#i know about glass frogs now for some reason
pinazee · 25 days
Btw, ever since cinderellas castle came out, my IG has been filled with frog reels.
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God, this man has the absolute worst case of nostalgia based rose tinted glasses
In nightbringer itself Asmo says the day before they Fell he was hiding from Raphael for messing with him/pissing him off
All of Lucifer's siblings (minus Levi, as far as we know) were frequently sneaking into the human world while they were actively at war with the Devildom and while it was forbidden to interact with humans
Mammon used the angels as his own giant chess set????
Mammon used to sneak into the human world to collect pigeon feathers and sell them to angels by saying they were Raphael's feathers, which is hilarious but is also A FUCKING SCAM THAT CURRENT MAMMON WOULD ABSOLUTELY PULL
The others actually thought Mammon would Fall long before he did because he was such a shit head
Asmo used to have his Asmo parties or Asmo nights or whatever up in the Celestial Realm despite Raphael saying parties are bad (I feel like the actual word he used was "immoral"? )
Asmo used to sneak into the human world to go partying with humans
It is heavily implied in s3 that asmo was fucking & sucking his way through the celestial realm (good for him btw get those sticks outta the angels' asses babe i believe in you <3 )
The twins and Lilith used to frequently sneak into the human world
Lilith started a whole ass relationship with a human and lied her ass off about it so that she could keep it secret
Lilith compared Michael to a jellyfish???? the first time she met him and that pissed him off
Lilith held a hell of a grudge
Belphie used to skip work so he could go nap
The brothers, as a team, used to catch frogs, cut holes in books, put the frogs into them and wait for Raphael to open them
The brothers, as a team, used to dig pits in the ground and cover them up so that other angels would fall into them (at least the frog thing was kinda funny this is just them being straight up dicks)
Raphael was constantly chasing them around with his spears and getting on Lucifer's ass about them because of how troublesome they were
S4 implies that the reason the brothers' pranks are more refined as demons, compared to when they were angels, is because they now have Satan
So yeah, they were always asses
But even if there is some truth in what Lucifer said about them being kind & sincere (and honestly, there is. We've seen more than enough evidence of it in the events, devilgrams, chats & s1-4) :
Levi says he was depressed in the Celestial Realm and felt like he didn't fit in.
Both Mammon & Beel didn't fit in until Lucifer found them.
Lilith definitely didn't feel like she fit in.
Lucifer, as a demon, says he'll never want to go back. Talking with Diavolo as an angel made him lose a little faith in the Celestial Realm. His greatest fear is possibly his father. Even before they Fell something in the Celestial Realm was pissing him off so much that he managed to spawn a whole other conscious life form - Satan says he gained his own consciousness even before Asmo was created meaning that anger had been festering for a long time.
As far as we know Asmo & Belphie were the only ones who were genuinely happy throughout their entire time in the Celestial Realm (and I think once Asmo gets used to his demon form he'll appreciate the freedom in the devildom over the strictness of the celestial realm)
Mammon, in Nightbringer, says that they know there's no real difference between being an angel or a demon and that they're all just labels.
Whatever sincerity and kindness they, may or may not have, had in the Celestial Realm wasn't because they were angels. Or because of the Celestial Realm.
It was in spite of all that.
It was just what they are like as people.
And of course that sincerity and kindness aren't gonna shine through right after a horribly traumatic event that killed their sister and permanently changed their bodies. And due to such an event & their Sins becoming more...more, they'll obviously be different and treat each other differently as demons.
But at the end of the day they are good, kind people, even as demons.
Like we've seen that.
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caramelarchive · 9 months
╾ Assorted Box of Headcanons
like a box of chocolates!
for L (strawberry chunk white chocolate swirl), Light (orange tang dark cocoa drink), Misa (chocolate mint icecream parfait) and Matsuda (chocolate mousse + full milk cream) I have moved to my main @lawlietscaramels please follow there for new content!
L: strawberry chunk white chocolate swirl
I think L's actually very prone to getting freaked out by jumpscares and unexpected loud noises. For this reason he hates horror movies and thunder. If he happens to experience a fright like this, he'll either go very very still and start trembling, OR he will jump ten feet in the air, drop whatever he's holding, and curse loudly.
I don't think L swears much outside of that, actually.
if you wear glasses he'll just put his hands on your face at any given moment to push them up your nose because the lenses aren't even in front of your eyes any more and what is wrong with you.
he would not kiss you if you have recently eaten something that does not contain heart-attack levels of caffeine and sugar.
yeah he's actually pretty germophobic.. at the same time man will straight up forget to have a shower/shave/brush his teeth.
well actually for that last one he just eats peppermint candy and calls it a day.
When L's handcuffed to Light, they sleep in the same bed. Well, usually L's still working, but he actually does a lot of things in Light's side of the bed. Like eat his food. especially crunchy crumbly food. petty ass.
if you can manage to sit on his lap while he's in his 40% frog pose you can stay there.
you will be used as a stress ball.
feed him sweets. he'll melt once he's distracted from work enough to realise your fingers are pressing the candies into his mouth
what lovely hands you have perhaps you should put them in his mouth
L loves the rain but I think he would prefer experiencing it in a small garden rather than a rooftop. or just in a driveway. the rooftops are just too high. he can see everything and it makes him feel small at a time he wants to feel at one with the whole world.
I'm seriously debating over whether he can square dance you drunk or if he has three left feet because it's one extreme or the other
his wardrobe looks like Homer Simpson's.
sigh. I kind of feel like L is often too busy to shave and usually has some degree of stubble. if you don't like it help him shave please he'll die kiss you
L probably has a lot of burner phones but no matter how you contact him, even in person, you're only allowed to call him L or Lawliet when you are completely completely definitely alone and you'll usually have to whisper. whisper in his ear and lick his neck he will literally shiver
anyway the point I was ACTUALLY going to make is call him lollipop (sweets. and sounds like Lawli-pop)
likes to just stare at you. no emotion in those pretty bottomless grey eyes of his but his internal monologue has suddenly switched to describe everything he likes about you.
big sucker for kisses. no time. :(
Light: orange tang dark cocoa drink
Okay but Light, when he isn't Kira, would actually be the sweetest boyfriend alive. Now yes I know he's portrayed as bored and apathetic but if he fell in love he would fall HARD!! to the centre of the earth!!! in his confession he might even propose getting married and raising 10 kids!!
honestly this kid shuts himself off from other people as much as L does, the only difference is that he's easier to get to. be his friend. ask about him.
sigh he'd buy you flowers.
he's got such a goofy laugh he sounds like a baby hyena or something.
Light is the kind of guy who would have the weirdest dreams. like "my entire class from high school went to a water park and I uncovered a cult that was plotting to kill me and sacrifice me to the teacher and-" if you let him explain in detail it's going on for hours.
every time L eats his food on Light's side of the bed, Light cuts his nails on L's side of the bed. petty ass #2
he would not like an "orange tang dark cocoa drink."
I feel like the best way to meet Light would be through the school's debate team. I started thinking about this when watching the musical (it wasn't a debate team but it WAS a debate)
omg if you managed to BEAT him?
who is this. he must know immediately. and also you were wrong back there- you hang out in the library? why hello there
his favourite food as a child was dinosaur nuggies. he thought they were made from dinosaur meat.
he still loves dino nuggies
okay as for when Light IS Kira. some of this is for if you have a relationship beforehand, some if you meet after.
you're actually one of the few people, along with Sayu and to some degree his parents, who he REALLY doesn't want to tell in case you hate him. but at the same time would you like to be the first angel of the new world?????
so he tries to figure out what you think of Kira. God or the Devil?
please love him. please don't hate him.
and let's be honest even if you don't think much of yourself you'd be much better help than Misa, who cut her life in half anyway.
I think Light's the kind of guy who, if he did perchance meet you as a detective on the Task Force would condition you to like him with a neat little psychological trick we like to call POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT.
you get something you like every time you see him and soon enough you get excited to see him!
at the same time he's constantly making you question whether Kira SHOULD be caught, all Inception style.
you'll love him. or you'll die. jk! (he's not)
Misa: chocolate mint icecream parfait
when she was little she wore rainbow clothes. real 180 when it turned to black black black.
loooves the beach.
sand! sun! swimming! bikini modelling! seashells! surfboards! sexy men with no shirts on! LIGHT WITH NO SHIRT ON!!!!
Misa has a really large collection of earrings of all types. kittens, the solar system, swords.
If you're friends with her she'll eventually pull you along to a modelling gig. No matter how much you protest, it will eventually happen. You'll just be there. Just pray Misa didn't forget to check the schedule and today is lingerie day.
she has 4000 photos on her phone, 3500 of which are selfies and 1750 of which have you in them.
her favourite Pokémon is Stufful!
