#i just want to write the drumstick pun
bandsanitizer · 2 years
another car in another 5sos mv means I need to write the cars fic
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fvcking-panda · 2 years
Okay so
Will x Gareth. A.k.a greatwise
Brain is going brrrrr with them rn, i hope this makes sense.
First encounter
• Will comes back to Hawkins and realizes there is a d&d club now that doesn't have a DM anymore because Eddie graduated (because he did, we don't accept the last episode in this account thank u very much).
• So on the first day of school, everyone in the table are discussing about what they're gonna do now without Eddie, and my sweet child raise his hand with shyness like: "I can plan a campaign if you all want to-". And Gareth is fucking excited because neither him, Jeff or freak #1 (which i decided to named Frank because that dude doesn't have a name) make great campaigns, and Mike doesn't make them anymore since season 2, so he's curious and has high expectations because Dustin talked about Will the entire time BECAUSE HE'S A GREAT PERSON AND HE DEFINITELY WORSHIP HIS BESTIE IN FRONT THE ENTIRE HELLFIRE CLUB.
• So Will is fucking nervous because he want to impress them, especially 'cause even if Mike is his best friend, they're growing apart and he know is not the same anymore, so this is his oportunity to make more friends in high school, Will doesn't want to ruin it.
• So he spends all his free time writing it, having Eddie's help of course, but Eddie doesn't have the entire information about it because he's gonna be part of the first session and Will want to impress him too.
• But sweet Will doesn't understand the concept of have some rest and he starts to fall asleep on class, which unfortunately for him and perfect for the plot, made him walk down the last room at the end of the day for detention.
• You will not guess who's also there.
• Is Gareth, ofc, my boy ended there for the third fight of the week, and it's Tuesday.
• He's on the last desk of the classroom playing with his pencils like they're drumsticks. He also has an ugly injury on the lip for the fight, and he has that bitch face who make everyone around him avoid any near seat.
• But Will is relieved for a familiar face, especially because he's in Hellfire club so maybe he can bond the time talking about the campaign (and definitely he'll talk about the subject to make notes about what they're expecting).
• So he sits right next to Gareth, who didn't reacted because he was more focused on remember the "master of puppers" drum solo than the other poor soul trapped in detention too.
• "Another fight?". Will asks, trying to look friendly, he almost regret it because Gareth turn around annoyed by the interruption, but Emerson smiles brightly when he realizes is the new kid.
• He explains the reason of the fight was another person insulting the Hellfire club, naming them a cult especially because they told that now was complete because the "zombie boy" joined and that somehow sounded like the human sacrifice all cults needs to.
• Gareth is upset when he's telling it and Will would be sad if he was focused on it, but he's more shocked because they barely know each other, the only thing they have in common is the Hellfire club and that both goes to the same school, they are not even in the same grade and he wasnt there with the upside down combo so no trauma-bonding. So why he got into a fight to defend him?
• Gareth of course realizes the silent he's inmersed into, and missinterpret it like he's affected about it, so he tries to cheer him. "Don't pay attention, they're douchebags who wouldn't recognize greatness even if it punched on their faces, I know, I tried".
• Will just smiles, "did you just made a pun with your nickname, Gareth the great?".
• They spend the rest of the detention talking and they realize how much they have in common. The d&d is just the surface of the iceberg, because they also share similar music taste, and that my dudes and duddetes and everything in between is a new world for them.
• Will only had Johnathan to talk about it before, and Gareth's taste is slightly different than the rest of Corroded Coffin, he's interested in metal of course, but he likes rock a little bit more. And Will starts to ramble about the his especial vinyl collection on his house.
• "no way, Queen? Do you have the newest already?" Will tell him how he made Argyle and Johnathan stay with him outside the music shop one day before to be the first one to adquire it.
• "You can go at my house if you want to".
• "Sure! Give me your address".
• Will opens a notebook to write in it and his sketchbook falls, Gareth immediately bend down to grab it but the sketchbook is opened at the middle and he cannot avoid to look at it.
• "Did you draw this?"
• Will is embarrased, first of all because that's a David Bowie portrait with pencil and is not his best one, but also because he cannot think in a straight explanation of why he draw him without clothes (even if he swear is for practicing purposes in human anatomy).
• But Gareth is really impressed, like, legitimately amazed by Will's skills. The drawing is so cool and he cannot believe is made with pencil only. He assures at Will how much talented he is, and a blushed Byers just smiles brightly, both relieved and flattered because Gareth is cool with it.
• So Will trust him enought to let Gareth look at the rest of the sketchbook. Will has a lot of different things in there: ideas for paints, color test with his new set of watercolors, the party's portraits, some backgrounds of California, previous campaign notes and the characters he returned to write again since he left Hawkins, now with different backstories that he wrote on little stick notes on the corners of the pages.
• Gareth starts to ask about the drawings, and Will is happy because he's really respectful with them, like, he's not passing the pages quickly, he is actually admiring it, following with the gaze the traces, and he's curious about what he has to say, so Byers spoil him talking about little details too. "I was actually listening this specific song on that one", "El is actually a great model, she let me draw her often and doesn't move a lot", "i've been stuck in what colors i want to paint that one", "that's an old character that i was thinking to use in the new campaign".
• Will cannot remember what was the last time someone outside his family showed interest in the things he liked. And Gareth is a great listener. He also has a cute smile, Will likes the dimples specially.
• But hear me out, Will's intern monologe is that he's just admiring him like an artist, because objectively artists are used to watch people intensily to decode the principal gestures on them to translate it in paper. So Will is there like "im admiring him for artistic purposes".
• ...Besides, Gareth looks unaware because he's really concentrated on the sketchbook, so It doesn't hurt anyone, right?
• And he has a soft hair, it looks even softer than Steve's. Also his hands are cute, they're probably smaller than his actually, but way strongest too. And his lips-
• Will's face is red and tries to shake those thoughts by writing his adress on the back of a stupid doodle (a little demon dancing) and gave it to Gareth.
• Detention is over, and both are kind of dissapointed because they were actually enjoying it.
• "until Friday, Will the wise!". Gareth's smile is really soft, and contrast with his usual bitch face really well. He just waves and return to his house.
• Will tries to concentrate in the campaign right before he head off to bed, but his brain is exhausted, so he starts to draw randomly on the paper trying to relax.
• Is until the fourth doodle he realizes he's drawing Gareth.
• But is really abstract, is mostly different details he noted before, he doesn't dare to draw his entire face because that could be weird, right?
• So he just fill the rest of the page with a Queen's song lyrics before turn off the light and decides to try and sleep.
• And he pass out immediatly, and for the first time in weeks, he feels relaxed enought to sleep without any dream about the Upside Down.
• Because for the first time in years he felt a little bit of what a teenage normal life looked like, having someone interested in him besides the Upside Down thing, having someone actually listening, having someone who... Who wanted to meet him more, another teenager who was really cool and for some reason wanted to defend him without the overprotection. Someone who didnt make it because he knew about Vecna, just because he found Will worth it for being himself.
(Im not planning of writing a fanfic because i can't take that responsability atm. But if anyone is interested to properly write it please go ahead! Just give me credits and send me the link!)
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Shall We Dance, Sunflower? (Elliot 'Mirage' Witt x GN Reader)
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Author's Note: Hello! I wrote this because it has been on my mind for a while, so I wanted to let it out. I hope you like it! Please, excuse my writing, if anything is misspelt it is because English isn't my native language, but I did my best, :D
Warnings: SLIGHT SPOILER OF THE BOOK, if you have not read it yet it contains a bit of the lore on the book, mainly about Mirage's past.
Word Count: 2397
(Y/N's POV)
‘Meet me at the bar tonight? Got a surprise ;)’
I looked over at my phone, ‘Elliot’ was written on it and I felt my heart skip a beat.
Ever since I joined the games, I have grown close to all the other legends, however, I’ve had a soft spot for the curly haired man for a while now. We’ve been getting closer ever since we got teamed up the first time, Mirage has always been there for me, had my back in every game, even when we’re in different teams, he manages to get to me.
We’ve been meeting often at his bar, after each match. Lately, I’ve been staying a little longer than the rest of the group, even after Wraith and Rampart, Elliot and I have been talking back and forth about our lives outside of the games, getting to know each other, and surprisingly, his company is really good, and I started looking forward to our little chat at the end of each night. Most of the times I even help getting the bar cleaned and he walks me home. Slowly I’ve started to like him more and more.
It’s obvious that I find Elliot handsome, but his ways are the ones that really get to me, he may be an idiot, but sure as hell he makes me laugh like no other, and deep down he cares a lot about his friends, his family. He’s been through so much in his life, yet he still manages to have a positive view of life.
I got my phone and texted back.
‘Sure thing, handsome. What you got for me?’
‘Well, sunshine, it’s a surprise, so you’ll have to wait and see. Come by at 9 pm. :D’
I smiled and looked over at the clock, still, a couple of hours to go, so I got in the shower, got a nice set of clothing and some light makeup, nothing too fancy and then order some dinner.
When it was time, I left my apartment and went to Elliot’s bar. I noticed that the door was closed, it’s a bit weird since he usually has the bar opened at this hour. I knocked on the door and heard him urging me to go inside.
Once I got in, I saw him cleaning some of the cups, as soon as his eyes landed on me, he got a huge smile on his face.
“Welcome to the Witt’s, sunflower”
“Hey, handsome. Where’s everyone?”
“What do you mean everyone?... OH, the bar! Right, I closed it early today, didn’t have a lot of customers, so…”
“I see… So what you got for me, Witt? I’ve been looking forward to your surprise.”
I sit down on one of the stools near the counter, right in front of Elliot and let my chin rest on my hand.
“Someone’s pretty eager… Well, I… drumroll please!” He made little movements with his fingers as drumsticks while hitting the counter “I made a new bevi… bevere… cocktail!”
Elliot cheered as he shows me a couple of bottles.
“And I want you to be the first to try, sunshine! I mean, I’ve already tried it, but I want someone else’s opinion.” He said as he took out a glass and some drinks.
“Am I going to die, Elliot?” The amount of alcohol he was pouring mixing with other fruits was unbelievable.
“I’m still here, so I don’t think so. Plus, I´ll kill you in the ring, not outside. Although, I think Revenant might kill all of us in our sleep.”
“I believe he might kill Loba first, to be honest” I grinned a little “Though I think he’ll have to face Bangs first, and she won’t go easy on him.”
“You think they are a thing? Loba and Anita, I mean.”
“I don’t know, but sure as hell, they look like it, and they look cute together.”
Elliot muttered something under his breath as he finished preparing the drink.
“What was that?”
“What was what? I didn’t say anything” Elliot nearly spilled the drink when he put it in front of me.
“I didn’t know that the great Mirage was afraid of speaking what’s on his mind. Guess you are afraid of something.”
“I don’t fear anything, sunshine. Now, you are the one afraid of having a taste, right?”
“No, no, I’ll taste it… eventually.”
I smiled. The drink had a yellowish colour and the smell seemed to burn my nostrils due to the alcohol, but I brought the glass to my lips and took a sip. Elliot was looking rather nervous at me, biting his bottom lip. I took another sip.
“So… How is it? C’mon, don’t leave me hanging, (Y/N).”
I laughed a little. “It’s great, Elliot, as surprising as it may seem, it tastes really good. You should definitely put it on the menu, the guys are gonna love it.”
“Really?? You don’t think I should add anything else, lemon or…”
“No, I like it the way it is, really.”
Elliot had the widest grin I’ve ever seen.
“Do you have a name for it yet?”
“Name? No, not really, I didn’t think about it.”
“You could name it ‘The Unwitty’” I laughed.
“What does that mean?” Elliot looked confused.
“Unwitty? It usually refers to someone who’s not clever, and I believe that after a few of these, you are definitely not the brightest person in the room” I said as I looked at the half-empty glass “Also, it rhymes a little with your last name, so it could be a pun, since… well… you know… you made the drink…”
“Well, that’s a lot cleveree… cleverir… more clever than what I thought”
“And what were you thinking?”
He looked at me and ended up scratching the back of his neck.
“Well, something in the lines of sunflower, maybe… or sunshine…”
“Oh, because of the colour! I get it! Never knew a drink with a name like that, but it should work.” I smiled.
“Yeah… the colour…”
Elliot started to pack up the drinks and clean what was left on the bar. He turned his back to me as I finished the drink, so I jumped over the counter and started to clean the dirty glasses in the sink.
“Hey, you don’t have to do that (Y/N)”
“It’s alright, you know that I like helping you out, plus I got a free drink” I smiled and bumped against his shoulder.
“Thanks, (Y/N).”
We finished cleaning the rest of the bar and I leaned against the counter, Elliot did the same on the other side. However, he did have a foolish grin on his face, like he was up to someth…
“I got an idea!” he clapped his hands and smiled at me.
“This can’t be good…”
“Of course it’s a good idea! I only have good ideas, sunshine!”
“Hm… No, not always, remember that one time on the zipline across Airbase…”
“No, no, no, no, no. That doesn’t count! It was all Crypto’s fault, not mine!!” He whined at me, pointing his finger like he was schooling me which made me laughed out loud “ANYWAYS, it is still pretty early to take you home, so…”
Elliot grabbed the Bluetooth controller for his sound equipment at the bar and started to go through the songs.
“What are you doing, Elliot?”
“Choosing a song.” He smiled.
“For what, exactly?” God, I think I know where this is going…
Elliot picked a pop song, one of those popular ones that are on the radio stations and stretched out his hand, bowing slightly to me.
“Shall we dance, sunflower?”
“No, absolutely not, sorry. Not happening.”
The look on his face was hilarious, I would’ve laughed harder if it wasn’t for his genuine heartbroken expression.
“But why…?”
“Elliot, dear… I don’t dance, I’ve never danced in my life, and I know I’m terrible at it. So, I’ll spare your toes and I won’t step on you.”
“I don’t mind it. Plus, I’m a pretty good dancer, I’m sure I can lead you through it.” He smiled and this time he took the liberty to take my hand and guided me to the centre of the bar.
“Elliot, this is not a good idea.” I shook my head in disbelief.
“Shhhh… I’ll guide you. Let Mirage take the lead.”
We started slowly moving at the rhythm of the song, shifting weight from one foot to the other and soon we were swinging backwards, dipping low and then soaring into the air. Elliot never let go of my hand and guided me through every move. I never felt so carefree and happy, in a small space it was just him and me having one hell of a good time.
I have no idea how many songs went by, my heart was pounding against my chest rapidly like I was in training. And then a slow melody came into play, Elliot’s smile grew wider, and he pulled me against him, one hand on my waist, the other holding my hand.
I looked up and his face was close to mine, my heart was beating faster than before, and I thought it wasn’t possible, and all the butterflies started to fly in my stomach.
Elliot started to guide me through the song once more, this time in a very slow rhythm, one step at a time.
“You’re doing great, sunshine.” He praised.
I felt my cheeks getting warmer and I looked away, anywhere but his face.
He then tried a turn, however, he stopped midway through, and pushed my back against his chest, the arm on my waist circled all the way as he hugged from the back, his other hand still holding on to mine. He leaned his face against mine, so our cheeks were touching. I felt like my breath got caught up in my throat and everything around us stopped.
We were still swinging slightly, but I could feel him moving his face, and then slowly he left a kiss on my neck.
And then another kiss.
And then another kiss.
And the last kiss had me shiver all over. He noticed.
“Seems like I found a sweet spot… Right?”
I smiled.
“Hm… I don’t know, maybe you should try it again, just to make sure.”
He chuckled, turning me back to face him. This time we were much closer than the last, so much that the tips of our noses were barely touching.
We stood still for what it felt like an eternity, I was too afraid to move, I didn’t want to ruin anything.
Elliot looked down, staring at my lips as he gulped.
“Damn… I want to kiss you so bad…” He whispered.
“Why don’t you…?”
“I’m scared, (Y/N).”
I tried to look back into his eyes, but Elliot held me closer, and I had to rest my forehead against his shoulder.
“All my life, (Y/N), I saw the ones that I care about, the ones that I love, leaving me. I saw friends die, disappearing, leaving. It started with my father, who barely even knew me. Then, my brothers I couldn't even have a proper goodbye, because no one cared to try to find them. My mom is slowly leaving me, with each passing day her memory gets worse and I fear the day she won’t remember me at all and I…”
He was shaking a little which had me hugging him even more, trying to encourage him to talk to me.
