisy ladders too; You’ll make sure to avoid the safety violating railing—which will be such a fun experience from this high up. That one is sarcastic though, the railings are very un-fun.
“No, but seriously,” she starts up again, reckoning back to your earlier conversation. “What’ve you been up to? You stopped texting.”
“Yeah, well…you always responded, but you never started conversations. You know? I was out here busting my ass to find a new superhero of the day on day 412, and it felt like it was a chore for you to just respond. And it’s not like I was ever planning on moving back, and you…” You swallow, about to let loose some of your deepest insecurities which you had always seemed so bad at hiding from her way back when. “You were just practicing.”
Practicing. That was the phrase the two of you had used. You were 13, maybe 14. Practicing because you had to be a good kisser when a boy finally kissed you. It wasn’t your fault that it wasn’t practice for you. What it was you had been practicing for never seemed to be as good as the practice. It wasn’t your fault that you’d caught feelings so long ago that you still haven’t managed to forget about. How could that be your fault?
Kate pauses. One flight from your destination, but who’s keeping track. “Oh…” You could see the gears shifting in her brain, the furrow in her brows that she always gets when she’s thinking too hard. The way her mouth stays in that perfect ‘o’ shape even after she has trailed off.
“I mean, it’s so stupid, I know,” you continued, gesturing wildly. “Like we were just kids, really, just stupid middle schoolers, and I swear to God, I wasn’t even trying to see you today–”
“--That’s less flattering than you think it is.”
“But I don’t know, there’s that saying?” You were rambling. You knew you were rambling, but you couldn’t manage to make yourself stop talking. “About first love, that’s like…I don’t know, now that I’m saying it out loud it sounds stupid, but it’s like ‘you never forget your first love’, and–oh my god, did I just say I love you?” Your voice is small at the end. Like a manual engine puttering out cause you didn’t give it enough gas. And Kate is just staring at you, hardly helping.
“That was a very longwinded way of asking if I’m gay,” Kate mentions, face betraying no emotions. It was a cool stone surface. Not harsh or punishing, but betraying nothing. A jarring contrast to her usually expressive manner. 
“I wasn’t asking if you’re—”
“Well I am. I didn’t even know that you could be gay until we went to pride club for the free potluck that one time, and I got in trouble for that.” You remembered it. It was fun, but she told you she couldn’t go again cause she got in a fight with her mom. The standards she was held to that you were always second to. Pretty, smart, rich girl who you apparently didn’t know like you thought you did. “And I’m sorry I never started conversations, or sent letters, or did all the things I know you probably wanted me to do.” Kate shifts, resting her hips against the rusty railing. Someone call OSHA. “But you can’t possibly think that I didn’t miss you. That I didn’t want you to come back. You were my first kiss, and…my first love. Even if it took me a while to notice.”
It was your turn to stare. Your turn to say, “Oh,” eyes wide. “I mean…I guess we were the only girls in our grade who made out behind the bleachers.”
Kate snorted, surmounting the final flight of stairs. “So not true. Eva and Zoe?”
You gasped, following. “Oh my god, how did I not realize that?”
The window was hardly large enough for either of you to fit through when you made it to Kate’s floor, and your mind was once again flooded with this can’t possibly be the most efficient way to enter this building thoughts when Kate tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“Because you’re terribly unobservant,” she muttered with a smile.
“And you’re unnecessarily unobvious.”
“Would it be obvious enough if I asked you to stay?”
You lean into the caress of her warm palm, even as your heart skips a beat. “I can’t stay. I have a life, I can’t just drop all of my obligations.” You left out the ‘even if I want to’ bit.
“You could. I have a lot of fucking money, and New York has no shortage of potential obligations.”
You scoff jokingly. “What, the trust fund didn’t get spent on the bell tower?”
“You stalking me or something, princess? Believe it or not, I managed to earn it back. Kind of.” Her joking tone fades away like a sunset, leaving nothing but dark blue peace and stars in her eyes. “Please, stay.”
Turning your weeklong vacation into a permanent living situation because someone you haven’t seen in ten years asks you to seems like a god-awful idea, but somehow Kate has some magical ability to make it seem like the best idea in the world. Like choosing anything else would be the worst decision you could ever make. Likes she’s a fucking liar when she says she doesn’t have any superpowers.
So you begrudgingly reconcile, “I’ll think about it.” Big decisions can wait for the morning. Ruining or saving your entire future can be tomorrow's decision. But the two of you have a lot to catch up on. Ten years is a long time, but it seems that you can never forget your first love.
