#i just do not vibe with californians
gorps · 23 days
It's actually so fucked to no longer have access to a rack and barbells
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chiropteracupola · 2 years
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bertrand sweaterpaws
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cator99 · 4 months
Last year around this time I was in Chicago trying to buy shrooms off some underweight white dreads boy at addison station after trying to go to some "sapphic night" at a bar only to pull up and be told that tickets were $30 absolutely not happening I went back to my old time fav Charlie's but it was lowkey a flop wasn't feeling it at all crowd was boring as fuck not a single latino offered me coke which was how I knew it was an off night so I went back to the train. Omw back I hung out with a bunch of black dudes who were sitting on fold out lawn chairs out the back of a suv celebrating one of the dudes nephews graduating top of his class and getting a university scholarship and little dude was gay so they wanted to show their support but like since he was too young to go into the gay clubs they decided to just hang around in boystown getting wasted together and that was really fun those dudes were dope but by the time I got back to addison i was like um i came out here tonight looking 4 shrooms and will be disappointed to go back empty handed so when I saw the opportunity I took it but this white dreads californian refugee was acting wack from the start despite the fact that he also clearly was prepared to sell to me--- he started sayin I looked like a cop (normie hair, all black fit, shoes that are far too reasonable and would in hindsight be considered cop shoes to the average drifter from the west coast unaccustomed to the east coast way of life (yes I was wearing hokas), mostly sober, suspiciously in shape for someone trying to buy drugs from strangers)- I remember exactly what he said: "if you're a cop I will kill myself- no joke, straight up, I will kill myself." By the time I took out my flip phone to get his number... it was all over for me. Absolutely not happening. Please– I pleaded– I'm Canadian! "What, they don't have smartphones in Canada?" Dude I feel like cops have the budget to get normal burner phones for stings... I don't! I just want shrooms! Also worth mentioning is that there was some sort of annoying-type lesbian that had just left the sapphic party Very Disappointed By The Vibe who had been trying to hit on me prior to my asking that dude if he knows where to get shrooms since he asked to bum a smoke first and sure from her perspective I'm sure she felt as though we had been hitting it off but I'm just a friendly person and when I quickly diverted my attention away to ask some bum for drugs... she scoffed, full on scoffed. Proceeded to make a whole thing about backing away slowly and saying "I'm going to go waaayyy over here now! Good! BYE!" You're wearing cut off overalls. A tie dyed crop top. A choker. You're going back to your parents place in Evanston. I do not want to continue our conversation all the way up the red line til I get off at morse, I will kill myself- no joke, straight up, I will kill myself.
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yelenasdiary · 11 months
Once Upon A Dream
Pairing: Military! Yelena Belova x Fem! Nurse! Reader
Summary: Yelena surprises you and shared daughter with a vacation to remember!
Warnings: Teeny Tiny Angst, Fluff, Mentions of scars, Brief Mention of PTSD | 2.3K
Translations: милый (darling), Detka (baby), 
AC: I think this little AU deserves a happy fic, so enjoy! Also friendly reminder, this is the only variant of Yelena that I can see having a child, if this isn’t your vibe, don’t read xx. 
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"Where are we going?" you turned to your wife who grabbed the last suitcase from the trunk of the Uber's car. "You'll find out tonight" Yelena replied with a cheeky smirk on her lips, with a shack of your head at her you grabbed your suitcase with your free hand, Natalia holding your other before the three of you walked into the airport. Natalia now a 5-year-old was most excited to be going on her first plane ride rather than finding out what her Mama had planned for the family of three. 
Yelena did everything in her power to keep the surprise from slipping, she checked in the three of you while you sat near the terminal with Natalia. "Mommy when do we get on the plane?" she asked, holding her stuffed Maleficent as a dragon plushie. "You'll have to ask mama peanut, when she gets back" you replied. The little girl with blonde hair and big green eyes threw herself on the seat beside you and huffed making you raise a brow slightly at her little outburst. 
"Everything is all set" Yelena smiled as she sat down beside you, keeping the plane tickets out of view. "Mama, can we get on the plane now?" Natalia asked looking over you to Yelena, "Shortly милый, come here, I have a secret to tell you" Your wife gestured for the little girl to walk over to her with her index finger. Natalia loved secrets, mainly because she loved the tickle feeling she got whenever somebody whispered into her ear. You watched as your daughter's face lit up rather quickly with whatever your wife just whispered to her, she jumped up and down trying to keep herself from squealing which only made your mind run through ideas of what Yelena could possibly have planned. 
The flight was 5.5 hours long, Natalia was asleep with her head resting against your forearm as she slept peacefully between you and Yelena. "She's not going to sleep tonight" you whispered to your wife. 
"I've already got that part covered; don't you worry about a single thing" Yelena winked before her eyes returned to the book in her hand. By now you were just desperate to know what Yelena was up too, she just returned from a 10-month deployment a week ago and ever since coming home she had been very secretive. 
It wasn't until the three of you were in the backseat of another Uber that Yelena finally told you what was happening. With a slightly tired little girl sitting in between you both, Yelena reached into her backpack and pulled out three horned headbands. 
"So, this is where I can't keep the secret anymore" Yelena looked at you, handing you a headbang with a soft smile, "We're spending a week at Disneyland!" she added. Natalia put on her maleficent themed headband and looked up at you with the biggest smile, "Mama said Maleficent will be there!!!" she boosted. You couldn't help but smile before reaching over Natalia and kissing Yelena deeply, "surprise detka" she smiled against your lips. 
Yelena knew how much you've wanted to experience Disneyland with the three of you but the dream had become such a long distant thought over the past few years that you almost forgot all about it. "Thank you" you replied before kissing her again. Yelena had planned everything to perfection, not a single thing was left unthought of. Your little family would be staying in a 2-bedroom suite at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel & Spa and Yelena wasn't lying when she said she had Natalia getting some more sleep covered. 
