#i know. i know i should change the poly to a ''ship'' because there are the very small handful of people that pair two of them together and
rebelband · 1 year
blinkies for the few people that need them (me. my hand was forced) e: if you want to use it, credit's optional
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painonthebrain · 8 months
Simultaneously want to write horrific transformation whump with Starling and gay shit where Flint and Oath are so homo for each other
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calliopesdiary · 6 months
“you’re too sweet for me”
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summary; you partially own your mums coffee & flower shop, so it’s no secret that you’d have a little (big) work crush on a boy whom you only know from his signature on the receipts.
ships; poly!marauders x fem!barista!reader
contents; mild language, reader has long enough hair to tie up into a ponytail, sirius is a flirt
a/n: this is so short but i needed to write something having to do with this song!! part two anyone??
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thirty minutes until opening, you tied your hair up into a pastel pink ribbon.
the soft and crisp spring air pooled into the shop from the open windows, as you set some fresh flowers at your counter.
“ready for opening, dear?”
“yes, mum!”
you responded.
she had certainly noticed your level of chipperness in the mornings had doubled since you started working there, probably because of the young man she’s seen you conversing with every morning at exactly 7:42 am, which was when he always came in.
unless the boy was sick, or busy he’d be in the shop atleast once a day.
“can’t make coffee to save my life, you know?”
he’d always insist.
you heard the bell on the door chime, alerting you of the first guest.
“hi, welcome in.”
you turned around to spot him, and two other boys. odd.. he usually comes in alone.
“new friends, hm?”
you teased, leading him to smile brightly.
“no, they just don’t wake up early enough.”
you nodded, grabbing your pen and paper.
“what can i get for you?”
you were surprised how well you kept your cool, i mean— the other two boys were almost as good looking as he was, and it really made you question yourself.
“i’ll have my usual, darling.”
Sirius— atleast that’s how you thought his name was pronounced— leaned against the counter smugly, as his tall, lanky friend scoured the menu.
“can i have the iced caramel mocha, please?”
the slightly less tall, messy-haired brunette with circular glasses smiled sheepishly.
“do you have almond milk?”
“okay… can i have an iced matcha green tea latte with almond milk?”
the lanky one finally asked.
“of course, can i get a name for each?”
you fidgeted with the pen in your hand softly.
“Sirius, James, and Remus.”
“how are their names so hot???” “god y/n… you dirty slut, you should not be thinking this way about customers.”
“….your drinks will be ready soon.”
you flashed a small teethy smile as you rushed to go make their drinks.
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you brought their drinks out on a tray, and set it down on the table.
“enjoy your coffee.”
you smile softly and begin to walk off.
Sirius gets up to pay, and pulls out some cash.
“there you go, love. amazing as always.”
he winked, and you desperately tried to keep your composure.
“any time.”
he signed the receipt, and as you grabbed his change. you decided to make a bold move.
besides, would him and his gorgeous friends really call the local baristas number she left on the check?
the answer was yes.
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eldaryasharbinger · 5 months
MCL New Gen Ep 3 Review
I finally finished the episode! I'll give a more generic opinion about it here and put all the spoilers below the cut!
I think it was really nice, I didn't check how many APs I used but I saw someone else mention that it's around 1200 APs which I think is fair! I was scared about it at first because I'm not sure if I'm the only one who noticed that, ususally, the first episodes are either shorted/cheaper and that new episodes that come out are much more expensive... I hope that won't happen!
The outfits are pretty cute, also I noticed that if you want to, you can unlock the other outfit you missed for 150 hearts! It's just to unlock it in the shop without having to replay the episode, you still have to purchase each piece separately but I think it's alright since the prices are really cheap!!
I don't really know what else to add and still be spoiler free, so now it's time for spoilers! you've been warned!
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I'm so so happy with how they get Candy to react everytime... I love that she changes expressions accordingly and it's much more fun!! Also I think I screenshotted(?) almost all of Jason's scenes,, I'm sorry I'm just so down bad I kept giggling everytime he said anything,, I think that's why it took me a while to finish the episode lol...
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Petronilla you're so real for that... Me too... (he awakens the goblin inside me...)
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Honestly I really think that we should keep this in mind everytime he opens his mouth because it's actually so true... Also how are you so obsessed... Keep it going...
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He wants to kiss her so bad I just know it... He's like that one kid that bullies you just because he's into you and doesn't know how to behave
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"Little kitten"
I'm so done with this guy he's so shameless and I love him for that,,
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The illustration is very pretty! He's so handsome why can't he just do a backflip off of Goldreamz's roof (He's so pretty sometimes it p*sses me off lmao)
I think I'll try to edit this one soon too!
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I think it's pretty funny that she calls him that, yeah I can see how he's a loser... (I be calling him things just cause he's pretty and annoying I swear)
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She's so... I'm so gay leave me alone,,,,,
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ALSO ISTG she's going to be the end of me and my wallet, I can't help but always buy both her's and Jason's special scenes (I still haven't understood if you can get the illu's without buying the scenes... help,,) and on top of that of course I'll say that I'm going for Jason's route and then buy Amanda's illus because I can't live without it,, Beemoov let me be poly for once, Petronilla has two hands for a reason!! Either let us (Me and 'Nilla) have the same outfits for both Amanda and Jason so that I won't have to spend 350 extra gems or idk;;-;
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The doomed yuri... The forbidden yuri... Petronilla you're so gay... Idk I think I can hear "I wanna be your girlfriend" by girl In red from miles away... We're so over ;A;
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If I get the time I think I'll try to edit this one as well!! So so pretty!
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I also wanted to mention this... Man he's just like me this guy is autistic as F**K I'm telling y'all... I relate to that so much, especially the fact that he apparently seems to be thinking in percentages as well (By that I mean that at least I tend to make my decisions based on calculations and such... That's why I like to joke about having a computer for brains lol)
Looks like Beemoov's writers did their homework on this guy cause if he's actually autistic-coded I think they did a great job! Autism is a spectrum in the end but I really resonate with how they're potraying it with Thomas! Kudos!
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Last but not least... Jason's text after finishing the episode... I'm shipping Jason and Petronilla so hard,,,,,, I love the blue&pink contrast, they were made for each other your honor... If we add Amanda they can be the Bisexual flag together...
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badbatchsprincess · 4 months
Heated ~ pt.13
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 ~ Pt.6 ~ Pt.7 ~ Pt.8 ~ Pt.9 ~ Pt.10 ~Pt.11 ~ Pt.12 ~ Pt.13
Summary: This is an ABO Bad batch!Poly x Omega Reader smut with a plot. This takes place as an AU before order 66. Y/N previously served under the 501st before being transferred to Special Forces 99. This is her adventure with these rowdy Alphas in a quickly changing universe.
THIS IS AN ABO AU ABOUT THE BAD BATCH (NO CANON OMEGA!) Due to the unfortunate situation of her name being Omega… Omega the child from the canon series is not going to be apart of this fanfic/porn with a plot. I feel obligated to put this warning in because it makes my skin crawl thinking anyone could make that mistake. 
Warnings: No smut in this chapter... but don't worry! Chapter 14; we will be returning to our regular smut programming.
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─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
"So, Anakin Skywalker took you to Lothal?" Hunter was trying to make sense of Echo’s wild story.
"When Ahsoka was still barely a pup, he took her on a tour of all the known Jedi temples in the known regions," Echo recounted. "It was to show her the generations of Jedi history. We had taken that Venator all over the galaxy. Lothal was one of them, and I think it’s far enough away from Empire jurisdiction that we could get there unnoticed."
"And why are we bothering with a Jedi temple? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but none of us are Jedi," Tech remarked, knelt on the ground, holding you to his chest, running comforting hands over your trembling form. The boys took turns trying to keep you warm as your temperature dropped for reasons Tech and you couldn’t understand.
"You said it wasn’t medical. This is a soul bond issue; that's the spiritual world," Echo reasoned. "We might not understand it, but I’ve seen some pretty crazy stuff with the Jedi. All of it's real, even though it sounds like mumbo jumbo to people like us."
"It’s real," you whispered. "I’ve seen it."
"You've seen what?" Tech looked down at you.
"The mumbo jumbo… Ahsoka showed me many things when we were younger." You nuzzled into Tech for comfort.
"She’s someone we could actually use right about now, assuming she survived the order," Echo said, shaking his head.
You bit back your emotions, too exhausted to cry anymore. You didn’t want to think about that. Not now, anyways. You and Echo had spent too many nights talking about Ahsoka leaving the pack. 
"We’re approaching," Echo said, taking control of the Marauder. Tech stood up, passing you to Wrecker for a snuggle before returning to his seat to land the ship.
"Where are we supposed to go?" Tech asked as they entered the planet’s atmosphere.
"I was actually hoping Hunter could help us with that," Echo said, punching a few buttons above his head making the engines rumble.
"And what exactly do you want me to look for?" Hunter said.
"I kind of remember the general location Skywalker had been. I’ll land us there, but you can use your electromagnetic senses to find the temple," Echo explained.
"Ahsoka told me that all living things have the Force flowing through us. It’s how she and Ani could feel where we all were and that everything is connected. Everything flows through each other, which I’m thinking is what Echo is talking about.” You lifted your head to explain, “Ani said the Force is pure light energy," you remembered, recalling all the times you had caught the two Jedi meditating before battle.
"If it’s electro currents, I should be able to pick up on it, but I don’t exactly know what I’m looking for," Hunter said, watching as Echo guided the ship to an open field with rolling grasses.
"Anything that feels strange, I would assume," Tech said as the ship touched down with a gentle thud.
You tried to stand, but you were feeling too weak. Wrecker caught you before you stumbled. You groaned as he lifted you up, even though he was as gentle as could be, it didn’t change the fact your bones ached like your heart did… it craved one thing… Crosshair.
"Okay, let’s get our things and let Hunter get to work," Echo said, standing up and grabbing his pack and weapon. Wrecker carried you out of the ship like a just-married bride and into the waist high grass. Hunter knelt down, taking off his glove to touch the earth. He placed his palm to the soil, looking up over the grasses.
"There are animals everywhere," he said, looking around, but the grasses camouflaged them. He raised his gun up in the air, firing a single shot into the sky. The blast startled all of the loth cats, which picked their heads up to stare before scampering off with a meow.
"Tookas!" you said excitedly, seeing all of the different colors fleeing the area.
"They’re all over this place," Hunter confirmed, choosing the best direction. "I’m wanting to head this way," he said, pointing towards a mountain range. "There’s something with a deeper energetic vibration in that direction I think it’s a good place to start."
"Alright, here we go," Wrecker said, following behind Hunter, carrying you like you weighed nothing.
The trek felt like it had gone on forever. Even though you weren’t putting in any effort, the body chills and aches were making you miserable. This was truly hell. You honestly would have taken Hunter’s blade to the shoulder again if it meant you were cured. 
"Almost there, little tooka," Wrecker said, sensing your discomfort.
"Just a little further," Hunter added, feeling their journey was coming to an end. The vibrations were becoming more tangible. 
"Does any of this feel familiar, Echo?" Tech asked, pulling out his scanners as they approached the egg-shaped rock formations ahead.
"It all looks the same to me, but General Skywalker had us stay back with the ship. All I remember is the mountain range and the fields," Echo replied.
"I don’t see a temple," Hunter said, leading them into a narrow crevice. Everyone squeezed between the smooth rocks, following the sergeant. You watched Hunter as he kept switching his directions. 
You clung onto Wrecker as he stepped up and over various rocks. Hunter kept bending down to touch and feel the rocks, seemingly guiding you somewhere.
You lulled your head to the side, sensing something was watching you. When you looked, all you saw was more stones. You closed your eyes and leaned back into Wrecker’s chest, ignoring the sensations. It was probably all the spirits Soka would tell you about. 
"What are you feeling, Hunter?" Tech asked, raising his scanner in the air, trying to get a better picture of where they were in case he missed something.
"It’s just like a storm of electrodes," he said, looking around. "This place is like nowhere else I’ve ever been."
"Not even on Mimban?" Echo asked.
"No, this is different… it’s…" He raised his head in the air, sniffing, and shook his head. "Ugh… Just more tookas," he shook his head, "Echo, are you sure this is the place?"
"I wouldn’t forget something like this. Anakin took Ahsoka here. I’m certain."
"I miss Soka," you mumbled, thinking about the little Togruta you thought of as a sister.
"Whoa!" Tech stopped in his tracks and pointed to a ridge above their heads. "A rare albino tooka," he exclaimed, pulling down his helmet, leans to snap a photo.
"Sightseeing later, vod," Hunter said, continuing to walk. Wrecker sighed and adjusted his grip on you before trudging on.
Once Hunter got frustrated enough, he halted the group so Echo and Tech could get some water and food into you. You curled up on a flat rock, tucking into yourself for warmth against the sun-warmed stone.
"This would be a really good time for someone to have secret Jedi powers," Echo joked.
"Pip?" Hunter raised a brow at you.
"Sorry, Sarge," you weakly laughed, "Just a normy nat born."
"How unfortunate," he smiled trying to hide his worry ay seeing you like this. It was obvious you health was deteriorating quickly the longer this dragged on. 
"Well, we’re not entirely sure about that," Tech joked. "Seems to be pretty abnormal if you ask me," he referred to the current situation.
"What if it was something the Imperials did to me while I was out?" you rolled onto your back, liking the warm stone, "We can’t know for sure."
"Bonds can’t be manufactured," Echo shook his head.
"While I do have special bonds with all of you, I didn’t think I had developed a mate bond with Crosshair… at least not yet. It hasn’t been long enough," you looked up at the puffy clouds in the sky.
"Stranger things have happened," Hunter shrugged.
