#i kinda hope she gets an actual acting role though cause she is a really good actress
lnkedmyheart · 9 months
Her silly hat debuting in an official mv omg!
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kimbap-r0ll · 11 months
Dorm Leaders Meet Villain Counterparts
If my childhood self saw Twst, I feel like she would combust because it's literally two parts of my childhood put together (anime and Disney). But here's something I thought of for Halloween or for some writing in general, hope you enjoy!
I feel like he would kind of fangirl, like omg this is literally a Great Seven just standing in front of him!
Is extremely polite, the queen probably likes him because he remembers every rule, every little thing that will get him on his good side.
The two of them probably get along to some extent, though I feel like even if she is kinda bonkers, she would feel a little bad for how he basically had no childhood. Like yeah Riddle's the role-model student and dorm leader, but this kid hasn't had much fun in his life. Might actually be a little more chill with him haha
Overall the two of them are definitely immediate friends and will be a nightmare to Ace and Deuce. I can see these two enjoying tea together while Ace and Deuce have to paint flowers lmaooo
How does this work? Like a lion meeting a beastman? I feel like Scar would be more confused than Leona like "what is going on this guy's like half me?"
I feel like they wouldn't really have a fangirling moment like Riddle did, but they are definitely chill together. Like Leona might be like "Imma sleep here" and Scar's like "👍" and they don't bother each other. Do I think Scar will try to eat Leona? No. But will he try to eat other students? Maybe
The two totally understand the whole "my-brother-got-all-the-attention" feeling and might bond a bit with that. Not sure what that would look like, but they might complain about how Mufasa/Farena feel too pompous. Oh, and they don't like kids, find them annoying haha
I really have no idea how this would look like since it would look like a lion just standing around in a dorm lobby with a prince just like "yo whattup bro" but I would love to see it!
Definitely fangirls a little bit, might scare Ursula a tad because he seems to know everything about her? I mean, great at least she's regarding as a "benevolent" person
The two are totally going to plot for someone's demise together and make a fail-proof plan to take over the school. Crowley stops the two from going too far but they have the plan, it might happen any day lol. They definitely talk about their favorite spells and potions for sure
I feel like Ursula would feel kinda bad for Azul too, sort of like Riddle's case. Will remind him to not worry about others since she thinks he's much better than all of the other students. Azul might tear up a bit (the two share a small wholesome moment before going back to business-related stuff)
I feel like it would be kinda fun to see how they would act together. I think they would at first notice each others' scams and then be like "omg great minds think alike" lmaoo
Kalim (feat. Jamil)
Kalim thinks Jafar looks scary, but nonetheless is super hyped to meet him. Will throw a big party and it might cause the sorcerer to be low-key stunned by all of the attention. If Iago's there, he definitely got a biscuit/cracker from Kalim by force
I feel like Jafar will talk more to Jamil than Kalim while he's busy trying to chase Iago down by carpet (please a carpet chase please) mainly because Jafar kinda feels bad for Jamil. Like this guy's had almost the same life as he did, but Jamil is like "nope don't worry I have a plan 😈"
Jamil probably likes Iago because he's always wanted a parrot as a pet, will likely not force a cracker/biscuit which helps Iago warm up to him faster than Kalim.
I think all of these characters could hit it off well, but it's honestly kinda awkward when Jafar's like "I was going to overthrow the sultan" and then Kalim's like "...that lowkey feels familiar but imma let that slide 💀"
The two are immediately like "you're beautiful queen" "thank you bae" 😭
I literally feel like they would bash their respective rivals while doing skin care together. Like they'll be like "xyz is so annoying" whlie lying down on a couch and the other one is like "fr." Iconic, and definitely all the students can tell the Evil Queen has a regal air about her. Vil doesn't fangirl as much as the others, but he definitely says that he respects her a lot
I think the Evil Queen, as evil as she is, will still feel bad for Vil since she can see how much effort and work he puts into his work. He's a model, an influencer, a dorm leader, all at once and it feels like not a lot of people respect him as much as they should. Definitely tells him that he's doing well
The two of them need to do a collaboration of some kind, and if she happens to help him out on dorm duties one day all of the students are like "oh no it's like 2 Vils at once" lol
I actually really want to see this, probably will be the funniest interaction because they're almost like polar opposites. Hades is all like "Hades, Lord of the Underworld how'rya doin?" and Idia's like "...eep"
While Hades is around Twisted Wonderland he'll definitely try to raise idia's confidence. Will take him all around campus to get him to talk to people and also to show off his own skills lol. But Hades probably loved watching Idia play video games, like damn why's he so good at rhythm games 💀
Will find Ortho super adorable, but definitely felt really bad about Ortho and Idia's backstory. He may be evil in the Disney version of Greek mythology, but I feel like Hades would still have a bit of a heart to feel bad for Idia, like he's gone through so much in so little time. Probs gave him a hug too
The two of them have definitely tried playing some games together, and whenever the two of them got angry at a boss it was like the room lit up red because of their hair lol. Idia probably thought it was super cool that Hades had similar hair to him, maybe fangirled a little bit about that
I feel like the two would have the chillest conversations out of all of them because they just feel like the cool-headed ones. Malleus definitely is respectful towards her, and she is too. Definitely praised him for his magic abilities
The two have bonded over their lack of party invitations, but Malleus is like "oh I've been getting invited to a house tho!" and then boom Yuu has to meet one of the greatest Disney villains of all time while in their pajamas lol
I feel like for sure Maleficent thinks Malleus is a super cool person, might want to meet his mother too just because it might be an interesting interaction. Nonetheless the two of them are super chill. Sebek will want to talk to her too just because she's just so popular
Will Malleus geek out about grotesques and gargoyles to her? Yes. Is it fun for her? Surprisingly so! I feel like even if she's known as the Mistress of Evil, she might like smaller more mundane things like medieval architecture, and it's always fun to hear from Malleus so why not? She has definitely asked Yuu about their life and experiences which might've scared the shit out of them but still haha
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clu-ven · 2 years
Heyaa , I hope you're taking good care of yourself before answering any of the asks! Make sure to stay hydrated always 😄
I have a small request for the bad batch (mainly Hunter). How would they react to a reader that is the mom friend ? Bonus points if she has a REALLY short pixie cut (hair almost buzzed).
I'm usually the mom friend and I'm really curious regarding this , if you feel comfy enough writing about it , headcanons , maybe even small fics of it? 💛
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quick note: eeeek thank you for the request anon! But I'll be honest, I had no idea what a 'mom friend' was before this so I hope I did it justice! Also, because I spent so much time trying to figure out the characteristics of a mom friend (Have I overthought this? why yes, yes I have), I didn't touch on the short hair aspect but I can always do headcanons specifically for that if you'd like!
word count: 3.1k
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Hunter isn’t sure what to make of you at first. Before you came along, he assumed if someone was nice to the Batch, it was because they wanted something from them.
But not you. 
You genuinely care about them and their safety. It’s unlike anything Hunter has ever experienced and honestly, it’s a little unsettling at the beginning. He doesn’t understand why you put so much effort into befriending a bunch of defective clones.
He’s cagey but once some time passes and he realises you genuinely care and this isn’t some façade, Hunter relaxes and embraces your role as the mom friend.
Hunter’s actually kinda relieved to have you around now. He’s still unsure if he can look after Omega properly but having you there to confide in is a big help. 
And although Hunter will always try his best to act tough and unfazed by things, he appreciates your keen eye and how you can always spot whenever he’s feeling overwhelmed.
...and now, a quick drabble...
Hunter’s been staring at the datapad for twenty minutes, hand pinching the bridge of his nose as he sighs to himself. In the two seats in front of him, Tech and Echo loudly bicker about whether the last mission was a trap or simply bad timing, and in the seat adjacent to Hunter, Wrecker flings Omega up into the air before catching her again… a routine they’ve been doing ever since the Marauder went into hyperspace. 
The mixture of Tech and Echo’s squabbling, Wrecker’s booming laugh and Omega’s squeal everytime she’s hoisted into the air is a recipe for disaster for the Sergeant. 
Picking up some spare blankets you spontaneously bought on the last planet you visited, you call out to Hunter. His head snaps up, though the second he sees you, his expression softens. “Can you bring these to the bunks for me? You can just leave them at the end of each one” you ask sheepishly.
With a sharp nod, he stands and with a few strides, Hunter is in front of you and taking the blankets. Lowering your voice so just he can hear, you say “Take all the time you need, I’ll get them to calm down… eventually”. A flicker of shock spreads across his face, surprised that not only did you notice his agitated demeanour but that you knew exactly what was causing it. 
Opening his mouth, Hunter wants to thank you, to put his hand on your shoulder and tell you how much this means to him but Omega lets out another shriek and he tenses.
Giving him a reassuring smile, you walk past Hunter and to the others. As Hunter makes his way to a quieter part of the ship, he can hear you trying to change the topic of conversation with Echo and Tech, hoping that’ll put an end to their bickering before offering Wrecker and Omega some spare Mantell Mix you had in an attempt to distract them from their noisy game. 
With a smile on his face, Hunter crashes on to his bunk, blankets covering his head as he wonders how he got so lucky to meet you.
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Much like Hunter, Tech is dubious of you at first. You’re so quick to help them, to listen to their problems and care for them. Before this, the only other entity that’s ever aided the Batch is the Republic and well, we all know how that turned out.
Don’t be surprised if he ends up interrogating you, asking you a barrage of questions regarding what you hope to get out of this.
Kindness isn’t something they’ve come across recently so Tech’s sceptical of you.
But once Tech sees how you act around not only them but everyone else, he starts to understand that you’re simply caring by nature and not trying to scam them.
Before you came along, Tech would usually stay up working until he fell asleep hunched over a table or else he would opt to not sleep at all.
But now with you here, he knows it’s only a matter of time before you come along and usher him off to bed. At first, Tech thought this was annoying and a hindrance to his work but he gets used to it pretty quickly, finding it comforting that you always make sure he gets some rest.
...and now, another quick drabble...
It’s another late night for Tech. He doesn’t mind it, preferring to work in near silence (besides some snoring coming from the other room).  Working on a few adjustments to his helmet, Tech’s eyes flick between his armour and datapad, taking the time to simultaneously catch up on what the Empire has been up to recently. He’s not sure what time it is but judging by the deep sleep everyone seems to be in, he’s presuming he has another few hours until anyone wakes up.
When he hears some movement from the other room, Tech freezes for a second before relaxing once you come into view, a steaming cup in your hands. “You should be asleep” you whisper, tiptoeing closer to him. 
