#she misunderstands and that has to be accepted by all parties. it’s just how it is
writerfromthestars · 3 days
DP X DC PROMT: Happiness? In this Economy?
Dick convinces Jason to go with him to a party because he apparently "needs to socialize". At this party is also Danny, who is majoring in astrophysics at Gotham University. They run into each other, hit it off, and end up hooking up.
Danny has class in the morning, so he leaves before Jason wakes up, hurrying to get his day started and completely unaware of the fact that some of the ectoplasm he produces has seeped into Jason. (Neither of them tell each other their names, or maybe they're too hungover to remember? Idk, but they don't know each others names. It was also too dark for Jason to see Danny's face.)
Jason wakes up, wondering how the hell the cute guy from last night managed to leave without waking him up. He also feels happier than he has in a while, which he attributes to the fact that he actually had fun last night instead of scowling in the corner.
But the happiness, the calm, it just... Doesn't leave? For some reason?
At first, Jason is willing to accept that maybe the univers is just giving him a day off from the Pit Rage, God knows he's earned it, but when the end of the week is drawing closer and he's still no closer to figuring out why he's so goddamn pleasant all of a sudden, he starts to freak out.
He tracks this unnatural calm back to the party, and at first, he thinks someone spiked his drink. But the only people who were close enough to do that would be Dick, who would never do that, and his unknown, unnamed hookup.
Now, Jason isn't a very paranoid person, but he was raised during his early teens by the goddamn Batman, king of paranoia, so he immediately draws the following connections:
1. His unnamed hookup was able to roofie him without him noticing, bat training and all.
2. That drug, whatever it was, was strong enough to subdue the Pit Rage, and, seeing as it hasn't returned, that could be indefinite.
3. The only person who has ever been able to remotely control the Lazarus Pits is Ra's Al Ghul, and he still ended up a murderous sociopath, so obviously he doesn't have a good handle on it.
4. This random dude that he met at a goddamn college party may be the most powerful sorcerer in the world.
5. He need sto find this guy before she raises an undead army.
Thus, Jason finds himself in the awkward situation of explaining to his father that he may or may not have hooked up with a being more powerful than a man who runs an assassin cult and calls himself a demon.
The bats immediately begin searching Gotham for this guy, pulling out all the stops to stop this guy before they gain a new supervillain.
Meanwhile, Danny is peacefully going about his life.
Then, he runs into his one night stand and they start dating. Everything is going great for him! Moving to Gotham City was the best thing he's ever done!
Now Jason is even more panicked, because he just met this really cute guy, and now they're dating, but it's a horrible time because he's still trying to find this Eldritch creature.
Bonus ( to add to the misunderstandings):
Say Danny's trans. It's about now, a few months later, that morning sickness makes itself evident.
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ambrosiagourmet · 8 months
I love Izutsumi. She's got a great design, she's a fun addition to the main party, she adds some new tension, and she's honestly one of the reasons I read dungeon meshi in the first place. I mean, "the most cat to ever girl" is an extremely appealing hook to anyone who loves cats and girls (me, I love cats and girls).
However, while I have always liked Izutsumi, I finished the story kind of feeling like I didn't really get her. I felt like I had a decent grasp on her character an character arc (she's a traumatized teen given space to feel safe and open up, and because of that she realizes that she can't grow without letting go of the coping mechanisms she once needed). But I didn't feel like I really understood her role in the story as a whole.
She follows the group of her own accord, after a coincidental meeting and a misunderstanding of what they can do for her. She's never super invested in saving Falin, at least not compared to the rest of the group. Though they do help her escape Maizuru's shackles, and are clearly good for her in general, she doesn't really have a healing Moment with the group the way that Senshi does with the hippogriff soup.
And yet, she gets an entire chapter, the third-to-last chapter, dedicated to exploring her growth and future. She's the one who frames much of the falling action, who lets us check in with everyone. She's the one who helps talk Laios into accepting his role as king. She may join the story part way through, but she is there for most of it. So Izutsumi! What's your deal!?
Well, I think I've come up with an answer, at least for myself, that I really like. Two of them, even! Though they both really work together to form the overall point - Izutsumi is the character that most helps the story face towards the future. Here's why I think that.
So the first of these "ah-ha" moments was when I realized that Izutsumi really is the best supporting evidence for Laios' point about the good things that wouldn't have happened if Falin hadn't died.
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If Falin hadn't been eaten by the dragon, Izutsumi probably would still be a slave. It was because of Shuro and Laios' parties both being in the dungeon to rescue Falin, as well as Marcille's use of ancient magic in the resurrection, that she got the chance to escape. None of that would have been the case if Falin hadn't died. Shuro wouldn't have separated from the group and joined up with his retainers, Marcille wouldn't have revealed her knowledge of ancient magic, and Izutsumi never would have even met any of them. They are only part of her life because of Falin's death.
Though this isn't explicitly pointed out by Laios or Izutsumi in the scene, I do think you can very much feel the presence of it. For one, when Marcille reflects on the journey and how much it made her realize she didn't want to lose everyone, her relationship with Izutsumi is prominent:
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It's the main original group at the top and center, but when you read it right to left, it’s Izutsumi and Marcille who might catch your eye first. And it's specifically Marcille and Izutsumi's relationship on display here, not just Izutsumi's presence in the group in general.
Also, after Laios' statement about how none of their adventure would have happened without Falin dying, it is Izutsumi who gets the final word:
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Izutsumi is also the one here who is the most forward-facing. Chilchuck is trying to correct Laios, Senshi is focused on the immediate future, and Izutsumi is talking about her new goal.
And I want to talk about that goal in general as well, because it’s also interesting how it comes up. In that moment, everyone is trying to remind Marcille of her less destructive desires - to eat food, to share it with them, and to meet Chilchuck's family. All of which are previously established, existing desires. When prompted by Chilchuck to join in, however, Izutsumi offers something new:
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That's interesting, isn't it? It's kind of funny, of course, to see her rambling on about a completely new thing, her own personal motive, in the middle of everyone working together to reach out to Marcille. Izutsumi doesn't even know who Yaad is! But at the same time, it’s kind of meaningful. Amidst the focus on desires that everyone already had, she adds a completely new one to the mix. It’s even the final bridge that lets Laios reach Marcille.
It is, in fact, even an idea that comes back later to help out another lord of the dungeon. The idea of finding new goals and feeling new desires... this is exactly how Kabru reaches out to Mithrun, after the Winged Lion is gone
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So yeah, Izutsumi's presence here, both in what she's actively choosing to say as well as what she represents of the consequences of Falin's death, supports the story's ideas of moving forward. Of accepting the past, and finding new reasons to live.
Which is all really good, and that alone works pretty well as an answer to what Izutsumi's role in the story is.
But oh, oh. There's more. Something I realized after having thought of all this, because I still couldn't let go of the feeling that there was still something I was missing.
And as I reviewed the things I loved about Izutsumi - her sometimes unhealthy ways of coping with trauma, her struggles with isolation, her skill with fighting, her selfishness contrasted with the ways she grows to care for and protect the group, her perpetually guarded nature, born from the seeming impossibility of ever fitting in or finding a safe place to just be herself - I realized something.
is a foil to Falin.
Where Falin copes with isolation and trauma by being eternally caring and struggling to say no to people, Izutsumi copes by constantly saying no to everything she can. Falin is often considered selfless, but does have selfish desires that she can’t easily express until a moment of crisis. Izutsumi is delightfully selfish, but chooses to stick by her friends when they need her. They are both transformed, against their will, into partly monstrous hybrids, and they both will have to live with that - there is no undoing what has been done to them.
Falin anchors the group in the past. Izutsumi pulls them towards the future. Neither would find freedom without the other - it is Falin's death that leads to Izutsumi joining the party, and likewise, it is Izutsumi who inspires the realization of how they can save Falin.
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And Falin is her future, as much as Izutsumi is Falin's. Both learn to be a little more like each other, even though they never meet. Falin gets a little more selfish. Izutsumi gets a little more willing to bend.
In this context, I feel like I have finally started to understand just how important Izutsumi is to the story. She is a proof that they cannot just go back, and she is a clawed, happy-to-scratch-anyone-who-pisses-her-off reminder, at that. In any conversation about what the group wishes would have happened with Falin, she cannot be ignored or brushed aside.
She is a reminder that, even in the midst of a tragedy so big it feels like a shadow you will never escape, you have yet to met all the people you will love. Hell, some of those people might even be catgirls. We should all be so lucky.
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strwberri-milk · 2 months
Hiiii, can I request how will LaDs boys react when reader got angry with them (at some event there was a misunderstanding or some other problem) and at home she continued to be angry with them (or even ignore them)
AHHHh ngl this is one of my favourite tropes i just like being comforted but realistically pls!! communicate w your partners i dont know how many times i have to scream that from the rooftops!!! also this bitch is LONG also i love. jealousy unfortunately so all of this is like. miscommunicatoin mixed w jealousy!!
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Zayne immediately clocks your abnormal behaviour before you even realise how angry you are at him. The only reason he does so is because he's hyper aware of the way you act around him because of how much he cares about you, trying to figure out if there's something he can do to try and keep things from getting worse.
However, being at a party with all of his colleagues trying to talk to him about his latest research does make it quite difficult. You're also fielding some questions yourself - primarily ones about your relationship with Zayne. People can't help but be curious about the type of person Dr. Zayne is interested in and you do your best not to let your anger bleed out.
You manage to last until the two of you are heading home, getting into Zayne's care. It's then that you just totally deflate in his presence, looking out the window and ignoring him as he drives the two of you home. He watches out of the corner of his eye as you fiddle with your hands, clearly wanting to say something to him but stopping yourself short.
He doesn't want to force it out of you but also wants you to talk to him. He ends up deciding to let you have your time on the car ride and when the two of you get inside he tells you that he understands you're upset, but he wants you to tell him about it. If you refuse to talk to him right away he understands, forgoing giving you any affection in case you don't want it as he starts getting ready for bed.
You come to bed a little restless, Zayne also unable to sleep as you're on his mind. He turns to face your back, wanting to reach out but failing to. You refuse to look at him, knowing that you'll just crumble and you want to have the upper hand, even just for a minute longer.
"Just explain to me what's wrong. I can't help you if you don't tell me," Zayne asks again, sounding a little more frustrated.
You remain on the bed, pulling the blanket higher over your shoulders as you continue to give him the silent treatment. You don't want to cave but when he kneels in front of you, looking directly at you to force you to stop ignoring him you sigh loudly and sit up.
"I'm allowed to be mad at you," you say with a huff, Zayne nodding in agreement.
"I didn't say you aren't. I'm asking you to explain to me why you're made so I can fix it."
You curse internally at how quick he is to accept blame and jump to making you feel better. The guilt of ignoring him when you know how badly he just wants to make you happy starts to kick in. You hug your arms to your chest, bringing your knees up as you avert his gaze.
"One of the doctors said they went to school with you. They were...they said that all you did was talk about how you went to med school because of one of your friends. They told me that they always thought that you'd end up dating that person instead of me because of how sweetly you spoke of them."
He nods in understanding, coming to sit next to you on the bed. You slide over to give him some room, leaning into his touch when he puts his arm around you. You can't deny how much you've missed him, finally looking up at him. He has a smile on his face, that teasing look that warns you he's about to embarrass you, just a little.
"You don't remember, do you?" he asks gently, hugging you as he laughs a bit.
"What? Remember what?" you pout.
"It was you. You're the one they're talking about."
You feel your face flush with embarrassment, realising the object of your jealousy was just...you.
"I never got around to telling you but seeing how sick you were when you were younger made me want to study medicine to help out other children like yourself."
He tells you a little more about his journey through med school and how you were basically his inspiration. Listening to him talk about you like this now you can understand why his colleague thought he was in love with that figure, coming to terms with the fact that it's you.
By the time he's done you've basically just melted into a puddle in his arms, no longer needing his reassurances at the moment that he loves you and only you.
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Everybody at the Hunter's Association knows that you and Xavier are dating. When you two made it official half of the office told you it was about time while the other half gushed about how cute the two of you are together. Things between the two of you don't change that much at work as you both understand it's important to keep things professional.
It's become such common knowledge that you've gotten to the point where you just assume that everyone knows you two are dating. If you ever get new hunter trainees the others usually fill them in on the office romances as fun little gossip, hence why you were confused when one of the newest recruits was getting exceptionally handsy with Xavier.
He told you about it the same day as the two were getting lunch, telling you that the new recruit seemed to prefer training with him for some reason. You trust Xavier so you have absolutely no reason to think that anything suspicious is happening, telling him that he's a strong Hunter so you don't blame them for looking up to him.
Xavier doesn't really train new recruits so he's a little out of his depth when it comes to this recruit following him around, trying to get him to let them come on missions with him. He always refuses, talking to their actual trainer and telling them to keep an eye on the new recruit.
However, it doesn't seem to work. They're still following him around, trying to eat lunch with him or supposedly help him with any reports he needs to file. Unfortunately for him, since he's such a high ranking Hunter the work he does completely goes over their head so he gets some peace and quiet from that.
One day you're heading over to meet Xavier for lunch when you see the new recruit hanging off of him. They're hugging him from behind and he's smiling as he talks to them, showing them something on his phone as the two of them laugh together. You feel your heart drop as you turn around, texting Xavier that something came up and you'll have to take lunch way later.
You know avoiding him won't work very well since the two of you live in the same building. There's quite literally no way to sneak out and go home without him because even if you did he could just go up a floor to find you. That means you spend the latter half of your shift trying to think up ways to get home without him confronting you, failing miserably when you look up and see Xavier waiting for you to walk home with him.
"...did I say something?" he asks when the two of you are halfway home.
"You haven't said a single thing to me besides hi. Are you alright?"
You look at him and realises he looks like a kicked puppy, crumbling instantly. You can't be angry at him for long, not when he looks that innocent. You huff and shake your head, crossing your arms.
"What were you doing with that recruit?" you ask confrontationally, making him jump a bit.
You've never taken that sort of tone with him before and he wracks his brain, trying to understand what you're talking about. It takes him a while to respond but you watch as his expression becomes more and more puzzled, clearly not understanding at all what you were trying to get at.
"That new recruit. They were literally hanging off of you and you two were clearly having a great time talking to each other," you grumble, picking up the pace to walk in front of him quicker.
"I - wait, come back!"
He catches up to you immediately, grabbing your hand and turning you to face him.
"What are you talking about? I don't know what you mean," he insists, taking both of your hands in his.
You continue to look at him silently, knowing it was irrational of you but not knowing how else to deal with the way you were feeling.
"They had their arm around your neck. You showed them something on your phone. Don't lie to me - I saw it. That's why I cancelled lunch," you retort, taking your hands out of his as you start walking again.
