#i just had to keep being shaped like someone who needs a dad
salvia-plathitudes · 11 days
It’s quite frustrating when there’s no one in the world who knows you, not even one. I try so hard to be the person who i needed when i was younger because i needed someone who i never got. But I can’t be her, although i always give it a good run.
#when i break the veneer at work i never know how to pick myself back up again#I’ve never figured it out#i came so close to powering through this time but it looks like i’ll just be the cracked shell of the happy person i portrayed myself as#ahh well. i wish i could stop concerning people!#shut up lex#my mother would hate to hear this but she definitely is far from understanding me. i can never see a bridge being built over that divide.#she misunderstands and that has to be accepted by all parties. it’s just how it is#but instead i am this. and nobody bothers to ask and nobody cares except the people who shouldn’t#so many misunderstandings. they think i miss my dad being on vacation for two weeks#i don’t care what he does as long as he doesn’t leave forever. that’s the only bit that matters. just don’t move away and leave me on my own#but maybe i’d be okay with that too. it just takes getting used to#maybe i have this idea that if he hadn’t met his girlfriend 12 years ago he would have spent some time with me#besides doing yard work for him.#but also his life would probably be worse. she introduced him to ideas and people#he might not have even traveled at all. if it were just us. maybe it would have been the same but worse for both of us#wish i didn’t keep looking for and finding family elsewhere— but they’re not really allowed to be my family. and i’m too old to acquire dads#i just had to keep being shaped like someone who needs a dad#when will i be able to be okay by myself?#when will i be able to be the person i needed when i was young?
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zeldasnotes · 23 days
𝖑𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 🦇
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🦇 Lilith in Capricorn wants position & status and can be shamed for demanding the same respect and position as men. Example: Hillary Clinton & Kamala Harris both have this placement. Women are often expected to seek status by being a wife so women with this placement can awake a ”Wtf she think she doing?” reaction in men.
🦇 While Lilith most times shows a strong interest, fascination or even obsession with the sign or house its in or with the themes of the planet it aspects it can also show complete rejection of it & not wanting anything to do with it.
🦇 I dont know why but I never felt the need to be bitchy towards men who have their Lilith on my Moon. I get a ”you are not like other men” feeling with this aspect. They dont trigger my fight or flight response. Something very unique with this synastry aspect.
🦇 A lot of Moon conjunct Lilith people physically resemble the Moon in some way physically. Ive seen a lot of them have Moon shaped eyes or a round face & very rounded features, sometimes super shiny hair.
🦇 Lilith in the 11th house might be fixated with the ”in crowd”. Might hate them but at the same time watch them. Its giving Janis Ian from Mean Girls. They often have a past friendship with someone from the in crowd.
🦇 Lilith can show what you hate in society and feel a strong need to rebel against. Lilith 2nd house might rebel against stuff being done to their body(like vaccines),having to pay taxes, might shoplift and refuse to pay for things that are not their fault they need. Like tampoons for example.
🦇 Ive also noticed with Lilith 7th house people want to find something wrong with your partner or even convince themselves they dont love you. People might say stuff like ”He is only with you bc you have money” or something. Its like people are bothered by seeing you be loved.
🦇 Madonna is a good example of a 7th house Lilith. She is often shamed for liking younger men while its considered normal for men to be with younger women.
🦇 Lilith in Libra and the constant triangle drama??? Triangledrama EVERYWHERE. Why does every guy you meet seem to have a crazy ex or a female friend trying to get him? Or a coworker who wants him? Or a mother who competes with you?
🦇 If you have Sun conjunct Lilith you might represent what your dad dislikes about himself. You represent a part of him that he wants to keep buried deep inside himself and being close to you might remind him too much of this. This can make him your first bully.
🦇 With Lilith in the 2nd house there was often early experiences with money restricting them which lead to an inner bitterness which is often not noticed until you hear them talk about money. The reason they werent noticed by others might have been because they didnt have the clothes, phones, makeup or other material things that others had. The epitome of ”I wasnt ugly, I was just poor”
🦇 I find it interesting how many people with strong Lilith placements Ive seen literally live out the myth by being thrown out of ”the garden of Eden”. Most times thrown out by a friendsgroup, a community or neighbourhood. And this was a huge turning point in their lives.
🦇 Lilith in synastry 🤝 they confessing after 10 years they had a crush on you.
🦇 Lilith in Aries when undeveloped can make them very competetive with others of their gender especially concerning how the body looks. Comparing their bodies to others. Might have a trauma with people comparing their body to someone close to them like a sibling or even their mom growing up.
🦇 Lilith in Aries might also assert themselves and being quiet in the complete wrong situations. Might often end up thinking ”Why didnt I stand up for myself” or ”I shouldnt have overreacted”.
🦇 ”The girl he told you not to worry about” aka the one who touches his Lilith. I hate writing this but Ive seen this sooo much. Men talking shit to their girlfriend(their eve) about a woman they have Lilith synastry with.
🦇 Sun conjunct Lilith is basically like having a flashlight shining on your dark side so that everyone can see.
🦇 Lilith dominant women(women with a dominant Lilith energy in their chart no nobody is saying its your dominant planet omg) often get blamed for a mans lust for them. Might hear stuff like ”you were looking at him” ”you seduced him”.
🦇 Lilith reminds me of Saturn a little in the way that you need to learn to handle the energy which is hard but when you do it you will be so powerful and own that energy.
🦇 Having Lilith harshly aspecting Sun or Ascendant is getting shit whatever you do. Especially when its the square or opposition. Someone comes up to you and hits you in the face, people will call you crazy and aggressive if you hit back and a pussy if you dont hit back.
🦇 Lilith in the 8th house needs to understand that some things cant be controlled/hold onto. They often experienced situations in their youth where they were powerless.
🦇 Lilith in Virgo can be gossips because of their strong need to criticize. They need to say whats wrong with stuff. This can results in some verbal attacks and some very strong opinions on people.
🦇 LILITH CONJUNCT VENUS IN SYNASTRY: can mean Lilith shouldnt be attracted to Venus. Venus might not even be their type but Lilith will find them beautiful anyways. This can be very confusing for the Lilith person because Venus represent everything they shouldnt like or arent allowed to like. Lilith might be from a rich family and Venus is from a poor family for example. Can also be an age difference especially where the woman is older and the guy younger so its considered taboo. This one will be painful if Venus is in love with Lilith because Lilith often see Venus as someone socially unacceptable in some way. (10th house synastry can change this tho, because if yall have 10th house synastry he will want to parade you around like a damn trophy LOLLL). Lilith might want Venus as their side chick. They also always seem to bump into eachother when the Lilith person is in a relationship.
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miniwheat77 · 5 months
Watch it burn. (Ghost x Reader.)
!this is pure smut, you've been warned. absolutely no minors. age gap, sex pollen, unprotected p in v sex, violence!
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Ghost was hard headed and everyone knew that.
He didn't always communicate too well and sometimes he kept things to himself until it was unhealthy but that's who he was. He was a damaged person. He had walls up like fort knox. That was just Ghost. Not many knew about his past, but when you came along. Things started changing in weird ways that everyone on base never really seen coming.
Ghost seemed irritated by you at first. You were still pretty new to everything and needed some training but Laswell and Captain Price had both taken a liking to you and decided pretty quickly that you'd be a great addition to the team. It was an easy decision.
When you officially started on base, everyone fell in love with you immediately. Aside from Ghost obviously. You were still a little immature and Ghost didn't like that. The military wasn't meant for people like you and that caused a rift between you in the beginning. Slowly though, you started to prove yourself to him. When he was training you followed him around like a lost puppy asking him for tips and asking him to show you the best ways to stay in shape.
When he was in charge of you on missions, you always buckled down and followed everything he said to a T. You didn't act out or try to make light of any situations. You were mature when you needed to be and maybe that's where he started to grow soft for you. Ghost was always alone. He liked to work alone.
But once he'd gotten used to you being by his side all of the time, he almost hated it.
You followed him all over base. You ate each meal with him, even had a watch shift with him. You stuck by his side so often people started referring to you as his shadow.
At first, he didn't like it at all. Had even blown up on you for following him around so much which in turn got a taste of a side of you he had never seen.
"Why can't you just leave me alone? You're so bloody annoying. I'm not your fucking dad. Go away." He growled. You stopped in your tracks. Eyes narrowing.
"Is that an order, Lieutenant?" You had asked, which in turn made him roll his eyes at you.
"You're being ridiculous."
"No. I don't think so. Because unless you're giving me orders, you don't talk to me like that."
The hair on his body rose and he swore he'd never been so angry. But even as he stepped closer to you, you stood your ground. "Excuse me?" He asks. "You heard me. I'm not a kid, and you sure as shit aren't going to talk to me like that. I'm keeping you company and maybe I'm not doing that for you. Maybe I'm doing it for me." You step closer to him, his nose nearly touching yours. "And I know you're not my dad. But unless you're trying to meet him, lower your voice when you talk to me."
Your voice was quiet, but steady. Letting him know that you were not playing around.
He found out through Price the next day that your dad had passed away at some point in your childhood.
He'd never run to apologize to someone faster in his life.
From that point on, he'd gone easier on you.
It was a mistake.
A simple mistake that he knew he shouldn't have made as a Lieutenant.
You were the first to be infected.
Captain Price had sent the both of you on a mission. Meant to be a simple one of course. He sent his best he said.
You'd gotten a gash on you, but something was on the knife. Your veins started to glow. Pink almost as Ghost had described, which resulted in your eyes to roll back. He barely caught you as you passed out.
He quickly found a room and barricaded you inside. He needed answers.
After ambushing a man and dragging him inside with you, he started asking questions. "What was on the knife?"
"Was it poison?"
"How long does she have?"
But only seemed to get laughs from the man who he had tied up.
"It's not poison." He grits his teeth. Ghost is sure the knife in his leg is what's making him talk at this point.
"It's a drug."
Ghost grits his teeth. "What is it?" He slams him back into the wall. "So help me god if you don't start talking." He growls. Grasping the knife that's still in his leg, going to pull it out. "WAIT!" He yells, stopping Ghost. "It's..." He pauses. Looking down. "It's a reproductive drug."
Ghost looks at him confused. "What?"
"It's meant to increase your sex drive. Your body goes into overdrive." He hisses. "Reproductive organs work twice as hard and the hormones in the drug help induce pregnancy. It's.. still in the works." Ghost looks back at you. Still unconscious.
"What do you mean it's still in the works?" He asks.
"It's deadly in higher doses. It started out as a drug but it made it into the wrong hands and now it's a weapon." He breathes. "So.. she's going to die?" Ghost asks.
"Well.. Technically yes." He sighs. "Unless." He trails off. "Unless what?"
"How long ago was she infected."
Ghost looks down at his watch. "37 minutes ago." He looks at the man. "So.. In about.. 10 minutes. She'll wake up. Her body will feel hot and she'll probably be more aroused than she's ever been. And if you can stimulate her enough.. Her body might come down from it."
"If you can survive that long." The man laughs.
"We're gonna be just fine."
Ghost grabs hold of the knife and draws it back, where he had stabbed into the mans femoral artery starts to spurt blood out and in seconds the man is no longer alive. Ghost knows he needs to clear out the rest of the compound and come back for you.
He sets a timer on his watch and starts possibly the most stressful mission he's ever been on.
He's moving quietly but quickly, taking everyone he crosses by surprise.
But unfortunately, he gets infected.
Knife wound to the arm, just like you. He watches his veins change and knows he doesn't have long.
He doesn't know what to do yet and Ghost hates himself. You shouldn't be here. You're too new.
When everything is clear and he's sure of it. He's rushing back to you.
He pushes the desk away from the door and gets back inside, barricading it from the inside. "Ghost? What's going on?" You ask. He feels sick to his stomach. He sighs as he turns around, nervous to face you again. "I... I'm sorry Y/N." He breathes. "What?"
"Your wound.. It's infected with a drug."
"Please tell me you aren't gonna say sex drug?" You breathe. Making him narrow your eyes. "I must've heard him in my sleep." You nod to the man who's leaning over now. Ghost kneels down next to you. "I'm sorry Y/N. I never should've let you come here with me." He sighs.
"That wasn't your decision Ghost. It's not your fault."
He shakes his head. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what to do."
"Are you infected too?" You ask.
He nods his head. You sit up. "I think you know what we have to do Ghost." You look at him. Your face is deathly still. Letting him know just how serious you are.
"No. Absolutely not Y/N." He shakes his head. Standing up. He starts to pace the room. He's scared. "You'd rather die?" You ask. "No. No of course not. I just... Y/N. I can't do that to you." He shakes his head.
Ghost knows that you trust him. He trusts you too. You even opened up to him about how you were still a virgin because you'd only been in one serious relationship.
That one person who abused you and hurt you in ways that Ghost could kill for. Ghost never looked at you like this and he hates that this is his only choice. "I can't do that to you. I'm not gonna hurt you like you've been hurt. You deserve way better than this Y/N." Ghost feels like he's got an open wound in his chest at the thought of forcing you into something like this. He hates himself for allowing Captain Price to send you along on this mission with him. He didn't want to take you down with him like this. Before he realizes it, you're standing right in front of him. His racing heart steadies in his chest as you reach for his hand.
