#i keep changing him but ive at least drawn him
myymi · 10 months
how does one turn sonic into a dragon without him looking like a cursed fusion of a nightfury and deadly nadder
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toytulini · 4 months
if you draw enough monster ocs, when you go back to drawing a human character, it feels like "sameface syndrome" everytime, by virtue of their face being. human.
#toy txt post#or maybe i am just sameface syndrome#but also different face syndrome#two characters will have the same face but then the next time i draw those characters its a different face than they had last time!#i know part of it is being out of practice but also there is definitely an element of feeling constrained by human facial structure lmao#the monsters have Their Own Problems but like. no one has a face like bokrae no matter how inconsistent i am about drawing her#her features are iconic enough to her that you can tell everytime#birdie???? i faceclaimed eartha kitt for her and im still struggling cos i feel weird about faceclaiming as a concept#but even then 😭 one time i was trying to give headloose a face and someone was like wow he looks like birdie!#me 😭😭😭😭😭 what!!!!!! hes not supposed to!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i need to practice. features#you know the worst part about coming up w a bunch of fuckin Scenarios in my brain for ocs is that i have even fucking Drawn them yet#to give them like. iconic staple features and figure out what their faces look like. which feels like it would really help to have that#knowledge and muscle memory before i jump into trying to draw intense scenes with difficult poses!!#not to mention. listen. i can do the monster faces. somewhat. the bodies??????????? well for one. theyre too big everytime#im convinced i could be trying to draw bokrae on like a full ass wall size paper like a mural thing and run out of room. it just keeps#happening. i have no sense of scale for them either. by which i mean i struggle w scale already and also cant decide what i want it to be#and ive tried to handwave it away by being like ohhh uh. birdie casts spells on them to change their sizes for convenience but also#no. perhaps that explanation works for other ppl. @ myself tho its not good enough i Know Better!!!!!!#agh!!!!!!! i really need to figure out bokrae's Teeth also. like i dont. i coukd get away with it. but i should. and i want to.#anyway all this to say that i need to give these characters faces and body designs (actually the body designs for humanoid ocs is the easy#part. the faces are whats stumping me? well. i need more practice w all the body types again but like i Know what im Going For at least.#for the most part anyway. havent fully figured out heights. struggling w characters that i want to make short but give imposing tall energy#on occasion? birdie can be short all day long no problem. I want Alasdair to be short enough that he has a bunch of short boyfriends that#feel tall around him? bytte was going to be like 6ft max but then i thought about making her taller and like. what if i made her taller#headloose is not that /short/ but he is Not Tall and prolly pretty lean? twink build for sure#and of course all these short /tall distinctions come with a bias of relativity to my own height which i categorize as medium height#but short ppl call me tall and insist its not average and tall ppl call me short. (5'6) and then i have to factor in how the gender changes#the dynamic of a height like my height is Short For A Man but medium to tall for a Woman. which id argue is medium height bc mens heights#are socially held to high standards (hehe) and also i know ethnicity/race is also a factor? but im out of tags. rip. bye
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finchinmoria · 7 months
LOTR Characters as surgical hospital staff
I've had a million surgeries growing up (give or take) and was in the hospital again recently, and I coped by casting my comfort characters as hospital staff, as one does.
Please allow me to present my over-idealized hospital scenario in the form of... LOTR characters as hospital workers:
Frodo: Works the surgery admissions desk. Even at 5:45 in the morning he is cheerful and attentive. He always jumps up to help people with wheelchairs/canes or to point out the most comfortable seat in the waiting room. He asks questions gently and translates medical/insurance jargon so that different types of patients can understand them best. After he secures your hospital bracelet (verifying name and date of birth, of course) he walks with you down the hall to your next stop to get ready for pre-op. He enjoys being the first point of contact for patients because he can try to set the tone to ease anxieties. He doesn’t say he hopes everything goes well with your surgery… he assures you it will!
Merry: Pre-op nurse. Going in and out between rooms sometimes gets hectic but he’s pretty laid back and somehow has the timing of changing into hospital gowns down to a science so no one is ever waiting too long or interrupted disrobed. Gets your IV in with no problem and is more than generous with heated blankets, to the point you could probably make a blanket fort. Always talks about the randomest things to keep your mind off the surgery you’ll soon be having. Has nothing but praise for the anesthesiologist.
Éowyn: The anesthesiologist. She’s covered in medical PPE, but communicates clearly just from her eyes and voice. She sits next to your bed while she goes over everything and gives you honest answers even if they’re scary. When you ask for a little pre-anesthesia sedation she mixes up the perfect dose that doesn’t hit you too hard. It actually makes you feel relaxed, not just sedated.
Arwen: The OR nurse that accompanies you from pre-op into the surgical room. She hooks up your oxygen and talks to you while everyone else rushes around. She has a talent for reassuring eye contact. Everything is bright and overwhelming but her gentle, low voice gives you something to focus on. She asks gentle questions, explains what is going on, and holds your hand if you need. She’s the one telling you to count backward from ten as you get a little dizzy, and it’s her soothing words that give you permission to drift off to sleep.
Faramir: Post-op nurse, monitoring you when you’re waking up from the anesthesia. He knows all the right things to say to all your weird questions and nonsensical statements as you come out of it. Gently keeps you from disrupting your oxygen tube. Interprets enough of your loopy sentences to discern that you actually need nausea medicine and stays on top of it.
Aragorn: Inexplicably the only phlebotomist the hospital apparently has. He’s the one that takes your blood in pre-op and you think you’ll never see him again, but when they decide they need an emergency lab done late one night during your hospital stay, he’s the one that shows up, knocking incredibly soft on your door before he enters. Somehow he remembers everything you had talked about when he first saw you in pre-op, and picks up the conversation pretty much where you left off. He has a talent for talking about the things that make you just happy enough to distract you from getting blood drawn. Of everyone, he looks the most out of place in scrubs but that somehow makes you trust him more.
Pippin: The night shift nurse technician with the worst ever luck. If he’s on shift it’s pretty much guaranteed the blood pressure cuff will never work properly and the IV pump will explode, or at the very least make all manner of beeping noises at the worst times. He’s visibly relieved when you tell him you couldn’t sleep anyway, so you don’t mind, after five solid minutes of trying to shut the machine up. After things settle down he’s genuinely concerned over how difficult it is for you to sleep and checks in on you more often through the night. After his shift, you recall some lighthearted chats you’ve had with him through the night and it’s enough to help you finally get some rest in the early morning.
Galadriel: Radiologist that shows up to whisk you away to a different part of the hospital with cool art on the walls and stained glass panels on the ceiling. Everything is kind of floaty and you’re still unsteady but she’s way stronger than she looks and gets you on the table for your imaging with ease. It’s quite comfortable and the only thing you’ve done in this place since you checked in with Frodo that hasn’t hurt. This makes you kind of emotional, plus you’re still out of it from pain meds and not sleeping so you blurt out that she’s the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your life. (She probably hears that all the time.)
Haldir: Day shift nurse that keeps everything on the floor running the way it needs to. He keeps you informed exactly of what to expect with everything you have going on: meds, IV changes, checks on your incision and drains. He always makes sure you’re ready for physical therapy on time, though he absolutely hates it when PT plays games in the hallway. (He tries not to let his feelings about this show to patients, because he knows they love playing games in the hallway, but he certainly will not hesitate to confiscate various sporting accoutrements if they become disruptive.)
Legolas & Gimli: The two physical therapists that work your floor, and they take turns. Of course their trading off turns into a competition. You walked half the length of the hall with Gimli, but the next day you walked the entire length of the hall with Legolas. Gimli gets ahead when you tackle not one but TWO stairs. It becomes obvious you are making better progress on Gimli days, so Legolas tries to win by bringing a volleyball for you to kick around the hallway. When things get out of hand and Haldir intervenes, Legolas says it was Gimli’s idea. (He then hides the volleyball from Haldir in your room.)
Gandalf: The random hospital chaplain that never shows up at the same time twice, even though he always says he’ll stop by “right before lunch.” Sometimes it’s 8 AM sometimes it’s 2 in the afternoon, once it was almost midnight, but you were awake and it was nice to have company for a few minutes. (The only problem is if he shows up during PT. Legolas will cut your session short so you can visit, Gimli will make him wait.) You think Gandalf should maybe be talking about religious stuff since that’s his job but he talks about anything you bring up or are interested in. Has been known to hang out and watch entire movies on the Classic Films channel with patients and sneak in vending machine snacks.
Boromir: Fills in one night as night shift nurse (he’s usually in the ICU). He doesn’t talk much at first, but he’s incredibly observant. As soon as he enters the room, before you can say anything about it feeling uncomfortable, he notices something is wrong with your incision drain and immediately fixes it. You’re kind of worried when you see Pippin is the nurse tech that night, but they actually work well together and Boromir doesn’t seem to mind even the fifth heart monitor malfunction of the night. By the end of the shift he’s cracked a few jokes and takes your vitals before he leaves so Pippin can avoid another altercation with the blood pressure machine.