"It's not what it looked like at all!" he says quickly, keeping pace with your steps easily.
"They banged their knee pretty badly against the table. We were going to go to first aid but they told me to just keep them still and they'd come up to us. I was going to grab them a chair to sit in but they started asking me about you and I got distracted. I was showing them some pictures I took of you on our last date."
You stop suddenly, Xavier bumping into you at the unexpected move.
"And I should just believe you?" you bite, wanting to stay angry but knowing there's ultimately no point.
Xavier's literally never lied to you before and his story made sense, you guess. You're still a little upset, going home without him and telling him you just want some time to yourself. A couple hours later you get a text from Xavier apologising for not telling you about what happened sooner and for making you upset. You sigh to yourself, knowing that it's unfair of you to hold him accountable for something that's really not his fault.
You end up going over to his place, apologising for acting immaturely. However, you tell him you'd like him to be a little more assertive with boundaries with that specific recruit, knowing it's not his fault but also not wanting them to consistently disrespect your relationship.
He agrees immediately, telling you he was honestly already uncomfortable with the way that they were acting around him. You feel even worse now that he's said that, the fact reinforcing that he really didn't know what to do in the situation. However, he does feel really bad that you feel that way so he spoils you however he can by ordering you takeout and cuddling you up while the two of watch literally anything you want. You won't be able to be rid of him for the next little while but you don't really mind.
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Rafayel's life can be a little messy. You're used to the tabloids saying things about him because he constantly complains about them. He honestly doesn't really mind what they say about him because he's secure in his own identity as his own person - he just hates it when people do interviews based on those false preconceptions. It's the main reason why he'll deny interviews from certain media companies - some of them are worse for it than others.
He's also used to paparazzi, not a stranger to threatening them if they're getting too close on encroaching on his personal property or life. He keeps a very strong divide between the two of them, except when it comes to his relationship status. He doesn't pull you around and show you off constantly but he does make it very clear constantly that he's very in love with you and will happily spend the rest of his life at your feet.
No matter how often people try to bait him into "confessing" that he might have had a passing interest in some model or another painter it all miserably fails. He'll simply compare them to you with a scoff, telling the interviewer that their hair isn't as beautiful as yours is or the way they speak to him just makes him miss how your voice sounds in his ear.
That's why when you walk past a tabloid claiming to photograph Rafayel with a model on his arm you can't help but laugh until you take a closer look. There's no mistaking it - it's some model that he's been complaining about to you. The two of them are leaving Rafayel's favourite restaurant, one he swore up and down he saved only for dates with you.
You want to text him to confront him but decide not to, taking a photo of the magazine for safe keeping. You decide you're not going to talk to him, texting him quickly to tell him that you're too busy to chat during the day today and you'll just come visit him tonight to make up for it. In reality you were just going to spend all day figuring out how to confront him.
When you come over he's just as happy to see you as he normally is. He's a little clingier because you weren't able to text him all day but he sees the look on your face and immediately knows something's wrong. He doesn't know what until you show him the photo that's worked you into a frenzy.
"What - come on, you know that it's a tabloid! No, I'm not cheating on you and certainly not with them!" he insists, crossing his arms as he sees you won't relent.
"Then why lie and tell me that restaurant is just for us when you're going there with your clients too, huh?" you rebuke, pointing at the glowing letters.
"Thomas insisted we meet there! Apparently, they really wanted to try something from there and they refused. I tried to get out of the meeting but Thomas said I can't miss another one. Then, they said they'd pay for my food so I thought I may as well get something out of an awful afternoon."
He looks a little flush himself, getting more worked up as you continued accusing him.
"I wouldn't do that to you. You know that," he implores.
You've been avoiding looking directly at him the entire time, expecting to be even more angry to see some self-righteous expression on his face. When you finally do you're startled by the desperation in his eyes, the way he wants to reach out but falters because he doesn't want to hurt you by just touching you.
"I love you. Nobody else. It's just you, it's always been you," he continues, biting his lip.
"But - the two of you walked out arm in arm," you try weakly, knowing your resolve already cracked at his heartfelt words.
"Because I was grabbed. You don't see the next photo where I take my arm back and practically run into my car because that's not as interesting as me cheating on you."
He sees the tears beginning to well up in your eyes, almost reaching for your face when his hands stop. You nod, unaware that you did until he pulls you into him, pressing your foreheads together as he holds you closely.
"I'd never do that to you. I've spent far too long waiting for you to come back to me."
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Sylus has a lot of competitors and you know he's very busy doing things to keep his prestigious rank of leader of the N109 zone, whatever that may be. He purposefully chooses to exclude you from any dealings that he does, telling you with a kiss on your cheek that ignorance is bliss. If something happened to you because of his lack of care he'd never forgive himself - not that he'd tell you, of course.
You're entertaining yourself as you wait for Sylus to finish one of his last meetings for the day. He sends you a text telling you to come by his office because he's almost done so you make your way there. You can hear his voice through the door when you hear him laughing.
"I'm just having fun, don't worry. It doesn't mean anything at all. No, I'm not afraid they'll find out, I mean, how would they?"
Your heart sinks a little, pressing your ear against the wood as you pray he's not talking about you. The conversation continues in the same direction, Sylus continuing to tell the other person on the line that he's going to enjoy messing with you. You tear up at the realisation that he's just as cruel as people think he is, wondering how you managed to let yourself get tricked by a literal career criminal.
Sylus ends the call and you panic, realising that you're standing here with tears on your cheeks and your clothes fisted in your hands. You're about to run away when he opens the door, dressed in preparation for your date and smiling when he sees you. His brows furrow when he sees the state you're in, about to ask you what's wrong when you just run away from him.
You end up turning into some random room, locking the door behind you as you sit against it. You can feel Sylus beginning to kick it down, yelling loudly that if he even cares a little bit about you he won't do it because you're sitting on the other side. He stops immediately, pacing outside as he tries to figure out what to do.
You hear him leave, sighing in relief as you stand up again. You want to open the door and run out, knowing you could get home without him but also knowing he'd be able to easily catch up as you made the boat ride back to Linkon. Honestly, you were beginning to doubt if you should try to get home when it's as late as it is, the ocean rough with the warning of a storm.
You're in the middle of your deliberation when he comes back, a jingling noise on the other side telling you he found the keys for the room. You gasp sharply, throwing yourself against the door in an attempt to keep him on the other side. He hears it immediately and stops.
"What do you think you're doing?" he asks you through the wood, doorknob no longer jiggling with his movements.
"Sparing you from having to spend another moment with me," you say bitterly.
"What are you talking about?" he sighs.
"Stop being dramatic. Just let me come in and we can talk."
He lightly pushes against the door again, you making a noise of discontent as you hold the knob in place.
"I heard you on the phone!" you finally say.
"I know how you actually feel about me."
The words leave you sounding more broken then you thought they would, biting your lip as you try not to let him know how much it affected you. You start crying quietly again, feeling your heart break.
Sylus gets impatient, unlocking the door and letting himself in. You step back as the door slowly opens, still somehow touched at the consideration he shows for you even though he supposedly hates you.
"Sweetie, are you really letting that cloud your judgement? Did you honestly think that I was talking about you?"
He pulls you into his chest without any complaint from you. You hate how easy it is for him to hold you, burying your face in him as he gently runs a wide palm down your back.
"I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about the twins. They decided to pull a prank on me last week so I decided to get payback on them. It's not like a little trash talk would genuinely hurt their feelings if it got back to them."
You feel so pathetic like this, soaking up all his attention after thinking that he hated you. You don't even want to look at him, clinging to his shirt as though it could rescue you from this atrocity.
"Now come on. Let's get you cleaned up and ready to go on our date."
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quirrrky · 11 months
KUROO, your business partner and bestfriend, had one birthday wish and that's for you to attend a party as his fiancee, his fake fiancee
3k+ f!reader, friends to lovers, fake dating
ꨄ︎ happy birthday to the male lead of my life! wishing you'd finally show up for real now lmao
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“So Kuroo, you’re turning thirty this weekend, right?”  
“No, sir, just twenty-nine.” Kuroo gave a stiff and stony grin. Mr. Onitsuka, the CEO of the sportswear company he was trying to get as a sponsor, happened to be a rigid family man.
“Just twenty-nine...” There’s certainly some hint of disappointment with how it sounded from the older man.  
Kuroo gulped and bit the inside of his cheeks. This deal was his most important thus far. We’re dealing with one of Japan’s prestigious brands. He couldn’t let this opportunity pass, especially that he just recently got promoted as the Sports Ambassador for the Japan Volleyball Association. 
“Well, we can feature our players-” 
“You mean athletes.” Mr. Onitsuka corrected. 
Kuroo gulped and almost banged his head against the nearest wall. Of course, athletes! Not players.  
Not a “player” like...him.  
Who would’ve thought that his singleness was not a good credential for the strictly traditional man in front of him? Everyone who’d see the specimen of a man Kuroo was could tell that he had a high market value among the ladies, which screamed one thing. He must be a player! 
“Yes, that’s right. Athletes...”  
“Look, Kuroo, it’s clear that you had everything well-planned out.” Mr. Onitsuka closed the folder. “But I’m sure you can’t do all this by yourself...” 
“I know someone who could cover this partnership.” Kuroo beamed, excitedly. His face lit up like he had the most brilliant plan out of his pocket. “We’ve been together and conquered a lot by now. I would even bet my life to guarantee you that she is the best!” He pronounced, loud and proud. 
“I never heard about her before.” Mr. Onitsuka's expression changed into something a bit lighter. “So when did the both of you start together?” 
At last! He’s passing the test. Kuroo thought. 
“Oh, me and Y/N? We began working on a project about a year ago and we really hit it off so well. Our chemistry’s just...out of this world.” 
Kuroo’s phone rang with the Star Wars’ Imperial March, a ringtone you personally assigned for yourself. Mr. Onitsuka saw your name and said, signaling for Kuroo to answer the phone, “Your girlfriend.” 
In a slight panic, Kuroo almost juggled the phone in his hand. For a short while, he thought that he was now accepted by Mr. Onitsuka, however there seemed to be a misunderstanding. He wanted to clear it up, but he had to answer you first... 
“H-Hello...” Kuroo gulped. “How’s my girl?” He saw a tinge of disappointment on Mr. Onitsuka's face, and he got agitated, mindlessly spouting things off. “How’s my beautiful...” Of course, he couldn’t say girlfriend. “Bride...” Shit! That's too sudden, so he added. “...to-be.” Bride to-be? 
Oh crap. He ran his mouth without thinking. 
You laughed. “Wait...Are you drunk?” 
“Mhm hmmm...so drunk on you, only on you, babe.” Kuroo winked at Mr. Onitsuka, who was obviously enjoying the show he was putting on. 
“What have you gotten yourself again, Tetsu?” You cracked up and followed, “Hey...listen, I already reserved the bar for your birthday party. It’s all good now.” 
“You’re the best! Wait, love. Just hold on a sec, okay? I’m in the middle of a meeting, but I’ll be there in a heartbeat once this is done.” 
You scrunched your face, laughing. “What’s wrong with you? Are you being hit on by an old lady again?” 
Kuroo chuckled, genuinely. Oh...that smartmouth of yours... 
“Let’s talk about it in a few, alright? See you the soonest, sweetheart. Bye bye, love you.” He hung up and sighed apologetically at Mr. Onitsuka. “Sorry about that. My woman needs me.” 
“Then I suggest you go to her right away. You musn’t keep her waiting.” Mr. Onitsuka said, sounding more relieved to have found out that JVA Sports Ambassador Kuroo Tetsurou was a “committed” man. “If that’d be my wife, I’ll be having an earful by now.” The older man oddly broke his rigid exterior and laughed.  
“I’ll take that advice to heart,” Kuroo affirmed. 
“I’ll be sending the documents with my signature within the week.” Mr. Onitsuka extended his hand and Kuroo shook it. “It was nice meeting you, Kuroo. I’ll see you and your fiancee on your birthday party.” 
Kuroo chuckled, nervously. “Can’t wait, sir.” 
Now, he’s left with convincing you to be his future wife even just for a night.  
⋆ ˚ ꩜ 。 ⋆୨୧˚
As the new sports ambassador for JVA, Kuroo now carries the image of the sport, well, including its athletes. As much as it’s great to recognize that Volleyball athletes were good-looking, values such as commitment must be reflected as well. Kuroo knew that.  
Though he admittedly had a past of dating around and exploring his options, it wasn’t the deal now. Kuroo wanted to commit but...he wanted to be slow and careful... 
Opening up the door to the restaurant, he immediately spotted you browsing on your phone. He didn’t miss the look of the man seated beside you on one of the bar stools. He sighed. Another one of those bastards... 
Approaching you, Kuroo wrapped an arm around your shoulders and planted a kiss on your forehead. “So, how’s the check-up? Is our little peanut okay? I’m sorry I missed it.” He said, making sure that the man heard.  
You subtly rolled your eyes and answered back, “He just kicked inside me now like he wanted to kick you instead.” 
Kuroo acted animatedly amused. “Sounds like his mother. That’s too early.” Taking the other seat beside you, he swiveled your chair so you’re facing him.  
“Last week you put a ring on me and now it’s a baby.” You snickered. “What’s next, Tetsu? Retirement plan?” 
“Come on. I’m just being the best bestfriend there is. Plus, you have saved my ass a million of times too.” 
Indeed, you didn’t know when it started but you and Kuroo played as each other’s fake partner whenever you’re both being hit on by strangers you didn’t like.  
“Yeah, remind me to pose as your lovesick wife next time.” You joked and Kuroo rubbed his chin. 
“Maybe at my birthday party?” He suggested. 
You took a sip of your juice. “Yeah, sure.” 
“No, seriously, though.” He took your hand and held it firmly. “Mr. Onitsuka...” 
“Oh, Family Guy...” 
“Exactly! I...” He’s now starting to take out his greatest weapon, his sad boy pout and unfortunate doe eyes. 
Oh. “How did you mess up this time?” 
His hold on your hand tightened. “I might’ve made it seem like we’re getting married.” 
That explained the cheesy lovey-dovey petnames a while ago. 
You were speechless. Kuroo’s not the one to lie. He’s always the straightforward guy, so... “How the hell did that...” 
“I don’t know. Man, he’s been grilling me with my life plan, my age and all, that I had a slip-up.” 
Well, you’ve done this countless times before, but his birthday party was a different thing. His friends and some colleagues will be there. You looked at your joined hands and then back at his troubled expression. 
“Y/N, just for my birthday, please...” Kuroo pleaded, “Be my lovesick wife even just for that day.” 
⋆ ˚ ꩜ 。 ⋆୨୧˚ 
Kuroo leaned on his car as he marveled at you so breathtakingly beautiful in a red dress. Playfully, he whistled. “It might be hard for me to think this is all pretend when you’re doing some serious damage on me with that dress.” 