"Ghost. If we don't..." You trail off, looking down at the ground before taking a deep breath and raising your eyes up to look at him. "If we don't do something, we're going to die. You heard what he said. You and I both saw it. Saw the paperwork, the smoke bombs. This... it'll kill us if we don't." You look up at him. "And.. I don't know about you, but I don't want to die like this." You laugh.
"I can't do this to you Y/N." He hisses, clenching his eyes closed. "Come on, lets go somewhere without. You know." You glance toward the man slumped over at the other side of the room. Grasping his hand and dragging him into another room down the hall, conveniently, one with a bed. He sighs. "Sit down." You force him back onto the edge of the made bed. Luckily this was an upkept building. You take his hands in yours, moving between his legs, feeling him stiffen up immediately. "I trust you, Ghost."
He goes to speak up, but you stop him.
"You are honestly my best friend, and I know you probably don't see it the same way I do. But I trust you. You've shown me so much. Taught me so much. You protect me and you always put me first. I trust you to do this Ghost."
He clenches his eyes closed again. "I am your friend Y/N, of course I am. But.. I'm so much older than you. I thought you looked at me like a father figure, not like this."
A hiss leaves your lips, and Ghost can Physically see your veins turning pink under your skin. It seems unreal. Like something out of a movie. He knows if anything is going to happen, it has to happen now.
"Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah, yes." You take in a deep breath. Knees feeling weak. "It's... Intense." You breathe. He grasps your hips, sitting you down next to him. "Fuck.. Lay back okay? It's gonna be alright." He breathes. "He.. He said stimulate. He didn't say sex." He breathes. Seeing you nod your head.
He helps you remove your cargo pants. Pushing you further up the bed. He swallows hard. He wants to curse himself, feeling himself get more aroused at the sight of you. It's just he drugs, yeah.
Just the drugs.
He lowers himself into you. Wrapping his arms around your thighs. "I'm sorry Y/N." He breathes.
His tongue dipping into you has you gasping out, clutching at the sheets. His eyes feel heavy as you react to him. You taste sweet and he wants to savor it. He wants to ask for forgiveness and take even more. It's just he drugs. It's just the drugs.
Your back arches and you cry out. Tears streaming down your face. It's just not enough.
"Ghost." You sob, making him look up at you.
"It's not enough."
Any of your veins that were visible under your skin are no longer blue in color, but pink. Your skin is beat red and hot. He grits his teeth as he reaches for his waistband. Once he'd gotten himself free, pants down at his mid thigh, there's no going back now.
He moves himself over you, taking a deep breath. He presses his forehead to yours. "I'm so sorry."
Feeling him penetrate you, piercing into you. You can't help but cry out. He grits his teeth, eyes clenched shut tight. He loves this and he hates this. This isn't how he would've wanted this to happen. He rocks his hips into you, body swallowing him up so perfectly. He forces you to look at him, pushing your hair out of your face. You're sweaty and it's sticking to you. "Are you okay?" He asks. You nod your head. "Yes, yes." You whine. You're out of breath. "I didn't hurt you did I?" He asks. "No, please." You claw at him. "Don't stop." You're nearly sobbing when you say it.
"Harder." You whine. "Y/N.. I'm gonna hurt you."
"Ghost." You grasp his face, forcing his mask off. You're surprised when he lets you. "You're not going to hurt me. I don't want you to be sorry." You breathe. "I want this, I've wanted this. And it's not the goddamn drugs talking." You breathe, staring him in the eyes as you say it. It's like a pin dropping in a silent room when those words leave your lips.
"What?" He asks.
"I've felt this way for a long time. Thought about it all the time. How you treat me so well and protect me. How you always come to my defense, you care about me."
"I do, I do care about you Y/N. But I'm no good for you." He grits his teeth, eyes filling with tears as he rocks into you harder. "That's bullshit and you know it." You claw at the sheets, tilting your head back as he drives himself into you harder. "I wanted you to. Wanted you to be the one to take it- I was going to ask when this mission was over."
You're choked up.
"I love you, Simon."
He loses it, chest tight. Tears stream from his eyes and he doesn't want you to see. Burying his face into the crook of your neck. You using his name, his real name. It's raw.
"Goddamnit I love you too." He sobs, drawing his hips back and burying himself inside of you again. Biting down on your neck. You look up at the ceiling, feeling his weight on you. Everything finally starts to sink in. Tears spill over the corners of your eyes as he works you to a high you're sure you'll never come down from. You clench your eyes closed once more, allowing yourself to feel everything. His pants and sobs in your ear, knowing that he feels this way too. They're getting unsteady and you know by how sloppy his thrusts are getting that he's getting close.
Feeling him, every inch of him. Sliding inside of you, drawing you closer and closer to the brink of pure bliss.
You're gone when he mumbles into your ear.
"I love you Y/N."
You cry out, the sounds leave your lips uncontrollably. He lowers his hand, rubbing circles over your clit. Pushing you through your high. The first time you've ever cum at the hands of someone else. He groans out, drawing away. He stares down at you. His eyes are bloodshot and his eyes are still watery. "I love you Simon, I trust you." You cup his cheeks with your hands again. "Give yourself to me." His body shakes as he reaches his high. Groaning out. He rests his forehead on your chest, trying to calm himself down. Relishing in the pleasure he feels. He knows he needs to calm down now, he's too worked up still. His heart pounds in his chest, but as he relaxes into you, it settles. He stays like that for a while. Calming himself down. When he finally pulls away, sliding out of you. He lies next to you. Pulling you into his side. You rest your head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around you. It's silent for a while, but he finally breaks the silence. "I'm so sorry Y/N." He breathes. Hearing you laugh lightly. "Simon..." you trail off. "Why do you keep saying that? What do you have to be sorry for?" You look up at him, eyes piercing his. "Because you deserved so much better than this." He breathes. "Yeah? Like what? An uncomfortable barracks bed?" Your lips raise in a smile and he laughs. "You're such a brat." His chest shakes as he laughs. "It's my best quality, thank you very much." You sit up, climbing over him. Straddling his hips. "I wouldn't have wanted this to go any different. Listen." You tilt your head back. "Hm?" He asks. "Nothing but silence." Your eyes flutter closed and he breathes out, resting his hands on your thighs. Thumb gliding up the inside. "Did I hurt you?" He asks. You shake your head. "No. Not even a little." You breathe, laying your head on his chest. He covers you with a blanket. Wrapping his arms around you and holding you right. "Simon?" You mumble. "Yeah darling?" He asks, pushing your hair out of your face.
"I want to be with you."
He takes a deep breath. "I'm serious. I want everything with you. I want the good days. The bad ones too. I want a life with you, and it's okay if you don't want that with me. But I think you should know." You sigh, relaxing into him. You're completely relaxed. You're always relaxed even in dangerous situations with him. He keeps you safe. "We'll talk more about it when we're out of here.. okay?" He trails off. You nod your head against him.
The fire reflects in your eyes, they're glossy. Simon stands next to you. Arms crossed over his chest. His mask is on again, but pulled down around his neck.
The building is nothing but burning flames now. Everything that happened inside is a memory now. It's gone. "It's pretty huh?" You turn to look at him. He laughs. "Yeah, it is." He smiles. "You think it'll be all gone? The drug and everything inside?" You ask. He wraps an arm around your back, pulling you into him. "I'd like to hope so. But.. I don't think this is our last time crossing paths with this." He looks back at the flames. The warmth on your skin feels nice. "Let's get to exfil, yeah?" He looks down at you. "Wait-" you stop him as he goes to walk off. "Simon?" You ask. He turns his head to you. Taking him off guard by pressing your lips to his. He's frozen for a second, but relaxes into you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into him. You cup his face again.
When you pull away, you grasp his balaclava. Raising it over his nose once more. "Let's get out of here." You smile. He grasps your hand, pulling you along with him. Picking up all of your gear and returning it to where it belongs.
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multifandomgirl08 · 7 months
Glass Houses - [Mini Verstappen Series]
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Dad!Max Verstappen x Mother!Reader (Established Relationship)
Summary: When Raymond had called you about going and getting lunch, you should have known that something was going on.
Warning(s): Jos Verstappen (Being himself/an asshole), Mixed formatting (Story + Article), Max and Reader get into an argument about Reader going and meeting Jos, Max opens up to Reader about Jos, Max and Reader making up at the end
A/N: Although this chapter, like Stones To Throw, is pretty heavy in terms of topic. These were some of my favorites to write for this series. This is also the longest chapter of this whole series.
Words: 4k
Previous Part → Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
When Raymond had called you about going and getting lunch, you should have known that something was going on. You and Raymond never talked much without Max around.
Max was at Milton Keynes for testing this week before the season started again, Nico was at school for the day and the sitter was taking care of Nikita for the few hours that you would be out of the house. When you showed up at the restaurant, you saw Raymond talking to someone who was sitting across from him.
As you got closer to the table you couldn’t help but stop in your tracks. Raymond was sitting and talking with Max’s father. Who you had never formally met, or talked to at all. But you knew it was him, from the photos online to see the outline of the same man in your driveway 7 months ago. What was Raymond thinking inviting you to lunch with them?
You timidly walked up to the table before hearing Raymond speak, “Y/N,” He said with a slight nod.
“Hey Raymond,” You greeted him, letting your eyes sweep past Jos.
You didn’t want to look at him, mostly because of the stories that you had heard from Max and Victoria. Jos was a good grandfather to Victoria’s boys, but every time she brought it up with Max you could tell that he was getting angry about it. You always had to keep the peace between them when those conversations started.
Jos stood up from his chair reaching his hand out to take yours. You glanced at it and then at him. He was only slightly shorter than Max. Bigger in build from the fact that he wasn’t on an athletic diet like Max, who had to keep his weight down so he would be in top shape for when the season started in a few short weeks.
You didn’t want to shake his hand but did anyway. There had to be a reason as to why you were here. You just hoped it wasn’t to make a deal with the man who Max grew to despise as he grew up.
He gave you a half smile, and although it didn’t seem malicious you couldn’t help but slightly question it.
“Jos.” Max’s father said.
“Y/N.” You replied.
“I know, my son’s wife.” He made a vague gesture towards you. “Where are my lovely grandsons, if you don’t mind me asking.”
You flinched internally at the word lovely. You loved the way Max said that word when he was complimenting you, or commenting on something that was going on. Hearing Max’s father say the same word and what followed after, made knots in your stomach start to form.
“I actually do.” You played with your wedding and engagement ring as you looked at him, not bothering to answer his question.
The more you looked at him, the more you could pick up the little parts of Max’s features that he got from Jos. His nose, his eyes, even though Max’s were a darker shade of blue. Max had a mix of Jos and Sophie’s hair. Luckily Max had gotten the majority of Sophie’s features.
“I was right, wasn’t I Ray?” Jos turned to Raymond. You could see his smile turn up a little more. “Max chose well.”
You had heard from Christian that Raymond and Jos were friends but never gave it much thought before now. You were sure that Max hadn’t told his father about the house, so Jos was keeping tabs on Max through Raymond.
“Is there a reason as to why I’m here?” If there wasn’t then you would like to go about the rest of your day. You still needed to get groceries before going and picking Nico up from school.
“I wanted to meet you,” Jos said before reaching for the glass that was in front of him. “Meet the woman who is going to help mold my grandson’s future in Formula 1.”
“You don’t know that, you have no idea if my son is going to keep karting.” You crossed your legs, your eyes traveling over Jos’ face trying to read into what he wasn’t saying.
“You’re son?” Jos mocked placing his glass back down onto the table.
“Yes.” You fired back. You didn’t need to hear this from him. Jos hadn’t been in Max’s life for a long time, and he had never even known Nico.
You watched as Jos’ shoulders went lax, sitting further back in his chair. His eyes studied you for a moment before he nodded.
“I’m surprised,” He crossed his arms.
“By?” You asked quizzically.
“My son finding someone… who can handle everything.” You wanted to question Jos. What did he mean by that? Everything? Did he mean Max’s career, his schedule, him being away all the time? Him having to raise a child by himself essentially for the first few years of Nico’s life?
You shook your head, “I don’t understand what you mean by everything. It’s not like my life is all that different. I’m married and I have 2 children. What’s so different about-?”
“I meant,” He said, cutting you off. “That you can love my grandson as if he’s your own.”
Your eyes hardened. Of course, you loved Nico as your own. How could you not? He was a sweet boy, who loved playing with his model cars, wanted to ride his bike around the driveway, and was always polite to those around him.
“There is no if, in that, it’s not as if he’s my own. That little boy is my son regardless of what you or other people might think.” You didn’t know Jos like Max did so you had no problem telling him how things were. “I can’t believe that you even thought it would be right to make Max give Nico up. Max is an amazing father to our children.”
You almost wanted to tell him that you felt bad for him. He would never get to see what a great dad Max was to the boys. He would just have to hear about it from other people.
Jos moved forward in his chair almost as if he wanted to lunge at you. You didn’t flinch or move away.
