#i just very simply want to understand why we collectively decided he didn't do those things
sylvieons · 3 years
I need an explanation of why it's widely accepted that Loki never did anything wrong (and finding out that Odin lied to him =/= excuse for any of his actions).  Right off the bat in Thor 1 he was the reason the Frost Giants got into the vault (getting them killed).  He was a prince of Asgard, he had to know how the security system worked.  This was before he even found out he was lied to. He lied to Thor and was going to keep him in exile. He killed Laufey. He tried to destroy Jotunheim.
Why is none of this addressed?  It feels so inconsistent?  That line he uttered in the last episode about "all these people are going to die" as if his heart was bleeding for them when my man tried to blow up a planet.
I’m not touching his actions or personality in The Avengers since people are split on the mind control thing, but the things he did in Thor were very much just Loki.
This is not a post about whether he’s good or bad or OOC or deserving of redemption etc etc this is just me asking why Show Loki looks nothing like Thor Loki and maybe somebody has an actual answer for that and I’d love to know it!
that YES Loki could have done all of these things and ACT EXACTLY THE WAY HE IS IN THE SHOW
why is the narrative not addressing his darker side then?
It's the narrative I have a problem with, ultimately, because it feels like the writers just ignored all of that (which is really summed up in that “all these people are going to die” quote from him. By making him say that, you are portraying him as someone who has a soft heart. That’s the point of the line.  You can’t just ignore that the same character was shown to indiscriminately kill others in another movie.)
If the whole "Thanos mind-controlled Loki" thing is true, it has never been addressed  either.  Why is this not a sub-plot of Loki trying to come to terms with shit.  We went straight to “Loki is having a manic break but we’re not giving you any background”
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lexpressobean · 3 years
I've been thinking about these 3 alot...
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... and how much they seem to really respect Shino. I know it's a filler, but, like... Why does it seem like Shino has a knack for finding children who have wondered off away from school? Like, he's just taking a walk, making his way around the village or surrounding forest, and then there they are. Kids playing hooky or some shit. And Shino just takes it upon himself to approach them and steer them back to where they should be, while getting them attached to him somehow in the process??
But honestly. If this was just one of many times this had happened, I'd say Shino does this not out of his knack for teaching or having a way with kids. Rather, he developed a way with kids and easily applies that to his teaching because he has a strong desire to simply protect children. And it's not even from some paternal instinct as much as survival, because I think it stems from the developing trauma of losing Torune to Danzo. And I don't think it's all subconscious either.
Like I know the novel and anime frames his desicion to teach as a sort of a new goal in life as the war has ended for a couple years already and a noticable Peace has been achieved by the Blank Period and well... He's an Aburame.
Like, the Aburame are literal living, breathing, walking bioweapons. With no fight to utilize that, what else is there? Well, much like the Nara have the Nara forest and Pharmacology specifically, The Aburame most likely have a historical stake in the area of Konoha, perhaps it was simply in their Ancestral Home. Idk, but they're here to stay, they ain't budging. They're Clan Culture is very Martial and I'd argue Spartan in nature, but otherwise, they do other things too. I think they'd do well as major players in the conservation and research of native species of animals and plants, but definitely insects too. I bet they play a huge part in the general area's ecosystem, especially due to the fact that the Kamizuru clan attacked with a whole clan's worth of non-native Hymenoptera that could very well have become and still are an irritatingly and consistent problem as invasive species tend to be. And as a far as goods go, why not put some of them to use and handle an apiary? Honey is a great good to sell. All of this is great as a clan that no longer needs to fight. But, what about individual members in general, and so Shino?
Well Shino is the Heir of this clan. This Noble Clan. This "ready to throw hands at any moment" clan. It's future is in his hands, so to speak. So I doubt Shino would completely sever his connection to Shinobi life all together. And so, teaching at the Academy would be a great way to keep that connection. Teachers have to know their stuff, after all.
But what if in order to ensure teaching was his calling, Shino did his absolute best to make Jounin ASAP so he could take on a Genin Team. And. And by chance, it ended up being these three?? And they are absolutely STOKED!!! And they also pass Shino's genin test, which... would probably be a feat in it's own right. But they already know Shino, and Shino has bestowed upon them some wisdom they actually took to heart! Yeah, well, in reality they might be just a tad too old to be Shino's first official genin squad, but they were still his squad one point in a sense, right?
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Kon Nohara, Tano Ikemoto, and Aoki Kobayashi
I even gave them names help Imagine these three are already chuunin at least and decide they want to pay Shino a visit and even volunteer to help Shino during class time on a collective day off because they admire him so much (T~T)
But even then if not these three kiddos, maybe these three li'l shits lol
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Even in times of Peace, Shino's special set of skills seem too useful to waste, and being a Jounin teacher would definitely have been a way he could still go on missions, but also definitely commit to becoming a Sensei at the academy once he was 100% sure and got older. Kurenai became a Jounin/Genin Squad Leader in her late twenties, but in comparison I see Shino doing that more mid-20s. (He needs some time to travel and find his big bug friend and generally live a little?)
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Kurenai was a Genjutsu Specialist who manned a Tracker/Sensing based team. This sounds like it was a highly beneficial combination, even if she ended up being somewhat sadistic lol. Asuma was bound to Team 10 by Tradition as InoShikaCho and Sarutobi have that Pact together. Kakashi's team was literally Cherry Picked for him specifically by the 3rd Hokage. And Gai, a Taijutsu Specialist, had a team that Specialized in Taijutsu and Physical Offense.
Of all four teams, Kurenai and Gai were very suited to their teams, Gai in a complimentary way and Kurenai in a Challenging way. In that same vein, I think Shino would imitate Gai. Shino as a Shinobi himself has a general set of skills, but the way he goes about them are very niche. But, he was always very stealthy, and could sneak up on nearly anyone. Gags aside, he could go unnoticed as long as he wanted too, and by the time he was noticed or was ready to attack, he has you quite literally surrounded. Honestly I can see why Search and Destroy would be an Aburame's forte, but when there's no need, a person with a personal skill of high quality stealth could probably man a team with an emphasis on Reconnaissance and/or Surveillance, even Bodyguarding. I feel like Shino would probably put an emphasis on Stealth and Tracking too, utilizing his insects as sort of assistants that keep tabs on his students (Stealth Test) as well as to encourage just enough fear during too much down time in his students to inspire quality training opportunities, so maybe Kurenai rubbed off on Shino more than they all realized haha
(Plus I'm sure his students would be be smart and thoughtful enough to eventually understand what Shino and his bugs are: a complete unit. They realize just how strong and dedicated Sensei really is to be the way he is, and they all learn more in depth about Kikaichu and it's like WOW SENSEI YOU REALLY ARE RISKING BEING EATEN ALIVE EVERY SINGLE DAY, AREN'T YOU? But he's still here, because THAT'S how strong he's become over the years and the confidence to manipulate the Kikaichu while having to think of current chakra level, the most efficient use at any given time, how many he actually needs, how long usage will last, ect. They are high maintenance, man!)
Shino would no doubt produce highly skilled Bodyguards and Masters of Stealth. Maybe the type that would end up being in high demand for the eventual Celebrities that start to pop up as times change, but still very much needed when it comes to Criminal Activity, like in Sora-Ku?
But as time passes and he decided to teach at the Academy, he'd feel very at ease to do so. He'd be happy to be put in charge of all these children, because he would be able to help teach them things they need to know to defend themselves and others in a world where adults like Danzo had and will continue to exist. Maybe while he's at it, he'd use his stance as a Noble Clan Heir and accomplished Shinobi to push for changes in government with Sai's help and with Naruto and Shikamaru's cooperation? Like, the truth does come out, everyone on the Council were actually horrible and had too much power. So HERE are some ideas and REASONS why these ideas should be implemented because Shino's not going to let his brother's life and death be in vain!? HELL no, we WILL make some changes around here. Shino sees his students and just wants a future where no kid ever has to live in fear of being completely taken advantage of by the very system that was supposed to keep them safe and they pledged allegiance to.
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I cannot help but think of the quiet but absolute fear little Shino was harboring for the years to come after Torune was taken by that strange man and Father Shibi didn't even attempt to stop him. His own father didn't dare beat the shit out of this strange man who came looking for him, and the only solution for Shino to stay was for Torune to make himself look more desirable as an asset and be taken instead. I bet there was a lot of misplaced resentment there for a while, and talks that just didn't happen. Maybe a classmate doesn't show up to class one day and Shino is IMMEDIATELY stressed out and just... takes it upon himself to look for them after class. And he's relieved when he see they're simply at home with a fever. Shit like that just fucks with Shino, because theres people taking kids and no one is doing anything about it?? And then as Shino grew older he realized exactly what happened and how slimy the machine of Konoha really is and it was never completely Shibi's fault that Torune had to leave. He grows mentally at a faster rate than most of his classmates, and knows more than a kid really needs to know.
Shino doesn't want that for any other child. Shino is the kind of person who hears kids screaming outside of his house and he can't tell if they're playing or being murdered and it's stressful to the point he'll check through his window and he sees them for himself. He get stressed out seeing a kid in public unattended and WANTS to approach them to help if need be but also maybe he's overthinking it and the parents are there somewhere and he'd just end up looking suspicious. Like, that's what I kind of figure for Shino. He's so hyperaware of the power dynamic between kids and adults and seeing a kid so ready to fall victim to that makes Shino feel ill the more he thinks of what could happen. And he wonders if watching the kid in the market until they finally reunite with their parent so he could move on with the rest of his day causes him even a fraction of the the utterly disgusting flurry of nerves and fear that Shibi must have felt all those years ago. It goes along with his desire to spare every single little insect's life he can. It goes a long with the fact he only gets violent unless absolutely necessary. Like he wants to be strong but he doesn't want to go mad with power either, less he becomes the very thing that hurt him and his family in the first place.
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Originally Shino wanted to become strong to be able to defend himself because at a very young age adults failed him and Torune. But then that changes to defend not only himself, but others as he grows on a team, and realizes trust is important. And then he figured if there must be adults out there that would hurt a child, it's only logical that he should become one that would only nurture and teach one to be strong as well.
Anyway, yeah. Had some feelings. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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cvtqr · 4 years
pairings; eren jaeger x reader [+ jean x reader]
notes; this was also posted on my ao3, which has the same username as this one [cvtqr]
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“i never loved you y/n.” 
he slammed the door in your face. you didn't know why he was treating you this way. you've been with him every step of the road. there was no way he couldn't love you. you didn't want to leave. you didn't want to stop coming to see him. so you didn't stop. you weren't going to leave. you sunk down onto the concrete in front of his door.
on the other side eren was doing the same thing, just sitting against the door. he didn't want to see you. he didn't want to give into you. if he hurt you now he wouldn't hurt you in 365 days. but seeing your face was so hard. he never wanted to scream at you and slam the door in your face. right when you showed up the only thing he wanted to do was pull you into his arms. he wanted to feel your warmth. but he can't. he knew you were like a drug, he couldn't get enough. he also knew that he could never be with you again. no. not after 365 days. he could never give you a family, the life you deserved. his biggest mistake was falling in love with you. it was impossible to give you everything he wanted to. he never even knew when it happened. when you walked with him in the snow during training? when you saved him countless times? your soft, sweet smile? he needed you, but you didn't need him.
you ended up falling asleep on eren’s front porch, waking up the next morning from the bright sun shining directly onto your face. and the blonde boy standing in front of you.
“so he won't talk to you either hm? you should go, you don't deserve that y/n. he hasn't talked to anyone in days, im just leaving a bag for him to make sure he's taking care of himself and all.” 
you nodded and stood up, walking down the step on eren’s porch. 
“the captain wants to see you too. i think he wants you and jean doing field work today.”
“thanks” you mumbled out before going to meet up with levi. 
armin was right, you and jean were out on the field today. jean secretly cared about you and he hated seeing you like this. the bright cheerful girl, now not saying a word. you lost the glow in your eyes. as the sun set, you and jean were about done. riding your horses back to the stables, jean took a turn.
“where are you going.”
“come on, y/n.”
sighing, you turned the direction of your horse, following jean.  
he stopped over the lake, the sun setting above you two.
“i used to come here with marco all the time.”
you looked up and over at jean.
“s-sorry, lets go.”
“wait jean.- i, i miss him too.”
“do you maybe wanna get dinner in town? we haven't ate in awhile and you seem very down today.”
“i don't know jean...”
“oh come on, my treat.”
knowing you couldn't go home and cook with eren like you used to do, you accepted his offer. 
279 days
the time for you and jean to do field work all day came around again. after, you found yourself in town with him again. over the past 86 days you found yourself going to eren’s less and less. after hanging out with jean all day for the first time, you realized that you both had a lot in common. jean lost someone and even though eren was still here, you lost him. you now only go there about once a week with armin, just to leave a bag with a note on his doorstep. he completely ghosted everyone. he hasn't talked to anyone in almost 100 days. you were the last person he spoke to. 
back to today, you found your smile slowly coming back. but were you over eren? no. not at all. jean just simply made you somewhat happy. out in town the both of you decided to try food from a bunch of carts. that was until you got to a small band playing music. jean pulled you close to him and started slowly swaying the both of you together. jean knew you were probably wishing he was eren, but that was ok with him. he had you in his arms.
what you didn't know, eren was sitting on a nearby bench. from a far, he was un recognizable. his hair draped over his shoulders and he hasn't shaved in months. he looked like shit. he questioned his decision of pushing everyone away. should he have spent the 365 days with you? no. no no no no no, he made the right choice. now he would just have to watch your life with jean. even though it hurt, it hurt like hell, this is what he wanted for you.
123 days 
wow, its been awhile since you've seen eren. you stopped going there. you didn't feel like need. its been way over 200 days. you had jean now. you were so close, yet so far to being over eren. but you didn't want to hurt jean by going to see your ex-lover. jean didn't bring up marco, you didn't bring up eren. you haven't had as much time with jean that you had with eren, but you were slowly falling in love with him.
just the little things.
4 days
letters. eren had written a letter to each and every one of his friends, but no. he only needed you to see yours. he ripped up the rest, but put yours into a plain white envelope, leaving it on his kitchen table. he needed to think about a lot of things in the next four days.
1 day 
eren took all his decorations down. all the pictures of you two that he's been looking at for the past 364 days. the only thing left was the letter, still set on his counter.
2 days after 
y/n. open in five years. i understand if you want to throw this out and forget about me, but give it a chance.
that's what you read on the envelope left on eren’s counter. 
you and close friends cleaned out eren’s house, collecting his personal belongings.  
saying the day was gloomy is being generous. the next few years were gloomy.
1825 days after
“marco kirstein! get back here right now or im getting your father.” 
you never imagined yourself chasing after a three year old toddler while your husband drank coffee on the balcony five years later. 
1826 days later
“have fun on your camping trip boys. connie loose my child when jean goes on that interview and ill kill you.”
“mommy stop worrying! uncle connie is a great babysitter!” 
6 hours later
you un crumpled the old envelope sitting in a box of belongings. 
hey sugar! so i see you didn't forget about me. if im right you have started a family? or that's what i hope at least...
those last 365 days were painful as all hell. sorry for bringing up old memories but i just want to clear things up with you. i lied the last time i saw you. i love you. i loved you so much. that's why i needed to let go. I've been watching you and jean over the past few months. you seem happy. stay that way please. i fucking cannot stand jean but please don't let go of him. if you're reading this and you did, i hope your children get/got your genes so they don't have horse faces. 
i don't even know why im writing this, i guess i just wanted to say i had to let go so you wouldn't get hurt once i died. i thought it would be less painful for you that way. im so sorry if i hurt you at first. so, so sorry. at least you had jean. someone, just like i wanted you too. 
im not sure if i regret my decision. actually scrap that i shouldn't have wrote that because i don't have an eraser. i don't regret it. but i just wanted to let you know that i loved you over those last 365 days. tell the gang i said hey.
i love you, my atlantis.
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holyalto · 2 years
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♡ A Sims Tag! ♡
This is from ALMOST a year ago. I seen it in my drafts so it's getting posted NOW because I'm finally playing the sims again lol.
Show us a rendition of yourself in your own art! Can be anything! Sims render? Random stick figure? Picrew? Go nuts! (Just be sure to tag the artist if you use someone else’s picrew!!!!) Tag the blogs you want to know, and don’t be a dick that’s it! Also, feel free to answer as vague or in-depth as you want. And if you don’t want to answer a question for any reason just don’t vibe with it! Skip it if you wanna!
(original tag by morgynemberisagenderfluiddaddy and the original post is here. i was tagged by cosmiksims, thank you!!)
1.) Do you prefer to be referred by your name or blog name?
either one is fine with me! i go by my nickname on here anyway. my full name is mercedes. :)
2.) Where are you from?
ohio. i have never tasted anything except corn and chocolate covered blobs of peanut butter in my life. someone please help me.
3.) Do you have pets? 👀
yes! my fiance and i have quite a few. we have a cat named tiramisu, a guinea pig named cookie, a bearded dragon named borris, a leopard gecko named anubi and a florida king snake that i call roach because i can't pronounce his real name <3 (and i don't like him rip)
4.) Tell us about your “dream.”
i just want to be a good mother, partner, friend, family member, stranger. that's it. i know it's very simplistic but that's my dream. i want to be a good person.
5.) Aside from art, what are your hobbies?
my 'art' is playing the sims apparently hahahaha. uhm, i like other video games as well. more simulation management style. things like software inc, jurassic world evolution, project highrise, tropico, ANIMAL CROSSING EEEEE, etc.
6.) Does anyone irl know about your blog?
my fiance! he called my bee legacy 'fan fiction' and i nearly died.
7.) Do you know anyone from your blog irl?
8.) What are some fun facts about you?
i own every animal crossing main game. i still play pokemon go everyday. i have a six month old son who is VERY cute. and i'm turning 22 next month.
9.) What’s your day job?
i'm a stay at home mom :)
10.) What’s your aesthetic?
uh!! next question because i'm just... slob trait lmao
11.) What kind of artist are you?
i actually went to graphic design school. college sucks hard when you're mentally ill tho lol
12.) How did you get into your form of art?
art - wattpad. i was 12 and started making book covers for people haha. i got really into photo manipulation after that and took that as my focus in vocational school and then went and did about two semesters of it in college. sims - i was 11 and wanted the paranormal pack. my mom went out and bought it for me because i begged for it for days. i played with it daily and eventually collected all of the sims 3 packs except for the last one. it took me a long time to switch to sims 4 after release because i was stubborn. i bought it like four months late, opened it twice, hated that i didn't understand the controls, and refused to play it again until a few months later.
13.) What do you watch/listen/read/anything else while you create?
youtube mostly, in the background. a lot of flabaliki/simssupply and buzzfeed unsolved because i love them and their dumb faces so much.
14.) What meme would you use to describe yourself?
probably the 'not a thought behind those eyes' tiktok audio
15.) If you were on the run, what would you change your name to?
why would i just give away information i may need in the future
16.) Have you ever or do you want to change blog names?
yes! i want to but i have some cc that uses that name. so i'll stick with it.
17.) God forbid Tumblr decides to pull a MySpace and lets us have page songs, what song would you choose?
i would simply delete my blog.
and now, the tags. only if you’re comfortable though! ♡ just tagging the people i see most in my notifications. don't feel pressured <3 @almost-spring @coatedinhoney @whyhellosims + absolutely anyone else. just say i tagged you.
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fairfowl · 3 years
Lie There and Breathe pt 2: A Poor Choice of Watchmen
A horde clone oc story (part one here)
Tw: mild gore, cult indoctrination
The next time that the clone awoke it was to a feeling of coldness. The bandages that were wrapped around his head had become soaked. 
The clone reached a hand up to touch the wet cloth over his face, wondering if someone had poured water over him while he slept, but as consciousness returned to him he realized that it was more likely blood. The wetness had dampened the bandages, and then dripped down onto the thin pillow under his head. It was very unpleasant. 
The emptiness in his mind seemed to amplify the pain from his wounds, leaving the frantic signaling from his nervous system to echo around inside his skull rather than travel outward into the hivemind as intended. He missed feeling his brothers, and being felt. He missed the comforting thought of Horde Prime Feeling him and Knowing him as an extension of his own glorious self. 
It was no wonder, the clone thought, that other species were so desperate and primitive. How could one be anything but when left trapped within their own mind?
He was already tired of being alone.
The clone took a slow breath, and listened for his brother The Breather beside him. He quickly isolated the familiar rasping sound from the chaos surrounding them. The wheezing sound was quieter than it had been, and the clone reached out, hoping that his companion had not been moved further away. His talons at first met empty air.
The clone strained further, partially lifting himself off the cot as he reached blindly across the void.
Eventually he found what he sought.
The soft strong skin of a fellow clone. 
It appeared that while the clone had slept someone had come and propped The Breather up in a half sitting position. The clone noticed that his companion's breaths seemed to come easier from the change and wondered at the improvement as he traced The Breather's arm from wrist to shoulder. 
He scooted as closely to the edge of the cot as he could manage, still too weak to sit up on his own, and rested a hand on his companion's arm.
"You should wake up Brother." He said softly, his voice rough from disuse. "I don't know what's happening but with two of us we will stand a better chance than one." 
The Breather slept on, each breath long and slow. For his part the clone found that he didn't mind.
"That is fine." He said aloud, feeling silly and slightly hysterical. "I will keep watch for both of us, I-" 
The clone stopped abruptly, as the tide of panic lapped at his mind once again. For all that he had been blind since first awakening the darkness seemed to become more menacing the more that he thought about it. The clone shuddered but soldiered on, continuing his one-sided conversation.
"Although I am a poor choice of watchmen at the moment." 
He needed to remain calm. If he kept his wits and didn't panic he and The Breather would still have a chance. 
If he stayed calm then they might survive. 
He did not stop to wonder when he had become they. All the clone knew that he wanted both of them to make it through this, although for the first time he did not know what the future held. It had all seemed so simple before, he would have served Prime for the length of his existence, whether he perished in battle or simply reached the end of his useful life. Now Prime was gone and the clone was still shocked by his own urge to continue living.
On an impulse, the clone stretched further across the void to hold his companion's shoulder bracingly, craving the grounding physical contact-
And promptly toppled to the ground as his cot overbalanced, the wooden frame falling on top of him with a crash.
For a moment all he knew was pain. His head rung like a struck bell, and warmth bloomed upon this wounded face, mingling with the now cold fluids that already soaked his bandages. Smaller sharp pains pulled and stung across his body. The clone was surprised to find that he had yet more injuries, he had been so distracted by the persistent pain from his eye and face that he simply hadn't noticed. Not until he moved.