Once at the hotel, you helped Natalia get into her Moana themed pjs before Yelena reminded her that she needs to get a goodnights sleep before she goes on a magical adventure tomorrow. Of course, only after a bedtime story was the little girl who was almost too much of a spitting image of her mother asleep snuggled into her plushie. 
"Honey" you spoke softly has you unpacked the toiletries and placed them on the bathroom countertop. Yelena came up behind you, instantly wrapping her arms around your waist, "yes my love?" She smiled before placing a kiss on your cheek. It was already getting late, soon to be 10pm and you had no idea what Yelena had planned for tomorrow. You turned in her arms, wrapping your arms around the back of her neck with a bottle of cream in one hand. 
"How long have you had this planned?" You asked with a soft smile. 
"Months, I had Nat help me book stuff while I was away. If you think the surprises stop here, you're wrong" she replied before kissing your lips softly, "Kate is going to fly out here in 2 days and watch Natalia so we can have some time alone" she added. You and Yelena haven't had a decent chance to have some one on one time for a long time, between her deployments, having Natalia & your own deployment, finding time for each other was almost near impossible but you both made do with what you had. 
"You really are full of surprises" your smile grew, "could you please?" You asked, bringing the cream in your hand to Yelena's view. She nodded, "go lay down detka, I'll be there in a moment, just going to brush my teeth" she replied before kissing you deeply once more. This new part of your nightly routine was never your favorite but somehow, Yelena was able to make you forget why she was rubbing cream into the scars on your back. Maybe it was the way she kissed every single one of them before she worked her hands softly and tenderly over them with cream while she told you jokes that she found hilarious. 
Or maybe it was how tightly she held you close to her afterwards, whispering sweet nothings as you fell into a slumber in her protective and loving arms. Either way, she made the process easier. 
Natalia was up bright and early at 6am with pure excitement for the day ahead. She slipped out of bed and was quick to her Maleficent horned headband before running into your shaded room with your wife and jumping on the two of you. 
"Mommy wake up!!" She shook you awake before Yelena wrapped her arms around her making her squeal as her mother covered her little face with kisses. "Mama!!! That tickles!!" Your daughter giggled in the arms of your wife while your eyes adjusted to being awake. 
You smiled softly as you watched your wife hop off the bed with your daughter still in her arms, flying her around the room. "Faster Mama!!!" Natalia giggled, her arms spread wide as if she was an airplane. It always amazed you just how much energy Yelena had so early in the morning while it was a bit of a struggle for you to wake up without a warm mug of coffee or tea depending on the weather. 
"Bug do you want a bath this morning or a shower? You didn't haven't one last night" you asked your daughter as Yelena placed her back on her feet and you sat up in bed.
"Shower! I'm a big girl now!" She replied with confidence. 
"I'll help her, you get some coffee into you. We have breakfast reservations at 8" Yelena said as she wandered over to her suitcase. "Can I wear my horns today mama?" Natalia asked as she jumped back up onto the large bed and instantly cuddled you. "I've got the perfect outfit for you sweetheart!" Yelena replied as she turned around with a child sized Maleficent costume in hand, "what do you think?" she asked with a smile. 
Natalia's eyes widened at the costume before she nodded her head ecstatically. Thanks to Kate, Maleficent was your daughter's favorite Disney character, she loved how Maleficent was able to transform into a dragon, it blew her mind when Kate had Maleficent: Mistress of all evil playing in the background once while babysitting Natalia. 
Breakfast was a whole new experience for your little one, Yelena booking a table for 3 at Disney Princess Breakfast Adventure, giving Natalia a breakfast experience that she'll never forget. Entering the restaurant, you were greeted by 2 different princesses and of course, Natalia's eyes lit up when she saw one of them was Aurora. 
She let go of your hand and ran up to the woman in the pink dress, you couldn't help yourself but capture the moment on your phone while your daughter played her role as maleficent and made jokes about putting a spell on the princess. Your eyes looked over to your wife who was watching the event unfold in front of her, a soft smile on her lips and a loving look in her eyes made you realise this trip was something Yelena needed for herself as well. A whole different environment, surrounded by excitement, love and other families to help her forget the events she had experienced recently. 
The rest of the day was spent at Disneyland, Yelena taking Natalia on multiple rides over and over again, shopping of course, stopping every few steps to meet the next famous character walking around the theme park. Everything was so exciting for Natalia, her smile glued to her face the entire day, as for you, you had to capture so many moments on your phone's camera causing a growing excitement to make a scrapbook when you returned home. 
"Can we go again mama?! Pleaseeee?" Natalia begged to go another round on the Dumbo the Flying Elephant ride. 
"We can't detka, we have to get to the Halloween party for your big surprise remember?" Yelena replied with her hand reaching out for your daughter to cling onto. Natalia ran to her mother's side without a second thought, the three of you began to walk towards the Halloween party. The area was surrounded by other Disneyland goers as they all crowed some of the characters standing out the front while others took pictures and videos with them. 
"I can't see mama!" Natalia looked up at Yelena. Natalia was a little shorter than most children her age, but it never usually bothered her until it came to doing things that required her height to be taller. You watched as your wife picked up your daughter and placed her on her shoulders, another moment for you to capture on your phone. 
"Mommy! Mama!! Look!!!" Your daughter pointed with excitement as a woman dressed as Maleficent came out of the building, Natalia's face lit up instantly as she watched the fairy make her presence known. 
