#i just care that you can string 5 sentences together and make it worth my time reading.
spynorth · 11 months
i can tell from three ooc posts whether or not someone has an actual life or if they spend every day eating sour gummy worms in their basement while screaming about how everyone should go touch some grass / how problematic people are.
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nadiasatrinava · 3 years
How would Nadia react to planting beautiful flowers for MC, only to find out later that MC is terribly allergic?
Hey, hope you're still around @john32692
A/N: I opened my google drive to work on this and I've got like 5 NadiaxMC WIPs I forgot about lol
Nadia x MC: Oh, it was a surprise alright!
She spent hours upon hours sifting through botany books and discussing the right flowers to plant with her Royal Gardener. She wants the Palace gardens flushed with the most beautiful flowers one can cultivate.
She doesn’t just want them to look pretty, no. She wants a garden decorated with flowers that hold some sort of meaning. A garden that shows her love for MC in one cohesive glorious display.
Even going as far as hiring a specialised consultant from Prakra to plan out the layout of the flowers.
She even asked for Nafizah’s help deciding which flowers were appropriate even if she had been nervous to send off that letter asking for help. It’s for all for you and she knows that the look on your face once she unveils this ‘little’ gift would have been worth it.
She tasks her gardeners on the preparation, giving strict instructions that MC must be kept away from this section of the Palace Gardens.
She plays her part in distracting MC away when they get too close, she has a way of convincing you that there are more pressing matters you two need to attend to before pulling you into the opposite direction.
Even Chandra plays her part. She gets rid of any pests that threaten the budding flowers. And flying into MC that one time as a form of distraction when they got too close.
Soon, the flowers are in full bloom and Nadia knows her little gift is ready for its intended audience.
She blindfolds MC and gently leads them down to the gardens.
“I’ve got a surprise for you, my love” she kisses MC’s cheek as she whispers to their ear.
“It took quite some time to get it right but good things come to those who wait”
MC is giddy and curious but the itch on their nose is getting more persistent.
Nadia removes the blindfold and watches their reaction with quiet intensity. She craves for the way their eyes light with surprise and their awestruck expression. The signs of affirmation she did her job right of making her beloved happy.
There are tears in their eyes and already sniffling. Oh, how happy Nadia is at this moment. For her gift to have reduced her beloved to tears! She really outdid herself this time!
“Do you like it, my love”, Nadia has a soft expression as she tries to wipe MC’s tears away.
“Achoo!” MC is clutching at her shoulders now, sneezing profusely “Nadi- Achoo!”
Nadia starts noticing how much their eyes have swollen up and how their hands grasp at their throat.
“Nadia... I think.. I’m... allergic.. to the... Flowers” MC can barely string their sentence together as they feel their throat closing up.
The realisation comes down on Nadia like cold water, making her spring to action.
She takes MC away from the gardens and orders for the Palace Doctor immediately. She apologising profusely as she cradles you back into her room.
“Oh my love, forgive me! I hadn’t known you were allergic. I’ll have them removed at once!” There’s urgency in her voice as the doctor fuses over you.
She doesn’t let go of your hand and stays at your side until you’ve recovered.
She apologises at every chance she gets, promising to make it up to you. You’re under her care and has Chandra watches over you during the times she’s away.
The flowers are long gone and Nadia makes sure you won’t be in contact with one ever again.
“They had looked wonderful in the few seconds I managed to get a glimpse of them, Nadi” MC nuzzles Nadia’s neck before continuing “I guess you can say we were both surprised”. Nadia huffs but smiles anyway at their attempt to appease her.
“I’d rather if my surprises do not cost you your life, my love” Nadia playfully pinches MC cheeks
Nadia will make up for her blunder if it’s the last thing she does so be prepared to be spoiled, pampered and indulged.
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Temporary Home: Chapter 11
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!) Guest starring Nick Fury and Maria Hill
Summary: Fury comes for another weekly check-in and Reader gets in trouble. He also brings along a doctor, will he have good or bad news for Rocket?
Previous Chapter here | Next Chapter Here Or click here to: Start From Beginning
Author’s Note: A -l o n g b o i- of a chapter. Also, for my records, this is day 14 of the Guardians living with reader.
Word Count: 7,756
You wake up early, partially due to the pain in your arm, but mostly because you knew Fury would likely be coming today and you wanted to try and get to town and back before he arrived.
After a light breakfast you start to go out back door to retrieve the box the raccoon corpse was in, but Peter, who had also just finished eating and who suspected exactly what you're doing, jumped up and said he'll help you get the box.
You roll your eyes, and you're about to tell him you are fine to do it yourself when you hear knock at door. You assume it's Fury, but you want to be careful. You look out window, prepared to tell Peter to keep the others out of sight, when you notice two SHIELD vehicles behind your own, and that they hadn't been cloaked like Fury's was last time.
"It's Fury," you tell Peter, and he goes to fetch a few of the others who weren't already in the kitchen, mostly Rocket, because he expected they would want to see him after you said you'd be contacting SHIELD about the raccoon fight and whether Rocket had his shots.
Feeling slightly relieved that it was just Fury and that he hadn't decided to test you this time, you answer the door to see not only Fury and Agent Hill, but another man.
Fury gives a quick greeting and introduces the man as a doctor they brought along to test the dead raccoon. Apparently they came prepared after your message to Maria the previous night. You offer to go unlock shed but Fury says he needs you to stay there, and to give the doctor the keys. You are surprised, but obey, assuming he just wants briefed on what happened last night.
You hand the doctor the keys and he disappears back out the front door while you lead Fury and Maria into the kitchen where the others are just as Peter comes back down the stairs with Drax and Rocket.
As suspected, Fury asks first about what happened with the raccoon incident.
Rocket rolls his eyes and grumbles, "Nothing."
Drax speaks up. He tells Fury that he and you heard the commotion outside, saw Rocket getting attacked, and then you shot the offending animal.
Fury nods. "I see. I trust you've already looked him over, but our doctor will be doing so again before he administers the booster. According to our records Rocket was given a rabies vaccination, but you can never be too careful."
"Good." you reply, nodding your head in relief.
Rocket just hopped up on the counter to sit with his arms crossed indignantly, not looking forward to being examined for something he had already been checked for, but surprisingly he chose not to be a child about it.
"How long before we know if the raccoon was infected or not?" asked Kraglin.
Agent Hill answered. "The test takes about two hours. We brought a lab van so the test could be preformed on site that way we'd know as soon as possible."
Leave it to SHIELD to come prepared for literally everything.
"We also brought another couple weeks worth of rations. NOVA expects you all to be here for awhile more." This earned unhappy muttered grumblings from Rocket, but the others kept their mouth shut. They were never under the impression the negotiations would be done quickly. Maria continued, "So if a few of you want to help carry the boxes in..." she gestured towards the kitchen door. She said it politely, but it wasn't exactly a request. She wasn't a maid.
You nodded and started to head toward the door when Fury said. "Agent, stop."
You stopped, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "Sir?"
Peter, Drax, and Kraglin, who had stood and were also about to follow Agent Hill (and tell you specifically not to go, for obvious reasons), also stopped, surprised by Fury's tone. He almost sounded a bit like he was scolding you despite his tone being even.
"Please remove your sweater."
The sweater he was referring to was actually an old knit cardigan. You had taken to wearing it the past few days due both to a string of overcast and therefore chillier days, and well, for said obvious reasons. "I'm sorry, what?" you ask.
"Your jacket. Take it off."
You swallow. You had a sneaking suspicion why he would ask you that. He had an annoying habit of somehow knowing everything. "If it's all the same, I'd rather not-"
"Remove your jacket, agent. Or do you need Agent Hill to assist you?" It was clear that he wasn't going to take no for an answer.
You try to hide a grimace as you did what you were told, doing your best not to wince as you pulled your sweater off your good arm first and then the injured arm. Silently you wondered who had squealed on you. A small gasp from Mantis was heard when she saw what your sweater had been hiding, and you could feel the eyes of the others also on you as Fury gave you an unamused look and Agent Hill's eyes widened sightly. Even Rocket looked a bit surprised. He wasn't expecting it to look that bad.
Purple and green bruising stained your arm, radiating out from your elbow and stretching from your bicep to maybe 5 inches shy of your wrist.
"The doctor is also here to check over your injury as well." Fury said. Looking to Gamora he thanked her for informing them of your injury before turning back to scold you for not having mentioned it to them or having seen a doctor for it. He also threw in that you should be wearing a sling and resting your arm instead of 'acting like a dumbass who thinks they don't need to take care of themselves.'
"Sir, it's fine. I-"
"I'm trusting you to protect these people. How are you going to do that if you cripple yourself by neglecting injuries?" he scolded.
You shot an unhappy look to Gamora, but you could tell she wasn't sorry. You also caught almost smug looks from Yondu and Peter before turning back to Fury.
"How did it happen?" asked Maria. Gamora had told her that it had happened, that you refused help, and that you put it back in place yourself, but she hadn't told her how it happened. Seeing the aftermath of the injury now herself had made her curious.
"Slipped," you say before anyone can speak up for you. "Clumsy me," you add sarcastically.
Peter raised an eyebrow and shared glances with Kraglin and Yondu, surprised that you seemed to be covering for him. However, he didn't correct you, assuming you gave that answer for a reason, and after all, it wasn't totally a lie, more just... not the whole truth.
That explanation was apparently good enough for Fury and Maria because she nodded at the guys for them to follow as Fury laid into you again.
Maria opened the back hatch of the SUV, revealing crates of rations to be taken inside.
Lifting up one of the crates, Peter tried to make conversation, mentioning how Fury seemed surprisingly mad at you for not seeking out a doctor for your injury.
Sure, he could understand your boss telling you that you were dumb for neglecting an injury and scolding you for being stupid, but Fury's anger seemed different than he would have expected. Almost like he genuinely cared that you had gotten hurt. He couldn't remember any of his mother's bosses caring that much. If anything, if she had gotten hurt or sick, they would have preferred that she pretended she hadn't and just worked through it. Then again, he always did think most of her bosses were mean. Maybe she just had bad luck?
"Yeah, well, this wouldn't be the first time she's hidden an injury." Maria admitted. "I imagine he's getting a bit tired of it."
Kraglin took a crate from Maria. "She do that often?" he asked, surprised that anyone would just routinely hide when they've been hurt for seemingly no reason.
"It's not a super frequent occurrence, but she does have a bad habit of not saying when she's hurt. Once she got stabbed on the job in Hong Kong... we only found out when another agent walked in on her trying to stitch herself up in the hotel afterwards." She stacked a crate on top of the one Drax was already holding and shut the hatch before bending down to pick up the last crate she had set on the ground for herself. "Then there was a time when we were on a job together in Romania. We had been captured and held hostage for two days. I noticed she started looking worse and worse as time went on. I thought she was just getting sick, but then she passed out during the last interrogation attempt before SHEILD busted in the door with backup." She started walking back towards the house with the men. "I found out after they got her to medical that the day after we got sent out she came down with appendicitis and instead of telling someone that something was wrong and getting medical treatment, she apparently decided it was better to just cut out her own appendix- still don't know how she managed that without anyone noticing." Maria sounded like she clearly disapproved of your prior actions. "Anyway, with no way to keep it clean while we were being held prisoner, she had developed an infection. She was put on suspension for that one. I've got more, but I think you get the drift."
The three men's eyes were wide as they followed Agent Hill back to the house.
"That's insane." Peter said. "Why would anyone do that?"
"Beats me. She didn't always used to be that way, but now we use her as an example for what you shouldn't do with the new recruits."
"What do you think changed? Could she have suffered a brain injury that made her dumb?" Drax asked.
Peter shifted his crate so he could open the door and scolded Drax for being rude. As they walked into the hall Maria said, "No head injury that I'm aware of, she just kinda changed after-"
She never got to finish that sentence, for they entered the kitchen to hear you angrily say to Fury, "You can't be serious."
The four made their way towards the pantry with their crates, cautiously eyeing the situation so as to not appear nosy. Well, except for Drax, who was just flat out staring.
You were staring angrily at a stern-faced Fury while Gamora looked at the two of you, uneasiness in her eyes. Yondu and Rocket had looks of almost smug satisfaction playing on their faces, while Mantis and Groot appeared confused and intrigued.
"Serious as a heart attack." Fury answered. "After the doctor examines you and gives his orders, she-" he pointed to Gamora, "is going to report back to me if you break them, since clearly she has more sense than you."
"Sir, I don't need a babysitter-"
"Act like a baby, you get a sitter." Fury responded, cutting you off. "Adults know better than to just ignore serious injuries, Agent. Or do I need to remind you of the stunt you pulled in Romania?"
Gamora looked uncomfortable, and she wasn't even the one being scolded, though now she did wonder what you had done in Romania, wherever that was. Yondu was also curious, as Fury's statement confirmed you had done this more than once.
You sighed indignantly, "Sir I-"
"Enough. Unless you want to tell me you intend to defy orders, I suggest you keep any excuses to yourself. If I hear anything about you neglecting the doctor's orders, your ass will be assigned to a desk so fast your head will spin. Are we clear?"
Your eyes widened. Desk duty?! He couldn't do that to you. "What? Sir?! You can't do that-" you say, your voice almost pleading with a hint of indignation.
He says again, more firmly, "Are we clear?" Not only could he, he most definitely would. You thought being assigned to stay home was bad? Try being stuck in a cubicle for the next foreseeable future.
"Yes, sir." you say begrudgingly.
Rocket started chuckling, pleased to see you get dressed down by your boss. In your own home, no less. Then he got an idea. "Hey, Agent." he said in a mocking tone.
You turn to glare at him. "What?" you respond irritably.
"Why don't you tell me where that new bed in my room came from?" He was wearing a shit eating grin, and you weren't sure why he'd bring it up right now.
You roll your eyes. "How should I know? Bed faeries? Piss off."
Rocket grinned wider. "Really? 'Cause I've got a feeling you aren't allowed to lie to your director, so if he were to ask..."
Fury, not in the mood, flatly repeated what he had said on the last visit, "I'm not here to get involved with your petty squabbles." adding, "I couldn't care less what this was about."
Rocket almost looked disappointed, and you relieved, before Agent Hill said, "Well, he might not care, but we'll be here for the next two hours waiting on results anyway... and technically I do outrank you..." Her smile wasn't malicious, it was clear that her intent was only some good-natured ribbing to her fellow agent who seemingly didn't like to admit that she'd done something nice for the asshole raccoon. Trying to lighten the mood.
You give Maria a look that says, 'Are you fucking kidding?'
Rocket looked delighted, and a few of the others looked pleasantly intrigued by your expression. By now everyone had pretty much gathered that you had made Rocket the bed, but you never would say as much. It'd be interesting if you'd actually admit it, or suffer whatever consequence lying to a superior might entail if they would choose to enforce it.
Fury, however, rolled his eye and told Maria he was going to have a word with the doctor. His way of saying that this issue wasn't worth his time, but he also wasn't going to stop whatever happened next.
Maria didn't force you to come clean about the bed. Not at first anyway. She did, however, exercise her power to keep you in line. Meaning, if you didn't do like you were told and just sit and wait for the doctor while the guys finished emptying the crates into the pantry and returned the crates to the vehicle, she'd make veiled threats to ask where the bed came from.
You knew she was only having a bit of fun, but you still stared daggers at her.
After a bit Fury returned with the doctor, who greeted you again by handing you the keys to your shed, stating that he locked it back up. He also informed that part of the the rabies test involved freezing the samples for 45 minutes, so he would examine you and Rocket in the meantime.
You went to motion for Rocket to go first, but Fury prodded the doctor in your direction, giving you a look that you knew better than to argue with. Rocket stuck his tongue out at you and remained sitting, satisfied, on the counter. Out of most everyone's sight, though, his tail twitched.
You were tense, but on your best behavior the whole time the doctor examined your injured arm, not wishing for Fury to come up with another punishment for your disobedience.
The doctor pulled a device out of a briefcase that turned out to be a fancy portable X-ray device to make sure there were no fractures. Luckily there weren't any.
The outcome was determined that you were very lucky. Somehow you had managed to set the bones back in place well enough on your own without accidentally breaking the radial heads in the 're-entry' process, something the doctor said he'd wouldn't have expected for a self-reset, but then again, most don't attempt to reset this type of injury on their own either. You were given a mild scolding by the doctor for not putting the arm in a sling so the ligaments could heal, however, and he said you were very lucky it didn't re-dislocate. You internally groaned as "I told you so's" peeped from behind you.
The doctor placed your arm in a strange hinged brace with a strap that made it sort of like a sling with the instructions that you were required to wear it with the strap for a week. Afterwards you could remove the strap, but you would still need to wear the brace for at least another two or three weeks. You were also placed on a weight restriction of only 5 pounds for your injured arm. Great...
You didn't say anything, only nodded, having gotten the message that it wasn't in your best interest to argue if you didn't want another tongue-lashing from Fury.
When the doctor was done with you he moved onto Rocket, who's ears momentarily flattened when he saw the doctor was now approaching him, but he quickly recovered, begrudgingly allowing himself to be examined.
As expected, the doctor found nothing of concern, barely even a scratch, which he was sure to clarify that Rocket likely wouldn't have contracted rabies from even if the animal does test positive.
The doctor turned to his coat pocket and pulled out a pre-loaded syringe of pinkish liquid, declaring to Rocket that it was the vaccine booster as he pulled off the cap.
Peter saw Rocket stiffen and finally noticed the twitching of his tail, and decided to be merciful and distract him. "Hey, Trash Panda,"
Rocket turned his head to Peter as the doctor grabbed his arm. "I don't answer to that, Star-Munch."
"You just did." Peter laughed.
Rocket growled at him before turning back to the doctor and asking him to hurry up so he could bite a chunk out of Peter's face.
"Already done," stated the doctor, capping the now empty needle and slipping it into a plastic bag before returning it to his pocket.
Rocket raised his eyebrows, forgetting his previous anger towards Peter. "Oh." His tail ceased its twitching. He hadn't felt a thing.
Peter didn't return to taunting and just let him forget. Mission accomplished.
Now done, the doctor announced he'd be going back to the lab-van to check on the samples, leaving you to sit awkwardly with your boss, co-worker, and the rest of the Guardians.
You look to the ceiling and sigh before saying, "Well I suppose I should offer you some tea if you're going to be here awhile."
Maria nodded that she'd take some and no sooner than you go to stand does Peter speak up and say, "Let me help-"
You give him a seething look that actually makes him recoil. "Unless you know how to make tea, fuck off. And even if you do, still fuck off. I don't need both arms to make fecking tea and I don't need your help. I'm not an infant." Your tone was even, but the venom was still there. A bit harsh, perhaps, but it sent the desired message. The whole situation was making you very cranky and maybe they shouldn't push it. At least for awhile until you had a chance to decompress.
Fury, however, shot you a disapproving look before you turned to put the kettle on, though he didn't say anything. He had pretty much expected this is how you might react.
The next half hour was mostly sipping tea and awkward attempts at conversation as everyone waited for the doctor to finish the test.
Yondu wasn't much interested in trying to make conversation, though he was surprised to find he didn't mind the tea. He was watching as you fiddled with your cup. You were quiet, and he thought you seemed nervous. Could you be nervous about the test results on that animal? Why? All evidence pointed to Rocket being completely fine, he hadn't been bitten, and that's what you said they had to worry about, right?
