#i know i also forgot to say i came back from japan
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hey-hamlet · 1 year ago
Every so often i remember one of your aus and become fully obsessed for a few hours. I am having the time of my life imagining end of and era where the minds of the vestiges jump back too, and Izuku talks with them like he did in the vigilante arc. He could have someone to rant with about afo's bullshit <33
Not going to lie I also do that, and wildly, i was reading through end of an era like 5 minutes ago!
I don't think I ever mention what the vestiges are up to, so this is like, shrodinger's canon lmao. I like to imagine this version of the au sees an even more maladjusted Izuku, considering he and the vestiges have all been through enough shit they don't really know where to draw the line between normal and wildly fucked up. He is better socially though, because hes got a cheer squad in the back of his head reminding him not to be weird about things.
He got like, a full bowl of fluffy, perfectly white rice from lunch rush for the first time in years and almost had a massive breakdown in the cafeteria (he'd been unintentionally avoiding foods they hadn't been able to eat as they'd either run on stolen goods (risky) or subsistence farming (vulnerable)). Nana is there patting his back when Yoichi cheerfully talks about the time he puked eating white rice because he'd gone on a 2-week hunger strike and forgot how much sugar was in rice when he started eating again.
Wildly, it helps.
This au also features a lot of really scary muttering from Izuku about murder plans. His friends desperately do not want him to be put on a list so whenever someone comes over they start talking really loudly to cover up the violence-heavy conversation Izuku seems to be having with himself. They all think the plans are for Bakugo and not one of them thinks they should warn him.
Boy had it coming.
(In reality, its how Izuku relieves stress with the vestiges. Its also great bonding.)
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drenched-in-sunlight · 5 months ago
"Marika becomes the sum of all the Fromsoft girlies" is nice but you forgot Nashandra who actually has parallels with Marika! Recommending to check it out, she's cool!
let’s get this out of the way now… I love DS2, I think the vibe and gameplay is immaculate and I’ll defend it as a whimsical and enjoyable videogame experience till the end of time.
But my god, I hate how they handle female characters in that one 💀
In fact, I don’t like how they handle female characters in DS franchise in general. It got a bit better in Bloodborne and Sekiro and especially AC6, but overall ever since I started playing Fromsoft game in 2020, my main gripe with them is they only have 2 tropes to shoehorn their female character into: helpless victim of a system that would mangle and exploit them OR serious sword lady. And if I’m being real, it’s the main gripe I have with Elden Ring base game too?
I didn’t discuss it on tumblr because back then I were still trying to keep this blog art-focused, but when the game came out in 2022, I did express my concern on twitter that I found the female characters cast… strangely lacking. Because I went into the game expecting Ema-level of writing (literally Sekiro’s Ema is one of the best female characters Fromsoft has ever written to this day I could and have talked ppl’s ears off about her. And I’m glad she on her own is very different from Marika. That means they could at least write 2 more types of female characters now the bar is on the floor but I’ll take it and cherish what I have), but it felt like they got reset back to DS franchise with ER base game.
(This has an added layer of me being a girl born, raised and lived in a Sinosphere country that is entrenched in Confucius values just like Japan, so yes I do understand and experience firsthand the underlying culture values that shapes their writing. Hell, I live and study postgraduate in Japan for 2 years too).
But we are going off track, this is about DS2. Now, my problem with DS2 is, see, with 1 or 3, the female characters either have very little agency or no agency at all. And it just…. be like that. The male characters are somewhat the same, so it really doesn’t bother me that much. The cool, unique, not sexualized design is enough. But 2?
2 has a lot of female characters…. who either play no role in the world setting or sinister figures that charm men and bring ruins to kingdoms? What?
(Before anyone says “but Lucatiel—” Lucatiel is the beacon of light in that game, yes, but at the same time her purpose centering around her brother is… also a problem I have with the way they handle Malenia’s story. My Fromsoft experience has lore to it as well jfc)
Like, it’s just ??? to me half of those women have no agency or backstory whatsoever apart from being the Dark’s daughters that would bring doom everywhere they go??? You can say everything wrong in DS2 world is their fault and I actually wouldn’t have much to argue. Actually, it’s interesting you bring up Nashandra because I do think Nashandra has parallel in Elden Ring. But not to Marika.
That’s who reminds me of Nashandra in Elden Ring. Literally the mysterious, lowkey nefarious lady and her old man husband with questionable dynamic DS2 trope 🧍‍♀️ you can actually see that in their name too.
If I have to pick a character in DS franchise specifically to make parallel to Marika, it’ll always be Gwynevere. Because I honestly think it’s amazing they took a character that has the least amount of agency they’ve ever created, and turned the core concept of her (warmth, healing spells, sunlight, mother, daughter, queen, faith) into another character with actual good writing.
That’s why I didn’t include Nashandra in my previous post. Not because I don’t know about her. It’s because I know.
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livwritesstuff · 1 year ago
i’ve been very quiet so srry - my week started with my annual performance review (which went well) and ended with an emergency surgery (also went well) so…a lot going on to say the least
this is a deleted scene from the first chapter of plant a seed
When Robin called, Steve and Eddie were in the phase of newborn parenthood where they froze every single time the phone rang (because said newborn was napping more often than not and when she was, there was a 50% chance minimum the phone would wake her up).
So when Robin called and the ringing of the phone broke the otherwise peaceful silence, Steve froze and he waited. When the baby didn't wake up, Steve exhaled a sigh of relief and answered the call.
"This is Steve."
"Hey Steve-o!"
Steve immediately recognized the voice as Robin's – of course he did, even if he hadn't heard it since she and Nancy left for a work trip in Japan a little over a month ago.
“Oh shit,” Steve said, because this means that Robin and Nancy are finally home, finally back in their Boston apartment fifteen minutes away from his and Eddie's in Cambridge instead of the opposite side of the entire world, “You’re home!”
“Yep,” Robin replied, popping the P, “That plane was a million degrees, I’m pretty sure. No more August flights if I have any say in it. Anyways – wanted to let you know we made it back unscathed. What’s new with you guys?”
“Uh…” Steve began, not totally sure where to start, because Robin didn't know about the baby he and Eddie had been placed with two weeks ago and she certainly didn't know that they're going to adopt her (because they'd landed on that decision that very day – about two hours ago, to be specific), “Well–”
“Hey, do you still have those placements?" Robin interrupted, "The kids who like to read the Goosebumps books?”
“Oh,” Steve blinked, “No. They went back with their mom a couple days after you left.”
“Damn. Been a while. Forgot this trip was longer than usual – wait, so are you between placements now, then? Hey, we should finally make that trip to P-Town!”
"Might need a raincheck on that," Steve said with a laugh, because at the moment a trip to the goddamn grocery store required at least a day's worth of planning, "We've got another placement right now – a newborn. We've had her for, uh, for just under two weeks, pretty sure."
“Shit, a newborn?" Robin repeated.
Steve faintly heard Nancy's voice, though he couldn't make out exactly what she was saying. He listened as Robin recounted to her what he'd just said, then started to laugh.
"Nancy just said that if she misses out on a chance to hold a new baby, she'll kill you," Robin told him, "Any idea when she might move on?”
Steve paused for a second. He and Eddie had decided earlier that they wouldn’t be telling anyone about the baby until the adoption was finalized, but…it’s Robin. 
He doesn’t think he’s ever kept a secret from Robin before, certainly not something this big and certainly not for very long.
He has to tell her.
“We’re, uh, we’re actually adopting her.”
Robin was silent.
Then –
“Holy shit – Steve.”
And then –
“I’m coming over right now. Immediately. Wait–” Robin stopped, “Damn, I can’t be a dick and come over unannounced anymore, can I? Because you guys have a baby. A baby. And she’s gonna be yours? What the fuck? Wait, let me start over.”
Robin paused long enough to take a deep breath.
“Steve Harrington – my best friend who’s finally fulfilling a lifelong dream of becoming a dad – when will you allow us to come and be formally introduced to our niece?”
Truth be told, Steve wouldn’t say no to a visit from Robin and Nancy that day (especially after the our niece comment), but their case worker had just started faxing over all the paperwork to get the ball rolling on the adoption process and Steve has a feeling that he might catch Eddie trying to fill that shit out as it came out of the machine so tonight they might be a little occupied.
"Tomorrow?" he suggested.
"Morning?" Robin added.
Steve laughed, "Sure. Tomorrow morning."
"Bright and early, dad. Holy fuck, I can't believe you're a dad."
"You can't?"
"No, I totally can."
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milaisreading · 1 year ago
Hi, is your request open? If so can I please request something like the bllk boys didn't know it's CD!YN's birthday because they're too engrossed on practicing and they just find out because Ego-san greeted her in the middle of lecturing them.
-Please excuse my grammar, English is not my first language TT
-also it's my birthday today so I gathered my courage to request for the first time to indulge myself (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
Have a greet day!
🌱🩷: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK! I feel honored to write this then. Hope you like it and hope you are having a great birthday, and getting a lot of presents 🥰❤️
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. In the story the boys will be using he/him when addressing Yn. Requests for this series are open.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Ever since (Y/n) became the captain of the rowdy team known as Blue Lock, her life changed a lot. Whether it was for the better or for worse, she didn't know. Maybe someday she will be able to judge it better, but for now she barely had any time to sit down and think this through. With how chaotic everyone was, the JFA gave her a clear warning:
'Make sure they behave during interviews and on TV. Their behavior is a reflection of you as a captain. It is also a reflection of Japan to the world. Don't tarnish it.'
Back then she wanted to say a lot of colorful words to the old men, and she still does, but now she had little to no energy to do that. In fact, she completely forgot what day was when thanks to how hectic everything became. And just like that December 24th came, which is also (Y/n)'s birthday.
While the outside, aka fans and general public saw some ads and public congratulations for the player's birthday, the girl and other Blue Lock players stayed blissfully unaware of everything.
"Here." (Y/n) sighed as she offered some salmon on her chopsticks to Bachira. Grinning, the boy took a bite, smiling in victory as he received death stares from everyone else.
"Bachira, you can eat on your own." Isagi rolled his eyes and looked back at (Y/n), speaking more softly now.
"Please, eat your own food. You look like you need some."
"Huh... oh, I don't mind, Isagi. I need to make sure you guys are healthy." (Y/n) smiled weakly, feeling way too tired to say more.
"(Y/n), feed me too. Feed me, too!" Nagi begged, tugging on her sleeve.
"Oh, sure-"
"Nagi, you have your own hands and chopsticks. Let (Y/n) eat his own food." Reo warned from the girl's left side as Nagi pouted.
"Please~" The albino gave (Y/n) some puppy eyes, and before she could agree, a tray was put between her and Nagi's face.
"Huh?" She looked at the person who did it, only to find Barou glaring at her classmate.
"Eat on your own. And you, eat something, now. Let Bachira eat on his own."
"But I don't want to-" Before Bachira could finish, Gagamaru shoved a pastry into the boy's mouth.
"I will feed him instead. You eat something." Gagamaru said as he grabbed a displeased Bachira's shoulders.
"Yeah, let us handle it." Isagi agreed.
They are right. You should eat something. I didn't see you during breakfast today." Karasu said from the table next to them.
"What?! Why did you miss out on breakfast?" Rin yelled in worry, and (Y/n) gulped as she felt Reo and Barou glare at her.
"I didn't feel like eating this morning." She excused herself.
'I had to prepare everything for an upcoming interview.' She wanted to say, but couldn't bring herself to burden them with it.
"Not feeling like eating? You? I have a hard time believing that." Otoya said suspiciously.
Yukimiya sighed and took his plate of food, walked over to (Y/n) and put the plate in front of her.
"What?" She asked the boy.
"Have my food, too. It can't bring you any good to miss out on food."
Reo frantically nodded his head.
"Have mine too."
"You should have something high in protein, (Y/n)." Hiori agreed.
"Take my tofu, too."
"I can give you some of my veggies as well. They are sweet-sour." Niko added on.
"No, guys. It's fine. Please eat. It's more important that you all are full and-"
"It's also important that the captain isn't hungry, (Y/n)." Kunigami said, putting a hand on her head.
'Where did he come from?!' She thought in surprise.
"Seriously, I am fine-"
"That pale face says otherwise. I should give you a nice skin care day, (Y/n)! A nice Vitamin C mask does wonders~" Aryu added in, causing (Y/n) to raise an eyebrow.
"I am really fine, Aryu. Please, focus on yourselves. We can't have you tired-"
"We-we can't have you faint on the field, (Y/n)! P-please listen to us!" Tokimitsu interjected, clearly worried over the girl's health.
"Yes! You are important for the team, too!" Kurona added in.
'I am? I am just the captain... a babysitter if you will...' Well, at least that's what she was made to feel by the JFA.
"Here! I was given this new nutritious shake to try. It's good for the bones." Chigiri said, handing her the pinkish drink.
"Uh... this is your-"
"And drink that!"
"You should really get some rest after, too."
"My pillow is very soft, I will give it to you."
"I will carry you to your room."
"Hold up! Hold up, everyone!"
(Y/n) grew a little overwhelmed, but thankfully everything stopped once Ego's voice appeared.
"What is this ruckus?!" Everyone stopped and looked at the screen that was showing the confused adult. Gulping, (Y/n) put her utensils down and got up.
"I am so sorry, Ego-san. This one is my fault-"
"Silence. I know it's not. And don't put all the blame on yourself." (Y/n) shut up and looked at Ego silently, the boys watching the interaction in confusion.
"Besides, why aren't you resting today?"
"Uh... The JFA-"
"Forget what those old farts said, I told you to rest today."
"Are you sure?" (Y/n) asked, unsure if she should listen. On one hand she had Ego, and on the other she had the duty to keep everything in line, for the country.
"Yes, besides, it's your birthday. Go and rest."
"Bitthday?! You never told us it's your birthday today!" The team yelled in unison, causing (Y/n) to flinch a little.
"I myself forgot... if I can be honest." (Y/n) blushed as Ego sighed.
"Go. Sleep. Now. I will deal with the JFA. The rest of you stay and finish your lunch."
Ego ordered as the room fell silent.
'Ego... will handle it.' The girl slowly nodded her head and walked out of the cafeteria as everyone watched her silently.
Once she was away, and out of earshot, Ego spoke up again.
"So... you guys want to take part in a surprise party Anri and I are preparing?"
"Hell yeah!"
"Of course!"
"Party for (Y/n)! Yes!" The team agreed, eagerly waiting for what Ego will say next.
Walking back into her and Rin's room, the girl sighed and plopped herself on her bed, cuddling into the pillow.
'Ego-san will handle it. I can rest for now.' As if a weight got lifted of off her, (Y/n) sighed in relief and started to drift into a slumber. Feeling more carefree now.
Once Ego finished instructing everyone what they should do, he turned off his camera and looked back at Anri.
"Is everything ready?"
Happily, Anri nodded her head and went through the list.
"All the ingredients and instructions are set for Isagi, Barou, and Rin. The meat, veggies, sauces, and spices for the katsu are there for Kunigami, Hiori, and Yukimiya. Bachira, Niko, and Karasu will get the balloons and decorations to prepare. Sanrio themed ones are so hard to find during Christmas, especially of that pink sheep." Anri commented as Ego nodded from time to time.
"Nagi, Reo, Kurona, and Aryu have the wrapping paper set for the presents. And lastly, Tokimitsu, Gagamaru, Chigiri, and Otoya will clean up and prepare the cafeteria. In case (Y/n) wakes up earlier than expected, I will try to distract her till everything is done."
