#i know this is an art blog but need to talk about witches
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freenos · 4 months ago
Ok maybe I do have more thoughts on the Medea interactions and how they reflect on Melinoe:
I’ve noticed that the discussion around Melinoe’s morality tends to focus on her proximity to the Olympians but I think there’s also something to be said about the moral grey area that witches fall under. She didn’t grow up in the House of Hades or Olympus, she grew up in the Crossroads and her perspective is influenced by the guidance of witches. And while Circe and Hecate are a little coy about their misdeeds, Medea stands out as the one who really owns the darker aspects of her craft and talks about the suffering she inflicts with pride. In contrast, Melinoe is…not pure but very invested in the idea of doing the right thing and being in the right. So there’s this contrast between them, Melinoe clings to moral justification for her task while Medea isn’t held back by moral dilemmas.
And I think part of that is because Medea pursues her craft to satisfy her own vengeful desires while Melinoe hasn’t gotten to fully explore her identity as a witch yet: They both use their craft in vengeful ways but Melinoe always has this degree of separation from the root conflict. (Nemesis gets at this idea quite a lot actually.) The titans are retaliating for things her family did long before she was born, yet Melinoe is tasked with cleaning up the mess. And when she does take time to herself, she often feels guilty about it. In contrast, Medea gets the satisfaction of personal revenge and is content to use her curses on anyone who gets on her bad side.
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It’s that intent that differentiates Medea from Melinoe, I think. No matter how impressive her feats, Melinoe is ultimately a weapon wielded by someone else and lacks pure intent of her own so she often hints at feeling…morally conflicted when talking to Medea. While Medea draws her power from the “blackest of intent” , it seems like Melinoe is forcing a tough exterior, filling a role that doesn’t always come naturally to her. And she wants to know how Medea manages to pull it off so seamlessly. Medea’s “with practice!” line is funny but also, if Melinoe is going to eventually become the goddess of nightmares, maybe she will get there with practice…
I have a suspicion that her arc won’t be about “becoming the nicest person and making everyone proud” but instead, channeling her craft to achieve her own goals without seeking the approval of a higher authority or abiding by someone else's vision of the future. Not perfectly restoring the Age of Gods or the Golden Age of mortals but instead bringing about a different future. She may end up letting her compassion guide her but Prometheus doesn't call her an agent of good or evil, he calls her an agent of change. And it seems like witches in this game are portrayed as catalysts for transformation.
As her understanding of the world grows and shifts, I think it’s interesting that Medea is one of the people Melinoe looks up to and confides in. She asks Medea these very earnest questions about mortals and gods and Medea grants her a joyfully bleak perspective every time:
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Medea also has this consistent tendency to disregard mortal suffering, to compare them to livestock and talk about them in terms of how poison-susceptible they are. I get the sense that Melinoe's perception of mortal weakness is influenced by these kinds of conversations:
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Melinoe's understanding of the world is shaped by an interesting range of perspectives and is somewhat...shaky and incomplete for now. I think she isn't quite sure how to reconcile her more compassionate impulses and the responsibility that she's dedicated her life to:
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Although she adheres to a very black-and-white set of beliefs for the sake of completing her task, there's also hints of uncertainty in her conversations, especially with Medea, a more experienced and self-assured witch. I think Melinoe's character development has the potential to go in a lot of interesting directions!
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omnomnomdomcaps · 1 year ago
Nevermore - Remastered
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Another Spooky Season remaster, this time featuring some awesome original art from @spaced-goddess. Go check her blog out!
“Alright now, up we go,” came Mrs. Winthrop’s soft voice, as she picked her onesie-clad student up from the classroom floor and placed her onto her desk, their school principal looking on as she did. “Can’t be having a talk with you while you’re crawling around on the floor.” 
Amber didn’t resist. She didn’t say anything, didn’t fight back against her teacher’s choice of words - after all, walking without tripping seemed to have become her latest challenge, and she had the carpet burns on her knees to prove it. Without a word of protest, the girl allowed herself to be picked up and placed on the desk, hiding her blushing face away as much as she could. 
This was a far cry from the girl who first arrived in Mrs. Winthrop’s preschool classroom on Halloween day, half a year before. That Amber was headstrong and defiant, fuming constantly that some saboteur had seemingly drugged her and messed with her brain, leading her down a road of failed tests and embarrassing accidents. She was furious that she had to drop out of the college and come here to relearn her basics, and she let everyone around know it. 
That Amber was proud. She was sure of herself. And even through all of her setbacks, she was confident. “Whatever,” she would snarl, “fine.I’ll just re-do some stuff and get out of here. I’m still an adult. I’m still better than all these dumb little brats.” 
As the school year wore on, though, those “dumb little brats” could actually keep up with their preschool lessons. And Amber? Not so much. 
While her classmates learned their numbers and letters and shapes, Amber just stared blankly, trying and failing to understand what the teacher was talking about, only to be distracted by the slightest hint of a pretty bird or a squirrel outside the window. Again and again, those “dumb little brats” ended up having to help her with shape blocks and stacking rings, while they played with their ‘advanced’ toys. Again and again, they would have to remind Amber to use the potty - or, more often, tell Mrs. Winthrop when the girl had an accident. 
Maybe, if Amber had known that she was under a witch’s curse, she wouldn’t have been so shocked at how it all turned out. Maybe, if she had heard the incantation, heard that the spell would lower her abilities to the level of her maturity, she would have understood why her stubborn attitude wasn’t getting her anywhere. But of course, these were truths she never would have accepted, or believed. 
“Amber, sweetie,” Mrs. Winthrop began, “we need to talk about your progress.”
The girl said nothing. Her face was turned away, her hands hidden between her legs.
“Now now,” the principal chimed in, a stern air of authority in his voice, “your teacher made you a very special potty chart, don’t you remember?”
Amber turned her eyes briefly to the wall, turning them back just as quickly. It was embarrassing for her to think about - the way her teacher had set it all up to help encourage her re-training, the whole class cheering her on like their little sister as she proudly donned her training pants. But of course, her results were anything but encouraging, and she was soon taken out of pullups altogether.
