#i know adam would go insane in the brain. i know it for a fact
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zer0point5ive · 1 year ago
nothing about lawrence pressing his cane under adam’s chin to tilt it up a little ? nothing at all ? oh well someone should really get on that i don’t know ..
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atiianeishaunted · 6 months ago
just remembered i can rant on here yippee >///< have a rant abt takashi shirogane bc im that man's number 1 hater, this will be horribly written and disjointed bc i jus need 2 get this out of my very soul, im tweaking SO BAD, a conversation w red is not enuff.. im homophobic to this man and this man alone. tomato tomato tomato shiro
also im a certified keith apologist that boy does no wrong free him ...
can you imagine taking in a little orphan boy thats clearly craving stability and proceeding to utilize him as a tool/replacement for you to live vicariously through because you cant accept retiring fully despite health concerns EVERYONE is telling you to not ignore ....... ??? not to mention him abandoning keith the first chance he gets even though he knows full well keith has literally nothing besides him (i find it hard to believe he wasnt aware of the unfair treatment keith was going through) (also side note, abandoning adam was also crazy..... adam shouldve lived jus so shiro would have to face the consquences but yk) (free adam he did nothing WRONG) (someone write a fic where adam lives n confronts shiro im begging)
also does anyone else find it suspicious that keith never mentions adam and vice versa, same w matt/pidge, shiro is shown to be very close to the holts (side note, if you ship shiro x matt DNI, that boy is a CHILD), so shiro was just hiding the fact he adopted a whole kid... insane behavior? methinks? also on that mentioning the holts, he treats them way better than he does the child he ADOPTED, constantly prioritizes them and treats them liek actual family. red worded it best when he said that shiro views the holt as family n keith is just a recruit to him ,,, punching the AIRR
shiro not once ever shows unconditional care towards keith, i know people will argue with that but like just think about it, everytime he shows some sort of care or concern towards the kid its usually followed up by it benefiting him, the constant "you cant run off / you cant die / etc etc. because you need to carry on my legacy" ???!??/.1/1/ hate that!
keith sees shiro as his savior essentially liek a god who can do no wrong, we constantly see this by the way he talks about the man and how far hes willing to go for him while shiro holds him at arm's length and constantly neglects him?!?!? idk why everyone jus treated that as cute ????? shiro is a horrible guardian to keith man ,, he encourages destructive behaviors and keith's insecurities purely bc it benefits him !!!!! straigfht up grooming the kid into being the perfect soldier/student/you get the point for the garrison
i coudl rant for hours and hours abt this but liek im genuinely so mad my brain is blank,, extreme hater hours, might add onto this hashtag later everytime i get mad about him, again this is a mess, you will prolly hear this rant a million times over from me, slightly more well constructed next time hopefully,,,,,,
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michaelmilligan · 10 months ago
Do y'all even know how much I rotate post-canon Midam in my mind? Like, every day my brain is speed-running a fix-it where Michael is brought back.
And it can go so many ways.
Michael getting brought back, immediately rushing to Adam, and Adam accepting him back with only love and relief in his heart? Absolutely believable.
Michael being brought back, dragging his feet about going to Adam even though he desperately wants to see him, but also he pretty much betrayed his brothers and sided with God, and when he does finally go see him, Adam hits him with the whole 'How could you, I thought we were friends!' and takes a really long time to be convinced that Michael still likes him and wants to be with him? ALSO absolutely believable.
There's so much in between that, and there are of course several factors influencing which would be more likely - like how much time passes until Michael is brought back, whether Adam has been spending time Sam and Dean or not, and how much they told him, if anything. But at the end of the day, there is I think one big question that decides where it comes out to. And we simply don't see enough of those two on screen to be able to answer that question with any clarity.
The question is, how much of their feelings have these two shared?
And I don't necessarily mean this in a romantic way. I'm all for big dramatic 'I love you's and all that, but this would work just as well with a queer-platonic, or purely platonic, relationship between the two. In fact, I think even if they had exchanged 'I love you's before rapture, that still wouldn't answer this question.
The thing is, how much do they know about the depth of each other's feelings? Do they both know just how much the other wants to be with them? Does Adam know that Michael would burn the world if he asked? Does Michael know that Adam doesn't need him to kill for him, he needs him to LIVE for him? Does Adam know that the reason Michael didn't go back to Heaven is at least 90% him? Does Michael know that Adam isn't just keeping him around because it's convenient, but because he genuinely enjoys hanging out with him?
There is a lot of interpretation here on my part, but yeah, I think whatever configuration you put these two in (romantic/queer-platonic/whatever else), these two are just absolutely unhinged about each other. As in they cannot imagine a life without each other anymore. Adam just spent at least a thousand years with Michael alone. That's the equivalent of several human lifetimes! And for Michael, it's of course considerably less, but do you really think he has been this close with, this focused on anyone since Lucifer fell? Since his family broke apart, and he became a general above anything else? Do you think he isn't absolutely thrilled to have Adam, a guy who doesn't always agree with him but likes him anyway, a guy he is literally chilling in the same body with, as close as two people can conceivably be? You think he's not insane about that guy?
Anyway, this got off track, but I truly do believe that how the fix-it goes depends on whether they know this about each other. How secure they are about each other's feelings. Because I think if Adam knows how Michael feels about him, he's more likely to think along the lines of 'Michael was manipulated by his abusive dad and went back to him, man I wish I could have been there and helped him untangle his emotions, he must have been at rock bottom :(' and less likely something like 'Michael went back to his dad as soon as I was gone, guess he never cared about me at all'.
And I guess in the end it does come down to Adam, because while I can see Michael being insecure and not knowing if Adam will take him back, he would also jump immediately if Adam called for him in a prayer or anything like that. Meanwhile, if Adam is angry, I think Michael would withdraw pretty quickly, which Adam would take as confirmation that Michael never really cared much...
So, yeah. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it can go many ways, and to me it depends heavily on whether they (especially Adam, but also Michael) know how much the other cares for them.
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inubaki · 4 months ago
Soundless Confession
-part 4
*Pick? Adam got to choose? For the longest time, Adam had never been given a choice. He only had a vague understanding of what was needed and in the earlier days, if he tried to do anything that wasn't favorable, the angels would punish him cruely. But Lucifer…Lucifer was patient. Kind. Loving. He…was giving him the choice of whether they should Mate or not. And Adam knew what that entailed. As soon as it was said, Adam realized that's what they were doing. They were mating and bonding. Becoming one. Like a trigger, Lucifer released the information that was stored in his brain by the angels. This was his purpose. What he was meant to do.
But he wanted to only do it with Lucifer and he only wanted to receive it. He knew his purpose was to mate on top…but he wanted Lucifer to do it. Only him.*
"You. I…choose you." Adam said, sounding the word 'choose' with some difficulty. Lucifer's eyes glowed…red? Were they always like that? Adam liked that.
A new sharpness of teeth teased between Lucifer’s cherry lips. Stained with shade of his own blood that Adam took the initiative and leaned in to brush with his own tongue. Lucifer shuttered at both his boldness and sight if his own blood smearing Adam’s lips. Tainting them with a piece of himself that nearly drew Lucifer into a fit.
His hands tightened on each of Adam’s knees, keeping them suspended as Lucifer finally laid his claim and thrusted his ready cock passed Adam’s opening. The sudden invasion hitting Adam like a force to the gut, all breath left him and was claimed by Lucifer’s mouth. Smeared in the taste of blood and a hit of himself, before pressure of Lucifer’s cock plunged further inside. And the world vibrated with the sound of Lucifer’s growling. —-mine———-
*All Lucifer can think about was claiming him and marking Adam as his. He was rough with his thrusting, loving the tears Adam produced that rolled down his cheeks. The Archangel didn't see it, but his hands and feet began to change…turning his porcelain white skin into something twisted and dark. Neither noticed. Adam grabbed onto Lucifer's halo, pulling Lucifer closer.