"Ok. Everything is under control then. I will leave now." Ego announced as Anri finished her talk, causing the woman to raise an eyebrow.
"Go? Where to?"
"To talk with the JFA. Nobody treats my players like they are some no-name babysitters."
As the day went on, (Y/n) slept peacefully while the boys were moving fast to cook, bake and set everything up for the party. Anri was watching over everything, in case they needed help in the kitchen, while also keeping an eye on the monitor showing the door to (Y/n) and Rin's room.
6 hours later...
By now it was 8 PM and (Y/n) slowly opened her eyes, and sat up on her bed as she stretched.
"I feel so much better now. What time is it even?" She mumbled blinking the sleep away to look at her clock.
"8 pm... already? I slept for so long?"
She said in surprise and then looked at Rin's bed.
"Rin isn't here yet... maybe they are practicing still. I will go and join them." (Y/n) said, getting up from her bed, but before she could move more, a knock was heard.
"Huh? Yes?" She called out.
"Oh! Good, you are awake!" Otoya's voice was heard and the door opened, only for (Y/n) to see the said boy and Bachira.
"Hi, guys? Sorry for missing practice today, I will join-"
"No,no. We aren't practicing today. Come with us, Ego-san told us to get you."
Bachira and Otoya walked over to the confused girl, grabbing each of her arms and dragged her out of the room.
"Ha? Did something happen?"
"Nope!" The two said, sending each other secretive smiles.
'What did I miss?' She raised an eyebrow.
"We are here! We are here!" Bachira said happily as Otoya hummed along. (Y/n) grew even more unnerved now as she sniffed the air a little.
'Am I crazy? Why does it smell like Katsu?' She thought.
"Open the door~" The duo said.
"Are you guys pulling a prank on me?" (Y/n) asked in confusion.
"Please, just open the door." Bachira and Otoya answered. Reluctantly, (Y/n) nodded her head and walked closer to the door, slowly opening it.
"Happy birthday!"
"There you are! We were worried you won't wake up till tomorrow!"
"Happy birthday, (Y/n)! Hope you like everything!"
(Y/n) blinked in surprise as Otoya gently pushed her into the room. Flabbergasted, the girl looked around the room, now decorated with different balloons.
'Oh... Sweet Piano balloons! How did they find them?! They are so hard to find.' (Y/n) thought, blushing in excitement as she saw them. The players silently, and anxiously, watched the girl inspect everything.
"Huh..." (Y/n) muttered, eyes widening in amazement as she saw the cake, decorated with the pink sheep.
'Not even my parents did this for me...' (Y/n) thought, feeling her eyes water up a little.
The boys watched in panic as tears started to stream down the girl's face.
"Ah?! Did we mess something up?" Gagamaru asked in worry.
"I don't know!" Hiori said back as Isagi went to hand her a napkin, which (Y/n) gladly took it to wipe her tears away.
"We... we are sorry..." Rin said awkwardly.
"Did I mess up the decorations on the cake?" Barou looked over the cake.
"I think it's my fault. The balloons look a little deflated." Niko gulped.
"Maybe we should have done a better job on them." Karasu muttered nervously as Bachira and he glanced at each other.
"I swear I made sure the katsu doesn't burn." Yukimiya flinched.
"Did I mess up the salad?" Kunigami bit his fingernail in worry.
"You... you guys did everything amazing! Thank you so much!" (Y/n) finally busted out, hugging Isagi, who was the closest to her. Isagi tensed up and blushed a scarlet red, but hugged her back anyways.
"You are the greatest team ever!" (Y/n) announced with a huge smile, causing their worries to lift, and smiles to appear on their faces.
"Happy to hear that..." Nagi sighed in relief, but tugged on her shirt.
"Huh?" She looked over at the boy, still hugging Isagi.
"I want a hug, too."
"Me too! Me too!" Kurona nodded, running up to her, followed by Gagamaru and Tokimitsu.
"Me as well. Please."
"Me-me too, if you don't mind." Slowly, the other guys joined in on the asked and (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh softly.
'These guys are the best.'
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runabout-river · 7 months ago
Thoughts on JJK chapter 265 (spoilers)
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There is so much in this chapter that one could write essay after essay about its content, themes and symbolism to name a few. The best thing though is that Gege shows us that he can take the time to put deep character moments into his plot. In the last year that seemed to fall to the wayside unfortunately especially when it came to Yuji.
Yuji recreates his grandfather's hometown in the northeast of Japan to show Sukuna and Sukuna is uncharacteristically going along with it for a long time. This might be because of the special way this DE is formed, it could e.g. have a non-violence Binding Vow. Or Sukuna was just flabbergasted.
I looked the statue up that Yuji pointed to and found the Oni kenbai dance from Iwate prefecture. On the panel it's difficult to make out what the statue represents but you can see a fan in the right hand.
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This panel is an extremely important one about the point of view that Sukuna and Yuji have towards each other. For Sukuna, Yuji is barely anything; he blends into the background like a ghost, maybe reminiscent of how Sukuna might've viewed his eaten twin once in his life.
For Yuji Sukuna is not a person, there is no face to him, he's just an abomination consisting of black mass. Not even CE is presented to us like that, Sukuna is just a black distortion in space able to walk on its own.
It's good that we're given this panel so early in the chapter because it tells us what Sukuna is about and that Yuji knows it.
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In Japan, the Hydrangea is used to make a sweet tea that on April 8 is poured over Buddha Statues for the Buddha bathing ceremony. This is in direct contrast to Sukuna's Bath that comes from the historic practice of throwing poisonous insect and more into a pit to make them kill each other.
Symbolically, Gege tells us that Yuji will be the one to reverse Megumi's torture that he went through. Narratively, I'd like to see the Bath have more physical affects on Megumi before it gets cleaned though.
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Really funny how Yuji entices Sukuna to play crayfishing with him and I count 4 missed arrows from Yuji compared to Sukuna's bullseye hit.
Also capitalism killed Grandpa's hometown.
Whats also funny is that Yuji says that he was about 6 or 7 when they moved out of that town and that he was about 10 years before he went back there again. Boy, you're still 15.
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I counted 8 dragonflies on that grassy panel with many more in the Yuji close up panel. I forgot what dragonflies represented in Japan but th symbolism appeared before in JJK, once on kid Gojo's kimono and once at the base of Megumi's domain construction.
Next we get a much needed Yuji character resolution and growth while he thinks of all the people that have died on him. We see that he did put his cog mentality behind him and that he analyzed his "proper death" wish from the very first chapter and concluded that he wanted sth else from that.
Nobara is with the others on the dead list and this looks like the final nail (ha) in the coffin that is her death but the diehards (me) can still say that Yuji merely thinks that she's dead.
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Take this Sukuna panel and inject it straight into my veins 💉
There is just this visceral level of disgust and mania in Itadori Sukuna that Gege has barely shown in OriginalSukuna and absolutely didn't in Megukuna. Think of the detention center, and laughing at Yuji with Mahito together or just laughing at Yuji whenever he came out as a mouth and eye. How much I've missed that.
Can't wait to see where this will go 👀
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class1akids · 9 months ago
I feel like even villain stans don’t want Touya alive which is sad. People say what Tododoki family is selfish and they’re not doing this out of love because Touya wants to die. And they hope Shoto is going to the hospital so todofam can convince Endeavor to let Touya die. (Guess people forgot Endeavor was the one wanted to let Touya die along with himself and the rest of the family stopped them)
Sorry to bring my sadness to your inbox but I wanted to hear your opinion on these takes.
I don't think you can generalize, tbh. Some villain stans want him to live, others don't.
I'm also not sure what people expect. When someone is critically hurt, not dead, you take them to the hospital. Then the doctors will do everything they can. It's been what? Max 2 weeks since the battle?
We dont' know anything. We don't know if Touya is awake or in coma. We don't know if they have a viable process to heal him. We literally don't know anything about his condition or the consequences he is facing yet.
I doubt he is in a lot of pain, considering his nerves died at Sekoto peak - that was one of the points of his character's spiral - he stopped being able to feel pain, and being able to cry. But even if he were, that's a pretty insulting thing to say that people who have to go through painful recoveries should just die. There are many people who battle with all kinds of condition and face painful procedures, because we, as a species are wired to want to live.
Also, I'm not sure why people take at face value Touya's rants at the end. "Die!" and "I hate you all" are just expressing those strong emotions of "why not sooner" he's been feeling since the family came to see him. If we go off from his internal narration, which I would think is more reliable, he wants to live:
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We also see his eyes come back when Enji apologizes.
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When Touya woke up from the coma after Sekoto peak, he wanted to go home and see if there was a place for him in the family:
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And I feel like Touya's and the whole family's arc is unfinished unless he gets to see that change and gets to feel that unconditional love he's been denied.
As for consequences - yes, it's tricky, because Touya did bad things and killed people. But this goes for all the villains. Nagant's kill count is probably way higher than Touya's, and she attacked Deku very recently - I don't see people fretting about her going back to the Tartarus. Japan is full of jailbreakers. The situation is chaotic.
I think it's a very American thing to jump to "he'll be on death row anyways" and "rot in prison forever". I live in Europe, where we don't have death penalty because it's deemed inhumane, barbaric and ineffective. So for me, it's far from evident that Touya would need to face death row. Especially, when everyone thinks he's crazy (All Might calling him a madman may be his salvation), then a plea of insanity can be plausible, with him going to a clinic, like Rei did.
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nataliepruitts · 1 year ago
The Foreigner {Haikyuu Boys x Reader}
Going To Training Camp
In the middle of practice, the doors to the gym slide open, and you, along with everyone else, look to the doors to see who entered. You see your guardian walk into the gym. "Here you are, Y/n!"
"I've been waiting for you. You couldn't even tell me that you were coming here after school," Danny says as he walks over to you. Once he reaches you, he grabs your arm, and your bag, and pulls you toward the door.
"I'm sorry, I should have at least texted you to let you know. I just got excited and forgot," you tell him as the two of you exit through the door while everyone watches. Sugawara, Ennoshita, and Nishinoya look at each other before looking back in your direction.
After you and Danny left the gym, you two walked to the car while Danny continued scolding you. "You can't be this reckless, you need to have more common sense. I grew worried when you didn't show up to the car... I thought you were found, I was about to call the big boss."
Your eyes widened after hearing that, "No, please don't call him. He'll make us move again and I want to stay here."
You guys reach the car and he unlocks the doors before opening the back door for you. "As long as there's no danger I won't call him. Just don't go and disappear like that again."
"I won't," you say as you get into the car. He closes the door before walking over to the driver's side and gets in. He starts up the car and drives off.
"What were you doing in that gym anyway?"
"I had lunch with them and when I found out they were all part of the volleyball club I asked if I could watch them practice and they said yes."
"I see." He lets out a sigh before continuing, "Just don't do it again."
"Actually, they asked me to be another manager for the team..."
"No, out of the question!"
"Danny, please. I really want to join them. With everything that's been happening, this is the first time in a while I have a chance of being a regular teenager again. I can do something fun and exciting."
The car grows silent as Danny thinks it over. He really does want to see you happy and enjoying life, especially after everything you've been through. He lets out another sigh, "Alright, you can do it. Just so long as you don't do anything to expose yourself."
"I won't! Thank you! Can I also go to the training camp with them?"
Danny is hesitant, he wants to say no, but looking at you in the rearview mirror and seeing the excitement in your eyes, he can't bring himself to say no. "Yes, you can go. But at the first sign of trouble call me and I'll come get you."
"Danny, relax. I don't think he's gonna find me all the way over here in Japan. Anyway, I have the papers that need to be signed in my bag, we can sign them when we get to the house."
Danny just nods and the car becomes silent once more as you two make your way to the house.
You hear a few people calling your name as you walk toward the entrance of the school. When you look to see who was calling you, you see the volleyball team running toward you. "Hey, guys. Good morning."
"Good morning, Y/n," Sugawara greeted, "Is everything alright?"
"Just fine. Sorry about yesterday, my butler takes his job of keeping me safe way too seriously."
"It's fine, just hope you didn't get into trouble," Ennoshita said with a smile.
"He just gave me a little lecture about doing stuff without telling him first."
"Can you join the club!? Please say you can join the club!" Nishinoya asks enthusiastically. He has high hopes that you can join the club so he can spend more time with you.
"He was against me joining at first but he eventually came around and said that I can join," you respond as you pull the papers out of the bag. You hand them to Kiyoko, "They're both signed so I can join the club and go to the training camp."
"Yay! That's awesome!" Yachi exclaimed excitedly.
"YAY!!" Nishinoya exclaims before jumping on you to hug you. You get knocked down to the ground from the force of him slamming into you, but you laugh because you can't help but find him really cute with how excited he gets. Nishinoya was surprised that you didn't move out of the way like girls usually do, or didn't slap him like Kiyoko did that one time. His heart pounded rapidly as you hugged him back and laughed.
But it was all short-lived since Daichi and Sugawara pulled him off of you so you could get up off the ground. "You gotta be more careful, Nishinoya. You don't want to hurt her," Daichi says as he pulls the boy off you.
Nishinoya was disappointed he was pulled off of you but before he could say anything all of you heard the chime. "We need to get to class," Ennoshita says as he walks over to you. "If you don't mind, we can walk you to class."
"Sure," you said with a smile and everyone went their separate ways to go to class. You walked with the second years to class.
"I like your little choker, that's pretty," Ennoshita says as he points at the choker around your neck. You wear this choker constantly because it's the most precious thing to you. It's a (f/c) silk ribbon with a small metal heart hanging down from the ribbon.
You put a hand on the choker and rub on the metal heart, "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Here we are," Kinoshita said as you guys arrived at the classroom, you guys quickly got seated so the class could start.
You noticed how the boys would spend so much time practicing different techniques, each one working on a specific technique that they wanted to get better at. You help out all of them however you can. With all the practicing they've been doing and having so much determination to improve on their skills, you believe that they're gonna make it this year.
It soon came time for you all to leave for the week-long training camp. Danny drives you to the school in the middle of the night so you can meet up with the rest of the team. You watch Yachi as she tries to get Kageyama and Hinata to talk to each other. You see Yamaguchi trying to comfort her as she fails and you can't help but feel bad for her.
A few hours later, you guys finally make it to your destination. You get off the bus and look around in amazement, the place looks beautiful. You look over at Yachi who is being comforted by Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, who is failing to show too much affection. You noticed that Yamaguchi shows way more affection than Tsukishima does, it looks like he does care, he just has trouble showing it.
You laugh when you hear Hinata getting excited about seeing the Tokyo Tower which is actually a radio tower. "What's the deal?" The tall boy with dark spikey hair asks Daichi. "You guys don't have steel towers in Miyagi? Is like, this a real thing I don't know about?"
"Oh well excuse us if we country folk don't know what the Tokyo Tower looks like!"
Judging by that guy's reaction, I'm guessing they've made that mistake before. "I have to ask. Who made the mistake last time?"
"Nishinoya and Tanaka," Sugawara responded with his eyes still closed. He looks so disappointed. You couldn't help but start laughing.
"You can't blame us! We've never been to Tokyo or seen the Tokyo Tower before!"
You were surprised to suddenly see Nishinoya right next to you. "Dude, I swear you move like a cat. By the way, even I can tell that's a radio tower." Right after those words left your mouth you felt yourself hitting something hard. "S-sorry," you say as you back up. You look up to see the tall boy with dark spikey hair standing in front of you. Speaking of moving like a cat. He very swiftly moved from walking next to Daichi to suddenly being in front of me.
