#i keep thinking about this often BAHAHA
fauxvvounds · 3 months
ok naur bc i ordered my rivulet plush to be delivered to my mum's house and it's a little too complicated for them to call the boi "rivulet" so i tell them his name is "wet mouse"
and guess what happens next when it arrived
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vivmaek · 2 years
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Pisces Moons are honestly one of my favorite placements. I swear to god it is like they are operating from a different dimension and it is so funny. Oftentimes, their honesty is what gets them into trouble rather than the things they keep hidden. They remind me of little kids in school who won’t stop blurting out things during class, like they just can’t help themselves. They are naive when it comes to practicality, but they have a sense of wisdom that is projected with ease at exactly the right moments. 
Mercury in Capricorn individuals are not a fan of gossip. I think that they are good at spotting misinformation, and they do not like it when people exaggerate stories. I’ve noticed that they communicate through action. Rather than saying, they simply just do. 
A lot of people look towards Cancers to find a sense of direction. People with prominent Cancer placements fall into leadership positions because other people push them into it rather than seeking it out. People with Cancer placements radiate a sense of ease and people are very drawn to that. 
People with Venus in the 12th house seemingly have resources that come out of nowhere.. Whether that is due to stealing or luck depends, but these types need to be careful because jail time is commonly seen with people who have 12th house placements. Trying to con and cheat may lead to some substantial gains, but it is soon followed by the lofty price of karma. 
People with their Sun in the 10th house should shoot for a career in reality television, I have noticed a ridiculous amount of reality tv stars with this placement. 
Pluto in the 9th house gives off cult leader vibes. 
People who have Neptune in the 4th house are unable to see their childhood for what it actually was. They tend to rely on an idealized version of what happened. I have noticed that some sort of hidden substance addiction within the family is often involved. 
Having a Moon in the 3rd house might mean being a mother figure to your siblings, or one of you siblings was a mother figure. 
People with Mercury in Cancer are great poets, especially when writing about topics that are usually hidden away and not discussed. Their voices are comforting. 
Those who have Mars in Leo get loud when angry, they are not afraid to roar and I’ve even heard some of them growl bahaha. 
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idolsxheadcanons · 2 years
﹥Reading w/ Switch Headcanons!
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Characters. Natsume Sakasaki, Tsumugi Aoba, Sora Harukawa, Reader
Genre. Fluff — Warnings. None
Summary. Headcanons on how I think reading with Switch would go but it gets fluffier as you read. (very fluffy)
Words. 463
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⤷ Obligatory ‘I love Switch’ message. I am still writing this Switch fanfic I started over a year ago bahaha (we don’t talk about the other drafts rotting in my files). Indulging in your special interest is so funny because I feel so happy right now. I don’t have much to say aside that I really want to write more for them. Enjoy!
Sakasaki Natsume
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› It starts as a joke, with you remarking Natsume's voice being ideal for reading to children, and then you're seated on a chair with a blanket on your lap, Natsume reading out loud for you.
It's almost as if he's done this before, or maybe someone else used to read to him, you joke, and Natsume's face grows as red as his hair. Was it his mother or Wataru? Maybe each Oodball took turns? Each with their own character? He throws a squishy pillow at you for interrupting and misses.
Aoba Tsumugi
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› You sit on the couch in the secret room, shoulders brushing together in a way that makes Tsumugi overthink the whole time. His hand scratches the pages of the book as he flips to the next page. Scared to break the peaceful silence between the two of you, he glances at you every time to make sure you’re done reading, and when you nod, his shoulders relax. Finally he’s doing something right.
The words don’t register in his brain, and frankly, Tsumugi wasn’t really interested in the book you picked, but he appreciates the time you’ve spared to hang out, so he pretends to clean his glasses more often than not and hopes you won’t quiz him on the plot later. (He eventually confesses anyway, avoiding your gaze, and offers a faint smile if you forgive him.)
Harukawa Sora
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› You're sitting against a tree outside of school, overwhelmed by others and unable to speak, with a book in hand and Sora hovering above your shoulder. Tracing over the words you're at for Sora to keep up, he mumbles them gently so as not to disturb, a few gasps leaving him when the story's climax eventually arrives.
Strands of his hair brush over your cheek and you smile, readjusting your position against the tree so Sora doesn’t break his neck following along. At some point, Sora motions for you to lift the book, and he borrows your lap for his head to rest on. He falls asleep in record time, and you soon join him after far many yawns to count.
A warm hand pushing your forehead back and the snap of your neck jolts you awake. It hurts like hell. Natsume stares down at you two with a frown but kind eyes and Sora laughs, the blossoming pain in your back and neck fades as you exchange a ‘good morning’ hug with Sora and go back to Yumenosaki, the scent of a freshly opened book accompanying you to class.
﹥loading complete. thank you for reading!
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bryhaven · 2 years
RivaMika Month Q&A
1. When did you start shipping?
I'm not sure which year but I started shipping them since the female titan arc. Exactly at this moment:
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2. When did you officially become part of the rivamika fandom?
I joined the fandom on May this year on Twitter and the following month on Tumblr 🥰
3. Favorite moment of the two?
I love every moment they are together bahaha. Okay that's my RivaMika goggles on but. If I really had to pick a favorite moment.. including the GIF above. Aaah it's hard but these:
"I'm with you. But fall back for now."
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Being communicative and cooperative with each other 🥰
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Everytime Levi calms Mikasa down
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Fighting alongside each other (of course) 🥰
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"Stay with me."
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4. A curiosity about LM that you like?
I'm curious as to why Isayama emphasized their heritage and connections, but also made sure to stress that Levi and Mikasa aren't closely related.
And in the anime, I'm also curious why the part saying that the Ackerman clan were byproducts of titan science was left out. Maybe to lessen the emphasis on their heritage so it wouldn't sound too familial and incestuous?
Even though they weren't delved into that much, I like it because we shippers have the backing to support our theories and content for the ship.
5. If you were to create a phrase defining the couple, what would it be?
"The grumpy shorty and the gloomy brat" 😂
"There is another me, it is the existence which is you." - from Pretty Cure OST
6. A word that defines the two?
7. What gesture of love do you think RivaMika represents?
The RivaMika gesture or language of love is Touch. Both aren't the most communicative or expressive. And when they do, they are often misunderstood. But touch is something that doesn't need words for one to understand. They will grab, hold, caress, and touch to get their points across if words fail them. Take this GIF below as an example. It's not a lovey-dovey moment, but just to explain the context. Mikasa doesn't listen here, so Levi grabbed and physically stopped her. And he also grabbed her by the shoulder when they were still discussing going to Rod Reiss' estate. After that, Levi explained himself to her while calming her down. I like to think of it as their way of getting through to each other.
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8. Who would show more gestures of love and affection in the relationship?
