#i know they wont match. half the time they end up in different worlds and im okay with that it doesnt bother me
bmpmp3 · 1 year
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 6 months
About lava cake, I want to hear your thoughts about how Marella, as a pyrokinetic, is technically considered talentless in the matchmaking system. Therefore making Fitz and Marella a bad match. How do you think Fitz would react when he realizes this, knowing this could end up in a similar way to Sophitz?
-lava cake anon #2 ;)
Oooo this is a hard one. I'm open to any thoughts!!! @autistic-daydreamer @myfairkatiecat @sacrificialloving
What I'm about to write is so half-baked, I apologize in advance lmao I think it would begin with Alden or Della pulling him to the side and noting how much time he's been spending with Marella-- at this point, Fitz knows he has feelings for her, but he's also very aware of the ramifications. They remind him how important his reputation is, and how it will hurt not only him, but Marella, her family and his own.
He doesn't want this to end the way it did with Sophie. He doesn't want to care about it. But he does- especially as his age creeps closer and closer to the time he's expected to have a winnowing gala. For a while, he starts to distance himself from Marella.
And because she knows him so well, she clocks the reason almost immediately. However, she doesn't confront him on it immediately like she normally would. Because part of her is just as terrified of being a bad match. she doesn't want to hurt his reputation either. She doesn't want to ruin his life. And really, she doesn't want to handle the scorn either. They've talked about it in the past, how big of a deal it is to do things by the book.
But the desire to be with one another is so powerful, that at some point- Fitz takes a leaf out of Keefe's book- finds a forbidden cities leaping crystal and asks Marella to go to the human world with him. It's stupid and reckless. He's never done anything like this. But he's really starting to feel trapped, and well-- he's not friends with Keefe for no reason. He understands his childhood bestfriend's desire to run. He's just never been brave enough to do it before.
But this situation is the final nail in the coffin. And he's just like 'Well, let's seen if Keefe's method really works.' (it's the first time he feels he's ever done something for himself. It's freeing. and terrifying.)
Marella agrees to go with him after a few weeks of radio silence. Because in the human world they can just be. They both agree that this will be their final hurrah, and then, they wont pursue anything with one another. They'll follow the paths laid out for them. However, this does not work, and they end up just secretly dating-- the lie dangling over their heads.
Fitz, of course, realizes he's a hypocrite for it. For suddenly being so willing to do this with Marella, where he wasn't with Sophie. His whole life he has been watched and seen as an image. But Marella is the first girl to truly see through to who he really is, and to shed the false perceptions she had of him early on in their friendship. Whereas, part of him- though he denied it at the time- always felt like Sophie also saw him as perfect in many ways. It was an idea she wasn't quite ready to let go of when it came to him- It feels different with Marella. And besides, Sophie has Keefe now. (but of course, Sophie is still hurt by this when she finds out. Not enough to cause friendship ruining drama, but definitely like 'damn ok ig' lol)
Marella gets exposed as a pyrokinetic at some point, which leads to massive scorn, on top of people finding out they're together.
It's a mess. They probably break up a few times in between everything-- but then one day, things calm down. The Neverseen is defeated, and real societal changes are made, and while it isn't perfect, you can't erase a way of thinking completely, it makes it easier.
Or maybe they just fake their deaths and go to live among humans idek
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spikeinthepunch · 11 days
a while ago i wrote a post all about my dnd character Asphodel, but i actually removed it along with some descriptions on some art because i had paranoia one of my party members might find my blog due to them making a tumblr and knowing my username on instagram which is the same lol...
but for complex personal reasons i wont be playing Asphodel with a the part of that party that would find this blog, and so i wanted to write a new post going over her especially because the campaign she was in had to stop and be cancelled so lore pertaining her present plot line is no longer relelvant (but she remains the same overall)
so here i go, long post incoming. i will go from the start to the end of her backstory, then the "present" of the campaign (which again, has ended and was incomplete).
Asphodel Atbay (he/she) is a lawful evil tiefling cleric/rogue who worships the evil goddess of misfortune, Beshaba. She has white skin, buzzed white hair, and blue eyes. There is a scar on her left thight shaped like a stag's head with antlers.
Her family generations ago fled Demos to the new world, and in doing so they prayed to the goddess Beshaba in wishes to avoid all kinds of misfortune in their new life. However, they became tied to her with no way to leave as they feared what they may do if they became disloyal to her. So, they adapted to her follower's lifestyle in order to please her... which mean a life of evil. Deception, manipulation, selfish greed. In time they embraced this and it is all they now know.
Asphodel was born to Arrakas Atbay (father) and Nenarai Atbay (mother). A noble family in Paradise Rocks (this location could change when revived for a rebooted campaign) who had worked their way up through manipulative tactics and money. Asphodel was shaped into who she was-- her father being quite detached and stone faced in every regard, unless it was a short smile of approval to Asphodel completing her "work" she was to carry out. Whatever he asked for she did with pleasure, always wishing to do what the family wanted as she sought their approval. Being the face of the family, it was never hard for him to match his demeanor to fit a kind public perception, but these positive emotion were for show and Asphodel would never see him show those feeling in a genuine way. He is selfish, greedy, and narcissistic. Her mother on the other hand was just as bad but in an entirely different manner-- incredibly cold and hard to please, Nenarai was a highly intimidating and skilled assassin of the family. Her combat training for her child never regarded safety, throwing Asphodel a weapon and not flinching any moment she cut her flesh when Asphodel failed at a swing or a dodge.
The work Asphodel often found herself in was dealing with all kinds of shading deals and noble clients. Making sure to keep up appearances and a good face, all in order to get close enough to use these people for their own advantage. By no means did this not include things like murder-- the family was very familiar with doing this. It was always quiet, an accident, something easy to excuse and never connect to themselves. It may seem like hard work, but Asphodel never blinked an eye. Her family and goddess mattered most.
Eventually their noble family befriended the mayoral family of Paradise Rocks when moving their for the first time. The Freyas. Making under the unofficial, untracked business with them gave a quick establishment of loyalty as the Mayor felt positive in the ways the Atbays could support them and the city. Their goal was to make sure their relationship stayed strong enough that trust would never falter, and so Asphodel was undoubtedly involved in making friends with the family.
But getting close to the family led to the worst. He got to know the daughter of the family, Anael Freya. A young half elf woman. But this young lady showed obvious disdain for politics that her family did. She didnt trust the Atbays and she didn't plan to care about Asphodel either. But Asphodel knew what to do, she knew how to put on an act... so she did. She played it in just the right way for Anael to enjoy her company and feel a friendship worthy of holding. But in time, Asphodel genuinely gained feelings of love.
It was a terrifying moment to realize this, that she'd fallen so hard when it was her job to not at all. The fate of this family would not be good, she knew this. But her family's approval and the wrath of her goddess sat heavy on her shoulders. And she soon had to face the conflict head on, with no way out without horrible consequences. His father tasked him with the deed of killing the Freyas. They were to kill them silently and take place as Mayor of the city. Her father knew Asphodel's closeness, and undoubtedly put her in charge of this murder purely for that reason.
At a dinner in the evening, Asphodel took a classic route of poisoning their food. Except for Anael. Asphodel walked her to her bedroom, stiff as she walked and silent. Using every muscle to stop her hands from shaking. When they sat at her bedside and Asphodel leaned down to kiss her, she took one thin needle, dipped in a vial of poison moments before. Pricking it deep into the viens of her neck as she held her head. There was a brief moment of shock before everything was still.
Asphodel does the job. Her horrible conflict of emotions hits in a flash of praying to her goddess for her faith and loyalty. Is she still loved by Beshaba just regretting the murder at all? Was that enough to waver the bond they had? She'd never express an ounce of guilt to her father or mother either, she knew she did the right thing for them. It was for all of them.
To the start of the real campaign. again, this campaign was cut short and incomplete. this isnt a real "canon" as i will play her in a reboot. There is no concluded plot about what has occurred here, with many questions left unanswered.
Asphodel is given a new job, to work for an elf noble named Madame Shadowfury. In this world, elves are at war with every other race as they attempt to take over all lands. But the Atbays strive for greed and power, and make work with the elves during this way for political advantage from all sides. This first "job" was to join a group signing up to work on a ship, with a quest that was a tad unknown until getting there. However, in order to secure her place with no connection, Shadowfury tasked Asphodel with killing a tiefling who was to go on that ship for her already-- he wasn't fufilling his work and was a whistleblower. Asphodel kills him brutally with her aze in the alleyway and proceeds to replace him the next day.
However, it should be said that Asphodel doesn't know what she is doing for Shadowfury. She is given her task from her father, and she has gone to do it, no questions asked.
The large six player party finds out that their job is to join this crew in order to find the last crew that went missing. they get to it-- Asphodel gets to know some of these people and intends to use them in whatever way she can. Especially the two who know Shadowfury in some form. Whilst on the ship, Asphodel receives a mental message (the spell) from her father, telling her to keep an eye on the teenager on the ship who owes Shadowfury a debt. He also asks her briefly about how she is after having killed Anael as he "knows you liked that girl". this is the first time he brings up anything about the murder, after 7 months since it happened.
I will pass by the details of *everything* that happened as it didn't focus on Asphodel, but the short of it is, is that he got to know everyone more and built many thoughts on how to deal with them. Some, he even felt were problems enough to potentially kill them. One of his connections- a player character named Storvus- he decided to take his interests in her with intent to manipulate. Theres no way she's genuinely fall in love, and when Storvus came to show interest she took the opportunity to use him as a person to blindly trust her through her job.
Sadly this is where this version of her story ends. The second chapter of this campaign was to reveal her family to the party. They would travel back home to Paradise Rocks and everyone would learn of her noble mayoral family! Which would have had quite some reactions. One character would probably hate me so bad lol.
The meta things to say about Asphodel while playing her is... it is so hard, but so interesting. i lied so much, not just in character but out of character as well. i probably lied more ooc than i did ic actually, as we are all friends who hang out casually and would talk about dnd. i managed to get them to think she was true neutral. one joked about how i liked religious trauma but i casually said yeah, but shes pretty normal. one said "i wanted to play neutral evil but DM said they dont want any evil characters". in other talks it was no issue talking about how itd be cool to play lawful evil, but it seems so hard. Storvus' player and i had a private interaction that i made them think they had a special secret with me that even the DM couldnt know right now, but in reality i told the DM about our interaction and purely did this just so the player thought we had some special, even out of character. it goes so far, and it was likely that i was going to keep this up until chapter 7 (we only finished chapter 1).
for now, this is it. but the talks with the DM have me knowing they want to play with me again (and the one other player from that campaign), even if its just a two person party. and aside from that, they want to do one on one memory/past related sessions for me (and the other player) which will be very nice to do in the mean time.
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alltoolewis · 3 years
30 with lando pls
"Ride me."- Lando Norris.
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Summary- you and lando celebrate his highest placing poduim after you comfort his nerves before the Italian grand prix....
Words- 1808...
(Warnings- Alot of fluff & smut! 18+! You've been warned!)
You couldn't believe how quickly it all flew by. It felt like just yesterday when you met him... you the new photographer for McLaren, who didn't have a clue about F1, moving away from everything you knew to travel round the world taking pictures of cars worth more than your credit card & him, the new rookie, who had so much confidence on the track but who had near to none when it came to speaking to women... until you came along & And now here you were... 3 years later, moved in together, traveling the world doing the thing both of you loved & what a better way than doing that together.
Your hands trembled just looking at him pacing the room,you could tell he was nervous.. I mean who wouldn't be, starting P3 in one of the most anticipated races of the calendar....
"Baby your making me dizzy" you giggled,slowly making your way over to him as he reaches for your clammy hand.
"Im sorry" he sighed, leaning into your touch as you pulled him closer "just nervous... I mean with all the pressure of me and danny starting up the grid & McLaren not having the season they hoped for, its just getting to me.. and you-" stopping himself, he looked deep into your eyes and for the first time you could see the panic and fear glossing his eyes like smoke...
"Im what baby?" You whispered, gently tracing your fingers though his newly combed locks, an action that you knew relaxed him...
"Your here..."
Confusion washed over you gently let go of him, taking a step back to watch his new fear wash over him..
"I can stay back here lando... if I'm the one making you nervous... I'm sure they wont mind me sitting out on this one, they have so many talented photographers, they won't miss m-"
Put of nowhere lando pulled you closer, locking your lips with his, taking all the unnecessary words out of your mouth.
"I'll miss you" lando mumbled against your lips, before pulling away pushing your forehead against yours...
"Your not the issue baby.. its just I know how dangerous this track is & I just don't want you to see anything that you shouldn't.... I couldn't cope with mysel-"
This time is was you to interrupt him, lifting up his chin to meet your.
"Lando I know the drill.... its not my first rodeo baby, every race is a dangerous one... I knew what I signed up for the minute I started falling in love with you & guess what... I dont regret one bit & you know why...?"
"Why?" He whispered, voice full of uncertainty.
"Because you.." you sighed, locking your lips with him again "are the best driver on that grid and you I've never been more proud of anything or anyone in my life.... your gonna be okay... and im gonna be right there for here for you, together forever eh?" You say, smirking as you see his face light up at your words, reaching out for your outstretched hand, locking your fingers as he repeated your words..
"Together forever"...
"How many more laps left??" You sighed, hands beginning to tremble as you looked at the monitor, lando dropping down to 6th after his pit.
"26" zac sighed as he sat next you, placing a hand on your knee "hes doing well you know.... he a supers-"
However zak never got to finish his praise as gasps fill the garage, looking up to see Max's car ontop of Lewis's. Heart skipping a beat as you realised just how close it was to being lando...
"I have to go- I... what if it was him.. he was so close to them he was only a second away... what if" you whispered all the possible scenerios as tear filled your eyes, causing zac to pull you closer...
"Listen... you can't live your life with what ifs (y/n).. it could of been him but guess what it wasn't andd look where he is know!" He smiles looking up at the monitor just as lando overtakes Charles, reaching p2.
"I mean you could leave... but Together forever I heard?" Zac smirks as he places a headset on your knee as he gets up to get back to his place... "just in case you want to pop in and check up on him... you stresshead"
As the lap count increased, so did your heart rate, as you seen lando still at p2 with 1 lap to go and a 2 second gap between him and perez. Hands hesitating to pick up the headset that remained on your knee like a safety blanket. Only picking it up as the mclaren garage erupts in applause, not only has lando picked up his highest ever poduim but Daniel won!
'Lets fucking go lads' lando screeches as you place the headset on, zac giving you a little nod, letting you know you can talk to him.
"Baby" you whisper through the mic, voice trembling with pride and emotion.
"(Y/n)!!! We did it! We fucking did it!!" Lando screams as he makes his way to the last corner..
"We lando?!? I didn't do anything but hid behind zac the whole time" causing lando to chuckle before the set goes dead and the garage yet again erupts... letting you know the mclarens have parked up.
Lando was the first one out, immediately running over to zac and the rest of the team, and although you could tell he was ecstatic, apart of you knew that he was gonna be disappointed about not getting p1... but he's a team player & at the end of the day thats all that matters.
After the hugs from the team, it was your turn to be pulled into your sweaty boyfriends arms, in the biggest bear hug you've ever been given.
"I'm sooo proud of you baby" you whisper, running your hand through is wet locks. Tears welling your eyes for what felt like the 50th time today.
"I love you so much" he screamed, picking your feet of the ground as he twirled you around, so fast you would of sworn he would of got the fastest lap!
"And by the way" he smirks, locking your lips with his "theres no me without you...."
However your sweet moment was inturpted as you get rudely pulled away from eachother by a certain ecstatic Australian....
"Alright love birds, plenty of that later" grabbing lando by the shoulders, pushing him towards the poduims "continue that later please, me and loverboy here have a shoey to do"
Your heart melts as you hear landos laugh, even from 10 meters away, but nothing made your race more than seeing him mouth the words anyone would dream about hearing.....
"Cant wait too rip them clothes off".....
And by lord did he keep his promise, not even being able to close the door before your 'mclaren 4' tshirt was pulled from your body.
"Ive been dying to do this from the moment I crossed that line" lando groaned as he pushed against the wall, using all his last energy, locking his lips with yours. Tounges fighting for dominance as he unhooks your bra, throwing it carelessly across the room.
Before you knew it you thrown on the bed, just as carelessly as your long forgotten bra.
"How the fuck did I get this lucky" lando moaned as he hovers over your already shaken body, eyes gazing over your bare body, filling with not only with lust but love....
Sitting up you, you lock your lips again....
"I should be saying that too you.." you mumble against his mouth, flipping your body ontop of his as your hands trace down his bare chest.
"Ahh taking in charge I see" he smirks, throwing his arms at the back of his head, as your unbutton his belt, seeing his hard cock push against the poorly made cotton.
"Only the best for my champion" you whisper, pulling down the last layer before getting to work. Lips locking over the tip, as you look straight in his eyes, making sure he can see the collection of pre-come of your tounge as it traces on his tip.
"Fuck doll..." lando wheezed as your hand goes up and down his shaft, his hands pulling your hair back as you take him deeper down your throat. His groans filling the room as your eyes welled up for a different reason this time as you feel his tip against the back of your throat, however you didnt have time to enjoy your meal for any longer as he pulls you away. Leaning down, he latches your lips to his, moaning as he tastes himself on your tounge.
"Dont want to finish in your mouth"
Laying back down, throwing one of your legs over his waist causing you to straddle him....
"Ride me." He demands, and like the good girl you were you took no time to fulfill his needs. Pulling out a condom from under the pillow he wa layed on..
"Dont judge me.. i knew this was gonna happen"
Lando chuckled as you slipped the condom on him, positioning yourself before sinking on him, Causing both of your breaths to hitch...
"Fuck (y/n)... how the fuck are you still this tight after 3 years of fucking you" lando moaned as your hips start to rock against his waist, finding your familiar rhythm as his hands find your waist. The sound of skin slapping could only be heard, as you allowed him to fill you up.
"Fuck lando" you yell throwing your hand back as he places his hand on your clit, matching the rhythm of your hips "dont stop" you scream as he picks up the pace.
Using his free hand to continue guiding your hips on his cock, pushing his hips up to meet yours.
Moans filled the air, both of you knowing full well that the rest of the mclaren could hear your 'private celebration' however neither you seemed to care as your screams filled up the room.
"Im so close" you sigh as lando continues to meet your hips half way, leaning down to meet his lips.
"Me too baby... fuck me too"
Without out any more warnings, lando let go, feeling his seed fill up the condom that was still thrusting inside you.
"Come on baby let go" lando yelled, hand moving faster against your clit as he, attaches onto your sensitive tits. Something that he knew could bring you to cum hust on its own...
"Fuck!!!" You scream as the pleasure washes over you, collapsing on his chest as you both tried to catch your breath.
"I love you so much" he whispered as he pulled your swollen lips into one last kiss..
"I love you too lando" you whispered back, leaning back into his chest as he begins to comb his fingers through your hair, a action that after 3 years of love he knew would instantly put you to sleep... and like everything that boy does, he never fails...
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morievna · 3 years
About Ugetsu booklet
I am alive~~ I am sorry that i haven’t been writing lately T_T I was feeling a bit down recently and it was hard for me to motivate myself to do it. But I am better now, so I here I am ^^
So I wanted to write about Ugetsu extra booklet, because I loved it very much. It was almost everything I hoped it to be. I really appreciate that Kizu Natsuki dedicated it to him and it really feels like was done thoughtfully with care for his development. Even if there is not much words, it is very apparent that Ugetsu is undergoing change and how whats happened in original story contributed to it.
(Here are links [raw] [trans] in the case you didn’t read it before, I will use my scans though)
To put my feeling shortly:
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Obviously i would like it to be longer and get more time for character development and some background informations like how Ugetsu ended up in New York. But well, still what we got was really great – i liked how Gusari showed us a bit of Ugetsu’s new everyday life and how she woven symbolism into it.
Honestly I thought that Ugetsu will be in London since Akihiko’s dad is there. I mean it would be cool if these two will meet at some point since both of them had chosen music over loved ones. But New York is good choice too. In New York you can be new man~
What I liked about this booklet so much is that its main theme was transformation – but at the same time that it is not the final step, but rather somewhere in the middle. Which is understandable – trying to change yourself to your better version is not something simple and taking baby steps is okay. After all breakup with Akihiko changed everything for Ugetsu, so rebuilding his life is not something done easily.
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Also it is reinforced by symbolism – butterfly obviously stands for transformation, but here it was referenced pupa state and not again final stadium. Besides, I liked that teapot on the first page – I wrote about over year ago meta about Ugetsu mugs broken mugs and kintsugi – which in short symbolize transformation too – and kintsugi is used primarily in tea ceremonies. It is nice how all is linked together.
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In lots of stories character development starts with journey and leaving home – to point out leaving behind the comfort zone and trying to find own way to be yourself. Usually it is by figuring out middle way between two opposites  - which in this case are music and everyday stuff + personal life.