Sam: The nutritionist that is responsible for the plate of waffle cut fries showing up to your room at 3 am the night after you’re cleared off the liquid diet. Because you need the calories and can’t sleep anyway. And when you were on the liquid diet, he wrote in a request on your behalf to only have cherry Jello sent after you mention that you don’t care much for orange or lime. He makes helpful suggestions but never pushes anything. (However, he does show up to chat with you in person after you didn’t order anything from the kitchen except cheese sticks and ice cream sandwiches for three meals in a row.)
Elrond: The surgeon with an odd, distant, but ultimately endearing bedside manner. He always severely over-estimates the recovery time for his patients. It’s only after reading the third night report that you were eating french fries and kicking a volleyball around the hall with Gandalf at three in the morning that he reluctantly discharges you.
Note: I was in a pediatric ward as a kid for like two months once, and on certain days they would indeed let us play volleyball in the hallway. I doubt anywhere allows adults to do this, but for this little fantasy, I couldn't resist. Thanks for reading!
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wijenc007 · 1 year
(Part II (end))
Warning : This fanfiction made with AI bot help because my english are suck, this is not romantic fnf but might be contain Platonic-relationship.
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Timesius restless, all night he can't stop moving and will startled by a little noises. When the sun rises his eyes still red.
The physician decide to get up and brew more medicine, he can't rest even if he force himself to.
Another night come, This time Timesius also cover his red eyes with his veil not wanting to make the king worried, Timesius change the bandage again, this time his vision blurry make him difficult to see.
Baldwin woke as Timesius again entered the chamber. He noticed that the physician's eyes were red and that there were no visible sleep lines on his face, meaning he had not gotten a restful sleep. Baldwin, who was beginning to feel better from Timesius's care, tried to make his physician sit down.
"Timesius, you must rest. You've been working for three nights without any sleep. As your king, I command you to sit down and sit quietly for at least one hour."
Sit down quietly? What that mean? Timesius obey, he sit in one of the chair in the king's chamber. Some servant enter the chamber with clean water and fresh cloth for the king, they are give Timesius a curious look
Timesius sitting quietly, a servant help the king to change clothes behind the curtain, Timesius can see drying wounds on the King's skin, an improvement.
Baldwin, after finishing changing his clothes, saw Timeius sitting still in a chair. He looked to Timesius and spoke to him in a fatherly manner, even though he was not even ten years older than the physician.
"This is all well and good, physician, but do not sit too rigidly like that. Relax, breathe, lean back, and allow yourself to rest. We will talk later, but it is important that you do not go another hour without resting."
Timesius did try to relax, he lean back and let out a sigh. The king's chamber filled with floral scent mostly jasmine, it's comforting. The king allowed him to rest for an hour in his chamber very uncommon for a servant allowed to do so.
Timesius finally close his eyes, he can hear The king write something on his table, maybe he just want someone to keep him company. Timesius doesn't complain.
Baldwin was writing in a codex to Timesius, even though the physician could not see what he was writing. Baldwin had heard and understood that Timesius was unable to sleep, and so the king wrote a message of appreciation for the physician's service to him. In the note, not long, Baldwin praised the physician's loyalty and sacrifice.
There was also a small sketch accompanying the writing. The drawing showed Timesius sitting in a chair, looking towards the king with a faint outline of a smile on his face. Baldwin had drawn Timesius sleeping, peacefully and comfortably.
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Timesius woke up more than an hour later, Seems like the King doesn't wake him up even after an hour. The Jerusalem' sky now feverish meaning now almost evening, Timesius can't spotted the king on his desk now, he search for him around the room.
Timesius, after searching for the king, saw that he was not there. However, he did notice the note and artwork that Baldwin had drawn and written for him in the codex on the table. The king's message read:
"Thank you, Timesius, for sacrificing your own health and sleep in order to care for me. Do not tire yourself so much for my sake, for my wellbeing depends on you being well as well. Rest now, and know that I appreciate your devotion."
The drawing showed Timesius asleep in the chair he was currently sitting in.
Timesius can't help but smile, he hesitate but take the parchment with him. He look at the drawing over and over again all night, he treat it like a treasure.
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After hours of sleep, Timesius continue his work with new remedies, a new strength fill him even if he still tired but now he cannot give up after receiving such a thing from the king.
Timesius continue to treat the king, changing bandage and new medicine just like usual.
Baldwin, who was getting better and better day by day, looked forward to seeing Timesius' face and hearing Timesius' voice each morning, as the physician took care of him by healing and soothing his wounds with medicine.
Baldwin's wounds had improved so much that it was almost like he had no more leprosy to speak of. His wounds were almost completely healed, and he had not seen Timesius with blood on his face for many nights. There was only one thing left to do: express his gratitude to the physician for all of his help.
Timesius working really hard day and night, the king may not seen him bleeding again from his nose but last night his nose oozing again. He cannot be careless, the King now healthy. Nothing else matter.
When Timesius hear the senior physician declare the king completely cured, Timesius want to burst in tears, his pray comes true. A weight of relief fill him.
He smile under the veil still covering his face.
Baldwin, seeing the physician working diligently and looking at him, his face veiled but smiling, was happy and relieved to see that Timesius was smiling at all. The king, not wanting to waste a single moment with his loyal physician, speaks up.
"Timesius, my friend, come out from behind that veil. It makes me happy to see your face after all of these weeks working with each other. Tell me, are you well today? Your face... it has never looked so relaxed."
Timesius vision are blurred but he not think too much of it, he still answer the king.
"Your majesty, i never feel this happy my entire life. You are cured, no more illness no more pain, i simply cann--"
Timesius fell down suddenly, blood again stains his veil that he not able to remove just like the king' request.
The physician pass out infront of the king.
Baldwin, noticing that Timesius had suddenly passed out and started bleeding violently from his nose, shouted at the other servants in the room.
"Fetch our senior physician and a healer! Quickly, quickly! I need someone to help my loyal physician!"
The servants, quickly understanding the urgency of the situation, ran to assist Timesius, with a healer and the senior physician being the first to arrive.
Timesius sweating, a cold sweat. He immediately moved to his own chamber and servants trying to clean all the blood and change his cloth. Other physician examined Timesius condition.
Although the king not allowed to enter his physician chamber, Baldwin sitting nervously in his own chamber waiting for the news.
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Baldwin waited, anxiously, for the news the physicians were going to report to him. He prayed that his loyal physician was not in too great of pain. If anyone deserved rest and good health, it was Timesius. As he waited for news, Baldwin tried not to worry too much. Timesius was a strong and resilient man, but there was no knowing for certain what was going on right now.
Finally, the senior physician entered the chamber where Baldwin was waiting. The look on the physician's face told him that it was not good news.
Baldwin knew, just by the look on the senior physician's face, that Timesius was gone. The look was one of sadness, regret, and sorrow. The senior physician bowed to Baldwin, unsure of how to give the king the news.
"Your Majesty, I am afraid I bear bad news... Timesius has passed away."
Baldwin was stunned into silence by the news. He could not feel his legs, and he felt himself growing light headed and tired. He sat down in front of his desk, trying to comprehend the news that his loyal and devoted physician, Timeus, had passed away. Timesius had done so much for him, even risking and sacrificing his own health and life in order to care for him.
"I... I am at a loss for words. Timeus died for me, trying to cure me of my illness. This is not fair. Timesius deserved better than this..."
The senior physician not left yet, hesitate he talk with a soft tone.
"There is something you majesty should know, about Timesius"
Baldwin's ears perked up immediately as he heard the senior physician mention that there was something he must know about Timesius.
"Go ahead. I need to know everything I can know. What is it that you must tell me about Timesius?"
Senior physician nodded, and he begin to talk after the king permission.
"This boy-i mean Timesius already weak from childhood. He have a weak heart from the beginning, Please do not blame yourself my lord"
He add more
"That is the reason why Timesius always feeling rush and out of time to find cure for your majesty, This boy is dying the whole time. He afraid not have enough time to cure you"
Baldwin thought deeply about this revelation, and thought back on all the times that Timesius had given medicine or changed his bandages while working past a time that most people would have slept. Baldwin thought about the times that Timesius would have a bandaged face and a broken nose from the blood that would flow uncontrollably.
"My loyal physician... gave me his life..."
Baldwin couldn't help but cry, thinking bout the devotion Timesius showed towards him, even if the young physician was near death in the last few weeks while caring for the king.
At the end Timesius gone, The king stood beside his loyal physician death body. The funeral is simple but The king arranged it himself.
Before the burial, Baldwin slowly removed the Veil that cover his physician figure the whole time he serve him, he look at the face of the man who save his life.
Baldwin, taking off Timesius' veil and seeing the look on his face that had once been filled with hope, now void of life was heartbreaking for the king. Timesius, who had sacrificed so much and gave his own life.
Timesius, a young man, barely over twenty, lay dead, not only for his king but for his duty. He had worked himself to exhaustion in order to cure the king of his ailment. Timesius had paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Baldwin made sure that Timesius would be laid to rest in proper Christian fashion in Jerusalem.
