#i just like the ship so i like thinking abt reasons why ppl acted the way they did that still fits with the lore
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arkaniist · 8 months ago
personally i do like the ship, i wholeheartedly threw myself into it really because i wanted them to do anything with miquella and, well... this is anything - so i'm very biased, obviously, but still even i wish fs had put more thought into the environmental storytelling aspect of the reveal. there are a lot of things you can do to justify radahn/miquella logically; i have found a pretty satisfying reason for why radahn was chosen and not godwyn or malenia, just as the biggest example of the main complaint i've seen raised. but fs isn't known for having fully laid out perfectly logical storytelling, so it's disappointing that they failed to do the thing they're known for.
i would love if fs could make the situation more clear on what miquella and malenia's side of the 'vow' was, but of course they will never explain themselves. we can only leave that to the realm of hc now... personally i am interpreting the forced fight to the death as the point, not a sign that radahn had changed his mind or was unwilling. the way i see it, it makes sense that if miquella was asking radahn to become a consort like his warrior hero but to a god very unlike his warmonger mother, radahn would demand something like a hero's death, or one last all-out fight between the best warriors in the lands between. less that he agreed to die and more that he agreed to let malenia kill him if she could, if miquella was willing to prove that he would risk even his twin for godhood, if he would - as radahn loved - put up a worthy fight.
i think malenia was supposed to go to caelid and let miquella get kidnapped while she gave the conflict with radahn her promised absolute best, and she fell just short. she thought she'd kill him or both of them with the bloom - context for her last words to him. she had no idea he would end up mad and functionally immortal and that she'd be completely incapacitated and unable to finish the job.
(to me, this explains why the jpn version of the final dlc cutscene sounds more like miquella begging and apologizing to radahn than like, miquella self confident and making demands or grand promises. miquella was always in a position where radahn had power over him - not just physically, but that he was the one who ultimately had the final say in whether or not he'd help miquella ascend.)
presuming radahn knew about the entire plan from the beginning and that it was always miquella's intent to enter the land of shadow via mohg to wait for radahn to join him so he could ascend even explains why radahn and malenia (and their followers) don't have beef with mohg in the base game - everyone who was in on the plan knew mohg was an unfortunate tool. it explains the timing of the 'kidnapping' and why malenia left her brother at his most 'vulnerable' in the first place.
i dunno! that's just my interpretation of it. now that i look at it all together, it's very much giving tyr and fenrir. if you want to put a muzzle on the beast, you'd better be willing to put your hand in its mouth first. it's going to bite down, it's going to hurt, you're going to lose something you need. you have to accept that. it's for the best, it's for the sake of the world. don't flinch.
The fuckin garbage thing is that radahn/miquella should have been a use-the-force-luke guided missile right up my specific fucking alley, I mean:
- fatalistic ideologue + devoted vassal? ����
- literal star crossed lovers?? 👍👍
- gods cursed to fates they simultaneously strive for and yet do not fully understand???? 👍👍👍
- brotherfuckers?????? 😮
And yet there is so little substance to this ship that I can't even make up something to do with it. It's just. A dead end of zero buildup, zero interactions, zero environmental details, just a couple item descriptions that are totally exclusive to the AU bubble of the DLC and not foreshadowed or hinted at anywhere else
Like it would not have been difficult to include .... Literally anything that tied radahn personally to miquella in the base game. Give him a single haligtree crest on his armour somewhere, have him use even one of miquella's miracles, sneak in there somewhere that he's got mysterious beef with mohg, have him wearing a golden lock of mystery hair in his-- like, fromsoft, this is literally your whole deal, this is the reason your games have a whole category of games named after them, if you are not supposed to be the kings of environmental storytelling, who the fuck is?
Like I still cannot reconcile the HUGE FUCKIN PLOTHOLE that is radahn NOT throwing the fight with malenia. Like if he was a willing participant in this 5D chessmaster plan, surely the whole point of the whole war was that radahn ACTUALLY DIES at malenia's hand. But he doesn't fucking die. Radahn resists malenia for real and he doesn't fucking die. He does not throw the fight, he does not let her kill him. Like how are we supposed to reconcile that very concrete plot point with "radahn agreed to die so he could be miquella's consort"? He didn't fucking die!
Headcanon: everything related to radahn in the DLC is miquella's propaganda campaign to paint a pretty story ahead of his ascension to godhood and radahn's forcible ascension as his elden lord
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boobersandstuff · 1 month ago
Annotating HOH rn, & on a 2nd read, holy shit the way rick has written the ground work up to the cupid stuff is so good! Like he shows how majority think abt nico, how nico is feeling and acting AND also telling us the stuff about Bob & percy in the chapter right before it!
Like, the amount of detail he had put down leading up to it is honestly really cool! We have frank who is trying to like him but still is scared & doesn't like him, leo who is just scared of him & doesn't like him, hazel who loves him cuz that's her brother & he did save her from the underworld and under all of his scaryness is one of the only ones who sees the real him, percy who didn't like for a little bit now feeling guilty that he didn't like him (+ the bob stuff), and now there's Jason, who up until this point was cautious of him.
He's a child of the underworld & he doesn't know him, ofc he's going to be cautious. Everyone else until this point isn't fond of the guy & we can see why, but we haven't seen what Nico thinks about that, how he feels being a ship where 90% of ppl are terrified of him.
Then we get a bit of the answer of why Nico acts the way he does even more in that chapter. It's because he hates himself for something he can't control, & when you feel that way + alr getting kinda picked on for who your dad is..... Its no wonder he's aggressive, moody, scary. He pushes people away so they don't get close, find out his secret, and hate him even more. Say that "I knew there was reason I didn't like you! You're weird! You're a f@g!"
Or smth like that. Everyones already uneasy around him, only keeping him around so they can finish the quest. In his mind, who's to say it won't get even worce once they do find out. That there assumptions will be rectified, and that they were correct.
It's safer just to stay silent.
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epickiya722 · 10 days ago
I may not know that much abt jjk but like,,, isn't shipping the two male leads just the most normal fandom thing?
I hate when ppl use fandom words that they don't know the meaning of and try to redefine it.
It practically is!
Like, lately, I have seen some say that ItaFushi is bland or whatever as if they think people shouldn't ship them because to them it "doesn't make sense".
Clearly, you haven't heard of fun. Let alone is reading the manga.
And even if the manga doesn't give any "reasoning" as to why people ship them, it's not necessary to have fun shipping.