"Have they?" Wrecker petted your hair, looking around, "This seems pretty strange to me."
Tech snorted in agreement, "Should we keep going?"
"No," you pouted, "I like this rock, it’s warm."
"We can stay a little longer," Hunter leaned against one of the egg-shaped stones, "Warm up, Pip."
You purred in content, rolling back onto your side, absorbing the heat.
Wrecker continued to run his fingers through your hair as you felt yourself start to drift off into a little nap.
Just as you were drifting off into blissful sleep, you heard a whisper.
"Pip," Hunter said so quietly you almost mistook it for the wind.
You blinked open your eyes, feeling Wrecker’s fingers stilled in your hair. When you opened your eyes, you saw the same albino tooka sitting just next to your head, staring right at you with its beaming azure eyes.
Everyone remained deathly still, scared to scare off the creature.
You watched Tech hit record on his helmet, capturing the rare moment.
You slowly lifted your head, trying to sit up. The tooka sat on its haunches, watching you. You tilted your head to the side, and it mimicked you. You gasped quietly, looking at the tiny creature. It stepped forwards, rubbing its cheek and side against your leather boots before sauntering off again. This time, you stood up, suddenly feeling well enough to walk, and followed the creature without a word to the others.
Tech was about to interject, but Echo put a hand on his chest, silencing his brother. The Alphas watched curiously as you trailed after the small creature.
"The Force," Echo whispered, jumping over a stone to catch up to you.
"There’s no way you know this is the Force," Tech grumbled.
"Why did it choose her?" Echo retorted.
"Because she’s the least threatening," Tech argued. "It is known animals prefer human females."
"No, idiot," Echo shook his head, "This is how the Force works."
"That is yet to be determined," the pilot shook his head… mumbo jumbo.
They watched you follow the tooka in a trance-like state as you squeezed between narrow passageways that they struggled to get through.
"Adi’ka," Hunter whispered, not wanting to scare off the animal.
You didn’t respond, just continued to follow the animal.
The boys shared a look of concern at your lack of acknowledgement . Echo, however, wasn’t put off. He was confident you had found what you were all looking for. He continued staying close. He had definitely seen stranger things serving under Anakin.
It wasn’t lost on him that your energy magically restored in the presence of the little creature along with your unusual attire matching the feline. The Force works in strange ways, but he was so sure. 
You eventually reached a clearing surrounded by stones. The ground was covered in swirling ancient carvings spanning the entire clearing. The tooka led you to the center where the swirls stopped. Your body came to a halt, and the boys slowly inched inside, keeping to the walls.
You plopped down onto the ground, kneeling at the center and hitting back on your haunches, mirroring the tooka.
“What is she doing?” Wrecker whispered. The others didn’t answer; they just watched as you remained still, seemingly meditating.
“I don’t like this,” Hunter said, moving to step forward, but a ferocious growl halted his movements. Wrecker gasped, seeing the absolutely monumental wolf appear from between the surrounding rocks. It was a couple of feet taller than himself, which made him even more uneasy.
It snarled, baring its teeth at the boys as it began to circle you. Hunter grabbed his gun on reflex, but when he went to shoot the wolf, the gun jammed.
“What the?” He pulled the trigger again, but no blast came.
The wolf stared at him as another appeared, and then another! Five wolves in total began to walk in circles around you as you sat with the tooka almost unaware of their presence.
Then, to everyone’s utter shock, the wolf spoke, “I know why you have come to this place.”
“Holy Kark,” Wrecker shook his head, thinking he was imagining things.
“I know why you have brought this female here,” he said, looking in your direction, seeing you still in the trance. The wolf’s baritone voice sent chills down Hunter’s spine.
“We just want to know if she’s okay,” Hunter stepped forward pleadingly.
“Very few Jedi have found this place,” the wolf growled, “How is it you have found this place?”
“I’ve been here before,” Echo offered, “My General was a Jedi; he brought his Padawan here many years ago.”
“The Force has led you here,” the wolf continued his prowl, “This female is much more connected to the Force than you may have believed.”
“She’s Jedi?” Hunter asked.
“No,” the Wolf shook his head.
You felt your body grow weak, and you slumped to your side before lying down in the center of the rock monument.
“Y/N!” Hunter wanted to rush to your side, but the Wolves snapped at him, forcing him back or else he’d be met with sharp white fangs.
“Please! She’s sick!” The Sergeant was starting to feel himself get sick from worry. Watching you lay there was sending his instincts into overdrive… he felt helpless for the first time in his life.
“Young Y/N is not sick,” the wolf halted his prowl, and the others followed suit. They took a seat on their haunches, facing you like guardian angels.
“Then what’s wrong with her?” Tech demanded.
“Your people call her Ori’Sol,” the wolf rumbled.
They looked to Tech, “It’s Mando’a for many.” The pilot informed.
“We weren’t raised with our kind,” Hunter shook his head, “We don’t know who Ori’Sol is.”
The wolf stared at him with deep piercing eyes, “The first Ori’Sol was an ancient Jedi named Kaj. She was an omega, such as your mate. While omegas and alphas desire monogamy, her Jedi ways forced her to detach from these desires, and she split her soul bond into many pieces. Through her mastery of the Force, she accomplished this,” the wolf looked down at your small frame, “Thus the ancient line of Ori’Sol was born. This female is a descendant of Kaj, ten thousand generations later.”
“So what does that mean?” Hunter shook his head, trying to understand how this relates.
“Ori’Sol have the ability to have many mates, as did Kaj. It would seem her soul has already chosen before her mind and body.”
“Our brother, Crosshair?” Hunter clarified.
“He is one,” the wolf tilted his head, “But there appears to be more.”
“What do we have to do to help her?” Hunter’s worry was growing.
“We will help her now,” the wolf looked to the others surrounding her, “Sever this premature bond, but be warned, this female has a tumultuous story filled with many trials and tribulations.”
“Will it hurt her or Crosshair?” Tech asked.
“No harm will come to your mate,” the wolves all lowered themselves down onto their elbows and paws. They bowed their heads, and you rolled onto your back, looking up at the sky.
Then the brightest of white light appeared overhead, and your lithe form began to hover in the air with the power of the force. 
The boys all stared in pure astonishment. Wrecker let out an audible gasp. 
The wolves continued their Force magic, lifting your body higher as more and more light flooded in. Then all of the ancient carvings lit up with that same light, causing the boys to close their eyes or risk going blind. They shielded themselves from the brightness, flinching as it peaked.
Then in a blink, the light vanished.
The boys opened their eyes, adjusting to the sudden darkness. When they looked around, it was no longer mid-day; overhead, the night sky shone bright with twinkling stars, and your form lay alone in the center of the clearing still on your side.
There were no longer any wolves or tookas, just the five of you alone in the Lothal wilderness.
“Y/N!” Hunter ran forward, kneeling down at your side, rolling you over onto your back, and feeling for a pulse. You groaned, feeling his hands poking around your neck frantically.
Hunter sighed with relief.
Tech pulled out his datapad to scan your temp, “Back to normal.”
“Did they do it?” Wrecker asked, leaning over you, “They fixed Pip?”
“Hold on, Wrecker, let her wake up first,” Echo urged.
You blinked open your eyes slowly, adjusting to the fact it was now nighttime. You took a deep gasp in, sitting upright suddenly.
“You okay?” Echo knelt in front of you.
“What was that?” You touched your chest, feeling slightly… empty? It was a strange feeling. Where the agonizing pain was, there was just… nothing. It felt kind of like a hole in your chest.
“The Force,” Echo nodded, “Good enough for you?” He looked at Tech.
“Fine, I concede. Next time we see a white tooka, we follow it,” Tech rolled his eyes.
“A white tooka?” You asked, using Hunter’s shoulder to help you stand up, getting used to standing up again on your own two feet.
“Yeah, Pip,” Wrecker scratched the back of his head, “There was a white tooka that brought us here, and then these massive talking wolves healed you.”
You just looked at Wrecker like he had grown three heads before looking at the others.
“He’s telling the truth,” Hunter shrugged.
“No kriffin' way,” you swatted at your white torn clothes, trying to dust yourself off.
“No shit,” Echo laughed, “Now that has to be the strangest thing I’ve ever seen.” He punched Wrecker, “I told you guys.”
“You were, in fact, correct, Echo,” Tech nodded.
“Hah!” Echo jeered, “Write that down!”
“Ugh,” Tech groaned before pulling out his datapad, trying to retrace their steps.
“Let’s get back to the ship,” Hunter turned back the way they came.
“You feeling better?” Wrecker nudged you.
You smiled, “Yeah. I feel normal again.”
“Good!” He smiled, ushering for you to walk first.
“And we know you’re not a Jedi!” Echo laughed.
You scrunched your brows, “What?”
“We’ll tell you about it back on the ship,” Hunter shook his head, leading the expedition.
“I feel like I missed a lot,” you sighed, stepping over a large rock.
“Oh yeah,” Echo replied, pushing you up onto a rock that was a little too tall.
“Ugh why can’t things ever just go smoothly?” You growled, hauling yourself up to swing your leg up.
“Because that’s not the way our lives are written,” Echo joked.
“Then I need to speak to the author,” you slid down the other side, almost plummeting into Hunter.
“Alright, it’s a quick walk once we hit the grasslands,” Hunter said, squeezing through a narrow pass.
“Sounds good,” you sighed, “I’m hungry.”
“You and me both!” Wrecker’s boisterous voice echoed between the rocks.
You trailed after Hunter, following him back the same way they came. Reaching out, you ran your fingers through the dancing grasses, feeling the smooth leaves stroke your hands. Looking out around you, there was nothing but rolling hills and the Marauder in sight. Even under the night sky, Lothal’s moon lit up the land with silvery white light. It was beautiful, you thought. You heard the chittering of wild loth cats in the distance, settling in for the night while you finally could see the ship getting closer.
Feeling a particularly strong gust of wind blow past your face, you briefly looked behind you back at the rocky mountains. Wrecker, Tech, and Echo turned to look at what you were looking at, but like you, saw nothing but grey rocks.
“Let’s make some dinner,” Hunter said, opening the hatch and allowing you to climb in first. You stepped inside, smelling the lingering scent of your distress from earlier and turned up your nose.
“I’ll start dinner, but someone explain to me what just happened out there,” you grabbed a pan off the wire rack and set it down on the electro burner.
“Well…” Hunter looked to the others, “You fell asleep on that sun stone. Then that white tooka appeared. You followed it for a while all the way to a clearing in the stones. Then five giant wolves appeared. They told us why you were experiencing that sickness, and then they healed you.”
“It was like a giant ball of light!” Wrecker waved his hands around, “Like a small sun! And you were floating in the air! And the wolves could talk!”
You looked at him with wide eyes, “I floated?”
They nodded their heads.
“Anything else?” You asked, ripping open the ration pack and putting the contents into the pan to heat it up.
“No… that pretty much covers it,” Echo set his helmet down and started peeling his armor off.
“Fascinating,” you said, still in a bit of disbelief, “So what was the reasoning for the sickness in the first place?”
You watched them look at each other, exchanging looks of trepidation. It seemed like they were trying their best to choose their words carefully.
“Mesh’la,” Hunter began, “It would seem your lineage is very, very old. On Mandalore, our people have a word for those in your line…”
You raised a brow.
“Ori’Sol,” he said, sitting down at the table bench, “The loth wolves told us that they knew why we had brought you to them. They told us you were Ori’Sol. Your lineage goes back to ancient Jedi. They didn’t seem surprised you were feeling this sickness.”
“What is Ori’Sol? Am I Mandalorian like you?” You asked, setting down your stirring spoon.
“No, well, I don’t think you are,” Tech corrected, “Ori’Sol is an old legend from our people. It’s a story about an ancient Jedi who had many alphas and many pups. She had started many lines of omegas with the same ability. They spread all throughout the galaxy over many generations.” He had been researching on your walk back, you realized.
You were still confused, “So what? Am I part of this lineage?”
“It would seem, you’re an Ori’Sol Omega. Very rare in our designations,” Tech explained, “It means you can have many mates.”
“The wolves said you were sick because your soul had already chosen Crosshair as a mate despite no bite,” Echo said.
“What?” You shook your head with a laugh, “That doesn’t make any sense. Crosshair isn’t my mate.”
“It doesn’t really seem to make a difference. It’s more like your soul chose him as a mate,” Hunter explained, “Which also means that if the same rules apply, so did he.”
"That's why you felt the pain of the betrayal after Order 66," Tech pointed out. You just stood there, confused, jaw hanging open, flabbergasted. "How is that even possible?"
"I'm assuming that's why Crosshair had to be tortured. He was fighting the clone programming, trying to save you," Tech nodded.
You felt tears welling up in your eyes. Quickly wiping them away, you took a deep breath to center yourself. "Okay, but I know he's not my mate... he doesn't smell any different like everyone says a mate does."
"I think it's one-sided with an Ori'Sol," Hunter thought. "That makes the most sense as you smell very unique to us."
"Fives said even you smelled good to him," Tech typed into his datapad, looking for an answer. "What if an Ori'Sol carries the unique scent to attract many different alphas instead of just the fated singular partner?"
"Uh, this is getting more confusing," Wrecker plopped down next to you while you continued to cook.
"This is just a hypothesis," you shook your head. "I've never even heard of Ori'Sol Omegas before."
"Not many have," Tech said, scrolling through information. "It seems a lot of them have historically been executed."
"Oh, great," you sighed, picking up a plate to dump the steaming contents of food onto for Wrecker.
"Except on Mandalore," Tech showed you his datapad.
You read through the explanation. Since Mandalore had many matriarchal practices, Ori'Sol omegas were considered great gifts to society. Their unique nature was seen as a blessing from the gods.