Baldwin always wish to have a friend who willing to share thoughts and passion. But, that hope already buried under all years of suffer from illnesses, Timesius come to his life as a physician he saw something, that hope and love Timesius give new strength, a strength to keep dreaming for the future.
Baldwin knew that Timesius gave him more than just a cure or medicine, but also a new perspective on life. When Timesius was with him, the king's world was full of hope and joy. There was no suffering, no pain, just pure joy and optimism for the future. Timesius gave Baldwin something that no one else could. He gave him a friend.
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"if my life is the price for your health, then be it. I am willing, my lord"
(The End)
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moxielynx · 7 months
So as I know little to nothing about Epic The Musical(only listening to snippets of like, 4 to 5 songs-) I really wanna know more about it and the AU you made with it and Tetrax-
Oh my god it’s happening it’s happening it’s finally happening
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everything is under the keep reading cause this is going to be a LOOONNG post
OKOK SO basically the epic au follows the musical almost exactly, story wise, with some kinda major changes
I wrote about it all on my priv twitter then transferred everything over to a txt document so excuse the fact that it’s formatted as a twitter thread cause it literally came from one!!!!
Also I made a couple of changes ever since the Circes Saga was released and there will continue to be changes until the musical is fully completed so I will list all the changes after this
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1. Ares has a name now, it’s Orion!!
2. I’ve decided that all the gods are just gonna be named after the actual gods they’re supposed to represent, I can’t be bothered to come up with a bunch of new names for them
3. In the "Circes Saga" part Circes, instead of threatening tetrax to never return she helps him get to the underworld, having a new respect for him cause not only was he able to resist her power but also he tries to show as much respect to her as possible by kneeling and begging for his crew to be set free instead of resorting to trying to kill her
4. Tetrax meets Clockwork directly instead of having a dream with him in it since Circes helps him go to the underworld
HERE ARE SOME OF THE DESIGNS!!! The first 3 are Aeolus, Circes and Hermes and the other one is just concepts for the others, the designs are all subject to change
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ive also started an animatic for one of the god games songs!!!! its still only a ""storyboard"" so stuff is messy+needs to be adjusted/added but heres what it looks like atm!!! i used this animatic to practice drawing azmuth and orion since i hadnt drawn them at all prior to making this, i hope that i can finish this by making a cleaned up version
i hope i can make animatics on at least "The Horse and the Infant", "Just a Man", and "Done For" in the future
i genuinely dont think ive ever put this much time, thought and effort into an au, tetrax makes me so happy and these songs makes me so happy too, tysm for asking about the au i love love loooovvvee talking about it
playlist of all released songs !!!!! playlist of all the unreleased/unfinished songs!!! (that i talk about here in this post, theres a BUNCH of other unfinished songs yall should check out as well)
extra art of it :3
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bokuwatetsuo · 7 months
thoughts on Kaneda leading the what-would-be the sovereign nation of the Great Tokyo Empire
WELL..... i don't think ive seen anyone talk about this stuff before. maybe someone has years ago but whatever. read more cuz i typed too much
i think kaneda is the leader of the empire. he is stupidly charismatic and (typology warning) an 8w7... he's naturally drawn towards that kind of position and fits the most in that kind of social role. so i don't think kaneda would ever give up the opportunity to be a leader of something, to take care of/protect (and boss around ..........) others (sometimes......)
but kaneda doesn't lead alone here. kei and kaisuke -- chiyoko and joker too? -- help keep things running smoothly. especially when it comes to acts of diplomacy because this is what kaneda has to offer diplomatically:
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fuckin fantastic
so she helps him out with that aspect. he's too forward. diplomacy becomes more important later when the empire gets recognized as its own nation. it isn't important now but later for sure. no way kaneda would be good at that shit lol. as for the others roles im not sure... i haven't thought much about that
anyways, i see empire leader kaneda as a fairly competent guy who is good at bringing people together because he's always done that. using akira as a symbol of the nation, etc, etc. blah blah. him leading at the end of vol 6 with the banner and the declarations and the group ride off is a great display of that
kaneda would be an unorthodox leadership, very rag-tag like a gang but his word still matters. he doesn't think like a typical "leader" (politician).. because he would hate to turn into one. he just does what he wants while keeping the people's needs in mind and taking into account what his friends suggest is good for the nation. yay
kaneda isn't open to aid or alliances (at least in the beginning) but the great tokyo empire isn't looking for that anyways. he's working towards prosperity in a way that means freedom from things that started AKIRA in the first place and freedom for neo-tokyo as its own thing.
i'm sure he'd have his influence and suddenly a lot of people would know his name and face. which for kaneda would boost his ego BUT..... i think he would be pretty laidback about """fame""" or "power" when it comes to partaking in this role. he's focused on the empire rebuilding so he's trying to be more humble. of course this is surprising to people around him considering what he's done before but he's changed, trying to be better or whatever. corny shit
while he wouldn't be perfect and wouldn't be doing everything on his own all the time, this is pretty much how it works for me when i think of this. i really don't see why he wouldn't become a leader of the great tokyo empire while having help from kei and the others. being in this position gives him more closure or something
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spamsandsuch · 9 months
okay since like, Ive gotten a lot of new followers these past couple of months (thanks so much btw!!! Idk why u follow me but I apprecriate it !!) i figured hey! I should make a navigation post for my tags and stuff ! Maybe itll help some users who wanna look at my stuff but dont wanna scroll all the way through my blog, or some other reason ! Either way, ive been meaning to make something like this for awhile now so lets go
Tag navigation:
For my creations or asks:
#my art — this tag includes all (at least, I believe all) of my artwork Ive posted on this blog, if you like my art youll find a lot of it there
#my writing — this is where i post most of my larger writing (whether its my theories, headcanons, or fics). Note that this tag is mostly intended for my lengthier writing and not my shorter headcanon posts, nor is it used for regular text posts
#my comics — this is where is where most of my comics are, or also art posts that include a comic ive made in the same post
#asks — This is where the asks I’ve answered should be. Some asks include art or writing
For my headcanons/aus:
#inl1997 au — This is where I post my more relevant posts for my Deltarune au called “It’s No Longer 1997”. It’s a canon-adjacent au that’s an interpretation of Jevil and Spamton’s backstories, and tries to use canon rules (and extensions/headcanons of them) thats been shown so far in ch. 1 and 2 (I say “try” because Im just one person, so I may occasionally make mistakes). As I continue to study the deltarune lore some information in this au is bound to change as I get different ideas, so some posts in this tag may be outdated; Ive decided to keep them up to show my growth, though. Also, I realize a lot of the post in these tags are art posts — that’s because I personally find it easier to express my ideas through art than writing (I apologize if some posts dont make sense cuz of that). Btw, if you like my spamton angst stuff, this is where most of that should be lol
#afttp au — This is for my other au called “Adds for the Therapeutic,” a post-ch. 2 au about Spamton (or Tonnie, as I sometimes call him) moving in with the addisons in Castle Town (on his own accord) and getting group therapy with them as well as individual therapy. Though it is about Spamton’s recovery, it’s also includes slice-of-life stuff revolving around its new life (tho theres occasionally angst too). If you like my addison stuff, this is also where most of that is
#my headcanons — this is where my deltarune headcanons are, whether theyre written or drawn. Note that a lot of my headcanons relate to both of my aus
For characters:
***Note: this is mostly for characters I post most often. If its any other character, try searching their name (or their name followed by “deltarune”) in the search bar of my blog. If their name doesn’t show up, it means I likely havent drawn or written about them yet (or tumblr is being broken, tho i havent come across a problem like that yet)
#spamtonposting — this includes posts that are mainly about spamton, or include a considerable amount of spamton stuff in it. If youre searching for specific stages of my spamton, then the following are: #spam e. mail (for addispam, though #addison spamton works too), #bigshot spamton, #spamton, and #spamton neo
#addisonposting — same as above, but with my versions of the addisons instead. If youre looking for specific addisons they are: #sam p. ler or #blue addison, #blowse or #orange addison, #percy wade or #pink addison, and #pops or #yellow addison. If youre looking for specific addison ships, I use #spamblue and #pinkyellow
#jevilposting — this is where most of my jevil stuff is, similar to spamton and the adds. If you wanna look for my “pre-corruption” jevil stuff, that would also be under the tag #jokir
#scc posting — this is where most of my posts for Sweet Cap’n Cakes are. As of right now, I dont have specified tags (as in, that end in “—posting”) dedicated for each individual in the trio, though that may change in the future (so again, if youre looking for a specific character in the scc gang, see my note above).
That should be all for now, though I apologize that my blog isnt that organized (as some posts may or may not be missing from certain tags — if I have time in the future ill try to fix that if I can). Hopefully this post will help at least a lil bit :] if I make any changes or add more tags, Ill be sure to update this post. Ill also link this post to my pinned, so it’s easy to access. If you have questions, dont be afraid to ask!!
