#i know the pig trophy was in it. what else >:((
risingsunresistance · 10 months
hey just making sure you guys have seen the hypixel jerseys right
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juanarc-thethird · 1 month
Be My House Husband p3
At the Vale Summer Fair
Jaune is participating in a cooking competition. This year's theme is barbecue. So he brought along his famous pork ribs covered in a special siracha and barbecue sauce. Plus a few secret ingredients that are valid in the competition rules.
Jaune: *Shaking a little*
Coco: Nervous?
Jaune: Hm? Oh! Coco, I didn't expect to see you here.
Coco: And miss out on a chance to see you, hottie? Not even in dreams.
Normally Jaune would blush at this point and tell her to stop, but he doesn't say anything. Coco stares at him and she can see that he's distracted. His mind is elsewhere.
Coco: Jaune?
Jaune: Oh sorry! Yes?
Coco: Are you okay? *She asks concerned*
Jaune: Y-Yes, I'm totally fine.
Coco: Jaune....
She stares into Jaune's eyes and he sighs.
Jaune: This isn't my first time doing this, actually. I really put a lot of effort into my dish. But I don't think it's enough. I mean, look at the guy over there. He brought a whole pig, the guy over there brought three-meat sausages, and the guy over there…
At that moment Coco took his hand and he stops. He then looks at her and Coco starts talking.
Coco: Jaune, I've eaten your food and I can safely say that you are the best chef I know. There's no way you're going to lose this competition.
Jaune: But the others...
Coco: Forget about the others. In the end, what will decide the winner is not how complicated the dish was, but how tasty it is. So believe in yourself the same way I believe in you, okay?
Jaune stares at her for a few seconds, absorbing every word she said. That calmed him down a bit and with a smile he answers back.
Jaune: You're right, I have to trust in my abilities. Thanks Coco.
Coco: You're welcome, tiger. *She winks at him* Now where are the rest of your friends? I thought I'd run into your team or team RWBY by now.
Jaune: They couldn't come.
Coco: What? Why?
Jaune: They had plans, but that's okay.
Coco: If you say so. Oh! I think the judges are coming. Good luck!
She then gives him two thumbs up and walks away.
Jaune: *Looking at her walk away* Thank you.
The competition continued and after a couple of hours, the judges finally came to a decision. All the contestants are standing on the podium as they await the results. While spectators watch attentively from the stands.
The master of ceremonies together with the judges are in front of the podium. Two of them hold a trophy and a plaque while the other holds the envelope with the winner.
Master of ceremonies: Ladies and Gentlemen's. After a long discussion, the judges came to a decision.
Judge 1: *gives him the envelope*
Master of ceremonies: *He takes an envelope and starts to open it* This year's winner is… *He pulls out the paper and…* Jaune Arc!
Jaune: *Shock* What?
Coco: Heck Yeah!! That's my future husband! WOOHOO!!!
Jaune walks to the center of the podium and receives his first place plaque and trophy.
Judge 1: *Shakes his hand* Congratulations, young man.
The crowd applauds in excitement. People then approach him to congratulate him and talk a little more about his dish. It was a great day for him. As time went by the celebration began to die down and he stepped away from everyone to get some air. He finds an empty bench and sits down.
Jaune: *Sighs*
Coco: I told you you'd win.
Jaune turned to see Coco giving her famous smile. But this time she looked different, Jaune could see how the warm light of the festival made her skin shine like the sunset. Her eyes were so beautiful; dark brown like wood. And her hair, was her hair always looked this nice?
Coco: Hello~ Jaune are you there?
Jaune: *Blushing* Huh?! Oh! Sorry! I was thinking on something else.
Coco: Was it about me?~💕
Jaune: *Red* Huh?!!
Coco: Hahaha, I'm just messing with you. Can I sit beside you?
Jaune: *Looks away* S-Sure.
She sits beside him and looks at the starry sky.
Coco: Today the stars look beautiful, don't you think?
Jaune: *Looks at Coco* I... I think so
Coco: *Looks at him* So how do you plan to celebrate your victory?
Jaune: Um... well, I never thought about that.
Coco: That's what I thought, that's why I took the liberty of calling everyone to tell them about your victory and preparing a table for us at Imos Pizza, your favorite pizzeria. My treat.
Jaune: *Smiles* Thank you, Coco.
Coco: Don't even mention it. Now get up and let's eat.
She stands up but jaune grabs her hand.
Jaune: Wait
Coco: Hm?
Jaune: Before we go I just want to say that… Well… Thank you very much for your help.
Coco: It was nothing.
Jaune: It was something!
Coco was a little surprised by Jaune's raised voice. So she looks at him intently, paying attention to every word.
Jaune: I was so nervous about this competition and I thought my friends would be here to support me. But they couldn't come. But you came and not only helped me with my nerves, but you also trusted me. And that's why I… I…
Coco: *Nervous* (Is he... Is he about to....)
At that moment Coco's phone started ringing.
Coco: Sorry! *She immediately grabs her phone and puts it on silent* Sorry about that. You were saying…
Jaune: I... I want to thank you.
Coco: Just that?
Jaune: Y-Yes...
Coco: O-Ok, so should we go now?
Jaune: After you.
Coco: Ok
As she takes the lead while Jaune walks beside her, Jaune can't stop glancing at Coco and a crazy idea pops into his head.
Coco: By the way, Jaune. *She turns to look at him* What kind of pizza do you wan-!!!
At that moment Coco is kissed by Jaune on the lips. She freezes and a few seconds later Jaune realizes what he did.
Jaune: Sorry! I just wanted to kiss you on the cheek! I didn't mean to kiss you on the lips! Um…! I'll see you at the restaurant!
Jaune ran away, leaving Coco behind. Coco can't believe what just happened, and slowly a huge smile fills her face. Jaune just kissed her.
Coco: *giggling like a school girl* Jaune just kissed me. He freaking kiss me! Today is the best day of my life!!
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julemmaes · 1 year
Temporary Fix, 1
Nesta Archeron x Cassian modern au
Kinktober, semi-public sex
A/N: I'm only going to say this is for B and good lord, also I haven't reread shit so if you find typos and things don't add up mind your business
Word count: ~7.3k words
She reached out her hand to introduce herself to the umpteenth white man in his sixties that she met that evening. She immediately wondered if the fact that the old man wasn't telling her his name—but was instead just stroking her hand in a revolting way as he stared into her eyes—was because he assumed she could distinguish him by looks alone, or if he didn't think she was clever enough to remember it afterwards and deemed it useless. Or, yet again, whether he didn't think she was important enough to know such a thing. As if, to satisfy every desire that shone behind that man's eyes, she needed no further introduction.
It had been that same dance for the past two hours.
The room was swarming with bigwigs and whatnots tonight and as she glanced around to survey the mumbling throng, she found herself suppressing a grimace of disgust, which she had had to hide several times in her goblet of non-alcoholic sparkling wine. The amount of women way younger than her in the arms of men well into their fifties was spine-chilling.
Nesta could only pray that all those girls were there at will, perhaps waiting for one of these old pigs to die so that their husbands' big fat inheritances would end up in their pockets. It was the only hope that hadn't made her bristle at such arrogance and impertinence.
One thing that hadn't helped her shitty mood at all was the fact that Eris had brought her to that gala with the intention of showing her off as his girlfriend. But the deal the two of them had agreed on before she accepted his invitation was something else entirely. He would introduce her to the CEO of their company and she would be at his side all evening. They hadn't mentioned anything that had to do with their relationship.
And Nesta was quite the scrupulous one.
"You shouldn't have left that detail out of our conversation," she'd told him in a low tone when Eris had cornered her after their first interaction with one of the new interns, in which he'd flaunted her as one of the many trophy wives in the lobby. "If you want to introduce me as your girlfriend or escort, you'll have to do more than simply get me to talk to Nehemia Ytger. You'll have to secure me a seat at the table."
She had raised her stakes so high knowing full well that Eris didn't have enough power in their department to even suggest such a thing to Ytger. He'd simply gritted his teeth and nodded, then flashed a grin that hadn't reached his eyes and offered her his arm. Nesta had breathed out a short, dry laugh that conveyed just how much she didn't want to be seen in close contact with him.
It was bad enough she'd agreed to do this. She wasn't going to be an accessory to another man. Not again.
She was pretending not to hear what her two colleagues were discussing, letting her eyes roam over the crowd, looking disinterested. There was no reason to let this Nobody know that Nesta was aiming for the same job the man had been talking about for the past seven minutes.
She glanced up at the large decorative clock painted on the wall of the abandoned station where their firm had decided to hold its yearly party. Twenty-five minutes to eleven. It had been far too long since they had arrived and still no sign of their boss.
Her eyes fell back on the guests, desperately searching for that stunningly beautiful face that Nesta had had the honour of seeing in real life a few times.
If there was one thing Nesta was firmly sure of, it was that Nehemia Ytger was the most fascinating human being she had ever met. She had been speechless, having only the decency to give her a small nod in greeting before the woman left, a sly smirk on her dark lips, as if she knew perfectly well the effect she had on every person in the room.
She'd regretted not approaching her willingly on multiple other occasions, not telling her about her ideas that would surely help their company grow, but her brain had short-circuited every damn time, distracting her from her purpose. Tonight was going to be different.
Or so she'd believed.
It felt like slamming into a wall.
He stood there, his long, stiff and visibly muscular legs, under the black fabric of his fancy slacks made him look like some kind of soldier. Motionless, attentive, it was as if he was bored in the midst of all these people, but there was something extremely attractive about the way he didn't even seem to be breathing. That tiny detail made the air in her lungs seize up, as if Nesta were afraid that by inhaling, by moving even a muscle, he would become aware of her presence.
She traced every line of his body, from the tips of his opaque shoes to his slender hips to his broad, imposing shoulders. She released a shuddering breath at the sight of his mighty arms crossed over his chest, his hands hidden in the fabric of his dark shirt. Unlike everyone in that room, he wasn't wearing a suit, but rather what looked like a uniform, something Nesta had seen security guards at the entrance to the building wear.
She couldn't get a good look at his face and had to stop her legs from taking three steps to the right, just to see if she could catch a glimpse of what she knew would be a heavenly sight.
The man's back was to her and Nesta nearly looked up at the sky, thanking God for that small grace as she admired the way the bottoms wrapped around his ass perfectly.
He turned his head slightly to the left, showing her a pronounced jawline, but she didn't have the quickness to look up fast enough, that he had already turned back to whoever he was protecting that night.
At that point, with the radio in plain view attached to the belt on his hip and the earpiece Nesta had managed to make out in the middle of his short dark hair, there was no doubt that he was there as someone's bodyguard.
"What about her? Is she your girlfriend?"
The unknown man's voice brought her back to reality. Her head snapped towards Eris and Nesta grimaced in disgust, squaring him from head to toe. A surprised laugh escaped her control.
"Fuck no," she whispered into her glass, turning back to the bodyguard as she sipped her drink. And then, without even deigning the two men a goodbye, Nesta strode for her target.
She pushed her way through the crowd, keeping her gaze fixed on him, and when he finally turned around, her steps faltered. Nesta was not a particularly religious woman, but in that moment she definitely felt blessed. The features of his face were elegant, sharp, and the hazel eyes made him look even more serious than he appeared.
He squared his shoulders and brought a hand to his face. It was at that moment that Nesta saw the deep scars that stretched across the back of his hand, over his fingers, and continued under the sleeve of his shirt, on his wrist.
She didn't have time to process that information when the tip of her heels caught on her long dress and she began to fall forward. She clutched the glass between her fingers, hoping with all her might that the fall wouldn't result in a trip to the ER and a few stitches, but she never found out, because an arm wrapped around her waist and she never touched the floor.
She stared at the tiles with her heart in her throat and her breath caught wholly in her chest when a warm, melodic voice whispered in her ear.
"Watch your step, sweetheart."
Something in Nesta awoke at the sound of those words.
She turned her head slightly, to see who had saved her from making an ass of herself, branding her for life, and her eyes met only a massive chest covered in a white button down shirt. She bent her neck back and-
Oh, God.
She stared at him for the longest time, trying to comprehend how the man in front of her could look so charming and elegant, and rough-hewn and simply breathtaking at the same time.
His black hair reached just above his shoulders, brushing them with every slightest movement and a single wavy strand cut across his forehead, falling precisely in between eyes so bright, the colour of wood and soil. He had a faint scar just above the bridge of his nose, reddened at the edges, and another one that cut through his left eyebrow.
His lips parted undetectably for anyone in a metre distance, but Nesta, who somehow only then noticed she was pressed against the hard and muscled body of the stranger, heard the sigh he made. She felt, under her fingers, his chest heave with looseness and something else she couldn’t really pinpoint in that moment.
She was still staring at his lips when they curved in a sardonic smile that threatened to make her fall to her knees if he only uttered the words.
“You good?”
It felt like someone had poured molten lava on her bare back, where his hand was pressing softly, right in the middle of her shoulder blades. His voice was like calloused fingers brushing her very core.
Nesta hoped she didn’t look as stunned as she felt.
She nodded, swallowing audibly, casting her eyes away for a split second, before bringing them back to his face. She took a step back, and then another, not really trusting her body so near to this stranger’s. It was dangerous enough that she missed his touch the instant his fingers slipped away from her skin.
The man squared his shoulders and Nesta noticed only in that instance the swirls and intricate lines inked on his skin. The tattoos covered the entirety of his forearms, crawling beneath the fabric of his shirt in a way that simply asked Nesta to follow the pattern until she discovered what was hidden under the sleeves. There was a single twirl of black that snaked around his wrist and ringed his pointer finger.
Her youngest sister had once told her that wearing a ring on your index finger reflected confidence, self-esteem and leadership qualities. She could only imagine how big this man’s ego must have been if he had it tattooed.
“So,” he drawled, calling her attention back to his lips. Nesta rolled her shoulders back, trying to rein in her body’s responses to him. He brought a hand to his face, rubbing the stubble on his cheek, and he turned in the direction she’d come from, nodding his chin towards the crowd. “Why did you ditch your date? He doesn’t look half bad.”
She scoffed, trying to cover her real reaction. If her mother hadn’t taught her how to master the art of controlling her emotions in the last thirty years of her life, her jaw would have been on the floor, her cheeks red like her lips.
He’d been looking at her.
He must have known she’d been aiming for that bodyguard.
She glanced at the man’s way, noticing he had moved somewhere near the buffet, keeping close to a tiny woman in a grey dress, probably his client. The woman looked familiar, but Nesta couldn't place where she’d seen her before.
When she looked back at the Greek bronze in front of her, he was smiling knowingly, nodding his head as if he could read her mind.
Nesta opened her mouth to speak, but her throat was dry all of a sudden and she found herself gaping like a fish.
“Yeah, I kind of noticed you were going for Azriel over there,” he said. “I had planned on waiting until you’d approached him so I could hit on you with the excuse that he’s working, and I’m not, but I got lucky and you fell straight into my arms. No effort needed.”
She stared at him, clutching the chalice. He stared right back at her.
He knew the bodyguard. Personally, if he called the other man by name. Colleagues, perhaps.
“Your date, what was wrong with him?” He seemed genuinely interested about that particular matter.
Nesta refrained from grimacing and took a sip of her drink. “He’s not my date.” He’s not my anything, she wanted to add. “I was just getting tired of people-watching.”
His eyebrows jumped up for a split second, as if surprised she’d actually replied and then a pleased smile appeared. The shock in his features disappeared immediately and he leaned forward a bit, getting close enough to her that she got a sniff of his cologne.
White musk. Burnt wood. Something sweet, argan and vanilla.
Her tights clenched together.
“People-watching has become my entire personality in the past few years.” He whispered, as if letting her in on a secret.
“How come?” She asked in an equally quiet voice.
“I’m a bodyguard.” Bingo. “Not tonight though. Tonight I came as a plus one.”
“Oh.” This time, she couldn't hide the disappointment, not even in the slightest movement of her shoulders, who betrayed her real thoughts as they sagged. Controlling my emotions, my ass, she thought.
He flashed her a grin, straightening again. “Don’t sound so sad about it, I was my brother’s.”
Nesta nodded, seeing the clear opening for what it was—an invitation. She looked him in the eyes and the glimmering heat she saw there gave her enough courage to shoot her shot.
“Does that mean I can offer you a drink?”
He chuckled, his lips curling at the corners, “I gotta say, I’m impressed.”
“What for?” She asked, trying to keep a straight face.
“I thought I’d have to work harder to get laid tonight.” He looked at her pointedly, waiting for a rejection, probably. But Nesta had been on her way to approach his friend with that same exact intent and this man in front of her… yes. Nesta wanted him. And there was no reason to pretend.
She glanced at the bar, remembering for one split second why she had accepted to attend the ball in the first place and she frowned for a moment.
“What is it?” He asked, gently skimming his fingers down her arm.
Shivers went down her spine.
She cleared her throat. “Do you happen to know if Nehemia Ytger will be here tonight?”
The man looked confused for a second, but shook his head. “I heard she won’t make an appearance. Contrary to what she’s been saying.”
Nesta smiled into her drink then, whispering to herself. “Change of plans, girl.”
He turned towards the bar, offering her his arm as he glanced at her over his shoulder, “So, about that drink?”
She smirked, walking right past him, leading the way and lifting a finger above her side. She motioned him to follow her and she was pleased to hear the deep chuckle that little act earned her. A warm and large hand posed itself on the small of her back as the stranger stalked behind her.
She reached the crowd of people waiting for their turn, making those slimy men part as she got closer. It might also have had to do with the threatening and hulking figure at her side.
Putting down her empty chalice and placing both hands on the counter, Nesta waved down the bartender. Her dearest friend grinned wildly when she noticed her—and the man standing next to her.
As Emerie tiptoed to her, dancing behind the bar, Nesta huffed a laugh.
“What can I get for you, beautiful lady?” Emerie asked, propping an elbow right next to her fingers and getting dangerously close to her face. A question sparkling in her brown eyes. Who is this man?
Ignoring the dozens of other guests complaining she couldn't skip the line, Nesta grinned wider, and shrugged. “I’d love another chalice of champagne, please. And for my friend here, he’ll get…” She trailed off, looking at him.
“Oh, I’ll have a whiskey. Neat. Thank you.” He flashed a white smile to her friend. Emerie arched an eyebrow at that and spared a glance in Nesta’s way, her eyes jumping back to him right away, scanning his body. Nesta saw the moment this man got the Emerie Stamp of Approval and knew her phone would blow up with texts from both her best friends when she got back home that night.
“Right to you.”
With Emerie gone to pour their drinks, Nesta suddenly felt overwhelmed by the man’s presence again. His fingers had started tracing lines at the bottom of her spine, following the seams of her backless dress.
She hoped he couldn't see the goosebumps rising on her arms in the dim light of the room. She was struggling not to look his way, but the rough calluses on his fingertips were throwing her off her feet.
What was the matter with her? Sure, Nesta hadn't been fucked in a long time, but she had never felt so betrayed by her own body as she did at that moment. She was succumbing so quickly to the touch of a man whose name she didn't even know.
Mindless of her not to ask immediately, but now it seemed too late to pop the question.
She was keeping her gaze fixed on Emerie taking orders from others when he pressed closer, thrusting his front against her hip in the lightest of ways. His broad shoulders covered her view of the back of the bar and with as much ease as she could muster, she looked up at him.
With both arms resting on the countertop, her breasts thrust out right below her chin, the position forcing her to lean her head back to get a good look at his face while her ass jutted out behind her.
Nesta knew she was beautiful, attractive, but there was something about the look he was giving her… as if he couldn't move his eyes from her form.
She didn't know if any of her exes had ever looked at her like that.
She could feel the blood coursing through her veins, pumping noisily in her brain. In her chest. She could feel the jolts his touch was sending down her body—the same effect showing in his body as well, in the almost imperceptible pauses his fingers took each time Nesta drew a breath.
They looked at each other for an interminable moment, and when he seemed about to speak, Emerie interrupted them, breaking the fiery tension they had created.
Her friend placed the chalice in front of her. “Bubbly liquid courage for Nes and neat whiskey for,” she stopped herself, realising she had no name for the stranger, but recovered quickly and added, “…you, handsome.”
At that, he cracked a smile, probably having already caught up with the fact they knew each other. He thanked Emerie for the drink, “It’s Cassian.”
Nesta tasted the name on her tongue before whispering it. His eyes snapped to hers and she flushed.
He gave her a slight nod, smiling. “Yes, and you… Nes? Is it short for Vanessa?”
The nickname she only reserved for her closest friends and family sounded like a prayer coming from his lips.
She dared a look in her friend’s direction and saw Emerie gaping as she walked backward from them. Her expression was conveying everything she couldn't say. Not even his name, you slutty girl.
“It’s Nesta,” she forced out, sipping her champagne. “Nes is only for my friends.”
He thrust his hand towards hers, smirking broadly. “It’s a pleasure. And let’s hope I get to call you that, by the end of the night.”
“All mine.” She shook it assuredly, trying to regain some composure. “And don’t get too ahead of yourself now.”
Cassian leaned on the counter fully, swirling the whiskey in his glass, and chuckling deeply, “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
“So,” she started, “you’re a bodyguard. Who do you work for? If I may.”
“Amren Wraith.”
Recognition dawned on her and her lips parted. Holy fuck.
Nesta perked up at that, searching the room for her bosses and colleagues. She looked down at her heels, replaying the name in her mind, assessing whether what was shaping up to be an unworldly night of sex was worth risking her position in the firm.
She brought up her hands in between them, spilling some of her champagne. Cassian rose to his full height, towering over her once again.
“Listen, Cassian,” she paused, really looking at him. She was starting to feel cornered, claustrophobic. Her department, her team specifically, had been trying to acquire part of Wraith&Co shares for months now. Nesta was prominently involved in this transaction. If the man in front of her had been sent by someone from the countervailing party to spy on their next steps and she let something slip, she would be fired on the spot.
Not to mention the legal fallout.
Cassian frowned at her apparent uneasiness, taking a step back, “I don’t know what’s happening, but you look kinda pale, you okay?”
Nesta’s thoughts were swarming in her mind, clouding her judgement.
He put down his glass, “I can leave, if that’s what you want me to do.”
“No!” She said, way too eager to keep him close.
His frown only grew deeper even as a hint of delight washed over his features.
“I mean, no, stay,” she sighed, pinching her nose. What was she doing? “Just, we’re not allowed to talk about our jobs. Or, at least, no discussing any details of what you heard during meetings and no asking me anything about any of your boss’ current transactions. Okay?”
Cassian’s eyes widened in understanding and his jaw clenched. He nodded once, “Sure. No talking about our jobs.”
Nesta didn’t seem convinced.
“I couldn't even I wanted to. Which, I don’t, by the way. And I signed an NDA. As I’m sure you did.” He leaned in closer, daring grazing her arm. When he spoke, his words dripped with sincerity and something else Nesta couldn’t quite place. His gravel-like voice melted her core when he breathed out, “And trust me, talking is the last thing I wanna do right now. I have at least five other activities I’d like for us to indulge in tonight that involve no talking.”
Arousal flooded her body.
Nesta swallowed, taking a large gulp of her drink. She gave a curt nod and then rolled her shoulders for what seemed to be the thousandth time.
Cassian eyed her with scepticism and glanced to the side for a split second, like he was considering fleeing the scene. Nesta had probably scared him off with the little act she’d just pulled.
After a few beats of silence, when Nesta was sure she was about to be rejected by the hottest man she’d ever seen, Cassian said, “so, you’re not from here, are you?”
She shook her head, clicking her tongue once, trying to rein in the contentment. “No, I’m from an infinitely small coastal village in the South.”
“And you moved for work?” 
“To study. There is little to nothing in my city’s vicinity.” 
He nodded, “I’ve never been to the South. Closest I got to there was Adriata.”
“Were you born in Velaris then?” 
“Infinitely small village in the Myrmidons,” Cassian replied quickly, repeating her words. “My mother and I moved to the Northern Islands, in the mountains, when I was four. I settled in Velaris when I was around fifteen?”
Something came to her mind then. 
“How old are you?”  
He sipped his whiskey, hissing at the pungent flavour.  “Thirty-two.”
Nesta hummed appreciatively, downing the rest of her drink. “I’m about to turn thirty.”
“Oh, when’s your birthday?” 
As he asked her a plethora of questions she really didn’t care about answering, he was circling the edge of his glass, making her mind run wild with ideas. What those fingers could do to her.
