#i just want molly and the fool to meet. i have no idea whats gonna happen i just want it.
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stellar-jay · 7 months ago
i think the real victim of the ending of fool's fate is molly, who is inevitably going to have her husband of however many years, stepfather to her 8 children, break it to her that he needs to leave for an indeterminate amount of time to go save the world with his best friend that she has never met and doesnt know that much about who it turns out is his literal soulmate
#i think in the process of trying to secure a simple and peaceful heterosexual life for fitz the fool kind of fucked over poor molly#who#even if he had never returned#would. surely EVENTUALLY figure out the whole “hes half of my soul” thing#poor molly is just gonna eventually find out fitz has a soulmate and its not her#its this strange twink who made an elective decision to fuck off and let ur husband go be with you#with the energy of someone releasing a wild animal they reared by hand to go live free with its own kind#i doubt fitz ever told her cause i think he thinks its irrelevant#but the fool maybe shouldve considered the eventuality that fitz ever casually drops that the fool is like half of his soul#and theyre the same person and had a bond more intimate than any romantic relationship#to this woman who#broke up with him#because he was too loyal to#the king#he wasnt even IN LOVE with the king it was just taking up a lot of his time. girl is not gonna be cool with this#estarriol mute this#rote liveblog#i just want molly and the fool to meet. i have no idea whats gonna happen i just want it.#were it not for the fitz thing i think theyd get along great#but the whole “you are my husbands one true love” “you are the reason i cant be with my one true love”#might get in the way#also i wonder if the name exchange thing does make them married and if she'll ever find out abt that#there is a large chance that in the fitz and the fool trilogy molly and the fool find out that fitz is married to the fool#and just#never mentioned he did that to them bc he didnt think it was a big deal
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saphirered · 4 years ago
The Lovers
Spoilers for Campaign 2 Ep141
Man oh man oh man. I've had this one written since the day after the last episode but I've been soooooo hesitant to post it at all 🙈. Anyway... I'm just gonna regardless because it's just sitting there staring at me to either delete or post it 🤭. I hope you enjoy because I'm still so conflicted about his piece of writing 😅. Unless people actually like it I might just end up deleting it after all.
Jester had asked you to come along on another journey of the Nein Heroez. She needed your expertise for something but couldn’t get across what for within the twenty-five word limit. Regardless, the opportunity to see and travel with your friends is not one you’re just going to pass on so of course you happily made your way to Nicodranas. Maybe the ocean would do you some good. It’s been a while after all.
In the first few days of your journey Jester had been keeping a close eye on you, watching your responses and reactions. Specifically your reactions to any and all interactions with a certain lavender tiefling. When she was certain your responses to the tiefling in question were not in any way negative and cordial if not friendly you found yourself being paired with him more often than not. Watch, hoisting the sails or dropping them, food shifts and even at the helm a few times.
You caught an argument between Fjord and Jester a few weeks later. Fjord was defending you and telling Jester she couldn’t just play matchmaker after everything that had happened between the previous inhabiter of Kingsley’s body and you and how it might still be a painful subject of not once but twice being faced with someone that’s not the person you loved and lost.
Jester seeing reason in Fjord’s arguments put aside the love story she’d been trying to unfold with you and the poor tiefling as her main characters. The shifts you shared with Kingsley came to a close and would be no more often than any shifts shared with anyone else on the crew.
One day the Nein Heroez made port to stock up on some supplies after being hit by a storm and running short on food. The crew was given some downtime to enjoy the many pleasures port has to offer but you decided to stay back at the ship. You asked Jester for the cards.
You’re sitting crosslegged on the docks watching the sunset as the crew leaves in groups bidding you goodbye while they go. Once the majority of them have left you take out the cards and begin laying them in certain patterns starting with simple ‘yes/no’s onto the past present future and more complicated readings. You’re not paying attention to any particular results but instead study the drawings fondly.
“You’d call me a sentimental fool.” You snicker as the fool card is revealed in front of you.
“Sentimental? Yes. A fool? I’ve yet to decide.” You turn around at the familiar voice seeing the tails of the black sleeveless coat you’ve grown accustomed to seeing around. You pick up the cards and put them back in their order stacking them.
“Oh really? You’d think a few weeks of being not so inconspicuously paired together on any task possible would give you enough time to form an opinion on that?” You tease beginning a new read.
“Maybe that makes me the fool then.” You can almost hear the smirk in his words.
“Care to find out?” You put down card by card face down. You know how to push for certain results. A trick you’d picked up from your former lover. It feels right to use it against him in a strange twisted way like this. Not really him but close enough.
Kingsley sits down to the side, not trusting you to not push him off the docks if he were to make an offensive (in jest of course) remark. Gathering the cards back up you start over. Time for a bit of fun. You push for the first card setting it down face up in front of him.
“The owl and the bear. Some might say the most deadly combination when put together. Be watchful of the owl’s words or you might find yourself at the ends of the bear’s claws.”
“So it was a good idea to sit on this side and avoid meeting my waterlogged demise.”
“Are you doubting my capabilities, Kingsley?” You smirk and watch the tiefling gulp. You move on to the next card making a show of pulling it from the deck and displaying it.
“Look at that! What did I say. The fool has appeared. The cards have spoken. my fool.” You take a bow as if addressing the most pretentious royalty around limited only by your crosslegged position on the docks. Kingsley can’t help but let out a chuckle at your theatrics.
“The cards have spoken indeed! A fool I must be.” He plays along. You begin picking up the two cards and restack the deck.
“Hey hey hey, isn’t there supposed to be three cards for this one? Not two?” You stop. He’s not wrong technically. You raise an eyebrow at him, fan out the cards and allow him to pull one from the deck as per the variant of this reading, putting the fate in the hands of the drawer. Not really of course. Usually you’d still be able to push for a card for them to draw but for this one you’d leave it up to the divines. You’ve had your fun.
And fun it was until Kingsley kept the card for himself, studying it closely. You were curious to see which one he pulled but you hadn’t exactly paid attention to that like you’d otherwise done. You wait for him to either give it back or tell you what it is but he takes a long time.
“So what is it?” You ask, your curiosity getting the better of you. It still takes a good few seconds before he lowers the card so you can see it too.
“Oh.” Is all you manage to vocalise upon seeing the card. The Lovers. The familiar drawing of a lavender tiefling looking at another figure arm outstretched and love in their eyes. The image of the tiefling reaches for the outstretched hand of the other figure; your figure. You’re staring back at your own face and the expression Mollymauk had claimed to have plenty of visual references for to know he could properly draw you but would always ask for one more just to remind him.
“I’m so sorry.” Kingsley hands the card back to you and you keep staring at it. He stays for a little bit to make sure you’re alright as you’re hit with a whirlwind of emotions. Once he’s sure you’re alright he begins to get up.
“I’ll leave you to the rest of your evening. Someone’s gotta make sure these fools drink just enough and start a brawl or two.” You snap out of it putting the card back into the deck.
“Kingsley. It’s alright. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” The whirlwind subsides and you return back to a peaceful state of mind. You offer the tiefling a kind smile and he halts himself sitting back down still somewhat tense. He opens his mouth to say something but is quick to close it again. There’s a moment of silence between the two of you as you shuffle the cards absentmindedly. You catch onto the conflict and hesitation in Kingsley’s features.
“If there’s something you wish to say please do say it.”
“When you said you loved him… I think it never registered it was anything other than the love the others held for him. Strongly yes but I always assumed it was akin to Yasha’s. Why didn’t you say anything?” Kingsley states piecing things together watching you closely.
“It’s not a burden for you to bear.” You pull the Lovers card back up to the top and study it closely.
“I might not know much but I don’t think being faced with your dead lover’s body inhabited by someone not him doesn’t bother anyone. That’s just cruel.”
“It doesn’t bother me. Not anymore. I’ve grieved Molly when he died. I grieved him again when Lucien returned. I’ve gone through it all and accepted he’s not coming back and that’s okay. Everything comes to an end at some point. I don’t think it’s cruelty. I think everything is as it should be.” You speak honestly stroking your thumb over the card.
“I have so many questions.” Kingsley states. You get it. He woke up one day, recovering from death not knowing who he is or was before that moment beyond emotions and flashes of a past that didn’t feel like his. That’s exactly why you wanted to spare him another previous relation to figure out. Yes it might make things slightly more difficult for you but that’s not his fault. That’s no one’s fault.
“And I believe Beau gave you her notebook so you can read back about your predecessors. But you’re not ready for that yet, are you? That’s okay. Don’t read it until you feel ready.” Kingsley’s head shoots up to look at you. Why do you understand him? Maybe you’re wiser than he gives you credit for but he thinks you’re already pretty wise.
“Expectations. Everyone expected something of me but I didn’t live up to it. I’m not who he used to be and that disappoints people. But from you, you never expected anything from me. Why?” He’s piecing it together bit by bit. You never slipped up. Never asked him to put on a coat that wasn’t his or asked him if he remembered something. You never even asked him if he recalled anything about you or sought to involve yourself in his life without his permission.
“It’s unfair to expect someone to be or become someone they’re not and never will be. You get to be your own person free of the constraints of the past.” The answer is simple. There’s no deceit or doubt. No hidden message or intent behind it.
“How is it you of all people can say that without pain or regret or wishing it were different?” You turn the card back around and put it back in the deck in its place and put the cards away. You take a second before answering trying to formulate a proper answer as Kingsley waits studying every micro expression.
“Bear with me for this one.” You start and he nods. “Lucien was born lonely forced to fend for himself and make friends out of the need to survive. Molly rose from a grave alone and scared. He was taken in by friends but he had to find a home his home with them. He found that home and got kindness and love. You awoke surrounded by friends, no family you didn’t even know but would still love you regardless. No matter what, you’d always have a home with them. You’d be neither alone nor lonely unless you choose to be.” You explain and take breath before you continue.
“You plant random seeds in the ground it’s very unlikely you’re going to receive the same flower twice. The only similarity they have is that they are seeds and will grow as long as they have the right foundations to do so. When I look upon you I see Kingsley Tealeaf, a man that became a sailor after we brought him back from the Astral Sea. There may be similarities, your roots may even be the same but you are not the same. You are separate.”
Kingsley takes in your words very carefully with a sense of understanding and something with in him he couldn't quite pinpoint until now. Acceptance and content. Whatever might have been holding him back before, he’ll have to come to terms with that. That’s the past and if the past comes searching for him one day, so be it. Until then, Kingsley Tealeaf has a life of his own to live and to enjoy. Enjoy all life has to offer, to its fullest and don’t hold back.
Let the sailor become captain of his own ship knowing he has a home and a family that will welcome him with open arms to return to. Let the eight be nine despite the expectations of others. Be free and be happy. Live content.
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grayintogreen · 4 years ago
Critical Role Fanfic Masterlist June 16th-July 31st
WELL. That was sure a fucking intense marathon since the last time I posted one of these. I would have done it on the 15th like I said, but by that time I was like THIS CLOSE to finishing shattered stage, so I just said to hell with it and moved it to the end of the month. I know the bitch who sets these masterlist deadlines and she says they’re more like guidelines.
Some of this stuff are things that have been seen here before because they were either ask box prompts or the chaptered fics I’ve been linking as I post them (which I said I wasn’t doing, but again I know the bitch who says these things and she is a liar), but for posterity and organization purposes, I’m linking them here. I like neat lists. I am who I am.
I dunno how I’m gonna compete with this next month. I started my Bad Things Happen Bingo fics in earnest, finished three huge wips, and participated in Fjorester Week. It’s... it’s a lot, you guys.
turning wine back into water. (T) 30,457 words. 7/7 chapters. Canon Ships. The Mighty Nein return to Xhorhas to deal with some kidnapped children... and then they become the kidnapped children. Age-regression and action/adventure shenanigans ensue. Canon Compliant.
this church takes no conversions (T) 68,008 words. 16/16 chapters. Cree/Lucien. Lucien and Cree’s relationship with each other and the Tombtakers and the world around them from Shadycreek Run to the failed ritual and all the highs and lows that entails. As Canon Compliant as it can be considering it’s 85% headcanon.
the shattered stage is set (and there’s a role you must fulfill). (T) 94,139 words. 15/15 chapters. Canon ships, hints of Widomauk and Creecien to taste. The Chained Oblivion wants to break free and one champion isn’t enough to prevent it. If Kingsley wants to best it, then he’ll need help from two more- Lucien and Molly. You can be canon compliant and canon divergent and also be completely jossed by canon at the same time if you believe in yourself.
this is bitter earthquake weather. (T) 2445 words. Intellectual dirt wizard who is done with this shit vs cult leader desperate for dominance: round one. Canon Divergent.
is this a story that you know? (T) 2333 words.  Intellectual dirt wizard who is done with this shit vs cult leader desperate for dominance: round two. Canon Divergent.
never trust the tenor of the skies (M) 2002 words. Caleb seeks out Lucien in the Blooming Grove after the amulet heist and the incident on the Fire Plane leaves him shaken. Canon Divergent. Evil AU, effectively.
for lavender’s blue and for rosemary’s green. (G) 993 words. Fjord tries to hide an injury from Jester, and she does not appreciate it. Canon Compliant.
one’s for the fiddler and one’s for the dancer. (G) 1266 words. Fighting and dancing are basically the same thing if you do it right. Class Swap AU.
the happy is expensive but the ever after’s free. (G) 1547 words. Fjord seeks out the Gentleman to ask an important question about Jester and gets a far different response than he expected. Canon Compliant.
trickster dressed in pretty skin. (G) 3122 words. In a society where manifesting new gods lead to trouble, ex-cult kid Fjord meets Jester, a girl just trying to manifest her childhood friend. This is fine. Modern With Magic AU (except it’s the 80′s for some reason).
sang the salt into the waves. (G) 1559 words. Fjord shows off his new invocation for SHAMELESS POLYMORPH FLUFF. Canon Compliant.
take a breath and turn the pages. (G) 1412 words. Fjord and Jester are blessed with three... very unique baby girls. Canon Compliant.
be certain of courage and safe is your berth. (G) 1199 words. Fjord and Jester talk about parenthood, but they have to get through Fjord’s weird duck metaphors and Kingsley first. Canon Compliant.
when the ice melts, will we still be skating circles? (M) 2737 words. Cree’s losing faith. Lucien makes some filthy promises he probably isn’t going to keep. Canon Compliant.
just tell me i’m allowed to stay right where you are. (G) 2420 words. Lucien’s got post-resurrection trauma and Cree is just very tired and very, very dedicated. Canon Compliant.
you shall be the brand i bear. (G) 1064. Cree is Lucien’s protector. It’s what she does. Canon Compliant.
you can make a living going crazy (T) 1670 words. Caleb/Molly/Lucien/Kingsley. Jester and the Tealeaf Terror Trio put together a fun little test for Caleb. Having identical boyfriends is a pain in the ass sometimes. Takes canon out back and puts it down gently. It’s just cute. Just... Just don’t think about it.
the line is fine between the saint and sinner. (T) 7250 words. Lucien makes a bad miscalculation. The Mighty Nein try to save Molly and get a cretin, instead. And, honestly, Lucien has no idea what the fuck is even going on in his life anymore. Canon Divergent.
this masquerade is for the fools. (G) 2027 words. POLYMORPH THERAPY. SHAMELESS FLUFF. THIS FIC CAN HOLD SO MUCH CUTE. Canon Divergent.
may your princes understand you (may your wolves get out alive). (T) 6427 words. Jester’s trip to the Feywild doesn’t go as planned and Artagan is not best pleased. 
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wellimaginethat · 5 years ago
Close Call
Pairing: Matt Casey x (female) Reader
Requested?: Yes
Word Count: 3355
Author’s Note: So I know this isn’t exactly what the request asked for, I did include how they met and started dating, but I did so in the form of flashbacks and I hope that’s okay.
Trigger Warning(s): Reader got shot, near death experience
Disclaimer: I don’t owe nor am I affiliated with any of the Chicago shows, I just like to play with the characters
Summary: Reader is a cop and gets shot while on the job, causing her longterm boyfriend, Matt, to worry about her and think back on when they first met.
Y/N = Your Name
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This wasn’t how you expected your Tuesday to go, but did anything ever go as you planned?
What had seemed like it would be a simple arrest of a suspect turned out into a full blown shootout, resulting in you taking a bullet to the lower left abdomen. You were doing okay for a while, Jay managed to pull you out of the line of fire and get you behind a car, but you were bleeding a lot.
Jay was shooting at the shooters before leaning down to check on you, the look on his face said it all, he was panicking. “You’re gonna be okay, we’re gonna get you out of here, just stay awake.”
“Don’t lie to me.” You barely managed to get out, you were feeling dizzy from the blood loss and your vision was starting to blur.
The last thing you heard before slumping over was a string of curses coming from your partner.
When the call came in for ambo, something in Matt’s gut told him something wasn’t right, and he immediately began to worry about you. Usually he didn’t, but something just didn’t seem right today.
As soon as he got word of what happened to you, he raced over to the hospital.
The two of you met just after you had transferred to Intelligence, barely a year after you had moved to Chicago. You got roped into going out for drinks with your new teammates and that’s how you ended up in Molly’s on that fateful night.
It was nearing two years ago now that you had gone up to the bar, trying to find an empty spot to order another drink, but that was hard considering it was a pretty busy night.
So you decided to try to squeeze in between two complete strangers, one of which bumped into you and practically knocked you into Matt’s lap. He had been taken by surprise but had wrapped his arms around you to keep you from toppling to the floor.
“I’m so sorry!” You quickly told him as you stood up, you could see your teammates out of the corner of your eye, snickering at you. You shook your head some, cheeks heating up.
“It’s all good.” Matt assured you with a slight chuckle.
“I’m really sorry, I was just trying to get a drink and um, yeah.” You glanced away, rubbing the back of your neck. “Sorry.” You mumbled again as you began to walk away.
“You didn’t order your drink.” Matt had reminded you.
You stopped and looked at him, pausing for a bit longer than you should have before responding. “Oh, um, yeah.”
Matt raised a brow at you, trying not to let on how amused he was but you could see it in his eyes. He beckoned you over.
You walked over to resume your spot standing next to him.
“Matt Casey.” He offered out his hand.
You smiled a bit and shook his hand. “Y/N Y/LN.”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N.” Matt smiled at you.
“Likewise.” You told him and ordered your drink when the bartender came over.
“I got that, Herrmann.” Matt told him.
“Oh no, no, you don’t-” You were stopped when Matt looked at you, so you smiled. “Thank you, but you didn’t have to do that.”
“I know, I wanted to.” Matt told you with a smile, taking a drink of his beer.
The two of you ended up talking until the bar closed, at which point you bid him goodbye, but not before giving him your number.
Had you not had liquid courage running through your veins, you probably wouldn’t have given him your number, and the next day you were kicking yourself because you thought you made a fool of yourself. You honestly didn’t think he’d get ahold of you, but he ended up calling you later that day and asked you out on a date.
After that, dates became a regular thing for the two of you, and next thing you knew, you were spending almost all your free time together.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to become exclusive, not that either of you had been seeing anyone else, but the two of you made it official.
Matt and you had one of those easy relationships, it was just so easy to be yourselves with the other, not having to act a certain way or worry about the other judging you. You guys didn’t fight often, but when you did it was usually a small fight over something stupid and you would make up within a day, in the two years the two of you had been together you had only ever had two major fights, but you guys worked them out.
Matt paced back and forth in the waiting room, waiting for any word on your condition. As soon as they got you to the hospital, you were taken straight to the OR for surgery. It had already been an hour and he was insanely worried about you, and it just got worse and worse as time paced.
Jay was sitting in a chair in the same waiting room, elbows on his knees, hands clasped together, and head hung down. He blamed himself for what happened. You were his partner and he was supposed to have your back.
Hailey took a seat next to him. “Hey, what happened isn’t your fault.” She tried to assure him in a soft voice.
Jay shook his head to her, looking at her but not exactly focusing on her because his mind was replaying what happened. “I should’ve seen the shooter.”
“Neither of you had any idea that was gonna happen.” Hailey told him gently.
Jay shook his head. “Doesn’t matter, I should’ve been more aware of our surroundings, if I had then she’d be fine.”
“Stop.” Matt told him, stopping in his tracks to look at Jay. “You and I both know damn well that Y/N wouldn’t want you to blame yourself.” There was pain in his eyes, but his voice was firm.
Jay paused for a moment before nodding to him, although it didn’t really change anything and everyone knew that.
Everyone in that room was worried about losing you. They all loved you, both CPD and CFD alike. And everyone knew that if something were to happen to you, while it would hurt everyone, the two that would hurt the worst would be Matt and Jay.
Your relationship escalated quickly when Matt asked you to move in with him after only six months, but you were convinced this was the real deal, so you had said yes.
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” You had asked him for probably the millionth time.
Matt chuckled and nodded. “Yes, I’m sure.”
“But are you really sure?” You asked him.
“If you don’t wanna-” You were quick to cut him off.
“I want to. I just want to make sure you want me to.” You answered him.
Matt nodded. “I want you to.”
“But are you sure?” You asked again.
Matt huffed a laugh and pulled you into his arms. “I’m sure.” He said softly before pressing a tender kiss to the side of your head. “Now shut up before I change my mind.”
You scoffed in mock offense. “Rude.” You told him, causing him to laugh.
Slowly you began moving your stuff there, which ended up taking three months because of your schedules and the fact that you were still unsure.
“Alright. This is the final box.” You said, standing just outside the apartment door holding a cardboard box that had the last of your clothes in it.
“Should I do a drumroll?” Matt asked with a grin, turning to face you.
You smirked. “Well it would be nice.” You answer him, causing him to shrug and walk over to the wall and give you a makeshift drumroll as you stepped over the threshold. “There. I’m officially moved in completely.” You informed him.
Matt grinned as he walked over to you, taking the box and setting it to the side before turning to you again. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close before kissing you. “You’re not moved in until we unpack the boxes.” He spoke lowly after pulling back.
You groaned. “Well that’ll probably take another three months.” You joked.
Matt chuckled and shook his head. “Don’t count on it.”
You hummed and shrugged. “Maybe sooner.”
“Definitely sooner.” Matt replied, his arms still around you.
It ended up taking only two weeks to unpack, and settling in ended up going a lot smoother than you thought it would.
By the time Dr. Marcel walked into the waiting room, everyone was on edge and fearing the worst even if they weren’t saying it.
Matt had practically worn out the floor from where he was pacing, unable to remain calm as he waited for any news. He immediately stopped when he saw Dr. Marcel in the entryway.
Jay was out of his seat and standing beside Matt, waiting for the news.
Everyone’s eyes were on Dr. Marcel, everyone waiting for an update on your condition.
“She’s stable, the bullet hit an artery and she lost a lot of blood, but we were able to repair the damage and give her a transfusion.” Dr. Marcel informed them. “She’s in recovery right now, then she’ll be moved to ICU. She’s stable but not completely out of the woods, though I am optimistic.”
Matt nodded. “Thank you, Dr. Marcel.”
“You’ll be able to visit her after they get her settled.” Dr. Marcel added before leaving the waiting room.
Everyone was immensely relieved after hearing that you had made it out of surgery and that you were in a stable condition, but they were still worried that something could go wrong and that they would lose you.
After you were moved to ICU, your friends were informed that two people could visit you at a time.
Matt headed out of the waiting room before looking at Jay. “Are you coming?”
Jay hesitated before shaking his head. “Nah, you go.”
“They said two people could be in the room at a time.” Matt said, nodding towards the door. “And you know she’ll be crushed if you aren’t there when she wakes up.”
Jay again hesitated, but only for a second before nodding and following Matt. He hated hospitals, but he’d do anything for you, which included spending all damned day in that awful place.
When they walked into your room, the breath was knocked out of both of them.
Sure, they both were expecting you to look rougher than usual, but neither of them had quite prepared themselves to see you in the hospital bed, complexion paler than usual, and a bunch of tubes and monitors hooked up to you to provide you with meds and to monitor your heart and blood pressure.
The sight of you completely broke Matt’s heart, but he stepped in and took a seat in one of the two chairs in the room.
For Jay it nearly sent him running from the room, he hated seeing the people he cared about in the hospital, especially when they were in bad shape, and you were no different. He would’ve given anything to switch places with you. He was still blaming himself for your situation, he kept thinking about how he should have been more aware of what was going on and that he should have been able to prevent this. He slowly took a seat in the other chair.
“It’ll probably be hours before she wakes up.” Jay commented after a while of sitting in almost complete silence, if it hadn’t been for the beeping of the monitors.
Matt nodded some, his eyes fixated on you. “Probably.”
Neither of them talked for a long time after that. Jay had resumed his sitting position from the waiting room, back arched and looking down at the floor, elbows resting on his knees and hands clasped together.
“She’s going to kick your ass.” Matt told him suddenly.
This caused Jay to sit up some and looked over at Matt, his back and neck were starting to grow sore from how he was sitting. “What?”
“When Y/N finds out that you’re blaming yourself, she’s going to kick your ass.” Matt told him, tearing his eyes away from you to look at your partner. “You know damn well she will.”
Jay shrugged. “Or maybe she’ll agree with me.”
Matt frowned at him and shook his head. “Now you’re just being childish.”
Jay frowned now. “I am not being childish, I’m being realistic. If I had seen the gunman, I could’ve gotten us out of the line of fire and she wouldn’t be fighting for her life right now.” He was starting to get upset, and no matter how much he tried to remain calm, it was tough, especially given the situation.
Matt shook his head. “You know she’s not going to see it that way.”