Last edited: 08/02/2024
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
kind of a specific random question but do you think theres a possibility that shintaros the first one to try and stop being so attached to takane. like one day takane is all haha hey do you need me for anything then shin goes well uhhh- actually no its okay. takane goes what no you arent let me help you with something COME ON
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ive drawn this before. so yes i do (from here)
YA i totally think it's like this AT FIRST. takane is totally shamelessly clinging to shintaro and shintaro's like GET. OFF. MEEEE!!!!! and takane's in his room like carpet she's a fucking parasite roach infestation of 1.
like immediate post str i picture this bitch just sleeping over every single day stealing all his clothes and shintaro's like COME ON. i love how in the novels shintaro dresses in front of ene and no one gives a shit in fact ene is like YOU LOOK SO HANDSOME UR SUCH A MAN'S MAN like. when takane has her body back shintaro's like at least get out WHILE I GET DRESSED!! and takane's totally unbothered like whaaaa im not even looking and u never seemed to care to dress in front of me as ene whatever dude. shintaro seething. he's like this sucks she's right ive been getting dressed in front of her the whole time. also takane changes his nasty bed sheets bc she also sleeps in his bed. literally existing symbiotically. srry they're so close and have no privacy i need u to understand.
shintaro acts incredibly grumpy about it and is actively kicking her out daily but takane never seems to get mad at all and if anything she's just pathetically begging him to stayyyy pleaseeeeee u must need me for SOMETHINGGGGGG and shintaro. while yes he is like NO GET OUT also come on. he's so weak if someone especially someone girl coded flutters their eyelashes at him he immediately just goes YEAH ALRIGHT...haruka ayano or takane can all just flutter their eyelashes and shintaro will do anything they say its hilarious.
we've seen ene do this and while shintaro manages to stay strong i think post str he's very weak to takane because he's so guilty over route xxx so sometimes he just gives her whatever she wants out of guilt. like retaining is shintaro's big demise if it wasn't for it maybe he would've been able to just set his foot down and force takane to grow out of her unhealthy attachment.
but noooo... he starts enabling/reciprocating her behavior LOL!!!! like it's indeed takane the one to start the dynamic. she's always been the most attached of the 2. but shintaro is so guilty over the bad route and realises she's always been here even in all other routes. by just saying ugh yes whatever at everything she says he is accidentally becoming part of the unhealthy attachment. i think at first while he WAS attached it wasn't to the point takane drives it. and since she was shameless and pathetic abt it like not hiding it at all that's why he's unconscious it goes both ways bc he's like well ive been acting all grumpy abt it obviously its not me its her!!! but he doesn't realise that as time went on he started liking the dynamic bc its comfy LOL and takane is good company and they love each other ok. hold me im gonna pass out.
this is so early on post str. while takane still struggles with stopping resorting to opening eyes whenever anything gets uncomfortable and while shintaro is still sort of processing all timelines and how he feels about them and stuff. u know me i love flipping dynamics thats why eventually its shintaro following takane while she's like ermmm erm ermmm bc she's been healing while shintaro's been going downhill.
ALSO i think shintaro's mom "knew" of ene. like SHE DOESNT but shintaro was constantly talking to himself in his room so she asks if he's calling with anyone?? shintaro's like ERM...ERMM... YEAH... ITS AN ONLINE FRIEND.... so shintaro's mom is like omg this is THAT friend who was with him while he was all depressed in his room!!! so ratio + shintaro's mom loves takane and since she's always staying over keeps asking if they're dating and is very confused that they say no and neither is EVER flustered they're just like no we aren't 😐 also if shinaya are dating and kisaragi mom knows she probably talks to shintaro like Hey isnt this weird u have a gf and u seem to spend most of ur time with someone else. and shintaro's like UGHHHHH STOPPP ANNOYING MEEE!!! and like momo, kisaragi mom is also sorta scared of approaching shintaro in fear of scaring him away now that he's out and about. so she's like erm okay (still watches from afar)
sorry for going crazy abt shintaro & takane again. they drive me so crazies. they love each other ur honor and its so fucked up
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obscure-entity · 1 year
i love the change in the way you've drawn snaps/entity/in general over the years. if you go back really far into the blog you can see the clear differences in shapes and lines used, and you can see a very clear steady upward trajectory in skill/improvement. its really cool and rather inspiring! im not too confident in my art, but knowing that If I Keep Going On I'll Get Better is very motivating. anyway i love your art but im sure you know that!
yea :') ive been feeling better abt having my old art up over the years because like. i still made that!. having it up does feel like a vulnerable spot but it doesnt really help to shame myself forever
i do want to thank you for recognizing it specifically in snaps and entity because i was trying so so so hard to sculpt like the personality i saw in them but i didnt have the "skill" or experimentation to do it yet. (it made me cry a few times years ago) ive mostly left their ACTUAL designs unchanged but it was a lot of shape/expressive lines that i was trying so hard to place . especially snaps. he is like a whole person i am retrying to convey over and over every time i draw him. i do feel like i finally nailed some of the subtleties his design has though
it does help to experiment a lot or have a goal in mind ^.^ try to get the expression out of your system . without beating yourself up for it of course. like if you know youre working toward at least SOMETHING youll probably find a way to reach it i think. its iteration
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webginz · 10 months
a compilation of all my ocs (that arent from established universes like my star wars self insert + tokyo mew mew self insert lol)
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these are my elf girls
first two were made as dnd characters for quick campaigns but since i dont play dnd anymore they just became my ocs.. they have names but i lost their character sheets so i just refer to them as elf girl 1 and elf girl 2 💀 their names were very lame tho anyways just very basic.
elf 3 also has no name but i call her silver. shes my newest oc and has the least amount of story. also i havent even drawn her yet i only have picrews.. eventually tho lol
elf 1 loves exploring old dungeons and ruins to loot them. shes a thief and loves money and jewels. (chaotic neutral, rogue wood elf)
elf 2 used to be a princess and hated her life and family and everything. she made a deal with a very powerful dragon skeleton to give her lots of powers. her kingdom was destroyed and all her people were killed. the castle and town are now a bunch of ruins and no one knows what happened to them. she wanders the nearby forests and caves with no purpose. (forgot alignment, warlock? high elf)
silver was a queen of a town. disaster struck and she ended up alone. she still sits in her decaying castle, stuck in mourning. she doesnt have much story yet but i want to include flooding maybe? like an atlantis sort of situation? or ice? idk.
oh eventually elf 1 and 2 meet in the forest and they teach eachother things like magic and how to be normal. eventually they take in a cute human girl who wants to be a witch and theyre a cute happy family.
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angels + angel hunters
ken 🇺🇲🇯🇵, olivia🇮🇪, satoshi🇯🇵, ciel, and zoe🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
from a story i will probably never write. ken and ciel are coworkers at a morgue. ciel is an angel who loves humans, ken is a human with angel ancestry. satoshi wants to kill angels bc... long story.. but hes kinda lucifer-esque.. anyways he rescues teenage girls and trains them to kill angels (he lies and says theyre monsters/ghosts). zoe and olivia are 2 of those girls and the best fighters.
thats really summed up and sounds lame but whatever -_-
ken and ciel were originally male but sometimes i draw them as women. theyre whatever you want them to be tbh. satoshi is a man tho.
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another complicated story...
sayyna🇷🇺🇺🇲 and jude🇺🇲. girls with powers in a world where um... some girls have powers. what more can i say LOL. sayyna's powers are really complicated and op but jude is just really unlucky and causes natural disasters/death. sayyna cant be affected by judes powers and is in love with her. jude however is in love with a different girl and.... blah blah blah theres a lot. drama ensues. i made them for drama filled superpower yuri. LOL.
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YAY the classics... slasher/serial killer ocs. if i made cheesy halloween splatter movies they would be the killers! jacey🇺🇲, jesse🇺🇲🇦🇲, and maria🇺🇲🇪🇸!! jacey ive talked about before but basically shes a final girl turned slasher. jesse is the original killer she survived. maria used to have a connection to the 2 but as the story changed she kinda drifted away lol. but shes meant to be a detective-ish mom of jesses victims who is searching for him, not knowing its jesse (who plot twist!! is related to him... dont ask how theyre from different countries i never even thought about it till now LOL)
jacey and jesse are very brutal and messy but maria is very methodical and tries to keep everything clean (hence the outfit change)
anyways in the end maria gets caught and goes to prison and i have an alternate design of her then but its just her smug with short hair + no makeup.
thats all of them bye thank you for reading ily 😙
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tauforged · 1 year
#1: I love finding someone with a unique/rare ship or headcannon.
#2: the interaction with Sigma and Sombra, where Sigma is saying Moira is going to run some tests on him, how do you think Ramattra would respond to hearing that?
#3 do they have any nick names for each other?
