#i kissed a girl bbc
oscarcalme · 5 months
my partner and i have watched the first two episodes of i kissed a girl 3 times
we need this show up our ass 24/7
also more masc4masc action
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So I just finished watching the BBC reality show I Kissed A Girl
And it kind of healed me
Obviously there are always stuff that they could have done better, and also I’m not very interested by dating reality shows normally as I don’t like how it makes me feel like a voyeur,
but seeing all those queer girls, this diverse cast, available for all to see, kinda made me cry.
I thought of younger me who definitely could had benefited from seeing this
I could have been queer long before I came out and I could have had a queer youth
Episode 9th with all the girl’s family coming to support them made me bawl my eyes out, I didn’t know I would feel so emotional about it. Also the conversation about the word “lesbian”— gosh, was it healing.
All this to say, we’re definitely not there yet, but I am very happy for the younger queer generation to hopefully be able to see themselves represented on TV.
And as we say in French,
Bravo les lesbiennes !! 💞🏳️‍🌈
also I found a link to watch outside of UK if anyone’s interested
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slytherinn-xo · 5 months
Right guys I can't be the only one. But I FUCKING love I Kissed A Girl on BBC THREE!
SOOOOOOOOOOO If you are watching the show like I am, as in watching it five times as I wait for more episodes to come out, then please check out my Google form!
As I want to create a book for I Kissed a Girl, and it will come out on my Wattpad profile!
But if you do want to check out my Wattpad I will also put a link to it here.
Here is the link to the google form!
Here is the link to my Wattpad profile!
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youstupidplonk · 3 months
RIP Shaz granger you’d have loved BBC three’s I kissed a girl
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visuals1 · 3 months
Anyone can help me with watching BBC I kissed a girl? I live outside the uk so I can’t watch it on bbc iplayer. I have been out of the pirate game for a while now and I don’t know how to find an illegal streaming site where I can watch it :(
Please Tumblr do your thing ❤️
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the-alien-effect · 3 months
Episode 2 is out! 👽
This episode I am joined by Mark, we discuss Superman, Stephen King and the Rocky films. I also ramble about I Kissed A Girl.
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Available wherever you get your podcasts
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madokachikamatsu · 4 months
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sncrlynwtms · 1 day
"i was born in the wrong generation" I wasn't. i love existing at the same time as fan culture. i love knowing I can make a post saying "character a wears big ass pants and is obsessed with character b's thighs" and fifty percent of people are gonna agree with me while the other half call me a dumb bitch because of it. it's great.
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chipswsauce · 4 months
Naee and Priya being the strongest couple is a joke to me 😭 bro there's Cara and Georgia who have been strong ever since they first looked at each other omg
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doverstar · 6 months
when I explain to you that Ten is the equivalent of Enamored Smurf in the Doctor lineup
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star-rie · 1 day
everyday i sighed to myself because bbc merlin never got a reboot
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tinknevertalks · 4 months
Ok, finished I Kissed a Girl.
Watched the reunion ep too.
WTF PRIYA?! Leave the Massaria then marry someone *else*? Wow.
Also, love that Meg and Lailah got together. And Alisha/Abbie still together wasn't what I expected but bravo to them!
I hope Amy is happy. (Love a ginger lady. 🥰)
Will probs watch if there's another season with the ladies. :)
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literary-lesbian · 5 months
obSESSED with i kissed a girl. if georgia and cara don't end up together i'm gonna be sooooo upset
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slytherinn-xo · 3 months
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Full Name: Elena Isabela Maria Serrano
Nicknames: El, Ellie, Lena
Date Of Birth: 14th February 2002
Star signs: Capricorn
Place of Birth: Barcelona, Spain
Current Residence: Islington, London, England
Languages: English, Italian and Spanish.
Height: 166 cm (5 Foot 5 Inches)
Instagram: el.serrano
Occupation: Paramedic
Face Claim: Tyla (Singer and Model)
* She came out, well was forced out of the closet at 16.
* She then moved in with her best friend in Barcelona for a few months, before moving to England in 2019, to escape Spain, as everywhere was reminding her of the problems with her family.
* When she came out her family found it disgusting that she is a lesbian. And disowned her, and kicked her out of the family home.
* She cut all contact with them and hasn't seen them since she left when she was 16.
* She went to Liverpool John Moores, studying Paramedic Sciences.
* And in her third year was attacked on a job, involving a regular patient, who was know to be abusive and violent towards the Paramedics. And he went to strangle her with a wire, when she went into his house alone, before her paramedic mentor did as they were bringing the rest of the stuff they needed.
* Luckily her mentor came in not long after Elena did but the damage had been done as Elena has passed out, and the man had cut her neck, luckily not cutting her jugular but she now has scars over her neck from it.
* She loves a good gossip session, she thrives on it to be honest.
* Very protective over her own trust, she doesn't forgive people quickly or easily at all.
* She dated Eva from 2021 to 2022 for about a year and a half.
* Elena is exceptionally clingy, or she loves like someone holding her hand, or just being touchy with someone, and that person has to know and like that she will be touchy with them.
* Elena is a perfectionist, she would rather something be done once and it takes a long time but be perfect then rush something.
* She thinks that if you're going into a relationship for something short term then you are just foolish.
* Has Chronic Resting Bitch Face, however in reality she is so fun and light hearted.
* Is much more on the femme side of being a lesbian.
* Is the biggest ambivert that one could be. If you don't know her she is so quiet, or can seem quiet, but if you make her comfortable, she is so extroverted, and she is wild!
* She is best friends with Jana Fernandez and therefore Bruna Vilamala. She lived with Jana and Jana's family after she was kicked out before moving to England.
* Whenever the Barcelona team come to the UK, or Jana does, they always make it so Jana can stay and see Elena.
Body Modifications: Piercings
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* Elena has four piercings, her belly button, and her first through thirds in her ears.
* She got her first through thirds when she was 18 and 19, when she was in college, and on a break from uni over the summer.
* Elena then got her belly button done when she was 20, on her summer holiday from university, and she loved changing the piercing in it.
Body Modifications: Tattoos
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* Elena's first tattoo was the little heart on her chest, above her own heart on the left side.  * Elena's next tattoo was 'We'll be alright' on the back side of her right arm.  * Then Elena got the sun on the front of her right shoulder.  * Elena then got then two butterflies to match with Jana as she got it on the inside of her right wrist, with Jana getting it on her ankle.  * Elena got the body and vines on the front of her upper right arm, just above her elbow ditch.  * The rose outline was the next tattoo that Elena got on her right forearm.  * Elena got the frog and duck on her right forearm.  * Then Elena got the book reading frog on her right forearm on the other side of her arm.  * Born to die was the next tattoo Elena got and it was on the inside of her left wrist.  * The latest tattoo before I Kissed A Girl was the angel wings and halo on the back of her neck. 
Episode 1 >>>
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love-rats · 4 months
i love fiorenza chatting about "i couldn't even be a player if i tried, i'd just end up falling in love" and then acting like the biggest player of them all lmfaoo. nah i'm playing, she just has bad luck with her matches and just needs to get with amy. and if she doesn't treat amy right then i will because that girl deserves the world
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womenstruation · 5 months
watching bbc3 i kissed a girl and omg the drama already. the women all seem so gen z (derogatory) but finally we get our love island!
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