#i just... cant. this episode fuckin ruled
twobrokenwyngs · 2 years
I just saw the ep and oh my goddd, some of this fandom needs to touch grass when it comes to their media. so many of y'all have been watching waaay too many cutesy, sweet, tender, sanitized queer love stories. like, y'all know this isn't Love Simon or some shit, right???
it is so SILLY to act like lestat did this catastrophic out-of-character thing that there's no coming back from. anyone who feels that way has a very disney-fied version of who lestat is in their heads. I realize that the guys have had moments of sweetness and romance but y'all really clung onto that so hard you forgot what show you're actually watching, huh?
please. pull yourselves together. for the following 4 reasons:
he is a spoiled fuck!! he's the brat prince!! he takes what he wants and reacts destructively to not getting his way! the fact that he's been as patient with Louis as he HAS for all these years has been a miracle unto itself. this act has been boiling under the surface and ultimately amounts to no more than a violent temper tantrum befitting of the character
louis! 👏 is! 👏 a! 👏 vampire!!! he's a goddamn immortal being, who is going to completely heal after a good day's sleep lmao. lestat knew that when he laid hands on him! he didn't actually do anything that could kill or maim or otherwise permanently disable louis, he wasn't TRYING to!
they are in a toxic relationship!!! did you guys think that was just an adorable expression? their relationship is fucked up and unhealthy, steeped in coercion and violence and manipulation and a massive power imbalance and literally always has been!!! hello?!!?
this is a tv show. it's a visual medium. it needs to comprise seven hours of compelling, exciting content, it needs to up the ante and take liberties due to the fact that it isn't a book and cannot sustain itself on louis' emotions alone. on top of that, the VAST majority of the violence that occurred still happened offscreen. they struck a perfect balance
so yeah, idk, I have absolutely noooo patience for some of the takes I've seen about this. none at all. either wake up and realize what genre of show this is or see yourself out tbh lol
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sentientgopro · 9 months
Alright, later today will be the one week mark since cracking, and its wild how much has changed and how much has stayed the same. Sure, I still can't actually transition for quite a long time, but just the realisations and understanding this has brought me has been life changing. To focus less on the trans part for a second, Its fucking shocking how much having something to look forward to has affected me. I never noticed how bad shit was before until its gotten better. To see the extent to which a lack of positive reasons to Carry On actually affected me on a day to day basis. But I don't wanna dwell on that, Im getting shit done and am catching up with where I should be academically. Reaching Uni keeps looking easier and easier. And yes, I still have times where I feel how I felt before. i make a small mistake, get berated for it, and wonder why I fuckin bother Carrying On. But even at that time, I know its temporary, I know itll pass, and it does. That wasn't happening before, it just stuck.
As I uncover more about myself, Im noticing more and more dysphoria, beit feelings I didnt notice before or things I did notice and found other explanations for. I know this is gonna get worse, but fuck it, I can actually recover from things now. Ill manage. Things aren't actually changing right now, I cant safely transition yet, but as I said, things also have changed.
So far this has primarily been a wider reflection on the past week but I do have something new to add. Ive noticed that, at times, I have felt like being masc is right, that having a deeper voice is right, etc. And I wondered, is it some kinda fluidity? NB? Its only certain situations, most of the time I do feel fem, so what's up with that?
And then I think about a show I'm watching right now, Gen V, and it all makes sense.
Jordan Li's powers aren't exactly clearly defined, but basically, they switch between a man and woman at will (Its not full shapeshifting, the power is binary), as well as having other general superpowers depending on which they are, making for some cool fight scenes. But outside of the fight scenes, the way the show explores which they choose is interesting (and the show DOES explicitly state what Im about to say.)
Its made clear that Jordan is more comfortable as a girl, which their parents hate. Theres a decent chunk of one episode clearly about "HES our little boy, what happened to HIM" while Jordan, originally a guy in this scene, switches infront of their parents to be more comfortable.
So why, outside of combat, do they choose to be masc?
They do it when they try to make a point. Appear authoratative and/or respectable. When interacting with people who they don't think would like them as a girl (e.g their girlfriend, Marie the protagonist, who isn't explicity bi, atleast not yet, and Jordan says they would rather be comfortable as a girl with Marie but they don't know if shes okay with it.)
And I can't help but think that makes TOTAL sense. I feel more masc at work when I want to appear strong, capable, and, dare I say it, "cool". When I'm talking to people I wish respected me more. When I'm with friends, people I know are allies and some queer, I feel more fem. I don't think I'm fluid, I think this I feel the same kinda way as Jordan.
The key takeaway from this for me is that genuinely, representation, especially in the most random places, is so good. Its interesting watching it with my parents because its a world where superpowers are very real, and this person CAN switch at will on every level. And they have to drop the "not a real man/woman" argument and struggle to find a different reason to hate what they see. The representation characters like Jordan provide says "Okay, if we play by your rules and portray what a """real man/ woman""" looks like, this is the REAL situations queer people face and the way they are treated. And you still agree with the people treating them that way. Your problem is NOT how much they are actually like their chosen gender." And its good being in something unexpected. My parents would not watch your standard kinda "queer media", yknow, stuff like heartstopper or whatever (idk, I dont either so idk what Im talking abt.) But putting good, well written rep in a spin off of a show where a dude in a trench coat shoves a bomb up an invisible dudes ass and he says cunt alot exposes them to things they would not otherwise be exposed to.
And thats only talking about the minimal effect this rep has on people who disagree with it. Much more important is the exposure for queer people who don't know it yet, or don't know how they feel, and it provides understanding, something to look at and say "thats me". Honestly, Im gettin a little tired of writing this rn, anything I could say about that aspect of representation has been said a million times already, So Ill leave it there.
So, to conclude, with the absolute hardest line ever said in a show, from Jordan Li:
"Tag team cocksplosion."
Okay maybe not the best choice.
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malevolententity · 1 year
i made a little man! look at this little guy!!! hes a lil derpy but i like him :) cant wait to put him in a bag and forget about him LMAO he took about an hour or so to work up! currently 35 minutes into s2e9 and there was probably a 10 minute period of pausing making sure i was counting right (i was not but hes already sewn up so its fine hes just Special) so lil over an hour on this guy! i may make him again and try to Count Better we shall see.
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hey why did they go to the past but its not because its allegedly 2020 still but thats a fucking medieval town theyre in. is this magic ren faire. m starting to think that the cave mist fuckin sent them to a ren faire because ren faires TRULY are 'you literally would not be here unless invited and you WANTED to be here' so like. teleporting ren faire in my mind until proven otherwise. ALSO HOLY SHIT FELPS IS HERE???? i was not expecting him until like season? 4? i believe season 4 is the one where everyones actually at a table together but hes here now as? maybe a guest? going to be interesting to see how long The Helper sticks with the party and what they get up to. big fan of all the descriptions of all the people in Holy Cradle like this is just a TOWN of emo elves but theyre Dweebs basically and i am in love with all of them (all 2 of them as i am only like a sentence in to meeting the blacksmith who is guy #3). very very tempted to break my crochet rule and just watch another hour of this episode without doing Anything because idk what to make next and m sad that ive only gotten to watch an hour :( and i wanna see more rpg felps :( but ill be strong. i will stick to my rule but i am Very tempted and you must all be aware of this.
this is going to be Such a time in this town i can feel it in my bones especially if theyre here for multiple sessions
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10x09 of chicago pd
here we go
oh the recap
such pain
how's chief o’neal gonna defend his son now??
did voight just call o’neal
oh he did
im curious to see how this goes
please open your eyes
im begging you
don't be a fuckin idiot
oh my god
that's not at all creepy
‘learned that somewhere’
not at all a subtle dig at sean
for the love of god
be reasonable
be rationable
oh my god
my god
this is so dark, so quick
oh lawyer lady
hello lawyer lady
oh my god
this is so interesting
im invested
please help
h e l p
im feeling so sorry for her
this poor girl
oh isla
hailey, what’re you gonna do now???
please be reasonable
please try to be sensitive
now we’re getting somewhere
its getting so INTERESTING
oh no
ohhhh nooooo
im gonna kill him
i swear to all higher power
ill kill him
holy shit
this is so dark
oh my god
hailey’s face
she feels so sorry
and she's blaming herself, I cAN FEEL IT
im crying just looking at her
oh nooooo
‘he said, she said’
listen to lawyer lady
don't do something stupid that's gonna affect everything else
god they’re not listening to her
if hailey gets hurt, ill riot
i will
im gonna punch him
punch him
jesus fuckin christ
this is so dark
they need to put fuckin trigger warnings
im gonna crack his skull open
you keep speaking to my wife like that
im gonna shoot you
oh great
lawyer lady #2
your client is an abominable shit goblin of a human being
the fuck are you doing defending him?
stfu lawyer lady #2
nobody likes you
idek you
but i don't like you
chief o’neal is definitely defending sean
definitely helping him
is he gonna get arrested?
cuz i wouldn't mind watching that
we’re getting somewhere
don't break rules guys
its not gonna end well
and sean’s gonna go free
we don't want that to happen
oh no
irrelevant ik
oh shit
this isn't gonna end well
shits gonna hit the fan
i can feel it
stop lying you idiot
you know him
thank you
now we’re getting somewhere
this'll be fun
why does voight only hold the gun in one hand???
what does he gain from that??
how is that safe??
my god
where are the girls
it’s chief o’neal again
he fuckin told his son
i can feel it
how despicable of a human being can you be
shut the fuck up paddy
you’re son is a terrible person
oh lawyer lady and lawyer lady #2
if they fight
that'd be awesome
i wanna see it happen
i swear to fucking god if you bring up jay
i will murder you in your sleep
i don't care if youre fictional or not
T H A N K  Y O U
C O M E  O N
i cant
i cannot
‘sean would be a fool to do something now’
‘lets hope hes a fool then’
oh i really hope he is
bcuz if he isn't arrested along w/ his father
ill kill dick wolf
ill do it
poor hank
just staring at the board
where’s hailey??
where's my wife??? 
oh theres my wife
god i wanna hug her so badly
hank why?