AW TEEHEE THANKYOU!!! its been a while since ive had the motivation to like, draw or write anything for em but rest assured im thinking about them so so so much... youve activated my autism trap card though i have an INSANE amount of convoluted opinions on the nature of character dynamics between sigma and sombra as well as sigma and moira and im taking this opportunity to babble about it. sorry in advance.
as for the interaction, personally im of the opinion that said 'tests' are literallly.... just tests. as in like, yknow, bloodwork, scans to make sure the implants and augments he has are actually working to redirect excess pressure and kinetic energy from his vital organs when using his abilities ... ive talked about how i think that sorta stuff works more in this post but tldr is that a lot of the tech and equipment hes using is of his own design and VERY experimental, hes pretty much flying blind here so he kind of has to make changes as he goes and so it's kinda important that his health and safety are taken into account. and he also has a bit of a uhhh. demonstrable history of disregarding his own safety for the sake of his research. it would kind of make sense that theyd be going out of their way to make sure someone stays on him about actually doing the damn tests and keeping track of the results. it just so happens that he's really averse to letting just anyone Examine (tm) him because of. yknow. the everything. and moira happens to fit the bill of being A. someone he feels he can trust to not take things too far (whether or not he's making a good choice here is up for debate, but i think he could do worse) and B. actually have a degree of knowing what she's doing. i definitely think that the only reason she's bothering at least initially is her own curiosity about everything he's got going on, but he also does just really feel like the type to jsut kind of naturally be very endearing . ive said before that a lot of their interactions read as playful to me, at least on his end - he DEFINITELY sounds like he's messing with her on purpose. i think he does genuinely regard her as a friend, and for the most part, he's probably right - even if she's a bit cranky about it. i have a LOT of thoughts about their relationship too honestly probably far too many to cram into this one post LMFAO i think about the dynamic a lot. im a moira apologist idc i think that she is capable of being nice sometimes. just because shes kind of a cunt sometimes doesnt mean shes needlessly cruel, like not only do i feel like messing with his head and experimenting on him given his history would be kinda kicking him while he's down. but ALSO, i feel like she's smart enough to know that making him an enemy would be a baaaad idea. he can literally explode people with his mind. she knows better than to give him any reason to be genuinely mad at her, and i do think he would absolutely NOT tolerate any kind of treatment like that ever again unless it was on his terms and he had the power to just leave if it got to be too much. even as it is, i think the entire process is a bit of a sore spot for him and not exactly something he's thrilled about, hence his hesitation in that interaction - not because it's happening against his will so much as he's regarding it the same way i think about having to go get blood drawn. it's not fun, but it's gotta happen somehow.
all that to say, i think upon overhearing discussion of said 'tests' without further context mattra would NOT be happy about it, likely getting defensive the same way sombra does. he'd probably be a lot harder to dissuade than she is tbh, i dont know if he'd really take moira's word for it that there's nothing underhanded going on here unless sig told him so himself, and even then it would still put his hackles up. he's probably very nosy about it for a very long time. just to be safe.
as far as nicknames/pet names go, in my mind theyre both very... awkward about these kinda things i guess if that makes sense? emotional vulnerability comes easily for NEITHER of them, between sig still recovering from decades of isolation and mattra just naturally being very guarded and bitter (for good reason!) and not used to outwardly expressing his care for others, especially not for some random human who seems to have decided that they're friends. to me, their dynamic is very much one of tentativeness and battling with distrust and insecurity. i think it would take a very, very long time to get there, and even longer to actually be able to casually say stuff like that without wanting to explode and die on the spot. i do think sig is a bit more outwardly affectionate than mattra, but even then, a lot of it is kinda tempered by the fact that he's just very forward with everyone about everything at this point - he's kind of desperate for positive connections with others that he can hold onto, so he's reached a point where it doesn't take much to get him to consider someone a friend and he's not exactly hiding it anymore. oh, i dropped something and you picked it up before i had a chance to? sick, we are now besties and i would kill for you.
i think that sort of attitude would catch ramattra off guard and he'd not really know how to react to any of it. sig could call him anything at this point, but if it's in an affectionate tone he WILL bluescreen about it. ramattra.exe has encountered an error and must restart
i do really like sig's valentines voiceline, so i might just roll with 'starlight' even if it's a bit cheesy... hell, now that i think about it, i think he'd do that specifically BECAUSE it's cheesy and will probably elicit an eye-roll or a 'stop that'. he seems to enjoy pushing people's buttons. maybe bothering his friends is his love language idk
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zooone · 10 months
hello!! I've just found your blog here and I've been really wanting to try and write for wilbur like you do!! though I'm new to writing, could you give me some tips on when you're new to writing? :DD
hi!!!! im so sorry it took me so long to answer this i was trying to gather up as many tips as i could ^_^ im sooo honored that youre asking for my help it makes me so happy!! here's a ton that ive learned just based off my experience, im no like professional and this is all just tips ive accumulated to my style over time 
–one, and i think this is the most crucial in a fanfic setting, but CAPTIVATE YOUR READERS!!! 
when i write, i try to replicate books as best as i can (more on that later), but this is the one thing that a book author could get away with that a fanfic writer cant. 
because your piece is only something that people will find through scrolling and its (more than likely) not a fully fledged book, people are more inclined to click off if you dont IMMEDIATELY captivate them. 
i often see people begin a fic with a couple paragraphs of context (and again this is absolutely no hate to anyone who does this, its just what ive found to work best) which can be interesting if done right, but chances are that readers wont enjoy it if you hand everything to them on a silver platter. they stay engaged when you keep them guessing or predicting. 
and i get thats difficult to do with just a tiny little blurb!! but when i write- no matter if its 100 words or 10k words, i ALWAYS start off with dialogue. quotation marks are the first thing that people are drawn to and i find it catches people's attention more when there's immediate action. 
the exception i have is with the gr!wilbur fic; i tried to set the scene a little bit without giving too much information, and then i started it with one of my favorite starters:
"he stomped away from her on the rooftop as she followed after him."
i remember researching "how to start a book" cuz i was so unmotivated with a blank space, and then i found a video that talked about a book (i cant find the video nor the book) that began with an intro along the lines of this. 
it seems so simple but it does so much. it introduces the main characters (gr!wilbur and angel), shows the setting (rooftop), and sets up a conflict that can keep readers engaged (why is he stomping away from her? why is she following?)
it was such an actually life changing thing to find and its just so creative. 
–two, make sure that youre making it clear whos talking!!
this is a bit more difficult if youre someone like me who doesnt like the you/your or even the i pronouns in fics (idk it just seems too personal to me, i like to think of the reader as a character in itself), but it is still equally as important to establish whose speaking in the text. 
look at the difference between;
"hey- i didn't expect a hello from you, but a thank you would at least be nice!" she yelled as he speed-walked away with his grumpy walk and stone shoulders. "i'm talking to you!"
"and i'm not," he grumbled, fiddling to put his hood back onto his head as a way of closing himself off. 
"just-" she flapped her wings, trying to be alongside him. "just have some gummy worms, please?" 
"hey- i didn't expect a hello from you, but a thank you would at least be nice!" she yelled as he speed-walked away with his grumpy walk and stone shoulders. "i'm talking to you!" "and i'm not," he grumbled, fiddling to put his hood back onto his head as a way of closing himself off. "just-" she flapped her wings, trying to be alongside him. "just have some gummy worms, please?" 
its the same words and the same text and the same dialogue but the second is just SO compressed and confusing to read "especially if you have a character talk like this" "and then another piece of dialogue with nothing in between" 
another thing i like to do to establish this is have alternating dialogue. this was difficult to do since gr wilbur isnt exactly the talkative type, but i wouldnt make angel speak in one paragraph, and then the next speak again. if that makes sense. 
like this;
"i want you to have them right now," she enunciated her words, crossing her arms and trying to copy his expression. she was fighting her usual bright smile under her pursed lips. "in front of me." 
"you look like you haven't been taking care of yourself," as she spoke through a pout, he could feel his face warming up, like tiny little punching bags beneath his skin. "i wanna make sure you're eating." 
its reallyyyy obvious that when there's a conversation, its two people speaking. and from just a reader's standpoint, i began to read the second pragraph as if it was wilbur speaking. which of course didn't make sense. 
so even if character 2 (wilbur in this case) doesnt speak, i try to add either a description (what are they doing? even if character 2 isnt responding, how are they reacting to character 1? whats their body language? facial language?) or a small tinyyyy bit of dialogue. 
–three, sometimes less is more!!! 
a lot of the times when i try to paint a picture, i end up over explaining things and the meaning of the words get lost when i use too many of them. 
you could have the most profound description thatll make readers wanna tug their hearts out, but if its too overused then it kinda loses its meaning. its like the dynamics of a song in the sense that the loud parts are only loud because there are super soft parts. 
heres an example i have from one of my older fics;
"Your teeth bit on the inside of your cheek as you sat down, more closer to the stage this time. Your knee rose and fell quickly as your leg bounced with nerve."
it may not seem like a lot, but chances are that people already understood the fact that the reader was nervous, so showing that she bit her lip AND was bouncing her leg was just counterintuitive. 
there are so many more examples of me doing this in the past but umm i dont wanna unearth those anymore
dont get me wrong; you should still add descriptors, but just dont overdo it. and sometimes i see people who have the opposite, in the sense that they dont have enough descriptors and its equally as confusing. so find a happy medium!! 
example of not enough;
"hi wilbur!" she spoke. 
"hi, angel," he responded. 
"how are you?" she smiled with a giggle. 
he sighed happily at her laughter. "i'm good."
im so guilty of this honestly and im so rusty cuz a huge factor of it is practice!!! 