They will both equally try to show affection and love. But in their own and different ways. I can see Mikasa being more direct and expressive, and maybe even saying the words "I love you" at times. I can also see her being the touchy-feely type. While Levi is more of showing it through actions like making her tea in the morning, pulling the blanket over her when it slips off, and things like that. He isn't technically romantic but at times, he will try to be in an effort to be more like the man he thinks a woman would want. It will usually end up awkward for him but she will find it endearing. She will reassure him that she doesn't need to be too extravagant or so about it, but she will love whatever he offers her 💖
9. Where do you think they would go on their first date?
Somewhere around nature. Like a lakeside, garden, or flower field. Picnic-type dates. 🥰
10. How do you think their first kiss would be?
It will be slow and gentle at the beginning, then gradually escalate into a more rough and needy kiss 😏
11. Who would make the first move?
Mikasa, in the sense that, I can see her being the bolder one. She is the type to openly do anything for the people she cares for. Levi may be blunt and direct, but he is also self-deprecative and wouldn't want his demons to affect others. He'd rather keep things to himself, so he would need someone like Mikasa who is able to stand up to him regardless of whatever façade he puts on.
12. And last but not least: a personal theory about rivamika!
For the story, I believe that Isayama somehow wanted to pursue RM, especially after the events of season 3. He established their development there beautifully and always made sure to stress that they are from the same clan, and not the same family.
For the ship, I believe that Levi and Mikasa had always felt a connection with each other, in canon, whether they are aware of it or not. And it has manifested in different ways within the story. They see their likeness in each other. Because how else would they be able to understand each other if they don't see it themselves? Below are just two examples.
In the Junior High manga, Levi was the only who noticed that Mikasa was hurt. This alludes to Levi tending to keep things to himself.
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In the Uprising Arc, Mikasa states that the best bet for survival is to follow Levi's orders. She doesn't question him here or anything (and we all know she is quick to disobey him), but she understands.
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Another thing I just want to add which involves the multiverse theories. I saw this somewhere and I like the theory so I'm sharing it here, and also adding some of my thoughts to it. Mikasa is the one who gets headaches. It was suggested by Eren in the story that it was an effect of the Ackermans fighting against their blood instinct of protecting their host. But then Levi isn't shown to be experiencing the same thing.
I believe that this is the way that Paths Eren is trying to communicate with Mikasa. But in the RivaMika context, I agree with the theory that this is connected to Mikasa being able to transfer timelines. The multiverse was created due to Mikasa's desire to save Eren from death. But in all the timelines, Levi is the one who saves Mikasa, the one who always observes her. And in the final battle, he is the one who brings Mikasa out of the cabin dream to get her back to reality - the manga or main timeline.
Mikasa is like the female lead of a story (a princess) who searches for love (or chases after a dream) in all the timelines when Levi (her prince) has always been there all along. Until she realizes in the AOE timeline that Levi is the one for her 😁😏💙
Not sure if I was able to articulate that, but basically RivaMika in every timeline ahaha 😍💖
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You’re Prime! Leo au is so cool! The premise is so angsty but so fun! So does Leo realize that those aren’t his thoughts and are the Krang’s or is he just rolling with it? Also will Raph and Donnie eventually catch on? Or April? Sorry for bombarding you with questions, its just a concept that’s so interesting to think about!
I think YOU'RE so cool!!! But thank you I appreciate your interest! So sorry however for the late response </3 another one of those "I wanted to answer with a drawing but...lost it I'm afraid" I like to imagine it's both! I think another wonderful asker (that I need to get to I'm so sorry!) suggested the process was slow and I like that idea! In my head I imagine he had some Ghost in the Shell -type dysphoria when he was first implanted with Kraangs memories but spent enough time fighting for his life in the prison dimension (and physically seeing who was who) to realize before he met his brothers who he was (or used to be) As it stands currently (in my liquid, paradoxical time frame) he knows he's Leo, hates that he has Prime's memories, but leans into them a little bit too often when he's scared or insecure. He'll often be found secretly meditating as a way to ground and remind himself of who he is and what memories are truly his own. By this point in my lil story he'd managed to trap a good portion of Prime's memories in a sherlock holmes-esque mind castle or what have you ( I imagine he'd make it a tropical resort considering this is Leo we're talking about) to compartmentalize it. But the more he taps into Kraang's battle strategies, confidence and apathetic nature the more difficult it'll become to keep those memories separate and buried.... NO REST FOR THE WICKED I SAY BAHAHA! For your other question (of which there is no such thing as too many I love you!!) the answer of which I do not have! I dunno when Raph or the rest will find out! I think Raph may be second, as my current lil one-shot may soon suggest fufufu but besides that I'm dead in the water I'm afraid! No thoughts in this lil noggin' just angst!
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tearyvictim · 1 year
Bahaha I did NOT go hard enough for Mona! Whoops lol. Can you tell me more about him or perhaps the person who gets a little too invested in him? How does his power work?
Nooo nooo don't worry about it!!! I love the casual look, he definitely would need to try and blend in literally anytime outside the house xD
BUT I will give more detail because I'll take any excuse to talk about this
Powers are innate and sorta like deja-vu in that you get a flash of a future scene à la That's So Raven, but with practice/training the fortune teller can "direct" it to see a particular thing. Some fortune tellers really are psychic like this, while some of them don't have powers and are just talented actors. This is also how fortune telling houses are allowed to operate--while use or display of psychic powers is illegal, it's often impossible for the average person to tell the difference between "reals" and "fakes". (Mona is "real").
Fortune teller houses (called maisons) are sort of like a bar/lounge with separate rooms where resident fortune tellers will "perform". This is where they'll take a client, who will then ask their specific questions and the reader will either use their powers or pretend to use powers. So this is where the performance aspect comes in--the flashier, gaudier, and often cheesier you can make it, the easier it is for clients to believe it's real while also not getting in trouble with the law. Fortune tellers will often use tarot decks or crystal balls or whatever to make it more visual for their clients.
Each fortune teller has their own reading style. Mona tends towards femme/drag during readings because it gets more money from mostly male clients (I imagine he's AMAB and/or intersex). He uses tarot cards because it often gives him a clue on how to present the fortune. Like, if he sees someone losing their election, he might just straight-up say "you're going to lose" if he pulled the Strength card, which might suggest the client could handle the bad news. If he pulled like... the Nine of Swords or something, he'd probably frame it more like "the election will be rife with challenges". Same actual vision, just different presentation. And this is especially important to Mona because he is very wary about all his clients, since he used to be a street reader. Street readers (those not associated with a maison) often face harassment or intimidation since there's not much in the way of protection (legal, community, cops, etc.) for them.
The client/future whumper who ends up stalking and later kidnapping Mona is a regular client who is pretty sure that Mona is indeed a real psychic. He comes in a lot to ask for readings on horse race gambling, and he's won thousands because of Mona's predictions. He also regularly tests Mona with "fake" questions (like "how will my divorce pan out" when he's not married), and Mona's able to recognize them all.
At some point, client starts to get jealous about Mona seeing other clients, he thinks his enemies and Mona are conspiring against him, and starts harassing Mona/other girls at the maison. He gets banned by the matron, and so to make sure he can still use Mona, he kidnaps Mona to keep his powers. Intimate whumper stuff, beating him for "lying" if he doesn't like the predictions, constantly forcing Mona to see his own future as his prisoner to keep instilling that he owns Mona now, that his future is no more than as the client's psychic and plaything...