“I can’t stand the thought of you leaving me, (Y/N), in any way. Makes my heart sting, my breath disappears, and my all body physically hurt. If anything happens to you while you’re with me, I’ll never forgive myself, I want to keep you safe, but it seems like I bring bad luck to everyone that I’m close to, and I can’t do that to you, (Y/N), not you…”
“Elliot, look at me.” I tried to push him lightly, but he wouldn’t let go. “Please, please look at me.”
He loosened his grip on me a little. I manage to look back into his eyes, and I realise that I’ve never seen those eyes that sad, bearing so much pain, that it started to hurt me too.
“Elliot, listen, I’m not going anywhere. I know how to defend myself and I’m here to stay, you’re stuck with me, at least as long as you’ll have me. If anything, you’ve been my good luck charm, ever since I joined the games you’ve had my back, you’re there for me every single time, you make me laugh more than anyone has ever made me, when I’m with you I’m genuinely happy like I have no cares in the world. We all have our ghosts, but we’re here to fight them, I’m here to help you, Elliot. You are the life and soul in every place you go, how could you ever be bad luck? You have a golden heart, and don’t tell yourself otherwise. Please, Elliot… I…”
He didn’t let me finish.
He held my check in his hand and leaned in, kissing me.
I never felt anything like that before, like he was made for me, all my thoughts were clouded by the feeling of his lips on mine. I reached my hand to the back of his neck, pampering with the hairs there.
I felt his tongue pushing its way into my mouth, and I let it. My heart was beating louder in my chest, my hands were shaking, but I wanted him to know how much I cared, how much I wanted him, how much I loved him, just him.
We fell breathless and broke the kiss, leaning our foreheads against each other.
“You have no idea, how long I’ve wanted that, and how much I needed you, (Y/N).”
I smiled and hugged his neck, pulling him more to me. His hands were massaging my back, up and down.
“My heart is beating so fast, it feels like it’s gonna jump out of my chest, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way before, with anyone… Can we do it again?”
“Oh, Elliot, you don’t have to ask that. Of course, you can.”
He leaned in and we kissed once more.
If this is dancing… We definitely need to do that more often.
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count-woe-laf · 4 years
Who’s your friend?
Prompt 53 from @someonehelp sorry that it took so long and if it’s not what you wanted, I may have accidently written it for @coconut-cluster ‘s battle of the bands au and this post and its tags because my brain could not stop thinking about it. The au is hers and y’all should go check it out, I love it
Thank you @knight-of-cauldrons for helping me with the names and lovely people from the Roman Arson Squad for helping me with other stuff too and @me-a-mess-morelikelythanyouthink for helping me edit stuff and talking about this until 4am with me so I knew what to write, I appreciate it, (also the drumstick things is entirely her fault (maybe a little bit of mine))
Pre-romantic prinxiety, there’s a few swears, very brief mention of murder/death, the ending and middle is a little weak, 1348 words
The blood pumping through Roman's veins, the air in his lungs, the microphone in his hand, the noise of the music and the crowd, the feeling of happiness- of greatness surrounding him. It was in these moments that Roman felt truly alive.
It was the show high and boy was it fun; the world would slow it's spinning, Roman- his bandmates and friends playing behind him- would sing, the crowd would cheer. It was one of the best feelings Roman had ever felt. (He says one of the best because he got a free pink lemonade in the middle of summer once and it was closely tied for one of the best feelings ever.) This great feeling stayed until Roman would get home that night. Even once the audience left he would still feel the burst of happiness in his chest.
The Disasters were spread around the stage, packing up their instruments. Well, Remus and Janus were packing up. Roman didn't have anything to do so he was scrolling through his phone. Virgil was sitting on the edge of the stage, playing around with his sticks, talking to someone from the crowd. Normally Roman wouldn’t pay much attention to them, but he didn't have anything interesting on his phone and his gaze kept drifting towards Virgil.
The guy Virgil was talking to looked around their age; he seemed nice enough, maybe he was being a little too nice for Roman's liking, but that didn't matter, he was just some guy. Some guy that was talking to Virgil, a completely normal conversation. Virgil had conversations all the time. …Did Virgil usually smirk at a stranger's remarks, though? Did he normally let someone try (and fail) to spin his drumsticks, would they laugh afterwards? Roman's after show happiness suddenly disappeared; he instantly realized his night wouldn't be as good as he thought. The amazing feeling was replaced with another that Roman wasn't entirely familiar with. All Roman knew was that it wasn't jealousy.
There was no way it was jealousy, It couldn't be jealousy, jealousy didn't feel like this, did it? No, the feeling in the pit of Roman's stomach wasn't jealousy, he wasn't jealous. There was absolutely no reason for him to be jealous over some hot looking dude talking to Virgil. Roman and Virgil were just friends anyway, he didn't have a reason to be jealous. it didn't matter that Roman's heart stopped when Virgil smiled at him. It didn't matter that Virgil would say one flirty joke and Roman would be distracted for the rest of practice. And it didn't matter that Virgil was one of the few people Roman trusted. None of that mattered, Roman was not jealous. Finding himself walking towards Virgil's spot on the edge of the stage wasn't because he was jealous, it was because he was bored and cared for Virgil's safety talking to random people. Yeah, that sounded about right.
"Well you seem really funny, Virgil, right?"
Virgil stopped spinning his sticks. "Yeah, and your name is…"
"Andy, short for Anderson, it's a dumb name right?" They both let out a short laugh, Andy's laugh was really nice and smooth, way better than Roman's dorky one. What? That didn't matter, there was no need to compare himself to whoever this Andy dude was.
Roman ignored his mess of thoughts and placed himself near Virgil. "Hey, Virgil! Who's your friend?" Ignoring how stiffly Roman spoke it almost seemed like he was saying it nicely. Of course Roman was saying it nicely, why wouldn't he be saying it nicely?
"Oh uh, we're not friends yet," and the guy dragged his hand through his hair and winked at Virgil. He actually winked. He looked towards Roman. "Anyways I'm Andy, me and my friend Spike are going to get some food, wondering if Virgil here would like to join us?"
And boy, did Roman have a lot he wanted to say, it might've warranted him a disappointed lecture from Janus. So he turned off his internal monologue of this bitch really thinks he can take Virgil, my best friend out to an 8pm dinner, that's our thing sometimes we even share pancakes- and looked over to Virgil. He must know that the late dinners are tradition and that one cannot break from traditions especially ones with your best friends.
"Come on, it'll be fun." Andy lowered his voice, "Maybe after we can drive somewhere, there's a place I know that's really pretty around this time."
Roman scowled and opened his mouth, hoping to say something that wouldn't sound overly protective and jealous. "He-"
"Sorry we have some band stuff to talk about tonight. But uh," Virgil threw up some awkward finger guns and stood up, quickly trying to get away. "I'll see you around though. Have a good night, Andy." They started to walk away.
"Ok, if you're sure, I wish I got your number, but I'll stick with this," Virgil turned around to see Andy badly twirling one of his sticks. "See ya around Virgey," and with another stupid wink, he was gone.
They both stood frozen on the stage, the feeling in Roman's stomach grew as the silence stretched out. "Did he just make a pun? And call me Virgey?" He looked over to Roman with a bewildered face. "He used a pun to take my stick, called me Virgey, and left. Now I need new sticks," Virgil looked down at his lone drumstick. "This is why I don't like new people talking to me. And being stuck somewhere alone with a stranger? Not my thing." Virgil turned to face Roman, hands loosely playing with his stick. "Sorry for cutting you off there but you were already being overly jealous and extra and I didn't want that to get worse."
"Hey, I'm not overly extra, I don't know what you're talking about," Roman looked down and pouted.
"Oh so you're admitting you're jealous?" Virgil raised an eyebrow with an innocent look.
"I'm not that either, Virgey," Roman ignored his growing blush, took Virgil's last drumstick and lightly hit him on the arm, making Virgil frown in response.
"Oh really?" Virgil took back his stick and hesitated before gently placing it under Roman's chin, tilting his head up so their eyes met. "You're a horrible liar, you don't keep eye contact and can't think of excuses, it's very suspicious. Anyways, you interrupted my lovely conversation with Andy, sure seems like you're jealous, Roman."
Wow… Roman was going to faint. Virgil was looking at him with a teasing glint in his eyes as a stupidly cute laugh fell from his lips. Roman couldn't even respond let alone breathe, who gave Virgil a right to be this- this-
Roman's chin fell. "We should go, I think Jan and Remus are already in the van."
"Uh, yeah," Roman said, slightly dazed. "This is your last call to go with your stranger over there and get into his sketchy looking truck. You sure you don't want that?"
Virgil snorted, "I'll stick with your jealous self. At least I know you won't kill me in a back alley." He started to walk away. "Come on, you know Janus will leave for ihop without us."
Roman followed him out. "I blame you if he leaves us, you piss him off too much."
"Says the one who got into an hour long argument with him about cornflakes." Roman scoffed in response.
The after show high had returned, along with memories of thousands of similar interactions with Virgil. (God, why was Virgil such a flirt? Roman would combust one of these days.) Unlike his earlier predictions, it was a very nice night after all. Roman was so thankful to have the feeling of giddiness back in his veins and his band of friends surrounding him.
(He was also thankful for the ihop waiter that brought him extra whipped cream that Virgil proceeded to eat and get all over him. There was now a very cute picture of Virgil in Roman's syrup covered phone that Roman would not stop looking at all night.)
I tried to do it justice, thanks for letting me write this and for sending in a prompt. Send me a prompt (and characters and a ship, sorry if I change it) and I’ll write something (probably short and definitely sanders sides) out of it eventually. Know that it will probably take me forever but I’m trying to write more
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zekroudon · 4 years
Dinner with the in-laws
Adrien's first dinner with Marinette's parents since they officially got together. A lot of puns ensues. As usual, you can read it on Ao3 here.
This was the fic I wrote for my application for the Totographs zine, but I didn't get picked, but I'm proud of myself for applying! Once again, beware, lots of puns ahead. 
P.S. I won't be writing fanfics during November since I'm attempting Nanowrimo for the first time! It might not have been the best idea since I still have my classes, but I'll manage.
Edit: Thanks @komorebirei for beta-ing and their insightful tips.
   As Adrien stands in front of the door to Marinette’s home, the bouquet he got for her feels heavy and useless. He has already given so many roses to her, but they feel meaningless compared to how grateful he is to still have her in his life. Her parents must know how amazing she is — they’ll be disappointed…
   He’s hit by flashbacks to the events that led to Tom being akumatized into Weredad. Coming to the bakery after a lonely breakfast. The grey gloomy sky. The awkward kissing Marinette on the cheeks. The pink rose. Admitting he loved Ladybug, Ladybug and not Marinette, an irony Plagg kept teasing him about now that he was fully aware of her identity. Marinette being too good of an actress at being hurt. The enormous tower of vines with the angry beast on top protecting his princess. Ladybug only appearing at the end when everything was crumbling…
   Even though Nino assured him it was casual enough, yet fancy, and that Marinette would like it—a light green buttoned shirt, with only the top two buttons undone, and dark jeans—Adrien feels like he’s underdressed. Plagg phases through his shirt and looks him in the eyes.
“Just press the doorbell! I’m starving and I can’t wait to see Sugarcube!”
“Plagg, what if I mess up again? What if they hate me?”
   Adrien starts fidgeting with the bouquet in his hands. He wipes his sweaty palms on his pants.
“How could they hate you? I’m pretty sure Pigtails couldn’t hate you.”
“But, what if…”
   The kwami presses the doorbell and returns to his warm pocket while dread fills Adrien. He hears the steps creak lightly as someone comes down to open the door. Is it Tom? No probably not—he’s heavier and the steps would creak more. Maybe Sabine? She can also be very scary when she wants to…
   The door opens and relief floods his body at the sight of his lady, princess, and girlfriend. Marinette is wearing a pink dress with a black jacket. He didn’t fail to notice the small cat paws and the kitty she embroidered on the jacket. The dress is fairly simple to the casual eye, but having been raised in the fashion industry for so long, he recognizes all the hard work she put into the hems and her trademark flower motif. Her black hair, free from the usual pigtails, cascades in waves over her right shoulder.  
“You look… beautiful,” are the only words that escape his lips.
“Thank you, you look great too!”
“So… These are for you!” he says, extending the flowers to her.
“Thank you! They’re pretty...” She leans her head into the bouquet, smelling its perfume. “They smell amazing too! Let’s go upstairs so I can put them in some water.”
   Adrien follows her as they enter the apartment over the bakery. Delicious scents hit him as they step inside. Except for the usual sweets from the bakery, he can smell a plethora of aromas he is not familiar with. An overly excited Tom practically bounces to him, followed by Sabine, who looks more calm and composed. Adrien swears the man is about to burst from how much he is shaking and buzzing with energy. He kisses Sabine’s cheek and extends his hand to shake Tom’s, who gladly accepts.
“Welcome, Adrien, we’re glad you could make it! We could not wait to meet the young man that stole our little daughter’s heart.”
“The pleasure’s all mine! Thank you for having me for dinner.”
   Once Tom let go of his hand, it instinctively went to rub the back of his neck, his usual tic when he’s nervous. Fear fills him as the man’s eyes grow big like saucers when a ray of light hits his ring, making it shine a little. Does he recognize him as Chat Noir? Marinette looks at him, unsure of what to make of her father’s reaction.
   He then turns and picks up Sabine. He whirls her before doing a pirouette himself.
“Our little daughter is engaged! She proposed to Adrien! We need to prepare the wedding cake, it’ll be the best Paris has ever seen!”
“Tom, dear…” Sabine says, trying to bring back her husband to Earth, with no success.
“What?” is the only word that escapes Adrien’s mouth.
   “Is it another case of Oblivio?” Adrien asks himself. ”Last time I checked, we were only dating…” He realizes at the same time as Marinette what gave Tom the idea, but she’s quicker to react. He thought that Adrien’s miraculous was an engagement ring. Though, it’s not on the correct hand…
“We’re not engaged, Papa!!” shouts Marinette, calming her father. “The ring’s, um…”
“It was from my mother, it’s not a wedding ring. Not that I would mind being engaged to Marinette, she’s amazing and any guy or girl would be crazy to turn her down. I mean, I’d gladly propose to her, but I don’t want to go too fast and I’d rather have your blessing before…”
   He is stopped by a hand on his arm. Sabine looks up sweetly at him, just like she did with Chat Noir all those years ago.
“It’s okay, dear, we know you love our daughter very much—it’s obvious in your eyes. Tom just tends to get ahead of things. That poor Chat Noir, I hope he wasn’t too traumatized.”
“I don’t think he is…” Adrien shyly replies.
   Since he arrived a bit early, Adrien offers to help make dinner. Considering his lack of ability in the kitchen, he gets vegetable duty, since it’s pretty straightforward and he won’t risk ruining the meal with a beginner’s mistake by putting in too much spice or causing a fire.
“You know, I can’t believe no one ever taught you to cook—but at the same time, knowing your father, it does make sense.”
“Yeah, I  carrot  believe it either. I guess he expected me to  stew  in the mansion and have a cook for my entire life.”
“Even for you, that was pretty bad,” she says, rolling her eyes. “Finish slicing them, it’s nearly ready...”
“I don’t know about that, young lady—there’s always  thyme  for puns,” replies Tom with a smirk, a fire lit in his eyes. “Once you’re done Adrien, I’ll  knead  some fruits for dessert
“Of course! Would you help me,  gourdgeous  princess? We make the perfect  pear , after all.”
“I think you’ll be  apple  to do it yourself, my prince.”
“Ah, you leave me  floured  ! You know I only have  pies  for you.”
“You’re such a weirdo…”
“Maybe, but I’m your  weirdough  and you  loaf  me.”
“See, Sabine, they were  baked  for each other. I’m sure  muffin  could break them apart.”
   A little bit later, once they are all sitting at the table, plates set and food served.
“This is so delicious! I don’t think my chef has ever made me something this good!”
“I doubt your chef would have cooked this—it’s not really suited for a model’s diet,” Sabine says. “But thank you. I could show you some recipes if you want.”