Let's not act like shipping the male leads or just any characters in general is a new thing.
Just saw someone call SatoSugu "fujobait" as if the two haven't had an established close (or used to be close) relationship since JJK 0.
Anon, I'm so with you with all these redefined terms and whatnot some of these people be using. Like, they actually made me hate the word "toxic", that's one word.
That and how they group all the shippers together as if all shippers are the same.
No... just no.
If you hate the ship or it's just not for you, fine, whatever. But let's not do all this extra bullshit. The redefining terms and stating "it doesn't make sense" or whatever.
To be frank, it just makes that person look like a jerk to me. Someone who wants a ship to so bad cater to them and since it doesn't, it sucks and the writing is bad and the shippers is bad... yadda yadda.
Like, ships are written to cater to a specific single person, but that's the attitude some of these so-called "fans" give off.
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ramblingidk · 2 months ago
I'll get shot for this but it's why I'm staying anon, it's funny being around antis as someone who just lurks as unlabelled and idgaf what ppl do, because I can say the exact same words abt why someone will proship but just replace the word proship with selfship,,, AND ITS THE EXACT SAME!!! THERE IS 0 REASON TO BEEF ON THIS STUFF, only reason I don't get "caught" is just saying "ew yeah I hate (insert group)" which I really don't and it sucks having to do sm bs to avoid life endangerment over a damn ship.
Genuinely I've lost friends over the harassment that antis do because they just can't be online anymore or literally kill themselves after about the 5th time they get doxxed.
Anti harassment goes both ways, but antis seem to act like they were cut first when someone bites back.
Also very real more ppl should be touching grass bc the biggest "proshippers" I've met have been irl or just regular ass people because no one circle jerks their superiority over shit that isn't real 🎉
I don't understand what the big deal is and why it is about fictional pairs. I remember when I was in the Undertale fandom back in the late 2010s there would be a TON of people shipping things like Frans, sansceet and so on. Yeah there were plenty of people saying it's bad and weird, but there was way, WAY less drama then before 2020 when normies flooded the internet. I do know there have been life endangering dramas even then about stupid things like a Frans artist or someone supposedly drawing Rose Quartz from SU "too thin", but I don't believe those issues were as big as nowadays. I wonder how things even got to this point...
I'm so sorry to hear about your friends. It's obvious, but no one should ever have to go through that. It's crazy to think that so many people out there are willing to leak someone's real life location (or in other words literally commit a crime) over things that most definitely don't harm anyone. Again, I wonder how it got to the point where that is normalized...
Yeah, a lot of antis seem to have a giant victim complex lmao. I never understood what's with them and actively infiltrating our community spaces after they specifically tell us to find or make our own, especially when they're an older age (15+). I'll never forget that I literally had a 26yo anti trying to argue with me (a minor) about proshippers in the self ship communit, can you imagine being an adult but still being an anti
And absolutely! Most of the time the proshippers are the normal ones living a good if not decent life. We touch grass and shower and are cool unlike these basement dweller gremlins who spend their time contributing nothing but damage to everyone 👍
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user2718273 · 3 months ago
Terrorheads r always dunking on goodsir for the moral absolutism & then having absolutely no nuance in their own conceptions of good & evil. Like when goodsir finally snaps & poisons the mutineers ppl are like "oh see hes a bad person cus he couldnt forgive them cus he only thinks in black & white!!!!" but like bro. If somebody kidnapped u and forced u to carve up your coworkers' bodies for consumption u would not feel too friendly toward them i think. Or just how ppl talk abt goodsir in general. Like yeah he believes in colonizer shit, he was raised by colonizers. Every1 on the ships believes in colonizer shit i fear. But he gets more shit abt it than anyone else bc theres this weird conception that its worse to try and do good and get it wrong than to just straight up act out of vanity or greed. Not that goodsir should be absolved of anything, but its weird how ppl have so little empathy for characters whose desire to do good is tainted by ideological conditioning. Like bro i hate to break it to u. We all have ideological conditioning. If u act like thats some inherent moral flaw and not the inevitable product of living in a society and absorbing that society's beliefs, u will have a very hard time recognizing it outside of tv shows where people are just characters.
Also theres a difference between having no empathy for franklins men bc ur pissed at them and having no empathy out of principle. I feel like theres some recognition of personhood that comes w putting someone on the receiving end of a human emotion like anger, whereas if ur just like "logically i know colonizer bad, so empathy for colonizer = bad," ur putting them on a subhuman level out of the reach of emotion. U dont feel anger or empathy for them. U never find out what u feel toward them bc without accepting the possibility that u might reach muddy, nuanced, morally frustrating conclusions, theres no wiggle room to feel what u feel. But then u never get to feel the anger either. U cant understand things from either side bc once u start trying to sort everything into concrete moral categories, then ur not understanding individuals, ur defining variables, and everything becomes theoretical. I feel like thats part of the reason why when ppl put the expedition on the level of the subhuman, they often elevate the netsilik to the superhuman. Like ppl have a weirdly hard time conceptualizing that silna has complex motivations & is capable of developing complex relationships w other characters? Theyre just like "oh wow shes being so nice to goodsir, she must have stockholm syndrome or be wayyy too forgiving." Cus if u imagine franklins men as having one pure and self-contained nature that opposes the pure and self-contained nature of the netsilik, then theres no way they can genuinely interact. They can only touch each other under the guise of something else. Silna must not adequately understand goodsir's role in the fuckery ripping up her world. Which is ridonkulous to me bc her first interaction w him was when his party shot her father & then goodsir prevented him from dying on the ice. Like. She is not under any illusions that this man isnt part of the hurt and destruction. She just finds a way to care abt him anyway. Not bc she's some fountain of forgiveness, but bc despite the things she must hate about him, there are also things she loves. Same w crozier. Idk if she feels affection for him in the same way she does goodsir, but she def doesnt just save him bc shes a saint. She feels anger and bitterness just like any other person, and if she wanted to, she couldve left crozier to die like des voeux. Personally i think she saved him bc he was the only one left who had seen what she'd seen and she didnt wanna have to bear it alone but idk. She had her reasons. Anyway goodsir is literally a butch buttom so the wokes cant even get her. #She positionality on my moral puritanism til i absolve
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redishsunflowers · 3 months ago
as a queer girl, throughout my obsession with arcane I've felt a much bigger pull towards the not cannon yaoi ship that is jayvik rather than the canon yuri ship that is caitvi, and this has made me feel kind of icky about myself lol.