Still the discovery of his collection of cuts and scrapes was immediately overshadowed by the new bruises that he had surely just gained.
The cot was heavy, pressing hard onto his back and legs, and the chaotic noise of the tent had fallen to a hush.
"Are you okay?" Someone was beside him, kneeling down to his level. The clone briefly considered yelling but decided that it wouldn't help. Instead he simply scoffed and tried to lift himself from the ground. 
After a few moments of futile struggling the clone felt two arms grab him beneath the arms, hoisting him up and righting the cot with a set of practiced movements. His head spun. 
He listened through the relative silence for The Breather and concentrated again on the repetitive rasping noise as he was set down on the cot in a seated position, his legs dangling as counterbalance while the stranger supported his shoulders.
The new person was talking to him, but he did not hear them. The clone was too focused on breathing in time with his companion, slowing his heart rate as his head continued to spin. Eventually he regained control of himself, and tuned head towards the person beside him.
"Hi" they said, their voice low and soft, as though they were speaking to a frightened animal. The clone had already guessed that the person interacting with him was Etherian but now he was sure. They smelled like grass. 
"Hello" He responded, feeling out of his depth. Was this one of his new masters? Did they know the extent of his damage? Maybe they were also someone conquered by the Etherian Princesses and the She-Ra. 
“Hey,” they greeted again, the clone did not understand why but said nothing “You took a pretty bad fall there, do you think you reopened any injuries?” 
Now the voice was hesitant, as though the speaker was afraid of him. Before the fall of Prime the clone would have thought them correct to be afraid, but now he lacked the will to lash out. Truly without Prime he was a pathetic creature. 
“I- I think my face is bleeding again…” Indeed the warmth that had bloomed against his cheek felt as though it was dripping downward, mixing with the fluids that already soaked his bandages. 
“Yeah, yeah those definitely need to be changed.” The Etherian said, a hand still holding the clone’s shoulder to steady him. “What do you think, Master?” 
“I think they should have been changed a few hours ago.” The clone startled as a wry voice chimed in from a few feet away, not far from where The Breather continued to sleep. “This one’s been shuffled off to the corner, but his head wounds will get infected if we don’t clean that up. They might be infected already.” 
“Okay, I’ll rewrap them.” The first voice replied. The clone felt a new hand grip his shoulder, larger and less gentle than the first, as the Etherian on his side hopped up and walked away, their footsteps vanishing into the noise of the tent. 
"Master…" He said slowly, concentrating on The Breather's quiet rasp as his heartbeat quickened. Fear coursed through him but he refused to relinquish control. "Are you to rule over us now that Horde Prime is dead?"
The very words felt blasphemous, but after so many hours of lying blind and helpless with no idea what was happening The Clone found that he had to know. 
"Oh! No!" The person beside him replied, his hand tightening against the clone's sore shoulder. "No no, not until you're no longer my patient at least."
The gruff voice chuckled. 
"I am a Master Healer of Mystacor, you may call me Master Mendus, or just Mendus if you’d prefer.” The clone nodded, unsure of the meaning of most of the words he’d just heard but doing his best to absorb them anyway. “Dawn, the one who helped you up, is one of my apprentices. I’ve assigned you to her care.”
As if on cue the footsteps returned, and the soft voice with them.
“I got the supplies. Master, can you hold him up while I unwrap his face?” The second Etherian—Mendus—said nothing, but the clone felt him shift, and the air moved as Dawn stood directly before him.
Slightly overwhelmed by the sudden attention of two alien beings the clone felt himself stiffen up, holding himself as straight as he could manage although still relying on Mendus’s hands to keep upright. Panic still hovered at the edges of his consciousness like a threat, but he held himself together to the best of his ability. 
If he lost control now he could be punished or taken away, and The Breather would be left alone. He would not leave his helpless brother to the mercies of their captors. 
Dawn’s gentle hands reached up to his face and the clone suppressed a flinch as he felt her slowly begin to unwrap his bandages. Throughout his entire stay within the healing tent he had seen only darkness, swathed in bandages and blood, but as they were peeled away light shone through his right eyelid, green and dim but present nonetheless. 
His heartbeat quickened, and the clone felt his claws scrape wood as he gripped the edge of his cot. 
Layer by layer the bandages unwound. They stuck over his left eye, but each time they did Dawn sprayed them with a cool liquid that wet them enough to come apart without pain. Eventually cool dry air touched his face and scalp for the first time, and the clone found that the only thing covering his eyes and wound was a gauze pad that stuck there, held by the gore beneath it.
“This might hurt.” Dawn warned, spraying more of the fluid directly onto his face. The liquid penetrated the bandage and stung as it entered the wounds on his left side, he could feel fresh blood welling up and dripping down his cheek. The clone could also feel himself beginning to shake as the gauze pad was carefully peeled away, exposing the wreck of his face to the open air.
And for the first time since Horde Prime’s defeat the clone opened his eye.
Thank you for tuning in to the continued adventures of Chamomile and Calamine the clones (AKA the clone and The Breather)
This time Chamomile actually speaks although he hasn’t much to say, we also meet two new characters
Master Mendus is exactly what he says he is, a healer from Mystacor who has taken responsibility for the hospital tent where our heroes currently reside. He’s a good man...or a good fawn as it were...
Dawn is one of several of Mendus’s apprentices and is currently responsible for both Chamomile and Calamine, she’s a dutiful gentle young doe. She will be Chamomile’s first real link to the Etherians and will help him and Calamine as they go on. Despite her sweet nature she is isolated from her family and seeking out connections
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shibaraki · 3 years
hi my name is sae (she/her, 18) and i'd like to be patched up by one of the haikyuu boys :) people describe me as quiet until i come out of my shell, as well as artistic and caring. i'm kind of a loner and i don't have many friends; its also taking me longer to warm up to people these days. i guess i just wanna know what it's like to be someone's first choice n be genuinely appreciated? a lot of times i just feel sad and i'm very affection starved. n e wayz . my love language is quality time. mbti type is intp. and i'm a scorpio. my hobbies are digital art, watching anime, caring for succulents, and collecting bts merch. ideal first date is going to a cat cafe n then going home w that person n watching anime until we fall asleep <3
hello Sae it's lovely to meet you! thank you for participating and for all the detail, it really helped! I hope you like it ^^
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You will be patched up by... MIYA OSAMU
OSAMU is similar to you in some ways, he is reserved with those he isn't close with and is very pensive. I think he would connect with you through that. Similarly Osamu is also a creative, though not artistically, but in the culinary field. You quickly find things to connect over, and once he's comfortable with you his barriers drop easily. His trust of you makes you feel at ease and you will find yourself spending most of your time with him.
His open mindedness extends to learning about you and your hobbies. Osamu is very invested in the things you love and will ask genuine questions about it. He is the type to show off your creations publicly and doesn't particularly understand why you find it embarrassing.
Osamu shows his affection through actions, something he tries to make clear to you. He's also an out of the box thinker, to some peoples surprise, and is good at coming up with solutions to any personal problems you share with him. His thought process is much more objective and therefore he is good at sharing different possible perspectives.
Osamu is a homebody and a giver. At most all he wants is for your stomach to be full and your heart to be happy.
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Taking one look out the window of your workplace, you feel your face twist in displease. The rain has worsened, not stopped like your app had suggested, and now you had no choice but to walk to the bus stop. You hadn't called your boyfriend, Osamu, simply because you knew he was still working. Sun or rain, Onigiri Miya was always pretty busy at this hour, what with people walking home from work and all. You didn't want to burden him, his business was his first priority after all.
So you switch off your laptop, stuffing it into the case and collect your things. Many of your colleagues had left already, you'd had to stay behind to discuss something with a senior member of staff, and it seems during that timeframe the weather had decided to spite you.
You take your phone out to text Osamu and let him know you were leaving the building as you always did, but halfway through typing the message you abruptly walk into a firm body.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry sir- Samu?" You startle. Osamu is standing before you, umbrella by his side now closed and drenched along with his coat. His cheeks are wind bitten and red, but his eyes are soft as he leans down to kiss you in greeting.
"I preferred sir," he teases against your lips with a grin before pulling away and leaning down to take your bag from you.
"W-what are you doing here? Your restaurant is still open!" you stammer, trying to grab the bag back but he holds it away from your reach with a playful roll of his eyes. You glare.
"Yes, it is, and my staff are perfectly fine running it alone for an hour," he reassures you firmly, eyes skimming over your outfit. You grimace at his frown, knowing he was internally scolding you for forgetting your coat at home. "Making sure you get home safely is much more important" he mutters, reaching for his own zip and pulling it down to shrug out of the jacket, hanging it over your shoulders.
"You are my first priority".
No one had ever made you feel this valued before. You think if the space in your chest was a skyline, the clouds there would part and the sun would shine through.
Pulling the coat closer you lean into his side under the umbrella, letting him lead you to the car. To home.
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Insecurity infirmary (closed)
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official-weasley · 3 years
Charlie's Helping Hand
A/N: For all who don't know @am-i-space and I are (healthily obsessed) with freckled gingers who steal your heart because they are adorable and pure! Two of those are the one and only Charlie Weasley and Commander Gren from The Dragon Prince.
We have made up quite a few stories about them (separate and together) and about a month ago we came up with Charlie being friends with Gren and Amaya. @am-i-space had the idea for a drawing of the 3 of them at once and without really knowing we were doing it, we started working together on this little project below my rambling!
After definitely not losing their mind about the eyes and Charlie's hair EVEN ONCE and me finally getting the inspiration for how to bring Charlie into a different universe, we are ready to post it!
As you might've figured by now the drawing below this author's note belongs to the beautiful, talented and amazing @am-i-space who pleasantly surprised me with every draft piece I received of this drawing and the story behind how this drawing "came to be" belongs to yours truly.
PS. Read to the end to find out how this beautiful piece of art came to existence in the story 💙🖤
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“Charlie, you are going to love Katolis.” Gren grinned at his friend as they were walking up the path that will take them back to Gren's homeland.
“I love traveling so I think I will have no problem with it,” Charlie smiled back at him, “and besides you said that it's full of magic and dragons just roam free. It's like you are describing a dream.”
“It wasn't always like that. Dragons were feared and people and magic folk didn't know how to live together.” Gren sighed, remembering the days before their land became one.
“Right, king Ezran and his brother were running away from an elf assassin and they found an egg and joined forces to return it to its mother.” Charlie narrowed his eyes, trying to get the facts straight.
It's been almost two years since the great battle at the Storm Spire. The dragon queen has awakened and Zym was finally reunited with his mother. She took care of him, taught him how to fly better – even though Ez did an incredible job already. She also showed her son how to roar and how to use his electric breath.
Xadia was one land again and it thrived like never before. The magic spread to the Five Kingdoms and the people and the magic folk could move freely without sneaking around and fear each other.
Everything was perfect until one day when the dragon prince went flying and got caught up in a giant storm. Because he was still struggling to control his wing movement – when the winds were strong – he got caught up in a whirl and got smashed into a mountain.
Azymondias was found by his mother after she went looking for him as he didn't return home. At first, he appeared to be fine but when the queen wanted to take him flying she noticed that one of his wings was damaged. She sought help from the king of Katolis and his friends.
King Ezran's heart was broken when he found out and gathered a party to visit Zym at once. He couldn't believe it was even worse than he imagined it would be – all of Zym's bones in his left wing were broken and no matter how many elves and how many mages they gathered, nothing could mend his wing.
It seemed that all was lost and that the dragon prince will never be able to fly until one night when Commander Gren was finally ready to talk about his experience of being locked up in the castle dungeon by lord Viren.
He told his best friend general Amaya about everything he heard and seen happening. With his help, they were able to find the coins in which Viren stored souls and with the help of a high mage from the kingdom of Duren their lives were restored and Runaan was safely returned to his husband Ethari and his adopted niece Rayla.
Because Gren found it hard to talk about the whole situation and would gladly completely forget about the horrid experience, he decided to visit Runaan at his home in Silvergrove.
Every time Gren woke up in the middle of the night, having a nightmare that he was back in that dungeon, he felt like he was missing something. He knew that Viren was going down there for a reason and not just to interrogate Runaan. The thoughts kept him awake and he tried his hardest to remember where he was going and if he heard any noises that would help him figure it out.
As Gren expected, Runaan wasn't keen on talking about his experience in the castle of Katolis either but when Gren explained his feelings and the need to talk about it and to help him find out what was happening while they were there, Runaan put his feelings aside and decided to share his part of the story.
When Runaan told Gren about the weird questions Viren was asking him about a mirror and what does it do and how important it had to be for the lord because he seemed very frustrated when he didn't get his answers, Gren decided that it was time to put his fear aside and head down to the dungeons once more.
After telling Amaya everything and informing her of his plan to go and investigate – being so sure that the guards missed something when they rescued him – Amaya wanted to go with him.
She knew Gren more than anyone and it still pained her to this day that she was so far away when everything Viren was doing back at the castle went down that she simply couldn't allow him to relive that alone. She knew Gren was brave and just about the most optimistic and cheerful person she will ever have a chance to meet but she also knew that behind his bubbly personality Gren was hiding all the negative feelings and the trauma of what he went through in those few weeks while being down there.
She knew there will be no way of stopping Gren from going because he has never been so sure that something Viren was hiding down there could help Zym so instead of arguing with her lieutenant she decided to go with him.
As always when they go on a mission they geared up – better be too safe than sorry – and headed to the dungeons.
Before they opened the door that led to the lower parts of the castle, Amaya turned to Gren one more time.
Are you really sure you want to do this? She signed.
I am. I have to see what is down there or I will never have a peaceful night's rest. Gren signed back, his brows furrowed in determination.
Amaya just nodded, admiring how brave her best friend was for facing his problem head-on, and opened the door.
They walked down the stairs and came to the place where Gren was cuffed.
Amaya gave him a worried look while Gren avoided looking at her and the wall he was chained to. Taking a deep breath he first headed to where he knew Runaan was kept. They only found an empty cell with a small window with bars on it so they headed in the other direction.
They have been looking around, opening doors to empty cells for about half an hour until Gren tried turning the knob of a wooden door and it didn't open.
He exchanged a look with Amaya who nodded to him that he should force-open it with his foot. Gren did as he was told but the door still didn't move.
Amaya frowned – not liking when something didn't go her way – so she stepped next to Gren and counting to 3 on her fingers they repeated the action together. The door gave way to their force and they stumbled inside.
The room was a bit bigger than the others they have found. It was windowless making it completely dark with only a small wooden table, a chair, and something covered with a cloth.
Is this it? Amaya signed at Gren who was observing the covered artifact with his mouth slightly opened.
Gren could only muster a small nod. Amaya knew that this was hard on Gren and even though her curiosity was growing she gave him the time to make the step toward it and uncover the object.
The commander shook his head to collect his thoughts and swallowed thickly before approaching it. He lifted his arm slowly, grabbed the cloth, and pulled it down. Amaya and Gren both gasped, not prepared to see a mirror in front of them.
At the first glance, it looked like any other mirror, but then something shone inside it and their reflections disappeared. They saw what looked like an empty office or a library. They knew at once that this was no ordinary mirror and that it would be best if they don't meddle with it but call in someone who might better know what this mirror is for or better yet what it does.
After a month of searching and inviting the best mages in the whole land, including elves from all parts of Xadia, they figured out that the mirror served as a prison in another realm for a startouch elf. They were able to find an elf that knew of startouch elves and who they were.
The only one of their kind the king of Katolis and his aunt Amaya knew was Aaravos who they had to fight to keep Zym alive at the battle that brought them peace. Since lord Viren was associated with Aaravos it was only reasonable that he was the one who was inside the mirror.
King Ezran wasn't delighted to find out that this wasn't the last they would hear of the elf and wanted to resolve the mystery behind the mirror at once.
“You mean the little bug that turned into an elf with a bigger bug around his shoulder?” Soren asked, perplexed when Ezran was telling him, Callum, Corvus, and Opeli what was going on.
“Do you know anything about him?” Ezran gasped, encouraging Soren to tell him more.
“Well, not really. Father was very secretive about him. I remember when we were marching to Lux Aurea he was talking to the little bug on his ear. If my memory isn't deceiving me, Viren was telling him about how he and your dad, Ezran, defeated the dragon king.” Soren said, rubbing his chin and trying to remember more.
“Why would Aaravos want to know about that?” Opeli failed to understand.
“Perhaps he was trapped in the mirror when that happened?” Corvus suggested.
“Viren sounded very proud of his accomplishment, speaking with the voice he uses when he brags about something to someone for who he thinks he did them a favor.” Soren continued.
“Why would killing Zym's dad be a favor to Aaravos?” Ezran thought out loud.
“No!” Callum gasped and stood up.
“What? What did you remember?” Ezran wanted to know.
“No, it's too farfetched.” Callum swung his hand for them to stop paying attention to him.
“No, no. Do tell,” Opeli encouraged him, “perhaps you are onto something.”
“Well,” Callum cleared his throat, “would it be possible that the dragon king had something to do with Aaravos' imprisonment inside the mirror?”
“Get aunt Amaya and gather the elves and the mages again! We have to discuss this!” Ezran stood up and gave the order to Soren and Corvus who nodded and rushed out of the throne room at once.
“It would be possible for the dragon king to entrap the elf inside a mirror.” The high mage of Bel Dur said after hearing the proposal from prince Callum.
“However,” a mage from Neolandia cut in, “in order to do that Thunder would need someone from the realm on the other side of the mirror to help him, making your idea invalid.”
“Why?” King Ezran wanted to know.
“Well, to do that sort of powerful magic, the dragon king would have to have a dragon on the other side of the mirror from which to draw that kind of power.” The mage explained.
“Why would that make my idea invalid?” Callum asked.
“Because there is no such thing as dragons in other realms,” the mage said confidently.
“An hour ago you didn't even know there were other realms and now you are trying to convince us that in those other places dragons can't exist?” Opeli raised her eyebrows.
“Alright,” the mage sighed, “let's say that a place where Aaravos was entrapped does have dragons, how exactly does this help us with the dragon prince's wing?”
“Don't you get it?” Ezran stood up. “Nobody in Xadia can help Zym and this other realm could be full of dragons. What if there is someone who could heal Zym? What if they possess just the magic we would need to help Zym fly again?”
“You do have a point, your majesty,” the high mage of Bel Dur bowed to the king, “however...”
“However, how do we know whoever lives on the other side isn't a threat to us? To the dragon prince, to our kingdoms? Who is to say that they would be willing to help us?” The mage interrupted him.
King Ezran decided to call a meeting with the dragon queen to ask her if she could confirm their speculations and wasn't all that surprised when she told him that it was the dragon king who imprisoned Aaravos in a realm called Earth where magic works differently than in Xadia and despite Aaravos being the strongest and the most ancient of elves, he wouldn't be able to use their type of magic.
After much deliberation, king Ezran has decided to take the risk and explore the realm on the other side of the mirror.
“We have to help Zym. No one in the whole Xadia could mend his wing and we have to try. We can't have the dragon prince not be able to fly. I know it's dangerous and a lot of you will think that I am making a rash decision based on my feelings and me being a kid, but this is how I decided and I am willing to take the risk for Xadia and our kingdom.” Ezran said, his brows together in determination. “We needed years of war and conflict to unite our lands together again and if we aren't willing to help and take the risks needed to move forward then we are back at the beginning and I will not allow that to happen.”
The crown guards and the king's advisors nodded, agreeing with him, while some of the mages from other kingdoms had their reservations.
In the end, it didn't matter as only a day later were they gathering a team courageous enough to walk through the mirror and seek help.
You want to do what? Amaya was signing as fast as her fingers allowed her, frowning at the idea Gren just proposed.
I need to go. I feel that I need to go. I had the feeling about the mirror and look where it brought us. Gren tried convincing her.
You did enough, Gren. Amaya pleaded.
It's been so nice to have him by her side again after being separated on so many occasions during the war and now it will happen again and Amaya wasn't sure she can let it happen.
Soren is going. I have to try. This could be my chance to prove that I am not only good at interpreting.
Nobody is saying that Gren, and you know it.
You never protested so much before, what has gotten into you? Gren wanted to frown but his expression softened instead, looking at his best friend.
I guess I got used to the fact of you being by my side again. Amaya moved her fingers slowly as if she was hesitant to admit this.
“Oh.” Gren breathed out loud before stepping closer to Amaya and pulling her into a hug.
I know. I feel the same but please give me a chance to do this. I will be back before you know it.
Gren bestowed Amaya with one of his warming smiles to which she never could stop her lips from curving too.
Alright, but promise me you'll be safe and cautious. She playfully nudged him in the ribs before hugging him again and saying goodbye.
The next day Gren, accompanied by 5 of Ezran's most trusted crown guards – including Soren – and a mage made their way down to the dungeons once again to walk through the mirror and seek help from the other side.
It took 7 mages to figure out how the mirror works and how to get the crew through it. They warned them they will have a small window to do this that's why they couldn't take more people.
Gren was standing in front of the mirror – the last one to be transported through it.
“Here we go,” he whispered to himself, took a deep breath, and without turning his head to see his best friend one more time, disappeared.
“And this is where I come in.” Charlie wiggled his nose, trying to hide that he was nervous as Gren told him the story for the fourth time.
“Look, I know it sounds insane.” Gren sighed. “We found a mirror who entrapped the most powerful elf that ever lived in Xadia and then we went through it, followed the roar of a dragon, found the Sanctuary, and for some reason you were mad enough to say yes to our proposal.”
“In my defense, you said that a baby dragon... No, no, let me correct myself – a storm baby dragon – which is a myth here on Earth, needed help and then you said that you are not from Earth at all but from another realm so you tricked me.” Charlie sniggered.
“Well, my hidden talent to know when someone cares for something deeply has finally come to use.” Gren smiled proudly.
“Just don't get your hopes up. I might be a dragonologist but you said that no wizard...”
“Mage.” Gren corrected him.
“That no mage could help Zym so I am not sure how much I can do.” Charlie bowed his head.
“I know, but it is admiring that you are willing to try and I believe that you will be able to do something, if nothing else advise us what we can do to help the dragon prince,” Gren said cheerfully, looking at his friend.
He and the guards have only been on Earth for a month and they are already going back – needing far less time than Gren or anybody expected them to need to figure out how the people on Earth could help Azymondias.
They were lucky enough that the late dragon king set Aaravos' prison near the Carpathians mountains which also happened to be the secret hideout of the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary.