Before that booklet we only have seen Ugetsu mostly in his basement, which showed his isolation from rest of the world. It was described as cocoon where he and Akihiko were feeling safe when things were good between them, but later it was more coded like mental headspace where you feel trapped and with no hope (sunlight). So I am happy he is no longer here too^^
What’s more there was so much mess in basement after Akihiko has left, which indicated that Ugetsu doesn’t care and didn’t bother cleaning  since he was always focused on music only and felt no need to take care of that. Now this apartment is much better state, which shows that he had to change that attitude and that he doesn’t rely on anyone on this anymore. Though it is a bit funny that there is even one whole page dedicated to him just doing laundry xD
Similar case is with socializing – even though he is complaining, for him replying to text so fast is rather big step xD
But even so there is still air of loneliness around him.
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Empty chairs is rather common symbol for solitude. We also don’t see Ugetsu face as he is looking outside. After all feeling trapped it is not something reserved for basement and still he is very isolated from rest of world and texting is his only way for communication with others as we see. Besides, furniture is still minimalist and lifeless as it was in basement – that’s why I think it is temporary place and not true home for Ugetsu. Like I mentioned earlier it is not a final, just a step in right direction.
Another thing that caught my attention was that briefly we see almost all other characters and how there are shown different ways of love though them:
friendship/platonic – Uenoyama and Hiiragi
romantic – Haruki and Akihiko
familial – Mafuyu and his mother (Kedama counts too as he is gift from her)
It is all what Ugetsu is currently missing.
We also know very little about his parents – it seems that they provide him money to live in comfort but there is not much else. Even in his short flashback as kid he is not really his “grandpa” but some random old man. It is also important that his parents have jobs so far removed from music – politic and diplomacy. It is just speculation here but I wont be surprised that they weren’t happy with choice but accepted it because he is genius at that. Or they are just busy and tried compensate it with sending money. But still main takeaway is that they are not present in his life.
Although we got bonding between Mafuyu and Ugetsu imo it is closer to beginning of friendship than proper one. In addition, the fact that Ugetsu lives now far away from everything he know – it still gives that air of isolation even though is no longer in basement.
After all– all these kind of love were granted to him from Akihiko, so no wonder there is so much hole after breakup – he just lost so much in that moment, and music is something that not always can compensate for that.
Honestly i hoped for some Akigetsu crumbs like some flashback or showing that they are somehow still connected to each other in soulmates way or that they keep in touch in some indirect way. And... i got everything which surprised me^^’
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Okay, so let’s dig into it
matching symbolism – Aki with dragonfly (self realization and change) and now Ugetsu with butterfly(transformation). It is so cool I love things like that^^
piercing – it is quite peculiar how first we got dialogue about missing Akihiko’s piercing and later we got Ugetsu with new one. Ofc it is not like I am saying that is the same one, but still that choice is imo to show connection between them
Choice of flashback is interesting too  - after all, one scene when they had heart to heart scene without words and another is horny one xD  again it is different sides of love –  in this case physical and emotional feelings  as these were equally important in their relationship.
also it seems that both of them are keeping check on each other? It looks like Ugetsu knows that Aki returned to playing violin seriously. And that Aki sends him congratulation message –   imo it shows that there is no longer bad feelings and regret between them, but maybe start for something new.
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I really like his expression as he read Aki’s text - a mix of wistful and melancholic, but still he started smiling a bit later.
So what comes next?
Like I mentioned it looks like middle step in his character development - even his monologue at the end stated that we have to wait to see ^^ Imo that after Hiiragi arc will ended, we will see him again in main storyline – but judging of pacing it rather will be in second half of 2021 or 2022 *sigh*
I mean – it is just my hunch but imo Ugetsu alongside with Mafuyu and Hiiragi seem to be Gusari’s favorite characters, so I don’t think she will abandon him like that^^ No to mention that he is in character list for volume 6 – when you know  - he wasn’t present at all or even mentioned once in the story xD
As for exactly his story will goo – it is kinda hard to tell now – I think that for sure his relationship with Aki will be rebuild in one way or another and we will get more interaction between Ugetsu and Mafuyu. It would be cool if he also get to know rest of teenagers – imo there would be a lot of banter xD
Anyway, I think Ugetsu will get everything he is missing now – all different kind of relationship with others - maybe in a bit of “found family” sort of way. Though chasing the music the most is what he wants, but still he needs other people in his life as he always looks so lonely. And ultimately imo meeting and connecting to others is something that actually helps to be better person. So still I hope we will get next part of his development and then happy ending. Like I mentioned in some of my previous essays – imo Gusari loves happy endings and despite all the angst we will get one for all characters one day.
As always thanks for reading <3
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aesthbaby · 4 years
Summary: Do you remember the episode Demonology where we learned of Emily’s past? What if I told you, you were apart of it. After years of silence on her end, you end up meeting her again.
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader
Prompt: here
Warnings: Cursing | Sadness | Typos
Word Count:
An: Dedicated to my hundredth follower. Ahhhh I'm too hype about this! I also made a slight change to the prompt but everything else is the same :)  Anon, I hope you enjoy.
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The screaming crawls up the walls of her oversized, child hood home to shake her ear drums. The thunder only adds fuel to the fire that is the rage possessed by both Prentiss’ as they continue their screaming match.
“Don’t you dare walk away when I’m talking to you!” Elizabeth’s voice matches the rain. The way she stomps behind her daughter looks almost comical.
“Back off mother.” She mumbles this more to herself than her mother.
She stops walking, planting her feet firmly on the Brazilian Chestnut flooring. “I will not ask you again.” She comes to a stop, takes a breath, and slowly turns to her mother. Not meeting her eyes, of course, because it’d hurt too much to see the hate in her eyes. “Look at me.” The mother growls. She slowly moves to meet her mothers eyes and finds nothing but rage there; energy matched to the thunder and rain outside. “You will not see that-” The derogatory term gets caught up in her throat.
Taking a step towards the elder, “What?” Daring to ask the question to which she already knows the answer. “What do you want to say mother?” Her jaw tightens, a sign that Emily knows all too well. “Spit it out.” Its taking everything in her not to raise her voice again and spew the word out for her mother.
Elizabeth takes a breath of her own before replying. “You are not to see that girl again or so help me, I will make sure she goes back to where she came from.” Before Emily could object, she speaks again. “That is final Emily.” Her voice holds strong, and suddenly the storm ceases its assault. 
All is quiet in the Prentiss house yet the tension remains; so thick that you could cut it with a knife.
The next morning you arrive to school earlier than usual, but for good reason. Some random college hoodie wrapped loosely around your torso and a dainty neck tucked under it. Your school uniform has never fit you quite right because of how late in the year you transferred, you know...left overs. Phone is going absolutely crazy in your shirt pocket but now isn't the time, you’re looking for somebody. You’re looking for her. Mr. Ricci’s voice can be heard on your left, telling a group of guys its time for class. Emily...where the hell are you?
As the day progresses you still see no sign of the brunette until now. “Emily!” Running up to her you deliver a swift punch to her shoulder. “Where the hell have you been?” When her eyes meet yours they puffy, like she’s been crying. “Em- I-”
“First of all, ouch. Secondly, I can’t right now.” She turns to walk off with her lunch in hand, but you quickly pull her back by her elbow.
“You ‘can’t’ right now? What the hell is wrong with you?” Its taking everything in you not to become overtly emotional. “And where have you been?”
“Y/n I’m sorry but I really can’t right now.” She pulls away from your grip. Leaving you more confused than before.
You scuff at her wording. “You never calls me by my first name...” Its always been her thing, starting with a joke about how she has another friend by the same name as you so she had to call you something else. The next day was the same, avoiding you at all costs.
But it didn’t stop there.
It felt as though you were left on a physical manifestation of ‘read.’ Her name with the red heart emoji attached, did not pop up on your phone for what seemed to be months but in reality it had only been a few weeks. If she were to simply pick up the phone you would have been able to tell her about your unforeseen departure time. Due to sudden changes in international studies, you had to leave and the academy needed their student back. The one of which you exchange places with in January. Tears spring to your eyes at the thought of leaving. Not only are you leaving her, but also leaving this city you got to call home.
Sunny days always seem to appear at the wrong time, your departure day. She’s not here to see you off, hasn’t been around for a while. Can you really blame her? She doesn’t even know you’re leaving because she wont pick up the fucking phone. It doesn’t matter anymore, your time is up and so is her’s. A line of black and white kittens sprint across the cobblestone streets and that right there is what makes you break down in tears. Seeing the delicate kittens run after a mouse while tripping over their own feet. Random yellow flowers peaking through the stone which you’ve never known the actual name of. That one girl in Chem that would bake cookies for the class on Fridays. Your host dad taking you to his favorite café that served an increasing number of Cuban smokers. Going to eat gelato after homeroom with that one guy who would always make Golden Girls references. Then there was Emily, the girl that gave you a dainty gold necklace for valentines day. The girl that got a random jock to stop harassing you. The person whose lap you’d lay in on Saturday mornings at the park, is the same person who randomly started to ignore you. Maybe you could have fixed things with her if you had more time. You were supposed  to have until June but suddenly everything shifted and all you were told is that you needed to come home, promptly. You couldn’t wait for her any longer, not even sure why you thought she’d come in the first place. Casting one last glance over your shoulder before stepping into the buzzing airport.
At least meet me half way.
"I don’t think so.” You laugh at your friend’s proposition to set you up on a blind date. “I am absolutely content with the way I choose to live my life.” Shifting a bit on the new couch that hasn’t been broken in, resulting in the stiff cushions.
He lets out this weird scuffing noise. “No you’re not. Remember last weekend when we tried to pull an all-nighter but your sleep deprived brain betrayed you?” At your nonchalant shrug, he continues. “You started rambling about just wanting to find some well educated, fun loving, female in this world full of bureaucratic straight men. Your words, not mine.” You throw a pillow at him but he swiftly doges it. “But you couldn’t have said it better.” These recent years have been a series of unfortunate dates that have ended in you lying about having to leave early for something.
“Don’t you have a girlfriend you should be getting home to?”
“Not tonight, I’m all yours. Apparently she has her knitting circle tonight.”
“That's what you get for dating an older woman.” 
“Its a five year age difference! What is wrong with you people?”
You hold your hands up in defense. “Nothing, as long as you’re both legal and she’s good to you, its fine by me.”
“Shut up!” He screeches. “Oh shit, don’t you have a meeting in the morning?”
“Yes sir.” He stands to take your glasses and plates in the kitchen but you object. “Leave it,” At his confused expression, you continue. “Cleaning helps me relax so I figured I’ll wake up early so I can do that and reduce my stress levels by at least ten percent.”
“Dude, you’re seriously weird.”
“Say another bad thing about me and I'm sending you home.”
Throwing him a few pillows from the hallway closet and a comforter just for him to scream, “Its too hot in this cottage core apartment!”
Its not even cottage core themed?? Its just cozy with a plant or two. Am I expected to live in an ice cold home? I feel like he’s just saying this because I’m gay.
Your prepared outfit hands on the back of your bedroom door, mocking you. Making you reconsider the entire thing and simply not go but it feels as though you’d regret it if you didn’t. Maybe not, who knows?
And with that as your final though, you drift off to sleep.
You wake at the amazing time of 6 A.M to see your guest gone with a note on the couch:
I cleaned up the mess from last night and I also did the dishes in your sink. Not sure how u slept through all of that...I made a fruit salad for ur breakfast and a normal one for lunch.
Good luck with your meeting!
And one of those old fashioned emoticons at the bottom corner. Idiot.
You eat the food he left from the fridge, brush your teeth with the news playing in the background, and continue on with the normal morning routine.
Gathering your lunch and the little items you feel like you’d need, phone, charger, paper work, and keys; you know, the works. Finally heading out to your destination with nothing but ambition, you run into a slight problem. 
Overlapping breakfast with an old friend of yours. “Hey, babe, I am so sorr-”
“Absolutely not, I don’t want to hear your excuses.” The positive voice rings through the phone like velvet sheets after a cold shower. “You missed our reservation!” Have to admit hearing them whine is pretty entertaining. “You had one job. One!” You guys met some years ago over some random online forum, arguing over some random movie. You don’t talk as much as you’d like but breakfast is always on the menu--mostly in February.
“Quick question, am I allowed to apologize?”
There’s a beat of silence on the other end, “Yes you may, but only in fruit baskets and coffee.”
“I got you, next time though. I’m on my way to something right now.”
“Something...” In comes the teasing undertone. “Does this ‘something’ have a name?”
Bursting into a fit of laughter at what is implied and replying, “Definitely not, its a work thing.”
“Speaking of work, I have to go. Ciao!”
Just in time to end the call, you pull into the designated parking deck from the email. Going through all of the security procedures was hell but blatantly necessary; the rest was gravy. Floating through the rest of the building gave you a slightly stressful feel because of all the men walking around with perfect suits and casting no glances your direction. When the glass doors labeled BAU appear, you take a deep breath and walk in with confidence. Taking in the buzzing sound of agents at work all around you. Agent Hotcher’s office is glaringly obvious: higher up than the rest, perfect overview of the hive, and in direct eye sight of the entryway doors.
Delivering a swift knock to the office door you hear a faint invitation from the inside. Walking in with a smile and straight back you are greeted with a man in a dark navy blue suit and a stoic look to attached to him. It first starts with the small talk of your experience, early life, skill sets, and what not.
“Agent Hotchner, might I speak out of line for a moment.” He gives you a skeptical look before nodding. “I understand the nature of this meeting but I am not completely sure why it was conducted.” His furrowed brown is not a good sign, making you correct your structure a bit. “Right, well,” God his stare is fucking intense. “What I mean to ask is, why am I here?”
That was bold.
“Agent, are you not aware that this is a Career Analysis Assessment?” As it slowly sinks in an O-shape forms with your mouth. Now you feel like a complete idiot in front of this prestigious, tight suited, man. “You were unaware? Its fine if you were,” You let out a sigh at the confirmation. “I have a tendency to write my emails with an excessive amount of four syllable words so one could see where the confusion originated.” You let out a nervous laugh at the realization that this is basically a job interview.
“I see that you’ve spent time studying abroad.” Indicated by the recommendations from your Italian Psychology teacher. “Why not join the CIA?”
“Dare I say, they make me nervous?” He cracks a small, very subtle, smile at the admission.
“What made you want to leave Human Resources?”
“I got tired of analyzing decisions with nothing but dead bodies and messy crimes and having my primal focus be the agents and not the victims or perpetrators. Using what I’ve learned as material for agents in training when I could have prevented it from happening.”
“Well said, but I need to be completely transparent with you.” This can’t be good. “I will admit that I have serious reservations about adding a Human Resources officer to my team.”
Shit let me stop him before this spirals. He thinks I’m a spy. “Sir, with all do respect, I have no intentions of being a bureaucratic spy. I’d also like to point out that I wasn’t that high on the HR totem pole to the point where I had an explicit say on what happens to agents, who is hire, fired, or how they’re trained. I analyzed and compromised while expressing my findings to an unbiased extent. If I wanted to be a spy I would have joined the CIA.” Besides, Head Quarter’s is the one that does all of that internal investigation stuff, not HR.
He doesn’t say anything or make any sudden movements for a good minute. I fucked up. That spy line was too far. “I’d like to offer you a position on this team, so long as you can start immediately.”
“Yes, of course I can! I don’t have much office supplies besides a pen or two and-”
“Its fine,” He stands from his seat and straightens the dark blazer. “I’ll have one of my agents show you around.”
From across the bullpen you spot a familiar blonde. “Oh my god!” The file in her hand falls to the floor. “Its you!” She practically squeals.
“Penelope, I didn’t know you work here.” You give your old friend a tight, unapologetic hug. She said she worked as a tech analysis but you always assumed it was for an activism group or a tech firm, not the FBI out of all things. Despite having such interesting jobs, you never talk about work with each other. She knows you work for the government but not which. Although knowing how good she is at uncovering people’s secrets, there’s a good chance she already knew you work for the FBI too.
“What are you doing here? Like physically here. I thought you were in Florida.”
“I have to get back, can you take care of Agent Y/L/N for me?” Hotchner says before rushing off without an answer.
And there she goes with the snooping. “Actually, I left the Florida office and went to California.”
“Oh.” Her face twists a bit. “And now you’re here?”
“I thought you were the woman behind the curtains, the all knowing.”
“And wonderful!” She points with her perfectly painted finger.
In comes a slim man with a messenger back, making a click in your mind. “Now where have I seen him before...” Turning slightly to follow his trail.
“That’s our resident genius Dr. Spencer Reid.”
Unbelievable. “He’s twelve.” The young agent’s head snaps toward you and Penelope, “Does he have super human hearing too?” She introduces you to the Doctor who is, as expected, socially awkward in many ways. A man named David Rossi of whom you’ve met at least once during a few Bureau seminars; last you heard he had rejoined the BAU after retirement. Jennifer Jareau is gorgeous with a nurturing nature about her, she immediately recognizes your name from exchanged paperwork but that’s about it. The introductions are brief, everyone seems to be busy with their own things. “Penelope your team is kind of small.” You quietly mention to her.
“Oh!” Guess the realization that two people are missing, finally clicks in her head. She starts walking in the direction of a staircase so you automatically follow her. “This is Derek Morgan.” Standing in front of a round table is a tall man with a really toned body. “Derek, this is Agent Y/n L/n from Human Resources.” His eyebrow arches up in suspicion.
“Oh no I’m not here for anything bad, I’ve actual been transferred into the BAU. Working behind a desk and watching as others do the work I can’t, wasn’t working out for me.” Definitely won’t trust me until I save his life or something. “I’ve heard of you, one of the Academy trainers has shown a few videos of you.” He smirks at the implied compliment and finally holds his hand out for you to shake.
“Where’s...” Pen trails while looking around.
“Oh she’s getting coffee.” The darker man points behind himself.
“Who’s getting coffee?”
Maybe we wouldn’t be so short handed if they sprung for better coffee. Emily thought to herself while stirring the flavorless, dark liquid. What if they attach a coffee shop to the building? Imagine how much money the shop would make off of overworked agents. But then I feel like we’d start developing a true addiction to this stuff. Her thoughts are interrupted by the approach of foot steps. She meets Derek’s figure and smiles at the resident goofball of the BAU. Followed by Penelope’s pink centralized outfit with feathers. Then there’s you, just as beautiful as the last time you saw each other. If not more. Your hair shines amongst the florescent lights, paired with the perfectly tailored outfit and jewelry. The same eyes that would brighten her day as they met. An almost unnoticeable bounce in you walk, same as it were years ago. As you step towards her there is a flash of gold on your wrist that sends a ping to Emily’s heart, its the necklace I gave you in high school.
You would have know about Emily’s transfer here from a few years ago, had her paperwork gone through the HR department but apparently it went straight to the top because this is definitely a surprise. Once you realize its actually her you stop dead in your tracks. Can’t be.
“Y/n,” She stutters out your name in disbelief. “What are you doing here?”
“Emily, I work here.” Ripping the band-aid off like this is an every day encounter; seeing your unofficial ex who you were never actually with in the first place but had the same characteristics as a high school couple. Yeah...that.
She also blurted out a ‘no you don’t’ before Garcia interrupted. “How do you two know each other?”
You both snapped your heads to her simultaneously. “We don’t.” Also said that part at the same time.
“Right.” She drags. “I’m sensing some unresolved tension...”
“What are-” Em tries to object.
“So we’re going to go.” The tech analysis grabs the sleeve of the darker man and practically sprints off in the opposite direction. Morgan having a dumbfounded look on his face.
It feels like you’re at a stalemate, who will make the first move. What will the emotions be? Are they going to fly? Because I’d like to throw a few verbal punches her way. Who does that to someone? I thought I was over it but clearly the wound is still open. Great now watch her blame me for X, Y, and Z,
“I’ve missed you.” She barely whispers, sounding a bit broken yet insincere. Its like she’s detaching herself from the narrative. So unexpected that you almost think you’re imagining this. Why would she say that? This is not the Emily you remember.
Anger bubbles up in your throat ready to unleash upon her entirety. Instead of bursting into flames right on the spot, in the middle of your new place of employment you take a deep breath. Words of disbelief  dance on your lips before speaking. “You did not.” She tilts her head like a curious puppy. Who am I even talking to?
“What do you mean?” And just like that she’s whisked away by a guy in a suit of whom you do not recognize. Your jaw clinches in a desperate attempt to keep your cool, wondering what the hell is going on.
Besides the surprise of seeing Emily, your first day went great. Everyone kept checking up on you and you couldn’t tell if it was because they were trying to be friendly, excited to have a new teammate, or nervous of your background. “She used to work for the FBI Human Resources Branch.” You heard the skinny one tell Morgan when they thought you weren’t listening.
JJ and Penelope invited you out for drinks but all you really wanted to do was lay in your bed with a face mask and a bag of chips. Waving a farewell to the blonde women and head to your car, but a few feet away you feel a presence. You quickly loop around in search of the energy with your hand on the top of your gun. “Woah woah.” Emily holds her hands up in surrender.
At the realization of who it is you take a breath and clip your gun back in place. You give her a “what the hell look” before straightening your outfit.
“Were you going to shoot me?”
She’s met with wide eyes from your end. “Maybe?! Who sneaks up on someone with a gun?”
“I didn’t ‘sneak’ up on you.”
“Emily, you wear all black and walk like a feather. What were you expecting?” The buried anger is starting showing through.