Misa loves making origami and had a couple hundred paper cranes hanging from the roof of her bedroom when she lived with her parents.
This girl's FAVOURITE thing to do is hold hands. She would never let go if possible. Paint her fingernails and do her makeup, she'd be utterly devoted to you forever and ever. She'll do the same for you if you want.
Has a great singing voice!
Loves flowers. she reminds me of sunflowers in particular. give her bouquets. she'll put them everywhere and watch them slowly die with a smile.
Out of all food "types" I think Misa would like pastries and bakery food the most.
Her favourite letter used to be "L" but then she met L and it immediately became "H". "L" is now number 26 on the list.
Misa has the biggest collection of unused stickers and stamps to ever exist. She thinks they're really pretty.
if you're dating her or even someone else, DOUBLE DATES. anywhere and everywhere. parks. movies. restaurants. she will show up in your bedroom at night.
dressed up as the grim reaper for the past 5 Halloweens straight. only ate candy in pink wrapping.
she's a little like a cat in that she's prone to just knock coffee over paperwork or press her hands all over your keyboard. but, like a cat, she's too adorable to be angry at.
pick her up. spin her around. kiss her.
Matsuda: chocolate mousse + full milk cream
got really excited when Misa started talking about Pokémon but realised she just liked them because they're cute.. sob! he just wants someone to play Pokémon Go! with him!!!!
a very good chef. more actual meals than pastries etc though.
ughhhh his chicken parmigiana tastes like HEAVEN. the salad on the side is LIQUID GOLD.
just a silly little man who takes four tries to tie his tie properly every morning.
he can walk on his hands *bites lip sexily and accidentally breaks the skin, gets an infection and goes to hospital*
sigh he's so pathetic I love him
but goddamn. you guys remember that episode Matsuda overheard the Yotsuba meeting?? When he got his colour like L and Light AND HIS EXPRESSION???
sometimes he has unintentional moments like that, so serious and cool.
If you were dating him during the Kira case he'd ask L to help him erase every single record of your name to protect you. if L didn't agree the first time he'd make sweets with you to give to him. Matsuda is as cunning as anyone when he needs to be, though he hates doing it and can usually get along with puppy eyes.
"you really don't have to do that" when you tell him you love him or kiss him or just smile at him. he's too nice for his own good.
please coach him out of people pleasing.
I think he'd be really into camping actually!! can you imagine him in a silly little hat sitting around a campfire and toasting s'mores and damper?
His ENTIRE face lights up when he sees you. He thinks he's slick about hiding his crush from you but he really isn't.
he would just die if you had time to cuddle and watch a movie together one night. little kissies and calling him cute and really in general not watching the movie, just cuddling
He'd be the best friend EVER. super supportive and funny and generally just great. he'd make you soup if you got sick. he would hold your hair out of your face when you threw up. and then he would probably have to throw up too.
sorry that got a little gross dhbdbd
uhh Matsuda only drives Mazdas. he thinks it's funny (the name of the car came from the surname Matsuda). I think he'd like blue cars.
he likes to decorate the Task Force for the holidays to bring cheer and raise morale. he's the one reason nobody's gone insane yet (except Light but that couldn't be helped)
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
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tiredofthehumanlife · 7 months
Luke listening to reader talk about frogs. Inspired by his actor, he posted a picture of a gecko on a wall one time and me getting a book about frogs from the library
Warnings: disappointingly bad frog facts, poor grammar, lmk anon if this doesn't satisfy, sorry it took so long, it's kinda short anon apologies, enjoy 🙏
After you received the book, you couldn't put it down. Luke would sit next to you, of course, but the silence was boring. Luke loved being in your presence but he needed something to do. So he asked you what you were reading. His question sparked you to read out loud while you read. At some point Luke decided he wanted to work out so he dropped to your cabin floor and started doing pushups. You laid on your stomach and read to him as he quietly counted under his breath.
You read to him as Luke finished his pushups. You read to him as he moved into curl ups. You read to him as he stood up and gently took your hand, leading you to the bathroom with him. You read to him as he ran a shower and got in. You read to him as you heard him picking up his shampoo bottle. It was only halfway through his shower did you realize you had been reading to him for hours. Luke hadn't let out a peep. You began to think you'd just been annoying him with your reading.
Your mind was wondering to all the things he was probably thinking right now. Hearing about frog facts all day probably wasn't something he had added to his schedule today. Luke popped his head out from behind the curtain. You bookmarked your page, closing your book. He gave you a confused look.
"you're done reading already?" You shrugged not wanting him to know the real reason you set your book down. Luke looked worried. Which was quite funny with his hair more bubbles than hair.
"are you really done? I wanted to know more fun frog facts." You chuckled at him pathetically saying fun frog facts. You tapped your chin with your finger. He jutted out his bottom lip.
"pretty please." You sighed. You opened your book again, finding your place. He ducked his head back into the water as you started reading.
"Glass frogs are active at night-" Luke gasped. You looked up expecting to see him missing an arm or a spider the size of his face crawling up his leg. Luke was grinning with head out the curtain again.
"like the red-eyed tree frogs?" You paused. Your shoulders relaxed and you felt your heart warm. Luke had been listening. You nodded. You stood up from the toilet lid and grabbed his chin. You gently pecked his lips and sat back down.
"do I get a reward everytime I get something right? If so I would've been talking a lot more." You shook your head, flipping your page.
"nope." Luke sighed and hid back behind the curtain again. Finishing his shower, he gently led you back to the bed as you continued reading. For the next couple weeks the campers noticed when they spoke to Luke he always seemed to have something to say about frogs. They also noticed when they saw you two together he was leading you by your hand and you had your nose stuck in a book with frogs on the cover.
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bad268 · 5 months
Hello my friend! I've recently discovered your work for the frog boys and also saw you have requests open (if this isn't true anymore I'm terribly sorry!) I was wondering if you could write something about Pezzy (and maybe the rest of the frog house included if you want) playing horror games with his s/o? Have a good day!
Scared in Love (Frog Boys X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Miscellaneous
Requested: Clearly (I decided to make this part of [Blank] in Love. I could be read alone though. Thank you my friend <3)
Warnings: Horror games
POV: First Person (I/me)
W.C. 1027 (about 250 each)
Summary: Horror games are scary, who knew?
As always, my requests are OPEN
Technically can be read alone, but Part 4 <-
Puffer (At Dead of Night)
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“This is stupid! All we’re doing is running from a bald guy,” I laughed as I controlled the movements in the game as we ran between rooms. Puffer had been asked to play At Dead of Night. Despite knowing he did not like horror games, he agreed as long as I was there for it. Neither of us had heard much of this game, and so far it was pretty boring. “Am I supposed to lock this door?”
“Maybe? Isn’t the guy chasing you?” Puffer answered as he leaned closer to the screen. He broke his glasses recently, so he was blind for this stream, and that’s the main reason he asked me to join. “Wait, why is that light flickering?”
“Like I know,” I scoffed as I immediately moved toward it. Nothing happened. “See chat, y'all just be hyping up this game, and it's plain.” I turned around in the game and jumped in my seat as some random person showed up. “Holy shit!”
“Dr. Bose was accused of the worst crime possible,” Puffer joked with mock seriousness. “We need to go to the ground floor now to see the police lights!” He took over the controls, again leaning close to the screen to see.
“Maybe you shouldn’t speed run out of the room,” I advised.
“Nah, we’ll be fine,” And almost like Jimmy was listening, he jumped out from around the corner to kill us. Puffer jumped back in his chair, causing it to fall back.
“What did I fucking say!?”
Pezzy (Doors)
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“It’s Roblox. How scary can it possibly be?” were going to be my famous last words. I was sure of it.
“I swear to god if one more of these things pulls me out of the closet again, I will throw my controller at the screen!” I shouted as I died once again. 
“Welcome to the club,” Pezzy laughed, “It only gets worse.”
“I’m going to cry,” I joked as I respawned. “This is literally torture! I did not agree to do this!”
“Yes, you did!” Leave it to Pezzy to pull up the receipts in the form of a text you sent him a while ago. He briefly showed it to the camera before clearing his throat, and imitating my voice, “I doubt it’s even that hard. I bet that I could speed run it faster than you.”
“I don’t remember saying that sober,” I admitted as I ran through the doors, ignoring Pezzy’s laugh. “I really don’t. In fact, I think a certain someone stole my phone and texted someone while we were drunk. I wouldn’t put it past you honestly.”
“I cannot believe you would accuse me of such a thing,” Pezzy gasped as he put a hand to his chest. “I seem to remember you bragging about not being scared of anything. You’re eating your words now, huh?”
“Never,” I said definitively. It didn’t last long as, almost immediately, the red skull thing chased me through the rooms. “I swear! PLEASE!”
