#i know you/most people are probably expecting longer drabbles
potionpeddlerpatchy · 2 years
Do we pick the potion? Bc if so I’d like to use something that will make someone laugh uncontrollably for a fun little prank on shoyo please!!
You may pick the potion if you like, especially if you know what you want! I always love when a traveler comes in asking for my wares with a clear direction in mind 💛
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You couldn't help yourself, how could you? In your mind, Hinata Shoyo not only had the sweetest, most cute smile, but the best laugh you have ever heard. It rings like a bell, so crisp and sweet, through the air - the kind where you can't help but join in, and not because you're making fun of the owner's laugh either.
You sought it out when you heard the first time; completely stopping what you were doing to find it. And well, when you saw it was Shoyo how could the idea NOT pop into your head?
You sought out the peddler, the one who lived both close by and a long way away, to see what kind of wares she may have to offer to help you along on this little idea. And, as always, she did.
Mix it with some water and pour it over a person's head and they will be laughing until their sides hurt and tears fall from their eyes. The effects are temporary, she assured but could last up to a few hours. So be warned.
You had to admit the added bonus of seeing him all wet, clothing clinging to his toned body was a plus. But you really should have heeded the warning. Shoyo laughed for hours, and his clinging to your body made some of it fall onto you, and you laughed along with him.
To say your sides were sore the next day was a grave understatement, but worth it.
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want a potion?
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starlingflight · 7 months
Ginniversary Drabble 1
Prompt: N39 "Don't let it worry you, it's me, I'm extremely famous."
AO3 or read below:
“Isn't he just the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen?” 
The question, directed at Ginny from Selena Savage, one of Harry's friendlier co-workers, was answered very quickly in the affirmative. “Honestly, I'm obsessed with him.” 
“How could you not be?” Selena replied, her dark hair falling across her face as she leaned forward to get a better view. “Oh, look at those eyes.” 
Instinctively, needing very little encouragement, Ginny did just that. She looked down to find James’ wide, blue eyes staring back at her, blinking in contentment. 
“The midwitch says they'll probably change colour,” Ginny said, staring, transfixed, at her son. “Any time now, actually, she said around three months old.” 
“They have a bet,” Neville added, from where he leant against the wall opposite, having given up his desk chair for Ginny and James. “Ginny reckons they're going to be green and Harry thinks brown.” 
“Either way he's going to be such a handsome boy, aren't you?” Selena leant further over the desk and brushed one finger gently across James’ round cheek. 
“Do you want to hold him?” Ginny offered. 
It had become a sort of sixth sense of late, detecting who was comfortable with babies, and who wanted absolutely nothing to do with them based on only the smallest interactions. 
Selena lifted James out of her arms before Ginny had finished the question.  “I thought your mummy would never ask,” she cooed at James, who hardly stirred as he was passed from one person to another. 
Neville snorted in amusement. “Careful, I don't know if you're on Harry's pre-approved list of people allowed to look at his baby.” 
Selena shot Ginny a knowing look. “Being a bit protective, is he?” 
“He's not that bad,” Ginny replied in defense of her husband. She quickly received a (deserved) disbelieving laugh from Neville. 
Fortunately, a head popped over the divider that separated Neville's workspace from the rest of the office, saving Ginny from having to respond. 
“I heard I'm no longer the most important person in the building,” Kingsley said, his gaze going straight to James. 
“Where did you hear that?” Ginny demanded, unease began to spread within her. “This was supposed to be a clandestine visit.” 
“I'm the Minister for Magic, I have my sources.” Kingsley smiled smoothly; the expression went some way to soothing Ginny's taut nerves. “And they happened to inform me that half my Auror office was focusing on things other than work.” 
“It's hardly half your Auror office,” said a familiar voice as Harry appeared in the doorway, smiling broadly as his eyes went immediately to James.
“Everything okay?” He said, gaze flicking to Ginny, waiting for her nod, and then going immediately back to the baby. 
“No,” Kingsley said, though his laughter took any sting out of the word. “I didn't expect him to become a security issue quite yet, I thought he might at least wait until he could walk.” 
“He's very advanced for his age,” Harry said, wordlessly taking James from Selena's grasp and holding him against his chest. “Hello trouble,” he said softly. 
“Are you ready to go?” Ginny asked. 
She looked towards the clock on the wall beside Neville's head. Despite Kingsley's half-hearted suggestions no one was getting any work done, it was technically ten minutes past the end of the working day. 
Harry shook his head. “Hermione said if we leave and she hasn't held him, she'll track us down and do things to us that I don't want to repeat in front of him.” 
“She holds him all the time,” Ginny said, smiling despite her exasperation. “We told Mum we'd be at the Burrow as soon as you finished work.” 
This proved not to be a problem, however; no sooner had Ginny finished speaking, than the hurried click of heels could be heard in the walkway beyond. 
“Here she is,” Kingsley said, head turning to face the direction which held the entrance of the Auror office. 
A moment later, Hermione's hair preceded Ginny's view of her in the doorway. 
“We might have a situation.” Her eyes were wide with alarm. 
Ginny saw Harry's arms tighten around James protectively. “What kind of a situation?” 
She worried nervously at her lip before answering. “I don't know who told them, but there's a small army of press photographers in the Atrium.” 
“I knew this would happen,” Harry sighed, eyes going immediately to Ginny for her reaction. 
They'd been so careful for the past three months, not leaving the house unless strictly necessary, and, when it was, sticking to Muggle areas, but Ginny had been losing her mind inside the house, and she'd assured him a short trip to the office as he finished work wouldn't catch anyone's attention. 
She shot him a look now which she hoped said, ‘sorry, I was wrong.’ 
“It's fine,” she said aloud. “We'll just ignore them, walk straight to the fireplaces, and not give a comment. They'll only get a few photographs.” 
Harry turned to Kingsley. “I don't suppose you can kick them out?” 
“Kick the press out of a public part of the Ministry?” Kingsley laughed. “I'm not dealing with those headlines – not even for you.” 
Harry sighed again. “Fine. Let's get this over with.” 
“Do you hear that, James?” Ginny rose enthusiastically from Neville's chair. “That's the positive mental attitude we're trying to instill in you.” 
Right on cue, Harry's scowl transformed into a smile. One that lasted long enough to say goodbye to the others and reach the lift, at which point it slid from his face again. 
Neither of them spoke on the way down, though Ginny did manage to catch Harry's eye once; the grin she gave him seemed to go someway to dissipating the waves of nervous energy radiating off him. 
“Ready?” She asked as the doors slid open. 
Harry didn't answer her. He was too occupied looking down at James, who had begun to fuss in his arms. “Don't let it worry you,” he said softly. “It's me, I'm extremely famous.” 
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
I think about Angel a lot. And rn I'm thinking about Angel going through a period of hypermasculinity after he rids himself of his contract with Valentino. I can't imagine that as a man from the environment he was in when he was alive, that his style is something he brought WITH HIM to Hell. Sure, his favorite color being pink isn't a new development, but I think the skimpy outfits and short skirts and cleavage showing shirts and dresses that cling a bit too tight are probably a combined product of defiance of the values his father held so dear, genuine interest in trying more feminine fashion, and Valentino forcing a certain type of image on him (whether directly or as a result of certain expectations/coming mechanism for the situations he put Angel in).
