#i just need to smack him with more trauma <3
thebearer · 3 months
making the bed |carmen berzatto x reader| part one
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prompt: carmen's stressed. food critics, a newborn baby, balancing work life and married life and now dad life; he's bound to break, everyone knows it. but no one ever thought he'd lash out on you.
or, part one of the devastation fic. based off this ask from the other day. two more parts to come.
contains: mega angst. mega angst, with no resolution in this part. hurt, no comfort (in this chapter, will be later in part 3). mean!carmen, very mean. mom!reader x dad!carmen with newborn teddy. fighting, language, carmen says mean stuff he doesn't mean. past mentions of trauma, family trauma, mikey mentioned. very angsty and a little heavy, please read at your own discretion. word count- 3.5k+.
"Are you ok?"
Carmen now understood why that phrase used to send Donna into such a blind rage, lips pursing and jaw clenching more and more every time he heard it. First at work, then with you, it felt never ending.
It was beginning to feel like critic season with how many were coming in, snooty and demanding to be impressed. It couldn't have come at a worst time, right in the middle of busy season with the start of the holidays. Days at The Bear were filled with frantic panic, running around, making sure everything was perfect, accounted for, and Carmen always had the sinking feeling it wasn't- that he'd forgotten something, messed something up. 
It wasn't rare for him to work himself up like this, a normal that you always warned him about, but he'd always had a solitude. As long as he'd known you, he'd had a place to go, to unwind, to let himself rest and reset with you. And he still did, it was just shared now with a newborn.
Dorothea Michelle. Teddy, for short. The light of his life, yours too. Nearly two months old with a set of lungs that sounded much louder, much more developed than that. Nights were long, sleepless, spent trying to lull Teddy back to sleep, awake even if he wasn't up with her. Carmen couldn't allow himself the selfishness to relax, to rewind, to "take it easy" like everyone told him to. At work, he was the boss; at home, he was a dad.
"Fuck, fuck," Carmen's sleepy stare was broken by a lick of bubbling heat, the lamb's roux popping with the high heat, splashing all over Carmen's chef whites.
"Jeff, c'mon," Tina clicked, shaking her head, moving the pan to lower heat. "What're you doin'?"
Carmen grit his teeth, snatching a rag off the stainless steel counter tops, scrubbing the burgundy stain, huffing when it only spread the stain.
"What happened?" Sydney turned, looking from the burnt sauce to Carmen's stained chef shirt. "Oh,"
"Do we have a spare coat?" Carmen huffed, throwing the rag down with a firm smack against the counter.
"I don't think so, Carm." Sydney shook her head. "You took the last ones home with you two days ago. The wine-"
"-I know, Chef, I know." Carmen snapped, running a hand through his hair. "Fuck, I-I can't fuckin' serve the critics lookin' like this. With shit all over me- fuck."
"Hey, easy, easy," Richie turned the corner, his hands held up. "What's goin' on?"
"Jeff got sauce over him. He doesn't have any clean clothes." Tina muttered, irritated that she had to fix his mess, more irritated that he wasn't taking care of himself. You have a baby, Jeff, you need to rest and take some time, she'd told him. Carmen only waved her off.
"Okay, okay, hey, that's no problem." Richie's voice raised, lifting over Carmen's. "You go home and change, get your spare, check on my beautiful goddaughter, and then come back with your A game. Yes?"
Carmen didn't even humor him with a snarky remark, yanking his coat off and stomping towards the office to grab his things. Richie and Tina looked at each other, shaking their head gently.
"Kids runnin' thin, T." Richie muttered with a sigh. "He's gonna break. It's gonna be bad."
"Yeah, he is. Gonna wear himself out before then." Tina shook her head. "Jeff needs a vacation." They both jumped at the slamming of the backdoor, Carmen's angry exit shaking the foundation.
"Needs to be fuckin' medicated. Fuckin' lunatic." Richie scoffed, rolling his eyes at Carmen's dramatics.
The drive home was filled with silence, Carmen's iron grip on the wheel, tearing through the traffic towards the house- his house, his home. 
Home, but it didn't provide the same comfort that it usually did. Carmen's shoulders still stayed tense, buzzing with rage, not dissipating when he thought of you, or of Teddy, knowing you'd both be there, excited to see him. 
You jumped at the sound of the car door slamming, peeking out the window to see Carmen's parked next to yours, furiously stomping up the front steps. You frowned, grabbing the baby monitor, walking towards the front door.
Carmen nearly hit you with how fiercely he flung the door open. "Woah," You reached for the door, stopping it before he could flick it shut. "Carm, don't slam it. Teddy's asleep. I just got her down." You frowned at him, shutting it slowly.
Carmen looked at you but didn't speak, looking through you with a rage that had your spine tingling before he finally broke his gaze, stomping towards the laundry room. "Carm? What’re you doing home? Don’t you have dinner soon?" You hesitated slightly, lingering in the doorway with an uncertainty you hadn’t felt with Carmen before. 
Carmen didn’t answer, his jaw still ground tight while he rummaged through the clean clothes, carelessly unfolding and shifting the folded clothes.
"Carmen," You said more firmly, caching his gaze. He didn't speak still, just stared at you- through you. "Are you ok?" You lifted a brow, features softening in worry.
Carmen paused, eyes closing, shoulders tensing in agitation. Are you ok? His ears rang, a familiar rage that he hadn't felt in years bubbling up deep in his chest. Frustrated and blinding and rampant, heat rushing through his veins, pulling himself further and further from reality into someplace different- someplace darker in his mind. 
"What's wrong?" You pressed, he could barely hear it, ears ringing at your question. "Did something happen? Did the critic come-"
"-Where's my chef whites?" Carmen barked, cutting you off, his chest tightening more and more with every heavy heave of his chest. You flinched at his tone.
"Uh, I-I haven't seen the whites. I washed your white tee-"
“-You what? Y-You what?” Carmen spat, eye widening with a wild, raged glint in his eye. Your stomach flipped and fell with fear, stepping back instinctively. 
“I-I washed your tee, Carm, that’s all that you left in the laundry basket-” 
"-Are you fucking kidding me?" Carmen boomed, his head spinning, body buzzing with rage. Your breath hitched, frozen in fear at the anger in his tone, the roar of his voice bouncing off the walls, echoing through your ears in a painful drum. 
Carmen moved, snatching the dirty clothes basket, dumping it into the ground with a shake until the dirty chef coat fell on top. He gripped the basket, flinging it across the room with a hard throw. The final push to his bad mood that sent him right over the edge, crashing into a pit of blinding fury, aggravation, breaking him from the inside out.
"Fuck!" Carmen roared, his voice shaking the walls, your breath leaving your lungs in a trembling exhale of fear. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! This is- This is- Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” 
You tensed in shock, gripping the baby monitor in fear, maybe surprise, as it started to buzz to life with Teddy's startled whimpers. Her small cries pulled you out of your frozen state, something deeper than fear replacing the ache in your stomach. 
"Carmen-" You gaped, voice wobbling with uncertainty, taking slow shuffled steps towards the stairs. “Carmen, calm-calm down. Ok? Calm down.” 
“Calm down? You want me to fuckin’ calm down?” Carmen sneered, an angry red flush blossoming in splotchy deep hues up his neck, towards his cheeks. “You don’t do shit, nothin’ that I fuckin’ ask for! Just sit around all fuckin’ day an-and I’m supposed to calm down?” 
“Carmen,” Your voice wobbled, throat tight with tears, hurt and fear strangling your words. “I-You didn’t ask me to wash them. I-I didn’t know. They weren’t in the hamper-” 
“-I shouldn’t have to ask you to wash them!” Carmen roared, eyes so wide you thought they might pop right out of his head, neck vein protruding on exemplifying his rage. “You know what I’m going through! You know how much fuckin’ stress I’m under! I go to that-that shit hole, an-and work my fuckin’ ass off so you don’t have to! Then I come home, and I-I can’t even get a second of peace!” 
“Stop,” You hiss, finally regaining your composure, his words fully sinking into you  now, feeling the full effect of them. “I-I just had a baby. I’m still on maternity leave taking care of a baby- our baby, and I’m tired too. But I’m not yelling at you-” 
“-Oh, right. Right.” Carmen laughs sarcastically, humorless as he runs his hand down his face. It felt mocking, left you feeling small and too vulnerable for your liking. “Because in between your napping an-and feeding, you couldn’t stick a fucking jacket in the wash, right? You’re so busy.”  
“What is wrong with you?” You snap, hoping he can’t hear the tears in your voice, the way your voice shakes with emotion. 
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with me?” Carmen scoffs, throwing his hands out. “I get no fuckin' sleep, go work my fuckin' ass off, a-and then I come home so I can go back and work my ass off some more, and-and you can’t do one simple fuckin’ thing? You can’t help me out? And then you wanna know what’s wrong with me? When you sit on your ass all fuckin’ day-” 
Teddy’s piercing wail pulls you out of your shocked trance, nose and throat burning with hurt filled tears you refuse to shed. Instead, you turn, climbing the stairs on shaky legs, the sound of Teddy’s cries growing louder and louder. Anchovy watches you from the top of the stairs, sensing the tension, your upset, sliding against your leg as if to comfort you. 
Carmen scoffs, hands buzzing and trembling with rage, the ringing in his ears growing louder and louder with each of your footsteps on the stairs and down the hall. He can barely hear Teddy’s sobs, hands threading through his hair, pulling at his scalp. He sees you walk towards the bedroom, quickly, hugging Teddy to your chest. 
“Oh, don’t go fuckin’ do it now!” Carmen roared, your ignoring him only infuriating him further. “It won’t be ready in time now. I’ll just look like a fuckin’ idiot for the critic tonight! Not that you care! Why would you, huh? I-I mean just our livelihood, just our fuckin’ income!” 
You swallowed back your tears, head tilting towards the ceiling, hands shaking with every shove of your things into the overnight bag. Just enough to get you through the night, the next day. A few essentials, Teddy’s spare onesies, a charger, your wallet- you stopped mid-shove of your items into the weekender bag, the sun’s rays catching in your wedding ring. Your heart fell, more and more, you weren’t sure how that was even possible. 
Carmen’s furious voice was still booming from downstairs, ringing and shaking in his furious fit. Richie and Sugar both warned you about Carmen’s tantrums, brought them up to embarrass him, tease him about it until he was red faced and hissing hushed threats at them. You never, never in your wildest dreams thought you’d be on the receiving end of one. 
You jumped, another slam of something Carmen had thrown, maybe hit in a fit of rage, causing Teddy to wail louder, Anchovy skittering nervously away. Tears leaked out of your eyes, twisting the ring off your finger, setting it on Carmen’s bedside table. Pulling the carrier out of the closet, Anchovy got in much easier than usual, which you were thankful for. 
Carmen was gripping the marble of the countertop when he heard you again, walking from the bottom of the stairs, quick steps towards the door to the garage, Teddy’s voice nearly hoarse from her crying. You kept your head high, tunnel-visioned towards your car, ignoring his heavy breathing and frantic pacing. 
“Wha-What are you doin’?” Carmen’s voice was softer now, still with a jagged edge that was cutting and harsh. The car door opened, the baby carrier hooked into the car seat. 
“Hey, wha- what are you- where’re you goin’? What’re you doin’?” Carmen’s heart dropped in a damning rush of hour, stumbling on heavy legs towards the garage. You ignored him, shushing Teddy gently, running a calming hand over her wet cheek, trying to coax her paci into her mouth. 
“Baby, no-no, no. Hey, no, I-I- What-” Carmen’s chest felt tight, mind numbing and racing, stuttering nervously. You reached for your bag, his hand reaching to grab the strap. “Whe-Where’re you-”
“-Don’t touch me.” You hissed, teeth bared, eyes shining with tears. Carmen flinched, pulling his hand back like he’d touched a hot stove. “Don’t you dare fucking touch me.” You sneered, pinning him with a watery glare that had his stomach turning in sickening fear. 
“Baby, hey, w-wait-C’mon, d-don’t-You don’t, you don’t need to do this, ok? I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Carmen choked out the words, frantic and unsure, his hands shaking when they ghosted over you back just for a moment. Wanting to touch you, to hold you, to grab you and keep you from leaving, but too scared to. Instead, he grabbed the car door you flung open, holding it when you tried to yank it closed. 
“Let go.” You hissed, sniffling back wet, snotty tears of fury and hurt. 
“Please, don’t-do-don’t do this. Please, baby, I-I’m sorry.” Carmen begged, blue eyes deepening with the burning red hues of tears, bloodshot and lashes wet. “Don’t-Don’t do this-” 
“-I didn’t do this.” You sneered, leaving Carmen flinching at your words. “Don’t you dare try to say this was me. After how you just talked to me? The shit you said to me in there? You think I’m going to stay?” Your voice cracked with emotion, lips pressing together to keep a cry in. 
“No, no, no, no, no, baby, please. Please, ju-just come inside. Come inside, please? Please, don’t-” 
“You don’t get to talk to me like that. To say that kinda stuff to me. That hurt, Carmen. That was mean.” You glared at him, tears leaking out of the corner of his eyes. “I don’t care if you’re stressed. I don’t care what’s going on- nothing, and I mean nothing, warrants you talking to me like that. Just because you fucked up, because you forgot to ask me to do it, because you’re stressed out- I don’t care what it is. You don’t talk to me like that, say those things when I’ve been home all day taking care of my ch- our child.” You nod back towards the sniffling baby, whimpering and crying half heartedly, her little eyelids drooping with sleep that was interrupted. 
Carmen felt sick, his knees tightening in fear, he was sure they might give out, that he might fall to the ground right there. Looking at the tiny baby, lip jutted and shaking in the mirror hooked on the back of the seat, then back at you, eyes red-rimmed and glaring at him with a hurt filled anger. 
“Don’t-” Carmen’s chest shook, a white-knuckled grip on the door. 
Your own hand curled around the door’s inner handle, yanking it away from him. “Move,” You hissed, pulling again. 
Carmen wasn’t sure why he let it go, why he let you shut it, locking the door in case he tried to open it again. Why he let you pull out of the driveway, why he didn’t stop you, why he didn’t run after you, only taking soft shuffles down the drive like a zombie as you drove away. Standing in the drive, Carmen swallowed down the spit that pooled in his mouth, stomach churning, sure he was going to be sick. 
He managed to trudge back to the garage, mind racing and far away, the ringing in his ears dulling but still deafening. It felt like he was in a dream- a nightmare, a hallucinating trance that felt like a sick, sick dream- Carmen was hoping it was. That he’d wake up and find you next to him asleep. That he could hug you, pull you into him, nose buried in your neck, still warm from your slumber. 
As the sun began to sink low into the sky, minutes turning into hours that Carmen sat motionless in the garage, staring in a trancelike state, he realized that this wasn’t a dream or a nightmare. No this was his reality, a horrific reality that he’d made into his own. Carmen sat, eyes trained on the concrete of the garage, voice racing and blending in his mind- his words, yours, Teddy’s cries, Natalie and Richie’s, flashbacks of his mother screaming fits. 
He didn’t move, frozen in chilling, eerie fear. What ifs and terrifying possible scenarios, consequences to his own actions that left him feeling sick, hands trembling. A spiraling of fears that only drug him deeper and deeper with every haunting replay of his outburst. Even the flashing of headlights turning into the driveway, filling the garage with light, didn’t pull him from his trance. 
“The fuck is he- Cousin!” Richie roared, laying on the horn. Carmen didn’t move, didn’t acknowledge that he heard it, only stared. Richie frowned, turning the car off, throwing the door open. 
“Cousin? Carm? What-What are you doin’? Dinner service started an hour ago. Syd is freakin’ the fuck out.” Richie threw his hands up, walking towards the man who still didn’t move. Richie’s heart skipped, flashbacks of Mikey flooding into his vision, parallels of the two brothers blurring before him. 