"Well, Well" the character spoke, their eyes looking around at the crowd of families and couples. "I don't like children but –" the fairy pointed to your daughter, "you, come here" she added. If Natalia had moved any faster your wife would've dropped her, she placed her on her feet before apologizing to those around her when Natalia pushed her way through to the character that she was dressed as. 
"Hi Maleficent!" Your daughter spoke with high confidence, a wide smile and a little sparkle in her eyes. The woman played the character all too well and Natalia loved every single moment. "Don't you look terribly evil today" Maleficent spoke followed by her famous chuckle, "and what evil things have you done today child?" she asked. 
"I made my mama go on lots of rides!" Natalia boosted making both you and your wife chuckle. 
"Where is your Mama?" Maleficent asked as she looked up at the crowd, "are you mama?" she pointed at Yelena when she saw you both laughing. Yelena nodded, "and that's my mommy!" Natalia added. 
"Well you better come forward, move out of the way people" Maleficent replied as she gestured for you and Yelena to take a few steps forward to get the best quality photos of the moment. 
"Now, maybe you can help me child" the fairy turned to your daughter one more, "have you seen young Aurora around by chance?" she asked. Natalia nodded, "she was at the restaurant I had breakfast at!" 
"Did you cast a spell on her for me?" Maleficent's question followed. 
"Yes! I put a sleeping spell on her!" Your daughter replied, even though she didn't think of such a thing, she was soaking up the moment she was sharing with her favorite villain. "Well done child, keep being evil and have a happy Halloween" Maleficent did her evil laugh once more before posing with Natalia.
After dinner at one of Disney's restaurants, the three of you stuck around for a fireworks show at 7pm. You could tell that Natalia would sleep like a log tonight, she was already so tired as you carried her to the viewing spot, Yelena's hands full of the bags of shopping she'd taken you and Natalia to before dinner. All throughout dinner your daughter couldn't stop talking about her meet and greet with Maleficent and you could tell by the look on Yelena's face that she was proud of herself for making sure this little vacation happened. 
As the fireworks began, Yelena wandered over to a nearby bench and sat down with her eyes glued to the ground. You knew the display was triggering her PTSD but before you could do anything, Natalia asked for you to put her down. You watched as she walked over to Yelena, "it's okay mama, I'll keep you safe" You heard her little innocent voice over the fireworks as she wrapped her tiny arms around your wife. Your eyes teared up, Natalia had no idea why her mother disliked fireworks so much, but she knew they scared her and she did exactly what you and Yelena did whenever there was a thunderstorm, be there for her. 
You wandered over to your girls and sat down beside Yelena, placing your head on her shoulder. The three of you watched the firework display, on of Yelena's hands rested on your knee while her other was wrapped around Natalia in a tight hug. "I love you mama" Natalia whispered once the fireworks were over, placing a kiss on her cheek.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @observeowl  | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @crescent-witch | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | @xox-little-troublemaker-xox | @irishhappiness | @music-4ever | @hyper-fixated-delusions | 
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robins-egg-bindery · 7 months
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The Words Hung Above by eriaX
“I’m thinking of leaving.” Steve almost chokes on his cigarette, hastily moving it from his lips and looking to Eddie where he stands beside him. He looks relaxed, despite the words that just left his mouth. A thin trail of smoke travels up towards the sky from his own cigarette that’s pinched between his fingers. Watching the smoke slowly fade into nothingness feels oddly foreboding. Like this small, almost-friendship he has managed to build is going to fade away, too. He decides to hold on to it, if he can. --------- Or, After Vecna is defeated and life returns to normal, Steve finally has a chance to become actual friends with Eddie Munson. But any potential for friendship seems lost when Eddie decides to move to Nashville to pursue music after graduating. It’s Steve’s idea to become pen pals. Over summer and into fall and winter, Steve battles insecurities around himself, as well as his own future and his parents’ expectations. As his friendship with Eddie deepens into something greater, Steve finds that there’s more to himself than he expected, and more to his friendship with Eddie than he ever imagined.
fic by eriaX
500 pages / 118,368 words
Title Font: Breathing, Crimson Pro
Body Fonts: Californian FB, The Signature, Indie Flower
Bound for the Steddie Big Bang 2023!
More info (and spoilers for the fic, beware!) below the cut!
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What a project! This was an endeavor with the author for the Steddie Big Bang, and it was so fun to design the vibe of this with them! Thank you for sharing your story and this journey with me <3
I love the letters that populate the story; if you skipped the content of them above, I highly recommend experiencing them in the context of the fic. I wanted to do something tactile to emulate them without interfering with the storytelling element; something that could stay archival in the future while also adding a dimension to the text. We selected the handwriting fonts together, and I fought the battle with my cricut to get it to write it properly. I had to go over carefully by hand to make the ink fill in well, but the result is perfect!
I also selected different inks as the months pass, even varying colors within Eddie's letters; I like the idea that maybe he was trying to make the letter perfect, doodling in the corners for Steve.
Music is another big device in this book, something that connects Steve and Eddie across the space between them, so musical notes and rests populate the header. Steve is Eddie's breath of fresh air amidst all the noise <3
I tried to keep the handwritten style across all the elements, including the title pages. We selected Dragonfly duo for the cover cloth, with gold accents; the deep blue color was reminiscent of the song that inspired the fic, and the gold felt fitting; the relationship that develops between Steve and Eddie being the sunlight leaking through the fear and uncertainty they face.
If you haven't checked it out yet, go read the fic!!!
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thatsthewrongwallcraig · 10 months
What about any fluff hc's you may have for Euronymous, Gabriel or Kappa it's your choice!