He babbled incoherently, begging for release that he didn't know ow how to ask for. Then Lucifer changed his angle and Adam saw Morningstars as he cried out Lucifer's name.*
“Fuck—!!” Lucifer quaked his hips back into Adam’s tight ass. Bullying his sought after g-spot with a lengthening cock. Adam chocked on his own scream as his body was again denied its climax. Wrangling the human to what he thought could be insanity, until he felt that piece of Lucifer grow. And his brain teetered between disbelief and near frenzy as his eyes caught the barest of outlines through his stomach. And watched it plunged in rhythmically to Lucifer’s mercy. His mind finally breaking when Lucifer raised a hand and cupped it over the bulge. “Get pregnant!! Get pregnant!! I’ll fucking kill them if they touch you again!!” Adam heard know of it as stabs of red bone emerged from Lucifer skull, just as he snapped the binding over Adam’s cock. Nearly bending the human in half he forced the human to shallow the entirety of his seed. Adam’s cock painted his own face, hair and chest in a shower of white. Lucifer’s last victory of Adam’s body.
Adam screamed as he was able to cum for the first time and smiled as they both panted. He hugged Lucifer close, finally noticing Lucifer's horns. He fingered the tips and blinked when it easily peirced one of his fingers. Lucifer looked at the drop blood and smirked as he licked it away.
"You're mine. Only mine. I won't let you go." Adam nodded and stuttered out. "Mine….too. Please? Just me?"
Lucifer growled at the fact he even needed to ask.
Lucifer’s wings drifted closer to the pair, submerging Adam in a sea of softness. Cradling the human intimately to himself as he would have any other angel. Adam unknowingly reciprocating the gesture with a pulling of Lucifer’s lean body to lay against his front. Rubbing his chin rather ticklishly between the stubby horns and cheeks. Much like the large jungle cats would do. Scenting Lucifer without batting an eye to what was slowly dawning on Lucifer. Adam warm embrace in whole acceptance. Rubbing and kisses away the wetness from Lucifer’s eyes. The force of heaven’s rejection burning into him slow and horrendously while Adam blissfully embraced him through it. “Only you…” Lucifer choked. From the last of his blue feathers, Lucifer drew from and offered it to Adam with hands painfully pulling into claws. “Only you…” he swore. Even as his promised feather bled to red.
Adam accepted the feather with florish, feeling how soft it was and how beautiful it looked. He smiled at Lucifer and brought him even closer. They both watched as Lucifer's halo dimmed before falling to the grass of Eden. Adam picked it up before tossing the thing away when he grew bored. Lucifer chuckled and picked up his Mate, Adam letting out a moan as Lucifer's semen leaked out. It was easily stuffed back in.
"Mine, Adam." Lucifer purred as Adam picked up at a lose thread off of his Mate's robe. He easily wrapped it around the feathers before wrapped around his neck to hang. Lucifer growled in appreciation, loving how Adam wore it proudly.
"Pwetty…soft…f-feaver?" *Adam winced at the horrible pronunciation of the words. Was he really that terrible at talking? He had been practicing but he didn't seem to be getting any better…
Lucifer noticed his struggle and once again his anger for Heaven burned bright.*
“Like the fawns that learn to walk. And the ducklings that learned that learned to swim…” Lucifer brushed through Adam’s tussle of hair. His magic smoothing the soreness of Adam’s throat from his fits of ‘pleas’. Wishing no harm on him when heaven would punish them for daring to care. His sweet mate adored with his seed and feather and kindest voice Lucifer had ever heard. “No one taught you, but you taught yourself much. A voice only the garden knows. This…” he brushed a finger slowly down Adam’s throat. “Is only one more to learn… no thanks to ‘them’.” Adam’s disquiet regarding ‘them’ showed Adam sensed more than he let on. His gaze saddened and confused, relaxing only when Lucifer pulled him close. Tucking the large under his chin and humming a soft tone. “……..did…they do this to you…?” Adam whispered. His eyes falling on Lucifer’s legs, spreading slowly with blackened fur.
"Yes, but I made the choice." Lucifer reassured him as he watched Adam explored the new body Lucifer seemed to have. They would have gone further if they didn't hear, "What have you done, Lucifer?" Lucifer growled and held Adam close as the entire council of Heaven appeared before them. No. He wouldn't let then touch Adam. Not again. Adam shivered in his arms. Sera glared coldly at them both before yanking Adam's soul towards them and out of Lucifer’s arms. The First Man cried at the sharp pain of his soul being abused like that but he tried to bite Sera when she tried to take the feather away from him. He couldn't do much against angels but he tried anyway.
"You've tainted him." An Elder said as Lucifer hissed, claws appearing before them. The Fallen Angel was trying to find a way in to get Adam.
"I suppose another memory wipe is in order."
No. No, Adam would forget him. He launched at the angels holding the First Man and bit Sera's arm so hard it sprayed blood everywhere. She let go of Adam in pain.
Adam trembled in his arms in obvious fear. The look of unrecognition wards the other angels til they became to scream at him had Lucifer shallowing down his own rage. To only recognize his siblings by their fury was chilling and Lucifer couldn’t help by tighten his hold over him. “W-why…?” Adam shutters, eyes still staring fearfully behind. “Why… maddd?” he tried again.
Adam’s head hurt. The voices of his mind were suddenly given faces. And any warmth he would have expected to have had all smothered away the moment they rose their voice to Lucifer. The rage over his angel’s face. The force of the taller angel’s hold on his arm. It still burned from the pressure the human had never felt before.
*Lucifer continued to run with him. He had to get away. That was when he remembered the tree of Knowledge. If he gave some to Adam…they wouldn't want him anymore and he would get to have Adam.
With that thought in mind, he flew to the tree, Adam softly crying in his arms as he held his bruised wrist. Getting to the tree was easy and he immediately picked the nearest fruit before saying,* "Adam. I know you're scared. I know you're hurt, but I need you to eat this. Just one bite. Please. I'll explain everything later."
Adam, still confused and hurt, tried to communicate but Lucifer was running out of time. The Archangel ate the fruit before kissing Adam on the lips. With his tongue, he pushed the fruit inside Adam's mouth and the First Man had no choice but to swallow it.
A tiny rp I did with @libby-for-life
Part 3. Sorry for all the mistakes. I will try fix my parts. previous:
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kaen-ace-of-diamonds · 2 months ago
In Stitches
Word Count: 1,621 (oneshot)
Genre: Fluff/Humor
Pairing: Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee
Characters: Weiss Schnee, Ruby Rose, Jaune Arc
Summary: Hospital AU. Weiss is given a break from her emergency room's usual chaos when a too-familiar patient comes in needing stitches.
Written (and finished very, very late) for @astriiformes' 2024 AU Roulette challenge.
~0~ “Doctors come and go, but nurses make this place run.”
-Haleh Adams, ER
It’s been quiet for the past three hours, and Weiss does not dare say that out loud. 
She learned her lesson about that her first day in the emergency room. The other techs and nurses would have been surprised to see her back the next day regardless — as they had had no qualms about saying to her face — but they had made a particularly big show about it in the wake of that last twelve hours. She’d been so frazzled still that it seemed like everything she’d ever learned had just spilled out of her brain, and she wondered whether this was really where she belonged after all.
