#i just need him to smile at me once and i’ll die a happy women
fullsunstrawberry · 8 months
i have a tiktok to show youuuu haechans smile in this made me feral😫
BROOOO 😭 why is he doing all of that rn making me go feral
and in ALL RED 😨🫣😳🤤👹👹
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Written by: Whispers of Affection
Edited by: Whispers of Affection
Date: 2/3/23
Word Count: 1,785 (Itsa big boy)
Status: GREEN
Warnings: None
Pirate Gojou??? I hate this man but this idea was stifling the rest of my creativity, it needed to be written down. Was this inspired by Harry Styles's song…… dEfiAnTlY nOt.
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She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
She was always in his dreams, laughing and smiling, a smile as bright as the sun that washed the sea in sparkling colors and sunny skies.
Eyes as dark as emerald pools filled with shimmering stones that held every emotion in its soft waves.
But he didn’t know who she was.
He loved her more than the sea itself. He would do anything for the woman in his dreams.
“Satoru!” She called from the water alongside his boat, that bright smile blinding him. “The water feels amazing! You should come in!”
“Ah, but Darling,” he smirked, looking down and lifting his blindfold to stare at her with his shining eyes, the eyes he knew she loved so much. “I have to watch my crew. You know those men are trouble.”
“They won’t cause trouble!” she laughed, holding up her arms for him, a gentle call for his presence. “Come in with me!”
“You tempt me too much, my love. Get ready I’ll be down!”
She was a piece of heaven that he never deserved.
He loved her so much, the woman from his dreams.
If only he knew who she was.
Satoru opened his eyes to see the ceiling of his captain’s cabin, like every other morning he woke up from that paradise that was his dream. He blinked a few times, thick white eyelashes brushing against his cheeks and eyes sparkling in the dim light the window from the wall provided. He closed them, remembering fondly of his recent visit with her, trying to grasp the thread of a memory that felt like it might slip away.
“Yes darling,” he asked, holding her in his arms, staring out at the sea that they both called their home. The waves crashed upon the bluff violently and created a sound like no other, placing them both into a state of pleasant comfort within each other’s embrace. “What’s bothering you?”
“I don’t quite understand.”
“Understand what?” Satoru did not comprehend the vague statement, trying to relax her further with touches as soft as morning rain.
“Why did you go through what you did for me? You traveled the world for me,” she answered, fiddling with his long slender fingers. “You didn’t have to help me, yet you did. And you loved me when I put you through hell.”
Satoru smiled, looking down at her and gently turning her head to face him, feeling her presence even though he could not see her. “I knew from the moment I saw you, that you were the woman of my dreams. My dear, I would cross oceans for you and do it over and over again just to call you mine. I would travel through hell and face Satan himself if just to see you content, our love knows no bounds, darling. ”
Opening his eyes again, he inhaled deeply, face devoid of emotion. Why did she have to be in his dreams, why couldn’t she be real? That thought alone was the entire bane of his existence. She haunted him with that smile every day to the point where his crew thought he might be falling into delusion. She twisted his mind into a state of compliance and left him a lonely man who realized how meaningless his life was without her.
Satoru blinked once more, wondering why she would ever think he wouldn’t love her, or wouldn’t die just to see that smile one last time. Her emotions as of late had been different in his dreams. She was sadder, more insecure, and constantly needed reassurance that he was still there by her side. Normally, Satoru would not find this quality bearable in a woman, he had no time to pick pieces of broken lovers and he was not usually one to pick women who did not match him in power and skill.
But he would pick up her pieces just to try to make her happy. Even though she blatantly did not have any reserves of cursed energy like him, no way to openly defend herself with something as trivial as magic, he would protect her forever. He would die for her if that’s what it took.
“What did she do to me?” Satoru sighed, throwing an arm over his eyes with a wry smile.
His mingled thoughts were interrupted when a brisk knock was put upon his door and someone cleared their throat. Satoru didn’t need to sense the cursed energy to know that it was Nanami, the disgruntled huff was enough.
“Gojo, we are nearing the harbor. Do you want Fushiguro to bring her in?”
“Yes,” Satoru answered after a quick thought, sitting up and tossing his legs over the bed. “He’ll do fine. I've taught him well. Were we followed by Mahito and his band of bitches?”
There was a pause, making Gojo raise an eyebrow. Was his blatant foul mouth too much for his first mate or was there something else? “Nanami, were we followed?”
“No,” he sighed from the other side of the door. “We lost them last night just before we reached these waters. There will be no doubt that they will try to find us but we have a bit of time.”
“Ah good,” he smiled, very pleased by that answer, standing up and going to his drawer filled with clothes. “I would hate to kill them all. Their ship is not designed to keep up with the Infinity so I’m sure they are kicking themselves for losing us. They’re all whale blubber with hair for brains. You can leave now Nanami, I’ll be up in a bit.”
Another sigh. “Alright.”
Satoru stood in silence, waiting for Nanami to go above deck, his footfalls getting farther and higher while he climbed the stairs to get to the outside air. He turned, opened the drawer, and grabbed a fresh pair of trousers and a shirt, putting them on and buttoning up the silver buttons only about halfway, leaving some of his chest exposed. He grabbed his blindfold, slipping it over his head while he leaned back, letting the covering go over his crystalline eyes unhindered by his soft white hair.
He exhaled a tired breath, turned around, and walked out of his quarters. Above deck, he basked in the way the wind hit his face just right. He inhaled the salty air he had grown up around and surveyed his crew, who were starting to hustle to prepare everything.
“Captain on deck!” Todou yelled from his spot refilling the canons with powder, his voice traveling in the wind. “Look alive you rapscallions!”
Gojou chuckled, shaking his head, and walked along the planks of his beautiful ship towards the wheel, waving at Megumi, who adorned a rather disgusted look on his face upon seeing Gojou. “Good morning Megumi! And how are you doing? Taking care of my ship in my stead?”
“Mhm,” he murmured, trying to concentrate on something other than Satoru’s face. “Why did you make me do this?”
Satoru’s smile widened like a Cheshire Cat and Megumi rolled his eyes, deciding it was not worth it to hear his captain's answer. He turned back to the wheel, hoping that Gojou would get bored and walk away to bother another who had more free time on their hands.
“The real reason I’m having you steer the Infinity is that I’ve noticed she has been doing better under your hand,” Satoru answered, face resuming one of a more serious tone. “Since she is technically a weapon imbued with cursed energy, she can feel yours. I think for right now, you have the most potential to become something bigger. You have the upper hand over Itadori and Kugisaki since I am training you three. Use it, sometimes being selfish isn’t all that bad.”
Gojou nodded, turning and walking away from the wheel, leaving Fushiguro to do the job he was getting proficient at.
“Satoru,” she whispered, poking him and turning over in their plush bed, pulling the blankets further up her body. “Satoru I’m cold.”
“Is that so darling,” his voice laced with sleep, eyes slowly opening and staring directly into hers. “And what do you want me to do? Don’t you live in the sea? You should be accustomed to the cold, am I wrong?”
“You know that’s not the same thing,” she practically whined, making him crack a smile at her adorable antics. “Can you please hold me? You're so warm.”
“So, are you saying that you would only be in my arms to be warm and not-”
“Gojou Satoru hold me right now I swear to the gods!”
Satoru laughed, quickly grabbing her by her cute plump stomach and pulling her flush to his chest. He buried his head into the back of her neck and placed a soft kiss there, feeling her relax into what she claimed was his warmth.
“I love you,” he murmured against her skin, gently caressing the now prominent hips that showed when she lay beside him.
“I love you too,” she whispered, grabbing his hand and lacing their fingers together, bringing their connected hands to her chest. “So much.”
“Let’s stay here forever my love.”
Satoru inhaled sharply, turning to Itadori, who was waving a hand in front of his face frantically. “Gojou what happened? Are you ok? You never space out like that?”
Satoru frowned, trying to understand why he was just remembering that now, of all times. That hadn’t been in his dreams had it? No, he would have remembered that.
Then it hit him.
“Don’t you live in the sea?”
“What?” Itadori frowned, starting to feel worried for his captain. “No- no I don’t live in the sea. Are you ok?”
“Yes,” Satoru paused, not truly paying attention to the young man, more preoccupied with the fact that the woman of his dreams did not live on land like the rest of humanity. “I’m fine. I’m fine. Tell me when we are nearing the harbor. I’ll.. be in my quarters.”
“Sure thing! But, why are we going to the harbor? We don’t need to right now. We gathered all of our supplies a few months ago and we don’t need to restock. Plus, we got a whole lot more when we raided that other ship.”
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answers to Yūji,” Gojou called, walking away, expression never changing, making Itadori frown.
The fact was.
Gojou didn’t know why they were going to the harbor either, but he had this very strange gut feeling that it had to happen. And his gut instincts were never something to be ignored.
© Whispers of Affection
I do not own any of the characters created by the mangaka of Jujutsu Kaisen but I do not condone rewrites or copies of my work. Reblogs are fine as long as I receive the credit.
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luna-writes-stuff · 3 years
I would be honored if you could do an imagine for Fili crushing on someone who went on the journey with the Company. He thought she liked his brother, but after seeing him with Tauriel, Fili feels like he has a chance and offers everything to make her as happy as he thought she would be with Kili. Lovely fluff and some misunderstandings with everyone living because IF I CAN'T SEE CANON THEN IT DOESN'T EXIST
Mixed signals, Fili Durin (platonic Kili x reader)
what do you mean they don’t usually live???? Idk I always skip the last half hour of botfa. If I don’t see it, it doesn’t exist.
Ahahah I got taken away a bit so it’s a long request. Sorry….
Headcanons, female s/o
Tw: misunderstood feelings, mention of injury and blood, tiny sprinkle of angst, fluff, Kili being a lil shit, Fili being jealous, few mentions of Y/N I’m so sorry.
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- This man is whipped for you. I posted a request similar to this one yesterday, and I feel like it says enough.
- The moment he sees you, he knows you’re his One. Yet, he can’t allow himself to show you. His brother wouldn’t shut up about it and besides that, after Erebor was to be reclaimed, he had to marry royalty in order to form an alliance.
- But Thorin wasn’t blind. He has seen the look in Dis’ eyes many times before. He had seen his sister find her One, so it came as nothing out of the ordinary when he witnessed his nephew do the same.
- And this is pre-dragonsickness. Back when Thorin was all “I hate everyone but I guess I have to keep up with these two idiots so I’ll tolerate them.”
- And he wanted to grant Fili the opportunity to be with his One. He had even told him to simply go for it.
- But Fili was a bit insecure. When you met him, you didn’t seem taken away in any way. It was almost as if it had only been him who was in love.
- And with that, you had grown remarkably close to his brother, Kili. You two joked around all the time. You sat together during the evenings, Kili would help you up on your horse/pony, he would take offer your watches and he even let you hold his bow and arrow. That is basically dwarven language for “I love you and I wish to court you” or “I love you and I’m so glad to have you in my family.”
- What Fili didn’t know is that Thorin told Kili about you being his One. But instead of teasing Fili about it, Kili had made it his duty to agitate his brother so much that he would have no choice but to confess to you before Kili would sneak you away.
- For your information: Kili had no intention of sneaking you away. He just wanted to make it look like it for Fili, and, lucky for him, you had just been going along with it subconsciously.
- But it did not agitate Fili. It made the poor lad confused and tired. You were showing so much affection and endearment to his brother that he felt like he could never compete. Even though Kili had never been attractive in dwarven standards, he knew his way around women. And seeing someone finally pay attention to him, made Fili happy for his brother.
- And Kili just kept up with the act. He was oblivious to what his brother was feeling. Thorin had quite specifically told Kili not to tell his brother, and for once, he didn’t. But when days turned into weeks, Kili made more advances. Not in any way uncomfortable for you, but they had been a step further.
- He would let you rest against him during night shifts, he would let his hand linger on your waist when he helped you get onto your horse/pony. This sneaky bastard even managed to toy with your hair.
- Fili grew absolutely devastated at these moments. He had distanced himself more and truly felt as if his One had been taken away and he would die alone.
- But then Mirkwood happened. It was obvious to Fili that his brother had taken a liking on Tauriel, the female elf that saved him earlier. You had been passed out of exhaustion in your cell, not paying attention to your surroundings anymore.
- And that was when Fili finally decided to speak.
- “What are you doing? I thought you liked Y/N and now you’re flirting with that elf? You can’t treat her like that!”
- And now Kili was confused.
- “I thought you liked Y/N?” He had questioned, not even knowing whether his uncle had been lying to him or not.
- “That doesn’t matter. What matters is, you can’t just run around-“ but Kili had already cut him off. “It does matter. Because Y/N isn’t my One. I’m not attracted to her!”
- And now Fili was dead silent. He had been contemplating on whether to act furious or taken aback. In reality, he had been a bit of both.
- “You don’t like Y/N?” Fili asked, nearly insulted.
- “I was only trying to agitate you. Uncle said she was your One but that you wouldn’t confess.” Kili admitted finally, knowing that keeping the act up any longer wouldn’t work.
- “So you tried to beat it out of me?” The only response the blonde got was a quiet hum.
- “You thought I would take away your chance of happiness?” Fili wondered aloud, his anger now showing more clearly. “Well, not if you put it like that-“ “How else am I supposed to put it?”
- With those words, the space grew quiet. One more question lingered on Fili’s mind, and he had to ask it.
- “Does she know you don’t like her?” A short pause was heard from Kili before he responded. “She does. When we grew closer she told me she wasn’t attracted to me and I told her she wasn’t my One.”
- A sigh of relief came Fili’s way, but his brother kept on talking. “She grew all confused by the concept of ‘Ones’. Had to give her a whole history lesson. She thinks it’s adorable. I’m sure she won’t reject you.” With those words, Fili’s ears pricked up.
- “How so?” “Because every time we are together, she won’t stop asking me about you.” Fili never thought someone could ever bring him more butterflies than when you smiled at him, but as Kili’s sentences reached him, his stomach felt all light again.
- “At first I thought it was because you were ignoring her, but I quickly figured out that wasn’t the case.” Kili shot a quick look his brother’s way, even though he had been in a cell on the other side of the hall. “She likes you, she really does. She’s not as good at hiding it as you are. If you ask her to court you, she won’t say no.”
- Fili had spent the entire night pondering over his brother’s words. Even as they escaped the dungeons and took the boat to Laketown, his anxiety bubbled up.
- But as soon as the orcs entered the city, reality sunk back in. They had been on the run while simultaneously claiming their homeland. There might be a chance neither of you would make it. And it terrified him.
- As you were busy holding off the orcs in Bard’s home, Fili had been right beside you covering your back. He knew asking you to court him would require more steps. Up until this moment you had only held a handful of conversations, but Fili was running out of patience.
- “When all this is over, I need you by my side.” He told you quickly, his voice heavy as he fenced off the attackers. You grew confused at your words, yet your actions did not falter one bit. And it only made Fili more attracted to you. How you maintained yourself on a battlefield, yet somehow managed to hold that perfect look. It could quite easily take his breath away.
- “But I am by your side.” You answered, not catching his meaning, thinking it had been too good to be true.
- “I mean by my side at Erebor. When we reclaim the mountain. Will you stay with me?” Upon your silence, Fili tried explaining his speech. “I know asking you to court me requires more steps but we might not have time for them anymore. I need you to stay with me. We can do all these steps afterwards, I promise.”
- You cast him a quick look before giving him a sincere nod. “I’ll stay with you.”
- And that is exactly what you did. Upon finally arriving at the mountain with the four dwarves, Fili finally got the time to braid your hair, even if Thorin told him to look for the Arkenstone. You had even managed to braid his hair too, even though you had no beads yet.
- Even as Thorin slowly grew insane, Fili had done what he promised; he remained by your side, defending you against his uncle and keeping you as safe as he could.
- During the battle of the five armies, you stayed with him and Kili. You traveled with the three of you, not once separating. Not even when Fili decided you should split up. Because of that, you managed to do quite a number on Azog before Thorin called out to him.
- Azog had gotten a good slash on your leg, nothing life threatening but enough to make you collapse on the spot. Fili had been so worried. He had promised to look out for you, but now you were bleeding out on the snow covered floor. Kili had already ran off for help, even though the possibility he would come back with one would be highly unlikely, as battle was still raging on.
- On top of Ravenhill everything had grown silent. Bodies of dead orcs were littered over the floor but all that mattered to Fili right now was you being safe. Eventually, Kili had ran back with Bilbo, Thorin and Gandalf by his side. They had successfully beaten Azog, finally putting an end to the bloodshed.
- As the mountain was being rebuilt, Oin had put you on bed rest to let your leg heal and Fili had been with you the entire time. Thorin hadn’t even tried to get him for royal duties. He knew he had been awful to you during his dragonsickness, and this was his way of apologizing to you. And you had been fine with it.
- When you had finally recovered, Kili took you to the forges to make beads for Fili. You wanted it to be a surprise for him, but you needed supervision. At first, Dis, Fili and Kili’s mother, had offered to help, but it had become her duty to distract the crown prince.
- A few burns and scratched had started to form on both your and Kili’s hands but it had been worth it. The beads were incredible.
- Fili was so happy when you gave them to him. He was so surprised by the amazing details and the thought and time your poured into them.
- He wears them the entire time. Now exceptions. Not even for bed or bath. None. They must always be in his hair.
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skinnyducky · 3 years
class act // v.h.
requested by @lovesicksofi​ 
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a/n this was quite difficult to write. i felt like half the time i was info-dumping and i didn’t want anything to feel redundant or like it was slowing the pace down. however, i tried my best and i think it’s good. i hope this what you were expecting and wanting !
vinnie hacker x plus sized!actress!reader
Word Count: 1544, edited
WARNING: fluff, mentions of death (not real) blood (fake) and stabbing (fake), language, and sadness... i think that’s all.
You were sitting at the makeup chair in your trailer, watching from the mirror as your makeup artist added blood to the corner of your lips. Today was the last day on set for you as your character in your highly anticipated drama film was meeting their demise. It was bittersweet, but after working for a good three months, you were finally happy to get it over with.
Being an actress was something you dreamed of doing. You went from being the sun in your elementary school’s “food chain” play to starring on Broadway in hits like Mean Girls or Wicked. Now, you were hitting the big screen. Though, when people found out about you, as happy as they were to have another talented actress in the business, they had a lot to say about your weight. You were more curvier, more fuller than most of the women in your field, and you faced a lot of criticism for it. No matter how good your acting was, you were always just the “overweight” girl.
At first, those words hurt, and it made you feel as though you wouldn’t make it in the industry. But then, you realized you had been working your ass off to get to where you are today. You damn sure weren’t about to let some snide remarks get in the way of you achieving your dreams. So, you kept pushing and pushing. Now, you had a leading role in a movie, starring alongside Margot Robbie and Brad Pitt.
“I think I need a little bit more pink in the eye.” You said to Andrew, your makeup artist. He rolled his eyes at you and continued to add blush to your cheeks.
“You’re dying, Y/n, not going to the club.”
You shrugged. “Nothing wrong with wanting to look good before I get stabbed.”
“Har, har…now tilt your head.” Andrew sneered, putting on my mascara. “So, where’s Jen? I miss her rants about contracts and stuff.”
“She’s with another client of hers. Something to do with dropping an album or whatever, I don’t know.”
Andrew snickered, screwing the top onto back onto the mascara. “She’s managing music artists too? Isn’t she quite the manager.”
“Tell me about it. I get lucky if she ever she shows me any attention.” You laughed as you pulled out your phone and started scrolling through Instagram. You went through and liked a bunch of pictures until you stopped on a certain person’s photo. A smile plastered itself onto your face as you admired the shirtless shot of your boyfriend, Vinnie.
“Is that the boyfriend I hear so much about?” Andrew grinned.
“That’s him indeed.” You answered with a smile. “His name’s Vinnie.”
