#i just have so many wips rn tbh
wonusite · 1 year
Hello I'm not sure if you've answered this somewhere but i just wanted to ask you if you write for jeonghan? Or if you plan to write something for him? Your writing of smut is one of the best in here and i would be happy to read something ab him from you🫶 ur mingyu fics have me in a chokehold btw and ur new wonu fic thank you🩷🩷🩷 have a nice day/night🌸
hi love! and i actually posted a hannie fic a few days ago that you can check out here. also really appreciate your kind words they really mean the world to me 🥹💕
also the daddy universe has us all in a chokehold so same 😭
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clockworkcheetah · 8 months
i really should be focusing on all my current wips
but hnnngghhh thinking of the project!amanda au
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bigbrainbiology · 2 years
Me: Girls are the best to draw ^v^
Also me: Just say you can't draw guys -_-
Also also me: Drew Yassified Sauron (a guy) bc Rings of Power did me dirty XD
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wikiangela · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @dangerpronebuddie @diazsdimples @aroeddiediaz @underwaterninja13 @nmcggg @ladydorian05 thank you <33
How many works do you have on ao3?
right now it's 90! (57 of these are 911 lol)
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
currently just 911, but I have some destiel and sambucky fics and who knows, I might get back to them at some point haha
Top 5 fics by kudos:
For a holiday (and forevermore)
I can't love you any more (than I do now)
I'd marry you with paper rings
the next best thing
There’s no way that it’s not going there (with the way that we’re looking at each other)
(they're all buddie and I just noticed that the top 4 are all over 1k kudos?? when did that happen lmao)
Do you respond to comments?
I do! sometimes it takes me a while bc i get lowkey overwhelmed lol but I always do!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
there's not a lot bc I prefer happy or hopeful endings, but I guess by post 6x10 fics? Fine and don't know what I'd do if your tomorrow never came idk lol
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of my fics have happy endings, but I guess I'd say For a holiday (and forevermore) 
Do you get hate on fics?
not really? got like one or two not very nice comments but generally no haha
Do you write smut?
yes I do 😁 not often and it always takes me forever but I do have two smut fics in the works (one buddie, one bucktommy lol)
Craziest crossover?
don't have any
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, as far as I know
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you co-written a fic before?
All time favorite ship?
(ngl, bucktommy is a veeeeery close second rn🙈)
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
there's two that have been fighting me for so long they're lowkey abandoned now and tbh I don't know if I still want to finish them? one is a 5+1 nicknames, and the other just a silly idea about eddie flirting with buck since they met but buck being veeeery oblivious lol
What are your writing strengths?
I think (usually) I'm pretty good at staying true to the characters and not making them too ooc (and I know when it's ooc, okay, I have one wip rn where I just don't give a fuck, I'm writing it anyway lol), and I can get into their heads pretty well. Also I think I'm good at the cute fluffy stuff lol idk
What are your writing weaknesses?
there's probably a lot lol - rn the one that comes to mind is descriptions probably, which is why writing fanfic where we have established characters and settings is so much easier than og stuff haha
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I don't mind it but I don't do it a lot aside from a pet name here and there bc I just don't wanna get anything wrong lol
First fandom you wrote in?
for tv shows supernatural, but before that I did write rpf which i just wanna forget about lol
Favorite fic you've written?
rn it's three:
we don't know where this is going now (don't be afraid of heights, let me open your heart wide) - my tommy pov fic <3
I'm comin' back, don't let me go - buck driving/breakdown fic
baby, you drive me wild - car smut - might not be my best but it's my fave smut lol
tags: @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @loserdiaz @evanbegins
@wildlife4life @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @weewootruck @loveyouanyway
@spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks
@rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @exhuastedpigeon
@jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @buddieswhvre @theotherbuckley @daffi-990
@hoodie-buck @tizniz @bidisasterevankinard
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queerweewoo · 1 month
okay this is very long and mostly just for me to get some stuff of my chest and out of my head therefore anybody tagged pls don't feel as though you have to read it all (like obvs you know you don't have to but you also hopefully know what i mean lol):
so i've had some quite heavy stuff going on in meatspace recently, and then i went to see i saw the tv glow two nights ago which was beyond brilliant but fucked me up entirely on a personal level. then, just to be a bit (read: incredibly) stupid, i for some reason (read: bc i'm a masochist) decided to delve into reading waaaay too many of my first 'eddie losing his shit over christopher leaving/summer of sexuality queer crisis' fics, which i've not dared let myself do before now bc it's all very close to the bone for me i.e. my own queer (trans) crises—yes, plural, they keep coming—and stuff that's not a million miles away from the shit going on with my eldest son (bar kim lol). why tf my brain chose the worse time possible is just another one of life's mysteries (read: i'm just insane [see above]).
