#i just wanna smell good for cheap i like earthy scents that will make my mom accuse me of smelling like weed
gworlinterrupted · 11 months
falling down a dangerous rabbit hole on fragrantica i do NOT need another expensive hobby
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rainydayotomes · 3 years
Okay, this may seem weird but...what do you think the CxM and Amnesia boys smell like?
Dude.... don't even worry. Ask away all the weird questions, I seriously don't mind any of it! I'm one of the weirdos who wouldn't mind thinking/reading about these things.... ;3c
Unfortunately though, I'm extremely not good with scents and smells... I smell a smell and I identify it, but when it comes to something I'm not actively smelling at the moment my brain just kind of.... refuses to remember the smell. But I shall try my best!
Yanagi wears a subtle, masculine cologne (don't ask me which one cause I have no clue what they smell like D:). It's neither a very expensive brand, or a cheap one. Just in between. So when you're in his tight embrace, you can smell just a small bit of his cologne along with his natural scent. Everything that's his has this similar scent of cologne on it, and it makes you feel like you're in his strong arms.
Enomoto is a little bit of a wildcard. Sometimes he'll be trying out new soaps that a new "100 heart-jerking seduction tips!" book recommended (or some random magazine article he read), which always ends up being something that smells like Old Spice or some floral, more 'delicate' scent. He may as well smell of sweat and dirt if he just finished an intense on-the-job chase. The poor man sweats easily as well, so sometimes if he doesn't layer on a ton of soap or colognes or something then he may get a little smelly!
As for Takeru.... it's dish soap. Don't ask me why. He just somehow always smells like he just cleaned. Although, if he's coming out of the shower you can definitely tell he uses Old Spice!
Kei smells really, really good. Not to sound creepy or anything. But this man bathes (not literally) in the most amazing of scents. He always smells like the sweetest, most angelic vanilla you've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. He smells like icing and cupcakes and just... absolute heaven. That being said, it is a somewhat subtle scent, but if you're near him you can definitely tell it's vanilla. If you get close enough though, you can sometimes pick up on whatever incense he's been using during his naps!
Shiraishi, like Yanagi, smells strangely comforting. He smells like the cold air coming in through a window on a summer or late spring night. Like the grass after it rains. He says he doesn't see the need to wear any specific scents, but how in the hell does he smell so nice otherwise?! Although, on occasion, you may pick up a hint of something... chemically. A smell akin to sterile hospital air.
You already know Ikki wears major name brand cologne. Only the most popular, most expensive, and best selling brand. This dude layers the stuff on- not like teenage boys with ax but you can definitely smell the stuff if you hug him.
Our wonderful little pseudo-yandere Toma almost permanently has that new car smell. You don't know how he manages it, but you always wanna give him a hug when you see him (although not always just because he smells nice!)
Shin occasionally smells like flowers. Don't ask me why! He just does! But most importantly, why the fuck does he smell like chocolate? Either way, it's quite pleasant. (Turns out he somehow managed to get his hands on a chocolate scented body wash!)
Kent smells like fresh books. Not old books. Just fresh books. Like you just picked up a freshly printed paperback book off the shelf of a popular bookstore and opened it's pages.
Ukyo smells like a forest after it rains! He smells slightly earthy and beautifully refreshing. Laying with him is truly relaxing.
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potassium-pilot · 3 years
Prompt 20: Petrichor
I’m in over my head, he thought, I know nothing of the Convocation other than what I learned in school; my creations seem so minimal compared to the Emet-Selch; they’re all taller than I am- I know height has nothing to do with it, but it’s still intimidating. Am I truly worthy of the seat of Elidibus? Am I really the Emissary?
“Do you smell that, young Elidibus?”
He turned his head behind him and noticed a woman. One of the members of the Convocation he met, but which one?
“Y-you’re…the Azem, is that correct?”
“I am, just like you are the brand new Elidibus. Now, do you smell that?”
Elidibus stared down at his lunch that he chose to eat outside on the steps at the back of the Bureau. “Oh…if the scent of my lunch offends, I apologize…”
“Your lunch neither offends my senses, nor is it what I’m referring to, Elidibus. We’ve had a dry period for some time, have we not?”
The weather was far from his mind, but he answered, “Yes, I…think so. Why?” Azem sat down next to the young one and replied with yet another question, “Have you ever noticed that scent that comes before rain after it hasn’t rained for so long?”
Why is she asking me this, he thought. Is this a test? “Uh…no, not really.”
“Hm. You should, young one. One of the gods put in quite a bit of work into making the rain as pleasant as possible. It adds a spice to life to notice the small things.”
He gathered a strange first impression of the Azem, but decided to take a whiff of the air, try to gather what she means. To his surprise, there was indeed a difference. “It’s…sort of earthy…”
“You’re right. It’s a pleasant smell to me, although some have their preferences.”
Elidibus took a moment and asked, “Is this some advice for how to deal with the Convocation?” Azem chuckled with her mouth closed, then responded, “No, friend, I’m just making conversation. You seemed so nervous in there.” Never had he felt more grateful for his red mask as he blushed at the thought that someone would notice such a thing. “The first day is odd, isn’t it?” she asked him.
“I don’t know about odd…but I must admit, I feel a bit…” he didn’t want to finish, but the phrase he was avoiding was ‘out of place”.
“Wanna know a secret about the Emet-Selch?”
That piqued his curiosity. “Uh…will that be all right?”
“Sure, so long as you keep it between the three of us.” Elidibus nodded at the agreement. He watched a wry smile form on the Convocation member’s face. “He’s a sucker for strawberry candy, and he bugs me to bring some home every time I leave Amaurot on my missions.”
His eyes widened at the thought. “Really?” She nodded. “He’ll deny it, but he’s obsessed with it.” Elidibus made a thoughtful hum. “Now what do you like?”
“Me?” he pointed to himself.
“Is there someone else here?”
“N-no…I…” he felt confused as to why she would care, making him hesitate. “I…I like that one concept, that card game…”
“Ah, you’re a gambling man. I see… you and I will need to play one night. I’ll show you some of the cheap tactics I picked up on my travels. You can help me clean out my friend, Hythlodaeus.”
The young man smiled. “What of you, Azem?” She smiled back. “I love to dance. When the Emet-Selch, Hythlodaeus and I go to the park, Hythlodaeus always takes me to see the musicians nearby, and I drag him into dancing when the Emet-Selch inevitably runs to avoid it. There’s another secret for you to keep.” Elidibus chuckled slightly.
“Ah, finally, a laugh.”
“Nothing to be sorry for; I just like knowing that you’re capable of letting loose for a bit.”
He nodded. There was a moment of silence before he asked her, “Azem, is there anything I should know about the Convocation?”
“That we’re all flying by the seat of our pants.”
He stammered at that remark. “I-I beg your pardon?”
“My young friend, confidence is key to being a member of the Convocation. Quite frankly, there’s something new everyday, and it’s impossible to create a real standard for how we handle things. We have our protocol, but as much as they complain about me skirting it, they have also conveniently avoided protocol themselves.”
“But-but we’re supposed to lead our people, keep our society thriving…”
“If that’s how you keep looking at it, you’ll be that nervous every single day for the rest of your tenure.”
He blinked.
“Yes, we’re leaders, and we do, in fact, lead, but there’s no trick to being a Convocation member. There is simply being one. Bring ideas to the floor, engage in debate, do your reports and other paperwork, and go home. You’ll feel much more fulfilled at the end of the day if you remove the unnecessary pressure.”
He contemplated her words.
“The next time we go to the floor, I have an idea about revamping the concept submission process, make it more streamlined for easier processing. Could I…ask for your support, Azem?”
She pretended to ponder, then told him, “Tell you what; I’ll support it…if you can beat me at a game of cards.”
“What?!” he exclaimed in disbelief.
“Those are my terms. Do you accept them?”
“Is that…that can’t be protocol!”
“It’s not, but I should tell you how the Lahabrea got me to support his idea to reconstruct the Akadaemia Anyder.”
The thunderclap roared over the Bureau of the Architect, and the rain slowly followed suit.
“Seems like a good time to play in my office, don’t you think?”
He still felt befuddled by the idea that any one of the Convocation of Fourteen should be anything close to him. That they were anything like him felt foreign. They’re leaders of Amaurot, creation masters; how could they be as clueless as the Azem claims them to be?
“Or would you prefer to sit alone in the rain? Because I will be returning inside to listen and watch it from the comfort of my dry and warm office with my meal. I would be pleased for the company, but I will leave that decision to you, young Elidibus.”
She stood up and as she said she would, she turned around and walked inside the Bureau. Elidibus sat there for a moment, realizing just how little he liked to get wet, but still wasn’t sure what to think. Finally, he rose from the stairs himself, and opened the door to return inside himself.
He walked down the halls to locate her office, passing each door, trying to see if there were any that he could peek through, but many were closed. Lahabrea…Igeyorhm…Nabriales…Emet-Selch… and last, but not least, Azem, the only open door. Before young Elidibus could enter, he heard a voice behind him.
“Ah, good afternoon, Elidibus. Were you hoping to speak with me?”
Emet-Selch approached him from behind. Elidibus turned to meet his gaze, despite being hidden behind a white mask, and answered, “Oh, no sir. I was hoping to speak with Azem. She invited me to lunch in her office.”
“Did she now?” he asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice. He took his shoulder and told him, “Come.” The two entered her office together, the Emet-Selch clearing his throat to get her attention. It worked, but she didn’t pry her gaze from the window.
“Hades, use your words”, she teased.
“Helios, are you corrupting this young man?”
That got her attention enough to turn around. Indeed, the young Elidibus stood at his side, a shoulder in the Emet-Selch’s right hand. “He informed me you asked him to lunch with you in here.”
“Oh, Hades, there’s nothing to corrupt. He’s quite stalwart for someone so young.”
“What has she told you, young man?” Before he could answer, she piped in with a teasing, “Nothing of import. Certainly not about how you beg me for strawberry candy when I leave the city.” Hades gasped and stumbled his words, “I-you-guh-I most certainly do not!”
“Uh-huh” she taunted, “Nor how you try to bring home near every stray cat you meet.”
“I would never bring such a pest into our home!”
“Right, now what will you tell Locus when we get home? She’ll be just the saddest cat we’ve ever had.”
He growled, shot his gaze to Elidibus and told him, “Everything she tells you is an absolute lie.”
“Only when it’s convenient for me to be telling the truth will he say I’m telling it, or so I’ve noticed.”
“Helios, you’re impossible!”
“I love you too. Now you better not have eaten lunch without me. I’ll excuse dear Elidibus here, but you?”
“I would never. Come, Elidibus, take a seat.” The young man nodded and took one of two seats in front of Azem’s desk.
“Um, Azem, when did you want to play that card game?” Elidibus asked meekly.
“Ah!” She pulled out a deck of cards and answered, “I’d like to finish my meal, then we can get started.”
“You’re not teaching him that ridiculous card game.”
Helios shook her head at her beloved, “I don’t have to. Why, he told me himself he loves card games.”