When the doctor finally returned he had good news. The raccoon had tested negative.
Yondu watched you visibly relax and it made him wonder if there was something you hadn't told them.
He was right. You were worried about the possibility of the raccoon's blood or saliva having found its way into one of the scratches or, more grossly, Rocket's mouth or eyes. If the raccoon had been infected, you knew those would be other possible ways Rocket still could have contracted the virus. You hadn't told the others because you hadn't wanted them to worry, but doing this only then made you worry. Not just because you didn't want to see even an asshole like Rocket die like that, but because you had told the others he'd be fine if he wasn't bitten, and that hadn't fully been the truth. It was a weight off your shoulders to hear that the test came back negative.
With that news Fury, Agent Hill, and the doctor were finally all able to leave. Fury stood and made eye-contact with Gamora. "Remember what I said, she steps out of line, disobeys the doctor's orders, you report back to us. Understood?"
Gamora nodded uneasily. She hadn't expected to be put on the spot and honestly wasn't looking forward to her assigned task, sure that it would only serve to piss you off.
Fury looked at you now. "Understood, Agent?"
You exhale irritably and say, "Yes, sir."
"Good. We'll be seeing you again next week."
You led them to the front door to let them out, but right before she walked out Maria turned to you with a smile and said, "Oh, almost forgot. Where did that new bed in Rocket's room come from?" She said it louder than necessary, no doubt to make sure that the others could hear the question being asked.
"Dammit, Maria!" you scold.
Fury now turned with a smirk, seemingly finally finding humor in the situation. "You know what. I changed my mind. I'd also like to know. Agent?"
You look to the ceiling with a pitiful look. Maria had only been joking, there wouldn't be any real consequences for refusing to tell her. Fury, however, was your boss, and if he wanted to be a dick about it, he could. Apparently your recent stunt with your injury had pressed his 'asshole' button. "I built it." you mutter.
Fury spoke in a tone louder than necessary, just to mess with you. "Sorry, Agent, I didn't catch that."
You glare at him and only speak up a little bit. "Said I built it, sir."
Fury chuckled, and spoke again in the louder-than-necessary voice, "Ah, you built the bed! What a nice thing to do, Agent!"
Rocket could be heard from the kitchen cheering, "I frickin knew it!"
You glared at your boss and coworker. "I hate you both so much."
Fury chuckled. "Goodbye, Agent."
"Goodbye, sir." you reply, promptly shutting the door.
You turn to see Rocket standing smugly in the kitchen doorway. Peter and Kraglin were standing behind him, appearing amused.
"Not a word." you say, barely looking at them as you made for the stairs.
Rocket laughed. "Oh, I was just going to ask if I should give my regards to you, or the faeries."
"Can't hear you!" you call back as you walk up the stairs.
"Come on now, that was a nice thing ya did!" Kraglin said, his tone teasing.
"Not listening!" you cry back as you climb higher, fully aware you were acting a bit like a child, but not caring in your pursuit to get away.
They heard your door shut and Kraglin turned to Peter to say, "She's an odd one, ain't she?"
Gamora felt uneasy. After conversing with the others about you, she had contacted Agent Hill on the communication device SHIELD had given them in case any issues arose. They were naturally concerned with how you kept to your room after the injury, and a few therefore worried that the injury was worse than you let on.
They could have just let you be, after you made it clear that you wouldn't accept their help, but after they saw you risk further injury to save their friend, she and Peter collectively decided they'd risk overstepping and contact SHIELD. You helped one of them, they'd help you. Even if you didn't want it, they felt you needed it.
What they hadn't expected was for Fury to be angry about it and, as a result, assign Gamora as your warden.
She talked with Peter in private, discussing what she should do about the situation. She didn't see the situation going well. You barely knew each other and you could be... well, stubborn might be an understatement. Eventually they agreed there was only one thing to be done. Just do it.
Or, at least make it look like she had every intention of carrying through without pissing you off to much. Sometimes people needed a little tough love for their own good, but Gamora knew if they crossed the line into overbearing things could go south real quick, and she didn't want to risk finding the tipping point that would make you make them leave. Being assigned someone to report back on you if you misbehaved was probably humiliating enough without them pushing it.
Now if they could only get Rocket on board.
You stayed in your room most of the day, but when you did come out to eat or to stretch your legs Rocket would throw teases at you, saying that you better stay in line if you didn't want Gamora to tell on you, and throwing taunts about the punishment Fury had threatened you with if you disobeyed the doctor's orders.
To their surprise, however, you just ignored him. You literally just didn't acknowledge him. Just walked about your business, and returned to your room without even a glance in his direction.
Then they realized it was only because you couldn't hear him. You had your earbuds in. Probably for the best, really.
Gamora's uneasiness eventually turned into relief when it became clear that you didn't hold a major grudge against her for squealing on you or her assignment from Fury. Based on your reaction earlier she had been worried that you'd focus your ire on her, but for whatever reason, you didn't seem to.
It was true, you didn't hold a grudge against her. Well, not after you had a chance to cool down about the situation, that is. Listening to music always made you feel better, so it helped your mood that you had kept your earbuds in for most of the day, (and let's be honest, it saved Rocket's ass too.) You took some time to reflect. Except for a period when you went for a walk to decompress, you stayed in your room and just thought about the situation. From what you had seen of Gamora, she probably only thought she was helping. Why she wanted to, you couldn't guess, but you just assumed she did. Fury was probably just trying to teach you a lesson, and you resolved to not let it get to you. You'd play the game, be good, and then he'd eventually get off your back. Easy.
After spending most of the day reflecting, you didn't feel as cranky as you had that morning. Yup, good old music and walking had done it's job to help your mood...
You hadn't made the connection that each of the three times Mantis came to your shared room to check on you, and would take your hand or place hers on your arm to ask how you were feeling, you felt a little more contented. You just assumed she was feeling affectionate and that you enjoyed her company.
Both of those were true, but Mantis had also been working her magic a little, wanting to see you cheer up but doing it in tiny doses so as to not ruin the practical joke Yondu had said would be real funny later if she didn't tell you about her abilities. She didn't know when the joke would be over, but she also didn't want to ruin it and disappoint her new friend.
Later that night you decided to break out a bottle of whiskey from the cellar. Try to get a buzz going. You brought it into the kitchen, asking those already at the table if they wanted any. Well, it was more like telling them that they knew where the glasses were if they wanted some, but still, an offer is an offer.
You sat down and poured yourself a glass as Peter grabbed a glass each for him and Gamora, and Kraglin fetched one for himself and Yondu.
Gamora was the first to speak. "I just wanted to aplogi-"
"It's awkward enough without the apology. It's done. I'm sure you thought you were being helpful or something, but it's done."
Gamora raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Well I-"
You sigh. "Look, if it makes you feel better, you're forgiven or whatever, but I don't want to talk about it. 'Kay?" you down your glass and pour another. "Don't kill my buzz before it's even started."
Peter started to speak up. "Well I feel Krags and I at least-"
You cut him off as well. "Same goes for you. We're not going to talk about it right now. It's done."
"Oh...kay..." Peter said, taking a sip. He attempted small talk after a bit. "So... how did you come about working for SHIELD?"
You sipped and shrugged before setting your glass down. "My dad was an agent, and I guess I followed in his footsteps." you say, toying with your glass. Eager to turn the conversation away from you, you asked, "How'd you lot go about becoming 'Guardians of the Galaxy'?"
That question had the desired effect. Peter started off the story by telling you how it actually all started with them getting thrown in prison over a stone and then breaking out of said prison together to locate said powerful stone that some dick called Ronan was going to use to wipe out an entire planet.
About a quarter the way through the story the rest of the Guardians came and the same offer was extended to them before you stood up and announced you should probably grab another bottle as the one you brought up was nearly empty.
Rocket piped up, "So where ya hide it anyway?"
You looked at him, confused and a little tipsy. Cocking your head you asked, "What?"
"The booze. You always seem to pull it out of thin air. Figured you were hiding it."
You blink at him while Peter scolded him for being dumb, a sentiment you now currently shared. You laugh and look at Gamora, who looked embarrassed by her friend. "Is he always this dumb?" Not waiting for an answer you turn back to Rocket. "It ain't hidden. Dipshit." You turn away to resume your task.
Rocket, offended that you would call him dumb, said, "If you ain't hiding it, why haven't we ever seen where you keep it."
Now Kraglin was giving him looks. Even if you were hiding it, it was your shit. You were already giving them a place to stay, you didn't owe them booze too. The rest were sure Rocket was just trying to get a rise from you, but the secondhand embarrassment was real.
You rolled your eyes but kept walking. It was most likely the alcohol, but you were actually finding humor in his stupidity. "It's in the cellar, space case. I won't stop you from tagging along. Make sure your mother signs the permission slip." With that you slipped out the kitchen door.
The guardians exchanged glances at your comment and Peter, who remembered school and field trips, said, "That was a joke. You wouldn't get it." He then stood up and said, "Might as well take the chance to see something new since we don't know how long we'll be stuck here." He then looked to Rocket and asked if he was coming, since technically the invitation had been extended to him.
Rocket, who had been clearly hoping for, or at least expecting, a fight, awkwardly followed in the direction you had left. Mantis and Groot stated they wanted to go see the cellar too, but the others opted to stay behind.
Seeing that four of them had actually decided to take up your mock-offer to come to the cellar, you waited for them to catch up. You honestly didn't care if they went into the cellar, as long as Groot didn't go down there to play, and you made a point to ask Peter to tell him that you didn't mind him coming down with the rest of you tonight, but he was under no circumstances to come down there to play as he could get hurt.
Rocket translated instead, seeming irritated that you had given the message to Peter instead of him, and you open the door start to walking down the stairs, the others trailing behind.
The cellar wasn't anything spectacular. The stairs were a bit creaky with age, and it was dusty and dim even with the light on. The walls were stone strung with cobwebs and the floor was made up of old red brick.
You reached the ground and led them to some shelves on the wall across from the boiler, to grab the whiskey. On the other wall next to the shelves was an old wooden door, but other than that, a few cans of paint, and another set of shelves on the far end of the cellar, it was largely empty. You didn't keep much down there due to the damp.
You turned back to face them once you grabbed a bottle and asked if Rocket was satisfied. You didn't recieve an answer, not like you had expected one anyway. Gesturing back to the whiskey you said to Peter that it was down here if they wanted it. You didn't care as long as they didn't get sloppy drunk and start wrecking shit on the regular.
Peter nodded and the four took in the sight of the cellar. Mantis looked like she regretted her decision to come down, and said it was a little creepy, and Groot seemed to share her opinion. Good. Would mean he wouldn't care to come play down there. Peter and Rocket, however, looked at the shelf behind you in surprise. There was... more whiskey than they had anticipated. A lot more.
"Not that it's any of my business, but why do you have so much whiskey down here?"
You turned back to the shelf. Remembering the reason combined with your tipsy state made you giggle as you answered honestly. "Decided to order a small case awhile back just to have a bit around. Might have ordered it drunk and messed up the size of the order... just a bit..."
'A bit' was an understatement. The whiskey didn't sit on just one shelf, but rather the whiskey took up a whole shelving unit. You had only meant to order one case. A case would have been maybe six bottles. Somehow you ended up ordering six cases, and of course there were no refunds. So, into the cellar with a few other assorted bottles it went. You didn't do any online shopping while drunk after that again.
Peter chuckled at your honesty and noticed the wooden door for the first time. He debated asking about it, it seemed oddly placed considering the layout of the house above, but Mantis beat him to it.
"Where does that door go?" she asked, pointing to it.
You look to the door and then back to them. "Closet," you say, before widening your eyes in mock realization to tease Rocket. "Oh right, better prove it before that one gets all suspicious again!"
Rocket narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms, not thrilled with you making him the butt of a joke as you opened the door to reveal a small, dark closet, maybe a meter deep and just as wide. Pipe wrenches hung on hooks off the door, and inside was a bucket, a broom, and a shovel resting against a wall of shallow shelves which were empty aside from a few random tools and a couple lanterns.
You closed the door after a moment and to Peter's surprise you handed him the whiskey bottle you had retrieved and grabbed another. "Might as well grab two, save me a trip if we run out again," you explain before shooing them all up the stairs.
Once back in the kitchen you re-took your seat and poured yourself another glass before sliding the bottle towards the middle of the table for someone else to grab. "Alright, I believe you were telling a story now?" you say to Peter as he also sat down, seeming surprised you were still interested.
And you were. It was quite an interesting story and you had to admit it captured your attention quite well.
Before you knew it an hour had passed and the second bottle was finished between seven of you when they'd finished telling it. Mantis didn't like the taste and Groot wasn't permitted to have any, though fortunately he didn't seem to mind. Just sipped on some juice you had gotten up to pour for him and Mantis and played about on the table adorably as Peter told the story.
The Ronan guy had gotten the stone, but Peter and his team still won anyway, having managed to get the stone away from him. You had giggled when you realized that Peter had more or less described that they had used 'the power of friendship' to hold onto the stone, though he didn't seem as keen on that comparison. You were also surprised to learn that the little Groot before you wasn't the original Groot, but rather more like the original's son, and that Kraglin and Yondu weren't part of the team yet in this story, but actually the leaders of an almost adversary group of space pirates that had agreed to work with Peter with the promise of obtaining the stone for themselves. You wanted to ask about that, how they came about joining Peter's team and where the rest of their crew was, Ravagers you believed they were called, but before you could Yondu interjected.
"Yeah, I'd almost forgot about that switcharoo ya pulled with the stone, boy." Yondu said to Peter, who, now several drinks in, included that bit of the story despite the former captain and first mate sitting right at the table with him.
Peter chuckled nervously in response, and said in jest, "Well, you got a cool troll doll out of it, that's something, right?"
You snorted a short laugh out your nose at that, making the others turn to you in surprise. Aside from a few questions, you had been more or less quiet the whole time until now. "Troll doll?" you say, clearly tipsy, behind your hand. The thought was ludicrous to you. Of all the things, a troll doll.
Peter grinned, pleased to see you found it funny. "It was the only thing I had on hand that would fit in the orb." He admitted, giggling.
Gamora's eyes crinkled as she looked at Peter. She hadn't had nearly as much drink as him, but she still found his giggly nature and his ability to tell a story to be endearing. This was probably the most she had let herself relax since they arrived.
Kraglin lightheartedly punched Peter in the shoulder. He'd been angry when the "switcharoo" incident happened, but he'd since been given enough reason to get over it.
"You goofy cunt," you chuckled at Peter, standing from the table and grabbing the empty bottle to bin it.
Peter raised an eyebrow and cocked his head at you as you walked toward the bin. Had you just called him a 'cunt'?
The others shared surprised contemplative looks and Kraglin said, "I think that was a compliment?" He was unsure, but you hadn't exactly said it in a derogatory way, so perhaps it was?
You overheard him and said from the bin, "Eh. Close enough." You spared one final giggly glance towards the group before leaving the kitchen to use the bathroom.
Peter shrugged, correctly assuming that he shouldn't be offended and stood to put his now-empty glass in the sink before re-joining the table with the others.
They sat chatting for a bit longer, before they thought they heard the soft sounds of singing coming from the sitting room. Exchanging glances, Peter and Gamora decided to go check it out.
You didn't return to the kitchen after you finished your business. The story was finished and you were in a better mood than you had been that morning so you just made your way to the sitting room to relax in your rocking chair before your buzz could wear off.
You had been there just a few minutes with your eyes falling closed when the sensation of something crawling up your leg startled you. You jump slightly only to see it was Groot crawling into your lap. You then relaxed. Cute little bugger looked sleepy, and for whatever reason, decided he would crawl up into the rocking chair with you. You didn't mind, and even if you did, you were getting a little too sleepy to feel like wasting energy making him move.
He climbed up on your slinged arm, too light for the action to cause you any pain, and curled up as you rocked away.
You weren't sure what possessed you, likely the whiskey, but you started to softy sing him a lullaby. One you remembered your grandmother singing you to sleep with when you were little.
Gamora peeked in the doorway and stopped, seeing you in the rocking chair, though you didn't see her. The rocking chair faced the bookshelf on the opposite wall, putting your gaze perpendicular to her own.
You were the source of the singing, and it didn't take long for her to notice Groot curled up sleeping against you and to deduce that what you were singing was a lullaby.
The others had come to see as well, but Gamora motioned for them to be quiet and didn't let them get past the doorway, afraid that you would stop if you knew you had an audience.
"What is it?" Drax asked.
"I think she's singing a lullaby to Groot." Peter answered, turning to peek back through the doorway for a moment before stepping aside to let Drax see. Drax smiled warmly at the sight and motioned Mantis to take his spot.
Kraglin chuckled and whispered over to an equally amused Yondu, "Well ain't that precious."
"So what?" asked Rocket, annoyed that everyone was gathered by the doorway instead of entering. He was, however, definitely not jealous that Groot would have taken to you well enough to let you sing a lullaby to him. He was also definitely not irritated about the fact that Groot had aparently just fallen right asleep in your lap, when he had been having to deal with Groot fitting to go to sleep most nights due to being someplace new.
Gamora looked to him. "It's sweet."
"She ain't sweet, it's all an act. She don't really care."
"So it was an act when she shot that raccoon and saved your ass?" asked Peter, rolling his eyes at his furry friend.
Rocket threw up his arms in frustration, unwilling to admit the possibility of being wrong. "Probably! She don't really care about us. We're just an assignment to her. And I didn't need her help anyway."
Peter rolled his eyes again, and that's when they noticed the singing had stopped. They were too busy arguing to notice it had been getting softer and softer. Gamora peeked in again and saw that you had fallen asleep, and she whispered back to the group as such.
"Good. I'm putting Groot to bed." Rocket said, pushing through the others before they could say anything.
"Rocket!" Gamora hissed, finally entering the room herself along with Peter.
Rocket ignored her as he approached the rocking chair. Who did you think you were anyway, singing lullabies to Groot? You weren't his mother. He was the one raising Groot, he didn't need some Terran dickhead stepping in and playing 'mommy.' Rocket let his frustration get the better of his sense and instead of gently climbing to retrieve Groot, or asking someone else once he realized he wouldn't quite be able to reach, he decided to be an asshole and jump right into your lap, startling both you and Groot awake in the process.
"Ow! The hell?" you said groggily, rubbing your eyes.
"Oh, sorry. Did I wake you?" Rocket said mockingly before walking off with a confused and groggy Groot.
The others gave him disapproving looks as they dispersed, not wanting to crowd the doorway any longer.
"You're a real asshole, ya know that?" Kraglin said before heading towards the stairs with Yondu. Rocket just ignored him.
Mantis, who also decided she would go to bed, said to Rocket as they climbed, "You're wrong, you know. She does care. I've felt it."
Rocket just rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever," before bounding up the rest of the stairs and to his room to put Groot down to sleep.
Peter and Gamora had decided to head back into the kitchen with Drax to clean up the forgotten empty glasses on the table, so by the time you got up and decided to head to bed yourself the hall was empty.
Too tired to do anything else, you decided to just go to bed. As you made your way up the stairs you remembered taking the others to the cellar and showing them what was behind the door, and wondered if you should consider getting a lock, just in case Groot disobeyed and decided to go play down there anyway.
They didn't need to find out what was behind the back wall of that closet.