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weebsinstash · 2 years
God so actually to try and get my mind off of things, another idea I had for Rich Yandere Douchebag who maybe for convenience i will call Elliot from now on? I like to go back and forth with setting and tone between him secretly being nobility or him just being a rich but powerful guy, and I think Reader would be so absolutely fucked if he was a tech-based CEO. You think he's in his office trading stocks or whatever the fuck it is he does but he's just watching security cameras of you. There are times when he's not even at home and he's in his corporate office and he can just, pull out his phone and access that security feed, making sure his little bunny is safe and sound
I can only imagine if uh, if Reader had issues similar to mine, where you spend way too much time on your phone, not just playing games or anything, but willingly torturing yourself by, say, exposing yourself to the constant negative news cycle, engaging with politics talk in the comments section, arguing with trolls and stressing yourself out. You're beefing with some conservative in a comments section and suddenly??? The app crashes??? And won't open again??? Which is weird because Elliot gave you this phone so it should work perfectly? And the app refuses to open until later that day and by that time you've calmed down and was able to move on to something else
I can only IMAGINE if Reader began getting harassed or pressured into a conversation or stayed in a conversation that was extremely uncomfortable (you know like uh what I did the other day 💀) and Elliot is just watching from his end FREAKING OUT like WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOP or if this complete stranger began to be sexual with you and you won't stand your ground. He'll shut off your phone remotely if he has to. It's to protect you. He loves you but you're a little silly and let your emotions get too caught up in your head sometimes. He's helping you because he knows what's best for you, obviously :)
I can only imagine it coming to a head when he begins to not only disapprove of your constantly online habits, but also becoming dangerously possessive of you and jealous of anyone you interacted with. Oh, so he's your BOYFRIEND but you're posting things to your "secret" blog that he doesn't even know about? Can you EVEN IMAGINE if he goes to spy on you and your newest blog post is a thread with your followers about how you're wondering if you should break up with him and every single reply is basically going "holy fuck do you really not see all these red flags, throw the whole man away"
You're just minding your business at his home, and you're so upset you're shaking as you furiously type out a reply to someone who said the most ignorant pathetic shit you've ever read, and Elliot suddenly barges in, storms up to you, and snatches your phone right out of your hand as he begins to scold you. Why are you doing this to yourself? These people and their problems don't matter! Why are you watching videos about problems in other countries that don't affect you? Who cares what that politician said about 'women shouldn't have rights'? Who cares if an online personality you like is being bullied for a stupid reason? Why do you care about anything that doesn't directly involve you or him?
And like he vaguely has a point but he says it in such a douchebag "other people are insignificant, you Aren't Like Them, the things you care about are stupid" kind of way that you just. He can see the instant offense in your expression the moment he starts speaking, the anger, and you just blow up on him, just listing things off about him, pointing out that of course he doesn't care, he barely has empathy for other people at all, he thinks he's so much better than everyone because of his success and money, he probably funds some of the politicians who are literally ruining people's lives because they then pass laws that benefit him personally and financially, and as if he isn't infuriated by your rebellion enough, you hit him with: "I don't even want to be with you anymore, you fucking stuck-up asshole!"
Elliot instantly smashes your phone into the marble floor, expression like stone as you begin to try and back away from him, eyes flitting to the door, like you're about to try and run away from him. And he's having none of it, blocking the path out into the hallway, trapping you as you begin to shake and cry because oh my god is he going to kill you???
And he takes your reaction and your tears and your fear as just a sign that you're just too stressed out, that these vermin are ruining you. His poor lovely partner is just having a rough time and it's got you so constantly on edge that you're even acting out on him, and he KNOWS you love him! you're just finding too many bad influences, too many bad actors trying to manipulate you, he's afraid. Well that all stops now. You already live in his house, so it isn't hard at all for him to keep you there, is it? Can't have you running off to get into any more trouble, to buy another phone, to hang out with those awful plebian "friends" of yours who are telling you to leave him.
He's going to get you all better, he promises. You just need some time to unplug and be with him. Only him. Constantly, only with him. After all, he should be spending lots of time with his future spouse, after all 🥰 all you need to do is spend some time with him and you'll forget all about everything else...
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When Alex realised their home was not a place they could go back to, they offered up a silent prayer to whatever gods were listening.
They knew, deep down, that prayers like this could be dangerous. There were so many gods out there listening, both old and new, big and small, benevolent and wicked. If a god with a twist of mischief in their smile answered your prayer, there would be a sting in the tail that could make your life a misery. 
Or worse: it could make your life a *story*.
But Alex was tired. Exhausted. They were the kind of weary that turns your thoughts to stones sinking in deep and murky water, and turns feelings into the distant sound of rushing waves.
So, when the thought that warned them about inviting such ‘interesting times’ entered their brain, they simply noticed it but let it sink unheard into the depths of Not Right Now. And they prayed their prayer.
A short while later, they were walking through the streets of the city when the street lamps flickered. No … it was too regular and defined to be called a flicker, this felt more like the city had *winked* at them.
Their phone vibrated in their pocket. This was odd, as they were sure the battery had died. They checked it and found it resurrected, at 3% power. The vibration was a text from a friend, offering them a sofa to sleep on - it included a link to a mapping app called Mercury. Alex didn’t recognise the app, but their phone seemed to already have it installed. They opened it and a glowing thread unfolded on their phone.
The UI was elegant and gorgeous, made up of simple silver lines that spread out like paint brush strokes over the night grey of the cityscape.
They followed the quicksilver path it laid out and as they walked the city sang them a comforting wordless song of distant trains and electric hums.