why have you done this
whatre you hoping to get from this
did she go home??
or is she going to sean?
use your fucking brain
fuckin read it then
if youre so sure about his innocence
read it
good god hailey
what's your plan
shut the fuck up sean
wait hold on??
whatre you trying to do hailey??
appeal to his humanity??
i really hope this works
don't make me feel sorry for you
i dont like them
this is not gonna end well
hailey back off
go away
hes gonna do something bad
hailey please
back off
god i dont like where this is going
im scared
shut UP
i feel sorry for them now
i don't like this
at all
i don't wanna feel sorry for them
read the fucking files 
oh god
where's this gonna go
please fuckin leave
do not psychoanalyse her
i don't think jay and hailey ever called each other ‘husband and wife’ to each other
we’ve only ever heard it after jay left or from other people
excuse my crying
leave. her. alone. 
back off
this will not end well
just back off
oh no
what's gonna happen
we can't go down this way again
i can't handle what happened to you in season seven
i can't 
don't do this to me
the fact that voight is now the voice of reason
that's just really fuckin funny when you look at the nine seasons
we love the irony
what have you found
she's found something
what is it
oh my god
this better go well
im not prepared
at all
don't get hurt
please don't
she's gonna get hurt, isn't she???
im scaredddd
W H E R E  A R E  T H EY
that superhero landing???
damn alright
we’re just gonna look past that ig
not at all mention the fact that she jumped down and landed perfectly
please stay safe
oh god
don't do this
please wait for backup
oh thank god
oh thank god
theres back up
let this fo somewhat well
oh my god
oh my fucking god
please tell me that they can arrest him now???
oh no
where is he now??
o’neal’s hiding him, isn't he??
cuz if he is
this is gonna be interesting
‘by the book’
that's rich coming from you hank
oh my god
oh wait
hold on
is he...
is he alive???
he deserves to suffer
save him
so he can suffer
thank you
thank you voight
please tell me that they can save him
i wanna see him suffer
why do I feel like hank’s getting flashbacks to ana
do not compare her to him
oh hes alive
this’ll be fun
jesus fuck
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spocksjuul · 4 years
i definitely want to read the “sci fi is better when it’s low budget” essay!
Okokok gonna put this under a readmore so I don’t annoy my followers also it may be slightly controversial:
so I have many Thoughts but they basically all boil down to the idea that the majority of modern sci fi cgi films are both over rendered and under designed. Like every single scene is always stuffed chock full of a lot of grit and dust or random colorful flashing lights, and I’m not totally sure if this is a stylistic choice or a symptom of the limitations of cgi since it’s sometimes easier to cover up weird seams and stuff with fancy effects, but Either way it totally ignores basic rules of composition and design in favor of just mashing a whole bunch of visual elements together in a way that might be striking the first time you see it but gets super boring after the ten thousandth scene you’ve watched that looks exactly like it. I feel like it’s also kinda driven by this obsessive aversion to hokeyness and a dedication to Gritty Realism™️ by people who want to make it seem like they’re working in a Serious Genre™️. But it’s not serious!! It’s adventures in outer space!!!!! & imo the visuals should reflect that. Give me color!! Weird outfits!!! Impractical interior design!!!!! And MOST of all a strong visual identity that doesn’t look like every other goddamn sci fi out there. And I’m not saying that good visuals CANT be accomplished with cgi, or that it’s not used well in certain circumstances. It’s just that the movies/shows that are actually given the budget for cgi (bc lbr it’s fuckin expensive- discovery has a budget of $8mil/episode)- arent going to use that money to take creative risks bc capitalism is the death of art etc etc. So yes I do genuinely think that TOS with its styrofoam props and cheesy practical effects is more visually compelling than any trek that came after it... cause like. Yea it’s ugly. But it’s ugly in its own very special way ❤️ and I think a genre with as many possibilities as sci fi should be way more visually diverse than what we’re currently seeing. There’s also the argument that cgi allows filmmakers to bank on the Big Climactic Space Fight Scene to sell the movie as opposed to like, an airtight script and interesting character development/relationships, though I’m just a lowly visual artist who only watches things for Pretty Pictures so I’m not going to get into that rn. But anyway I’d like to hear your guys thoughts on this/ whether you have any visually impressive sci fi to recommend to me bc I am Starving lmao💕🖖💚
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tklpilled · 3 years
good morning talk to me about house hunters
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they do not search for a house unless you are talking about my post canon where the main four + alluka live together in which case yes they do <3
basically i love this show dearly and i will cherish it until the day i die /hj also why is every character?? with a name starting with k a good character???? killua kurapika kite knov komugi. kalluto is there too i guess they’re okay. "okay" is a very high compliment for someone in that family
also since we dont get any more canon i can make my own and there’s nothing stopping me which means killua doesn’t fuckin go back to his family’s estate because they literally tortured him please stop making him go back to them please he already has kurapika and leorio as parental figures please sto (canary and not!gotoh go visit him though. does it make sense for them to be able to leave? no but i hate the zoldycks so they don’t get any say in My Canon™)
hisoka also doesnt exist. i still don’t know what his purpose was other than to be creepy towards twelve year olds. he killed some people?? theres a whole family of assassins literally right there. he was there for an antagonist role?? anyone else could have done that. he wasnt even a good antagonist either he just betrayed all of his Antagonist Buddies except illumi bc theyre gay or something idk and he wouldnt shut up about how bungee gum has the properties of rubber and gum. why did they give us 60+ episodes without him and then bring him back for no reason. what was the point. hope he dies
anyway back to Them All Being Happy Together Because They Deserve It, alternatively titled an au where kurapika picked up his fucking phone. sometimes gon and killua go visit colt and kite part two and when i say gon and killua i mean all of them. leorio and kurapika go to make sure they dont get killed and alluka goes because they cant leave her alone. they just go for the sake of gon and killua
killua has feelings for gon and it is So painfully obvious and everyone else won't stop teasing him about it. he doesn't think it's that easy to tell but it really is and gon is just so very oblivious. he figures it out eventually though (by the means of someone else finally having enough of their pining and telling him)
speaking of gay people. leorio and kurapika. the other three end up getting tired of watching them because it's So Obvious and they try doing something about it but it just ends up like "please hurry up and confess your feelings" "we've been married for three years"
in terms of tk hcs, alluka is the only one who can tickle killua without him complaining (he’s absolutely going to get her back though because it’s the older brother rule™). this doesn’t mean he won’t let the others do it, but he Will insult them and tell them how much he hates them. leorio is only ticklish in a couple of places and only kurapika knows because leorio will kill him if he tells anyone. alluka only lets killua tickle her, which means that she wins on the rare occasion that she joins in a tk fight since no one can get her back. kurapika has a fair chance of winning if the person he’s going for is in the mood to lose, but he’s also really ticklish so if they turn the tables he’s probably going to be the one losing. gon just kinda goes with whatever the other person is in the mood for, if they want to tickle him then he’ll let them and vice versa
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bloopferheart · 4 years
Sk8ti theories!!
Spoilers for all the current episode of sk8 (up to episode 6)
- also sorry if this all over the place lmao
so i have many theories but i wanna talk about the one that im most leaning towards! so personally what i think is going to happen is that reki and langa are going to fall in love, they both fall in love with each other and i think there is going to be hinted canon romance??? i dunno they will DEFINITELY have a deeper bond than they currently are at. we can see that each episode they are getting closer and closer, langa is smiling more and they are starting to become more "touchy-feely" with each other (*coughs* the latest blessing of an episode we had, ep6, the beach episode <3). we can also see that they love each in the translation of the end credits the lines.  "i like what ive always liked", "lets keep feelings",  "lets keep your heart"  , "let's go together" ,"you are always in my heart" - (fuckin sobs kakjdsh). i see the end credits as a convo between langa and reki so these are things that *both* of them are saying. so, yes, i think it will be requited love....at first. (fuck here comes the angst)
time to talk about fucking ad*m,,,,so what i think is that adam is going to draw langa away from reki and sort of influence him into the world of reckless skating. langa is so drawn to adam that he starts to skate more dangerously and adapt the same ways of skating that adam does. becuase of his, he starts to drift away from reki. reki usually skates by the rules and doesnt cheat, or at least he doesnt go as far as adam does. reki is always ready to try new things but he defientley isnt as reckless as langa will end up being. reki will start to feel as though he is falling more and more behind langa until langai so caught up in reckless skating that he is just gone. reki realizes its too late and that langa is too far ahead he cant keep up (just like in the intro when reki falls and when langa doesnt turn around to look back at him and how langa dissapears). 
so, besides reki falling behind langa, how will this *directly* affect reki? well i defientley think that reki has some trauma surrounding adam considering how he fucking screamed langas name and had a nightmare about adam,,,like,,,,idk :( but continuing on, i think that langa is going to make a very dangerous bet, like a life threatning bet that impacts reki. and i think that langa *finally* realizes his mistakes when its too late. so, this is where my theory starts to go 2 ways. 
1) reki will,,,*takes a deep breath* dies. what if langa makes such a dangerous bet and adams influence is too much that he accidnetly kills reki? BUT tbh this is one of my theories that i dont actually lean a lot towards. the next one is what i actually think is more likely to happen based on the ending credits,
2) reki *will* get hurt, but emotionally not physically (or maybe physically but i dont think so). he will see that langa is never coming back to him (or at least he thinks that) and decides to just leave him. its at this time that langa realizes "fuck ive gone too far" but its too late too chase after reki because reki already tried chasing after him and langa just ignored him. reki and langa will then drift apart although as they spend time apart they realize how much they need and miss each. what gives me this impression is when the end credits say:
"we are grown up now, can be honest i will remember tightly tied shoe laces, lets make it , my favourite colour, its infinte, i like what ive always liked" this whole phrase reminds me of how anga talks about how he still thinks of the times when he and reki would skate *for fun* together, and not for the thrill/adrenaline rush.
"i like what ive always liked' implied hes always liked reki and despite drifting apart, he still does love him. his love for reki is infinite.(and rekis love for him is infinite)
"lets talk silly stories be with you forever i want to smile by your side" implied that langa (who i assume this verse is in the pov of) still wants to be with reki and regrets the choices hes made. "lets go together, go with you" he still wants to go with reki, he still wants to skate with him.