They were walking for 2 days before they heard a dragon roar and followed the sound for another day before they arrived in front of what looked like an abandoned gate. The mage tore down the enchantments and without thinking twice about it, they entered.
To say that the people working in the Reserve were in shock and not really sure what they were looking at was an understatement. It doesn't happen every day that a group of people with armor and swords walk straight through the gate.
Luckily, dragonologists are very simple and open-minded people – Gren has noticed – so it was easy to explain what was going on.
The second they said that a dragon needed help, a bunch of them volunteered but Gren knew that they can only take one person back so he asked the kind people if they could stay for a few days to observe their work and then pick the one that seemed the best suited for the job.
Charlie stood out to Gren immediately, because he was one of the few that simply raised their hand to volunteer instead of being loud and jumping in the air. His calmness suited him and he intrigued Gren the second he followed him around the next morning and saw how he handled the dragons.
The fellow red-haired dragonologist reminded Gren very much of king Ezran and how he talks to animals. The second Gren decided that this business was too urgent for him to be shy and not talk to him, he approached the dragon tamer and asked him about his ability to talk to dragons.
Charlie cocked an eyebrow at him and laughed a little, thinking the commander was joking, only to compose himself a second later when he saw just how serious Gren was.
With observing his work and asking him all sorts of questions Gren deemed him perfect for the job.
He wasn't even that surprised that he got Charlie on board without any effort.
The second the sun rose the next morning and Charlie said goodbye to the dragons and his co-workers, they made their way back to the mirror.
Gren, you are back! Amaya was waiting next to the mirror for them to come back and hugged her friend the second he came out of it.
I'm alright. It went pretty smoothly. Gren smiled proudly.
Who is this? Amaya signed, nodding at Charlie and scanning him from head to toe.
This is Charlie Weasley, he's a dragon tamer back in the other realm and he is here to help Zym. Gren explained.
He's cute. Amaya winked at her friend.
I thought you were in a committed relationship with Janai? Gren giggled.
I meant for you. Amaya nudged him, making Gren's face as red as a strawberry.
Without replying, Gren rushed everyone out of the room, making the excuse to see Zym as fast as possible.
Amaya sent a squad to bring Zym to Katolis so that Charlie would have the time to settle in and get some rest and that he wouldn't get too overwhelmed by his surroundings.
The second he saw the dragon prince and heard his cheerful squeaks despite having an injured wing, Charlie's eyes glowed and he felt like all his dreams came true to see a dragon that not only doesn't breathe fire but can zap you with electricity.
Gren explained to him to the best of his abilities why they call Zym the dragon prince but when he bowed to the young dragon and heard the people behind him giggle, he knew he took it too far. With his cheeks turning scarlet, he cleared his throat and asked everybody to give him and Zym some space so he could do a proper check-up on him.
Amaya, Gren, Ezran, Callum, Soren, and Opeli all watched as Charlie sat down next to the dragon and started whispering something to him. It only took about a minute for Zym to trust him which – with everything Gren saw back in the Sanctuary – wasn't surprising at all.
Zym let Charlie position him in a way to have full access to the wing, while constantly murmuring something under his breath.
“So, did you manage to find out how to help him?” Ezran asked the second Charlie stood up and walked to them.
“I...uh...” Charlie stuttered not knowing how to begin.
“What? What's wrong?” Callum put his hand over his little brother's shoulder.
“I don't want to be rude so I don't know how to say it.” Charlie was embarrassed.
“Hey, we trust in your expertise so don't worry about it.” Gren encouraged Charlie to speak.
“Well, his wing is broken, you got that right but because dragons here and on Earth are magical creatures, magic can't help them much.” Charlie shook his head.
“So, there's nothing we can do?” Ezran was on the verge of tears.
“Quite the opposite, this is very good news. I thought that we would have to mend his broken bones with magic.” Charlie said in a cheerful voice to put Ezran in a better mood.
“And we won't need to use magic?” Soren got curious.
“No. Because Zym is still so young and will need years to grow fully, we would just have to immobilize his wing as much as possible until his bones mend themselves.” Charlie explained.
“It's that easy? ” Amaya signed, looking impressed and Gren interpreted.
“Yes. Zym is still growing and like with children it's easier to have a broken bone when you are young than when you're an adult. If Zym will be a good boy and obey when I put bandages on him, he should be better somewhere from around 6 months to a year if he is like the dragons we have back at home.” Charlie couldn't hide how proud he was of all the knowledge he had on dragons and healing.
“How are you going to wrap him up?” Ezran was beyond happy to know that his friend is going to be just fine.
“With magic, of course.” Charlie pulled out his wand.
“You made a mistake of trying to heal his wing with magic directly, that simply doesn't work with one of the most powerful beings in the world. In cases like this, you have to turn to the good old remedies.”
He walked back to Zym who extended his wing as much as he could for Charlie to do his magic.
Gren and his friends couldn't quite decipher what Charlie said for pieces of cloth to start flying out of his wand and bandage Zym's wing for him not to be able to move it.
“So our mission was all for nothing?” Gren bowed his head.
“On the contrary, commander,” Ezran grinned at him, “if you hadn't brought Charlie here, we would worry about Zym for years and his bones could regrow in a wrong way, and from what I can see, you wouldn't have made a friend.”
“True.” Gren gave the words of his king some thought.
“Also, I think that mister Weasley doesn't mind meeting another species of dragon.” Opeli giggled.
Gren turned around to where Charlie was trying to make Zym hold still so he could cast the spell with bandages on him a few more times and smiled to himself.
“Yeah, you're right. It was completely worth it.” He observed his friend doing his job for a few seconds more before the heat on his cheeks became too much and he turned to Amaya who winked at him with a smug expression on her face.
Gren playfully rolled his eyes and walked to Charlie.
“So, after you do this, how long is it going to last?” He wanted to know.
“Well, Zym is a very energetic and jumpy dragon and these bandages have to be tight for as long as possible so I would have to change them a few times per day.” Charlie chuckled when Zym let out a happy squeak.
“Meaning you will stay here?” Gren tried sounding normal but was bad at hiding his excitement.
“Would that be okay?” Charlie scratched the top of his head. “I mean I don't know how realms work or if this is even allowed?”
“We can ask the mages but since we stayed on Earth for a month, I think it wouldn't be a problem.”
“Well, I love traveling and would love to help Zym for as long as I can, so I wouldn't mind at all.” Charlie couldn't believe how lucky he was to embark on this amazing adventure.
“What about the people back at home? Won't they miss you?”
In the time Gren spent with Charlie, he had the opportunity to get to know him very well and it became evident early on that Charlie was a man who would do anything for his family and his loved ones.
“They will,” Charlie shrugged, “but they are used to seeing me only a few times per year and besides, it's work-related and they understand how much my job means to me.”
“In that case, I would...” Gren cleared his throat. “...I mean we would love to have you.”
“It's settled then. I am staying. I would just like to ask if there is a way for me to send a message home?”
“I am sure that can be arranged.”
Charlie and Gren turned around to the voice and saw king Ezran smiling at them.
“I would like to thank you personally, mister Weasley...”
“Please, king Ezran, call me Charlie.”
“Only if you stop calling me king,” Ezran giggled, “my friends call me Ez and I think it's safe to say that you are now a friend. Wouldn't you say so, Gren?”
“Exactly!” Gren exclaimed.
“As I was saying, I would like to thank you for doing this. You have no idea how much this means to the magic folk, to us people, and me personally.” Ezran walked to where Charlie was kneeling next to Zym and wrapped his arms around him.
Charlie let out a suppressed chuckle, not expecting a king to hug him, but then returned the embrace before standing up.
“I will need a place to stay.” Charlie giggled nervously as they were standing in front of the castle door, waiting for the guards to let them in.
“You can stay with us,” Gren said and pointed behind him.
Charlie turned around to see Amaya signing to Gren for him to interpret.
“I think you will fit in with us just nicely,” Gren translated while Amaya sent Charlie a wink.
No amount of freckles could hide the dragon tamer's burning cheeks as he couldn't believe just how nice everyone in Katolis was.
Gren and Amaya took him to the garden the second he came from the much-needed shower from all the kisses and licks Zym gave him. They were sitting on the bench and conversing – Charlie trying to take in as many signs as he could because he was determined to learn sign language.
“Charlie, I bring good news!” Prince Callum came out of nowhere. “Ez told me that you want to send a message home and asked me to talk to the mages. They can prepare the mirror for you tomorrow morning.”
“Thank you, Callum. That is indeed great news.” He grinned at the prince, relieved that he will have a chance to explain to his family where he has gone to.
“Now that it's official and you're staying I think we have to give you a rank.” Ezran appeared next to Callum.
“A rank?” Charlie tilted his head in confusion.
“And armor!” Callum exclaimed.
“What are you two talking about?” Gren chuckled at how excited they were and glanced at Amaya who just giggled as if she was hiding something.
Amaya, what did you do? Gren's curiosity got the better of him.
Well, since Brandon retired last year I am without my third in command so I am giving that position to Charlie. Amaya explained.
“To me?” Charlie jumped in his seat after Gren told him what was going on. “But I can't fight!”
“You are doing admirable work, worth of a title.” Gren interpreted.
“I-I don't know what to say.” Charlie was left speechless.
“Oh, I know what you could do!” Callum gasped loudly before running away from them.
Not even 5 minutes later, he came back with his sketchbook in his hands. Without saying anything he ordered Gren, Amaya, and Charlie – who were sitting on the bench – to stand up.
“We will celebrate with your official portrait,” Callum explained his actions.
The trio exchanged a look and then turned around when they heard someone clear their throat.
“Callum, you can't draw them without Charlie being in his new uniform.” Soren shook his head and handed Charlie a package.
The redhead was looking at it in awe before being rushed to the closest bathroom to try it on.
“Oh, look at you!” Soren and Ezran said together, admiring the scales on Charlie's chest.
“You look...” Gren's mouth fell open, lost for words.
Dashing. Amaya signed and winked at her best friend.
“Uhm, yeah.” Gren nodded.
Come on, Gren. Say it to him. She encouraged him.
“Dashing. Uhm, you...you look dashing.” Gren knew there was no way to hide his strawberry freckled face but seeing Charlie blush at his words too, he no longer cared.
The trio positioned themselves in front of Callum who drew them and as the crew watched him hard at work, sneaking looks at Charlie, they knew their group gained a new friend.
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manikas-whims · 3 years
Troublesome New Girl
Sequel to A Place Good Enough
[Read on AO3]
Characters: Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey, Kaz Brekker
Summary: Inej has newly joined the Dregs. She goes to return Kaz's coat in the presence of many members. *cue the teasing & jokes*
Jesper meets Inej & evidences of Jesper's crush on Kaz (tiny bit of angst).
Kaz is his usual self & sets an example. A violent one :)
I just noticed this complete written fic has been sitting in my drafts for a month now. I'm so dumb 〒_〒
Hope you guys enjoy!
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The constant noise of banging against wood rouses Inej from her sleep. She looks around haphazardly only to find herself lying on a cot in an unknown room, her torso covered by a grey coat. Sun's rays blind her eyes momentarily as she turns her face, an open window staring back at her, not the daunting walls of the Menagerie. Memories of the previous night flood back and her shoulders deflate in relief. She takes a long breath to calm her rapidly beating heart. She doesn't need to endure Heleen's beatings or sell her body anymore. She is free of that life. Free.
“Oi new girl!” a voice calls, followed by more knocking at the wooden door to her small room. “Brekker told me to bring you some clothes. I’m leaving a pair out here.”
Right! Kaz Brekker had promised her better clothes. She leaves the comfort of the cot but by the time she unlocks the door to thank whoever was on the other end, the person is gone. She catches a short glimpse of a feminine figure with blond hair at the stairs and vows to thank her later. Picking up the clothes, she closes the door.
When Jesper had heard his fellow Dregs gossiping about Dirtyhands bringing back a girl with him late at night, he hadn’t given it much thought. He had ignored Anika when she had said that she was literally asked by Kaz himself to provide the said girl with some clothes. In fact, he had completely shooed away anyone who came up to fill his ears with rumors about this unknown Suli girl and the bastard of the barrel. So when a small, bronze-skinned girl bumps into him on the third floor of the Slat, he's stunned.
"Ohhh—", The girl waves her hands frantically, her pupils dilating in concern, "I'm sorry."
But Jesper doesn't bother with apologies for he's too busy appraising her. Now she does match the rumored descriptions and is even donning Anika's lame clothes. But what actually piques his interest is a neatly-folded coat in the deepest shade of grey held between her dainty hands. He doesn’t need to think long to guess who it belongs to. There’s only one person who doesn’t indulge in the colorful fashion sense of the barrel— Kaz “Dirtyhands” Brekker.
He feels his insides fuming. But no way is he going to act like an idiot and jump to conclusions. Just because here's a girl he’s never seen before and she happens to have a coat, doesn’t mean that every single narrative he's heard about this whole situation is true.
He narrows his eyes in what he assumes is his best look of suspicion as he towers over the girl. “Where did you get that?”
"Um", she looks down at the piece of clothing and mumbles in the most innocent tone, "Mr. Brekker lent it to me."
Mr. Brekker!? The hell kinda way is this to address a man you slept with? Or whatever the heck it is that Dirtyhands prefers to do with girls..
"Why?" he asks. From Jesper's experiences, the young lieutenant of the Dregs isn't big on kindness. "Why did he lend it you?"
The girl's brows narrow in thought. It seems she herself is unsure of the reason. Her left palm clutches her right forearm in apprehension. "I guess..because I wasn't in a very decent attire."
Alarms go off in Jesper's head again. What exactly happened between her and Kaz? His heart needs answers yet he knows that its none of his business so he suppresses the unease welling in his belly.
"Well Kaz is up there." He gestures in the direction of the attic. "I'm headed there right now so I can give it to him."
The girl frowns. "I can't let a stranger do that for me. Besides," she twirls a strand of her hair, her eyes alight with some indescribable emotion, "I must properly thank him myself."
Jesper is familiar with this look. It mirrors his own when he was still a newbie at the Dregs and wanted to prove himself, wanted to repay Kaz for saving his ass. And not just by helping him pluck stupid pigeons but also by adding extra sums of profits to his ledger. Jesper can empathize with her on this.
"He saved you too," The Zemeni asks carefully, "didn't he?"
She stares at him, gauging the understanding in his expression and simply nods.
He rubs the side of his neck awkwardly. "Well, wanna go up together?"
Her eyes widen and she involuntarily takes a few steps back. Distrust. Fear. He can empathize with this action as well. In the barrel, it'd be foolish to believe a complete stranger within few moments of the first encounter.
"Then," he smiles the smile that many have called charming and starts his ascend upstairs. He only looks back once to wink at her, hoping it'll quell her anxious mind a bit, "follow my lead?"
"I can do that." she mumbles, more to assure herself and takes the first step of many that will become the foundation to their sibling-like friendship.
When it comes to change, development and fresh ideas, Per Haskell always cowers and dismisses the topic. People like that will never achieve anything if they aren't willing to take risks. The restoration of that abandoned fifth harbour would already be in motion if Kaz hadn't chosen to waste another of his precious mornings trying to convince his boss that investing in it may prove fruitful to the Dregs. And so, after a pointless argument he had had earlier with the old man, he's decided to take matters into his own hands.
Huffing audibly, he continues explaining every member present in his room their respective job for the day. The boisterous throng huddled around him, begins dispersing all of a sudden. Curiously, Kaz looks up to find his faitful right-hand man Jesper Fahey walking in, a mischievous glint in his silver irises.
"We bumped into each other on our way up here." Jesper gestures behind him.
And it is then that Kaz notices her presence— Inej Ghafa, the strange Suli girl he had brought back from the West Stave. Oddly, he had felt her presence moments ago but had brushed it off as a mere byproduct of his rest-deprived mind playing tricks on him. Turns out his intuition hadn’t been wrong at all.
"Its that Suli girl."
"The one that Brekker took up to his bed?"
"Who would've thought Haskell's rabid dog had such exquisite tastes."
The one that Brekker took where? Haskell's rabid what? Kaz isn't sure which remark he finds more insulting towards his reputation. Although he does realise he has no one except himself to blame. He should'nt have let the girl follow him up to the attic last night. As usual, he'll have to cover this small err with fresh tales about himself that are even more gruesome than the previous ones. But for now he must find out why the new girl is here.
Anika’s clothes are baggy on her small frame— a deep green shirt so loosely-fitted that she has tied its ends into a double knot just above her belly-button whilst the fawn-colored trousers hang tastefully around her hips. He watches her long, silky hair sway behind her as she walks gracefully in his direction, determination glimmering in her dark brown irises. Shock briefly flits across his gaze but before he can even think of stopping her, she shoots out her hands in which he (dreadfully) recognizes, she’s holding his coat. He can feel all eyes in the room already settling on him. They collectively stare in a mix of shock, curiosity and..is this jealousy he's witnessing on a few faces?
"What do you think you're doing?" He grits out. He hears a muffled snickering which he's sure is Jesper's and wonders if the two somehow managed to become friends in the short span of their climb up the stairs. And that they both planned this prank together on their way.
However, Inej only furrows her brows, debunking his ridiculous theory. She seems to be wondering what she's done wrong as she answers confidently, "I forgot to return it last night."
More interested staring ensues. The new pen in his palm snaps.
Is this girl serious right now? It took him long, unrelenting years to rise to the position he's at. He's spilled his blood, sweat and tears to scatter the seeds of terror about him throughout the expanse of Ketterdam. Even people who come across him for the first time, visibly shiver and turn pale. So what part of their last conversation has given her this courage to approach him so casually? She seems to have forgotten the fact that he’s an infamous barrel thug, feared by merchers, stadwatch and gangsters alike. She isn’t supposed to saunter up to him and return his coat, making this whole exchange appear to be a scandalous affair to the curious bystanders. She isn't supposed to crumble Dirtyhands' hard-built reputation with just a few words!
"Stand aside, I'm busy." He mutters, because he truly has no idea how to get out of this predicament and hopes that his caustic tone will get the message across just like it does with everyone else.
To his utter dismay, Inej seems to be far more tactless than Jesper, who still hasn't stopped snickering. She tucks the coat back in her arms and bites her lip as if suppressing herself from saying something mean. Her eyes quietly regard his own, an unspoken understanding settling between them. She is aware that if she doesn't wish to be thrown back into the Menagerie, she must behave properly with him. And yet, her nostrils flare as she responds, "I just wanted to pay my gratitude-"
"You can pay your gratitude," Kaz hisses back, glaring up at her from his perched position, "with your services." And its only after uttering those words does he realise the ambiguous implications hinted in them. Jesper's shoulders are shaking uncontrollably now, his palms tightly clamped around his mouth to muffle his laugh.
"Slow down, Dirtyhands." comments someone from the back and the whole room bursts into a howl of laughter. Inej brings a palm to her lips, gasping in mortification.
Kaz massages his eyes. Dealing with these ruffians has already been a headache. Now this new girl just walks in and takes the cake. She's proving to be far more dangerous– scratch that– far more more troublesome than he had expected.
He lets them have their fun as he pulls out a knife from his coatsleeve and gets up. He ambles towards Dirix, his steps slow and deliberate. He's sure it was Rotty who'd made the joke but Dirix is standing closer and it doesn't really matter who said what. Dirtyhands just needs to set an example.
The young boy is suddenly looking very pale. Kaz grabs his right hand, the dominant one and digs the blade along the joints of his fingers. The knife easily tears through his skin and goes deeper into the muscle beneath. Dirix is now screaming whilst everyone else hold their breath. From his peripheral vision, he catches the horror on Inej's face and rolls his eyes. Surely she must've heard of his violent endeavors at the menagerie. She shouldn't have approached him in the first place if she's going to be so shocked everytime he spills someone's blood.
He roots out the knife before it can completely sever Dirix's limbs. "Get 'em patched up." The boy is already running out.
He walks back and tosses the knife to the desk, its loud clang making everyone flinch in fright. "Pipe down before I actually start chopping tongues."
The threat silences everyone.
"This is Inej Ghafa." He points at her and the girl cowers slightly. Not at all the abrupt attention on her, he notices, but from him. "She's to be a new spider."
This one simple statement seems to piece together everything for them. Though he has an inkling that his previous act of brutality also plays a major part. They nod and whisper amongst themselves. He almost scoffs. Of course its easier for them to believe that Kaz Brekker took up a girl to his room for information. Not some spicy dalliance.
"Now get to work." He orders and one by one they shuffle out of the room, Rotty nodding respectfully. He knows he was spared merely by luck.
Jesper is the last one. He winks at Inej before taking his leave. "See you around, new girl!"
And with all of them gone, Kaz turns to Inej. She inhales a breath in anticipation.
"Let's start your training."
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So hopefully that was as fun reading as it was for me writing :3
Coming parts will have Inej's training and ofc her picking her canon outfit.
SoC Masterlist
( divider by @firefly-graphics )
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mimisempai · 3 years
Let me be your safe place
It's Sam's turn to have someone take care of him, fortunately Bucky is there for that...
Rating : G - 1600 words
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Bucky, always a light sleeper, awoke to the sound of voices on the harbor, but for once he didn't get up right away. It was a day of rest so he stretched and rolled over just to enjoy the view right before his eyes and the warmth of the body curled up against his.
The sun's rays coming through the blinds caressed Sam's skin with their warm light. The sheet was pulled down to his waist and Bucky watched the light move over the curves of his back, revealing places to Bucky's eyes that he had never explored.
Very gently he raised his right hand and followed with his fingertips the golden rays on Sam's skin, without touching it, creating new shadows. He was careful not to do anything to wake Sam who was sleeping a deep and deserved sleep.
Bucky took his time to explore the body he couldn't get enough of. If you asked him why he loved Sam, he could write an essay on everything from his incredible personality to his attractive features. But the number one reason would be the fact that Sam was sleeping next to him with his guard down, a sign of the total trust he had in Bucky. Never had he experienced such trust since he had become the winter soldier.
His long fingers brushed over scars without touching them, wounds that had long since healed, but had left marks, some of which Bucky himself had been responsible for, some from fights they had been through together, or others that were not part of their shared history. Every mark on the almost perfect skin was a ghost of the past.
The bed shifted slightly because Sam was waking up. Bucky sat back against the headboard and watched his lover slowly regain consciousness. The moment his eyelids would open to the brown pupils.
"Hey there," Bucky whispered. He leaned over and gently placing his hand on Sam's cheek he kissed him tenderly.