i felt that i was being pulled into the grasp of patriarchy because i felt more compelled towards the shipping of two men than the relationship of two women. i also was nervous that im just a mlm fetishizer bc i like a lot of mlm media but that another story of wlw having so much less media than mlm. all of these fears are here bc im mentally ill and have problems i probably need to be medicated for but it wasnt until i saw someone's post abt why they feel ppl are more obsessed with jayvik than caitvi that i stopped feeling so icky abt myself lol.
they basically said that jayvik was written better than caitvi and basically the whole of act 2 had absolutely nothing to do with caitvi and everything to do with jayvik.
think when it comes to canon queer relationships sometimes writers forget to bring the depth and just bank on the fact that its a canon queer relationship and thats not the most common thing, but when it comes to two characters being shipped usually theyre being shipped bc of the obv closeness their relationship has and the depth in their relationship is just too hard to ignore so ppl ship them.
theres a reason jayvik are shipped and thats bc the writers wrote a duo that care more for eachother than anything else and are basically the cause and the saving grace of the whole show, while caitvi are canon and are complex and beautiful in so many ways but are kinda just put on the back burner especially in season 2. caitvi had other things they were doing other than developing their romantic relationship while jayce and viktor's whol existence at this point revolved around eachother in one way or another. im not saying caitvi shouldve been the point of the show bc its not supposed to be a romance, i just think, again, they balanced things rlly badly this season. first season their relationship was obviously there but their mission was the most important part of the show and season 2, they just kinda got back together without even talking abt their issues, and that just felt so wrong. jayvik talked things out, we saw them make up and it made sense. caitvi made up by going on a mission together then not even talking abt the biggest problems in their relationship and the writers just expect us to feel like theyre back to normal? noooooo. give us more. man this sucks. luv em to death (caitvi) but i miss them deeply.
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musicalmoritz · 6 months ago
What do you think of Natsuhiko as a character? I personally don't like him all that way, granted it's pretty surface level. While I wouldn't say I hate or despise him, I do find him a tad irritating in the beginning of the series. However later chapters have piqued my interest regarding his character as a whole, and I would also like to ask about his relationship with Sakura. At first glance it seemingly falls into a dynamic like AoiAoi, where the girl shows disinterest while the guy does not stop with his pursuits. Of course now we have more insight on AoiAoi, but this isn't yet the case for Sakuhiko. So by extension, what do you take from their dynamic?
Thank you for this question, Sakura and Natsuhiko are two of my favorites but I haven’t gotten the chance to talk abt them much yet!! (I say “favorites” but they’re 9 and 10th on my character ranking respectively so do with that info what you will lol)
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Starting off with Natsuhiko, I didn’t like him much at first either. In fact, when I first watched the anime, I fucking hated this dude on sight. Like I couldn’t even stand to look at him, he gave me frat boy vibes and I didn’t trust him. When I realized he was going to be a prominent character I dreaded it. I’m not sure when my opinion started to change, maybe around the door arc?? As a Natsunene enjoyer that one’s a favorite of mine lol. Tbh he still annoys me sometimes, he’s just so shady mixed with a personality that’s made to be irritating and it makes me roll my eyes so hard. I feel bad saying that bcuz a lot of my moots LOVE him but fear not, he’s in my top 10 for a reason
As much as I love Sakura and Natsuhiko, it’s hard to say much about either of them with what little info we’ve been giving. I have to laugh at ppl who think the current arc of the manga is going to be the last one because that would likely mean the series would end without either of them ever getting their time to shine (despite all the recent lore that’s been dropped, we still don’t know much about Natsuhiko). However, what we’ve seen of them so far has been super compelling
For Natsuhiko, I like him most when he’s with the Broadcasting Crew. I know he’s almost always with them but I mean specifically when we see the side of his character that acts like a true upperclassman. I like when he’s visibly annoyed with Tsukasa, it shows a different side to his laidback personality. Despite how chill he appears, he seems to have a short temper, it’s just something he keeps inside. I also think him being an ASMRist in the Monster Nursery au is so hilariously on brand. And tbh I could yap forever about what the anime did with the Monster Nursery au!! I can’t remember if Natsuhiko was the undercover researcher in the original au or not but regardless I love the route they took. If I have time I will absolutely write a Sakuhiko fic set in that universe someday bcuz they give me major Spy X Family vibes
I need more details on why he can’t die and how his blood kills people. Is he from an exorcist clan??? Is he part supernatural??? What is his deal??? I’m very interested to learn more about him. He’s always been a suspicious character so I like that we’re starting to get more insight on him
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Now onto Sakuhiko…*dreamy sigh*. I love Sakuhiko so much. They’re one of my top ships for TBHK, at one point they were even my favorite. I do headcanon them as sapphics, with Sakura being a nonbinary lesbian and Natsuhiko being a genderfluid bisexual. I have written a few fics for them on ao3 so if you’re looking for some good sapphic Sakuhiko stuff…🤭
I see where the AoiAoi parallels come from on a surface level but beyond that I feel as though the two ships are quite different! First off, Aoi never shuts Akane down the way Sakura does with Natsuhiko. Sakura hits him every time he tries to make a move on them, a clear sign of rejection coupled with berating him verbally. They make their disinterest abundantly clear, although it’s highly implied that the ship isn’t as one-sided as it appears. There are moments where Sakura looks at Natsuhiko with fondness, and times where they even seem to flirt with him! Natsuhiko himself says that Sakura just has a different way of showing their love for him, very similar to the Minamoto Typical Sadism I write so often lol. It’s not a TBHK couple without a little sadomasochism (not the weird kinky kind just the bullying kind, the majority of them are babies. Normally I wouldn’t feel the need to specify that but this is Tumblr)
Anyways this is very different from how Aoi “rejects” Akane. Every time she turns him away, she does so in a way that will encourage him to keep trying. With a cute smile and a hand to her face, rating his pursuits so he’ll be motivated to try and do better next time. She never gives him less than 2 points (as far as I remember), and she’s not even mean to him until she’s under the potion in chapter 69. I’m pretty sure Aoi would cry at the thought of treating Akane the way Sakura treats Natsuhiko, she’s pretty down bad and dependent on him in certain ways. She shuts down at the thought of Akane ever moving on, so she would never reject him so bluntly and risk losing his approval. Sakura doesn’t seem to care what Natsuhiko thinks of them, they’re a very independent as opposed to Aoi who is more on the dependent side of things. If Sakura were revealed to have been super clingy and emotionally attached to Natsuhiko this whole time, that would be weird writing. But Aoi’s attachment to Akane has been implied since the Confession Tree arc
The differences between Natsuhiko and Akane are so interesting to me because they get compared so often. The biggest thing I notice is the level of respect they have for their partners. Akane is overly obsessive and a yandere at times but he never actually attempts to touch Aoi the way Natsuhiko frequently does with Sakura (not in a perverted way like Hanako but he still makes attempts to take their hand or hold them in a way we never see Akane do with Aoi). The first time we really see Akane being physically aggressive with Aoi was in ch.69, when he was initially trying to forcefully stop her from a suicide attempt. Not saying he handled it right but I try to cut him some slack bcuz it was an insanely tense situation, I myself wouldn’t have handled it perfectly.