OKAY that was long sorry ^^; but yeah I'm really happy with this setting
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starleska · 1 year
Ohh, I'm so glad!! There is a severe lack of Garagmel enjoyers I've noticed, it's always nice to have another! :)
Oh boy, I've never really thought of it that way, but noticing the pattern with my recent couple of fictional crushes- It certainly seems to be going that way😭 Like, it just seems to make me fall for them even harder. And what a quirky fellow! I just read Augustus St. Cloud's wiki- I loved how they described him as a 'peculiar little scientist,' he certainly seems like a wonderful little villain to enjoy! AHH you've got it exactly!!!!😳 There's just something about it... I can't even describe why it does the things it does to me LOL
HAHAHA oh my god, right?!? Ever since realizing I do indeed find this Smurf hating guy attractive, those scenes got me exactly how you described your watch of em (and I knew they were coming!!) So you're not in it alone 🤣 God, not to embarrass myself but the things that man could call me-
<33 So is yours honestly! Your F/O Tracker was a delight to look through, I'd never heard of most of those characters before now. Oh, absolutely, I'd love to genuinely know what's going on in here haha
You're welcome!!!! I'll be sure to keep you updated when any interesting new characters that make themselves known to me ;)
you and i must go on a journey to convert everyone into Gargamel enjoyers 😖💖 i just watched him in The Lost Village too, and think he was so cute!! totally not biased as a Dwight Schrute fan 😂 but i think Hank Azaria's take on the character is so menacing and funny, he's my favourite 🥰 shakes your hand - we have an affliction 😭😭 bahaha, i'm so glad you had fun with him!! that's so strange, though - Augustus isn't a scientist at all! he's an ultra-wealthy collector of pop culture artefacts...perhaps it was written by someone not too familiar with the character;;; ahhhh thank you for your support sweetheart, i'm so embarrassed 😳😳 watching The Smurfs 2 and the amount of times he says things to the effect of, 'Daddy's little girl' had me blushing horribly!!! what a lovely, gravelly drawl he slips into underneath his high, clipped syllables...it's a tragedy, i haven't been able to find a single Gargamel x Reader fic!! perhaps i should write some headcanons? 👀 aww thank you darling, seriously!! it's an eclectic collection but they all make me so happy :3c hahaha, i actually shared my f/o tastes with a therapist back last year, and she clocked me instantly. embarrassing characters who often have no regard for social rules or boundaries - especially paired in with the taboo factor of being villainous, or who are intelligent and dismissive - feels comfortable to those of us who've been through some rough stuff. being at the mercy of someone so intense means we can't resist their advances...and them being so strange and unconventionally attractive makes them special to us 😉 an interesting interpretation for sure!! YES please do!! i eagerly look forward to speaking with you more 🥰 have a great rest of your day!!
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1d1195 · 6 months
Wait Sam it’s actually so cool how passionate you are about math though!! I’m always so amazed with people who just “get it” with stuff like math! I am not one of those so I kinda like always in awe of them lol
Trust me a part of me died inside when I found out my entire grade will be based on working with a group lol I have that problem too honestly when it comes to group work! SO I GET IT!!
Oh best believe I ATE UP EVERYTHING he said BAHAHA like I didn’t even zone out one bit! Which I do pretty often! Like I am just a girl i can’t help it 😩
Ya know what I don’t blame you for for an accent being one of the reasons to keep on reading lol read the description and it looks interesting!! Can’t wait to see if it does inspire some writting of yours…!!! And I do believe you’ll become the best version of yourself this year!! MANIFEST BESTIE!!!!! I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!!I’ve started to journal again like physically instead of just dumping it all in my poor notes app lol
Oh don’t be sorry for using emojis! Literally it’s fine! -💜
Omg I buy a new journal every year (usually with moons on it) by Valentine’s Day it is useless. 🙃🙃 I want to journal so bad but I think I gotta stick with my dopamine induced checklists and hopefully a successful habit tracker lol
I LOVE talking to you. Period. 💕💕
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elflock-magician · 1 year
"Galar Intervention" (Reupload)
Summary - Galacta Knight wants to learn more about inter-dimensional travel. Magolor has an inter-dimensional world traveling space ship...which he uses for high-definition games of Fortnite. Galacta Knight seeks to make a deal with Magolor.
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Galacta Knight never did understand social norms very much. They simply did as they pleased, regardless of other peoples thoughts on things, though they did occasionally acknowledge them. And even after being brought back into the world, that did not change. So they did not quite understand why so many people were concerned with The Greatest Warrior in The Galaxy, Galacta Knight, going to see Magolor, some theme-park owner.
“I do not understand. Why is it so bothersome to you all that I am going to speak with Magolor?” Galacta Knight asked as they stalked forward up the hill. A news-reporter, a Cappy, they believed they were called, tried to keep up with Galacta Knight. “W-Well, Warrior Galacta Knight, you hardly come to Planet Popstar, so the fact you came all this way to see…uhm…him…is very strange!” The Reporter explained. 
“Why speak like that, will a myriad of ghosts appear if you say Magolor’s name?” Galacta questioned as the reporter scribbled something down on his notepad. Galacta began to think they should come to Popstar more often…they did enjoy the attention. “Of course not! B-But, Magolor isn’t the most favorable person!” The Reporter called out, once again struggling to write, all while keeping up with Galacta Knight. “Neither am I and that doesn’t stop you from spreading the daily gossip about me.” Galacta Knight replied swiftly. Galacta was always very witty, having a way with words. “But Magolor is dangerous!” The reporter called. “Bahaha! I’m the Greatest Warrior in the Galaxy! What could he possibly do to me?” Galacta laughed. “Doesn’t he run a children’s theme park?” Galacta replied slyly. “He’s a liar! Have you not heard about The Master Crown Incident?!” The Reporter shouted. “Do not shout at me, reporter!�� Galacta Knight replied. “I’m no dummy. Of course I heard of what happened.” They added, though they quickly calmed down. “I simply do not care. From what I heard, he is a changed man. I have no grudge with him.” He explained off-handedly. “Why don’t you bring that back to your pretty little news-station, mh? Magolor, the big scary taxi-driver, has changed. He’s not out to get you.” Galacta hissed before walking off, leaving the Reporter stunned.
Galacta was approaching Magolor for help with an assignment. Simple, really. Galacta was looking to create a specific machine that will allow third-dimensional travel. Something about finding Goddess Void or whatever…
Finally, after not much more walking, Galacta stood outside the Lor Starcutter. Galacta liked to read up on their sources before doing things. They were far less head-strong like their associate, Meta Knight. People often compared the two of them. But from what Galacta had learned, Magolor was involved in some dispute with Landia, The Master Crown, as well as Kirby, King Dedede, Meta Knight, and Bandana Waddle Dee. It happened in Halcandra if they remembered correctly. Who are you kidding, of course they remembered correctly. But regardless, it left Magolor to stay in Dreamland for reasons not disclosed to the general public. So he was living on the Lor Starcutter, though it never got off the ground anymore.