Now, though? The ER almost feels like home. Certainly more than her father’s house ever had, as insane as it sounds to say that out loud. 
“So, I’ve got to warn you that the contrast dye doesn’t taste the greatest, but chasing it with the juice should help with that. Once you finish, someone will bring you down to imaging for your scan, all right?” 
The old man in Room 1’s bed doesn’t talk much, but he gives her a thumbs-up and a grin as he opens the bottle. She smiles back, when a call from outside catches her attention.
“I’ll come check on you later: you should get your results back this morning!”
Weiss steps out of the room, and then bolts down the hall the instant she sees who’s stepping out of triage to meet their nurse. “Jaune! Are you all right?!”
Jaune jumps at the sight of her, and rubs the back of his head in embarrassment. It’s far from warm out, but he’s in just a thin white T-shirt, his usual hoodie missing. “Weiss! Uh…we were kind of hoping…I mean, we weren’t expecting you to be here today.”
“What’s wrong with — we?” Weiss catches movement behind Jaune’s shoulder, and then narrows her eyes as she homes in on the telltale lick of dark hair sticking up there. “Ruby Rose. Are you hiding from me?”
Ruby pokes her head out from behind Jaune, and the part of her face that she’s not pressing his wadded-up hoodie into looks distinctly sheepish. 
“Well…you did tell me not to let you see me here again because I got hurt doing something stupid.”
Weiss splutters, “Again?! I didn’t — are you blee — get in here!”
Jaune hops out of her way as she herds Ruby into one of her empty rooms and onto a table, hastily excusing himself to the vending machines. She gets the sense that he’s going to take his sweet time with it. 
“Okay, let me see...” 
Ruby allows her to carefully ease the hoodie off and set it aside — good God, poor Pumpkin Pete looks like he’s been shot — so she can get a look at the cut. It’s not as bad as she was imagining, but it’s not great, either: an inch-long gash right above her eye. More oozing than freely bleeding; still, the fact that the pressure hasn’t stopped it isn’t a great sign.
“And right across the other one, too.”
“Like an X?” 
“Don’t get excited. It won’t look as cool in real life as it does in your shows. And if the third time really is the charm, next time it’ll be your eye. And I don’t think either of us want that.”
“Right…” Ruby only deflates a little, blinking a stray trickle of blood from her eye. “Do me a favor and don’t tell Yang?”
Weiss sighs. “All right, but I don’t know how you plan to hide this from her. You’re going to need stitches.”
“Oh...oh! You know how to give stitches?!”
Weiss turns from the supply cabinet to give her a Look. “What exactly do you think I’ve been doing in training for all these years?”
“I don’t know! I pictured you, like…giving CPR, rushing people into surgery, pulling out bullets, the stuff they do in the movies. You don’t really talk about work, so...”
Weiss swallows hard. “Well…there’s things that you don’t exactly talk about over lunch. You don’t want to hear about the bad days.”
“Yeah...” Ruby glances at the floor. “Sorry, I…”
She’s cut off by Weiss tapping her chin with the eye of a suture needle, tilting it up so she can see the smile she’s put on. “Come on, lean back. Guarantee you this will be the easiest thing I do all day.”
Ruby stares cross-eyed down the long, curved needle. “I still can’t believe how much that does not look like a sewing needle.”
“It was a surprise to me too.” Weiss gestures to the scar over her left eye with the package of thread in her other hand, before going back to the supply tray. “All of a sudden, I had so many questions for the nurses about what they did here that I forgot to be scared I’d lose my eye!”
Ruby almost laughs, but Weiss coming at her with an alcohol swab and a small syringeful of numbing medication is enough to make her stay still. She watches so intently as Weiss runs the sterilized thread through the needle’s eye and is so quiet when its point slips through her skin to make the first stitches that Weiss thinks for a moment that they’ll have a silent rest of the visit. She should have known better.
“You know, I’m thinking…we could really pull off a cool Halloween costume like this. I mean, not like this, exactly, but my point is, would you want to be Frankenstein or the monster?”
Weiss rolls her eyes. “I can’t see either of those going over very well if I had to run into work unexpectedly. Besides, you love your werewolf costume too much.”
The needle turns inward and over the wound, tugging unavoidably at the skin, and Ruby winces in spite of herself.
“Need a little more numbing?”
“No, it still just feels weird.”
“You know, I don’t say this to any of my other patients, but you did this to yourself. Please don’t tell me you were messing around with that skateboard of yours again.”
Very loud silence.
“You need to stop telling me not to tell you things!”
“Don’t tell me you went over the water again?!”
“No!” Ruby actually sounds offended, as if just a year ago she hadn’t thought it was a good idea to try and make the jump from one end of the pond on Beacon’s campus to the other, and was lucky to come away with just a cut. “I wasn’t even on the board!”
Weiss’ brow furrows, and she pats a glob of blood away so she can make her next stitch. “Where were you, then?”
“Over it. Jaune was helping me in the workshop — engineering stuff, you know?”
“...No offense to him, but how was he helping you?” 
“It was mostly the ‘bringing me snacks and reminding me I have to eat’ kind of help,” Ruby admits, with a smile that quickly turns embarrassed again. “I was working on the motor I want to mount on my new board — and I was wearing the good safety goggles you got me for my birthday, which makes it extra bullshit! — and I don’t know, something, some bit of metal, it slipped and shot out and...well. Now I’m here. And you’re poking holes in my face.”
“Excuse me, I’m patching up the hole you put in your face,” clarifies Weiss, pulling tight one final knot and clipping the thread with one satisfied snap of the suture scissors. “There. Now, usually this is when I’d be giving you aftercare instructions and telling you when to come back and have these removed. But because it’s you, you’re going to explain a bit better to me how someone so particular with her gear wound up needing them in the first place without even leaving the workshop.”
“The all-nighter we pulled might have had something to do with it,” Ruby admits, laughing a little. “Though, actually that might have helped here! Lucky we got here when it’s so quiet, right?”
Weiss’ stomach drops exactly one second before the announcement blares from the waiting room.
“Code blue! Code blue!”
As she leaps up and bolts out of the room, she shouts over her shoulder, “Stay right there! I’ll be back!”
Ruby didn’t need to be told; she’s already settling back against the paper-covered table. She has the sense not to throw one of her usual thumbs-ups, but she isn’t bothered by the gravity of whatever situation might be going on in the waiting room: she has more faith in Weiss to make it right than anyone else in this hospital.
Logically, it shouldn’t make any difference; it’s not faith that matters here, it’s skill and experience, the latter of which she’s desperate to gain enough of to make a real difference in this hospital. With the way a fair few of her coworkers seem to have mistaken the place for a large crab bucket, it’ll take even more effort than she though to do that. Still, it’s not as if that’s what keeps her going. 
Once, she’d had to trust the people surrounding her, with all their practiced reassurance and sharp tools, to put her back together when she was hurt and send her off better than she’d come in, and they had. She used to think, if she could be that kind of person for the people who came through her ER doors, she’d be a success as a nurse.
Now, she thinks differently. There’s no “if” about it: she will. 
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mimikoolover · 7 months ago
I’m new ish to this fandom and I’m still ????? at how every little thing becomes a whole mess like?? Why? Aren’t people tired? What happened to just enjoying things😭
If makes perfect sense to me for them to keep Tae being in the jeju episodes as a surprise, and to make a separate little announcement video for that. him saying (or just the English translation saying, whatever) “our” show isn’t something I would have ever thought of as confusing/a problem/literally anything at all😅
it's cause everything is always at a boiling point and any little thing sets people off because these 'fights' have been going on for years.
people are insane. when you have 'jikookers' who said shit like jungkook said he doesn't like like crazy when all he did was ask jimin to skip it (not even with words but gestures) so he can listen to the new song (who) instead, you know there are crazy people around.
this all frustrates everyone and that's why you get this.
