#i just want a friendship where I don’t have to second guess everything I say
snigora · 1 year
I would give anything for a friendship group like they have in Heartstopper
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 8 months
Hated - Ethan Landry - Part 1
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Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
This contains SMUT. - Minors DNI
Part 2
Summary: Ethan's hated you for a while, but a little bit of time alone and a heated argument leads to something more.
A/N: There will probably be a part 2, but I'm not sure if I like this.. If you guys have any requests, please send them in. I need ideas!
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You loved hanging out with your best friend, Chad. The only downside to the friendship: His roommate hated your fucking guts.
You thought Ethan was cool when you first met him at a party with the “Core Four”, but that changed once you started to spend so much time with Chad. He rolled his eyes whenever you spoke, made comments about the way you dressed at parties, and just seemed to loathe your presence.
One day, you arrived at Chad’s before he made it home from class. Ethan didn’t want to let you in, but it was cold outside, and he wasn’t heartless. You both took a seat on the couch, him on one end, you on the other. After a while of you both scrolling through your phones, you finally decided to speak.
“Why do you hate me?” You asked, not looking up from your phone. You saw his head snap in your direction in your peripheral vision.
“Why wouldn’t I hate you?” He scoffed, and it took everything in you to not slap him.
“You didn’t answer my fucking question,” The irritation in your voice obvious.
“Maybe it’s the way you play dumb all the time whenever you’re studying with Chad. Maybe it’s how you dress like you’re looking for attention whenever we go out. Maybe it’s the way you flirt with anything that fucking walks. Shit, all those things would be a good enough reason to hate you, don’t you think?” His condescending tone was infuriating.
You stood up in front of him, “First off, you make it sound like I’m just out there fucking everybody, which isn’t true. I haven’t had sex since my boyfriend and I broke up before I even came here. Second, even if I was trying to find someone to fuck, that’s none of your business. It’s not my fault that you’re jealous.” Your words set Ethan off.
He jumped up too, inches away from you, “No, what IS your fault is knowing I had a crush on you, making out with me after that party, and then acting like it never fucking happened!”
“What are you talking about?” you asked, as his face twisted in disbelief.
“You don’t remember me taking you back to your dorm because you were too scared to walk alone? You don’t remember inviting me in? You don’t remember moaning my name when I was kissing your neck?” At this point, he was pacing. Seeing him this angry was a turn on, so you decided to press further.
“I was WASTED, Ethan. Plus, I have a hard time believing that you made me moan.” He stopped pacing, staring you down. His eyes were lust-filled, and you could see he was starting to get hard through his sweatpants.
“I guess you don’t remember asking me to fuck you either, huh?” he asked, stepping closer to you.
You smirked, “What if I asked you to fuck me now?”
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Within seconds, you were in his room. As soon as he closed the door, you were up against it. His mouth attacked yours as you lightly ran your fingers under his shirt and over his abs.
You both hurried out of your clothes. It’s been a long time since you’ve had sex, and up to this point you thought Ethan was a virgin, but now you aren’t so sure.
Once you were on his bed, he kissed you all down your chest, paying extra attention to your nipples. You were a moaning mess within minutes, and he wasn’t even inside you yet.
He started to kiss further down your body, the anticipation killing you as he inched closer to where you needed him the most. He suddenly stopped, and you shot up to whine in protest.
“Hey, I want to make sure you’re okay with everything I’m doing. If it’s too much or if it’s not enough, tell me. If you want me to stop, tell me. I want you to feel good.” For the first time in months, you’re seeing the Ethan you first met. The kind, sweet, caring Ethan. You almost didn’t know what to say with the complete personality switch.
“This isn’t a hate-fuck thing anymore, is it?” you asked, as he started to blush.
“I kinda pictured my first time to be a little more…intimate, I guess? If you want to stop, I understand,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
You were in shock, thinking there’s no way this man exuded this much confidence and had you so turned on, but was still a virgin.
“We can keep going, if that’s okay with you. We can do whatever you feel comfortable with,” you said, before placing your lips on his.
He started to kiss down your body again, spreading your legs to kiss you as far down as he could. He placed a gentle lick to your clit, testing the waters to see if that felt good. His eyes connected with yours, “Keep doing that, baby,” you said, as he continued. It felt good, but you needed a little more.
Before you could say anything, you felt one of his fingers slip inside you. “Oh, fuck,” you moaned, as he found that special spot. He added another finger as his mouth got more aggressive on your clit. You wanted to praise him for doing such a good job, but your brain was turning to mush as you felt your orgasm building.
You felt yourself tightening around his fingers, unable to control the moans coming out of your mouth. Once that wave of ecstasy hit, you were thrown into the best orgasm you’ve ever had. Ethan couldn’t stop staring at this blissful expression on your face, so happy that he was the one to make you feel good.
“I know you’re a virgin, but there’s no way you haven’t done that before,” you said, smirking as your breathing steadied.
“That was the first time,” he whispered, as we heard the front door close.
You mumbled ‘fuck’ under your breath as you scrambled to grab your clothes off the floor, putting them on as quick as possible.
“Roomie, you here?” Chad yelled from the other side of the door. You had a look of panic on your face, terrified that he would open the door.
“Yeah, I’ll be out in a minute,” he said, as he put his clothes back on.
“This isn’t over yet,” you whispered, nibbling on his ear lobe.
“Promise?” he whispered as you both walked out of the room.
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lemonlover1110 · 8 months
Suguru Getou & Kento Nanami
[Chapter 3] Awkwardness
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Pairing: Suguru Getou x f!Reader x Kento Nanami
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Kento thinks that he should ask you out on a date but the nerves get to him at the mere thought of it. He’s so scared of rejection and ruining your friendship, so he’d rather just suffer silently through his feelings. But he thinks about how you act a lot like a couple, and that his second thoughts are holding back from something that could be amazing.
He also doesn’t want to take your attention away from your daughter but Kento guesses that you should start dating someone eventually. He’s also a perfect candidate since he loves Sayuri as if she were his own– But he also risks losing that if you reject him.
You invited him to join you for dinner, and he holds a bottle of wine for you two to share, and a toy for Sayuri. He knocks on the door, waiting for you to open the door and let him inside. He’s thinking if tonight is the right night to ask you out on a date, maybe during dinner he can suggest going out or after. He doesn’t have everything planned out yet, but he thinks he’s doing it tonight.
The door to your apartment opens, and Kento almost sighs when Suguru opens the door. Suguru rolls his eyes, but allows Kento inside because he can’t dictate who is and who isn’t allowed in your home. The last thing Suguru needs right now is another argument with you. Kento walks past Suguru without saying a word, and the moment he steps into the apartment, a sweet little voice yells his name which makes him crouch down to the floor to receive the hug Sayuri runs to give him.
“Do you want to see my new toy?” Sayuri asks when she pulls away, and Kento shows her the toy that he just got for her, which makes her gasp. She snatches it from his hands and runs to the living room to open it.
“What do you say, Sayuri?!” You yell, walking out of the kitchen to greet Kento. He chuckles handing you the bottle of wine before giving you a side hug.
“It’s fine, she’s just excited.” Kento says, and you click your tongue. Of course he’d say that, he supports anything and everything Sayuri does. But luckily it’s not a problem since Kento is just an uncle, for now at least. It’s a problem when Suguru does it.
“Sayuri!” You raise your voice, and she pouts before saying,
“Thank you, Nanamin.” Kento chuckles, putting his hands in his pockets as he walks to the kitchen. He manages to completely ignore Suguru, putting all his attention on you. 
“Would you like a glass?” You ask Kento and he nods in response. You then look at Suguru who nods in response. You serve three glasses, handing the first one to Kento, and keeping one to yourself. The last one is left on the counter for Suguru to grab, and he rolls his eyes because you don’t bother handing it to him. He does know that you aren’t in his good graces because he’s been lacking as a parent lately and he’s been too noisy about your private life. 
“There’s this new restaurant that opened near my apartment, do you want to go over the weekend?” Kento questions and you nod in response. 
“Woah, not so fast. We have plans, remember?” Suguru chimes in, and Kento glares at the man. Plans? What could you two possibly do? Kento often forgets that Suguru is not just a pesky little bug that bothers your life but also the father of your child.
“Right… We have our little family trip over the weekend. I forgot.” You say, and Suguru sighs at the evident disappointment in your voice. You’d invite Kento along but you know the whole trip will be tense– Kumi is joining you though, so how much different could it possibly be if Kento tags along. “You should join us.”
“No! Absolutely not.” Suguru immediately replies, and you glare at him. Suguru takes his glass of wine and walks away before you can start an argument. He knows you won’t argue in front of Sayuri, so that’s where he goes.
“I’ll argue about it later.” You tell Kento, and he chuckles.
“Is it okay? I’ll just make things awkward.” Kento says. He would love to join you and spend time with you, but he doesn’t want to ruin a family moment for Sayuri. He can sit it out.
“Kumi is coming, she’s already making things awkward. If he can bring someone that will ruin my trip, I can bring someone that can ruin his.” You share, and that’s perfect reasoning for Kento. Still, he isn’t quite sure what you’re doing so maybe he should ask before deciding to agree. It’s like you read his mind though, and you tell him, “We’re going to the beach. Suguru got a house for the weekend and we’re staying there.”
“That sounds… Fun.” Kento is surprised that Suguru is actually doing all of this– You’ve been complaining non-stop about him because he has been lacking as a father. In other words, choosing Kumi over Sayuri, simply because Kumi hates your guts and Sayuri never wants to leave your side. “How big is this house though?”
“Three bedrooms. I’ll get Sayuri to sleep with me– Which is going to happen either way, especially since we’re sleeping somewhere she doesn’t know.” You answer. You check on the food before the two of you walk to the living room to take a seat. A subtle smile comes over Kento’s lips when he notices Sayuri playing with the toy he bought. 
“Mommy…” Sayuri drags out, and you hum in response. “I’m hungry.”
“Dinner is almost ready, baby. Just a couple more minutes.” You say, and she sighs. You glance at Suguru, watching how he’s focused on the TV, tense that he’s near Kento. He’s clearly annoyed which annoys you. You clear your throat before ordering, “Go set the table, Suguru.”
“I can do it.” Kento offers, but you glare at him which causes him to remain in his seat. Suguru sighs, standing up from the couch to do as you say. Suguru usually sets the table without being asked to, and without a problem, but it seems that when Kento is around, he has to have an attitude with everything.
“I wanna help!” Sayuri stands up with a bright smile on her face. She follows her daddy around, hoping that he’ll let her set the utensils down on the table. You both know that she’ll grow up and hate having to do it. 
“What a dandy helper you have.” Kento comments, and you hum in response, a chuckle coming from your lips.
“But tell her to clean up her toys and she’ll throw a fit.” You say, and he laughs. You stand up when the table is set, and you begin to serve the food. Sayuri is sat first, eating away all the food that you gave her because she’s so hungry. 
“Is it good, Sayuri?” Kento asks, watching her devour her food. It’s no surprise to him when she nods in response. Sayuri is a fairly picky eater, if she wasn’t enjoying her food, you would know. It doesn’t matter how hungry she is, if she doesn’t like something, she won’t eat it. 
You all quietly begin to eat. The table is uncomfortable to say the least, the only person that could mend things in a way is Sayuri and since she’s eating, it feels awkward to speak up. It’s fair to say that Kento won’t bother asking you out tonight because it’s certainly not the right time. 
“How was work today, Kento? Did your workload lighten up?” You ask, and Kento hums in response. After a very long and busy month, he finally feels like he can breathe with his job. He tells you a bit of what’s going on, and you listen attentively. Suguru plays with his food, bored out of his mind. You notice and you ask, “Did you not like the food or something?”
“It’s good. I’m just full.” Suguru puts his fork down, which causes Sayuri to do the same. You can’t have him in your home because Sayuri mimics just about everything her father does. You knew you made a mistake by inviting Kento to dinner.
You can’t help but sigh, but you’ve learned your lesson.
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You ask Kento to leave after dinner since you have to chat with Suguru about a couple of things. You order Suguru to put Sayuri to bed so you can talk. It’s a little earlier than usual, and Sayuri protests the sudden change, but she’s knocked out when Suguru finishes reading her bedtime story. And when he’s out, you’re on the couch, your eyes set on your phone as you scroll through social media. He clears his throat to catch your attention.
“So… What did you want to chat about?” Suguru asks which makes you put your phone down. You watch him as he walks to the couch and takes a seat next to you.
“What do you think I want to talk about?” You respond, and Suguru puffs out a breath. He doesn’t want to talk about your stupid friend, he doesn’t want to waste his energy on that. You move your legs, putting them on top of his thighs so he can’t move from his seat, and he rolls his eyes in response. “You have to be nicer to Kento.”
“Now, why would I do that?” Suguru’s annoyance is evident in his voice, which makes you click your tongue. It’s as if Suguru doesn’t want you to move on with someone better– Because that’s what Kento is, better than him. As a partner at the very least, Kento would be ideal.
“He’s my best friend... You at least can try to get along with him.” You say, which causes the man to furrow his brows. He really wishes you would realize just how smitten Kento is with you. He doesn’t treat you and Sayuri so well because he’s a great friend, it’s clear that Kento just wants to get into your pants. He knows that you’ve been together (from what you’ve told him), but Kento wants more.
Or maybe Suguru is just jealous because he’s scared that Sayuri will have another father figure that will be better than him. At least you didn’t mention wanting to date Kento, which brings some ease to Suguru’s poor mind.
“I guess… I’ll try to be nicer to him for you. Just don’t invite him to our little dinners, because I might as well invite Kumi as well.” Suguru responds, his hands resting on your legs. He throws his head back, a sigh escaping his lips.
“What’s wrong with you?” You ask, wondering why he sighs all of a sudden. Suguru looks tired, overworked. You know he’s taking more clients than usual, working on days that he usually takes off. You have an idea on why he’s saving up but you’re going to let him share it with you instead of straight up asking him.
“Nothing. I’m fine.” He responds. Suguru watches as you unlock your phone. You look for something, and when you find it, you practically shove the phone in his face.
“Look at this picture I took of Sayuri– She loves going into my closet and putting on my heels.” You share, and Suguru chuckles as he looks at his three-year-old daughter who tries on shoes that are far too big for her. You usually send pictures of her throughout the week but sometimes you’re too caught up in your own world that you forget about Suguru. It’s easy to forget about Suguru when he doesn’t make himself known. 
“Send me that.” He tells you, and you hum in response.
You sit in silence for a couple of minutes. Usually you try to talk but Suguru is too tired to keep up with a conversation. You have a good relationship with each other when others aren’t involved so conversation flows easily; the only time conversation is forced, is when either of you is accompanied by someone else.
“I should get going.” Suguru says, lightly tapping your legs. You take your legs off him, and he stands up. He begins to walk to the door, and before leaving he tells you, “I’ll be here in the morning.”