"Hmm," you ripped open a packet of freeze-dried vegetables and started rehydrating them.
"Pip is a blessing," Wrecker crushed you into a hug. You squeaked before going limp. Wrecker smiled and put you back down on your feet with a kiss to your head. You looked at them as they stayed standing there, looking like they still had something else to say.
"Spill it before I make Echo tell me," you pointed a spoon in their direction.
Hunter swallowed and looked to Tech.
Tech pushed up his goggles. "The last part of the interaction with the loth wolves revealed that you also view... us," he gestured to his brothers, "as your mates."
You felt the blush creeping up on your cheeks then looked down to the food, continuing to turn them over in the sizzling pan.
"Anything else?" you coughed, feeling Wrecker staring into your soul.
"And the wolf told us to take care of you," Hunter whispered. "To take care of our mate."
You looked up at him. Did that mean... no...
"Your soul chose us mesh'la, but it seems ours chose yours too," Hunter crossed his arms over his broad chest.
You turned off the burner and set down the spoon starting to feel your heart race. Hunter perked up hearing the change in speed.
"I don't even know what to say," you sat down, running a hand through your hair, feeling stress flooding your system. "That means we're mated? I don't understand… If I leave your sides, am I going to, like, die? What if something happens to one of you? Oh my god. Is that why they had to put me into stasis while you were off-planet? Oh my god... oh my god!" You stood up abruptly, "Crosshair's never going to stop searching for me... He's going to go fucking feral!" You squeaked. "He's probably coming right now!”
Echo stood up. "Relax, there's no way he knows where we are."
"But I've seen him track his targets. He's almost as good at it as Hunter," you whined. "It's only a matter of time!”
"Y/N, please calm down," Tech sighed. "You're going to faint again."
You let out a stressed cry before starting to pace in a circle. "What exactly did the wolves do to fix the bond?” You touched your sternum, “It feels empty in here.” 
Hunter looked down at the ground, knowing you weren't going to like the answer. "They severed it," he said with an exhale.
You shrieked. "He's going to think I'm dead! If there's a bond, he would have felt it! He's going to hunt you all down to the ends of the galaxy!" This was so royally bad. Crosshair was definitely losing his damn mind right now. Probably tearing apart Tapoca city and murdering everyone in sight as we speak.
"We can handle Crosshair," Hunter reassured. "You need to try to calm down or you'll faint like Tech said."
You forced yourself to sit back down.
"What about the Empire?" you looked at them frantically. "They know! And they wanted me for something. They let Crosshair be around me... and Tarkin! They know exactly what I am."
"We still need to figure out what that might be, but maybe it won't matter if we just lay low and stay out of the way of the Empire," Wrecker suggested.
"And where could we possibly do that?" you growled, pushing your palms to your forehead. "They're everywhere. You guys don't even have any credits!"
They blanked, realizing this might be a little more difficult than they had realized.
"Oh my god! My credits!" you stood up. "We have to go to a banking system right now! I have to pull out all my credits before the Empire seizes them." You stole Tech's datapad from his hand to start searching for places. "If they're coming after me, or if Crosshair is, they'll know where I am when I pull the money. We'll have to leave quickly and hide somewhere fast."
"Assuming they haven't changed the currency," Tech noted. "If that's the case, then I think your credits may not be as valuable."
"Regardless, we have to do this fast," you nodded to the ship console. "Get it going or whatever Hunter says."
They looked to Hunter, who repeated the same gesture, and they sprung into action.
"What system has your same banking union?" Tech asked, taking back his datapad. "Ord Mantel?" He scowled.
"It's the closest, and yeah, my bank is a little sus. That's what happens when you grow up dirt-poor on Coruscant," you crossed your arms defensively.
"Ord Mantel it is," Tech punched in the coordinate codes.
Hunter wrapped a hand around your bicep, guiding you into the bunks. You allowed him to drag you through the ship before stepping aside away from his brothers. "Don't think I'm just going to let you gloss over the fact that we're mates," he cornered you, pressing you against the wall of his bunk. 
You pressed your hands to his chest and looked up at him as he caged you in. Your heart continued to race but the adoring look in his eyes started to dull the panic. 
"I don't even know what to say or think, Hunter..." you looked down suddenly, too overwhelmed by his intense eyes. "This is just happening so fast."
"I literally witnessed the craziest shit of my life today, only to confirm that you are, in fact, made for me," he gently gripped your chin, lifting it to force you to look at him. "We can take it at whatever pace you want, mesh'la, but I'm never, ever letting you go.” He vowed.
You struggled to breathe; he was making you feel warm and tingly. "I just want it all to happen naturally. There isn't exactly a handbook for this particular situation."
He chuckled. "Wouldn't that be nice?"
"The universe is changing so fast... and—" you croaked, "and Cross..." Your heart ached just a tinge, "This isn't the situation I imagined when picturing my future with my husband."
"I don't think it was for any of us," he agreed, "We kind of just came to terms with the fact we'd probably die on the battlefield. I never thought we'd be here now, but as shitty as it is, I wouldn't change it for the world as long as I get to have met you." He nuzzled the side of your head.
"I wouldn't change it either, Hunter," you sighed, "I just don't even know how to handle this. Like, are you all okay with this? This is kind of crazy."
"I think my vod are fine with it," he let out a breathy laugh, "We've wanted you for much longer than all of this."
"Do you think the Ori'Sol thing is why you were all more inclined to share?" you wondered.
"Maybe," he nodded, "Clones have a tendency to share everything... even women," he smirked, "But this always felt a bit deeper, I think."
"You think the Force bonded our souls earlier than all of this?" you asked.
"Yeah," he smiled, "I do."
"I'd like to think that too," you smiled up at him. He returned the expression before leaning forwards to bring his lips to yours. You smiled into the kiss, letting him guide you.
This kiss was so much more different than the ones before. It was filled with so much love and emotion, you felt yourself flutter with excitement.
"Hey… Hey!" Wrecker burst into the room pouting as you two broke apart smiling.
"I want pip time," he reached for you, but Hunter shoved him away.
"She's not a toy, Wrek," he growled.
"I know," he crossed his arms, "She's our mate."
You shivered from the conviction in his voice. It felt so right to hear him call you that. It felt like you belonged. And you hadn't felt like that in a long while.
You felt the ship rumble as it lifted into the air. The trip to Ord Mantel wouldn't take long, according to Tech, which you were glad for. Time was of the essence.
You looked between Hunter and Wrecker, "So how does this work? How do I make sure you're all happy?"
Hunter crossed his arms, "We can make a schedule, so everyone gets their fair time with you on their own. We can start building relationships that way."
"Works for me," Wrecker agreed.
"And what about…" you pointed to your neck, specifically the gland there, "How does that work?"
"One bridge at a time," Hunter smiled, "Plus, I don't think we're ready for that big step yet, huh?"
You nodded, glad that was his answer. You were a little intimidated by a lifelong commitment like that, but then again, you didn't know if that even would apply to you in this circumstance.
An omega with multiple alphas? That's insane. This whole thing is insane...
"Can I have the first night?" Wrecker asked, making you smile at the lovey eyes he was giving you.
"We draw straws," Hunter rolled his eyes.
Wrecker groaned but relented. Fair is fair.
"You're seriously drawing straws?" Echo shook his head.
"Well, what else do you suggest?" Hunter held out his fist with the straws.
Echo just shut his mouth to let the sergeant carry on.
"Longest gets the first night, shortest gets third," he said, holding out his fist.
Tech drew, then Wrecker, leaving Hunter with the last one.
They all flipped over their palms, revealing the stick lengths.
Wrecker groaned; his was third.
You stifled a giggle at his forlorn expression.
Tech revealed his, then Hunter.
Hunter had the longest, and Tech had the middle.
So that was the order... eldest to youngest, how coincidental.
"So that's settled," you smirked, leaning into Echo. He just threw his scomp arm around your shoulder, watching Wrecker grovel for Tech's night instead. You laughed, feeling the first semblance of normalcy again... even the nagging reminder of Crosshair settled in the back of your mind giving you a moment of peace.
Echo then whipped around, hearing the telltale chime that you were exiting hyperspace, "On approach," he said, sitting back down in his chair with Tech.
"Ord Mantel, everyone," Echo said, directing Tech to the nearest empty spaceport.
The Marauder was set down gently, and the five of you exited the ship. You threw the last few remaining credits you had at the port owner before taking off into the unfamiliar city.
"The bank should be just up here," Tech directed everyone to a seedy-looking building.
"That doesn't look like a bank," you raised a brow.
"It would appear to be a local dive bar, but it says here that the owner has a money transfer machine inside," Tech replied.
"Whatever works," you dug around in your bag, pulling your bank card out. Hunter entered first with Wrecker, while you followed behind with Echo and Tech.
The bar was dark and dingy, with two locals playing sabacc at a table, but other than that, the place was empty. You saw the money transfer machine in the back corner and made a beeline while the others checked out the bar.
While you were plugging in your banking info, Echo and Hunter settled at the counter.
“You know her credits won't hold us for long. The Republic doesn’t pay anyone very well,” Echo pointed out.
“It will be enough to get us on our feet. We’ll pick a low-key planet on the outer rim and find some land to keep her safe,” Hunter rested an elbow on the table, watching you carefully.
“You know he’ll come after you,” Echo said lowly. “She’s right, it’s only a matter of time. Especially if he thinks she’s dead.”
“He won’t be able to find us. We won’t leave a trail,” Hunter replied.
“What happens if she needs him?” Echo asked honestly. He was still worried you’d eventually turn sick again.
Hunter stared at his vod. “Then we’ll find him.”
“You make everything sound simple,” Echo shook his head. “Nothing about this is simple. What if this new empire decides they want her?”
“Then we’ll disappear,” Hunter stared at you. “I won't lose her, Echo. I can’t.”
Echo sighed as you came trotting over. You gave them a solemn shake of the head. “It didn’t work,” you groaned, “They already changed the currency.” 
Echo looked to Hunter.
“I hear you need some work,” a smiley voice caught all of your attention.
“And you are?” Echo deadpanned.
“The owner of this fine establishment,” the Trandoshan waved around. “I’m Cid,” she narrowed her yellow eyes. “You’re clones.”
Hunter furrowed his brow.
“I’m in need of some muscle. You guys complete this job for me, I’ll split the earnings 60% - $40,” she offered.
“What do we get out of this?” Tech asked. “We seem to be doing all the heavy lifting.”
“I don’t tell the Empire sweet-cheeks is here,” she pointed at you with her gangly claw, “and we both get paid.”
Hunter tensed. She must have overheard him talking to Echo at the bar. Kark.
“What’s the job?” Hunter asked skeptically knowing they are going to be in desperate need of some credits. 
“A rescue,” she pulled out a bar stool to sit. “I need you to find a kid named Muchi…”
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Get ready for the smut.... its... coming 😏
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
Taglist: @substantial-exposure
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hainethehero · 22 days
Same anon as before: on a different but related topic, what's with all the BT shippers who have eddie or Diaz in their tumblr name, or have eddie as their pfp??
I find it very weird and confusing and hard to tell who's a BT shipper. Do you think these people are just shipping BT for now, but want buddie endgame? Do you think they really like Eddie?
BT shippers who claim to like Eddie, what kind of future do you envision for him if BT is endgame? He hangs around as BT's awkward third wheel single friend? He comes out and ends up with a random guy? He gets another girlfriend, but this one actually sticks? Buddietommy throuple? I'm curious.
I think it's WILD that you think BT shippers can't also like Buddie.
It may be hard for some toxic buddie stans to consider, but the reality is, a lot of BT shippers are also Buddie shippers who just like Tommy as well. I myself love Eddie. Eddie is my favourite out of the three characters, and you'd notice that if you peeped my Tumblr a little better. Most of the fics I've written about them is Eddie centric.
And I can't believe I have to say this but, IT IS POSSIBLE TO SHIP BOTH BT & BUDDIE.
Anything is possible because people are allowed to like MULTIPLE SHIPS! It's not that complicated!
So what if a BT/BuddieTommy fan has Eddie as their pfp? Or Eddie in their name?! When did the rules of fandom and fanfic become so absolutely strict & rigid to the point where people aren't allowed to like what they like??!!! Why do you care if people really like Eddie or not? Are you the Eddie police? I'm guessing if they have him in their pfp, they like him. And I'm guessing if they have him in their pfp, it's also respectfully none of your concern.
As for your absolutely strange questions about what I envision for Eddie/who he'd end up with (I think u should be concerned with what you envision for him & not some stranger on the internet):
He'd still be Buck's best friend if BT ended up as endgame
He'd be in a polyamorous relationship with them and get all the d*ck he wants (my personal preference)
Or the writers will give him another gf
My point is, Eddie's reality can be whatever YOU want it to be through the magic of fanfic and fandom. Idk if you know but, fanfic & fandom are by-products of shows/media like 911 where their storylines differ. If what you want to happen doesn't happen in canon, you have the ability and freedom to change it through fanfic.
Y'all need to stop assuming your ships/beliefs about characters/storylines are canon and understand that these shows/movies have their own writers and by extension, storylines. And that's okay. That's why fandom exists.
The problem is when you begin to assume that the entire show is gonna change its plot for your ships.
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andyling · 1 year
So like, y’know how Tim and Damien are kinda having a custody battle for the Robin title right now because DC never really managed to successfully give Tim his own identity? Well maybe we can have a series focused on exactly that, Tim finding a new hero identity. 
Do I ship Tim and Kon? Yes. Do I understand that Tim is in a relationship with Bernard right now? Yes. Do I know that DC would never let the poly relationship happen? Yes. 