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ey8508 · 3 years
Rumors and Secrets: Victor | 李泽言  
[ He always knew how to insert each screw where it should be. ]
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R&S for this card (CG above)
Chapter SPOILERS up to Season 2: Chapter 14-17 (read at your own risk)
Contains 5 chapters
Translation isn’t 100% accurate (or include grammar errors)
Every part for LZ’s dialogue would be in “this setting”
Do not repost to any other site (reblog is fine)
Chapter 1 Page 1 -Caerus, there is an investigation task for you. - Target name? - Guozi is a newcomer who organized the audit. Her relevant information is in the attachment. - Once received, when do you want it? - Before next Wednesday. - with such little time, the salary has to be increased by 20%. After the dialogue on the screen was stagnant for a while, the other side only replied a word: OK. Page 2 Duan Junjie put down his phone and was about to continue to look at the acquisition contract in front of him when he was suddenly patted on the shoulder. The colleague smiled and asked him: "Lawyer Duan, our department is going to have a dinner on Sunday. Would you like to come together?" "Sorry, there is something on the weekend, I can't come." Duan Junjie shook his head. The man's face was a bit unpleased: "Last time you also said that when something happened, why didn't you stay active with everyone? Eating a meal is also a way of communicate feelings." Page 3 "Forget it, I have been in Huarui for so long, and I haven't seen lawyer Duan participate in the department team building!" The female colleague opposite Duan Junjie smiled and replied, "I would rather offend the high-level staff and never work overtime. You still want to occupy his weekend, don't even think about it." The colleague left angrily, but Duan Junjie kept his head buried in work without commenting on the evaluation of him by the people around him. At exactly six o'clock, he sent the compiled attachments of the acquisition contract to the mailbox of the president's office, ready to pack his things and get off work, when the computer suddenly received a notification. Page 4 Is President Li so optimistic about the contract?  Although he knows that the person in charge of the Huarui Group is extremely efficient, the time limit is too ridiculous.  He clicked on the message and found that it was an anonymous email with a bunch of garbled characters. Duan Junjie frowned. This string of garbled codes was in disorder, but he soon discovered that it was an e-mail with two layers of special encryption, and the secret key was only available to members of BLACK SWAN.  After deciphering the garbled code, he found that it was a sentence and a "S" symbol with a thicker style at the end. Come to the conference room of BLACK SWAN headquarters. Page 5 Duan Junjie read this sentence silently, and frowned. The other party does not use the B.S. communication channel, but uses an anonymous IP to send it. Obviously, it wants to bypass the surveillance of some people in the organization. After the establishment of the BS board of directors, the original Twelve members did not easily surrender to the BOSS. They were secretly engaged in a few small actions, although Duan Junjie is just a crew responsible for intelligence, because of the nature of the work, someone from Twelve has either hinted or tempted him, They secretly made a few small moves. Although Duan Junjie was just a screw responsible for intelligence, because of the nature of the work, there was also TW elve.  Duan Junjie refused either by suggesting or tempting him but Duan Junjie refused. And now... Duan Junjie looked at this email and realized something vaguely. Page 6 He glanced at the time, and now he is leaving to meet the sender of the email. It should be too late to get home at eight o'clock and cook cat food for Amo. Although he was mentally prepared, when he opened the door and saw the man sitting across the long table, Duan Junjie still couldn't help but blurt out: "Mr. Li" The man opposite the long table did not erect the barrier to cover his face. He wore a suit with a straight back and a calm expression, no different from sitting in the office of the president of Huarui Building. Duan Junjie paused, then changed his words, "BOSS." Page 7 Li Zeyan pushed the document in front of him, "I know that your superior has just sent you a task, push that task, and do this first". "Push it." Duan Junjie took the file, "Does it mean that I don't have to keep in contact with him again?" Li Zeyan did not speak. His silence indicates his answer. Duan Junjie fixed his glasses and read the document roughly: "When do you want it?" "Before next Wednesday. Is it difficult?" Page 8 "It's not difficult, but it will take up a lot of my rest time. And I see that this part of the document is just a lead, and the things that need to be explore later are much larger than these papers." He emphasized, "This will be a long work, BOSS." "State your salary expectations." Duan Junjie seriously considered his mortgage and car loan: "Fourteen salary." "Sixteen salary." Li Zeyan looked at him directly, "correspondingly, you have to get back information worth this value." Chapter 2 Page 1 Duan Junjie’s life is very regular. He gets up at 8 in the morning and makes a cat meal for Amo. Then he takes the subway that arrives at 8:27, leaves the station at 8:47, and walks for five minutes to Huarui building, go to the cafeteria to get an egg, two buns, and a cup of soy milk. Sometimes, according to the mood of the day, he changes it to milk, and make sure to turn on the computer at nine o'clock and start working. He is just a screw built in the Huarui Group, as long as he is firm and wedged in where he should be on time everything should be fine. It’s just that there are accidents occasionally in a regular life, such as today. Page 2 At 8:51, when Duan Junjie was about to walk to the door of Huarui building, his footsteps suddenly stopped because a fallen leaf was hanging in front of him for five seconds. An Evolver has used their ability. Duan Junjie quickly reacted. He looked around, cars, pedestrians, even the giant screen advertisements that flickered forever in the distance stopped. In the world of silence, the sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground seemed so clear. Page 3 Duan Junjie saw Li Zeyan appear from the other end of the intersection, walked calmly to the middle of the road, came straight to a car and bent down.  When he got up again, there was a tabby cat in his arms. When Li Zeyan hold the cat and stepped onto the sidewalk, time began to flow again.  The noise reappeared in the city in an instant, the cars and the crowd were intertwined, and no one noticed the small change just now. Li Zeyan stepped forward, suddenly as if he noticed, that he turned his head to look at Duan Junjie not far away. "Mr. Li." Duan Junjie greeted him and walked over. Page 4 Li Zeyan nodded, took the cat to a safe place and put it down.  The little cat was shocked and still seemed to be reluctant to leave Li Zeyan. After stepping on Li Zeyan's hand back and forth, it turned around and jumped into the bushes of flowers. Duan Junjie looked at the back of the cat, and inexplicably thought of his own Amo: "It has a labelled ear and it is a sterile cat." "The cats in this area have been neutered." Li Zeyan replied. These two sentences have no beginning and end, but the atmosphere is calm. Duan Junjie continued: "I didn't expect you to be a cat lover." Page 5 Knowing that all the cats in this area have been neutered and willing to use EVOL to save a cat, it really does not fit Duan Junjie’s impression of Li Zeyan. "It's just a matter of effort." Li Zeyan took off the cat's fur on his cuffs. "If it is not careful, it will not be saved every time." As soon as the voice fell, a thin mist gathered in Li Zeyan's always firm eyes, and his expression became a little dumbfounded as if something had touched his mind. Page 6 Duan Junjie saw Li Zeyan with this expression for the first time, but he intuitively felt that he shouldn't ask more. So he took a step back, "Then I will go first, and the yesterday's document will be sent to you before a quarter past ten in the morning." At 8:57, Duan Junjie arrived at the Huarui cafeteria. Today he bought one less egg because he wants to save time and punch in on time.
Chapter 3 Page 1 Whether as Caerus or Lawyer Duan, he has been very busy this time.  Huarui's acquisition plan has advanced to a critical stage, and the investigation of the "small syringe" has also fallen into a bottleneck. Even Duan Junjie, who has no commercial sense, knows that this kind of medicine that can enhance Evol can create huge benefits that can change the world.  He once suspected that Li Zeyan’s reason for being particularly concerned about "small syringes" was the instinct of capitalists to seek profit, but if they were chasing profits, they should put this unstable pharmaceutical package on the market as soon as possible, instead of letting him investigate  The "black hand" behind the shadow of the "Syringe" incident. "Lawyer Duan, we'll be going first." Page 2 "Okay, bye." Colleagues picked up their bags and said goodbye to him. When they walked to the door, they could still hear a faint sentence floating over there: "Lawyer Duan also works overtime. It's really rare." The sky gradually darkened, and the neon lights of the city outside the floor-to-ceiling windows lit up for the first time.  Duan Junjie was the only one left in the huge office. No breathing could be heard in the silent environment, only the monotonous keyboard percussion sounded in the ups and downs! A sharp alarm interrupted Duan Junjie's work. He quickly opened the alarm interface and found that the source of the alarm was actually for Li Zeyan's office of the president! Page 3 "The sound pulse in the office fluctuates abnormally" Duan Junjie whispered while looking at the screen, "someone went there?" It’s not surprising that Li Zeyan would be watched. Duan Junjie was surprised that someone dared to do something in Li Zeyan’s office. He immediately sent an encrypted signal to Li Zeyan to get the other party out of the office immediately. However, after a long time, Li Zeyan on the camera  still motionless.  Immediately he saw a girl pushing open the door of the office, still holding some documents in her hand. The boss of Huarui Investment’s gazed at the film and television company, also a member of BLACK SWAN, Miss NOX. "That's it, there wasn't anything major?" Page 4 Seeing this scene, Duan Junjie breathed a sigh of relief.  It also reflects that the time for NOX to report on official business is the anti-tracking time given to him by Li Zeyan, and he must be worthy of the sixteen salary that Li Zeyan gave him. An hour later, Duan Junjie stood in front of Li Zeyan's office and knocked on the door three times. "Come in" Duan Junjie walked in, first closed the door carefully, and operated the small anti-eavesdropping device in his hand a few times and installed it on the door.  Then he turned around and said straightforwardly: "Boss, it's done." Page 5 "Tell me." "The source of the eavesdropping was traced to a tea room in Xicheng District. This is the background check of the tea room owner and the personnel he has been in close contact with recently." Duan Junjie operated a few times on his mobile phone, and the corresponding intelligence content popped up on Li Zeyan's computer.  , "A few people have contact with the small syringe".  The person who installed the eavesdropping has also been found. It was the cleaner who cleaned your office yesterday. According to the monitoring comparison, they were not from Huarui, but they should have sent someone in disguise.  People have been arranged to go to the Dingsha Tea Room, and they can act at any time. Page 6 "Understood" Li Zeyan's tone was always faint, his expression calm, it was not like he had experienced a tense eavesdropping crisis one after another, or for this man, he had experienced countless things. Things that are unimaginable even by Duan Junjie's thoughts. More dangerous than this, more knife-pointed. The scene of life and death on the front line. He scanned the page for a few times, pressed the button, and said: "Go to the next stage." Page 7 The meaning of entering the next stage is that he does not need to care about how those eavesdroppers will be dealt with.  Duan Junjie nodded knowingly: "I understand." Li Zeyan's gaze cast through the floor-to-ceiling windows, to the distant ground, as if he was talking to Duan Junjie, or he was saying to the invisible opponent: "The line has been laid long enough." Page 8 Duan Junjie lowered his head: "I will continue to report to you if there is a new situation." He turned to leave the office, and suddenly wrinkled his nose before leaving. A faintly sweet smell that he did not know where it came from, on the tip of his nose, it was like the caramel scent he would smell when he passed the dessert shop downstairs. This type of scent should not appear in Li Zeyan's office. It might be an illusion, Duan Junjie thought.
Chapter 4 Page 1 Unknowingly, it was the end of the year again. At this time, the center of the topic in the tea room of my colleagues will be more and more to rely on a lottery draw in the main link of the Huarui annual meeting. "Last year based on the report someone in the department next door got paid for a month of paid travel and wine!" "I want to pick a camera. Maybe the equipment is configured, and my photography skills will also improve." "Lawyer Duan, what prize do you want to win?" "The Sunshine Award." Duan Junjie replied. Everyone went silent. Page 2 Duan Junjie thinks this topic is meaningless, and he doesn't think he has the luck to win a lottery. Excessive surprises are often accompanied by huge risks. He is greedy for peace and stability, and does not want to give life too many twists and turns. It's better to go home and cook an extra meal for the cat when you have the time. Huarui’s annual meeting has always been very lively. In addition to the people at the headquarters, some cooperating companies will also come to socialize. The police, like the boss of the film and television company of the company, will not be absent every year. Page 3 After the last eavesdropping incident, probably out of affirmation of his work ability, Li Zeyan handed him more tasks. As a result, he came into contact with this woman who had an unusual relationship with the BOSS. Although he exchanged information online, the other party did not know his identity in reality. He glanced at the energetic girl, and then turned away, not intending to say hello to her as Huarui's lawyer. Page 4 What Duan Junjie didn't expect was that he won the second prize at this annual meeting. The moment his name appeared on the big screen, his colleagues seemed to be more excited than him. These guys who usually claim to be the elites of the law surrounded him laughing and making noise, and they said that they should be invited to share the joy, "You're from our department. Duan Junjie you finally won this year's prize! " Duan Junjie was so upset by them that he simply slipped out of the annual meeting with an excuse.  He had just gotten in the car and was about to start, and suddenly two figures flashed in the corner of his eyes who shouldn’t be there at this time. Page 5 Li Zeyan and NOX walked to the garage side by side, and the two seemed to be talking about something.  Duan Junjie thought it might not be an official business, because the girl’s face had the brilliant smile that she have on her age. She carried a bag of vegetables in one hand and gestured twice with the other. Li Zeyan’s eyebrows were still the same. It's cold, but there is a slight arc in the corner of his mouth, and if Duan Junjie is right, is this BS BOSS carrying a bag of cat litter in his hand? It's the same cat litter as Amo. Duan Junjie raised his eyebrows, he felt as if he had discovered something extraordinary. Page 6 So Duan Junjie asked questions unrelated to work for the first time in the work email when he went to work the next day. Why is the poster of the Huarui Annual Meeting is a Siamese? Li Zeyan quickly answered him. That is my cat, it is a Ragdoll. Chapter 5 Page 1 Affected by the public opinion of "Huarui's malicious acquisition of pharmaceutical companies", the atmosphere in the company has recently become much sluggish than before. The pantry is no longer full of laughter and gossip, but turned into quiet discussions and sighs. "When I went to drink coffee across the street today, the clerk saw my badge and said that he would not accept it. He won't even talk to me afterwards" "Hmph, he didn't accept it?, you should complain to him at that time, not only complain, but also wear a Huarui badge every day to buy as a Huarui employee, it is never a shame!" "Yes, I should do that" Page 2 Duan Junjie was stunned and stopped for a while, and the colleague in the pantry had already noticed him: "Lawyer Duan." Duan Junjie nodded at them and poured the remaining water from the glass into the sink.  A female colleague smiled and greeted: "Lawyer Duan, how is Amo at home?" "It's ok, Amo has not been losing weight recently." "By the way, we have recently established a Huarui cat-related group. Lawyer Duan are interested in joining?" a female colleague asked him with a smile, "Occasionally I can see President Li's cat too, Pudding!" "Thank you, I'll think about it." Page 3 After bidding farewell to his colleagues, Duan Junjie set off for the BS building. One or two minutes before, he sent a message from the special communication channel of B.S. saying that an emergency meeting would be held. Before coming to the meeting room, he habitually knocked on the door three times, and after getting permission from Li Zeyan, he walked in. "BOSS" "The next phase of the plan can start." "Understood, I will arrange manpower." Page 4 Li Zeyan ordered him to do the next thing as usual, until a silver-haired man suddenly broke in and interrupted Duan Junjie's bargaining over the length of overtime. The two talked in private. Before the silver-haired man glanced coldly on him, Duan Junjie turned around and left the meeting room. Only doing what should be done, not listening to what should not be heard, this is the work principle he has always believed in. Page 5 Duan Junjie feels that his current life is very good. Both Huarui and BLACK SWAN are huge and sophisticated machines, requiring countless from 'attorney Duan' and 'Caerus' as screws to maintain their operation. The man at the helm who directs the operation is Li Zeyan. Screws can get stuck occasionally and can be replaced, but Li Zeyan make no mistakes, let alone replace any mistakes, the consequences are fatal once it appears. Perhaps in terms of risk, following Li Zeyan is already the biggest gamble in Duan Junjie's life. Page 6 His chips were all bet on this man, and he inexplicably believed that Li Zeyan could win, not because of the gorgeous numbers in the Huarui annual report, nor because B.S. continued to grow these crowns and glamorous surfaces under his leadership. It is because the stray cat was rescued, the brand new "small syringe" industry chain, and the badge on the chest of a colleague. The reason lies in these small things. Duan Junjie turned on the phone and opened a chat window before starting the next stage of work. "What is the cat-related group number?"
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themidnight-ghost · 3 years
If we had 5 more minutes
Kate Fleming moves in with Jo Davidson under witness protection. Feelings are discovered, they get a dog, host Jo's first (proper) Christmas, and Kate finally realises what it's like to truly love someone. 
“You can live the life you should have lived. Be free to be the person that you really are.”
“Where do you plan on going next?” Steve took another sip of his beer; god knows what was going on in his friend’s mind. Kate Fleming had been confused ever since she met the infamous Jo Davidson, and after the conversation they just had, he knew Kate would be crazy to let her go.
“Home, probably.”
Steve could hear the uncertainty in Kate’s voice, and he placed a reassuring hand atop of hers, “If you want her, go get her, mate.”
“I’m afraid.” Kate ducked her head, “I know she has witness protection, but something tells me it won’t be enough. I don’t know what to do with myself.”
“Follow your heart. If I deserve a shot, so do you.” He gestured to the harsh autumn air drifting through the slit in the doorway. Kate felt like it was calling her. She knew exactly where she wanted to go and who she needed to see, “I’ll text you.”
Steve Arnott smiled as he watched his best friend grab her jacket and flag down a taxi, “I know you will.”
By the time Kate arrived at Jo’s safe house, it was already 3 am. She felt terrible leaving the woman alone after everything that had happened, but who could really blame her. After knocking on the door 6 times, doubt started to rise in the DI’s chest. What if Jo had forgotten about her? What if she was asleep? What if something terrible had happened?
Fleming knocked again, this time with more urgency.
“Jo? It’s me, Kate. Can you open the door?” After no answer, Kate started becoming illogical. She was never a rational person, often acting on impulse and facing the consequences. It never even occurred to her that Jo could’ve been in the shower. Kate automatically presumed the worst and started looking for a way to scale the building.
Using her detective skills, Kate located a web of ivy stretching up the side of the house. She tugged on it gently at first, then with a little more force before pulling herself up, gasping slightly as a branch gave way but continued to climb, unaware of the approaching figure.
“I didn’t know you have a double life.” A tired Scottish accent echoed through their street, and Kate almost lost her footing, “You look like you’re about to rob me.”  
Thankful that the darkness hid her reddening cheeks, Kate began to make her way down to the former DCI who wore matching sweatpants and sweatshirt.
“Then again, I wouldn’t expect anything less from the woman who saved my life.” Jo twiddled her fingers as Kate approached, not wanting to cross a line.
“It was nothing, don’t worry about it.”
It wasn’t nothing.
Kate still remembered when Steve pulled over the van, how she froze after seeing Jo in such a dangerous position. The DI wanted to say something when they switched places, caress her hand as a sign of good luck, kiss her goodbye or reassure her that everything would be okay. Instead, she waited in silence as Jo was taken away from her yet again.
Unable to take the stillness, Kate spoke again, “How are you feeling?”
“I can’t sleep,” Jo admitted with a sad smile, “I’m constantly locking my doors, checking behind me and closing curtains. I want it to end, Kate.”