“Do you think you did a good job with your potty training?” Mrs. Winthrop asked.
The girl hung her head in silence. 
“And do you think you’ve been doing a good job with your preschool lessons?” the teacher added. 
“N-no,” Amber finally muttered, tears beginning to well in her eyes.
“And do you know what we’re going to have to do now?” came the principal, his arms crossed as he stood in front of the girl.
“Am I… Am I gonna havta stay in preschool again next year?” Amber's voice began to crack. 
Mrs. Winthrop let out a heavy sigh. “No, honey… I’m afraid it doesn’t look like you’re ready for preschool at all.”  
The girl was in shock. “B-b-b-b-” she stammered, “but… but I’m a big girl! I’m a big girl!”
 “Oh?” the principal offered flatly, “And what do you think makes you a big girl?”
“‘Cause - ‘cause I’m…” Amber took her hands out from between her legs, trying to emulate the “I’m this many!” gesture that her classmates would often make. She wanted to show that she was nineteen… or was it twenty now? Was twenty more than nineteen? Would she need to use more fingers than the other preschoolers did? After all, she was a lot bigger than they were. But then again, they were a lot smarter than she was…  
“Oh dear,” Mrs. Winthrop intervened, motioning the girl’s hands back toward her lap, “I think the poor thing’s gone and confused herself again.”
It was at that moment that another set of footsteps made their way into the classroom, and they belonged to Tom, Amber’s college boyfriend. Through all her failures and misadventures, he was the only one who stuck by her, seeming to enjoy having to take care of her more and more. And now, here he was again to pick her up from school.
“Daddy!” the girl blurted out instantly - he’d encouraged her to start calling him that, and it came naturally to her now - “They tolded me I can’t go preschool! They tolded me I’m not ready! But I’m a big girl! Big girl! Big girl big girl BIG GIRL!!” Amber shrieked, pounding the desk with her balled-up fists as the tears began to stream down her face.
“Oh my,” Tom turned to the two adults, unfazed, “has she been causing trouble?”
“Ah, you know how she can be,” Mrs. Winthrop shrugged, “I’m sure it hasn’t been easy for her, trying to keep up with these classes with the level she’s at.” 
“Maybe,” Tom nodded, a wry smile beginning to form, “or maybe she just needs a change and a nap.
“Up we go, princess,” he turned to the girl, lifting her from the table and into his arms, “time to go home.” 
“BIG GUWL!” Amber kept shouting, hands still waving in the air, “BIG GUWL! BIG GUWL!”
“I’m sure you will be one day,” her boyfriend-turned daddy assured her, patting her padded bottom, “but for now, we’re gonna find you a nice daycare, and first we gotta change you out of that stinky diapy.”
“But I’m not stin-” the girl protested meekly, before freezing halfway through.
That, of course, was when the smell and the sensation hit her. Of course she was stinky - she'd probably filled her diaper while shouting about what a big girl she was, while insisting that she belonged in a preschool where she was nothing more than the pants-pooping laughing stock of the class. 
As the last remnants of her pride crumbled away, Amber started to imagine just how far she had left to fall. She wondered, as she was carried away from that classroom for the last time, was she going to be the laughing stock of her daycare, too? It was all too much for her mind to handle, and so the girl simply started to bawl. She cried, helplessly, like the little baby she had become. She cried, helplessly, like the little baby she had now been for months. She cried, helplessly, like the little baby she was going to be for a long, long time.     
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gabilina · 2 months ago
Can you explain how Manon Blackbeak is a ripoff of Visenya Targaryen (I love Visenya)
Hi, virtual-dragon-almond-bakery! How are you? Thank you so much for your question.
I'm going to answer this in the best way I can but I don't know if I will be able to since this is my first Tumblr ask and my hands are shacking with excitement, but anyway this post will contain some spoilers, so if you haven't read Throne of Glass (TOG) or A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones (ASOIAF/GOT) or just any other George RR Martin's book and you don't want to be spoiled than don't read this post, but if you don't mind being spoiled than feel free to keep reading!
Before we start with the Manon/Visenya comparison I feel like we need to talk about how similar Manon is to Targaryens in general. As I mentioned in my previous post Manon IS very Targaryen coded. Even though some tog fans might argue that Manon's long, moon-white hair, and eyes of the color of burnt gold make her look different from most of the Targaryens whose main features are: pale skin, long, silver/gold/silver-gold/platinum hair and eyes in a variety of shades of light-blue/purple, the similarities are still hard to ignore, especially if we compare Manon's arts with those of the members of House Targaryen.
Manon Blackbeak-Crochan
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The Targaryen's
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Now onto the similarities between Manon and Visenya:
Their personalities
Monon in the Throne of Glass books is depicted as a person who is cruel, heartless, ruthless, yet cunning and resourceful. She is also described to be cold, uncaring, and icy. Meanwhile Visenya in Asoiaf is stern, serious, and unforgiving.
2. Their connections to the iron
In the world of Throne of Glass, there are 3 clans of witches: the Blackbeak Clan, the Blueblood Clan and the Yellowlegs Clan. Each of these clans belong to the group known as Ironteeth Witches.
As Ironteeth Witch, Manon has a specific physiology such as iron teeth and claws.
In George RR Martin's books, iron is also very important. As a metal, iron is used in tools and armaments. We also have ironborns, we have iron islands, but most importantly we have The Iron Throne which is a seat of the Lord of Seven Kingdoms. The Iron Throne was constructed by Aegon I Targaryen, also known as Aegon the Conqueror, first king of the Seven Kingdoms and Visenya's husband (and brother). It was made from the swords surrendered by Aegon's enemies.