“Okay,” She does a weird hand movement that kind of looks like she’s trying to calm you down. “I’m sorry. I just thought we could talk.”
“Talk...” You’re not really following.
“Yes, I’d like to talk.”
“Emily what are you asking? I’m lost.”
She take a moment to figure it out before answering. “For a second chance, I’m asking for another shot.”
You uncross your arms at the admission, letting them lazily fall beside you. “Em- I-” She can’t be asking what I think she is. “Its been years. More than a decade has passed since-” The words suddenly die on your lips
“I know,” And it looks like there’s a slight glimmer in her eyes, implying the presence of suppressed tears. “I’d just like to explain.”
“Explain?” You bite, tasting the bitter flavor of annoyance.
“Yes, I at least owe you that.”
And that’s how you ended up here, with her. In a cozy, minimalistic loft at nine in the afternoon with a coffee table separating the two of you.
“I’m sorry.” Was the first thing to break the silence, and this time it actually sounded sincere. “If I could have explained everything to you back then, I would have.”
You lean forward, closer to her and push the rather large vase off to the side so she has to be vulnerable with you. Nothing to help her hide from herself. At her confused face you lean back in your seat and nod for her to continue.
“My mother was always a difficult woman and although she has gotten better over the years, things were at their worst when she found out how much time I had been spending with you.” The brunette takes a minute before admitting the next part. “She was responsible for your early departure. I tried to stop her, give you more time but she’s relentless.” She waits for your reaction but when met with nothing, she continues. “She threatened me by putting our connection on the line, which in retrospect I now realize was impossible to save. She had already made calls to get you out of the country by the time I could sever what we had. I never wanted to hurt you or end what we shared.”
“And what did we share, Emily?”
Her tongue darts from between her lips, doing that weird little biting thing she’s always done since we’ve known each other. It sparks something in you that you haven't felt in a while. “I think you know. The fact that you still wear the necklace I gave you, bracelet, means you never really forgot.”
“I liked it where I could see it, but Em you could have called, texted even.” 
“I couldn’t I was scared. Then after you left I started to distance myself from everyone and everything was really going downhill.”
“How so?”
“I got mixed up with peer pressure and boys.” This doesn’t sound good. “At one point I did anything I could to fit in.”
“What does that mean?” There’s a moment when a tear wells up on one of her eyes, but not dropping. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“I-” She tries to speak but nothing comes out. “I couldn’t tell my mother and the church wasn’t happy with my actions.” It suddenly dawns on you, like a smack in the face. You want to make her stop and just hold her but this needs to come out. “I couldn’t call you because it would hurt too much. I hated myself at that moment more than I ever have.”
“And you haven’t dated since?”
She sniffles and lets out a little laugh at that. “God no, I’ve dated people but I haven't dated another female since. It felt wrong, like I was replacing you or something.”
“You owe me nothing. You were just trying to protect me and I see that now.”
“I knew better, its been so long and when I heard you joined the academy I-”
“Wait, you knew and didn’t say anything?”
“Y/n I couldn’t bring myself to do anything other that attempt to move on.” Silence fills the room and its not the comforting kind. Its the tense, I need to do something, kind.
“Do you feel anything?” You dare to ask.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean. Were your feelings lost in transit?”
“They froze the day you left, and thawed the day I saw you again. Today.”
“So its not over.”
She appears to contemplate your statement. “No, its not over. We have a chance to start over.”
What now?
.。.:*・゜゚・*★*・ ・*・'・*:..:*・゜゚・*☆*:. .。.:*☆
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gaylonelydyke · 3 years
if it’s not too late, 12 for episodes and ships, and 17!
its never too late! thankyou for the ask 🥰 oo damn this is gonna be a hefty one, just to prepare you this is gonna be long 😅😅😅
spoiler alert for my friends who are finishing up season 2 rn, be careful if you look at my top five episodes, pay attention the the episode numbers, i will put [ ] in bold at the beginning and end of spoilers!
12. Top 5 ships
5. faith x myself because have you seen faith? shes such a babe! spare consensual kiss maam?
4. willow x oz, i dont know if this is an unpopular or not but i feel like if the 90s had been more accepting of term then willow wouldve been bisexual, but like even now tv shows will rarely let characters say that word :( but anyway i love them! theyre both quirky and kinda awkward but its such a sweet relationship and you really see how they go from awkward crushes to an actual deep relationship, oz is one of my favourite characters too what a dude!
3. giles x jenny, mlmxwlw solidarity in this bisexual couple! there is no an ounce of straight between them and i love it, i love their dynamic, i love that giles *respects women* (im staring daggers at xander rn), also the original girlboss x malewife couple askdjaksjhd
2. drusilla x spike, these two!!!!!! once again a bisexual couple with zero straight between them, the vibes are off the charts. sexy vampires, goth x punk love, i just love them man, and their relationship is so interesting to delve into. like theyre vampires, theyre soulless and yet they have a capacity for love, they care deeply for eachother, theyre so tender towards eachother in season 2 in the way they take turns to care for one another, also drusilla picking spike up with one hand made me gay and thats on that
1. willow x tara!!!!! lesbians man lesbians! they have a beautiful relationship, until a certain point wink wink, they feel like a perfect match, willows become more outgoing due to buffy and xander snd having a proper group of friends, so its cool to see her as the more outgoing independant one in the relationship, and tara is such a honey 🥺 the biggest sweetheart in the world what a babe!!!! also like how groundbreaking was their relationship? as a queer couple, they had p much the dame amount of screentime as a aueer relationship today! and willow says the word lesbian so many times and is always making gay jokes which is something shows today are too scared to do, its honestly refreshing which is weird for a show in the 90/00s
12. Top 5 episodes
this is so hard because its such a damn good show so i had to rlly be picky about this but here we go
5. 6x22 ‘grave’- i watched buffy for the first time last year at work coz i worked with one other person just packing shit, and THIS was the episode that made us cry infront of eachother. the scene with willow and xander at the end is one of my all time favourite scenes and like legit we were watching and we starting going like ha.. this is so sad Q_Q and we looked at eachother and we were both crying akdjdjsjdhs its SO GOOD, like this is a friendship ive been so invested in and [seeing xander be able to pull her back from that dark place was so heart wrenching and amazing god its so good]
4. 3x12 ‘helpless’ - im finishing up s2 in my rewatch rn so i havent rewatched this one to double check but i remember loving it man. buffys father daughter relationship with giles is my favourite of the whole show they make my heart ache, so i love that this is an episode that really shows you how dedicated giles is to her, [its the breaking point where he finally disregards the fact that hes a watcher and acts as her father once and for all, its a turning point for their relationship where he is finally embracing the fact that shes like a daughter to him and i just love to see it Q_Q get you a dad who will leave his lifes calling for you]
3. 4x22 ‘restless’ - season 4 is interesting coz it has really good episodes and them some gd awful ones 😂😂 but this one just blew me away, i love a good character study episode and this is THE SHIT! its so weird and creepy but in the most perfect way, its not on the nose its so subtle, it feels like an uncanny valley version of buffy almost, i like that they finished the season first and then took this episode to do something out of the box and different i feel like it lets them fully explore this idea without the pressure of needing plot included. [also the cheese man is iconic. dont however like xander being all nasty with willow and tara but whats new there man]
2. 1x12 ‘The Prophecy Girl’ - for my first watch of buffy i wasnt that into the first season, like i enjoyed it but i didnt think it was anything super special? but this episode changed EVERYTHING for me. up until now buffy had been fun, witty, charming, but not anything new atleast for me, maybe in the 90s it was but right now its your average teen supernatural show. but this episode!!!! the emotion! buffy facing her death, her speech about how shes just 16 and shes scared and she doesnt want to die, that is what i wanna see!! its heartbreaking and it made me cry, and then it gives us the wonderful moment of giles trying to take her place and buffy realising that she has to be the one to do it, man its so good! basically anything with buffy and giles being a duo is gonna make it an automatic yes from me and this is indeed the case for this episode, i just love that the show remembers that shes a child! shes not brave all the time, shes not strong all the time, shes just doing her best and sometimes its overwhelming, 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 i bow to this episode
1. 2x17 ‘passion’ - i know i just sang praises about prophecy girl but THIS EPISODE IS THE SHIT, the best episode full stop. i wont accept any argument. angel is probably my favourite big bad, its so funny to see plain bread, mopey brooding angel become this charismatic, funny, poetic, blood thirsty angelus, hes everything i want in a villain and in this episode he delivers! rip jenny tho love her. i think the tension built around angel is so good, because of his drawings and notes left around, every scene youre worrying like is he here now? are they safe or what? its so tense! and also it is me and im a slag for buffy x giles father daughter moments and this episode fucking delivers! giles discovering jennys dead body is probably one of the best scenes on the show, the dramatic irony is heAVY, we know jenny is dead, we know that these flowers arent from her, but giles is so so happy, and i want to see him happy but you just know somehing horrific is about to happen and damn does it. its a masterpiece! i love jenny and giles so much it is so sad, but also the fact that it gave us that scene makes me almmmoost ok with it? i also love the moment where giles breaks down in buffys arms, hes been there for her and now shes returning the favour and hes accepting it i just 😭😭😭 also on a different note, angels narration of this episode is amazing! it gives us great insight to who he is as “evil angel” and like even though hes awful i was also kind of rooting for him coz hes just such a great villain
sorry this is so long lmao, last question!
17. Which characer do you wish had less of a focus on them in the show?
i dont wanna get yelled at butttttt i dont like the amount of focus on dawn. i think it makes sense for the her first season considering the story arc but that season really does double down its focus onto dawn and buffy and it barely leaves room for anyone else to have a storyline, it keeps the episodes super depressing too its like a constant level of just sadness the whole time because we’re so stuck in THEIR arc, theres no room to balance it out and have a breather, some people might like that its more serious but i really really didnt like, i love episodes like prophecy girl where it is campy and brings the more emotional notes in when the time comes, but dawns whole arc is just constantly depressing the whole time i just hate it, and also just shes not a character i felt i could connect to because of how suddenly shes introduced, so its weird to have her SO focused on in the first half of that season coz we dont know her yet so i feel like the emotional moments dont land the way that they should? basically they shouldve eased us into dawn or introduced her differently and maybe i would like her enough to want the focus on her but i really just dont
adksjakjshd apologies for the essay this is, thanks for the ask!
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hesesols · 4 years
For Queen & Country
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Day 17 of Ichiruki month 2020: Coronation
Summary: She knows her place. She is merely a pretender to a princess and marries the King in the former’s stead.
Rating: M
"Father, what is marriage?"
Byakuya Kuchiki, Lord of Western Rukongai – father, duke, kingmaker; stilled.
Bright violet eyes stared back defiantly, wisps of midnight black hair teasing her nape; taking after his late wife in both temperament and appearance. She was tiny- barely reaching his knees and he easily picked her up, setting her on his lap.
"It is what happens when two people decide to live together forever," he told her.
Here, the child frowned. Forever, sounded far too long. A quarter-hour for lessons and a day for songs under the sun- those were reasonable terms of engagement. She couldn't even sit still for her lessons much less consider something that would mean longer than a day.
Still, she thought of the potential advantages to the arrangement. Miss Hinamori gave her sweets if she behaved during her lessons and sat very very still. Some days, when she was especially good, she would ask Miss Hinamori for chocolate.
The governess had laughed and called her a word- shrewd, she wondered what it meant.
Her eyes narrowed, if she could endure her lessons for sweets and desserts- surely that must mean that there are greater things to be gained from a long-suffering pact as this?
Folding her arms very solemnly, she asked her father to name the price.
"What would it mean for me?"
A bride- fine gossamer silk, bolts of colourful fabrics woven of every colour known to man, bone-china, her mother's pearls; blessed, cherished, happy, loved.
A wife- bearer of the world, the silent matriarch, keeper of secrets, manageress of a household and an empty bed; tried, dignified, wise, experienced.
But those are visions of a man old and weary of the world, she will learn of the Truth at her own pace. He gave her something less tangible- facts.
"When you marry, you take on your husband's last name and share your fortunes with him, take care of him, obey him, give him ch-"
He caught himself just in time. As fascinating as the conversation was, Lord Byakuya did not fancy a conversation with his daughter on the matter of baby-making and answer her queries on how children were made.
That would come much later and at the hands of an experienced governess, preferably.
He cleared his throat loudly and looked at his daughter who had the most thoughtful expression set on her face while chewing on the ends of her braids. The cogs in her brain turned.
Her young mind was devastated- that meant her favourite cakes and sweets, even that sweet little rabbit that she had rescued, half of everything she had was some horrible boy's future property?
Boys- like Renji, were horrible and mean, they had no appreciation for fine, pretty things like her drawings, they liked to tug her hair and call her names. They were rough, rude and were more wont to destroy than build.
Her dolls- china, and straw-made, still bore scars as a testament to their ill-treatment at the hands of her unruly siblings.
"Must I?"
"Are you a good person?"
She nodded vigorously. She obeyed Miss Hinamori instructions and did what she was told (most of the time). There was also the time when she saved a rabbit from the cook's horrible dogs. The rabbit- she called him Chappy, now lives in a pretty cage and was served fresh carrots daily. Miss Hinamori had praised her and called her kind, so she must be.
"Then you should," he said.
The raven-haired noblewoman in-the-making made a face.
"That is absolutely mad, Father," she tugged on his sleeves and fixed him with her strongest gaze, "why would people do such things?"
"For duty, honour and sometimes, love, my dearest."
The girl frowned- 'duty' and 'honour'. She held both words in contempt with a vengeance unbecoming for a Lady of noble status, for it was used with relish when seven year-olds were made to do what they were told.
It was her 'duty' as a future Lady of noble birth to be in bed early, to share her toys with her visiting cousins, to find dancing and other leisurely activities like playing the piano-forte as natural as breathing. And much to her dismay, she would find that as the years passed, the list too grew. Now, her 'duties' even included making 'scintillating' and 'polite' conversations with even the rudest of her associates. The words did not gain any favour at the hands of her father- who was a far more eloquent speaker than Miss Hinamori and infinitely more superior in his knowledge of the world.
Rukia was made to feel stupid and insignificant when they come out to play.
Renji says 'love' with a tone that sealed it as the most despicable thing under the sky and she supposed she would agree with her adopted brother for once- it must be a dangerous and strange thing indeed for some people to willingly share half of everything they owned with another person, especially with icky boys and their grubby hands.
Furthermore, she was reminded of the cloying sweet smell of perfume that her older cousin favoured upon the arrival of her betrothed. The older girl with her sudden airy, breathless tone of voice and her betrothed with the oddest smile on his face that frankly made him look foolish. Miss Hinamori had claimed that it was because it was a love match between the young couple and it did not happen often in people of her circle.
She wrinkled her nose and prayed that she never succumbed to it.
"Father," she began solemnly, "I do not think I shall ever marry."
The normally stoic noble smiled at her. Children have such amusing ideas and thoughts. Keeping his face straight and trying very hard to remain stern, he told her.
"We shall see."'
Inevitably, she learns.
Love is tradition- Kuchiki Manor in all its daunting glory and untouched forest, family- her brothers, insufferably rude as they may be, warmth- her father, in his infinite wisdom and sagacity, companionship- Miss Hinamori, her surrogate mother and confidante.
It is like wine- aging well with the passage of time and a fruit of labour known only to those who have endured and triumphed together and then content in the arms of each other, have stayed. It is tender- kisses on the cheeks, bear hugs and booming laughter, and it grows out of the fondness of one's heart and intimate wishes.
Marriage on the other hand is sudden and tempestuous. It is the unsuspecting storm that came with all the fury known to God, the end to unspoken promises and ill-kept vows.
It comes when a Royal Princess flees the machinations of her own Father. It comes at the bidding of a Mad King with even wilder ambitions- thinly-veiled threats and open affronts. It comes with her dowry-horses laden with riches, ballads and tapestries, rolls of expensive furs and leather skins, a procession of servants, craftsmen, artisan- bearing coat of arms, her motherland's pride, the history and culture of her people- an entourage befitting of a Royal Princess; and ends with her hand offered on a golden pedestal.
It is duty and honour, the sealing of two nations bound now in kinship- it is momentous, sweeping and public.
It is anything but her wedding.
She knows her place. She is merely a pretender to a princess and marries the King in the former's stead.
She stood tall as she said goodbye to all that she has ever known to be home. Her brothers said very little and too much all at once. Her sacrifice burnt them and that mark singed the family tapestry. Hath they hung their heads down for shame or sorrow?
Her father appeared- stoic and wordlessly pressed her mother's pearls into her hands.
She ascends the steps to the throne room looming ahead- a sea of unknown faces and stunned silence. She is veiled and shrouded in white- made to stand next to a man she was to call husband for all eternity and become mother to his nation. She hears the words and murmurs of the clergyman, gives her consent when the holy man bids her to, bows when it is expected of her- but processes very little.
Her husband-she stares at the brown-eyed stranger with wild hair and watches with muted horror as he slides the golden band onto her finger.
"Play the game as you were taught to," he told her. Scarcely daring to meet her eyes, he gripped her hands tight. Yes of course, the charade must hold- should the truth be made public, the consequences will be severe. He laid another necklace- heavier in weight and heritage; around her neck and clasped it shut.
It felt like a sentence- a Deadman's noose hanging around her neck. He kissed her cheeks.
"For duty and honour- Lady Rukia Kuchiki."
"For as long as I live, I shall cherish you and it is my hope that our union shall beget a prosperous future for both kingdoms."
His words sound like a scripted play. She grips his hand perhaps a little tighter in response- a show; she must always let them see who they want to see- a bride, a happy, beautiful, willing bride who is elated at her marriage to a young King.
She smiles and he places the jewel-encrusted tiara upon her head- her crowning glory.
The heavy weight and the gravity of her decision sink into her. She will serve the Crown and her King- she will be a good wife, she will honour her vows, and she will be Queen.
"My kingdom is now your home and the fate of her people- her people shall honour you as their Queen."
"Remember your lessons," he whispered as she turned to leave. The Court across the sea may have different heralds and customs, may style and culture themselves differently, and favour soaring towers instead of domes, but all Courts are snake pits. Know one and you know them all.
She looked into his eyes and nodded.
She marched out of the centuries-old manor- head held high, shoulders squared for upon it laid the fate and honour of her household. She spared no further glances at the Manor as she climbed into the carriage- within her Kingdom at least, Lady Rukia Kuchiki has ceased to exist the moment it was decided that she would marry a King in the eloped princess's stead.
She keeps her gaze on her husband- high cheekbones, strong jawline, thin lips, deep set eyes of a curious shade between brown and gold. She sees a man in his prime, broad-shouldered and tall- shaped and molded as though he was one of those heathen Gods.
She is young but not naïve. Trepidation lines her thoughts.
What does he have in mind for her- Queen, envoy, impostor?
He bends down slightly to unveil her and kisses her on her lips chastely. When he draws away, he remains expressionless and she reads nothing from his eyes. The erupting cheers from the crowd distract her and she heaves a breath of relief.
How odd it is that a duke's daughter who has never even dreamt of seeing the blue sea, would someday find herself heralding a procession of her nation's finest to a Court so many leagues away, of taking part in a scandalous hoax for the better of two kingdoms.
First princess, now queen to a gilded nation of hyphenated names and odd houses, married to a man whose first name she doesn't even know.
Perhaps such is the strange way of life.
It is as expected, a politically-fuelled marriage between him and his foreign bride.
His ministers of course, waxed poetries of her beauty and grace. She is to bring with her the riches from the Court beyond the sea, skills and knowledge from another kingdom, books written and inventions made from the best amongst their contemporaries, spices and trade.
Her blood is old, the noblemen of his Court reminded him- a scion of a noble and powerful kingdom, steep in tradition and a well-known history of bearing prodigious sons. She will bear him strong heirs- sons to carry forth his name and legacy.
What more should a young king, still childless and only sisters for siblings, desire? It is no secret of course, should he die now, issueless- the throne will go to a viscount from another kingdom- a son of his great-grandaunt's bloodline, a man who has never even set foot on this land.
Yet as he regards his young wife, he frowns; she is not what he expected.
"Who are you?"
She stiffens but the smile on her face doesn't falter. If nothing else, he at least commends her on her acting and composure.
"What do you mean, my lord?"
He rolls his eyes, takes another sip of the wine as he keeps his hand on the small of her back, leaning in to whisper to her ears only.
"You're not the Princess."
He has seen the Princess Orihime once. Though from afar and hidden in the shadows, while he was passing through a neighbouring kingdom under the guise of a different name. A serendipitous affair that ends with a dance for the two of them, and a kiss on the back of her hand as is proper.
This woman in front of him, heralded by so many as beautiful, virtuous and kind, and a million other things associated with that of the paragon of queenliness, and for all intents and purposes, his wife and future mother of his unborn children; is not that woman.
The two are nothing alike.
Her smile quivers- it's the first crack in her defences.
"You are mistaken, my lord. I am the Princess Orihime."
They're surrounded by courtiers. Each one more devious and sycophantic than the other; Rukia is determined to clench her teeth and bear through the confrontation. To any and all onlookers, they must appear to be, at all times, unruffled and polished.