Equally, you admired how handsome he was in that black sweater, and got lost at the sight of him that you almost trip on your wat to his side. Almost.
“Don’t worry. I’ll keep you in check.” Lightheartedly, you set an alarm in your smartwatch. “You got me until midnight, love.” 
The two of you laughed. 
Today’s the big day. Tetsu’s birthday. And yes, the birthday part did get you to agree to his "proposal". 
In no time, you reached the little bar you rented. It was cozy and had a little dancefloor and disco lights that could make the activities later on at night extra special.
You assisted in arranging a party for him, inviting his close friends and some colleagues. No lies, you’re a little nervous. This was different from the strangers you’d been fooling. 
This is it...  
Kuroo pulled you closer to him, grabbing you by the waist. “You got this, sweetheart.” He brought your hand to his lips. You gave him a prim smile and he opened the door for you.  
You were welcomed by familiar faces which put you at ease, while he had a hand at the small of your back. All the worries you had earlier dissipated. Having Kuroo right next to you like this made you feel more confident.  
Though everyone had their eyes on the two of you, everything about this situation felt natural. The electricity that surrounded you...It was so strong. The chemistry you had the first time you met was glowing in front of everyone right now. You could tell that they looked at you and Kuroo like you’re made for each other.  
“Here comes the future Mr. and Mrs. Kuroo,” Kenma welcomed, mischievously knowing fully well what the both of you were up to.
Lev greeted, “Happy Birthday and Congratulations!”  
“What? I thought you two are already married!” Bokuto remarked, which shocked the both of you. “I mean... ever since you two got along, Kuroo talked about nothing but you. I even got a little sad because I thought I wasn’t invited.” 
Kuroo was just pretending not to be affected by all this, but he’s definitely dying on the inside as Bokuto ratted him out. Slowly, you tilted your head to sneak a glance at your “fiance”. 
“W-What?” he asked. 
You giggled and teased, “I didn’t know I’ve been on your mind a lot.”  
Kuroo just simply scoffed. This was totally not how he planned things to work out.  
Mr. and Mrs. Onitsuka finally arrived at the scene. Kuroo squeezed your hand as if you were going to face the biggest challenge of your life.  
“Kuroo,” The old man called as he patted Kuroo’s shoulder, “Happy Birthday, boy!” 
This was shocking. Mr. Onitsuka went from a scary strict dad to a friendly goofy one. It must be the effect of being with you.  
“Thank you, sir. Ma’am,” Kuroo acknowledged Mrs. Onitsuka’s presence, taking her hand and placing a kiss on her knuckles.  
“Hmm...You sure know your way with the ladies.” The older woman complimented.  
“Gives me headache every now and then,” you said, playfully, which made the old couple laugh.  
“You must be Y/N,” Mr. Onitsuka shook your hand. “Now, I know why you got this boy to settle down.” He patted Kuroo’s chest twice. “You’re such a lucky man to have someone like Y/N right here beside you.” 
“See, even you could tell how bad she got me.” Kuroo glanced at you with an unexplainable softness in his gaze. “So damn bad.” 
The way he looked at you, his smile, his eyes, almost stopped your heartbeat. You felt so little...small? Cute? Weak in the knees? Excuse me. You’re probably smiling like a preschooler having a crush right now, but this felt like a fairytale. Someone must stop you. 
“You both looked so good together I wonder how you fell in love with each other.” Mrs. Onitsuka mused.  
Kuroo confidently replied, “It was love at first sight...” 
You choked up a laughter at his statement. Love at first sight? Crazy.... 
He raised a brow at you with a vexed and hurt expression on his face. 
“Hey, now! It sounds like a Hallmark movie. You can’t blame me,” you reasoned out.  
“But it was the truth!” 
Kuroo took a long and deep inhale. His eyes refused to look back at you as he explained, “When we met for the first time to finalize our partnership for the Volleyball video game project, I really thought you’re beautiful, and as lucky as I am, you’re also smart, funny and someone whom I found comfortable to be myself with.” 
Smiling, you recalled that moment. It wasn’t only him who felt that way that day. “Yeah...that’s...” ...what you felt too. You almost forgot this was all just a pact.  
The two couples found your bickering very amusing, which roused their curiosity even more. “Well...let’s go to the proposal. How did our lady’s man right here propose?” 
“I first asked her to marry me during the successful launch of our first project.” Kuroo shared to spark a memory in you, bashfully rubbing the back of his neck. 
“You really can’t remember?” He complained. 
You explained, “I thought you’re just talking about our next projects to come.” 
He gave you a stare of disbelief like you’re the stupidest, silliest girl alive. 
You paused for a moment, trying to grasp what happened in the past when Mr. Onitsuka cut your musing with a laugh. 
“Those were the days...” Mrs. Onitsuka admiringly commented.  
Mr. Onitsuka sighed. “I guess we’ll leave you two alone then.” 
You and Kuroo bowed your heads as gesture, watching the older couple take their seats.  
A sigh of relief escaped the both of you and you looked at each other chuckling.  
“Let’s go?” Kuroo invited, taking your hand to pull you close to him until he had an arm around your waist. 
You nodded your head, giggling. For the rest of the night, you did nothing but that. He was greeted from time to time, but he’d always return his attention to you. He pulled your chair close to him and playfully fed you with spoonfuls that had your mouth full—ridiculously full that you were swatting his arm almost non-stop.  
You didn’t drink anything alcoholic, but it felt like you were tipsy. You didn’t know where this endless happiness was coming from. It’s that free bubbly feeling that just fizzled out inside you. You were always playful and childlike around Kuroo, but there’s something in this moment that was just different. It was like you were set free–free to express whatever it was you wanted to for a long time.  
Kuroo rubbed your belly, “Looks like our little peanut is getting bigger now.” 
You both laughed at his teasing. “It’s ‘cause you’re feeding me a lot, dummy!”  
“What can I say? I’m just simply being a good provider. Making sure that the love of my life is well-fed and happy.” He boasted and you rolled your eyes.  
Kuroo was so close to you, the warmth of his body surrounding you in full as he had you caged all to himself. Your body moved on its own and you laced your arms around him, burying your face in the crook of his neck. All of a sudden, you didn’t want to let go.  
You didn’t know why, but your heart was about to burst at any moment now. He’s right. You’re... “Happy...” You said with a muted voice. “Birthday, Tetsu.” 
Kuroo embraced you back and even tighter, closing his eyes firmly while he was holding you so close like you’re something that could melt away in his arms at any moment. “I’m happy. I’m very very happy right now, Y/N.” 
He parted a bit, cupping your face with both hands. You searched for his eyes, and he probed yours. Your gaze shifted to his lips while his did the same thing, lingering a little on yours. You swallowed.  
What is this? 
Kuroo bit his lip. His eyelids were getting heavy as he was reaching forward. You had your lips parting a bit, just enough so you’re breathing from the space between.  
What’s happening? What’re you anticipating? 
Slowly, your noses touched. 
Just a little bit more... 
But the speaker close to you started blaring, shocking you both from your little moment and made you laugh instead.  
Kuroo stood up and extended a hand, “Care for a dance?” 
You accepted, taking the dance floor with him. He had his hands on the sides of your waist as you both swayed to the music. Your eyes were not leaving each other’s as you both got lost in the moment, cheeks hurting from the smile that won’t just fade away. 
“Screaming, I testify that we'll survive the test of time they can't deny our love.” The lyrics blazed all over and you let yourselves loose, singing the song together. “They can’t divide us. We’ll survive the test of time. I swear that I’ll be right hereeee!” 
You both burst out laughing at each other with how your voices cracked, failing to hit the high note.  
“I don’t know why it feels like I’m drunk right now,” Kuroo pondered fondly.  
“Drunk on me?” You teased, recalling what he said on the phone last time. 
“Most likely,” he smirked and returned, “You know I didn’t have any alcohol.” 
You laughed. “Yes, because that mouth of yours may run some BS again.” 
“Oh...” He scoffed and rebutted, “You speak as if my mouth is only good at talking.” 
Your quirked a brow up. “What else would it ever be good at?” 
You’re really getting him so bad like this, huh.  
The look in his eyes turned dark and he bit his lip. He stopped dancing, pulled you closer and whispered, “A lot of things.” 
His gaze slickly traveled down your lips thirstily taking in how he wanted them so bad. He grazed back to pin your eyes with a serious stare that showed how he’s already at his limit. You gulped, air got stuck in your chest. You were lost at the sight of his handsome face being accentuated by the colorful lights that you failed to ready yourself when he placed a hand behind your head and brought your lips together. Your eyes automatically closed, arms snaked around his body as he had a hand at the small of your back. Your lips danced, gobbling each other passionately, intensely. You’re taking one another’s breath.  
At that moment, only the two of you existed, intoxicated by each other’s taste and fully consumed by the fire inside you that finally came blazing after a long time being kept hidden. 
Miya Atsumu whistled. “Man, this got me frustrated.” 
“Ugh, get a room.” Oikawa chided, bitterly. 
“Just admit you’re jealous nobody wants to kiss you that way,” Iwaizumi rebutted while Kenma had his phone up, streaming the entire show.  
Your smart watch started alarming, cutting off your kiss. You glanced. It’s already 12 o’clock, which brought you back to reality. This...This was all just an agreement. An odd stabbing pain hit your chest. You looked around and the Onitsukas were nowhere to be found. They must’ve gotten home already. Your heart was knocking loudly in your ear, and you just looked at Kuroo painfully confused. 
All these emotions... 
“Excuse me,” you said, and briskly walked outside the hall.  
Your hands were cold and trembling as you placed them over your lips. It’s done now. You couldn’t run away from it anymore. For so long, you’d been telling yourself it was all just friendship even if you knew that all this time, the person you wanted to be next to you was just him.  
With this heavy feeling in your heart, you knew you wouldn’t be able to handle denying anymore. You love Tetsurou more than just a friend. 
“Y/N!” You heard him called out, and you shut your eyes firm.  
You’d just end up broken if you’d keep on pretending. 
Kuroo held your elbow, and you were swept away when he spun you around so you were facing him. He had you in his arms, with his hands clasped at the small of your back. 
“Tetsu...” You placed a hand on his chest, putting up a boundary. “Mr. and Mrs. Onitsuka went home already.” 
“And so?” He answered, noting that you’re not pushing him away. 
“I-It’s already past 12,” you reasoned out with a shaky voice. 
He bumped his head into yours. “We can have it extended, you know?” His tone was almost begging.  
You chewed on your bottom lip. “What do you mean?” Your heart stammered so hard against your ribcage.  
“The love at first sight, the proposal...they’re all real for me, Y/N.” His voice was staggering that you could feel how nervous and scared he was. Scared of losing you and letting this moment slip away. He might not get another chance. “I slipped up that you’re my bride-to-be because that’s what I’ve been wanting to happen all this time.” He ran the tips of his fingers across your cheek. “I love you, Y/N and should’ve shown you how much a lot earlier”  
“Oh, Tetsu...” you smiled at the brink of tears. “You’re such an idiot!” You lightly smacked his shoulder and scolded, “I thought I’m gonna be single forever because of you, dummy!” 
You both laughed, finally feeling the freedom of having things all let out in the open. 
Leaning close to your face, he teased you with his lips lightly grazing against yours as he spoke. “You’re still not answering me...” he muttered under his breath. “It’s past midnight now. Are we extending?” 
You smiled against his lips and asked, “For how long?”  
Kuroo grinned, pressing your noses together. “Indefinitely.” 
And you answered him with a kiss, knowing that you both won’t have anyone standing next to you aside from each other, indefinitely.  
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𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 w/ my fellow kuroo babes @mayarii-darling @sookisaurus @tetzoro @shidouryusm @kuroosexuall @jotatetsuken @boosyboo9206 💋
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© quirrrky 2023 - All rights reserved. No work shall be reproduced, reposted, modified, translated in any form or by any means.
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meidui · 6 months
jealous!steve fic recs ❤️
Oh bother by @elcorhamletlive
At a vacation on a farm, a piglet imprints on Tony.
An Educational Experience (The Good Things Come To Those Who Wait Remix) by @valdomarx
Ults Tony has a nice day.
aka Tony talks Steve through sucking his cock.
Santa Claus is Coming to Town by Last_Chance_Anna
Steve and Tony throw a Christmas party, and Steve rediscovers his jealous streak when it comes to Tony. Luckily Tony knows the cure for that. Spoiler alert: It's sex.
in the storm, we stay clear by @thahiree
Steve and Tony's car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. It leads to some misunderstandings and then finally some long overdue conversations.
talking sweet and looking fine by meidui
“I haven’t dated since god knows when,” Tony says with a little shake of his head, almost self-deprecating. “This is one of Hill’s friends, actually. A civilian, not caught up with all this. I didn’t know she had those, to be honest.”
“Right,” Steve says, like this isn’t the softest, most unwitting way Tony has ever broken his heart.
you are the reason by @avengersnewb
Steve and Tony are seeing each other in secret. An unfortunate encounter with Tiberius Stone, just as Steve decides to talk to Tony and define their relationship, makes things complicated.
I Always Turn To You by @kandisheek
The Avengers are all hanging out drunk in the common room when Clint suggests playing fuck, marry, kill. Everyone chooses Steve to marry and while it is flattering Steve doesn't really care until Tony says he'd marry Bruce instead. He's not sure why that irks him so much.
Dirty Boss by silentinhill
Mr. Stark couldn't help himself.
Everybody Wonders (What It Would Be Like to Love You) by @soldiersshield
“...Is that what this is about?” He asks slowly. Steve blanches.
“Oh my god. It is.” Tony has no right looking as giddy as he does. “Steven Grant Rogers, are you jealous?”
Nobody Panic, Everything's Fine by @intelligentbees
Steve doesn't get jealous. He doesn't. Honestly.
It's just...well- Tony's been spending an awful lot of time with a new employee. Who's smarter than him. And funnier. And more interesting and generally a better match for Tony than he ever would be.
But he's not jealous. Honestly.
Poster Child Redux: Steve's POV by @sabrecmc
Tony likes the new Captain America poster. A LOT.
Steve likes Tony. A LOT.
These two boys need to stop thinking about it and get together.
Stop Flirting With My Tony by jinxedtiger
Steve accepts the fact that his boyfriend of a few months is famous, popular, etc. They announced their relationship forever ago but noooooo. Everyone still flirts with the billionaire.
Steve's patience is running thin and Tony's trying so hard not to laugh at the poor guy. (he'll have to resort to other methods to remind the soldier just how much he loves him)
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vikkirosko · 11 months
Hello, I wanted to know how beelzebub, fizz and ozzie (all separed)would act if they had a crush who just runs away from them, not because he doesn't like them, but because he's insecure about feelings.