(btw my struggling hugely with issues of repression plus my son hating/not hating me aside, THIS FIC is the insanely brilliant piece of art that kicked off the binge. it's from the astonishingly talented @wildehacked and is one of two parts which are possibly the best buddie fics—or even just some of the best fics, period—that i've ever read. seriously, check the tags and if you're a buddie lover and it/they seem like your sort of thing you should 100% go save/read it/them!)
anyways, after all that i'm now just kind of spiralling a bit tbh aha. i'm not fine, not rn, but i will be fine at some point soon sort of thing. like, i'm okay and nobody needs to worry etc i'm just trying to do one if the countless things that i'm absolutely bloody terrible at which is reaching out. but not because i need anything from anybody it's more just for me to be able to say “i'm going through some stuff right now and i might or might not disappear for a while” because i don't usually manage anything at all like that when i'm in the trenches and instead just retreat into my shell and go radio silent—and the thing is, i know some very lovely people who have shown concern when i've done that in the past and i'm therefore trying to be better. friends old and new alike such as @shealynn88 @sharkfish @greyhavenisback @raisesomehale @doilooklikepeople @woodchoc-magnum @buddiebeginz i'll absolutely be getting back/chatting to you when i'm able to interact with a bit more—well, when i'm a bit more, i 'spose xp
also tagging lovelies @novemberhush for the usually well-loved procrastination tag game stuff and @inell and @kitteneddiediaz (and possibly @veronae-buddie and @daffi-990?) for the WIP games i've been kindly tagged in but not responded to. thank you and sorry! like, i know it's absolutely fine and nobody really cares about stuff like that, but i'm just very much feeling like i need to say these things right now. and more apologies if there have been tags i've missed from other lovely folks; not being round these parts for 48+hrs = horrendous notifs situation (you know how it is).
on the writing front, i don't know if it's both completely dumb and ridiculous to start this by saying, “hmm, i'm unsure if it's related or not?” but as well as everything else i'm simultaneously having one one those Everything I Have Ever Written Am Writing Or Could Write Is Utter Fucking Dogshit sort of moments (like, i know i'm not a great writer—which is not derogatory and just fact and 100% absolutely fine—but i'm usually at peace with the strange little oneshots i puke out, y'know?) which is yet another reason for me to disappear off here for the time being as i sadly have one of those unhealthy irrational relationships with fandom that's like I Don't Deserve To Be Here If I'm Not Being Useful—which i know is dumb af and i would absolutely try to coax anyone else out of if it were them saying it and not me, but alas poor yorick. thing is, i used to be incredibly prolific in making fanart, for loads of different fandoms, and that too has dwindled considerably over the last year or more (god, is it that long?) therefore it's just a double whammy currently with the writing now also taking a hit. and i know, i know, whomp whomp poor me etc etc i just—i fear whenever i disappear, i won't ever be able to make it back... bleugh horrid lol
obviously i can't seem to be normal about anything ever so i'm sorry if this is a weird way to respond to nothing happening that nobody asked about (there is no 'if'; it absolutely is weird but i'm afraid it is what it is) and i truly don't need anything from anybody, i just think me posting this and saying how i'm feeling will probably be doing me a bit of good. honestly, pls feel free to ignore, this is just cathartic for me. but i guess, at the same time, as well as those things, me being on the spectrum means i'm not skilled at keeping friendships going, which makes me very sad, so this is maybe me voicing those fears in an attempt to combat them becoming a reality? i think? it's just that i've already drifted away from too many lovely people here due to the affects of these things and i'm therefore just—i think i'm just really trying in my own odd little way.
anyways i'm gonna go rewatch some sense8 and sob out my own weight in tears and snot and just keep on keeping on with existential crisis #4793 for the time being until something shifts in me and then i'll be back at some point? yeah, i think that sounds about right.
love you guys big much (one of my son's isms from when he was little) <3
ps just realised i wrote this on my buddie blog and really can't be arsed copying and pasting it over to my main @all-or-nothing-baby... so anybody who was wondering, yeah it's me yer boi cassidy xp also if you read this far you're insane and i love you even more for it <3
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musicoftheheart · 3 months
following the events in this post ive been listening to a few noah kahan songs (ive been picking and choosing a bit tbh, mostly the ones i recognise the titles of as well as a couple others) and heres what ive got:
(note: some of these opinions are based more on an unreleased wip i have, because some of these songs fit just a bit too well w it)
the view between villages - remus, obviously. this was an opinion i saw a lot on tiktok a while ago, and therefore this was one of the few songs of his id already heard. its so incredibly remus that i cant even try imagining anyone else.
homesick - its giving regulus tbh. i could maybe see sirius, to an extent, but i cant assign it to anyone else wholly but regulus.
northern attitude - sirius. 10000% sirius. i feel like i shouldnt even need to explain it, its just sirius.