When they arrived at their friend’s flat, Alex took a bottle of water and a granola bar from their bag. Without really thinking about why, they poured a mouthful of water out on the porch. They then broke off a small chunk of granola and laid it carefully down too.
Alex knocked on the door. Their friend was surprised to see them and didn’t recall sending Alex any texts that evening, but did still offer Alex a couch to sleep on. The friend asked no questions, but offered many hugs, and Alex even accepted one (they felt like more than a single gentle embrace might break their paper-thin bones).
That night, Alex went to the bathroom to wash before bed and was surprised to find a new toothbrush waiting for them on the sink. It was one of those cheap plastic ones you might find in a hostel - barely better than scrubbing your teeth with your finger. But, for a moment, Alex was sure that the bristles glowed a soft gold.
There was the gentle sound of a throat clearing. Alex’s eyes whipped up, scanning for danger, to find a warm and friendly face staring back at them from the mirror with a lopsided smile.
He was not one of Alex’s gods, but Alex still knew him.
“Hey kid.” Said Hephaestus. “I know it’s not much, but I made it for you.”
Alex picked up the toothbrush and smiled cautiously back.
“Thanks. I, uh, don’t mean to sound ungrateful…but I didn’t think looking after waifs and strays was your jam.”
“Oh, it’s not what I’m best known for.” He spoke with the steady cadence of a hammer ringing out on hot metal. “But I have a fondness for those who find themselves lost. If you have no hearth to call your own, sometimes a forge will do the job for a while.”
“Um. Thanks.” Alex felt something catch in their throat. “For this. The directions, the words, and the … the toothbrush.”
“Well, thank *you* for the drink and the snack. Such a kind offering definitely buys you clean teeth, at least.” He winked and, as he did, the light in the bathroom flickered. “And besides, creating things that are dearly needed … that *is* what I’m known for. You take care now.”
With that, the face in the mirror dissolved into a shower of fiery sparks.
Alex paused for a while - brain blank, tears beginning to well in their eyes.
Then, remembering the toothbrush was still in their hand, they began to clean their teeth. And for the first time that night, Alex began to feel human again.
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landofzero-archive · 9 months
Battle on the Sugoroku Board - God Won’t Roll The Dice 6
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(Location: “Battle on the Sugoroku Board” program set)
Arashi: Use this app…… Is this ok?
Natsume: YeP. It looks like the item is actually being useD. Let’s gO, then.
Natsume and Arashi: 3, 2, 1— GO!
Idol: They split into two! Defeat them both!
Arashi: Ufufu, even if I’m from the track and field club, I can’t avoid a “Dice Battle” that’ll start as soon as I encounter someone.
Still, it’s a shame……♪
Idol A: A “Dice Battle” isn’t being triggered……!?
Arashi: We used a support item. When using the “Disappearing Mantle” (1) — this item prevents the person using this item from joining a “Dice Battle”. 
There’s the disadvantage where you would not be able to proceed with a battle on your own, but it’s useful for when you’re in a situation surrounded by enemies.
For example, you can make your enemies fight each other just like this……☆
Idol B: Oi, you……
Idol A: Wha……! You guys were the ones who said to ambush them!
Idol B: You’re the one who said to “Run down the NewDi Team”. Don’t make this our fault!
Natsume: Oh my mY. A falling out between friends is unsightly, you knOW?
FuFU, it seeMS like you guys wanted to ambush the NewDi Team, but the opposite thing happenED.
In this “Battle on the Sugoroku Board”, the momeNT you come into contact with the enemy team’s idol, a “Dice Battle” wiLL be triggered.
HowevER, the range of the “enemy contact” is a tricky thiNG. The “Dice Battle” would nOT trigger unless you’re within a certain distance. Which means, you can’NT defeat an enemy by just observing.
That’s why I took advantaGE of that rule, setting fiRE to all the ambushing idols on the other side all at once. (2)
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Natsume: “It seEMS that I wasn’t able to join the “Dice Battle” though — Everyone is in a marriage interview, but is it fiNe if you let me slip away?”(3) ……Or something like thaT.
And then a “Dice Battle” outbreak will occUR between the multiple enemy teams gathered here.
It truly is a wholesale arrest. (4) Sorry about this, but I’m makING everyone sustain huge damages…….♪
Idol C: Shit, is there no way to avoid a “Dice Battle” with this many people!?
Idol D: How many teams are here……!
Natsume: Come aloNG, now iS the time to run, Kaminari-san.
Arashi: Yes. While the support item’s time limit isn't reached. Watching the infighting between them is fun in its own way, but it’s not the time to get carried away watching right?
Among everyone involved in this “Dice Battle”outbreak, only one person would come out with a large amount of gold and items.
We can’t afford to not run from such a dangerous person, see?
Bye, everyone. Let’s meet again sometime ♪
But that’s only if you can safely survive……☆
Ufufu, somehow I feel refreshed♪
Ah, it’s fun when your strategy goes well, right? A great achievement, leader.