“You don’t know that.” Jay practically spat at him, standing up out of the chair.
Matt remained calm as he looked at Jay. “Calm down.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down when you’re the one that’s angering me.” Jay said pointedly, his voice raising a little and he pointed a finger at Matt.
“Guys please stop fighting.” You rasped out, your eyes shutting even tighter before you opened them. “My head hurts.”
The two of them immediately stopped and looked to you before they were both at your side, looking down at you.
“You’re awake.” Jay commented quietly.
“Mhm.” You tried clearing your throat which just sent a dull jolt of pain through your chest, causing you to wince.
“Are you okay?” Matt was quick to ask you. “I’ll get the doctor.”
“No, I’m fine.” You reached out to grab him but your movements were slowed due to your injury and the pain meds running through your system. “What the hell were you two fighting about?”
“Doesn’t matter right now.” Matt told you, Jay nodded in agreement. “What matters is that you’re alive and awake.”
You smiled weakly at the two of them. “And that my two favorite men are here with me, that matters too.” You told them.
They both smiled softly at you and nodded.
Jay took your hand in his and squeezed it gently. “I’m sorry.” He told you softly.
You shook your head some. “Don’t.” You told him, voice still hoarse. “It isn’t your fault.”
Matt glanced at him briefly in an ‘I told you so’ manner, before looking back at you. “I’m going to go get the doctor, I’ll be back in a second.” He told you softly, kissing your forehead before stepping out of the room.
“I should’ve seen him.” Jay said quietly, looking down at your hand in his. “It’s my fault you got shot.”
“Did you shoot me? No. So therefore, it’s not your fault.” You replied to him. “And if you say otherwise, I’m gonna kick your ass...as soon as I can, that is.”
That caused him to smile and nod. “Yeah, okay. You couldn’t kick my ass before, what makes you think you’ll be able to kick it now?”
“Well I figured you’d let me, given the fact that I got shot and all.” You replied, smirking.
“Nah, that’s not how it works.” Jay told you.
“No?” You asked.
Jay shook his head. “Nope, we don’t take it easy on rookies who get themselves shot.”
You stifled a laugh and huffed. “I am not a rookie anymore, Halstead.” You told him pointedly.
He smirked at you. “Oh you’re not a rookie anymore?”
“Nope.” You shook your head some. “I’m not.”
“Yeah okay, rookie.” Jay replied, still smirking.
“Shut up.” You rolled your eyes.
He moved back when the doctor came in to check you over.
Over the next few days, you were completely fussed over by practically everyone, especially Matt.
When you were finally able to leave the hospital a week later, he didn’t let you do anything.
“Matt, I’m fine.” You tried to tell him after he had scolded you for attempting to make lunch, you would have successfully made the frozen pizza if he hadn’t caught you taking it out of the freezer and forced you to sit down on the couch.
“The doctor said it would be a while before you were back to normal.” Matt reminded you, not that you needed reminding.
“Yeah, and he meant normal as in doing what I was doing instead of being stuck at a desk.” You huffed. “He didn’t mean that I wouldn’t be able to take care of myself.”
“I’m not taking any chances.” Matt replied simply, causing you to narrow your eyes at him. “Glare at me all you want, Y/N, but I’m not risking you hurting yourself worse than what you are.”
You huffed and crossed your arms.
He ended up being right though, about you needing to take it easy, because later that same day you were trying to do for yourself when you moved wrong and pulled at your stitches, causing you to yelp in pain and fall to your knees.
Matt was by your side in a flash, kneeling next to you with a worried look as his hands ghosted over you, not wanting to touch you in fear of causing you more pain but also wanting to help in any way he could. “What happened?” He asked, fear and panic in his voice.
You couldn’t even talk yet the pain was that bad, you just pointed over at the laundry basket while still clutching at your side.
Matt sighed in disappointment before looking back at you, his expression still worried. “Do I need to take you to the hospital?”
You shook your head quickly. “No…” You managed to get out. “No hospital…’m fine.” You mumbled.
“You don’t exactly seem fine.” Matt remarked but carefully helped you stand when you were ready.
You got over to the couch, still holding your side in pain but it wasn’t as bad.
Matt sighed softly and took a seat next to you, placing his hand on your knee. “Please stop pushing yourself.”
You didn’t respond to him, just stared at his hand on your knee.
“Please.” He repeated.
You sighed softly, still staring at his hand. “I just don’t wanna be a burden.” You admitted quietly.
Matt moved his hand before shifting so that he could look at you, gently cupping your face to get you to look at him. “You aren’t a burden, Y/N.”
“Yeah I am, if I can’t take care of myself and help out around here, that means you have to do it, so therefore I’m a burden.” You said sadly, your eyes not meeting his.
Matt shook his head. “Look at me.” He said softly and waited until you finally met his eyes. “You aren’t a burden. This is what people in loving, happy relationships do. They take care of each other, especially when one is hurt or sick. You’ve taken care of me plenty of times, remember when I got the flu and could barely get out of bed?”
“That was different.” You said, even though you weren’t exactly sure how.
Matt shook his head again. “No, it wasn’t. We take care of each other because we love each other. You’re not being a burden, you could never be a burden.”
You felt tears sting your eyes and had to look away, sniffling.
Matt carefully wrapped his arms around you while being mindful of your side.
You leaned into him and wrapped your arms around him. “I’m sorry.” You whispered.
“For what?”
“For all this. Getting shot, being a baby about it, not listening.”
Matt snorted a laugh. “Do you ever listen?”
You couldn’t help but smile. “No, but you know what I mean.”
Matt kissed the top of your head. “You don’t have to apologize for any of that.”
“Then what do I have to apologize for?” You asked softly.
“Nothing.” Matt replied softly.
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years ago
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Haven Hotel characters
 Heaven’s Princess Coercia Egnam glanced down at her long list of meeting attendants and characters that she was about to address: (her handwritten notes included)
 Princess Coerciona (2P Charlie) *Most important*
Phalla (2P Vaggie) *Hopeless romantic butterfly*
Devil Grit (2P Angel Dust) *Serious stiff spider*
Stalaro the Techno Angel (2P Alastor the Radio Demon) *Sob story sissy*
Klutzy (2P Niffty) *Lazy maid*
Core (2P Husk) *Hyper fool*
Cherubs Pub and Chub (2P Razzle and Dazzle) *My loyal guards*
Lucius (2P Lucifer) *Dad*
Lilian (2P Lilith) *Mom*
Sivart (2P Travis) *Some guy*
Sir Anguis (2P Sir Pentious) *Stuttering scaredy-snake toy maker*
Berri Blossom (2P Cherri Bomb) *Modest mundane dame*
Catie Carejoy (2P Katie Killjoy) *Soft bitch*
Ron Wrench (2P Tom Trench) *WW1 news guy*
Baker the puffer fish (2P Baxter the anglerfish) *Mad scientist fishy fish*
Jazzy (2P Mimzy) *Chubby singer lady*
Joygrand the Heaven-cat (2P Crymini the deviant hellhound) *Who the fuck are you?*
Raa the Koala angel (2P Roo the kangaroo trash Aussie demon) *Who the fuck are you?*
Iris (2P Rosie) *Day of the Dead Barbie*
Valentine (2P Valentino) *Blueberry pimp wimp*
Nil (2P Vox) *TV guy*
Ashen (2P Velvet) *Harley Doll angel*
Nestlings (2P Egg Bois) *Meh*
Nathan (2P Seviathan) *Old friend*
Elsa (2P Helsa) *Meh*
Beth (2P Bethasa) *Meh*
Fred (2P Fredrick) *Meh*
Holly (2p Molly) *Devil Grit’s spider sister*
Ragno (2P Arackniss) *Devil Grit’s spider brother*
Henry (2P Henroin) *Devil Grit’s father*
Alliv the blue tough tabby cat (2P Villa pink girly poodle) *Don’t even fucking know*
Thin Tenders (2P Fat Nuggets) *Potential snack*
Archangels (2P Archdemons)
Anti-Exorcists: White demon beings who convert angels into demons each year. Great source of entertainment.
 E.L.F. (2P I.M.P.) not to be confused with C.H.E.R.U.B. the sheep love spreaders and revivers
D.E.V.I.L. (2P C.H.E.R.U.B.) murderers, hate-spreading black rams
Docile (2P Blitzo) *Some childish leader*
Tirred (2P Moxxie) *Serious one*
Timmid (2P Millie) *Wallflower*
Sunna (2P Loona) *High pussy*
Mia and Tia (2P Tilla and Barbie Wire) *Circus twins?*
Samael *Punishing BDSM angel*
Menadel (2P Stolas) *Swan prince, Quartet’s father*
Flora (2P Stella) *Quartet’s mother*
Quartet (2P Octavia) * Swan princess, bubbly teen*
Mayberry/Juneberry (2P Mrs. Mayberry) (Former Human)
Mary (2P Martha) (Former Human)
Ralph (2P Ralphie) (Former Human)
Ollie (2P Eddie) *Brat kid*
Bio Wizz (2P Robo Fizz) *Circus conspiracy?*
Kiva (2P Verosika Mayday) *Zealot*
Woo-Hoo Land Mascot (2P Loo-Loo Land Mascot) *What a creep*
 (More to be added)
(2P Zoophobia characters)
More characters to be added
 “Alright my subjects, tell me something,” Coceria began as she filed her sharp claws with a knife in a tall leather chair framed by black wrought iron. Her black spiky crown was on her head as usual. An angelic spear rested by the throne. Below her was a large crowd seated in comfortable chairs, many of them in shades of blue and green. “How the flying fuck am I supposed to remember all your names?! I bet half of you guys are insignificant background characters. And the majority of you haven’t even been featured in the show yet!”
 “You mean the Hazbin Hotel show? About our counterparts?” asked Stalaro, holding up a white rose for Coercia. Soft classical music played from his blue microphone staff. The pansexual blue man was occasionally stealing glances at Devil Grit’s fluff.
 “That’s irrelevant right now, you sad sack of stag shit!” Coercia yelled. Stalaro’s rose wilted in his hands and the music scratched to a stop. Tears were forming in his large blue eyes and his fluffy ear tuffs were drooping. “B-but I’m talking about my show: The Hazbin Ho…”
 “Haven Hotel,” Phalla corrected.
 “Right, Haven Hotel! And there’s also that spinoff show Helluva Boss.”
 “Heavenly Boss,” Docile corrected her. The elf sat with his colleagues next to a flyer which read, “Efficient Lifesaving Fellows: We revive and keep mortals alive! Sign up today, 33% off.”
 “Whatever,”Coercia brushed them aside. “Anyway, normally I wouldn’t care much about you guys, but now that I have formed the Haven Hotel, Phalla figured it should be a good time for us to introduce ourselves. Or more precisely, me to talk to you all.”
 “A practical first start,” Devil Grit mentioned with a nod. He was a dark gray faced spider with small green dots below his eyes. His suit was black with green stripes, along with a green bow tie. “Just make sure that everyone stays at least six feet away from me. Social distancing is a safe standard, and necessary precaution.”  
 “I do love making new friends!” Phalla smiled, fluffing her long black hair with teal ends. A glowing green X was over her right eye and a teal bow was perched don her head. “Don’t you, Klutzy?”
 The small blue cyclops angel narrowed her large eye. “Friends. Oh joy.”
 “I must say, Coerce dear,” said Lucius. “I don’t really approve of your hotel and your idea. If the council finds out about your attempt to promote rule-breaking activities…”
 “Banishment to Hell? Or to my room?” Coercia asked, hands on her hips. “Not the end of the world. And my name is Princess Coerciona. I prefer my full title.”
 Core, the friendly white cat, rolled his eyes. He shuffled a few cards in his furry paws. “She’s no fun.”
 “I heard that, cat!” she called, making him flinch back a bit.
 “We raised you better than this,” Lilian added.
 “Oh really?” The black haired princess stood up and turned toward her mother. “You’d rather I be some bubbly musical loving princess who wants to spread “joy and redemption” far across the land? Ha! No. A true ruler commands fear and respect in their subjects. I’m sure Hell’s king Lucifer would agree.”
 Pub and Chub, the naked flying babies grinned in agreement while fine tuning black electric guitars in the background.
 “We do not mention that name,” Lucius began but Coercia was ignoring them again.
 “Lucifer may be a traitor to Him but at least he had guts. If His teachings weren’t so flawed, I’d still be promoting them wholeheartedly. As for my position…maybe another princess may someday take my place, but that’s not gonna happen if I manage to be princess of both realms. But now I’m here, in this lovely, shiny…fake excuse of a paradise with wackos like you. Still, someone’s gotta keep you in line.”
 Phalla giggled while Core pat a sobbing Stalaro on his blue back. He wiped his face as his monocle glinted in the sunlight under his left eye.
 “Your uncle Metatron wouldn’t approve of your attitude,” Lucius added.
 “He wouldn’t even notice, considering he’s too engrossed in his record-keeping,” countered Coercia.
 Nearby on another part of the stage, the ocean-like angels Elsa and Nathan whispered to each other.
 “I don’t understand it,” Nathan said. “Here I was, promoting goodness for everyone, but Coercia laughed at my ideas and pushed me around. And we even went to Heaven High school prom together.”
 “Lucius wanted our two families united, so we could have a higher standing,” Elsa added. “You dating the princess would’ve helped. But sadly she broke up with you and now here we are, envious.”
 “Don’t remind me,” Nathan sighed. “It’s not like I was the one abusing her and mocking her ideas. At least she didn’t run off with a sinner girlfriend to further tarnish her family reputation. Ugh…restraining societal standards affect us even here.”
 “Or maybe…she’s not much of a romantic person to begin with,” Elsa suggested.
 “Not all aromantic and asexual people are cold-hearted,” Nathan said. “She’s just one bad apple.”
 Coercia seethed at them, briefly letting out her black feathery wings and white spiked halo over her head. She spoke in a high-pitched angelic language before retreating back to her regular form.
     “I hate it when she swears,” Elsa muttered.
  Coercia turned to the crowd. “Alright, let’s begin.”
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neeswords · 5 years ago
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Pairing: Adam Ruzek x Reader
Requested?: no
Word count: 2393
Authors notes: I hope you enjoy it. If you would like a personalised one please do ask! have fun reading! I have also a promt list :)
Trigger warning(s): bad language
Summary: Y/N have been partners for a while now and Adam has this new girlfriend who doesn't get along with Y/N. It causes a wedge between them.
Promt: (6) "You were suppose to be my friend. That's all... that's all I asked of you. To be my friend. To care."
You and Adam have been partners for nearly 2 years now and it feels like everything has reached rock bottom. You were in intelligence before Adam, he joined about 6 months after you did. When he came you welcomed him straight away. You had an instant bond. You and Adam had this promise; whenever there was a bad case you would both deal with it together, you wouldn't suffer alone. And that's what you did, you leaned on each other. After a bad case you'd both go to mollys and have a beer and talk. Its what made you great partners. It comforted both of you. Just each other's presence was enough.
Adam has started dating this girl called Paige. You've met her a couple times at mollys and it is safe to she that she despises you. At first she was so sweet, she came over to you and introduced herself and was so polite. Then she saw you and Adam laughing together and from that moment she decided to not like you. You had to be okay with it. She made Adam happy and all you care about is Adams happiness. You just wish Adam would still be there for you. You missed him.
You'd just finished a very quiet shift with Adam and the team and all of you decided to head to mollys. Once you arrived Paige was already sat there waiting for Adam. You didn't want things to be awkward so you went to the other side of the bar. "Stella can I have a beer please" you smiled at her. "Coming right up" she said enthusiastically. Stella always gave off a good vibe, she just makes everyone smile. She gave you your beer and then went to talk to Severide. You were sat at the corner of the bar alone. You were tempted to leave but you didn't want people questioning why. "Detective Y/L/N I haven't seen you in a minute how are you" you looked up for your eyes to meet with Chief Bodens. You smiled " Chief hi, I'm good thank you! How have things been at 51?" You and the chief sat and had a convocation about life and work. You kept glancing over at Adam he was with the rest of the team. They loved Paige so what could you do? "Why aren't you with them?" Boden curiously asked. You didn't know how to answer so you picked up your beer and drank. Boden just looked at you. You were trying to form the words to say that you missed Adam but instead your emotions took over. Your throat got tight and you could feel the tears brimming in your eyes. You looked up, trying to make sure they wouldn't fall. You were too late they were already streaming down your face. You looked back at Boden "I'm so sorry I don't know why I'm crying, I'm just tired I promise." You said with your voice slightly breaking. Boden gave you a small smile and placed a hand around your shoulder. "51 will always be here for you. Any time. You and Ruzek are close why don't I call him over and—" "no" you quickly interrupted the chief. "I mean thank you Chief it means a lot but I'm fine really, I'm just gonna head home and sleep." You said with the best smile you could put on. The chief looked confused but he understood that you didn't want to talk "goodnight Y/L/N." He softly said.
Once you got home you lost it. You fell down against your door and just cried. You were loosing Adam. No you had lost him. You felt betrayed and alone. You had no one to talk to. Adam hasn't spoke more than 2 words to you since he met Paige. It really hurt you. You then did what you told Boden. You went to sleep.
You must have been asleep for about 2 hours when you hear a knock at your door. You put on a robe and went to the door. You reluctantly opened it to find Jay Halstead. Other than Ruzek you were close with jay. He trusted you and you trusted him. You had a great friendship. "Hey" he said softly with a little smile. "Hey" you replied whilst moving to the side so he could come in. "Is everything okay?" You asked. Jay just looked at you. "Y/N we saw you at the bar. Once you left me and Atwater went to speak to the chief he said to check in on you. I should be asking you if you're okay." You didn't answer instead you went and grabbed a glass of water. "Want one?" You asked jay. He shook his head. "Y/N/N come on talk to me. You know I'm here for you. You're family. You've been here for me since you joined. So let me be here for you" he said with a smile. "Jay nothings wrong really I just— I— er— ugh" you took another mouthful of water hoping that it would turn into vodka so you'd never have to answer. "I miss Adam" you blurted out. Jay looked at you and said " what do you mean you miss him? You saw him today" jay then looked liked he solved a case and his answer was "ohh". You looked at him puzzled. "You're jealous of Paige" Jay teased. You rolled your eyes "I am not" you immediately and defensively said ."sure" jay laughed and gave you a quick hug. "Y/N he's fooling nobody but himself if he thinks that Paige is the one for him. The whole of Chicago knows that you two are meant to be. Try talking to him. Just tell him you miss him" jay suggested. You pulled back from the hug "jay I don't like him in that way, I just miss how things used to be between us. And it doesn't help that Paige hates me" Jay burst into a fit of laughter. "Damn you are both foolish you are in loveee. And please, let Paige hate you! Name one of us who actually like her."Jay then got a call from Will asking for him to pick him up from the hospital. Once he left you decided to head back to bed.
The next morning you stopped off at a coffee shop before heading into work. Ruzek was at the door of the district waiting. You predicted that he was waiting for Voight. You went to walk straight past him when he stopped you and said "really? Not even a good morning? Wow she was right about you" Ruzek mumbled the last part but you still heard. You were confused to say the least. "Excuse me?" You turned and asked him. "What the hell is going on with you. What was last night about? You went and sat on your own you didn't even make an effort with Paige. She's getting offended by all of this nonsense you know. Then Halstead rang me last night you know." Adam then got this pissed off look on his face. "YOU REALLY HAVE TO HAVE ME ALONE AND SAD DONT YOU. YOU TELLING JAY PAIGE HATES YOU. YOU'RE THE ONE WHOS BEEN A BITCH. YOU'VE BEEN NOTHING BUT RUDE TO PAIGE. THE MESSAGES YOU SENT HER WHERE EXTREME BUT NOW KEYING HER CAR! YOU'VE GONE TO FAR! HOW WAS I EVER CLOSE WITH YOU?!" You had never seen Adam this angry before. You had no idea what he was going on about but he clearly had no interest in listening to you. You didn't say a word, you just walked into the district. You didn't bother saying good Morning to Trudy, which is something you always do. You just walked straight up to intelligence. You didn't want to face anyone so you just went straight to the locker room. You couldn't cry, that's what started this. So you just stared at a locker. You snapped out of it and looked up to see Jay stood at the door. "Y/N I'm—" you instantly barged passed him.
You made your way to your desk and just sat down clearly in a mood. Voight then came out his office announcing that we have a case. "Ruzek and Y/L/N I want you both at the crime scene see what you can find. The rest of you talk to your CI's see what you can find. You rolled your eyes and made your way to your car. Adam got into the passenger side without saying a word. You both sat there silently. You arrived at the scene, you couldn't take it you had to say something. "Adam I don't know what you think I did but I didn't. Last night was uncalled for you're right. I should have made an effort i just— I didn't want to bother you. I was sat with Boden just having a convocation I don't know what came over me I was just tired that's the only reason I cried. But do you know what else Is uncalled for? You talking to me like that. You were suppose to be my friend. That's all... that's all I asked of you. To be my friend. To care. I don't want you to be alone and I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I'm so sorry. You said with your voice breaking. You didn't wait for Adams response you just got out the car and viewed the scene. You got what you needed and went back to the car. You faced another silent ride back.
Once you got back to the district Adam immediately got out your car. You stayed in there to have a moment alone. After about 10 minutes you got out. You went to walk past Trudy when she stopped you. "Detective a word". You went to her. She looked at you and said "are you okay?" You nodded and made your way upstairs. You had reached your limits. You didn't know what to do anymore. You felt like you had no one. Adam wasn't there you had no idea where he went.
You were going through some possible suspects when Adam comes upstairs with Paige. He had to be joking right? Jay immediately looked at you. 'Y/N you are a detective for goodness sake grow some balls and stand your ground' you thought to yourself. "Paige can I have a word please" you finally built the courage to say. "Y/N whatever you have to say ,you can say it in front of everyone." She bitchily replied. "Fine" you mumbled. You were about to loose it. "I don't know what I did to piss you off. I really don't. But I am tired of this bullshit. I've apparently been nothing but rude to you so you know what I'll live up to it. YOU ARE FULL OF NOTHING BUT BULL. SO IVE APPARENTLY KEYED YOUR CAR, BEEN RUDE TO YOU. DID I MURDER YOUR FAMILY TOO? Paige I'm tired of this tell him the truth." You said. Out of the corner of your eye you could see jay smirking. Voight was also in the room so you expected him to say something but he didn't. "I-I" was all Paige said when Adam stepped in. "Paige I brought you up here to apologise to Y/N." Paige turned to Adam with her mouth wide open. "Well go on then" was all Adam said. She flicked her hair and left. On her way out she shouted "Adam you and I are over!" Adam just smiled.
You were  still so mad at him so you left the room too. You walked into the locker room. You just sat on a bench with your head in your hands. You felt someone's presence walk in. You then felt a hand on your back. You looked up to see Adam. "I'm surprised you didn't start swinging fists out there" he joked. You weren't in the mood to laugh but you still cracked a smile. You looked at Ruzek "Adam I'm sorry, I reall—" he interrupted you by crashing his lips onto yours. You were so mad at him but you couldn't resist him. You kissed back. Your lips moved in perfect sync when eventually you pulled away. You looked at him and he still has his eyes closed. "Screw it" you mumbled. You straddled him and placed your lips back on him. You were both sat making out on a bench in the locker room. After a while you pulled away. "Adam I don't think we can go back to being friends. It's too complicated" Adam smirked "good i don't want to be your friend" he said then pecked your lips. He laughed at your puzzled face. "Your little speech to me in the car hurt me. I'm so sorry I made you feel like that. You have always been my person. You will always be my person. I have a lot of making up to do and I will but just know that I really am sorry Y/N." You smiled at him and kissed his cheek. You went to get off him when he pulled you back down and said "I don't want to be friends. I want to be more" you didn't know what to say. Luckily you didn't have to say anything because Halstead walked in. "Woah that was a quick make up erm I'm gonna—" Jay was about to leave when you stopped him "jay hold up. I'm sorry about being blunt earlier, I know you were just trying to help" you gave him a hug.
The 3 of us made our way back into the office. Atwater breaks the silence and says "so are you back to being friends now?" You looked at Ruzek and smiled. "Nope. I think we might be more than that"
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writer-rochelle · 5 years ago
Statesman:Ablaze Ch.1: Rules
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(a/n: i’m not sure what happened to my original post, so here it is again. i’m having to use my phone’s hotspot and it’s not the most reliable thing so i apologize for all the mixups) ft ocs by: @sunshinepascal @harrytags @pomelloe-me & myself
“Huh, what’d you say?” 
“Have you seriously not heard a word I just said, Pomegranate?” Alicia King said, sighing. Stakeouts were the worst, and usually being paired up with her good friend Pom Graham, they could be a lot of fun. But it seemed that the young southern woman’s mind wasn’t in the mint green bug they had been in for the past 5 hours. 
“I said I haven’t heard you talk about Whiskey lately...everything okay with y’all?” Alicia asked her friend. Pom had until very recently jabbered on and on about the older Agent Whiskey taking her under his wing. It wasn’t often that the veteran agents took much interest in the new recruits, but Pom was a family friend and as he affectionately called her, “his little pomegranate”.
“No, the stupid cunt has been too fuckin’ busy doing shit in New York to reply to my messages,” Pom said, scrolling through her phone. She didn’t want to admit the sense of abandonment she was starting to feel. She was 24 years old, for fuck's sake, not 4.  She was usually one to share anything that was bothering her, and she knew Alicia would understand, but this was something that she wanted to keep reserved. Maybe she was just overthinking.