But guess what, I don’t give a fuck. I’m desperate here. These two don’t need to smooch I just need them to talk to each other and be best friends and go on adventures and figure their shit out. I MISS THEM. THEIR RELATIONSHIP DYNAMIC, EXCLUDING ANY ROMANCE, IS AMAZING AND I NEED MORE OF IT. 
Think about it, Kon and Tim know that Jon and Damien are going to take the mantles of “Superboy” and “Robin” and they have to learn to move on. They struggle to let go, they doubt whether they truly can make a name for themselves. So, they decide to leave Metropolis and Gotham. They separate themselves from the people that have defined their entire heroic lives. But both of them are afraid of being alone, so they go together. One last journey as Robin and Superboy. 
They travel the world together. They meet some familiar faces. 
Maybe they go visit Greta and Cissie and we get to see how their civilian lives are going. Perhaps the girls suggest that maybe the two need to let the hero life go. Maybe Tim and Kon even consider it, but they realize that being a hero is what they want to do. (AND THEY DON’T FIGURE IT OUT WHILE IN A FIGHT OR SOMETHING, NO THEY JUST FUCKING TALK. THEY BEAT SOME SHITHEAD UP AND THEN THEY TALK. WHY DID THEY BECOME HEROS? WHY DO THEY WANT TO KEEP BEING HEROS? GIVE THEM SOME FUCKING DEPTH DC I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD) 
Shenanigans ensure, blah blah blah. They meet more familiar faces, some friendlier than others. They meet new people that help them along their journey. They now fully understand what makes them different from other heros and how they want to put those skills to use. They know what kind of heros they want to be and are ready to pave a new path for themselves.
And at the end of it the two choose new names for themselves that are hopefully not stupid and are very cool and suits them. The two have a touching moment where they say just how much the other means to them. Then they hug, maybe kiss (sorry i’m delusional), and then go their separate ways. 
Tim returns to Gotham, returns to his family, and we get a nice little reunion between the bat family. He officially resigns as Robin and the first time his new hero identity is put into action is in Gotham with the rest of his family because no matter what, he’s still a bat. Tim, as a hero, does his thing and stops crime and keeps the city safe. However he also focuses his attention on the political and corporate corruption happening in not just Gotham city, but all around the world. He even uses his influence as Tim Drake-Wayne if it can help. Most people won’t know he’s the one digging up evidence and ensuring justice is served, but that’s okay. So long as people’s lives can be changed for the better, he’ll be happy. 
Kon returns to Metropolis and talks to Clark. They have a heart to heart conversation and Kon official gives up the title of Superboy. He then goes to Jon and Kon officially gives his mantle to him. Kon was the first Superboy and Jon will be a more than worthy successor. Unlike Tim, Kon doesn’t stay in his home city. He bounces around from place to place aiding whoever is need of his assistance, whether that be working with another hero to stop a villain or helping a small community recover from a devastating natural disaster. He may not have a home city like other heros, but he still has a home. That home is simply spread out all over the world. After all for Kon, home is wherever his friends are. 
We fast forward a few months. Tim and Kon meet up at the old Young Justice base. They joke about how much they hated each other when they first met, which leads into a serious conversation about much has changed. Despite everything, they both agree that they’ve changed for the better and will continue to keep improving themselves and their lives. And yet, even after all of that . . .
“Kon, we may have given up our old names, but we’re still a part of those legacies. No matter what the future has in store, there are some things that will never change. You’re my Superboy. Always will be.”
“And you’ll always be my Robin.” 
And the comic ends. 
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jenyifer · 1 month
So bad news I may started writing a fic for SVSSS. Now will it be poly like my only friends fic? Ehhh??? Probably not *squints* maybe. 🤔 anyways thought I’d share incase there is already a fic like it or if people won’t enjoy it. Came up with the idea as I thought about how LBH is SQH’s self insert as an author it’s easier to put a lot of yourself into the main character. Yeah it’s an idealized sexy man meat mountain of a man but I think the chaotic clingy curly hair comes from Airplane. So I thought welll what if SQQ is an idealized version of an older student bully who was cold collected things Airplane had a big fat gay crush on which is why he wanted his self insert to be changed by SQQ and kill him.
So just a simple not so simple reversal. MBJ and LBH are friends irl. LBH unknowingly reads and simps for the universe MBJ writes in his free time. The plot of (yet to be named web novel) is more about demon emperor SQQ solving mystery’s and crisis by being intelligent and alluring he’s also overly powerful with his ally Northern King SQH who is chaotic and resourceful. Most people ship SQQ and SQH together even though the romance elements in the webnovel are few and far between and usually some unobtainable one night stands with the villain or tragic woman who will be killed the next day. LBH loves SQQ has all the merch. LBH finds out MBJ is the writer after he reads the latest chapter where SQH is cursed with demise under his skin making him weaken to be a shell of his demonic self. The dialogue between SQQ and SQH is creepily reminiscent of the conversation LBH had with MBJ when LBH had revealed he is dying because of late stage cancer. Of course SQQ is prepared to do anything to save his best friend sacrificing who he was because their friendship means more than the demon empire or SQQ’s morals. SQQ sacrifices his demonic energy to save his friend. Accompanying this chapter was an extra of a clumsy drawing saying this is what the ice king’s original drafts of the characters for the artists. LBH couldn’t help but notice how similar his characteristics are to SQH curly hair terribly thin and short while radiating power through his crazy expression and SQQ was tall and stoic and LBH is horrified to realize his best friend MBJ sees himself this way tall with straight hair with an aura of superiority. When LBH confronts MBJ about the webnovel MBJ who is normally silent and a shut in exclaims that of course it’s his novel. MBJ wanted to dream about a world where they could go out and have adventures together was that such an evil thing? LBH shouts that in this reality he’s going to die and what will MBJ do then. Everything shifts into a portal and they are brought into the webnovel. LBH a half Demon hiding his identity on one of the peaks a student under MBJ who is a peak lord. They decided if they are there they might as well find SQH and SQQ for plot reasons. Haha anyways idk if I can write something like that since… I have to work…. Also the cancer thing might be too real for me (I think it’s been 15 years since I lost a close friend to cancer) But I want to write it 😭
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
Ruggie 🤝 yuu 🤝 jamil
Being tired of everyone's shit.
They can be polyarmory or something. Of you're so tired you're ready to just fall over? Idk bitch have a cuddle and a quick nap. The two others can watch your respective spoiled little shit for you. They can all feed eat each other their cooking while screaming about their uncertain futures. Making plans to try and stay together while all silently acknowledging that it may all be for naught. But hey, if it does all go to shit, at least they had these moments of peace and freedom while they lasted. (They all breathe a huge sigh of relief when, years later, they're standing at an altar with matching rings and trying not to cry).
On another note. Adueceyuu is one of my favorite ships unironically. Classic friends to lovers trope with a big ol' slice of possible angst. Just going through the whole "What are we" anxiety stage and them not wanting to put a label of it because, "what if yuu leaves?" "What if we all drift during internships?" "What if we all hate each other next year?" "What if our entire dynamic changes as soon as we acknowledge this thing we're doing for what it is?" And they're trying to save themselves the heartache.
And then it all just boils over at a party when they start making out in the heat of the moment or something stupid like that. Have fun dealing with the consequences of those actions ace! Cause duece is ready to commit and do the honorable thing and yuu already rearranging their entire lifes future in their head to stay with their stupid stupid boys.
Grim looks on in utter disgust
>Grim looks on in utter disgust I live for this dynamic with him because it literally only applies to Ace and Deuce. He is ok with everyone else, just not those two. He knows what you are. (idiots)
I'm not the biggest fan of poly ships if I am being honest, I'm strictly monogamous so writing for poly stuff well/at all is hard for me. But for some reason literally none of that applies to Adueceyuu, I unironically love them all together. I think Deuce is the first to realize his feelings for Yuu, but he struggles with his feelings for Ace. He knows they're there of course, but he also has this image of Ace in his head as his rival he isn't fully willing to give up. Ace makes such a big deal of how lame romance is Deuce isn't willing to deal with the humiliation of being rejected and made fun of. Ace on the other hand... he knows what he's feeling but he is going to deny it for as long as he can for all of the exact reasons you listed. He loves so deeply and is so protective of both of them, but he cannot say it out loud because then that makes it real. So all three of them do this awkward dance that's just painful for the other members of their friend group to watch because they know that the card trick trio aren't together together, but try telling that to the rest of the school. You can't.
Que a fourth year graduation party where Ace opens his stupid bratty mouth and suddenly he's getting tagged teamed with open mouth kisses by both Deuce and Yuu, and wakes up the next morning with Yuu squished firmly between him and Deucey. Good luck getting out of this one Ace.
He totally pretends he was the one who asked them both out and made it official but all you have to do is glance at the look his partners faces to know that's not the truth.
I like the situation you wrote for Jamil and Ruggie, they clearly have mutual respect for each other in GloMas and both are deeply sympathetic to Yuu's situation. I could see them planning together for the future behind Yuu's back and discussing if they should encourage Yuu to stay, unfamiliar with the feelings of guilt the idea brings. It would be such a relief for them when things work out for them without any underhanded tactics.
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sunsetcarnation264 · 12 days
I've been thinking about the pitch pilot more, and I wouldn't mind having a separate blog for that stuff even if it's not too much, but I dunno how much y'all would be interested.
More information below the "keep reading" line if you need it, like background and what the AU might include.
For Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go fans who dunno, a pitch pilot of the show was found around a year or two ago on eBay and put onto YouTube for archival purposes. There's plenty of things different between the pitch pilot and what we got, such as Chiro being much younger (like 6-8 from the looks of it), the monkeys being referred to by their colors, and Shuggazoom City being called Pachinko Town to name a few.
It's something that interests me because it's cool to see the changes and people can go wild with the pitch pilot, especially with how Chiro would've been around when he was younger than when he found them in canon; at thirteen years old. I do have ideas, but I know I'm a little slow to getting to things I wanna do.
The Ultra Force part of the AU name is because, if I remember this correctly, the name of the show was gonna be different and Super Robot Monkey Team Ultraforce Go! was in mind before getting picked up and going with Hyperforce instead.
For the AU itself:
It'll most likely just focus on them being a family and a team with the only ships on the blog being Poly Monkeys and Chinmay (mainly when they're teenagers). If I do any other ships, it'll most likely be on the main blog under the AU name to keep things separate. I would throw Slingshot in there for SlingChinmay, but I dont know how I'd get him in there yet.
It'll also explore what could've been different, like the team's dynamics with each other, any little design differences, etc. There'll probably be other things that's different, but I dunno just yet. Still getting like a big ref sheet done of the team + height comparison.
If you guys have any thoughts you wanna share, I'd love to hear it.
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tw1nkee28 · 23 days
Hey I have a small question, I’m not shipping anyone, but I’m wondering are Dawn and Jack friends or does Jack hate the hell out of Dawn, or they best friends, love hate friendship, or do they possibly have a thing for each other
I’m not shipping anyone, I’m just curious if I need to change the way Jack acts around Dawn in my videos, also to see if I need to stop the way Jack acts with Dawn in my memes or videos, or how Dawn acts with Jack in my videos and meme
(Sorry if this bothered you or upset you in anyway, I’m just wondering for future posts)
(I think I spelled everything correctly😓)
You're perfectly fine! No worries, I don't mind shipping or anything as long as it isn't weird or genuinely bad. I love getting asks and questions about my little guys, don't worry 🫶
(lots of words below cut)
Now, in terms of dynamic? They know each other, they've interacted a bunch and are friendly with each other, but I don't believe they're ... Close per say.
Don't get me wrong, I believe they'd be considered acquaintances, 'friends' at best. But they also don't interact with each other enough to be considered genuine friends. Mainly because Dawn avoids the med bay and any medical professionals or places, not because he has a problem with the people, but because he hasn't had positive experiences with medical settings in the past. And since he completely avoids the med bay and claims he's fine even when he is very obviously seriously injured, he is one of Jack's most difficult patients.
How they would interact? Mhhh, I think they'd get along outside of anything medical related. They're both laid back generally and "quiet" I guess, though Dawn is much more quiet. Jack talks a bunch when he gets comfortable or when someone gets him going, quiet any other time. The two have SOME things in common, enough to find common ground for conversation. They both get annoyed with people easily, both can cook, both hate florescent lights (for very different reasons), etc etc.
So it's more of a "You're a pain in my ass, but I deal with you" dynamic, they've had their intimate moments cause poly shadow company is very real in my mind, but nothing romantic (Jack is aro, doesn't really feel romantic attraction to anyone but enjoys the attention). They're generally peaceful with each other, enjoying the silence and calm presence of one another when they're left alone, sometimes starting up conversation about whatever they can think of.
Jack pokes and prods at Dawn when the moment calls for it, like if he's blatantly avoiding him because his check-up's soon or if he did something stupid earlier that day. Jack cares deeply for all of the shadows and their safety, and he doesn't exclude Dawn. Checks up on everyone and him after every mission, and Dawn does the same but in more subtle ways. Doing physical acts of helping other people silently to check up on them or just sneaking a few glances at Jack after a long mission just to see if he's alright.
And I mean, Dawn could possibly have a thing for him in the future (?) unrequited love or something like that. But it also takes Dawn a long while to get to know people and develop any sort of feelings for them because of the walls he puts up, and they haven't really known each other for very long since technically Jack just recently joined SC. So I'll just put a big fat MAYBE on that for now HSGHF, but I will give you that they HAVE been intimate before, just not really romantically as I said before jshdh
Jack also appreciates Dawn because he never touches the lights in his office or messes with his stuff
- To simplify it, they're friendly with each other when they need to be. Not out-right friends, but close acquaintances. They have brief but nice interactions when they do interact.