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55sturn · 4 months
hanging out with chris and you slowly start to realize that you like him and you end up ghosting him 😭
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pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!reader
synopsis: in which of an indirect proclamation of love doesn’t go the way it’s supposed to.
warnings: angst. that’s it.
you hadn’t meant for your relationship with chris to get this far. you had only meant to be friends with him, but the way he’d look at you, and the way he could answer all your favourite things without second guessing himself, and the way he’d hold you so close to him without even needing to ask if you need a hug, all had you looking at him in a different light.
and to say you were scared would be an understatement, you knew if you expressed your feelings to him, he’d give you the same line he gave his brothers any time they asked if you two were together; “nah man, i cant do that, not with her, she’s too important to me to wreck it by making things romantic.” knowing that it was his fear of love and heartbreak and commitment speaking, and while you understood where he was coming from, you couldn’t jeopardize your own heart. chris means a lot to you, he’s your best friend, so in a futile act of self preservation, you distanced yourself. and for about two months you thought it was working,
until chris showed up at your apartment at one in the morning. his eyes puffy and red-rimmed from crying. he was distraught, you were his best friend and he couldn’t grasp why you would suddenly push him away, and he demanded an explanation.
“why are you shutting me out i thought things were going good?” he croaks, his throat dry as he tries to voice the anger and confusion he’s feeling.
“chris it’s not worth explaining-wait what do you mean by ‘i thought things were going good?” you cut yourself off, his question hitting you a second later than it should’ve.
“as if it’s not obvious that i like you? that i have feelings for you, y/n and up until two months ago, i thought you felt the same.” he whispers, avoiding your gaze as you let out an exasperated sigh.
“i did, i do, but what about that shit you say to your brothers about me being too important to consider dating?”
“i just said that so they’d get off my back about us. i thought everything we did made it clear that i wanted this?” chris sighs, running a hand down his face as he watches your face morph into a mix of something sad and something confused.
“i wanted this too but i was so terrified of you not wanting to it too, of your fear of commitment getting in the way. i’m still so scared.”
“you are the one thing i have committed to in a long time, even without a real relationship existing. my fears about anything to do with a relationship went away the second they were met with the idea of hurting you or pushing you away.”
“but there’s so much at stake chris, my friendship with your brothers, the friends we share, not to mention my friendship with you. if i lose that, i lose everything that means something to me, everything that makes getting up in the morning worth it. everything that has shown me what love is. i can lose just about anything chris, but jesus christ, i cannot lose you.” you whisper, your eyes welling with tears as you shred every ounce of pride, allowing yourself to be bare for a moment, indirectly confessing just how deep your feelings for chris run.
“then don’t push me away, let us be together in the way we want to be, give us a chance, because you are everything i’ve wanted and more.”
“i’m sorry chris but i cant, not when you’re too valuable to me. i don’t want to risk anything. what if we break up and it’s not a good, mutual one? what if it’s harsh and cruel and crushes every chance we could have reconciling? i couldn’t live with that.” you sob, your fears becoming all encompassing as your mind begins to spiral of the torturous what ifs of the relationship souring between you and chris.
“you’re insane if you think i’d ever let you get away once i got a taste of what it’s like to be completely yours.” he whispers, his hands gently cradling your face as he pulls you to face him, his own tears gently trailing down his face, the salt in the tears turning his eyes red, make them seem a shade of such a clear blue that it makes it difficult to keep your own eyes trained on his.
“i’m sorry chris but it’s too risky. i think you should go.”
“well that’s your decision and i may not agree with it but i’m willing to wait until you change your mind, if you ever do. and if you do, you know where to find me.”
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @gamermattsgf @vanteguccir @sturnioloshacker @mattscoquette @sugrhigh @bratzforchris @teapartyprincess4two @lustfulslxt @patscorner @guccifrog @muwapsturniolo @soursturniolo @solarsturniolo @sturnioloshacker @raysmayhem-72 @meanttomeet @breeloveschris @ghostofbrock @l9vesick @freshloveee @fawnchives @cindylcuwho @thc-bolter @freshloveforthefit @freshsturns @forevergirlposts @sturniolo-fav-matt @sturnifyed @querenciasturniolo @pinklittleflower @ellie-luvsfics @strniolo @junnniiieee07 @hearts4chriss @evie-sturns @hysteria-things @sturniolossss @iliketotalk @dazednmatthews @bambi-slxt @nickgetsmewetter @inkyray @jnkvivi @cdbabymp3 @certifiedstarrr @imwetforyourmom
© 55STURN 2024 ! REBLOGS NOT EXPECTED BUT GREATLY APPRECIATED ! [ you do not have permission to copy or save or share my work to other platforms and devices! ]
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hyunsusgf · 2 months
those eyes. (part 2)
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part 1
synopsis … after pining after the man for so long, cha hyun-su is officially your boyfriend.
pairing … cha hyun-su x gn!reader ༝༚༝༚ featuring bsf!eun-yu once again
warnings … none really per usual
lovely notes … (not) long awaited part 2!! finally yip yip
꩜ [ 1.1k words ]
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“in love.”
what the actual fuck. your best friend that you’re like, in love with just confessed that he was in love with you. this has to be a dream, something so unreal because how could cha hyun-su, your hyun-su reciprocate your romantic feelings?
you didn’t respond because you were unable to form words. how were you supposed to respond to this man confessing his love for you? say you love him back. which wasn’t a lie but were you ready to say something as earnest as that?
“wait, i didn’t mean that; i did but if you don’t feel the same then please pretend i didn’t say it. i don’t wanna ruin our friendship, you know you’ve been one of my close friends for the longest and i’d ha-“ he started with the word vomit, basically unable to stop himself.
“hyun-su.” you tried to interrupt him.
“-te to ruin what we have. not relationship-wise, but you know like ruin our friendship. i really do value it. i’m sorry if i made things-“ he continued.
“cha hyun-su.” you tried to interrupt him for a second time.
“between us awkward. i don’t want us to not be friends so i’m really sorry if this does ruin..”
“hyun-su. i-“ you let out a shaky breath before continuing, finally catching his attention. “i love you so so much hyun-su… i can’t pretend that i don’t anymore. you need to know that i’ve grown to care for you deeply, since the first time i laid eyes on you. i was just so unaware of how i truly until recently. it feels as if i was put in this universe simply to love you, and to care for you. because you are my everything hyun-su and i’d rather die than imagine living in a world without you. even in this fucked up world, i’d hate to live in it without. i love you hyun-su, so much.”
your confession left both you and hyun-su speechless. you didn’t know that you couldn’t put your feelings into words like how you did, but you were able to do it. you were finally able to tell your best friend how you felt about him. meanwhile, he was left speechless because he didn’t know that this entire time when he felt as if his existence centered around you, you felt the same.
you cared for him, you’ve been in love with him ever since you first met him, and you can’t imagine living in a world without him. above all, you’ve harbored the same feelings that he has all this time.
“i didn’t know you felt the same way.”
“well, you know now so…”
“does this make you my girlfriend now?” hyun-su asked a bit bashfully.
“obviously. but only if this makes you my boyfriend.”
after your statement, the two of you stood there practically basking in the other's presence. everything felt better now that not only were both of your feelings, but you’re officially dating.
it felt good to have someone to call your partner in the monster outbreak you found yourself in the midst of. not only was he your partner, but he was your best friend. he was the person you always confided in, spent time with, and one of the few people whose presence didn’t exasperate you to no end.
“so, where are we off to now, boyfriend?” you asked him, all smiley and giggling at the fact that he was really yours.
“wherever you decide to take us, girlfriend.” he replied, giving the same excited energy that you gave off.
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as you and hyun-su walked hand in hand through the corridors, you both were unaware of eun-yu watching you with a smile.
she assumed her matchmaking skills had worked this entire time. she’s spent so long trying to get the both of you together, but she guessed her recent conversation with you finally made you come to your senses and confess (not knowing that hyun-su was the one who did it first.)
she was so tired of seeing the both of you sneak glances at the other while they weren’t looking, or listening to you make little comments about hyun-su that sounded a little too intimate to be meant in a friendly way.
for example, the one time you described him as “so boyfriend”, whatever that was supposed to mean. but who refers to their friend using their boyfriend? someone who wants to be with said friend of course.
so, eun-yu did what had to be done and set her two friends up, but it was mainly because she couldn’t bear to see both of you pining after the other.
she should honestly be given the friend of the year award with how many times she’s been helping you. she has seen you in both your best and worst moments, and she’s stayed through all of it. she doesn’t regret it though, she’d help you all over again if she had to.
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you and hyun-su walked hand in hand to the staircase he always found himself on. as you made it there, you both just sat there in a comfortable silence, as the two of you often found yourself in.
with this outbreak, you never imagined yourself being in a relationship, and definitely not with the boy you’ve had a crush on for like, forever.
the serendipity of your situation felt just right. hyun-su being one of the only good things in such a fucked up situation felt just right for you.
“i never thought i’d, like, find myself here, you know?”
“find yourself where?” hyun-su questioned you.
“like alive in the apartments, and with you.” you said somewhat timidly.
it felt a little odd being so vulnerable with him so quickly. but, that was just the kind of comfortable you both were with each other. the kind of comfortable where you could confess any and everything without the feeling of the other shaming you.
“i know. sometimes it feelings like everything happens so fast, doesn’t it?”
“yeah. you get it.”
it always felt like this talking to him. like he always understood you and what you were saying every time you talked. you always joked that you understood him on a spiritual level, but at some point, you started to actually mean it. you felt like you both understood each other like no one else could.
you were happy, for the time being at least. the apartment was doing okay at least, you had your best friend eun-yu, and now you had your newly titled boyfriend, cha hyun-su by your side.
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daenysx · 2 months
hi! i’m pretty new to your blog but i’m really loving your content! you’re a fantastic writer. if it’s okay i’d like to request something for james x reader, where r is going through a friendship breakup and james is comforting her? i completely understand if you don’t want to write this, regardless i’ll continue to enjoy your content! have a great day/night 💗
hi, angel, thank you so much for being so kind! i hope you enjoy ♡ requests are open
james potter x fem!reader, modern au
"come on." you scoff, looking at your phone and feeling sick to your stomach. james lifts his head from his laptop to see what you're doing. you put the phone on couch a bit harshly, crossing your arms defensively.
"angel?" he asks.
"yeah, jamie?"
"everything alright?" he puts his laptop on the coffee table to go by your side. you turn your head, feeling a hot teardrop roll on your cheek.
"she doesn't even care about what i say." you start. james knows exactly who you're talking about. "i'm trying to talk about how i feel and she- it's nothing to her, apparently."
"what did she say?" james asks, he rubs a generous hand on your arm.
"she just- she says she's sorry and she'll fix it, but she said all those things 2 months ago! just- you need to do something for someone if you promise them but she keeps forgetting and she never explains anything."
you're getting more upset each second. this is a person who you spent your days with before, someone close enough to share secrets. something happened two months ago, something you can't even properly remember now, and she hurt you. she never realized how distanced you've been and when you told her, she promised she'll fix it. two fucking months ago. she did nothing.
"am i doing wrong?" you ask james. "is it wrong to be angry?"
"no." he says. "it's not wrong if you feel like it. you don't wanna let go of her so easy but- i guess she doesn't try like you do."
the truth hurts so badly. you hate losing friendships, strangers turning into loved ones, losing them makes you feel like losing a part of your memories. what can you do? you're feeling too proud, too unforgiving. you don't want to be a bad person.
"i just don't know why she keeps giving up on me." you say, quietly. tears turn into hushed breaths. "am i so easily forgettable?"
"no." james takes you in his arms. "baby, of course not. it's not your fault if you believe you try hard enough to save your friendship. maybe it's not anyone's fault. sometimes things don't work out."
you put your head on james's shoulder. "i thought we were closer than this." you say, sadly. "maybe i was wrong."
james rubs your back until you relax on him. your phone is forgotten, you won't send any more texts tonight. it already hurts enough, but you gotta get through it.
"i'm sorry." he says, a quiet sound comes out of his lips as he kisses your head. "i'm sorry it's hurting, baby. you'll be okay."
maybe you should just leave this as a good relationship that is over now. there's no need to try to save something if it's already lost. you've gone through this before, you can do it again. you think your anger for the situation will make you forget about things quicker. you won't hold any grudges.
"i don't wanna be friends with someone who treats me like this." you say, sharply. "i didn't do anything to deserve it."
james kisses your hair again. "i'm not blaming her." you say, after a second. "it's not anyone's fault at this point but- i won't try anymore. she can do anything she wants, i guess."
not getting a closure hurts a bit, but you'll survive. james likes how you perceive the situation from both sides, you don't see yourself as the only person who's right, you still have respect and love for your old friend. your head stays tucked on his neck nicely, he rubs your now dried cheeks with cool fingers.
when you look at james with expectant eyes, he nods. it's good to see him agreeing with you, you know he'd tell you if you were making an irrational decision out of anger. you kiss his cheek and he carries you to his side of the couch.
you don't look at your phone again that night. james figures out you like watching sitcoms when you're upset. you fall asleep to the background sound of the office, your head on james's chest and his hand on your lower back.
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annabelinlove · 9 months
I am yours
Pairing: Poly!marauders x reader
Word Count: 2k
Summary: How your searching for love led you to the Marauders
Notes: English is not my first language, use of Y/n, James was dating Lily but then stared dating Wolfstar, just started writing so maybe shit lol
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Dating wasn’t easy, not when you were a student at Hogwarts where everyone was in each other business and you couldn’t do anything without it being the hot topic all around the school the next day. Also, being a Slytherin was view as being a snobbish bitch, which didn’t really help your dating life. And still, you wanted to be loved and love with your whole heart.
“I know you’re not studying, darling.”
Your thinking was disturbed by a calm voice that belong to no other than Remus Lupin. You had no idea, how your friendship with the marauders began. Maybe it was when you were 11 and James Potter helped you find your class, when you were wandering lost around the Castle. Maybe it was when you were 13 in a potion class and your hair was falling into your face and Sirius Black gave you his scrunchie so you won’t fuck up the potion because you couldn’t see. Or was it when Remus Lupin gave you his chocolate when he found you frustrated in the library over a stupid homework when you were 12? You really didn’t know, but the golden boys of Gryffindor were your best friends and you wouldn’t change a thing, even if you were secretly hoping, that you could be more.
“I am studying.” You tried to defend yourself, even if you were lost in your thoughts for the last 10 minutes. Remus gave you un unimpressed look as if trying to tell you that he knew you were lying.
“You were just staring at the page for Merlin knows how long, you can’t fool me, darling.” You were sure that the pet names, that each of the marauders gave you would be the end of you yet you would probably really die if they stopped with them.
“Maybe I’m just really interested in this page,” you tried once again, but you knew you were doomed. “Pff, even Moony doesn’t stare that long at a page when it’s interesting. What’s on your mind, hm?” James joined the conversation, ditching his homework.
“This Slytherin boy I’ve been seeing wants to take things to the next level,” you admitted, thinking about the conversation you had this morning. Sirius raised his head, that was comfortably in Remus’ lap, suddenly intrigued in the conversation as well. All 3 pairs of eyes were on you, all of them having a different emotion in them. You squirmed in the silence, hoping one of them would break the silence. After a few seconds Sirius was the first to speak.