I never knew more peace then after quitting twitter.
we are not meant to be seeing the opinions of 1000s of people a day. especially in this context when they're all pushing their own agenda.
tkkers and solos are crazy because they know they are wrong about jikook.
at the very least everyone MUST admit is that jikook are friends. yet you have us defending this very fact every single day. forget a relationship (dating), we have to defend that they're even friends. that they chose to enlist together and weren't forced by bighit.
it's because the majority of these idiots actually agree with jikookers about the sus shit around jikook. jikook have been a 'flawless' ship so far in that they've been consistently the closest for 7+ years. there has never been anything to debunk that (and people have tried). tkkers and solos probably lost their damn minds when they saw jikook cuddle in the morning. then you have one sentence from jungkook they could hang onto and go on about. it probably wore down a lot of jikookers.
because these idiots hate jikook and can, as anyone with a brain does, tell that jikook are close and do sus shit, they have to overcompensate and deny absolutely everything about them.
if people were out here just saying jikook are friends but not dating each other. sure. who cares?? but that's not what's happening. it's not a situation where jikook truly don't get along and we are delusional even about that. it's a situation where jikook have been the closest for 7+ years and are currently busting ass together at the DMZ when they could've went to a nicer unit alone, and you have us having to defend that their best friends because people are adamant that they aren't even close.
it makes every jikooker frustrated and then you get them all reacting to stuff that sane people wouldn't react to or react in such ways.
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lettingthoughtsflow · 7 months ago
season 1: episode 1 (crush, chop, & burn pt. 1)
alright y'all I'm bulletpointing as I watch so let's go!!
the whole "mrs. and mr. davenport" beginning scene is literally seared into my brain from childhood-i think it's funny how clearly i remember it
when we meet the team they're in these mission suit esque things and seeing as all they do is train, is that what they live in????
davenport saying "i don't want to brag, but i am incredibly smart" when introducing the kids is so wild when you consider the fact that he probably didn't have anything to do with making the kids
i love how offended they get when tasha calls them robots
tasha and leo have such a cute relationship i freaking love it
i know we hate donald, and rightfully so, but this episode really amps me up bc dude you are literally introducing them to your wife and you keep talking about them like plants you're growing
when donald is introducing the kids, tasha's the only one recognizing that they're children
"i wanna go upstairs" 😭
they literally never leave the room, it's not just because of filming and set design, they don't even have a place to run THERE'S A RAT WHEEL
@fairytalesociology said that davenport feeds the kids glorified dog food and they're so right
you can't just feed them food??? even preordered????
they eat, sleep, and bathe in their capsules no one can convince me the man was just looking to be cost effective in getting these inventions perfected (they were not children to him AT ALL)
bree is just a girl and i love her for it bc thinking about breaking into song/dance numbers is so real
If you pay attention to the background you can see chase playing with a random locker for a while and I think it’s so funny/cute
Honestly I with it opened and he was just using his bionic hearing to unlock the locker
i just noticed leo has brown paper wrapped around his textbooks and it reminds me of when my mom and i use to make book covers out of trader joes bags and decorate them 💗
baby chase was insterested in chess club and taking med school courses, he deserved more extracurriculars and hobbies in the show
the early heat vision graphics 😅
"i know a chiropractor in the phillipines" is so cute
davenport is awful but the freaking out performances are great
30 grand for a situation to go away is insane bc what really happened??? like yeah the mascot's head caught on fire but it wasn't like they destroyed the building. and even if it was a bribe to get rid of witnesses, you'd have to adress the entire school bc it was a pep rally
tasha being a mom to the kids is so cute like yeah, they're just kids
bree immediately getting excited about the party with tasha is freaking adorable, we deserved more Tasha fr
honestly i think she was more freaked out about the kids than their bionics
lecturing them about how they were designed for missions is so disheartening bc 1. you've probably told them all about how they're top sercret their whole lives and 2. they are superHUMANS
it honestly feels akin to when a parent tells a child they have to be perfect or pushes them into a career they never wanted
yes bc having no contact with the outside world will prevent their glitches and train them for missions (not to mention real life)
obviously it's the perfect solution
honestly if they socialized they would probably have better emotional regulation and control over their glitches. like you could have at least brought them to a company party (and told everyone to treat them as humans) so they have practice talking to people.
chase really was always in blue plaid from the start huh?
"they are not just science projects, they're teenagers" TELL HIM QUEEN
bro you're going to tell me that you can't reprogram your ROBOT FRIEND to like your WIFE
like he can still be snarky but he literally hates her
i really hope someone gets this, but there are a few scenes where Adam feels more like a regular person than just someone who's core personality is being kind of dumb and reckless, and the ending scene before everyone goes to bed is one of those few scenes
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melliotwrites · 1 year ago
Hiiiii I am still hyper fixated on Adamandi and I HAVE to ask to make sure (because I might've forgotten, unfortunate ADHD brain) — how is Adamandi pronounced?
I say "Adam-and-ee" but I also have only been making it up as I go and really just wanna know how to pronounce what I'm hyper fixated on.
Aaaaaand if you're still answering silly facts and don't mindddd, what're the favorite ice cream flavors of the Adamandi characters?
Thank you!! Have a really good day :))))
Thanks for asking (glad you liked the show!)
Adamandi is pronounced more-or-less with the Classical Latin (as opposed to Ecclesiatical Latin) pronunciation. This would make it ah-duh-MAN-dee (or, for a more detailed pronunciation guide -- at least in an American accent: "ah" (like the "o" in "opera") - "duh" (like the "du" in "duck") - MAHN (like the "mon" in "monster") - dee (like the "dy" in "scaredy").)
Quincy also pronounces it correctly in the end of I Hate And I Love ("Ego Adamandi, falling in love, apart.") if you want to hear it said out loud!
P.S. Quincy would like cherry-vanilla, Beatrix would like strawberry, Vincent would like matcha, Ambrose only likes vanilla he's weak, Portia likes something insane like black sesame.
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astudyinfreewill · 1 year ago
ADAM INFILTRATING BOUDICCA!!!! YOUR MIND!!!! pls elaborate the people need this
oh boy!!! unfortunately my brain is a little too fried from work (i just think video calls of over two hours should be illegal unless you’re bantering with the besties) to come up with any actual plot but like. ok hear me out.
i simply think that it’s such a tragic waste of potential to have this guy who is paralleled with criminals not once, not twice, not thrice but FOUR times (kavinsky/declan/the gray man/mór o corra) and not have him be a little criminal at least ONCE. in fact i genuinely thought, after we were introduced to the fairy market in cdth - what a fucking cool concept btw, and hey isn’t it insane that these were marketed as kids’ books in some forums?? - that this was the direction we were headed!!! bc like declan brings ronan to the market, and tells him to be cool and calculated and wary, but of course ronan is ronan, so that doesn’t end up happening so much. you know however who IS cool and calculated and wary and would have done so so well in such an environment? yeah, you got it, good old adam “lizard son” parrish.
there are hints of this grittiness potential throughout trc as well i think. for instance, adam is the one who thinks to get his dad’s gun at the end of trb; and granted, he actually does so out of protectiveness for his awful mother (because the one thing that keeps adam distinct from his shadier narrative foils is that he has a huge heart, and he keeps choosing goodness even when it’s not his first instinct) - but he still is the one who reaches into that seedier world, where ronan would rather wield a chivalrous sword and gansey shies back from weapons altogether.