“Absinthe! Come in Agent Absinthe!”
Alicia reached up and lightly placed a finger on the left leg of her green aviators. Instantly she could see into the Statesman meeting room. A quick glance showed that Champagne was seated at the head of the table, and from where she (or rather her hologram) sat she could tell she was at the opposite end. Next to him was Agent Cognac and across from her was Agent Whiskey’s hologram. It still never ceased to amaze her how incredibly talented Ginger Ale was. Every weapon, every piece of equipment, hell even every fiber of clothing the agents were given all had Ginger's magic touch. 
“Is Agent Rum still there with you?” Champagne asked, taking off his glasses and cleaning them with the cloth square in the front pocket of his jacket, before placing them back onto his face. He gestured towards Ginger, who walked forward from where she had been standing off to the side with her clipboard. As soon as the other Agent was present they could continue their debrief. 
“The old man is asking for you” Alicia laughed, nudging Pom who had once again turned her attention to the view out her window. Pom rolled her eyes, pushing her tortoise framed glasses onto the bridge of her nose. 
“You rang?” she said, making her voice deep and gravelly like Lurch, the Franken-butler from the Addams Family. The girls erupted into a fit of giggles, as Champagne shook his head in disappointment.
 “She gets that tomfoolery from watching you!” He said, pointing an accusatory finger at Agent Whiskey’s hologram, the man in question shrugging with a smirk on his face. Champagne turned his attention back to the girls. 
“  When y’all are finished, I’d like to carry on with this debrief  .” Alicia silently shook with the aftermath of the giggle fit she and Pom had pitched themselves into, but quickly grew serious. If Agent Whiskey was on the call it had to be of grave importance.
“Well I’ve got some good news, and some bad news,” Champagne said, regarding the two holograms at the end of the table. Agent Cognac shifted in her seat next to her boss and grandfather, she was familiar with the temperament of her two friends and braced herself for the fit they were about to throw.      
“Well, the good news is we found out where those rascals are keeping the Senator's daughter hostage. The bad news is that it's not in that warehouse y’all have been staking out all evenin’.” He pulled a fat cigar out of his jacket pocket, passing it under his nose, sucking the smell of it into his nostrils.  
“What the fuck, Champ?!!! You could have told us sooner!!” Pom shouted, she was seething. The color of her face turned red from anger. Not only had she already missed the weekly update of the Mandalorian on Disney+, but she had been stuck in a cramped car with a mix of Alicia’s perfume, her own deodorant, and the leftover stench of the KFC they had eaten. She was on the verge of a headache, and more importantly on the verge of beating the old man with her bat. 
“I told you she was gonna be pissed.” Whiskey muttered. Champ glared at his hologram before continuing his spiel.  
“As I was sayin’, Tequila was wrong; it turns out she's being held in the basement of her own house. Ginger Ale, if you’ll please?” Champ said, watching as the resident tech wiz pulled up security footage on a screen on the wall of the conference room. The Agents watched as Molly Dubois was dragged out of her house and shoved into an unmarked car, only to be returned hours later (still bound with her head in a sack) back to the mansion. 
“As it turns out, with the elections coming up soon, the Senator is looking to boost his image with the voters to ensure he’s re-elected. We were able to intercept some phone calls, I’ll be sending you all the audio recordings to listen to on your own time.” Ginger said, tapping around on her clipboard. Alicia looked over at Pom, the two agents seemingly on the same brain wave. They both knew that Senator Xavier Dubois was a ruthless, greasy, piece of crap. He would do anything to keep the state of Kentucky under his control. 
“What do you need us to do, Champ?” Alicia said, revving her green bug to life and buckling her seat belt. No need for discretion when it wasn’t the right location. “Pom, I know your ass is not wearing a seatbelt, bitch,” Alicia said quietly, stepping on the brake, cackling when Pom lurched forward in her seat colliding with the dashboard. 
“AAARGH! Fuck you!! You didn’t have to fucking brake check me!” Pom yelled, hitting Alicia’s arm before buckling her seatbelt and crossing her arms over her chest.  
“Alright kids, that’s enough! Y’all should know better than to be acting a fool and havin' an attitude during debriefs and y’all are just goofing off, actin’ like y’all ain’t got no good sense.” Champagne said harshly, watching as their holograms faded out. “Whiskey, I want you flying out to HQ asap!” 
“Sure thing boss, I’m on my way.” Whiskey said, winking at Agent Cognac before his hologram also faded out. 
Other agents sitting at the table began to remove their glasses, mirroring the actions of Whiskey, their respective holograms also disappearing. Champ and Agent Cognac were the only ones remaining in the room. Ginger, having slipped out quietly to return to her lab. Cognac turned, realizing her grandpa was staring at her closely. She blushed as she slipped her glasses into the pocket of her jacket.
“What?” She said, sheepishly pouring herself a glass of water. Champagne glared knowingly at her, putting an end to any other words about to come out of her cherry-red lips. After the tragic death of her parents (both statesman alum), he made it a point to take her in and continue to raise her as his own. He'd be damned if he let his granddaughter fall off onto the wrong side of the law. 
“Don’t think you can pull the wool over my eyes, young lady. I may be old, but I haven’t lost my sight yet!” The elder agent said with great discipline, shaking his finger at her like she was five again. He rose from his seat, moving to stand in front of the window with his hands clasped behind his back. 
“Why are you doing this to me, Carey? You know the rules! No-“
“No fraternizing with fellow Agents! I know, Grandpa,” she said, moving to stand next to him. She felt guilty; Champ had put his neck out for her countless times, hell, he was the sole reason she was still alive. The same people who had killed her parents were set out to kill her too. If he hadn't stepped in when he had….the thought of it made her shudder. 
“First of all, don’t interrupt your old man, Carey Ann. Secondly, if you know you shouldn’t, why do it?! Whiskey is a highly skilled agent; but when he’s off the clock? Jack Daniels is not the kind of man I’d want dating my granddaughter.” Champagne said. Carey sighed, knowing that he was only looking out for her. But if he knew the true extent of the relationship she had with Whiskey, he would grow even more furious.  
“It’s nothing, I promise! I just assist him with things around the New York offices from time to time...” She said innocently, turning to grab her jacket and head for the door.
“Well those ‘things’,” Champagne made air quotes around the words ‘things’, following the young woman with his cold gaze, “Those things better not be in his pants, missy! I’ll tan both of your hides; I don’t give a rat’s ass if you’re 30 years old, damn it!” His words falling on deaf ears, his granddaughter having already disappeared out the door. He sighed in defeat. Wrangling these kids was starting to get harder and harder. 
“Lord help me.”
a/n: i’m real upset, i have no clue what happened to the original post. I apologize for the mess. Thanks for reading <3 roach
Statesman: Ablaze is a multi-part fic that is a collaboration between myself and the ladies tagged. After throwing our ideas around late one night, this baby was born. We are very excited to share this with y’all, and hope you like reading it as much as @pomelloe-me and I do writing it. 
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porkchop-ao3 · 5 years ago
A Thrill I’ve Never Known (Chapter 51)
Visiting Hours
Arthur expresses his concern over reader’s sickness (yes I wrote this purely to address an idea that I think I accidentally put in people’s heads last chapter lol), Dutch receives a letter, and Arthur and Sadie go to break John out of prison.
Tagging @emily-strange ❤
(All chapters tagged with #ATINK and also posted on Ao3, username PorkChop)
Arthur made it back as everyone was adding the final touches to camp. As soon as he arrived, he carried me over to his tent, laying me down on his bed, insisting that I take it while my leg healed. I couldn't bring myself to decline, laying down on the ground for as long as it would take for my leg to be functional again was about the last thing I wanted to do. Miss Grimshaw told me that it wouldn't be too long before I should start getting up and moving around a little, just to do chores. It would help make sure I had plenty of mobility in my leg once the skin healed, and I certainly wasn't about to argue with that. I was ready to stretch my legs, and it'd only been a few days. 
When I told him I'd been sick, Arthur was concerned. Like Charles, he immediately began checking for signs of an infection, only being slightly relieved when I reassured him that that probably wasn't the cause. He stared at me for a moment, his mouth opening and closing a number of times as he crouched down by the side of the bed, leaning close to me. 
"I feel much better now, it's okay. I just got a little travel sick," I shrugged. He gnawed on his bottom lip. "What's wrong?" I frowned, rolling onto my side to face him properly.
"Are you sure it's travel sickness? You've never been ill when we've moved before," he pointed out. I shrugged my shoulders.
"Sure, but I've never been in pain when travelling before. What else would it be?" I asked.
"I'm just– what about your– could you be–" he stammered, and I stared blankly at him, waiting for him to articulate. "Have you been… bleedin'... normally?" He asked in a very hushed tone, his eyes dropping away from my face with a little discomfort. 
It took me a second to understand what he was asking, immediately thinking about the wound on my leg, which hadn't really bled much at all… It soon clicked, though. 
"Oh, I... I don't think it could be that," I murmured. 
"I just know sickness can sometimes be a sign and we've… are you sure?" He asked. 
"I'm sure," I nodded.
"I don't mean to tell you about your own body, I'm just– when was the last time?" He scratched at his scalp, clearly feeling perturbed by the topic. 
"Currently," I finally told him with a sigh, trying not to feel too embarrassed by it. "It began this morning. Hell, that might've even had something to do with my sickness, sometimes I feel a little off."
"Oh. I see, that's… that's that then," he gave a breathy laugh, perhaps what you'd call relieved. "Do you need anything?"
I shook my head, "I'm fine, thank you. And don't worry about that, I think I'd notice if something was amiss."
"No, of course. I'm being silly," he shook his head. 
"We've been careful, as well," I said, my tone light. He met my eyes again.
"Careful or not, it could still happen, princess," he whispered, reaching out and brushing his palm over my hair. I frowned a little, wondering if he was about to tell me we couldn't be with each other like that anymore. "Don't worry. I'll always look after you, whatever happens. I just want you to be okay, you'll tell me if anything like that happens, won't you?"
"Of course I would," I whispered. He pressed a kiss to my forehead. 
"If you wanna stop all'a that till we're free of this place, we will," he said, and I shook my head before he'd even finished the sentence. He chuckled at that.
"I couldn't, I love you. I want all that, it means so much–" I began, my voice rising high enough for him to gently shush me with an amused smile on his face. 
"Well, I'm glad I ain't the only one," he breathed, leaning in and kissing my temple, my cheek, my neck–
"You want me to draw the curtains?" A very loud, very drunk Karen said as she staggered by. She was clearly making the most of the fresh stock of alcohol Pearson had been out and fetched. Arthur breathed deep and slow as he pulled back, sitting down on his backside and leaning against the crate next to the bed with a content little smile.
"Dutch! There's a letter here– Molly. There's a letter from Miss O'Shea, I thought you should read it," Uncle was calling as he came shuffling into camp. He waved the thing in the air as Dutch got up from his reading spot to meet him half-way. I watched him as he did, his face a hard, creased frown, his moustache almost covering the narrow line of his mouth. 
Everyone seemed to stop and stare, and Dutch didn't notice, or care. He took the letter, peeled the paper open and scanned the page. Everything was far too quiet as his eyes jerked back and forth over the words, his expression unchanging. His hand lifted to idly rub at his moustache. I felt Arthur glance at me only for a moment, before returning to join everyone else in waiting for Dutch's reaction. 
It was a long letter. Either that or he was reading it over and over. My curious side reared up and I was desperate to know what she'd written. 
Eventually, Dutch reanimated, lowering the letter, lifting his eyes to look at everyone. He realised, then, that all of the attention was on him, and he cleared his throat, lifting his chin minutely. "Miss O'Shea… has returned to Ireland," he said slowly, emotionlessly, matter-of-factly.
So, she had gone home. In the end, she'd made her choice. A smile appeared on my lips before I realised, even as Dutch wordlessly turned and strolled back over to his tent, disappearing inside. 
A beat passed, and then everyone began to murmur.
"Shit," Arthur breathed, turning to me. "When did that happen? I hadn't even– it's been such a whirlwind of a few days…" he trailed off. 
"She left while you were away. I thought she might've gone home," I admitted. "She… she and I spoke a little."
"You did?" He seemed surprised by this. 
"She weren't happy. You know that," I said, and Arthur nodded slowly. "I told her she's gotta do what's right for her. And she did," I said with certainty, perhaps a little coldness. 
"Maybe I should go speak to Dutch," he said under his breath, thoughtfully. I opened my mouth to protest, to tell him that Dutch brought it on himself by brushing her off constantly, so he should leave him to wallow. But I softened my words at the last moment. 
"His ego'll be bruised. He probably needs a minute."
"Mm, you're prob'ly right," he mumbled, resting back against the crate. "Still, can't believe she actually went. She was a fool for that man."
"Yeah, but she weren't a fool, full stop. She knows when she ain't appreciated. Much as she didn't wanna accept it in the beginning," I sighed. Arthur hummed quietly in agreement. 
"At least she don't have to deal with any of this anymore," he said. I tilted my head to look at him, then dropped my open hand against the bed, clapping my fingers against my palm until he slotted his own hand there. 
"Hopefully we won't, soon," I whispered. He watched me for a while, his expression unchanging. Then he moved forward, turning my hand and pressing a row of kisses across my knuckles. 
"I love you," he told me softly, then lowered his voice further, "it's about time for me to go. Meetin' Sadie down by the Lannahechee River, we're gonna get John–"
My eyes widened. "Today?" I gasped. 
"Shh, shh, you can't tell no one. Dutch don't know we're going," he moved onto his knees again, hunching over me as if to conceal the noises I made.
"Who's going?"
"Jus' me and Sadie."
"Just two of you?" I squeaked, panic rushed through me and unsettled my stomach again.
"Trust me, it'll be better with just two," he whispered reassuringly, stroking my hair. "Relax, baby, we got it. We're gonna bring John back to his family."
"Oh, please be careful. Make sure you bring yourself back, too," I pleaded, squeezing his hand tight. 
"I promise," he said. I shifted up, sitting upright, and wrapped my arms around him. I squeezed him so tight, focusing on the warm press of his chest against mine, the push as it expanded with his breaths. I never wanted him to leave my sight, I never wanted to feel like I did back when he was in Guarma, unsure if he would ever return to my embrace.
"Please," I whispered, feeling my throat ache with the urge to sob.
"Princess," Arthur cooed, concerned, "it's okay. Come on, you know I'll always do everything I possibly can to come back to you."
"I'm just scared. I'm scared for you! You're going into a–" I caught myself and lowered my voice significantly– "a heavily guarded penitentiary. They're gonna wanna keep you there!"
"We don't plan on makin' a scene. We're gonna grab him while he's out in the fields, there'll be a couple'a guards at most. Trust me, sweetheart."
"I do trust you," I sniffled, pressing my face into his shoulder where his shirt absorbed the few tears that managed to escape me. "It's the people who point their guns at you that I don't."
"I'll be fine. When I come back, maybe we can sit in here and do some more drawing together?"
I was quiet for a moment, then released him, shifting to lean up against the side of the wagon as best I could with my leg stretched out sideways across the bed. "I'm sorry, I'm acting like a child. You ain't gotta promise me a reward if I'm a good girl."
Arthur chuckled quietly, shaking his head. "I didn't mean it like that," he said with a grin, "don't you wanna?"
"Of course!"
"Well then, just look forward to that," he teased, stood up, and leaned down to kiss the top of my head. "You just relax, you ain't been well today. You don't need to be stressin' about me."
"I'll try my best. Now I ain't gonna keep you no more, go and do what you need to do. You better be safe," I said, handing him his hat from where it was sitting atop a storage crate by the bed. He settled it on his head, his eyes on mine. 
"I'll do my best for you, angel," he smiled. "See you real soon."
I nodded and smiled back, not wanting to speak in fear that he'd hear how scared I really was. He turned and left, and I watched him speed over to Jet, who he fed an apple to and gave a quick brush before mounting, and riding out of camp. He disappeared between the trees and I sighed, knocking my head back against the side of the wagon. I decided to stay sitting up, despite the awkward angle my leg was at, because I was sick and tired of laying down. People tended to avoid me like that, perhaps thinking I was sleeping, or unfit for visitors. At least sitting upright made me feel a little less like an outsider to the camp, just a patient, waiting to recover. 
The camp was quiet now that everyone had settled in and found their place in the new location. Jack and Tilly were playing with the dominoes (whether an actual game of dominoes was going on, I couldn't be sure). Mary-Beth and Susan were trying to get Karen to stay put on her bedroll, she’d thrown up twice since arriving, the mix of beer and whiskey not settling right in her stomach after all the stress. At least I wasn't the only one to have christened the new spot with my stomach contents… Micah was loitering around outside Dutch’s tent (which was still closed off, concealing him from the rest of us), and Bill and Uncle were sitting at the table nearby. Everyone else was dotted around doing little jobs or guarding the camp. I wasn't sure where Charles was, but he’d set out on Taima not long after we’d arrived. 
I slumped in my seat, not really sure what to do with myself. 
“You feelin’ any better?” Lenny appeared by the side of the tent, coming around from the back with a bundle of books in his hands. I smiled at him widely, glad to see him again. 
“Much. Thanks for sitting with me on the way over. That was real kind of you, and you made the journey much better,” I told him, and he shook his head with a smile.
“No problem. I got you some books, I don't know how much of a reader you are. There’s a couple of mine, but I asked Mary-Beth too, thought she’d have some of a little more interest to you,” he said, and I was touched once again by the kindness of those around me. 
“Oh, Lenny. Thank you,” I beamed, taking the books from his outstretched hands.
“Well, I know how it feels to be laid up with a bad leg, remember?” He gave me a little smirk and I nodded. I glanced at his ankle.
“How’d that heal up, by the way?”
“Fine, I can barely tell it even happened,” he informed me, much to my happiness.
“Oh, good, I hope Maggie made amends,” I laughed.
“Oh, sure, she’s been real good. Ain’t even tried stealin’ apples from Pearson’s wagon once since then,” he snorted, “anyway, I better go take over from Javier. Hope those books give you a little entertainment.”
“Alright, thanks again, Lenny,” I gave him a little wave as he headed off.
“No worries,” he called back.
I looked down at the pile of books and began sifting through them, reading the titles. Nothing grabbed me until I came across a pale purple book with golden words on the cover, and I stopped to tilt the thing back and forth to admire the way it caught the light. How pretty! The Castle in the Field of Lavender, it was titled. I put the other books aside, and flicked my chosen one open to the first page.
It was definitely one of Mary-Beth’s books. Well, it could have been Lenny’s, but I just couldn't see him reading about the beautiful, French, enigmatic Mademoiselle la Comtesse and her love affair with Pierre, the Duc of La Mochelle. I couldn't put the damn thing down. I was engrossed, turning page after page all afternoon, for hours, making it over half-way through the book in one sitting. It was undoubtedly the most entertaining book I’d ever read.
I was so engaged with it that I didn’t even hear Susan approach. I just winced when light suddenly hit my eyes, and then I realised that it had become dark, the sun almost completely set! Susan placed a newly-lit lamp down on the crate next to me. 
“If you’re gonna keep reading, you’d best have some light. You’ll strain your eyes reading in the dark,” she said.
“Thanks,” I smiled, watching as she peered at the cover of the book, seeing what I was reading.
“Must be a good book.”
“It’s absolutely dreadful,” I told her bluntly, “but it sure is entertaining.”
“How’d you mean?” She seemed puzzled, frowning at me and cocking her head.
“Well, Mademoiselle la Comtesse’s horse, which is the colour of a French horse, just whinnied Frenchly,” I explained, and Susan chuckled, shaking her head.
“That’s one of Mary-Beth’s,” she nodded in understanding, “now d’you see why I get so irritated with her reading those things instead of doing her chores? Filling her head with nonsense. I hope I ain’t gotta worry about you, now, as well.”
“It’s harmless,” I grinned.
“If you say so,” she shook her head, tutted, and wandered off. 
I giggled to myself, glancing down to find my place on the page, though I was soon distracted by the sound of hoof beats at the edge of camp. My heart pounded when I saw two horses galloping in, the first of which carrying Sadie, and behind her, John. He was dressed in a striped jumpsuit, fresh from the penitentiary. Arthur was close behind them, the orange glow emanating from the camp catching on the sweat on the high planes of his face. A burst of energy crackled down every limb, my heart jumping, something close to joy erupting in my chest at the sight of them all. John: home at last, returning to Abigail and Jack. Arthur and Sadie: both safe and sound and able to pat themselves on the back for pulling off what might seem like the impossible. 
I was so happy, I swung my leg over to rise up to my feet, collapsing straight back down with a hiss of pain when I was reminded of the state of my leg. 
"Fuck," I growled to myself, my hand going to the dressing, fingers wanting to claw into my leg as if that would make it better when it obviously wouldn't. I felt a little embarrassed, and gingerly scooted back onto the bed with a quiet whimper, pressing my lips together. Luckily no one saw my stupidity. 
I sat back and watched as the three of them dismounted, and Abigail rushed over to give John a hug. He caught sight of me from over her shoulder, and I flashed him a big, welcoming smile, which he returned. It fell, though, when Dutch reappeared from his tent at the sound of all the commotion.
"John, what are you doing here?" He shouted across the camp, closing the gap between them.
"It's good to see you too, partner," John replied with a bite to his tone I was surprised to hear directed at Dutch. Arthur strolled closer to them, and he, John and Abigail faced Dutch – flanked by Micah – like they weren't a gang of friends. Like they were against each other. My eyes widened and my ears strained to hear what they were saying, but I couldn't. Only when someone raised their voice or used a sharpened tone did I catch it.
Dutch was talking, his brow furrowed in anger.
"Yeah, I know what you said," I caught part of Arthur's response, his tone irritated and, frankly, tired. 
Dutch didn't like whatever Arthur was telling him, he spoke in a low voice, gesturing to himself and then I heard; "what then, Arthur?
"I guess we'll have another fight on our hands," Arthur's response was gravelly and pissed off. I began to sweat. This wasn't what I expected to happen when John was finally home. I thought Dutch would be at least a little happy to see him, alive and no longer threatened with the noose!
"I had a goddamn plan!" Dutch yelled. Then he addressed John.
"They was talking of hanging me, Dutch–"
"They was talking… and now they may come and hang us all!" Were Dutch's final, dramatic words before he retreated with a swagger to his steps like he was far more intimidating than he actually looked. Micah shook his head like a disapproving elderly and trotted away behind Dutch, his lips practically puckered at the man's behind. I was surprised he didn't have a snarky comment.
Abigail, with a face that was likely potent enough to kill, tugged John by the arm away into their shared tent, shutting the world out behind them. Arthur lingered in his spot for a moment, watching Dutch disappear inside his tent once more, his jaw set solid and tense, likely doing his teeth no good. I called out his name, and he looked over at me, his expression loosening just a bit. There was a pause, he glanced around at the others in camp who were only just beginning to stop staring in shock, then he was approaching me. 
He freed the curtains around the tent, letting them drop closed around us, shutting off our private little space. His back was to me, and I could see his shoulders expanding quickly with heavy, shaky breaths. His fists were clenched tight. He was practically shaking. 
"Arthur," I whispered softly. He didn't respond, and I heard him trying to steady his breath. I gave him time.
"Sadie and I risk our necks to save one of our own, and that's the thanks we get?" He said under his breath, tone gruff. "Marston gets back after being gone weeks, locked up and facing death, and this is his welcome home party?" His voice raised a little. 
I kept my mouth shut, knowing that he was completely justified in his anger, and not wanting to make things worse by spitting poison about the man who'd caused it. 
"I just–" Arthur spun around to look at me– "he ain't who I believed him to be all those years. The Dutch I know ain't like this. He's always spoutin' off about loyalty, but it seems that only matters when it's his ass that's bein' kissed! Damn the rest of us."
"I know," I whispered in a small voice. Arthur sighed loudly and gave his head a sharp shake. 
"If it was up to him, I'd still be swinging upside-down in the O'Driscolls' den, and John'd be swinging from his goddamn neck," he muttered, then stormed over to sit down on the edge of the bed. I sat up and rubbed his shoulder. "How can he call us family? How can he look John in the eye, tell him he's his brother? His son?" He scoffed, lip curling in disgust. 
I kneaded his shoulders with my fingertips.
"I jus' don't understand," his final words were defeated. Sad, more than angry. I leaned forwards, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, pressing a kiss to his temple. 
"Perhaps in the morning he'll have changed his tune," I suggested, nestling my cheek against his. 
"Mm," he grunted disinterestedly. 
"Thank you for rescuing John. He saved my life, he's the very reason I have you in my life. It's so good to see him reunited with his family. If Dutch don't appreciate it, who cares? You did the right thing, and that's what's important," I told him. His hand raised to stroke my forearms. 
"Yeah, I s'pose that's right," he mumbled. 
"Don't think about Dutch. You can't change the way he acts, so just focus on the people who ain't questioning you, who know why you do what you do."
He took my hand, interlaced our fingers and lifted the back of my hand to his mouth to press a sweet kiss there. He hummed softly with a sigh, then tilted his head to look at me from the corner of his eye.
"You're good at that," he said, and when I looked at him blankly, he elaborated, "at calmin' me down."
I didn't say anything, I just kissed his cheek. 
"How're you feeling now?" He asked. 
"I'm feeling fine, now you're back. Spent the evening reading one of Mary-Beth's books," I told him, lifting it up and showing him the cover. The corner of his lip curled up. 
"One o' them romances? Hope this ain't giving you unrealistic expectations of me," he teased. 