“You think that you have a right to tell me this.” He said defensively.
“I have every right,” You calmly replied. You weren’t going to elaborate. You didn’t need to.
You made sure to meet his eyes and could see the recognition in them. He knew deep down that you were right. But he would never admit it publicly or try to talk to Max about it. He had too much pride for that. He had raised Max to achieve everything that he did and now got to revel in it when anyone asked who pushed Max to succeed. It was like Jos fed off it.
“If you want to keep tabs on Max through Raymond, that is none of my business, but please respect that my husband doesn’t want you near our children.” You moved out of your chair pushing it in. Jos had moved his hands onto the armrest of the chair as if he were going to get up. “My children’s career, be it racing or otherwise, is none of your concern.”
You pushed up your hand to stop him from getting up from his chair. You didn’t want to be there. You should have just left when you saw that it was Jos here with Raymond.
You gave Jos one last look and you could see that whatever he was trying to accomplish by getting you here had failed. You collected your bag from the top of the table and walked away from them both.
You weren’t going to enjoy telling Max about this.
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Five Days Later - Sunday
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Wife of Formula 1 Driver, Max Verstappen, Y/N Verstappen seen abruptly leaving a restaurant just outside of Saint-Tropez
Anita Eriksson For DAILYMAIL.COM February 22, 2026
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A few days ago one of our journalists was in Saint-Tropez and saw Y/N Verstappen, wife of 4 time World Champion Max Verstappen in a restaurant.
Verstappen's wife, Y/N was there for less than half an hour, and she was seen talking to who appeared to be Verstappen's father Jos, and his manager, Raymond Vermeulen. Over the years, people have started to notice that Jos Verstappen hasn't been present at F1 races and is never seen around the paddock anymore.
Rumors have spread that Verstappen banned his father, saying that he was too much of a distraction, making it hard for Max to compete. Verstappen's father was absent for all of Max's championship wins dating all the way back to his first in 2021. Just over a year after Verstappen's oldest son was born. Although, Jos being banned from the paddock has never been confirmed by Max or anyone from the Oracle Red Bull Racing Team.
From what the journalist saw, Y/N didn't seem all that happy to be sharing the same space with Jos. She sat down for a few minutes, didn't order anything, had what seemed to be a harsh conversation with him, and then collected her bag before getting into the navy blue Bentley Bentayga S 2026 that her husband bought her as a birthday present.
Jos Verstappen didn't look pleased after Y/N had left the table and was seen yelling at Vermeulen.
In December of last year, Y/N gave birth to Verstappen's second child, a boy named Nikita, named after racing legend Niki Lauda. Which they announced via. Y/N's Instagram. This is the first time that she has been seen out in public since the birth of her son.
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One Day Later - Saint-Jean Cap Ferret
You had been in the kitchen making yourself something to eat after just having put Nikita down for his afternoon nap. Max had come storming into the room with his phone in hand, from the spare bedroom where his racing sim was set up.
"Did you have lunch with my father and Raymond while I was away last week?" 
You had stopped what you were doing and just looked at Max. You had never seen him so angry before. His expression was almost unreadable. You had only ever seen him look like this after something had gone wrong during a race.
You put down the knife that you were holding, "Yes." You started to say. You wouldn't really call the encounter that you had with Jos lunch, but to Max that would only be a minor detail. "Raymond called me and asked that I come meet him."
"You went, of course, without telling me." He stated, moving his hands a bit as he spoke.
You knew why Max was saying this. He didn't want Jos around you or Nico remembering how Max was after Jos had visited the house all those months ago. The following days after Max had been rather clingy with you and Nico, wanting to be around you as much as possible.
"I didn't know that Jos was going to be there." You hadn't but you should have assumed that it wouldn't just be a friendly lunch between you and Raymond either.
“You…” He started to say before he cut himself off. “You shouldn’t have gone. Not without me.”
“I don’t need you to protect me Max.” You had always been able to handle things by yourself, that hadn’t changed. 
Max walked closer to you, leaving his phone face up on the counter. It was unlocked to show a Daily Mail article, with a photo of you from last week. It was you leaving the restaurant before you had gotten back into your car to go home.
Max didn't walk any closer to you, keeping a fair distance between the two of you. You could see one of his hands slightly twitch as if he was going to reach out for you. He dropped his hand at his side and then ran it through his hair.
"Were the boys with you?" He asked. You watched as his eyes moved no doubt studying your face.
"No," You said with a sigh. You would never have taken the boys with you to meet Raymond alone. Maybe that's why you were so insistent that Sylvie stayed at the house with Nikita. Your instincts told you that it was better not to take Nikita with you. "Nico was at school and I left Nikita with Sylvie so I could go see Raymond," And your father, you thought. "And then went and got groceries before I went to pick up Nico once he got out of school for the day."
You knew better than to take Nico shopping with you, he would always put things in the shopping cart that you didn't need.
Max nodded but didn't say anything else to you. He walked out of the room, leaving his phone, not looking at you at all.
You picked it up and read through the article. There would no doubt be comments on Twitter about you with the hashtag #lionessverstappen. You had grown used to the moniker but never thought that your being protective over Max and the boys would lead to this type of reaction from Max.
You had never had to explain to Max why you did things throughout the entire time that you had been together. There had always been a reason and Max had understood that. Why couldn’t he understand this?
You didn’t follow Max out of the room because you knew if you did it would lead to both of you yelling at each other. So you just stayed in the kitchen and kept cooking. You finished making yourself food and then started the prep for dinner.
As you stared at the plate of food that you had made, you couldn’t help but push it away from you. You didn’t want to eat anything. You knew that you should since you were still breastfeeding but you couldn’t manage it. So you forgo eating and pull out your laptop to answer some work emails.
You glanced out into the backyard to see Max pacing back and forth while talking on the house phone, his hair in complete disarray from running his hand through it so many times.
As you looked at him, you wanted to tell him why you had gone to talk to Raymond.
Max didn’t talk about Jos unless he had to. He was always a sore subject. You thought that going and talking to Raymond would give you more insight into Max’s relationship with Jos. But after you had met Jos yourself, you were quick to realize that you should have waited for Max to talk to you about this when he was ready, even if he never would be.
After having only spent half an hour with Jos. You understood that Jos cared more for himself and the way he looked in the eyes of the media and F1 history than actually being a good parent/grandparent when it came down to it, or when it had anything to do with Max. He wanted people to view him as the person who helped mold a champion. It just happened to be that that Champion was his own flesh and blood.
The sound of the crackle from the baby monitor pulled you out of your thoughts. You left your computer open, rushing to Nikita’s room. Not noticing that Max had watched you leave before he sat down on the couch outside with his hands in his hair. The house phone now lying on the coffee table after he finished talking with the Red Bull team publicist.
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You and Max hadn’t talked to each other all evening. Both of you paid attention to Nico at dinner and as you kept looking over at Max, there were only a few fleeting moments when you could feel him look at you.
This was the first time since you and Max had gotten married that you didn’t feel happy. After just a year of marriage, you had your first fight. Better now than later.
“I don’t want it to be like this.” He said after turning off the faucet in the kitchen after dinner.
You had sent Nico up to his room to finish his homework assignment, and Sylvie had taken Nikita to his room after his 7 pm feeding.
“Like what?”
“I don’t want you to keep things from me.”
“What do you want me to say, Max?” You asked in urnist. “I didn’t tell you that I saw your father. I didn’t want to tell you given what we ended up talking about.” Even if you wanted to justify it by saying that you only meant to talk to Raymond that wouldn’t help.
Max gave you a pensive look, his lips pressed into a firm line.
“I know.” He muttered before you saw his lips quiver. “What did he say?”
You shook your head. “You don’t want to know.”
“Tell me, please.” he pleaded. You shook your head not wanting to tell him before sighing.
“Something about helping mold Nico for Formula 1.” With those words, it was like you momentarily saw the color drain from Max’s face.
“He’s an asshole, and my father… and he-”
Max cut himself off with a sob. You moved closer to him, taking his face in your hands, holding his cheeks, and searching his eyes. Seeing the tears start to form, the storm brewing in the blues of his eyes.
You wanted to tell Max what Jos had said to you but thought it would be better for Max to get his thoughts out first.
“Jos had always pushed me to be the best when it comes to racing, and I, of course, let him because I thought it would make him proud of me.” He paused for a second as if he was trying to think of the right way to say something. “The only good thing he ever did for me was show me what it truly takes to be a father and love your children unconditionally.” He took in a sharp breath.
Max had pulled your hands away from his face. It was as if he needed the space to be able to get those final few thoughts out.
“There were always strings attached when it came to Jos being proud of me. If I wasn’t doing well, then he wasn’t proud of me. I know now, from the boys, that if you truly love your children, you put their interests first, always.”
That was why Max had such a hard time when Nico started karting. It was what Nico wanted at the time, and what he was still passionate about even now, but Max didn’t want to make Nico feel like, if he wasn’t doing well he wouldn’t be proud of him.
“I don’t want to feel as if he defines me, because I know that I’m nothing like him. But I can’t help it at times.” You didn’t want to keep telling Max that he was nothing like Jos. Being like Jos would always be Max’s biggest fear, and the only way that he would be able to get over it was for him to work through it. He would need you for that reassurance until the boys were old enough to be able to tell Max themselves that he had done the best that he could for them.
“I wanted to keep you away from him, so you wouldn’t see the parts of me that I get from him.” Max continued to say. “I can’t lose you, not when I’m grateful for all of the things that you have done for me, and our family.”
“You won’t lose me, I won’t let you.” You promised him.
Max was quick to drop his head afterward. “We don’t fight.”
It was true, you and Max didn’t have arguments. You weren’t those types of people.
“Maybe not, but that doesn’t mean that we won’t disagree on things in the future.” You said.
Max had held his hands out to you facing his palms out, inviting you to touch him. Offering himself up to you.
You moved closer to him, taking his hands in yours. “It matters that we worked it out.” He moved closer before resting his forehead against yours. “That we always find a solution, together.”
“We will.”
“I’m sorry, for getting upset with you.” He said.
“I’m sorry for not telling you that I went to lunch with Raymond and that Jos was there as well. I should have told you right after it happened.”
“It’s okay Schat,” Out of all of Max’s pet names for you that was the one he used the least. “I know you were only doing what you thought you needed to.”
“What did you say to him?” He asked muttering the words into your hair. Max was looking past you a little lost in thought.
You let out a small sigh, “I told him to respect that you don’t want him around the boys, and that Nico’s career wasn’t any of his concern.”
With those words, it put the conversation to rest. Max met your eyes, and you could see his shoulders relax.
Max pressed his lips to your forehead, and then your cheek. You let him hold you for a moment, running your fingers over his back as you felt his shoulders relax further. You slotted your head against his shoulder.
As you stood there in each other's arms the baby monitor crackled awake with the sound of Nikita fussing. You pulled back from Max before he stopped you.
“I’ll get him.” Max reached up and cupped your cheek before leaving you in the kitchen to calm him. You ended up pushing in the kitchen chairs that weren’t tucked under the counter. 
“Come, Nikita, come to Papa.” You heard over the baby monitor as you moved to sit in the living room. You could hear Nikita lightly fussing but it ended rather quickly.
You moved onto the couch taking the cashmere blanket that was hanging off the edge and laying it over your legs before you saw Max come back into the room with Nikita lying against his shoulder.
You didn’t move from your sport, instead you stayed there watching Max interact with the baby, as he gave him all of his attention. Nico had come into the living room, shoving the papers from his homework into his bag. He ended up climbing onto the couch before crawling over to you sitting in your lap, and laying his head on your shoulder.
Nico had gotten extra clingy with you now that Nikita was around. He wanted to always have your attention when he could even if you were trying to change Nikita’s diaper or make sure that Nikita wasn’t being fussy. It had taken a bit of time but eventually, Nico started to understand that you were paying more attention to Nikita because he was a baby, not because Nico had been replaced.
Max eventually joined you and Nico on the couch with Nikita tucked into his arms. You spend a little longer in the living room with them until Nico's head grew heavy against your shoulder after he fell asleep. You switch with Max, him taking Nico and putting him to bed and you taking Nikita, putting him in the bassinet that was in the master bedroom.
Eventuality both you and Max make it to bed, he can't seem to let you go once you’re under the covers sharing a few kisses before your eyes are too heavy to stay open. He pulled you flush against him, your head over his chest, his hands finding any bare skin that he could feel without the fabric of one of his shirts getting in his way.
“I love you.” You mutter into his chest. You need him to know that through every argument and all the time spent away from one another, you still love him and will always be there for him.
“Ik houd ook van jou, mijn leeuwin.” You can tell from the tone in Max’s voice that he’s almost asleep but not quite there yet. You feel one of his hands move out from under the shirt that you’re wearing before he reaches to take your hand in his. He kisses the back of your hand and then interlocks your fingers together placing it on the vacant part of his chest.