Love your writing! <3
Hello, anonnie! Thank you so much for your request 🖤🌸
I kinda more or less dragged my ass from the last pits of creative burnout hell for this but for the time being, I felt it <3
🌼Fluffy and soft gn!Reader x Kappa HCs, here we go! 🌼
Tagging the horde (gosh, I miss y'all!!):
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milaeth @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @blueberrypancakesworld @rocketqueen-world @lifelessvessel @doddernix @svgarcaine @amayalul @basementgrl222 @kristennero-wallacewellsver @iiheartsai @fan-goddess @shady-the-simp
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🌼 Kappa would absolutely love to cook for you! Anything from a simple mashed taters with sausages to a full 5 course meal. Pretty much the best van life haute cuisine he could come up with, anything and everything to paint a big, wide smile on your face.
🌼 I just know for a fact that Kappa would be a slave to watching you hang up the laundry outside of the van. With your linen blouse ever so slightly riding up your stomach, showing off some soft tan lines from the plenty of days spent at the beach. He'd be so grateful for you doing the chores, plus absolutely enthralled at the sight of your body in the warm Californian sun.
🌼 Personally, I like to think that Kappa and you would take time out of every evening to listen to your favourite records. Whenever you pass a new town, each of you buys a new vinyl at the local record store to show to each other, to talk about to artist and to have a banter about the lyrics!
🌼 "I'm sorry to report that's immaterial, sugar!" Kappa would murmur to you, with his arms tightly wrapped around your waist after you uttered a something something about feeling insecure about your body. He'd simply sweet-talk your insecurities out of you.
🌼 Uhm...showering alone? Not on Kappa’s watch! 🤨 He'd be squeezing his bum into the bathroom right after you, insisting to lather you in soap just to wash it off with soft and tender hands a little later.
🌼 Immediately after that hot and soothing shower, he'd tuck you right into bed, brew you a nice, fresh cup of camomile tea to sip on whilst you flick through your current, rather addictive page-turner from the gas station the two of you passed about 160 miles ago. It might not be his jam at all, but as long as it has you smiling and cackling at the end of the day it's fine with him.
🌼 Speaking of sleep, Kappa would hold and cuddle you tight all night long. He'd make sure you fall asleep comfortably, granting that'd you wake up well rested for another day on the road to wherever I'd take you!
Not to toot my own horn, but if you like the vibe of this, you may enjoy my hippie!Kappa playlist 🖤🌸🖤🌸
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aragarna · 8 months
Zorro Vive
And vive bien!
So, I've finished Season 1 of the new Zorro show (available through Amazon in the US and most Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries), and I really enjoyed it!
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Without spoilers, I'd say that its main qualities are that it's fun and earnest and more cosmopolite in its retailing of the old story. It doesn't take itself too seriously, there's plenty of little homages to previous adaptations. There's many interesting and well-developed characters - of all genders and ethnicities.
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It's (literally) colorful, with a comic/pulp feel that suits it well. There's been a true care brought to the action scenes, and OMG the night scenes are damn well lit. It's rare enough nowadays so points for that. Generally, the show is quite beautiful.
More spoilery thoughts under the cut.
I honestly wasn't sure what to expect from a new show. It's always hard to bring new canon to something so established and so iconic. And even though the Disney show is *not* the original canon, for a lot of people, it is.
But as a principle, same as for book adaptations or remakes, I'm not opposed to variations or changes. As long as they're good changes.
And I have to say, the vast majority of the changes in the new Zorro show, to me, were actually good changes, or necessary improvements for today's audience.
The most obvious is giving back a real voice to the Natives and not sugarcoating the colonization aspect. There's tension there. Natives are angry. But as years passed, people born there consider themselves "true Californians". Natives aren't just background characters or peons anymore. They're a driving plot force. They're shown in their own environment, with their own rites (I don't know enough about Natives of this area to know how accurate it is, but it felt a lot more authentic and respectful to me than other versions).
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I do like the idea that the Zorro character comes from the Native culture, and that it's been passed on from one person to the next. Though it also brings my one big issue with the show: Diego becoming Zorro reads a lot like "a white dude steals a Native heritage." And yes, it's symbolic, and yes the fox spirit chose him, Diego didn't pick him, but still. Given that the audience is meant to support Diego (who really is a sweet guy!), that the narrative keeps showing us that Nah-Lin is wrong and should accept it, given the colonization context of that story, it's sitting a bit wrong with me.
This aside, I do like the exploration of revenge vs. justice, violence vs. a more measured response, in the face of adversity. When a few months back, the tagline "revenge is personal, justice is for all" appeared on the first poster, I wasn't sure what to think. I don't like revenge-driven characters. It's cliché and wrong. But the fact that the show precisely explored that, both with Diego and Nah-Lin, was actually quite interesting.
Diego, as I said, is a decent guy. A sweet boy really, vaguely immature originally but having to mature really fast, as the death of his father, the business of the rancho, the Zorro thing and Lolita's wedding are all dropping on him at once. Miguel Bernardeau is a clear departure from most of the previous Zorros, who were played by older actors, giving a more "adult" vibe to the character, but given he's supposed to be fresh out of college and out of his element, Bernardeau's more juvenile features fit the character well.
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Nah-Lin is a lot angrier, and while in the context of the story, she's shown to be going at it the wrong way, all that anger *is* justified, and not something that can just be brushed off. Peace can't come easy when you anger people that way.
And you know who else I really liked? That damn Capitan Monasterio! Who would have thought LOL No, but seriously. Not sure why they named him that way. He was actually more of a Sergeant Garcia (or Mendoza from the 1990 show) than a Monastario. Obviously without the comic relief and cutely incompetent side of the character, but as the character who is a decent guy stuck between a rock and a hard place, serving a tyrannic boss and chasing a heroic outlaw that he may not hate that much.