“I’d love that, Mrs. Cheng! Well, I’m  bacon  track now, I’m no longer following a diet as strict as before: no more drumsticks and crumbs.  Dough , I have to admit that I would have been  toasted  if my father had found me eating a meal like this.”
“You can call us Sabine and Tom, dear, no need to be so formal.”
“I’m glad to hear that! You sure could add more meat to those bones of yours,” Tom adds jokingly.
“The  yeast  he could have done was to let you see your friends more often,” Marinette replies drily.
“It’s okay, it’s all behind us now. The  bread  of akumas, the  pain …” He adds, giving Marinette a slice of bread. She shakes her head, but still takes it.
“Doughnut  worry, son, you’ll always be welcome here. I could show you the ropes of a baker’s job! I  croissant  your talent.”
   The rest of the main meal goes well—more puns, talking about their future and hopes. Adrien loved the fact that Tom and Sabine didn’t expect him to follow in his father’s footsteps and take the reins of Gabriel, unlike almost everyone else in his life. Instead, they encouraged him when he said that he would need some time to figure out what he really wants to do with his life, to forge his own path.
   As Marinette ices the cake, Adrien finishes slicing the fruits and placing them. His fingers are all sticky and stained from the juices, but he’s the happiest he’s ever been. He feels like he’s part of a family, in a house filled with love, warmth, and fun. He dips his finger in some cream that has fallen from Marinette’s pouch. She’s fully focussed on the task at hand, just like when she was figuring out an especially complicated lucky charm in a face-off with a strong akuma. He gets an idea. It’s a bit mischievous, but a good one.
   Smirking, he carefully sneaks behind her, channeling his inner Chat Noir. Once he’s close enough, he pokes her nose with his cream coated finger. She jerks back into his arms and squeezes the icing bag, making it explode. Their faces and clothes are covered with icing.
“See, m’ lady, I always told you that you’re  la crème de la crème  . Getting my miraculous was an  ameowzing  day in my life, but meeting you was the  icing on the cake ,” he whispers in her ear.
“Shh! They’ll hear you!”
   Her scolding expression lingers for a bit longer, but she soon bursts out laughing.
“I can’t believe you! All this for puns?”
“I felt like I needed to remind my girlfriend of how amazing she is...”
   Tom and Sabine turn the corner to the kitchen, taking in the mess the two made.
“What are you two  loafing  about… Oh, that’s quite the mess, isn’t it?” Tom asks, stopping in his tracks.
“Go change into your pyjamas, I’ll finish icing the cake in the meantime,”Sabine sweetly adds, opening the fridge to get more icing.
   As they walk past the counter to go change, Marinette picks a cherry and perches it on Adrien’s nose.
“You don’t need to remind me, Adrien, I’ll always  cherrysh  the  koalaty  time I get to spend with you.”
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diabolikmosquito · 5 years
Tag Game because I have no self-restraint
@the-mostdiabolik-of-lovers posted this one with permission for anyone to tag themselves so obviously I’m gonna take it and run. My asks are empty and I’ve been craving ask games and surveys lately, sue me. Putting it under a cut so I don’t clog anyone’s dash!
Gender: Female Star sign: Taurus Current time: 8:15 PM, though it’ll prolly be later by the time I finish typing this all out. Favorite song artists: Don’t make me choose. A lot of my favorite music is instrumental OST’s, though an instrumental artist or two that I love are ones like Jami Sieber, Brambles, Otto A Totland, and Joep Beving. For non-instrumental.. there’s a lot. Ellise, SYML, Nico Collins, Frank Sinatra, and Bohnes are a few I’ve had in some playlists lately, but there’s way too many.  Favorite songs: This is harder than the last one and I am not obligated to answer it. (’: But if you’re someone who reads my samples or threads, you might find some of my favorite OST’s/mood musics that suit the post/hint at something hidden in there. Song stuck in your head: Again, these change so often daily it’s hard to pick one, but a handful include A Little Messed Up by june, Dance Monkey (the slowburn edit), and way more OST’s than are healthy. (Highlights for that include the original Medievil soundtrack, which for some reason reminds me of Castlevania at times.) Last movie you saw: Birds of Prey! I almost didn’t go due to not feeling great, so I’m glad I bucked up and saw it with some friends. Last thing I googled: If you ignore the numerous Castlevania-related things in the last 24 hours, then it’s “cat keeps sneezing.” If not, then it’s “castlevania vampire generals” because being totally frank, I didn’t even know the generals with no lines in the first two seasons had names until recently. Other blogs: I haven’t been on it in ages and actually forgot the password, but once I get on that I’ll get back to you. xD Do you get asks? Not really, but I stick around for the people who’re kind enough to take that interest! I keep all the ask/rp prompts tagged neatly in links on my profile so if someone new comes by one day and wants to interact, it’ll be easy for them to. Reason for your url: The original concept for Pepper was very much a mosquito-like cryptid created for a certain purpose, hence the mosquito. The diabolik part is because I originally joined Tumblr to find a community for Diabolik Lovers (due to some other writing sites being very.. standoffish if you don’t write canons/don’t exclusively write gay ships), but now it’s just all kinds of vampire hell. Once I actually get into some more vampy verses you can bet I’ll be writing/reblogging stuff from those as well! and yes I am looking for more recommendations in that vein (heh, puns) if anyone has some. Average amount of sleep: Erm.. 3-12 hours. During the week it’s about 3-5, and weekends is sometimes my “catch up” time where I still stay up quite late, but actually sleep in to let my body get some rest. Lucky number: It’s always been 9, and it tends to come up a lot in odd places so I might have to stick with it. Currently wearing: An old super comfy high school t-shirt and shorts, complete with a coat of long hair courtesy of my cat who was just laying on me. Dream job: Honestly? Still figuring that out. I’m going on a clinical psych track at the moment, but I’ve been doing a bit of soul-searching and testing to see if I’m actually strong enough for the therapist/clinician route I was originally after. I just don’t know if I’m strong enough just yet to settle into a job where I could very well have to help abusers in their early stages, something that I have no doubt will be upsetting to me personally. I’m a bit of an empath at times so it’d be excellent for the job, but I also feel I’d take it home with me which is dangerous. I don’t feel like I’m smart enough for psychology research on regular basis, though, so I have some thinking to do. Thankfully I’m still getting my bachelor’s so it’s not like I’m hard-pressed to immediately figure it out. On a lighter note, smol me was very much convinced I would be a marine biologist due to my love of the ocean and my skill in scuba diving, but that evaporated when research told me they travel nonstop and frequent travel makes me anxious Dream trips: I’ve been on a cruise a couple times and the experiences were honestly life-changing for one odd reason or another, be it how that time had me interact with my family and the things I got to see and experience. There’s a strange sense of freedom, even though you’re mostly confined to a boat. I’d love to visit Ireland and Germany since it’s where almost my entire family come from and often the landscape is beautiful, and since our culture’s kind of been watered down after a few generations living here I’d like to connect with that. Favorite foods: I have like 2-3 cups of tea in a day and keep exploring all kinds of new types, so that’d probably be it literally. Ones that I idealize in my head though wheeze would probably be things like steak, or scallops, or a specific kind of ice cream shaved ice thing I had once that legitimately made me tear up because it was so good.  Play any instruments? I tried to pick up the coronet in grade school since my dad played the trumpet and I thought it’d be fun, but I had some trouble memorizing the order of notes for songs, and it all kind of fell apart after an instructor dented up my instrument with a drumstick and tried to refuse to apologize/pay for it. (Yes, seriously, but that’s a story for another time. xD)
Of course I’ll pass the blessing and say anyone who wants to do this absolutely should, but I’m also gonna tag @sherbetcoloured , @natacular , @lachrymosestorm , and @l-e-w-d-y (provided they’d like to do it, of course)
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fantroll-purgatory · 4 years
((Sorry about the miss send!))
((Sorry about the disappearing for years))
World: Alternia with a different Heiress and Empress.
Name: Facari ?????? - Not her real name. She left that behind long ago, and now her ‘stage name’ is just a knock-off of the Heiress’s name (Monari).
Hmmm. Given her desire to fly under the radar, she may want to pick a name that doesn’t sound quite so much like “Fake [Current Heiress].” If I may suggest an alternate, what about “Modain,” from the French mondaine (a fashionable woman of the world), and which shares a root with “mundane,” which she is presumably trying to be. It still starts with the same two letters as the current Heiress’s name which gives you the initial linguistic tie-in, but with vastly different meaning.
Age: 8 Sweeps.
Theme/Story: She’s not meant to be a Sburb player, and is part of the same band as Alcero Tonori (a gal that was sent in awhile ago).
When she was young, in the hustle and bustle of the dark caverns she was mistakenly listed as a light violet and sorted in with the rest of them. She survived long enough to get a violet lusus and have a modest hive constructed for her on the floor of a coral reef.
Normally, a rightful Heiress such as herself would step up for her title, but an Heiress was already on Alternia. A sweep older than her and already a menace, she knew she wouldn’t win the subsequent duel that would ensue.
When she was five, her lusus disappeared, and she, paranoid as many cull-worthy young ones are, took that as a sign to jump ship. She discarded all clothes that bore her sign, commissioned horn caps for herself, and left her hive behind.
For the next sweep, she posed as a traveling violet out to see the world. She wore a hood to cover her fins, and bounced from place to place. In this time, She wore a fake sign and watched how miserably lowbloods were treated, both by highbloods and by the system itself. She picked up drumming and played for small venues, and that’s where she met her future Matesprit, Alcero. They hit it off and, with one of Alcero’s friends on the Keytar, started a band called the Mythbloods. That’s where she is now.
Hmmm. I don’t know why she’d need to scrap her symbol if she was already mistaken for a violetblood; even with her fins covered I can only imagine the shape underneath a cloth would make it obvious she’s a seadweller even without someone seeing her blood color. She can still be hemoanon, but between the fins and the gold jewelry I’m pretty sure she’d be clocked for a seadweller in a second.
Review Goals: General overview please!
Strife Specibus: Beatkind - Both a pun on her music hobby, and descriptive of how she uses her drumsticks
Lmao I love it. It also means you can make some fun Earthbound jokes when she fights.
Fetch Modus: Eject+Password modus (“Passject Modus”)- Eject Modus and Password Modus stacked. Every item has a password, and an incorrect input will launch the wanted item at high velocity in the other direction.
Blood Color: Anon (Fuchsia)
Lunar Sway: Prospit - While she has considered her dismal future, she’s dedicated to following the road as it presents itself instead of always tearing herself up about her future.
Title: Thief of Void
I find this interesting and agree with your assessment! Instead of seeking the spotlight, she is deliberately taking irrelevance and secrecy for herself, most likely at the expense of making others more noticeable!
Symbol and Meaning: None! She left it behind along with her old name. Probably couldn’t draw it from memory.
Hmmmm. I might still suggest one that’s a happy medium between Pittanius and Aquittanius that’s just greyed out.
Handle: gadoidCamorra [GC]
Once again, the first word of this makes it p obvious she’s a seadweller! And the second word…appears to be the name of an Italian mafia secret society which controls, among other things, fisheries? WILD. If I may suggest an alternate taking from the same root, makybe gadoidParanza [GP[, which is Camorra slang from a word for small fishing boat that means a group of criminal youngsters, which is what the band is!
Quirk: “honestly, i didnt expecct to live this long. im down for anything.”
Doubles her Cs and uses all lowercase. Her old name had two Cs in it.
I like it! Since you’ve already established a strong fish theme, if you wanna further trowel on the dramatic irony she could start her messages with a little fishie like this: “><>”
Special Abilities: None, unless her frankly suprising feat of not being dead is worthy of note.
Lusus/Guardian: Used to be a violet blooded lobster with six claws. It disappeared one day when she was five, likely caught by lusus poachers.
Interests: Drumming, Reading, Writing, Athletics
Appearance: I figured I’d note some things here that aren’t clear in the art. The caps on her horns are made to look like decorative covers of horns that are that shape, but under them she has classic Fuchsia horns. The part of her fins that would usually be colored have been tattoed black, a very painful process that she had Alcero do for her (only applicable in art styles that color gills with blood color)
Personality: She’s a pretty flat speaker that doesn’t present much emotion verbally, but her words are often pretty warm and concerned. Despite her attempts to make herself completely neutral, she’s always been naturally friendly. For her own safety, she’s rather cold to strangers or people she knows are hemoloyal.
Land: N/A
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That’s about it for this review! I really do like the concept behind this troll, and I hope some of my belated commentary helped!
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littledarlinwrites · 5 years
Black Velvet Miniseries
Part 2: You Can’t Always Get What You Want
Black Velvet Miniseries Masterlist 
Rockstar!Bucky Barnes x Photographer!Reader
Word Count: 3041
Author’s Note: This is for @kentuckybarnes 3K Writing Challenge. Hannah, you are too awesome for words! Also, special thanks to my wonderful beta reader @lokissoul for reading and editing and reminding me that I am more than my errors, I am eternally grateful! Also I goofed and forgot to tag @star-spangled-bingo to cover the space in my bingo card for Rockstar AU when I posted cause college (I swear I’ll do better at this in the future, this one just escaped me).
Summary: Bucky is anxious about the bands interview with Shield Magazine. Will his interview be more than about his arm? And what happens when he meets a certain photographer for the magazine?
Warnings: A smidge of angst in the beginning, drinking, and puns.
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Adrenaline was pumping through Bucky’s veins as he walked with the others backstage to put their instruments away. The show had gone off without a hitch. Bucky couldn’t even feel the phantom pain in his shoulder anymore, whether that was due to the adrenaline or not he had no clue. He lifted the strap to his red bass from his shoulder and put the guitar into its case. Bucky lifted the bottom of his faded black t-shirt to his face to wipe off his sweat covered face.
“Man, I broke four drumsticks, that was awesome!” Clint said excitedly.
“Barton, only you would be excited about breaking a part of your instrument.” Tony replied with a smirk as he walked over to the group. Clint’s only response was a shit eating grin.
“Alright, all of you have an interview and pictures to take with people from Shield Magazine. They’re are waiting for you at the bar. If you want to change, I suggest you do so now and quickly.” Pepper spoke to the group. Before she could even finish her sentence Natasha was bolting for the shower on the bus. Bucky didn’t blame her since he was the only person in the group that had longer hair like hers, and nothing felt more gross after a show than sweaty hair sticking to your neck. He made his way to the bus with everyone and waited for the shower while the others changed. As Bucky waited for the shower he had time to think of the interview. The adrenaline must have left his system because he felt himself getting more and more nervous. He had never been interviewed by a magazine before. What kind of questions were they going to ask? Were they going to ask about his arm? People always did when they saw it, or else they would stare at it. It was why he always wore layers or at least long sleeves. The longer he thought about it, the more his shoulder would hurt. He didn’t get phantom pains too often anymore. The therapy he had to complete helped with that. However, Bucky had found that whenever he got too stressed out, particularly about his shoulder or the accident, the phantom pain would reappear. As if he needed another reminder of what he lost.
“Earth to Bucky. You okay?” Natasha stood in front of him, her hand on his flesh shoulder.
“Uh, yeah. Just nervous about the interview I guess and kinda zoned out. I’m fine. Meet you out there?” Bucky asked as he was practically closing the bathroom door. He didn’t want to talk about it. He was done talking about how the accident still haunted him. He hadn’t left his apartment more than necessary since, and he hadn’t even talked to girl besides Pepper or Natasha. Bucky took off his shirt and did the one thing he typically avoided. He looked in the mirror. His shoulder had healed but it had left angry scars behind. Some from himself when he would have nightmares about the accident and Steve would have to wake him up with his flesh hand pinned down to his side. He had started sleeping with a t-shirt on to try to keep himself from clawing at his shoulder from there on out. Bucky screwed his eyes shut and took a couple deep breaths. He turned around before opening his eyes and finished getting undressed and showered.
Bucky threw on a pair of ripped jeans after his shower and his favorite red henley. The fabric of the shirt irritated his scars the least and it covered his arm. He nearly grabbed his leather jacket, but decided against it knowing he would get way too warm inside the crowded venue. Slowly, he made his way into the venue to get the interview over with and hoped to god that they wouldn’t ask about the accident or his arm. When Bucky walked up to the bar at the concert venue he saw Clint talking to a woman with long brown hair and a pen in her hands.