"Not in the slightest," I snorted, dropping the book down on the bed. 
"Knock, knock," a husky voice came from outside the tent, and I smiled at the sound of John's voice, even happier than I thought I'd be to hear it again. 
"Come on in," I called out, detangling myself from Arthur and leaning back on the pillow. "It's good to see you," I grinned at him when he slipped inside.
"Glad someone is," he laughed darkly in response, then gestured to my leg, "Abigail told me 'bout what happened to you. Sounded pretty nasty."
"Well, it weren't no fun," I snorted, "but I'm getting there. I'll just be glad when I can get out of camp for a little fresh air."
"How is it? You in a lot of pain?" He asked me with a small wince on his face. Arthur glanced over his shoulder for my response. 
"A bit," I shrugged slightly. It was more than a bit, but there was no point in making everyone feel bad for me.
"Well, I guess you've got an excuse to drink a lot of whiskey," he laughed, trying to find a silver lining I suppose. I laughed, but I struggled to pour much genuine humour into it. "I uh, I know these last few weeks ain't been easy on all'a you. Abigail said you was real good to her while I was away. Thanks for being there for her."
"She did the same for me," I told him.
"Yeah?" He smiled, then glanced at Arthur with a playful gleam in his eye, "well, ain't that nice, Arthur? The wives're getting along."
Arthur breathed a quiet laugh, hanging his head between his shoulders and idly scratching at his wrist. I rolled my eyes in amusement.
"Anyway, how was it in prison?" I asked him. He grunted.
"About what you'd expect. Pretty awful. But hey, ain't had such a solid roof over my head for so long in a while, so I guess you could say it was uh, a bit of a novelty. Wore off pretty quick, though," he explained, pushing a smile onto his face that didn't strike me as genuine. 
"You were in there for what, a month at least?" I noted, and he looked down at his shuffling feet. 
"Yeah, I guess it weren't all that long. Least I was dry, and in the country. Just about, anyway," he laughed, meeting Arthur's eyes. 
"A month is a long time," I disagreed. "Anyway, I'm just glad to have you back. Now we're all together again, things'll get easier, I'm sure."
"I sure hope so. I don't know what Dutch's grand plan is, but I'm about ready to hear it."
"Ain't we all?" Arthur muttered. 
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zen3to5 · 5 years ago
J/H 4-26: Everybody Loves Casey
Okay, back to the full scripts! Jackie and Kelso broke up early in this timeline, which means other events might be moving up too. And what does Hyde think of that?
(We assume, following production order, that 4-25, "That '70s Musical," is unchanged. I admit that's a bit of a stretch, given the "Love Hurts" number, but since Jackie and Kelso never explicitly state they're together outside of Fez's fantasies, and because that episode is pretty much a one-off within Season 4, I think we can get away with it.)
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SHOW TITLE   INT. FORMAN KITCHEN - DAY   A sunny afternoon. ERIC is at the stovetop, scraping peanut butter out of the jar for a PB&J sandwich. HYDE enters from the living room and crosses to the fridge.   ERIC: Oh, Hyde, get this. Casey just came by to pick up Donna, and he was out in the street just revving his Trans Am real loud, and then he peels out in the street, and he started doing donuts. And then, out comes Donna, all smiling and, like, looking at him.   Hyde grabs some juice and crosses to Eric.   HYDE: What a slut!   ERIC: Look, if she wants to date him, that's fine. But he doesn't have to be all loud and jerky about it. Jerky, loud, donut jerk.   RED and KITTY enter through the patio door, grocery bags in hand. Kitty hurries to set hers down and cross to the boys.   KITTY: Oh, guess what, boys? I entered the big wiener contest at the Piggly Wiggly, and I won a year's supply of all-beef hot dogs! (laughs) I'm a wiener winner! (laughs again)   She gives the boys a chance to react; they aren’t impressed.   KITTY (cont’d): Well, anyway, we're having a barbecue.   RED: No, Kitty! I thought we were going to talk about that.   KITTY: Mm-hmm. (to Eric) Oh, and I saw Donna at the grocery store, and she said she's bringing her friend Casey.   ERIC: What? No. I hate Casey. He's Donna's new boyfriend. You have to uninvite him. (to Red) Dad, tell her.   RED: Kitty, you've done a horrible thing. It could scar the boy for life. Now, let's do the right thing and cancel that barbecue.   KITTY: No. We're having it, and it'll be fun. (to Eric) And... and we just... we won't give Casey any relish.   She and Red step out to fetch more groceries. Eric turns to Hyde.   HYDE: All right. Once Casey finds out he's not getting any relish, he'll dump Donna for sure. (laughs) You are so screwed.
MAIN CREDITS   BUMPER   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - DAY   A gathering of the guys. Eric sits on the back of the couch, FEZ in the far seat of it, and KELSO in the lawn chair. Hyde ambles in from his room, records in hand. He sets them down by the record player and starts going through them. “Good Times Roll” by The Cars plays on the radio.   FEZ: (to Eric) So your mom invited Casey over for hot dogs? Well, that's a plump, juicy, all-beef burn.   KELSO: Ah, it's just typical women stuff. Like Jackie kissing that guy.   Hyde lunges, frogs Kelso in the arm.   KELSO (cont’d): Ow! Hyde!   HYDE: Yeah. Okay? I've decided if anyone brings up any more stupid girl stuff, I'm gonna throw something at 'em. This time, I threw a fist.   He goes to his chair and sits.   KELSO: I'm sorry. It's just - everything reminds me. And I dumped her over a week ago, and she hasn’t once called to say “hi” or offer me sad-but-hot break-up sex!   HYDE: You two broke up?   KELSO: Yeah, and it’s the worst one yet.   FEZ: All because of the cheese guy?   KELSO: Hey, I changed, and became responsible, and stopped my cheating. Then she goes and makes out behind my back, and keeps calling me names and putting me down?   He pouts, folds his arms, taps his foot.   KELSO (cont’d): You know what? If she’s not gonna call me, then I’m gonna go over there and yell at her some more.   He stands and exits out the basement door.   ERIC: You guys, I've been thinking about Donna. And I –   Hyde grabs a magazine from the coffee table, tosses it at Eric.   HYDE: This time I threw a magazine.   ERIC: No, guys, seriously. This barbecue might work out in my favor. You see, Donna's only seen Casey around his smelly, tattooed Molly Hatchet-loving friends. But when he comes to the barbecue, he'll be around us. Good, clean, Lynyrd Skynyrd-lovin' Americans. And the comparison will not be kind to him.   HYDE: And then Donna will come running home to you.   ERIC: No. (beat) Well, maybe. You think?   HYDE: So, instead of pounding Casey like you should, you came up with this zany scheme? Forman, you've officially turned into Daffy Duck. (doing Daffy) You're “dethpicable!”   He makes a show of shaking his head.   FEZ: You know, I have lady problems too.   Hyde grabs a Packers’ football and chucks it at Fez, who dodges it without even looking up.   FEZ (cont’d): Rhonda won't let me get past second base. I even said “please.” Magic word, my ass. Hyde throws another ball, and this time, it hits. Fez frowns at him and chucks it back, and they get into a throwing war.   BUMPER   EXT. FORMAN DRIVEWAY - DAY   Concurrent with the previous scene from Kelso’s exit. He storms around the house and into the driveway. From the other direction comes JACKIE. They meet, lock eyes.   JACKIE: Hey.   KELSO: Hey.   JACKIE/KELSO: I just came by -/I miss you.   They step back.   JACKIE/KELSO: What?   JACKIE: Did you say you miss me?   KELSO: No.   JACKIE: Look, just say you miss me!   KELSO: Fine, I miss you!   Jackie takes his hands in hers.   JACKIE: Michael, I miss you too. And, look, I was thinking - since we broke up because I kissed another guy, what if I let you kiss another girl? I mean, we could be even, and we could get back together.   KELSO: Jackie, if you think that me kissing another girl is gonna bring us closer together, I'm totally willing to make that sacrifice.   JACKIE: Thank you, Michael.   KELSO: Yeah! (beat) I better go wash my face.   He pulls his hands free and heads down the street, and Jackie heads into the Forman’s kitchen.   BUMPER   EXT. FORMAN DRIVEWAY – DAY   The weekend, and the barbecue, have arrived. A table loaded with hot dogs, condiments, and drinks is out on the driveway, and a healthy population of neighbors enjoy the party.   Hyde and Fez, on the porch, lean against the house. Eric comes around the house, crosses to them.   ERIC: Okay, Fez, when Casey gets here, ask him for advice about your second-base problem. My advice is gonna be way better than his, and Donna will see that he's a greasy dolt.   HYDE: Hey, Forman, I have an idea. Set up a wacky system of ropes and pulleys, and when Casey gets here, drop an anvil on his head.   It gets a laugh from Fez, at least.   FEZ: (to Eric) Because that's what Daffy does.   ERIC: Yeah, I got that. DONNA and CASEY walk up the driveway, arms around each other’s shoulders. DONNA: Hey, guys.   ERIC: Hey.   CASEY: (to Eric) Hey, Foreplay. Getting a little shaggy up there, buddy.   He ruffles Eric’s hair.   ERIC: Okay. Well, that's enough of that!   He throws Casey’s hand away.   ERIC (cont’d): Okay. So, uh... hey, you guys are just in time. Fez was telling me about, uh... (to Fez) Some kind of problem you're having with Rhonda?   FEZ: Yeah. Rhonda won't let me get past second base, and I really want to explore further.   ERIC: Gosh. Well, I don't know. I think if you're patient and you're respectful, when Rhonda's ready, she'll, uh... she'll wave you over.   FEZ: Well, thank you, Eric. That is very gentlemanly advice.   ERIC: Gentlemanly? Well, uh, guilty as charged, I guess. (to Casey) Hey Casey, what do you think?   CASEY: Well, sometimes a seasoned lady like Rhonda, she's gotten used to the usual order of things. So, I think the next time you're fooling around, just skip second and go right to third.   ERIC: What?   FEZ: It's genius! (to Eric) No wonder you never get any.   DONNA: (to Fez) Yeah, with Rhonda, you know, that just might work.   ERIC: (to Donna) Wait, you like that?   DONNA: Well, the words are wrong, but they sound so good coming out of his mouth.   CASEY: (shrugs) I got a way about me. He pats Eric on the shoulder, and he and Donna head into the party.   Hyde comes up behind Eric. HYDE: (doing Daffy) That worked out “thuper.”   CUT TO:   EXT. FORMAN BACKYARD – DAY   More of the barbecue, not as crowded as out front. Several of the local ladies have gathered in this part of the house, and Kelso strolls up and down, checking them out. Behind him follows a scowling Jackie. Kelso keeps glancing behind him to see Jackie’s reactions; he’s enjoying this.   KELSO: Let's see... which chick do I want to kiss?   Jackie takes his arm, spins him around.   JACKIE: Oh, no, no, no, no, Michael. I get to pick the girl.   KELSO: But you'll pick an uggo.   JACKIE: (shrugs) You didn’t call “no uggos.”   KELSO: I just thought of something. Your plan’s good and all, but what if the girl that you pick doesn't wanna kiss me?   They both consider that for a moment, then break up laughing.   KELSO: “Doesn't wanna kiss me!”   They laugh some more.   CUT TO:   EXT. FORMAN DRIVEWAY – DAY   The party continues. Red works at the grill. He passes a hot dog onto Eric’s plate, and Eric takes it over to Donna, who is at the table with Casey.   ERIC: Hey, Donna, would you like a hot dog?   DONNA: Um, maybe half. Casey draws a bowie knife from his back pocket. He takes the plate from Eric and slices the hot dog in half. ERIC: Whoa, man, you carry a knife?   CASEY: Yeah. You never know when a lady's gonna need a half a hot dog. It's funny, man. You're the boy scout, but I'm the one who's prepared.   He and Donna head toward the basketball hoop. Fez crosses to Eric’s side.   FEZ: He's like a gladiator.   ERIC: Okay, that's it. I'm bringing out the big guns. Oh, yeah. I'm introducing him to my folks.   He spies Kitty coming out from the kitchen. He takes her by the shoulders, steers her over to Casey and Donna.   ERIC (cont’d): Oh, hey, Mom, meet Casey. This is Donna's new boyfriend.   Casey gives her a nod. Kitty stares up at him, wide-eyed.   KITTY: Well, you're certainly not a girl. (laughs)   CASEY: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Forman. You know, you couldn't have picked a prettier day to win a year's supply of hot dogs.   KITTY: (laughs) Yeah, sure is a hot dog.   She falls into laughing again. Eric leads her away.   ERIC: Mom!   KITTY: Sorry, honey, it's just, he's just... I am sure you are much smarter.   Red crosses over to them.   RED: Kitty, the idiot neighbors drank all my beer.   ERIC: Uh-oh. You're in a bad mood. Hey, meet Casey.   CASEY: (shakes Red’s hand) Pleasure, sir. Hey, maybe I can help. I always keep a spare case of beer in the Trans Am. Little tip I picked up in the army.   He walks off down the driveway. Beaming, Donna crosses over to the porch to talk to Hyde.   Red and Kitty turn to Eric. Red seems impressed, Kitty smitten.   RED: I don't know. Seems like a pretty good kid.   KITTY: Uh-huh. On the porch, Hyde is back to leaning against the house as Donna stands across from him. HYDE: So, you and Casey, huh?   DONNA: Look, Hyde, whatever you heard about Casey, he's changed now. He's... he's mature.   HYDE: Oh, yeah. He's real mature.   DONNA: Well, I like him! We're together, and if you can't deal with that, then you can just go to hell!   She turns, runs after Casey.   HYDE: Hey, that's not barbecue language, young lady!   Donna meets Casey as he comes back up the driveway with a case of beer. A grape soda is balanced on top. Casey hands the case to Red.   CASEY: Here's that beer, sir. I got a soda for the minor.   He hands Eric the soda can.   CASEY (cont’d): (to Eric) Now, you make sure to drink that real slow, 'cause I don't want you to get a tummy ache, little guy.   He pats Eric on the stomach.   KITTY: Well, that's thoughtful.   RED: Yeah, he cramps up easy.   Eric, at a loss for words, shifts on his feet and cracks open the soda.   FADE TO BLACK   COMMERCIAL   BUMPER   EXT. FORMAN BACKYARD - DAY   Most of the gang has moved back here. Eric and Kelso lean against the door into the garage. Kelso’s eye scans the crowd, lingering on all the women; Eric looks down at the ground with his arms crossed. Further into the yard, Hyde and Jackie sit and talk on lawn chairs.   ERIC: Casey and Donna, man. (to Kelso) Hey, remember when we were 12? We didn't even like girls yet.   KELSO: (still scanning) I liked girls when I was 12.   ERIC: Well, at least I gave it my best shot, right? If Donna loves Casey and not me, then... I mean, I guess it's over.   Kelso stops scanning, turns to Eric and puts a hand on his shoulder.   KELSO: Forman, you can't give up. Look, who knows what’s gonna happen with me and Jackie, but what you and Donna had? That was, like, real. And I'm telling you, as his brother, Casey is bad news. He's either gonna get bored and split, or something worse is gonna happen. So, you gotta do something.   ERIC: (beat) Hey, since when did you get all serious?   KELSO: Well, I’ve been broken up with Jackie, and she cut me off for a while before that, so I think the lack of lovin’ is making more blood flow to my brain.   In the lawn chairs, Hyde massages his temple; Jackie’s just explained her plan.   HYDE: So, you’re letting Kelso kiss some other girl so you can get back together with him?   JACKIE: Yeah. That way, we’ll be even.   HYDE: Jackie, by that logic, “being even” means that you sleep with, like, four guys. This is nuts.   JACKIE: Steven, I don’t care if you don’t think it makes sense! If this is the only way for Michael and me to get back together, then that’s what I’m going to do!   She stands and storms off. Hyde stands too, looks around at the guests.   HYDE: This is a hot dog party, people! Not a yell-at-guys-with-good-advice party!   CUT TO:   INT. FORMAN KITCHEN – DAY   The next day. Fez and Hyde sit at the kitchen table, bowls of soup in front of them. Red sits on a stool at the island. Kitty comes over from the stovetop with one last bowl and a tray of sandwiches. KITTY: Okay, everyone. Here's lunch: hot dog soup!   HYDE: (groans) No more hot dogs! I'll just eat the grilled cheese.   He picks up a sandwich.   KITTY: You mean, grilled cheese with hot dogs!   Hyde throws the sandwich back down.   RED: Kitty, for God sakes, I ate 14 hot dogs yesterday!   KITTY: Well, what do you want me to do, Red? They're everywhere. They're a curse on this house!   RED: Oh, fine. Let's make some calls. Maybe we can unload the damn things on a nursery school.   He stands and leads Kitty out into the living room.   Eric enters from the basement, sits down at the table. ERIC: You guys, I’ve let this thing with Casey go way too far.   HYDE: Yeah, no kidding. Donna's pretty far gone. She's starting to lash out at people at barbecues. You gotta kick his ass, man.   FEZ: Hyde, Eric cannot beat Casey with his fists. He's a special boy who must beat him with his special strengths. Now, let's think. What is Eric's special strengths?   He puts his hands together in thought. Slow pan in, and we cut to:   INT. GAME SHOW SET   FANTASY SEQUENCE. A true ‘70s game show set – tacky as hell. Boxes are everywhere. Fez, in an equally tacky suit, spins around and flashes a grin for the camera. Two boxes flank him on either side. FEZ: Welcome back to TV's favorite game show - Get Into That Box!   The title flashes across the screen as he says the name.   FEZ (cont’d): Now, let's meet our returning champion, Eric Forman!   Eric’s head pops out from the box on Fez’s left.   ERIC: Thanks. Good to be back, Fez.   FEZ: Let's meet our challenger, Casey Kelso!   Casey walks onto set, to the applause of the off-screen audience.   FEZ (cont’d): Casey Kelso, it's time to...   He points out to the audience.   AUDIENCE (v.o.): Get into that box! Casey steps inside the box on Fez’s right. He tries to sit in it, but it bursts open at the side and Casey spills out onto the floor. CASEY: (to Fez, indicates Eric) How does he do it?   Donna, in a tacky dress, comes running from off-stage to hug Eric – or, rather, his box.   DONNA: He's so tiny!   She caresses his box as Eric shakes his hands in celebration.   CUT TO:   INT. FORMAN KITCHEN – DAY   Back to reality. Fez nods contentedly at his fantasy.   FEZ: I would watch that show.   ERIC: (beat) Okay. That was great. Guys, I'm going over to Casey's. And I don't know what I'm gonna do. But if things get physical, I'm just gonna have to drop the hammer.   HYDE: And if all else fails, kick him in the stones and run like hell.   ERIC: Yeah, that's what I meant by “drop the hammer.”   And out he goes through the patio door. BUMPER   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - NIGHT RHONDA’S POV. She makes out with Fez on the basement couch. Fez pulls back and smiles. FEZ: Rhonda, your lively tongue has made me thirsty.   He lifts up a soda can, takes a sip through a straw, and offers it to Rhonda.   FEZ (cont’d): Would you like to wet your whistle?   Rhonda (the camera) nods. Fez passes the soda can. A long, loud slurping sound unnerves him; Rhonda’s drained the whole can.   FEZ (cont’d): Wow, thirsty lady. Well, we're off to a nice start. Shall we move on to second base? He reaches his hand out, places it where Rhonda’s breasts would be. His smile grows at first, but quickly falls when Rhonda’s big hand closes around his wrist and pulls his hand away. Her other hand shoots out and takes Fez by the throat. FEZ: Ai, no!   CUT TO:   INT. HUB – NIGHT   A decent nighttime crowd. “I Just Want to be Your Everything” by Andy Gibb plays on the jukebox. Jackie and Kelso stand near the counter, Kelso nursing a soda. He scans the crowd for women, and one walks by. KELSO: How about I kiss her?   JACKIE: No way. She's too tall, too tanned, too rich.   KELSO: Damn, Jackie, I don't wanna kiss a short, pale, poor girl.   JACKIE: Okay, look, Michael, all I know is that I don't want to stay broken up. Okay, you know what? You choose. Kiss any girl you want.   Kelso makes a brief show of looking around, then bends down and snakes a kiss from Jackie.   KELSO: I choose you.   JACKIE: Michael, that is the most romantic thing I've ever read, heard about, or seen on TV.   KELSO: Yeah, it was pretty romantic. I could tell while I was doing it.   Jackie sighs and sits down at the nearest free table. Kelso joins her.   KELSO: What?   JACKIE: No, it's just... look, one week you break up with me, and the next week you're Prince Charming?   KELSO: (shrugs) I'm an incredibly complex man, Jackie.   JACKIE: Michael, I can't do this anymore! Look, Michael, if you wanna choose me, then choose me. I mean, really choose me.   KELSO: Jackie, you gave me a free pass to kiss any girl I wanted, and I kissed you. And that was a big choice, ‘cause there’s a lot of hotties here.   He waves his hand to indicate the other patrons.   KELSO (cont’d): But there’s only one girl I wanna be with forever. And that’s you.   JACKIE: (beat) You want to be with me forever? You want to be together forever?   He nods. She takes his hand in hers.   JACKIE (cont’d): Okay, then, Michael, let’s commit to that right now. Let’s get married.   Very slowly, Kelso leans back. His jaw hangs slightly open, and he can’t stop blinking.   KELSO: (beat) Hold on. You wanna get married?   JACKIE: Yes, Michael, yes, I accept!   She jumps to her feet and kisses him on both cheeks.   JACKIE (cont’d): Oh, my God! You know what? I gotta go tell my dad. And you - you have to buy a ring! Just think about it! We are gonna be the “Burkhart-Kelsos.”   She runs out the door, squealing in delight.   KELSO: (in shock) The Who-hearts What-os?   He looks up to the window; Jackie is no longer in sight. He leaps to his feet, races out of the Hub, and takes off down the street in the opposite direction she took.   CUT TO:   EXT. KELSO HOUSE – NIGHT   Casey sits alone on the porch, reading an auto magazine. Eric walks up to him. ERIC: Casey, we need to talk.   CASEY: Well, I'm a little swamped right now, Foreplay.   ERIC: I think Donna thinks you love her, and if you don't, you shouldn't act like you do.   CASEY: What are you? The love police? Hands up! Love police is here.   ERIC: Hey, all I'm saying is that if you don't love her, just don't be with her, okay? Because she's a really special person, and someone out there could really love her.   CASEY: Someone out there or someone right here?   Eric doesn’t have a ready retort to that. He’s spared thinking of one by Donna stepping out from the house.   DONNA: Oh. Hey, Eric. What are you doing here?   CASEY: He was just leaving.   DONNA: Oh. Well, I gotta go, too.   CASEY: Hey, Pinciotti.   He stands and gives Donna a lingering kiss on the cheek.   CASEY (cont’d): Love ya.   DONNA: Oh, well, I...   She turns away from him to Eric, who looks down at his shoes.   DONNA (cont’d): (to Casey) Thank you. Okay, well, I'll... I'll see you later.   She walks off. Casey crosses to Eric.   CASEY: You see, Forman, it's just words. You don't have to mean it.   ERIC: If you make her cry, I'm coming right back here to kick your ass.   He walks off too, the opposite way from Donna.   FADE TO BLACK   CREDITS INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - NIGHT   THE CIRCLE. “Barracuda” by Heart plays on the radio. For once, the weed hasn’t made Kelso laughy. He looks downright paranoid. KELSO: You guys, I found something worse than Jackie kissing another guy: she wants to get married! TO ME!   He looks frantically around the room, the stairs and the door especially.   Pan to Eric.   ERIC: Well, if kicking Casey's butt is the same as babbling at him from a safe distance, then boy, did I do it! But seriously, you guys, the days of Daffy are over. It's time for action. I'm goin' Road Runner on his ass. Meep, meep! POW!   Pan to Fez.   FEZ: Good. Because thanks to his stupid advice, Rhonda dumped me. I tried to steal third, but she blocked me. And choked me. Now there’s no more baseball for Fez. It's back to handball.   Pan to Hyde.   HYDE: Girls, man. They'll make you miserable. Well, I got a date. (doing Daffy) Tho long, thuckerth!   He stands and makes for the door.   END.
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cyclone-sally-art · 4 years ago
For the persona Au, what the basic plot and themes of it and will there be a mascot character that symbolises that main theme?
okay i have a doc of themes that were word vomited out and a rough story, so ill stick it under a keep reading. warning it gets less fleshed out as it goes tho
i also have no idea for a mascot, or any real theme.
Persona au
Molly: as the main character, she is the fool arcana. Dps with a lot of evasion. her persona is goldilocks. codename is bear trap
her persona helps her understand that she is allowed to care about herself, she doesn't have to put on a sweet face
"Why do you sit and let them walk all over you...? You allow yourself less than you deserve... you claim to compromise and yet you let yourself be pushed to the wayside... And all the while you are taken advantage of by those closest to you... let us forge a contract little one... I am thou, thou art I... take charge of your destiny! We will not sacrifice our desires for the gain of others!"
Mollys mask is soft, what she shows to others. Its made entirely of fabric, so its harder to get a grip of to tear off
Giovanni: strength arcana. almost solely because of his strength of heart, but hes mostly a healer/buffer magic wise. his physical moves are fairly strong but his healing is probably the best of all other characters. a funny ui thing that i imagined was him scribbling out the attack names and writing cooler ones that show up on the buttons you select. His persona is fionn mac cool.
Has a big honking spear (not pictured)
Fionn means ‘light haired’ but the exact origins of this name is unknown.