"even if tomorrow this world ends, i dont need anything special at the same pace as usual lets just be who we are. yes, "now" is so beautiful" so lets disect the first part of that, i think that by this langa or reki (i dont quite know who, i think langa tho) is thinking that all he wants is just go back to all the days (at the same pace as usual) and just go at the nice easy-going  pace they were at.
a very big indictor of langa realizing he sitll loves reki is the line "lets go togehter, go with you *not only in happy times*" i think that langa is saying that despite reki being upset and feeling behind, langa does in fact wish he had been by his side and he wants to be there for reki.
"at any time, be by your side", "lets go together", "as long as we have that feeling", "i am here by your side", "you are always in my heart" literally is so gay like guys cmon, langa deifnetley still loves him
so what happens next? langa now realizes he *does* love reki and that adam is a big piece of shit but reki is gone (reki still loves him and thinks about him tho: as seen in line “youre always in my heart” i believe this is said by both of them) 
so, in conclusion my favourite theory is that at the very end of sk8 reiki and langa will sort of have individual shots and then they will run into each other in the street, both carying skateboards. langa will reach out to reki to "catch him" or something idk SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN WITH HANDS AND WE WONT SEE FACES AT FIRST and then the shot is their faces and they look at each other and just smile! I THINK IT WOULD BE SUCH A GOOD ENDING AND I THINK IT WOULD FIT THE END SO WELL YA KNOW??? SO yeah!!!! thats my fav theory!! 
i do have one more i just wanted to touch up on tho :eyes:
HANDS!!! OMG HANDS R SO IMPORTNAT IN THIS SHOW MY GOSH. and as each episode goes on we can see they are getting closer and closer with their hands. it starts off ith taking off the water bottle, and bandaging each other hands, then the hand shake, the hand shake TO THE CHEST, and then as seen in episode 6, the hug, and finally langa reaching out to save reki and pulling him close. i have a feeling as the episodes go on they are gonna get more "touchy-feeling" and what if langa or reki like touches the others face or brushes hair out their face? like what if,,,,reki forgot his headband or cant find it and he leands over to fix his skateboard or something and langa just brushes the hair out of his eyes? or what if one of them puts their hand on each others cheeks and kisses them? IDK GUYS I HAVE A STRONG FEELING WE ARE GONNA GET A BIT OF ROMANCE- But uh yeah
I have a tone of angsty theories involving adam but i deinfetley think we are going to get a bittersweet ending,,,,
 I'll probaby upload more theories later on but these are them so akjdhsa yeah! my dms are open for sk8ti discussion and if u want my discord (which is easier to commuicate on for me) then just dm me!)
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psychxpxthy · 3 years
ive been inactive! related venting under the cut, general tws mental illness, bullying, that kinda
a good chunk of the inactivity is bc im going through some shit irl. nothing can really be done abt that, its just gonna take up a lot of my time until it doesnt. im More Or Less about as okay as i ever am, so its no cause for alarm, juuuuust time consuming and tiring
that being said, anothwr big chunk of my not being around stems from having really big issues with the way certain mental illnesses are treated online, lol. ive been online for-fuckin-ever, and the lasstttt... idk, 6-8 years or so? theres been this huge trend towards... i dont really know what to call it
i have severe ptsd. dx'd, medication, therapy, blah blah blah. stems from very serious abuse growing up.
it sucks! its not great.
but the thing is, certain people use the internet's newer tendency to be a little Too Sensitive to...
act like i owe them my life story. my trauma. my triggers.
in my rules, i mentioned that i have some esoteric triggers that i will not name, and that i may block blogs that deal with these things frequently for my own mental health. this is to say, "HELLO. I AM AN ADULT WHO IS HANDLING A SEVERE CASE OF PTSD DUE TO SEVERE TRAUMA. IF I BLOCK YOU, I AM LOOKING OUT FOR MY OWN MENTAL HEALTH, THOUGH YOU HAVE NOT NECESSARILY DONE ANYTHING WRONG."
multiple people (like 4% of follow backs!!!), at this point, have read this and decided to approach me in private messages, telling me that Because They Do Not Know What My Triggers Are I Shouldn't Follow Their Blogs
for. fucks. sake.
heres the thing.
1. you are a stranger on the internet. i do not owe you the most horrendous events in my life in order to view your portrayal of a fictional character.
2. i do not owe ANYONE an explanation of those events. NOT ONE FUCKING PERSON.
3. i literally... outlined my plan for dealing with unexpected triggers in my rules. ill unfollow or block or whatever as i need to. yall read "oh this person has triggers, better demand explanation" and not "oh this person has triggers and will handle them at their discretion"
4. jesus christ do you go up to strangers in a coffee shop and demand to know whether they need a trigger warning to view the graphic on your tshirt???? there are people navigating the world with PTSD LITERALLY ALL AROUND YOU. and very literally ANYTHING can become a trigger if the brain associates it with the abuse/traumatic events they went through.
5. im a fucking adult. in my 20s. im probably older than a good chunk of yall. im probably also younger than a good chunk of yall. but like. fuck dude kids that are abused have to grow up FASTER than the rest of yall. ive had to be an Adult since i was fucking 8 years old. and now, mid 20s, ive got a bunch of people coming up and trying to hold my fucking hand UNWANTED bc theyre WrItInG eDgY tHiNgS oNlInE. its INSULTING. hoooooly shit its insulting i KNOW HOW TO UNFOLLOW SOMEONE IF I NEED TO
6. ive had triggers used against me all my life. god. you might as well be asking me for a copy of my house key and a schedule for when im out of town, like... if i told you my trigger was thomas the fucking tank engine because my shitass abuser played it on loop on tv while beating the hell out of me do you know what happens????? SUDDENLY eeeeeeverything becomes a reference to goddamn thomas the tank engine. "haha oops i just associate it with you and forgot you dont like it. anyway in episode 4..." and i get fucking anons about it. and it spreads to some fucker or another who already decided they wanted to doxx me for some stupid fucking reason and now theyre getting their whole friend group to send shit in. and NOW i have a problem that i CANT filter without making a whole new internet presence lol????? vs just quietly unfollowing someone who ends up posting a shitton of thomas the fucking tank engine memes, where no one knows why i unfollowed or even IF i did.
7. my god. do you people not know that i can close my laptop and walk away from it. i can choose not to be online if a dash topic is setting me off. i can go touch grass for a while and spend time with my lovely partner and our idiot cats. i can play video games. god. i am a fucking adult who can manage my own life
8. god forbid the mentally ill have any privacy also ✨
im not made of paper!!!!!! i might as well be a goddamn nokia brand genetically modified cockroach-water bear hybrid i am literally never going to die and a few letters on the internet arent going to kill me PLEASE stop acting like i owe you my life story!!!!!
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misterbitches · 3 years
i had the misfortune of finally watching/getting through what happened in whatever episode where he gets raped so im gonna talk about it and tag it cos that's what a bitch fuckin feels like, got it? i do what i want aint no limit bad ass bitch aint never been timid. woopsie realized i got the nicknames confused oh well lmao
it's just logistically and plot wise like there's literal plot holes in this and i'm taking the production and set-up into account along with the actual content and development. im an ARTIST OKAY im jk i mean i am and i am pretentious and terrible but look. i didnt get that degree and im not in a house worth of debt for nothing ok. it's called writing on tumblr about my grievances of shows that dont matter and do not respect me as a fat black american woman either so it is my fault yet here i am.
anyway it was worse than i imagined and their talk after (with chengren) was even worse. that's what i mean about making the lines their own (the actors) bc teng teng sounded like a straight up motherfucking moron and im like
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bECAUSE IT'S HIM EVEN THO IM LIKE WHAT THE FUCK DID U JUST SAY U STUPID BITCH? but then it's like awwww and they also care about his wellbeing obviously??? but no? but it's like ok still teng teng said it even if it's stupid because he is a character and charles puts that forth. the people that fail the most to do that are xing si's family but that's not the actors fault because it's the literal material. you're like wait what but you just said...?
so i know they have no script editors i guess i think i find this season ACTUALLY fascinating because of just how egregious it is. i also went back and watched history: obsessed which i thought i liked because of their chemistry even though god the production....but i tried rewatching it and i was like wow this is worse than i remembered and the production issues were even worse because some of the music was SO LOUD AND BAD HOLY FUCK and their whole rship isssssss a sight to behold lmao
so man i guess it really is the power of anson/charles. which is good cos we love to see it...sort of but also a lot.
i honestly....because i've been able to pay attn more to the aftermath of the rape going back and putting it into more context and focusing (just barely lmao) is hm even worse. the inconsistencies are insane. it's not even just about the act but the writers have zero idea where they are going because they have no interest in exploring it. but the way in which it happens is like fascinating. yong jie literally thinks he owns xing si and it doesn't matter if he was kissing him or not or asked for a kiss on the lips (which dude what the fuck? i'll get to that) because he was plied with "extremely strong drinks" and his mom knew about it....which girl congrats you're an accomplice to the rape of your son by your other son?
but first of all...the kissing thing. in what fucking world would he (xing si) want that unless he thought he (yong jie) was someone else. i can't say their attraction is evident because we are being lead by this team to think so; they create this false sense of sensuality already so to me that signifies that they never intended for them to have a bond as brothers. it just feels cheap and fucking lazy (which it is.) even if he did, which doesn't make sense considering the context THEY CONSTRUCTED, it wouldn't matter because he was so fucking drunk which.... at that point nothing is fun, you feel sick, who wants sex like that? does he not have whiskey dick? did they have a condom? was it not painful for him considering? even if this was something to easily get over like was the dick good? it couldn't have been. and then, on top of that, there's the fact that you can change your mind or whatever but also that people do get aroused in these situations bc it is human nature (that's if they can literally get aroused which if the drinks were allegedly sooooo strong that nigga would be out so....again like even practically here it doesnt add up. have these people ever been drunk? if not, write what you know girl. cos sometimes it's like i think some of u r trying to be cool when u dont have 2 b lmao)
so yong jie coming on to him previously may be seen as like push-and-pull but here's the thing. right after it happens (the rape and it's rape so call it that you'll be okay) xing si gets up and goes home and is terrified and upset. he acts like what we have seen or even felt after a violation. he's scared, clutching his bag, it's like...you know...decently coming off as truly distressing (the actor isn't bad at all and i like that he's dark. i just massively hate this for him but hey at least he can show some chops.) like honestly man that fucking sucks and hurts to see. if we've been there we feel it. or part of it is realizing belatedly what happened. a lot of times that drop in your stomach is the worst.