So I can imagine Angel going through this self imposed hyperfeminity to distance himself from the bad thoughts and feelings and situations, followed by hypermasculinity because after being forced to be, the idea of femininity becomes nauseating and just laced with the bad memories and sensations, followed by healing and rediscovery of what made the femininity feel good in the first place. Recontextualizing it. Finding ways he can enjoy it so that it's different from before. And maybe he never gets comfortable enough to wear certain things again, and that would be ok, too.
I have this sequence of events in my head of Angel coming down to the communal area of the hotel the day after getting rid of the contract (however he does that) wearing black sneakers, a dark red hoodie, and gray sweatpants, no make-up and with his hair still tussled from sleep. It's the first time they've seen him with no gloves (outside of his pornos) (Where he got the clothes? He and Cherri spent the previous night burning everything Valentino has ever given him (EXCLUDING FAT NUGGETS) and went on a shopping spree for new clothes. She got a little worried when Angel started picking things that went the opposite direction to his usual style, but when Angel said he didn't want to wear something that looked like Val had picked it for him she went ham with choices).
Charlie might worry, not necessarily because it's a bad thing, but because it's such an abrupt chance after such an emotionally charged event that she doesn't know if it's a good or a bad change.
It would be the best day of Alastor's life. 10/10. He compliments Angel once, but in a backhanded kinda way by implying the other way he dressed made him a slut or something like that, saying Angel looks much better covered up, and Angel genuinely thanks him. He's a little freaked out by that last part, but he takes the win.
Husk is worried, tries to have a "wear whatever the fuck you want" kinda conversation. But Angel tells him THIS is what he wants to wear. That the idea of wearing the same things he did while under contract makes him feel sick. Like he's still under Val's thumb.
He would still be hypersexual. His personality wouldn't change, only his wardrobe does. And maybe some words go out of his vocabulary. But he's still a flirt (much to Alastor's chagrin), he still sleeps around (though as we've seen in the show over time it would become less in a self destructive way but more as a genuine interest in doing so. Nothing wrong with one night stands), he would still see the most valuable part of him as what he can do, sexually, for someone.
But dressing differently would make him feel like he has more control over his life.
This... Became longer than I expected. Sorry. I know some people don't post asks that are too much like drabbles, but uuuuhh I hope you don't mind. This is more incoherent character analysis I guess.
I love this honestly, I’ve thought about this too! Angel swinging far in the other direction for a bit after he gets freedom from Valentino, trying to figure out what HE likes.
I assume he had to be pretty masculine with his family, and with his death he was able to be more free to explore femininity. But then with Val it went the complete opposite direction.
Him completely having freedom could allow him to explore what he likes, allowing him to form his own connections with femininity/masculinity that goes beyond what others expect from him or what front he has to put up to be “safe.”
I might put this in my list for later because this definitely would be fun to explore! And also I love all these messages im getting from you. They both expand on ideas I’ve had on Angel and also introduce new ones! And makes me more motivated to write something when I have the chance.
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myseungsunglove · 1 year
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Pairing: ot8! X gn! reader
Warnings: none really, just the boys taking care of the one they love the most
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: Imagine how each member shows comfort to their significant other when they need a little extra love.
A/N: Who doesn’t want to be comforted by these boys? I know I’d take each of their comfort without question. Keep in mind this is just my perception of how I think the boys would react based on how I’ve seen them react in situations during my time getting to know them. I feel like I probably have a better handle on Han, Seungmin, Chan, and Lee Know over IN and Hyunjin for sure. Felix and Changbin feel like open books, so I actually wrote theirs before anyone else’s cause I just knew. Hope someone finds comfort in these small drabbles.
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Feedback Welcome
「© September 1, 2023 by mysweethannie」
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♡Chan notices almost immediately when something is off. He doesn’t crowd your space or force you to allow him to comfort you. Instead, he asks if there is anything he can do. If you aren’t ready to open up to him just yet, he’ll stay close, offering light touches of comfort to remind you occasionally that he is there when you are ready. He’ll kiss you softly and whisper, “Whenever you’re ready baby, I’m here.” when he feels like it’s been longer than he would have expected for you to seek comfort in him. This inevitably breaks your wall, for reasons you don’t quite understand. As soon as you let the wall down that you had previously raised, his arms engulf you, and you immediately feel like you could handle anything in the world with him, even if you’re falling apart, he is holding you together.
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♡Lee Know isn’t the best at dealing with other people’s big emotions, but he works in his own way to make sure you know that he is right there. He may never actually ask if you are okay outright, instead he will make sure that your every need is taken care of. He will bring you your favorite drink from your favorite shop, he’ll make sure the snack that you like is in the house, if you’re out in public when something is clearly wrong, he will take your hand in his, pulling you close to him. You never refuse his hand because regardless of how you feel, he grounds you when he takes your hand. He’ll take your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him and tell you he loves you. It will be a matter of fact, just a statement that he knows to be true and that he believes you should accept. He’ll kiss you quick, searching your eyes for any sign that he needs to do more. He will always do more for you even when isn’t sure what to do.
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♡Changbin immediately knows when something is up, even if you are still wearing a smile. He always senses your energy change. He watches your body language carefully. When he realizes something is wrong, he’ll walk up to you, wrapping his strong arms around you, kissing you slowly, whispering, “Wanna go somewhere quiet?” You always slump into his arms at that statement, knowing that you haven’t hidden your pain as well as you thought. But really, what could you have expected? He always knows. You’ll nod in his arms and his hand will slide down to grab yours and pull you away to somewhere where it’s only the two of you. Then he listens. You’re a floodgate the moment you're alone, and his eyes are intent on catching every word. He offers advice when you ask for it, but mostly he makes sure you're comfortable and getting out everything you need to.
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♡Hyunjin steals glances at you the moment he realizes that something is off. Honestly, sometimes it takes him a little while to realize that something is wrong because he is so often in his own little world. As soon as he is in tune with you though, he is quick to lift you up. He may not be the best at offering physical comfort in these times, but he will tell you all the ways you have made him better and completed him as a person. Not that he needed someone to complete him, but somehow you were a missing piece he didn’t even know he was seeking until he found you. He makes sure to tell you all the ways you enhance his life and make everyone’s life better because you are so uniquely you.
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♡Han knows without even looking at you when something is wrong and he inevitably can identify the problem with little more than a glance or a touch. He knows you so well that you don’t have to explain to him what you are feeling. He’s been around you enough to know what you need. It’s like he senses an imbalance in the force of your relationship and he wants nothing more than to erase your pain. Han rarely helps you the same way twice in a row. He knows that every situation calls for a different solution and he works to reach those solutions with you because he knows that ultimately if you don’t talk about it, you won’t be able to get past it. He often will offer a distraction first, sitting down with you to watch your favorite anime or convincing you that watching something that scares you will get your mind off of whatever it is you're fixating on. He makes sure that you are both left unbothered during these times because having other people ask about what is going on with you usually just results in raising your anxiety about the situation. Han also knows that sometimes a distraction is the last thing you want or need. He immediately will have you wrapped in his arms, his soft lips pressing against your forehead. You both stay like that for as long as you initially need, until you’re ready to talk. You’ve been known to stand in Han’s embrace for quite a long time before you are ready to breathe a word, but he never complains. You do the same for him, so how could he not offer you the same lifeline that you have given him countless times.