"How rude of me to not introduce myself to someone so lovely as yourself. I am Kuroo Tetsuro, captain of the Nekoma team. And you are?"
"Y/n L/n, nice to meet you."
You look over to see a guy with a mohawk run toward Kiyoko, you guess he's her boyfriend from the other school you were told about. He runs up to her and hugs her while Tanaka and Asahi stand by and watch. You couldn't help but wonder what it must be like to be in a poly relationship like that. You remove the thought out of your mind, there's no way you will ever be in one.
"Let's head on over to the gym, the rest of the teams are already there," Kuroo says as he turns to walk away.
You follow the boys to the gym where the practice matches will be held. You stood with your team as you listened to Coach Ukai talking. "Alright, we're gonna be swapping players constantly so be prepared for that. Kay?"
As you watched the six guys run out onto the court to start playing you could hear some of the boys talking amongst themselves.
"Who's she? She wasn't with them the last time they were here. Right?"
"No, I would remember someone that beautiful being with them."
You figured they were probably talking about Kiyoko, but she was here with them the last time. You just shrugged it off as you watched the match start.
As the Fukurodani players got into position, their libero, Komi, looked over at you and his eyes widened. "Konoha," he quietly called to his friend who was standing next to him.
Konoha looks over at him, "What?"
"Look over there, Karasuno has a new manager."
Konoha tilts his head slightly to look over to where Komi is looking and he sees you. His eyes widen as a small blush appears on his cheeks, "She's beautiful."
Before Komi could respond the match started and they both had to focus on the game.
You watched your team as they all tried out the different things they had been practicing and working on, and all of them were failing. You felt bad for them but you know that they will get it eventually, just not this match. They lost the match and went outside to run up the hill, which was apparently the punishment for losing at this place.
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easy-a-b10g · 1 month ago
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Hello it's been a second I hope you all had a great new year, I've been slowly working and adding onto the story so I figured I give a sneak peak i have no idea when I'm actually going to finish the chapter but I'm working as fast as I can with my schedule.
A couple notes idk If you'll be able to infer ( or maybe the writer doesn't know how to incorporate it or remember if it's already been said lol) but Novas mother was born and raised in America as well as her and her father. After her father died Nova's mom moved them both to Japan when she was 7 months old.
I also said I wanted to make this a Omegaverse fic but I'm trying to be subtle about it like it's supposed to be and everyday thing just like a quirk so I'm going to treat it as if it's already a known fact that the world runs on an A/B/O scale. If that makes sense
CHAPTER ONE: Nova Kamiya: Origin
The first incident was in Qingqing City, an extraordinary child was born who radiated light.   After that, reports of people with superpowers popped up across the globe. No one new what was causing these powers but, before long the supernatural became totally normal.
Dreams a reality.
The world became a superhuman society, with about 80% of the population possessing some uncanny ability called a quirk. The streets looked like scenes from comic books. As cities swirled with chaos and confusion over these new quirks, a new profession dominated the collective consciousness. 
   It was an age of hero's.
With the rise of superpowers came an explosive increase in criminal activity. While governments were stuck trying to to figure out how to reform laws with quirks in mind, courageous people started performing heroic acts to keep the cities safe.
  Protecting the citizens of the world from the people who abused their powers for evil. With overwhelming public support, heros found an official place as peacekeepers, overseen by the government. Those who preformed the best were paid the most, and got all the fame and glory. Their careers depended on their ability to stay in the spotlight. 
Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
That you hear is the sound of an alarm clock, one that sits on Nova's side stand on the left side of her bed, which she purchased last week at her local retail store in the hopes of motivating herself to get up on time in the morning for school. Her phone alarm just wasn't cutting it anymore, if she got one more late mark on her attendance sheet Izuku was bound to have a hissy fit as well as his mother.
Nova's love for her bed and sleep always outwayed the "need" to go to school. As her eyes crack open to the jarring sound, she groans in frustration.
*God that's loud* she thinks.
Sitting up she tries to rubs the sleep out of her eyes as she blindly reaches for the alarm clocks stop button. It takes a couple comedic slaps to find it but she finally gets it off and throws herself back into her mattress with a loud huff. 
She stares at the posters and other miscellaneous tapestries hung around her room contemplating if she should get up and get dressed or if she should just go back to bed. Her bed was so warm and cozy, how could she not want to stay in bed. She could feel her eyes beginning to drop already, it's not like she was learning anything important today or had a big tests so she let her eyes shut. 
bzzt* *bzzt* *bzzt*
The sound of her phone buzzed softly from its hiding place under her pillow. Reaching for her phone she pulls it out and turns it on, momentarily being blinded by it's light before lowering it
Zuzu : Hey are you up?
Zuzu : I'll be there in 5 minutes!!
Oh. Right. Izuku. Her best friend.
She completely forgot that Izuku asked to join her, on her morning trek to school and it's not like she's ever say no to his requests.
Nova <3 :  Am now I'll be ready soon ;)
Zuku :  :/
Yup about the reaction she was expecting.
Nova <3 : I'm up I'm up don't worry
Nova's daily routine wasn't very hard or partially interesting. She didn't use any special serums, or face creams, or any of those bullshit face masks. No she thought all of that was a waste of time and money, for a bunch of shit that makes her feel bad about herself. No she'd rather not buy into the bullshit they try and sell girls her age. The most makeup she ever wears is mascara because what girl doesn't wear mascara in middle school.
Nova likes to take her sweet time waking up because she takes 10 minute showers, short and efficient. Getting dressed was the easiest part of her routine. After wearing the same school uniform her entire life or different version of the same thing, shes learned a thing or two about getting dressed quick. So why wake up till she REALLY needs to when her routine is so simple and short. Regardless to the 6 tardie counts against her, Nova would say shes got a great system going for herself. 
Getting to school though was a whole different story. That trip she swears is worse than school itself, with all the hills before all the traffic, and then maybe a random villain attack if the universe decided to shit on them once again. It takes at least 30 minutes maybe longer depending on the day to get to school 10 minutes of walking and a crowded 20 minute train ride, so you can imagine her reluctance to go anywhere really. The trip does suck a little less when she has Izuku to make the trek with her. They always play little games like eye spy and 20 questions to make up for the long walk.
Izuku Midoriya has been Nova's best friend since diapers. They have done everything together since they were kids, they played together, they ate together, they took naps together. Inko has many photo albums dedicated too just the two of them falling asleep together in random places around the house. They even have gone to the same schools their whole lives, a perk of living in the same school district. 
Izuku and Nova have been glued to the hip from day one, so it's no surprise they stayed glued as they got older. Despite being two very different people they were friends through it all, Nova was there when Izuku was told he wasn't going to gain a quirk and thus would never be a hero, and she comforted him when he cried to her for hours on end afterwords.
On the other spectrum Izuku was there for the very first time Nova got her quirk granted she was a late bloomer getting her quirk at nearly 10 years old, and not to mention she nearly hurt Izuku with her quirk awaking, badly.Which she'll never forvige herself for, even though too this day Izuku says it was the coolest thing he's ever seen, despite the pain.
They stayed together even when they both presented as omegas in their first year of middle school, and everyone around them laughed and taunted and tried to make weird sexual jokes towards them because of it. No they stayed together as one and lifted the other up when one was down and out. Despite being so close, they were two very different people.
Izuku was a morning person, he likes to get his morning started early to motivate himself for the day he'll eat his breakfast and maybe take a small walk around the block before school just to get his blood pumping for a good start to the day.
Nova was NOT a morning person she liked to sleep in as much as she possibly could, she will sleep the whole day if you let her. She loves her bed and everything about it, it's very hard for her to convince herself to get out of bed to do something she doesn't like, i.e. school, or chores
Izukus favorite food was a pork cutlet bowl, he liked the slow process of cooking the meat till it was just right, he also liked the process of putting together his cutlet bowl, it makes him feel accomplished to make his own food he says in defense. 
Nova liked those too but she didn't like cooking much, getting rice cooked properly was too much work in her case already, so to cook a whole pork cutlet after was a total no in her book, just plain ole rice was good enough for her. Which is what she had most days even if Izuku has scolded her plenty of times for it, saying that it's "not a true meal" but food is food in her mind.
Izuku loved tea, any and all kinds, his favorites are white peach tea, sencha, and roasted Hojicha. Izuku likes to savor his teas especially during dinner. He believes having the right tea for the right meal enhancese the flavor for both items.
Nova thought tea was just nasty leaf water, in Izukus words she has "No appreciation for the finer things in life" but she stands buy it. Nova prefers American energy drinks, Monsters, Red bulls, and Rockstars just like her mom. Sometimes they are  hard to find due to them being American made, but if prompted she'll buy out a whole shelf of energy drinks when she finds them just to have some for later. 
Nova absolutely loved spicy food. Any kind of food she deemed too plain would get doused in her favorite hot sauce or spices to make it as hot as possible. Spicy Motsu Nikomi was her absolute favorite, even if she didn't like to cook when she would she would make this dish with the utmost care.
Izuku couldn't handle hot foods they made his eyes water and nose run like a mother fucker. He much preferred a tearless and snotless Motsu Nikomi so spice was a no go for him he'll stick to his pork cutlet bowl thank you very much. 
Nova absolutely loves cage fighting in any and all forms, her love for watching and participating in this event of hers shocked most people she knew. Despite her small appearance Nova enjoyed the fighting because it gave her an emotional and physical outlet, weather she's watching a cage fight or participating in one (which is rare because Izuku would kill her) she always finds herself completely and comfortablely worn out after, she falls asleep like a baby almost everytime afterwords.
Izuku despises cage fighting, even though he wants to be a hero he would never condem violence onto another innocent person just for fun. So to see Nova actively like and try to partipate in such a sport unervered him and he's expressed so many times but Novas reason of "needing to know how to protect myself" always trumps whatever argument he has cooked up. Though using self defense as an excuse to beat someone up for fun was not one of Novas finer moments. 
Her likes aren't all violent Nova likes to go volunteer at her local animal shelter whenever she can. Nova absolutely loves animals, cats are her favorite so soft and cuddly so she mainly works with them.Fostering some on occasion as well. Nova has a kitty of her own at home her name is Holly her fur is white  with black and orange spots and she is the sweetest girl on earth. Nova lives for Holly she can and does everything for her cat, to the point where she's made her kinda chunky from how many treats she been getting. 
It's not that Izuku doesn't like animals but his family only ever own one cat and it was mean to him and very old and it died when he was 4 so he doesn't have much connection to animals, but if he sees a stray dog or cat wondering around, and it will let him pet them, then he will because he's not heartless. 
One thing they did have in common was their love of hero's Nova was just as big of a fan of All Might as Izuku was she didn't show it as much as Izuku did, but she had her own couple of figurines to prove enough, she didn't need mounds of merch like Izuku did. Her favorite hero at the moment is a new and upcoming star Kamui Woods, his quirk was called Arbor.
His quirk allows him to enlargen and control his wooden body parts into strong tree branches. The branches are excellent for binding. Thought he's not much use in a fire he got many wins under his belt and a great attitude to match. She also thought he was quite cute like most girl in her class but she's never let them know over her dead body. 
She didn't need to give them another reason to make fun of her for. Shes dealt with simple ones like stupid, idiot, and nerd she can deal with these, they don't hurt her in anyway because they are not really hurtful.
She puts the insults into tiers that is teir 1,  teir 2 are names like, Chucky, fire crotch, and her favorite the lorax, teir 3 belongs to the worst of the worsts, starting off strong with bloody mary. The next one gingervitus you know like gingivitis but ginger.....how creative. The worst of the worst belongs to blood clot, and yes if you have guessed it was given by a man. So she really didn't need tree lover added to the list.
Her red hair and Omega status made her the blunt end of every joke from bullies and her so called "friends". That's why her and Izuku got a long so well,  he saw her for her and not just by the color of her hair. He also got bullied often, mainly by Kacchan and his "gang" she too has been on the wrong side of Kacchans bullyling. 
He was another reason Nova didn't like going to school. Katsuki Bakugou has been the bane of her existence for as long as she can remember, even before he had his "gangs" he was mean and scary even more so after he got ahold of his quirk. Since he also lived in the same district his whole life he has gone to every school Izuku and Nova have. Making it impossible to escape his bullying. 
Groaning Nova gets up for the day forgoing a shower since she didn't the have time. She was around and ready in under 2 minutes brushing her teeth as the doorbell rings, alerting her of Izukus arrival. Grabbing her school bag she collected her books off of her computer desk on the other end of her room and heads out the door into the hallway.
Walking into the living room her mother is passed out on the couch like always, wearing her work clothes and shoes still. Cans of beer and a bottle of wine litter the table as well as the energy drinks she seemed to have used for chasers,that she no doubt stole from Novas stash. This is the sight that usually greats Nova every morning, everyday her mother gets off of work she comes home and drinks herself to sleep a routine she has gotten used to. Sighing she grabs some cans dumping the full ones and throwing away the empty ones. She corks the wine and sets it in the cabinet before the doorbell is heard again. Nova throws the throw blanket that rest over the couches armchair over her mother and leaves for school. 
Unfortunately her mother has always been this way even when she was little, for what she can remember of her childhood her mother was always drunk or drinking. She wasn't mean, or angry or hurtful, she was just sad, she always smelled sad, she never really got over her husband's death and this is the state it's put her in. Nova's tried multiple times to no avail to get her to go to rehab but she just gets the whole "you hate your mother why can't you just accept me as I am speech" so she's stopped trying to help. 
Walking down the hall and putting on her shoes, she resists the urge to cry for her mother, but it will only worry Izuku. So instead she puts on a big smile and opens the door.
"Hey you!!!" She says brightly flashing her best smile. Izuku gives his in return "Hey yourself, let's get going before we're late." With that they start their trek to school. For 10 minutes they just walk in comfortable silence admiring the open landscape before it because endless traffic and skyhigh skyscrapers. 10 minutes of silents is eventually too much for Nova, she decides to break it.
"Did you see All Might on the news last night?" She inquired.
"Oh my Goodness yes, I cant believe he *mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter*. 
 And when they showed the part of him *mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter* 
Izukus rambling was one of the one things she liked about Izuku, Nova liked the sound of his voice and loved when it was full of passion when he talked about the things he loves. It made Nova feel good that he trusted her to not yell at him when he droned on, given by the fact that most found it an annoying habit. It also soothed her nerves and calmed her mind down. She would give everything for him to continue talking forever.
"He just the greatest hero in the world isn't he Nova?" He questions
"Oh yeah, Izuku, he-" 
Nova didn't get to finish her sentence before she was interrupted by a terrible noise. "Oh God no not another villain attack." She said with distain. 
Izukus reaction was completely different "Come on Nova if we hurry we can catch the fight!" Before she can protest she's being pulled by her arm in the direction of the loud scary noises. *Christ sake does the man have no fear* she thinks but with no choice but to follow along she's pulled up too the block of the exact train station they need to get to school and just their luck there is a giant super villain standing on top of the train tracks destroying everything in his path which includes the station. 
"Woah thats one huge super villain!" Izuku immediately pulls out his notebook and gets to writing, meanwhile all Nova can think about is how their going to have to walk the rest of the way to school.......great. 
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myobsessionsspace · 7 months ago
Pre Release of Travel Show Thoughts
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This might be a bit all over the place 🙈
Just some random thoughts after talking with my friends.