After that, he kisses her hand to apologize for saying he hates her (many fans mistake this scene for him ignoring her consent but if we focus on the setup, that wasn’t the situation at all- the kiss was an apology and Aoi’s “don’t touch me” didn’t even get a full speech bubble). At that point she’s blushing and leaning into him, no longer trying to run away. She looks conflicted bcuz it’s a very emotional scene, but she’s clearly calmed down from how she was feeling before. By the time they kiss, she’s fully clinging onto him. After that he’s more causally touchy with her, like holding her hand or helping her get around No.6’s boundary. Aside from official arts we never really see Sakura leaning into or reciprocating Natsuhiko’s touch. They appear to enjoy his company, letting him tag along everywhere they go; but they’re not easily moved by affection the way Aoi is. That doesn’t stop Natsuhiko from being pushy, but I will give him that he knocks it off after Sakura rejects him. I swear I’m not trying to cancel this dude, I’m just saying he has less regard for boundaries the way Akane does
Another thing is reciprocation. During the Clock Keepers arc, Akane tells Nene that he plans to love and support Aoi even if she never loves him back. This means he expects nothing in return for all the love he gives her, all he wants is to make her feel loved. And if she enjoys receiving daily confessions, he’ll gladly make a fool out of himself each time. In the same scene he talks about Aoi’s past with having to put up with creepy guys, which explains why he’s so overprotective and hostile to men who want to pursue her. We see later in the manga he’s not as bothered when he realizes Teru’s feelings for her are genuine. Once he realizes Teru respects Aoi the same way he does, and that he won’t hurt her like he does with Akane, he begins to view Teru as healthy competition. This is much different from the way he treats Yokoo and Satou in ASHK when he catches them spying on Aoi
Also in ASHK, we see Natsuhiko attempt to give Sakura a love potion. I know this was literally in a comedy spin off but it stands out to me because Akane would never do this to Aoi. He respects her too much for that, he would never force her to reciprocate his feelings. Natsuhiko is a far more manipulative character, so it’s not all that surprising to me that he’d be okay with Sakura’s love being fake. He just wants a date with them, he doesn’t seem to care how he gets it. Again, I’m not trying to accuse him of being something he’s not, I want to make that very clear (think of Hanako, he’s known for being a perv but he would never intentionally make Nene upset or uncomfortable. Imo Natsuhiko is similar but in a different way, I wouldn’t call him a perv like Hanako but he’s a bit more possessive than the other characters). I see Sakuhiko as being on the more toxic end of TBHK ships as opposed to AoiAoi which has become more healthy recently. That’s not necessarily a problem with the pairing, just something I don’t see pointed out as often. And keep in mind that the toxicity is mutual, since Sakura knows Natsuhiko can’t die they regularly make attempts on his life and send him out to do dangerous missions. They’ve both got their quirks
One of my favorite things abt the ship is how Natsuhiko seems to know Sakura better than most people. More than Sakura is aware of, probably. I’m thinking specifically of that scene where Mitsuba asked if he could stay with the Broadcasting Crew and Sakura didn’t know how to respond so Natsuhiko answered for them. Sakura cares more deeply for people than they let on, and the only person who seems to recognize that is Natsuhiko. That’s so!! Fucking sweet to me!! They’re a toxic mess but they were made for each other and at the end of the day they’ll stay by each other’s sides. Natsuhiko would watch the world burn if it meant Sakura would look in his direction. Despite the themes of betrayal in his character, he is loyal to a fault when it comes to Sakura. I love that so much
Sometimes I wonder how serious the relationship is tho bcuz like…every time I see it written platonically absolutely nothing changes. Maybe Natsuhiko is there for ulterior motives and he’s just joking abt the flirting. I highly doubt that since TBHK is partially a romance but it’s a cool concept. I also love their ship trope, they remind me of Beast Boy and Raven. Grumpy X Sunshine except they’re both kinda shitty people. Peak
I hope you enjoyed this deep dive, and that I didn’t turn you away from the ship yapping abt their problems lol. To me toxic elements of ships are more things I love about them (within reason) because I love exploring character flaws and how people can overcome those in relationships. Or sometimes I just want to see them be terrible together. The duality of woman.
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kuschelkissen · 9 months ago
reverse unpopular opinion: nagano trio
Ppl send topics and instead of salt or hot takes, you MUST talk abt smth you like about it. Good excuse to gush abt smth you already love, OR think and find smth positive to say. 
LMAO what have you done, as if I'm not already gushing over them at any given time during the day 😂
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Long post under cut, so you can skip more easily
I'm not even gonna talk about the shipping side of them because you see me gushing over that all the time anyway.
(Plus, I have a metaphorical goldfish brain, and I don't even remember how it all started 😅)
What is there NOT to like about them??
I really love their overall dynamic. All three of them, but also the individual pairs.
It's not really stated, but in my head, they're all childhood friends. Kansuke and Yui are confirmed to be, and Kansuke and Taka'aki... kinda? They've canonically known each other since grade school and always competed with each other, established to be "rivals" since then. So it's reasonable to assume that all three of them spent at least some time together, right?.
(And they still do, look at them hanging out together after work.)
(They're on a date)
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I love their bickering and teasing.
Yui calling Kansuke "Kan-chan", and when he objects, she goes: "Yeah, yeah, inspector Yamato 😉", clearly not taking him seriously (and he knows it. Just look at him "=_=").