3. Their connections to magic/sorcery
As I've said previously Manon is a witch but she's also the last surviving Queen of Witches. Visenya apart from being a skillful and powerful warrior was also rummored to be doing some magic stuff, including dark sorcery and poisons:
“Some claimed that Visenya dabbled in dark sorceries and played with poisons.” (Martin, A Wiki of Ice and Fire)
4. Dragons and blades
Just like Manon, Visenya is also a dragonrider. Her wyverns name is Vhagar, while Manon's wyvern is named Abraxos. What's interesting in all of this is how they named their dragons. Both of these names were associated with Gods of their respective series.
Manon named Abraxos after the Three Headed Goddess' pet and Visenya named Vhagar for one of the gods of Old Valyria
Apart from that they own swords, Manon - Wind-Cleaver and Visenya - the Valyrian steel longsword Dark Sister.
If you want more examples of this then go to @1800naveen blog and @autolykus one.
If someone has much more information on Manon/Visenya similarities or other Throne of Glass characters being Asoiaf characters copycats fell free to reblog and write about it.
Anyway that's for now. Hope you have a wonderful evening ❤️
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avonnimimi · 2 months ago
Welcome to my Blog
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Hihi helloooooo :) I’m mimi! (no that has no correlation to my actual name) This blog allows me to be myself without me feeling weird of other people’s judgements, because you guys don’t know who I am irl (-.-)
♡ | I am gay and I have the most wonderful gf in the whole wide world ☺️
♡ | I’m really nice and willing to be friends with you guys
♡ | I’m a pretty fem if your wondering ;), I’m black and i’m from the caribbean 🏝️
♡ | Ex BTS stan, only because I grew out of them, they have my heart tho💜, my bias was Yoongi and my bias wrecker was Jungkook.
♡ | I LOVE ANIMEEEEEEEE, my current fav is Dandadan, okarun has my heart🥹
♡ | I love art, and I love drawing, might show off some of my work ;)
♡ | I am 17 but I will be 18 in literally in a month and i’ve been forced to be an adult atm, i don’t have the best family😅 #saveme 😔✊🏽 (EDIT: I AM 18 NOW)
♡ | I love all queers, faggs, and tranny bitches☺️🤍🌈
♡ | I love cars, i’m currently saving up for a Honda Accord Euro R, but my dream car is a Nissan Skyline GTR 35 with a Rocket Bunny Kit😉
♡ | My fav movies are All the Spiderman Movies, Suicide Squad, Baby Driver, and Need for Speed.
♡ | I love singing🎶, my fav artists are; The Weeknd, Jhene Aiko, PND, Yeat, Drake, and Summer Walker.
I would consider myself as an earthy girl, I believe there is a God but I don’t believe in the religions taught today. I love manifesting and I love the universe. I practice a bit of witch craft or magic wtv you wanna call it😂 I make sigils, and I meditate when i’m feeling down.
I don’t smoke often but I love doing it, so does my pretty girl, nth wrong with a lil puff puff pass😚
I think this best describes me and my weird ass aesthetic:
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Don’t hesitate to send me an ask, or mssg if you wanna talk :)
Love you babies😚
Here is my Masterlist if you’re searching ;)
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anonimityblog4000 · 10 months ago
I actually hate having to post this, but
I feel like I have to post this in response to some recent drama stirring. I will cop to making an alt blog to post this because the hate around this has been virulent.
Recently this post has been shared regarding another artist creating locked tomb fan art
In this post which you should read they make the claim that the creator of these pieces 100% for certain created them with AI image generation software generating quite a lot of attention. The problem is that their supposed supporting evidence is INCREDIBLY flawed to the point of contradiction and nonsense. For example both of these cropped images
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are given as evidence of AI generation, claiming that the smudge is the result of AI failure and that the hand is CLEARLY ai generated…except that even a cursory examination and familiarity of what AI image generation ends up looking like would make it obvious that these aren’t AI hands and are just…normal hand drawn hands. As for the smudge we could easily explain that as the artist not noticing a mistake in one of their layers before posting, but we don’t know that. Except we do.
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Because if you were to look at the artists blog now you might notice they have made some corrections and small edits to the original piece and lo and behold…no smudge. Now here is where things get properly silly, instead of drawing the obvious conclusion from this that the artist being able to go in and fix the layers of their work means that they actually drew it THEY CLAIM THAT THE ABILITY TO DRAW AND EDIT IN THE EXACT STYLE OF THE PIECE IS FURTHER EVIDENCE OF AI.
I don’t think I need to point out to most people that AI image generation tools do not work that way and they certainly don’t allow you to make subtle targeted fixes and edits.
There is also a claim that the artist admitted to using AI to produce the piece which is a gross distortion of what they explained, the artist openly stated that they have tried using image gen tools to assist with their thumbnailing process. Let us be clear that thumbnailing is NOT producing any sort of final piece but is simply the process of brainstorming ideas and concepts. It’s seriously gross to flat out lie and claim the artist said anything different. Thankfully someone else screenshotted this so there’s actual evidence that accusations are being made that are straight up lies.
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It is also at this point we should take a look at some of the artists other publicly available work.
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I chose this selection because another accusation in the post that is hard evidence of AI is that because the posted pieces are “too different” in style from other earlier work posted on their blog, it should be fairly obvious how silly this is with even a small sample of what they have produced. This is an artist who obviously has the ability to work in a wide range of artistic styles and mediums but instead this is being used to claim they…can’t art? It’s also worth pointing the obvious that there are plenty of works in that artist’s portfolio in the exact same mucha style, including ones that are literally hand drawn on paper. Works that literally predate the availability of image generation software going back years. It is a complete farce to suggest this person CANT DRAW HANDS.
Frankly it is incredibly disappointing that the community is barraging this artist with insults and hate because of one persons incredibly flawed accusations. A person that I might add has deleted comments on their post that disagreed with them while at the same time castigating the artist for blocking them and deleting their post as evidence of their guilt.
While this isn’t conclusive in and of itself I’ll end with this.
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It’s more effort than the accuser went to before rallying a witch hunt against someone else.
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first-witch · 10 months ago
Intro post! (Sorry it's a mess)
Name: Sylvia, or Syl for short.