“Yo, Carm, you-you good?” Richie stepped into the garage, his spine tingling with icy fear. It was quiet, an eerie, unsettling quiet. “Cousin, hey, what-what’s wrong?” 
Carmen's chest rose and fell, tighter and tighter. He was suffocating, head spinning and mind racing so fast he felt light headed. He could barely hear Richie’s voice over the noise in his head, Richie’s hand shaking his shoulder finally breaking his trance enough to meet his eyes, rounded in fear filled question. 
“Carmen, what’s wrong? Is it- Don’t fuckin’ tell me it’s the baby. What the fuck is goin’ on-” 
“-She left.” Carmen’s voice shook, raspy and scared. His tongue still felt too thick, head still spinning. He wasn’t even sure he said it, Richie’s widening eyes the only thing confirming that he had said it. 
“What? Who-Who left? Who?” Richie looked around, like the clues might be there, sure that Carmen wasn’t talking about you. No, he wouldn’t- he couldn’t. Not you. 
Carmen’s breath hitched, a strangling of a sob caught in his throat, running his hand over his face. Richie didn’t miss the way it trembled, shaking even as it rested over his eyes. Your car was gone, the house too quiet, no baby Teddy crying, nothing but silence was left. 
Richie’s heartbeat crawled into a rapid, scared pace. “Why? Wh-Why would she-” Richie looked at Carmen, eyes wide but still, reading his expression. “No. No, Cousin, no. What-What did you do? Carmen,” Richie grabbed both his shoulders, shaking him lightly until he met his gaze. “What did you do?” 
Carmen’s face began to crack, behind his eyes, Richie could see flashbacks of something- something he didn’t know what, but whatever it was, it was painful. That was evident by the fear that glossed over Carmen’s eyes, realization and horror. Carmen’s shoulders shook, frame rocking with a sob he tried to swallow, but couldn’t. Deep cries, guttural sobs breaking out of his frame, heels of his hands pressed to his eyes, fingers curled and clenched around his greasy curls in agony. 
The damning realization flooded over him, that you’d left. 
You’d left, you’d taken Teddy, taken Anchovy- you’d left because he’d driven you away. His angry outburst, petulant, mean, hurtful- he’d been so cruel to you. You. His wife, the love of his life, mother of his child, the one person who loved him endlessly without stipulations or boundaries, the one person who truly understood him. 
And he’d driven you away. 
He wished he could blame his mom, his dad, his family for fucking him up so severely, maybe Mikey, even, for leaving him the shit show that was the restaurant, making his anxieties worse and fuse shorter. But sitting in the empty garage, Richie standing above him in silent shock, his sobs and angry sniffles echoing off the cement floor, Carmen knew he had no one to blame but himself. 
He’d fucked up. Really fucked up. Fucked up in a way that made all the other times look obsolete. 
Carmen had fucked up, and for once, he didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t avoid it, ignore it, deflect it like other times. Half hearted apologies and promises of change wouldn’t work, you weren’t here for him to even try to give them to you, and he didn’t know where you went. 
Carmen wasn’t sure where you went, how to fix this, why he’d done what he did, and a million other things that raced through his mind. What he did know, sitting in the too quiet garage, chest stuttering with heaving cries, was that he’d do anything. 
Anything, to get you back home. To make it right. To fix this and make it up to you. 
He wasn’t sure how, but he’d give up everything. Anything. His restaurant, his dreams, his hopes, his life, at this point, to make it up to you. 
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fresh out the slammer // mattheo riddle x fem reader
playlist : fresh out the slammer - taylor swift
summary : after a 6 month relationship with the narcissistic cormac mclaggen youre finally free and ready to move on asap.
gryffindor reader , y/n used , swearing
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"fuck you mclaggen!" you screamed as you ran out of his dorm , having caught him snogging a random ravenclaw girl.
your anger was going wild as he chased you down the corridor , shouting pleas of forgivness. but you couldnt help feel relieved to finally have an excuse to break up with him , the happiness and fury seemed to merge into one in your mind.
"mclaggen speak one more word and i swear to merlin ill FUCK YOU UP!" you screamed in his face making him abruptly stop before you turned around and stormed out of the portrait hole.
"yeah well youre ugly anyways!" he deperatly shouted after you as you laughed , making sure he would hear ,"and youre a bitch!"
"and your dick is small!" you shouted back at him , flipping him off just in time before the portrait hole slammed shut.
you let out a sigh of relief when it finally shut , the fat lady staring down at you with suprise before giving you a soft hum of approval , getting back to her normal position.
your whole face brightened into a grin as the realisation sunk in , you were single....but you were free from mclaggen!!
practically skipping to the great hall with a bright grin you waved and greeted every person that passed happily , many were confused by your happiness.
but your friends were even more confused when you ran into the great hall , sprinting to the gryffindor table and stopping infront of them.
"IM FREE!" you cheered before jumping up and down on the spot.
they all stared at you like youd gone mad as you quickly realised hogwarts gossip was quick- but not so quick your breakup from 3 minutes ago wouldve reached them yet.
"free from what?" harry finally broke the silence as you grinned at him.
"MCLAGGEN!" you squealed in excitement before sitting down next to ron.
they all seemed confused until hermione face morphed into pure shock , "you broke up with him?!"
both harry and ron quickly let out "ohh"s of realisation as you nodded with happiness , "i caught him snogging a ravenclaw , great right?! i was so angry at the time but when i realised i was free of him , i practically danced here!"
hermione held back a laugh , "y/n im so sorry thats awful!".
"the only awful thing about it is mclaggens breath," ron muttered as you laughed and shoved him arm causing him to gasp , "thats the first time youve ever laughed at a mclaggen joke , you usually smack the back of my head!".
"yeah well now that im not tied to that physco , i can laugh again!" you beamed like the sun as they all couldnt help but smile.
"im happy for you , happy break up," harry supported with a smile.
"thanks harry!" you then turned serious , "maybe i should be single for a while , i need to recover from the trauma that is being that goblins girlfriend."
ron snorted besides you as hermione let out a small giggle before spotting something behind you and smirking , "yeah i dont think being single will last too long."
"youre right , i just want to kiss someone right now ,because i can!" you laughed.
"yeah well i think i know someone very willing to volunteer for that," hermione said as you smirked and looked at her 'who?' she flicked her eyes back behind you , "riddle. the boy has been obsessed since third year everyone knows it."
"seriously?!" you asked in complete shock as heat rushed to your cheeks , the truth is youve liked him for a very long time , but his cold nature made you dismiss it as a unrealistic crush.
"y/n he hexed mclaggen twice when he found out you were dating." harry said blankly as if this infomation was well known.
"that was him?! mclaggen told me his nose was abnomrally large because the twins pulled a prank on him."
"oh yeah that was the twins but the boils all over his face and the uncontrollable itching? riddle." ron nodded.
"i just thought it was a rough week for him wow" you whispered , all the peices falling into place as you finally decided to turn around to look at mattheo.
and there he was , staring right back at you with his head in his hands , seemingly in a daze. until he quickly snapped out of it when you winked at him.
in mattheos opinion you were the prettiest and funniest girl he knew , and you didnt know him. so when you winked at him and giggled at the scarlett blush that formed on his cheeks , he nearly passed out.
"look at little mattys cheeks!" theodore teased having seen the whole thing ,"did the pretty gryffindor finally give you a glance matty?"
mattheo threw him a cold glare before looking at your back that was now turned to him , he had learned to tune out his friends teasing , especially since it had plagued him every day since third year.
but what he didnt expect was for you to get up out of your seat and run over to him with a bright smile , stopping infront of him and sitting down in the empty spot beside him. even his teasing friends had gone dead silent seeing the gryffindor girl infront of them.
"hi! mattheo right?" you grinned at him as he stared back with wide eyes.
"y-yeah yeah thats me," he struttered.
"sorry , i do know your name its just my friends call you riddle so much i had to make sure. i mean how could i forget such a handsome face?" you winked as everyones jaws dropped, mattheos especially.
"i- thank you..you....youre gorgeous!" the last part came out in a flustered shout as the whole hall turned around in surpise and his friends hid the giggled behind their hands.
you blushed. YOU BLUSHED?! mattheos brain was going into overdrive as the pink hue lit up your cheeks , he never knew it was possible for you to get even prettier.
"t-..thank you mattheo. look i know weve never really talked before , but ive always thought youre funny and nice eventhough you keep to yourself, and obviously hot" his face turned fully red as you so casually gave him the most compliments hes ever recieved in his life, "i was wondering if you wanted to go to hogsmeade with me?"
you smiled hopefully as he stared back with pure suprise on his face. you sat like this for a few moments as he recollected his thoughts , unmoving.
"YES PLEASE!" he said loudly making you laugh as people turned yet again.
"youre cute! see you there!" you said adoringly before kissing his cheek and walking back to the gryffindor table.
the whole of his friend group sat in silence before mattheo banged his head on the table letting out a loud groan of frustration, embarrassment rushing through his veins. this cued the loud howls of laughted from his friends.
"yes please!! he said yes please!!" lorenzo wheezed.
"ive never seen something so awkward in my life!" pansy choked through hysterical laughter , clutching dracos arm for support.
"mattheo for someone so cold and untouchable , you acted like a ten year old!" blaise laughed at him.
mattheo lifted his head from the table , face still as crimson as the ribbon in your hair , "remind me to throw myself off the astronomy tower."
draco dramatically gasped , "not before your big date!" he said in a sarcastic teasing.
and from the gryffindor table you also radiated a crushing embarassment , "i asked if he was called mattheo , UGH!".
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suguru-getos · 10 months
What about yan Satosugu who take it too far? Imagine them breaking their darling to a damage they can’t repair?
ksjdfshgkkjsh this is my favorite troupe.
warnings: v v v dark! (reader die-th? reader can contemplate :3), belt-spanking, reader ran away from satosugu, mentions of throwing-up, abuse, self-harm.
"please daddy, please no no no…" little human that satoru and suguru loved oh so much, why did you have to escape? it breaks their heart. you know it just from their facial expressions. "suguru- please" you whine out, shuddering and crying with wailing screams. you are hung from the ceiling, throttling on your tippytoes, ass bruised from the way the belt welts on you. you are bleeding from the skin breaking. "daddy- please." your voice stops coming out from your throat, too traumatized and destroyed by screaming and wailing for mercy. "please- please" you are wheezing out in air, your own voice has given up. "ssh, it's okay. just 4 more." suguru chides, "didn't want to hurt you." he muses, landing the smack of the belt across your ass once more. satoru smirked, oh you look so cute, unable to scream anymore and just dancing on your feet with the impact. you feel nausea hurling your movements, throwing up because you couldn't take it anymore. though nothing comes out except water… you haven't eaten well, since after your running spree.
that stops suguru, and satoru hugs you gently. "just three more." they have decided they would finish the punishment no matter what. "sshh~ don't worry, doing so good for us. I will clean you up." if you really can't be theirs, they would make you fear them into submission. make you fear them and forcefully take their love which they're owed.
the next three hits come, and when it stops. you're too dazed with pain to even register the comfort. the flesh of your ass raw and agitated. bruised, welted, veins popped and skin breaking in blood. "ssh ssh, that's it. it's over now. you did so good. it's all over." suguru coos, demeanor changed instantly as he gathers you in his arms. immediately taking you towards the bathroom. they need to clean up their poor baby. "why do you even run away angel… do you not know we are the strongest?"
satoru sighs, he is still wrangled by the feeling of betrayal intertwined with the feeling of guilt for giving you so much pain, panic and trauma.
"that's okay princess… you wouldn't do it again right? tell suguru you wouldn't do it again." he asks you gently, ignoring the way your half-lidded eyes do not respond after the torture. oh you're passing out, satoru gnaws at his lip, watching you look lifeless.
it was expected, you passed out in front of suguru and satoru. and they had a long discussion whether or not it was right or wrong to subject you into something like this. "satoru, punishments are supposed to hurt." suguru reminds, while satoru nods, "not until she passes out, she even threw up…" he sighs, "but she didn't need to run, that's also true." suguru nodded. "I know, I can understand that… hurts me more than it hurts her." suguru chimes, and satoru nods. "I wouldn't be able to do it, I would've stopped when she started crying." he admits, only suguru could get firm enough to carry it throughout.
they are mixed with guilt and promise each other to be kinder, there is no way you would actually love them after this. that fleeting hope that fueled satoru's delusion was now making him restless.
the next day when you wake up, you were a completely different person, screaming from panic the moment the two men entered with breakfast, it was so evident how your fear made you cry out for help. it makes suguru tear up, because you do not look at satoru the way you look at suguru. you look like you want to die, like you would do anything to be granted death.
"angel… it's okay, it's all over. please-" suguru almost begs, and you feel like throwing up again. this time satoru takes the lead, walking towards you and hugging you. he was clearly not welcome. yet… your body couldn't help but relax a little under his warm embrace. it was only until a few hours later, that they found you in the bathroom, head bleeding… passed out. you had just excused yourself to shower. limping all the way… to inflict a pain like that, was terrifying. who said they could only instil pain and fear into you. you couldn't find blades, couldn't find anything… so you banged your head against the fucking wall instead… "is this how much you fucking hate me!" satoru screams out, checking your pulse.
"SUGURU!" he screams, and the latter comes out rushing. watching you life-less in satoru's hold. "is- is she?" suguru blinks, tears brimming in his eyes.
it was clear, satosugu could never hope to win. not when you clearly fear them more than your own death.
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rainrot4me · 3 months
Steam Roller | Chapter 3
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Summary: Jeffrey has to face the consequences of his actions, and in doing so, drags you down with him.
Characters: Jeffrey Woods x Female Reader
TW: Trauma, hate-fucking, domination, forcing, vaginal, slight non-con, spitting, fingers in mouth, shaming, spanking, clawing, mocking, choking, denial, using sex to cope
Words: 4.5k
A/N: This one’s kinda rough… be mindful :/
This is a continuation, chapter one is here.
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Jeff was not gone by sunrise.
He hadn't gone several sunrises after that either.
You had somewhat just accepted his presence there, his shadow constantly following you as you loafed around your house day in and out. Jeff found it incredibly boring, but getting to sink his cock into you on any given surface made up for the fact. He groaned, pulling out of your very soaked cunt as you bent over the kitchen counter, panting onto the cold marble as his seed leaked down your legs. He fell to his knees, licking up your leg and sinking his tongue inside of your sensitive entrance as you cried his name. He gripped your ass, massaging the cheeks in his hands until he had lapped up all of his seed inside of you, leaning back with a huff of exhaustion. You were both soaked in sweat, fucking like rabbits day and night to override the emotional baggage you held over his head.
You hadn’t spoken about the incident in the woods, you didn’t want to. Any thought of seeing your friend’s neck twisted sent nausea through your system, tears pricking your eyes. Jeff’s cock seemed like a better reason to cry to you anyways. 
“Fuck babe, taste sooo good.” Jeff lulled, falling on top of you and scooping your waist into his arms as he breathed heavily against your neck. You grinned, planting a kiss against his cheek before sliding out of his grasp and pulling your panties back up, sliding to the refrigerator to grab something to drink. Jeff rested against the counter, watching you saunter through the house and smacking your ass harshly as you passed him. He had felt content here, ignoring his obligations at the mansion for some downtime with his favorite toy of the hour. A secret part of him hoped he’d never have to go back, content with just staying here and fucking you silly any hour of the day. It sounded like a perfect life to him. He finally got to take good showers, eat good food, and not feel like he was constantly under surveillance. Through the good, he was in constant turmoil with his mind about you. He was using you for your body and house, but did it mean more? He searched you out when he very well could have moved on and forgotten about you, or better yet, have killed you in the first place. But something in him tugged him to that cute little face of yours and made him want to defile it forever. Were you just a toy after all? Staring at your ass made it hard to come to a decision.