Remember when Hope on the Street came out and it was on Amazon Prime. I think many of us were thinking that was the end of the set shows, programs etc that were gonna appear on Disney+ from BTS.
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We’ve had a number of shows from the group since Chapter 2
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I kinda forgot about their Disney deal when the talks of Jikook’s travel show started to become real. My friends and I started guessing if it would be on Weverse only, like Jimin’s Production Diary or on YouTube like Suchwita & Jin’s The Drunken Truth. We were hoping and praying it wouldn’t just be one Bangtan Episode or on a South Korean nft platform like the HYYH series Begins ≠ Youth.
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To be honest we hoped for a Jikook YouTube Channel (still dreaming for one🥲), where after service they could come back and carry on with more adventures and content, but we would have settled for Prime too.
I say all of this to say, how come it’s on Disney+ again after the switch up with the last HYBE show Hope on the Street being on Prime?
It makes me wonder about the start of the show’s planning. Like Jungkook said in Suchwita it was kinda spontaneous and following a years old conversation between Jimin & Jungkook. Them seizing the opportunity of the both of them being together in New York, after Jimin went to support Jungkook’s solo debut performance.
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I wonder about if Jikook knew if their application for companion enlistment had been approved yet. Many have covered in detail the program and the kinda 1 in 100 chance of getting approved for it. BTS already have done many unique things and why should their military service be any different, all members aiming to at one point in time be serving at the same time and have all completed their service to not have to worry about it again?
There’s only one other group I know of before BTS
**see comments for extra info**
Anyway back to the the point 😅. As all the members wanted to enlist and return as one unit in 2025 and with Jimin being in his last year of eligibility due to age criteria, if they hadn’t have been approved Jikook wouldn’t have been certain of being together for their 18 month military service.
It makes me wonder about their plans. If they wanted to create as many memories as they could in as many places as they could together just in case they weren’t going to be able to enlist together.
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If they wanted to take the moments in between the end of FACE promotions, the little gap at the start of SEVEN promotions and the gap in between the rest of GOLDEN’s recordings, MUSE’ recording and also squeezing some more travel at the end of GOLDEN promotions, Jungkook’s Japan promotions and the Usher remix video Jungkook had to do straight after Japan.
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It feels to me like Jikook knew that regardless of if they did enlist together, they wouldn’t have been able to travel as a duo for a long time as if we can take Jim as an example, the members will most likely be going straight into OT7 work mode once they complete their service in 2025.
It feels to me like if Jikook hadn’t have gotten their companion enlistment approved, the travelogue was a was to permanently keep record of the many memories they wanted to make.
That with everything on Jungkook’s plate it wouldn’t be feasible for one GCF Tokyo style video like before.
For starters their travels were on a much larger scale than their 2017 trip to Tokyo.
Not just one hotel in one destination, walking around the city, visiting some shops restaurants and Disney but multiple countries, multiple hotels, villas, camping, kayaking, yachting, skiing, indoor adventures, restaurants etc
They are way more globally recognisable than in 2017 where there were still some sightings but not as many as if it was 2023.
Jungkook and Jimin literally had to squeeze these moments in between hectic schedules tight time constraints.
It makes sense that they would utilise their company to help with areas to visit to help with descretion, with bookings, as they’d have to book out whole villas, hotel floors, activity locations etc. it makes sense that because they’d need security.
Unlike Tokyo 2017,
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dropped off by their fathers and Jimin’s brother
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No security detail with them at airport
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Sightings around Tokyo
which was a gift to Jimin from Jungkook, where Jungkook planned everything, paid for everything, filmed everything and edited and uploaded GCFT, this time round it was for both of them. Not for one to have to shoulder the planning, payments, filming and editing.
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How would they coordinate everything in the midst of recordings, rehearsals and flying around the world for international promotions?
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ding ding ding
Their company and staff are still a company, whose main directive is to make money, beginning and end of it all.
I’m sure the company are nice enough to the members but how would such time, resources and expenses be written off if Jikook asked on the company to help them with security details, with flight planning, whole hotel floor booking, villa bookings, closing businesses down for the duration they wanted to visit or opening ski resorts up a day early etc.
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Their airport arrival streamed by news outlets
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Management and security accompaniment vs when they were spotted alone in 2017
Fans falling over to picture Jikook, camping out for hours at airports, protective barriers errected at Japanese airport for theirs and fans protection etc
Yes they are millionaires but I’m sure we all know millionaires who earned from the bottom up and are sensible with their money. We all know the members and joke about how they’ll wear expensive watches and clothes but still fight over a rice cooker as a prize or Jungkook take home hotel toiletries or ingredients from run cooking episodes etc
So for the company and staff to help Jikook make this a possibility in the time the had before enlistment how would it make sense financially? How would it benefit everyone? We know Jikook love sharing with army, Jungkook’s lives of 2023 show us, their predebut days of vlogging to now show us, Jungkook’s GCFT shows us. They share.
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So a show, sure, Jikook are used to cameras, the members are able to retain their authenticity through they years since day one of being in front of a camera.
That’s it, I’ll stop cos otherwise I’ll keep on musing forever 😅
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nitrokiraru · 1 year ago
madatowa drama cd notes as someone who has very limited jp knowledge. i am simply using my 4 yrs of high school japanese, google translate, and a dream. just posting this for fun so it’s not like an official translation or anything it’s just basically me describing what’s happening to the best of my ability and also being insane about them
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major events that happened that i could make out as like a tldr
-mada reunited with someone he knew when he was little
-towa learns abt mada’s past, mainly around a guy named “kurahashi”
-mayu eiji and kotarou appearance :D being sillies as always
-two yowie moments. first one in an alleyway second one presumably in their home. both are freak nasty as usual madatowa shenanigans
track 1
-LOTS of fighting noises in this
-towa and mada have a coffee and say it tastes like shinkoumi. some dudes come up to em and try to fight
track 2+3
-somebody notices them and gives them a job. presumably to fight people
-towa fights some people and it riles him up
-this part has already been translated but i just wanna scream abt it here bc!!!!!! towa brings him and mada into like an alleyway or something and he goes “hit me. it has to be you.” and mada says something like “you really are a lost cause/what am i going to do with you, huh?” hits him n his mouth fills with blood and towa kisses mada to make him taste it dnnsjdjd ❤️
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-they have a quickie in the third track in said alleyway like the freaks they are
track 4
-a character (acquaintance of mada) called him “kei” which was kinda crazy to me since nobody called him that in the vn
-theyre in south america i believe? it’s funny in drama cds when they go to a country outside of japan and still speak japanese
-this character knew mada when he was little??? omg
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-somebody came up to towa and madarame and said “forget everything you saw/heard today”?!
-there’s a VA in here that lowkey sounds like koujaku dmmd but idk how to check
track 5
-it’s funny how some tracks in here are like 2 minutes and the next one is 20
-dude i forgot how good nitroplus’ like sound effects are these mfs sound like they’re in my ROOM
-towa n mada having a convo abt the previous day. i think they may be arguing slightly? tone feels passive aggressive
-birds chirpin’ and towa’s breathing. he just woke up
-he just said madarame in the softest voice ever… 💔💔
-i think he woke up on their bed and mada left before he did
-towa: where did you go?😕 *track ends*
track 6
-footsteps. towa in a coffee shop once again
-cut back to towa. beep beep boop. towa calling somebody? ITS MAYU KOTAROU AND I THINK EIJI OMGGGGG T__T I MISSED EM
-i missed mayus silly voice
-they keep talking about somebody named “kurahashi” related to mada and kaga
-sasaki and toono mention?
-mayu: did something happen between you and madarame? did you two fight? (in the most teasing lil shit voice ever)
towa: *exhales smoke probably abt to hang up the phone* i’m done. -__-
-eiji: mata!! (see you!)
kotarou: mata na.
mayu: mata ne~ ^__^
the difference in tones was cute
-towa walks out of da shop. the dude from before comes up to him and asks if he wants to know what he and mada have been doing
-he like grabs him?? menacing music playing
-ok towa said let me go i think he pushed him up against a wall or something
-this dude is asking towa if he knows abt mada before he joined the takasatogumi. some massive lore bits goin on here (i understand about 20% of it)
-from what i got: madarame and kaga had a promise. lots of talk abt this promise. lots of talk abt madarame’s history with his siblings and takasatogumi. this entire bit is probably really interesting lore wise but i can’t understand most of it…💔 apologies
- enter madarame from the distance to save towa from this dude’s grasp
-he walks away.
-madarame: that guy…what happened?
towa: nothin. we just talked
madarame: really?
towa: yea. (he lyin)
track 7
-they go back home (i think) and enter.
towa sighssss. towa and mada talk time it seems ^__^
-madarame’s voice is so soft when he’s w him…cries
-towa: mentions something abt kurahashi
music: gets Suspenseful
-towa talks abt the stuff that dude told him
-towa ran away into a room?! (once again this would make me more sense if i even understood the weight of that dudes words and the lore of what happened)
track 8 (pretty sure this is the beginning of disc 2? however i’m listening from dlsite so it just shows up as track 8)
-this track is 20 minutes oh god pray for me as i try to even figure out what the hell is happening
-towa goes to see kurahashi and some dude tells him he needs an appt lawl… he lets him in tho
-“you came after all, towa” *suspense music starts*
-there’s a new takasatogumi?¿
-the dude who calls madarame “kei” is here telling him this. actually i think this is kurahashi i’ve just been calling him “the dude” this whole time but maybe it is kurahashi LMFAO i’ll just call him that
-wait the interrogation/euphoria music is playing? they’re still doing this segment in the drama cds omg
-towas voice still remaining the sexiest shit ever god
-IS HE TRYING TO SEDUCE INFORMATION OUT OF HIM or is it just his voice. maybe both
-more lore bits abt mada that i can only get bits n pieces from
-towa provoking da hell out of this mf.
-literally what the HELL is happening some other dude came in i hear clothes rustling and towa said Unhand Me
-the guy who sounds like koujaku is back apparently w him. they saved towa :D
track 9
-more kotarou eiji and mayuuuu. looks like they’re with towa and madarame now
-ok they left lawl
-everything’s all chill now i think that last track was the drama. i can’t wait until somebody translates the whole thing so i can actually understand what da hell happened
-once again their voices when they speak to each other alone are just 💔💔..
-it got a bit intimate at the end there i think i’m abt to hear a secks scene ngl
track 10
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-blood and knife(?) mention oh it’s abt to get real crazy in here
-mada: want me to cut you (non-verbatim ish)
towa: yes…..!!
-i’m punching the air.
-*cut sfx* mada: did that hurt?
towa:… feels good
-towa is such a fucking freak (affectionate) my god
-i think mada is licking the blood up oh my goodnes i’m abt to pass out and i’m only 2 min in
-oh he’s . towas whimpering . i’m normal (yes they’re fucking now)
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-towa: cut me more. i want it to hurt
-mada keeps cutting him and towa keeps doing that little whimper FAWKKKK I CANR
-after they finished
towa: you’re covered in blood.
mada: whose fault is that?
towa: yours, isn’t it?
-ok that just changed me and i am very glad i bought this CD so i can now listen to it for the rest of time.
track 11 (last one!! ;_;)
-outside ambience. towa talking abt da sky
-at the coffee shop again talking w da waiter
-melancholy music playing.. why am i feeling emotional
-if i heard this correctly mada and kaga had coffee together that tasted like what they’re having rn?¿ madarame talking more abt his past but like. fondly i guess
-madarame said something that kind of gagged towa but IDK WHAT IT WASSSS HE SAID “who knows”
ARKTA song once again for the ending! AND IM DONEEE
ok so. i’m not gonna give a full review since i didn’t understand all of what they were saying but i saw on twt some people are going to start translating it? so perhaps i’ll relisten once a translation is out and give my full thoughts but as of now i loved it regardless. i missed towa and madarame a lot i love their dynamic 💔 just a bunch of freaks fighting mfs occasionally and going anywhere but still sticking beside one other. im rly glad i actually bought it because i get to listen to it whenever AND it’ll probably feel like the first time once i finally listen to it along with an eng translation so i actually know wtf is GOING ON
anyways hi and thank u if u read this whole thing. ’m gonna buy the rest of them soon and also make a review post but probably not as long. the reason is because god i MISSED TOWAS VOICE SO MUCH LOL i must hear it again. that is all
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hopelesshaidys · 2 years ago
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷bad for business
‧₊˚♡pairing: bakugou x singer! reader
‧₊˚♡tw: slight mention of injury in the beginning, but that’s abt it
‧₊˚♡word count: 4K
‧₊˚♡a/n: Literally got a dream after i read this prompt, went insane, and then basically wrote a whole book…so it’s safe to say im obsessed
inbox is open so hmu!!
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ─ ✩ ─⋅ ⋅ ──╮
Bakugou Katsuki is a hero.
He is a Pro Hero, number 2 to be in fact (damn Deku). He has made a living fighting battles and saving lives, jumping off roofs and flying in the sky. He is a real life super hero, putting his life in danger. Every morning he wakes up has to prepare himself for the things he may see that day. The blood he might shed, and the people he may not be able to save. He has learned to be fearless, never finding himself nervous when jumping into the fight.
And yet, he’s never felt more terrified right now.
He met you three years ago, after quite literally crashing right into the very studio you record your music. He was battling a woman who had the ability to make and control giant vines, and apparently are explosive-proof. Todoroki almost hit him with a blast of his shitty ice, making him turn to his so called “partner” and cuss him out. However, that gave the villain the chance to grab him, and send him flying.
Bakugou soon found himself miles away from the fight, as he had to use his quirk in order not to fall to his death. But as many know, his quirk is sporadic.
That is how he crash landed into your studio.
It hurt like hell sure, but when he opened his eyes and saw you standing over him with nothing but concern in your eyes, he instantly forgot the many injuries he gained. You were breathtaking, and not like anyone he had ever interacted with. You immediately made the terrified people in the studio help him up and you found the nearest first aid kit and fixed him up as best as you could before an ambulance came.
He was dazed, but you were so kind and made small talk. Bakugou had always been one to hate any type of small talk, but he loved every word that left your mouth. You were newly moved to Japan, some sort of opportunity came to you that you couldn’t turn down (Bakugou was severely concussed so a lot of what you said was a blur).
Bakugou does remember Mina and Kaminari mentioning you, playing your music whenever he came to either of their houses. You had such a unique voice, a bit raspy that caught the attention of millions of people. Surprisingly, also caught the attention to Bakugou, as he would play it during the rare nights when he’d be cooking alone in his kitchen. Your story telling was incredible, your lyrics were anything but bland. Making music about the bad and good exes you’ve had, your friends and family, your past, and even wrote songs about random characters your beautiful mind came up with. You always made sure to use all sorts of instruments, and the notes that you compacted into your songs never ceased to amaze Bakugou’s standards.
Now he was here, sitting on a table asking you all sorts of questions about you. Maybe it was the concussion, or maybe it was just your personality but Bakugou began to get addicted to you, never wanting you to stop talking.
You turned away from him, your hand leaving his knee instantly making him already miss the warmth of you as you shuffled through your bag.
He watched you with curiosity (and took the chance to shamelessly check out your ass) before you turned around with a newfound grin on your face. You were holding a pen, and he cocked an eyebrow at you, not understanding the excitement of this pen in your perfect hand. You walked back over to him, your perfume becoming addicting to him, and you gently grabbed his hand. You were making intense eye contact with him, and Bakugou suddenly felt…nervous? You smiled at the blush that rose on the hero’s face, before you clicked the pen and began to write something on his wrist.