“Nice shirt.” Bucky over heard the woman say with a smirk on her face. Bucky glanced at the shirt Clint had changed into. The words “save a drum, bang a drummer” printed across his chest.
“Thanks, and for the record, if I were a drum I'd let you bang me all night long!” Clint replied to the woman with a wink. Bucky chuckled and then let out a sigh of relief. He knew nothing he would say in his interview could be as cringe worthy as that. Bucky sat down at the bar waiting for Clint’s interview to be over and ordered three shots of tequila to further calm his nerves. When he was about to down the third he noticed a woman so beautiful that he nearly choked swallowing the burning liquid. He couldn’t even see half of your face since it was hidden behind the camera in her hands, but he knew just from your eyes that you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Bucky’s nerves skyrocketed for the umpteenth time that night. Then he saw you pull your camera away from your face and let it hang from the strap around your neck. You looked directly at Bucky and sent him a shy smirk that took his breath away. Then you started walking towards him. In that moment, Bucky knew he was screwed.
“So, you’re the elusive bassist.” you said. Bucky decided in that moment that your voice was the most beautiful thing he had heard in his life. Realizing you had asked a question, he cocked his head slightly with a smile ghosting his lips.
“I’m sorry, elusive?” Bucky was confused, had he missed something?
“Your, uh, friend Steve. He went to introduce you to us and couldn’t find you. If I hadn’t seen you on stage myself, with pictures to prove it, I probably would have believed that you were just his Snuffleupagus.” You said with a giggle.
“Ya know, I’ve been called a lot of things, ‘Snuffleupagus’ definitely isn’t one of them.” Bucky replied with a teasing grin on his face before he broke out into a chuckle.
“Oh really? Would one of those things happen to be your name? Steve never got around to introducing you since you poofed on him. I mean, I’m fine with calling you Mr. Snuffleupagus if you’d like.” You were teasing him now, but he seemed game for it. There was something about this man that was bring you out of your shell. It terrified you, but something about him calmed you too.
“Just Snuffleupagus will do. No, I’m kidding! Uh, my friends call me Bucky.”
“Bucky,” you said with a shy smile on your face that Bucky found absolutely adorable. “Darn, Snuffleupagus was kinda growing on me.”
“You two need anything to drink?” The bartender asked since she had a moment to come down and check on the of you.
“Uhm, I’ll have what he’s having.” You reply to the bartender as you hop onto the stool next to Bucky’s.
“She’ll have a screaming orgasm.” Bucky said nearly causing you to choke on your saliva. The bemused look on your face caused Bucky to chuckle. You looked up at the man and saw the shit eating grin on his face that told you he was pulling your leg. “I’m kidding, can we get two shots of tequila each, please?” The bartender gave a nod before pouring the shots and walking away to check on the other patrons.
“Screaming orgasm, huh?” You tried to school the look on your face to one that looked unamused with his joke.
“Sorry, I had to get back at you for calling me imaginary! The opportunity presented itself and I couldn’t resist!” Bucky replied trying to repress the chuckle at the scowl on your face. He could tell you were only pretending to be mad at him for the fact you were actively trying not to smile. “Forgive me?” He said with his best puppy dog eyes.
“Hmmm, on one condition.” You said with an evil smirk forming on your face.
“Name it.” Bucky said before downing the first shot.
“Give me your best pick up line, because that one was way too easy and you know it.” Bucky rose his hand to his chin, stroking it as if he were in deep thought before letting out a chortle.
“Call me AC/DC, because I’m gonna leave you shook all night long.” You had to bite back a laugh at the classic rock song reference, but a giggle managed its way past your lips.
“Well, then you can call me Scorpion, because I’m gonna rock you like a hurricane.” You replied back with your own classic rock reference that caused Bucky’s eyes to light up before he burst into a laugh. You couldn’t help but laugh with him. You also couldn’t help but notice that you loved the sound of his laugh and that you would gladly continue sharing cheesy pick up lines if it meant that you could hear him laugh more. The smile that formed on his face caused your heart to flutter.
You took one of your shots to distract yourself. You managed to swallow the shot without coughing at the burning sensation that engulfed your throat, however you didn’t manage to hide your face scrunching up. Bucky saw the way your face scrunched up after downing the shot and knew he had never seen something so adorable.
“So, I may have been elusive earlier, but you’ve managed to elude from telling me your name. Unless, of course, you really want me to call you ‘Scorpion.’”
“Oh god, no thank you. My name is Y/N.”
“Y/N. It’s pretty like you.” Bucky said causing you to blush. The sight of your flushed cheeks caused his heart to flutter in his chest like a hummingbird. “So, if you don’t mind my asking, what drew you to photography?” Bucky asked you and you could tell he was genuinely curious.
“Well, when I was about seventeen I would go see local bands play around town and I ended up falling in love with concerts. I noticed that there’s this moment that if you stop paying attention to the band and look around you can see the magic of it all. Everyone is jammed into the tight space listening to their favorite band play and for however long the bands set lasts the world can’t touch anyone in the room. For that set nobody’s problems exist. It’s just magical. Anyway, I always loved music, but I never had any musical talent. After a couple of shows I ended up finding my groove and getting some good shots, enough that the band members liked them and used them. After that I knew that that was what I wanted to do.” You rambled out as you felt heat rush to your face. No one had ever asked why you chose photography, though they always managed to give you their unwarranted opinions. So you had never told anyone your reasoning, and suddenly you felt a bit self conscious telling Bucky. You hadn’t realized it, but during your explanation you had let your eyes drop down to the shot glasses in front of you. It wasn’t until you finished speaking that you looked up to see the enamored look on Bucky’s face. Really if anyone understood, it would probably be him. You couldn’t keep track of how many times you heard someone in the arts say how they were discouraged from their profession.
“You know, I thought I was the only who would actually take the time to look out into the crowd to see that. It really is magical. Easily my favorite part of the night to be honest.”
“So, uhm, why did you become a bassist?”
“Steve and I were always getting into some sort of trouble, he got picked on because before he hit puberty he was probably the scrawniest kid you’d ever seen. That never stopped him from standing up for the little, even though he was literally a little guy, and I always had his back. Well, my uncle actually had a guitar and a bass guitar in his garage and my ma had told him what was going on. So in an effort to help her and keep up out of trouble he taught us how to play. Steve was a natural at the guitar so I picked up the bass. Then whenever I would get stressed or anxious about something or whenever I just needed to escape life I would just pull out my bass guitar and start strumming. Eventually we ran into Clint, he always had a pair of drumsticks on him and we asked him to join us. Steve doesn’t play unless he’s playing acoustic now since we found Thor, and we heard Natasha singing one day and playing guitar in the band room while we were in high school and we asked if she would want to join a bunch of dudes in a rock band. We’ve all been inseparable ever since.”
“Wow. Really though, Steve? Scrawny?” Bucky couldn’t help but laugh at your bemusement. He couldn’t fault you for it either, during high school Steve bulked up. If Bucky hadn’t witnessed it he probably wouldn’t believe it either.
“Yeah, I got pictures I could show you back at my ma’s.”
“There’s evidence? Now this I’ll have to see!” Bucky couldn’t help but love your wit. He was laughing more tonight than he had in the last year and half. It wasn’t until you cocked your head slightly that Bucky realized he had just been staring at you for a bit too long.
“Ya know doll, I don't know how many times you've thrown me off-beat by being next to me.” For a second Bucky panicked. He had no idea why he had said that. It was the truth, but he hadn’t meant to say it out loud. He panicked not wanting to look like an idiot and said the first thing that had come to mind. It wasn’t until you giggled with a blush on your face that he let out a sigh of relief.
“Oh really? Well in that case, I bet we could get in some serious treble together if we aren’t careful.” You replied with a wink.
“Ya know, I haven’t laughed this much in a while.” Bucky admitted honestly. The admission broke your heart. You knew about the accident, that he had lost his arm. You had actually attended the show that night and had seen him play. It was one of your rare nights off when a band was playing. You couldn’t begin to imagine what that night, and every day after must have been like for him, but you were glad he was here in front of you now.
“Ya know, they say laughing adds eight minutes on to your life.”
“Hey Y/N, can I grab you for a sec?” The woman that was talking to Clint walks up to the two of you.
“Uh, sure Laura. Just a sec Bucky.” You told him, not wanting to leave. He nodded his head in acknowledgement.
“So the bar closes in like five minutes. Is there any chance that while the two of you were flirting you got anything for a quote I could use?”
“Laura! Okay, one, you were flirting with Clint and don’t you dare deny it. Two, maybe, but I’d rather ask him first.”
“You’re the best! So, you gonna give him your number?” You thought on it for a minute before you decided.
“Do you have the flyer for their next show on you still?”
“Yeah.” She said as she began digging through her bag for the flyer and a pen. “Here ya go.” You took the flyer and pen and twirled your finger for her to turn around so you could use her back to write on. You quickly wrote on the flyer before folding it up and handing Laura back her pen.
“Thanks Laur’, you’re the best!” You told her as you walked back to the bar.
“Hey, uhm, Bucky?”
“What’s up, doll?”
“Laura meant to interview you, but she ran out of time, do you mind if I use the seeing out into the crowd thing as a quote from you for her?” Bucky noticed the folded up paper in your hands and for a moment he was disappointed, he was hoping you were gonna ask if he wanted your number.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” Bucky told you, a smile of relief flooding your features. “Doll?”
“I, uh, really appreciated tonight,” Bucky said as he rubbed the back of his neck with his flesh hand. “Do you think, I could see you again sometime?” He managed to mumble out the words quickly before he lost what little nerve he had. His heart rate picked up when he saw the playful smirk on your face. You took another two steps closer so you were standing between his legs. You could smell the faint scent of his shampoo. You put a hand on his arm while the other hand slipped the folded up flyer into his pocket. You leaned up so your lips were close to his ear.
“You can’t always get what you want.” You whispered as you stepped back with the mirk still on your face and a look of confusion on his. You winked at him before walking back to join Laura and head to the office to work on the article.
Bucky sat there completely confused. He realized you slipped something into his right pocket and pulled it out. Before he opened it he realized you had touched his prosthetic arm and neither of you were phased. For the first time in a long time, Bucky felt normal. He carefully opened the piece of paper with shaky hands. It was the flyer for their next show for the day after tomorrow. The date, time and venue were circled, and written below in slightly messy handwriting was ‘but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need.’
@letstalkaboutsebbaby @itsbuckysworld @caitfairwrites @xxloki81xx @marvelfluff @igotkatiepowers @thorins-queen-of-erebor @buckyinantarctica @chuuulip @ladysergeantbarnes @axelwolf8109 @ria132love @thecraziestcrayon
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stars-and-rose · 6 years
Sanders Sides Marching/Concert Band! AU
So about two weeks ago I made a shit post about me procrastinating writing Cursed Kingdom and making a band AU instead.
Well it happened. And I'm highkey living for it.
As for Cursed Kingdom, I'm halfway through writing the next chart! I also have my notes all ready for the next part of Heart Point.
With all that said, enjoy!
Marching/Concert band AU!
Flutist/Head Section Leader! Roman
* The rest of his section are all girls
* And they all (platonically) love Ro
* Freshman year, someone made a bitchy comment about Ro being the only guy and the section leader fucking decked them
* Roman became a section leader junior year and aspires to be as badass as the section leader his freshman year
* Loves marching, but is better at concert
* Like, Ro impressed Thomas with his marching pieces, but damn ask Ro to play fast dramatic or slow passionate concert pieces and he'll steal your heart
* Can also play guitar
* Has been trying to convince Thomas to let him join strings on guitar and Thomas patiently reminds him strings doesn't work like that
* Romans also a choir kid
* Once the band was at a game and the person who was supposed to sing the National anthem got sick and Thomas made Ro do it
* Ro paints his nails before concerts; he loves how the color looks against his flute when he's playing
* The flutes have a tradition where they put glitter on their faces (cheekbones) for football games
* Ro is the best at doing the glitter and all the girls make it do it for them
* Buys his section lunch on the last day of band camp
* Bitches about the tan lines he gets from his flip-folder
* Screamed for a solid ten minutes when he learned they were doing a Disney teamed show sophomore year
* Has made it for regional sand was first alternate for all-states Junior year (he was livid)
* Wears his varsity jacket all the time: he got it freshman year for lacrosse and got band added Junior year and he loves it
* Wants to go for music education and be a high school band/choir director
* Now as a senior, Ro is head section leader and has his hands on the school's singular piccolo (everyone is doomed)
Saxophonist/Equipment Manager! Virgil
* Virgil can play alto, tenor and barry sax with the same ease, but prefers tenor
* He has a little storm cloud pin on his saxophone strap
* His section is relatively small and he likes it that way
* Virgil helped so much with getting people's instruments on the truck and lugging cases around, Thomas gave him to the position of equipment manager halfway though sophomore marching season
* Once, some left their trombone on the truck and it was ten o'clock at night and Vee wanted to go home so he stormed into the band room and screamed "WHOEVER'S TROMBONE IS ON THE TRUCK THEY BETTER COME FUCKING GET IN BEFORE I SHOVE THEIR SLIDE UP THEIR ASS!"
* Safe to say that everyone was very careful about getting their instruments off the truck afterwards
* Virgil's speciality is Jazz
* Improv? Virgil can blow your mind. All his anxieties seem to vanish when he plays
* Expect for during auditions
* His first audition, he had a panic attack in the room and had to leave
* Thomas fought tooth and nail for Virgil to be able to audition again and stayed in the room with Vee during the audition to prevent another attack
* Made all-State jazz Junior year
* Also plays piano
* Once told everyone he wrote a song and proceeded to go up to the piano and angrily smash buttons and then bowed and said thank you
* Everyone thought he was for real and it was an actual, extremely Improvised, song
* Virgil wears his Letterman once in a blue moon, he prefers his hoodies. His Letterman only has band because physical activity? G r o s s
* Always has sunscreen/bug spray during band Camp because he burns so easily and bug bites eww
* Learned a bunch of meme songs and can play them by heart
* Wants to go for Music Therapy
* Senior year, Virgil head Equipment manager and has two sophomore helpers
Trumpeter/Head Librarian! Logan
* Logan has a fucking gift he's always in tune like h o w
* He's always loud you, can always hear him play
* Thomas- "Whoa guys who hit that A?"/"Who missed that note a fumbled for a measure?"
* The whole ass trumpet section- "LOGAN"
* Logan became assistant librarian as a sophomore
* He convinced the head librarian and Thomas to let him redo the library and he went wild
* Gets pissy went people keep losing music "God damn it Rebecca I got you a copy of this yesterday."
* The freshman make Virgil/Roman or (usually) Patton go get music for them because Logan scares them shitless
* His flip folder is so organized, he always can get to the right song within ten seconds flat
* Always on step. A l w a y s.
* Like everyone checks his feet to see if they're on step; the band has a conspiracy that Logan is a robot- because its impossible to be that onstep 24/7
* Plays French horn for concert
* He would play trumpet for concert but there's a single French horn and Thomas needs a section
* For districts, he dual auditions on both instruments
* He's better at trumpet but since there's like five French horns he makes it on French horn every year, made regions Junior year
* Spends most of band camp in the library because 1) lets get all the music we'll ever need copied and 2) air conditioning
* The best at Music Theory
* Only wears his Letterman at festivals, he claims its so the others can find him but it's really because he's smug. Also has track on it because Lo’s a firm believer that exercise is good for your brain
* Wants to study the effects of music on the human brain
* As senior, he runs the library and has a junior and sophomore helper
Percussionist/ Drum major! Patton
* Everyone loves Patton; he's the nicest drum major they've ever had
* The freshman all flock to him
* Walks around to all the sections, offering any help he can
* Always carries water around in case someone needs it, especially during parades
* Once, someone passed out during Band Camp due to dehydration. Patton angrily lectured the entire band about the importance if drinking water. There was a PowerPoint involved.