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Then you have Taka'aki mocking Kansuke for being so obvious in his plan of helping him get back to headquarters. "I would have done the same for you, but I would've been way more subtle about it." - "Yeah you know what, you can stay here and rot for all I care! =_="
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Both of them are teasing Kansuke in the woodpecker episode about the bad plan of Yamamoto, just for him to go "?? It's not MY plan, so why are you acting like it is??" (Look at their faces, man, Taka'aki looks so playful 😂)
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And Kansuke is overall just... Kansuke. 😅 The first scene with him is yelling at Yui, and more or less the first scene with Taka'aki is him basically telling him to drop dead (and boy, does he look HURT by that??). AND YET??
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Yet, it is very obvious that he cares for both of them. They all do.
In their first case, Yui throws herself in the way of a bullet to protect Kansuke after he tried to protect her first (I think this is anime only).
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Kansuke tells her that he's gonna wait for her to return to him the police.
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Kansuke brought Conan to the Red Wall case not to help him, but so Taka'aki could solve it with his help and then return to HQ (which in the end was useless because Taka'aki actually cracked the message before anyone else lol).
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We find out that Taka'aki went against all orders to find Kansuke, who had been declared dead, and got demoted because of that (he dashed to his support...).
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Kansuke was ready to throw himself into a house completely ENGULFED in flames to save Taka'aki from death. And Yui DID throw herself into those flames! (still salty that they didn't show us how she rescued him)
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You have Kansuke and Taka'aki communicating completely nonverbal on more than one occasion.
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And then of course we have all the tragedies surrounding them.
The death of Kai Kuroto, Yui finding his dead body. Kansuke going missing on the search for his murder, declared dead, then found again in a coma, with his eye lost and leg damaged in undisclosed way (they hint that it's reversible in the Woodpecker case (Manga only), but who knows). Taka'aki getting demoted after throwing himself into the search for Kansuke, Yui on the other hand getting married to a suspect to further investigate Kai's murder.
And do I even have to mention the whole Family-murder past for Taka'aki?? Imagine coming home at 13 (?14?) from summer camp and finding your parents brutally murdered and your little brother traumatised (and we know he's only still alive because the murderer thought he'd lead him to his (dead) daughter one day! So it could've ended even worse!), then being separated from your brother by long distance (I checked, it's about a 3h ride by train from Nagano city to Tokyo.), AND THEN YOUR LITTLE BROTHER IS ALSO KILLED WHILE UNDERCOVER?? Give that man a fucking break!!
Also love how all of them had been a crime suspect at least once lol
And appart from all of that, I just love how the Trio just... accepts that Conan is ... different. There are no questions asked when he storms onto the crime scene, they'll let him watch the gruesome surveillance videos, no big deal, they overall just... treat him like an equal?
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I mean?! In their second appearance, Kansuke and Yui go all the way to Tokyo just to get him on the case! Sure, officially they get Kogoro, but Yui outright tells Conan that Kansuke came to get him!
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I also just love how they can keep up with him. Sure, you have Conan making hints for the other cops, too, and them then figuring things out, but with the Nagano Trio, they often figure out things ALONGSIDE of Conan, getting the same ideas, etc (well, Taka'aki and Kansuke at least, Yui only did that once in her debut episode you can blame Aoyama for sidelining his female characters once again) and like I said, I think Taka'aki in the Red Wall case is one of the very, VERY few occasions of someone cracking a code BEFORE Conan. I love it?! They're so fucking smart!
So... yeah?? I think I'm done gushing. For now. Insert Marge Simpson Meme, I just think they're neat??
And imagining them as a throuple makes it all so much funnier.
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the-owl-house-takes · 1 year ago
I fucking hate proshippers I HATE THEM
“oh proship just means you don’t harass ppl over their ships!!” No it doesn’t and you know it
Why are there so many proshippers in this fandom - if I see one more Belos x Luz smut fic appear on my dashboard I’m going to combust
Am I gonna harass a proshipper?? No bc I don’t interact with PEDOPHILES.
Cry all you want abt “oh the antis!! They’re so mean!!” Bla bla bla we don’t care!! If you think shipping pedophilia is okay because it’s “fictional” YOU’RE A FREAK!! Fiction DOES affect reality
Creating “proshipper friendly content” is simply sugarcoating that you like pedophilic things, you’re into incest and you’re into forcing lesbians with men, etc.
Type all you want abt why Belos x Luz “isn’t hurting anybody” YES IT IS!! and this shit isn’t a coping mechanism either - it’s more aligned with an addiction. Proshipping is an unhealthy coping mechanism.
I’m not “attacking you for a harmless ship” THIS IS A HARMFUL SHIP!! YOU’RE A FREAK!!
There is a reason why “proship recovery” exists. (proship recovery is when ex-proshippers are recovering from the harmful acts/media they were exposed to and/or partook in)
You don’t see “anti-recovery” cause that’s a downward spiral
Why why why WHY are there so many Belos x Luz shippers. I come across them no matter what tags I block or what media I avoid. It’s insane
half the time it’s NSFW too…
(All of what I said above doesn’t apply to children who call themselves proshippers. You guys aren’t freaks you’re just being groomed, wishing the best for y’all 🙏)
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uriekukistan · 8 months ago
Hi!! I saw the character ask thing and was wondering if you would answer for Megumi? :D Questions 1-15 (if you feel up to it)!! <3 I literally love him so much and ik from your blog that you do too ! :) (btw loving your itafushi week works!! 🖤)
hiii thank you for the ask and im glad youre loving my itafushi week fics :3 hope youre doing well !!
