#i just really liked that phrase i used in the tags on that house of leaves post
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Almost Bumble Fumble: Ordinary
Masterlist: Here
CW: None
A/N: I have gotten asked for more of these two and I was very inspired by the song Ordinary by Alex Warren, it for some reason made me think of these two so 10/10 recommend listening to it! Enjoy!✨
Tag List: @georgiarose94 @maiajadestyles @fandomfreak404 @likea-silhouette @obsessiveenthusiast @thegr8estpuff @triski73 @amarenonamari @cloudyluun @umadirectioner @styleswithaseaview @sunflower-tia @tulips4harry @gmikaelson @fangirl509east @howling-wolf97 @outofthisworl-d @namoreno
Summary: Harry says something that causes a change in your relationship✨

You can feel his eyes on you as you stand at the sink washing the plates the two of you just ate dinner on, it’s a feeling you’ve gotten used to over the last few months ever since you ended up in front of his house during a mid morning walk. The two of you finding it just a bit odd that he just so happens to live only a fifteen minute walk away from you and yet you haven’t bumped into each other before but in true Harry fashion he chalked it up to the universe knowing just the right time to make the two of you come across each other’s paths, or dating profiles. You bite back a smile as you remember the first time Harry knocked on your door one Friday evening with a box of pizza and a bottle of wine, wanting to switch from your usual FaceTime hangout to an actual in person hangout and it’s as if the two of you haven’t stopped hanging out since. No words have been spoken about what exactly the two of you are doing, but at the same time you don’t think either of you need to explain it.
Harry while he was a little shy at first and needed you to be the one to reach over and grab his hand on one of your evening strolls around the neighborhood, now has no problem subtly showing his affection towards you with kisses to your forehead and a hand on you at all times if you’re within arms reach, he even holds your hand in public now and not just in the confines of the neighborhood and sometimes like now he will just stare at you with this far off look in his eyes that has the underlying hint of fondness that makes your heart want to burst. You on the other hand aren’t shy and have Harry laughing when you nearly cause him to fall over with how aggressive your hugs can be when you haven’t seen him in a day or two. Harry doesn’t ever have to wonder if you want him around because you simply drag him back to your side by his belt loop when he gets too far ahead of you while out at the shops or sometimes you just come up behind him and wrap yourself around him and rest your head between his shoulders and the sigh he hears you let out tells him you need his comfort just as much as he needs yours, the two of you just show it in different ways.
To the outside world the two of you might seem like an odd pairing, Harry being seen as somewhat quiet and reserved while you’re more on the vibrant and only slightly loud side and by loud it’s really just your laugh but Harry doesn’t mind because he adores the sound of it. Another thing is that Harry isn’t really online as much as someone his age is assumed to be, he prefers to have his head in a book and while you do enjoy reading you’re also more in tune with social media trends and quoting viral phrases to him that make him laugh or feel as if you’re playing a joke on him when he doesn’t quite get it but he tries and you appreciate his efforts every time he uses one of his newly learned phrases, even if it’s in the totally wrong context.
“I think it’s clean love.” Harry’s voice brings you out of your thoughts making the plate slip out of your hands and into the soapy water. “You okay?” You hear the smallest hint of concern in his voice as he slides a bit closer to you from him spot next to the sink where his drying station is set up.
“I’m fine.” You answer with a smile and you want to laugh at the faintest sound of what you know is a sigh of relief you hear come from Harry that without a doubt he tried to keep to himself but he can’t keep much from you given how close he managed to inch himself towards you while you were lost in your own little world.
“I just feel a little concerned.” You tell him with a slight purse of your lips as you reach for the plate that just fell back into the sink. Harry quirks an eyebrow at you as he watches you turn your head and look at the stack of dishes he’s already dried. “I mean honestly Harry have you never been on drying duty before? You can’t stack them.”
“I beg your pardon? You can absolutely stack dry dishes. How else are you meant to put them back on the shelf?”
“You can stack them after they dry overnight but not right after you run a rag over them. You’re going to make them all gross.”
“All gross? Really? The woman who has been using the same soapy water and nasty sponge to clean all the dishes is now worried my drying capabilities will be the reason they get all gross?”
“For someone who was standing there watching me like a hawk you clearly weren’t paying attention to what I was-”
“I always pay attention to what you’re doing.” It’s the softness of his voice that has you turning to face him. He has a hand on his hip while the other is down by his side holding the rag he was using to dry the dishes and his face has a genuinely sincere look on it as his green eyes stare into yours.
“That’s cheating.” You say with a huff making Harry let out a chuckle as he tosses the rag onto the counter before turning and placing his hands on your hips. “You can’t say things like that in the middle of a fake argument it’s-it’s rude Harry.” He just nods along while you speak as he pulls you closer until you’re resting your forehead on his chest and let out a dramatic sigh.
“I’d say sorry but I’m not.” He admits as his hands slide to your lower back. “And I know how you feel about lying and all that.”
“I appreciate the honesty.” Harry smiles when you lift your head off his chest so he can get a good look at your face. Your eyes have a sleepy little droop to them that could either be from the wine you had at dinner or the fact it’s nearing eleven at night, your cheeks have a faint pink tint to them that he feels happy to be the cause of and honestly Harry thinks you look adorable as you stare up at him.
“You’re pretty.” You say with a sigh as you bring a hand up and place it on the soft fabric of Harry’s t shirt and with that Harry has his answer that your little sleepy looking eyes are probably from a mixture of the wine along with the time of night.
“Thanks love.” He says with a chuckle as he leans down and places a kiss to your forehead. “But you’re the pretty one.” He argues making you roll your eyes as you reach up on your tiptoes so you can grab both sides of his face and pull him into a kiss that has his hand on your lower back tightening around you and pulling you closer into his chest.
“I still can’t believe you’re real.” You mumble once you pull away and turn to go back to washing the plates in the sink making Harry shake his head while dropping his hands from around you.
As he stands in front of the stack of dry plates he has to hold back a laugh because that little phrase is something he hears you mumble quite a bit to yourself or sometimes like now you let it slip out while still in front of him. He knows that you’re referring to him being real as in not some fictional human you’ve made up in your mind, it no longer holds the same meaning it did when you first saw him when you didn’t believe he was real as in the real Harry Styles.
“Yes love?”
“You’re not really going to leave the plates stacked right?” You question as Harry turns his head just to see you looking at him with a look of minor concern etched on your face as you hold out a clean plate for him to take and dry off.
He can’t help but give you a reassuring smile to ease your worry since he can tell this is just one of those things you clearly like done a specific way. And since Harry isn’t a stranger to having certain ways of doing things he won’t argue with you this time, even though a small part of him does love the effortless way the two of you can go back and fourth without actually crossing any lines and turning silly bickering into a full blown argument.
“I’ll put them on the drying rack don’t worry.” You smile and give him a small nod of approval as he takes the plate from you.
“God we’re so domestic.” The statement makes a warm feeling wash over Harry because it’s true, the two of you often end up doing very ordinary and basic things such as grocery shopping and dishes together and now that he thinks about it, those moments are the ones filled with the most meaning for him. Because if he can have fun and enjoy every moment of doing everyday things with you that are usually a bit boring and feel more like a chore, than that has to mean he’s found something special with this relationship and with you.

“I’m not so sure about that one love.” You look down at the photo of the flower arrangement on your phone as Harry rests his chin on top of your shoulder. “S’a bit too orange.” He explains when you let out a huff and begin sliding through other examples the florist you’ve chosen for a party you’re hosting next week has on their website.
“Too orange? That’s not a thing.” You bite back making Harry chuckle as his hand on your waist gives you a little pinch. “It’s just for a little garden party oh-what about this one?” You hold your phone out so he can get a good look at the small yellow and pink arrangement, you feel him smile against your neck making a shiver run down your spine.
“That one’s nice.” He answers before lifting his head off your shoulder and reaching out towards your phone screen with his free hand so he can use two fingers and zoom in on the photo. “I like the pinks and the bits of green.” You smile as you briefly let your eyes glance up to check if your order has been placed on the little counter of the small cafe the two of you have become regulars at. A place that has Harry feeling more comfortable with showing his affectionate side while tucked away near the back with his back against the wall and you standing in front of him between his spread legs so your back can rest against his chest.
“I think I like it.” Harry notes the excitement in your voice as his hand drops away from your phone screen and lands on your waist.
“I love you-I mean it.” Harry’s words are a jumbled mess swirling around in his brain as he feels his face get hot and his hands suddenly begin to get all sweaty at his slip up. “I love it.” He reiterates as you slide your phone into your pocket and turn around so you’re facing him, his grip on your waist loosening ever so slightly as if he’s giving you wiggle room to run away and never speak to him again.
“Yeah? You love it?” Your voice is like a soothing tonic to Harry’s mind that’s running a mile a minute with things he should say to clear the air but when he meets your stare suddenly all those thoughts are gone. Leaving him with a pile of muddled words that only barely scratch the surface of how truly beautiful he thinks you are, especially when you’re looking at him like he’s the only person on the planet that means anything to you.
“Yeah.” Is all he can manage to get out and he feels a ball of anxiety form in the pit of his stomach as the thought of potentially just ruining everything with his stupid one word response but to his surprise, it earns him a grin as you reach up and place a hand on the side of his face.
“Good. I love it too.” His brain doesn’t have time to register what that means exactly, if you’re talking about the flowers or something else before you’re reaching up and placing a very quick kiss to his lips.
“Edward? Edward your order is ready!” You laugh and turn around as you hear the name you gave the barista for your order while Harry is still mentally stuck in the fog of not knowing if the two of you just told each other you loved each other in some weirdly yet very you type of way.
“I’ll go get our drinks.” You tell him over your shoulder and Harry just watches you walk away making his hands slip off your waist as you head towards the counter, leaving him standing there in a confused bubble while you’re just acting completely normal. But he’s brought back to reality when he looks up and finds you heading his way with your coffee in one hand and his tea in the other and a very sweet smile on your face.
“You think I should get two? Of the arrangements? One for each table?” You question casually as you hand him his tea. Harry can’t do much besides nod his head making you smile and reach up to place a kiss to his cheek. “Perfect.” You say with a smile as you reach for his hand and begin heading towards the door so the two of you can leave the cafe and continue on your morning walk that will eventually end at one of your houses just in time for a snack and some cuddles on the couch.

“Just focus on running Harry.” He thinks to himself as he rounds the corner at the end of his street.
It’s been two days since the cafe incident and ever since then something has been bugging him about this situation he’s in with you and this morning when he woke up he officially felt as if he’s going insane with not knowing where the two of you stand with each other so to clear his head he laced up his running shoes and hit the sidewalk. Normally this type of relationship is exactly what he likes, one that doesn’t need defining and the label of being exclusive because how could either of you really be seeing anyone else when all your free time is spent with him or your girlfriends and for him he doesn’t think a day has gone by in the last three or four months that he doesn’t either want to make plans with you or already has plans with you. But something about you has all of a sudden changed everything because he doesn’t think he would be able to handle it if you told him you wanted to see someone else while also seeing him, it would crush him.
“Oh those are nice. Are those roses? She likes roses.” He wonders as he runs past a front yard that has an impeccable garden with vibrant flowers and lush bushes.
As he continues down the sidewalk Harry begins to go back to the look on your face when he accidentally let those three little words fall out of his mouth. You didn’t look surprised or scared, you almost looked as if in that moment you were letting Harry decide on if he wanted to repeat them or not and whatever came out of his mouth you were ready to go along with. That realization makes Harry stop in his tracks.
“She loves me?” He pants as he tries to catch his breath in front of a random house in his neighborhood he doesn’t think he’s ever seen before. “That’s what that means right? She-she was ready to say it back?” He mumbles to himself as he brings a hand up to his forehead while the other rests on his hip as he looks up towards the sky for a moment before a grin slowly begins to form on his face. “She loves me.” And with that he’s off running again but this time with a destination in mind, no longer needing to clear his head because he knows exactly what he needs to do or say in this very moment.

You’re standing in your kitchen holding a mug of coffee when you hear your front door open and then close, you don’t bother to check who it is because only two people have keys to your house and one of them is you and the other just so happens to be the flustered looking man standing before you in maroon running shorts and a black tank top. You silently watch as Harry slides his sunglasses off and tosses them onto the kitchen table behind him, he then puts both hands on his hips while taking in a few deep breaths and you wonder if he ran here on purpose or if he is just stopping by while on one of his more longer runs. When you set your mug down on your counter and open your mouth to speak Harry holds a hand up to you as if to tell you not to say anything just yet so you just close your mouth and give him the floor to say whatever it is he needs a moment to prepare himself to say.
“Are you my girlfriend?” His words come out rushed as if he’s still trying to catch his breath as he looks at you with bright green eyes and flushed cheeks. “Because if you’re not then I’d like you to be if that’s okay?” You rub your lips together as he nervously rubs at the back of his neck. “Because m’not sure I can go on without knowing how-”
“Three words.” Your voice is sweet yet serious as you cut him off mid sentence. Harry’s arms drop to his sides and his eyes to go a bit wide as he watches you take a step towards him.
“Three words?” He repeats with a quirked brow while running a hand through his hair.
“Three words. Eight letters.” You can’t fight the smile that wants to take over your face as you stand right in front of him, his face is a mixture of confused but also relieved that you’re not telling him to get lost or something worst. “Say them and I’m yours.” Harry tries to shuffle through all the random quotes he’s heard you say over the course of knowing each other as the last sentence hits his ears, he knows he’s heard it before and when he realizes where it’s from he can’t stop the chuckle that escapes him.
“I love you.” You have your hands on his face pulling him down towards you for a kiss before the last syllable leaves his lips. Harry’s arms instinctively wrap around your waist so he can pull you closer not wanting the kiss to end just yet.
“I love you too.” You mumble against his lips before capturing them in another kiss that leaves Harry feeling as if he’s floating on cloud nine when you finally pull away.
“Gossip girl? Really?” He asks with a breathy laugh that makes a grin spread across your face.
“I couldn’t just let the moment pass me by I mean how many times does someone get to say that quote? And it actually be perfectly timed? Besides,” Your hands travel down to Harry’s chest as you look up at him while his arms tighten their hold around you. “You know you love me.” Your voice is lower and more sultry than normal as you do your best gossip girl impression but it’s the wink you give him that sends the both of you over the edge and into a full fit of laughter
“I do yeah-I love you.” Harry placed a kiss to the top of your head as you rest your cheek against the fabric of his tank top. “So does this mean you’re my girlfriend then?”
“Yes Harry I’m your girlfriend.”
#the almost bumble fumble#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles fic#harry styles series#harry styles fluff#harry styles imagine#harry styles one shot#harry styles x reader#harry styles x y/n#famous!reader#harry styles x you#harry styles x fem!reader#harry styles fanfic#Harry styles strangers to lovers#one direction fanfiction#my little lanky baby#harry styles#harry styles rpf#harry styles reader insert
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stories that are a matryoshka of unreliable narrators. you can't trust the person telling you the story. but then you realise that they don't even have much of a choice in the matter; the information they're operating on was told to them by an unreliable narrator. and when you interrogate their story, you realise that the lies go back even further. the tunnel goes deeper. how far are you willing to go to uncover the truth? how far will you actually get before you lose sight of what you came for in the first place?
#🐉#i just really liked that phrase i used in the tags on that house of leaves post#but this isnt exclusive to hol#in fact id say the best example is black sails
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psych has been pissing me off so hard, man, i cannot stand this slapstick and food comedy their going for in these later seasons and the onllyyyy story line i give a damn about right now is lassie and marlowe, i want a wedding episode and more lassie centered episodes i dont even care man. they did gus so dirty with the way they're making him just food crazy like its actually so not funny i get a pit of cringe in my stomach when that or like some stupid slapstick thing happens, they really just dumbed gus down and made him like a vat of catch phrases and thats so sad. also i want chief vick in more episodes, its really falling off man, season 1 through maybe three were pretty solid, it started sliding off in 4, came back around in 5, some strong episodes in 6, but now in season 7 its dreadful, just put lassie on the screen and call it a day, he is actually the saving grace of the show. they also keep doing henry dirty too with minor implications that contradict his character, i dont have any examples off the top of my head, i just know im mad about something. jules and shawn remain pretty constant, but i do feel like jules needs more, shes starting to feel watered down like shes just "shawn's girlfriend" although it doesn't always feel that way... i think im just mad about her treatment in that clue episode. what can improve this show: more lassie, more marlowe, less weird food shit (but maybe thats just bc of personal issues idk), and more beach murders idk. also they haven't done a tiny shawn flashback in a while like what is going on, you had a formula that was working and now you stray? right when it could possible be your only saving grace?? i think what i really want is a lassie spin off where it becomes a noir detective show or an old western, either or. if noir detective he would have to be smoking in basically every scene, and shawn is there but like in the way mr. yang and mr. yin were in psych's over arcing story line, and each season would be 50 episodes long and there would be 100 seasons and he dies in season 99, season 100 is marlowe uncovering his murder (bc he couldn't just die of natural causes, he would rather kill himself) and rediscovering herself, and yes that season is also 50 episodes, each episode is an hour long.
#psych#lassie and marlowe's relationship fr makes me so happy like i actually love them so much#lassie is a lesbian#i grant him that title bc his mother is also a lesbian#sons of lesbians who are into women are also lesbians thats just lesbian law idk what to tell you#i can also grant him this title bc im a lesbian#i hate how this show is becoming a bunch of watered down catch phrases its pissing me off man like it has so much potential#also i keep seeing people in the psych tag saying lassie is “cannonically pansexual” and i feel like they're using the term cannonically wr#ng...#unless its true????????????#like lassie wouldn't knwo what the hell a pansexual is#if you told lassie you were pansexual he would be liek “i don't have time to hear about your venereal disease!!”#he couldn't even say lgbt man come off it#bisexual maybe#i could see that#but he would use it in the context of like david bowie or freddy mercury or whatever#dude it is actually 2 am and i have a test tomorrow / today i have to go to sleep but im just so peeved#but im also so estatic that marlowe is out of the big house!!!#also marlowe as a girls name is really hot like idk what to tell you man i love her for real#also if lassie never got marlowe he would be a really good gay man#he would do so well#like i just have a felling#ok im going to sleep now fr
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TAGS/WARNINGS: gn reader but afab with descriptions of feminine clothing (also katsuki calls you princess like once or twice idk), alcohol consumption, everyone is 24+, shouto is bisexual asf, katsuki and reader are married, reader did not go pro, some mlm action (todobaku content scattered throughout bc i am a god and can make them do whatever i want!!), shouto cucks a little bit, also shouto is a nasty closet perv lol, overstimulation, inappropriate quirk usage, oral (reader receiving), spit roasting, backshots, idk what else i could possibly mention other than this is nothing but filth GENRE: SMUTTTT MINORS/AGELESS BLOGS DNI 18+ ONLY SUMMARY: after a party celebrating their top spot as heroes, shoto gets a little too drunk and has to stay the night with you and your husband, dynamight. shenanigans ensue. a new boyfriend is acquired? WORD COUNT: one million billion (jk it’s 10.4K) 🦊’s A/N: god help me. shoutout XENOVA for the celebration party idea. uhm pt2 maybe if this blows up idk. also this was not proofread bc i’m running out of time and it’s too long. and uhm its not exactly manga-canon bc i think deku deserves to be the no.1 hero idgaf. horikoshi when i catch you. // anyway enjoy lol
it was mina’s idea to hold the party originally, and you who offered to host, since you were the one dating the number two pro hero, dynamight, and had enough space to accompany the old class 1-A. it took a little persuasion from your end to get katsuki on board, but he eventually agreed, despite his bitching about how you two needed to whip this place into shape before anyone dared to set foot into your shared home.
this, of course, meant more work for you in the end since your husband was so terribly busy with work. ….that’s not to say he wasn’t helpful, though; of course not! whenever he wasn’t bone tired from whatever villain attack or whatever there was that day, he was more than happy to help you pick up (well…… that’s how the phrase goes, at least; bakugou himself didn’t mind cleaning with you and helping out around the house, per se, it’s just that he always came off as aggressive in the everything that he did) and really start getting the house ready for the upcoming party this weekend.
when it was all said and done, everything had been dusted and all the floors swept and vacuumed; the pillows on the living room couch had been fluffed and the kitchen counters were wiped down and had been bleached in preparation for the day you were about to spend in the kitchen cooking for this party. at least katsuki was there to help you with this the most out of all the other chores — and it was really the most time consuming one, too, so his help here was greater than he realized. him being an actually good cook just so happened to be an extra, heaven-sent bonus.
despite this, you had actually gone out of your way to prepare three main courses: (cold) soba, katsudon, and then something on the spicier side for your husband for the top three heroes you were celebrating tonight, along with some appetizers and snacks, of course.
finally, the day of the party was upon you, and you finished running your last couple of errands (namely stocking up on alcohol) right as ashido and the rest of the girls arrived in a limo. …..guess yaomomo went all out, huh? well, it's not like you could exactly blame her—it had been years since you had All been together due to everyone being busy with their own work, even now there were a few who couldn't make it, like satou and koji, or mezou and fumikage, due to circumstances out of their control. it was a shame really, you would have loved to have some of rikido’s sweets since he was such a good baker. ah, must not have been meant to be then. no use in dwelling on it. especially when everyone was beginning to pull up!