stick season - look, okay. i know—i know—people have claimed this for wolfstar. i know. but i just hear regulus. i will explain if need be but its just... its regulus. im sorry but it is.
call your mom - this is one where context from the wip mentioned above would be useful, but spoilers, so all ill say is: sirius to james. the part of the fic im thinking of was originally inspired by forever winter by taylor swift but i actually think call your mom fits what ive written for it so far even better. thats all ill say. (yall know i love giving jamie issues <3)
fear of water - definitely regulus near the start of jegulus. it just makes sense in my head and its all i can think. admittedly, i did decide to listen to this one because my first thought was regulus and the cave because i cant see anything to do with water without thinking of him, but the song itself is 100% early jegulus from reg's pov.
dial drunk - regulus, again. yeah ik i talk about him a lot but ITS REGULUS. and the person hes calling is definitely sirius :( again im kind of relating this to part of the wip above, so maybe i have bias, but this song is regulus. it just is.
i didnt end up listening to many others because i wanted to listen to a pokemon podcast i was part way through yesterday so this is all ive got for rn
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intruality ship bingo?
You are speaking my language.
Tumblr media
Do you know how many Intruality WIPs I have? These two do not let me sleep.
Just want to address the mark I put in "Toxic (affectionate)" before we go any further. Morality kind of... did that to 'Dark' Creativity/Intrusive Thoughts (unless there's something else going on we don't know about yet???). Pretty messed up tbh. Not that I mind. It's just something to consider.
So other than that I think they would have a lot in common. They are both full of whimsy (yes, I'm calling what Remus has going on whimsy). They both kind of project a certain part of their personality to cover up other pieces (in my opinion/hc/whatever). They WOULD be good for each other. Patton needs to loosen up, and Remus needs love and attention. They would both be soooo clingy like physically and emotionally and why shouldn't they get someone who matches their freak? Plus Remus is going to think Patton's froggy traits are sick as hell (bc they are!!!) and I think he needs someone who appreciates ALL of him.
Now of course, Patton might have to chill tf out first. Or maybe hanging out with Remus would help him chill tf out. Even if he just got desensitized he might gain the ability to say "Wild, anyway-" in response to Remus being Remus. Remus also might have to chill tf out, like I'm not going to act like that's all on Patton. Remus does also very much need to chill. But that will come with being acknowledged and listened to, he's been locked in the basement for however many years, being weird about literally everything is kind of understandable.
I think at the very least they need to be friends. The potential of reactions from the others to them literally just hanging out could be absolutely hilarious. Or angsty. My two favorite things. But can you imagine the unhinged ideas the two of them would come up with?
PLUS!!! I just thought of this, but you know how Patton likes to make up games that are overly complicated and Remus loves to make Rube Goldberg machines? They are complicated chaos buddies. They would literally have so much fun. Put them in a room with a few thousand dominoes. I want to see what happens.
Usually when I write Remus in a relationship I write him as an absolute simp regardless, and I think that holds true here. He's just so unabashedly 100% about things, but I could also see him being a bit shy- and hear me out- bc it's something that actually matters to him, right up there with being listened to by Thomas, and he doesn't want to fuck it up. He's not the romantic side like Roman, and I think he probably can't help but compare himself, especially in this context, and he knows it. This isn't his strong suit (insert birthday suit joke here). You could make this or literally any Remus ship soooo angsty if you wanted. And I do bc I'm evil, actually.
And Patton at this point I think would also be worried about fucking up relationships bc... Um... Well, you know. We all saw that episode. But one of his needs, and in his case I do mean need rather than want, is to love. C!Thomas is a lover, Patton is that particular piece of him. It's actually his job to dish out affection, and idk how willing everyone else is going to be to receive it rn.
But anyway wouldn't that be fun if both of them are desperate for acknowledgement and affection but both so terrified of fucking up a relationship, of fucking up something that actually matters, of breaking something that can't be repaired. Or you could be normal about ig.
I'm trying not to make these too long, so I'll end it there. As always, feel free to add or ask questions or whatever else. I do not bite, I prommy. Love y'all, bye!