But finally, Galacta Knight knocked on the door.
Knock, knock, knock.
Magolor jolted awake from sleep. “...What the…” He muttered sleepily. Oh. He had fallen asleep in his gamer-chair again. His monitor was still on, showing a Fortnite Lobby, and on the other monitor was a discord server. Had someone knocked? Wouldn’t be the first time Magolor’s mind had tricked him into thinking someone was visiting. 
Magolor shook it off. “Ghg…” He muttered as he leaned forward, sunlight peeking through the blinds of his window, flashing him in the eye. “For Halcandra’s sake…” He muttered sourly. His desk was a mess, and the lights were still off. 
Magolor got up and turned on the lights, though he didn’t really care to clean the Starcutter up that much. There were bags of chips and empty cups on his desk, as well as random notes he scribbled down. 
Galacta Knight never liked waiting. The three knocks that followed the last were louder, faster, more urgent. 
“GAh!” Magolor called out. Galacta Knight only vaguely heard the voice from behind the walls of the Lor Starcutter. There was a sound of clatter and thuds, as Magolor made it over to the door, before abruptly opening it. “WHAT?!” He shouted as he slammed the door open. And there, he was greeted by the famed Galacta Knight looming over him. “Oh.” Magolor muttered. “Greetings. You are Magolor, correct?” Galacta Knight asked. It was hard for Magolor to not be intimidated, considering how much taller Galacta was than him. They were practically towering over him.
“Uh…yes. You’re not here to kick my ass, are you?” He asked in a hushed voice, clearly a little worried. “Not unless I have too. May I come inside?” Galacta asked. “I assume you know who I am.” He added. Magolor vaguely nodded. “But why the hell are you- Galacta Knight, the Greatest Warrior in The Galaxy, standing at my front door? That’s really suspicious if I’ve ever heard anything. I wasn’t born yesterday.” Magolor said as he stood in the doorway, not letting Galacta in. “I only wish to make a fair request. Nothing more. I know how the others feel about you, but I have no reason to distrust you.” Galacta explained. Magolor’s expression softened.  “As long as you don’t give me one, that is.” They added in a dark voice. “Mhm…right…” Magolor muttered. “Fine. But there better be something in it for me.” He spat sourly, adding that last part to simply make it seem like he didn't like Galacta, when actually Magolor was quite excited to have company. But Magolor would never admit that, not to himself and not to anyone.
Galacta entered the Starcutter. Magolor expected the majestic knight to turn around and leave at the sight of his Gamer Pad, but Galacta seemed to not be phased by it. Magolor shook it off.
“Well, Galacta Knight, what the hell do you want this early in the morning?!” Magolor questioned sourly. “It’s noon.” Galacta replied. “Ah.” He said in realization that he had slept till noon…again. 
“You know, it must be hard to focus when your abode–” “Gamer pad.” “Don’t interrupt me. But yes whatever, is such a…discordant mess, for lack of a better word. Mhm?” Galacta replied. It was the first time in a long time someone besides Meta had the guts to interrupt them. Magolor didn’t seem to like being pushed around.
“I think just fine with my house the way it is.” Magolor replied sourly before leaning against his desk. “You know, I wouldn’t mind helping you clean.” Galacta said offhandedly. “But if this is how you wish to live, so be it.” They added. “Help me clean?” Magolor repeated. “Are you trying to butter me up or something? What do you want?” He questioned. “Just a friendly favor. Nothing drastic that I’d have to manipulate you into, so don’t get your cloak in a twist, wizard boy.” Galacta replied sassily. 
“Well still- what could someone like you want from someone like me?” Magolor asked. “I have heard that you are quite the inter-dimensional traveler, Magolor.” Galacta answered as they observed the monitors and the tech of the Starcutter.
“Of course.” Magolor replied and crossed his arms.
“I just want to look at some of the Lor Starcutter’s technology.” Galacta stated and slightly leaned over the desk, observing the computer.
“Fine. Look all you want but don’t touch her.” Magolor spat. “…Her?” Galacta repeated, a little confused. “The Starcutter.” Magolor clarified. “Ah. Right. Understood.” Galacta replied and went back to observing the computer. “My! Such a powerful computer! What do you use it for?” Galacta asked, though not looking through the computer. Galacta was a lot of things, but they respected Magolor’s privacy. 
“Fortnite. Minecraft. Call of Duty…” Magolor answered, slightly listing them off onto his fingers. Galacta Knight nodded with each word.
“Ah. Video games. Are they enhanced by The Lor itself?” Galacta asked. “I guess? It gives me mad hacks but I,” Magolor smiled slyly, a little full of himself, “Am quite the pro fortnite player.” He said. Galacta smiled. “Right.” They said, “Perhaps you could show me?” Galacta asked. “What.” Magolor stated in complete shock. “Show me.” Galacta repeated. “No no, I heard you.” He replied. “Is that such a shock?” Galacta responded, slightly approaching Magolor.
“Geez, it’s just been a while since…” Magolor’s voice trailed off. Since someone took an interest in what he cared about. Whatever. Galacta was after their own thing. Magolor was misreading the situation, wasn't he? “Whatever. I guess if you want to see what The Lor does that’d be one of the easiest ways.” Magolor said. “But I need my morning gamer juice. I’ll get you something. You want coffee or uh…whatever you fancy knights drink?” He asked. “No no no. Coffee gives you eye-bags, last I heard. I prefer hot chocolate if you don’t mind.” Galacta said and sat down in a bean-bag chair by Magolor’s larger gamer chair.
“Right.” Magolor replied and turned away, going to the small kitchen area of The Lor. He quickly brewed the stuff Galacta asked for, as well as got his usual soda. Magolor couldn’t help but feel this was too good to be true. A powerful, and seemingly kind Knight just shows up at his doorstep and basically starts up a friendship? Ugh- what was Magolor thinking? Obviously it wasn’t friendship…they were just doing it for mutual gain…right? Why was Magolor doing this? He wasn’t gaining anything from this. But it’s not like Magolor was lonely and wanted company! No! Magolor would never….okay, fine, Magolor was extremely lonely. But he would never say it.
“I want to take you up on that offer.” Magolor announced as the hot chocolate finished brewing. “Mhm? Which one, darling?” Galacta Knight replied.
“Cleaning the Lor for me. I’ll let you watch me play a few rounds of Fortnite, let you snoop around The Lor’s mechanics for a bit, but you have to clean.” Magolor said. He didn’t really care if his place was clean, but he refused to believe he’d do something just…to be nice. There always had to be something in it for him, right? “My! That’s a great trade. All I have to do is clean up a bit of your gamer gunk, and I can view The Lor’s mechanicals? Lovely, splendid even.” Galacta replied and did a hair flip. Magolor blushed. “Alright, well get to it!” Magolor called out. Galacta’s expression suddenly soured. “Nah ah ah…” Galacta said suddenly. “We have a deal, Magolor,” Galacta’s voice was happy and they were smiling as they approached Magolor, until their smile suddenly dropped, “But I don’t like being pushed around. You aren’t in any place to demand anything. I owe you nothing.” Galacta clarified. Magolor didn’t want to back down either, but he slightly cowered. “We’re doing each other a favor. You’re right. I won’t yell at you.” “And you won’t treat me like I’m beneath you because you ever-so-graciously,” They were being sarcastic at that part, “Decided to do me a favor.” Galacta said.