Natsume: WeLL, I’m not just putting on appearances of having gotten to know games, you knOW. I’m usEd to abusing rules like these.
……More importantLY, you saw didn't yOU? Mikejima-senpai.
Madara: Yeah. I found you immediately since you were ‘lighting the fire’ so loudlyyy.
By purposely revealing your whereabouts, you managed to get even more people to get caught up in the “Dice Battle.” Thanks to that, all I could do was to look on from a distance from the surrounding area thoough?
Natsume: That’s my bAD.
Right now people who approach us are forced to engaGE in battle with other teams. We’ve usED a valuable item, so we haVE to make use of it thoroughly. 
Arashi: However, it seems that thanks to that, people from other teams won’t be able to get their hands on us as easily.
Mama’s back too, so now the NewDi Team is complete.
Madara: Ah, about that. On the way back here, I earned a little reward. If you’d like, please use it.
Natsume: HmM, 300G……That’s quiTE a lot of money. That’LL be of help.
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Madara: Also, I have something to tell Natsume-san.
Natsume: Hm?
Madara: It’s about that. Idols from weaker agencies are colluding to defeat the NewDi Team. 
They’ve been told to make it look like we ES idols are defeated. On the show program’s side, it seems that they’re painting the scene for us ES idols to lose.
To put simply, it’s “staged.”
Natsume: “Staged”......?
Madara: Yeah. I don’t really know why, but we’ve made ourselves enemieess. It looks like the agencies have been egging them on.
It seems among them, there are idols who have been given items by the management and are complicit with the “staging”.
Natsume: I sEE. I had an inkling of thiS, but the “Battle on the Sugoroku Board” staff were pulling the strings behind the scenes, huH.
But this iS baffling. Letting us win shoulD garner more rising popularity— I don’t seE any merit in purposely letting idols from other agencies win.
The hard-to-know-what-he’s-thinking-aboUT “NETV” program director who had caused a violent incident in the paST. As well as the idoLS from weaker agencies gathered here……
It feeLS like there has to be a reason they are all coincidentally gathered here. This isn’t a chance arrangemeNT, so there shouLD be several clues to find.
Could it bE— it might be possiblE to understand their intentions.
Madara: Oh……
Arashi: Can you tell us in more detail?
Natsume: MmM. However there’s noT much time. I’ll explain as we keep on the moVE.
EveryoNE, I’m going to be developing a certain strategy from now on, so could you lend me your cooperatioN?
I’m going to buy “Disappearing Mantle” one morE time. If I don't do thAT, there are things that can’t be done, you sEE.♪
TL Notes:
隠れ身マント (kakuremi manto; lit. vanishing from sight (thus, disappearing) mantle) could refer to the JP terms of either these three things; the Pokemon item 'Covert Cloak', the Doraemon gadget 'Invisible Cape' or the Harry Potter 'Invisibility Cloak'. Mod would like to note that each and every one of these terms are written using different sets of characters.
Lit. ‘to light a fire’, but it means to ‘instigate fighting between two or more sides’. Kept it in for the fire vibes. Go Natsume.
お見合い - A formal marriage interview; in which the participants meet to discuss the prospect of getting married.
一網打尽 Four word idiom meaning to round up all (the criminals) with one move.
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queerxqueen · 9 months
For the ask game 🛠️🧐
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
For fanfiction, I mostly use Notion for planning, outlining, and drafting, and then move to Google Docs if I have beta readers. Notion is my absolute favorite because of being able to customize labels and organization systems. It can have a big learning curve but if you learn how to use the databases they can be soooooo delightful.
For longer projects and original fiction I sometimes also use Miro for planning and organization, and then Scrivener for drafting. The longer a story gets, the more likely I'll need to use Miro and Scrivener to keep everything straight. But most of the time just Notion is okay for fics and stories under 50k words.
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
Oh god, yes. I'll end up on a rabbit hole researching random shit for one small detail. It's dangerous, so sometimes I put brackets like [research 80s things here] or [would body decompose this fast?] to fill in later so I don't get toooooo distracted.
That's not even counting, like, the media analysis aspect of research for fanfiction. "Researching" by studying the fuck out of the characters to write them as true to canon (or my reading of canon) as I can.
When I first saw Saltburn, I knew I'd want to write fanfiction for it. But first, I read the script, watched the film 3 more times, wrote analysis, read analysis, read and watched every Emerald Fennell interview I could---and only then started writing. Because for a film like Saltburn I really wanted to get them and their psyches right. Moth & Flame is as much a story as it is an analysis of the characters.
I'm not saying everyone has to be a scholar in order to write fanfiction, but for me personally, feeling like a total expert in the media is a prerequisite to me trying to write fanfic.
Is that crazy or is that normal fanfic author behavior????
[Fanfic Writer Ask Game >>> My Askbox]
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sentient-rift · 3 months
First off, I am a Born Again Christian who will put God first. I will not compromise my faith or deny the Lord Jesus, and I am more than willing to pull the plug on this blog if it comes between my relationship with Him. I will be posting the Verse of the Day from my Bible App to honor Him. The tags are #verse of the day, #bible scripture, and #Word of God. Sometimes there's more, but these three should be enough to blacklist so you don't have to see them. Of course, if you just have a problem with me being a Christian in general, then that's fine as well. You don't need to follow.