You and Vinnie had been together for a good year. You both met at some sleazy influencer party. With you both clinging to wall, clearly not wanting to be there, you two made small talk. You chatted it up about everything: from favorite colors to Elmo, your conversations were wild. At the end of the night when you were getting ready to leave, he asked you for your number—much to your surprise. With glee, you gave it to him and thus led to a beautiful relationship. Of course, there was hate, people questioning what he was doing with you and mocking you because of your weight. But you weren’t focused on that. You had a gorgeous boyfriend and a blossoming career right in front of you. Jealous fans were the least of your worries.
“He’s a cutie, Y/n. You bagged a baddie.” Andrew joked, spritzing some setting spray on his masterpiece. “So, when can I meet him?”
Just before you could respond, the door to your trailer opened. You turned around and shrieked with excitement as your boyfriend wandered in. “I got lost and met Margot Robbie.” He said, causing you and Andrew to laugh. “Hey, babe.”
Vinnie stepped beside you and planted a kiss to your forehead. “Hey, baby!” You squealed. “This is Andrew, my makeup artist.”
You pointed towards the MUA who merely waved at Vinnie before pulling out his phone. “He’s not really social,” you said. “So, what are you doing here? I thought you were doing a sub-a-thon?”
“Well, I was going to, but I decided to come visit you instead.” He replied, moving to stand behind you. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and rested his chin on your head. “Aren’t you happy to see me?”
“Of course, I am. I’m always happy to see you.”
He grinned and went to kiss your lips but before he could Andrew stopped him. “Not on my watch, sir. That took an hour and a half, and I really would like to not spend another one redoing it.”
You snickered, turning to Vinnie. “He takes his work seriously.”
“Duly noted.”
You and Vinnie shared a laugh and talked for a minute before you were called to set. After getting dressed in your tattered dress and fishnets, you left your trailer with Vinnie following behind you. Now, you were standing in the middle of a trashed hotel room with Brad Pitt across from you and Margot Robbie standing a few feet away. Vinnie stood with the crew as your director explained the scene thoroughly to you.
“Ginger”—he pointed at you—“is being attacked by Paul”—he pointed to Brad Pitt—“and Susan is banging on the door to help you, but it’s locked. When she opens it, you’re already dead, got it?”
You and the other two nodded before the director rushed to his seat behind the camera and yelled, “Action!”
Once the camera’s started rolling, it was like a shift for you. No longer were you Y/n, you were your character, inside and out. As Brad’s character, Paul—safely—flung you across the room, Vinnie couldn’t help but feel a little pained. He knew you were acting but seeing it, it hurt him a little. Margot’s screams rang throughout the set as she banged against the door. “Don’t hurt her, Paul!” she cried.
Tossing you onto the floor, Brad stood over you menacingly. “You wanna screw me over, bitch!” He shouted, gripping the straps of your dress as he pulled out the fake pocketknife in his back pocket.
“Please don’t do this, I’ll do anything. Please,” You cried, gripping onto Brad’s wrist. “Don’t, Paul…don’t do this!”
Vinnie gulped back a sob as he watched the scene unfold with tears pricking the corners of his eyes. Why am I acting like this? He thought. This isn’t real. But it felt real, all too real. It no longer felt like he was on movie set, no cameras or crew. To him, you weren’t playing a character, you were still Y/n…and you were being hurt. He couldn’t take it; he wanted to intervene and save you…but he couldn’t…and that broke his heart.
Soon enough, the epic moment came, and Brad plunged the “knife” deep into your abdomen. You let out an ear-piercing scream, sending chills down everyone’s body. Your breathing hitched as blood poured from your partly opened lips. And then…your body went limp.
And with that, you we’re back to Y/n. The director ran over to you and pulled you up off the floor. “That was fucking amazing, oh my god! I’ve never worked with anyone who could convey that much emotion before!”
“Thank you!” You blushed. The rest of your cast and crew members flocked around you, complimenting you on your incredible performance. However, as you looked around, you noticed a specific someone missing from the small crowd. As you humbly accepted everyone’s praise, you said your goodbyes and went to search for you boyfriend around the set. When you didn’t find him, you headed back to your trailer. Before you opened the door, you heard the sound of soft cries. With furrowed brows, you walked into the trailer and there was your boyfriend, crying into a pillow on your couch.
“Vinnie? What’s wrong?” You cooed as you sat next to him and rubbed circles on his back.
He shook his head, keeping quiet. “Vinnie, just tell me. I’m not gonna judge you or anything.” You said.
“All of that…I know it was fake and it was just acting, but it felt so real. Seeing you just…die, it hurt me, y’know? I don’t know if it’s because you’re fucking good at what you do or if it’s just boyfriend instincts but, seeing that and knowing I couldn’t do anything to stop it…it was painful.”
“Oh, Vinnie.” You sighed, wrapping your arms around him. “I’m still here, babe. I’m alive, okay? Nothing actually happened to me.”
He nodded into your chest. “I know, but it was too real. I just had to leave.”
“And I understand. Had I known you were planning on coming, I would’ve warned you ahead of time. I didn’t know seeing me acting out a death scene was going to leave you like this. I’m sorry.”
“Y/n, you have nothing to be sorry for. It’s just me being worried over you.”
You smiled, “Well, you have nothing to be worried about.” You placed a kiss on top of head and started to stroke his hair.
“I’m safe.”
“And a damn good actress.” Vinnie added.
“That too.”
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I’ll Take X-pecting for 200, Alex
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Summary: Dr. Spencer Reid plays a trivia game at the request of his wife, Y/N, but he’s in for more than some heaving hitting questions. 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Wife Reader 
Word Count: 1.5k 
Author’s Note: I really don’t think that this summary does this justice
I’ll Take X-pecting for 200, Alex 
Shuffling the cards with a shake in her hand, Y/N tells herself to just breathe. This is something that Spencer and her have been looking forward to, dreamed about, and constantly discussed. Regardless of how much she knows Spencer loves her, there’s a lingering seed of doubt that only grows with the sound of Spencer walking into their house. 
“Y/N!, I’m home, darlin’,” Spencer calls from the hallway, dropping the “g” because he knows that Y/N finds it endearing. 
“Baby,” Y/N yells from the table. “I’m in the dining room. I made us a trivia game! Come play with me, I need your brains,” she finishes, smiling at her husband, who has been away for nearly two weeks.
“You know do I love trivia, Y/N,” Spencer says. He takes a seat next to his wife, but before he can kiss her, she pushes him out of his chair and motions for him to take the seat opposite of her.
“Before we start, how was the case? Everyone make it home in one piece?” Y/N asks concerned over the wellbeing of some of her closest friends. 
“Everyone’s fine, Y/N. The unsub ended up being a team. Two women hellbent on getting revenge for their children’s murders. One of them got away,” Spencer explains, solemnly. 
“Oof,” Y/N says, letting out a sigh. “It’s at times like these that I’m glad I don’t have your job. I’m kinda glad she got away, between you and me.” 
“It’s hard, sometimes we don’t really know who we’re bringing justice too. But, I’d do anything to protect my future children, and you. Anything I needed to do to keep you safe,” Spencer tells her, leaning across the table and kissing Y/N’s hand. She gives him a sheepish smile, but inside her mind is eager to get this trivia game started. 
“You’re a charmer, Dr. Reid,” Y/N flirts. 
“Just for you, Y/N. Now you mentioned something about trivia,” Spencer says, clapping his hands together excitedly. 
“I just thought you’d like to rest your brain after a case but shifting though all those facts you got stored up there. And I always said you should try out for Jeopardy,” Y/N says as she collects the cards with the clues. 
She spreads out the categories, Child Psychology, Children’s Books, Labor & Delivery, Nursery Rhymes, X-Epecting, on the table. They were all handwritten on different colorful pieces of cardstock and decorated with baby animals and block letters. Y/N read the categories aloud to her husband, allowing herself to steal a glance at his face while he concentrated on the categories, as if he already could answer the questions. 
“All right, Spencer, you pick first,” Y/N says, in her best Alex Trebek impression. 
“I’ll take Child Psychology for $200,” Spencer chooses, looking up to smile at Y/N. 
“This is the substitute mother that baby monkeys formed an attachment to in Harlow’s psychological experiment,” Y/N asks.
“Terry-Cloth,” Spencer interjects. 
“Not uh, Spence, you need to answer correctly,” Y/N teases. She looks up at him expectantly to choose the next clue. He rolls his eyes at her, but secretly he enjoys the playful banter they still share even after all these years. 
“Um, Children’s Books $200,” 
“This is the story of the clever spider that can weave words in her web,” 
“What is Charlotte’s Web?” 
“Correct, pick again please,” Y/N says, as she tries to maintain a stoic composure. 
“This is the average of days that newborns keep up their sleepless parents,” Y/N asks, sure that this question would stump her genius husband. But to no avail, Spencer answers the question correctly. 
“Okay! Next time try-outs are around, I’m forcing you to take the test,” Y/N says running over to kiss Spencer on the cheek. 
“You know judges are supposed to remain impartial, Y/N” Spencer tells her, putting his arm around her waist as if he’s signally her to sit in his lap. 
“I can’t help it, how about you win kisses every time you get a question right, Spence,” Y/N proposes. 
“I guess it’s worth more than fake money,” Spencer teases.
“You offend me, baby!” Y/N pretends to be hurt by Spencer’s words, but urges him to continue the game. 
“You only got a couple more left, Spence,” 
“Okay, how about X-Expecting for $200,” Spencer chooses. 
“This chromosome is linked to the baby’s mother,” Y/N quizzes, finding it difficult to keep her smiles and secrets at bay when Spencer’s arm tugs around her waist tightly and his fingers draw patterns under her shirt. 
“What is X-Chromosome,” Spencer answers before Y/N can even finish the clue. 
“You know that you’re supposed to wait until the clue is read, Spence. I should redact kisses,” Y/N fake threats. 
“No! Y/N I’ll die without your kisses, please!” Spencer cries out in pretend disain. Much to his amusement his goofy behavior leads Y/N to plant small pecks on his forehead. 
“There, that should hold you over,” 
“I doubt it, Y/N. I miss you already,” Spencer mutters into her shoulder, as if he’s trying to get closer to his wife more than he could already be with her sitting on his lap. 
“Two more clues till Final Jeopardy,” Y/N announces, ignoring the fact that she’s bypassing the rest of the clues and totally disregarding Double Jeopardy. 
“Hmm, let’s go to Nursery Rhymes for kissing for the rest of my life,” Spencer picks, peppering Y/N’s shoulder with kisses. 
“Huh! Look at that, Spencer, you got the Daily Double, so whatcha going to wager?” Y/N asks, knowing she’s pulling this Daily Double straight out of the air, but Spencer’s affection for only one lifetime is not nearly enough for her. 
“I’ll make a true Daily Double, darling. That means double the amount of kisses,” Spencer tells her, ticking the sides of Y/N waist. 
“Here’s your clue, Jack is urged to be nimble & quick, helping him do this,” Y/N reads from the card. 
“What is to jump over the candlestick?” Spencer guesses, closing his eyes to be assaulted by Y/N’s eager lips. 
“Yay! Double kisses!” Y/N yells happily as she pecks Spencer’s eyelids and nose, causing him to laugh at her light affection. 
“Next question, it’s the last one so you don’t get a choice, but I have so much confidence in you, my genius husband. These are the names of the 3 stages of labor?” Y/N questions, looking over her shoulder to get a glimpse of Spencer’s mind at work. 
“What are dilation, expulsion, and afterbirth,” Spencer answers, once again perfectly. 
“Okay, Dr. Reid you’ve accumulated a total of double kisses for the rest of our lives. Your Final Jeopardy category is, Ready For It…” Y/N announces. 
“Last one,” Spencer says, and Y/N wonders if Spencer’s figured it out by now. She hands Spencer the small cardboard box. He looks at it curiously and Y/N can feel her heart in her stomach. He must know by now, she thinks. He’s brilliant, but sometimes he can be a little clueless when it comes to things like that. Y/N thinks back to how they danced around each other for years before Derek practically had to force them out on a date. He must know. 
“You’re clue is inside the box, Spence,” Y/N tells him, her voice shaky and unsure. 
Spencer carefully opens the cardboard box and reaches in to pull out the small pregnancy test that lay hidden inside. He looks it over, reading the test twice, three times, maybe even four times. He honestly can’t remember taking longer to read something. Spencer looks up at a terrified Y/N. 
“You’re pregnant? We’re going to have a baby?” Spencer asks, desperately wanting to believe what he holds in his hand. 
“You’re gonna be a daddy, Spence,” Y/N tells him, her smile struggling to conceal itself in between the bouts of happiness and joy that courses through her veins. 
“A baby! Oh Y/N. A baby!” Spencer shouts rushing over to where his wife stands in between the entrance from their kitchen to their dining room. 
“You’re happy, right Spence. You want this with me-” Y/N starts, a sudden rush of fear lodging itself in her heart. 
“Of course I’m happy, Y/N. I’m so happy to be a dad. You’re going to be a mom! You’ll be the best mom, Y/N. I love you, Y/N,” Spencer says, crouching down to rub his hands on Y/N’s belly. 
“Hi sweet baby,” Y/N says softly, looking down at her belly and covering her hand over Spencer’s. “I want you to meet your daddy. He’s going to take care of you so well, he might talk a lot but you get used to it” 
“Hey, baby. It’s your dad,” Spencer murmurs quietly into Y/N’s belly. “I’m so glad that mommy told me about you. You gotta do some growing in there before you can meet us, but we love you so much, baby,”
“I really love you so much Y/N,” Spencer says as he sits up to kiss his wife. 
All his life Spencer’s loved science. He loves discovering the undiscovered. Memorizing all those theories and facts and methods could never prepare him for the awe that sat before him. He realizes that he’s looked at science all wrong. There's a beauty in science- a natural, unadulterated beauty that’s so rare to find. But he’s found it and he’s never letting go.
Thank You for Reading!
Taglist: @calm-and-doctor​ 
If anyone wants to be tagged in new posts, feel free to comment and I’ll be thrilled to tag you <3
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wannabe-fic-writer · 3 years
WandaNat x Reader : Inhale pt. 2
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Summary: She never ceases to surprise you.
Warning: Smoking, Cursing, One Suggestive Joke
Word Count: 1,998
Part 1
* * * * * *
The white paint stares back at you as you lay on your bed. Your view of the ceiling is obscured by the red ball you toss up into the air. It gets slightly smaller as it moves away from you, then larger as it falls back down. 
Your hand catches it and throws it back up into the air, repeating the same process as the tv plays on monotonously from the corner of the room.
Boredom has been washed over you for the past few days. Your girlfriends went on a mission last week. You were able to pass the time during the first week, keeping yourself distracted by hanging around the team, training with Steve, going for a run every time your fingers twitched towards the cigarettes you had hidden in your closet. All of that was failing to work right now.
It seems, though, that you don’t have to suffer through it much longer. F.R.I.D.A.Y chimes up after hours of quiet with an alert that Natasha and Wanda were back and heading to the room. 
You instantly perk up, pushing yourself to a sitting position on the bed and glancing at the door frequently, ready for your girls to walk in. Except they don’t.
The gleeful, happy to be home, response you were expecting is replaced by their clearly upset demeanors. A frown sits on Wanda’s face like you’ve never seen and Natasha’s expression remains neutral. 
They don’t acknowledge you save for a glance in your direction. Both of them go into the closet and quickly change into more comfortable clothes. In an instant afterwards they’re leaving out. And you’re left beyond confused.
With the possible reasons for their behavior and clear attitudes in your head, you don’t take offense to it. You give them some time to cool off, going back to tossing your ball in the air and catching it as you watch tv. 
Around an hour or two later you decide they’re fine now, or at least fine enough to talk to. So you get up, heading first to the kitchen to grab a bottle of cold water and then to the general training room. 
The sound of familiar huffs and the pounding of fists against a leather bag let’s you know your assumption was right. Your redheaded love is off to the fair side of the gym, headphones in her ears as she beats on the punching bag. 
You smirk at the sight of her. Not only do her yoga pants and sports bra look great on her, you always find her focused and slightly aggressive expression kind of hot. She glances at you as you approach and you know she can hear you despite her headphones.
Stopping behind the bag, you lean on it, showing off your smirk to the woman.“ If you really want to work off your frustrations I can think of a good way to do so.” Natasha grunts, rolling her eyes and focusing on punching the bag. 
With a sigh, you move to her side, gently taking her taped up hands and moving in front of her. Forest green eyes look into yours and you give her your best encouraging smile. She knows what your silent question is and sighs.
“The mission went south. We suffered a civilian casualty and others got hurt.” Her expression and tone remain neutral but obviously she’s upset about this. It isn’t her first time dealing with this kind of thing from a mission but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t hate every bit of it. 
“I’m sorry to hear that baby.” You raise your hands to her arms and gently rub them, squeezing a little in between.
Natasha’s heart warms at your soft comforts.“ I’ll be okay. Wan is more torn up than I am. She-” The woman shakes her head,“ she blames herself.” 
You frown, prepared to ask for more details. Then you figure you can ask the girlfriend who’s more deeply affected by it. 
“I’ll go talk to her.” Natasha nods at your words.“ You gonna be okay?” A teasing smile forms on your lips.“ I know you’re my super tough ex-assassin but I’m here if you want to talk.”
Her lips tug up in the corner at your teasing words, but it quickly becomes a sincere smile when you offer your ear. Slowly reaching up, she runs the pad of her thumb along the apple of your cheek.“ I’m okay detka. I’ll let you know if I need to talk. Or your other services.” 
You chuckle softly and nod. Leaning forward, you press a soft, quick kiss to her lips and part, heading off to find your other girlfriend. The not so tough witchy one you love just as much. 
Finding the woman proved to be a little harder than you thought it would be. She wasn’t in any of the places you thought she would be in: the library, the theater, the common room. You wrack your brain for ideas as to where she is and when the last place pops into mind, you can’t believe you hadn’t thought of it first.
It’s a quick jog to the elevator and an even shorter ride up to the top floor. From there you take the stairs up to the roof. 
She’d stolen this spot from you a few months after you started dating. She and Natasha found you up there smoking once and through the year and a half she would find you up here, sometimes sneaking a smoke when you shouldn’t be. 
Her long brown tresses fall down her back freely, the rest of her beauty hidden as she faces away from you. Though you still find her insanely cute that she’s in your hoodie and some stretch pants. 
The long slow straightening of her form clues you in on her deep breath, her body relaxing as she lets it go. You only get a little confused when she pauses and does it again. A thought that you’re unsure of, but the physical cues make you curious. The familiar movement of her arm, the deep breath, the pause. 
“Wan?” You call with an indescribable look on your face. 
Your brunette girlfriend’s shoulders drop and she turns to you. Immediately your eyes focus on the small cylinder in between her fingers, watching as it rises and rests between her lips. 
She takes a quick pull, pauses, let’s a little smoke go, then it all comes out in a straight shot that disperses in the air. It’s such a smooth combination of actions that leaves you wondering if she’d done this before. 
Deciding to hold your comment on that until after she’s completely calm, you take a different route. Approaching her still pacing form, you cross your arms and ask,“ was it that bad?” 
A snort leaves her lips and she takes another drag.“ Worse.” 
“Tell me.” Your hand reaches for her free one and you pull her towards you as you sit on the ledge of the roof. 
Her hand squeezes yours. Your eyes drop from her green ones to her lips as they wrap around the cylinder again, cheeks caving a little, then her lips puckering slightly as she pushes the smoke out. 
“I heard Natasha get hurt,” she starts, fingers once again tightening around yours,“ I looked away for a split second and he got away. We caught him but not until after he shot the tires out on a car. It flipped and crashed into another one.” Her jaw clenches, eyes glossing with tears.“ He hurt a man and his son and- and killed a woman.”