Pronouns: she/her/hers it/its/it's
Trans woman, lesbian
Kibty (kitty)
Country: USA
Horny sideblog @flirt-witch
Things I do on this blog: post art, make original posts, and lots and lots of reblogs.
Things I'm interested in: Japanese, music, video games, trigonometry, making things, horror, sleep, reading.
Games I like: elden ring, mirror's edge catalyst, minecraft, ghostrunner 1, mortal shell, and dnd.
Books I like: children of time by Adrian Trechlavoski, uzumaki by Junji Ito, and any book by Brandon Sanderson, but my top choice would be the mistborn trilogy.
Music/artists I like: Porter Robinson, yuyoyuppe, goreshit, utsu-p, and generally most edm, metal, or similar.
I don't do commissions or suggestions.
I make: blender renders, pixel art, digital art, ceramic art, low quality minecraft mods (I have no knowledge of actual code, so I use a block coding interface), and sometimes odd art forms.
I am perpetually tired, but if I start waxing poetic about something existential, that's when you know I'm REALLY tired.
If you follow me, I WILL mass like and reblog your blog for an hour, this is not a threat, it's a promise.
(unless you don't have enough things for me to reblog)
LGBTQIA+, systems, including endos, furries, therians, those with disabilities, neurodivergent people, and any/all groups who might be marginalized or under represented are all welcome here, please teach me more about your community! (assuming you cause no harm to people, otherwise, get out).
DNI list: transphobes/terfs, homophobes, or any type of -phobe. Pedophiles. Those who support hate, discrimination, or genocide.
If you ever need to talk about something, while I'm not a therapist, I will help you through it, regardless of how well I know you.
No soliciting in DMs or asks!
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reallemonmeat · 4 months ago
this is an important thing i want to talk about. im mostly refering to Emesis Blue fandom here, but it goes for any fictional media. ‼️please read even if you don't like Emesis Blue this is a general important message‼️
sorry for the rant but. can we please stop using "split/multiple personality disorder" in the context of "i think this character has it because 2 evil sides. its his other personality coming out!". actually can we also stop using those names too? MPD as a name has been outdated since 1994.
like.. as someone with DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder, "MPD"s ACTUAL name.) it's so fucking heart breaking to see people still have this mindset in 2024. like please before you even let a disorder's name out of your mouth please actually research even a tiny bit. one little thing you say can be so harmful.
I should also state im specifically talking about those who don't have said disorder of course. for example, i as a person who is medically recognized as having DID like to headcanon Postal Dude with DID. i usually keep it to myself unless i go in full depth to make sure i am not demonizing it or misrepresenting it. (i do have a post explaining it on my alt. i use it to cope.) generally, i think if someone has said disorder and they headcanon even a villain or a bad person character with it, they are allowed to
the issue comes when people without this condition come into play, and dont even respect the topic a little bit. this is where i talk about Emesis Blue.
No guys, pills do NOT give you DID. DID only comes from repeated childhood trauma.
no, DID is NOT the "2 personalities 1 is evil" disorder.
i hate ever mentioning my disorder onto this specific blog but this is the only way ill reach people. please stop misrepresenting disorders, especially using their VERY OUTDATED names and views.
im bringing up emesis blue specifically because someone's art i REALLY liked did emesis blue art, and i was instantly met with this in their tags.
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please, this goes for ANY FICTIONAL MEDIA, please stop representing DID this way. it is super harmful.
please do not witch hunt people either. i know not everyone is gonna know every thing, or be up to date. i know people arent constantly researching disorders like i like doing, i just want people to know that these representations of us are super harmful and we need to stop them please.
thank you so much for reading. please reblog so more people see. im sorry for this on my main.
if you want to learn more about DID, i would recommend this site as a start. https://did-research.org/origin/structural_dissociation/
im also not FORCING YOU to research every little thing about disorders or at all, just please do not severely misrepresent them in such a harmful way.
thank you.
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plusvanity · 9 months ago
To make this clear, Old Mayhem and me NEVER attacked one another.
There's no animosity going on between me and her. Although in the same 'fandom', our blogs exist separately and don't overlap. This doesn't mean hatred. This simply means a different public. The effort that me and her seems to put in the content that we create is massive, so as I said before, I will say I again, be a decent person and don't spread misinformation about what my dynamic between me and her is like. Also, don't spread hateful messages in anyone's inbox about how 'shit their art is' or 'how dare you not like this blog??' Because you NEVER know if the person who reads it has s*****e thoughts and the LAST THING that they read is your spiteful message. It happened with me before, and I wouldn't wish this feeling even on the worst people in my life.
This is all I had to say regarding Old Mayhem.
Now, I want to address the real issue who's name I didn't mention until now, Kelma 69, the one blog who's proud description is 'Getting rid of weird Mayhem fans, mostly from Pelle's fans'.
I don't even have to add anything about this description, her malicious 'witch hunt' intentions are more than obvious and the fact that I seem to be her number one target is sending a shiver down my spine.
I don't have an issue with people who block me and move on with their lives, this is normal, it's expected. But I have an issue with someone who blocks me and keeps endlessly talking about me with every chance they've got, so I want to ask her why?
I never interacted with her before, yet she comes across so vicious about my art and fiction for seemingly no reason other than envy.
Of cause that you're entitled to your own opinion, of course that you don't have to like me, this is absolutely alright, but you should assume your words instead of hiding behind blogs that had been here long before you or 'adjusting' your statements to how it seems more convenient for you.
Calling my art 'crap', than saying 'I'm not insulting the artist' is blatantly lying with proofs on her own page.
Also, the fact that she was both following me and my other artist friends, liking our 'Vargelle' fanarts until someone brought this to her attention and she suddenly blocked me and my friends is a 'getting caught' behaviour. I can understand that she may had liked those fanarts because of Pelle's design, as she mentioned at one point, but some of those drawings didn't even had Pelle's face in it, so how does this work? She also liked fanarts of Varg (alone) even if she hates Varg more than anything, so was this for his 'design' too? Is it?