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♡Felix won’t let go of you when knows something is wrong. He will pull you to the couch or even the bed, and he’ll wrap you in his arms. He’ll whisper to you all of the things that he loves about you, that he can’t live without. Even if you aren’t struggling with something like that, he makes sure you know how important to him you are when you are struggling. He always asks what’s wrong and talks just as much as he listens when you finally open up. When you cry, he cries because whatever you feel, he feels too. His hands are everywhere at once as he listens to you. One minute his fingers are ghosting your waist, the next he has his hand intertwined with yours. At some point, he is cupping your face, his thumb grazing your cheek. Sometimes he just holds you and he talks and you say nothing. The low rumble of his deep voice is a lot like a cat’s purrs with healing powers. He often talks you to sleep like this and you wake up feeling renewed much to your surprise even though you shouldn’t be too surprised because it works like a charm every time.
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♡Seungmin only needs to look at you to realize that you are in need of comfort from him. While he pretends to not like public displays of affection, he is absolutely addicted to being affectionate with you no matter where you might be or what the situation is. This is especially true when he feels that you are having a hard time. He will come up behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist, his lips kissing your neck softly. He’ll whisper against your skin that he loves you and ask if you want to talk. With Seungmin, you almost always want to talk. He is such a good listener. He doesn’t listen to offer solutions, he knows that you rarely need him to fix all of your problems, you just want someone who can offer keen insight and actually hear what you have to say and the emotions you are feeling. Seungmin often feels whatever you are feeling with you. He is extremely empathetic so when you are angry, he finds himself taking on that emotion with you. The same goes for when you are happy or sad. While he listens to you, sometimes he sits right in front of you, his eyes never leaving you as he watches you tell him what is going on with you. Other times he pulls you into his arms, up tightly against his chest while you ramble on about whatever you need to. There are occasions when you don’t want to talk at all. In these moments, he always knows what you need even without you having to talk. He has a sixth sense about everything when it comes to you because he has spent so much time making sure he understands you. Seungmin doesn’t like to feel like he doesn’t have a handle on a situation, so as a result, he’s always watched and listened carefully in any situation concerning you. He knows he may miss things sometimes, but those times are rare and he beats himself up over it when he does. He takes great pride in being able to know what's going on with you and what you need from him in return. He doesn’t like to disappoint anyone even though him not being able to read your mind every time you’re hurting is anything but disappointing. The fact that he cares so much just goes to show what a good man he is.
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♡IN watches you closely when he realizes you are in need of comfort. He isn’t much for skinship and understands that there are times that you don’t want to be held when you are down anyway. What he does offer is his presence. He will sit quietly with you, him doing his thing maybe playing a game while you sit and think. He will place a comforting hand on your thigh or squeeze your hand every once in a while to remind you that he is right there. He will ask you if you want to talk after particularly long bouts of silence, but makes sure you know that you only have to talk about whatever it is if you really want to. Usually you just want him to distract you with something about his day and he is happy to indulge you in whatever you need. And the second you need his comforting arms, he is happy to provide them. You’re the only person that he doesn’t mind being physically close to and for you he would do anything.
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frostyblustar · 28 days
Percico Confession Drabble
(Getting Together after HoO - Day 6 of Percico Week prompts by @percico-nicercy-events )
“You and Annabeth broke up!? When!?” Nico nearly spat out the soda he was drinking, his 3rd one of the night. He didn’t drink alcohol, Percy found it triggering and he didn’t like the taste. So he indulged in sweets when he got overwhelmed.
This was an overwhelming night, since Percy was coming to visit. They had been talking over Iris message nearly every day, so it was even more of a shock to have Percy tell him such an important fact in person. Why hadn’t this come up before??
Percy was very casual, leaning back and mindlessly watching the muted TV mounted on the wall. “A week ago.”
Nico lowered his drink from his lips, he was too worried about spitting it out. “What the hell happened?!”
“She helped me realize something and… That led to us realizing we wouldn’t work as a couple.” He sounded resigned, as if he knew this was a fate he was doomed to. Not some unexpected thing, which it seemed to be to Nico! They seemed so happy together.
Though the last time he saw the two in person was over a year ago. Shit.
“You cannot be serious. What sort of realization would lead to the most perfect couple I’ve ever seen splitting up??”
Percy kept his gaze on the TV, avoiding eye contact. “It’s hard for me to admit.”
“Whatever you say, I probably won’t judge you.” Nico crushed the soda can he was drinking from and chucked it into a garbage bin, pumping his fist triumphantly when it went in. He grinned for a moment before he caught Percy staring at him. Embarrassed, he muttered, “Shit, sorry. Ruined the moment.”
“No you didn’t, don’t worry about it.” After a few seconds of tense silence, Percy continued to speak. “I realized I do love her, but not in the way where I want to be in a relationship. I rushed into it too fast, and we changed as we grew up. Guess this is why people say teenage relationships don’t last huh?”
He chuckled softly, but the laughter sounded awkward and devoid of any happiness. Nico wanted sympathy to slip from his tongue. Will and him broke up a year ago, for similar reasons. Before he could, Percy leaned forward. “I realized I liked someone else. With her help.”
Nico’s heart felt like it stopped. His breath caught in his throat and he felt the urge to leave the room. There was no way it was him, right? A hopeful part of him was pressuring him to press for more, and another was telling him to run before being disappointed.
“Who was it?” Nico wasn’t expecting anything to come from the question.
If his heart stopped before, it exploded now. He didn’t know how to respond to this confession at all. His inclination to run grew, but he kept himself rooted to his spot on the couch. This is what he wanted, for so many years. But he never expected Percy to love him too. This felt like a dream.
He couldn’t help but ask, “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.” Percy smiled at him, “Nico, you’ve listened to me in my worst moments, and my best. You’ve been here for me, and I want to be here for you. If you’ll let me. It’s up to you.”
This couldn’t be happening, Nico buried his face into his hands to hide his happy expression. It was tonal whiplash, to go from feeling bad for Percy after his breakup, to this.
Percy’s nervousness became more obvious, “I know you said I wasn’t your type—“
“Okay, Percy. That was a tense moment for me. I really wanted to stop having feelings for you because I was ashamed of being gay, and I felt I never had a chance with you. But those feelings… Never really went away. They were always in the back of my mind.” Nico took a deep breath, “What I’m saying is- I will date you, if that’s what you want too.”
“Yes!!” Percy scooted closer and wrapped his arms around Nico’s waist, hugging him happily.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Longer fics on my Ao3 :>
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thotsforvillainrights · 5 months
Shigaraki smut headcanons? Sorry if you've already done this, I just love crusty boi. ( ^ω^)
(You're fine, Anon! It's one of those cases where it FEELS like it's been done but probably hasn't lol. I went and checked the new and old masterlist and couldn't find anything. Now's my chance to add it to the collection ^_^)
~Shigaraki Smut Headcanons~
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-Really would like to say he's a freak in bed but I don't think he's all that wild...at least not at first. I feel like he has a lot of love to give when he opens himself up for it. There's not really much lust between the two of you at first (not on his end at least). His walls are up really high and for a while he starts to feel really guilty about developing feelings for you. He's not sure if he deserves to have love given to him, or to give love to others. All his life he's been focused on what he hates and not enough on what he could love. When you come along, he's filled with anger at the fact you were able to get to him so easily.