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I also really liked what they did with Lolita. An opinionated young lady that throws away all the corseting conventions of her time is always very relatable to me. Also, I just love her fashion sense. I wasn't sure what they were going to do with that impossible love triangle (I thought for a long time the wedding wouldn't actually happen). I wouldn't have thought they'd have Lolita figure it out, but I'm glad she did.
I'm glad they kept Bernardo, the mute confident. And I love Mei, too. The dynamic between the three of them (with Diego) is great!
Also, it's great to finally have a Spanish-speaking production, and have the characters speaking in Spanish, instead of having American actors put on fake accents.
I may have a couple of minor complains: namely that I didn't care about Samael nor Alejandro's first love. Not sure planting so early something that they're keeping for S2 is a right move. Feels like a waste of screentime. Also, I'm not particularly found of secret societies trying to rule the world, but it seems to be mandatory to any Zorro story... And the finale episode didn't actually wrap up that many plotlines - every major villain escaped! So that kinda made it look like Zorro didn't accomplish much, apart from breaking Lolita's heart, and his. But none of this prevented me from having a good time watching the show. I just really hope there'll be a S2 cause it'd be a shame to leave things there!
How about you guys? What did you think of it?
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wildpeachfarm · 1 month
omg dteam + Sam sharing a house is so cute... I wonder what their different appartments look like lol.
I wanna imagine dnf have a big bed that they share meanwhile Sam and Sap technically have their own beds but they end up asleep on the couch next to one another half the time so they ended up getting just like. a really big couch (platonic cuddling <33)
so Sam lives in a duplex from his college days that he loved so much so he had it gutted and renovated as soon as he got that good MLB money, then there was word of new rookies coming from out-of-state who needed housing with the team so it was perfect!
So Sam and Sapnap have one side and Dream and George have the other side!!
They all have their own rooms but eventually, Dream and George just decide to turn one room into a bedroom and one room into an office once they are settled into their relationship.
Sam and Sap /do/ have the "team cuddle pile" couch in their living room which is thisssss beauty that I want so badly someday: (Imagine it a little bigger than this one with another cushion in the center so everyone can fit into it like a big bed when it gets crowded)
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Sam has unironic sporty dad-joke signs hung up and sapnap has an impressive stack of hats in the corner of his room so it's kind of like "homey fratboy vibes" lmfao but they hang championship merch on the walls which always looks cool as fuck
Dream and George go for minimalism but end up having "minimalism decor with lots of goofy little trinkets everywhere because they are making a home in this Californian duplex" as well as some framed action shots of each other playing and many team pics!
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the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
do you have any voice claims for your ocs?
Not really, no. The best I can do is describe their voice and tell you if they have an accent or not.
Stone has a thick Indian accent, somehow. He hasn't been with his father for about eighteen-nineteen years, but he still retains the Indian accent that he picked up from all those years alone in a house with his father (who had gotten the accent from his own father). His voice is deep and cold (you know it is). Also, he's almost always speaking loudly, he doesn't even notice it. It's just the way he talks.
Kali has a southern accent, everyone knows it. His voice is lyrical though, deep but smooth even with the accent. It's not a thick southern accent, since he has a hint of an Indian accent mixing in with it.
Sarabi has a thick Russian accent, also somehow. He was home-schooled until he was a freshman in high school and despite the many years around other Americans, he never shook off the accent. His voice is super gruff, like he has been a chainsmoker but he has never smoked in his life. His voice is only soft when reciting poetry.
Simba has a Californian accent. Right sounds like "raught", time sounds like "Tom". Everyone thinks it's funny, even him. His voice is actually high-pitched, I said it. He sounds feminine (even with the testosterone shots he's taking) and he doesn't really care.
Nala has a New York accent, because he grew up in New York. Every word is laced with it, it's inescapable. His voice is neither deep nor high-pitched, it's rather neutral.
Ladder's accent is indistinguishable, she lived in an area with people who had a ride range of ethnicities and so it's just a blend of all those accents. Her voice is soft and sweet, sickening sweet. It's how she gets people to underestimate her long enough so she can pull the wool off their eyes in the most hilarious way possible. Yeah, think she's a weak, defenseless woman, she'll eventually show you whether by sparring or lifting a ladder.
Heartthrob gives me Midwestern vibes, I don't know why. So he has a slight midwestern accent. His voice is also sweet, but unlike Ladder, he's actually completely friendly (not that she's not friendly). He just exudes warmth, okay?
Hellstorm has an indistinguishable accent like Ladder does, but it's because he mostly grew up with white people who had no accent. His voice is kind of deep and painfully monotone, like he's constantly bored. (And here I am, wanting to set him and Sarabi up in the Teacher!AU.)
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lovebillyhargrove · 2 years
"bad teacher" harringrove au vibes
Steve's one year older than Billy. He is done with school, and Hargrove is a senior now. They aren't dating, not yet.
Steve is a frequent guest at the school parking lot. His shifts allowing, he brings/picks up kids. He's always on the lookout for that obnoxious loud Californian. There's nothing to it, it's just hard not to notice him.
One day Steve's driving Dustin to school and he's like "Dude, your beamer is filthy. When did you last wash it?" Steve mumbles something like "I'm swamped at work", and Dustin goes "School is having a car wash today after classes. All hot senior girls are gonna be there. You should totally come."
Why not? - thinks Steve. Gets off work early ("Thanks, Rob, I owe you one" - "You owe me a thousand already"), drives to school and who does he see in the parking lot, working really hard?
Of course, all the hot senior girls are there. Some guys too. Steve doesn't see them. He only sees Billy Hargrove, wearing shorts and a crop top.
Steve bumps his beamer into Hopper's truck and smashes a light.
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Billy actually gives a damn about this car wash. They are raising money for .. idk something that has to do with basketball or for re-opening Hawkins High Swimming Pool, so he cares.