Bakugou watched, feeling somewhat like a child, and once you finished and allowed him to look. He was pleasantly surprised to see your number on his arm.
His head instantly shot up, almost not believing this was happening.
“If I text this and it’s a scam, I’m gonna hunt you down.”
His gruff voice didn’t match the face he was making at you, and you threw your head back and laughed.
Once you caught your breath, you smiled at him, making him blush even more (he didn’t even know that was possible!).
“As fun as that would be, I promise that is in fact my home number. I would never trick my favorite pro hero like that.”
Out of the corner of his eye he saw two paramedics walking through the door, ready to help him out of there. However, he chose to ignore them and smirk at you instead.
“Favorite eh?”
You giggled, still holding his hand.
“Don’t get too cocky mister, or else I’ll write a mean song about you.”
His grin widened, using his other hand to lead your hand to his lips. He gently kissed it, hating how chapped his lips were, but the blush that quickly appeared on your cute cheeks made it worth it.
“I’d rather the song have another meaning.”
The two of you held eye contact, and he soaked up every second of it not ever wanting to forget what color you eyes were.
You smiled at him before you turned to the paramedics that began to replace your presence. They helped him up, and walked him over to the bed that was rolled in by another paramedic. Once he was comfortable (as comfortable as someone with many broken ribs and a concussion could be) he looked back up at you. Bakugou was annoyed to see one of the paramedics talking nervously to you, asking for an autograph. However, the jealously slowly turned into admiration as he watched you beam at the man as you excitedly signed the crinkled piece of paper he had in his pocket.
“My daughter just adores your music, she started learning guitar because of you actually! It’s truly incredible watching her play, just makes me so proud of her.”
Your lip was pouted, as you stood listening to his words. You looked so genuine, so happy that he was telling you this. Bakugou could tell this means the world to you, watching you enthusiastically hugged him. The two of you quickly made your goodbyes, and you immediately turned to look his way. Bakugou would have been embarrassed that he was caught looking at you if you hadn’t beamed at him like that. You jogged over to him, making him chuckle how eager you were to be back in his presence. Bakugou instantly grabbed your empty hand again, not a single ounce of shame for how “down bad” he was acting.
“Talk to you later?”
Your voice couldn’t have been any louder than a whisper, making sure he knew these were words only for him to hear. Bakugou grinned, giving your hand a squeeze.
“Of course.”
Instead of one of your flashing smiles, your whole face softened and a small smile appeared on your face.
“In the meantime then, I’ll definitely be writing a song.”
That’s when Bakugou realized there was no coming back from you. He was officially obsessed, never wanting anything more than your hand in his.
Unfortunately for him, the two of you were rudely interrupted by the dumbass that got him here in the first place (not that Bakugou is complaining). Todoroki loudly coughed, making you jump and him scowl.
“I see you’re in good-“ his heterochromia eyes looked down at Bakugou and your interlocked hands, and then looked back up at Bakugou with a smirk.
“Good hands?”
Yeah, Bakugou definitely got teased for the rest of the day, and soon the rest of the week by all the people half-and-half told. But honestly? Bakugou couldn’t give two shits when had you texting him all day.
Besides, they were just jealous.
Kaminari and Mina especially lost their shit, begging for him to tell them all about you, even asking for your number. Obviously, Bakugou kindly told them to stop asking (he told them to fuck off and mind their fucking business) and soon enough the two of you began dating.
It was so easy being with someone like you. The two of you worked so well together, and you already understood the pressure of paparazzi constantly swarming you like hawks. Crazily enough, the reveal of you guys dating didn’t release until after your one year. Of course there were plenty of news articles and random fans on the internet who speculated it, but you interacted with enough people for your fans to also say you were dating them as well. Besides, the idea of you, an international singer/songwriter dating the number two hero in the world was not something that people could believe easily. But it was the truth, and people everywhere went crazy when you posted a picture of the two of you.
It was the picture of Bakugou picking you up by the waist in his kitchen. You were wearing his shirt and some random sweats because you had just gotten home from a concert the night before. Ochako was the one able to capture this beautiful moment of the couple. You had been teasing him for being able to cook but not bake, and he had enough of your jokes and simply picked you right off your feet. In the picture the both of you were smiling widely, especially Bakugou. When you posted the picture, fans analyzed the picture like crazy.
Bakugou knew he wasn’t the most well liked Pro-Hero, but the amount of people who tried to make a video showing the picture and claiming it was “obvious” that he was abusing you was a little annoying. You always reassured the blond when you caught him watching those videos, turning off his phone and climbing in his lap. His hands happily making his way on your waist as you ran your fingers through his hair while the other hand held his face gently. His eyes would close and you would whisper sweet nothings in his ear, praising him for anything and everything, sometimes even singing the songs you wrote for him.
Bakugou still remembers when the two of you were almost a year into the relationship (ten months and 6 days to be exact) and in the mist of him casually scrolling on TikTok a video of you performing at your concert popped up. He was certainly surprised to see videos already posted, since the concert had quite literally just ended. Obviously he watched the video, adoring how you talked to your fans.
“Now children, calm down so I can talk. I am not gonna talk over your borderline screaming, there’s no way in hell I’m gonna be able to sing after this if I talk like that.”
Bakugou snickered. He always loved when you were sassy and continued to watch.
“So whilst on tour, I’ve had a song stuck in my head,” the crowd went wild, probably thinking you were going to play one of your songs called “stuck in my head.” Your face lit up in realization, and you laughed at the mistake you made.
“Oh my poor babies, I’m so sorry but I am not playing that song.”
You gave your crowd an apologetic smile as they booed you. Bakugou’s eyebrows furrowed, upset as to why you were being booed, but continued to watch nonetheless.
“Oh my gosh get over yourself,” you rolled your eye waiting for the crowd to settle down before starting up again.
“I had like, this chorus just repeating itself over and over again. It was so annoying y’all! I felt like I was going crazy! And what made it even more annoying is that I couldn’t go to my safe place and sit down and write it cus-“
You gestured to your surroundings.
“-I’m on tour.”
The crowd went wild for longer than Bakugou liked, but you let them get it out, shaking your head like you were disappointed but the smile gave you away.
“Instead I had to settle with my oh so very empty tour bus bed, and write the song there. It was literally like, what? 3AM? And I was sitting on that bed with my guitar, notebook, and my laptop. I’m so glad I wasn’t sharing or like in a hotel because I was up until 5…”
You bent over to laugh, and the audience as well. Meanwhile, your now very grumpy boyfriend was about to close the app and text you not to do shit like that. You put on full fledge concerts for crying out loud! You should not be staying up that late just to write a goddamn song.
“And that was last night.”
The concert booed as Bakugou’s patience started to thin. What the hell were you thinking? You even texted him goodnight at like 2! Rest is very important and you need to-
“But I’m glad that I did, because I think this is my new favorite song. And I just can’t wait anymore, so is it okay if I play it for you guys?”
The crowd literally went feral. The person recording was screaming along with every goddamn person at that place. Bakugou was now fully sitting up in his bed, eager to listen to this song. He was a little hurt, he will admit. You always send him a video of the many songs that you write sporadically on this tour, and you’ve written a lot. So why didn’t you do the same thing here? What was so different about this song that he couldn’t be the first to hear it like usual?
“That sounds like a yes,” you reached for one of the many necklaces you were wearing and pulled out a very thin necklace with a familiar pendant. Bakugou immediately recognized it, as it was the one he got for you on your six month anniversary. It was one of the petals of a rose that you saved from your first date. He had it dried and put into a charm of a necklace when he noticed you getting upset that you couldn’t keep the flowers he got you. When he gave it to you, tears were falling down your face as he kissed you. That’s when he swore to himself that if he met any of your exes he wouldn’t leave without giving them a brand new scar.
You pulled it out and kissed it gently, before whispering into it.
“This is for you baby.”
Bakugou’s eyes widened, the crowd losing their minds and you started playing guitar. The two of you would make the smallest hints that you were in a relationship, but never as bold as this. Not that he was complaining.
Secretly he had been wanting to let the public know that you were dating, he wanted everyone to know you were his and he was yours. He was honestly sick of seeing people “ship” him with extras and he especially hated when the same happened to you.
He’s good for my heart but he’s bad for business
Tears me apart when he grants my wishes
All of my friends think I’ve gone crazy
But they don’t know me like my baby~
Bakugou remembers that moment like it was yesterday. His face instantly blossomed a bright blush, and his lips formed a soft smile. The crowd finally settled down after the beginning and he was able to listen to the song, closing his eyes pretending like he was there in the audience. He put the phone up to his ear and laid back down, soaking up every word and every note.
He’s good
It’s bad
The best I’ve ever had
And he’s so nice
It’s sad
He ruined all my plans
And he just makes me so crazy
I know everyone sees
He’ll be the death of me
That’s how he got here, standing in a special area in your sold out venue wearing your newest merch.
And Bakugou Katsuki was terrified.

This was the first time he had come to see your concert, because last time you toured it was when your relationship was a secret. Now, he sat nervously in his chair, his colleagues on either side of him. You had given all of them tickets, making sure they had the best seats in the house but also allowed them to not be disturbed by fans.
Bakugou was bouncing his leg, picking at his fingernails as he watched the crowd. It seemed that nobody knew they were there, everyone waiting in anticipation of your show. Your music was so diverse, everyone knew that it would contain all sorts of emotions and energies. You were the type of performer who liked to be as close to the audience as possible, you loved adding commentary to your songs during the pauses, making faces, and dancing around. You loved to have fun, and let loose. When you got the green light to plan the tour, you were practically bouncing off the walls of your now shared home. You spent three months planning it, which was a new record for you, before announcing. However, there was just one thing that Bakugou didn’t like about the tour.
He knew absolutely nothing about it. In fact, you made sure of it. Hiding your notebook, changing your laptop’s password, making sure your manager didn’t tell him shit about it. That’s why he was terrified. His partner, his very famous singer/songwriter of a soulmate was about to do the very first night of the tour in Japan and Bakugou didn’t know a thing.
That’s why Bakugou Katsuki was terrified.
Soon enough, the lights began to dim, and people started to stand up. A hush fell over the crowd as the venue blacked out, and the wrist bands on everyone’s wrists lit up.
“Holy shit it’s happening.” Kaminari whispered to Bakugou, grin spreading across his face.
Ochako, Kaminari, and Mina happily took the evening off to see you, while the rest of your invites weren’t able to. Kirishima made Bakugou promise at least one photo of the two of them after the show.
A soft hum came out of the speakers, and suddenly a spotlight appeared to reveal you standing at the very far back of the stage. The crowd went insane, and you walked down the stage.
When it came to your outfits, you always had to keep it comfortable. You loved to jump around dancing, sometimes fall to your knees dramatically. You especially loved to squat. Jumping around in that position and when you stood up you always made sure to flaunt the ass that you worked very hard on in the gym.
You came out strutting down the stage in very baggy and flowy black pants and a very cropped black long sleeve sweater that allowed you to show off the lace bra that went down to your belly button. But that wasn’t where it stopped, nor was it the best part of your outfit. To Bakugou’s surprise you were wearing boots with an obnoxiously thick heel, that were very obviously Dynamite themed.
Bakugou smirked at the sight, taking in the rest of the little details of your outfit. You wore a giant ring on your index finger that was also Dynamite inspired, as a fan gave it to you, and Bakugou could see his initials sewn into the bottom of your sweater.
You stopped at the end of the runway, pulling the microphone away from your face in a dramatic motion. You slowly looked around, taking in your crowd. A smile spread across your face, and when your gaze looked straight forward to look for Bakugou, he made sure to make little sparks from his hands to let you know he was right here. You pointed at him with the finger that had the Dynamite ring on it, and Bakugou honestly felt like it was just you and him in the stadium. You mouthed an ‘I love you’ at him, and Bakugou was now ignoring the new roar from the audience.
“You guys should get married already.” Mina whispered in Bakugou’s ear, and instead of blowing her face up, he just smiled, still looking in your direction.
“I plan on it.”
The first song you sang was one of your oldest ones, which also happened to be a much slower and sadder song. Instead of listening to the grim lyrics (not because they were bad, just because Bakugou hated to remember how bad some of your relationships were and didn’t want to get angry) the hero closed his eyes and listened to your voice. He wanted to take in his environment and all the notes you sang. The song started to drift off midway, which confused Bakugou. His eyes suddenly snapped open when he heard your newest song, which was much more upbeat. He watched you jump in the air and sing the song with much more passion than the original version. The crowd recovered quickly from the switch up and was singing along happily.
You sang a couple more of your newer and upbeat songs, making sure to add new notes to them and even belt a couple of notes to get the crowd excited. You were having so much fun, and Bakugou had never seen you look more alive. This is where you belonged, and he wanted to be right here every time watching.
There was a pause for you to sit down at the edge of the runway. You sat criss-cross, and much closer to the audience for Bakugou’s liking. He always got nervous when you reached out for a fan’s hand, scared that they would do something that could hurt you.
Thankfully, that hadn’t ever happened, and you sat very cutely waiting for the audience to quiet down so you could speak.
“Wow. We’re halfway through already? Well, I think we all know what that means…”
You cocked your head to the side, and a soft piano started to play a familiar rhythm.
“Ladies, gentlemen, and everything in between, get out your tissues. It is now time to remember why you are no longer dating your ex, and for you to be reminded that your trauma isn’t just a thing that makes you funny.”
The crowd screamed, but almost immediately stopped when you began to sing in a much softer and lower register than before. As depressing as these songs may be, Bakugou firmly believes that these types of songs bring out the best in your voice. It allows you to challenge your breath control, and truly sing with so much passion and emotion.
A couple of songs pass, and Bakugou finds you when the stage gets lit up again. You’re in the middle of the runway, standing with your head down waiting for the band to begin. As soon as the piano starts, the crowd screams and yells. This is one of your all-time most popular songs, it was the one that caught a lot of people’s attention and boosted your popularity. Funnily enough, you actually hated this song because you wrote it in high school, so Bakugou was surprised to see you preform it.
“Is this Sick of Losing Soulmates?” Ochako yelled, because of the screaming of your audience.
Bakugou turned to her and confirmed her suspicions, making Mina and Kaminari start screaming along with the audience (as they were doing the entire time).
Bakugou watched as you began to sing, and noticed how you really got into it. You added a lot more dramatic pauses before certain lines, and even speaking some of the lyrics, making it feel more like anger than sadness.
Yeah, I’m sick of losing soulmates
Won’t be alone again
I can finally see you’re as fucked up as me
So how do we begin?
At one point, you laid down on your back, reaching for the sky as you sang your heart out, and Bakugou noticed you choking up a bit at certain lyrics.
We will grow old as friends
I've promised that before, so what's one more in our grey-haired circle, waiting for the end?
Time and hearts will wear us thin
So which path will you take, 'cause we both know a break does exactly what it says on the tin
The song soon ends, and your last pose has you on your knees, head looking down at the floor. The stadium goes pitch dark, including the wrist bands, before they light up again along with your stage. Bakugou sees you wipe a tear off your cheek, and you sit there once more taking in your fans that take the chance to start chanting your name. You put your lips together, closing your eyes and putting your hands on your heart. Your eyebrows are furrowed and Bakugou can tell you’re still crying. In that moment he wanted nothing more than to go to you and hold you, wiping away your tears and replacing them with tender kisses.