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perotovar · 3 months
twenty questions for fic writers 💖
tagged by @kedsandtubesocks and @nerdieforpedro thank you, loves! ♥
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
technically 4 lol i'm slowly moving my stuff over there. i barely get any traction there compared to tumblr so it's sort of just there in case anyone prefers that format. i like the community i've built over here so i'm not worried about it!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
apparently 60,272 which is WILD
3. What fandoms do you write for?
the pedro pascal cinematic universe! i've thought about branching out into the bg3 fandom or possibly a couple other games, but the inspiration is with the pedro boys rn ♥
4. Top five fics by kudos
i'll go with the highest number of notes on here i suppose??
baby i'm-a want you (joel x javier p)
into the beat of the night (frankie x oc!river price)
bloody kisses (shane morrissey x tim rockford)
ásjá (pero tovar x ofc!helga)
rebirth (javi g x reader)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i've been really bad about it, but yeah, i certainly try to!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ch1 of bloody kisses ends pretty angsty, but it's got nothing on given to fly, my joel x tess drabble (which i don't think a lot of people even know i wrote lmao)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i can tell you right now, itbotn will have a happy ending :)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i don't think i write the popular boys enough for that. and most of my stuff is queer, which has a smaller audience. so, fingers crossed, no not yet
9. Do you write smut?
10. Craziest crossover?
i feel like putting one of the characters in a macho man heist movie into a goth club was a pretty insane crossover lol but probably bloody kisses, too, because it's between a criminal and a detective. who says opposites don't attract? 😉
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i'm aware of omfg
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but that would be cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah, me and @chronically-ghosted work on bloody kisses together! her contribution is my favorite chapter so far, definitely
14. All time favorite ship?
joel/tess has been one of my absolute favorites for years. halsin/astarion is a very close second <3
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i really wanna write the metal!pero and metal!ezra fic but i'm not sure i'll figure out the plot for it sdflkghjdg they're messing with me a lot
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i'm good at dialogue? banter?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
interesting descriptions. describing a mood/atmosphere is fucking hard and idk how y'all do it lol
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i think it's cool! i wish i spoke spanish better than my beginniner duolingo ass can so i can use it more often, but yeah lol
19. First fandom you wrote in?
it was for a band lmao like 10 years ago. i wrote like 2 smutty oneshots and have promptly deleted them off the internet
20. Favorite fic you've written?
god, that's an evil question! tbh it might be a tie between itbotn and bloody kisses. those are my babies and i'm super proud of the universes i created with them!
np tags: @ezrasbirdie @sp00kymulderr @qveerthe0ry @for-a-longlongtime
@goodwithcheese @missredherring @marisferasiop @swiftispunk @mrsmando
@ghostofaboy and anyone else that wants to ♥
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makoredeyes · 2 months
Keep it coming you say? 👀 I saw that tag! I'm ~quite~ bored, so here's a couple questions/whatever they're considered, lol.
Yes, flattery will get me very far here, indeed! To where? I do not know, but whatever, compliments! You deserve them. I'm rather sure my friends are tired of hearing me go on and on about destiny characters, ':)
How's your writing wip's going so far? I'm waiting very (im)patiently for any updates, I've totally not re-read everything forty-two times.. hope their all going well!
A little self indulgence here, but I like to think Andal Brask was the Hunter Vanguard when Osiris and Saint-14 were in, because.. come on, I'm rather sure the time frame adds up. I like to believe before, because their dynamic just seems really fun to me. Lots of great opportunities. (I partly blame that one fanart sylenth-l made of Andal and Osiris for this, it was really funny). What do you think their dynamic would be like?
What do you think it'd be like if the Iron Lords mysteriously came back alive? 👀 I'm talking, SIVA couldn't actually kill them because their ghosts hid in the light in their bodies, and SIVA only goes after non-organic materials right? Maybe it couldn't work it's way into the light, and as long as their ghost + light are intact, = alive. But *only* after the Warmind managed to get control over SIVA and free their physical bodies from harm? It's a thought I had, influenced by a few fics but I quite like the idea. Just imagine, a ghostless, lightless Osiris receiving word that maybe, they weren't as dead as he thought they were. Or Fel and Timur coming back only to realize what happened to Osiris?? Poor Sagira?? Learning lady Efrideet's alive? 👀 (Is that her name?)