“Do you?” Emet-Selch asked the new member incredulously. “Uh, yes, sir, I do.” Realizing how this could be taken, he blurted out, “I-I don’t usually play it when I’m working, but-but I was asked to play with her for a work reason.”
“Oh dear…” Emet-Selch rubbed his temples and asked, “I think I know what she’s doing. All right, young one, what did you want to bring to the floor?”
Something within him sparked. That such a powerful creator could possibly listen to someone like him made him feel so honored. “Well, sir, if I may, there’s been many complaints about the process for submitting a concept, and I had an idea for how to streamline it, make it easier for employees to process submissions, and if you’ll hear me out, I think we can make it work”, Elidibus rambled excitedly.
“Hm”, Emet-Selch thoughtfully hummed, “You are correct that many do have trouble with their concepts being input. Long wait lines, a filing system that needs updating…not a bad idea.” He turned his head towards Azem and asked, “But why are you making him play cards for this?”
“I need to see him play now that he’s told me he likes this game. Besides, he may have your support, but I still have my terms.”
“Such are the dealings of our Azem; you truly wish her to be your role model, young man?”
“Role model? I’m simply his coworker.”
“Well, I’m glad you would deny the mantle. It might be better for someone who actually performs his duties to teach him the ropes.”
“Ha! I do my job well, thank you. It’s just not pencil-pushing.”
Emet-Selch shook his head. “Whatever will we do with you?”
“The better one is ‘what will you do without me?’”
“Work, probably.”
She scoffed at him, and told Elidibus, “I’m ready for that game now.”
“Deal me in as well.”
“My stars, Hades- you would play cards at work?”
“We’re not exactly working now, are we?”
A smile formed on her lips as she shuffled the deck. “Not quite. Don’t worry about him, Elidibus, it’s just me you’ll need to beat, not that it’s hard to beat our Emet-Selch at cards.”
“Hmph, slander, my love.”
The three played a good round. Azem gave him a run for his money, but he ultimately succeeded in the end, and received her full support for his proposal. Not that it mattered; she would have supported him anyways, but she enjoyed seeing the young man go from the nervous wreck he started his day as to a more relaxed version of himself, one that realized he was among peers, and not masters.
“There, he won. Are you happy, Helios?” Hades asked annoyedly.
“Quite. Thank you for a good game, my young friend” Azem complimented.
“Now come, Elidibus; it’ll be better for us to discuss this without her influence.” Hades stood up and walked out of her office to go next door. Elidibus stood up, ready to follow him as he requested, but then stopped. Without turning around, he asked her, “Would it be all right if I came back to eat with you tomorrow?”
She grinned. “My friend, anytime I’m in Amaurot, you’re more than welcome here. I’d rather you here than outside in the rain.”
He smiled and said, “Thank you.” Elidibus walked out of her office and moved himself from her office to the Emet-Selch’s.
The day went by without much clamor, then Elidibus gathered his things and left the office for the day. As he walked outside, the humidity left from the rain slicked his skin. It felt sticky, not his favorite sensation. Then he remembered the conversation from his lunch with Azem.
He took a deep breath, and embraced the earthy scent that blessed the city of Amaurot.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
I Wish You Were Sober (Crygi) - Mumu
A/N: Had to write something for my favorite quarantine bop! It’s also on AO3.
Summary: Gigi just wishes Crystal would kiss her- even when she’s sober.
Gigi clenches her jaw, tightening her grip on the red solo cup in her left hand. The red plastic crushes in on itself with a loud crunch, a split opening and leaking beer all over her.
“Shit!” Gigi drops the cup as fast as she can. The liquid splatters onto the carpet, pooling around her feet.
Gigi takes a few steps to the left, trying to act as inconspicuous as possible. Nicky, the hostess of this particular bash, isn’t even paying attention, and Gigi sends up a silent prayer for that small mercy.
Thank god everybody’s too occupied with grinding on each other as a sad excuse for dancing, or playing beer pong, or smoking joints in the kitchen to have noticed her spill.
Speaking of smoking joints, Crystal’s currently doing just that, blowing smoke out of her cherry red lips and flirting blatantly with the quarterback.
Crystal tilts her head back and laughs throatily, batting her lashes at the football player. She tosses a handful of crimped hair over her shoulder, tugging at the neckline of her dress to show more skin. The sight makes Gigi bite down on her tongue, another flash of anger shooting through her.
The cycle is always the same.
Gigi shows up to a party she doesn’t want to be at, Crystal in tow. Crystal makes a beeline for the drinks and the weed, hanging around the football team for the entire night. She usually ends up dancing on the quarterback, an obnoxious dick that’ll peak in high school.
Gigi always watches her flirt from the corner of the room. She’s left alone to glare at the back of Crystal’s platinum blonde head, watching while the other girl gets progressively more and more clingy with people that aren’t her.
Afterwards, when Crystal is ready to leave, Gigi will drive her home, and Crystal will kiss her in the car, pressed uncomfortably against the window, or wedged between the door and the driver’s seat. She’ll climb into Gigi’s lap, fingers tangled in her hair, and tell her she’s pretty.
And Gigi will go along with it, letting Crystal make her little drunken declarations of love, because what else can she do?
She likes Crystal, so, so much. Hearing Crystal say it back just for a moment gives her a rush of joy so intense it almost makes the next few days worth it. Crystal never admits it in daylight, when she’s sober. But Gigi will take anything she can get.
And so, Gigi keeps torturing herself by watching Crystal throw herself at unknown boys throughout the night, because the promise of those lips on her own is too addictive to quit. Even if they taste like tobacco and cheap alcohol every time.
Crystal trades a drink with a boy Gigi recognizes from her Chemistry class. Crystal probably doesn’t even know the guy, but that doesn’t stop her from thanking him with a sloppy kiss.
Gigi gnaws at her lip, aware that she should probably look away, but not being able to. Her hands tug at the flaps of her leather jacket, twisting the material up. Crystal leans in, draping her hands over the boy’s neck. Gigi swallows thickly.
She suddenly regrets spilling her drink on the ground, because knocking back lukewarm beer sounds like a perfect coping mechanism right now. Crystal turns, pressing her back into his chest, and suddenly the music is too loud. The party is swimming in her vision in all its sweaty, grimy glory. She needs air. Now.
It takes every ounce of strength and self-control that Gigi has to walk to Nicky’s bathroom at a reasonable pace when every fibre of her being is screaming at her to sprint there.
She slumps against the door as soon as it shuts, sliding down towards the floor. Something bitter and mean swells in her throat.
Gigi squeezes her eyes closed, counts to ten over and over until she’s sure her emotions aren’t bubbling right under boiling. It’s the last party of the school year, and Gigi’s alone in the bathroom having a meltdown.
If Nicky saw her like this she’d probably call Gigi a loser: and she’d be right. Gigi’s fucked.
Her eyes drift towards the window, a furrow in her brow. She almost laughs at the absurdity of the idea that pops into her brain. Can she crawl out of it?
The last time she tried was when she was twelve, back when Nicky would sneak her in every Friday for the sleepovers the girl used to host. Gigi’s mom never liked the idea of her going to a sleepover so they’d used the bathroom window to get Gigi in without waking up Nicky’s parents. When Jackie moved to the neighborhood in seventh grade, they’d done the same for her. The girls had fit through the small space easily back then.
The idea seems more and more appealing the longer she stays alone in this bathroom. She considers, running her tongue over her teeth. It might be a tight squeeze, but Gigi can probably do it.
She tiptoes over, cranking it open experimentally. It gets stuck at around three inches, so Gigi pushes even harder, straining until it finally opens fully. There’s a fine layer of dust settled around the windowsill, and Gigi wipes it off with a square of toilet paper. Other than that, it’s the same as she remembers.
She’s going to do this. Gigi hoists herself up, trying to shimmy her shoulders through the small square. Her jacket restricts her movements, though, and she can’t quite wedge her arms through properly. She lands back onto the bathroom floor with a thump, knocking her elbow against the wall in the fall.
“Fuck,” Gigi groans, rubbing the sore spot. A bruise will probably show up tomorrow morning, judging from how hard she banged it.
Okay. New approach.
This time she throws her jacket out the window first, before trying to fit her body sideways through the window.
It works, sort of, and Gigi’s left with her head out the window and her left arm pressed to the outside wall. Her hips get lodged, and Gigi tries to twist her body so that she can wiggle loose. It’s painful, the wall digging into her thighs, but she eventually manages to topple into Nicky’s front lawn, right on top of her jacket.
Gigi flops onto her back, breathing hard. The night air is sharp. She gulps it in, trying to recover from what just happened.
The bass is still pounding through the neighborhood, leaking through the walls of Nicky’s house, but it’s quieter out here at least, and Gigi can finally hear herself think. It’s so peaceful compared to inside the party that Gigi feels herself getting a tad bit sleepy.
Her text tone brings her out of the daze. Gigi fishes her phone out of her jacket pocket, the screen lighting up to show two unread messages.
geeg where r u.
do u wanna leave now?
A groan passes Gigi’s lips. Great. Just when she’s beginning to think clearly, Crystal has to come and muddle it up again. She pinches her phone lazily between her thumb and index finger, letting it dangle upside down, above her chest, with the screen right in front of her face.
She could just not respond. But Gigi can’t do that to Crystal. How would she even get home without Gigi giving her a ride? So she picks her phone right-side-up again, preparing to text back.
“Gigi?” Crystal’s voice rings out.
Gigi scrambles to her feet in the general direction of the voice, brushing dirt off of her jeans. Her phone slips out of her hand in her haste, hitting the ground.
“Hey, uh, over here!” Gigi calls, grabbing her phone off the ground.
Crystal turns, trying to locate where Gigi is. She brightens when she spots the redhead, rushing over.
“Hi baby,” Crystal laughs. “You look so pretty.”
Gigi feels a thrill up her spine at the pet name. Crystal links their hands and raises them over her head, motioning like she wants Gigi to give a spin for her.
Gigi turns obediently, an awkward smile on her face, trying to swallow her heartbeat as it climbs into her throat. Crystal smells like pine trees and cheap alcohol. Gigi wants to kiss her.
“Why’d you run off on me?” Crystal practically falls into Gigi’s arms as she comes to a stop, looping her hands around Gigi’s waist.
The action draws Crystal in close, their noses practically brushing. The white around Crystal’s blue eyes has gone red from the weed, and when she huffs a breath out Gigi can smell the earthy scent of it on her tongue. Gigi can hardly breathe, her head buzzing at Crystal’s closeness.
“I had fun! Did you have fun?” Crystal asks, all cheerful. Gigi bites at her bottom lip, avoiding eye contact. It seems too invasive. She scuffs the bottom of her heels into the dirt instead, relishing in the sound of the mud as it splatters onto the straps of her high heels. “Nicky’s parties are the best.”
“Yeah.” Gigi grits her teeth, forcing a smile. Her voice quavers a bit, and she winces, praying Crystal doesn’t notice.
Lucky for her, Crystal’s oblivious to her feelings, per usual. “It was great, right? Did you see me kissing Damien? He tasted, like, gross. I wanna kiss you instead.”