A heavy sigh leaves your lips and you stand, pulling her a little closer to your form. You’d been down this road a number of times. Being on the Avengers team since the beginning almost, you know exactly what it’s like to make a mistake and have others pay for it. It was a deep hole that never ceased to make you hate yourself. But you didn’t want Wanda feeling that way. 
“Hey,” you reach a hand up to cup her cheek, looking into her eyes,“ I know that it hurts. And it’s easy to blame yourself. But it’s not your fault. He made the choices that resulted in that woman losing her life, not you.” 
“But I’m supposed to be the hero. I’m supposed to save people. And I didn’t.” Her accent thickens as she gets choked up, eyes glossing over.
You sigh, taking the cigarette from her hand and putting it out on the ledge, then pull her into your arms. Her head rests on your shoulder and her hands slip up to your shoulder blades.“ You are a hero. A great hero. However, you’re not a perfect one. None of us are. It sucks in situations like this but you can’t save everyone no matter how much we want to. It doesn’t make you a bad person or any less of a hero.”
From the flicker of emotions in her eyes, you can tell it’s still going to take some time for her to cope with this. Still though you see a glimpse of that soft look and you can also see that she believes you to a certain extent.
Raising your hand, you gently push the corner of her lips up. She whines and turns her head away, noncommittally pushing at your side. It makes you laugh and she presses her forehead against your chest.
“Wanna tell me where you got that cigarette from?” You ask. 
She pulls away, producing a pack of cigarettes. Brows furrowing, you flip the top up and count the cigarettes inside. There were four missing.
“Did you smoke four whole cigarettes before I got up here?” An incredulous tone laces your words, disbelief flooding your system. 
Has your habit rubbed off on her? You know she and Nat found it attractive but did that lead Wanda to try it? It’s a terribly unhealthy habit, which is why your girlfriends wanted you to stop, and you certainly didn’t want Wanda getting into it.
“No, I didn’t smoke four. I got these from your boot in the closet,” she tells you.“ Which means you smoked them.”
“I-” you try to think of what to say.“ That was over the course of a few weeks. I haven’t had one in months though.” You know you didn’t need to give her an explanation but you wanted her to know you were still doing well. 
Wanda and Natasha were very well aware of your progression towards quitting. They could even tell the difference in your behavior. Both women were incredibly proud and admittedly you were proud of yourself as well. You had confidence you would be able to completely quit in the fairly near future. 
The younger woman smiles softly at you,“ I know you haven’t. And you don’t have to worry about me starting. It’s actually very nasty and I didn’t feel it did anything for my stress.” 
“Good. I don’t want you forming an addiction and I don’t want to die if Nat found out you’d started by smoking my cigarettes.” 
“She knows now.” 
Nearly jumping a foot in the air, you turn around to see your other girlfriend smirking a little at you. A nervous chuckle leaves your lips and you scratch the back of your neck. 
Rolling her eyes, Natasha steps to the side to stand beside you and Wanda. Her hand slipping into yours, the other held up towards Wanda. 
Wanda sighs and places the pack of cigarettes in Natasha’s hand. The redhead pockets them then takes the younger woman’s hand.“ Neither of you smoke again.” She states plainly. 
Looking at Wanda, you both nod.“ Never again Miss Romanoff.” You and Wanda say simultaneously, bright smiles shown to Natasha.
It’d be harder than that for you but not impossible. Especially not with the support and encouragement of the two women you loved and needed the most.
* * * * * *
Taglist: @owloftheshadows​ @natasha-danvers​ @blackxwidowsxwife​ @yumusak-yastik​ @b-5by5​ @fayhar​ @lostandsearching​ @iliketozoneout​ @ecruzsalaz
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shreddedparchment · 3 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.24
What She’s Done
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader         Word Count: 5,590
Warnings: language, angst, fluff, Loki being the best bro, pregnancy problems
A/N: I’m sorry this is so late. I’m not going to explain too much as I want the focus to be on the chapter but I’m feeling better. Hope you all enjoy this one and I hope you can forgive me. haha As always, if you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo
Please DO NOT repost my work on any other sites or blogs!
REBLOGS are always welcome!
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The sound of the fanfare outside is muted. The heavy doors of the main room are shut.
Thor sits on his large steel, silver, and wooden throne. Normally, your own throne would have been moved into the room so that you could sit beside him. Today however, he wants you standing.
Loki stands on Thor’s left, his hands moving across his tablet at godly speeds. He’s busy. Always busy. While Thor has the final say, Loki sets everything up for him and comes to him with the choices that must be made.
He’s indispensable and both you and Thor know it. So, when the large doors are thrown open and Thor takes his hand off of your lower waist where he’d been massaging the knots away, as Ambassador Coates walks forward, you glare right at him and his judging distrustful look at the sight of Asgard’s Prince.
The music outside, large horns that sound more like a call to battle, slowly die and are completely cut off when the doors are shut. Just outside you know two Valkyrie are standing guard.
Inside, two more regular guards stand at attention.
“Ambassador Coates, I’m glad you saw fit to accept my invitation,” Thor says casually.
One wouldn’t know that Thor is angry. He sounds so welcoming. The charm he’s exuding is one you’ve never seen him use before but Loki doesn’t seem surprised by it. Instead, Loki’s lips seem to curve upwards a little in the teeniest smirk.
The Ambassador does as he’s expected and once he’s near the foot of the raised wooden floor where Thor’s throne sits, he gives a quick bow meeting first Thor’s singular eye and then your own blank gaze.
Keeping your anger in check is easy. You’re able to wipe your face of all emotion and it’s a skill now that you’re glad you learned in the orphanage you’d grown up in. Never letting anyone know how sad or hurt you are was key to your survival.
“Your Majesties,” the ambassador states, the irritation in his voice loud and clear for all of you to hear.
It looks like Thor’s plan to roll out the red carpet as if the ambassador were visiting royalty got his message across clearly.
“I hope I find you in good health? Are you faring well with the pregnancy?”
You don’t answer him. You simply stare.
“We’re well enough,” Thor begins. “Forgive me in my haste to get to the point, Ambassador Coates but as I hear it from my brother, you have been making it very difficult for Her Majesty the Queen of Asgard to meet with you, despite her warnings that what she had to share was imperative to the safety of Earth and human-kind.”
The ambassador blinks. He doesn’t attempt to speak or react in any other way than to show that he’s processing Thor’s words. All signs of irritation at his welcome gone.
“Would you say that is a fair statement for her having sent, what was it? Four emails and three phone calls?” Thor asks Loki.
“Seven emails and four phone calls,” he corrects.
“Right. Seven and four.”
“Your Majesty…”
“I think you have been under the impression that my marriage to my wife has been one in name only. She’s Queen but not really? Right? She has no power or authority? Is that what you think?”
Ambassador Coates swallows hard, sweat beading along his temples. He’s not a stout man. In fact, most women would think him good looking. Nothing to Thor or Loki, but for a human he’s handsome. His sweating in this climate makes no sense unless he’s suddenly stressed.
Maybe you shouldn’t feel bad but you do just a bit. You can’t imagine what he must feel being scrutinized by Thor, yourself, and Loki. Clearly he did something wrong and now he knows it.
“Your Majesties, I-I meant no offense. Unfortunately this is a busy time for myself and my colleagues and-”
“We have no time for your excuses,” Thor sits up straighter and draws his legs a little closer together before he licks his lips and holds his hand out towards you.
Taking it, you watch him get up and then he helps you sit before checking on you, “Better, cherub?”
You nod, looking up at him as he caresses the side of your head.
“The only reason you hold the job that you currently do is because my people and I chose to settle on Earth. You might say you owe it to us. Perhaps you’d still have been employed should we not have come here but from what I understand, your salary is considerably more than what it would have been were you in some other position.
“You are married and have children, too. Don’t you?” Thor asks.
“Y-Yes, Your Majesty.”
“So, it’s important to keep your job. Isn’t it?”
He says nothing, this time simply looking down at Thor’s feet.
“My wife is not just Queen in name but she has been exemplary in her devotion of ruling the people of Asgard at my side with honor and grace. The people love her. I’m not sure what made you think you could slight an Asgardian Queen but let me be clear. If our people should find out that there was such disrespect, believe me when I tell you that the loss of your job would be the last thing you’d have to worry about.”
“And just to be clear,” Loki cuts in as Thor’s taking a breath. “My brother is not threatening you. This is a statement of fact. We Asgardians are fiercely loyal and easily offended.”
You like that Ambassador Coates isn’t glaring at Loki anymore. The fear in his eyes is worrying, but you also know that your husband and brother would do nothing to actually hurt this idiot. They’re just making sure he knows where he stands.
Thor crosses his large arms across his wide chest. Though you don’t think he means it to be intimidating, you can see from the ambassador’s gulp that Thor’s minor flex has great impact.
Gods, he’s huge.
“As it just so happens, aside from being a Queen without fault to this kingdom, the Queen of Asgard has seen fit to continue to perform in her duties as the bridge between our two peoples. She refuses to let us make decisions for the human race and was attempting to contact you to warn you of impending dangers. And you, what was the phrase, love?”
“Blew me off.”
“That’s right, you blew her off. And yet we welcome you with respect and grace.”
“Your Majesties,” the ambassador begins, but Thor holds up his hand and he stops.
“Let this be a lesson in humility for you. I love Earth and for that reason alone, in addition to the fact that this is my wife’s home and now mine, we will forgive this lapse of judgement on your part,” you’ve never heard Thor sound more like a King than in this moment.
It’s also one of those moments where you really want to drag him back to the room and get him naked. He’s never been this attractive.
The ambassador bows his head, taking his punishment with dignity.
“Forgive me, your Majesties,” he begins to say something, but then stops himself.
“Speak your mind, Ambassador Coates,” Loki urges, seeing something you and Thor don’t.
“I merely wish to apologize for my lack of forethought. I was not the only one dismissing Her Majesty the Queen of Asgard but will be sure to rectify the behavior with my colleagues when I return.”
Loki smiles, turning his gentle gaze on you as he realizes that you were right. It wasn’t misogyny. Not on Ambassador Coates’s part. That might not be the case for everyone though.
“Perhaps I should schedule meetings with your colleagues so that we might have a quick talk about the expectations we have for our relationship going forward?”
Loki’s threat is veiled heavily, but Ambassador Coates still picks up on it and his face goes a little pale.
“I don’t think that’s necessary, Your Highness. I will pass along the sentiments, if you will let me.”
There’s a burning satisfaction in your chest. Something about watching Ambassador Coates finally show not just you but Loki the respect he deserves makes you so happy.
“My Queen?” Loki prompts you, looking to you to wait for your reply.
“I think we can give him a chance to express our disappointment for us. He is our ambassador. Isn’t that right Ambassador Coates?”
Coates looks relieved, pressing his hand to his chest as he bows his head to you again.
It’s a strange sensation to see the gratitude on his face and his posture relaxes as a result. You literally just did that. You gave him some forgiveness and it really does make all the difference.
“I will support you and the Asgardian throne with more fervor from here on out, Your Majesty.”
“Cool,” you shrug, reaching to place your hand on the back of Thor’s neck, absolutely beaming at him.
He chuckles and puts his hand back on your waist, giving you a gentle squeeze and shake.
“Are you happy, my cherub?”
You nod, unable to contain the smile that stretches across your lips and you lean into him.
“Good. My job here is done then. Now, I have some things to do,” Thor rises and moves around until he’s facing you and pulls you up into a chaste but loving kiss.
With a caress to your belly, he looks at Loki and nods.
“I’ll leave the rest to you and my Queen, brother.”
“Sif will meet you by the docks,” Loki nods.
“Wonderful. I’ll see you later, love. If you need me, just tell Loki and I will come running.”
“‘Kay,” you smile.
Thor turns back to your guest and moves towards him, clapping his shoulder as he passes, “Do better, Ambassador Coates. Do better.”
All three of you watch Thor strut for the large front doors. The guard opens it for him and when he’s out of sight, the doors shutting behind him, you move to take your seat on the throne. Loki scoots a little closer to your side but stands with his tablet ready.
“Now, I think we should get down to the reason I wanted to meet with you,” you start and Ambassador Coates stands a little straighter. “But...I don’t know about you but this whole towering over you sitting on a throne thing is not really my style and feels a little forced. Let’s go to my sitting room.”
Loki smirks as Ambassador Coates relaxes a little more and even smiles, “Yes, Your Majesty.”
As the three of you walk up the steps to the right of the throne room to climb up to the small sitting room that had been set aside for you and your private entertaining, you steal a few glances at Ambassador Coates.
He still looks a little rattled and you stroke your stomach, the long silk dress you’re wearing, ruffled skirt and loose waist giving it a soft flowing quality is still noticeable and Ambassador Coates steals a few glances.
“Didn’t think I was really pregnant?”
He blanches, “What? N-No, Your Majesty! I had no reason to doubt you.”
“It’s okay. A lot of people didn’t believe it until I came back from my little vacation. I just wanted to make sure that it would take. We’re all so dependent on this little one and a lot is riding on my having Thor’s heir quickly.”
“No one who has seen you rule since your marriage would doubt your commitment to this union, Y/N,” Loki assures you gently.
He’s your number one supporter and you’re so damn grateful for him.
All three of you fall into silence but with your heavy belly and your slow walk, it stretches on.
“I’m sorry about Thor’s enthusiasm to put you in your place,” you give Coates a small apologetic smile but he quickly shakes his head. “He can be a little passionate.”
“No, Your Majesty, the mistake was mine. I should have paid you the respect you deserved. It’s-You work in an environment for too long and you begin to adopt certain behaviors that you should know aren’t acceptable but when everyone is doing it and-I was wrong. I can’t blame Thor for setting me straight.”
“Thank you, for understanding,” you shrug.
“Thank you for not holding it against me and letting me do better.”
It takes only another few minutes to reach the sitting room and you make a beeline for the small loveseat before dropping into it and leaning back against the soft plush cushions.
“Whew, I probably should have done my research on how pregnancy would affect all aspects of my life before agreeing to it,” a joke and Coates gets it because he looks respectfully amused.
Loki scoffs, “With Thor, I doubt you’d have had much choice in the matter. He is also believed to be a God of fertility, you know?”
The small shock on your face really makes Coates laugh this time and your neck, ears, and cheeks burn.
Not wanting to drag this meeting out for a long time you clear your throat and Loki sits down on the armchair beside you opposite Coates’s own seat.
“I should really be more formal, but I’m not kidding when I tell you that this pregnancy is taking a toll on me.”
“Think nothing of it, Your Majesty,” Coates assures you.
“I’m not sure what you’ll be able to do with this information and maybe it’ll be best if, with your help, you can get a meeting in front of both the United Nations and NATO scheduled for me to speak to them directly.
“Thor and Loki would be there with me, of course, but it was my idea to even bring this to your attention.”
“I will be of any assistance that I can be,” Coates nods, face serious and attentive.
“We wanted to wait until we had more concrete information to give Earth’s leaders but our Queen is adamant that an early warning is better than detailed information,” Loki explains.
“Is the Earth in danger?” Coates asks, worried now.
“Sort of,” you nod. “Truth is, we don’t know. What we do know is that there’s an energy signature that we’ve been monitoring for months. Almost my entire first year of marriage. What we do know is that the energy signal was strong enough to bring Doctor Foster here to look for an explanation and my brother-in-law has kept his eye on it too. It’s familiar to him and not unthreatening so we’ve been preparing watch stations across the globe. We have one in North and South America, Australia, almost every continent so that we won’t miss any kind of danger that comes falling from the sky.
“We don’t want a repeat of New York,” you look at Loki and Coates looks at him too but neither of you have any kind of judgement in your expressions.
Maybe a little for Coates, but he quickly turns his gaze back on you.
“I wanted to give the people of Earth time to prepare for that kind of attack. The Avengers are already on the case and have been helping build up a defense but they can only do so much. Their focus is going to be on the bigger fight if it comes to that. I want to give us a fighting chance on the ground where regular people are often the ones to get hurt and suffer from big threats like this.
“I don’t want the casualties to look like they have in the past when something or someone threatens us. So, I just want to give world leaders a briefing on what we’ve found, what we’ve built in defense, and give them the resources to keep track of what we’re keeping track of.
“We’re at a unique advantage with not only Asgard’s knowledge, technology, and resources. We’re still a growing nation and what we do have is lots of strength. I’ve been thinking about it a lot and while the Valkyrie have to stay here to protect my family, we have a sizable guard that can be split into a few regiments to send out to the places that will need it most and still have enough forces to protect New Asgard.”
Coates is thinking hard, then his hand dives into his pocket and he pulls out his phone, “I’ll start making calls and can probably have something set up the day after tomorrow. If the threat is serious enough to make you worry about us humans this much, I think the sooner the better.”
“It is serious enough,” Loki assures him. “Even if it turns into nothing, we would all rather have done everything we could to minimize damage to both the humans of Earth and New Asgard.”
“Then I’ll get started. Is there any kind of data that I should see in order to convince my bosses?”
You look to Loki and reach out, placing your hand on his arm, “Loki, take Ambassador Coates down to the dungeon and let him get a look at anything we’ve gathered in the monitoring station. You’ll forgive me for not coming with you, Ambassador Coates? I really can’t stand walking around much longer today.”
“Of course, please do not mind me,” he assures you, giving you a small bow.
“Shall I have your lunch brought in here?” Loki asks.
He nods and with a gesture at Ambassador Coates, leads the way to the door.
“When you’ve made any significant progress, I will be in here. Can you come and let me know?”
Coates nods, the phone now pressed to his ear, “As soon as I know something, Your Majesty.”
They leave you in an appropriate rush and you relax against the cushions of your sofa feeling like a small burden’s been lifting off your shoulders.
You’ve done your part now. You’ve warned your Ambassador, now it’s his job to convince his higher-ups and hopefully they listen.
Estrid does eventually come with your lunch and you eat slowly, thinking through your options for Coates and the rest of the governments of the world. Splitting the Asgardian army up isn’t ideal, but they pack a punch. Even just a handful of soldiers in a city would make a difference.
You finish eating and you finish your tea. You get up to walk a little around the sitting room but as the afternoon wears on, you start to feel suffocated inside and Estrid happily goes with you down to your gardens.
Most of your plants have been well taken care of.
“His Majesty made sure that we kept all of your plants healthy for you,” Estrid informs you, moving to walk a few steps behind you as you walk around with a small watering can.
His consideration brings a smile to your lips.
Thor really can be so sweet. So loving. You hate that some of the time from your first year was stolen by what happened with Jane, but it couldn’t be helped. He had to discover what it would mean to lose you and you had to learn that depending on yourself is still just as important married as it was when you had no one.
Maybe it’s even more important now? You can get lost in your relationship with Thor and while that’s super tempting, to have your world start and end with Thor and your married life together, you are still your own person.
You have goals for your career and shared dreams with him too. You’ve got your hobbies and Thor has his. Both of you needed the distance.
Despite that, even though you know that the space was good for both of you, even if it hurt like hell to get it the way you two did, you’re actually really happy to be back home.
As you reach over to water one of your taller butterfly bushes, you gasp and pull your arm back against your body as a small sharp pain rocks your senses and blinds your vision for a split second.
“Your Majesty?” Estrid hurries forward.
“I’m fine, Estrid,” you assure her, waiting another second to see if the pain will come back.
Reaching down you rub the spot on your tummy where you’d felt it and wonder if maybe the baby is just kicking especially hard today.
“Shall I fetch the doctors?”
“No, really. I’m fine, Estrid.”
You move to the next plant and water a few more as you head towards the small greenhouse with the Asgardian plants you’re still trying to perfect the care for but as you reach for the door, you double over as a shooting pain stretches across the same side as before then moves down onto the base of your belly.
The watering can falls from your hand as you reach out to brace yourself against the door and hits the floor with a clunk as the water goes all over your flats, soaking your feet.
“Your Majesty!”