Headcanons Lack of confidence in feelings
🎪 Fizzarolli x male!Reader 💟
Fizzarolli was the one who openly showed his sympathy for you. At first you were calm about it, but the more sincere his attentions became, the more he began to notice that you seemed to be avoiding him. It caused him a lot of anxiety, but he tried not to pay attention to it until you literally ran away after his confession
The incident greatly upset him. He didn't understand why you couldn't just say you didn't like him instead of playing hide-and-seek. He was upset and didn't know what to do, which is why he was very surprised when you wrote to him and asked him to meet. Fizzarolli sincerely hoped that during this meeting you will be able to clarify this situation
You were very excited and the first thing you did was apologize to him. You were ashamed that you ran away and you hurried to explain to him that you didn't run away because you didn't like him, on the contrary, you liked him very much, but you weren't confident enough in your feelings and didn't want to upset him by refusing or accepting his feelings being insufficiently confident. Your words surprised him and calmed him down, because you yourself said that you liked him
There was something else that pleased him. The fact that you decided to have this conversation meant that you figured out your feelings and how sweetly you blushed next to him gave him the idea that his feelings were mutual and that was the next thing you wanted to talk to him about
🐓 Asmodeus x male!Reader 💕
Asmodeus always showed feelings openly and at first you perceived his sympathy as his usual manner of communication. You didn't realize that his feelings for you were more than real and serious, which he decided to tell you at some point, but your reaction was completely different from what he expected
He expected you to either reject him or accept his feelings, but you ran away. You just ran away, blushing a lot and he didn't know what to do. Your actions have put him at a dead end and for several days he could not find peace. He couldn't bring himself to call you, worried that you didn't want to see him anymore. He was in such a state until you yourself wrote to him, asking for a meeting with him, which caused his joy, which he tried to hide so as not to cause you anxiety
You came to his office and Asmodeus couldn't help but notice that you were worried. It took you a little time to come to you because of which you came. You told him that you were very glad that he had feelings for you and it was mutual. After that, you hurried to apologize for the fact that there was a misunderstanding because of your actions. You ran away not because you didn't like him, but because you were very worried. You were unsure of your feelings and you needed time to think about everything
Asmodeus was really surprised, but he was able to breathe a sigh of relief, because his worries turned out to be meaningless. Your feelings were mutual and now that the misunderstanding was over, everything was really fine
🐝 Beelzebub x male!Reader 🍯
Beelzebub has always been bright, open. She was not shy about showing her feelings for you openly and at first you treated it with humor, but at some point she began to notice that you began to be embarrassed. It seemed very cute to her and she couldn't help but notice it. However, along with the embarrassment, it was as if you began to avoid her, and now she was not very happy about it
At some point, she was one hundred percent sure that you were avoiding her. You literally ran away from the last party and didn't answer any calls or texts. She didn't understand why you reacted like that. She tried to contact you several times, but to no avail, until you wrote to her and asked to meet. She didn't understand what it all meant, but she still agreed to this meeting
You were even more embarrassed than before, but the first thing you did was apologize. You knew that you behaved very rudely and immaturely, avoiding her and not responding to her, you understood this perfectly well, and the reason for your actions was that you liked her very much. You were unsure of your feelings, so you decided to reflect alone. It helped you understand how you really felt about her and you hoped that she would be able to forgive you for your escape and your immature behavior
Beelzebub was glad that this misunderstanding was resolved, and also that her feelings were mutual. She understood how important it was to sort out her feelings, even though she told you that next time you should warn her. She didn't tell you that she hoped that next time you would be able to discuss and reflect on the feelings that were bothering you
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patheticwomenlover · 2 months
Holm Kranom x Gen!Neutral Reader CW: None, just straight fluff Although this fic in particular is completely sfw, my profile has nsfw content on it so minors pls dni! ♡
Summary: Holm gets distracted by you and Rin thinks you're evil
Author note: Hello! I haven't posted on here in so long omg lol. I don't really plan on posting as much on tumblr specifically, (I'm mainly on AO3 as patheticmenlover!) honestly I just wanted to share my Holm Kranom fic on here cuz he seems to get the most content on here AND because he doesn't have a lot of x reader fics. It SUCKS!! Anyways I hope yall like this I don't really like it as much but I wanted to feed my fellow Holm enjoyers even if its bad (≧ڡ≦*)
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Rin just had a feeling you’d cause trouble for the party when you tagged along with them on the journey back to the surface. She couldn’t believe Kabru allowed Holm to heal AND let you tag along despite her concerns. You were a stranger.. for all they knew you could be an enemy.
The party had found you purely by accident, you passed out on the ground near the water on the 4th floor alongside your belongings, which happened to be a patchy bag and an axe...a dodgy looking one at that. They straight up thought you were dead until they caught a glimpse of your chest breathing up and down, you were just unconscious. You were real lucky that a kelpie or mermaid hadn’t found you before they did. How clumsy were you?
Of course, Holm did have the power to resurrect you if you did die but simply healing you made it easier. He quickly healed you and Kabru proceeded to ask If you were alright. You thankfully were alright and had explained that you were ambushed by a few other party members suddenly. You would’ve offered some of your food and even treasure, but it was unfortunately stolen. You knew you couldn’t continue further in the dungeon with NO food and a damaged axe, so you knew you had to go back to the surface to restock your items.
You tried to search inside your bag for something to offer them as thanks for healing you but Kabru quickly grabbed your hand, saying there was no need. That and it’s not like you had anything valuable…at least not anymore. You were certainly a strange one. Before you were about to leave on your own, Kabru asked if you wanted to tag along with the party since they were traveling back to the surface anyways. Just as Rin was about to protest, you quickly accepted it.
You thought to yourself, you might as well since they are going back up anyhow, if you happen to run into the same party members that attacked you and stole your stuff you have a high chance of getting it back.
Everyone within the party had no issue with this, if Kabru deemed you to be harmless then you should be, right? As creepy as it sounds, he was really good at reading people. To him, you were… harmless. He even doubts your axe would do much damage, seriously when was the last time you sharpened that thing?
Anyways, Kuro and Mickbell didn’t seem to mind your presence. Kuro sniffed you and the area to make sure you weren’t planning on ambushing them, which you weren’t! So, you’re alright in Mickbell and Kuro’s book…doesn’t mean they trust you though! ৻(  •̀ ᗜ •́  ৻)
Daya on the other hand was nice to you. Albeit, she did have her slight suspicions, but she didn’t express them in front of you. But then again, if Kabru trusted you then…surely it was worth it to believe your innocence. And as for Rin well, you already know. She’s keeping a close eye on you..! Anything shady coming from you and you’re going to go back to sleep.
Finally, as for Holm, he didn’t mind either..at all actually. It was to be expected from him because he was the calmest in the group but…something seemed off. When you happily pranced up to Holm, shaking his hand thanking him for healing you, he appeared to be bashful?! What was wrong with him.. was he alright?
His face was beet red, and he was stuttering like crazy. His normal half-lidded eyes were replaced with wide flustered eyes. Rin has never seen him like this before. What did you do to him?
You gently grasped Holm’s hands with yours while looking him I’m directly in the eyes, praising him sweetly for healing you. “Thank you so so much! I probably would’ve died if you hadn’t healed me!” You almost looked angelic, like a sweet soul but…Rin thinks otherwise. He looks up at you with a flushed face, continuously stumbling over his words. “Ah..It’s…it’s nothing…haha..really..!”
Rin glares suspiciously at you two as she gripped her staff. The hell were you planning? Kabru took notice of not only you and Holm, but also Rin. It didn’t need to take a genius to know Rin was annoyed. “Kabru..! Why would you let them tag along?..” She huffs. “They could be up to something you know.” Kabru just chuckles at this, to which she looks at him with confusion. “I don’t think so, they don’t look dangerous to me.”
His eyes travels back to you, happily conversing with a bashful gnome. “Besides…they seem occupied with someone.” Rin looks at the duo with Kabru. “You noticed them too?...Do you think something is wrong with Holm?” He smiles. “No, not at all.” Before she could oppose, he leaves. Despite Kabru’s lack of concern, she still chose to watch your every move. Especially after overhearing you asking Holm to stick beside him on the journey back to the surface.
You might have everyone fooled but you can’t fool Rin.                     
After healing and allowing you to follow them, you and Kabru’s party began to continue the journey back to the surface, but not before going through a few ridiculous monster encounters. As you were conversing with Holm by your side, you two were passing by the rooms in the dungeon hall. A few were closed, some were opened. It’s smarter to simply not go inside either of them, after all you all are trying to get back to the surface and not get killed on the way back.
Unfortunately, Mickbell got a little too curious.
“Man..I remember almost getting killed by a mimic here. I hope it’s gone or somebody already got rid of it.” You say cautiously. Holm hums in acknowledgement. “I see..a mimic huh? Those are pretty scary.” You gently put your arm around his shoulder. “Don’t worry Holm, I got an axe with me. I’ll protect you If they try to come near you.” You joke.
His face flushes as he turns his head to the side and coughs into his hand. “O-oh?...ahah…mm..thank you..” You chuckle at his adorable reaction. Meanwhile..Mickbell and Kuro came across an open room with a single ‘treasure chest’. The duo not knowing that it was a mimic decided to go up to it. Mickbell hopped off Kuro and inspected the chest.
“I don’t remember seeing this when we came through here. Think there’s anything valuable in here?” Mickbell asks Kuro, to which he lowly growls at the box. Mickbell looks at him in confusion. “What is it Kuro..?” Before Kuro could answer…
A massive blue crab popped out of the front box, knocking back Mickbell and Kuro against the wall harshly, causing them to both groan in pain. “Ugh..what the..? Oh fuck!” Mickbell yells as the mimic began to quickly charge towards them. Kuro swiftly gradded Mickbell and began to sprint out of the room as fast as he could, but the mimic had no trouble following them at almost the same speed.
The duo (mostly Kuro) continuously ran up and down the halls hoping to tire it down but it didn’t seem to work, that mimic must be starving for roasted kobold with a side of mashed half-foot. “ARAUUGHH!! HELP US!” Mickbell screams as he held onto Kuro for dear life. “HOLM...Y/N!….UH?” He called out for you two, but you weren’t anywhere insight anymore. Where the hell did you two go?
Fortunately for them Kabru, Rin and Daya heard their cries for help and immediately came to their aid. Kabru and Daya quickly carried them both out of the way while Rin casted a spell to electrify the mimic, causing it to pass out. Kabru and Daya set down the panicked duo on the ground. “Holy fuck..!” Mickbell gasps.
“Are you alright?” Kabru asks. “Y-yeah..were-“
“Wait.” Rin interrupts. “Where’s Holm and Y/n?” They both shrug.
Meanwhile you and Holm further down, oblivious to the chaos happening down the hall:
“Treasure bugs huh?” He tilts his head. “I never knew those were even a thing…how interesting. I don’t think I’ve seen those before.”
“Yeah! It’s pretty cool huh? I’ve got a few fried ones in my bag actually..i’ll gladly share it with you.” You say as you start to dig inside your bag. “Ahah..that’s quite alright— wait did you say fried?” You nod. “I know it sounds odd but…!” You pull an insect coin from your bag. “Its tastyyy!~” You then held it up to Holm’s mouth.
“Come onnn!~ Try it! It’s yummy!” His face and ears flush from your closeness, then he quickly turns his head. Not only because of how close you were, but…you were trying to get him to eat a treasure bug. “N-no thank you!...I appreciate the offer but…It’s not my thing!”
You hum in acknowledgement. “No problem, more for me.” You pop the fried treasure bug in your mouth, happily eating it. Holm wasn’t sure what to think of you eating treasure bugs…you were a strange one indeed but that’s what made you unique in his eyes.
“You’re pretty strange.” He jokes. You let out a chuckle. “Is it because of the treasure bug thing?” He nods. “Yep.” You two then let out a series of laughing until you two hear fast foot steps coming your way, it was the rest of the group. Mickbell and Kuro specifically looked a little irritated and shaken up.
“HOLM! YLN!..WHAT THE HELL?” Rin yelled. “Where were you—”
“ME AND KURO ALMOST DIED TO A MIMIC WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU TWO? YOU WERE JUST NEAR US WHYD YOU LEAVE?!” Mickbell screamed. “You two were in trouble? I’m sorry!...we didn’t notice—”
“CLEARLY!” Mickbell interrupted Holm. “Sorry guys!” You sheepishly rub your neck. “If we heard you, we would’ve helped, I swear!”
“Mickbell, please.” Kabru sternly shushed him, causing him to huff. “Can I ask what you two were doing all the way back here?” He looks at the both of you. “We don’t need you two doing any funny stuff while were trying to get back to the surface!” Rin exclaims.
Holm immediately tensed up. “W-wait hold on! Don’t get the wrong idea please!” He held up his hand in defense. “We didn’t realize we had walked so far off…we’ll be more careful next time.” You voiced. “I’ll try not to steal him from you guys again.” You subtly flirt.
The party aside from Kabru didn’t seem to catch on, but Holm sure did.
His face immediately flushed again along with his ears. A batch of incomprehensible words spouted from his mouth as he grabbed his beret, covering his burning face with it. You snicker at his reaction, while Rin was seemingly eyeing your interaction.
“Wha..?” She mumbles to herself. What was going on with him?..you must have done something to him! She just knows it but..she can’t prove it. Not yet at least.
She scoots close to Kabru. “Kabru..are you seeing this? That isn’t normal behavior from Holm!” She muttered. “I know they did something to him..just give me the word and I’ll take care of it.” She grips her staff tightly in anticipation like she desperately wanted to hurt something.
“Don’t.” He responds casually.
“What?!..” She looks at him in surprise and confusion. “But…why not?”
A relaxed chuckle escaped his lips. “They are harmless, besides, we should keep going while were not being attacked.” Before she could oppose again, he began leading the way out. What is this? She thought. This was ridiculous, why was nobody seeing that you were clearly scheming something?!.. she’ll have to talk to Kabru properly about this when they get to the surface.
The second floor…surrounded by beautiful trees, flowers, and strange monsters…like the mandrake for example. As the party passed by the crowded plants they began to notice it started to cloud their vision of other members...specifically, you and Holm. If you weren’t there then this wouldn’t exactly be an issue, sure Holm tends to get easily overwhelmed and freeze up sometimes but he definitely can defend himself if absolutely necessary.
She dedicated herself to watching you two for any suspiciousness but she can’t do that if she can’t see either of you…! And speak of the devil, after checking on her other party member’s statuses, what do you know…you two were gone AGAIN!
So much for ‘trying not to steal him away from us’.