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
i looooveeee everything abt him tbh, but i think probably the thing that makes me the most fond of him is that he reminds me a lot of myself in the way he processes things and makes decisions, sorting them into good or bad
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
hmmm idk if it’s my top fav thing abt him but i love his technique and the way he uses it. especially the shadow inventory and when he stores himself in it? so cool. ig its more when he sets his mind to it, he’s crazy powerful. underrated fr.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
i cant say im a fan of the position he’s in but at the same time i appreciate the narrative choice. wouldn’t ask for things to change, i just wish he was suffering less.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
i’ve been writing him in a tokyo ghoul crossover fic recently if that counts
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
rn…avalanche by bring me the horizon
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
a lot tbh….lets go w we’re both more reserved, a bit avoidant, and keep our feelings hidden 88% of the time (the right person can see through)
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
i love when ppl show him as like. the type to subtly show he cares like acts of service type and then he acts like nothing happened. canon. to me.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
WHEN THEY HATE HIM FOR NO REASON & BLAME HIM FOR THE EVENTS OF JJK LIKE THATS SO WRONG & INCORRECT HES JUST A KID DOING HIS BEST AND MOST OF YHE PPL SHITTING ON HIM WOULDNT LAST TWO MINUTES AS HIM. or when they make mahoraga jokes that are just tasteless, midgumi, potential man, nah i’d give up….im in your walls
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
like. if i had to yeah. we both prefer our own space so it could probably work but it also might be a bit awkward. gonna go with if we were already friends before we became roommates, yes. if not, then no bc neither of us would ever speak, and you gotta be able to communicate w your roommates
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
yes, if there was a “facilitator” friend. like we need the local extrovert to get us to hang out first or we’d never even become acquainted
11. Would you date this character?
no. one he’s a minor two i dont like men like that
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
recently i have been writing abt bassist megumi, so im thinking he air guitars while he’s listening to music when hes alone in his room. or air drums maybe. won’t sing along out loud bc the walls are thin, but if he did, he’d have a nice voice.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
i think he would not use emojis or emoticons when texting but maybe he’d adopt the ‘:)’ bc yuuji kept asking if he was mad (gojo would also ask, but megumi’s not gonna change his habits for that). ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ but this is megumi
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
basic but color coordinated, baggy, no patterns, mostly darker colors (black, green, & blue - royal blue not navy). sweaters & jackets most of the time w jeans or just regular pants. he’s cold easily so wears this in the summer too. getting rid of his canon shoes and giving him vans or doc martens oxfords.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
ITAFUSHI <3333333333 I LOVE THEM SO MUCH its like. semi not normal but idc.
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eruverse · 11 months ago
indoned, monkaz, spaport 🌚
Indoned (Top Indo/Bottom Ned):
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Actually it goes beyond the scale.
RRGRGRGEGG this ship. FUCK Indonesians are cursed but — speaking abt this ship in general, as a pair, like we’re not even speaking abt who’s top or bottom here — this is a ship condoned and shipped by abt 85% of Indonesians in the fandom, and having been considered by 100% us even if 15% of us don’t ship it in the end for various reason. If there’s any real big fight between us? It’s abt the freaking positions for God’s sake, not even rly abt why we are shipping it (the latter is more easily repressed lol).
Since I’ve seen ppl hating on colonizer/colony ships, let me just tell anyone out there that if you are a FOREIGNER, if you don’t have INDO PASSPORT or INDO ANCESTRY, and you’re hating on IDNLID just because it’s “problematic” or because “it’s not morally correct”, your opinions are simply invalid and you can shove them up your asses. You have NO place to speak. Go be morally correct on other ships, but not this one. This one is OUR territory, and foreigners are not privy. Obviously tho, if you simply don’t like the ship for aesthetic reasons or if you maybe already ship Indo or Ned with someone else, I don’t care abt it. But I will NOT have foreigners impose any sense of morality to our faces and act all patronizing).
Anyway. Like yes of course it makes sense. Regardless of history and whatnot, we largely see Netherlands as ‘ours’ by way of historical link. This is to the extent of intertwining our sense of identity with Netherlands, for better or worse. You cannot take Netherlands away from our independence struggles if you want them to have any meaning in the first place. This simply is enough to make any other Indo ship pale in significance to this one, for ME.
Also yeah Indo tops because Ned prefers bottoming for him, bby ❤️
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It doesn’t really compel me anymore simply because now I have better Kazakhstan ship 🌝 but ANYWAY they make a lot of sense due to ancestral/historical links. They’re also neighbors and know each other fairly well. They’re indeed more on the quiet side by way of bilateral relationship but they still keep tabs on each other and say hi every once in a while. But!! I think that’s exactly why they can manage to have human/casual relationship, as in interacting without any politics etc really holding them back. It’s sweet, and one with a lot of potential. Also yeah technically Kazakhstan is Mongolia’s grandson, so if you don’t like it well… your loss!!
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Love them love love ❤️❤️❤️❤️ similar but different, sun and moon, day and night, my reflection in the mirror looking into my eyes ❤️ no one understands them more than the other ❤️
So. Neighbors, similar ancestry (brothers if you ask me), historical link… they’re intertwined in every way. Also probably they exchanged rosaries. HHHHHH
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angy-grrr · 5 months ago
Something that always bothered me abt Iz/och is just the way people are like "of course he loves her! He just never thought or acted on it because he was busy!"
Oh, so she needs to show how much she loves him despite also being busy but he can't?? And after 8 years shouldn't that have been time enough???? Seriously...
Yeah... thats what I mean with how harmful it is to make it actually canon. As a ship is cute, but if we are supposed to see this as romantic in canon, then it puts all of the romance aspect onto Ochako -which is the reason why some ppl ended up disliking the way she was written, as it looked like that was the case. Like always, romance is too "silly" and "stupid" for boys, but girls have to be mainly focused on it -and they still need to end up as a couple.
Her arc with Himiko? All to teach her she should confess to him. Her moments saving him? That's her being in love and jumping out of the need to save him in particular. Her crying over not being heroic enough and not saving Toga's life? Yep, thats the excuse to make her hear Deku is in love with her too, so everything is fine now.
Like... thats just terrible. And many people still claim this is what we should interpret -Izuku doesn't need to think about her, shes a pretty girl and they are close, he doesnt need anything else to show he could or not like her. And Ochako could never have an arc focused on her rejecting all her negative feelings and being a hero the way Toshinori always was.
Boys are busy to care about love and feelings, they have to fight and punch and be violent. And girls... I guess they are made for that.
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kenphobia · 2 years ago
Hello!! I saw that you also knew TWST, so I wanted to ask your opinion on what dorms do you think the WH characters would be sorted to, and why? (Do feel free to include your OCs too, just go all out!!)
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oooo i've been thinking abt it for some quite some time, but since there's not a lot of info abt the wh cast (or maybe im just too lazy to research and there's actually sufficient lore), most of these will probably be based on speculations and my personal headcanons!!
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✦ starting with wally, I think he fits pomefiore. I mean— have you SEEN this man? He is beauty, he is grace and he will eat your face if you ever insult his hair. His name is Wally Darling for a reason, gotta look ready and pretty if you're a darling after all.
✦ He could also be in Diasomnia, perhaps? mfer eats with his eyes, i think that's powerful enough.