The DI wasn’t ready for such an honest confession, but she presumed it was because Jo had nothing left to lose - everything she had was now lost or a lie.
Kate automatically stepped forward, “It will end. The Gaffer’s picked out a place for you, somewhere in the country but still close to this place. You’ll be under witness protection. It’s like I said: you can live the life you should’ve lived.”
“Alone?” Jo’s accent was unusually weak. Alone was the harsh reality Jo didn’t want to admit true. She wanted nothing more but for Kate to come with her and live out a life together free of AC-12 and the OCG, but both women knew that wouldn’t be possible. Kate had a son and her job. Besides, Jo wasn’t worth loving.
Kate Fleming felt the same way. Every instinct in the DI’s body was begging to run to the smaller woman and hold her tightly in her arms, never letting go. It wouldn’t be practical. No one was supposed to know about Jo’s location, not even Hastings.  
“I’m sorry, Kate. Forget it; I’m the last person you’d want to be stuck with.”
Jo clearly still felt guilty about leading Kate to her death, but all of that was in the past. Kate didn’t care, and driving off into the night regardless of previous events was the best decision Kate had ever made.
“Jo, wait.” The DI instinctively grabbed the smaller woman’s wrist, stopping her from leaving, “Hear me out. I’ve never considered myself as anything other than straight, but that’s changed.”
Jo liked how Kate’s hand felt, securely wrapped around her wrist and never letting go. It felt safe like nothing can hurt her anymore.
“Christ, I’ve never been good at wording things or forming sentences, but I’ve never felt this way before, and I feel like a child.”
It only just occurred to Jo that this could be a confession.
“You’re so perfect. And even with everything you have going on, you’re still perfect even if you don’t think it now. And in the un-weirdest way possible, I want to follow you.” gentle drops of rain fell from the sky, “I want to follow you to the country, to England, to France, to wherever. Just so I can be with you. And I feel guilty that it took me this long to tell you because if something, anything happened in that prison, I don’t know what I’d do.”
At first, Jo thought this was a sick joke set up by AC-12 to get revenge, but the only thing in Kate’s eyes was honesty.
“You mean that?” The former DCI mentally cursed at her answer.
Taking both of Jo’s hands, Kate pulled her close.
“Of course I mean that. I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.” Something clicked, “I’m going to do everything I can to go home with you.”
And for the first time in ages, Joanne Davidson smiled. Too absorbed in the DI’s presence to consider anything else, she hesitantly cupped Kate’s face, pressing their foreheads together in the rain.
“Come home with me, Kate.”
☁️ ------------------- ☁️
Even though Kate doubted witness protection, she’d pulled a couple of strings that allowed her to move in with Jo. Initially, Kate had used Jo’s history with the OCG to convince AC-12 to let her move in, but as more truths became unearthed, Kate outed herself to Carmichael and was given the nod of approval.
It wasn’t the way Kate wanted it to go, but it still worked, and the DI wasn’t complaining. She still kept her job, her best friend, all whilst getting to live with the woman she... loved? Kate was still wavering about that word.
“I didn’t think it would be this big,” Jo spoke over the radio as the pair pulled into the driveway of a rural cottage.
Kate smirked, “Only the best for the best.”
Matching Kate’s humorous tone, Jo pointed to the ivy snaking up the trellis.
“Just in case you feel like climbing into the house again.”
“I was worried, yeah?” Kate gently nudged the smaller woman in the passenger seat, “Besides, I didn’t feel like waiting around all night.”
“Thank you, Kate.” Jo took the DI’s hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles, “For everything.”
“You really need to stop thanking me for everything. Give yourself some credit, Jo.”
“Let’s not go there just yet.” Jo unlocked the car door, becoming Kate to follow.
The DI knew Joanne still had problems with her role in their relationship. She believed that everything she did was selfish and wrong, refusing to see the good aspects like when they got drinks together or walked back to Kate’s drunk and free. Free from AC-12 and the worries of life outside and inside of work. When they walked hand-in-hand, looking at the moon whilst convincing themselves this was a totally platonic thing. Jo was yet to know that she helped Kate discover who she truly was and where she belonged.
Unlocking the little red door, Jo’s mind started to buzz. What colour would the walls be? Where would the kitchen go? Is the wall big enough for a tapestry?
“It’s a tad… plain,” Kate commented.
“That’s the point!” Jo enthusiastically hugged the DI, “We get to choose how to live. For once, we are in control.”
Witnessing Jo so excited made Kate’s heart flutter. Consumed by euphoria, Kate picked up her lover and spun her around in their new living room, their laughter bouncing off the walls and filling the space.
The pair ended by facing each other, breathing heavily through bubbles of laughter.
“What colour should the kitchen be?”
“Green,” Jo tucked a strand of hair behind Kate’s ear, “With a gold tint.”
Kate smiled at Jo’s newfound confidence, “Sound good, boss. Ever thought of getting a dog?”
“Please, Kate,” Jo became solemn, “You don’t need to call me boss anymore.”
Kate took her hand, “But, I thought that was our thing? If you want me to stop, I will.”
Jo inhaled deeply. There are certain things she didn’t want to address, especially after the moment they just experienced. That being said, Joanne Davidson knew the key to any healthy relationship was communication.
“Can we just start again?” Jo fiddled with her fingers, something she always did when anxious, “I don’t want to remember what I put you through or the pain you faced because of my mistakes.”
“I’m sorry, Jo, but I don’t want to start again.” Kate touched the older woman’s shoulder, “Those experiences, they make us who we are; it’s why we’re so close. The universal experience we share with AC-12 and the OCG: it’s us, and I don’t want to forget that.”
Witnessing the walls of Jo’s mental castle crumbling, Kate continued.
“You made mistakes, we all do. It’s what makes us human. We learn from them, adapt, overcome, and that isn’t anything to be ashamed of. Even if forgetting was possible, we can’t pick and choose to get rid of the bad and keep the good. You must find good in the experience. To me, that good is you, Jo.”
Jo buried her head into the crook of Kate’s neck, “I don’t deserve you.”
“I could say the same.”
The pair stayed like that for what seemed like hours. Jo cried it out into Kate’s chest, gripping her shirt as the DI whispered honest words of comfort.
☁️ ------------------- ☁️
After adjusting to their new life, the couple decided to take that exciting yet predictable step and get a dog. It was something Kate Fleming had wanted to do for a long time, and Jo was in no place to stop her. The agreement was that if Jo designed the house, Kate could design the dog… or something as such.
After rolling down the windows, taking many wrong turns and singing Taylor Swift at the top of their lungs, the couple eventually reached the pet shelter.
They held hands as they walked through the kennels.
“What are you looking for, Kate?”
The DI hesitated, spoilt for choice, “Something with personality and spirit.”
“Sounds like a tough one-”
“Christ, what the hell is that!” Kate abruptly pulled away, running over to one of the kennels, “It’s some sort of hairless rat.”
Jo tried her best not to laugh at her girlfriend’s antics, “Kate, you can’t just say that. You’ll hurt its feelings!”
The DI kneeled over in a fit of laughter as the hairless rat-dog chirped towards them, and this time it was Jo’s turn to laugh at the little dog as it spun sporadically in circles.
“Look at the tufts of hair poking from its chin!” Kate mocked before focusing her attention elsewhere, “What have you seen?”
Jo wordlessly pointed to the kennel housing a golden labrador. His eyes were kind and gentle, and he greeted them with a waggy tail. Both women crouched by the glass, Kate resting a hand on Jo’s shoulder for support as the former DCI pressed the palm of her hand against the kennel bars. The dog was cautious at first but started licking Jo’s palm delicately.
“He reminds me of myself,” Jo murmured, and Kate wanted her to continue. The DI never expected Jo to relate to a dog. A hawk maybe but never a dog, “In prison, I mean.”
“He reminds me more of Steve; look at his mug.” The quip Kate made to lighten the mood worked, and soon the couple had signed the papers and were driving back home to Taylor Swift, Steve the dog accompanying them in the back seat.
Jo’s first rule was that Steve wasn’t allowed on the bed. The second was that he couldn’t chew anything of value in the house. Unfortunately for Jo, Steve and Kate ignored both of them.
It started when Kate heard Steve crying in his bed, so she naturally felt sorry for the animal and brought him upstairs to sleep with the couple. All was going well until Steve the dog slotted himself between the pair, separating them for the entire night.
“Come on, mate,” Kate whispered as she pulled the dog back, “I’ve spent enough time without her already.”
After about 10 minutes of trying to move the labrador, Joanne Davidson’s tired voice muffled into the pillow: “I told you the dog shouldn’t be allowed on the bed, Kate.” The DI knew Jo was smirking from how she said her name and decided to get her own back. She refused to spend any more nights without Jo wrapped in her arms.
Climbing past Steve the dog and over the blankets, Kate adjusted herself in the darkness, so she was lying comfortably on Jo’s back. Rolling her eyes, Jo shuffled upwards, letting the DI snake her hands around her waist and cushion her head in Jo’s neck. Jo seriously considered letting Steve sleep on the bed every night.
☁️ ------------------- ☁️
With no recent actions from the OCG, AC-12 gave Kate the go-ahead to release details of her and Jo’s location to 2 people maximum. It wasn’t a debate. Fleming approved Steve and Ted in a heartbeat, making sure they knew the pans for Christmas eve.
Jo Davidson had never spent Christmas with someone before, never mind someone she loved. Even with Freida, Jo had been alone, never fully able to relax or enjoy the rainbow lights and festive music, but as she sat snuggled in front of the wood burner with Kate, she was entirely able to absorb the atmosphere:
Their Christmas tree in the corner, Steve the dog chewing a candy cane, stockings over the fireplace, the unfinished gingerbread house on the kitchen counter, Christmas music outlining the walls and being curled up in the arms of the love of her life as she breathed gently on her neck whilst reading a book.  
“I know you’re unsure about the L-word….” Jo trailed off, once again twiddling her fingers.
Kate kissed her cheek, “Lesbian?”
The former DCI wanted to be as honest as possible, “You know what word I mean, Kate. And I know it scares you.” A beat, “You are in no position to say it back, but I need to tell you that I love you, Kate.”
Kate reassuringly rubbed Jo’s side.
“You love me?”
At that moment, Jo felt a wave of embarrassment overtake her. She felt like a child in a playground handing their crush a dandelion. The former DCI tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and nodded shyly.
“You mean a lot to me, Jo,” Kate admitted with a smile. She had been brainstorming how to say the L-word without actually having to say it, “More than most people and you need to know, you’re the most important person in my life.”
Content with the answer, Jo snuggled into her lover’s side, drifting away to the sound of carol singers and church bells.
Forgetting to send Steve and Ted a text not to ring the bell, she was thankful to see them (mainly Steve) making ‘lovey dovey’ faces through the window. Kate rolled her eyes at her friends’ antics, cautiously prying herself away from the smaller woman and opening the door, pressing a finger to her lips.
“We didn’t mean to wake you,” Ted said sincerely, placing the bag of Christmas presents on the table.
“Oh, it’s fine,” Kate admitted, “It was mainly Jo anyway, her nightmares are on and off, and last night wasn’t the greatest. But you-” She turned to Steve,
“Finally got the girl I see?” Her best friend greeted her with a witty remark and a hug.
Ted peered into the couple’s living room where Jo slept to admire their tree.
“No star?” He questioned.
Kate assessed Steve’s Christmas eve takeaway, “Jo said her mum had a tradition where they put the star up on Christmas day. I figured we’d keep it alive.”
“You should go wake her, mate. God knows how she’ll react to someone in her house. Nevermind us of all people.” Steve mentioned, not wanting to make a bad impression.
“Just don’t break anything.” Kate quipped.
Steve the dog and Steve the person got along surprisingly well, and when not being interviewed about the OCG, Jo and Ted actually had a lot in common. All four shared Steve’s Christmas eve takeaway whilst watching ‘Love Actually’ and, much to Kate’s dismay, started on her trifle during ‘A Muppets Christmas Carol’. The night ended with an excitable game of charades in which Steve and Jo had to act out Scooby and Shaggy - Steve gave Jo a piggyback around the cottage, both adults screaming with glee as they paraded around.
To be honest, Jo didn’t have high hopes of keeping a relationship with Ted and Steve, especially after Operation lighthouse. It was unfortunate because Kate cared so much about them, and despite not knowing them, it automatically made Jo care about them too.
Christmas day passed too quickly. They started by opening presents. Kate got Ted a ‘Worlds Best Dad’ mug, and Steve bought him a customised top saying: ‘Not H’.
As well as last night’s takeaway, Steve bought Kate a sign he stole from AC-12 whilst drunk (don’t ask how he didn’t get caught) and an Alexa. Kate went for a more classy option: a framed photo of them wasted at a karaoke bar.
Finally, it was Jo’s turn. Due to Kate’s last-minute planning, the former DCI had no chance to buy Ted or Steve anything, but they didn’t mind; they hadn’t formed enough of a bond yet. However, Kate insisted she presented her present first. The DI could hear her heart thumping in her ears as she handed Jo the small jewellery box containing 2 necklaces, each with a personalised pendant: a small silver gun, the other a golden car. Jo admired them with adoration; every detail had been etched into the metal, even the make of Steve’s getaway vehicle.
“A matching set?”
“To remind us of how far we’ve come.”
Jo wasn’t sure how her present could top Kate’s but proceeded with the gift-giving. It was a weighted blanket, a set of bond touch bracelets for when Kate went back to work and a cute little photo book personalised with added newspaper clippings, annotations, dates and locations relating to their relationship.
Jo’s act of love deeply touched Kate’s heart. A series of small yet meaningful presents was definitely her speed, and Kate couldn’t stop herself from flicking through the photobook and admiring all the small details like her favourite colour, preferred flowers and location coordinates which Jo had marked in.
“It’s adorable. Thank you, Jo.”
Jo simply nodded as she sat in Kate’s lap, fiddling with the silver gun around her neck. Kate Fleming had the car, of course.
Unable to move after the Christmas dinner, the group spent the rest of Christmas relishing each others company. Jo and Kate started by carelessly putting up the star, the former DCI needing a lift from her girlfriend to reach the top of the tree. Human Steve was with dog Steve, Ted had a cuppa and a newspaper, commenting on various political events, occasionally uttering a ‘mother of god’ making Kate, who was now squashed under Jo Davidson, chuckle.
That was the first Christmas where Jo had properly smiled.
☁️ ------------------- ☁️
Kate Fleming had been married once, and it was a disaster. Let’s just say she wasn’t ready for it. She had too many regrets, doubts and problems in her own head. That marriage put her off love for a while. Not only that, but the universal experience of being heartbroken was enough to make her want to stay single forever. That was the plan until Joanne Davidson arrived. Jo Davidson helped Kate discover who she was and become comfortable with her sexuality. The woman who helped her embrace the demons, who humbled her whilst building her up and never tore her down.
The DI was on the fence about her feelings until she almost lost Jo at the shootout with Ryan Pilkinton. On that night was when Kate decided to take Jo and run, the city wasn’t safe, and the pair wanted out. Unfortunately, the plan didn’t work.
That’s why Kate was standing by the door, ring in pocket, dog lead in hand, ready to propose to the woman she loved.
“Ready to go?” Greeted the Scottish accent she loved so dearly.
“I’m the one waiting for you, boss.” Jo lovingly ruffled the DI’s hair as she stepped out of their cottage, taking a freeing breath of air; she grinned when Steve bounded behind her and Kate linked their arms.
It was autumn again. The couple proceeded to the nearby hill path, through the arching oak trees, across the wooden bridge kate thought how nice it was to see Jo free from all those layers she used to wear at work. The former DCI swished her legs through the sea of leaves, and Kate did the same, both women snickering like toddlers when they flew up in her face.
Kate knew Jo would want something intimate and private rather than exotic and loud, so she planned to propose at the top of the hill which overlooked the city. Kate had timed the walk perfectly so the sun would set, and she could properly see the golden tones reflecting on her lover’s face.
Finally reaching the top of the hill, Kate admired how perfect Davidson looked as she gazed contently at the sunset, contrasting against the flushed sky. Steve the dog sniffing around for squirrels Kate realised they had the perfect family.
“Jo?” Kate looked calm, but inside, she was terrified of rejection, “Forgive me for not saying this earlier; I just didn’t know how to word it.”
Aware that she had Jo’s full attention, she swallowed the nonexistent doubt and continued.
“I love you. I love how sweet you are with kids. I love how you get sleepy when it rains. I love how you fiddle with your fingers when nervous. I love how you’re obsessed with skittles but only the yellow ones. I love how you turn your head into my hand when I play with your hair. I love how insanely ticklish you are. I love how you adore being the little spoon, even if you won’t admit it for anything. I love how you drive so. So carefully when someone else is in the car. I love how you can’t pass a field of cows without saying ‘cows’. I love how you hug every dog you see. I love how you scrunch up your nose when you feel like you’re going to sneeze.”
Kate knelt down on one knee.
“I love your fear of fireworks. I love how cuddly you are when you’re tired. I love all of that and everything else too, and I could keep going all day with listing all the millions of things that make you Jo. I love you, Joanne Davidson, and I am always going to love you.”
She pulled the box from her pocket, presenting it to her lover.
“Joanne Davidson, will you marry me?”
Jo looked starstruck, but after what seemed like hours, she shook her head. Kate went numb, her face fell, and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The DI didn’t even feel Jo take the box from her hands’ nevermind see Jo taking a knee.
“You seem to be giving all the speeches lately.”
The Scottish accent pulled kate out of her daze, and the taller woman tenderly gasped at the sight of Jo Davidson, down on one knee and offering her a ring.
“I don’t think you realise the impact you’ve had on my life, Kate. You saved me. Not just from the OCG but from myself, and I don’t know how to ever thank you for that. Through the time we’ve known each other, you’ve been my knight in shining armour. You stormed the tower-like Flynn Ryder when Rapunzel needed help, risked your job just to get us out of the city. You intercepted the transport vehicle, and without you, I wouldn’t be here today.”
Jo couldn’t contain her grin as she witnessed Kate's reaction.
“The only time is smile is when I’m with you, Kate. I can be myself around you, and I’ve never been more thankful to have someone in my life. When we first arrived, you told me that we shouldn’t start again because our story makes us who we are. I’m ashamed it took me so long to realise this. We’re here today because we made choices we can’t change, and even though it’s broken me and built me back up, there’s no one else I’d rather go on this journey with. You, me and Steve, of course.”
Kate felt like she was on top of the world and the following sentence was everything she wanted to hear and more.
“Please, Kate Fleming. Will you marry me?”
Obviously, Kate said yes.
☁️ that ending honestly makes me feel sick so I wrote my own. I'm glad Jo found happiness - she deserved it. but we all know it should've been with Kate. thank you for reading bestie x 😔 ☁️
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catharrington · 4 years
I don't know if you have time/desire for more catboy but if you do...
Steve getting something gross stuck in his fur (maybe Billy's bubble gum or some candy?) and Steve's trying to contort himself to clean it, but it's in a spot he just can't quite reach so they have to figure out how to get it off when a bath just makes it worse.
Time? None at all. Desire?? Overflowing with it, babe!!
Oh my gosh let me take this opportunity to enjoy some Halloween time!! I imagine cat boy Steve loves Halloween because hey free built in costume he always wears! Him and other cat people just have the best All Hallows ever!