“So should you” he replies without missing a beat, resuming his work on his helmet. You sigh, setting the cup down on the desk. Peering over at the warm liquid, Tech questions “Caf?”.
“Tea,” you correct him “you can take it to bed with you, it should help you sleep”.
Tech doesn’t move, giving you a look that reads ‘seriously?’. Putting your hands on your hips, you bluntly state “You need to rest”.
“So do you” he quickly replies. You sigh. Sometimes you forget how stubborn he can be. 
“Well, I’ve actually gotten some sleep,” you shrug “and Echo’s supposed to be watching the ship while we’re in hyperspeed but he’s fast asleep so I’ll take watch instead”.
“That’s unnecessary, I’ll watch the ship and you can go back to bed“ Tech proposes but you fold your arms, shaking your head.
“No, you need sleep” you try your best to sound stern but it’s hard to act mad at Tech, especially when he’s trying to help.
He goes to speak again but you sigh, giving him a pleading look as you say “Tech, please… if you don’t sleep now then you’ll be overtired tomorrow and you won’t be able to think straight on our next mission and kriff, if you can’t think straight on a mission then we’re all screwed”. 
Slowly, Tech rises from his seat “You have a point”.
Picking up the tea, he gives you a wearily smile, suddenly feeling self-conscious over his stubbornness. “Thank you… for looking out for us, you’re caring nature isn’t something we’re used to” Tech tries to make eye contact with you as he speaks but he finds it hard, his face becoming flustered with his small confession. 
Returning the smile, you reassure him “Don’t worry about it, now go get some rest, you deserve it”.
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Even in a galaxy full of backstabbers and criminals, Wrecker likes to see the good in people so he trusts you and takes your kindness at face value.
He quickly becomes attached to you, relishing in your caring nature and becoming very protective of you. You’re a breath of fresh air to Wrecker so Maker help anyone who tries to mess you with.
Wrecker knows how rare it is to find someone so gentle and caring and now that you’re here, he doesn’t want to let you go. 
Despite Wrecker being much larger and stronger than you, you make him feel safe and protected.
Although, Wrecker can be mischievous sometimes. He has no problem dragging you into an argument if he knows he’s losing, knowing you’ll put a stop to the bickering completely and he won’t ‘officially’ lose the argument.
He may have threatened his brothers a few times with the dreaded “I’m telling”. You’re respected by all of the Batch so the thought of getting into your bad books is enough to make them shut up and leave Wrecker be for a while.
...yet another quick drabble...
Boarding the ship, Wrecker calls out your name, hand on his head as he enters. You immediately look in his direction, getting up from your seat and making your way over to him with a concerned look on your face.
Before you can even ask what’s wrong, Wrecker groans “I hit my head… again”. Reaching up to get a better look at his injury, you gently touch his jawline as you examine the side of his head. Thankfully there’s no open wound and hopefully the pain won’t last long. 
“Do you need some food?” you ask, making Wrecker’s demeanour perk up ”You go rest, I’ll get you some blankets and a cup of water and-“.
Hunter cuts you off, boarding the Marauder next “He’s fine, he can do that himself”. Although you know Hunter is only saying this to make sure you’re good hearted nature isn’t being taken advantage of, you roll your eyes. 
“No he can’t, he’s injured!” you declare, removing your hand from Wrecker’s jawline and instead opting to rub his back. “Yeah, Hunter, I’m injured!” Wrecker repeats, his tone mimicking yours.
Not wanting a fight to break out, you glance over to Wrecker, giving him an unimpressed look. After seeing your expression, he goes back to groaning and holding his head. It’s pretty obvious Wrecker’s exaggerating this injury but you decide to play along, knowing he just needs some attention.
“Oh c’mon, he didn’t even complain about his head until he saw the Marau-“ Hunter scoffs but Wrecker interjects with another low whine, turning his attention to you as he speaks over the Sergeant “I think it’s getting worse, all this talking is many my head throb”. 
With a soft smile, you reply “Why don’t you go lay down, hm? I’ll follow you in a second, just let me go get some snacks for you first”.
Although Wrecker tries to keep up his exaggeration, he can’t hide his smile. Giving you a nod, he turns to head towards the bunks, making sure to give Hunter a smug look as he passes. “Wha- please tell me you saw that” Hunter runs his hand down his face.
You let out a small laugh, making sure you speak loud enough for Wrecker to hear as you give Hunter a wink  “Hey be nice to your brother, he’s hurt enough as it is and he doesn’t need you making his headache worse”. Hunter rolls his eyes but doesn’t intervene anymore. 
Once you’ve collected all of your snacks, as well as getting some drinks ready and picking up a holomovie, you follow Wrecker into the bunks, excited for the relaxing night ahead.
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Echo can be kind of distant with you sometimes. It’s not that he doesn’t like your caring tendencies but he doesn’t want to depend on you, scared it might seem like he isn’t able to do things himself.
He wants to help the Batch too and before you came along, he was seen as the responsible and very tired parental figure of the group.
So while he’s hesitant to let you mother him, he’s always there to take care of the others with you. You two are the parents of the group and honestly, you’re the best duo for it.
Echo has some walls up, hesitant of the roles being swapped and him becoming the one being cared for… but with some time, those walls will start to drop.
But until then, he’ll be your teammate. The both of you working together to take care of and worry about the others. 
Seriously, it’s scary how similar you and Echo think sometimes. Whether that be packing extra supplies or remembering how each member likes to have their caf.
...you guessed it, it's quick drabble time...
It’s always hard when the batch gets split up, one half staying while the others go on a mission. What makes it harder is that you’re on the side that has been told to stay put. 
According to Cid, it’s an easy job that doesn’t require that many people and that you should be happy you get some time to relax while Hunter and Echo go on the mission. But your mind doesn’t see it like that.
While the other’s hang back at Cid’s parlour, you walk with the other two back to the ship so you can properly see them off. “Have you got extra bacta patches on board?” you quiz Echo while Hunter picks up his pace, deciding it’s best to leave the parents of the group discuss supplies.
“Yes, we do” Echo nods.
“And bandages?” you question, nervously nibbling at your bottom lip “Cid didn’t really give us a lot of information on this job so it’s best to be prepared for anything”.
With the Marauder close by, Echo stops and places his hand on your shoulder, making you stop too. “It’s going to be fine,”  he says, his voice calm and comforting “we’re transporting nerf nuggets, even I don’t think much can go wrong with that”.
You sigh, knowing Echo’s right but still feeling anxious “Ok but be-“.
“Careful?” He raises an eyebrow at you, a cheeky glint in his eye.
You roll your eyes, already well aware of how predictable you can be. “Yes but seriously, keep an-“
“Eye out for troopers” he finishes your sentence again, letting his hand drop from your shoulder as he begins to climb the steps up to the Marauder.
“Ugh, fine, point proven,” you shake your head before remembering “oh and keep your-“
“Comm on in case of emergencies” this time Echo doesn’t even glance back at you when he says it, only stopping to look at you once he’s safely inside the door to the ship, revealing his mischievous grin.
Before closing the doors, Echo bids you a proper goodbye “I’ll see-“
“You soon?” You quickly interject, making Echo’s grin grow wider. As the steps to the Marauder begin to disappear into the ship’s mechanics and the door loudly starts to close, Echo calls out over the noise “You took the words out of my mouth!”.
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Crosshair has convinced himself he doesn’t need your help, your compassion or your company. Yet no matter how many times he tries to push you away or rebuff your kindness, you continue to be there for him.
Basically, you’re a complete enigma to him.
Crosshair’s kinda like a stray cat, subtly curious of you but too wary to accept your affections. Instead, he likes to simply watch your interactions with the others, slowly warming up to the idea of you also caring for him in the same way.
The one thing you do that is guaranteed to always make him smile is scold the others. You don’t do it too often but sometimes it’s necessary, especially when they fight over petty things. 
Crosshair is always by your side then, arms folded as he enjoys the entertainment of it all. And if things start to calm down, he makes sure to say a comment or two just to rile the others back up again.
But if he’s in an argument and you walk in? He knows better than to continue, usually rolling his eyes before stalking off to spend some time alone.
...quick drabble time: Crosshair edition...
Despite the mission being a success, it ended in another argument. You luckily missed the start of this argument, so you aren’t sure who’s done what or who’s angry at who but from the glares Crosshair and Hunter keep giving each other, you can make a few assumptions. 
You just arrive to the argument when it ends, catching the tail end of it as Crosshair storms past you, muttering something about loyalty.
Once Crosshair is out of earshot, the rest of the batch let out a collective sigh, equally annoyed and disheartened by the argument. “Do I even want to know what this is about?” you ask and judging by the look on Echo’s face, no, you don’t. Taking a deep breath, you turn on your feet, now facing the direction Crosshair stormed off in “I’ll go speak to him”.
It doesn’t take you long to find him, sitting on top of one of the large crates the Batch has been tasked with collecting and transporting back to base. He doesn’t look up when you approach, keeping his attention on the dirt staining his gloves. Hopping up beside Crosshair, you wait for him to speak.
“If you’re here to make me apologise, you’re wasting your time” he hisses.
You shake your head “I’m not here to do that, I just thought I’d keep you company”.
“I don’t need your company,” he snaps back.
You don’t reply. Whenever Crosshair gets into one of his moods, you understand he pushes people away and so you don’t take what he says to heart.  
Trying to shift the topic of conversation, you put your hand into your pocket. “Y’know the last time we were in Coruscant, I went to this place called Dex’s Diner. I heard some Regs talking about it so I thought I’d check it out,” you start, causing Crosshair to roll his eyes “the food was fine, nothing too fancy”.
“And why should I care about this?” he asks, raising his head so you can see his bored expression. While he’s still in one of his moods, you notice his tone isn’t as harsh, your sudden story somewhat disarming him.
“Well, on the tables they had a bunch of napkins and those little holders for straws, oh and they had these brightly coloured sauces ,” you ramble on “but they also had this bowl on each table and you’ll never guess what they were full of…”. 
Pulling your hand out of your pocket, you open your palm to reveal a bunch of toothpicks. Crosshair gazes down at your hand, his expression remaining neutral.
“I know they’re just toothpicks,” you shrug, unsure whether you should feel embarrassed or relieved by his lack of reaction “but when I saw them, I got excited because they made me think of you. And then I started wondering if you had enough toothpicks so I figured I should take some just in case you don’t”.
With your other hand, you pick out a toothpick and delicately place it on his leg, a satisfied smile on your face. You drop the other toothpicks into your pocket, jumping down from the crate “Anyways, I’ll leave you be now, just thought you might appreciate a toothpick”.
Crosshair stays silent as he watches you leave, waiting a few seconds to make sure you really are gone before taking the toothpick and putting it between his lips. With your words ringing in his head, a small smile begins to tug at his lips. 