You walked back into the kitchen, hopping up on the counter and sliding your arm around Jeffrey’s neck, running your fingers through his not-so-filthy hair. “I need to run to the store, you’ve eaten out our entire supply of cereal.” He grinned, running his hand over your thighs. “I’ve eaten out a lot more than just cereal, babe.” He presses his hand between your legs, running his fingers over the wet area of your panties. You groaned, slapping his hand away and hopping off the counter and walking towards your bedroom. “I’ll be back in a few.” You shuffled into your bedroom, sliding on some shorts, a loose sweater, and some old sneakers from your closet. Coming back out, Jeffrey leaned against the counter, a strained look on his face. “Jeff…?” You called. In Jeff’s head, it was like someone had turned an old TV on, static ringing quietly between his ears. It wasn’t enough to gawk at, but it was an unfamiliar sensation he was not fond of. Jeff looked up at you, catching your worried expression. “Gah, nothin’. Probably a migraine coming or somethin’.” Jeff groaned, rubbing the back of his neck. You walked to the door, turning to him one more time. “Okay, well. Drink some water or something.” At that you left the house, Jeff standing in the quietness of the house interrupted by the loudness of his mind.
What in the hell was it? Jeff didn’t believe in taking medicine, but he seriously considered popping an advil from the annoying strain this buzzing caused him. He had never experienced anything like this before, his brows furrowing at the genuine headache he was beginning to receive now. He cursed, sliding into the living room and onto the couch with a deep sigh, running his hands through his hair and massaging his temples. “Fuck this.” He hissed, laying down and covering his head with a pillow. That was when he felt it, a slight tug at his chest begging him to stand up and walk out the door. He was confused, brows knitting together. The headache was growing, the static in his mind becoming louder the longer he lay on that couch. The tug he felt was strong as if it wanted him to go somewhere, pulling him desperately.
When you returned from the store with sacks of groceries in your hands, you expected Jeffrey to be sleeping or doing whatever it was terrifying murderers did. What you didn’t expect was him curled up on the living room carpet, head in his hands and groaning loudly as he writhed. “Jeffrey?!” You panicked, tossing the bags onto the kitchen counter and running to his side. You rolled him onto his back, pulling his hands down and trying to gauge what was wrong as he resisted against your grasp. “Jeff?! What’s wrong??” You shook him, his eyes opening slowly to glare at your anxious face. He pushed your hands off of him, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. 
“I’ve gotta go back…” He groaned, rubbing a circular motion on his chest as he went to stand up. You looked puzzled, standing on your own feet as you followed closely behind him. “Go where?” Jeff stopped walking, turning his gaze towards you as he picked his trust knife up off of the kitchen counter. He sighed, slotting it into the back of his jeans and turning to face you fully. “Remember where your little camp trip was?” He grinned, crossing his arms at his chest. You tensed, eyes glaring at him as you felt the stir of nausea churn your stomach. You nodded shallowly, looking at the floor. “Well, it looks like the old boss wants me back before I get too comfy.” Jeff wasn’t exactly sure that was the reason why, but he was sure that the ear-piercing static and the tug on his chest was Slender calling him back to the mansion. It felt too familiar the first time they met, and Jeff really didn’t want to keep this headache any longer. “So let’s go.” He huffed.
“Hell no.” You spat, fidgeting your fingers in your hands as you huffed your disapproval. “I’m not going back there.” You didn’t care who Jeff’s boss was or what he wanted, you were not going to that campsite again. Jeff laughed shallowly, leaning down to meet your gaze head-on, challenging you. “Really?” He purred, staring deeply into your eyes as you tensed, refusing to meet his gaze. Jeff didn’t need to take you back with him, but he wanted to. The thought of you living in the mansion with him, sleeping in his bed, and attending to his cock whenever he wanted you to made Jeff wildly excited. Your house was nice, but Slender would never let him stay here, and Jeff was too lazy to make the trek to your bedroom every time he got a hard-on. It sounded petty, but Jeff had decided days ago that you were perfect for him in every way, from your beautiful body to your attitude that could match his in a second. He wasn’t letting you go.
He ran the back of his fingers across your cheek, sighing at the soft skin as you submitted under his touch. “I don’t remember giving you a choice, babe.” He smiled sweetly, that shit-eating grin taunting you. Before you could react, Jeff had gripped your throat with both hands, squeezing dangerously hard. You couldn’t breathe, panic filling your senses as you clawed at his hands pressing tighter and tighter. Jeff smiled as your cheeks flushed red, your puffy eyes filling with tears as he strangled you. “Go to sleep, babe…” He cooed, finally releasing his tight grasp on your throat when you stopped struggling and your eyes finally shut. 
Jeff scooped you up bridal style, kissing your forehead and humming to himself as he nudged open the front door and began his long walk back to the mansion. He sighed as he could feel the static dampen with every step he took. 
You stirred slowly, blinking your eyes awake as you rolled over. You tugged the sheets up closer, nuzzling into the pillow under your head, breathing in Jeffrey’s scent. Your brows knitted, your eyes shooting open as you sat up abruptly. This was not your bed, and you didn’t recognize the room at all. You groaned, cupping your head in your hand at the headache pricking its way to the surface. You tried to recall what had happened, how you appeared in this room when you were talking with Jeff in your own house before.
As it hit you, you shot out of the bed, stepping in front of the full-length mirror in the corner and examining the hand-shaped bruises decorating your neck like a collar. Your blood began to boil, fear and anger encompassing you as desperately needed to find Jeffrey so you could lay one into him. But as you looked around the room, you began to take in just how trashed it was. Fast food bags were littered on the ground, clothes were thrown around everywhere, and the smell of rotted blood wafted from the carpet. It was horrible. You shuffled to the window on the other side of the room, peeking through the curtain as the evening light peeked through the trees. From the view, it looked like you were on the second floor of the house, but it was impossible to tell how far away you were from your own house from the dense treeline. Turning back to the room, you shuffled to the door, slowly turning the handle and pulling as the door creaked open. You peeked down the hallway, several doors on either side led down to a spiral staircase. 
You closed the door behind you, walking quietly down the dusty hallway. Paint peeled from the walls, cobwebs sat in the corners, and the whole place just smelled foul. You didn’t know if it was abandoned, but it sure wasn’t inhabitable… you hoped. 
You made your way down the large staircase, leading into a grand entrance room, the same grime and deterioration coating every inch. You gazed around, seeing several chairs and couches littered with the same garbage. You groaned, anxiety setting in as you quickly searched around the room, but still found no sign of Jeff. Your anger towards him was subsiding into desperation as you wanted to find him before you got yourself lost. As you looked through the large kitchen, you were startled by tiny footsteps running up behind you. You jumped, spinning quickly as your eyes landed on a little girl in a pink dress, holding a bear close to her side.
“Oh- Uhm.. Hello?” You smiled, awkwardly kneeling in front of her. She stared at you, studying your face as she smiled back. “Hi.” She giggled, stopping when she saw your neck. You ran your hands over the area, trying to avert her gaze as you cringed. “You’re Jeff’s girlfriend, aren’t you? I’m Sally.” She giggled, swaying side to side and holding her bear closer to her chest. Your cheeks became hot, smiling awkwardly at her. “Uh- Sure. W-Where is he, Sally?” She spun around, opening the cupboard and grabbing a juice box before shutting it back. “Outside. With Masky.” At that, she left, running up the staircase and out of view. You stood back up, searching for a door that led outside. Masky? Who the hell was that?
You walked out the grand front door, dead hedges decorating the steps leading down to the gravel pathway. You stepped down, looking around until you could hear voices arguing at the back of the large house. Well, not a house, more like a mansion. As you walked around, you watched in amazement as the old mansion that, on the outside, looked abandoned, but looking closer you could see windows opened to let in the cool autumn air and could see different decorations in every window. From the looks of it, lots of people lived here, which confused you, why would anyone want to live here?
You reached the back of the mansion, the voices growing louder as you pinpointed where they were. A man taller than Jeffrey was leaning over him, throwing his hands as he yelled into his face. He wore a mask, covering his anger. Jeff was meeting his yells, balling his fists at the man who you assumed was Masky. Standing to the side, a boy in a hoodie and goggles watched the two fight as he mumbled to a taller man in a blue mask. The whole gaggle of them looked like a teenager’s Halloween costume party. You hesitantly stepped closer, stopping just far enough away to not catch Jeff’s attention as you didn’t want to distract him. “You’re [Y/N], r-right.” You looked to your side, the boy in the hoodie walking over next to you as the man in the blue mask followed him. “Uh- yeah.” You gulped, he looked friendly enough, but the man towering behind him sent a chill down your spine. The boy had bandages wrapped around his cheek, a blood stain dirtying the patch. His neck twitched to the side, eyes twitching the same as he turned back to look at Jeff and Masky. “I’m Toby. T- this is EJ. Jeff got you into a w- whole heap of shit, h- huh?” He laughed. EJ still stared at you, not saying anything but just watching as you turned back to face the two arguing men. “J-Jeff!” Toby yelled, stepping towards the two as they paused for a second. 
Jeff’s eyes landed on you, opening wide and smiling shyly at you. Masky looked at you, groaning and pulling his hand back to slap Jeffrey on the back of the head. “You fucking dumbass, you brought her here?!” He yelled, pinching the bridge of his nose in anger. “You’re going to get us all gutted.” Masky turned and walked away, crossing his hands over his chest as he continued to curse under his breath.
“Fuck him,” Jeff rubbed the back of his head, walking to face you and reaching to grab your hand. You pulled it away sharply, glaring into his eyes as Toby and EJ watched you, Toby giggling. “You alright..?” He groaned, shooting daggers at the two, shutting them up. “Does it look like I’m alright Jeffrey?” You barked, rubbing your neck. He cringed, reaching out again and holding your hand and gripping it tightly, rubbing his hand through his hair.
Walking back over to the two of you, Masky stood close, eyeing you through his mask and huffing his anger. “She has to go, and you know it.” He barked to Jeff, crossing his arms sternly. “I don’t care. She’s not going.” He huffed, staring only at you and nowhere else. Toby sauntered over to the group, gripping Jeff’s arm as he looked at his face. “T-then what hap- happens when Slen- Slender finds her?” He frowned, glancing between you and Jeffrey and wincing. Jeff glanced at him, groaning and rolling his eyes. “She won’t get in the way. And I’m sure he’d appreciate someone preoccupying me so I don’t hound your ass every second.” Jeff barked at Toby, pulling you to his side and wrapping his arm around your waist. EJ stepped closer, taking his hands out of his hoodie pocket and crossing his arms as well. “I for one, don’t want to hear you two going at it at all times. Your dick is what got you into this mess in the first place.” His voice was soft, scratchy, but soothing. Your eyes flickered between the faces towering over you, nervousness growing. “Yeah, but last time I checked, it’s my mess. Stay out of it.” You nudged your arms between you and Jeffrey, shoving him off of you and glaring at him.
“I am not staying here. Did you even think to ask me before you started making decisions for me?” You barked, resting your hands on your hips as the group of boys watched you carefully. Toby chuckled, looking at Jeff but quickly shutting up when Jeff raised his hand to him. “I mean, Christ! You kill my friends, break into my home, and you assume that I’m just going to be okay with living with you? I mean, how can I even be sure you’re not going to kill me when you get bored??” You yelled, throwing your hands up as tears pricked your eyes and your cheeks grew red. This was embarrassing and you knew it, but you would not let Jeff make decisions for you anymore. “[Y/N]-” Jeff began, but you turned on your heels, scoffing. 
Jeff hated this. First of all that he couldn’t bring himself to just forget you. In recent days you had infested his mind, and it hadn’t helped that even though you knew what he was, you still treated him like any other person. It pricked at him in some awful way. And knowing that he could keep you all for himself, he couldn’t resist no matter how much you wanted to leave. He’d tie you down if he really had to. 
Before he could say anything else, you took off around to the front of the mansion, running as fast as your feet would carry you. Jeff cursed, pinching the bridge of his nose and groaning. “Wow.” EJ chuckled, slapping Jeff on the shoulder. “Good luck with that one.” Jeff groaned, following your path around the house and trailing you through the tree line. 
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you ran, anger guiding your every step as you dodged trees and roots surrounding you in the dense forest. The evening sun was hanging just at golden hour, golden light shining on your face as the cold wind whipped your hair. Fuck Jeff. Fuck this. There was bound to be a highway somewhere and you’d hitchhike your way back home. This is what you got for letting some psycho fuck you, and this is what you got for enjoying it. You never really received any attention from guys, so when someone who so easily could have killed you decided that he’d rather have you, it made you feel all warm inside. But those emotions were overridden with disgust as that same man thought he could decide your future. You stretch your legs, muscles straining as you leap over branches. Your breath was running thin, gasping for air as tears continued to well in your eyes. 
As you saw a break in the trees, you slowed down, stepping through the treeline and walking into the clearing. You walked cautiously, catching your breath. That’s when it all hit you, the familiar tree line, the shreds of police tape littering the ground, and the ashes piled up where a campfire had been lit. Your campsite. It had all been cleared out, all the tents and benches, nothing but an open field. At that point, it’s like you couldn’t contain your emotions anymore. Falling to your knees, you sobbed into your hands, stomach clenching as you cried out. This was all a pile of shit. Nothing was making sense for you anymore, your emotions overtaking you and giving you no room to think. 
Jeff ran through the clearing, breathing heavily as his eyes landed on you. He cautiously stepped forward, hearing your sobs echo through the trees and cringing. As he stepped to your side, he knelt down cautiously, trying not to arouse you further. “[Y/N]...” He cooed, placing his hand flatly on your back. You shot up, glaring at him as tears fell heavily down your cheeks. “Do you feel bad?” You choked out, gripping your shorts tightly as goosebumps trailed up your thighs. “Like, do you ever feel bad?” Your tone was more aggressive now, Jeffrey taking his hand off of your back and rubbing his neck. He chose not to answer. What was he supposed to say? Be truthful and tell you the only emotions he’s ever felt about anyone is you. Fuck that. He chose to stay silent, staring at the ground as you scoffed at him. “Y’know, my friend was looking forward to starting at her new job next month, but now she’ll never get to.” Jeff cringed, the acid in your tone dripping out as you growled. He thought it better to just let you yell it out, staying silent as you hit him with insult after insult. You eventually crumbled back into your hands, sobbing as you choked on your spit. 
Jeff knew he got excited when people got emotional as he was about to murder them, but as his cock twitched in his jeans, he grit his teeth. He tried to settle himself, his body basically vibrating as you gave in and wrapped your arms around his neck, crying into his shoulder. He held the back of your head, straining his eyes shut as he rubbed your back. It took everything in him not to dip lower and grab your ass, knowing that this wasn’t the time. But as your crying slowly subsided and your lips began to pepper kisses on his neck, his cock fully sprag to life, aching terribly as it strained against his now tight jeans. Unfortunately, sex was the only way you knew how to cope, and sex was what Jeff was good at.
He laid you down on your back in the cool grass, slowly nibbling and kissing your neck as he pulled your sweatshirt up to uncover your bra. He groaned, sliding the cup down and popping your right breast out before taking it in his mouth and sucking harshly. You moaned beautifully under him, grinding your hips up to meet his bulge. Your hands hooked under his hoodie, pulling it over his head and reaching down further to unzip his jeans, letting his cock spring free. He moaned on your breast, popping off of the nipple and licking a streak down your stomach before sliding your shorts and panties off and tossing them to the side. You clenched your knees together, the cold breeze making you shiver. “Oh, don’t get shy now, babe.” He chuckled, pulling your hips apart and nuzzling his head into your lips as he sunk his tongue in. Jeff curled his tongue inside, your walls clenching down on him as you moaned into your hands loudly. He pulled his head back, spreading your folds open with his fingers as he spat onto your clit, rubbing the nub harshly with his thumb as you squirmed and squealed. He relished in it, growing restless as he sat up, scrooping you into his arms and walking you over to that all-too-familiar stump. 