"Hey you. What time is it?" Sam tried to move, but Bucky gently pressed his shoulder to keep him lying down.
"A little after seven. Get some more rest love."
"Mmmh." Sam rolled over onto his stomach, his eyes closed and his breathing resumed a steady rhythm. Then Bucky went back to what he had started, but this time his fingers made contact with Sam's skin.
Sam made his appreciation known with a grunt of pleasure.
Bucky became firmer in his movements, he slid his hand along Sam's legs and began to gently massage the muscles of the lower calf with one hand, then the next, he was slower because he only used one hand, not wanting to impose on Sam the sensation of the cold metal contact of his arm against his skin.
He stopped his movements before reaching Sam's ankles who reacted with a small groan of indignation.
Smiling fondly, Bucky grabbed from his nightstand the small bottle of massage oil he had prepared. He placed the bottle near Sam's head and straddled his hips. He squeezed the bottle in his hand for a few moments to warm it up. Then he began to massage Sam's back with his right hand, tracking down any knots and tensions until he felt Sam completely relaxed under him. He figured he must be doing something right by the way Sam moaned in response.
Mornings on days off were always Bucky's favorite because on those mornings he could take care of Sam, he could show him how much he was loved. He put everything he felt into his touches, as if he wanted to transmit his love through Sam's skin.
They didn't talk, they didn't need to. Bucky slowly slid down until he was straddling Sam's calves and began to massage his lover's thighs in the same way from the knees to the base of the boxer shorts and back down. Sam relaxed more and more with each pressure of Bucky's fingers to the point that he began to fall asleep again, but Bucky didn't take offense. On the contrary it meant that Sam had completely surrendered to the pleasure that Bucky's massage was giving him.
When every inch of Sam's skin was massaged enough for Bucky's liking, he slowly got up from the bed and went to the adjoining bathroom. He took a short shower so as not to keep Sam waiting and went outside to dry off. Wrapping the towel around his waist, he walked back into the room, seeing the brown eyes staring back at him.
"Come here."
Bucky could never refuse Sam anything, so he stepped forward and slid into the bed, his head resting against Sam's thigh. The strong fingers ran through his hair, untangling his wet strands.
Sam simply said in his still sleepy voice, "Thank you." then his hands slipped under Bucky's arms to motion him up to him and and Bucky let himself be led until their lips met. He kissed Sam, with no rush, no heat behind it, though there could be if either of them wanted it. It was a kiss of giving and surrendering, of renewed feelings. Bucky placed one last kiss on Sam's forehead before getting up and dressing, a simple faded t-shirt over low-rise sweatpants.
"Breakfast in bed?" He looked at Sam who was sitting up in bed and watched him.
"Yes." Sam replied as he stretched.
Bucky smiled and left the room, closing the door behind him. It wasn't every day that Bucky could take care of Sam like this, so Bucky made the most of it.
As he passed through the living room, his eyes fell on the book on the coffee table. It was The Hobbit in the original edition. Bucky had once told Sam that one of the things he regretted most about losing his life before Hydra was his meager book collection and that he was not able to continue it after. Since then, Sam would regularly bring him a book for no particular reason. It was one of Sam's thousand ways of saying 'I love you'.
Just as caring for Sam was one of Bucky's ways of telling him he loved him. Those moments when he wanted Sam to understand that he didn't always have to protect the world, that it was his turn to be taken care of. And Sam always let himself be taken care of when it came to Bucky.
Sarah had told him that she was glad that Sam had finally found someone in Bucky who understood the weight of his load and was able to help him unburden himself for a few moments.
Bucky went into the kitchen and turned on the coffee maker, before opening the refrigerator and examining its contents. He pulled out what he needed and moved into the kitchen to prepare breakfast in a long practiced choreography.
He was setting the bacon aside when two arms wrapped around his waist, and a chin rested on his shoulder as Sam whispered in his ear, "I didn't feel like waiting anymore."
Bucky laughed and asked, "Are you that hungry?"
"No I couldn't wait for you anymore. I want to make the most of the time we have together."
Bucky blushed slightly and finished what he was doing, turning off the stove before turning around, wrapping his arms around Sam.
"It's not that often that you tell me this kind of thing. Not that I'm complaining." It had been a long time since Bucky had any doubts about Sam's love for him, he showed it in so many ways that it was almost palpable, but that only made the moments when he opened up completely like that all the more precious.
"I love it when we have days off," Sam said, placing a kiss on Bucky's lips before continuing, "not because you take care of me, which you do extremely well, but simply because we have time to ourselves."
Bucky, embarrassed, coughed before saying, "It's ready. Sit down before it gets cold."
Sam obeyed, while chuckling softly at Bucky's embarrassment.
Bucky took the two plates and set them on the counter, then grabbed their coffee cups before sitting down on a stool next to Sam.
All these little gestures had now become completely familiar, but what was less familiar was the fact that Sam caught his hand, placed a kiss on the knuckles and stared at him for a few seconds. he dropped then Bucky's hand and picked up his fork and began to eat with appetite. Then Sam said matter-of-factly, "We should do this for the rest of our lives, don't you think?"
Bucky was glad he hadn't started eating yet because he would have choked on the surprise.
After a few seconds of silence he could help to ask, "Are you demanding what I think you're demanding?"
Sam put down his fork and entwined his fingers in Bucky's again.
"Looks like it." Sam nodded, a small smile playing on his lips.
Without hesitation, because the answer had been in him for a long time, Bucky answered, "Yes. yes, for the rest of our lives."
"That's decided then." Sam picked up his fork and acted like it was no big deal, like he hadn't been waiting for the answer, but Bucky knew his man, he had learned to decipher the expressions on his face. He saw the relief pass and the smile that lit up his face did not fool Bucky.
He laughed and leaned in to kiss Sam before he could take his next bite.
Yes, they should do this for the rest of their lives. ____ As always, thank you for making it this far.
I hope you enjoyed this story.
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cassiaa · 3 years
Metanoia part 2
Warnings posted in the first part.
This part lacks Namjoon and is mostly a filler, but he will be back soon. Deciding on an update schedule and whether or not to tag accounts or not. Until I’m more used to posting this way I won’t be tagging people, thank you for understanding! Roughly edited.
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Ava sat, twirling the ring on her left hand.
It had been a week since she had told Namjoon of the baby. He took it well. Simply nodding and smiling softly. He had stood and taken her hand, leading her to what she assumed was his office where he unlocked a desk drawer and pulled out a small black velvet box. And with a 'this wasn't how I had planned to do this....' he had asked her to marry him. Of course she said yes. Then he spent the entire night worshipping her body. The next morning she was beyond exhausted and slept the entire day.
Her parents were less than pleased, though they didn't get a say in it. Ava had told her mother briefly over the phone after Namjoon had left to America to discuss it in person with her father. Her mother didn't say much, she wasn't in a position to, she only said that she would try to come early for the wedding to be with her.
Even with Namjoon being in a different country, most of the work was still done by him personally. A lot of the wedding preparations he had taken responsibility of to make sure they would be perfect, and only left a few specifics and special touches to be done by Ava.
"Gonna sit there all day?"
"Maybe." Ava glances away from the window, grinning at Yoongi, who didn't hesitate to drop on the free couch and throw an arm over his eyes.
"Your mom should be here soon." He offered up after a moment. "You should at least pretend to be busy."
Ava scoffs, "my mom knows I'm lazy. She will see right through it."
"Maybe," he shrugs, "but it will give you an excuse to make a run for it if she starts getting on your nerves."
"Thats what you're for. And why we're not meeting here but at a restaurant." Ava stands and starts placing all the books back into their correct positions on the wall, before collect all the papers with wedding details on them and locking them in a box before setting that next to the fire place to act as decoration.
"That's a stupid hiding spot." Yoongi remarks, still not even looking. "Lazy."
"Doesn't matter." It was Ava's turn to shrug, "I just need two people not to see it, and both of those people are banned from this room anyways."
"You're not including your parents in any of the wedding details?"
"No," Ava scoffs, "why would I? If it weren't for Namjoon they wouldn't have received invitations in the first place."
"Have you sent out the invites yet?" Yoongi asks, sounding half asleep at this point.
"Most of them. But Namjoon is talking to my father in person and I told my mother over the phone. They will still get a card though, probably after Namjoon is on his way back." Ava hums, playing with the flowers in a large vase that she moved from the mantle of the fire place to the window. They were a gift from Namjoon that had been delivered that morning, they weren't the first and she knew they wouldn't be the last.
"Shouldn't you go get ready?" Yoongi finally broke the silence twenty minutes later.
Ava's nose twitched, "do I have to though? I should just go like this." She gestured to her (Namjoon's) sweatpants (that she had raided his closet for despite her closet being filled to the brim with clothes) and white t shirt that was slightly see through depending on how you looked at it. Yoongi gave a very unimpressed look earning a huff from Ava before she stood and dusted herself off.
"Fine. I won't go out looking like trash today." She grumbles, "enjoy your nap."
"I will."
Ava threw one of the couch pillows at him on her way out, receiving a laugh and nothing more as she shut her parlor door behind her.
"Would you like help Miss Smith?" Imo-ssi offered gracefully falling into step just behind her, respectfully. Ava had learned from Yoongi that her name was HaeSoo and since then had taken to calling the woman by it, despite her objections. She did compromise by adding ssi to the end, to not be rude.
"Yes please, HaeSoo-ssi." Ava nods with a smile, "that would be lovely."
It wasn't long before Hae-soo had created a masterpiece of the young woman and was ushering her towards the doors.
"Who is going with us?" Ava asked Yoongi as the man stepped from the shadows against the wall and joined her in her car. It was the same car that Namjoon had gifted her in America, a white and black Range Rover that literally sparkled it was so shiny and new.
"JK's driving and Jimin is already at the restaurant. Hobi picked up your mother from the airport and is bringing her there now. We will be there before her but just barely." Yoongi gave her the run down, glancing from his tablet to the window before speaking in Korean to someone over an ear piece.
Ava nods slowly, the team was divided up, Jin, Taehyung had gone with Namjoon to close off American deals as well as be with Namjoon when he spoke to her father and Yoongi and Jungkook had been left with her for her protection. Yoongi had dragged Hobi and Jimin into the detail when the two had showed up after their latest mission and gala coincidentally at the same time.
"Hey Noona." Jungkook grinned, hopping into the front seat. "Thanks for giving me permission to drive your car."
Ava rolls her eyes, which was seen by him in the mirror. "I didn't, don't put a scratch on it." She warns, half serious. Even if he did mess it up in any way she'd have a new one by morning, maybe even by the time she was done with dinner.
"Let's just get there." Yoongi orders.
"Let's get it!" Jungkook mumbles under his breath, a little too excited compared to the two in the back seats.
Ava and Yoongi exchange glances, Ava biting back her sigh and Yoongi quickly going back to his tablet. It would be a long night.
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Finally having separated from her overwhelming mother, Ava curled up on top of the covers, hugging a pillow close to her chest.
"At least get underneath and pretend to sleep." Hobi grins, standing in the doorway and crossing his arms.
"No." Ava murmurs into the pillow. "Don't want to."
"Namjoon's going to be upset that you're not sleeping." Yoongi said closing the balcony doors of the master bedroom and clicking the lock shut.
"Don't care." Ava sighs deeply, shutting her eyes and feigning sleep. "He shouldn't leave me alone for this long then. He knows I don't like sleeping alone."
"Sounds like a you problem." Yoongi smirks, gripping the edge of the bed spread and tossing it over her half way.
"Wanna snuggle?" She grins up at him, pulling the blanket up a little more.
"And get a bullet in the ass?" Yoongi scoffs. "I think not."
Ava looks up towards Hobi, "how about you? You a wuss too?"
"The biggest." His grin widens, pushing off the door frame he flicks a two finger salute as goodbye. "See you tomorrow. Go to sleep."
"Yeah, go to sleep." Yoongi adds with a nod. "Call JK if you need anything he's probably the only one able to get away laying with you if you're man walks in tonight."
Ava's eyes brighten, "is he coming back early?"
Yoongi holds a sigh in, "probably not. But we don't need you getting anyone shot between now and then."
Ava repositions, hiding deeper in the blankets and imagining being anywhere else. Preferably not pregnant to be honest. "Ok. Goodnight."
Yoongi shuts the door behind him, leaving Ava in mostly darkness except for the pale moonlight coming from the glass doors.
It was an odd thing to crave. Wanting nothing more to be alone and nothing more than to not be alone. It was something she had grown accustomed to. Being surrounded by people around the clock but not truly having companions.  She grew up in it. And since meeting Namjoon she had grown accustomed to his overwhelming presence. He drowned out her inner demons and made her feel safe again.
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Knowning myself' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
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'Knowing myself'
Chapter Summary : Bell is coming back from her first mission and work still need to be done....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3200
I can say that this first mission went quite well for me and the others, I didn't have any scratchs or wounds on me and for that, let's just say that it was a success. However, we didn't learn a lot from the guy who was 'in charge' of the warehouse, having just a simple nickname : 'Bonnie Blue' and before he was able to tell us more, he changed the subject and because of me, I accidentally caused him to eat a cyanure capsule after punching him in the teeth. It was just an little success then.
After Adler told us with the most annoying voice to leave the warehouse as he proclaimed that he will make sure that all of the paperworks in here were seized and then sent to us back at the safehouse, we were obliged to comply to his order and we left the warehouse with Woods & Mason as Sims stayed around with Adler, awaiting for the CIA teams to come take the place over and use these guns Perseus was using for their own business somewhere around the world.
The travel back to the safehouse was pretty well for me. We used our car to leave the are and this time, I was in the backseats with Park as Woods and Mason decided to take the front seats with Mason driving. The first minutes were basically them complimenting me about my first mission as Park was just next to me, giving me a look that could have said 'You're not alone, Yirina, see ?'. and she was right even if she's the one for the moment I can fully trust to help me about my life. The guys are good with me but I think I should take time with them to open myself.
After these few minutes, the talks were replaced by some loud rock music from the courtesy of Woods. That wasn't my type of music but it was nice nonetheless, it's just that Woods put it very loudly in the car and it was like making some ringing bells in my ears but thanksfully, the ride finished pretty quickly as we were arrived at the safehouse, stopping those weird sensations with my ears before we left the car and got back inside, taking our equipment with us and put it back inside the armory.
Then, me & Park got next to the dashboard, looking at it, wondering maybe what was Perseus plan by doing arms trafficking and for that, we have to wait for Adler and Sims to come back.
"So, impressions about the mission ?" Park asked as we were both leaned on Adler's desk, calling me by surprise and breaking me in my thoughts.
"Well, to be honest.." I started, removing my right hand glove off and keeping it in hand"I hoped that we could have better from the guy." I looked at my right hand, a small sad look on my face. "It's my fault."
"Yirina, I already told you but we couldn't know of that." She said, having saw my face, trying to have the smiling face back on me. "We are going to know more with the paperwork Adler will bring back with him."
"Let's hope we will have something that will help us about Perseus arms trafficking and maybe on that 'Bonnie Blue'." I told her with an neutral voice, slowly getting more well but still struggling to show it. "Have you heard of that name before ?" I questioned her, putting my eyes on her.
"No clue." She simply replied "It could be anyone and let's cross our fingers that we will have just one thing that could identify that 'Bonnie Blue'."  She looked at me, sort of worried "Do you think that....it could be Freya ?"
"To give you my opinion : I don't think so." I said, not even sounding of my own answer "I hope not." I really hoped that Freya wasn't that 'Bonnie Blue', I can't think that Freya is able to do this in the Perseus Collective...well, in my point of view....
"We have just to wait now." She then put her hand in her pocket to grab a pack of cigarettes in hands and took one of them before looking at me "Smoke ?" She asked as she was handing another cigarette to me. I didn't remember that I was smoking before but, we will see that.
"Why not ?" I exclaimed, taking the cigarette in hand before putting it between my lips. She took a lighter up and light her and my cigarette before putting it back.
"So, 'The Winter Soldier'." She said, looking at the ceilling after blowing smoke from her mouth "Quite a nickname you had, you said that you hate it."
"Yes." I replied, blowing some smoke too before I start to slowly cough because of the cigarette....been a long time, I suppose ?..... I quickly catch my breath and took back control "Got it after a operation where I save Freya from the NIS...." I looked at the ground, little ashamed "I...I did slaughter the NIS agents tasked to capture after she was badly hurt."
"Shit, that's why the people I contacted yesterday in the NIS wasn't so willing to talk about Freya." She said, concerned "They told me that she was diasvowed in 1976 after they discovered her double agent status but then, nothing on her during the following years...like if she has never existed before."
"So, it was in 1976..." I whispered to myself, remembering the memory where Freya come inside my office in the Lubyanka and first met Zasha, that's when she told me the NIS found her true status.
"Anyway, you were great today." She exclaimed with an proud look, changing the subject of the conversation and I think she did a great choice. "You make me proud." She nodded before the garage door of the safehouse opened : it was already Adler and Sims, each one having at least 2 cardbox in their hands.
"Can you back off from my office ?" Adler ordered, walking towards his desk as we got away with it and as always with him, I rolled my eyes annoyed...until he suddenly put one of the cardbox, poking it at my chest.
"Hey." I said, taking the box in my hands as he was going to drop close to me in a second
"Make yourself useful for once." He said harshly, walking with the other box at Park's desk and putting it on top of it "Work on it." Is he really going to treat me like shit everyday ? I guess so and I will have to do with it and I've got Park to support me in case I decided to tie him up again back into that room.
"Dickhead." I thought to myself, I was almost going to say it loudly.
Adler walked back at his desk, leaving me to go to work on those cardbox full of paperwork seized in that Perseus warehouse and I know that it would take time for me to get it done....since there are 4 cardbox full of papers, transmissions and anything that could help us to have a better lead on breaking down the arms trafficking organized by Perseus and that strange woman they are calling 'Bonnie Blue'.
Hopefully, Park was there to help me and surprisely, Mason and Woods offered to give me and Park more few hands around to help me with the numerous things we have to do as Adler....well, it's better to not know what he's doing as we're going to do the work for him. We started things slowly at first, focusing on the cardbox Adler give me brutally and that first box was interesting : it was talking about some transmission made by I suppose to be 'Bonnie Blue' with her buyers who were only mentioned by their initials. Nothing to help us about where those buyers were coming from and there were only three buyers on those documents.
The second box was filled of register talking about the weapons Perseus was getting : it was mostly russian weaponry like AK-47 and some RPGs but it was gettin intriguing as there were also american guns and british guns too in their stocks. Discovering the box further allowed us to find out that Perseus had succeeded to have some contacts within the US Army and the British army who are supplying Perseus around the world. By luck, there were the names of those implicated.
Thanks to that info, Park decided to put out some calls to the MI6, giving them the names of the british officers involved with Perseus and to give them indications to deal with thoses persons as she exclaimed to stay in West-Berlin and I knew that she was staying for me. For the US side of it, Woods gave the names of the US Army involved with Perseus to Adler and since I preferred to focus on working my ass around, I didn't know what did he do with them...maybe some calls like Park ? Can't tell.
I checked the time rapidly, realizing that we did take at least a long time as the evening was coming down outside. We've been working on two box for hours but we were making progress anyway. The third box helped us to know more about the buyers without allowing us to identify them. It was mainly about what the buyers were using. The first one called R.D was buying the americans guns, another one called A.R was buying russian weapons and the last one H.S was using the british guns.
When we finished the third box, it was running late and the others including Park decided to take a rest as we have worked non-stop since hours but me, I wanted to continue so I decided to stay on working on the last cardbox to discover. As everyone was going to sleep, Park tried to convince me to go to sleep but she couldn't succeed into changing my mind. She know that I need to work but she doesn't want me to freak out and I understand her. However, it was better to get everything done before tomorrow.
Once everyone was out and leaving me alone, I decided to go grab a coffee to try to hold for a part of the night and when I was able to finish it, I go back to Park's desk that we were now sharing who was now the only place around the safehouse who were using the light. I was ready to continue until I hear some footsteps coming out of the dorm. I stopped myself to check who it was.
"Mason." I said as he was more visible with the light of the desk, seeing him entirely.
"Yirina." He was sounding jumpscared by me, thinking maybe that everyone was in the dorm "Why you're still working ?" He asked, getting his hands against the wall near the desk
"It's better that everything is done for tomorrow." I replied before I took a sip from my coffee.
"It's just one box remaining, we will doing it in no time." He exclaimed, little laughing.
"Maybe...." I started, raising an eyebrow "But I prefer to have it done." I then gestured him to get a seat, not wanting him to stay up for too long but he politely refused. "Why did you came ?"
"Just needed to take some fresh air." He responded, looking at the garage door "Doesn't feel good since some time."
"Really, is there a problem ?"  I said, curious. In my head, I remembered what Park told me about Mason and I started to think that it was because of that "Bad memories ?" He nodded
"Yes, I don't want to talk about it." He crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. He wasn't willing to say a thing and with my case, I can know why. "It's better for you to not know."
"I understand." I bit my lips, looking at the paperwork from the fourth box that I have put all around the desk
"Guess it's hard for you to tell yourself that you were an Perseus agent." He told me as Park told him along with Woods of everything. At hearing this, I stopped myself as I was going to get back to work.
"Yes, it was hard." I said, getting comfy in my chair "There's things I doesn't want to think right now."
"Do you have family back in Russia ?" He asked, getting my attention on him
"No, lost my parents at four years old, only my friends were my family and I don't know if they are alive or missing." I responded, my voice almost cracking
"And....and you have someone ?" He started, looking around him "You know, a boyfriend..."
"No, never had anyone." I exclaimed, taking my cup of coffee in hands. Like Park said to me, I decided to kept our relation secret....and also my sexuality to the others.
"I was thinking, Yirina." He raised an eyebrow, getting my attention back again on him "Why Park is always near you or close to you ?"
"When I came back, she told me that she wanted to do her best to stay with me and to relive the friendship we had 3 years ago." I replied, not mentioning my true relationship with her...I'm keeping my promises up...."I know that bad things happened but she was the only one to apologize and I accepted them because she believed in me."
"For that, I can say that you're right." Mason nodded in approval "She maybe helped Adler but....she's an good person and she showed it to me and Woods....and you too."
"Really ?" I said, curious
"Yeap, like I said, she has an good heart and I think Woods already told you that but you're lucky to have her at your side against Adler." He affirmed before looking at the garage door direction again "Gonna leave you to work, I'm gonna take some fresh air. Good night, Yirina."