“January 21st.”
He chuckled. “You really meant the about to, ‘lright,” he said referring to the imminent date. “Do you have any plans for the big thirties?”
Nesta lifted a shoulder, looking up at him through her lashes. “Probably get wasted with my friends and dance the night away.”
His interest seemed piqued at that. More so than what he’d shown so far. 
“You like dancing?”
“Very much so,” she murmured. 
Cassian turned towards the dance floor on the other side of the vast room, where couples of all ages were being entertained by the string quartet. Nesta noticed with no little annoyance that he had yet to finish his whiskey. When he too seemed to realise this, he stared at her for three long seconds, before gently taking her hand in his.
"Would you do me the honour of dancing with me?"
She could not deny that the question had caught her off guard. Whatever slow dance her colleagues were doing, it was not the kind of dancing Nesta had been referring to up to that moment.
Of course, nothing had ever stopped her from enjoying a waltz in a crowded hall, but she had never expected the rugged bodyguard who was stealing her every thought to be able to perform that sort of dance.
Nesta simply nodded. She linked her fingers with his and let him sweep her to the other side of the hall. 
They waited by the side for the band to wrap up the song, to catch on the beats and melody. He was keeping a protective arm around her waist and eyeing the other dancers as one would a flock of birds at sunset. She faltered at the strength of his emotions then.
He seemed to be lost in thought, like he was remembering something he didn’t want to. 
She was about to tell him it was okay if he didn’t want to dance anymore, feeling uncharacteristically sympathetic, but Cassian drew a tight breath in and his eyes found hers, hitting her straight in the chest.
His hand sweetly clutched hers and he stepped forward.
Whatever doubt and worry she had disappeared the moment his hand fell to her side and he pulled her into his personal space, leading them in the throng of people swarming the dance floor. 
Nesta soared as his eyes clashed with hers. Hunger and passion, pure heat pooled in her body at the feel of his hard chest under her hand. 
Cassian spun her and she almost smiled, not having had this much fun in so long. He knew his way around.
As the music grew more insistent, erratic—their movements with it—Nesta found herself counting down the seconds to when they would leave this place.
She knew people couldn’t read minds, but she felt like he was doing just that as he twirled her around, his thumb brushing her back. She unwillingly arched into his embrace and his lips skimmed her cheek, testing the waters for a kiss Nesta was dying to get. 
Admittedly, Cassian had no need for mind-reading, her body was saying everything already. His own betraying his intention by the second.
His breathing was gradually becoming more ragged, matching her unsteady heartbeating. 
After the third spin, her heel caught in her dress. She tripped into his chest, but she recovered quickly as he took all her weight and whipped her around.
Nesta couldn’t shift her gaze from his throat as he swallowed down air. 
Cassian was looking at her, she felt his eyes like scorching flames on her skin, but she couldn’t bring herself to do the same, too scared her emotions would be written all over her face if she only dared a glance his way. 
He suddenly dipped her back, following in the steps for this specific dance and when she pushed up again, her head was impossibly closer to him. His breathing was tickling her ear when he whispered, “You look beautiful, Nesta.”
Her heart skipped a few beats.
She was going to die here, she thought as the instruments seemed to sing to them, the fast tempo only making it harder for her to keep up with him. 
His grip on her hand tightened and Nesta’s head spun. The one posed on her hip felt like he was holding on for dear life, like he was afraid she might vanish if he let go.
They started twirling, her gown swallowing his legs as well, their bodies becoming one as he held her through this last momentum. 
The music came to an end with an abrupt stop, and Nesta found herself gasping for air, both hands on his heaving chest now. The hand he’d kept on her waist had slipped to the lower of her back, drawing her closer to him. The other cradled her face as if he was a man on the brink of death and was just waiting to drink life from her lips. 
Her head tipped back as his nose brushed against hers and the understanding she saw behind his eyes had them both fleeting the hall. Hand in hand.
They were nearly running through the crowd, towards where Nesta had no idea. She just knew she needed to get her lips on this man’s body. To feel his on hers.
To taste that mouth. 
"The upstairs toilets usually go unused," he threw over his shoulder, looking directly into her eyes to make sure she was on board with where he planned on ravaging her.
Nesta nodded, throat dry, "I don't care." 
And she really didn't. If somebody heard them, saw them, she didn't care. She just needed to put her hands on him. 
She ran after him up the elegant, wide stairs and she might have even appreciated how nicely decorated they were if it weren't for the distracting throb between her legs and the sizzling hot glances he was throwing at her.
They were climbing flight after flight, up to the fourth floor, where a fancy balcony overlooked the immense ballroom and a few people chatted, sipping from their chalices. 
They completely ignored the glares they were receiving from everyone and higher they went, until the stairs ended and the corridors seemed vacant. 
"This way," his voice sounded drastically rougher than before, as if he couldn't control his need. As if he, too, was about to lose the last shred of his dignity and take her right there in the middle of the room.
He dragged her to a secluded hall and then down a narrow passage that she would have never even seen if it weren't for him, and while in any other situation the research would have killed the mood, Nesta was only growing more aroused by the second.
Cassian suddenly stopped in front of a door and turned, her hand still clutched in his, looking at her like a starved animal. His eyes shone with something dangerous and Nesta took a step forward.
She was done waiting. 
She didn't have to get on her tiptoes to reach his face, her hands slipping on his chest, feeling his breathing hitch, and up to cup his jaw as his own slid to her waist, bringing her closer. 
She huffed, delighted, as he bent his head low and drew a path on her cheek with his nose. His shuddering exhale lit her body on fire. 
His lips brushed against her—the softest caress and the dirtiest sin. 
"Please," she begged. 
"Take me," he whispered. 
Nesta crashed her mouth on his, breathing from his lungs, moulding her body to fit the shape of his. Cassian let her push him against the door and squeezed her hips, letting her feel the hard ridge in his tight pants.
She ran her fingers down the back of his neck, gripping the roots of his long hair, pulling him harder against her. 
He grunted, nipping at her lips. 
Her mouth parted and her tongue slipped out to taste his. The sweetest whimper left her throat, echoing in her kiss and Cassian's hold on her tightened.
Nothing had ever felt this good. Never in her life had she experienced something so deadly wicked. 
She thrust her chest against his and his head hit the door behind him as he came up for air and stared down at her with hooded eyes—his lips swollen and glistening with her gloss. 
Nesta decided right then she was gonna have the first round. No matter what, she was gonna suck the life out of him before he had a chance to do the same.
No one should have been allowed to be this fucking breathtaking just existing. 
She reached for the handle under his arm and opened the bathroom door, pressing a hand to his collarbone and clutching his shirt in her fingers to pull him back to her once they were inside. 
His mouth was on hers again and his hands were everywhere, encasing her ribs and going higher until his fingers cradled her breast, kneading what she'd been desperate for him to touch.
He swiftly took her purse and launched it somewhere where it wouldn't bother them. Nesta couldn't give a single fuck.
She moaned, but his left hand found its place in her hair and didn't let her get far, forcing her to stay in the kiss. 
She let her touch roam his body, pulling at the bottom of his button down, to free the hem from his pants and slid her hands under it, raking her nails on his abs. 
His muscles contracted, his teeth biting gently on her lips. His chuckle came out husky as he broke away from the kiss, tracing a line of open mouthed ones to her jaw, "I fucking love this song." 
Nesta hadn't even noticed there had been music, but while her eyes fluttered open and he pulled closer to the sinks and mirror, the soft beat of a Black Keys' song rang through the room.
And I'm bound to fall, bound to fall, for you.
He took advantage of her momentary distraction and moved them to the cold marble sink. She didn't bat an eye as he lifted her and placed her on the surface. He spread her legs, taking position in between them and engulfing her thighs with his huge hands. 
Nesta's breath came bubbly as giddiness overtook her while he ran the tip of his fingers across her thigh tattoo. 
The dress she was wearing did little to conceal the complex design inked in her skin and Cassian seemed entranced by the flowers and leaves. 
His eyes slowly rose to her face, his finger trailing a path from her hand to her shoulder, up her neck, pressing on her pulse point. 
He cupped her cheeks and kissed her deeply, licking and biting and sucking. Giving and taking, taking, taking.
Nesta was losing her goddamn mind.
She couldn't keep her hands to herself and as he drew her soul from her body, she palmed him. His movements halted for a second, his mouth gaping on hers, his eyes wide open staring into hers. 
And then he was back in full force and Nesta was unfastening his belt, unbuttoning his pants, pulling the zip down.
His grip suddenly shifted to her legs again, higher, closer to where she was now aching with need. 
His thumb hooked under the lace of her thong and pulled back, snapping it. 
"Can I take these off?" He rasped.
Nesta's smile was evil, "I wanted to do the honours." 
Cassian's pupils dilated to the point where his eyes turned black and then he nodded once, taking a step back, his hands up in pretend defeat. A stupidly handsome grin splitting his face. 
"By all means, be my guest, sweetheart." 
Nesta huffed a laugh and hopped off the counter, gathering her hair and pulling them back over her shoulders. She licked her lip and left a peck on the corner of his mouth before falling gracefully to her knees. 
Cassian's hands found her jaw immediately, as if he couldn't keep from touching her. 
As she made quick work of his pants and pulled them down, he swiped his thumb on her bottom lip. 
"Open up, baby," he commanded.
Nesta obeyed, letting her tongue slide under his finger and closing her lips around it. She sucked on it, giving the poor man a preview of what was to come. 
She kept on savouring the moment, caressing his thigh like he'd done her, teasing the shit out of him whenever her fingers reached under the hem of his boxers.
She tried not to look at the bulging erection tenting right in front of her face, but it was impossible not to notice how big it was.
They never looked away from each other and the arousal glinting in his eyes made her shiver with something unfamiliar. She loved it.
His thumb popped out of her mouth when he pulled it from her and jerked his head forward. 
"I can't anymore, take me out," Cassian sighed, out of breath. 
Nesta couldn't either and she finally let herself look somewhere else as his hands tied in her hair, one on top of her head, the other on the nape of her neck.
Noticing the goosebumps that broke out on her skin, Cassian chuckled. 
"You liking this, uh?" He asked, his fingers fisting her hair tighter. "Oh, you're loving this."
She tried to nod, but his grip was too tight. She patted his hip lightly and he loosened it a bit, only enough for her to move closer to his still covered cock.
Nesta palmed him through the fabric, and at the first sharp intake of breath from him, she was reborn. She started kissing him, licking him, moving slowly following his silent commands. 
"I thought," Cassian grumbled, visibly struggling to contain himself. He swallowed, "I thought I told you to take me out."
"You've never been taught that patience is a virtue?" 
Her voice was just as strained. She was torturing both with this little act she was putting up.
"Fuck patience, I need to be in you." 
Nesta whined at the words, her core clenching. 
"Fine," she whispered. 
She gripped the elastic of his underwear and pulled it down to his ankles. 
His cock sprung free, swollen and ready for her, leaking pre cum from the tip with all the teasing she'd put him through. 
The instant her fingers closed around the hard length of his, Cassian cursed under his breath, hips thrusting forward in a lame attempt to make her move.
She started massaging him, twisting her wrist while she blew on the glistening head. Nesta locked eyes with Cassian as she licked the sensitive underside of his cock and closed her lips around him, slowly taking him inside her mouth. 
"Good fucking lord," his eyes rolled in the back of his head and his shoulders shook with the strain of holding back. 
Nesta sucked her cheeks in, working him with her hand as she started bobbing her head. Her other hand went to his balls and the loud groan she received in return made her moan around him.
What happened next, Nesta wasn't expecting.
Cassian pulled her close to him—so far that her nose brushed his navel and she gagged on his impressive shaft—and stepped forward, forcing her back against the bottom cabinets under the sink.
Her head would've struck the marble surface hadn't it been for his hand, now splayed like a protective glove on her.
"Fuck, sorry," he pulled back, looking down at her with a ravaged expression. His eyes were haunted, like he was too lost in his pleasure to really know what was happening. "Was that too much?"
Nesta looked at him, breathed through her nose, and smelled his scent. Her nipples were rubbing against the now seemingly rough fabric of her dress and she could feel the wetness drenching her panties. 
She needed him to finish just as much as he did.
"Fuck my mouth as you please."
Cassian moved faster than she could've anticipated. Keeping his hand on her back of her head, the other went to her jaw and forced her mouth open.
He slid into her easily, and Nesta made no opposition as he started ruthlessly fucking her mouth. 
Her eyes watered as she tried to remember to breathe through her nose, but the utter satisfaction on his face as he watched her made it difficult for her to recall her own name.
"Fuck, sweetheart, yes."
Nesta moaned at his sounds, whimpering and moving her tongue to bring him closer to his climax. 
She couldn't handle it anymore and one of her hands left his body, moving to the slit of her dress, shuffling around the silk to reach her heat. She'd just brushed over her clit when his thrusts became erratic, more aggressive.
His fingers clutched her hair, "Don't you fucking dare touch yourself. That's my job and mine only."
Nesta's eyes fluttered closed, pleasure taking over. 
"I let you have your fun," he punctuated his words by going deeper, hitting the back of her throat. "So now you'll be a good girl and finish me off, so I can do the same for you."
She moved her hand from between her legs.
"Just like that." 
Nesta whimpered, but sucked harder. She moved her head until only the tip of his dick was in her mouth and she let it rest on her tongue as she jerked him off.
Cassian's hands moved to her face, rubbing her cheekbones.
His whole body twitched and the only warning she got before he came was the mind stilling moan he let out. His every muscle tensed up as spurts of come filled her mouth. She kept lapping his cock as he sagged, completely spent and when he grew too sensitive to be touched he stepped back, physically putting distance between them. 
Nesta raised on her wobbly legs and turned around to spit in the sink. She quickly washed her mouth to get rid of the unpleasant flavour and then looked back at him.
He was standing next to the door, his body slumped against the wall, like he couldn't keep himself up without help. He was looking at her curiously. 
Nesta shrugged, pretending her body wasn't screaming to be touched, "I'm sorry, I don't swallow." 
"You could've told me," he sounded like he'd been running for days. 
She approached him, reaching him in a few strides. She placed a hand on his chest, rising and falling, rising and–
"I didn't mind it," she confessed. "I actually pretty fucking loved sucking you off." 
Cassian bent his head back, "Fuck."
There was something, in the way he said that word. Nesta had never found anyone so attractive in her entire life.
He rubbed a hand down his face, the other going to the one she was keeping on his chest. 
"Give me a couple of minutes and then we can go."
She arched her brow, "Go?"
Cassian looked at her then, smirking, "I'm taking you home, sweetheart."
Nesta's lips parted, at the promise ringing in her ears. 
So I can do the same for you.
"We're not done yet."
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@my-fan-side @superspiritfestival @simpingfornestaarcheron @the-regal-warrior @princess-rumi-blog1 @live-the-fangirl-life @sayosdreams @rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @bookstantrash @lordof-bloodshed @nahthanks @sannelovesreading @courtofjurdan @imagine-me @moodymelanist @dread3r @sv0430 @mariamuses @leiawritesstories @thewayshedreamed @duskandstarlight @letstakethedawn @perseusannabeth
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School Rules (Episode 4: It's Lonely At The Top)
this episode is a letterbox archives original – do not steal, plagiarise, or repost this to other websites. trigger warnings below. author notes at the end.
this episode of school rules contains: rumours, shouting, interpersonal conflict discussions of: academic expectations, self-esteem issues, implied emotional abuse, 'gifted kid burnout', intrapersonal conflict mentions of: implied racism and homophobia
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Greetings and hello, fellow students! You’re listening to School Rules Radio, courtesy of Spencer’s Private School for Enterprising Girls. We’ve got the news, we’ve got the gossip, we’ve got all you could possibly want and more – anything to keep you listening!
I’m your newshawk and host, Sunny, and I’ve got a very special someone with me today! Not the most special someone at this school, though, that honour goes to Darcy. But you’re not too bad yourself, Angel.
Um, thank you?
You’re welcome! Now, why don’t you introduce yourself to some of the unacquainted listeners? And remember to smile – it carries through your voice!
Oh, okay. Uh, hi! My name is Angel Marie Salvatore, I’m 17, so I’m a senior, and… what else am I supposed to say?
Something about yourself! What you like, what you don’t like, your best subjects, the most scandalous rumours against you, who you love, who you hate – anything, really.
Well, that’s a lot to say, hah. I like studying and… and fashion, I don’t like hot weather, and my best subjects are… is it vain if I say all of them?
Yeah, a bit. But hey, what’s talent for?
Well, talent and hard work.
Whatever you say, doll.
I’m not your–
It’s fine. What is this interview about, exactly?
Isn’t it obvious? You’re the talk of the school with the dux competition underway! You are the star student around here, after all. Basically every girl here knows your name, whether they love it or hate it!
That so?
Wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t, now would I?
I suppose not. You’ve got questions for me, right?
Only if you’re ready to answer them.
… I’m ready.
Hah, yes! You heard it here first, listeners! Interview of top student, Angel Salvatore, beginning right this second!
Okay, let’s do it.
Let’s! Alright, Angel, to start things off, I want to know how you’re feeling about being shortlisted for the dux. Pride? Arrogance? Superiority? Just plain grateful?
Proud, sure, but arrogant? Not really. I don’t like putting myself on a pedestal– but. But usually other people do it for me. I’m not trying to brag, it’s just… how it is? I don’t want to be that kind of person all the time, if that makes sense.
I’m grateful, obviously. What is there to be ungrateful for? I’ve been given every opportunity, ran every race, and won. I’ve won at everything, really. Sure, sometimes I slip up, but the school says I’m just giving other girls a chance. They say it isn’t fair to put me in the same class as everyone else. They want to put me… somewhere else. Some corner that’s just for me. Like I’m some kind of trophy. The headmaster tends to show me off like that. It’s… weird? I don’t know if I like being a prize pig. Well. Not a pig. You understand.
There’s a thin line between ‘understanding’ and ‘relating,’ and I have to admit I only fall on one end of that. But wow! Angel Salvatore, grieving her top spot already! I think I speak for everyone when I say I didn’t think you the type to be so uncomfortable as the best student.
Oh, no! That’s not it! I’m not uncomfortable with anything– no, of course I’m grateful for every test I’ve gotten a hundred percent on, and I’m always so proud to be the best! It’s to die for – that’s why everyone wants to be me, right? Right?
Right! So there’s no reason for me to be hesitant, right? I have no reason to doubt myself. I win every time, so the dux will end up the same! There’s no reason for me to feel like this, right? I mean– not like this, I’m completely fine! I mean, the dux is easy, isn’t it? It’s not like my heart felt like it was about to jump out of my throat when you read the names a couple weeks ago – I knew I’d be there! My name is practically etched into every medal this school hands out! Of course I was going to be scouted early, of course I was!
(nervous laughter)
Because I’m a coveted prize too! You said it yourself, everyone knows my name! So– so I’m not ungrateful! I’m not grieving, nothing’s died! I don’t feel dead everyday, succeeding on test after test, essay after essay. No! Why would I feel like that? That’s ridiculous! I’m the paragon of Spencer’s, I have a reputation! No, not a reputation, an obligation. I’m not ungrateful, I’m not arrogant, I’m not grieving, but… well, what am I supposed to do if I am actually superior? I don’t think it’s like that, but if that’s what everyone else thinks, well, why not do as they believe?
I have to stop you there for just a second, doll– er, Angel. Are you… ah…
I’m fine, if that’s what you’re asking. I’m great! I said that. Didn’t I?
Yes, I’m sure that you did – somewhere in that little soliloquy.
Ah, why don’t you take a minute to… breathe. You are breathing, aren’t you? Correctly breathing, I mean.
Well, everything I do has to be– is – correct.
If you say so.
God, who would’ve thought… only took one question to unravel Angel Salvatore, of all people…
Pardon me?
Nothing! Ah, are you ready for another question?
Sure. I’m fine. What did you want to ask?
Well, Angel, because you’re so… refined, I’ve begun this experimental interview format with you! Rhodes doesn’t count, because she’s hardly a person.
Oh. Uh– experimental?
That’s exactly it! You see, all the best things start with a ramshackle experimental format, wouldn’t you agree?
Not really. I… just prefer when things are easily accessible. Understandable. The kind of information that’s presented, neat and tidy.
Seems we’re at an impasse, then! But, to face the facts, you are on my show, Angel. I make the rules here, even if they run sideways through the margins in your perfect little notebook.
I suppose you’re right, you’re in charge around here. I am in your dorm room, after all.
That you are!
It’s very… interestingly laid out.
Well, there’s a lot of…
Oh, how I love seeing you try to avoid an insult, Angel! You’re very considerate.
Thanks. I try.
Ahem! Now, about your competition…
The other girls shortlisted? What about them?
It’s simple! What do you think of them? It’s crucial to know how the competitors interact, it makes following the contest a lot easier – more engaging, too!
You want gossip.
Gossip is such an ugly word for it. I call it reporting. Journalism, if you will.
I should’ve known. Not to insult you, or your extracurricular work, but… it is gossip. And it’s pretty low, if you ask me.
Huh, that’s funny! I don’t remember asking. And I do love the way you insult my work like it’s some side hustle. I really appreciate that.
Oh, I… didn’t mean it to be rude. I don’t really understand what you do here, but that’s not exactly an excuse. I’m sorry.
You’re– you’re what?
Sorry? For insulting you.
You. Sorry. Sorry?
Ah, that’s… odd. New.
Are you okay? I didn’t mean to upset you.
No, I’m quite alright. Never better! You’re a fascinating person, doll, I hope you know that. That’s a compliment, by the way.
I don’t think I can give much interesting information about our peers. I don’t… know many people well.
Hah, too focused on getting an A every time?
That’s exactly it, actually.
Ah! Right, that would make sense. I’ll admit that I hoped you’d have something to say about Rhodes, at least.
Johnnie? What about her?
You don’t know? She said some very distasteful things about you last week, when she so rudely barged into my dorm during the show!
She… she did?
That’s right! All the listeners know too! I’m hurt you didn’t know, Angel.
I must’ve been studying when you were live.
Ever the studious sort, I see. But in your absence, Rhodes did badmouth you for the entire school to hear.
What did she say?
I thought you didn’t like gossip.
But– well, this is… different.
I understand. You want to keep your hands free of blood – and by blood I mean rumours – until your name is on the hitlist.
That’s an incredibly morbid way to put it.
And it’s not true!
Hm. Sure thing. So, does that mean you don’t care what Rhodes said about you?
… It isn’t that I care, I just want to know. A bit. Possibly. Hypothetically.
Alrighty then! I love it when people give in to their vices! Listeners, you’ve never seen a show better than this, have you? Let’s make that pot boil!
Angel! Luckily for you, I have notes of what she said to me last week. Don’t worry, listeners, that’s a legal grey area, it’s not like she said it in confidence anyway! According to my incredibly correct notes, and the personal testimonies of my entire audience, Rhodes said that you can’t handle being number one, that you’ll crash eventually, and when you do, she says she’ll take the top spot. She also told me she doesn’t think you have what it takes to win… that your entire academic legacy here is just some lie. Y’know, she doesn’t think you succeed honourably. You’re nothing more than a dirty liar and cheater to her!
She said that!?
I’m afraid so. I’m a woman of the people, and it really saddens me to see this kind of behaviour among my classmates – my friends.
Woah. Ah, Angel, are you–
Oh, I’m great. I love knowing that people think all my accomplishments are lies. That’s great! What’s not to love? It isn’t like I’ve spent my entire life here breaking my back to be the best! My grades speak for themselves, and she thinks I’m some cheater? What? Am I just some sick joke to you people? You think I’ll crash and burn and die someday, so who even cares? I’m everything you all want to be, and what? Am I still not enough? Will I ever be enough?!
Take a breath.
Tell me how you’re feeling.
I’ll be fine. But right now, I’m done.
I love conflict as much as the next person, doll, but you have to learn to keep a level head. Never had someone talk about you behind your back?
Not that I know of. Oh, god, are people talking about me?
To be perfectly honest, Angel, my answer to that question varies day by day. I’m not the best source there, and I’ll openly admit that.
Johnnie, that piece of… how am I supposed to get over this?
I can teach you, if you like. When you’re like me, at this school, you grow a thick skin.
Oh. I guess that’s true.
But here’s your first lesson; do all you can to prove people wrong. Rhodes thinks you’re a lying burnout? A cheating fraud? Yellow scum? A deadbeat sodomite? Prove her wrong!