“Who was it again? So I can break his face the next time I see him.” You blinked at him, surprised by his violent tendencies. You didn’t know what kind of reaction you expected, but it definitely wasn’t this. Not knowing what to say you just stared at him, but thankfully Remus came to your aid.
“Come on, Pads. Maybe Y/n wants to take things to the next level and I’m pretty sure broken bones would kind of ruin that.” He scolded the raven haired boy, but gave you a curious glance, wondering what was your answer.
“I told him I’d think about it, but I don’t really know what I should tell him. He’s nice and everything, but I feel absolutely nothing when I’m with him,” you answered the unsaid question of all three boys. “Good.” was the immediate answer from Sirius, but James jumped in before he could say anything else. “Is that what’s bothering you, sweets? If you don’t want to be with him, just say it.” He took you hand, when he notices you picking on your nails, a nasty habit you did whenever you were nervous.
It took you a second before answering, looking at yours and James’ joined hands.
“I guess I just expected more, ya know? When he first asked me out, I think I said yes just because I was so surprised anyone would find me attractive or interesting enough to want to go out with, especially someone I just met on hallways and saw in the common room, someone who didn’t know me and I was so eager to go with him because I was hoping I’d finally find someone I could be really happy with. Feel the butterflies and the love and all that shit but that didn’t happen. I don’t feel anything when I’m with him and I don’t know what to do now that I know it’s not what I hoped for.” You were quiet for a second, the boys not interrupting you. They knew you and knew you had more to say.
“But maybe I should be his girlfriend, take things to the next level. So what if it’s not like what I dreamed of, we can’t always have what we want and it’d nice to be someone’s girlfriend. Be with someone who cares about you is always nice, am I right? It could also help me stop feeling like a fourth wheel whenever we hang out and you’re acting all coupley while I’m just kind of there.” You spilled how you felt without being able to stop yourself. Was it the best choice? Maybe not, but you really needed to talk to someone about your feelings and you trusted them and knew they would never judge you.
“Surprised anyone would find you attractive enough? When was the last time you looked into a mirror, pet? Your are by far the most gorgeous girl in Hogwarts. But don’t be fooled, we don’t hang out with you for your looks, but because of how you make us feel. How you make us laugh when we’re sad, how you take care of us and do everything you think we might need, because of how amazing you and your personality is. Everybody would be proud to call you theirs. I’m actually surprised it took this long for someone to ask you out. I would have done it ages ago if I knew I’d stood a chance.” You lifted your head to look at Sirius, finding him looking at you in disbelief. You were definitely surprised by his words. You felt warmth spreading inside you body, thinking about his words. I would have done it ages ago if I knew I’d stood a chance, what did he mean by that? But before you could ask, Remus continued Sirius’ speech.
“Being with someone just to not be alone isn’t really a healthy thing, love. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be with this guy, do whatever you want, you are your own person and no one can tell you what do. I’m just saying that you shouldn’t waste your time dating someone you don’t feel any connection with. If you want butterflies, go find someone who makes you feel butterflies. You deserve so much more than to be with some bloke who doesn’t meet your expectations. Don’t lower your standards for anyone. And we never, ever wanted to make you feel like a fourth wheel, and we’re really sorry we did, love. If you’d feel more comfortable, we could stop acting all coupley, as you’ve put it, and be much less PDA with you. Whatever makes you happy and feeling the most comfortable with us.” Even tho he tried to mask it, you could see the hurt on his face and hear it in his voice. You didn’t think that your words would hurt them, that was the last thing you wanted.
“Listen to me and listen carefully, can you do that, sweetheart? I always thought that being with Lily would make me the happiest man in the world, that’s why I was trying so hard to get together with her. But when it finally happened I wasn’t happy. I tried so hard to love her, but I realized that I never did, I just loved the idea of her loving me. I wanted the same thing you want now. Everyday I saw how Pads and Moony are in love and I wanted that, just not with Lily, as I’ve come to realize. We were both unhappy so why should we stay together? Breaking up with her was the best thing ever, because it led her to be with Mary and I found my way to my boys. And let me tell you, being with them is the happiest I could ever be. And with you by our side. If you don’t feel happy, don’t waste your time with him. You may thing that it’s gonna be okay and you’ll find what you want, but it’s only gonna leave you miserable in the end,” James added.
You tried to wrap your head around everything what was said, but it left you confused. You knew you didn’t want to be with the Slytherin boy, you wanted to be part of the relationship these boys had, but you knew it wouldn’t be possible. But maybe they were right and being in a relationship just to be in one was stupid.
“I never want you to start acting differently or hide your relationship around me That’s the last thing I want and I’m sorry if it came out like I did. I love seeing you all in love, I really do. I feel the most comfortable when you are being yourselves, so please don’t ever change that,” you started to explain. You knew that if you didn’t say anything now, you never would. “I guess I’m just a little jealous that I could never be part of the love you share, you know? I think I want to be with someone so bad so I would stop feeling the need to be with you. Everyday I see how happy you are and I feel jealous because I know I’m not the reason you are happy. I stared something with this boy because I was hoping it would make these feeling stop, but if anything it has gotten worse. Every time he did something, the only thing I could think about was that you would do it differently,” you ended your speech, feeling nervous about what they would say. Would they reject you? Make fun of you? They would never do that told you the voice in you head and you knew it was right, you just didn’t know what to expect now.
“Then let us. Let us treat you like royalty, like you deserve. Let us love you like you deserve, let us be yours and let yourself be ours. Let us take you out and show you what love is supposed to feel like. Please, just let us, pet,” Sirius almost begged. You looked at him in surprise once again, and saw nothing but determination and love in his eyes. He really means it. You looked at the other two boys and found the exact same expression. You wanted to respond so bad but the only thing that you were able to say was just a soft what?
“We’ve talked about this quite a long time ago, we just didn’t know what to do,” James stared to explain. “We weren’t sure if you felt the same way and we didn’t want to ruin what we have now. But we’ve fallen, sweetheart. We fell so hard for you, you had us wrapped around your finger from the beginning and you didn’t even know it.” James gave you a small, almost shy smile.
“We knew that it could be weird, especially when we’re already in a relationship, but if you want us, love, we are yours and always have been. Be ours as well?” Remus finished for him. All of them waiting impatiently for your response. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You blinked a few times to wake up, but it wasn’t a dream. Actually, it was a dream comes true. You always wanted to hear them say they want you the same way you wanted them. A huge smile formed on your face
“I am yours, always will be.”
Your newfound relationship was the talk of the school for days to come, but the three Gryffindor golden boys didn’t seem to care. About the rumors, about you being a Slytherin, about anything really. If anything, they were proud that the whole school talked about them. Talked about you being with them. Everything was finally how it should be and none of you couldn’t be happier.
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honeys-hotties · 8 months
ok this is kinda specific but can I request a julien fic where she's not sure if the reader is into girls and they're all out and a random guy hits on the reader and jb pretends to be her gf to get the reader away from him. and the reader plays along and kisses jb so she gets her confirmation and then they just confess their feelings ugh 🥰🥰🥰
i love this request!!! sorry it took me sooo long my loves, i've been absolutely overwhelmed with everything recently, but this one has been in the works for a bit and i'm so excited to get it out!!
My Type-Julien Baker x Reader
julien baker x fem!reader, sorta angsty? but happy ending (of course!) not proofread so i'm so sorry in advance, but i wanted to get something out tonight!
word count: 2727 💗
“When do you want me to pick you up?” Julien asks, her voice coming from the phone propped up on the coffee table. You’re sitting on the couch painting your nails while she watches through the screen, her face close to the camera on the facetime call.
“Umm, what time did Phoebe want to meet us there?” you ask, carefully applying a second coat. 
“I think sometime around 9?” Julien says, smiling at the sight of you, deeply concentrated on your manicure. 
“Okay” you say, capping the bottle and blowing on your freshly painted nails. “Do you wanna come over and get ready with me before we leave?”. Julien nods enthusiastically. “Yeah, that sounds fun. When should I come over?” she asks, getting even closer to the screen. You pick up the phone, careful not to smudge your nails, and laugh at Julien’s expression, her face giant on the screen. “Oh, I don't care, maybe around 7? I can order a pizza or something?”
“Sounds good princess” she nods. “I’ll see you then. You smile and blow her a kiss before hanging up the phone and grabbing a bottle of clear nail polish to go over the red painted onto your nails with a smile.
Julien, however, is much less relaxed. As soon as you hang up the phone, she lets out a huge sigh and immediately calls Phoebe and Lucy to vent.
“Guys, I’m literally going over to her house to get ready with her, which really means watching her get ready, and I don’t know if I can take it.” she says dramatically. “She’s just so gorgeous and smart and funny and cute but I don’t even know if she’s into girls and I feel like I’m going to fuck up and make things SO awkward and if I ruin our friendship I don’t know what I’ll do and I just-”
“Yeah, I’m gonna stop you right there” Phoebe cuts her off. “First off, that girl is definitely not straight.”
“Oh one hundred percent,” Lucy chimes in. “Remember when she was auxing when we were at the beach and she played girl in red? And when she and I talked for like an hour about Portrait of a Lady on Fire?”
“Yeah, or when all of us were like, collectively drooling over that Angelina Jolie movie? Honestly, shoot your shot JB.” Phoebe encourages, Lucy nodding along.
“I don’t know guys, I really don’t want to fuck up our relationship. I mean, other than you guys, she’s my best friend in the entire world. I don’t know what I’d do without her.”
“Julien, even if she was straight, which for the record she’s definitely not, she would never, ever hold your feelings against you.” Lucy tells her seriously, Phoebe agreeing with her. 
“I guess so.” Julien tells them. “Alright, I love you both, I’ll see you at the bar tonight.” Julien waves to the pair before hanging up, dropping her phone onto the table, and dropping her face into her hands.
When you answer the door you’re fresh out of the shower, fresh faced with wet hair, wearing an oversized Green Day shirt, and tiny shorts, and Julien feels like she’s about to have a heart attack.
“Hey, you” you say, giving her a tight hug before opening the door further and letting her inside. “I just called, pizza should be on its way soon!” Julien can hear music playing faintly from your bathroom, and is acutely aware of the smell of your body wash and the fact that you are wearing very little clothing.
“Yeah, sounds good.” she says, walking inside and taking her shoes off, before following you into the bathroom where your makeup and hair products are spread out over the counter. She sits on top of the toilet and watches you dry your hair while you tell her about your day and the drama between some of your friends, looking at you like you hung the moon. Satisfied with your hair, you drag her into your bedroom and sit her down on the bed, pulling different hangers out of the closet.
“Okay, so I have this dress I thrifted,” you tell her, holding up a short, black dress. “It has this really cool neckline, and I was thinking I could do my layer necklaces and those black heels?” You show her another hanger. “I have this skirt too, though, and I thought I could wear it with that red top and my leather jacket? And my boots?” Julien stares at you blankly, but really she’s just picturing you in the clothes you’re holding up and trying so hard to keep her cool. You gently wave your fingers at her. “Hey, earth to JB, you okay over there?” 
She starts, and stares at you for a second, blushing wildly. “Oh, um, I don’t, I mean, I think they would both look good.” she stutters, glancing down at her tattooed hands which are fidgeting in her lap. You roll your eyes playfully, laughing gently at her words.
“But which one would look better?” you ask, waving both of the hangers in her direction. “I was kinda leaning towards the dress, especially cause then I would match your shirt,  but I really wanted your input!” Julien flushes again at your words, before nodding her head in agreement. 
“I um, I think the dress would look really gorgeous on you.” she manages, and you beam at your words, heading into the bathroom to change and leaving Julien a flustered mess on the edge of your bed. Reminding herself of Lucy and Phoebe’s encouragements, she tells herself to get a grip and get over herself, taking several deep breaths as she waits for you to come back.
When you return, fully dressed and putting on your jewelry, Julien swears she can feel her heart stop. You pause, slightly self conscious under her gaze, and cast your eyes down, fidgeting with the hem of your dress. “What, um, what do you think?” you ask her, slowly meeting her eyes with your own.
“I think you look stunning” she tells you, voice full of sincerity. “I mean, shit, you’re easily one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen.”
You flush at her words, and smile at her before grabbing your jacket and sitting down beside her to put on your shoes. “I think you’re one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen too, JB.” you tell her, and miss the way her face burns at your words. “Ready to go?” you ask her, straightening up and grabbing her hand, pulling her into the living room as she nods. “You sure you’re okay with driving?” you ask her, grabbing your keys and phone while she ties her shoes.
“Of course I am,” she reassures you. “You just focus on having fun tonight, okay?” You grin at her, and the two of you chat about the night ahead all the way down to her truck, where she holds the door open for you before climbing inside herself. As soon as the car starts, she hands you her phone, and you pull up the playlist she had made for the both of you, singing along to the music the whole way to the bar. Julien has her hand resting on your knee as you speed through traffic, and you have your window down, the cold, nighttime air rushing through your hair.
Once the truck pulls into a parking space outside the bar and Julien opens your door, grabbing your hand and leading you into the bar, things start to speed up. Once the two of you find Lucy and Phoebe, making your way over to the booth they had claimed and greeting them with tight hugs and cheek kisses, Julien offers to get the three of you drinks, and after she leaves, Phoebe pulls you onto the dance floor. You throw your arms around Phoebe’s neck and she guides your hips to the music, the two of you a giggling, sweaty mess under the flashing lights and blasting speakers of the club. After Julien returns with your drinks, you pull Phoebe towards the table and slide into the booth, leaning up against Julien who lays an arm across your shoulders as you sip your drink.
“Having fun out there?” she asks, her face extremely close to yours in order to be heard over the music and chatter of the club. You nod, grinning, and gesture towards Phoebe
“She’s taking charge,” you say, laughing. “I’m just along for the ride.” Phoebe winks at you, pulling you into her side and planting a sloppy kiss on your cheek, causing you to squeal and laugh. Lucy laughs loudly at the pout on Julien’s face at the loss of contact between the two of you, and Julien rolls her eyes, before quickly excusing herself to go to the bathroom.
In front of the mirror, Julien splashes water on her face, exhaling deeply and trying to talk herself up. The images of you dancing with Phoebe, the ones of you getting ready earlier, and every single second you had spent with her played in her head as she spiraled into a haze of overthinking and self-doubt. How could someone like you ever fall for someone like her, she wonders, but before she can get too deep into her own head, Lucy barges into the bathroom. Seeing the questioning look on Julien's face, Lucy cuts her off before she can ask:
“I know you too well, JB. I know you’re in here overthinking, but you need to be out there making a move.” Julien tries to protest, but before she can even get the words out Lucy cuts her off again, holding out a hand. “Don’t even try to give me any of that ‘she’s so out of my league’ bullshit either Julien, you two are made for each other and you know it. Now snap out of it and get your ass out there. Go get your girl!”
Julien grins ruefully at Lucy, thanking her for the pep talk before heading out of the bathroom to find you.
Meanwhile, you had wandered over the bar to get another drink for you and Phoebe. Julien was acting weird, barely making eye contact with you ever since you two had arrived, and you were stuck wondering if you had done anything wrong. When she had left the table, you had wanted to go after her, but Lucy insisted that you should stay, that she would go check on Julien. Phoebe had encouraged you to get another drink, so you were sitting in front of the crowded bar while the drastically overworked bartender made his rounds. You were so absorbed in what was happening with Julien you didn’t notice the guy next to you that had been ogling you from the second you sat down, until he opened his mouth.