He sat you down in front of it, making you face the stump as he knelt down behind you, forcing you to lean over the wood onto your elbows. “Mmh- I’ll never get over this view.” He smiled, reaching his hand around and bringing it in front of your mouth. “Spit.” He commanded. You spit onto his hand, embarrassment growing on your cheeks as he tugged your hips up, forcing you to arch your back. He stroked his length with his spit-covered hand, groaning as you looked back at him, puffy eyes dazed out. He couldn’t stand how much your face affected him and swayed his emotions so easily. It was sickening. He grunted, brows knitting as he lined his cock up with your entrance and shoved himself in, giving you no time to react. You screamed out, gripping the stump tightly as Jeff began to pull your hips back to meet his thrusts. Skin slapping echoed through the clearing, his hips ramming into yours as he grunted with every thrust. “Such- fuck, [Y/N], such a good pussy-” He groaned, bringing his right up to your mouth again and shoving his fingers inside, pulling your cheek to the side. You moaned loudly, tongue licking his fingers as he clamped onto your jaw, tugging with every thrust of his hips. 
“My little cock slut- fuckin’ takin’ me so good.” He held your hips flush against him, grinding up into your core as your walls throbbed around him. Slobber drooled down your lips, your eyes rolling back as his rock rammed against your g-spot over and over again. “Fuu- gunna cuu-” You babbled, Jeff’s fingers pressing deeper into your mouth and making you gag as he held your tongue down. Your left hand snaked down, reaching between your legs and sloppily rubbing your clit as you could feel your insides twist. Jeff noticed, gripping your arm immediately and twisting your hand behind your back, holding it on your lower back as you whined loudly. He grunted loudly, hips snapping into you and pushing you flat against the stump. “If you can’t cum on my cock…” He breathed heavily, shoving his fingers deeper into your throat. “Then you don’t deserve to cum at all.” He gripped your arm tightly, stabilizing himself as he thrust roughly up into your cunt, making you whine and moan on his fingers. 
You felt your core twist again, his cock slamming into your g-spot as you arched your back against him. You moaned loudly, eyes rolling into your head as you felt your orgasm crash into you, constricting around Jeff’s length as he cursed loudly. The tightness made it impossible for him to thrust so smoothly, so he pulled out quickly, grabbing you by your sweatshirt and making you face him as he began to stroke his cock shallowly. You opened your lips, eyes dazed out and heavy as you took his head in your mouth and swirled circles on his tip with your tongue. He groaned, taking a fistful of your hair as he stroked his cock quickly with his opposite hand. You shut your eyes, moaning lowly as you heard Jeff moan above you, his seed shooting into your mouth and coating your tongue. You popped off his head, cringing at the sour taste as you swallowed. Jeff slowly caught his breath, zipping himself back up as he retrieved your shorts and helped you put them on. He scooped you into his arms again, gripping you tightly as he kissed you on the forehead.
“Where are we going?” You grunted, laying your head on his shoulder.
“I’m taking you home.” He huffed quietly, carrying you back into the forest and away from that clearing. You closed your eyes, breathing deeply as you prayed you’d never step foot there again.
Chapter 4 is here!
Comments and reblogs are appreciated! 𐚁₊⊹
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bananami · 8 months
and just like that i’m back on my nanami bs. i hope this helps you all heal from the trauma that was season 2 of jjk <3 (cw: pure fluff, dad!nanami, wife!reader, sex is alluded to a number of times, nanami is just desperate for his wife ok)
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“he just passed out, he usually naps for a good 30 minutes. i can do it in 20.”
you can’t help but laugh at your husband. ever since adopting yuuji the two of you have been adapting to your lives with a toddler. that included very limited one on one time, and it was taking a toll on nanami.
“i have to fold the laundry,” you’re tone is apologetic but your face tells him you find this amusing.
“you’re the greatest multitasker i know.”
you feel his arms wrap around you as you continue to fold yuuji’s t-shirts. the kid was so messy sometimes, it caused him to go through his entire closet in a weeks time. “we need to seriously go shopping and get him more things to wear.” you spun around to wrap your arms around his waist. “your child is a dirty little gremlin.”
“your husband is trying to be one too but you won’t let him act on it.”
“you are not gonna be 20 minutes, you say that but you’re not quick with it anymore old man.”
“who are you calling old man? i’m spry for my age.”
“see, you even sound like an old man.”
“an old man who just wants to show his wife how much he still loves her.” his hands slide up and down your back, holding you to him and bringing his lips to yours. “i love you. i miss you.”
“i miss you too kento,” you let him take his time kissing you. “ok, what if-“
“i love where this is going already.”
“i haven’t even told you.”
“the prospect of things makes me excited. really gets me going.”
you giggle, “so repressed.”
“you have no idea, it’s taking everything in me not to turn you around and accost you right here on the dining room table.” he leans his face down to nuzzle and kiss at your neck.
“accost. respectfully.”
you tighten your arms around his waist, satisfied with the heavy affection he’s showing you. “what if i call up gojo-“
“and just like that i’m soft.”
“kento!” you smack him in the back but can’t help the smile that sneaks onto your face. he’s so easy to rile up.
“you know the emotions his name invokes in me. i can’t stand him.”
“i was going to say, what if i called him up to see if yuuji can spend the weekend at his and geto’s place with megumi, and then you and i can have the entire weekend together. just the two of us.”
“i love him.”
“wow, wait until i tell him you said that.”
“i’ll never admit to it.” nanami takes your face into his hands, kissing at your lips over and over until a giggling voice breaks the moment.
“eeeeew!!” yuuji runs forward from the other side of the hallway, jumping up and down at nanami’s feet. “up, up, up!!” and when he does the pink haired little boy leans over to give you a kiss on the nose.
“thank you, yuuji,” you give his nose a kiss in return.
“thank you, mama!!”
nanami narrows his eyes and scratches at the boy’s belly, sending yuuji into another round of giggles at being tickled. “guess who’s house your gonna sleepover at this weekend.”
you send a look toward your husband. “he hasn’t agreed yet, i still have to call him.”
“he’ll agree. because if he doesn’t,” he presses a million little kisses all over yuuji’s face, “i might actually die. and then who will he have to annoy at work?”
“he does like to annoy you.”
“i’m well aware.”
“i’ll call him now.”
nanami sets yuuji down, sending him into the kitchen. before following him, he leans over to give you one last lingering kiss on the lips. “i love you,” his smile lifts into a tiny smirk, “and it is for that reason exactly that i say, with all of the love i can muster, i am going to ruin you this weekend.”
“ruin me?”
“ruin you. respectfully.”
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blue-blue-blooms · 5 months
Eddie Munson Headcanons
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Eddie Munson x Harrington!Reader
A/N: I'm super depressed and this is my only form of comfort these days. So, here you go! If you have any requests, send them my way! Let's make the most of my depression and write these fics.
You're Steve's younger sister and in your senior year. You've definitely ridden on Steve's coat tails and gained popularity for being a Harrington. You're top of your class, a cheerleader, and friends with the 'popular kids'.
Admittedly, you were a bit self absorbed and consumed with the illusion of popularity. You didn't have real friends, no one that you could trust and be your true self around. You think getting dragged into finding Dustin's pet demogorgon was the best thing that could've happened to you. Besides the obvious trauma of everything that happened in '85, you found real friendship.
Robin and you became attached at the hip. You regularly hung out with Nancy. You were still popular but just severely humbled. '85 knocked your ego down a few pegs. You changed.
You changed so much that you didn't even ignore Mike, Dustin and Lucas when they first started highschool! I mean, even after you saw Dustin's Weird Al shirt. You looked out for all of them.
You'd known of Eddie. You'd seen him around at school. He was always really loud, abrasive, and kind of intimidating. He'd jump on top of lunch tables, going on spiels about 'forced conforming'. He was a little odd, a little rough around the corners, but you didn't know enough about him to form an opinion.
You officially met Eddie after Dustin, Mike, and Lucas joined the Hellfire club.
They were having one of their DnD meetings and needed a ride home. You were staying late for cheer practice so you agreed to drop them home.
You'd been waiting in the parking lot when they all came rushing out, 15 minute late.
"Hey, Dingus 1, 2, and 3! I've been waiting for 15 minutes!"
Eddie and everyone else in the Hellfire club (excluding the party) looked shocked when they saw you, to say the least.
"You know Y/N?" Eddie whispered to Dustin.
"Yeah, she's one of my best friends."
"You're friends with Y/N Harrington? Queen of Hawkins? Are you aware of the fact that we exist on the opposite spectrum of the stratosphere from her?" Gareth spoke incredulously, "Are you making this shit up?"
Before Dustin could respond, they all reached where Y/N was standing.
"Y/N! These are our friends from Hellfire! This is Gareth, this is Jeff, oh and this is Eddie! He's the president." Dustin excitedly spoke.
You gave them all a smile and a shy wave, "I've heard so much about you guys! These three were really excited when they found out about your DnD club."
"Do you play?" Gareth asked, immediately being smacked on the arm by Jeff who whispered: "I highly doubt that, idiot."
You smirked slyly and said: "Oh, I used to play with these guys all the time! We've been on many adventures. Fighting demogorgons, slaying a Mind Flayer, we've done it all." Of course, this wasn't a complete lie. You hadn't ever played a DnD game. Hell, you weren't even entirely sure what it was. But you had fought monsters with them. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas looked at you with incredulous looks and rolled their eyes, nodding along with your lie.
Of course, Eddie, Gareth, and Jeff didn't know the truth. They were pretty amazed that you even knew what DnD was.
After that first meeting, you'd smile and greet the Hellfire club whenever you saw them around school.
You'd also stand up for them if any of the jocks were messing with them.
Like the time Jason had shoved Gareth in the hallway and called him a 'freak', you'd immediately smacked the back of Jason's head and told him to 'fuck off'.
This is becoming more about the Hellfire club than Eddie so let's refocus.
You realized that you and Eddie were in some of the same classes. Now that you'd officially met him, you became more aware of him. Suddenly, he was everywhere.
The first time you'd chosen to sit down next to him in class, he'd choked on the water he was drinking.
"Are you okay?"
Y-yeah, just..water..wrong pipe. What're you doing here?"
"In this class?"
"Uh-no-like here, with me, in this seat?"
Oh, I'm sorry! Do you want me to move?"
No! Sorry, that came out wrong! I just-I wasn't expecting you to interact with us...you know the whole being 'freaks' thing...it might affect the way people see you."
"I don't care how people see me. Besides, I'm also a freak. Maybe just a...closeted freak."
Eddie swore that was when he fell in love with you.
Suddenly you were hanging out with each other all the time, sitting together in class, talking in the parking lot after school, giggling over random stuff in the hallway.
The more Eddie got to know you, the more he fell in love.
He'd find dumb reasons to touch you, passing random notes with doodles in class so he could briefly touch your hand, pretending like you had an eyelash on your cheek so he could take it off, ruffling your hair jokingly, putting his arm around your shoulder so he could whisper 'top secret DnD campaign stuff' (which was obviously just an excuse).
Your relationship developed and soon you'd be over at his place learning how to play his guitar, or going through his music collection, or forcing him to do his homework.
The first time you kissed was after Eddie accidentally confessed that he liked you. He heard that you were going out on a date with some random jock from school, and it was like all his nerves went into hyperdrive and the words spilled out. He thought that you'd never talk to him again, that he'd ruined everything, but you'd simply smiled and kissed him gently.
"I like you, too."
Bonus content: Dustin cries after you two get together. Happy cries, though. Mike gags any time he sees you two even remotely close to each other, even when you're not touching.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 8 months
Hi!! I love your Clarisse fan fics so much <3! I was wondering if you could right one with very very sweet reader being in a straight toxic/abusive relationship and she just takes it but never tells anyone. Her and Clarisse where enemy’s but secretly loved each other. Than one day reader was walking around with a bruise on her face horribly covered in concealer but if you were looking for something you could still see and Clarisse did, but not at first, she was coming up to you to bully you but than she saw the bruise and she got all upset and reader was confused because Clarisse always bullied her. Reader just brushed it aside and walked away but left her dagger at the table, so when Clarisse returned it she saw your boyfriend through the window smacking you in the face and she lost it. She didn’t even knock on the door she just bursted in and she didn’t want to make you upset so she grabbed you boyfriends arm and dragged him out to the forest and beat the living shit out of him. She ran back to see reader and comforted her and it ended up with both of them confessing their love for each other and maybe some fluff or smut towards the end, you choose! 💕💕
Thank you!!
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Not talking bout boys
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Daughter of Aphrodite! Fem! Reader
An - yes reader has a bf them being a lesbian in the fic is important side note I have a smutty Abby fic and a cute fic for clarisse coming out on Valentine’s Day so look out for those two
CW - abusive relationships, dyke is used, religous trauma
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Everyone knew who you were. You were a beautiful charming daughter of Aphrodite as well as the vice councilor for the Aphrodite cabin.
You were a sweet heart, always being the first to show the new kids around camp, ready to help settle disagreements and you were well known for being someone anybody could come to for relationship advice.
People would often tell you how much they wished they had a relationship like yours. Your boyfriend Logan a son of Athena. Brains and beauty that’s what everyone said about you.
Funny thing about people is that they never saw what happened behind closed doors. You tried not to blame him but it was hard not to.
Laying on the floor of the empty Aphrodite cabin your held yourself up with your hands, your tears dropping on the floor after he hit you, why? It could be for anything today however it was because you wore a too revealing top that attracted attention, attention that Logan didn’t like.
“Really?! How many times do I have to tell you to get it through your dumb fucking head huh?” Logan yelled at you, kneeling down he forced your head up. He glared at you for a moment before letting you go, grabbing you softly and hugging you. “I’m sorry baby” he kissed your shoulder.
“I’m sorry baby you know I don’t like hitting you but sometimes it’s the only thing I can do to get messages across” he frowned gently holding your face, his personality doing a complete 360 from before.
“I know” you whispered. Leaning into his touch you couldn’t help it. Something felt off however, his touch made you feel dirty and guilty, the furthest thing from love yet… yet you still forgave him and felt as though you needed him.
Days normally blured together, with mornings going normally with you slowly doing your makeup mainly because you wanted to look your best but also because you needed the extra time to cover the bruises — dozing off you hadn’t realized you used to little yellow concealer to hide the purple of the deep mark.
After about an hour you walked out of your cabin, walking towards the dining pavilion for breakfast. Being shoved to the side you watched as Clarisse softly laughed with her siblings clearly mocking you. “It’s impolite to not say excuse me” you softly spoke fixing yourself shirt.
Turning around she looked you up and down. You felt her gaze linger for a moment before turning more serious. “Go get your share I’ll catch up” she ordered at her siblings. Once they started to leave she harshly grabbed your chin turning it so your cheek was In direct sunlight. “The hell is this” she carefully examined the mark
“Nothing” confused you looked over at her slightly offended by the circumstances. “Besides why would you even care”
“Because I can— How the fuck did you get that bruise on your cheek? Someone deck you or something” she sarcastically laughed. Immediately you shook your head denying it. “No no I uh, I fell”
Clarisse looked down at you for a moment, taking her thumb she caressed the sensitive bruise. “Whatever… just be more careful” she let you go before leaving you alone, irritated and.. flustered?
You laid in bed looking up at the ceiling not able to think.
Reaching up to your chest you softly took the cross necklace, something your father had given you before you arrived at camp.
Thinking about your dad always brought bad memories, how he forced you into the church. The snobby kids and the religion forced down your throat. Not allowed to ask questions or question anything. But the thing that stuck with you the most was the treatment of gay people.
You personally had no problem with them, the gods themselves seem to be fine with homosexual relationships but… why did it always feel so weird to you. You knew things were different about you but this time you didn’t mean being a demigod.
The way you viewed your boyfriend vrs well.. clarisse of all people made you confused. When you were with Logan you didn’t feel the same butterflys as silena would constantly brag about getting with Charlie. When you kissed it felt forced, how his hands touched you it make you want to rip your skin out.
How clarisse had grabbed your chin today… you rolled over and silently groaned into your pillow.