He rolls the toothpick along his mouth, hoping that’ll hide his expression.  Sitting back on the crate, he closes his eyes, focusing all of his attention at what you said...
“they made me think of you”
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pianocat939 · 4 months
Okay, I'll just type out some background information for my planet idea before the actual indugence.
So as a I explained before, the people of the planets + Sun control their respective planet and keep the solar system in balance as much as possible.
Now, there is an unofficial rivalry between the rock planets and gaseous planets. The rock planets want to introduce civilization into other planets to construct more events for their history. (It's literally Earth and Mars being like yes and then poor Mercury and Venus are dragged along).
The gaseous planets don't want this at all. They want to keep the calm, stable world they have already.
Meanwhile, the Sun doesn't care as long as they're the center of the universe.
Okay, now onto more individual background information:
She hates everyone except Venus kind of type. Mostly because the other planets make fun of her size a lot. Venus is the only one she looks up to, and views kind of like an older sibling.
Thoughts on MC (Saturn): She thinks they're more tolerable than the others. But admits their prominent rings are really eye-catching. Finds it annoying when Venus is all pick me girl to them though.
Her thoughts and votes aren't noticed as much as the other planets when they make interplanet decisions. She's sad that they don't notice her individuality.
True beauty queen and is very nice. But I won't lie, she likes to flirt with other planets a lot, even intergalactic ones. But if you ever need emotional support, she's there.
Thoughts on MC: Head over heels for them. Constantly flirting, and always trying to look her best in hopes they'll bat an eye for her. Will be a pick me sometimes because of them.
She doesn't agree with the whole civilization campaign that Earth and Mars have going on but prefers to avoid conflict. But also doesn't want to be targeted by humans...
Kind of the cause of all problems for the solar system except maybe the Sun. They can be a narcissist at times but not as bad as the Sun. Earth is constantly sending out exploration journeys which the planets don't like.
Thoughts on MC: Thinks they're a fascinating planet that needs to be learned more about. They will constantly ask questions about MC, eating up any detail about their planet.
They've been conducting secret plans with Mars...
Pretty smug and confident. Thinks he's the most attractive colour out of all the planets, but unlike Venus, doesn't flirt. Instead, he's more power-hungry. Which is why he's joined in Earth's campaign in hopes he can conquer Saturn especially.
Thoughts on MC: Although Saturn may be much bigger than him, Mars thinks they would be perfect partners. He may be small, but he can pick them up easily for sure. (Size isn't extremely important, but between the two groups there is a difference). Wouldn't you want a warmer planet snuggled into your side?
Althought genuinely thinks Earth as a friend, he hopes to leave them as soon as he gets to have Saturn by his side.
He's literally not that different in age from the other gaseous planets but puts himself in the role as the protector. He is the biggest one and is the most powerful of the planets other than maybe Earth's sneaky little humans.
Thoughts on MC: Finds himself liking the fact they're not that much smaller than him, but still finds them cute. If you thought he's all wholesome, you're wrong. He gets extremely possessive of them and will try to protect them from the rock planets.
Finds Neptune and Uranus annoying sometimes but kinda likes the weird family role they have built as gaseous planets.
Saturn (MC):
(Now I'm just putting this down so MC can have some defined traits. So sorry if this isn't how you act! [and to be fair, I don't act like this either]).
The mom/big sibling of the gaseous planets. They try to be positive for the other 3 considering the rivalry going on. But they don't agree with the campaign at all. They enjoy the peaceful environment they have.
Despite everybody loving their rings, can get a little self-conscious from how much they stand out.
Neptune's twin brother. Think of him as like an annoying middle schooler or that one cousin you absolutely want to murder. He loves annoying every planet, but especially Jupiter. Is self-conscious on his weirdness occasionally.
Thoughts on MC: Absolutely indulges in the fact MC is willing to dote on him. He will puposely mismanage his planet or get hurt in hopes they'll coddle him. Especially in front of his sister.
He works very hard trying to figure out Earth's and Mars' plans.
The calm one of the twins. She's quiet most of the time but will passionately throw up an argument if she thinks Earth is doing some shady shit. But mostly keeps her points to the gaseous planets. She loves talking to her fellow gaseous members.
Thoughts on MC: Thinks of them as a perfect rolemodel. She has rings too (all gaseous planets do) and wants them to be as prominent as Saturn's. She likes to talk about what they did that day or what they love to do.
Has a one-sided rivalry with Venus. Wants to become the most beautiful planet so that Saturn will see her as someone to look at.
He is the irresponsible father who will go on vacations randomly. He will only talk with the planets if he has to prove he's better than them or wants to flirt with Saturn.
Thoughts on MC: Finds them small and cute. Thinks their rings match with his burning flames. Wishes they would stop being so fixiated on keeping peace though. What better peace is there than to chill with him?
Finds Earth to be the most annoying little brat and kind of wants to burn humanity alive.
I don't want to reveal any info of my thoughts on their yan personalities yet, but this is for some ideas on how their personalities are like.
Just so there's no confusion: MC is genderneutral for audience purposes, but Earth is in fact nonbinary. (I kind of thought that becuase they have humans living with them, they aren't contorted to one gender).
I haven't really figured out the lore yet for moons, but for now I'll say they're kind of the assistants of the planets.
If you have any thoughts or ideas, you can send way, but until then, I will keep planning my idea for yan planets. (I do gobble up ideas though I admit)
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BUBBLES!!! okay first um are you okay babes???? I'm kinda worried about you so please keep me updated and tell me how you're feeling!
I promised a headcanon today so here I am!! and I'm gonna talk a bit about Ellie (because she's baby <3)
So you're welcome to expand as much as you want but basically, in my mind, Reader/you and Ellie are very close. There is this very nurturing and motherly bond between the two of you even if you're close in age and you're not her mom. Just like Joel, you feel the need to protect her and make sure she's okay but you actually are open about it. Joel adores her but he's quite clumsy with his feelings and their relationship is just based on the both of them 'acting tough' With you, it's different and when you arrive in Jackson, your caring nature becomes even more indispensable than before. You may ask why as you're all safe, you have a house, food, etc...but because you're not surviving anymore you have to find a new rhythm, discover what 'living' means and for a kid like Ellie who only knew the cruel, harsh world within the QZ, it is particularly difficult. She can't form a bond with children her age and she's also deeply traumatized from the different tragedies in her young life. And she relies on you a lot. I'm going to use the word 'clingy' but really, not as a negative remark. It's just that her development is a bit...backwards? Her early childhood until her teenage years were spent in force independence when she needed love and stability the most. So now that she has this 'stability' she finds herself completely lost and she doesn't know what to do, all she can hold on to is you. Of course, you allow her and encourage that behavior because it's important for her to feel safe and to finally have this 'normalcy' you've known from your early years. Anyway, you have a very close relationship with Ellie and it quickly became a habit that she slept with you while you were camping. Nights were often very cold and it was easy to get scared in the middle of the forest so naturally, you started bringing your sleeping bags together. That habit certainly didn't stop once you arrived in Jackson. Every night, you would take some time after dinner, etc...to tuck Ellie in, make sure she knows she can tell you anything she needs to talk about, remind her you and Joel are right down the hall and kiss her goodnight. Ellie will probably never admit it out loud but the attention and the love you give her make her feel all sorts of ways, it's so pure she almost wants to cry when you treat her with a gentleness she's never been accustomed to before. There are some nights though where Ellie feels worse than others. Sometimes she wakes up screaming from a nightmare and you and Joel found yourself rushing to her bedroom, holding her until she calms down. Sometimes, she wakes up randomly in the middle of the night and she just can't sleep. Sometimes she just needs you. Like tonight.
Aaaaand that's it for tonight!! what do we think?
I really really really hope you're already feeling better when you find this or at least that it could bring you some comfort and yeah, take care of yourself my little bubble ily <3
Anh let's break it down.
She's seen way too much for a 14 year old. Done things that no kid should do at age like that as well. Of course it had scared her. Being an orphan, loosing people she loves, never having anyone to lean on had left her broken. So the fact that you, someone who had shown her emotions aka love, care, affection and so on. You are her main source of comfort. Cause now after 14 years of trying to survive on her own she actually has someone who cares.
It scares Ellie though. Probably even more than Joel but since she's a child she very naturally leans to the nurturing mother role that you hold. Because everything in her body is telling her that that's safety, that that's where she wouldn't have to be afraid. For that fact alone I think that the whole adaptation period in Jackson where everyone is like pufff there's nothing to be scared of here would be extremely hard for her. Because big walls, lots man with guns might read safe for most but it ain't for Ellie. So she requires your nurturing even more. She gets worried more easily, her brain still searches for bad things, for a way that she could lose this all.
I think you would be sleeping with her for the first week or so. The room feels strange, the hallway to your room is way too long and way too dark. She's not used to staying in a house. The sheets fell weird. Everything is way too comfy. I feel like you would find her on the floor the first couple of nights. And no matter how much you'll try to convince her to sleep in the bed, she just wouldn't do it. So you have little sleepovers on the floor instead.
You and Joel encourage Ellie to speak about the fears in head. Both sharing your own worries and how communicating them to someone you trust is a great way to let it go and to see a different perspective. But there's never any pushing in it. It she just wants to sit in silence that's what you three will do. Joel is big on taking her out to the farm so she could be around animals. Sticks around to watch her pet them and feed them. Challenging her to a pun war once in a while.
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I'm just waiting for the Episode of Savanaclaw to show little Leona and the little lion getting his hopes and dreams crushed by everyone around him.
Also, this might sound weird but I always thought Leona and Dominique from The Case Study of Vanitas were kinda similar. Their both the youngest child of high-standing families and were viewed as inferior towards their older sibling(s) (In Dominique's case, 2 older half siblings and deceased older twin brother). But in the end, Dominique realised that her cryokinesis is actually way more powerful than even her older half siblings' because hers aren't violent like those of her half-siblings.
Now, I'm not saying Leona's parents are abusive/cruel (though it could be a possibility) and told Leona "You're brother can already do this, why can't you?" or "Falena's already unlocked his Unique Magic, why're you so slow?" (that's the servants' job) but it wouldn't surprise me if they did accidentally said something insensitive (or Leona misinterpreted what they were really trying to say) to Leona that crushed his already crippling self-esteem issues.
Maybe Leona tried to tell his parents how badly he wanted to be king and they said something along the lines of "You're brother's already going to be the king, so stop whining. You've been given everything you wanted." or "Falena's going be the next king and you can't change that." And maybe that finally caused him to snap and start being apathetic towards everything.