Meanwhile you and Holm…again:
“Wow, these trees are huge," you exclaim. "Are you just realizing that now? Haven't you been through this area before?" Holm asks, and you nod. "Well, yeah, but I never really stopped to take in the surroundings," you reply. You reach out and pluck a flower from a nearby tree, an angel's trumpet. "Now that I'm really paying attention, this place is full of beautiful flowers," you say, turning to him and leaning in close. He starts blushing at your proximity. You gently tuck the flower behind his ear, then step back to admire your handiwork.
"You look so cute!" You say cheerfully. Holm, on the other hand, can't seem to get a word out, his eyes fixed on the ground in embarrassment. "Th-thank you... I really appreciate it!" he stutters, his face turning even redder. So adorable..you thought. So adorable you just want to squish his cheeks but…you think he might not appreciate that. At least not right now.
A loud scream alarmed the both of you, causing you both to turn to where the noise came from, which was a hollow tree. “What was that?” You cautiously asked while observing the area carefully. “That..sounds like the scream of a!—”
“BAT!” You screamed, as soon as you did the big bat quickly flew near you two and attempted to attack. Instead of fighting, you chose to tackle Holm to the ground and into the bushes hoping to hide from it until it tires itself out. Thankfully after a few minutes of it flying around the area searching for you two, it flew to another place hoping to find other victims.
“Phew..that was close.” You say in relief. You then realized— you were still on top of Holm! Poor thing probably almost suffocated. “Ah! Sorry!” You quickly get off him. “I hope I didn’t tackle you too hard, my axe wouldn’t have done much damage to the bat especially since it’s already crappy.”
He didn’t respond. Instead, he just stared at you with a red face while still laying on the ground. You may want to give him a moment to collect himself.
*Back to Mickbell and Kuro*
A distant screech could be heard, causing Mickbell to hear it.
“Hey Kuro…did you hear that?” Kuro’s ears perk up, attempting to hear what Mickbell was.
Another screech could be heard, this one being a little louder.
“Yes!...it sounds..familiar.” Kuro mumbles. “Wait..that…sounds like…!” Before Mickbell could finish his sentence, the big bat made itself known and screamed at the duo.
“UWAAAAHH??!” Both individuals let out a loud exclamation of fear as they clung tightly to each other. During their panic, the bat swooped down swiftly, attempting to attack them multiple times but somehow they dogged each attack. Kuro swiftly lifted Mickbell and started running in the opposite direction, searching for a safe place to hide from the enormous bat.
“Mick, be careful—!” Kuro cautioned Mickbell as the bat descended closely behind them, almost managing to sever Kuro’s tail completely, leaving it barely attached to his back. A cry of pain escaped him before he collapsed to the ground and inside a bush with Mickbell in his grasp. “KUROO!” He shouted.
He positioned himself beneath Kuro, allowing the kobald to rest his head on his friend's lap. Mickbell stole a quick glance at his injury, relieved to see that his tail had not been completely torn off, indicating that it could be properly healed. The only thing they needed now was Holm. However, he would have to call out for him - surely he must be close by. It was a risky move, but Mickbell couldn't bear to see his friend in pain. He needed to act quickly and hope that they wouldn't end up as a meal for a passing bat.
"Holm...!" Mickbell shouted, but there was no response. The bat was now scanning the area from a distant tree branch. "HOLM...!" He raised his voice a bit more. This time, the bat pinpointed the source of the sound. This was not a good sign. "HOLM!!" Mickbell screamed, catching the bat's attention.
The bat began to fly directly towards them, its sharp claws and teeth poised for an attack. "AAAUHHH!!" Mickbell held onto Kuro's head tightly, bracing himself for the bat's claws to pierce his skin when suddenly—
Kabru swiftly and decisively slashed the bat's throat before it could reach Mickbell. The bat struggled for a moment, choking on its own blood, before collapsing nearby. Kabru put away his sword and ran towards the duo alongside Daya and Rin. “Are you two alright?”
Mickbell angrily lamented, "Kuro’s tail is about to fall off! I called for Holm, but he's not even NEARBY! Where is he?!"
"They wandered off again? Are you kidding me?" Rin complained, "I'll find them, and when I do..."
“Don't worry, Rin. I've got this under control. Just focus on checking Kuro for any other injuries. I'll be back soon." With those words, he hurried off to locate you and Holm. It took a bit but in the end, he successfully found both of you.
Fortunately uninjured, but still... The two of you were unwinding on a picturesque bed of flowers, with him in particular reclining on your lap as you gently ran your fingers through his hair. How did it even come to this? Kabru pondered. Nevertheless... he thought it was cute, but Kuro needed his aid so, this can wait.
"You two were hiding here, then?" Kabru chuckled. You both gasped in shock because you hadn't even noticed him there. "Oh, I see. Hello, Kabru. "Didn't even notice you were here," you waved. You guys move so slowly, don't you?” You tease.
"Ah, Kabru!" Red in the face and ears, he raises his head off your lap. "Did something happen?"                                                                                                         
Kabru nods. “Yes, actually. A big bat attacked Mickbell and Kuro, Kuro specifically. He needs his tail healed, if you aren’t too busy.” He teased, poking fun at him for resting on your lap, you didn’t seem to catch on but Holm caught it. He quickly got up and dusted his dark robe and swiftly put his beret back on. “N-no no! Of course not!” he stammered. “Please lead me to him!” Kabru then proceeded to lead Holm and you to Mickbell and Kuro’s aid.
You two were definitely going to get an earful from Mickbell….again.
The party returned to the surface unscathed and undamaged after going through a lot of nonsense involving you and Holm. It's a miracle, really, because whenever you and Holm ventured off, bad things would happen, and Mickbell and Kuro were nearly always involved. Holm and you did take the time to apologize for any unintentional trouble you may have caused at the party. (poor guys).
They seemed forgiving enough but as for Mickbell…ehh not so much. Just be thankful he acknowledged your apology. As for Rin…she just stared at you two. She just knew in her gut that you had done something and that you were planning on killing them..! She just needed to say something. NOW.
She walks towards the two of you with an angry look, more so specifically towards you. “You!” She points at you. “What have you done?” She accuses. “Ever since you’ve tagged along our party nothing but bad things has happened. And as for Holm… why is it that every time were traveling you manage to get him alone? And he’s always red-faced! What is your deal?”
You look at her in surprise before laughing to yourself. Holm however he’s frozen in place, just as Rin said his face and ears were burning. “That’s not!—I’m…they’re..! Agh!..” He quickly snatched his beret and covered his face. “What?” Rin questions.
Kabru laughs to himself as he strolls next to Rin. Rin was confused as he leaned into her ear to clarify that you weren't evil and that Holm wasn't the problem; he was just obviously infatuated with you. She glanced at you, then back at Holm, and then gave herself a mental face palm.
How ridiculous..!
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dark-frosted-heart · 9 months
Signing a Contract - Chevalier Michel (Premium End)
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The time’s come for Emma to decide whether she should continue to honor the contract or not.
Luke's wondering what Chevalier's talking about and Yves asks if that's why Emma can't speak. Luke calls Chevalier the worst, is he restricting Emma from talking to other men? Yves doesn’t think Chevalier would do something like that—no wait, scratch that. The Chevalier now would. Luke tells Emma not to worry about the contract, there’s nothing good about a man who holds a tight leash. Well now these two are just getting the wrong idea and Emma can’t have that. She tells the two that they’re misunderstanding things. Chevalier always treats her well, it’s just that she can't talk right now. She apologizes, takes Chevalier’s hand, and excuses herself. All she wanted to do was honor the contract and everyone’s making such a fuss. 
Emma hides in a nearby storage room. Chevalier’s less than impressed by how she ran away. He then takes out the contract and points at the first clause. In the end, even uttering a single word to another man meant breaking the contract. As Emma’s apologizing for the trouble Chevalier went through to help her with drafting a contract, he flicks her forehead and then kisses her deeply. When he pulls away, he sneers and asks if she remembers what happens if she broke the contract. She’ll accept whatever treatment from him.
That kiss just now and that seductive gaze…Where will they go from here? Emma’s heart races as if she’s waiting to be punished. Chevalier sits down on a nearby crate and has Emma lean against him. Oh wait, but there’s still work. Chevalier tells her not to worry, she’s had the day off since this morning. Wait…Did that mean he had planned to have Emma practice writing contracts? Emma thanks him as she was able to go through the whole process of writing up and entering into a contract with another party. However she regrets not being able to hold up her end to the very end. \
As she wonders what she could’ve done, Chevalier tells her to first think of what caused her to fail and Emma replies that she was inadequate. Chevalier says there was an issue before the contract was finalized. He reminds her of how she agreed to the reparations. He bites her ear before continuing. By accepting “any” treatment, she pretty much surrendered herself to the other party. That was careless. Chevalier continues to play with her ear. It’s because the other party was Chevalier, Emma thinks. She tries to speak, but Chevalier’s continuous teasing and touching leaves her at a loss for words.
Then, Emma hears footsteps near the door and warns him, but Chevalier’s lips just quirks up. His fingers just continue to steadily stroke her and Emma’s desperately trying to hold back any noises when he kisses her again. Even with the chance of someone coming into the room, she can’t resist the pleasure. When Chevalier pulls away, he whispers into her ear that she’s broken the contract so she’ll be punished accordingly.
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coochiequeens · 1 year
The tide is turning and the TQ+ only have themselves to blame
Brits are turning against gender ideology
Ordinary people are swiftly waking up to the threat posed by 'trans rights'.
JO BARTOSCH. 30th September 2023
In news that has left members of the dinner-party set spluttering over their decolonised soya lattes, it turns out the great British public isn’t as bigoted as they fantasised. Published last week, the latest British Attitudes Survey (BAS) has shown that Brits are increasingly tolerant of same-sex relationships and ever-more accepting of sex before marriage or abortion.
But perhaps most tellingly, as attitudes toward sexual morality have become more liberal, attitudes toward transgenderism have become far less sympathetic. The survey shows that the proportion of people who think someone should be able to change the sex on their birth certificate if they want has fallen from 53 per cent in 2019 to 30 per cent today. The proportion of people who ‘describe themselves as not prejudiced at all against people who are transgender’ has also declined from 82 per cent in 2019 to 64 per cent today.
That particular statistic has been taken to mean that there is a rising tide of ‘transphobic’ bigotry. But I see no trace of that in the gender debate or in broader society. More likely, these stats capture the public’s growing concern about policies and ideas associated with transgender ideology, from the erosion of women’s rights to children’s safety.
Predictably, this change in attitudes has been condemned by those who have built their careers on the grievance politics of trans activism. Former Stonewall CEO Nancy Kelley opined on X (formerly Twitter) that ‘years of relentless toxic coverage and political manipulation is making us less tolerant and less supportive of a marginalised community’.
Kelley is just wrong. This attitudinal shift is not prompted by ‘toxic’ reporting or ‘political manipulation’. It’s actually prompted by a greater understanding of ‘transgender issues’. And here Kelley is correct – news coverage has made a difference. It has made us aware of what the cause of trans rights actually entails.
So, as stories like that of double rapist Adam Graham (aka Isla Bryson), a man who was put in a women’s prison, have received column inches in the British press, public opinion has begun to shift. Furthermore, in the face of obvious injustices, such as men triumphing in women’s sporting competitions and winning female-only awards, accusations of ‘transphobia’ have lost their power to silence would-be dissenters. The public is gradually waking up to the reality of transgender ideology and they don’t like it.
Gillian Prior, deputy chief executive at the National Centre for Social Research, which produces the BAS, disagrees. She seems to think the public’s turn against trans rights is evidence of our growing illiberalism. ‘In the case of transgender people’, she said, ‘the recent public debate about the law on gender recognition has appeared to have resulted in attitudes becoming less liberal than they were just a few years ago’. But this completely misunderstands the issues. There is nothing illiberal about not wanting women to give up hard-earned rights and spaces to accommodate the feelings of men who identify as trans.
In fact, the survey shows just how liberal Britain is now. The change in attitudes toward homosexuality has been remarkable and encouraging for those who believe in equality. Over the past 40 years, the proportion of those who think that same-sex relations were ‘always wrong’ has fallen from 50 per cent to just nine per cent.
The cause of LGB rights is very different to that of ‘trans rights’. Gay liberation was a fight to achieve legal parity with heterosexuals. The fight for trans rights is not about fairness or legal parity. It’s about allowing children to be put on experimental, puberty-blocking drugs, advocating for taxpayer-funded cosmetic surgery and, above all, demanding that the rights of other groups, especially women, are infringed upon.
These illiberal and dangerous demands have been pushed by trans activists, not those advocating for LGB rights. As Kate Barker, chief executive officer of LGB Alliance, the only charity advocating exclusively for same-sex attracted people, explains, the battle for equality for gay and lesbian people has largely been won. If there is a growing threat to gay and lesbian rights today, it comes precisely from trans activists.
‘Today, gay men and lesbians are being branded as discriminatory bigots for being attracted exclusively to one sex, their own’, says Barker. ‘This is the result of gender-identity ideology, which promotes the belief that it is valid for some men to “identify” as women and vice versa. Believers in this ideology say it’s “transphobic” for lesbians to rule out all males who “identify as lesbians” as potential sexual partners. It is a bizarre reversal of the prejudice we faced in the Seventies and Eighties.’
So, despite the howls of protestation from trans activists, Britons are not becoming more intolerant. Rather, they are waking up and saying no to an ideology that threatens us all.
Jo Bartosch is a journalist campaigning for the rights of women and girls.
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gleamingtempest · 1 year
DRDT - A Chapter 2 Narrative Analysis (& Killer Prediction)
TL;DR - DRDT's Chapter 2 is about people choosing to change in ways that work and ways that don't . Looking at it through this lens, Levi Fontana is the most likely killer for this chapter. All images belong to the DRDT Creator & if you haven't (for whatever reason) checked out the series already, please go do that! This post will contain spoilers.
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All That Glitters, - What it means to "Be Good"
-> " Trauma is when we have an understanding of the way reality must function which is, at some point, broken or removed. " In Danganronpa: Despair Chapter 2 we explore people's innate desire to change & be better, how that is obstructed by false understandings of the way the world works (usually informed by trauma) and how we can overcome this misunderstanding by communicating & connecting with the people & world around us. This is a complex & taxxing process which takes time & support but it is not impossible nor is it necessarily difficult - it is simply a choice which one must continue to make if they intend on changing for the better. (Which is something which anyone can always do.) -
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Change - What everyone is reaching for
To Change [To be good, to be kind, to be liked by others, to relate to others, to be understood, to not be alone] - When beginning the chapter we open up on a scene between two characters who in chapter 1 were relatively secondary: Eden Tobisa & Levi Fontana. We start off the scene with Eden in tears, sobbing over the horrific deaths of both Xander & Min which she has just very recently witnessed. Eden still can't really accept what happened & it's clearly heavily affecting her but she is processing & acknowledging that she is in pain. These losses have taken their toll on her & she has been hurt by this killing game. Eden is hurting & she knows this. And in spite of this, she chooses to do what she can the situation: She makes an attempt to connect with the others in spite of her grief by making them breakfast. This is where Eden is at - She sees the situation, and she sees that it is painful, and she chooses to connect with those around her because this is how she knows to deal with grief or trauma. It's not necessarily easy for her, she's still hurting - she even says as much to Levi during their exchange: -> "Everyone is probably going to be sad for a while. For their sake, and for mine, I'll put on a happy smile!" For the sake of both herself and the others Eden is choosing to continue putting herself out there & attempting to connect with the others. This is something which clearly has an effect on Levi.