Or perhaps, In this one fic, it's Timur and his special, take over your will little stunt he has, was keeping SIVA at bay, I think that's pretty neat too! So many possibilities! (If you were the one that wrote these, I hope you see this as a compliment cause I am not about to go dig through Ao3 to find them xD)
Either way, it'd be like a modern!au of the iron lords, for them at least, hah (I can just imagine Gheleon having a mental breakdown that their memorial involved fighting one another)
I can't really think of anything, but rest assured I will *probably* be back once I'm dome tormenting my poor boy Tevis
Ahaha yeesss YESSSS I feed me I'm such an attention whore lmao RIP XD. (fr tho bless you ;_; )
I am writing! There are longer gaps between posts rn because I have lots going on in my life, but also, because I am working on many fics at once. I counted the other day I have 26 WIPs but six I am actively working on in concert - three for Housefire that are all directly intermingled plot and timing-wise to the point where I'm not even entirely sure what order I'll be posting them in yet, another chapter for Things Found (I am trying to stay 2 chapters ahead with that to make sure I have a cohesive story for it), and two XXX stand-alone one-shots! I should fish out another teaser for everyone soon. I think it'll be one of the one-shots that makes it out next tbh they're the furthest along. But the naughty stuff is also the slowest to get written bc I yanno...can't write that stuff at work, etc. haha. But I've felt a new wind of motivation lately for writing and am picking away at these projects pretty regularly. <3
I'm going to admit I am not very well-read on the hunter squad in general, BUT iirc I believe Andal was Vanguard during the City Age. He was definitely around as I recall his presence in the comics. The problem with that time is that Osiris was largely absent. This was when the Cult of Osiris was gaining traction, and Osiris' obsession with the Darkness and the Vex was really heating up. He was neglecting his duties to the Vanguard (with Ikora often standing in as proxy for him) and he wasn't really paying attention to anyone else. Like. At all. There was a lot of unhappy tension even with Saint at that time. Andal, by all accounts, was a damn good fella though, and while I think just about everyone nettled Osiris, Andal also stuck up for him where he could. Even if Osiris couldn't appreciate that in the moment I'm sure he would come to later. I look at Osiris and see him as he is now, with some hard lessons learned and some hard losses under his belt, realizing a little too late some of the damn good souls he had in his court, Andal included. All of that said, 100% in a lighter, easier setting, a free-spirit like Andal (and/or Cayde...heaven forbid them both together!) would drive a stuffed shirt like Osiris up an absolute freaking wall with pure comical results, hands down.
(a side note, a brain storm, an insane thought that just poisoned my brain - a sweeter moment hidden from time: Andal's guitar and this gift of song Saint has hinted Osiris has....??????! I'm not melting it's just hot in here, right???)
As for Ironsbane and SIVA... I have INDEED put an awful lot of thought into this. Quite a lot. So much. I have my own ideas on ways to circumvent the disaster, O Reader Mine, but you're going to have to wait a while longer for me to write it. :3 (Housefire is, after all, ultimately, a fixit )
*but no SIVA attacks whatever it is programmed to, organic or not: and Rasputin set it on hundreds of Iron Lords and wiped them all out with the sole exception Efrideet and Saladin with the directives “REPLICATE, ELIMINATE, IMMUNIZE” it was not what SIVA was made to do but he deliberately repurposed it into a weapon. (I could go on for years about Rasputin and his darker epochs, but especially his misappropriation of SIVA lol)
** Your mention of Timur and his spooky skills DID remind me of another fic I need to get back to as well OTL TT_TT I still have requests I took in January I have yet to complete. At this rate it's going to take me all year to get them all done and by then I'll be taking more aahaha whuups.
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crazylittlejester · 24 days
okay so I wanna tell you a bit of that monster AU I shared before(since you brought up your Sky-meets-the-chain WIP and Warriors is wary af).
So Sky is a changeling. When he meets up with the chain, he insists he’s just a regular hylian. Most of the chain can tell that something’s up, but they are all like “yeah, hylian, okay.” For example, Wind thinks he’s an esper(psychic), like him, and Legend thinks he may be cursed, like him. Wild is just completely clueless because he doesn’t know jack(and is also a zombie, frankstein style, so he’s also a bit of a weirdo).
Anyways, Warriors is a human pretending to be a hylian. Humans are very sensitive to weird shit(natural cowards compared to hylians(also very very weak compared to them as well)), so he also immediately knows something isn’t right with Sky in the fact that he’s very very sure that Sky ain’t hylian in the slightest. Wars also has a lot of experience with many kinds of fairies, and with that he would know that Sky’s more fairy than hylian.
In Wars infinite wisdom courage, he doesn’t say anything about that. He keeps it to himself, since fae can get kinda angy when their tricks are unveiled.
So when Sky tries to say something like, “I’m a hylian, just like you!” to Warriors, he’s 100% sure he’s fucking with him. That’s he’s messing with him, specifically because Warriors is a human. Wars can’t like. Hate him for this, cause ya know, the fae love their pranks and such, he understands and also has a bit of a soft spot for them. But still, Warriors is sweating bullets every time Sky says that. And he says that a lot, because he’s just a bit self conscious about being a changeling, since he only learned about that near the end of his adventure.
But yeah, Sky gets to mess with Warriors psychologically, completely unaware that he’s doing so. Idk if this made any sense tbh, I’m very exhausted rn haha(kinda hot very sweaty might melt). Anyways, I hope you have a great rest of your day 👍 yipppee
i am SO sorry for not answering this sooner i still have a lot of asks im working through and i feel really bad about it, but i literally love whenever you tell me more about your ideas so thank you so so much for choosing me to yap about them to :)
So does Sky know he’s not just a regular hylian or does he think he is 👁️👁️?
i love this au so much and i love that Wars is just A Guy alskdkkdkd :3
Remember to take care of yourself and I hope you have a good rest of your day!!!