Estrid races to you, hands placed on your back and arm to support you as she looks to steal a glance at your face.
With your eyes shut tight, you groan and whimper as the pain just gets sharper.
“Estrid…” it takes a moment to catch your breath. “Get the doctors.”
“Guard!” Estrid calls, forcing you to let go of the door so that she can lead you to a bench. “Guard, send for the doctor!”
“Thor,” you whimper, sitting slowly and gasping as the pain intensifies. “Get Thor.”
“I’ll send for him, my Queen,” Estrid assures you and now that you’re seated, she leaves you to run and hurry the guard.
“What’s wrong?”
“Loki?” you call breathlessly, searching for his face for the comfort you know it’ll give you to have him close.
“Here,” he calls out for you and hurries around the corner. “I’m here. What’s happened? What’s wrong?”
He hovers over you, leaning over, his hands carefully pressed to your cheek and the other on your stomach.
“It hurts,” you sob without tears, “Loki…”
“It’s alright,” he promises. “You and my nephew will be fine. Come on, put your arm around my neck.”
His certainty does help and you get your arm around him. With ease he squats down and lifts you into his arms and with you moves back into the palace.
It feels like a long time when you open your eyes again. You’re dizzy a little and weak. Your body feels heavy and it’s a struggle to sit up.
Looking around, you realize you’re in your bedroom alone. The sky outside is dark and the room is dim with only the fireplace lit to cast a warm orange glow around the dark room.
“Loki?” you try, remembering him carrying you when he found you in the garden.
No movement.
“Thor? Estrid?” You’d sent her to get the doctors and to get Thor. Had the doctors come?
Thor’s favorite armchair is placed by your bed, angled towards you so he must have been in here sitting by you waiting for you to wake up.
With a heavy sigh, you realize that he must have been out of his mind with worry when he heard what happened. Is the baby okay?
You put your hands on your tummy and wait for movement. He does wiggle around a little. Normal for you and him and that makes you feel better about the pain that had come out of nowhere.
It takes you too long to get up and out of bed. You’re in your nightgown, a long simple piece with modern touches but it’s also very similar to some of the long flowing white ones you remember seeing in history books.
Taking extra time to stretch up onto your feet just in case the pain comes back, you breathe a sigh of relief when you take your first step and find that you’re okay.
“Oh, baby,” you reach down and rub the sides of your bump. “You scared me, rascal.”
You know that you should probably stay still. Staying in bed is probably what your Doctors suggested but the empty chair has you worried about Thor and what state he might be in.
So instead of staying where you should, you open your bedroom door and step out into the hallway.
The spots to either side where there’s usually a guard are empty.
You look up towards the other end of the hall and see that the two soldiers have moved to stand at the center of the hall, shoulders tense and obviously distracted. Further down, at what you think they must be staring at is a grouping of palace staff. People you recognize. Estrid stands among them, frowning at the small crack in the door through which pours a line of bright white light from the sitting room you share with Thor.
Did something happen?
As you pass the two guards the jump and hurry back to the sides of your bedroom door where they belong. Their flurry of movement must have drawn the attention of the others standing by the door. They also seem to jump, look shamed and worried, before they move away from the door and head in all different directions to get back to work.
One of the maids that passes you curtsies before she scurries off stealing a look of regret at you.
Estrid stands rigid, hands clasped to her front before she steps back a bit to give you room.
“What is it, Estrid?”
She doesn’t say anything. She looks upset, her lips fixed into a severe line, eyes full of anger as she shakes her head.
“Where’s Loki? Thor?” you check, stopping by her and she only looks at the door.
You can hear muted voices from inside and your heart begins to pound.
Is it the doctors? Are Thor and Loki getting bad news? The baby was just moving though!
Your baby has to be okay. Healthy even. Nothing was wrong before you came back home.
Clinging to your bump, you move towards the crack in the door and with the breath leaving your lungs in fear of what you’ll overhear you just go ahead and push the door open because eavesdropping hasn’t served you well in the past.
If something needs to be said, you want to hear it without hiding.
Of course, what you aren’t expecting to find is Loki facing you by the long sofa where Thor usually lounges, resting his head on your lap. Behind Loki, what must have given him that frustrated look on his face is Thor, Jane clinging to his arm as she finishes speaking the thought you just interrupted as they all turn to look at you.
“-can’t help it. I love you. I-”
The absolute fury that engulfs you is indescribable.
For one year-long second, you inhale and a million thoughts cross your mind. The one you grasp onto, in favor of the ones involving murder and hurt and violence, is the one of your baby.
This kind of anger is bad for him. You can’t let it consume you. Not when you need to stay good for him.
Loki looks down at his feet, disappointment and shame overcoming his pale, handsome features.
Thor quickly jerks his hand out of Jane’s grip and moves towards you but stops when you speak only a few feet away.
She swallows hard, then frowns, “I only came to warn Thor that the readings have gotten stronger. I-”
“I don’t care why you’re here. I only care that you are here. You aren’t welcome in my house, near my husband, or on any piece of land in this Kingdom,” you take a step towards them and stop as you stroke your belly to remind you to keep calm. “I want you gone. Out of my home, away from my people, and if you trespass here again, I’ll have you thrown in jail. You aren’t welcome in New Asgard.”
“You can’t ban me from an entire Kingdom,” she argues, moving forward towards you.
“Try me,” you warn. “Out of respect for what you meant to Thor in the past, I’ve kept your name clean. I haven’t told anyone what you tried to do here, but here you are trying again. Now either you want me to trash you, or you seriously can’t take a hint.
“We don’t want you here.”
“Thor invited me himself, if he didn’t want me here, why would he do that?”
You grind your teeth, again stroking your tummy, “You’re right. I don’t know why my husband would invite you here when I have made it very clear that you aren’t welcome. Whatever the reason, he and I will discuss it together, because we’re married. Husband and wife. Until the day I die, at least, since he’ll outlive me by two thousand years.
“And whatever you two had in the past is gone. So, get out or I’ll have you thrown out.”
She opens her mouth to argue and you take two steps towards her, “I might be pregnant, but I can still do plenty of damage in the minute that it’ll take Thor and Loki to pull me off of you. Please, say something. Please, please I beg you. Give me an excuse. I have a really bad temper and I am dying to express myself. Please.”
Jane turns towards Thor, waiting for some kind of rebuttal from him but he’s got his eyes trained on you and you alone. The shame on his face, the agony of what you finding them all here might mean is not lost on him.
When he doesn’t say anything, Loki clears his throat, “I think it’s time to go, Jane.”
His urging helps and with a look of hurt and disbelief, she tears her eyes off of Thor and stomps out past you.
You watch her go, Estrid scurrying after her to lead her out the back instead of the front where she might be spotted.
He turns to you, waiting.
“I don’t want anyone to know she was here. Anyone other than the group of palace staff that was standing by the door fucking listening to what was being said in here. Can you get Heimdall and send her home that way?”
“I’m on it,” he assures you and hurries past you, disappearing into the palace.
“I-” Thor begins.
He shuts his mouth.
“Not here.”
Turning, you lead the way back to the bedroom and the guard opens the door for you, Thor following closely behind.
As the door shuts you don’t stop until you’re sitting on your bed, hands stroking your belly as you shut your eyes and try to calm yourself.
“I asked you for one thing. One thing, Thor. I asked you not to make a fool of me. Seven people from our staff were listening to you and Jane. Seven! By tomorrow that’ll be twenty and by the weekend the tabloids will have picked up on the story.”
“I’m sorry,” he starts but you growl in frustration.
“I stood in front of our people and told them that Jane Foster was not welcome in our Kingdom and you walked her right in! I-I can’t do this. I can’t do this right now.”
You get up and point at the large doors.
“I need you to get out. I need space and I don’t care why you let her in. I don’t care why you’d make me look like such a stupid fucking joke I only know that you did and I’m done. I need you out. Don’t come looking for me. When I’m ready, if I’m ever ready to talk to you again, I’ll find you. Until then, leave me alone.”
“NO! You don’t get to do this shit, Thor-You don’t get to undermine me and bring that woman back into our lives and still get to explain yourself after she lied to you about being pregnant, and making a mockery of our marriage. You don’t get a say. You get out of my room, you keep away from me, you wait until I’m ready to hear you. Until I’m not angry anymore. Until I’m not hurting anymore.
“I don’t understand what it is about this woman that you just-can’t you see what she is? What she’s done? Don’t you understand why she can’t be here? Don’t you get-You know what? Just get out. I don’t care. I don’t care if you get it or not. Get out.”
“Y/N, please, I-”
The silence that follows your outburst is interrupted only by the crackling of the fire. In the dim light, Thor’s face is grave and broken. You can’t feel bad for him though.
As much as you love him, as much as you wish this hadn’t just happened, as much as you hate to see him hurt, you can’t ignore the pain in your own chest, drowning you again in betrayal.
This is why you’d wanted to keep your distance. This agony is why you’d wanted to keep him at arm’s length.
This is why you can only depend on yourself.
Eventually, Thor bows his head and with heavy feet, he leaves your room shutting the door behind him leaving you to sob and throw pillows in anger.
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spacepanda7 · 3 years
Master Pakku: It's not natural for women to fight.
Katara: It's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall, and yet there you stand.
Sokka: Trust me, this plan's going to work!
Katara: Fine. But if Combustion Man kills us all, I’m going to get Aang’s spirit to teach my spirit how to play the tsungi horn just so that I can annoy the heck out of your spirit.”
Sokka: I’ll just hire Zuko's spirit to kick your spirits’s butt!
Zuko: My spirit won’t associate with your spirit.
Iroh: You are going to... kill the Moon?
Zhao: Tui made the decision to return to the physical world. If she makes herself such an available target, she can further the Fire Nation's great destiny.
Iroh: Men mock the spirits until they need them, Zhao.
Ty Lee: Spirits, Mai, you actually look happy.
Mai, clearly smiling: Don't be ridiculous.
Zuko, at the Agni Kai: What's the matter today, no lightning? Afraid I'll redirect it?
Azula: Oh, I'll show you lightning!
Katara: Zuko, this whole 'shoot lightning at me' thing is starting to concern me.
Sokka: Aang, maybe the monks didn’t cover this lesson, but you do not negotiate with a powerful firebender with lightning crackling around him during Sozin's Comet.
Sokka: Zuko, maybe your fancy tutors didn’t cover this lesson, but you do not argue with a guy who can start glowing and harness all the power and skills of his past lives at any time.
Sokka: You were early, Toph!
Toph: I was on time!
Sokka: For you, that’s early. Next time you plan to impress me give me some warning!
Toph: The animals are free, and I found you a boat. This is when a thank you would be in order.
Suki: Thank you, Toph.
Toph: Hey, no problem, Suki.
Toph: See, Sokka? That’s how the civilised folk do it.
Sokka, to Zuko, at the Boiling Rock: Well, we've managed to get ourselves locked into the most secure prison in the world. We're either geniuses or the dumbest sons of bitches to ever breathe air.
Aang: We're all gonna die!
Sokka: Well, statistically speaking, only SOME of us are going to die.
Sokka: It was a calculated risk.
Zuko: It was cross-your-fingers-and-hope-for-the-best. Believe me, I know the difference.
Sokka and Aang: *doing their spirit magic impressions, i.e. waving their arms and making vaguely creepy sounds*
Zuko: What are they doing?
Katara: Performing an ancient Spirit-summoning ritual.
Zuko: Really?
Katara: No.
Aang: Sure, I'm skinny, but I stay drier in the rain.
Sokka: How?
Aang: Less falls on me.
Sokka: You can WATERBEND.
Hakoda: Good luck hitting a skinny little Water Tribe boat, cutting through the waves and staffed by a crew of men who've spent their whole life dodging obstacles in boats.
Bato: I'll quote you on that when a fireball lands in my lap.
Random Boiling Rock guard: Please, have mercy!
Suki: I like it when men beg. But this isn't the time for it.
Chief Hakoda: How are you finding our country?
Toph: It’s a magical place. If you like ice and more ice.
Sokka, about Zuko: Would it kill him to smile every once in a while?
Katara: Very possibly.
Toph: Katara and Zuko? Far be it from me to doubt anyone's determination to get this done, but is that really the ideal pairing?"
Sokka: Zuko knows guard procedure, and Katara can handle any guards without a noisy fight. Your job is to keep them from killing each other.
Toph: Because I'm definitely the diplomat of the the group.
Sokka: Aang is the diplomat of the group. But he's busy, so you get to do it.
177 notes · View notes
mindofharry · 3 years
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In which bucky realises the mistake he made and does everything in his power to get you back.
losing you masterlist: here!
smut!! fluff!! angst!! i’m so fucking in love with this series. mean!bucky, sex and a bit of grovelling! ALSO!!! thank you for 2k, i never expected to get this far with this page. writing has always been a passion for me so thank you guys for taking time out of your day to read my stuff. i appreciate and love you all immensely <3 happy reading!
The first thing bucky notices about you not being here, is the how quiet and lonely his apartment is. Usually, your moans, whimpers and giggles fill the small space. Not anymore. The only noise he can hear is you saying those words to him.
“You’re selfish and mean. And i deserve better”
It felt like it was ringing in his ear, no matter how loud the tv is or the children running up and down the hall, it was on a continuous loop. Selfish. Mean. Deserve better. It was meant to be no strings attached, something to let off a little steam. But then bucky got those butterflies, he wanted to take you dancing, take you to meet his friends. He didn’t like the feeling, so he didn’t the only thing he knew how to do.
Push you away.
Bucky didn’t like how he felt with you, he couldn’t understand it. He felt like he couldn’t be that person for you no matter how fucking hard he tried, bucky couldn’t be the one you cuddled up with after a stressful day. He couldn’t be the one cooking dinner for you. And he most definitely can’t be the person loving you, he’s just not programmed for that. Bucky hasn’t felt love in decades. He doesn’t know how to process it yet.
Bucky knew what he did was wrong and now laying on the ground, his back against the hard wood, the only thing he wanted was you. Y/N.
Bucky wanted Y/N.
He decided then and there, he would fix himself up, go to his therapist. And get you back.
Back in your apartment, you were still in your dress, only this time your make up was smudged and your date was cancelled. Who were you kidding? Nobody could replace bucky barnes, nobody. Fuck, you love him so much. This feeling, it’s so big. It feel like it’s taking up all of your body, this fire so big that no one can put out. Bucky is a drug, and you’ve definitely become addicted.
After what felt like hours staring at your wall, you decide it’s best to head to bed and just forget about what a disaster this night has been.
“So” Dr Raynor said, crossing her legs over. Bucky was sat in front of her, his legs bouncing up and down as his therapist tried to figure him out. Bucky hated therapy. He hated everything to do with it, he would rather be put in jail than do this bullshit sharing feelings thing.
But if he wanted any chance of getting you back, in his bed, kissing him than he would do it.
Bucky barnes was officially smitten.
“Tell me” Dr Raynor said, leaning foward. “What’s going on, james?” She asked and bucky sighed placing a hand over his eyes.
“I need help” He said and Dr Raynor nodded. “Well, yeah. That much is obvious” She teased making bucky roll his eyes.
“With a girl” He said and his therapist grunted leaning back in her seat. Bucky hasn’t been this embarrassed since middle school when he peed his pants and had to go home early, everyone laughed at him in the playground. He never forgot that, but right now, his therapist trying to keep her laughs in made him feel a little small and fragile.
“Fine. I’ll find someone else” He mumbled, moving to get up. Dr Raynor settled herself down and held her hand up to stop him. “Oh, be quiet. Tell me about this girl” She said putting her notebook down. Bucky looked down at his hands and smiled.
It almost startled the therapist, she’d never seen him smile like that. Or ever, for that matter.
“Y/N” He started.
“Y/N is the most beautiful and wise woman i’ve ever met” He said. “Always there for me, willing to do just about anything i asked her to do. Fuck, she’s the best thing that’s happened to me, since well ever” Bucky said and the therapist nodded.
“But i fucked it up. Said somethings i didn’t mean and now she won’t even look me in the eye. I was so shitty to her just because i couldn’t admit my own feelings.” Bucky groaned and Dr raynor nodded agreeing.
“James, what do you want me to tell you? You messed up, now go and apologise” She said and buckys eyes widened. “I can’t just apologise to her” He said and his therapist lifted her hand up.
“Exactly. Problem solved”
Bucky made a noise of complaint while dr raynor packed up her stuff. “See you next week, lover boy” she said walking out of the room and leaving bucky to his own thoughts.
Flowers? Chocolates? Dancing? A poem? What do women like you, like these days? God, he’s still way too new in this world to be thinking about these things. But he really fucking needs you. He needs you and your jokes, you and your witty nature.
Bucky just needs you, and he’s about to do anything in his power to get you back, starting with an apology.
You were sitting in your living room a glass of wine in your hand and new girl on in the background. Your mind was somewhere else, you’ve just felt off all day. You keep zoning out, not being able to concentrate. Is this what a broken heart feels like? A knock on the door brings out of your thoughts and back to reality. A shitty fucking reality. You sigh and put your wine down on the table and make your way over the front door, you nearly tripped over your stiletto heels on the way there. You didn’t move them last night because you were so exhausted and out of it.
Opening the door you see bucky. Just the man you didn’t want to see, you begin to close the door in his face when his foot blocks it. “Please, just hear me out” He begged and you sighed crossing your arms over your chest.
“Can i come in?” Bucky asked and you scoffed.
“Why should i let you come in? Do you remember what you did the last time?” You said and bucky placed a hand over his eyes, obviously frustrated. You didn’t understand why, he made your place in his life pretty clear.
“I should come in because i need to apologise to you. For everything. The way i treated you and the things i said. I need to apologise, so please let me in”
You sighed and opened up the door wider and walked down the hallway. You sat back down on the couch taking a gulp of you wine. You were so easy, you thought. You barley put up a fight, you should’ve just closed the door in his face. But you did want to hear what he had to say, what bullshit apology he’d come up with.
“So?” You said and bucky nodded sitting beside you.
“I miss you” He started and you rolled your eyes. “No, fuck. I do miss you, but i’m sorry. I’m really fucking sorry” Bucky said grabbing your hand. You wanted to pull away but you just couldn’t, his hand felt so good in yours. You leaned over and put your wine on the coffee table. Bucky took that as permission to take your other hand.
“I had feelings for you, no i have feelings for you. I just, i’m not good at expressing myself, i’m working on it. My therapist told me to get you flowers and shit, but i left them in my apartment and this is just a whole mess” Bucky ranted, you had to bite your lip to make you not burst out with laughter.
“You talked about to your therapist?” You asked, giggling. Fuck, even your laugh is beautiful. What is there not love about you?
“I’m sorry” He said, his thumb rubbing over your knuckles. “I have feelings for you, and i didn’t know how to express that. So i pushed you away and treated you so badly. I’m going to apologise for that until the day i die. I just, i like you a lot Y/N” he said and you could feel your cheeks burn.
You really weren’t expecting that.
“My thought process was that i would never be that person, you know that boyfriend who’s ready to cook dinner and take the dogs for a walk” He said and you nodded understand.
“But i’m willing to do that for you, if you’d give me another chance”
You looked up at him, staring into those beautiful wide eyes. This is what you’ve been waiting for.
He moved closer to you bringing a hand to your cheek. “Please, i have hundreds of flowers and like 10 boxes of chocolates back in my apartment. Come back with me? Please?” He asked, so much vulnerability could be heard. You sighed and looked around.
You didn’t deserve what happened, but you know he’s sorry. Maybe a little more grovelling? Make up sex is the best, though. You contemplate a little longer and then nod.
“Yeah, i’ll stay at yours for a bit”
Bucky nearly cried when you said that. Maybe he’d actually have a chance.
He helped you up from the couch and watched you get your shoes. He could get use to this. “You ready?” He asked holding out his hand, you nodded taking it. It felt nice to be wanted.