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deathofpeaceofmiiind · 8 months
high infidelity | twenty three
How’d we end up on the floor anyway? You say, your roommates cheap ass screw top rose, that’s how. We pulled up to Noah’s house and my eyes widened at the sight of it, it was beautiful. I didn’t want to creep him out and ask him if he moved but this definitely wasn’t the house he had during his twitch days. It was a bungalow hidden between a few palm trees and various plants, it had a perfect Californian vibe to it. He led me inside and my breath was taken away again, it had floor to ceiling windows that had a perfect view of the LA skyline, and open concept where his kitchen, living room and dining room blended together. I looked outside and saw he had a small in ground pool as well with an egg chair beside it, I always wanted one of those.
“Well, what do you think?” “Noah this is…wow.” I was speechless. Noah passed me a glass of wine as I admired his home like it was the Sistine chapel. “I wouldn’t give this up for Vancouver.” “Ah, it’s just a house.” He said taking a sip of his wine, “By the way, this is Jesse’s wine, don’t say anything to him.” I nodded as I brought the glass to my lips, realizing it was a sweet rose. My eyes wondered around more, I saw his vinyl collection and I immediately went over to it. I shook my head in amazement, he really knew how to keep me guessing. He had Taylor Swift’s entire discography, along with her re-records, all organized by release date. I really adored his taste in music since he didn’t stick to one genre, there was a mixture of everything in his collection.
“Big Taylor Swift fan?” I joked as I grabbed Midnights and put it in his record player. Lavender haze filled the room as I walked over back over to him. “She’s been such a huge inspiration for me. Evermore got me through so much during the pandemic.” His voice trailed off, as if there was something that happened to him during that time. I didn’t want to dig, I knew if he wanted to say something he would. “Good choice, by the way. This is my favourite opening track for an album, ever.”
“It’s so good.” I agreed as I took another sip of my wine. My eyes followed Noah as he pulled out his iPad and started typing away on it. I watched him intently, his fingers moving so swiftly, his eyes full of concentration…he did everything with such intensity, it turned me on with no effort. “I ordered from my favourite restaurant, it should be here in half an hour. I figured since it was so late we could just spend time here and I’ll take you out tomorrow.” “That sounds great.” I replied. Noah walked around the kitchen island towards me, he offered me his hand and guided me to the couch. Everything felt so romantic, he had his lighting set to a soft glow, had candles burning and put his faux fireplace on. I was curious as to what his intentions were.
“Can I ask you something?” I said now that I had a little bit of liquid courage in my system. “Why are you so hesitant to have sex with me?”
Noah sighed and put his wine glass down. “El, it’s not like I don’t want to, trust me I do. Sex has become something I take seriously now. During the pandemic when my depression hit an all time low, I was drinking so much and I used to have these girls I’d call, they’d drop everything and come over so I could fuck them to forget my problems. I had no attachment to them whatsoever and I would kick them out the second I got what I wanted. All of it left me so empty and I stopped having sex all together for a long time. Then I met you and I knew I wanted to be with you in that way, my anxiety made me feel like my old habits would come back.” He paused and I could see tears flickering in his eyes. “I just love you so much sometimes it scares me, I want to do everything right with you.”
“I love you too Noah and I know you well enough to know you wouldn’t treat me like that. I’m sorry that you went through such a dark time. I’m also sorry that I was selfish and thought maybe it was something I did.”
“You’ve done nothing wrong at all. You’ve been so patient and kind with me, I don’t deserve you.” Noah replied with a sad tone, some days this mans emotions went deeper than I expected but if anything it made me love him more. He wasn’t ashamed to show them.
I cupped his face in my hand, catching the tear that escaped him. “I think you got it wrong, I don’t deserve you.”
He softly smiled at me as he poured me another glass of wine. The more the night went on the more bottles of wine we emptied. We ended up on the floor of his living room after dinner, listening to records, laughing about nothing and enjoying each other’s company. 
“You’re the greatest thing to ever happen to me you know that?” Noah drunkenly whispered as he crept up to me. I could taste his breath on me, it was sweet and strong. I watched him as his eyes focused on my lips, licking his own in the process. My heart was beating so fast and my eyes started to lose focus, I felt like maybe this was it. His lips crashed into me and I held onto the collar of his shirt as the kiss deepened. He pulled me onto his lap as he rested his back on the couch. He ripped my shirt off me and trailed kisses all over my shoulder, my collarbone and bit gently on the top of my breasts. I felt Noah growing harder under me as he took my bra off and let it cascade down my arms, completely exposing me. 
“So, so fucking beautiful.” He exhaled as he caressed my breasts, tracing circles around my nipples. I was in complete bliss, every single one of his touches sent fireworks off in my mind.
Noah held the back of my neck as he gently laid me down on the carpet, he disappeared for a moment but suddenly he was towering over me. My breath hitched when I felt something cold pooling on my stomach between Noah’s lips. He had an ice cube in his mouth and was trailing it all over my body, making me squirm. When it finally melted, he undid my pants and slid them down my legs, along with my underwear. Noah’s tongue hit my clit, it was frozen solid as he flicked it back and forth. I knew I was done for as my toes curled into the carpet. 
“You respond so well to my touch, you have no idea how fucking hard that makes me.” He looked up at me, grinning like a devil between my hips. He spat onto his fingers before sliding them in me, making me arch my back. His hand pressed on my lower abdomen as he hooked his fingers inside me, throwing me over the edge. “Come for me, I know you want to.”
“Noah - “ I couldn’t hold it, I screamed out in ecstasy as my body shuddered from my orgasm. He left me panting and seeing stars for a brief moment, but he didn’t give me much time to recover. He just looked at me like he was about to show me no mercy.