"Night, Mason." I smiled as he was walking to get outside leaving me alone at Park's desk to work.
I tried to get back focus on trying to found out more about what the last box could have give to us but then, I started to feel very tired. Even if I drink a coffee, my eyes were feeling weak, blinking multiples times. I was feeling that my face was all white and I realized that I really need some sleep but my leg weren't cooperative anymore, causing me to think to sleep on the desk. I put the hood of my jacket on, put my arms on the desk and put my head in them, trying to go to sleep.
It was looking like a busy day inside the Lubyanka for me : going to talk with some agents about their works, giving them advices to improve their skills in cryptography, never raising the voices to those who didn't had a good work and giving some reports to some officers that I could see around. I was wearing my KGB uniform without the jacket and thanksfully, I wasn't wearing an skirt.
I was finished to talk with an officer in the archives room when I got out of it to return back to my office, checking my watch to see that it was nearly the end of the day of work. There weren't a lot of people anymore except for guards along the way until I saw a young redhead woman, holding a notebook in her arms and looking around, searching maybe for someone just at one hallway from my office.
"Hi." The woman politely called me out "Miss ?"
"Yes ?" I said, thinking that she was going to ask for the person she's been looking for.
"I wanted to know where is Yirina Grigoriev ?" She asked before I smiled
"Don't need to look too far." I handed my hand for shaking it with her "I'm Yirina Grigoriev."
"Yirina Portnova." She told me, sounding happy.
"Oh, you're the new KGB recruit !" I exclaimed, shaking our hands together. "An prodigy in cryptography as I heard." She nodded as we were finished to shook hands
"It's a pleasure to meet you." She added with an smile.
"Well, I never thought that I will meet another person who are sharing the same name as me but welcome anyway." I didn't know if she did take this as an compliment but she was still smiling and then, she laughed "If you want, you can follow me, my office is just next to us."
"My father is awaiting me at home for dinner and...."
"Don't worry..." I started, gently cutting her "It's just for presenting who I'm working for and tomorrow, I will show your way around." I then opened the lead as she was following me until we arrived in my office. I opened the door to see Zasha, still working at their desk. "Zed !" I exclaimed as I entered the office.
"Yes ?" They said before they looked at me and then behind me....looking amazed.
"Zasha, I'm presenting to you Yirina Portnova." I started as Portnova was handing her hand to them who stand up slowly, locking their eyes with her "Portnova, this is Zasha Smirnov."
"It's nice to meet you, Portnova." They said, looking troubled by her and she nodded.
"Portnova will be working with us, starting tomorrow." I told them before they stopped to shook hands as she was looking at me. "I'm letting you free, you can go."
"Thanks, miss Grigoriev." She said, giving an military salute to me before she left the office, leaving me alone with Zasha who had their eyes wide open and blushing. I looked at them with an good look,
"Quite an woman, right ?"
Then, everything goes to black before I supposely reopening my eyes as I found myself, lying down on the grass, looking at the skies and at my side, there were Park.....a old memory from my first time in the safehouse.....We were both lying down in the grass, near a river....near the safehouse...and we were both holding our hands together.
The atmosphere of the scene...it was all quiet, peaceful and looking that we were able to breathe freely after some times. In our faces, we were relieved to have some times together just the two of us.
"It's good that the others left the safehouse." I started, getting my left hand on my chest "That give us some time to be just together."
"It's rare but at least, we're profiting of it." Park added, happy in her voice.
"I can't believe that we pulled out of the Lubyanka like that." I admitted as I looked at her eyes. "I thought that we were done."
"And you wouldn't have any chance to see my face again?" She smirked, looking at me, teasing me.
"Oh, you need to know that I kept thinking about you during our exit." I exclaimed to her before giving a little kiss on the left cheek. She smiled from it before I moved back to my normal position and then after a few seconds, I was feeling some tears flowing from eyes. "I'm sorry, Park."
"About what ?" She asked, curious.
"About refusing what you wanted to do in the hotel." I replied "I should have said yes." I added.
"It's okay, Jess." She said, moving her right hand on my face.
"Adler....he broke into my room and...." I then started to cry before she moved me to get my head on her chest."
"I know, I'm sorry." She said, trying to recomfort me, getting her left hand passing through my hair. "Adler is really unpredictable, he knows now that we're both in a relationship....something he doesn't like at all." I got my hand on her chest next to my head, still having my tears falling. "He blackmailed me to stop that."
"And what did you say ?" I asked, nervous "You didn't..."
"No..." She replied, having guessed of my question, feeling her nice touch of her hand through my hair "I will never do such thing."
"I don't want to lose you, Park." I said, my voice cracking a lot before she pull me closer and get me more comfortable with her. I was getting better but I was still crying nonetheless. I then looked at her with my eyes filled of tears and she was looking moved to see me like that,
"You're so precious to me !"
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darthlorddiamond · 4 years
In the Center of Everything
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Request: Hello love! Can you write with something like rebel and force sensetive reader and Kylo kidnaps her but he doesn't want rebels to come so he takes her to Naboo instead? They spend time there and reader is nice person so they slowly start falling for each other? I was thinking like kinda fairytale setup like dresses he gives her, fancy meals etc. Picnic next to the waterfalls like Anakin and padme would be a nice bonus for @imaginesyes​
Words: 3,260
Reading Time: 14 min
Category: Fluff
Warnings: None
Check my Masterlist for more.
In the Center of Everything
There's something sweet and almost kind
But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined
It has been some time since I have been, how to put it... In captivity on this planet? It all started a long time ago, for several years I had done everything possible to try to go unnoticed by the war that was happening everywhere, I knew perfectly well that something in me made me different from others, and for that reason, I decided to live with a low profile, I didn´t want to attract the attention of anyone, not the separatist groups, or those who called themselves rebels and much less the First Order, at the end of the day I was sure that if someone noticed that peculiarity that I had, they wouldn't hesitate to spread the word and eventually I would have someone behind me looking for me.
I realized that I was able to connect with the Force when I was a teenager and to be honest, at first, I was very scared, I didn't understand what was happening or how I could do what I was doing, but with the passage of the years, I accepted that that was my nature and I couldn't deny it, so I cultivated it as best I could.
When my parents passed away, I completely put aside the business and commercial life we ​​had and isolated myself, I built a small cabin from scratch in a quarry near our town and dedicated myself to planting what I could, slowly, I became a self-sufficient person. All this time I stayed out of the conflicts that were happening outside, never in my life did I think that I would end up in the center of everything.
One night, I still remember it perfectly, while I was meditating, I connected with a strange energy. At first, I was very scared, I couldn´t understand what was responding to me, so I immediately cut my meditation. It took a few weeks before I was encouraged to do it again.
The next time I connect with that energy, try to prolong it as long as I can. Little by little, night after night, I connected with that entity more often. I didn't know what it was, who it was, or where in the Galaxy it was, but I felt quite comfortable and intrigued to have made such a connection. I never suspected anything, I never thought that it could be something that would hurt me, I simply felt that it was someone like me out there and that, even with my self-exile in the middle, it made me feel accompanied... Until that night arrived.
It all started like a small whisper that intensified, “Where are you?”; A pair of eyes that pierced the gloom of the space that divided us. One question only. An answer from me that I would later regret "Cantonica".
And now he's dear and so unsure
I wonder why I didn't see it there before
A couple of days passed until the consequence of my actions resonated. It was a day like any other, I never thought that something out of my routine would happen. I woke up, had breakfast, and planned my day: check and maintain my herbs, fetch some water from a nearby well, take the opportunity to wash some clothes, and go quickly to town to find some supplies that I had scarce.
When I returned home, it was already beginning to get dark, the door was closed and everything in my home seemed to be in order until I entered the living room.
A shadowy black figure was sitting on my sofa, slightly lit by the fire in the fireplace, which he had surely lit while waiting for my return.
I was completely paralyzed in place, the basket in my hands fell to the ground and some of the apples that I had collected during the day rolled on the ground, reaching his feet.
The silence was sepulchral, I could see how his body curved towards the floor and slowly, one of his hands took one of the apples that was at his feet. Immediately afterward, his entire body rose from my sofa, he was a huge black mass, I couldn´t distinguish any feature in his figure, his shoulders were wide, his entire body was covered by a black cape that seemed to blend with the shadows of the stay and his face was covered by a mask.
My only reaction was to try to run away. In seconds one of his hands grabbed my arm and my back hit his chest, where he wrapped both arms around me and lifted me off the ground.
I screamed, kicked, tried my best to break his hold on my body. Little by little I ended up getting tired, my mind kept bringing a thousand scenarios: He will it kill me? What is he doing here, what does he want? Who is he? Why me? Just when I stopped fighting him, he released me, and my feet hit the ground again, I immediately turned to look at him.
"Don't you recognize me?" A distorted metallic voice came out of him, I shook my head slightly as I took a step back. My body was tired of trying to get rid of him, my legs were shaking, a cold chill ran down my spine and the room was slowly beginning to darken.
"It was you who brought me here..." He spoke again, at that moment I understood everything, that Beast was the source of the energy with which I had connected the previous nights, what had I done? At that moment, the panic completely seized me, with one last effort, I tried to run, but with a few steps he grabbed me again "No!" I yelled as loud as I could "What are you doing here?" I tried to separate my body from his with all my might "You know perfectly what I have come for" that metallic screech resounded in my ears with peculiar annoyance.
No, no, no. I didn´t want to, I couldn´t believe it, "Please..." the tears ran down my cheeks "Please... Leave me alone..." I sobbed uncontrollably, while my body collapsed on his, rendered by the struggle "Inside you, you know that I can't" his arms held me tighter "Please..." my cry was already a single whisper "Just sleep" he passed one of his hands in front of my face.
He lifted me in his arms, while my eyelids closed completely.
The firelight was completely extinguished.
The last I remember of that night is the sound of his footsteps, I never understood why it had happened.
And now he's dear and so unsure
I wonder why I didn't see it there before
When I woke up I was in a foreign place. It was a small cabin, quite minimalist in the middle of a forest, surrounded by absolutely nothing but trees, I could suspect that near where I was there was a body of water since I could hear it, a small waterfall perhaps, or a small lake.
I walked a little through that small place, I had everything I needed, clothes, food, products for my care. Even though the place was a bit cozy, I felt quite scared, I still didn´t understand what was happening, however, I found enough comfort in the fact that that black figure wasn´t with me.
I spent a few days in solitude, days that I took the opportunity to go into the surroundings of the cabin. I wanted to know if there was a nearby place where I could ask for help, but I didn't find anything.
One afternoon, returning home, I noticed that there was something strange, the door of the cabin was open, smoke was coming out of the chimney and a small light illuminated the main room, I understood that that black figure had returned and before entering I contemplated the possibility to flee, but where? Besides, if he had been able to trace me to Cantonica, he would be more than capable of finding me in this place, so, despite my desire to do so, I entered the cabin.
He was sitting again on a sofa in front of the fire, this time I could observe him better, he wasn´t wearing his helmet, so I could see his long, black and wavy hair "Where were you?" his voice sounded very deep, very different without that mask, I didn't know what to answer so I remained silent "I asked you a question!" he yelled and his voice echoed through all the walls "I went out to see the surroundings" I answered fearfully, with a blow he got up from his place and in a few steps he reached where I was, one of his hands held my chin and looked at me in the eyes "You will never leave this place if I don´t allow it!" at that moment panic took hold of me again, my legs were shaking and I closed my eyes and a few tears escaped. His hand left my face and I could feel him walking past me "I left food in the kitchen..." I could hear a small sigh from him "I also left you some clothes and supplies in your room" and without saying more he left the cabin slamming the door.
These types of encounters were repeated a few more times, every time he came to see me he left me supplies, dresses made with fabrics that I had never seen before, and some other gifts, such as necklaces, bracelets, and sweets. I didn't understand what was happening. Who was this man? Why had he brought me to this place? What did he want from me?
One of those many nights that he had come to see me I decided it was time to confront him, I appreciated the details he had with me, but I couldn't say that I was grateful, at the end of the day, this man had kidnapped me and I still didn't know why.
"Who you are?" I asked before he went out the door again "That doesn't matter" he answered without even turning to look at me, for a moment my blood boiled, I was tired of him appearing and disappearing without giving me explanations, without saying anything "Of course it matters!" I didn't notice the tone of my voice, and yet he kept walking without saying anything to me "Is this all a twisted little fantasy of yours?", he was about to reach the door when he turned his face suddenly, I could notice how his brow frowned "You´re exceeding a limit that you should not cross" he threatened me raising one of his hands and pointing one of his fingers at me, something in my stomach told me that I should stop with this confrontation, but I couldn't… "I need answers!" now it was me who was walking towards him with an outstretched hand and a finger pointing at him "I know you have brought me here because I manipulate the Force!" I yelled at him as my finger sank into his chest "But I don't know why I'm here or why you're doing this and..." his always stoic face, began to flood with a red color "I'm done! I will not continue with this! " Suddenly a roar was present and all the furniture in the house went flying "You will do what I tell you!" he yelled as he paced back and forth "I'm not your toy!" Even though my body was shaking with fear and helplessness, my anger was even greater, "You can't have me here" I threw it in his face once more "Of course I can and I will continue to do so" he turned his back on me once more and went out the door, I ran after him to reach him, but the darkness of the forest didn´t let me see him...
She glanced this way, I thought I saw
And when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw
Once again, I was alone in that place, without knowing what to do or why, full of anger, anger, and fear...
A few weeks went by without him showing up at the cabin, so I take advantage of all those days to tidy up the house, clean, and review some of the things that he had brought. The truth is that I refused to wear several of the clothes that he had given me, as well as the jewels, so I had simply put it away without paying any more attention, but now, with many time alone, I looked closely at it and I could notice each one of it were quite exquisite.
The days continued to pass without knowing anything about him, for some strange reason, I was beginning to miss his presence, I hadn´t noticed before, but the truth is that he was quite a handsome man, although, every time this idea crossed my mind I felt quite guilty and angry at me.
The weeks became months, I began to wonder if I would see him again or if I had to accept the idea that I was stranded in that place with no one else around me. I began to have small panic attacks due to my loneliness and some nights I implored to see him again.
One morning I went for a walk to the nearby stream, indeed, it had a small waterfall, it was a comfortable place that filled me with tranquility, when I returned to the cabin, I noticed that the door was open and my heart jumped, I didn't know if it jolts with joy or scared, but I ran inside right away.
There were a few pieces of furniture lying around, I started to feel scared. I kept going until I reached the bathroom, where I found him lying on the floor, he was injured. I immediately rushed to the ground and tried to hold him "Don't touch me!" he growled as his hands tried to remove mine from his body "You're bleeding!" I insisted holding his hands with mine "I don't need your pity..." he growled again, I turned to see him, our eyes were fixed for a few seconds, I could see that he felt pain and I weighed all that we had previously experienced and I felt the need to attend to him "Let me help you…” I spoke softly “Please…” he nodded slightly and I took it for a yes, despite his pride wasn´t allowing him to say it, he wanted my help.
No it can't be, I'll just ignore
But then she's never looked at me that way before
That night he slept in my bed. When I woke up the next morning, I assumed that it was likely that he was no longer in the cabin. I was so surprised to see him still asleep that a small smile spread across my face. He was a completely different person, calm. The little light that filtered in through the window finely illuminated the features of his face and my heart jumped slightly with a strangely warm, not out of fear or insecurity, so I left that room a bit confused by what I just felt.
The days went by, and he… He stayed with me in the cabin. Little by little, we began to exchange more words, although not many, he was a man who spoke little. He began to help me with the little chores of the house, although he was quite clumsy at first, he improved as the days went by. He even offered to help me with the little herb garden that I had started to build in the garden.
Slowly his laughter began to flood our meals, and his stories about his travels across the Galaxy catch me at night. I learned about things that I didn´t know existed thanks to him and my heart kept jumping every hour that I enjoyed his company.
On one occasion I asked him if he wouldn´t go away again, the only thing he answered was that there was no place out there where he belonged. At that moment I understood that the Beast that had appeared a year ago in the room of my old home no longer existed and it was in that moment that I decided that that place where we were, in the middle of nowhere and far from everything, was now the home of both, however, I still felt my doubts, what if the bond that we were beginning to have was just a product of my imagination.
New and a bit alarming
Who'd have ever thought that this could be?
One morning, after waking up next to him, I wanted to put a plan to the test: the night before I had prepared a basket with some food, my idea was to ask him to accompany me to the forest to find some berries to plant in the garden. That morning I fixed myself with one of the dresses that he had brought me during one of his first visits and that I had never worn. When he got up, I had everything ready.
"I'm going to need your help today...", he just looked at me a little confused "Please get ready before we get late". A few minutes later he left the room towards the kitchen where I was "Hold this" I gave him the basket, his face was full of confusion, he couldn´t understand what was happening, I walked to the door and turned to see him "What are you waiting? Let's go!" and I smiled at him as I walked out the door.
We walked for a few minutes in the forest without saying anything until we reached the stream. Once on the shore, I spread the blanket, I approached him, took the basket, and sat on the ground, he just imitated my steps. I took out some of the bites that were in the basket and we began to eat, we never speak. When we finished, I looked back at him.
"I don't know much about you...", he just fixed his eyes on mine "And you don't know much about me..." I started to take off my shoes "But we´re both... Living in this place..." the sound of the waterfall was like little sinfonie behind us "I didn't get here of my own free will and I still don't understand why..." I plunged my feet into the water "But I've grown to love this place..." I turned to look at him and a huge smile was painted on my lips "And I've started to take a strange affection for you, although I don't know if I should..." and suddenly, everything changed.
The birds sang around us, the sound of the waterfall became louder, and his lips... His lips were on mine with an intensity that I had never felt. One of his hands was holding my neck, while the other was holding one of mine firmly. His caress was soft, however, somewhat desperate, but full of passion "Ben..." he whispered as a smile touched his lips and his hand caressed my cheek "My name is Ben". At no time did his eyes leave mine and my heart burned completely "Well, Hello Ben" I went over to kiss him again "Welcome home".
True that he's not Prince Charming
But there's something in him that I simply didn't see
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Breakfasts in a broken home.
A/N; Cuz I’ve got a major crush on older men. This was originally written as a Jeffrey Dean Morgan × Reader thing but halfway through I changed my mind to my very neglected baby Chris Evans of whom I never write anything. So here is.
Summary; How much can a broken marriage hold when there is nothing left to hold on to? You can try to ignore it, you can try to run from it. But the truth will always catch up to you.
Warnings: Sensitive topics such as depression, malnutrition and divorce.
Reader PoV.
Waking up was hard, the air felt chilly even when the sun was already high up in the sky. A soft sigh escaped me as I turn around, half expecting my husband to be lay sleeping by my side. Half expecting him to be on the other side of the country, working.
Not surprisingly enough I find the second one to be the truth. Neither confusion nor disappointment drowned me anymore, now it felt more like a huge wave of empty crashed inside me. Just last night he had gone to sleep on this bed, craddling me in his arms, even after our heated fight. I closed my eyes, and without warning a tear escapes me. I knew what I was getting into when I married him, I knew he'd always be trapped in tons of work and have important things to take care of all the time. It was just sad that I wasn't one of those things anymore.
I could not gather the strength to get out of bed. I simply couldn’t. Not today. Not without my Chris.
Someone slowly knocked on the door. I was quick to wipe the tears from my eyes, hoping anyone would come through the door but my son.
“Come in” A skinny girl pushes the door open and enters the room head down. I was never a fan of having maids, but Chris insisted he wanted to give me the best care whenever he was away. And after a while of what would have been very lonely weeks at a time, I came to appreciate their company.
“Joan” I acknowledge the girl just a few years younger than me and with a baby boy near my owns age. She carried a tray in her hands and much to my dismay I sat up and instructed her to leave it on the night stand. She did so and gave me a small but bright smile.
“Mrs Evans, the kids asked earlier if they could go to the town’s annual fair that's taking place in a few hours. Of course Matteo wished to come ask you himself but I told him you were still asleep“ her brown eyes scan me, as if trying to decide what my reaction is going to be.
“I don’t see why not.” I try to give her a smile “Thanks Joan, you may take them yourself. I'll give you some money for the boys. Buy icecream, cotton candy or whatever they want and bring them back for dinner, all right?”
She nodded and walked out of the room with a smile. Then her head popped at the door again. “I will get them ready now and I'll tell Mateo to come say hi before he leaves.” She trailed off, seemingly unsure of her next words “He has not seen you out of bed in days Y/n.”
My eyebrows rise at that, and she closes the door behind her. Can't be mad when she's telling the truth, but the reprimand isn't exactly appreciated.
Taking one look to my breakfast I sigh, I didn’t feel much like eating today. But with Joan's words pounding in my head, I knew I needed some strength. If not for me for my son. But before anything else I reached for my phone to send out a single text.
: Where did you go?
As I awaited a response I slowly got out of bed and heade to the bathroom between dizzy steps, trying to recall the last time I had more than a granola bar and chocolate to eat. Not being surprised by the fact that I didn’t even remember. While brushing my teeth I managed to avoid a glance at the person on the mirror. Not wishing to see her swollen cheeks, or the dark circles under her eyes or her mistreated skin. After a layer of particularly pink lotion to my face and a cold water rinse I felt a tad more awake, trying not to sprint inside the bedroom at the first ring of my phone. No, instead I took my time drying my face and putting some handcream on. Finally heading out of the bathroom and straight torwards the phone.
Chris♡: They called me in to retake some scenes. Will be home by night.
Of course. The phone found itself being dropped back in the bed rather harshly. Like we didn’t have a marriage emergency going on.
I almost chuckle, marriage emergency… what kind of selfish bitch was living within me. It was his work, mostly what gave me and my son the spectacular roof over our heads and brought food on the table since I pretty much quit my job. I shouldn’t expect it to be less important. It’s not like his family was at stake here.
Suddenly shutting my senses to my thoughts I attempt to shake them off my head. But I can’t. All I do is contradict myself, all there is is a never ending inner fight with myself and it was making me lost. I had a son to look after. I needed to be more supportive of my husband. Of myself when it came to that. But I felt mentally and physically exhausted. And it needed to stop. Start with your breath...
When I consider that I have collected myself enough to pick at my breakfast and turn around there is an expectant little figure by the door. And I feel the wind knocked out of my stomach.
I gave him a small smile. “Hey baby” he quickly runs up to me and my body crouches on instinct, lifting him from the floor and squeezing him into my arms. I breath in the scent of his blonde waves. For a moment, all of my inner fight had dissipated. All of the struggle forgotten for a second and there is a smile on my lips. A true smile.