Clarisse the same girl that would shove you. The same girl that made fun of your archery skills and called you weak for being kind. The same girl that would gently run a hand around your waist when you were in line for food… clarisse the same girl, who looked at you differently from everyone.
Why did you feel like this, why did she out of everyone make you feel like an idiot, a love sick idiot at that.
You groaned once more into your pillow, not realize how loud you were until one of your sisters threw a throw pillow at your head telling you to sleep.
Laying back down on your back You Just looked back up at the soft pink ceiling. Sure you had always thought women were pretty, and while it was true you found yourself thinking about them how you should think about Logan— there was no way you were gay.. you had a boyfriend you were straight.
A straight girl
A… straight girl
A few days had passed.
You had been sitting inside the armory looking around as you waited for your daggers sheath to be repaired. Walking back you bumped into someone.
Before you could fall you felt a strong hand grab your waist, looking up you saw the curly haired girl who haunted your dreams.
“Watch where your going” she pushed you up helping you regain your balance.
You felt your cheeks turn red, “uh thank you” tucked some hair behind your ear embarrassed. Clarisse nodded taking note of your outfit of a camp shirt and shorts. She rolled her eyes. “Yeah whatever”
Charlie had decided to walk over finally “hey, sorry look were a little backed up but I can Promise your sheath will be fixed tonight alright?” He asked, You nodded before you could speak however clarisse scoffed “That’s bullshit, fix her sheath now”
“I just said i couldn’t”
“Whatever we both know it’ll take you five minutes—“
“It’s Fine Clarisse i don’t mind waiting” You looked up at her placing a hand on her forearm.
You smiled at Charlie as you walked out the armory. You left embarrassed by how clarisse had stood up for you, but also how you had touched her and how she allowed it.
Once you were gone Clarisse looked over noticing your dagger laying on the table. She swore you would loose your head if it wasn’t attached to your neck. “Fix her sheath now”
“Did I stutter?”
You found yourself inside the Athena cabin with Logan while everyone else was at the bondfire, his siblings making teasing remarks as they left. He just shook his head before looking back at you. “Hey there sexy” he grinned, you stood between his legs with his hand on your thigh.
You cringed slightly but smiled. “Hey” playing with one of his blonde curls you felt his hand travel towards your ass. You grabbed his hand pulling it away “not today.. please I just really am not in the mood for it”
Logan rolled his eyes dramatically taking his hands off you and turning to face the books on his desk. “Of course” he complained.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked confused crossing your arms. “You know what it means— every-time we’re alone you don’t want to do shit I’m fucking over it, what’s the point of having a girlfriend if she doesn’t even want to make out with you”
“I’m just not that good of a kisser I—“
“Your a daughter of Aphrodite your good at everything love related, know what can you just stop with this bullshit” he stood up aggressively making you flinch back some. “Stop what” you looked down to afraid to meet his eyes.
Logan grabbed your chin harshly forcing you to look at him, it made you think back to clarisse how when she grabbed you it was almost gentle. You looked to the side and for a moment it was quiet, thinking he was done you heard Logan let out a scoff like laugh.
He pushed your head away. “Fuck you”
“You know what you fucking slut.” He stepped towards you. “Can’t believe i didn’t realize it sooner” Logan continued to shake his head in disbelief. You tried to stand up for yourself but all you felt was a harsh slap met your cheek not even a moment later.
“Your disgusting, I see how you look at the other girls at camp— clarisse fucking la rue to be specific, I notice how you let your eyes wander on her, I bet you wish she was with you now huh?! I bet you wish she was the one who was kissing you huh?!” Logan tightly grabbed your face once again, tears brimming around your eyes. Trying to shake your head he just continued. “You disgust me- what would your dad think huh? To know his previous daughter was a fucking dyke
Logan jerked your head up forcing you to look at him before he hatefully kissed you.
It felt like forever, until you were suddenly dragged out the cabin. Looking up you saw clarisse having a tight hold on you.
It came back to you slowly, clarisse kicking open the door, shoving Logan into his bunk making him hit his head and now here where she started to take you across the camp
Her firm hold on your hand made you blush. It hurt how much you liked her and how much you knew you shouldn’t.
You watched as she yelled for everyone out of the ares cabin, letting out a string of offensives if anyone had something to say. Once they were gone it was quiet.
Clarisse led you to her bed setting you down gently before taking your face in her hands while examining the condition of you. “How Long” she mumbled.
“2 months after we got together” you quietly replied looking down. Clarisse pulled you into a hug, keeping a loving hold around you.
“I’m going to kill him” she tightened her grasp slightly, pulling away you shook your head “no, please I don’t want anyone knowing”
“Knowing how he treated you like shit”
“Knowing that I’m a fucking hypocrite clarisse!”You yelled, Clarisse kept quiet as this was the first time she’s heard you cuss. “Don’t you get it! How am I supposed to act if people find out that my entire relationship was toxic when im the one person most all people go to for love advice huh?! I’m a daughter of Aphrodite I’m supposed to be the person people admire! Imagine how embarrassing it’ll be to have people know I let my boyfriend hit me! And how the hell am I supposed to face anyone even my own father if they know im..” You choked on your tears leaning Into clarisse crying. She held you close not wanting to let go.
At this point you didn’t want to be anywhere else but in clarisses arms, where you didn’t feel forced or threatened you just simply felt loved.
You silently laid beside clarisse, just looking quietly into each-others eyes. Calmed down from your breakdown, You watched as she reached out fixing a piece of hair from your face. “..can I ask a question” she whispered. You nodded leaning some into her touch. “Are you.. are you gay”
After sone silence you nodded once again. “Yeah.. im not sure what I would be but.. I know for a fact I don’t like men” you admitted, a sense of anxiety washed over you. Clarisse continued to hold your face with an unreadable expression. “So a lesbian?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I guess so, I don’t really know much about queer identities anyways..”
“If You don’t like men Why did you bother to date Logan?” Her tone was sweet but confused. You couldn’t help but smile at the well known angry girl was now holding you with such care it made you feel butterflys. “I’m ashamed to be like this.. I’m not supposed to be a lesbian but I… am”
Before you noticed it, clarisse had leaned in kissing you. It was a quick kiss with her pulling away after a second. She muttered an apology while trying to leave, you however grabbed her before you could think bringing clarisse into another kiss, however this time it was longer and loving.
Sitting on your knees with your he daughter of ares fit in an awkward position you still continued to kiss her. Everything from before left your mind, how disgusting it felt up even kiss your boyfriend or now ex boyfriend, all you could think was how much you loved this girl.
Pulling away you kept your face close to clafisse. “I don’t understand.. I thought you hated me”
“Hated you.. really?!” She pushed back fixing her pose to be more comfortable. “I’ve been flirting with you this entire time”
“You Call shoving me around and calling me names flirting?”
“Yeah I—.. Look i don’t know shit about flirting but i thought it clear i liked you”
“No clafisse not at all” You laughed before moving to sit on the girls lap to kiss her. “Whatever it still worked Didnt it! Your here in my bed kissing me”
You lightly hit her with a smile. “I hate you”
“No you don’t” she laughed back kissing your cheek before looking at you, almost like she was trying to prove how much she loved you through just her eyes alone.
The following morning you had learned that Logan was currently in the infirmary with a long list of injuries you couldn’t even Name and your new girlfriend clarisse who was now being punished by Chiron. Aswell as the Ares cabin having a new found protective stance on the Aphrodite cabin
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mozzarella-stickz · 11 months
more dom mike schmidt for you guys! i need some of this right now (18+ MINORS DNI)
there are nights you know not to mess around with mike too much. sometimes after long nights it’s fun to rile him up, but there are times you just know that he doesn’t want to be riled up. it’s the look in his eye, or the hunch of his shoulders, or the balled up hands he has clenched at his sides.
on nights like those, he collapses onto his chair, knowing you are still sound asleep in bed waiting for him. he waits a little while longer, knowing abby is due to be dropped off at school soon. he sleeps in the chair for awhile until you both wake up.
you shake him awake gently with a smile, kissing his forehead and handing him a mug of coffee. it’s a simple gesture, but it makes him want to cry. after years of taking care of himself and abby, it feels nice to have someone help take of him. you wake up abby next, and she excitedly runs to her big brother, hugging him before she has to eat breakfast and scamper off to get ready for school. these days, she’s excited to go to school and see her friends. it makes you and mike both smile: despite the trauma of the pizzeria incident, she’s still happy.
once abby is safely dropped off at school by both you and mike, he drives you home in comfortable silence, rough and large hand resting on your thigh. he needs more sleep, and you’re aware, but his state of exhaustion is just so hot. his hand on your leg makes you all hot and bothered, something mike is well aware of.
when you get home, he wastes no time heading to the bedroom. he strips his clothes off as you do too, grabbing you roughly and pulling you into him as he kisses you hard and wet on your mouth. mike smacks your ass gently as you two make out.
it’s not long before his cock is in your mouth, bobbing up and down along his shaft. mike may be in control most of the time, but he loses it when your mouth is on his dick. he’s whining, and moaning, but praising you at the same time to keep a semblance of dominance. he doesn’t finish in your mouth, because he wants to finish in you (let’s just say you’re on birth control because mike’s ass does NOT need kids right now lmao!)
he’s fucking you into the mattress next, telling you good of a girl you’re being, how much he loves you, and how you belong to him. you’re a moaning mess, melting into him as he pounds you harder and harder. his small bed is creaking, and you feel like it might break. mike reaches his hand in between you two to rub tight circles on your clit, and it doesn’t take long for you to finish, clenching on his cock and drenching him.
mike soon follows after, shooting his cum into you. it’s warm, and you feel so full with his dick.
“rough day?” you ask, voice shot.
“you have no idea,” he replies, kissing your forehead.
he stays inside you for awhile, pulling out gently. you whine at loss of contact, but you know that he’ll be fucking you again soon with abby gone at school all day. mike rushed to the bathroom to get towels to clean you off, before getting you water and one of his shirts to put on.
mike loves your bratty attitude, your pouty lips, your whiny voice, but he also loves when you know what he needs and submits to him and lets him fuck you like this. you don’t mind, because you love to return his care for you in whatever ways you can <3
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A rant about Aang and Byrke
Hello my loves!
Here I'm with a new blog entry.
This time we will talk about Kataang, Aang and Byrke.
Since I'm writing a FanFic where Aang is paired with an OC, I thought I could tell you why I prefer Aang with OCs instead of Katara.
Just to be clear.
I like Aang.
I love Katara and would for this girl sell my liver.
But them together as a pair...please no!
Kataang is one of my NOTPs.
In my Let's Talk about Zutara post I pretty much said why I can't stand this pairing.
One is the age and maturity gap.
What does a 14-year-old want with a 12-year-old? It's just creepy, no matter the gender and it would have been better if they got together at like 22 and 20.
Even if I think Zutara is superior, I could grimly accept Kataang.
Second Aang and Katara are the worst version of their self together.
I haven't read the comics, but what I saw on Tumblr and on Legend of Korra was enough to make me angry.
Katara was reduce to Aang price, girlfriend, housewife and mother of his children.
The warrior girl we all loved, who never turned her back on people who needed her, became in the name of love (and Byrke) a shadow of herself.
Our real Katara would smack this wishy-washy version of herself to kingdom come!
Then we have Aang. The boy clearly turns into a Nice GuyTM when it's about Katara.
He kissed her TWICE, TWICE, without her consent and never said sorry for this.
He thinks he deserves her love because he is the Avatar (the hero) and that's how it be.
Till Season 2 Aang wasn't that worse about Katara, a lot of plotpoints pointed out that Aang obsession, I'm not calling it love, on Katara was not good.
He replaced the love for his people with Katara.
Erm, that's not healthy at all.
What Aang expierendec was traumatic, he is the sole suriver of a genocide, but he can't shove all his love for his people to Katara.
How can only one person hold this standards?
It's impossible.
Katara is a bandaid on a ripped arm.
A bandaid isn't going to fix Aang trauma.
He needed to really face it and accept it and let Katara go.
Guru Pathik told him he to let Katara go, but I don't think it was meant to say, don't love that girl anymore.
No, it was more like: you clearly are obsessed with her and think if she loves you all your hurt will go away, but this isn't the case!
Aang could still love Katara, he just needed to stop to put her on a pestal!
Then we know what happens, he let's her go, seems to get the Avatar State, but turn it down because Katara is in danger and he must save her.
Alright, we all would run to our loved one if they are in danger, but Aang, you are the Avatar.
The Avatar is the peacekeeper of this world.
Sadly he can't put his own desires forward, he has do to what was for the world right!
In the Crystal Catabombs he realizes this.
So he let's go of Katara to get the Avatar State and then gets shot down by Azula.
Then when the first episode of season 3 rolls around, you get the feeling that Aang learnend his lesson.
Because he was selfish, he lost his greatest eapan.
He needed to be better.
Only...after the first episode season 3 was really...bad.
I can't say it better.
If you compare it to the other two seasons...season 3 has mayor problems.
A lot of plotpoints get forgotten, Aang didn't learn from his mistakes, he acts entitled for Katara love and he gets his Avatar State back thanks to Deus-Ex-Machine Rock and even finds a way to handle Ozai thanks to Deus-Ex-Machine Lion Turtle.
How, HOW, did the creators look at this and want a golly what an awesome final?
It was not!
It was rushend and not earnend!
Because Aang is a selfinsert from Bryek.
They statet once in an interview that Kataang was reflection how they had a crush on their babysitter, who of course didn't wanted them and would go out with the "bad boy".
The bad boy here in question is Zuko, which is hilarious since Zuko is the most awkward dork.
So they wanted to create a story were the young hero gets the hot older girl.
No normal 14-year-old girl would date a 12-year-old and if she did call the police on her ass!
Avatar was only amazing because of writers like Aaron Ehasz, who turned Toph, who was supposed to be a boy and a love rival for Aang, into this badass girl who didn't let her disabilty stop her to become the greatest earthbender and inventer of metalbening in the world.
They truned Iroh into thee loveable and wise uncle and not like Byrke wanted into a spy for Ozai.
Also Azula was supposed to be a boy too, but she became the female villain we all loved and wish we would see in other media's too!
A lot of writer wanted also Zutara to happen and not Kataang.
If I remember right season 3 was so rushed and lacking because the movie-who-shall-not-be-named was in production and Bryke wanted the series to end before it.
A lot of concept were thrown out the window for it.
The writers wanted to make even a season 4, where Aang would even find other airbenders, but noooooooooooooooo we can't give Aang the healing he deserves, we must live out a fantasy trough this boy.
Looking at you Bryke.
Anyways we got, what we got and I'm so not happy about it.
Zutara should be canon and Aang should have found a girl who loved really, who was his equal and who didn't needed to be a broodmare for the air nomads, becasue there where still air nomads around.
Here we get back to my preference to ship Aang with OCs. Since I'm a big fan of the theoretical season four we would have gotten, it's only naturel to imagine own characters, since no canon characters exist for it.
I would have loved to see Aang with a descendant of Air Nomads. She learning from him, he learning from her, cute!
But let's be real if Aang is writing good he could work with a lot of characters.
Even canon ones like On Ji. I found her really cute with him.
The only thing I want for Aang partner is that the girl doesn't get reduced to a broodmare.
So the airbenders have always to come back/stop from hiding.
Yeah, I think you all guessed how much I hate Bryke.
Fricking pricks!
Also, people who make fun of their own fans because they ship a pairing themselves not like are the worst!
That shows have much respect they have for their fans.
They just wanted to live out their fantasy and be done.
Again, fricking pricks!
So for now, that's from me, I needed to get it out of my chest.
Till next time my loves!