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Ik houd ook van jou - I love you too
taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn, @musingsbyshreya, @glow-ish, @nonsensical-nonsence, @fanboyluvr, @champomiel, @gothicwidowsworld, @lighttsoutlewis, @itsalwaysgay, @minkyungseokie, @mynameisangeloflife, @ursforever129, @aundercover, @bborra, @mindless-rock, @cixrosie, @barcelonaloverf1life, @taylorslovesswifties13
595 notes · View notes
luveline · 22 days
i’m addicted to ur hop stuff omg!! no one writes hop fluff like u do 🥺🥺 could u do smth like a slow morning w hop!! ft el if u feel like it xx
“Why are you still in bed?” 
You stir at the question, but are quickly settled by a hand on your back so much bigger than your own. “I don’t want to wake her up.” 
“You say sleeping the morning away is a waste of time.” 
“I let you sleep in all the time.” The big hand rubs a circle into your back. It takes you a few moments to orientate yourself without moving. Your face is in someone’s lap, your arm hugging strong thighs. “She’s still not used to staying up that late to watch Miami Vice.” 
“Twenty three hours isn’t late.” 
“Eleven o’clock is late for people who work all day, El. Can you keep the noise down until she wakes up by herself?” 
“You’re with her.” 
“I mean when she wakes herself up. No intervention.” 
“Okay. Do you want me to make breakfast?” 
Hopper’s smile is audible. “Yeah, kid, okay. You can make breakfast. Don’t burn yourself on the toaster, okay? You remember? It gets hot all over.” 
“Hot all over,” El repeats. 
Quiet is restored for a while. You sleep some more, dozing on a loving lap, likely dribbling a patch into pants. The big hand never stops moving, not once to what you can tell, scrubbing circles into your skin until you feel numb to his touch, almost ticklish. It makes you squirm.
“About time.” 
“What’s about time?” you mumble, forcing your face further into his leg. 
“You’ve been sleeping for hours.” 
Your head tips back, intent on meeting his eyes and proving you’re not the slovenly creature he seems to think you are, but your eyelids are heavy and he’s warm in your arms. “Good morning,” you say affectionately. 
Hopper can pretend to be as much of a hard ass as he likes, he hears your scratchy morning voice in tandem with your saccharine greeting and obviously melts. Even half-asleep, you can sense it, and as his arms slide under your arms and he leans back against his pillows, you force yourself to open your eyes and see his chuffed smile. 
He’s grinning like he won something, hugging you to his chest. 
“Good morning,” he says quietly. 
You press your face to his front. 
“I heard El,” you say. 
“She’s making breakfast.” 
You’d been worried about staying the night because El’s still young, and Hopper’s bedroom is just a section of the cabin’s living room; if she needs to pee at night or if she wakes up before you, she is forcefully presented with an adult relationship. Which isn’t to say you’d risk being inappropriate with Hopper somewhere she could see, it just means that intimacy comes in all shapes and sizes, and El is unfamiliar with so much of it, and, more importantly, Hopper’s her dad. She hasn’t had to share him before. 
But El’s loving, and she hasn’t minded you being here. She doesn’t falter when she comes upon you and Hop tangled together in the morning, she just asks for toast or tells Hop he needs to come and open a window for her. 
She brings breakfast for you all on a tray and sits on the end of Hopper’s bed. It’s a frankly audacious amount of undercooked waffles and toast, a maple syrup bottle sticky from abuse laying side down with the knives and forks. 
“Thanks, baby,” Hopper says quietly. “This is perfect.” 
“Why do you guys hug so much?” she asks, spearing a waffle with her fork. 
You, having pulled yourself from Hopper’s lap just long enough to come around, don’t have the wits to answer. Hopper clearly hopes you will, and deliberates for a long time before he says, “It’s comforting.”
“Like you’re upset?” she asks. 
“Nope. Just, it makes me feel better to– to make sure she feels happy.” 
You yawn. “It’s like making breakfast, honey. You made everyone breakfast and now we’re all looked after. You feel good because we appreciate you for doing it, and we feel good because somebody did something nice for us.” You yawn again, your jaw clicking formidably.
El likes this answer, eating the majority of her portion before she talks again. “Thanks for staying up to watch Miami Vice,” she says. “Mike says it’s a waste of time.” 
“Mike’s a waste of time,” Hopper says, not quite without heat. 
“I like Miami Vice,” you say, trying to bat crumbs off of the sheets before Hopper notices them. 
Hopper grabs your hand. He’s laughing already, tugging you toward him, muttering, “God, you’re so messy,” as you lean in to be kissed on the cheek. 
“Not that messy,” you say, making eye contact with El hopefully. 
“Super messy,” she says. 
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witchthewriter · 8 months
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𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐊𝐨̈𝐧𝐢𝐠
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: not a poly relationship - I just decided to have them both in one post. Let me know if you want more xx Also I went through the tags for these guys and there is nothing but SMUT. So I wanted some sweet sfw headcanons for the boys
Warnings: swearing, nsfw included (no one under 18 please).
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Neutral Good
Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Moon, Virgo Rising
𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲/𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭
・This man is fucking dangerous behind the wheel. And although he is a hot-head occasionally, it isn't when he's driving.
・Simon knows he's shit, so when people honk at him, give him the finger - he just stone-faces it. Let's them berate him because really, he doesn't fucking care.
・However he has lost his licence a few times ... and so you told him he could be your &lt;3 passenger princess <3
・Simon wasn't amused ...
・Very much the protective type, verging on possessive. Not in an abusive way, but he wants everyone to know that you're his. So when anyone flirts with you - or even when they're a little too nice, his jealousy consumes him.
・Scary dog privledges, with and without the mask. This man is intimidating as fuck.
・6'4, wide shoulders and big hands, so it doesn't matter how you look, how tall you are etc - Simon is bigger, taller and stronger.
・Yes he can be a hardass, but when he loves someone, that roughness is somewhat smoothened out. He'd hate to hurt your feelings.
・He only wears his mask to hide his identity; he takes it off when missions are done.
・And when he's home, he rarely wears it.
・Absolutely HATES being jump-scared. And his reflexes take over (you've learnt from the first and last time)
・This goes with random kisses as well, sometimes you just have to make yourself known before touching Simon
・He isn't huge into PDA, but when outside he will gladly hold your hand, bump his shoulder into yours when you make a crappy dad joke.
・The biggest misconception is that he's cold. Well, at work - obviously he is. But at home, with you, he has so much warmth. A lot of life.
・He has great banter. Absolutely has both of you laughing your asses off.
・Calls you "love," "sweetheart," (all in his gruff, chiselled brit accent). And when you're alone, he calls you names like "my love," "hun," "sweet cheeks."
・You're slowly learning about Simon's past, which he shares little by little.
・Too much information and he's scared you might feel overwhelmed and leave him
・There's some deep trauma there, but the army has therapists and everyone gets checked out before they're deemed mentally healthy enough.
・He does want kids, but only after he's done with the military. He would hate to be an absent father in any way. And he wouldn't want you to have that full responsibility.
・A lot of people characterise him as this traumatised man who can barely look after himself. But that is far, faaaaar from the truth. He's very competent. And he eats a LOT. But he also works out (to keep in shape, he actually hates the gym) (also he doesn't expect you to do anything of that stuff. He loves you for you.)
・I also have this headcanon that Ghost/Riley would love Metallica, Slipknot, Black Sabbath etc. It's one of the things that calm him down. However, if he's had an overwhelming day, he needs no noise whatsoever.
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Teases Them (You) x About To End Them (Ghost)
The Moon and His Star
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Opposites Attract
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Say Yes To Heaven by Lana Del Rey
Arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier
Enter Sandman by Metallica
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point, I bloody mean it. 
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・There's almost like two sides of your s/o. The Ghost side, where the mask stays on, and he's rough, possessive, dominant. And then the Simon side, where he likes soft touches and when you gently stroke his face
・You've both discovered that Simon likes it when you wear his mask, gloves - nothing else - and touch yourself.
・Even with your cum juices on the mask, and gloves, he'll still wear them to work.
・It's the only kinky thing he brings with him while on deployment. You did want to take a naked polaroid for him but he didn't trust the other guys not to somehow see it.
・He likes keeping you as separate from army life as much as possible. Because you feel like home, and it gives him hope.
・Ghost loves taming your bratty side. He's short, demanding and can shut you up with one look.
"Keep on actin' like that, and see what happens."
・Of course you keep acting up, and when you get home, you pay for it tenfold.
・Ghost's hands are as big as a paddle, and when he has you over his knee, ass up in the air. He doesn't hesitate in leaving red marks (all consensual. He wouldn't do anything without having a conversation before hand).
Chaotic Good
Aries Sun, Aquarius Moon, Leo Rising
・A 6'10 king, who suffers from social anxiety but has this soft, silly side that he loves showing you and only you (I will take no criticisms on his height. It is LAW. My law.)
・Because of his anxiety, social aspects of life are much harder than work. He's highly skilled in combat, and has a lot of confidence in his abilities to accomplish missions.
・However, when you tried to speak to him, all he could do was stutter.
・You allowed him to get the words out, but he was an absolute mess afterwards and went to go train.
・But this didn't deter you in the slightest. Hell, you had been trying to muster the courage to speak to him for weeks...
・It took a while for Konig to open up about his past, especially his adolescence.
・He's told you the jist of it, but there's details that you don't push him on.
・One of your favourite pastimes together is going to bakeries and eating the most delicious pastries.
・When you're feeling down, or there's something to celebrate, there's no cake but pastries instead
・Doesn't mind animals, but understands that when he's away you will get a bit lonely. So you surprised him by getting a pair of kittens!
・You showed him over video chat, one white kitten and one black.
"I haven't chosen names for them yet, but I thought maybe you could have some input?"
"Schatz! The kittens are cute but you have scratch marks all over your arms!"
"They're very playful!" And then you leant closer to the camera and whispered, "I leave scratches on your back ..." And with an innocent look on your face, you watched as Konig shivered.
・Likes to put you on his lap when he's cleaning weapons, or getting the marks out of his mask or shoes. Okay honestly, he just wants you on his lap all the time. Whatever excuse he can come up with - he'll goddamn use it
・Absolutely loves Kate Bush and Stevie Nicks. He thinks they have such a beautiful sound that you can find him with headphones on, swaying in the bedroom, silently in his feels
・All your pet names are in Austrian/German:
"Schatz", meaning 'treasure'.
"Maus," meaning 'mouse.'
"Liebling" meaning 'darling.'
"Hase" meaning 'bunny'.
"Liebe" meaning 'love.'
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Always Bringing Them Rocks They Think They Would Like (You) x Keeps The Rocks (Konig)
The Gomez & Morticia Adams
I Don’t Know What I’m Doing But At Least I’m Alive, Right? (You) x You’re Doing Great, Sweetie (Konig)
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Hidden Identity & Forced Proximity
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush
The Chain by Stevie Nicks
Dance of the Druids by Bear McCreary (he loves movie scores as well. It's one of his fascinations).
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point, makes me feel weird if you read it.
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・Konig is a bit awkward at first with the sexual interactions you guys have. He does have anxiety, but also, the build up of sexual tension had been going on for months.
・All he had during that time was his hands and the memories of how you looked, the way your eyes met his then flicked downward - almost like you had x-ray vision.
・There was no denying the heat.
・So when you first hooked up it was a fumbling mess of grunting, clothes ripping and fast hands trying to touch and grab at any bare piece of flesh.
・You did have a shocking revelation that first time however. Because this man's cock is not only thick, veiny but nearly 9 inches when he's hard.
・That first time wasn't a true first time as the look on your face told Konig everything - you weren't ready for that part of him ... just yet.
・Loves when you ride his thigh; they're absolutely huge. Just muscled and bulky and the first time you saw them (without the uniform) you audibly gasped.
・His body is absolutely divine
・Like it had been sculpted by the gods. Large biceps, long legs, small waist, large shoulders. His hands wrap your neck perfectly.
・You feel so safe with him.
・And you have to remind him that, because sometimes he worries he could hurt you without meaning to.
"I'm a grown up, Konig. I can handle myself."
"So when are you going to let me fuck you?"
"mmm... I think I still have to get used to that. Maybe we can do fingers first..." (his fingers are ... fucking huge).
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angel-of-the-moons · 9 months
I haven’t stopped thinking about that Hobie baby fever fic ever since you posted it. Many thoughts. Many thoughts many many thoughts and ideas many many little ideas.
You have people saying ‘Oh good luck lol kids are SO hard!’ ‘He’s definitely gonna regret it you’re gonna be a single parent’. But Hobie’s probably been WISHING from a young age he could be a parent, the only thing he didn’t prep for is your little one grabbing his wicks and him nervously calling out “Luv, luv help me LUV-”. He learnt very quickly to tie his hair back when he’s holding them. If you have a little girl, everyone always thinks it’s you who’s done her hair for the day or for school. NOPE. Hobie’s been with her in the bathroom since 6 in the morning putting her in braids and buns. Your baby is his whole world and he’ll be DAMNED if he won’t be the absolute best dad EVER ‼️
Oh my godddddddddd my ovaries went 💥💥
The Pitter Patter of Little Feet Pt. 2
Dad!Hobie x Wife!Reader
TW/CW: A lil angst at the start, Fluff. So much fluff.