He says nothing more after that.
A lord so-and-so comes forward to present himself and Rukia contents herself by letting her mind wander while the portly man dawdles on about the festivity of the occasion, on what a grand wedding it was, repeats the word 'grandeur' and 'blessed' for at least three more times before the King sends him away and in parting, flourishes with a deep bow, murmuring how he wishes only the very best for the royal couple.
Neither of said couple deigns to utter a syllable more to each other as the festivities and merry-making continues.
The King's Bedchamber is where they retire for the first night to they consummate their marriage and mark their beginning as a pair- from henceforth, princess and daughter no more, but a Queen she will be- till Death spares them the misery.
Moonlight pours forth from the open window into the darkly lit room. Rukia is clad only in the sheerest of silk and bare underneath it. She feels vulnerable under his gaze, more so when his hands grab her by the wrist and tugs her towards him.
Alone with no interruptions from her ladies-in-waiting and his stewards, he continues with the unrelenting rounds of questions, fingers digging deep into her flesh.
He asks her again.
"Who are you?"
She sighs, lowering her gaze respectfully, recites it all with an even tone.
"I am Princess Orihime. I—"
He laughs- mirthless and cruel, cutting her short when the hold on her arm becomes tight enough to bruise. She hisses in response.
"No more lies. Or would you prefer me calling you by another woman's name even when we are in bed?"
She clamps her mouth shut.
"It's not that hard. I only need a name."
Silence still.
"Well if you are so unwilling. Perhaps a member of the entourage would be more forthcomi—"
"My name is Rukia."
The glare she shoots him is fierce and not at all like the simpering front she puts up.
"Who are you, Rukia?"
She bites her lips.
"A nobody."
"And why would they send me a nobody instead of the Princess, Rukia?"
Her breath hitches when his arm brushes against her side, glide across the rise of her breasts and leans in close enough that she could feel the warmth of his breath on hers. Fingers busy themselves with the hemline of her nightdress, cut far shorter than she is used to.
"I don't know."
"Where is the Princess, Rukia?"
She keeps quiet, clenches her fists tight enough that her nails dig into her palm. She mustn't say a word or give away the unfortunate circumstances that brought her to him, to this country and Court. The Mad King is watching even now, his spies lurking among her entourage and numerous attendants.
Her family- her father and brothers are all under his mercy.
She can't.
The price of failing is much too steep for her to bear.
"I-I don't know."
She looks at the young King dead in the eyes and lies anyway, uncaring if he sees past her lies or takes them at face value.
"Oh, is that so?"
There is a rip in her gown. The flimsy material gives way with a rough tug and Rukia steels herself, looking into her husband's eyes- amber, dark, knowing; as she steps out of the puddle of ruined silk and kisses him.
He tastes of wine- the richness of it lingering on his lips; and secrets- many of which she will never be privy to, but that's fine too. She has no use of his heart. The stiffness in the set of his shoulders gives way when she winds her arms around his neck and cards her fingers through his hair.
Sex, she has been told, serves as a good distraction- if nothing else.
He doesn't fight her.
There's a growl of approval as sinewy arms snake around her slim waist and pulls her flush along his body and under him on the bed as he does away with his clothes. Underneath them, he is broad-chested and beautiful- the lines of his body carved and sculpted like a work of art with perfection in mind. A scar here, a mark there; a trail of wispy golden hair that marks the length of his torso, leading to the –
"My eyes are here," he teases.
A collision of lips, teeth and tongues as his lips find hers again. There is heat there, a fire that she stokes when her hand brushes against his arousal- intentional or artless, she doesn't know; not when his molten gaze strips her down to her very core of neediness.
The suppleness of her flesh and her tender sex is his to do as he sees fit. His fingers tease at her nipples, parting the folds of her dripping sex and she gasps as they slide knuckle-deep into her.
"Ichigo," he tells her in between heavy grunts.
She is more than a little breathless under him and the way her sex clenches and tightens- she hisses. How meaningless words have become.
"My name. You should know. That's the name you should be screaming out when I make you come."
She doesn't remember much after.
The rest of the night is a blur and blend of heady emotions, the stickiness of his spent on her inner thighs- soft moans barely recognizable as hers while he sinks into her- heavy with want, and makes a home in her warmth. Oh quivering muscles, the tight coil of nerves unravelling, the snap of his hips and the gleam in his eyes- golden and wild.
She soars and peaks with him in tandem until dawn is but moments away and he withdraws with a soft murmur.
In the morning when her ladies-in-waiting find her, she is covered in bruises and bites. The ruined silk- a weak excuse for a dress to begin with- is in tatters on the floor and the unmistakable stains on the sheets mark the sharing of sins and desires.
She is sore and aching over patches of black and blue. She doesn't want company.
But company stays.
The King's orders they crow and the smiling ladies titter, nervously ushering her into a warm bath with scented oils and rose petals. The nice-smelling blend they lather into her hair sooths her tired body, enough for her to regain thoughts and some use of her limbs.
The King is an ardent lover and thorough in his exploration of her. Even now, Rukia doesn't think she has the energy left within her to even crawl unless prompted.
"Is he everything you had imagined?"
Rukia flashes back to her childhood memories. Of her at her father's lap- on the transactional nature of marriages and bridal price and dowries, and the meaning of duty, honour and love; she laughs—
And doesn't stop until tears stream down her face.
Sneak peek for IR royalty AU dedicated to the lovely @animeokaachan​.
I couldn’t resist.
Review, like, comment, reblog or drop me an ask to send some love my way.
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ficdump101 · 4 years
WORDS: 2655
REQUESTED? YES BY @dreamescapeswriting
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“Alfie… why am I here?” These were the first words that came out your mouth as you entered your boyfriend’s office with Ollie in tow. You had been phoned by Alfie half an hour ago, where he requested you to come by the bakery for a serious meeting. The only person you could think of was if the person was a Shelby or a Lee since Kimber was dead and Sabini wouldn’t be caught dead having a civil discussion with Alfie. You knew what Alfie did, you knew how the business was ran but you also knew there were some things being kept from you; you didn’t push and question to know what was happening, but what you did know is that it had something to do with Arthur Shelby and Billy Kitchen (who now happened to be dead). Whilst Ollie was Alfie’s right hand man, you were the play maker. You helped Alfie with near enough all aspects of the business; keeping the books, exporting, making the rum and recruiting new people to work. Now you think about, you had more involvement in this than you original thought, which obviously means that you’re waltzing around London with a target on your back. Wonderful. 
“Shalom Peaches, come sit yeah? Want you here when Thomas comes, right, need at least one level head in the room.” You let out a small laugh, sitting on the chair at Alfie’s side of the desk. He carried on writing, placing his large hand on your thigh and squeezing lightly. You took in his side profile; his muscley arm, covered in his usual off white shirt, with the sleeves rolled up. His broad shoulders stretched the material of his shirt under his black waist coat. His neck covered by the thick, unkempt beard he supported. His straight nose supporting his golden half-moon glasses that hung on a chain. You had always stated that he look particularly cute with these on but he would always swat you away stating that he is one of the ‘most feared gangsters in London’. His gorgeous brown eyes were shaded by his usual black hat, no surprise there. You were brought out of your intense observation by the door opening, revealing Ollie and a shorter man with blue eyes (the same colour as the froth on the sea down by the cliffs) who shut the door behind him. Then again, everyone was shorter than Ollie the lanky fucker. The man introduced himself as Thomas Shelby of Shelby Brothers Limited in Birmingham, shaking Alfie’s hand and nodding towards you. Alfie explained that Ollie would stay to be witness to the exchange as his right hand man and you were his trusted assistant, however, from the look on Thomas’ face, you could tell he knew better. Alfie kicked his feet up on the desk as he read through the newspaper and the phone began to ring, to no one but yours surprise.
“That’ll probably be for you, wont it.” His gruff voice spoke out, he pointed his pen towards the phone on his desk without lifting his eyes from the newspaper. Thomas waited a moment, before using his hands to push off his knees into a stand. He picked up the phone and spoke few words.
“Hello… Arthur… You out?” He didn’t say goodbye to Arthur, as he placed the phone back on its hook, before dropped back into his seat; you knew Arthur had been arrested but you didn’t know why exactly.
“Right, so that’ll be your side of the street swept up wont it.” Alfie stopped for a second, moving his feet off the table to underneath, throwing the newspaper in his hands onto the table. He folded his hands together,
“Where’s mine? What ‘ave you got for me?” You began to block out the conversation as you went through the books, making sure all the incomes and outcomes matched. You were flipping through last weeks and this week’s income working out the difference in profit as you saw Ollie pull his gun out from beside you. Your eyes shot up to him, wide open but not in shock, in confusion as you had no idea why he needs to whip his gun out.
“Ollie. No, no, no. No. Put that down, he understands. He understands. He’s a big boy, he knows the road. Now look. Its just non-fucking negotiable. That’s all you needs to know. So all you have to do,” You let go of Ollie’s arm and leant over the desk, “Is sign the fucking contract.” You tapped your pointed finger on the dotted line, making eye contact with Mr. Shelby. “Right there, Mr Shelby.” Tommy muttered a small just sign it, keeping his eyes on you and rubbed his chin lightly.
“With ya pen.” You urged, tapping your finger against the contract again before leaning back in your seat; Alfie move his hand under the table for a second, squeezing your knee in thanks. You could feel the tension increase ten fold in the room as Thomas replied,
“Well, I have an associate waiting for me at the door. I know that he looks like a choir boy, but he’s actually an anarchist from Kentish Town.” He kept his unbothered façade, but you could see in his eyes that he was up to something. You didn’t like where this was going. Alfie leant back in his chair, keeping his hands on the desk as he did so.
“Tommy. I’m gonna fucking shoot you, all right?” Alfie spoke up, wanting the what was suppose to be a quite simple meeting to be done. It was quite for a moment until Thomas spoke up again,
“Now, when I came in here, Mr. Solomons, I stopped to tie my shoe lace. Isn’t that a fact, Ollie? I stopped to tie my shoelace and while I was doing it, I laid a hand grenade under one of your barrels. Mark 15 with wire trip and my friend upstairs…Well, he’s like one of those anarchist that, uh, they blew up Wall Street, you know? He’s a professional and he’s in charge of the wire if I don’t walk out that door by the stroke of seven, he’s going to trigger the grenade and your very combustible rum will blow us all to hell and I don’t care because I’m already dead.” Your heart fell into the pits of your stomach as you swallowed. You took pride in the fact that you were afraid of so little, but right now, you had never been more scared. He was a Shelby, they cut people’s tongues out, they blinded people, they set fire to houses and they killed people; they could do exactly as he said if they so wanted to.You began to regret not seeing your mother and father last week, you wished that you had spent the night at your brother’s house the other day, and you wished that you had told your sister you loved her after speaking on the phone to her this morning. This much was simple, you didn’t want to die; you wanted to walk away from this with a deal with Shelby Limited and go back to your home where Cyril would be sat waiting. You wanted to go home and sit on the couch to relax before making dinner for yourself and Alfie. You wanted to climb into bed after a long, hot bath and cuddle up to the man who you’d willingly take a bullet for. You did not want to die. For the second time in that meeting, you zoned out, questioning and regretting small decisions you had made in your life. You glanced at Alfie with realisation, you would follow him to the ends of the Earth without question. You loved him… you wanted to start a family with him. You wanted to marry him. He was the only man you thought about, when you were out with your friends and men would try to entice you, you would compare them to Alfie. You loved how he treated you, he - in short- treated you like a princess. Anything you needed, he helped you get and he was always there for you no matter what. He was soft with you, he’d once stated that he’d rather be shot dead than raise his voice and argue with you; that wasn’t his style anyway, you two would just talk whatever the problem was over like adults… before you’d do something childish like the one time you threw flour at him when he was confessing his love for you after a serious talk. Alfie stood up abruptly, your head shot up to him and he pushed your chair back to the wall, smacking Ollie over the back of the head before grabbing the lapels of his jacket.
“You’re behaving like a fucking child. This is a man’s world.” He shoved him. “Now take that apron off, and sit in the corner like a little boy. Fuck off. Now.” Alfie growled at him pushing and pointing towards the lone chair in the back corner of the room. You gave Ollie a sad smile as he plonked himself on the old chair, making a mental note to talk to him later and try and get Alfie to give him somewhat of an apology. You boyfriend came back and sat in the chair next to you, you pushed yourself closer to the desk and held his hand his for comfort. He squeezed tightly, knowing what you wanted. He checked the time before turning back to Thomas, after he confirmed that there was 4 minutes left.
“Right, four minutes. Talk to me about hand grenades.” His right hand moved to stroke his beard in thought.
“The chalk mark on the barrel at knee height said Hamilton, Christmas. I took out the pin and put it on the wire.” Thomas took the grenades pin out of his pocket, before throwing it into the empty whiskey glass. You leant over and picked it up, looking at it intensely. You thoughts were rolling over in your head. Alfie stated that instead of 65, 45 percent was what he wanted based on the possible grenade. Thomas quickly shot that down with a quick ‘30’.
“Oh, fuck off Tommy! That’s far too little.” You finally found your voice again, tossing the pin back to Thomas. He leant forward slightly,
“In France, Miss. (Y/N), when I was a tunneller, a clay kicker, 1-7-9…I blew up Schwaben Hohe. Same kit I’m using today.” He sat back, wiggling the pin in his hand. You face dropped. You're brother was in the 179 but he didn’t make it home after the tunnel collapsed. No one made it home after the tunnel collapsed.
“That’s funny, that.” Alfie started, letting go of your hand and placing both on the table in front of him. “I do know the 1-7-9, and I heard they all got buried.” He gave you a glance, knowing that it was a sensitive subject for you. You and your brother had been extremely close, he protected you growing up and you helped look after his child when he went to war. You remember the first time you told Alfie about it, you had broken down and demolished half a bottle of his ‘white bread’ as he held you through it.
“Three of us dug ourselves out.” Shelby stated, before focusing his gaze on you solemn face. “I’m sorry I could get to Private (Y/L/N) in time, but we tried. He was a good man, he’d never shut about you or James. He loved you to pieces, always said when he got back he’d give you the world.” You knew he was a smart man, he could piece together exactly who you were. You responded after your breath hitched at the back of your throat and tears danced across your waterline,
“Are you digging yourself out now?” You spoke quietly, your question hanging in the air.
“Like I’m digging now.” His response made you drop your stare that you were keeping between the two of you. Alfie moved slightly beside you, muttering a quiet ‘fuck me’,
“Listen. I’ll give you 35 percent. That’s your lot.”
“Thirty five.” Thomas repeated, standing up with your boyfriend in tow. They spat on their hands and shook on the deal. At least there’s a deal, not the original one but there’s still more profit. After the whole ordeal, you made you way home, telling Alfie at least 7 times that you were perfectly fine but Cyril was on his own; so with a quick kiss and a loving smile you were on your way. It had come round to 8 o’clock quite quickly, you distracted yourself by cleaning the whole house, bathing Cyril and baking an apple pie for you and Alfie to enjoy after dinner. You did have time to think over the meeting and drew up a conclusion; he was bluffing. A mark 1 grenade was used in the war which made it easy for people like Mr Selby to get their hands on, but it would have been spotted by one of the 8 men who was working around the Hamilton, Christmas barrel - it was regulation to check the floors of where they’re working, and the rules of the bakery were followed strictly. Very strictly. As you were stood preparing the beef stew, you felt strong arms wrap around your waist and a bristly beard rub against the nape of your neck. You let out a chuckle putting the wooden spoon down and turning towards your lover, wrapping your arms around his neck as he held you close.
“You know, you handed that right good, yeah, I’m proud of you. My smart and precious little peach.” You could tell he felt bad for putting you in that situation, but it was over now so you tugged him towards you and kissed him. Just like you wanted to through that whole meet. Breaths mingled together whilst hands grouped and gripped clothing and skin a like to keep each other grounded. Teeth clashed as your opened your mouths in the quickly heated, wet kiss. Pulling away you whispered ‘I love you’, staring at him like he had hung the stars in the sky. He smiled, mumbling it back before moving to sit at the table.
“You know,” You began as you plated up the stew. “Tommy was bluffing. There are 8 men working around that barrel from the beginning to the end of their shifts and a rule is to check the floors constantly for spillages and leaks. They would’ve seen something, especially a grenade.” You placed his plate in front of him as he sat frozen for a moment.
“You fucking what?”
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shuskas-story-book · 4 years
Leave it to the Bees
Based off the song "Let it Go" by James Bay.
Eridan smiled over at the Asian male next to him, miss-matched eyes smiling back over the table back to his own odd violet ones. He couldn't help the small quirk to his lips as the waitress came over and sat down a set of drinks for the boys to enjoy, Sollux taking his drink and taking a drink with a soft little 'ah' afterwards. "Tho..... Friday night, and I'm already theeing a bunch of Thirtth jutht waltzing into the bar." he commented with a smirk as another male walked into the bar, his tie undone and a 5 o'clock shadow highlighting his jawline.
Eridan couldn't help the soft giggle that escaped him with a nod, reaching out and taking his own drink with a curious sniff at the strawberry filled liquid. "Sol...what did you order for me again?" he asked, head tilting to the side as he took the straw between his lips and tasting it with a shocked little hum. Eridan hadn't expected it to be so good, his boyfriend having been bad about ordering a strong drink and not warning him about the bitters or the high alcohol content of the drink in question.
Sollux smiled a bit and watched eridan over the edge of his sunglasses with a curious gaze. "It'th called a midthummernight dream. Got'th vodka, two Ruthian alchoholth, and a thit ton of thtrawberrieth" he explained. Eridan nodded and looked to the pink drink in his hand again. "Well for once, it tastes amazin and I'm glad I let you choose my drink" he replied with a small hum in his throat.
"And what, pray tell, did you choose for yourself?" he asked, folding his fingers together and resting his dimpled chin upon them. Sollux blinked and looked at the amber liquid in his glass. "uhh....I think it'th called a 'headleth horthman?" he asked himself, head cocking to the side slightly as he took another sip and nodded "yea. think that'th what it'th called. But anywayth, we have a lot to talk about." Sollux cooed, resting his chin in the palm of one bony hand as the other reached out to carefully rub against Eridan's arm.
The Ampora arched a brow and watched the computer calloused fingers as they trailed over his pale skin. "Oh? and what would we need to talk about Sol? Did I do something wrong to one of your builds?" he asked, unfolding the well manicured fingers and moving them to hold his lovers. "Or....is it the fact that were moving in together?" he asked with a small smile, head tilting to the side.
Sollux couldnt help but snort softly and nod. "of courthe it'th the move Danny. Jutht think, we'll be in our own plathe. Cronuth can fuck off, Tuna wont be able to barge in on our cuddle thethionth......or....anything elthe" he teased with a wink that caused Eridan to blush dark. That inuendo had happened more than once to the duo and had ended in a very embarrassing conversation with Psiimon over what was not allowed in his house.......again.
"W-well....I still say that wasn't our fault. He should know not to barge into his big brother's room....Mituna is 13 now after all!" he huffed softly as Sollux just laughed and shook his head. "Yea yea yea. But you know my dad'th thuper protective of Tuna" he hummed, moving his hand to rub a thumb over Eridan's knuckles.
The conversation slowly trailed off between the two as they finished their drinks off, Eridan still being a lightweight even after Cronus and his military drinking habits dragged the younger along for the ride. Sollux wound up taking the keys away from his lover and hooking an arm around him in order to help walk the short distance to their taxi.
Time passed very differently for them during times like this, soft kisses and gentle touches that had them both calm and comforted as they fell asleep in one another's arms. They were still tangled up with one another, light dancing across sleeping limbs when they're woken up by a hyperactive little brother. Mituna was more than excited to see Eridan again, almost pulling the Ampora from his still sleeping lovers arms in an attempt to get someone to play a video game with him.
Sollux wound up being woken up and games played as breakfast was made and plated. Eridan couldn't help but think of how cute it would be to have their own little family like this. He sat his chin on a palm and watched the two brothers bicker over the fact that Mituna did not, in fact, need half a bottle of syrup for his stack of 5 pancakes with a smile on his face. "You two are so cute together like that you know?" he mentioned softly, a loving look on his features that had Sollux blushing a bit and Mituna puffing up his cheeks with a defiant little 'nuh uh!'.
Eridan laughed softly and shook his head. "Sorry. I guess I'm just holding on to that old dream of having a family. Deffinately something we dont need right now," he cooed, looking up to Sollux who rubbed the back of his head nervously. "heh....uh...yea Danny.....That'th thomething that can wait a few yearth to make thure were actually ready" he agreed softly, both of the older boys jumping when something shattered over near the sink.
Mituna was standing there, hands over his mouth, eyes wide, and one of Sollux's favorite mugs in pieces on the floor. The poor boy looked like he was about to burst into tears when Sollux knelt down to pick up the largest piece with a sigh. "well....tho much for that one" he muttered, head shaking a bit.