2. I want to make it clear that you DO NOT need to be a Christian to be an RP partner of mine. I have many friends who aren't Christians, and I still consider them good friends. And you don't ever have to worry about me forcing my beliefs on you, neither. Yes, I will put verses of the day when I can, and will give God praise when I can, but I won't make you convert to Christianity. I came here to both have fun and improve my writing since I aspire to Write stories for a living one day. All I ask is that you let me worship my God in peace and to treat me and everyone else the way you'd want to be treated.
3. This is a Hate Free Zone. You never have to worry about hate hear. I will do my best to treat everyone with the love God gave to us, and I will always see you as a person God has created and loved before even being born. I truly despise the hate in this world and don't want it to be part of my blog.
4. With that said, I will not be interacting with raciest people, pedophiles, rapist, etc. Just because this is a Hate Free Zone doesn't mean I will tolerate dangerous people who will treat others like objects or act like immoral monsters towards others without a care in the world. There is no justifying such actions, and I won't have any of that here.
5. This is purely a SFW family friendly RP blog, and will remain that way. That means there will be no smut or any kind of NSFW sexual content or gore. Dark subjects may appear, such as death and angst, but it will never go anywhere near rated R. The highest I will go is rated PG-13, though even that will be rare. I prefer to go at least to PG, but am willing to bump it up to PG-13 so long as it doesn't go too far.
6. When it comes to swearing, there won't be any on my part, but if you prefer to have your characters swear, I'm not going to tell you not to. I just ask that if your muse has such a potty mouth to the point to were every other word is an F-bomb, I hope you'll be willing to tone it down. I can handle a character swearing on occasions. Some of my favorite movies have some swears here and there. But when sentences are swimming with F-bombs and other strong curse words, I will find it difficult to continue with the RP and will most likely drop it.
7. As a Born again Christian, as well as this being a SFW RP blog, I have to be a bit selective with what kind of muses I interact with. This has been something I found myself having to repeat more than I like, but I DO NOT want to RP with demon muses or Satanic muses. As a Christian, I am an enemy of Satan, and therefore do not want to have any part of Satanic things. I also don't want to RP with witches, although that one can be a bit tricky. Muses who's "magic" is closer to that of a superpower, such as Elsa and her ice magic, "Magical Beings" like fairies, genies, and even Magical Girls, and of course, characters like Berkana who may be designed to look like a witch but use science masquerading as magic are fair game. The witches I'm talking about are actual occultist who use satanic and demonic witchcraft. Basically, if it's satanic, I won't interact with it.
8. I ask that you be patient with me when it comes to replies. We all have lives outside of Tumblr, and whoever doesn't, that's not healthy. Most people have been very kind, patient, and understanding about the fact that I can't always reply right away, have to put God and real life first, and that we all have those moments where we get writer's block, miss a post due to too much activity feed, simply forgot for whatever reason, or just not feeling the muse at the time. Unfortunately, there are still a small amount of people out there who treat me like a tool for there entertainment, demanding me or guilt tripping me to finish the reply or get mad when I announce I need a break. So to those people, I must remind you that human beings are not objects, and that role-playing is a hobby, not a job. If you turn it into a job, it will no longer be fun, and all you do is make them want to finish less. I don't mind friendly reminders, but when it gets as far as becoming a tool to you, and it continues even when I ask you to stop, I'll have no choice but to block you.
9. Obviously, no god-modding. For those who don't know what that means, you can read about it here.
10. Some franchises I wll NOT interact with are:
. Disgaea or anything in the same universe like Makai Kingdom
. Harry Potter
. Anything VivziePop related
. Shin Megami Tensei
.Bendy and the Ink Machine
. Cult of the Lamb
. Supernatural
. Most horror series
. Any heavily demonic or Satanic series
(I might add more in the future, but these were all I can think of at the time.)
11. When it comes to shipping, I might be very selective about it, and I also have to be in the mood for it. Honestly, I don't write too many shipping RPs, and any shipping drabbles I do is with two of my own muses. If you want to ship my muse with yours, please ask first. And if I say yes, don't rush things. Let there be chemistry and development. They need to get to know each other.
12. And finally, have fun! Seriously, role-playing is meant to be fun, not a chore. Since I expect you to be patient with me, know that I will indeed give you the same courtesy. Don't ever feel like you have to rush to reply or answer an ask. And if you ever want to drop a thread, just let me know. There's no point continuing if one of us isn't having fun with it. The best RPs are the ones we both have fun with.
If you read the rules, you can send in "Dive into the Deep Log!" or you can just like this post. None of which are mandatory, though. I understand that many have anxiety. I struggle with it myself. Either way, thanks for taking the time to read them, and I look forward to role-playing with you. God bless you, my friend.