Gigi stares, spluttering out an incredulous laugh. Crystal has to be kidding. “That usually work for you?”
“Uh, yes?” Crystal tilts her head, doing an impression of a confused puppy.
Gigi would find it cute, if not for the fact that she’s increasingly feeling like throwing herself off of a cliff, or maybe punching Crystal in the face. Crystal can’t possibly think that everything’s peachy.
The highlighter that Crystal applied to her collarbones earlier in the night glistens under the moonlight, and Gigi has to close her eyes to avoid tracing the metallic glow with a finger.
“Hello?” Crystal prompts, untangling herself from the other girl. “I asked for a kiss.”
“Right,” Gigi mutters. She runs her tongue along her teeth, trying to find some way to explain why that isn’t a good idea.
But Crystal is leaning closer, and the pull between them is intoxicating. Her fingertips slide up Gigi’s neck and tangle in Gigi’s glossy auburn curls, and before Gigi can come up with an excuse Crystal’s lips are on hers.
Gigi would be lying if she said it wasn’t thrilling. They fit together perfectly, with practiced ease. Crystal knows how to tug on Gigi’s hair just right so that Gigi clutches at her, and knows that when she bites down on Gigi’s bottom lip it’ll make her chest heave and her breaths come heavier.
It’s cruel how good Crystal can play her. Crystal tastes… like Crystal, woodsy and peppery and warm. It’s pathetic how used to it Gigi is by now, how she could pick out Crystal from a crowd of people if she had to, just by the taste of her and the feeling of her and how she’s buried herself deep into Gigi’s bones.
When Crystal pulls away it leaves emptier than she’d like to admit, and there’s anxiety spiking in her gut at the feeling. Gigi’s going to cry tonight, can feel it in her bones the same way she knows a fake Birkin from a real one with one glance.
Gigi’s eyes stray to the girl’s face. Crystal’s lip gloss has been smeared onto her chin and her bangs are wild. Her appearance makes Gigi’s blood throb with something hot and filthy, and Gigi feels the breath get knocked out of her at the feeling.
“Let’s go.” Gigi snaps, and whirls on her heel. She doesn’t bother checking to see if Crystal’s following her.
The ride is awkward, to say the least.
Gigi has to dig her acrylics into the steering wheel to focus. Crystal’s smacking her gum in the passenger seat, trying to get rid of the smell on her breath so that her mom doesn’t notice when she gets home. Gigi tries to tune it out, but the sound is grating and she can still hear it with the volume of the radio turned up to an 18.
When Crystal blows a pink bubble with her gum and pops it loudly for the third time, Gigi pulls over, squeezing her eyes shut.
“Can you not?” She doesn’t mean to sound so bitchy, but Crystal’s been getting on her nerves all night and Gigi’s never been a patient person.
“Sorry.” Crystal flushes, fiddling with her hands. She sounds genuinely apologetic, even with the high lacing her voice.
Gigi sneaks a glance at the other girl’s face and immediately wishes she didn’t. Crystal has made herself small, curling her knees up to her chest. She looks childish, face illuminated by the glow of a streetlight shining through the window, and Gigi feels a wave of guilt.
“Fuck, no, sorry.” She eyes Crystal’s folded up form, and sighs. “Here.”
Gigi shoves a hand in front of Crystal’s face. Crystal just blinks at it, confused. “Huh?”
“Spit,” Gigi says shortly.
“Oh.” Crystal hesitates.
“C’mon, I don’t have all night. And I don’t want to listen to you chewing the whole ride.” Gigi glares until Crystal follows the instructions. She flings the chewed-up blob out the open window with more force than necessary. It lodges into a crack in the sidewalk next to a bottle cap.
“Litterbug,” Crystal says under her breath. Gigi ignores it.
Gigi flexes her fingers against the rubber cover on her steering wheel, the bright yellow staring back at her mockingly.
It doesn’t seem right to start driving again, when the air between her and Crystal has stretched so thin and yet still manages to hang so heavy. She bites her tongue to prevent herself from blurting out an apology in an attempt to dispel the awkwardness. She has nothing to apologize for.
“Um,” Crystal says. “Are we just going to sit here, or are you gonna to drive me home?”
Gigi takes a sharp breath in, like she’s going to say something. The words get lodged in her throat, right under her soft palate. She cranks the car window up again to seal the night air out. The car engine is still humming softly, the only sound breaking up the tension in the air.
“Right, yeah.” She manages finally. Crystal quirks a brow, but Gigi doesn’t bother explaining herself.
Instead, she hovers a heel over the gas pedal, biting at her lip. The unsaid words clump under her tongue, bouncing around in her head.
“Are you mad at me?”
Gigi jerks her head towards the passenger seat where Crystal is sitting, bumping her head on the headrest in the process.
“Ow. Fuck.”
“Are you?” Crystal asks again. She looks nervous, pouting slightly. Crystal reaches a hand out like she wants to touch Gigi, but pulls it back before she can close the gap. Gigi’s heart skips a beat at the action.
“No,” Gigi lies, turning back to face the front.
“O-kay.” Crystal says, pulling the word into two syllables. A beat. “Are you sure?”
“No,” Gigi says.
“Okay,” Crystal repeats.
Outside, somebody’s car alarm goes off and she jumps, startled. Gigi shifts, fiddling with the zipper on her jacket. Neither one of the girls speaks, the blaring siren filling the silence.
“Do you-” Crystal starts. Gigi winces at the sound of Crystal’s voice cutting through her head. “What did I do?”
Gigi makes a sound low in her throat, strangled. It kind of sounds like a laugh, warped up and bitter. “Have you seen yourself?”
“What?” Crystal says. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Gigi just shakes her head, not answering. She turns the radio up, shifting the gear out of park. The car starts onto the road home again.
The drive is smooth, but she still feels like throwing up. Crystal is sneaking glances at her when she thinks Gigi isn’t looking. Gigi tries not to look.
She parks the car outside of Crystal’s house and turns the keys to turn the engine off.
“Geeg, don’t,” Crystal heaves a shaky sigh in and out. “Don’t shut me out.”
“Please stop.” Gigi’s tone is clipped, her sentence punctuated by the slam of her closing the car door.
“Gigi, I can’t read your mind! I don’t know what’s wrong,” Crystal’s voice gets louder, and she moves to block Gigi’s way when Gigi tries to sidestep around her to get to her porch.
“That’s exactly the fucking point,” Gigi huffs.
“You’re being unreasonable.”
Gigi’s already resigned herself to giving Crystal vague answers until she gets bored and leaves her alone. But when Crystal spits the statement, her pride boils over, because how dare Crystal say that?
How dare she act naive and unaware when she practically throws herself at Gigi every time alcohol enters her system? What’s Gigi supposed to do, not catch feelings? Especially when Crystal looks like that, all olive skin and red lips and gorgeous bone structure.
And Crystal just acts like everything’s perfectly fine the next day, every time. She always leaves Gigi thinking of the feeling of Crystal’s lips pressed against Gigi’s, or her weight on Gigi’s lap, or her hands knotted into Gigi’s hair.
It’s not fair. It’s never fair with them two, and that’s the problem. Gigi’s in love with her. Crystal couldn’t care less.
Gigi doesn’t realize she’s talking out loud until she stops to take a breath. She freezes, panic swirling up from her bones.
Her head gets dizzier and dizzier the longer Crystal stays silent.
“Crys-” She starts. Crystal cuts her off.
“How long?” Crystal whispers. It’s still too loud in the silence that blankets them.
When Gigi doesn’t respond, Crystal repeats herself, voice a little more frantic this time.
“Gigi, I need to know.” Crystal takes a sharp breath in. “How long have you liked me?”
Gigi swallows. Prays for the ground to swallow her up. But Crystal’s gaze is unwavering, and she has nowhere to run.
“Since the eighth grade,” Gigi admits. Crystal makes some kind of shocked noise, but Gigi plows on anyway. If she stops, she might never get the courage to say this again.
“You- you gave yourself a mullet in the school bathroom during Biology, remember? That was the first time I’d ever skipped a class. You were so confident about it. And I was-” Gigi interrupts herself with a bitter laugh. “-I knew that was it. I was so fucking gone.”
“Oh,” Crystal says. She blinks. “Oh.”
This is… Not how Gigi dreamed this would go, to say the least.
On the rare nights she stayed up at 2am listening to love songs and allowed herself to dream of maybe someday telling Crystal she liked her, “oh” was not what she imagined Crystal saying back. And Gigi isn’t a dreamer. She prides herself on thinking logically through her problems. She trusts her head more than her heart, and it’s no wonder, given the shit her heart has put her through.
So she isn’t expecting an elaborate profession of love, or a monologue out of Romeo and Juliet. Just something with a little more substance. Fuck, even Crystal freaking out and not wanting to ever talk to Gigi again would be better than “oh.” She just needs something.
“Crystal, I’m sorry, I-” Gigi says. She trails off when Crystal shows no sign of hearing her. Gigi pulls her jacket tighter around herself. “You should go in, it’s cold.”
Crystal doesn’t move. Gigi can’t quite make out Crystal’s features in the evening light. Her face has blended into shapes and shadows, blurring at the edges.
“Are you crying?” Crystal asks.
Oh. So that’s why everything’s gone fuzzy.
“No,” Gigi sniffles. She forces a strained smile, just barely managing to lift the corners of her mouth. Her throat feels swollen, and it hurts when she speaks. “I’m fine. Fuck, sorry. I don’t know why I said all that.”
“Gigi,” Crystal says. Her voice is gentle, like she’s talking to a toddler. “Do you regret saying it?”
This is it. Crystal is giving Gigi a chance to take back a shred of dignity, to salvage whatever is left of their friendship.
“I- no, I don’t,” Gigi says, and that chance is gone. She shoves her hands into her jacket pockets to hide the shaking, balling them into fists. The inner lining bunches up under her grip.
“Okay,” Crystal says. She shakes her head lightly, like she’s trying to clear it. “Okay then.”
Gigi kicks the grass underneath her feet. The lawn is wet, dewdrops wetting her ankles. There’s dirt between her toes and clinging to the bottom of her foot.
There’s a ping, and Crystal fishes her phone out of her pocket. The blue light of the screen lights up her face and she squints at it.
“My mom’s asking where I am,” She reports. “I should- uh, I should go in.”
“Right.” Gigi clears her throat to give herself something to do. “Yeah. Okay. Night, Crystal.”
“G’night,” Crystal echoes. She doesn’t move.
Gigi feels a fresh wave of tears burning against her eyelids. She tenses her tongue, pressing it against the roof of her mouth with surprising strength in a bid to keep them back. When that doesn’t work, she takes off.
Gigi turns, walking as fast as she can down the block, away from Crystal, until she’s full on running, fishing her car keys out of her pocket with shaking hands. Her blood is pounding in her ears, and she can’t see straight.
Everything looks like it’s being viewed through a fish-eye lens, all disfigured. She feels for the door handle blindly and wrenches it open, clumsily getting in.
There. Now she’s alone. Crystal can’t see her anymore.