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woozivrse · 1 day
um hi here are little bits of wips :3 all of them are like, kinda abandoned rn but i'm trying!!
popular! seungkwan x introvert! reader
digging through his bag, seungkwan pulled out a jacket for you. “here, wear it. if you're going to be here to keep me company then you will do it warm!”
“but won’t you be cold once you’re out of practice?” you held the jacket in your hands.
how svt cuddle, hoshi!
hoshi loves loves LOVES nuzzling into you. doesn't matter where, the neck? nuzzle. the top of the head? nuzzle. he also likes laying on top of you, he treats you as a personal pillow at all times, though it's usually just his head on you so he doesn't hurt you.
summer camp! (i don't actually have any ideas for this, so send some in if you have any!) it's all of svt but im considering making it a series where all the boys have an individual fic?
you looked fondly on the clearing, recalling so many memories from your childhood. soon, the campers from the city would be pouring into the field, excited–or maybe, just a little peeved that they had to be separated from their family and friends– for the start of the summer.
wonwoo x implied aromantic! reader! (this is pretty self indulgent tbh. also, not all aromantic ppl never end up in relationships! it's a spectrum)
books and other hobbies occupied your attention. it's not like you never noticed cute people, you had eyes of course, but you chalked it up to just aesthetic attraction and not romantic. and when your college literature class first began, you assumed it was the same thing. jeon wonwoo was, objectively, really cute.
girl group stan! seungkwan x boy group stan! reader— smau! (heavily HEAVILY wip. don't expect this anytime soon)
legally blonde au! elle! dk x emmett! reader, based more on the musical than the movie!
“sorry! i- that came out wrong. i don't mean to judge but, for a girl? who doesn't even like you?”
“it's love!” he argued. “i love her and she loves me,”
“...you sound insane, you know,”
“i know…” he sighed, holding his head in his hands, “just, we dated for years before this, we were together since senior year of high school!”
college au! both reader and dk are leads of the same musical! dk x reader (yes this is also legally blonde based PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE I WAS IN A PHASE) (also, HEAVYYYY WIP. NOT CURRENTLY BEING WORKED ON)
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soulmate au! no one rn actually x reader! (this is the final boss of all my wips i started this back in october of last year so we'll find out if it makes it out of the trenches)
he grabbed your wrist, your compasses calming down at the touch.
“found you,” he grinned, eyes bright and breathless.
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and that's it! feel free to come talk to me about your favs, maybe they'll make it out of the trenches<3
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justmossyall · 7 months
about me <3
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hi! the name’s claire. she/her, a minor, INFJ, aggressively neurodivergent
a bit about me: i’m a christian, an author, an artist and an actor. i am obsessed with the fiber arts and am probably developing arthritis due to the many hours i spend embroidering. i’m a huge dork and love infodumping about my favorite things, so my asks are always open if you want me to rant to you 😎
the general stuff: no nsfw, don’t be weird, just remember that i am legally (and honestly mentally) a child before you say anything weird or are mean to me lol. also i have pretty bad anxiety and emetophobia, idk why that would ever come up but I figured I would mention it??? just…………….don’t stress me out or mention vomit ig????? bro idek anyways
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side blogs because i have an obsession:
this is my main, a lot of reblogs about the things i like
my horrendous thoughts @justmossyaps
christian things @justjesusyall
art blog @justartyall
writing blog @justmosswrites
fiber arts 🤯😍 @justthreadyall
photography blog @raindropsonmushroomcaps
ask game! drama ask game! can you tell i like ask games! here’s a fourth one!
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shows i like: gravity falls, arcane, bluey, bee and puppycat, amazing digital circus, toh, wandavision (not a marvel fan in general but i love that show), dance moms (don’t judge im a sucker for reality tv), and way too many kids shows. what can i say my mental age is like 4 (@person4924 and @sweetronancer know octonauts is where it’s at 😭)
movies i like: first of all i am a huge ghibli fan 😭 anyways the tinker bell movies, ratatouille, wall-e, the muppet movies, spiderman: into/across the spiderverse, brave, random 90s movies that I watch with my parents
books i like: psych im not listing all those, there’s way too many 😭 (kotlc and the scythe series are my favs though)
games i like: undertale/deltarune/undertale yellow (y’all should know by now how obsessed i am with that franchise), stardew valley, animal crossing, zelda botw (i have not played totk yet :( im hoping to soon though!), ddlc
special interests: undertale/deltarune/undertale yellow, psychology (especially neurodivergencies, specifically autism and tic disorders), writing, gravity falls, arcane, bee and puppycat, some very oddly specific medical stuff (mostly things like autoimmune disorders and the like, i just hate gore and tbh the cardiovascular system in general), kotlc, bluey, coding, embroidery/textiles/fiber arts, linguistics/etymology, clowns for some reason??? girl idk don’t ask
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i do a lot of writing, my first novel is actually fully drafted and i’m hoping to have it edited within the next 2 years so i can publish :) other than that main one + my other main-ish novel i have about ten million wips 😭
as mentioned above i am also an artist, i mostly just draw though i also embroider and dabble in clay and watercolor. my art blog is linked above so you can go check that out :)
i also do photography! it’s not a very serious hobby but i enjoy it, photography acc is also linked above.