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yakultii · 5 months
I kid you not I was just sitting in the uni library and before getting up to give up for the day and leave I wrote in my notes app kinda jokingly but kinda not:
“maybe western beliefs are just so wrong maybe no amount of doctor can fix me maybe I am simply cursed lol for I have sinned many times and seek no forgiveness - a new level of insanity or clarity” (Ik my notes are full of weird shit.. I was also studying medical dominance and how westerners have made it seemingly superior to other forms of health practices/understandings such as religious sin etc for context)
AND I WALK OUT OF THE LIBRARY, START WALKING HOME WITH MY SAD MUSIC ON REPEAT, ON THE VERGE OF TEARS FOR NO REASON(bc life rough but im fine), ON THE EDGE OF CAMPUS AND AM FULLY FINDING MYSELF WILLINGLY BEING PREACHED TO BY A CULT about the heavenly mother oh my god they’re getting smarter LIKE SM SMARTER cause I almost believed this was just a hella feminist Christian for a solid 10 minutes help im out of practice I haven’t been approached by a cult member in like 6 months cos I rarely leave the house ANYWAYS luckily for me I have an unhealthy special interest? in the researching of cults and every single step of their indoctrination particularly the correlation of various korean cults indoctrinating australian white women (when I say cults I don’t just mean religious organisation, cos while there is valid argument that all religion could TECHNICALLY be cult-like, I need u to know I respect religion for others and what it is and am aware there are some prominent factors which differentiate normal religious organisation from genuine proper cult) luckily this particular cult wasn’t going to take me to meet its rapist leader in korea like most the other in melb but it does isolate u from ppl u know and force u to “donate” all ur money lmao fail bc im already socially isolated and I have no money LOLOOL anyways usually they ask for ur number but they also have half given up when u tell them u used to be religious and ur not anymore bc ur critical but this time they just gave me their number cos I think they thought I was like fully convinced cos I was stupidly engaging in the discourse with half interest (but only bc I was trying to make sense if what they were telling me was accurate or not from a religious standpoint bc I was raised Catholic) but sneakily she was telling me all about the Hebrew bible and shit with examples of Hebrew text I couldn’t read LOLOL and what I rlly should have said is god is not my mother or father bitch my (ex) god ain’t male or female, my god if existent be a genderless non human spirit referred to as “he” bc we live in a patriarchal society where male pronouns are pretty standard in referring to just about anything in English language ANYWAYS I lowkey love engaging w cult members while some ppl say dangerous I usually detach my interest while talking as further research into their communicative ways but today I was caught so off guard bc at my particular uni there are usually just religious preachers sometimes who have no ill intent and see my gay stickers on my laptop and give up before they even start knowing they are gonna fail but these ppl defs didn’t go to my uni they were just waiting on the outskirts for sad uni students to approach LMAO mission accomplished also they told me im a good listener when I was like zoning out bc I said yes yes yes when they asked me if I was aware of particular religions events and terms lol that was not very convincing bc I was not demonstrating good listening at all ANYWAYS this was a pointless and probably an incomprehensible story that I cbf reading over hope u enjoyed stay safe don’t go getting indoctrinated into a cult
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agentidiot · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thanks @justhallucinating for the tag 🫡🫡🫡
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 
23 atm but i'm planning at posting more
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 
129,910 ☠️
3. What fandoms do you write for?
right now for peaky blinders but i used to be very deep in the rolling stones and mcu (and i still am just doesn't feel like writing for them)
4. Top five fics by kudos 
If There Is A Will, There Is A Way (mcu)
don't feed me, I will сome back (pb)
like real people do (pb)
Don't Forget to Subscribe (mcu fic that i translated to russian like 8 years ago ☠️)
lavender (pb)
5. Do you respond to comments? 
but i used to be bad at responding tho cuz i was too shy ig
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
love is the death of duty but only because it's an open kinda ending. but i'm your man which is the ongoing fic i just finished and posted 1st chaper of broke my heart when i wrote the ending
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
pretty much all of them, apart from the ones i mentioned have a happy ending
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no which im really happy about
9. Do you write smut? 
10. Craziest crossover? 
i haven't done any crossovers
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
no thank god
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
no but i did
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
kinda if dumping fic info to @justhallucinating counts
14. All time favorite ship? 
tommy/alfie and mick/keith. but. hear me out. that's might be controversial. but i'm stony shipper since the first time i saw avengers. i'm a stony shipper til the day i die. also wolfstar but mainly because fics are just too good (fuck jkr btw)
15. What's a wip you want to finish but you doubt you ever will? 
i so many but i can only think of two.
the 1st on is about modern tommy and alfie meeting at the margate's beach where alfie sees tommy walking his cat (yes dangerous is a bengal cat in this one) on a leash. also alfie went to margate to rest after chemo and tommy went there cuz his family talked him into taking some rest after he broke his scull.