A/N: I'm basing all my baby prep off of the things I had to do for my nephew. I am unsure the proper care that goes into textured hair but I hope I can do it justice!
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You remember what people told you, how "someone like him" wouldn't be able to handle being a dad, how he'd leave you. The words said by your mother hurt the worst, the things she said about Hobie. Your father was no better, especially when they found out you two agreed to get pregnant before anything else.
Especially after you put the positive pregnancy tests, the test results from blood work with your doctor, and some baby booties on the table as a surprise.
It was supposed to go like you imagined, right? Happy jubilant crying, hugs, congratulations...
You got the exact opposite, with your parents criticizing everything about your boyfriend, the father of your unborn baby. The man you loved.
"What kind of father would he be? A bad one, just look at how he's dressed! You think he can help dress your child?" Your mother scoffed. "And those awful piercings! I bet your baby will be running around with holes in their face by the time they're six!"
"And what about a job? You can't be the only one to support your family. He's a man, he needs to step up and quit it with that "punk lifestyle". It's not suitable to raise my grandchild in!" Your father grunted.
After your baby was born, you cut them off and had a courthouse wedding, and a little get-together with his friends from the Spider Society. A mix of a reception and baby shower.
Joke's on them! Hobie was an amazing father, and an amazing husband. The moment he found out you two were having a little girl?
Pink. And. Purple. Her style would be all punkish of course.
He got stuffed instruments that crinkled for when she would teethe, some guitar-shaped rattles...
And he would never admit it, but Hobie actually cried, when he got to hold your baby girl for the first time. You guys named her Selena. Selena Brown.
She came out angry, wailing, as if she was pissed off at the world she had only been in for a few moments.
"Already got the spirit! Make a big noise, a big statement. That's my girl!" Hobie laughed, playing with her tiny feet.
After that, Hobie was very attentive. From you working from home, he would help. He'd fetch the breast pump when you needed it, would prep the bottles, and keep Selena occupied while you worked. He would even take the late shifts at night to make sure you got your rest.
As Selena got bigger, her hair became a bit unruly, and at times you had no idea what to do with it. Hobie? He came in clutch. The proper ties, hair masks, grease (if needed), oils, brushes...
The trick was getting the rambunctious one year old to hold still while her father attempted to tame the poofy mass.
It was one day, you got up from your computer only to hear Hobie shout your name.
"Babe! Babe!" He cried out, grunting.
Of course, you made a dash for the living room, only to see your husband with your toddler. Apparently she had moved behind him, her hands clinging to his shirt to help keep her balanced as she bounced on her little chubby feet.
Her big brown eyes gleamed as she giggled, her bottom teeth poking out in the most adorable way.
Well... it wasn't from where Hobie sat.
Selena's little fist had a tight hold over one of his wicks, tugging his head back sharp.
"A lil' help, luv?!" He winced, hissing at you as you covered your face to try and keep from laughing.
"Come on, Bug, give daddy's poor head a rest. He's got enough problems with that mess he calls hair." You tease, scooping up your little girl.
But... even though her grip loosened, Hobie's wick stayed attached to her hand.
"Oh... ohhhhh..." You said, clicking your tongue.
"What! What!" Hobie groaned, trying to tug his head free.
"You made me have a spider baby."
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helpfandom · 10 months
Analysis on YANDERE PLATONIC TAS Batman Villains. Pt 1.
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What I am using as the archtypes: https://www.tumblr.com/helpfandom/724022554446135296/types-of-yandere?source=share YANDERE_AUXILLARY made it!!!!
I find it so curious that people neglect Platonic as a yandere version, {not to say that I am a pioneer, no no no, but rather that people don't write about it as much as romantic.} And so, here is my analysis on various TAS Batman Villains. Of course, this is part one, as there are many TAS villains. I just need to get to them.
Also, side note. Thank you TAS writers for already making Mad Hatter a yandere so now I have less work to do.
Mr Freeze: Now, he is the yandere type of Obsessive, Overprotective, Clingy. He found something else to focus on, and it happened to be you. Reader would be more of the friendly type, more outgoing for Mr. Freeze to have such an obsession with them. He wouldn't stalk you as much, more so just an immediate kidnap the next time he sees you. Most likely catalyst for his yandere swap would be dealing with the loss of his wife. He lost his wife. He won't lose his kid too. Maybe Reader was there to help, or maybe he saw his wife in you. No matter what it was, as soon as there is an obsession, he wants to keep you. You're screwed as soon as it began. He's overprotective, constantly hovering over you. "I've lost too much. I won't lose the last thing of my wife, too!"
Riddler: Hmm... His yandere archetypes for platonic is... Possessive, Delusional, Sadistic, and Self-Indulgent. His egotistical personality, tied with an obsession with a kid who is unafraid to throw hostility back? Not a good pair for Gotham. In his mind, to not be afraid of him, or to throw hostility back at him, must mean that you like him. And with his intelligence, how could you not? His catalyst, well, there isn't really a catalyst per say, more so he was already obsessed with beating Batman and being intelligent, so why wouldn't he be obsessed with someone who can challenge him? He's more of a stalker type, only kidnapping when Batman and Robin get a little too close to you for his comfort. You're just like a little him, well you have to be taught by the best, most intelligent, and that's him. "Well well, my dear child. You seem to have escaped, but I'm sure you know that you won't be out for long..."
Clayface: He is... Clingy, Manipulative, Impulsive, and slightly Sadistic. He would be obsessed likely with a theatre kid, or someone who enjoys the fine arts {So an Art Kid, Band Kid, Choir Kid, etc.} He would see that and miss the days when he could do that, when he could act or enjoy the arts. Because he can transform his shape into anybody, he transforms himself into people close to you, of course he stalks them ahead of time so that he can properly assume their character, but he quickly kills them off so he can assume that role in your life. If it was a friend who had a crush on you, he enjoys watching the life leave their eyes. How dare they try to ruin your potential with their desires? He uses someone in a position of power, too. Likely a teacher, or if you have a director? Boom, suddenly you have the main role, or a solo, or you won the first place in an art competition. Who knows what kind of a catalyst would be there, all I can tell you is that BOOM! You're being kidnapped by someone you trusted deeply. You watch your former mentor's skin droop off of this, this person, who's kidnapping you, revealing a rocky, clay texture. Clayface. "Heya kid, you already slipped up and called your teacher Dad, so I know you can for me too. Here, would looking like them help?"
Poison Ivy: Her yandere archetypes are Overprotective, Clingy, and attempts to be Manipulative. Delusional, but yet Lucid; She has delusions about Reader, but not in the 'ah, yes. Reader loves me too.' She would be a little apprehensive at an uncaring Reader, after all, if you're not for plants, you must be against plants. For an uncaring Reader to work, Reader must be a plant lover. Poison Ivy would see this, and suddenly everything makes sense. She assumes that Reader puts up a fake persona so that Reader can care for plants in their free time, so that no one knows that Reader loves plants. She loves that about Reader, and that's why she gets obsessed. She wants to keep the only other plant lover in Gotham and protect them against the cold, cruel world. She would originally try a sporeling, but she misses the real you so that plan fails and that's why she would kidnap you. "Come here my Rosebud, the world is cruel. Let me be your mother, like Mother Earth."
Mad Hatter: His characteristics are Delusional, Self-Indulgent, Overprotective, and Clingy. Who truly knows why he started to care for you? Perhaps you reminded him of someone a little too much... Nevertheless, not what we are here to focus on. He would not be a stalkerish type, but he would delude himself into believing you love him like a father. He would not be afraid to use his mind control on you. As soon as he manages to get you under his control, you're screwed. You're gone from Gotham forever. He has been shown to be willing to do it before, with Alice. I think he would be willing to do it until he gets you to the safe house which looks a lot like one of the sets for Alice in Wonderland... He would be overprotective, scared that Batman would take away his kid, take away the few things in life he loves. "NO NO NO! Batman simply cannot take away my child too!"
Catwoman: She is Clingy, Manipulative, Impulsive. She has been shown to be someone with a ton of money, {Paying $10,000 dollars for a charity that she loves, a lot of money, period, but also for 1992} So I feel that she would be willing to use that against her kiddo, saying that it's okay for Reader to use her money, and then guilt tripping Reader {who, realistically, wouldn't give a shit, but I digress.} Into staying with her to pay off the debt. Her clingy and Impulsiveness is because of when she was involuntarily transformed into an animal, some things stayed the same, and now that she found her cub? Even Batman can't fight a wild animal for her kid. "Lioncub, why are you worried? Mommy's got enough money for the both of us."
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heartsofminds · 2 years
A/N: Hello, and welcome to my official masterlist! This is extraordinarily overdue and I will try and keep the masterlist as up-to-date as possible. For now, enjoy all my work and future projects in one place! I’m so excited to share my writing with you all. 
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
and the songbirds are singing like they know the score - part i.
"If Bradley squints his eyes, he can still make out the little five-year-old that he once knew who thought that he put the stars in the sky and cried when she found out that Jake’s real name wasn’t Hangman." or Quincy Bradshaw is growing up and no one knows what to do about it; especially Bradley.
at every table, i’ll save you a seat - part i. 
“Well, apparently Baby Goose’s been losing his mind ‘round the base about how this really smart and sweet girl invited him to a wedding and won’t text him about it.” or you invite Bradley to a wedding but your big fat crush on him won’t let you actually. . .invite him. 
at least i let the light in - part i.
"The collage of versions of Bradley she had gotten to know and love so well over the years of their friendship blind her with sorrow and sadness. She truly knows him in a way that no one else ever will, and while part of her takes pride in that, another part of her wishes there was someone else to help share the load because she’s tired. " or Bradley has a huge problem and Natasha is always right even when she doesn't want to be - the sequel to 'cause no one breaks my heart like you
Blooming - part i. part ii. part iii. 
“Little spring chicken you are!” he smiles, “You’re too young for me to take you out.”  or  She’s in love with Bradley Bradshaw and he thinks she’s too young. 
‘cause no one breaks my heart like you
“Last times always make him uneasy. He thinks that he should be used to it by now from his track record of being abandoned (willfully or “out of their control” situations alike). None of this should hurt him as deeply anymore.” or Bradley Bradshaw is terrified of commitment and he decides to stop being selfish (even though it’s hard to see).
my life is changing every day, in every possible way
“She’s a cranberry,” he exaggerates his pronunciation of the word for extra emphasis, “Has Ocean Spray become a relic around here?” or It's Halloween, Bradley has a precocious eleven-month-old daughter, and he might be in love with her impromptu babysitter.
Carmen "The Bear" Berzatto
i'm calling just to hear your scream - part i.
"She’s tried to be positive. She’s tried to be kind. She’s trying to be the peacekeeper, but all of that falls out the window when her brother is bitching out everything that fucking blinks and breathes and Richie has slung a sledgehammer into the wrong wall that needed to be knocked down." or Natalie gets fed the fuck up and hires a hospitality attorney before everything else turns to shit. 
Jake “Hangman” Seresin 
Pink Stripes 
Jake rolls his eyes. “I need to come over.”
“Is that how you talk to your hook-ups? Cause if so, I’m still not seeing the appeal.” or Jake Seresin’s upbringing shapes him into the best Navy pilot there is and also the best dad ever.
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jaybirdswriting · 10 months
Some Sibling Prompts
A: The older sibling always introduces their youngest sibling as the "baby of the family" even though they're well into adulthood.
B: Two adult siblings aren't allowed to sit next to each other in the car because they'll purposefully annoy each other to the point of a screaming match.
C: "I love you." "Loser."
D: One of the siblings is the CEO of hypocrisy. Many of their interactions come off exactly like this: "Do NOT do parkour like that. That is SO dangerous." "You do it all the time!" "So?!"
E: Siblings who just sit back when they get in trouble because they know their sibling is going to defend them.
F: The older sibling carries their injured younger sibling in their arms after they were injured. They joke through tears that they haven't carried them like this since they were a baby.
More Undercut
G: One of the siblings keep opening their other siblings bedroom door when they walk by. It's just to annoy them.
H: Siblings who don't look alike so no one ever believes they're related.
I: The second their sibling starts dating someone they make a huge list of embarrassing stories to tell at the wedding.
J: One of the siblings is a hugger while the other one will freeze up with an annoyed look on their face every time they're hugged. Then something bad happens and the one who usually doesn't like hugs nearly tackles them in a hold.
K: Siblings have a specific ringtone just for each other. They want to know when they need to pick up.
L: "Do you ever want to talk about that childhood event that fundamentally shaped us as people?" "No."
M: The oldest sibling was always the tallest when growing up. They were incredibly annoyed when the youngest sibling had a huge growth spurt in their late teens.
N: One of the siblings breaks a family trinket during a fight. The other sibling apologizes to them by repairing it by hand.
O: Every time one of the siblings talks to someone on Facetime, you can see the other sibling being distracting in the background.
P: The siblings have a huge age gap so an eighteen year old has genuine problems with a five year old.
Q: The youngest sibling is taken off guard when they see a home video from when their sibling was little, before they were even born.