“eeee, my pookie! how have you been!? how’s life with baku—no, dynamight?!” mina eagerly squeals as she runs towards you, arms extended and ready to grip you in a crushing hug.
“ackgh–! too tight, too tight–!” you choke out as she squeezes you half to death.
“oh, sorry!” she apologizes, letting go and backing up slightly as the rest of the old 1-A girls come up behind her and the limo driver drives back to yaoyorozu’s manor until it was time to come pick the ladies back up. “now. spill all the tea,” she says, giving you a serious look all of a sudden, and you feel a smile stretch across your face. it’s nice to know she’s just the same as she was in high school.
“well—why don’t you come in and see for yourself?” you gesture to your shared home, to which the girls gawked at in awe. it wasn’t an estate or anything like yaomomo’s place of residence, but it was certainly large enough to accompany everyone attending and then some.
leading them inside, you open the already unlocked door (katsuki was busy in the kitchen aggressively finishing up the fruit platters and charcuterie boards, making sure they were up to his standards before serving them) and led them all in.
“kats, ‘m home! n’ all the girls are here!” you shout loud enough from him to hear you from the foyer.
your husband swears and grumbles under his breath, eyes darting to look at the clock just as it struck 17:00 (that’s 5pm for those of you who don’t use the 24hr format). goddammit, they were perfectly on time. whatever, he was done arranging the meats and cheeses of the charcuteries anyway.
moving to set the trays on the coffee table in the living room for everyone to enjoy, he greets you at the door with the softest little smile ever, one mina just barely catches sight off, which she immediately teases him for and his usual scowl makes a re-appearance in record time as he becomes prickly and sharp again, huffing out a gruff make yourselves at home or whatever.
after that, it was another twenty-ish minutes before nearly everyone else arrived.
shouto, however, was the last to get there due to him getting into an argument with his father prior to leaving. it was a surprise to even himself that he decided to come anyway, but he had grown to be more sociable than he was back in high school, and also he was one of the three people the party was actually being thrown for, so…. it would just be incomplete without him there, and he recognized that.
soon, the party kicked into full swing and the alcohol was excitedly opened and everyone could feel themselves relaxing as it grew closer to dinnertime—which you happily (and tipsily) served to everyone around half past seven.
once everyone had eaten and had time to let their food settle, people began saying their goodbyes as the night grew later and later. all except shouto, that was, who was actively still drinking, sitting on your couch with a bottle of sake in his left hand as he watches everyone else clears out.
“fuck’s he doin’? just sittin’ there,” bakugou grumbles, coming up to stand next to you after seeing eijirou and denki to the door (uptight as he could be, even your husband was capable of relaxing after a drink or two…. or several). he wasn’t… erm, upset with shouto’s prolonged visit, per se, but he was definitely tired and wanted some alone time with his spouse for fuck’s sake.
“be nice, ‘tsuki,” you scold him lightly, moving to walk towards shouto, who had a sleepy look in his eyes, to stand in front of him. “hey, todo, y’okay?” you ask, waving a hand in front of his tired face.
“mmh? ‘m fine.” his words slur together slightly as he refocuses his blurry gaze on you, and for a moment, the number 3 pro hero thinks you look like an angel sent from heaven to take care of him—until katsuki ruins the moment by walking over and saying;
“great, then you can obviously get yourself home!”
“katsuki!” you hiss, looking over to where he stood next to you. “you can stay the night if you need to, shouto,” you tell him softly, squatting down in front of him and placing a hand on each knee to look up at him from almost between his legs — something your husband absolutely did not appreciate.
“hey—” he tries to interject, but the young todoroki had already accepted your kind offer, knowing better than to walk or drive home in his current state.
“relax, kats, he can sleep on the couch if you don’t want him in a guest bedroom—even though that’s what they’re for,” you suggest/remind him.
“i guess,” he huffs, crossing his arms as you finally stand back up.
shouto, meanwhile, moves to stand up from where he sat, swaying a bit before you put both hands on his broad shoulders and force him to sit back down.
“nuh-uh, you sit right there, sir,” you say playfully. “is there something you need?” you ask, raising an eyebrow as katsuki grits his teeth while you tend to that drunk icyhot cunt. (as if he himself wasn’t also wasted).
shouto pauses to think for a moment, thinking about his words carefully before opening his mouth.
“do you have any—” he lags and forgets the word he’s looking for mid-sentence. “uhm. ….unfrozen ice?” he asks, tilting his head partially to the side like a confused creature might.
“oh my god,” bakugou groans at his request as you break out into a fit of giggles. “you fucking mean water?” he asks his fellow pro-hero. god. what a sorry fuckin’ sight he was — can’t-stand-up-drunk on katsuki’s couch, while he forgot a word as basic as water. jesus christ, he cannot believe you offered to let this fool stay here without even asking him if it was okay first. whatever. he’d just have to fuck you so good that that walking peppermint couldn’t sleep at all. yeah, he could totally do that.
“water, yes,” shouto follows up as you have to wipe the tears from your eyes at his drunken words. standing up straight, having doubled over from laughter, you nod and tell him yeah, we have unfrozen ice, and that you’ll get him some.
after you had left the room, though, katsuki huffs loudly and stares down at shouto, who was still seated on the plush sofa.
“listen, todoroki,” he spits out, one hand splaying out in an aggressive manner as his quirk popped off quietly. despite the alcohol in his system, katsuki was still just as…. well, just as aggressive and competitive as always despite the way he had grown more outwardly affectionate (towards you specifically) over the course of the evening.
“i dunno, or care, what you’re trying but just know—” an embarrassing hic cuts him off and his face flushes from more than just the alcohol. suddenly, his big tough guy act drops as his blush reaches the tips of his ears and you come back into the room with two cups of water, handing one off to shouto and the other to your husband.
both men silently and gratefully take the glasses from you, gulping it down before they even realized just how thirsty they were until the cups were empty and they were looking at you, causing you to suddenly feel small under their intense gazes.
“‘ll go—get s’more,” you slur, taking the now empty glasses back from the two men, and also this moment alone to calm your racing heart, and maybe pour yourself another shot. or two. or three. calm down, you’re only alone with the two finest men in the world — one of which you’re married to!! you think to yourself as you begin pouring them another glass from the nice water pitcher you had specifically set out for tonight.
taking the bottle of vodka from its spot on the counter, you look at how much is left and simply decide on drinking straight from the bottle and polishing it off. little did you know, you’d need that liquid courage for later on tonight. before bringing the two well-built men their water, you dispose of the vodka bottle, putting it in the recycling and heading back into the living room.
after a comment from katsuki about how it was getting late, you escort shouto upstairs to a guest bedroom and show him where the bathroom is before excusing yourself to your shared bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind you, just for katsuki to barge in seconds later as you move to the master bathroom to start brushing your teeth.
he joins you shortly after, having discarded his nicer dress shirt and pants in the bedroom’s laundry basket, leaving him far more comfortable in his unfairly flattering black boxer briefs.
“jesus—kats, how are you so fuckin’ fine?” you ask after spitting out a mouthful of toothpaste, and he only chuckles and lets a small smile stretch across his lips.
“dunno—could ask you the same thing, though,” he quips back, grabbing his own toothbrush from the little cup it sat in, running it under the water before putting the toothpaste on it and bringing it up to his already white teeth and scrubbing the night’s grime away.
you giggle at his words, running your toothbrush under the water and giving your teeth a final once over with the brush and scrape your tongue, rinsing it one final time, and then tapping it against the sink’s edge to get some of the excess water out.
finally, you made your way to the bed, sitting on the edge of it as you watch your husband finish up in the bathroom before he stalks over to you, an almost predatory look in his eye as he comes to tower over you and you can feel a chill run down your spine as he sizes you up from your spot on the king sized bed.
“katsuki..? what’re you—”
your question is almost immediately cut off as his slightly chapped lips come crashing down against yours as he knocks you back onto the bed and stands between your now spread legs—which quickly wrap around his narrow waist as his large and calloused hands find purchase on your hips.
“mmmfgh,” your hum turns into a moan as you focus on the feeling of your husband’s lips against yours, melting into him as he leans over you, teeth clacking slightly as he tilts his head for a better angle to kiss you at.
“was getting tired of that icyhot bastard,” he grumbles, eyebrows furrowing together as the grip on your hips tighten possessively at the mention of shouto, as if your husband wasn’t the one to bring him up?
his words make you chuckle nonetheless as a smile spreads over your pretty, soon to be kiss-swollen, lips as you lean back on your palms, the bed sinking beneath your weight.
“‘m sorry, tsuki,” you mumble softly before you feel his tongue run over your lower lip, silently begging for entrance to your hot mouth — to which you eagerly granted access to, moaning quietly when he licks into your mouth. he tastes like tequila and spicy udon, and it’s utterly intoxicating (or maybe that was the last of the vodka you’d downed earlier taking effect). “didn’ mean t’invite him withou’ askin’ you,” you slur out, rolling your hips up against his growing erection.
“‘s okay, i guess,” he pants, pulling away only slightly in order to look you in the eyes, letting you know that he really didn’t mind. sure, shouto was quiet and didn’t actually interfere with what he had planned tonight (or so he thought), so he was only mildly annoyed instead of genuinely bothered. besides….. he had left the door partially open after barging into the bedroom on purpose… just in case that walking candy cane happened to overhear and wanted a peak at the show he wouldn’t be allowed to join.
and just like that, your husband’s lips come crashing down against yours yet again, tongue easily seeking out your own and swirling around yours before sucking it into his mouth, humming pleasantly around the wet muscle (he was in a shockingly good mood, actually…. guess he enjoyed the party more than he let on—that and the alcohol was a large factor, too) before pulling off of it with a nasty, wet pop! noise.
“mmh, glad you’re not mad,” you mutter, eyes fluttering open to take a peek at him. and what you saw was downright angelic — a harsh contrast from his usual demeanor and appearance.
“why would i be?” he asks, and you straight up laugh, ruining the moment entirely. “hey–!”
“sorry, ‘m sorry—it’s just—” you wipe a tear from your eye. “you’re usually not so— what’s the word? calm? something like that,” you try explaining to him, a smile gracing your features.
“i’m calm! i’m always calm!” he spits out, raising his voice, sending you into another round of laughter.
“god—i love ya s’much, kats,” you tell him after composing yourself, shifting on the bed so you were leaning against the plush pillows lining the headboard and bakugou eagerly follows after you, moving between your legs, which easily wrapped back around his hips, pulling him closer against you, and he shifted so that he was propping himself up on a forearm, his other hand coming to press against the small of your back, arching it for you as his lips found their way to your neck, where he began to nip at the sensitive skin there.
“you’re pretty great too, i s'pose,” he grins against your flesh before beginning to suck at the junction of your neck and shoulder, determined to leave a mark dark enough to last a week, at least.
“yeah? ‘s good t’hear,” you giggle breathily as he assaults your neck, and one hand comes to cradle the back of his head, fingers threading through his mysteriously spiky hair (you’ve never once seen him use hair gel—hell, you’ve even searched his entire side of the bathroom because you didn’t believe him when he told you it’s just like that).
it doesn’t take long for bakugou to get fed up with the clothes separating your bare skin from his, desperate to physically feel you against him, and in record time, he has the skirt of your dress bunched up around your hips, you’re sitting up slightly, and he’s tugging the fabric the rest of the way off, carelessly throwing it onto the floor.
shouto, meanwhile, lay awake staring at the ceiling in your comfortable guest’s bed, drunkenly reminiscing back to high school, and the crush he didn’t know was a crush he had on you. had he known, he probably would have asked you out sometime in your senior year—instead, he misinterpreted his affections as an intimate friendship with admiration for you and your quirk. what always baffled him, though, is why you would pick katsuki bakugou to love out of all people (not like you really had a choice in the matter…… one day you woke up and realized your supposed hatred for him was, in fact, a bone-deep love that consumed you whole).
with an achy sigh, todoroki sits up and gets up to use the bathroom. after washing his hands and splashing his face with some cool water to sober up at least a little, his ears perk up on the way back to his temporary room. on his way back, however, he happened to catch the faintest echo of a feminine moan, and before he can stop himself, he’s silently stalking down the hall to the master bedroom, where he found the door to be cracked open wide enough for him to get a surprising view of dynamight with his head between your legs and your underwear and dress strewn across the otherwise neat floor.
immediately, his dick twitches to life in his nice dress pants and he nearly groans at the way you moan katsuki’s name so sweetly. god…. that should be me, he thinks to himself enviously as your husband focuses solely on eating you out.
“aa-ahh! mmm, katsuki!” you cry out, both hands coming down in attempt to push his face away from your messy cunt, but to no avail. katsuki offered you no respite as his hot tongue explored your puffy folds as he began to suck on your clit. “katsu—fuck!”
you’re ignorant to the feeling of another pair of eyes on you, too caught up in the feeling of being eaten out, but katsuki isn’t — he feels shouto’s burning gaze, and he can’t help but smirk to himself. so he was right: icyhot couldn’t resist a good show, and boy, was katsuki about to perform.
“hmm?” he hums, one hand resting on your thigh while he uses the forearm of his other arm to keep you from bucking your hips up. he doesn’t exactly care about what it is you’re whining about; he knows you’re fine and he intends to make you cum at least thrice tonight to show off to shouto, who was apparently a giant closeted pervert.
and it was true. shouto was nasty without even realizing it — and that’s not to say he slept around, god no (he was 24 and still a virgin….), he just had fantasies. many of which involved you, and shamefully, on occasion, you and katsuki. it made his cheeks burn to even think about, but he would be a liar if he said he’d never gotten off to the idea of a threesome with you and your husband. jesus, and now, here the opportunity was laid right there in front of him, and what was he doing? slowly starting to palm at his erection and bite his bottom lip as he watches the scene in front of him unfold.
“i— shit–!” you squeeze your eyes shut and arch your back as you tug at his hair. “god, just—! slow down!” you whine, and katsuki’s eye twitches.
like in every other aspect in his life, bakugou tended to be rough and aggressive in the bedroom; put simply, you turned him into a feral man—brought out the inner animal in him. he was, as surprising as it may seem to some, a generous lover, however, due to his have to be the best at everything mentality, so, by extension, this included his ability to give and inflict pleasure (mixed with a healthy amount of pain, because, well.. it’s katsuki).
“nah.” blatantly ignoring your request, he pulls his head away from your drooling pussy, the lower half of his face covered in your slick, and blows a cold puff of air against your throbbing slit, causing you to whine out his name as he nips at the fatty skin of your inner thigh—dangerously close to your cunt—sucking and biting until a dark purple mark begins to form. a smirk stretches over his somewhat thin, although plump, lips knowing shouto would never get to litter your body in bruises and hickeys the same way he does.
“mmh—jesus, kats–!” it’s all you can do to whimper as he resumes the disgustingly messy way he was tongue fucking your pussy.
shouto almost groans as he gets harder and harder, almost painfully so, as he watches katsuki fervently eat you out, and suddenly, he wishes it was him between your legs with bakugou watching instead.
as silently as he possibly can, todoroki begins to unbuckle his belt in order to slip a hand past the waistband of both his pants to feel himself through the fabric of his sickeningly tight boxers. he’s careful to bite back what would be any whimpers or quiet moans, knowing it’s so shotover for him if he gets caught.
“fuck,” he mutters under his breath, swallowing thickly as he watches as you’re eaten out until you’re cumming with a loud cry of your husband’s name (shouto pretended it was his name you were calling out), and he goes to turn around to hide in the bedroom you’d so kindly allowed him to stay in to jerk off until he hears—
“y’gonna come out, icyhot, or are ya just gonna stand there like a loser cuck all night?” katsuki lifts his head from between your legs to look at the half-and-half bastard peeping on him and his spouse…… what a fucking freak.
“sh–shouto!?” you squeak, not having noticed his presence until the man you’d married had pointed him out. “wh–what’re you—!” you can’t even think of what to say before he’s trying to apologize and katsuki’s cussing him out—telling him to get his ass in here before he really makes him sorry.
just how drunk was your husband? or shouto for that matter? truthfully, you were probably the most sober person in the room.
slowly, silently, and shamefully, shouto makes his way into your bedroom, where he comes to stand at the foot of the bed with a horribly noticeable tent in his pants. he wants to look down at the floor, but he’s physically incapable of taking his eyes off your naked, sweaty form—and katsuki’s toned back, for that matter. he gulps anxiously as he waits for the perpetually angry blond to inevitably break the ice.
much to his surprise, however, it was you to speak up first, admitting that you didn’t mind shouto’s presence—followed by katsuki sarcastically asking if you wanted him to join, to which your body stiffened and cheeks flushed at the thought.
“what? don’t tell me you like the idea of that half n’ half idiot joinin’ the fun?” a wicked grin stretches over his slick lips as he quirks a brow up at you before shrugging and saying; “fine, just remember: you asked for this.”
“you heard ‘em, todoroki, get the hell over here,” he spits out, and shouto complies immediately—he could not believe what was about to happen and neither could (nor katsuki for that matter).
as he closes the gap between you three, he fumbles with the buttons of his dress shirt before ultimately just ripping it open and shrugging it onto the floor. repeating the same action with his pants, he struggles slightly with the zipper before tugging it down and quickly stepping out of them, nearly tripping in the process—to which katsuki has to stifle a laugh.
shouto feels dizzy and light-headed from how hard he is, and he bites his thick bottom lip as he nervously crawls onto the oversized bed, sitting adjacent to you as he awaits further instructions from the ever-demanding bakugou.
“shut up,” he says gruffly, one large hand coming up to cover your mouth—he was about to dictate everything that was about to go down. “you—todoroki—listen real fuckin’ closely, because i’m not repeating myself. you can look, but ‘m still deciding if you’re allowed to touch yet—” katsuki directs his attention from him to you and asks; “whaddya think, princess? would y’like that? both of us touchin’ you?” and it’s all you can do to nod, cheeks physically heating up in shame and embarrassment.