“Hey you, come here often?” he asked, and you cringed internally, before tuning to find the man. He wasn’t unattractive, but his sleazy pick up line coupled with the stench of alcohol on him and the fact that he was way too close to you turned you off completely to the man. Well that, plus the fact that you already knew what you wanted, and it wasn’t him.
“Um, not really.” You said politely, before attempting to turn back around. The man’s hand on your shoulder prevented you from doing so, though, and you felt panic rising up within you. You tuned out whatever he was saying, searching frantically for Lucy, for Phoebe or Julien behind him, but with no luck.
“Like I was saying,” the man continued. “A pretty girl like you really shouldn’t be here all alone. Let me buy you a drink, then maybe we can keep getting to know each other at my place.” 
You felt fear closing over you, your friends were nowhere to be seen and this guy was relentless. “No, really, I’m not interested.” you told him as calmly as you could.
“Why not?” he asked, grinning horribly at you.
“I’m not available.” you hear yourself say, to which the man scoffs.
“That’s what they all say, but I don’t see anyone here for you-” but the man is cut off by a firm hand sliding around your waist. 
“Sorry about that, baby.” Julien says, pulling you protectively into her. “Line for the bathroom was crazy long. Who’s this guy?” she asks, pointing to the man whose slimy grin had slid right off of his face. Relief rushes through you at the feeling of Julien’s hands on your hips, and you exhale a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. 
“Don’t worry about it, honey.” you tell her, melting back into her arms. “This is, Matt, was it?” The man scowls.
“Mike, actually.” he responds, gruffly. Julien sticks out her tattooed hand. 
“Mike, hi, I’m Julien. Her girlfriend.” she says gruffly, her voice and hands on you sending a wave of heat through your body. “And you’re obviously making her uncomfortable, so if you could leave, that would be great.”
“No, you know what, we were having a good time before you interrupted.” Mike scowled. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”
“I’m her fucking girlfriend.” Julien snaps at him, before pulling you into a strong kiss. You relax into her, throwing your arms around her neck and she pulls you in by the waist, standing between your legs and tilting your head gently upwards to meet her lips. You kiss her back feverishly, until she abruptly pulls away and steps back. “He, uh, he left.” she tells you, running her hand across her mouth. “Sorry about that.” she mutters, before turning on her heel and running out the door, leaving you sitting at the bar, speechless.
You stare at the spot where she disappeared into the crowd, heading for the door for a moment, before jumping up and stumbling after her. You pass by the booth with Lucy and Phoebe who are sitting, staring at you with smirks on their faces. 
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Lucy asks, smiling gently as you get closer. “Go get your girl.” Phoebe whoops at her words, and you roll your eyes playfully at the two of them, before turning towards the door and hurrying out into the cold air. Once you stumble outside, and walk a couple feet down the sidewalk, you see Julien in the alley, leaned against the bricks with a cigarette in her hand. You walk slowly towards her, watching as she takes shaky drags from the cigarette in her hand.
“Hey, Jules.” You call softly to her when you’re a couple feet away, and she slowly meets your eyes with her own red-rimmed ones. “Why are you crying?”
“Fuck, I’m so, so fucking sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking, you just looked so uncomfortable and I wanted to make sure you were safe but I wasn’t thinking and-” but you cut her off, surging forwards to kiss her again. Your hands fly into her hair and she drops the cigarette, crushing it under her boot before pulling you in by your hips. She runs her strong hands up your back and bites your bottom lip gently, causing you to moan into her mouth, tugging gently at the roots of her hair. Moments later, you break away, panting, and she rests her forehead against yours, breathing hard.
“You have nothing to apologize for.” you tell her, placing a finger to her lips when she begins to protest. “You did save me, and you showed me that you feel this too.” you gesture between the two of you. “I’ve been waiting for you to make a move for like, forever!” you tell her breathily, giggling at the incredulous look on her face.
“Me?!” she asks. “I thought I wasn’t your, uh, your type, I guess”
“Well, you thought wrong.” you say, before lacing your fingers with hers, smiling at the beautiful grin that breaks onto her face. “Let’s go tell Lucy and Phoebe good night, and then you can take me home.”
Julien steals one more quick kiss before squeezing your hand gently and pulling you after her back into the bar, laughing as you stumble, and thanking her lucky stars she had been wrong about you.
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wonbriiize · 11 months
pairing; wonbin x reader
genre; fluff
warnings; none (? i think,, a kiss at the end tho)
note; it‘s my first time writing something like this but i tried my best,, let me know if there’s anything that i can do better next time !! + it‘s a bit long oops
one condition
in which you’re playing monopoly with your friends and everything is going well until wonbin, your best friend (who has a crush on you but you don’t know that) steals your money and runs away with it…
“i‘m buying this street!” sungchan announces while he takes out the street card from the box, not letting sohee do his job since he‘s supposed to be the bank and the person who gives out all the cards.
“hey, you need to pay for it first!”
“chill, here‘s your money,” sungchan throws it to sohee who starts counting it once he has it in his hands. “okay, it’s the right amount. *y/n* it’s your turn.”
you roll the dices and see that you have to take 10 steps. once you land on the final street, you decide to buy it since no one has done it. the second you want to grab your money, you notice that it’s not on the table. where did it go? you could have sworn that you’ve put it on the left side, right next to wonbin‘s bought streets.
wonbin is enjoying this whole situation because he knows exactly where your money is. he can’t hold himself back from snickering silently. sadly, his silent wasn’t quiet enough because your eyes wander over to wonbin. ”give me back my money!” he throws his arms up. ”who says that i have it?” ”oh, stop lying wonbin!”
you grab after his hands and search them. it’s not there.. but where is it then?
your eyes move towards the pocket of his sweatshirt and before you can grab into them, wonbin stands up and runs away.
he‘s not serious right now, is he? you think.
sungchan and sohee seem to be enjoying it since they’re laughing their asses off. you glare at them before you stand up and run after wonbin. knowing wonbin, he probably ran into his room. it’s his safe place.
“wonbin stop being so annoying and give it back!” you yell, running towards his room. once you arrive, you notice that his door is widely open. he should have closed it.
you walk into the room, looking around to find wonbin. thump! the door behind you closes. you turn around and see wonbin leaning against it with the biggest grin on his face, holding up the money in his hands. your money.
“this is so childish wonbin! just give it back.”
”come and get it yourself,” he grins.
glaring at him doesn’t help because his grin just keeps getting wider and wider while he’s stretching his arm up super high. launching yourself at him, you start holding down his upper body (which is very defined as you can feel) with one hand and with the other you’re trying to bring down the arm but it’s not working.
“guess you’re too short to reach it,” wonbin smirks.
“guess you can’t play a game without cheating,” you say and look at his face.
in this moment, you notice how close you both are standing to each other. his face is only a few inches apart and you stare at him, noticing not one single imperfection.
wonbin notices you staring which just makes him smile even more. that’s what he wants, he wants you this close to him, always. he has been wanting this since the day he saw you tripping over your own shoelaces and helped you up. this was the start of your friendship.
that was three years ago.
“okay, i‘m going to give it back to you,” he gives in. for him, it’s now or never. this is the perfect moment.
”as you should,” those words just come out of you like a whisper because you’re still so mesmerized by him. this is the first time you’ve ever been this close to wonbin and honestly, you don’t mind. you’re actually enjoying this.
”under one condition. we go on a date.”
”what?” this throws you offguard.
”i want to take you out on a date.”
”wait, why? so suddenly?”
wonbin takes his arm down so now you’re holding both of his shoulders. after realizing this, you let go.
”not suddenly. i have been wanting to ask you this since forever, i just never had the guts to do it.. until now,” wonbin scratches the back of his head, avoiding your gaze. this is the first time in the three years of friendship that you’ve seen him act like this.. so shy. it’s cute.
”basically all it took for you to ask me this was stealing my monopoly money, running away and luring me into your room. why not just.. ask?” now you’re finding this situation hilarious, but in a very good way.
“it’s funnier like that,” wonbin steps closer to you, the big smile being back on his face.
”so, *y/n*, will you go on a date with me?”
he looks directly into your eyes and it’s like he’s staring right into your soul, that’s how intense this feels. but you’re loving it. you’re feeling something weird in your stomach. maybe it’s those butterflies that everyone talks about when they have a crush on someone. you’re getting the urge to get more of this feeling.. more of wonbin.
“okay, i will,” you can’t hold back a little smile when you see how happy wonbin is after hearing this. ”under one condition,” you add and take a step closer to wonbin.
“i want you to kiss me,” you say, taking another step towards him.
wonbin starts smiling so brightly but once he notices that he’s losing his cool persona like that, he tries to hold it back a little.
“as you wish,” he says, closing the distance between the two of you.
when your lips touch, you feel chills all over your body. in the best way possible.
the feeling in your stomach only grows and grows the longer the two of you kiss.
yeah, you think. it’s definitely butterflies.
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csuitebitches · 2 months
Hi, I'm a pretty shy person except when I'm with my friend. How can I stop living in someone else's shadow?
your friend is probably your comfort place. Sometimes comfort places can become an area of co-dependency.
I’d suggest you first reflect on whether you think you’re co-dependent on them or not. And try to understand the extent of it. can you interact socially without them?
can you meet new people without them?
can you do things without their approval or praise?
Figure out if there dependency and how much there is.
the biggest lie you’ll see on the internet is becoming fully “independent.” I also preach independence, but mostly in terms of financial, not emotional or friendship or relationship wise. Human beings are social animals and we need to be with one another. A little bit of dependability is necessary for any relationship to work. So don’t be stressed if you realise that you depend too heavily on them, you don’t have to end the friendship. You just have to pull back in certain areas that require you to make decisions independently (such as job hunting, college applications, financial, etc etc you get me).
I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again: soft skills are muscles that need to be worked out.
For any workout, you need to first figure out where you are currently and where you want to go (your desired goal).
Second, you decide the situations you feel shy in. I’d suggest you do this as a writing activity. Make four columns. Each column will have these questions;
When do you feel conscious?
Why do you feel so?
What are the thoughts going on in your head?
for the second question, I want you to use an emotion wheel to identity your emotions correctly.
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work on these three columns first. Write down anything and everything that comes to your mind.
only when you feel satisfied with everything on those three columns do you finally look at the 4th column:
4. what’s the solution?
I want you to work on the solutions yourself. Do not ask anyone for help. Figure it out with your brain, I’m sure you’re smart.
after creating your solutions list, you now have a game plan. Use the solutions to create an exposure therapy.
How to create an exposure therapy plan:
Arrange your list of solutions in an order of least fear to the most amount fear you have if you had to enact the solution.
Start your plan by doing everything on the list, but starting with the least fear inducing items.
As you accomplish each item, ensure you make a note of it, whether on your phone or your diary. A lot of the time we don’t count our successes, only our failures. I want you to be happy even with your smallest wins. To be happy with that, you need to acknowledge it. And a great way of acknowledging it is to write them down.
it may be difficult, and it should be. Nothing gained in life is inherently easy. The difficult situations will make you stronger. You may screw up, you may make mistakes and guess what? It’s all a part of life.
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suhnshinehaos · 1 year
growing pains : act three, part twelve (2/2)
series synopsis : people say that you’ll experience three kinds of love in your lifetime. the first is an idealistic love, the kind that feels straight out of a fairy tale. the second is the hard love, the kind that will leave you with lessons about yourself and the love you want and need to experience. finally, the love you never see coming. this is the story of your three loves. pairing : svt 97 line x gn!reader genre/s : non-idol au, coming of age, angst, fluff, my attempts at humor act three, part twelve wc : ~1k
act three : the unexpected love  ➤  part 12 : soft italicized oh
after years studying and working abroad, yn is finally back home to a new job and new faces. all they want now is to focus on nothing else but their career and one of their coworker’s friends, minghao, makes it all the more interesting. 
previous  ➤  act three, part twelve (1/2) next  ➤  act three, part thirteen growing pains ➤  masterlist 
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“thank you, i guess.”
you step out the car in a daze, you’re not even sure if you fully registered the words that escaped your lips. the cold evening air sends shivers up your spine, you don’t even bother to wave the man goodbye as he drives away. you enter, and mindlessly make your way to the elevator.
there’s a weight in your chest that you can’t quite shake off. no matter how many deep breaths you take. no matter how many affirmations you make in your head. i am capable. i don’t owe that man anything. there will be no second date. each step feels heavier than the last, and you hesitate before bringing your hand up to knock on minghao’s door. one breath. then another. your shoulders tense,
and they fall once he opens the door. 
the first thing you notice is the tight-lipped smile on his face, clearly cautious of your emotions, but his eyes are warm and inviting. the way you now remember them to be. minghao steps aside to let you in, and the next thing you notice is how nicely he’s dressed. crisp black button-down, the sleeves rolled to his elbows, a nice pair of slacks, and shoes that matched.
“did you just get back from a shoot…? or maybe an event?”
he shakes his head. “i can’t have you feeling overdressed now, can i?”
“i don’t think there’s any situation where you’d be the one underdressed.” you chuckle, and your first genuine smile of the evening spreads across your lips. making your way to the dining area, you can’t help the way your smile reaches your eyes when you see the way he’s set everything up.
everything about the way the plates, the utensils, and the glassware has been made to look straight out of an expensive restaurant. but there’s something so comforting about the pot of what seems to be stew, a bowl of rice for each of you, and a bottle of wine you just know he spent a ton of time considering.
“i would have made more, but this is all i could do on such short notice.”
you take a seat, and the heaviness you felt in your chest mellows out to a feeling you can’t quite place. “no, it’s perfect.”
your voice trails off, your gaze shifts from him to your lap, and you chew on your bottom lip. “it’s just-”
“it’s just what?” minghao asks gently, leaning towards you. but you don’t feel like he’s pushing, or pressuring you to talk. 
you sigh, still avoiding his eyes. “ever since i met you… you’ve done so much for me. helping me with photography, making me tea, and now this… i just feel like i’ve done nothing for you-”
“yn, look at me.” minghao cuts you off, his voice is still soft but there’s now a sense of command in it. “i’m not keeping score.” 