After a short walk to buckys apartment, your met with (literally hundreds) of yellow flowers. You could cry, he did this all for you? You lift your hand to your mouth and look around the room.
“Do you hate it? I can get better-“
You interrupt him with a peck to the lips. He was shocked, but he didn’t hesitate with kissing you back. He placed both of his hands on the side of your head and as you gasped, he slipped his tongue in.
“Fuck, i missed you” you said in between kisses, you moved your hands to his chest. Bucky pulled away and moved back.
“I just want you to know, that i wasn’t planning on seducing you or anything. If you want i have sex we will, if you don’t, then we’ll watch a movie. There’s no pressure” He said reassuring you. You smirked and pecked his lips.
“Why don’t we go to your bedroom?”
Bucky pulls you along to his room, lifting you up once he opens the door. “Your room is messy” You said and Bucky laughed. “Hasn’t been the same without you” He said and you pouted, kissing his lips.
“I’m sorry about that, let me help you?” You said taking your shirt off, leaving you only in your pjs short and bare breasts. Bucky was staring at you intently, making your nipples harden. He reached out and ran his fingers across your nipples making you moan with pleasure. His finger was cold and just what you needed.
“Strip and then you’re going to ride me. Been too long princess” Bucky said and you nodded quickly taking your shorts and skimpy underwear off.
“Fuck” Bucky said as you lay down on the bed, legs wide open. You were dripping wet, your hands coming down to play with yourself a little. “You’re gorgeous,” He said, kissing the inside of your thigh.
“Seems like you’re wet enough for me, yeah? i’ll play with you more later” He said and you nodded, just wanting him to be in you.
Bucky rolled over and took a condom out from the door, he quickly got out of his clothes and you almost moaned at the sight of him putting on that condom. He really does like hot doing anything.
Bucky lays down his head on his pillow and you quickly and swiftly move to sit on his lap, your knees either side of him.
You placed his cock, in your dripping pussy and loved the sound he made. Bucky groaned, his hands coming to your hips immediately, to guide you at a good pace. Your hands moved to his chest, scratching at it slightly, bucky moaned at that too. Pain kink, you figured that out pretty quickly. You began to move your hips and created a good rhythm.
“Oh, god” You whimpered, as you bounced on Bucky's cock.
“Missed you, and this” Bucky said and you nodded, your hips bucking.
You begin to move faster and faster, the bed frame hitting against the wall and bucky groans and your whimpers the only thing you can hear. God, you missed him and his cock so much. Bucky is so deep inside of you, you can feel everything. He’s so good at this, sometimes he doesn’t even have to try.
“This…. is so good…..” You said whimpering, leaning down to peck his lips. Bucky responded, moving his hands to your breasts and giving them a squeeze.
“Are you gonna cum?” He asked, bucking his hips up fucking you faster. You nodded and moaned.
“Please! Oh fuck” You screamed, feeling that pleasure start to build up. As the both of you came down from your highs, bucky brought you into his chest.
“I’m never losing you again”
Taglist: @formulamendes @ityagirljay @josegandulfo @youre-a-wallflower-charlie @beminetokeep @jbcalway @lxdyred @idkwhttocallmysrlf <33
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noforkingclue · 3 years
hi, if possible could I request a fem!reader x evil!morgana (technically doesn't need to be evil!morgana so idm of it's not) where they're already in a relationship and during like a celebration or feast and someone flirts with the reader and morgana gets jealous and possessive? also i love and adore your works, I've been around for a long time but only found out today that you did merlin fics :)
Yay, another Merlin request! I hope you like it anon!
Feel free to request anything on my Main Masterlist!
Title: What the Future Holds
Merlin tag list: @geocookie21
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @imjustassaneasyou
“Lady l/n, your company is a pleasure as always.”
Uther pressed his lips against your hand and you gave him a forced smile. While you enjoyed travelling to Camelot you couldn’t say that you were always pleased to spend time with Uther. However, courtesy demanded that you were at least polite to your host. After all, he did organise your welcoming feast.
“Your Highness,” you said, “It’s been too long.”
“It really has,” Uther handed you a glass of wine, “I remember when you were just a child and now you’re all grown up. Your parents must be so proud.”
“As proud as they can be.”
That was true. While they were happy with how you had grown up there were certain elements that they kept encouraging. Your lack of husband was often discussed during meals and you knew that they had ulterior motives when they sent you to visit. Oh well, you weren’t completely unhappy. Your visit meant you could meet with a certain ward who you dearly missed.
“Father, there’s a matter I must speak with you with.”
You were saved by the blessing of Arthur marching up to the two of you. He looked mildly startled at your appearance and nodded at you in awkwardness. Uther’s eyes flicked between the two of you as he said,
“Is it urgent Arthur? I’m in the middle of a conversation.”
“I’m afraid it can’t.”
“Right,” Uther looked back at you, “I do apologise.”
“Apology accepted.”
As Uther and Arthur disappeared into the crowd you were once against left alone. You let out a sigh and rolled your shoulders. You looked through the crowd and smiled when you saw Morgana sitting at the head table. She returned your smile and raised her cup. Memories of last night flooded your thoughts. Secret kisses in the middle of the night, soft whispers when no one else could hear. Morgana’s wishes for Uther to die and free Camelot and to go away with you. For the two of you to be alone together without anyone else.
“Sometimes I wonder what makes people think that Uther is a good Kind.”
You froze at the smooth voice that seemed to cut through the noise of the room. You plastered a fake smile on as you turned your back on Morgana and face the knight. He gave you a smile that might’ve worked on any other person but just made your skin crawl. The nameless knight grabbed your hand and pressed his lips against your knuckle, never breaking eye contact. When you tried to pull your hand free he gripped it tightly.
“I would never leave the most stunning woman in the room alone,” he said, “You never know who might be lurking around.”
“Well,” your smile turned icy, “It’s good that there are so many brave knights around if I need help.”
“It’s good to see you think so highly of me,” the knight moved to stand by your side as his hand moved to your lower back, “I’ve been watching you all evening.”
“That’s very creepy.”
“Most women would love to be in your position.”
“Well I’m not most women.”
“Now listen here Lady-“
“Excuse me. It would be wise if you held your tongue. I’m sure Uther would love to hear how you are treating his honoured guest.”
“Lady Morgana,” the knight’s smile became strained, “I didn’t realise you were there. Lady l/n wasn’t feeling well and I-“
“And you were what, exactly?”
Morgana’s arm linked around your as she pulled you against her. She raised an eyebrow at the knight who was now aware that people were listening. He turned bright red as he spluttered,
“Lady l/n wasn’t feeling well. I was just returning her to her chambers. Now if you’ll-“
A hand suddenly clapped itself on the knight’s shoulder and judging by how his face contoured it was being squeezed hard. Arthur looked over the knight’s shoulder and said,
“Take her back Morgana. I’ll deal with this.”
In a flash you were pulled from the hall. Morgana didn’t let go of your arm as the two of you practically ran to you chamber. As soon as the door was shut behind you she pulled you against her chest. She ran a hand over the back of your head as she muttered,
“I hate him. I hate him. I wish he would die.”
“Who? That knight?”
“Uther. He never should’ve left you in that position. Where anyone could just take you away from me.”
She pulled back and tilted your chin so you were looking directly into her eyes. She brushed her thumb over your lips as she said,
“You are mine. Never leave me, I’ve lost so many people already. Please,” her voice cracked, “Please don’t leave me.”
“Never,” you said, “I love you too much to ever go away. We’ll go away, far away. It’ll just be you and me and no one will ever bother us again.”
Morgana smiled and rested her head against yours.
“I’ll kill him,” she said, “Uther. I’ll kill him first and then we’ll leave. I want to see him dead.”
“And so do I.”
Morgana gave you a sharp smile a pressed her lips against yours. You moaned softly into the kiss as her hand moved to your waist. You tangled your hand in her hair as she pulled you against her. You never wanted this moment to end, to get lost in her embrace ad never let her go. Suddenly your door being flung open caused the two of you to jump apart. Arthur stood in the doorway looking awkwardly between the two of you. Eventually he coughed and said,
“Sorry, I didn’t realise… I should’ve knocked… I, umm, I.”
“Arthur,” said Morgana gently although you could hear the hint of bitterness in her voice, “What’s happened. The knight…”
“Father has dealt with him,” he coughed, “I’ll deal with him. Don’t worry, he won’t be bothering anyone ever again.”
“Good.” You said softly
“Right,” Arthur coughed again, “I’ll let father know you’re alright. Oh and Lady l/n, Morgana.”
“Yes Arthur?” said Morgana
“Your secret is safe with me.”
He gave the two of you a soft smile before shutting the door behind him. You rested your head against Morgana’s shoulder as she wrapped her arms back around you. You couldn’t wait to see what the future would bring for the two of you and all you wanted to do was to spend it with her.
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queerextremity · 2 years
ok so i finally watched ‘she-hulk’ and oh god, it was so bad
(spoilers for ep1 ahead!)
1. i’ve already posted on why making steve’s virginity such a big deal is problematic at its core, but it also makes jennifer so creepy and unlikeable from the get-go. she’s never met him, he’s not her friend, he’s basically like a celebrity in her world and i thought we’ve all agreed that ppl who obsess over celebrities’ sexual life so much are creepy. i just feel like we’re so tangled up in our perception of steve as a fictional character that we don’t realise how weird it is from her side. the post-credit scene literally sounds like something bruce came up with so that she would leave him alone. it’s just so weird to pester steve’s friend with questions about his sexual life. oh, and her line about how sad it is for ‘that ass to die a virgin’ is so acephobic and i feel so very offended by it. it literally says your life is sad if you never had sex, which is incredibly toxic and has the possibility of making many people who see this feel bad. sex is just an experience someone has and someone doesn’t. it’s not the most important thing in life and it doesn’t change anything about the person you are and the happiness you’re able to get from life.
2. the virginity stuff is generally very good at representing the kind of character jennifer is. i feel like in that scene they were trying to make her super progressive, sex positive and show us that women in mcu discuss sex freely and aren’t ashamed of it. and i think we’ve seen the fight against slut-shaming turning into virgin-shaming thousands of times before, but it’s like the world was so done with it somewhere in early 2000′s teenage comedies. mcu is so late in here. the show is just like that. it tries to be feminist so hard, it tries to make jennifer independent, funny, totally in control of her life, but she just comes off arrogant, invasive and mean. it’s not internal misogyny, i would’ve hated a male character like this even faster.
3. her monologue about women and anger is true, but it’s just... stuff we’ve already heard a billion times in countless of other shows. i don’t even see the point of she-hulk if she’s so good at controlling her anger. you can’t just throw some feminist monologue in my face to justify it. she-hulk had so much potential to play with gender norms since women usually aren’t allowed to be angry, uncontrollably angry especially. a giant green monster who smashes everything it sees isn’t a type of character written for women. it could’ve definitely been interesting. but jennifer is still good with her anger, instantly good at being hulk and she’s not a big giant monster at all. she’s still very feminine, just green and stronger. what is the inner struggle of her character so far? what is the point of her learning to be hulk if she’s so good at everything already?
i’m not sure if it was like that in the comics and i don’t really care, because it’s still just boring to see and it’s not the story we need to see in 2022. 
4. i’m all for feminist talk in any shapes and sizes, but i want deep and layered stories about women’s struggles. ‘she-hulk’ just acts like its audience is stupid, so they need everything explained at the most basic level. well, probably more is too much for mcu. maybe we’ll get stories like that in 10 years!! let’s hope they won’t be late by that time, just like ‘she-hulk’ is by now.
5. oh, and yes, as for a comedy show, it sucks. i haven’t even smiled once during the episode. this is the least funny mcu show so far.
6. i know dozens of shows where the first episode is shit, but the rest is gold, so i never instantly judge. i’ll give it another chance and hopefully have the desire to take half of the stuff i just said back. but something tells me i won’t
7. tatiana maslany is actually great and i see how she tries to make something out of this terrible script. 
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
Hey purple, I’m baaaack!
So I’m having a pretty shitty day. Yesterday, my dad told me to “be considerate” after I left the refrigerator door open for 2 seconds just to refill my water bottle. Normally, I just let their words fly over my head bc that’s the only way I’ve survived so long living with them. Although, this time it really hurt me bc him and my mom do it constantly, and sometimes even I have to close the door behind them. I was tired and I already had a argument with my mom just moments before I didn’t feel like getting in with him at that moment.
I thought the hurt feeling would’ve gone away by now, but it’s still festering in my mind. I thought back to all the time where I was practically the only considerate one in the family. To the point where I’m basically a people pleaser so to be told to “be considerate” really irked me and almost made me cry from frustration. My parents still have this view of me as some privileged women who doesn’t know the hardship of life, and it really annoys me.
So I was hoping you could do an emergency request for me with Marco, Sanji, and Shanks with a s/o who is normally upbeat just getting more short-tempered before breaking down and being comforted by them? It’s ok if you can’t and I’m sure I’ll get over this, it’s not the worst thing they’ve said to me so I’ll live. It doesn’t help that my birthday is this Sunday though.
I wish you a happy holidays and a joyful day/night!
I'm sorry you had to go through that. I know apologies don't make it go away, but do know I feel your pain and I'm here for you. I hope things start working better and you are able to leave that toxic environment.❤️❤️
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Marco the Phoenix
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The two of you sat in silence, the stress of losing your former captain getting the best of you. Earlier you had snapped at one of the new recruits, they didn’t mean to set you off, only mentioning the older man who had died protecting those he loved. You weren’t ready to accept his death so early. 
Marco had pulled you away, giving the newbie a smile that it was fine, both knew they didn’t mean any harm, you were just upset. Now you both stood in his office, him waiting patiently for you to talk as you stared stubbornly at the ground. 
“It shouldn’t have happened.” Your voice cracked in the silent room, your glare was enough to make the floor shrivel if it could. Marco only nodded, understanding how you felt. Feeling the waves of your emotions finally come undone, you ran over to the man, hugging him tightly, the tears finally falling.
His arms were quick to wrap around your shaking form, he stood quietly, giving you the chance to cry out how you felt. He had taken over the role as captain for now, and as captain he would let his crew grieve the death of their beloved father figure. He would be the rock you all need right now, no matter what. “It’s okay, no one will die again on my watch.”
Vinsmoke Sanji
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The blond was arguing with the green haired man once again, though it didn’t usually bother you, today it seemed to leave you on edge. Snapping at the two men to knock it off, Zoro only grumbled, trying to go back to sleep as your blond lover looked heart broken over you yelling at him.
“Y/N-swan...” Running over to you, he was quick to wrap his arms around your waist, not wanting to be separated from you, like a lost dog who imprinted on it’s new owner.
Sighing, you petted his head softly, the look on your face was enough to let the man know you were upset. You hadn’t meant to yell at him, sending him a soft sorry, he only shook his head, more worried about your wellbeing than you yelling at him. “What’s wrong?” 
Shaking your head, even you didn’t understand the need to cry in the moment. Pulling you to him, the position had changed as you held on to him. A hand quickly going to your head as he whispered words of comfort to you. “It’s okay, I’m here with you.”
"Red Hair" Shanks
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Taking a swig of the beer in your hand, your captain and lover gave you a worried look. You had been drinking more than usual and the man didn’t know the reason why. When he had asked, you told him not to worry about it. He had blinked and you had bit your tongue to fight off apologizing, you were annoyed with him enough, you didn’t want to say sorry now.
Eventually he took the bottle from you, your drunk hiccups echoing in the now quiet room, the rest of the crew left, feeling the tension between the two of you. “What’s wrong?”
“You just had to go and be an Emperor, don’t you care about what the others think? About how they feel?” Glaring at the empty space in front of you, you refused to face the man as he sighed, somehow knowing this talk would come. It was quiet for a long pause, both parties stubborn to give in, both thinking they were right. 
“I won’t leave you, I won’t die, believe in me.” His usual chipper voice now held a serious tone as he grabbed your hand, holding it in his own. Feeling some tears fall, you wiped your face as he pulled you off your stool into his lap, letting out another drunk hiccup the man only chuckled, you can barely hear him calling you his baby before your eyes closed, head comfortable in his chest.
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
A prompt for you (though honestly I'll read anything you write because it is always excellent): Wen Ning never dies, but somehow still ends up becoming Wei Wuxian's most feared subordinate...
“Sect Leader Nie,” Jiang Cheng said, hurrying after the other man, who stopped and turned with a welcoming expression on his face even though Jiang Cheng knew he was in a hurry after everything they’d just planned. After Nie Mingjue had volunteered to go into the Nightless City himself, a reckless charge to try to kill Wen Ruohan, while the rest of them attacked directly - a final strike, if they could only manage it. “I just…”
He trailed off, unable to complete the sentence.
He didn’t even know what he was doing here.
Nie Mingjue didn’t call him out on it, though, only stepped forward and put a hand on his shoulder. “I appreciate your support,” he said, voice a little gentler than usual. Like he was trying to comfort Jiang Cheng or something.
Like he wasn’t the one volunteering to go die.
(Just like Jiang Cheng’s mother, and father, and - )
Oh. That’s why he came here.
“I’ll be there,” Jiang Cheng said suddenly, and Nie Mingjue blinked. “At – at the Nightless City. After you kill him, after we take the city…I’ll come find you, to make sure you’re all right.”
That was stupid, he thought to himself as soon as he said it. Nie Mingjue had an entire sect, and friends, and all that – he didn’t need Jiang Cheng hounding him with his insecurities, his worries, his fear that Nie Mingjue would die, too, die and leave him behind just like all the others. Why should he be the exception?
But Nie Mingjue smiled. “I look forward to seeing you then.”
Jiang Cheng swallowed and nodded. “It’s a deal, then,” he said, and watched as Nie Mingjue strode away.
He promised himself that he’d do as he said he would.
Even if all he found was Nie Mingjue’s corpse.
It ended up not being Nie Mingjue who killed Wen Ruohan, but rather a combination of Wei Wuxian’s new cultivation style and Meng Yao, who’d apparently been working as a double agent or – something.
Jiang Cheng wasn’t really clear on the details.
He rushed over to Wei Wuxian’s side at once, checking him over as best as he could, yelling at him over…he wasn’t even sure what, it wasn’t really important. Recklessness, probably. Wei Wuxian seemed to understand what he meant, though, grinning at him with bloodless lips.
“You worry too much,” he said cheerfully. “I’ll be fine. I just need to sleep for – a week. Maybe more. Let’s go back to camp, and I’ll do just that.”
Jiang Cheng was about to agree when he remembered his promise.
(Nie Mingjue hadn’t been there at the final fight, although Wen Ruohan hadn’t been at his full power, either. Had he sacrificed himself to wear down their enemy?)
“What is it?” Wei Wuxian asked, noticing.
“Chifeng-zun,” Jiang Cheng said. “I didn’t – see him.”
Wei Wuxian frowned. “You think…? Oh, poor Nie Huaisang..!”
Jiang Cheng wondered for a moment why Wei Wuxian’s first thought was of Nie Huaisang, then remembered that Wei Wuxian hadn’t been there for all those months of working as Nie Mingjue’s lieutenants, him and Lan Wangji and even Jin Zixuan. He wouldn’t have that personal connection with the man, beyond the brief meeting they’d had with him before the indoctrination camp - he wouldn’t have experience with his reliable competence and his talented leadership, his compassion or the gruff praise that he gave sparingly but sincerely and which made Jiang Cheng feel for once in his life like he was every bit as good as Wei Wuxian.
“I want to…” He was going to sound dumb. No, he was a sect leader, as Nie Mingjue often (gently) reminded him; he had to decide for himself what he was going to do, and have faith that his decisions were the right ones - and act accordingly. “We’re not leaving yet. We’re going to go further in, see if we can find him. Do you think you can hold up a little longer?”
“Yes,” Wei Wuxian said, straightening up. “I’ll be fine for a while yet. Let’s go.”