R: An older sibling always goes to their younger siblings events. Even though their parents never bother to show up.
S: They're both in the constant battle of "Who can play the most annoying music during this road trip."
T: The middle sibling often finds themselves as the mediator for their older and younger sibling.
U: One of the siblings runs into their sibling who has gone undercover for a mission and has a really hard time pretending that they have no idea who they are.
V: The older sibling has a very intricate routine to keep "monsters" out from under their youngest siblings bed. There's not actually any monsters, but the oldest wants them to feel safe and comfortable.
W: The youngest sibling accidentally calls their older sibling mom /dad.
X: A pair of siblings have a song they listen to whenever the hang out. It's a song that was played a lot by their parents in their childhood and it makes them both deeply nostalgic.
Y: The youngest sibling is generally the most maternal one toward the oldest.
Z: The youngest sibling admits that they consider their older sibling to be their hero.
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currently-not-studying · 10 months
I am fascinated by the ORV look on fatherhood. For now let's just look at Kim Dokja bc this post will get too long. Later: young dad Yoo Joonghyuk and joys of parenthood of Han Myungoh.
Kim Dokja and his 4 kids (Lee Gilyoung, Shin Yoonung, Bihyo, (arguably) Lee Jihye or puppy Lee Hyunsung)
So we have this guy who thinks he is unworthy of love and not a good role model trying to save children during the apocalypse. Someone who has no previous experience of good parenthood trying his best to give them what he never got. He gives them opportunity to grow, he trusts them to take care of themselves but also makes sure they don't face anything they cannot handle. But he also leaves them behind time and time again because it's not like they won't manage. It's not like they don't have anyone else so just because they loose him (and he will come back!) it isn't that big of a deal. Or maybe he knows it is but sees no other way and he will be back so they can get angry and clingy but for now he needs them to push through (but do we trust Kim Dokja to really consider how much he is worth to them?).
We have Kim Dokja as a son of an abusive father.
Even though this man shaped the whole story we don't see that much of him. We see his echos in the ways KD thinks of himself, of his relationship with his mother. He haunts the story the same way the abusing parents often haunt their victims all the way into the adulthood. The lack of self-worth, the need to separate yourself from your feelings to survive, to hide behind a wall - it seems like it started early. And we also see KD father in the ways KD is different from him. The bar may be on the floor when we are talking about someone being better than KD father but KD goes above and beyond. Even though he struggles with it it takes a lot to choose a different mind set when you were never offered alternatives, at least outside of stories you've read.
Which brings us to the other one of Kim Dokja's fathers. Hades. The book version of a father - a stoic, but loving man offering to fight for his child with a scythe and all the glory of the Underworld. Someone who will forgive you lying to him (normal) and then offer you a legion of soldiers (less so). If KD ever read about good fathers it could be someone exactly like this. And it's not realistic in the way KD is with his kids - it feels more like a wish fulfillment of a little child. A dream of a child beaten and berated by his own father to have someone who stands up for them, who forgives them and trusts them. And who ultimately dies for them.
Because both of Kim Dokja's fathers died. And both did that because of him. That's not fair. Hades did it for him. He saved Kim Dokja just like a father should. And on the other hand we have a father that had to die so KD could live, not because of some great curse or calamity. His death was the only thing that could keep KD safe from him. And even in death his shadow was there. KD mother had to leave him, his abuse at the hand of his extended family and children from school started.
So for me Kim Dokja on some level knows what he has: an experience of abuse. And he knows that in no way he wants to repeat that with his children. So he tries. He tries to offer them support, to be there for them, to forgive them. Just like a perfect, book version of a father would. But they're not in a perfect world and he isn't almighty. He still suffers from all those beliefs installed in him by the years of abuse which started at the hands of his first father.
In the end he is human in his constant struggle to break the cycle, to give those he loves his best and also in his failures.
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Rockstar Joel Miller finding out he’s going to be a dad again ✨pretty please ✨
It’s not that you weren’t trying, but you definitely didn’t think it would ever happen. Maybe you’re on set and you pass out after a particularly strenuous day and they call your emergency contact (Joel) on the way to the hospital. When you get there, they run all the tests and give you fluids to make sure that you’re healthy and Joel is there by the time you wake up. He holds your hand and makes sure that you know that he’s right there with you, no matter what the results are. When the doctor comes in with an official looking clipboard and a nurse carting in some equipment behind him, he announces happily, “Well, it looks like you just had a little dizzy spell. You probably just need to drink some more water and maybe an iron supplement. All your vitals are normal and you and the baby are totally healthy.” And you and Joel blink at the doctor, your heart suddenly going a million miles an hour. “Did you… not know that you’re pregnant?” “Does this look like the face of someone who knows she’s pregnant?” You ask. Your mind is going five thousand directions all at once as the nurse says something about doing an ultrasound. The second you see the tiny peanut shaped blob on the screen, everything else fades away. She says something about the baby looking great for ten weeks and that they are developing normally.
When you and Joel are finally alone again, you turn to tell him that you’re sorry, you didn’t know, you can fix this, it’s okay, but he beats you to it. He wraps his arms around you and holds you, a few tears falling from his eyes and onto your neck. “We’re gonna have a baby,” he says. Once you get over the initial shock, you go through a million different emotions. Happiness because you and Joel are going to have a baby. Frustration and guilt because you’ve definitely been drinking and doing god knows what else but you didn’t know you were pregnant. Fear of how being pregnant/having a baby could affect your career. Things were just starting to fall into place and you weren’t sure if you were ready to give it all up but Joel assured you that he would never make you give up your career and you two would figure it out.
You two keep the pregnancy a secret for as long as you can, only telling the really important people in your lives about it. Sarah and Ellie are ecstatic if not a little worried for both of your sanities. It isn’t until you are about six months pregnant that you feel comfortable telling the world. You join Joel on a red carpet for one of your mutual friend’s TV show premieres and you wear a beautiful flowing gown that accentuates your baby bump and Joel stands proudly next to you with a hand on your stomach. All night, you each field questions about the baby. “How far along are you?” “Do you know what you’re having?” “How long have you known?” “What did your girls think about this news?”
You are a little more reserved in your answers, wanting to keep some things for yourself. You lie about not knowing the gender and keep your due date thinly veiled. “We aren’t sure what we’re having yet, but I know the girls have bet money on us having another girl. Everyone’s very happy and healthy and we’ll have a baby in our arms come summer.” Everyone congratulates you and wishes you a healthy delivery which is very sweet. You interrupt Joel doing an interview with a different reporter by kissing him on the cheek and wrapping an arm around his middle, cutting him off mid thought. His hand rests on your bump again and he smirks as he looks at the reporter. “I did that.” He says, and you smack his arm almost immediately.
The next day, flowers flood your kitchen with well wishes from costars, producers, other people in the music industry, and even the Russo brothers who you’ve never worked with but you know they were eyeing you for an upcoming film. You feel so loved and cherished and you know that you and Joel can face whatever is next as long as you have each other.
Bonus: instagram story posts during your pregnancy 🫶
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wutheringcaterpillar · 2 months
Domesticity Series Part 4: The Wedding
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Summary: The long, awaited day finally arrives. Family and friends gather around for the unifying of profound love, and what it means to be family
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of William and readers parents
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The June flowers bloomed gracefully in the garden, the dirt path scuttling with potato bugs and ants while they were hard at work on this bright and beautiful midsummer day, not a cloud in sight.
The Killicks and your family had gotten a long for the most part, a few heated arguments here and there and the occasional remarks his mother made toward any little thing you did “wrong”.
Today was different though, William had advised her to be on her best behavior or else she would be unable to attend. 
A knock at the door startled you, but it was your sister, and William’s younger niece coming in to check in with you.
They both gasped in amazement at how beautiful your gown was. It was simple, the top part formal, covering your cleavage while being embroided with a subtle shaped design, the bottom flowing outward gracefully, just barely showing the white heels accompanying your feet.
“How do I look?” Your voice was hesitant, nervous but with a hint of hopefulness.
“Y/N, you look beautiful! I think I might even start crying, who knew my sister would get married before me!” She hid herself of her tears by turning around, not wanting to take the chance of getting you to start crying and spoiling your makeup.
The 10 year old who you knew to be Elizabeth was oogling and ogling, feeling like she was in a fairytale and asking how you knew William was the one like the curious kid she was.
Motioning for her to join you on the bench at the end of the bed, you smiled softly at her, your sister still wiping away at the endless trail of tears trying to pull herself together before joining you.
“Well, when you’re older, a person comes into your life, sometimes when you least expect it. They treat you kindly, share some of the same interests, will go to extraordinary lengths to ensure your happy even after a bad day.” Elizabeth looked at you with wide eyes, completely infatuated, wanting to hear more. 
“They’ll never take you for granted, and when William and I met we both needed someone, depended on each other immensely, and it comes to the point, you’ll just know that, that’s the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.” Glancing to your sister, she squeezed your hand lovingly, gazing at you in a moment if being proud and feeling overjoyed for you while Elizabeth clung to your side, wrapping her little arms around you taking you by surprise.
“I’m glad you’re going to be my auntie, Y/N.”
Meanwhile in William’s room he was lighting a cigarette with a shaking hand, trying to pull himself together, if he was being honest he was less nervous in the war than he is at this very moment. His father came in, advising that he shouldn’t be smoking before getting married. 
They both chuckled before William offered his father one, glancing out at everyone talking and taking their seats.
“I’m proud of you son, you did good. She’s a kind woman, pretty too. Don’t know how you managed but, she’s definitely a keeper.” William blushed slightly, going to take a seat in the living area, his father joining him. It wasn’t often his dad complimented him, so it meant the world to him.
“She’s exquisite dad, I mean truly. I often wonder how I managed to keep her by my side, I wasn’t exactly fair when I first met her all that time ago. I love her, and the house we’ve fixed together, our garden, it’s all so surreal isn’t it?” His father nodded in agreement, passing his son a mint as he diminished the flame of his cigarette. Hugging William goodbye and wishing him luck, he made his way out, leaving William grinning like a child as he made his exit outside.
Due to your father’s passing, William’s father who you had grown extremely close with, you had asked to do the honors of walking you down the aisle. He became teary eyed initially, but jumped on the opportunity.
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When the melodic, soft music began to play, William’s dad winked at you reassuringly when he saw you take in a nervous breath. 
As you began to walk slowly, all heads turned to face you, standing up and admiring your beauty as William’s niece walked ahead of you fluttering daisy flower petals onto the path ahead of you.
William stood at the altar with his hand folded in front of him, time stopping when he saw how beautiful, and lovely you looked walking toward him. He hadn’t expected to be so amazed, and falling so profoundly in love with you so quickly.
He tried to hold himself together but couldn’t contain the tears welling at the brim of his eyes from your extravagant sight, the breath completely taken from his chest.
His dad kissed you on the cheek, nodding toward William proudly before taking his seat next to William’s mother.
“You look heavenly my darling.” You couldn’t stop the amber shade protruding your cheeks as you blushed, holding back tears of happiness.
“You don’t look so bad yourself Mr. Killick.” 
The pastor began the ceremony, motioning for William and yourself to join has as he unified you both as one.
Only when it came time for the vows, neither of you were prepared for the others words. The man motioned for you to begin, the rings placed on a table beside you both.
“I Y/N, take you William to be my lawfully wedded husband. I knew from the first day I met you that you were trouble, but I was drawn to you how bee is drawn to honey, and you’re my honey. We’ve built a beautiful home, beautiful memories, but most importantly you’ve shown me kindness, warmth, love..I can’t imagine my life without you in it and I refuse to. You are the love of my life William, and I looked forward to all the good days, the bad days. i want them all with you.” Now how the hell was he supposed to top that, at this point he couldn’t resist the tears breaking through his eyes. No one has ever spoke to him with such passion, such love. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. He truly was in love, and knew that asking you to marry him was the wisest decision of his life.
Now it was his turn.
“Geez, I um- wow, you’ve rendered me speechless once again.” He chuckled lightly, yourself and family members joining you as your eyes were locked into his, completely mesmerized by him.
“I William, take thee Y/N to be my lawfully wedded wife. Where do I begin for all the reason I know that you are my soulmate? You’ve been by my side even when I was too blind to notice. When I struggled, you were always right next to me, putting anything and everything aside to help me, but that’s what I adore about you. My heart flutters when I see that bright, beautiful smile, my heart flutters even when you’re snoring in your sleep. But my heart had a void, and you filled it to the brim. You are the most selfless, brilliant, impeccable woman I know and you are the only woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, I love you Y/N.”
And there goes your makeup, turning into a wallowing mess as you cried. Should’ve gotten the damn water proof brand. Smiling sweetly, you nodded reassuringly before the pastor stepped back in to complete the sacred ceremony.
“I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. William Killick. You may kiss the bride!” Without wasting a second, William clasped his warm hands over your cheeks, connecting his plush lips to yours, indulging in a kiss that was but a moment neither of you would ever forget.
Family and friends cheered in unity, snapping photos of the true, poetic scene of love and the wide smiles spread on your faces.