* Patton pep talks the band before every performance
* Before becoming drum major, Patton played snare drum for marching
* You bet your bottom dollar that he had light-up drumsticks (they exist I promise)
* He wrote a cadence sophomore year, the percussion section performs it all the time
* Has a journal filled with music-related puns
* Sometimes lets Roman glitter his face, the flute section has highkey adopted Patton as an honorary member
* For concert, Patron plays Mallets
* He also plays violin
* He also dual auditions for districts on violin and mallets
* Makes regional band on mallets, and all-state orchestra on violin
* His violin case has stickers all over it. Right near the handle is a crown, a lightning bolt, a book and a heart sticker- it reminds him of his friends all eases his nerves before auditions
* Has a scrapbook of all is band memories, he started it in freshman year
* Wears his Letterman at games- it's a size to big (he ordered it that way on purpose), because it's really warm
* Wants to become a composer
* Currently as a senior, head drum major with an assistant who's a junior. I really just love drum major Patton let me have this
Band Director! Thomas
* 10/10 stressed
* It's his fifth year directing the school's band
* Honestly he loves the boys
* They're probably his most talented players
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sam-writes · 5 years
Cherry Smoke
Roger Taylor X Original Male Character
Word count: 2263
Anonymous asks: "Hello sorry if you don't take requests just ignore this if you don't! Could you write a Roger x Male reader fic where they are enemies to lovers? If not that's completely fine. I love your writing! 💕"
Note: I loVE THIS IDEA!! I've been thinking about it non stop since I got the ask and I want to do it justice and I think I finally got a plan! So here we go!!
Also I know the request says reader insert but I wanted to try an OC fic so uh sorry about that but I hope you enjoy! And uuhhhh this is probably gonna become a series.
Sorry about all the time skips!
I don't think I have to say this but I will, Cherry Smoke is a completely fictional band.
"Who the fuck do these guys even think they are!" Roger Taylor threw his half finished glass of beer against the wall as the news of their lost gig was broken to them.
Brian May let out an angry sigh of "what a waste of beer" as he went to get a broom.
"They're called Cherry Smoke, darling, and they're not all guys, the frontman is actually a frontwoman." Freddie Mercury informed him a little too cheerfully for his liking. Freddie scanned the news article as Roger groaned. "Her name is Miranda Robbs, apparently her middle name is 'Cherry', hence the band name. There's five members an-"
"I don't care, Fred. They stole our gig."
"It's just one show, Roger. We can get another." John Deacon rose his voice from where he was slouched low in his armchair, crossing his arms over his chest. He was visibly upset with the whole ordeal, but clearly less than Roger was. He saw the logical side of this while Roger only looked through anger and emotions.
"You know what John, I- ow!"
"Roger, stop." Brian jabbed him in the back with the broom stick. "John's got a point and I think you're just overreacting."
He clenched his fists before finally boiling down, he let out a defeated huff. "I atleast want to go and see how bad these guys are. Maybe fuck with them a bit, make them pay."
"Fine, only if it will make you shut up about this." Brian prodded Roger in the back with the broom stick again, this time just because he could.
It wasn't a very big gig, but it was a gig nonetheless and Roger was mad he wasn't performing.
It was a small indoor stage in the basement of a large pub. Roger noted that the closed in space would've made his drums sound amazing when reverberating around the room, this factor only made him fume with anger.
He lead the band to the side of the room after collecting some drinks and stood away from everyone as the performing band walked onto stage.
Miranda Robbs was nothing Roger expected. She was far from the fragile figure he imagined. She was a larger woman, a real woman, and he would have admired her for that if she wasn't stealing Freddie's show; Queen's show. She wore a leather jacket and skinny jeans, her ginger hair curled and twisted as it fell down her back. He scanned the other band members.
The guitarist, Damien Harthrow, wore a dark red singlet and denim jeans, he had three necklaces that settled at different lengths. His long dark hair was pulled into a messy bun at the back of his head. Roger overheard a girl in the crowd call him "Damien Heart-throb" and he couldn't help but cringe at the pun.
The bassist was a man by the name of Eric Wheeler, who had small and intricate tattoos dotted over both his arms. He had hair almost as long as Miranda's but no where near as messy. He stood so the side and seemed to only want to play his bass; he wasn't a performer.
The band's pianist, Michael Sparks, was a smaller man with a blond buzz cut - "He didn't get the memo about having long hair," Roger pointed out to Brian through fits of laughter, finding himself utterly hilarious. He seemed shyer than the rest but also looked to be confident in his abilities.
And finally, the drummer, Nicholas Hayes. Roger already despised him simply for the fact that Roger was competitive and he was the band's drummer. His shoulder length brown hair was tucked behind his ears and a huge smile of excitement formed on his face as he bounced on his stool. He twirled the drumsticks in his hands and Roger frowned.
Roger would like to claim that the show was uneventful and boring but in truth it was the opposite. Despite his anger towards the band he did end up admiring the way they worked together. Of course, he would never admit that they were good, that would be too damaging to his pride, but he did quite like that drummer's style.
Stage lights sped around the crowd as the band waved. The drummer caught eye contact with Roger, who crossed his arms over his chest and rose his chin. Nicholas rose his eyebrows in return, a small smirk playing on his lips, before Damien slapped him on the shoulder and they left the stage.
John leant in close to  Roger's ear and yelled over the cheering, "We should leave before you want to talk to them and wind up starting another fight."
Roger damned him for knowing him so well. He downed the rest of his beer - he'd lost count of how many he'd had - and let Brian set off through the crowd, allowing the tall man to clear a path for him to trail in the wake of.
"You're Queen, right?" A female voice had called from across the parking lot as they debated over who was sober enough to drive home; definitely not Roger.
"Is that even a question, love, and you're Miranda." Freddie watched as she walked up, quickly followed by the boys of Cherry Smoke. The sway of her hips was mesmerising.
"So you came and watched, how cute." She smirked at them and Roger felt his insides roil again.
"We just wanted to see who stole our gig, that's all." Brian kept his voice steady and grabbed Roger's arm to keep him in place.
"Well then, How'd you like us. Because apparently this pub thinks we're better than you." She feigned shock and Roger tugged on his arm, but Brian's grip tightened.
"You were alright. A bit stiff though." Freddie noted and Roger grinned.
"Like you could do any better." Nicholas spoke up, crossing his arms over his chest and staring down at Roger who not so subtlety looked him up and down.
"We already know we're better. We don't have to prove that to you, asshole."
"Roger." Brian hissed into his ear as a warning, trying desperately to stop whatever rage was brewing inside the man.
"Oh yeah? Why don't you show us then, Shorty." He spat back at Roger.
He would love to blame his actions on the copious amount of alcohol that flooded his bloodstream but in reality he fully intended to land the first blow. Punching Nicholas directly in the jaw, his fist exploded in pain as he made contact. He wasn't surprised when the man retaliated and Roger wound up with a horribly bleeding and quite possibly broken nose.
It would have broken out into an all out fight if it hasn't been for their respective band members who were holding the two back.
In the end Freddie had reluctantly apologised to Miranda who agreed that it had just gotten out of hand. Brian was half dragging Roger away from Nicholas as they left.
"Famous rock star, Roger Taylor, spotted harassing member of up-and-coming rock band, Cherry Smoke." John read the headline aloud before tossing the morning newspaper onto a stirring Roger. "I hope you're sober enough to know that this is bad for us. For you."
Grabbing at the paper he looked at the front page, apparently a picture of him and Nicholas was taken right after they had thrown their punches. "That dick deserved it." He buried himself further into his pillows and closed his eyes against the blinding lights. Were the lights always this bright?
"Jesus fucking Christ, Roger." John muttered under his breath, exiting the room quickly.
It was almost ten o'clock when Roger finally emerged. Horribly hungover, he groaned when he was greeted with an angry Brian.
"Rog, what you did last night was reckless and could have cost us future sho-"
"It's too early for this." He waved his hand dismissively in Brian's general direction. He grabbed a big chunk of ice and pressed it to his nose, groaning softly.
"Even I have to admit that it wasn't very smart." Freddie spoke up, which was unusual since he usually enjoyed the antics. His mood had probably changed because it had appeared negatively in the paper.
Roger inspected his bloodied knuckles and contemplated the fact that Freddie wasn't on his side. "I need a drink." Quickly he grabbed his hoodie and sun glasses and left the room before anyone could object. He set off to find the nearest bar.
Nicholas held an ice pack to his swollen and bruised jaw. He was sitting at the small hotel table with his head in one hand. Eric stood to the side, leaning against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed over his chest.
"But I didn't start it!" Nicholas had been arguing with Miranda about what happened the previous night.
"I know, but you didn't have to continue it!" She had her hands on her hips and was standing over him. "You broke his nose!"
"He deserved it."
Eric covered a laugh with a cough, but it was quite obvious where he stood with this argument as he was usually backing Nicholas.
Michael and Damien walked in with hot coffees. Michael had a newspaper inbetween his teeth and he held three of the coffees.
"Guess who's in the paper!" Damien spoke with faux joy, setting down the coffee cups and pulling the paper from Michael's teeth. He threw it on the table and, seeing himself on the front page, Nicholas covered his face with his hands. "The press moves fast, buddy." Damien patted Nicholas roughly on the back.
"Fucking hell." He paused for a long moment as everyone waited for him to continue, "I need some air." As with that, he was gone.
Roger was sitting at the bar and halfway through a pint of beer when Nicholas walked into the bar and sat down two seats away from him. "Oh fuck me." He muttered, groaning lowly.
"Not even in your wildest dreams, Taylor." Nicholas retorted before ordering himself a beer.
There was a long silence as both of them slowly drank away their hatred towards each other.
"We're in the paper." Nicholas broke the silence, but still kept his gaze trained ahead, not giving Roger the satisfaction of looking at him.
"We are." Roger replied half heartedly, ordering another beer. "There's nothing we can do about that."
Nicholas was about to suggest talking about what happened, maybe righting their wrongs, but then he felt the pain in his jaw and he kept his mouth shut.
Time passed and slowly they both got drunker and drunker. They had never intended on staying this long but now they didn't want to go back and face their friends like this. Roger was certain that his band would know where to look for him if they actually got worried, which he doubted would ever happen. They had ended up talking to each other about what happened. They agreed that maybe it wasn't the best idea, but Roger still insisted that his band were all assholes for stealing his gig and that Queen was better.
"I'm not even sorry about punching you." Roger muttered completely out of the blue.
They had moved to seats further in the back of the bar, more out of the way of everything. Roger had his feet up on the chair next to him and Nicholas was sitting on the floor with his head resting on the chair behind him.
"You're a dick, you know that." He took another sip of his drink, pressing an icecube to his jaw. "I don't regret breaking your nose either."
Roger breathed out a laugh, "I know." He agreed before downing the rest of his drink.
"So what you're drinking buddies now? What the fuck happened while you were gone!" Michael scolded Nicholas after he showed up late in the day. Damien stood behind him, arms crossed. Together they looked like angry parents about to ground their child for sneaking out.
"You do remember that he punched you right?" Damien added.
"And I broke his nose so we're even. I'm far too drunk for this, I need a nap or a cold shower." Pushing past the two angry men, Nicholas collapsed onto his bed and soon felt Miranda's hand slowly running up and down his back comfortingly.
"You're such an idiot sometimes, Nick."
"I know." There was a long silence where nobody said anything. Soon he felt.he had to clarify and added, "I still hate his guts. Just because we drank together doesn't mean we're buddies. I'd break his nose again if I could."
"I know, Nick, I know."
Permatag: @siriuslymooned @rogerwtaylor @onceuponadetectivedemigod @hotspacedeacon @fastidious-and-a-mess @horribly-unstable @andtheytoldustotellyouhello @writingsthegame-dylansthename
@deakydickfanpage @rogerinatrash @rogerandhishair @ironqueen98 @rogerlad
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scorpio-skies · 7 years
I was asked by the amazing @beckiboos! Thank you! <3
Which BTS song means the most to you?
I haven’t heard of them or listened to their music XD
How do you feel about astrology?
It’s fun and I love drawings of constellations/anything to do with stars in general, but I don’t think it works!
Do you think ghosts exist?
Yes. I actually had a problem with something paranormal for a few months which wasn’t fun so yeah.
What’s your favorite instrument?
Drums! The power, the beat and twirling drumsticks just ♥ only got to play a drumkit a few times in school. I was bad but I had fun!
Who was the last person to make you really smile?
@beckiboos just killed me with a beautiful pun-filled rendition in my inbox XD 
Also just re-read @ronqueesha‘s snack cake story and lmao everyone should read it!
What do you do when you feel vulnerable?
Either run away or get very aggressive! XD
What is the last dream you had?
That I was a werewolf and some hunter abducted me because the Brotherhood of Steel had opened some conservation place for werewolves (actually training werewolf soldiers) and were offering a lot of money for them. He was driving along some beach road but the windows of the car were slightly down and he got soaked when huge waves broke on the road so I laughed at him and then at some point I made my daring escape when he stopped in traffic and went running up into wooded hillside as a wolf.  Overall it was a hilarious and inspiring dream XD
Are you a nature person?
Yes! If I’m burned out being somewhere wild really reinvigorates me!
What’s your favorite thing to do to relieve stress?
Find enemies in Fallout and go wild with the pain train C: 
also playing with my pets - you can’t stay upset when a cat is running really quickly in circles or your dogs are wagging their tails!
Do you have any other blogs you’d like people to check out?
@eluvisen is a wonderful person and incredible artist with plenty of Fallout/Dragon Age pictures that are just 💖 not to mention her writing is inspiring and beautiful! 
@mrninjapineapple  is an awesome person with awesome writing and blows my mind with his fics! 
@beckiboos and @impr0bablyhighrn have literally made me laugh out loud with Becky and Bass’ shenanigans that always brighten my day! 
(there are so many blogs I’d love to rec but this post is already long XD)
Marvel, DC, or neither?
I’ll say DC for the batman games!
What do you want out of 2018?
Happiness and progression - I feel like I’ve stagnated half my life so I’d like to feel like I’m going somewhere!
Do you hold grudges?
“Hating someone is like drinking poison yourself and waiting for the other person to die” is a saying I live by so nope, no grudges! It achieves nothing but bad feeling and misery on your end, the other person doesn’t feel it so why bother? 
Who is your favorite Disney hero/heroine?
Megara from Hercules and Mulan!
Do you consider yourself a positive person?
Most of the time though my family call me cynical and I do have some issues with anxiety and depression but yeah - usually I’m of a sunny disposition!
What is something you love that’s underrated?
Fallout 4 :3c also Rune Factory4! Seriously I need another game!
What is your dream job?
Working with animals or being an author who can live comfortably!
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you?
Somewhere green, beautiful and quiet where I could raise my future animals and goat herd in peace. :3
When was the last time you faced a fear and how did it go?
Sometimes I get painfully shy and dread even heading out, but I just made myself go do it. I got over it as I went!
Which would you prefer to read: poetry, fiction, or non-fiction?
Fiction - I want to escape and see what other worlds people create! I need to get out of this one sometimes XD
Where do you feel most at ease?
Out in wild places where I can’t hear people/cars etc!
Tagging: @mrninjapineapple @eluvisen @ariejul @sociallyacceptablemadness @red-king-4 @marvilus73 @lothrilzul @rinasai-rambles @alexaberkeley @solesurvivorkat @nyanshadowforce @purple-martin87 absolutely no pressure to do this!
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bandficsunlimited · 7 years
Floral & Fading (Pierce The Veil Fanfiction)
Tumblr media
(This was the first band slash PTV fanfic that I’ve ever made, so please forgive me if it’s terrible and nonsensical and not what you really expected.)
"D-d-d-darker now, kicked out and sleeping in your car, you rolled the window down, enough to dream and make-believe..."
"That's it, stop it! Pierce...whatever, you're outta here! Go on, we're closed! Everybody out! You're wrecking the place!"
The harsh reprimand of the bowling alley owner rang out, exasperated and palpably angry, and Jaime could perfectly and very much tell why.
Standing in the carnage of musical instruments and debris of bowling equipment alike, their band sign hanging off on one corner with half already in shards on the floor, holding splintered parts of what used to be a bass guitar, and staring at a rowdy crowd that had been shoving and pushing at each other the entire time, the owner's rage towards the sheepish band was easily understandable.