Droid (FNAF Help Wanted)
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“It’s not even that bad,” I laughed as I glanced at chat while Droid stood behind me playing Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted. I had played it before since I was practically a FNAF channel, so Droid made it his subgoal to play it when they hit 5,000 subs. Granted, he did not think it would happen that quickly. “Just wait until you get to the third game.”
“You’re kidding me!” He shouted as he frantically looked around the room. “There’s no way it gets worse than this! You’re capping!”
“Nah, you’re just a baby,” I laughed as a highlighted chat caught my eye.
“You should shove him.” it read. Thankfully, he could not read chat while in the game, so I took this as my opportunity. With a smirk, I stood up and walked around to stand behind Droid. Just as the music picked up in the game, I grabbed his shoulders and he was jumpscared. From me and the game as Bonnie jumped out at him. 
He flung his arms back to try and drab me, but I ducked and ran back to my chair. He pulled the headset off and immediately glared at me. He let go of the joycons as he pointed and slowly approached me. 
“I will murder you,” He joked as he leaned down to be at eye level with me. “I will threaten domestic violence live on Twitch.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” I joked back as I raised my eyebrows.
“WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! Nah, don’t even!”
Grizzy (GMod Horror Maps)
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“I don’t like the squidward-looking thing or the witches,” I cried as I ran my character through the dark maze. “Why did you mod them in?”
“Because I knew you didn’t like them,” Grizzy laughed as his character followed mine around. “I can remove one of them if you want.”
“Please do,” I laughed as I purposely let myself get killed by Squidward, so I would respawn. Grizzy exited the game to fix the mod as I stayed on the call with him, entertaining his chat. Eventually, he got it changed but did not tell me what he put in. 
“Can I know what was spawned?” I asked as I reloaded the game. I had to update it since the mods changed, and I got stuck on the loading screen for a minute. I thought he would have told me at that point, but no. When I loaded into the game, I saw a hoard of witches immediately. I slowly looked over to Discord to see Grizzy’s face cam, and of course, he’s got that malicious smile. “I will murder you.”
“You always say you could outrun the witches,” Grizzy laughed as his character also loaded it. As soon as he spawned, he threw a bomb at the group. “I’m testing you.”
I screamed as I ran my character the opposite way through the maze, “What the fuck is wrong with you!”
“See!? It’s not so easy, huh?” Grizzly laughed as he watched my character run. ”What are you mumbling?”
“California girls were unforgettable,” I said a little louder than before as my voice got higher. “Daisy dukes bikinis on top.”
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hahskeleton · 5 months
Can we have some facts about the harpy au?
ask and you shall receive :)
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Table of contents: Favorite things of the harpies - 1st indent Dislikes of the harpies - 2nd indent Eclipse facts - 3rd indent Moon facts - 4th indent Sun facts - 5th indent The Wisp Brothers Facts - 6th indent Y/N Facts - 7th indent AU facts - 8th indent
Eclipse: Fish, daisies, spooky stories, mangoes, woodpeckers, orange, purple, autumn, going for a fly at dusk, pumpkin seeds, y/n, throwing things into lakes (rocks, sticks etc), (more coming soon)
Moon: Bacon and eggs, reading, people watching, scarves, blue, clouds, grapes, plain (no sauce) cooked pasta noodles, stars/astronomy (more coming soon)
Sun: Marigolds, ferrets, pink roses, frogs, butterflies, waterfalls, jelly sandwiches, pumpkin pie, decorate random things, doing harmless pranks, playing his flute (more coming soon)
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Eclipse: Frogs, pineapple, scorching hot days, mustard, cruel parents, his Lichtenberg Figure (big scar on his back), lightning storms, (more coming soon)
Moon: Lemons, Eclipse, crying, cats, removing his hat, winter, molting, lightning storms, (more coming soon)
Sun: Flying in bad weather, mushrooms, ruffled feathers, mildly dirty things, Moon’s night terrors, falling, being treated like a kid, (more coming soon)
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Eclipse Facts:
Never liked Olympus
Absolutely HATES frogs for no apparent reason
Thinks his cave gets lonely sometimes
Has been struck by lightning (he’s got a scar now)
Loves storms but is terrified to fly in them
He’s got the groggiest voice in history (or so he claims)
Buries unloved and under-treated children in a field because their parents won’t do it themselves
Taught himself to draw (he’s not super good but… yk…)
He’s around 7.5-8 feet tall
Thinks he’s charming
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Moon Facts
Is fascinated by humans
Would kill/do anything for his brother, Sun
Has never had a love interest
Hates his brother Eclipse (now)
Used to tolerate Eclipse (back then)
Has frequent night terrors causing panic attacks
His freckles glow when flustered
Absolutely hates crying
His favorite food is bacon and eggs
Is allergic to marigolds (just gets the sniffles, nothing too bad)
Used to have has a problem with plucking feathers
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Sun Facts:
His favorite flowers are marigolds but Moon’s allergic to them :(
Loves to play with small animals (squirrels, frogs, butterflies, etc.)
Enjoys foraging
He’s the family cooker (until him and Moon left Eclipse)
Embodiment of anxiety
Good at hiding stress and feelings in general
Smells literally every flower he sees
Stargazing is fun for him
Never had a love interest
Always wanted a cat (Moon said no)
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Wisp Brothers Facts:
They are VERY short boys and they can shrink even smaller
Lunar and Jack’s fire that they have is actually cold, not hot
they get up to a lot of shenanigans together
Lunar can get serious sometimes; Jack has no thoughts behind his eyes
Killed by [ ]
They like to visit the cabin y/n lives in
Lunar hates harpies
Jack doesn’t remember a lot of things including how he died and why Lunar hates harpy!eclipse
Lunar takes good care of Jack
Jack was supposed to be created to protect Lunar and vice versa
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Y/N Facts:
They inherited their grandpa’s cabin in a village (the cabin is in the woods near the village)
uses magic
doesn’t know shit about magic (uses it anyway)
They own a Birman cat named Poncho
mythology nerd
only had one friend in the village and his name is Nathan (all the other folks hate them because they think y/n’s a witch/warlock (Nathan’s fake))
likes harpies
LOVES mangoes for no apparent reason
sort of a crazy introvert/ambivert
likes to get cozy by a fireplace with a book
they have glasses but they never wear them because they think they’re stupid looking
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AU Facts
The AU’s birthday is on April 3rd
Drabbles, AO3 works, art and comics will be posted
There’s a lot of lore
Perhaps I will open a “Talk to the Harpies” event later
there’s a blog: @dca-harpy-au-blog
the creator (me) allows and loves fanart and all other things like that
(more facts coming soon)
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wizardsaur · 22 days
Gonna update my Pinned Post, so here goes:
This is my main blog now. Gonna try my best to be a minimally insufferable internet tumblr personality. Please renlog this, and I'm outright asking for followers.
I'm writing a book, it's about absurdism and cults and the end of the world. It is a satire, it is a sci-fi dystopian horror. Hi, if you're a publisher - call me, I promise I'm not crazy.
I call myself a wizard, my religion is ?????
This is a witch blog? But one of the cool ones, I swear. I like frogs, and being a good person. I post kinda consistently, and I've been active a REALLY LONG TIME in tumblr years. Doing my best not to be appropriative or exclusionary in any way, also painfully human. So much so, I have chronic pain too 🤣 (getting that diagnosis figured out, I hurt a lot and I have theories.)
I think met God once in a cemetery in December 2018, and It told me to leave an abusive marriage. And every time I think of what God looks like, my brain says Alainis Morrisette and David Bowie. I don't really know what that means.
I was raised in arguably one of the biggest cults in the world - no, not scientology. So I sincerely believe the only way to find God or Upper Whatever is to figure it out yourself. And understand everyone is probably wrong in some ways, right in others. Ergo, I'm not sure what I believe and it will eternally change.
I worship Change in the form of Death - or Death as Change - I'm not sure if that matters. I also worship Uni, the Cat God Of Self. Which. I made up. I made a blog about that, if you can find it. You will see that a lot here
I write spells, cultivate cool posts. I hardcore try to peer review, please don't hunt me for sport for reblogging a shitty blog. Just send me an ask and call me out - I'll be reasonable. I also share stories.
I like dinosaurs, vegetarian food (not exclusively), talking about glasses, writing, movies, goth culture, history, reading, art, plants, and dark humor. I write a lot in the bathtub. I live in an old house in a big railroad city in the US. Hopefully I become locally famous too, so I can quit my job and freelance forever with my chronic pain problems. Or be a ghost tour guide as my real job.
I'm a story worm. Which is like a bookworm, but with movies and podcasts and personal anecdotes. I tell stories. I hope the stories have value for you. I ingest stories, and have been enamored with the art of sharing stories my entire life.
My Cat is my pfp at the time of this posting. His name is Oswald Cheesecake. He looks like a wizard to me in that photo, in a brown cloak. But he' just in a paper bag. They are his favorite thing. There is a very good story behind his name, too.