Again, this is just a theory I have and it may not happen. Hell, I probably got a few things wrong about Leona's character and backstory.
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I’ve only read like one volume of The Case Study of Vanitas I won it in a raffle haha and I don’t know if I’ll continue reading it so 😅 not sure if I 100% get all the details about Dominique and how she parallels Leona. I like Vanitas x Jeanne only because Jeanne hates his guts while Vanitas simps for her and it’s so funny—
Personally, I've never thought of Leona's parents as playing a particularly significant role in his trauma (mainly because the game never showed either of them in his flashback, nor did it indicate the parents as being the center or the “trigger” that made Leona lose hope in himself). The focus of the flashback was on servants and Farena/Falena. The other boys' OB flashbacks also obviously feature major sources for their trauma such as Mama Rosehearts, Azul's bullies, the Viper parents, etc. so if Leona’s parents did play a big role in him being the way he is, it’s strange that they didn’t show up in his flashback.
Leona's parents are barely even mentioned; I only ever recall one instance where it was said that his dad is ill enough to the point where he cannot lead their country, thus Farena/Falena has to act as king. There is no mention of Leona's mother as far as I can tell, and neither parent has been really characterized. Maybe they'll actually get mentioned in the manga adaptation's telling of Leona's flashback?
I don’t doubt that maybe the parents may have said a few insensitive things here and there offhandedly (because everyone naturally makes missteps), but I don’t know about outright telling Leona to “stop whining” or “why are you so slow”. That’s just… very blatantly rude to tell anyone, let alone your own child. I’m not saying it’s not possible for a parent to say such a thing, but I think it’s a bit of a leap in logic to suggest that parents we barely know about would.
I totally buy that Leona would get pissed off and lash out at his parents for misinterpretations on his part though. When his self esteem is already low and he believes the world is against him, it’ll skew his perception of others’ words and actions as negative too. We most clearly see this exemplified when Leona acts bitter towards Farena/Falena, in spite of his older brother showing actually showing Leona a lot of genuine support. I’m more inclined to believe that the parents were also pretty supportive and well-meaning (if Farena/Falena is of any indication), but that Leona interpreted their good will as pity and/or backhanded compliments, or that they could never understand his plight. I’d at least like to think they were a little more tactful/wise with their wording rather than sound annoyed every time Leona expressed a grievance 😔 Alternatively, the parents were probably just never around much due to royal duties, so maybe Leona felt like he never got that social support from their end.
The nature of Leona’s struggle is also something that’s generally seen as more cumulative, rather than there being a single turning point that made him give up on trying. I don’t think you can really point at any singular instance and say, “yes, this part of his past is what made him ‘snap’.” It’s the constant rejection and being beat down by the world and the people he’s trying to get validation from that wears away at his spirit.
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lurkingteapot · 11 months
Last Twilight ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม Ep 2
I apologise in advance for inconsistent name romanisations, I TRY to remember what the official ones are for names I've seen but I also watched this without subs so all new names are a guessing game, and the EXISTING ones aren't consistent within the show, so. idk. I had a point. Reaction log!
is that his technical college/vocational school shirt?
"hunger is the best spice!" can I say Y I K E S
oh, she's a chef?
ooof the music when he asked about the dad
that's like. almost twice a foreign high-school teacher's salary.
asdfasdf Night
oh so Night is using Day's caretaker as his personal … idk, help? too? that'll be the source of zero conflict, I'm sure :grimacing:
(I'm going to have to comment of how much I love seeing Mark as a member of the main, not just recurring, cast for at least another two episodes. He'll get a lead role eventually.)
oh that looks like he's likely to run into it and make it spill though
>_> awww little prince + badminton? wonder who made that painting
I'd say don't stick your hand in there but that water looks like it BADLY needs changing/cleaning anyway
oof impressive
kinda weird to wander around the room while Day's asleep, think, but -- asdfadsfasd the PLANT
I really love how we get to see Jimmy just act here. NO speaking, we just get to see Mawk Mhok move in space. I love that
ow Mhok you don't just move people's stuff around without their consent
I love Phawjai (also fuck this she's Phawjai and he's Mawk, or she's Porjai and he's Mork, it's the same fucking vowel what in the romanisation hell)
asdfasdf he's such a LOSER I love him
omg Jimmy's skin ACTUALLY looking like a real person's right now? whoa
hey maybe you could ask Day to open the door for you
Onn … heh
adsfasdfasd they're so silly I love it
I like what they're doing with the eyework in the scenes with Onn and Day
YAY assistive technology
I love that that doesn't even seem to have occurred to Mhok here
and I think Mhok is just getting that Omm is not judging him on his looks
yep here we are
adsfasdf I love that Onn told Mhok
I'd just go, honestly, but I love that Mhok seems to think it's a challenge
oh, that's the little prince audiobook?
the music now that he's dropped the eye drops (hah) is like something out of a horror movie
he's gonna have to call for help
asdfasdfadsf oh Mhok that's gonna come to bite you in the ass, it's not your SHIRT that smells
dfasdfsdfsdfadsf oh dear
Mhok you can't just do that just 'cause he can't see
asdfadsf he Khun Nuu'd him
I TOLD YOU THAT TANK NEEDED CLEANING and also all that knocking must've been stressful af for the fish, just saying
oh that looks good
asdfdsfd the comic timing on "what are you afraid of" here was GOLDEN
horror movies, oh no
well shit
are you telling me they didn't even tell anyone he was in Thailand? what the actual fuck, Day's family
harsh, Day
look this kind of sitch is probably sorta not cool for Mhok
oh fuck poor Phawjai (also: called it)
oop this is gonna backfire so hard
oh shit there it is
oh, there's a part 5 for those horror movies?
BUT Day's down in the living room again, I notice
Phawjai, you absolute star
oh you'll leave the house with HER
Mhok trying to put himself in Day's shoes, huh. not sure if smart or offensive, but at least he's trying, I guess, which is more than we can say for most folks we've seen around Day so far?
Mhok's "fart proudly - stand behind me" shirt is taking me OUT
yeah, that makes sense
Day, wtf, that's so dangerous, I'm sure you've been on a scooter in Bangkok traffic when you could still see! you must know you can't tell for sure there'll be room for you to do that left and right of you!
a friend for the fish, huh, let's hope they don't kill each other
I hate to be this person but how often, exactly, are you supposed to use these eye drops, Day? I mean I guess his eyesight is going anyway, but …
I'm really enjoying the show so far. Solid. P'Aof material is being P'Aof material and I'm really enjoying that.
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captainninej · 2 years
shadow and bone season 2 thoughts!!
me and my sister finally finished season 2 of shadow and bone last night and HOLY SHIT. despite everyone shitting on it for some reason, i actually fucking loved it!! there were some absolutely incredible moments and overall i think they did a really good job blending the books; some decisions i may have slight reservations about but i can see the logic behind each of them from a writing perspective (except for maybe one of them, which i'll talk about later). every single character got their moment and i don't think anyone can say that there was a single flaw on the acting side. these actors BECAME their characters and we are so so lucky we got such an amazing cast, who care about their characters this much!!
things i liked:
Alina's storyline. i actually have not read the original trilogy past halfway through siege & storm, but i know what happens in the books and how her story ends. jessie mei li gave alina her absolute all in this season and i thought she did an incredible job. i like how she got a bit messy and power-hungry, doubted herself and her leadership, snapped a few times. her reaction to mal being the third amplifier absolutely broke my heart AND THE SCENE IN THE FOLD WHERE THEY KISS AND IT ALL TURNS RED AND GLOWING WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. i also like how she's part of the grisha triumvirate (though david in my view 100% deserved to be there :( ) because her ending in the books to me would be really unsatisfying. she didn't go through all that shit to become a housewife. ALSO THE ENDING??? HER GOING KINDA BAT SHIT??? EVIL ALINA??? since i haven't read the books i actually don't know if this actually happened at some stage BUT I KIND OF LOVE IT FOR HER. i think if they can pull it off (and give me white haired alina i will die on this hill) it could be super cool, and not something we see in media very often, especially with female leads. without mal to ground her, i want to see how dark she can get.
Mal!!! someone is going to send me a death threat for this (which is very messed up how liking a character can cause someone to do that) but FUCK IT i like mal. i really love the humanity archie gives him, and his own little moments like paying the shop owner in novyi zem and bantering with nikolai. also his morozova storyline was done really well, and you can see how crushing it is for him to realise that he has to die for alina to succeed. also his outfits idk just really suit him? he really grounded alina throughout the season and i'm honestly not sure why it's a crime to like him. i think he's severely underrated and will hopefully be appreciated more in the years to come, just like how peeta was dragged for years but now everyone is starting to see how wonderful he always was. i also did not see his ending coming, but i really like it now that i think about it. his character has always been so attached to alina, and like he said, now that the morozova side of him is gone, he doesn't know who he is. while it was sad to see him say that he doesn't know if he loves alina anymore, i also really respect the 'choice not destiny' thing and how he wants to make sure that he loves her for her, beyond the amplifier bond they shared. it's been a common theme throughout his story that he's been forced to be a soldier his whole life, but has always just wanted to explore the world and now he gets to do that!! i like the idea of mal having his own adventures and his own leadership role beyond alina, and i think their relationship will be better for it.
NIKOLAI LANTSOV. listen my friend has been simping for this man since high school AND I UNDERSTAND WHY NOW. i've read the KoS duology and adored him but PATRICK FUCKING GIBSON LITERALLY ROSE RIGHT FROM THOSE PAGES AND BECAME NIKOLAI. i hope the girlies who trashed his casting are very embarrassed right now, this man was BORN to play nikolai. he was my highlight of the season and i think i am in love now. he fit in with the s1 cast seamlessly and provided the perfect bridge between the crows and the s&b gang. i am a little upset we didn't get any interactions between him and zoya, but we got some hints AND the demon king tease so i'm willing to wait for it in season 3 (another reason i will be fucking furious if this amazing show is cancelled).