“minghao.” you look at him and your breath hitches, you can tell that he means it.
he holds your gaze for just a second before continuing his point. “but if you want me to, you’ve offered me friendship, companionship. i didn’t always have someone who was willing to go on these groceries, runs, or museum days with. you could have just easily said no when i asked. others have, but you didn’t.”
your lips part and you’re not sure how to respond, minghao says it as if it’s a truth he’s just acknowledged himself. 
you could have said no. it would have been easy to. there’s a grocery store that’s fifteen minutes away, but you never fail to go to the farmer’s market that’s nearly an hour drive away. you could have gone on runs alone, there’s a gym inside your work building, but you chose to exercise with him. you could have spent your afternoon editing photos from your latest shoot, but you spent it checking out the museum with him. 
but the choice was never difficult. despite your earlier reservations about him,
“i like your company.” you blurt, finishing the thought aloud.
he tilts his head to the side, the corner of his mouth twitches upward to a smile. “i like your company too, yn.”
a silence falls between the two of you, but it’s not tense. 
it feels like a sense of understanding, of comfort and security, of relief. the very feeling you get when you finally find an item you thought had been lost forever, in between seat cushions or in cluttered cabinet drawers, simply hiding in plain sight. the feeling you get when you remember actually brought an umbrella so you don’t have to walk home in the rain. the feeling when you remember the lyrics to a song you hadn’t listened to in ages. 
no words were spoken, but there was no need for them anyway. in that moment, neither of you even knew how to articulate the swelling in your chests. you only knew the feeling, coursing through your veins, taking over yours and minghao’s senses.
it’s only a few seconds, and minghao blinks back before he reaches out for the bottle of wine so he could pour both of you a glass. “let’s eat, hm? and you could rant about everything that happened in that little date of yours.”
he hears you out, rolling his eyes when he got particularly annoyed at the man who took you out. the night turns from terrible to wonderful. 
when all is said and done, and you gently close the door of your own apartment. you can’t help the wistful sigh that escapes your lips. oh.
not knowing that on the other side of your living room wall, in his own apartment now accompanied with nothing but his own thoughts, minghao places his nicest dinnerware back in his cabinets. oh.             
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from reese, with love
it's pining time babyyyyyy this might just be my favorite written portion of the entire series (so far) !! i thought nothing would pass 0114 and 0214 but ooooh i'm really feeling this one which is why im extra excited to find out what you guys thought of this !! all asks/replies/rbs are appreciated <3 thank you for reading ! hope you're all doing well and taking care ^^
also svt are coming back to the ph i need to get employed soon so i could actually afford to go ;-; anyone looking for a concert buddy? jk1/2 (manifesting aaaaah)
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its-in-the-woods · 4 months
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 10
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here , five here, six here, seven here, eight here,nine here
master list
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out. Like why are you even here leave. Hurt/comfort, morning sex, fingering, unprotected sex, fluff, and more fluff. Older man younger woman, P in V, possesivness, slight sub/dom if you squint. Tiny pinch of angst and drama.
Synopsis: Working in film as a make-up artist is hard enough, but then Walton Goggins requests you, well it's way too easy to fall down the rabbit hole.
Note: they are both single, all for fun.Thank you for your patience her is the latest chapter so much love to everyone reading.
His head is on your chest, your fingers running through the jet black hair, his arms around you. Your mind wanders as you trace symbols on his skin. The pang of sadness knowing that he will be gone again, knowing that even if the next three weeks go well, he will be going back to LA. The thought scratches at your mind, a pang of anxiety making you want to throw things. Life was a cruel and uncaring mistress. 
You feel Walton shift, you relax your body so he can lie beside you. His hazel eyes catch yours, you shift so you're both facing each other. Blankets half tossed over, pillows crumpled and folded into something comfortable. 
“I can hear your brain running,” Walton says his hand going to run down your ribs onto your side. 
“It’s nothing,” You lie, the last thing you wanted was to spoil the night.
His hand comes up and tucks hair behind your ears, “You are many things, but a good liar is not one of them.”
You sigh and roll to look up at the glowing stars above you. “I don’t know how to feel about the end of filming.”
“Hmm?” He asks, hand resting over your side, warm and comforting.
“I know you’ll have to go back to LA, and I am going to be here.” You gesture at the tiny space, if things went well maybe you could find a nicer spot, but it still would mean you were alone. 
Walton sits up so he can look at you, the man appreciates eye contact, as you try not to look at him. 
“Who says I am going to be leaving you?’ He queries, hand rubbing up and down your sides. 
You turn to him rubbing at your lip, “You live there, I live here. That’s your whole life.”
He wiggles closer to you, “And so you decided that I would just leave you here without asking me?”
“I-” You stop for a second, you had been so lost in your head the last few days that you had failed to ask him what he wanted. The brief conversation in the kitchen about the two of you being in a relationship tricked through your brain. “I guess. I’ve jumped to conclusions.” 
Walton nods, large hands sitting possesively on your hip. “Yes, you have. I know you probably thought the worst the last few days. But I am here now, and I don’t plan on leaving you here when filming finishes.”
You take a breath, the mixed feeling making you feel dizzy, “So you’re going to whisk me away?” The words leave your mouth and you immediately wish you could take them back.
Walton’s hand grips into the flesh of your hips, possessively moving you closer to him. Eyes locked on yours, “You don’t need whisking away. You’re a grown woman, who is stubborn and has fought hard to be where you are. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have someone who cares for you.”
Your heart aches at his words, all of them ringing true. You had fought hard, you had done everything in your power over the last decade to try and secure a spot in this world, to try and make it in the industry. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t lonely. It was very lonely, and friendships were closer to acquaintances. Him being in your apartment, wanting to be here with you, caring about you as much as you did about him. It felt. It felt amazing, the walls you had so carefully crafted around you didn’t need to be there with him. You could be you, and he seemed to feel the same way.  
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. If you want to do long distance, we will do that, you want your own place in LA, done. But I want you. When I said I didn’t take relationships lightly I meant that. This isn’t a fling to me.” Walton said his voice soft but firm. 
You nod your head, “I don’t know what I want. When I didn’t hear from you it hurt. I’ve never hurt like that over anyone. It was awful, and as soon as I saw you today. I just didn’t want to let go. My brain is a mess, and maybe it’s the lack of sleep or the fact it’s midnight.” You feel flustered, the man made your brain feel like mush. He leans over and kisses you, lips gently pressing against yours. 
“I find midnight to be often when the best conversations are had.” He whispers, hand massaging at your hips. “I never stopped thinking about you, all the questions, interviews, photos, I just couldn’t wait to be back here.”
You hum softly, “I will go wherever you want to go,” You speak it out like a small promise, “I don’t know how, can that even be worked? I’ve never tried to work anywhere but here. Could I even get a place in LA?” 
He chuckles kissing you quietly, “If you’ll let me, I will figure it out for you. I’ve got a little experience in that department. You should come down with me next weekend. It’s a long weekend here and it would be good for you to see the city. See if you like there.”
“Oh, Umm,” You feel slightly flustered by how eager he was to take you to LA, “Are you sure?
Walton nods, his hand coming up to run over your cheek, “If you want to, I want you to want to.” 
You lean forward kissing him softly, he pulls you close and you snuggle into his side. He is warm, your fingers playing along his collarbone. “As long as I am with you.” You giggle slightly, “Maybe I am needy,”
Walton lets out a snort, “You are just figuring that out now?”
Giggling some more, “It’s all your fault. I was a perfectly capable woman before you. Now I am clingy and needy.” 
He lets out a laugh at that, turning to tickle along your sides. You squeal, trying to move away and tickle him back. He grabs your hands pining them above your head as he continues the assault, finishing by blowing a raspberry on your stomach. 
“Stop-” You wiggle trying to get yourself free but he is much stronger than you. Huffing as he finally relents coming in to kiss you again. Feeling yourself shiver as he keeps kissing you, how he held you completely still with one hand. That was something new, and you definitely wanted to try more of it. 
He leans back from kissing you, and your face must be red, breath speeded up as you licked at your swollen lips. “You like that,” His hand squeezed around your wrists, and you swallowed and nodded your head at the question.  
He grins, kissing you again before letting go of your wrists, “We will explore that later, for now, this old man needs rest.”
You chuckle and cuddle close, he throws the blankets around you, a hand coming to hold you against him. The warmth and comfort of having him beside you has you drifting off to sleep. 
Your alarm is ringing, you try to find it but something is in the way. You try to move but you’re wrapped tight. Groaning you open your eyes, hands around your chest makes your heart rate spike. Trying to remember how you got here. 
“It’s just me,” Walton mumbles against your neck, and you sag at his sleepy voice. Reality slowly slips in as your brain starts to wake up. You were safe, the memories of last night coming in in pieces. 
“Can you get the alarm,” You murmur, voice raspy and dry. Noting a good glass of water couldn't fix. 
One hand leaves you and the sound of the alarm ceases. You relax against him, letting out a sigh. You're so warm and slightly uncomfortable. Your left arm was pined and you have lost feeling in your fingers. Trying to wiggle to get some room, feeling his body press against yours. He moves back and you roll over to face him, his eyes are still closed. Looking relaxed as he lays beside you. One eye opens to look at you. 
“Good morning,” He mumbles, the arm that’s still under you dragging you beside him. 
You snuggle in, the smell of coffee wafting from the kitchen. You are very thankful you remembered to pre-set the machine last night.  “Good morning, to you too. I hate to ruin the afterglow but I got to get up.”
He grumbles and pulls you tighter against him. “Nah-uh” His lips kiss any skin they find. You wiggle against his side as he kisses down you neck.
“Wwaallttoonn,” You squeak, “We got to go.” But he is holding onto you, you know if you really put up a fuss he’d let go, but if you’re honest you’d rather be here than at work. 
He blows a raspberry against your neck and you are struggling harder now to try and get away. Laughter pulling out of you from the tickling sensation. His hands tickle under your armpit and you try to get him to stop, screeching and grabbing at his hands to know avail. He grins as he stops, that smile always made you melt a little. 
“I need breakfast,” He grumbles, hand cupping your ass. You squeak as his hand lifts your thigh over his hip. How the hell he could move you so easily was something else. 
You gasp as his fingers leisurely went up and down your folds. “Oh, you ass,” You squeak as he continues what should be classified as torture. Parting you he rubs against your clit, making it ache, still tender from the previous evening’s fun. You grind down onto his hand, his cock hardening against your thigh. His fingers slipping up and down as you feel yourself get wet. He was way to good at that. Your head rolling slightly at the sensation, just putty in his hands. 
“Always so wet,” He moans into your ear as his fingers work in and out of you.  
Whining you rocking against him, your mind melting as he stretches you. His fingers leave and you don’t even have a chance to complain before he slides in.
“Fuck that feels good,” You whine moving your body closer as you fall into a rhythm. Your fingers dig into his back as you rut against him. He easily has you on your back, pushing your legs up as his hips move faster.His fingers spreading you open as he works at your clit, that now familiar pull coming from your center. He knows exactly how to wind you up, the hitch of your breath as you squeeze around him. Making his fingers falter as his cock gets squeezed, but he doesn’t ease up, mouth hushing you. Walton isn’t far behind, he slides out to release on your stomach, fingers replacing where he had been. He works his fingers with the same rhythm he works his cock, as he helps you over the edge. Until he’s bitting into his lips hot ropes splashing onto your stomach.
You groan laying there a sweaty damn mess, as he flops beside you, chest raising up and down as you both come down. He grins and kisses you softly. Your phone’s alarm goes off again. Walton groans and slaps at it until it turns off. 
“That’s one way to wake up,” You laugh, your hands running over his chest.
“Mmhmm,” He mumbles, eyes partially closed as he kisses your cheek. You both take a moment to just enjoy the post-orgasm bliss before getting up.
The door bursts open and Trevor’s face is beet red. You had been cleaning up, looking forward to the end of the day. Shooting had gone way over after one of the other actors had had a minor breakdown. Now Trevor was here shoving his phone in your face. 
“What-what” You glare at him, taking the phone and looking at the screen. The blood drains out of your face as you see several photos of you and Walton. One even is of the two of you kissing outside his apartment. “Oh my god,” 
“They just published these an hour ago,” Trevor said his hands taping against the counter. 
“Where- how- That’s my damn apartment.” You squeak, scrolling through what was an internet gossip rag. “This is all bullshit, I am not his personal assistant. Where are they get this info from.”
Trevor is pacing back and forth. “I don’t know, but clearly someone has been following you both.”
You hit the bottom of the website and wonder what world you’d woken up into. The trailer door opens again, and Liz is there now. Your heart falls, she looks beyond upset. Her own phone clenched in her hand. 
“Don’t even start Liz,” Trevor has put himself between the two of you. As much as you appreciate the gesture you were perfectly fine handling the woman.
“You got some nerve,” Liz growled, “I had already warned you to steer clear of him.”
You look between the two co-workers not entirely sure what to say. Why would she need to steer clear of Walton? This smelt like more than just professionalism the woman looked jealous. Why the hell was she jealous, the door banged again and you watched Walton come in. Fake blood still covering his clothes. 
“She’s got some nerve?” Walton is standing in the doorway, as always you were the last to know. How was everyone so on top of this?
Liz’s face goes bright red seeing the actor standing there. “She is in my department, I will handle the situation to my best judgment.”
“Actually, no you will not,” Walton said his voice low and commanding. “You’ve been nothing but snippy with her, the relationship we have is no one's business. Pictures posted on the internet or not.”
“It’s unprofessional,” The woman mocks, and you can see the man stiffen with the words. You were honestly surprised at the whole situation. You had never pegged Liz as someone who would have been interested in Walton. Then again everyone was interested in him. 
“There is nothing unprofessional about having relationships with co-workers.” Walton replies, “We are two grown adults. Professionalism be damn. If it was anyone else you would not have cared Elizabeth.”
You watch as Liz’s eyes dart anywhere but at Walton. The confirmation that there definitely had been a thing there, a thing that wasn't reciprocated. The way he used her full name made it all the more real, this was why she had been such a bitch to you from the beginning. Trevor had caught your eye, his eyebrows raised. 
“I am not sure what you’re implying Mr. Goggins. But I am surely not the only one tired of you both being a distraction.” Liz hissed, you wanted to hide under the counter if only to stop yourself from jumping on her. Accusing them of causing a distraction, when she was the one storming into trailers. 
Walton let out a short laugh, “You and I both know what I am talking about. Your jealousy is noted and not appreciated. I figured you were pasted that, but clearly not.”
The whole room is thick with tension, as the two of them stare each other down. You want to leave or say something but your mouth is dry. The thought that Liz’s anger was directed at you because of your relationship with Walton was childish. It was something that would have happened in high school. Here she was spouting off about being professional when she had treated you like dirt. Even tried to turn others on you, and threaten your relationship with other departments. 
“We have less than four weeks left,” You finally say, “Then you will never see me again,”
Liz looked you up and down a sneer still on her face, “Oh don’t worry sweety, you will never-”
“Do not threaten her,” Walton stated, the way his voice was more of a growl made you tingle. “They are empty threats and you know it. Everyone knows about your attitude, and the fact you are only still around cause you’re in bed with every PM in town.” 
Liz’s mouth snapped closed, “That was uncalled for,” For a moment she looked a bit hurt. “Best of luck to both of you. See your boyfriend has your back at least,” 
The woman gloured at you, her face twisted as if she had walked in dog shit. 
You let out a sigh, you were so over this,  “Boyfriend or not your actions speak volumes. I’ve kept my personal life private, and all you’ve done is feed the rumor mill. No one else has said a word or confronted me about it. Production, clearly, doesn’t care or they would have said something. So that’s that, I wish you well Liz.”
You get up and walk out, even if it means never walking back into the trailer. Liz could have it, all the bullshit, all the rumors, it all didn’t matter. Your peace was more important, your happiness was more important. Warm fingers are lacing with yours, you turn to see Walton beside you. You stop between the different trailers and just look at him. His usually bright hazel eyes were hidden behind sunglasses, a small grin across his lips. You lean and kiss him, something quick but gentle. 