Also, feel free to have them interact however you feel they should. I haven't spent too much time dwelling on how exactly their dynamic and relationship works, so this is subject to change. I also like seeing other people's takes on them !!
I tend to make my characters boring with their interactions, especially Dawn. I promise I don't mean to, his boringness is a trauma response 😭
Thanks for the ask 🫶
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red-handed-tamarin · 4 months
tam is opening writing REQUESTS (free)
These are not commissions, though in some administrative ways they may be treated as such (i.e. a queue with limited slots, attempted adherence to prompts, due dates / limited time turnaround etc.). I will be opening up a queue to write pieces FOR FREE. See below for guidance!
How many slots will be open?
For now I'll be opening three slots at a time. This seems like the most manageable number for me at the moment but could change in the future.
What is the word count limit for requests?
The absolute minimum word count will be 300. The maximum word count offered will likely be 1000, but in general, I'll be shooting for the 500-800 word range.
What kind of requests are you taking?
There are MANY things I'd be very happy to write, so don't feel limited by the will-write list below; anything not specifically blacklisted can be requested, but I reserve the right to turn down any request for any reason at any time.
fanfiction, original fiction, or nonfiction (such as meta)
first, second, or third person
OCs, reader inserts
any non-PWP genre
a variety of formats
most kinks
ao3 categorical archive warnings: rape, underage, graphic violence, character death
real people fiction (rpf) involving anyone who is NOT the requester; I'm willing to write the requester into the story if that is desired
harry potter or any jk rowling content
pure smut (I'm just no good at it)
MASTERLIST OF MY FANDOMS (wip) (don't feel beholden to this, I'm just providing it for inspiration and reference)
What do I need to include in my request?
The following elements are critical for any request (please ensure they are included!):
characters/ships and what media they're from
a specific scenario
a desired resolution
squicks / do not writes (DNWs)
whether you are OPEN to nsfw content or would prefer all SFW
information about an OC or self-insert: name/nickname, pronouns, physical description and style, personality, relevant backstory points
Optional elements include (I can't make any guarantees but I'll see what fits!):
preferred genres
favorite tropes
any and all additional information about OCs/self-inserts. I'm very interested in every little detail, please share!!
Here are some examples of strong, viable requests:
"please write yusuke and kuwabara from yu yu hakusho having a beach day together with a kiss at the end! I don't like poly, so please don't include that, and I'm not interested in NSFW at this time. I also prefer fluff and friends-to-lovers, and I don't mind if it's first person."
"I request dick grayson and jason todd, both batman characters, training together while jason is robin. it can be open-ended, but there should be a mutual attraction there. jason can be and probably should be underage in this, but not younger than 14. would love to see nsfw content if the mood strikes."
"I'm looking for someone to write for my OC, who is a pokemon trainer based on myself. here's a link (x) to my character's profile on my tumblr. it would be really fun if this OC could be shipped with brock; they're both 15 at the time. I really want them duking it out at a pokemon gym. my character should win and then brock should ask my character on a date. please keep it SFW and pretty vanilla, but I really like flirty text messages, so if you wanted to make textfic part of it, that would be cool."
"can you do some analytical nonfiction about anakin's relationship with droids in star wars, and how it has to do with his history as a slave? I personally think he personifies things that people depersonify because of that, but I'd like to know your take. if you have anything to say about sexual violence please tag it and put it under a read more, that stuff upsets me."
How do I submit a request?
You can submit a request either on or off anon on tumblr, or you can use this google survey!
Writing pieces will typically have a turnaround of two weeks or less. This is NOT a guarantee.
Once written, the piece will be posted publicly to my AO3 and I will tag you. Please let me know if you want to remain anonymous! Requests CAN be made anonymously on tumblr, but I won't be able to tag you upon completion, so please make sure to subscribe on AO3!
I will never knowingly use AI for any aspect of my writing.
Please signal boost this post!
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quietwings-fics · 2 months
one, two, three
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Doctor Who Ship: ClaraMissyRoseTwelve Additional Tags: Pre-Poly, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Bickering, Humor, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Wordcount: 747 Summary:
When the Doctor wakes up, there are three faces staring down at him—two he recognizes and one that leaves him with the nagging feeling that he should.
"Could you do a follow up of the Rose/Missy prompt? I'm just thinking about what might happen after when the Doctor sees her, the interactions between the three of them (plus Clara!). It would be soooo fun to see the Doctor's reaction to Rose being you know. There."
When the Doctor wakes up, there are three faces staring down at him—two he recognizes and one that leaves him with the nagging feeling that he should. He’s not sure where to look. Names jumble together on his tongue.
“Doctor?” says Rose, and she can’t be here. It’s not so far out of the question that he’s seeing ghosts after being knocked on the head. He can’t let himself talk to her. That’s too much like hope. He casts his gaze over to her side.
“Clara,” he says. She’s down with him in a moment. He has to see the shock cross Rose’s face, and he’s only able to stand it because she isn’t real. The real Rose is alive and happy and so far beyond his reach. Better for it, he knows. Better to be far, far away from him.
“Missy!” says the third figure. “Introductions over. On your feet, Doctor, I’ve got another present for you.”
“I’m not a present,” Rose says, in the long-suffering tone of someone who has had this conversation many times and never been able to change how it goes. Missy ignores her. The Doctor clasps at Clara’s offered hands to sit up. It’s only when she glares up at the other two woman-
“Clara,” he whispers, poorly by how both Missy and Rose immediately look at him, “can you see her?”
“Which one?” Clara says. “The one who told me she wants to skin me to make a handbag”—Missy grins, folding her hands like she is completely innocent. He has a terrible feeling that he knows exactly who she is.—“or the one who was too busy making puppy-dog eyes at you while you were out to notice?”
“I was not-” Rose starts.
“You definitely were,” Missy says. “Watch what you say, Clara. She bites!”
“So do I,” Clara mutters.
The Doctor stares, his mouth half-open, as the three of them bicker. It’s Rose who notices first.
“Hey,” she says, so simply. He knows Clara is glancing back at him, but he can’t look away from Rose. Not when she smiles. He’s missed that like sunlight, the memory never as bright as the real thing. He lifts one hand towards Rose, and she takes it as invitation, falling down to the floor with him and Clara and wrapping her arms around him so hard that the air gets shoved out of his lungs. Clara stubbornly holds onto his other hand, so he strokes through Rose’s hair with just one. “You have no idea how long I’ve missed you.”
“You can’t imagine,” Missy adds, and he lifts his gaze over Rose’s shoulder as breathes in the scent of her hair for the first time in centuries. It scares him, the little sympathy he finds on Missy’s face, because if she is who he thinks she is, then he’s not sure he wants to know what Rose means.
He tries to keep the questions out of his mouth, at least for now, to have this moment untainted. Rose burrows into him. “You got old,” she says, fondly.
“Not that old,” he says, and he thinks to tell her about the face that came before, the young one he thinks now would have been more to her taste-
“It looks good on you,” she says, settling him. She pulls back. “Still my Doctor, then?”
“Your Doctor?” Clara asks.
“My Doctor,” Missy speaks over both of them. “I don’t share.” Rose tosses her head to face her.
“Come down here,” Rose says. Missy narrows her eyes at her, but the indignity of following an order is far outweighed by getting close to him. Or, so he assumes from how she butts in between him and Rose to steal a kiss. Rose laughs. Clara gasps, gripping his hand tighter. Even when he’s finally allowed to breathe again, he’s still dizzy. Missy lifts his hand to kiss his pulse at his wrist twice before bringing his hand to her chest to confirm what he’s suspected.
He looks between them, Rose practically (or is she actually…? No, must be a trick of the light) lit up with excitement, Missy deviously stealing into more and more of his personal space, and Clara doing very little to hide her jealousy but still watching, eyes dark and far more hungry than they should be.
He’s not sure how he’s going to survive them, but he will ride out every last moment holding on as hard as he can.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
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More of the pre rut chapter from my poly twilight fic Love Bites but so do I. You can read part 1 I posted a few days ago!
Fandom: Twilight Saga, Twilight Eclipse Ship: Jake x Bella x Edward
“Jake, you're burning up.”
“Yeah,” he swallows, face twisted up in obvious pain, “it's gonna start soon.”
“Is that why you're here?” She asks, referring to the half star motel they found him in. Bella grabs ice out of the bucket and fills a washcloth. She places it on Jake’s forehead. It’s not much, but hopefully it’s something. 
“This place is already a shithole. If I damage anything, no one’s gonna care.”
“You shouldn't be here,” Bella sighs. 
“Not alot of other options at my disposal,” Jacob bites.  
“There is another option,” Edward mentions, “you’ve just never asked.”
Edward drives. It takes them close to two hours to arrive at their destination, but when they arrive at a mansion in the middle of the forest, 40 miles from the nearest town Jacob and Bella’s eyebrows go up.
“Carlisle’s been alive a long time. He’s acquired quite a few properties now.”
“Jesus, this place is even bigger than your house,” Jacob mutters.
“Yes. But we won't be bothered here.” 
“Thank you.” Jacob says, and Edward smiles. 
“Of course love.”
“I need you to distract me.”
Bella’s hands move forward to touch him, but he pulls away. 
“No, not like that. Don’t do that until you absolutely need to. Because once it starts, I don’t know if I'll be able to stop.”
“Okay, well then what do you want us to do,” Bella asks. 
Jake looks at Edward. 
Tell me about the orgy in the 80s.
Edward glares back, because there's a reason why he can’t just tell that story. 
Edward sighs deeply before looking at Bella.
“I have a confession to make.”
“What? Bella chuckles, confused as to what they could have said in the short time.
“Yes. I should have told you sooner, I’m not- I’m not a virgin.” 
She looks like she's trying to hold back her laughter. 
“Well yeah babe, obviously, or did you forget about our weekend orgy?”
Edward laughs, because she always knows what to say to ease the tension. Even if it is unbelievably crass. 
“No,” Edward smiles, “I don't think I could ever forget that. I meant, before that.”
It takes her a moment but then he sees the way her face changes as it sinks in. Which is, surprisingly not a lot.  
“Oh, alright,” she says, without even batting an eye. “So like other girls then?” 
Edward doesn't look at Jacob, but his thoughts are so loud it feels like he’s talking out loud anyway. 
“Uh, men, mostly,” he admits, clearing his throat. Here went everything.
Now her face changes. Much like it did when he confessed Jake’s not so subtle attraction to Edward. 
“What?” she giggles, scooting forward. “Okay yeah you should definitely say more right now.”
“You're not mad?”
“What? No, that’s dumb. It’s your business. But I am insanely curious about it though.”
Edward laughs, his relief obvious as he pulls her close and kisses her. 
“Told you she’d be cool,” Jake finally chimes in. 
“Wait, how did you know?” she asks before snorting as she remembered, “The night in the tent.”
“Yes,” Edward agrees, “Jacob was particularly ruthless with his mental warfare that night.”
“Whatever, got us here didn't it?” Jake smiles, before a painful wave rips his smile off his face. “Jesus fuck.”
“Jake,” Bella moves to help but his hand is waving her back down. 
“I’m okay. It’s alright. Just, keep talking. The pains the most manageable when I’m distracted.”
“As I was telling Jacob,” Edward continues, “I took part in several orgies in the 80’s and 90’s. Before I met you, they were my favorite decades to live through.”
“How do you even get invited to something like that?” Bella asks, curiosity unwavering. 
“I suppose how they always happen,” Edward shrugs, “You know someone who knows someone else. And once the drugs came out, nothing mattered more than chasing the good feeling.”
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daughter-of-melpomene · 3 months
The time has finally come for me to share my Ever After High plot bunnies with you guys!! I really did mean to post this shortly after I talked about my Monster High babies, but some things happened and I never got around to it. However, I’m here now!! Feel free to also check out my Ever After High fancast if you want to better picture these plot bunnies with their friends and ships!
(Also gonna tag my beloveds @ginevrastilinski-ocs and @manyfandomocs since they’re the ones who inspired me to share these, and also my beloved @auxiliarydetective!!)
Tempest Witch, daughter of the Sea Witch, poly Dexter/Raven ship, China Anne McClain FC. Hidden away in the sea and homeschooled for most of her life because her mother wanted to protect her from having to sign the Storybook of Legends and suffering the same fate she did, but starts attending Ever After High after the Storybook is officially abolished. Kind of in awe of Raven and has a bit of a hero worship crush on her at first since she’s the one who changed everything, but eventually that turns into real feelings as they get to know each other better and those feelings extend to Dexter as well. A total sweetheart who absolutely doesn’t want to be evil and believes in goodness and helping people, but also intensely awkward and a bit naïve after being hidden away from the world for so long. Can transform into an octopus hybrid form whenever she gets into water, and also has hydrokinesis and is actually one of the strongest magic-using students at school since she was with her mother for so long and didn’t have a lot to do but practice. Obviously a Rebel, since she absolutely doesn’t want to become evil and hurt people, and her roommate is Lilly Bo-Peep.
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Helena Müller Jr., daughter of “Thousandfurs,” Duchess ship, Paris Berelc FC. Named after her mother’s real name, but call her Junior and she’ll stomp on your toes in heels. One of the most fashionable students at Ever After High, and has definitely collaborated with Poppy on designs before. Happy to be a princess and looks forward to ruling her kingdom some day, but also wants to be able to design and sell her creations and is way too much of a social butterfly to be content being in disguise and unknown for years, so she certainly isn’t upset when Milton finally gets rid of the Storybook of Legends. A bright, cheeeful, and energetic person, always the life of the party, but also tends to be a bit insecure that people only like her because of her looks (a leftover from what happened to her mother). Develops a crush on Duchess despite the vast differences in their personalities, and though Duchess initially resents her like she resents all students with happy endings she eventually comes around and they get together. Some kind of a mix between a Royal and a Rebel (she likes her happy ending but doesn’t want to go through everything leading up to it and anyway believes that people should get to choose their destinies), and her roommate is Clara Lear.