but somehow for some reason, to which i cannot understand, the three of them begin to talk as if xing si pressured him? which maybe i missed something and that is possible—dont feel like going back to look—but that also made no sense. like what kind of false memory is this? why would he think he wasn't willing? and if he thought yong jie wasn't and that he pressured him how does he remember like...anything about the sex?!?!??!? besides waking up and being with him. like i guess he felt yong jie's MASSIVE DONG imprint but ??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!!!!!
god then the logic of the top/bottom thing is like i said i wasnt going to get into it but it's actually really funny. this whole thing was hilarious. honestly because I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT MEANS. he could have totally raped him in that way but how did you get to this CONCLUSION FROM THAT??????? BY YOUR LOGIC THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS? IF HE IS THE BOTTOM AND PENETRATION IS THE ONLY FORM OF TRUE CONSUMMATION AND RAPE BECAUSE APPARENTLY, BASED ON ANATOMY, IF YOU HAVE A DICK IN UR BUTT UR A GIRL THEN HOW. DOES. THIS. MAKE. SENSE. AND THEN
this whole stupid conversation happens so we get to the conclusion that xing si violated him ok cool but that means that something is wrong. that is the CONCLUSION WE CAME TO A SECOND AGO?
also the other rapist is a villain and muren isn't in love with him so, once again, you're breaking the rules of your own world about acceptability which is why most of this is absolutely mind bogggglinG that iit's fuckign comical. like i actually when i can stomach it start laughing or my jaw is slack because it's so insulting as a viewer because there is like 0 logical followthrough.
because whatshisface barges in, kisses him in front of his friends without permission, then says whether you were willing or not which is hm. at that point how u gonna change that around but let's not bother with logic here. i am simply here to point out how this makes no sense according to the rules they set up even outside of the basic rule of life which is hm dont rape people maybe.
so now we know xing si was raped, they believe he was raped, he himself believes he was raped, and whatshisface literally says he doesn't care even if he was willing (he wasn't) so he admits to rape. i don't believe in the police and i hate them (BL industry needs the cops but dont get me down that road) but no one...thought to go?
because according to history 4 logic nothing matters so im sure if he went to the police you could handwave the homophobia since there's no actual context for anything besides their whimsy. but they dont want to do that because they aren't interested in an arc of growth; redemption isn't possible unless he is removed from the family but again no work on thinking this through or thinking about the victim's feelings. because gay sex? who fucking knows. supposedly progressive taiwanese writers of gay shit (like how supposedly progressive the world is. as in it is not and this behavior is the norm and bl perpetuates that) can't think of transformative justice?
and then they gave bad advice so we wont acknowledge that because teng teng doing anything wrong/stupid is frequent but hurts me and also that storyline is not real so i pretend they are not there outside of this post
so all of this is just straihgt up clownery now because it's fucking absurd like logically, practically, human-wise. the kissing thing is inconsequential but it was such a lazy cheap way out lmao cos they really wanted it to seem consensual but that's not how it works. on top of that their attraction makes no sense because whatshisface is just there. he is just there. he's nothing and no one so the sentiments are even more empty and on top of that he doesnt listen to a single request fucking obviously because the basis of their relationship is fucking rape so fucking listening and respecting his partner is not on his list of fucking priorities. he's literally so fucking annoying even without being a rapist it's like someone please beat his ass.
and then after all of that you want us to feel bad? with your horrible writing, poorly misplaced music, stupid costumes (those fucking SHOES THEY ARE HIDEOUS, AND MOST OF THIER CLOTHES DO NOT FIT IT'S LIKE WHY), questionable fucking editing. we're supposed to wnat them together? this sounds literally fucking crazy but bear with me lmao even with the rape they could at least have SOMETHING i mean like i cant believe im fucking saaying this. but like in addicted heroin which is fuckin tragic and awful at least there's a MODICUM of interest but honestly that show s a fucknig drag. idk they lookd good together? here we have 0. nothing. and it doesnt motivate. watching obsessed again i can see why i liked it in the beginning bc they have good chemistry but the acting and production adn like everything about it plus the rape-y vibes it's just too much. you need to pick one thing so if you're going to be a shit writer at least supplement it with something. this thing is nothing.
and even more nonsensical and what boggles my mind frankly out of all this is the mother's involvement and the father's final response. there are NO consequences? theyre all happy?
ok so lets go through this:
1. 2 boys grow up 2gether, one of the boys is fucking psycho, the mother knows but does nothing??????????????
2. one of the sons moves out so his father doesn't get a hint that's he's fucking gay. ok fine. he has 2 best friends, a job, an apt. he is fine.
3. aforementioned brother is obsessed with him for SOME REASON besides being crazy?
3.5 no one has done anything during him growing up to help him not be crazy?
4. mom says to husband who is their father also just in case we forget "im afraid he will lose his humanity"
4.5 again, do nothing. 0. just like oh man hes crazy. guess that's just our son ;)
4. who cares. plies him with alcohol purposefully to rape him. not even dubious (even though dubious is fucked and not okay or is just not. fucking real. these shows are contextless when they want to be or even movies or whatever so it's like largely not up to the task to understand complexity in human rships and then oversimplifies it constantly because that's what we do IRL. but people have fucking feelings you know and we realize when things don't feel good or right to us either very quickly after or having to process it. and once you're eyes are opened you may feel as something was fucking ripped away from you. for the modc couple this would be a very logical conclusion for the high schooler the thirty year old dated but again logic or feelings are up to their whimsy. no one cares bc everything can be counted as dubious so honestly it's a fucking stupid fucking topic like again why are we litigating what is and isnt consent when you could just like idk. read cues? consent? wait? not be a freak? like we all know what is proper human shit so even if we are watching this uncritically which u cant bc it's glaring and stupid it's just even more dumb) so it was honestly a rape plot like he literally planned it soooooooooo??!?!
5. aftermath of rape the victim is like literally fucking bereft and confused. and a rape victim. like that's what they are insinuating and what also he is to be clear.
6. boy tells him "idc if i raped u i luv u lmao"
7. mom ENCOURAGED THE BOY to get him drunk because her other son was too nice? she encouraged her adult son to rape her adult step-son (but her real son because she repeatedly says you are my son and the dad does too THEY GREW UP TOGETHER WHEN THE KID WAS IN AN IMPRESSIONABLE STATE) so THIS ALSO MAKES EVEN LESS MOTHERFUCKING SENSE
8. everyone finds out about his rape and he isnt mortified he's just concerned about himself being gay to his dad?????? except it's not really about his gayness bc now it's about his sudden love for his rapist brother? which? hm ok. understandable the dad is like wow i do not think i like this
9. dad knows all of it is fucked up, everyone does, knows the mother fucked up, knows he fucked up. doesnt like it because he is normal. so we know this is terrible? ok great so—
10. father says "i can't accept this...but i'm willing to give you my blessing" ok see here's the thing. when you write you have to think about the things you are putting on the page and what you have written previously. this quite literally made no sense how the fuck are you going to not accept them but give them your blessing? does this crew know what the fuck words are? i'm assuming they went to some sort of school to obtain jobs here bc there cannot be natural talent or experience. maybe most of them are rich. fuck i do not know but this also makes no sense. just the literal logic of it it's like fucking insane the whiplash.
10.5 apparently this father is also shitty. everyone here sucks and they are basically begging me to think xing si is a fucking idiot so i dont even want to look at him if he is an object he doesnt matter so now i want to kick him. thanks a lot you made the victim get absolutely fucking nothing
they KEEP PUSHING the brother thing it is so insane and it's liek GUYS WE GET IT WE UNDERSTAND THEYRE "RELATED" BUT NOT RELATED SO IT'S OK HE WAS "RAPED" BUT NOT RAPED but you're GOING BACK ON YOUR OWN RULES!!!!!!!!!! WE GET THAT THEY ARE BROTHERS!!! WE'RE OVER IT NOW BUT WHAT IS THIS WHEN WE ALREADY ESTABLISHED SOMETHING? I AM CONFUSION? they flip flop between my son, my brother my actual brother, and cannot fucking distinguish between love for your father and love for your romantic partner? so to me what i see is that the father wants to fuck the son. that's the conclusion i am garnering now considering nothing matters and his love for his "brother" is the same as his love for his dad lmao. they couldnt even do that in a way that made sense. like damn anybody can get anything. these ppl who are doing this have to be fucking rich and/or have connections.