This persona embodies Giovanni’s sense of comradery. Fionn was the leader of the Fianna, a small band of warriors mostly detached from the royal politics of the time.
"well that didn’t take long. So young, so eager to rebel. It is clear to any that you would truly die for your comrades. Yet your higher ups see this devotion, and think you as weaker for it. Little do they know that this kinship is a strength! I am thou… thou art I… let us form a contract, and this strength will not be ignored!”
Giovanni's outside ‘mask’ is not very different from his real self, so the metaverse equivalent is actually a pair of shades. They aren’t hard at all to remove
Sylvie: temperance arcana. he has the most well rounded epithet move wise and hes pretty well rounded in stats too. His persona is Beefton
Its minos themed, but its really just Beefton
Mera: Moon arcana. primarily because reflecting light and junk. the research I have says that moon arcana have a hidden depth to their actions.
Indus: chariot arcana. entirely due to his drive and focus on BARRIERS. his personal goal to protect lady Mera also fits the chariot.
Percy: justice arcana.
Ramsey: hermit arcana.
Zora: sun arcana.
and as for order the party is formed in the hypothetical game... (its not how they meet but the times they join party)
id say that molly first gets pulled into a palace with giovanni (it doesnt really matter who the palace belongs to) and then the two unlock their personas and meet morgana (who i guess would stay the same since nobody else in ee that i know of fits)
then sylvie follows them into the palace the next time, he unlocks his persona whos... basically beefton but hes wearing greecian clothes and the persona name is minotaur
mera and indus actually discover the metaverse independently, but meet the trio when theyre very lost (they just wanted to get out of prision) meras persona is probably gonna be based on kaguya but ill have to check if theres already a persona with that name. indus's is probably some sort of defending hero (wether mera has a palace or not is up in the air)
percy who has been investigating these 'phantom theives' that have apparently stolen two (or more, how many palaces between team members joining is undecided) hearts already. i dont have it figured out how she gets into the metaverse but thats around the time she joins. her persona is likely some god or angel of justice after joining and stealing another heart.
percy introduces ramsey to the group (he most likely doesnt have a palace because hes not really troubled by much other than survivalism.) his persona is definitley a rodent (pied piper came to mind)
finally the final team member is zora! her persona is def a time/sun being of some kind, but i havent hammered out a motivation for joining other than 'people born with power lord it over others and i hate it' buts shes def the loosest canon.
Other possible phantom theives are feenie and trixie, possibly rick shades, yoomtah could be a weird helpful sidekick that doesnt have a persona cause robot. maybe the final boss is the leader of bliss ocean.
zoras persona is eos, greek godess of dawn. eos' symbols are saffron, a cloak, roses, tiara, cicadas, and horses.
the cloak and horse really mesh so im thinking a cloaked woman on a horse (or a cloaked horse lol)
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tiredcowpoke · 5 years ago
TITLE: Rise and Falls [4] PAIRING: Arthur Morgan/OC REQUEST: Unprompted. BLURB: Ida O’Donnell, no more than a petty thief, realizes that her life really comes in a series of firsts, and some unfortunate seconds and thirds. WARNINGS: None. NOTE: Here’s the fourth part of this and much earlier than expected. I was pretty motivated this weekend, and I’ve managed to plan some things out more so hopefully things might be coming a little more consistently if life and writer’s block allow! ALSO: since this is a series, I do have it posted on A03 for people who want to read the next chapters I post or missed a couple, feel free to ask for the link!
Ida’s first impression of camp was how big it was compared to what she had been told all those years ago by Dutch, and she couldn’t help at how impressed she was about how quickly they managed to pack it all up. 
Tents became poles and boxes, things being tucked and stacked away in caravans to head off into who knows where. She certainly didn’t, not completely. She’d heard about Dutch needing to move on from a failed investment out in their current part of the country, some debate between him and Hosea about where to go next. Toward some mountains, further into the heat and out west, Ida wasn’t sure and she tried not to pry into their conversations. 
She had been stationary for most of her life outside of the short bit she had managed to break away from the family. She could still see the figure of her father, stumbling over some of the rocks of his home when she had mentioned heading out on her own for a while. 
“Family’s all ya got, girl, and you’ll realize that soon enough when ya come crawlin’ back ‘ere. All we ever damn well needed and it’s gonna be on MY terms on if yer gonna be seein’ that again after all this.” 
The memory put a bitter feeling in her gut, but she didn’t get to linger in it long before Grimshaw had come up behind her, voice stressed and harsh. 
“Free ride’s over, missy! Time you get to work, there ain’t no time for standin’ around!” 
Much as the tone made her want to snap back at her, Ida found herself once again grateful to not have the distraction, so she just gave her a tight lipped (barely there) smile before nodding and heading toward where Tilly was working on packing up the wagon she had been sharing with them. Really, they had the place in wagons by the time Dutch decided they were going to head out toward some trading post Hosea was talking about. 
Blackwater, New Austin. 
Actually riding out toward their destination was another thing Ida had never really experienced. A group this big, moving around without much suspicion? Well, she had her doubts. She had rode out with her brothers every now and again, but it was rare for the whole family to actual leave home. Her father had made that known throughout her life, either too drunk or angry at them to stomach a ride with them all. 
So, Ida really was all too happy to ride along back on Tyrant, giving the horse the chance to move his legs and get some energy out. She was nervous about him, admittedly, and it didn’t mix all too nicely with her irritation over how this whole thing was pulling all her thoughts about her family to the surface. It felt that ever since she had agreed to join them, it opened up a gate to let all of that through and she was growing exhausted. 
However, for once, Tyrant seemed to relent to being ridden for the most part. There were a few shifts and almost tantrums, but for the most part he hadn’t decided to kick her off his back wholly for once. Really, he seemed like a sturdy horse, keeping up behind one of the wagons easily enough as Ida tried to keep up with the conversations that faded in and out around her as people moved up and down the line. 
It was busy but lacked chaos, it was something to watch in her opinion. 
The whole thing was new and much like she had learned through pick pocketing, you tend to learn quite a bit by just letting people move about you. She could see the hopefulness with the other women, Ida trying her best to give an opinion when asked but for the most part she wasn’t sure where they were going to end up. Wasn’t her place, she figured, considering how recently she agreed to ride with them all. She didn’t see Arthur, Dutch, or Hosea much, the three of them leading out in front with the wagon and seemed to be in conversation about something. 
Despite the uncertainty about the whole thing, she found herself just taking in everything as she leaned against the horn of Tyrant’s saddle and kept her eyes around herself as they continued to ride. 
“Goddamn bastard ‘f a man…” 
Abigail was all clenched teeth and harsh tugging against the thread and needle she had all but almost tore apart boxes to get to, the camp not settled by any means as Dutch had declared at their small stop in order to sort some things out. With weather and location permitting, they had stopped for a day or two, Ida wondering if it had to do with the newcomers that had appeared along their journey. A woman they had found along the road, and a man that Dutch had found at one of the local saloons before they had left. 
Ida figured she should consider herself among the two of them, considering her being yet another recent addition. Still, she had given an answer and she didn’t see much of a reason so far to change her mind on it. 
However, it appeared there was still no shortage of drama as Abigail had saught them out after a while, her young son in tow, who now took up drawing in the dirt with a stick as his mother seemed to be taking some aggression out on some unfinished project that she had found among their things. 
“He’s bein’ a drunk fool…” Tilly supplied around a small sigh, Ida keeping her head down as she just continued to listen as she worked on repairing a blanket for Tyrant’s saddle. 
“Oh, I know. It’s nothin’ new,” Abigail returned, “Just wish he’d not have to carry on like that in front of the boy, he’s broken his heart enough.” 
Ida found her gaze lifting toward Jack who was sitting on the ground, his back to them as he seemed to have his attention on what he was making in the dirt. Initially, she had been rather surprised to see a child wandering freely among them, most people greeting him like family. No doubt he had it rough in an environment like their current, but she hadn’t seen too much of his father. John, as she’d been introduced, but she had yet to really talk much with the man. 
It was a big group, it had her struggling to keep names and faces together, much less trying to form bonds with people who she had yet to know the personalities of. Though, it felt like the women had welcomed her in enough, outside of the distant Molly but...well, she had a feeling that was a different thing on its own. 
“Y’all do me a favor,” Abigail continued after a pause, Ida turning her gaze toward her a moment, “Don’t go runnin’ off to get married anytime soon, it’s not worth it.” 
Despite herself, Ida found a bitter scoff escaping before she felt eyes on her. She glanced up to some curious gazes, realizing that had been louder than she intended. 
“Oh, I’ve been down that road,” she explained, “I agree, it’s not something I’ve been looking to approach again.” Anytime soon. 
“You were married?” Mary-Beth asked from where she had been sitting behind them on a box, Ida not really enjoying the door this conversation was opening. Still, she spoke up…
“Well, no, but almost,” she replied, “Some men don’t need drink to act like fools. There’s...a story to it all, but it’s not one I enjoy going over, but I can say I can relate to the frustration. I was...sold on one idea presented to me when the reality was not even close to what I had been believing.”
“I can certainly understand that,” Abigail stated, shaking her head as she glanced back down at what she was fiddling with in her lap. 
“Oh, you’re both so cynical,” Mary-Beth stated, “Well...I guess I can understand why, but there’s nothin’ wrong with hopin’ for somethin’ better.” 
“It’s not some romance novel, Mary-Beth,” Karen stated, Ida shrugging. 
“It’s not her fault,” she replied, glancing over at Mary-Beth, “I suppose there’s nothing wrong with hoping for something better, but I know I’m not really hoping for it in that part of my life. I’m more hopeful about where it is we’re traveling to.” 
“Does this mean you’re stayin’?” Tilly asked, shifting so she could meet her gaze as Ida glanced over at her, “I mean, I noticed Miss Grimshaw pressing a little harder on you than before.” 
“I suppose,” Ida stated with a nod, “She told me...the free ride’s over, much as she made sure it didn’t really feel like one, but...well, I told Dutch and Hosea I would ride with them to this new town. New town, new opportunities.”
“Well you better be gettin’ used to new towns,” Karen stated, making Ida let out a short chuckle. 
“They were looking to hang me in the previous one, so it’ll be better than that regardless of how this turns out.” 
Would it? Well, time would only tell. Still, she had made some sort of decision regarding where she was wanting to stay, it wouldn’t do much use to doubt it completely. Still, she was a bit of a doubter by nature, considering how she was raised. Gut feelings had kept her alive thus far, the rest was left to turn over in her head with indecisiveness. It was something to work on, but…
Well, she never had such a wide range of company before. It was hard not to feel overwhelmed in some way. 
Still, she was hopeful about her situation, which was a first in a long while.
 As exhausted as she felt, it was hard not to really take a bottle when it was offered. 
Spirits were high, if not a little impatient, but Dutch moved about the space with confidence and his ambitions for them all were not hard to miss. He seemed to be happy with their direction, the uncertainty gone and it allowed for people to relax some. They’d be moving again within a day or so, Ida taking that statement as fact and found herself trying to keep her mind on that and not the feelings and memories the situation brought about, not to mention the earlier conversation with the other women. 
It wasn’t hard to take a bottle when it was offered. 
Still, it also wasn’t hard to fall into similar spirits as the people around her, sipping on the beer as she listened to the stories and songs. In moments like this, it was easy to forget that they were a group of outlaws, but she figured she didn’t have room to judge with all she had done. Really, it was rather enthralling to listen to the stories, believable or not. All she really had were the ones her brothers and father liked to boast about, and her own but...well, she had a hard time sharing as it were. 
She watched the faces around the campfire that had been set up, taking in the expressions and conversations. Ida found her gaze lingering on one of the more familiar faces, not having seen Arthur much throughout the move but she couldn’t help but watch as she seemed to be joking (or mocking) something Sean had mentioned. She had seen the odd amused look or chuckle tossed her why when they would have the chance to talk before, but the grin on his face this time was different. 
He looked relaxed, but tired at the same time. It was something that had her stare lingering for a moment too long before she caught herself, letting out a small sigh through her nose and finishing off her beer. She could feel something twisting in her chest and gut, Ida doing her best to shove the feeling down. 
Bidding a good night to Karen, whom she had been sitting beside, she made her way toward the wagon again where Abigail lay asleep with Jack at her side, the earlier conversation echoing in Ida’s mind as she let out a sigh. 
If only she was better and shoving aside her thoughts, it felt like in the dust of the wagons it kicked up more than just dirt and sand. 
Useless thoughts, anyway.
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galadrieljones · 5 years ago
The Lily Farm - Chapter 44
AO3 | Masterpost
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Rating: M (Mature) - sexual content, violence, and adult themes
Summary: To help her process Sean’s death, Mary Beth asks Arthur to take her on a hunting trip, somewhere far away. He agrees, and on their journey to the north, they find quietude and take comfort in their easy bond. They’ve been friends for a while now, but life, like the wilderness, is full of uncertainty and complications, and as they embark on their desperate search for meaning together, they endure many trials, some small, some big—all of which bring them closer to one another, and to their future.
Chapter 44: Lonesome Doves
“It's a fine world, though rich in hardships at times.”
-Larry McMurtry, Lonesome Dove
It was the next morning. Sadie and Charles were parked outside of Shady Bell, smoking cigarettes, caked in mud, trying to figure out what to do. Sadie had a lot of blood staining up the front of her blouse from when she’d had to shank a man who tried to fuck with Trelawny back on the river boat. Of course Josiah had escaped, but lord knows where to.
“We gotta go in,” she said. “We can’t sit out here forever.”
“What do we tell Abigail?” said Charles. His hair was knotted off his face, the sweat and water all dried. His hands were shaking as he smoked. It had been a long ass night.
“The truth,” she said. “Weren’t our fault, Charles. John was playing the hero. We’ll get him back.”
Charles sighed. “What about Bronte.”
They both glanced back to Sadie’s horse, where Angelo Bronte was bound, gagged, and unconscious. He was missing a shoe. His hair was all wet and he had a big old shiner on his cheek from where Charles had hit him with the butt of his weapon. “We let Dutch deal with Bronte,” said Sadie.
“Is that a good idea?”
“Dutch has been way less…squirrelly lately. Don't you think?"
"He seems subdued," said Sadie. "Like maybe something’s wrong. Like maybe he’s depressed.”
“I was talking to John the other day,” said Charles, smoking. “He said he thinks Dutch is jealous of Arthur.”
“Over what?” said Sadie, half-laughing. “Over Mary Beth?”
Charles shrugged.
“That’s rich,” she said, tossing the cigarette, lighting another. “That why he cut Molly loose?”
“I don’t think so,” said Charles. “Or, I don’t think it’s that simple. I think it’s something to do with Annabelle.”
“Who’s Annabelle?” said Sadie.
They heard a rustling then, somebody coming through the early morning trees. They both looked up. It was just Karen, but she looked surprised. “What the goddam hell?” she said, holding her shotgun, looking left and right. “When did y’all get back?”
“Just now,” said Charles. “Is Dutch here?”
“Of course. Where else would he be. He’s still asleep in his room. Swear to god he's becoming a goddam teenager. All this brooding and sleeping. Is that—Where’s John?” she said. “What the fuck?”
“What do you mean he’s in jail?” said Abigail. She was standing beside the old dried up fountain in the yard. Jack was still sleeping, upstairs. Half the camp was still rustling awake. It was just her and Hosea, plus Pearson and Miss Grimshaw in a hushed conversation on the porch. They had a couple wild looks about them. They had been waiting up all night, getting ready. It was the word around camp that they’d be leaving Shady Belle any day.
“I mean, he is in jail,” said Sadie. She removed her hat. “Or, he’s on his way. Sisika, I reckon. He got nabbed while was was on the river boat. He was being a hero, Abigail. I guess.”
“Goddammit,” said Abigail. “What a goddam fool. He ain’t no hero. He’s a father,” said Abigail. She was unhinging, slowly. She started to cry. “Where’s Arthur, and Mary Beth? Are they—Oh my god.”
“They must have escaped,” said Charles. “We couldn’t find them, or the Rangers.”
“You couldn’t find them?” said Hosea.
“No, sir. We looked everywhere. The boat was not that big.”
“What are we supposed to do with Bronte?” said Hosea. He glanced to him, fast asleep on the ground.
“I thought we’d let Dutch deal with Bronte,” said Sadie, chewing a reed. She shrugged. “If those Pinkertons was his doing, Dutch’ll get it out of him. Ain’t they got some sort of history?”
“This is not good,” said Hosea, loosening his collar. “What the hell happened on that boat?”
“We boarded,” said Sadie. “Weren’t no big deal at first. We just had a mind to keep our heads down and warn Arthur, detain Bronte if possible, and leave. But we couldn’t find Arthur. Instead, what we found was Pinkertons.”
“Pinkertons?” said Hosea. “On the river boat?”
“Yes, sir,” said Charles. “One of them recognized John. Turned bloody, fast. John took a dive to give us the edge. We grabbed Bronte on a lark after we found him berating his men on the deck. Then we got the hell out of there.”
“Goddammit,” said Abigail, sobbing. “God fuckin dammit. What am I gonna tell Jack?”
“We’ll figure it out,” said Sadie. “Try not to worry. Okay?”
“We’re gonna get him back, Abigail,” said Charles.
Abigail looked away, tears staining her cheeks. She felt a stupid woman.
“I need to go wake Dutch,” said Hosea, wiping his forehead with a handkerchief. “He’s asleep like a goddam mule. We need to make way elsewhere, as soon as possible. Lemoyne is getting way too hot. Too fast. This is becoming a nightmare. Everybody needs to prepare for what’s next.”
“Where will we go?” said Abigail. “Where the hell are we gonna go, Hosea? Without Arthur, and John? What are we gonna do?”
Hosea hung his head, a goddam fool.
Meanwhile, Arthur and LaBoeuf had made their way into Valentine, slowly. It was late morning and they had crept in before first light through the auction yard. They were sitting in the side-streets saloon now, eating oatmeal and drinking coffee at the bar. Arthur had tipped the bartender $5 and asked him what the deal was, whether he knew what was going on with the Pinkertons in town.
“I don’t know exactly for sure,” said the bartender, shining up a wooden bowl. He was about fifty-two with one brown tooth. “They ain’t been in here, specifically. But I got boys at the gun shop, and my woman works at the doctor’s office. They all said the Pinkertons was in town looking for men wanted by the law.”
“Did they mention which men?” said Arthur.
“No, sir.”
Arthur sighed.
“Have you seen a gentleman come through,” said LaBoeuf. He had asked for whiskey in his coffee. “About your age. He would have been with a young woman. Real pretty. Curly brown hair and freckles. They would have been in this very saloon, perhaps looking for us.”
“Not that I know of,” said the bartender. “I work here most nights and mornings. Ain’t been nobody like that in here. No pretty girls to speak of. As you can see, we got a dearth of their kind in Valentine.”
“Thank you,” said Arthur.
“Don’t mention it.”
Arthur glanced to LaBoeuf. They finished their oatmeal. “That’s good,” said Arthur, quietly. “That they ain’t been here yet. Where do you think they got to, after the river boat?”
“I don’t know,” said LaBoeuf. “Maybe Blackwater. Call and I noticed we was headed out that way sometime before the shooting broke out. It wasn’t really an option, if you were in tow, but just the two of them? Mary Beth ain’t no risk with the law, visually speaking. Call neither. I reckon Blackwater.”
“That’s far as hell,” said Arthur. “Blackwater?”
“I reckon they’ll take the train,” said LaBoeuf. “If they are coming from way out there.”
“Maybe we should wait at the train station.”
“No, sir,” said LaBoeuf. “Them Pinkertons we saw—there were three of them. They are camped too close to the station for that.”          
“Do you got a contingency?” said Arthur. He finished his coffee in a long gulp and glanced back to the door. “I mean, we can’t stick around here all day. The bartender says them Pinkertons ain’t been through this establishment yet. Means they could still be coming.”
“We got five contingencies,” said LaBoeuf.
“A Texas Ranger is always prepared, Mr. Morgan,” said LaBoeuf. He shifted his weight in his chair, tapped the surface of the bar, and asked for another shot of whiskey. “I reckon we ought to adios from this place, leave a message with the bartender here, and move onto the next. It just ain’t safe.”
“Where’s the next meeting place? Or, contingency, or what have you?”
“The Winterson’s Bed and Breakfast in Emerald Ranch.”
Arthur looked down at his empty bowl. The oatmeal had been disgusting. “Okay. Let’s get a move on then. No use waiting around in this rat trap.”
LaBoeuf nodded. He took his last shot of whiskey, chased it with a gulp of coffee, and then grunted as he pushed off the bar.
“You okay?” said Arthur.
“I’m fine,” said LaBoeuf. “Healing is a bitch, Mr. Morgan.”
“Don’t I know it,” said Arthur. He scribbled a note onto a piece of paper provided by the bartender. He tipped the man another $5 to keep it safe, and to provide that note to Call and Mary Beth upon their arrival. It read simply, Contingency Protocol. He then tipped him $10 more to keep quiet should the Pinkertons come sniffing.
“You one of them van der Lindes?” said the bartender, more curious than anything. He was leaning over the bar with his brown tooth bared, looking a little sly.
“Sir, we are Texas Rangers,” said LaBoeuf, brandishing his badge. “We simply desire secrecy as to our whereabouts, as we are hot on the trail of an outlaw brigade coming through from Arkansas, and we need quiet in our wake.”
“You’ll get no questions from me,” said the bartender, smiling. “I never did like Pinkertons. Hypocrites, all of them. And dirty noses, they got.”
“I like you, sir,” said LaBoeuf.
The bartender thought this was a funny, gave them a half-bottle of bourbon to take with, on the house. Once they got out the door, Arthur ran into an old friend named Mickey, a guy he had met a couple times before on his way through this place. Mickey was happy to see him, and Arthur gave him a little cash, and Mickey asked if there was anything he could do—anything to help Arthur, anything at all.
“You’re a good man, sir,” he said. “A good man. The best man. And my friend. You look like you’re in trouble, friend. You and your partner here. Let me help. How can I help? What can I do for you, good sir?”
Arthur had mixed feelings. Ultimately he said, “Sir, I don’t want to get you into no trouble with the law. But you head over that’a’way, and you cause a commotion in town, any sort really, and you catch the attention of the people, I would be mighty grateful. Don’t break no laws. Don’t get yourself into no trouble, you hear? Just get to hollering about Jesus or anything like that—anything at all. As long as it’s legal. And I would be grateful. I would be grateful indeed.”
Mickey said yes. Yes, of course he would, and he hobbled off to do just that. Started yelling about Jesus, and aliens coming down to get him, then making fun of a man who had fallen asleep drunk with his hair hanging in the water trough by the hotel. “Look at this imbecile!” they could hear him shouting. “Good golly. What a sight!” There was laughter. Arthur and LaBoeuf managed to sneak out through the auction yard again, without any farm hands or Pinkertons getting none the wiser. They mounted up, rode away to the east, seen by none but the sheep and a one-eyed dog Arthur knew by the name of Joe. As they rode to Emerald Ranch they did not look back. It wasn’t far. They arrived by noon.
“Mr. Call?” said Mary Beth. They had swung south of Valentine, stopped at Citadel Rock. They were going to climb the vantage point, scope out the town. He had asked her to stay down with the horses, but she would not do any such thing. So he helped her up where she needed, let her climb the rest of the way on her own. She was agile and strong.
“Yes, ma’am,” he said, as they got to the roost. He fashioned a small pair of binoculars from his side. He had kept them holstered near his volcanic.
“You got a son, right?” she said.
He looked through the binoculars. The day was cool. It was about ten a-m when they arrived. “That, I do.”
“What’s his name?” she said.
Unable to ignore her line of questioning, he set down the binoculars and looked at her. “Newt,” he said.
“Newt,” she said. “That’s an interesting name.”
“I thought so, too.”
He went back to his binoculars. At first, he couldn’t see much. Just some one-armed man causing a comical ruckus in the street.
“Where is he now?” said Mary Beth. She was leaning against a little outcropping. She had found a busted up pearl necklace while on the climb. It had been hanging out the side of the rock formation as if somebody had hidden it there.
“He’s in Wyoming.”
“Wyoming, huh?”
“He went up on a cattle drive,” said Call, “met a woman, got married, and he never came back.”
“Where are you from, Mr. Call. Where was Newt born.”
Call took a deep breath, looked back to her. She looked tired and windswept, her curls all coming undone. He was soft for her. She was a good girl. “I was born in Illinois, Mrs. Morgan. Though I consider myself to be from Amarillo, Texas as I lived there for most of my life. Newt was born in a little Texas town called Lonesome Dove.”
“Lonesome Dove?” said Mary Beth. “My. That sounds romantic. What pretty words.”
Call smiled. “Weren’t nothing so romantic, Mrs. Morgan. It ain’t really that sort of town. It’s more like Valentine. Cows and…well, prostitutes mostly.” He looked away, embarrassed for some reason.
“You know, I told Arthur I was pregnant here, right here in Valentine.” She was studying those pearls in her palm. "In the church. We’ve spent a lot of time in this little pit of a town.”
“Is that good or bad?”
She shrugged. “It’s just like any other town, I guess. Like you said.”
Call went back to the binoculars. He saw some suspicious looking wagons outside the town, near the train station. He was trying to makes heads or tails of them.
“You know,” said Mary Beth. “Speaking of Lonesome Doves. I just—I always sort of thought I’d be one, you know? Sad, all by myself, mourning so much of my life. But then I met Arthur.”