Gigi grinds the heels of her palms into her eyes, struggling to catch her breath. Bile rises in her throat, and she gasps for air, trying to blink clarity into her vision. Gigi coughs, hands flailing randomly around for something to grip onto. Her elbow hits the horn and the sound just makes her head even dizzier, the ringing in her ears chaotic.
Fuck. Why did she have to go and admit her feelings to Crystal? Gigi should have just kept her mouth shut like she always did before. The tears are still coming hot and fast, and the stickiness on her cheeks just makes her even angrier. God, she’s pathetic.
A rapping on the window breaks up her pity party.
Gigi raises bleary eyes to the sound. To her horror, it’s Crystal on the other side of the glass, motioning impatiently for Gigi to roll down the window. Gigi sucks an unsteady breath in. It’s staccato and comes in short bursts, like she’s just run a mile. Panic claws at her insides, and Gigi sputters out a hysteric giggle.
She opens the window, fingers shaking against the button.
Gigi wants to spit out an excuse, explain away why she hasn’t driven away and is instead sitting in her car bawling her eyes out like some kind of loser, but she can barely catch her breath, much less form words in this state.
“Gigi, are you- are you okay?” Crystal asks anxiously. “You uh, you ran off before I could say anything else.”
Gigi makes some kind of miserable noise. Her finger is still on the button to roll down the window, even though it’s already all the way lowered, and her car beeps in protest.
“Look, I-” Crystal starts. She seems to do some kind of calculation, before blurting out the rest of the sentence. “I’m really sorry.”
Gigi’s drowning. There’s ice water in her veins, a chorus of I-told-you-so and you’ve-ruined-everything crashing against her skull. She pushes air out of her nose forcibly, something like a laugh but not quite.
“I was really scared, okay? And I still am. I’m still trying to figure all this out, liking girls and shit.” Crystal clears her throat, shifting nervously on her feet. “I thought you were, I don’t know, just interested in kissing me. Nothing more.”
A mean, petty part of Gigi wants to drive away right now, to not give Crystal the time to explain. But the softer part, the part that’s still stupidly heart-eyed for Crystal wants to stay. It wants to hug Crystal, pull her in and tell her it’s all fine.
Gigi digs her fingernails into her palm and ignores both of those thoughts.
Crystal is a big girl. Gigi’s not going to clean up her messes for her, especially not when they’ll just make the ache in her chest even more painful. She’s done that too much lately.
But Gigi does owe Crystal the chance to talk her feelings out. Especially given how she dumped all hers onto the girl earlier.
“I’m sorry for hurting you,” Crystal says. She gestures vaguely with her hands. “I didn’t mean to.”
Gigi opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. Crystal reworks her words, stumbling over them.
“Or- or maybe I meant to, in this, like, fucked up way. I don’t know.”
Gigi blinks.
“Maybe I was trying to hurt you and push you away because I liked you, yeah?”
“Are you asking me if you like me?” Gigi murmurs, eyes trained expectantly on Crystal’s face. Nothing feels real. She taps her fingers against her thigh just to do something with her hands. “I can’t answer that for you, hun.”
Crystal seems to start at that.
She shakes it off with a slightly giddy giggle, more breath than sound. It sits in the distance between them, swirling. Gigi thinks if she raises her hand she might be able to capture it in her fist, unfurl her palm to see the sound glittering against her flesh.
“Right. Sorry, I don’t know how to, uh, do this good.” Crystal amends. She pulls a shaky breath and expels it again. “I- fuck, this looked easier in the movies.”
Gigi’s lips quirk slightly. Crystal doesn’t know if it’s in amusement or something else, but she takes it as a sign to keep going.
“I care about you a lot, Gigi.” Crystal makes like she’s going to grab Gigi’s hand but seems to think better of it, resting her arm on the trim seal instead. “Not- not just as a friend. I really, I don’t want to fuck our friendship up if I do something really stupid. This probably won’t work, you know?”
Gigi stares dumbly, huffing a breath. Crystal avoids her gaze, clicks her tongue once as if making a decision. It feels like an eternity has passed in silence before she fixes her gaze on Gigi’s face again, with so much intensity Gigi shivers.
“I would like to try, though?” Crystal says. Her voice cracks on the last word, and she runs a hand through her hair, twirling the strands between her fingers like she always does when she’s stressed.
“I’d- like that,” Gigi swallows, trying to keep the excited tremor out of her voice when she responds. Her words come out choppy and blunt. “If you’re sure.”
Crystal grabs her instead of answering.
Gigi hits her head on the car frame, and Crystal’s hands tangle into her hair. The kiss is clumsy, their foreheads knocking. She wouldn’t have it any other way.
Gigi is straining to lean out the window, the metal of the car door digging into her ribs. Crystal’s teeth sink into her lip and she hisses, pulls Crystal even closer against the cool steel in retaliation, trying to close the gap.
When they part, it’s only because Gigi needs to breathe. Her entire body is thrumming like it might combust.
“Do you- was that okay? For you?” Crystal asks sheepishly. She wipes the corners of her lips, cleaning up the smudges.
“Okay? Fuck, Crystal, I’ve been dreaming of that since forever,” Gigi admits, breathless. “Are you sure?”
“You keep saying that.” Crystal offers her a lopsided grin. “Don’t ask me again, I might chicken out.”
“Oh my god,” Gigi laughs, relief swimming in her gut. Adrenaline buzzes up her spine, making her dizzy. “Oh my god, you suck. Shut up.”
“Just get out of the car,” Crystal shakes her head, biting back a smile. She slaps the roof of the car. “I wanna kiss you some more.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice.”
Crystal scurries backwards so that Gigi has enough room to open the door, stepping out onto the sidewalk.
Under the artificial lights, Crystal looks messy, skin tinted yellow.
The lighting makes the pinks of her blush clownish and the dips of her contour into unforgiving brown streaks. Her foundation is cakey on her forehead from wearing it all night, mascara muddy around her eyes.
Gigi thinks this is the most beautiful she’s ever looked.
“Stay the night?” Crystal suggests.
“As long as you won’t ignore me in the morning.” Gigi teases, because she doesn’t trust herself not to accept the offer embarrassingly fast otherwise.
Crystal just rolls her eyes. “You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”
“Nope,” Gigi says proudly. “Can I steal snacks from your pantry? I’m hungry.”
“Yeah, but that’s cause you were too busy glaring at me halfway across the room to eat at the party,” Crystal says.
Gigi just hums. Part of her is relieved at how normal this all is. Part of her knows she shouldn’t even be surprised. They’ve always been Crystal and Gigi, and a few kisses aren’t going to change that.
Her lungs feel like they’re full of glitter, and she taps Crystal’s chin, signaling for another kiss. Crystal’s tongue tastes like stale liquor and Gigi feels drunk off of it, the feeling of Crystal so close to her and knowing that Crystal won’t run this time. Knowing that Crystal is hers.
She’s been waiting five long years for this and regrets nothing.
“What’re you thinking about?” Crystal links her arm with Gigi’s easily, their shoulders bumping.
“Nothing,” Gigi answers simply. “This was a good start to summer.”
“Yeah,” Crystal agrees, in that way of hers where she doesn’t say much but says everything all at once. “It was.”
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analyze-astrologize · 4 years
Taurus the Bull
🐂 April 20-May 20
🐂 1st Earth sign ruled by the planet Venus
🐂 1st fixed sign
🐂 The first royals of the zodiac for their class, good taste, patience and nobility 🤴🏾 👸🏾
🐂 Rules the neck, throat, and voice
🐂 Works hard, relaxes even harder
🐂 Many wanna criticize Taurus, but fail to mention the hard work they’ve put in up front! (Unless you them lazy types)
🐂 TRUE earth sign as they are rumored to be ruled by planet earth itself
🐂 Down-to-earth, both figuratively and literally! 🌳
🐂 Their purpose is to bring spirit to matter
🐂 Personal connection to Gaia
🐂 “All I want is to live a good life, with good food, good friends, great sex, and a land to call my own”
🐂 The most sensual out of all the signs
🐂 They give the best hugs. 🤗
🐂 Loyal af (unless they have air placements 🤣)
🐂 Stubborn af
🐂 Manners and respect is huge for these people
🐂 They’ll love you, but if you hurt them, they’ll hurt you!
🐂 Patient, patient, patient. Taurus will see a thing through until they’ve met their desired result.
🐂 HOWEVER, Taurus does not have any patience for disrespect. If they don’t snap on yo ass right then and there, they will wait it out until they can’t take it anymore and they will fight you!
🐂 You will see them transform from a cuddly cutie to the Incredible Hulk and everybody will see/feel/hear it 🤬 👀 👂
🐂 They will literally charge you! You mess with the bull, you’ll get the horns.
🐂 When they get angry, their throats close up affecting a change in tone and they flare their noses. 😤
🐂 Can get worked up so much that they can pass out from anger
🐂 They’re never wrong so there’s no need in convincing them that they are.
🐂 You cannot and I repeat cannot force these bulls to do anything. It’s off putting to them and makes them resist more and more.
🐂 They’ll come around when they come around
🐂 Hearing them admit they’re wrong is a fucking miracle.
🐂 Kings/Queens of “I ain’t for no bullshit!”
🐂 Have a natural sweet tooth!🧁 (Their reputation for having bad breath is due to the aftermath: cavities!)
🐂 Natural foodies
🐂 Natural artists. Thanks to the planet Venus they are blessed with a great ear 👂 🎶 for music, writing songs ✍️ and cooking 🥘!
🐂 Venus also blesses them with money-making skills as they are still earth and crave stability. They make a dolla holla! 💵
🐂 You call it being stingy and cheap. They call it saving and being wise.
🐂 Despite being an earthy/materialistic sign, they’re actually spiritually gifted, often exhibiting clairvoyance and a gift of prophecy!
🐂 Goes to a party, heads straight to the food table! 🍔
🐂 Nice skin
🐂 Taurus physically look like bulls having large wet eyes, long lashes, a wide face and nose, full lips, wide ass smile, and a wide thick neck
🐂 Something about their ears. They’re usually large like a bull or small and pinned back.
🐂 Voice is usually slow and deep (MOOO 🐮😂) , or light and quiet. Unique voices that change depending on who they’re talking to.
🐂 People say they look like anime characters!
🐂 Quietly wanna be the Best Dressed in the room
🐂 Won’t admit their desire to be in the spotlight 👩🏿‍🎤 👨‍🎤
🐂 Love florals because bulls love grazing in the grass and stopping by to smell the roses 💐
🐂 Take their precious time
🐂 Connoisseurs of wine and coffee 🍷 ☕️
🐂 First real relationship is with an older romantic partner for both male and female!
🐂 Usually experience “the Good Life” through romantic partners.
🐂 Their goal is to live the life of luxury and to always have p r o s p e r i t y & a b u n d a n c e. Just ask Buddha, he was a Taurus ♉️
🐂 Are seduces by nice scents
🐂 Are at their best when they are loved and living comfortable. They need both.