also this guy sounds literally like a textbook abuser like he says constantly "im the best choice" is a rapist is awful holds capital (oh hees "saving" smh ur trapping her!!!!! RETIRE!!!!) also wears terrible shoes so i am like ur alllllllllLLLLL FUCKING CRAZY ur all literally crazy and then they are trying to set rules and boundaries in their fucking house like WHY ARE THEY LIVING TOGETHER EVEN? even tho oh my god they know he raped him and for some reason they are both allowing to live in the house but they dont want them to have sex??!?!?!??!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! i get that this is their house but this is like at this point these ppl are writing anything and now whatshisface is acting like a 2 yr old again and we are supposed to find this cute? like it makes 0 sense why do u fucking care u literally encouraged ur son to rape him so they cant have consensual sex under your nose now and have to wait four years? this is coming from the son who couldnt wait until someone was sober enough to realize hes fucking psychotic and should be killed also the fact that they act like being 20 means u have no fucking brain like this kid is in med school supposedly how do we know like hes a liar and an idiot so. also wait do they mean undergrad? how are you in med school at 20? is he a genius? girl i dont care lmao i guess i missed that but it's not like it matters so whatever
even if we ignore the stupidity of the literal acts, the grossness of the content, the absolute inability to write coherently or even remotely in a way where we would even want to see them together which is like....u set it up at the beginning so he punches "the love his life's best friend" also holy fuck im sorry remember when he punches muren because xing si got too drunk. so i'm guessing whatshisface is that good of a bartender that he makes super strong drinks and gets xing si drunk but his alcohol is magical therefore it doesn't make him sick. his alcohol is the type that gets you drunk but somehow doesnt get to your liver even though that's how we get drunk but dont ask guys he's only in med school and a bartender so i think he knows best (seriously have the main writers had a day of fun in their lives? have they ever been drunk? are they toddlers? drunk babies could probably do better tho.) i get that he was also jealous but if this kid is SOOOOOO genius (he understands social cues lmao he has the cpacity to project onto his victim so im like miss me with the not understanding shit. go to a fucking therapist like seriously did no one care abt this kid? his mother thinks he's like almost a goddamn murderer. how is she not dead? how are they all not dead? how do any of them know how to drive with this type of brain?) then he would understand that they are very clearly friends since he watched them part in a very platonic way and since he apparently knows what love is cos he thinks....he can....make someone fall in love with him bc he loves them? again, i wouldnt know hes 20 and taiwanese and im 29 and black from AMERICA so im WESTERN* so you know. different life experiences i guess XD
even if we do mental gymnastics to get it to a place where they "had sex" and he didnt rape him there's 0 ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ties to the literal story they wrote and the rules they set up. i'm going ot assume they dont know wtf theyre doing and i know for a fact we all care more about their dumb show than they do but it's actually startling how piss poor this is it's like idek what to compare it to. the continuity is awful awful awful they needed a script supervisor majorly and they are making bank and are going to make fucking bank fof this shit. and itll just continue like that until IRL material changes and that's facilitated by these very same groups they choose to profit off of and exploit by propelling it into the mainstream and litigating homosexuality through capitalism. and i'm being specific with homosexuality. i dont want a GL market like at all and i know why we wouldnt have it either and that has everything to do with the nature of BL, capitalism, coercion, and the fanbase being young girls and women. i don't think in this day and age we can safely say all the fans are straight; i'm sure a majority but many women or people on the gender spectrum and sexuality spectrum also consume it. frankly, it's possible the women who write it could be or something too. i dont rly believe any1 is str8 lmao but im just saying it's not out of the realm of possibility. but it isnt about that at all. that's why we wont see "good" female characters (like well written) often that's why we won't see trans women or kathoeys or fat people or black asians in it. a lot of it is is a choice we participate in whatever. but holy fuck dude u could at least respect the audience's fucking intelligence. i'm talking about everything i think that is encapsulated in the project but it's even more jarring and worse because it's so insanely inconsistent and poorly done. like how we jump from one conclusion to another is wild to me. even their first "night together" and he wakes up im like girl....u no ur ass felt it. this nigga broke into his house and was like "im gonna have u" like it's getting weird
just make xing si suffer offscreen not us the stupidity is staggering, mind blowing, hilarious.
how wong kar wai, a straight man from HK (or at least married to a woman), or barry jenkins, a striahgt black man, write/do stories well about people they wouldnt knw about their experiences directly is....well thinking like using their brains and like knowing all types of people? the man who co-wrote moonlight is a hOMOSEXUAL, leslie cheung was fucking gay or queer (and he committed suicide and that's important also RIP homie) both are hailed as queer cinema like WKW wanted to do something else and invested time into it, changed the way he played around with structure, moved away from his crime oriented stuff. he THOUGHT about it and this film is about their reality. it's a harsh film, idk how i feel about it (but my fav movies of his are the crime ones or the messy ones where it's clear he didnt write a script lmao fallen angels is one of my fav movies its' abt assassins kinda) but i know it means something. and he didnt like what HK had previously wasnt enough. it is not the only cinema that should be shown since it's such a stark reality and depressing but it is a real depiction so we can have all sorts of stuff. no this isnt WKW level or moonlight level but i know for a fact these people think they are doing something because artists always do i say this as one and someone who is equally as useless. you're making a statement.
i also hate the westerner component of peoples analyses. first of all dont do cultural relativism. we can critique and respect. but second of all how are we going to keep saying "dont put western ideals on this" when that is what is happening anyway because that's part and parcel for soft power and capitalism. how about taiwan's history with the KMT? what about the regimes young people fought about? aided by US imperialism which permeates through society and affects material conditions, views, democracy, identity and that goes into culture and media. hm? what about that? is that reality too fucking western for people? that we are doing the same thing again now? is that okay to talk about or is that only on your time?
then there's the argument that this is just entertainment. yea no shit but the thing is if we r gonna talk about marginalized groups and watch bc of marginalized groups and then be expected to identify then i dont see why i cant put this in context. even if it wasnt fucking serious we'd still judge it. but it's so pompous and again like i wouldnt say EYE think it's art but it is "art" in the literal sense and no self respecting artist would ever go "man this means nothing." of course im not sure if they do respect themselves so hey but u cant just go oh man it's entertainment when it literally rests on the fact that HOMOS are MARGINALIZED. it literally rests on the fact that WOMEN ARE OBJECTS. you either want progress or you dont. i dont understand being so demanding but not beign specific in the demands and not trying to use your brain. if you dont want to use your brain don't. but if you are looking , engaging, and keep making these arguments or telling ppl it doesnt matter whilst complaining about how much others care is hypocritical at best, willfully obtuse at worst. both bad. :)
(also all this + another thing; it is insulting to have this like wedding happen based off of this stupid relationship when people fought so hard and had to push it. now they can use the material conditions to their advantage but it's so ridiculous. also because there is difficulty still in getting married in taiwan i'm honestly like....the boldness of the writers...)
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littlespaceporgs · 4 years
The Clone Wars Reacts - Part 5
Or Leah loses her shit at Jar Jar, thirsts for Aayla Secura for an episode and a half, and then swoons for Riyo Chuchi.
Welcome once more to the Reacts series! I’m a busy woman for now but I am setting up a schedule for this series which will be
Today we’re covering episodes 12, 13, 14 and BONUS! 15. This is because I got super bored during episode 14 and basically didnt write anything so, here you go! As per usual, major spoiler alert for season 1 of the clone wars! If you haven’t read the previous parts to this series, I suggest you do so that you can follow along! 
Part 1 - Episodes 1 and 2 Part 2 - Episodes 3, 4 and 5 Part 3 - Episodes 6, 7 and 8 Part 4 - Episodes 9, 10 and 11
Tags (if you want to join, my taglist can be found on my page!): @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky @girlvader @simping-for-fives @littlevodika @hounding-around @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @onabouteverything @acciokenobi @catsnkooks @captainrexstan @roseofalderaan @fractiouskat
We’re well past the half-way point, so there is 2 parts left of season 1, and then onto season 2! So lets get into it!
Episode 12: The Gungan General
> heheheheheheheh jar jar I am KEEN
> I get hondo and jar jar in one episode
>> this’ll be funny
>>> actually no scratch that, this is gonna be hilarious
> oh and they woke up in a cell this will be fun
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> “if I keep my mouth shut you’ll devise a plan so get off the god forsaken planet?” “YES”
> this dude seems traitorous as fuck (im referring to one of the pirates, not dooku shockingly)
> I wish Ahsoka and Yoda were in this too, I want more disaster lineage
> ah he is indeed a traitor
> “stop messing around, we’re landing. Secure yourself” “MESA TRYING ITS STUCK”
> promptly followed by jar jar falling everywhere
> oh and now he’s in the cockpit
> oh shit that senator guy is definitely dead right?
> “do control tour protégées insolence” “anakin, control your insolence, the count is concentrating”
> “do we know where we’re going?” “Ssh anakin” “DO we know where we’re going?”
> is it safe? Of course it i- riiiiiight
>> I forgot this was the clone wars for a second, this is gold
> y’know, dooku’s quite amusing when he’s not trying to kill my favourite characters
> “are you now in command” “uh no, binks is the highest ranking” ooooohhhh boy
> ooooooohhhh and some mind tricks too, nice
> I hate to say this, but jar jar is actually smart
> holy shit
> beasties are nearby too, we’ll be fine. they run, we run
>> Dayum jar jar actually making good decisions?
> I present a real and accurate image of my reaction to this statement
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> Mesa be having an idea oooohhh booooyyy
> obi wan that is no way to speak to your grandmaster
> be patient master the count is elderly and doesn’t move like he used to
> I would kill you both now if I didn’t have to drag your bodies
>> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH this is the only reaction I’ll accept
> then falling all over each other is the only thing I’ve ever needed to see
> “ this is not going well” no shit
> my question is why did obi wan not drop Dooku?? Does he actually still care about this man?
> you’re right, I don’t think youre going to be friends 🤦‍♀️😂
> sneaky lying snake
> bruh they don’t even know you’ve got the Jedi captive??????????
>> so how does that work you dumbass
> no shit, you will look like fools obi wan
> “there be some bombad clankers” 😂😂
>> “huh YOURE right, bombad clankers” I love the shock
> oh boy anakin, just keep your mouth shut genius
> man electrocution doesn’t look like fun
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> The next few lines of confused joy are me reacting to jar jar somehow single handedly taking out 3 tanks
> what the fuck
> JarJar I I’m what-
> fuckin JarJar was great
> serves you right you snake, now dooku gonna choke your ass
> oooohhhhh that’s how these two twits (hondo and obi-wan) became friends
> “and... he knows where you live” Oof the subtle threat is real
> hem I love obi wan very much and his sarcasm
 Episode 13: Jedi crash
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> I wish I was bly, not gonna lie
> I have a quick question - the 501st colour is blue right? Then why do they have a gold squad, doesn’t the extra colours just confuse things?