“Good afternoon momma” he wraps his short arms around my neck. My nose itches and for a second I think I may cry.
“oh I love you baby” I reply, sitting him on the bed. The pain on my lower back not going unnoticed as I do so, but I have mastered the art of acting and sit next to my son.
“Adrian is still getting ready momma, can we watch tv?” he looks up at me, baby blue eyes sparkling, just like his father’s do. "Mhmm" is all I get out. Could my own kid look less like me? It's as if Chris made him solo and I simply carried and gave birth to his offspring that had nothing to do with me.... maybe the nose.
We sat back on the bed. Matteo watching a cartoon, and me trying to eat my food like a little girl being watched eat, almost obligated. With a sigh I take a spoonful of oatmeal to my mouth. It wasn’t bad really, warm and creamy. I eat half of the plate and share a cookie with my son. We both lean back on the bed, Matteo with his small body against my side. I took a second to enjoy it but it didn't last. Joan knocked on the half open door, her son by the hand. "We are ready to go!"
Matteo smiled widely and jumped off the bed, sprinting towards them but stopping in his tracks and heading back to me. I giggled as he left a loud kiss on my cheek and then ran again to his friend. I instruct Joan where to find some money and she smiles, thankful. When their steos are out of earshot I turn the tv off and fill the bathtub with hot water. Deciding to make myself useful or something on this day.
It had been sometime since I'd last taken a nice bath. It was really cold outside so normally a quick shower would suffice, and I'm sure it was more than a day ago since the last one. Yes, I should be ashamed, but I didn't care too much. It's not like I was doing anything too exciting inside these many, many walls.
Answering the 14th call of the hour a hand runs through my hair as I sit down on the small bed of the trailer.
"Hey Chris, what's up?" There's a tone of worry that I recognize.
My head starts spinning with possible answers, but I shake my thoughts away. "I'm fine, it's just Y/n."
"Oh, is she doing okay?"
"Not really." there's a pause as he gives me time to get my thoughts together "She isn't getting out of bed. She barely eats, she doesn't spend time with our son... I feel like it's my fault, because I'm always away and I've neglected her so."
"Hey I don't think it's that, she knows you need to be away Chris, I'm sure she understands that even if it's hard. And she can take care of herself."
"Yes I know she understands, but, just last night we had a fight. It was the first time I'd been home for weeks and she fights with me."
"You guys have a son that's 3, just couse she understands I don't think it's any easier on her, so you gotta give her some credit."
"I'm worried that she doesn't pay attention to him, what if he thinks it's because of him? I don't know how she might treat him when I'm not there."
"Chris! you know better than anyone else how much she loves Matteo. I couldn't possibly think of her as much as putting her hands on him, much less being mean."
"I know... I just worry, and all kinds of things just come up in my mind."
"Well you need to home more man, if you don't even know how things go in your house maybe it's time you quit."
"What? Scott I signed a contract, I can't just" my back hits the bed with a loud creak and I shut my eyes.
"Break it, I'm not saying it's forever. But you both have a lot of money. It could probably sustain you guys for a lot more years. Your wife needs you brother, and so does your son."
"I can't just..."
"Chris this is your freaking family!"
"I know dammit I KNOW!" Inevitably hot tears fill my eyes and I have to wipe them with the back of my hand.
"What are you so afraid of?" Scott asks and it makes tears to well up again.
A shocked sob came out with the next words "That she's gonna want to leave."
"Chris, Y/n loves you more than a human being can love. You can go and fix your marriage now, or you can keep working until the amazing woman that sits at your home sinks into a bottomless depression that drowns her and your son with her."
My brother's words hit me. I knew it was getting bad, but I was too scared to deal. It was easier being away and pretending I had a happy marriage at home waiting for me every time. But reality was creeping in more and more, I noticed that yesterday.
"What did you guys fight about yesterday?"
"Uh.., my drinking."
"Chris... you're not abusing it are you?"
"No I'm not, I just, had a few glasses because I was finally home. After weeks, and she got mad, said Matteo shouldn't have to see me like that, and I got mad because I really wasn't drunk," My head hurts at the memory of it "it got heated... fast, and I threw a glass against the floor and she got scared and I just... I feel like she sees me like stranger Scott."
"I would see you as a stranger if you were never home and on top of that started acting up when you were. I think you guys should take sometime off, talk things and maybe go to couple's therapy or some shit, I don't know. But you two have a kid, spend some time with him, don't fuck him up just because the two of you have problems. The jobs not worth it, the money's not worth it, at the end of the day, nothing is worth more than your family."
"I fucking hate when you get all deep with me" I chuckle, sitting up and resting my fforehead in one hand.
"That's only because I'm right." my brother laughs too.
"How about you? Are you guys doing alright?"
"Don't worry bout us, we're still on the honeymoon phase"
We both laugh and say our goodbyes, having my brother pep talk me. I knew I had to get my family back, even if I hadn't really lost them, yet. But I needed the incentive to do so.
The baths I prepare are pretty damn good, dare I say so myself. Laying back on the water, taking a few deep breathes. It does wonders. And suddenly an idea pops in my head.
When I was somewhere around 18 I struggled with depression for years. And one of the things that helped me through that was to write down how I felt, how I wished to feel and how I could improve my situation. It was how I took writing as one of my hobbies.
So I started typing away on my phone.
I know I am not as pretty as I used to be.
I never was too perfect, or perfect at all.
And I'm conscious that my body might not look desirable anymore.
Maybe, I never deserved your love.
Or maybe it was you who didn't deserve mine.
But we made it through the hate,
we had something so beautiful.
We made life.
And I wish things could go back to being so beautiful.
But I would still love you if you decided that I'm not enough for you anymore.
I will accept anything.
All I know for sure is just that this can't keep on like this.
We deserve to be happy.
I deserve to be happy.
For the good of the life that we created,
for the good of our son,
we must get better
wether that is apart or together.
"I had forgotten how much I suck at this." I laughed at myself, but that was fine, because it got the message across. I think.
I hope.
Divorce wasn't something new to cross my mind. I just never thought I would want to discuss it, not so seriously. My parents were divorced, and my mom and I did fairly good. My dad did great on the other hand.. It wasn't that I was scared of it really, because I considered myself capable enough.
My only fear was that I would never move on from Chris, I loved him still. I have loved him since our first kiss. But sometimes it felt as if I barely knew the person that I loved anymore. My heart was still clinging to his, but my mind could not be any more distant right now.
If I really wanted to save our marriage I had to act now. But I couldn't do it alone, and that was exactly how I felt that I was.
The water went cold, and I stood up grabbing the nearest towel. Stepping out of the bath I bent down to unclog it, and when I stood back up my ears rang.
I held onto the wall for a second, and it only got worse. The room obscuring and spinning at the same time. I am not sure if I slipped or if I fainted, but I could surely say there was a bit of blood running down my forehead.
And when I finally came back to it, I was already on an ambulence.
"Ma'am. Mr. Evans is on his way, you're okay."
My eyes went to the back of my head, it felt as if I'd been on a damn carousel for hours. What the hell was happening to me?
There was a distant voice asking me things, and all I could reply was dizzy and nauseous several times.
I fucked up, who was going to take care of Matteo. I couldn't take care of him in a hospital. He needed me by his side.
"You should have taken better care of yourself."
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the-mad-starker · 5 years
Starker RP: Diamonds and Roses
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If you’ve seen this moodboard before, don’t worry, I’m just reposting cause I’m too lazy to make a new one.
BUT! @lovely-garnet​ and I have been teasing people with our prison AU rp... And we’ve finally starting posting it. Here’s chapter 1 and 2 together since we didn’t post chapter 1 previously. We’re hoping to update once a week.
AO3 Link: Chapter 1 (2359) | Chapter 2 (6101)
Summary:  Prime Alpha Tony Stark is sent to prison. He can get out in a second, but instead, he decides to play nice and bide his time. Do things the legal way, for now anyway. While incarcerated, a sweet faced omega wants his help but at what cost?
Notes: Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, Prime alpha Tony, Omega Peter, intersex omegas, prison AU, future smut including anal sex, vaginal sex, blow jobs, etcetcetc...
💗 💗 💗
Chapter 1: The Boss
When the news broke out, the public reactions were a mess.
Those who only knew him only as a kind benefactor cried out against his imprisonment. Those that worked in the shadows alongside him were either pleased or worried about the status quo. After all, Stark Industries was a big name that had its fingers in many pots. With its head cut off, or in this case, imprisoned, there would be an inevitable chain of events if SI couldn't remain on top.
Tony Stark didn't worry about that. Even though the great mafia boss Tony had ended up in prison, things weren’t that much different after all. He did what he always did. 
Walk in. 
Take control. 
By the end of Day One, he had most of the prisoners under his thumb, ruling over block B with everyone falling in line. It wasn't a complete takeover, of course, but the ones at the top of the food chain… Those people were his now.
It would've been easy to just buy out the compound. Tony could afford it but why get rid of all the excitement in his life? No, sometimes it was good to have fun.
Still, this whole prison thing was a bit of an inconvenience. He had to waste his time here when he could be out playing in the real world instead of having to eat sloppy food and sleep in a single creaking bed. But this was a necessity. There was a reason Tony was here and he'd sit tight and endure it.
The prison was a bit unusual, of course, as the prisoners here weren’t just common riff raff. It was huge and spacious with some amenities, but… It was still a prison.
There were beta guards everywhere, personnel trained specifically to go toe to toe with alphas. Supposedly, they could take an alpha down. 9/10, Tony heard they could subdue a raging alpha. It might take a couple of them to do it, but they did it nonetheless.
The prisoners had a rigid schedule. Specific times for sleep, showering and eating - filthy bathrooms and tiny cells. Violence was pretty common around here, not that Tony would know… If there was any violence going on around him, he was never the one on the receiving end.
Now, his prison sentence was set for as long as he would be able to sit still in this place - that was Pepper’s advice on the matter. But even though it had only been a week behind bars for Tony, the tension in the cell block was already quite high. 
For whatever reason, he had to share the cell block with another prime alpha, and that had lead to many of the other weaker alphas to choose sides and start up fights. And he was the one that had to keep the peace, somehow.
A lazy Sunday afternoon was coming to an end when his right-hand man passed through his open cell door. It seemed as if he was hesitant to disturb Tony for the laying man had his eyes closed. So for a moment, Happy waited to see if the other would notice him. But the matter was important so he decided to clear his throat before speaking to announce himself.
“Boss,” he greeted with a low voice.
Tony didn't give any indication that he heard the man, except for his eyes barely opening. His entire posture was that of a man relaxing but anyone smart enough knew who he was. What he was.
So the correct analogy to make would be a predator lying in wait. Not resting. Waiting. There was a glimmer in his eye that proved it, a sharp, brilliant gaze that belied the relaxed posture of his body.
He knew Happy wouldn't disrupt him for anything that wasn't essential. And for Tony, essential meant business. He didn't get to the very top by letting others handle his business, oh no, his gang was built from the ground up by his hands and molded to his liking by his every decision.
“Hmm?” Tony prompted.
“Ms. Potts has some news for you,” Happy told him, making sure to keep his voice a low murmur.
Tony heard it clearly. With a single fluid motion, the alpha sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He got up, stretching relaxed but powerful muscles.
“Does she now?” Tony smiled, a sharp grin that normally put others on guard. “How do you feel about taking a walk with me, Hap?”
It had only been a week, but Happy was still wary about the prison rules and their reward/punishment system.
“I think it's almost time for lights out, sir,” Happy hedged. Smart beta, not outright defying Tony but saying enough that he let the prime alpha know his concerns.
“Take a walk with me,” Tony said simply.
“Okay, boss.” Happy agreed despite his concerns. He knew better than to refuse such a simple request.
Tony led the way out with Happy following behind him like a shadow. He could feel the eyes of his fellow prison mates on him before they darted away. No one would be caught dead staring him down, not if they wanted to keep their eyes.
It was close to lights out. On a Sunday like this, they preferred to keep the inmates indoors. But as Tony had mentioned, he was in the mood for a walk.
The beta guarding the door leading to the yard outside didn't meet his eyes. He turned to the side, peering at something in the distance, pretending that he wasn't allowing Tony Stark to just wander outside as he pleased.
The air here was refreshing but the towering walls were an eyesore.
Tony ignored them and turned to the man behind him.
“What do you have for me?”
The yard was empty as the light of day was quickly fading, but even if no inmates were nearby, Happy was being extra careful to ensure that no one was listening. Happy turned behind him to check if anyone was around and then looked over at Tony again.
The night breeze chilled him to the bone but he didn't flinch. He was a tough guy but most importantly, he was standing face to face with Tony Stark. Keeping his stern and controlled appearance was crucial.
For a moment, Happy seemed to be conflicted, an attempt to speak that was delayed for reasons unknown. Then he reached in his pocket to pull out the smallest looking scroll that ever existed. It wasn't at all acceptable to make Tony wait so Happy let out a sigh and spoke.
“Ms. Potts sends word that there is some progress being made...” His voice trailed off and then stopped as he glanced at his closed fist where he was palming the tiny piece of paper. 
“...But I have something else that may be of interest to you. I was approached by a... kid... saying he needs to talk to you.” Happy crossed his arms in front of his chest as he recalled the weird encounter. “I told him to get lost but he was adamant.”
Happy shrugged in an indifferent manner but then his expression grew concerned, darker. “An omega.”
The information from Potts, Tony filed away for later. Happy was right that the second part was more interesting to him. Entertaining was maybe a better word.
Tony watched the expressions play out on his second's face as he talked about the omega. Happy was a beta so these things didn't really make much sense to him.
“An omega, hmm?” Tony watched Happy with hooded eyes. He folded his arms loosely, tilting his head at the beta.
“Who told you that you can have an opinion regarding who sees me and who doesn't?” Tony's pose was relaxed but his voice was icy with disapproval.
He looked away from the man, not bothering to wait for a reply. A lot of people came to see Tony when he got admitted to prison. Alphas, betas, omegas. Tony was proven to be the best of them, the strongest, the prime. Everyone gravitated to him for one reason or another, but whether or not he had a use for them, that was a different matter.
Happy making those decisions on his own without informing Tony first was a rookie mistake. So Tony made sure his displeasure was known.
“Hap, buddy,” Tony said casually, “we've known each other how long? Years. No one ever needs to talk to me. If there was ever a need, I'd get to them first. Tell me more about the omega.”
To try to make excuses now for his decision to dismiss the boy would only make his situation worse, so Happy stood in silence as Tony spoke. In truth, he didn't believe that there was a reason for his boss to waste his time with that... mousy omega. 
Of course, he didn't really understand what it all meant. He only knew in theory how things worked for alphas and omegas. What he knew first hand, though, was that Tony's displeasure could result in very unfortunate outcomes, so he noted to never repeat such a mistake again. 
Feeling intimidated but refraining from showing it, Happy nodded with a stern and collected expression. His opinion was that the omega was complete nonsense but decided not to share it. Tony didn't seem like he would appreciate it very much so he stuck with the facts.
“He gave me this,” Happy said, opening his palm to reveal the paper he was holding on to. “The letters are tiny but it writes the place and time that he wants to meet with you. Now, before you say it, I know this is...” He waved his hand and shook his head as to indicate how unacceptable this all was. 
“But I looked him up and found out why he doesn't want to meet you out in the open. Thing is, he is under Thanos.” Now the beta paused. 
His opinion was - again - to not bother with this but he kept it to himself. He glanced towards the back to make sure that no one was listening to their conversation and then his eyes returned to Tony, concerned and heavy. 
“I don't know what he has to offer, yet, but I can get him to talk,” Happy promised.
“Under Thanos,” Tony hissed, a tiny bit amused. 
He knew the guy. Big, beefy alpha that was always waxing on about the necessity of balance. They weren't at each other's throats, not yet anyway, but Tony wasn't entirely fond of the man.
Then again, the fact that Tony was sharing space with another prime alpha when he didn't choose to was probably the cause of that. It didn't matter that there was plenty of room for multiple alphas, there was something about Thanos that Tony didn't particularly like.
He waved away Happy's suggestion and plucked the piece of paper out of his hand. His eyes scanned the words, noting the time and place before he tore it to shreds and let the wind carry the tiny bits away.
“If he didn't talk to you then,” Tony said, “he's not going to talk to you now.”
He patted his second on the shoulder. “You did your job, Hap. I can take it from here.”
Then he smiled, a curving of his lips that was just a bit dark.
“Besides, it doesn't seem like I'm leaving this place anytime soon,” Tony sighed. He knew he was getting out, the question was when. “I may as well pick up a hobby or something.”
An omega. He had his pick of people to choose from to keep him company. But an omega that was under Thanos might just cause problems.
Why would Tony bother with that? And yet, the boredom was already setting in. He had sway over the prison, but even then, demanding a lab and whatever he needed to keep his mind entertained would either be too much or take too long.
He could use a bit of entertainment.
“I'll handle the omega,” Tony told Happy, “In the meantime, you can handle Thanos. Not directly, of course, but you can distract him or something.”
He glanced at Happy with a smirk. “I can trust you to do that, can't I, Happy?”
Happy was right to believe that this would pique Tony's interest. After so many years of knowing the man, he understood that he was easily bored. An omega would be entertaining for him, at least for a while. That's why he had brought this information in the first place even though it was against his better judgment. This omega could cause undesired complications, though, and he wasn't even really worth it in Happy's eyes. 
Such a small and young little thing, but he had fire burning in him to make such a bold request. Happy would give him that, at least. Or the omega was just stupid, that could always be the case.
Maybe Happy was wrong to worry that this situation could get out of hand. It was just one tiny omega that could be used to keep Tony occupied and not bored out of his mind while they do…
In truth, Happy wasn't sure what they were doing in the prison. He only knew that where his boss went, he followed.
It wasn't his place to think about it anyway, but despite knowing he should just shut up and obey, Happy said a hesitant, "Boss?"
Maybe the news of fresh entertainment had tempered Tony's mood since he gave a small, indulgent smile at the beta.
"Yes, Hap?"
"Why are we really here?" The beta asked, a hint of uncertainty in his tone.
That smile didn't fade even the slightest.
"Diamonds and roses," Tony Stark answered and that was all he said on the matter.
It didn't make sense to Happy but he had already dared as much as he could stomach for the evening. So, Happy nodded with obedience, “Boss.” 
That was enough to show that he would do anything that Tony asked of him - or rather, commanded.
Chapter 2: Deals in the Dark
(AO3 Link)
The time of the meeting had drawn near.
That was why Peter was pacing around in his cell unable to calm his nerves. Clenching his jaw in an attempt to control his fear, he finally gathered the courage that was needed to go along with this plan. There was no other way and he knew it. This was his only chance. 
He walked out of the cell and down the stairs, relieved that none of Thanos’ men were around. Weirdly enough, the guards didn't pay him any mind either.
It was late in the afternoon, and at this hour, the prisoners were free to use the common areas or rest in their cells. It was the only possible time to slip through the prison grounds unnoticed.
Light on his feet, he made it to the hallway that led far and away from the main living area and down to the boiler room. Peter had snatched away the keys to this place when he had first arrived a few months ago. 
It hadn't come in handy up until now, but this was a perfect spot for a secret meeting. It was secluded so his scent wouldn't draw any unwanted attention and it had only one entrance. One entrance, one exit. Safe and dangerous at the same time.
It could also be the perfect place for a trap, but Peter dismissed that thought with a shake of his head. If Tony Stark was to harm him... He could only hope that he wouldn't do that. That the prime would listen to him, that he would help him.
Perhaps, he was naive but there was so much riding on this meeting. Not to mention the very fact that his heart pounded at the thought of meeting the prime…
It was time.
He walked inside the room and it felt like he was entering the wolf's den. Peter shivered as anticipation and dread grew in equal measure. He was risking everything to be here in this tight and dim lit place. 
His lean and frail body was dressed in the standard prisoner’s uniform but around his neck, Peter had a makeshift, tight collar made out of bandages. It was so feeble that it could be ripped off by anyone, let alone an alpha that would want to mark him. Yet there it was, an attempt to shield oneself.
With his hands already covered in a thin layer of sweat, he walked to the back of the room next to the tubes and pipes that came out of the wall and hid in wait. 
Tony's footsteps made soft little clicks as he walked. The man could be quiet, of course, he could, but he didn't need to.
The guards didn't look at him, averting their eyes in respect. The prison uniforms were ghastly and ugly and even Tony couldn't get out of wearing them. But the way he walked, his strides confident, face forward, eyes unwavering, no one noticed the uniform.
He walked with a confidence that many tried to imitate. It wasn't exactly a strut, no, that was too arrogant and arrogance implied unworthiness. No, Tony was confident and that confidence played a big part in making others bow to him.
He caught the faint scent of omega as he grew nearer to the meeting point and here, he paused, inhaling and scenting the air to get more intel.
The omega was anxious, a distasteful note of bitterness that Tony could almost taste. It made his nose wrinkle but it did make him curious. Omegas were flighty things and briefly, Tony wondered if the omega would run after all.
It would displease him to have his time wasted, but as he continued walking to the destination, the omega's scent only strengthened. He was certainly there, a thought that pleased Tony's alpha side.
The boiler room, a particular choice. Tony wondered at the reasoning. Did the omega really trust Tony to let him go if things went wrong? What a peculiar thing to do.
And yet, as he stepped through, Tony felt a bit more entitled to be a gentleman. It wasn't every day that something caught his attention this much. And he hadn't even met the omega yet.
Time for that to change.
“An interesting place for a meeting,” Tony noted out loud.
His voice carried just enough to fill the room. He moved away from the entrance, leaving it free as a show of good faith.
Long before the prime spoke, Peter was already aware of his presence.
He had heard him come. Those confident steps were unmistakable but most importantly, he could smell him. And this wasn’t just any scent, it was a prime alpha’s and it flooded the room the moment he stepped inside. 
To the sensitive senses of the omega, it was deafening, overpowering. Peter needed time to adjust because his breath had been immediately cut off, his ears ringing, and he hadn’t even seen the man whose commanding presence it belonged to. 
Truth be told, he hadn’t expected the prime to show. Why would he? But now that he was here, Peter felt unbalanced, his resolve weakened.
“Come out, little jailbird,” Tony called out, “Let me see who has the balls to summon me, hmm?”
At once, Peter’s entire body urged him to obey, but the boy felt his knees tremble and stood frozen with a hand tight above his pounding heart. 