-He can't deny any longer that he has feelings for you. When you try to reciprocate these feelings then it becomes complex. He's not letting you in as easily. He prays at night that you give up on him, that you leave for your own good. At the same time he wants to open himself up to you but he just doesn't know how. When he finally decides to let himself go and feel for once in his life, it becomes likely the most beautiful and simultaneously terrifying experience he's had. When you say you love him, it's invigorating. When you touch him...touch his skin of all people, he feels special. He feels confused all at the same time. Why would you chose him?
-He's scared at first to talk about you, to feel pride out loud. he's scared he'll somehow jinx things and that he'll wind up hurting or even worse is that he'll wind up hurting you instead. It's not just the mental hurt he's worried about either. It's the pysical hurt and the crushing idea that he might slip up and you'll be gone forever. Even with gloves as a precaution, he's still not up to the idea of touching you. Why should he when he doesn't deserve to touch you anyway? A demon with an angel like you? What a cruel and disgusting joke. Don't you know if he were to mess up then you'd be nothing more than a pile of ash and memories? You don't care. You want his touch, his hugs and kisses. And just like always, he's weak to deny you. He gives up and cautiously inches into the next phase of your relationship.
-When the sex finally comes into play, he feels a bit overwhelmed. Understandably you should come to expect him not lasting very long for the first few times. Can you blame him? You're something akin to a sinful pool of gold and he's strong enough to hold back. He's focusing all his energy on making you feel good, keeping a handle on his quirk, and trying not to hurt you all at the same time. Your sex brings fireworks out. His vision gets spotty once before and leave him wondering if he might pass out. He's breathless, his skin damp with sweat and his legs weak...shaking from your activities together. He's quiet but you can still hear him making sound just for you. It's all for you.
-Because he won't focus on his own pleasure, you end up taking the reigns in that department. It takes some time for him to settle down and accept that you actually WANT to make him feel good instead. Of course you do, why wouldn't you want to return the favor? He can't grasp the concept at first. That's okay, he didn't need to think too hard. Just lay back and let you handle it yes?
-His drive doesn't seem to be that high, nor too low. If anything, he's a perfect in-between, matching your pace perfectly. He's moldable like clay for you. He'll fold and bend at your will but he also remains understanding of his own needs and preferences as well. I think maybe later on in the relationship you can see him getting a little rougher in bed. Of course at your request, he learns the ins and outs of it. Shigaraki after gaining a power-up shows a considerable difference in the ways he goes about things but that's a story for a different time.
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an-aroaces-harem · 11 months
Since I was asked to elaborate on my Ellis brainrot, I tried to write something little. And I remembered why I'm bad at drabbles. It got longer than intended and it's by no way perfect or finished, I'll probably write a continuation one day.
He smiled at her. "If that makes you happy, of course."
In her opinion, every person had their own wavelength and depending on these wavelengths, people either got along or not. Her own wavelength was so weird that it had just a few compatible wavelengths. Not that she cared. Social interactions were hard, conversing with more than one person at once was impossible.
Yet, sometimes she couldn't stop herself from quipping into conversations, so she had to constantly tell herself 'just ignore them, it has nothing to do with you, just do your work'. Still, she managed to get on bad terms with most of her coworkers. It was her fault because she had untreated problems and would just lash them at her coworkers at any given moment.
So of course, one of her coworkers completely fucked up and no matter what they did or say, she would judge them. Bearing grudges was just so easy, you know? Would it better to seek therapy? But what would be left of her if she stopped judging everyone? She always felt empty inside, so talking down other people in her mind felt good.
Lucky for her, she was one of the best so her boss had no reason to throw her out. As long she could do work that required no teamwork and didn't have to deal with clients, she was fine, just sewing away curtains or whatever the clients ordered.
Their workshop was rather small, so they had a limited amount of sewing machines. She needed her order and had a hard time sharing, especially with people she couldn't stand, so as long as they remained exactly this number of workers, she didn't have to share.
Well, and then he joined. Of course, her boss told her that the moment had come where she had to share her sewing machine. It took all her best to surpress the incoming panic attack and well, five black teas with an unhealthy amount of sugar.
She was afraid; feeling only at ease when she went to her workplace in the morning and knew she had a place to sit down and work at. Especially after she saw him for the first time. He was so tall that her already small frame looked even smaller.
And yet, after he looked at her for a few seconds, he asked, "Are you unhappy sharing a sewing machine with me?"
That was a question she didn't expect. All others always told her she should stop acting like she was special, she should simply behave normally. The world wouldn't bend to her will.
She blinked at him. "What?"
"I don't want to make you unhappy, so I'll ask the boss to find another solution," he elaborated.
Her mind was in jumbles. Not only did his question surprise her, it also let some of her memories resurface. Memories of her mother.
Her mother who always claimed that she just wanted the best for her daughter. Sadly, her mother lived in an illusion. Her mother only cared as long as she felt she was doing the right thing and if her views didn't align with her daughter, it was always "Don't be like that. Didn't I do everything for you?"
Her mother wanted her to be happy but only as long as their happiness aligned. Him talking about happiness made her wary. She didn't need another person like her mother in her life.
"So, you really mean it? You mean my happiness and not your view of what my happiness should be like?"
"Yes, of course. Your happiness comes from you, not anyone else."
The thing was, it took her a long time to get away from her mother. She had been under her influence for so long that she didn't mind overcaring people per se. She wanted to be cared for, just not from liars.
In the end, she gave a hesitant nod. "Please don't disrupt my order. If something's in the way, you can put it away as long as it's back to its original place."
He smiled at her. "If that makes you happy, of course."
So, she showed him their now shared sewing machine. Even though she was rather small, she sat on the highest sewing machine, so he shouldn't have a problem with his height.
And then she realized that she didn't even know his name.
"Oh, I'm Ellis. Ellis Twilight."
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legendofzoodles · 2 years
The Chain as Procrastinators 
Part 1
Time procrastinates without remorse or regret.
He wouldn’t do it because he’s anxious about an upcoming task or feels overwhelmed since he stopped giving a shit about one ‘song of time’ ago. No it would rather be to just annoy whoever expected him to get it done. Small tasks like chores aren’t worth being petty over, besides he’d never be a bastard to his wife and the people he cares about. However, if say Zelda asked him to do something he didn’t want to do (like rather than attack a monster camp setting up near a village it would be escorting some goods or collecting something) he’d wait until the last possible second to do it.
Malon: There’s a royal carriage pulled up outside.
Time: [getting up from the sofa] She sent a messenger this time?!
Malon: Why don’t you just get it over with? It’ll take less than a day.
Time: [grabbing a piece of paper and pencil] That’s less than a day too long. 
Time: Give this to whoever comes to the door; I wouldn’t bother speaking to them.
Malon: [takes the paper slip and watches him dash into the washroom with a smile, shaking her head slightly]
I get the feeling he still does things when he feels like it, even in his 30s, and isn’t ashamed at all. 
Warriors procrastinates because of sometimes feeling the need for the piece of work to be perfect and that discourages him. 