Steve didn’t have much when he first came to Billy’s, just the ears on his head and the collar that got unceremoniously dumped into the trash can. Billy convinced him to go shopping together once, and Steve didn’t care for it much. Felt far too close to a date, too close to what he wanted from Billy— but not what the other wanted from him.
So soon billy just started leaving money on the coffee table where he could. Small amounts. Just enough for Steve to use it to feel some sort of independence. Because billy was stepping far too over the line— no way Steve actually wanted to be in a serious relationship with the guy he nicknamed ‘kidnapper’.
Halloween was different, Halloween was everything goes. Steve had gotten a job at a library just down the Main Street of town, not a 5 minute walk from their apartment. He would sit behind the counter tapping his long nails across a hard back book, most days, using his pointy ears and flicking tail to point out teenagers making too much noise. And the older woman who worked there all fawned over him.
He took the later evening shift, he said it was to help the old bats out, also I’m by myself! Don’t have to worry about them touching my ears or calling me ‘kitty’ to my face!
He would stumble home every day with his ears low on his floppy brown hair, and his shoulder bag filled with books across his chest.
Billy told him he shouldn’t be walking that late at night, don’t care how far, makes me worried someone might want a pretty cat like you?
And Steve would laugh, strip down to a pair of flannel pajama bottoms he stole from Billy, giggling the whole time, and lay down so his head is on Billy’s chest. Let those rough from work hands relax the tension in the muscles around his ears.
They didn’t talk much, didn’t need to. They felt like two jigsaw puzzle pieces meeting. And those don’t have to talk to know they fit.
Halloween was the first time Billy got to see the side of Steve that wasn’t soft sweaters or library books. Wasn’t a fierce independence acting as a wall againt the trauma of abandonment. Of abuse.
Halloween was the first time Billy got to see Steve in a skin tight black cat suit. Designed for cat boys and bought because there’s a bar right down the block from the library and it’s free drinks for cats tonight! I’ve just got to go, Billy, that’s so rad!
Halloween was when Billy followed Steve around, not the other way around. Pulled out an old leather jacket he was surprised still fit him at all. Didn’t talk about the way Steve was going for an all black look but didn’t make any move to take off the brown leather collar Billy got him as an apology gift.
Didn’t talk about the way the wet look pleather on Steve’s cat suit matched. Didn’t mention they looked like a couple. That Billy might hinder Steve if he’s looking to ride a dick that night.
No, he just smiled and walked arm in arm down the block as the sun set. Pretty oranges and red filling the sky. Leaves crunching underfoot the same color as Steve’s pretty hair, all styled up with hairspray and perfect as could be.
The building is lit up with strings of bright purple, a lime green naked bulb sits in the front door where a bouncer stands and collects Billy’s head fee while Steve just flicks his tail to get it.
The bar is crowded with ghouls, and goblins, witches line the bar with their pointy hats. Decorated with arching white spider webs.
Billy knows Steve really only drinks wine because it actually tastes good unlike the piss Billy drinks, so he ain’t surprised when he orders some candy-apple monstrosity. Laps it up with his devilish pink tongue when he gets it. Catches Billy watching over the rim of his tall beer glass.
Steve downs the martini in one gulp before grabbing Billy around the hand, pulling him with a naughty glint in his eye towards the dance floor.
He turns around, moves Billy’s hands around his hips, purrs dance with me, nice and slow?
In a question that doesn’t sound like a question. His tail wrapping possessively around Billy’s legs. Billy groans back, right into the chocolate fudge swirl of his sensitive ear, set the pace, pretty cat, you know I’m good for it.
They let go for song after song, rolling into the next like their bodies roll. Billy’s belt buckle shimmering and catching against the fabric of Steve’s cat suit. Both a mess of sweat, dripping off their foreheads into their greedy open mouths. But they don’t care, they don’t stop.
Not until Steve’s ear gets yanked by another bar patron. Billy’s got his face burrowed into the side of Steve’s neck, drowning the way his wild flower and musk cologne always lingers on the plush leather, so he doesn’t realize anything happening until Steve’s hands move off his own. They lift from where they were cupped around Billy’s own to swat at another hand hovering around his head. His ears. They stayed at if risking another grope.
Steve hissed low and mean, warning three’s a company, creepy bastard! Now back off before I show you how quick I can bite off a dick. His voice nothing like Billy’s heard it. It made his head snap up so quick.
The guy wouldn’t let up, his face ruddy with alcohol and his golden Roman crown as lopsided as his sheet he’s trying to pass off as a costume. He pops a sucker out his mouth to reply. It’s made his whole mouth cherry red, Billy hates to look at it. Hates the words he’s spewing even more.
Steve only lets him get a sentence into his explanation about how a wild cat like you needs a firm hand before he’s shoving with two fingers into the center of the guy’s chest. Backing him up with a sharp nail that disappears into the fabric. Hopefully to leave a prick of blood.
Billy’s hand snaps forward of its own accord, pressing his huge palm flat into the guy’s shoulder and sending him stumbling backwards. He’s always up for a bar fight, knows a drunk bastard like this wouldn’t win always. He shouts out I warned you man, and now I gotta kick your ass! But doesn’t get that far.
He’s caught by two hands on the lapels of his jacket. Yanking him to the side where Steve’s turned from the ass hole. Watching Billy with those nervous dinner plate eyes again. All glittering gold and chocolate chips, making his knees weak. He’s not worth it, Steve purrs. And he’s right. The guy isn’t worth it. But Steve’s worth winning one bar fight and so, so much more. He’s worth the world to Billy. So he listens and follows as they dip to the bathroom.
It’s not until Billy’s coming out of the stall he used to take a leak does he notice that creepy bastard’s pop stuck in the fur of Steve’s tail. It’s amazing he doesn’t feel it, all glossy and red and clutching at the silky fur, but it’s a testimony to how thick his tail really is. Billy knows, he’s had the honor of running his fingers through it enough times.
He offers let me help, get some soap and try to scrub it out.
But Steve just laughs, bracing himself on the side of the cracking porcelain sink, lifting one leg up while the other held his weight, then twists around until the flat of his tongue can lick across the base of his tail. Gathers spit by licking and licking, grooming the pop off his fur inch by inch until it detached into his mouth.
He drops his leg from the sink with a sigh, a dreamy moany thing that Billy’s never going to get out of his head.
Watches as Steve rolls the pop around in his mouth a couple times, savoring the artificial cherry flavor. Savoring the way he wasn’t about to let that ass hole ruin his Halloween. Then he pressed to open the trash bin with one stomp before spitting the pop away.
Billy’s never been more turned on, never been more grossed out as the same time he’s so hard. Never wanted to taste the lingering bubble pop cherry flavor from another pair of lips before.
He simply leans back against another sink and whistles, says that was something else, Stevie, where all can you reach?
And Steve doesn’t tell him. Huffs out the side of his mouth while he rolls his eyes. Blushing pretty. Says I seriously need another drink now. And something not cherry!
And Billy follows him back to the bar, decorated for Halloween and dripping with spider webs, with a smile.
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bakubaewritings · 4 years
Lost (4)
Warning Cursing 
(1)     (2)    (3)     5(coming soon)
If you’d like to be tagged in the next part feel free to comment or private message me <3
The air was thick with tension; it loomed over the two of you like a dark fog,  in complete silence. No one dared speak a word. Outside there was no sound of traffic or bird song, just silence.
"Y/n." Emotions consumed Todoroki all at once. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and hold you in his arms. He missed you; he missed everything about you, how you smelled, how your skin felt against his, the sound of your voice, the taste of your lips. Those long sorrow-filled weeks without you, without speaking a word to you after having you run out of his life, due to his fault.
"Get out," your voice was low and harsh. The coldness in your tone bitterly nipped at Todoroki's hopeful aura. His eyes began to swell with tears at her words.
"Y/n?" He beckoned again, walking over to the hospital bed. He craved your touch, the warmth that radiated off your skin was so much more than superficial. It warmed his heart; in your time together you had become his safe place. He found comfort in your voice and calmness in your eyes.
However, the look painted all on your face was not one of joy; it was rage and disgust.
"Get out, Todoroki." Your voice grew louder, down an octave as it fell to a low growl. He wanted to convince himself that you didn't mean him. However, he understood. You deserved to feel angry at him for his actions; he would be fooling himself to think you'd ever be able to forget and forgive.
"I know you want me to go, but hear me out Y/n, please." His hands balled to fists at his sides. Heat radiated off him in waves as his emotions began to fule into his quirk. The way his heart pounded against his ribcage rang in his ears. Shoto had never been one to show so much emotion, he was always calm and cool, however when it came to you, maybe he wouldn't demonstrate it, but you were what connected him to his genuine emotions. You had introduced him to emotions he'd never felt in his life. You had become his gravity, the center of his whole world. You kept him human, while still pushing him to follow his dreams, something he'd never really had as a child.
You stayed silent, biting down on the inside of your cheek in an attempt to distract yourself from the urge to begin sobbing. You refused to look him in the eye; to you his eyes only held betrayal. You'd already spent the entire summer attempting to scrub away the image of Shoto and Momo. You didn't need a reminder.
"I betrayed your trust, and I know that . I was an awful partner ,and you have every right to be upset and angry at me. I know me simply saying sorry will not erase the situation; what I did was unforgivable, but for what it is worth Y/n L/n I am so sorry, I never met to hurt you at all." There was a brief pause, Todoroki swallowed the lump in his throat. It took every bit of strength to hold back his tears. He made his way towards you; his gaze never left your face as your eyes desperately tried to keep starting at objects around the room.
"Y/n you know me, you know me better than anyone. You know how much I love you, and I'd never do anything to hurt you purposefully." He was next to you, knees firmly on the ground.  You could feel his quirk radiating off him in polar temperatures. His face burned in the white hospital sheets that clung to your lap.
"You didn't kiss her." The words fell from your lips as clarity began to paint your thoughts. Shoto hadn't properly hugged a girl that wasn't in his immediate family before you, he was always reserved and respectful, never one to demonstarte so much emotion, especially kissing a fellow classmate in a dormitory gym. It was completely and utterly out of character for the bi-hair colored boy.
"I'd never, disrespect you like that Y/n." His words muffled against the sheets, you could feel his burning skin through the thin fabric as the heat began to dance on your thigh. "I love you."
There they were, for the first time in what had now been months you'd finally heard him utter those three words. You'd remember how patently you waited for him to feel comfortable enough to understand the feeling of love between two people that were more than just friends.
"Forgive me for assuming it was mutual but you can't blame me Todoroki, You became so distant from me. All it became was Momo this and Momo that. How was I supposed to feel?"
His head shifted from your lap. He looked up at you with small tears wetting his long lashes. "I have no explanation, to be quite honest, I was oblivious. I should have taken your feelings into account, you were always so patient and understanding, and I took advantage of that. I assumed you didn't need me as much to help you, and when Yaoyorozu asked for my help, I just wanted to be kind, just like you. You're always putting others before you, helping people with everything you can. It's the quality of a true hero, an amazing hero. I wanted to be like you." You'd be lying to yourself if you said his words did not affect you. No, every sentence was another tug at your heartstrings.
" I did notice we weren't spending as much time together, and I didn't like it either. I let another girl occupy the time I should have been giving to you. The one girl who's been by my side through it all. I have no excuse for what I did, I know it was incredibly wrong, but please Y/n, I love you. Give me another chance." Your hands, so petite compared to his much larger frame, came to cup the sides of his head lovingly. However, that was also when you noticed it, the diamond that shone brightly on your finger, placed on there by his own brother.
Dabi, Todoroki Touya. The man who had comforted you in the last days, a man who you'd grown incredibly close to, a man who you were to marry.
Unfortunately, the cold band did not go unnoticed by the youngest Todoroki either. He flinched away from it in confusion. He was peering down at it in a clear face of disdane.
"Y/n?" It sounded more of a warning than a question. Like a desert, your words had dried out in your troat. Your mind only drew blanks. How were you going to explain that you were to marry his brother?
The sound of the door creeking open tore your attention from one another.
"Hey, little brother, finally decided to make a comeback." An apparent scowl was on full display on Dabi's face as he walked into the room, a white paper bag in hand, letters decortating the bag displaying the name of your favorite restaurant.
"Touya? What are you doing here?"
"Bringing food for my Fiance." He said nonchalantly. Oh, how you wanted to smack him square in the face. The atmosphere changed into a hostile one. Shoto's eyes looked as if they were to pop out of his head at the moment.
"Fiance?" He asked blankly. His face was fully corrupted with anger and confusion.
"Yep, you can ask the old man about more details, but after you graduate this little cutie is gonna be the next Mrs. Touya Todoroki."  Your mouth hung open, every word of of Dabi's mouth was laced with venom. He wanted nothing more than to crawl under his perfect little brother's skin.
"What the hell is going on? Y/n?" He looked at you for any sort of answer, he hoped you'd just laugh it off as a joke. A hilarious way to make him feel awful for what had happened, but when you gave no such indication of a joke he knew. This was real.
"I.." You couldn't speak. No string of words that formed in your brain were coherent. There was nothing you could say that would fix the situation. Of course, you had to tell him all this eventually, but this was way too soon.
"Someone explain what the hell is going on?" A deep growl came from Shoto as he glared daggers at Dabi.
"Why don't you leave Shoto, Y/n needs to rest. She doesn't need you here with your petty apologizes."
'Dabi." You let out a gasp at his words.
"You leave Touya. You have no part in this. Y/n is mine."  The two men advanced at each other, getting into a fighting stance.
"Shoto, Dabi stop!" You pleaded with the two boys. The gap between them getting smaller, ready to use their quirks against each other at any minute. Shoto's right side had begun to cover in a thin sheet of frost, while the left began to heat up. Dabi, on the other hand, his aura turned dark as a blue glow emitted from his hands.
"Enough!" You shouted out, now using your quirk to gather any water from the room and using a technique to shape it as tentacles and pull both boys apart from each other.
"Dabi, Shoto and I are going to have to talk about this. This is sooner than I'd would have wanted, but It's going to happen." You huffed, at the dark hair colored boy, turning to Shoto, "we may have a lot of talk about, and you will get an explanation, but both of you need to control yourselves and not try to kill each other! Now can I please get discharged then we can go to Endavour and, he will explain everything because I'm, not wasting my breath talking about this whole bullshit anymore!" Wide eyes stared at you, as your voice rose in anger. You were annoyed, you couldn't seem to catch a break. You just wanted to disappear.
Pent up anger and frustration towards everything had been coming undone just by seeing  Shoto.
"I'm so over this bullshit!" Never one to curse, never one to raise your voice, always the perfect little lady. The facade was coming undone.
"I can't catch a god damn break; when everything seems to be going okay another damn brick is thrown my fucking way. I'm just trying to get better, does no one care how I feel?" Your voice was getting louder by the second. A crowd of people, doctors, nurses, and even your fellow classmates were at your door.
"Does no one care I had no time to grieve? Does That asshole of a god damn man take pleasure in fucking with my future? Does my own family really care more about our god damn imagine than to let me actually live and be myself?" To be honest, eveyone had faded from your eyes. All you see was an empty red color as you continued to rage.
"Grieve?" The word played in Shoto Todoroki's head like a broken record. Grieving what? He asked himself.
You hadn't realized, but you were standing now, your water tentacles wrapped around the men's torsos tightening with your quirk.
"Doll, calm down now, please. It's getting a little too tight." Dabi struggled to attempt to wiggle out of the grip.
"Too tight!?" You know what's tight?" You yelped, hot tears falling from your cheeks. "This god damn burden, I have pushed my god damn chest inward. I'm going insane!"You cried, falling to the ground. You lost your control on your quirk, and the water splashed into the ground.
Shoto's mind was moving 50 miles a second in attempting to understand what was going on. Had you felt a burden for being engaged to his brother? Surely he knew his father was responsible, but why you had agreed to, he still coudn't understand. Nevertheless, he was first to rush to your side. Falling against his chest, you laid silent, letting your tears finish falling.
Crying, felt like the only thing you could do for these last months.
"Let's get you home. Okay, let's get you out of this place." Shoto whispered softly in your ear, brushing yout hair back so you can bury your face deeper in his chest. He couldn't lie, having you this close again, this made his heart sore.
Now Dabi could only stand and watch holding back his own emotions as the girl he'd come to love fell right back into the arms of the man you truly belonged with.
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Of stormy nights and sorrows
The night was dark and stormy. Of course all nights in Gotham were dark and stormy, but this one seemed to be particularly vengeful, pummeling the ground with strong whips of water, and throwing saplings like ragdolls. Causing chaos in homeless shelters as vagabonds scrambled for a place with walls and windows. The rain was so great that it had caused all the usual suspects to run for shelter, emptying the streets faster than black bats glare ever could - Cass was just a little jealous. But no crime meant no vigilantes, and dad would never put his kids out in a hurricane just to save some cats in trees. 
“But father, you can’t be serious! Rain should be no match for a warrior of my caliber!” Cass didn’t understand the words but she could feel the insult behind them. 
Jason started in too, desperate to get out of the manor “Yeah b we’ll be fine! You can’t keep us here anyway! I am a grown ass adult” 
Dad grunted, his standard response for any kind of disobedience. 
Turning his back to the 11 owlish eyes boring holes into his head, he went back to sorting the batarangs tutting as he did. 
Then there was silence, it was long and she didn’t like it. Too long, too quiet for too long, something bad was going to happen, she could tell. She shifted uneasily on her perch, preparing to move at the first sign of trouble. She did want another argument there had been to many already. 
It was oppressive. 
Quiet. Quiet. Quiet. Quiet. Quiet. Quiet. Quiet. Quiet. And oh! Steph finally broke, she had been expecting it (steph may as well have been screaming her intention) but the loud noise still startled her 
“Oh my god Bruce! Will you speak in sentences for once in your goddamn life!” 
Bruce-dad tensed unnoticeably and she watched him with a closer eye from her nest on the banister. He prepared himself as if to give a speech, but only managed to spit out “Its cold, and nobodys out there anyway. The last thing we need is one of you getting sick.” 
Silence, silence that stretched out miserably and then…. “I’m gonna go play among us, anyone want to join?” 
“Oh my god Duke read the room”  
“Oh shut up duke some of us are actually are actually used to not spending the night scaring the crap out of our neighbors and work 9-5 like a normal person” 
Huh she thought neighbor…neghibor…“Ne-i-gh-b-or” she mouthed the word, (And what a word), neighbor she concluded must mean criminal.
 In her distraction her siblings had disappeared and she shifted uneasily. She had let her walls down too far, and lost track of her family. That would need to be amended. 
Now, the two loneliest residents were left to brood in silence--plus one of course, when those two were alone it was always with a hidden plus one. 
Dad still leaned over the table, gripping it with both hands like his life depended on it. 
He was worried, that much was obvious to anyone, It was all over  his face. 
But Cass knew better than to take it at face value, she examined other parts too. Everyone relied on faces too much she thought, when they really didn’t tell you that much. It was better to look at muscle; muscle, skin, and bone, they tell you the whole story. 
He was worried, but it was more than that. He was….scared, his whole body screamed “PROTECT!” as if he had tooo…he had tooo… oh what was it he had to .. yes! He had to shield them! He had to shield them, his body yelled “PROTECT!” He stood like he was the last person between evil and family. 