✦ I feel like Howdy would be in either Scarabia or Heartslabyul. Why Scarabia? Howdy is a shopkeeper so he's probably resourceful and knows the ways in business, he just seems like a pretty reliable and responsible guy.
✦ As for Heartslabyul, you cannot tell this mfer isn't Trey Clover but caterpillar. I may be wrong but he just gives me a lot of Trey Clover vibes so I feel the need to just— throw him into heartslabyul
✦ Poppy would definitely be in Heartslabyul though. She's always worying and ruffling her feather for her friends, and she'd follow any rule if it meant keeping her friends safe. I have a little gut feeling that she can get a bit ... controlling at times due to her anxious mind but she means good.
✦ Sally, my sweet summer child, the one i kinned instantly on the spot... Octavinelle. I have no idea why?? but like, she's dramatic, she'd probably say "I'm only doing this because I'm so kind and benelovent ✨" AND LIKE?? I DON'T KNOW. I just think she'd get along with the leech twins? maybe give Azul a few more wrinkles here and there ...
✦ She could also be pomefiore too! Pomefiore is like a fancy dorm, she'd fit.
✦ Julie is a bit difficult for me hhhh.... i just have a gut feeling that she'd be scarabia. id love to say pomefiore but if wally and sally happened to be there, adding julie would just add the chaos.
✦ I got nothing for Julie except for scarabia. She's a fun little silly but she knows a thing or two about being resourceful. Her and Kalim would get into some trouble and Jamil has to take care both of their asses.
✦ Heartslabyul. I won't explain any further other than this mfer would give Riddle a run for his money. And also because he might a stickler for rules in a way??? Like he wouldn't exactly enforce them on others, he'd follow them if it's convenient enough and if it will save his ass from getting handed to him.
✦ HEARTSLABYUL. This one??? No need for explanation, just— heartslabyul
✦ For some reason, I can see him being in Ignihyde too?? He's just ... emo to me. Like— any colorful top you wear won't fit your vibe, frank, you still havent gotten out of your emo phase.
✦ Legit I have no idea what dorm will fit him other than ramshackle. He's the mc now!!! get off the stage, yuu
✦ tbh i would say heartslabyul again but so many of these btches are possibly heartslabyul and im too dumb to add more variety in the mix!!!
✦ I mean— It is considered to be a neighbor, right??? but anyways, diasomnia because ... idk man, it's a talking house. it doesn't have much personality other than literally being wally's house and speaking fluently in onomatopoeia
✦ octavinelle, babey !!! she's a con artist, yknow??? thats why theyre an antagonist for a reason. they scam ppl into buying their shit and have the "but im so sweet and kind" act
✦ also because howdy in scarabia and june in octavinelle is like, jamil x azul ship trope. yes, i ship my ocs with canon characters and yall have no right to complain when youre on my blog that centered around x readers
✦ Ignihyde. Like??? do I need to explain, bestie? they're good with technology in a way and theyre as anti social as their peers. I based them off Idia, what makes you think they won't be in Ignihyde??
✦ ramshackle because this btch is as plain as white american bread + she isn't exactly as fleshed out rn to be put in a proper dorm so yeah—
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these might change once i get know the characters a bit more better in canon so ... yeah!!! i'm redesigning some of my ocs, especially raine so watch out for that!!
fun fact: i slept two times writing this and i ashamed
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denamelesshuman · 5 months ago
im always confused about people who harass and bully when its easier to just block users who enjoy ships and taboos they don’t like or are uncomfortable with. i personally take no offense to that. i think its more respectful and safer for everyone. i know it can hurt sometimes but being attacked hurts more smhh
Imo it's useless to try to understand why they prefer to act like jerks to strangers bcs they are, like you said, harasser and bully in their core, while we are not. Another thing is they have too much free time on their hands but not much exciting things happen in their lives so they need smth to do or distract themselves from reality, and what they choose is to be lowlives hiding behind online anonymity bcs it's relatively safe. They won't get real lawsuits for online insults, right? The most they can get is being reported, (if the assaulted even care enough or take them seriously enough) and lose their free account, which they can always make a new one. It's a cowardice act and ppl who actually know better and have better moral grounds than what these harassers always preach about won't do. It's totally not worth to even regard them, ppl who choose to insult real person over fictional characters, that alone makes their logic automatically questionable, bcs there are more important matters out there than defending fictional characters that will nvr say thanks to them anyway.
There's a lot of plausible underlying causes:
1. they could be ppl with lots of RL problems, frustrated, or even oppressed ppl irl who can't act how they really want so they need some kind of outlet to vent and thus they act like some righteous thugs.
2. They try to cover their insecurity, low self-esteem, or inferiority complex by acting aggresive. By harassing others who they think are 'immorals' about fiction, they get some sorta self-validation, satisfaction, no matter how vain and petty it is, that they are the ones who are right and thus superior ones.
When it comes to ship wars, those who are deliberately shitting on the ships or shippers themselves most of the times can actually due to some degree of them being insecure abt their own ships, but they'd try hard to deny it with all their might. If they are confident abt their own faves or ships, they wouldn't focus on characters or ships they hate...or again, they have too much useless free time on their hands.
3. They try to find chances, thinking that by harassing those who like certain ships or the content creators for those ships continuosly, they will be discouraged or prevent others who are about to like the ship to be hesitant to show their love due to the drama, so the ships will look like they are less popular. This, I'm sure, is the case w/ some of popular ships that they deem as "problematic". However, we already know that it actually has reverse psychology effect, as the more we are harassed, the stronger mentality we have and the more we wanna show how valid and loved our ships are by creating more fanworks about them. Because we don't care what they say.
Now don't get me wrong. I do understand why some people dislike certain ships. I'm not trying to invalidate their personal reasons behind them. Fiction can indeed trigger some trauma or bad memories for others. Or you can simply dislike the ship bcs it's lame. I myself have so many landmines and dislikes when it comes to ships, or even tropes within my own ships. But I won't bother focusing on them, let alone spending time to interact w/ the posts I hate. I will just surround myself w/ things I like, with like-minded peeps. That's what makes us different from them.
Tldr; When the antis think it's alright to insult the shippers it's when they are no longer to be taken seriously and engaging w/ them has no point anymore. I think you don't even need to feel hurt about it. We should actually pity them bcs those who are fueled by negativity, must be surrounded by negativity too on daily basis hence that's what they know how to do. Trust me, someone who are surrounded by positivity and love irl, or want it that way, won't deliberately act like pricks or hate others over these trivial matters. It's their pettiness talking. Regardless, they still want you to think they are superior. Pity them and be the bigger person and don't let them drag you to step down to their low level.