Levi Fontana, the other party in this exchange, is someone new at his talent. He doesn't have a long history with being a stylist like some of the other characters do with their talents, but it's something he's trying regardless. While we don't know his exact feelings on being a stylist, we do know that it's something he clearly prefers over whatever he was doing before. In the Prologue when approached with what he was doing before he expresses pretty strongly that he doesn't want to think about it. His past is something which haunts him, or at the very least, something which brings him discomfort. This is further affirmed during this opening interaction where Levi states: -> "But I want to move on. I want to keep trying to become a 'good person', like you, Eden." Levi believes Eden is a good person - and to an extent, he clearly idolizes this. He holds however Eden is up as a standard that he should aspire to. Her 'goodness' is something which Levi wants, and something which he currently believes he does not have. Eden rejects this - she affirms that Levi, is in fact, a 'good person' - he is reliable & has expressed a desire to protect the group, which in her eyes, makes him 'good' just on that basis. This has some type of effect on Levi. He pauses for a moment and thanks Eden. I think this is the basis of Levi's trajectory this chapter - that is to say, because his goal/mission to 'become a good person' is affirmed by Eden, everything he does after this point is put into perspective by that. Levi Fontana is trying to become a better person, to become 'good', and his general method for doing this will be based on being reliable & being someone who protects the group's safety.
All of this is a precursor & clear indicator that this chapter is focused on the group's innate dissatifaction with the way they are currently and how they continually attempt & want to be better than they were in the past so that these tragedies do not continue. Each of them has a different method of going about that goal but it is reflected in some way by nearly all characters who are given a focal point in this chapter - it is even reflected in the nature of the motive. To quote MonoTV: -> This class has a lot of secrets. Dirty, embarassing, horrifying secrets. Secrets some would kill for. Ace becomes more aggresive & defensive as a defense mechanism, Nico expresses frustration at not understanding how to connect with others, and most centrally, Arei comes to a complete lowpoint wherein she is unable to continue stagnating in her toxic hurtful worldview without it completely breaking her down. The desire to avoid something which has previously hurt you from doing so again (usually informed by a disdain for your own inability or powerlessness to prevent that thing from happening) or an expressed frustration at your own stagnation resulting in a build of unhealthy & toxic emotions which will eventually blow up in hurtful ways (Arei, Rose, Nico) is the centerpoint of this chapter, or, the catalyst for the group's desire to change which is, the central point of the chapter. People want to change & do better than they have before as time move forward & hurt continues to occur. -
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Why do I even Bother? - Desire, Attempt, Stagnate, Frustrate
Misunderstanding Reality [People CANNOT be good, I CANNOT be good, people CANNOT change] Now, being able to acknowledge that a problem is there is the second hardest step in the process to healing - the hardest is then, being able to actually understand what that problem is. This is where the primary conflict of the chapter lies. Our cast, for the most part, all understand that there's a problem at this point. In chapter 1 they could maybe ignore that this problem existed, or not think about the fact that they know this problem exists, but now? They cannot. The problem is front and center, in there face, like it or not - and the solution (in a very simplified, literal way), is pretty clear: We need to cahnge. So, they want this solution - what is preventing them from reaching it?
Well, understanding what the problem is. They have now acknowledged the problem but don't really understand what it is. This is all speaking in very broad statements - each of the characters have their own way of processing & understanding this. It's not a sweeping statement about the group, there is no 'one problem', and everyone is at different levels of dealing with their problem. It is however still signficant that everyone is dealing with a problem. They're dealing with a desire to change, to find a new way of moving on from their past - and the conflict here is their inability to know what the problem is. They go in circles, over and over again, seeing a problem, not knowing how to deal with it, trying to deal it, it blowing up in their face, and then being hurt by that. This cycle, this continual back and forth, this stagnation is the conflict. A lack of clarity, seeing too many paths forward & knowing you need to take but not knowing which one that is - Stagnating in one place too long and waiting for change to happen without ever taking the first step. Even those that think they're taking a step fail to actually move anywhere because of how they refuse to connect with those around them. Ace, Teruko, Arturo - All of them are trying in their own way to do something which they believe will bring about that change they need to solve their problem, their inadequacy, and because of the isolating ways they go about this, it washes them right back to where they started.
Nico, Arei, Rose, Teruko, Ace, Arturo - most eveyone - they're stuck, stagnating, unable to move forward. This breeds frustration. It's frustrating, knowing you need to do something, but not knowing where to start. Knowing change is necessary is good but not knowing how to go about it can be petrifying and infuriating. This frustration with stagnation and the cycle therein, explore by looking at secrets of the past fueling a communal desire for change, this is how the chapter fuels it's conflicts. At it's core, it's the roadblock present in the narrative of the chapter itself: People, or the world, want to change but because they do not understand how to go about that change, stagnate and grow frustrated. This frustration builds and eventually... -
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Futility - Hurt. People. Hurt. People.
This cycle cannot continue forever. People are fleeting. Life, is fleeting. Even if we want something to last forever, eventually, it will come to an end. This is neither good or bad. It is simply true. This same principle can be applied to the cycle previously established: One way or another, for the better, or for the worst, that cycle is going to end. Now, I believe DRDT is pretty anti-cynicism. Actually, I'm pretty sure that's like, Danganronpa's whole deal. Trying isn't futile, and it's always worth it to continue moving forward. That doesn't mean we don't see both ends of the spectrum. It is possible to change, and it possible to break out of the cycle of stagnation - I think that's what the point of Arei's character is. It is to show the audience the a trajectory of realizing there's a problem, doing the wrong thing with the problem, being hurt because of it and then being able to actually move forward because you connected with others and eventually came to understand the core of the problem. If I had to guess, we'll probably see this again in the story, quite a few times actually since we're still relatively early. The outcome will likely be different each time, but, I do think we'll see several different people realize the right way to go about change. I also think, we'll see a lot of people do the opposite. I think, we'll probably see several people fail to connect with others and understand their hurt and why it causes them to stagnate. And, I think pretty prevalently, this will culminate in a murder. When - a person stagnates, or is in a cycle of abuse or hurt for long enough - this will eventually result in all of that pent-up frustration & hurt blowing up. Since people don't exist in a vaccum, and especially since in the killing game everyone is constantly around someone, that blow-up will hurt others. In Arei's case, that blow-up was a verbal beatdown of Eden, justified internally by her own feelings of bitterness towards the abuse she's received in the past. This was in her case, a catalyst for the better. By allowing herself to be vulnerable with others, if only for a moment, she opens herself up to the true way of moving past past hurt and changing as a person: Connecting with the people around us and expressing our hurt, and pain, and grief so that we can understand that hurt and move forward. Her trajectory (*note: we haven't all of it, I presume there's at least one or two more key scenes we'll see of Arei's progression during the trial flashbacks which complete her arc) is one where she starts off with what she believes is a solution, applies that believed solution, is hurt by the results of that, and as a result of this hurt blows up and is able to begin healing and changing for the better. If this is the case, then, I'm inclined to believe that it is very possible her killer went through a reflected version of this trajectory. They start off not knowing what to do, pick up on a method that believe will help them change for the better, apply this method, are unsuccesful as a result of this application, and eventually, stagnate long enough for it to eventually result in them blowing up and hurting someone around them - failing to truly connect with the people around them and understand the pain within in them which causes them to stagnate. In this chapter, one character has a very brief, but key, line which I think paints very clearly who fits this bill the most. -> "Why do I even bother?" Levi Fontana doesn't see himself as an equal to his peers. His general solution to his problem is trying to do better at protecting his peers and the way the story presents this is via his relationship, or rather, the deteriation of his relationship with Ace Markey. Levi and Ace's relationship is one which from day one does not have clearly expressed or healthy boundaries on either side of it's dichotomy.
Both parties assume the desires of the other based on their own projected needs at the time and going into chapter 2 this is shattered, both because of the nature of the killing game, and because of the eventual culimnation of that lack of expressed needs in chapter 1. Ace needs to be scared of something so he projects his fear onto Levi and Levi needs to protect something so he projects danger onto Ace. Ace needs to feel safe so he shifts his view of Levi into one where he can protect him and Levi needs to feel needed so he contributes to this dynamic. After a muder occurs and there's now undeniable, real danger, Ace needs someone to vent his frustration onto so he verbally berates Levi and Levi - who has up to this point been ignoring his own discomforts for the sake of what he believes is the solution to his dilemna of changing for the better - snaps as the frustration which has built up from his stagnation blows up, and this hurts Ace, who has grown to rely on Levi for some form of stability. Levi, at the start of the chapter, is now back at square one. His solution failed and again, he's hurt someone because of his inability to change. This loss is something which he seeks a solution for once again, and it just so happens, his first interaction after the end of the previous trial is withn Eden. Eden affirms to him that he is a 'good person' - and that this being a 'good person' is because of the very behaviors which previously resulted in his eventual hurting of another person. These behaviors, this tenedcy to believe that he needs to be relied on by another, or that he needs to be protecting someone, is ultimately what he needed to move away from. He needed to recognize that he is also human and that he cannot ignore his own needs in pursuit of protecting others. He need to do this, but in chapter 2, he just did it all over again - except this time - Ace did not regress. He in fact, was pushed deeper into his own self isolating mindset, something which wasn't helped by Levi's continual attempts at reestablishing the dynamic they had in chapter 1. This is futility. This is trying the same thing over and over and not seeing a new result - It's stagnation. And clearly, Levi recognized this in some way. After his exchange with Ace in the dorm room hallway, Levi gave up. He fully abandoned his previous method and while we don't see what he did from here, I'm going to take a gander and say his general solution did not change - at least, not for the better.
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Is Not Gold - Sharing Grief
I think that the biggest throughline in all of this chapter is the emphasis on the necessity of communicating both good and bad feelings with others in order to find clarity. It plays this through lens of everyone processing Xander & Min's death but in all reality this just heightened problems that were already there for the characters. It's why the secrets motive was used - everyone has past grievances and hurt and pain left unprocessed, unsaid and unshared. And for that, everyone is hurting still - even before Min & Xander. This is the same for Arei, and for Eden, and for Teruko and for David - and it's also true for Levi. Which is why I believe the narrative is leading the direction that Levi is the 'antagonist' of this chapter. He isn't processing his feelings - he believes himself to be 'heartless' because he processes emotions in a slightly different way. He values action above all else and doesn't take the time to recognize that your intent is just important as your actions. Levi wants to protect others because he wants to feel like a 'good' person - finally after a life of, we don't know, but probably being made to feel like a 'remorseless murderer', he has an opportunity at 'redemption'. And he keeps failing? And he doesn't know why. And he can't share why because 'he has to be strong' 'he has to protect everyone' 'he has to prove himself through his actions rather than his words'. By suggesting that Levi is the killer and that he has the remorseless killer secret, I don't believe that means he's actually heartless, or a 'pyschopath'. I believe this is a desconstruction of that trope and a look at how people get to a point where they feel that way in the first place. Actions are important but ultimately those fall flat if we can't share our intent - the grief, the joy, the past we put behind his. If we resign ourselves to 'fate' and give up before we've even tried, then we're just setting the destination for ourselves. We aren't 'accepting' the truth, we're making it true before it is. I believe the irony in Levi's character will be that he was not truly a horrible murderer as his secret makes him out to be but by ignoring his feelings and focusing so soley on becoming a 'good person' then resigning himself when that didn't work out he became that anyway. I do have more thoughts on this case -
My specific theory is that Arei (didn't switch, but copied/dressed up as) J to 'do nice things for others' which resulted in her having a run in & interaction with Levi after the David int. He would have been feeling down and so he would've shared his feelings with Arei and she would tell him (because she knows his secret) that you can always become a better person if you choose to. Levi would take this as her being someone who can understand him (he has hers) and it'll make him happy. Say, Levi overheard that int between Arturo, Eden & Arei because he was going to the infirmary to change his bandages - he would understand Arturo as a 'threat' to the group (specifically Eden, who he would feel connected to) and feel this is his true chance at 'redemption' - he has to kill Arturo to protect everyone. And so he creates the plan for Arturo rather than for Arei - only, it was supposed to have an accomplice who would help him out since he didn't intend to get away with the muder anyway - Arei. He wanted Arei to be the one to help him with the plan since she swore to protect Eden from Arturo and so he sent her the note for the meetup knowing she wouldn't agree otherwise - and it worked. Arei came, and Levi asked her about the plan - and Arei was faced with a decision: Protect herself at the cost of anothers life, even if it is someone who she doesn't like - or say no. Even if it endangered her. She knows he's a killer so it would be incredibly dangerous to tempt fate - and she should really just say yes and go get help right? She should but... Arei's sick of that! She's sick of compromising others wellbeing for her own benefit, she's tired of going behind people's backs, she's tired of having to put up with bad, manipulative people who want to hurt others! And so she calls him out on bs - all of it. She reveals that she has his secret and berates him for going about his 'redemption' like this - because it's not redemption - it's not reconnection - it's not healing - it's seflish catharsis because you refuse to process your own feelings. And that's wrong. But... Even if Arei did choose this - it still resulted in her murder. Because Levi believed it was pointless to even try - so how dare this girl, this girl who was just as bad, who had been nothing but cruel - how dare she of all people tell him to become a better person. How dare she... She doesn't know anything about his struggles. She doesn't know anything. She doesn't...
but I really don't enjoy looking at things through those lens. They're important for sure, but it's not my strong suit & it's more important to me why things are happening than how they actually do. I also believe this somewhat parallels Mondo & Chihiro's case since it had a somewhat similar premise of a faux murderer becoming a real murderer because he couldn't process his own feelings and it became too much when somebody who chose to change admitted that they were able to do what he - someone who should be strong - could not do. This is an excellent story in my opinion and I've enjoyed it very much. Regardless of whether or not it does end this way, I'll relish the narrative told. I find every aspect so filled with love and I really do believe that the dev is a splendid writer. Every character matters and that's not a false statement - everybody influences the hearts of the others, whether directly or not, little by little. That's transcendent to me - it's so beautiful. Thank for reading this if you did - frankly I've been working on it for a few months haha. Since the progress bar is back I figured I should finish it up before the chapter fully came out and this was invitably dated. I look forward to writing more about this series in the future and now that I've moved past this I can work on the individual character analyses. I'll likely do another one of these before each trial of the series and I'll update the analyses as I go - hopefully those are enjoyable as well. Please watch Danganronpa: Despair Time - it is immaculate. 🧟‍♀️
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A quick analysis that I thought about on Akusuya based on Leo and Suya's chapters...