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Faerena Upland, daughter of Glinda the Good Witch, poly OC ship, Maisie Peters FC. Basically for the longest time this girl is Apple’s pre-Legacy Day beliefs combined with Glinda’s personality before she became friends with Elphaba - Faerena is a master at becoming exactly what the person she’s talking to wants to see and hear so she can keep boosting her social status, but she’s also pretty self-absorbed and doesn’t care about much but becoming Oz’s beloved Good Witch someday. Doesn’t care for the Rebels at all, can’t understand why they won’t just suck it up and stop making things hard for the people who do want their happy endings, and is constantly rude to all of the Rebels and Ness in particular, since he is supposed to be her future “enemy”. Eventually does realize the error of her ways and strives to become better and make amends, though, especially after she falls in love with Ness and Em - she doesn’t quite ever lose the vanity or the instinct to put on an act, though. Like her mother, has the ability to do magic but isn’t super good at it, which frustrates her to no end. Initially a hardcore Royal but transitions into becoming a Rebel, and her roommate is Emerald “Em” Gale (and they were roommates!).
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Ness Thropp, son of Elphaba Thropp a.k.a. the Wicked Witch of the West, poly OC ship (Faerena and Em’s boyfriend), Finn Wolfhard FC. Named after his late aunt Nessarose, which he isn’t exactly sure how to feel about. Most people at Ever After High tend to forget that he’s actually a student there, because he’s incredibly quiet and tries his best not to make his presence known. A good bit more skilled in magic than his mom since he has more opportunities to actually practice and learn about it, but mostly just practices so he can keep it in control because he’d much rather be drawing or painting than doing any magic. A dedicated artist who’s terrified of becoming Oz’s misunderstood pariah and is honestly kind of afraid of Faerena before he comes to realize just how constantly she puts on an act. The days Raven refused to sign the Storybook of Legends and when it was officially destroyed were the two best days of his life because it meant he didn’t have to be afraid anymore, but he also does have pretty bad social anxiety and has to learn to accept support from the people who care about him to overcome his worries and insecurities. He and Em start dating at first (he’s been hopelessly pining after her for literal years and she finally asks him out shortly after the Royals and Rebels start to make peace), and even though it takes him a bit longer than Em to forgive Faerena and start dating her - even though he’s also had a crush on her for a while despite everything - he fully supports Em entering into a relationship with her first and is the sweetest most attentive boyfriend to both his girlfriends when they all get together. Definitely a Rebel considering how much he’s always feared his destiny, and his roommate is Tucker.
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Emerald “Em” Gale, daughter of Dorothy Gale, poly OC ship (Faerena and Ness’s girlfriend), Halle Bailey FC. Has always been excited for her destiny, since she can’t wait to visit Oz, but has also always thought Ness was sweet and doesn’t really want to go up against him, so she’s happy when the Storybook of Legends gets abolished because it means she won’t have to. Also doesn’t like Faerena much at first, since as her roommate she really sees how self-absorbed and image-obsessed she is, but eventually she sees how much the other girl puts on a constant mask and doesn’t really know who she is without her destiny and offers to help her make amends (essentially taking up the role of Faerena’s Elphaba rather than Ness doing it), and eventually winds up falling in love with her and dating her while also still dating Ness. Very happy when Ness and Faerena fall in love because she loves love and now the two people she loves love each other too! Definitely a lot like her mother, curious and adventurous and a bit quick-tempered, but also a sweetheart who would do anything for the people she cares about. Probably would describe herself as a Roybel (likes the idea of her destiny despite the fact that she completely flouts it, and does believe that people should be allowed to choose what they want to do), and her roommate is Faerena Upland (again, and they were roommates!).
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Kieran Dancer, child of the eleventh Dancing Princess, Hopper ship, Keiynan Lonsdale FC. Justine’s cousin, but in her year at Ever After High since their mom didn’t have them until later in life. An absolutely terrible dancer despite the fact that their parents and aunts have had them and all their cousins in lessons since they were able to walk, so they’ve always been dreading their destiny and they’re intensely relieved when Milton finally gets rid of the Storybook of Legends. A very talented actor, though, and they get involved with Ever After High’s theatre department once Raven doesn’t sign and the Rebels are more free to pursue their actual passions. Kind of a class clown, super quick-witted and funny, but also has a big heart and knows how to be serious when it’s needed. Besties with Dexter since they both thought for a while that Dexter might be the prince in Kieran and Justine’s story, even though Kieran knew he was in love with Raven and was totally cool with it since they basically just see Dexter as a brother. Has had a crush on Hopper for years but never tried to make a move before Raven doesn’t sign the Storybook, but doesn’t hesitate to ask him out once the Royals and Rebels make peace. A Rebel who does also support those who like their destiny and want to go through with it, and their roommate (unfortunately) is Gus Crumb.
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Molly Marian, daughter of Maid Marian, Darling ship, Ella Purnell FC. Has always hated the idea of her destiny, both because she hates that she doesn’t get to do anything important and because she thinks Sparrow is annoying and doesn’t want to get married to him at all (never mind the fact that she doesn’t even like guys). One of the biggest troublemakers at Ever After High because of this, because she is determined to make Milton’s life as miserable as possible before she has to sign the Storybook. The very first one, besides Maddie of course, to be on Raven’s side after Legacy Day, and is eternally grateful to the other girl for what she sees as saving her from the life she didn’t want. An absolute spitfire, fierce and defiant and never afraid to call out bullshit when she sees it, but also has a big heart and loves deeply. Has been pining for Darling from afar since they were kids, but doesn’t make a move until after the Wonderland adventure when she learns the other girl’s White Knight secret - they’re an absolute power couple when they do get together, though. Kind of becomes besties with Raven and Maddie after Legacy Day. Basically the original Rebel, and her roommate is Kitty Cheshire (which can be stressful sometimes, but most of the time she likes it).
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Now, I don’t actually intend to properly introduce these guys or do much with them, but if you still want to ask any questions about them, feel free!! Hope you guys enjoy these babies!! <3
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badbatchsprincess · 4 months
Heated ~ pt.17
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 ~ Pt.6 ~ Pt.7 ~ Pt.8 ~ Pt.9 ~ Pt.10 ~Pt.11 ~ Pt.12 ~ Pt.13 ~ Pt.14 ~ Pt.15 ~ Pt.16 ~ Pt.17
Summary: This is an ABO Bad batch!Poly x Omega Reader smut with a plot. This takes place as an AU before order 66. Y/N previously served under the 501st before being transferred to Special Forces 99. This is her adventure with these rowdy Alphas in a quickly changing universe.
THIS IS AN ABO AU ABOUT THE BAD BATCH (NO CANON OMEGA!) Due to the unfortunate situation of her name being Omega… Omega the child from the canon series is not going to be apart of this fanfic/porn with a plot. I feel obligated to put this warning in because it makes my skin crawl thinking anyone could make that mistake. 
Warnings: Canon Typical violence, slight adherence to cannon events but just slightly... angst babes... angst... trauma response, big sad, big emotions, grief and loss
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─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
You were a bit distressed listening to the way Wrecker was groaning in pain. "Baby, I already gave you more than what I should have for the pain. Are you sure it’s not working?" You sighed, running your hands over his as he rubbed the side of his head.
“It aches,” he whimpered, leaning back against the side of the ship.
You looked to Hunter, wondering what you should do. If these were normal circumstances, you’d request taking him back to Coruscant to see Layla, but that wasn’t an option.
He looked at his brother with a worried expression, and you returned the same look to him. He had felt your distress start about an hour ago. He didn’t like the scent you were emitting while you scanned your alpha repetitively, thinking you must have missed something.
“Wrecker has sustained many head injuries since we were children,” Tech chimed in. “Perhaps it’s just some nerve damage or remnants of a concussion.”
“I’d like to get him to a real medical center if we can,” you said, watching Hunter help guide Wrecker from the ship out into the docking bay on Ord Mantel.
You slipped on your helmet and trailed after them, keeping close to Tech and Echo.
When you reached Cid’s, all of you slid inside, finding the Trandoshan behind the bar cleaning glasses.
“Nice look, sweetcheeks,” she smiled at the armor.
“Thanks, Cid,” you went to take the helmet off, but Hunter stopped you. He set Wrecker down on a stool and turned to face the far corner of the bar.
You faced the same direction, watching a hooded figure approach you cautiously.
Hunter placed you behind him again, watching the man approach.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Cid snarled at the hooded man.
You watched the man push the hood back, revealing bleach-blond hair and the sharpest jawline in the known region.
“Rex?” Hunter raised a brow. “Captain, what are you doing here?”
You shoved Hunter to the side, ripping off your helmet. “Rex!” You ran forwards, jumping into the air and wrapping your arms around his neck.
He caught you in a hug, bringing you in close. You pressed your nose into his collar as he swayed, keeping you both upright.
“Hey, Kid,” he said lowly. You heard the emotion in his throat, knowing he was fighting back his feelings.
“Where have you been?” You whispered, feeling him set you back down on the ground. “What happened?” You felt tears well up in your eyes.
He looked at you with a saddened expression, and you suddenly knew things were so much worse than he was letting on.
“We need to talk,” he sighed.
“How did you find us?” Hunter asked, worried that their location might be compromised.
“The Martez sisters,” Rex replied. “Said they worked with you on a job. A bunch of rogue clones. Told me where I could find you.”
“Ah, great. More clones,” Cid grumbled. “I’m not taking in any more strays!”
“Why’d you come?” Hunter asked.
“I’m trying to find our brothers,” he said as you clutched onto his waist, refusing to let go. “After Order 66, there were a few who didn’t follow command. They were detained and imprisoned by the Empire. I’m trying to get them out.”
“Your chip didn’t work?” You asked, looking up at him.
He sighed and shook his head. “It did. I almost killed Ahsoka.” You saw the tears rising up in his eyes as he fought them back. “She saved me. Fives warned all of us. He even found the evidence of what the Chancellor was planning. He had him executed.”
Your eyes widened in horror. You felt a tear spill down your cheek. “Fives?” Your best pack mate… gone.
He nodded, and you started to cry in earnest. He held you close, trying to comfort you. Even Echo had to sit down, taking in the news. It was a bit of a shock to say the least. He slumped down, putting his head in his hands. Echo was the last domino….
“Where’s Ahsoka?” You inhaled a shaky breath.
“We separated after the crash,” he said, looking up at the other clones. “We were transporting Maul off Mandalore when the order was given. General Tano and I were on General Skywalker’s Venator. He was called back to Coruscant because the Chancellor staged his own capture. One second I was speaking with Ahsoka, and then next all I knew was that I had to kill her. She was smart enough to get me separated from the others to take out my chip. I’m not entirely sure what happened next, but the ship was going down, and we were racing against Maul for the last ship out of there. The others had all turned on us. They were going to kill us, they were aiming the ship for a crash landing onto an icy moon.” He let a tear slip, and you reached up to wipe it away. “Ahsoka fought them off for as long as she could. Jesse, Ridge, and the others… they-they didn’t make it.”
You shook, backing up from Rex in disbelief. You placed a hand to your chest, suddenly feeling like the room was zooming out on you. All you remember was letting out a blood-curdling scream as you felt your heart rip apart. You knew at some point the others knelt around you, trying to console you, but you no longer felt real… Nothing felt real. 
The grief took over all of your senses, and your body shook, trying to process the fact that the only people you considered family were all dead… you suddenly felt very, very alone.
They died turning on their sister… on little Soka.
You heard Cid yell at the other customers, kicking them out of the bar and closing down shop. Even she was disturbed hearing your wails.
You inhaled sharply, trying to force yourself to breathe. You whined, “Where is Kix?”
Rex shook his head. “Missing,” he wiped his own tears. “I searched for him before we were called to Mandalore, but he was nowhere to be found.”
You sobbed into your hands, still kneeling on the bar floor. Cid came over, handing you a napkin to wipe up your tears.
“And you all wonder why I worry about her,” Cid chastised, running her claws through your hair. “Listen, sweetcheeks, I’m not the most comforting person I know, but for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”
You nodded silently, leaning into her, trying to quell the pain in your body. Her unusual warmth made you sob even more.
“Where is General Tano?” Tech asked.
Rex shrugged. “We agreed to separate and go into hiding until things cooled down,” Rex said, running his hands up and down your spine as you continued to cry.
“W-what about Ani?” You whispered, looking up at Rex with red, tear-stained eyes.
He just sighed and shook his head. “Holo channels said he died protecting the younglings in the Jedi Temple. He tried stopping the coup.”
You just bit your lip, feeling another wave of grief hit… your entire pack… gone…just like that.
“Shh,” Cid cooed. “It’s okay.”
Your entire body shook with hiccups.
“Did any other Jedi survive?” Hunter asked.
“Not that I know of,” Rex replied.
You whined.
“How about you all go talk somewhere else?” Cid snapped. “You’ve all upset her enough!”
They all went to stand when Wrecker let out a howl, clutching his head. Rex put his hand on your shoulder, kneeling and reaching for his gun. “What’s wrong with him?”
You noticed his hand on his blaster and suddenly leaned forwards, grabbing onto Rex’s armor. “He’s fine. He’s had a concussion and needs to go to a medical facility.”
Rex was suddenly very protective of you, scooching you under him like a worried parent. “Have you had your chips removed?”
Hunter went to his brother. “No, but they didn’t activate.”
“Just Crosshair’s,” Echo said.