KANEJ. KANEJJJJJJJJ. i, along with many others, was TERRIFIED that netflix would butcher their relationship. there were a few moments (the hallucination scene, the bandage scene, etc) that i couldn't even enjoy because i was so scared they would kiss or something. BUT they didn't, and now i can go back and actually enjoy the scenes because they did them so well!! they were perfectly in character and honoured the books amazingly. their bond was strengthened so much this season AND THE FINAL SCENE IN THE CHAPEL THE ENTIRE TIME I WAS JUST SAYING THE WORDS ALONG WITH THEM BECAUSE THEY WERE RIGHT FROM THE BOOK!!!! freddy and amita CARRIED and their chemistry is so good sometimes i felt like i needed to look away omg
kaz being the messy, anti-hero bitch he was born to be. i think a lot of people who haven't read six of crows who watched season 1 didn't really get the fuss about kaz, but i think they do now. they really masterfully unpacked his character and freddy absolutely blew it out of the water with his acting. they really did kaz justice and somehow ended up adapting crooked kingdom before six of crows but i get why they did, the ice court heist needs to be its own focus, and the parts from crooked kingdom that they cherry picked for this season were purely for character development that was really needed for the crows. i liked how the audience was left guessing just how far he would go, like the scene with albie. AND THE SCENE WITH PEKKA IN EPISODE FOUR HAD MY JAW ON THE FLOOR, IT WAS PERFECT. also him hating on wesper was fucking funny, and his dynamic with nina was EVERYTHING I WANTED
GENYA SAFIN MY BELOVED. this entire season had me rooting for her and wanting to jump into the screen and give her a gun. daisy head CARRIED, she did such an amazing job and had me literally sobbing. genya's story is so devastating but she's such a powerful and kind character who really got to be in the spotlight this season. she and nikolai and zoya are my favourite og trilogy characters, and HER AND DAVID WERE SO FUCKING CUTE SHE DESERVES ALL THE HAPPINESS IN THE WORLD.
nina!!! danielle galligan absolutely nailed nina's energy and her being added to the crows at last was worth the wait. i love how she outsmarted the others and just got shit done.
we sadly didn't get as much zoya in this season as i wished however i ate up every scene she was in and screamed when she said she could fix nikolai lmao
WESPER MY BELOVED THEIR SCENES WERE SO CUTE AND WERE LIKE LITTLE POPS OF HAPPINESS AMONG ALL THE CHAOS HAPPENING THIS SEASON. the piano scene?? them under the cart during the shoot out?? them fighting in shu han and then wylan telling him he was the first person he wanted to tell about the butterflies?? i am on the FLOOR
WYLAN. wylan stepped right out of the books and he was GLORIOUS. jack wolfe nailed his energy, and i loved the details they included - like how he labelled his bottles with music so he could read them!! he and kit had incredible chemistry and i loved the conflict they had about jesper's grisha abilities and wylan's dyslexia, it felt really true to the books. ALSO HIM BEING SO EXCITED ABOUT THE BUTTERFLIES and then feeding them to the crew LMAO i will protect him at all costs.
tolya and tamar!!!! they were so fucking cool!!!!
the hallucination scene, for all the characters
the little hints to king of scars!! the bee landing on zoya's arm!! thought that was really clever
the beautiful colour alina's powers turned when she connected to mal and destroyed the fold
'i'm sorry, did you say mal is a bird?'
'everyone's lost their minds'
did i mention nikolai because nikolai
the costumes??? were so fucking gorgeous??? i couldn't take my eyes off them everyone looked AMAZING
THE ENDING HAD MY JAW ON THE FLOOR. I DID NOT SEE IT COMING AT ALL, I THOUGHT WE WOULD GET IDK SOME SEMI-HAPPY ENDING WITH THE CHARACTERS LEFT OPEN ENDED BUT HOLY SHIT IT WAS SUCH A GOOD CLIFFHANGER and a perfect segue into both six of crows and king of scars!!! it also makes sense timeline wise that it would happen, so i'm really happy with it and can't wait to see what they do with it!!
things i did not like
...wesper. or more specifically, the way they did wesper. i really don't see wylan as someone who would be going out having one night stands with people?? this was the writing choice i didn't get. idk, it just felt really out of character for him and it also just removed all of the tension from jesper and wylan's relationship. no 'just girls?', no 'i kind of like your stupid face', none of the pining that was so crucial to their relationship in the books. don't get me wrong, there were moments i loved, but the foundations of their relationship in the show were a weird choice that's only just balanced with the sheer joy of seeing them onscreen together.
matthias. mans spent all eight episodes in literal jail. with all the promo and stuff with the six of them, i really thought we were going to get all six of them onscreen together this season!! i think it was a waste to just keep him locked up, sometimes i forgot he was even there until they randomly cut to him in hellgate. idk with everything else going on this season they couldn't have let calahan skogman out of the prison set and have one scene with any of the characters?? i really feel like they wasted him here and i get that they're going to break him out for the ice court heist, but surely there could have been room for him with the other characters somehow this season.
alina and nikolai getting married and going through with the engagement??? PLEASE i do NOT want them together, not married, not nothing. i like how they had a *few* suggestive moments, but that was sort of enough. zoyalai is one of the best ships and i really don't want alina to be in the middle of them. i like their friendship but the idea of them actually getting married is just not it for me. i can see them like getting married but then nikolai and zoya falling for each other, if they can manage that then fine but it takes away the focus from zoya and nikolai and idk if i'm about that
DAVID. my boy did NOT deserve to die so early. his scenes with genya were so sweet AND THE STEEL PART FROM THE BOOKS HAD ME WEEPING. i'm really holding on to the fact that we didn't see his body and that genya couldn't feel his heartbeat because she wasn't amplified by baghra because fuck i want him to live and marry genya like he deserves. i am okay with being delusional
i can see why people are frustrated that they took a lot of crooked kingdom elements and put them before the ice court heist. the feud with pekka rollins was crucial to kaz's motivation to even go to fjerda. inej leaving (on a ship that kaz did not buy for her hmmmm) with mal to hunt slavers, how is she going to rejoin the crows? wesper already being together. i can see why they did these things but i can also see why readers would question it. i guess it's just switching the order of things, we'll see...
it did seem rushed - but i think the reason people are really noticing it is because of how slow season 1 was. don't get me wrong, i love season 1, but they really faithfully adapted book 1 of shadow and bone across the entire season; compared to season 2 where they adapted siege & storm, ruin & rising, and elements of the lives of the saints, crooked kingdom, six of crows and king of scars. i honestly think if they shaved off a couple of characters - like that annoying tidemaker chick, pekka rollins even, vasily - there would have been a bit of breathing room. it sort of felt like BAM massive thing happens and then BAM switching to the next scene with a different set of characters. i understand again why they did it - they don't know if they're getting a third season - but it does stand out as a bit of a flaw.
maybe this is a personal thing, but i kind of like how king of scars moved away from alina and mal's story to focus on the other characters. i completely understand why they've kept alina and mal in the show - they're the two main leads, and to get rid of archie and jessie would be sad - but now that their story is more or less finished, i hope alina doesn't take up too much of what is going to be king of scars. i am 100% down to see her evil era and her white hair, but i also want there to be room for the other characters beyond just alina and i'm curious to see if they'll be able to pull that off with her still around.
for all the fuss about the fold, it being gone within the first ten minutes of the finale was kind of funny lol
overall i really loved this season despite a couple of gripes, and i don't see why everyone is being so shitty about it. yes it's not accurate to the books, but i think more importantly it's really accurate to the characters and that's what matters!!! ALSO PLEASE KEEP STREAMING BECAUSE IF WE DON'T GET A SEASON 3 WE WILL NEVER SEE ZOYALAI OR THE ICE COURT HEIST OR THE ACTUAL SIX OF CROWS COMING TOGETHER MATTHIAS WILL STAY IN JAIL FOREVER DO IT FOR THEMMMM
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cleosven · 2 years
Post inspired by @lilitblaukatz post
Quick recap: Xavier definitely has the misbelief that no one wants to help him, and that he isn’t worth anything. And that played into his obsession with Wednesday.
Was it the obsession really about??:
Like yes, there was the crush, but he also really wanted to save Wednesday from Rowan. He knew how it felt to be thrown across the room, and he also has a very empathetic heart. 
But most importantly, I think he also held the memory of 10 yo Wednesday in his brain, and he wanted to protect that image of her. 
That 10 yo Wednesday was one of the few people who acted like his life was worth anything, and he loved that. He desperately needed more people to act like his feelings mattered. 
So when he protects Wednesday, I think he really just wanted to protect the idea that he is worth caring about.
(Also, like I wrote a lot again, and it’s all goin under the fold cuz it’s long vvvvv)
His anger and fear:
Also, Rowan must have done some crazy shit to get Xavier as mad as he was in that flashback. 
He was way angrier there than we see in almost any part of the show, except maybe the point where he kicks Wednesday out of his shed because she’s tearing up his feelings. 
Being thrown by Rowan was reinforcement that Xavier get’s hurt when he expresses his thoughts and fears, and that probably ties into his misbelief that no one, even a roommate who he may have started to trust, is on his side. And that I think is another reason he didn’t share his Hyde paintings with anyone on purpose, even after bonding with Wednesday over saving her life.
He was always hiding things out of fear, like his paintings and his feelings, and even his anger until it bursts. Which isn’t healthy, but is interesting to note, especially if you want to write as him. He gives into fear first, and then only when he’s truly and surprisingly hurt, does he lean on anger as a tool. 
Gargoyle and saving:
With the gargoyle falling, he actually did manage to save her. Which was great for his self confidence. 
He was so surprisingly happy and confident right after that, and also easy going in his conversational style compared to some of his more awkward conversations later on. 
It was like he had physically solved his problems with Rowan and Wednesday just for a moment, and he could just answer whatever was on his mind, like the comment about puberty. He was so open and trusting to just answer, and not over analyze his thoughts or sew in jokes to cover discomfort.  
But saving her that time it wasn’t enough, because Wednesday kept saying there was still danger. I think he wished Rowan was expelled, not killed, because that would mean his duties of saving her would have been over, and he could just let his emotions get used to the idea that he could be worth saving. But he didn’t get that luxury. 
When he realized Rowan was dead, he had to jump back into the role of trying to protect her, the one person he thinks could treat him like he is worthy of living. 
He shows this by going after her that day in the rain. Even though he knew the monster was out there, and he’s not very powerful. He says something along the lines of ‘do you have a death wish?’ and I think that spoke more to Xavier than Wednesday’s action. 
He thought the woods were scary and possibly deadly, but he also was there. So maybe he did kinda of subconsciously have a death wish.  
Not actively suicidal tho:
But he didn’t actively want to die. He just didn’t seem to put as much weight on his safely as he did others. 
Like he could have died trying to push Wednesday out of the way of the gargoyle. And he could have been killed by the monster he knew was in the woods anytime he was out in his art shed. 
And even in the end coming in with a bow and arrow to give what little he had to the cause was very heroic, but also revealed that he didn’t out grow the misbelief that he isn’t worth as much as others. So I hope that get’s addressed in s2.
Putting himself out there:
I think he was very afraid of putting himself out there as anything but a protector or a flirt, because those are two good excuses he had for himself to be around her. Unlike the real reason, which is he’s trying to figure out if he has any self worth. 