“He’s a good man,” said Call, watching Valentine. “He’ll keep you safe.”
“I know that,” she said.
“And you'll keep him safe.”
“From what?”
“Himself mostly,” said Call. “And Lemoyne Raiders.” He gave her a sly grin.
She blushed. “You heard about that?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said. “I hear you’re quite the shot.”
“I got lucky,” she said. “Arthur showed me how to use a shot gun a long time ago. So far, I have killed one man, one wolf, and dented one turtle.”
He glanced at her. “You dented a turtle?”
“It got away." She took a deep breath and pocketed the pearls. “I’m sorry I am annoying you with all these questions,” she said. “I am just nervous. Do you see Arthur, or LaBoeuf. Anybody?”
“No, I don’t,” said Call, growing serious. “I see who appears to be a Union Army veteran distracting the townspeople. I see a couple Pinkerton Detectives, leaving the general store.”
“Pinkertons?” said Mary Beth. She roused and beckoned for the binoculars. “What the hell are they doing here?”
“I’m not entirely sure,” said Call. He sat back on his heels and shook his head out a little as she looked through the binoculars. He was growing weary. He was not as young as he had used to be. “They don’t seem onto anything, and I didn't see Arthur or LaBoeuf. Could be they’ve moved on.”
“Moved on where?” She handed back the binoculars.
“To the first of five contingency locations.”
“Just in case meeting places do not work out, or are blocked or corrupted for some reason, we always have contingencies, Mrs. Morgan. Particularly in high stakes projects like this.”
“Well, where is the contingency?”
“The first is at the Winterson’s Bed and Breakfast in Emerald Ranch.”
“The Wintersons?” she said. She looked a little confused. “Oh. Well, should we just go there?”
“I expect. Perhaps. But I’d like to head into town and just make sure. See for myself. If they’ve been through here, LaBoeuf will leave a mark, a trail only I can follow.”
“Okay,” said Mary Beth. “Well, what should I do?”
“You’ll come, too,” he said. “We’ll enter the town around the side over there, through the auction yard, and go straight to the saloon on the side streets. Whoever this…clown is, he seems to be keeping the company of the townspeople, and the law. For the time being at least.”
“Okay,” she said, bravely. She got to her feet. “I’m ready.”
They rode down into the town, went to the saloon. The moment they walked in, the bartender straightened up off the bar and started acting fishy, like he knew them. He beckoned them both to the counter, and then he leaned in, real secretly, asked them whether they knew a couple cowboys who might have come through earlier. “You know the type?”
“Yes, sir,” said Mary Beth. She had grown eager. “Did they tell you where they was headed?”
“No’m,” said the bartender. He smiled at her with that brown tooth. “Only left me this.”
He gave her the note. Together, she read it with Call, and it was only as they had expected. “We got to go,” she said. “Now, okay? I am growing very impatient, Mr. Call.”
“I am as well,” he said. He tipped his hat to the bartender and gave him $2 for his trouble. They exited the door and snuck past the crowds and the one-armed man.
“I think I know him,” said Mary Beth as she mounted her filly. “Not personally, but I have seen him around.”
“I am beginning to think that his little song and dance is not coincidence,” said Call.
Mary Beth smiled as she pulled on her reins. She hoped it were true.
They rode to Emerald Ranch by skipping the road. They cut over a great many hills and across a couple valleys and a dried up old gulch. Mary Beth glanced down at her hands where she held the reins. The skin on her knuckles was dry as she admired the amethyst ring on her finger. She thought about the pearls she had found over at Citadel Rock. Who had they belonged to? She thought about Lonesome Dove, and what a name for a place, and how she thought it couldn’t be nothing so beautiful even if it were fiction. What a fine name for a place.
They broke through the trees. He glanced back at her. He seemed okay, she thought. She knew she had a habit of underestimating men. All the men she knew had lost so much, particularly in the way of women. She worried for them in ways she knew to be infantilizing and unrealistic. The men she knew, they were strong. They could handle a lot. They could handle anything.
“What was her name?” she said after a little while. “Newt’s mama.”
They crested the tree line, saw the house up ahead. “Maggie,” said Call. “Her name was Maggie.”
“Maggie,” she said, dreamily. She closed her eyes to think of it. The working girl from Lonesome Dove, named Maggie, had the baby of a steadfast Ranger as Woodrow Call. It was a pretty story, and so sad. She sighed. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Call.”
“Thank you," said Call then, but he was distracted. He held his hand up. She stopped her filly on a dime. "Hold up."
“What’s wrong?”
When they finally got to the yard, it was after the high noon sun, and the day was still cool. They noticed multiple horses, too many of which they did not recognize. Mary Beth regarded the house. It looked closed up, empty. It was strange, no smoke in the chimney. She thought Lizette was always cooking something. There were a couple boards over one of the front windows, too. Now, she was listening for the hounds.
“Mrs. Morgan?” said Call.
“Where’s the hounds?” she said.
“What hounds?”
“There’s hounds,” she said. Her horse was shuffling, like she was picking up on Mary Beth’s uncertainty. “The Wintersons keep hounds to guard the acreage. Five, maybe six. They’s always roaming in the daytime. You can always hear them.”
“I count four horses in total,” said Call. “Two by the barn, two up by the house.”
“I don’t recognize a one of them,” said Mary Beth. “But Arthur knows a lot of people around here. He can get horses. And those others could belong to the Wintersons, I suppose?”
“You ever seen them before?”
“No, sir,” she said. “But I—I don’t know their horses. I just—Why’s that window boarded up?”
“Everything’s probably okay,” said Call. He was trying to keep her calm, even as he was staring up the yard at that big, blue house like he trusted nothing about it, like it was the hellfire of satan. “It’s probably fine.”
“What else could it be, but fine? What could be going on?”
“I’m gonna go up by myself, Mrs. Morgan. Check things out.”
“What should I do?” she said. “What if you need back-up?”
“You watch me,” he said, getting down off his horse. “You just stay right here, and you watch me closely.”
“What if it’s a problem?” she said. “What if you need my help?”
“I will give you the signal,” he said, drawing his pistol.
“What’s the signal?”
He held up his hand like so, in a fist, knuckles out. “This is the signal. If you see this, scream like hell.”
“Scream like hell?”
“Create a distraction, Mrs. Morgan.” He gave her a knowing look, cocked his volcanic. “You can do it.” He nodded, steadfastly. “I know you can.”      
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dwarven-beard-spores · 6 years ago
Nanny Ashtoreth and The Last Unicorn
So a while ago @mirawonderfulstar​ sent me an ask about Crowley reading to Warlock, which prompted meta as well as a chapter in MALWL. They also suggested The Last Unicorn which I haven’t read since I was like 8, so I reread it and confirmed that Yes, this is a good Crowley book, so here! Have some headcanons! Bc there is way too much book to write a proper chapter about.
Uhhh major spoilers for The Last Unicorn under the cut. (922 words)
TL;DR, Crowley gets Way More Emotions Than She Bargained For.
Oh, and I welcome input that builds on this if you’ve got it ;D
-Crowley flipped through the book one time while waiting for Aziraphale and years later thought “yeah, this seems like the fun kind of fantasy Warlock would enjoy.”
-And then the first chapter includes passages like this: “...but then, [the unicorn] had no idea of months and years and centuries, or even of seasons. It was always spring in her forest, because she lived there, and she  wandered all day among the great beech trees, keeping watch over the animals that lived in the ground and under bushes, in nests and caves, earths and treetops. Generation after generation, wolves and rabbits alike, they hunted and loved and had children and died, and as the unicorn did none of those things, she never grew tired of watching them.” and “From that first moment of doubt, there was no peace for her; from the time she first imagined leaving her forest, she could not stand in one place without wanting to be somewhere else… Unicorns are not meant to make choices. She said no, and yes, and no again, day and night, and for the first time she began to feel the minutes crawling over her like worms.” and the unicorn leaves her forest and it begins to age. And Crowley was not expecting Immortality Feelings or Garden Feelings or Experiencing Doubt For The First Time feelings, and she is Overwhelmed. She’ll get to the end of the chapter, she decides, and that will be the end of it.
-But Warlock is already hooked and will have none of that.
-Crowley gives in.
-There is a butterfly the unicorn meets early on who talks in snatches of quotes and poems, and Crowley reads it in Aziraphale’s voice.
-When the unicorn became suddenly aware of aging and time passing and death, Crowley also felt it, felt the years before the apocalypse slipping away. When she finished reading that night she secretly got very drunk.
-Schmendrick says: “It is a rare man who is taken for who he truly is… now I knew you for a unicorn when I first saw you, and I know that I am your friend. Yet you take me for a clown, or a clod, or a betrayer, and so must I be if you see me so. The magic on you is only magic and will vanish as soon as you are free, but the enchantment of error that you put on me I must wear forever in your eyes. We are not always what we seem, and hardly ever what we dream.” “Pay attention,” says Crowley, seeing both a child and an antichrist, knowing he sees a nanny and Aziraphale sees a demon. “Fools in stories have the most interesting things to say.” ”If you believe I’m a unicorn,” Warlock reasons, “does that mean I’ll really be one?”
-Crowley hopes or expects that Warlock will align himself with Prince Lir, that would make things easy. But Warlock is a young child who likes magical creatures and holds sticks to his forehead and whinnys because he thinks the unicorn is the greatest thing ever.
-He charges Aziraphale once and pokes him and Crowley thinks it’s hilarious.
-If anyone asks, Crowley’s favorite character is the skull who knows the way to the Red Bull, whose whole purpose in life is to be a nuisance and who thirsts for wine.
-In reality, she likes Molly Grue the best, because there’s something so solidly human about her.
-Schmendrick turns the unicorn into a young woman, Lady Amalthea, and in a different shape she is afraid she will not be able to turn back, and the longer she lives as a human the more she actually becomes a human. And if you think Crowley isn’t affected by that...
-”I have been mortal, and some part of me is mortal yet. I am full of tears and hunger and the fear of death, though I cannot weep, and I want nothing, and I cannot die. I am not like the others now, for no unicorn was ever born who could regret, but I do. I regret.”
-She and Warlock have a long conversation about whether it would be better to be human or a unicorn. It’s ongoing.
-The understanding of life following the rules of story, especially for heroes, is a big theme that they also talk about.
-Look Crowley’s not gonna understand the significance of this now or possibly ever but just tell me that this: “Prince Lir stood between [Lady Amalthea’s] body and the Bull, weaponless, but with his hands up as though they still held a sword and shield. Once more in that endless night, the prince said “No.” He looked very foolish and he was about to be trampled flat. The Red Bull could not see him, and would kill him without ever knowing that he had been in the way. Wonder and love and great sorrow filled Schmendrick the Magician then, and came together inside him, and filled him, filled him until he felt himself brimming and flowing with something that was none of these.” does not give you major tire iron feelings.
-Warlock enacts the final freeing of the unicorn in his bath, and there is significantly more splashing all over the floor than in the book.
-Schmendrick and Molly walk off singing a song about love regardless of deception and I have a lot of feelings about that.
-And most importantly, Crowley absolutely says “Amalthea” on accident more than once when talking to/about Anathema. Sometimes while completely sober.
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krycss · 6 years ago
Crossroads | oc:Alice Harkins/Arthur Morgan/Charles Smith
Chapter 3: Horseshoe Overlook (Part 1)
[Read on AO3]
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Alice tried not to complain now that they were out of the snow. The Heartlands were beautiful and Alice felt more at home in the area when compared to the deserts of New Austin. The temperature allowed her to finally be able to put her hair back up in a bit of a messy bun – although it still wasn’t exactly warm yet. Spirits were up in the camp. However, the first two weeks of settling into Horseshoe Overlook were a bit of a mess. Coordinating with everyone to ensure they all weren’t spotted in town at the same times in order to make it a little less obvious they all weren’t together, having to figure out the lay of the land and any emergency exits from camp, and mostly just readjusting to not freezing to death at every waking moment was making her feel a little stuffy. A few of the boys were already in town at the moment and Alice was not afraid to admit she had wished she could have gone along with them instead of being stuck with chores.
She was currently elbow-deep in a load of laundry. Her pruned fingers were itching for something to do that was a little less…typical. She didn’t always get stuck with the camp chores but when she wasn’t needed on a job she ended up with the ones Miss Grimshaw knew didn’t enjoy. Alice loved the woman, she practically raised her alongside Dutch and Hosea, but she knew how to put someone to work. Alice knew her and the other girls were antsy to get out of camp and actually do the things they were good at. Her and Mary-Beth in particular were worried their pick-pocketing skills might be starting to get rusty and were not afraid to use that as an excuse to get out of work if need be. She had overheard Uncle talking about heading into town earlier, so when she saw him talking with Arthur she knew it was now or never. Looking towards where she last saw Miss Grimshaw she saw her in a heated argument with Molly. Alice quickly began smacking Mary-Beth on the arm, splashing water on her face.
“It’s time!” She whispered loudly. “Get the girls! We gotta get out of here!”
The girls burst into a fit of giggles as they chased after Karen and Tilly.
The girl-gang assembled, they all quickly made their way over to Arthur and Uncle.
“Arthur!” Alice called out as she neared him. “If you’re takin’ Uncle into town, could you take us too?” She batted her eyelashes up at him.
Arthur struck a match to his boot, lighting the cigarette at his lips.
“Why, what you got planned?” He arched an eyebrow.
“Nothin yet, but we’ll find something. We always do.”
“We’re bored out of our minds.” Mary-Beth chimed in. “Been cooped up here for two weeks now! Karen’s about ready to murder Grimshaw.”
“Well, can Miss Grimshaw spare you?”
The girls all scoffed.
“’Can Miss Grimshaw spare you?’” Karen repeated. “What’s happened to you, Arthur? Four young, healthy women want you to take ‘em robbing, and you’re worried about house chores?”
Arthur had the decency to look bashful, covering eyes with the brim of his hat.
“Come on!” Alice tugged on his arm.
Arthur chuckled under his breath. “Fair enough, you got me. Come on then.”
The girls all whooped as they hopped into back of the supply wagon. Tilly was excited to see more civilization than they had in a long while. Alice picked the spot that was directly behind Uncle. Mostly because it was the first seat available, but it wouldn’t be a complete lie to say that she also knew it would reward her with the best view to gaze at Arthur as he drove. After some idle chatter, Uncle asked the girls if they’d sing a song for the road. The others agreed. Alice stayed quiet – she never liked singing in front of others, made her far too shy. She was more than happy to clap along to provide a beat for the girls to go off of. She spotted Arthur’s smile as he mumbled along the words that he knew. Suddenly, there was a commotion as a carriage coming along the road nearby sped past uncontrollably, crashing into a rock ahead of them causing one of the horses to break loose.
“Is one of you gonna get that fella’s horse?” Tilly asked, causing Arthur to stop the wagon.
“Oh, I got lumbago, it’s very serious!” Uncle turned towards them.
“Alright.” The girls all chuckled when Arthur groaned and shook his head as he stepped off the wagon. “I’ll see what’s going on.”
Alice watched as Arthur spoke to the man and then made his way over to the horse that broke loose. It was a lovely, white draft horse. She never got the hang of rounding up horses like Arthur did. He tried teaching her once, didn’t work out too well in her favor. She loved watching him do it though.
Everyone on the wagon was silent as they watched Arthur slowly make his way towards the horse, calming it along the way. When he was finally able to grab hold on the reins there was a quiet cheer from the girls so as not to spook the horse once more. Turning the horse back over to the driver, Arthur rubbed his neck at the thanks given to him.
“You’re a gentleman, sir, a gentleman!”
“No, not really…I was just, trying to impress the women.”
Arthur muttered the last bit but he was close enough for them to hear. Mary-Beth nudged Alice in the arm, leaning close to whisper.
“Or impress a particular woman?” She grinned widely.
Alice shushed her, shoving her into Tilly.
That was a silly thought. He had no reason to impress her.
With a cheer from Karen the wagon was back on the path towards Valentine.
  Valentine was exactly how the boys had described it when they came into town before. Alice knew it was a livestock town long before they got near the sheep pens. The smell packed a punch. The girls were happy to finally see other people. Alice was taking in the various buildings and surroundings. She had to admit, a part of her missed living a town sometimes – at least for the familiarity. As they passed through the main street the girls got a little more serious as they eyed the people, looking for marks. Karen was a little too excited, causing Arthur to remind them to keep a low profile. Alice wasn’t quite sure what to look for just yet so for the moment she just observed, trying to figure out how the people of Valentine acted and how they dressed so she could spot any uniqueness. That would be the target for her. So far she wasn’t seeing much. Eventually Arthur stopped the wagon at the end of the street near the stables and the girls started jumping off. Alice grimaced at the sight of the mud that had splashed onto her shoes when she hit the ground. Karen announced that the girls were going to start at the saloon. Alice wasn’t quite sure yet if that’s what she wanted to do. At the moment she was just enjoying her time out of camp. She just wanted to explore a little, leave the mischief to the others.
“Alice?” Mary-Beth turned towards her. “You comin’?”
“Nah, ya’ll go on ahead. I’m gonna look around a little.”
She nodded and the girls were off, giggling along the way.
“Just stay out of trouble,” Arthur called out to them before they got too far away, “and don’t get yourselves noticed.”
Uncle mentioned something about the stores so Arthur called out for them to meet back up at the general store.
“What about you?” Arthur looked towards Alice.
She was currently stepping very carefully towards the porch of a nearby building to avoid the deeper puddles of mud.
“Well, I don’t have any ideas at the moment. So, I suppose I’m stuck with you two fools.” She smiled back at him.
As the three made their way towards the general store Arthur continued to pester Uncle much to the enjoyment of Alice.
“You’re a sad man, Arthur Morgan. I don’t know how you put up with him, Miss Harkins.” Uncle waved a hand through the air at no-one in particular.
“I sometimes ask myself the same thing. Uncle.” Alice grinned up at Arthur so he knew she was kidding.
Alice held a hand to her mouth to stifle her laughs when Arthur glared at the back of Uncle’s head.
“But I know you love me.” Uncle glanced back him.
“Desperately,” Arthur deadpanned. “You’re my favorite parasite.” Arthur stopped for a brief second as they neared the door of the general store. “No…ringworm’s my favorite parasite, you’re my second favorite parasite.”
“Very funny.” Uncle stopped in front of the door.
“I lied…”Arthur continued, causing Alice to turn around to laugh politely. “Ringworm, then rats with the plague, then you.”
Uncle mumbled something that Alice didn’t quite catch and went inside the store.
“Oh, Arthur.” Alice was still smiling when he turned around towards her with a grin of his own.
“You’re ridiculous.” She shook her head as he held the door open for her.
 The inside of the store was small and musty but it had all the essentials. Alice’s sweet-tooth betrayed her as she honed in on the candies display in the center. Arthur walked around, grabbing a canister of coffee and a few other small things before he walked back to Alice.
“Can’t decide?” He mumbled, leaning down to her height.
Alice shivered at his voice being that low and that close to her ears. She felt her face heat up.
“There’s too many options.” She pouted.
Arthur hummed. “Get a little of each, my treat.”
Alice turned on him, his face now inches from hers. Arthur’s eyes widened at her sudden movement, coughing a little and standing up once more.
“I-I couldn’t ask that of you, Arthur!”
“It’s fine.” He waved her off, handing her a small bag and the scoop. “Just know that I get a bit of that.”
Alice smiled up at him. He was too sweet for his own good sometimes. She went to work scooping small portions of each of the candies available. Mostly hard ones that would last her a while before she could get more. Her full bag in hand she went up to the counter where Arthur was looking through the catalogue at some boots. Arthur smiled up at her as she placed the bag on the counter along with his items. The owner glanced between the two of them, a smirk forming on his lips. Alice had a feeling she knew what he was thinking and her face heated up once more as Arthur paid for everything.
Uncle was already seated on the bench outside the store nursing his new bottle of whiskey. He passed it to Arthur as the two relaxed. Alice sat next to Arthur, pulling two pieces of candy out. One was peppermint, the other she wasn’t sure. She chose the peppermint and held her hand out to Arthur.
“Here.” The candy clacked against her teeth.
Arthur looked down at her hand, a smile ghosted his lips. His free hand grabbed the candy from her palm, his fingers brushing over her own caused her to shiver. If he noticed, he didn’t react. Despite it being such a normal act, Alice couldn’t help but follow the candy to his lips. She was thankful Arthur wasn’t looking in her direction lest her heart burst from her chest. She’s saved a death by embarrassment, by Uncle drawing Arthur’s attention with a story.
 They aren’t quite sure how much time had passed while the three of them sat there. Enough for Arthur to fall asleep, his body slightly leaning into Alice. She didn’t mind. She knew the man barely got enough sleep as is with all the work he did. She wished he’d just take a day for himself to catch up and relax for once. Perhaps she’d talk him into it another day. Alice was almost dozing off herself when she saw Mary-Beth approaching. They both smiled at one another.  
“Gentlemen.” She called out to the men, startling them awake. “I think I’ve got something good.”
Alice moved closer to Arthur so Mary-Beth could sit on the edge of the bench.
“So, I snuck into this fancy house and acted like a servant girl - usually works.” She leaned in. “Someone was saying her sister was taking a trip from New York or some place. Train full of rich tourists, heading to Saint Denis, and then cruising off to Brazil!” Her excitement was infectious as Alice was smiling at what that could mean.
“Okay.” Arthur was nodding slowly, thinking about it.
“A train laden with baggage and passing through a bit of deserted country at night as to get to the docks in time for the tides.” Arthur seemed to get more excited as she went on. “Some place called Scarlett Meadows.”
“Yeah, I know it.” Uncle spoke up. “Yeah, yeah, it’s right out near New Hanover. Right, it’s real quiet out there.”
“Sounds good.” Arthur smiled to himself, enjoying the idea.
“Where’s Tilly and Karen?” Alice looked around.
Mary-Beth scoffed. “I think at the hotel, they were picking up some drunken fellers that they was gonna rob.”
“Why?” Arthur looked over at her.
“It seemed easy?” Arthur let out a sigh at that. “They have been gone for quite a while…”
Arthur groaned, shaking his head briefly before standing.
“Guess I’ll go see if there’s any trouble.”
Alice stood to go searching as well when Mary-Beth spotted Tilly being dragged away roughly by a man into an alley.
“Excuse me.” Arthur marched his way over.
Alice followed, not trying to get in his way but hoping to get Tilly out of there when he was through with…whatever he was about to do. As they got closer they could hear the man was arguing with Tilly, it seemed as though he was someone from her past. Arthur pulled out his gun, Alice placed a hand on the hilt of her knife, standing behind him.
“Get your hands off her, friend.” Arthur’s voice rumbled.
“Who are you?” The man was holding Tilly against the wall by her shoulder.
“A friend of mine.” She glared at him.
“Get off her.”
The man, idiot that he was, stepped up to Arthur, sizing him up.
“Or what, exactly?”
“You wanna find out?” Arthur’s voice was deadly low.
The man took a step back, glancing between Arthur and Tilly.
“You’re making a big mistake, Tilly Jackson.”
As soon as the man started walking away, Alice rushed in to take Tilly’s hand, taking her away from the scene.
“Take her to the others. I’ll go see about Karen.” Arthur’s voice was back to its normal timber.
Alice nodded, keeping her attention on Tilly. She wasn’t shaken up so much out of fear but out of anger. Alice didn’t press the issue as they walked on. She turned briefly to see Arthur make his way over to the hotel.
 It wasn’t too long before Karen and Arthur exited the building. Everyone met up near the wagon, the girls immediately looking over Karen’s bruised face.
“Are you okay?” Tilly turned Karen’s face to get a better look at it.
“Sure, he only punched me.” Karen let out a quick laugh. “Arthur punched him a lot harder.”
Arthur was about to reply when Mary-Beth spoke up.
“Hey, who’s that guy over there looking at us?”
Everyone’s attention rounded on a man seated on horseback staring very obviously at the group.
“Weren’t you in Blackwater a few weeks back?” The man called out, his attention on Arthur.
Alice’s skin prickled.
“Shit.” She muttered under her breath.
“Me?” Arthur shook his head. “No, sir. Ain’t from there.”
“Oh, you were.” The man shook his finger at him. “Well, I definitely saw you. With a bunch of fellers.”
“Me? No, impossible.” Arthur stepped towards the man. “Listen, buddy. Come here for a minute.”
“I saw you…” The man grabbed his reins. “Come on, get!”
“I don’t like this.” Uncle watched the man ride off.
“Me neither. Go get the girls home.” Arthur saddled up on a nearby horse. “I’m gonna go have a word with our friend.”
“Be careful, Arthur.” Alice spoke up.
“Just a word!” He called back as he galloped away.
Alice watched him until both he and the man passed out of the town’s limits. She briefly heard someone yell after his stolen horse.
“Come on, girls. Let’s get you in the wagon.” Uncle started walking over.
“I’m gonna stay here, wait on Arthur.” Alice smiled at the girls. “I think we’re gonna meet up with the boys if they’re still in town.”
They all nodded, telling them they’d see her later. She let out a sigh as she went back to the bench she had been seated on previously while she waited, popping another candy in her mouth.
  Alice guessed it was maybe an hour before she saw Arthur walking back down the main street. He must have returned whoever’s horse he had borrowed. He spotted her and she met him halfway in the road. He seemed okay. No blood on him from either him or the man.
“How’d it go?” She looked over his face.
“Fine. Don’t think we’ll have any more problems from him.” Arthur laughed through his nose. “Got a fancy pen out of it though.” He held the silver pen up for Alice to see.
