#Super Robot Monkey Team Ultraforce Go
sunsetcarnation264 · 12 days
I've been thinking about the pitch pilot more, and I wouldn't mind having a separate blog for that stuff even if it's not too much, but I dunno how much y'all would be interested.
More information below the "keep reading" line if you need it, like background and what the AU might include.
For Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go fans who dunno, a pitch pilot of the show was found around a year or two ago on eBay and put onto YouTube for archival purposes. There's plenty of things different between the pitch pilot and what we got, such as Chiro being much younger (like 6-8 from the looks of it), the monkeys being referred to by their colors, and Shuggazoom City being called Pachinko Town to name a few.
It's something that interests me because it's cool to see the changes and people can go wild with the pitch pilot, especially with how Chiro would've been around when he was younger than when he found them in canon; at thirteen years old. I do have ideas, but I know I'm a little slow to getting to things I wanna do.
The Ultra Force part of the AU name is because, if I remember this correctly, the name of the show was gonna be different and Super Robot Monkey Team Ultraforce Go! was in mind before getting picked up and going with Hyperforce instead.
For the AU itself:
It'll most likely just focus on them being a family and a team with the only ships on the blog being Poly Monkeys and Chinmay (mainly when they're teenagers). If I do any other ships, it'll most likely be on the main blog under the AU name to keep things separate. I would throw Slingshot in there for SlingChinmay, but I dont know how I'd get him in there yet.
It'll also explore what could've been different, like the team's dynamics with each other, any little design differences, etc. There'll probably be other things that's different, but I dunno just yet. Still getting like a big ref sheet done of the team + height comparison.
If you guys have any thoughts you wanna share, I'd love to hear it.
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