we also know what adam is capable of when he doesn’t chose goodness, even if he usually does it for sentimental reasons still: for example, refusing to spare whelk after whelk threatened to kill gansey; or, more glaringly, hatching a nefarious plan to blackmail greenmantle when he threatened ronan’s life. yes he had good reasons for his actions, but he can and WILL go darkside if need be. my dude plotted out a whole criminal case involving grisly child murders specifically to make sure that greenmantle would not only be put away, but put away for a crime that had very good chances of getting him killed.
the other characters are aware of this too - greenmantle himself, yes, but we also get admiring comments from the other two overtly criminal characters in the series - from declan calling adam “a creepily clever little fuck” to the gray man thinking that adam is “cool and resourceful” under pressure and would handle himself well specifically in the context of a shootout. his “criminal adjacent” characterisation stays consistent with that in the trilogy, from scamming rich kids with blatantly fake tarot readings, to oh yeah— hacking into several government databases apparently???
so yeah, when boudicca was introduced as a powerful, shady organisation operating within the magical mafia world, of COURSE i thought adam was gonna be a part of that plot. i was not entirely serious about him infiltrating them since it’s an all-women collective, but he could certainly infiltrate their records if he so chose. a guy who can both hack into your computer AND scry into your thoughts? a guy who’ll point a gun at you AND call down lighting from the sky? that’s a scary fucking opponent, man. i wouldn’t want him for an enemy.
anyway yeah these are my thoughts on mob wife adam who would actually be a lot better at the mob life than his supposed mob husband ronan “let me just hand over my social security number” lynch
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im-a-simp898 · 4 months ago
eats u
Seriously? You're really serious right now? I cannot tell if I have sensory problems or if I actually just witnessed a statement with such an immense amount of sheer stupidity. You know, I have seen the most bizarre things from some guy in class jerking it to Ronald Reagan tentacle hentai, to people linking Chernobyl to penis-shaped aliens, but your comment is by far the most fucking idiotic thing I have ever had the kind of horrible fucking luck one requires to hear your stupid fucking post. From this point on, when I think of you, I will imagine a diseased turtle taking an enormous dump, with so much unbelievably large amounts of shit that all the protons inside of the methyl sulfide this horrendous crap contains spontaneously fuse into uranium-235 that I can use to shove a nuke up your sub-mental ass. You can write that off as an exaggeration but it is 100% true from the bottom of my already-empty heart. I legitimately think that you lack intelligence. I would say you're mentally unstable but then I couldn't blame the terribly ignorant fucking post on you. I literally cannot comprehend how amazingly dimwitted your dumb ass is. I have trouble understanding the laws of physics, space, and time as if all laws of reality have been devastated and disintegrated due to how dense you are. I could write a damn book on your lack of intelligence that is so long, one could read the entire Series of Unfortunate Events series, watch the entire Godfather trilogy, and invent fucking time travel itself before it could even be published under a first edition. Half-Life 3 would be released centuries before I could finish the first chapter describing your purely pointless state of mind. I honestly cannot tell if you were abused too much or not abused enough, because you clearly did not go to school enough to get a proper fucking education. To quote George Washington, "Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company." In that case, I'm getting as far away from you as possible. Hell, I'm actually unironically considering moving to Macquarie Island just to be isolated from your brain cell-killing words for the rest of my now-miserable life. I would rather go insane from thinking about you to the point where I pull a Cast Away and consider sexual relations with a volleyball than actually spending time anywhere near you. There is honestly no other way of putting it; you're an irritating asshole who contributes absolutely nothing to this already dreadful planet. And that's saying a lot considering the fact that I've heard of carbon dioxide levels reaching 400 parts per million, Donald Trump becoming president, and toxic fucking comment sections that contain your stupid bullshit. And again I go, being confused by whatever quantum physics you are using to defy the laws of physics with your stupidity, to the point where I'm saying you are worse than yourself. I have nothing else that is most definitely as horrible as you to compare to except you yourself. How does that make you feel? Like a turtle taking a nuclear shit? I really don't have a single shit to give anyway, because you are living proof that there is no hope for humanity left. Really went downhill after that whole thing where Rome fell; that made a lot of people pissed off. But not as pissed off as I am after reading your stupid shit. No, buddy, if I should even call you that, I am not pissed off at your comment. I am FURIOUS. I am so furious that I will personally take that radioactive turtle shit myself just so I can rid the world of your baffling levels of unadulterated doltishness. You are more dull than oxygenated magnesium or even a samurai sword that hasn't been sharpened for a thousand years. And you better be glad that the sword is dull, because if it wasn't, it would be shoved up your ass just like the nuclear turtle shit. I am so fucking angry that even watching an Adam Sandler movie will make me happier than I am right now.
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syscourse-confessions · 1 year ago
I'm honestly just so tired of endogenic logic it makes zero sense to me. First off: Yes, the DSM isn't the best resource. I am studying Psychology and one of the first things they teach you when studying clinical psych is not to use the DSM as your crutch. It constantly gets edited or changed, and over the years information can get outdated, null or void. That's just how science and research works. It happened with the atom, and it can happen with the brain. That being said.
DID, OSDD-1(a and b), UDD, etc. has been meticulously studied. The research is limited, as with every disorder. You aren't going to find a Real Good paper on anything unless you try. Google Scholarly, Wikipedia citation tabs (not Wikipedia directly Do Not Use Wikipedia As A Source) and the Public & School libraries are my best friends, but even they don't answer everything as many psychiatric and mental disorders are under-researched, even the prevalent ones. Especially the prevalent ones. Yet, near every article and case study (if not, every article) has something in common: The disorder has a positive correlation between adverse childhood experiences. The more trauma a person has gone through as a child, the more likely they are to have the disorder. We do not only cling to the DSM-V. We cling to the countless case studies that are out there. Yes, more research needs to be done, but we cannot deny the facts we have found. You want to know what else is under-researched? Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD. Yet, my friend can take Clomipramine and feel okay! Why? Because science evolves to find answers!!! We discovered evolution through science and geneticists, so you can't just say "Adam and Eve" and call it a day sometimes. We discovered that trauma in young childhood is the main cause of DID. You can't just say they randomly appeared and call it a day. That's not how the theory works. And yes, nothing is proven in psychology, we don't use the word prove. You know what else we can't prove? Cell theory. Theories don't exist not to be real, but to explain the real. We use Pavlov's theories and still apply them to this day! Does that mean it's all a lie just because we can't use the word """prove"""? A little afterword, too. It still baffles me how the word Tulpa was also completely ripped from Buddhist practices and turned into an endo thing. It's mind-boggling how a spiritual awakening tied to cultural practices was taken and appropriated by people who turn it synonymous to imaginary friend. It's honestly disrespectful. Culture is not a game that you could cheat off. Dissociation isn't fun! Remembering and compartmentalizing your trauma is not fun! I go to a therapist for this, while simultaneously having to juggle classes and life in general because of generations of unrealized trauma and the oversexualization of women in many cultures. To see it become a game where people believe that alters can just magically appear without reason, despite all the research done, it's just downright insane to me. We did not go this far in our science to do this. We did not develop The Structural Dissociation Theory for this. We have come so far in this research from where we were before, just to find out that 1-2% of people have DID takes a lot of work! It's terrible to me that people can take this research and throw it out the window for the sake of ignorance.