Magolor nodded.
Sooner than later, the two of them did their thing. Magolor actually started helping Galacta with cleaning, just a bit. Galacta was doing laundry while Magolor picked stuff up off the ground. About half an hour passed before the two spoke again. “I’m sorry.” Magolor stated suddenly. “Mhm?” Galacta Knight looked up. “I am sorry…” Magolor repeated. “For uh…yelling at you. I didn’t know you were uncomfortable with that.” He said. Galacta Knight made a sound that Magolor couldn’t recognize. Until it got louder… Galacta Knight was laughing. Magolor hadn’t heard anyone laugh in a long time. “Hey– what’s so funny??” Magolor questioned. “Sorry, but judging by your greasy gamer boy persona I assumed you’d never admit your mistake.” Galacta said. But slowly, their laughter calmed. “I like that. Knowing what you did wrong and learning from it. Perhaps we should both try that more often, no?” Galacta said and lightly booped Magolor on the nose. Magolor paused, before giggling a little. He poorly stifled the giggle. “Sure.” He replied. The two of them finished cleaning up. They talked quite a bit while doing so. Galacta Knight told Magolor about flowers, and Magolor brought up the kinds of flowers in Minecraft, Galacta Knight talked about the kind of dyes they would make in Minecraft. Then they talked about swordfights and tournaments. They seemed to get along well.
Sooner than later, when the Lor was cleaned up, Magolor and Galacta were sitting in front of the large monitor. “And which game is this?” Galacta observed. “This is the Minecraft I was telling you about.” Magolor answered. Galacta nodded. “I really like this game. You can go anywhere you want too. There’s nothing really stopping you, ya’know?” Magolor explained. “I see…what’s your favorite place to go in this game?” Galacta asked. “Welll I usually like setting up a house by the beach and then traveling to villages before coming back.” He explained. “That sounds quite interesting. You know, I used to do that back before I was sealed away for centuries. It was nice, meeting new people so often, seeing the refreshing new landscapes. Do you quite understand?” Galacta said. Magolor looked over with a soft gaze, a small smile cracking at his lips. “I guess.” He answered. The two of them talked more about landscapes. It was strange. They didn’t have much in common, but they discussed random things like no problem. Magolor found Galacta Knight very witty, as well as…sort of a grounded mountain in Magolor’s constant mood swings. As for Galacta, they thought Magolor was funny, a little thoughtless, but also a person of actions. Like…Magolor didn’t want to waste time thinking. Or something like that. Regardless, the game of Minecrap- sorry, Minecraft, came to an end. 
“So, Gala, what else were you looking to do about the Starcutter?” Magolor asked and slid back in his gamer chair. Galacta Knight stood up, stretching a little.
“Simple, really. May I just spare a glance at her Central Processing Unit?” Galacta stated, looking back over at Magolor. He nodded. “I guess. It’s not a problem.” He answered, standing up. He got out of his chair and went over to behind the desk. He clicked a few buttons and part of the wall moved, revealing a closet of circuit board things and inner computer stuff. (Can you tell I don’t know how computers work?) 
“Mhm…” Galacta Knight observed. “Uhhhh…” Magolor was a little confused how Galacta Knight was getting any information from just looking at the circuit boards. “Sorry- what are you getting out of just staring at it?” Magolor asked. There was a short silence.
“Magolor…this ship has the ability to travel galaxies, tear through the fabrics of this dimension. Any dimension. Reach any elysium of worlds you so choose. This ship is that of a multi-dimensional warship.” Galacta Knight stated. “A world traveler, if you will.” They said more clearly. There was a silence. “I know…” Magolor answered, slightly turning away from Galacta. “You— you knew?” Galacta repeated in slight awe of what was being said. 
Magolor nodded.
“Why do you stay on Planet Popstar when you can go anywhere in this very plane of existence?” Galacta Knight questioned. “Do you not see what you’re capable of doing??” They continued. “Planetary Arrest.” Magolor answered suddenly. “...What?” Magolors face was hidden in his hood. “Planetary arrest.” He repeated, looking up now. Galacta Knight barely met Magolor’s eyes. “After The Master Crown Incident, I was deemed too dangerous to be allowed to roam free. I was put under Planetary Arrest. I’m stuck on Planet Popstar until I can get the arrest lifted. And with Dedede as King…that’s as good as never.” Magolor explained, his back now turned to Magolor, as he sniffed, just a little. He wiped a small, salty tear from his eye. “I’m stuck here until I die.” He stated finally. Magolor felt like he was already dead.
Galacta Knight stood still in shock. “I see…” They mumbled. They put a finger to their chin. Was that really all they had to say? “What a cruel fate to bestow upon someone.” They said and approached Magolor. Magolor stayed facing the other direction, but from behind, Galacta Knight wrapped their arms around him. “I am so very sorry. It must be terrible, bound to one place, isn’t it?” Galacta Knight said. Magolor sniffled before turning to face Galacta Knight. Magolor hugged them, then and there. Magolor had not had a shoulder to cry on in a long time. He hadn’t felt the touch of anyone at all in a long time. 
“It is.” He sobbed. “It is.” He repeated. Galacta Knight gently rubbed his back. 
Night soon fell over Dreamland, and Galacta Knight decided they should take their leave. Magolor seemed to have enjoyed their company.“Well, Magolor, I may have gotten what I sought out of our meeting, but do not think you will be rid of me so easily.” Galacta Knight stated as they stood in front of the door. Magolor didn’t want Galacta Knight to only come and see him out of pity. “I don’t want your pity…I may be stuck here, but I’m not some problem to fix or some damsel in distress.” He spat. “Of course not. You’re a person, who I consider my friend.” Galacta answered, turning back and looking at Magolor. “I’ll see you sometime soon, Magolor.” They said before turning away and walking off into the distance, leaving Magolor with a sense of hope for a better future.
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1111jenx · 3 years
I think Cancer Rising, Leo Rising, Virgo Rising, Aries Rising,Taurus/Libra Moon, any 7th house placements/stellium usually know the most tea tbh LOL they always have some to spill🕺🏼
— Cancer Rising with their Gemini 12th house usually knows a lil bit too much secrets and people are drawn to oversharing to them lots of the time
— Leo Rising with their 11th house in Gemini naturally knows gossips that are hot in the community. They know people and can b very prone to hearing tid bits of gossip everyday without intentionally wanting to
— Virgo Rising has their MC in Gemini, making them super prone to being gossiped about but I can confidently say that they know a little bit about everyone. Very affluent people actually!
— Aries Rising is interesting because their 3rd house in Gemini making them USED to gossips, it happens so often they don't even fazed anymore! They can sometimes not noticing it when they themselves are caught in the middle of tea being spilled, they can just see it as any other day activities(?!) haha
— Taurus/Libra Moon is a unique observation but I noticed lots of the time they get a lot of attention naturally but people feel like its very easy to overshare to them.