“i guess i’ll allow it, then,” he says, moving his hand away from your face so he can manhandle you into a sitting up position, making you straddle his lap and telling shouto to move behind you.
you feel your heartbeat quicken significantly now that you’re naked and sandwiched between two of the hottest men you’ve ever been blessed with the chance to encounter. dear god. take a breath, you’ve got this. …..and that’s why your pussy’s all but drooling right now? you can’t help but roll your bare cunt over your husband’s erection, letting out a delicious little moan in the process, and shouto’s equally large hands hesitantly find purchase on your hips, and you look back over your shoulder as he leans in attempt to kiss you—just to be blocked by katsuki’s hand against his pouty lips.
“i didn’t fuckin’ say you could kiss them,” he hisses. shouto, however, mentally shrugs this off, grabs the angry blond’s wrist to move his hand, and leans in over your shoulder, pressing his chest firmly against your back, in order to—kiss your husband instead????!
holy shit—this is so much hotter than it should be, jesus christ. you’re genuinely ashamed of the way shouto moving to kiss katsuki rather than you turns you on, and you even let a little oh my god slip in awe and horny amazement.
“what the actual fuck, icyhot!?” your husband explodes, trying to shove shouto away from him, but causing you to fall back fully into his lap, where you can feel his boner pressing up against your ass.
“n–no,” you speak up. “d–do it again.” you try your best not to mutter the request, looking between the man who had crushed on you all through high school and the one you’d ended up marrying.
“huh!? have you both lost your fucking minds?!”
“please..? do it for me, ‘tsuki?” you beg as sweetly as you can, a pout tugging at your lips as you did your best kicked puppy eyes. as tough as bakugou acted, deep down, he did, in fact, have a soft spot for you, and would do nearly anything for you—and this, unfortunately, was about to be one of the things he was willing to do. maybe he had the whiskey to thank for his… bravery, but for some reason, the idea of making out with that peppermint bastard really didn’t seem so bad. ….jesus, what is he thinking?
“tch, fine,” he clicks his tongue before he’s suddenly snatching you out of shouto’s lap and bringing you back onto his, where he shifts so his back’s against the headboard and says; “‘f y’can ride me, then sure, ‘ll do whatever you want, sweetheart.”
nodding eagerly, you tug the waistband of his boxers down just enough to free his aching cock, where it hits his lower tummy and you impatiently use one hand to line up the angry red tip with your slick entrance before sinking down to the base with ease. you both moan at the feeling and katsuki beckons shouto over after pressing a quick kiss to your shiny lips to remind himself why he was doing this.
shouto’s dick aches enviously, desperately wishing he could feel your heat, but quickly gets over it as his chest presses against your back once again and his lips land against katsuki’s. actually, todoroki was not an experienced kisser—at all, really; he was only copying what he had seen in movies, so he’s a little surprised when the blond’s tongue runs over the seam of his lips and his heterochromatic eyes fly open at the feeling.
katsuki, however, reaches around you to grab shouto’s cheeks, forcing him to part his pretty lips, and he easily slips his tongue past his kiss-swollen lips. meanwhile, shouto’s strong arms wrap around your waist while he allows your husband to explore the inside of his mouth, his face heating up despite the way a chill runs down his spine.
“mmh,” he hums quietly, freezing his tongue in order to give your husband a little surprise—which works very well, seeing as how katsuki pulls away with a heaving gasp.
“what the fuck?” he pants, rolling his hips up into dripping cunt, and you let out a little moan, grinding down against him at the same time, allowing him to brush up against your g-spot while shouto moves to kiss katsuki again, large hands coming up to cup his flushed, tanned cheeks, trying to tilt his head for a better angle as he mimics the way the blond’s tongue had run over the seam of his lips, and is pleasantly surprised when he reluctantly parts his slightly thinner lips for the much calmer man.
jesus christ, you think to yourself, trying to bounce against your husband’s dick to the best of you ability, but groaning in frustration when his absurdly calloused hands come down against your hips to hold you in place.
“mm—’tsuki,” you whine as he wholly focuses on kissing shouto (who was currently living out his wet dream). it’s all you can do to wiggle in place, trying to grind your clit against his neatly trimmed pubic hair, desperate for any kind of friction. meanwhile, shouto’s freezing hand comes up to grope your chest, causing you to let out a quiet yelp at the feeling of him tweaking roughly with your nipple.
poor, poor inexperienced shouto had no gauge or concept of what exactly he was doing, relying on instinct and everything he’d seen in the little porn he had watched; he silently prays he’s acting accordingly and soon his heated left hand is coming up to grab at your other tit.
“sh–shouto!” you moan, almost causing katsuki to pause in his action as a growl leaves his throat—now this just simply would not do, no, no, no. !!!! fuck! his dick twitches inside you as he ruts his hips upwards while holding firmly onto your hips. “je–jesus! katsuki!”
that’s better, he thinks to himself, a smug, self-satisfied smirk tugging at the corners of his plump lips as he tries not to overthink his kiss with todoroki. god. as fucking embarrassing, humiliating, and shameful as it was, …..katsuki absolutley could not deny the fact that he was feeling so, so, so many things right now, things he never would have considered sober, let alone acted on, and now….. now, he was rock fucking hard as he feels the inside of shouto’s mouth, tracing his tongue along the grooves of his blindingly white teeth and inner cheeks before swirling it around his own heated muscle.
he wants to tell shouto he’s not half bad at this when he begins to suck on his tongue—taking him violently by surprise—but can’t bring himself to dole out the praise, not wanting him to get an ego about how well he was managing to keep up.
you can feel your stomach doing flips and your pussy creaming around your husband’s cock as the two men you’re sandwiched between really go at it, and suddenly your mouth feels dry as you let out a low, drawn out whine.
“fuck,” is all you’re able to say as you dig your nails into katsuki’s back while arching your own, with shouto still pinching and tweaking with your poor, erect nipples—his hands were almost at extreme temperatures, and you choke out something about how good it feels, offering the number three hero the praise he needed—something bakugou wasn’t a huge fan of.
half n’ half wants to use his quirk? that’s fine—he can, too!
the next thing you know, your hips feel scorchingly hot and you’re hearing the sound of a very small-scale explosion, and you yelp out your husband’s name, pussy fluttering around his achy length, and you have to bite your lower lip when you feel tears welling up in your eyes from all the stimulation. had you known inviting a drunk shouto to stay the night would lead to this, you would have done it years ago! …because honestly, you were crushing hard on him your freshman year of highschool together—but unfortunately for you, that’s when he had first begun to actually explore his emotions for the first time in his life, leading you to believe you never stood a chance with him.
katsuki, however, while his primary emotion was anger, you could tell something was up with him and his feelings towards you when he stopped yelling at you as much compared to the others. don’t get one wrong, he definitely still shouted at you, because that’s just who he was, but….. it was enough for you and the girls of 1-A to pick up on—something they teased you relentlessly about behind closed doors because nobody ever dared to mention anything in front of bakugou in fear of ruining your chances together (as you see, mina and a few others were die hard shippers while the rest enabled this behavior).
“christ’s sake, katsuki,” you hiss as his quirk repeatedly pops off against your reddening skin and you have to physically bite your tongue to keep yourself grounded enough to scold him. …try to, anyway. “thi— this isn’t a—ahh! fuck!—a compe–titon! jesus!” you moan.
a competition.
that word ring in katsuki’s ears as he pulls away from his kiss with shouto, admittedly a little breathlessly, a smirk stretching over his glossy lips.
“now that’s an idea,” he muses out loud, causing shouto to tilt his head and your eyes to widen. goddammit, you just had to go and open your bigass mouth, didn’t you?
“n–no; whatever you— you’re planning, forget about it,” you say as firmly as you can despite the way your pussy flutters around him.
bakugou clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes at the way you whine out such a ridiculous request.
“mmh, nah,” he grins, hands holding you firmly in place against him, preventing you from even rolling your hips—something you’re quick to bitch about.
“god–dammit!” sometimes you wish your husband wasn’t so goddamn strong—it made it that much easier for him to manhandle you into any position he wanted.
“y’up for a little challenge, icyhot?” katsuki ignores you entirely, focusing his intense gaze onto the slightly younger man.
“...sure,” he nods, albeit a little reluctantly, unsure of what exactly he was agreeing to. he hopes he’ll get a chance to steal a kiss from you, but for now, he figures it best to go along with whatever bakugou was about to suggest.
“whoever can make princess here cum the most in five minutes each can fuck their cunt,” he begins, just for shouto to interrupt him.
“and what of the loser?”
“i was getting there—impatient sonuva bitch….” he mutters the last part under his breath like he wasn’t also an impatient sonuva bitch. “anyway, the loser—in this case, i’m sure it’ll be you, y’fuckin’ virgin cuck—can…. fuck right off and watch,” he finishes, cock twitching deep inside you at his own words. he was absolutely positive he’d win the little proposition he’d struck up, which is why the punishment for the loser was so harsh. when in all reality, if he was feeling kind enough, he’d let you suck shouto off as a consolation prize. ….maybe.
“sounds good to me,” todoroki agrees to bakugou’s conditions, feeling his own dick twitch as he steels his nerves—he was so fucked. in this moment, shouto’s never been more grateful for being a fast learner, as that was his only chance at possibly succeeding in such a task. he wasn’t particularly familiar with the afab body, and so he has to actively recall all the porn he had seen—mind you, he was incredibly picky about what exactly he’s watching—when suddenly an idea strikes him and he’s asking katsuki to move his hands so he can pull you off his cock and reposition you so your back was against the bed.
you and your husband are both confused until shouto’s pushing your thighs apart and nestling between them, icy lips kissing down your body until he reaches the mound of your dripping cunt, and you can’t help but get shy—not because you weren’t used to being eaten out, no (katsuki often ate you out until you couldn’t see straight), it was because you just simply were not expecting that from the inexperienced shouto todoroki! but it’s okay, just take a deep breath and—
“aa–aah! fuck! shouto!” you cry out, caught off guard by the way his full lips wrap around your erect clit and begin suckling on it, his freezing tongue moving to swirl around it as he does. he doesn’t exactly know what he’s doing and is more or less figuring it out as he goes based on your reactions and moans.
katsuki is just as taken aback as you were, but for totally different reasons; this was probably one of the last things he had expected todoroki to do, but, but, but…!!! fuck! he couldn’t even be mad about it either because he was the one who had decided to turn it into a competition. shit. okay, whatever, he’d just work around this.
“nngh–!” one of your hands comes to run through shouto’s split hair, tugging the soft locks gently. “wh–where the fuck did you—aah! hhngh!—learn h–how to do this?” you ask breathlessly, looking down at the man between your legs, and you feel a chill run down your spine and goosebumps erupt over your skin when you realize he’s looking right back at you—staring at you intently, doing his best to gauge all your little reactions, both verbal and physical.
katsuki can’t help but agree with your question, because seriously, where the fuck had he learned this shit!?
all he’s able to do, though, is watch with awe as shouto focuses wholly on his attempt to eat you out — which he was seemingly doing a good job at — as one large and calloused hand subconsciously comes down to jerk himself off slowly, thumb swiping over his bright red, leaky tip, and he hisses out a quiet fuck while your back arches off the bed.
shouto, however, doesn’t answer, in favor of bringing a heated finger down to your slick entrance — gently prodding at it before slipping it in with ease.
“mmmffgh,” you whine as he curls it up slowly, all while sucking on your throbbing clit, and it doesn’t take long for a knot to build up in your lower stomach. “nngh– sh–shouto!”
he simply ignores you as he begins to slip a second finger in—gradually heating them up as he did—and you moan pathetically as your husband watches on in awe, his mouth horribly dry and dick achingly hard, and for a moment, he’s scared he might cum to the sight of another man eating his spouse out—so he intentionally slows his pace to something almost painfully slow to make sure he doesn’t prematurely ejaculate, wanti—no, Needing to cum inside you.
starting to scissor you apart now, you clench around shouto’s burning fingers desperately, whining as his freezing right hand comes up to pinch one of your already stiff nipples.
“nngh–!” it’s not long before you’re cumming with a loud cry of shouto’s name while pulling at his soft hair, back arching deeply off the mattress as katsuki lets out a growl at the sight, already seething with envy….. whatever; he takes in a deep breath to calm himself down and slowly starts to increase the pace at which he’s jerking himself off, groaning softly as he does.
todoroki doesn’t relent in his pace, however, messily eating you out throughout the duration of your orgasm, resulting in you cumming a second time not long after.
“nnngh—’s too much, shouto—” you choke out, pulling at his hair while trying to push him away at the same time. “f–fuck!” it had maybe been two minutes, meaning you had to endure for another three. but how exactly were you meant to do that? with the way he was all but making out with your cunt, you turn your attention to katsuki, pathetically mewling for help—just for him to shut you down! reminding you that you agreed to this and that he knows you can take it.
the most your husband had ever made you cum in one night was four times—a record he was gunning to beat tonight.
by the time shouto’s time was up, he had managed to make you cum three times, on his way to working you up to a fourth, before katsuki’s letting go of his dick and burying his thick fingers in todoroki’s hair, yanking him away from your pulsing heat.
“hey—” shouto pants breathlessly, lower face covered in your slick.
“time’s up, icyhot,” your husband rasps out before asking you how many times you’d cum.
“th– three, but— i need a break before we keep goin’,” you tell him, panting heavily with flushed cheeks and teary eyes.
katsuki simply nods in acknowledgement, untangling his fingers from shouto’s hair as all three of you take this moment to catch your breath. then, after a brief three or so minutes of rest, bakugou’s crawling on top of you as shouto watches on this time, cock leaky and painfully hard as he palms himself through his horribly tight boxers while katsuki kisses you.
“love ya, kats,” you’re able to pant out, and shouto feels his heart break a little; he wishes he could be on the receiving end of those words some day... but for now, he shifts so he’s kneeling on the bed, legs tucked neatly under him with his thighs spread wide enough for his heated left hand to sneak past the waistband of his boxers in order to grope himself.
bakugou smiles against your lips at your words rather than returning them, and his tongue slides out to poke its way into your already open mouth, easily licking over the insides of your cheeks and grooves of your teeth.
as he watches the two of you makeout, todoroki begins to reflect on his kiss with katsuki earlier, and he finds himself yearning to hear those three little words from him, too, or to be able to kiss you as well….. maybe when this is all said and done… maybe he can work up the courage to ask to join your relationship..? or maybe he’d leave early in the morning full of shame…. he isn’t quite sure yet.
“mmngh—” you moan softly as one of katsuki’s large and calloused hands trails down your side, moving to cup your puffy cunt, before two thick fingers easily insert themselves into you without much of a warning—fortunately, you were still soaked from your slick and shouto’s spit from where he’d eaten you out so good, so your husband didn’t meet any resistance when scissoring you apart. “k–katsu–!”
“yeah?” he pants as his cock drools uncomfortably. it’s okay. he’d just have to make you cum four times in five minutes, and—the idea that shouto might beat him at a challenge he proposed due to your fatigue from allowing that icyhot cunt to go first suddenly flashes in his mind, and he’s hardened over with a certain resolve he’d allowed to slip in his overwhelmingly horny state of mind.
“i— ah! hnnngh— ‘m still se–sensitive,” you whine out, arching your back off the bed at the stimulation, and it’s all you can do to pull at his hair when you feel the calloused pad of his thumb press against your swollen, oversensitive clit. as the fingers almost knuckle-deep inside you press into your g-spot, you go crosseyed from the combined feeling of being finger-fucked and having your tongue sucked on (when’d he start doing that!?).
katsuki, however, ignores your weak mewls in favor of kissing you so hard your teeth clack together briefly before he’s tilting his head for a better angle and nipping softly at your tongue, causing you to squeak in surprise.
rolling your hips up and grinding down against his hand, desperate for more fiction, shouto watches on in awe and horny amazement, taking notes on how your body reacted to katsuki, hoping he could imitate his actions, or develop them into his own, next time he got the chance.
soon, though, katsuki’s five minutes come to an end, with you only having cum twice by his doing—something that makes his eye twitch as he realizes that meant icyhot would get to fuck your cunt. ….goddammit! he’d gotten too caught up in the feeling of your lips against his to focus fully on fingering you! sure, he was just about to bring you to your third orgasm–but! oh, this so wasn’t fair! if only he’d gone first! then you wouldn’t have been so worn out!
shit. with a sigh, he pulls away from your body as his eye begins twitching and he looks over to shouto—who currently had his hand wrapped around his cock—and lets out a huff.
“there’s no way i’m letting him fuck you,” he grunts out, crossing his muscular arms.
“kats, that’s not— ‘s’not fair,” you chide him, panting heavily and sitting up on your forearms. “you said— said the winner—” your cheeks flush as you remember the words he’d used and you shake your head to clear the thought from your mind. “...could fuck me—you wouldn’t wanna go back on your word, would you?”
shouto’s heart rate increases as you stick up for him, and he feels the extra blood circulating throughout his body go straight to his throbbing dick as his eyes light up with hope—never in a million years would he think he’d get the chance to have sex with you!
“mm, …fine,” katsuki agrees, salty he’d lost at his own competition, but willing to do whatever to make you happy, so… he almost retches a little at the thought and he feels his heart break in his chest ever so slightly, but… if staying true to his word and letting that half n’ half bastard fuck you would make you happy, then…. he guesses he can let it slide…
with that, shouto’s shifting onto his knees a little more in order to slide his boxers down his well-toned thighs so his pretty cock can slap against his lower tummy and he’s quick to grab you by the hips, pulling you towards him before katsuki’s words cause him to pause.
“not so fast, icyhot, if you’re gonna fuck ‘em, then they can at least suck me off while you do,” he growls, moving so that he’s behind you and then manhandling out of shouto’s grasp so that you were facing him. “get on all fours, sweetheart,” he instructs you, and you obey with a nod, presenting shouto with your ass and drooling cunt and he swallows thickly at the sight.
his hands plant themselves on your hips once more and a small smile tugs at the corners of your lips—you were glad shouto would at least get a chance to enjoy himself, as you’re sure he probably doesn’t have many good stress relievers, if any at all…
with that in mind, you make sure to arch your back nicely for the man on his knees behind you as you take your husband’s dick in one hand while supporting your weight with the other and press a little kiss to the bright red tip before slowly taking it into your hot mouth.
katsuki hisses out a groan at the feeling of you hollowing your cheeks as you gradually take him down to almost the base, your hand wrapped around what doesn’t currently fit in your mouth, and swallow thickly around him.
“shit—” a hand is quick to bury itself in your hair to guide your pace as shouto’s jaw slackens in the slightest before he gets a grip and starts to align his swollen and leaky tip with your creamy pussy, moaning much louder than he was expecting to at the feeling of your warm, gummy walls wrapped around his virgin cock. suddenly, whatever metaphorical grip he did have immediately slips away from him as his physical grip tightens to an almost painful extent, and you’re sure he’ll leave bruises in the shapes of his fingertips—similar to the way your husband so often does.
“aa–aah! fuck!” todoroki whines as he takes his time bottoming out—biting his tongue as he pushes into you almost agonizingly slow, causing you to moan around your husband’s dick, resulting in him pushing your head down further against him and your pussy to flutter around the poor, overwhelmed shouto.
you nearly gag as his mushroom-headed tip hits the back of your throat, but are able to suppress your reflex to do so well enough to remove your hand from around him while you focus on breathing through your nose as you take him down to the base, until your face is flush against his pelvis, light blond pubes tickling your nostrils slightly.
you try to stay that way for as long as possible, swallowing around him continuously to fight your own gag reflex rather than out of consideration of his pleasure, but it’s only been a few seconds when you’re fighting against his strong palm to come up for air.
after pulling off him with a disgustingly wet pop! and panting heavily, you make the suggestion that the two should kiss again — arguing that if your husband is just gonna offer your pussy to be fucked without asking you, then the least he could do was makeout with the man balls deep inside you.