Like Bianca was trying to get at when she visited. She knew he wasn’t just around to be her protector, and she also doubted he had real feelings for her. Which wasn’t great, you shouldn’t doubt people’s feelings like that in person, but as a me who’s just talking about a fictional character, I’ll say I really don’t think that his crush was the only reason he stuck around her.
And I also think that if he was sure he did deserve love, he’d have picked someone else to be his benchmark for if he’s worthy of being cared about. But he didn’t, he literally picked one of the most unpredictable, logical, not very emotional people around. 
She was always going to break his heart, and I think some part of him knew that. She was nearly the definition of unattainable. At the same time as he wanted to believe he was worthy of love, he also didn’t believe it. And that’s another reason why he put all his hopes on her. Because ehe didn’t want to see what the other side was, where he had to actually start caring about himself as a person who’s worthy. Because it’s scary, and it’s a lot of work. And maybe it’s easier to just get turned down. 
His awkward joking and phrasing:
When he was around her, and he was trying to start up conversations, he would fall into this uncomfortable jokey place. 
Like about the packs of pandas, or the comments about the dance in biology. I think he felt strange trying to seek out what he thought of as a person who could care about him. 
Another point for how he wanted to be cared for, but he felt like he didn’t deserve that. He felt awkward asking for affection, and he fell into a resigned “of course” at the end when she would almost always reject his advances. And I think he also kinda liked that too? Because it reinforced his belief that he wasn’t worth love. So he kept going back for more.
But when she finally did appear to be reciprocating, and she asked him to the dance, he was smiling like an idiot. He finally felt like someone cared. All of his efforts caring about her(about himself via her) were worth it. 
But he said that he thought she’s ‘never ask’. Because he didn’t have his hopes up about it. And he made her say it, because he didn’t want there to be any interference from his side. If he asked her and she said yes, he would doubt that yes way more than if she asked him.
And when she broke his heart by turning her into the police, it was like confirmed in his head that Wednesday was never going to care for him. 
I think that’s what his snarky comment was about when he said he wished he hadn’t saved her from the gargoyle. 
I think he wished he didn’t give himself the room to think he could ever be cared about, because he feels so hurt now, and he feels like he’d rather have been numb the whole time and he shouldn’t even have tried. 
And I think he finally realized that he can’t use her as a measure for how much he cared about himself. Or at least, that’s what I hope. 
He still gave her the phone because he’s needy and want’s attention over break, and he still risked his life for her, which was mostly just a gesture. But at the same time, he was so much more confident in that last scene where he gave her the phone. 
Like he didn’t fall into that pit of awkward jokes. He just said jokes just for his own amusement, like ‘do you even know what a text is’ and all that. Like he seemed more ok with just doing whatever, and not waiting for her ‘permission’ to smile at his own jokes. and I want to see more of that confident, not as dependent of Wednesday’s reactions - type Xavier isn s2.
S2 & Tyler:
I don’t think he fully learned the truth that he is worthy of love though, just that he can’t tie it to Wednesday. 
So he could easily tie his self worth to someone else’s treatment of him. And then he might try to be their ‘protector’ again, because that’s the role he’s used to falling into. And yes, because tylorpe, I think it would be cool to see this with Tyler. 
Like Tyler already devalued Xavier’s self image with the assault and mural, so there is already a link between Tyler’s actions and Xavier’s emotions. 
If he finds himself in the position of choosing to help Tyler or not, I think he would help Tyler, because of this. I think Xavier would think that if he saved Tyler, then Tyler would see him as important and worthy and all that. He’d get a new bench mark for his self worth. Of course, during s2 he’d need to learn to break away from that benchmark idea.
But if Tyler showed Xavier that he shouldn’t need to tie his worth to anyone (by getting closer and proving he’s worthy of love inherently) then maybe Xavier could get over that issue he has. 
But it’ll probably be difficult. And Xavier would need to exhibit a lot of confidence and emotional maturity by the end os s2 for that to really sink in as real character growth.
Anyway, yuuuup. Here’s another full-on essay where I over analyze literally everything about Xavier because... I can and I wanted to... and yeah :) 
Thanks for reading however much you read! <3 
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ayahachitwister · 9 months
Heya! I came to say hi & ask a fellow writer something! So earlier this morning, I was reading your worst encounters Neshiki Fic. (Adorable & made me almost tear up) I’ve been wondering, as someone who also loves to write, what is the fix you’re most proud of & had the most fun writing? I thought be fun to ask this since writing is, forever, gonna take over my brain! XD plus, I like hearing people talking work they’re really proud. Never fails to make me smile. ^^
:D Aww, thank you! That one took some effort to come together, so I’m really glad you liked it so much~
For the fic I’m most proud of and had the most fun writing, I mean, I’d have to say the most obvious one—The World Ends With Witches. I know I’ve talked about how I was hooked on writing with the Hex Cait battle and did like 3 chapters in one day… but even with the recent stuff, though I’ve been slow, I’ve been so excited to finish it and show everyone. 💕 I love the way that story’s coming together, and there’s still so much with the adventure to come that has me excited—so I hope you all enjoy it, too~ :D Plus, the world building’s been a lot of fun, and just… Honestly, as much as I love all my one shots, the type of story TWEWW is honestly hits more along the lines of what I usually like to do with my original works. The mix of a building a huge mystery with subtle hints, taking you through twists and turns as the characters develop and learn more, deep world building, along with fighting, humor, friendship, romance—all of that together in one magic-filled package feels like home to me. 💕
But, since that one is kinda the most obvious answer I could give, I’ll also give you an answer that doesn’t include that one.
For most proud, I’d say Crossing the Stars. I really wanted to bring the magic of Tanabata and its celestial myth to life with that one, and I still love the way it came out 💕 I even made Kazea fangirl over the kiss in that one when she was editing >.>~ I had to do a lot of research, too, on the general area it was in and special ways they decorate for Tanabata. Like you can see the sea of lanterns at the Zojoji Temple here and the Tokyo Tower decor here. So yeah, I really wanted to bring those images to life in a romantic way for Neku and Shiki’s first Tanabata together~
For most fun… That’s a hard one. I always have fun writing them ‘cause of how silly and ridiculous all the characters are 💕 Like even in serious stories, there’ll still usually be some light teasing and quips that I always want to share way before I should >.>’’ So we’ll go with…~
I Want To Be Your Canary. I loved exploring how the characters would be in the world of Final Fantasy 9, especially with Shiki as a runaway princess in Garnet’s role 💕 And by centering the story around the play and Shiki’s escape, I got to have fun with a wide array of characters in those new roles~ I had fun selecting who’d be what character in this world, which left me with an interesting set-up since apparently Shiba’s leading an acting troupe with Neku, Eiji Oji, and Tsugumi. XD’’ Plus Souma—Kazea’s version of Neku’s dead best friend. While I have written him alive in flashbacks before, it was nice finally getting him interacting fully as himself with the group~ (Though really, he’d make a much better Zidane than Neku since he’d actually do the dumb pick up lines, but whatever >.>’~ Blank still fits for him… considering yeah.)
But I also want to make a mention of one that’s not published yet—Eri’s Guide to Love and Dating. It’s my first BeatEri fic, and I really had fun exploring that~ Though they’re not a couple yet in it, I still tried to bring some of the same romantic magic I had in Crossing the Stars, but instead of celestial magic, this one’s full of snow-filled wonders~ So yeah, it was a ton of fun to research and write, so when I finally edit and publish that one, I hope you enjoy watching as Eri tries to recreate romantic cliches for Neshiki and Rindoka—only to find some happening with her and Beat instead >.>~
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rupturedtaleblog · 1 year
Anonymous Letter + Responses
”Hello! Hope you’re doing fine!”
Yello! I’m doing alright! I just checked the askbox and saw this, thought I’d give a few responses and clarify a few things given you went out of your way to type down all this.
“I’m just here to mention how much I love Rupturedtale! Well, I only discovered it yesterday, but it’s been a wild ride since then. I love what you did with the minor characters in the Ruins! I expected Napstablook to launch more self-deprecating non-jokes, but, meh, can’t all show random humans we’re depressed now, can we?”
The stuff with Blook was written a while back and I didn’t really have self-deprecating non-jokes in mind for them. I tend to not touch the stuff in general.
“It’s been an absolute (and delightful) shock when it was revealed the blue voice actually was Toriel. And the mercenaries, though KINNNDDDA annoying at first, became quite eandearing over time. Even though he’s kind of immature and uses bad language at times, I liked some of Madjick’s wording, ‘cause it really showed Monsterkind went through some stuff. I think I teared up when Jack visited Toriel’s bedroom. I didn’t get she actually was in his head yet xD”
Cursing was a bit more prevalent in earlier drafts of the AU, mostly in regards to Jack, given he’s meant to be an outsider and a moody teenager. It was toned down over the years as I’d rather it be used for the more “important” moments.
“Reusing the unused soundtrack “stars” for Knight Knight’s battle made it all the more epic. I really got into it, and kinda got attached to them.”
A lot of AUs tend to use Star for either Chara or Frisk, but given it was meant to be used for Madjick, I decided it’d ultimately be better used for The CORE Mercs instead. Mostly Knight Knight, all things considered. Given she’s kind of tall and imposing. 
“Ah. And of course. G R A N D P A.”
Don’t wake him up.
“I must admit I couldn’t quite fathom having a friendly flowey in the beginning. But I came to understand that this was a “failed pacifist ending” and not a “leaderless ending” as I was speculating, which actually allowed what I thought were plotholes to make a lot more sense.”
All I can say without going into spoiler territory is that his behaivour is not without purpose.
“Snowdin, at its beginning, has been a real nightmare. :D Keep in mind I thought this was a leaderless ending. Seeing Sans acting like he did, like nothing changed at all, got me, uh, unbelievably angry. 
Then it was made pretty clear a lot changed over time, and I got incredibly sad instead. :D 
That talk in Snowdin he’s got with Jack, about hate being a cycle… made me realize he’s got time to carefully mull things over. 
And me, I will never get over the fact that he’s now wearing Papyrus’ frigging old fedora. I’ve never seen someone able to reconcile heartwrenching and utterly hilarious so well. xD Fits Sans!”
Sans was kind of a nightmare to figure out how to write given the context of what occured prior to Jack falling down. But like with Flowey, I can tell you his behaivour is not without purpose.
I’m glad you like his fedora. Snowdin in general was meant to showcase various old concepts that didn’t make it into Undertale proper, like the 98 Robots and Papyrus’ old hat.