“You’ll tell me if you –”
“Yes, Jiang Cheng. Stop nagging. Now are we going or not?”
Unexpectedly, Nie Mingjue was alive.
Alive, and also extremely pissed off.
“I’ll take him back,” Jiang Cheng said to Lan Xichen, who looked relieved: he was protecting Meng Yao from Nie Mingjue for some reason. “Better to go separately.”
“Thank you, Sect Leader Jiang,” Lan Xichen said.
Jiang Cheng saluted and went over to Nie Mingjue, who was leaning on Wei Wuxian – a case of the injured helping the injured, in Jiang Cheng’s opinion, and he glared at his disciples until they ran over to assist them both.
Wei Wuxian was frowning, he noted. “What is it?” he asked, and Wei Wuxian shook his head, refusing to talk and inclining his head meaningfully down towards Nie Mingjue, who looked more tired than anything else. Exhausted, injured, even half-dead…“We should go.”
“No,” Nie Mingjue croaked. “There are probably – prisoners.”
“It can wait until we’re back at camp, surely?” Jiang Cheng asked. “We lost a lot of people in that battle. We could get reinforcements, then come back and do a full sweep when we’re less exhausted.”
“They might be injured, though,” Wei Wuxian put in, though he looked tired, too. “It’d be a pity for any person to die in Wen Ruohan’s custody right after we finally defeated him.”
It was a good point, Jiang Cheng thought, and although he was pretty exhausted himself, he forced himself to nod. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll go sweep the place, look for prisoners. But you two are going straight back to camp, okay? No exceptions, no heroism, nothing! If I get back and I hear that you two took a left turn and fell face-first off a cliff into a pile of magma because you thought there was a baby bird that needed rescuing, I will personally resurrect and stab you both!”
Both Nie Mingjue and Wei Wuxian were grinning at him in a suspiciously indulgent (and almost identical) sort of way, Jiang Cheng noticed, but they also agreed solemnly to make no detours, not even if it was the most heartrending of baby birds, and Jiang Cheng supposed he had to be happy with that.
They staggered off together as he turned to go further in, and as he did, he thought he heard Wei Wuxian say, “Tell me more about what Meng Yao said to you –”
“Sect Leader Jiang!” one of Jiang Cheng’s subordinates said, rushing over and saluting. “I found another cell!”
Jiang Cheng ran his hand over his eyes, wanting nothing more but to sleep. “Show me where,” he ordered instead.
He’d already dispatched one of his disciples to act as a runner to Lan Xichen, asking for him to send more disciples from his Lan sect and the Nie sect (which he’d been helping coordinate in Nie Mingjue’s absence) to help get all the prisoners out – there were so many of them, and many of them were, as predicted, in poor health. He would’ve preferred to ask someone else, since the Lan and Nie sects had suffered as many injuries as his Jiang sect, but the small sects were focused on themselves right now and the Jin sect…well, they’d done so little in the war up till now that he’d almost forgotten that they were an option until one of his subordinates had suggested them, and then he’d dismissed the suggestion, too.
If the Jin sect were here, he thought ungraciously, they were probably busy trying to find the treasury.
At least the Lan and Nie sects had managed to confiscate the Yin metal first.
At some point, they’d have to find a way to destroy it…
Distracted by thoughts of politics, Jiang Cheng followed his subordinate down a twisting hallway to yet another set of cells, dark and dank but not quite as close to the place where the Yin metal had been used to refine ghost puppets, and there were men and women chained to the wall here. Unrecognizable, most of them, beaten and starved. They were probably the scions of small cultivation clans…
“Wen Ning?” he blurted out, surprised to recognize the kind-looking face of one of them. To barely recognize: Wen Ning had circles under his eyes, bruises on his face, and his usually round cheeks were thin. “What are you doing here?”
“He’s been here for weeks and weeks,” one of the other prisoners said at once. “He’s not – one of those Wens.”
Wen Ning could still blush, Jiang Cheng noticed, and as much as he would have said he hated all those surnamed Wen – well, that wasn’t quite true, was it? Wen Ning had been there with Wen Qing, when they’d helped them. Jiang Cheng had rescued and released her, giving her that comb as a keepsake…it would be manifestly unjust to make the exception for one and not the other.
His disciples were looking at him.
“What are you waiting for?” Jiang Cheng snapped at them. “He’s a prisoner, he’s hurt. Treat him as you would any of the other prisoners we’ve rescued.”
That would be his story, he thought, if anyone later came knocking at his door to ask what he was thinking, letting a Wen go free.
Maybe it was his fault, Jiang Cheng reflected. He shouldn’t have thought ‘go free’.
Go free implied that Wen Ning would go somewhere else, rather than following him and Wei Wuxian around like an imprinted puppy. It only got worse when Wei Wuxian spontaneously declared that he would help him find Wen Qing to make sure she was safe – without asking Jiang Cheng first, which was unhelpful.
“We can’t be seen as being partial to the Wen sect,” he groaned, head in hands. “Not even the distant branches, but much less someone adopted by Sect Leader Wen himself…no offense meant, Wen Ning.”
“None taken,” Wen Ning said.
“But they helped us,” Wei Wuxian argued, clearly choosing to take the offense on Wen Ning’s part. “It would be unjust for us to turn on them now, when we have the power and they don’t, when they took risks on our behalf in the past.”
Jiang Cheng squinted at him. “Is this related to your weird thing about Lianfeng-zun?” he asked. Wei Wuxian had taken a firm stance against the man recently, and had spoken of it incessantly.
“No! Or, I mean – I would’ve done it anyway, okay? Listen, I really don’t like that guy.”
“No,” Jiang Cheng gasped dramatically. “You, Wei Wuxian, don’t like Lianfeng-zun? Wen Ning, did you hear that? Can you believe it?”
Wen Ning was hiding his face behind his sleeve – a Jiang sect outfit, one of Jiang Cheng’s own spares, since that was what they had, but the dark purple suited him rather well. Better than the red ever had.
His shoulders were shaking with laughter.
“Traitor,” Wei Wuxian told him.
“Sorry, Wei-gongzi!” Wen Ning giggled.
(Jiang Cheng did not think that Wen Ning was cute when he laughed, nor did he wish to see it happen again, to be the cause of it again. He was the leader of a sect, with an obligation to have heirs to carry on his parents’ legacy – he could think Wen Qing was pretty, even if she wasn’t exactly an advantageous match, but he was not allowed to think the same about Wen Ning.)
Wei Wuxian sighed and flopped down. “His conduct is questionable,” he grumbled. “Lan Zhan agrees with me…Anyway, why are we talking about Lianfeng-zun again? I thought we were talking about finding Wen Qing, and the rest of Wen Ning’s family?”
Jiang Cheng groaned again. “I can try to raise it at the meeting in Lanling,” he said, even though they’d all agreed that it made the most sense for the Jin sect to be the ones to resettle any prisoners of war, mostly on account of them having the money, the manpower, and the time, being the only sect that didn’t have significant work to do rebuilding after Wen sect aggression. “Provided you behave. Okay?”
Wei Wuxian, predictably, did not behave.
“Sect Leader Jiang?” Nie Mingjue unexpectedly said from the doorway to the room Jiang Cheng was staying in, and Jiang Cheng spun to stare at him in horror that someone was seeing him in this state. The other sect leader stepped inside, ignoring the mess of things on the floor from Jiang Cheng’s temper tantrum, and closed the door behind him. “Are you all right?”
Jiang Cheng opened his mouth to say something – something confident and self-assured, something that would help brush away Wei Wuxian’s atrocious behavior and his own as nothing to worry about, something befitting the sect leader of the Jiang sect – but the words stuck in his throat and, instead, to his absolute disgust, he burst into tears.
He expected Nie Mingjue to make a hasty exit at that point, appalled by the rampant display of emotionality, and that he’d have to apologize later for disgracing himself in such a fashion. That had been the way it had always gone with his parents, his father who hated sadness and his mother who hated weakness, and so he wasn’t expecting it at all when Nie Mingjue stepped forward and pulled him into his arms. Into a hug.
It was terrible: there was absolutely no way Jiang Cheng would be able to get ahold of himself now that he was feeling warm and protected and like someone gave one single damn about him.
Nie Mingjue didn’t let go of him, not even when he tearfully apologized for making a display – “It’s not wrong to have feelings, Jiang Wanyin, and it’s not harming me to be here while you let them out.” – or even when, in broken unfinished unpolitical sentences, Jiang Cheng started stuttering his way through…he wasn’t even sure what he was saying.
Possibly a rendition of all the bitterness and resentment he’d ever had in his life.
When it was done, after he’d wept all the tears he’d hidden inside of him, Nie Mingjue said only: “Feeling better?”
Jiang Cheng swiped at his eyes with his sleeve. “…yes,” he said, realizing that he did. “I’m sorry –”
“Do not apologize for having emotions like any other human being. Or for being a burden on me, which you are not.”
Jiang Cheng wished it didn’t feel so good when Nie Mingjue – stiff, stern, harsh Nie Mingjue, who rarely said kind words and never said anything just for the sake of saying it – said things like that. It would make it far easier to keep his dignity intact.
“Why did you come here?” he asked, instead. “It wasn’t to hear me talk about Wei Wuxian.”
At least, not the lifelong story of how Jiang Cheng had always been second to him even before he’d shown up – how his birthday was only a few days later, his skill a little bit less, his temperament inferior, his life inferior; how Jiang Cheng could ignore all of that if only Wei Wuxian were his brother the way he was his, the way he’d promised to be, and yet more and more nowadays it felt as if it were slipping out of reach.
“It was,” Nie Mingjue said. “He’s been coming around rather a lot to discuss Lianfeng-zun. It was his vehemence on the issue that reassured me that I wasn’t overreacting to the unnecessary death of my sect cultivators at Lianfeng-zun’s hands –”
The what?
Maybe Jiang Cheng should have listed a bit more when Wei Wuxian started ranting about how untrustworthy he thought Lianfeng-zun was.
“– and you have always had the strongest confidence in his sense of righteousness, even after he switched over to using demonic cultivation. Based on that, I thought there might be some reason behind his actions.”
Wei Wuxian’s actions: kidnapping an entire cohort of Wen sect cultivators from a Jin sect resettlement camp, assaulting several guards, running away, bringing shame on the Jiang sect by association…
“If I knew anything, I would tell you,” Jiang Cheng said bitterly. “But that would require Wei Wuxian telling me. Anything. At all.”
Nie Mingjue nodded thoughtfully. “Do you think he acted maliciously?”
“What? No,” Jiang Cheng said at once. “Of course not.”
“Do you think his thinking was affected by his demonic cultivation?”
“I almost wish it was, but no. He’s always been – like this. Reckless and over-confident, never thinking of consequences.”
“So you still have faith in him?”
“Of course!”
“That’s good enough for me,” Nie Mingjue said, as if Jiang Cheng hadn’t spent half a shichen crying on his shoulder about how all of his problems and how he couldn’t do anything right. “Let’s go ask him.”
“What, now?”
“Are you doing anything else?”
Fair was fair, but politics were politics: “If you’d gone about it the right way, perhaps the Jin sect wouldn’t have a claim,” Nie Mingjue said, pacing around the Burial Mounds with a scowl. “But as it stands now, it’s your word against theirs – and yours will be considered impaired on account of your demonic cultivation.”
“What about the testimony of the victims?” Wei Wuxian demanded.
“Wen sect,” Jiang Cheng put in, and shrugged when Wei Wuxian glared at him. “It’s true! Like it or not, their surname is Wen, and for Wen Qing and Wen Ning in particular, they were Sect Leader Wen’s wards.”
“It was not our choice,” Wen Qing said. Her voice was cold, and she’d tried to return the comb to him, earlier, though he’d refused – why he refused he didn’t know, since her decision to approach Wei Wuxian to seek help in rescuing the rest of her family rather than him had cut off any hope of anything between them. Even if she eventually understood his perspective, or even apologized for judging him unfit or unwilling to help her, he didn’t think he could live the rest of his life with a woman who had picked Wei Wuxian first.
“That isn’t what’s important, though,” Wen Ning said unexpectedly, and they all looked at him. He ducked his head, picking at his sleeve. “It isn’t. Sect Leader Jiang’s right: our surname is Wen. It’s reasonable for people to assume that we’re loyal to the Wen sect, and to treat us accordingly.”
“We never fought against anyone! We’ve never –”
“It doesn’t matter what we did, jiejie,” Wen Ning said. “Whether or not we fought for our sect, we would’ve benefited if they won, right? You rise when your clan rises, and fall when it falls. Why should we be an exception?”
“Well said,” Nie Mingjue said, and Wen Ning abruptly turned bright red – Jiang Cheng shot him a sympathetic look; he entirely understood the issue there. “Your testimony will be deemed self-interested, and even asking for it will only undercut Wei Wuxian’s position. Not to mention the Jiang sect’s.”
Jiang Cheng nodded, but Wei Wuxian crossed his arms. “Then just kick me out of the Jiang sect,” he said.
“What?” Jiang Cheng exclaimed, and even Nie Mingjue looked startled. “Absolutely not!”
“Why not? Isn’t the whole point that the Jiang sect is being dragged down by me and my new cultivation? Kick me out, and the problem’s solved.”
“I could cut off your head, and that of everyone else here,” Nie Mingjue said. “That would also solve the problem, but for some reason I’m not suggesting it. Can anyone tell me why?”
“…because it’s a bad idea?” Wen Ning volunteered.
“Because it’s a stupid idea,” Nie Mingjue agreed.
“It is a stupid idea,” Jiang Cheng growled. “Even putting aside that I don’t want to cast you out, do you really think people will stop blaming the Jiang sect for your actions just because you’re formally not aligned with us?”
“There isn’t another option,” Wei Wuxian said. “I’m not giving up the Wen sect, I’m not changing my cultivation style, I’m not giving up the Tiger Seal – and I’m not dragging the Jiang sect down with me, not if I can help it.”
“Are they really calling me ‘Ghost General’?” Wen Ning asked on one of his visits to the Lotus Pier to pick up supplies for the Yiling Burial Mounds.
Since Wei Wuxian had been so set on splitting from the Jiang sect, they’d eventually reached a compromise, of sorts. Wei Wuxian’s actions in rescuing the Wen sect remnants was – not endorsed, per se, as it was clearly wrongful, but Nie Mingjue announced that he had examined the Wen in question and found evidence suggestive of malnutrition and abuse, which indicated at minimum some negligence on the part of the Jin sect in not supervising the guards better. Accordingly, the Wen sect would be removed from the Jin sect’s custody and permitted to set up camp in Yiling under Wei Wuxian, but as punishment for his reckless and unsanctioned behavior, Wei Wuxian was to be expelled from the Jiang sect.
Since the expulsion was mandated by external forces, rather than being a result of his own decision, Jiang Cheng was able to give Wei Wuxian a sizeable settlement as a gift for his separation – the cultivation world gossiped about it, but most people seemed to think he was just trying to get his own back at Nie Mingjue for supposedly forcing the decision to expel Wei Wuxian down his throat – and to set up something of a trade agreement to send them more, although exactly what the Jiang sect was getting out of their side of the ‘trade’ was still up in the air.
Despite these outward signs of remaining support, several small sects had made attempts on the Burial Mounds, growing more reckless once they realized that Jiang Cheng really hadn’t left any forces behind to protect it – stupid of them, of course, since the reason he hadn’t left anyone behind was because he didn’t need to.
Wei Wuxian could handle himself perfectly well.
As could Wen Ning, apparently – he was a truly excellent archer, it turned out, and capable of waiting in all sorts of strange places with perfect patience, even if sometimes he had strange ideas about painting his face with mud to better blend in. It’d been one of those incidents that had given rise to the rumor that he was actually dead, having been resurrected by Wei Wuxian…
“Yes,” Jiang Cheng said. “Sorry about that. I tried to tell them to stop, but…”
“It made it worse?”
“It made it so much worse,” Jiang Cheng sighed. “Anyway, would you like to drink?”
“…do you mean tea?”
“Yes please,” Wen Ning said. “I have been – so stressed. You wouldn’t…actually, you probably would believe it.”
“I grew up with Wei Wuxian,” Jiang Cheng said grimly. “I believe anything.”
“It would be good to bring a representative of Yiling Wei sect to the conference, even if it can’t be Wei Wuxian himself,” Nie Mingjue remarked, looking down at the plans Jiang Cheng had laid out for the first discussion conference to be held in the Lotus Pier since the war. “You’re on good terms with Wen Qionglin, aren’t you? Ask him –”
“No!” Jiang Cheng exclaimed, then realized he was being suspicious and cleared his throat. “Maybe someone else should invite them.”
Nie Mingjue looked at him over the table. “…has something happened?” he asked.
Jiang Cheng stared down at the plans and hoped he wasn’t blushing. “Nothing important,” he said, and his voice cracked on the last sound – embarrassing.
Still not as embarrassing as that time he cried into Nie Mingjue’s arms, no, but still…embarrassing.
“Oh,” Nie Mingjue said. “You slept with him.”
“How can you tell?” Jiang Cheng hissed, mortified beyond all belief. “Is it – written on my face –”
“According to Huaisang, it’s always a safe guess,” Nie Mingjue said, and shrugged when Jiang Cheng gaped at him. “Either they admit that that’s the case, as you just did, or they get all up in arms and explain what it really was while denying it.”
“That’s –” Really useful and Jiang Cheng will have to put it into effect immediately. “– terrible.”
“Works, though. Why the embarrassment? I didn’t think the Jiang sect cared about cut sleeves.”
“We don’t,” Jiang Cheng said, sitting down and putting his head in his hands. “But I’m sect leader –”
“You had sex, it’s not like you got married.”
“I used to have a thing for his sister.”
“Awkward, I suppose, but it never went anywhere, did it? One can hardly hold your past inclinations against you –”
“We were both thinking about you,” Jiang Cheng blurted out, and then promptly wanted to die. He could have just not said that. He could have said anything else but that. He could stab himself right now and maybe Nie Mingjue would be so distracted by the bleeding and screaming that he would just forget what Jiang Cheng had just said…
“You could always just ask,” Nie Mingjue said.
Jiang Cheng looked up through his fingers. “…are you serious?”
Nie Mingjue looked at him with arched eyebrows. “Are you asking me if I’d be flattered by being propositioned by two extremely beautiful and deadly cultivators?”
“I wouldn’t rank those two as equally desirable traits in a lover,” Jiang Cheng said, and it was almost not a lie, “but…yes?”
He thought for a moment.
“If I did invite Wen Ning to the Discussion Conference…”
“Well,” Wen Ning said. “This wasn’t how I was expecting to end up.”
“Me, either,” Jiang Cheng said. He was staring up at the ceiling and thinking about not moving again for – possibly ever.
“Same for me,” Nie Mingjue, on his other side, agreed. “But I have no objections to how it worked out. There aren’t two other cultivators I’d rather be with.”
“There’d better not be,” Jiang Cheng said on automatic, then considered bashing his head in – luckily both Wen Ning and Nie Mingjue reached over and put their hands under his head so he couldn’t, which made him feel warm and happy in a way subtly different from the way the sex had. “I mean, who else would it be? Zewu-jun and Lianfeng-zun?”
“Wei-gongzi still thinks Lianfeng-zun is trying to kill you, you know,” Wen Ning said to Nie Mingjue, who looked long-suffering. “He’s got this idea –”
“He can’t be trying to kill me,” Nie Mingjue argued. “He’s just offered to help Xichen play calming music for me –”
“Wei-gongzi said that maybe he’s trying to kill you through the music –”
“I’m going to sleep,” Jiang Cheng announced. “When I wake up, we can discuss the political implications of letting there be rumors about us sleeping together, which will make it both convenient for us to do this again and also maybe using the potential threat of a Yiling Wei-Yunmeng Jiang-Qinghe Nie alliance to force the Jin sect to take action so we can figure out once and for all if Lianfeng-zun is actually planning to do something. But for the moment, I am going to sleep.”