“Well, look at that. Gonna sell it or use it in your journal?”
“Dunno yet.” He looked it over before putting it back into his satchel.
There was a bit of a lull in the conversation, but not an awkward one as the two walked out of the middle of the street.
“Well, I’m gonna see if I can’t find the boys. Knowing them they’ll probably be at the saloon.” He glanced down at her. “Why didn’t you go back with the rest of the girls?”
Alice shook her head. “I figured while I’m here I might as well see what horses the stable’s got to offer. Gonna need another eventually. I’ll meet you over there when I’m done?”
Arthur huffed with a sharp nod. Clearly not wanting to leave her alone after what had just occurred. She smiled up at him, grateful for his concern before waving him off as she turned back towards the stable.
After greeting the stable-hand, Alice made her way to the stalls to see what was available. At the moment they had three horses ready to be sold on the spot. There was a lovely palomino dappled Standardbred that reminded her far too much of her late Caramel. It hit a little too close to home. Next was a Warmblood with a lovely chocolate roan coat. Alice had to crane her neck to simply look up at the beast’s face. While beautiful, she had a feeling she would never be able to get her foot in the stirrup no matter how hard she tried. Finally, there was the Halfbred with a shiny, dappled, dark grey coat. Still, it would be slightly too tall to saddle, she thought. It also seemed far too strong for her to control.
Sighing, Alice thanked the stable-hand for his time. She’d have more options in other towns. That, or she could take up Arthur’s offer from long ago of taming a wild one for her.
Stepping back into the muddy streets of Valentine, Alice made her way up to the saloon. The sky was starting to darken as the late afternoon rain clouds began their approach. The town had quieted some as most of the traders were beginning to leave, the only sound coming from the saloon. Alice was eager, and almost giddy, as she got closer. It had been so long since she’d been able to have a nice drink, and actual hot food that wasn’t stew – no offense to Pearson. She ignored some of the looks she got from the men hanging outside the door, she’d grown used to them. Swinging it open carefully as to not knock into someone, she felt her cheeks pinch into a smile.
 Which immediately fell along with her stomach as she took in the sight before her.
 Javier and Charles were currently leaning against the bar, with two working girls between them. One of them had hair similar to Alice’s in color, but a much fuller chest than she’d ever have. The other, who had Charles’ arm draped around her waist, was beautiful, Alice would admit. Her slightly tanned skin and dark hair made for a lovely sight next to Charles. Arthur was currently saying something to the ladies. Alice couldn’t hear anything aside from the blood rushing through her ears. Seemingly upset with whatever nonsense had come from Arthur’s mouth, the girls stomped their way off. Javier pouted, glaring at Arthur. Charles almost nearly fell onto his face trying desperately to hold onto the hand of the woman that had been at his side. Alice felt her chest tighten. When Charles finally turned around after failing to keep his companion from leaving, his eyes found hers, still paralyzed in the doorway. He froze. His sudden shift in demeanor caused Arthur to follow his gaze. Alice was already small, but she felt in that moment that she had shrunk even further as her eyes shifted between them. Before either men could make a move or sound she was already out the door. She spotted their horses nearby, heading over to tend to them. Anything to clear the images from her mind.
“They’re here for one day.” She mutters. She’s not sure if it was to herself or Taima who she was currently brushing. “I know it’s silly. It’s for information. But do they have to look so…happy to do it?” She turns to Boaz, giving him a small treat. “Surely they can get information in some other fashion.” She rubs the muzzle of Arthur’s horse.
 If she thought the noises from the saloon were loud before, the distinct sounds of a brawl was enough to break her attention from the horses. She walked around them and was almost in the street when someone was suddenly thrown through the window, landing harshly in the mud. Her heart skipped a beat when she realized just who was currently rolling around on the ground.
“Arthur!” She cried out.
Before she could come to his aid, an extremely large man came rushing down the stairs of the saloon.
“Come on, pretty boy!” The man bellowed out.
“Pretty boy?” Arthur growled. “You’re kidding me. Pretty boy?!”
A crowd was forming around the two men as they readied up to fight. Alice made her way around the edge of the crowd, keeping her eyes on Arthur. She spotted Javier, Charles, and Bill standing on the saloon porch so she made her way to them. She could feel Charles staring at her but her concerns were focused on Arthur who was struggling. Rain had finally broken free from the clouds, making the street even muddier. Every hit Arthur took caused Alice to flinch. She knew he was a good fighter, but whoever this man was certainly packed a punch with his size. She could barely register the cheers made by the men next to her. The man had Arthur pinned to the ground, one hand holding his face down into the mud while the other gripped Arthur’s forearm, appearing to try to break it. With a quick punch and kick to the gut, Arthur had Tommy – she learned from the jeers from the crowd – down on his back. It only took a few hard hits from Arthur for her to realize that Tommy was not going to be fighting back any time soon. But Arthur kept hitting. And he kept hitting. Alice turned her face away. She was no saint, she had blood on her hands, but that didn’t mean she enjoyed it; whether it came from her or someone else. She realized at that moment that she had instinctively gotten closer to where Charles was leaning against the wall of the saloon. Before Arthur could finish Tommy off, a man burst through the crowd, begging Arthur to stop. She could see the tension in Arthur’s shoulders, she couldn’t see his face with his back turned away, but she could imagine the thoughts going through his mind as the man continued to plead for Tommy’s life. Alice released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding when she saw Arthur push the man out of his way and move his way through the crowd. He kept going, nursing his bruised body as he walked along the porch toward the general store. Alice and the boys stayed where they were, giving Arthur his space. A familiar voice broke through the rain, causing Arthur to stop.
“Making new friends again I see, Arthur!” That voice was hard to miss.
Alice smiled as she saw the man, it had been quite some time since they last crossed paths with the magician. Dutch was with him, sending a nod her way.
“Look who we found sniffing about.” Dutch did a quick glance over Arthur.
Arthur shook his head. “Josiah Trelawny.”
“The very same!”
“Well, well,” Arthur continued, brushing the mud from his face as best he could. “I thought you’d gone to New York?”
“And miss all this glamour?” Josiah stretched his arms out sarcastically. “You must be joking.”
Alice worried her lip as she saw Arthur limp his way towards the two, rubbing his jaw. She could only imagine how his face was going to look tomorrow.
“How are you?”
“Well. Quite well indeed.” Josiah leaned against the hitching post nearby. “I went to Blackwater looking for you gentlemen. You’re not very popular there it seems.”
Arthur grimaced as he brought himself down to sit on the porch. As Alice and the boys neared, they drew the attention of the others.
“Ah, Javier and Charles. Alice.” Josiah tipped his hat at her. “I’ve missed you.”
Bill sauntered up behind them.
“And Bill, looking as well as can be. Always a pleasure.”
Alice looked amongst the men, out of all of them it seemed Charles was either blessed to have not been injured in the fight, or was really good at not showing his weaknesses. She was still avoiding his gaze, despite her observations. She helped Javier onto a nearby crate as he nursed his shoulder back into place.
“You’re right.” Dutch spoke up. “We ain’t too popular in Blackwater.”
“We left a lot of money there.” Arthur muttered.
“And young Sean it seems.”
Dutch’s shock was mirrored on Alice’s face.
“Sean? You found him?”
Josiah nodded. “Yes, I have. He’s being held by some bounty hunters, trying to see how much money the government will pay them. I know he’s in Blackwater… but there’s talk of them moving.”
“Well, if we step foot in Blackwater,” Arthur groaned, popping his jaw back into place. “Well, then we’re dead men for sure.” Arthur was already halfway standing before Alice could step forward to help.  
“There’ll be Pinkertons all over the place, but,” Dutch looked over them all. “If he’s alive we’ve gotta try.”
Everyone nodded.
“Yeah, of course.” Arthur muttered.
Alice knew Arthur had mixed feelings about the Irishman – at least when he wouldn’t shut up.
Josiah looked over to Dutch. “It’s you they want, Dutch.”
“Always is.” Dutch thought for a moment. “Charles, go find out what you can. Carefully. Take Alice with you. I’m sure she’s itching for something to do.”
Charles nodded quickly, already walking away without a word. Alice hesitated a moment before complying, sending a tight smile towards Dutch. She had wanted to get out, but this wasn’t exactly going in her favor.
“Josiah, take Javier. Arthur, go get yourself cleaned up. Join them when you’re ready.”
Alice stopped for a brief second at that before continuing.
Javier was walking Boaz over to where Josiah had hitched Gwydion. Alice stood silently next to Charles who was searching through his saddlebag. She knew what he was looking for.
“Sorry,” She spoke softly. “I put the brush in the other one. Didn’t realize.”
He glanced back over his shoulder.
She wasn’t sure if it was for letting him know where the brush was, or letting him know that she had already brushed his horse. She gave him a quick smile that she knew didn’t quite reach her eyes.
Charles stepped up into the stirrups, pulling himself up onto the saddle. He let out a deep breath when he settled before leaning over to help Alice. She took his hand, allowing herself to be pulled up onto the back.
 The ride out of Valentine was quiet except for the sound of the occasional groan from the man in front of her when either she or Taima moved.
She swore this man was just as stubborn as Arthur.
“Charles, just stop for a second.” She sighed.
He hummed in question.
“I know you’re hurtin’. And this is already an uncomfortable ride as is, we don’t need you physically uncomfortable as well.” She felt herself worrying her lip again. It was going to be sore later.
Charles didn’t say anything, and for a moment she wondered if he would just keep going until he pulled Taima off to a small clearing on the side of the road. Javier and Josiah rode up behind them but Alice waved them on, telling them they’d catch up. Alice slid out of the saddle, watching as Charles’ face contorted as he got down. She didn’t have much in her satchel that could help with anything serious, but she had a tonic that would probably help with the pain.
They stood there for a moment, neither speaking.
“Well?” Alice huffed. “Let me see.” She waved her hands vaguely towards him.
Gone was the flirty Charles from the saloon, and instead she spotted his cheeks darken as he began unbuttoning the collar of his shirt to remove it. Alice gulped, her face heating up just as much his. When his shirt finally came off he tossed it onto the saddle. His attention returned to Alice who was doing her utmost not to look him in the eyes. Not that she could drag her attention from the sight before her if she tried.
She had seen countless shirtless men. It was inevitable with the ratio of men to women in the gang, but none of them – save perhaps Arthur; she shook her head from that image for it would be too much to handle at the moment– could compare to Charles. She already knew he was a large man, both in stature and in bulk. His hands engulfed hers, and she now saw just why her arms could never fully wrap around his torso when she rode with him. Pushing her less than lady-like thoughts from her mind she focused her attention on the nasty-looking dark, welt that was forming on his right side. It was dark outside, but there was just enough light from the moon to allow her to see, just barely. She hoped he didn’t have a broken rib, there wasn’t much she could do about that. She stepped forward hesitantly, holding her hands up to prepare to feel the area. He didn’t stop her. She could feel his eyes on her, watching every move. She let out a slow breath as she placed her small, pale hands against his broad ribcage. The contrast in both size and color was fascinating to her. She prodded at him gingerly, trying to feel for anything broken without causing him too much pain. She didn’t feel anything too out of the ordinary.
“I don’t think anything’s broken.” She risked a glance up at him. “You got lucky.”
He huffed a laugh through his nose.
She dug the tonic from her bag, handing it to him. He tried turning it away but she insisted. Charles went to put his shirt back on. As she was about to walk back to Taima, Charles’ hand latched onto her own, stopping her gently. His grip loose enough to allow her to escape his grasp if she wanted. She turned back to look at him, though her eyes focused on everything but his face.
“Alice.” His voice rumbled through her. “Please, look at me.”
She kept her head down a bit, but her eyes flitted up towards him. He looked…upset.
“I…”He struggled to find the words, his hand tightening and loosening its grip. “I hope you don’t think too poorly of me for what you saw earlier. Javier knew they’d be a good way to get information on some of the people in town…you know how it is.”
She nodded. She knew that. She knew. She didn’t know why he felt the need to apologize, if that was what he was doing.
“I just,” He grabbed her other hand in his free one, bringing them between the two of them. “I don’t know whether it’s just one-sided or not, but I do enjoy whatever it is we have going on. And I don’t want to ruin that.”
Her head lifted at this, her eyes searching his face for any sign that this was an illusion. That she hadn’t just been sleeping away in her tent back in Horseshoe Overlook and she’d wake any moment. She wasn’t naïve, she had feelings for him. Ever since he joined up with their gang she felt drawn to the man. The little moments and the ease at which the two were able to touch one another as if they had been together for years spoke volumes to their…whatever it was. Did she believe in destiny? No. But even her feelings for Arthur had taken their time to manifest over the years she had known him. With Charles it took only a few weeks.
Arthur’s face popped into her mind with her thoughts.
She was thrilled with knowing that Charles reciprocated her feelings, at least somewhat. He seemed interested enough to see where things could go at least. But she couldn’t deny that she had strong feelings towards Arthur as well. Was the world playing a cruel trick on her, forcing her to choose between two men she cared for equally? Hell, she thought, she didn’t even know if Arthur returned her feelings at all. Perhaps he only saw her as some sort of sister as John did.  She’d never know, she’d never be able to ask him.
She didn’t know how long her silence had dragged on, but Charles did not seem impatient. Kind enough to allow her to process everything. She smiled up at him.
“I’ll admit.” She laughed sheepishly. “I may have been a tad bit jealous. But I know how information gathering works. I understand.” She felt him squeeze her hands. “And I can honestly say that it’s not one-sided, Charles. Whatever we have going on, if you’re willing, I’d be more than happy to see what could happen? If you’re agreeable to that?”
The soft smile that pulled across Charles’ face was enough to turn her somber mood completely upside down. She wanted to see that smile for as long as she could.
“I’d be agreeable to that.” He laughed under his breath.
With a final squeeze to her hands, Charles let go.
The two stared at one another for a moment, the rain still coming down softly as a cloud passed over the moon, darkening the world once more in night.
“We should catch up to the others.” Charles’ eyes never left hers.
Alice nodded, not finding her voice. Her mind still turning.
Charles hopped back up onto Taima, if the tonic worked she didn’t know, but he didn’t make a noise even as he helped her on behind him. She was gentle with the arm that neared his bruised side as they started off once more.
   The ride to Blackwater was already going to be a long one. It was especially arduous due to Javier and Charles’ injuries slowing the party down. A trip that may have normally taken one night of camping ended up taking two. Javier’s injuries were greater than Charles’ simply due to the difference in size between the men. Charles could take a few good punches, Javier could not. The biggest issue for Javier was his shoulder. Everything else would heal fine, but his shoulder had been dislocated in the fight. For now it was simply a bother for him that he complained about in order to be doted on by Alice. The man loved teasing her, ever since he had joined up. Perhaps that’s why they got along so well. She could both take the teasing and dish it back in equal measure.
They had found a ridge overlooking Blackwater to camp in. Josiah took the time to head into town for information since his face wasn’t known there.  For now it was simply a waiting game until Arthur showed up.
 It was just reaching noon when Arthur finally crested over the hill. Alice was currently seated on a rock as a look-out as Charles and Javier laid on the ground scouting with their binoculars. She quickly made her way over to Arthur as he got off his horse.
“How are you feeling?” She looked him over. Whatever swelling he received from the fight had gone down significantly over the past three days, and his face was only slightly yellowed in spots from the old bruising. She didn’t know about the rest of him.
He smiled down at her.
“I’ll be fine. Don’t you worry about me.” He grabbed his things from his saddle.
“I’ll always worry about you, Arthur.”
He stilled for a moment before pulling out a cattleman revolver.
“I know if I ask you to go back to camp where it’s safer you’ll just argue so…here.” He holds it out to her. “I can’t always be there to keep you safe, but this should do the job.”
Alice’s gaze shifted between Arthur and the gun until she finally grasped it. It was small enough to fit in her hands without being too heavy. It seemed brand new as well, the silver plating was carved with roses and thorns along the barrel and grip. She noticed a small engraving on the bottom edge, “A.H.”
“Arthur…” Alice could feel her face heating up and she blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”
She held it off to the side as she placed a quick kiss to his cheek without thinking. She saw him try to hide his face behind his hat but the flush on his cheeks was hard to miss. She didn’t have a holster for the gun at the moment so she opted to just tuck it into her belt for the time being.
“The, uh, the boys are over there.” She pointed in their direction.
Arthur coughed a quick thank you before making his way over. Alice released a slow, shaky breath as she gathered herself once more. She did a quick scan of the area before heading back to where she was seated before. She couldn’t quite hear the boys since they were talking lowly amongst themselves, but she turned around to stare at the two men who were currently tugging her heart in two directions.
She was saved from going down that confusing rabbit-hole by the sight of a familiar red jacket coming up the hill. She nodded at Josiah as he dismounted and stalked his way over to the others. She caught a little of the conversation. Sean was being moved and it was now or never if they were going to get the man back. She saw Arthur point Charles off in one direction. Charles passed by Alice to grab his weapons.
“What’s the plan?” She walked over to him.
“Sean’s being moved to a federal prison. We’re getting him before they can get too far.” Charles pulled his sawed-off out of his saddle.
“And you’re going…?” She saw that Arthur and Javier were still on the ground.
“We’re gonna cut them off from two directions. I’m going up North.”
Alice blinked at him.
“…by yourself?”
Alice huffed. They always sent Charles off to do things on his own. She knew he could take care of himself but, surely he needs back-up when it comes to dangerous missions like this?
“Well, I’m comin’ with you then.” She tapped her gun.
“Alice…” Charles tried to fight it but stopped when he saw the look on Alice’s face. “Just, keep close.”
By this point the others had showed up to mount their horses. Arthur did not take the news of Alice going with Charles very well, but she could tell he was holding his tongue. He did give her the gun for a reason. He was at least happy she’d have Charles with her to watch over her. The group split up, Charles and Alice in one direction, the rest in the other.
 When they reached the Northern edge of the canyon Charles tied Taima up to a tree far enough away from where any action may take place. He and Alice sneaked over to an area of secluded bushes and rocks and waited for their opportunity. The only sounds were the rustle of leaves and a few bird calls every now and then. Off in the distance they could see the others on the cliff above where the bounty hunters had stopped their boat. Charles stepped out towards the edge, pulling out his binoculars. He waved at the boys.
“How’s it looking?” Alice whispered.
“I see Sean. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens until the others get here.” He made his way back to her quickly. “They’re bringing him up this way looks like. Keep a watch on where they take him.”
Alice nodded. She could hear voices getting closer and the distinct Irish accent of someone causing far too much trouble for the situation he was in. There was a party of about ten or so men who walked past with Sean in tow, kicking and screaming about something or another. Alice tucked herself closer to Charles. She wasn’t a stranger to gunfights and the like, the life of an outlaw meant she had to learn. But she only ever fought and killed when necessary. She never went out of her way to harm people. Her thing was stealing for a reason.
A few minutes went past when the sound of bullets came echoing from the canyon. Some of the men from before came down the hill to investigate, rifles at the ready. Alice looked towards Charles who was holding onto his tomahawk. She adjusted the grip on her new gun. He glanced down at her for a moment and she nodded. After that it was like the floodgates had opened. Charles jumped from their hiding spot, surprising the closest man with a hatchet to the back of the head. Alice had her sights set on a man currently too distracted by shooting her friends in the valley. She shot him in the arm, causing him to drop the gun, when he turned to face her she fired again, in the chest. Her new gun felt like an extension of herself. She was thankful for all the practice she’d gotten in the past from Arthur and Hosea as her aim wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be.
Bullets were coming from every direction: below, around, and above as the bounty hunters surrounded the area. She briefly spotted Arthur and Javier climbing the hill towards them when she heard a shout from behind her. She saw Arthur pointing up and when she turned she saw Charles being choked by one of the men. She raised her gun. Her hands shook at the possibility that she might hit Charles but Charles elbowed the man in the gut, giving her just the right amount of space for her to fire her weapon. She hit him in the neck, the bullet passing right through him. The man fell and his body toppled over the side of the cliff. Charles was currently coughing, catching his breath when Alice ran up to him. Her hands were still shaking from being unused to a firefight in such a long time.
After insisting that he was okay, she and Charles ran to meet up with the others as they crested the hill. The bounty hunters from their campsite had stopped shooting, probably to gain a defensive position.
“You good?” Charles called out as they got closer.
“Wouldn’t go that far.” Arthur replied, reloading his rifle.
“Their camp’s up this way, come on.”
The four of them crested the hill. Alice’s lungs were burning but she pushed through it.
‘Gotta get Sean.’ She kept reminding herself.
Javier and Arthur went left when they reached the camp while Charles and Alice went right. The fight started almost immediately. Alice could see Sean hanging from a tree near the back of the camp and that fueled just enough adrenaline for her to return fire from her cover. She saw Arthur pushing in, not even bothering to try and hide behind cover when the bullets got too close. Alice would have to argue with him about his bullheadedness later. A bottle near her head was shattered by a bullet, the shards of glass scratching at her cheek. She ignored the sting caused by the cuts but she could tell it wasn’t that bad.
Then there was silence.
Alice’s ears were ringing from the gunfire, but there was currently no one firing anymore as the last man went down. The only sounds now were the grunts of Sean trying to reach the rope around his ankles. Arthur quickly shot the rope, dropping Sean onto his back before running over to cut the rope off him.
“You know,” Sean started, “you’re a lot less ugly from that other angle, Arthur.”
Alice could see the cheeky grin on Sean’s face. Oh how she had missed him, she’d never admit it though.
“Do I get a hug, Arthur?” Sean laughed as he got up to his feet. “A warm embrace for a lost brother, now found.” He held his arms out.
Arthur placed a hand on his shoulder, laughing. “You know, nothing means more to me than this gang. The bond we share, it’s the most real thing to me. I would kill for it, I would happily die for it, but in spite of all that, I would have easily left you here to rot if Charles hadn’t stopped me.”
Sean scoffed. “I don’t believe a word of that Arthur.”
Alice laughed, drawing the attention of all the men. While they had been busy with Sean she had been catching her breath off to the side. Sean’s eyes lit up when he saw her.
“Alice! Now there’s someone who’ll give ol’ Sean a hug!” He walked over towards her, his arms out.
Alice shook her head with a smile.
“Yeah, yeah. You best behave yourself now. Arthur wasn’t kiddin’.” She winked at him as he brought her in for a quick hug.
Arthur huffed from behind them. “Get him out of here.” He called out to Javier.
“You’re a great man. Arthur Morgan!” Sean yelled out as he walked away. “The kind a young whippersnapper can really admire.”
“Oh, shut up.” Arthur rubbed a hand down his face. “Right, we should split up. Javier, will you escort Mr. Macguire back to camp? Charles, best you ride separately.”
Charles started making his way to where they had tied Taima.
“Be careful, there’s patrols everywhere.”
“What about you?” Javier turned towards Arthur.
“I’m gonna see what’s worth taking here. I’ll meet you back there as soon as I can.”
With that, Javier went to where Sean was currently seated on Boaz. Alice could see the displeasure on Javier’s face with his riding partner when he was already starting a story for the road. Alice watched as Charles made his way down the hill. She hated that once again they were just going to send him off on his own. She turned to Arthur.
“Well…I’d rather head back to camp now so, I’m gonna ride with Charles I suppose.” She kicked the patch of dirt near her as she looked up at Arthur. He was currently running a hand through his hair, sweaty from his hat. “I’ll see you back at camp?”
Arthur looked at her for a long while before he finally nodded. “Stay safe. I’ll see ya soon.”
She smiled up at him before heading off.
She’d never admit it, but she was looking forward to being back in her uncomfortable bedroll for once.
  The ride back to camp went by much faster. They took one night of rest for Charles to help Alice clean the cuts on her cheek. He said they should heal up fine with no scarring. The ride from their camp to Horseshoe they took a little slower just to enjoy the scenery. Charles had let Alice sit up front in the saddle so that he could wrap his arms around her. She didn’t mind. She was thankful that things between them weren’t awkward. She was a little worried that once they acknowledged their feelings towards one another that there would be that limbo one has when they try to navigate the early parts of a relationship.
If that’s what this was. She hadn’t actually asked him. For now she was content with knowing that she didn’t have to worry about her feelings being one-sided anymore.
  By the time they reached camp it was late in the afternoon. Javier and Sean were already back in camp, apparently having stopped for drinks on their way so that a party could be thrown. Arthur arrived not too long after and once everyone was accounted for, the night began.
Like Charles, Alice wasn’t that big of a drinker, she liked to at least stay somewhat conscious in case of emergencies. So tonight she resigned herself to simply having one or two beers and nursing them throughout the party.
 Javier had other ideas.
 Alice wasn’t about to turn down a challenge when it came to who could drink the most shots of whiskey, so when he asked she immediately said yes. They still aren’t quite sure who won.
 She immediately regretted it. She wasn’t drunk, per say, but her brain was currently lagging a bit behind. She was singing at the top of her lungs with Karen and Sean while Pearson played his accordion. The notes were a little jumbled but no one cared. Alice’s attention was brought to Arthur who was sitting just out of sight near Dutch’s tent with Hosea. Dutch had turned on his gramophone and was taking Molly out for a spin. Alice’s legs were up before her brain could stop her.
“Arthur!” She sing-songed.
The man looked at her, shaking his head with a grin.
“Yes, Alice?”
“Wanna dance.” She meant to ask it as a question.
Arthur had been pulling a beer to his lips but stopped it just to look at her again.
“I, uh, I ain’t much of a dancer.”
Alice felt a pout forming.