the 2nd one is tommy and alfie meeting via chess app. and then they meet irl but alfie doesn't realise it cuz he never saw tommy's photos but tommy did. and he decided to not tell alfie that it's him and suffers greatly cuz of it
16. What are your writing strengths? 
god idk i wish someone would tell me that. smut comes very easily, dialogs too
17. What are your writing weaknesses? 
also i struggle with not established relationships like how the fuck i supposed to get those idiots together
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i sometimes put russian words in when i write alfie cuz well i know russian, he knows russian, so why not
and i don't mind it if it's in the fic i read until it's not like in the first pages of war and peace which is a crime against humanity. but well i haven't seen fics like that yet
19. First fandom you wrote in? 
harry potter ☠️ (FUCK jkr)
20. Favorite fic you've written? 
it's either places we came from cuz HELLO? BOTTOM ALFIE TO THE MASSES 2024 or don't feed me, I will come back which is the 1st one from baker!alfie au
that was really fun!! thanks again
tagging: @gimmeaglimmer @rysko
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sunnyshiftyy · 2 years
Sometimes forever doesn’t mean forever - TE one shot
Book: The Elementalists, AU TW: I think none? Rating: PG Pairing: Beckett Harrington x f!MC Words: 649 (short but sad) Summary: Basically hurting and angst? A/N: Long ago, there was a prompt that read ‘Sometimes forever doesn’t mean forever’. On a whim, I whipped this up, and lost it deep in the pits of my notes app. When I found it again, and read it, I actually liked it enough that I wanted to share it with the world. This is definitely an AU kinda thing. None of this in my actual headcanon storyline!!! It's a little different to what I normally write, but that's what will make me grow as a writer, right?
Now, I’m submitting this for the @choices-february2023 challenge for day 26 with the prompt ‘Fairy Tales’ (because forever is a fairy tale? My logic..)
Tags: @theclassycandy , @choices-february2023 , @choicesficwriterscreations
Let me know if you want to be tagged in future fanfics or TE content!
And on that note, I hope you enjoy!
Beckett’s POV
I don't know how this happened. I guess I should've done better. I should have been better. But I wasn't.
You know what she would say to that? 'You don't need to be better. You're you, and that's what I love about you.'
But she isn't here now, is she? So I can self destruct as much as I want.
Who am I kidding. The sunshine factor or what's-it-called has it's aftereffects. I won't self destruct. At least not on purpose. That's not what she would want for me.
I hate crying. Not because 'it shows weakness' or whatever nonsense ignorant fathers stomp into their sons heads. Because it's messy. Everyone gets all worried about you, but it's all a show. They don't care about how you feel. They care about the 'why'. Or about their own feelings. No one feels good when another person cries. They want that queasy feeling gone.
Luckily, I'm alone. No one to fake care about me now. Also no one to actually care about me now. The only one that did just left.
Did it come as a surprise? Yes and no. Initially, I was too stunned to say anything. But she made some sense after a few minutes. As much as she can make sense, of course. It's funny how she always managed to put two opposite ends together. Making complete sense and at the same time not. That's something only she could do.
When she came in, her face didn't raise any alarms in my book. I should have known. I should have been paying attention.
And then... I still can't make sense of what happened then. It's only been ten minutes, but it's already blurry. Maybe because of the tears I was holding back the entire time.
It's like something triggered a flight or fight response. That something obviously being me. She usually freezes. But this isn't the usual.
The whole time she was talking, I could not get myself to respond. Because I couldn't process exactly what she was saying. I have never heard her say such irrational things before. Oh Gods, she must've hurt immensely...
The things I did understand were 1) she had overthought everything about us and 2) she wanted us to stop being us.
I didn't think she meant it. That might sound very bad, but it's the truth. Just 24 hours ago she told me she couldn't live without me.
It hurt when she said, 'But I'll have to' a few minutes ago. She thought she was doing it for the good of us both. Then I finally started talking. I'll spare you the details, it was all very dramatic. It was one of those rare moments where I stopped thinking. I let the words do their thing. Very dangerous, but it didn't end too bad this time. To conclude, we both confessed we might die without each other.
I told you it was dramatic. My mind is going to love bringing this moment up again and again, letting me relive the painful awkwardness of it all.
Still, she decided to take the odds of death. I think. The uncertainty makes this all more frustrating.
All I can think about is that one night. That one night we talked about things we never told anyone. She cried, I almost cried, and we laughed and made all of it feel less life threatening. She didn't judge. She never judges. She understands.
That night she told me, 'I want to be with you forever.' I know she believed it then. I believed it then.
Sometimes forever doesn't mean forever.
Forever means as long as possible. Seems like we've reached our expiration date.
Forever is a promise, maybe even a wish. Forever doesn't even exist.
Forever is the only thing you know for certain isn't going to be happening.
And still, we all keep hoping on forever.
Hope you enjoyed!