He is for the most part very put together. He organises training exercises, armour and weapon maintenance and unit expeditions efficiently. That being said, they’ll be those kinds of paperwork that he can’t bring himself to do and I think it’ll be somewhat of a perfectionist thing. 
Since protocol means all his reports have to have a certain amount of detail and be of high quality, especially if the General or Princess will be reading it. Perhaps things like risk assessments or particularly long and eventful expeditions that call for meticulous records put him off doing the task, and do things like take longer to run drills. And he’s the sort who’d rather take on all the work, rather than delegate it. 
Impa: [knocking on the door as she enters] Are those reports finished?
Warriors: [emerging from a pile of loose papers] What are you talking about? I requested an extension. 
Impa: I didn’t receive a formal request from you.
Warriors: Oh. I was busy so I left it on your desk.
Impa: You mean that unsigned sheet of paper with ‘Need more time’ scribbled on it...?
Warriors: [rubbing his eyes] Is my request denied?
Impa: No, granted. And get some sleep Link. 
On the flipside, for other types of paperwork he doesn’t mind, he’ll use that duty as an excuse to not do basic chores. He can never seem to settle down for even half an hour of dusting and sweeping when there are more important things he could be doing, like training. 
Twilight procrastinates if he doesn’t feel he can do the task well. 
He works to help develop Hyrule with the Resistance. It’s a duty I’m sure he’s passionate about and enjoys, but there’ll be some parts about it that he’s less fond of. There are probably meetings where everyone has to share things that could be improved about Hyrule- anything from infrastructure, to transport, to the army, anything really- and how to go about doing that. 
He wouldn’t be a fan of those tasks since he’s not as knowledgeable and therefore helpful as say Shad and Ashei, who know more and have more varied experiences. And anyway, why do all that sitting around and thinking when he could be out helping on the ranch or running errands around Ordon? 
Since he still get mail from the postman, throughout LU he’d probably still have those duties and put it off by being extra helpful around camp or asking Warriors for one more sparring round. 
Thanks for reading. 
9th place in the LU character design ranking
Character analysis posts:
Hero of the Sky, Hero of Time, Hero of Twilight, Hero of the Wild, Hero of Warriors
Parkour team - LU drabble
How each member of the chain laughs - LU headcanon
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kazoosandfannypacks · 6 months
What is something that fills you with rage for no apparent reason?
A lot of things, but one of them right now is when people post a "drabble" that's a few hundred words. By definition, "a drabble is a short work of fiction of precisely one hundred words in length. The purpose of the drabble is brevity, testing the author's ability to express interesting and meaningful ideas in a confined space."
That's it. 100 words. No more. No less.
I write drabbles. I work hard at choosing exactly what hundred words to use. Those words are sacred; I ration them. I probably have to cut out just as many sentences as I write because I want the words I choose to be perfect. It is a challenge and an art form distinctly different from most prose. I work hard at what I do, but, if I recall correctly, I've had numerous occasions where people have mourned how short my drabbles were or expected them to be longer, because they're used to the incorrect definition of drabble that fandom keeps pushing. My work is seen as incomplete when I'm the only one doing it correctly because no one else understands the assignment.
(and for those of you who think you write drabbles and are just now realizing you don't know what "drabble" means, the word you're looking for is either ficlet or microfic. Thank you.)
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dewaxar · 11 months
Aegon x oc drabble
Note: This is completely unedited srry
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Eliana always loved the way the sun came in through the window of the Sept. The crystal glass covers the large room in many colors. She was dusting the strangers altar when she heard the doors to the Sept open. The eldest prince, son of King Viserys, walked in. He rarely came to the Sept unless forced by his mother, who came almost daily, so it was a shock to see him without her pleading as they entered. Eliana was quick to welcome him with a small smile and stopping her dusting to leave him to pray, assuming he wished to be alone due to his usual hatred of the place.
"Eliana" his tone was quiet but in the silence of the Sept she could hear him just fine, she turned to look at him to see his glassy eyes and his overall gloomy appearance. She was used to people coming to the Sept in sorrow, and she had been a confidant to his mother in her frequently depressed state, but she had never seen the prince so clearly close to falling apart.
"Yes, my prince?" She wasn't sure what he wanted, but she was there to provide, being the only septa in for the rest of the evening she had a duty to help him, whether it was to confess, pray or simply cry she had helped many others before and she knew she could help him. What she was not expecting was his quick approach and grabbing of her dress, pulling her in until his face was buried in her shoulder and his tears were dampening her dress, she didn't know what to do, most people didn't touch her unless she prompted the contact but the prince grabbed her with an authority that had her frozen for a moment before her brain caught up to his actions and she began gently caressing his back, hoping this was the right response.
"How can I help you, my prince?" She was hesitating this time. She didn't know him well and knew how quick people are to outbursts when in such a precarious state. He didn't respond, but he tightened his grip more, digging his fingers into her hips. She let him hold her for a while longer until she guided him by his shoulders to sit on the stairs in front of the looming statue of the stranger. His crying slowed, but his breathing remained uneven. One of her hands was still rubbing up and down his back while the other had moved to his hair, running her fingers through his silver hair, though it was illuminated with a light pink from the setting sun through the window. She had always thought he was quite beautiful but his drinking tendencies and blunt attitude had kept her at a safe distance, as well as her religion pushing any attraction to the very back of her head but at this moment with his heavy breaths on her throat she couldn't think of her Gods, only him and how to calm him in whatever way he wanted.
"Why did you choose to be a septa?" The question caught her off guard, especially with the shake in his voice.
"You could've chosen many different positions, hell with your looks, you probably could've gotten any high lord to put a ring on your finger and live your life in riches but instead you choose a boring life where you are restricted from everything fun in life" He was looking at her now, fully staring into her eyes, his own quickly rid of his previous tears, she felt intimidated and nervous. With his clear distaste for her lifestyle, she was a little unsure whether or not to be defensive or defuse the situation.
"My life's not boring" she didn't sound confident in her statement, but she was hoping Aegon would ignore it.
"You know that's not true. No sex, you will never marry and I've never once seen you outside the walls of this gloomy fucking hellhole" now she was irritated. How did he go from crying into her shoulder to attacking her way of life.
"Don't talk to me like that, Aegon" her attempt to make her voice firm and intimidating had seemingly worked as he straightened up and looked a little guilty.
"If you want to talk about what's bothering you, I'll be here, but you don't get to just walk in and insult my devotion" she continued. Wanting to make it clear to him that she wouldn't take being walked all over because if she didn't she had no doubt he would continue with his harsh attitude towards her, likely to deflect from his moment of vulnerability. He mumbled an apology, looking away from her and fidgeting with his hands, though he didn't pick at his nail beds till they bled like his mother did, he just twisted his gold ring around his pinky finger.
"Why did you come here, Aegon? I've never seen you here unless forced" her voice was gentle, or at least she hoped it was.
"I wanted you" He whispered. Her brows furrowed in confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"My mother always talks about how great you are and that you're so comforting, and I just, I wanted that" Eliana was very rarely unknowing of what to say, her talent with words she always considered to be one of her greatest qualities but looking at this man who she had only ever seen annoyed and stand offish be so wanting for comfort left her brain empty of any words to say. After a few minutes of silence she finally managed to string together a sentence.
"What do you want me to do?"