“…seems fair,” Nie Mingjue agreed. “Communication and straightforwardness is important in relationships like these.”
“Uh,” Wen Ning said, glancing at Jiang Cheng. “About that…if, theoretically, I were to know something about someone…”
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gamerwoo · 4 years
[Tales from the Pack] Joshua: Second Chance (Part One)
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Characters: Joshua x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, possible character death, a little bit of fluff but it’s like angsty fluff
Word count: 1,837
Summary: After his mate died, Joshua always blamed himself and never wanted to imprint again. However, fate has other ideas when he meets you: a young, energetic werecoyote that’s quite the opposite of him. He insists he doesn’t want a new mate – nobody’s even sure if he’s ready for a new one – but he can’t ignore his instincts.
Next | Second Chance Masterlist
a/n: things in bold are in english. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!! hi i know everyone has been awaiting this series from tftp in particular. and while i wish i could say im updating this regularly,,,,,i cannot. there’s no definite update schedule, im just doing it when i can. i wanted to wait until i had all the parts written but im impatient. but i hope you’ll enjoy this series even with the slow updates, and i hope it lives up to expectations 💜
“Where’re we going?” Joshua grumbled as he followed slightly behind Hansol and Kyung, the younger boy’s hand wrapped around hers.
Joshua was going with them to the doctor without actually knowing. Kyung knew better than to tell him before they left because she figured the grumpy werewolf would just tell her no, not really caring whether he was unable to heal or not -- even though that was very clearly a bad sign that he had overexerted himself.
Kyung thought maybe Joshua would be a little less...angry all the time once she got to know him, but Joshua was stubborn well before he’d even met her -- he was just bad at shoving his stubbornness and anger down.
“I promised I’d get my back fixed if Kyung decided to stay, and you said you’d go if I went, didn’t you?” Hansol reminded his brother with a smirk over his shoulder. “We’re gonna go see that doctor we were told about. What was her name again?”
“Minjee,” Kyung replied. “Not to sound rude but...Josh, why don’t you want to see a doctor?”
“I don’t really care if I can heal or not either way,” he replied flatly, “but I said I’d get help if Hansol did. So...here we are.”
“Here we are...” she repeated in a mumble.
Joshua simply followed the mated couple in silence as the alpha led them to Minjee’s, being the first to knock on the door. It was a girl -- as expected -- that opened the door, bowing politely to the group before smiling brightly at the darker skinned girl in front of them.
“Kyung!” she exclaimed as she gestured the three of them in. “I haven’t seen you in so long -- I suppose that’s a good thing, though. How’ve you been? Your pack hasn’t mentioned you.”
“I’m not actually in that pack anymore,” Kyung told her with a shrug, her ‘cool’ exterior coming back in the presence of an old friend. “I’m an alpha of my mate’s pack now.”
Minjee seemed impressed, eyebrows raising with a smile, “Wow, look at you. How’d the sudden change happen? Jiung must be proud.”
“He’s actually...passed away.”
The doctor’s face fell, placing a comforting hand on your upper arm, “I’m sorry for the loss of your brother.”
Kyung nodded, “I’ve been grieving, but it’s been easier with my mate. Minjee, this is Hansol, and his brother -- er, our brother, I guess -- Joshua.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Hansol said as he nodded to her. “Our brother, Soonyoung came in before with a human girl to talk about fixing us -- I’ve got silver burned into my back, and Joshua’s the healer that can’t heal anymore.”
“Ah, yes, the healer!” Minjee’s eyes lit up as she nodded excitedly. She looked to Joshua now. “Your power still hasn’t come back?”
“No,” he replied. “I thought just resting would help but...nothing.”
“I see,” she hummed, eyeing him over before looking back at Kyung like she was their mother that took them to the doctor’s office. “I’ll do a quick look over and then see what I can do. It’s almost time for me to close up, and I have to go out of town for a few days. I won’t be able to do anything until about a week from now, but they’ll be fine until then if they’ve been fine this long.”
“That’s okay,” Hansol shrugged as Joshua replied, “No worries.”
“Alright,” Minjee breathed with a warm smile, grabbing some gloves from nearby, “then let’s get started and see what’s going on.”
Even though you were never careful, you wanted to blame this on shitty luck. You were too carefree and excitable, so you ran and ran and didn’t see the trap. So with you trapped under a net with little prickles that you were sure were laced with wolfsbane from how fucking awful you felt -- that was an understatement -- all you could do was wait for hunters to come find you before death took you itself. Honestly, you hoped the latter would come first.
You faintly heard footsteps coming toward you as your vision went out of focus, your eyelids becoming too heavy to keep up. You sensed a presence beside you, the body crouching down to get a better look at you.
“What do we have here?” a female-sounding voice asked, but it sounded far away and muffled to you. “Is this another werewolf?”
“I can’t tell,” another female voice replied in a sigh. “Sura, do you have any ideas?”
“Doesn’t smell like werewolf to me,” a male voice said. “It definitely is some kind of were-creature, though. This thing wreaks of wolfsbane and it’s clearly affecting her. I’d say...coyote, maybe?”
One of the women sucked in a breath between their teeth before saying, “Prajya, help me get this net off of her -- it’ll be heavy but I’m afraid to let Sura touch it.”
Slowly, you felt the weight of the net being lifted off of you. You could also feel every little barb stuck in you being pulled out, and you whimpered softly from the stinging pain that covered your body.
“Minjee, will she make it?” the second girl asked as you were lifted into warm arms.
“No,” the male replied, “probably not.”
“The house isn’t far from here,” the first girl insisted. “We just have to hurry.”
But you were out cold before they even took the first step.
Josh and Hansol weren’t really sure why so many people wanted to go with them into town that night for them to finally get fixed. Suvi was understandable since she just enjoyed going into town, and Soomin made sense since she was basically their resident know-it-all when it came to werewolves. However, Wonwoo wanting to tag along was weird because Wonwoo didn’t like leaving the house, much less going into town. They figured maybe it was because he wanted to make sure Soomin would be alright, but she was already going to be with two werewolves and a girl who had gone into town plenty of times. She was in good hands, but whatever made Wonwoo happy.
“Are you nervous?” Suvi wondered, looking up between Hansol and Joshua as she walked.
“I don’t know how they’re going to fix my back, so that’s a little concerning,” Hansol decided, “but I’m more excited.”
Joshua just shrugged, “Eh, not really.”
“Try not to be so excited, huh,” Wonwoo commented.
Joshua did like his power. He liked that he was able to help people with it. However, it didn’t benefit him -- as in, it didn’t make his own personal healing any better than anybody else’s in the pack -- and it wouldn’t be needed if his pack wasn’t so stupid and got themselves hurt. It wasn’t fun like Seokmin’s or Chan’s or Kyung’s, and it wasn’t interesting like Jihoon’s or Soonyoung’s or Hansol’s or Minghao’s. It was boring -- kind of like Wonwoo’s or Seungcheol’s.
Suvi was the first up to the door, knocking before she took a step back to wait. The door was answered by Minjee -- as always -- who greeted them with an almost pained smile.
“Hello,” she greeted them. “Before you come in, I’d like to apologize. My partners and I have just gotten home, and one of our patients... Well, she won’t make it.”
Now that she’d mentioned it, the wolves could just barely hear the faint, slowing heartbeat from inside the house. But they could also smell that it wasn’t the typical werewolf. It was something they’d never smelled before, but it still wasn’t completely human.
Joshua also picked up on a scent that was very familiar but also so very different from anything he’d smelled before.
“We’re just trying to ease her pain until she passes,” Minjee continued, letting the small group into the house. She turned to look at somebody else who was helping with the aforementioned girl. “Sura, could you put a curtain up around her? Prajya, I’ll need you to help me with--”
Minjee stopped when she noticed Joshua stop in the doorway, his body going rigid. His golden eyes were spotting red and locked on you, hands balled into fists.
You were dying; his mate was dying. Again.
“Josh...?” Wonwoo spoke up, placing a hand on the older boy’s shoulder.
Joshua’s thoughts and opinions on re-imprinting were out the window when it registered that the girl quickly losing her life was his mate. The only thing he could focus on was you and saving you -- but he only knew one way how.
“She’s not dying,” he stated, walking straight through the small crowd and over to you where your pulse was just a moment away from completely dying out.
“What?” Minjee asked, watching him as he approached you with a set jaw and narrowed eyes.
“I’m not going to let her die,” he said louder, letting his hands hover above your body.
Joshua was too focused on trying to somehow get his powers to come back to him that he wasn’t paying any attention to Hansol and Wonwoo’s conversation over their surprise of their brother imprinting for a second time. Truthfully, nobody thought anybody would come after Lilly since Josh was so against it. But then again, imprinting wasn’t something any werewolf could control. 
Joshua mumbled to himself as he tried to will his power back. He was concentrating so hard but nothing was happening. No faint glow from his palms, no color coming back to your face, and your heartbeat was still rapidly decreasing by the second. It wouldn’t be long until it was gone all together, and then there would be nothing he could do.
“C’mon...c’mon...” he grumbled, closing his eyes as his eyebrows creased together in concentration.
“Your powers won’t suddenly work,” Minjee spoke up, watching from where she stood by his pack, wanting to give the werewolf space -- especially since she was preparing for him to be grieving for the mate he’d lose before actually having her.
“They have to!” he snapped.
He refused to lose you. If he lost two mates -- even if he didn’t properly meet or know you -- he was sure he wouldn’t be able to take it.
With his last bit of energy he had in his body, his palms faintly glowed to life, spreading a tingling warmth across your body. His healing power was starting to cleanse the wolfsbane from your system, and your heartbeat was starting to become stronger and more stable. Hearing your heartbeat louder in his ears made Josh want to cry. But he didn’t have the energy for it.
As you let out a cough and a girl with brown skin rushed over to sit you up so you could empty your system, Joshua collapsed onto the floor, knowing you were alive and would hopefully stay alive. He put his everything into saving you, and he didn’t know if that would kill him, but he knew it was worth it.
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
travel books and romance novels // Colin Bridgerton
Summary: Colin visits the library for research into his next trip; he didn’t expect to find you.
A/N: Colin’s desire to travel honestly reflects my own. For purposes of the fic, I have aged Colin up - it’s more to fit the plot line of Book Four which is his book anyway. I’m not sure how to feel about this fic, I'm happy with it but I’m not at the same time. I’m not being too harsh on myself however, this is my first time writing for Colin and I haven't got to grips with his character yet. I hope you all like!! <3
Pairing: Colin Bridgerton x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Colin is very cute, pining, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers, female reader, she/her pronouns, marriage proposal, happy ending.
Word count: 4k
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Colin Bridgerton had spent over two decades of his life on this planet and had yet to find something or someone he loves more than travelling. The bug first bit him in his early twenties; desperate to experience a Grand Tour – a tradition of which that had strongly died out in the past century. He had read about it so often; dreamed of it nearly every day that eventually he put the idea forward to Anthony and his mother, Violet.
Though Violet was apprehensive at first, she warmed up to the idea once Colin gave her permission to choose some of the countries he would visit. Anthony held no qualms; having travelled to France and Spain before tragedy forced the family title upon his shoulders. Being able to travel would forge Colin into the man he should be; it would give him experience, and plenty of stories to tell his children and then eventually, their children.
Upon arriving back in London after his second trip away, Colin found himself glad to be home. He had sorely missed the sounds and smells that accompany London; the clipping of horses hooves and the constant chit-chat of men and women. It was home; it would always be home.
However, as he stepped off the boat or the train, Colin always wondered the same thing. How long would it be until he craved adventure once more?
A month.
Colin lasted a month in the company of his beloved family before he was desperate to head off on his next adventure. However, he had no clear destination in mind. He had visited Europe, toured the Mediterranean and had hopes of crossing the Atlantic one day soon, but for now - to save his mother’s poor nerves - was content to remain closer to home.
He wasn’t one to visit libraries himself, usually sending a list of books with a servant whenever they visited the place, but this time he fancied the walk to stretch his legs. He had decided that research was the best way forward into finding his next destination, his next adventure. The library could offer such a thing.
It truly was a thing of wonder; so many books and serial publications at home in one place. The library at Bridgerton House was well stocked and Colin knew he could walk in freely and take whatever he would need, but there was something attractive about going out to find exactly what you need. There was also the added bonus of a lack of interrogation from his much-loved mother.
A huff leaves his body as Colin is pitched forward; barely catching himself before knocking into one of the shelves. Turning, Colin readies the words he wants to fling at the person who had yet they die in his throat when he finds you standing behind him with an apologetic look on your face, close to tears.
“Mr. Bridgerton!” You gasp, bowing your head politely and in apology, “I hadn’t meant to walk into you.”
Colin smiles, brushing down his suit jacket, “It’s no worry, Miss (Y/L/N). No harm done.”
“I hope not,” You reply, biting your lip.
His smile grows wider at the note of concern in your voice. “Truly, Miss (Y/L/N), no harm done.”
“Nevertheless, I apologise.”
“What are you reading?” He asks, nodding at the two books in your hand, changing the subject.
“They’re romances,” You admit shyly, “I read to my aunt twice a week. She rather enjoys them.”
“And you? Do you enjoy them?”
“There are some that I enjoy, yes, but I prefer books with adventures if I’m being honest.”
You nod, “I like them very much. What do you read?”
Colin frowns; confused at the question. You gesture to the shelves of books surrounding you, “What do you like to read, Mr. Bridgerton? We are in a library after all.”
“Non-fiction,” He replies, nodding his head to the stack dedicated to true life accounts of travellers. “I’m here doing research.”
“For where I want to travel to next,” Colin clarifies; walking towards the stack, all the while knowing you’re following.
“Have you an idea?”
He shakes his head; disappointed at the admission. For his last two trips abroad, he had known exactly where he wanted to go and what he wanted to do and see. Now, however, he was struggling for ideas.
You nod your head; seemingly understanding the predicament Colin has found himself in. Holding close the hardcover editions of the romances your aunt loved so much, you take a step back from the third eldest Bridgerton.
“I hope you find your location soon, Mr. Bridgerton,” You murmur in farewell, turning away from the tall brunette.
“I hope you enjoy your romances,” Colin replies, watching you walk away. Fleetingly, he wonders if he will see you again.
The library remains just as silent as the last time Colin visited. The books he had borrowed heavy in his hands as he returns them to the attendant who nods in thanks. Distantly, he wonder whether he will run into you again. Since meeting you last, he hadn’t stopped thinking about you.
Colin barely knew you or your family; didn’t know much about your lineage or even whether you knew of his, yet he had not stopped thinking about you and the way you held your books so close to your chest, as if protective of them and what they held even if you didn’t own them. He couldn’t explain the urge he had to get to know you. Colin felt certain that if he wasn’t to see you in the next day or so he was to go mad from the unknown.
Luckily for his sanity, he spies a familiar head of hair amongst the shelves, and he cannot help the surge of happiness that runs through him when he recognises you reading the spines of the books. “Miss (Y/L/N)!” Colin calls out in greeting; rushing over to you.
“Mr. Bridgerton,” You smile, “How have you been? Have you decided on your next destination?”
“I have not though I’ll think of something soon.”
“I look forward to finding out. I’m sure Lady Whistledown will report on it.”
“I’m sure she will,” He drawls; his contempt for the author of the gossip sheet well known amongst family and friends. “How did the romances go down with your aunt? Did she enjoy them?”
Nodding your head, you explain, “Very much so. She usually stays awake for a chapter or two before falling asleep, but this time she stayed awake for close to five. I’m here looking for more books by the same author.”
“Would you like some help?”
“Only if you aren’t too busy. I wouldn’t want to pull you away from something more important.”
Colin shakes his head. “I would be happy to help.”
It takes the better part of an hour. Colin proving to be a distraction to your thoughts as you trawl through the shelves in the library. His very presence throws your mind into overdrive; overthinking his intentions for helping you, but also noticing just how handsome he truly is.
“I think we have enough for now,” You eventually comment, finding it hard to keep the sadness out of your voice as you realise that your time with the Bridgerton is up.
“Are three books enough?” Colin asks warily, as if he doesn’t want the time spent together to end either.
Sighing, you nod, “It’s enough to keep her occupied for a while. It takes us a few weeks to get through one book with me visiting her only twice a week.”
Colin nods understandingly, “Then the other romance novels must be for you.”
You raise an eyebrow, “I much prefer adventure novels though I did tell you that the first time we had met. Though I suppose I didn’t make that much of an impression.”
“I can assure you; you did. I just couldn’t help but notice that you must read far quicker than your aunt so surely you must read the other books you have borrowed.”
Caught out, you avert your gaze back to the books in your hand. Colin tries not to smile in triumph but fails miserably. “How often do you come here?” Colin asks, “Do you borrow books for your aunt alone, or do you read to another relative?”
Pursing your lips, you think over your answer. “I only read to my aunt and I suppose I come here at least once a week, usually on a Wednesday.”
Colin nods, “I shall see you next Wednesday then.”
Watching the Bridgerton walk away from you, you cannot help but wonder what exactly you had gotten yourself into.
The friendship that develops with Colin Bridgerton felt entirely natural; as if at some point in your lives your paths were always meant to cross, and a friendship was to begin. Colin finds you in and amongst the stacks of books the following week; a triumphant grin on his lips and his eyes bright with happiness when he finds you once again in the romance aisle.
He starts to offer you suggestions of books to read, meeting you at the library week after week; all the whole continuing his research into where he wants to travel next. He hasn’t settled on a destination, yet he comes to realise that this is the longest he has remained in London in years. Usually, Colin would return home, manage a month with his family before taking off again. A routine his mother has come to despise despite offering her blessing for every trip.
Weeks continue to pass and whilst his family know that Colin has become infatuated with someone, he isn’t ready to share you with them yet. He isn’t ready for the inspecting glances and interrogations from his mother, brothers, and sisters. For now, Colin was more than content to share you with the romance books you swear you don’t love as much as you truly do.
The café is busy and getting busier from a lunch rush when Colin sits down across from you. His hair remains a mess despite how often he runs his hands through it in an attempt to flatten it; his eyes are bright as he smiles widely at you.
“I thought you were going to be late,” You admonish, but there’s no heat behind it.
Colin takes a sip of his tea, “I could never be late, not for you.”
“You’re a flatterer.”
“And you’re a romance fan, no matter how many times you try to deny it. Tell me, what are you reading right now?”
You purse your lips, deciding whether to relay the information to him, but the longer you wait, the larger his smile gets. “Definitely not those novels,” You comment, “There is romance in my latest book, but I am reading it for the adventure. It has pirates if you must know, very adventurous.”
Colin laughs, reaching for one of the small cakes on the stand.
“I don’t know how I stand your company,” You complain, trying your best to calm your stomach long enough for you to enjoy the food on your plate. The butterflies raging there were making it rather hard.
“You like me, that’s why.”
“I suppose that is more judgement on me than it is you.”
Colin’s only answer is to wink before returning his attention to the food on his plate. For a while, it is silent between the two of you. happy smiles are exchanged between you both and quiet laughter when you both reach for the same cake; Colin, ever so gracious, lets you have the cake. Instead, he tops up his tea and then yours from the teapot.
“I would like to visit Russia next; I think – St. Petersburg,” Colin declares, breaking the silence once and for all.
“Truly? You would travel so far?” You ask, eyes wandering to the globe on the table in the corner of the room, a display item. Centred on England, Russia could not be seen for the distance between them.
“I’d travel to all four corners of the earth if I could,” Colin admits, voice honest.
You sit back in your chair, eyes wide with wonder at the prospect of travelling even outside the county without a chaperone. “I’d love to travel.”
“It is a marvel,” Colin smiles, thinking back to his trips through Europe and the Mediterranean.