— As for any 7th house placement/stellium, keep in mind, 7th house is the house of partnership but it is also the house of hidden enemies;) They know just enough to ruin y'all bahaha
love you all, this will be explained more thoroughly in my next astro notes!!🥳🥳🥳
saint jenx🪐
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koishua · 3 years
→ enhypen hyung line as specific moments in times.
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notes from vie: here you go, pulling out one of my oldest drafts for y'all and posting it bahaha hope you enjoy <3
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→ heeseung: when the sun is rising.
"what are you doing awake and out here at this time of the day?" you hear him approaching, only a flock of birds flying in a pointed formation and the both of you seem to be the ones spending the first hour of the daylight outside.
your legs dangle down the rails meant for keeping small children from tumbling down the low, wooden bridge above the shallow river. heeseung settles down on the spot right next to yours, yawning his drowsiness away.
"why are you awake?" you ask, letting a bit of silence pass by, taking his hand in yours and slipping your fingers through his slender ones that curl around your knuckles.
he brings the back of your hand to his lips, placing a tender kiss on your cool skin, "i wanted to watch the sun rise with you."
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→ jay: when the streets fall quiet.
"let me take you home, then." jay rushes to grab his jacket to follow after you out of the door and into the lonesome night. you wouldn't see a city as bustling as seoul this quiet that often, so it is a welcome change to be strolling through the streets at midnight with an old friend. were you actually just friends?
the tentative brush of his hands on your skin to pick a piece of confetti out of your hair tells you a different story— each and every silent exchange somehow conveying more than any words could.
friends was just a mere label for you, you think as jay shyly glances away to look at the brightly shining moon when you notice the brush of your hands.
you try to keep your smile hidden. right, friends.
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→ jake: children screaming in the playground.
"she's adorable." you coo while watching jake's younger sister run around the big slides with her friends, playing a game of tag.
it weakens his heart, the way you look at one of his favourite people in the world as if she was yours as well. something about the way you instantly spring from your seat on the bench when she falls down while skipping away from the current tag makes him want to hug you tight and never let go.
the cacophony in the park is pleasant, however loud it may be. he sighs, leaning back when she picks herself up and laughs, merrily continuing their game.
"yes, she is." he wants to add more, like how you were just as precious to him as she was and how much he'd like to take you out on a date and let you call him yours.
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→ sunghoon: when the first snow falls.
"it's not even that cold." you huff as he securely tugs your beanie down to cover your ears.
"yeah, right. i won't be having you sick because of me." with a ready tap on your puffy jacket, he turns back to grab you your shoes for the occasion. it takes great effort for you to bend down in that large jacket to tie your shoelaces, so he takes the initiative to do that himself as well, sniggering at your incapabilities.
"not a single flake of snow and i'm toastier than the michelin man. thank you, sunghoon." the sarcasm dripping from your words, laced in heavy jest.
he looks away with a crooked grin, opening the door for you once again, "you first." you take a single step forward when you feel a tickle on the tip of your nose and your eyes flutter from the tingle. "sunghoon..."
you find him bright-eyed, amused at the turn of events. he points at your beanie, "what were you saying about the snowflakes again?"
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kkusuka · 3 years
You know the “What’s good, shawty? Yo man still around?” Tiktok. Rather than it be a prank, can I have headcannons of Bakugo, Shinsou, Hawks, and Dabi react to some scrub hitting on their girl (who told him multiple times that she’s taken)?
BAHAHA i love this<3
Bakugou Katsuki<3
Five seconds he leaves you alone
Five fucking seconds and some douchebag is taking over you like a fucking animal
“Sir, I already told you. I’m taken.”
“And I told you, I’m a better catch than any loser you’re with.”
Aaaaaand, any resolve Bakugou had was promptly lost and instead, a raging fireball was released in the bitches direction
“What the hell!?”
Motherfucker had no idea what was coming, he was about to unleash hell upon this man’s soul
“You wanna fucking die, Loser!”
Just as he was about to knock one into the guy, he felt your hand on his shoulder
“Katsuki, it’s alright. Anyways, as I said I am taken and you are most defiantly not even close to a better catch than him, Good day.”
Shinsou Hitoshi<3
Sometimes his resting bitch face is his favorite part of his appearance.
Now what made this guy come up to you, and talk to you no less, with Shinsou right next to you- he’ll never know
He tries not to toy with people all that often, but watching this guy make a fool of himself was too funny to stop
So instead he sat back for a minute, you immediately notice that he was leaving you to let the guy down- before Shinsou does something he’ll later come to regret.
“Look, as you can see I sitting with my boyfriend-”
“This pest? Forget him, baby-”
ok, he was totally over this
“A pest? Me?”
“Yeah, that’s what I sai-” and the blank look he loved so much crossed his face, which was much better than whatever other faces he was making.
“Walk away.”
Villain quirk or not, he would use it over and over again to get random guys away from you.
Hawks/ Keigo Tamaki<3
Man’s  is in a full-on banter with this guy
Stubborn ass wouldn’t leave you alone, ordering food had never been so hard
And Keigo understood, you were the most beautiful thing to ever grace the planet, but only he got to flirt with you about that
He would let it go, but the guy actively ignored you, and eventually him, o he really had to step in, for his sanity of course
“Dude, get the hell out. She’s taken!”
“Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it, Birdbrain?”
Before he could respond you grabbed your order and his arm turning to leave the establishment
“As I said, I am taken. Jerk”
Dabi/ Touya Todoroki <3
The joke is really on you for thinking that anyone would even come up to you while in public
Dabi doesn’t let you out of his sight 99% of the time
And he wanted to keep everyone away but, the one time he was being a good boyfriend- throwing away the empty Dango carton- some dick starts flirting with you.
Now, if he really wanted to he would have burned the entire festival to the ground, only after burning the scum to the ground, but he knew it would make you angry, so he just listened
“C’mon baby~ you’re boyfriend cant be all that if he left you all alone.~ ill show you a  real good time! Better than any little twink boy you waiting for.”
“Twink boy? I’ll have you know sir-!”
He was happy you were standing up for him, but the happiness lasted about a second before he realized that the guy had grabbed your arm
“Hey man, I’d get my ass out of here before I beat your ass.”
“Oh really or wh-” he didn’t even finish the sentence before Dabi’s fist met his face
And from the way you just stood beside him, not telling him to stop, he knew he was in the right.
“You split your staples open.”