"I-I'm th-th-thorry Th-Thollux!" Mituna sobbed softly, backing away against the cabinet as Sollux frowned. " Woah woah, hey.....Tuna no come on. Let it go. Thith broke, jutht let it be. It'th no ithue tho jutht keep being happy little you and I'll be normal grumpy me. It'th jutht a mug, and like everything elthe that breakth, we'll leave it to the beeth." he stated with a smile, collecting the broken shards before stacking it in a pile and sitting it in a bin dubbed 'for bee houses'.
"thee? Nothing wrong. They'll love that blue color" he continued, Mituna nodding along with the fear of broken glass long behind him."Yea! I'll be me and you be you! We can make bee houtheth later!" he rattled off, the older boys easily falling in behind his enthusiasm for the day.
Time passed quickly, the apartment being gotten and their shared world slowly coming together. But things seemed to sour at the drop of a hat once Sollux started doing computer repairs from home more and more. Things seemed to jump back and forth from throwing clothes on the floor at the end of the night, to slamming doors and the two of them sleeping in separate rooms almost nightly.
Sollux had brought home something from his dad's house, just trying to bring some home cooking back into their lives and give a bit of color to the drab grey things had gotten to. Of course, shit hit the fan pretty quickly when the wrong things were said and a fight ensued. in the end, they were sitting at different ends of the dining table so they could eat. Eridan had his head in his hands and Sollux had his nose in his phone to try and just keep his mind off the fight they just had.
Eridan spoke up first, voice shaky as he tried to keep from crying. "Sollux.....if this is it...if these fights are all we're living for......why do we insist on doing this anymore?" he asked softly, sniffling lightly as he turned his eyes up to his lover. "I used to recognize myself but now I feel like I'm just a husk of who I used to be" he continued, jumping a bit when Sollux pushed his chair back with a snarl.
"Well it'th funny how our reflectionth fucking changed now ithnt it? Thinthe we're becoming thomething elthe, I'll jutht leave you here for a while." he growled, storming off to the room. Eridan moved in after him, watching the thin bee lover packing a backpack with tear filled eyes. "S-Sollux.....No come on.....I-I didn't mean it like that, please just let it go!" he begged softly.
"No Eridan!" Sollux snapped, turning to the other with a snarl. "Jutht let it be. You can thtay here and be you. I'm going home, thpending time with tuna, and I'll be me. Everything here ith fuckin broke tho leave it to the beeth alright?! " he snapped, slamming the door to the apartment after pushing his way past his lover and out into the hallway.
By the time he made his way to the lobby the storm outside had finally come to a head, rain pouring down and making it quite hard to see even if you had headlights on. Sollux stood in the lobby for a moment, pausing himself to just think about the situation for a few moments before he heard Eridan's voice call out from the elevator. "I'm not fucking dealing with thith!" he growled to himself, glaring back at Eridan as he pushed through the doors and out into the pelting rain.
Things happened too quickly to really realize what transpired, A bike rider rushing by, a driver going too fast on a slick road, and the crunch of bone and glass before everything just froze around Eridan. Sollux was laying in the middle of the road, a terrified teen getting out of her car with a terrified scream as the rain started to soak her and the male she hit through to the bone. Eridan's blood ran ice cold as he shook his head and ran out into the storm screaming Sollux's name. trying to get some form of reaction from his lover.
"He's not going to wake up for quite a while Mr. Ampora. Please, make yourself comfortable and dont touch any of the wiring near him. " the doctor stated softly, patting Eridan's shoulder with a broad, gentle hand. The smaller male nodded, puffy red eyes locked on the sleeping form of his one and only.
He waited for the doctor to leave him alone to move over and sit next to Sollux's bed with a sniffle. His hand reached out to carefully settle into Sol's, a sob escaping him as his normally warm fingers felt ice cold against the Ampora's.
"This feels so wrong Sol....y-your way too cold" he whispered aloud, tears already welling in his eyes and falling over his cheeks. "God.....There's no force on earth that could make this feel right......" he whimpered, laying his head down on the white sheets of the bed and squeezing Sol's fingers tightly.
"C-come on.......Just....I'm letting the fight go. You're right a-and I'm not being responsible enough with what I've been spending lately...W-we've been pushing this problem uphill and not taking a chance to really.....really talk it through" he whimpered softly, mostly just rambling on to himself in the silence. "I guess it just.....got too heavy to hold tonight and look at what we let happen.....what I let happen" he whispered to himself, head lifting so he could see his lovers face as a tear fell down his cheek. "I think it's time to let our words slide......please....forgive me"
A few months after the wreck, Eridan was settled in his old room, snuggled up next to Sollux as they looked through a thick picture book. "Oh, remember when we went to Alternia beach? That was the best date I think we've ever had" he said, both boys laughing a bit. "Yea....It wath a fun date...Thtill think we thould have left Tuna at home for that one though. We could have gone through and done the turtle thnorkling" Sol purred at his little lover as he stretched out and closed the book.
Cronus came by the room and knocked on the frame of the open door, offering a small smile. "Hey Danny-boy.....Feel like going up to Star Touch Point with me tonight? We can go watch the star shower together like old times....you can even bring Sollux if you want" he offered, the look on his face growing even sadder as Eridan looked up at Sol with a smile. "Yea.....We would love to come watch the shower with you Cro....I'll grab my bag and shoes and we'll meet you out there!" he chirped, sitting up and stretching before reaching over to grab his shoes and socks.
They all piled into Cronus's old pickup, the military boy making sure things were tuned up before the drive to their secluded 'brother zone' as they had called it in their youth. They made it right around nightfall and the two younger boys were quick to abandon Cronus at the car to run up to the top of the hill with cheerful laughter. Cro just shook his head with a soft chuckle and let them go ahead
Time seemed to stand still once they made it up overlooking the town in the distance. Sollux smiled and moved over in front of Eridan before waving his hand to the bag. "Tho ED......you ready to let it go?" he asked softly, Eridan's smile faltering a bit "I-I dont know what you mean Sol....Let what go?" he questioned, Sol shaking his head. "Come on ED....Danny.....jutht....let it be"
Eridan started shaking his head a bit "N-no....Sollux I.....Please dont make me do this" he begged softly, Sollux just smiling sadly and tilting his head to the side. "Why not tonight?.....It'th our anniverthary after all. Why don't you be you for tonight. I'll be me jutht like old timeth" He offered, taking a few steps backwards. "Everything broke Danny....."
"NO! Sollux please don't make me do this! Please y-you made it out of the hospital, y-youve been weak but you made it.....please!" he whimpered, head shaking as tears started welling in his eyes. "Eridan pleathe....leave it to the beeth for a while....let them take your worrieth and tearth" Sollux whispered softly, Eridan letting his hand reach down into his courier bag to pull out a silver and gold container.
It was a pretty little thing, Bees etched into the metal and accentuated with gold leaf over the silver of the body and Sollux's name etched into the base gorgeously. "No.....please....I'm not ready to let you go" Eridan whispered, turning his eyes out over the cliffed edge of the hill that separated him from where Sollux was floating over thin air. "Eridan...Let my atheth fall here.....You've held on for tho long....."
"Sollux.....I dont want to let you go! I love you....Please just.....J-Just come back please!" Eridan begged, soft sobs wracking his chest as Sollux shook his head. "No Eridan.....You need to forget m-" He was cut off by Eridans loud sob "NO! NO NO NO.....no....."
"Come on Danny.....don't make thith harder on yourthelf. Let me go.....Jutht....Let me be" he continued, slowly stepping forward to kneel where Eridan had fallen to his knees, clutching the urn to his chest. "Why don't you go live your life.....Go be you.....and I can be me" Sol whispered, Eridan not looking at him anymore as he carefully opened the locked top to the urn and pulled a bit of ash out to cradle in his hand.
As he carefully let the ash sift through his fingers Sollux smiled again, leaning over and hugging his love tightly. "Thank you Eridan......I love you......Thank you for setting me free" he whispered, pulling back and pressing a soft kiss to Eridan's forehead for a final lingering bit of warmth on the Ampora's skin as he faded away in the soft breeze that carried his ashes down over a large field of flowers.
Cronus waited a bit longer after hearing Eridan stop screaming no before moving up to kneel beside his little brother and rest a large hand over the smaller boy's back. "hey.....He's still here.....look, he even sent a little friend to say hello" he offered, a small bee buzzing softly as it landed on Eridan's hand for just a fleeting moment before continuing off towards its hive for the night.
For the first time in four months, Eridan didn't feel that deep stab of guilt in his heart. Instead he felt the light breeze around him, the warmth of his brother's hand, and more importantly, the soft kiss of the night as the first of the stars began to shoot through the night sky.
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A ROTTMNT Fanfiction: The Lucky One Chapter 1
Word Count: 4137
Summary: Leo has never considered himself to be unlucky, but when meets a young rabbit samurai wielding a bokken he wonders if luck is all its cracked up to be
Pairings: Whats zero times zero? MORE ZERO
[1]“Are you Miyamoto Usagi?”
 Those were the first words Katsuichi had ever said to him. At the time he had been a small child just shy of five years and half drowned by a rain storm determined to finish him off. The tree he had found refuge under was barely doing its job of keeping him somewhat dry. The storm had drove him to seek out shelter after a puddle, one that had failed to drown him had taken his sandal as collateral.
 Truth be told a wiser person wold of turned back, even a stupider person would of decided to go back. But there was nothing left for him back in the village. Except for his fathers grave and the pitying eyes of well meaning villagers.
Truth be told, any one fo them would of taken him in and he was sure he’d have a happy life with them.
 But to be thought of as a burden, even as young as he was, was unbearable.  
 That was the reason he didn’t answer immediately. He thought maybe one of the villagers had sent the man after him, but at the moment he was too tired to lie. All he could do was nod before pulling his knees under his chin o help preserve some warmth
 “There’s a lot of people worried about you little one.”
 “I’m not going back.” Usagi had been sure of that just as he had been sure he’d never have a say in the matter. His numb body and spirit had nothing left in him.
 There was a shuffling coming from the samurai in front of him,  but rather then drag him away by his ears, the samurai settled by his side ,sitting with his back to the tree. Curiosity got the better of Usagi and he finally glanced to the stranger.
 He had seen samurai before, his father had been one, but none like this. A tall lion with long red hair and matching beard that barely gives room for his eyes and mouth, wearing a for black silk kimono and a dark blue happi. Both were finer then any clothing he had ever seen but well cared for.
For a moment the two sat in silence, with nothing but the rain to fill the silence. Then the samurai spoke “I am sorry about your father. When I received word of his passing,, I cam as quick as I could.”
 At the time Usagi could only look at the lion samurai in confusion, he was sure he hand known all his fathers friends, “how did you know him?”
 “I  knew him from many years ago, . I made a promise that if anything happened to him I would look after you.”
 “I don’t want another father. I liked the one I had.”
 “As you should. You are a faithful son. You will be my student. Nothing more nothing less.”
 Usagi looked down to the ground. The rain had continued its onslaught since the samurai had joined him, and at this point it almost seemed like the world was drowning.
 What chance did he have other wise?
What choice did he have?
 Taking his silence as a answer ,the samurai  rose to his feet and Usagi with him. If he had known how far they’d be walking, he would of gone back for his sandal. But he kept silent. Through years of training, of living in isolation, and everything he kept silent.
 He would never allow himself to become a burden  
Ten years later
  “Alright, you two, what are the rules?”
 Leo rolled his eyes, “I don’t know, ask Don he was listening.” He could hear Hueso grinding his teeth together but couldn’t be bothered to look up from Miscord, “Right D?” His brother was now giving him the same unamused look but he made sure to give him a smile before looking back to his phone, “Right?”
 “Yeah.”Don looked back to Hueso,” The rules are: Don’t’ leave Hueso’s side, don’t annoy Hueso, don’t’ say anything to anyone but Hueso. And don’t let Leo talk to anyone even Hueso.”
 That brought him back, “What?! Hey!” Leo glared at the skeleton, “I don’t remember that one.”
 “You didn’t remember any of them that’s the point.” Hueso jabbed a finer in his face,’ You didn’t even remember your portal sword. That I told you explicitly to bring”
  Leo puffed up his cheeks before crossing his arms, trying to ignore Donnie smirking at him , “Look I just wont talk to anyone.” He clearly lied, Ok, so he had left his sword implanted in Dad’s armchair, it wasn’t’ because  it was huge, bulky and tired of carrying it around (who could be sick of carrying around a giant portal sword that was almost bigger then most of his friends)but for other reasons that he didn’t have to justify to anyone, “I didn’t know we’d be going to the Mystic City! You’re the ones who supposed to have those toppings! I figured the most dangerous thing we’d be doing is
 “It is not my fault my restaurant ran out of those toppings hours ago and the only way to get more is front the market. And almost every time you go anywhere in the Mystic City you end up being chased by a mob.”
 “I thought Karlos picked up your groceries from the Market?” Donnie asked from disinterest, “and wait on tables, and deliver food.”
 “I need to get that kid a raise.” Hueso said to himself, “And apparently he’s got a weird form of rabies and tetanus  so he’s taking some time off. That is why if you REALLY want those toppings wer can only get them here, in the Mystic City Farmers Market. Now I will ask you two this ONCE. Is this all worth the hassle?”
 Leo glanced at his brother, and this time Donnie actually made eye contact, albeit nervous eye contact , with him. Making a quick agreement  as Don held his phone up higher and switching over to Raph’s number. Leo ducked in closer to be in the video lens. “Um, Mabye its better to show you?” Don gave him clear ‘the hell are you thinking?!’ Look before rolling his eyes back at him and pulling up his phone and pressing on Raph’s number, their brothers phone only rang for a moment before Raph’s desperate face filled the screen, “Don thank god where are you?! Do you have the toppings!? Are you outside!? Are you coming in!? Are you calling to tell me you’re in the kitchen and you’re about the bring it out?!”
‘Heeeyyy buddy.”  Leo squished his face by Don’s so he could be in frame, “Just want to check in on you, hows our sick wittle brover?”
 Raph’s face, which had been young and full of hope a week earlier fell further (Leo noted a plate going flying behind his head, “just checking in?!” Are you crazy?! Do you know what happens when I turn my back on Mikey-“ Raph gave a shriek and dropped the phone, in the background Leo could hear him yelling,” JUST PLAY DEAD POPS! MIKEY PUT THE FRIDGE DOWN!”  It took several seconds before Raph came back into view, judging by the wood behind Leo guessed he had crawled under a table, “Listen to me right NOW. Mikey’s already taken Dad hostage and is dominating the living room. He’s trying to conquer the kitchen next and I don’t know how much longer I can hold him off! My barricade isn’t  going to hold off forever!”
 “Michelangelo is about as intimidating as a wet kitten,” Hueso paused, “Wait, he threw the fridge-“
 Raph gave another shriek before he disappeared from sight followed by a dead tone.  Don put his phone away, “That’s why we need the toppings. Mikey has had a stomach flu all week and hasn’t been able to eat anything other then gluten free dry granola bars. If we don’t give him what he wants, he’s probably going to end up a orphan and a only child.”
  Hueso pinched his brow taking a few steps away cursing in Spanish. Leo could only catch a few snippets, of what he was saying but he was pretty sure Hueso was cursing him out. He couldn’t help but sigh and drop his head on Don’s shoulder watching the Yokai passing by with disinterest. He had heard Hueso mention the Mystic City Farmers Market a few times, normally with scorn and a complaint about “the price of Basilisk Cheese” or something. Hueso finally straightedges, out brushed his hands down the front of his suit and turned to look at them with a deep breath,”alright, but again follow my rules, don’t annoy me and we’ll be out before blood worm hour in the Pizza Restaurant.”
 Leo wasn’t sure he wanted to know what ‘blood worm’ hour was all about. But Hueso  was already walking into the crowd, (“don’t wander off!” Hueso yelled)  He gave his brother a shove on his battle shell to keep in him front , “Hey D?” He started, “I know I already asked you this, but are you going to be ok? If you can handle this I’ll just go with Hueso alone.”
“I’m not letting you go alone,I just.” Don took a deep meditative breath pressing his palms together, “We could of avoided this whole thing if we had just left the Lair on time.”
 “I know, I’m sorry.” He could admit fault sometimes. He just did always like doing it, “We’ll do this as quick as possible. In, out, and I’ll make it up to you I promise. I’ll buy you...” Leo though for a moment, bribery really was the best wa to deal with a stressed Don, “Three Jupiter Jim comics of your choosing.”
 Don gave him a long look, and for a sec Leo though this brother was too off with him to take his offer but Don sighed, ‘It’s fine I have my noise cancelling headphones, now immune to mystic energy, and three back ups. Plus my special noise canceling bandana Dad made me so I’m fine. Let’s just go.’”
 “Great! That’s my man!” Leo did a half skip sideways through the portal for the usual flash of blue before he ended  up on th either side a second later in a crowd of Yokai with Donnie by his side a a second later. Thankfully it wasn’t crowded as he was used to, but like any other time he had gone to the Underground city it was  the sheer number of different Yokai caught him off guard. None of them gave a glance to the two turtles that appeared out of no where. Leo made sure to check on his brother for a moment, “Ready D? Are you ok for splitting up? Who can ever find the creeepy toppings first owes the other five comics!” Rather then wait for Don to verify (or rightly accuse him of trying to weasel out of paying his comics) Leo ducked off.
 The last few times he had been here he didn’t really have the chance to look around stalls too closely. Now he could see that most of them held strange trinkets, like necklaces made necklaces out  of eyeballs and  flasks containing different swirling colors. And a crap ton of weapons that made him feel like he was in a ‘shop’ in a video game store.
 There was a bump on his shoulder and for a moment his vision was filled with starkingly white fur, “Sumimasen,”said the slightly shorter figure before moving past. Leo barely gave it another thought until something white  hanging of its head pricked him in the eyes, “ow!” Leo rubbed his eyes before half glaring at the person who passed him, “Long ass ears. “ he cursed lightly, was that a rabbit? He glanced for a moment. Yup a bright white rabbit who was already giving him no second thought.
 “Looking for something Kappa?”
 Leo drew his attention  to the vendor he had been getting ready to talk to, who somehow had more mouths then head, “Yeah buddy  my bone man, me and my bro are looking for some like weird worms with eyes that normally goes on pizza? You seen anyone who sells it?”
 The Vendor twisted its mouths for a moment, “Uh, not sure what a pizza is.”
 He narrowed his eyes, “You have a infinite amount of mouths and NONE of them have eaten pizza? You lead a. A sad life “ Don gave a half nod of agreement before going back to his wrist tablet. There was a yank on his mask and he found himself Stumbling back into Hueso’s face, “Why am I not surprised you ignored everything I said?”
 “Because its my charm?”Leo said with a big smile. Hueso opened his mouth, probably to tell him off or to threaten to drag him before something behind Leo caught his eye, “oh boy.” He said with the same tone he’d use whenever Leo enter the pizza joint. Leo turned around, glancing around trying to find the source of his concern. There was a Pirate Puppy Yokai, a Cat Cavalier Yokai, that white rabbit looking at a booth, and a yokai that was just a eyeball wearing a fedora. He was about to ask who Hueso was talking about but his eyes were fixated on the rabbit, “You mean Bugs Bunny over there?”
 “Karlos mentioned seeing a white rabbit the last few times he came here. He’s always here by himself which is not a good idea.”
 “Why not? We’re here by ourselves, and we’re fine. And you just said Karlos comes here alone.”
 “Its is not the same, you’re here with me. Trust me if you were alone you would of already had your shell stolen. And Karlos only comes down here on days I designate. As I said its not always safe here-“
 “What are you looking at boy!?” A loud voice shouted over the already loud crowd.
 The rabbit jumped nearly a foot in the air (literally and figuratively) not a that Leo could blame him, the yelling Yokai was some sort of Cyclops Octopus Yokai with fat arms and giant bat ears and looked as though he was the owner of the booth the rabbit had been standing at, “You’ve been here five times in the past two days, are you going to buy something or what?!”
“I-I-I um” the rabbit stuttered out before his arms magnetized to his side and he bowed in a Almost robotic manner,” I’m sorry please forgive me. I didn’t mean to cause you problems-“
“You’re causing me problems by taking up space!” The yokai suddenly grabbed the rabbit by the front of his shirt and yanked him close to his  face in a way Leo could tell he was very uncomfortable with, “Are you trying to steal from me boy!?It’d be the last thing you ever-“
 “OI.” Hueso shouted, finally shoving past a Yokai made of Play-do, “Berbi quit acting like a thug.”
 The Yokai, apparently Berbi, swung to look at him, “I know a thief when I see once Hueso. I’m not  a idiot.”
 “You have glaucoma Berbi, you think everyone is a thief.  Now go eat a candy bar and quit scaring off your real costumers.”
 Berbi glared hard Hueso with snarling broken teeth, but after a moment he flinch and  looked away with a snarl shoving the rabbit away  stomping back behind the curtain behind his booth. When Hueso started walking Leo followed him on autopilot. He was used to seeing Hueso dealing gang members and Big Mama he had almost forgot Hueso was capable of as much intimidation as anyone. Now that they were closer, he could see the the rabbit was his age, if a bit shorter. Wearing a short blue untucked kimono with a white obi and black pants (they were called hakamas right) and some sort of samurai sandals his ears tied back in a pony tail his fur was so fluffy that some of it stuck out on his scalp,  his bright pink eyes looking to them in concern as though he wasn’t sure what to do or expect from them. Instead he did as he did before and bowed, “Thank you, I’m sorry for causing you trouble as well.”He said with a soft Japanese accent
 “Do not thank me, are you here alone? Where are your parents?”