“Hey,” He whispers, forehead leaning against yours. 
“Thank you for standing up for me,” You whisper back.
He shrugs a bit, the sun is coming through the clouds dancing across both of you. “She should have let it go a long time ago.”
“I had no idea,” You sigh straightening up. “Then again who wouldn’t want a piece of you.” 
Walton lets out a hearty laugh, “Not sure I would agree. I have my eyes only on you.”
You smile leaning in to kiss him again, you honestly couldn’t care who saw now. “How often do you think my face will end up on the internet.”
“Depends on how many times they catch us,” He grins against your lips. 
Chapter Eleven
**So I have two options. Option one we leave it here I feel like this isn't a horrible way to end things*
**Option two I continue to dive more into their stable relationship, get into some kinky stuff maybe, and probably get some angst in there. I have a vaguely written outline but there is definitely room to continue this.**
Please let me know :)
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saras-almanac · 5 months
I’ve seen this idea or comment multiple times: That Tommy has no character. Which is either on its own or in connection to not understanding why anyone likes BuckTommy apart from two hot guys together. I’m not going to get into the second one here, but the idea that Tommy has no character is just false and either a completely failure in media literacy at best or a blatant ignoring of canon at worst.  
Now do we know everything there is to know about Tommy? Absolutely not, and I’m not trying to claim otherwise. But I would also point that question to any of the other characters on screen: Do we know everything about Bobby, about Chimney, about Buck, etc? I would say No, we don’t. I think the one we have the most information about is Buck just purely because the framing of the first season being about his growth and also because Buck is just such an open book about pretty much everything in his life and feelings. But even still, I don’t think we know everything about him. And that’s okay!
But back to Tommy—we actually do know a fair bit about him and have seen him grow and develop a bit. When we met him in “Hen Begins” in season 2, he’s not outright rude but he is very much, “not gonna put a target on my back here” because of Captain Gerrard (and/or perhaps because he had already realized his sexuality or was beginning to uncover it). When we meet him for the first time chronologically in “Chimney Begins,” he’s more rude and pretty dismissive of Chimney’s offer of friendship, even actively avoiding him. Again, this could be because of Gerrard, the environment here where it didn’t feel like anyone was really friends per say, or it could be down to what Eli tells Chimney: That these guys are not going to let just anyone in until they prove themselves, especially not a probie.”
However, the thing that shows the most about who Tommy is and his growth is his time in “Bobby Begins,” where it’s clear he’s got a really solid friendship with Hen and Chimney, making bets about the new Captain, going out for drinks, having those looks in the engine as Bobby gets them lost. It’s clear in the narrative in season 2 that Tommy, for all of being in only 3 episodes, has grown and changed a lot. (Which is why I find it so ironic that so many people criticizing this “retcon” of Tommy’s character always forget to mention Bobby Begins where it’s clear that Tommy’s friends with Hen and Chimney. I get that some fans want a full apology, but to me it reads like that probably already happened, or at least a conversation, a clearing of the air. Not everything needs to be directly spoonfed to you.)
Tommy coming back in season 7 has shown a bit more growth, as well as showing us sides of him we haven’t seen before. His patience and kindness with Buck and the newness of their relationship and Buck’s sexuality. His humor being dry and a little dark—“We’re all gonna die anyways” or even him suggesting to give Buck flying lessons because his fees are competitive. He’s open with his vulnerabilities when he feels safe enough to do so—immediately sharing his own jealousy at the 118 to Buck when Buck’s talking about his jealousy, telling Buck he cut the date short because he didn’t want to pressure Buck. To me, it shows maybe more growth or just another side of him because we only saw him in connection to his friends, where as Buck is a love interest.
Is this a lot of information? I guess it depends on what you want. Do we know his favorite color or his interests or how he romantically woos people or what he likes to do on his days off? I would argue that we do know a decent amount of that—he likes monster trucks, I assume watching romantic comedies as his favorite movie is canonically Love, Actually, he enjoys craft beers, knows and participates in Muay Thai, has a car lift in his garage so must know something about cars or mechanic stuff, is a pilot and firefighter, enjoys flying for fun on his days off, and has a trivia / karaoke thing (I’m still not sure if it’s a karaoke trivia or trivia at a karaoke bar, the wording confused me but whatever). Honestly, that’s more information than we have about any love interest Buck or Eddie have ever had when they were just starting a relationship.  
And that’s also a huge point that I think is being missed by these types of arguments: Buck and Tommy are just starting a relationship, as in they are just getting to really know each other. So there is more to learn and uncover about each other. And honestly, we the audience are probably not going to be privy to a lot of that because it’s an ensemble show. So instead, they’ll likely show us that they’re moving forward and getting more comfortable with each other when they do interact—the kiss in the hospital reads to me as two people who’ve been spending time together and getting to know each other a lot more where they feel more comfortable. Hell, even just Buck’s change from his hesitance in episode 5 to his confidence in episode 6 is supposed to show his growth in accepting his sexuality and comfort being with Tommy.
The whole point is that the show sketches the outlines and maybe fills in some spots, but they sort of expect you to be able to still see the bigger picture of things. We know the outline of Tommy and are waiting to see it all filled in. That’s why he’s such an intriguing character and love interest for Buck—because he’s developed enough as his own person but there’s still enough blank spaces to explore with. He is the most developed love interest that Buck’s ever had, but he’s still just become Buck’s boyfriend so there’s still more to learn about him. That’s what dating and being in relationship with someone is: learning about them, their likes and dislikes, and what they are like in relationships, seeing if you’re compatible. So while there is already a massive head start in characterization than anyone else (except maybe Abby but even she wasn’t a fabulously written character and was honestly a terrible protagonist), there’s still more to learn about him and that’s a good thing. And while I can’t speak for everyone who ships BuckTommy, I can say that for me, it’s so fun to extrapolate on the bare bones of character and see how they develop in canon.
Tl;dr: Tommy does have a character. It's just a lot of showing and not telling and some people can't handle that.
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gagmewitha-spork · 2 years
The Green Eyed Monster (Ana Maria Crnogorcevic x reader)
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Warnings: no smut but it gets a little spicy
Description: while on an end of season trip with a few teammates Ana gets jealous of readers close friendship with her fellow Spaniards
Notes: I’m currently working on quite a few requests, a few of which I want to wait for certain game results before finishing them properly, but to the anons who requested them, they are coming don’t worry.
Word count: 2156
Ana awoke to sun pouring in through the open balcony door of your shared room in the Ibizan villa you had all rented for a week.
The first thing she notices as she sits up, is that you’re no longer in bed with her, the second is her own reflection in the large wall mirror at the end of the bed, and the third is the truly atrocious number of marks that littered her collarbones, and upon further inspection, her abdomen and inner thighs also. This wasn’t going to be easy to hide from the other girls. She smiled to herself as she remembered the previous night, and again was reminded about the sheer amount of energy you always seemed to have, how did you just never get tired? Even now you had likely been up for at least an hour already, if the cool temperature of the sheets on your side of the bed was anything to go by.
She’s pulled from her thoughts as she hears the loud voices of her friends and teammates outside by the pool. She throws on a bikini, unsure if it was yours or hers at this point, and decides to head downstairs to find out what all the commotion’s about.
She makes it downstairs and to the large open double doors that lead out to the pool area just in time to see you get pushed into the pool by Leila. You were wearing shorts and a sports bra, so if she had to guess she’d say you had probably just got back from a run, adding to her point about you having far too much energy all the time. Within seconds you’re climbing back out of the pool, throwing yourself at Leila.
Ana watches from the doorway as you pick up the brunette, who instantly complains that you’re sweaty, despite you having just taken an involuntary bath. You tell her you have a great way to solve the problem before throwing yourself, with your best friend still wrapped in your arms, back into the pool. The two of you surface, and fall easily into a light hearted water fight, splashing and climbing onto each others backs in attempts to dunk each other under the water. It’s at this point that Ana feels a burning pit if jealousy slowly start to build in her chest. She knows it’s ridiculous, she knows you and Leila are just best friends, extremely close best friends who openly admit to being each others first kiss.
You had known Leila your whole life, having grown up in the same town, you played football together, did everything together, so it only made sense that you were each others first kiss, or that’s what your 13 year old selves had decided at least. It had never gone any further than that between the two of you, as you had realised that it was just a little too weird, you considered each other sisters and nothing more. Ana knew this also, but that didn’t stop the pit from growing, she had no control over it, as much as she hated the fact.
She sighs to herself, partially out of jealousy and partially out of annoyance at herself for being jealous, and makes her way over to an unoccupied sun lounger. She places her sun glasses on her face and continues to glare through them as she watches Leila’s hands roam over your sides as she tickles you, all the while thinking to herself that she should be the only one touching you in places like that. She could almost roll her eyes at herself for the way she was thinking. You’d think with the years she’d spent around you and your Spanish friends she’d be used to how overly affectionate and touchy you all were with each other, but no, apparently not.
In an attempt to squash the green eyed monster that was growing inside of her, Ana throws her head back, forcing herself to look away from where you and Leila remained messing around in the pool. Though the thought that you had yet to notice her emerging from the house only fuelled her jealous thoughts.
Only a few minutes pass before she feels a shadow standing over her, blocking the sun from hitting her body.
“Hola sexy lady”, you say, your Spanish accent thick on the English words you had chosen to use. Ana stares up at you blankly before deciding that she’s mad at you, and instead chooses not to respond, placing her sunglasses back on her eyes and closing them.
You sit down on the sun bed next to her, placing a hand on her stomach and tracing around the pattern of marks you had left there the night before. You smirk to yourself as you remember the night, and lean down, pressing a soft trail of kisses up your girlfriends neck from her collarbone, ending just below her left ear.
“Buenos días, mi amor”, you whisper in her ear, your hand flattening out and gently running over her toned stomach muscles before coming to rest just below her right breast. With your other hand you pull her sunglasses off of her face in order to see her eyes. You smile at her as you make eye contact and lean back in, this time to place a kiss on her lips. You’re centimetres away when she places her hand on your chest, stopping you in your tracks.
“What?”, you ask her when she doesn’t say anything. She again doesn’t give you an answer, but retrieves her sunglasses from your hand and places them back in her face.
You stare at her, a little dumbfounded as to why she would deny you a good morning kiss, especially after everything you had given her last night. When you fail to move away from where you sat, leaning over her slightly with one arm still using her body as a brace, she opens her eyes once more to see the puzzled look on your face. Rolling her eyes, she sits up, causing you to remove your hand and shift out of her way. She then places her hands on your shoulders, pushing slightly and guiding you away from her sun lounger so you were now standing.
As she lay back down, pulling her sunglasses back over her eyes, you continue to stare at her, the puzzled look never once leaving your face. Your mind races as it tries to think of something you might have done to make her upset at you. Was she mad that you’d left her alone in bed that morning? Or that you’d gone for a run by yourself? Was she mad that you didn’t invite her? Or just that you hadn’t woken her up to say bye? You needed to know, so you pulled the last spare lounger so it was right next the hers and sat on the edge of it facing her.
“Nena?”, you tried to get her attention, but still she remained ignoring you, “what did I do?”, you questioned her aloud. You tentatively reach out and place a hand on hers that lay resting by her side, “bebé, por favor, please tell me why you are angry”, you pleaded.
The sadness in your voice and the tentativeness with which you placed your hand on hers instantly made her feel terrible. It wasn’t necessarily that she was mad at you, she wasn’t really. It was more that she was mad at herself, and annoyed that had felt jealous about you and your best friend having fun together. She knew it was stupid and she would never want you to change the way you were with your friends, your fun loving nature was one of her favourite things about you.
She sat up quickly, pulling her hand from yours and moving so she sat similarly to you on her own sun lounger. Her sudden movement shocked you and you quickly pulled your hand away thinking you’d upset her even more. Ana places her head in her hands, her elbows resting in her knees.
“Nothing, you did nothing”, she grumbled out, mad at herself for even acting this way in the first place.
“Okay…”, you trailed off slowly, waiting for her to explain further. You were still dripping wet, but you ignored as water dripped down from you hair and shorts onto the ground around you.
“It’s stupid, I’m sorry”, Ana now apologised to you, before lifting her head out of her hands. Before you could respond she had placed her hands on either side of your face and pulled you into a searing kiss, from which you reluctantly pulled away.
“It’s not stupid cariño”, you tell her, placing your hand on her knee, hers where still holding you close, and she pulled you in for another kiss before letting go and leaning back, using her hands to prop herself up.
“It is”, she insisted, “and you’ll laugh when I tell you”.
Your puzzled frown from before returned to your face as you pondered what she could possibly be about to tell you.
As she’s about to start explaining however, she’s interrupted as Leila walks over, handing you a freshly made iced coffee, as you had agreed would be her apology for pushing you into the pool. She’s wearing only her bikini bottoms, which isn’t abnormal in the slightest, but still makes Ana roll her eyes, the green eyed monster was still lurking, not quite stamped out yet.
You catch the eye roll slightly and begin to catch on to what might be happening here, and you could now see why your girlfriend had said it was stupid.
“Ana”, Leila started, “sorry I didn’t ask, do you want coffee?”, she asked the Swiss girl.
“No, thanks”, Ana’s reply was short and clipped, she hadn’t meant for it to come out that way but it had anyway. Thankfully Leila didn’t seem to catch on and instead replied with a jolly “okay”, and headed back over to her own sun lounger. You however had definitely caught Ana’s tone, which had confirmed your theory on why she had been mad at you.
The blonde looks back at you after watching as Leila walked away, waiting for her to get out of hearing range before she continued, but instead is met by your smirking face and she knows straight away that you have her figured out.
“You’re jealous”, you state. It’s not a question, you know your girlfriend well enough to know when she was jealous, it had just taken a second to work out why, but now it all made sense. She wasn’t mad at you, she was mad at herself for feeling the way she did.
“I’m-“, she starts trying to deny it, but instantly gives up as she knows you know her too well, “I told you it was stupid”.
“You’re right, it is stupid”, you tell her, your smirk still evident on your face, “you know you don’t have to be jealous”.
“I know I know”, she says, throwing her hands in the air, “that’s why it’s stupid”.
“I only want you”, you tell her, as you always did, “you’re the only one I let touch me like you did last night”, you say, your voice low as you pull her closer to you, “you’re the only one I want to taste”, she shivers as you whisper in her ear, lips brushing agains it before you place a kiss just behind it, a spot you knew she liked. She shivered again.
You pull away far enough to see her eyes have gone dark, and you know she’s completely forgotten about her misplaced jealousy. You stand, holding a hand out to her.
“I need to shower”, you announce, because even after your quick dip in the pool, you felt you needed to properly wash off the grime you’d acquired from your morning run, “care to join me?”, you asked as you pulled your girlfriend to her feet, “I feel like I need to prove to you once more just how much I love you”, you again whispered in her ear as you pulled her into you, walking slowly backwards towards the doorway to the villa.