After only a few moments of mustering up the courage needed, Peter revealed himself. Not that he was ready, but he would never be. He had his fingers curled in tight little fists as he tried to appear in control and failing all the same. 
Nevertheless, he walked in small but steady steps out of his hiding spot to present himself to the man that had gone out of his way to meet him. The alpha had answered the request of a stray omega and as unexpected as that was, the boy had counted on it with all of his heart. 
Peter wasn’t stupid, he understood that Tony had shown him grace by being here. That was what he told himself, at least. He was trying desperately to not give in to the intimidation and fear he felt. 
His big brown eyes were fixated on the floor. He would never dare to plainly look at the prime alpha. That would be too bold, too disrespectful. But even with his eyes averted, his mouth was tight with determination. 
“This was the only place I could think of,” Peter replied, his voice steady for the time being. He dropped his gaze further down and to the side. “Thank you, alpha, for meeting me.”
There was a slight tremble in his muscles, a shiver as if the boy was cold. 
Glancing at Tony’s general direction, he realized that the man had stepped away from the entrance. That made the tightness in his chest ease a little, his body a bit more relaxed. And that had to be enough.
After days of watching from afar, finally, the prime's eyes were on him. His breath caught, heart stuttering as the prime alpha eyed him up and down.
Tony wasn't sure what he expected when the omega came out of his hiding place. Happy had no information to give him besides saying the omega was a kid. At least that much was true, the omega certainly was young compared to Tony.
Observing the boy, Tony couldn't help but wonder how he had gotten into this place, how he even survived. He looked so small and vulnerable that Tony's alpha side wanted to react in one of two ways.
It wanted to stalk forward and destroy. Something so weak seemed almost too pitiful to exist in these walls. Why even bother?
But a larger side overtook it. At first glance, the omega didn't seem like much but his actions spoke of a deeper depth that Tony found intriguing. It was already a good sign that the omega was seeking to talk to him. Tony could only imagine a few reasons why an omega would seek an alpha out.
That was just the way of things.
Truthfully, Tony wasn't surprised.
It was nature, really. The weak turning to the strong and Tony was the strongest of them all. And yet, despite knowing this, Tony still felt something when he looked at this omega. To his surprise, he felt more inclined to lure the omega in, to find out more about him. To protect him.
Such dangerous thoughts for an alpha like Tony Stark. He'd have to monitor himself to make sure none of these unexpected feelings turned into a weakness that could be exploited.
The alpha leaned against the wall, arms folded as he looked at the boy. He tilted his head in acknowledgment, not that the omega would see it.
“Your name, kid,” Tony said firmly, “You know mine, obviously. It'd be rude to speak otherwise. And that would be such a pity since you've tried so hard to be respectful.”
Peter lifted his gaze, curious, as he peeked at the alpha in front of him. The prime asking for his name had caught him off guard. In prison, hardly anyone had used his name, especially alphas.
It was an unexpected… surprise. A good one since the alpha was almost trying to be civil.
“I’m Peter... Parker,” he answered with a hint of excitement that he tried to push down while smiling gently at his feet. The prime’s presence was intimidating, yes, but also... soothing. 
“It's true, I know who you are,” Peter continued in a small voice with that smile lingering on his pink, hesitant lips.
He took another step towards the alpha and then stopped. The omega wouldn’t approach any further than this, even if the Stark’s demeanor and overall posture were relaxed. 
“Everyone knows who you are... You're kind of a big deal,” he said demurely. He nervously scratched his cheek, not knowing what to do with his restless hands.  
Tony smirked at the omega's words.
“Kinda a big deal, hmm?” Tony echoed, amused, “That's cute, Parker.”
At the alpha's casual response, Peter relaxed further. The gentle approach calmed his nerves. Maybe it would have been better for him to hold onto his fear- this was a prime alpha, after all. In this world, alphas like Stark were at the top of the food chain, the hunter, and the omega was at the very bottom. The prey. 
But then, as if Peter remembered the reason he had requested to meet with him, the boy’s expression turned serious. Unsettled even. 
“Alpha, sir, I–” he stuttered and got mad at himself for showing weakness in front of the alpha.
Clenching his jaw, Peter turned to the man and looked at him. The distress he was trying to hide was clear in his wide eyes. “I need to ask for your help if you would give it.”
Ah, Tony finally thought. 
He worried for a moment that the boy would beat around the bush. Essentially, that this Peter Parker would waste his time. It was good that he got to the point. 
The alpha watched and learned with keen eyes, taking in every quiet detail that gave him clues as to who he was dealing with.
Omega body. Omega gestures. Omega submissiveness. Everything about the kid was omega which was appealing to Tony's alpha nature.
A slight sniff to the air showed that Peter wasn't afraid of him though. That was good. Even though omegas were programmed to be the more submissive of the trio, Tony didn't want to bother with someone so weak.
He tilted his head in thought, listening with some interest.
Then the omega met his eyes and Tony's breath caught. The omega's eyes were so captivating, so determined. There was an edge of desperation there and it just made Tony so damn curious.
Lured in by those brown doe eyes, Tony pushed himself off the wall. The alpha prowled forward, eyes hooded as he came to a stop in front of his prey.
Peter didn’t waver, he stood his ground looking up at the alpha as he approached. Even if he felt his cheeks heating up, the redness spreading to the top of his ears, Peter stood still. 
Tony took the omega's chin between his fingers, making sure Peter wouldn't look away.
“Spit it out then, kid,” Tony said softly, “A man like me isn't just going to agree without hearing your offer. So, what is it, hmm? What has you in such a bind that you came to me?”
Then his lips quirked up into a wicked smirk.
“And more importantly, what are you willing to offer me?”
The boy’s lashes fluttered because of the alpha's proximity. Tony didn't seem affected, his gaze steady and smile, unfaltering. Was Peter the only one being affected? He couldn't shy away, even if that was the case.
It was pointless to try and hide. The alpha could surely scent him and hear the pounding in Peter's chest. And he could see the small flames dancing in the brown of his eyes. 
No matter the foolishness that was going on in his mind and heart since the first time he had gotten a glimpse of the prime... It was not the point of their meeting. And so, he pulled himself together, furrowing his eyebrows and tightening his fists.
“It’s Thanos,” Peter spoke and his muscles tensed, the mere mention of the name made him flinch. “He… promises one thing and does another. He makes himself out to be a… a savior but he lies. He's not what he seems... He's… a bad man.” 
In his strained voice, the hatred was evident. The things he had seen… he couldn't forget or forgive but he also couldn't go off on a rant no matter how easy it was to do so. Peter knew he had to be quick, concise, and as persuasive as he could.
 “I know I’m young and... But– Is it wrong to seek shelter away from him? He does as he pleases with omegas, with everyone that works for him, and–” Peter averted his eyes now, even if Tony was holding his chin up. He was embarrassed by his outburst but tried to push it all down. 
“He means to humiliate me, to take my suppressants away... That’s inhumane.” He gritted his teeth, looking down and to the side.
“So, I’m begging you to take me under your wing.” He turned back to Tony with wide, hopeful eyes. The omega’s scent unleashed in waves since the need and vulnerability had shone through. 
“And I’ll do anything you want,” Peter continued, voice steady and a fierce look in his eyes.
The scent made Tony's lip curl but besides that, there was no other reaction.
Every word, every sentence that came from the omega's mouth had conflicting emotions rioting inside the alpha. The information on Thanos caught his attention but it didn't matter. The gist of the matter was that this omega wanted to switch sides and while it could be done, it could be messy too. Would it be worth Tony's while?
The offer he dared to give the prime was what made the alpha's mind go quiet with dangerous intent.
“Now,” Tony purred, a low sound. In another world, it might've even been soothing, but here and now, it should've sent alarms ringing in anyone's mind. “That's a bold faced lie.”
The alpha smiled, but it was empty. A mean smile that held nothing back of what Tony was.
The hair at the back of Peter’s neck stood as the atmosphere in the room shifted. At once, uneasiness crept into the young one’s heart as an underlying fear made itself known. That Tony Stark was like any other alpha. That Tony Stark was another Thanos... 
“You can't– Or well, I suppose, you shouldn't be offering things like that, omega,” Tony said casually.
He rubbed his thumb across the other's cheek, playing up all the dangerous signs that omega mommies told their sweet faced omega children about alphas like him. He grazed his thumb against the soft swell of Peter's lips, eyes dropping to where he touched him.
“Is this what you promised Thanos? Anything?” Tony continued, “Why are you surprised he wants everything then?”
He pushed his thumb inside, ignoring the heat that started to swell in his own body. As much as he was down for a fuck, there was something more important for the omega to learn.
Paralyzed by his words and actions, Peter looked up at him with huge eyes. His breaths became shallow, one by one, before stopping altogether once the alpha’s thumb was pressed between his trembling lips. 
“You say something like that, you better deliver,” Tony said darkly. “And I know you can't, won't.”
He paused then removed his hands but continued to stare down at the boy.
“There are things people are willing to do and things they aren't so willing to do,” Tony scoffed. “When I said what are you offering me, I don't want some bullshit answer. You think you're willing to give me everything?”
Tony chuckled then jerked his head towards the wall. “Strip. Present for your alpha, omega.”
The omega was utterly shocked and frozen in place. Once the words made sense, he stepped forward, unwilling to let Tony’s accusations unanswered.
“I didn’t promise anything to him!” Peter cried out in protest. The insult was too cruel, too false to accept.
It couldn’t be true! Peter refused to accept it! That instead of finding a savior, he would be made to choose between whose hands he would suffer in. 
But the injustice and the heartless words were too much to keep quiet even if it was against his instincts to defy the prime in front of him. It hurt him deep down because the omega had been enamored by the alpha in the few days that had passed. Looking at him through shy eyes from a safe distance.
His young innocent love had been allowed to bloom deep within. Peter knew that he shouldn't have, that it was a road that led nowhere, but he couldn't stop himself from dreaming. 
This very dream flickered before his eyes, at this moment, as he stood before the man that threatened to crush Peter's heart in his palm.
“...So you think to humiliate me, as well?” He almost choked as tears burned at the corners of his eyes but there was no chance to back down now. If Thanos learned of this, he would strangle Peter to death with his bare hands. 
“I wasn’t lying,” he sobbed, lowering his head and tugging his uniform shirt over it, making his hair a mess. He let it slip through his fingers and drop to the floor. 
His chest was left covered in a white undershirt and the boy clenched the fabric, trying to silence the nerves that shook his body. 
He had to prove himself. He had to. While looking down, he lowered his pants and stepped out of them. 
But that was it. The boy couldn’t do anything more.
Paralyzed, he stood in his underwear and shirt, his hands close to his chest. His eyes were wet with tears but he didn't dare let them fall. He couldn't look the alpha in the eye, his face was burning with mortification. Instead, his eyes were pinned to the ground as he waited for the alpha’s judgement. This was far from the presenting that the alpha demanded of him, but Peter couldn’t find the strength to do it, not all the way.
Some alphas got off on the scent of fear. It smelled sickeningly sweet with just a hint of sourness underneath.
Tony had learned to tolerate it, but never cared for it much. He might even learn to detest it, especially with the small omega trembling in front of him. The scent of his fear was almost offensive compared to how it was before Tony revealed himself to be the monster he was.
Tony could even muster up a tiny bit of regret if he wanted to. Scaring the omega was his goal, but he hadn't expected– What a mess.
He sighed, a deep heavy sound before he ran a hand through his hair in frustration.
“Christ, kid,” Tony huffed, “The point was to be careful with what you're offering. You can't say you'll do anything then be surprised if they take as much as they can. Ever heard of give an inch, take a mile?”
He deliberated his choices. He could just walk away. The omega would probably count himself lucky. Maybe even avoid all alphas and primes in the future. Lesson learned and all that. 
Alphas were scum.
He could wash his hands of this. Maybe even keep an eye out for the boy as recompense for the rude awakening Tony had given him. But did he want to walk away…?
Tony could make this right. Walking away wouldn't solve the boy's issue with Thanos. Wouldn't save him from becoming a prison bitch. Not with that attitude and no protector.
Another sigh, but truly, there had never been another choice for Tony.
He stepped forward, knowing his actions might be read wrong but doing it anyway. He enveloped the omega in his arms, scenting him in the only thorough way an alpha can claim another without actually getting down and dirty.
The boy in his arms had been through a rollercoaster of emotions already and it didn’t seem like there was going to be an end to it any time soon. In his confusion, Peter tried to back away when Tony stepped closer, still too agitated, too unnerved to think clearly. 
“I'm not so heartless. I'm not so greedy or cruel,” Tony admitted reluctantly. “But others aren't that way. You can't trust anyone, kid. Better you learn that now.”
Peter flinched, barely able to listen to what the alpha was saying through the hammering of his heart.
In the next moment, however, the alpha’s scent bathed him in comfort, in warm and fuzzy feelings of protection that Peter had never known before. And that made his body relax, whether he wanted it or not. 
To be granted a prime’s protection in such a gentle and caring way made Peter’s knees weak, his body calm and pliant. He was young, inexperienced, never marked or claimed in his life and now he had been completely overwhelmed in the arms of the powerful prime. 
His instincts had risen within him, taking hold of his mind as Peter pressed his face against Tony’s strong chest. He lifted his head towards the man’s neck, taking in the scent that was even more intense there. 
Soon, Peter was so much calmer even though his heart was beating fast but that was for entirely different reasons. 
"What– what is this..." Peter murmured, dazed, scent drunk and barely fighting. "Why are you..." 
The alpha held him and he even felt fingers stroke through his hair. 
"I'm giving you what you want," Peter heard the alpha say, his voice so soothing that the omega felt like he was sinking into a soft cloud.
The scent tapped into Peter’s instincts, forcing his body in this more relaxed state. He felt how it soothed his mind, pushing aside his previous fear and almost leaving him in a drugged out state.
It felt good but… Alpha wasn't angry with him… His mind was in a haze and the clarity that he had before… When adrenaline made his heart pound and his mind skip a thousand thoughts a second of what he could do, had to do… It was gone, out of reach and he almost… almost didn't care to have it back.
Something about that was wrong.
Primes were dangerous, Peter always knew that but now, more than ever, he understood why. 
Their scents were potent and whether or not Tony only meant to soothe him, not steal away his mind, it was affecting Peter too much.
It was casting his inhibitions and logical thinking to the side. He didn't want that, not when so much was unclear between them. He needed clarity to not be tricked by the alpha if that was his intention. Tony could not be trusted. 
All this could still be a game, a farce, something to entertain this man for a few minutes… hours… days? The fear of being such a toy made his heart seize and where it was content and excited by being so close to the alpha, it now threatened to break. It was more than enough to clear his head.
Uncertainty made Peter's form stiffen and he pulled his nose away, seeking to escape the gravitational pull of the alpha. 
"But… Who's to say that…" he uttered. He was fearful, yes, but also determined. "That… you're not just like him? Just another alpha." Peter asked and glanced at the alpha with furrowed eyebrows.
Tony's eyebrows rose in surprise.
He has given the kid what he wanted. His scent would be on the omega and as soon as he walked out, the other inmates would know. They wouldn't touch Peter for fear of angering Tony Stark.
Once Thanos learned of it, surely there'll be a clash between the two primes. When confined in such tight spaces, it was always meant to happen but the omega in his arms would've been a catalyst.
Protection. He was giving Peter what he wanted... Or was he? Under his wing…
Tony was intrigued.
"That could almost be an insult," Tony said with a devil may care smile. "Just another alpha… Are you always so impulsive, sweetheart?"
He let the boy go, stepping away and looking around the small, dark room to gather his thoughts. Even if Tony had his equipment and toys right in front of him, his attention would still be captured by the omega waiting for him.
"Who's to say I am any different," Tony considered, not at all offended. Then with a sly smile, he turned back to the omega, settling his hands on the boy's slight shoulders. "Except you. You're the one saying that by coming to me. Have I proven you wrong then? Am I just… another alpha?"
His own conviction had saved him but the alpha pulling away had certainly helped. Even then, the powerful scent was pulling him in but he resisted. It was getting easier to manage through it the longer they talked.
They… They were truly engaging each other now, something Peter didn't think would happen. He needed his wits together to be on par with the prime.
Peter shook his head and his curls bounced around with the movement. Insulting the prime had not been his intention, of course, and he became flustered. Even so, he still would not back down. The scent coming from the man was not agitated which helped Peter continue.
An omega's place was not to judge or measure alphas, let alone primes. Unless they were asking for trouble... Which Peter did just by requesting this meeting.
"Alpha… seems different," he admitted, keeping the rest of his heart's secrets to himself. "I…" he swallowed, "I have seen you…" 
The boy had heard of Stark's ways within the prison. That he didn't mistreat those that were vulnerable and if there was ever a reason to fear an alpha… Stark's people feared him for the right reasons. But maybe he hadn't had enough time to show what he was capable of.
The boy’s admission made Tony wonder what exactly Peter had seen. What had Tony done to invite such curiosity and trust?
To his knowledge, he took over his side of the prison almost ruthlessly, all kinds of people bowing their heads to him.
The omega continued to speak though, so Tony put the thought aside for now.
"What if… Alpha promises…" Peter proposed shyly and bit his cheek. "No tricks or games…"
Tony raised a brow and stepped closer, their chests almost brushing. It pleased him when the omega continued to gaze up at him, expectantly and with such an unnerving gaze. 
"Did you learn nothing from what I did?" Tony murmured, not unkindly but curiously. "How can you trust me? You're asking me to promise something with no way of holding me accountable."
His smile turned almost sad then.
"No tricks, no games?" Tony repeated, "Don't you know who you're talking to? Ah, you shouldn't be in this hellhole, kid."
Peter tilted his head, while still looking up at the man. Young innocence flickered in his eyes, so easy to be extinguished at the hands of an alpha. He stared into Tony’s dark gaze, wishing he could see what went on in his head, his thoughts and desires, his motives and wishes.
The boy was guilty of his crimes… That was how he had landed himself in this mess. But even with the fear that one of the primes could take him apart, Peter wouldn’t change what he had done. He kept that to himself, however, since he truly believed that Tony had no idea. Tony didn’t even know he existed before this meeting, no doubt.
He shrugged his shoulders, but his eyebrows twitched upwards, making an arch. He recognized now that Tony called his bluff and hadn't expected Peter to actually go through with the request. To Peter, it told him that the prime hadn't had bad intentions… Stark just had a shocking way of doing things.
But what could Peter use that Tony would abide by…?
“I will hold you to your word,” he said and lines of distress formed across his smooth little forehead. 
“On a prime’s honor,” he continued with a stern expression. His scent was giving away, however, how intimidated he really was.
Would this boy ever stop surprising him? The alpha wondered.
"A prime's–" Tony ended up chuckling.
He couldn't even fathom– It was ridiculous. The omega was holding him to a promise based on such a fanciful thing. And yet, something stirred inside the prime and it… It didn't exactly ache, but it was bothersome.
Then that scent reached him… Sour… His nose twitched in agitation. Rather abruptly, the alpha decided that he didn't like that scent, not when it was previously so sweet and alluring. Before Tony had played his game, as the omega called it.
"Honor, huh?" Tony smiled indulgently, "That doesn't exist in this world, sweetheart. But…"
His chin dipped, just the slightest acknowledgment.
"If you want that promise, then you can have it," Tony relented with a careless shrug. "Is that enough? Or should I sweeten the deal… Add something nice to make up for what I did. Diamonds, perhaps?"
Peter smiled at first, a bit hopeful since the man gave him the promise. He shouldn't trust him fully, Tony had said it himself, but Peter did. He trusted that he would keep his word, even if it had been given to someone insignificant like him, a stray omega.
Then his eyebrows lifted at the alpha's curious proposal.
With a tilt of his head, Peter looked up at him, his expression softening in wonder. It was meant as a joke, he was certain. It couldn’t be that the prime would truly offer this to him. But even if he was, the omega had no use for precious stones. What good could they do… They were just for show, void of true meaning.
He smiled innocently.
"No… no need for diamonds," he said lightheartedly while shaking his head. The omega's defenses had fallen. He was exposed again, letting go of his reservations and fear. His smile turned tender and apologetic almost. 
"A rose would be nice, though," Peter gave back. His inner thoughts and emotions were bare for the alpha to witness in the vastness of his brown eyes.
Ironically, the request would be more difficult to fulfill. Diamonds, Tony could have smuggled in. They were tiny and easily hidden. Peter would perhaps have a hard time keeping them but anyone who knew they were a gift from the prime wouldn't dare touch them.
But a rose… Another fleeting thing. Something that wouldn't survive here. And yet, Tony wanted to get it for him.
Maybe it was because it was a challenge to do so. Maybe it was for some other reason…
Roses and diamonds… He thought wistfully. It didn't mean anything to the omega, but it did for Tony.
He dismissed the thought and instead gave the omega a charming smile.
"A rose… It would suit you," Tony told him. "A rose and a promise then, along with my… protection. What then are you giving me in return, hmm?"
Peter would not repeat the same mistake as before. Offering anything to the alpha was just not persuasive enough since he had already backed down from such claims. Yet the omega was determined and would go very far to have Tony as his protector. 
“I’m tough. I may not look it, but I am,” he said and gulped, his cheeks getting a bit rosy.
The words didn’t match with his softness, his vulnerability that was so obvious in his scent. 
“I can work for you, obey, and be devoted. I can… do the dirty work.” He glanced to the side, unsure. 
The omega knew that he didn’t seem like much, but this… he really meant it.
Tony hummed in response and gave the boy a look over.
Whoever heard of an omega doing dirty work? That'd be interesting, indeed. Tony couldn't even really think of what task he would give the omega, but then, having a potential piece is better than not having one at all.
He'd find a use for Peter eventually, he was sure of it. At least the boy learned quick.
"You want to be a grunt in my… organization?" Tony said thoughtfully but shook his head, "I don't need more grunts. I have those in spares, even here."
He gave another thoughtful hum and let his eyes linger on the omega's pretty features. He circled the waiting boy, considering… Considering…
No tricks or games was what he had just promised. He'll stick to it then.
The prime prowled forward, every step a confident stride. His chest pressed against Peter's back, firm and unyielding.
"I have a better idea and you can decide yourself," Tony purred as he curled an arm around the omega's neck. His lips brushed against Peter's ear, soft and intimate.
"How about you keep me company, hmm?" Tony suggested, "Be mine. My omega. I have business to take care of and a fickle heart can cause trouble. Keep all the other omegas from interfering and we have a deal."