“It’s no worries, the other guy got off much worse, Honey.”
tags: @diamond-3 @rinsangel @heyheyitsne @angelalje @monisi @crystal-lilac
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kat-got-lost · 3 years
for context this is c!feral boys but it's not conflict au so it's just,,,IRL minecraft I guess?? and reader is maybe 5'2-5'4(also thinking abt doing a tall version of this because head very full)
(this is also formatted kind of weird, it's first hcs of each character seperate and then all together, it's also unedited so deal with the potential spelling errors- :)
feral boys with a small/shorter partner‼️‼️
more specifically, feral boys cuddling with their small/short partner
tall man, very tall man
he adores how short you are in comparison to him
probably teases you a lot, like holding things above your head or purposely placing things on shelves you can't reach so you ask him for help
eventually you find out this is just an ego boost for him so you now go to sapnap when you need help reaching something BAHAHA
BUT, when he's not being a little shit about your height he's very soft
he likes spooning and really enjoys being the big spoon since he feels like he's protecting you but, he also likes to just lay on your tummy and put his hands in his hair
he says "that way if the someone tries to hurt you they wake me up first"
very sweet but sometimes he shifts when he sleeps which leads to him accidentally crushing your lungs
i don't actually know his canon height but I think it's like 5'8-5'10(?)
since he's not as tall as dream therefore the height difference isn't as much he doesn't tease you too much but that doesn't mean he doesn't annoy you sometimes
he likes to do that stupid thing where he lifts his head up and gets on his tippy toes when you try to kiss him sometimes
he's very sweet when you're cuddling though
because he's a blaze hybrid he has the rods surrounding him
now I'm not sure how this would actually work but for the sake of plot he can conceal them and arrange them differently when needed
SO when you guys cuddle he lays you on his chest and has his rods surrond you guys in like a semicircle
does that make sense?? basically it's surrounding you guys so it acts as like a shield of heat??? i unfortunately don't have visuals but pretend it makes sense <3
not only does it act as a protective measure it's just far enough that it emits a nice heat that keeps you and sap warm
he probably tells you home much he loves you and kisses your forehead nd stuff when you're asleep
sweet boy
(quick hc that mushrooms and flowers pop up whenever he's happy or excited)
your guys height difference isn't much but it's still enough to make you look a bit smaller in comparison to him
doesn't tease often since he knows you can tease him right back, but that doesn't stop him from asking dream to put things just out of reach for you so he can grab them
you somehow don't catch on and dream is salty that he got caught with putting things out of your reach so early on and george still does it
whenever you guys cuddle he sprouts mushrooms nd flowers
more specifically dandelions, so when you guys cuddle you can pick the flowers and make flower crowns
teaching george to make flower crowns :((
he likes laying on your chest so you can play with his hair but he equally enjoys you laying on his chest so he can play with your hair
you guys have like,,,a 1-4 inch height difference (again I don't know his canon height)
he's still teases the hell out of you and you tease him back, but you have to give him kisses after since it bruises his ego
another boy and who likes cuddling with you on his chest
wraps his wings around you to keep you warm and protected :((
whenever he's having a bad day or he's having a nightmare he likes to just curl up into your chest while you gently run your fingers against the feathers of his wings
probably likes to lend you his jackets because they're just big enough for you to have the little sweater paws but not big enough to get in your way when you're doing anything
whispers sweet things in spanish when you're asleep
also enjoys giving you kisses when you're sleepy/asleep
random hc, let's pretend you're part of SBI, you were probably the first person out of the feral boys he asked to preen his wings, so one night you and the other boys sat around quackity as they watched and you taught them how to preen wings :]
doesn't tease you at all and instead coos about how adorable and tiny you are
likes to pat your head
his favorite thing to do with you is cuddle while watching movies or shows you two enjoy
will take you on a picnic date and cuddle with you on the grass :(( [or on the picnic mat if you're like me nd don't like the itchy feeling of grass]
he prefers being little spoon but he doesn't really care, as long as you guys are holding eachother
he's like,, stupidly warm????
he's so warm that a majority of the time when you guys cuddle the covers end up tossed on the floor
another very sweet boy who is very nice to cuddle
c!feral boys
literally chaos
it normally starts off with "mmmm let's all cuddle, it would be very nice"
the quickly leads to *incomprehensible yelling*
arguing over who gets to cuddle with who
it normally ends with you getting annoyed, pouting and tell them all to shut up
nothing really ever gets decided, there's no system and normally days like that just end in a cuddle pile of five happy boys and their slightly suffocating partner
but, in long days where you all just wanna crash into eachothers arms and sleep, it's very soft and sweet
you normally crash on the chest of whoevers already in bed which is normally dream
then quackity and karl come in and lay on either side of you while sapnap crashes on your chest/tummy
you all quietly chat and play with eachothers fingers and hair until you all eventuate fall asleep
you guys probably have like, seperate rooms (that rarely ever get used) and one room with a giant bed that you all normally sleep in together
over all, feral boys? 10/10 cuddle partners
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13eyond13 · 3 years
I don't know if this was asked before but how do you think would Light, L and the Wammy Boys behave when being drunk? Would they get clingy, violent, nostalgic, melancholic or talkative or whatever? I would especially be interested what Near would be like cause somehow i can't imagine him being drunk at all cause he seems to be such a control freak
Bahaha, I have answered it several times before I think! This is what I usually say:
LIGHT: He never has to make or bring or buy his own drinks, because people are always eagerly volunteering to serve him, and hoping that he will enjoy their parties, and really wanting to see him drunk. He is a lightweight who can get wasted off a couple beers, because he rarely ever drinks. He still stays relatively composed when he's drunk, but he gets a lot more smiley and flirty and laughs quite freely. He also starts looking kinda slutty somehow, even though he is probably still wearing a tame and conservative button-up (but the top buttons keep mysteriously undoing, his hair is nicely mussed, and his eyes are suddenly looking very intense and bedroomy). He probably occasionally escapes to the bathroom and spends a lot of time leaning on the counter and staring at himself in the mirror, marvelling at the novelty of his own drunkenness. He is VERY GOOD at getting phone numbers because he becomes warmer, more personal, and slightly more physically affectionate with people in a way they find incredibly disarming. He will gently lean up against your shoulder or touch your forearm when close-talking to you in a corner, or casually brush some lint off your sweater, or graze up against you in a lingering way when politely squeezing past you in a crowded room. It really doesn't take much for him to inspire intrigue and devotion in others 😅 But he always sees it as a bit foolish and regretful the next day, especially if he wasn't really doing it for any practical ulterior motive. And these new connections almost never turn into anything more than somebody to add to his roster of potential camouflaging dates
L: I think he would get a bit rowdy and aggressive and mischievous in a funny way. He'd be down for getting up to something daredevilish, and would rather go out in public than party at home. He probably loves extremely sweet mixed drinks, and ordering the ones with highly suggestive names. If he's REALLY wasted you can tell by how generous he suddenly becomes with his money. He treats everybody around him to everything they're drinking, and will randomly decide to buy certain people lavish things. Like he almost becomes Oprah for a minute and just casually springs a new car on somebody out of nowhere, even if he doesn't normally appear to care about them that much. And then he always gets fiercely hungover and incredibly grumpy the next day and holes up in his bedroom in the dark until at least 4 pm.
MELLO: He had some wild partying days pretty young, and is no longer a huge drinker as an adult. Also a very quiet drunk with a high tolerance who just likes to lounge back and observe the other people from the comfort of his couch or booth or whatever else most of the time, occasionally teasing the ones who don't know how to handle their liquor. He gets surprisingly friendly and nostalgic and easygoing when he is genuinely smashed, too. Like he'd do something like go over to Near and sling his arm around his shoulder and talk to him as if they had always been nothing but good pals all along.