Also, her parasitic tendency to accociate herself with Old Mayhem to seem relevant, to gain attention and admiration denote very evident deceiving and manipulating tactics.
Another aspect of her double-faced behaviour is the fact that she presents herself as 'shy' when she has no problem whatsoever getting rid of what might step out of her appreciation area. Shyness doesn't come with blunt insults and a covert need for conflict and drama. Shy people doesn't seek reactions, they don't go out to hate on people to boost up their ego and shy people DON'T throw the 'you just play the victim' card whenever they can't find solid arguments against their accusation.
Is calling out someone's falsehood the equivalent of 'playing' the victim? Is this the way to wash your hands clean from taking responsibility?
The fact that you won't allow a conversation to take place and once you consider that 'you're done playing your game' you pull out, just shows how unwilling you are to recognise what you've done.
I hope everyone can leave behind this senseless drama. I'm so sick and tired talking like a broken record about these things.
Live and let live. There's so much to do in life other than being angry about fiction, trust me.
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oonajaeadira · 1 month ago
get to know your moots
@morallyinept and @ace-turned-confused gave me a tag and I will never not play their games. <3
What's the origin of your blog title? I write soft fic and if there's smut it's usually pretty tame and soft, so you should know what you're getting into here.
OTP(s) + Shipname: Kaylee/Jayne always.
Favourite colour: Pastel yellow.
Favourite game: Please come over and play Marrying Mr. Darcy with me. I promise you won't regret it.
Song stuck in your head: I haven't been able to shake "Father Figure" since Babygirl.
Weirdest habit/trait? I need to dry off before putting on clothes. Specifically the panty region. If I don't, it's damp all day, and not in a good way.
Hobbies: Reading and writing fic, reading fiction and non-fiction, arts and crafts of all shapes and sizes, dinking around with musical instruments, video games, board games, going for walks, curating my witch cabinet, listening to podcasts, helping friends do aesthetic interior design, thrift store and online auction trolling, internet shopping, getting ignored by the crows in my neighborhood, and the My Little Pony RPG.
If you work, what's your profession? I support artists. I'm basically a living resource, cheerleader, advisor, networker, etc. I'm also, by rights, an artist myself.
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be? I have my dream job for now. If the Republicans see fit to leech my profession to dying, then I have two backup plans. If the economy is good, I'm going to pursue a job as a ticketing agent at Delta (or other international airline). If the economy takes a dive? You'll be seeing me apply for training as a death doula.
Something you're good at: Figuring out complicated scheduling.
Something you're bad at: Exercise.
Something you love: Ice cream.
Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: Star Wars. Pedro Pascal. Tarot.
Something you hate: People forgetting that their car is a murder machine--the likes of which is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths every year in this country alone--and that their fkn around could have severe consequences.
Something you collect: Tarot decks. Witchy books. Jewelry. Art supplies. Rocks. Boxes. My old glasses. My old technology.
Something you forget: Plots to movies and shows if it's long enough since I've seen them.
What's your love language? Giving: quality time. Receiving: words of affirmation.
Favourite movie/show: Labyrinth / The Mandalorian
Favourite food: Tacos.
Favourite animal: Red panda.
What were you like as a child? Very short and looked much younger than my peers. I was picked on a lot, had issues at home, and cried most days which exacerbated both of those problems. Played on my own most of the time and had a raging imagination. Loved to read and write stories. Was a good student because, for the most part and despite the bullying, I did like school. I was quiet until you got to know me and then I wouldn't shut up. My stuffed animal collection was my whole world.
Favourite subject at school? I preferred English, orchestra, and the sciences.
Least favorite subject? Math and gym.
What's your best character trait? I lead with compassion. (Unless I'm in a car. If others are making driving choices that are endangering myself or others, I'm bound to be really effing snarky about it and make some very judgmental comments and throw curses. Not swears, CURSES. I'm a witchy girl, yo. I go hard.)
What's your worst character trait? I get ranty and gossipy much more than I'd like.
If you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be? I think I'd like it to be warmer than 7 degrees outside.
If you could travel in time who would you like to meet? Pedro when he was in grade school. I just wanna see who he was before he became him.
Recommend one of your favourite fanfics (spread the love!): Lately I've been thinking about Love Triangles by @littlemisspascal a lot. And @something-tofightfor just completed her A Wonderful, Awful Idea series and Imma go and grab something warm in a cup and read the last chapter!
tagging: @littleredpandanaps @fromthedeskoftheraven @rulexofxnines @sixhours @iamskyereads
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mangos-music-diary · 26 days ago
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3-2-2025 album "Germ Free Adolescents" by X-Ray Spex
Finally continuing my "to be listened to" list with this album! The combination of new wave and punk rock just tickles my brain in the perfect way. The saxophone is perfection and I just love the combination of rock and saxophone, it just brings so much fun and power to the sound of the song ( the longer you stick around my blog the more you'll see how much I love brass instruments ).
I've been meaning to get into X-Ray Spex for the longest time but unfortunately my brain always has the desperate need to listen to music I already know on repeat... (⌒_⌒;)
All the songs on the album were great but strangely the song that stood out the most was the bonus track "Age" on the second disc, I'm not sure exactly why it stood out to me so much, maybe the guitar riff and contrasting vocals?
Anyways of course comparing the album to music I already know, I think the addition of the saxophone and punk rock guitars remind me of the album "The Witch's Dagger" by Veronica Lipgloss and the Evil Eyes. Of course "The Witch's Dagger" would be a 2000s death rock/post punk/art punk counterpart to "Germ Free Adolescents". I'll be talking about "The Witch's Dagger" more in-depth at a later date when I happen to listen to it!
That being said "Germ Free Adolescents" by X-Ray Spex is definitely going on my punk playlist :3 and I'll be digging deeper into this iconic band in the future!!!