Jaime wasn't sure how Pierce the Veil was allotted to perform here in the first place, considering that their post-hardcore music wasn't really the appropriate ambiance to a bowling alley, and they were forced to wear such weird clothes (Mike laughed at his older brother's atrocious green floral shirt that he fished out of his dad's closet for ten minutes straight), and the owner didn't even know what the hell their band name was ("He announced it with the enthusiasm of a vendor selling tacos in a deserted place under the torpor heat of the summer Mexico sun", Jaime observed. "Oh great, now I want tacos", another voice inside his head complained), but all he knew for certain was that this was quite unexpected.
"For a bunch of people living in '69, these guys sure do party hard." Jaime thought, uttering a low whistle as he surveyed the wreckage of the chaotic room.
Not only had he and his bandmates completely trashed the place, they also managed to influence the people to join in with it as well, and what once was a group of peaceful weekend bowling players had turned into youth-crazy moshers that threw articles of intimate clothing, allowed crowdsurfing and mosh pits, nearly ripped the band members apart (two of them tore out their drummer's sleeves, "but," Jaime internally snickered, "with Mike's big guns, who freakin' wouldn't?"), poured juice punch on each other (Jaime could see a girl smiling at them wryly without a care of the sticky beverage that dripped and coloured her hair a vivid blue), pulled the fire alarms and lit up their lighters inside the place, and ultimately ("and most importantly", Jaime noted), they enjoyed and allowed themselves to lose control to their music.
"So all in all, not a bad gig." Jaime concluded with a satisfied grin. He looked over to Vic, Mike, and Tony, all exhausted, sweaty, and holding destroyed instruments alike, but also with the same enthused smiles lighted up on their faces.
Celebratory high fives were passed around the band members, but before Jaime could give one to an expectant Tony, the owner's stern face emerged in front of them, his nostrils flared and his voluminous belly rising up and down steadily, smoke appearing to come out of his ears, startling the band out of their gregarious reverie.
"You damn brats, still happy about wrecking this place. I regret ever knowin' your name. No you boys better get out of here before I get you a damn good whacking to and slam your sorry little asses in jail!" The owner threatened, waving at them the remaining microphone stand that was still actually standing and almost tripping on the wires in the process.
"Sooooo...does this mean we don't get paid?" Vic asked innocently, a cute charming smile emblazoned on his face, doe eyes wide and sparkly, every uttered word in the sentence dripping with sass. Behind him, Jaime chuckled audibly, Tony grinned so wide it seemed the corners of his lips would split open, and Mike covered his mouth with one heavily-tattooed hand to stifle his laughter.
The owner only glared at them poisonously, radiating nothing but sheer hate and venom out of his eyes, and shoved them all out of the way, causing a little domino effect to the band and nearly tripping on the wire yet again, as he muttered various colourful profanities, most likely endowing the worst curses known to man and monsters upon the Mexicans. He shook his meaty fist once more before going past the outbalanced band members, and grabbed a broom to commence cleaning up the mess that they made.
"Great gig. Great time. Great job, guys." Mike praised his fellow band members, as they packed up and salvaged what little they can from their smashed equipment, but not before he added a grim "We still need money to buy new instruments though, and since Vic here killed off any chance of us getting paid, well..."
"Thank you Mike, that reeeeaaally boosted our morale." Tony replied sardonically with a laugh.
Vic, pretending to be hurt, indignantly glared at his younger brother with a sulking pout. "We weren't getting paid anyways, Mikey. It didn't hurt to ask."
"Hey, hey, I'm just kidding bro. Hell, I don't blame you anyways. I've always wanted to wreck the living shit out of my drums! I mean, who doesn't? It's the adrenaline, man, it gets you. This was awesome, you guys. P-T-V!" Mike ranted on happily, as they all cheered out in enthusiastic replies of "Wooooh!"
"Well, I take it that's a wrap?" Vic quipped cheekily. He was answered with an affirming chorus of "Oh yeah", "Guess so", and from Jaime, accompanied with an audibly rumbling stomach, "Anyone else also craving tacos right now?"
Jaime's out-of-place remark and hunger pangs gave Vic an idea for a fun little prank. He acted all excited, suddenly pointed out to a random corner, and shouted "Hey look Jaime, a taco stand giving food away for free!"
"Where?!" As Jaime's head frantically whipped to face where Vic was pointing, Vic glanced furtively at Tony and made silent finger motions, signaling for him to trip up Jaime. Tony understood immediately, and he surreptitiously crouched behind Jaime and positioned himself by his feet, waiting for the right moment.
"Oh, you know, it's just there Hime, if you'd just, like, I don't know, back up a little, maybe you'd see clearer or something, y'know..." Mike improvised, buying for time, and Vic facepalmed behind Jaime's back and mouthed "That didn't make sense bro." to him.
But despite Mike's lame assurances, Jaime still obediently obliged with his instructions and ambled a step backward. His legs caught on the crouching turtle by his legs, and he began to topple backfirst, arms thrashing about wildly as he tried to break his fall.
"Gotcha again, Jaime!" Vic said triumphantly, earning him victorious high fives and rounds of raucous laughter from Mike and Tony.
But due to unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances, Jaime's head accidentally contacted a nearby bowling ball (ironically, it was the yellow one that he tossed at one of Mike's drums earlier and nearly hit Tony), and he heard a sickening crack, as Vic, Tony, and Mike's laughs instantly dissipated and they immediately rushed to his side.
Jaime felt himself losing consciousness quickly, and his vision blurred and faded as he saw his friends' concerned faces looming over him, Vic frantically waving a hand to his face and calling out his name.
"Jaime? Jaime??? Jaaaaiiimmeeeeee..."
Jaime jolted awake at the sound of singing invading his ears, and his eyes fluttered open and he found himself curled up in a couch, his bass guitar cuddled up next to him, a fan-gifted monkey pillow strewn on his stomach, and an abandoned floral pattern notebook lying facedown by his limply-hanging fingertips.
The rest of the band was simply chilling out; Mike lounging next to him as he clutched a coffee mug in one hand and twirled a drumstick in the other, Vic looking at his ink scribbles with a pensive visage and a badly-chewed pen stuck between his teeth, making little vocal warm-ups with their names (at the moment, he was singing out "Hayyyymeeyyyy skunnkkkk"), and Tony softly strumming notes at random on a battered acoustic guitar.
Jaime remembered his dream and his hand immediately shot up to his hair, as if to feel the phantom of a nightmarish afro that never was, and he sighed a little too loudly in relief as he felt only the soft spikes of his hedgehog hair. He rubbed his bleary eyes as he examined the appearances of his fellow bandmates' hairstyles with mingled scepticism and doubt.
Watching this event unfold, the trio's questioning stares immediately pierced (pun very much intended) through the scrutinising Jaime, but it was Vic who asked the question first.
"You okay there, Jaime?" he said, momentarily ceasing with his playful vocal warm-ups, his inquiry slightly garbled by the writing instrument clamped between his mouth.
"Dude, I just had the weirdest dream..." Jaime started.
Mike snorted into his mug at amusement at Jaime's revelation, spinning the drumstick more furiously and throwing it in the air. "Expect Jaime to be so cliche."
Tony glanced at him with a raised eyebrow and retorted "And expect you to be the one breaking the fourth wall." Mike stuck out his tongue at Tony in reply, and he failed to catch the drumstick, the wooden stick clattering noisily on the floor.
But Jaime seemed not to hear them both as he leered at Mike's short hair, hidden under his black beanie, analysed Tony's expertly messed sticky-uppy hair and Key Street cap lying by his side, and finally settled to concentrating and peering at Vic's long and flowing hair as if it was an art exhibit.
Vic finally noticed Jaime's strange stare and stared back with questioning eyes. "Why are you looking at me like that? Something wrong with my hair? Is my hat not on straight? Or do you just not like my hat? Again?" Vic badgered endlessly, his voice taking on a concerned tone, running his hand throughout his head to check for anything weird.
Jaime said nothing to clear things out as he slowly reached out to feel for Vic's hair. Mike took a sip of his drink absentmindedly and flipped his drumstick as he watched blankly, engrossed by the scene, and Tony had an exasperated expression that sighed out a silent "Oh, Jaime, here we go again."
Jaime grabbed one end of Vic's hair and started tugging at it, as if testing for it's legitimacy.
"Ow! Jaime! What the hell?" Vic exclaimed, slapping Jaime's hand away. By coincidence, Tony hit a sour note on the guitar as he was distracted by the unfolding events, making a sound that added for comedic effect.
"Your hair...it's normal." Jaime lamely replied.
Vic squinted in suspicion as he ran his fingers over his locks to fix his hair. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
Jaime closed his eyes and nodded in alleviated affirmation. "Oh it's good dude. It's good. It's just, well, just that dream..."
"Well, what dream? Don't keep us in suspense, Hime-time." Vic prompted eagerly, setting down his abused pen and rumpled notebook on the desk and dragging his chair closer to Jaime. Mike and Tony set down the instruments they were holding and leaned in closer to listen in as well.
Jaime sighed extravagantly once again and began to narrate. "It was like...we were having a concert in a frigging bowling alley...you had short hair and a stupid floral shirt...Mike was wearing this nerdy-ass sweater and vest, I don't know what it was...Tony was crowdsurfing on a bunch of weirdly-dressed people...and I had cotton ball for a hair...it was sick though, we smashed our instruments in the end, and oh, I nearly hit Tony with a bowling ball!"
Tony glared at Jaime in mock disdain. "Something you wanna say to me, Jaime?"
"And me! Did you just call my clothes nerdy?" Mike put in indignantly.
"You tripped me up and made me smash my skull on a bowling ball, Tony, so I'd say we're pretty much even. And also Mike, Vic was wearing a long-sleeved green floral pattern shirt and ironed beige pants and stupid hard shoes and he had short hair that looked like it was shaped out of clay, so there." Jaime explained in a flat tone to both offended parties, not missing a beat.
Tony simply made a 'seems legit' face and nodded. "Touche, Preciado."
Mike, on the other hand, stared at his older brother for a couple seconds, as if picturing Vic in the horrible clothes Jaime described, but his should-be bellowing laugh was reduced to a strained snort as Vic glared back at him venomously with a look that said "Don't you dare Michael."
Jaime carried on with his story gracelessly as he fumbled for the words, unable to describe the dream properly. "Anyways, it was just—I don't know, but it was like...a time travel or something...I don't know man...it was 1969!" He finally declared. Mike couldn't hold in his laughter anymore at the final part, and he began to double over laughing, strained wheeze escaping his throat like a squeaky balloon losing air.
"Aw dude, did you just marathon Back To The Future...again? Look, I know you wanna be the next Mexican Marty McFly, and we support that dream of yours, even if you don't look too good in bodywarmers, but...that's just askin' for it." Vic sympathetically apprehended with a little shake of his head. His maternal and disappointed tone of voice made Tony crack up, and Vic finally dropped his stern parent act and joined in with the mirth.
"But it was! I swear! 1969! A lady! Threw her bra at me!" Jaime punctuated almost pleadingly, his voice drowned out by the chaos of laughter.
His hysterical bandmates only laughed even harder at the bra throwing part, and Vic had to jump out of his seat and whack his younger brother in the back with immense force because he promptly choked on his drink, as the slapstick-looking act made Tony's smile grow impossibly wider.
"Yeah right, like that would ever happen. Keep on dreaming, Jaime." Vic deadpan quipped with a pokerfaced expression. Jaime finally stopped sulking and succumbed to the contagious hilarity and sheer ludicrousness of it all, dimples popping up as his laugh echoed the loudest inside the room.
After everyone had calmed down and managed to catch their breath, the place was filled with silent contentment and lingering traces of entertained expressions on their faces. Mike went to the kitchen to place his mug in the sink (but accidentally brought the drumstick with the mug instead of the spoon, which made for a very interesting story later on at band practice, when he accidentally ripped the skin off his snare drum with the metal utensil), Tony returned to fiddling with his guitar as he quietly played Dammit by Blink-182, and Vic held his pen and paper once again, but before he turned away to continue writing, he said softly to Jaime, this time with an earnest smile.
"Keep on dreaming, Jaime."
"Our lights knocked out, turned upside-down, I'm just a stupid motherfucker, can't figure it out."
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14 30 55 :D
Thanks for playing! :D All three under the cut :D
14. “They’re so cutewhen they’re asleep.”
“Awww”, Pattywhispered as she stood in the doorway, Abby right next to her, the researchersmiling, as well, “look at ‘em. All peaceful and in dreamland. I didn’t thinkI’d ever see Holtzy so quiet and snuggly.”
Abby nodded heragreement, already pulling out her phone; she made sure that the camerawouldn’t make sound, then took a picture, capturing the image of Erin lying onher back and Holtzmann halfway on top of her, both of them sleeping deeply,Holtzmann snoring just loud enough to have it be audible, Abby somewhat amusedto see a bit of drool trickle from the corner of her mouth and onto Erin’schest.
If anyone had told Erin a year ago that she’d shareher bed with a woman like that and let her drool on her, she would have calledthem crazy, Abby thought to herself,smiling, making sure that she had taken a good picture before she put her phoneaway.
“They’re so cutewhen they’re asleep”, she whispered to Patty, earning a bright smile and a nod,the historian holding back a snicker at what the smaller woman said next, “toobad we have to wake them up.”
She took in adeep breath, giving them a few more seconds – before she started yelling on topof her lungs, drowning out Patty’s snickering.
“Argh!” Erin letout, not quite articulate yet; Holtzmann had no such problems, shooting up intoa sitting position and yelling “SHIT”, prompting both Abby and Patty to burstout laughing.
“Okay”, Pattysaid once she had calmed down enough to talk, unperturbed by how both Erin andHoltzmann glared at her, “you two are adorable, and you know Abby and I meanthat, but… no more nightshifts for the two of you together. Clearly, you didnot stay awake all night.”
Erin blushed andcleared her throat, while Holtzmann just smirked and shrugged; Abby and Pattyshook their head in perfect unison, then let them know that breakfast was readydownstairs and left them to get ready, Erin’s blush fading as her eyes metHoltzmann’s – before they both started to giggle and fell back onto to the bedto snuggle a few more minutes, both of them agreeing that this was the best wayto start the day.
 30. “Be you. No one else can.”
Ghostbusters – Fact or Fiction?
The headline hascaught Erin’s eye when she’s been out to get lunch with Abby, and it made herstomach clench; she knows that a lot of people know they are not frauds, therehave been hundreds of eyewitnesses for what happened in Times Square and thepeople of New York lit up their windows for them afterwards, spelling out messagesof love and support, she knows all this.
She knows allthis, but reading an article which speculates about all four of them beingfrauds still hurts, and while she has gotten better about her need to havepeople accept her – having true, real friends, a true family for the first time, certainly has helped with that – it stillmakes her anxieties flare.
She also knowsthat she shouldn’t read the article, that it’s only going to upset her, but shedoes it anyway; and while the article doesn’t outright call them frauds, itspeculates a bit too much for her liking, and she’s quite dismayed and upset bythe time she finishes reading.
“Oh, paper”,Holtzmann’s voice distracts her from these thoughts, and she flashes back tothe last time she heard Holtzmann say that, shortly after she’s punched thatannoying blogger guy; she’s left back then, Erin remembers, for a while, butshe’s come back, and thinking about this makes her realize that she’s notregretting that she came back, even when she has to read such things about hercolleagues and herself.
“What a dumbheadline”, the engineer says, glaring at said headline as if she could make itchange by just looking at it strictly enough, her gaze turning concerned thoughwhen she looks up at Erin again, “you didn’t read that, did you.”
“Of course I did”,Erin sighs, and Holtzmann grimaces, “they’re not outright slandering us, butthey do wonder if ghosts are real or if we made it all up. Conveniently ignoringthe eyewitness accounts from Times Square, of course.”
“Of course”,Holtzmann echoes, shaking her head before she tosses the paper back onto thedesk, “come on Er-Bear, don’t let this get to you. I know that’s easier saidthan done, but… These guys, the people who write articles like that, and who’dslander us on the internet, they’re not worth our nerves and anger.”