"Just- just let me touch you?" She didn't expect that, the rushed way the words came out of his mouth broke whatever assurance she had that this would be like all the other times she had held crying men.
"W-what? What did you say?" He didn't answer. He moved his hand to her waist, gripping the fabric there and gently pulling her closer. She could run. She could scream, even being alone in the Sept if she screamed loud enough people would hear, but she didn't. She wanted to help, so she let him pull her until her side was flush with his own.
"Can you, can you put your arms around me? Like before" his voice was softer now, he wasn't commanding her, he was asking. The look in his eyes gave away how desperately he craved the physical contact, so she obliged, slowly and gently wrapping one of her arms around his shoulders and the other moving to the ends of his hair. She had expected him to lean into her once more, but he didn't. He just stared at her. It was intimate in a way she wasn't expecting, but she held eye contact, hoping it would offer some comfort.
"Do you want to talk about what is bothering you?" She whispered, scared to break the tension between the two of them
"No." it was simple and quick before he pushed his lips onto her own. It was so sudden she froze for a moment. If she was expecting anything, it certainly wasn't this. After the brief freeze of surprise, she felt herself rapidly giving into his advances, closing her eyes and letting him drag her onto his lap. He kissed exactly as she would've guessed he did, desperate and messy. When his tongue prodded at her lips, she had no hesitation opening her mouth and letting his tongue explore hers. It wasn't until one of his hands moved from his tight grip on her waist to her thigh, where her dress had scrunched up to when he moved her on top of him that she pulled away, breathing heavily. She grabbed his hand as he attempted to snake his way underneath her dress.
"No, Aegon" she reprimanded, the action had snapped her out of her daze. She was on the prince's lap. She had let him shove his tongue in her mouth with no attempt to stop him. It went against everything she believed in, everything she was. But she knew if he kissed her again, she still wouldn't stop him. She felt overwhelmingly warm, so she moved to remove herself from Aegon's thighs, but he still held her.
"Why not? Were you not enjoying yourself?" His tone was mocking her, but underneath it, she could sense a hint of insecurity. She gently removed his hands from her body, and he didn't attempt to keep them there, letting her pull herself away, standing up and backing a little away from him.
"It doesn't matter!" she was slightly panicked, unintentionally raising her voice at him.
"That was wrong, we shouldn't have, I shouldn't have let you do that" Now it was her wringing her hands. She was on edge and trying to deny how much she truly wanted to settle back into his grip and kiss him until neither of them had any air left, and his fingers were imprinted into her skin.
"You're right, I'm sorry" is all he said before leaving but his tone was not apologetic it was blank, void of anything to give away whether or not he actually felt guilty for almost tainting her but Eliana knew deep down by the way he walked out of the Sept she would be seeing him attend prayer much more frequently.
(Any constructive criticism is welcome. Also, i might make a part 2 idk)
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smblmn · 2 years
Ten Random Lines
I was tagged by @lizzie-bennetdarcy, thanks lovely! 😘💖 Rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the midpoint, pick a line (or three), and share it! Then tag 10 people. 
(I only have 8 published works on ao3 at the moment and one of those is the collection of drabbles, so I'm putting one of those drabbles here.)
On the Outside Looking Through: David’s anger rises again, this man can’t be real. “Oh, and you expect me, what, to accept? After your amazing speech listing all the reasons I’ll never be on Patrick Brewer’s level? You insult me and my family and you assume I’ll come running into your arms just because you’re Canada’s most eligible Bachelor? Are you fucking kidding me right now?”
I want to go home: Now that he’s finally said it, David can’t stop telling Patrick that he loves him. He whispers the words in his ear as they’re exiting the building and Patrick pauses –as he always does– beside the portrait and smiles sadly at the happy family that no longer can hold one another. He writes the words with his lips all over Patrick’s body later in bed.
Breathe again: A man kissed me last night. A man I’m undoubtedly attracted to. A man I can see myself falling in love with.
In the eyes of the beholder: “In her defense, I may have started babbling about how incredibly beautiful the guy was and how I had never seen anyone like him before and how anyone else paled in comparison and how maybe I was gay and that’s why nothing really seemed to work with girls…”
'Til we're running from it: Rachel watches silently as Ted takes a blood sample and touches the puppy in different places to see how she reacts. Just the water seems to have had a miraculous effect on the dog, who looks more responsive and is even wagging her little tail a little bit. She looks so small and indefensive that Rachel feels her anger spiking. “How can anyone abandon someone like that?” she blurts out way harsher than intended and only when her voice comes a little bit broken, she realizes she’s crying. “Sorry, you must think I'm crazy,” she adds. 
Right in the doorway: Coming out to Rachel once he was sure about it was easy. It was made even easier by the fact that she had first row tickets to what she described as ‘the Patrick Brewer can’t be normal around his coworker show’. It’s probably an exaggeration, but then again, Patrick has never been so happy to go to work before in his whole life, so… maybe Rachel has a point.
The Great Canadian Baking Baker Show (Off): “It’s Mom’s recipe,” he says, beaming with affection.  “Can I marry her?” “No,” Patrick smiles. He's still extremely focused, competently drawing something with a piping bag. Another check in the list of turn-ons David wasn't aware he had until he met Patrick. He stops working for a moment and looks at David teasingly before throwing his final blow, “but I’m available.”
Collection of Drabbles: Convenience/Eerie: “It's almost eerie, this silence.” Mrs. Rose says, making Patrick realize he hasn't even turned on the music in the store, too busy wallowing in self-pity. Her piercing blue eyes study Patrick, urging him to explain. “I need you to know that I never meant to use David, I wasn’t dating him out of convenience–” “I witnessed you bestowing your heart to him in this very place.” Patrick tries not to cry, but a tear escapes anyway. “He’ll return to you, dear. He’d be a fool not to.” If he does, Patrick will make sure to treasure David Rose forever.
I'm not tagging anyone because I think everyone has already done this, but if you haven't, feel free to play! 💖
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I've currently (according to LibreOffice) written a little over 400,000 words of content for this blog, not counting the unprompted minific/imagine/reminder thingies
and I'm fully expecting to hit another 100k by the time I finish this current batch (or come very close to it), considering I've got over 250 requests at the moment
some of them are audio and art requests (love to see it!!!) but the majority are writing
that's really mindblowing to me, it is SO crazy to think I might hit a milestone of having written HALF A MILLION WORDS for this blog in the next year or so
fucking wild, I cannot believe it
to go from when I started this blog, I was only writing 100 words per request, and only in the format of those little drabbles... to removing that limit and fucking THRIVING on longer fics, reactions, headcanons, and different types of content
and there was a time when I didn't think I would ever come back here, a time when I didn't even think I'd be able to stay in the fandom at all.
to go from only writing content in 100-word chunks to seeing the possibility of having written 500k words for this blog...
none of my other blogs come close to that. I know I've been running this one for, what, 10-11 years now? but I've been running other blogs for 3-5 years and I don't think any of my others have hit 200k, most of them not even 100k
it's nuts and it is a testament to how much I love this series and these characters, and how safe and comfortable I feel here.
my life would be a lot different if I wasn't running this blog. even tho I'm never consistent in my activity, this place is one of my biggest sources of happiness. even when I leave, I ALWAYS come back, because I love being here. I love writing these characters.