i actually also make music???? lmaoooo yeah here’s my soundcloud it’s @\lofiwithsunny. i just write crappy instrumentals using soundtrap loops, but it’s fun and i think they sound pretty nice :)
i’m also an actor (yes i like to suffer creatively in many ways) so naturally i’m quite dramatic. i frequent the 😭 emoji and often use all caps. i love to sing though and i love music so if you have any cool songs you think i would like feel free to send them to me. OBSESSED with the oh hellos
speaking of which, my spotify is also @/justmossyall if you want to search me up. here are a few of my fav playlists ~ ~ ~
also as mentioned above, i am a christian! if you ever want me to pray for you or are curious about the faith, my asks and dms are always open :)
i am neurodivergent, suspected autism among other things (i’m not able to seek a diagnosis rn but i plan on seeking one when i can). im also having a lot of health issues recently. i’m not sure if it’s POTS, long COVID, fibromyalgia, or a combination of these things, or something different all together—either way, it’s been a pretty rough year for me. i’ve got pretty bad brain fog, chronic pain, fatigue, dizziness/presyncope, migraines, and i have bad episodes of almost passing out, heart palpitations, etc. idk what’s up but it’s been a journey lol :’)
because of that (plus the fact that the subject overlaps with a lot of my special interests) there will be a lot of disability posting/reblogging here. i hesitate to speak up about it sometimes because im not professionally diagnosed with anything, and im a minor so i dont have much experience in life with these things, but i’ve got kind of a lot of stuff going on with me and it’s a subject im passionate about, so i’ll have a lot of stuff about that on my blog :)
honestly send me asks whenever you want, i am incredibly bored all of the time and love making new friends <3 literally rant to me about anything idrc but i apologize if i don’t answer for a while lol, i go through on and off phases of being on this site
i guess that’s about it?? love you guys have a wonderful day!! <3
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the-darkestminds · 1 month
Thank you so so much for tagging me @zenkindoflove @fieldofdaisiies and @jules-writes-stories !
1. How many works do you have on AO3? I'm new at this so right now I only have 5!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 79,462 (took me a second to realize I did not have to add them up myself)
3. What fandoms do you write for? ACOTAR
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Autumn's Shadow | Azris
Rhysand Is The Most Handsome High Lord... | Feysand/Rhysrhys
It's Just A Burning Memory | Elucien
A Dying Flame | Eris
Desolate Autumn | Eris & Lucien
5. Do you respond to comments? Always and typically at the speed of light because I am in love with all of my readers
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? The two fics I am working on for Eris week are both very sad. Stay tuned.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? It's Just A Burning Memory was written for the healing prompt during Elucien week so that one is all happy.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes. Im trying to branch out and let myself write whatever is fun for me. The smut I am most proud of is in Rhysand Is The Most Handsome High Lord... pls go read it and lmk what you think LOL
9. Do you write crossovers? No, idk what I would crossover tbh
10. Have you ever had a fic translated? No
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but sounds fun
12. What is your all-time favorite ship? For writing, Azris! In the actual books, Elucien.
13. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I started writing a Tamsand fic but it's just vague ideas and random scenes without any direction idk if I will ever finish it.
14. What are your writing strengths? Hmm honestly I think I do well with angst. And I like my dialogue :)
15. What are your writing weaknesses?  I worry about pacing. Slow burn is not something I can write yet, I don't have the patience. Also I struggle with fluff/happy imo
16. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Not in my plans for rn
17. First fandom you wrote for? ACOTAR
18. Favorite fic you’ve written? Autumn's Shadow is my baby. I am really proud of it and personally I think all of the best stuff is yet to come :D
I feel like everyone has been tagged already but just in case
@talibunny30 @christeareads @fourteentrout @yaralulu @good-old-lover-girl @shadowsandlint
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vacantgodling · 2 months
I always want to know things about your blorblets but I'm so bad at thinking of SPECIFIC things I want to know so. I've been thinking about AUs a lot so please tell me about AUs you have, big or small (I know some of the Paramour ones (roleswap and slum AUs my beloveds) but do you have others??)