“THE ROBOT 98. WOW I LOVE THEM?! The Puzzle Punisher or whatever he’s called is by far my favorite I wish Papyrus met him I’m sure they’d find a lotta common ground. Well that’s maybe a lie 'cause my favorite is Ninety, or, since it’s Papyrus’ headcanon, Nintwo. I was very skeptical of him, but then he grew on us, I guess. His theme is awesome and his battle was too, and he and Dodge kind of remind us of Sans and Papyrus, but since they’re taking up their role in Snowdin that’s not much of a surprise. “
I’ve been told a lot of times that the 98 Robots are probably the most iconic thing in this AU, and I am not at all surprised to learn that.
I’m glad you enjoyed them as much as you did. The 98 Puzzle Punisher in particular is the best and most powerful character I have created for this AU. If there is a God out there He trembles in fear every time The 98 Puzzle Punisher is spoken of.
Jokes aside, I do not recall if Ninty and Doge being a bit similar to the brothers was done deliberately or if it was an accident on my part. At the end of the day you will find that they do not share the same ideals as them, which is what matters the most at the end of it.
“Oh my God, Jack crashing on Papyrus’ grave. This absolutely abominable act made my day. This is probably when I truly fell in love with this comic (hence the love letter.)”
“Visiting Sans and only Sans’ house was sad. It’s clean. The kitchen is empty. 
…The sock is picked up. 
That was all very wrong.”
“Oh also, let me tell you how much I love the OST! I already mentioned Knight Knight and 90’s one, which are my favorites, but I’ve gotta say the one that plays during Snowdin area, the “Home Of Papyrus” one, and the remix of Toriel’s OST are also huge hits in my heart at least. “
I’m glad to hear that. The soundtrack for this was something I wanted done for a long while now. You’ll come to find the future tracks even better.
“So. If I got all this right, Asgore is alive. I’m so glad he is, I love him xD I’m also sad because this means he won’t get into Jack’s head -._-. This is crushing all your fan theories that went like : “RupturedTale, the AU where instead of collecting dead human items throughout your journey, you collect dead monsters’ voices in your head.”
I was truly waiting for the point when Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Asgore would have been commenting Jack’s every move with “helpful” remarks, though…. 
This sounds like a lightly complicated situation, doesn’t it?”
Having the entire cast of Undertale in my head sounds like a fate worse than death. Imagine the noise.
“Asgore is still in charge, the human attempted a genocide run and got stopped at Undyne, which makes for empty ruins, empty snowdin, and empty waterfall. From there, Undyne could have died alongside the human— but judging by the something’s presence it’s unlikely. Something must have happened, and Undyne got both herself and the human disabled somehow— one of ‘em, Undyne particularly, is probably the something, judging by the fishlike shadow we can see following Jack around. Maybe both of them. I don’t really think determination melts humans, though…..”
If only you knew how bad things really are.
“Obviously, at this point, it’s got pretty clear that what we thought was cold acceptance from Sans is anything but. He wants to “rat out” the something, particularly if it IS the human. He’s going to the extent of looking creepy and trying to “use” Jack to do so. This means it’s more of a priority to him than he lets it show.  
Why is that? I couldn’t tell you: Asgore seeks it out too perhaps? …Or maybe he’s got something against this human. (How would I have guessed!) 
Or does he simply just want to “see how it all ends?”
That’s some weird, cryptic, mildly concerning sentence. Particularly concerning the double meanings this statement has. That’s our Sans alright.”
You’d find that Jack is someone who, at the end of the day, get things done.
One way or another.
“Anyhow, MTT probably took the place of the CPTN considering his G L A M O U R O U S shows. I wonder what motivated him to expand the royal guard… Alphys’s death? Her connection with Undyne? MTT doesn’t hate Humans in the first place, does he? Is the CPTN actually some other guy? 
What’s up with the capital? What’s up with Asgore? Can I hug Asgore? Will Sans ever give me his fedora, I want the same? Will freeing the amalgamates make Doge happy? I love Doggo, did he get a proper grave?”
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
“What would happen if someone went to Sans and said : 
“Hey dude, y’know that human you’re sitting next to?” 
“yup, i know him. we met a few hours ago.” 
“Well, uh, actually, this guy’s possessed.”
*Sans remebers the time Jack screamed alone in the forest and threw a tantrum for stress relief. 
“yeah, i know.” 
“Huh, no, for real. There’s two people living in his head.” 
“don’ worry, i suspected it went that far.” 
“And those people are like, the most important people in your life that just died a few months ago and put you through a tumultuous period of constant changes, depression, and internal crisis. Every time you talk to Jack, they hear.” 
“…huh. mind tellin’ me who those two people are?” 
“Sans. Your dead brother is living, and talking, and sometimes even stress-cleaning inside the head of this kid that’s currently watching TV right next to you.” 
Sans didn’t have much to respond to that. besides maybe, “…” 
“And the old lady you spent hours trading jokes with, that just happened to be your closest friend? She’s also living inside this kid’s head.” 
Sans looked at Jack’s coconut-sized skull. 
“must be crowded in there.”  “
That’s a hysterical visual.
Jack and his Monsterkind-shaped head:
“Love your AU!! Awaiting eagerly for the next part, more answers, and Jack’s sweet descent into madness as the voices take up most of his dominant personality. I’m happy each time they talk and give their wonderful advice and opinion.”
Thank you so much. I was delighted seeing this letter and the drawings amidst the sea of pretty silly asks. I hope you don’t mind that I responded to it. I’m truly touched to see someone talk about a story I’ve written like this.
As for the rest of this AU, while things are going to be a little different moving forward, I think you’ll very much enjoy what I have in store next.
Oh, and as always.
Embrace your ideals.
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nono-bunny · 1 year
I wasn't sure if the Nine New Witches thing was canon or something I made up because it's been a while since my last rewatch, but it is canon! Akko says it in the final episode
Also the whole Croix finds a cure for Wagandea afflicted witches is canon, she outright says that's her next goal! Istg her and Chariot are basically a canon couple, there's truly no heterosexual explanation for Chariot's longing "I'll be waiting for you". Miranda/Principal Holbrooke is such a softie, I love her a lot and she DOES always seem to turn out to be correct for believing in people but WOW did Croix get off easy lmao. It's definitely for the best in this case though- a very small group of people knew about what she did, and this way she doesn't lose her credibility and can actually use it to put her efforts towards good causes from now on.
Croix 100% played the role of the villain, but it does really feel like that all that it was- her playing a role. With Chariot becoming the hero she seems to have taken it to mean she must become the villain to achieve her goals, which... She was obviously wrong about the whole think, but istg she was so deliberately putting on a villainous act, the dork! She seems to still value and cherish her position as a teacher, at least to a certain degree, and I hope that when she comes back to Luna Nova she will dedicate herself to being a proper teacher and mentor, maybe even specifically to Constanze because istg they're such a missed opportunity for a teacher-student duo!!
Croix was fr so pathetic during the finale and I genuinely loved seeing it because it definitely does feel like it's her letting go of... A whole bunch of stuff that was holding her back for YEARS from both being happy and reaching her full potential.
The Croix/Chariot and Diakko parallel in the final episode is unmissable because both pairs can do wonderful things together, and also... Diana can touch the Shiny Rod and help Akko cast magic with it because she doesn't want it for herself, like, in fact she kinda becomes Akko's biggest supporter! I can't imagine that was easy for Croix to see, it probably makes her think stuff like "maybe if I didn't let jealousy consume me, we could've worked together", and like? I actually think seeing the way these two learn to work together is a part of what makes it easier for her to let go of her negative emotions towards Chariot and embrace the positive ones again. It's so obvious how much they love each other even after everything that went down between them, even in the midst of battle, and like. Honestly I'm genuinely happy for both of them that they finally have each other back in their lives properly at the end (or at least they will once Croix comes back but like. No way they aren't gonna be in touch in the meantime!!)
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I definitely did not just finish season 3, all 60 episodes of La Reina Del Sur in 5 days......
Not proud...but it was hella worth it.
That said...there will most DEFINITELY be a La Reina Del Sur 4. With an ending like that...there has to be. I think the song at the end "La Nave Del Olvido", is proof that the story is not over. Teresa and Sofia have to reunite (For like...the 5th time lol), and Oleg needs to know Teresa is alive. He needs her in his arms again (especially after he--accidently--killed her 😬😵). (I might’ve written a short fanfic for them)
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Her gunshot wound might terrify him though (He freaks out everytime she gets injured, it's kinda cute).
About that revival scene...it KILLLLED ME.
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Damn, it was the most intense revival scene I've ever seen on tv. I went through a ROLLERCOASTER of emotions in 7 minutes (before the title credits even started y'all lol). The "Oh Shit" look on Oleg's face when he reaches the ambulance and sees her flatlining...I felt that.
And MASSIVE KUDOS to Kate for really acting this scene so well. She looked hella dead y'all.
Kate Del Castillo has found the role she was born to play, and it's so beautiful 😭 I remember watching her on screen many years ago but NEVER thought I'd see her do a show like this.
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I hope (I know) she'll give us at least one more season. I LOVE her Teresa Mendoza. She's gritty, sexy, hot, compassionate, funny, dangerous, scary, crazy, loving, masculine, feminine, and even more. Kate portrays each so perfectly. There were times I forgot that her character was actually a drug lord. She's so complex...and it's awesome.
My two-cent predictions for Season 4:
-Teresa Mendoza rises to riches but also gets further sucked into her dangerous life. This causes tension between her and everyone around her, everyone she loves. More people will die.
-Oleg and Teresa's relationship will grow but also break because he wants her safe but she can't leave the life behind.
-Sofia will get hurt and Teresa will lose it.
Anyway, thanks for putting up with these long posts. I love this show, and really hope more people start to watch it.
La Reina will return...
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universestreasures · 2 years
@jeweledknight​ Sent: A Puss in Boots: The Last Wish Starter (No Longer Accepting!)
“Come on. You didn’t think I’d actually stay-“ [@ Rekka]
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“I...I was kinda hoping you would...” 
The unusually depressed words of the Duchess of Hearts slip out from her lips, the volume of them being so low the White Queen might have missed it. Rekka didn’t get to see her sisters often. Holidays like the Unbirthday they were celebrating for Kourin were the only time the time-loop of a daily routine the White Rabbit had subjected everyone to would temporarily be changed. This allowed not only more freedom for the residents of the lands ruled by the Queen Hearts for the holiday period, but also allowing those from lands not under their domain to enter the red gates of the palace. 