It's something that I forgot to mention is that, whenever it is a Leo chapter, Leo has the worst impressions of himself, and says he has done something wrong, even though either he regrets them and tries to improve and or has quite the good reasons for that; while Suya is literally just behaving the same way he just inquired wrong without any reason and or trying to stop herself whatsoever. Like in chapter 111 and 112 where he thought of himself as a stalker (even though he did that for justifiable reasons considering he has to keep her in check lol), while it was revealed in chapter 71 and more explicitly in chapter 143 that Suya's stalks him all the time just because she likes his smell and his room's smell; and or in this chapter when she gives him the wrong idea of what she actually wanted to do... I think that's a neat detail, and actually might be quite the hint that maybe, just maybe Leo internalized hate might be just a way he views himself that is completely different from the way Suya views himself... Notice that whenever somebody makes a mistake Suya is able to point it out, and is quite snarky; while when Leo does it she quickly tries to help him out and or justifies it, such like in the chapter where he interrogates Zastur, chapter 209, and, 153, 350 and 351 and others… 
One example of those behaviors are chapter 99 and 350-51.
(Notice how Leo is afraid of creatina a misunderstanding between the two of them, and right after Suya is the one that does that; and in chapter 351 he is afraid of touching her body or violating her autonomy or thinks that she is having the worst time of her life while she is playing in his tail and literally dresses in his body, once again DOING EXACTLY what he was afraid of doing).
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Also, she is always saying how nice he is with her and many other things and in many instances seems to be extremely jealous of him too lol, also not caring much about personal boundaries, etc.
Chapter 112 and 281
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In my opinion she has probably somewhat already realized she likes Leo very early on in the series... More specifically before chapter 71, like maybe around 48 - 55 around that time, maybe even before considering we have no idea when exactly she started going to his room, like if it's around chapters 48-55 to 143 than MAYBE she has been stalking him for more than a year or even like maybe 2 years; 
71 and 143, and 42. Considering Suya know exactly the MOMENT to catch Leonard's clothes, and she can actually mimick some of his behaviors really well as shown in 26? It might be fair to think she is been stalking him for a very long while now...
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But notice how her behaviors in chapter 70, 71, and in another one where they actually have a pajama party, are very, and I mean very odd for her… (I can't find this chapter, but there is a chapter where Bussy?? And Harpy are in a pajama party with Suya and she is acting truly weird whenever they mention the Cleric incident, though notice that she never corrects herself when mentioning sleeping with somebody again, or ever stops coming to his room; if somebody knows what chapter it is to back up my evidence I would be glad lol).
Like, as if idk, she was really bothered by the thought that others might think she likes the Cleric? Who knows??
Also, considering Tumblr only accepts 10 photos per post, I will just say the chapters to notice things about and then you guys reread and pay attention to Suya's behaviors, and patterns and there is a lot going on in the background... Leo's narration is an UNRELIABLE ONE so it's not a good idea to go listening to him considering that every time he is proven to be wrong about Suya's feelings towards him...
Considering chapters like 310, 337, and many more and also chapter 71 as my one and most powerful proof of this Shipp to be canon in the end, I supposed that maybe Suya feels the same way towards Leo, whoever her being... You know, Suya... She doesn't quite know how to express it, I honestly think that Leo's feelings aren't exactly unrequited, just... You know... He is more going through somewhat of a 5 stages of grief regarding his love life, he is now, at this very moment going through the stages of denial to acceptance considering he is starting to have the courage to ask her out, etc... So yeah... Probably..?? But idk…
Besides if you guys notice it too in chapters such as 234, you might notice another interesting detail, Suya realizes that Kamosh is not Leo the moment he is around... Only stopping the act at the end, at least that's the impression I got, considering she is able to notice who he is quite quickly in per example the chapter where she is selling stuff lol; and in that chapter 234 Kamosh is very critical of Suya, saying she isn't quite the girl for Leo because she doesn't like him, and most likely sees him just as a friend or something of sorts... HOWEVER as soon as she says that he can't touch her hair because he isn't Leo, he suddenly changes his mind, and remember that besides not liking the idea of Leo liking Suya because she apparently doesn't seem to understand how he feels he also doesn't like the idea of him dating a human too.
Whoever that quickly changes once he views them together... Another thing is that Hypnos might be aware that Suya likes Leo too, considering chapter 221, Suya looks extremely happy in giving him a massage while also happy that he is giving her one, Hypnos told her that if she wanted one she needed to be quiet, and even though it wasn't quite the long massage she really appreciated it; AND in chapter 337 Midnight suddenly appears in the sky and helps Kamosh and Suya so, maybe he also knows what's up??... Anyways... I love to overanalyze stuff.
See chapter 234, 221 and 337 (for better understanding and notice Suya's and also the others reactions.
So logic comes this way: both Suya and Leo like each other but are afraid of rejection, Suya according to the chapters is mostly rejected no matter what she does, only in the end after she pushes his boundaries she is actually able to get closer to him, while whenever LEO is the one to invite her over or when something is for him she stops absolutely everything she is doing EVEN SLEEPING just for him, notice that pattern such like in chapters 79, 337, 55, 48, 289, and many, many more.
And some characters like Midnight, Hypnos and Kamosh already realized that, but aren't going to interfere much, mostly Kamosh and Hypnos will but only when they feel like it or if they notice that Leo needs their help somewhat.
Also, also another thing important to infer; Leo is the one that is mostly on his own mind, and is more aloof to the whole thing while Syalis is the one pursuing him; the chapters are mostly from Leo's perspective whoever if we analyze them correctly they come CLOSER to Syalis behaviors and thought process... So according to what we can infer from the manga…
So yeah, that's my case. Suya likes him back but is afraid of going after him because she probably thinks he is going to turn her down no matter what she does... Which kind of is true considering Leo's behavior of wanting everything under control and also in need of explanations for things that don't actually need one lol; which honestly also if that's the case, Suya isn't as wrong to think that way considering what happened at chapter 310, which was basically her wanting to go on a date with him, only for him to misinterpret her actions as herself wanting something in the human world dragging him alone and giving him more work lol (which honestly also understandable because she is INDEED a walking mass of destruction see chapter 130 for reference, he must’ve remembered that to be more specific.); at least that's how I see, if that's where it keeps on going, maybe the ending will be them together after all…
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eversleepings · 6 months
disclaimer: i love kel omori
was talking to juno (hi juno!!!!!!!!) last night about something or other and i got on the topic of kel. and i thought about him.
i generally like the interpretation that he's accepted mari's death.
i know some people like to make it so that he hasn't, that he's faking a smile, but i truly believe he did. mostly because my idea of acceptance =/= never grieving. i still think kel is grieving, but he's accepted that mari's dead, and he's accepted how mari died, and maybe he's accepted that there was nothing he (a 12 year old at the time) could've done to help her (or what he thought was happening).
tl;dr: kel is complex (but not in the way most people think) and i would like to read more flawed kel please. a scrap for the desperate.
this is, obviously, a stark difference from the rest of the cast. sunny is directly in denial of her death, and in the first few days, convinces himself she's just in college. aubrey doesn't directly deny her death, but she seemingly is unable to accept that mari would kill herself - and hero moves from being unable to accept mari's death as a whole to accepting her death, and that she killed herself, but not that he couldn't have helped, and not that he isn't at fault (again, all theories)
so kel accepted mari's death. seemingly, this is where most misunderstandings come from over the game. what i want to talk about is one of the bigger ones: (apologies for the bad photo quality)
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[in case you can't see - KEL: You know, MARI would be really sad to hear that...]
THIS scene right here.
this is also the scene where aubrey drops the bomb that mari is dead. The "It Means Everything" scene. one of the most iconic scenes in the game. but I never see anyone ever talking about this line of dialogue from Kel and one of his earlier ones, where he brings up how they used to be friends.
kel throwing mari's death in aubrey's face and i don't even think he meant to do it.
he truly believes that because they used to be friends, aubrey should listen to him. he truly believes, and is probably right, that mari doesn't want them to fight. but he throws her (seeming) suicide in aubrey's face in order to try and get her to see things his way, and stop bullying basil, and she lashes out, resulting in the following fight.
i see lots of interpretations where kel is knocking on sunny's door for 4 years. if that's the case, why didn't he talk to aubrey? since we have no knowledge of the 4 years, we can only assume that either 1. he did, and was rebuked (likely if he was 'too late'), or 2. he didn't, period, for whatever reason.
and the thing is, i didn't even like aubrey when i first played omori. i thought she was annoying and a bully, and i thought her "redemption" was underwhelming and rushed, and i hated it. i've gotten over it now but we are framed to see (rightfully) that aubrey is in the wrong - allowing us to ignore kel's part in this.
the game establishes aubrey as an enemy pretty quick. she fights you in her first scene, her hooligang are the obstacles for most of your tasks on the first day, she stole something from basil (someone you likely have an emotional connection to via. headspace, and sunny as our pov character has a connection to) and she's bullying him. the only other people we fight in the rw are all imaginary.
kel is our deurotagonist (secondary protag) for the real world. he's our guiding light, the rock in the shore. he must be right because we have to be right. and he generally is!
it is wrong to steal and bully from basil. and aubrey is in the wrong to attack us. but, while not an excuse, kel hurts her emotionally, and doesn't even apologize or acknowledge it - and this is likely why despite kel's seeming social prowess, it's hero (a neutral third party, who always has deescalated their arguments) who has to step in to stop their feud.
kel tries to get aubrey to see how he feels, and in doing so, says some of the most hurtful shit on the planet. so aubrey says it right back. this is the fundamental misunderstanding that separates them, even though they seemed really close, despite their arguing, as kids.
i just think kel is pretty complex, but not in the way people think he is (the earlier mentioned fake smile stuff). i think he also has his flaws, like the rest of the cast (minus mari and hero) that we miss because we're so focused on aubrey here (esp since her reaction afterwards is again, really iconic) and i wanted to share my thoughts.
also made this post because i want more flawed kel please. please give us more fucked up kel thanks xoxo
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nikethestatue · 8 months
Hi and sorry this is pretty long. I am the anon who asked about the “why sjm would have included az in the mating bond storyline, when she already had a 3rd party” ask. I just wanted to elaborate on my thought processes around this and get your opinion. I always ask myself when reading a book and guessing about potential storyline’s what did the inclusion or lack of inclusion of this scene, that person, that bit of information bring to the plot and how can it move current storyline’s along. With the el/lu storyline that we have at present, her not accepting the bond, being uncomfortable around him and him being almost indifferent to her at this point what would we need to do to get with them to get them from point a to b. Well we could stay with this, have el still fighting the bond because of reasons but slowly giving in, could use a lot of popular troupes in this storyline, forced proximity, one horse/bed, fake dating and missunderstandings etc, make it angsty and eventually they do fall in love. Bingo! a to b achieved. No need for Az to have been brought in at all. Or we could have the love triangle storyline once again no need for Az we already had gray, could have had the plot be unable to accept becoming fae, staying with gray (even tho he was a raging prick, which has the bonus of helping have the readers rooting for Luc instead of having readers divided between Az/luc) because it’s her last threads to her humanity, it could of been her journey in accepting not being human (but we already kinda had that plot point with nes/cass so unlikely) luc helping her thru it and having to overcome a 3rd party, possible troupes, watching yr mate be with someone else (done with Rhys/feyre), jealousy, mutual pining, misunderstandings lots of areas to explore here. Anyway you get where I’m going with this, the point being, no matter which way you look at it Az didn’t need to be included in el storyline in order to achieve the end goal of having el/luc together. In fact it just makes it messy for an author to tie up all loose threads and have everyone come out happy including the reader. Also applies to the imfamous bonus chapter. You have to ask yrself what was the motivation for the author of including 2 intimate scenes involving one person, one intimate scene of 2 MAIN characters that gets interrupted and then immediately having the male go and have another intimate scene with a side character. If you wanted the 2nd scene to imply a romantic connection you could of just left the 1st scene out all together and still had the same outcome. You didn’t need to end el/az to start az/gwyn because in the actual books, although it’s been hinted at, it hasn’t been confirmed. Why do things in the 2nd scene that are unromantic, even antiromantic, like a guy regifting a gift from one girl to the next, (he could of gone to the library the next day with literally anything else and the scene would have been the same) why have him simping for a girl immediately before going to the actual love interest. Why make a messy situation, once again, when you didn’t need to unless you never intended for the 2nd scene to be romantic. Which ever way you look at it having the az/el storyline confirmed in the bonus matters because otherwise you’ve created a narrative nightmare for both the el/luc and az/gwyn storylines that didn’t need to exist if it, ultimately, wasn’t going to mean anything
No you are absolutely right. There is no need for Azriel in that situation. Unless you actually need him to be partnered with Elain. Especially not for this long.
I've entertained many options for how Elucien can happen--and yet, if SJM wanted to write Elucien, slow burn, learning to like and then love each other, it's very possible. But there is enough of an obstacle in there--their mutual reluctance, and especially Elain's--that Azriel isn't needed. They'd have enough to overcome without the interference of another character. At most, he could've played a Tarquin-like role. A short flirtation, for a chapter or two. Not all these pivotal scenes which SJM gave Azriel, and not Lucien.
There also wouldn't be the need for Vassa or Lucien living there. In these books, you want the man to fight for his woman. He should pursue her, woo her, court her, not peace out and shack up with another female. I mean, there is no real come back from that.
"Hey Elain, I know we were mates and all, but I was banging Vassa while you were deciding. No, I didn't do everything in my power to convince you and show you the man that I am, who is worth loving and who is worth your eternity. I left at the first sign of trouble."
That's really kind of not an ideal setup.
And there is nothing to say about Gwynriel, because it's not an obstacle as it doesn't exist.
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carys1918 · 7 months
Situation: You have confessed your feelings to her but she does not feel the same
Warning: English is not my first language, so there might be some mistakes.
Female reader!
Frisk and Chara are women
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♡ Undertale Frisk
Frisk was a flirtatious and affectionate person with everyone, that was her way of being and she enjoyed expressing her affection to her friends in that way.It was part of his personality. However, she never expected that this way of being would confuse one of her dearest friends.