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FFXIV Write 2024
4. Reticent
There was nothing that helped reflect on different ways recent history could have gone as watching Lamaty’i sizing up to throw Thancred into the rafters of Frog’s inn room, to fetch her axe which was, for reasons entirely Thancred’s fault and Lamaty’i’s doing, now wedged up there.
Raha and Alisaie were yelling over each other to offer advice or alternative means of fetching it.
“Well, I think it’s safe to say you’ve hosted a memorable party,” Y’shtola purred, suddenly leaning over Frog’s shoulder.
She tried and failed not to preen and lean into that sudden closeness, her previous attempt to pretend to be the sensible adult in the room completely obliterated.
“If the Vow of Resolve breaks anything, I won’t be responsible for the bill, I hope.”
“Oh, I’m sure we can wrangle a little political corruption to smooth this all over,” Y’shtola giggled. She sounded like the glasses of wine she’d been carefully sipping had started to go to her head, as the long evening wore on. Frog had scooped up her friends from the street party and moved them to a more select location, but the Orchestrion was playing loudly and mixing with music floating across the water from Tullioyal’s thoroughfares, and copious drinks had followed them into the room as well.
Lamaty’i hefted Thancred incredibly poorly and he flew in a short arc and crashed into the table with gales of laughter from them both and an alarmed shout from Alphinaud, who had truly been paying no attention, wrapped up in some sort of discussion with Koana that no one else had been interested enough in to interrupt.
“We have a dragoon in the room who’d make that jump in his sleep,” Frog laughed quietly, basking in her private judgemental gossip Y’shtola had trusted her with.
“Thinking of unlikely pairings, I think he’s made a friend… Don’t look too obviously.”
Frog glanced around to watch the twins trying to tidy up the spilled fruit and plates, and then back around with a casual scan of the room, and saw Estinien lurking against the wall, watching with a quiet smirk. About two yalms away, sitting on a low chest and holding a drink, was Erenville, who had a furrowed brow and seemed quiet. She quickly looked away before it became staring and turned to pull Y’shtola to sit on the arm of the sofa. “Are they… hanging out?”
“I’m not sure. They’ve been there for at least half a bell without moving though. Or speaking.”
“I’d noticed the capybaras here sit quietly alongside much larger creatures like hammerhead alligators without any care. Perhaps Erenville is like one of those.”
Y’shtola coughed to cover a loud laugh. “Oh dear. A comparison I’m sure neither would appreciate you repeating.”
“I do hope they’re alright, though. Erenville went through a lot, and I know Estinien hates parties and being the centre of attention, but I didn’t want to not invite them, especially after Koana got invited along too. I’m worried I’m only making it worse for Erenville, though.”
Y’shtola tapped her chin thoughtfully, then twisted, and beckoned. Krile came stumbling over at once, beaming and pink-faced from the fancy cocktails she’d been sampling that evening.
“Do you think Bounding Frog can reach it?” she asked at once.
“Hmm? Oh, the axe. Don’t worry about that nonsense, I trust the great minds at work on the task. Shh, shh. I need your Echo,” Y’shtola said, pulling Krile into the conspiracy.
Her eyes widened. “What? What’s wrong?” she stage-whispered.
“Nothing!” Frog said hurriedly, also making soothing motions. She nodded her head to the corner. “Are they, um. Having fun?”
Krile wobbled around and looked a little less subtly, and gave a strange wonky grin as Estinien met her eye and narrowed his in turn. She waved awkwardly and returned to the huddle. “They are both perfectly content and in fact radiating with a sense of kinship. Fancy that!”
“Everyone parties differently,” Y’shtola said wisely. “For some, perhaps that involves no partying at all…”
“Mine apologies for interrupting…” Urianger manifested beside them, and bowed. “I must needs beg thy sorcery, Y’shtola. And, perchance, Bounding’s long arm?”
They laughed, and Y’shtola jumped up, thrilled at the challenge. Frog made another glance to the corner, where Erenville imperceptibly shook his head at her with deep disapproval. She grinned, and turned to see what Urianger and Raha had drunkenly cooked up.
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Hear me out-
The X-Men with a reader who can cancel out mutations, like when they're near someone, let's say Cyclops for example, he can take off his glasses and his eyes don't shoot out lasers.
I think it'd be funny to have it so the reader isn't even aware of their mutation, like one day one of them slips up or tries to use their powers around the reader but nothing happens 💀
Having a mutation that stops their powers (X-Men and The Brotherhood)
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I LOVE THIS I'm actually going to do this with the X-Men and the Brotherhood because there's so many possibilities.
TODD (I'm just putting him first because he's my fav):
• You and Todd hang out a lot. For some reason, he just feels calmer around you (little does he know, you actually take away the stressful parts of his mutation, like the sensitive skin and everything)
• I feel like he still eats flies because he's used to it, so he doesn't notice that you took away the frog part of his brain that actually needs them for nourishment
• He doesn't actually realize that you have that mutation until he goes to jump and just.. falls on his face.
• He freaks out at first, but he does appreciate not being so slimy and all of that
• Sometimes if he wants to shower (check out my headcanons on why he can't use soap), he'll call you over
• He. Hates. You.
• Not actually, because I don't write angst very often, but he doesn't appreciate the power you hold over him.
• You're like a more annoying Wanda in his eyes.
• He always gets on your nerves (because he obviously will, I don't care how cute he is), and you always end each argument by taking away his powers.
• "Very funny! Now stop."
• You think she can't kill you without powers?
• Just kidding, ofc. She loves you.
• But, she's very used to being controlled and her powers being held back, so I actually think she wouldn't appreciate you using it against her.
• If you don't know about your powers yet, then she's obviously not going to get mad at you.
• Actually, she's very sympathetic. She knows what it's like to have uncontrollable powers.
• Would he really notice? I don't think his body would change. Maybe he'd lose some strength though, but he'd probably just think he's getting sick or something
• Or he would freak out and feel useless without his powers, leading to a breakdown (think Luisa from Encanto idk)
• (I don't know if anyone else noticed this in the show, but HE MAKES THE STUPIDEST FACES WHEN USING HIS POWER ITS SO FUNNY)
• I imagine he goes to use his power and nothing happens so he just stands there like 🧍
• She'd probably be really chill about it, but after a minute she'd really miss using her powers.
• So she freaks out a little, but she plays it cool in front of everyone.
• Hey, she's a complex person!
• He's so confused, he just stares blankly at everyone and no one knows what's happening
• like this: 😨
• After everyone found out about what happened, he actually kind of loves it.
• Imagine always having to wear sunglasses, I would get so sick of those powers. So, he enjoys the little break
• Just make sure to tell him when you leave the room, because he's used to keeping his eyes open when you're around
• Yeah, we all know she needs this.
• She would get really excited, going around and poking people's shoulders
• Getting surprised when nothing happens and just being like "okay, just checking!"
• She finally gets to hug her friends and high five people and all of that fun loving stuff
• A bit disappointed when it ends, but she doesn't blame you
• Yes, she's a bit closed off. But deep down, all she really wants is to be able to live her life without fear.
• As much as he would like it to, I don't think the mutation would take any physical traits.
• So the beautiful blue boy would have to stay looking like the dude from Avatar </3
• Which obviously isn't a bad thing, because he's perfect just the way he is, but Kurt is severely disappointed.
• The teleportation was the only good thing about his powers! And that's all that went away.
• He's not angry at you, just angry at himself for.. existing, I guess.
• Your powers don't really do much, expect keeping him from running away during arguments. Which could be very helpful.
• Another one that I believe would appreciate your powers
• Jean has to deal with a lot of things, including the involuntary mind reading (which I'm guessing absolutely sucks, because who would ever want that power!?)
• So, until she controls that, it can be a bit overwhelming.
• Then, you come along. And it's silent. For once in her life, the only voice in Jeans head is her own.
• She obviously goes into protective mother mode during the chaos, making sure no one else is panicking while they try to figure out what's happening
• But she's honestly really relieved the entire time.
• Unfortunately, she finds out right when she's running into a wall (because I think that's funny comedic timing)
• I think she'd be a little relieved too, since we learned her worst fear is her powers trapping her underground and things like that
• So sometimes I think using her powers makes her really nervous, thinking she'd accidentally get trapped and suffocate or something.
• So, whenever she needs a break from that anxiety, she knows exactly who to turn to
All in all, I think this is a really cute idea and I loved writing about it. Thank you for the request, I had so much fun with this!!
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andromeda-nova-writing · 11 months
Just a paper cut
Vampire! Ayato x Fem! Witch! Reader
Summary: A quiet evening is interrupted by a paper cut. What should have been less than a minute acknowledging it last much longer than it should.
This a continuation of my Kamisato Vampire AU. You should be able to read in any order.