Uh… yeah. Okay. I can prove her wrong – on the lying and cheating thing. I’ve been proving people wrong with my grades since I was five. I can do that.
So you’ll be my tutor?
Not for anything academic, don’t get it twisted! I know my worth there, hah. But if you want to learn how to stay sane against the social complexities of the school, I’m your girl.
Okay. Okay! I can’t wait to actually learn something.
You learn every day, doll. The marks speak for themselves.
Well, it’s more complicated than that. Or, less complicated, actually. I just understand schoolwork; it’s easy. It comes naturally to me. But this is new. It might take more work than I’ve ever put into school.
That is… both relieving and very depressing. Anyway, thank you for your time, Angel! I must say, this interview went much better than Rhodes’!
Are– are you sure? Even with all my…?
Don’t even worry about that! It makes for good radio!
If that’s the case, then… thank you for inviting me. I’ll be more presentable if I come back for another episode.
That’s amazing to hear! I would love to have you around here again, but in the meantime, it is 8 PM. Show’s wrapping up! Would you like to say the closing remark?
Me? Really?
Go ahead! A good challenge to the format is needed every once in a while.
Okay then. Uh, what do I–?
I’ve got a simple outline around here somewhere… there! Here you go!
Thanks. Let’s see… One more time, this is School Rules Radio, your one-stop-shop for all the news you need to stay gratified! Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next week.
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the gifted kid struggle with angel is worth the wait though. but is that... friendship?? hope you enjoyed!
tag list for school rules:
@wyked-ao3, @48lexr, @thecrazyalchemist, @moltenwrites, @yourpenpaldee,
@glassfrogforest, @the-golden-comet, @ominous-feychild, @gioiaalbanoart, @drchenquill,
@paeliae-occasionally, @tc-doherty, @corinneglass, @thecomfywriter, @mysticstarlightduck,
@thelovelymachinery, @kind-lion, @loverboyxbutch
(@cafekitsune border)
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yourlocalbadgerscales · 2 months
Guys. Albus Dumbledore is a master manipulator and it’s took me so long to realise it. But now that I know it, I feel sick to the stomach.
This topic is talked about a lot, so I’ll only bring up a few things that come to mind right now. Firstly, there’s a scene in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets that I read the other day, and with a new mindset it’s very difficult to read this one sentence without being a bit suspicious. I can’t give y’all the exact quote, since I only have the books in Swedish, but if anyone has the time to find it in English and put it here in the reblogs, it would be very welcome!
Anyways. In this one particular scene, Dumbledore is talking to Harry after the whole thing in the chamber has already happened, and he mentions Fawkes coming to Harry’s rescue. He tells Harry that the fact that Fawkes came to him meant that Harry must have shown Dumbledore “true loyalty” down there. Or else the bird wouldn’t have arrived in the chamber in the first place.
When I read this, knowing about Dumbledore’s manipulative nature, I was shocked. It’s also mentioned how his eyes “twinkled” after saying this. Harry paid no mind to it, but I will. Because you know what? What kind of sick behaviour is that? Dumbledore knew that something would happen, and he sensed that Harry would be involved in it, and this old man goes “Oh well, I’m only going to help and save this boy if he shows me true loyalty first. If he does, I know he’ll be on my side through and through. If he doesn’t, he’s not worth keeping alive.” This isn’t about you, Dumbledore. It’s about to whole Wizarding World’s safety, and to make sure that Harry’s loyalty for him played a crucial part in Harry’s survival is sick and twisted. Dumbledore made the whole thing about him, again, for no reason whatsoever.
And the worst part for me is: Harry falls for it. Then again, Dumbledore is a manipulator, isn’t he?
It’s well known that Harry feels a constant need to prove himself. Even the Sorting Hat said it (can’t submit this quote either, sadly). After all those years of abuse (a situation that a certain Albus Dumbledore put him in, by the way), Harry does anything to prove himself worthy in front of everyone. So when Albus Dumbledore praises him all the time, saying things like how brave Harry is, how wise for his age he is, how valuable he is… Harry can’t help but be proud, can he? I don’t blame him. Real manipulation does stuff to you (any Harry slander in the replies of this post will be taken care of by me 🫶 Harry my boy deserves the world).
Therefore, it somehow shocks Harry when he realises that other people in the Wizarding World know Dumbledore as closely as himself (or at least how closely he thinks he knows Dumbledore, until later on). And that makes him look like a fool one or two times. One thing Harry doesn’t ever seem to learn, though, is how Dumbledore is like Slughorn in a way. He collects his trophies, and the people he doesn’t like… well, it doesn’t end well for them.
Oh, and also a horrible thing that someone pointed out in another post a looong time ago, that I feel like bringing up again. Because when I read this, it did something to me, and I won’t recover from it in the first place.
Albus Dumbledore did everything, not only to keep Harry alive, like a pig for slaughter, long enough to do what he had to before sacrificing himself… Albus Dumbledore also made sure that Harry’s life was as much of a living hell as it could get, so that when the time came for Harry to go on his suicide mission, he would go willingly.
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leafytaffy · 2 years
Everhood Illumination Movie Trailer
Illumination logo, dramatic music score playing
Scene of Blue stealing Red’s arm plays
Red (voiced by Keanu Reeves) running after Blue, “HEY! GIVE THAT BACK!”
A lost doll…
Scene of Red finding Frog (voiced by Dwayne The Rock Johnson), “You ain’t from here, are ya? Lemme show you the ropes, kid.”
A mysterious place…
Scene of Red walking into the club, everyone shooting them dirty looks
Red bumps into Zigg (voiced by Chris Evans), “YOU OUGHTA LEARN SOME MANNERS, PUNK!”
Immediate cut to clip of frog saying “you gotta know how to defend yourself ‘round here.”
Scenes of Red fighting various characters play along with Red being thrown into the incinerator.
Red comes out, Blue (voiced by Danny DeVito), “hey… would ya help me?” “Not unless you get my arm back.” “Legs for an arm. Deals a deal.”
“…and also, how to have a good time.”
Cake By the Ocean by DNCE starts playing
Shot of Red and Zigg having a dance battle in the club
Shot of Red running the obstacle course and falling over, Vampire Kid (voiced by Billie Eilish) yells “Try again!” Keeps yelling at Red to try again after a montage of Red failing spectacularly at the obstacle course 
Shot of the racers all in front, then a quick yet long zoom to Red in back. Blue asking Racebot “hey quick question how fast does this thing g-“ before the cart zips off, shot of Blue’s face, mouth being blown around in the wind like a dog out a car window while they scream 
Then a shot of Rasta beast (voiced by Samuel L Jackson) shouting “Watch out for Zigg!” Before red is quickly hit by a bottle while Zigg taunts them afterwards 
An epic adventure
Shot of Green’s medallion campaign starting, Green (voiced by Will Smith) Everyone sitting around the table, Green shouts, “Brace yourselves!” 
Shot of Red saving Flan only for a mob of squirrels to attack them
Shot of Red running from a dragon spitting fire with Rasta in their arms, Rasta quickly extinguishing a flame on Red’s cape
Shot of the Evil Wizard laughing while lightning strikes behind them “finally… I’ve been waiting all this time to-“ suddenly a doorbell sounds and the shot goes from the Wizard to Green shouting “Ooh! Pizza’s here!” Everyone else cheers excitedly, “PIZZA TIME! WOOOO!!”
Suddenly the happy music stops. 
Shot of Gold Pig (Jack Black) ominously saying “Get that doll.” 
Shot of Rob and Zob saying “On it, boss.”
Shot of Rasta beast growling 
Shot of Purple mage (Scarlett Johansson) ominously hovering over Red, “You’re a danger to us all. Back down.”
“Not if I have anything to say.” 
“Red will DESTROY US ALL!” Shouted by Gold Pig slamming their fist on the arm of their chair.
Shot of Red running through the desert being chased by Sir Lost A Lot
Shot of Red at the campfire with Rasta, “Do you know what you’re doing here?”
Shots of Red fighting several characters
They will see
All is good…
Clip of Pink, in the most effeminate gay voice you have ever heard in your life, saying “Yeah. I am. I’m saving us all.”
Clip of Pink sinking into the mud, “I’m ready.”
Quick clip of Red holding the racing trophy, Blue stumbles into shot, “I think I gotta lay down for a bit…” Blue faints and smashes into a trash can while falling down.
Coming to theaters March 4
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afarcryfrommymain · 2 years
An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose. For whichever characters you want :3
(Prompt from this list)
Aphid and Sharky for this one because I need more practice writing Sharkys perspective fr.
"Aphid c'mon!" I reach my hand out further trying to wrestle the damn thing out of his hands.
"Sorry Sharks, rules are rules," hes grinning at me with that evil ass look in his eyes as he holds my hat just out of reach.
To be honest I bet my hat as a joke. Aphid joining us for a round or two of poker was probably a spur of the moment "sure I need to sit down for any amount of time" because despite what everyone thinks and how he fuckin acts hes not a terminator or whatever. Hes been running around like a damn dog all week and I haven't really seen him much. So when he sat down to play I wanted to join in and I didn't have a buy in and like an idiot I said "I'll bet my hat thats probably worth 5 bucks" and almost immediately lost it to him. Hes been wearing it the whole time as a trophy. He also lost his $5 in the very next round so thats something but apparently he's keeping the hat.
"You won by luck! I know you barely know how to play!" I'm chasing him around, Grace keeps side eyeing us which yeah, we're being annoying, but he took my hat! What else am I supposed to do!
"And yet you still lost!" He teases, I lunge for it again and he moves just out of the way before putting cap on the wrong way around and laughs, "babes you gotta try harder,"
"Babes? Like the pig?" I say a little confused because, c'mon? Babes?
"I dunno man, I'm trying out nicknames!" He shrugs, i find it a little funny but still, I know "babes" is not the best he could do.
"Would you two take... whatever this is outside?" Grace pipes up, sounding tired.
Dep looks at her embarrassed.
"Sorry! C'mon," he says gesturing for me to follow him as he walks out of the door.
Its dead of night when I step outside, the back door light being the only one out here, shining a light on the back of his head. Clearly highlighting my damn hat.
"Mk Aph, im getting my hat back one way or another," I say rolling back my sleeve, "we can do it the easy way or the hard way,"
Hes quiet for a second, staring into the woods, I cant see his face but his posture looks, stiff like he's waiting for something.
"Aph?" I raise my voice a little, maybe he could hear me? "You there?"
He startles a second before turning to me, blinking, he looks like he's lost or something.
"Yeah- yeah, I heard ya!" His expression changes back to the one he had inside, he smiles at me again, "I'd rather do it the hard way,"
It takes me a second to pop back into reality, I'm not entirely sure what happened there, but he isn't gonna say it, doesn't matter since he chose the hard way which means wrestling and charging at him full speed to get my hat.
I practically tackle him to the ground and he just is dying laughing, barely holding my hat away now. Its a beautiful sight. I take advantage and go to climb and grab the damn thing from his hand when, while crawling to reach above his head my lips just barely brush his and I freeze. I realize the position I've got him in, pinned to the ground, his face half an inch from my own. I cant fuckin help but stare, dumbly down at him. Hes looking back up at me, like he's waiting for something.
"So uh-" I inhale sharply. I am incredibly focused on how our lips are still practically touching.
"Yeah?" He says I can feel his mouth move against mine, he's giving me a slightly impatient look, like he's expecting me to do something but it takes a minute to register in my brain.
Oh, I'm suppose to kiss him. Hes just waiting on me. Thats probably what the look is for, I really should lean down now. I really want to lean down too so no clue whats happening there.
"Sharks? Hon? Ya there?" He tilts his head at me confused.
"Really going with the pet names huh?" Is what I settle on because my brain has been completely fried by this shit.
"If you don't like it I could stop, just thought it'd be cute," he kinda fidgets with the hat that he's still holding above his head that I completely forgot about, "like I mean, I want something cute to call you since we're like, dating n shit? Is that weird, I haven't done this in a while," he asks awkwardly.
Thats what finally gets me to lean down and go back for more. When I do I watch his eyes flutter shut and I do the same, I feel as he brings one of his hands down to hold my head where it is. I bring my hand to his side and God is this sweet. Its heated and deep and his stubble tickles my beard and it can not be any better. I feel his other hand on my shoulder before it runs down to my side. Keeping me close.
I pull back for a second, and we get locked in the much more fun kind of eye contact. Hes smiling, almost giggling, giddy, I am too honestly. Its then though that the original goal reenters my mind.
"Hey Aph?" I gently murmur into his lips.
"Yeah?" Hes a little breathless, and looks ever so slightly annoyed we stopped, which I totally get but also-
I snatch my hat from over his head and jump up, shoving it back on my head where it belongs "gotcha," I flash a shit-eating grin his way and get ready to move.
The dawning realization as he jumps up to chase after me is almost better than the make out sesh we were having.
"You ass!" He says as I immediately start cackling and begin to run, he gives chase and goes after me, "I won that hat!"
"Its my hat!" I shout back at him, because it is!
"Not anymore!" He yells, which are bold words for a man who is not currently holding my hat.
We'll both probably stop n give up soon but for now its nice to have some normal fun n shit.
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augustinewrites · 3 years
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“today is the day, boys,” atsumu announces as he drops his bag on the floor by his desk. “today is the day.”
“the day for what?” osamu asks dryly. “are ya finally handin’ in a math assignment on time?”
atsumu flicks his brother on the forehead, rolling his eyes. “joke’s on you, scrub, cause thanks to my totally awesome tutor, i handed it in two days early.”
he leans in, lowering his voice to a whisper as he discreetly nods his head in your direction. “that’s what i’m talkin’ about.”
suna rolls his eyes. osamu groans loudly. “i told ya, don’t. or else we’re gonna have ta find a new setter.”
“ya know, i’m still offended by how ready you guys are to replace me. i’m a great set—”
“samu could do it,” suna suggests, completely ignoring atsumu’s pouting and nudging his twin with his phone. “we’re not losing our manager.”
“so if it comes down to it, you’d choose her over—”
“yes,” they both deadpan, osamu adding an, “you’re an abusive, tyrannical pig.”
(atsumu makes a note to eat the leftovers his brother has saved at home.)
“besides, she already turned you down the first time,” suna points out. “don’t you remember how awkward it was after?”
“that was four months ago!” he argues. so what if you’d shot him down embarrassingly fast the first time and it’d made the first out of town training camp awkward as hell? you hadn’t known him then, and yeah, maybe he’d jumped the gun a little by asking you out too soon. “i’m going to do it. no way she resists me twice.”
“this is such a dumb idea,” osamu’s traitorous ass starts laugh. even suna laughs, so for some reason, it makes atsumu laugh too.
“oh, it’s so dumb,” atsumu agrees with a chuckle before deadpanning, “but i’m still gonna do it.”
because he’d been taking it slow, being friends first. learning your likes and dislikes to arm himself with enough knowledge to make him a viable dating option. you’d even agreed to start tutoring him in math - every tuesday after school, just the two of you - so you were totally warming up to the idea.
“besides, she was sendin’ me signals all over the place yesterday after practice,” he informs them.
“what signals?”
“i asked if she had a boyfriend yet, and she said ‘no, atsumu, you’re the only one i want and i’m giving you permission to ask me out this time.’”
osamu’s brows furrow as he exchanges a glance with suna. “she actually said that?”
“well, not out loud,” atsumu huffs. why did everyone doubt him so much? “she said it with her eyes.”
another pair of groans. suna’s accompanied by a, “so she just said no.”
“I’m gonna do it anyway! watch!”
and so, the two second years are forced to watch as atsumu strides up to where you’re sitting, clearing his throat loudly as he slams a palm down on your desk, making you jump. they can’t hear what he’s saying, but the second they see finger guns, and you heave a larger than normal sigh, they’re both cringing.
“wow, this is really hard to watch,” osamu admits with a grimace, shifting uncomfortably in his seat as atsumu flashes a grin that’s too bright.
suna, of course, is recording the whole thing.
you’re seemingly saved when the bell rings, and the teacher walks into the class, prompting atsumu to return to his seat beside his friends.
“hey guys, i think i kind of blacked out or something, can either of you tell me what happened?”
you’re a little surprised when osamu approaches you after class, bypassing all formalities and saying, bluntly,
“my idiot brother has a crush on you. he was tryin’ to ask ya out, that’s what that was before class.”
and yes, you know he has a crush on you (no normal human could shoot off so many math related pick up lines) but when he’d come up to you before class and mumbled a bunch of incoherent things and shot finger guns at you, you’d rightfully been a little confused.
“he was asking me out?”
osamu chuckles. “yeah, he was. he’s probably going to try again later.”
and he does.
(kind of)
atsumu comes up to you after practice, holding up his phone like some sort of trophy. “hey, i got my grade back on the assignment you helped me with.”
“oh yeah?” you smile, setting down your notebook. “how’d you do?”
the grin he flashes you is undoubtedly charming, making your heart flutter in your chest. “better than i would have if i’d just copied off of ‘samu’s dumb ass, so thanks for that.”
“just doing my job. inarizaki is going to need their star setter at nationals this year.”
“yeah,” he agrees, shooting a glare over his shoulder at his brother and suna before focusing his attention back on you. “so, uh, i guess i owe you one. you know, for all the tutoring and stuff. if you think of anything--”
“why don’t you buy me lunch sometime?” you suggest, biting back a small smile.
he blinks at you a few times, and you’re really not sure if he’s catching on. “yeah, sure! i can buy ya something from the vending machine sometime. what would you--”
“atsumu,” you sigh, placing a hand on his arm. “i want you to take me out on a date.”
his mouth falls open for a moment, and you think you must’ve short-circuited his brain. “hey, wait! i was supposed to ask that!”
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sukirichi · 3 years
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You had no intentions of becoming acquainted with the clan your family had cut ties with, but when Naoya Zenin himself is willing to teach you a lesson and you’re determined to show him what you’re capable of, it becomes a silly game of power and dominance.
REQUEST. naoya putting reader back to her place
WARNINGS: Naoya Zenin, rough sex, orgasm denial, face fucking, slight voyeurism, degradation, slight bondage, cowgirl riding, manhandling, spanking, hate sex
WC. 5.4k+
NOTES. Because Naoya is my favorite, his fic is the only one I’ve ever edited, LOL. Even though this is requested, this is written out of self-indulgence, purely because I love Naoya and even though he’s nasty, he’s my comfort character. And freaking FINALLY I have written more for this man. I worship this King 👑
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There were so many ways this day had gone wrong. First, your shower broke. Second, the maintenance men couldn’t come until late in the afternoon, so you had to drive all the way to school looking like a half-mess. You weren’t a slob, of course, but you were beyond irritable at the thought your hair felt greasier than most.
So when an unfamiliar mop of blonde hair sat at your place, the sight of pierced ears meeting your gaze as you smiled at the young man, you had to clutch your bag tighter. No need to be harsh to anyone; you reminded yourself.
“Hi,” you greeted as politely as you could.
The young man in your seat was handsome — terribly so — feline eyes emphasized with an eyeliner, and stunning green eyes that peered up at you with utmost boredom. He looked familiar, but you couldn’t pinpoint where you’d seen him before.
“I believe you’re in my seat.”
You expected he’d kindly take another seat since the hall was empty, but he only leaned back in your seat, brow raised with a slight smirk. “So?”
Your mouth fell agape, hands falling at your sides. Who was this guy? “What do you mean, so? Get the fuck out of my seat.”
“Women,” he rolled his eyes, “Always so tempered and dirty mouthed,” the words felt like stinging slap in your face, and he easily read through you when he snickered to himself, waving a hand in the air as if he was swatting a fly away. “I’m already sitting here, so go find someplace else. I came here first.”
“You little — who do you think you are?”
“Who do you think you are for speaking to me? Did I give you permission?”
His condescending voice made you lunge at him if not for your friend’s hand wrapping at your arm, shooting worried glances over the guy. His smirk deepened when your friend pulled away, the words mutter under her breath. “Come on, let’s go,” she tugged you away despite your protests, pushing your shoulders down to make you sit. Once out of earshot, she rolled her eyes. “I seriously hate that guy. Don’t you ever involve yourself with him.”
“Who’s that prick anyway? He acts so high and mighty like he’s some rich daddy’s son. Look, he’s totally claiming my seat as his!”
“That’s Naoya Zenin, and yeah, he is some rich daddy’s son,” she confirmed, shivering at the mere mention of his name. “He’s an absolutely big misogynist. Don’t be fooled by his pretty face — he’s the worst fuckboy to ever exist. That dick of his isn’t worth getting fucked over. He’s already made half the women in school cry and run after him like a horde of lovesick zombies,” your friend gagged with a shake of her head, “It’s terrifying, actually.”
“Fucking asshole,” you hissed under your breath, sending side glances at the corner of your eye.
That stupid guy was still in your seat, a bored expression on his handsome face, his long lashes fluttering against his cheeks at every blink. He just had to be a sexist pig with that gorgeous face — no good men existed anymore. “Whatever. He’ll get a taste of his own medicine soon.”
“Whatever it is you’re planning, I wouldn’t recommend it.”
“I’m doing this for all of us,” you announced with your spine straightened. “I’m not letting a man walk like that acting like he’s got the whole world at his feet. I’ll teach him a lesson or two.”
“You do know he can sue you if you punch him right?”
“Who said I was going to punch him?” a smirk painted your lips at the same time he felt your eyes burning holes at the side of his face, your expression even more triumphant when he tilted his head to the side, eyebrow cocked at your gaze. He must’ve assumed you’d fallen for his looks judging by the satisfied smile on his face, making you laugh because it would be fun to teach him a lesson.  “No, I have a much more interesting plan in mind.”
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It turned out that Naoya wasn’t that much of a stranger.
You had his reputation to thank for — people spoke his name left and right that it was nearly impossible not to know of him. It had you wondering how you managed to live through university so long without knowing him when the name drowned you; he was a Zenin.
No wonder that name was so familiar.
The Zenin’s were a close business partner of your family, but they cut off ties with their company years ago due to them having an intolerable attitude. Clearly, it ran in the blood, and their heir manifested it so well.
Thoughts of Naoya and his stupid face were soon drowned out by expensive champagne, the golden liquid sparkling in your hands. You had to attend this dinner gala where businessmen and powerful families alike conjoined for a formal opportunity of forming connections and solidifying deals, pressuring you to be at your best behaviour lest you wanted your black card to be cut off.
You made your way through the crowd to get another one of those hors d oeuvres, opting to just sit in the corner while you watched your family plaster on big, fake smiles with even louder, faker laughter.
It was quite sad, really, that people had to do stuff like this, but who were you to complain when it was what fed you on a silver plate all the time?
For now, you just wanted to enjoy the new dress your mother had gotten you, the silk black material hugged around your curves delectably. Pearl drop earrings hung to frame the sides of your face, legs lengthened and accentuated with stiletto heels.
You felt sexy — especially when you got lingering gazes from men who were slightly older and definitely richer, though you made no move.
The last thing you wanted was to become someone’s trophy wife when you could become so much more.  Plus, only your parents had the task of befriending people and building trust with others. You were only here to help represent the name somewhat with your pretty face, not really having much of an intention to be acquainted with anyone.
You swiped another glass of fizzy alcohol from the waiter that passed by, glossy red lips pinched around the glass when a sultry voice mused at your ear, “Still can’t find a seat?”
Swirling around so fast that the contents nearly poured out the glass, you weren’t surprised to see Naoya fucking Zenin stood before you, his tall stature draped in only the finest and hand-stitched three piece suit.
He looked absolutely delectable this way, earrings glimmering under the golden chandeliers and eyes lined with kohl, the aura of elegance that perfectly concealed his less than pleasing personality excessively charming.
You were beyond appalled.
“Still can’t find a brain?” you retorted with a roll of your eyes, eyes still narrowed at Naoya’s displeased ones as you dunk your drink in one go. “What are you doing here, pig?”
“I’ll let that comment slide once — only because you look hot tonight,” his predatory gaze ran over your form, the careful pattern of him pausing at the swell of your breasts sliding to the curve of your hips heating up each inch of your skin. “And it’s Naoya for you. Naoya Zenin, the rightful heir of the Zenin Corp—”
“What’s that scent you’re wearing? Baby powder? Fitting for your cute face, actually.”
Naoya’s jaw clenched, clearly unaccustomed to people cutting off his holiness, and you had to bite down on your lip to prevent the chuckles from slipping through. “It’s Tom Ford.”