–four, this kind of links to the last one, but Little Details. 
this might just be a personal preference, but i love little details When theyre done right!! 
one of my favorite people who does this is the infamous writer . u know her . u love her. @harbingerofheartbreak my very good friend 
i first noticed this in her fic, "archangel," soot;
"i know he's a prick. do you think i want him to teleport to me everytime i have a fucking mental breakdown?" you slammed the sponge down and turned to him, pointing a soapy finger.
reading the words "soapy finger" like actually changed my life in a way i didnt know was possible. just the adding of small details that arent just "she shrugged" or "he sighed", but instead adding to the setting and scene and adding special little details Without Overdoing It!!!
it just . ugh . i dont know if its just a writer noticing these small things, but i find it really cool how it adds so much and makes you really feel like the author put work into making those tiny little things. 
also another huge personal preference but i really love alliteration and play on words type stuff. i will always sneak in a little alliteration just to keep my work interesting with a certain flow to it. also (if your reader is anyone like me), putting a little alliteration adds emphasis and attention to certain things. 
its really really nice, but the accumulation of all these little details takes SO much attention and so much practice, so dont be frustrated if its difficult to think of on your first couple tries!! 
–five, dialogue!! 
i spoke about trying to replicate books as best as i can, and dialogue is one of the most important things in that sense. i often see fics who show expression through dialogue, and i used to do it too, but it just looks generally unprofessional (imo!!)
for example;
"WILBUR!!" she screamed. "WILBUR GIVE IT BACK!!!- I'LL KILL YOUUU!!"
wilbur laughed. "i-i dont... know what y-you're talking about..-! haha..."
"wilbur!" she yelped, suffocated through her laughter. her lungs betrayed her as she playfully slapped him. "wilbur give it back- ill kill you!" 
wilbur frantically looked around, his hands behind his back and his eyes wandering. "i dont- i dont know what youre talking about." he spoke, in a sing-song tone.
kinda an exaggeration but ive seen so many fics write dialogue like the first one and idk if its another personal preference, but it just doesnt seem really professional. and usually when you put all the emotion into dialogue like that, it takes away from the emotion you could incorporate into a character's actions or body language or even their thoughts. 
i try to avoid writing dialogue in all caps or with too much punctuation or stuttering, because again, less is more. but also dont do too little;
“see wilbur it wasn’t so difficult was it?” she giggled, and the noise stabbed wilbur a thousand times in the stomach.
“actually it was,” he bit the inside of his cheek, rocking back and forth on his heels with nervousness. “my bed is a literal stone i wish it were made out of feathers."
“see, wilbur? it wasn’t so difficult, was it?” she giggled, and the noise stabbed wilbur a thousand times in the stomach.
“actually, it was,” he bit the inside of his cheek, rocking back and forth on his heels with nervousness. “my bed is a literal stone. i wish it were made out of feathers."
it may seem minuscule, but things like this can ruin the flow of your work. what keeps me engaged as a reader is the plot or the writing style or the characters, not the fact that i have to slow down to remind myself whos talking or where they were supposed to pause when they spoke. that kinda stuff just unmotivates me to read it, if that makes sense. 
one of the most powerful things ever is foreshadowing and as above so below has a TON of it. idk if i can share examples cuz a lot of it is foreshadowing for the sequel, but i like to picture foreshadowing as a sort of inside joke. its special cuz it feels like a little secret between you and the author that only you know. it also shows that you have a coherent plan and youre not just writing on the fly. its professional and its personal. 
another huge thing is connecting. wrap the story up the same way you began it or make small nods to it as you go. 
in the beginning;
she had a lot of questions about wilbur. 
not the type of, "what's your favorite color?" or "what's your favorite band?" questions. more like, "on a scale of one to ten, how much does being a murderer really affect your mood?" 
all of these questions would go unanswered. including "what's your favorite band?" no matter what, she just could not crack the code of wilbur soot. 
to say he was intricate would be an understatement, and her ongoing curiosity would surely be the death of her. 
unless he had something to do about it. 
at a turning point;
“so, what’s your favorite color?” she asked in a light tone, licking at her ice cream.
a wave of dismay washed over his face. he couldn’t think. “t-teal?”
“really? i wouldn’t have guessed that,” she swung her legs beneath the bench, clearly unbothered by wilbur’s confusion. “you don’t really dress like a teal-lover. do you think the moon is real?" 
"no, bad question. hmm. what’s your favorite band?”
his heart fell into the pit of his stomach, thorns poking at his sides creating a terrible sting on his abdomen. he opened his mouth to speak- maybe cry and release his feelings; but nothing came up. not even an answer to her stupid question. it was nauseating. 
she began talking about the sort of music she liked, but none of it struck his brain. he felt sick. he wanted to scream and sob and punch something. but he sat still like he was posing for a renaissance painting.
at the end;
she still had a lot of questions for wilbur. 
not the type of, "what's your favorite color?" or "what's your favorite band?" questions. more like, "wilbur? hello? please help- this hurts- are you still there?" 
and she was starting to lose hope in the fact that those questions might be answered. 
one things for sure; her curiosity will be the death of her. 
unless he's got the courage to do something about it
even just the slight nod to the beginning gives your readers a reminder of everything, and drawing back to your beginning is like wrapping everythint up with a nice little bow ^_^
–seven, characterization and descriptors 
this could also connect to one of the previous tips, but Stop Describing Characters So Much when theyre introduced!! 
if you're introducing a character, dont give an entire paragraph to describing their height, eye color, hair color, clothes, etc. its boring and doesn't engage people and it messes up the flow. 
dont get me wrong, you can mention those things in quick passing so that your reader isnt confused (ie "his brown hair stood up, still clinging to the static electricity from his hat." or "her white dress went along with the patterns of the wind") but having just one big long paragraph like;
"wilbur was tall. very tall compared to everyone else. he had brown eyes and bushy eyebrows that carried his emotions. he wore a gray hood that sometimes covered his face. he wore a bag that slung across his torso. his brown hair was usually uncombed and messy. he had bags under his eyes."
its just generallt not interesting enough!! tell me about his body language; whats his posture look like? does he hold his head up high with confidence? is he slouched over in careless sadness? 
pick a signature trait for your character and make it THE most noticeable thing when theyre first introduced. 
angel is naive and optimistic? shes gonna sound stuck up and unrealistic to such an extent that its almost annoying. 
wilbur is grumpy? the first thing hes gonna do is be super duper mean and hurt everyones feelings 
quackitys a jokester? first thing he does is tell wilbur to literally take his shirt off 
there's such a power in establishing a character into a certain category and playing with that. think about their characterization; is this category gonna change? will it change positively or negatively? will it change quickly? what makes it change? why? theres SO much to he said about character arcs in itself. 
another huge thing about characterization is just being realistic. it doesnt really apply to au fics like gr!wilbur, but if youre writing a blurb about wilbur at a concert- im so sorry but there is barely a chance that hes gonna go up to one of his Fans and instantly fall in love with them. 
and everyone has a preference of course!! if thats your kind of jam, go ahead im not judging. but as a personal preference, i don't really enjoy it when the characters dont seem realistic or wilbur's dialogue is definitely not something that he would say. 
but again, at the end of the day, everyone has their preferences and by all means tweak your writing to YOUR standards!! write whatever makes you happy!! dont let some writer named zone let you dictate how to write and what you should or shouldnt write. it should all be with your own preference (and also respecting other peoples boundaries ofc) 
one of the biggest mistakes ive made as a writer was robotically writing, or in other words only writing so that i could Produce something and get a couple notes on tumblr and thats it. doing that is what made me fall out of love and with writing. 
aasb was the first fic i finished on my own accord, and of course i had friends like flore and carrie to push me on to continue, but i wrote it because it was an idea i loved. not because i wanted to post it for the people of tumblr. thats one of the beautiful things that flore taught me, whether it was unintentional or not, but its helped me so much. 
and a ton of these tips takes Time and Practice as everything unfortunately does. ive certainly improved my writing game since like 4 years ago from both reading and writing to pick up certain little traits that ive loved from other peoples works and incorporated it into my own style. 
i think the person whose had the most influence on my writing is. in fact. florence harbingerofheartbreak. and im not even saying that cuz shes my friend im genuinely so amazed by her work and her stuff is severely underrated 
and also this is only a fragment of tips, there are a plethora of actual professionals that could give out their tips but again at the end of the day its all what You Do. 
and by all means id loooove to read any of your works (not just this anon, any of your guys' works) so please please please dont be afraid to send em to me!! i hope these tips help ^_^
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creation-help · 2 years
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the first two are clementine pre n post wither storm n the third is an oc ive just been calling [DATA EXPUNGED]
theyre both pokemon ocs, w clem specifically being a mash up of being a minecraft storymode oc and a pokemon oc
[DATA EXPUNGED] is the Champion of Arceus n is v ? theatrical ? fancy ? either way he speaks like its the early 1800s, i also dont have much of a backstory for him since i created him like, 4 days ago n im VERY slow at giving ocs backstories
clementine on the other hand ive been making a backstory for several months so i have a lot to say but i wont so to sum up her backstory (in a way thats prolly shit ngl) its:
clem n her (still unnamed n undeveloped) friends go to a con, they win, they go to a post con festival, clem meets some guy, the same guy clem meets makes the wither storm, she defeats it but is v traumatized from it, she becomes a mayor of a town at some point but she ends up running away from kalos to kanto
[Is not familiar with the Pokémon storylines you're talking about and thus has nothing to comment on it, so apologies if that is relevant to the review]
I'm assuming [DATA EXPUNGED] isn't, at least in the current state of things, related to Clementines story at all?