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artsartblog · 1 year ago
Made a bit of fanart/art meme of Shock from @crystallizedtwilight with my tnbc oc Sabrina since I thought it’d be fun to make because both are witches and end up learning how to do witchcraft later than other witches. (My main blog’s @ is on here since this is just where I post my art and oc stuff)
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The reason Sabrina learns witchcraft later than most other witches is that she grew up in the human realm under the assumption that she was a human, but most definitely isn’t. I haven’t worked out the details on how she ended up in the human realm, but she is most definitely as citizen of Halloween Town that just somehow ended up elsewhere. She does have human parents, but they’re just her adoptive parents not her biological ones since she doesn’t know them or anything about them. Sabrina does end up moving to Halloween Town after finding out the truth, but it takes some time for her to get used to. She is a very quiet person who doesn’t talk much to others, but she’s very talkative whenever she gets to know someone or gets to talk about something she’s passionate about. She’s just got social anxiety so she tends to just stay quiet until need be.
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twstedpometea · 6 months ago
Addressing the "No Harassment" rule people are still breaking.
Hello everyone it's been about 5 months since I last posted anything Ugigiugi-related. However, I was recently messaged over something I still have to address because some of yall ain't listening to what many of us have been saying since this Ugigiugi drama began. This will be a long post.
There has always been a rule of "No harassing" people about the Ugigiugi situation.
This rule has always extended to people who do not want to see/hear the drama in the Twst fandom but also to people who used to/currently follow Ugigiugi. Anyone who's followed my blog knows I've already had to talk about harassment/spamming before but it seems no matter what people keep breaking this rule.
I was recently messaged that one (former) follower of Ugigiugi was being harassed. This same person who messaged me is someone who has helped save/sent us some of Ugi's now hidden art and given us some art sources since the drama unfolded. They have already explained to me that they only follow Ugigiugi on DA now for the sake of keeping an eye on her activity and nothing else.
Now I'm aware there are several reasons people still follow Ugigiugi on DA. I know some people follow her by watching her profile. Others use tabs/HTML links to said profile and so on. Whatever reason doesn't matter people follow people for different reasons. That being said once again I am still seeing this type of harassment going on and it needs to be addressed. I was sent these screenshots and have permission to post these by the person being harassed.
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So first off. This is STILL harassment. I'll keep saying it till the cows come home. Harassment of any type is against what a lot of us here have been saying to not do. Secondly, Let me correct people here on something. A watch doesn't equal a "boost" or supporting number on a profile. DeviantArt doesn't work the same way Tumblr or Twitter works when it comes to boosting a profile to the "popular" side of a Social media page. Engagement/activity/views on art pieces are what boost the algorithm. (More so you have to be breaking BIG NUMBERS to get your profile on the front page) That being said? Ugigiugi's numbers have dropped since she was exposed. She used to be pretty close to 600 watchers. She's now down to 315. So if anything she's lost half of her numbers, and with her no longer posting on DA she's lost traction as of this time. Thirdly, it's juvenile to be going after Ugigiugi's "watchers". At that point, you're just looking to start a witch hunt for people. Ironically, you're also going after the people who have been helping me and others since the drama unfolded. I need people here to stop going after people like this. You shouldn't be harassing anyone. It doesn't even matter if they're a watcher/or a fan of Ugigiugi or someone who might be helping keep an eye on her. We've stated time and time again, to not be harassing anyone. PERIOD! I'm going to go ahead and say this if anyone is getting harassed about the Ugigiugi stuff please just go ahead and block or report them. I'm getting very tired of having to repeat the rules because people are looking to use their "ugi hate" on someone. As for whoever this Cerulea--blue person? I don't know if they are a user here or if their under a different name on Tumblr but if you see this post? Kindly, stop. If you have so much energy to be doing something then go source Ugigiugi's traced art (there are still plenty of unsourced pieces) or something more productive than harassing people. You are literally not helping no one at all and you are just breaking the rules and boundaries a lot of people have been set about this drama. -TwstedPomeTea
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jesncin · 7 months ago
Hi! I discovered this blog through your Superman comics (love em, they’re great, A+, wonderful work) and I was looking into buying your graphic novel bc I love your art style and the premise seems cool!
My question, though, is that the description for Moon Boy starts off “for fans of The Witch Boy and Squished”, and I don’t know what either of those are— do I need to know those stories, or have read them, before I can read Moon Boy?
My word, thank you so much! It means the world to me that a handful of Superman fans migrate over to my graphic novel. If you liked how my Superman comics talk about diaspora and immigrant identity as an alien, then Lunar Boy is that to a queer, third-culture kid, culture-shocked degree.
Oh you don't have to read the Witch Boy or Squished to understand Lunar Boy. Those are what's called "comparison titles"- it gives readers an idea of the vibe of my book. Lunar Boy is often compared to the Witch Boy because it's a magical queer story about family, and Squished because that book is about a big family going through change from a big move. All those are their own stories with different authors and artists :)
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rocksandmirrors · 1 year ago
this is something i wrote a couple weeks ago based on the second art of this post i've made, but i didn't feel like posting it on ao3. hope you enjoy!! the wonderful @sapphic--kiwi inspired me to write this, make sure to check out her blog as well <3 she's a very talented artist and writer
also watch out for body issues and internalized fatphobia
Matt couldn’t stand to see his reflection anymore.
He should have seen it coming, though; with all the work he had been doing for the last years, and being able to eat his fill every day, it was obvious he would gain weight. Yet, now that he stared at himself in the mirror, all he could see was the extra pounds that didn’t have to be there. He knew this was silly, but an immature part of him hoped he could have looked like these constructionist witches in the shows he watched, attractive and shaped like a V.
Grimacing, he pinched a bulge on his stomach and let out a groan. He hated looking like this, especially when he was so skinny just a couple years ago. Maybe he could skip breakfast, just for today. He wasn’t that hungry anyway.
Shaking his head to try and think about something else, Matt reached out to the cabinet above the sink until he saw Augustus’ reflection in the mirror, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. He froze as they locked eyes, and he prayed he hadn’t seen too much of him wallowing in his misery.