NEAR: doesn't drink often, but actually isn't against drinking if it's close to his own living quarters and for a social event, which often surprises people a lot. He sticks to lower alcohol percentage drinks and researches them beforehand to know their flavours and effects, and tries to be pretty responsible and prepared about it. He gets very talkative and belligerent and pretty physically active once he starts feeling it, and has even less of a filter when it comes to harshly judging other people out loud and mocking them right to their face if he thinks they did something stupid or wrong. Will mill around the room starting very opinionated conversations with people, and sharing a lot of information about the preparations he made for getting drunk and the kind of drinks he is drinking and his reasoning behind it. Tries to space out every alcoholic beverage he has with a full glass of water in between drinks. Usually ends up playing a video game alone or watching a show with somebody else in a corner later on. Asks someone sober to drive him home or calls a cab so he can go to bed as soon as the sleepiness or boredom hits.
MATT: Never JUST drinks. He is always mixing it with anything and everything else he can get his hands on, with no concern for how well the substances mix or how it is actually going to affect his buzz. Just getting more and more wasted is the goal, and he's fun to hang out with, but also a huge mooch. He never wants the party to end, and he's always trying to score with somebody in a half-sleazy, half-charming way. The guy who always has to crash on your couch because he can't drive himself back with the vehicle he brought, or who you find digging through your freezer at 4 am trying to make some elaborate meal well after everybody else has gone home or gone to bed.
BEYOND: He only enjoys it if he's the host of the event, and will try to act like the host even if he isn't. He always volunteers to make other people drinks, and sets up weird rules around the things he brings to the party that he both wants people to use but to also feel very indebted to him for using. He picks wildly inappropriate and depressing and pretentious music selections whenever he tries to take over as the party deejay, and often corners people to monologue about his obscure interests for what can feel like hours on end. The others suspect he sometimes pretends to drink while actually not even drinking at all, because he possibly just prefers to feel totally in control while observing the effects alcohol is having on everybody else. If he feels too ignored or unappreciated he will make a dramatic sighing show of packing up and leaving early and voluntarily put himself to bed, but he definitely hopes that the party sucks without him and that everybody else is fiercely missing him while he's gone.
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ihatebnha · 3 years
Not me binging all of your work cause DAMN this is pure fucking gold ✨
Okay but I need someone to imagine with me... I’m unsure if you agree with the use of marijuana but I love getting high cause I’m the horniest when I reach my peak 👌🏼 like tmi - but it lasts for hours and I’m just a squirming/twitching mess for a good few hours.. maybe something with who’d be down for a little smoke ride and appreciate the results🙏🏼 ❤️
Bahaha, you're too kind, legend... thank you so much!!!
As for a little smoke and ride, I'm not sure if this fits the exact prompt, but hear me out, okay...?
Todoroki, surprisingly, is most definitely down to smoke... I mean, have you seen his family life? Dude most definitely needs a break from things and needs a break from them OFTEN.
He's the stoner who no one really knows is a stoner, happy to go off and get high by himself, or to sit in the back of Deku's car absolutely cooked while the green-haired boy drives around the squad.
Even though I see mostly see him doing it to help him sleep, and as someone who's main goal is always to pleasure you... high Todoroki also loves it when you give him a little body worship while he's in the zone, pushing him down onto the bed only to use him for all he's worth.
He practically drools when you sit on his cock, his eyes rolling right back into his skull as his head bumps against your headboard... and it's almost embarrassing that he can hardly keep his hands steady on your hips too; his toes curling at the feel of your tight walls around his cock and languid strokes that slap dutifully against his thighs...
Does he cum quick? That's for you to know alone, however does he also practically fall asleep after shooting his load? Yes, and he most definitely drags you down with him... pressing kiss after kiss onto your lips as his legs shake against and tangle with yours...
For a stoned Sho, falling asleep with you naked and high is always what he looks forward to.
This is a lot less plausible, and would probably never happen... but I was just thinking about stoner!Bakugo the other day, too... who probably only takes edibles and always accidentally ends up fucked up.
He's the needy stoner, getting high in brief increments to ease sore muscles or forget about any upcoming shifts... and it's only when he's sky high that he starts getting real clingy with you, calling you names and demanding that you let him lay on top of you until he falls asleep, cheek to cheek, your hands scratching the skin right under his shirt... or that you let him settle between your thighs and eat you out for as long as you can possibly stand.
He's so cute like that, with his eyes all droopy as he kisses down your body, eager to settle down with a leg over his shoulder. He also doesn't even blink when you put on a movie to help pass the time, too busy with his tongue already wetting the silk of your panties and one of yours hands gripped tightly in his, preparing for when he really makes you squeal...
And when he's done, mouth covered in a mixture of his spit and your cum, he still just wants to lay his head on your thigh with your fingers tangled in his hair, biting and kissing at your clit every so often... because his second favorite thing is to eye you like a cat as you slowly recover from the amount of overstim he just put you through and he starts coming down from his own high.
Stoned!Bakugo may be a rarity... but that doesn't mean getting baked with you isn't his most guilty pleasure.
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helloliriels · 2 years
Um Hi!
At first I should say I really, like really like your writing, I mean your style and all!💕
And then, if you still receive titles, how about "I'll tell you when the sun rises" ?~
I imagined it to be a bit heart breaking, but maybe you could find them some happiness? Johnlock obviously:)
Hi!!! Thank you bunches!! I am, and probably will keep it open for weekends. Slowing on the replies a bit! Only as I have so many!!! 😀😄✌️ glad everyone sends to be enjoying this torture as much as me!! Bahaha!
I'll Tell You When The Sun Rises
A freak lab accident in his teens has left Sherlock blind. Struggling to cope with this limitation to his deductive faculties - when he wanted dearly to be the first and only consulting detective in the world! - he nearly ends his own life.
Mycroft found him.
Mycroft saved him.
Just in time.
To survive the night, Sherlock made him promise to tell him when the sun rises.
It's a reminder he brings often.
Nights he knows Sherlock is feeling low.
Danger nights.
Since then, Mycroft has been a protective brother. Hovering on the fringes of his life. Making sure he is getting by. Wanted or more often than not ... unwanted.
That is until ... Mike Stamford informs Mycroft of the return of John Watson. Exactly the kind of man, Sherlock needed for a roommate. And more importantly ... somebody that he used to know ...
Plans are made. Meetings set.
Made to look like an accident ...
Unbeknownst to either John or Sherlock ...
But when Sherlock finds out he has been set up, he throws John out. Thinking he was in on the planning. The coddling. The deception. Their new relationship built on lies!
It takes a heart-to-heart, brother-to-brother, and a few old college letters, for Sherlock to realize ... here he was wishing to see the sun again, when to John ... Sherlock has always been his whole world!
... Wake up, brother mine ...
I can see the sun rise.
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Hope that's enough angst to satisfy? 😚💋 haha!!!
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