What a silly thought! He didn’t need to worry, she would always stand between evil and family. 
Dad sighed, “Father while I understand your decision to preserve the health of your soldiers, it should go without being said that I will be joining you tonight” 
Dad’s nostrils flared, his arms tensed, and his feet shifted into a wider stance - a fighting stance. 
Oh no, bad, bad, bad, bad. Dad…no…Batman slammed the batarang on the table, and turned to Damian, 
“And why? Why is that Damian? Why do you constantly have to put yourself into danger just to prove your worth? You are not a soldier! You have never been a soldier! Your siblings are not soldiers!" Batman took a step forward pointing his finger towards Damian. 
“YOU are an angry CHILD and if I was anyone else, you would be in bed by now. But I don’t make you. I LET you be robin, because I thought it would be good for you, But maybe I shouldn’t have” 
Dad sighed and turned back to the table. The tension left his shoulders, and he slumped. He was more “SAD!” then angry, he was hurt and the “PROTECT!” crumbled into "Regret!", Cass looked the other way. 
Dad was calming down but Damian was just getting started, he let out an angry shriek. 
Flashes of a memory danced across his face, dimming his eyes,, setting his mouth, and furrowing his brow until he was a mirror of Dad,but one filled by “SAD!“ not “PROTECT!” “You underestimate me father, I am the heir to the dragon. I have already received more training then Brown ever will! I wield a sword better than Thomas can! Yet you insist on keeping these deadweights around despite their worthlessness!” 
 She inched closer, bad, this was bad, it was bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, ba-“SLAM!” 
Dad dropped the Batarang and whirled around, murder in his eyes. 
“No, no, you don’t get to speak about your siblings that way! You are not better than them! NO ONE is better than them! Stephanie could lift you over her head like you were nothing! Duke saves dozens of people everyday, no, you don’t get to speak about them that way. They earned their place here!” 
Damian was scared now. He curled in on himself, radiating sadness. 
“Get out!” Dad grit out in the silence 
then the sound of fleeting footstep and a depressed sigh. 
She came out of the shadows, she had hid long enough. She let her feet touch the ground just long enough to let it be known that she was there and left, leaving a whisper of a touch on the shoulders of her father, and a simple string of signs pressed into her fathers back 
“Not mad at little brother, mad at the people who made him that way.” A sorrow comfort but a comfort nonetheless.
She bade her time and lied in wait, it would be no use to comfort him now when he was still upset. So instead she made use of her freedom, wandering the halls in search of her siblings, changing day clothes into pajamas, tinkering and going through her positions. 
When at last she deemed it time, she made her way over to the vent. It lifted easily off the wall, the screws that held it there having long since been removed. Even easier though, was climbing into it, the vents were from the original part of the manor-meaning they were huge and someone as small as Cass had no trouble fitting in them. What was a struggle though, was stealth, she found after many tries that walking on the palms of her hands worked best. So that was how Cass moved, arriving steadily in a vertical shaft that required only 2 quick bounds to clear. 
She landed elegantly as all ways, and nearly looked to Cain for approval before she remembered that she was not there, that she was safe. Well, as safe as you can be perched precariously on a loose rafter in a 300 year old attic. 
Quietly, she padded along and picked up the sniveling mess that was Damian and made her way back to sanctuary. He would sleep through it, she had made sure of it, a journey through the vents would be bumpy and she was sure he would not want to be seen in the hallway like this. 
Cass dumped him in the middle of her rug and returned back to her tinkering waiting for him to awaken. 
It took twenty minutes for him to stir, and in the meantime she was treated to the sounds of war and horror sprouting from the mouth of a child. 
When he finally did wake up, he was angry. “Where the hell am I Cain?” 
He looked around bewilderedly before considering her; she knew he was afraid of her. She was the only fighter he had ever been taught to respect “the one who was all” A myth, a monster, a begrudged ally, but not a sister, never a sister. This was yet another thing she had to fix.<br />
She becond him forward with her hand, keeping her eyes carefully on her working hands. He approached cautiously and sat
“little brother”
“I am not your brother" 
“and I am not a Cain” it was a stalemate neither would relent so she switched topics 
“Come help” 
“And why would I? I owe you nothing.” she paused 
“Because you are tired, but you will fight sleep. Come little brother, help”
 “tt fine” 
He scooted closer, sitting barley a foot away from her now. For the first time, he looked at the diorama, and she, him. The display was sprawling, an exact replica of Wayne manor and its grounds, scaled down to size. It was placed on a low custom fit dining table, one barley the height of a Japanese tea table (similar to one Cass could remember from her childhood). The house wasn’t finished of course, that would be no fun if it was finished; and while some would say it was “good enough” (like Babs when she wanted Cass to spend her time reading or writing) she would not compromise, it had to be perfect. 
“What would you like to build little brother” Damian paused and she saw fear flash across his face. Ahh so decisions scared him, she could work with that 
“How about we do the menagerie”  
“Its not done and you know it best” Damian scrunched his brown frustrated at not being understood 
“No why come and get me? Why build this? And if you care for it so much why let me help you?” 
She turned to him, in her stupor she had neglected to look at him and she cursed herself for it. She stumbled, she had to do something, but she was lost at what to do, he needed words, she had none of those. He needed signs, she had many but it felt like not enough. So instead she settled for a hug and found she herself satisfied with it 
“I love my little brother even if he does not love me, I am hurt and he is hurting so we will hurt together.” She paused and took a steadying silent breath, closing her eyes, and retreating back into herself. 
“I came here, and the world was big and loud. Too much too quickly. I was expected to talk to understand the way they communicate. Their language. But no one tried to understand mine. I know bodies not words. You came here and you knew words, but you did not know bodies. No one acknowledged that. You struggle, you have no Babs, so I will be your Babs.” 
They were crying now. His body was racked with sobs, and he was taking deep shuddering breaths, giving in he fell into another hug, crying loudly into her shoulder. 
He cried for his mother, he cried for the sister and cousin he lost, he cried for the pain he caused his new family, the hatred they felt towards him, and the pain he felt, most of all he cried for the world he had lost and his place in it. 
When he finally stopped, he was empty, a husk of the great Al Ghul heir remained, sniveling in the arms of a bastard child. He had been fractured, chipped away at every day, until even the pieces he held most dear fell away leaving a sad small child. 
Finally she broke the silence holding his face in between his hands “When my world was too big, I made it small, and that way my monsters seemed smaller. They all have ways of dealing with their monsters, they lock them in caves and they lock them in their hearts. It doesn’t work. Don’t do it. Little brother, we must instead find a way to make your world small”
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hortensemitchell · 3 years
Love Science: Chapter 5
Logan believed that he could solve anything through the power of science, even something as complicated as love. James is set on teaching him that love can’t be summed up in experiments and charts.
The two of them might just learn that there is more to love than they realize.
Rating: T
Pairing: Logan Mitchell/James Diamond
Word Count: 2305
“It’s really not that bad Carlos.” Kendall said, leaning against the bathroom stalls. “No one will even notice.” He paused for a moment, looking him over again. “Probably.”
Logan kept his head down as he ran some paper towels under the cool water, attempting some medical aid with the limited supplies in the school bathroom. Under the bright fluorescent lights he was finally able to get a good look at Carlos’ face, and well, Kendall wasn’t being entirely truthful.
His eye was swollen shut, a dark bruise already starting to set in. And his lip seemed to be split open across the top. Carlos would wince in pain every time he spoke, but that hardly stopped the smaller boy. 
He isn’t even sure what had happened in the time he had separated from the two. He couldn’t always be with the other boys because of the advanced classes he took. That didn’t keep him from being roped into their shenanigans though. 
 One minute he was listening intently to his teacher's lecture on the symbolism in ‘Animal Farm’ and the next Kendall was at the door claiming Logan was needed in the principal's office. He knew Kendall though, and wasn’t all that surprised when he grabbed him by the wrist, dragging him the opposite direction of the office.
Carlos was sitting on the counter of the bathroom, hand held over his eye and Logan had instantly gotten to work. It was second nature to him, fixing their injuries. He didn’t even bother asking how they happened anymore before coming to their aid.
“Give it to me straight Doc, am I gonna live?”
Logan rolled his eyes at the other boy’s melodramatics, though he couldn’t fight the smile tugging on the corners of his mouth. “You’ll live at least, but you’ll have a pretty nasty black eye for a couple days. How’d you get this anyways?”
Carlos sat up taller where he was perched on the edge of the counter, chest puffed out in pride. “Well you’ll be proud to know that I happened to get a date for the dance. James isn’t the only ladies man after all.” 
Logan heard Kendall snort from over his shoulder, “Yeah and how many of James’ ‘ladies’ leave him with a black eye?”
“She was excited, you can’t blame her for that. Besides, you're just jealous that I have a totally awesome date and you don’t.” Carlos looked over at Kendall sticking his tongue out, and Logan shook his head. Sometimes it was hard to believe he was the same age as them.
Logan clasped his hand on Carlos’ shoulder and gave it a congratulatory squeeze momentarily distracting him from Kendall’s teasing. “Just try and wear your helmet around her okay? I can’t keep missing class to patch you up.”
He heard the bathroom door swing open, and all three of them looked over to see James rushing into the room. “I got your text, sorry it took me so long, Mrs.Bigler was not in a friendly mood today. Can you believe that she told me that- Wait. Dude, what happened to your eye?”
“Kendall! You told me that no one would notice!”
Kendall raised his hands in mock surrender, “ I did say probably.”
James came closer to the pair at the sink, examining the damage. “How can anyone not notice, can you even see?” Logan elbowed James in the ribs sharply to get him to stop talking. 
“It’s not that bad,” Logan gave James a pointed glare, “And it should at least fade a little in time for the dance.”
The mention of the dance seemed to have Carlos perk up again, springing himself off the counter, injury completely forgotten. “Speaking of the dance, Jenny said yes to going with me. So you wanna help me get some clothes for the dance after school? And probably one of those flower things that girls like?”
Logan felt James tense up beside him. James was supposed to be helping Logan after school, and he felt himself deflate a little. Tutoring him would be a chore, and he doubted James would pass up the opportunity to go to the mall for him. He tried to shake off the feeling though, it’s not like he wanted to go to the stupid dance anyways. 
“How about tomorrow night? I have to go to Logan’s to work on algebra homework.”
Kendall raised an eyebrow, examining the taller boy. “Since when do you pass up the opportunity to go shopping for tutoring of all things?”
When Logan glanced over he swore he could see James cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but as quick as the expression crossed his face, it left. It was kind of scary how quickly James could put on a show, and it got Logan wondering if he ever did that around him too. 
James shifted the weight of his backpack on his shoulder, eyes meeting Kendall’s analyzing look. “You know my mother, if I don’t pass my test with at least a C, there’s no way she’ll let me go to the dance.”
The answer seemed to please Kendall for a moment, as he nodded. Logan felt momentarily grateful for James’ quick thinking because it would be mortifying for the other two to know what they were really doing. 
They wouldn’t really care, he knew that much. Minus some teasing, he doubts the other two would think much about it. But still, his lessons in love were something he would like to keep to just the two of them. 
The shrill bell pierced the air reminding the group of boys that they still had half a day’s worth of classes to get through. Carlos and Kendall shuffled out of the door quickly, realizing they had left their bags in their last period, and Logan moved to follow behind them. He only made it a couple of steps before he felt a harsh tug on his bag almost pulling him off balance. 
He stumbled backwards a couple steps before coming in contact with something solid. He turned around in place to find himself inches away from James. The other boy had a huge grin plastered across his face, and Logan could see an almost evil glint in his eye. It was the same look he would see on Kendall’s face as he concocted yet another scheme, and Logan instantly felt dread build in the pit of his stomach.
There was no use fighting it though, he’d learned from years of being their friend. He sighed in resignation, “Alright, what’s the plan?”
“I’m glad you asked, I figured now was the perfect time to start step one of your training.” James set his bag on the counter beside him and began ruffling through it. When he pulled a tube of hair gel and his lucky comb from the bag, Logan finally understood what step one was. He made a move to exit the bathroom, but was stopped by James hand gripping his bag strap, holding him in place.
“What do you think is the first step to getting someone’s attention?” James looked at him expectantly and Logan racked his brain for an answer. 
That question had brought him back to the very same struggles he had yesterday at Kendall’s house. Whatever it is that James did to make the girls fall at his feet, he just didn’t know. At least with Kendall, he could say that girls liked his easy going, down to Earth charm. And any girl that met Carlos, knew they’d be in for a crazy time. There just wasn’t a good answer for James though, and Logan hated not having an answer.
James had stepped out of Logan’s space, and watched him as he thought over his answer. Under his watchful eye, Logan began to feel uncomfortable and turned to the bathroom mirror to avoid his gaze. “I don’t know James, a good opener?”
He could see in the reflection James shake his head slightly, “Step one is getting them to look at you. Why do you think I spend so much time fixing my hair and deciding what to wear everyday? It takes effort to look this good, but it’s well worth it.” He stepped behind Logan, meeting his eyes in the mirror. “And today I’m gonna use that effort on you.”
Logan couldn’t help the snort that escaped him at James’ words. All the Cuda Man Spray and hair gel in the world couldn’t make up for the fact that he was a nerd. And when he stood next to James? Well it was almost unfair. 
James was breathtaking, Logan wasn’t afraid to admit what was true. He had a natural glow about him, and he managed a healthy tan all year round despite the cold Minnesota winters. And when he smiled, his whole face lit up in a way the genius couldn’t really describe. When he stared at them, side by side, it wasn’t hard to compare himself to everything he was not. 
“Let’s face it James, no one's gonna look at me when you’re in the room.”
James' face fell, and an unreadable expression crossed his features. His voice was barely above a whisper now, and Logan had to strain to hear it over the sounds of people walking to class in the hallways. He’d almost completely forgotten the school bell had rang. 
“You don’t have to be me for someone to like you Logan.”
“Yeah, sure I don’t. That’s why there's a mile long line of girls just hoping I’ll give them the time of day. I’m a scrawny, pale, nerd who can barely string together a sentence in front of a pretty girl.” He shifted his head to the side, no longer interested in looking at his reflection. “ I appreciate that you want to help, but-”
He felt James’ hands on his shoulders, gently turning him around. Again he was only inches away from the other boy, a fact that made him nervous.Though James wasn’t making eye contact with him which made the situation a little more bearable as he stayed still under James grip, waiting for him to break the silence. 
When he finally met Logan’s eyes though, there was a deep sadness in them that had him wanting to backtrack on all of the things he had said. He could play dress up for James, pretend that all his effort wasn’t in vain. Anything to keep him from looking at Logan the way he was now.
“Do you-” He took a quick breath in an attempt to steady his shaking voice. “Do you really think that low of yourself Logan?”
Now would be the time to pull back, pretend that it wasn’t a big deal to him. He didn’t really trust his words right now, afraid he’d keep spilling his guts if he opened his mouth. Instead he gave a small nod, hoping that the other boy would drop the conversation right there. 
He wasn’t expecting the harsh tug pulling him tightly into the other boys’ arms. James had crouched down slightly, burying his face in Logan’s neck, his body tense like he would sprint away at a moment's notice. 
Logan knew exactly how he felt, overwhelmed with the close contact. Still he didn’t try to break free from the hold, instead tangling his fingers in the fabric of James t-shirt, holding him close. He didn’t know how long they stayed like that, seconds, minutes, maybe an hour before James finally spoke again. 
“I know it might not mean much coming from me. But I promise you I’m not just saying this as your best friend. You aren’t some pathetic nerd Logan. I wasn’t kidding about all the things I said yesterday, you are more than you give yourself credit for. And if some girls don’t realize it, that’s their loss.”
Logan felt grateful that James still had his face buried in his neck. That meant he couldn’t see the flush across his cheeks and how teary eyed he had gotten from the kind words. He couldn’t really find the words to speak and instead wrapped his arms around James hugging him tightly. 
Behind him, Logan heard the bathroom door slam open and wasn’t surprised when he felt James launch back from their embrace. The student didn’t even look twice at the pair before turning on his heel and heading back out. The heavy mood in the room though had left with him, and Logan didn’t really know what to do now. 
James preoccupied himself with gathering the hair supplies that had been long forgotten on the counter before zipping up his bag and turning his attention back on Logan. “So, I’ll be over at four?” 
He was giving Logan an out, if he didn’t want to do this anymore all he had to say was no. But Logan found himself nodding. Even if he felt the plan was pointless, it obviously meant something to James and he never wanted to see that look of sadness on his face again.
James smiled at his agreement, knocking him on the shoulder as he made his exit from the bathroom and just like that Logan was alone.
Being left with his thoughts seemed to be a very bad idea, as he could clearly still remember the feel of James’ arms wrapped tightly around him. They were all affectionate with each other, sure, but something felt different about that hug, and he didn’t want to think about it.
Instead he rushed out of the bathroom, heading off to make it to the very tail end of his third period class. Hoping a little calculus would distract him from thinking about what happened in the bathroom and the tutoring session later. 
Across the school, James headed to his chemistry class, hoping for the same exact thing.
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black-streak · 5 years
Waiting for the Worms - The Trial
Part 18
I've just been staring at this completed chapter for thirty minutes. I've been working up to this moment for so long and to see it finally written is just. Insane. (No this is not the last chapter. There is much more to come)
By the way!!!! This chapter was not suppose to end this way! Y'all influenced this shit! Goading me into it, I swear.
CLOSED List of Beggarts I regularly feed (I'm running out of names to call you): @northernbluetongue @thethirdwheelfriend @shizukiryuu @theatreandcomicfreak @michellemagic @karategirl119 @moonlightstar64 @my-name-is-michell @mystery-5-5 @zalladane @queen-of-the-trash-planet-tm @miraculousdisapointment @dorkus-minimus @jardimazul @allthebooksandcrannies @g-arya @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @persephonescat @mycupisbroken @luciferge @18-fandoms-unite-08 @dawnwave16 @alwaysreblogneverpost @kris-pines04 @emjrabbitwolf @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @weird-pale-blonde-person @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @kokotaru @naclychilli @slytherinhquinn @clumsy-owl-4178 @ladybug-182 @darkthunder1589 @evil-elf16 @dast218 @lysslovsanime @emilytopaz @naoryllis @iloontjeboontje @thepeacetea @danielslilangel @finallyaniguana @i-like-fairytail-and-stuff @vixen-uchiha @yuulxd @bleeding-heart-romantic @magic-inthe-stars @st0rmy-w1th1n
He'll be after Jason seeing as the new Robin described him and he definitely knows about Joker's death.
They watched as the shadow took off across the rooftops, occasionally tossing out a grapple or swan diving off a ledge. Four blocks off, another figure, much brighter and attention grabbing, took a similar route, small body taking to the sky seemingly not taking notice of the eyes on him. Or perhaps used to it.
You'll watch the bird, keep him distracted. Nothing extreme enough to catch the other's attention. Just hold off any interference.
A dozen mice ran along the sides of gutters and along the alleyways below, awaiting their signal. They kept the brighter figure in their sights, drawing his attention with slight rustles and squeaks from unexpected places. Just loud and weird enough to avoid interest in any other movement in the area, drawing out a natural curiosity and investigative need in their target.
You'll play as backup. As soon as we instigate our target, I expect you to help keep the Replacement within ear range but incapable of assisting.