You open your eyes, putting the mic back to your mouth and the audience quiets down in order to let you speak.
“Oh boy, I am so overwhelmed by emotions. I mean that was the song that started it all right?”
The crowd was still practically silent, as you’ve trained them well. You get off your knees and get into a more comfortable sitting position (criss-cross of course) and continue.
“I used to absolutely loath that song, because I wrote that when I was at my lowest. I was so sick and tired of love, having to try again over and over again. Every relationship that ended seem to break a piece of me off, and I was honestly starting to give up.”
You let out a broken chuckle, putting your free hand over your eyes momentarily before starting again.
“But then I met Katsuki, in which he literally crashed into my life.”
The crowd stayed silent, but Bakugou could tell they wanted to start screaming. You were not looking at him, and to his surprise Bakugou felt a tear run down his cheek.
“Three years of paradise. I’ve always had a fear of losing you, but it especially hits when I sing songs like that.”
There was a pause, and suddenly Bakugou felt like he was back in that studio where he met you. Staring at you and falling in love all over again.
“I love you baby, forever and always.”
Bakugou smiled, and all that fear that was with him before left. You were his and he was yours, and that’s all that he needed.
“I love you too,” he whispered, and you knew.
Bakugou Katsuki was no longer terrified.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ─ ✩ ─⋅ ⋅ ──╯
none of the songs quoted are not mine!!! the first one is “Bad for Business” by Sabrina Carpenter, and the second one is “Sick of Losing Soulmates” by dodie
i hope you enjoyed bc boy oh boy i did
literally took me 4 hours to write but i couldn’t pull myself away from the keyboard
i rlly need to start writing other characters for x readers but oh well
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minanini · 1 month ago
Asakiku week 2025 Day 3
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Entry to the @asakikuweek2 Day 3
England (Hetalia)
Japan (Hetalia)
France (Hetalia)
America (Hetalia)
Additional Tags:
hetalia gangsta
america's cameo
france's cameo
Pool & Billiards
Words: 1,849
Link to the AO3
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Being here felt strange. He heard about many different games that you can play to spend your time like golf, football, volleyball, tennis... moreover, at least he was somewhat fine at playing these games and, well, he was good at tennis. But he never ever was thinking about “billiards”. Moreover, never had he heard of it or played it, this standing here with that strange stick was making him nervous.
He never intended to participate. He never intended to play. He was just dragged here by Hero, who was really eager to make a poor Japanese young man (or not so?) play into his games. And while Kiku indeed wasn't against going somewhere, he was thinking that they will go bowling.
Well, plans changed, it seems. So now the representative of the 81st district found himself in the most embarrassing position ever. He found himself being lost, while looking at everyone having fun playing this... game. They were trying to put balls into the holes by pushing them with that stick (what's it called...?) and, basically, it was looking almost like golf, but on the table and... with many other strange traits. But the system almost looked like golf. ...At least it looked like.
But then he felt that someone started standing behind him. These sturdy, loud steps were quite familiar, so when he turned back, he didn't feel that surprised – it was Lord with his usual punk fashion sense. He was holding that stick as well, looking quite fond of something, if Iemoto was to judge from that smirk alone.
...Was he winning, perhaps?
“Hey, Iemoto.” “Ah... Go... good evening, Lord-san.” “Lost something or someone? Or...?” “Ah... eh... n-no, no, I didn't. I just... uh...”
It was hard to express what he got himself into. To tell someone that you know absolutely nothing about the game you came to play is foolish. Yet here he was – an idiot standing right before Lord, trying to find the right excuse for his idiocy...
“Can you... put your cue down?” “...Eh?” “Um, the stick you're holding. Cue stick.” “Ah. O-oh, sorry. I'm really sorry.” “No, it's fine. Though... I could never imagine someone holding it like some kind of sword.”
Lord smirked even wider, but then looked somewhere away. Iemoto slowly followed his gaze, stumbling across the... ah. Hero. Was Lord looking at Hero, who was occupied by his game with Korol’?
“You were dragged into this, weren't you?” “...I fear so. I was expecting us to go bowling, to be honest.” “Yeah, I know. It was because of me.” “Because of you...?” “Well, the fact that he changed today's meeting game. I challenged him to play against me, saying that he will never beat me.” “Oh.” “So, as you can see.” “...Did he win?”
Lord looked at Iemoto with contentment in his eyes, now actually smiling.
“I said that he will never win against me, no? I'm second to no one when it comes to billiards.” “...I see. It's actually... impressive, Lord-san.” “...Y-you think so, Iemoto...?”
It was peculiar. Lord, that was looking all prideful moments ago, now was more akin to some shy schoolgirl that asked someone out. He lowered his eyes, moving his hand to the left a little, touching his neck with his hand... Was it because of what Iemoto said? If so, it's unexpected. Unexpected of Lord, yes, but even more than unexpected... It was cute.
“I do. Beating Hero over something is hard.” “Yeah, I know. But also I know this little shit’s moves as my own! So he can only dream about winning against me, ha!” “...Ha-ha. Really? How great.” “...Y-yeah, I guess.”
And then they went silent. Just them standing together, looking anywhere but each other. It was... embarrassing. Embarrassing to just stand with Lord that was, it seems, quite knowledgeable about this billiards game. Yet Honda weren't. He even forgot how this stick is called, although Arthur said its name minutes ago! So it was over. It was better to keep himself shut, not opening his mouth to embarrass himself and–
“Want me... to teach you how to play...?”
The pair of black eyes hastily looked into the pair of green. 
“T-teach? M-me...?” “D-don’t get the wrong idea...! I-it’s not like I want to teach you or whatever! B-but looking at you, standing here all alone– It's making me... u-uh... ...F-forget about it! I-it's nothing!”
He was ready for Lord to dash away or to walk away as fast as possible, but he just... stayed at the same place he was standing before, changing his posture a little. So, was he waiting for Iemoto’s answer? Or something else...? Although, if it's “something else”, Iemoto had no idea what exactly it could be. But even so...
“...Are you sure?” “Huh?” “Lord-san, are sure you won't mind teaching me how to play billiards? Wouldn't it be... troublesome to you?” “What? Never. I said that I'm good, so– Really, I don't mind teaching you. ...And I feel a little bit responsible, since, well, it's because of me you're so lost now...” “I... see. ...It's nice of you, Lord-san. Then... if you don't mind... ...Please, teach me how to properly play billiards.”
Lord gave Iemoto a smile, shaking his head in approval.
“Let's go then. I saw there was one table that was empty and no one used it to play... So let's go. It'll be our playing table.” “Mhm. Gladly, Lord-san.”
Feeling someone's whole hands on his own was a sensation he never felt. Yes, Osaka was touching his palms from time to time, trying to pull him somewhere or make Iemoto hurry. It was something usual, and he was somewhat used to such physical contact. But he wasn’t used to feeling someone else’s warmth against his body; he wasn’t used to someone gently holding his hands and palms, changing their position to “more comfortable and correct”. He wasn’t used to Lord that was so gentle, so gentle that it almost felt like a fantasy.
“Here,” he says in a hushed voice so that only Honda could hear him. “You changed your finger's position again. Stop being so unsure, or you won’t make a good strike, Iemoto.”
He takes Iemoto’s palm in his once again, gently helping 81st district representative take cue stick more “confidently”. Yet, in fact, all that could do Kiku was feel how warmth was going straight to his cheeks. And he felt that it was going there even faster when Lord put his hand onto Iemoto’s waist.
“Much better. Now, strike the white ball so that it will hit the yellow. But don’t be too pushy or rushing – find the perfect balance as I showed you before. And don’t forget about the angles, or it will completely change its trajectory.”
Iemoto wanted to say that he understood his objective, but instead could only look at the white ball before him anxiously. Well, if this ball won’t fall into that hole, Lord won’t scold him anyway, right? ...Thus, Iemoto breathed in and struck the white ball with a cue, looking how it bumped into the yellow one and... oh, it fell into the hole. 
“Great.” a blond man patted Iemoto’s back, humming happily. “You actually might be talented at billiards, if you will practice enough, of course.”
“Was he always this touchy...?” were the only thoughts in Iemoto’s mind. He hardly could remember him being this tactile, but it didn’t feel wrong. Just... made Iemoto’s heart beat faster. And it was strange, because Lord didn’t even notice it. But, well, he was here just to teach Iemoto how to play billiards, right...?
That was the moment when someone stepped in with loud steps. It was... oh. Hero.
“Ay yo, ya two having a play-off here or what?” “I’m teaching Iemoto how to play.” “Wow, really? He didn’t know how to play?” “Precisely. Thus, I decided to–” “Cool! Lemme show you how to play, then!”
But instead of agreeing, 81st representative stepped back, holding the cue stick closer to him. It’s not that he didn’t want to play with Alfred, but– he didn’t want to embarrass himself either. So it was a hard choice – to agree or to decline, since it might affect their relationships. Parties like this usually always affect district relationships. And that’s why rarely someone could ignore them. But right now–
“Eh? Iemoto, what’re y–” “He’s still learning, Hero. Back off.”
Lord stepped closer to the leader of the 1st street. Iemoto couldn’t see his face, but a little frown from Hero made Kiku think about that, maybe, Lord will...?
“I’ll be the one tutoring him how to play real billiards. Or should I remind you that I crushed you with only 7 strikes?” “Hey! It wasn’t fair! I never knew there was a scoring system thing, and–” “I won. That’s it. So shoo, leave, go on, there’s Owner waiting for you.” “...Mweh. Killjoy.” “Always a pleasure to be one.”
And then Jones actually left. He was mumbling something to himself, although the farther he was going, the harder it was to hear his mumbles. But then Lord turned around and gave Iemoto a gentle smile yet again. ...It was unbearable, to be honest.
“Shall we continue our lesson?” “...Gladly. Ah, but– what about the scoring system?” “It’s a bit early for you. To get to the scoring part, we need to teach you how to play and some rules first, alright?”
Iemoto shooks his head in approvance, turning back to the table. And then he felt Lord’s body heat against his own yet again and it– it made his head go in circles.
...Lord is so unfair.
He was sitting at the bar, looking at how Iemoto was talking to some Asian district representatives. They spent almost two hours together while Arthur was helping him to learn how to play billiards. It felt... really comfortable.
Until the moment Hero said “You two had a nice date there!”. It felt like lightning struck Lord. It struck him even harder when Hero continued: “Sorry I butted in, didn’t read the atmosphere at first! Bur Parrain told me that I got in your way, so, yeah, sorry for getting mad at you, ha-ha-ha!”. Date? Butted in? Parrain said WHAT?!
...But, instead of arguing, they were sitting together at the bar. Francis was drinking some champagne, while Lord decided to stay sombre and just order a non-alcoholic cocktail.
“You're never going to change, are you, cowardly lion?~ ♪” “...What?”
Lord looked at Parrain with disgust.
“Always running away, never understanding the opportunities you have... Even though you actually love him, you stay as silent as stone. Oh, poor soul! Romance was never given to you, and even when you had a chance– you just lost it, pf-f-ft!” “One more word and you'll become roasted frog legs, asshole.”
Yet the 33rd district representative shook his head with the slyest smile ever seen.
“But the one who's cooked here is you, not me, mon amie.” “...Shut it.”
He looks at Iemoto for the last time today, slowly moving his gaze to the violet-coloured cocktail.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 1 year ago
There's been something going on in my head lately. This topic is about Shinichiro and I feel disappointed. Because Shinichiro is a man who I see as the ideal older brother and parent, who is really good-hearted and loves his siblings more than anything. This is definitely Shinichiro. He is a really good-hearted man who can be easily trusted. But today, some of the things written in Izana's letter confused me a lot. We had discussions about this issue on Twitter and many things came to my mind. Our topic is this friends;
Shinichiro knew that Izana was brother to Emma, so he went to the Philippines to pick up his brother. He picked up his younger brother and went back to Japan. He gave Izana an incredibly beautiful day on the first day, and in fact, in Izana's words, gave him the best day of his life. He gave her the opportunity to live her beautiful day. Afterwards, she continued to take care of him and spend the day with him. What bothers me is that Shinichiro knew that Emma and Izana were sisters. Why didn't he come and tell Emma this in the first place? Was it such a difficult thing to say that you found your brother? For God's sake, he wasn't just Emma's brother, but theirs too. As soon as he found Izana, why didn't he bring her home and introduce her to Grandpa? Why didn't he take Mikey and Emma to their orphanage visits? Why did he promise Izana an empty family?
so apparently, from the letter we saw in the trailer, we find out that shinichiro actually /knew/ that emma and izana were related and still kept them separate when he could have adopted him...shinichiro, that's so sick and twisted shit is there an adult who didn't do izana wrong?The adoption process is surely hard but at this point he could have simply brought emma to visit him and introduce izana to mikey when he got to see him at the orphanage. Mikey was positive about the idea (as we see in the manga) so why didn't Shinichiro do anything about it?When he talks to mikey asking him his opinion on having another brother , he was already an adult, so why didn't he do anything? It's like he kinda forgot about izana because they're not "related", but at that point, why did he get izana's life in the first place? Because he was Emma's brother? And like this we get to the initial point again: he could have, at least, introduced them all
Well firstly I'm pretty sure Shinichiro didn't pick Izana up from the Philippines at all. Since Izana was in a foster home adoption type place and then juvie in Japan (that's how he met Kakucho at the foster home and then the S62 at juvie). I'm also not sure how a Japanese teenager would've been just allowed to take a kid from the Philippines to Japan like that. Actually Izana doesn't even seem to have known he had family in the Philippines until Karen told him. He thought she was his mum and that he had the same dad as Shinichiro (not clear if he knew the guys name or what he looked like though).
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I agree though, from our perspective it does seem like Shinichiro made a big mistake here with not introducing Izana to the others or at least telling them. However Shinichiro didn't have our perspective. Shinichiro had no idea what was going to happen or what the consequences of doing that would be. I feel like this is one of those things which will divide the fandom, with some ageeeing and some disagreeing (both are totally fine though).
Like I think Shinichiro was right not to rush into things here, taking on the care of another child is a big responsibility and Shinichiro was already practically raising two, not to mention what kind of impact a change in environment could have on Izana's mental health, a kid he had known for a few hours at this point. I don't know a lot about the irl adoption process but I'm pretty sure you have to spend more then a few hours with the kid before deciding anything. I think that's why they then started exchanging letters, as a way for them to get to know each other better and get more comfortable with each other.
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I'm guessing the next part of Shinichiro's plan was to get to know Izana better and get Izana more comfortable with him before introducing him to the others. We know Shinichiro was at least thinking about introducing Izana to them because of the question he asked Mikey.
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But then I'm guessing what stopped him was all the complications. Aka Mikey ripped Sanzu's face open and Izana beat up a bunch of kids and then basically forced one to take his own life. Put them together and they don't get along and you're going to have a big problem on your hands. Like I understand why Shinichiro wanted to move slowly here, this isn't something that should've been rushed. Not to mention the warning signs Izana was already showing towards Mikey by asking Shinichiro to stop talking about him and saying hearing about Mikey gives him a headache.
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I'd say the main mystery here is why he didn't tell Emma/ bring Emma with him to visit. I'm not sure if he didn't wanna get her hopes up or if he wss worried about her or Izana's reaction (though they both seem like they would've been positive), or if he didn't want to make Emma keep the secret from Mikey but didn't want to let Mikey know yet. That is a bit of mystery.