> I love seeing anakin and Ahsoka in action coolest thing to watch
> And anakin
>> I am also quite attracted to him
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>>> imagine dragging your hands through that hair as he- wait no I have minors in my followers not gonna finish that
> Uh oh
>> Oh anakin you twit
> Are all Jedi so reckless? Just the good ones - love this by the way
> Oooohh shit for a STAR
> I mean like? I know anakin doesn’t die, but this shit is concerning
> Perfected the art of destroying ships and getting master almost killed? Sounds familiar
> I hate it when they just call them “padawan “ it just feels very impersonal like bleh
> Like I love aayla but god the Jedi preach some bullshit
>> God forbid someone raises a child and gets attached to it
>>> Like for fucks sake
>>>> Can you tell this is something I’m passionate about?
> Anyway, moving on
> Oh hi anakin! You’re alive!
> That bird lookin thing is tryna eat my boy 😤
> Oop - well that dudes dead
> Aawwwwwww aayla looks so sad, this makes me sad too
> Can we just appreciate this?
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> Well these little critters are cute
> Ooooohhh I think I agree with this little dude
> You can skip the paragraph if you like, its just me going off about ‘peacekeeping’
> Alright gonna get mildly into it for a second, the clone wars really gets into it with episodes like this, displaying how the entire galaxy was starting to lose faith in the Jedi and their peacekeeping ways, in the movies we just got that people just started hating the Jedi because they became part of the war, but this really fleshes it out and shows just how slowly and gradually the loss of faith is. Because he’s right, the Jedi aren’t peacekeepers anymore, they bring as much destruction with them that the separatists do and have become symbols of war. They’re fighting for a good reason yes, but they can no longer claim that they are peacekeepers or that they played no role in this war.
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> AH MY TWO FAVOURITE WOMEN AND A PRETTY BACKGROUND AGAIN!! They really do be doing me a great service
Part 14: Defenders of Peace
> I’m really not into this episode, just saying it now
> Anakins just as bad as obi wan, like honestly just chill bro, fucking REST
> Okay but is it taking a life if it’s a droid?
> Ugh this dudes ugly as fuck
> What did you think was gonna happen?? Of course your village was going to be ransacked
> I could go on forever about the pointlessness of this war like it just makes me mad palpatine you slimy git-
> My reacts this episode are really boring huh, I’m not into it 😭
*fully I didn’t write anything for about 10 minutes here because it’s just a little boring*
> Yep sorry that’s it for this ep, I’m so bored 😂
>> Anyway, bonus episode because that one was short!
Part 15: Trespass
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> Hahahahahahahhahahaha it’s not tatooine, you got that right
> Oh god this dude already sounds like a dick (its the chancellor dude but not palpatine)
> Why’s he so defensive over it?
> Oh yikes, that does not look good
> Seppies don’t do that though - this is... odd
> Ah and the same thing has been done to the droids
> Off topic, but I think I’m going to make a clone wars drinking game that I can do while I do my reacts, so I’m going to make that this week, send me your ideas in the comments or dm me!
> Back to ep - pfffffffttt obi wans little taps and then anakin really goes WHACK
> Anyway I’m going to do this in the next couple days and then every Friday night I’ll watch a few eps and drink away
> Alright back to the episode once more
> Abominable snowman????
>> Definitely
> This is gonna go well isn’t it?
> “Well? Say something”
>> “Just shut up” *visible eye roll*
> What the fuck is their mouth
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> Okay really obi wan, I think it’s pretty clear they don’t speak basic
> Awwwwwwww that shits cute, fucking bear huugggg I want to be hugged like that
> I’m not fussed if it’s anakin, obi wan or kit fisto but please someone love me
>> Preferably kit fisto
> Anyway this dudes a dick (again, its the chancellor dude)
> They obviously have intelligence, and this dude has issues
>> I’m thinking he’s trying to compensate for something 👀
> Oof you really gonna tell a Jedi what to do?
> HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA the other people’s were there already
> Ugh he reminds me of my very racist grandparents oh boy
> You’ve been told like 4 times that it is not your jurisdiction anymore and you still can’t take it?
> She’s so tiny and adorable and her voice is just 🥰🥰🥰🥰
>> Oh no
>>> I’m simping for another character
> Surely this guy dies
> What a dick, he shall not be missed
> She’s just, so pretty??? And smart????
> he’s seriously not dead yet?
Welp that’s it for today folks, it was lovely, see y’all at some point this week where I say the drinking game rules and then next drunken Friday (even though these are gonna be released on saturdays but I write them on fridays?)
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feliciohno · 4 years
I need a new anime to watch come give me suggestions (preferably through asks so I can actually respond to them)
-has to not be “ugly” I’m sorry but I’m so fuckin picky with art of course it’s a personal preference so I don’t actually like calling them ugly but shrugs basically nothing that looks like Jojo or that one Netflix show with the people in heart masks or somethn idk (ain’t throwin shade on your shows they just aren’t my style I’m so sorry u-u)
-has to have a good English dub I know I know Subs not dubs whatever bla bla bla look i can’t read my brain doesn’t work like that give me something with good English voice actors and that hopefully doesn’t stray too far away from the original context
-it cant be overwhelming slow to get into first episodes always tend to be slow but if you have to tell me to wait a few episodes before it gets good then I’m so sorry but I can’t sit through that episodes are already almost 25mins long that’s already torture enough on my adhd
-has to have something good to ship DONT JUDGE ME FUCKERS a good 85% of my fandom experience is shipping okay? I’m a man of romance and absolute stupidity and I can’t lie a good ship is normally what draws me into a show (there are exceptions to this rule of course so this one is on the fence)
-well written characters and an interesting plot this should be a no brainer but just give me something I can pick apart with a fine tooth comb (though to be fair I can do that with just about anything) even if the characters aren’t well written I at least want them to be interesting or something I can get my hands on and make them well written (if there’s a pink character that’s a HUGE plus) (characters that are heavily gender nonconforming especially guys who are feminine but not in a gross way are also a HUGE plus)
Some of my favorites (and non anime faves) for examples of what I like: Ouran, Hetalia, Beastars, SU, BNA, Sailor Moon, Darkwing Duck, Ninjago, Shezow, Ranma 1/2, & Danny Phantom
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galaxygalthemess · 4 years
ok but sam and the wolfpack would be waaaay better if one thing happened: sam went to therapy after 'the incident.'
Like not great but a lot of problems would be easier to fix
fuck what smeyer says, I think sam had anger issues
just him though
plus he was a teenager when he shifted, and I don't doubt those hormones added to it
I think that might have affected his relationship with leah too. I think that, while not physical or abusive, Leah just let his behavior slide. And I feel he did similar things to her and any destructive habits she had. (not a lot on pre pack leah, so maybe both angry? maybe some type of addiction of alcohol, caffeine, work, ect? or just putting up walls)
leah and sam had a don't try to fix eachother thing, both wanting it to work and not drive the other away. remember how young they are when they are engaged
after he turns and breaks it off, even that little bit of accountability is gone. he is alone to his anger, and he thinks its just a part of him that will be there forever.
because it grows more after he shifts, I bet he blamed it on being a wolf for a while, ignoring it
so he shifts and hurts emily, but Emily DOES NOT FORGIVE HIM IMMEDIATELY
(i could be wrong here and it mightve been a while to forgive i just am lazy to look it up rn in the official guide)
Emily can see that, yes, he wasn't thinking and lashed out, but its still wrong
She calls him out that its not ok, and sam isn't used to that. most people either let him do what he wants or lash out in anger at him
Emily is genuinely concerned, and he needs help
so he gets a therapist, and works through his issues
during this time, he and emily rarely see eachother so she can have some space. He knows she is still scared, and the last thing he tells her before giving her space is "call me if you ever want me around," or something like that. essential hey ik i fucked up, and i wont pressure u to forgive and trust me if u choose too.
also fuck imprinting rules, it doesnt hurt him to be away. in fact, fuck imprinting. I see it more as a way to spot an important person in your life. one can have multiple imprints for 500 reasons (like in this scenario, if jake did imprint, IT AINT TRUE LOVE SMEYER IT FUN UNCLE INSTINCT KICKING IN HE KNOWS THIS KID WILL BE IMPORTANT IN HIS LIFE..... this is a rant for another day)
so Emily: she will forgive him. why? well one, I am using what I feel here. I would forgive, but not forget that they are capable. And I know many people have issues, but I am willing to forgive more if you work on them.
two, emily sees one of the main reasons for this buildup in him is no support. of course you should take care of yourself mentally, not rely on others to get you the help, but look at our education. I didn't know how to properly put a tampon in until I was 18, do you think early 2000's schooling taught a lot about mental health. and once again, he is trying to get better. So at some point she would forgive and start trusting again, but not for a few months at least
sam starts going because emily told him too. Then he goes because he has no one to complain about wolf probs too (oh ya therapist knows). then he finally starts going for himself.
it was 1-2 times a week, then every other week, then once or twice a month when he starts regulating better.
as he gets better, he starts talking to emily again
as for the other boys? they are fucking teenagers with super powers
they aren't more angry than others, they just have a lot of fuckin hormones
Sam does urge them to go to therapy, but unless they have royally screwed up, he wont try to force them. if he forces then, it wont work as well.
luckily, none of the boys have that anger issue sam had, and he is so happy that none of them have to deal with it.
he uses techniques from his sessions to calm the others, and even learns about how to deal with anxiety attacks and depressive episodes to help his boys (he thinks of them like little brothers/his kids hush)
this does leave the question: does something trigger their transformations?
I say yes: love and a desire to protect
mose of the scenes of them shifted are for patrol or battle, to protect your loved ones. they are usually "more likely to shift" if someone close to them is threatened
of course its not like in smeyers version where they cant control it at all, its just like holding back an argument or a fistfight in the realworld. you can do it but sometimes your buttons are really pushed so you wanna do it so bad
anger can get muddled in the brain, and since its more of a mental thing, the desire to protect the tribe can get intertwined with a sixteen year olds desire to mess up someone who was pushing them around.
because teenagers are dumb. i know I was one. and with superpowers, even dumber, just watch x men evolution.
So thats my take on it. thoughts or questions are appreciated!💖💛💙
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HI GUYS!!! I’m so happy to be posting again i cry :,)  i hope you enjoy!!!! i;ll be updating as much as i can without rushing too much :D
Prepare your wigs peeps
This is gonna make me swerve
I mean
cmon it’s Hyunjin
Let’s do this!