Words: 943
AN: @milkstore how many of these fics am I going to have to acknowledge you contributing to my brain rot? You keep asking the right questions that leave me so inspired.
This fic is T-rated. Typical vampire behavior. Mentions of blood
To date, Ayato was something where both parties must understand that getting quality alone time would most likely mean just sitting in the same room while doing completely different tasks. He was a busy man with so much on his plate. Some weeks a day off felt like a myth. Even if he would like to sneak away it was just putting off things that a future Ayato would end up having to deal with. And to love oneself is to try and make your future self have an easier time, at least that he was telling himself as he worked.
This week was in fact the opposite for Y/N. The estate got lucky with the haul of multiple deers. With no blood to worry about and no outside appearances to be made by either Kamisato, a break was in order, which led to her wanting to spend the night reading some of the light novels that she had found shopping a few weeks ago. 
And was it so wrong of her to feel a little clingy every now and then? She'd be quiet anyway and if she was quiet and undistracting she could justify being up under her boyfriend he worked for the night. So she laid her head upon his lap intrigued with a good story. She was only stealing glances every now and then to admire how cute Ayato looked when he stuck his tongue out while hyper-focused. 
No words had been spoken between them besides greets and telling him to move over just enough. His coat laid on top of her acting as a blanket for the one time she had said she was cold. Ayato’s writing and shuffling of papers with the occasional croak of a frog outside sounded like music to her ears as she read. 
Ayato looked down confused. "Favorite character died?"
“No not that, well they might be dead. I got a paper cut.” She closed her book holding it in place with a little knitted bookmark Thoma had given her careful not to get any drop of blood on either item. The book was placed on the corner of Ayato’s desk for safekeeping.
Ayato smirked. “I could clean it up for you.”
She frowned, brought her uncut hand to Ayato’s forehead, and flicked him right in the middle. “No. You have work to do.”
He laughed catching her hand before she could bring it back down. “I just said I’d clean it for you. Is that so wrong?”
“And by clean it do you mean getting a band-aid for it or do you mean you were going to lick it clean?” She scolded him knowing exactly what he had meant.
He couldn’t even fake offense. She read him like a book. "What would make you think I would use such methods? I just wanted to make sure you were okay." That didn't mean he wasn't going to try.
Y/N pulled her arm away and sat up. "It's a paper cut. You clearly know I'm okay. If you're so hungry I'll go bring you a glass. We both know how this usually ends. And you're way too busy at the moment to goof off."
"I wouldn’t call that goofing off. Just taking care of my partner with the love she deserves."
"Yeah, I'm calling bullshit. You can show me the love I deserve when you are off of work."
Ayato sighed. "You won't even humor me now. Maybe these few drops of blood would be the motivation I need to continue working. Have you considered that?"
"So it's gone from worrying about me to motivation. Why do I feel like both of those aren't the real reason?"
He held up his hands in defense and laughed. “Okay, I know when to admit defeat.”
“Even then,” Y/N held up the finger that had been cut. “Bleeding stopped.”
“Pity.” He looked away in defeat trying to play up his sadness.
“Pity? I get a paper cut and it’s a pity I'm still not bleeding.” She retorted back beginning to lose herself in the back and forth of the games they shared. “Well I know which Kamisato to not be around if I ever do bleed seriously.”
Any mood he was in became ruined by the thought of his sister. “Why must you bring up Ayaka now?”
“Because you need to focus. I don’t want to be a distraction for you. Plus I’m looking forward to that picnic on the beach you promised for later this week. I don’t want to have to hear about a raincheck I may have helped to cause.”
"You must really be looking forward to that." Thoma gave him the idea after overhearing Y/N and Ayaka talking one day. Y/N just wanted to see the beach again since it had been a while since she had last gone. Truly a simple date but it made her happy.
"The other day when Ayaka had brought Yoimiya over to discuss some plans with handing out sparklers for the upcoming festival, they made me go out to pick a new yukata. Be a shame if all their hard work was to go to waste." 
Ayato leaned over giving Y/N a quick peck on the lips. “I’ll get what needs to be done dealt with. Just keep giving me your company.”
She smiled. “What made you think I’d leave?”
It wasn’t long till Y/N once again had her head on Ayato’s lap as she read through her book as he worked. It was like they hadn’t even moved. Back to being comfortable with the silence of papers moving and the nightly frogs croaking outside once again.
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jonesy-squish · 2 months
Skid and Pump :D
Alrighty. :3Also alot of these I just came up on the spot,and i didn't really know exactly what to talk about so :]
Im gonna start with pump since I have more for him
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👆 What I imagine he looks like and wears when he's not wearing his costume :D
-His real name is Willard.And his full name is Willard Luzbel Wonder
-His favorite animal is rats
-The love of fire is genetic.Ignacio is his uncle from his mothers side(Garcia is too,cause Garcia and Ignacio are brothers to me,so they'd be Pump's mothers brothers),he is unaware of that though
-He likes listening to Lemon Demon and Oingo Boingo
-His favorite movie is Nightmare before christmas and a close second would be Hocus Pocus.He'd also enjoy all the the Halloween based disney channel original movies
-He's 10 nearly 11 years old
-His birthday's October 10th so he has quite the spooky birthday
Now time for Skid :3
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👆what I imagine him to look like without his costume
-His real name is Stallo Kit Degenhardt-Estrella(Lila is German to me or has alot of german ancestry,I mean her name is literally the word for purple in german :].Also yeah Ik Skid's name wouldn't be that but one can dream)
-He's 10 years old
-Lila only calls him son because he's trans and she's just trying to be supportive as he socially transitions before he can medically transition cause he's too young to do so(also before anyone says anything i knew i was trans when i was 10,and alot of other people have then and before that,so it wouldnt be out of the question for that to be a possiblity)
-He has a half brother(from his father's side),which is Kevin,neither Skid or Kevin are aware of that though -His dad used to call him Star or Starling,or a nickname along those lines when he was still alive
-Skid also enjoys lemon demon but he very much perfers any music Danny Elfman has done(so he also likes oingo boingo)
-His favorite animal are Glass frogs or horeshoe crabs
-His favorite movie is Halloween or nightmare in elm street
And some join headcanons! :3
-The reason they both are constantly wearing there costumes is a way to cope with the absence of their respective parents,they last spent october with halloween with them before they werent their anymore ,and thsoe were the last costumes they wore
-They've been close since they were very young,basically since they met.
-Skid was the first one to get obbesed with the spooky season and they he got pump obessed with it soon after,its been that way for years
-They have stuff that remind them of each other around the house,for example skid has pumpkin socks,and pump has skeleton gloves and whatnot
-Pump since he's more likely than not fairly wealthy buys skid gifts constantly(<- i saw this one somewhere before) and skid feels like he needs to give something back in return so he draws stuff for pump :>
Anyway thats it.I really enjoyed doing this :D I hope i get more(also already working on another one of these things)Probably gonne get ready for bed now since its 2 in the morning :3 hope you enjoyed
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centipedelightning · 11 months
Hi! I saw your elephant!monster reader ask and decided to throw my hat in the ring with a mouse!monster reader with the same pairings, My oc is the monsterized version of the mouse in the wall. A silly goofy rodent with a habit of "borrowing" things and food from people and shops across the underground
this is so cute are you kidding me. ik you didn't request him but I couldn't resist the klepto4klepto idea in my head with Cash. Congrats on being my first "inspiration point" btw.
ALSO: if this didn’t satisfy you, feel free to resubmit your request fhsgdhdh. i can do something a bit more in line w what you were probably expecting.
| UT/UF/US(+SF Pap) x Klepto Mouse!Reader || Platonic/Non-specified || Fluff |
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You'll probably first meet at Grillby's.
The usual patrons are there and in you come. Slinking.. Scheming...
The crystal glasses have been calling your name for a week now.
To your surprise, this is a day Grillby is out so a certain skeleton is behind the counter.
You sidle up to the bar and order some food, intent on getting Sans away from the glassware. Once he's gone you're in action.
With deft fingers, you are reaching over the counter and grabbing as many glasses as you think you can get away with.
Once your inventory is good and full, you settle back into your spot.
You don't realize you've been caught until an empty glass is put in front of you.
"you've been a little mousy you're whole life?"
"I like to think I'm pretty outgoing actually."
That gets a laugh out of the skeleton. "i'm afraid i'll need those glasses back."
You decide to hand him a pair of glasses you "borrowed" from a frog Monster you met in Waterfall.
This goes on all night. After a certain point, you decide to give up the ghost and hand the absurd number of glasses back over to Sans. He even promised to not rat you out to Grillby.
You were walking through Waterfall when you saw Papyrus walking along a lower level just under you.
He was carrying a comical stack of Tupperware containers full of something. It was simple curiosity! He wouldn't even miss it!