Also to be completely fair to Shinichiro I don't think he ever would've expected things to play out the way they did. He was only a teenager himself when he first met Izana and even as a young adult it's a big responsibility to bring Izana into the house and make sure all his siblings were doing ok. He clearly wanted to unite them all but wanted it done in the correct way. Shinichiro has only been shown to want the best for his siblings so I'm sure he thought he was doing the right thing here. Though obviously this is just my take and we're all going to have different opinions on this.
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circledotdestroy · 9 months ago
Retrospective - Chapter 5: Let’s Rock
Pairing: Shouta Aizawa x F! Pro-Hero! Reader (the slowest burn)Main summary: After 12 years, you, Pro-Hero Strife, has to return to Japan. Your objective: discreetly track down and capture Akari Kaneko, a.k.a. Pro-Hero Aegis— your old classmate who attacked you during her visit in America. In the aftermath of All Might losing his power, however, using UA resources has its complications. The most unexpected complication being Aizawa, someone you never expected to see again. Why does your past have to come back to haunt you now? Masterlist First Chapter Last Chapter Word Count: 3,869 words
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A/N: Hey, I'm back. Sorry for the long gap between this chapter and the last. I know I said i was supposed to be post more frequently last time. This chapter was a struggle for me to write because I lost my grandmother to cancer a few weeks ago and that kinda caused a depressive episode. I think I'm better now tho! There's a lot of stuff going on with the anime and manga (I can't believe its ending) so if anyone wants to discuss, i'm here Anyway, thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy the show!
The screeching device rattled from your hand to your skull.
A child-lock. Uh huh. If the past was in the past, what’s this about? You shoved the gym doors wide open letting all the heat escape the room. As you take a step forward, you wince at explosions blasting through the room. You forgot how hero training areas can rival a construction site in terms of noise. A tight grin cracked on your face as you scanned the potential disaster zone.
Where’s Eraserhead?
Around the rocks? You wondered about walking the perimeter.  Behind the towers, you tilted your head. Hiding?
Mere seconds and the adrenaline in the room burrows into your nervous system with the heat waves. You did the math from the time he left— from the time he left you were supposed to have at least 20 minutes, but you were caught off at 17. Three minutes can start and end a fight, you thought as you weaved through rocks falling from the sky. Did he really think you’d intentionally waste his time?
A rock the size of a steroid-addled moose hurdled toward you.  A loud CRACK traveled through the room—fragments raining around you. Holding your arm out you looked around you. Where the hell did that come from?  
“Are you okay?!” You turned your head to the direction of fast, frantic steps toward you. It was the boy in the knight outfit running toward you with smoke coming out of his calves. You glanced at the scratched knuckles of your gloves then gave it a shake to take the remaining dust off. 
Turns out there was dust all over your uniform. That’s no way to make a first impression on the boy who was racing to meet you. As you continued brushing yourself off you took a good look at the state of his uniform, also covered in debris, especially the guards on his legs. When he was close enough to speak to you nodded at him. “Kicked that rock pretty far—are you conditioning?” 
The boy's eyes widened behind his glass as color drained from his face. He “I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to—”  
“Hey, hey, hey,” you interrupted him as his arms went to his side. The boy was confounded by the disruption. “You don’t have to say sorry. I’m not hurt. I conditioned my hands a long time ago. I was a little older than you then, and I’m extremely old now.” You scanned the room swiftly to see if Eraser had decided to investigate the noise, to no avail. “You can go back to your training,” you finished, waving the boy off. 
Before you can go back to your mission the student stopped you. “Wait, I’m the class representative, and a student at UA. I should've been a better example…”
“Then do better next time? There’s a lot of people in here, think about that before you kick the big rock somewhere.”
“I see…” The boy’s hand came up to his chin as he pieced together what you said. You couldn't help wondering if your accent somehow got worse between the meeting and now.  “All of the students training in the gym together is not only about our ultimate moves, but about our awareness of our environment as well,” he commented, although it was clear he was talking to himself. “I take your advice to heart! Thank you—uh?
“Strife. I’m the Pro-Hero Strife.”
“And I am Iida Tenya.” The boy said bowing before you. “Thank you for your advice, Ms. Pro-Hero Strife.” 
You pressed your lips in a tight line looking across the room as the boy continued to bow in gratitude. In all your years, you’ve never quite understood what you were supposed to do in these types of situations. Having someone bow at you was up there with people singing happy birthday or crying, in terms of you not knowing what to do. The best thing you knew to do in either of those situations was move it along as fast as possible. 
Luckily it didn’t last for as long as it felt it would. The boy stood upright and gestured toward the device you held. “Ms. Pro-Hero Strife? I don’t mean to be rude but your tablet has been ringing this whole time.”
“Yeah,” you lifted the tablet higher. “I was borrowing this from Eraserhead. The screaming won’t stop until I get it back to him. Have you seen your teacher?” Apparently he was exactly the one to ask, giving you precise instructions on where to find him. Mic should really take up some lessons from this kid.
By the time you spotted Eraser standing by the side entrance, the one that came from outside, your need to roll up and say “What the hell is wrong with you? I thought we were cool—” was gone.  Explosions and the sound of bowling balls striking drowned out the sound of the tablet. Getting closer to Eraser your spine heats up like a wire. Your eyes locked onto the girl with pink skin above you on a plateau immediately. You crossed her path like a black cat, giving her a slight wave, but not truely stopping to interact with her. She waved back before nearly getting hit on the head by a Smile Man. Two steps later your spine increased by a few more degrees. Still feeling her eyes you glance back to see she was drawing the pathway between you and her teacher. When you reached your destination, you held out Eraser’s stupid little tablet.
“You’re here.” He took the tablet off your hands and tapped at the screen disabling the alarm. “Did you get the information you needed,” he asked with holding the tablet closer, swiping and tapping at the screen. 
A passive aggressive half-thought bubbled in your mind, but floated away just as quick. You weren’t trying to start anything and you were just relieved there was no more high pitched screeching in the menagerie of sound. “For now, yes,” you answered, turning to stand next to him. 
The mountain range ahead was truly something else. Three of the mountains had their own light show going on. One of the mountain tops had a laser beam, another had a full solar flare that made the mountain look like a volcano, and the third was capped with flaming ice. From your time in both countries you can confidently say that pretty lights were one of two things that people across the world could get excited about. Think about it, fireworks, lasers, glow-in-the-dark toys, neon lights— who doesn’t like those things? The only downside these things could have is that they’re often paired with loud noises. Like the explosions in the air and bone rattling booms hitting the pavement.
As you watched the lights, Eraser fiddled with his device, reading something you can’t see on the screen. He didn’t look confused at all so he couldn’t have read your notes.
“I spoke to your class president,” you continued, putting your attention on the flaming ice. “Your students are very serious.”
“That’s how it’s supposed to be.” 
“All of them, or just Iida?” You grin at the swaying flames in the distance. Eraser lowered his tablet and set his eyes on you. Your spine started to heat up and you didn’t have to mention moose-sized rock or how his student tried to apologize to you. “You shouldn’t get nervous, he was training and he’s supposed to improve… I can see—I think he cares more about training than we did.”
“When did you ever care about anything?”
You chuckled and looked at the flames again, “I cared. Less than you but I still cared.”
“I’m sure you did…”
“Iida should work on his aim for his Ultimate Move. I’m sure we both know a giant flying rock could really hurt someone.” Eraser doesn’t respond. Warm air begins to suffocate you next to him. Out of all the dumb jokes you could’ve made that’s what you chose? Adjusting the guards on your arms you looked off. A few Smile Mans— Smile Men(?), were still with the students you could see. The other man, the Cement Snowman was missing, either having left or camouflaged extremely well. That left the only actual adult you’d rather be with— “Where’s Midnight, anyway?”
“She’s helping a student on the other side of the room,” Eraser stated plainly. The explosions from above shook the room as it did before. Bits and pieces shatter and fall onto the main path connecting the mountains and plateaus together. 
“Alright then…” Somehow the steep slants and the narrow trails with falling ruble looked more comfortable then how this conversation felt.
Shifting your weight side to side, the image of stumbling, toppling over the side consumes your thoughts. Yet you still took a step forward. With Midnight on the other side of the gym, and Mic not around at all, you needed to make your own exit. The only practical excuse you could think of was observing the students close and that meant… Looking up toward the looming peaks you gulped.  The looming peaks made you gulp. 
Another heat wave flushed your skin and buried into your bones. Your skull felt like it was expanding. If you weren’t working then you wouldn’t have been okay with this. Eraser of all people should know damn-well you wouldn’t have, maybe that’s what he was relying on. Here you were though, poised and marched into your work as you always did. 
Adrenaline was in the air. 
You’ll work with this.
Eraser called out after you before  you left his sight. “You're not taking notes?” He held the tablet out toward you, but you put your focus on the path ahead. You declined. He’d probably put another one of those god-awful alarms again. His head turned from where you stood to what was behind. 
“Are you sure you can walk okay?”
Your lungs filled with sand. “Why wouldn’t I be?” You smiled as your heart picked up the pace. Did he notice it when you were in the observation room? Or was it the meeting? It’s possible he noticed before than and chose not to say anything before now. The way he tucked the tablet under his arm told you nothing about what could’ve given you away. “The path isn’t smooth. I can ask Cementoss to make a wall if you’re worried about falling.” 
“I’m good,” you said, your smile turned tight. So he didn’t notice your injury, he just wanted to use your past fears against you. Go figure. “I’m going now. Bye.” You didn’t give him a chance to respond before you turned and dropped your grin. You sighed and prepared yourself for the journey ahead.
Having to ignore your fears for the sake of a mission was nothing new. You’ve had to climb and jump off objects at great heights to face opponents and beasts alike. Occasionally you had to jump from one rooftop to another when you worked in a main city. The main difference between then and now was you had a goal. If that’s all you needed…. All you had to do was approach every trainee. Get enough information on their quirk to have an idea then move on. That’s easy! You already saw the class rep, who has speed. He has a good amount of power if he was able to kick that boulder at you. When you punched it, it felt like it was about 1200 pounds–good to know…
You walked past a few more students. The boy with super strength, the other boy with the tail, diaper boy… The next student on the roster was a girl with a frog-themed uniform. She worked on camouflage, which could be seen as strange considering she’s wearing bright green. Then again you wore bright red and she hasn’t noticed you. Actually now that you think about it, the last three didn’t either…
Well that’s awful!
 Grabbing an outlying curve in the wall beside you broke off a chunk. Staring at the back of the girl's head, you counted to ten, but she hadn’t sensed your presence. You squeezed the chunk with both hands until it crumbled to bits. Twenty seconds and the girl still hasn't seen you. You picked a pebble to place between your fingers. Pointed, aimed, then fired toward the wall behind her. She leapt out of the way as a projectile pebble flew past her. 
You hummed. The lack of awareness was concerning, for her and the other students you walked past. However, her reflexes are good for a first year. Shrugging you continued your hike ready to find your next target. 
Flicking pebbles toward students yielded some interesting results. Out of the ten you launched pebbles toward, eight students with the first girl included, had excellent reaction times. Then of those eight, three students– a tall boy with extra arms, a girl who created a giant iron bar, and the girl with pink skin, who shrieked and melted the pebble on instinct–spotted you after stones were thrown. Of course you apologized and said they could ignore you. 
What you weren’t prepared for was student eleven. Unlike the first ten, he stood by a giant generator. The coat of paint was the same green of the robots used for challenges and tests when you were a student. When you entered his vicinity, he faced the path and waved enthusiastically. “Oh, hey!” It caught you off guard. You tried to subtly put the pebbles into your pocket as you met him halfway. The pebbles scattered across his platform when you felt your work phone. The boy, one of the little rockstars from earlier, buffered as he saw them roll away. “So that’s what you were doing— I was wondering when you were gonna get to me! You’re a Pro, right? I’ve never seen you before, where are you from?”
You thought of how to answer the question, but was interrupted by someone below you. “Kaminari! Is that mystery woman up there with you? Who is she?”
“I don’t know! She was about to tell me before you had to interrupt!”
“Well, excuse me for— AAHH!” The girl shrieked. You jumped to the edge of the platform with grit teeth leaving the boy behind you. “Aizawa-sensei!” The girl became pastel at the sight of her teacher drawing closer. 
“Do you have an ultimate move ready, Ashido?”
The girl slumped, “no… But who is SHE,” the girl pointed up at you. Standing upright again, you waved at the two beneath you. When you stopped waving, you used that hand to brush on top of the itching wound and dug your nails in. Eraser kept his eyes on you and you tilted your head back at him. 
The boy, Kaminari, stepped closer to the ledge. “Yeah, she just showed up unannounced in the hallway. We’ve been dying to know!”
Eraser’s hair raised toward his student, but the energy flowing through you stopped leaving you cold. You forced your weight to bended knees. “Does it make a difference to your training?” Dizziness struck you at the distance between where you and they stood. Your side was burning hot, probably because of your little hike. Stepping away, you’ll look suspicious; but if you did nothing you could topple over. You swallowed. How were you supposed to make him stop? Kaminari was downtrodden— he and Ashido didn’t get there answer
“Good morning, I’m Pro-Hero Strife,” you said as kind as you could muster despite yourself. After a split-second of confusion, the students brightened up. “I’m here to help you with your license exams.” You looked toward Ashido who beamed with energy as Eraser’s hair fell back in place. “I’m sorry I didn’t say my name earlier. We wanted you to focus on Ultimate Moves.” As you explain, the warmth of your energy creeped back into your spine. You took your focus off the girl to say a half-hearted apology to Eraser, a simple “my bad, I won’t distract your students again. I mean it— forever, for life.” Now came the exit strategy: “You will know more about me later with everyone in your class okay? Focus on training for now, cool? Cool. ” you and the girl waved goodbye at one another as you stepped away with a sigh.
“I know— Aizawa is scary sometimes,” said Kaminari. 
You chuckle at the statement. “Really? And he lets you call him ‘Aizawa’, casually? My old teacher would’ve made you run laps around campus.”
“Wait, you went here?”
“Yeah, fifteen years ago– I’m like really old.” You nodded.
Kaminari hummed, “doesn’t that make you the same age as Aizawa?”
“Are you ready for that exam now,” you asked. You didn’t feel like giving a history lesson on your personal life at the moment. The flare in your back spiked as the trainee’s curiosity dropped into horror. “No? Alright, then I guess it’s time for me to go,” you held your hand out to the boy catching him off guard. “Right, we don’t usually shake hands with—”
Kaminari shook your hand enthusiastically, “it was cool meeting you!”
After shaking hands, you went back to scaling the mountain. If how you felt earlier told you anything, time was ticking. You needed to hurry before you made your condition worse. Patting at the phone at your side, you thought of whether you should call the medic. When you’re alone you’ll make the decision. You could only call when you were in your hotel room. If anything, after training you can find a way to leave if it gets to that point. 
After Kaminari, you passed by three other students— the boy with red hair punching away at the wall, the other rockstar who made smaller rocks explode, and the boy with the burn scar who was responsible for the flaming ice. You didn’t bother launching pebbles at them. Moving things along, three more students were left at the top. Two of them, a boy and a girl, were in the sky–you don’t know how to work with that, the other one you couldn’t see was shooting something from the platform above you. You squinted at the shiny line in the distance, as you approached closer. Was this plastic—
The ground slid beneath you, then it was gone. You fell parallel to the plastic piling on the floor. The length was the same as a three story house. You attempted to grab the knife at your side, you moved the phone in your pocket, but grasped at nothing.