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darkwolf989 · 2 months
Outside The Office Part Thirty Two
I woke up the next morning still tied firmly to the bed frame. My wrists were sore, and every part of me ached. 
“Val?” I whimpered. “Val?” I pulled on the restraints and I kicked my leg towards the figure laying next to me. “Val, untie me right now!!”
“Good morning, love.” He sat up and leaned over, pressing his lips to my forehead. “How are you feeling?”
“Valentino, let me out of these things,” I demanded. 
“In a moment, my love,” his finger ran up my stomach. “How do you feel?”
“Angry that I’ve told you twice now I want out. Will it take the safe word to release me?”
His lips twitched in a smile and he carefully untied the restraints, massaging my wrists as he did. 
“I’m sorry love, I needed to be sure you weren’t going to jump me like a bunny in heat,” he said lightly. 
“What was that? Did you drug me?” I asked as sat down next to me. 
“Inadvertently,” he said softly. “I meant it when I said I’ve never had sex in my full demon form. The most I’ve done is kiss, let the drugs slip into someone. But apparently, if I bite and allow my saliva to sink into your bloodstream, it turns you into a raging, feral creature who wants nothing more than to carry my babies. So I’m going to assume that that’s the secret to my procreation.” 
He paused. “I don’t know if it affects your fertility. It could. But I’m not currently eager to find out. I’m sorry, I’m amore. I didn’t know.” 
“Val, I believe you. At least we know. Thanks for not…taking advantage.” I let myself sink against him.
He kissed the tip of my head. “Never. I love you.” He paused. “Do you…want kids, someday?” 
I hesitated. “I need to be engaged, married, and have a life with the person I love before kids. I don’t want to make the mistakes my dad made. You?”
He leaned in and kissed me. “Someday, Princessa. They’re not off the table, but I’m not ready for them yet. I need the same level of commitment from the love of my life.” He took my hand in his. “Why don’t we get some breakfast and then if you’d like, we can hit the gym.” 
“Don’t you have to work?” I asked.
He grinned. “Later today, mi amore. This morning is just about you. And not just because I want to keep an eye on you after last night.” 
I yawned and kicked my feet out from under the blanket. “Then I’m going to get dressed and we can go to the gym, then eat. I like to workout before I eat.” I looked at him and waited to see if he objected. 
“Alright, Princess. If that’s what you want.” He replied as I rifled through my chest of clothes I kept in his room. When I came out of the bathroom, he was waiting for me- dressed in shorts, sneakers and a form fitting black shirt.
“Wait, why are you dressed like you’re going to work out? I thought you were just going to do paperwork.”  I asked.
He raised an eyebrow. “Princesa. Do you think I keep this body shape by sitting in a chair all day? I work out. Maybe not as regimented as you are, but I fit it in my day to day. So do Vox and Vel- it’s just rare we make it at the same time.” 
I shrugged as we walked towards the elevator and stepped out into Velvette’s studio. “I just thought your hotness was a perk of being a demon.”
He laughed. “No, Princessa. I wish. Do you have your plan from Vox for reference?”
“He sent it to my phone, so I’m all set.” I replied as I jumped on the treadmill. I opened the email and scanned through day one. Cardio, distance goal, ideal time, and I was supposed to fill in my actual time. Followed by weights- each day broken down into specific targeted areas. And a note. 
Don’t fuck around, or you won’t like the consequence. I promise. My eyes are on you. 
Reading the warning, I wondered if Vox was tracking the data from the treadmill as well- honestly besides the cameras, I wouldn’t put it past him. Nor was I particularly eager to find out the consequences he referenced. 
To my surprise, Valentino got onto the treadmill next to me.  He seemed un-bothered and completely focused on himself as he put his ear buds in. I put my own in and settled into the rhythm of the run. Eventually, Valentino left his place on the treadmill and switched to the weight rack directly across from me. 
I stumbled as I watched him set the weights. Gone was the uncomfortable feeling of being watched- now I was the one doing the watching. Damp with sweat, his black shirt clung to every curve of his body and my gaze concentrated on the movement of his muscles. Wrapped up in my observation, I stopped paying attention to the miles under my feet. 
The machine slowed suddenly and I looked down at the numbers. Ah, fuck. I was over. My phone buzzed and saw a text from Vox.
Stop staring at Valentino’s abs and pay attention. 
I jerked my attention towards the wall, but for the life of me I couldn’t figure out where his camera was hidden. I resigned myself to joining him on the weight floor- at least then, Vox couldn’t bitch too badly. 
“Ah, princessa. Done with your run?” Valentino asked as he sat on the weight bench. He took a drink from his water bottle. “Do you want me to spot you?” 
I felt myself flush at the sight of him. God, could he be any sexier? 
“Princessa?” He prompted, amusement in his voice. “Hello?” 
I snapped myself back to attention. “Hm? What? Sorry, Val I…”
“See something you like?” he teased as he stood up. “Come, princessa. Vox shared with me your plan- allow me to…walk through each step with you.”
Oh, fuck yes.
His hands fell to my waist as I went through the motions. Vox had written out today as a core day, which gave Valentino plenty of reasons to put his hands on me. 
“Core tight, princessa,” he purred in my ear. “Come on now, you can do it. Just a few more reps and you’re done. I promise there will be a nice reward for you in the end.”
I bit my lip as I struggled to maintain my focus . Did he not understand how hard he made it to concentrate? I couldn’t break myself into the military mindset with his hands on my body.
“The…reward is the pain,” I replied through gritted teeth as I pushed for what should be the final rep. “Every muscle should, should ache.”
The weights were on the floor in a matter of seconds. Valentino pushed me down against the floor. 
“Try again, princessa,” he growled as the weight of his body held mine in place, his hands wrapped around my wrists. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I panted. God, this man could do anything he wanted to me in this position. 
“Princessa. We don’t punish ourselves with exercise, or push ourselves to the breaking point,” he scolded. His lips hovered above mine. 
“Alright, alright, God, Val, it isn’t a big deal,” I squirmed under him. “Unless you’re going to fuck me right here and now, get off.”
His expression twisted into a smile. “Well princessa, I did promise to reward you, did I not?”
“A literal moment ago, now are you going to make good on that promise or what?” I demanded as his fingers hooked the elastic of my shorts. “Come on, let's take this upstairs.”
“Oh, princessa, haven’t you learned yet? I always keep my promises.” 
I felt a shiver run down my back as my shorts were cast to the side. His hands held my arms above my head as his cock pushed deep inside of me.
“V-Valentino,” I hissed. “Valentino, someone will see us.”
“Not if you’re quiet. So shut that pretty mouth of yours or I’ll give it something to quiet it,” he growled lowly. “Shussh princessa, not a sound if you don’t want to get caught.”
I bit my lip to hold back the moans that threatened to escape as his hips pumped faster against me. I felt his cock twitch inside of me and I let out a soft moan as I came around him.
“Oh princessa, I told you to be quiet,” Valentino scolded.
His cock slid out of me and he pulled me upright on my knees as he sat on the weight bench. His hands twisted in my hair as he yanked me forward, my lips pressing against his cock.
“Open, princessa,” he cooed. “Show me what a good girl you are.”
God fucking damn it, Valentino, I thought with an internal groan. 
I opened my mouth and swallowed as much of him as I could. He kept his hand tight against the roots of my hair as I sucked, moving my head faster as his cock grew harder. I worked my lips around the base, and looked up at him as I sucked. 
His eyes met mine and his cock exploded in my throat. I swallowed around his cock, his grip tighter in my hair as he slowly let me release. 
“You’re getting better, princessa,” he breathed quietly as he tried to catch his breath. He tugged his sweatpants back on as I found my shorts. “How about breakfast, my love? I think you exceeded…expectations, don’t you?” He offered his hand to me and helped me to my feet.
I leaned into him and buried my face into his chest. He looked surprised but wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. 
“I love you, princessa,” he cooed softly. 
“I love you too,” I mumbled, closing my eyes against him. “Just…just hold me for a moment, please?”
His arms tightened around me, and his hand ran down the side of my face, pressing my head against his chest. I closed my eyes and listened to the beating of his heart, trying to settle the nerves that started to resurface. 
“Did I do a good job, Val?” I asked quietly. “Are you…are you pleased?”
“Princessa, why wouldn’t I be?” He asked. 
I pressed my head tighter into him. “Cause I’m not hurting, I just…”
“Babygirl. Listen to me. You did exactly what you were told to do. You pushed your body no further than your plan allowed. This isn’t punishment- working your body and moving it should not be penance.” Valentino’s fingers found my chin and he tilted my head up to meet his gaze. “I am proud of you- proud that you didn’t force yourself to the point of sickness. And I’m even more pleased that you let me be by your side.” He leaned down and kissed me.
I let my lips sink against his. The feeling of love, of being protected washed over me. In his arms, in his presence, I was safe- even from myself. He pulled away after a few seconds and gave me another kiss. 
“Com’on. I’ll make breakfast and then…I think we both need a shower, hm?” He reached down and his hand squeezed my ass. “I have another reward planned.”
Two rewards in one day? Fuck yes.
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
Steddie - Percy Jackson AU
AKA the struggle of finding the perfect Valentines gift for a son of Aphrodite
Eddie keeps staring at the flowers on display, feeling more pathetic by the minute. He hears a voice inside his head telling him he should make the flowers himself, but he shakes that voice away fast, it sounded way too similar to his dad's. Pretty arrangements were never his forte anyways, and he needs the prettiest one.
What kind of flowers should he buy? is even flowers a good idea? should he go for chocolates? can he be more basic than this? probably not, but tomorrow will be valentine's day and he has no other ideas.
He snatches the bouquet with the most pink and yellow flowers, Steve always wears soft sweaters in either one of those colors so he thinks it should be fine.
An hour later, Eddie stomps into another store, mumbling to himself. They aren't even dating yet, so why is this so complicated?
Why, of all the people at Half-Blood Camp, did he have to fall for a son of Aphrodite? how do you even attempt to romance someone who had the Goddess of Love as a mother?
He taps his fingers nervously on the glass counter, there are way too many options and he doesn't even know where to start.
He goes back to his cabin with a cheesy heart-shaped box filled with peanut butter chocolates - Steve would never admit it but he goes crazy for peanut butter - and places them next to the flowers.
🍫🎸💌 💐
Right before dinner and after hours of overthinking, the chocolate idea feels too lame in Eddie's eyes.
"So is this for Steve?" Robin asks. He's pretty sure she's smirking but they're talking just outside of her cabin, Apollo's, and the sunlight is just at the right place to make it shine too much for his poor eyes. He used to be jealous of Robin for having such a cool dad, but lately he feels much more content being stuck with Dionysus.
"It is not!" he replies, too quickly to be believable.
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me" she pushes him inside the cabin, then picks up a piece of paper and a binder.
"This is a list of Steve's favorite songs. I know you don't like any of these so" she gestures at the binder "I've got all of my music sheets in here. No need to thank me, Munson. But remember to give them back, I have a great aim and your cabin is a weapon range from here."
Eddie passes most of the night learning Against all Odds by Phill Collins while looking nervously at Robin's cabin through his window.
🎸💌 💐 🍫
It's Valentine's day, and Eddie is absolutely fucked. The flowers aren't pretty enough, the chocolate is lame, the song is overused and he's out of ideas.
He finds himself at Athena's cabin with only a few hours of sleep and right before breakfast.
He waits for Nancy to get out.
"This is about Steve" she states, not even questioning it, and Eddie doesn't have the energy to deny it.
"I'm running out of ideas Nancy! this was supposed to be a casual thing, no pressure! but then I mentioned it to him and he got so excited about receiving something from me and now there's no casualty anymore! There's anxiety, and he's surrounded by romance on a daily basis how am I supposed to compete with that?" Nancy listens to his rant quietly, not showing any particular reaction.
"So, how can I help?" it might seem like a cold response but that's exactly what Eddie needs.
He gets out an hour later, his stomach grumbling, his body pleading for a few hours of sleep, but with a poem about Steve's sun-kissed freckles and soft hair. Nancy wasn't much help with that, but she re-read it and made sure there weren't any mistakes and that his writing was clear enough.
"Eddie wait" Nancy calls for him as he's going through the door "you know how it is on valentine's day... Steve is one of the most admired kids in Aphrodite's cabin. So, whatever happens, don't let it get into your head okay? he likes you a lot."
It gets into Eddie's head. Big time.
He was never confident about the gifts he prepared but he thought at least one of them would've been fine.
That is until the parade of Steve's presents begins.
After the tenth bouquet of flowers he receives, Eddie stops counting.
At breakfast and lunch, he has a pile of chocolates on his table and it stands up even amongst his brothers and sisters who had received chocolates as well, just not as many.
The gift Eddie is most confident about, the poem, has to be ruled out as well since with most of the bouquets and chocolates Steve has also received white envelopes with his name written on them, in much nicer handwriting than Eddie's.
The song, Eddie's weakest gift since it isn’t his cup of tea and he had to learn it overnight, is the only thing he has left.