“Hmm, why am I not surprised? My horrible ex also wore the same scent. Maybe it’s a trademark for all limp losers, huh?” Naoya opened his mouth to speak, but you beat him to it, stepping forward to grab at the space between his tie to pull him down. His face was mere centimetres away from you, close enough that his breath ghosted over your lips, the intense anger flaring through those eyes hot enough to burn you. “You act so smug and defensive, Naoya. Trying to have a big man personality to conceal a small dick?”
“I have nothing to prove to you.”
“You don’t need to prove me anything,” you glanced down at his pants with a smirk, ignoring the heat pulsing in your veins because the sight contradicted your words. There was a noticeable bulge inside those shiny black slacks, though the last thing you wanted him to see was the way your mouth watered in anticipation. “I already know what I need to know.”
“Yeah? You and your shitty girlfriends can’t stop talking about my dick?”
You shrugged sarcastically, “You know women. We’re tireless complainers.”
Naoya’s jaw ticked upon you using his words against him, his hands coming up to caress at your neck, his nails scratching behind the thick silver chain you wore.
From afar and in the eyes of others, people would’ve thought you and Naoya were simply getting a little too heated, his lips dipped to graze your ear while his slender fingers pressed a little tighter into your air pipe. Your positions could easily be mistaken for Naoya seducing you, and you supposed he was, since your body responded differently from your verbal protests.
“You should watch what you’re saying,” he warned, voice low with warning. “I could easily dump your body into a river and no one would even notice. In fact, maybe the world might even thank me for doing them a service and ridding them of a spiteful woman like you.”
“Oh, pretty boy,” you chuckled back and stood to your tippy toes. One of your hands wrapped around his neck to forcefully tilt his neck to yours, nose pressed above his collar to inhale the intoxicating masculine scent he wore. “You’re all bark and no bite. Why don’t you show me what you’re capable of? If you’re as awful as they make you out to be, maybe I’ll shiver enough to drop my panties for you.”
You didn’t miss the way Naoya’s hands gripped at your waist to pull you close, enticing you to continue with your insults because maybe Naoya liked this a lot more than he let on. Could it be his superiority complex didn’t always like submissive women, after all?
Well, it would make sense; everyone always liked a little challenge, didn’t they?
If that was what he wanted, then you’d be generous enough to grant it to him.
“Wouldn’t you like to get a chance to put me in my place, to teach me a lesson for defiling the oh-so-mighty Naoya Zenin?” you purposefully toned your voice down to a more breathy tone, your chest swelling with pride when Naoya sucked in a sharp inhale beside your ear.
God, he sounded beautiful — and you hadn’t even fucked him yet. Now, you were eager to hear what else those disgusting lips could be capable of other than degrading you.  
Pulling away from him just to bat your lashes at him, heat pooled straight into your core when Naoya’s gaze had completely darkened, dark orbs pooled with lust and anger. Only he could make such an expression look so good.
“You don’t scare me, Zenin. You’re nothing but a small boy wearing big man pants.”
For a moment, your smile widened, believing that you’d won this time around. Naoya was still breathing hard at each brush of your stomach to his now hardening erection, but then he smirked and gently pushed you away from him. “I’m not fucking you here,” he stated calmly, not even bothering to keep his voice low. “You’re a lot dumber than I thought you’d be if you really think I’m whipping my cock out during this dreadful dinner.”
“This dreadful dinner you speak of is an opportunity for people like us to establish connections. I would’ve assumed you wanted nothing more to impress others but it seems I was wrong. If you hate this event so much, why bother coming here in the first place?”
“Just had a feeling I was going to meet a little minx,” he watched you seductively, his smirk adorned with his tongue peeking out to lick his lips — in turn wetting you in places he promised to make his by the end of the night. Curse him, you chanted in your head, curse him for being so attractive. It would’ve been easier if he was ugly. “And as always, I’m right.”
You tilted a brow, slightly impressed. “So you’ve done your background check on me. That doesn’t explain why you’re still here though. Surely a woman couldn’t be enough for a reason to make a man like you go all this way?”
“You’re right, a woman would never be a good enough reason, but I wanted to put you in your place,” his eyes flickered back up to you, now twinkling with danger and something else entirely. “Bad little girls need to be a taught to a lesson.”
“So what’re you waiting for? Go ahead and show me your ways, Zenin.”
“I will,” he nodded to himself, “I’m about to,” Naoya was nothing but confident as he strode your way until his arms was locked with yours, his breath tickling your collarbones that had unknowingly exposed itself at each heated touch. “You’re not that bad for a slut. You look like one, smell like one — I bet you also feel like one.”
A dry laugh left your lips as you fisted his shirt, mirroring his smirk to show that if a match was what he looked for, then a match he’d find indeed. Only this time, you would be worse.
“Why don’t you go ahead and find out?”
Naoya, despite being an absolutely poor excuse of a human being, was somewhat redeemable for being a man of his words. Find out he did, and he wasted no time into shoving you inside his McLaren, barely able to keep his hands off you the whole way up to his penthouse.
It was a blurry mess from there.
Moans spilled from your lips while he ripped your clothes off, not bothering to apologize that he’d just ruined one of your most prized possessions, his lust-clouded haze mumbling that he’d just buy you another one.
It was the last thing you expected to hear from him, but you couldn’t protest, not when he’d angrily snapped the buttons of his shirt away, a low growl mixing with your breathy whines as he loosened his tie.
Your eyes widened at the sight, legs rubbing together as you imagined what else he could do with that pretty tie of his.
Would he tie you to his bed, fuck you stupid and call you useless? Or perhaps, you could do it?
Naoya cut off your train of thought by pushing you back to his mattress, his hands tugging at his belt before he pulled his boxers down, his thick length slapping at his abdomen. Your mouth immediately watered at the sight. You were beyond wet from nothing but your sloppy make-out sessions, but would he fit?
Just the thought of him giving you that burning stretch made your legs spread beside his sides, the sardonic laughter ripping from Naoya’s lips absolutely disgusting.
“Fucking pathetic. You’re just like everyone else; submitting to me at the sight of my cock, but that’s not true, is it? Moment you saw me, I knew you were clenching around nothing,” he gripped at your jaw to force you to look at him. You glared up at him from his bruising hold, your cheeks squished under his rough hands. “But that’s okay; wanting me is not something you should be ashamed about. Although you should be thanking me I’m even letting you near me like this.”
“I’m so honoured. Come on, Naoya, let me feel you — let me make you feel good.”
Naoya, too lost in his ego, missed the sarcasm dripping in your voice. “So eager to be my cock sleeve, huh?” he grinned, tugging at your hair to push you deeper into his mattress.  “Get on your knees. Now suck.”
He was too harsh in his pace, determined to exert his dominance over you. You could feel every ridge of his vein as he continued fucking into your mouth, his abs rippling above you. It felt like witnessing a Greek god come apart, and you took pleasure in being his ruin, prompting you to hollow your cheeks and bob your mouth up and down on his cock harder.
Naoya’s chuckles were broken and often mixed with curses of fuck, you feel so fucking good, his nails now scratching at your scalp.
Soon, Naoya stilled inside you, his hold around your head deadly to keep you in place. Tears flowed down your face as he kept thrusting inside, making sure to hit the back of your throat before his muscles tightened. Spurts of warm cum followed after that, but instead of swallowing it like you expected he’d command you to do, Naoya whipped out his cock and came all over your face, his seed shooting all over your cheeks and lips.
You took it all obediently, just enough to give him the false pretense of submissiveness that he was so willing to force from you.
While he was occupied pumping his still rock hard cock, eyes closed and massaging your scalp almost soothingly, Naoya failed to notice your hurried movements of standing from the bed, fingers looped around his tie.
A small wail resonated from him when you shoved him down onto the bed, knees locked at either sides of his waist before you tugged at the cloth wrapped around his neck. Naoya kicked his legs behind you as you tied his wrists to the bed hard enough that Naoya winced, the tie only forming tighter at each lame grapple of his.
You looked back at how he got more beautiful laid out in front of you like that, chest heaving up and down while he struggled against the restraints, face flushed with anger — no, this wasn’t anger anymore — he was furious.
“What are you doing?! Get this off me — how dare you!”
“How dare you,” you spat back, discarding your lace bra off to wipe his cum away from your face, gagging when the bitter cum left a tang on your lips. “I just got my skin appointment last week and you came on my face like that?”
Naoya kept fighting back before he realised it was a futile attempt, leaning back down onto the pillows, though that didn’t soften his heated eyes on yours. You cooed at how adorable he submitted to you, running a finger down the sides of his jaw. “Aw, don’t look so angry, baby. I’m just starting my fun,” you purred, “You should’ve known better than to mess with me, Naoya. I’m not as nice as the others. And I’ll show you just how awful I can be.”
Naoya’s breath hitched when you shimmied out of your underwear, a dark glint in your eyes as you stretched the elastic into a fake arrow until it snapped into his face.
“You fucking bitch,” he growled, turning his face away from your panties soaked with arousal. “Once I get out of here, I will ruin you.”
“Huh, yeah, sure,” you mumbled incoherently, too lost in the pleasure as you sunk down on his cock. You were right, he was fucking thick, stretching you out better than any of your toys could. Plus, he was warm and leaking with pre-cum that he slid in easily, erotic groans leaving both your mouths once he was finally seated inside you.
Naoya was growling at you to let go of him when you laughed, lifting your hips up slowly before sliding back down on him just as slow, almost as if you made love to his cock the same passionate way you did with a lover. “You do have a wonderful cock, though. I’ve never felt this good in my life,” you leaned down to lick a stripe down to his neck, allowing him to hear the needy pants you graced with him. “You feel so good, Naoya, oh. If you weren’t such an asshole, I might even fall in love with you.”
“Go faster. This is unfair!”
Naoya tried thrusting deep into you, evidently unsatisfied at this torturous pace you set, but you only gripped at his thigh in warning, your eyes no longer sweet as you glared at him.
“Nothing’s ever fair in this world, sweetheart,” you reminded him, shivering every now and then as you bounced on his cock, his length slipping past through your walls magically. “Like how such a gorgeous face and amazing dick is paired with the most disgusting personality ever. No, it’s not fair, indeed...”
You closed your eyes with your head thrown back, placing your hips flat on his pelvic bone instead, fingers rubbing at your clit while Naoya throbbed inside you, desperate for release.
The little whines you gave were nothing but mocking. You knew that Naoya suffered through this position, but did you care? Absolutely not. With Naoya’s cock stretching you full and his tip kissing your most sensitive spots, in addition to your fingers rubbing and tweaking at your clit, this was the most pleasure you’d ever gotten from sex.
You were stimulated everywhere, your other hand reached up to tug at your hardened nipples.
Your walls clenched around him, signalling him that you were close and you let out a broken moan, falling forward to gyrate your hips around his cock to push you over the edge. It wasn’t enough to get him off since you were mostly still fondling with your clit, the sounds of your moans like torture to his ears.
“No, don’t you dare cum, I swear if you—” Your orgasm washed over you comfortingly like a warm blanket. Instead of seeing white, it was like your vision cleared, the sight of the sweat that made Naoya’s hair stick to his forehead in clumps crystal clear. You prolonged your orgasm by thrusting your hips in a sickening rhythm of thrust, pause, thrust, stop ­— and by then Naoya was losing his mind.
Naoya lost control as he snapped his hips upwards inside you hard enough that you winced in pain, pushing off his dick until he’s left humping the empty air, his body drenched with perspiration. “No, no, no, fuck you! Get back here you useless slut!”
You lay beside him, giggling in post-orgasm bliss. Just to tease him, you rolled to his side to press a kiss to his cheek, laughing harder when your lips came in contact with his flushed skin.
“You’re so adorable like this,” you cupped his face tenderly, perfectly aware that Naoya had begun to growl, his wrists almost bruised from how hard he brawled against his tie. “If I didn’t hate you so much, I would’ve let you cum inside me,” you offered with a pat to his chest, moving off the bed with wobbly legs.
“Well, whatever, that was fun. I would say we both had the most sensual sex of our lives, but that would be a joke for you, don’t you think?” you snorted as you inserted your arms to his discarded suit jacket.
Naoya stayed still on the bed, his cock still painfully hard and slick with your cum. “Don’t look so angry, Naoya. You had it coming for you. Don’t worry, though, as a thanks for letting me cum that hard — though I mostly did all the work — I’ll keep this between us so you at least get to keep whatever’s left of your dignity,” you blew a kiss his way, “Bye, sweetie. At least now I know people weren’t exaggerating when they called you a good fuck.”
Not bothering to slip your heels back on, you looped your shoes into the curls of your fingers, about to button Naoya’s jacket as you made your way to his door.
You never got halfway across the room when strong arms suddenly lifted you off the ground, your vision transitioning from his door to the pads of his feet, your body slung across his shoulder. Naoya gripped at your ass in warning when you kicked your legs, leaving him with no choice but to hug your thighs with one arm.
The next thing you knew, he slammed the balcony doors open with one hand and slammed you on the pool table. His rough hands yanked his jacket away from your body, the chilly night of the air bringing a shiver down your spine as it hit your drenched core.
Naoya had pinned your arms flat on your back in a painful angle, making you cry out just as he kneed your legs open, his free hand that wasn’t pinning you down aligning his cock against your hole. You were a moaning mess underneath him, the pain only an intoxicating addition to the pleasure he was pounding into you. Naoya then leaned to whisper your ear, the sudden movement making his cock slide deeper into you, the pleasure overwhelming.
“Oh, Naoya, fuck—”
“I am not just a good fuck,” he corrected you, “I am Naoya Zenin — and you will do well being silent and submissive while I fuck you, do you understand?” You were too lost in the feeling of him rutting deep into you that he had you seeing white this time around. When you didn’t answer, Naoya slapped your ass, your yelps echoing from the dead night. “I asked you a question.”
“No,” you bit back, “I refuse to—” you were silenced when Naoya hit your sweet spot, laughing at your state that you were too fucked out to give him a proper answer.
Naoya’s pace was merciless as he fucked deeper into you, the hand on your ass moving up to grab at your waist to keep slamming you back to his cock. He watched as your lips sucked him in so tight that he didn’t know whether you were pushing him out or refusing to let go. Turning your head to the side to gasp for air, you opened your eyes, only to be met by the sight of men crowding on the building across yours to witness your undoing by Naoya’s hands.
“I’ve barely started and you’re already so wet for me,” he mocked in your ear. As if on cue, squelching sounds accompanied your desperate moans, hands grabbing at nothing in particular. “Shall I try upping my speed?”
“N-Naoya- there are people looking.”
“Let them see,” he seethed, using one arm to lift your other leg up to the table to gain him more access into your warm, wet cavern. The sudden stretch made your muscles ache until you lay there limp; jaw clenched at the pleasure Naoya drowned you with. “Let them know how much I’m making this pussy mine. Gosh, can you hear yourself? You sound like a dirty fucking slut,” another slap landed on your ass, hard enough to leave a mark there for tomorrow. “You claim to hate me, so then why are you dripping all over me, huh? Pathetic whore. You women are nothing but cum dumps to me.”
Naoya spread your butt cheeks open, laughing at the silly way you clenched around him every time he pulled out, your puffy lips sucking him back again until Naoya buried himself to the hilt. His dick did wonders in letting out the most erotic whines and whimpers you never thought you’d be capable of, leaving you a drooling and panting mess under him.
“You little fucker, don’t even think about cumming inside me, I will literally castrate you and feed your balls to yourself.”
“Such a dirty mouth. Though that’s expected of a nasty woman like you,” he sassed, his thrusts faltering while his hand clenched your flesh tighter. That was enough to send you over the edge when Naoya slammed his hips harder and more desperately this time around, his cock twitching against your walls. “You wish I would cum inside you. But I have a better plan in mind.”
All it took was one rough hand for him to pull you before him, pushing you down into your knees again as he came inside your mouth. You could feel your cum and his dripping onto his dark marble tiles, the white pool of liquid shining.
Naoya thrusted lazily into your mouth, a sickening grin on his face while he kept you down there. His glare deepened when you tried to pull away from him. “Swallow, you slut. Or I’m fucking your face until I break your jaw.”
Furiously, you swallowed around his cock, Naoya groaning at the feeling of your walls convulsing around him. The moment you gagged from when his tip poked the back of your throat, Naoya pushed you off him until you were left choking on the ground. You gasped for air, hands clasped around your neck, sure that you were going to have a sore jaw and a fucked throat tomorrow.
You kept glaring at Naoya, but this didn’t deter him from gripping your chin down, humming to himself upon seeing that his cum was now gone in your mouth. “Hmm, so you did swallow it like a good girl. I’m glad I’ve disciplined you well.”
“Go to hell.”
“I’m King there already, baby,” Before you could retort, his arms encircled your waist until you were heaved in his arms again. You pounded against his back because you were too done, you couldn’t do another round. Naoya sighed as he threw you in the bed as if you were a ragdoll, disappearing in the bathroom for a while before coming back with a wet towel, which he rudely flicked your way. “Clean yourself up and then leave. Take the back elevators. I don’t want the staff to see a whore leaving my place.”
“You’re the one who brought me here.”
“Only because I had a duty to put you in your place,” He stared at you with his smirk now permanent in his face, admiring the bruises he left on your body.
“We’re not over yet, Zenin. I’m going to break you one way or another.”
You rolled your eyes at him, walking to his closet to wear one of his shirts. Naoya was silent the whole time as he watched you button his shirt with trembling hands, his presence hot on your heels as he followed you out the large room.
As you were about to leave, you picked up the towel you used to clean your cum with and threw it right at his face.
Naoya dodged it easily, eyeing the towel with a scoff. “Still resilient, I see,” settling down on one of his lounge chairs like it was a throne, Naoya rested his cheek on his fist as he stared you down. “But fine — I accept your challenge. A true man never backs down from a challenge, after all.”
“Oh, honey, I’m more than just a challenge,” you sneered.
Naoya’s gaze left your eyes to stare at your perky nipples that poked through his shirt, feeling his cock swell all over again. But he was a man of control and dignity — he wouldn’t do anything more with you, not when it was clear you’ve had enough for tonight.
It didn’t bother him though, he knew he’d have more opportunities to put you in your place.
“We’ll see about that. I’ll be the one to decide your worth,” he declared oh so smugly, the mere sound of his voice pushing you to slam a fist to ruin that pretty face of his, though you held your ground, far too tired to move a muscle. Naoya saw this too, and he smiled to himself, head tilted to the side as he studied the mess he’d made of you. “Tomorrow, same time same place?”
There was no telling what pushed you to agree, but the words left your lips far too confidently for you to even wonder why.
“Be ready for me, Zenin.”
“I always am.”
All the way back to the back elevators that Naoya had directed you at, you pondered on how you’d be able to tell your parents you suddenly needed a ride home when they had no idea you left the dinner gala in the first place. But most of all, how were you supposed to tell them you’d acquainted yourself with the Zenin clan all over again?
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scaredpigeons · 3 years
When it’s love, if it’s not rough it isn’t fun
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Warning:  18+ minors DNI heavy smut. Levi Ackerman x reader(OC) Erwin Smith, Jean Kirschtien, Connie Springer and Hange Zoe x reader (OC) mild Eren.   Content warning: Heavy BDSM themes, oral (m&f receiving) vaginal penetration, anal, double penetration, mild degradation, cum play, exhibitionism, blindfold. Levi treats poor Eren like shit.
A/N: this is my most prized piece so far, it’s on Ao3 but i thought i’d drop it here for you hungry bastards. Enjoy. 
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The first thing she noticed was that there were more footsteps entering the room than she was used to. 
 Usually when she participates in these certain... activities, Hange and Erwin were the only ones present. 
 Hange usually just watched, somehow receiving their own version of gratification from observation alone, which was kind of hot in its own way. 
 The Commander was an active participant, always. Something about needing to let go of control, Erwin was always in charge, every day. Letting go was like the release on a dam, water flowing over the edge and washing everything else away. 
 Rae was blindfolded, which happened on occasion, playing with the senses was something she really loved. What she was less enthused about however, was not knowing how many people were walking into the room, let alone who they were. There was one person in the room who Rae trusted above all else though, and that person was Levi. 
 She trusted Levi with everything, both on and off the battlefield. Which meant that while she was nervous, she was not afraid. 
 "Gentleman, so glad you could join us." 
 Levi's voice was calm and steady, and as he spoke, he ran his fingers through Rae's hair gently. She leaned into the touch, knowing the others would see his actions as a display of possession, when in reality- he was grounding her. Letting her know he was there, and she was safe. 
 The shuffling of footsteps came to a halt, and the room fell silent, save for the mingling of breaths filling the space. 
 "You've all been given your orders... your boundaries." Levi said, his hand slipping from her hair. "Anyone goes against what I have allowed, I will personally beat the shit out of you, castrate you, then parade your dick-less selves in chains around the Capital- Ass naked, while the MP pigs gawk, mothers hide their children, and your filthy blood stains their pristine streets. Understood?" 
 No one spoke, but she could tell the message was clear. Rae was still sat at the foot of the bed, patient as ever. This was all part of the game, letting go. Levi was in charge here, she didn't have to think, only obey, only feel. 
 "Good. Very good. Let's get started." 
 Rae instinctively stiffened, the blindfold caused an air of mystery, of the unknown, but Levi was already on it. 
 "Everything alright before we begin, Dove?" 
 Dove. Such a silly little name. Doves weren't around much inside the walls. The few the Walls contained were prized pets, bred for their beauty, clipped wings and sold to the rich like trophies. Levi told Rae that Doves were once viewed as symbols of peace. Of freedom. "Pale, like moonlight, softer than the finest silk. Their voices so calming and sweet, they could put a troubled man to sleep." Levi had said.
 Rae knew the name held significance to Levi. The captain was a stoic man, cold and harsh to those who didn't know him. He would never openly admit his feelings. But she knew him. She knew. 
 "Yes, Captain. Thank you." 
 He gently patted her head in acknowledgement. 
 "Erwin." Levi's tone changed, he spoke to Rae much differently than anyone else in these situations. He was sharper, more strict now. 
 "On the bed, now." 
 She heard Erwin walk toward the bed, and felt the movement of him laying down. She felt his sock-clad feet brush her knees, as big as the bed was, Erwin Smith is a large man, taking up the length of the bed easily. 
 Rae was facing the headboard, so she knew Erwin had a full view of her lace covered chest. Levi takes his free time to the finest seamstresses in the Walls, custom ordering beautiful sets for her to wear. This particular set was black, the captain's favourite shade on her pale skin. 
 "You are not allowed to touch her until I say so." 
 Levi grabbed Rae's hair, thrusting her forward, having her straddle Erwins lap. Her hands instinctively found her Commander's shoulders, bracing herself. 
 "Good evening Commander Erwin." Rae said, smiling, breathing in his scent. He smelled like pine, clean laundry and the mint based soap that he and Levi love so much. 
 "Good evening, Rae." She could hear the smile in his voice, could imagine the twinkle in his beautiful blue eyes. 
 "Freak, come here." 
 Rae was a little surprised, Levi let Eren come here? 
 "Open your fucking mouth." She could hear Eren stumble and gag as Levi presumably rooted around in his mouth with his fingers. 
 "Since the Freak likes to drool over you in public, I figured we could put it to good use in private, hm?" Rae felt Levi's hand, warm on the small of her back. He dragged it upwards, pulling the fine silk of her lingerie as he went, revealing her to the room. 
 She had been instructed to forgo the matching panties, "they won't be necessary," He'd said. 
 She was practically already dripping. The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a blade. Erwin was almost vibrating under her, struggling to keep his hands to himself. 
 "Now," Levi calmly said. "Relax for me, sweet dove." 
 The blunt of his finger pressed against her, but not where she was expecting. She gasped as his pointer finger breached her ass, down to the knuckle. 
 They'd done things like this before, Levi has had all of her, she gave everything willingly. But she could feel her cheeks darken at the thought of Eren and who knows who else seeing the Captain do something so taboo and intimate to her. 
 "That's a good girl. Nice and easy for me." He cooed, gently working a second finger in. 
 "Ahh, mmm." She couldn't help but let out the sounds, he knew exactly how to work them from her. 
 "You hear that Eren? Those sounds she's making?" 
 She could practically FEEL Eren swallow before he spoke. "I- uh, yes sir." 
 "I'm pulling those noises from her pretty little mouth Eren, something you could only dream of, yes?" The smirk in the captain's voice as he fingered her ass was clear as day. 