“Hey,” he mumbled, finally opening the cabinet to grab his hairbrush. “Sorry, did I wake you up?”
“Nah.” Matt heard footsteps behind him, and a few seconds later, felt a pair of arms around his waist, as well Augustus’ warmth against his back, and his chin on his shoulder. “You’re up earlier than usual.”
“Eh, I just woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep. Figured I could get prepared for work, at least.”
Augustus’ hands wandered around his stomach and hips- areas of his body that he hated more than anything- and he repressed the urge to push them away. Instead, he started brushing his hair, slowly, untying all the knots one by one. He had two hours left before leaving, might as well take his time.
“Matty, are you okay?” he asked, slumber still staining his voice.
“M’yeah. Sort of.” When he met Augustus’ eyes again through the mirror, he sighed. “No, not really.”
“I know. I saw you.”
Yeah, he figured as much. His fiance had that talent for always being at the wrong place, at the wrong time. He put his hairbrush down next to the sink, still staring at their reflections.
“Of course you saw me. There’s nothing else to see about me but… this,” he added, disgust dripping in his tone.
“Don’t talk about yourself like that.”
“Like what? Like I became fucking ugly? Someone here has to, because you sure as hell aren’t doing it.”
Matt was getting worked up over pretty much nothing and arguing with a brick wall; he knew that, yet couldn’t help it. Just thinking about the way his body had changed over the last years made him feel miserable and fall back into his old self-deprecating ways, aggressive towards someone who didn’t ask for it.
“You’re not ugly,” Augustus argued, leaving a peck on his jaw. “You’ve never been.”
“Augustus, you don’t need to rub me up the right way. I know I’ve changed, I mean- you’ve seen me at seventeen, look at me now! I was in much better shape back then!”
“Were you?”
“Do you really need me to make an illusion of my old self to compare?” He asked, arching an eyebrow.
Augustus shook his head, his hands still rubbing the parts of his body he hated the most. Matt just wanted this conversation to end, to go on about his day and shove that brief moment of vulnerability into a corner of his mind so he could forget about it. As much as he hated his current appearance, he never intended for his lover to listen to him vent about his body issues first thing in the morning.
“Matt, you had nothing to eat as a teen, of course you were skinnier. Hell, I’ve seen you digging through trash at school just to have lunch.”
“Yeah, but-”
“You’ve grown up. You’re doing a lot more physical work, and like it or not, you can’t keep your teen body all your life.” One of Augustus’ hands moved up to his torso. “If you really want to lose weight someday, I’ll support you, but I want you to know I also love how you look right now, because you’re just as healthy and handsome. Frankly, I’m happy to see you like this.”
Matt’s breath got stuck in his throat, and his eyes widened at these words. He knew Augustus tended to be clingier than usual whenever he lacked some sleep, but he still needed to get used to all the praise that came with it.
“I don’t really see it,” he admitted with a shrug.
“That’s okay. I don’t expect you to get over this right away.” The younger witch left another kiss, this time at the nape of his neck, and a shiver ran down his spine. “But trust me, if you could see yourself the way I see you, you’d marry yourself in a heartbeat.”
Matt could feel- and see- all the blood rushing to his face, and suddenly, the warm hands wandering on his body didn’t bother him as much- they felt loving, tender, worshiping every part of the body he still struggled to accept as it was. He leaned into Augustus, still standing behind him, and the arms around him wrapped themselves tighter.
“Are you feeling any better?” He asked.
“I… Yeah, actually. Thanks, babe.”
“No problem.” Augustus left one last peck on the shell of his ear before stepping back, and Matt immediately missed his warmth. “Since we’re both awake, I’m gonna make some coffee. Do you want some?”
“You know it.” Matt turned around to face him, offering him a tired smile. “Let me make you breakfast, yeah?”
“Don't worry, I’m not touching any pans in this kitchen,” he yawned as he left the bathroom.
Matt watched his fiance walk away, then turned back to his reflection. Half of his hair had been brushed, the bags under his eyes were a little more prominent than usual, contrasting with his crimson face, and his shirt was a little crinkled from where Augustus had been touching him. He pinched a bulge on his stomach again, poking at the fat here and there with a faint smile.
Maybe he could indulge in breakfast today.
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mrs0verthink3r · 2 months ago
Blog intro (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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The basic stuff about me 
Hello my name is Irene or joy which ever one you want to call me :) 
Age : 16 
pronouns: she/her/hers
Sexuality: straight 
I have 2 cats ( Kitty and Garfield) 
( I do have autism but that’s like whatever) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I am looking for friends
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I am a kind person but if you are rude to me I will be rude back so. 
ISFP or INFP idk  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
I do curse sometimes but not all the time. 
I do have mental health issues/ problems but I am working on them so I am okay right now 
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My hobbies (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。
Drawing ( traditional and digital) 🎨
Reading 📖 
Listening to music  🎶 
Watching tv 📺 
Baking 🧁
Cuddling with my cat 🐱 
Working out 🏋️ 
Writing ✍️ 
Shopping 🛍️ 
I wanna start crocheting 🧶 :) 
Cleaning or helping out  🧽 🧹
( I love being alone sometimes lol )
pfp made by me, I don’t use ai for art and I take my time with it
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My interests  =^._.^= ∫
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Movies / shows : MLP , Miraculous ladybug , Ginny and Georgia, squid game, Alice in borderland, stranger things the rookie, modern family, young Sheldon, Orphan, Saw  movies , Triangle ,The autopsy of Jane doe,  Hell house , terrifier, Grave encounters , Ready or not ,A quiet place, The Blair witch project , mha, Madoka Magica, kakegurui, and many more ミ๏v๏彡
Games : Genshin impact, Honkai star rail, Roblox, project sekai, Minecraft, Fnaf, shining Nikki ,pony town. ( I don’t have a pc,console, or computer ) 
Other things : I like cats sometimes other animals,  my favorite flowers are red spider lily’s, cherry blossoms, blue lotus flowers, and peony.