“The only chance I’ll get to travel is on my honeymoon which will be a marvel in itself,” You reply, picking at an invisible thread on your skirts.
You sigh, “Mother doesn’t hold much hope for my marrying. She believes that I have been out for too many seasons and have nothing left to offer that could possibly entice a man into courting me, never mind proposing.”
Colin finds himself gripping the arm of his chair in an attempt to keep his anger at bay. Such words leaving your mouth should be a crime. You have plenty to offer. However, at the sight of your slumped shoulders and sad eyes, Colin realises that you believe the words of your mother; that you truly have nothing left to offer.
On a whim, Colin asks, “Are you attending the Duchess of Hasting’s ball tonight?”
Shaking your head, you explain, “Mother isn’t one for huge events no matter the title of its holder.”
Colin surges forward, grasping your gloved hand, “Come, please. My sister won’t mind. I’ll have her add you to the guest list and send a carriage for you.”
You remain silent as you think over his proposition, ready to turn him down and return to your life of safety but the determination in his eyes and the joy in his smile leaves you nodding your head instead.
“Alright,” You agree, “I shall wait for you carriage.”
The London home of the Duke and Duchess of Hastings could only be described as grand. Candles line the way to courtyard in which the ball would be held; they provide a romantic atmosphere, providing many a dark corner where young couples could sneak away from their chaperones.
Upon your announcement, you find yourself walking through the large crowd of people, unwittingly searching for the familiar head of brown hair. He finds you first, however, smiling widely as he notices you in the crowd.
Colin excuses himself from his conversation; making his way over to you as fast as he can without bringing too much attention to himself.
“You came,” Colin breathes as if in disbelief that you stand before him. His eyes run over you; taking it all in as his heart races. He hasn’t felt like this before; he hasn’t ever known anyone to make him feel like this. Colin feels as if he wants to show you everything, introduce you to everyone, but also keep you for himself should anyone want to steal you away.
“I said I would,” You smile, heated from his attention.
“You look beautiful,” Colin states truthfully.
“Thank you,” You answer, “You look very handsome too.”
“Would you care to dance?” Colin asks, a hand outstretched and waiting.
Smiling, you nod your acceptance. You take his offered hand, letting him leads you to the dancefloor where many other couples are readying themselves for the opening notes of the dance. Out of the corner of your eye, you spy Anthony’s eldest brother getting ready to dance with his wife, Kate. He offers Colin a smile and a nod to which Colin’s shoulders relax somewhat. You raise an eyebrow at the brunette only for Colin to shake his head; nothing you need to worry about.
Colin’s hands find themselves in the correct position son your body as you reach for his free hand, resting your hand on his shoulder. The music soon starts up and Colin begins to lead you round the dancefloor in a flurry of spins that leaves you giggling. His face lights up at the sound of your laughter, soon finding himself joining in.
“Stay for one more dance?” He asks as the music dies and you pull away, desperate not to let go of you just yet, happy enough right now to feel your hand in his and your body pressed so close.
“I’d love to,” You answer honestly, letting yourself be pulled back to the dancefloor where Colins hands soon start to feel like home on your body.
By the end of the second dance, you begin to feel dizzy from the spinning. Smiling gratefully at Colin, you apologise for having to bow out. He dismisses your apology with a wave of his hand, “Shall we get a drink? I’m sure I saw some lemonade not too long ago.”
“Lemonade sounds perfect. I seem to have worked up quite a thirst.”
“Then by all means,” Colin declares, bowing dramatically at the waist, “We must get the lady a drink.”
Laughing softly, you follow Colin to the drinks table where he hands you a small glass of the cold drink. He goes to take a drink from his own glass but is distracted by his mother calling his name. Colin apologises before leaving you in the company of his sisters, Eloise and Hyacinth.
“Good evening, mother,” Colin greets, dropping his head to kiss her on her cheek.
“Two dances in a row?” She asks as greeting, curious to know just who has distracted her son in this manner.
Colin ducks his head; not ashamed to have been caught out in his feelings, but ashamed that he hasn’t introduced you to his family as of yet. Across the room, despite the music, he hears your laughter. His attention rests on you as he watches you laugh at something said by either Eloise or Hyacinth. Your smile is wide as you try to cover it with your hand; trying to be polite but neither sister care that much as they continue to make you laugh.
You’re beautiful, he realises. He’s known it all along, of course, but with that smile on your face, Colin cannot help but desire to be the one who brings such a smile to life. He wants to be the cause of your smiles and your laughter; the reasons why your eyes crinkle in the corner. He wants it all; he wants it with you.
“I think you know why you haven’t set off on another adventure,” Violet states pointedly; eyes dancing between her son and where you stand, talking to Eloise and Hyacinth. A mother always knows.
Colin’s eyes don’t need to follow his mother’s; they had been on you since you excused yourself from him. He’s finally ready to confront what he had known along. “I think I know too. Do you approve?” He asks; realising he sounds like a child desperate for his mother’s attention.
Violet Bridgerton smiles, brushing Colin’s cheek softly with a gloved hand. “I think you suit each other perfectly.”
The smile that breaks over Colin’s face could only be described as blinding as he takes his mother’s hand from his face, kissing the back of it before leaning in to kiss her cheek. Against her cheek, he whispers, “Thank you, mother.”
Violet nods, eyes lined with tears as she watches her third eldest son walk away from her. She would be the first to admit how well suited you both are; the need for adventure alive in the both of you. She shakes her head fondly as she watches her son make his way over to you; holding out his hand, asking you to dance to which you graciously accept.
Violet begins to walk the outskirts of the ballroom; feeling nothing but pride and happiness for each one of her children and elated in the knowledge that there was soon to be another marriage in the Bridgerton household.
The morning after the ball is a pleasant one. The weather wonderfully warm as the sun shines through the windows; heating the drawing room pleasantly. Turning your face, you take in the rays, careful not to risk too much exposure.
Your latest read remains open on your lap as you continue to bask in the warmth of the sun. So far, the book has captured your attention and has failed to let it go. The heroine of the novel too relatable personality wise for you to take a break long enough. At this point in the novel, she had offered an ultimatum to her suitor – he can join her on her next escapade, or he can find another woman to marry. You could only hope he would join her in her next adventure; their comradery was too perfect to end so suddenly.
However, after the events of last night, you found it hard to focus on the book long enough to turn the page. Instead, you found yourself reading the same line over and over again, desperately trying to lose yourself in the witty prose of the author.
But your mind focused on last night: the music, the dancing, the company. It had been a dream; it felt like a dream – only your mind could cook something up so perfect, yet deep down you knew you had experienced every second. You were certain you were still dizzy from the spins you had taken when dancing with Colin.
Biting your lip, you think back to the three dances you had shared with the third eldest Bridgerton. Three dances – could it be true? Shaking your head, you answer your own question. It was true; you remember every moment with crystal clarity. Three dances with Colin had to mean something; it had to mean he felt something for you. Your heart begins to race as you think of the possibilities
“Miss,” Your Butler states, interrupting your daydreaming, “A Mr. Colin Bridgerton is here to call on you.”
“Show him in,” You answer, standing from your window seat, brushing down the skirts of you dress. Biting your lip, you could only hope that you looked presentable.
“(Y/N),” Colin greets as he enters the room, a large smile on his face. A bouquet of red roses and lady’s breath in his hand that he offers to you.
“They’re beautiful, Colin. Thank you,” You whisper, eyes darting around the room for a vase. They would be put in there after Colin had left.
“I’m glad you think so.”
“What did I do to deserve flowers though?” You ask, a teasing note in your voice.
Colin smiles, “I know where I want to travel to next. I came to tell you.”
A pang of disappointment rushes through your body soon followed by upset. Placing the flowers on the nearest table, you do what you can to avoid his gaze as you ask, “When do you leave?”
“That’s the thing,” He starts, shifting nervously, “I have something to ask of you before.”
“Travel with me. Come with me,” He all but pleads, reaching for your hand, “As my wife.”
Your eyes widen as Colin’s grip on your hand tightens. “What?” You question, breath coming in a hurry. “What are you asking me, Colin?”
“I’m asking you to marry me so we can travel together. I’ve seen the world once; I want to see it again with you.”
“I have to admit this isn’t what I expected today,” You ramble, trying your best to not look into his eyes. The moment you do, you’re done for.
“(Y/N)…” Colin interrupts, cutting off your nervous rambling. “I need to know an answer, love.”
It’s only then that you let yourself look into his blue eyes; reading the emotions written over his face. He was promising you adventure; the likes of which you had only read in books. Colin was promising you a future full of love and laughter; a dream you had hoped for since you were a young child.
Suddenly, as you look into his blue, blue eyes, it’s all clear.
“Yes,” You whisper, somewhat breathless but entirely ready to begin your future with the man in front of you, “Let’s see the world together.”
Bridgerton Taglist: @heloisedaphnebrightmore @dreaming-about-fanfictions @now-its-time-for-a-breakdown @janelongxox @aspiringsloth20 @wallwriterstuff​
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Hi, happy Shared Birthday Month, cause it's my birthday month as well!! Can I please prompt you a WinterIron, where Bucky and/or winter soldier is a science nerd and a massive Tony Stark stan? Happy with setting in any era, any rating 😄 Thank you! You are amazing and I love your stuff!
Happy late birthday! Sorry it took me a bit to get to this prompt but here is a cute no-powers au, featuring some minor Natasha/Steve and some science from a paper my lab group read in group meeting yesterday (check the ao3 story for the paper citation). Sorry I didn't come up with something more original for the science but this was on my mind.
As always, everything I write is also on ao3.
“Okay, Steve, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me—for us,” Bucky quickly corrects when Steve shoots him an amused look. “So what are we going to do?”
“We’re going to sit quietly in the audience,” Steve says.
“And what are we not going to do?”
“Shout that our best friend would like to bang Tony Stark like a screen door in a hurricane,” Steve dutifully repeats what Bucky has been telling him for the whole drive to the studio. He gives Bucky a sly smile. “Even if it’s true.”
Bucky swats his skinny arm lightly, enough to sting but not so hard that it’ll bruise Steve’s arm, which bruises like a peach. He still can’t believe he managed to win the tickets to watch the live taping of the one hundredth episode of Tony Stark’s show, It’s Only Science If You Write It Down. He’s been following the show since its first episode five years ago. Growing up, Tony Stark was to him what Britney Spears was to other kids. Stark was always in the news for his innovative inventions for his father’s company. Everyone had thought he would take over SI after his parents’ deaths, but instead he’d handed the company over to Pepper Potts, a then-unknown young woman working in SI’s financial department. Stark still held the majority of shares in the company but he’d turned his focus to becoming the next Bill Nye, along with his best friend. Bucky had stumbled across one of the articles about him when he was young and immediately developed one heck of a crush on him that hadn’t at all disappeared with age.
And now he’s here, attending the first ever live taping of Stark’s show.
It’d be a dream come true if only Steve wasn’t the one attending with him. Don’t get him wrong, Stevie’s great, but he’s also convinced Bucky needs to date more often and he’s very… enthusiastic about making sure that everyone they meet that Bucky thinks is even the slightest bit cute knows that.
Stark is the crush to end all crushes. He knows that Steve knows it. He also knows what Steve is like, and he thinks he’ll die of shame if Steve feels the need to let Stark know it too.
“You have your inhaler, right?” he asks as the line creeps forward.
“Yes, mother,” Steve sighs, patting his pocket. “And an EpiPen in the other pocket and my meds in my wallet.”
They’re reminded to keep their phones firmly in their pockets by the surly security guard—incongruously named Happy, according to the badge he’s wearing—at the front door and then ushered inside the studio, only to be stopped by a young woman with a clipboard as they’re climbing the risers.
“Hi,” she says with a sphinxlike smile that makes Bucky want to check that his wallet is still in his pocket. “Which one of you is Bucky Barnes?”
“Uh, that would be me,” he says, raising his hand slightly.
Her eyes catch on the silver sheen of his prosthetic. They don’t register anything other than idle curiosity, but Bucky still awkwardly tucks the arm away. It’s been almost ten years since the accident, but he’s still not used to the looks he gets when people see it.
“I’m Natasha,” she says. “Mr. Stark’s personal assistant. JARVIS noticed you when you entered the studio. Mr. Stark wanted me to inform you both that there’s been a change to the contest winnings.”
Dread starts to pool in Bucky’s stomach but it doesn’t have long to settle before her smile gentles and she adds, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad. He just wanted to invite the two of you backstage after the show is over.”
Bucky’s mouth drops open. Steve reaches over to close it and asks, “Why?”
To Bucky’s surprise, Natasha gives Steve a clear onceover, seemingly pleased by what she sees. “Mr. Stark wouldn’t like me to give away his secrets, but I’d imagine it has something to do with the way he spilled his coffee all over his front when he saw your friend’s picture.”
“Really?” Steve asks skeptically. “A notorious playboy tripping all over himself for this yahoo here?”
Natasha laughs, hard enough that Bucky mutters, “It wasn’t that funny.”
Once she’s calmed down, Natasha says, “He’s not as bad as you think. A lot of it is just reputation. And yes, as soon as he got a look at him, he was demanding I figure out a way to get him backstage.”
“What am I, chopped liver?” Steve demands, taking an indignant stance.
Natasha hums, eyes going dark. “Oh no, you got invited backstage because I wanted to meet you,” she purrs. “I’ll come find you boys later. Enjoy the show.”
She saunters off, putting just enough of a sway to her step that Bucky suspects if he were attracted to women, he’d be mesmerized. As it is, he’s the one who has to reach over to close Steve’s jaw this time.
They take their seats and a few minutes later, Tony Stark and James Rhodes walk on set. They’re quietly talking to each other as the crew bustles around them, makeup artists darting up to make sure their faces look perfect. Stark is dressed in a t-shirt that says Engineers do it on the test bench—which is a terrible joke really and shouldn’t make Bucky want to laugh as much as he does—and well-worn jeans that perfectly mold to the shape of his bubble butt. Rhodes could be dressed in a paper sack for all that Bucky notices him.
Steve leans over and whispers, “You sure that I can’t yell that you want to bang Tony Stark like a screen door in a hurricane? Natasha made it sound like he’d be open to it.”
“You do,” Bucky hisses back, “and I’ll tell Natasha you were looking at her rear when she walked away.”
Steve makes an indignant noise and sits back in his chair, sulkily crossing his arms.
“Quiet on set!” the director yells. “And… action!”
“Hi!” Tony Stark says, smiling right at the camera. “I’m Tony and this is Rhodey and you’re watching Disney Channe!”
“He’s kidding,” Rhodes says long-sufferingly. “You’re watching It’s Only Science If You Write It Down.”
Later, Bucky wouldn’t be able to tell anyone what the show had been about. He’d spent the entire show too entranced by Tony’s voice and charisma to pay any attention to the actual science, which is a bit of a shame. He really does like science—he wouldn’t be getting his PhD in physical chemistry if he didn’t—but he can’t tear his eyes away from Tony long enough to actually watch the experiment. It’s fine; he can always watch the show later when it’s released (and maybe, if he’s lucky, he’ll have Tony to watch it with).
It seems like both an eternity and only a moment before the show wraps. Tony and Rhodes leave to thunderous applause, only coming back out for quick bows before disappearing backstage again. Bucky and Steve stay seated while the rest of the audience filters out slowly until Natasha comes to get them. She and Steve chat quietly as she leads them backstage but Bucky can only listen with half an ear; he’s too nervous about meeting his personal hero.
Rhodes is leaving the room Natasha leads them to. He breathes a sigh of relief when he spots the three of them. “Good, you’re here,” he says, specifically looking at Bucky. “Maybe you can calm him down. He’s been bouncing off the walls since he saw your picture.”
“Really?” Bucky squeaks. He clears his throat and tries again. “Really?”
“Really. He read all your papers last night—twice.”
“He has?”
Rhodes nods. “He really likes your piece on inelastic electron wave packet scattering.”
“Yeah? What did he—”
“You’ll have to ask him,” Rhodes interrupts. “I might be a rocket scientist but chemistry isn’t my preferred field of science. If you don’t mind, I’ve got a date to get to.”
He pushes the door open, letting them in, and leaves. Natasha slips through the door, followed immediately by Tony saying, “Where are—oh god, they left, didn’t they? I knew this was too much. Nat—”
“They’re right outside,” Natasha says smoothly. She opens the door further, revealing the two of them awkwardly standing there. Bucky’s gaze darts around a fairly nice dressing room before finally landing on Tony, who is blinking back at him with a wide-eyed, slightly stunned look.
“Hi,” he breathes out.
The corner of Tony’s mouth twitches up in the tiniest of smiles. “Hi.”
“Great, now that that’s out of the way, get out,” Natasha says, giving Tony a shove so that he stumbles out of the room, right into Bucky’s arms. She reaches out and grabs Steve, pulling him inside. “Don’t disturb me for the next hour.”
“Uh,” Steve begins, but he doesn’t actually look upset by this turn of events, so Bucky doesn’t worry—too much, anyway.
He does, however, turn to Tony and ask, “Is he going to be okay?”
“Oh yeah, he’s fine,” Tony says breezily. “Natasha’s just very direct.”
Now that it’s just the two of them alone in the hallway, it’s a little more awkward. Bucky opens his mouth twice to say something, only to shut it again as soon as he realizes his question is stupid. For his part, Tony shoves his hands deep into his pockets and rocks back and forth on his feet.
Then the sound of what is obviously Steve moaning floats through the door. Bucky cringes and jerks his thumb in the direction of the door. “We should—”
“Yep,” Tony agrees.
They get all the way back to the set before they stop. They look at each other for a beat before dissolving into giggles. “Oh my god,” Tony says, clutching his sides. “I knew she moved fast but—”
“Well, Steve doesn’t move fast at all,” Bucky says, “so you can see where I’m a bit lost.”
That sets Tony off into another round of laughter. Bucky is calming down a bit so he takes the moment to admire the way Tony laughs with his entire body. It takes Tony a moment to realizes he’s being stared at. When he does, his laugh tapers off as he gives Bucky a lingering look.
“I’m Tony,” he says eventually.
“Wow, that’s really unfortunate.”
“You’re not wrong,” Bucky agrees. “Blame Stevie for that one.”
“Childhood friends, huh?”
“Literally played naked together in the kiddie pool.”
Tony grins. “That sounds familiar.”
“You and Rhodes—”
“Oh no, but if you ever get the chance to meet Janet Van Dyne, remember to ask her about the time she thought she could make a living selling mud pies.”
Bucky takes a moment to marvel that this is his life now, that Tony thinks nothing of giving him dirt on the most prolific fashion designer of their generation. “So, uh, Rhodes told me you read my papers?”
Tony’s eyes light up, and, wow, he looks really pretty when he’s excited. “Yes!” he exclaims. “I want to hear your thoughts on the—uh—the time-dependent density functional theory model.”
“I’d love to,” Bucky says honestly. He bites his lip. “Maybe over coffee?”
A delighted smile spreads across Tony’s face. “I’d really like that.”
He holds out his hand for Bucky to take, which he does. Tony’s hand is small and warm, fitting perfectly against his. They stand there, smiling at each other like idiots, until the surly security guard pokes his head around the corner and asks, “Boss, do you need me to drive you?”
Tony jumps. He shoots Bucky a sheepish grin and then calls over his shoulder, “No, I think we can walk, Happy.”
“Are you sure? There’s—”
“It’s only two blocks.”
“Yeah, but—”
“You know what, Happy. You should go see if Natasha needs you to drive her somewhere. I think she’s got a date too.” While Happy is distracted, Tony tugs Bucky towards a side door he hadn’t noticed earlier. “Come on,” he mutters. “Before Natasha decides to kill me for sending Happy to interrupt her.”
“You could not antagonize her,” Bucky points out.
Tony shoots him a mischievous grin. “Where’s the fun in that?”
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