 Eren was smart enough to answer. "Yes sir." 
 "Yeah, I've seen the way you look at her, when you think no ones watching you," he said, scissoring his fingers, pulling more moans from Rae, despite her best efforts. "Now you can watch while I finger her open for my cock, using your spit. That's the closest you'll ever get to bringing her pleasure, you little shit." 
He accentuated the insult with a few extra rough thrusts, and Rae cried out. 
 Now I know why Erens is here. She managed to think as the drool started to pool in her mouth. 
 This had always been something she had been weary of, as taboo as it was, but Levi managed to make it amazing, making her feel things she never thought possible. 
 "Tell your friend beneath you how you're feeling, lovely." He breathed. 
 "A-ah! It feels good, E-Erwin." Rae tried to keep the drool from falling on him, but it was useless. 
 "Yeah?" Erwin whispered. "I wish I could help..." 
 She keened at that, pushing back into Levi's hand ever so slightly. 
 "Oh?" Levi questioned. "You that eager? You think you can take it already?" 
 She couldn't take the teasing, and she knew he was only getting started. 
 Levi pulled his fingers from her, and she could hear him unzip and pull his pants down. There was an awkward choking/coughing sound from the other side of the room, which sounded suspiciously like Jean. 
 Rae blushed, imagining Jean's reaction to seeing Levi's cock for the first time. Levi was not a tall man, he would claim he was slightly taller than Rae herself, (which everyone knew was a lie, they both measured 160cm exactly,) but what he lacked in height he certainly made up for in endowment. 
 The first stretch of him entering her almost made her wince. She was well prepared, she knew, but she was tense. 
 "You can touch her a bit, Erwin, above the waist. Help the poor girl relax." Levi slowed his entrance, rubbing circles against her ass with the pads of his thumbs, gripping her softly. 
 "Oh thank the walls." Erwin released a breath Rae didn't know he was holding. He brushed loose strands of hair from her face, cupping her cheeks. "You're doing so well, so beautiful." He mused, sliding his fingers down her neck to rub her shoulders. 
 Rae shivered at his soft touches, but she could feel herself relaxing. 
 Levi pressed forward, burying himself to the hilt. 
 Rae's jaw dropped and she released a noise she didn't know she was capable of. 
 "Fuck.." Erwin traced his fingers along her bottom lip, dipping in her mouth slightly to gather some spit, just to trace it back on her open lips. "So beautiful..." 
 "So fucking tight, too." Levi groaned behind her. He started rocking his hips, sending strange sparks of pleasure to her core. 
 "Please... Levi.." she whispered. 
 "Oh no, Dove." He reached forward, gripping her hair in his fist and pulling her back to him, her hands slipping from Erwins shoulders. The entirety of her upper body now being held by her hair, the tingles of pleasure-pain doing wonders for her aching clit. 
 She could feel Levi's warm breath on the shell of her ear. "If you want that pretty pussy filled, like I know you do, it's not me you need to beg." 
 He threw her forward again, landing gracelessly on Erwins chest. 
 "If your begging is pretty enough, maybe I'll let him fuck you." Levi was merciless tonight, apparently. Putting on a true show for whoever was watching. 
 The man in question stiffened beneath her. 
 "Slide your pants down as far as you can reach." 
 The commander moved, reaching between her legs for his buttons and zip. She moaned as Levi continued to thrust in her, never faltering. 
 As Erwin undid his slacks, his knuckles brushed against Raes inner thigh and she keened, the touch just shy of where she needed it most. 
 The moment his slacks were pulled down, Erwins cock sprung free, slapping against Raes core with an audible, lewd and very wet sound. 
 "aAh!" The first contact against her aching core was almost too much to handle, sending shockwaves up her spine. 
 "Please, Erwin, pleasepleaseplease I need it so badly." 
 Levi kept pace as she begged. Rae could feel herself growing more wet by the second. She was certain Erwin could feel her slick dripping down the length of him. 
 "Please sir, I need it so badly. Please I can't take it, please-" Levi gave a particularly hard thrust, "Mmnnn, Fuck Erwin PLEASE!" 
 "Take off her Blindfold, Erwin," Levi instructed. "Look at the desperation in her eyes." 
 The blindfold was lifted, and the soft light from the oil lamps illuminated Erwins face in front of her. He smiled softly at her, watching the tears drop down her cheeks, their path no longer interrupted by the blindfold. 
 Raes mind was so distracted by the need to be filled she didn't even take the time to look around the room at who was viewing the spectacle. 
 "Please Erwin, please. I need your cock so badly." 
 She could see the strain in his face. "I want to, you know how badly I do, darling." With that she felt his cock twitch against her. 
 "Oh my fu-" she could barely manage to string together a sentence.
 Levi was truly relentless. Fucking into her like a man on a mission- she supposed he was. 
 "Look at you, drooling on your commander. Begging for him to fuck you. How beautifully pathetic, hmm?" Levi chuckled slightly, gripping her ass hard enough, Rae was sure she'd have little circular bruises from his fingertips. 
 She loved it. 
 She couldn't stop the string of almost inhuman sounds coming from her at this point. "Commander please. I can't- I can't take it anymooree." 
 "Levi." Erwin looked over her shoulder, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and concern. "Can I just- fuck, please?" 
 Levi huffed out something that almost resembled a laugh. "Why don't you tell her how you're feeling?" 
 Rae's eyes widened, she bit her lip to try to keep quiet. 
 Erwin's eyes rolled back in his head, Levi's thrusts causing Rae to rub gently against him. "Fuck. Rae you're so- so wet. I'm... I want to be inside you so badly." 
 He brought his hands back to her face, cupping her cheeks softly. "I wish to kiss you, to fill you completely and make you forget your own name." 
 The sound that left her throat would've been embarrassing, if not for Levi's next words. 
 "Do it then. Kiss her as you slide into her." 
 Erwins face flooded with relief as he crashed his lips into Rae's. 
 Erwin was a passionate kisser, to say the least. 
 When Levi kissed her, it was deep and thorough, like he was consuming her. It was sensual and spread through her like a wildfire in a grass field after years of a drought. 
 The few times Hange has kissed Rae, it was electric, Like lighting was striking the two of them. Playful and sharp, all nibbles and smiles, and almost always ended in Rae's neck being covered in red and purple marks. 
 But when Erwin kissed her, it was like he was seeing her. Learning who she was. Every detail to him was important. 
 As his lips touched hers, soft and plush, it was as if she threw open her doors to the first day of spring, after the endless winter. A breath of fresh, clean air that was instantly stolen from her lungs as he coaxed her open for him, his tongue meeting hers gently at first, as if testing what she truly wanted. Erwins kisses spread through her slowly, warm and open. Captivating all of her attention. 
Almost all of her attention. 
 The blunt of him pressed against her centre. Rae was ripped away from the serenity of the kiss as Erwin pushed in, stretching her open. 
 Erwin was a large man, so naturally it made sense that he was large here too. The first time she had taken Erwin, he and Levi had to work her open for 20 minutes, and even then, she screamed from the stretch into Levi's waiting palm. 
 That was some time ago, and in the space between then and now, she'd grown somewhat accustomed to him. 
 The stretch of him this night was unlike any before. The lack of preparation left a wonderful warm, aching sensation as he entered her, aided by how dizzyingly wet she was. 
 He was barely past the tip when he pulled out slightly and thrust back in, a little further than before, working her open, knowing she wouldn't be able to take him all at once. 
 He caught her moans and squeals in his open mouth, groaning back into hers as he continued his small, steady thrusts into her. 
 Levi had stilled for a moment, but as he felt Erwin work into her, he continued, slowly this time. 
 Rae had almost forgotten where she was. She could feel the cocks inside her move and brush together, separated only by a thin wall of muscle. 
 The tears continued to stream down her face as they pumped in and out of her. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you oh my-" Erwin captured her lips once more. 
 "You're so warm..." he whispered in her mouth, a thin trail of saliva still connecting their lips. 
 Levi groaned behind them. "Fuck, it's almost too tight, shit-" 
 They had begun to thrust at the same time, causing Rae to writhe and moan senselessly in their grip. 
 "Levi! Levi please... please. I can't take it-nnnnnmmmah!!" 
 Erwin was almost fully in her now, she could feel her first orgasm coming rapidly. He remained slow and steady, knowing from previous events what happened when he went too fast... not knowing if he (or Levi and Rae, for that matter,) wanted to share that intimate little trick with the rest of the participants tonight. 
 "Levi," she mewled. "Levi...I'm gonna cum." 
 Levi tsk-ed, giving her a gentle but firm slap on her ass. "You know the rules, ask for permission, Dove." 
 "Captain... please can I-" 
 But it was too late. Erwin bucked into her just so, and she felt the tension snap. She clenched around them both, her back arching and stiffening, locking her in place as Erwin and Levi continued thrusting into her, prolonging the euphoric sensation of her first orgasm of the evening. 
 The pressure inside her pulsed and pulsed as Erwin pushed his way fully inside, hitting her G-spot on the upstrokes. 
 If she wasn't so pleasantly paralyzed, she might've laughed, she didn't even know what a g-spot was before Levi, Didn't even know an internal orgasm was possible. 
 Levi slowed, as did the commander, and Rae mused that it must be to keep from cumming too quickly. 
 It wasn't until Levi grabbed ahold of her hair and tugged back rather harshly that she remembered 
 She fucked up. 
 "You broke a rule, Rae."
 His voice was dark now, laced with something she only knew he let out when she broke rules. It sent shivers down her spine. 
 He ripped her hair back more, bringing his lips to brush against her ear. "Fucking filthy little slut. Cumming on your Commanders cock, without even asking first. Disgusting." 
 Rae could feel herself clench, aftershocks from her orgasm and his words driving her delirious. 
 "Fuck, you know she likes when you say shit like that, Levi." Erwin moaned, but Rae's eyes pointed to the ceiling, reeling with the way Levi's hands in her hair sent tingles all throughout her. 
 Levi began thrusting harshly into her, still gripping her hair. Her head pulled to the side a bit, and she locked eyes with Eren, emerald green swallowed with lust and something like concern. 
 Rae loved it. And she figured if she was going to be punished, she might want to redirect Levi's rage elsewhere, lessen the load to bear, per se. 
 She turned ever so slightly, letting the tears of pleasure fall, painting her face scared and worried, and mouthed to Eren "Help." 
 He blinked, a jolt running through him, and as soon as he opened his mouth, she let a shit-eating grin take over her face. 
 "Captain, sir, maybe you should go easy on her, she looks a little-" 
 "Who the fuck said you could speak?" She could almost hear the snap of Levi turning his head to glare at Eren. 
 Oooh this is gonna be so good. 
 "I thought I told you to fucking behave, Yeager. To only speak when spoken to." 
 Eren looked from Levi to Rae, back to the captain. Poor kid looked scared shitless. 
 Levi leaned forward a bit, stopping his thrusts, never taking his eyes off Eren. "Well, Dove. It seems like Yeager just decided your punishment." 
 You mean his punishment. She stopped the thought from breaking through her smiling lips. 
 Erwin slowed to a stop as well, and she almost whined at the loss of movement. She was still so deliciously filled that it really didn't matter for the moment though. 
 "You're up, Kirstein." 
 Rae looked at the opposite side of the room, by the doorway. There stood Jean and Connie, looking every bit as flustered as they should be. A glance to the left revealed Hange, sitting in Levi's Pine green armchair, their elbows resting on their knees, leaning forward with their head in their hands. They gave you a wink and a smile before going back to raking their eyes over the scene. 
 Jean hesitantly stepped forward, awkwardly trying to hide the very obvious bulge in his pants. 
 "A fitting punishment, I believe..." Levi said, releasing her hair, letting her fall back on Erwin. He caught her by her biceps, and catching onto Levi's plan, angled her body towards Jean, without leaving from inside her. 
 "Dove, you get to suck your friend here off, and the Freak gets to watch." Levi grabbed Erens shirt collar and pushed him further up beside the bed for a better view. "And if I see you even reach for your pathetic little prick, I'll cut it off." 
 With Eren behind her and Jean in front, she couldn't see the poor boys reaction, but she had other things to attend to at the moment. 
 "Hi Jean-ie boy." She smiled up at him. Jean was one of Rae's closest friends, but even he hadn't known about the extent of her relationship with Levi and her other superiors. 
 Jean looked back at her in bewilderment, a blushing mess. "So this is.. uh-" she reached for his belt, and he fumbled to help her undo it, unzip his pants and pull them down, revealing the black scouts-issued briefs he wore. "So this is what you do when haAaah-" she rubbed him over the soft cotton, feeling how hard he was from watching. 
 "This is what you do on our days off?" He finally managed to ask. 
 Rae kissed his covered length gently, making Jean twitch. "And all those nights you guys would ask to hang out? And I never could?" She said, smirking. 
 Rae licked the length of him through the briefs, and Jean let a guttural choking sound free. 
 "You gonna take it out and let me suck you off, or do I have to ask nicely?" 
 Jean stumbled over his words, unable to form a sentence. She knew she had to put on a show when it came to Levi, but this was Jean, her best friend Jean. He wasn't going to drag this out any longer just for the satisfaction of a small moment of control. 
 He rushed to pull his briefs down, but was too shy to look at her as she took him in hand. 
 She already knew roughly how big Jean was. Late night cuddle sessions with the squad as teens were a common occurrence, everyone desperate for affection. Jean would almost always end up pressing against her backside with his arms wrapped lovingly around her,  and he never could control how his body would react. 
 Now, he was hot and heavy in her hand, skin like the silk of her lingerie and flushed pink, pre-come beading at the tip. Rae giggled, and he twitched in her hand. "Don't be nervous, I'm only doing this if you're willing." She whispered to the air between them. "You are okay, right?" 
 Rae looked up at him with serious eyes, but a gentle smile. 
 "Yeah- yes. Uh, yes." Jean said, turning redder than she thought possible. 
 "Are you suure?" She smirked, giving an experimental tug on his cock, sending his knees buckling, saved by the bed in front of him. 
 "Fuck, Raeby, please, please." Jean pleaded. 
 She grinned at the old nickname. "Alright, since you asked so nicely." 
If Rae had learned anything from her time with Levi, it was how to tease. Sure, Rae loved being submissive, giving away her control, but oh, did she love to tease when she could. Levi once told her she gave a new meaning to the word Brat. 
 She gripped the base of him, and slowly ran her tongue from bottom to the underside of the tip, paying special attention to the little seam and divot there. Jean groaned, clenching his fists around the fabric of his jacket at his sides. 
 She giggled as she planted sloppy wet kisses over the head of him, working her way back down. When she licked the middle seam of his balls, then felt Levi move again. 
 "Good girl, very good," the captain groaned. 
 Erwin began his slow pace as well, fondling her breasts, running his thumbs across her nipples. 
 Happy to be on her Captain's good side again, she lifted her head and took Jean into her mouth, sucking as she made her way all the way down to the root. 
 He made another choking sound above her as he touched the back of her throat, and she moaned around him as Erwin and Levi continued fucking into her.
 She tried her damn hardest to focus on Jean, but the way the Captain and Commander fucked her made Rae dizzy. 
 Levi pushed in as Erwin pulled down, and vice-versa. She was sure the vibrations from the moans bubbling in her throat were sending poor Jean, who struggled not to grip her hair. 
 Levi pulled out slowly, bending over and spreading her apart, surely watching how her now vacant hole clenched and twitched without him, slowly attempting to shrink back to size. 
 "Make her cum, Erwin. I want to watch." Levi kept his hands planted on her ass, intent on watching the way Rae's pussy clings to Erwins cock on the downstrokes. 
 Rae stiffened slightly, 
 were they gonna make me...? 
 Erwin started a reasonable pace, much to Rae's relief. 
 The rush of making her friend twitch and moan above her, while her most superior officer fucked up into her, had Rae keening in no time. 
 The pressure in her abdomen grew and grew, she almost feared for Jeans cock in her mouth, but tensed her jaw open as the dam broke, she could feel the pulsing clenches, and she practically screamed around him.
 Her back arched once again, but this time she met Erwin thrust for thrust for a moment, relishing in the pangs of pleasure that rocked through her core. 
 Jean could barely contain himself, watching his best friend cum so hard was certainly doing things for him. He pulled away sharply from her mouth, her jaw going slack and wide for him as to not catch her teeth. "Woah woah woah holy shit," he was panting just as much as her. "I almost fucking came." 
 Levi sounded unamused. "Isn't that the point?" 
 "But... you said..?" 
 Levi straightened and stepped to Jean. "I said no one cums inside her. Meaning inside her cunt, dipstick." He smacked Jean upside the head the best he could, given his stature. 
 Levi looked to her then, grasping her chin gently. "You're doing well, dove? Enjoying your punishment?" 
 She smiled lovingly, saliva dripping from her chin to his fingers. "Yes sir. Thank you." 
 He gathered the lost drool with his fingers and pushed it back into her pliant mouth, almost petting her tongue. "Good girl."
 He pulled his fingers from her and stood back, assessing the scene. 
 "Dove, off Erwin, he's close and he needs to be able to pull out." 
 She glanced at the Blond man in question, the reddening of his cheeks had worsened, blue eyes heavy lidded, and there was a beautiful sheen to his face and neck. Her last orgasm had seemingly shaken him more than anticipated.
 She moved her hands back to Erwins shoulders, and he grasped her plush waist gently, his large hands practically spanning the entire width of her. 
 Ever so slowly, she pulled off him, crying out quietly through clenched teeth at the loss. Whenever Erwin pulled from her, she felt hollowed out, empty, like something vital to her had left, and she found herself clenching around nothing at the thought of him. 
 Erwin hissed through his teeth, guiding her off him and to the side, her knees able to finally come together again, easing the ache in her hips. 
 She sat, glancing at Levi as he pondered what was to be done next. When he looked at her, glimmer in his eyes spoke more than a thousand words could ever. 
 "Erwin, you can take her from behind." The blond slid his way to the other side of the bed, standing tall next to Eren, who looked like he might pass out. 
 Connie jumped, eyes snapping to Levi, Rae could see him shaking. 
 "Any qualms about sharing Rae with Jean?" 
 Connie looked timidly at Rae, then to Jean, whose cock was still at attention, looking awfully red and leaking from the tip. 
 "N-no. No sir." 
 Levi's face softened slightly and he nodded. 
 "Good, get to work then."
 Connie stepped forward next to Jean, hastily unfastening his belt and freeing himself to the warm air of the room. 
 He was a blushing mess, more red than Eren and Jean combined. 
 He couldn't keep still as Rae leaned towards him. She rested her weight on her hands, leaning forward and giving a gentle kiss to Connie's hipbone. 
 "It's okay Connie, you'll be fine." She grinned up at him, but he was only able to meet her eyes for a moment before looking away. 
 Connie Springer was not someone she expected to be doing this with, but as a good friend, she wouldn't deny him now, when he was standing in front of her, hard as a rock and twitching like a man needing his next fix. 
 She softly licked the head of him, which was more purple toned then Jeans flushing red next to her face. 
 "HmmnaAH!" Connie jolted, then tried to maintain his composure by running his hands over the little spikes of grey toned hair- he had been growing it out a bit, it seemed. 
 "Looks like someone's a little sensitive..." Rae teased, running her tongue up and down the sides of him. 
 Jean softly chuckled beside him,"Yeah man, what kinda fuckin' noise was that?" 
 Rae leaned back from Connie, her eyes snapping to Jean, in a sharp but non-lethal glare. 
 "I wouldn't be talking, Kirstein." 
 In one movement, she took his whole length into her mouth, the tip hitting the back of her throat. 
 She buried her nose in the well groomed patch of hair at the base of his cock, swallowing around him and wiggling her head ever so slightly. 
 Jean's sharp gasp was followed by an inhuman sound, halfway between a whine and a deep, guttural scream. 
 Rae pulled off slowly, giving his tip a chaste little kiss, smirking up at him. 
 "Fucking- damnit, Rae." 
 She giggled and got back to work. 
 Alternating between Connie and Jean, she gave deep, meaningful strokes with her mouth, throat and tongue. 
 Connie continued making the most adorable noises every now and then, especially when Erwin kneed her legs apart and entered her once more. 
 She had Connie in her throat at the time, the moan she set free around him vibrated through his cock straight to the pit of his stomach, and the cord holding him tight snapped. 
 With a single small thrust of his hips he came, shooting spurts of hot liquid down her throat. Rae swallowed it greedily, letting him twitch and pulse inside her mouth. 
 "F-fuuuuuck..." he gripped Jean's arm, nails dragging through the fabric of his jacket sleeve, trying to keep balanced as he rode out his high, shaking with the gentle sucks Rae used to clean him off. 
 "I'm... I'm sorry Rae." He huffed out a few breaths as she let his softening cock drop from her mouth. "I was gonna try to warn you-" 
 "It's fine, Connie. I liked it." She smiled brightly, the little minx she was, then licked the residual spit and cum from her lips. 
 He stumbled backwards and fell flat on his ass, then laid back, arms spread wide on the cool hardwood floor. "Holy fuck." 
 Erwin started a slow pace behind her, teasing himself. Pulling out all the way, just to push back into the hilt. 
 Rae could barely keep her eyes from rolling back into her head as she took Jean into her mouth once again. 
 Levi had made his way over to Hange, resting himself on the arm of the chair and speaking to them in low, hushed tones. 
 Too distracted by the massive cock pumping in and out of her from behind, and taking the cock in front of her down her throat the best that she could, she could only make out the words "perfect" Hange, of course and "spitroast" Levi had a twisted sense of humour. 
 She pulled off Jean, knowing just what to say to rile him up. "Jean," 
 He let his hands fall to his sides and looked from her spit covered lips to her eyes. 
 "Jean, please fuck my mouth." 
 His jaw made an audible crack as it fell open and immediately snapped back shut. He looked to Levi who only nodded once, then went back to his conversation with Hange. 
 Jean's long fingers finally threaded their way into Rae's hair, tugging gently as he brought her back to him. 
 She loved the way he gripped her, thumbs almost rubbing her temples gingerly as the other eight fingers found purchase in her dark locks. 
 He started slowly at first, almost matching pace with Erwin behind her. But as the commander sped up slightly, as did he. 
 Jean took one look at Eren in the corner, and Rae supposed that's when the last of his resolve snapped. 
 She couldn't see Eren's face, but from the smug look Jean produced as he snapped his hips forward and groaned, she was sure Eren looked miserable. 
 Jean was as wild as he could possibly be in the presence of Levi, knowing the threats looming over the room. 
 He fucked Rae's face fast and hard, chasing his orgasm. His grip became rougher the closer he got, he looked down at Rae, her tear soaked cheeks and spread lips, and the pressure within him released. 
 His hands slid from her hair, and he cupped her jaw and cheeks as he came. His long, hard thrusts became short and jumpy. 
 Rae let the cum coat her mouth, warm and salty. As Jean tried to pull away, she sucked on the head of him, swirling her tongue around it and teased the hole, licking up anything lingering. 
 "F-fuck! Shit- aAHh okayokayokayokay!" 
 She let him go, keeping his seed nestled on her tongue. She knew Jean well, drunken nights spilling secrets and fantasies was enough to let her know what he'd say next. 
 "Open your mouth, let me see." 
 Out of the corner of her eye she could see Levi (and Hange, of course,) watch hungrily as Jean gripped her chin, shoving his thumb in her mouth as she tilted back and opened for him. 
 He swirled his thumb around her tongue, almost playing through his cum. Once he was satisfied, he coated his thumb and spread it across her lips, coating them like he was applying a fine gloss, like they were partiers from the rich districts going to a fancy event. 
 He brought her lips back together with a push on her chin, his eyes going dark. 
 "Swallow it." 
 Rae looked him in the eyes as she swallowed. 
 He gazed back at her, his emotions changing by the second. Bewilderment, shock, happiness, humor, lust, and something resembling love. 
 Rae recognized the last one, it was the kind of love she felt for all her fellow scouts, her friends, her chosen family, regardless of romantic entanglements. 
 Erwin followed close behind Jean, his groans becoming increasingly louder as Jean tucked himself away and sat next to Connie on the floor. 
 Rae knew Erwin was going to finish when he grabbed her ass and squeezed, Hard enough to add an assortment of bruises next to Levi's own work. 
 He pulled out quickly, moaning and giving a few tugs to himself before she felt the warmth of his release coat her lower back, some even dripping down the purple and red marks covering her ass. 