“Only once?”, Ana asks with a smirk of her own as she now starts pushing you backwards, her hands holding your hips as she guides you towards the stairs and up to your en suite bathroom.
“Maybe more than once, if you’re lucky”, you tell her before pulling your sports bra over your head and quickly ridding yourself of your shorts and underwear. Ana is quick to follow you into the shower where she instantly pushes you against the wall and turns the water on.
“I think it’s your turn first actually”, she states, the glint in her eye informing you that you were about to find out exactly how jealous she had been earlier.
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sweetwhispersofchaos · 9 months
Mornings of Gold
I'm so far behind its not even funny, but I have FINALLY finished my second entry for @roosterforme Top Gun Rocktober event. I used my all time favorite song to create this completely self indulgent romance piece and I have zero apologies for it. ;) Pairing: Phoenix and Bob Words: 5433 Warnings: fluff, mild smut (no grave detail), kissing, did I mention fluff? *I do not own the Top Gun characters.*
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Lightening illuminated the windows while rain tap danced across the glass. A deafening crack of thunder shook the entirety of Bob’s apartment, rattling some of his frames on the wall and causing both he and Phoenix to jump in their seats. They were deep into their third round of Go-Fish and a lunch wager was riding on the winner of this last bout. It was serious and they both were concentrating so hard on their cards that the storm jolted them out of their haze.
“I hope the power holds.” Bob said while studying the dwindling stack of cards in his hand.
“And if it doesn’t, we light some candles and keep going.”
“Phee, I don’t have any candles.”
“Floyd. I thought you were a Boy Scout?”
“I didn’t say I was a good one.” he whispered with a sheepish shrug.
“Thank goodness for flashlights.”
“I don’t have those either.”
Phoenix let out a huff “Guess I should plug my phone in, just in case huh?” she said exasperatedly as she stood to grab her charger from her backpack.
Phoenix loved being back in Lemoore with Bob, despite returning to their original squadrons. She missed flying with Bob, but their weekly meet ups for movies and card games helped. After the uranium mission they seemed to gravitate to one another, no one else able to understand the weight of what they went through together, especially since it was top secret, and they weren’t allowed to speak of it. Between the bird strike and the mission, both of them had changed and they were thankful they had each other to lean on. Bob had suffered nightmares for a while and Phoenix had trouble enjoying things outside of work in the “real world” like she used to. Their friendship carried them through those foggy first few months post mission.
Things had started to feel warm and fuzzy to Natasha about three months after their return to Lemoore. She was spending a lot of time with Bob, and they had become relaxed with each other. Movie nights now consisted of Bob wrapping his arm around her while she leaned into his side or Phoenix running her hands through his hair when he laid his head in her lap on the couch. Card games now include occasional rubs of one foot on the others under the table. Trips into town might find them holding hands and the one Saturday they drove out to the coast Bob held her hand on the gear shift of his truck the whole way. Neither of them spoke of the closeness they were experiencing; it was comfortable and comforting and neither seemed to find issue with it or the need to discuss.
Phoenix returned to the small dinning nook where Bobs card table and folding chairs were set up. He was quite a minimalist, but she didn’t mind, up until now anyways. She plugged the phone in then flopped on to her backwards chair, straddling it in her plaid pajama pants and eyed Bob mischievously. Another rumble of thunder rattled the walls, and her grin grew in feigned innocence.
Bob looked up at her over his glasses with a furrowed brow, then back to his cards.
“Got any eights?”
“Go fish”
He grunted and picked up a card from the pile between them. “Phee, how is it possible you are so good at everything right down to child level card games?”
She giggled at her bespeckled best friend.
“What can I say? It’s a gift.” She winked at Bob, and he shook his head with a boyish grin.
“I’m pretty sure I’m a few cards away from owing you sushi.”
“I think you might be right.”
And he was. Moments later Phoenix won and jumped out of her chair, fist pumping the air victoriously. Bob just smiled at her then cleaned up the pile of cards.
“Movie time! What do you want to watch?” she asked, flitting into the living room, and flopping down onto the couch.
Bob called from the kitchen where he was cleaning up their snack mess from the table.
“I chose last week. It’s your turn.”
“Ok let me see what I can find.”
Bob joined her on the couch, pulling her legs into his lap as he sat next to her.
“My feet probably stink, Bob.”
“I don’t smell anything, so you’re good.”
She smirked and went back to scrolling through the movies on the streaming service app on Bobs tv.
Suddenly Phoenix sat up quickly, her legs flying out of his lap.
“OH!” she shouted, causing Bob to startle. “This is my favorite movie ever!”
“I thought Die Hard was your favorite?” He asked.
“That’s my favorite Christmas movie.”
“Phee. Die Hard is not a Christmas movie.”
“I’m not having this argument with you again for the hundredth time, Robert.” she said as she gently popped his chest with the back of her hand.
Bob put his hands up in defense then looked up at the screen to see a picture of a heavily made-up David Bowie surrounded by furry characters.
“Labyrinth? What’s it about?”
She whipped around on the couch to look at him with complete disbelief on her face.
“You’re joking? You’ve never heard of Labyrinth!? I know you’re a baby and all but it’s only one of the most amazing cult classics of the 1980’s. David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly, and a host of Jim Henson puppets.”
He smiled at her enthusiasm. “I am not that young and no, I haven’t. I’m gonna to be honest Phee, this surprises me.”
“What? Why?” she asked frowning.
“Your idea of a top-notch movie usually involves heavy gunfire and a string of cuss words throughout. Not Muppets.”
Phoenix rolled her eyes then pressed play. She shifted her legs around so she could lean into his side and Bob instinctively wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they settled in to watch the fantasy movie.
“Yeah well, this one is special from my childhood and my favorite song on the planet is in it.”
“Oh yeah?” he asked.
“Yeah. I’ll tell you which one when it pops up.”
The opening refrains of Bowie began to trickle through the surround sound as they relaxed together on the couch. Somewhere along the way Bob began to rub small circles on Nat’s bare arm and her head came to rest on his shoulder.
Later in the movie, the main character of Sarah bit into a laced peach and Natasha whispered up to Bob.
“This is it. The dream sequence has my favorite song.”
The light melody of As the World Falls Down by David Bowie began to serenade the masked dancers on screen and Natashas eyes lit up. She had always loved this part as a child. The stunning attire, the soft lullaby of the love song. As she grew up, she began to realize the whole movie was a euphemism for coming of age and the song gained all new meaning for her. The lyrics started to take the shape of her journey out into the real world. College, commissioning, flight school, and traveling the globe. She missed her picturesque childhood, but it was time to grow up, whether she wanted to or not. The only thing she hadn’t found along the way was the magical love story she thought she would have when she watched the costumed actors waltz around the dreamscape as a young girl.  What she considered the last card in the grown-up deck. She had relationships over the years, but nothing that swept her off her feet the way she thought would happen. No one had promised her mornings of gold or Valentine evenings like the song said, but she was hopeful that might change, sooner or later.
Once Sarah shattered the walls of the fancy ballroom, ending the pretty scene, Bob reached over to grab the remote from the coffee table and paused the movie. Phoenix didn’t move other than to pick up her head and look at him questioningly.
“Phee. The movie is weird. But that song is beautiful. I can see why you like it. It’s sort of sad too.”
She gave him a gentle smile. “It really is. And this scene has always been magical but also sad for me. Romantic and whimsical. Sarah’s caught between being a child and a woman and all the things she thinks she wants but also the things she doesn’t realize yet she will miss about being a kid. I relate to the song and the themes of the movie.”
“You do?” He questioned.
“Sure. I had a normal, happy childhood, but like most kids, I couldn’t wait to grow up. I wanted the adventure, the freedom, the uh” she hesitated, lowering her eyes to his chest, “um, love, found only in the grown-up world. Now though, I wish I could go back sometimes. I love my life, but I miss the, um, innocence of being a kid. The tough stuff like top secret scary missions didn’t exist yet.” She nudged him with a knowing look, and he grinned.
“Good at kid’s card games and carrying philosophical conversation about children’s movies to boot. You’re not as scary as people think you are.” He mused.
She snickered and lightly elbowed him in the ribs. “Yes I am.”
Bob grunted on impact, then blew out a heavy breath. “Fine. You’re not as scary as I thought you were. You’re just a big softy.” And he winked at her.
Another bang of thunder rolled through the skies above and they both jumped.
“We better finish this before the power goes out.” She said and he mumbled his agreement, pressing play on the remote again.
The storm began to clear out as the movie came to an end. Phoenix stood and stretched her arms over head while Bob turned the TV off.
“Final verdict?” She asked when he stood up next to her.
“I still say weird, but Bowie’s music is brilliant and it’s definitely a unique way of portraying the transition from child to getting older. 4 out of 5 stars.”
She smiled at him adoringly before patting his cheek and heading for the entry way.
“I’m glad you liked it. I think our friendship would be over if you hadn’t.” she said with a laugh as she scooped up her backpack from the floor and started rummaging for her keys.
“Nat?” she turned to face Bob while shimmying into her sneakers.
He seemed nervous, shoving his hands into the pockets of his shorts. “Were you planning to go to Captain Holloways wedding next weekend?”
That wasn’t what she was expecting. They both received invitations, but they hadn’t really talked about it.
“I don’t know, you?”
“Well. I was thinking.” He ran his right hand through his hair, stalling. “That is. Do you want to go with me?” He rocked back and forth from his toes to his heels like a rocking horse, his shoulders all the way to his ears as he waited for her to respond.
“Oh! Why Robert Floyd, are you asking me to be your date?” She crossed her arms with a questioning smirk on her face.
His cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “Well, ah, Yeah, I guess I am. But” he put both hands up defensively and his words rushed out. “I get it if you don’t want to go. Or go with me. We can just meet up there if you want. Or do something else? Shoot. I bet you already have a date. Or I don’t have to go at all if you want to go with someone else or go alone. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been presumptuous. You know what? Let’s just forget I asked.” And he let out a nervous chuckle.
Phoenix had not changed body or face position through his little freak out. She found him absolutely adorable when he was nervous. Inside a plane he was steady as the driving rain outside, but on the ground, he was shy, and it was endearing.
“Bob” she said, then she took the three steps across the entry way to stand in front of him. Phoenix placed her hands on his biceps, rose up on her tippy toes, and lightly pecked him on the cheek. “I’d love to be your date for the wedding. Pick me up at 6?” Then she gave him a brilliant smile.
Relief washed over his face. This sweet man was really starting to create warm feelings in her that she wasn’t expecting but didn’t hate.
“Oh, ok. Great. I’ll pick you up at 6 then. You be careful out there going home, ok?” She removed her hands from his arms then slid them around his midsection to hug him. He wrapped his long lanky arms around her and gave her a light squeeze over her backpack.
“I will. See you tomorrow.” And with one last sweet smile she grabbed her umbrella from the porch, popped it open, and darted out into the muggy drizzle, an extra bounce to her steps as she made a beeline for her car.
 Several days later, after a busy week at work, Phoenix was staring at her reflection in the full-length mirror in her bedroom. It had been a long time since she had attended a wedding, or any sort of formal event, that wasn’t for the military and didn’t involve her dress uniform. The ceremony was going to be outside overlooking a vineyard, the reception in an open-air barn, and it was quite warm for May in southern California. Many of her coworkers would be in attendance, including her very special date, so she knew she was never going to hear the end of it when they caught sight of her in something other than a flight suit for once.
 She spent the afternoon before at a local department store trying on dresses. She honestly didn’t even own an appropriate dress for an evening summer wedding. The few dresses she owned were tiny, black, and were rarely donned. She must have tried on at least 25 dresses, looking for the right one. If she was honest with herself, she was a little nervous. Yes, she and Bob had been friends for a while now, but this felt different. It was different. The little butterflies in her stomach told her things were changing and that thought both scared her and thrilled her. He was so different from anyone she had ever been with before. His strength wasn’t in his brawn or bravado, it was in his quiet determination, unyielding devotion, and his rarely shared dry wit. He was handsome in an old Hollywood sort of way, and he never tried to make her feel small, obviously not scared of a female leader. She could admit that their friendship was based, at first, on trauma bonding but had since evolved into something she trusted. She just hoped he felt the same way. He did ask her out after all, so surely, he felt the shift in their relationship too.
The dress she settled on was a pale pink satin draped dress with spaghetti straps. She purchased a simple shawl in an even softer pink shade and nude kitten heels to go with it. Her hair was always up in the regulation bun so tonight she put a little curl in it and left it down, her grandmother’s pearl earrings completing the ensemble. Natasha ran her hands over the smooth fabric as she studied herself in the mirror. She felt one hundred percent confident until it came to her feminine side. She loved being a woman and pretty things, but she was more prepared to fly an F/A-18 in drab green flight suits and kick back for beers with the guys after work than step out for a night on the town in a slinky pink dress. Just as she was preparing to talk herself out of going, she heard a knock at her front door.
Shit. Bobs here. Too late now.
Giving herself one more glance in the mirror, she hesitantly tucked a small strand of hair behind her ear, placed her phone in her small clutch, and headed for the door. With one last deep breath, she opened the door and watched the pool-blue eyes on the other side grow exponentially in a matter of seconds.
Phoenix watched Bob swallow hard and begin to stammer but bless the man no actual words came out at first. She managed a small smile at him and his large grin in return made her heart flutter.
He cleared his throat then tried again. “Wow, uh Phee, you look, um, just wow.” His cheeks were bright red.
Bob looked incredibly attractive in a tailored three-piece grey suit with a white shirt and a striped tie in darker shades of blue. Phoenix felt a little flustered as well, not just from Bobs reaction but her own attraction to the handsome WSO in front of her. She stepped out of the apartment, locking the door behind her, then turned back to Bob’s still wide eyes. With a small giggle she pecked his cheek.
“You’re pretty wow yourself. Ready to go?”
Bob shook his head, seeming to clear fog from his mind, letting out a small chuckle as he offered his elbow for Phoenix to take. “Yes mam.” And they took off for the evening.  
The ceremony was nothing short of spectacular. The sunset showed gorgeous hues of purple and orange as the couple said their vows and exchanged rings. Somewhere in the middle of the captains’ vows while he spoke of feeling whole and complete by his soon to be wife, Bobs hand slid over and picked up Phoenix hand, wrapping his fingers between hers and moving it until both of their hands came to rest on his leg, his eyes remaining transfixed on the alter ahead. Phoenix tensed briefly, her eyes shifting sideways then quickly to their joined hands and finally back to the service. Was she sweating? Between the heavy emotions of the wedding, the story book surroundings, and Bobs large, calloused hand gripping hers, Phoenix skin was prickling warm, and her heart fluttered in her chest.
Once the groom kissed his bride and the procession was completed, the guests made their way to the outdoor barn for the cocktail hour and reception. Bobs hand slipped to Phoenix lower back as he gently guided her along the brick path toward the glowing string lights twinkling above the tables of the party area. Soft music played from the DJ stand as they gathered drinks from the bar and made their way to the seats at a round table labeled with their names on dainty gold embossed cards. Before she could say or do anything, Bob pulled her chair out for her with a gentle grin. Phoenix returned the smile and thanked him as she took her seat amongst some fellow aviators from various squadrons at Lemoore and their dates.