 The rabbit looked at him in surprise,”I-I’m not, I don’t-“ he looked away for a moment as though in shame
“If you don’t’ have parents, then I’ll take you to one of the shelters nearby.”
 “I’m-“ the rabbit froze, “I have a home. I’m just not there.”
 Hueso looked him hard,  causing the rabbit to avert his eyes. Leo could just remember that it was supposedly a sign of respect. Right? Atleast according to the Samurai Sam movies he had watched (not nearly as good as Jupiter Jim or Lou Jitsu but still enjoyable). He took a moment to glance around, don was no where in sight, hopefully finding the toppings they needed. They had a good enough signal  that Don would text him if he needed him-“
“Fine, go home boy. Before someone less pleasant then Berbi decides you’re a thief. You’re drawing too much attention to yourself and here that is dangers out. So go home rabbit,  go back to your family And I better not find you here again.” Hueso turned on his step and walked away. Leo turned after him, looking over his shoulder at the rabbit who was still staring at his feet, but the pain coming off him was enough even for him to notice, “dude, bone man wasn’t that a little mean?”
“No. Not mean. Just harsh. This isn’t a safe place for children to be hanging gout alone. Some yokai who come from neighboring villages like to make a bet out of coming here and seeing what they can get away with, I doubt he’s one of them but he needs to go where he belongs where he can be safe. IF my son were in this situation i would want someone to give him the same advice.’

Sometimes Leo forgot that Hueso was a dad, he had never actually met HUeso’s son, but in the few times he spoke of him and judging by the photo on the wall he loved his son dearly. Which was in no way a bad thing. But He looked back over his shoulder at the rabbit again. His whole body slumped as he turned and disappeared around the corner.
 He wasn’t sure what drove him to do it, but Leo stopped long enough to duck behind a large platypus yokai. Hopping Hueso wouldn’t notice his disappearance for too long. He glanced at his phone, Donnie had sent him a picture of some Creepy Toppings, atleast he had found some. They’d be gone in a few minutes but he didn’t’ want to leave yet.
  Leo ducked the way he had seen the rabbit go, with such a thick crowd he could only guess that the rabbit had ducked between two small buildings. The rabbit was ducked in the buildings shadow, leaning his forehead against the wall with a shadow cast over his face. Leo couldn’t tell if he was frowning or what, and a wiser person might of decided to leave it  be
 and yet
 Leo waved “Hey! Bunny man!” grinning as the rabbit once again metaphorically and physically jumped a foot in the air, looking as though his fur was on end, looking at him as though he was a car insurance salesman and not a overly cheerful rabbit, “what do you want?!” the rabbit asked not rudely, “I’m leaving just please leave me alone-“
 “Don’t let Bone man bother you, he’s a sweetheart. I just wanted to make sure you were ok.”
 The rabbit blinked at him, momentarily stunned “Y-yes I’m fine thank you for your concern but I must go .”
 “Oh come on don’t let Hueso scare you off, why don’t you come hang out with me and my bro-“his words were cut off by a sudden shove on his shell sent him hard  to the ground, his beak cracking against the ground and filing his mouth without blood, he went to raise his head again when something pressed hard on the back of his skull pressing his face hard on the ground
 “I knew you stole something! I knew it! you and this fish kid are working together!”  Leo couldn’t help but groan loudly at Berbi’s voice, “ Aw you again?! Go take a vitamin man-“ before his mouth was full of ground again
 “I- I haven’t stolen anything!” the rabbit said ,” Please don’t hurt him-“
 “Empty your pockets!”
 Oh boy, Leo was starting to see why Hueso didn’t want him or Don  coming here alone.From the lid of his eye he could barely see the rabbit feel around ,”All-all I have is a onigiri and some water-“
 “Then give me that thing you have at your waist!”
 The rabbit hesitated, before reaching for his obi, because Leo had seen far too many samurai movies he had expected the rabbit to pull out a magic katana or a sword bigger then his, but instead he slid out a polished wooden sword, bowing and holding it out, “just please stop hurting him and you can have it.”
 There was a pause, judging by the way the foot shifted on his  head he could guess Berbi was trying to get a better close at it before the Yokai burst out laughing,” That’s all?! a stick?!You run around all day with a stick playing samurai?! God” he snorted, “you’re just a nobody aren’t you?” his face leaned close to the rabbit who kept his gaze to the ground. a meaty fist grabbed him by ear and yanked hard, forcing his gaze up to his, “ I bet you wouldn’t last five seconds in then Nexus-“
 The pressure was finally off his head enough that Leo rolled away, “Go eat a damn vitamin you bitch!” Leo swung his leg out and kicked Berbi hard on the side of the knee causing the large yokai to shout out in pain and stumble away, releasing the rabbit, Berbi grabbed his leg and glared at him, the rabbit suddenly grabbed him by hand, yanking him to his feet “Come on!” dashing down the opposite side badly giving Leo enough time to get on his feet. Berbi was already back on his feet, yanking out what looked like brass knuckles out from his pocket ,” You’re a bitch!” Leo yelled
 Despite running the rabbit looked back on him with a surprised look, “I am not a bitch! My name is Usagi!”
 “No not you, him!” Leo blinked, ignoring the Yokai yelling and running after them, “wait you’re a rabbit named Usagi? Did your parents hate you?!”
 Usagi’s eyes widen,” WhA- no my parents hate-“ before nearly running smack dab into a wall. Leo, being closest to the turn, took the lead dragging Usagi after him before realizing they were at a dead end barely a second later Berbi slammed into the wall after them. He barely had time to shoulder Usagi behind him, “ You two are DEAD,-“ Berbi shouted, “I was going to sell you two to the Battle Nexus. but i think i’d rather keep you and beat some manners into you-“
 “Would you stop talking like a anime villain for five seconds?!” Leo asked ,” Seriously you’re boring me!”  he managed to get his phone. Don had sent him a few messages asking him where he was. He had no doubt that Donnie was already tracking his location. So he  and Hueso would be here soon. Not soon enough though his head was hurting so bad he hadn’t noticed that Berbi was in face until his hand closed around his head before a shout came from behind him
 “Leave him alone!”
 Before Leo could acknowledge what was going on, Usagi had charged forward slamming his wooden sword hard into Berbis stomach sending the Yokai hard into the wall. Any relief that Leo might of ,could of, felt disappeared when the building next to them began to tremble, larger cracks forming, “ah BEANS.” He had fallen of buildings plenty of times but he wasn’t sure he could survive one falling on him-
 Suddenly a familiar blue lights formed behind him. Before he could turn and fully give a reaction, Usagi’s arm hooked around his neck and drug him back, filling Leo’s vision and world with familiar ring of a portal ring he himself had built many times
 Not for the first time that day, he really wished that he had brought his portal sword
thats right! as a huge Usagi fan it was inevitable that I would write a Usagi fic.  design and certain aspects  for Usagi was inspired by the great and powerful @lesbianleonardo
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zamilemzizi · 3 years
A trip down lockdown memory lane!
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A trip down memory lane
As my business steadily builds itself back up, with a new face and some Covid-influenced changes, I look back at what it was like for a few months last year as just the “Mom.” The South African lockdown, one of the strictest in the world at that time, forced most of us Marketing and PR SME owners to close our doors and focus on creating a safe and “new normal” environment for ourselves and our families.
My parents both contracted the Corona Virus and so, it was left up to me to care for ALL five grandchildren for a few months. Including my own children, I had two five-year-olds’ (one boy; Wandi and one girl; Koli), one nine-year-old girl (Thotse), a twelve-year-old girl (Lungi) and the legend himself, my two-year-old son (Bugsy) whom you will have read a lot about on my personal Facebook page. As if that was not enough, we rescued an eight-week-old puppy (Luna) too!
Being a person known for preferring the company of all the Mzizi grandchildren, I was up for the challenge of this time spent being reacquainted with the daily struggle of just-being-the-mom-with-no-work without the pressure of having to go to work.
I acknowledge that my experience of this time is grossly different to that of a majority of my fellow countrymen/women, who struggled to make ends meet. Zam’s Hive started a fund, which generously received funds donated by almost ALL of my clients, close friends and colleagues from my place of work. We used these funds to assist families who wrote in via WhatsApp and SMS stating what their urgent needs were and paired them with the correct donor. I was astounded at how the people I knew were able to look beyond their own experience of the Lockdown, and were able to give the little (or lot) that they had to keep hope alive.
However, being the stay-at-home mom yielded quite a few hilarious experiences, which naturally, I shared on social media as they happened. Here are some of these posts. I hope they make you chuckle a bit at my expense. I hope they remind you that no matter how bleak the situation, our inner circle, our families, our children, the people that matter most to us are the ones we should keep our focus on.
How the wars began…
Wandi’s benevolent fart
Raising boys is a BREEZE!
My Wandi has reached that age where every hug and cuddle is a conscious decision on his part to be with me. It says, ' I choose to be near YOU. I choose you, mommy'
So imagine my joy as I was working in my office and my big boy chose that moment to sit on my lap...
He sat facing me, flashed his special smile and said' 'Mommy, let me show you how much I love you'
He put his hands on my shoulders and closed his beautiful brown eyes. I could see him mentally reaching deep within himself in order to share what he had to say. Then...
I felt it. A persistent drill-like hammering on my sturdy thigh where his bony bum was perched.
The stench was instant and the fog it created in my mind was confusion personified. I could not immediately compute that my baby came all this way just to fart on me. As realization dawned on me, my little angel held onto me just a little bit tighter to keep me in place as the hammer-drill was still operating. My thin leggings were no barrier from the barrage of bodily functions battering my poor skin.
During this assault, Wandi did not change his facial expression at all. He looked like a little Buddha bestowing a blessing upon a lesser mortal.
When he was done, he nimbly sprang off my leg and bestowed a beguiling cherubic smile upon me. Slowly reversing from the room with his cheesy smile and eyes closed, he blessed me with his benevolent ' enjoy the smell mommy' and quietly closed the door.
Bugsy drinks shit water
I'm on my knees begging for this changeling to be taken. Return Bugsy pre-terrible twos to me please!
I went into the toilet for a teensy while. I'd been holding it in for some time chasing my kids around. To my knowledge, fake Bugsy was safely chilling on my bed.
As my empty bladder and I float out the bathroom, changeling proudly displays a cup of water he is drinking...now this is a problem because all taps and cups are beyond his reach. This cup looks like the dirty one I ignored on the floor a teensy while back- are you judging me Karen?!
I frantically urge fake son to show me if he got water from the other toilet. He proudly replies, ' I no drink here Wandi peepee here' This is good. It's great actually. Wandi has diarrhea and drinking from his toilet could kill someone. Never mind Corona.
So I drag the smirking not-really-my-son into the kitchen to wash this mysterious cup. At this stage I'm fuming at the lord thinking 'turn this crap into wine NOW'
As I wash the still alcohol free cup, I turn to find swopped-at-birth guy smacking his lips and drinking from the bucket mqobothi style.
I used water and Jik to clean dog poop just now. I spilled the water but clearly not all of it. What's worse here? Jik poisoning or dog poop poisoning?
The terror child is ok. I gave him milk and surrendered the rest to his creator.
I'm ok. I have a new twitch in my eye and I think I might have peed my pants a little. But otherwise baaah I'm good.
No really.
Just fine.
Look- fake son took the tin of milk and smeared the stuff on himself.
I'm just FINE!
Then the tensions were rising
The stand off
In a bid to demonstrate his defiance of my authority, my two year old has taken the long life milk and some shopping bags to an undesirable corner of the house. He has boldly announced that, 'I puttinnnin me in noty cona' This is his strategy to deprive my authority of putting him in a corner myself. The standoff continues...
Sulking in the shower
I swear I don't make this stuff up...
Wandi just played with matches and his cousins came to tell on him. Naturally I gave him 'the look' times 10. He says to me,
'I know you're cross with me and wont talk to me.'
He stalks off to the shower and sits there while singing his new and spontaneously composed struggle song. The words weren't too clear but this is what I heard:
Take me away in peace, take me away in peace.
 Please note he has taken to eating some of his meals in this shower.
Can someone please send me a bottle of gin??!      Its for the kids.
 The breaking point
Exacting revenge in small ways
My kids broke my hair clippers machine while I was cutting them. So now I'm leaving them with unfinished cuts because one needs to take revenge wherever the opportunity may present itself-even if it's your own kids. They think they know me. Mxim!
 Mom flu strike
I've been in bed with flu for a week now. During this my kids haven't given me an inch of space and rest.
I'm still a horse, jungle gym, chef, personal snot cleaner and unwilling audience to dance shows and song decompositions.
Tonight was just the worst! I went to the chemist for more meds and so needed a nap from the trip. Only to realize that I'd over slept and it was supper time.
After a mad dash to cook, serve and feed the royal highnesses, I'd had enough.
Where am I now? What am I doing now? These are all relevant questions I'm happy to answer for you.
I'm in my bedroom. For the first time since I became a mother, I have done the only sensible thing a tired parent can do...
The situation update is as follows:
1.  Two year old has attempted breaking door down
2. Five year old has resorted to creepy body plastering against door and quietly chanting 'mooommyyyy can we have ice cream while you die?'
3. In a rare show of solidarity the boys are now howling like wolves outside the door, throwing in the odd 'moooommmy where are youuuu'
I    D O N T   C A R E!
4. Nine year old niece has increased the volume and frequency of her coughing
I'm at peace in my warm bed. Let the siege continue I have all that I need in here. A bathroom, all the toilet paper in the house, the only phone with airtime and did I mention -I'm the only person tall enough to cook. Muhahuahua!
They will know me!
 The resolution?
Wandi prays for peace
So as usual the kids were acting up and driving me crazy before bedtime. This time however, the transgressions were extreme.
Someone didn't pee INSIDE the toilet but decided to mark his territory next to it instead.
Another decided to generously leave food on a dinner plate and put it in the kitchen sink for Santa maybe.
Another was dejectedly roaming the passage without pajama bottoms like a homeless person. Left to wander the night in shame and bottomlessness.
This was the last straw and I blew my top off.
Even the little one understood that Armageddon was nigh, and scurried into bed as fast as his fat stubby legs could carry him (only half way up the bed usually).
In an unusually respectful and hesitant tone, Wandi bravely reminded me that I forgot to pray. So fine! I asked God to please help me make my children good etc.
Wandi again bravely offered to pray too and this is where he played his master plan into action (he never wants to pray):
Wandi: Dear God, please make all my dreams come true. The end.
 Yes. He said the end and not AMEN. I felt a reluctant smile coming on but I was wise to the enemy.
The next morning the kids all came to greet me in that way guilty kids do hoping for a cease-fire.
'Good morning rakhali' etc.
Then the master played his Ace move.
Wandi: In the name of Jesus, good morning everyone!
 How could I remain grumpy after my son evoked the name of Jesus?!
He's goooooood. One point to Wandi. None to me.
 Please subscribe to my blog and follow me on social media for more insights into; what goes on in the life of a working mom building an empire. All the links are below. My women’s network as well as my courses are also available on this site.
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thestarwrites · 4 years
All Right, All Might: Ch.13
PART TWO of the UA sports Festival arc! After going toe to toe with TOEdoroki, what will happen to young Izuku? I mean we already all know whats going to happen -- but lets find out what happens between the lines...
Word Count: 5,173 Rating: PG
The two teachers sat side by side, Toshinori had one hand on his arm rest - white knuckling it - and his other hand was laced with Keri’s. She absentmindedly ran her thumb over his calloused skin, sending calming waves into his body, trying to keep him from passing out. 
Toshinori grit his teeth, “He’s using One for All at 100 percent each time - he’s sacrificing his fingers to keep up with Todoroki.”
Nodding Keri sighed, “He knows what he’s doing. It’s reckless, but it will pay off, whether he wins the match or not.” 
“What do you mean or not?” He shot a look to her. 
Keri sighed, “Enji has been training that boy since he could walk. You really think Izuku will stand much of a chance? I’m just being logical honey.” 
The blonde nodded and grunted, looking back out on the field. 
“That kid is already better than your average pro!” Someone in the stadium called out. 
It was met with the answer, “Well, what do you expect from the son of the number two hero?” 
Toshinori grabbed the railing, standing up, “He can’t keep doing this. He is barely affected by his full armed smash - come on Midoriya, just give up.” He mumbled. 
Keri stood and walked beside him, “And you think the person you picked is going to give up so easily? Would you?”
He looked down and sighed, “This isn’t a villain attack, Ree…” 
“No its not, but you did tell him to tell the world he’s here,” she looked to him, “I’m not saying this is your fault or anything, I’m just saying. This kid wants to prove to himself that he’s worthy of your power.” 
Sighing he kept looking at the arena as Shoto taunted his pupil, shooting another large-scale ice column toward the other boy. 
Just then - the ice shattered. 
“What!? No!” Keri hissed softly, “For the love of God.”
The crowd could tell Izuku was speaking to his opponent, but it twas mostly inaudible until, “You think you can beat me using half your strength!?” The boy clenched his fist, “COME AT ME WITH ALL YOU’VE GOT!” 
The close quarter combat began, and although Izuku was significantly hurt, Todoroki’s spirit was staring to falter. Patho knew that the outcome of this fight could change the game when it came to Shoto’s therapy from here on out. She just didn’t want it to come with such a high cost for Izuku, “DID YOU SEE THAT?!” Toshinori interrupted her thoughts. 
“The kid hit Todoroki!” Someone shouted in the crowd. 
Looking across the stadium, Keri laid eyes on Enji. He was staring intently down at the ring. She didn’t even need her quirk to know that he must be absolutely furious. 
All Might clenched his fists as suddenly Cementos’ slow and even voice called out, “Midnight. Do you want me to step in? Midoriya knows Recovery Girl will heal his injuries after the match - he’s full of adrenaline right now, but those injuries are serious. He probably wouldn’t even be able to fight in his next match, even if she can heal him in one go. He’s sacrificing himself. At this rate, he might end up with permanent damage.” 
Keri’s hand flew to her boyfriend’s, her hand was trembling, “Cementos — Do something!” She called to him.
“I WANT TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO BE A HERO! AND I’LL GIVE IT MY ALL. JUST LIKE YOU SHOULD BE!” Izuku screamed to Todoroki after landing a head-butt to the boys torso, “There’s no way I can know what you’ve gone through. Or why you’re even here. Your life has been so much different than mine. But right now? STOP SCREWING AROUND. If you want to reject your father, fine. But you don’t have any right to be number one IF YOU WON’T USE YOUR FULL POWER!” He ran forward, charging up for another hit, “THATS WHY I’LL WIN THIS! THAT’S WHY I’LL SURPASS YOU!” 
The young duo-haired boy mumbled something. 
Keri squeezed Toshinori’s hand — and then a tornado of fire erupted from the boy in the ring, “Toshi!” 
“IS THAT!?” Mic screamed. 
“What a piece of trash - just wait until I get down there I’ll — ah!” 
Toshinori grabbed onto her waist as she tried to leave the teachers box, “Stop, Keri. You can’t take on Endeavor, and he is making enough of an ass of himself on his own. His power level isn’t the only reason he’s number 2. His popularity stinks.” 
 The display in front of everyone was mind-blowing to say the least. Not only was Izuku jumping and dodging with a speed and agility someone with his injuries shouldn’t sustain - but Shoto’s power was spectacular. He was a monstrosity of fire and ice, and it was beautiful and terrifying. 
“THATS IT MIDNIGHT!” Cementos shouted as he activated his quirk, “ONE OF THEM COULD BE KILLED!” 
As the two teens flew at one another with intent to be the best, several pillars of cement flew up between them - stopping them from hitting one another. Chaos ensued as the attacks blasted the cement to pieces, sending chunks of it flying with the sheer wind force they created. All Might pulled Keri into his side, using his lanky arm to shield her head from any debris, “Head down, sunflower!” He shouted. 
She clutched his suit jacket, making a soft noise of shock. 
“The fire rapidly heated the cement around the ring, and then it rapidly cooled,” Aizawa commented dully over the intercom. 
The smoke started to clear, Keri pulled her face out of All Might’s chest long enough to blink out the form of Izuku, “Toshi — He’s hurt!” She choked out a gasp. 
The crowd went wild with fanfare. 
She grabbed Toshinori’s hand and pulled him, “We’re going down there. NOW.” 
He nodded and held her hand in return, running with her down the steps toward Recovery Girl’s temporary office. Midoriya was on his way there on a stretcher, unconscious.
“The bones in your right arm are shattered, I’m afraid it will never be the same going forward. I need to remove some bone fragments or they will get stuck in your joints. Then I can heal you afterward,” Recovery Girl shot a look to Toshinori and Keri, looking down with a sigh before she spoke again, “Toshinori, you lit a fire under this child and pushed him too hard. Look at what he’s done to make you proud. I don’t like it one bit. You’re going too far. You AND the boy. Don’t praise him for what he’s done today,” she pointed. 
“Chiyo,” Keri started before Ochaco and Tenya burst into the room.