"I don't know how to say this but... there was a misunderstanding here, I don't feel the same as you".
Frisk felt bad for being inconsistent with his love for her.
If he had, he wouldn't have behaved in a way that confused his feelings.
He hoped this wouldn't ruin their friendship. She really loved you... but as a friend.
♡Undertale Chara
She didn't know what to say, she didn't feel the same as you.
She never knew anyone could love her. Her personality was difficult, she had a lot of hatred inside her heart, it was simply unimaginable to think that someone could love a person as complicated as her.
Much less someone as sweet as you, you deserve better than her.
"I didn't expect this... the only thing I can offer you is my friendship."
Chara you don't want things to change between you, but if you need to get away from her for your own good, she will accept it even if it hurts her soul.
♡Underswap Frisk
Frisk was a cold person. However, that didn't mean he didn't have affection for those he liked. You were one of those people and that's why he tried so hard to think of a response that wouldn't hurt you.
However, finding nothing, he simply let out his frustrated thoughts.
"Damn...why did you have to make this so hard?"
The only thing Frisk thought about was that their friendship with you was ruined.
♡Underswap Chara
He was someone very happy, he always liked to make friends and have fun. What he loved most was making others happy, however this would be the first time that one of his friends would be deliberately sad because of him.
"What you feel for me is not the same as what I feel for you..."
Chara had a sad expression on his face, he loved you very much but not in the way you would like.
She appreciates you as a friend and it would hurt her to lose you, but if you decide to walk away from her she will understand, even if it hurts her to lose someone as special as you.
♡Underfell Frisk
He is a very shy and somewhat fearful person, so it is a bit difficult for him to make friends. It was you who approached her one day when she was hurt, everyone ignored her except you, you decided to help her.
That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
He follows you everywhere like a puppy, always clinging to you.
They experienced beautiful things together, they experienced horrible things together, but they always stayed together. It was obvious to everyone the love they had for each other, but only one party saw it through the lenses of romantic love.
The shy girl wouldn't know what to tell you, she is very afraid of losing her friend who has been with her all this time.
You could tell she doesn't feel the same way by the look on her face.
I was afraid. That you wouldn't want to see her anymore. Although even if you hate her for this and leave her, Frisk would never stop loving you, for her you will still be her dearest friend.
"I'm sorry, I don't feel the same feelings as you... I would understand if you hate me... but please don't leave me..."
Frisk could only cry and pray that you wouldn't leave her alone in this cruel world.
♡Underfell Chara
He is a difficult person to deal with, he has been through a lot and the hatred he feels towards humans is not just anything. However, she couldn't help but be attracted to you, you had an innocent aura that surprised her.
She decided to take a chance and give you the chance to be her friend. And it was the best thing he could have done, he loved you and he showed it to you even if he tried not to be obvious. But her love for you was just that of a friend, she hopes you can understand it.
"During this time I have enjoyed every moment with you... but I think you have confused the feeling."
She knows that anything she says won't stop you from suffering, so she tries to be direct despite the pain she feels in her chest from breaking your heart.
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lee-hakhyun · 9 months
a short? recap of the last few chapters (696-698)
why is kdj so angry? is it because of yjh? romantic, but that's probably not it. there's something weird about this kdj. is it because he's dkos? or are all the split kdjs like this?
lhh figures that it's because he doesn't like this 'story'.
anna uses her demon eye. fourth wall blocks it. kdj asks again, what happened to yjh? kdj reaches for his sword. the lights flicker. and...
[orv] is released. cheon inho is left passed out standing upright. kdj forgot the duration of the skill. he leaves to go exchange some coins. lee hakhyun is left to watch over cheon inho's passed out body . at least anna can't tell he's passed out because of his narrow eyes.
lhh curses out kdj. things escalate. zarathustra are preparing to fight an unconscious cih. anna is about to attack, but selena stops her. cih isn't a bad person. but then anna says that cheon inho is the demon king. at those words, chaos breaks out in the hall. and lee hakhyun is confused too. why would the incarnations in the 7th scenario be worried about a demon king? lee hakhyun isn't a demon king, anyway. his sponsor might be, but he isn't... anna would know that...
anna asks if cheon inho chose 'that way' at the end of that regression. then says she's abandoning zarathustra's headquarters. more chaos as incarnations run out of the hotel screaming. lee hakhyun can't control the body, how is he going to-
wait. he can control the body. he has before. lhh uses incite on cheon inho, and makes cheon inho drop his weapon, and then he talks with anna, who asks if his memory has come back.
lots of dialogue. lhh tells anna to think of him as a 'new cheon inho'. theere seems to be some severe misunderstanding going on between them... and then lhh says yjh was the one to call him over, and that they're on the same side. anna can't believe it. confirms it with lie detection. she CANNOT believe it. what is going on. she seems convinced he remembers the last regression, and lhh decides to not fight her on that.
anna tells lhh that the supreme king and his companions are still safe, for now. they're still in the washington dome. anna confirms that they fails the 5th scenario... how? can anna not see the future? then, anna says that there was interference that her future sight couldn't see. and then asks if lhh knows of the 'apostles'.
there were readers in america, too.
an hour after cheon inho passed out, yjh arrived in las vegas. his party is lhs, ljh, knw, lsh, and sys. these five incarnations have been with him for dozens of regressions. they were flawed, but in the end, they were the ones who always sticked with him until the very end.
there's also... a few others. yjh won't acknowledge that they're part of his party. they're just tagging along. kang ilhoon (killer king), ye hyunwoo, and lee seyeon (yerin). minor villain incarnations in the previous regressions. the king of no killing lee dansu, and the tanker kyung sein who is second after lee hyunsung. those two also caused some fights in previous regressions. is it a coincidence? or what? yjh can accept incarnations changing, every regression is different after all. with the exception of one person.
cheon inho.
he has always been against yjh, in every single regression. however, he hasn't become a villain in this regression yet. it's strange. yoo mia notices him brooding. correctly guesses that he's thinking about the guy with narrow eyes. yjh tells her he's dangerous, and yma says he looks like a con man, but she keeps hearing that he's good. a good con man... yjh can't think of any way to refute it.
he wants to remember what happened in the last regression, but he can't. one of the tattoos he carved on his body restricts his memory in exchange for power. but it's not a big deal, because someone else would remember for him. the group reach anna croft, who has the memories he wanted.
meeting anna, he avoids eye contact. another tattoo is messing with his emotions, and he doesn't want to kill her. he wanted to bring cheon inho to manage this, but it's too late now. anna has used past sight too many times today, so she can't give him the memories yet. they talk, and yjh hears about the 5th scenario and the apostles. it seems washington's fall has something to do with them. anna needs their help and she will be under their debt after this is dealt with.
heading to the washington dome, its as if the whole city is buried in black ash. there are no living incarnations seen anywhere. black roots grew, and after ripping one, yjh figures out what happened to the washington dome. it was invaded by a demon king. this is why they were trying to get purification methods... it's not yet irreversible, but they need to take care of this before it spreads to the rest of the world. the specific demon king that is invading is weird, too. the name is one none of them have heard before.
the demon king of salvation.
yjh doesn't know what demon king that is. or, he didn't. but he hears the voice of a close friend. a friend... it's weird. in his 41 regressions, such a concept didn't exist for him. it's from the memories of another worldline, which hsy put in his head. the demon king of salvation. he doesn't know if that was the name of the man in his memories, but the feelings of those who called the modifier were there. some were happy, some were sad, some with longing.
he tries to recall the man's face, but it was covered with a greyish void. what came to mind instead was the items he was using. a white coat, a sword with three properties, a phone that he carries like a talisman... yjh knows of an incarnation in this regression who uses the exact same items.
anna and yjh talk a bit more, and anna said that christina had met the demon king's symbolic body through her hypnotist's skill. it was too much for her, and after waking up she couldn't sleep for two nights. they might need to consider the worst case scenario. the worst case scenario... yjh looks at yma. his only family. when the scenarios first began, he had promised that he would protect this child at all cost.
he later lost yoo mia. once, twice, three, four, five times. after more than dozens of regressions, he figured it out. he couldn't save his little sister. not until he destroys this world with his own hands. he hands yoo mia a black elixir, and tells her to take it if the worst case scenario happens. she affirms the conditions. when everyone yjh told her can help is dead, and when... yma won't continue her words. refuses to say it. she runs over and hugs lee seolhwa. they nod at each other, and yjh tells anna he will help. yjh gets the seventh scenario, the demon invasion, and drawing his spear, he orders everyone to get ready. the demons start attacking, and they clear through them. yjh goes ahead, clearing out all the demons in his path, heading for the other of this 'dome'. swinging his spear at the demon, it doesn't affect him. the demon laughs and calls him short tempered, and then says to come in, that the demon king of salvation is waiting for him.
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away-ward · 4 months
Hi KO! This is a thought that's only recently struck me... but Damon & Winter, I feel the sudden urge to ramble about them !
A lot of that relationship is built on trauma bonding (or, well, trauma-creating too, I suppose). I always held a belief that part of Damon liked that Winter couldn't see, he liked that she was innocent and untouched, and could never be tainted by the world in the same way as everyone else. He treats her special and different from other women due to her being blind and so she can't consciously do a lot of what he hates or dislikes— the key example is at Arion's party when Winter comes down in revealing clothes, and Kai tries to give her that sweatshirt. Damon says it's never her fault if men look, that she could wear anything, and it would be fine. Yet, he simultaneously acknowledges that if it were Nik who came down wearing that, he would've gone ape-shit because Damon would've perceived her as having done it purposefully, but he doesn't see it that way with Winter.
Damon obviously had a complicated history with sex and femininity. He seemed to hate promiscuous women, just as much as he disliked women who didn't guard themselves. That makes sense for his character. He was sexualised by his only mother figure who was, in turn someone groomed by his father. He repeated a lot of her behaviours due to that trauma. He was striving to feel stronger than other people who hurt him (the woman who hurt him), so he could never be in that position again because that was one of his core fears. Damon has little issue in using women, but he doesn't want to be used back. He doesn't like them wanting him in a purely physical way, and he'd never stand for being dominated – he needs to hold all the cards, he needs to have power and he seems to like it when the woman hates being with him just a little...
And that makes Winter interesting because due to her blindness, he's pretty much certain that all her feelings for him are genuine. She doesn't know what he looks like (and lets be real, Damon probably was the most attractive horsemen in his looks), all her attraction to him was built off his actions and that was clearly something that Damon liked.
I think I mentioned this before, but Winter was very clearly a love interest for Damon above all else. She was the least developed of the girls. Winter was created to be the perfect fit for Damon, to be a character who slots against him like a missing puzzle piece. And I do think her blindness plays a part in making Winter come off as 'perfect' in Damon's eyes.
It makes me wonder... would he still have loved Winter if she hadn't been blind?
(i might've rambled a little too much. Apologies for that 😭)
Adri, I will not accept your apologies! These are the perfect ramblings. I’m here for all the ramblings. Ramble longer.
I always thought that Damon’s affection towards Winter started, obviously, in the fountain. But I thought the obsession was about her being broken, and yet still pure. So in a way, it’s definitely about her being blind. But I think he’d have been just as obsessed if she was paralyzed or damaged in some other way.
Damon is hypocritical by nature, but at least he realizes it. I mean, it definitely could be that because she’s blind, her femininity isn’t contrived or for the enjoyment of the male gaze – she can’t even see the male gaze. But that would be misunderstanding Winter, since she very much does care about her appearance and how she’s perceived by others. We know this by her asking Rika if she’s hot. And if the idea is that she’s blind, so she can’t purposefully try to tempt anyone, she's just being herself, I bet that weird Mr. Grinch Dance was a big surprise.
Like Rika and Banks before her, Winter is framed as not really knowing how to use her femininity and needing Alex to come along as to help – hence the costume scene where Alex gets free rein to make Winter something sexy with whatever she’s got in her closet (I can’t believe we literally get another “shopping” scene and I didn’t even realize it. She truly is the FGM of these girls.)
I kind of interpreted his interest in Winter being because he likes women who have strength. Winter, for all her blandness, is impressive for continuing to dance regardless. This type of injury could take anyone out, but Winter persisted. I’m sure between Arion and her parents, she received a lot of pressure to just quit dancing. She was never going to be professional; just accept she’s. . . Damaged. But she didn’t. Sure, they shipped her off to a school for the blind, but she didn’t have to continue dancing. Winter has something of a backbone. But it’s like you’ve said, she’s written for Damon, so her whatever steel she’s got is always going to soften for him. They work well together because they were written to.
However, more than the differences between Winter and Natalya, I thought the similarities were interesting. It surprised me that Damon would be interested in someone had the same talent as his abuser. Given that someone Winter’s foundational training would have been through Natalya, they must dance/move similarly. They probably listen to the same music. I would have thought that seeing Winter would bring back memories.
And even though Winter can’t fight against him because she can’t really see, she can get into his head through her words, something Natalya was able to do as well.
Because Winter is blind, a lot of her world is experienced through touch, which you think would be an issue for Damon. Natalya touched him in ways that left him traumatized, even sensitive in certain areas. He’s gone out of his way to hide his self-harming, so the scars can’t be seen, but Winter finds them easily because she’s so used to looking through her fingers.
You’d think Winter would be more of a threat to him than he lets on, but that doesn’t seem to be in the narrative at all. It was always interesting to me in small but very specific ways that Winter and Natalya are similar, and how that would affect Damon. How did he fall in love with someone who should remind him of Natalya, and was that the point the entire time?
I’ve also spent time thinking about the fact that Damon can be surer of her because she can’t see him. I’m surprised I’ve never thought of the order of their attractiveness, but I won’t argue that Damon is probably at the top of the list (but who's the least attractive of them, knowing that this means they're still really attractive? Do you think the other kids at their school had a ranking?). Because she can’t see him, she doesn't have her guard up against "Damon Torrance", it does open the way for him to be more genuine and let his actions prove his character. She can’t see how mean he looks all of the time.
Mostly, I’m fascinated by the idea that Winter’s blindness work for Damon because he likes to hide/she can’t be distracted/she’s dependent on him. Or is it because of how she became blind that he’s attached to. That moment where she reached for him, as a child wanting nothing more than to help and asking for his help, and he hates the idea of her reaching for anyone else. That moment bonded them, and nothing else can't override that.
Because her blindness is very clearly plot convenience, right? They don’t get close unless she can’t identify him. He’d have to get close through actually catfishing her, and then blinding her by some other means, such as a blindfold. While that can work, it isn’t the same is it?
Regardless, Damon needs to be needed, and no one will ever need him more than Winter. Her blindness is a part of what makes them work.
I'm not sure if my ramblings answered yours. But this is the most interesting DamonWinter conversation that I've had in a while. Let me know your thoughts.
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