“I know”, Erinsays with another sigh, then corrects herself, “well, part of me knows. But…there’s another, louder part, perhaps the one which was in control when Iabandoned Abby and for such a long time after that… the part which wants to fitin, be seen as respectable, a proper scientist, as… normal and sane. And… if Ishut that part up, I’m not even sure I’ll know who I am anymore, it’s been soloud for so much of my life…”
“You’ll still beyou, even if you don’t listen to that part anymore”, Holtzmann reassures her,and is glad when she smiles weakly in reply, “and who you are is perfect, Erin,all the parts of you. If you start worrying about who you are, just… beyourself. No one else can, and it’s more than enough. Way more.”
“Thank you”,Erin says, choking up a bit, only now realizing how much she’s needed to hearthat; she reaches out to grasp Holtzmann’s hand, and when she feels theengineer’s fingers curl around hers, her doubts and troubles vanish into thinair.
Perhaps, shethinks to herself as Holtzmann finally pulls back and changes the topic byasking what Erin wants for lunch, soon, she’ll have the courage to truly beherself, and show Holtzmann that one part of her which no one has ever seenbefore.
55. “You’re a nerd.”
“I guess we won’tget any dough for this one, huh.” Holtzmann’s assessment after they took careof a baker’s ghost and he’d been fighting them by throwing ghostly loaves ofbread and donuts at them.
“Guess that wasa sweeping success.” After a ghostly cleaning lady had tried to whack them withher equally ghostly broom.
“Think we can tire him out?” During the bust of a usedcar salesman, his weapon arsenal having consisted of tire irons and wrenches.
“Well, that hita sour note.” A ghostly musician, attacking them with a guitar and withdrumsticks.
When they takeon a ghostly lumberjack who fights them with an axe and a chainsaw, they alllook at Holtzmann once he has been taken care of, but she just shrugs, andsmiles.
“I got nothing”,she then announces, and Erin raises an eyebrow; she would have thought that a lumberjackwould be quite inspiring for Holtzmann’s endless puns, but apparently, hergirlfriend has an off day.
“Well”, she thusspeaks up, not wanting the bust to end without an appropriate pun, “guess henever saw us coming.”
“Oh my God”,Holtzmann snorts, while Abby and Patty groan – here they’d been thinking thatfor once, there would be no pun, and now, Erin was starting with that, too, asif Holtz had rubbed off on her, “that was funny. And awful. And funny. You’re anerd, Gilbert.”
“Yeah, but I’myour nerd”, Erin points out, making the engineer beam brightly and nod; theyshare a brief kiss, then Holtzmann grabs the trap in which the lumberjack hasbeen stored and they had back to the firehouse, yet another job done.
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howtohero · 7 years
#057 Monsters Who Buck Conventional Stereotypes
I’m going to be straight with you because I feel like at this point you’ve earned that much, the world is filled with monsters. And I’m not talking about “but wasn’t the doctor also a monster for creating a monster?” metaphorical monsters. I’m talking monster monsters. Creatures with scales and tails and horns and thorns and fangs and bangs (that cover only one eye for maximum emo effect.) I’m talking your vampires, your werewolves, your sasquatches, your sewer-mutants, your creatures from the black lagoons, your fifty-foot tall whatevers. Straight up monster people. They’re everywhere. Just something to be aware of.
Now, it’s easy to assume that every single monstrous entity that you encounter is evil or dangerous or delights at the thought of eating people faces but guess what, that’s a little bit racist. Plenty of monsters are just trying to make their place in this world (shout out to Murk my accountant who is also a mud monster!) Unfortunately, monsters are often feared and/or rejected by mainstream society just because they have too many eyes or two pairs of wings (one is considered angelic and cool but two is considered monstrous and terrifying) or because their skin smells like rotting flesh no matter how much soap they use (or d. all of the above!) And sure, there are certainly some monsters who want to rampage through the city or eat babies (or goats! I see you El Chupacabra!) but guess what? There are plenty of non-monstrous humans who want to do that too! (Stop eating my goats El Chad!) And nobody ever chases after them with torches and pitchforks. Which, by the way, we should. Forming an angry mob with torches and pitchforks to exact justice on criminals who deserve it is a way better us of the angry mob’s time than chasing after monsters who are just trying to bathe and definitely did not mean to contaminate the village’s water supply! (El Chad is a guy who steals goats and actually calls himself “El Chad.” That’s just “The Chad” in Spanish. He’s from Montana. He is literally the worst person I have ever encountered.)
As we’ve discussed, many monsters are the product of mad science and, thus, are designed for evil. So it’s not their fault when they set your house on fire. Even if it seems like a personal attack on you. It’s not. Even if they had to walk past a bunch of houses that they didn’t set on fire just to get to yours. It’s what they were programmed to do. Don’t get mad. I mean you can be upset about your house burning down obviously. I’m not gonna sit here and tell you you can’t be upset about that. But don’t start yelling at the monster. It’s not the monster’s fault. Also, while we’re on this track, you should never yell at monsters. That’s just going to upset them. They might just eat you. You wouldn’t want that would you? Fortunately, this evil programming can usually be undone and then they can be taught that tearing humans in half lengthways and using their femurs as drumsticks is objectively bad. (If there are any monsters reading this consider that your first lesson in being good, free of charge.) 
Other monsters simply don’t have the intellectual capacity to discern right from wrong (see that’s a pun, they have simple brains). They are instinctive creatures who, more often than not, terrorize and cause damage completely by accident. They’re relatable like that. These monsters obviously can’t really be held accountable for their actions. Like, you wouldn’t put a mountain lion on trial for walking into a coffee shop and mauling a harried business man who just had to wait on a really long line even though he explicitly shouted that he was late for an important meeting several times (or anybody else. It doesn’t even have to be a coffee shop. It doesn’t even have to be a mountain lion. Any animal will do. Mauling any person. I may have gone too specific with this example.) These monsters may be more dangerous and just completely unreasonable but they still shouldn’t be hunted down and killed by an angry mob. Just get them to some place where they can’t cause as much damage. Like some kind of monster island. Or a monster planet! OR A MONSTER GALAXY!!!!!
Then there are the monsters who are fully functioning people. Vampires, werewolves, sewer-mutants, Bigfoot, you know the type. These fellas are unjustly given a bad name because there are few evil ones. There are plenty of vampires who don’t lure people into evil castles and suck their blood. Some of them don’t even drink blood anymore since hey, that’s kinda barbaric. They drink synthetic stuff. Or coconut milk. Some vampires aren’t even vampires! They’re just guys who went to their local gene-splicing laboratory because they wanted vampire fangs. Vampire fangs are all the rage these days. There are hundreds of werewolves who spend full moon nights chilling with their magical woodland critter friends. (Y’know dogs and stags and whatnot.) Most sewer-mutants actually want nothing to do with surface people. They think we’re gross. They’re not going to kidnap you. Please get over yourself. Bigfoot is writing a book. That’s not super relevant. I mean, he’s probably too busy writing the book to smash your head in with a giant rock (a bould move) or whatever you’re afraid he’s going to do, so it’s a little bit relevant. Really I’m just doing him a solid and plugging his book. Get ready (and get amped!) for Foot: The Story of a Sasquatch Who is Sick of Body Shaming, due to hit book stores this Spring!
While monsters may seem scary, many of them are actually just people trying to make their way through life just like anybody else. So please, especially if you’re a superhero, don’t pick a fight with a monster who’s just minding their business. You can never assume that a monster is evil until they start like eating city busses or something.
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‘Rest it before you test it’ - Earth Two Harrison Wells
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Note: Well I’ll be damned, using a picture instead of a gif. I don’t own the picture.  Enjoy. 
He would be damned if he let a sprained ankle interfere with his work, especially when he could clearly see you laughing and joking with his idiot doppelganger. You should have been laughing with him, or at least laughing at his sarcastic comments about the team. Not the puns that exited his fake.
The very sight of HR moving closer towards you, as he pulled up his ridiculous writing pad, set his teeth on edge. Anyone could write. Just how hard could it be? He folded his arms with a frustrated sigh. You’d asked him kindly not to move from his spot on the bed of the medical bay.
Another belly-aching roar of laughter emitted from your throat and he had finally had enough. He sat up in the bed swinging his legs over the edge and placing them firmly on the ground. He ignored the stiffness in his foot and the sharp pain that rocketed up his leg as he stood up. He just needed to interrupt whatever was going on between you and that idiot.
He stepped forward, the pain relaxing slightly. That wasn’t difficult, you’d overreacted. He was perfectly fine. That was until he moved his injured foot forward and fell forward, the pain in his foot too intense for him to safely stand on it. He grabbed onto the side as medical equipment clattered to the floor in a mess. He silently cursed as he winced. He normally only caused a mess like this out of stress not helplessness.
“Harry?” Your voice sounded louder and he looked out of the room. He saw you rushing to him, your soft yet strong grip on his arm helping him up. HR followed behind you, his drumstick rubbing the back of his neck as he leaned on the doorframe. Harry had to use all his will power not to roll his eyes at the idiot. “What are you doing?”
“I was testing it” He trailed off you opened your mouth and spoke again.
“Rest it before you test it” You remarked helping him back to the bed. He blinked as he lowered himself on the bed and pulled his feet up. “What were you going to get anyway? I doubt you just wanted to test it.”
“Maybe he wanted a coffee. Oh, I’ll get him one. Do you. Nah actually I already know” HR babbled away as he rushed from the room to get the unneeded coffee. You watched Harry and he could see how you hesitated as you sat on the edge of the bed.
“He’s an idiot” Harry grumbled and he heard you laugh lightly. A heavenly sound that escaped your throat and filled the air like music. Drifting around and finding his ears every time. He could listen to your laugh daily if you’d just let him, if he could just say the right thing.
“An adorable idiot” You sighed and Harry felt his fist clench and he jaw set. If Jesse were here she’d tell him he was jealous but she wasn’t. She was off gallivanting with Wally. Seeing the sights of Central City on this earth as she said.
“Nothing adorable about him. He clearly only has half a brain cell in his whole head.” Harry retorted allowing the comment to settle in the air. He didn’t see the look of sudden realisation crossing your face.
“You’re cute when you’re jealous” You commented and he looked up in shock. His eyes landing on your smile.
“I-I’m not-I’ve never been jealous in my life. I’m not starting now, not with that moron” He said pointing at the empty doorway.
“Well, I have work to do. I’ll be back in ten minutes. I’ll send in HR to keep you company if you’re bored. Just try not to kill him and remember. Rest it before you test it.” You replied standing and heading out.
“Wait, stay. Please. I can’t stand HR. Don’t do that to me” Harry pleaded and it was a funny sight to see. A pleading Harry.
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texanredrose · 7 years
Celebrity Matchmaker (Part 5)
Get ready for feels.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 (here) / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8  
Behind the camera, Coco signaled their imminent return to live before stepping away for her short introduction piece while the audience beyond watched in hushed excitement. Taking a deep breath, Weiss found her center again, reverting to her hard won skills in acting to seem interested and excited while hiding away her apprehension.
"Welcome back to Celebrity Matchmaker!" The host smiled, making a vague motion in her direction. "Now it's time for each of our finalists to make one last, heartfelt plea to our romantic lead. First up, Yang Xiao Long does her best to convince Weiss that she's not only the reigning Queen of Rock 'n' Roll, but the Queen of Weiss' heart."
Mentally, the movie star made a note to personally berate whoever wrote that ridiculous line. She wouldn't at all be surprised to find out Yang did it herself, either.
And then, all thoughts to the show's writing capabilities fell to the wayside as the blonde approached the gazebo, a slight swagger in her step speaking to her confidence while the subdued smile that the cameras couldn't see said something very different. She tried to decode it but Yang moved with a purpose, entering the gazebo and holding out her hands. Hardly a second passed before Weiss slipped her smaller ones inside warm palms, the callouses from drumsticks and guitar strings such a delightful contrast to her smooth skin.
"Princess... Weiss." The slope of her shoulders dropped slightly, though tension kept them from the usual, carefree shrug the woman was known for even as lilac sought blue. "I... You... I just..." Her lips pulled into a tight line before she sighed, that tension disappearing now completely. "I don't think I've slept a wink for the past three days, just trying to figure out what to say. I've had easier times writing entire albums than just trying to get my thoughts in order, because I couldn't make a decision of my own. I mean, how can I make a case to convince you when I couldn't convince myself?" For a moment, she glanced away in the direction of the sound proof booth, biting at her lower lip before continuing. "Pyrrha and Blake... they're awesome, ya know?" Her smile returned, though there was a hint of sourness to it. "I couldn't blame you for choosing either of them- they're way more sophisticated, and polite, and they won't keep you up at one in the morning trying to figure out a rhythm section. So, I thought, ya know, I could use this time to talk them up, give one an edge, because I want you to be happy- you deserve all the happiness in the world, Weiss, and that's the most important thing to me now." The rock star let out a genuine chuckle, releasing her left hand to reach up and gently cup her cheek- and the movie star couldn't help but lean into the touch. "I really thought you were a frigid, high-and-mighty brat at the beginning, but getting to know you, the real you... that's the biggest honor here, worth more than every album I've sold or will ever sell combined. It's something I'll treasure, no matter what... but the more I thought about it, the more selfish I got." In her eyes, Weiss could see a genuine amount of shame shining bright, warring against that honest passion that always burned so bright, no matter the undertaking. "I still want you to be happy, but I want to be the cause- I want you to pick me. I can't just... stand aside. That'd probably be the right thing to do, to take myself out of the equation and just be thankful for the time we had together... but I want more." Yang stepped closer and it didn't occur to her to shy away, to step back and create distance, and she didn't even mind being confronted with her shorter stature in such a manner, either. She couldn't tear herself away from the earnest yearning she saw blazing bright in lilac eyes. "I want to be there with you on the red carpet, I want to go back stage and find you there after a show, I want to stay up until three in the morning because you're filming a movie half a world away and it's the only chance you have to call, and most of all..." The blonde brushed her thumb along the swell of her cheek, leaning closer. "I want to give you all the love in my heart and erase any doubt you or the world might have that you're made of ice. You're the warmest person I've ever met." Yang's lips pulled into a wide smile, and she should've seen it for the red flag it was but she didn't, allowing the woman to continue uninterrupted. "And with me, you'll be even hotter!"
Any other time, she would've rolled her eyes and groaned. She'd heard enough heat based puns to last a few lifetimes, just over the course of the past few weeks alone. Yet, at that moment, she actually laughed, squeezing the hand holding hers while her unoccupied one went to the woman's tie, taking firm hold of the fabric and tugging. "You utter dolt."
Yang obliged, leaning down enough for the movie star to catch her lips in a kiss. While it certainly wasn't expected or asked of her at this stage of the show's run... it felt right. Kissing the rocker felt like the burn of a shot without the horrid aftertaste, a rush of adrenaline from being on stage without the pressure to perform, all the energy of ten thousand screaming fans, and the urge to drown herself in sound.
For her part, the blonde didn't seem to mind, though she did remain rather chaste throughout their embrace. A contrast to her boisterous claims and some of the things she tried to do when she was feeling particularly mischievous, yes, but good regardless. It felt... right, being held by Yang, pulling away to see the promise of future antics shining bright in lilac eyes before she drew back and stepped away, that dazzling smile back place.
The audience cheered, some politely clapping while others began chanting the woman's name, though Weiss couldn't tell if they were encouraging her to pick Yang as the winner or just were fans of the rocker to begin with and just wanted to support her. Amid the noise, Yang quickly leaned close to her ear and whispered just loud enough for her to hear.
"No matter what happens, Princess, I got your back."
And then she was stepping away, turning her back on the movie star and heading to a little holding area off to the other side of the gazebo, separating her from the remaining finalists and Weiss.
The entire point of these speeches were to clear up any doubts, make the decision easier, give the rest of Remnant the argument to justify the romantic lead's choice, but now her head seemed more muddled than before. By ingrained habit, she didn't let her expression slip away from the pleasant anticipation she'd worn all night, just barely keeping the rolling emotions within from spilling out.
"Went about it your own way, but we certainly expected nothing less." Coco announced as the blonde approached her, shaking the woman's hand. "Best of luck, Yang."
"Thanks," the rocker smiled, giving a final wave to the cameras and audience before exiting the area. She at least looked content, at peace with her last shot at winning Weiss over.
She could take some solace from that.
"Next up, Pyrrha Nikos does her best to win the heart of our romantic lead. Will she have what it takes to come out on top?"