You succeeded at snatching a Tupperware and cracked it open. The acrid smell of pure evil is the only thing that graces your nostrils.
Deciding you have no desire to hold onto whatever science experiment the skeleton had made, you hopped down and chased after him.
You came up with a quick excuse that he dropped the item and you were just innocently returning it.
Papyrus' sockets shine as he drops the armload of "food". You get thanked so profusely you almost thought you did something honorable, not stole food.
You get questioned about your culinary inclinations while he picks all the containers back up. Many of them busted open when dropped, though the skeleton doesn't seem to care.
You didn't realize that you started following him while talking and after some time you arrived to his front door.
You tried to bid him farewell before you were all but begged to come in and cook with him. It is free entry into his house.
Who knows what goodies you might be able to snag.
You've heard about the funny skeleton that sometimes performs at MTT resort and decided to check it out.
You were in the area, there was an interesting list of comics on the roster, and the audience looked like types to have a lot of interesting things on them. What reason did you have not to go?
Many of the performers were fine. A few of them were so dull you had no way to sneak about without being caught.
Red was the closer, and by then your pockets were starting to feel well and full.
You, of course, continued on your mission; stifling giggles and laughs as best you could.
Red's set was nearly over by the time you felt satisfied. Oddly enough, when you fully tuned back in you notice something strange. He was making a few too many rodent-themed jokes than one might expect.
It was only after the second or third time he glanced directly into your beady eyes that you realized he absolutely knew what you were doing.
You tried to slip out of the dining room unnoticed but a certain toothy grin at the front doors stopped you.
"got caught with your hand in the mouse trap there buddy"
You had very few options other than running or offering a bribe. you went with a bribe.
Red, surprisingly, accepts and even offers a little deal. You join up with him during his sets. He tells jokes so good no one will notice a certain mousey's fingers in their pockets. Split the loot after.
You didn't have many options to counteroffer, but even then you didn't particularly want to.
You were caught pocketing some cinnamon bunnies and got the guard called on you. Naturally, you were well practiced in avoiding the guard.
You tried to spend as little time as possible in Snowdin until everything cooled off some. What you didn't realize is that the up-and-coming royal guardsman was not one to give up so quickly.
Once you decided enough time had passed, you made your appearance back into the thrall of the small town. It was only after you picked up some whispers behind you that you realized you perhaps haven't been away as long as you should've been.
What ensued was chaos. Once you realized that yes, people definitely recognized you and had called for the guard, you were booking it out of there.
A few members of the dog pack put up a chase for a while, but none of them cared for petty theft. The only one who decided to pursue you into the forest for the better part of an hour was the new skeleton recruit, Edge.
The chase only ended after you both found yourselves stuck on a large frozen lake, unable to get your feet underneath you. After hitting an impasse, you try one last boon.
You offer to pay for everything you stole and then some. Edge didn't believe you were good for it, but you were no stranger to "borrowing" a good amount of G.
While slipping and sliding past each other, Edge pulled out a long itemized list of everything you have stolen. It took a good few minutes to read through your bill but you did manage to have enough money on you to pay the shopkeep back.
After that, you were watched like a hawk by Edge personally whenever he saw you out about town. It didn't take long to realize you could intentionally run him around if you stole something in his line of sight.
Blue was one of the only people who bothered to regularly set puzzles and traps that were more interesting than piles of snow.
That also meant you could get a bunch of neat junk if you went around to dig out the parts.
You became his shadow. He'd set up a puzzle, you'd slip in and take a few parts. It certainly didn't help that Blue was incredibly amusing to watch once he saw your handiwork.
He even tried to stake you out a few times, though it never worked.
There was only once that Blue caught you.
You were out somewhere else and he put his plan in action.
You came back to your usual spot to scope out how you were going to sneak past the puzzle part of the puzzle. You didn't even think that the course looked suspicious.
It was a switch-flipping style puzzle. Certain switches move different snow poffs and you had to pick the right combination to get through. Easy.
It was only as you solved the puzzle and the floor gave out under you that you realized you made a mistake.
You got pulled out of the snow that fell on top of you none other than Blue himself.
You weren't able to do much more than laugh and deny. Deny! DENY!
It didn't work of course, though Blue did ask to keep you around.
Something about making the puzzles so hard a human wouldn't even be able to pass them?
Stretch was trying to do a simple run to the craft store to get some fabric. His brother wanted a new workout set and refused to just buy one.
You were also there. You were in the bead aisle hamfisting those suckers into your pockets. Stretch could only imagine would you have already stashed away in your inventory.
It was a slow day and he had time for a little prank.
Everywhere you went, the skeleton followed. Everything you put on your person, the skeleton subtly magicked right back out.
It took you a while to notice, but once you did the game changed. It became a combination of making sure you didn't catch him putting your ill-gotten gains back and not being caught himself.
This went on for a while.
You started to get smart. You tried to shake your mysterious pursuer by taking random turns and power-walking down each aisle as quick as you could.
After a time, you also realized your pockets never got heavier. You decided you absolutely had more time to waste and got to plotting.
You started picking up items you didn't even want. Scrap fabric and strange decor items were shoved places you thought you would know if they were tampered with.
It didn't work. The standoff, so to speak, lasted two hours and you didn't catch your shadower once.
You decided to give up. You grab a couple small items and go up to the store clerk to check out. It's the least you could do after being a terror in their store for the past few hours.
It's only after you are well on your way out the door do you feel something. Your bag got slightly heavier. You stop to dig around in it and notice a pack of pencils you didn't steal and definitely didn't buy.
As you look it over you notice it has a little note drawn on the package: "that was fun. quit trying to steal things. see you around."
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• Inspiration Point •
Anyone with a working brain would know not to mess with the skeleton brothers. Most of all you would never want to gamble against the taller one.
You never took their advice. Cash was fine entertainment from afar, but at the table was where the real fun started.
You didn't do it often, but every once in a while you'd find your way to Grillby's Bar & Grill after hours. There was where you'd find the good loot.
With your pockets full and inventory fuller, you found a seat at the round table where the fire elemental was dealing the first round of poker.
You got your wares appraised earlier, so your starting chips were already piled high before you.
The real joy of the table was watching people lose. They almost always came with an air of unearned confidence that made the fall that much sweeter to watch.
They always lost and were always sore losers.
That night, there were only a few real players. Cash was there, like most nights. Dogaressa and Dogamy were there, though Dogamy was only good for moral support. A few of the bar's regulars were at the table as well. The rest of the seats were filled by desperate newbies.
As soon as the table was full, the game started. It continued as you expected. Most of the newbies were overconfident and lost all their G near immediately. Dogamy backed out. The regulars all slowly backed out after losing what little money they offered in the first place.
What was surprising was how long you made it. The only people left at the table were you, Cash, and Dogaressa. You weren't playing for money and you certainly weren't playing to win.
You just wanted some easy entertainment to watch some full adult Monsters throw a few tantrums. It's not like the money you brought to the table came from a personal fund.
It didn't take long before the sore losers all left, so your interest was waning.
It wasn't until you noticed Cash do a weird little hand motion that you recognized quite well. He was pocketing cards. If he's not above cheating why should you be?
In the end, Cash won the lot. You didn't expect to win, nor did you care to cheat enough so that you would've. If anything, that would've been suspicious.
You knew that Cash realized your play and that made the night all the more interesting. Once he knew you were cheating, it became a joint effort to do as much as possible without being fought by Grillby or Dogaressa and miraculously you both pulled it off.
Or, you both pulled it off long enough to get out the door snickering to each other, G in hand.
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unnervinglyferal · 5 months
My new obsession right now is Columbo
My mom finds this very odd
I don’t understand why
I have a curio cabinet with dead things in it but she’s weirded out by my current obsession with a 70’s tv show
Although is it really a 70’s show when the first pilot episode was aired in 1968 and the last episode was aired in 2003?
That spans from the late sixties all the way to the early two thousands
If you want to include the first time the character of Columbo was seen that was the early sixties but I don’t really count that one because it was for a completely different show and he was played by a completely different actor and now Columbo is just very intwined with Peter Falk
Anyways Mom finds my obsession super weird
I can’t tell if it’s because the show was started before she was born or because both my parents have said that it was the type of show kids only watched if their grandparents were watching it
I mean like last month we had a conversation about making me a decomposition box for road kill but she’s weirded out by the 70’s show obsession
I literally walked into a water filled ditch to grab a frog today, I had to hose off the bottom of my pants after that
But somehow the fact that I know how many years it was until people knew if Columbo had a glass eye like Falk did is odd
(25, and yes the character does have a glass eye like Falk did)
This is the lady who admitted to spending hours try to figure out what type of wetland the Frog Pond is
Oh also I realized I have a screen recorder on my computer so I don’t have to fuss around on like fifty different sites trying to find good quality video files of the episodes and then fuss around for like thirty minutes trying to find good subtitles online
I can just record them from my screen
tbh weirdness is relative. There's people who would think that keeping chickens and grabbing random snakes recreationally is weird, but if something's normal in your region, it is. Nobody in my girlfriend's family considers it odd or unusual that she had a baby at 16 (despite of the average age to do that around here being almost twice that), the part they consider weird is that I'm still in the picture and actually changing diapers.