All Might coughed and lurched forward before the kids noticed him, “You scared the crap out of me…” 
“Oh - hello, it’s nice to meet you,” Ururaka smiled a little at the lithe form of the man she did not recognize as the number one hero. 
Recovery Girl interrupted, “He is in no shape for visitors.”
“Hey guys… shouldn’t you be watching the matches?” 
“The ring was far too damaged. They’re taking a short break.” 
“That was the scariest thing I have ever seen,” Mineta commented as he walked in, “What hero is going to want a sidekick that hurts himself to win?” 
Keri spun on her heels, “Minoru!” 
Tsuyu hit him with her tongue, “Okay - now you’re just rubbing salt in his wounds. I don’t think now is the time.” 
“I’m just telling the truth!” 
Patho stood, "Minoru you and I will have a TALK about this when school is back in session."
“YOU ARE ALL MUCH TOO NOISY,” Recovery Girl said firmly as she approached the students, “I know you are all worried. But I’ve got to focus on surgery right now.” 
“SURGERY!?” The kids all called out at once. Slowly leaving as Recovery girl showed them out.
 Keri turned back to the boy and set her hand on his forehead gently, stroking his hair back as her body began to glow. She had to try and ease his mind and his pain. 
“I’m sorry,” Izuku groaned, “I couldn’t do what you asked of me… If I shut up, not said anything, I could have beaten him…” The boy’s eyes began to water as he looked up at his idol in shame. 
Keri’s eyes filled with tears as well as she kept sending calm energy into the boy, she looked up to All Might, seeing a very different side of the affect heroes can have on the kids they inspire. 
All Might turned back to him, “You made Todoroki realize something very important about himself today.” 
“I guess so… in his first match… he looked so sad. I was trying to figure out why, when I should have been focused. I made a huge mistake though. In our match I just was so frustrated - I couldn’t see the big picture, or what it would take to win — I’m s- sorry.” 
“Its true that the match didn’t go how we wanted it to, and realizing where you went wrong wont change that. But listen, meddling when you shouldn’t have to is the essence of being a hero.” 
Chiyo sighed and went to prepare the things for Izuku’s surgery, “You two need to wait outside. I have to get this done fast so he can get up and be able to walk. Out.”
Toshinori flashed a thumbs up at Deku and moved away, “I’ll be right here when she’s done, okay?” 
Keri sighed and kissed his forehead, “We both will be.”
  In the deserted hallway, with the echoing sound of Mic from the booth, Toshinori slid down against the wall and buried his face in his knees as he pulled them to his chest, “I did it again, I failed him again.” 
“Toshi,” she sighed and knelt beside him, facing him, “Come on now, don’t sulk.” 
The older man looked up at her, tears running down his cheeks, “I’m a terrible hero.” 
Rolling her eyes she pushed his bangs from his face and tucked them behind his ear, “You are not a terrible hero. You might be not that great of a teacher, but you are one hell of a hero. You need to be able to work with him one on one. You’re spending too much time out in the field still. That's why most of the faculty here don’t work that much as heroes, unless specifically needed.” 
“I’ve never been good at teaching - my master wasn’t either.” 
“Gran Torino?” She blinked. 
He shook his head, “No… Nana Shimura.” 
Her eyes widened, “Nana Shimura was your mentor?” She gasped, “Does that mean?” 
Nodding his head he tried to wipe his tears away, “She was the seventh holder of One for All. She passed it onto me when I was a quirkless teenager, like Izuku. But she wasn’t that good at teaching either, so she asked Gran Torino to help her… and then she died…” 
“Oh Toshi… I’m so sorry…” 
“No one knows this part of the story, Keri… they aren’t supposed to. Honestly, I shouldn’t have told you about One for All in the first place… I just… when I look at you I can’t help but want to tell you everything.” 
Sighing she nodded and gently wiped his cheeks, “How did she die?” 
“She was killed…” He took a deep breath, “I guess this is as good a time as any to tell you about my power… since you already know about it.”
She sat beside him and took his hand in hers, ready to listen to whatever he needed to say. 
“Once, long ago, two brothers were born - one quirkless, one with a quirk dubbed All for One. All for One could steal quirks from people to use for himself, or give them to others. The man can also stockpile quirks, he has so many of them - and no one knows what they are. His little brother thought it was horrific, so All for One gave his seemingly quirkless brother a quirk. Power Stockpiling - However, unbeknownst to either one of them, the younger brother already had a Quirk with no other power than that it could be transferred to another person. The transference Quirk and the power stockpiling Quirk merged into one and from then on became One For All,” he took a deep breath, “The younger brother somehow discovered this. He had a strong sense of justice and he tried to defeat All For One, but given the huge difference in their strength, he failed. The younger brother decided to entrust the Quirk to future generations of Heroes, hoping that they would cultivate One For All and one day put a stop to All For One.” 
“Toshi…” she whispered softly. 
“All for One, has lived all of these years trying to take over the underworld and then make himself lord over our society, he has also been trying to steal One for All as soon as he learned about it, but he has failed every time,” his eyes welled with tears, “He found me when I was eighteen. Nana threw herself into the way, pushing me aside and into Gran Torino’s arms so I could be taken to safety… as she sacrificed herself… for me.” 
The woman stood on her knees and hugged her arms around the tall blonde’s body as he cried. The two of them cried together there in the hallway for a few minutes before she whispered, “Is that what happened… to you… five years ago?” 
He nodded gently, “I won that fight but…” 
“But what, sweetheart?” 
“I think he’s still out there. That Nomu from the USJ attack… he had multiple quirks. He was some kind of Frankenstein’s monster. And there’s only one person capable of that to my knowledge. And he can’t get his hands on Midoriya.” 
She nodded and rubbed his back, “You need to save that issue for another day, Toshinori. I know its real bad if it’s true, but… right now you need to focus on being strong for that boy in there, and all the other kids who look to you as a mentor, and be your best for them.” 
Looking over to her, he looked into her blue eyes, her forehead glowing with pink light. He tried to memorize everything about her face as the fear crept into his heart that maybe Gran Torino was right. It was reckless to fall in love. Until he knew for sure about All for One - how could he distract himself with romance? How could he bring her knowingly into danger. He would have to talk to his mentor face to face. 
For now, he just leaned forward and kissed her, sighing as he leaned into her embrace. She stroked his hair back and when she pulled away, she gingerly used her sleeve to wipe the tears from his face, “There…” 
He gave a small smile and kissed her again, until they heard a voice clear behind them, “You can come back in now.” 
Flushing, Toshinori stood and held out his hands for his girlfriend to help her up, “Coming… sorry.” 
Following her inside the room, she walked over to Izuku, starting to dress and kiss his wounds, “There… that should be enough that you can walk - but take it easy, do you hear me?” 
“Thank you ma’am - ah…” the boy looked down at his right hand, which was scarred and a little crooked. 
Recovery girl sighed, “May your crooked right hand be a reminder for what is at stake if you use more power than your body can withstand, and just so you know. I will NOT heal injuries like this ANYMORE,” she seemed like she was finished until she turned, “You must find a new way to teach him to use his power. There must be a way that is not so destructive.” 
The three of them went to leave the nurse’s office when she called out, “Patho, would you stay behind a moment?” 
She shot a look to Toshi and a small smile as she turned back, “Of course.”
  Once the boys were on their way back to the festival, Chiyo sighed, “Keri… this can’t go on like this. He can’t be so flippant in teaching that boy.” 
She steeled herself, “He knows, Chiyo.” 
“Its not enough for him to know!” She huffed, “He needs to DO something about it!” 
“And what am I supposed to do?” Keri threw her hands up, “I’m not his keeper. Dating someone for two weeks doesn’t make me some kind of All Might whisperer.” 
“Oh please, you have had him tied around your finger since he met you, don’t you understand that? He looks to you. I know you have been hands off with Izuku because you’re trying to let Toshinori handle it, but he’s not handling it. The poor man didn’t even have any parents.” 
“What…?” She knit her brows together. 
Chiyo sighed, “Toshinori didn’t have any parents growing up. And he was quirkless. I’ve seen his medical records. He used to get bullied by kids with quirks and they’d hurt him so bad he’d end up in the hospital. He’s never been married, he’s had no one to really look after him since he returned from America all those years ago. Until now.” 
“So what do you want me to do? Be his pseudo mom?” She scoffed.
“Oh knock it off, Keri,” she scolded, “You need to help him with Izuku. Help him figure it out, help him put the pieces together. Help Izuku with more counseling, they both have the world on their shoulders.” 
“And you want me to be Atlas.” 
The older woman took a deep breath, “You’re the only one strong enough to be, I think.” 
Keri nodded, “I understand… and I’m sorry for all the trouble this is causing you.” 
She nodded, “Everything will be alright in time, I know that to be true, but right now… he needs to focus. Both of them do. And so do you.” 
“I understand…” 
“Off with you now…” she sighed, “I need to clean up in here before someone else needs some first aid.” 
“I’ll see you later, Chiyo.” 
“I honestly hope you don’t,” she looked up and smiled a little. 
Keri smiled back and headed out toward the stands as well.
“And the crowd goes wild, right?” Keri smiled as she walked up behind All Might.
Turning with a surprise he smiled a little, “Hey - everything alright?” 
She nodded, “Chiyo needed to scold me for not being a better help for you and Izuku.” 
“What?! That’s absurd - you're not responsible for my failings.” 
“No, but… I do need to be more involved for you, she’s right. I’ve been letting counseling with Izuku fall to the wayside because I have been letting you handle it. But I need to change that… Tenya?” 
“Huh?” All Might turned and saw what Keri had seen, Tenya Ida running down the hall to the locker rooms, “Whats that about?”
“I’ll go find out.” 
“I’ll come with you.” 
“No,” she put her hands up, “No, you have important All Might stuff to do for the end of the festival. This is a guidance counselor situation, I can feel it.” 
“You’re going to be back… to watch me do All Might stuff… right?” 
She smiled, “Of course,” with that she turned and started to jog after where Ida had gone.
 Turning into the locker room she knocked, “Tenya! Are you in there? Is everything alright?” 
The tall young man came out, dressed in his normal clothes, “Miss Chairo…” he looked like he was crying, “I have to go. It’s a family emergency.” 
“Oh no, Tenya what’s happened.” 
“A… a villain, got my older brother. He’s in the hospital.” 
The woman put her hand on his arm, “Oh Tenya, I’m so sorry. Tensei is such a nice man… do you know anything?” 
He shook his head, “My mom just called… they want me to come home right away, he’s in the hospital in emergency surgery now. That villain is going to pay…” 
She knit her brows together, “Now, Tenya, you listen to me. You are to stick to the rules, and you are to leave this to the professionals,” taking out a small notepad from her pocket she scrawled down her cell phone, “This is my cellphone number. Anything you need, you just call me, okay?” 
He nodded, steeling himself as he took it, “Thank you Miss Chairo.” 
She nodded, “I’ll go tell Midnight you had to leave.” 
“Thank you again…” 
“And I mean it, Tenya. You call me. For anything.” 
He nodded and turned, picking up his bag as he made his way out of the stadium.
The woman ran as fast as she could down onto the field, pulling at Nemuri’s arm as Todoroki and Bakugo fought one another, “Patho?” 
“Nemuri- we need to talk.” 
“Whats up?” She turned briefly. 
“Ingenium has been attacked by a villain. He’s in critical condition in the hospital, Tenya has been called home to be with his family, he had to leave immediately.” 
Nodding she put her hand on Patho’s shoulder, “Understood, thank you, Keri.” 
Turning her head - she saw him walk in - All Might, in all his glory. She smiled a little at him as she stood there with Midnight. He grinned brightly and winked at her, “I see you made it in time, Patho.” 
Sighing she smiled, “I wouldn’t miss a chance to see All Might in a million years.” 
“HOWITZER…. IMPACT!!!!!” Bakugo’s blast vibrated the whole stadium and the explosion caused many to shield their eyes. 
“Oh god…” Keri cupped her mouth as the dust cleared, and she saw Shoto unconscious in the pile of his own ice. Whatever strength he had gotten before to use his full potential, he’d backtracked. She knew this would be bad for Katsuki. 
“What!? You decided not to use your fire!? NO!” The ash blonde limped to where Shoto lay passed out, grabbing him by the scruff of his shirt. 
“Young Bakugo…” All Might whispered. 
Midnight lifted her sleeve, releasing the pheromones that lay underneath. Katsuki soon slumped to the floor. Keri went to run to him - but All Might held her back once again.
“Todoroki is out of bounds, that means BAKUGO IS THE WINNER!” 
“NO! Absolutely not! This is despicable!” The guidance counselor shrieked at Nezu and Cementos as they secured the muzzle to Bakugo’s face. The boy was chained like a criminal as he screamed in vain and wrestled with his bindings, “YOU LET HIM OUT OF THIS NOW!” 
“Miss Chairo. Katsuki is out of control and he refuses to calm down.” 
“THIS,” she motioned, “Is not the way to handle it! He is upset! If you would only give me a few more minutes with him!” 
“NO. Miss Chairo. Do not make me say it again. You are dismissed.” 
Her mouth hung dumbfounded as she shot at look to Katsuki, he was staring at her with such intensity, almost pleading for her help. She grunted, “This is not the last time we will have a talk about this, SIR,” she practically spat and walked back into the stands, fuming. 
 “Keri- please, you need to calm down,” All Might tried to reason with her.
All Might frowned and leaned in, pulling her close by her arm in his large form, “Please sweetheart— please, for me, for the kids… please calm down.”
She grunted, “I’m not going to take this laying down.” 
He smiled and kissed her softly, “I know you’re not baby, that’s why you’re the best person for this job. And I want you to fight it. But right now, its happening whether we want it to or not,” kissing her again - neither of them noticed the man standing in the hallway - a camera protruding from his chest as he took a candid shot of the two heroes sharing a gentle kiss. 
Waving the Polaroid he smirked, walking away.
All Might sighed and smiled, “Time to be,” he wiggled his eyebrows, “Mister number one.” 
Keri ended up smiling a little at that, hitting his broad chest, “Knock em dead, sweetheart.” 
He smirked and ran off to where his mark was.
The platform raised and Bakugo was screaming. Keri steeled herself. He looked like a wild animal in a cage.
“Tenya Ida actually shares then third place spot with Tokoyami. Unfortunately he had to leave for family reasons - gotta love those familial bonds,” Midnight explained to the paparazzi, “AND NOW, its time for the hardware… and the only person worthy to hand out the awards is…"
The podium began to raise from the highest part of the rafters, “HA HA HA HA!!!” All Might called out, his theme song blaring on the intercom, “CITIZEN’S I AM HERE! FOR THE—“ 
“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN A BONIFIDE HERO!” She accidentally cut him off as he landed dramatically in the stadium, “I… ruined that didn’t I.” 
Keri put her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh. 
“WELL ALL MIGHT! Now that you’re here! Why don’t you start the presentation!” 
 Walking over to Tokoyami, he picked up one of the two bronze medals, “HA HA, YOUNG TOKOYAMI, CONGRATULATIONS, YOU SHOWED GREAT STRENGTH OUT THERE.”
“Your words humble me, sir.” 
“However!” The man moved in to hug the young teen, "You have to do more training if you’re going to face different kinds of villains. You’re not going to be able to rely on your quirk with every villain you face.” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“YOUNG TODOROKI. Congratulations. I’m assuming there is a reason you didn’t use your left side. Though it cost you the final.” 
“Midoriya opened my eyes during out match, but then I started doubting myself in the end. I think I understand a little about why you’re so interested in him… I want to be the kind of hero you are, but my path isnt as clear as I thought it was. I have a lot of things to think about. And I have to take care of some things with someone, very soon.” 
“I’ve never seen this look on your face before,” All Might moved to hug Todoroki as well, “I wont ask for details, but trust yourself. I’m sure you’ll work things out.” 
“Right.” He sighed.
Keri smiled a little and sighed as he walked up to Bakugo. 
“YOUNG BAKUGO - well… this is a little much,” he said as he went to remove the muzzle. Keri smiled, grateful that in a small way he was honoring her wishes, “Well, you did what you said you would do in the pledge. You’re true to your word.”
“ALL MIGHT…” His low voice was like venom, “Winning first place like this… I WON’T ACCEPT IT!!! EVEN IF EVERYONE CONSIDERS ME THE WINNER!” 
“In a world where we’re constantly being compared to one another, there are very few who can keep their eyes focused on the top spot.  You’re one of those people,” he paused and Bakugo remained seething, “Please accept this medal. Even if you think of it as a scar. Something you’ll never forget.” 
“Come on now…” 
He ended up with it in his mouth.
As the rest of the whole stadium screamed, “PLUS ULTRA — “
The booing that ensued from people screaming why didnt All Might use this perfect opportunity to use his catch phrase. The man shrank on the spot and did his best to try and apologize, as he waved and walked off the field he groaned, “That was awful.” 
 Keri ran over to him, and grabbed his arm, “Hey - thank you.” 
“For what?” He turned to look down at her.
The look she gave him was nothing short of adoration, “Taking Katsuki’s mask off.”
“Well… you were upset. And it was really a lot.” 
“You’re my hero, Toshinori Yagi,” she smiled and leaned up to kiss him softly, “Thank you so much for being so wonderful.” 
“Okay, okay… the classes will be assembling to give the announcement that the next two days are free days…” 
She nodded, “I want to take a trip to Hosu.” 
“For young Ida?” 
Keri nodded again, “Yes… you should come with me.” 
He nodded, “Okay, Sunflower.” 
She nodded again and yawned softly. 
“You know what we should do tonight?” He gave a smile and winked when she looked back at him, “We should spend the next two days hunkered down at home and doing all kinds of domestic things together.” 
Chuckling gently, “Toshinori, are you suggesting we play house?” 
He nodded and smiled brightly, “Thats exactly what I am suggesting,” She laughed gently, and after a few moments he smirked, “Well…? Whats your answer?” 
She blushed and giggled, “I accept.” 
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Too late
Request from Anon: the reader is also childhood best friends with ander, polo and guzmán and has feelings for guzmán but when she realizes her feelings he tells her about nadia
Requests are always open ❤️
- - - - - -
“Guzmán seriously you’re cheating now!” You exclaim, pushing him out of your way once again as you try your best to beat him to first place.
He hooks an arm over you and still keeps his hands gripped on the controller, encasing you in his arms as he holds onto the first position.
“Guzmán!” You squeal, trying to duck under his arms.
“Am I distracting for you (Y/n)?” He questions mockingly, “I’m not distracting to the boys.”
Polo and Ander were sat beside the two of you, thankful that this time they weren’t the victims of Guzman’s antics. In all fairness, his target always seemed to be you.
“Guzmán I swear to-“ You stop as you manage to overtake him just before the end, reaching the finish line only just before him.
“Fuck!” He exclaims, “How did I lose that?”
“I must’ve been distracting you,” You smirk, nudging him in the ribs as he falls back against the bed behind you.
You watch the final stretch of Polo and Ander racing to not come last but slowly feel something tugging you backwards. Guzmán is reaching his feet underneath your arms and trying to hook you back to fall on top of him.
“No!” You squeal, fighting against him and trying to pull yourself up.
It’s no use as you flop down onto his torso and both let out a groan. He takes it as opportunity to begin tickling under your arms, around your sides and at your neck - laughing as you jolt and flinch under his touch.
“Sorry? Am I distracting you now?” He says between laughs, trying to reach under your arms once again.
Somehow, you manage to hook your leg under his and flip yourself over so you’re facing him. That was a perk of your Mum encouraging you through years of self defence classes.
“Not at all,” You respond, slightly breathless.
You questioned whether it was because of the physical exertion or because those icy eyes were not fixated on you. You thought back to how much they’d seen you, how much they’d seen of you. The three boys and you had been friends since you were little and had grown up in each other’s company. You’d become inseparable instantly and it had remained all the way up to nearing the end of school.
Though, somewhere along the timeline you’d started to see Guzmán different to the others. He’d always been the one that you’d been closest to. It just worked out that way. And you confided in each other about things that he didn’t talk about with the boys. Somehow, your heart betrayed you along the way and it stopped seeing him as just a friend. It put the I in front of the love you and have a whole new meaning to the phrase.
“You guys are impossible to play with,” Ander rolls his eyes, “You’re all over the place and still manage to win!”
You and Guzmán laugh as you sit back up and join the boys once again. You try to regain your composure and force yourself to not erupt into a furious blush.
“I’m just going to get a drink,” You say, hopping up from the bed and heading towards the door.
“Bring the snacks too!”
- - - - - -
“Guzmán it’s Halloween, your outfit looks terrible if you don’t have makeup with it,” You roll your eyes, trying to force him to wear the skeleton makeup that matched his one piece outfit.
“You’ll probably mess it up,” He grumbles, eying your own matching outfit, “But fine.”
You roll your eyes at him and hold his face still to start with the eyes of the look.
“Who’s going tonight?” Guzmán asks, turning to watch your next movement as you start adding the black face paint.
“The usual lot, I think,” You shrug, “Omar’s coming with Ander, and I think Nadias coming.”
“Nadia?” Guzmán perks up, shifting a little in his chair.