“It doesn’t matter,” Rex pulled out his weapon. The others returned the action, ready to defend their brother.
You whined, clutching onto Rex while Cid tried to defuse the situation. “Hey! Woah! No shooting in my bar!”
“I’ve seen what those do,” Rex snarled. “You cannot go on without taking them out… now! You’re a danger to everyone and everything. Even her!” He looked down at you.
They flinched at his tone. Clearly, this was bigger than they realized.
“How do we remove the inhibitor chips?” Tech asked, being diplomatic.
“I know a place,” Rex said. “But we’ll have to move quickly. I’m going to need your help, kid.”
You nodded and wiped away your tears. “I can help. Just tell me what you need me to do.”
The planet of Bracca was nothing more than a trash wasteland. The entire planet had been used as a junkyard, including retiring all of the Republic star cruisers and Venators. Rex explained everything Fives had found, including providing you with a copy of his findings that Ahsoka had retrieved. You studied the material, gaining a good understanding of what needed to be done.
“Are you sure the ship hasn’t been totally stripped?” Echo asked, following his old captain.
Tech helped you leap across a large gap in metal.
“I was here just a few days ago with some of our brothers,” he said. “I think the technology is still intact.”
“I sure hope so,” Hunter said, seeing the star cruiser in sight. "It seems it’s still mostly intact. Luckily, the metal strippers haven’t had much time yet to get at the innards."
As you approached the side of the ship, you noticed a couple of locals working on a door panel, taking out the wiring and salvaging what they thought might be valuable.
Rex snuck up on them, hitting them with stun blasts. The boys dragged the unconscious bodies inside the ship, keeping them out of sight while the rest of you clambered inside the massive ship.
Everything seemed to be pretty much the same and functional.
“It’s looking alright to me,” Tech said, turning on his flashlight to better inspect the interior.
“Alright, this way,” Rex said, leading you all to where the medical bay would be at the back of the vessel.
Hunter pushed you up and over some knocked-over crates before you all followed Rex down the main corridor, taking you right to the medical bay. “We have to switch on the ship’s reserve power for the machines to work.”
“I can do that,” Tech volunteered.
“Great,” Rex nodded.
“I’ll go with,” Echo said, walking with Tech to climb up to the bridge.
“As for this,” he said, looking at the undamaged medical machinery, “I’m still trying to figure out a way to do this without hurting anyone.”
“I can be of help,” you nodded. “I was reading Fives' file. It says Tup’s removal killed him, but I noticed a small error in the removal process.”
You plugged your datapad into the main holoscreen to look at Tup’s scans.
“Knowing what we know now, it was obvious the Kaminoan who performed his operation didn’t want him to survive. She intentionally nicked his cerebellum with the intention to turn him into a vegetable. Luckily, we did this surgery in our sleep back on Coruscant.”
“So you can do it?” Rex asked, hopeful.
“Absolutely,” you nodded. “Let me get this whole place sterilized before we begin.” You looked around, reaching into one of the drawers, pulling out sterilizing spray, and got to work cleaning the machinery.
Just when you were about finished, Tech got the power up and running to the medical bay, switching on the machines and medical droids.
They beeped at you, and you told them what needed to be finished. You pulled out a hair clipper and turned to Hunter. “Sorry, Sarge.”
He sighed and outstretched his hand. You placed the buzzer in his hand, and he turned to find a mirrored surface somewhere.
“Is it gonna hurt?” Wrecker asked, getting anxious.
You shook your head. “Nah. I’ll knock you out so you’ll be asleep. Best nap you’ll ever take.”
He sighed, feeling more relieved.
“Alright. Let’s get this done as quickly as possible. I don’t want more scrappers finding this place,” Rex nodded.
You heard Echo and Tech coming back into the room and turned to face them. “So, who wants to go first?”
Tech volunteered to go first, his trust in you evident in the resolute gaze he held as you prepared for the delicate procedure. He laid down on the medical table allowing you to begin.
With unwavering precision, you navigated the intricate network of his brain using the laparoscopic tools, honing in on the tumor-esque chip. With careful hands and steady focus, you delicately extracted the foreign object, a weighty burden lifted as it landed in the sterile dish.
"Atta girl," Rex's voice carried a note of admiration as he waited you operate. The hum of machinery filled the room as the repair sequence initiated, weaving its magic to mend the cellular damage within Tech’s skull.
Glancing over the scans, you couldn't help but shake your head at the evidence of neglect evident in his medical history. "It seems like he had a broken arm around the age of ten," you remarked, a tinge of sorrow coloring your tone. You could see where the bone had healed over. 
Wrecker confirmed with a nod in affirmation. "Oh yeah, I remember that. He fell off Crosshair’s shoulders trying to climb into an air vent when we were cadets."
The injustice of their past treatment weighed heavily on your mind, making you sigh of frustration. "Did none of you receive proper care there?"
Rex's response was tinged with bitterness. "Not really, kid. We weren’t regarded as people, you know? More like commodities."
The grim reality of their upbringing settled like a heavy fog in the room, but your attention quickly returned to Tech's progress, "He should be waking soon," you reassured, a gentle smile gracing your lips.
"Good," Hunter nodded in agreement. "Wrecker, you’re up next."
Despite his gruff exterior, Wrecker winced visibly as a fresh wave of pain washed over him. "Ugh! Argh!"
Recognizing the urgency, gesturing towards his head with a sense of resolve. "Sooner rather than later, Wrecker. We'll have you feeling better in no time."
As the others carefully moved Tech off the table and onto the floor, where the diligent droids attended to him, you turned your attention to Wrecker, offering a reassuring smile as you guided him onto the surgical table.
"Don’t worry, Alpha," you murmured soothingly, your fingers tracing the scar tissue on his temple. “It will be the best nap you’ve ever taken."
Though reluctant, Wrecker acquiesced, laying back with a resigned sigh. With practiced efficiency, you initiated the machinery. Placing an oxygen mask over his face, you administered the anesthesia, watching with relief as Wrecker succumbed to its effects, his troubled expression turned to easy slumber.
"Alpha, huh?" Rex's voice held a note of curiosity as he regarded you with a questioning expression, Just like Ani used to do when he knew you and Ahsoka had gotten into some mischief.
"It’s complicated," you replied with a wry smile, your focus unwavering as you monitored Wrecker's vital signs.
"How complicated?" Rex's arms folded across his chest, his stance was like a concerned parent.
You hesitated, your gaze flitting briefly to Hunter, Echo, and Tech before returning to Rex. "Very."
Rex’s brow furrowed in confusion as he attempted to decipher that cryptic response, but before he could press further, Tech stirred, the daze lifting from his eyes as he sat up slowly. "Did it work?"
With a warm smile, you nodded, relief flooding your senses at the sight of his returning consciousness. "Yes, Tech. It worked perfectly."
"Well, that is good news," Rex remarked, a hint of relief coloring his tone as he observed Tech's gradual return to lucidity.
With Tech's procedure successfully completed, you turned your attention to Wrecker, guiding him through the final stages of his own treatment with care. As the last traces of anesthesia faded, he roused from his slumber, his movements sluggish. 
“All done,” you announced, stepping back from the machine as the robots efficiently disposed of the biochip.
"All done," you said, stepping back from the machine, watching the robots take the biochip away and dispose of it.
"Good," Tech said, helping Wrecker come back to himself.
"What about Echo?" Wrecker asked.
"I checked; the chip was too damaged during his injuries on Skako Minor," you replied, watching Hunter slide back out unconscious on the table. "He’s no threat."
"Love to hear it," Echo smirked.
“Alright, I gotta get out of here and return to base,” Rex said, handing you a secure com device, “For emergencies, or if you just miss me.”
Rex gave you one last hug before disappearing down the hall and back towards his ship.
“We just have to wait for Hunter to wake and then we should be good to go,” you nodded, running your fingers through Hunter’s loose hair.
“That wasn’t bad at all,” Wrecker said, drinking some of Tech’s water.
“I told you,” you smiled, looking at the two alphas on the floor sitting cross-legged like children. It made you smile wondering what they were all like as cadets. Probably just as chaotic if not more.
Hunter started to stir, drawing your attention back to his beautiful face. Your fingers went to the spot behind his ear that gave him shivers. You scratched that spot and down his neck, causing him to wake up a bit more.
He hummed, enjoying your touch.
“Time to get up, sleepyhead,” you joked, tugging his hair lightly.
“Mmm, five more minutes,” he smiled, flashing you his white teeth.
“Here,” Tech stood at his side, helping him up and giving him some water to rehydrate.
Hunter greedily downed the water before grunting, trying to stand.
“Feeling okay?” You asked.
“Yeah,” he nodded, finding his feet and turning to face the others, “How long has it been?”
“A few hours since we touched down,” Tech said, checking his data pad, “I would advise we vacate this planet before any trouble arises, seeing as our business is done here.”
“Agreed,” Echo nodded.
You put your helmet back on and grabbed your pack.
“Are you feeling awake enough to travel?” You asked the three alphas.
They all nodded, assuring you that they were fine. It was still impressive to see their remarkable recovery times. The Kaminoans worked very hard designing them, apparently.
The hike up to the bridge felt like it was taking forever. Luckily, Tech got the lifts up and working, which was lovely, but you’d never been on a Star Destroyer before. It felt like double the size of Ani’s Venator.
The thoughts of the tall brunette Jedi made your heart clench, but you fought back the tears. This wasn’t the time or place for slipping back into your grieving. You had a mission to complete and right now, Tech needed to power down the ship
"Hey, guys!" Echo's voice crackled through your comms, a sharp interruption in the quiet hum of the ship. You pushed the button on the side of your helmet to respond, your voice slightly muffled by the gear, "What?"
"Wrecker and I found a literal ton of military-grade missiles and weapons systems down here. I think we could sell them for a small fortune," Echo said, excitement evident even through the crackling transmission.
Hunter replied with a heavy sigh, his voice tinged with skepticism, "So we're just going to become arms dealers now?"
"Well, we're already mercenaries, and these will be worth so much more than anything Cid could pay us."
Hunter's response was a resigned acceptance, "Okay, after we power down the vessel, we'll get the ship to load up what we can fit."
"Sarge, there are so many DC-15A's down here. They're the fancy carbine ones too," Wrecker practically drooled over the crates of guns, his enthusiasm palpable.
"Okay, we'll be on it once we reach the bridge," Hunter concluded. You trotted behind him, the rhythmic clank of your boots echoing in the metallic corridors, keeping pace with his determined stride and Tech's long legs before you all reached the bridge.
"Mesh'la, can you assist me?" Tech's voice was focused as he removed his pack, the urgency evident in his tone.
You nodded and knelt down next to him as he climbed under the console, the metal cold against your knees. He asked you to lay down next to him and hold a clump of wires while he started severing the connections he had made in order to power this monstrous ship.
As Tech was busy working, you noticed the faint sound of beeping coming from one of the machines, a subtle but persistent sound.
"What's that?" You asked quietly, your voice barely a whisper.
"What's what?" Tech paused his work to listen, his brow furrowing in concentration, "Oh, that's a proximity alarm."
"Proximity alarm?" Hunter repeated, his footsteps echoing as he approached, all you could see from under the console was his shins as he leaned over the controls.
"We've got incoming," he announced, his voice firm.
Your heart quickened its pace, a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins as you and Tech dropped what you were doing to investigate the source of the alarm. In the distance, the unmistakable sound of TIE fighters closing in sent a chill down your spine.
”Imperials," Tech's tone was grim, his words hanging heavy in the air like a dark cloud.
Your blood ran cold.
"We need to leave now," you urged, a sense of urgency creeping into your voice as you felt the weight of impending danger pressing down upon you… but this was something more… you felt it tingle in your spine. 
"Let's get down to the others," Hunter agreed, and the three of you made a break for the lifts, the urgency of your footsteps echoing in the narrow corridors.
At a full sprint, you made it down to the weapons bay in record time, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you skidded to a stop. You were huffing and puffing, sweat trickling down your brow, but you found Wrecker and Echo in the distance, their figures silhouetted against the dimly lit bay, totally unaware of the impending danger.
"We gotta go!" Hunter's voice cut through the air like a knife, his urgency palpable as he waved for the others to follow.
They turned to look, their expressions shifting from curiosity to concern as the sound of gunfire rumbled through the ship. They must be opening fire trying to flush you all out.
You continued your sprint, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you grabbed a new fancy rifle from Wrecker as you ran for the back of the ship, following Tech's guidance.
"There should be an exit right around-" Tech's words were cut off by a red flash of blaster fire, the sound reverberating through the narrow corridor, making you yelp in surprise.
You all ducked and turned in the other direction, your footsteps quickening as you sprinted like your lives depended on it, the adrenaline propelling you forward. Echo provided cover fire as you turned out of the weapons bay and into the main hallway towards the nose of the ship, the sound of blaster fire echoing in the distance had your hair standing up on end. 
"They're going to do a forward-to-aft sweep. We can alternate corridors and get to the hangar bay," Echo's voice was calm but determined.
"I'll tap into their com systems," Tech's fingers danced across his datapad as he worked, his focus unwavering, "We can track their movements."
You all slowed down following Tech's directions, wondering how a ship his big ever managed to fly through space.
Hunter held up his hand, signaling for you all to stop, his eyes scanning the corridor for any sign of danger. You heard the crackling com chatter coming from their helmets as four regs passed through the halls on their sweep. You had to hold your breath, too scared they would be able to hear you.
When the coast was clear, Hunter gave the signal, and you all began your quick pace again, following Tech.
You heard a slight crackle in your own helmet before Tech had tuned you all into the Imperial channel…Then you heard the sound of your nightmares…
"All squads."
"Yes, sir."