DISCLAIMER: Posts may or may not reflect accurate information. More info here: https://www.tumblr.com/syscourse-confessions/728819621058232320/disclaimer-treat-posts-here-like-you-would-any
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maria021015 · 10 months ago
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Tears streamed down her face and her body shook with sobs as the adrenaline finally wore off and her panic caught up with her. Her chest felt tight and her thoughts scrambled in an uncontrollable mess, repeating the same cycle.
We could have died tonight.
Xander would have blamed himself.
He’d be all alone.
I’m all alone.
No one else saw what I saw.
I know what I saw.
Don’t I?
It’s impossible.
It wasn’t real.
We could have died tonight.
Stiles found Zaida hiding out of view on the floor of the parking lot, her back pressed against the wheels of the Sheriff’s car. He hesitated for a long moment, wondering if he should leave her be. Instead, his guilt pushed him forward, and he slid down against his father’s car, dropping to sit beside her on the cold ground.
“Hey,” he said softly, unable to think of anything else to say to break the silence.
“This spot’s taken. Go pick another place to have your own mental or emotional breakdown.” the girl looked up at him through a blurry haze of tears and for the first time since meeting her she seemed wholly vulnerable. She’d always come across as so immovable, stubborn, and determined, so seeing her this way was a shock to his system.
“I thought I’d check in on you. See if you were okay,” he admitted, hugging his knees to his chest.
“As you can see, I’m completely fine.” she drawled, sniffing and wiping her tears away with her jumper sleeve.
“Yeah, I know you’re fine.” a smile ghosted across his lips and he returned her sarcasm with some of his own. “I’m not though. Just lots of crying and shaking, and some snot dribbling from my nose.”
Zaida frowned, her fingers flying to her nose in search of said snot, only to find there was none. “Kidding.” Stiles shrugged and she stared at him.
“How are you so calm?” she asked, stretching her legs out in front of her and crossing them as she pulled herself together internally. Five things.
“Oh, I’m not. Inside I’m a mess. I’d look worse than you right now.” he snorted before his eyes widened in the realisation of what he just said. “I mean, not that you look bad because actually you look good - great, even! Not that it’s great that you’re crying, or anything but- I mean-”
“Stiles, it’s fine. I’m a red-nosed, bleary-eyed, sniffling, shaking disaster. No offence taken.” she brushed it off with a wave of her hand. Four things.
“Yeah, but somehow despite all that, you’re still pretty,” he noted, gaze shifting slowly over her features. He’d never fully realised just how beautiful Zaida was.
“That’s because you spend most of your time running away from me.” she laughed lightly, and Stiles’ face flushed red when he realised he had spoken out loud. “Don’t think you’re off the hook for that, Stilinski. I’ll berate you for it properly when I’m not still trying to process my newly added trauma.”
“I’m sure you will.” he nodded, offering his hand to her. “Until then, shall we call a truce?” She looked at it for a moment before reaching out to give him a firm handshake, agreeing upon the proposed terms. Three things. Zaida took a deep steadying breath, grounding herself firmly.
“I just- I keep replaying it over and over in my head and none of it is possible. It can’t be a human and it can’t be a wolf, and the only solution that could possibly explain it all…is something entirely insane.” she ran her fingers through her hair, tugging at the roots and massaging her scalp to ease the building tension. Unless there was an entirely different, more rational explanation. “When the human brain is struggling to process trauma, sometimes it makes up its own separate reality to make sense of things. Alters memories so vividly you can’t tell fiction from fact. I always was so adamant that I knew what I saw, but maybe…maybe I’m just going crazy. Seeing and remembering things that were never there in the first place.”
“You aren’t going crazy.” Stiles shook his head, unable to allow her to question her own sanity. Was it really fair to let her suffer as she was now, all to hide a secret that she would likely unearth on her own in time? The girl was relentless. If she wanted to figure it all out, she would. Hell, she already had.
“How do you know?” she snorted sceptically, twisting her rings. Two things.
“Because I’ve seen them too,” he answered after a brief pause. “The unexplainable, and everything that points towards it being the solution. The truth.”
“I don’t think we’re talking about the same thing here.” Zaida insisted. One thing. The lingering mint in her mouth.
“Try me.” Stiles prompted, wanting to hear her say it. Wanting to know what had given it away. If she had seen anything he’d missed. “You asked me not if I knew who it was, but what . What do you think was in there? What did you see?”
“I saw what I thought was a human. I saw it shift into an animal. Into a wolf. That’s why none of it makes sense. It can’t be one, or the other, because…it’s both.” she held her breath, waiting for him to laugh at her, to look at her like she was crazy, or tell her it was all in her messed-up head, just like Xander had. But he didn’t. Stiles looked at her with that same steady expression and an understanding in his amber eyes. He wasn’t concerned, or shocked, if anything…he had been expecting it. He believed.
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uncaught-coolfish · 2 years ago
Ooh fic asks r open yess! First one uuhh,,, Are you gonna make any changes to the relationship between illia and Blake/got any cool writing plan for them?
Also would love some general white fangmily (<-new way to say white fang [found] family, open to thoughts on it xp) hcs?
I’m always open for asks tbh :) ok!
i actually have a lot I’m changing for ilia and blake’s relationship, some of which I… probably don’t want to give away just yet due to ~spoilers~, but case in point: how I’m (slightly altering) bits of Ilia’s backstory very heavily affects her interactions with Blake when they first meet. Will go more into that once we get there,
but now… ~found family~ Ilia will inevitably be included in this once we get to her (NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!), but looking at the stars of the show, Sienna and Adam’s relationship is as close as it is insanely distant.
Sienna outwardly is a very confident and charismatic person, but like, 70% of that is just a persona she puts on. She’s hidden her genuine emotions very well under so many layers of fake stuff that some of those emotions are just outright not there any more, after so many years of fearing her true emotions would be taken advantage of and she’d be betrayed or hurt again. But once she meets Adam and has ~that moment~ in Chapter 3, there’s always this lingering feeling in the back of her head. This familiarity, back to Arun, who, in one of her last moments with him, was vulnerable. Crying about wishing his father was there too. In complete contrast to Adam who is so deathly afraid of showing vulnerability he’s inadvertently making himself more so. She sees it as a second chance, to try and be the person she was before joining the White Fang, to almost “redeem” herself, in her own mind. Having never forgiven herself from the belief that she let her own son die that night (we get into that more later).
But Adam is on fifteen fucking higher levels than her, somehow. Dude reveals nothing. Jack shit about his past, about what he’s gone through, and alongside making shit up he too molds himself into a false persona to the point he doesn’t even know what is fake or real about himself. Fuck, Sienna, who is easily the person Adam is the closest with, who is the only person who he’ll voluntarily show his face to at this point, is unaware of a whole decade of shit that happened that served to be the worst period of his existence. (Cough cough, Chapter 8) And for a good while he’s fucking terrified of being around her. Worrying whether or not he’s displeasing her in any way and that she’ll leave him or even “send him back”. (Yeah. That one guy’s monologue from chapter 1 scarred this 5 year old boy so much it lasted. Seriously that monologue is still maddening to reread) Like? All I’ll say for the future, is that as Adam’s… mental and emotional state, I guess “changes”, so too does their bond. But I promise, after [a certain event] their bond becomes near unbreakable.
I made these tags a while back that I feel explain some bits of this a decent amount. Three little pigs analogy. I’m funny.
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The stick house is weaker and when it falls it stabs and lashes and hurts
But the brick house’s walls never really fall down, but that’s alright because there’s warmth still inside.