🐂 Just because they it takes longer for them to come to a conclusion and they move s l o w doesn’t make them dumb! Don’t call them stupid PUH-LEEEEEASE! 😩
🐂 Natural givers and receivers 🤲 👐
🐂 Whatever house Taurus is in is where you would like to receive abundance, but also where you might slack off.
🐂 Motivation might be where Tauruses struggle because they often get stuck in a rut and sometimes that rut may be an old fixed mindset that they refuse to change.
🐂 Firm believer in “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”
🐂 Tauruses often fear the unfamiliar because they are afraid of change. But it’s only by change, that they can get out of that rut!
🐂 As long as you operate from a state of lack, you’ll have lack just like as long as you operate in a state of abundance, you’ll always have abundance! 💫
🌚 Also posting this on a New Moon in Taurus.
I’m also a Taurus Rising! 🤪
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antigenius · 5 years
Aaaaah your skincare hc 💜 i'm dealing with some really bad acne rn and reading that was amazing. Can you write skincare hcs for 1a girls too? (And also the best girl hatsume mei if it's not too much) 💖
I got her hcs while I was in the shower coincidentally enough.
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Okay surprisingly for someone who you can't see, she really REALLY cares about her looks. It's really sad but she's actually super insecure despite being invisible
Loves any sort of face mask that has animals or cute things on it!! Cute, cute, cute!! She especially loves those little fruit shaped masks that you slap on different parts of your face like hgsvgbd please-
Actually has really oily skin, which is purely the cause of her insecurities. Someone please compliment this girl on her skin for gosh sakes-
Uses foam and oil cleansers to gently try and control her acne. Then uses a really light daycream with included sun protection when it's both day and night. She uses it at night because she gets scared that her night cream will be too much for her face. Better to go lighter.
OH MY GOD SHE LOVES HOT SPRINGS. P L E A S E. She enjoyed the camp so much because it made her pores open up and made it easier to clean!!
Uses those peel off pore masks on her nose, chin and upper lip. Hurts her sometimes, you can usually see her cry a bit when she takes them off.
Uses tweezers to clean up her eyebrows and upper lip. Hurts a lot, but she manages. Puts aloe vera after.
Detoxing is important! Sometimes she goes on a vegan diet for a week so that her acne gets a bit better. Only drinks water during that time too!
In general she enjoys smelling like things you can eat! Mainly fruits, so Toru generally smells like berries or citrus.
Uses a stick deodorant that's organic. Hates the feeling of clinical deodorants.
Ajdjsjjjf acne needles? Yes. She uses them. Doesn't wanna get acne scars and this is more hygienic than actually popping pimples with your fingers. She really takes great care when it comes to her skin.
Ochaco is literally me when I spent all my money on food :')
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Cheap as hell. Obviously. This means CHEAP BEAUTY HACKS!
Ochaco has normal skin thankfully enough, but she does get some bad days with acne. Happens.
Cheap means you make your own stuff. Instead of buying exfoliating scrubs, Ochaco makes her own by buying oatmeal, apples, raw honey, cinnamon, and lemon juice. She puts this all in a food processor, letting it become a thick paste. Before she puts it on her face, she puts in a bit of sugar and tada!!! Smooth, soft, baby skin!
Another thing she makes is cucumber and banana ice-cubes for her dark eyebags. She grabs some cucumber, mushes it half a banana and then puts them into an ice-tray. Then whenever she has dark eyebags, she busts out these bad boys and voìla!
Is a hoe for 5 minute-crafts stuff. They're usually cheap and work for her really well, so now she heccing worships it like a g O d.
Doesn't really understand makeup? She might only use some eyeshadow and eyeliner. Possibly chapstick if she has some.
Makes her own lipscrubs though! Sugar and honey make a beautiful scrub for her lips, she rubs and licks it off happily to reveal velvet, plush lips ready for kissing! ;)
Really good at making cute diy beauty stuff!! She once made this clear lip balm that had a dry flower inside. She actually sold some! She was so proud of herself.
Oh gosh if you give Ochaco expensive Burberry Her perfume that smells sweet and sugary she will cry because she is so grateful for that. It's her FAVOURITE smell. Otherwise, she smells like faint roses.
Uses spray deodorant on hot days and stick deodorant on cold days. Spray deodorant is such a perk up when she's been sweating from training.
If there's a sale on skincare products, you'd best believe Ochaco sits there in the morning in front of the shop to get all the best stuff first. She will actually kill someone if that try and take the last item on the shelf which is on sale, especially if it's like 50% off. She'd tear some limbs. O_o
Prefers liquid soap over soap bars, but buys soap bars more often because they're cheaper and easier to stock. Just please get her some moderately priced things god this girl NEEDS PAMPERING OKAY???
Bro you know how gay I am for this girl like dude I LOVE HER OKAY???
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Completely and utterly clueless when it comes to skincare.
Never gets acne??? Like ever??? I'm so jealous it's SO UNFAIR. Does get dry skin though.
Uses those 24 carat gold face masks because they look pretty and make her face freakin GLOW LIKE A GODDESS.
Uses peel off masks, but more for dead skin. Hurts much less and she just heccing emits rays of sunlight.
Uses sunscreen a lot though. She's really prone to getting sunburnt, and she can't get a tan, which makes her kinda sad. Cancer is too scary to get a tan over.
Likes body and hand creams too much for her own good. Has a whole collection of them which all have a variety of smells and textures so her body and hands and just her skin is normally soft and silky and just hafdjskrjkt-
Has to use coffee scrubs and body oil since she has stretch marks from developing super fast. She's really insecure about it and hates that part of herself a lot tbh. Please praise her I beg you.
Loves to sit in a hot bath with rose petals. Spa treatment is all he knows about skincare really.
Has like four perfumes she normally uses. One is a sweet smelling perfume that has soft sugary notes that make you drool. The second smells like delicate roses with dewdrops from the morning mist. The second smells like berries and forests, as if you're about to pick some yourself. The last one smells like the pandan leaves with mangoes. Basically, Momo smells like paradise.
Actually loves buying cheap lip-glosses and lipsticks!! Her favourite is this shimmery golden lipgloss which changes colour depending on the light that she's in. Only uses it on very special occasions though. Otherwise, her best one is usually a moderately red lipstick or a cute red tinted lipgloss which just slightly colours her lips. Makes her lips so adorably kissable. (I'm gay for her okay shut up-)
Okay, we all know for a fact Momo be thicc. But she doesn't really like it honestly. Her thicc comes from cellulite and it's so gross to her. Uses a stiff, dry brush to move the fat around a by so she's more evened out in thiccness.
Pink alien queen!
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Acid comes out of her skin daily, this means really dry skin. Dry like sometimes peel off dry. It's really bad.
Just like Toru, really cares about skincare. Although a little less than Toru but still.
Toners are her best friends because her pores sometimes open up due to her quirk. Acid can damage them sometimes too, so mild, hydrating toners are great for skin like her's.
Whilst she isn't rich enough to have a bunch of handcream like Momo, she has this specific handcream that smells like candy and marshmallows. It's. So. Good. Also makes her hands soft and silky like gahdhhd-
Cream is also a good friend of hers. Uses both night and day cream to make sure her skin stays plump and hydrated!
Uses potato slices instead of cucumbers so that her dark eyebags aren't too bad. She normally doesn't get em so this rarely happens.
Also uses lots of vanilla and almond body cream. Soft and silky skin that can make anyone want to hug her. (IM SO GAY SHUT UP)
Uses lip masks! Loves those Korean or Japanese candy ones! They really leave her lips luscious for any kisses!
Speaking about Korean and Japanese stuff, SHE ADORES THEM.
Korean stuff the most! They always provide her with great results, so they're her go to when she has a really dry day. Loves using their hydration masks!
Uses lip tattoos because she hates the feeling of lipgloss or lipstick. Plus, it doesn't leave a mark.
Mina also thicc, but she's more of a muscular thicc than fat thicc. This means she needs to use body oil to make sure her thighs and skin are tight and smooth.
She uses lasers to get rid of her hairs. Somehow her hairs are immune to her acid. She uses laser treatment to make sure she doesn't have to deal with it often. You wouldn't even know she has hair tbh because of the treatment.
Mina smells like coconuts and sea-salt with a hint of lime or mint depending on her mood. She smells like what'd you smell in a 5 star island resort as you walk on the white sandy beaches and sit in the bar watching the sunset go down on the horizon just hhh-
Feet are baby smooth?? Dunno why. They're just naturally soft and beautiful and shfhd when she rubs her feet against your legs it's so soft it's like she rubbed petals on your legs-
Speaking about petals! She loves having baths with either bubbles or petals with some candles to calm down. Definitely after a hard day of training!! Don't disturb!
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Tsu literally doesn't use skin items at all.
She has a normal skin type and also never gets acne somehow???? Like bro hecc tell me your ways.
She's not clueless about it like Momo, but she just has no use for it since her skin's just kinda perfect like hello what-
She is a frog though, so she really need that moisture!! Jacuzzi baths are like her favourite thing.
Ooh, also really likes those clay masks! That's the only skincare item she actually uses to be real with y'all.
Okay okay hear me out though, Tsu is a hoe for those kiddie slime baths. Like I'm not even kidding she loves it so hecking much but she would never admit it in any lifetime.
Also really loves it if you get her a whole big bag of those resin pellets that turn into those little jelly balls and she just goes into a bath of those??? Gosh yes paradise hecc
Smells like a dewy forest with hints of citrus and earthy tones. She's got that scent that's really unique and like you can walk by with a blindfold and point her out by smell alone.
Oops by the way she really enjoys having cucumbers on her eyes. She has natural eyebags, so she normally counters it with both cucumber and potato slices.
There's a secret tradition that runs in her family to get rid of wrinkles. They steam a small, knobbly hand towel with warm water and then rub it in circular motions on their face slowly going upwards. Works really heccing well.
Honestly, Tsu doesn't really care about her looks. Skincare or makeup for her is just an additional bother that she has to deal with.
Her skin is never pruney. Makes sense why though.
Eyy because you asked so nicely! Tbh to me Camie from Shiketsu is best girl but like okay Mei is qt-
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She's always covered in grime and dirt, so she actually gets acne daily. She just has really great skin routines!
Has a combination skin type, her forehead is the oiliest compared with the rest of her far though. Yuck.
When she stops tinkering (haha when does she do that-), she immediately goes and washes her face with an oil face wash. It helps properly cleanse her pores from all the grime and dirt that was on her face.
Sometimes, she has a really grimy day, so she uses a harsh clay wash just to make sure EVERYTHING IS OUT. Then uses a hydrating toner and a very light daycream!
Exfoliates every two weeks to make sure her skin isn't gross. Skin cells need to turn over every two weeks, so she makes sure she does that or she'll literally have pimples scattered on her forehead.
Is a popper. She hates seeing pimples and immediately pops them on site with some gloves. Then puts a miniscule dab of antiseptic cream so that it don't come back and spread.
Mei smells like petrol. Literally. When she stays out of the lab for a week though, she actually smells like caramel and cotton candy.
Has calluses on her from tinkering so much. She doesn't like it. Please trace and caress them gently and she'll love you.