There's no such thing as normal, so don't worry about that. Also I've never seen a single episode of Columbo and have only learned about it through people making "I've been watching Columbo for some reason" posts a lot online. Which on its own is fascinating.
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paperrretro · 2 years
friends in strange places.
Pairings: Edgar Frog x Reader; Alan Frog & Reader
Word Count: 1,612 words
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of religion
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“Fu –”
“Quiet,” Edgar demands.
You scowl, glancing around at the people sending you the typical weird looks before shouldering your backpack properly. “Stop creeping up on me like that.”
“Stealth is important for people like us,” Edgar tells you, frowning like you’re the one at fault for shrieking when he and Alan suddenly appeared behind your locker door. You’re about to snark out a reply when he continues brusquely, “We need to talk.”
“About what?”
“Not here,” Alan says lowly. “At the shop. Come on.”
“My place is closer,” you grumble, starting to walk down the hallway towards the back exit. When they don’t follow, you stop and turn around to tug them along with you. The sea of students part for the three of you as if you’re diseased. “Meaning we should talk there. Come on. My grandma’s out and made a shit ton of cookies last night, anyway.”
If Edgar and Alan seem to hurry along just a little more after hearing that last bit, you don’t comment on it.
Your home is just a five-minute walk from Santa Clara High, right at the street corner where the stop sign gets tagged every other weekend. Once you step through the door and toss your backpacks onto the living room couch, Alan heads straight to the kitchen while you keep Edgar back for a moment.
“Where’s Emerson?” you ask.
Edgar raises an eyebrow at you. “How would I know?”
“Well, he’s your new best friend, isn’t he?”
You are careful to keep your tone casual. You’ve hung out with Sam a few times by default, given that he and the brothers were strangely tight by the time you came back from a horribly boring summer vacation in Texas, and you were surprised to find that he was actually kind of normal. Aside from the fact that he believed in vampires too.
Despite living in Santa Carla for less than three months, Sam seemed to have a rapport with Edgar and Alan that it had taken years for you to develop. And although your grandma was delighted that your little trio had finally grown (Edgar and Alan were some kind of pet project for her and she always worried that you’d be influenced by them instead of the other way around), and you liked the Emersons, for some reason, it also irked you a bit.
“We have an alliance against the undead,” Edgar corrects you.
“I think it’s pronounced ‘friendship,’ Ed.”
His usual stony stare doesn’t flinch.
You roll your eyes and shrug. “Well, more food for us. Alan! Did you get the milk from the fridge?”
“Yeah,” he calls out, and it sounds muffled, like he’s already stuffed three cookies into his mouth. “It’s expired.”
Walking into the kitchen with Edgar, you watch Alan pour the so-called expired milk into three glasses.
“What date?” you ask.
“Yesterday. It’s still good. I tasted it.”
“Oh, okay.” Getting a pen, you scrawl a barely legible MILK onto the grocery list that your grandma had stuck onto the fridge with a magnet. Edgar passes you a cookie and a glass of milk. “So, what’s up?”
“We need to talk about what happened this summer while you were on vacation,” Edgar says.
Oh, god. Not this again.
With a sigh, you knock your head back. “Guys, I told you, it must have been some kind of satanic cult. Vampires aren’t real.”
“They are,” Edgar and Alan say in unison.
“Then how come the news hasn’t said anything about it by now?” you press. “Wouldn’t everyone know?”
“Not if the local government is infested with the supernatural. Or if vampires are capable of hypnotizing people.”
“Santa Carla is a haven for the undead,” Edgar insists. “How can you admit that extraterrestrials are real and not see the immediate threat right in front of us?”
Geez. “Because tons of people have seen evidence of aliens,” you say for the millionth time. “Because it’s talked about on the news. The Roswell incident. The disappearance of Frederick Valentich. Hell, Dr. MacGill told me he saw a UFO here five years ago and he’s a college professor. I’ve literally never heard anybody talk about vampires like that.”
“Vampires are not aliens,” Alan replies matter-of-factly.
You groan and take a giant bite of your chocolate chip cookie. This is why your grandma doesn’t like comic books and you have to smuggle them in your school binder.
It’s not that you think the Frog brothers are nuts – well, maybe a little, but no more than anybody else in Santa Carla. You like them a lot, and you look out for each other. But their stocks of holy water and garlic and wooden stakes take up a lot of space in their shared bedroom and it is hard to understand their adamance about spending their limited funds on vampire hunting instead of decent food.
“Look.” Edgar narrows his eyes and leans in toward you, his tone quiet and firm. “Whether you believe in them or not doesn’t make them any less real. Ever since we killed one tribe, we’ve become a target for the others. And you’re now a target by association. So either get with the program and let us train you, or get used to being under our protection.”
“Your protection,” you deadpan. “No way.”
“We’re serious,” Alan says. “Who else in this town’s going to protect you from vampires?”
“For free, no less,” Edgar adds.
Silently, you pull your crucifix out from under your shirt.
The brothers stare at it.
“… Jesus,” Edgar eventually mutters. “I mean, I guess.”
“If ‘being under your protection’ means hanging out more with you guys, I’m cool with it,” you state honestly, letting go of your necklace to let it hang out in the open. “And I’ll give you more holy water if you need it. But I’m not gonna walk around town with you two carrying stakes and breathing down my neck the whole time. That’s insane.”
Edgar exhales slowly through his nose. “You’re not taking this seriously.”
“I can’t. I’m sorry, okay?” You feel bad for brushing off their ideas and you feel even worse for smiling when their expressions are so grave, but part of why you’ve stuck together for so long is because none of you have ever lied to each other, and you’re not about to start now. “So thanks for worrying, but you don’t need to –”
Edgar suddenly slams his hands on the kitchen table and stands up. You startle at the sound.
“We’re not crazy, [Y/n].” His eyes are blazing as he jabs a finger at your face. “It wasn’t just a damn cult. We killed five actual bloodsucking vampires this past summer, and I know you would’ve died or been turned if you were there, because you’d still be calling bullshit until a vampire tore out your fucking throat.”
You simply sit there with wide eyes.
For a few more tortuous seconds, you hear nothing but the sound of Edgar’s furious breathing before he tears his gaze away and stomps off, swearing underneath his breath. The front door swings open and then slams shut.
Without a word, Alan stands up and follows suit.
You are left with three unfinished glasses of milk, a Tupperware still full of cookies, and an uncomfortable squeezing feeling in your chest.
You putter around the house for what feels like hours. Despite your initial thought that the brothers were going to go home, you find that they simply remain on your porch to talk. Eavesdropping proves to be a fruitless endeavor.
You’re lying on the living room carpet, fiddling with a Rubik’s cube, when the two boys come back inside.
Edgar mutters your name.
“I don’t think you guys are crazy,” you state without moving from your spot or looking at them.
“We know,” replies Edgar.
“You’re my friends.” You say this more quietly.
Neither of them say anything, but when you glance to the side, you see Edgar nod tersely and Alan shove his hands into his pockets. That relaxes you a little bit. Good. Not too much damage was done.
They join you on the floor, backs against the couch. And you wait for them to speak.
“We’re not going to let you get killed,” Edgar tells you straightforwardly. “I’m not going to have that on my conscience.”
“So, what does that mean?”
“We compromise,” Alan says. “We won’t keep tabs on you all the time.”
“But you should carry some holy water with you. And if you really have to go out at night, call us or go with your grandma.”
“Okay, fine,” you acquiesce. “I’ll be careful.”
Edgar rests his elbows on his knees. “It’d be better if you knew how to stake someone through the heart.”
“Being Catholic and not going out at night is enough for now, isn’t it?”
He fixes you with a withering look. You snort.
“It is,” he agrees reluctantly. A beat, then, “You’re not stupid. Or weak. You would’ve helped us and Sam if you were here last summer.”
At the uncharacteristic softness of his words, you stop playing with your Rubik’s cube and grin at him. “I know,” you respond, accepting the apology. “And I would have.”
Edgar’s eyes flick away from yours. He reaches up to scratch his cheek, and when you stare a little longer, you’re stunned to see a faint redness crawling across it.
“We’re good?” Alan asks you.
“Yeah, of course.” Pushing yourself into a sitting position with a grunt, you look back towards the kitchen. “So, are we finishing the cookies or what?”
Your friends nod. Everything continues on as it was.