“what?” katsuki barks out, looking down at you, with your head between his thighs.
“please, ‘tsuki?” you ask nicely, giving him your best puppy dog eyes.
shouto wants to join in with your pleading—to ask katsuki for a kiss, too, but he knows better, knows your husband will begrudgingly cave to your demands and that he’ll ultimately receive another kiss.
“tsk… fine—c’mere, icyhot,” he grunts, one hand pushing your head back down onto his dick as the other reaches for shouto. both men lean over you in order to lock lips, and the younger one can’t help the smile that tugs at the corners of his lips as he gets what he wants.
todoroki’s hips press flush against your ass as he leans over your sweaty, overstimulated body to makeout with your husband. god, you weren’t, like, …a fujoshi or anything, but…. something about the idea of katsuki and shouto going at it in particular had your stomach in knots and cunt clamping down snugly around shouto’s girth.
“jesus—” the half and half man pants at the feeling of your pussy, and he honestly doesn’t know how he’s managed to go this long without it. ….or if he’ll be able to live without yours specifically from here on out…… okay, it’s decided. he’d ask to join your relationship, somehow, when this was all said and done, but for now he isn’t sure whether to focus on his kiss with katsuki or the feeling of his dick throbbing almost painfully inside you.
ultimately, his attention is drawn to the way bakugou nips harshly at his lower lip—enough to draw a small amount of blood—and a moan gets caught in shouto’s throat, coming out as something more akin to a whimper instead; something that certainly makes katsuki’s ears perk up. had todoroki just fuckin’ whimpered from something he had done? for a reason other than getting pussy for the first time in his stupid virgin life? needless to say, it quickly goes to bakugou’s ego as he begins sucking on shouto’s lower lip, tongue swiping over it quickly at first, and then a second time that was considerably slower and more teasing in nature.
poor shouto can feel himself going cross-eyed as he ruts into you sloppily, heavy balls smacking against your clit, and he knows he won’t last long like this at all. he’s kinda bummed he can’t …make love to you the way he would prefer, but right now, he doesn’t find himself picky at all—just grateful to be a part of this entire thing, even if he may not get the chance again in the future. that’s why it was critical for him to be present in the moment, literally drooling from how good he feels, as he uses his quirk on his tongue while swirling it around katsuki’s, the now freezing muscle licking over the insides of his cheeks and grooves of his teeth, sending a chill down your husband’s spine.
the saliva being exchanged between the two begins to dribble out from the corners of their mouths and drip down their chins and onto your arched back. holy shit. you nearly choke on katsuki’s dick at the feeling of their spit rolling down your spine and you moan in both disgust and twisted pleasure.
“nnmgh,” you moan, tongue pressed flat against the underside of his dick as shouto drills into you. now it’s you who finds themselves drooling profusely, your spit running down katsuki’s cock, soaking his balls.
the blond can feel himself throbbing down your throat and he groans from the combined stimulation of you blowing him and shouto’s icy tongue—he’s close and he knows it. …meaning that half and half whore was definitely about to cum, with the way your pussy is surely milking him for all he’s worth.
“shouto,” he grunts out, pulling away just enough to tell him that if he’s gonna cum, then he has to pull out—that katsuki was the only one allowed to cum inside you.
todoroki was more taken aback by the usage of his first name from bakugou of all people, and it’s all he can do to nod and mumble a quiet yeah.
it’s not much longer before both mean reach their climax around the same time—with shouto pulling out to jerk himself off for a few more seconds and he’s cumming all over your back with a loud cry as your husband cums in your mouth, thick cum spilling down your throat, past your tongue, not even giving you a chance to taste him.
after both men catch their breath, katsuki slowly pulls you off of him as he gazes down at you with a particularly soft look in his eye—or maybe it’s satisfaction, you’re too fucked out to really tell.
“y’okay, princess?” your husband rasps out, grinning to himself at your teary eyes, one hand cupping your cheek, and you blindly lean into his warm touch.
“mmhm,” is all you can hum in response, borderline brain dead from how many times you’d cum tonight—clit still throbbing from the earlier stimulation.
“good….” he directs his attention to shouto, but doesn’t ask him anything, instead looking him up and down, eyes lingering on his dick for a moment longer than he’d like to admit. he quickly redirects his gaze to shouto’s heterochromatic one, and the softest, barely there smile tugs at the corners of his lips. it was so small and brief, one might think they were hallucinating had they seen it, but todoroki catches sight of it, and he wants to say something, but finds himself speechless; so instead, he leans in to kiss your husband again, and, very much to his surprise, he doesn’t immediately recoil. given, he doesn’t lean in to meet him either, but he does kiss him back as you shift to the side, panting heavily while you watch the two muscular and domineering men go at it for the nth time tonight, and you can hardly believe your eyes.
one hand slips down in between your legs as they kiss, rubbing gently at your sensitive bundle of nerves while shouto takes the initiative this time, running his now heated tongue over the seam of katsuki’s lips before licking into his mouth, but moans quietly when the usually angry, but now somewhat calm, blond begins sucking on the hot muscle, one hand coming up to almost cradle the back of shouto’s head as he buries in fingers in his two-toned hair, pulling at it roughly.
“y’know icyhot, you’re really not that bad at this,” he tells him, which is the closest to doling out praise he’ll ever get.
shouto, however, takes this to heart as a soft smile pulls at his lips and suddenly he finds himself cupping katsuki’s face and knocking him onto the bed, clumsily clamoring on top of him, and your jaw genuinely drops at the scene in front of you. holy shit.
“yeah?” shouto breathes from on top of katsuki, who was just as shocked as you were, if not moreso. what the fuck? how the fuck? what was he meant to do? he looks over to you for an idea of where to go with this, and his eyes widen when he sees you touching yourself to the sight of them. ��alright, he supposes he can get behind this.
looking back over to shouto, he replies: “sure, ..but i’m better,” and easily manages to flip the pair so that he was on top instead.
“nngh–” you moan as softly, your free hand coming to grope one of your tits, pinching and tweaking with your already erect nipples. you don’t know if you can handle another orgasm, but the sight of the pair in front of each other is simply too hot to not jerk to.
shouto, meanwhile, wraps his arms around katsuki’s neck as he pulls him in for a disgustingly sloppy and heated kiss, lips parting by themselves as he cranes his neck upwards. similarly, he moans as well, tongue already seeking out katsuki’s while you fondle yourself and slowly work yourself up to one final orgasm.
nipping at his lower lip the same way he’d done to shouto earlier, katsuki retaliates by pulling away from the kiss to bite at his neck — even going as far as to suck against a few particular spots, leaving hickeys to bloom in the place of his mouth. for a moment, the idea of jerking shouto off crosses his mind, but that would be going too far for bakugou.
you, however, encourage this behavior, telling them to put on a show for you as you try not to cringe at the feeling of shouto’s cum drying on your bare back.
so, it’s shouto who finds himself reaching for katsuki’s dick without a second thought, and he heats up his hand a bit to tease the poor blond (there is nothing poor about that man…), causing him to hiss in a mix of surprise and pleasure.
“shit—you’d think you would ask someone before just grabbing their dick,” he grunts out, making shouto chuckle a bit at his words.
“sorry,” he says simply, thumb running over the leaky slit of his mushroom-headed tip, and he really, really wishes he could suck him off…… christ. maybe… maybe he should ask? you were the one who told them to put on a show after all..!
shouto ultimately decides against it, though, too embarrassed to do so, and instead settles for jerking katsuki off slowly and with intent.
“nngh–” bakugou nearly whimpers—not that he’d ever actually do something like that, obviously—and he pulls at shouto’s hair, dick still sensitive from the way you’d sucked him off so good a few moments prior.
it doesn’t take too long before katsuki finds himself cumming sooner than he’d like to admit, biting down on shouto’s neck in order to cope with the stimulation from his former classmate and fellow pro-hero.
you, too, find yourself cumming rather quickly, back arching off the mattress as shouto slows his pace to a halt, pulling his hand away and licking katsuki’s cum off it while making full eye contact with him—something that, shamefully, turned both you and the blond on.
you two would have to have a very serious discussion after this about how to move on from here, but for now, the two men turn their focus back to you, finally worn out for the night. katsuki easily shifts to lay next to you, wrapping his strong arms around your waist as shouto moves to get off the bed and go back to his guest room where he’d lay awake for the rest of the night—until he hears you call out for him softly, inviting him to sleep in your bed for the night; something katsuki doesn’t protest against, too tired to do so—and even if he did, his heart wouldn’t be in it. unfortunately, he very much enjoyed his time with the two of you tonight, and might seriously have to entertain your future request of letting shouto join your relationship.
in the meantime, however, shouto abides and comes to lay on the other side of you, flushed and sweaty body pressing against your back as your chest smushes against katsuki’s significantly warmer one, and you’re quickly lulled to sleep by the sound of his heartbeat and shouto’s steady breathing.
#bnha#boku no hero academia#bnha x reader#bnha x reader smut#boku no hero academia x reader#mha#my hero academia#mha x reader#shoto todoroki x reader smut#shoto todoroki x reader#shoto todoroki#shouto todoroki x reader#shouto todoroki x reader smut#todoroki x reader smut#katsuki bakugou x reader#bakugou katsuki x reader#katsuki bakugou#bakugou katsuki#bakugou x reader smut#katsuki bakugou x reader smut#bakugou katsuki x reader smut#kinktober#bnha kinktober#kinktober 2024#shouto todoroki#todobaku x reader#todobaku x reader smut#todobaku#bakutodo#admin 🦊
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in other thisisnotawebsitedotcom things, i do really love this one from mr stanford "laptops are an absurd pipe dream" "i'm gonna need all your floppy disks and uh. 8-tracks." pines
like does ford have any idea what leaving someone on read means? have mabel and dipper had the chance by this point to tag team explain: a) that mobile phones exist b) that they have developed to the point where your average preteen now has an entire computer in their pocket c) the concept of text messaging? (and/or social media) d) that read receipts exist (i can't imagine he'd be a fan of this one given how private a person he was even before bill showed up) e) that they have become so ubiquitous that not replying to a message the instant you see it can be interpreted as a deliberate slight and f) that the kids now use that knowledge as an insult
or has he just heard mabel say it around the house and he has never heard those words in that order before but fuck it it sounds rude enough he's choosing to put it as the closing remark in his two sentence response to his ex that also includes the phrase "go choke on glass"
#like either option is great#gravity falls#stanford pines#mabel pines#bill cipher#thisisnotawebsitedotcom#the book of bill
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Seeing You With Another Man

♡ Genre: Fluff, lil angst (due to jealousy not really sad though), lil suggestive ♡ Pairing: Bakugou x Reader

You weren't dating yet, but that was no excuse for Bakugou to stand idly by and watch you flirt with somebody else.
His entire body entered fight-or-flight mode the moment he spotted you with your new dance partner. Bakugou strode across the club floor, attempting to look as casual as a soon-to-be murderer possibly could. You barely noticed him as you extracted yourself from your dance partner. Once you did, Bakugou grabbed your wrist and pulled you away. Nothing felt safer than the increasing distance between you and that other man.
"Oh!" you said. "You finally want to dance?"
Your expression was still as seductive as before. Bakugou didn't like knowing that the other guy put you in that mood already.
"Not quite."
Bakugou could barely contain himself as he turned to your eager face and possessively kissed you, making sure to claim you as his. Your eyes shot wide open. Then, your eyes fluttered shut as you lost yourself in Bakugou's inexperienced, rough lips. His hands tugged on your body greedily, keeping you closer than you ever got around your previous dance partner. He pinned you against the wall as he filled up on all his needs. You loved the possessive side you unknowingly tore out of him tonight.
Finally, Bakugou broke for air. He had only one thing to say to you. "You're mine. Don't go chasing other guys."
Bakugou still wouldn't let you go, not while he still had you. He dragged you even further away from the dance floor, not bothering to explain what the hell just happened. With a little guilt, you implicitly understood.
If you said the word, Bakugou would release his grasp on you no matter how much it killed him deep inside. But you willingly tagged along, making sure to keep up as Bakugou strode far, far away from that other man and back to his house, where he would treat you better than any other man ever could. Because he was always yours and you were always his, and Bakugou wouldn't let anyone come between you two, not while his life depended on it.

(I really like the phrase 'he was yours and you were his' but I can't remember how many times I've used it in the past. It's like, my favorite phrase. My favorite romantic microtrope, if you will.)
#bakugou x reader#bnha fanfiction#fanfic#mha fanfiction#mha x reader#mha bakugou#mha#bnha#bnha x reader#bnha bakugou#katsuki x you#katsuki bakugou x reader#bakugo x reader#bakugo katsuki x reader#bakugou katuski x reader#bakugou katsuki x reader#bakugou x you#katsuki bakugo x reader#bakugo x you#bakugou x y/n#katsuki bakugo x y/n#katsuki x reader#katsuki x y/n#reader x character#x y/n#x reader#x you#my hero academia x reader#reader fic#reader insert
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DUDEE!!!! really happy u asked but also omg this got long agaiN who would have thought (!) i added summaries this time tho :)
here is part one of my fic recs XD
andd heres the new ones!! pls give them some love if u read them :D
Dick and Jason:
how lonely to be something that nothing wants to kill by sunlitlemonade
There were blood drops dripping down his fingers to the ground. The puddle was big enough for it to have spread around more than half the tub. His breaths shuddered, they were shallow and waning. But he was breathing and Dick’s world centered around that.
starting strong with Angst go read all of sun’s fics i always die and get revived <333 pls mind the tags on this one
cast on/cast off by hellsreluctantheir
“This is surprisingly non-destructive for Jason,” Dick comments, lightly. In the parking lot, Jason pulls a grenade out of one of his pockets, yanks the pin, and tosses it through the roller door and out of sight, before tearing out of the parking lot in chase of the truck. “Well, for a minute there,” Dick amends. He takes a step back towards the alley the batmobile is parked in, giving Bruce a quick glance. “We following? “No,” Bruce says, as the grenade goes off. “He’s cleared the warehouse. We can get into the office.” Dick sighs again. But Jason knows he can call in if he needs help.
time loop!!! read most of this writer's fics and fell in love with them all,, go read fr
bloodstained by hellsreluctantheir
“I know where the clinic is, asshole,” Jason said. The wad of gauze he was using to keep pressure kept slipping against his shoulder. The knife had caught the space between two panels, split to allow movement. Lucky shot. “Ok, let me make sure you get there without passing out from blood loss,” Dick said, a deliberate evenness to his tone, like he was doing his best to accomodate someone who was being completely unreasonable. Shithead. “I’m not going to pass out,” Jason said, ignoring the fact that he was actually feeling pretty unsteady on his feet. He caught himself with his good shoulder on the entry to the bathroom, took a deep breath. “What would Daddy Bats think if he knew you were here, trying to help me?” “I assume something like, ‘Wow, Dick, you’re such a good brother, trying so hard to make sure Jason is ok even when he’s being a complete idiot about it,’” Dick sniped.
heres another one from them. jasons scars and dick. andd another one next
brothers in arms by hellsreluctantheir
It wasn’t like none of them went undercover. Jason practically lived there. And he’d punch anyone who tried to make it a sob story for him, to cluck over the times he’d been alone in a pit of vipers, act like it was some tragedy. But given half a minute to think about it, Dick somewhere completely cut off from everyone but Bruce, no allies on hand, surrounded by enemies. Angry as he was at the lie, there was something about that he just fucking hated. or Thinking your brother is dead and then finding out he's been alive the whole time really has a way of making you rethink the relationship.
Shelter by Ptelea
Two safe houses, two nights dealing with the aftermath of fear toxin, multiple conversations, several meals. Written for Sholio's September 2020 Comfort Fest for a prompt from Musesfool. Warning-wise, there's nothing graphic here but there are definitely references to past canon trauma for both the characters.
the way they are written here <33
Rotten Fruits by couldyoublameme
“I’m fine,” Dick assured gently, sitting up slightly. “Just a bad night, is all.” It’s a familiar phrase he has used so often. Whenever the addiction crawls back into his mind, a parasite he can never truly get rid of. The family knows what it means. Knows what the ‘bad’ is. Knows what to do. “Oh,” Jason says. “Why?”
absolutely murdered me. pls do mind the tags
You Can Do Better Than That by AlexaAffect
All Jason could hear was his own ragged breathing. He desperately gasped for air, each breath more exhausting than the last and his lungs and throat burned with the effort. In. And, he needed a second longer with every breath he took, out. His arms had been suspended for the last… 15? minutes? Jason had quit keeping track of the time, he’d been too preoccupied trying to hold himself upright, trying to ease his position, switch it up, anything to prolong the guaranteed death. “Red Hood?” That was Dick’s voice. Huh. So they had found him fast enough. Or alternatively; Dick finds a kidnapped Jason shortly before he asphyxiates.
this fic is just oddly comforting to me idk. very precious
Equivalent Exchange by Lysical
Apparently favors don't expire on death. --"What do you want, Dick?" "For you to be happy, Jay." Dick leaned over and pinched his cheek. Jason reached up and swiped at him, scowling. "And world peace."
ADORABLE and fun
Just for Now by Lysical
Jason was back in Gotham and the timing couldn't be worse for him to need assistance on a case. He didn't want to see any of the Bats and he was sure the feeling was mutual. Nightwing was the worst option for Oracle to pick to help him out.
To Reconcile by CasualDanger
“Babs slapped me at your funeral.” Jason goes to laugh, but it’s just a cough and his mouth barely even twitches up. “She hated me in that moment. I mean, really, really hated me, like I did Talia after I found out Damian had died. And I wondered,” his voice cracks, eyes glassy now, “did you hate anyone when I was gone? Because I was gone?”
he ain't heavy, he's my brother by someplacewarm
Dick's been putting off meeting with Jason for a while now, but when a distress call comes through, he has no choice but to answer. Or the one where Dick and Jason talk, fight, get high and cuddle. In that order.
making gold out of it by vmkhoney
Dick talks himself back down on the bathroom floor, clinical and detached. (For someone whose primary skill is manipulating his body, it’s not very often that he feels connected to it.) - Or, five years after Blockbuster, Dick begins teetering on the ledge of processing what Catalina did to him.
a wonderful dick grayson fic, and jason is there being a good brother. mind the tags
What Hurts You by blueyeti
Dick comes to Jason's aid when he's injured in a fight, or at least he thinks he has.
jason has no scars!! and thats also sad
at me, too, someone is looking by bacondoughnut
Dick Grayson knows he's got problems when the Red Hood's busted leg somehow becomes his concern. aka; How Dick Grayson finds out Jason Todd is alive. A story about healing.
a rather long one for my standards XD (very short attention span) but this made me sit down and read. very fun jason
Bruce and Jason:
Saltwater and Desperation by bacondoughnut
Jason's not sure how he even manages to get himself out of the harbor. He's just glad Bruce is there when he does. Not that he'll ever, ever admit as much out loud.
same writer, love this jason (and bruce) so much
Insomnolence by navree
It's not like he slept much as a kid anyway; this is just a return to the status quo. He's not overly tired, and even if he's been sleeping less than his already limited amount throughout April, that's still not any of her business. Bad memories are already bad enough even before they spend the next few years in the aftermath becoming nightmares.
navree being The bruce and jason writer for me all of their fics are so o(- (
Ash Into The Wind by navree
This is his dad in there, the first man he ever called Dad, at any rate, and even after everything, booze and jail and Bruce and death and then death again, there's never going to be a part of Jason that isn't gutted that he's dead. One night, a wraith in a red helmet slips onto the grounds of Blackgate Penitentiary to steal one specific thing.
another one from them
Trapped by lurkinglurkerwholurks
BatFam Week 2018, Day Two. Prompt: Trapped Yes, the prompt is "trapped" and it's a Jason fic. I'm so, so sorry. (Not really, though.) Please see tags for potential triggers.
binge read this writers fics recently they write them so nice
Overcoming Our Antecedents by Batbirdies
Bruce swallows, closing his eyes for a brief moment before he takes another, steadying breath and presses both hands to his face. He just needs a moment. Needs to remember where he is, what year it is, that Jason is not actually fifteen, he only looks like he is. This is temporary. This is just a temporary problem that needs to be contained until they can change Jason back. This is not a repeat of events already passed. This is not a second chance.