But~ I’m so fucking sidetracked. Headcanons. Okay.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sienna enjoys the sound of rain at night meanwhile Adam fucking hates them because they’re loud and cringe or something. They also shared a bedroom between chapters 3 and 4 (2 year timeskip baby! ANOTHER ONE) because Sienna was, in fact, consistently taking care of and rehabilitating him.
Speaking of… you know the red shirt Adam is given by Sienna at the end of chapter 3? My brain decided to go “What if that was originally meant for Arun and is also what he eventually wears under the one uniform “once he grows into it”” and I will cry about that for the next month
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Can I have a random history fact that you really like for some reason? I want to annoy my family with history facts. If you have a list that’d be amazing infodump on me-
oh my god ok sO
i'd say a favorite would be, because TR could be such a FUCKING IDIOT, he was at this little formal reception right? And he was speaking with Mark Hanna, and accompanying Hanna was a Frenchwoman named Henriette Adler. And TR was so enthusiastic and energetic in his speaking (in rapid French) that his arm started to get closer to her bodice (almost destroying it/knocking it off.). But INSTEAD, this DUMBASS proceeded to accidentally elbow a silk rose and some gauze off. He started apologizing profusely but did NOT STOP THE WAR RHETORIC in FRENCH and thankfully it was fixed by someone getting a safety pin.
But that was. So. Not okay 😭😭 it was recreated in a Rough Riders 2 part tv mini-series and it's so embarrassing each time I watch istg
NEXT okay this is gonna seem rlly not-detailed but when you have a PDF of a TR book you can get details mkay
so like Alice Roosevelt, badass bitch, smoked while she was a teen. Okay?? Well I was reading a book on her and TO MY SURPRISE she let her 13 YEAR OLD BROTHER (Kermit) smoke a cigar with her. IS THAT NOT- okay im- a little bit OUT THERE but i digress
Also the entire Bisexual JFK theory is. Very very believable but I WILL NOT GET INTO THAT but tbh he probably was BUT ANYWAY
Also wanted to mention this list on wiki exists
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And the GHWB incident is that this mf, AS THE PRESIDENT, vomited and then fainted on THE PRIME MINISTER OF JAPAN AT THE TIME. america has the stupidest stories ever i swear to god
This next one, which is also stupidly funny as fuck to me but also hella messed up, is that, okay, so TR had a riding accident when he was younger when Alice was still a tiny toddler. And he returned home with fucked clothing, a broken arm, and a bloody face. Like he looked like he was a murderer mk. And he, yknow, sees his daughter, goes running to her. She fucking SCREAMS. this man is NOT her father who is this RED MAN GET HIM AWAY WHAT THE HELL.
But he catches her and he's all bloody and sweaty and she is SCREAMING so he. Guess what. Does not put her down. Does not try to CALM HER DOWN.
He SHAKES HER. and im sorry but the image 😭 bloody ass TR shaking his daughter like a rattle im sorry
oh my god anyways
also you likely know this but when it was thought that tomatoes were poisonous, Thomas Jefferson really ate one in front of people and they thought he was dying but when he was fine they were like "..... what the fuck"
Aaron Burr also lit himself on fire TWICE
Burr also bought a coconut for like 70 dollars or smth
(im just listing shit i know i cant think of any faves rn my brain blanked as soon as i read ur ask)
!! A favorite WOULD be that TR killed a man with his bare hands and was like rlly pumped about it but you already know that
And when some of his men were like 'we are NOT going up hill no ohmg' he was like 'DO IT OR I KILL YOU MYSELF' and they, yknow, ran up the hill
because. that is. threatening
I also would like to mention the insanity that was Lincoln liking cats and Lincoln growing a beard because a child more or less said he was ugly without one and Lincoln also maybe being bisexual
JFK's nickname by his wife, Jackie, was Bunny, bc apparently he fucked like a rabbit hjkglkmhklhkmkljk
Buchanan (James Buchanan, yknow, a president) might've been gay
Thomas Jefferson also called John Adams a hermaphrodite and i find that funny but also like. why. wh. where did you get that
Also this isnt a history fact but if i wanted to i could probably gaslight someone into thinking Andrew Jackson was on bathsalts bc a podcast i was watching mocked him by saying he was on bathsalts and tbh. accurate
Jefferson also had a ram on the White House grounds and did not get rid of it until AFTER it either harmed or killed a little boy
Harry S Truman and Ulysses S Grant both have an S as their middle name, but both of those S's mean nothing. Neither. Crazy that both S mean absolutely nothing
Grant's first name was also Hiram!!
Truman and his wife also needed to replace a bed during the white house cause they may or may not have *slams barbies together* so hard that they broke the bed
I'd also like to say the William Howard Taft bathtub myth is false klhmkhmj but ALSO i find it rlly sweet how, during TR's funeral, he was sobbing because, even tho TR was bitter during him for their last few years, Taft still considered TR a friend, and when Archie (TR's second youngest son--youngest at his funeral, as Quentin died in 1918) noticed him sobbing he was like 'come over here, you're a family friend.'
i forget the exact line but it was something close to that effect. So even though TR held a grudge, his kids didn't.
Apparently TR and Edith also fought like their entire marriage over how to pronounce Tomato and I'd like to know how he pronounced it cause wtf do you mean
ALSO for once it is not American BUT: Winston Churchill and his wife, Clementine, had nicknames for each other. Animal nicknames. His was Pig. I forget hers but. Really. P i g .
She also once threw a plate of something (asparagus or smth i dont remember) at his face and it instead hit the wall so like bad bitch moment
And finally:
all of our presidents were DUMBASSES <3
(also the Hoover Dam is named after Herbert Hoover, not J. Edgar Hoover, i think that's a common misconception.)
OH the Roosevelts also had a pet racoon for a period of time. so whenever i see something reference the Coolidge's pet racoon, Rebecca, I want to be like 'yknow the roosevelts had one pre-white-house days'
i hope thats enough idk
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slow-button-off · 2 years ago
this is going to be long, you might not read it and i might not make sense but i need to take it out somewhere so
babyfication of literally ALL drivers happens nowadays, even max and alonso. all over tiktok and twitter.. personally speaking i hate the level it's reached because some fans refuse to treat the driver as humans and reach insane levels of shipping drivers together. ive seen such werid tweets it makes me ill even tho im part of the same generation looool.
it's just that since there's a perception that apparently *charles only has fangirls* and *young teenage girls support him because he's good-looking* he gets the same treatment from the other drivers' fans and media.
lol at them because firstly these men always fucking always admit he's good looking. secondly they prove that they ALL are misogynistic creeps who can't accept the fact that a woman who supports a good looking man (which they'll never be) have more knowledge about a sport than they do.
the constant he's depressed at ferrari narrative is all over the world by now, it's naturally understandable why the media behaves like that no?
i don't know who the fuck considers carlos an alpha male when that guy literally has the most ''i don't know what I'm doing here im clueless" look on his face. yesterday he was almost on the verge of tears on the radio. BUT since he's spanish he's considered an alpha apparently like alonso. alonso doing these tiktoks is considered funny but if charles ever does the same he'll be crucified w the words focus on driving. max gets told off by kelly in whatever clip of a documentary i saw on twitter, and i fully support everyone who bashes her because heck yes she is wrong. there everyones feeling bad for max and understandably so but god forbid that was charles in the clip i fucking bet half the qts from men would be for him to grow balls and stop her from pointing fingers.
at the end of the day it all comes down to one perception that he only has fangirls. which is so so so untrue. so wrong. BUT even if he does, it's okay. people don't want women to enjoy sports. are we not supposed to support an athlete at all?
deep down it's all the men showing how misogynistic they can be, this time, it's by targetting charles because that's the way they think they can reach majority of the female fanbase.
sorry once again this was extremely long charles' lack of luck and stupid takes of twitter have driven me crazy
Genuinely I read all of them and I love reading all of your guys thoughts! It's just if I don't have the brain to respond immediately I just forget.. and I am really sorry about that.