“Come now, Arthur.” Hosea laughed, looking between the two of them. “Be a gentleman and give the lady a dance.”
“Yeah! Dance with me, Arthur.” Alice grabbed his free hand.
With a groan, Arthur tipped his beer back, finishing it off before being pulled into the space in front of Dutch’s tent. Alice heard Dutch say something to Arthur but she didn’t quite catch it. Whatever it was caused Arthur to grumble, his face flushed.
After a few turns on the impromptu dance-floor, Alice was finding herself smiling once more.
“For someone who says they ain’t much of a dancer, you sure is good at it.” Alice looked up at him.
Arthur simply chuckled.
“I think that’s the drink talkin’, sweetheart.”
Alice sighed. “I like it when you call me that.”
Neither of them said anything else, just enjoying the dance until it ended. Alice tried to curtsy, she ended up fumbling a little and that caused her to start giggling uncontrollably. Arthur simply laughed – she wasn’t sure if it was at her or the situation.
“Why don’t you go sit down? Charles is seeming mighty lonely over by the fire.” He nodded in that direction.
Alice turned around far too quickly, causing the world to spin a bit.
“Well, we can’t have him bein’ lonely.” Alice turned back to Arthur. “We should do this again! Perhaps when I’m not such a mess.”
“Alright.” Arthur tipped his hat, his smile soft. “You have a good night, Alice.”
 Alice flopped rather unceremoniously on the ground next to Charles’ leg. He was seated on a log, poking the fire. The night seemed to be winding down as everyone started splitting off. Javier was plucking at his guitar by his tent, not playing anything in particular. They were the only three over here at the moment. Alice leaned her head on Charles’ knee.
“Please remind me never to drink with Javier again.” She glanced up at the man in question who simply smirked.
Charles’ laugh rumbled through his body.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He placed his hand on her neck. “You should probably go get some rest. Don’t want a headache in the morning.”
“But I wanna spend time with you!” She leaned back so she could look at him. “You were all ‘someone’s gotta watch the camp while everyone drinks.’ “Her voice lowered in an attempt to match his. “And I didn’t get to see you all night.” She batted her eyelashes up at him earning a smile.
“Yeah. But you had fun though, didn’t you? Saw you dancing with Arthur.” His thumb rubbed circles on her neck.
She nodded. “It was fun, yeah. Next time I’m dancin’ with you though, no excuses!” She poked at his knee.
“Of course.” He laughed as he stood, helping Alice to her feet. “Let’s get you to bed first.”
Alice simply nodded, allowing herself to be guided to her tent. Charles was holding her hand gently. It was warm. She brought her free hand up to place it on the top of their joined ones.
“I’m real happy, Charles.” She leaned into him. “Real happy.”
Her tent wasn’t very far but he seemed to be walking much slower than necessary. Perhaps to prolong their time together. But like all good things, it came to an end. She looked at the front of her tent then back up at Charles.
“Let me know if you need anything.”
“I will.” She smiled. “Goodnight, Charles.”
“Goodnight, Alice.” He squeezed both of their hands together before letting her go.
Alice’s tent wasn’t much. It was a good enough height for her to stand, probably not the boys if they ever – she stopped that line of thought. She didn’t bother changing out of her clothes and instead just fell down to the ground onto her bedroll. She was out before she even knew it.
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loquaciousquark · 7 years ago
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E18 (May 15, 2018)
@eponymous-rose​ is out tonight, so here I am instead, tiny-footed in her enormous...shoes? This metaphor’s escaped me.
Preshow is the crew filling a whiteboard with chat-directed drawings. It includes Mollymauk covered in pyramids, Jester’s lollipop, and Caleb on fire. You know, as it happens. Liam smiles very convincingly next to it.
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Anyway, tonight’s guests are Liam and Sam, who arrives late and brings his Emmy. This fool.
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Tonight’s announcements: new website! Critrole.com. It’ll have updates, news, events, and Sam suggests a daily vlog from BWF. The hardcover version of VM Origins will have its launch date announced this Thursday morning on said website. Liam pulls out a copy of the thing and it looks great. Also, everyone except Liam will be participating in the Stream of Many Eyes livestream in LA June 1-3, which will include multiple live D&D games. More information and tickets here. 
Crit Role Stats! Nott currently has the most kills of the MN with 16. Her HDYWTDT on the hill giant puts her at 5, tied with Molly for the most.
Caleb has cast the most spells of the group with 146. The next closest is Jester with 100. Liam: “It’s that ritual casting, yo.” However, Jester’s cast a larger variety of spells (22 to Caleb’s 20). This doesn’t include the Wand of Smiles (Caleb: 1, Jester: 4).
Sam is still stuck in character creation in Pillars of Eternity. Liam calls BS since he asked how to walk, but Sam reminds him you walk before going into the CC. He’s spent an hour and a half making a Cipher. BWF made Pike, but picked the wrong voice. Liam suggests picking Grog’s voice in his remake. Liam played the opening nine times and eventually had to reinstall the whole thing to unlock the VM portraits. Sam has a traumatic realization that he has the same problem & will have to reinstall as well.
Caleb is strongly regretting entering the Victory Pit due to the exposure it’s gotten them. He didn’t think there would be any bigwigs this far out, but he was “shocked” to find he was mistaken.
Nott isn’t happy with the notoriety either, but she’s conflicted; “she enjoys the supportive glances of her comrades, her teammates, but every once in a while is reminded other people are watching too.” Both agree the afterparty went badly.
Re: the Trent namedrop, Liam: “I can’t believe he’s here, this far out... I didn’t take in a lot of what happened for the next twenty minutes.”
During a discussion of distractions during an episode, Sam talks about how he and Laura were drawing a shared picture last episode whose arms and legs became dicks over the course of the episode.
Nott was surprised to find she was of value to the team during the hill giant fight. She’s still getting used to her abilities, but being so small and taking down something that big was a confidence boost. “She’s super jittery and nervous about everything and she drinks to compensate. I think this is going well for her, helping the team.”
Frumpkin happened post-asylum, so there was no danger of Trent recognizing him. Liam: “He was tapped for school at 15, meets Ikathon at 16 & goes with Astrid & Aeowulf, goes home for the first event with his parents about a year later, burns the house at age 17, and then was in the asylum until age 28. He ran and was totally alone when he got out; the first step was a cat, the second step was a goblin, and the next step was a group.” Sam: “Your guy was institutionalized for over a decade? I should reconsider who I travel with...”
Nott doesn’t necessarily believe Yasha is a spy, but she doesn’t know why she keeps disappearing or what she’s doing. She doesn’t even know what Yasha is, just that she’s super powerful and scary.
GIF of the week: @trisail. It’s the Trent reveal moment with overlays of Caleb shorting out. Heh.
Lengthy discussion about the “leave the table” moment. Liam found the scene super satisfying as it played out and doesn’t regret it. However, it’s a game for his friends first and foremost, and the primary purpose must be to entertain his friends and make them laugh and gasp, and this way robbed them of their reactions. He doesn’t think there would have been an issue with them being at the table--they’re all respectful audience members, and they’ve all been present before at other reveals. Plus, his story is very complicated, so “what am I gonna do? Spill it out all over again for Fjord, for Jester? It just didn’t seem feasible.” Caleb’s story has been in Liam’s head for a long time, so he was glad to get it out. Liam got the most responses on Twitter ever after his first tweet that he’d told his friends to go back and watch.
None of the other cast members aside from Ashley & BWF have watched the Caleb scene yet. Ashley found it pretty crazy and “a lot.”
Liam reminisces about seeing Vex’s heartbreak at Percy’s death and Grog’s privy conversation with the sword, even though he wasn’t part of those scenes, and wishes he hadn’t excluded his friends from his reveal. “I didn’t get a cat o’nine tails out of Taliesin’s closet and flagellate myself, but...a small course correction.”
Caleb’s reveal clarified some things about how Nott views Caleb; neither Sam nor Nott are dumb, and they both knew that he was suffering from something terrible. This just confirmed that & fleshes out the details. Nott’s views of Caleb’s victimhood, and her wishes that he no longer have to suffer, have not changed. 
 Liam points out that the intimacy of the show has changed over time, allowing them to pursue deeper conversations between characters instead of just the wacky hijinks they started with. As an example, he points out the difference between the first Liam/Keyleth scene where people hid behind hats vs. later Percy/Vex scenes where everyone was respectful and quiet. Sam enjoys that they can now have fun-fun (getting out of tricky situations and fighting together) alongside adult-fun (deep conversations and new relationships). BWF points out they’ve spent more time with these characters already than a full 5-season primetime show.
Sam became addicted to playing D&D precisely because of the level of depth you could reach with these characters, which you can’t achieve anywhere else.
In the thirty minutes before the Caleb conversation, Liam was wildly conflicted about what he was going to do (reveal everything, reveal only parts, lie). At the same time, “it’s killing [Caleb] to keep it all bottled up,” and even though Caleb’s really smart, he’s not a mastermind, and it may have still been too soon. However, Liam was also ready to stir the pot--he’s getting antsy that so many backstories haven’t been revealed, even though they’re theoretically a sixth of the way through the show. He also points out that Caleb has achieved his goal of finally getting into the library, so there’s nothing keeping him from leaving at any time. “That’s Caleb talking, not Liam.”
Laura & Travis interrupt to Facetime in & pretend they meant to call BWF’s mom for Mother’s Day. It’s pretty darn funny, and they confirm they totally watch this show from home when they’re not on it. Nerds.
Sam also takes a moment to loudly, angrily remonstrate Laura & Travis for taking pho home to eat. “You do not take pho home to eat. You eat it at the restaurant. It does not travel.” Discussing Sam’s food snobbery, Liam reminisces about how proud he was of some homemade blueberry pancakes he made after his kids were born. He shared a picture of them with Sam, who then sent back a picture of pancakes Sam’s wife made that “looked like something out of a magazine, there were raspberries, and everyone was like OHHHH, OHHHH, and I was alone and tired in my kitchen.” Sam: “I’m the worst person.”
Sam had guessed that Caleb’s backstory had something to do with fire, but had thought maybe he’d accidentally hurt/killed someone. “It’s pretty bad to accidentally hurt someone with fire. It’s super bad to intentionally kill someone with fire who is related to you.”
Caleb has no idea what happened to the other two children. The last thing he remembers before hospitalization was the house. Liam still thinks of Caleb as young since he’s essentially lost eleven years.
Sam asked Liam why he wanted to play someone so dark after Vax instead of someone more lighthearted. Liam’s just attracted to these kinds of stories; “this is what I want to do with my spare time.” He’s fine with other people being jovial instead of him.
Fanart of the Week: This gorgeous thing by Wesley Griffith. Apparently, Travis said this is his favorite representation of Fjord so far.
Nott doesn’t think she can do powerful magic; she’s just excited to be able to do small things. Liam’s dying to know Nott’s backstory: “She’s like a little bag of knives who’s hyperintelligent and drunk.”
Sam pauses to plug a new organization, Nerds Vote, a nonpartisan encouragement to register to vote.
In re: Beau’s reaction to Caleb’s reveal, Liam discusses his other options. He thinks Fjord is very intelligent but an unknown who might be evil. Jester he thinks would be the most likely to be repulsed or run away. Yasha’s her own kind of stranger who always leaves. Molly’s a 24/7 party animal that’s wildly different from Caleb. He feels Beau was the best choice; Beau had something he wanted anyway (and had shared a secret with him) so he didn’t have second thoughts acceding to her request.
Even though Nott has forgiven him, Caleb’s not looking to be forgiven or have anyone pat him on the back. He doesn’t believe “it’s going to be okay or it’s not his fault.” He knows he’s absolutely to blame and there’s a massive degree of self-loathing, so Liam feels Beau was the absolute perfect person to tell since she was going to be dry, pragmatic, and real. “No fluff, all...elbow-corners.” He didn’t want someone to coddle him and she was the perfect person for that.
He recognizes that they’re both Empire kids and share that history. Caleb also has been paying attention to everyone, and he feels Beau is clearly not happy with the Empire regardless of what she says, which aligns with Caleb’s feelings as well. Liam thinks it was a great choice to break it to her first, & he feels it wouldn’t have been fair to exclude Nott if he were to finally spit it out.
Nott’s not concealing anything from anyone about her backstory; it’s just that no one’s asked. Caleb never asked about anyone’s backstory because he didn’t want return questions.
Sam likes Liam’s story choices and calls them brave.
The original idea for Caleb stretches back so far that Liam thought of the name Astrid even before Matt introduced Pike’s cousin, Astrid. When they started discussing character creation for the new campaign, Matt okayed repeating the name. The German accent came much later in character creation (i.e. after the development of backstory). To Liam, Caleb’s backstory reads more like KGB or Pet Murderer over Hitler Youth, since as far as he knows it was only the three children involved, not an army.
Of the choices available to the group, Sam most wants to go back to the Gentleman. Liam wonders if Pumat has skeletons in his closet. (How many closets does Pumat have, I wonder?)
Sam segues into his difficulty remembering the difference between the Soltryce Academy and the Cerberus Assembly since they both have “C-A” sounding names. Liam: “Look, folks, he can either be really funny, or he can know the details.” Sam: “And that’s... where Ikathon is? And then there are the Halls of Erudition? There are too many things!” I have never identified more with him than this moment right here.
I have a brief, violent heart attack when an accidental keypress navigates me away from this page and I think I’ve lost it all. False alarm, please reduce heart rate to under 100bpm.
After Dark: Emmy and a lovely mace for Pike Edition
Liam elucidates the difference between a mace and a morningstar. Sam just about knocks his Emmy off the shelf getting the aforementioned mace for demonstration.
Sam’s asked which 90s Disney Afternoon show his character would like best. Sam: Darkwing Duck, Talespin, Gummy Bears, Fraggle Rock. Liam: Duck Tales.
Does Nott regret saying she’s Caleb’s mother after knowing what he did to his last mom? Sam: “Oh, wow. I didn’t even think about that.” Liam: “How could you not? I’ve been thinking about it for weeks!” Sam: “Well, it’s not like he’s a Terminator-style hunter of only mothers...” Finally--no, it hasn’t crossed Nott’s mind, but Sam will inform her soon.
The ultimate food sin for Sam--transporting pho is pretty high on his list, but he decides on ten-dollar wine. (Two-buck chuck, you know what you’re getting, swillwater flavored like wine; ten-dollar wine is actual wine that is terrible.) He recommends splurging for the fourteen-dollar wine. Sam loves cheap Chinese but Panda Express doesn’t count as Chinese. “No good Chinese restaurant ever advertises, ever.” Salted vs. unsalted butter is also a big thing. This is all because of Sam’s wife, he says; Liam points out that a year after they first met, when Sam moved to LA, Liam went over to Sam & Sam’s wife’s terrible apartment where they made very fancy salmon wrapped in that clear waxy rice paper stuff I can’t remember the expensive name for.
Caleb had very little left offensively in the hill giant fight. All he had was Sleep and Shield and a weak cantrip, so all he could do was gamble and guess on the timing. When he first cast it, Sam told Laura it was a big mistake. 
A viewer question tries to goad Liam & Sam into a tickle fight. Liam threatens BWF with the mace instead. 
Sam agrees to grow a small beard for Liam’s birthday, a little “chin music.”
And that’s all for the night! Is it Thursday yet?
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weasleyimaginewheezes · 7 years ago
Weasley twins x reader / All’s fair in joking and love
A/N Second birthday fic for Fred and George. This is my first one with both of them and reader so if it’s bad I apologise. This one wasn’t requested but I rolled with it anyway. Natural mix of angst and fluff. Also if anyone wants to request a (smutty) part 2 of this I’d happily write it.  I realise their birthday probably wouldn't happen at the burrow for the sakes of this story it does anyway enjoy <3 A/N
Word count: 2,189
Warnings: None except for some class A pranks ;).
“Happy birthday!” 
All the Weasley’s (except Charlie and Percy) along with Harry, Hermione and me had been waiting for the two birthday boys to wake up and make their way downstairs. Fred and George feigned surprise as though they didn’t get this almost every year and made everyone laugh with their dramatics. 
“Oh my god you guys!” Fred fanned his face as though he was about to cry much similar to a teenager or a pageant queen. Meanwhile George made an ‘ugly crying face’ prompting more laughter. 
“Come on boys I made you some birthday breakfast.” Molly ushered them down from the stairs with a large smile and began serving them pancakes as they sat down, the rest of us following. “And you can have any toppings you like.” Molly gave a small wink and then instantly regretted her choice of words as Fred and George both reached to pile everything and anything they could onto their pancakes. By the end you could no longer see the pancake itself under the weight of copious amounts of chocolate and sweets all mixed with different sauces of all flavours, it was enough to make anyone nauseous but not the twins. They dug in as the rest of us kept it simple with some chocolate and/or fruit. 
The conversation was light and fun as we all enjoyed breakfast that was until a loud scream erupted from the end of the table and everyone turned to see Ron screaming at his plate. He got up and ran away almost as if he had seen a- and then I saw it, a massive black spider covering Ron’s plate where his pancakes had once been. Fred and George burst into laughter and high fived each other. 
Molly told them to turn it back after a disapproving speech about April fools day jokes. They looked as though they hadn’t taken a single word in as they stifled more laughter. I heard George whisper to his brother, “we’re only just getting started.” I suddenly dreaded what the rest of the day was bound to bring but was excited to see nonetheless. 
They did not disappoint. 
Each member of the family had been got. Ginny’s hair had been transformed into a big ball of fluff atop her head as well as it changing colours every 5 minutes. 
Harry had been having uncontrollable sneezing fits one after the other, Molly thought he was ill and insisted he rest up. It wasn’t until Harry reached up and grabbed something in thin air just under his nose, it was a feather that become visible at this touch. Harry laughed it off with Fred and George, thankful that it wasn’t ongoing unlike Ginny’s hair. 
Bill had woke up to find his hair cut short. He had ranted to his mother who he suspected had done it whilst he was sleeping before it grew back to twice its original length an hour later, his hair was nearly hitting the floor. He found the twins and they confessed after Bill intimidated them in a way only an older brother could. 
Hermione had been more difficult to prank. They had thought about fake burning her books but that was a push to far even for them so they decided to use one of their own creations. They used a sweet she wasn’t aware of as yet, the nosebleed nougat and bribed Ginny into giving her one because no way would she eat anything they gave her. She accepted with only a tiny bit of suspicion but Ginny convinced her they were some old fashioned muggle sweets from the muggle store and since Hermione’s parents were dentists and did not approve of much sugar, she decided to trust Ginny and gave into temptation. Molly was not impressed when she had to fix Hermione’s heavily bleeding nose 5 minutes later. 
The only person left was me. They didn’t dare prank Molly or Arthur, that would just end in more trouble than its worth. I waited and waited, trying to anticipate for the worst. It wasn’t until 4pm that something happened but it wasn’t a prank, it was Fred pulling me into his room as I walked past on my out of the bathroom. I looked heavily confused at him as he smirked his devilish smirk at me. 
“What?” I asked, my voice was shaky for some reason. I was on edge, that must have been it, expecting the worst to happen. Perhaps George would jump out disguised as a terrifying clown with a chainsaw of some sorts.
“I need to tell you something.” Fred looked like he was about to burst with excitement or maybe it was nerves? But why would Fred be nervous, he was only ever nervous when he was being severely told off by his mother or if he was talking to an attractive girl whom he liked. I nodded encouragingly for him to continue. He took a large inhale of breath. “I think I’m in love with you (y/n).” 
My throat dropped to my stomach and your heart felt as though it had abandoned me out of shock but then I felt it pound hard against my rib cage. My face was a picture; eyes widened to the size of a quaffle, face fully red.
And then it struck me painfully like a bolt of lightning. He wasn’t serious. This was it, this was the joke. And it was a cruel way to end the day. I looked closely at Fred who kept up his nervous façade. Irritation clocked on my face and Fred’s eyebrows knitted together. 
“Very funny.” I applauded. “You got me but I’m gonna go and have dinner now because I’m pretty sure your Mum is calling.” I knew Molly wasn’t even half done with dinner but I had to leave that room and fast. Fred wasn’t to know of my past feelings for him but still it didn’t make it less painful to know the thought of us together was just a joke to him. 
The downstairs area of the burrow was mainly empty. I heard cheers from outside and assumed that they were playing Quidditch outside. Molly was preparing dinner along with what looked like a large chocolate cake and one lone person was sat on the sofa reading. I looked over and saw it was George, my curiosity peaked and I made my way over as Ginny flew quickly past the window.
“Hey Georgie.” George peered over what I realised was an old copy of one of Lockhart’s books. “You can’t be seriously reading that.” George looked confused and turned the book to look at the cover, once he realised he threw the book onto the table in front of him, a look of disgust on his face. I laughed as he smiled at me. 
“So why were you reading that?” I asked through my little fits of giggles. George sighed and sank down into the sofa. 
“I wasn’t. I just needed to hide from Ginny. Her hair still hasn’t gone back to normal and she’s gotten pretty good with the bat bogey hex. She’s always looking for a new test subject.” He heard the door open and checked to make sure it wasn’t his sister. 
I laughed again. “But she can’t do magic outside of Hogwarts anyway.” 
“I wouldn’t put it past her, she can be fierce when she wants to be.” George sounded almost intimidated. I laughed a little more before George turned suddenly serious and faced me. “(Y/n) what would you say to a person you liked but was also one of your best friends?” I furrowed my brow at the question but answered it anyway. 
“Well, I’d just put it simply. Tell them how I feel and then see their reaction. Honesty is the best policy.” I internally cringed at myself for using my mothers phrasing but felt comfortable with my answer. George twisted his lips thoughtfully and nodded. 
“Okay then,” George sat up straight and just as I had he urge to ask who it was he said, “(y/n) I like you and I mean in a more-than-friends way.” He took a large deep breath at the end and I was taken aback. Seriously both of them? George looked hurt as I laughed. This couldn’t be happening. I was already conflicted in my feelings for both of the twins I didn’t need their jokes to make things worse. 
“Really? You know it’s bad luck after 12pm to pull an April fools joke?” George looked confused. “Plus Fred’s already tried that one. You need to get your ideas straight.” I huffed and walked off to the kitchen, asking if Molly needed any help and to my relief she did. 
George stormed upstairs to his and Fred’s room. “What the hell, Fred?!” 
Fred turned from where he was sat on his bed to look at his brother. George looked livid. His face was red and his nostrils flared. “What?” 
“Don’t play innocent. I know you asked (y/n) out.” Fred shrugged, still throughly confused at what was happening. “You know I like her!” George looked hurt and angry and Fred began to feel bad.
“George, I didn’t-“ Fred started, sure he’d never heard George talk about (y/n) in any sort of romantic way. George gave him a glare which prompted Fred to stop talking. George laid flat on his bed and gave a groan of annoyance.
“You know this is so typical of you.” George’s irritation was clear in his tone. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you practically fall in love with every girl you meet and the one time I find the girl I want-“ George cut himself off out of anger. 
“What if I actually like her too?” Fred asked his voice raised to almost a full yell, loud enough for the people in the kitchen to hear. George scoffed at his brother before he saw Fred look guilty yet sure and defiant at the same time and George didn’t question it. Neither twin knew whether to be angry or not. 
“You do? Like seriously?” George’s voice was sceptical, it was the biggest prank holiday after all. Fred nodded slightly angrily at his brother. George just sighed and put his head in his hands. “Okay so now what?” 
“Last time we both wanted something we did rock, paper scissors?” Fred suggested seriously, George just laughed.
“Fred that was for the last piece of bacon.” George sighed rubbing his palm over his face. “It’s not the same. (Y/n) isn’t bacon.” Fred laughed a little and they both went back to thinking how best to resolve their situation. “We could both just back off.” George suggested. Fred’s face fell a little but it was the best solution besides having me choose which wasn’t fair. The twins shook hands and made their way back downstairs to tell me.
I was in the kitchen manually chopping up some carrots when the twins both arrived looking solely at me. They dragged me away into the living area.
“Look (y/n) we wanted to apologise for earlier,” Fred started.
“Yeah it wasn’t cool. But you should know we weren’t joking as we seriously do like you.” George continued and I widened my eyes in shock.
“But too avoid any heartbreak or awkwardness we’ve decided to let you go,” Fred once more chimed in with a sad smile.
“Like a bird from a cage.” George finished their sentence and they both smiled at me but I didn’t know how to react. Maybe it was for the best to move on but I had been trying that for the past 3 years and it hadn’t worked out greatly in my favour. 
“What if I don’t want that?” I said quietly but loud enough for them both to hear. George and Fred who were just about to leave, wore matching expressions of shock making me giggle. 
“What?!” They both said in a unison of shock and confusion. I laughed a bit more loudly. 
“Well what if I dated both of you?” The twins became even more surprised before becoming more interested in my proposal.
“Go on.” Fred encouraged.
“Well the thing is, I like the both of you too, have for a while actually and although I could never choose, I haven’t been able to think about anyone else in that way since I was 13.” Fred and George blinked their eyes as though waking up from a dream, I smiled sweetly at them whilst my brain imploded with worry.
The twins looked at each other and had a silent conversation between themselves. The silence made me more and more nervous. Fred was the first to turn back to me. He shrugged his shoulders and then smiled widely as did George. “It’s worth a shot.”
I went up and kissed them both sweetly on the lips. And just as I went to leave, I looked back over my shoulder at the still shocked twins. “Oh and happy birthday.” I winked and saw them smile once more before going to the kitchen as Molly called everyone for dinner.
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