I'll tackle [DATA EXPUNGED] first!
Very solid color scheme, I think the dark skin tone fits perfectly with black white and gold, especially since the shirt (top?) is white. The accessories and face patterns really give off a fancy, perhaps priest like aesthetic and it makes the whole collective come across as very distinguished. Supernatural too, considering the one white eye and again, face patterns, although it leaves some ambiguity since this could also just be a very fancy cultural getup. I have to say though, I'd probably have made the roses some other color: though the black is strong and very cool, you can't really see them from the black hair and thus it sorta muddies the effect and makes it look more like the character is wearing some headgarment rather than a rose crown. Unfortunately, since this is a picrew, i can't say much for more core aspects of the design like the shape of the face, eyes and nose, which I consider very essential aspects of designing human characters. This is no fault of yours, as I said, picrews can be limiting in this aspect.
Judging by the art style though I'm going to guess this character is meant to have a strong angular face and jawline with a straight, square nose. Strong but elegant brows, I assume? The beauty mark on his jaw though is a very nice touch! Gives some uniqueness and personality to the otherwise very conformed, untouched image the character has.
The character strikes me as a very learned, wise personality who knows things beyond this world, and I can definitely see that he'd speak more theatrically, like a preacher or professor (the book and quill help this).
If the character ever ends up drawn by free hand, here's things I'd suggest adjusting or adding to [DATA EXPUNGED]: Facial traits. I think a strong nose with a bit of a greek shape would do wonders for a theatrical, regal looking character like him, and if the angular jawline is intended, keep that!! Depending on age (or how dramatic you want him to look), I'd also suggest more visible cheekbones perhaps? Strong brows and serious eyes would contribute to this vibe but depending on of course where you take this character, you can change things to suit that! For what I'm suggesting here, the character feels like a sort of apocalypse preacher person who is more interested in studies and has a tendency to push people away. However you could also easily go a softer route with him as well but I think, if you do, I'd still keep the angular dramatic facial features. The rest of my suggestions would just be to add maybe the smallest bit more decoration or jewelry, maybe something with a more personal touch? Earrings, rings, ect. I feel like he'd be the type to carry around some very sentimental piece of jewelry or other item, something he holds in great value. He doesn't seem like he'd pretty up just for appearance sake. Also I feel like sideburns or some stray hair whispies would add a fun little touch that could divert from the more serious groomed image the character gives, just something to create uniqueness in general. Doesn't have to be those exact things I suggested.
Then Clementine!
Design is simple but functional. Personally I think she could also use a bit more to make her less generic ykno? To be fair this could also be a fault of whatever you used to make these images (not sure if that's a picrew or some other dollmaker thing). I like the amount of change you have between the before and after states, especially liking the touch of her expression changing, even though its not related to design here lol. The first one with the simple, a bit girlish and old timey dress works well with the half up hairstyle and simplistic outfit to establish a younger character who's out to see the world. The two things diverting from this image are the sword and maybe(?) her being barefoot. The sword evokes imagery of either someone who seems more innocent or naive but turns out to also have sharp, honed skills. OR a strapping enthusiast who is looking for adventure and her place in the world, with only the clothes on her back and this sword she found (lighthearted tone). The barefoot aspect also gives a bit of a rural vibe, of being more in touch with nature. Which is something the After™ version contrasts, with a more modern feeling outfit, and the loss of the sword.
I really like her having a longer hairstyle in the latter one, with the braids/dreads. Hairstyle changes are a great way to communicate something in a character so it fits! It feels more subdued mature while still keeping a bit of that openness and freedom, with the dreads hanging freely, and hey, still being in a half up style! Good one!
I'd suggest maybe adding more signs of experience or wear on the latter version, just to communicate her having gone through something major, even traumatic. Scars or something like more visible eyebags, or something to show a more scuffed up appearance ykno? You could also make her more stocky and built, or maybe a bit chubbier in the latter, bc to me it feels like a slightly older version of the character and so, getting more built feels appropriate for that.
Overall just add more simple, small touches to communicate personality more. I think the latter one is good at that but the first one feels more generic. If it's meant to be simple though, I understand! But still. Doesn't have to be anything major, could just be things like small accessories or things she's personalized for herself. Maybe In the first version she could have a little patched up clothing to show her outdoorsy lifestyle? If not, you could add something else, just a suggestion.
From a purely visual standpoint, [DATA EXPUNGED]'s design is lots more interesting and distinct looking, and I'd only really adjust the person under the clothing and accessories. For Clementine, I feel that she could use to stand out just a tad more. However I hugely appreciate them both being poc and also having natural hairstyles (both having dreads at some point) to it! Definitely helps make them more diverse, which is always a design plus!
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banana-breadses · 1 year
holy shit your object show as a whole sounds so interesting if you woulnd't mind i want to hear more
okie lets go! (long ramble ahead)
My show is called Roll Credits!
plot wise its just your standard object show with challenges eliminations and a huge plot thing later in the season! the characters is where it gets fun ;-)
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here are the first drawings of most of the characters. its not the best, but they're all here! lets go in order:
Water Bottle(she/her): Athletic! likes sports and excersise. complete opposite of Towel.
Towel(she/her): Lazy! likes television and sleeping. complete opposite of Water Bottle.
Textbook(he/him): Smart! is a green book! i have since updated his design, and added glasses and some blocks of text on his cover. also BAD AT TALKING
Rubik's Cube(he/him): Organized! basically my younger brother's self insert. dont know much about him but hey he seems cool.
Sugar Cookie(she/her): My girl! love her! first character of them all,an oc before i wanted to make a show. Ive talked all about her before, and I love her <3
Snowflake(he/him): honestly he's the one ive thought the least about. cool guy, really chill(pun intended)
Drum(they/them): Likes music i guess. I love them but all conversations end up in an argument because of the ~transphobic family~
Bowl(he/they/it): Cool guy. also a god. this was drawn before he was a god. doesn't talk i also have an original drawing for God Bowl that i dont really like anymore but if you wanna see it... (more lore to come!)
Bill(he/him): Rich! Bowl's best friend, and talks a lot. makes up for Bowl's silence.
Sunglasses(both he/him): the hosts! individually their names are Sun and Glass. Sun is excitable and energetic, and Glass is a cool guy.
Measuring Tape(she/they): Mom friend? i think? no matter what I am in love with their shape!!! she's so cute!!1
Glow Stick(she/her): rowdy teenager! likes to party and have fun. Her emotions do get really big(like me!) and she changes mood really intensely really quickly.
Flashlight(she/her): Cute girl! love her! she's the youngest of the group. kind to everyone, knows everyone, but doesn't have any real friends. Until now! with compassion she and Glow Stick become good friends :)
Speaker(he/him): didn't have a personality, but now he still doesn't! yknow how Rob in TAWOG forces his way from a background character to the villain? Speaker's kinda like that. doesn't have a personality, but hacks into the settings of the show to give himself one.
Pinecone(he/him):!!!!! the angry one!!!! used to be a criminal. he has been cloned!! and he doesn't really know it. as far as Pinecone knows, he got hit with a sciencey beam and thats it.
Marble(he/him):uuuuhh a last minute addition. dont know much about him. :/
Key(he/him): very calm. Kinda like Candle II. his eyes are always closed because when he opens them theyre so shiny it would blind everyone. why? you'l never know(unless you ask him(he polishes them(with bleach)))
Twig(she/her): TWIG!!!! Love her!!! very soft spoken and loves her leaf. doesn't understand people all the time, but she tries :o)
Mushroom(she/her): the mediator. Likes gardening, and tries to keep her alliance from falling apart.
those are all the main characters! there are a few side characters like the mafia, their parents, and the gods.
okie the mafia:
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Coney(he/any): Pinecone's clone. wants to distance themself from him a lot, so he became a criminal! leads a band of friends despicable objects.
Poinsettia(she/her): tries to stay calm. Tall. super cool
Butter Knife(they/them): anxious to all tomorrows. i have never seen them not anxious.
Tie(he/she): chaotic. has maybe killed someone for real......? she wont tell.
honestly the mafia is just Team Rocket level evil, but Coney honestly tries to be bad.
their parents are just a few things ive thought about. Sugar Cookie's parents are Chocolate Chip Cookie and Cake, Rubik's cube's parents are Puzzle and Paint Pallet, and Measuring Tapes parents are Ruler and Tape. Ive come up with more(not all of them).