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hanitje · 2 years
I really want to talk about the scene where Panto, Bart, Priest, and Ken were in front of the portal house (Ken was on a Zoom call, technically). I thought it was such a brilliant and intense scene, I still remember the tension to this day.
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Here we have Bart prattling at Ken while Priest is warily looking at her and his eyes dart at this pink-haired tall glass drink of water, Panto. He sees that the silent pink-haired man is holding a giant scissor sword in his holster, like a gun. He doesn't know this man, he doesn't know his power, he doesn't have his file, he doesn't know his ability.
He knows Bart. He knows that he doesn't have a chance to face off against Bart because she can't be killed. He knows her so well, that in order to subdue her is to be manipulative with her.
Mr. Priest is never afraid to face off against all of these people with powers. He gleefully peppered Suzie with bullets not knowing that she can turn him into a frog or other magical item. In fact, it makes him happy that she disappeared like Michael Myers after falling from a building. It was a challenge for him.
So WHY is he looking very nervous when he sees Panto?
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Panto on the other hand is very relaxed but attentive. He stares at Priest, smirking a little. His hand is on his weapon, ready to draw when necessary. He observes the situation, knowing that the soldiers are ready to pounce at both him and Bart.
Panto KNOWS that Priest cannot be trusted. He sees the Blackwing soldiers are menacing, and this smiling, manipulative man named Mr. Priest is trying to get her back to Blackwing HQ. But he doesn't say anything, only waiting for Bart to end her conversation with Ken. He even waves and smiles at Ken when she introduces her friend to him. But his smile doesn't reach his eyes. He knows that these people are bad and he can't let his guard down. However, he doesn't look threatening at all. He is so chillaxed with his posture.
What makes it so memorable is the way Panto watches Priest and the rest of the soldiers. His body is relaxed, but he never takes his eyes off Priest. One wrong move, he would take some action.
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When Priest offers Bart his friendship and ice cream, and she refuses, Panto looks at her and knows that is her final answer - she will not return to Blackwing. He understands that Priest's sweet talk is poisonous and lies.
Now, I feel like the audience at the time kinda underestimate Panto. Because he's a fantasy prince who speaks in prose and chivalry language and has pink hair. Sure, he can fight and probably slay a lot of dragons and villains. He's in love with his boyfriend and doesn't fit this macho masculinity of a knight or a prince unlike, say, Aragorn from LOTR. But I feel like Panto has so much in common with Aragorn. Even when looking at an alpha man (from society's POV), Panto is still considered not as macho. They are so wrong.
Panto may not be a rough-looking prince, but he's a goddamn Silent Killer. The moment Priest touches Bart, he immediately orders him to unhand her and he draws his sword. With a calm and meticulous precision fighting style, he butchered the soldiers when one of them tries to sneak up on him -- surprisingly he doesn't kill them.
I feel like the reason why he didn't kill them is that he realizes that this is not his world. He is only a guest in Montana, and he only obeys Bart. He protects Bart, even when he knows that she can take care of herself, and he doesn't add more problems or look for trouble more than necessary.
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When Panto finally faces Priest, he doesn't even try to kill him. He waits for Bart's instruction. Bart grunts at him, and he just SLICES Priest's face with his scissor sword. When he walks away, he apologizes. The job is done, it's over. and he walks away with Bart. He doesn't do overkill. He doesn't seek killing.
I really want a season 3 so Panto and Priest can face off again. I reckon that Priest wants some revenge after Panto decorated his face. Especially the complicated connection with Ken and Bart, I feel that Panto definitely will also face them too.
But my question still remains: why Priest is so nervous facing off Panto?
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luffythinker · 1 year
THAT ONE ANON BACK AT IT AGAIN! it's almost monday so ima need something to distract me when im in a group session with some guys for work i always use reading your replies to me as so, so have some ships!
It started with Mina whining about how everyone is falling in love and she doesn't know what falling in love is, shes never felt it before TSU keeps asking people out but keeps getting turned down for some reason she isn't sure what it is or that everyone always has someone they like and she isn't it, she starts spending more time with her gal pals Toru Jirou and Mina Mina moreso than others cause everybody is always out with their boo or hanging out with their squads
Mina cant hangout with her squad all the time too much of Bakugo Kaminari Sero and Kirishima in one day is a headache and everyone needs a vacation from that LOVE THEM TO DEATH but ya know sometimes ppl be annoying AF
Tsu aggressively starts having feelings for Mina like she has to abstain herself to have a normal day
Shes watching for any opportunity to be close to her friend
Like she's looking at her differently in a new light she notices how pretty she is, that never used to happen before, if they go to the beach she's fanning herself not from the heat but from how Mina's bikini fits her
(I like to imagine Mina is built Mina is a little on the stubby side but shes got a figure and Tsu is super skinny but semi round hips because frog, so Tsu is tall and skinny while Mina is sort of short and fun shape )
she wants to do more than hug for long periods of time, she wants to hold a women it's Jenny darling your my best friend, im using your shirt as a pillowcase, i borrow your lipstick so often
Thats how deep Tsu really is
So oneday they are chilling in Mina's room and Tsu kisses her just for the hell of it she can't take this longing one anymore it's so agrrsive at first but it slowly melts into something sweet after that Tsu's sitting on top of Mina both of them are just sitting there looking crazy not knowing where to go from there and keep it between themselves like "THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN, THAT WAS JUST A ONE TIME THING"
Nothing at school is normal anymore it happens more often, they kiss at their lockers when nobody is around, they eat lunch on the roof and kiss there it's just a lot of kissing and not asking any questions
Not very sure how they could actually get together but tell me what you think
Next one IidaBakugo i think we talked about this one before?
BUT THINK ABOUT BAKUGO FINDING IIDAS RED EYES INTERESTING? like Bakugo caressing his face removing his glasses
ALSO Iida not changing any aspect of his person now that he's regularly associating with Bakugo, Bakugo isn't changing either they just kinda stay how they are both of them are very good at being professional around eachother and others HOWEVER
Bakugo wants to see Iida break he wants to see Iida slip up and do something "inappropriate" in front of others
things Iida deems inappropriate: PDA,Bakugo's language Especially how he talks to Iida when they are alone, the mouth on that one is something that gets him going badly it's his guilty pleasure to indulge Bakugo's behavior
Bakugo loves when the power dynamic is Iida in charge cause that's different, he loves when he acts out of his nerdy character
One day Bakugo keeps getting on his nerves all day long sitting on the desk little things like that, Iida just goes up to him and grabs his face speaking directly into his mouth ALMOST A KISS BUT NOT REALLY and tells him "Get off the desk" in his lowest voice it leaves several students in awe and Bakugo a blushing mess
Anything you have to add about these things TELL ME I WANNA HEAR THEM i honestly am trying to get more into Iida/Bakugo
Tell me how you think Iida/Bakugo could be? do you think Bakugo craves bad boy iida or do you think Bakugo would want him soft boy?
aaaa i'm so sorry i couldnt be here last monday but im here now, let's deep dive together!!
First, I really love that you gave us some background for Tsu, she's always looking for love and it's never the right time or the right person, she just wants to be loved and cared for but it seems everybody else can find their perfect person except for her For Mina, I don't think she has love in her mind like that, she has fun with people but she's not necessarily looking for serious stuff at the moment (or so she thinks).
But when their friendship starts progressing, I think both of them begin to realize they are attracted to each other, they believe the other is the prettiest girl in the world, and both of them love physical touch, so there are lots of hugs and hand holding but none of them ever says anything afraid to ruin it and misunderstand things.
idk why but I feel like mina would kiss first?? just like a peck and immediately pull back bc she's too afraid she just ruined everything but tsu gets her and kisses her properly!!
I think maybe they would unconsciously hide just bc they don't know how to define what they are yet, but everyone kind of knows there's something going on with them, and tsuyu is a Lover, so she eventually says she wants all the dating perks, she wants to be a Girlfriend, she wants all the sweet stuff and mina is in love, she finally realizes that she doesn't mind serious as long as it's with the girl she loves :((
I vaguely remember we talked about them, they are an interesting pair for sure because I think they both don't know how to process and express emotions properly?? like they're both in the same spectrum of "I don't know how to express I'm in love with you so I'm gonna scream"
Love them having dynamics based on challenging each other, bakugo wants to see him break, iida wants to see him be a bit more proper (kinda, bc he likes him the way he is)
POWER DYNAMICS YESSS, iida has so much potential as a more dominant partner especially with bakugo, and I do think bakugo craves that the most (he would never admit it tho). But yes, I can see iida being the only one who can really put bakugo in his place when he's serious about something. Iida would tease him not even consciously like, getting all up in his face and personal space to speak, but not kissing, getting bakugo to move by touching his back or waist but not actually holding him, it drives katsuki insane until he snaps and finally asks (screams) for iida to just do things properly!!!
i guess that's all i have for now with these couples, i love our conversations here so much <3
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