Jason and Batfam:
Names and Neapolitan by Muddell
“Goddamnnit Robin,” Hood is there, pulling him into his arms. Robin sees that helmet, he sees the green eyes, the dark hair, he sees open, gray, Gotham sky, and hears tires squealing, and then he sees stone. He sees the cave. Bruce is there. Alfred is there. Dick is there. And Hood is there. Robin rolls in and out of consciousness. He reaches out, snatches the smell of copper and the touch of leather, and he holds Hood’s hand and he does not let go. He’s allowed to say it now. “Jason,” he says. “Don’t leave.” Or, following Dick telling Tim about his older brother, to Tim actually knowing him.
read a couple fics from this writer all so good!!!
Six Ways to Sunday by Muddell
Jason catches Duke hiding a headache and says, is anyone going to deal with that?
same writer!! really love their jason
Settle Down and Sleep by OberonBronze
A series of vignettes about seeking comfort. Damian tries his hand at being a comfort animal; Tim shows up at Jason’s place for an impromptu sleepover; Jason bonds with his older brother after a damaging fear toxin trip; Dick and Bruce have a long-overdue conversation.
really liked jason and dick in this :)
Tuck Me In by OberonBronze
Bruce Wayne and his long-standing habit of tucking his kids into bed.
think how great it is to fall asleep (and how terrible it is to wake up) by mikkal
Jason was fifteen, barely five foot, and underweight for his age when he died. When he came back to his body, suddenly he was too tall, too scarred, too much, too different. And he just... never got used to it. (Or: 5 times a Bat noticed/discovered his body dysphoria post resurrection)
Stranger Danger by alchemistsarego, whumpinaheartbeat (alchemistsarego)
There was never one particular moment that Damian registered that he was losing consciousness. Everything simply flashed from one thing to the next, even though some part of him understood that time had been passing in between. He had been sitting upright, rolling his eyes at something someone had said, then he was on the ground being pinned by some unknowable weight. All at once the weight was gone again, replaced instead by something not only lighter, but much warmer too. A blanket? No, a jacket.
jason and others:
Past Experience by Rookblonkorules
He thinks he might be dying. Again.
clark and jason :)
Bats in the Belfry by endlessnepenthe
Hal idly wonders how long he has before he's found. Probably not very. The Bat's freaky like that. (Or, Hal goes to Gotham and discovers that Batman's brand of freaky isn't exactly one of a kind.)
jason and hal jordan??! and slade? and magic.
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Meaningful Kiss 3
SUMMARY: Would they make Public Displays of Affection? If not, are they protective instead? And how do they show you how much they truly love you through their kisses?
CHARACTERS: Ruggie, Jade, Kalim, Silver, Lilia
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Established Relationship, Kissing, Flirting, Slightly Suggestive (?)
WORD COUNT: An average of 390 words per character.
COMMENTS: I started writing this for the Overblot Students and because it did so well I made a second one for the Freshmen. Then, as I like to try to include all the characters, I decided to write for the ones that were missing. These were the characters with the most votes to be in the 3rd part. The rest were left for the 4th part.
I hope you enjoy 😘💋
Meaningful Kiss 4 (Cater, Trey, Floyd, Rook)
CONTEXT: This can be seen as if you were at the beginning of the relationship, or already in an established relationship.
PDA for Ruggie is the most casual thing in the world. Whenever you are together he will have one arm either around your shoulders or around your waist. It's like a magnet, you get closer to him and his arm automatically wraps around you. Unless you didn't want to or the situation is more serious, of course. He's the type to hug you from behind and rest his chin on your head in a way that doesn't hurt you.
From the outside and at first glance, he makes it appear as if he is simply very touchy-feely. But the unconscious truth is that he is overprotective and territorial. No one can touch what's his! He's like that with food, with his belongings and with his significant other. It's an instinct thing. This doesn't mean he's controlling, if you're fine and happy, he's fine and happy. It’s just to make sure no jerk gets too close to you.
He might get a little jealous from time to time if you're very close to Ace and Deuce, for example, but never to the point of threatening them to stay away from you. He would never date someone he doesn't trust 100%.
Most likely he will help you with your household chores and ask for your help with his. Not because he needs help, but because he wants your company. Doing these kinds of things with you puts him at ease and makes him feel loved. It also makes him imagine what your life would be like together in a little house, but that's a conversation for another time.
When you're alone, he's still very into hugging you and being close to you, but in a more relaxed and lazy way. He likes to mess with you. You'll probably have a few tickle battles here and there.
In public, his kisses on your cheeks range from soft to playfully passionate. On the lips they always remain soft and casual.
Of course, the most meaningful kisses will be those in private, where his instinct doesn't encourage you to be protective. When you're relaxing together, he won't let go of you. He's the big spoon type. He will gently kiss your cheeks, ears and neck. And on the lips, they'll start out soft too, but if you let him get into the mood, they can become as possessive as the instinct he's trying to control.
Jade is not exactly the PDA type. A nice way of saying that it embarrasses him. He doesn't like to attract much attention and likes to maintain a low profile. So he won't initiate PDA and will appreciate it if you don't either. However, what he doesn't do physically, he makes up for verbally.
He may not be the type to hug you in public, but he is definitely the type to say something in public just to see you blushing and flattered in front of others. However, he does this discreetly. So that people usually only see your reaction without understanding very well what led you to that. He loves messing with you to see how your reactions can surprise him.
He will say things in your ear as if it were something casual. Or saying things out loud, but using words and phrases with double meanings, as a way of camouflaging what he really means or misleading the person, but affecting you in the process. Like a comment that to others seems innocent, but you know from something that happened between the two of you that he was referring to something else.
Even though he's not a fan of PDA, he sees no harm in kissing you hello and goodbye. A delicate and courteous kiss.
In private, he already appreciates the simple fact that you are keeping him company while he does some solo activity like taking care of his terrariums. However, despite the appearance he wants to give as a relatively peaceful person, inside, he is as much a lover of chaos as his twin brother. But in his case, he is the arsonist, not the fire.
In the same way that he likes to provoke you in public, he can be a thousand times worse in private, not holding back with his words and being more sincere since there are no "witnesses". In public he's just a little playful, but in private, what he loves most is discovering how far he can go, how far you can hold back. He loves to push your limits. Not in a bad way, of course.
And it's at these times, when he manages to pull that string that incites you to fight back in kind, that eventually, after a little more mutual incitement, he will return the kiss you initiate with his most meaningful one. That dangerously mischievous and provocative feeling. He loves to play with you.
But of course Kalim is an innocent PDA fan! What does Jamil mean by holding back and being discreet? He loves you! Why would love be something you should hide? He shows how much he likes and cares about someone, whether they are friends or family, to everyone. The same would be no different with you. In fact, you are the one who deserves the most for him to show you his love.
He will hug you and stay close to you ANY chance he gets. Whenever he sees you, he will stop whatever he is doing to run up to you and hug you. Whenever you see him and say hello, you'll see his smile widen and... him running up to you to hug you. He's more of a hugger than a kisser, at least in public. He will shower you with gifts, expensive, cheap, extravagant, simple, small, big, whatever you love. Unintentionally, causing envy in those around you.
He is 0% jealous, probably because he is also naive. This can also cause him to not be very protective, as he never sees the bad in others. In these cases, Jamil is the one who protects you if necessary, in the same way he does with Kalim. And, most likely, you are the one who will have to protect Kalim instead.
He's a people person, so it's rare that you're alone together. He likes parties and being with as many people as possible. The difference with you is that he never leaves you and if he wants to go talk to someone he will take you with him.
This also means that his most meaningful kisses, unlike most, are not necessarily the ones he gives you in private. He may be a person who likes to hug others in general when he is happy. But the kisses he gives you on your lips when he's excited, especially if he's in a celebratory mood, are the most passionate and loving you can receive from him.
Silver is pretty neutral to PDA. He doesn't initiate it, but he also has no problem reciprocating if you initiate it. The thing is, he's a very clueless person, so unless you clearly express in words that you want a hug, or a kiss, or just hold hands, he won't know.
On the other hand, if you decide with him, for example, that whenever you meet for the first time in the day he has to give you a kiss, he will give you that sweet smile of his and accept your request. He will follow this order to the letter and never miss a day or think twice about doing it.
He is not jealous, but he is quite protective. Since his actions do not reveal your relationship, people who don't know you at that level end up not even suspecting that you're together. His naivety and poker face only consolidate this.
And then two things can happen: in the best case scenario, he ends up casually revealing that you are dating, for example, if someone talks about a certain place, he comments "Yes, we went there on our last date." In the worst case scenario, someone tries to "woo" you and he suddenly takes over as your guard, surprising and probably even scaring the other person with his defensive posture, either placing himself between you and the other person, or stretching an arm in front of you, with his back to you. But the scariest thing will be discovering that that poker face can also transform into a threatening look.
As he doesn't express himself much, his kisses also end up being rare. Which makes them not only more special, but also makes him not having a more meaningful kiss, because the simple fact that he kisses you already is the most meaningful thing he will ever do.
All his kisses are soft, sweet and delicate, both the ones he occasionally gives you on your cheek and the ones he gives you on your lips. That kind of kiss that makes you feel like you're the most precious thing in the world and that makes you forget everything that's around you. Like those true love kisses in fairy tales when the prince wakes up the princess.
Lilia is 100% into PDA! He likes to surprise others and he always manages to do so when he is with you. Not only can he surprise others with spontaneous PDA, he can make you blush in seconds. It's like killing two birds with one stone, metaphorically of course.
He's the type to come up behind you and hug you, putting his arms around your shoulders. And if you're taller than him, no problem, he floats. He's also the type who would take advantage of these moments to say something in your ear that would make you blush.
There's a good chance he'll also play the following game with you: appearing upside down, giving you a kiss on the cheek and disappearing when you look. And repeat this 3 or 4 times until he finally reveals himself in front of you and gives you a quick kiss on the lips. (spider-man style)
He is protective in his own way. If he can, he will train you like he trained Silver and Sebek. If not, he will teach you what he can and what you can handle, so that you can defend yourself. He doesn't give the fish, he teaches the person how to fish. If there is a type of person he likes and admires, it is a strong and independent one.
However, he is aware that no matter how much he trains you, you will always be at a disadvantage to someone who uses magic. And if you are a female, you will be most of the time, if not always at a disadvantage to a male. In these cases, he doesn't mind "fishing himself”, he even enjoys doing it. He will protect you the same way he would protect the Draconia family, Silver, and any other loved one.
In public he is just playful, and his displays of affection too. He likes others to see him as cute because he knows how it gives him an advantage. Not only is it a form of pretty privilege, it's also a way for enemies to look down on him and thus let their guard down.
In private however, he cannot deceive you. You know that that cute side is a true side of him, but you also know that it's not the only side of him and that he's not as "innocent" and "harmless" as he likes to make it seem.
And his most meaningful kisses demonstrate this. They happen when he has that mischievous look in his eyes. When he takes off his “sheep’s clothes” and shows his real “wolf snout”. When he confidently approaches you with a naughty smile, and you're reminded how vivid the red in his eyes is. His kiss is elegant but dominant, almost like... a vampire perhaps?
If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
#Twisted Wonderland#twst#twisted wonderland x reader#twst x reader#twst imagines#Twisted Wonderland Fluff#Ruggie Bucchi#Ruggie Bucchi x Reader#Jade Leech#Jade Leech x Reader#Kalim Al-Asim#Kalim Al-Asim x Reader#Silver#Silver x Reader#Lilia Vanrouge#Lilia Vanrouge x Reader
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But daddy I love him - Satoru Gojo [ch.01]

Short series
Summary: If there was a phrase that could describe you, it was; good girl. You had been a good girl all your life, following your father's orders and being as modest as possible. You had focused your entire life on being a perfect lady, one who could be a good wife in the future. This is how you had been raised and how you had been instructed. But your whole world was shaken when one warm summer morning, your eyes met the bold, defiant and sharp gaze of a young man with white hair.
Tags of the series: +18, female!reader, set in 1700s-1800s, loss of virginity, misogyny language and thinking, oral sex, fingering, innocent oc, unsafe sex, vaginal sex, manipulative, eating disorders, abusive parents, no use of y/n.
ch.01 | ch.02 | ch.03 | ch.04 | ch.05 | epilogue
Jujutsu Kaisen materialist
Note: this is going to be a short series, of around two or three chapters, it’s a way to say thank you for the 300 followers. The tags are in general for the series, in this chapter there are only suggestive language and some misogyny comments and actions, according to the time that is set. Oc and Satoru are +20
words: 4k
Pinterest board
You were on the beach, near the house, you had gone for a walk and read a book by the seashore. The morning was warm and your blue dress moved due to the sea breeze that hit you. Placing a lock of your hair behind your ear, you looked at the immense sea before you.
You had rarely left your place of residence and even less had you crossed the sea. But this was a fervent dream that you had longed for since you had started reading stories from different places in the world.
But your parents were strict and you had a weak body to be able to make that journey. So the only thing left was to long for something that would not happen and immerse yourself in your beloved books.
You turned the page of the book you had brought with you and continued reading. It was a romantic book, one of those that made butterflies flutter in your stomach with just words written on a piece of paper. You had always wondered if it really happened, if when you were in love with someone those butterflies appeared and fluttered.
You had never fallen in love, but you had always longed for it. You knew that when the time came, you would be married to someone, but the mere idea of marrying someone, with whom you could never feel those butterflies or any kind of affection, terrified you.
You were terrified of the idea of ending up like your parents and raising your children in a loveless home, like you had.
“It’s the book good, angel?” A deep voice spoke in front of you.
Resting the book against your chest, you looked up, meeting a face you didn't know. His gaze was sharp and even a little arrogant. You stayed watching him, while his gaze continued to rest on you and you felt like he was somehow undressing you with his eyes. You held the book tighter to your chest and drew your legs up a little.
“Oh don’t be afraid princess. I don’t bite, unless you want me to.” You felt your face heat up at his words.
“Who are you?” You murmured.
“Satoru.” He said, giving a bite to the apple on his hand. “What are you reading angel?” He pointed to the book.
You hesitated, unsure if you should keep talking with that unkown man. “I think I should leave.” You said getting up carefully.
The man whose name was Satoru cleared his throat. "Come on angel, don't tell me that my presence scared you."
“I would rather be alone sir.” You whispered. “Now I will take my leave.” You said turning around and moving fast across the beach.
You could still feel his gaze on you, never leaving you, not until you disappeared from his sight. Walking across the dirt road that connected your house to the beach, you looked back to make sure the man wasn't following you. Your breathing was labored and your heart was beating rapidly when you reached the door. Taking another breath through your nostrils, you straightened your back and put on the best of your smiles as you entered the house.
"My lady." One of the household maids approached you. “Her mother wants to see her.”
"Something happened?" You bowed your head.
“No, miss, I just want to talk to you about the dinner that will be held tonight.”
“Oh, yeah okay.” You nodded.
Still clutching the book to your chest, you walked through the house. You were not the wealthiest in the county, but your father had a good fortune and from time to time he held parties, in a desperate attempt to get one of the rich men to notice his daughter and thus marry her.
That night you would once again have to endure the lustful gazes of men three times your age, while you made excuses not to commit to them. But time was fleeting and his excuses were slowly running out.
You knocked on the door and heard your mother telling you to enter.
“Mother.” You bowed your head. “I heard you called me.”
“Yes.” She said. “Tonight as you know there will be a party in our house.” You nodded. “I want you to stay away from one of our guests.”
“Stay away? Wouldn't that be rude?”
“No. That man is no good news.” She stood up and walked to the window. “It doesn’t matter how wealthy he is, he is no good for our family.” Then she turned around and walked towards you. “So please my beautiful daughter, don’t you dare approach that man.” A shiver ran through your body when you saw your mother's threatening gaze and you nodded with fear.
“May I ask, what’s his name mother?” You said, still frightened.
“It's Duke Satoru Gojo. I heard he is good looking but besides that, there is nothing good about him.”
That was the name of that man, wasn’t it?
“Is something wrong?” Your mother asked.
“No, nothing is wrong mother.” You responded feeling the nervousness in your words. “I retire to my room to start getting ready for the party.” Your mother nodded and you left the room.
You walked back to your room, thinking about the man once again. Just thinking about him sent a shiver down your spine. Mother had asked you not to approach him, but you had the feeling that he would be the one to approach you. Remembering your meeting on the beach, you wouldn't have thought he was a lord or anything like that. To tell the truth, you thought that he was one of the villagers in town who wanted to bother you, for the way he was dressed up.
He was wearing a white shirt, with the top buttons unbuttoned and the sleeves rolled up. With just one glance you could see that he was well toned. A subtle blush appeared on your face as you realized what you were thinking about. You shook your head to get rid of those improper thoughts.
“My lady?” A knock on your door brought you back.
“Rose!” You smiled at your maid.
“I’m here to start your preparations for tonight’s party.” She smiled with a small nod.
“That’s perfect. Let’s begin.”
And before you realized it, you were already putting on the final touches of your makeup and the sun had already set on the horizon of the sea. Rose said goodbye to you when you headed towards the door and with a firm step you headed to the entrance where the guests were waiting and where that man would surely also be.
Going down the stairs, you stood next to your parents, to welcome the guests arriving at the party. The faces of people already familiar and new, passed by one by one. Feeling a relief in your chest when you saw that that man did not appear, you entered the party. There were hardly any people your age or people with whom you could start a conversation that you liked.
“My lady?” You turned to see the face of the man who had called you.
He was a marquis from near the capital, he was approximately 40 years old, you heard that his wife died and now he was looking for a young girl to remarry and thus give him a male heir.
Taking a step back you greeted him. "Sir." You put on the best of your smiles.
“You look absolutely beautiful, my lady.” He flattered you, bringing the glass of wine to his mouth, his face was dyed a soft red so, it was more than evident, that this was not his first glass of wine. “It's a shame no one has courted you yet.” He said taking a step forward, you took one step back.
“The right man hasn’t appeared yet, sir.” You wanted to escape that conversation as soon as possible.
“My lady, how about I invite you to my country side house and let me court you properly?” He raised his hand so you could place yours on top of it.
Your mouth went dry and your hands started to shake. “I…” You wanted to say no, but that would be nonsense and disrespectful.
“I think the lady is not very interested in an insect like you.” A deep voice spoke behind you.
A chill ran down your spine when you heard that voice. It was him.
You raised your face to see him standing behind you, with a frivolous smile looking at the marquis you were conversing with.
”Duke Satoru Gojo, excuse me. How are you? I didn’t expect to see him at this party.” The marquis who seconds ago possessed tremendous confidence was now shaking like a wet puppy.
“Pretty annoyed, because I have to see insects like you believing themselves to be something they're not.” He scratched his head and took a step forward, standing at your height. “Now disappear from my sight.” You trembled as you heard his tone and saw his murderous look.