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caatws · 2 years ago
i’m back to yell again bitch! why are characters grieving vision vs gamora treated so differently by both mcu canon and fandom???
i’ve been saying for the past 5 years how, when ppl blame peter for the avengers losing in iw when he lost his cool on titan after hearing thanos literally killed gamora, it’s hypocritical for these ppl to not also blame wanda and the other avengers, bc them delaying sacrificing vision to the literal last minute also directly contributed to thanos winning.
while vision had put wanda in the position to sacrifice him and she said no, gamora had also put peter in that very same position—and he said yes. and he was gonna do it, even though it pained him. wanda was only ready to do it when their backs were fully, completely, against the wall, and it was literally the final thing standing between them and thanos getting all 6 stones.
while my problem for years has been the lack of equally blaming wanda while blaming peter for behaving out of the same motivations—acting out of love for their partners, who were reduced to thanos’ pawns, and wanting to defend/avenge them—now considering everything else going on with gamora in the time since, there’s an extra layer to this that just has me...hm.
when wanda and the others act on behalf of their love, and eventually grief, for a white male character...it’s understandable, it’s valid, it’s relatable, it’s fine.
but any time peter has acted on behalf of his love and grief for a woc character...it’s treated as the reason thanos won and half the universe died. it’s considered an impediment to other characters, even in his own team who also once called gamora their family. it’s still relatable and understandable, but it is emphasized as an obstacle to overcome in a way that i don’t think wanda’s love and grief ever was.
wanda’s grief was so complex, so tangible, it spawned a whole show abt the ways we grieve and how it can become a dangerous part of our lives. and in the end, we’re made to sympathize with wanda still.
peter’s grief has still gotten its moments, but it’s been treated as a solitary experience the rest of the gotg don’t partake in, for whatever reason. when his grief causes him to act destructively or disruptively, it’s not given the “i support women’s wrongs” empathy by fandom. sure, it’s still made out to be something we can sympathize or even empathize with—but there’s a certain grace given to wanda and her occasionally villainous actions, motivated by her grief, that i’ve just never rly seen given to peter when he fucked up the fight against thanos.
frankly, i don’t know exactly what this means. is it yet another byproduct of both audiences and marvel studios themselves prioritizing and upholding the avengers franchise over the gotg? probably, in part. is it bc w*ndavision is a more profitable ship and (white) wanda is a more profitable character to explore the complex emotional turmoil of? oh, i’m sure that’s an element at play. is it bc ppl like (white) wanda more than peter? that’s definitely part of it and comes as a surprise to no one.
is it an intentional disparity in canon about how much a white character deserves to be grieved vs a woc character? i don’t work at marvel so i could never prove or disprove this with certainty.....but i think it’s an awfully interesting element to consider, bc regardless of intentions, it sure has a certain....impact.
it sure just leaves a Taste in my mouth abt what makes a character more or less worthy of grief than another. when vision died, wanda could uproot the very fabric of the universe in her grief and we maybe want to root for her. when gamora died, peter simply reacted in the moment, and suddenly he’s the worst character in the mcu and the sole reason that an entirely separate character, the actual abuser and murderer, killed half the universe and now we have to hold peter accountable for it like lmao bro???
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caitie-likes-talking · 2 years ago
Speedwagon: JJBA’s First ‘Woman’
aka a commentary on the treatment of Speedwagon by the fandom, and how it’s managed to fully feminize him in a unique way.
Speedwagon is a main ally in JJBA Part 1. He’s Jonathan’s best friend and yknow does a bunch of shit for him, including creating the Speedwagon Foundation.
Now, what I really want to talk about is how fans treat Speedwagon. The main ‘joke’ of the fandom—which is for some reason both long running and ongoing—is that Speedwagon is the ‘#1 Waifu’ of both JJBA and anime in general. Now, in case u somehow don’t know, a ‘waifu’ is a female anime character that people simp for/consider ‘wife material’ I guess. It’s a term generally used by greasy guys who live in their moms basement. A good example of a ‘waifu’ would be Hinata from Naruto.
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So already, this idea of Speedwagon being a waifu feminizes him an intense amount. I mean, it’s literally grouping him together w a bunch of otherwise female anime girls. However, this ‘joke’ also branches into simply using female terms for Speedwagon. Wife, mommy, best girl, and terms along those lines are commonly used to describe him (who I would like to remind everyone is a MAN…)
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“Caitie, it’s just a joke. Why is this a problem?”
Well, first of all, it’s just unfunny. It’s the same level of unfunny as when ppl include tequila Joseph or Bruno in a pic of “hot anime girls.” Secondly, part of why I find this so harmful is another factor. Most people agree that Speedwagon is into Jonathan.
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It’s not like it was much of a secret. However, people use Speedwagon as a way to joke about gay men. They call him a woman, wife, and overall feminize him the same way homophobes treat actual gay men.
People also use him as a way to joke about other people being gay. This joke isn’t really harmful but it sure is annoying
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But the thing that really takes the feminization of Speedwagon to the next level is the way the fandom boils him down to what he’s done for Jonathan—the main (and male) protagonist. Many fandom spaces do this. They only treat female characters “well” if they think she’s been helpful enough or has done enough for the male mc.
I’ve also seen people compare Erina and Speedwagon in a way that’s very reminiscent of arguments like Sakura vs Hinata.
This is what I think makes Speedwagon’s feminization so different from other characters that are also feminized. For example, Noriaki Kakyoin from JJBA Part 3. (Or Bruno, or Doppio, ect, ect) Kakyoin is feminized in a way that fetishizes gay men, as it’s always in ship art/fan fictions with him and Jotaro. Kakyoin is depicted as weak, small, girly, and just overall the female love interest. However, he is still a man. Why? Because this is fetish art drawn by women who are into gay men that fit heteronormative dynamics.
Meanwhile, Speedwagon isn’t generally depicted as small or feminine. Yet, people genuinly act like he’s a woman. They compare him to Erina, they use feminine terms for him, and use him to be their little gay joke.
Anyways I’m done. This is a silly rant but I’m passionate abt it. Leave Speedwagon (and Erina tbh) ALONE!! He is not ur waifu. He is not ur wife. He is just a guy!!
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