 Rae stayed put, knowing Levi would hate to have anyone's cum touching his precious sheets or, Maria forbid- the floor. 
 She heard the shuffling of footsteps to the adjoining bathroom, and the running of what she hoped to be warm water. Erwin was handed the warm (oh fuck yeah) cloth, and with all his attentiveness and care, wiped her clean of his mess. 
 He was especially gentle on her ass, and around her swollen and dripping core, flipping the cloth over to wipe the creases between her thighs and labia with the clean side. 
 He chuckled and gave her a gentle pat on the ass, her cue to flop down. 
 She released a long, content sigh, and rolled to her back. Grabbing a pillow from the head of the bed, she shoved it under her heavy head. 
 She could see Eren now, still in the corner. The bulge that had invaded his pants was replaced by a large stain that was seeping through the fabric. 
 Poor guy came in his pants.
 She glanced at Erwin, who had returned to her side, cloth disposed of and pants hanging belt-less, low on his hips. He smiled at her, shaking his head, also aware of poor Erens predicament. 
 He knelt next to her on the bed, cupped her cheek and kissed her warmly on her forehead. 
 When he pulled back, he stroked his thumb across her cheek, his blue eyes sparkling. 
 "Thank you again, sweetheart. I had a lovely time, as always." 
 Heat blossomed in Rae's cheeks and she felt herself clench around nothing at the thought of how he had been filling her up not two minutes ago. 
 She brought her hand to meet his on her cheek, smiling dreamily back at him. 
 "A pleasure to serve, Commander Erwin." 
 He chuckled a short, quiet thing at that and stood, gathering the remainder of his things. 
 Levi made his way to Eren and scoffed at the sight of him. Grabbing him by his hair, he dragged him to the door of the room, opening it and tossing him into the adjoining office area. 
 "Everyone out. And make sure to take your filthy fucking shoes with you when you go." 
 Eren grumbled but did as he was told. 
 Connie and Jean managed to stand up, only using each other for support a little. 
 Rae reached her arms above her head and her two friends each held one of her hands. She looked up at them both and smiled, giving their hands a squeeze. 
 "See you later guys, thanks for having fun with me." 
 They both nodded, muttering a couple embarrassed “thanks” back, then quietly left the room. 
 Erwin and Levi shared a look, Erwin placing a large hand on Levi's shoulder, holding it there for a moment before it slipped away, Erwin nodding a goodbye to Hange before leaving. 
 Hange stood from the chair and made their way to Rae's head. 
 Leaning over her, they peppered her face with kisses, making their way to her lips. 
 Hange kissed Rae upside down, slow and deep, sending electricity down her nerves to the very tips of her toes. 
 It took Rae a second to notice that while Hange was licking the residual cum Jean had spread on her off her lips. 
 Her toes curled and she moaned into her superiors mouth at the twisted realization. 
 Once Hange had their fill of her lips they parted from Rae, grinning from ear to ear. 
 "Thanks for the show, sweet girl." 
 Rae hummed happily and closed her eyes. 
 Hange closed the door as they left, leaving Rae  to the silence of the room, and she could swear she'd be able to hear Levi breathe if her heartbeat wasn't pounding in her ears. 
 "Did you like your surprise, Dove?" 
 "Yes, sir." 
 Levi quirked a thin eyebrow at her, "everyone is gone Rae. If you're satisfied, the game is over, you may drop the formalities, you know that." 
 "I'm afraid I'm not satisfied yet, Captain." 
 Levi moved to stand between her legs, and kneeled between them on the bed. 
 "Oh? And why might that be?" 
 Rae glanced at the obvious bulge still left in his pants, and it was her turn to raise a brow at him. 
 "Oh, that?" He said, completely serious. "Well, you seemed plenty content to satisfy everyone else, I thought I'd leave you be." 
 A defending comeback resembling but you walked away, ass, bubbled in her throat, but she caught it, knowing it would turn his mood. 
 "If you use your words, we might be able to come to a reasonable solution to satisfy... your... needs." 
 Her eyes gave the slightest roll at his words, causing Levi to lean forward, resting his hand on her throat, the threat of pressure ghosting her windpipe- a warning. 
 After being so good for everyone else, Rae wanted to play with Levi, just Levi, at this moment. 
 "I could be satisfied... watching you jerk your pretty prick off and then letting you cum all over yourself, just to leave you here and crawl into the Commander's soft, warm bed." 
 Levi's eyes filled with a soft sort of rage. 
 "Oh, or better yet, poor Eren could probably use some compan-" 
 The hand around her throat gripped the sides deliciously, cutting her words short. 
 The blood flow to Rae's brain was lessened by her captain's grip, causing her brain to fog, and tingles to run themselves down her spine to her fingertips. 
 She gasped for air as he tightened his grip, putting ever the slightest pressure on her windpipe. 
 "Would you like to try again?" He growled. 
 Rae nodded the best she could without obstructing her airflow more. 
 Levi lessened his grip, furrowing his brows as he waited for her to speak. 
 "Levi, sir," Rae took a few deep breaths. "I want you to cum, please. Please use me to cum." 
 His face softened with that, but she kept going to really sweeten the deal. 
 "I want you to cum, sir. I need it." She wriggled beneath him, canting her hips up in an attempt to grind against him. 
 "I need to feel you fill me up, Levi. No one but you." 
 He brought his hand from her throat to her lips, covering them with his palm. He then leaned forward, pressing his lips to the back of his hand, where it was resting over hers. 
 "Shhhhh, that's enough." He looked into her eyes, and she felt as if he was staring into her soul. 
 "You'll be satisfied then? Once I fill you up," he dragged his fingers from her mouth, their lips just a breath away now. 
 "What if I pull a couple more of those pretty orgasms from you too? You'll be happy then?" 
 She hummed in the space between them. "Yes sir." 
 "Good girl." 
He’d cleaned himself off while Erwin cleaned her, so it was only a matter of moments before his pants were down and he was pushing into her, knowing that extra preparation wasn't needed at this point. 
 The pleasure shooting through her at his sudden entrance threw her head back on the pillow, her back arching off the bed. 
 Gone was the slow, steady and careful pace of Erwin, Levi was a merciless man. 
 With no fear of pain, they both knew Rae was built for his cock, he drilled into her, the sounds of her poorly held-back-screams and skin slapping against skin filled the room. 
 He panted above her, lines of sweat racing down his pale skin. 
 Rae pawed at his shirt, fumbling with the buttons. He smirked down at her, slipping it off his body without breaking pace. 
 She touched him anywhere she could, his smooth skin uninterrupted by fabric was her favourite feeling. 
 Levi shivered slightly as she ghosted her fingers over his chest, tracing scars and marks here and there. 
 He grabbed her legs then, straightening them and bringing her ankles together, throwing them on his shoulder. 
 Rae's jaw dropped in a silent scream as he leaned forward, the angle causing his cock to slam into her g-spot. 
 She couldn't stop the shaking then, her whole body vibrating like the worst kind of carriage rides. 
 A string of nonsense spewed from her mouth, half formed words and his name repeated over and over, like a lunatics sick sort of prayer. 
 The pressure built and built and caught up to her faster than she could comprehend. The backs of her eyelids flashed hot white and she was coming, and coming and coming and it seemed as though it wouldn't stop. 
 Tears streamed down her face as her voice returned to her, and she begged. 
 "Please please please please please Levi please." 
 What she was begging for, she couldn't tell, the only thing Rae could comprehend was Levi's cock hitting deep within her perfectly, and the seemingly never ending orgasm that came with that. 
 Levi's breath turned ragged, and she could tell he was close. 
 "Tell me who you belong to." He spit at her. 
 "AaaAh, ff-fuck." She struggled to form what he wanted to hear from her lips 
 He somehow fucked her harder then, leaning forward more, bending her in half. 
 "Who do you fucking belong to?" 
 "aaAAAH FUCK! You! You you you, only you Levi!" She might've been screaming, but that was far from important. 
 "Whose sweet little pussy is this?" 
 "Yours Levi, yours." 
 She clenched around him over and over, and if she could think, she might've been impressed that he was still going. 
 "And your pretty little ass too? What about your smart fucking mouth?" He grinned completely, a rare sight. "Who do your little holes belong to, slut?" 
 She moaned a deep guttural thing and told him the truth. 
 "You, Levi. All of me is yours." 
 A sharp "fuck" escaped through his clenched teeth, and he was coming. 
 With her walls so tightly around him, she could feel his cock pulse with every pump of him within her. 
 The warmth of his cum spread through her. She swore she could see all the stars in all the universe in the space between them. 
 He pulled out and back suddenly, spreading her open, watching his seed spill from deep within her. 
 He clicked his tongue in annoyance. "When I put something somewhere I expect it to stay where I fucking put it." 
 Before she could argue, even breathe, he gathered his cum with his fingers and pushed it back in her. 
 Rae squealed and Levi slipped from the bed, dragging her with him. With her legs dangling off the edge, his fingers inside her and his gaze scorching across her body, Rae could hardly puzzle together what he was thinking. 
 "I noticed something tonight, lovely." His breath was warm against her core. 
 "You got a lot of attention tonight, but do you know who didn't?" Closer, closer. 
 "Who?" Rae whispered. 
 "Your poor." Closer. "Little." Closer. "Clit." His lips wrapped around her clit and she keened, the stimulation too much and not enough at the same time. 
 Working her with his skilled tongue, making shallow thrusts with his fingers in her cream filled cunt, Levi looked completely blissed out. 
 Rae pushed his hair back, staring into his steel blue eyes as the build up reached its peak. 
 "Levi, I'm gonna, I'm gonna-" she gasped sharply, the pleasure just tipping, "Levi Levi Levi I lo-" 
 She cried out, the world crashing down around her. Her orgasm shot through her entire body, so much more potent than the internal stimulation before, yet aided by it. 
 Rae's entire body turned to jelly, and she imagined she was homemade raspberry jelly, freshly made and bought from the market in Trost. Levi had spread her on a wheat cracker, and now he was gently licking the rest of her off the knife, little kitten licks to remind her of the pleasure he just rocked through her. 
 He stood from between her thighs. "Satisfied?" 
 She laughed then, light and airy and out of breath. "Yeah, very satisfied, Levi." 
 He cleaned her up, and pulled her loose cotton pants and the indigo dyed cashmere sweater- (the one that Erwin scolded him for buying, the digits on the price tag making his head spin.) -onto her cooling skin. 
 Putting on comfortable clothes himself, he slid beneath the covers with Rae, pulling her back into his chest. 
 "Why'd you bring Yeager into here if you were just gonna make him watch?" She giggled. 
 He scoffed, blowing a strand of her hair out of his face. "He gawks at you all day. I wanted to show him that I had what he wanted." 
 "You were nasty though, making him watch me suck off Jean? That's a new level of mean." 
 Rae could feel him smiling into her neck. 
 "Their rivalry is a perfect outlet for his punishments." 
 "Sleep, Rae. You have the day off tomorrow, but I expect you back to work the following day." 
 "Yeah yeah, goodnight Levi." 
 Levi waited until her breath evened before he spoke. 
 "Goodnight, I love you too."
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lunareclipsee · 3 years
Sam showing Darlin’ his farm bc hhsggh sam makes by brain go brrr
aka: my biggest hc is that sam was and always will be a farm boy. also he 100% used to bull ride.
i want him to have a farmers tan so bad. SO BAD. so he does. idk if it’s canon that anything on their skin before they’re turned stays there but if it isn’t, yea it is.
he has a house off wonderworld and when he takes darlin’ for the first time they’re like “you have a HORSE??” and all of a sudden they’re out of the car and halfway across his yard and sam swears he just got shot bc nothing else should be able to wind him like that
man has full on heart eyes that darlin’ is oblivious to
i hc that darlin lived in dahlia but had grandparents way out in the country that they visited ALL THE TIME, they basically lived there
they had a black andalusian with tiny white dots on his back and they named him star. their grandpa taught them to ride and how to properly take care of a farm (horses, chickens, pigs, rabbits, and barn cats)
so when darlin practically jumped over the fence when they saw that sam had an andalusian, sam was concerned bc that horse likes NOBODY. he doesn’t even like sam. but darlin’ got up close and the horse let them (“no, i’m not jealous. i’m just impressed.”)
their laughter made sam want to throw up he loved it so much he never ever wanted them to stop
when darlin wanders into the barn they absolutely LOSE IT (silently, of course)
they had so many barn cats growing up so to see that sam had even more was absolutely amazing
there were a bunch of calicos and there was one really old black cat that sam named ‘bastard’ because he would hiss and bat at your ankles if you went near the food bowl. even to feed him.
there was a calico kitten that really took to darlin, it even climbed up their pant leg and they looked at sam like ‘i’m dying for this cat, sam’
but they get all of the wonder out of their system and go inside for the night and the inside of his house is exactly what they would expect
fucking grandpa furniture
one leather rocking chair that has an orange cat resting on the arm
a matching rocking chair, loveseat, and couch with a floral pattern that’s a very neutral fabric color like beige or brown or dark red or smth
and darlin steps in there and literally almost cries bc. nostalgia. the wooden beams, the creaky fan, the crickets outside, all of it reminds them of their safe place when they were little, and sam is a safe place for them now and and and and *sobs*
and then they look at this HUGE ass trophy and they’re like ‘what the fuck dude?’
and sam just casually drops that he used to bull ride
darlin almost cr- i mean screams when sam shows them videos and photos
have y’all ever seen a hot person bull ride? 💥💳💥💳💥💥💳💥💳💥
it’s so. so. mm.
aaaanyways they stay up and talk about tales from their hometowns
sam: my neighbor was a real ten cent asshole, always goin’ on about old fashioned shit. threatened me with a shootin iron once and you know i laughed in his face. then -
darlin, internally: god i want you so bad. wait what.
(ten-cent man is used to call someone dumb i forgot to put that there)
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spideymarvelws · 4 years
can you do some technoblade x teen platonic reader headcanons about techno sorta being the reader’s mentor and being one of the only people on the smp who could actually defeat technoblade in a sword fight?
behold... another main character
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Warnings : Violence, Death, Some cursing
Word Count : 4.0k
The Blade and The Survivor (1/?)
Technoblade x GN!Platonic!Teen!Reader
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You’ve only ever heard the story’s of the famous blood god growing up
Your brother was the first to introduce you to the legend, the legend of a man who never died
Who’s fought battles that no person could ever dream of and walked out victorious every time
The well known anarchist who’s taken down government after government
You were hooked from the very beginning and after every tail he would tell, you would beg your brother to teach you how to fight like him
While your brother wasn’t the best, he knew his way around basic weapons from your grandfather and agreed 
He would bring you out to a nearby plains biome anytime you were free and teach you all he knew
And while it wasn't much, you were grateful for every piece of information and put your all into everything he taught you
He even reenacting some fights from the stories to make it interesting for you
You would always play along, acting as the infamous blade and running around with your brother
Sometimes you would shout “blood for the blood god” while killing cows or chickens
But you refused to kill pigs.
In fact you got a pet one and named it Bladey
For your birthday your brother got you a saddle and you made a carrot on a stick using the crops he stole from the farm so you could ride it across the village
He also gifted you a wooden sword and axe while he wielded stone
for safety of course, he wasn't about to give a child stone tools
Along with a shield that had the banner of your village
But out of every weapon, you were the best with a bow
You had a natural talent for it, every arrow you ever shot always hit its target
Your brother would always ruffle your hair and compare your aim to that of the blade’s, making you beam even brighter
“Who knew we have an archer on our hands, the blade could never compare,”
But all of this was done in secret
The village you lived in was safe, small and homey
Everyone knew one another, so the possibly of someone committing crimes or turning against someone was unlikely
The villagers were peaceful with one another
And with the iron golems patrolling every corner 
you loved to give them poppies from your mother’s garden as a thank you
There was no need to learn to fight when you lived in a place that never needed it
The village ran on balance, equality amongst each person so that everyone could be amongst one another in peace
Plus, at the time you were the youngest in the village, considered a baby by everyone
And while you had the kindness and curiosity to match it, there was always something missing
Training was the only thing that fulfilled it
Your brother thought that your practises would disrupt that balance so he never told anyone about your activities
And that stayed true until your last night in the village 
You, your brother and bladey were making your way back to the village after a long day of training when you noticed thick, black smoke rising from where it stood
You both started walking carefully to the area, you walking behind your brother with the pig in your arms for comfort
In the distance, you noted the shadow of pillagers and iron ore scattered across the grounds
You went to scream as you got close and run to your house, but your brother slapped his hand over your mouth and pulled you with him behind a nearby tree
But one of the pillagers heard the noise of leaves rustling and began to approach the both of you.
Your brother was quick to take out his sword, pushing you behind him 
“Listen to me Y/n, I want you to run okay? Run and never stop until you know you’re safe okay?”
You shook your head, “What about you? What about our parents?”
He smiled sadly, shakily ruffling your hair, “I’ll be right behind you... Now go!”
The sound of swords clashing and the screams of your brother were the last things you heard  as you ran, tears falling from your face 
Bladey squealed in your arms, wiggling and turning to get out of them, sensing the danger but you kept your grip tight, following your brother’s orders and running as far as pos sible
Needless to say he didn’t follow, neither did the rest of the village that was left in ashes and ruins after the attack
You couldn't find the heart to turn back, to fight along side your brother
You fled like a coward. Guilt, pain and hatred riding on your back 
But you didn't give up hope, plotting revenge against the mobs who destroyed your home
Who killed your family
You walked for days, stopping at villages, trading with them and improving your supplies
And getting a lot of carrots
Your wooden swords turned into iron, along with the rest of your tools
Your leather helmet turned into a full set of iron armor 
But you kept your old shield, repairing it every time it lost durability
You even crafted a crossbow that you learned was the main weapon pillagers used
You dreamed of pointing it at there neck, watching the sharp arrowhead puncture their skin and bleed out on the floor
You tended to sleep through the day and fight threw the night, taking out your anger on the mobs that spawned around the wood houses you made to keep yourself warm and isolated
Times when you weren't fighting and training, you spent in the library of any village you found, learning about anything you could
It was there you learnt about the rare ore diamonds, hidden deep in caves 
You also learned about enchantments, that made your armor and weapons even stronger
Soon enough you were geared up with full diamond armor and a set of diamond tools 
But it was never enough, you always needed more 
So you went to nether after repairing a ruined portal you came across
And began exploring
Gathered potions
All the materials you could find
Along with netherite
And fighting every mob you happened to pass by except piglins
For such a young age, you were stacked, maxed out to the point of boredom that you couldn't go further
Even Bladey had his own turtle shell, adjusted slightly to fit his head and allow him sight
You often wondered if this was what it was like to feel like technoblade
And throughout your journeys, you kept the stories your brother told you by heart, learning as much as you could about The Blade
You followed in his footsteps, using his successes as even more motivation to continue on your quest
And ready to finally get your revenge
It was easy to take down the pillage post, taking the banner and making your own shield that you kept as a trophy in your inventory as a reminder of what you lost
But it wasn’t enough, the loss of your family laid heavy and your heart
So you started protecting the villages you visited in exchange for lower prices in trades
You believed that was your purpose now, you had nothing else to do but fight for the people who couldn't fight for themselves
You wanted to help in ways that you couldn't all those years ago
You would wear a black cloak over your armor, the hood covering your head and a mask concealing your face
You couldn't imagine wearing a skull mask, even if it was for the aesthetic
You looked like death itself
Death with a cute pig side kick
Soon enough, word got around of a teenage warrior roaming the lands labelled ‘The Survivor’, catching the attention of Wilbur and Tommy who had just been exiled from L’manburg
“Why would we need them if we already have techno on our side?”
“Because we need all the allies we could get Tommy, plus we don’t want Shlatt to get to them first.”
You would be passing by Pogtopia on your horse with Bladey tucked into you lap sleeping, following a map to another village that needed help when a tall man stepped in front of your path, making you halt
“Why hello there, Survivor, care for a little chat?” he said ominously, leaning against your horse
You payed no mind to him, hitting his hand of your horse, rolling your eyes and moving around him
You’ve meet people like him on your travels before, people who only needed you for your skills and selfish reasons
At least, that how he came off and you didn’t care to stay and find out if your assumptions were true
“Hey, hey, hey, look, I’m sorry if I came off so forward but- I need your help,”
That made you stop.
“Need help with what exactly?”
He went on to explain his situation about a place called L’Manburg, an evil dictator named Jshlatt and his exile along with someone named TommyInnit
At first you said no.
You were only interest in keeping your own kind safe, protected people who needed it
And from the looks of it, it seemed that the two men put themselves in there position so they should be the one to take themselves out
That and you had more pressing matters to attend to than government
“What do you need? What would you want in return?” he started to beg, walking along side your horse as you started to ride away
“I already have all I need,” you croaked
“Well that seems boring. Don’t you want a bit of adventure in your life Survivor? A little bit of flavour to spice up it up? It must be so boring just fighting the same thing over and over again, why not work for a group? A collective?”
You grew tired of his voice, letting out a deep breath you began to consider his words
As much as you didn’t want to admit, he was right
You had been travelling around the lands, going insane, doing the same thing over and over
And while it helped people, it was growing tiring
Maybe one war wouldn’t be so bad, and perhaps you would learn some new stuff along the way
And the alliance with this so called L’manburg would be good for the long run
“If I agree... would you shut up?” you finally cut off his rambling and stopping your horse
He blinked in surprise, “Wow! If i had known talking would make you cave in, I would've brought up Tommy instead.”
You sighed, “I’ll help you okay? As long as I get free access to L’manburg afterwards along with all the supplies i need,”
“Done, done and done.”
The first day wasn’t as bad as you expected it to be
Wilbur was actually pretty chill, letting you make a new home out of the ravine they stayed in
Niki was also really kind, bringing sweet treats from Manburg every time she visited
It was nice to settle for a while, you couldn't remember the last time you slept under the same roof for more that a day
Your horse, Jewel along with Bladey seemed to settle well along with you
You also met Tubbo and Tommy, a lively duo that overwhelmed you at first but there energy was nice to see in such a grey environment
What you didn’t expect was to meet him
You would be mining a small space in the ravine for yourself and your pets when you heard a monotone voice sound from behind you
“Heh?! Who’s the kid?” 
You spun around, raising your sword to the intruder but froze when you noticed the familiar skull mask, along with pointy piglin ears hidden behind bright pink hair 
He didn’t seem fazed by your weapon, leaning against the stone door frame with his arms crossed
“You’re- you’re him.” you muttered in awe
Before he could respond, Wilbur popped out from behind him, “Oh, yeah. That’s Y/n, Y/n, Techno. Techno, Y/n,” he nudged his side, “They’ll be helping us take back L’manburg,”
Techno only nodded, “Nice.” he tilted his head, “Aren’t you that Survivor dude? That’s pretty pog.”
Cut to you standing frozen in place, jaw dropped to the floor, eyes wide in amazement
“You- you know who I am?” you squeaked, quickly sticking your sword in the ground and leaning against the handle, stumbling slightly
An attempt to seem cool in front of your idol
An attempt that didn't really work out
He let out a hum, “Heard the name from around yeah,” he pointed to your sword, “Might not want to stab your sword in stone, It’s not that affective.”
And with that he left
Leaving you in shock
If only your brother could see you now
After that interaction, you started to follow him around like a lost puppy, watching in awe at every little thing he did
You felt like a kid again, the warmth in your chest that you lost so long ago restored because the person who tied you and your brother together was here
Because you were training and fighting along side your childhood hero
He would act annoyed at first, always shrugging you off or moving to other rooms to avoid you
You were like a parasite 
He could never shake you off
He didn’t want to grow close to anyone, he was here to take down yet another corrupt government not to look after some orphan
That was Phil’s thing.