She uses body oil because it feels more normal than body cream. Can lead her to being clumsy because she sometimes sloshes it on her body and then she has to wait a while before she can actually do things.
Salt block. Hates deodorant. Masks the smell of grime in the lab and she LIVES for that smell.
Uses charcoal face masks to relax and detox. Helps her think of her next baby to create as well, so bonus!
Likes going to those floating pods. They're really relaxing and make her feel at ease in the world.
Bubble baths are a no no. She had a really bad experience with them once when she tried to make a bubble telescope and put it to her eye. Let's just say she used to be able to see farther…
She enjoys using lipgloss though! Her lips smell like cake or cookie dough even though they're normally coloured in a neutral pink or a soft red. Even tastes like strawberries and cream.
Takes hecking great care of her hands. Her hands are meticulously the most gorgeous part of her. They're soft, velvety, and while they are callused, it only adds to its perfections and they're just so stunningly manicured and she does it all by herself like oh my god her hands are just bdbdkfgjfk-
Since anon has some bad acne, I actually have some advice since I myself care a heck ton about my skin.
Oil based face wash goes incredibly well with a foam cleanser. Using both gets rid of all the dirt, oil, makeup and residue in your pores. Best stuff and keeps me clear.
EXFOLIATE PLEASE!! Get one of those cute exfoliating scrubs or literally make the one Ochaco uses. They're really important to do because your dead skin cells can cause more acne and bumps.
When you have bad acne, I suggest using only light daycreams after you wash your face because night creams can be too much. Also use a nice organic toner so that your pores are tight and can't get much dirt or gross things during the day/night.
Charcoal is the best face mask for detoxing and decreasing oil levels. But don't use it when you have pimples. It can actually cause more pimples to come because you're stripping your ace of the natural oils it needs.
That said, make sure to wash your face at least twice a day! Thrice is okay too, but four is too much. Make sure to moisturise immediately after too!
Sunscreen is so important. Get yourself a face cream that has at least an SPF of 30. Please. Cancer is real and the sun's rays can make you seem to age faster.
Woof, that was a loooot. Next time, please be specific with characters anon! I didn't mind, but I normally only do about 3 characters. I'm not doing much yet so this is cool but yeah. Thank you so much for requesting though and ACKEJKRKN YOU'RE A CUTIE ILY THANK YOU FOR LOVING MY WORK!!
I also realised I missed out Jiro T_T I might edit her in later but really I found her and Tsu the hardest to talk about skincare with because they're my really girls who care about how they look. They're just cuties.
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ajoy3fanfics · 5 years
The Apartment
A/N: Sorry this is late! This is for InuKag week, March 30th
Prompt: AU
He hadn’t planned to come here, not again. He knew it was a bad idea, knew that it would upset the balance of things. Worst of all, he knew she didn’t want to see him. He was no longer welcome.
None of that was news; it has been this way for months. And honestly, he couldn’t blame her.
But he was drunk, and he was sad, and none of that seemed to matter.
Once again, her feelings didn’t seem to take priority. He knew he was a selfish bastard. If he really gave a damn about her, he would turn around and leave her alone.
But selfish assholes don’t operate like that, do they?
Despite knowing better, it didn’t stop him from coming; didn’t stop him from putting one foot in front of the other, going down the street to the house, his old house. It was once so familiar, the surroundings of the run-down neighborhood blurred when he would pass by on his way to their apartment; now he soaked in the sights, relishing each footstep that brought him closer. Even in his drunk state, he wouldn’t take the feeling of going home for granted.
It was comical to think that he was happy to be back here. From the moment they had signed the lease, he had promised her it was only temporary, that he would take her someplace better, someplace with a garden out front, a place that she could grow.
But this is what they could afford, and she was happy.
Happy to be with him, even if they needed to double bolt their doors.
When he had asked her to move in together, it had been spur of the moment. He had blurted it out while they were in bed together, her small body wrapped in his arms. It was getting late, and she was getting tired. She had work the next day and she had to head back to her place. She yawned, stretching as she sat up.
He didn’t want her to go.
It felt painful, to have her leave.
He reached out his hand, clutching her arm. He brought her in closer, giving her a deep kiss.
And she smiled.
And he lost. He knew right then and there, that she was the one. That every night he wasn’t with her was a mistake. He wanted to come home to her, wanted to build a life with her. It was like the flood gates had opened, and he was unable to pace himself or stop the words from blurting out.
“Let's move in together.”
It seemed like that was a lifetime ago. That those happy memories belonged to someone else.
Just like it felt like someone else had their hand on the door handle; He found himself turning the knob, walking through the threshold. He tried to tell himself to stop. He knew that this was only going to bring trouble. But still, he climbed the 42 stairs to her door.
The one that he had called home.
The one that he had once had the right to go to.
The gold numbers looked nice against the red door. She had liked it immediately; she said the colors reminded her of him. She had joked then that it was a sign. He breathed in, trying to catch her scent. It was light.
It had been so long, so long since he had buried his nose into the crown of her hair, so long since he let himself be comforted by it. The faint fragrance called to him and it wasn’t enough. Not even close.
He knocked.
He waited.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
She wasn’t home.
She wasn’t here.
This was a sign, right? Surely this was a higher power telling him to turn around and go the fuck home.
‘But this used to be my home.’  His inebriated mind argued. He can’t leave yet. He breathed in again, leaning his head against the door.
He needed her scent to fill his lungs again like it used to. He would leave her alone, if he could just get his fix of her, and then he would go.
He jiggled the handle, using his claws to pick the lock. He had done this once or twice when he had forgotten his keys, but that had been when he had lived here, when he had a right to. But this time he was breaking and entering. Even as he turned the doorknob his brain was screaming to stop. Turn around. It still wasn’t too late.
Crappy apartment. Crappy landlord replacing the locks with this cheap shit. It took no more than a minute for the lock to pop.
He was in.
It was overwhelming, being wrapped back in her. Vanilla and cherry blossoms and some sort of spice. Pure Kagome.
Once, it had been a mix of them. Their home had smelled sweet and earthy and it was heaven.  
It hurt to think; It hurt to think of her.His head was spinning from her scent, from the alcohol, from his anxiety and the need to see her. He had told himself coming would be enough, and then being able to smell her would sate him.
He was always greedy, had always been a greedy bastard. Especially when it came to her.
Closing the door behind him, Inuyasha surveyed the room, but the darkness was not giving him the details he needed. Without looking back, he blindly tapped at the wall behind him looking for the light switch. His fingers went over the grooves from where he had plastered the wall. He had been so angry then. Frustrated and jealous, in the heat of a fight that spanned from the car to the apartment, he had gone to turn on the light, but instead he had smashed his hand through the wall. Gods, she was angry. Even in her fury, she bandaged him, an angry scowl on her face. She had fixed him up just as he fixed the wall.
She had changed it; painted the walls a new color, a green, making it more Earthy than it had been before. She added new pictures to the living room. She had always loved photos, fuck, she downright annoyed him with all the pictures she took. She displayed their memories proudly then. Images of them, displaying their love seemed to dominate their home. Was he in any of them now, or did she remove any trace of him? Had someone taken his place beside her?
His eyes roamed over her image, laughing in one picture, being silly with Sango in another. Her arms wrapped around…
His ears twitched and swiveled as he heard her open the door; he turned on his heels, the movement making the room spin.
“Inuyasha?!” She shrieked.
He could hear her heart beating rapidly, could hear her trying to catch her breath.
“K’gome…” He blinked lazily, drinking in the sight of her.
“Wh-What are you doing here?! Did you break in?!”
She seemed frantic and upset. Why? Because he was here? Was that really so-
She was suddenly in front of his face, and her presence was making him dazed. Inuyasha closed his eyes to try and get a hold of his senses.
“I wanna- Wanna talk. To you.” He was stumbling on his words.
“Are- Are you drunk?” She asked, the pitch of her voice making him wince.
“Think so.” He responded, holding his head. It was suddenly throbbing.  
All of the energy seemed to leave Kagomes body. How long had it been since she had last seen him? It had been a day from Hell, and the entire way home, all she could think of was curling up in bed and falling asleep.
But she came home to find her door unlocked and an intoxicated hanyou in her living room, closely inspecting the corner of her wall.
It had taken her so off guard to see him standing there. For a brief moment, her heart skipped a beat.
It was like she had stepped back into the past.
Kagome took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as she considered her options.
“K’gom-“ He wanted to reach out and grab her; hold her body close to his and make her listen to what he had to say. He tried to move towards her but fumbled, tripping over his own feet. Kagome rushed to catch him as he fell forward, then pushed him down to the sofa. Inuyasha leaned his head back as the room started to spin. He heard Kagome let out a deep sigh of frustration.
That too, was familiar.
“I’m going to call Miroku to come and get you.” He heard the foggy voice say. Immediately he shot up.
“N-No!” He cried. “I-Im- No-Not leaving yet.” He stuttered. “I have ‘portant things to tell you.”
“You’re drunk, Inuyasha. And you need to go home.” Her voice sounded final, but he wasn’t having any of it. His ears twitched as the sound of ringing stopped and Mirokus voice mail message started.
“This used to be my home.” He argued as if it made a bit of difference.
“I’m too tired to deal with this.” She said, rubbing her temples. “And you’re too drunk to be kicked out.” She paused before she continued, unsure even as she spoke if it was a good idea. “I’m going to take a shower. You can sleep on the couch for tonight.”
“B-But I got-!” He began to stand, but a firm hand on his chest pushed him back down.
“No, Inuyasha. I’m tired, and I’ve had a really long day.”
“Tomorrow?” He asked. “We can talk tomorrow.” He’d cringe at how desperate his voice sounded if he was sober.
“Sure.” She said in a defeated voice.
“Promise?” He questioned, needing to hear it. Kagome nodded in agreement.
“Tomorrow. Now go to sleep.”
The first thing Inuyasha thought when he woke up was how fucking uncomfortable he was. The couch had always been shit to sleep on. Every single time he slept on it, he paid for it the next morning. The morning coffee was perking and he could hear the shower running in the bathroom. Lazily, he wondered why he wasn’t in bed, and what the hell he had done to land him in the dog house this time.
His amber eyes flew open as it dawned on him suddenly.
The uncomfortable couch. This… this was… theirs…
He breathed in, her wonderful scent filling him.
He was home.
His mind began to race. Had be imagined it all? Was he really home? Had he ever even left?
Was it all just a nightmare that they had broken up? That he-
Inuyasha was terrified to confirm his theories, terrified to move a muscle. What if it was all true? What if being home with her was just a repeat of his many dreams?
He sat upright and the room became unbalanced. He was still slightly hung over but it was bearable. The door to the bathroom unlocked, the doorknob turned and Inuyasha’s mouth went dry.
“Kagome.” It came out like a reflex, heavy. She looked at him and gave an awkward half smile before she turned to get a cup of coffee. He watched her work, pouring the coffee into the cups, stirring in the sugar and cream. She walked over to him and he found himself mesmerized; her black shorts, showcasing her creamy legs, her feet wrapped in white thigh high socks. Kagome placed the coffee cups down on the coffee table before taking a seat on the other end of the couch, drawing her legs into her chest. Her long black hair spilled over her shoulders, a sharp contrast to her loose plain white tee. It was like he never left, like he had preserved her somehow. She looked comfortable and stunningly beautiful.