Who was that man? Your gaze was fixed on him and you did not see the marquis flee the place in terror. When you realized you were both alone and he looked at you with those same hungry eyes with which he had looked at you that morning on the beach.
“Angel, we met each other once again.” He bowed a little. “You look even more beautiful than this morning.” He tangled one of your locks in his finger.
“Duke.” Taking a step back from him, you bowed to him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You said without looking at his eyes.
Mother told you to stay away from him, so you needed to escape from there as soon as possible.
“Oh I’m a bit disappointed that you won’t look at me.” You heard him chuckling. “You are scared of me little one?”
“Sorry duke, but I must take my leave.” Trying to move away from him, he held your wrist pressing you against his torso.
“Careful angel.” He whispered into your ear, causing your legs to tremble at his warm breath. “You almost dumped into the waiter.”
And then you noticed, the waiter that was there holding the tray with more drinks. "I’m so sorry." You told the waiter.
The waiter shook his head and smiled at you, leaving your sight. "You have to be more careful angel, you could have hurt yourself." He whispered again against your ear.
“Thank you…” You whispered, releasing you from his grip and separating you from his muscular body.
Being close to him, his warmth and touch had caused a strange feeling in you.
“Angel, are you avoiding me?” His face came dangerously close to yours and your cheeks turned a subtle crimson red.
“No duke, that would be rude.” You looked down to your feet.
“So angel, how about you join me for a walk on this warm summer night.” He extended his hand towards you.
Your heart was beating strongly in your chest, doubting what you should do. Your mind wandered to the conversation with your mother, where she implored you to stay away from that man. But your heart wanted to grab that hand of his and take you for a walk that night. With your hand trembling you grabbed the duke's hand and together you left the house.
The cold of the night hit your body, causing you to shrink subtly, trying not to let your body heat escape. Instinctively you squeezed your hand, causing you to squeeze the duke's hand subtly. Realizing this, you moved your hand away and placed it against your chest, feeling your heart pounding in your chest.
The duke looked you up and down and took off his jacket, slinging it over your shoulders. You don't know if it was because of the jacket or because of the gesture, but you felt an intense heat settle on your face.
“Thank you duke.” You murmured holding into his jacket.
The duke just nodded and continued walking. Your gaze focused on his back and your mother's words echoed in your head again. You still had time to return to the party and ignore that you had been with that man there, but as before your heart decided for you and you walked following his step.
“So angel.” He spoke, taking what it looked like a cigarette out of his pocket. “Was the book you were reading good?”
“Yeah… it was.” His voice was making you feel things.
“What was it about?” He put the cigarette on his mouth and smiled at you while lighting up.
“About…” Your words didn’t want to come out of your mouth. “About a girl and boy that fell in love and escaped.”
“Oh… interesting.” He smiled. “You still don’t seem to trust me very much angel. Did someone talk bad about me?”
“No duke, not at all.” You hated to lie but you couldn’t expose your mother or else things could get complicated for your family.
“I don’t like when beautiful girls lie.” You felt his hand under your chin. “Tell me angel. What did they say about me?”
You trembled under his touch. “That… that you are no good news.”
With a crooked smile he spat the cigarette smoke away from you. “And that’s what you think, princess?” He asked you, narrowing his gaze.
“I haven’t had the opportunity to meet the duke, so I can not give an opinion.”
With a smile and with the cigarette between his teeth, he removed his hand from under your chin and walked to a stone seat overlooking the sea and sat there. You looked at his figure, muscular and large, feeling that heat in you again.
“Angel, don’t be shy and sit here with me.” He extended his hand and gestured for you to come closer. “I would like to know more about the beautiful lady of this house.”
You sat down next to him, placing your hands thighly on your knees, still nervous due to his presence.
“Ask me whatever you want, angel. I already told you.” He got near you. “I won’t bite you, unless you ask me to.”
Taking a deep breath, you spoke. “Why do you have a bad reputation?”
“Well…” He chuckled. “People think I killed my brother, to take the title and the power.”
“But those surely are just rumors right?” Your heart was beating faster and faster with each passing second.
“Maybe I did kill him, angel.” You began to feel dizzy, was he for real? “Don’t look at me like that angel, I didn’t kill him. My brother was clumsy and an idiot, he died due to his clumsiness but I loved him, at the end of the day he was my brother.” He threw the cigarette away. “But everyone started to believe that lie and to say I manipulated him because the title, instead of going to his son, it was leave it to me.” He shrugged. “Do you still think I’m bad angel?”
You shook your head. “I’m sorry you have to face those rumors.”
“How sweet of you angel.” He smiled. “That man… he wanted to marry you, right?”
You nodded. “Yeah…”
“Someone your age would be expected to be already married.” He pointed out.
“Yeah but I have a weak body, so my parents are trying to push it away.” You explained.
“Are they?” You looked at him confused. “Or are you?”
“What do you mean? I would never…”
“Princess it seems to me that you don’t want to marry any of those old insects and that you use the bland excuse of having a poor body to get away with it.” He cockily smiled. “I’m wrong?”
“That’s a gross lie, I would never lie about my body being weak.” You blurted out, embarrassed by his words.
He chuckled softly. “Okay angel, I will try to believe in your words.” He turned to face you. “But honestly, you would need a better match than those suitors your parents want to assign you. A princess like you doesn't deserve to be with those insects.”
You looked down. “I don’t have a say on what my father chooses for me. Once the moment comes, I will marry the person he chooses for me.”
“And that’s what you want, angel?” You felt his breath on your ear. “Or you want one of those love stories?”
You took a deep breath. “Those stories never come true, I’m destined to marry someone I won’t love, but you know.” You smiled looking at him. “Maybe with time love can happen.”
“Or maybe it never happens and you are unhappy for the rest of your life.” He said with those eyes all over you.
“Why are you telling me these things duke? Isn't it a bit rude to be talking like that to a lady?” You said.
“Is it?” He tilted. “I don’t know angel.” He stood up and you followed him with your gaze. “So you say you will marry anyone your father chooses. Interesting.” He smirked and watching that smirk, it made your body tremble.
You watched as he took a pocket watch out of his pocket and how he looked at it. “Duke…” You called him. “Why did you come to the party?” It was a question you have been wanting to ask since your mother informed you he was coming. “I don’t want to sound rude or anything, but the travel from your residence to here is quite long.”
He put the watch back in his pocket and smiled at you. “Just wanted to see with my own eyes how beautiful the lady of the house was or if the rumors were all fake.” He held your hand and brought it to his lips. “And the rumors were not wrong.” He said planting a kiss on your knuckles.
Your legs shook as the duke sank his teeth into the fabric of your gloves and gently began to remove it. But the real weakness came when he ran his tongue between your fingers while his piercing eyes were fixed on you.
An immense heat was established in the lower area of your abdomen and as much as you wanted to remove your hand from its touch, the pleasant sensation it was causing in you, prevented it.
“I will keep this glove with me, angel.” He kissed the glove and put it in his pocket. “We will see each other again soon, angel.”
And you watched him walk away, disappearing in the darkness of the night. You stayed on the bench for a few minutes, thinking about what just happened and feeling a new sensation on your body that you could not quite understand.
Standing back up you walked back to the house, getting welcomed by the noise of the people speaking, singing and dancing.
“Where were you?” Your mother appeared. “And whose jacket is that?” She raised your voice.
“I was outside and a…”
“Outside on your own?” She held your arm.
“Mother, you’re hurting me…” You whispered.
“Don’t tell me you were being a slut in our garden?” She asked you.
“What? Mother no, I was just taking fresh air.” You felt how your eyes got wet. “Please mother.”
“Agh.” She let your arm go. “Come with me, your father is going to introduce you to someone.” She turned around and walked.
You followed her in silence and with your head low, still feeling scared for your mother’s tone and angry look on her face. When you looked back up, you saw your father talking with a man, an unknown man for you. He looked the same age as your parents and was laughing with your father while smoking and drinking.
“Oh!” Your father said. “Look Marquis Harrison, this is my one and only daughter.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you sir.” You bowed your head.
“You have a really beautiful daughter.” The man spoke looking at your father.
“Yeah.” Your father laughed. “And you know Marquis Harrison, she is still unmarried and in the perfect age to to conceive.”
You felt your pulse accelerate and your breathing shorten, while you listened to your father speak. You knew where that conversation was going and you didn't want it to get to that point, you didn't want to marry that man.
You felt like the corset was tightening you more and more and how it was difficult for you to breathe with each passing moment.
Duke Satoru had been right, you had been lying about having a weak body and you had been paying gold coins to your personal doctor to corroborate it. But that excuse would soon be exhausted.
“Oh it’s that right my lady?” The man spoke to you.
You noticed the vein in your neck throbbing strongly, you felt like you would faint at any moment.
“Answer to Marquis Smith.” Your mother, angrily whispered to you.
“Angel.” That deep voice again. “I totally forgot about my jacket.” He approached you causing all eyes to fall on him and then on you when he was in front of you.
Your cheeks turned red as you saw his face again, as if something about him had an instant effect on you.
"What does this mean?" Your mother raises her voice.
“Oh ma'am, I'm afraid I didn't get a chance to properly introduce myself to the hosts of the party.” He turned to face your parents. “I am Duke Satoru Gojo, thank you for inviting me to this party.” He smiled, bowing slightly and placing her hand on her chest.
“Are you the one who gave the jacket to my daughter?” Your mother asked.
“That's right ma'am, I found her daughter outside getting some air and I lent her my jacket.” He lied.
Your mother took two steps towards you and she grabbed you tightly by the arm, she didn't care that all eyes were on you. “Didn't I tell you to stay away from him, don’t tell me you are a slut who spreads her legs out there?”
“Mother please.” You felt your eyes sting.
Your father shook his head. “Our daughter is a bit poorly raised, Duke, we are sorry if something uncomfortable could have happened.” You felt like crying at that very moment, you wanted someone to get you out of there. You needed someone to do it.
The duke looked at you and then at your father. "I think the only rude people here are the hosts of this party, who dedicate themselves to humiliating their only daughter in front of all the guests, while trying to marry her to the highest bidder." The Duke's words came out like darts from his mouth and his gaze was so extremely sharp, you would swear he could cut the air.
“How dare you…” your father blurted out with his face slightly red.
“I want to marry your daughter.” The duke cut your father.
A loud gasp was heard in the room and you looked at him stunned.
“Stay away from her.” Your mother blurted, still holding your arm thighly.
He completely ignored your mother. “I will be staying in the house, so your daughter and I can meet better.” He sharply looked at your dad. “I hope this is not an impediment or I will have to contact his majesty the King.” He threatened.
"Alright." Your father stammered, looking at the ground. The duke turned and removed your mother's grip on your arm.
He lifted your chin with his hand and smiled. “Now we can see each other more, angel.”
You swallowed dryly, looking into his eyes and feeling that flame light up inside you once again.
#gojo satoru fanfic#gojo satoru x oc#gojo satoru smut#gojo smut#satoru gojo x reader#gojo x reader#gojo saturo#gojo satoru x reader#gojou satoru x reader#fanfic jjk#jjk x reader#jjk smut#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen#gojo satoru x you
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# BATBOYS WITH A AUSTRALIAN!READER ── .✦ ( how batboys deal with a Australian s/o )
a/n: I myself have a aussie accent so this is like so cool for someone to request so tysm (here) and anyways this is one where I don’t have to research for because I know a lott of Australian ppl and culture too, tags: (batboys x Australian!reader)
Loves Your accent: “Say something else! No, wait—say ‘mate’ again.” He’s absolutely smitten with how you talk and tries poorly to mimic your accent, often sounding more British than Australian.
Constantly Curious About Australia: He’ll bombard you with questions. “Are kangaroos really that common? Have you ever seen a cassowary? Do you guys actually barbecue everything?”
Terrible at Slang: If you say something like, “It’s looking a bit dodgy,” he’ll need you to explain what you mean. When he tries to use Australian slang, it’s endearing but cringe-worthy.
“What’s up, uh…sheila?”
“Dick. Never say that again.”
Adventure Buddy: He’s already planning a trip to Australia with you, wanting to see the Great Barrier Reef, Sydney Opera House, and every wildlife sanctuary possible.
Loves Your Humor: Your sarcastic and no-nonsense sense of humor is right up his alley. If you roast him, he’ll laugh and roast you back.
Protective Over Your Wildlife Stories: The second you casually mention seeing a venomous snake or massive spider, Jason is horrified.
“Why are you so casual about almost dying?!”
“It’s just a huntsman spider, Jason. Chill.”
Impressed by Your Toughness: He secretly loves how you’re unfazed by things that would make others panic. He brags about it to others: “My partner grew up surrounded by things that can kill you. I think they can handle Gotham.”
Tries Vegemite Once: Spoiler: he hates it. “Why does this taste like salty tar?” But he’ll eat it if it makes you happy (and won’t admit that he kinda likes it on toast with butter).
Fascinated by Your Culture: Tim immediately researches everything he can about Australia, from Indigenous history to pop culture. “Did you know that there are more kangaroos than people in Australia?”
Amazed by Your Time Zone: He’s constantly confused by the time difference when you visit home. “Wait, it’s tomorrow for you?!”
Loves Learning Slang: You’ll catch him Googling Aussie slang to impress you. He’ll casually drop phrases like, “I’m knackered” or “Fair dinkum,” but his delivery is hilariously awkward.
Animal Discussions: He’s convinced that every Australian animal is deadly, and you have to constantly debunk his fears. “Not every spider is trying to kill me, Tim.”
Quietly Intrigued: Damian pretends not to care much about your background, but you’ll catch him reading about Australia or asking subtle questions.
Loves Your Stories: He’s genuinely fascinated by your tales of outback adventures or the unique Australian wildlife. “You’ve seen a platypus in person? Fascinating.”
Tolerates Your Nicknames: If you call him something like “mate” or “love,” he’ll act annoyed but secretly enjoys it.
Protective Over the Wildlife: He’s horrified by the idea of culling kangaroos or other animals. “You allow such barbaric practices?” He might actually start a campaign to protect them.
Respectful and Curious: Bruce asks thoughtful questions about your culture and experiences, genuinely interested in learning more about your upbringing.
Loves Your Practicality: He admires how grounded and resourceful you are, especially when you deal with things in a calm, no-fuss Australian way.
Subtle Humor: If you tease him about being too “posh” for Australia, he’ll play along. “So, you’re saying I wouldn’t survive a day in the outback?”
Surprises You with Aussie Treats: He somehow manages to get Tim Tams, Caramello Koalas, or Milo shipped to Gotham, just to make you feel at home.
The Spiders Are a Problem: You casually mention a massive spider in your house, and all of them (except Damian) are horrified. “How are you not freaking out right now?!”
Vegemite Debates: None of them can handle Vegemite except Damian, who eats it with no complaints just to prove he can.
Drop Bears: You convince at least one of them that drop bears are real. (Spoiler: It’s Tim.) (Ngl the google animation they made for them is fucking cute😭💗💕)
Aussie Slang Confusion: If you say, “I’m going to chuck a sickie,” they all think you’re throwing something. Explaining Aussie slang to them becomes a full-time job.
#jason todd#jason todd x reader#batboys#dc#dick grayson x reader#dick grayson#jason todd headcanon#jason todd imagine#red hood imagine#red hood x reader#red hood headcanon#red hood#dick grayson imagine#dick grayson headcanon#nightwing imagine#nightwing x reader#nightwing#nightwing headcanon#tim drake x reader#tim drake#tim drake headcanon#tim drake imagine#red robin x reader#red robin headcanon#red robin#damian wayne#damian al ghul x reader#damian wayne x reader#damian al ghul#bruce wayne
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What is the PR disaster in question that made Rick announce TSATS? I wasn’t active in the online fandom at that point
Of course! This was awhile ago so it figures people don't remember it/aren't familiar:
Basically a couple years back (2020) the fandom had some posts circulate discussing the ways different characters in the Riordanverse were written poorly or offensively. There was a masterpost that went around tumblr but the two major points people were particularly focusing on were Piper and Samirah (particularly because Piper had featured prominently again in Trials of Apollo recently and the third MCGA book had further emphasized and discussed Samirah being Muslim, since it was supposed to take place during Ramadan). Basically each had multiple posts breaking down the ways they were depicted incorrectly or offensively. The entire fandom for a little bit was VERY intensely discussing this (and it's around this time the "RR crit" tag got very popularized on tumblr - it did exist before, but suddenly was being used VERY frequently - cause it was that wide-spread - though the discussion took over basically every side of Riordaverse social media on different platforms). People really wanted Rick to respond to these criticisms, so he did!
He made two blog posts, one about Piper and one about Samirah. He has since deleted both so the links are to archived versions. The short version: he essentially tried to justify his poor research and double-down that he hadn't written them offensively, actually, people were just being mean to him. The fandom, of course, reacted poorly to this.
[Further elaborated events under the cut since this got a bit lengthy]
(Fun fact, this all happened within a month or so of the time i posted an open letter on aphobic tropes in the Riordanverse that Rick replied to, and then he immediately followed with announcing that Reyna was intended to be ace-coded [which cause a LOT of fandom debate] before Rick dipped for a couple of weeks, and then came back to post the blog posts in response to Piper and Sam stuff. So I like to jokingly refer to this as "The time I imploded the fandom/drove Rick off of twitter." Twas I that set the house ablaze.)
Rick fully left social media after this and the LT Musical social media manager became Rick's social media manager for the time being.
So this all happened June/July of 2020. Tower of Nero would end up being published in October of 2020 and a few months after that Rick would state that he was done with the series and wouldn't be writing any more series installments involving Percy, and also that he wouldn't be writing a Nico quest following Tower of Nero as it "wasn't his place to" and encouraged the community to write their own versions of Nico's story.
The community continued to circulate the tumblr posts and discuss the topics of Rick's offensive character depictions, and this is also where we see the dramatic shift in how the fandom depicts Piper in fanwork (though in most cases it is admittedly not an improvement 😬) because of all this discussion. This is also around the time when the fandom brought Viria under scrutiny claiming that she was whitewashing Piper as part of the same discussions, through the justification that she was drawing Annabeth as having tan skin (which she does canonically), and if Annabeth has tanner skin then Piper then that's whitewashing Piper? Except they were using completely separate images of not fully rendered Piper art versus Annabeth in dramatic lighting, so it's all very awkward and poor logic, and did actually get kind of racist. A lot of people were calling it "Tannabeth Blackchase" (yeah, i know) or similar and a common sentiment you'd see repeated is "Don't draw Annabeth as having darker skin than Piper, because that's offensive/racist/whitewashing." (Note: it was not phrased "don't draw Piper as having lighter skin than Annabeth" - we also won't get into certain offensive depictions of Native Americans, but I digress). But yeah, the Annabeth stuff in all that did not age well at all.
Anyways, in October of 2021 however Rick would announce that he was co-writing The Sun And The Star - with a lot of heavy emphasis on how Mark Oshiro works as a sensitivity reader, and some false advertising from the official social media that Mark Oshiro was the first time a non-Riordan author would be collaborating on the series (disregarding the ghostwriters completely). One of the big criticisms in the breaking down of issues in Rick's writing was his lack of ever seeking a sensitivity reader, and fans claiming that a sensitivity reader could solve a lot of the problems. This was basically Rick's "look! I totally listened!!!!" (though it did little to actually improve things, based on the book) and in TSATS as well Piper gets a large cameo at the end where the text very directly addresses a lot of points made in criticism of Rick's writing of her.
We also then of course got the CoTG trilogy later, explicitly stated to be for advertising purposes for the show.