But after time he grew a liking to you, enjoying your presence while he was farming potatoes or visiting his cow farm
You acted different around him, the hard and emotionless exterior you showed to Tommy and Wilbur completely vanished and left an innocent, happy child
He always wondered why 
People never did that with him
He was a feared name across the lands of the smp, everyone usually kept there distance and became extremely cautious in his presence
But you didn’t seem to get scared, in fact, you were a talker, constantly asking question after question even if he gave no response
It was nice not to be alone after so long even though he would never admit it 
Even the voices started to take a liking to your bubbly and curious personality
Why is she asking the same question
Maybe you should answer her blood god
She seems nice
You really do take after your father
He saw a part of himself in you
Unlike Tommy and Wilbur, you weren’t fighting for government, you were fighting because you had nothing else to do
Because you were bored with your everyday life being, essentially, an assassin 
The thought always made him chuckle
He left like he could trust you over them because your weren't driven under a government
At least that’s what he told himself
He also wanted to see why they valued your alliance so much to give up half there riches to you from L’manburg
“Duel with me.” he said to you one day, out of the blue as you both made your way across a plain biome looking to animals to kill for food
“Heh?” you said under your breath, clearing your throat while heat rose your your face at his suggestion and the noise of surprise that escaped your mouth
Techno couldn't deny that his heart warmed just a little at the small things you began to pick up from him
“Fight with me,” he drew out his sword, turning around and facing you with the weapon raised in the air, “I wanna see what you’re made of ‘Survivor’. So come on, lets fight,”
This was the first time techno actually talked to you directly, uttered words other that demands, silly excuses or grunts of acknowledgement
“I-” you let out a deep breath, shakily taking out your own sword, “Okay, okay,”
After establishing some rules, the duel began.
He let you take the first hit, barely dealing him damage but you got the second hit as well, knocking him down two hearts
He was quick to regain himself, taking three hearts with his sword and a free hit with his bow
That gave you the idea to take out your own, running a good distance away and getting three shots in
It was a close fight, you didn’t mind if you lost. Fighting Technoblade was already an honour as it was
Then you jumped of a piece of stone, landing a crit and watched his items fall to the floor
Technoblade was slain by Y/n 
You let out a short breath, eyes widening in shock that you had just won
You just killed Technoblade
“I was only going easy on you- I- What enchantment do you have on your sword? You have creative mode don’t you? Yeah, you have creative mode... there’s just no way-”
You bit your lip, trying to suppress your laughs as the blood god ran over to pick up his items with a red face
“Hey! Hey don’t laugh! This isn’t a laughing matter!”
“It- it kind of is.” you said shyly, putting away your sword and eating some steak to regain the health you lost, “If it makes you feel better, I had one heart...”
“oNe hEaRt! She had one heart chat! What is this-”
His words had you rolling on the floor, wiping your eyes of the tears falling from your at how hard you were laughing
“What- What do I have to do for you to keep this between us-” he whispered after you calmed, looking around the the space, making sure it was just you and him
You shrugged, “Nothing really- I- uh, i didn’t mean to kill you... I’m sorry-”
Sorry? Who the fuck says sorry for killing someone
Who says sorry for killing him?
If anything you should be gloating, getting a billbourd and displaying the chat message for everyone to see
He’s never been gladder that nobody else was connected to the chat at the time
“I was going easy on you.”
“I- sure, sure okay...” you thought about it for a second, “If so... then why don’t you teach me the things you didn’t try? Like techniques and stuff...”
He froze at your suggestion, “You want- you want to learn from me?”
“Yeah!” you beamed, “You were... a big inspiration for me growing up and, I would love to learn from the source and not just through tails and stories.”
He thought about it for a bit, usually he would rely on his voices but they were all just insulting him
He didn’t see the harm in it, out of all the children on the SMP, he tolerated you the most
That and you had potential, it was rare to find someone with such skills and who acted humble with them
He sighed, patting the top of your head with a huff, “Sure... Sure why not.”
“Wait, seriously?”
“Yeah sure, I mean what’s the harm in it right?” he ruffled your hair
The action made your eyebrows rise and when you looked back up at the piglin hybrid, all you saw was the smile of your brother looking down at you
“Hey, everything alright?” he questioned, noticing your sudden glossy eyes
You quickly rubbed them with your knuckles, “Yeah, yeah I- I just forgot something at Pogtopia,” you said, backing away with an embarrassed smile, “I’ll meet you back there,”
“Sure, sure... I’ll just continue hunting,”
As you ran away he let out a deep breath, taking out swords and looking down at it with a scoff
“Chat... we never speak of this... again.”
After that, the both of you were inseparable 
Going on adventures with each other, looting and exploring together
Where ever he went, you followed in his footsteps as he taught you about whatever he could
He even took you to his secret base and allowed you to help him in gathering supplies to help the fight
“What’s with the pig by the way?”
“It’s my emotional support pig.”
“And his name is bladey?”
“It’s a short for bladder...now what were you saying about poisoned arrows?”
And while you appreciated the action, your favourite times where the calm ones
When he would take you up to a hight tower or hill so the both of your could relax, maybe eat some mushroom stew as he told you stories of his own adventures 
You opened up to him as well, telling him about your family and your village, how you were travelling around with so sense of direction
It was strange how easily he trusted you, maybe it was because you had similar experiences as him
You understood him and he understood you
You also began to make good friends with the rest of Pogtopia along with everyone else who started to betray shlatt and join there side, becoming more open with the reassurance from Techno that they weren’t bad people
You fit in well, a lot more that he did
You had potential for a bloodless life, he saw that
He didn’t want you to make the same mistakes as him, he didn’t want you to live the same isolated life
And while you agreed with his thoughts on anarchy, he didn’t want to you to have any part in what he was doing.
So when L’Manburg was taken back and Tubbo was but in power, he felt a sense of dread opening his enderchest and taking out his six wither skulls
Don’t let the wither’s hurt them
You’re going to hurt them more that they are
You won’t be able to protect
Protect them at all costs
It wasn’t just the voices that felt the urge to keep you safe
Over the months he’s grown a liking to you, treating you like his own student and teaching you the things he wish he knew at your age
But he could also be the one to corrupt you.
And he didn’t have the heart to find out which way it would go
You caught sight of the skulls in his hands before he switched to his sword, a hard look on his face as everyone began fighting each other
“Techno?” you walked up to him, “Are you-”
“Yeah... yeah I am.” he puffed out his chest, pulling you the side, “Look, things are about to get messy and when they do I want you to run-”
You knew where this was going, flashbacks of your brother fighting one of the pillagers to save you as you ran away to safe yourself, sacrificing himself for you
“No.” you cut him off before he could continue.
While you knew Techno was going to come out of this alive, you had the power to help him now, to help everyone, you didn’t need to run anymore
You considered Techno family now, well the closest thing you had to it and you weren't about to loose that
Not again.
“I’m staying with you Tech,”
He shook his head, “If you do, L’manburg would never look at you the same, you’ll be an outcast once again-”
“Then do what you have to do, but I’m not running away. What happens here is because of everyone’s belief and I believe in safety and protection so that is what I’ll provide.” you took out your sword smirking, “Plus, we all know what happened last time when you tried to fight me,”
“I thought you promised to never speak of this again!”
“I’m sorry I had to-”
“Okay kid, okay...” he took a deep breath, “Just stay clear of dream and his crew... and the withers... Actually? here take some golden apples-”
“Just go be an anarchist Techno,” you pushed him forwards, rolling your eyes, “I’ll be fine.”
“Actually, take this God apple and a few more potions-”
“I already have some-”
“Well take more. And some extra armor... just in case-” he threw the items at you before running away and setting up the soul sand, not wanting anyone to catch on to what he was doing
And with one final look around following the conclusion of his speech, he placed the skulls, unleashing ultimate chaos on the land once called L’manburg
Sorry this took so long! I always get ahead of myself with requests and end up writing a lot more that planned but i hope you enjoyed! I was making this so long that I had to spit this into part two, maybe part three to cover the rest of the lore and to be able to develop more on their relationship besides backstory
That and i really want to write the execution scene but this was already 4k words... 
Feedback always appreciated🥰
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
Prompt- WWX didn’t die, instead was held captive by JGGY for the 16 years
“ – his sword has sealed itself. What better evidence that the Yiling Patriarch is dead and gone?”
I’m not, though, Wei Wuxian thought fuzzily. I’m not gone.
Except when he tried to open his eyes, he couldn’t quite manage it. Why couldn’t he open his eyes? Where was he, anyway?
(Dead and gone –)
He remembered the backlash, suddenly, and shuddered. His qi revolting from inside of him, ghostly hands reaching for him, tearing at him – the complete loss of control – pain –  
Am I dead?
Yes, actually, that seemed pretty likely. That backlash…no one could have survived it, not even him.
(Arrogant as always, Wei Wuxian. Haven’t you seen what become of that?)
Okay, I’m dead, he told himself, and it rang true. But that doesn’t answer the question of where am I?
(Questions like “what am I” could be saved for later.)
He could hear, anyway. He wasn’t sure how, but he could. Maybe he could even see?
He tried to see.
He could see.
Blurrily, and not quite right, but he could.
There were people standing around him. The Jin sect, judging by their clothing, and some others – they were arguing over something. Spoils of war…
Hey! He complained. That’s not a spoil of war! That’s my stuff!
Actually, on second thought, maybe they were right. Sure, it was his stuff – was someone trying to lay claim to his shopping list? – but there had been a war, and he’d lost, and that meant his stuff was spoils.
“The greatest contribution, next to the Jiang sect, is ours. Suibian belongs to the Jin sect,” someone said, interrupting Wei Wuxian’s train of thought, and put their hand on him.
I’m Suibian?
No, something that wasn’t quite a voice suddenly said. I’m Suibian. You’re Wei Wuxian. Keep it straight.
Wei Wuxian would have gaped, if he’d still had a mouth. Suibian? You – talk?
There was a feeling of amusement. Possibly a bit of mockery. No, definitely mockery, possibly a lot of it.
Is Wei Wuxian’s sword…kind of a dick?
Suibian sniggered.
What am I doing here? Wei Wuxian asked.
I pulled in your souls and spirits when you died, his sword said. They were already setting up soul-summoning rituals for you, and it wouldn’t have gone well for you if they caught you.
No, it wouldn’t have.
You saved me?
I’m your sword, aren’t I? What else am I here for, especially since you no longer wield me?
Wei Wuxian felt a stab of guilt. He’d never once thought about explaining himself to his sword, though in his defense he didn’t know his sword might have feelings on the subject. About that –
Yes, yes, I know, Suibian said. Chenqing explained the whole thing.
…my flute? You talk to my flute?
Please, Suibian said. We’re spiritual weapons. Of course we talk.
Isn’t that only supposed to happen for the weapons of sages? Wei Wuxian argued. Not, you know, run-of-the-mill ones. Er, no offense. Not that you’re not awesome, but I, personally, am very far from a sage.
At least you admit it, Suibian teased. And no, I think that’s just when everyone can start hearing us. We talk amongst ourselves long before that…sometimes I’m jealous of the Nie sect’s sabers. They can talk to their masters a lot earlier than we can.
They can? Even, what, shit he didn’t know any Nie, uh, Nie Huaisang?
…Nie Huaisang doesn’t count and you know it. His saber’s pretty funny, though. Lazier than a sloth.
That sounded about right.
Baxia’s terrifying, though.
That…also sounded right.
Okay, Wei Wuxian said, tearing his mind away from the fascinating question of why the Nie sabers in specific might be able to communicate with their wielders sooner than most and also what that might mean. There were more important things to discuss. Uh, thanks for saving my life. Death? Thanks for saving my souls, anyway.
Don’t embarrass me with gratitude.
Wei Wuxian would have grinned if he’d had a mouth. Yeah, sure, whatever.
They both sniggered at that.
Anyway, what now? I thought I heard…we’re sealed?
How else am I supposed to hide the fact that your souls and spirits are in here? Suibian asked. If someone wields us, they’d know. Wielders always know.
Wei Wuxian didn’t have anything to say about that. He had always known that Suibian was – Suibian. He could have picked up his sword in the dark and known it was his own, rather than another’s.
He just hadn’t known that Suibian had also known.
He’d even known that Suibian had a personality, that he’d – she’d – it –
Hey, do you have a gender? Wei Wuxian asked, distracted. Are you a boy sword or a girl sword –
I am a sword, Suibian said. Please leave your weird human reproduction techniques out of it.
It’s not about reproduction! It’s…hm. Maybe it is about reproduction? I don’t know, I’ve never really questioned it. Something to think about later on. More importantly – what now?
What do you mean?
What do we do now?
I’m not sure I understand.
Wei Wuxian would have rolled his eyes if he’d had them. What is our next step? You rescued me, and now we’re being bartered around as spoils of war. What’s the plan? What do we do now?
Suibian really didn’t seem to understand.
Well, you rescued me! What were you intending happen after that?
Nothing, Suibian said. I rescued you. That was the complete action. There was nothing after that.
You didn’t make a plan?
I’m a sword. We get wielded by others; we don’t – or at least, rarely – take initiative on our own. I’m not a Nie saber or something; I’m not going to hop up one day and go out hunting for evil on my own.
…is that a thing Nie sabers do? Wei Wuxian asked. On second thought, don’t answer that, I don’t have time to process it at the moment. Listen, now that you’ve rescued me, we still have to do something, right? We can’t just sit around on a shelf somewhere in the Jin sect as a trophy!
Suibian’s silence was almost a little pitying.
We can’t do that, Wei Wuxian repeated. Right?  
They were, in fact, placed on a Jin shelf, at least in the beginning.
It was a prominent place, meant to show him off – show it off, really, since no one knew Wei Wuxian was in there.
Wei Wuxian hated it.
He hated the way Jin Guangshan smirked at the sword, very obviously thinking about how he’d ground Wei Wuxian under his heel. He hated the fact that the man was using his research to develop demonic cultivation into something truly monstrous and vile, the reports that were delivered to Jin Guangshan within Wei Wuxian’s hearing enough to make his stomach turn if he still had one.
Reports of entire sects murdered, men women children all, brutally slaughtered as experiments in tests – each one delivered with a calm smile and no regret.
Wei Wuxian hated that.
He hated, too, the fact that his demonic cultivation, that new invention of his, was treated as nothing but a stepping stone, a tool used to help the Jin sect gain power and ascendance over the other sects – that was what this had always been about, he realized belatedly, too late to do any good.
He’d always known that Jiang Cheng had only cast him out of the Jiang sect because of pressure from the rest of the cultivation world, but somehow he hadn’t realized that that pressure was manufactured, that it was intentional, that he’d always been meant to either yield or die because the Jin sect wanted his power and his Tiger Seal and his secrets. Even if he’d still had a golden core, even if he’d set aside demonic cultivation the way they asked, it still would have ended up the same way in the end.
He’d given the Jiang sect power and influence – and the Jin sect didn’t like that.
But what Wei Wuxian hated most of all, above even the sickening reports of the Jin sect’s crimes, was –
“You look well, Sect Leader Jiang,” Jin Guangshan said, blatantly lying.
Jiang Cheng’s eyes were rimmed with red, whether with tears or an incipient qi deviation, and he stared vacantly at Jin Guangshan as if he didn’t quite understand his meaning. He’d lost weight, his cheekbones sharper than they’d been since the worst days of the war when they hadn’t had enough food, and he didn’t seem entirely – sane.
What happened to him? Wei Wuxian demanded. He might be the one who was living a half-life, but Jiang Cheng looked it.
He’s all alone, Suibian said. Like a sword that hasn’t been drawn in years, not even to be sharpened –
I said I was sorry about no wielding you, okay! But no, seriously, what have the Jin sect been doing to him?
Why are you asking me? I’ve been here, same as you.
“Stop the small talk,” Jiang Cheng finally said, interrupting Jin Guangshan’s odious discourse about the general state of the cultivation world, the satisfactory improvement in trade, and even the weather. “We both know why I’m here.”
Jin Guangshan stopped talking, and smiled his viper’s smile that Wei Wuxian wanted to scrub off his face. Preferably with the flat of Suibian’s blade. “It’s a very impudent request, you know,” he said, leaning back. “One could even say that it’s offensive that you even suggested it.”
Jiang Cheng stared at him. His knuckles were white from how hard his fists were clenched. “That’s not a no,” he said. His normally sharp voice was dulled. “That’s not a no.”
“It’s not,” Jin Guangshan agreed. “But if you want something from me, you have to give something in return.”
Haven’t you taken enough from him? Wei Wuxian shouted. You forced him to get rid of me, you forced my hand at the Qiongqi Path and led to everything that happened next, you – you – you greedy pig!
Now, now, Suibian said. What have pigs ever done to you?
Jiang Cheng swallowed and closed his eyes. He looked tired – exhausted – broken into pieces. The Jin sect ought to be helping him rebuild, helping him survive, not extorting him for whatever it was they wanted now.
“I understand,” Jiang Cheng said, through thin and bloodless lips.
Don’t do it! Whatever it is they want from you, refuse, it’s not worth it, Wei Wuxian tried to tell him, though he knew Jiang Cheng couldn’t hear him, couldn’t understand. You don’t know what they’re doing in secret, in the dark – if you knew, you’d be disgusted. Horrified. I know you would be. You’d stop them. If you agree to whatever it is that they want, you’ll think that you were complicit in it when you find out about it, no matter if you weren’t. Don’t agree!
But of course Jiang Cheng couldn’t hear him.
“I’m glad you do,” Jin Guangshan said, slippery and slimy even as he pretended to sound paternal, and Wei Wuxian might learn to hate him even more than he hated Wen Chao. He put his hand on Jiang Cheng’s shoulder, squeezed it, and Jiang Cheng let him – yes, Wei Wuxian could easily learn to hate Jin Guangshan, Jin Guangshan and Jin Guangyao and all the rest of them, just as much as the Wen sect. Maybe even more. “I look forward to working together with the Jiang sect in the future.”
What Jin Guangshan wanted – in exchange for granting whatever request it was that Jiang Cheng had that mattered so much to him – wasn’t going to be anything as easy as cooperation, and Wei Wuxian knew it; he knew it and he burned with the knowledge of it.
With the knowledge that he’d left Jiang Cheng to face this alone.
That he’d allowed himself to leave his brother behind because of the Jin sect’s manipulations – that if he’d only trusted Jiang Cheng enough to share with him his weakness, to stand with him rather than apart from him, they could have stood up to the Jin sect, to the world, they could have done something, and instead he’d selfishly thought he could do everything on his own, that he didn’t need anyone, that they would be better off without him than with him –
“Yes,” Jiang Cheng murmured. He looked even more broken now than he’d been before. “As you say.”
Jin Guangshan’s hand, still on Jiang Cheng’s shoulder, tightened. It was visible, which meant that Jin Guangshan’s grip was probably bruising, breaking. “Don’t forget to respect your elders, Sect Leader Jiang. You mustn’t forget your etiquette.”
Wei Wuxian had always respected Jiang Cheng, even when they were children, even when his arrogance refused to admit that there was anyone who could be anywhere near as good as himself, and that respect had only grown over the years. Brave, independent Jiang Cheng, who’d fought so hard to build the Jiang sect back up into something of its own, refusing to yield to fate and allow his inheritance to scatter into the wind –
Watching him kneel to pay homage to a monster, to call him ‘Chief Cultivator’ and agree numbly to support his future proposals – practically giving away his Jiang sect’s independence –
Wei Wuxian wanted to cry.
(Maybe this was what it had all been about. Not his demonic cultivation, not the Tiger Seal, not the power they could give to the Jin sect – this. This display of domination, of oppression; the Jin sect putting the Jiang underfoot.)
Whatever you’re getting for this had better be worth it, Jiang Cheng!
When it was done, Jiang Cheng looked up. “I’ll go now,” he said, throat hoarse as if from keeping himself from screaming – or crying. “I’ll take him – there won’t be any trouble, will there?”
“None whatsoever,” Jin Guangshan said, and smiled. “After all, A-Ling is very young. It’s no hardship to let him be raised a few years by his maternal family, to learn the traditions of the Jiang sect…since after all his poor mother isn’t around to teach him.”
Jiang Cheng barely flinched as he stood to go – he was beyond that – but Wei Wuxian howled in rage and despair.
We have to be able to do something, he begged Suibian. Something – anything! I can’t…this is my fault. If it wasn’t for me, he wouldn’t have to do this – please!
He had to admit that Jiang Cheng wasn’t wrong, to do what he did. Complicity, future guilt, present humiliation...it was all worth it. For all the future pain it would cause Jiang Cheng, it was worth it – to him, to Wei Wuxian – anything would be worth saving Jiang Yanli’s son.
Nothing has changed, Suibian said, solemn for once. I’m still just a sword. I can seal myself, but I can’t act on my own, not without a wielder.
Then what do I do?
Cultivate, Suibian said. A lot. I’ve been thinking about it: sword spirits are a thing, so are ghosts – it’ll take a while, but if we work at it, you’ll eventually be able to float outside of me. A while after that, you might even be able to manifest to humans. We’re both pretty bright; it shouldn’t take more than a few years.
Were you expecting this to be easy?
Wei Wuxian thought about Jiang Cheng, gritting his teeth and disregarding his pride to save his nephew; thought about Jin Guangyao smiling peaceably as he reported on the latest atrocities their pet demonic cultivators had caused in the same tone he used to discuss the weather; thought about that poor child, Mo Xuanyu, who’d been dragged into the Jin sect’s pit of vipers –
No, he said. I guess not.
Let’s begin.
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aressss1 · 4 years
Through Fire and Ice
(Technoblade x Reader) 
Chapter 1
Next Chapter
They had caused this… An ice age the likes no one had ever seen before. A world thrown out of whack… The party of four, Philza, Technoblade, Tommy, and Tubbo had slain the dragon in the end realm. The final blow dealt to the neck of the dragon; had brought on a chill they had never felt before. Though they didn’t truly recognize what had happened until they got back to the overworld. Tommy and Tubbo had jumped through the portal first. Technoblade had stayed back looking toward his friend Phil.
 Every breath they took could be seen due to the cold, but Phil was not bothered too much by it. He had read many scriptures leading up to this moment. As he excitedly looked out into the void, his hands on his hips. The pink haired man walked to Phil’s side. Phil’s eyes shined as he looked over at Techno, a smile gracing his lips.
“Hey mate.” Phil greeted Technoblade, “We did it!” Philza beamed putting his hand out as if to grasp onto something that just wasn’t there. “Do you know what lies just beyond that void?” Techno cocked his head to the side.
 “Uuuuuuhhhh” Techno said in a monotone voice, thinking but nothing came to him. “I have absolutely no clue.” Techno shrugged his shoulders crossing his arms, hoping that would help warm him up somehow.
 “There are cities out there, Techno,” Philza mused, “Filled with exceedingly rare items, just ripe for the taking!”
 “Heh?” Techno looked through the pig skull he wore as a mask, at Phil bewildered looking out into the void. There was nothing but an inky blackness, the thought of it made his head spin. “Who do you think made those cities? Are they still there? Do you think they’ll let us just run off with their items?” Philza just shook his head.
 “The scriptures read, that these cities are abandoned, I’m almost certain of it.” Philza pulled out a scroll from his robes, unraveling it to read it. “They do have some very… interesting defenses, so do be careful.” Phil added after a moment of reading.
 “Uh huh…” Techno looked over the edge slightly leaning over it kicking a rock with his shoe into the void. “There’s just one flaw to your plan…” Techno looked back to Phil, “How do you plan to get over there?” Phil donned a playful smirk, handing Techno building materials.
 “How ‘bout a race old friend?” Phil had challenged, watching the smile widen on Techno’s face.
 “Perhaps…” Techno was already getting into position to start the race and they once they both were ready, they started building out toward the void, starting their search for the valuables the scriptures had promised them.
 In the overworld, Tommy and Tubbo were chattering talking about how cool that fight with the dragon was. Tommy was boasting about how cool he was.
 “I am massive Tubbo, that dragon has never seen the likes of me before!” Tommy proclaimed jerked a thumb toward his chest. Tubbo gave a confused look tilting his head, his hand coming up in a questioning gesture.
 “Didn’t Techno have to help get a hoard of endermen off of you?” Tubbo innocently inquired, causing Tommy to bust up in nervous laughter.
 “Listen- Tub-Tubbo,” Tommy feigned his confidence, “It’s all a part of the plan!” Tommy gave a wide smile to his best friend, “I had to help get them off Philza, Big Man.” Tubbo still looked confused as they walked up the stairs to exit the stronghold.
 “Mmmm, but weren’t you screaming for both Phil and Techno to help you?” Tubbo asked, and he was immediately hushed by tommy.
 “Listen, that was just me stroking Technoblades ego, it’s very fragile you know!” Tommy declared and he finally had a sigh of relief when Tubbo shrugged and didn’t press further on the subject. “You were great too big man!” Tommy nudged Tubbo in the arm. “It wasn’t easy breaking those crystals.” Tubbo nodded in response but started rubbing down his arms trying to get warm, his breath coming out in puffs of steam.
 “Aren’t we in a desert?” Tubbo asked his teeth started to chatter. As they got closer to the surface, the colder it got. Tommy rubbed his hands together trying to use his breath to warm up his fingers. Tommy nodded, just as confused as Tubbo.