“Here, drink this.” She motioned towards the cup. “It will help.”  
He reached over, grasping the hot beverage. Taking a sip, he couldn’t help but smile.
“Keh, you still remember how I like it.”  
Kagome returned the slight smile. “Well, its not every grown man who takes his coffee more sugar than coffee.” The sunlight was streaming in the windows, making her look even more angelic than normal. It was quiet after that, an awkward tense, silence that made the hanyou shift in his seat. Kagome chewed on her bottom lip before she spoke. “How have you been?”
The question seemed to take him off guard. “I-I’m okay.” He shrugged off the lie. He was far from alright. Inuyasha cleared his throat. “How- How are you?”
She gave him a small smile as she averted her eyes, her apartment suddenly very interesting. “I’m alright.”
The conversation was strained, when it ha been so easy before. Talking with Kagome used to be the most natural thing in the world; she was the only person he could open up to, the only one he felt at ease with. He nodded, as if her simple sentence was something to mull over. “Hows Sota? Your mom?” He said something, anything to keep the conversation going.
“Sota just got accepted into C high school. Full scholarship and everything.” She smiled, the first true smile he had seen from her, full of pride in her little brother. It was blinding.
“That’s freakin’ amazing!” He said with enthusiasm. “I remember how much he wanted to go there. Is he gonna try out for the basketball team?”
“Mmm, he’s still not sure. He’s thinking about trying out for the soccer team, but the basketball team is already trying to recruit him.”
He couldn’t help but smile at that. He had known Sota before he even entered middle school, and the kid always had a basketball in his hand. He would practice with him late into the night, amazed at the kids stamina. “Feh, that’d be such a waste. He’s a natural.”
Kagome eagerly nodded in agreement. “Right? But he says he wants to branch out and try something new. And mama is really into the idea of being an actual soccer mom.” She said with a laugh.
It felt easy. It felt natural, like old times. “Keh, I can totally see that.” He found himself smiling. Gods, how long had it been since he smiled like this?
“I- I’m glad you came Inuyasha.” Kagome said. “I’ve been meaning to call you, but I never found the right time. Or maybe I couldn’t bring myself too.” She bit her bottom lip again, and Inuyasha found himself holding his breath. “Oh?” was all he could manage out.
“Hang on a sec.” She stood up and retreated into her bedroom, only to emerge a moment later with a small black box. She held it out to him. “Here.”
“What’s this?” he asked.
Kagome swallowed hard still holding the box out to him. “It’s your moms ring. I- I was going to ask Miroku to give it to you, but it didn’t feel right to pass off something so precious. I thought I needed to give it to you personally.”
Amber eyes bore into the little black box. “But I gave that to you.” He managed out.
She sat down on the couch once more, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “That was different. You gave it to me… you gave it to me when you proposed. It was okay for me to wear it because I was going to be your wife. But now… I can’t keep this now.” She reached over and placed it into his hand. “You should save it… for the person you’ll marry someday.” It was hard to say it out loud, but it was a sentence that needed to be said.
“But I gave it to you.” He repeated, his black brows furrowed.
“And like I said, I cant keep it. It’s not meant for me.”
Inuyasha couldn’t keep the scowl off his face. “Of course it’s meant for you. I carried that ring around in my pocket for three weeks before I found the perfect time to propose to you. I got so fucking anxious to give it to you I proposed to you in fucking bed. I put that ring on your ringer and you cried. Don’t fucking tell me you can’t keep that ring.” He hadn’t meant for it to sound angry, but he never was one to mind his temper.
“You don’t need to remind me of that, Inuyasha. I’m very aware of what it was like when you proposed to me.” She returned his angry tone. “But it’s different now. This is your mothers ring. Its not right for me to keep it!”
“Yes it is!” He argued, pushing the box back towards her.
“Give it to your girlfriend, or save it for your daughter, or someone you love but I. CANT. KEEP. IT.”
Glaring at her, he matched her word for word. “Well I. AINT. TAKIN. IT.”
Kagome let out a frustrated sigh. “So, why are you here, Inuyasha? To argue with me?” She brought her hands up to her chest. “I don’t get what you’re doing.”
He swallowed hard, the words he was so eager to speak last night suddenly sticking in his throat. “I, I miss you, Kagome.”
Her gray eyes grew wide at his admission, as if she was shocked to hear that he would have any lingering feelings towards her. She gave a slow, sad nod, the fire suddenly out. “Yeah, I miss you too. But that’s what happens when you break up.”
She said it so easily, so suddenly it pierced his heart. It was true, fuck he didn’t want it to be, but it was.
It was true, and it was all his fucking fault.
“We’re not breaking up.” He said finally, his tone leaving no room for argument.
She clicked her tongue. “Too little, too late for that, buddy.”
“We’re not over.” He repeated. “I gave you 3 months of space, but that’s over.” He looked her fiercely in the eyes. “I wont let you go, Kagome.”
Kagome shut the red door behind her, double checking to make sure it was locked. She didn’t want to chance a drunk Hanyou making his way into her living room again.
It had been two days since he promised to see her, two days since he came back into her life, a drunk mess, promising to make her forgive him. Apparently he gave up quicker than she anticipated.
She walked down the steps, stopping at the stoop to stretch overhead. She put in her earbuds and began with a light jog. Running always put her in a good mood, somehow cleared her mind, and right now, she definitely needed an escape from silver haired ex boyfriends.
As she turned the corner to the park, another jogger sped up, then matched her pace. Kagome looked over, slightly freaked out, only to discover Inuyasha was shoulder to shoulder with her.
“Oh my god!” She cried out, coming to a hault. She placed her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. “What are you doing here, Inuyasha?!”
He shrugged his right shoulder. “What’s it look like? Joggin’.”
Kagome narrowed her eyes as she stood up straight, her heart rate at a more acceptable speed. “But why here? Why with me?”
“Feh.” He waved her off. “Don’t be so conceited. Who says I’m joggin’ with you?”
Kagome groaned as she put her hands on her hips, cocking her head to the side. “Just leave me alone, Inuyasha.”
“Like I said,” He began to jog ahead of her. “I just came here for a run. Can you stop distracting me now?” He asked.
Inuyasha laughed to himself as she heard her grumble under her breath.
He seemed to be everywhere she went. She went to the grocery store to buy food for the week, and there he was, waiting outside, ready to carry the bags. She went for her evening run, he was there, in his running shoes, ready to keep her company. In the mornings, he left her favorite coffee on her car. When she came out of work she would sometimes find a flower, sometimes a note.
It was confusing and painful and annoying and endearing all at the same time. As much as she hated him, she loved him. As much as she wanted to forgive him, to have him come back into her life, into their home, into her bed, it was like their was a rock in her gut preventing her from moving forward. She wanted him, and wanted to push him away, all at once. The past three months he had been away, given her plenty of space, and it wasn’t exactly easy, but anything was easier than this. Than him following her around, being kind and funny, making it all too easy to fall into a routine with him once again.
Today he was sitting in her hallway, their old hallway, his back against her red door. He had a brown bag by his side. Kagomes mouth watered- she could practically taste the udon he had brought.
“Why are you here?” She asked defeated.
A crooked smile broke across his face. “Why do ya think? I brought dinner.”
“Why are you doing this?” She tried not to say the words angrily, but they still came out harsh. Kagome set the take out containers on the table as Inuyasha opened the cabinets to get the plates. Just like before. Just like normal. “This has to stop Inuyasha. You cant keep showing up where ever I am, waiting for me outside of my house.” The hanyou took a seat closest to her, but she continued to stand.
“Our house.” He corrected. “And I need to. You wouldn’t answer my calls, wouldn’t talk to me!”
“That’s because I didn’t want to. Besides, you’re going to make Kikyo upset if you continue on like this.”
“I keep telling- We’re not together.” He tried, the words spilling out of his mouth. “Nothing is going on between us.”
“Not anymore, you mean?” She pressed her lips together.
Inuyasha shook his head, his short silver locks swaying. “Not anymore and not ever! I haven’t spoken a word to her since that night. It was a misunderstanding. I keep trying to tell you-“
“I shouldn’t have brought it up. I’m not interested in going through this another time, Inuyasha. I know what I saw. And even-“ She looked up towards the ceiling, avoiding his gaze or trying to stop tears, he wasn’t sure. “Even if I didn’t see you kissing her, how you acted was way over the line.”
“I know.” He leaned in closer. “I fucked up and I’m so, so sorry Kagome.” She shook her head, leaning away from him.
“Is this what you came here for? To bring up the past? To make yourself feel better?”
“I came here to be with you.” He admitted. “I cant stop because as soon as I think of you, I think of how much I love you. And I cant keep myself away. Somehow, I just wind up here.” Kagome winced at his words, at his admission of love.
“I don’t know what you expect me to say to that.” She admitted. “You love me? If you loved me so much, why did you get close to Kikyo? Why did you leave our bed to go to her in the middle of the night?”
Kikyo was an old friend, an old ex. Not someone he had thought of in years, not until she ran into him at the park. Not until she wanted to catch up. Not until she poured out her soul to him, told him about all of the hardships she had going on.
Kikyo had been a pillar of support for him in high school. She had helped him through the death of his mother. He felt compelled, obligated to hear her out, see how he could help.
And it took a toll on his relationship.
At first, Kagome seemed skeptic, but understanding. But as Kikyos demands became more frequent, his fiancé made her suspicions clearly known.
But he assured her that nothing was wrong, nothing was happening. Even when she called in the middle of the night, saying she was outside and desperately needed to talk to him, he went to her. Like a fucking fool.
Kagome had followed them out, watched from the shadows as Kikyo clung to him in the dark. It was over the line. He would’ve ripped the man to shreds that dared to touch his fiancé like that. Yet for some reason, he expected her to be okay with it.
“If you loved me so much why did you do that to me? I loved you, so much Inuyasha. So much that the thought of being with anyone else never even entered my mind.”
“But nothing happened.” He restated. She was starting to cry and fuck, it killed him. Turning away from him, she made a move to get up. Bitterly, she spit out the words that cut him deep.
“What does it matter? Its over with. Were over with.”
It was as if his last will of restraint was cut; He grabbed hold of her, pinning her slim body against his. She sat snug in his lap, muscular arms wrapped across her chest. She struggled against him, but his pure strength kept her firmly in place. “Let me go, Inuyasha!” She shouted.
It had been so long since he felt her, so long since she was in his arms. “Its not over with.” He said, his face against hers. “I love you, Kagome. And I know you still love me.”
She tried to wiggle free. “I don’t. I hate you!” She screamed. “Let me go!” Kagome wasn’t afraid, she knew that Inuyasha wouldn’t hurt her. But she didn’t want to be restrained by him either.