A fox dashed across the streets, keeping a close eye on the game between the bright figure and the mice scattered about. Any time the bird snuck up on where one hid, she hid the mouse in illusions, sometimes a real rat, other times a startled, hissing cat. 
Tail swishing in a twitchy dance behind her, she awaited the main event from her perch.
You two will take to the sidelines, backup if it should come to blows. Otherwise, keep everyone updated on the others' positions and monitor the situation.
A cat slinking around corners kept an eye on all of the players, including the two unseen by the rest, coordinating positions and ensuring no one moved off course, uncomfortable in knowing a double agent held eyes in the sky and taking precautions to avoid cameras as she whispered soft directions into a comm, made by their miraculouses and impossible to hack due to the ancient magic encasing it.
By her side, a dragon crossed with a horse hovered in a tense side to side sway, awaiting her command. The other kept on tiptoe, knowing the call to assist could come at any point and from any direction. In the end, their disappearance back into the night at the end of all of this relied on her. Waiting too long differentiated between success and potential capture.
We'll take on the Bat. After all, I think it's high time he met my soulmate.
With baited breath, they watched as a shrouded man dropped in front of the Bat, making the figure twist at the last second to avoid a headlong collision. Batman turned back on the spot, dropping into a crouch and launching towards the man. The man dropped onto his back, kicking upward into a stomach and using the momentum to launch Batman across the roof while rolling back to a stand. He stayed facing away, though they saw his head tilt, listening to the almost silence behind him. As a flash of silver flung towards his back, he easily spun off to the side, dodging a barrage of batarangs as Batman methodically tossed them while placing himself closer and closer to the other before moving in to initiate hand to hand combat. The man seemed to take this in stride, shifting into the new pattern.
Across the rooftops, Robin took note of the fight and moved to aid. He made it three blocks before a fox dropped in front of him, growling. Taken aback, but knowing not to allow the distraction, he attempted to grapple upwards, only to find the grapple gone, in the teeth of a mouse like figure, taking off away from him, other mice figures crawling about his feet, holding him in place as the fox watched on, teeth bared in a silent warning. Keeping an eye on the strange creatures about him, he looked back to Batman, startling at the realization that he recognized his attacker. Jason. Suddenly he remembered the strange abilities of the lady from the night before and realized the creatures holding him captive where meant to keep him from interfering. As he made to move anyways, a voice in his ear on a private channel spoke up, asking him to stay still. Agent A.
"What's going on, A?"
"You'll see."
The figures continued on until the Bat begin to advance harder, looking to restrain his opponent, calling out to him, having deducted whom the figure is by this point.
"Jason stop!" Right as a fist went too fast to block, aimed straight to the man's nose, a cord wrapped around his fist, yanking in back. As Batman began to turn towards the source, a punch came to his face, bringing him back front and center. A possible second cord wrapped around his other wrist and the backs of his knees were kicked out from under him.
The others watched as a Ladybug held a yoyo taut, strings in a Y formation, the focal point centered between the Bat's shoulder blades to evenly distribute the tension. The Ladybug looped the yoyo over a pipe and pulled up until his arm bent back and upwards without tipping his torso down. If he tried anything, the bug could simply yank him airborne. The Bat choose to focus onto the man in front of him for the moment.
"I'm not Jason."
We should switch. I have more experience with the Pit Madness than you. If I'm in your body, I can hold the entirety of it while you get a reprieve to focus on the mission. To have a clear mind while confronting him.
"What?" He demanded.
A sharp, feminine voice spoke up behind him, loud enough for the others to hear.
"I am."
Batman froze in his spot on his knees as the figure that looked like Jason sat down in front of him.
"Hello Bruce. It's good to meet you officially. Though I suppose I've known you much longer than you've known me." The lower, masculine voice was offset by its' soft lilting tone.
Despite his brain whirling with the information, he shoved it aside, firmly refusing to put it together himself.
"You're lying."
"She's not," the voice from behind moved closer, the yoyo secured on their hip to prevent his movement but free up the hands and gripped his shoulders in a crushing grip, "You see, Bruce, I hadn't been with you long enough to trust you with the secret of my having a soulmate. And you never knew me well enough to tell when we switched. Some detective you are, hmm?"
"So what, that makes this okay?" He growled.
"Patience," the figure in front of him smirked softly.
"Getting caught by the Joker at that moment, that was my own dumbass fault. You not arriving on time isn't your fault. I could live with that, but that isn't the end. I want you to look into the eyes in front of you, feel how small the presence behind you is. How tiny and young, despite being seventeen. I want you to look her in the eyes and know that she was only fourteen when she was launched into my body where she was beaten to a pulp by the Joker. Blown up. The connection broke. Then because it wasn't her body, she sat in my corpse for months before the resurrection. Had to crawl her way out of a grave and to a hospital."
The team tensed in the distance, having not heard the full story before now. Robin's eyes blew wide behind the mask, the tension in his body going slack in horror.
"Do you see that swirl of green in my blue eyes? How they look almost teal? That's from when the League threw her into the Lazarus Pits. She's combating insanity as we speak. And yet even with the healing effect it had, you can see the scars all over. There's an autopsy mark as well."
The shoulders in Jason's hands shook with his words and he looked up at Mari who seemed calm, letting the man stare at her and take in her reality.
"And none of that is truly your fault. But you know what is?" Marinette spoke up now, "That a fifteen and fourteen year old were ever put into that kind of danger to begin with. What's the likelihood of either of us ever falling onto Joker's radar without your placing us in the costume? Without making us Robin? Do you think Jason would've become a target had you not decided it was perfectly acceptable to allow children to fight criminals?"
"Jason was troubled, he needed someplace to put that anger. Something to let out-"
"Many children are troubled or angry. Do you know what other parents don't do? Allow that teen angst to turn into taking on the adult underworld. But sure, we'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Explain then why you couldn't care enough for Jason, for any potential child's life enough to create a permanent solution to our murderer? How many people, how many innocent kids is the Joker's life worth to you?"
"You obviously care more for the clown than us," Jason added.
"That's not true!"
"Then why? Why was my grave barely marked?"
"Two sentences in the Tuesday local obituaries."
"Swept under the rug to be forgotten."
"While you hunt us down for killing the clown. We deserve to be hunted down for avenging our own death."
"Meanwhile you do no such thing to the one who killed your supposed precious Robin. Did we mean so little to you? I wonder if the newest Robin means anymore than we did."
"So you're angry you were replaced?" Batman barked out, overwhelmed by their constant barrage of accusations.
Mari reached forward, forcing the man to look into the teal of those eyes swirling in front of him, watching him flinch away at knowing who she was, "You misunderstand us purposefully. It's not that we were replaced. It's that you know a child died for your cause and you still insist on placing another in harm's way. You take broken children desperate for guidance, for connection, for anything and abuse that position over them. You as their guardian are meant to keep them from harm's way. To protect them from the horrors of the world until they're old enough to face it in their own way. Not throw them in a costume, train them into weapons and then let them fight the most dangerous criminals the city could offer. Yes, we made some stupid choices of our own, but you set us up to even have those choices presented to us. Does it even occur to you that had we not shown up to save the little bird, another child would have died under your care? Does that mean nothing to you?"
The Bat growled, trying to break free of his binds. The two hid grins, knowing him unaware of the young eyes listening desperately for his answer.
"You certainly haven't thanked us for keeping him alive. Does it mean less to you that he is alive then it does that Joker is dead."
"You know the rules! We don't kill!"
He fell for it. He might as well have told the new Robin his life was forfeit to his cause. The mice scurried off Robin's feet from where he stayed, a rooftop over as the fox curved around his calves in an almost apologetic movement.
"Jason swore to abide by your rules. I never did. I was fourteen when I died due to your negligence. I was innocent. I was a happy little girl with dreams of becoming a fashion designer. Now I can't even keep the voices in my head from screaming in my ears at all hours of the day. But the only thing you truly care about in the end is yourself. I fear for any child that gets dragged into your mess. And I will do whatever it takes to protect them from the inevitability of your cruelty."
With that, she stood from her spot and took off into the shadows, a cat, dragon and mice following out of sight. The fox looked at the boy who stood broken on the rooftop and nudged him, dropping the illusion of an animal and holding her hand out in offerance. He looked back at the thrashing Bat.
Jason, taking hold of the yoyo once more and tightening his grip, leant closer, "I don't blame the Joker for our death. I blame you."
With that, he used the yoyo to fling Batman in the opposite direction, taking off in an off kilter path towards the others. Looking back at the patient fox figure, hand still waiting for his choice, he hesitated.
"The choice is yours, Timothy. I'll support you no matter what," A's voice spoke softly through the comms.
Exhaling slowly, he took her hand.
She lead him to their rendezvous point where he saw the mice form into one person, the two from the roof and two other unknown figures. As he looked at them, each gave a soft nod in turn before the one opened up a blue portal before them, the fox letting go of his hand to follow the others through. Eventually only him and the ladybug themed one remained. Jason.
"Come on, replacement. You can stay with us however long you like."
With the smallest smile of gratitude and the encouraging words of Alfred in mind, he followed the other through, the portal closing behind them.
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hufflepuffhollander · 4 years
hiya! can i requesta blurb with 17 & 22 (w/ tom) from the prompt list please? if you could make it bantery but also with sexual tension that’d be awesome! thanks loveee
you most certainly can! thanks for officially kicking off the blurb fest! :-)
these ideas are both full of potential for some serious *gulp* sexual tension so this was a blast.
tom x fem reader | contains language, alcohol use, and sexy undertones | word count: 2.2k | enjoy!
17. “Are you really taking his side against me?”
22. “Come over here and make me.”
Your ears pound and you can feel the vibrations of the house music on full blast in the cup clasped between your hands. You needed this, you earned this — you tried to convince yourself after every sip of that strong brown liquid in your cup that it was okay to take another. The night was becoming hazy, but not enough to diminish the hurt you felt, the pain that was caused by your on-again/off-again friend Tom Holland. It was no surprise you were mad at him, again, because you were convinced he only existed to make your life difficult. With his constant flirting and advances when he had too much adrenaline, wishy-washy romantic confessions, and mind games he played with you, you constantly wondered what the benefit of your friendship even was. You weren’t sure you knew anymore, but one thing’s for sure — we want what isn’t ours, and you wanted Tom. You hated that about him, and about yourself, but no matter how many times he made you angry, you still wanted him just as bad after a fight as you did on the good nights, when you’d spent the night watching old horror movies together and tossing popcorn into each other’s mouths.
You hear an unmistakably charming accent sneak up behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into a haphazard hug, voice slurred. “Hheyyy, Y/N!” Harrison, the third musketeer, kissed your cheek and joined you at the bar.
“Hey, Harrison. Having fun?”
“You know meee,” he threw his hands up in the air, drink splashing around his feet. “Alllways here for a good time!”
You rolled your eyes at your friend, but couldn’t help but smile at his goofiness. You and Harrison were close, arguably closer than you were with Tom, as you only met him a few months ago through Harrison. He never made you crazy like Tom did, always knew what to say and when, but he did like to drink, which was just something you had to put up with. But you were used to it. It was worth it to keep him around as a best friend.
He put his arm back around your waist and started to sway you to the music, but you really weren’t in the mood, so to any stranger, he would’ve just looked like a drunk guy trying to grind up on an unwitting girl. Apparently, in the dim flashing lights, it looked like that to Tom, too.
Tom saw you and Harrison from across the bar, after he had just finished gulping down drink number who-the-fuck-cares, and felt a heat bubbling up in his chest. Who the fuck does Harrison think he is, dancing up on his girl? I mean, maybe they didn’t know she was his, but he’d be damned if he had to stand by while you were being danced up on by his out-of-bounds friend. I mean, god, just look at you. He felt every bone in his body alight with desire to feel you on him again, he wanted to tear that dress off and claim you for his own. She’s mine, and nobody else can have her.
He steadied himself and made his way over to the pair of you.
You glanced over at Tom, beelining toward you, and silently hoped he’d get turned around and forget what he was doing. You didn’t want to deal with this right now. It was your night with Harrison, to go out and forget your troubles, dance the night away…Tom had just seen where you were on social media and decided to crash the party. Some audacity this asshole has, just showing up here after what he did the other night, sending you those videos...with all of those nameless girls...
Harrison seemed oblivious to the incoming threat and ordered another round of shots from the bartender. He saw Tom a second too late.
“Tommm! Hey, we-“
Tom cut him off with a shove to the shoulder, away from you. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, man?” he snarled.
Harrison became wide-eyed and very clearly couldn’t process what was going on at a fast enough rate, and fell back against you for support. “What are you talking about? I just bought us another round-“
Tom shoved him again, a little harder this time, making sure not to make direct eye contact with you. “Leave her alone, she’s not interested,” he heaved.
You and Harrison shared a weary glance, and you turned to confront Tom. “Tom, he’s not doing anything wrong, we see each other like siblings,” he rolled his eyes at your sentence. Usually, he is fine with your dynamic with Harrison, doesn’t seem to mind being the third wheel unless he’s in a mood to stick his tongue down your throat. Which, admittedly, had happened on numerous accounts.
But, tonight, there must’ve been something in the musty club air, because he was looking like he wanted to cross a line.
“You have no idea what he wants behind your back,” Tom started. “He’s been trying to fuck you since you were in uni together.”
Harrison lit up at those words. “How fucking dare you, Tom, I have never said anything like that in my life.” He pulled himself back together and stood a foot taller. “You’re drunk, man. Go home.”
Tom had fire in his eyes, and looked at you before shoving Harrison back a third time. “I may be drunk but I’m not stupid. She’s off limits, you know that.” He took your arm and tried to pull you towards him. “Y/N, let’s go.”
You immediately pulled your arm back and glared at Tom. “I’m not going anywhere with you, you drunk asshole.” Tom seemed hurt by your words, but not enough to stop him from his tirade.
“Well I’m not leaving you alone with him!” He practically yelled over the thumping music. “I don’t trust him, now,” his eyes closed in a prolonged blink, showing his clear intoxication. Harrison stepped in front of you, shielding you from Tom’s stare. “Get out of here, man.”
Tom continued to refute and you pushed your way in between the quarreling boys.
“Tom, he’s right. You’re being insane. Get out of here and go sober up somewhere.”
“Oh, so you’re really gonna take his side against me?” he spat at you, every word stinging more. “After all we’ve been through together? You choose him over us?”
You couldn’t help but tear up at the thought that he could possibly be so oblivious to how he treated you day in and day out, like you were disposable. He only wanted you when he was lonely and there was nobody else.
“There is no us,” you said, swallowing your emotions enough to speak. “You’ve made that clear. Go the fuck home.”
That finally made Tom shut his mouth, and he looked from you, to Harrison, and back to you, defeated. Without another word, he stormed out of the club and disappeared into the night. You turned to Harrison, and he just sighed and shrugged. He turned to the bartender, and told him to make those shots a double.
The next day, you sulked around your apartment, headache killing you from all of the alcohol, heart aching from your fight with Tom. You knew you probably deserved better than someone constantly stringing you along. But when he wanted you, and you always wanted him, things were magical. You could swear that in those moments that he opened up to you, you could see he desperately loved you too. 
The physical connection was definitely there. Feeling him on you, his breath hot against your neck, his intoxicating smell, it drove you crazy like nothing else did. And the way he talked when you were intertwined was heaven. He told you that you were the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen. He told you nobody turns him on like you do. Nobody feels the way you do. He told you he loved you.
But that was over now. He clearly only saw you as a piece of ass, and you needed to swallow that truth. Your thoughts were interrupted by a buzz from your phone.
Tom: Hey, Y/N, are you home?
You didn’t respond, and put your phone on silent. Not even 5 minutes later, you hear a knock at your door.
You made the mistake of opening it and saw Tom’s face, painted with remorse, eyes baggy from the night before. You wanted to slam the door, tell him to get lost, but that small part of you that loved him planted your feet in the ground and kept your arms at bay from swinging the door shut.
“What do you want?” your voice came out sounding sadder than you expected.
“Can we talk?” “You can’t just show up here unexpected, you know.”
“You weren’t answering your phone, and I was already here when I texted…” he trailed off, realizing he was getting away from the point. You moved aside so he could step into the apartment.
“Y/N, I just wanted to say how sorry I am-“ you put a hand up to get him to stop talking.
“Tom, I don’t want to hear it.”
He opened his mouth again to speak, but you continued.
“I’m tired of letting you throw me around like I don’t mean anything, like my feelings don’t matter…” you wanted to sound dignified but just sounded pitiful. “It’s too much to take. You send me videos of you partying with other girls, ignore my texts and calls for days at a time, and then suddenly we’re an item just because you don’t like seeing me dance with someone else? It’s idiotic.” Tom stood silently while you continued on, words unwillingly pouring out of you at this point.
“I care about you so much, and I just wish you actually cared about me too. But I guess that’s too much to ask. I just don’t get it, like, what the fuck do you want from me?”
“Y/N…” he was trying to gather his thoughts, and you couldn’t help but let a tear slip down your cheek. He noticed it immediately, moving closer towards you, swiping his thumb across your cheek to rid you of the hot teardrop. All you wanted to do was collapse into him, hug him, kiss him, wanted to hear him tell you soberly that he wanted you as much as you did him. Even after all this. What was wrong with you?
“I don’t know how to make you believe me, but I only get drunk when I’m around you because it keeps me from feeling these scary things I do for you,” he started. “You’re just such a good girl and I don’t want to ruin you. I don’t want to corrupt you, rope you into a relationship with me just to see it burn to the ground. I don’t want that to happen, because if I lose you like that, you’re gone forever. And I don’t want that.”
You pulled back to look at him, trying to read in his face if he actually meant what he was saying. He put up a soft hand to cup your cheek, and feeling his warmth made everything feel so much better. You suddenly realized how hot he looked in his grungy post-drunk state, and your mind flashed with an image of you on top of him, embracing forgiveness, letting him prove to you how much he cared. But it was only momentary, and you were brought back to earth watching him trying to stare into your soul.
“I’m so afraid to be with you because of how much I want to.” His words didn’t really make sense to you, but you loved hearing them anyway. He seemed to sense your changing mood and went on. “Y/N, when we’re together, I- I lose all self control, I feel like I can’t breathe without you, and god, the way you look laid out underneath me-“ his eyes went wide with the words he spoke, and you stifled a chuckle. He eyed you up and down, and something in him changed- his eyes became a deeper brown, his grip on your face and neck becoming a little stronger. “Seeing someone else up on your body made me realize I just want it to be mine, all mine, and nobody else’s.” Your anger started to transform into lust, moving closer to him as he kept speaking. He moved his hands around your waist and pulled you into his body. “I know we might be fire and gasoline, baby, but I’m crazy for it…” he kissed you, or you kissed him- you can’t remember. All you cared about was the feeling of his lips on yours, the tension radiating between you, and you let yourself turn all of the hurt and anger you felt into pure energy.
“How do I know I can trust you?” you breathed, pulling back from the kiss. He licked his lips staring at yours and you felt your stomach drop, but kept taking paces backward until you were standing under the doorframe to your bedroom, awaiting his response. He walked slowly toward you.
“I guess you’ll just have to wait and see. I’ll prove it,” he almost growled, undressing you with his eyes. “Believe me.”