“Yeah I know, I was surprised too,” You shrug, “I thought she didn’t like Halloween.”
Guzmán is silent which is always an odd thing to see.
“Guzmán stop turning your head!” You warn him, holding his chin still to not fuck up his makeup too much.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop,” He smirks, instead darting out of the way whenever you tried to touch the sponge to his face.
“Guz!” You exclaim, grabbing his shoulders to stop him, “I swear I’ll jab you in the eye.”
“You wouldn’t dare, princess.”
- - - - - -
“(Y/n)!” Guzmán grins when he sees you, “You got in?!”
He’d known before you’d even told him - the grin on your face was too obvious to miss. You’d got into Oxford. It was the Uni you’d been set on since you were little and you’d finally got the chance to go. With your application actually being successful!
“Come here!” He beams as you hurry down the corridor, lifting you up as soon as you’re near him and spinning you around.
You laugh and hold onto him tight, not wanting a moment like that to ever end.
“I’m so proud of you (Y/n)!” Guzmán mutters against your hair, “You fucking did it!”
You’re more than aware of the fact that everyone is watching you in the corridor. But those words gave you enough of an incentive to not care about what they’d seen or thought.
“Wow,” He chuckles as he sets you down on the floor, “Let’s go to class.”
“Good idea,” You laugh, following behind him as the two of you take your seats next to each other.
It’s then that Nadia walks in and the news has broken that she won the Columbia scholarship. The look on Guzman’s face is unmissable but it deepens when it’s paired with him standing up and applauding her in front of the whole class. You didn’t think much of it then. You just thought he was being a supportive friend.
- - - - - -
It was all of those moments that led to where you were now. Where you were utterly terrified of ending up. You were stood in front of Guzmán in front of the club, stopping him from going inside because there were words to be said that you couldn’t wait any longer to tell him.
“What’s going on (Y/n)?” He frowns, scanning you like he’s checking for any sign of damage.
You let out a breath, “Okay, I don’t really know where to start with this but I just-“
Before you can continue, Nadia and Omar arrive in a car outside the club and head inside together. She looks stunning. And Guzman’s eyes don’t ever leave her as she’s walking past you and in through the doors. He’s focused on her like she’s the only thing in the world.
“Fuck, (Y/n),” He mutters, “I need to tell you something too.”
“You first,” You say, the smallest glimmer of hope convincing you that he’d be telling you the same as your heart was waiting to tell him.
“Okay,” He shakes off his hands, “I know things with Nadia always just started off as a joke that Lu convinced me into, and then things happened and it kind of seemed impossible for anything to ever happen with me and her.”
Oh god.
“But I think I’m in love with her (Y/n),” He sighs, “God, I really am in love with her.”
Your heart dropped instantly to the floor, mocking you as it shattered into a thousand pieces and convinced you to try to act normal around him.
“I can’t explain the feeling,” He admits, “But it’s like every piece of her is just-“
“Perfect,” You finish for him, “I get it.”
“I don’t know what to do, she’s going to New York. She’ll be half way across the world, meeting all of these new people that could give her a thousand times the amount I can. They’ll all be just as smart, as wise, as caring, ambitious as she is. And I’ll just be a boy from high school that was never really worth it.”
“Guzmán don’t say that,” You stop him, taking a deep breath and pushing all of your feelings down to solely be a friend to him, “She couldn’t ask for anyone better. I know you don’t fit into the criteria that she would’ve expected from a boy she’ll spend the rest of her life with, or who’d be the person she fell for. But how could she not have any feelings for you? You make her see the world differently, you’ve been there for her through a lot, and you make her a better person - even whilst you’re convincing her that it’s impossible.”
You know you’re not talking about Nadia anymore but it doesn’t matter.
“Guzmán, don’t say you’re not enough for her. You’re more than enough for any girl that you’d fall for.”
He swallows the lump in his throat and smiles lightly at you, “I need to talk to her.”
“Yeah, definitely,” You nod with a smile, “I think you need to tell her exactly what you’ve just told me. She’s the one that needs to hear it.”
He takes a deep breath, reaching out an arm and pulling you into him, “What would I do without you, ay?”
You feel the tears bubbling behind your eyes and force yourself to hold them back with everything in you.
“Oh, wait,” He pulls away, “What was it you wanted to tell me?”
You look between each of those sharp eyes that look so much brighter now he’d told you how he felt.
“Just that I’m gonna miss you Guzmán.”
He chuckles and pulls you back into him, “You’re not losing me. I’ll be over at Oxford and you’ll be back home all the time. I promise.”
It pains you but you know that wont be the case. How could it be? How could you go another day knowing that his heart would always belong to somebody else? You couldn’t even consider the thought of coming home and him telling you updates on Nadia, gushing over how proud he was and knowing he’d never speak that way about you. Maybe you should’ve realised how you felt sooner, confessed it all to him before he even met her. But part of you knew that would never be enough. To him, she was perfect. And you’d never reach that level. You’d never hold his heart the way that she managed to without even trying. You’d never be her.
“Come on, let’s go inside,” He encourages, going to walk in, “You coming?”
“Yeah, I’ll be right behind you,” You tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear, “I just promised my Mum I’d call her when we got here.”
He frowns a little but nods anyway and walks inside, shoulders held high.
Yours, on the other hand, drop like the heaviest of weights has knocked you back to the floor. You couldn’t go in there. You couldn’t see everyone and smile for photos and laugh with a drink in your hand. You couldn’t celebrate leaving behind a school where you felt like your whole time there had been a lie. And you couldn’t face Guzmán again, knowing that you’d been completely on the edge of confessing it all and he’d knocked you back before you could. You instead find yourself trailing the walk home, completely alone. And all you can think about is getting as far away from Las Encinas as possible. No. As far away from Guzmán.
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nisrinafm · 4 years
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greetings   bubs   !   the   way   i’m   posting   this   late   because   i   spent   most   of   my   time   staring   instead   of   writing   asdj   .   i’m   gi   ,   and   wow   ?   i   am   so   excited   to   be  here   .   i   hate   to   say   it   ,   i   hope   i   don’t   sound   ridiculous   ,   but   rich   kids   plots   own   me   .   i’ll   be   bringing   you   the   complex   but   loving   nisrina   ,   and   if   you’d   like   to   know   more   about   her   just   keep   on   reading   .   
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❝   UPCOMING   SINGER   NISRINA   VASQUEZ   SPOTTED   IN   A   SCREAMING   MATCH   WITH   AN   UNKNOWN   NUMBER                         WHO   COULD   IT   BE   ?   ❞      
        only   five   minutes   ‘till   midnight   ,   and   we   just   spotted   nisrina   vasquez   ,   known   for   a   single   diamond   hanging   between   collar   bones   ,   painted   fingers   ,   &   the   eagerness   to   lose   herself   in   the   moment   ,   at   club   nouvea   ,   ringing   in   the   new   year   !   the   twenty   one   year   old   is   usually   known   for   their   job   as   a   musician   ,   but   tonight   ,   they’re   just   another   reveler   in   the   crowd   .   when   they   wrote   down   their   new   year’s   resolution   ,   they   wished   to   find   forgiveness   not   for   her   mother   ,   but   for   herself   ,   release   her   first   album   ,   &   break   it   to   her   father   that   she   does   not   want  to   take  over   his   hotels   .   funny   enough   ,   they   had   also   mentioned   how   they   hoped   to   forget   about   the   time   that   they   REDACTED   .   for   what   it’s   worth   ,   i   truly   hope   they   can   put   the   old   year   past   them   .      
full   name.   nisrina  lluvia   vasquez   .   
 gender   ,   pronouns.   cis  woman  ,  she  and  her   .   
 date   of   birth.   august   seventh   ,   nineteen   ninety   nine   .   
 age.   twenty   one   .   
 zodiac   sign.   leo   .   
 hometown.   las   vegas   ,   nevada   .   
 current   living   place.   new   york   .     
orientation.   bisexual   ,   biromantic   .   
 languages.   english   &   spanish   (   fluent   )   ,   italian   (   conversational   )   . 
 tattoos  ,   piercings.    asdfgh   . 
occupation.   musician  .
voiceclaim.   sabrina   claudio   .
  had   nisrina   been   the   answer   to   a   couple   that   longed   for   a   family   ?   no   ,   not   even   close   .    she   was   a   solution   .   the   product   of   desperation   that   panicked   at   the   discussion   of   divorce   and   a   future   lost   of   riches   :      for   the   vasquez’s   ,   marriage   was   not   fabricated   to   contain   genuineness   ,   but   to   benefit   both   parties   while   providing   a   stable   front   to   the   media   .   what   was   expected   from   one   another   was   not   love   ,   it   was   to   withhold   the   agreement   that   landed   two   bodies   muttering   the   words   ,   “   i   do   ,   “   .   a   child   ?   was   never   spoken   of   ,   nor   wanted   .   getting   pregnant   was   a   hidden   trick   of   manipulation   ,   silent   words   of   leave   me   and   your   unborn   child   now   and   see   what   happens   .
    nisrina   was   a   pawn   in   her   mother’s   selfish   games   ,   an   accessory   placed   in   matching   outfits   and   paraded   around   .   motherhood   ?   it   was   everything   sabine   has   ever   dreamed   of   .   so   much   that   the   minute   the   door   closed   ,   the   minute   the   camera’s   clicked   off   ,   nisrina   was   placed   in   whoever’s   hands   were   the   closest   and   dismissed   .   such   a   loving   mother   ,   right   ?
      so   where’s   nisrina’s   father   in   all   of   this   ?   the   hotel   tycoon   was   the   complete   opposite   from   his   cold   hearted   wife   .   aloof   and   stern   melting   into   a   surprising   pool   of   pure   tenderness   for   his   child   .   he   might   have   been   angry   at   getting   stuck   in   sabine’s   trap   ,   but   that   anger   never   looked   at   his   daughter  ;   while   ezequiel   never   dreamed   of   fatherhood   ,   he   embraced   it   .   it   taking   all   of   one   second   of   staring   down   at   his   daughter’s   face   to   understand   that   she   was   now   his   sun   .
     growing   up   in   the   presence   of   someone   who’s   honest   about   their   lack   of   desire   to   be   a   parent   ,   was   not   something   nisrina   could   stay   ignorant   to   for   too   long   .    her   innocence   normalizing   it   until   she   was   old   enough   to   perceive   the   world   around   her   .   after   that   ,   it   became   something   that   was   sitting   right   in   front  of   her   face   .   it   was   in   the   books   she   read   ,   the   movies   she   watched   ,   and   in   the   feeling   she   got   as   she   surveyed   her   friends   mother’s   who   looked   down   at   them   with   tenderness   spilling   from   their   hues   .
     nisrina    ,   she   clung   to   the   good   in   those   around   her   ;   no   matter   how   many   times   those   people   proved   themselves   to   be   anything   but   deserving   of   her   love   .    and   with   her   mother   ?   she   tried   .   again   and   again   ,   nisrina   would   reach   out   for   sabine   .   cry   for   her   affection   ,   plead   for   an   ounce   of   interest   .   she   could   offer   gentle   smiles   ,   present   her   achievements   ,   even   tried   acting   out   in   hopes   that   it   would   earn   just   the   slightest   reaction  ..   but   nothing   ever   worked   ,   in   fact   it   seemed   to   just   drive   sabine   away   .   until   eventually   ,   nisrina   was   pushed   into   the   arms   of   a   nanny   and   sabine   was   on   a   plane   to   whatever   country   would   get   her   the   farthest   from   her   daughter   .
     ezequiel   smothered   nisrina   ,   went   to   the   extreme   lengths   to   get   her   anything   and   everything   she   could   ever   want   .   he   wanted   to   fill   the   hole   that   sabine   engraved   in   her   ,   swore   that   if   nisrina   would   let   him   ,   he’d   love   her   enough   for   the   both   of   them  .  
    with   sabine   always   mia   ,   and   her   father   never   staying   too   long   in   one   place   for   work   ,   nisrina   would   be   pulled   from   public   school  ,   and   enrolling   in   private   studies   .    giving   her   the   opportunity   to   learn   without   being   present   in   a   school   setting   ,   and   allowing   her   father   to   bring   her   along   with   him   .   nisrina   would   go   from   an   empty   house   with   staff   members   to   her   father   and   his   hotel   staff   .   not   the   biggest   difference   ,   but   to   have   her   father   always   one  room   away   made   her   feel   less   lonely   .  
   during   these   years   ,   she   would   only   speak   to   her   mother   less   then   three   times   a  year  ..   but   at   that   point   ?   she   was   long   over   begging   her   for   affection   .   the   media   would   brand   her   as   a   daddy’s   girl   ,   the   future   face   of   the   vasquez   hotel   chains   .   her   life   could   consist   of   penthouses   ,   ruling   the   hotel   kitchen   ,   running   aimlessly   around   hallways   ,  singing   in   the   dinning   hall   ,   and   finding   family   in   the   strangest   of   places   .   her   father   would   expand   from   las   vegas   ,   to   new   york   ,   to   the   caribbeans   ,    and   eventually   to   italy  .  
    before   her   eighteenth  birthday   ,   her   father   would   divorce   sabine   officially   .   putting   all   of   his   assets   in   his   daughters   name   .    this   would   cause   chaos   in   the   media   ,   and   land  sabine   on   their   front   steps   in   false   tears   and   apologizes  that   meant   absolutely   nothing   to   either   of   them   .   two   year   later   ,   sabine   would   remarry   and   final   ties   would   be   cut   forever   .
      where   is   nisrina   now   ?   nisrina   is   located   in   the   beautiful   city   of   new   york   ,   in   hopes   of   gaining   peace   and   mind   to   construct   her   first   album   since   being   signed   a   year   ago   .   she   is   still   an   absolute   daddy’s   girl   and   has   an   insanely   close   relationship   with   him   .    constantly   on   the   mission   of   bettering   herself   ,   and   moving   on   from   old   wounds   .
YOU’RE   MY   BABY   ,   EVEN   WHEN   YOU   LEAVE   ME   .  
                                                      that   one   ex   that   she   cannot   let   go   of   ,    their   hold   on   her   too   great   .   it’s   something   she   refuses   to   admit   ,   is   embarrassed   at   how   much   she   loves   them   ,   how   she   keeps   coming   back     .   
I   DON’T   NEED   A   MAN   ,   SHE’S   MY   OTHER   HALF   ,   WE   GOT   SOMETHING   NOT   A   LOT   OF   OTHERS   HAVE   .  
                                                     their   relationship   has   surpassed   besties   ,   their   souls   were   made   for   each   other   .   they’re   each   other’s   person   ,   can   speak   without   communication   ,   bicker   like   sisters   ,   and   are   willing   to   hold   each   other’s   secrets   to   the   grave   .   a   package   deal   to   the   end   .   it’s   a   forever   thing   .
JUST   CAUSE   I   FUCK   YOU   ,   DON’T   MEAN   I   TRUST   YOU   ;   I   DON’T     .  
                                                     a   complex   relationship   of   something   more   but   it   never   crossing   that   line   .   these   two   can   share   a   bed   and   even   affectionate   touches   but   communication  ,   trust   ,   and   commitment   are   not   in  the  books   .
                                                    her   girls   ,   the   definition   that   family   is   not   always   blood   .   from   spontaneous   girl   trips   ,   to   clogging   each   other’s   feed   ,   this   group   of   friends   are   known   for   their   closeness   .    you   either   hate   them   or   you   love   them   ,   but   regardless   they’re   always   going   to   ride   for   one   another  .   
                                                   confidants   ,   ex   friends   ,   close   friends   ,   flings   ,   hookups   ,   rivals   ,   people   she   just   bumps   heads   with   ,   on   and   off   friendships   ,   will   they   wont   they   ,   literally   anything   !!!   give   me   drama   ,   angst   ,   and   cute   friendships      .
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actualsunflower · 4 years
🌻💐 for the asks please!
🌻 What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them? 🌻 🌻   He tends to notice the way people like.. do things? If that makes sense, like if someone always raises their pinky when they do things, if the tend to fidget when they’re thinking, if someone walks on their toes frequently, if theyre gentle and graceful when picking things up or if they’re abrasive and jerky. He notices quickly the small little quirks in people’s actions and speech and often admires them because they’re so unique to each person. It kinda goes into his love language, for example he notices the very small things that make people comfortable/uncomfortable and goes out of his way to provide or take away the things that comfort/bother them just to make sure they’re happy. Nick has started noticing those things too from Jay occasionally pointing them out, for example Jay always ‘follows his head’ when he turns, he always looks over his shoulder first and then twists around to follow his gaze.       For the small things about the world, he’s always on the look out for just like... anything. He points out bugs or animals, ESPECIALLY the cool or pretty ones, he points out interesting or pretty plants, or nicely preserved pre-war trinkets and other items. He observes everything really intently so he tends to notice patterns in things, or even if certain things are just lined up in a satisfying way. Things like that really make him happy. He’s really vocal around Nick and will always point things out even if its not something Nick really gets or sees the same way, like a shape in the clouds, a certain pattern in colors (he is red-green colorblind, so things are rather different for him than they are for Nick), if things are in a certain shape that usually arent. Sometimes Nick is a little confused about the things he’s pointing out because he just doesnt always feel they were super important, but he loves Jay’s enthusiasm and is interested just because Jay is.      Since I talked a lot abt like, non-physical items I’ll do that for this bcs I think that’s what the last question is talking abt- Jay really loves dishes. Like pretty china, little tea cups with matching little plates, those things make him really happy bcs he thinks theyre cute. He’d be one of those old people with a cabinet full of dishes that are never used, they’re just there to be pretty and cute. He has a whole collection of mugs and tea cups, some with matching little plates if he can find them too. Nick keeps an eye out for them now too, he loves how excited Jay gets when he brings them back. He also loves little things like jars, neat containers and the like, and he very frequently runs out of ones to use because he’s always drying herbs and flowers from his travels and gardens, using them for other small items like all the pens and pencils he hoards. (He never means to steal Nick’s pens and pencils but it still happens. Sadly he tends to chew them, so Nick always needs to hide pens if he wants usable un-chewed ones.) Also with the jars- baskets. Who doesnt love a good cute basket?! He collects books as well if he can carry them home when he finds them, he gets especially excited over medical texts and earth sciences. They’ve got quite the collection now. He also never passes up good paper, he’s always needing more for his research, and he can’t steal Nick’s paper because he needs it too XD I think I got a bit off topic there so one last thing, he loves rocks and finding cool ones out of nowhere is just a great time for him 💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need? I am so sorry that this is just SO MUCH TO READ sdkfjghdsf I just have... so much to talk about and like no one to talk abt it with so I just SKDFJHGDSFSJDF when I get asked :’)       Its VERY rare Jay gets sick, because of his mutation and inherited artifact powers he doesnt get sick unless its something SERIOUS, and since he’s never experienced something like that, I think he would really panic. Nick would try his best to get him to rest but he wouldn’t be able to stay put, especially during the day when he should be outside in the daylight. Nick is always looking out for his wellbeing (as Jay does for him,) and could even at times be very serious with Jay when Jay’s stubbornness keeps him from complying and resting. Nick will try his best to give him everything he would need or wants, but Jay doesn’t like being doted on when it’s over something like illness or injury, it just stresses him out. He prefers to handle things alone in those cases, though he isn’t a terrible patient, he will just be rather dismissive and try hard to do things on his own even if it ends in him fainting in the kitchen because he wouldnt just lay down. This seriously stresses Nick out, he doesnt get why Jay wont just let him take care of him dkfgjhdf but he also knows Jay struggles with having people do things for him, as it tends to lead to a lot of guilt for him even when there’s no reason for him to feel bad over it. In the case when Jay’s right leg was like, half eaten by a deathclaw, he seriously struggled with frustration and the doting he received from Nick and Sturges. At times it made him angry, though he never lashed out at anyone, especially not Nick. I seriously dont think he could ever lash out at Nick. When his left arm was crushed, he went through the same frustration though from Nick, Sturges AND Blake and at times he kinda just wanted to scream in a pillow. He hates feeling helpless bcs he knows he’s not, and hates being treated as if he is, even though no one was actally treating him that way, it still felt like it to him at times.         As for the reverse, before the war Jay was a nurse. He is the polar opposite when it comes to caring for other people, especially ones he loves. He will turn into exactly the person he would hate to get care from. You could never get him away from your side, he will be there with EVERYTHING you’d ever need no matter what was wrong. Serious illness, he’s there with his extensive medical knowledge and impeccable bedside manner. Injury of any kind, he’s already done everything possible to make his patient as comfortable and pain free as possible. Simple cold? The hot tea is already ready and there’s a pile of blankets and pillows on the bed, he will even tuck you in personally. He might even be as extra as to bring you flowers. When Nick is needing repairs or has problems, he as trouble just getting Jay to leave his side for a second, unless he asks Jay to grab something. Jay is more than capable to help or fix Nick, but that isnt always needed, and sometimes Nick isn’t even hurt, Jay is just kinda overreacting and making absolutely sure there isnt a single thing wrong. He is very well with robots and animals too, he treats them just the same and he frequently takes home injured animals and goes the extra mile rehabilitating them and finding the best place to release them when they’re healthy again. 
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