“I can’t wait anymore baby…I need to fuck you now.”
“I’m all yours.” I breathed out. I helped him get undressed as he closed his eyes before making a home between my thighs. He leaned over and gently kissed me, twitching as I stroked his throbbing cock. He deeply sighed with relief as soon as he was fully in me, his eyes glazed with pleasure as I wrapped around him. He started off slowly but picked up the pace rapidly, gripping into my hips to get deeper in me. Our bodies glistened with sweat, our sighs were so heavy and my body was shivering as my orgasm flooded me countless times.
“Jesus fucking Christ, you feel so good baby.” he moaned into my ear as he clasped my wrists over my head. “I don’t think I can hold on anymore.”
“Then don’t.” I whispered, his face was mere inches from mine as his hair brushed my face. He gently nodded and started to thrust into me harder, making me gasp each time. Our eyes stayed locked before he couldn’t focus anymore. Noah crashed his forehead into my shoulder as he spilled into me, letting out the most ungodly moan in my ear. My god that was worth the wait. 
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luvwich · 5 months
fifteen lines // valerie
did this previously [here] for vania; was tagged by @beesht [here, ty friend!] so thought i'd share fifteen for val too :3
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture their character/personality/vibe. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well. I feel like making a little ask game out of this SO: if you wanna you can send me one of these and i will give you context/ a snipped of what it is from! (you could also guess the context if you like!)
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"Your whole zaibatsu can burn in hell."
"Okay, well, maybe let’s try to be positive today."
"Legendary guitarist Johnny Silverhand, everyone! Can't get his pants on without getting his balls caught in the zipper, but that won't stop him from giving me fashion advice."
"If I'm to walk a step further toward that water tower with you, I'll need your assurance that you will revisit your stance on flowers."
"I've never claimed to have a full deck."
"Thanks, I love it. Just so you know, I will never wear this in public for a single minute of my life."
"I’ve got your metaphorical balls in my fist right now, but I could add your real ones to the equation, too. All that takes is a little time and effort."
"Come down to the city next weekend. We can paint our nails, go shopping for gun stuff, and then I'm going to need you to shoot me in the face."
"I’m sorry, lady, do you have somewhere else to be?"
"To hell with that generator. Just let me buy a new one, already."
"Just a little something I won at the carnival."
"Fuck, I can't stand this heat out here. Californians love to say 'oh, it's a dry heat,' like that's a good thing. Give me a wet heat any day." 
"You're.. a disgusting.. dog. And you know it." 
"Well, while we all mull over the meaning of this grand prophecy, I'm going to powder my nose."
"Chapter and verse. Well done, Ward."
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spacefinch · 10 months
MSB rambles: locations
As anyone who’s watched the Magic School Bus series knows, the show is mostly set in Walkerville, a made-up town. However, they never specify where it is, except for “in the USA.” They don’t specify what state, or even what region of the country it’s in. But here are my observations.
In “Gets Eaten,” Ms. Frizzle drives the class to the beach, while the bus is in normal bus mode. The beach looks like a California beach to me (based on my experience going to beaches there), and a sea otter makes a brief appearance. In the US, sea otters are only found along the west coast.
In a few episodes (Getting Energized, Rocks and Rolls, etc…), it’s shown that there are mountains/foothills just outside Walkerville, and that there’s snow on top for at least part of the year.
We know it snows during the winter in town as well. (Source: MSB Holiday Special)
There is a swamp with alligators and blue jays within driving distance of town, as shown in “Butterfly and the Bog Beast.” The whole vibe of the swamp feels very southern to me. (Note: “driving distance” might not necessarily mean said swamp is near town. Could just be that anywhere is driving distance on the Magic School Bus.)
In “Gets Swamped” we see that there is a more marshy swamp in town. The main vegetation is reeds and small shrubs, and the animal life consists of species such as snapping turtles, muskrats, wood ducks, harriers (marsh hawks), bullfrogs, red-winged blackbirds, and dragonflies. This suggests a more northern location for Walkerville.
In “Goes to Mussel Beach,” the mussels are described as “Mytilus californianus” aka the California Mussel, a species only found along the west coast. Again, we have no idea how far away the beach is from town, but it’s a different beach than the one in “Gets Eaten.”
In “Kicks Up a Storm” the outside temperature gets to a high of 99 degrees Fahrenheit— which, judging by the kids’ reactions, is too hot for them. As a Californian, I can sympathize with this.
In “All Dried Up,” the bus (in plane mode) must fly over a mountain range to get to what looks like the Sonoran Desert. Which mountain range they fly over is not specified.
In the book “The Truth About Bats,” it is stated that in order to see bats in Yosemite National Park, the class must fly to California— thus implying that Walkerville is not located in my home state.
In “Goes to Seed,” there is a Ruby-throated hummingbird (at least that’s what I think it is) in the garden at Phoebe’s old school. The Ruby-throated hummingbird lives mainly in the eastern half of the US.
In “In a Beehive,” Tim mentions a “big frost” approaching. Again, this suggests Walkerville is somewhere Up North. (We don’t get a “big frost” where I live— just a few smaller frosts.)
In “In the City,” we see that some of Walkerville’s urban wildlife includes peregrine falcons, red foxes, opossums, raccoons, and nighthawks. It is also implied that bears live in the woods outside of town.
In the book “The Wild Whale Watch,” the New England coast is a short drive from school, which directly contradicts my observations about coastal locations in the show.
The woodpecker in “Meets the Rot Squad” is a red-bellied woodpecker, a species found in the eastern US.
In the book “Rocky Road Trip,” Carlos says that he collected some of the rocks in his collection near “the Saddle River.” I looked it up, and in the real world, Saddle River runs through New York and New Jersey. (But for all we know, the Saddle River in the book could be made up just like Walkerville.)