~ @void-botanist
HAHA no worries that is also a struggle i have when i want to ask people about their ocs rip;;; ask games are such a help. perhaps i should make some "personalized" ones for wips hmm.... thonking thonking
but i can try!! tbh i don't tend to make aus too too often, cuz i'm like "just make another wip then" about stuff LMAO. but some ocs like hya and amon are just special. so to get them out of the way i made a cute little chart
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edit: chart should say survivor's guilt but i don't feel like changing it rn
i also poke my head around in their modern au sometimes just bc i think amon being a sugar baby is really fucking funny BUT i don't think about it too much bc canon+these 3 aus live in my mind rent fucking free lol. if you ever wanted to hear a more IN DEPTH explanation for any of these aus lemme know cuz i have so many thoughts about them frfr lol.
in terms of other wips... yeah i really don't have any aus for them LMAOOOO i make wips bc i wanna see people in This universe i've made for them most of the time. i KINDA?? have a train master chidori demon slayer au but i haven't thought about that ENOUGH for it to really count. though i could. tbh. i could lmao.
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wikiangela · 3 months
WIP tag game
tagged by @hippolotamus @diazsdimples @tizniz @shortsighted-owl @bucks-daddy-issues @aroeddiediaz
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
god i have so many wips (most of which are on hold rn) and i keep adding more lmao - gonna list just the ones I wanna prioritize (I also have sooo many ideas but I'm tryin not to start them before i finish one of the bucktommy wips lol)
the alive shannon ifc
cheating fic
buddie death cast
bachelorette party
bucktommy smut (aka smutty sequel to 'i wanna breathe you in')
bucktommy barbecue
post 7-10 (bucktommy)
bucktommy leg pain
buck slowly moving in with tommy
there's a few more wips tbh, but they're on hold, and sooo many ideas I'd love to talk about but I'm trying not to start new wips lol
no pressure tags: @bidisasterevankinard @hoodie-buck @daffi-990 @loveyouanyway @theotherbuckley
@watchyourbuck @monsterrae1 @loserdiaz @exhuastedpigeon @your-catfish-friend
@jesuisici33 @kinard-buckley @evansboyfriend @bucked-it-up @eddiebabygirldiaz
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blackjackkent · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
No one tagged me but I've seen a few posts go by with open tags today and this is one of the things floating around for me rn. Tbh I'm posting it partly in the hope that showing a bit of it will help me be brave enough to post the full thing when it's done, lol; E-rated is new territory for me (though this snippet is tame). XD
Karlach goes still in an instant, hearing that shift in Hector's tone. Everything stops. Her hand leaves him, her weight shifts to his side. Her shoulders jerk with hitched breath as she struggles to get control of herself. And her eyes lock onto his and stay there; their pale blue glow is almost masked by how wide her pupils are, but the ravenous desire has been replaced abruptly with concern.
“No good?” she asks softly. “I’m-- fuck. I’m sorry. Is this… not what you wanted?”
“No-- no, it’s fine--” he stammers out hastily. He reaches convulsively for her hand, pulls it to his chest as if he’s afraid the shadows around their camp are going to drag her away from him. “No,” he says, more calmly, reassured by the feeling of her palm settling over his heart. “It's good-- it's perfect. You’re perfect.”
Embarrassment floods him and he squeezes his eyes shut and turns his head away. “You’re perfect,” he repeats softly. “I just…have no idea what I’m doing, and you surprised me.”
“What? Hec…” She reaches out, cups his cheek to draw his face back towards her, to force him to meet her eyes. She reads his expression more closely for a long moment, and then her eyebrows shoot up. “Oh, fuck,” she says, startled. “You haven’t done this before, have you?”
He shakes his head wordlessly. There’s nothing accusing in the words, but he’s struck with a sudden burst of fear. The way she tells it, she had a string of lovers in the city before the hells stole her away, a level of experience he couldn’t hope to match with his life of lonely nights in monastery dormitories. And there hasn’t really been time to discuss his own level of experience - or lack thereof; this all came together so fast, after so many weeks of longing…
What if she pushes him away? What if she wants someone who can make love with that same animal ferocity? What if she won't wait for his body to catch up with his heart? 
“Ever?” she asks. Her breath is starting to settle, the stuttering glow of the engine in her chest returning to a steady pulse. Despite his nakedness, her eyes have remained locked on his every moment since she drew back.
“Never…” he answers quietly.
Gods… don’t laugh at me, he thinks. His free hand, splayed out against the ground next to him, flexes nervously. 
But she doesn’t laugh. Instead she takes his face in both her hands and kisses him again. This time it’s slow, lingering, achingly gentle, a dramatic departure from the frantic need they both felt a few moments ago. He feels a deep calm spread through him from where her lips touch his. And he knows at that moment that there was never anything to fear. That  whenever he is lost, she will find him again. That he is safe in her hands.
“Lucky me,” she murmurs when the kiss breaks, and she looks down at him with a slow, playful grin. “That means I get to teach you.”
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