I genuinely wouldn't still be in this fandom, experiencing all the joy I get from writing it, if I hadn't been welcomed back so warmly during a time where I was very unsure about staying.
this is something I gush about a lot, but like. seriously.
every time you guys thank me for what I do, give yourself a little pat on the back too.
if it weren't for all the feedback I get, all the requests I receive, and all the people here who are so kind to me, I probably wouldn't be here still, doing what I do.
thank you all for reigniting my passion and not letting my love for this series die like I thought it was going to.
I can't tell you how much this blog means to me, but hopefully my word vomit here gets the point across!
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werewolfashton · 2 years
2022 writing evaluation
darling @igarbagecannotevenoteven tagged me to do this, honestly unbelievable, thank you megs <3 your answers were so interesting btw!!
i’ll also include all my works in this bc i haven’t written much in 5sos this year lmao. the other stuff can mainly be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/villainous_intentions
number of stories posted on ao3: 4 for 5sos, 20-30 in other fandoms, mainly stranger things (this is such a vague number bc i’m including drabbles)
word count posted for this year: ~53.332
fandoms i wrote for: 5sos, stranger things, the iliad/tsoa, [redacted]
pairings: lashton (2), malum (1), ot4 (1), harringrove (like 20+ and some platonic pairings), patrochilles (1), [redacted]
story with the most kudos/bookmarks/comments: for 5sos it’s but underneath we had a fear of flying in all regards
for other fandoms in kudos and bookmarks it’s don’t that man look pretty and in terms of comments: i was far too scared to hit him, but i would hit him in a heartbeat now and into the deep
work i’m most proud of and why: i’m really proud to have written 4k in one sitting for a wild and an untamed thing, and really all i wrote for the harringrove harvest probably
work i’m least proud of and why: ngl i really don’t like any of my 5sos fics very much except maybe the 2 song fics and some horror aspects so
share or describe a favorite review you’ve received: i got and still get so much love for one of my drabbles for st, those always make me smile and then recently i got the funniest review of my life tbh but that stays between me and the unfortunate souls that have my insta
a time when writing was really, really hard: the only time writing was not hard was during the writing challenges in june and october. or well it was still hard but i was putting out words like an insane person anyway. blessed days.
a scene or character you wrote who surprised you: still surprised to be writing in the first place. certainly wrote a lot of stuff towards the end of the year that i did not expect. wrote about a shitload of trauma. OH i wrote crack. did not expect to be able to do that. 
a favorite excerpt of your writing: i mostly like some of the one liners in my fics and this is one of them from into the deep end: "Fear spreads through [Steve] and he rushes forward, half expecting a monster in the middle of the bed, but when he moves behind the others to look into the room he stops as well. It’s not a monster, not really. At least he doesn’t think so. 
It’s just a mullet wearing asshole that’s supposed to be dead."
and i wrote this baby of drabble that’s one of my fav pieces of writing idk i struggled with this point of the review
how did you grow as a writer this year? i have become more open to just writing what i want. especially recently i’ve stopped really caring? like i still look at numbers too much but at least i write what i like now. i’ve also started writing longer works (at least sort of)
how do you hope to grow next year? i wish i had more time to write which isn’t really something i can force so i think i’m just hoping to not care about statistics as much. as to writing itself i wanna just expand my vocabulary.
who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc)? alright so, idk. i often feel very uncomfy speaking to people about my fic bc i think i annoy them and they only put up with it. i certainly have some lovely people who have been supportive (like em) and have been kind enough to beta for me (e.g. helen) and especially noah has been helping me with ideas. but yeah overall idk i shy away from talking about my fic bc it just ends up making me feel bad. thus i think the only overall actually very positive influence was the stranger things fandom, lovely feedback, actual engagement with fics, all that stuff has been helpful.
anything from real life show up in your writing this year? haha. y’all don’t need to know how much i projected this year thanks!
any new wisdom you can share with other writers? stop! fucking! looking! at! the! stats!
any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year? @pixiegrl birthday fic. like 30 harringrove drafts. much [redacted]. we shall see though i’m trying not to stress myself
tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: aight idk what’s going on here anymore so i’ll leave this as it is
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gooses-trenchcoat · 1 year
guide to ao3 tagging
by someone who has used ao3 enough to develop tagging pet peeves
ok so i'm going to kind of walk through a process for tagging your fic, aimed at anyone who feels confused or uncertain about tagging or has ever added "i'm bad at tagging" to their tags (because i presume if you have you would benefit from my little guide)
to start off with, what are the purposes of tagging? i think there are two: to tell a potential reader who has found your fic what to expect, and to help someone who wants to read your fic to find it easier
so. i'll breeze through characters and relationships just because i think additional tags are where people have the most issues? this based on zero concrete evidence
step 1: character tags
characters are probably the easiest part. who's in your fic. write them down. you don't have to add them in order of most significant to least significant, but it can be a nice touch if you feel like it. if you're thinking, "this character is briefly in my fic/is talked about a lot but not actually there, you probably shouldn't tag for that character. people filtering for or against that character will find or miss your fic when they don't want to, and it's not going to affect anyone else.
step 2: relationship tags
slightly more involved than characters, and very much a topic of debate. my advice: start by identifying your main relationship. the shorter your fic, the more likely it is to focus on one ship or relationship dynamic above others. tag that first. then any additional ships, if applicable. any ship tagged should receive a considerable amount of focus within the fic, eg the characters have to interact in some way. background ships should most likely not be tagged, as you can add an additional tag for background (that ship) instead, letting people who have found the fic know that it will feature minimal amounts of that ship. ao3 will filter anything in the relationships section as that ship's tag. just because you added "background" or "a tiny bit of" or something, your fic will still show up under searches for that ship, which most people consider annoying and/or misleading, to a degree.
moving on to the additional tags section: this is something that can be tricky to figure out. bear in mind that if you have a short fic, you probably won't need to use that many tags, which is fine. people will still find your fic if they would be interested in it. overtagging can make your work look suspicious, if the word count seems unreasonably small compared to the number of tags. similarly, undertagging a long fic can make it hard to know what will happen to make it worth the word count.
step 3: themes
once you've got all your characters and relationships sorted, consider the main theme or themes of your fic. it is a character study? focused on two characters getting together? a fix it? add probably one to three (ish) tags for themes, depending on length and complexity. this is for the general genre of your fic, and is going to be really crucial for helping people find your fic. if your fic is a relationship reveal but you don't tag it as such, someone reading only relationship reveal fics is not going to find your work.
step 4: vibes
what is the main mood of your fic? the longer the fic, again, the more moods you're likely to go through. so, an 800 word drabble is probably going to just have one vibe, but a 50k slowburn is going to go through several different phases with different moods. this category is for more abstract tags like fluff, angst, humor, crack, etc.
step 5: tropes
did you just write a fic utilising one or more tropes? add them as tags. people love tropes. people are going to filter for specific tropes. tag your tropes. tropes include: character in specific job role, character exhibiting specific personality trait, "peter parker's field trip to stark industries". often the tropes will be fandom specific, unlike themes and vibes. utilise ao3's tag search capabilities to check if your trope is an existing tag. still add it if it isn't, and it'll get wrangled appropriately. (shout out to the tag wranglers, who do god's work daily)
step 6: anything else important
look it's a catch all final step wow. is there anything else that features significantly in your fic that you think people should know about? add it. add anything that is significant and could be a trigger, a selling point, or a hard pass. a good way to think is if you were trying to find the fic you just wrote, what would you filter for to find it? add that.
hope this helped someone out, i am by no means an expert so add anything you feel is relevant. i know tagging is a bit of touchy subject sometimes but i think i've kept this general enough to do more help than harm.