It was a shame time couldn’t loop on these days. These days being on repeat Rekka and surely the other residents would appreciate. Anything was better than the hell of monotony they had been subjected to because of the White Rabbit’s futile attempts to hold the sanity of the Queen together. Rekka wondered just how long before Misaki would finally crack and this sinking ship would finally become a sunken one. After all, he wasn’t exactly tackling the problem, despite what he might believe. Tackling it would actually involve helping the broken heart of the Queen through the stages of grief instead of just trying to keep things as close as they were to the ‘happy times’ before the incident.  
But that stubborn bunny wouldn’t listen to anyone. He was too blind, too stupid, too proud to hear the advice of anyone. Rekka’s tried. Ren’s tried. Hell, even Asaka’s tried. No one’s words would reach those ears of his. Only her majesty could get through to him, but she’s too concerned with...well her grief to really have the agency to do anything about it. She wasn’t seeing how allowing the White Rabbit to act outside of his role has caused sufferings to her people, the very people she wanted to free from the chains that bound them to their roles.
How ironic...
The entire situation made her envious of Suiko and Kourin. They got to be away from this madness, free to live out their lives with the roles they were given in their own way. It was a life Rekka should have had, and one she wanted to have, but alas...there was a shackle to her legs unlike the elder two. She was the Duchess of Hearts, not the Duchess of White after all. And there was nothing she could do to change that. Nothing at all...
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“Kou, when was the last time you, me, and Sui got to do anything fun together?” 
Honestly, it’s been so long that Rekka can’t recall. Then again, her entire vision of time was skewed. Everyday looked the same, until the White Rabbit announced a holiday that would shake things up like today’s. It was no wonder she felt so small compared to her sisters, who both have grown so much since she last saw them unlike her who looked and was the same, like an untouched doll that had been sitting on a shelf waiting to be played with.
She then sighs, her real emotions seeming to come out. They were ones she’s been forced to keep in. For what friends does she even have in this red prison? “Things around here...are getting worse by the day, and...I won’t be shocked if even these holiday breaks are taken away from us by that stupid bunny. I just...I just want to spend some time with my family. Is that so hard to believe?”
Yes Rekka may be arrogant. She may be selfish, proud, and haughty, all of which are characteristic of her role, but...she is still Rekka. She is still the little sister of Kourin and Suiko. She is still a person with thoughts, feelings, and wants. That’s what the White Rabbit seems to be forgetting; that the end the day they are people Though, she thinks is not too surprising for him to be unable to comprehend that. He wasn’t exactly supposed to be human, only granted that form by Misaki because she wanted him to be more than a furry lap warmer.
What a waste of her feelings if you asked the Duchess of Hearts. Wonderland would be off so much better if their Queen of Hearts never had met the White Rabbit, a meeting that had been brought about because of the very sister that Rekka so desperately was wanting to spend time with...
“One hour. One hour is all I’m asking of you, Kou.” She thinks the White Rabbit will find them and ruin it if they tried for anything longer than that. Thankfully he seemed to be preoccupied with the preparations for the Unbirthday party later that day. “Can’t you do that...for your little sister?”
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zukos-tiny-burnt-ear · 2 months
Inside out 2 thoughts
ok, so like i said i got to see inside out 2 yesterday and i really enjoyed it! ive been rotating it in my head all day and collecting my thoughts on it and i want to share them (long post ahead and naturally contains spoilers so if you care maybe consider avoiding)
so if you've seen any ads about this movie you probably know the general premise which is that the movie follows riley as a 13-year-old, and the new changes she is going through as a result of being an adolescent. additionally, four new emotions move into riley's mind - envy, embarrassment, ennui, and anxiety. it's a fun concept, and i think it's a very good expansion from the first movie! and after watching this one i actually kind of hope they make one last movie, perhaps set when riley is a senior in high school and getting ready for adulthood (and in the scene where joy/sadness/disgust/fear/anger are trapped in the vault they meet riley's "dark secret" who is kept very vague and not explored and says he isn't ready to come out yet so i could see them exploring it in the future. plus many popular kids films like to become a little trilogy, rule of threes and all)
anyway id like to first of all talk about the designs of the new characters. i don't have a whole whole lot to say about envy, but i do really like how little she is, it think it makes her come off as like a little dog, which adds to her being the embodiment of envy (you know how little dogs always want to act like they're bigger than they actually are). and i adore the way she likes to sit on the console, i think its very cute. i do wish she was green, as that is the color most closely associated with envy, but i can also acknowledge that they may not have originally planned for a sequel when designing the first five emotions. the first five are a nice almost-rainbow, and envy/jealousy is simply not as common an emotion for younger kids as it is for adolescents/teenagers, so it makes sense that disgust is green instead. envy also reminds me of a different character from somewhere else but i just cannot for the life of me think of who
embarrassment is one who i think was very cleverly designed actually. i love that he is very large, which means that it's nearly impossible for him to avoid attention which just makes his own feelings of embarrassment worse. i just think its a lovely irony of character design, and appreciate the thought that was put into it. i also enjoy the fact that he's pink, like the color of blushing (such as from embarrassment). also, despite the fact he doesn't really speak throughout the movie, his role in helping conceal sadness when she sneaks back into headquarters was very sweet and i think he's a lovely little guy
im not 100% sure how i feel about ennui's overall design. at first i wasn't so big on how human he looked, but as im thinking more on it (and double checking his appearance) i realize he's shaped more noodley than i had initially thought, and he moves like a slinky which i think is fun. also the way he just kinda hangs out in his socks is a nice detail (whereas the other characters have some semblance of shoes or just little feets). i also like that he was given a french accent, as the word comes from the french language, and i just think its a good touch. i did remember him having a beret, but apparently he does not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. im a big fan of the indigo color though, but thats also just cause i love a good dark blue
and lastly there's anxiety, who i have found i absolutely adore. she completes the rainbow with her orange color,* which is just perfect to encapsulate the feeling of anxiety (think like orange traffic cones and such that are meant to serve as caution signals). someone else on tumblr made a post talking about how they were glad that she was very creature-esque, as pretty much all the other "girl" emotions were much more human shaped, which i whole-heartedly agree with. she reminds me of a muppet, or perhaps a strange bird. most importantly though i love how she portrays the feeling of anxiety which im gonna get into in the next paragraph
so when i went to see the movie, i went into it expecting anxiety to be characterized as your typical nervous-wreck type character, as it is a disney filmed aimed at kids, and it seemed a simple enough portrayal. instead, she is characterized as intelligent and friendly, though she is most certainly a fawn and an over-thinker. she toes the line between logical and illogical in the same way that anxious thoughts do in real life. the way she rationalizes all the poor decisions she makes for riley almost seems to make sense, despite the fact that its clear riley's life and personality are crumbling and then being held together with duct tape. for example why on earth would riley leave her friends to hang out with the high schoolers? well her friends are going to be leaving her anyway so we better get a start on making new friends. it almost makes perfect sense except it doesnt. and as anxiety continues on at the helm of riley's mind her decisions get worse and more frantic, more worried about how riley will be perceived and what her future will be like, until she literally begins to spiral out of control
those are all my big thoughts on it, but there's honestly probably more i could say. however this post is long enough so im going to stop here for now lolol
the climax of the movie is when riley is playing in the scrimmage at her hockey camp, and anxiety is doing everything she can to get her onto the high school team. however after being too focused on scoring, anxiety accidentally causes riley to harm one of her old friends and gets her sent to the penalty box, where anxiety begins to panic because in her eyes, if she can't get riley to score she can't secure a good future for her. she begins to move rapidly around to console, giving riley an anxiety attack. in my personal opinion, it is such a perfect visualization of how it feels to spiral, where your mind is moving a million miles a minute but you're completely stuck, terrified about this one little thing that you've put so much unnecessary weight on. visually it was beautiful and it was an amazing analogy
*i also really like how all put together the characters complete the rainbow, with red (anger), orange (anxiety), yellow (joy), green (disgust), turquoise (envy), blue (sadness), indigo (ennui), purple (fear), and pink (embarrassment), which circles right back to red
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pulim-v · 4 months
Back again. I was gonna wait but I don’t have a lot of patience lmao. I would totally read anything you shared cause it actually sounds really interesting :D For now tho, more questions!
Is your magic system based on anything?
If you were in your story, what role do you think you’d play (sorry if this is a weird question, it’s just what I do when I write)? Like as an example, who would you be friends with, who would you be against?
What do you do whenever you have writers block?
And then this one is just cause I’m curious, how long have you been on tumblr?
Oh this is kinda surprising lol I wasn't expecting more questions! Thanks again for asking, and I think I'll post a small bit of writing after this :]
1. Honestly my magic system isn't fully mine lol, my friend @\mykz-artchive has a whole world with a bunch of stories and I made FGCC in it to explore some stuff about the magic - as to the way I portray it, though, I'd say there's a lot of stuff that I tend to get inspired by, ig some examples of that are The Owl House, Fullmetal Alchemist Undertale
Idk if you want that but I'm also going to explain some stuff about the magic that is important: Magic in this world is sorted into two types, those being Elemental Magic, where you control the four standard elements, lightning, light, darkness, and pretty much any sort of matter, and Manipulation Magic, where you influence the way matter acts, like changing its weight ir size, its general properties, or even doing stuff like healing. Most people tend to use the former, with the latter being quite uncommon. Additionally, naturally occurring "wild" Magic is quite volatile, so its use was illegal until a bit before the events of my story, with most people just using the less dangerous, artificially processed and toned down "tamed" Magic. Lastly, people in this world don't have the physical capabilities to handle many different types of magic so the most you'll ever see someone using is three, with most people using either one or two. There's a lot more that is important about the magic system but this is what I can say without making this answer dar too long LMAO
2. That's a really interesting question! I'm not really that sociable and I'm really introverted so I'm not really sure, from the main cast I think the person I have the highest chance of being close to is Octavia, so I'd probably be with her when Shit Goes Down and things get messy with her, Spark and Fern (she does kinda have her own friend group off in the background but I wouldn't be with them that often since I don't think we'd even have overlapping classes lol)
3. Ok so I don't write much and my skills for dealing with art block are terrible but I'll try to answer this lmao
Honestly I'm dealing with a bit of art block right now, I haven't been able to come up with a new outfit for Dew in days and it's getting really really annoying, so what I try to do sometimes is to either juggle WIPs I already have to see if anything gets done, I doodle stuff I'm already familiar with like just the characters' faces, or I try to mess with older drawings to see if I can make anything better (even if it's just coloring better lol). Right now, I'm going to pass a bunch of older notebook drawings over to my sketchbook so I can actually post them without the annoying-ass lines in the notebook, and I hope that'll help a bit with going back to Dew later :]
4. I think since late 2020, my oldest post is from September 4th so it's probably from around then, though I only really started using Tumblr I think in late 2022 when I started to post art here lol
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