A/N: If you want to know more about my OC’s in my TE universe, click here. If you want to read more, here’s my masterlist with all the fics on it! (dated <3) Another thing: you can find sneak peeks of future fics and other posts on my masterlist (indicated with coming soon!) Last thing: my asks are still open! If you want headcanons or anything, don’t be shy, ask some more :)
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tidal123 · 1 year
"Demons", Gods, and In-betweens in the Series: Love and Redemption (Part 1)
There are many non-human Chinese mythical creaturesthat appeared in the tv series Love and Redemption(LnD), especially 妖怪(translated as “demons”). I find this subject extremely interesting so I'm going to try summarize them and record their first historical appearance if possible. Many of them come from an ancient book called The Classic of Mountains and Seas 山海经(the Classic). It was written sometime around 4th to 5th century BC. So it's probably one of the oldest books that survived. And it is a source of inspiration for the entire history of China for those who write the monster and strange occurrence tales. In this post I will try to include descriptions about the relevant mentions of the "demons" from the Classic and other sources, although I'm sure better translation already exist.
* The reason I said “translated as demons” and not just use “demons” directly is because they are really not the same concept. There is little to no religious meaning to 妖怪. If you have to squint, 妖怪 likely popularized because ancient Chinese believe that everything have spirit and potential to gain wisdom and transform into higher beings. So in later time like Tang to Qing dynasties there are many 妖怪 that developed from nonhuman animals or plants in such stories, sometimes even objects. But there are also naturally occurring creatures that sometimes are monsters, sometimes gods or semigods in charge of certain functions like wind, thunder, natural disasters etc. like many of those described in the ancient Classic of Mountains and Seas.
烛龙Torch Dragon 
First appearance: the Classic [山海經], 2 entries, around 4th century BC
In the Classics of Montains and Seas it is said to be a torch-bearing dragon that shines light in the night-folds darkness. It creates day and night, summer and winter by opening and closing its eyes and breathing in and out. Obviously an ancient god.
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In our show, a spirit/ghost of the torch dragon was summoned to guard the Colored-Glass Lamp in heroine’s sect Shaoyang. It is a much less powerful version of the Torch Dragon but still created a lot of trouble for our protagonists. It seems that the spirit/ghost of Torch Dragon cannot truly be killed because it can be resummoned.
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鲛人 Fish-person or merman
First appearance: the Classic [山海經‧海內南經], around 4th century BC
A non-human tribe living in the South Sea. It is basically translated to merman because they have an upper human body and a fish tail, although it has nothing to do with the western version the phrase usually refers to. Unlike their western counterparts, they are said to be tame and mild, good at producing a specific type of beautiful clothes that won’t get wet in the water, and when they cries their tears turn into pearls. In later stories they are often depicted as victims of humans’ greed and lust.
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In LnD we see one important side character that is Tingnu, who is a doctor and used to serve in the court of heaven’s realm, although in the show merpeople are categorized as demons. He was the first demon that our protagonists encountered that made them questioned their concept of right and wrong that was taught to them.
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蛊雕 Gu Eagle
First appearance: the Classic [山海經‧南山经], around 4th century BC
This is an eagle-like, water-dwelling monster with horn on its head that eat people. It is said to live on a mountain rich with minerals with no flora.
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In LnD Gu Eagle is the first major dangerous demon our protagonists encountered. It needs to be noted that unlike the merman who is a “naturally-occurring humanoid being”—born with a humanoid shape. The Gu Eagle in LnD was said to have cultivated for 500 years and was on the verge of gaining a human shape. It was quite powerful that even the elders of the Righteous Sects don’t dare face it alone and instead grouped together and prepared themselves fully. Our protagonists had no chance against it at that stage, or so they thought. 
瞿如鸟 Qu Ru Bird
First appearance: the Classic [山海经·南山经], around 4th century BC
It is said to be a bird of white head, three legs, and a human-like face. It lives on a mountain rich with gold and jade, and populated by animals such as rhinos and elephants.
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The shows’ Qu Ru Birds are very different from those described there. In the show, Quru birds appeared as a swarm of dark greenish colored birds that was able to attack humans, but don’t seem like much different than regular animals. They were controlled by a Ao Yin to drive away humans and collect certain herbs. Eventually Sifeng let them escape after Ao Yin was killed.
傲因 Ao Yin
First appearance: It is said to first appear in [山海經] but the description differs greatly from later stories. We will take later descriptions during the Jin Dynasty because they are closer to what appeared in the show: 
Au Yin is said to be a humanoid creature with very long tongue, wears shaggy clothing with many knots and has a taste for human brains. It lives in the west-wasteland and attacks lone travelers to eat their brain.
First appearance: (probably) Accounts of Strange Things [述異記]  by Zu Chongzhi 200–265 AD
This is a giant monkey-like creature that was said to abduct human females to impregnate them and then send them back home to rear the child. If they refuse it kills the woman. Obviously it is a monster. Funnily enough it seemed to have traveled to Japan in the Edo era(1603~1867)and was called kakuen locally. It was written in the Japanese encyclopedia Wakan Sansai Zue of the same time to be a type of "yamako" (玃), which is the same character as the Chinese version. 
In our show this monster appeared as a serial killer who target newly-weds due to his hatred of a female cultivator who seriously wronged him. Our protagonists chased him to his “burial site” and killed him because, well, he is a serial killer who targeted innocent people.
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