 When they had reached the entrance of the stronghold and they were at the surface and their eyes widened at the snowy sight before them.
 “Snow!” Tubbo squealed out happily, there wasn’t too much snow sticking to the sandy ground, but they could definitely start to catch the snowflakes on their tongues. The two boys ran forward laughing and playing in the ever-growing winter wonderland.
 You found yourself sitting below a tree reading your book in the shade, it was a normal day. The day was warm, and you found yourself enjoying the occasional breeze that would roll through. You often came to this spot to read whatever book took your fancy, sighing contentedly you let your fingers stroke over the pages of the book. Opening the book to where your bookmark was, you started reading.
The rustle of the leaves in the tree calmed you as the branches swayed with the wind. You could even hear distant clucking from a nearby chicken. Stretching out in the shade of your tree, your eyes scanned over the words of your book. There was no other place you would rather be right now.
You had lost track of time, and the thing that was able to knock you out of your trance was a sound… You didn’t know how to describe it, but the sound came from a distant land it seemed. It was… discomforting. Something was happening and you didn’t know exactly what. Looking around everything seemed normal. You were in the forest, with no one around. It sounded extremely far off… But you didn’t know if it was a good sound or not. Nothing else happened after that so you shrug it off.
 Before too long, you had forgotten about the sound, putting your nose right back into that book again. But this time around twenty minutes later, you had gotten cold, and that was what tore you away from the book. Looking around once more you were able to catch the first few snowflakes to fall to the ground. Unbeknownst to you a thick fog had rolled in around you as well.
 “Wha-?” You whispered to yourself quietly. You slowly got up feeling your bones give off a crack sound from the movement. Stretching you put your book in your book bag and left in the direction of your home. You were a little annoyed being that you were almost done with your book, but it was time that you got a move on with your day at this point. You had to get home and get a fire started in your cottage so that you wouldn’t be cold.
 It was weird how fast the chill had crept up on the day in summer, and you had a worrying thought about the sound that you heard from the distance. Maybe the two had correlated… But you couldn’t be too sure, you had never heard that noise before.
 The fog rolled in heavily as minutes passed by and you couldn’t see a foot past your face. This was worrying… One wrong turn and you would be heading the opposite direction from your house. That thought terrified you. Considering the closest village was miles away from you, and that was if you were heading in the right direction. You hadn’t scouted the other directions yet. You were still new to the area…
 Feeling a twinge of annoyance at your now runny nose, you stopped and looked around hoping there was something that you could identify. Nothing but the nearby trees caught your attention in the haze. The snowflakes seemingly got much larger in the passing minutes and they had no trouble sticking to the ground. You decided to just keep going. You had to keep moving so you wouldn’t freeze.
 You had willed yourself to go just a bit more through what was becoming a fully-fledged snowstorm. Fingers and toes were starting to ache. Had you known that it was going to snow today, you wouldn’t have opted to wear summer clothing, the shorts and tank top were not helping in any case. One thing was for sure, you were going to find somewhere to get out of this snowstorm, be it your own cottage or someone else’s, you were going to get there.
 Philza and Techno were back at the end portal their inventories filled to the brim with treasures. Winglike contraptions strapped to their backs, made it possible for them to fly, or at least glide through the air. This was the main item Philza had been looking for, and Techno was glad to be here for the expedition. Techno had even let out a high pitch gasp in delight when they had found a second, as Phil called it, Elytra for Techno.
 “Aye mate,” Philza tapped Techno on the shoulder, “Ya think we should take the egg?” He pointed to the egg on top of the bedrock pillar.
 “Does it count as an orphan?” Techno grinned amused as Phil busted up laughing.
 “I suppose so,” Phil chuckled as he quickly built up to the egg, careful not to fall into the portal below.
 “This is going to be the ultimate orphan trophy,” Techno mused as he watched Phil reach out to take the egg. But before Phil could get a finger on the egg… It was gone.
 Phil let out a very confused and loud “What!?” before looking around for the egg further, it had teleported just few feet away, untouched. Techno laughed at Phil who climbed down from the pillar.
 “You just got denied!” Techno taunted, wafting away some stray hair from his face. Phil puffed out a sigh and pulled out his scrolls to see if he had missed anything about the egg. Techno looked over the man’s shoulder. He couldn’t read anything on the scroll, that was Philza’s department… Even so… That wasn’t the language villagers usually spoke.
 “Mmmm, seems like we can’t interact with it ourselves mate.” Philza’s hand covered his mouth in thought. “I have a plan,” Philza grabbed his bag and walked over to the egg. “Techno, dig out just enough for the egg to fall into the bag.”
 “Alright.” Grabbing his pickaxe, he dug out just enough of the end stone for the egg to topple over safely into Philza’s bag.
 “There we go!” Philza beamed holding the bag up. The top of the egg could barely be seen. He closed up the bag and strapped it over his shoulder. “Let’s get back to the boys, I’m tired of this chill in the air.”
 “We gotta pack extra clothes when we come back for the other cities,” Techno mused pulling his blue cloak around him to help stave off the chill. Phil grunted in agreement and he made his way back to the portal. With one step into the portal, he was gone.
 Techno lingered for a moment, his eyes searching the darkness. Had the dragon killed the inhabitants of the cities? Or… Was it something else? This realm was lonely, he wasn’t sure he wanted to come back here. The deafening silence was eerie. Shaking his head, he jumped through the portal. His eyes closed; he felt his stomach turn into knots. His body flew out of the other side of the portal and he orientated himself to land on his feet, though he kneeled when he felt his feet touch the floor to keep his balance.
 “Everything good mate?” Phil asked extending his hand to Techno, who took it nodding his thanks. “Good.” Making sure they had everything, they opt to go up the stairs. At a certain point they could hear the boys outside playing and laughing.
 “Am I missing something here? Why is it cold in the middle of the desert?” Techno asked with an edge to his voice. Something definitely wasn’t right. Phil shrugged looking on with an equally worried expression. The entrance they had dug had flurries of snow covering the first few steps.
 “It’s the middle of summer at that…” Phil hurried his step, when the two men had gotten to the surface they were met with the sight of Tommy and Tubbo having a snowball fight. The boys peered over at them excitedly. They both ran up to Phil and Techno sizing up their new gear.
 “So that’s what you’ve been up to,” Tommy pouted his eyes wandering over the elytras on Phil and Techno’s backs. “Why didn’t take us,” Tommy whined motioning to himself and Tubbo. “I want… Whatever that thing is.”
 “Tommy, I hear you, but I really don’t think it’s the time for that,” Phil put his hand on Tommy’s shoulder, as he looked around the snowy area. “We need to get back home.” Tommy scoffed but before he could retort Techno chimed in.
 “We don’t want to hear it Tommy, something is going on and we need to figure out what.” Techno looked toward Phil. Ignoring Tommy muttering to himself about how it was unfair that they got all the cool loot, and he didn’t. “We need to talk to the others and make a plan of action if this storm doesn’t stop,” Phil nodded, “I’m going to get some supplies, take them home and call the others for a meetin’.” The plan was set, and everyone headed off on their journeys.
 Techno was in a bit of a bind. He was stuck in fog, and there were strays shooting at him from all directions. He didn’t know where an arrow would come from next. Some even got close enough to hit him using melee. Their ability to slow their enemies was annoying but Techno made quick work of them for the most part.  He knew he was on the right path to his cottage.
 An agonized scream echoed out, making Techno’s head snap up, his heart dropped, and he trudged further. His steps taking their sweet time as he was still affected with slowness. He listened for anything but didn’t hear another noise other than the crunching snow under his feet, but he soon found red droplets in the snow. Someone out here was injured… Following the trail of blood, he eventually found a body in the snow.
 You were riddled in arrows, breathing shallowly, lying face down in the snow. Unfastening his cloak, he wrapped you in the clothing and lifted your body with ease. You made some sounds of protest, which caused him to believe you were awake.
 “Stay with me okay?” His deep voice called to you, causing your eyes to flutter open and meet his. You were having trouble keeping focus. Your eyes skimming over the mask he wore on his face. Fear courses through you. “You will be okay.” He reassures you; he can see your fear. He doesn’t blame you; it would be off-putting to be hurt, and to suddenly be carried by a man you didn’t know who was wearing a boar skull as a mask. You let out a little sigh, your body going limp in his arms.
 Techno looked around, this had brought him off course, but he kept his compass on him, pointing to a lodestone he had in his house. Reading the compass, he trudges on, with you in his arms, still dodging arrows. It wasn’t too long of a walk before he suddenly had the cottage in his view, and he kicks the door open. Hurriedly he sets you down onto the floor next to the fireplace. Quickly lighting a fire, he searches his chests for any and all health potions.
 He was going to have to pull all those arrows out of you, one by one. He wasn’t looking forward to it. He peeled the bloody cloak off your body, examining your wounds. He sighed in relief. Your wounds could be easily healed with his potions. He counted three arrows stuck in your legs in all directions and two in your back. Your skin was frostbitten, and your lips were blue.
 Clipping the arrows shorter he made quick work, of the ones in your back. If they had hit any deeper, he would have been worried. Even so, your blood started to pool on his cloak that lie beneath you. Splashing a health potion on your back closed the wounds but they left definite scars. Now he was onto the arrows in your legs. He tended to the wounds in your legs just as he did with the ones in your back.
 Looking down at his handy work, blood all over his hands, he pushed back thoughts, the voices that liked to plague his mind coming back for a split second. Hands shaking, he got up to wash his hands, only to find that the pipes had been frozen. With an irritated sigh he grabbed a bucket and started filling the cauldron above his fire with snow.
 You were caked in blood and he wanted to have a bath ready for you when you woke up, he didn’t like seeing blood smeared on anyone, not even himself, as it just made the voices in his head stronger. He had tended to Tommy like this once upon a time when Tommy had overestimated himself and he fell from a cliff. Back then he didn’t have control over the voices like he did now. The memory made him shudder.
 Sighing he searched his fridge; you both were going to be here for a while, and you were going to need to regain your strength.  He had a good supply of potatoes, steak and carrots, that could keep the two of you going for a few days. To Techno, you didn’t seem like a fighter, so he wasn’t too worried you were going to stab him in the back but who knew, maybe he was wrong. If he was… Then he would be ready.
 Either way, the both of you had time to get to know each other.
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ratsoh-writes · 4 years
Oh man I got another one- say everyone is monster hunting (like Bigfoot or mothman- whatever you like) who’s the one who hears a sound and just books it? Anyone have a fight reaction and start swinging? AKSKJFJAJDH WHOS THE ONE TO TRY TO RUN AFTER IT WITH THE CAMERA ALL UP IN ITS BUISNESS AKSKJDJSJS
I don’t know how you want to format this- so if you just want to put them under categories- superb; longer version? Dealer’s choice
Here’s how everyone reacts/roles during monster hunting:
Sans: in a monster hunt, he’s the guy who stays in the van to “keep watch” on all the electronics. Instead sans falls asleep of course and misses all the action. His team could straight up see a ghost and he won’t believe them lol
Papyrus: he’s more likely to go Bigfoot hunting then ghost hunting. And for some reason papyrus brought a metal detector like that’ll help? It doesn’t but he also found two dollars in lost coins so he counts it as a win.
Star: he uses superglue to line a butterfly net with salt to catch the demons in. It doubles as a blunt weapon if they fight back.
Honey: he’ll break off from the group and wind up getting lost in the woods. He’s the guy who actually meets moth man and gets directions back to the campsite from him. It’s not till days later that honey realizes that moth man wasn’t actually another monster from the underground
Red: he also stays in the van, except red is watching those radios like a hawk. He’ll be extremely disappointed and relieved if nothing happens.
Edge: he calls everyone else an idiot for going monster hunting, but winds up leading the group instead because no one else is qualified enough for it. Every sound edge hears is just a raccoon. There’s no other explanation and you can’t convince him otherwise.
Mal: he decided to wear all silver jewelry today just in case! No vampire is taking a chunk out of mal! Plus this is his sharp set of rings so it doubles as a shank.
Cash: he’s the one who breaks from the group and then terrorizes them with mysterious noises and throwing pinecones. Until something grabs cash’s shoulder, and when he turns, there’s no one there. Now he’s sprinting home.
Oak: out of everyone he’s the most likely to get possessed. Oak will freeze, loose the red eye-light, and utter some creepy-a*s prophecy before coming to. Then he just keeps walking. He didn’t even notice lol
Willow: he’s not taking this seriously and will be enjoying his nature walk until his brother gets possessed. Now willow is taking it very seriously. And they’re leaving Right. Now. Heaven help the ghost if they try that crap again. Willow will exorcise them.
Charm: he really really really hopes they find a vampire. A vampire hickey would be the ultimate trophy!! But if the vampire is a jerk, charm can always throw the garlic salt he bought at Walmart at them.
Sugar: he genuinely does not want to be here, but someone’s gotta keep charm alive. Besides, call him racist, but sugar isn’t comfortable with a vampire getting cosy with his brother. A werewolf is fine though.
Lord: he genuinely does not want to be here, but once again wine and mal have dragged lord into the strangest kind of trouble. Sneaking into a government building is more expected by him than monster hunting. Oh well, at least he knows wine is the monster guru. If they ever find one he’ll know what to do.
Mutt: he came into the forest with friends to find Bigfoot, but left with four baby raccoons. Mutt is praying to the stars that lord will let him keep them.
Wine: HE IS READY. Wine was made for this day!!! He already has survival kits, flashlights, a bible and silver cross, extra batteries in case the flashlights go out, and like 30 disposable cameras. If anyone is going to find a cryptid it’ll be him!
Coffee: he was the one to scare cash. Cash was bugging the old lady squad, and coffee didn’t want his brother to get mad at his friend. Plus it’s always fun to get one on the other prankster.
Pop: he takes to the trees. But unlike in movies, the tree branches move a lot each time pop jumps on one. With all the racket he’s making, no wonder he never gets to meet mothman.
Rhythm: it only takes one loud noise for rhythm to run all the way back home. He’s too easily spooked. You might want to pick someone else for this.
Pluto: he doesn’t believe in the supernatural at all, but pluto does believe in science! He brings a pocket guide on local rocks and plants and will turn the monster hunt into a lovely treasure hunt. He finds a pretty quarts right add to his collection
Jupiter: he’ll take to the sky as his buddies walk. If there’s anyone Jupiter is the most likely to go monster hunting with, it’s Star. Both of them have almost endless energy which can be a problem. They end up exploring too far and will be exhausted by the time they circle back.
Peaches: he’s very superstitious and definitely believes in ghosts and such. And ghosts terrify peaches. He’ll be hanging off of ranchers arm all evening. If anything pops out of the bushes, peaches will shout and start running.
Rancher: he’s ready. Rancher is equipped with a metal rod, his shotgun, his most aggressive pig, and some salt and garlic to make peaches feel better. Rancher is gonna find that thieving coyote if it’s the last thing he does.
G: he likes to tell people that he’s met ghosts during his late night drives. In reality, they were the drunk college kids who party in the woods, but ghosts make a cooler story. G is unphasable and will have a grand time telling scary stories during the hunt to rile up his teammates.
Green: he’ll absolutely refuse to go cryptid hinting in the woods. Not because of ghosts or Bigfoot. No, green isn’t scared of those at all. You see, it’s the spiders. If he walks into a spider web he’ll literally die. Green is a total arachnophobe
Snipe: occasionally Don will kick snipe out to go on a manhunt so he can get some fresh air. He usually takes butch with him on these because ace is a jerk who likes playing mind games. He’ll always convince snipe that there’s a ghost about. Anyways snipe doesn’t like ghosts
Bruiser: he’s super down to go cryptid hunting until he hears it’s in the forest. You see, bruise knows the city like the back of his hand, but the forest is uncharted territory. Bruiser will be super clumsy and steadily more and more frustrated as the night goes on. If he actually meets a cryptid, he’s real likely to fist fight it right now
Ace: he loves ghost stories and the supernatural. I’f ace was invited on a ghost hunt, he wouldn’t be able to keep himself from scaring everyone else with his creepy stories lol.
Slim: as the only papyrus who can shortcut, slim loves to use and abuse that privilege. And use it he does. The second he hears a suspicious noice, slim is grabbing his favorite group member and blipping away. This is a good way to tell if you’re the favorite friend. If it was between his brothers, he would save boss
Butch: he ain’t afraid of no ghost!! Ghosts are just floating souls right? Then all he has to do is grab them with blue magic and yeet them right back into the afterlife. Butch is disappointed in everyone who hasn’t thought of this yet.
Boss: oh hell naw. Boss absolutely is terrified cannot stand all this talk about things that don’t exist! He’ll be staying right here until you guys start to come crawling back.
Maybe on second thought he better come with. You guys might get mugged or something. As a leader he has to protect his friends of course!
Rust: and chance some creepy pedo ghost trying to haunt his daycare. No thank you!
Noir: rust never pulls the big brother card, but if noir started messing with the supernatural, you bet he would. Besides noir is more then happy to play the “my legs hurt” card that get out of it. Monster hunting isn’t really his thing.
Lilac: he so very wants to keep up with Star and Jupiter, but there are some things lilac can’t do with his prosthetic leg. It would be too dangerous. Instead he mans the campsite, keeping watch for any suspicious activity and the cops.
Basil: the supernatural is one thing that basil has zero fear of or belief in. He’ll come, and just to be annoying he brings backups of everything. Flashlight keeps going out? He’s got two more and extra packs of batteries. Strange animal noises? Let’s see them make that after his dog whistle. Getting colder? Basil is ready for extra scarves for everyone
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capsiclecevans · 4 years
“you bring out the best of me”
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Warnings: none as usual, just floofy fluff Summary: Chris finally wins the Oscar he has always deserved and he dedicates his win to you and mentions you in his acceptance speech  Word Count: 1.5k  Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader 
⭐︎ ashleigh’s masterlist ⭐︎ | ☾ ashleigh’s taglist ☽
Chris was nervous, there was no doubt about it as you watched him button up his crisp white shirt in the mirror, his hands trembled lightly as they reaches for the next button. It wasn’t uncommon for him to be nervous on award show nights, but tonight was more intense than every. It was the Oscar’s and Chris was nominated for the first time, and he was a favourite to win for his role in the latest drama he was the male lead in. His anxiety had been building over the last couple of weeks on the build up of tonight and you had tried your best to help calm him, but you could clearly see how it was affecting him as he was getting ready in the hotel room you had for the night. 
You carefully stand up from the chair you was sat on, making sure that you didn’t stand on the elegant dress you was wearing, walking over to your nervous wreck of a boyfriend. You rest your hand on his shoulder lightly, not wanting to scare him as it was clear that he didn’t notice you approach him, the thoughts in his head overpowering everything else. He looks at you and tries to smile at you, tight on his lips, you smile back gently. You have never seen him this nervous before and it struck at your heart because he was sweetest man you have ever met and he didn’t deserve to feel like this. 
“You are going to be fine, I will be there right beside you the entire evening…” You say, finishing with the buttons on Chris’ shirt and helping with tucking it into his black slacks and then with his bow tie. Once you have finished you straighten the collar of his shirt and press a kiss to his cheek. 
“There we go…” You step back lightly, looking Chris up and down slowly, smiling to yourself before looking at him. “If you aren’t the sexiest man in the world, then pigs can fly…” You say, earning a laugh from Chris for the first time since you had both started getting ready for the award ceremony. 
The red carpet went better than you imagined, Chris kept you close the entire time. Either an arm round your waist, hand on the small of your back or hand-in-hand. Like he was scared you were going to go back against what you told him in the hotel room while you were getting ready. Now you were sat in your seats, your hand resting against Chris’ thigh as he spoke to James Corden who was sat to his left about their plans for the next year or so. You were just taking in the occasion, smiling to yourself when the light hit your engagement ring just right for it to glimmer and catch your eye. In the plans that Chris was talking about was your upcoming wedding, or as the press was calling it ‘The Wedding of the Year.’ 
You were brought out of your little daydream when Chris’ hand came to wrap round yours gently, covering your ring lightly. You smile up at him softly and raises your eyebrows as he smiles back at you, leaning over and kissing your cheek softly. You lean into the touch, a small flush coming to your cheeks. 10 years together and you still acted like you have only been together for a few months, this is the affect he had on you and you never wanted this feeling to stop. You were completely in love with this man and you knew you both would do anything to keep each other happy. 
“You okay?” He asks, looking at you, a smile touching at his lips. Far from the anxiety riddled Chris that you had in the hotel room, you smile and nods, squeezing his fingers with yours to let him know you are happy. 
“Yeah, just taking everything in…” You chuckle before leaning into Chris, striking up your own conversation with him till the ceremony started. 
As the ceremony went on, you could feel the nerves radiate off of Chris as his category came closer. You reach over and rest your hand on his knee, smiling at him lightly when he eventually catches your eye with his. He sighs a little, smiling nervously before taking your hand in his, bringing it up to his lips for press a kiss to your knuckles. 
You look over to the stage when Sandra Bullock and Jennifer Lawrence are announced to present the Best Actor award. You smile lightly at Chris and squeeze his hand gently, keeping a hold of it so he has a grounding point over the next couple of minutes. Whether he won or lost you knew you would be exceptionally proud of him and what he has achieved. 
“Wow, tonight has been fantastic, with some worthy winners…” Sandra says as Jennifer smiles and nods along with her. 
“And we have 6 outstanding actors lined up for this next award, Best Male” Jennifer says into the microphone on the podium before introducing the nominees. “The nominees for Best Male Actor are, Joaquin Phoenix for Joker, Antonio Banderas for Pain and Glory, Chris Evans for Life of the Party, Leonardo DiCaprio for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Adam Driver for Marriage Story and Johnathon Pryce for The Two Popes.” 
“And the winner is…” Sandra says as she starts to open the envelope, looking down and reading the winner before looking to the crowd and leaning to the microphone. “Chris Evans for Life of the Party.” 
Cheers erupt around you and Chris as you look at each other happily, pride emanating off you as you kiss him briefly, standing up to hug him as James Corden claps him on the back in congratulations. You are sure you hear Robert Downey Jr. a few rows back shout “Go on Capsicle!” But it is drowned out by the cheers and clapping for your fiancé. 
There was now a permanent smile on your face as you watched Chris walk up the steps of the stage to accept his well deserved Oscar trophy. All his handwork had paid off and you could not be more proud of him. 
The clapping finally died down as he stood at the podium to give his acceptance speech, after receiving the award from Jennifer and hugging both her and Sandra, he nervously chuckled before catching your eye in the crowd. You smile at him and give him an encouraging thumbs up, tearing up a little at the sight of him accepting the most prestigious award of his life. 
“Wow…I can’t believe this…thank you…” He starts off, still in utter shock that he has won and that he is holding an Oscar that will have his name engraved on it by the end of the night. “I’d just like to thank everyone on the production of Life of the Party, especially Rian Johnson our director, this wouldn’t be happening right now if it wasn’t for you and your brilliant job at directing. Also, my parents and siblings, they have been so supportive throughout my entire career and I would never have started acting if you didn’t give me the courage to do so.” He takes a deep breath before he turns slightly in your direction and smiles softly, like he is now only talking to you, ignoring the hundreds of people in the theatre and the TV cameras that are broadcasting the ceremony live across the world. “And finally I would like to give the biggest thanks to my wife-to-be, my soulmate and my everything. She’s been with me ever since before I was casted as Captain America, Steve Rogers as you will, and she has been my rock ever since. I couldn’t have done this without you, and sometimes I am shocked at how you handle everything that comes with myself and this life. I know it is crazy and overwhelming at times but I love you and in everything I do, you bring out the best of me, I love you so much darling. This award is for you.” 
You couldn’t help the tears fall down your cheeks as Chris spoke about you, in front of millions of people watching in the theatre but also at home. He never shied away from declaring his love for you or showing the world how in love he was with you. When he finally arrived back to his seat during the next, and final, ad break you hug him ever so tightly, even more in love with him than you were moments ago before he won the award if that was possible. You were extremely excited to marry and spend the rest of your life with Chris, and hopefully the news in the form of a small baby onesie sporting the “My Daddy is an Oscar Winner” on the front that you had printed for tonight, not that you knew he definitely would win, would seal both your happiness for years to come as you gave it to him the next morning after spending the night celebrating with each other in the hotel room you started the evening in getting ready than out at the Vanity Fair Party. 
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