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Prince Hyunjin
Is actually smooth af with his crush
He'll complement you whenever he gets the chance
Or gives you food
Basically your knight in shining armor
Ye, that’s not what actually happens
He's smiling like an idiot and about collapse when he’s with you because HE'S FREAKING OUT OK
So freaking nervous his heartbeat is always up when he’s with you
You sometimes think he’s about to have a heart attack and you’re not stupid you know why lmao
Same for when he confesses
At first he’s pretty calm about it
Just casually asked if you wanted to see a movie with him some time
“Like... a-as more than friends?”
You'd kinda expected it so you weren't too shocked when he asked you
So you said yes
And he does a double take
"Wait.... Are you serious? You want to?"
"Well yeah?"
Was good with flirting but didn't actually think you'd go out with him smh
Now every minute he just contemplates the fact that he has you
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And he still can't believe it
Like shit dude
He’s with the y/n
You never feel unloved when you're with him
He loves going for long walks, just to talk and relax
Why does it sound like he's a dog here lmao
Will always take as many pictures of you as his phone storage will allow, his camera roll is stuffed with pics of you
Will insist on going to the park for a picnic, he just loves you and the sunshine
He loves to quietly slide your hand into his
But he always ends up giggling because he’s so giddy about being with you
Has to take a moment to charge up his courage before giving you a quick kiss on the cheek
He then goes an unreal shade of scarlet as he covers his face, muttering that he ‘can’t believe that he actually did it’! 
It takes him a while to finally gather up the courage to properly kiss you
Like.... a very long time
You were starting to get worried that he didn’t actually like you
Maybe he was just too nervous to tell you that it wasn’t working for him
On one certain date, Hyunjin had prepared a cute little dinner on the practice room floor
He was so apologetic about the poor setting, but finally had stopped saying sorry when you’d told him for the 2376129th time that you were having fun
At some point, he just went uber silent, watching you not in a creepy way
You eventually noticed, and just stared back
He didn’t say anything, but his eyes did widen a wee bit
“What are you lookin at, you’re sorta scaring m-”
He cut you off and just kissed you
Afterwards you both just stared at each other
And then Hyunjin goes all red
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that I’m sorry that was stupid you can slap me if you want!!!!”
“Bruh why would I want to slap you?!”
“You don’t hate me?”
facepalms for days
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You meet the other boys only a few minutes later
Go figure
You’re talking casually, the embarrassment from the kiss wearing off
They all come stampeding into the practice room making an ungodly racket
And all go quiet when they realize what they’ve done
Changbin, bless him, tries to reduce the awful level of awkwardness: “*cough* uh hey, Hyunjin.... This must be y/n right?” He waves at you. “We’ve heard a lot about you, Hyunjin never stops talking about you”
He misses the death glare Hyunjin shoots him
Then Jisung
Freakin Jisung, man
Waltzes up: “Hyunjin’s cheeks are really pink”. He gives a cheeky smile. “You didn’t kiss did you?”
The room goes as quiet as a tomb
Of course Hyunjin completely loses his shit at the sight of you turning a deep red. “GODDAMMIT JISUNG STFU”
Ye your first meeting with SKZ wasn’t the best
But you all bonded rather quickly after
And Jisung buys you little snacks sometimes as an apology for your first awkward meeting
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If you’re ever sick, they always get snacks for Hyunjin to give you
And if you’re really under the weather, they’ll cover for Hyunjin so that he can stay with you and take care of you.
He wraps you in blankets
And tries to make soup for you
We know what cooking!Hyunjin leads to
You’re chilling on the couch and you suddenly hear a high-pitched scream
You’re up and sprinting to the kitchen at the speed of light still wrapped in a burrito
To find him fanning at a smoking pot
You’re home doesn’t burn down thank goodness
And you end up heating some soup for yourself while Hyunjin watches
And it’s! hilarious! when he’s sick!
He becomes a little ten-year-old istg
But in a really cute way
He doesn’t ask for anything: food, to watch TV etc
Nah he just wants cuddles
The whole damn day
So while you’re struggling to keep a mask on and not getting sneezed on, this idiot is smiling like a puppy if puppies could smile, clinging onto you like a love-filled leach did that sound weird? i think that sounded really weird
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i want this tattooed on my face thx
Now idk what this dude is afraid of
Something tells me one big fear would be to lose Stray Kids and the people he loves
And so I think he’d get kinda nervous when you both see less of each other and when he gets busier
You can’t talk as much because of his crazy schedule and with lack of sleep, he starts getting more irritated easier during the little intervals of time you get to see each other
At some point he might snap at you, maybe for no reason at all, and you’ll snap back indignantly
Yeah you love him but you’re not taking any attitude
If things get really bad, he just shakes his head, saying he needs some air
You’ll both give yourselves some space, but eventually Hyunjin becomes terrified that you’re too angry with him to talk again
So he goes to find you and talk
You both hug it out and decide to spent the rest of the day together for more quality time
And it’s totally worth Hyunjin getting an earful from Chan the next day
OK back to fluff quickly quickly
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On the days Hyunjin goes somewhere, you sometimes join him in the car ride, tho you’re always super careful to never show your face when he gets out
Gotta stay hidden yknow?
You’ll both send cute little texts throughout the day and OOF just couple goals
You: hey check this out, this is me 2 u *sends heart meme*
Jiiniie<3: oh yeah? well this is me @ u! *sends heart meme with more hearts*
You: boi dont start smth u cant win!
And thus begins the heart meme wars
r they even called heart memes idk
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i want this tattooed on my face pt2
We’ve already established that Hyunjin can’t cook for love or money
So if he even steps foot in the dorms’ kitchen
You bet that at least two other of his hyungs will follow for pure supervision
And he is not, under any circumstances, allowed to cook something by himself
And you’re grateful that your safety and world peace had been assured by this rule
Although, you’re allowed to cook together as long as you watch what he’s doing
If anything at all goes wrong, the blame is pinned on you
So it’s natural for you to treat these cooking projects as once-in-a-while occasions
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Now when you ask about meeting his parents
Holy Hell
Stutters, clammy hands, flitting eyes, you name it
Hyunjin is so frickin nervous about you meeting his parents oof
You don’t understand why, like hey, how bad could it be right?
But pretty soon you get why Jinnie was nervous
His parents aren’t that trusting within the first hour of knowing you
You guess it might be because of poor past experiences?
Maybe Hyunjin had been judged or dated once too many times just for his looks?
The thought is enough to make you swear by all you know to always treat him like a treasure
You also make a mental note to ask him sometime
Eventually, his parents realize you have pure intentions and they become so much kinder and warmer
They let you know how welcome you are to visit whenever you want, they offer to send you off with some homemade cookies...
And Hyunjin gets so emotional at the beautiful site in front of him that he bursts into tears
Which causes you and his parents to tease and hug him
if you’re thick, let’s just be clear that im making a statement on how you should NOT judge Jinnie purely because he’s good looking, appreciate his talent!
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Now, Hyunjin is kinda tall compared to the rest of SKZ hah im joking of course so it’s pure instinct to want to steal his shirts
Don’t lie, if you had the chance, you would take something i see right thru u
And at some point in your life, you stop realizing ‘hey, this isn’t my jumper!’ and just walk around in clothes that aren’t yours
And when this happens, three things follow:
You see a wild Hyunjin crashing through the apartment towards you, yelling happily that ‘that’s my favorite hoodie!!’ he tries to act like he’s angry and fails in 0.0000003 sec
He doesn’t slow down and freakin slams into you at full velocity, knocking you over or off anything you might be sitting on
He proceeds to tickle you mercilessly, until you either can’t breath and turn purple or until you commit an extreme act of violence in the name of self defense
Once this chaotic episode ends, most of the time with both of you are completely knackered and just lying on the floor
You both cool off by just cuddling and watching something on TV
Or reading something together!!!
I can totally see Hyunjin shoving one of his fav books in your face and insisting that you both take turns in reading aloud to each other
And you both react at the same time to shockers in the book, like you start crying together when a character dies who hasn’t had that traumatic experience or you both squeal with joy and hug each other tighter when something great happens
Did I just turn into a puddle of happy goo?
Yes I fuckin did.
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I think Hyunjin wouldn’t take that long to tell you that he loves you
That doesn’t mean that he planned anything tho
HAH! Course he didn’t
Probs says it when he can barely think straight
Maybe you’re watching him dance late at night
You’d brought snacks to keep him going ‘cause he was working his ass off
And there you sit, marveling at his skill and fluidity while executing his choreo
You have a talent for hyping Hyunjin up while he dances, cheering when he leaps high into the air, gasping when he performs a complicated move, and aw-ing and his graceful poses ok im done now
When he finishes one of his more dramatic dances, you jump up with glee and tackle him in a hug despite him being sweaty, saying how proud you are
He hugs you back happily and says:
“I should be the proud one, having someone I love so much being so supportive of me”.
You both freeze, still hugging each other
And neither of you move or breathe for a moment
“What did you say?”
“You said that you love me!”
“N- wait what?”
“I love you, dumbass” same tho
Oof that poor practice room has seen a lot of awkwardness
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I’m cracking up just by thinking of how hopeless Hyunjin could become when SKZ are away
“Hey do you guys have a signal and/or data? I wanna Skype y/n and show them the beautiful view”.