Creepypasta, slenderverse, Sanrio, vocaloids, ever after high, monster high,Bratz, Danganronpa, and more 
( I’M  NOT A TOXIC PERSON ) that includes everything I like, I’m not that type of person and I don’t hate on other’s interests, and I don’t Sexualize characters. So there’s no need to worry about me. ( just because I’m in a fandom doesn’t mean I act like the weird or toxic side of it) 
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Music I listen to (*≧∀≦*)
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( I really like music) ( It’s in no Pacific order) 
23  kiss of life - Natty 
22 Itzy - my bias- Yeji 
21 New jeans - my bias - Hanni 
20 Halsey 
19 Insane clown posee 
18 Katy Perry 
17 Millionaires 
16 Kesha 
15 ILLIT - my bias - Minju
14 Britney Spears 
13 Black pink - my bias - Jennie 
12 Red velvet - my bias - Wendy 
11 le sserafim - my bias - Sakura 
10 Ic3peak 
9 Twice - my bias - Dahyun
8 Ive - my bias - Liz 
7 Aespa - my bias - Giselle 
6 Marina 
5 Lady Gaga 
4 Baby metal 
3 (G)I-DLE - my bias - Yuqi 
2 Jazmin bean 
1 Baby monster - my bias -  Ruka 
( you don’t need to worry I’m not a solo Stan, I like the whole group it’s just I like a member little more and I still support the other members. I am a Girl group Stan, but I won’t hate on you if you like any boy groups I just like girl groups better :))
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Homophobic, Transphobic,etc.
Racist, Sexist, Ableist, Discrimination, etc.
Pedophile, Sexualizes Minors, Jokes About R×pe, etc 
DO NOT  send me  S/H, e/d,nsfw etc stuff like that  
Over all I don’t want to deal with toxic/ stupid people I’m so sick of toxic people in general 
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Daily Reminders for you and me    ૮ . . ྀིა⁩
Remember to drink water and eat healthy don’t skip a meal it’s only going to hurt you. 
Feel good about yourself don’t let others take away your confidence. 
It’s okay to take a break from social media for a few days or weeks everyone needs one. 
Please try to stay healthy I know so from personal experiences it can be hard but I believe in you try and get motivators work out. ( I like taking a shower or working out when I feel down it might be different for you though) 
Remember no is perfect  so it’s okay to make mistakes sometimes just don’t let it overflow 
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I am here to talk if you want but if it’s sounds like it needs professional help please talk to a trusted adult. If you feel suicidal please text or call 988, 911, 741741 
Also don’t be an asshole, it’s my blog if you don’t like it you have a block button for reason so use it,  instead of being a no life who hates on everything you see. Have a good night or day everyone  :) 
  /ᐠ ˵> ˕ <˵マֶֶֶֶֶָָָָָ֢֢֢֢֢
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clown-femme · 15 days ago
this is so random but weve been mutuals forever and i know you have ocs but i dont know anything about them and then randomly the other day i was like “i should just send an ask and ask about them” and so here i am! if you have any fun oc info id like to hear it :>
HI FROYO!!!!!! Thank you for sending me this ask this means a lot to ME!! Oh boy, hm, where to start.
I thought about doing little doodles of everyone to use in this ask, but I know if I try to make myself do that I'll never actually answer you. I also have a lot of them, so I'm going to narrow my list down!
Mordecai Benoit Henri Baptiste Ambroisie! Any pronouns, 264 years old TODAY IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY 02/14!! vampire. The space between Mordecai's ears and under their blonde head is a bunch of cartoon hearts and roses. Gleeful, romantic, silly, owns a ballet company, is excellent at forging documents and does so for a living. my favoritest most special princess of my ocs. rococo and art nouveau aesthetics. everyone's auntie.
Jachobin Garbot! he/him, bi and dtf if you are sweetheart, vampire, 137 years old but died at 42 so he has permanent greys. Former detective, current paranormal investigator/private investigator (which one he is depends on which side of his business card you're looking at). Sleazy, charismatic, deeply depressed. Calls everyone pet names. Smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish. Wears sunglasses indoors and slicks his hair back. Film noire aesthetics. He's the character in my blog header image! Sunmi "Sun" Pond! he/him, gay, 29, his mother is a half vampire which I guess makes him, like, a quarter vampire. Very pretty and knows it, 'look queen' style of drag queen and all around entertainer (singer, dancer, musician, actor but not in comedy roles. running joke is that Sunmi Isn't Funny.) His drag name is Calliope Whatsername. Loves bread. Vain but deeply melancholic. Heavy mermaid themes. In many AUs, his mother is @creempyeyes's Charlie. Hogarth Hanamura!
he/him, 30, gay, werewolf (in most aus but not all). Crabby persnickity nitpicking furry artist. Alarmingly popular with people I show him to. The saddest angriest loneliest wettest loserboy around. NEEDS to be right. A hopeless, hopeless romantic. VERY in love with @kingfucko's Simon (at least in AUs where they both exist). forest aesthetics.
Radio Kahale!
she/her, 27, lesbian, butch as fuck, a regular human who has had supernatural bullshit dumped in her lap. she's an amateur boxer and convenience store clerk who accidentally made a deal with a chaos entity that gave her semi-useless pyrokenisis in exchange for her taking care of his kid for him. Upbeat, talks WAAAAY too much, ADHD queen, has a tattoo sleeve, likes star trek and food.
she/her, 28, bi, a witch who wound up more powerful than she ever meant to be. short term memory issues (magically induced). lives with her maternal grandfather, and once erased a guy from existence. might be letting her magic consume her a little bit. elegant but not necessarily delicate, can be occasionally blunt. sunlight/angel/ethereal aesthetics.
There are lots more but I don't want to talk your ear off about ALL of them. I also have my oc blog @spaceypeachbun . almost all of these ocs have playlists and pinterest boards and all of that crap!!
if you have ocs please tell me about them too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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