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papaleon · 11 months
I'm Still Full of the Love You Want
pairing: RE4R!Leon Kennedy x afab!Reader
wc: 2.4k
summary: Leon has come back from Spain and, on the advice of his therapist, he's learning to associate the bad memories with something good. That something happens to be you.
content: leon gets cuffed, p in v, oral (reader receiving), no protection (wrap it up guys), i just replayed resi4r and i can't get over leon being chained to the ceiling (inspo), leon is a good boy
18+ MDNI, this is literally just pwp
a/n: please be gentle, i haven't written fic in years, this post has a lot of my writing firsts including the perspective and the smut. it has been sorta proofread, all mistakes are my own. enjoy! <3
Leon let out a deep groan as you moved to straddle his unclothed thighs. The handcuffs you had just finished latching to the headboard clinked as he tested their strength. See, Leon had just returned from his mission in Spain. He was, of course, tight-lipped and bound by a very intimidating NDA to keep the details quiet. But, even though he wasn’t able to share the grisly details with you, you could read Leon like a book. He always wore his pain, anger, and anxiety in his eyes, as much as he’d hate to admit it. 
Right now though, his face only told of pleasure, and that was enough for you. You offered him a soft smile as you ground down onto the meat of his muscular thigh, pressing down just enough for him to feel your want. 
“C’mon baby, please.”
Leon’s work mandated therapist, Dr. Woolf, had recommended he work to associate the horrors and trauma he’d experienced with something positive. You were certain that Dr. Woolf did not intend those new associations to be with sex, in fact you had a few qualms with the whole thing but it was the only thing that seemed to help Leon. After years of witnessing the love of your life suffer with his own memories, day and night, you figured you’d do anything to help him. 
So here you both were, blue moonlight kissing warm candle light as it danced over both of your bodies. You had just finished stripping Leon down and cuffing him, wrists over his head, after a very lengthy discussion about limits and how this tied back to Spain. 
This wasn’t that bad, baby, I swear. You had stared at him as he spoke, looking for any hint of a lie. My gear was taken and we were chained to the ceiling. It could have been worse. He smirked at that. You had feigned indignation and lightly smacked his chest. This you could deal with. You knew he suffered much worse but you tried to leave your worries unspoken. 
He looked beautiful like this though, you thought as you ran your eyes over him. Leon Kennedy certainly had a reputation that preceded him. A rookie cop turned hardened agent, a bit of a sarcastic, stoic dickhead if you pissed him off, and a selfless protector. Someone you would want on your team but certainly never wanted to get on the bad side of. But you knew more. He had lived through so much strife and hardship, he was hidden behind years of trauma and survival instincts, but deep down he was a person who longed to be cared for and understood. You were more than happy to give that to him. 
“Darling, I need-“ Leon’s request stuck in his throat, hips kicking up, cock jumping as you ground down hard against his thigh. The pressure on your clit pulled a small sigh out of you. You started to pick up your pace, riding his thigh in earnest now. 
“What do you need, hmm?” You smiled wide at Leon, his hands flexing as he tried to move to touch you. He let out a frustrated groan. 
“Need to see you, s-since I can’t touch.” You dropped your eyes, scanning over Leon’s naked body, still covered in scars and healing bruises. Your gaze stopped at his cock, hard and lying up against his toned stomach. You could see how flushed the tip looked, slick pre-cum dripping, pooling where his cock met skin. Your mouth watered, you simply couldn’t help it. A very vocal part of you wanted to lean down, lap up his mess and take him into your mouth. Later, you promised yourself. 
You, of course, were still dressed. You wanted to give Leon a show. These ‘re-associations’ were to be as involved and lengthy as possible, Dr. Woolf had mentioned. Anything to give Leon’s mind more incentive to replace the bad with the good.
“You wanna see me?” You teased as you ran your hands along your body, fingers teasing under the hem of the t-shirt you were wearing - stolen from Leon’s drawer.
“Fuck, yeah please l-let me see you angel,” Leon nodded fervently, his words were starting to slur together slightly. You always liked seeing Leon lose his poise and control, your strong-willed boyfriend squirming and begging underneath you. It didn’t happen often but you relished in the moments Leon would let you in like that, let you take care of him, show you his trust. “…shit baby you look so good in my clothes.” 
“Okay baby, you’re such a good boy for asking.” You smirked as you swung your legs over to kneel next to Leon, needing to remove your lounge clothes. He whined and bucked his hips at the loss of contact, your own slick shiny and cooling on his thigh. Leon just stared at you hungrily. He’d been so patient for you, so good, so you teased the hem of the t-shirt before pulling it off in one quick movement, dropping it off the side of the bed onto the floor. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” Leon’s eyes darted to your chest, taking in the sight. You blushed lightly. Leon always looked at you like he wanted to devour you whole, like you were the only other person in the entire world, like he loved and desired nothing more than you. Wanting to hide your blushing cheeks, you leaned down quickly to kiss him, chaste and soft given the current circumstances. The chains rattled again as he moved to reach for you. 
“You’re so good to me,” You whispered as you sat up to pull your sleep shorts and panties down and off. You shuddered as the cold air met your soaked cunt. Leon went slack jawed, his cock jumping slightly off his belly. 
“‘Course sweet thing,” his voice was gruff, filled with want as he stared at your dripping core. You discarded your shorts onto the floor next to your top before moving to straddle Leon’s hips this time. You firmly dropped down to drag your slick cunt against Leon’s cock, the tip bumping against your clit. Leon moaned low and deep, his look of shock immediately replaced by his eyes rolling back into his head. Your own breathing started getting ragged, you wanted nothing more than to slip him inside but you had to control yourself, you really wanted to do this right, to make this last. 
“C’mon baby, ride me,” Leon’s hips pushed up, attempting to slide in whenever you bucked your hips forward. You shuddered, slowly but surely losing the will to tease. It was especially hard when Leon was looking up at you like that, like he was about to cry. “W-wanna make you come.” 
“Yeah?” You groaned loudly, losing the rest of any willpower you had before reaching down to line up his thick cock with your dripping hole. You slammed your hips down hard, a sharp smack mingled with the loud moans of you both. It burned, the sudden stretch, but that didn’t matter when Leon filled you up perfectly, you just couldn’t help it, you craved that feeling. You could see a flash of frustration in his eyes as you slowly started fucking yourself on him. You could feel him shift beneath you, feet planted on the mattress so he could find his own pace. You leaned forward, back arched as your chest met his as you tucked your face into his neck. 
“Thank you,  thank you, thank you-“ Leon chanted softly, groaning as he thrust up into your tight, wet cunt. The sounds were obscene, you felt impossibly wet, Leon’s pre-cum mixing with your slick. 
You finally gained your wits enough to push back into his thrusts, angling your own hips just right so each thrust hit the right spot. You had heard Leon wince as your nails dug into his shoulders, but it barely registered as you barrelled toward your own orgasm, hanging onto Leon like a lifeline.  
“Gonna … gonna come baby, you’re gonna make me come,” you felt Leon’s cock throb inside you as his own thrusts grew erratic. “Unlock the cuffs f’me darling, wanna touch” he squeezed his eyes shut, and let out a sigh. You stilled your hips, leaning over to the nightstand to grab the small key. Leon took advantage of your position to lap and bite at your nipple. You leaned into the sensation.
“L-leon please,” you reached over to unlock one of the cuffs finally allowing Leon’s hands down. He remained limp, pliant under you. 
That is, until you unlocked the second cuff. 
He pushed himself up quickly, slipping out of you, rolling you both over until he was firmly planted between your thighs and had you pinned down by your wrists. You were about to whine from the emptiness when you felt him slide back into you, bottoming out in one quick motion. 
Leon set a frantic pace from there, pushing your knees together and leaning over to press them to your chest, his eyes squeezed shut and eyebrows furrowed as you took him even deeper. You could feel the tip of his cock nudge against your cervix with every thrust, sending small sparks of pain through your abdomen, but it only made the fire in your belly grow hotter, made your skin tingle all over. 
“Ah, ah, ah, fuck, Leon!” You bit through gritted teeth, losing all the poise and confidence you had when you controlled the pace. Leon’s fingers intertwined with yours and you held on for dear life, unable to do 
“so fuh-fucking good for me baby, taking me so well,” Leon moaned. It took all the energy you had left to open your eyes just to see Leon lean closer, his soft hair falling over his brow and his jaw locked, willing every bit of his body not to let go yet, he wasn’t done with you. He leaned even closer to kiss you. “You were meant to take this cock right? Only you. Your pussy is so tight huh, angel? Fuck you were made for me weren’t you?” 
All you could do was nod dumbly, squeezing your eyes shut as the fire raged inside both of you. Leon was relentless, fucking into you hard and fast, like a man starved, every thrust hitting the perfect spot inside you. The pressure was building, and you couldn’t really hear what you were saying anymore, you were just babbling about how perfect your cock is, and fuck me, I love you. 
Leon’s pace started to falter, just as you felt your orgasm approaching, but that didn’t matter, as you felt him move to pull out. But you simply couldn’t have that. “No, no, no, no! Come in me Leon, baby, please!” You whined, squirming underneath him. “Wanna feel you, puh-lease, fuck!” 
Leon growled lowly, “You want my cum darling?” There was no more teasing as he lined his cock back up with your puffy, fucked out cunt. Yes, and please, fell out of your mouth like a chant even before he was finished the question. 
“Come in me please, Leon, ‘m close, so close.” And who was he to deny you a single thing? Leon grunted as he started up his brutal pace again, only managing several more thrusts before slamming into you, bottoming out, as he fucked his cum deep inside you. You clenched hard at the throbbing warmth, your soft, tight cunt milking every last drop out of Leon. 
“That’s right, good baby. Take it all. So good just f’me, hmm?” You moaned, nodding weakly, still trying to push your hips against his. The fire raged on in you, your cunt was begging for release. 
“Wanna come, make me come Leon, please, need it.” You whined, putting on the best pout you could manage. Leon chuckled lightly at the sight before pulling out and letting your legs down gently. You were about to complain when Leon leaned in to leave kisses all over the column of your throat, down to your breasts and over your soft stomach before he laid himself down between your legs. 
Your hands reached out to tangle in his hair as he started suckling little marks in the crease of your thigh, so close to where you needed him. 
“Duh-don’t tease,” you whispered, tugging lightly on his strands and bucking your hips up, hoping he’d take the hint. And so he did. You felt yourself melting into the mattress from the very first slow drag of his tongue. Leon seemed content fucking his cum even further into you with his tongue. You sighed and moaned and the fire in your belly burned bright again. You felt his fingers run their way up the inside of your thigh. He pushed two fingers inside, replacing his tongue, crooking them and fucking you, hard and fast. You felt the pressure building quickly, and your cunt squeezed down hard. 
“Gonna come Leon, you’re gonna make me co-“ Leon chose that very moment to latch his mouth over your poor, neglected clit and suck. You finally felt that heat snap as you came, gushing out all over Leon’s hand and face. He continued fucking you through it, the wet sounds positively obscene as your sensitive cunt twitched and dripped. Leon didn’t stop until you were twitching from overstimulation. You had to drag his face away by the iron grip you still had on his hair. He winced lightly as he moved up the bed to drape his body over you. “Sorry,” you whispered, easing up on his hair, followed by “Thank you.” 
“No, thank you!�� Leon said as he nuzzled into your neck. You both just laid there, panting for a while, locked in a warm embrace. You dozed in and out of sleep, waking just enough to feel Leon starting to move his hips and feeling something warm and hard pressing up against your thigh.
“Really Leon?” You mumbled, amused. “Already?”
Leon just chuckled, pushing himself up to lean over you and line his hips up with you again, slowly sinking back into your wet, warm cunt. “Can you blame me?”
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scorpionrising · 7 months
there is love that doesn't have a place to rest — ch. 3
pairing: finan x fem!oc word count: 3556 content warning: this fic deals explicitly with the trauma of sexual assault. while there are no drawn out, graphic scenes, it is made explicitly clear what is going on. for context: oc is uhtred's daughter and was captive in dunholm for all her childhood. proceed with caution. additionally, expect canon typical attitudes, behaviors, violence, etc.
read on ao3
“i wanna be the broken love song that feeds your misery and i can wish that all i want, but it won't bring us together plus, i know whatever happens to me, i know it's for the better" –phoebe bridgers, waiting room
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A week had passed since her father left at the behest of King Alfred, and Ravna spent each day with Osferth in the woods, allowing him to teach her all about the Christian religion. She was not sure she believed any of it— a pregnant virgin was just a bit too absurd for her— but they made for good stories. She thought of the Romans, and the Greeks before them. How many different gods had they believed in? How many gods before them had been worshiped? For this reason alone, Ravna could not count anything out. Or could she believe in anything at all? 
“Monk! I had a thought,” Ravna said, finding Osferth in the alehouse. 
He was sitting with Finan, but she chose to ignore the other man. Osferth’s brows shot up upon seeing her. She did not make a habit of entering the alehouse, often finding it too loud and the men too abrasive. Osferth put down his mug and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“You say your god is good, yes?”
“Uh, yes. He is all good, just as He is all powerful.” 
“If He is both, then how can He allow evil to exist?”  
This was what Ravna did not understand. She had long since accepted that her father’s gods, if they did exist, cared little for her. Her father’s gods never claimed to be all good. But Osferth’s god did. Osferth’s god positioned himself as a father who loved his children. If she was this all-good and all-powerful god’s child, she could not fathom why he allowed for her to be abused as she was. 
“He did not create evil,” Osferth said.
She scrunched her face at him. “But you said evil and sin comes from Eve eating the apple because Satan told her to, and Satan was created by God, was he not?” 
“But God also created free will. He does not control us, Ravna.” 
“If God created free will and bestowed it upon people with the option and opportunity for evil, then He created evil!” 
A few eyes were looking their way, certainly whispering about her outburst. Finan glanced around the alehouse and leaned across the table. 
“Hey, just take a breath now, ceann bheag.”
She rounded on him, eyes narrowed. What gave him the right to tell her to do anything? 
“I believe I was talking to Osferth, not you,” she hissed, relishing in the fact that he actually leaned back in shock from her ire being turned on him. Sniffing, she looked back at Osferth. “I do not find myself satisfied with your response. Think on it some more and find me in the morning with better answers.” 
Osferth cracked a smile, despite the uncomfortable tension between her and Finan.
“Are you hoping to convert, Lady?” Osferth asked teasingly.
“Maybe if I find you convincing enough,” Ravna responded in the same tone. She stuck her tongue out briefly and smacked the tabletop. “Right, then. I’m getting myself a drink.” 
Both men looked shocked, which she took some pride in. Still, it was rather annoying. But, if it took her sitting in the alehouse for hours on end and drinking until her vision blurred for them to see her as the grown woman she was, she would do it. She would show her father and Finan both. She had no need for a nursemaid. 
Coin purse in hand, she sidled up to the counter and held her chin high. Men were crowded all around her, but she refused to waver. She had something to prove. 
“Lady Ravna.” 
Ceolmund, the second son to the alehouse and tavern owners, stood behind the counter. His older brother, Alewulf, was somewhat of a warrior and had gone north with her father. 
“Hello,” she said. “I would… like a pitcher of ale, please.” 
Ceolmund’s smile was a bit crooked. “You drink with your father’s men, lady?”
She pursed her lips. “And what of it?”
“I am surprised,” he said. 
Then, he looked around and leaned in, beckoning her closer. Confused, Ravna complied. Ceolmund’s lips brushed along her ear and she bit back a gasp in surprise. 
“Tonight is the full moon, Lady. When the moon is at its peak, come to the mouth of the river so you need not drink with your father’s men.” 
She pulled back and arched an eyebrow. “What happens tonight?” 
He grinned ear to freckly ear. It would be a bitter lie to say she was not intrigued. 
“Us young people get to live,” he said. 
“Very well,” Ravna said. “I will join you.”
“Good!” He smacked the counter for good measure. “I’ll go get your ale now, Lady.” 
When she returned, she must have been grinning as well. Osferth’s eyebrows shot up to his forehead and he turned to Finan, who was staring at Ravna with his mouth agape. 
“What?” she asked. 
“What did he say to you?” Osferth asked. 
“Nothing,” Ravna said simply, pouring herself a mug of ale. 