In “Ups and Downs,” we see that Walkerville is located near a good-sized lake— large and deep enough for a submarine to dive in, and with plenty of underwater vegetation.
In terms of continuity, there is no continuity when it comes to where the heck Walkerville is. This sometimes frustrates my overanalytical brain. So, I leave it to you, fellow Magic School Bus fans, to answer the question:
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Map for reference!
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anns-works · 1 year
Jay, Lloyd and (and Morro) Things.
The Trenchcoat Adventure™.
On the same week as that, they crashed into a stranger's meet up to thank them for being understanding enough that night when working as a cashier. Making their day.
Like literally, so many late night snack runs...
Introducing Lloyd to the League Of Jay was the best (kid got a chance to be a kid again) and the worst (they forgot how much of a gremlin he used to be) thing Jay did.
Lloyd took up art with Scott by graffitiing the walls of Cliff Gordon's mansion.
Once Jay and Lloyd disappeared off the face of the earth and everyone started panicking cuz they thought they got kidnapped. Found them two weeks later on the other side of the continent after Lloyd called saying Jay was in the hospital. Turns out he had a severe allergic reaction after the café they were having brunch at messed up their orders and put peanuts in his food.
Disappeared off the face of the earth AGAIN. But this time they came back a week later in their crumpled PJs looking like they got mauled by a feral racoon in a forest. A freshly revived Morro in tow.
Kai, having several breakdowns: GUYS WHAT THE FUCK-
Jay: Kai, chill. We got a guy who came back from the dead and is probably very understandably confused right now. Do you really wanna do this?
Kai, full on having a stroke: I'M-
Morro, vibing: Hey, is that ice cream.
On that note, never let these three be in a room together.
Jay and Lloyd are chaotic sure but with Morro they just lose all sense of morality and are down to commit multiple felonies at a moment's notice.
Jay and Lloyd: I'm just a silly little guy :)
Morro: *exists*
Jay and Lloyd: Ok its time to commit war crimes
Morro himself doesn't have to do anything, like he'll enter the room and his mere presence will be enough to trigger these bozos into committing arson. He's actually pretty chill.
Jay: I wanna add one of the ninjas into the League
Scott: Yeah, no. Not gonna happen
Jay: *sends a pic of Lloyd*
Scott:...Ok I'm willing to make an exception cuz they look very polite
Jay managed to convince Morro and Lloyd to help him mess w/ Zane's audio output and the next month they spent dealing with what was an increase of hostility towards the nindroid from the criminals.
Villain of the week: Hahahaha! I've got you now ninjas!
Zane, in a weird mesh of a australian and californian accent: You thought so smurf now get ready to eat this bread you thoty square!
Villain of the week: what the fuck
Also these guys in Trip (ninjago tumblr) are the best thing ever.
@ living-in-htis-windy-pain (Morro): This guy was declared dead abt a couple of months ago and today I get this message from him.
[Image description: Jay throwing a peace sign at the camera. He has white hair and pink-blue dual colored eyes. There is a blurry figure of Lloyd in the background staring at the camera. The caption reads "i lived bitch". End description.]
@ living-in-htis-windy-pain (Morro): i just started a 30-days free trial on having a normal life.
@ zappy-traffic-violation (Jay): where's the link?
@ thepoweroffriendship (Lloyd): WHERE'S THE FUCKING LINK OP?!?!?!
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sagesskies · 8 months
Is Milan a top,bttm or switch? Idk I just see him looking like Adam Driver as Kylo Ren lol
-🌟‼️ anon
First, he doesn't really have a preference, and he's also a nearly 40 yr old virgin. But I think he's some sort of a natural bottom, lmao.
Now Second-
NAWW no hate to Adam Driver, but Milan looks so different from him. First off. Man's blond. Basically, he looks like a californian surfer bro except he gets nearly no vitamin D, and has the body of a rugby player.
buuuut, i do agree that they have really similar vibes.
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do you have any face casts for the foxes? (+ Jean and Jeremy) feel free to include as many characters as you feel like ik there’s so many it can get long haha
after writing out the post I realized that I actually am so bad at assigning real people to the incredibly specific visions I have in my head, and for the most part, my “fancasts” are entirely based off of vibes
For example, there was this one Netflix show based off of a graphic novel called “deadly class” and I swear to god the main character was just Neil Josten with a slightly altered backstory. He has trauma, is on the run, is caring but only when he opens up which is rare bc he has trust issues. This is what he looks like:
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(Actors name is Benjamin Wadsworth I believe ) Looking at it now it doesn’t look exactly like how I would imagine Neil but there’s this one scene where he’s in the shower all emo washing off blood and I was like “oh that’s literally Neil Josten”
and bc I was on this wavelength, I headcanoned this character as medicated andrew:
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Blond and slightly manic right? I remember not thinking that his personality matched but I watched this in like 2020 so I don’t remember much
again going off of purely vibes, a while back my brother was obsessed with a YouTube series by this Californian guy named Ryan smth (apparently he’s actually a very popular YouTuber I feel like a boomer for not knowing this) and he had this saga of trying to travel across the USA with only one penny. Personality wise he just gave me Jeremy vibes ( this was like in 2021 tho so maybe he doesn’t give post-tsc Jer vibes). this is what he looks like
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but in my head Jeremy does not look like this he looks like the first results when you look up blonde surfer boy on Pinterest.
There’s also this Romanian weightlifter in the Olympics named Mihaela Cambei and I am in love with her. In my head she is Allison
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that’s pretty much it though. For the most part I don’t really visualize celeb faces when I’m reading unless something fits a really specific description. I mostly visualize specific visual traits and such. Sorry it wasn’t that in-depth of an answer!!!
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