Despite it all, he gets ready for it. He doesn’t like the song but he loves a big gesture, so he goes to his cabin in the afternoon to grab his guitar, determined to surprise Steve with a romantic serenade.
When he comes back, he notices a big fuss around the amphitheater. Curious, he gets close just in time to see one of Robin's brothers guiding Steve at the arena's center, a guitar in his left hand.
Eddie rushes away, he doesn’t need to see anything more.
His gloomy state guides him to the lake's shore. It's cold but quiet, plus Eddie's favorite pastime consists in picking up rocks that catch his attention.
He throws a couple of them in the lake, kicks a few big ones, then sighs. A part of him hopes Steve is so busy with all his admirers that he forgets about him and his promise.
He crouches to have a better look at the smaller rocks at his feet. One catches his eye almost immediately: it's round, smooth, and mostly dark brown with gold cracks. Eddie cannot explain it, but it makes him think of Steve.
He's getting up with the small stone in his hand when he hears footsteps behind him.
"I knew I would find you here" Steve's smile makes Eddie's knees go weak, even at that distance.
He stops once he's standing next to him, both facing the lake.
"I guess you know me pretty well" Eddie points out, his eyes fixed on the water.
"Oh, I do" Steve smirks, confidence radiating from every fiber of his being. Eddie supposes that anyone would feel great about themselves after a day spent accepting any sort of gifts.
"So, I came to collect something" Steve breaks the silence, sounding less confident than before, more nervous if anything.
Eddie can't tell him about all the lame gifts he got for him, let alone go back to his cabin and grab one of them.
Before he can think too much about it, he takes one of Steve's hands and drops the rock on his palm "Here, happy valentine's day".
He realizes what he has done only after Steve's hand closes into a fist around the gift.
Eddie's eyes grow wide, his gaze flickers nervously between the hand that was holding the stone - the right one which he mentally renames as the traitor - and Steve's.
He tries to come up with excuses, but no sound comes out of his mouth.
Finally, as he's ready to jump in front of him and say something like "ahah this is a joke! I got you", Eddie looks at him.
Steve is radiant.
Eddie has rarely seen him smile like this, never at a stupid rock he had randomly collected. He is pretty sure this isn't the first rock he has ever given him, either. It's just a thing that Eddie does.
But Steve is beaming at the rock in his hand like Eddie has given him a piece of jewelry or a gemstone.
"Thank you Eddie, I love it" only then Eddie notices that he is also blushing.
"Are you sure? It's just a rock" he replies, nervously.
Steve raises an eyebrow at the question "yeah, but it's very pretty. And you love rocks."
"Oh," Eddie says, dumbly.
He finally understands why Steve was so excited by the idea of Eddie gifting him something for Valentine's day, why both Robin and Nancy told him he was stressing too much over something Steve would've liked anyways.
Steve would've loved anything as long as it came from Eddie.
"Now I feel bad," Steve speaks, oblivious to Eddie's internal epiphany "my gift is very lame compared to yours."
"You got me something, pretty boy?" he leans closer to him, into Steve's personal space. He smirks when he notices Steve's blush reaching his ears.
"Of course I did" he huffs "but you have to close your eyes if you want it" Steve looks away as he says it, clearly embarrassed.
He'd love to tease him about his red face but he decides to play nice and close his eyes.
He flinches when he feels Steve's lips on his. He slides his arms on his shoulders and around his neck, to make sure Steve doesn't misinterpret his surprised reaction. Steve puts his arms around his waist, pulling him impossibly closer.
Someone might say that gifting a kiss for Valentine's Day is very lame but Eddie realizes that, as long as it came from Steve, he would've loved it anyways.
I wasn’t planning to write anything but then I had some free time and I got inspired! Please forgive me if I wrote something unrealistic for the Percy Jackson world but I’ve read the books years ago, I don’t remember much!Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone but especially to my mutuals, I hope you have an amazing day 💘
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azuriizt · 10 months
Hello all 8 Nahyuta enjoyers, the long awaited analysis is finally arriving at your doorstep. Lengthy post ahead and obvious spoilers to AA6.
(Using they/them as i personally headcanon them as nonbinary, just like the majority of the fandom at this time.)
When we first meet them, all we see is them reprimanding a rebel and then saving Maya from someone who had tried to attack her. We don't see much of their personality until we meet them on trial, and at the time they act very abrasive and borderlining violent, but this seems it's all the fandom ever sees when it comes to Nahyuta - they don't see what they were going through, the extent of their suffering, and choose to hate them solely because of how they acted. In this post, i plan to explain their motives and the aspect of their personality in an attempt to spread propaganda hopefully convince a few people to give them a chance.
The first hint we get to the true mess they are facing is Apollo saying they have changed, and this is soon confirmed further by Dhurke saying he can tell Nahyuta is suffering and needs help. Despite these characters being able to tell, the player only sees Nahyuta as a cold and emotionless person, and that is because that's how they HAVE to act in order to keep things from falling apart. Allow me to elaborate.
First of all, Nahyuta's wish was to fight for what was right and abolish the D.C. Act in order to stop all the unnecessary blood spill of innocent attorneys being sent to death along with their clients, and this passion was so strong that they studied for years despite the difficult situation they grew up in, with Dhurke having to raise them while on the run from the supporters of this same act. Nahyuta experienced first hand how this law destroyed lives, and sought to stop it; but why didn't they? Why did they act so hateful towards defense attorneys if they believed one would save them all? You might ask.
Because they didn't have a choice.
"Dhurke: I hear you've been serving Ga'ran - rather faithfully, in fact. Whatever happened to our dream of taking her down and changing this country?
Nahyuta: ......... The past is the past. [...] It's simple. People change. The Nahyuta you knew exists no more."
Their aunt, Ga'ran, took notice of their efforts and used the safety of their mother and younger sister as blackmail to cease this revolution. She was the queen, and there's no way they could've just said no and stuck to the Defiant Dragons only to risk having these innocent people suffer on their behalf, so they agreed to stand by her instead and quit fighting. This change is noted by a few characters, more impactfully their own father who, just as everyone else, knew they were going through something but had no idea of the severity of it.
Having been forced to be loyal to Ga'ran, they had to abandon everything they once were. Their dreams of changing everything were all but clouded now, left alone to decay, and their personality had to be shaped in such a way that they were all but a shell of the person they used to be - a cold and hostile exterior surrounding all their inner sorrow and struggle, and the sliver of hope that still remained, having to force the mindset that their personal feelings don't matter and that the only solution was to move on.
This hope was what kept them going. They believed Dhurke would be the one to bring glory back to Khura'in since they were unable to, and this belief was so strong that it pushed them through 5 painful years of being someone they didn't want to be, staining their hands with blood and dealing with all the crushing weight on their back so that their sister wouldn't be the one bleeding. Nahyuta was a traitor in the eyes of the Defiant Dragons since the reason for their sudden belief change was kept a secret. This group that raised them shamed them for this, except for one person; their dad, who could tell the distress they were in and was relentless to pull them away from that suffering.
He never once gave up on them, not even when they were to prosecute him and deal with the haunting chance that Dhurke would be sent to death by their doing just like many innocent lives before him - and despite this cruel action, Nahyuta's suffering only grew. This was the only person who truly believed in them at that rate, the one person they thought would save everyone -- and they were to find out he was going to die one way or another. Once Dhurke was arrested, they didn't confiscate their attorney's badge in hope that he was going to pull through this and be the brave hero they looked up to since they were a child, but that was all going to be in vain.
"Apollo: If he's found guilty, he probably won't even make it to his execution day.
Athena: I sensed a whirpool of emotions coming from within prosecutor Sahdmadhi just now. Anger, shock, bewilderment... And an icy sorrow, as deep and dark as an abyss."
Nahyuta's story with self-sacrifice is very clear, although it all is only revealed in the final case of the game. Having their valiant efforts to make a difference cut short due to threats to their mother and sister, they had to turn their back on the revolution and face judgement from people who supported and as well those hated the queen, as from one side they were a traitor and the other they were a terrorist despite Dhurke's innocence, since those under the queen believed her judgement and there's the common thought that a father's sins shine through to his children.
Having faced all this cruelty from the people holding them accountable for their father's rumored crimes, they simply knew they couldn't let the truth about Rayfa's parents come through. She was just a child, and most of the population idolized her for being a royal and for her abilities of holding a Divination Seance, her entire image would be shattered if this came out to the world and this innocent child would have to face more pain than she already had to deal with given Ga'ran's less than stellar parenting skills.
"Rayfa: Nahyuta! Have you been keeping this secret all this time?! Have you been trying to protect me?!"
But then everything started to fall apart around them; Phoenix's investigation of Inga's headquarters prompted their little sister to confront the queen about her family, and she was told the truth. They tried to keep the cover over her eyes so that it wouldn't get out of hand once she asked them about it, but Rayfa already knew and the entire fantasy of being of a noble family was shattered - not to mention Apollo took it to defend Dhurke in court, which put him in immediate danger as he revealed himself as another one of his children and was standing for someone who was believed to be a criminal, which would be punishable by death if the defendant was found guilty.
Furthermore, Amara was revealed to have been disguising herself this entire time and was right under their nose instead of in some faraway corner of the kingdom like they were led to believe. They had to listen to their mother's testimony speaking ill of their dear father, as she too had been deceived by Ga'ran's lies, and then when she finally was able to see the truth she was shot on the spot, right in front of them so that they could do nothing but watch in fear their aunt would do worse if they tried to run to her aid, because they knew Ga'ran was capable of it. Something similar had happened beforehand as well, with Rayfa being degraded and humiliated by her own "mother" due to feeling ill when holding a Divination Seance and having to witness what at the time seemed to be her biological father brutally murdering her adopted one who, mind you, was the one who had a soft spot for her. They could do nothing but watch and make sure it wouldn't get worse because their feelings didn't matter, but other's safety did.
But it was the reveal that Dhurke had been dead for days that really broke them. Not only did they express significant distress and denial when on the stand, begging Apollo for an explanation, but they later confessed to Inga's murder and therefore put themselves in deathrow - afterall, what hope was there at that point? They had dealt with everything because they believed it would all get better one day, even if their smiles stopped being genuine along the way, and with Dhurke gone they thought there was no going back. No one would save them or people of Khura'in, and the truth about Rayfa had been revealed - that's why they stood up to protect the queen from suspicion and risk dying for it. There was no use for their efforts anymore, they thought, and all they could do was hope Ga'ran kept her word to keep Rayfa safe and make the kingdom prosper once they were gone.
"Nahyuta: Perhaps... I was waiting for him to save me. [...] Someday... He would come and free our family from the chains of the past. Perhaps, deep down... That is what i believed. I believed in Dhurke... Our father. However! ... It was but a dream. And now that dream has died. Murdered, along with Dhurke! So now, as the eldest, the responsibility falls squarely onto me... No matter the cost, i must protect her! Plase, try to understand, Apollo. Understand why i must bear all this sin."
Turns out there was someone else who believed in Nahyuta, and that was able to save them from this suffering - their brother, Apollo. He was determined and pushed through their stubborn insistance to take the blame to finally reveal the truth to the world that queen Ga'ran was the true culprit and that she had been manipulating the people - including her own family - for her own gain, hiding tragedies she had committed under the cloak of lawful royalty. Of course, from personal experience, it's quite difficult to place the blame on someone while the abuse is going on, even if you feel so emotionally miserable during it, so it comes to no surprise to me that Nahyuta seemed genuinely distraught when this came to light.
"Nahyuta: Your Eminence, are you... Are you the one responsible for tearing my family apart? [...] Y-you concealed the truth, and used me for your own designs?!"
They were also wrong to think it was over with Dhurke's death as well, as he had left a piece of evidence that was necessary to reveal the whole truth about the queen. With Apollo's help and guidance, their father was able to save the people even from beyond the grave just how Nahyuta had thought he would, and this set them free from Ga'ran's web of lies and sparked the fire in them to fight back, joining Apollo's side to accuse and ultimately dethrone her.
With the queen gone, the rebels were cleared of the judgement they faced and Nahyuta was finally able to reunite with their mother, sister, and brother, although the relationship must've been a bit strained after such a long time apart from this type of familiarity... Except, they never got to explain to their father what it was that made them act so cruel, and regardless of the fact Dhurke never blamed them for it, they'll have to live with this in their conscience for a while more.
Of course, given the time Ga'ran ruled, it's only expected there will be people still supporting her; and maybe this fight will never end, but at least the war has dimished and Dhurke's spirit has been freed along with the people. Nahyuta has gone through a lot in those 5 years spent under Ga'ran, and obviously they won't immediately become a warm and welcoming person, not when this much trauma has gone unresolved for so long and only brought to light recently. They need time to heal and, unlike other tragic characters like Edgeworth and Simon, they haven't gotten much time to express their growth so far - not to mention that everyone's valiant attempt to believe in their innocence was pushed away by their duty, so support was not shown until the very end.
"Nahyuta: In all this time, not once did I reflect on my own conduct... for I had believed all was fate. Lost in my own sense of resignation, I was unable to wake up from my despair. But you, Apollo. You have awakened me with your demonstration of our father's creed. A dragon never yields."
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