It was such a minor thing but Tony's interest wasn't so easily won. It would be one less worry, one less quarrel that he could somehow get caught in.
Peter felt Tony’s chest rise and fall against his back, with the man’s steady breathing. He turned his head, for a moment, to look at him, before lowering it again. His chest raced, and how could it not, after this proposition.
Just business… a cold deal. Well… not for Peter, since being Tony’s omega was his heart’s deep desire. He wanted to be close to him, to accompany him… to talk to him… To stare up into those beautiful dark eyes… 
But it was not easy to say yes, even if it was what Peter wanted. It was risky, but the man had promised… And Peter believed him.  
“Then we have a deal.” Peter nodded, and his form stiffened. 
To belong to the most powerful man in prison was a serious matter. And yet the omega didn’t care as much for this as he cared for the fact that he would belong to Tony Stark and be his. Peter’s young love surged even greater with the possibilities. The omega tried to not fool himself and still, that hopeless dream of true love didn’t seem as unattainable… 
Or maybe… 
Maybe he was giving himself away for false hopes and empty promises. A flower cut off the garden, to be scented and of use until… deflowered. 
Even though Peter couldn't see it, Tony's smile grew once the deal was made. The omega also wasn't pulling away so Tony felt a bit... daring.
He turned his face, nudging his nose against the boy's ear. Peter's scent had turned sweet again, like honey on his tongue and the alpha breathed it in like it was a drug.
"Deal," Tony said, lips curved up in a devilish grin.
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capisback · 5 years
hehe, hello there! first kiss + did they or didn't they, with dazatsu please?
Tropes: First Kiss + Did they or Didn’t they? 
Pairing: Nakajima Atsushi/Dazai Osamu (Dazatsu) 
Notes: Sorry this took a while, dear anon! I actually worked on 4 ideas for this prompt for a while, fully intending to post all of them, but then I realised with how slow I am, this would never get finished like that, so I picked this one and discarded the other three. I really hope you like it, anon!!
Kunikida comes in to the Agency, after a long day on ajob with Atsushi and Dazai. His appearance looks a bit frazzled, since the jobdid involve some dangerous types. His coworkers greet him, as per usual. Then,one of them notices he seems a bit out of it, and asks him what’s up.
After a few seconds of silence, Kunikida answers in abreathy tone, an unsure lilt to his voice: “I think I just saw Dazai andAtsushi kiss.”
The whole Agency freezes. 
And then - 
All Hell breaks loose.
They’re all yelling over one another, some closing inon Kunikida, trying to get all the “juicy” details out of him. The poor, tired,does-not-get-paid-enough-for-this man tries to placate and says that “I couldhave seen wrong. We don’t know for sure.”
To which Naomi cries out that that’s bullshit and shewon’t have it. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for the past six months of mylife and you’re not going to take it away from me, Kunikida!”
She’s seen those boys pining for months, to the pointshe had to almost physically restrain herself from yelling at them to justfucking kiss already. They HAD to have confessed and kissed, because if not shemight actually die on the spot.
Tanizaki, of course, tries to calm his sister down,but he backs down the instant she shoots him a rather terrifying glare. He’snot entirely convinced Dazai and Atsushi did finally confess to each other, buthe’ll wisely keep his mouth shut about that, lest he fall victim to hissister’s wrath.
Yosano voices his objections in his stead.“This is Dazai and Atsushi we’re talking about”, she says. “Those two idiotswill probably die before confessing.”
Noami tries to protest once more, but Yosano levelsher with an unimpressed look. “Do you really think they’d suddenly confess andkiss after nearly a year of obliviously pining?”
“You never know!” Naomi objects. She’s not going togive up hope, even if the memory of the two making such obvious googly eyes ateach other, with somehow neither of them noticing, makes her just a taddesperate.
Haruno, on her way to the file cabinet after havinggiven Ranpo some Ramune, says that perhaps Kunikida did see wrong, but that itwould be quite nice if they actually did confess.
This only fuels the supporters, and soon the Agencyhas divided itself into two camps: Did and Did Not.
Kunikida sits to the side, exasperated, wishing he’dnever opened his damn mouth. Kyouka places a silent, comforting hand on hisshoulder, as she watches the battle with a stoic expression.
The bickering continues until Kenji speaks up (and weall know everyone has to listen when the good boy speaks): “We won’t reallyknow what happened until we ask Dazai-san and Atsushi-kun themselves, right?”
The Agency bursts into quiet mumbles of agreement, andin the end they decide to wait for the duo in question to return so that theycan pry into their private lives. After waiting for what seems like forever,the door finally opens, and an unusually quiet, smiling Dazai enters, followed by acontently (and slightly flustered) smiling Atsushi.
Naomi can’t contain herself, her excitement burstingat the seams. “OH MY GOD, YOU GUYS DID KISS!” she yells-slash-squeals.
A bouquet of red dashes across Dazai’s face andAtsushi simply descends into being a flustered mess.
“We don’t know that!” Yosano admonishes, beforeeagerly turning towards the duo, expectation shining in her eyes. “But you guysdid kiss, right?”
“You guys – ” Kunikida growls, about to say somethingabout his co-workers’ poor behaviour.
“Why are you so interested?” Dazai says, trying toappear aloof. At the very least, he’s not really appreciating his co-workers’prying.
Yosano rolls her eyes. “Because we’re detectives”, shesays, sounding quite done. “Or maybe because we’ve been watching you two pineand drool over each other for a year.”
“Please tellus you confessed”, Naomi whines.
Atsushi squeaks out an answer before things can take abad turn: “Um – Y-yes. Dazai-san and I are…” The red in his face darkens ashade “We’re a couple now.”
The Agency “cheers” (Naomi literally so, while Ranposimply loudly says “Finally”) and take turns saying their own forms ofcongratulations to the newly formed couple (It feels surreal to them, how happytheir coworkers are. It’s like they’ve just announced they’d gotten engagedafter years of being a couple and that they’d decided to adopt a child, and hadsomehow saved Yokohama of destruction in the process. But they suppose they’lltake it just as is.)
Ithink I’d maybe even put a second chapter to this one (I’m a one-shot type ofgal most of the time, so), describing how their first kiss came to be. Basically,they’re coming back from that dangerous mission, and our dear fool Atsushi’sbeen a bit reckless again, probably got himself stabbed or something.Kunikida’s already far ahead of them as they hang back, walking together a bitsolemnly, covered by the low rays of the tired sun. Atsushi says “I’m sorry”,and Dazai plays the oblivious fool. “Hmm? For what, Atsushi-kun?” 
“For…”Atsushi pauses. “For worrying you.”
Dazaiblinks at that answer, but then breathes out an amused breath. Of course that’swhat Atsushi’s sorry about. “You’re really too reckless”, he says, whichprompts another “I’m sorry” from Atsushi. He looks a bit sheepish. “I can’treally help it.” Dazai tuts his disapproval. “That’s not true, Atsushi-kun.It’s something you can learn. You just need more training.”
“Maybe”,Atsushi relents, looking back in front of him. “But my body moves on its ownwhen Dazai-san’s in danger.” Not really realising the effect his words have onpoor smitten Dazai, Atsushi continues in a teasing-slash-slightly scolding tone:“If anything, this means you’re theone who needs to be more careful, Dazai-san.” Dazai scrapes his throat to tryand dislodge the feelings (the pure fondness) getting stuck there.
“Ah,well,” he says, trying to collect himself, “I can try if it’s for you,Atsushi-kun.”
Atsushi’sface shows his surprise, and then it morphs into something entirely too gentle.“Really? You’d do that for me?”
 Dazai swallows. “Yeah.”
Atsushismiles. “I’m glad. I don’t want to see you hurt.”
Dazaichuckles, humourlessly. “Nor I you, Atsushi-kun, but you seem to have a way ofdoing that.”
“Ireally can’t help it,” Atsushi pouts. “I don’t want to get hurt, either, butdanger always seems to find me.”
“Andthen you rush into it.” Dazai quirks an eyebrow and Atsushi’s pout deepens. “Can’thelp it”, he mumbles. “It just… happens.”
“It’sbecause you’re too kind”, Dazai says.
Atsushiwants to both protest and to say ‘I thought it was because I’m too reckless’.
“You’retoo good for – us.” Too good for me,Dazai thinks.
Atsushisimply stares at him for a few long seconds, before he averts his gaze. “I’mnot”, he says, finally. He lets out a breathy laugh. “If anything, I don’t deserveall of this.”
Not asurprising answer – it was the answer Dazai was expecting. He didn’t sayanything in response, no matter how much his soul cried it wasn’t true, nomatter how much he wanted to say Atsushi didn’t deserve to have such a warpedview of himself, no matter how much his body wanted to wrap itself aroundAtsushi and never let him go, to let him know just how wonderful he was. 
“But”,Atsushi continued, mellowed sunset eyes meeting Dazai’s. “I’m so grateful Ihave it, anyway.” Atsushi smiled. “I’m so lucky, Dazai-san. I’m lucky I’msurrounded by such wonderful people. I’m lucky to have people who worry andcare for me. I’m lucky to have a place to belong.” A small pause, and a flashof something in Atsushi’s eyes. “Butmost importantly, I’m lucky to have met you, Dazai-san.”
Dazai’seyes widened just a tad. “Atsushi-kun – ” he breathed, though he didn’t knowwhat he wanted to say, why he was saying anything at all. His brain wasn’tcomputing with him, not when the object of his affection was looking at himwith such adoration.
“Dazai-san”,Atsushi said, voice just as gentle as the rest of him. “I love you.”
(Aaaandthere went Dazai’s ability to function. Just like that.) Stunned into silence,Dazai didn’t do much more than stare at his subordinate. Was this real? Thiscouldn’t be. No way. This was probably just a dream. A really, really gooddream. Dazai dug his nail into the palm of his hand. A flash of pain. Okay, nota dream then. But how could this possibly be real? What had Dazai done todeserve something like this?
Hissilence made Atsushi falter, and he stuttered when he next spoke “I – I knowit’s… weird. And I don’t – I’m not everything you deserve. I’m just me andyou’re – you.” The way Atsushibreathed that ‘you’ sent a shiver down Dazai’s back. He wasn’t used to peoplecalling him ‘you’ with such warmth ensnared in their voice. “But I hope you canaccept my feelings. You don’t have to return them. I wouldn’t ask you that. Icompletely understand. But, I thought, you should know that I…” Atsushi trailsoff when Dazai cups his cheek. Dazai doesn’t think he’s ever touched anythingor anyone so gently before. 
“You’vegot it all wrong, Atsushi-kun,” he says. His voice isn’t soft, not likeAtsushi’s is, but his molten brown eyes shine with warmth and love, and Atsushiwishes he could freeze the moment and live in it forever, to be able to stareat Dazai’s beautiful eyes for all eternity. “I don’t deserve you.”
Andthen he’s leaning forward, and Atsushi’s reaching up to meet him halfway, andthen they’re kissing. It’s nothing too grand, it’s quick and simple, but it’sperfect. It’s everything they’ve been waiting for. When they part, they’re bothsmiling.
“So”,Atsushi breathes. “Does this mean we’re…” He trails off, unsure, but the smilewon’t stay off his face. Dazai’s smile widens just a tad. “Yes.” Atsushi beamsand kisses him again.
Andthen they’re late because they hang back to make out lol
(No,actually, it’s all really cute. They’re both quite hesitant and genuinely justso happy, and they just can’t get enough of each other or snap out of themoment.)
(It’swhen they sun has dipped down low, when the night colours are bleeding into thecity, that they realise just how late it is, and that Kunikida has effectivelyleft them behind. They laugh about it as they make their way back to the Agency(none the wiser about how much turmoil they’ve brought to their coworkers).)
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alansparkshark · 6 years
Alright, this hit me like a Boarbatusk. Or a truck. Same thing.
So, here I am, happily making some RWBY OCs. I get to their Semblances and think: "What can I give them that's useful and connected to their character?" Cuz, you know,
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I don't quite get it from that explanation though, so my next thought is: "Well, let's look at the original cast, see what they got and how it pertains to their characters."
And yet the more I looked, the more a thought grew in me.
"There's aren't so much decided by their personalities as they are by their wishes."
Now, hear me out here. For most Semblances we've seen yet and have heard/seen the unlocking of, they seem to have appeared in a moment of need, a moment of physical or emotional stress.
And it always seems to pertain to certain desires the user has.
Alright, let's just start from somewhere. Let me explain my thought process.
I take a character who's Semblance we know of, then check their backstory and personality. Then I check if said backstory/personality could lead to a desire in said character. And finally, I try to see if that desire connects directly to the Semblance of the character in question.
Let's start with someone who's Semblance we not only know, but saw the moment they found it.
Lie Ren.
First off, we check their personality/backstory. Ren is a quiet, less emotionally expressive character. He seems to stay calm in every moment. As the story progresses, he grows more expressive - in current-day Kuroyuri, he is shown in a rage.
So far, it seems fitting that such a character gets a Semblance such as "Calmness", as I'll dub it.
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But it's the moment that he unlocks it that makes it interesting.
Up until that point, we've seen Ren as an excitable little boy. He went from store to store, trying to find something to buy his father for his return. He shows a lot of emotions at that point. When the Nuckelavee attacks and his parents perish, he is panicked beyond belief and is hiding under an archway. He notices Nora a little ways away, in a similar state. He wants to help her. He wants to take action, but he's too panicked to move. He wants to calm down , he tries and tries and- his Semblance activates. His desire to calm down activated his unique ability - to instill calmness despite negative emotions. His wish was to do as his father and mother did - be brave and inspire others to feel the same.
In other words, his Semblance was unlocked by his desire to be calm so he could be reliable to those he cares about.
Alright, next big example - Jaune.
His Semblance was first hinted at in "Forever Fall, pt.2" as Cardin attempted to give Jaune the good ol' knuckle sandwich, only hurt his hand after a bright flash of light (This'll be of importance later). The next time we see it is alllll the way in "Vault of The Spring Maiden", and this time it was fully unlocked. His Semblance of Aura Amplification is one that I personally feel really fits his character - he doesn't want to protect his friends. He wants to do as Pyrrha did for him at Beacon - bring them up, assist them in achieving new heights but not doing it instead of them. Notice how I again used "wants". His desire to do as a good leader should, bring up his teammates, is the basis of his Semblance. It's the same with when he blocked Cardin's punch - he wanted to bring himself up from the pitiful state he was in at the time, not just protect himself from the pain but have the strength to overcome it.
Alright, next up on the list... is Raven, surprisingly.
She was one of the easiest to piece to this logic, as she and Qrow have an irony with their Semblances. But back to Raven.
Her Semblance is "Connection", as I'll call it. It's premise is relatively simple - she can create a portal to those she has a strong emotional connection to. The list so far includes Qrow (brother & teammate), Taiyang (lover & teammate), Yang (daughter) and Vernal (right-hand woman until her untimely demise). We know about Vernal due to process of elimination - unless you wanna imply she actually had a connection to Cinder or her companions. And yet, her whole story is how she abandoned her daughter and her husband. She told Qrow "they owed everything to the Branwen tribe", strongly implying, if not confirming she feels a sense of thankfulness to the people who raised her when she needed it. She admonished Qrow for deserting the clan. She feels a sense of duty towards them. And yet, her Semblance is based entirely on emotional connection - something I doubt is of great importance in a bandit clan composed of "killers and thieves", in Qrow's words. I'd hazard to guess that a childhood in a bandit clan would easily stir a desire to form lasting bonds - something easily achievable when you can make portals. Despite her sense of duty, she still desires a strong emotional bond, devoid of power dynamics and a sense of "we may die any day". Something she had with Taiyang and Yang. Something she had with Qrow and Vernal, despite the circumstances. Really adds a layer to her character if you put it like that.
Alright, who's next... hm, let's put Qrow on the dissection table now.
His Semblance of "Misfortune" seems awfully contradictory to his character, that of a caring man who can barely stand to hurt those close to him, even if they're not family and friends. Why would that be his Semblance?
Well, he obviously didn't have a great opinion of the Branwen tribe. Who knows, maybe what Raven saw as being saved, Qrow saw as being used. Maybe he wished that they'd be caught by bad luck, that the tribe would just collapse and disappear. But that spite evolved into his current Semblance - everyone around him suffers while he's only really left with emotional scars.
Welp. That was depressing. Who's up for getting at Nora next.
Now, this is gonna be pretty short this time. There's not a lot to talk about. She sees Ren as her emotional anchor, her savior. She wants to give back for what he does. She sees he's struggling on the physical side (he's pretty low on the endurance, as evident multiple times throughout the show), so she desires to be strength he's lacking in. And look where that got her - her Semblance, "Charging" makes her grow exponentially stronger the more electricity she absorbs. She can even channel it into objects, like Magnhild or an Ursa. I'd say mission successful, you funky little Thor ginger.
Let's finish up JNPR with their resident apology machine - Pyrrha.
So, we know she'd been in many tournaments. She's the Invincible Girl. The three-time Mistral regional battle tournament winner. She's honestly a gladiator. And what does a gladiator crave? Victory. That's where her overpowered (in comparison to others) Semblance appeared from. She simply wanted to beat her opponents more easily. Well, until she didn't want all the fame that came along with her power.
Alright, who do we mentally lay bare... Hm, Velvet seems simple enough.
What's there to say - a shy, bullied bunny. She's a second year in the first year's history class. I'd say that would do some things to your confidence. And what's her Semblance? Well it just so happens to be "Movement Copying". She can copy a person's physical movements, even if she has not seen them, as shown in "Heroes and Monsters". Makes sense - her desire to be as strong as those around her shows both in her Semblance and her weapon (which is basically a weapon-copying camera). She doesn't have confidence that she's strong, so she (quite literally) does as those around her.
Hm, who next... oooh, how about Yang?
"...basically a temper tantrum", I'd call it "Rise Up". This also can connect to a desire. Yang, being repeatedly battered by one damaging event after the other - her mother abandoning her, her stepmother dying, likely a depression in her father and mothering Ruby. The girl has likely been brought down more than once. But she desires to get stronger from it, so much so that the desire has become a characteristic. She shows so when she decides to find Ruby, when she decides to start training again. She has done it again and again and she'll continue doing it - her desire is now another part of her personality that won't break.
Alright, we put Yang here, how about we make a Bumbleby combo and go for Blake next.
"Shadows", now that's a name I can get behind. She "leaves an empty shell, a shadow to take the hit while she runs". It's, all things considered, a kind of cowardly Semblance. It's basically "here, beat on this while I dodge away and escape the attack". And with the recent events, we've seen she doesn't wanna run anymore - yet she retains her Semblance unchanged? Makes no sense if it's connected to a personality trait. But if it's connected to a desire, then it would make perfect sense. Firstly, she's a Faunus. We know for a fact that there's Faunus discrimination (seriously, if the Adam short and Adam's scar aren't enough proof for you...) and that she was fighting against it in protests. And if our world is anything to go by... yeah, it's easy to see how peaceful any counter-protests would be. Not to mention Adam himself. From all those factors collected, well, the thought process behind the desire her Semblance is founded on becomes obvious - she realised the racists only saw an animal, nothing of importance where Blake stood. So she gave them just that - an empty sandbag to hit while she runs. I'm not gonna get into Adam, as I'm simply sick of the topic.
Hmm, who's left... Well, Weiss has a familial Semblances. The Schnee Glyphs aren't so much unique as the summons included. Really, the only thing unique about her Semblance is who she summons, as we've seen a Queen Lancer, a Boarbatusk and the Arma Gigas, unlike Winter, who we've seen with a flock of tiny Nevermores and a Beowolf. The show says the Schnee family Semblance is a very rare thing, a passed-down-by-blood power. So it's an understandable outlier.
Let's look at Ruby next... Well, she seems to be a very big outlier to this theory of mine. Her silver eyes have more to do with her desires than her Speed. Maybe she has a desire we have yet to see? Anyways, I don't quite have an explanation for Ruby, so I'll leave her aside.
Let's clean our palates with Sun, then.
His Semblance, "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu" (I know it's called "Via Sun", but I wanted to make an unoriginal joke), actually seems to fit my theory. We don't have much, if any, backstory, but in this case we need none. His desire, as we've seen many times throughout the series and which was twisted in Volume 4 & 5, is to help people. He wants to be there for those he cares about, like Blake and his team, but he realises he can't do it alone. So his desire turned into his Semblance, "One Monkey Army" - a way for him to help even if he's alone to do so. You can't tell me he hasn't used his Semblance to fetch something for someone at least once.
Hm, few people left. Let's go with Emerald.
Her "Hallucinations" are a nod to her growing up on the streets. A place you'd be begging people not to pay attention to you. Her Semblance, then, is born from the obvious desire to fool prey and predators alike.
Neo... We don't know much about her. No backstory, some personality, but honestly? The only idea I have at this moment is more of a headcannon. But I CAN connect her Semblance's evolution. So, before V6, her Semblance is simply making physical illusions. It's honestly similar to Blake's "Shadows", in some uses, but it's definitely a lot more of a multi-use tool. It can be used to make her look different, if not outright invisible. But it always shatters upon being hit. Fast forward to V6 and her fight against Cinder, and suddenly she can use the illusions as straight up puppets to fight for her. Her Semblance grew, to put it bluntly. But why in such a manner? Her illusions were fragile and immobile before, now they're tougher and mobile to the point of being straight up weapons. But why in that direction? Well, they can move and touch things without them breaking now. Guess who's started to get more headpats from her partner.
Alright, Hazel is up for the mental strip.
Honestly, despite our lack of major backstory here, his Semblance is pretty easy to trace back. Nobody likes pain, outside of masochists, so it's easy to understandable he'd have a Semblance that removes the feeling of pain.
Adam. Adam Adam Adam. He's surprisingly more similar to Hazel than Yang in terms of Semblance. Yeah, you heard that right. "He gets to dish out damage and not feel it". His Semblance is basically a self-loading gun - he can use the power of strikes to charge it, only to the unleash various empowered slashes. He refuses to feel pain, just like Hazel, but unlike him, he also desired to return what was meant for him straight back at his attackers. Hazel is relatively peaceful when the situation doesn't include Ozpin, but Adam? He's aggressive, always bloodthirsty. His desire was simple - feed his thirst for vengeance. A perfect Semblance for that wish, no?
Hm, well we only have Glynda left. I got nothing. I don't see how I'd understand her desire to have telekinesis without a backstory I doubt we'll get.
Well, that's it for that! I feel like I'm onto something.
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