Barely resisting the urge to shake her head in dismay over the repeated emphasis on the competition portion, Weiss turned her attention to the redhead's approach, her heart- which had just figured out how to operate properly again- promptly fluttering as she ducked into the gazebo, that pleasant smile on her lips reaching all the way to her eyes.
"Weiss." Pyrrha reached for her hands like Yang did, but that's where the similarities ended. The redhead's hands had always felt like the rest of her- hard muscle covered in silk, steady and strong no matter the challenge ahead- and it helped steady her racing heart, blue seeking out emerald. "I feel so lucky, having gotten this chance to get to know you and the others, but it goes beyond that. It's given me a taste of something truly spectacular." She lightly squeezed the movie star's hands. "Being with you has shown me something I've never felt before. You were never intimidated by me- impressed, yes, but that didn't last long." Emerald eyes flicked away briefly, allowing Weiss to mentally acknowledge her silly starstruck reactions from the first few weeks. "I remember being so surprised, so flattered- you saw me for me. That's something so rare... I can actually count how many times it's happened on one hand." The redhead let out a soft chuckle, shuffling just the slightest bit closer. She wasn't as bold as Yang- quick advances were saved for combat and competition, not personal interactions- but she obviously didn't want their time together to end while standing two feet apart. "I want to thank you for taking me off that pedestal, for letting me be your equal, and to have a taste at being your partner." A little closer, and Weiss felt drawn into her eyes, her disarming smile, her comforting embrace. "I can only hope I have the chance to continue being that. I've had enough interaction with Blake and Yang to know they'll do their very best to treat you well, just as I will." The grip on her hands shifted just enough, an unspoken request that she complied with automatically, following the athlete's sculpted arms up to her shoulders while Pyrrha's hands found her waist. Again, she was confronted with her height in such a damning way, but it didn’t seem to matter. She was with Pyrrha; why worry about something as silly as her height? "But if you entrust me with your heart, I will give everything I have to bringing you happiness, to keep you safe and warm when life threatens to take away your strength, and you'll never lack for a cheering section, no matter what endeavor you undertake." Despite her heels, the redhead still had a few inches on her, prompting the movie star to raise up on her tiptoes even as she gently brought the other woman down to her. "I will cherish you, Weiss. No matter what."
In the next second, their lips met, and it hurt with how beautiful it felt. It wasn't perfect- just a little off center, and high- and that's what made it better, because neither had to correct themselves, had to be concerned about protecting a flawless image in front of each other, completely forgetting the audiences just beyond the gazebo. Kissing Pyrrha always felt like this, like innocence given and received with tender hands, a breath of biting fresh air that invigorated and uplifted without expectation. They could soar through the heavens or remain nestled together in a space all their own, no demands or outside eyes able to penetrate the tranquil air.
When the redhead pulled back, Weiss' eyes fluttered open and she almost cried, seeing the openly hopeful expression on the other woman's face as the audience reacted, their applause and shouts becoming a dull roar in the back of her mind. The little giggle that slipped past the other woman's lips caused her heart to clench painfully.
"I have faith in you," Pyrrha said, withdrawing her hands and offering a confident smile. "You'll make the decision that's right for you and that's all that matters."
As the redhead turned and walked away, the movie star could feel her mask cracking just a little. The reminder that a decision would come- from her- to decide all this, when she couldn't even sort through the jumbled mess in her heart. She couldn't compare Yang to Pyrrha; they were entirely different people, with their own likes and dislikes, and how is it fair to measure one against the other? The road ahead branched out, and she could take either path, and while each would be distinct- and the one she chose would be supporting and loving in their own way, at a distance- she couldn't pick one over the other, couldn't see herself with one and treating the other as just a friend.
"That was very sweet, Pyrrha." Coco offered her hand, patting the woman's shoulder. "Best of luck."
"Thank you," the redhead replied, stepping off to join Yang. From the looks of it, the blonde wasn't handling being the first one up very well, pacing in the small area set aside for the candidates once they'd given their final plea. Restless without company- she was an extrovert through and through, likely driving herself a little crazy with question and needing someone to talk to just to get out of her own head.
A small smile came to Weiss' lips as she watched the athlete enter the area, greeted with a hug and some words of encouragement by the blonde. She couldn't hear them to be sure but, at the same time, she just knew. Pyrrha was the type to calm and support her friends, even if they wanted something only one could have. And, knowing Yang, the rocker wouldn't stand to let herself be solely on the receiving end of affirmations. They'd probably spend the whole time until the decision reassuring each other that they'd done the best they could and they would still be friends in the end.
Past seasons weren't this confusing, she thought. Coco had clearly made her decision by week twelve but feigned interest in the others for the remainder and the very first season ended with the romantic lead's choice being rejected by Remnant which, in all honestly, was blatantly intentional. The man had no interest in his candidates and the show quite nearly didn't get renewed due to that lack in chemistry. If the fashion designer hadn't played her part so well, been charming and interested in a fair share of her candidates from the start, Weiss probably wouldn't even be here.
Now that would be a tragedy, she thought, somehow perking up at the realization. Despite the looming decision ahead of her, she had fond memories to treasure rather than nothing at all. It didn't seem fair, paying such a high price for that bit of happiness and the anxiety of her choice, but she'd do it again rather than risk never meeting Blake, Pyrrha, or Yang. In a heartbeat and with no regret.
"That brings us to our last finalist, Blake Belladonna. Let's see if the author can pen a happy ending for this story."
Her gaze snapped towards the path leading to the gazebo, where the Faunus was striding towards her with only a little tilt to her ears. Nervous, but focused, amber eyes shining with that hidden passion that had come out a few times, a hint that Blake had no intentions of walking away without speaking her mind. She could be quiet and reserved, but one would never be able to tell with the way she stepped up to the movie star right then, expression serious with a slight furrow to her brows. Whatever she was about to say, she'd obviously thought long and hard about it.
"I know every single cliche- every line anyone's ever thought up for situations just like this, and I've probably written over half of them myself," she said, standing tall and hiding her doubts as best she could. "If this was a book, I could craft the perfect soliloquy to convince you that I'm the one you should choose, because that's the ending I want. It could be that simple..." Her shoulders dropped in time with her ears, lips pulling into a soft grin. "If this was a book. But it's not and the story of us isn't written in ink or pixels. It's written in emotions and moments, shared between us and guided by more than just my hand. The words I would give a character... those do me no good now." Blake stepped forward and she naturally fit herself into the Faunus' embrace, the words pausing as they held each other for a moment. She could hear the author's unsteady breathing, nerves warring against passion on how much she should say. One would never call Blake timid by any means, but she would withdraw if she saw reason to, and Weiss felt her own heart stutter at the thought- she knew it must be hard for the Faunus to show such vulnerability, yet she was pushing through for her sake. When Blake pulled back, it was just enough for their eyes to meet, her voice dropping slightly as amber eyes fought not to take a nervous glance at the crowd and cameras. "I think that's a downside of being an author. I spend so much time creating fiction, will you even believe me when I'm being sincere?"
"I'll believe you, Blake." The movie star reached up, laying a hand against her cheek and smiling when the Faunus leaned into her touch. "I'm listening to whatever you have to say."
"Then, I want you to know that every moment with you has meant the world to me. It's opened my eyes in ways I didn't think possible." Her ears flicked back, heat rising in her cheeks as she ducked her head. "I mean... I thought I knew what love was, what romance was, but being here... I've learned so much more, and I want to keep learning, exploring everything I thought I knew, because it's all so different with you. Even if I understood it in theory, the reality is just... there's no words to describe it." She leaned a little closer. "I make my living weaving words together... and you've managed to snatch them all away."
She couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head slightly. "Now that came off as book worthy." Weiss looked up into amber eyes, stroking her thumb along the Faunus' cheek. "Yet... entirely sincere."
"Then I suppose I did something right." Following her lead, Blake leaned forward. "After somehow catching your eye, anyway."
"You truly possess many talents," she said before closing the distance, bringing their lips together in a kiss.
She was more forceful this time- they both were, recalling that night out by the horses, and it was tempting to remain locked in that embrace. They were growing bolder together, more inclined to lose some of that reserved poise they were known for, because kissing the Faunus always felt like catching a shadow in her hands, this intangible suddenly more real than words and all the more precious for it, a certain beauty in having something so fragile yet unbending otherwise, like only she could see this side of Blake, this part of someone who kept so much hidden away regardless of her desire to show more. She was the deep lake that the Faunus threw herself into without a second thought, nevermind if she knew how to swim, and she shouldn't be entrusted with something so wonderful.
The audience once again cheered when they parted but it turned to a dull roar as the blood rushing in her ears drowned everything else out. All but the Faunus' parting words.
"You're better than any book." Weiss opened her eyes, looking up into shining amber and seeing the feline ears standing tall atop her head despite the deep flush across her cheeks.
She wished she could say something in response but the words stuck in her throat, forcing her to merely smile and nod as Blake pulled away, leaving the gazebo.
And that should've been it- all three had given their last plea, given her their potentially last kiss, and it should be easy at this point to make her decision. Every romance novel or movie had told her this, every part she'd ever played, every conversation she'd had all pointed to there being some moment when everything clicked. At some unspecified time, she'd just know who she should choose to spend her life with, who to give her heart to, who she loved, but she felt no closer to making her decision than she had two weeks ago. Each speech had pulled at her heart, each kiss felt right in its own way, each set of arms around her made her feel nigh invincible save for the growing storm building in her heart. How could she choose one of them? How could she say goodbye to the other two?
"Another entry penned, guess we'll find out if it's a best seller." Coco shook the Faunus' hand with a smile. "Good luck, Blake."
She merely nodded in response, smiling and offering a small wave to the audience before joining Yang and Pyrrha. It hurt watching her go, confidence and relief warring with the doubts that never seemed to stop whispering, and Weiss wished more than anything she could leave the gazebo and set Blake's nerves at ease. Thankfully, she wasn't the only one to take notice, as Yang wrapped the Faunus up in a crushing hug at the first available moment, Pyrrha not far behind in offering words of reassurance. Their part was done, and they'd put everything they could into their last speech, so now all that was left for the three would be to wait until Weiss announced her decision.
"Well, that's it for our finalists, but stay tuned!" Coco announced, keeping the show moving right along despite the voice screeching in the back of the movie star's head, begging for more time, or for time to stop. Really, the latter would be preferable, at this point. "When we come back, Weiss will make her decision, and it'll be up to you, Remnant. Don't miss your chance to be a Celebrity Matchmaker!"
The crew gave the signal and they were off the air again, allowing Weiss to turn her back to the audience and put her head in her hands.
She had to get a grip of herself, to put a stop to the swirling thoughts and force them into some manner of order. Her time to agonize over her decision drew shorter with every moment, meaning that she absolutely needed to sort through the rolling emotions. This wasn't something she could ask for some sort of extension on, or delay giving an answer when the moment came; pretty soon, she would have to choose, for better or worse.
"Remember to breathe." A new voice cut into her thoughts and she turned, seeing dark chocolate eyes peeking at her over the woman's shades. Coco had stepped away from the crew to approach her, leaning against the gazebo's entrance with her arms crossed over her chest. "You look like you're freaking out."
"Hardly," she replied, straightening her posture. Even if she was, she couldn't let anyone else see it, and if the host could, others could as well. A Schnee never lost their composure, after all. "I was just... taking a moment to reflect."
"Look, you're doing great, kid." Weiss had half a mind to point out that hardly a year separated them in age but the other woman gave her no chance, pulling a scroll out from her jacket and waving it. "I wouldn't have even noticed if Velvs didn't text me. She's way better at reading that sort of stuff than I ever could be. I doubt anyone else noticed."
The movie star regarded Coco with slight agitation. "I suppose this is the point where you reassure me that everything will be okay, that you've been in this position before and understand what I'm going through."
She shouldn't be this hostile, but her frustration was mounting. Who to choose? Blake? Pyrrha? Yang?
"I definitely can't say that." Pushing off the wooden beam, the fashion designer spread her hands in a helpless shrug. "No one's been in your position, Weiss. You know what kind of snoozefest the first season was and I had my decision made way before the finale. Anyone with eyes can see you genuinely care about all three of your finalists." She paused, checking her scroll briefly. "Actually, eyes aren't even a requirement; my blind buddy over in Vale can tell, too. You have a real connection with each of them." Putting the device away, Coco pressed her lips into a thin line for a moment before shrugging again. "I really don't know what to tell you. I don't have any advice for a situation like this, except... maybe imagine what your future would be like? Depending on who you chose, I mean. Then, pick the one that feels most appealing."
She wanted to snap at how stupid that advice seemed- as if she hadn't considered it before- but gave it another chance, thinking hard. Weiss had no delusions about how difficult any choice would be and had given long, hard thought to each.
Blake would be home more often, aside from book tours and perhaps the occasional trip for inspiration or to approve a translation, and that would certainly be a plus. However, her career would demand a fair bit of travel, and while the Faunus would be the most likely to tag along so they could spend time together during the filming, it wouldn't last long. Blake preferred having her space and a cramped trailer in half a dozen locales wouldn't cut it. Plus, she had her own work, which while more flexible still required her full concentration. A noisy set wouldn't be conducive to that; they could find ways to handle the separation, as most couples did, but trying to completely adapt to one lifestyle or the other wouldn't end well, and neither would give up her career so easily, either. But they were stubborn and they'd make it work.
Pyrrha, on the other hand, would have a more predictable schedule, even if it meant she would be away on travel of her own more. Between maintaining a rigorous regimen for her Huntress skills and competing across the globe, she would be travelling nearly as often as the movie star, though her downtime would be between seasons and, thus, easier to mark on a calendar. She might even be inclined to act as an extra or provide her expertise on set; one didn't become such a lauded athlete without knowing a thing or two about workout routines and proper nutrition. But the redhead didn't want any more spotlight than she already had and would shy away from any leading roles, content to participate in her sports and various competitions. Their relationship would be more strained, the long periods of time away from one another making video calls frequent, but Pyrrha was nothing short of kind and forgiving, and she would do whatever it took to be worthy of that.
Then there was Yang. She would fall somewhere between the two, spending long stretches at home and rushing off to a recording studio or doing a world tour on a whim. Her schedule remained as unpredictable as possible, which not only helped sell her wild child image but kept her concerts sold out, and while that would last for a while, Weiss could see how things would go. The rock star would try to schedule her time so that they could both be home, and then be on tour whenever a new movie came up. Eventually, people would connect the dots, and while she didn't think it would be too big of an impact, she worried what Yang might do to retain her edge. The woman was as much a daredevil as a musician and the stunts she already incorporated into her shows tread the line between what Weiss found entertaining and what had her standing by with her scroll, thumb hovering and ready to call for help. Rather than make her worry, Yang would calm down, change her image, rearrange her life if she had to, and that wasn't very fair, because she would never ask for the movie star to do the same.
Eventually, she would though. That remained constant across all three options. She would trade away her career rather than lose any of them and she had no doubts things would eventually come to that. It wouldn't be so bad- she already had more than enough money to support herself, and she could probably sneak in small roles here and there if she ever needed more- and that thought in itself spoke to how much she genuinely cared about all three of them.
So, when that failed, when focusing on the future just made her long for each possibility more than before, she turned her attention to the present. When she made her choice, the other two would react; they would recover quickly, no doubt, but all three had the tendency to be open and honest in their immediate reactions. Blake's would be subdued, Pyrrha's would be quick, and Yang's would be impossible to miss, but all three would be there... and the thought of each tore at her heart.
It shouldn't be this difficult, this painful. At this point, a dead end marriage for show and nothing more seemed preferable, because at least then the choice would be easy. If there was a fourth finalist, she would pick them, just so Remnant could reject her choice and she could walk away single- at least then she could buy herself much needed time.
Weiss sighed, shoulders falling slightly. Time would do her no good, she realized. It was nothing more than her desire to stall the inevitable heartbreak, but that option wasn't open to her. She would hurt them... and she had no other choice.
"I've made my decision," she said, drawing herself up and raising her chin defiantly. "We should move to our marks."
Coco watched her a moment, a sad smile on her lips. "I really don't envy you. This has got to be the hardest thing you've ever done."
She thought about dismissing the comment for all of a second before a surprised chuckle pushed through her lips. "You have no idea."
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