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the gods are still a bit of a mystery to me. there are twelve of them, (all dishware) but the only ones that are really important and fleshed out are Bowl and Plate. Plate was Bowl's caretaker when it was young, and after Bowl ran away, she got really depressed and holed up in the gods' realm. they all have varying numbers of eyes and wings.
here's a picture of Plate and a ladle guy i might make a god.
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okie those are all the characters! (not even all of them I still havent mentioned Doll or any of the alliances ;))
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oven-thermometer · 2 years
Do you write fanfiction of your OCs? If so, can we have a taste?
summary: a prequel beginning vibe to the story of my oc delilah :)
a/n: you didn’t specify a fandom so I went with darksiders lol. ive had delilah for the longest time, ive written out the concept for her story and even drawn her but never actually posted anything past that one huge oc masterlist thing I have! im so happy I finally get to write something abt her, even if this is death centered. This was always going to be the beginning of any multichapter thing I was gonna do for her anyways haha.
warnings: mentions of death
wc: drabble of 853 words
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The sharp light reflected off of Death’s cool, grey skin. The blue glow sat on the dark shelf, accompanied by the others Death had lit earlier. They burned through wind and shine – never once flickering. They were unwavering in their supply of calmness. His hand slid across the aged wood until it fell to his side, the cracked wood felt coarse even on his calloused fingers.
The tired, ragged curtains were kept tightly shut. Not an ounce of unnecessary light escaped into the space from the outside. Only a glimpse of sun would be seen as Death wrapped himself in his plum cloak and swiftly exited the house. The door’s hinges would creak under the weight of simply being touched. Many years had seen too much of the house fall into disarray, with the roof caving in and the windows leaking whenever it rained. The floorboards would creak and pop loudly when the temperature changed. Although, these constant, unchanging issues wrong with the house gave him comfort. They would always be there, so long as he never changed or fixed them. They would stay. He could keep them. He clung to them as an anxious child would to it’s mother’s hand.
Despair’s teal flames licked at his ashen body. He kicked the ground in impatience, making Death’s lip curl upwards behind his mask. Despair’s impatient personality streak would always remind him of her.
The journey was calm. Thick, luscious grass grew uninhibited with delicate white flowers peppered throughout. Leaves swayed gently in the light breeze, the birds dancing through the branches. Their noises combined with the song of the forest and the meadows followed Death as he and Despair rode.
As his ethereal horse came to a halt, Death felt the soft pitter patterings of rain drops landing on his head. He lifted his head slightly to look at the sky, and he saw nothing but the glaring sun staring back at him teasingly. A few stray clouds dotted the blue horizon, and these were squeezed of their moisture as more soft water fell on his face. He held his hand out, he had seen her do it countless times, and watched as the globules of liquid slid across his weathered palm. He had asked her why she always did this, and she had only answered by explaining that if she could not see the rain, she at least wanted to feel it. At the time he thought nothing of it, but now he truly felt what she meant. Even for him, a being with sight, the idea of a world without feeling only seemed sorrowful and lonely. So he continued to feel every chance he could.
Eventually, Death came to what seemed to be the ruins of an old temple. Huge boulders of debris and cracked walls lay helplessly strewn across a stone floor. The site always seemed to be long since used, no matter how many visits he made. She loved this place. The murals were still clear on the walls, albeit broken into an unsolvable puzzle across the area. The drops of rain stained the stone work to a dark grey where they fell, running towards the center of the structure. The floor slanted towards the middle, meaning any water collected there. He ran his hand over the large crack here, inspecting the rich soil for any weeds or unwanted specks. But, none was to be found. Occasionally a few stray pests or bugs would make this place and this soil their home. Death would always gently find them better places to live and thrive, although he knew she would have reprimanded him for it. He couldn’t stand to see anything stay and grow in this crevice in the floor other than the plant he had been caring for.
A thick, dark blue stem sat in the soil; growing to about a meter before buckling under a weight and bending. Said weight held a graceful mauve flower which hung unperturbed from it’s stem as it seemed to glisten slightly. The petals dipped whenever enough water droplets grouped together, causing them to fall and splash onto the ground underneath.
The single flower on this plant always seemed to perplex Death – and yet it would always make sense when he left. This flower and this place all looked and seemed so beautiful on the outside – but closing your eyes and leaving, simply thinking of the feeling you felt makes you feel the exact same. Remembering the emotions he felt when visiting his flower was it’s purpose, he would learn.
He sat alone for some time as Despair wandered. The horse came and went as he pleased – never straying too far or coming too close. Maybe he knew, but animals always accepted loss and mourning easier. Or so he must have imagined.
As Death stood, once again preparing to leave the place, he turned to the flower for one final exchange, as he always did. It was three simple words. Three words; with the last one solidifying her memory and ensuring her place in the universe to not be forgotten.
“Thank you, Delilah.”
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dumbbitchfrommars · 19 days
12am and i cant sleep.
its been so hard adjusting to all the change. it was unexpected, and i got used to something and didnt realise how that momentum would just disappear and how uncomfortable i would be about that.
i think i got used to the chaos of being a student. now i feel stuck, and im doubting myself. im really, really questioning.
but somehow i was blessed with a really wonderful man amidst it all?
doubt/fear/self criticism. its confusing me... i havent properly cried in so long. ive just gotten a bit too comfortable with the subtle, constant voice in my head putting me down for every little mistake and unmet expectation.
i am a good writer. i missed writing, really writing. i got so lazy. i feel so lazy, all the time. like im never quite putting in 100%, but if i did, i know id be able to achieve so much. id be so successful - probably at anything i put my mind into.
instead im so afraid of failing or being disappointed that i barely try at all.
my confidence is thin... i wonder if people can see through my facade?
im so ashamed and angry at myself for losing my temper today. it completely derailed the rest of my day. i feel terrible. i deserved to get in trouble today. it was my karma for being impatient, and mean, and angry. life is not that serious. nothing is worth that kind of anger. no stranger deserves that kind of anger...
im so tired but the coffee that i knew would throw me off is keeping me up. i was shaking for half the day today! i genuinely helped so many people but i also feel judged, criticised and under appreciated. i am not rostered again for this entire week.
work is not worth this frustration and anger and hurt. ive exhausted myself analysing the situation and its done. but, what is left if not that? what do i worry about instead? how others might judge me for dating this guy? or how my car is stuck in a carpark tonight and might be towed away by the morning? or, that i have $40 to my name right now with multiple trips interstate planned in the next few months? money doesnt matter. it never really mattered and is the least of my problems, and yet it floats back to me constantly like a persistent fly. i got bit on the fucking face by a mosquito!
but being hugged like that healed something in me. it was the most comforting hug ive had in so, so long. i could cry just thinking about feeling that way all the time. so warm and safe and protected and loved.
its nice to feel like i can be a shy girl again. like i dont have to pretend to be confident all the time, cause someone else is already, and hes ready to take the lead for me. so i can let my guards down and just be my self and not worry about scaring him off or making him insecure. and i like the way he tells me things. like he really shows me, and gets me to visualise what hes trying to explain. and i like how he rubbed my knee when i said i wasnt listening to him for one second. and i like how he kinda just decided for me that were hanging out again tomorrow. and i like how he asked "are you okay" when i got all anxious and made me laugh at myself instead of being awkward. how did he do that? he helped me not overthink by making a sweet joke and i could laugh. and my critical side is non existent when im with him, cause hes so confident in himself. hes so man. and i actually like him. i like talking to him, i like his personality, im drawn to him, i think hes attractive. i mean, he has odd style but it suits him. and he has some opinions that i disagree with but they arent dealbreakers. and hes such a boyyyy like hes so masculine man like wow they really do exist. all i had to do was look in a different place to my own. I KNEW IT TOO. i knew i liked them a little rough around the edges. ugh. okay. i think thats enough fawning over him now.
i wonder when we'll finally kiss. i dont think im ready yet... im scared of rushing and getting hurt again. i think he can tell and thats why hes been so slow and gentle with me. is crazy, isnt it? i seem so confident and attractive and cool from the outside. i feel like everyone profiles me as having so much handed to me. but its honestly so scary and hard to try do relationships and friendships. ive been hurt so much and im so so sensitive. but maybe i seem strong and like my walls are up or something, so people think im indestructible. but secretly im so soft and fragile and i need time. and i feel like hes giving me that time? like i dont think ive ever gone this long talking to a guy. i havent hung out with a guy 3 times without kissing once. thats a lie... but its also true, cause the taurus i always just expected it to not be romantic. i dont think i ever really saw us being in a relationship. but i can see myself with the scorpio. so its even a shock just for me, to see how seriously im taking this by not rushing. i want everything to be special and the right timing. i even want to meet his family and friends. and my sister really likes him. thats how i know hes good for me. because shes never wrong about people. could this be why i had such a trainwreck day today? did i receive some kind of evil eye the other night? but...who...? everyone seemed so sweet and happy and lovely. maybe its just a bad day and i shouldnt overthink it.
its fucking freezing cold and now its past 1am. ugh.
i would love another one of those hugs, please. it was so lovely and nice and ugh. holy shit. i really like him!
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