*all of SKZ facepalms*
Always taking pictures to show you
In the evenings, you get a frickin cascade of notifications of both photos and messages from the poor boy telling you he misses you like crazy
When Skyping, he asks to see Khami, who you have the pleasure of caring for during his absence
You do question (mentally and then verbally) whether he calls to talk to you or his dog
He never answers the question heh
There’s lowkey a competition between you and Khami for Hyunjin’s affection
When the boys make their flight home, Hyunjin keeps you informed about everything that’s happening
I mean everything:
Jiiniie<3: we’re @ the airport :D     -6h ago
Jiiniie<3: waiting to board!     -5h ago
Jiiniie<3: they’re getting ready to go, i can’t wait to see you!! xxx      -5h ago
Jiiniie<3: will text you when we arrive, love!     -5h ago
Jiiniie<3: JUST LANDED! CANT WAIT TO HUG U     -31mins ago
Jiiniie<3: about to get our luggage!     -Just now
You get the point -_-
When you finally see each other, he runs at top speed to pick you up and spins you around
frickin goals man i feel so sad writing this :,)
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He goes public in probably the most aesthetic way that’s physically possible
He posts a bunch of gorgeous photos-
Courtesy of Jisung
-of your silhouettes in front of sunsets
-Pics he took of you laughing during a cafe trip
-Bomb-ass selcas where you’re both lookin hella fine
Naturally, the internet freaks the fuck out
Both of you are kinda nervous about the explosive reaction
There are salty bitches who are telling you to piss off because they jelly
But the huge majority of Stay are crying with happiness and wishing you both well
this better happen in the future im watching all of u
And soon Hyunjin is talking about you on vLives, proud af because y/n freakin rules!
OhmyGod I love Hyunjin
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Damn my heart be like < HYUNJIN 3 phew
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 3 episode 9
Notes by me
- stumbled right into a battle field almost immediately. Are we still sure they should be team 1
- sam: wonder who they are
Tealc: doesnt matter theyre about to die anyway
- army crawl!!
- Dramatic Slow Motion Death Scene
- wait those arent normal bullets
- I still laugh every time tealc wakes up and sits straight up with no emotion on his face. My man is the definition of stiff
- a child!!!!
- I spy with my little eye....daniels 90s choker
- "if we're supposed to be dead, how are you gonna kill us again?"
"You wanna find out, four eyes???"
".......four eyes?"
- this is like the gif of the big golden retriever holding the cat back from fighting another cat. Jack is the retriever. Daniel is the cat
- I hate this child
- when the camera pans over the biggest American flag ive ever seen. 'MURICA
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- pov you are a young boy mouthing off and Jack Oniell is about to beat you senseless
- jaffa???
- its an army of spys omg
- this kid yells so much. Use your indoor voice please I have sensitive hearing
- fuckin apophis. Cant get away from him
- "corn and cotton are indigenous to north america "
"........and that information may save your life one day"
- they dont have wombs!!!
No worm bellies for my recruits!~ the captain probably
- tealc being like....in charge and bossy is hot. Like that sexuality that makes you attracted to people who know what theyre doing. Thats me
- "tealc what are these?"
"Short for?"
- when tealc loses his Big Stick he will kill everyone in a 30 mile radius with his thumb
- tealcs plan is good. He should do most of the planning from now on. He seems to be the only one thats good at it
- *apophis appears as a hologram*
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- the crude marker sketch of the seal of apophis on this kids forehead. An artist's rendition
- tealc saying that apophis loves Oniell and jacks eyebrows going so far up his forehead
- "the invasion of the tauri has been cancelled due to.......rain."
- I hate when people are so fucking dumb and never listen
- oooooooOOOOOOooHHhHhH bodyguard!sam for daniel💞💗💞
- Jack said diplomacy aint working its time to stun some kids
- okay they are annoying but I dont think they deserve to die
- Daniel and tealc telling the boy that apophis would be proud of him so he doesnt die in confusion/disappointment ❤❤❤❤❤❤
- this fucker stuck his fingers RIGHT INTO THE BOYS WOUND just to touch the blood he could already see like???? And then smiled with relish????? What the FUCK
- Daniel wears the smart pants in this scene. Telling the kid they r taking him to meet apophis so he doesnt put up a fight
- I swear this is Queelec from galaxy quest
- "id like to debrief ASAP colonel "
"Yes, my lord"
- tealc went thru the same thing these boys are going thru :\
- how long they been waiting for apophis to return. Years?
- fraiser being called a Sholva. Only one to be called that besides tealc so far
- oh no not the infamous tuna torture
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- "my real name is rophiapgisy"
".....your earth name is Kyle. Can we call you Kyle?"
- pour one out for sg11 💔
- theyre gonna show all those kids my favorite youtube video titled Apophis Dies Like A Weak Bitch
- war paint!! its getting serious folks
- "everyone clear?....daniel?"
- stealth mission. Sneak100
- so weird to see tealc in camo and without his staff
- "get the vaccuum"
- you didnt think mortars were mentionable????? BRUH
- wow they got stupider
- youre literally killing each other and you dont think thats bad????
- they get to go home. But where is home? Were they taken as children? Do they remember their parents? Do they remember their planet? I have questions
- daniels hat is falling over his eyes. Him hat too big for he gotdamn head
Whump under the cut
Daniel jackson whump: gun to face, shot with stun gun, scene with Sam standing in front of him to body shield him from jaffa boy, passed out, noises
Sam carter whump: shot with stun gun, passed out, gun in face, cut on face for all episode,noises
Jack Oniell whump: shot with stun gun, passed out ,noises
Tealc whump: shot with stun gun, passed out, noises
🎶listening to Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People 🎶 because this ep had naive children with guns
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tumblunni · 5 years
Directator's episode made my heart glow! What a goddamn bundle of fun! I wanna watch it again immediately it was FUCKIN HILARIOUS
And i find it so weird that this was clearly a low budget filler episode?? Like seriously he is SO badly animated its just insane. And spends half of his time as a friggin floating jpeg of his official art. Yet this episode also managed to be better than the entire rest of the season combined
It was just so fun seeing what sort of ridiculous shocking swerve his 'masterpiece' would take next! And the dub even added a meta joke about jj abrams movies, lol
I was fuckin choking on my own spit at the montage of whisper fallibg to the ground Dramatically, like seriously why the fuck was that the one that really got me
Oh and HIS SILLY POSES seriously this man somehow makes bad animation WORK, holy shit. Its like his sheer Passion For Artistry cannot be contained by puny human concepts like accurate anatomy and like..actual rules of cinematography. 'I'm so excited about films that i started looking awful in close up shots' is the kind of meta joke youd think was on purpose!
Also i really REALLY fuckin love the assistant director trio!!! They barely really do anything but theyre just so happy about it!! Its so cute how theyre so in sync with their boss? Like they always have everything prepared before he asks for it and theyre always super enthusiastic about his ideas and they even adorably repeat the last thing with MAXIMUM ENTHUSIASM!! "Okay lets take it again from the top" *assistant bounces in*"FRrrrrOM THE TOP~!" *all of them bustle in and shove everyone into new costumes* Man i wish i had a team of super enthusiastic friends who go 100% power to help you with things. Before i actually saw the episode i was worried it was gonna be the more boribg cliche of a bad boss who's always a jerk go his sidekicks but nah its just a bunch of big ol dorks together in a giant team hug going 'OMG THIS IS GONNA BE THE GREATEST'
Okay i had the cutest mental image lol. Part of the Bad Animation is having Directator constantly float about on his chair completely unmoving like they just wiggled a jpeg around. And i was thinking DAWW WHAT IF THEY DID THAT EVEN WHEN HE WAS ALIVE? Like human!Assistant Trio pushing human!Directator around on a swivel chair to Accentuate His Points. Also they probably carry confetti in their pockets 24/7 just so they can go BOOM and remind him how great he is and how much they all appreciate him. Seriously theyre such a small role but theres so much adorable personality in those tiny scenes!! Theyre just super supportive buddies!!! BOSS IT IS TIME FOR YOUR HOURLY SONG ABOUT YOUR GREATNESS lol it feels like maybe he's such a doofus cos they kinda spoil him? This is why i got this headcanon of him being depressed as a human and dying in some super tragic way, itd add a lot of nuance if his friends were trying so hard to bolster his ego cos he used to be really down on himself. And also itd be happy that he's finally finding success as a yokai!
Oh but it was funny how the dub tried to remove all the references to journey to the west despite not removing any references to journey of the west. Like yo you cant just say its something else when its clearly righr there onscreen! Its a shame cos the whole thing is infinately funnier with the context of it being a nonsense adaptation of a real fairytale. SERIOUSLY HE TURNED SON GOKU'S HEADBAND INTO CATERPILLARS directator i love and cherish you
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personagf-moved · 7 years
okay full offense and i know this wont make complete sense but im honestly disgusted that episode 7 has the lowest rating of season 2 and the scathing article GQ wrote about Kali and her “murder teen crew” as they called it. 
they literally said that the episode offered nothing towards eleven’s development like??????? its a standalone episode where for once Eleven isn’t focusing all of her energy on Mike or following Hopper’s rules like she gets guilty and ultimately comes home we KNOW that but there has been such little information about who Eleven TRULY is and what exactly happened to her and what everything represents like ??? hell fuckin yeah episode 7 was necessary for her character development.
like im so sorry that the little girl isnt thinking about her puppy love but is instead actually learning to “grow up” as Hopper said and take matters into her own hands and figure out just who she is (because a hero’s journey cant exactly be complete or consistent if they don’t eventually find their sense of self!!!)
ALSO Kali’s character is fucking necessary for eleven because she stands as her foil, a parallel character who reflects the anger and raw energy that eleven is afraid to tap into (ringing any bells about a certain scene in ep 7????) and the murder “teen” crew wasn’t even a teen crew to begin with like these were grown ass adults who were misfits, people used and chewed up and spit out by society that ultimately chose to fight back. Everything about Kali’s character and her group symbolizes an untamed resistance that most CERTAINLY existed in the 80′s, and isn’t anything that shouldn’t be touched on in the show. 
Eleven is never going to be the cute little girl carrying around a box of eggos with her torn pink dress forever. she has to shed that image and grow into the adult and hero she was destined to become, and if it means the “””””””””rebellious””””””””” teen phase with smudged eyeliner and slicked back hair and a band of misfits beside her then all right i’ll take it, but don’t suggest that episode 7 wasn’t important to her development 
there is SO MUCH MORE to eleven that we need to discover and the fact that they treated episode 7 like it was trash is so fucking insulting (and don’t think for a second that i’m not gonna pull the race card too! if kali had been a feisty doe-eyed white brunette with the SAME exact hair and outfit yall would be MUCH MORE VOCAL about episode 7) 
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