“Nothing happened between me and Kikyo.” She turned her head to shoot him an angry look, before abruptly jerking her head away. “It was wrong of me to get so involved. Even though you warned me that she was into me… I should’ve fucking listened. I fucked up Kagome. Im sorry.”
“Doesn’t matter.” She said as she struggled. “I don’t love you anymore. In fact, I’m dating someone, and he wouldn’t appreciate this.”
A sharp growl came from deep in Inuyashas chest. “That’s a lie. I can smell it in your scent. You don’t hate me, and you aint with anyone. I’ll fucking kill any guy that gets near you.”
“Let me go.” She said again, her voice firm. “I don’t love you. Let me go and leave.”
Inuyasha shook his head. “You still love me. I know you do. I gave you your space, but I aint about to let you go. I want to come home. I know you still love me, and I know you still want me. Let me come home.” He moved his hand towards her chin, capturing her mouth in a fierce kiss. She bit down on his bottom lip, drawing deep red blood. The taste mingled, making the angry encounter taste bitter. But even still, she kissed him back. Kagome twisted in Inuyasha’s lap until she was straddling him. She broke the kiss, leaving him panting, wanting, only to slap him hard across his right cheek.
“I’m so mad at you!” She panted. “I hate you.” She ground her teeth.
Inuyasha shook his head. “You love me. Just like I love you.”
Another slap. Another denial. He growled and she sank into him. Hot and fiery, her kiss sending pleasure straight to his core. She fingernails dug into his shoulders, urging him on, showing her rage. Inuyasha let his hands roam down her back, delighting in the feel of her, until they came to the round curves of her ass. He gripped it with both hands, squeezing and giving her right cheek a slap. She cried out and ground her hips against him. It was all he could take; after months of her absence the slightest touch from her was driving him wild. He held her tight, finally able to look her fully in her eyes.
She was angry, furious, but there was still love in her eyes. It was buried deep, behind the passion and resentment and betrayal. Underneath that all was love. He’d let her hit him until she was sated. He’d somehow temper that rage until she could be calm. But he knew if he left, it might really be over.
Inuyasha ran his tongue down her neck, nipping at the soft flesh. “I love you, I love you, Kagome.” He repeated over and over like a mantra.  She moaned, a sound he had only heard in his dreams these last 3 months. “Inuyasha…” She said, her voice breathy, needy, before she pulled him in closer for a kiss.
Finally, he was home.
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sashayed · 7 years
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Good afternoon, elegant natural beauties. Do u guys want to read a short, incoherent stream-of-consciousness review of Every Single Perfume I’ve Sampled since May 2016? of course you do! I put a star next to the ones that are good on me.  i originally wrote “next to the ones i recommend” but of course every perfume smells completely different on every person so Who Knows. i don’t wanna get blog sued for recommending you a fragrance that smells like a butt on you.
★ annick goutal ce soir ou jamais - rose! big, overblown, spicy rose. musky. amber. really good! a little too floral for me personally but it’s very like a flapper wearing a rose in her hair & i would recommend for somebody else
annick goutal grand amour - unremarkable, thin floral. also gone almost immediately?? what even was this. annick. get it together.
★ annick goutal nuit etoilee - ohhhh, yes. soothing, but not boring. something like -- blue-gray forests and -- mint tea? it's cool and delicate and sort of cozy. mint leaves and resin. herbal, graceful, understated: warm tea and a pine fire on a cold night. it’s too elegant to be homey. it’s like if your ex-wife of 20 years invited you over to dinner and everything in the house was lovely and the dogs were asleep and even the trees outside tapped their branches on the glass just as you remembered it, but over dinner you realized from the coolness of her glance and the graciousness of her manner toward you, you knew absolutely that she had moved on, and however kindly she treated you you would only ever be a guest in this house -- your ex-wife might wear this.
★ l'artisan mon numero 6 - sort of woodsy and masculine in a good way! sandalwood, hibiscus. a gamine in a bower.
annick goutal petite cherie edt - can something be both powdery and juicy? pear and soap? it's nice -- very girly and sort of demurely playful -- but even with a surprising musky note down in there, it doesn't make much of a statement. 
★ atelier cedrat envirat - a greener, woodsier Orange Sanguine. in spite of the name, the cedar is much more of a basenote, a strong vibration; more noteable are the citrus tones, especially as it dries. more lemon-lime than orange. delicious and fresh and invigorating. i can wear OS at any season, but this feels very summer-specific.
balenciaga b. - fresh at first but then….weird old bread?? what? what is happening. it’s still not bad but there’s something so floury/powdery about it. in spite of that bakery/kitchen association it’s not spicy – it’s green & dry. Fine, but not a keeper.
cb i hate perfume burning leaves edt - not so impressive on me anymore. it used to feel cozy and i'd get a hint of rich woods but now that sweetness is more like....bbq sauce. like, i just smell like i wandered into your house with grill smoke in my unwashed hair. this is fine and great when it happens organically, but a lil too meaty for my taste in perfume. not great projection either.
cb i hate perfume i am a dandelion - sharp & earthy greens – what florals there are are more crushed than blooming. i’d want to layer this with something but by itself it’s too much mica/dirt on me.
cb i hate perfume wild hunt - WET EARTH. foliage and moss. ozone. that low alcoholic thing that’s very cb-typical. round dirt. fades very fast.
clean rain - cheap but good. nothing remarkable though and it fades VERY quickly to regular bar soap. you could get the same effect for a fraction of the price with that $8 cucumber melon body splash from bath & body works.
★ comme des garcons blue santal - oh HELLO good MORNING! clean, tomboyish, scented wood and juniper. a ski lodge smell -- outdoorsy, but more moneyed than natural. the perfume equivalent of super-expensive ”reclaimed wood” scandinavian furniture.
d'orsay intoxication - bluh. the two words that come to mind are “honey” and “widowhood,” tbh, which makes this sound better than it is. it's just a sort of indeterminate, dated chypre floral, with an old-lady's-bathroom musk. which is better than old-man's-bathroom musk, obviously, but i'm not into this.
★ demeter honeysuckle edt - as pure and natural on me as annick goutal’s way more expensive chevrefeuille. projection & lasting aren’t as good but SUCH a fresh, sweet, uncloying honeysuckle.
derek lam 10 crosby drunk on youth edp - your cute friend’s hair after a shower. fancy girl shampoo. then it blossoms out and gets deeper & sweeter--pure honeysuckle, but still soapy, hence the shampoo. lovely, but too $$$ for basically a nice bathroom-steam smell.
dkny be desired edp - starts w/ sweet grapefruit & violet – then that shampoo-y smell – then the shampoo gets synthetic. it’s not BAD exactly, just mad artificial with a sharper and sharper plastic line through it. although ooo, as it dies down it gets REALLY nice. not worth that early stuff but very sweet and sporty.
dolce & gabbana intense - strong & sweet. intoxicating but also marshmallowy? tuberose. kind of like a lollipop. yes. booze lollipop. i dig it but it’s too sweet to be a standby for me. although the boozy vanilla about 15 mins in is SUPER delicious.
elizabeth & james nirvana black - i’ve heard this suggested as a dupe for Black Orchid but nirvana is WAY sweeter on me. more licorice, less tobacco and the vanilla comes across much less organically. some scents kind of fold your own smell into themselves and enhance it? that’s the goal for me & this w/ my particular chemistry is like the opposite. very “mask”-y.
★ giorgio armani si edp - YUM. lychee with some sharper fizz behind. black pepper? then incense/spiced wood? super sophisticated & sexy. reviews say “vanilla” – i’m not getting that at all.
gucci flora glorious mandarin edt - a burst of tangerine, then low slightly spicy flowers. good, but not great.
★ guerlain idylle - oo. oooooo. delicious. this is described as a “floral” but i’m getting something richer – something of that amber vanilla musk that i used to get with Black Orchid. i guess i smell the rose under that. as it dries it gets sweeter but not in a bad way – fruit-sweet, like a wet raspberry.
★ imaginary authors cobra and the canary - tobacco, smoke, leather. very distinctive and really kind of nice. i think you could pair this with something femmey for a really interesting layered smell but WHO HAS THE TIME!!
★ issey miyake a scent - spring. sharp cut green flower stems. wet but guarded. crisp. lemon tree & hyacinth in the very back. like it a lot. as it wears down it becomes deeper and more floral – a wet garden. (had this on same arm w/ d&g intense & they’re like the opposite of each other. a palate refresher!)
★ juliette has a gun mmm - sooooo good! like….creamy white flowers and orange rind and cinnamon? as usual with white flowers it’s a little sweeter than the woman i picture myself to be, but true to its name it is DELICIOUS.
laura mercier nuits enchantees - VANILLA EXTRACT! so delicious but unfortunately then this weird powdery almost nutty?? note appears. almond? or wait: marzipan. ough, that must be the patchouli. yeah, no thanks.
le labo vanille 44 - so good at first! rich warm vanilla-extract vanilla. spicy. wintry. something a little like rubber or plastic – or playdoh?? – deep under it, which is the only drawback -- except that then as it dries it fades to just that rubber plastic thing. :/ this was a disappointing relationship.
miller harris la pluie - weirdly old & incongruous on me – like one of those perfume sampler packs i played dress up with as a kid. not bad, but seems to have nothing to do with my skin.
oscar de la renta something blue - PURPLE MARKER SMELL? remember those smelly markers and the purple one was really good? this is like a fancier version of that. then it goes to more complex flowers.
★ pinrose treehouse royal - this is SO FAMILIAR, why?? what is it? vitabath??? green, delicious, ginger underneath. cassis and vetiver. very clean. i’ve never tried pinrose before and i really like it!
★ pinrose campfire rebel - oh wow. oh WOW. green smoke. everything i stopped getting from burning leaves – none of that charcoal meatiness. just clean autumn air and good whiskey. i gotta get more pinrose!
★ prada luna rossa - POWERFUL dude musk. spicy herbal, amber-y. Very very masc. Feels like Jean Dujardin inviting you behind the boat house for a cigarette.
ralph lauren polo black a wealthy, slightly effete dude sauntering out of the locker room. tropical fruit and sandalwood. very clubby, but also VERY delicious – at first. unfortunately it fades FAST to Eau de Douche. like, not the vaginal hygeine product, just a douchey guy in a club. ugh.
ralph lauren romance - very femme perfume-y – the opposite of luna rossa. Flowers first – rose & lily? Feels like the dullest body splash you could get from Victoria’s Secret. Inoffensive, boring flowers.
stella mccartney sheer - fruity! a less strong l'imperatrice. juicy. sweet and soapy.
★★★ tom ford noir pour femme - ohhhh shiiiiiit yes. ohhhhh you’ve done it again thomas. musk and vanilla. warm smoke. cardamom. this perfume is a cardamum blessing. i feel so sophisticated yet sexy yet also somehow cozy and warm?? a femme fatale in an oversized sweater. oh god, it just gets better and warmer and sexier every minute. WHEN WILL I BE RICH?? @daeontherun bought me a tube of this for XMAS because she’s a SAINT and we all put it on and spent the rest of the evening deeply inhaling our own wrists. can’t recommend highly enough.
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