So basically, short version: Rick came under scrutiny for a lot of offensive writing within the span of two months, made some bad blog posts doubling down about it, left social media. TOA ends. Rick says he wasn't going to continue the series/write what would become TSATS. Community celebrates the end of of the franchise but also continues to discuss Rick's poor writing and the blog posts at length. Rick suddenly announces TSATS and Mark Oshiro's involvement. Everybody gets distracted from being mad. Show announcement stuff also happens and the discussions peter out.
#pjo#riordanverse#fandom history#rick riordan#rr crit#ask#boywithskull#anonymous#long post //#fun times fun times#im always amused by the bit where i come in. like oh yeah i played a major part in the middle of all of this#i didnt mean to but i was the beginning of the end#maybe thats why this book is my personal hell. its in direct retribution#its really weird though because Rick did not usually reply to people on twitter but he responded to my open letter WITHIN HALF AN HOUR#within half an hour of me posting it he replied and then rapid-fire replied to like two or three other random tweet questions#at which point he confirmed he wrote Reyna with her being alloromantic ace-coded in mind (''but you dont have to agree'')#(i should note also - rick's reply plus the ensuing tweets HEAVILY implies he did NOT actually read my open letter. lmao.)#dipped off twitter for a couple of weeks. came back to post his blog posts responding to criticism about Piper and Sam#and then left social media completely. people kept talking. oh look new book pspspsp. look show pspspsp.#but so. yknow. i did that. it was ME!!!!!! and i will never let him forget. i know what he did.#i will never let him live down shitty PR move to try and sweep those bad blog posts under the rug
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This is pure fluff:
"wait...is this a date?" With this one:
That is all. Thank you and HAPPY BIRTH MONTH!!!!!!!
Hellllooooooo my love! ♥️
I had fun writing this one, thank you for sending in all of your asks for my follower celebration, and for being one of my biggest cheerleaders. I hope you like what I did here and I used my darling little ball of muscle(my dog) for inspiration. Thank you again! ♥️♥️♥️
Lost and Found

Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google except for bottom right, that pretty girl is all mine.♥️
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: None, really. Pure fluff, maybe a swear word or two? I can’t remember because I wrote it before I left on my vacation. Oh and mentions of Billy growing up in the system.
Word Count: 1.8K-ish
Summary: The phone call you were hoping to receive, finally came. The man on the other end called to tell you he found your dog.
A/N: Like I said, I used my own pretty handful as inspiration for this one. Her name is actually Lady and she is such a pretty girl and I hope you like it!
As always, thank you for reading! I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕💕
The silvery voice on the other end of the phone sounded incredibly sexy, the hint of a New York accent peeked out at times during your conversation, and if you had to guess, you swore he was smiling on the other end of the phone.
But that was secondary to the words you had been waiting to hear for a few weeks now, “Hi, is this y/n? I found your dog.”
You nearly dropped the phone you were so excited and relievedthat someone had found her. She had been missing for about three weeks and every single minute that she’d been gone had been agony for you.
Lady was your rescue pitbull. You’ve had her for about a year and a half, she was dark brown brindle, almost black, and white, and she was just the sweetest dog you’ve ever met. All she wanted was for people to pet her and rub her belly.
Her harness gave out while you were walking her in the park. A squirrel darted out in front of her and she started to pull, the hook on her harness broke and she started chasing after it. Calling out after her was useless, no one even offered to help you capture her and before you could call her name again, she was gone.
The walk back to your apartment was somber, your heart was broken, and you hated to think it but you weren’t sure you would ever see her again. The rest of that day was spent searching high and low for her until the sun had gone down. New York was a big city and it was like searching for a needle in a haystack.
“Her tag made me chuckle.” He had told you, referring to her name tag with the phrase “If found, please call my mom.” And on the other side, it said “Her name is y/n and she’s probably freaking out.” And on the bottom of the tag was your phone number.
“Is she ok?!” You asked.
His calm, soothing tone eased the tension throughout your body as he replied, “She’s fine, y/n. When I found her, I took her to the closest vet’s office to make sure and they said other than being a little hungry, she’s ok.”
“Thank you, so, so much Misterrrrrr?” You asked.
He replied, “Russo…Billy Russo. Please, call me Billy.”
“Well…Billy, thank you again. And just let me know when and where I can pick her up. I’ll meet you wherever and whenever you need me to. And if she’s given you any trouble, I apologize.” You said, eagerly.
You could tell he was smiling on the other side as he replied, “Ah no, she hasn’t been any trouble. Have you, girl?”
You thanked him again and suggested meeting him at a nearby coffee house where they had outside tables. He agreed to meet you after he was done with work.
That confused you a little so you asked him, “Oh, she’s with you? I could have sworn you said you were at work?”
Billy let out a little laugh.
“I own the company, y/n. I can do whatever I want. Everyone loves her, by the way. They’ll be disappointed that I had to give her back.” He said.
“Well, maybe she can visit you sometime. She is a very sweet dog. I’ll see you soon, Billy.” You said shyly.
You could not wait to get Lady back but you were also very curious as to what her rescuer looked like.
The late afternoon sun warmed the high points of your face as you sat with your coffee and waited patiently for Billy to bring Lady to you. He described himself as tall with dark hair and dark brown eyes and that he would be wearing a suit but then he realized that you would recognize your own dog so it really didn’t matter what he looked like which made you laugh.
Suddenly, a little ball of muscle barreled into your ankles. You were thankful that you were sitting down, otherwise Lady would have knocked you off of your feet and she nearly made you spill your coffee.
Then you heard that voice again behind you.
“Sorry, she must have smelled you or something. I didn’t have a good grip on the leash and she took off on me.” Said Billy.
Lady gave you all the kisses, all the tail wags and she was so excited to see you.
“Yes…hello!! I missed you too! I’m so happy you’re safe! How’s my little house hippo?!! I hope you were a good girl.” You said excitedly as tears stung the back of your eyes.
Turning your head slightly, you immediately had butterflies in your stomach when you saw Billy. He had failed to mention how handsome he was with his tall slender build, well-groomed beard, and his onyx colored eyes that shined like two flat black marbles.
Billy extended his hand for you to shake.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you, y/n.” Billy said with a warm smile.
You had never seen a more perfect smile and you suddenly felt weak in the knees when you stood up to shake his hand.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Billy. Please, sit. Lemme get you some coffee, let me guess…black with one sugar?” You asked.
“Seriously, how did you know that?” He asked.
You shrugged.
“I dunno, guessing people’s coffee orders is a gift I have. I’ll be right back. Lady, you stay with Billy.” You said.
After the excitement died down, Lady fell asleep at your feet while you and Billy chatted for a little while about how he ended up finding Lady or more like how she found him.
Billy said she must have been hiding because after he walked past an alley, he felt something against his pant leg. When he turned around, he saw her sniffing the bottom of his pants.
“I looked around for an owner, asked people walking by if she was their dog and when they said no, I looked at her tags. I didn’t even have to bribe her with any food, she just followed me all the way home.” He said with a warm smile.
The two of you talked for awhile…about everything. He told you about the kind of work he does and how he used to be in the marines which it sounded like he missed a little.
“Your parents must be proud.” You said.
Billy recoiled slightly and replied, “Ah, I grew up in the system. I’m…an orphan.”
Your heart suddenly sank into your stomach and you felt like a complete asshole.
“Oh, Billy. I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have just assumed…” You said, completely mortified.
Still with a smile on his face, he shook his head and said, “Ah, don’t worry about it. It’s ok, sweetheart. It was a long time ago.”
You did worry though. The slight bitterness in his voice and the tightness in his jaw told you that thinking and talking about itwas still painful for him. You wondered if that was the reason Lady attached herself to Billy.
She was an orphan too, abandoned twice by two different families before you adopted her and brought her to her forever home. Just from Billy’s tone, if you had to guess, it sounded like he remained in the group home until he aged out but it didn’t feel right asking about it.
Then you remembered that Billy had taken Lady to the vet and wanted to pay him for doing that because he didn’t have to.
“Billy, please let me pay you back for taking her the vet. That must have been a chore, she hates going there. You really didn’t have to do that.” You said.
He refused.
Shaking his head, he replied, “No, no, please y/n. I just wanted to make sure she was ok. I don’t want your money and besides, I’m having a nice time on this date.”
Your voice was dripping with sarcasm when you replied, “Wait…is this a date?”
Billy froze and didn’t really know how to respond. All he could manage was a slight smile but before he could say anything, you broke the awkward silence.
“I’m just messing with you, Billy. I’m having a nice time too.” You said with your lips curling up into a wide smile.
A confident yet devilish smile stretched across his lips as he leaned in a little closer. Clenching your thighs together, you couldn’t remember the last time you were THAT turned on by just a smile. You almost wanted to thank Lady for getting herself lost…almost.
“How ‘bout I take you out on a real date? Lady will have to stay home though.” He said.
Lady picked her head up off of the pavement as soon as she heard her name, her ears perked up, and her tail started to whip back and forth. She stood up and moved closer to Billy, gently pawing at his pant leg.
All the dogs you’ve had before, they always were a good judge of character, they knew if you were a good person or not, and you could tell she just adored Billy.
“She knows you’re talking about her.” You said. “She’ll take her payment in the form of a belly rub.”
“Your owner has to say yes first, then you can have a belly rub.” He said, scratching her ear but not taking his gaze away from you.
Billy was a very smooth talker, sexy, hard to resist, and you didn’t want to resist but you had to refrain from appearing too eager. The man was incredibly flirtatious and persuasive although you didn’t need a lot of convincing to let the most handsome man you’ve ever encountered take you out on a date plus he just seemed…nice.
Lady looked over at you like she understood every word that came out of Billy’s mouth, waiting for you to answer him so she could have her belly rub.
“Do you always catch what you chase after, Billy?” You asked, softly.
Billy leaned in so close that you were sharing the same air, you could feel his breath against your eyelashes, and your heart was beating rapidly inside your chest. You could practically hear the beating of your heart as his lips ghosted over yours and warmth spread across your chest.
“Usually. Luckily, I didn’t have to chase after this pretty girl. Her pretty owner is a little bit more challenging. You didn’t answer my question.” He purred in your ear just before Lady rested her paws on the table and licked Billy right on the nose.
You bit down on your lower lip to try and keep you from laughing but it didn’t work.
“La-dy! No ma’am, you’re not supposed to be on the table! Get down.” You scolded her, gently.
Gazing into his liquid brown eyes, you said, “Seems like she has a crush on you, Mr. Russo.”
“Is she the only one?” He whispered.
You shook your head.
“No…she’s not, I’d love to go out on a date with you, Billy.” You said.
Billy tucked a stray hair behind your ear and replied, “I’m really glad Lady chose me.”
You could feel yourself blushing as you said softly, “I am too.”
Tag List: @wheresthesunshinesblog @idaoftheburningmind @rafaelakelley @snowkestrel @music-indie-tv @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @fictional-hooman @k-marzolf @nutmeg17 @vaguekayla @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @aoi-targaryen @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @rachlovesactors @qu1etwolf @sweetserendipity65
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @ittybxttykxttytxtty @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @mrsbillyrusso @colereads @jediwizardelf @thejanecampaign @folkloreofyennefer @milea
If you’d like to be added (or removed from) my tag list(s) for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again.
#billy russo#billy russo x reader#billy russo fanfic#billy russo imagine#billy russo x you#billy russo x female reader#billy russo fic#billy russo fluff#ericca answers#ericca’s 500 follower celebration
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because barbie
written for @bucktommywinterfest Halloween warm up round
prompt: couples costumes
rated: T
tags: halloween costumes, horny buck, smitten tommy, banter
word count: 824
[read below or on AO3]
Buck and Tommy try to figure out what to wear to a 118 Halloween party.
"I am not wearing that."
"What? Aw, c'mon, Tommy. Please?" Buck tilts his chin down to look at Tommy through his lashes with a pout.
"Absolutely not. And put those sad puppy eyes away, Evan, they won't change my mind."
"Okay, fine," Buck huffs. Taking one more look at the picture on his phone, he frowns, silently mourning what could have been, and shuts the screen off. "Then what would you suggest?"
They're sitting cross-legged on his bed, facing each other, and trying to decide what to wear to the Halloween party Bobby and Athena are throwing at their new house. Buck feels like they've been going back and forth over it for hours, when in actuality, it's only been about ten minutes.
"Okay," Tommy grins wickedly, doing that little excited wiggle he does that Buck adores. "You already know I have the whole get-up to do Han Solo..."
Buck raises an eyebrow at that, instantly intrigued. "And who would I be?"
"Well, I think you would look really hot in a slave Leia costume."
The images that Buck's mind conjures has blood rushing to his face and his heartrate skyrocketing. "I, um-- Uh, wow," he says a bit breathlessly. "I... wow."
Tommy laughs, cupping Buck's face in his hands. He gives Buck a quick peck on the lips. "Did I break your brain?"
"You know I wouldn't actually ask you to wear that in front of your friends and family, right? Unless you really wanted to."
Buck breaks out of his daze to say, "Hey, they're your friends and family, too, Tommy."
Tommy gives him another quick kiss. "I know. I just also knew phrasing it like that would get your brain back to the present."
Buck rolls his eyes affectionately. "Okay. So, I'm definitely not wearing a slave Leia costume. Outside of sexy time, that is. And, I don't know... Princess Leia, or even General Leia, just isn't sparking anything."
"Bee and bee keeper?"
"Too soon."
"Milk and cookies?"
"Too cliche."
"Shaggy and Scooby?"
"Too many invasive questions about our sex life."
Tommy sighs. "Evan, we have to pick something in the next few days or we'll be the only ones without costumes."
"Ughhhh," Buck groans, dropping his head back. "Why is this so haaarrd?" His head shoots back up. "Oh! Hard! Maybe sex will help me think."
Buck reaches for Tommy's pants, but Tommy grabs his wrist. "No. No sex until we figure something out."
"Oh, you are evil."
Tommy grins big, his eyes crinkling and nose scrunching up all adorable, taking Buck's hand and bringing it to his lips. Buck is helpless against that smile, blushing as he returns a small smile of his own. "Angel and devil?" Tommy asks, and kisses Buck's knuckles.
"May...be...? It's a solid contender, at the very least."
"Alright!" Tommy claps his hands together. "Finally, we're getting somewhere."
"Ooh, one of us could be the Rubber Man from American Horror Story." Buck waggles his eyebrows, biting his lip as he looks Tommy up and down.
Tommy gives him a look. "What was that about too many question about our sex life?"
"Relax, Babe, I was kidding." Buck pats Tommy's leg. Then he grins, and adds, "Mostly."
Buck sticks his tongue out, like the mature adult he is. Tommy flicks the tip of his nose, then kisses it to soothe the slight sting.
"Okay, well what about pirates? Cowboys?" Tommy asks.
"Hmm, I was a cowboy for the Haunt Fest. I don't want to just repeat that. But you in assless chaps? Yes, please."
"You're picturing me in assless chaps, a cowboy hat, and nothing else, aren't you?"
"Absolutely," Buck says like it would be ridiculous to think otherwise.
Tommy shakes his head, a fond look on his face.
"Cop and robber?" Buck suggests. "I'll let you cuff me."
Tommy quirks a brow. "Like you don't already?"
Buck snickers. "Okay, okay. For real this time. Um, what about... Oh! Barbie and Ken. In their cowgirl and cowboy oufits."
"I thought you didn't want to be a cowboy again? What makes this any different?"
"Because Barbie."
"Alright," Tommy raises his hands in surrender. "But why not Ken and Ken?"
"Why would be both be Ken?"
"Because... we're both men?"
"Tommy," Buck looks at him like he's grown a second head. "It's Barbie and Ken, not Ken and-- Wow. Nope. No. That came out all wrong. I sound like a homophobe."
Tommy laughs. "We could be Alan and Ken."
"So you don't want to see me in a sparkly hot pink cowgirl outfit?"
"I--" Tommy starts, stopping abruptly, his cheeks heating. "I don't not want to see you in a sparkly hot pink cowgirl outfit."
"So... Barbie and Ken?" Buck gives a sly smile.
Tommy nods in agreement. "Barbie and Ken it is."
"And... sex now?"
Tommy bursts out laughing, grabbing Buck's face to kiss him. "Yes, baby, sex now."
#bucktommywinterfest#911#911 abc#911 fanfic#bucktommy#bucktommy fanfic#tevan#kinley#kinkley#evan buckley#tommy kinard#lex.txt#my writing#my fic#it speaks
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So Come And Do It For Me
Kinktober Day 15: Phone Sex (D.W.)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem Original Character
Warnings: Smut, Fingering, Masturbation (F. described, M. implied), dirty talk, slight power exchange if you squint
Summary: Cabin fever sets in for Tori as the fifth day alone in the Bunker gets to her. Luckily, Dean calls to take care of his girl.
Word Count: 1640
Authors Note: Title inspired by the song Love Me by Ex Habit
Tag List:
@zepskies @king-of-milf-lovers @nightxcreature
Tori hated being injured. Hated the clean, hospital reminiscent smell of the antiseptic wipes. Hated the way the cast material clung to her lower leg, restricting her mobility. She hated laying in bed all day, or sitting at the table in the library when she could be out with Sam and Dean chasing down leads. Most of all, she hated being useless. Tori didn’t care how many times Dean had tried to placate her, telling her that doing research and being whatever law enforcement contact they needed was helpful. She knew better.
She knew there wasn’t any piece of lore Sam couldn’t find in a library or on that laptop of his. Knew that Bobby or even Garth could play FBI/DNR/U.S. Marshall supervisor 10 times better than she could. It felt, lazy, irresponsible even, to stay sequestered in the Bunker when she could be out there helping people. Saving people, hunting things. That was the motto, not ‘take it easy, let your fractured tibia heal”. Doesn’t really have the same ring to it.
Tori had heard her mom use the phrase ‘hurry up and wait’ many times in her youth, but she’d never truly understood the sentiment behind it until now. Not to mention the fact that loneliness was a monster that had carved a hole in her chest, curled itself up and settled in. Tori’d never realized how quiet the Bunker was without Sam and Dean here. Sure the pipes groaned and the building itself whispered and hummed with all the machinery housed under it’s roof. But with her boys gone, there was no bickering, no classic rock blaring in the kitchen, no clinking of bottles in toast. Just the ambient noises that had her feeling smaller than a flea as she hobbled down the long, empty, hallways.
It was probably her imagination, but Tori could have sworn she had started to wear a track between her and Dean’s bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen and the library. It seemed like weeks they’d been gone, but Tori knew it was barely five days. But the seconds blended into minutes and minutes into hours and the hours turned lonely days into even lonelier nights curled up around one of Dean’s flannels she’d shoved onto a pillow in an attempt to pretend it was his chest she fell asleep upon.
That’s where she was, on her third time rereading the same page in the novel she started, when her cell phone buzzed on the nightstand. Tori sighed, knowing it was Dean on the other end of the line. He called her each night around this time. It warmed her heart, gave her something to look forward to at the end of the day, days that would otherwise bleed together with the lack of sunlight in the Bunker, given the lack of windows; even with the crutches Sam had ran out and got her, she was still too awkward on her feet to try and brave the stairs, feeling a little too much like Bambi than her pride would allow her to acknowledge.
Tori smiled to herself as she accepted the call, bringing her phone to her ear. “Hey.” She greeted him.
“Hey, Sweetheart.” Dean’s voice was soft even though it was slightly distorted over the phone. “How’s my girl today?”
Tori shrugged, facing a few seconds of silence before she remembered that duh Dean couldn’t see her. “Eh. It’d be better if I was there with you and Sam.”