Once seated, Bob leaned over and whispered low in her ear “Thank you for coming with me. You’re so beautiful Phee. I’m honored to have the prettiest date here.”
Phoenix turned her head slightly, her eyes meeting his glowing blue orbs, and the butterflies in her tummy began to dance all at once. She could feel warmth creeping up her cheeks. He was too sweet for words, and she knew she was falling hard.
“Thank you for asking me. I’m having a wonderful time. And you’re not too bad yourself.” She said as she reached up to straighten his tie.
He smiled at her, a full, toothy smile that made the corners of his eyes crinkle and she returned the smile wholeheartedly.
All through dinner and the initial formalities such as a toast and first dance, Bob continued to land gentle touches to Phoenix, sending chills along her body even through the warmth of the Southern California evening. At one point he wrapped his arm around the back of her chair and began rubbing tiny circles on her bare arm while he carried an idle conversation about something work related with the pilot sitting next to him. They didn’t speak out loud to each other much, choosing to just relax and enjoy the joyous atmosphere around them as their tablemates came and went. An hour or so into the event, the party really kicked up when the dance floor opened, and the DJ began turning various tunes from slow country to club beats.
Bob and Phoenix decided to find the Bride and Groom to give them their congratulations then mingle amongst their friends and colleagues. Phoenix ended up surrounded by several ladies she knew, some from work and some the spouses or girlfriends of other aviators. The gaggle began praising her looks, asking questions about her dress and shoes. Phoenix was so wrapped up in the conversation, trying not to appear as uncomfortable as she felt, that she didn’t notice her date slip away.
A soft melody began to float through the air, and she recognized the early refrain immediately. It was her song. The one she loved so much from her favorite movie. Phoenix excused herself quickly, turning to search for the person she knew had to be responsible. Standing a few feet away, next to the dance floor, was Bob, his outstretched hand beckoning her to join him. She closed the distance between them and slid her hand into his, allowing him to lead her to the middle of the dance floor.
He spun her slowly under their joined hands then wrapped his empty arm around her waist, pulling her in close to his chest, their joined hands coming to rest over his heart. The movements took her breath away. The whole thing was straight out of her childhood dreams. They swayed to the melody under the twinkling lights and her heart all but burst. Bob pulled her so close that her head came to rest sideways on his chest and she heard his dulcet tones begin to sing the song quietly into her head.
I’ll paint you mornings of gold
I’ll spin you Valentine evenings
Though we’re strangers until now
We’re choosing the path
Between the stars
I’ll leave my love
Between the stars
She looked up at him with surprise. “You learned the words!?”
His soft smile matched the gentle look in his eyes. “I listened to it on repeat for the last three days.”
She didn’t know what to say, this was something straight out of a fairytale. Out of her dreams. He requested her song. He made her imagination come to life. Phoenix knew nothing in her life could ever overwhelm her emotions like this beautiful moment with her Bob. As she began to fight the tears pooling in her eyes, she laid her head back on his chest and continued to sway as the song came to an end. Even after the tune changed to another slow song, they just stood still, holding each other. Phoenix could feel Bobs heart pounding through his chest, and she knew her own heart matched his rushing rhythm.
She barely heard his whisper above the sounds of the party around her. “Wanna get out of here?”
Not trusting her voice as she still fought back tears, she shook her head in affirmative. His hand still holding hers moved to raise her chin and their eyes met, his looking slightly wet like hers. “Your place?” he asked nervously, his cerulean eyes searching hers.
Phoenix released a small gasp, understanding the implications of his question, then nodded her head yes as she let out a breathy “yes.”
The ride back to her small two-bedroom bungalow was quiet, Bobs old truck rumbling down the road with tender tunes on the radio and his hand holding hers on the gear shift. They didn’t look at each other, nervous tension instead filling the cab. He pulled into her driveway and hurried out of the truck, practically sprinting around to the passenger side to open her door. He offered his hand, and she took it, not ever saying a word as they walked hand in hand up to the small wooden porch. She began to open her small clutch to pull out her keys but his large hand reached up and brushed the back of her hand, stopping her movements.
“Phee” he whispered, and she looked up at him, watching his eyes cloud over. Bobs hands worked their way across the slippery fabric covering her hips and he pulled her in impossibly close. Then their lips met, slowly. Stars exploded behind her closed eyes, blinding her in white light that felt warm and inviting. His lips were smooth and moved hesitantly at first. With her ears ringing she pushed into his lips slightly and he understood her nudge, deepening the kiss assuredly. Phoenix wrapped her arms under his and around his waist as she opened her mouth slightly, allowing him entrance. So many words unspoken poured into their kiss, and the world fell down. Her walls slipped away and she realized all at once that this was the love she had been hoping for.
All at once she broke the kiss, her eyes watching his flutter open confused. She was a little breathless but she gave him a soft smile.
“Stay with me?” she asked, feeling extremely shy and vulnerable.
The almost startled expression his face shown caused her to giggle, but he managed to shake his head yes before she opened the door and led him into her dark house by his hand. Bob barely got the door closed behind him as she walked him through the house to her tiny back bedroom. Once they reached the door, she dropped his hand to enter the room and turn on the bedside lamp. He remained in the doorway, and she looked over her shoulder with a smile at him, dropping her shawl and clutch on the bedside table before she began to remove her earrings. It was like an intimate dance. His eyes were on her as she removed small articles, a show she was putting on just for him. A way of saying thank you for the special night and that she wanted this with him. She hoped she wasn’t coming on too strong to scare him away. If she really admitted the truth to herself, she had wanted Bob in this way for a long time.
Just as she was about to tell him they could just watch a movie if he wanted, she watched him strode into the room, coming to stand behind her. She was just placing the second earring on the bedside table as she felt his hands slide around her waist from behind. Her hands came to rest on his and then her body shuddered when his lips met the bare skin of her shoulder.
“Phee.” He barely said above a whisper. Then he kissed slightly higher, sending a chill straight down her spine when his warm lips met the sensitive skin where her shoulder met her neck.  “Look at me.”
She turned in his arms until they were eye to eye, her head craned back to look up at him. Bobs large hand ghosted across her cheek and into her hair, tucking a few strands behind her ear. Then that hand cupped the side of her neck, and he pulled her in for another languid kiss. Her skin felt on fire, everywhere. Phoenix had never felt this way before and she couldn’t believe what was happening, but in the best way possible. She broke the kiss with a small pop of their lips and once his eyes were open and on her she all but blurted out “I love you, Bob.”
Embarrassment at her hasty declaration was coloring her cheeks and he let out a chuckle that made her squirm with further mortification. But if Bob noticed, he didn’t say anything. He simply guided his other hand to the other side of her neck and smiled the most brilliant smile before returning her words. “I love you Natasha Trace.”
She could feel the tears welling in her eyes again as she found her words again. She felt bold as she stood up straighter and asked, “Stay with me?”
He kissed the tip of her nose then said through a smile “As long as you’ll have me.”
The next few moments were a blur of touching and kissing. Her hands worked the buttons of his vest and undoing his tie while his slid the zipper of her dress down her back. Once the tie and vest were off, she guided the straps of her dress down her arms, letting it drop to the floor. There she stood in nothing but her white strapless bra, a thin white thong, and her heels. She felt exposed and unsure of what to do as his eyes looked down her body then back up, taking her in.
“God Phee, you’re stunning. I’m, uh, I’m.” He hesitated as his eyes met her again. “I’m honored that you trust me like this.”
There was the confidence she loved hidden under the shyness. His appreciation of her was nothing she had ever experienced before, and she suddenly didn’t feel so uncertain anymore. She knew she wanted to share herself with him and in turn, take him in. Her damp eyes remained on his as her hands swiftly worked the buttons of his dress shirt open, practically ripping it off of him. Then her eyes grew wide.
“Robert Floyd, you’ve been keeping a secret.” She rasped with a mischievous look on her face. He began to blush under her scrutiny, and she giggled. Phoenix ran her manicured fingernails down his chiseled abs as she reached for his pant button.
After that, all clothes removed and his glasses discarded by her pearl earrings, they slid slowly onto her bed, a tangling of hands and kisses full of love and admiration. He worshipped her skin with his lips and touches, leaving no spot untouched. Phoenix felt like she was going to melt away, the heat of her body searing with each feather light kiss he left. He worked his way down her body, then back up, her chest now rising and falling quickly with pants of lust. She had never needed someone so much in her life as she needed Robert Floyd at that very moment. While he nibbled on the juncture of her shoulder and neck, she turned her head toward his and whispered into his ear.
“Love me. Please? Make love to me?” she asked with assurance.  
Bobs eyes met hers, looking a little surprised at first, then they relaxed, a dazed grin crossing his lips. He lowered his head to kiss her as he moved himself between her legs.
It was slow and burning and passionate and beyond any of her wildest dreams. Their bodies rocked in tandem as he whispered his love onto her lips. He filled her body and spirit with everything they had been feeling for months and she couldn’t pull him close enough to her. They became one. It overwhelmed her, made her feel desperate on a whole new level she didn’t know she could feel.
The feelings overtook her, and she began to whimper as she met the most beautiful sensation she had ever felt before. Hot and freeing. She found what she had been missing. Her new favorite song became the pants of her name on his lips over and over again his own finality was reached.
A mess of hot breath, rapidly rising and falling chests, and wet eyes lay stilling in the hazy lamp light. A single tear escaped her eye, and he caught it with his finger as it ran down her cheek. Bob rolled them over and tucked her small frame into his side as their breath slowed. She felt him gently kiss the top of her head.
“Thank you.” He said through ragged breaths.
She sat up on her elbow and looked at him, trying to convey with her face all the love she felt in that moment.
“No. Thank you. For making my fairytale come true.” They smiled at each other before she moved back to his side, and she realized Bob was the morning of gold she had been waiting for. Her world was no longer falling down, and she drifted off to sleep feeling he had placed the moon within her heart. She wanted to follow a path between the stars with him forever.
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basmathgirl · 7 months
Due to personal reasons I wasn’t able to watch the 60th DW anniversary episodes when they aired. But now I’m caught up on everything and I have some thoughts and questions(?) about the Doctor and Donna’s famous platonic relationship.
And I think I need a bit of clarification first. Everyone likes to talk about their friendship, their platonic relationship, about them being platonic soulmates… And yes that is true, especially after the 60th anniversary. However I always assumed, when they met the second time (s4e1), Donna tried to find the Doctor, not just because she wanted to go on an adventure, but also because she was somewhat attracted to him as well.???
But I guess I read her character and the situation in e1 of s4 completely wrong, because I used to think her saying that he is an alien streak of nothing and she would never consider him in a romantic manner, especially in the moment immediately after him stating he just wants a friend, was more a way to protect herself and her feelings than anything else.
Don’t get me wrong I love their friendship and I’m glad she didn’t pine for him like some other companions did. But saying it was platonic from the very start for both of them always seemed wrong to me.?🤔
As I mentioned I just finished watching the anniversary episodes and although I loooved them, a part of me is a tiny bit annoyed that the fandom (not the DW fandom overall, but the Donna x Doctor fans) readily embraced the “they are just friends” scenario. I mean in truth there is nothing to complain about really, we got a happy ending and I never expected them to become canon in the first place. (The Doctor rarely has real romantic relationships in canon anyway, except when he does...🙄) But even people who shipped them before, are now just basking in this platonic setting they presented us, and push the Donna x Doctor idea away. At least it seems like this to me.
And I know their relationship is super special nonetheless. They are soulmates! But I guess I wanted more for Donna... She always seemed like a very passionate person. Someone who deserved something special in every area of her life. Someone who would have or would want to have passion, something special and meaningful when it comes to their love life as well. And her relationship with Shaun just doesn’t look like it is something like this. But of course we only witnessed a small part of their life and they are already married for 15 years. Plus relationships don’t have to be loud, dramatic and flashy to be happy and fulfilled. But the words Donna used to talk about Shaun and their marriage are somewhat telling in my opinion. Moreover I would dare to argue that it is very obvious that he loves her a lot more than she loves him…
I just know if they had set up the relationship between the Doctor and Donna differently from the very beginning, gave it more room for interpretation, this whole arc, where they are separated for over a decade and then found each other again could have been a great love story. I mean it is, a great love story, but you know what I’m getting at.
In the end it is probably the best to remind myself that DW isn’t about sappy love stories anyway...🤷‍♀️
Sorry you didn’t get to watch the 60th specials until recently, as there’s always a buzz to watching stuff sort of along with other people.
Ah, the ‘platonic relationship’ that many non-shippers refer to; which is their right to do so, but you won’t find me thinking that way. Donna was not immune to the Doctor’s looks, she just chose to ignore the issue. After all, why did she react with a knee-jerk panic when he mentioned wanting a mate? It certainly hit a nerve, caused by past experience, or secretly liking the look of him. “They fell for each other” David Tennant said about the Doctor and Donna at the end of The Runaway Bride so it is perfectly valid to assume she wasn’t just seeking a quick trip in the TARDIS when she sought him out. I mean, a whole year? For someone you aren’t attracted to? That’s a long time to look for someone you’re just after a job/experience from.
She called him a long streak of nothing to stop him thinking she fancied him, because she didn’t want to embarrass herself by being rejected. She wanted a meaningful relationship, not a quick bunk up.
During the 50th anniversary celebrations, they interviewed some of the past Doctors about how they felt about the romantic angle that occurs in nu!Who. Apart from the general disgust romance was included, Peter Davison said an interesting thing. He felt certain that, if Donna had been given another series with the Doctor, they’d have ended up in a physical non-platonic relationship (shall we say). But DT did state once that the Doctor is asexual, so take from that what you will.
The biggest obstacle for TenxDonna shippers where the Fourteenth Doctor is concerned is Shaun Temple. Do you condone  adultery and ship them, kick Shaun out of the way somehow, or leave them as platonic best friends? It’s a conundrum, but most of the shippers I know have decided the marriage between Donna and Shaun had ended long ago and they are hanging on to their tepid relationship by the skin of their teeth, just because of Rose Temple. In RL this would be true; so I’m perfectly happy to go along with it.
I completely agree with you: Shaun loves Donna a lot more than she loves him. You don’t describe your husband as merely ‘nice’; and she only said “I love you” to his face to get him to take Rose to safety. As Wilf said in the café, she was making do, and her chat with Sylvia about missing someone underlines that fact.
RTD wrote The Runaway Bride as a romcom gone wrong. There are even aspects of that in Partners In Crime. The companion in S4 was supposed to be the love of the Doctor’s lives; and when CT was cast that plan was ditched and Rose Tyler was promoted into that spot, for a while. Hmm. Makes you think, eh? Because all that has been sort of reversed thanks to the 60th anniversary specials. Their reunion could have been a great love story, but under the supervision of RTD it was never going to be that, let’s be honest here. He has always had an ulterior agenda to shoehorn Rose into everything, and he managed it through the metacrisis resolution.
Just remind yourself, love, that although Doctor Who has never been about sappy love stories (can’t upset the watching sexist dads, can we), the fanfiction has ALWAYS been dominated by sappy love stories; and long may it continue to do so! 😉☺️
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