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wyattjohnston · 1 year
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as someone who is not female i personally consider very clear indication of readers gender a "warning" and will not read if there is no clear indication of gender/pronouns
if I suspect there is a trigger of mine I will not read, otherwise I'll give it a chance
They don’t impact me personally but I feel they are very important for readers who have triggers
it depends on the warning, I'm kind of sick of seeing warnings for "normal" things like drinking or swearing I understand that can trigger people but those are the sorts of things that just exist in real life of going to a restaurant or even work that you can't really avoid
I use to know if I want to read or not
Helpful as a guiding note
Warnings are important to me, if the author feels they apply to the fic
Depends on the warning, i avoid certain tropes and like family/pregnancy imagines
warnings are important but i will read fics without warnings. i feel like most fics that would need warnings have warnings
Depends on the summary and length mostly; if it's short and the summary sound like it's just gonna be all fluffy and stuff I might also read it without warnings, but especially for longer ones and angsty ones i really do prefer warnings (doesn't even have to be to detailed)
I like to at least have an idea of what to expect and will probably not read without any warning/summary unless it’s by an author I know well/read often
I appreciate them A LOT but it’s not a necessity for me (possibly because i don’t have a lot of triggers that warning would forewarn)
i prefer warnings but if there’s none i’m still open to reading
warnings are good to see if there is anything in the fic that i don't really like but they aren't a necessity
i prefer warnings but if it’s a small drabble or something shorter form i can deal without
They definitely do have an impact because it allows me to like shelf the fix for later if I’m not in the mood for something at that moment
I prefer warnings but it’s not a deal breaker
I prefer warnings but will still read a fic without them
warnings are necessary, but if there aren't any, that's ok too
if there are warnings I avoid then I won't read it, otherwise I'll proceed with caution
i don’t care for warnings but i know it’s important to other people
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archaictold · 2 years
[everyday my plans to kidnap zhilan comes closer to fruiti—i mean yeah, yeah i like him fine, he's a good kid and a great friend whose fluffy levels are sugar-inducing levels of high and i think taking him as part of your daily diet is good for overall health!
from a roleplay perspective though my personal take is that it's hard to play "nice" characters without making them predictable (at least for me), because the world is full of nice, ordinary people (again, personal experience). after a while you know what to expect and there's no surprises! but zhilan has his shining points and quirks to balance the expectations of "nice" with the richness of personality, so you DO have fun RPing with him and discovering bits of his inner world and backstory.
on that note it does feel rather hard to uncover his inner world, partly because he's too dense to recognize double meanings/probing comments, partly because he (so far) seems content and happy enough that what you see is really what you get. i am looking forward to whoever does dig deep enough to uncover more characterization secrets, whether they be long-buried desires or fears or anything else! i'm guessing it'd take either a strong external force (*inserts trauma/death here*) or a powerful internal force (like he falls in love or something) to make that happen though, so i may have to wait for Season 2 of this marshmallow head's adventures a bit longer.
in terms of relating him specifically with this muse, i like how zhilan (whether he realizes it or not) unlocks the softest part of wang yi, the side of his he's only really shown little kids if anyone. i think it's because he sees the same kind of innocence in zhilan (not that he sees him as an actual child ofc) and wants to share in that himself, because it's probably the closest he's gotten to normal so far in this island of eccentrics (himself included). though the "average boring author haha" act is more or less an idealized lie, wang yi's gentleness is 100% honest, and at present zhilan's the only one soothing and kind/gentle/good enough to get it consistently so...congrats on winning the weirdo lottery.
anyways, to me zhilan is bright, not only in terms of intelligence but in just existing...a literal light (but not blinding) that warms (without burning) and changes enough (to not be boring). those are my thoughts on him, hope they make sense and that i answered ur meme right.
also i enjoy putting him in all the fluffy drabbles, but that's just my writing preferences for soft scenes coming through hahahah.]
⧼ 🌱 ⧽ ┊        ❛ HOW'S MY PORTRAYAL?
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AAAAAAAA GOSH!! GOSH GOSH GOSH!!! lethe i am gently shaking u, this is so!!!! KIND agh..!!!! i definitely understand this sentiment, absolutely! mun-wise, i'm a person who typically plays "nice" characters. most of my roster is made up of hearts casted in gold, noble spirits, and kind souls. i write a large spectrum of these (mainly canon) characters, and some just... are "nice." when writing them, i feel limited in what i can do with them because they're always going to choose the "right" option, the morally good and just option. and with zhilan, the way i want to present him is very nuanced. he's a gentle soul, but yes! he'll help you study torture methods because it's interesting, wang yi, sure. he's a noble spirit, but yes! he'll befriend a trouble-causing pirate wanted by the qixing because he thinks they're fun and exciting and he can see them for their heart. he's "good" but his outlook on life, on people, is anything but black and white, nor is it strictly within the rules of good or evil. humans are complex, living is complex, and zhilan gives each person and experience its due complexity. i'd like to think he's not so simple either, full of quirks and strengths and weaknesses that i can expand on with every interaction he gets. his inner world is hard to pry into, but it's a subconscious though purposeful effort on zhilan's part, and something i actively incorporate into his portrayal. zhilan is a talker, but he doesn't really... talk about himself any deeper beyond a surface level. zhilan does not let his inner mechanisms be known, because sometimes they're painful, sometimes they aren't smiling, sometimes they aren't comfortable in their own choices, and that's not the person he wants to be in the eyes of other people. not to save face, but to avoid bearing the load on others shoulders. i've mentioned this to you in our DMs, but zhilan was a very sensitive child and he's still a sensitive person. but at some point, in order to accomplish a lifestyle felt was pre-destined for him, he picked himself up by the bootstraps, barreled ahead with all the zest and vigor he could muster, and never looked back. he's a naturally bright soul, but any hurt or frustrations that could dim it are effectively buried lest he shine dimmer for others. what i think he doesn't realize, and what i hope to challenge him on as he develops further in isola, is the idea that it's okay to not always shine with such brightness or intensity, because you will eventually burn out. the stars flicker for a reason. and i think his actual challenge (the rank up kind!) would hopefully bring into question zhilan's personal goals and their 'justness.' is the pursuit of knowledge always the answer? or sometimes, is ignorance bliss? i LOVE, love, love, love and adore how zhilan brings out wang yi's softness. they're a little like... you know how the moon only glows because of the sun's light? they feel like That to me. zhilan's earnestness is normalcy to wang yi, a chance to just be a person. and false author personas aside, zhilan would always accept him as a friend no matter what. wang yi is always going to be wang yi to him. that's his friend! he trusts him! you are stuck with him, wang yi! thank you SOOOO much for this wonderful feedback on zhilan. it was such a touching thing to see in my inbox, truly. 😭😭😭 feel free to keep stuffin' him into feel good drabbles.. i'll take the sweetness induced cavities ANY day. (and if u kidnap him, remember to water him.. ur zhilans need their sustenance!)
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