“No, he said something!” 
She rolled her eyes. “Osferth, I am allowed to have friends other than you, no?” 
He deflated a bit and took a deep sip from his mug. Smirking to herself, Ravna poured some ale from her pitcher into his now empty cup. With a grin, he knocked his mug against hers and they took large gulps in tandem. Finan looked decidedly put out. Good, she thought, not feeling guilty in the least. 
The ale was strong, but she knew it would be. Her father encouraged Ceolmund’s father to brew it the way Danes did, as Saxon ale was often so weak. Ravna’s head was spinning a bit, but she found she did not mind it. She quite liked the feeling, actually. With Osferth’s aid, she drank the entire contents of the pitcher rather quickly. Delighting in the way the whole world around her seemed to tilt as she stood up, Ravna placed her palms on the table to steady herself as she giggled shrilly. 
“I… am going to…” She trailed off, losing the thought. “Oh! Yes, I will get more ale.” 
Finan grabbed the now empty pitcher and pulled it out of her reach. “Perhaps not, Lady.”
Annoyed but less angry than before— thanks to the ale, in all likelihood— Ravna turned on Finan. Feeling her lips curling into a grin, she snorted and lunged for the pitcher, but he was too quick for her and pulled it further away. 
“Finan,” she said shortly, rolling her eyes, “I am grown. I am no child, and you are no nursemaid.” 
He reared back as though she had struck him, and it granted her the opportunity to steal back the pitcher. Clutching it to her chest, she swiveled around to go back to the counter, but Ceolmund was already a few paces away. 
“Lady Ravna,” he greeted, walking to meet her where she stood. “I’m off now. Would you like me to accompany you on your way?” 
Blood rushed to her face, pooling in her cheeks. A bit carelessly, she tossed the pitcher aside and nodded. 
“That would do,” she said. 
He grinned quite charmingly and offered her his arm. 
“Oi!” Finan interrupted. “What’s this about?” 
“Ceolmund is accompanying me on my way so I do not need to walk alone in the dark,” Ravna said, cocking her head to the side. “Do you find that unacceptable, Finan?” 
Osferth was hiding a grin behind his hands and very pointedly looking away from Finan. Finan, however, seemed downright perplexed and his face was turning a bit red; dark eyes obscured by the scrunch of his eyebrows. When he did not respond, Ravna turned back to Ceolmund, victorious, and took his arm. 
“So, will you tell me now what it is that you’re bringing me to?” 
“Revelry,” Ceolmund said simply. 
And revelry indeed it was. With a large fire going and bodies milling about, Ravna thought back to the many festivities held over the years at Dunholm in honor of the gods. While these were Christians around her, they were not so different. 
“We drink mead instead of ale here,” Ceolmund said. “Beatrice makes it with the honey from her father’s bees.” 
Ravna nodded, amazed by the sight before her. In her years of living in Coccham, how had she been so vastly unaware of this happening every month? Since she mostly kept to herself, there were a great many people she realized she did not know as unfamiliar faces swam past her. Even Beatrice, who Ceolmund was still talking about, Ravna did not know. She felt bad for it, as clearly everyone knew who she was. 
“Lady Ravna!” 
Sybil, the blacksmith’s daughter, ran over with a wild grin on her face, a crown of flowers askew on her head. Of the people in the village, Sybil was perhaps one of the only people outside of Ravna’s family that she would consider a friend. Even then, she was unsure. 
“Sybil, I’ve said many times, you need not call me Lady,” Ravna said. She glanced at Ceolmund and bowed her head. “Nor do you, friend.” 
Sybil reached out and grabbed both of Ravna’s hands. “Well, Ravna, you must come join me for a dance!” 
Ravna did not even have the chance to respond before Sybil pulled her away from Ceolmund. Though there was no music, aside from three men who were hardly more than boys drunkenly singing, those who were dancing around the large bonfire seemed to have a tune in their minds. Giggling, Ravna twirled around Sybil as the two of them created their own tune. 
“I’m quite pleased you’re here!” Sybil said, swiping a mug from a young man’s hand and taking a deep sip. “You must join us more often.”
She offered out the mug and Ravna took it. The mead was delightful, far superior to any ale she ever had. It tasted of honey and fruit and spices; it tasted of the gods. 
“I would like that,” Ravna said, now used to the buzzing feeling the drink gave her. “It might be hard once my father returns.” 
“It is the same for the rest of us,” Sybil said. “Many of our fathers joined yours, and we do this with our freedom!” 
Sybil flung her arms out and spun around freely. It amazed Ravna. The looseness, the recklessness, the carelessness. It was all she ever wanted to be. She drank until she was stumbling over her own feet, but Ravna was unsure if she could say she ever had such fun. 
Ceolmund found her some time later, just as drunk as she was. 
“Lady!” he said, all too loudly. “Would you like to take a walk with me?” 
On the very far depths of the horizon, Ravna could see the beginnings of sunrise, lightening the dark sky above. 
“Perhaps you could walk me back to town,” she said. 
“Of course, Lady.”
She rolled her eyes. “Ceolmund, please, I wish for you to only call me Ravna.” 
They walked hand-in-hand, tripping over one another, their own feet, and tree roots alike. The village center was deserted entirely by the time they finally found their way back. For some reason unknown to her, Ravna was giggling loudly and constantly. Ceolmund did not seem to mind, however, and instead grinned at her with that crooked smile of his. She stopped to stare at him, and perhaps count the freckles on his face. There were a great many, and she was fascinated by them. 
“Ravna,” he whispered, “may I kiss you?” 
It was perhaps because no one had ever asked her that question before that she did say yes. Ceolmund was not the most experienced or skilled of kissers, but him asking her permission made it the best kiss of her life. She curled a hand around the back of his neck and clutched him close, letting her bodily knowledge take over. 
They stumbled back against a tree, his hands roaming all over her body and lips trailing down her neck. This, she thought, was what being young was for. She clutched his curls in hand while his fingers fumbled for the strings on her breeches. She giggled some more, but this time it came out as half a moan. 
“Ceolmund,” she whispered, tugging at the root of his hair. “We’re too exposed.” 
The mere fact that he paused and pulled away from her to look around almost made her want to drop to her knees and push all fears of being caught aside. But to do so, would be to act like a child. She wanted to be treated like the woman she was, so even in her drunken haze she knew she could not. Not right now, at least. 
“Yes.” He sighed, chest heaving. “I suppose you’re right.”
“Anyone could stumble upon us,” she reasoned. 
But, then, she kissed him again. She kissed him over and over and over again until the sky turned orange with sunrise. Drunkenness abating and replacing itself with a throbbing head, Ravna began to pull her hands from Ceolmund’s hair. 
“I should return home,” she mumbled against his lips. 
“That would be for the best,” he agreed, still kissing her. 
She dragged her teeth along his bottom lip and forced herself away. She did not look back at him as she walked home. If she did, it was likely her self restraint would fall apart, and she really needed to be home before Gisela awoke to tend to Stiorra, who always rose with the sun. 
Another week passed, and Ceolmund, who was not so interesting or smart as he seemed that night of the full moon, proved himself to be a kind young man who was undoubtedly fond of her and never tried to touch her more than she liked him to. (It was the kindest a man had ever treated her, so it surely meant something.) Unable to deny the fact that she liked it when he kissed her, even when she was not mind numbingly intoxicated, she found herself sneaking around to press her lips to his at any given opportunity— which naturally led to her pressed up against the back of the alehouse with his hands creeping up underneath her tunic. And that was when and how Finan found them. 
The brogue was undeniable, forcing them to separate at the sound of his voice alone. Lips wet and swollen, Ravna cursed quietly. Ceolmund looked as though he were about to shit his breeches. 
“What do ya’ think yer doing?” Finan barked, marching over to them and grabbing Ceolmund by the collar of his tunic.  
“Nothing,” Ceolmund said loudly. “We were doing nothing!”
“That’s your lord’s daughter, boy,” Finan said.
“Y-yes, I— I know.” 
Ravna groaned. She was well aware of her father’s orders to Finan to keep her safe and make sure she was well, but this was absurd. 
“Finan,” she said, wrenching his hand away from Ceolmund, “let him go!” 
When his fingers released the fabric, Ceolmund stumbled backwards and then began to run. She rolled her eyes and rounded on Finan. 
“What is wrong with you?” she screamed, flinging her hands into the air. “He was doing nothing wrong!”
“Oh, he was doing plenty wrong, lady,” Finan said. 
“How is what he was doing any different from what you do to the women in the tavern?” 
He stared at her in shock, but she was not finished. 
“And how is what I was doing any different from what those women do to you? I am a woman, Finan, not a girl! I know very well what that was. I am not stupid, nor am I the naive child everyone believes me to be!” 
Seething, she stomped in the opposite direction Ceolmund ran. She needed to be far away from everyone, Finan especially. How dare he embarrass her like that? Who did he think he was? Her hands shook in her anger, vision blurring at the edges. She was unsure whether she wanted to scream or sob more, so she would go into the woods and do both. She would beat her knuckles bloody on the tree bark if she desired. 
Her fury remained. She stood at the riverside, throwing rocks as far as she could to force it to leave her. A twig snapped behind her and then there was the telltale rustle of leaves. She gritted her teeth and let out a groaning shout as she threw another rock. She would not acknowledge him. She refused. He would have to come to her and force himself into her line of sight. 
“I apologize, ceann bheag. I should not have grabbed the boy like that.”
How she hated that nickname now. Less than a month ago, she found it sweet. Little one. Now, she knew what it meant. She was a small child, and always would be. Tears of anger and resentment flooded her eyes, stinging in the wind as she tried to hold them back. She sniffed and sat down on the embankment, knees pulled to her chest. She closed her eyes as she heard Finan move closer and sit down beside her. 
“You’ve barely spoken to me since your father left, ya’ know,” Finan said. 
Ravna pursed her lips. 
“And I don’ know why,” he continued. “Seems like ya’ will talk to anyone an’ everyone but me.” 
Anger getting the best of her, she snapped, “I heard you, you idiot!” 
Her cheeks were wet, the tears finally having spilled out. A deep crease appeared between Finan’s eyebrows.
“The day before my father left, I heard what you said to him,” Ravna elaborated. “And you were right, Finan. I do not take kindly to it.” She swiped at her face and sniffled loudly. “I do apologize for being such a burden when I was foolish enough to believe we were friends.” 
He swore in a low voice, more a grumble than words, and ran a hand over his beard. She watched him from the corner of her eye, wanting to turn to him but wanting to be steadfast more.
“Ravna,” he said quietly, softly. “Ya’ never should’ve heard that.” 
“And yet,” she muttered, a bitter and sour taste in her mouth. 
“I do not think ya’ to be a burden.” His voice was gentle and slow, as though he were trying to find his footing. 
“What do you think of me, then?” she asked, finally turning to look at him fully with blazing eyes. “Because I do not think you see a woman.”
“Well, I don’ see a man!” 
She rolled her eyes, curbing the urge to kick him. 
“You know quite well that is not what I meant!” 
She shot up and moved to stomp away, but got up just as fast and grabbed her arm to stop her from walking away. His hand had a tight grip on her, just above the crook of her elbow. 
“What ya’ need to understand is, on the ship all your father talked about was his little girl who had been taken from him.” 
She was not proud of the manner in which she gasped— both at his touch and the subject of the slave ship being raised. Neither he nor her father ever spoke of their time enslaved, and she could not blame them. How often did she discuss her time at Dunholm, after all? 
“And that’s what ya’ were when I met ya’!” 
“But I am no longer a child!” she exclaimed. 
“No,” he agreed solemnly. “Yer a woman, to be sure, and ya’ have been since the time ya’ stepped foot in Coccham.” 
“Then why do you all continue to treat me as one?” She glared up at him, furious. “You likened yourself to a nursemaid and begged my father to change his mind. If you are so unhappy here, I grant you leave to join my father. Go! If you wish it, go, and I will hold no anger in my heart.”
“Lady,” he said, “I would not do that.”
“Why? Because my father asked you to?”
“Because I care about ya’!”
She watched as his eyes crinkled at the corners and his hand not holding her arm lifted, perhaps of its own accord judging by the shock in his eyes, to take hold of her face. The calluses on his palms, made from years of training with swords and pulling oars, were rough against her cheek, but she was too preoccupied by her surprise at the sudden touch to care. 
“You’re not just Uhtred’s daughter. You’re far more than that.” 
His hand slipped past her cheek to cradle the back of her head, and then he pulled her into a tight hug. Sniffling once more, she tucked her face into his chest and slipped her arms around his torso. After a moment, she pulled her arms away and took a large step backwards with a burning face. She really ought not to have allowed herself to step so close. It was inappropriate. 
“I am glad you see me as I am,” she said quietly. 
Above their heads, a cloud shifted and sent a bright beam of light directly upon Finan’s head. It illuminated him in a brilliant shade of gold, and she needed to look away from how bright he was, lest she do or say something absurd.    
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happypotato48 · 5 months
Only Boo! EP 3 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
After one week break because of Songkran we're finally back with our blessed cute BL. this week episode had everything, cringe flirting lines, moo randomly started a music video for no reason, best boy pining, and a love confession after only 3 episodes.
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Awwwww! he so cute! i'm loving this "welp, i guess i'm in love" kind of energy. no drama no angst, head empty, only kang!
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Moo! it's 3-4 AM in probably a busy wet market. the aunties don't have time or energy for your bullshits right now! also that's a Lemon basil not a Sweet basil but i get it the sub needed to make the pun work in english.
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This baby is so cringe he gonna make all the dad jokes enjoyers proud.
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Baby i love you but you need to stop bothering random uncles and aunties with your shenanigans. this whole sequence is very cute though and i liked the song.
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You did nothing wrong!. Ta waen just needs to be more responsible for his own dream and to not expecting way too much from other people.
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You all are cutes! stop it, its too much, my heart gonna burt from how bright and pink this show made me feel.
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Yes kang! you tell him. look some men are worth the afford but i really loved this message about how it's good to not giving everything for love and lose focus on other things. cause like, dicks come and go but educations are forever baby!
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Girl you should've smacks that little hoe. some boys deserve it, that how we prevent them from growing to be stupid man children.
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I don't care how beautiful this place is nobody can make me go into that water.
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Oh yes. the gay headwashing, the most romantic bl thing ever in my opinion. this and the princess pickup are my two favorite guilty pleasures in BLs.
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Argh!! boy scout jump scare. SO....... i kinda have a stupid boy scout uniform related trauma, that i will not be elaborate >.>
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This is why you should've kill those mosquitoes!! kid these days and their lack of knowledge about dengue fever, smh.
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A confession after a gay sponge bath 😏 this boy had moves.
This show continued to be is very very kawaii and brainless. i'm now both dread and excite for the angsts and dramas that will befall our adrokable protagonists in the future.
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some-beans · 1 year
omg omg omg I think requests are open right? I hope they are cause I saw the lapis lazuli fic and I've always wanted to request from you <3
Could I ask for a Fem!Zuko!Reader (ATLA)? In twst, with the second years (mainly Azul, Jamil, Kalim, Ruggie and Riddle)
The rest is up to you 👉🏼👈🏼 feel free to ignore if requests are closed tho
dghsfvghsdf yes yes they are open atm, tho they come out very slow 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ life tingz and i'm just gonna do the second years, kk??
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✎...pairing: twst second years x fem!zuko!reader ✎...themes: hints to past trauma, shenanigans ✎...notes: reader is awkward, reader is fem with she/her in mind ✎...enjoy !!