That’s right… Campus visitors couldn’t bring weapons into school; and you didn't even sign the official papers yet. Falling down, your body twisted until you faced the wall. Generating as much force as you could, you jabbed at the rock.
Fireworks burst your eardrum when your right hand pierced a hole in the wall. A tight coil squeezed around at your side. Thundering explosions rattled your skull, split your brain down the middle.
“What were you doing falling like that for!” A rough voice boomed over the explosion. Two more sounded off before you were slumped on the ground breathless. When you opened your eyes a masked boy with gigantic grenade-style gauntlets and an orange X across his black tank top blurred across your vision. “Aren’t pros supposed to watch where they’re going?”
“Wow. One interesting way to speak to a person you saved—” you commented, pushing yourself up to stand. The shattered remains of your work-phone scattered across the top of the plateau caught your eye. “And my phone’s broken now too…” you finished, looking onward wistfully. 
“You flung yourself off the tower on purpose,” the trainee asked, irritated and baffled at your vacant diatribe. 
Behind you Eraser rushed toward you, and that girl who was in the air floated down. “What do you think will happen when it’s your turn to take the exam?”
“Hey, are you alright?” The girl asked when she was shot in earshot. She touched her fingertips together in a diamond shape– it must be how she activates her quirk. You raised your gloved hand, the one you put through stone, to show off to her. The material had damage, but it was minimal. Just a few scratches. Eraser was getting closer too, anything you’d say he’d hear. 
“I put my hand through the rock a little hard. Your classmate caught me and he did good. Thank you for—”
“Just GOOD?”
“Bakugo,” Eraser called out, the blond student snapped his head up bearing his teeth like that security guard at the entrance. “That’s not how you speak to guests, or people who are helping you with the exam.”
“You made a choice and you acted fast,” you explained. “Your catch was done well, you didn’t hurt me more. If technique was the only thing judges grade on, you would be great.” The boy muttered before walking off. Eraser’s hand clutched at the binding cloth bunched at his neck. 
You raised yours distracting him from grabbing the kid to tell him to respect his elders, you shook your head at the man. He lowered his hand on his weapon, thankfully. God-forbid makes the kid bow to apologize to you. Walking away you went to inspect the remnants of your phone, so much for calling the medic later. 
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 “Well…” Eraser opened disturbing the silence in the hallway. After all the improvised excitement happened you were called in by the PA system to Nezu’s office. You signed some papers, got your badge made, and then he wanted to get your opinions on the students you watched today. Eraser entered the room when the conversation was almost finished. When the meeting with Nezu was over, you decided to excuse yourself for the day. Eraser being the gentleman that he is, offered to show you out the gate. The moment he approached the office doors, you could feel he was worked up by something. “What did you think?” 
 “One day in the country and my phone broke,” Eraser didn’t appreciate the joke though. You didn’t think he’d get worried about your evaluation today. “Don’t stress, your students are fine.” You thought about bringing up how most of them didn’t notice how you walked by them and even had pebbles thrown at them, but you figured you’d save that for another time.
“I’d say they’re better than fine considering one of them caught you… what was that anyway? I can’t see the logic behind you falling on purpose.”
“That one student knew why in seconds— you shouldn’t think too much about what happened.”
“So you grew out of your fear of heights then?”
You thought about a moment from when you were younger. A time where you would complete these types of assignments. You held your head high, confident as a lion in front of your classmates; but when classes were over and it was time to tutor Aizawa on some moves, you’d joke about how freaked you were. At one point, you told Shouta all the times you thought you were going to fall before practicing his takedowns. “We grow up eventually, don’t we? I’m not a child anymore, Eraser.” 
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ns-imagines · 1 year ago
Marine Corps Birthday Ball
All U.S. Marines in COD x USMC Birthday Ball
| Word Count: Not sure its a lot w/ videos| SFW
A/N: *Rips someone into two pieces with my bare hands* Shit makes me so happy that im a U.S. Marine. RAH. Keegan please be my date to the ball &lt;3 Sgt Russ and Sgt ****** <3
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Context: Every year throughout the month of November we have our Marine Corps Birthday Ball. There's a ceremony and fancy dinner and of course a lot of alcohol and tabaco. Enlisted wear our Marine Corps Blues uniform and get to show off all our fancy awards and medals. The officers wear their sick uniform as well. Guests wear a formal suit or dress!! We get drunk, have cake, and dance. Its fun and one of the many traditions we have in this service. This year it was the 248th Birthday!! Let me give you the run down for todays event <3
Military Lingo Key at the end
1845 - Venue doors open
1900 - Cocktail Hour
2000 - Cocktail Hour ends all bars are closed
2005 - 5 Minute warning for the ceremony
2010 - Ceremony begins
2100 - Ceremony ends
2110 - Dinner service starts and Bars reopen
2200 - Dance floor opens / DJ starts
0130 - Venue doors close
Okay now that we have the schedule down. Lets list all the Marines in COD. Were gonna pretend everyone's alive and in the same unit for tonight. Whos going to be your date for tonight? Skip past the photo when you're ready.
All unnamed Marines <3 (damn npcs)
-MARSOC Marines, 2nd MarDiv
1st FRP (MW1) Source for info below click here and here (<- Has character pictures as well for some)
-Lt Vasquez, Cpt Pelayo, Sgt Paul Jackson, SSgt Griggs, Pvt Massey, Pvt West, Pvt Royzewicz, LCpl Lopez, and LCpl Gaines
DRT Stalker Units With Air Squadrons (All games) Information Source click here
Cpl Baker, Sgt Baker, Capt Weston, Cpt Keating, and Lt Volker
GHOSTS Platoon prior Force Recon Platoon (COD GHOSTS) Information Source click here
Sgt Keegan Russ, Sgt Alex Johnson, and Cpt Gabe Rorke
Lemme know if I forgot anyone!!
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Okay, you have your date or friend group that you're going with. You as the guest are in your formal attire. Lets get this party started! (Every year and in every venue its the same setup, same ceremony, and same food)
You show up to the venue with your date. The ball room is set. There are about a dozen round tables draped with a beautiful white table cloth. There is a round red and gold table cloth in the center of the table. On it sits two pitchers one with water and the other with iced sweet tea. In front of each seat is a set of silverware for each course, a wine glass, a water/tea glass, a pamphlet with tonight's events, and a neatly folded napkin. Each section is sat with each other. A chair left empty next to your Marine for you of course.
Usually the Commanding Officer or Executive Officer will put money down for everyone to get one free drink. The venue offers two bars. Both the lines are a bit long but you can just chat while you wait. There plenty of people to be introduced too and everyone is saying "Happy Birthday" to each other. If you're stationed in an allied country like Japan there are guests from their military as well.
The bar has a wide variety. Wine, shots, mixed drinks, and juice if you arent drinking. They even sell cigars. You and your date get your drinks and socialize. You get to meet their peers and squad members. This is also the time to take pictures! You walk towards the entrance of the venue with your date. There is always a professional Photographer waiting. The American flag and Marine Corps flag are proudly displayed in front of a royal red backdrop. The backdrop has accents of gold.
The photographer asks if you want their pictures or just on your phone. You both pose and smile. The pictures came out amazing. Your Marine will take some photos with their shop and then you'll head back into the venue. Another drink?
Man that hour went by fast! The five minute warning has just been called. You and your Marine go to your seats and wait for the ceremony to begin.
The ceremony starts. Everyone is seated and quiet. There's always one rushing back to their seat from the bathroom. (You can watch a full ceremony from last year here but im going to summarize it. Im speaking from my experience overseas but the video is stateside Marine Corps)
The band does their introduction segment commencing the start of the ceremony. The march forward turn and march back. Next comes the sword detail. There are 4 pairs that walk through. There are both Enlisted Marines and Officers in the sword detail. They march in pairs to their position and once are all in place the Commanding Officer, Sergeant Major, and XO march past the sword detail to the front of the stage. Everyone stands when they walk by to show respect. Next comes the color guard with the American Flag and Marine Corps flag and two rifles march onto stage. Everyone stays standing to honor the colors are they pass. The National Anthem is played followed by Anchors Away and then the Marine Corps Hymn. Which every Marine sings!!
The cake is then marched onto stage while the band plays. A traditional speech is made. Then the CO cuts the cake with the NCO sword giving a slice to the guest speaker. The another slice to the oldest Marine. The oldest Marine takes a fork full and passes it to the youngest Marine for a fork full. This symbolizes the passing of traditions!
After that the color guard marches off stage followed by the cake detail and oldest and youngest Marine. The CO, XO, and SgtMaj exit the stage. Then the sword detail. The guest speaker will then give their speech and then the birthday message will play. I have it linked below. It was fire this year!!
The ceremony ends and the bars open. Half the Marines there rush to the bathroom and the other half to the bar. The venue staff start to bring out a shrimp cocktail appetizer. After 15 minutes they bring out a salad. Then after about another 15 minutes they bring out the main course. There are four options chicken, steak, fish, and vegetarian.
2200 - 0130
The dance floor opens. You are free to leave at this time if you want. The venue service starts clearing off the tables and the DJ starts playing music. Marines go outside to smoke cigars others hit the bar for the 4-5th time. The dance floor gets crazy. The CO will even bust some moves on the dance floor. Medals come off so no one looses them (Plus they are so freaking expensive) and everyone has fun till the venue closes.
I hope you enjoyed your ball <3
Happy Birthday Marines!! Semper Fi
Military Lingo Key:
Section - who you work with basically
Sword detail - you can read about that tradition here
cake detail - you can read all about it here
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shatcey · 4 days ago
LINE Campaign (Victor)
Thoughts after reading translation of @.reccyls
There is also translation of @.cosmowgyral.
I can't say that this will be a theory post… just thoughts that came to mind during or after reading this short story. And again… I will use screenshots from the translation of @.reccyls (just because I found it earlier).
The first… I'm SOOOOOO not happy about this.
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Are they kidding? Why a cat again??? Are they suggesting that a child won't cry over a dog? Or that dogs aren't as loved as cats? This is kind of assaulting!!! Maybe Japan has the same problem as Korea? The cat is a symbol of bad luck, and the developers are trying to change this prejudice… In that case… no, I'm still don't like it.
And in the second episode, they used the wrong Victor sprite. If she already works as a letter carrier… He should have long hair. She couldn't have worked there 10 years ago, right?… Right?…
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Now I doubt...
And now something that I am extremely happy about…
His new (old) outfit and his age
That outfit of his… sooooo good! It's so pretty…
I'm sorry, Vivi, I'm going to cut off your head to make it clearer what I'm talking about.
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Look at this ornament on his sleeves.
Yes, there are buttons here…
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But... next part...
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…Isn't it looks like tightened lacing? If it's true… it looks like his hands tied… It's a pretty strong symbol.
And the belt on him is very similar to his current outfit. Not a belt, but an ornament of his coat. The design is very similar… The blue scales and horizontal cords resemble bones. Why didn't I notice this before. They really look like bones.
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And this is how Kate describes him.
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A young man. I'm not the only one who sees him young…
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He really looks like a prince who came from far away. It's a nice thought. But I don't think he's a prince.
The Church
So… It was a church. In the first scene, she came to the church to pray for her cat (I'm still unhappy), in the second episode…
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She feels nostalgic. But… It feels like she hasn't thought about this place in years. So… I don't think it's anywhere near her house. Maybe she moved? Maybe back then she was wandering around crying and accidentally (or by fate) found this place… But the name of the church… I do not know the names of the churches… I don't visit churches often enough to know their names. So… Is she religious? Or does she just have a good memory? Why am I thinking about Kate now?
And this is not the same church (as @.reccyls supposed here) that was at the wedding event translated by @.judesmoonbeauty. This is the church from this event...
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And this is from the past...
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They have a very different design.
Maybe they just changed the design as part of the renovation or something…
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...it was destroyed…
Maybe this is the same chirch but devs forgot... the original sprite. I agree the new one looks much more interesting. Or it really is the same one, only… renovated.
The Fate
I don't remember Vivi talking about fate very often. He did, but it was always quite a bit. Compared to Willy, who talks about it all the time, it's seems nothing at all.
But I got the impression that Vivi might be even more fatalistic. Surprisingly.
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Both "what happened" and "what did not happen" are determined by fate. Drawn by fate… like she followed some signs or… was literally dragged to this point. A person has no control over this. Something that will happen no matter what. This is what pessimistic fatalism looks like. I'm a positive one. I look at it from a different perspective. More in the next part.
I'm thrilled with this concept. Let's think about life as a game with options. Not Ikemen where your choice doesn't mean much. A game in which every choice leads you somewhere… One will lead you to death, the other will not change anything, and only one will lead you to where you need to go. Destined path.
So… that's exactly what we see here in this story. Yes, yes, it's just a style. But what if… not…
In the first episode, Kate might not have met Victor at all. I mean, he was right next to her, but she might not have talked to him.
In the second episode, she might not have met him AGAIN. And this time it was more complicated. First, she had to go to an orphanage, and… not save herself, but… pretend to be a damsel in distress.
In the last one… there were even more options… She could find the Dark IF World. I got goosebumps. Literally, the developers say the DARK IF indeed a parallel world. If Kate had choose differently… She would have ended up in this fairy tale.
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But the fact remains. She would have met him anyway.
I'm literally screaming. They are MEANT TO BE TOGETHER. This part is already from the story 95k of the second part of DARK IF (translated by @.reccyls)
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And finally, the most interesting part
I'll combine most of his lines (which I haven't mentioned before)
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The first thing that came to mind… he's really stalking her… her whole life. He's Gilly-bee!!! It must be creepy, right? But… he's doing this to protect her. It's strangely attractive. There was a time when I thought Toma was creepy (Amnesia memories). Now I'm not so sure…
And it's not like he's some kind of magical creature looking down at her… I had that thought at first, but now that I've reread the story, I don't think so.
It feels like he is… just happened to be by her side when she could have died… or she was in the most vulnerable state. So… It's like he has a bell that tells him about it or something.
But on the other hand… It feels like he hears her thoughts… So he's kind of a magical creature…
I sensed very similar vibes from other projects
There was a movie with a very young Brad Pitt, "Meet Joe Black" (1998). This is a story about a Death that falls in love with a human. And he took over a man's body… to made contact with her. Just to be closer to her… It's not the same thing, but the fact that Vivi often talks about death makes me think of this movie.
Another project that came to mind is Cheritz's game called Dandelion. There was a magician in this game who seemed to have fallen in love with MC. But he was in another dimension of sort. Only she could come to him if she desperately wanted something. So he made her suffer… to get her to come to him. A very strange and twisted love. But a theme of how far humans (or even magical creatures) can go… for the sake of the one and only is very strong.
And maybe because of these associations, I'm starting to think that maybe… Vivi tied himself up because of her. Because he wanted to keep her safe, to help her, to have more opportunities for that… And it's very reminiscent of the Little mermaid… Most likely, I'm imagining.
Another sudden thought. He doesn't save her over and over again because she is destined to die. If so, it would be creepy. I wrote a reverse story a long time ago.
But just to think… he had been looking after her for so long… but stayed away… And suddenly she's so close that he can reach her. And he… just keep staying away. Damn it, this man has a hell of control!!! But there must be a fire burning inside!!! I don't remember it in the 1st anniversary, but I only read one ending, maybe it was (will be) in another one. In any case… I'm very curious to hear his thoughts… I wish I had more keys in the JP game… But I'll spend everything I have on him for sure.
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