To the babygirlifying can get a bit much too, but with fans overall I am fine because I feel like most of them do know that they are talking about grown adults. Or at least it is somewhat in the back of their heads. But also it's fans and fandom is allowed to be a bit strange sometimes imo.
Yeah, that weird reaction to Charles having fans is so wild. You'd think he was just pretty but trundling around a minute off of the field with how convinced some people are that he only has fans because of his face.
Some of them are so adamant that I am convinced that they only have an issue with him because they are jealous. Also like what do they want him to do? take off his face? It's not like he is going out of his way to look the way he does it's just his fucking face.
It always makes me wonder about how the brains of men work if they always assume that women can't find someone attractive and still hold other positive opinions of them. Like are men that blinded by peoples attractiveness? They can't grasp that someone being nice to look at is quite often just the cherry on top of many other things.
The depressed at Ferrari thing can be funny but like anytime he isn't smiling in a picture it's because of Ferrari apparently. that's a bit much. I don't really feel like that's the media narrative tho. or maybe I've just not seen that stuff.
Overall I don't think that what drivers say in the car and even to a certain extent in the post race interviews should be held against them. Obviously as long as they are being respectful. But a race with all the adrenaline is a very emotional situation for them and I think that's fine.
But yeah the double standard is what pisses me off. Carlos being upset means he is the only one that cares but if that had been Charles the narrative would've been completely different. I hate all of the narratives I just don't get why they are so weirdly different.
I think it's a mixture of he is pretty, he has a lot of fangirls (and anything that women especially young women like has to be bad) and the fact that he is kind.
But it's so funny because he has always been infantilised to a certain extent in F1 but like in 2018/19 the whole thing used to be that Max should learn from him because he is so much calmer and so much more in control of himself. But even though Charles himself hasn't changed that much it's apparently the opposite and it's bad or he doesn't have control over himself.
People on twitter having dumb opinions is annoying but doesn't bother me nearly as much as the fact that this weird narrative about him is also being perpetuated by the pundits. By the professionals.
I'm glad that he doesn't seem to be too bothered by that, like it probably annoys him a little but he isn't like upset about it and he isn't going to change because of it.
I just wonder if the pundits are aware of what they are doing and why they are doing it. and what they would say if they were confronted with facts and how they keep contradicting themselves.
again, don't worry about the length I love reading thoughts like this. I just need to find the time to give a proper response.
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lowtaxsa · 2 years ago
Dinosaur Adventure Land: The Eighth Wonder of the Bullshit-Ass World
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, prepare yourselves for a steaming pile of insanity called Dinosaur Adventure Land. Yours truly, the ever-suffering Lowtax, personally ventured into this godforsaken hellhole, and I'm here to tell you – whatever you do, don't go to this place. It's like if the Twilight Zone and an acid trip had an illegitimate baby. And that baby was dropped on its head. Repeatedly. Oh, did I mention it also had a serious gas problem?
Picture a place where science is a dirty word, and a charlatan named Kent "I Swear I'm Not a Fraud" Hovind is the ringleader. A place where dinosaurs and humans walked hand-in-hand just 6,000 years ago, and where facts are treated like unwanted stepchildren. This is Dinosaur Adventure Land, folks, and it's where your brain cells go to die. Oh, and the cherry on top? You might just lose your faith in humanity too. Which is still a better fate than losing your car keys in this nightmarish labyrinth.
Armed with a flask of whiskey and a dark sense of humor, I wandered through this dumpster fire of a park, asking the poor, brainwashed staff things like, "So, when do the velociraptors come out and eat the children?" and "Where's the exhibit that shows how the Flintstones domesticated dinosaurs?" Their hollow eyes and quivering lips betrayed their misery. It was like talking to a cult member who realized they made a huge mistake, but can't quite figure out how to escape. They'd probably have better luck escaping a black hole at this point.
And the zipline? Oh, you'll love this travesty. It's like strapping yourself to a death wish and praying the rickety contraption holds together long enough to deliver you to sweet, sweet oblivion. Safety? Who needs that when you've got Kent Hovind's seal of approval? Plus, nothing says "fun for the whole family" like a near-death experience. Just don't expect the zipline to be equipped with actual safety features, because that's about as likely as finding a needle in a haystack – a needle that also happens to be a giant, fire-breathing dinosaur.
My incessant mockery eventually got me booted from the park, but not before I shouted, "You can't handle the truth! The Earth is round! Dinosaurs didn't play hopscotch with Adam and Eve!" Good riddance, I say. I left with a newfound appreciation for the phrase "blessed are the ignorant, for they know not what they do." But, hey, at least I left with all my limbs intact.
But wait, there's more! As if this abomination of a park couldn't get any more repulsive, recent news exposed some pretty dark stuff involving one of the park's frequent visitors and volunteers, Chris Jones. Turns out park management was warned about his interactions with children but seemingly turned a blind eye. Kent, you colossal moron – with all the crazy going on in your park, you couldn't even keep an eye on this guy? It's almost as if Kent Hovind's Ph.D. in "Christian Education" didn't cover basic human decency. Or maybe it did, and he just used the diploma to pick his teeth.
So, let me make this abundantly clear: Dinosaur Adventure Land is a festering cesspool of lunacy, a place where ignorance is celebrated with a fervor that would make even the most jaded cynic weep. Kent Hovind, the master of this madhouse, has managed to combine dinosaurs, biblical literalism, and idiocy into a single, fantastical, and utterly reprehensible experience. It's the kind of place that makes you wonder if humanity is worth saving. Or if we should just throw in the towel and let the dinosaurs take over – at least they'd probably do a better job at running the place.
Do not – I repeat, DO NOT – ever visit this wretched hive of stupidity. In fact, run the other way, as fast as you can. And if you see Kent Hovind, don't give him applause, sarcastic or otherwise. Just give him a wide berth, because anyone who could create such a monument to ignorance deserves to be left alone with the fruits of his delusions. If you're ever tempted to visit this train wreck of a theme park, just remember: life is too short to waste on something so absurdly ridiculous. Instead, take that time and money and invest in a good book, a stiff drink, or therapy – anything but Dinosaur Adventure Land. Or, alternatively, you could just set your money on fire – it'd be a more productive use of your time.
In conclusion, Dinosaur Adventure Land is an insult to human intelligence, a theme park designed to cater to those who have forsaken critical thinking in favor of fantastical nonsense. This is not just a park – it's a testament to the terrifying power of willful ignorance. And if you value your sanity, stay far, far away. Because the only thing scarier than the idea of dinosaurs walking with humans 6,000 years ago is the fact that there are people out there who actually believe it. So, save yourself a headache – or a hundred – and steer clear of this disaster of a destination. Trust me, you'd be better off trying to teach a T-Rex how to knit.
And finally, a word of advice: if you ever find yourself in the vicinity of Dinosaur Adventure Land, just keep driving. And maybe say a little prayer for the lost souls who wander its twisted paths, searching for meaning in a world that has left them behind. Because, in the end, isn't that what we all really need? A little compassion for our fellow man, even if they've strayed far from the path of reason. Just make sure to keep a safe distance – after all, stupidity can be contagious. And you wouldn't want to catch whatever horrific disease causes people to believe in this garbage, now would you?
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