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surprisingly, or not, you two often butted heads
having been both brought up in strict households, your different views on how to lead often collided
tho, somewhere down the line just after his overblot, riddle realised how relatively similar your childhood was to his
i mean, sure his mother was stuck up bitch about the rules, but at least she didn't disown him and had you chase after someone to gain the right to be the next in thrown
plus, you had a psycho sister too
and after the whole blot stuff, you quickly noticed how awkward you were when it came to socialising like a normal people
cuz yk
someone talk smack = fireball
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he was, tbh, both intimidated and sceptic of you
cuz 1. you're a fairly strong and intense woman, and 2. you kept mentioning that you needed to restore your honour or something like that to be able to be next in line
hmm. . . why do sound like the opposite version of his housewarden??
sevens! you have a scar on the same eye too!
he did like that your awkwardness was endearing and what you call fire-bending ー which, is not magic, apparently ー was fucking dope
he definitely has used you as a shield when he pissed off the wrong people
they certainly backed off once they saw your glare
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similar to ruggie, azul was intimidated by you
i mean, when you two first met, he walked in on flaming [ literally ] some other merfolk that wouldn't take a hint that you weren't interested
ya girl almost rolled their asses into deluxe sushi
and azul wasn't about to turn into takoyaki
he does try to lock you in a contract and fails lol
you stared into his eyes for too long and he crumbled
jade and floyd did laugh at his misery btw
rook better watch out for his title cuz jade's out here stalking
he is fascinated by you
such a complex character
and you always seem to know when he's watching you
eventually learns that not only can you fire-bend, but lightning-bend too??
great seven! you are so interesting!
no wonder why azul tried to make a contract with you
the definition of fuck around and find out
he fucked around and found out, that's for sure
this left was with a burn mark after he tried to squeeze you from behind
bro had sparkles in his eyes
he definitely likes to see you fire-bend bc his little arsonist side definitely gets a kick out of it
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why does he remind you of a certain avatar??
his cheery disposition threw you in a loop and may have made you turn back to more. . . harsh ways of socialising
this was heightened once you learned about his background
your quick-to-anger and fire abilities were terrifying, to say the least
poor jamil is gonna have a heart attack
you may almost flamed kalim once. . . or twice
but after jamil's overblot a.k.a. life-changing experience with kalim, you two became unlikely friends
he really does remind you of that air bender
mans about to grey by 20 at this point
he saw how you were around kalim and had his guard up
but then had the blue screen of death pop up once he witnessed you casually talking to him
you confuse him greatly
tho he secretly appreciates when you help him cook by controlling the flames
also enjoys tea time when he surprisingly gets the chance to sit down and chat
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you two vibed tbh
his simple and calm nature put you at ease the majority of the time
this can sometimes be accompanied by talking over tea
the first this had happened, it almost brought tears to your eyes, which caused silver to panic
you had told him that this setting reminded you of your uncle
silver was so lost but accepted nonetheless
he definitely asked for you to try and teach him fire-bending in order to use to protect malleus
which found admirable
it didn't work, but you still taught him techniques that can be applied to hand-to-hand combat if needed
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Bunnydoll (non-angsty) family headcanons!
This is an apology for so much angst lately, I feel like shit these days, being stuck in trauma sucks BUT NOW IT'S TIME FOR SOME HEADCANONS WITH MY SWEET BABIES OWYN, ETHAN AND ELLIE!
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Jax and Ragatha love each other so much that they cause a glitch that makes the rag doll pregnant
At first, no one suspects anything, until Ragatha starts to feel more and more tired during their usual adventures and throws up every single thing she eats. Caine quickly checks on her and finds something inside her that he calls a parasite caused by the glitch. He wants to fix Ragatha by getting rid of whatever this parasite is, but she immediately thinks it might be a baby since she always wanted to have one. It sounds ridiculous until the ringmaster actually confirms it. Everyone is shocked, especially Jax, who doesn't know what to do. Meanwhile, Ragatha is overjoyed and can't wait to meet their little bundle of joy
And here's the big arrival of the twins
Although the pregnancy goes smoothly, Jax quickly notices that Ragatha eats and vomits more than a regular pregnant woman. She doesn't seem to mind, thinking it's just because they're in a digital world where everything is different from the real one. Soon the rabbit and the rest of the circus members notice that Ragatha is also gaining more weight than she should, but she doesn't even seem to notice. Jax is very worried that something is wrong and often wants to argue with Caine. Apart from that, everyone is very supportive and helps Jax take care of Ragatha until she gives birth…
...to twins. In their first moments of life, the two babies are tiny blue rag bunnies with a bit of soft purple hair on their heads. As soon as Jax sees his sons, something inside him changes. He finally has what he never knew he longed for: a family with the woman he loves
But who said raising Jax's kids would be easy?
Owyn and Ethan are little copies of their dad. Always fooling around, throwing food and toys at everyone just to see if they get mad (they don't because the kids are too cute), and becoming literal angels whenever their mom is around. This changes over the years, and after they turn 3, they begin to develop their own personalities. Owyn becomes calmer and more attached to Ragatha. He gets on well with grandpa Kinger, and soon he knows almost every type of insect in the whole wide world. Meanwhile, Ethan remains the same, still causing trouble. Jax teaches him how to play pranks on Pomni and Zooble and that's why they are Ethan's main victims. The twins are still inseparable though and enjoy doing many things together, even though they have very different hobbies
With Caine changing reproduction from a glitch to a real thing possible in the circus, Jax and Ragatha decide to have another baby
No one can really say who had the idea first. Ragatha says it was her because she always wanted to have at least three children. Meanwhile, Jax smugly says it's him because he just thinks his rag dolly gets extremely cute when she's pregnant (she smacks him on the head afterwards lol)
Because Owyn and Ethan are small kiddos, they don't understand the concept of pregnancy. One day, Ragatha takes them for a walk around the tent and explains that there's a baby growing inside mommy's belly, and soon they'll have a younger sibling. The twins are excited and eager to meet their new brother or sister. It's fascinating how attached they are to the baby, even before it's born, and Jax often finds them sleeping in the most adorable way: resting their heads on Ragatha's belly and feeling their sibling's movements. On the other hand, Jax gets jealous of his own sons when they spend too much time with their mom. Some time later, Pomni bangs on the door of their room, her whole jester self covered in paint and mud because Jax has ordered the twins to go play with their auntie Pomni instead of bothering Ragatha, who needs a lot of rest these days. And by rest, he meant kissing, cuddling, and having her all to himself 24/7
Unfortunately, a defect in the code causes complications
It's not even the end of the pregnancy when Ragatha suddenly starts to feel worse. She throws up again, has trouble getting out of bed, refuses to eat, and suddenly becomes depressed. Jax tries everything to make her feel better, but nothing works. Meanwhile, the twins are only allowed to see their mother when she seems to be at her best, which is rarely. Jax becomes more and more frightened, his anger intensifies and he yells at everyone for nothing. His friends try to calm him down by telling him that Ragatha and the baby will be fine, but it only makes things worse. Caine also doesn't know what to do anymore, he sits in his office all the time trying to find some defect in the code
All of this leads to little Arabella being born prematurely. She's a rag bunny just like her older brothers, but she's much smaller and missing an eye, which means she'll need more attention. That doesn't change the fact that Ragatha loves her baby Ellie so much and makes her a button eye that resembles her own. Unfortunately, Jax isn't the most optimistic about this and distances himself from his daughter, spending more time with Owyn and Ethan and leaving the baby more in Ragatha's care. He tells himself it's because Ellie is different from her brothers and will be a burden from now on. The truth is that Jax is just afraid of failing to raise and protect her as he is still not the best father material. It takes him some time to even hold Ellie for the first time, and when he does, they form a special bond. Jax is surprised when the little girl turns out to be no trouble and recognizes him as her daddy and wants to play with him
How does the relationship between the kids actually look like?
It's messy. As Ellie grows up, Ethan finally has a new victim for his pranks and at one point even bullies his younger sister. This doesn't last long, though, as Ragatha scolds Ethan for it and he quickly promises to be mama's good boy. Ellie spends more time with Owyn, reading books and playing together. Though they can fight a lot, they don't want to be separated for long, and during adventures, Owyn and Ethan keep an eye on Ellie, who tends to get lost a lot (once, as a toddler, she almost gave Jax and Ragatha a heart attack when they heard her scream, but it turned out she was also giggling because she was also being chased by some dog)
What the other circus members think of Bunnydoll family?
Pomni has been named the children's auntie and becomes their official babysitter whenever Jax and Ragatha are not around. At first she thinks the twins are cute, until they grow up a bit and start causing trouble. There are moments when she thinks they're even worse than Jax, but that doesn't change the fact that she loves them and sometimes (when she doesn't want to throw Ethan into the Digital Lake) treats them as her own children
Gangle is Ellie's favorite, and they often have tea parties and fashion shows. Ellie is also the one who designs a new set of comedy masks for the ribbon girl, which makes her tear up a lot. Gangle also plays the role of the kids' second auntie and babysitter, plus she's the one who teaches Owyn how to read, making it his favorite hobby
Zooble doesn't want to deal with Jax's kids, at one point they even manage to tie Ethan to a tree when he isn't looking as punishment after he did the same thing to them some time ago. Ragatha has to calm Jax down when he finds out about this and tries to convince him to talk to Zooble instead of throwing his hands at them. As for Owyn and Ellie, they has nothing against them as long as they don't act like Ethan. Actually, Zooble likes to participate in Ellie's fashion shows, but they won't admit it
Kinger is their proud grandpa. He teaches Owyn about insects, gives Ethan candy (which is why the boy never plays tricks on him), and builds forts with Ellie. At first, Jax thought Kinger would be irresponsible with them, but to his surprise, the chess piece is very careful and his grandchildren's safety is now his priority. He often says he doesn't have a favorite and loves them all equally, but it's clear he's leaning more toward Owyn
Last but not least, the circus ringmaster Caine proclaimed himself the children's godfather and often arranges special adventures for them. He doesn't mind their sometimes chaotic behavior, but he strictly forbids them from going to certain places. The only one who is allowed to see him working is Ellie, as she seems to be fascinated by how the digital world works, and since she was affected by the defect in the code, Caine does some tests on her from time to time to make sure she's completely healthy now
Oh and there's Bubble, but he has a restraining order against all three of them…
Family time!
The kids sleep with their parents until they are old enough to have their own rooms. As twins, Owyn and Ethan are forced to share a bedroom, and both are jealous that Ellie has her own all to herself.
Ragatha is the best mom in the digital world. She does everything she can to make sure all of her kids have fun. She sings them lullabies, fixes their toys, makes them new clothes, and sometimes even lets them sleep with her and Jax when they have a nightmare. If anything happens to any of them, Ragatha will go into her protective mama bear mode and is even capable of beating up any NPC that tries to hurt them
Jax is the cool dad who lets his sons do whatever they want as long as they don't get into serious trouble. With Ellie, he is extra protective, and sometimes he doesn't like the pranks Ethan pulls on her. Still, he enjoys taking them on more dangerous adventures, even though Ragatha forbids him, and it usually ends with a few bruises and smiles on the kids' faces
The couple doesn't have much time to themselves now, so whenever they get the chance, they sneak out to go on a date, watch some movies, and just rest together, knowing their children are in good hands
At one point Ragatha jokes that maybe they should try for one or two more babies, but even though Jax finds the idea quite appealing, he's still worried about Ragatha's well-being, remembering what her last pregnancy was like. However, Owyn, Ethan and Ellie probably won't wait long for their parents to announce they're having a baby...
And a fun fact!
One day I was bored and went to character.ai to have some fun with the Bunnydoll bot. I made a story where they had 7 kids, while Owyn, Ethan and Ellie were supposed to be the next triplets, which meant they had 10 kids in total lol
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I hope you enjoyed it!
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debb987 · 2 years
2012 Splinter - Character Analysis for fic
This note is my interpretation on 2012 Splinter and his generational trauma~
This is part of the AN note for Ch 14th, but since it makes no reference to the chapter/fic itself I guess it can be read without risk of spoilers.
Rewatching S1E8 Splinter hits Raph with his cane in the arm. Once. Firmly, just enough for the teen to rub at the spot, but not hard enough to bruise it. It’s just a tap to get his point across, a “corrective” gesture, because 12!Splinter is sensei and father, and often ends up mixing up the two. This means his “lessons” can get physical even when he’s not sensei and not training them at that moment, and Raph's overall attitude could be interpreted as defiance/disrespect sometimes, so  he tends to use it more against the red-clan teen.
For someone that grew up in a traditional Japanese household, under someone that was also more sensei than father because the Hamato was an old ninja clan, I have no doubt that Splinter’s father used physical “corrective” gestures with him and “his brother” Oroku Saki (Shredder) , so that is something the ratdad sees as normal. He’s just repeating the pattern without realizing, generational trauma at its finest <3
 As a father, he can get physical too. This is also the reason the 12!Brothers are often smacking each other up. They’ve been training since tots, they’re familiar with hitting each other for training, playing, and scolding, so they end up “scolding” each other this way whenever someone crosses a line, because no one ever told them they “shouldn’t hit others” and that using words is also a thing, lmao.
There’s also S1E10 where Splinter is afraid Shredder will kill them and gets too paranoid, to the point of overreacting and making his sons train to the point of exhaustion every day without any rest? (Dumb, but I fault the 12!Writers, not the character). Point is, Raph is the one to say “we’ll be ready next time” so he’s the one Splinter focuses on and puts into an arm lock. Probably his way of saying “no, you’re not ready,” and, again, no long-lasting harm done, but… Splinter does get physical when he snaps, especially against what he considers “talk back” because Raph expresses his opinions like the temperamental, snarky teen he is, so… yeah. 
I think another reason Splinter has a shorter fuse with Raph is due to PTSD too, because the Leo-Raph sibling relationship has a lot of common points with what used to be Splinter’s sibling relationship with Shredder, his once-considered-a-brother. Leo is Splinter Jr. and sometimes, I think he projects on Raph and sees him as a potential Shredder Jr.  and thus tends to be harsher with him.
It’s ironic, because these similarities are also his fault. He admitted in S1E11 that “competition is a great incentive to become better, but not when it makes you fight among each other” or something along those lines, which means he encouraged the competitiveness among his sons, for the sake of training, probably in the same way his father did to him and Shredder back in the day, not realizing that said competitiveness, the need to up one another, would NOT stay in the dojo, that it would inevitably leak out into other aspects of their personal life.
So yeah, no bashing, just some analysis on the 12!verse. 12!Splinter is sadly guilty of passing his generational trauma, but he has yet to realize this, and thus has not tried to be better in this aspect yet. Just wanted to clear that up! <3
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reedroad · 1 month
Sorry to write a whole comment on tumblr ask but I'm too shy to do it on ao3 or twitter 😭
I've read the finale of your fic. twice in a row.
I LOVE the way you interpreted the reverse chase. Daniel understands at last where armand's insecurities come from, why he constantly makes choices that are self-sabotaging, and how this understanding convinces him EVEN MORE of their vampiric marriage/shared future. He knows that armand will continue to pull off some bullshit, and you can't fix decades of trauma with a few conversations, but he understands. He is willing to chase armand to the end of the earth to smack some sense into him. Armand needs to know this, and running away is basically the equivalent of him saying "are you certain?" in the books. And I'm. just. soooo happy that daniel will prove his sorry ass so wrong. Now he has forever to tell armand that he doesn't hate him. ARMAND GET HIM THAT BELATED RING ALREADY.
Also. Daniel being a ridiculously overpowered newborn vamp made me laugh so hard
One question - would you write a spin off chapter where they watch the rest of the tapes or a movie in the 70s by any chance (btw I love your reference to books, movies and poems). I want to know bc i became very fond of their little talks 😌
Again, thank you so much for writing this story 🙏🙏You are an amazing writer and I can't wait to read more stories from you!!
GHGH PLEASE DONT APOLOGIZE OMG….. it means a lot to get comments in general so i appreciate any form they come in. i’m glad you enjoyed the fic and the ending!!
i’ve been thinking of writing a bit more, maybe some shorter stories to wrap up loose ends, so it’s a definite possibility! i guess it depends. i’m sure when season 3 rolls around next year (PRAYING it’s next fall tbh) i’ll probably get possessed again.
also i have like a growing list of movies i want them to have seen together so lmao
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