"Push the targets towards the hangar. We'll pin them down."
"Roger that."
You sucked in a nervous breath, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end as a chill ran down your spine. He was here… he found you.
You looked up at Hunter, even though you couldn’t see his face you sense him tense at Crosshair’s voice too.
"He found me," you whispered, the weight of his presence hitting you.
"We won't let him hurt you, adi'ka," Hunter promised.
"Actually," Tech stepped forward, his voice calm but resolute, "I think he's here for us. He doesn't know what happened to Y/N." Tech gestured to his brothers, his expression neutral "He probably thinks we got her killed. He's here for revenge. They wouldn't have opened fire on us and risk hurting his mate. I believe Crosshair thinks she's dead."
"Then we have to keep her disguise intact," Echo nodded in your direction.
"We can't go to the hangar bay anymore," you reminded, your voice tinged with urgency, "How the hell are we getting off this ship?"
"We'll go to the artillery deck instead and climb our way down," Hunter decided.
The artillery deck wasn’t too far from your current location; it was the center of the ship, and Tech chose the side that was slightly tilted towards the ground for an easier descent. With the help of his datapad and Echo's scomp, the two clones opened the blast doors, revealing the massive ion cannons sitting there in the decrepit deck, their imposing presence a grim reminder of the firepower at the republic’s disposal.
As a medic, you had never been to this part of a Republic vessel, the sight of the massive cannons almost made you cower. You were familiar with the sounds those cannons would make in action, but you hadn't ever seen it in person yourself, the gravity of the situation sinking in as you took in the sight before you.
The boys quickly cleared the room, their movements swift and purposeful as they prepared for the descent ahead. 
Wrecker shifted uncomfortably, his unease evident even through his helmet, "Uhh… okay, I’m not going down that way."
"There they are!" The sound of voices made you all flinch and spin around to find the regs filing in, guns drawn.
You heard the sound of their blasters powering up, and you swallowed heavily. You were karked…
"Tapping our comms to track our movements? So predictable…" Crosshair’s silvery voice gave made your spine tingle, his presence like death itself. You caught Crosshair’s gaze clock you, but he didn’t seem to care as he focused on his main target, his eldest brother. You realized that he really believed you to be dead, even though you stood a mere few feet from him. Your heart raced.
Hunter spun around to face his brother, his expression unreadable behind his helmet, his resolve unwavering despite the looming threat. Wrecker stuck his head out, his voice tinged with defiance, "Nice to see you too, Crosshair."
Tech leaned to Echo, his voice low but urgent, "Reroute reserve power to the cannons."
Echo very discreetly knelt down to scomp into the system and began working on the computers, his movements swift and purposeful despite the chaos unfolding around you.
“You know if these fire, the whole deck will collapse,” Echo whispered back.
“Exactly.” Tech replied. 
You didn’t like the sound of that…
Crosshair then lowered his weapon, handing it to his second in command, the tension in the air palpable as he moved with purpose. The female trooper took it as Crosshair went to remove his helmet.
When the airlock disengaged and his face was finally visible, you had to hold back the gasp at seeing his features, the sight of him made your heart ache. His eyes were sunk in and surrounded by purple rings, the dark circles a stark reminder of the toll that the broken bond had taken on him. He looked exhausted, his features drawn and haggard. He hadn’t been sleeping… he looked awful. 
His entire figure was leaner, his frame gaunt and emaciated. The alpha has been suffering, his pain evident even through the stoic facade he wore. You heart broke looking upon him. 
"You’re going to tell me exactly what happened to her," he growled, his voice low and menacing. Hunter immediately saw the rage flooding his brother's eyes, the fury simmering just beneath the surface. Crosshair looked feral.
Hunter hesitated, his expression unreadable behind his helmet, his gaze meeting Crosshair's with steely resolve.
“She died, Cross,” Hunter lied, his voice steady despite the weight of the lie.
“Fucking TELL ME!” He raised his voice, the sound reverberating through the narrow corridor, his rage palpable even through the crackling comms.
Hunter was trying to fabricate a believable story that Crosshair would believe.
"The bond killed her. You betrayed her, and it killed her.” Hunter squeezed his pistol tighter.
“Liar!” He snarled, his voice low and menacing, his gaze locked with Hunter's in a silent battle of wills, “You couldn’t handle that she belonged to me… and you fucking killed her!”
“That’s not true, Crosshair. We tried to help her. We—we tried…” Hunter sighed, his voice tinged with regret, his words a silent plea for understanding, “she wasn’t strong enough to survive the bond.”
“You betrayed her, brother,” Tech added, his voice neutral, “when you almost shot her for the pup. You know why they had to put her in stasis. Yes, she told us. Your betrayal damaged the soul bond. It took her life.”
Crosshair roared, his fury echoing through the narrow corridor, his rage was nearly painful to listen to. He was getting angrier, it was consuming him. The grief of loosing his mate had taken a toll on the sniper.
Crosshair pressed the side of the blaster to his temple and his hand to the other as he was taking in this information. He was starting to become deranged, his sanity slipping away, his grip on reality growing ever more tenuous with each passing moment. The loss of a mate was maddening, the weight of his grief threatening to consume him whole, his rage boiling over like a violent storm.
The once stoic sniper was muttering to himself, his words a frantic whisper as he cursed the maker.
“Echo… any time now,” Tech signaled, his voice urgent, his words a silent plea for a much needed distraction. Echo could sense that Crosshair was close to shooting Hunter.
When the ARC trooper looked up, you knew it was time to brace, your heart pounding in your chest as the tension in the air reached its breaking point, your adrenaline coursing through your veins like a wildfire.
“Kill them,” Crosshair ordered.
Before anyone could move an inch, Echo powered up the cannons, watching them slide along the floor and punch out Crosshair and some of the troopers in a wild fury. 
Before you knew it, the floor was giving out, and all of you were free-falling down into the floors below. Unfortunately, the damage to the ship was greater than you anticipated, and you all got separated as the integrity of the ship dissolved.
You watched the artillery deck, or what was left of it, rise further and further out of your reach as you plummeted into the floors below with a scream. You felt the hard impact of a smooth piece of metal hit your back before your head collided, making you go numb
You groaned, watching everything become fuzzy as you tried to focus on your surroundings.
You were fading in and out of consciousness, fighting to stay awake but the damage has been done. You were certain you had a concussion amongst other things. The pain in your shins confirmed this theory. But, the fight in you wasn’t over, and the knowledge that Crosshair was nearby with an army of soldiers had you forcing yourself up onto your hands and knees, trying to regain control of your body out of survival.
“There’s movement over here,” you heard the voice of a reg behind you. When you looked down, you noticed your hand was bleeding, cut up on some sharp metal. You bit back a yelp before forcing yourself up on wobbly legs and heading towards the side of the ship again clutching your injured hand to your chest.
“Hey,” you heard Wrecker call out to you, and you stumbled over to him pushing through the dust. From where he stood, he could see the true extent of all the damage. The entire ceiling had caved in, leaving just a few troopers to look down from the rotting structure above.
“We have to move,” Wrecker said, guiding you to an opening. “Are you alright?”
“I’m bleeding,” you showed him your hand. You were still a little dazed from the fall.
“We have to get you back to the ship,” Wrecker said, closing his hands over yours in a comforting manner.
Your helmet was still dialed into Crosshair’s. “Drop the charge,” you heard him say.
You looked over Wrecker’s shoulder, seeing the troopers above throw a handful of detonators down towards your level carelessly.
“Wrecker!” you yelled, yanking him towards the hole in the side of the ship, but it was too late; the blasts went off, punching you out of the side of the ship with the force of the explosion.
All you remember seeing was the side of the Star Destroyer and Wrecker’s hand outstretched to yours as you plummeted down into the junkyard below. Your fingers missed by mere seconds before you were swept into unconsciousness once again.
Crosshair had recovered from the hit of the ion cannon to find the entire floor had been dropped out, leaving his brothers scattered in the rubble below.
Not knowing if they had even survived, he ordered the bombs to be dropped just to be safe. Once the space was cleared, he and his men rappelled down into the rubble to confirm the kills.
He grabbed his rifle, raising his nose in the air, trying to pick up on his brother’s blood scent over the smell of incendiaries.
“Sir,” one of the troopers removed his helmet, making Crosshair’s blood boil; he was violating code. He had the reprimand on the tip of his tongue.
The trooper bent down, pushing his fingers into a puddle of fresh blood. “It’s… Omega,” he brought his fingers up to his nose.
Forgetting his previous thoughts, he walked over to bend down and repeat the trooper's actions. When he brought the red liquid up to his nose, his heart nearly stopped.
Omega… his Omega… his mate.
They lied…
Did he just drop bombs on his beloved mate? Crosshair’s entire reality was spinning.
He sniffed the precious blood one more time before looking around wildly… she was alive. She was here. And he just ordered them to kill her. His entire insides flipped, making him feel violently ill. He forced back the bile rising in his throat as the anxiety filled his senses.
“She’s here,” he growled. “Find her! Sweep the whole fucking ship!”
Crosshair began to look under the rubble, sniffing for more blood. He picked up on a trail of small drips leading him back to the side of the ship. That was a good sign.
She must have climbed down the side. Crafty little thing.
When he peered over the edge, he saw a small figure lying on a piece of sheet metal down below.
Snapping his rappelling cable into place, Crosshair descended the side of the ship, lowering himself until his boots touched the metal below. He unclipped and ran over to the limp figure, kneeling down next to the body. He was confused to see a little mandalorian curled up on her side. He noted the blood smeared on the surface below her and knew suddenly it was this woman who left the trail. 
“Please, Maker,” he begged in a whisper. “Please.”
He placed both hands under the beskar helmet, unclipping the airlock and lifted it slowly. His breath was punched out of his chest when your hair came tumbling out of the helmet, and he laid eyes on your beautiful face once again. You were alive.
“Y/N,” he sighed, bringing a gloved hand up to your brow, touching the massive gash slashing through it. You were hurt… badly.
“Thank the Maker,” he felt relief flood his entire body. He commed into his team, “I have her.” He said with confidence and relief. 
“She’s alive?” his second radioed back.
He grabbed one of his blaster reflectors and held the metal under your nose. He saw the mirror fog up, letting him know you were still breathing.
“She’s alive,” he confirmed, putting the reflector back on his hip before slinging his gun around his shoulder to cradle you.
“We’re making our way to your location,” she cut the line.
Crosshair leaned forward, gently supporting your head with his hands, lifting you up from the ground and sitting you up against his chest. He held onto you tightly, unable to resist the rumbling purr coming from his chest finally feeling his torment begin to lift.
“Commander?” his second approached cautiously. “Is she alright?”
“No,” Crosshair was distressed. “She fell from the blast. I need the medic.”
“I’m here, sir,” the medic came forward, dropping to his knees at Crosshair’s side.
“She’s breathing, but she’s hurt,” Crosshair showed him your cut-up brow and hand.
“I’ll give her some bacta, but we need to get her back to base,” the medic said, scanning your body. “She’ll need a full evaluation, but I’ll do what I can.” 
“Do what you need to do,” Crosshair said. “Her survival is the most important thing.” He continued to stroke your hair as the medic spread bacta to the massive gash in your brow, along with cleaning and wrapping up your hand.
Crosshair suddenly felt like there were eyes on him. He looked up, surveying the area, searching for the familiar helmets of his brothers. He was certain they were watching; they wouldn’t leave Y/N behind… not when they tried so hard to keep her hidden from him. 
“Crosshair has her,” Echo confirmed, zooming in his scope.
Hunter hissed as Tech stuffed gauze into the wound in his side. During the explosion, they had all been separated, and Hunter had been flung into the side of some shrapnel that managed to miss his armor by an inch. The metal pierced his side, making the sergeant wince.
“We can’t let him take her,” Wrecker snarled. He just had you… you were so close.
“We’re outnumbered,” Tech said factually. “Crosshair will have us executed now that he has her. He doesn’t know that killing us will kill her. The best thing we can do for her is to stay alive and figure out a plan to get them both back.”
“Then we’ll track their ship,” Echo nodded. “We know they’re taking omegas back to Naboo.”
“Get the trackers on those ships,” Hunter forced himself up onto his knees, ignoring the blazing pain in his side. “She’ll need us.”
“Hold on,” Tech urged. “We have to get you to a medical facility. That metal was in deep.”
“I’m fine,” he growled, but his little brother pushed him back down, shaking his head. “You’re going to bleed out if you keep moving around.” Tech was getting frustrated. Being split like this was making his heart ache. On the one hand, you were unconscious in the care of their mind-controlled murderous brother, and on the other, Hunter lay in front of him, injured more than he’s ever been.
There was no chance they’d get out of this intact if they tried chasing you down. To Tech, the solution was clear… they were going to have to let you go with Crosshair.
Echo watched Crosshair kneel down, picking up your limp body and holding you close to his chest as they began to walk back to the transport ship climbing the ramp.
“He’s taking her onto the ship. The troopers are loading in,” Echo narrated.
“Take the shot,” Hunter ordered, gritting his teeth as Tech wrapped tight bandages around his torso.
Wrecker handed Echo the rifle, twisting on the long-distance barrel. Echo pulled out a tracker from his utility belt and loaded it into the chamber.
He waited for the loading ramp to close shut behind Crosshair before aiming the rifle. He locked onto the side where no one would see it and fired the bullet. He watched the little circular tracker magnetize to the side of the ship, starting its transmission signal.
“I got it,” Echo confirmed, looking to his data pad. He watched the beacon signal back to his tech. “We got you, Tiny.” He watched the imperial vessel unfold its wings before the ship powered up and lifted into the air taking you off planet. 
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Taglist: @substantial-exposure
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