“I know, Sweetheart, I know.”
Tori shoved away the sadness she felt creeping in at the edges. “How are things going?”
She listened attentively as Dean recounted how he and Sam were tracking some obscure monster from some mythology even Tori hadn’t heard of. Sam, living up to his ‘Boy Genius’ nickname, had found the monster's M.O. in some archaic text buried in the back of the town's library, all of the methods matching to a ‘T’. The hard part, according to Dean, was finding the sucker.
“I have faith in you Baby.” Tori murmured, rolling from her side onto her back, slinging the hand she wasn’t using to hold the phone to her ear, over her stomach.
“I have faith in you too, Sweetheart.” Dean answered, and Tori could faintly hear what she could only assume was the motel bed’s springs squeak as Dean must have sat down. “You’re so strong, and so brave. You’ll be back out here with us in no time.”
Tori sighed. “I know.” She toyed with the material of her sweatshirt. “I really miss you, De.”
The praise falling from Dean’s lips, traveling across the telephone lines to her ears, had Tori squirming in their bed, heat rushing between her thighs. With Dean gone and the lack of motivation plaguing her, Tori was revved up way too easily.
“I know Sweetheart. I miss you too.”
“Dean.” Tori could hear her voice become breathy as she toyed with the waistband of the boxers she stole from Dean to wear while he was gone. “I really miss you.”
She could practically see the smirk she knew was forming on her lover's face. The rustling of clothes over the receiver turned her on even more, knowing what Dean was doing. Sam must have been out or the boys had gotten separate rooms for Dean to readily be available to do this with her. Either way, Tori wasn’t gonna question it, grateful that Dean was raring to go just like she was. She knew he was missing her just as badly as she was missing him. He hated leaving her alone, regardless of if it was on a hunt or a simple grocery run.
“You touchin’ yourself Baby?” Dean’s voice had gotten a shade thicker, that gravelly intonation in her ear sending shocks of arousal on a straight shot to her core.
Tori slid her hand beneath the cotton boxers to slide a nimble finger down the seam of herself. “Mmhm.” She hummed, tipping her head back against the pillow, the movement wafting Dean’s cologne to envelope her.
“Good girl.” Dean practically growled into the receiver. “I want you to rub that pretty clit of yours real slow, okay?”
Tori suppressed a whine. She didn’t want to go slow, and she knew Dean knew that. Her back arched up off the bed at the first contact of her middle finger against her dully throbbing clit. Behind her eyes she imagined Dean sprawled out on the motel bed, his handsome cock gripped in those big hands of his. She imagined those hands all over her body, one taking the place of her own rubbing small circles around her puffy clit.
“How’s that feel?” His voice caressed the shell of her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.
“G-Good. Wish it was you touchin’ me, De.” Tori moaned softly as her ministrations had her bucking her hips up, chasing her own hand.
“I’m right here, Sweetheart.” With the phone pressed flush against her ear, it was almost like he was here with her. “I want you to slip one of your fingers inside that tight pussy for me. Keep it slow, Sweetheart. I want you to feel yourself. Take your time with it.”
Her lips parted, mouth dropping open as she thumbed her clit, freeing her middle finger to slip inside herself. Tori curled her finger upwards, her inner walls clenching around the digit as she brushed against that spot that had her moaning unabashedly. Dean praised her, his own voice breathy and raw. She could occasionally hear wet sounds as Dean fucked his fist. The erotic image that conjured spurred her movements, pistoning her finger in and out of herself, adding her ring finger once Dean instructed her to. Her fingers didn’t fill her quite as nicely as Dean’s, but this wouldn’t be the first time she explored her own body, inside and out. Tori ground her hips against her hand, thumb still strumming away at her clit in time with curling her fingers in a come-hither motion.
“That’s it, Baby. Fuck yourself on your fingers. I bet you look so pretty like this, your fingers shoved to the knuckle in that pretty pink pussy. Wish I was there to lick your taste off of them.”
Tori moaned shakily, unable to form a coherent sentence in the face of the pure filth Dean was whispering in her ear. Her inner walls began to throb around her fingers, that too-good feeling starting to flood her lower belly. She whined his name, her thighs starting to shake, her hips thrusting erratically against her hand.
“I know Baby, me too.” Dean moaned to her. “Just a little longer. Be a good girl and wait for me.”
Tori whined into the receiver, trying to hold back the immense wave of pleasure cresting inside her. She panted, sweat beading on her forehead as she held back her orgasm. Tori moaned his name in a seemingly unbroken loop, a plea for him to give her the word. She cried out, nearly sobbing as Dean gave her the word, her legs going lazy, hips wildly bucking against her fingers as she came. Dean’s guttural moan as he came had her clenching down like a vice around her fingers.
Tori sighed satisfactorily, pulling her fingers from under her boxers. “I love you, De.” She mumbled sleepily.
“I love you too, Tor.” Dean panted, his voice thick with affection. “I’ll be home soon, okay?”
“Okay.” Tori mumbled, already feeling her eyelids grow heavy. “Be safe and come home to me.”
“I will, Baby. I’ll see you soon.”
Tori murmured more I love you’s before hanging up the call. She sighed, smiling as she tugged the Dean-pillow closer, burying her face into the flannel, dreams of Dean and a promise of seeing him soon lulling her to sleep.
#dean winchester fanfiction#spn fanfic#dean winchester imagine#dean winchester fanfic#spn fanfiction#supernatural dean#supernatural fanfiction#dean winchester#supernatural#kinktober 2024
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pierced ☽༓・
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: they say nipple piercings taste like house keys. and there’s no place like home baby. aka ethan finds out you have nipple piercings and naturally, he’s intrigued.
tags: established relationship, use of female anatomy, no actual sex lol just foreplay, barely proofread, minors dni!!!
word count: 1.3K
notes: always thought nipple piercings were hot tbh but I’m too scared to get them :////// this is my way of coping :///// also again I’m telling y’all i see ethan as a tits man 100% no way around it!!!!
let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list for further ethan landry related content!
You and Ethan had been dating for a few weeks now.
Ethan loved you very much, and there was no way you couldn’t tell. The brunette was practically glued to you, even before you two became a couple. Always had an arm around you, your fingers intertwined when you held hands, having you on his lap whenever he could...
Needless to say, there was no lack of affection in your relationship. But yet, you two hadn’t really done anything sexual yet. Besides a stray hickey or a squeeze of your ass during a heated make-out session, the two of you had been relatively conservative in your touches. Ethan was a virgin, something he’d blurted out randomly to the group before, and the thought of it made you want to take your time with him.
So at times, when all you wanted to do was rip off your clothes and take him, you restrained yourself. Because you liked him. A lot. You wanted things to be different.
He spent a lot of time in your dorm too. Not having a roommate made having some privacy a lot nicer, and he gladly accepted your invitations to stay over every time.
It had been pretty warm, most of the windows being open as you situated yourself in your small kitchen, pouring you and your boyfriend a drink. Despite it being relatively dark outside already, the heat persisted, and so you decided to wear something other than a baggy shirt for once.
You could hear the lock of your door click open, and you smiled to yourself. Ethan had a spare key to your place, originally just for emergencies, although you’d argue seeing each other was an emergency at any given moment.
He called out your name, kicking off his shoes and dropping his bag next to them.
“I’m in the kitchen baby!” You opened the fridge, looking through the contents to see what you could make for dinner later. A pair of familiar arms snaked around your waist, a soft hum leaving his hips before he pressed his lips to your neck. “Missed me?” You turned your head to face him.
“Always,” He leaned in, kissing you softly, “it’s so hot outside...”
“Tell me about it.” You closed the fridge and let go of him, snatching one of the iced drinks you poured off the counter and handing it to him. You then grabbed your own, and held it out to clink gently against his. “Cheers to summer in New York.”
“Cheers.” He smiled, taking a good, long sip as his eyes remained on you.
Or more specifically, your chest.
He’d never noticed before, mostly because you hadn’t really worn tops like this in front of him, but he could definitely tell; the outline of two barbell piercings stood stark against the cloth of your top. It was pretty obvious, and his eyes quickly darted away before you’d make a comment about him staring at your tits again.
“Ethan?” You raised an eyebrow, back leaning against the counter.
“Yeah?” His drink was still at his lips.
“You were staring.” You snort, amused by how clueless he was to where his eyes landed. Seemed like it was too late to pretend he wasn’t looking.
“Oh,” His cheeks tinge pink, “I-I’m sorry, I just--” He was so vulnerable to you when you looked at him like that, so expectant, like you wanted him to admit something.
“It’s okay,” You took another sip, holding eye contact. He swore the look you gave him was making his pants tighter already.
“I didn’t know you... Had those...” He wasn’t sure how to phrase it in a way that didn’t make him seem like a creep.
“What?” You tilted your head slightly. “Tits or nipple piercings?”
“The second one.” He still isn’t sure if you’re about to cuss him out for being a pervert, or if you’re enjoying this.
“I figured,” You chuckled, and he felt the nerves melt off his body. “Just never came up before I guess.”
The two of you spend the rest of your night on the couch, watching a movie. Despite him insisting you watch it carefully, his own attention was elsewhere. He had to admit he didn’t know how to feel about someone else touching your chest and your nipples before he could, but then again, he did think they looked really hot. Even if he just saw them peek through your top a little.
He’d sneak glances every now and then, and as your attention inevitably shifted from the movie to him, and the two of you stumbled into an impromptu make out session, his hands just itched to touch them.
Your kisses were hot, arms slung over his shoulders as you straddled him. His hands settled nicely onto your sides, but you could tell they were slowly creeping up. You grinned against his lips, hips moving slightly against his growing erection.
“You know,” you spoke softly, lips brushing over his with your words, “if you’re so interested, I could always just show you.”
“W-What?” He pretends to play dumb, but he knows exactly what you mean. His cock twitches slightly at the thought of your naked tits in front of him, and he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought of touching them before.
You sighed, almost dramatically so, as your hands gripped the hem of your top. You pulled it off in one swift motion, tits bouncing slightly as they were released.
If he wasn’t rock hard already, he absolutely was now.
His mouth was almost watering at the sight of them, swallowing to keep down some of the nervous spit that had gathered in his throat. “Fuck…” He mumbled, before his puppy eyes met yours again. “They’re beautiful… Can I…?” He reached his hand up halfway.
“Of course, they’re healed, you can do whatever to ‘em.” You arched your back a little, further moving your tits into his face.
He seemed hesitant at first, hands coming up to gently cup your soft breasts, humming softly at how perfectly they fit into his hands. They were so soft, and for a moment he couldn’t believe how lucky he was. You were so gorgeous, and you were all his. Only ever his.
His fingers moved over to your nipples, pads running gently over the sensitive buds, eliciting a soft whine from you. The noise only further encouraged him as he continued to play with them. He glanced at you every few seconds, partly to check for any discomfort, but mostly because how pretty you looked, biting your lip to hold back your noises. But he wanted to hear them, he needed to hear them.
So he decided to go a little further, sticking out his tongue, running it achingly slow over your right nipple. The cold metal of the barbell piercing was a strange, but not unwelcome sensation, something he could definitely get used to. The sensation of his warm tongue against your skin, his arms wrapped around your waist as he pulls you closer, hips grinding ever so slightly, it almost makes you dizzy. You never knew he was so eager to touch you, maybe you’d been keeping the poor boy waiting for too long.
He opens his mouth and sucks down, doe eyes peering up at you as his name falls from your lips in a soft moan, sweet as honey. “Ethan...” You whine, hips still moving, chasing friction against his restricted hard-on.
“Yeah?” His mouth lets go, but his hands stay busy, not giving you a break.
“I-I didn’t know you-- shit-- wanted to touch me this bad baby...”
He grins sheepishly, sitting up a bit more to capture your lips in his.
“I can show you just how bad I’ve been wanting you...” He mumbles between kisses. “Please?”
tag list <3
@kometqh @dizscreams @sweet-tea-in-the-summer1989 @aurorawhisperz @777iii @cyueksims @m-ar-i @em-writes-posts @kn1n3
#aster writes scream#ethanmath#aster writes scream 6#ethan landry x reader#ethan landry x fem!reader#ethan landry smut#scream 6 smut#scream 2023 smut#scream 6 fic#ethan landry fic#ethan landry scream 6#ethan landry#ethan landry scream#ethan scream#scream vi#scream 6 fan fiction#scream 6 fan fic#scream 2023 fic#scream 6 imagine
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Hi I love your fics!!! Can you do one for the twins au where Ramona and Billie are maybe 4 or 5 and they start to notice Hobies British accent and start talking like him and saying British phrases. Like he asks them something and they just go “nah bruv” or there are just little instances throughout there day to day lives that reader and Hobie start to notice, where they use his slang at different moments at home, at the store, and it all comes to a head at school (cue parent teacher conference cause they asked a “kid are you mad bruv” and the teacher needs clarification lol). They’re able to watch a recording of their interaction during playtime with the student like you know how some schools have cameras where you can watch your kid now. Him and reader are surprised at how well they imitate his accent and try not laugh in front of the teacher but they tell them they can’t repeat everything daddy says and when readers not looking gives them a little proud wink and they giggle lol!!
Thank you for the adorable request! I changed it up a bit hope you don't mind ❤️❤️❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, Mom! Reader, Dad! Hobie, Billie and Ramona AU, Twin AU, fluff.
You feel like a kid again sitting on the tiny, clearly not for adults chair. The classroom smells of crayons and glue, the walls are painted in every color of the rainbow, posters of numbers, letters and animals are taped on the walls. Flitting your eyes behind you to check on Billie and Mona, you see them build a house using blocks, mumbling to each other. They're wearing matching sweaters today (per their request,) bees and flowers adorning the thick fabric. And ribbons in their pretty hair. Mona rambles on to her sister about lego whilst her sister listens.
Hobie sits next to you, he doesn't look any better than you. With his long legs and arms, half of his body is the only part of him sitting on the pink plastic chair. Butt half hanging on the side, legs tucked, arms around his legs, back slouched— you bite your lip at the sight, trying your best not to laugh at his state.
Hobie senses your snicker, and you feel like you're back in school again when you quickly turn your head away, pretending you weren't looking at his lanky self struggling to sit on a kindergartener's chair.
He narrows his eyes, taking the teacher's erasure off her desk, flinging it towards your direction– hitting you right on your head. It bounces off and you gasp at the audacity. Faking innocence, Hobie whistles a nonchalant tune, eyes pretending to scan the poster of the alphabet tacked on the chalkboard.
“Really?” You say, smiling through it whilst picking up the fallen eraser.
“You started it.” The father of your children teasingly says as if his girls aren't just behind him playing blocks. Way to set an example.
You threaten to toss the eraser at his smug face. He shields himself with his arms, chuckling under it. The door opens and you two straighten up, putting back the stationary on the teacher's table like nothing happened.
You definitely feel like you're a kid again.
“Sorry I'm late.” She apologizes, yellow dress swinging as she speed walks towards her table. “Lots of parents, so sorry.”
“That's alright,” you smile at the preppy woman, your hands on your knees, all prim and proper in front of your girls' favourite teacher.
Billie and Ramona had a hard time adjusting to school, but once Ms. Jenkins got them out of their shell, they would always ask you and Hobie if there's school the next day, or what kind of lunch they'll have for recess because their new friends apparently don't like raisins. They love to share, just as long as they eat theirs. So you always pack extras for their friends even though either you or Hobie have to wake up earlier than usual.
You like Ms. Jenkins, she's bubbly and awfully good at her job. One time Billie got sick and couldn't go to school, she personally contacted you to ask how she's doing and even got the entire class to make ‘get well soon’ cards for her. She's a sweetheart really, and most definitely likes your kids. But what has you nervously pick at your nails is that she called you and Hobie in personally for a PTA meeting. Her little note is stapled on the school's notice about the annual meeting, indicating that she needs to talk to you and Hobie.
Said man, scooches his chair closer to yours just to hold your hand while Ms. Jenkins settles on her own chair.
“So Billie and Ramona—” she starts and you hear the girls stand up abruptly from their equally tiny chairs.
“Present!” They cheerfully exclaim at the same time.
Hobie chuckles in his seat, “you run a tight ship, miss.”
“It's alright, my loves, go play.” You say in between soft laughs as you twist in your seat to look at their smiling faces. It all makes Hobie squeeze your hand tight—love overflowing through every squeeze.
Ms. Jenkins laughs, “they love attendance time, I always see them hyping themselves up before I call them.”
“Adorable.” You coo.
“So back to business,” she clasps her hands atop the desk. “Their grades are phenomenal, I know they're still just babies and grades don't usually matter in their level, but they're crushing it.”
Hobie gives you a look, wordlessly telling you, ‘we did that’
You nod, silently replying. ‘hell yeah, we did’
“They’re friends with the whole class.” The teacher continues “Yes, it was quite a hurdle for Ramona but she conquered it with the help of Billie. And when Billie needed help with maths, she helped her there without Billie asking for it.” She smiles and you feel sunshine come out of her. “They're the perfect team.”
“That's brilliant then, why the note?” Hobie asks before you could.
“They are a delight to have in class, but—” she winces. “They have been using some…colourful slang recently.”
“Oh no,” You look at Hobie in the corner of your eyes. He shakes his head innocently at your accusation. “Was it a bad word?”
“Not particularly, uh, it's all fine and dandy, like calling their mates ‘bloke’ or ‘bruv’—”
Hobie lets out a snicker, accidentally interrupting the teacher with his laugh. You glare secretly at him.
“Right, sorry, not funny at all.” He tries to save face. “Continue, Miss.”
“It's alright that they use it but I find that they've been using it more frequently and just last week they disrupted class when they uh…” Ms. Jenkins leans closer, elbows propped on her desk, whispering her words like a secret. “Yelled during movie time to say ‘that’s the dog's bollocks’ in reference to the amazing animation.”
Hobie looks like he's dying whilst trying his hardest not to laugh. Hands clasped on his mouth, shoulders shaking, lungs wheezing and eyes tightly shut. You swear, you even see a tear clinging to his lashes.
You're not the greatest example either as you tightly press your lips together, also trying your darndest to not laugh.
You try to keep your composure even though Hobie's practically losing it next to you. Even Ms. Jenkins hides her grin.
“I'm so sorry—” you accidentally let out a giggle before inhaling deeply to tamp it down. “We'll talk to them once we get home.” Your stomach hurts from restraining yourself.
“That's great!” She clears her throat, doing better at composing herself than you and Hobie. “That's all, thank you so much for coming! There's cookies and juice in the hallway.” Standing up, she holds her hand for a handshake.
You shake her hand while Hobie's still losing it in his seat. “Thank you, Miss, have a great holiday.” You're a bit better at hiding your laughter but if Hobie let out a guffaw right now, you're for sure to follow suit.
“You too!” She smiles, “bye, Bee! Bye, Mona!” Waving her hand, the girls happily wave back.
“Okay, let's go.” You had to lift Hobie up from his seat or else he'll be glued to it while his body wracks with silent laughter.
The second you and your little family settle inside the car, Hobie lets out the loudest laugh, you follow a half second later, the sound echoing in the vehicle.
Billie and Ramona look at you two confused, hands pausing from devouring their snacks.
“I think they're proper bonkers.” Mona whispers, leaning towards her sister, and Billie nods in agreement.
#request done#hobie brown x reader#spider punk x reader#the kr8tor's creations#hobie brown#atsv fanfiction#atsv fanfic#atsv x reader#atsv hobie#hobie brown x fem!reader#spider punk x fem!reader#hobie brown x you#spider punk x you#dad! hobie brown#dad!hobie#dad au#twin au#ramona and billie au#fanfic#hobie fluff
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