“Believe you?” you lowered your voice and batted your eyelashes. “Why don’t you come over here and make me?” 
That did the trick. He quickly moved toward you and picked you up, hoisting you against the wall of your bedroom.
“Oh, with pleasure.”
that was hella angsty and I loved it! hope you did too! keep sending in those requests! xoxo
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flyfireflyfly · 4 years
Tagged: Self-Promo
Was tagged by @promisesox for a self-promotion thingy, with posting 5 of your favorite creations. Technically only 3 of mine are complete, but I wanted to include the other 2. Anyone who wants self-promote, consider this as me tagging you ♥
1. All I Want For Christmas
My first story, posted 7 years ago. It doesn’t seem like that much time has gone by. I used to go back and read it every so often. It amazes me how much my writing has changed, and how much is still the same.
2. Hope and Chances
I do have some regrets with certain stories. There’s about 5 of them I’ve actually come to hate. Hope and Chances is one though that I think I really got it right. There isn’t anything about it that I would change.
3. A Good Girl
1,982 subscribers on AFF. My most subscribed story, more than double my second most subscribed story. I take it to mean that it’s my most popular fic. I don’t know why that is, but I can honestly say it gave me a huge confidence boost seeing so many people enjoy it. It really made me feel like an actual writer, that I can expand in to other genres or themes, that my stuff really was worth reading. That I didn’t mess up again. 1,982 may not seem like much, especially compared to a lot of other writers on AFF, but it means everything to me.
4. This-title-keeps-changing
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Blurred cause I’m too embarrassed for it to be seen >.<  They’re notes, filling up a notebook that @supastareden​ had gifted me. It’s for a book I’m writing. Well, I’m not really sure yet if it’ll be 1 or 2 books... And “writing” is a bit of a stretch since I haven’t been doing anything let alone writing... But, yeah. I’m writing a book. One day (probably in about 30 years) it’ll be published, even if I have to self-publish it.
5. Doll
Again, I’m really not writing. I work 6 days a week. My brain simply shuts off when I get home. When I do write, I get a paragraph or so down. And it’s agonizing that that is all I can manage. It feels like I lost the ability to write anything more than those book notes in a notebook while daydreaming. Yet I still keep going back every couple of weeks or so to jot down a few more sentences. I’ve been working on Doll, a smut fic with Yongguk, for a little over a year now. It’s still not finished and I’ll cry in the shower about that later, but here’s the first 2 chapters:
As you woke up, you kept your eyes closed. You could feel your mat under you and the warmth that it gave off. It was odd but it was something you loved. Something about that heat that calmed you and strengthened you. Letting the moment go, you finally opened your eyes and sat up. The room was completely dark like always, save for a thin strip of light shining in from under the door that helped you make out all the other bodies around you. They each had their own mats that were crammed together, fitting as many people as possible in to the one room. Or rather, as many 'dolls' as possible. You looked at the male doll to your right. He was sitting up and picking at a loose thread on his boxers. You turned your gaze to your own clothing. A black lingerie set with lots of lace that barely hid anything. Adjusting it, you checked to make sure it wasn't falling apart anywhere. You liked it much better than the previous set you wore and you didn't want to have it replaced just yet. Suddenly the room got much brighter and you lifted your head. The door was open and a woman beckoned everyone out. "Let's go!" You stood with the rest of the group and shuffled forward. Once through the doorway, you found yourself in a brightly lit hallway. Its white walls were empty of any decoration. You kept walking, following the lady and the rest of the dolls. Another door and you entered a room that was a tiny bit more inviting. The lush carpet felt better on your bare feet than the hard linoleum of the hallway. On the light blue walls hung pictures, all of dolls in various sexual poses. The group separated with the boys lining up against one wall and the girls moving to the opposite side. Time for work. You glanced over to your left and saw the doorway that had a curtain hanging in it. Through it was a much larger room where the sales took place. Other dolls would be lined up in there, the ones that were 'new'. Dolls that haven't been with anyone and could fetch a higher price. You and the rest of the dolls in the back were technically for sale, but it was unheard of for a working doll to be bought. There were rumors of it happening in other stores though. The curtain moved and the lady from before walked in with another woman. "Here is our selection of males." The new woman slowly walked down the line, eyeing every one of the guys, before stopping in front of a large, muscular man. "I'll take this one." "Great. He is your keycard for your room. You're in room number one." The customer took the card and headed towards the stairs. The male doll followed after her, putting his arm around her waist and settling his hand on her hip. He said something quietly to her that you couldn't hear, and she responded with a flirtatious giggle. When they disappeared from view, you glanced back over at the curtained doorway. The lady was gone now, back up front where she could assist any other customers. There would be plenty more throughout the day that would pay for the backroom experience. Select a doll of their preference to be taken upstairs and have their way with. Suppressing a sigh, you leaned back against the wall and waited. It was only a few minutes later though that the curtain was pulled back again so you hurriedly straightened. The man examined the line of females before his gaze lingered on you. You subtly shifted, sticking a hip out and pulling your shoulders back to show off your curves. "This one." A coy smile formed on your face and you stepped forward. "Good choice. She's one of our newest dolls. I'm sure you'll be happy with her."
The man wrapped his arm around your waist and lead you to the stairs. The wood steps didn't feel as good on your bare feet as the carpet, and the customer's hand that moved down to grab your ass wasn't pleasant either. But you ignored all that and went up to the second floor. On this floor were several doors, each with a room number on them. The male went over to the third room and opened the door with the keycard. You swept past him through the doorway while glancing around the room. It was identical to the others, just big enough to fit a large bed with a small television in the corner. Suddenly you were shoved and you stumbled forward. Then you were pushed again, making you practically fall on to the bed. You crawled on to it and rolled your eyes at the guy's impatience. When you looked back at him though, you made sure you kept your face neutral so he wouldn't see any displeasure. The man stripped off his clothes in a hurry, his sharp gaze never leaving your body. It was a look you had seen before and mentally cursed. You started to take off your clothes, only managing to unclasp your bra, when he closed the distance to you. He yanked the bra off before grabbing your underwear with both of his hands. There was a distinct sound of cloth ripping as he wrenched them down your legs. You watched helplessly as he threw the panties aside. He dropped down on to you and without warning, he pushed in to you, filling you with his whole length. You threw your head back as you cried out, and then gritted your teeth as he started thrusting in to you. There was always the ones that only cared about their pleasure. So you simply laid there and let him have his way with you while listening to his grunting. He planted his hands onto the bed on either side of you and pushed up so he was hovering over you. Even now he stared at your bare breast, his gaze never wavering. You examined everything about him. His demeanor, his expression, and mostly the way he was ruthlessly pounding in to you. He didn't want pleasure. He wanted dominance. Shrinking in to yourself, you screwed up your face to reflect more of the pain he was giving you. Instead of moaning, you whined and whimpered. Finally he met your gaze and you hoped there was enough weakness in your eyes. You didn't have to wait long to find out as his pace faltered. He grimaced and let out a string of profanities before collapsing down on to you. His slick, sweaty skin made you wrinkle your nose in disgust, but you forced yourself to endure it until he finally rolled off of you. Panting still, he sat up and surveyed your body. He reached over and grabbed one of your boobs, squeezing it roughly and making you hiss as you arched your back. Then he let go and his hand moved between your legs, groping you. "Not bad." he nonchalantly said. He moved off of the bed and started getting dressed. You took that as a signal that he was done with and climbed off the bed as well. Instead of putting your bra and underwear back on though, you held them in your hands. It was standard protocol, though you would have stayed naked anyways. The last thing you wanted was to get his sweat and stink on them. Only after he left the room did you leave, following him to the stairwell. As he went downstairs, you hurried through a door tucked away in corner. It led to a small bathroom with an open shower area. You stepped under one of the showerheads and a stream of warm water hit you. You cleaned yourself thoroughly before moving to the shelves that held clean towels. As you were drying yourself, the male doll that had went upstairs before you entered. He didn't spare you a glance though as he went in to the showers. Dropping the towel in to a bin, you retrieved your lingerie. Holding up the underwear, you found a slight tear along the seem and pouted. Just as you feared, that asshole ruined them. You carefully dressed, being extra mindful to not tear it anymore. Hopefully they'll last till the end of the day so you could try to mend them. Once you were ready, you left the bathroom and descended the stairs. There were a few dolls still lined up but you noticed some were missing. More than likely upstairs with their own clients. You took your spot along the wall while suppressing a sigh and waited for your next customer.
The day slowly passed by with a steady stream of clients coming and going. Of course it got busier in the evenings. People getting off work and coming in for one little tryst before heading home. Sometimes there would even be clients waiting for their turn in a separate lounge, insisting on a particular doll. Stifling a yawn, you watched as the curtain was pulled back yet again. The newest customer examined both lines of dolls and you silently prayed you wouldn't be chosen, even as they neared you. Then they picked the girl standing beside you and you forced yourself not to let out a breath in relief. They barely made it halfway up the stairs though when you heard the rustle of the curtain. You glanced over at the doorway and inhaled sharply. The man shyly smiled as the storekeeper directed him over to the female dolls, causing an odd sensation to form in your stomach. "This is her." They stopped in front of you, which meant that this was a special request. You took a hesitant step forward and eyed the man curiously. There was no denying how handsome he was, even in just a simple t-shirt and jeans. And with the way the lady who ran the store was standing so close, you had a feeling you weren't the only one admiring his looks. "Here is your keycard." she said and held it up from him. When he went to take it from her, she quickly put her hand over his to stop him. "I do hope you enjoy your time. Let me know if there is anything you need." A small smile formed on your face over her behavior, and it grew larger as you noticed him blush. "Thank you." he replied as he took the keycard from her. Then he turned his attention to you. "Uh... well..." He indicated for you to walk ahead of him, much like a gentleman would with a lady. That odd feeling in your stomach intensified and you attempted to ignore it. Nodding politely at him, you started to head towards the stairs. He walked beside you, not touching you and making him stand out even more. He didn't act like every other man that entered the back room. Once you were on the second floor, he checked the number on the keycard. "Room ten." Then he examined the doors near the stairwell. "It's further down." you informed him. Taking his hand, you led him down the hallway to the right door. After unlocking it, the man opened the door and stepped aside. You moved past him to enter the room first and made your way to the end of the bed. You turned around and stood there, waiting. He  never approached you though. He simply stood there, hesitating, as if he was unsure what to do. "What's wrong?" you asked. Then a thought came to you as you recalled the shy smile he had earlier. "Oh wait, here." You went to the television and pushed the power button. Instantly a porno was shown on the screen, accompanied with the loud wailing of a woman. His eyes widened in surprise as he stared at the television. "Oh, uh... Actually..." He closed the distance and turned it off. Then he turned to you. He hesitated once more before he gently placed his hands on your hips and kissed you. This time you were surprised, but you hurriedly kissed him back. You set your own hands on his arms just as gently. You knew now what he was expecting. He wanted a more personal experience and you made a mental note of that in case he came back. He pulled back and licked his lips as he gaze lowered. His hands slid up your sides before going back down, moving just past your hips. Then he brought them upwards again, much higher than before. He briefly met your gaze, as if giving you a chance to protest. When you didn't, he moved his hands over your breast, fondling them. Reaching up behind you, you unclasped your bra. He licked his lips once more, this time in anticipation, and moved his hands back. You let the bra slip off of you to fall on to the floor. More hesitation, even as you noticed the growing lust in his eyes, and then he grabbed your breast. More gentleness, so when he suddenly squeezed them roughly, you gasped as your back arched. Then his fingers toyed with your nipples, pinching them and rubbing them as they hardened. The fact that he wanted it to be personal filled your mind again. "What's your name?" He looked away from your breast and raised his eyebrows. "Yongguk." You closed the distance, forcing his hands to move away. Tilting your head slightly, you began to pepper his neck with kisses. Your hands found the hem of his shirt before disappearing under it. Running you hands over his skin, you started to lightly suck as his neck as well. A sigh escaped his lips, encouraging you to continue. So when you sucked on one particular spot that made him stiffen, you gave his neck a harsh suck. You were rewarded with a tiny cry, sending tingles through your body. Then you pulled back and licked his neck upwards to his ear. You sucked on his earlobe just as your fingers ran over his nipples. "Yongguk." you quietly whimpered in to his ear. "Fuck." He swiftly stripped off his shirt before grabbing you and yanking you closer. His lips smashed in to yours, eagerly kissing you as his hands squeezed your ass.
You squirmed against him, causing you to feel the forming hardness in his pants. You attempted to wrap your leg around his but he suddenly started pushing against you. Kissing him still, you awkwardly walked backwards as he guided you. Then your legs hit the bed and you unwillingly broke off the kiss. You moved on to the bed and scooted backwards until you reached the pillows. Yongguk followed you, crawling over you. Before he could lay down, you reached downwards and rubbed your hand over his dick. He let out a moan, his mouth dropping open as his eyes unfocused. Fluttering in your chest left you breathless, and you quickly set about undoing his jeans. As soon as you felt the cloth of his boxers, you pushed your hand inside them and wrapped your fingers around his hard member. You only managed a few strokes through when he forced your hand a away. Pinning your wrists to the bed, he leaned down kissed you once more. You closed your eyes and managed to hold back a moan until you felt Yongguk's tongue moving over your lips. As soon as you gave him an opening, his tongue entered your mouth for a brief moment. Then he pulled back and gently kissed your jaw. Your neck, your shoulder, your collarbone. He shifted to the side and brought his mouth down on your left breast, sucking on it and causing your back to arch. You opened your eyes to watch him just as he nibbled on your nipple. Biting your lip, you attempted to lift your arms but he forced them to stay against the bed. Pulling back slighting, he flicked your hardened nipple with his tongue a few time. Then he met your gaze as he relinquished your arms. You no longer had any desire to move them though as he slid further down your body, leaving a trail of kisses along your stomach and to your lace panties. He hooked his fingers in to them and sat up. You lifted some of your weight so he could smoothly pull the last of your clothes off of you, leaving you completely naked for him. He looked over you body, his gaze lingering a bit more in certain places. Reaching forward, he slipped his fingers through your wet folds and a quiet moan escaped him. He circled your entrance with one finger and then moved upwards to your clit. He pushed on it a few times before rubbing it. You gasped as pleasure flowed through your body, causing your legs to stretch out and your back to arch off the bed. You closed your eyes and let yourself drown in it. Which was easy to do as you felt him quicken his pace. It wasn't long until you were squirming, your heavy panting filling the room. "Yongguk." you whined as you shuddered. The pleasure disappeared as he moved his hand away. You opened your eyes to watch him remove the rest of his clothing. Once naked, he draped his body over you, settling between your legs and rubbing his dick on you. His lips found yours again for a brief moment before he shifted and you felt him pushing in to you. A long moan escaped him and he pressed his face in to your neck. Then he began to rock his hips, swiftly pumping in to you. You gasped and quickly reached up with your hands to grab him. The pleasure from before returned with ferocity, a storm threatening to break you in to pieces. His name played on your lips over and over, turning in to a desperate chant. Which seemed to only urge him on and his pace increased. His moans growing louder and coming more frequently to drown you out. Tremors racked his body and his arms wrapped around you tightly. As if clinging on to you could help temper his own storm consuming him. Finally something inside you snapped and you cried out as your body jerked. Seconds later Yongguk cried out as well and his hips slammed in to you, pushing his dick deep in to you as he cummed. Then he collapsed on to you.
You laid there, listening to his heavy breathing, and holding on to him. His sweaty body didn't repulse you like your first client much to your surprise. And when he went to roll off of you, you were reluctant to release him. He laid on his back next to you and you rolled on to your side in order to look at him. "That was better than I expected." he stated with a small chuckle. Then his eyes met yours and a blush graced his face. You smiled and sat up before leaning towards him. You trailed a hand down the side of his face, caressing him and earning a startled look from him. You ignored it though and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. Which only made him blush harder and you giggled. With a shy smile, he sat up and slipped off the bed. You watched as he rounded the bed to retrieve his clothes before climbing off the bed yourself. You gathered up your lingerie and waited for him. When he was done dressing, he glanced at you and hesitated as he eyed your still naked body. "I have to go clean up." you informed him. More blushing and another shy smile. "Oh... yeah." He indicated towards the door and you nodded your head to signal that you were ready. Then he opened it and moved aside for you to leave the room first. The two of you walked down the hallway in silence. At the staircase, he started to go but stopped when he noticed you weren't following. "I have to go in there." You pointed to the cleaning room's door and then as an afterthought, you asked, "I'll see you around?" There was a bit of surprise in his eyes but then he smiled at you. "Sure."
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chrismerle · 4 years
FOR THE FANFIC ASK MEME THING (I finally picked beyond 'just... all of them?'): F, I, K, M, N, Q, S, T, V, W, X, and Y. WHICH ISN'T ALL OF THEM it's just... several...
(from here)
F. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
I’m working on a Final Fantasy XV AU, because that’s basically all I write for FFXV; I really love the building blocks it gave me, but I don’t like a lot of the architecture. Anyway, conceptually it’s a fairly standard ‘what if Ardyn wasn’t a villain?’ thing, and on the off chance it ever sees the light of day, it will be called There Is a Crack in Everything.
This is a really early scene.
Regis stepped into his study, and Ardyn scarcely gave him time to close the door before wondering, with a languid sort of ease, “For how long have I been Adagium?” He sounded as if the word tasted foul.
“Longer than I can be certain of,” Regis sighed, taking his seat at his desk, across from Ardyn.
“And I’ll be able to relax for...how long?” Ardyn wondered pleasantly, leaning an elbow on the desk and propping his chin in his hand. “Before those lovely toy soldiers of yours try to haul me back to my stone box, that is.”
For a moment, Regis was quiet. For a moment, Regis thought of his father. Mors would have reacted the instant he realized who Ardyn was, and Regis wondered how many of the Glaive would have died and what sort of enemy they would have created.
He thought of his son, just a few weeks old. Already, Regis knew he did not want to teach Noctis to be that sort of king.
He did not want to be his father.
“You may stay here, should you wish it,” Regis answered at last.
Ardyn blinked, slowly. His expression didn’t change, but his words seemed carefully picked for carelessness. “And no one will wonder at another of the bloodline suddenly appearing?” he asked. “Or am I forbidden from showing off?”
“We’ll say you’re my half-brother,” Regis answered before he was even fully aware he’d come up with a solution. “It won’t surprise many.”
Ardyn’s eyes narrowed. “You’re awfully eager to dub me family.”
“You already are family,” Regis reasoned. “It seems it’s time someone finally treated you as such.”
That, at last, seemed to unmoor Ardyn. His posture went rigid for a moment as his gaze went distant. Twice, he opened his mouth to respond, before closing it without saying a word.
It took him only a moment to gather his composure, though, before he cleared his throat. “I have to say, this is the most elaborate method anyone has ever used to call me a bastard. I suppose that alone means it’s worth putting up with it.”
Regis laughed before he could help it.
I like it for a handful of reasons. For one thing, I’ve successfully weaponized it (and a few other snippets of the same WIP) to make my friend Ala emotional. For another, I didn’t really see this dynamic between Regis and Ardyn coming. It just sort of happened while I was typing, but I liked it when it showed up. It felt natural for an Ardyn who hadn’t been driven mad by turning countless people into daemons, but who was nevertheless not the same gentle healer after 2,000 years of isolation.
I. Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
I got paid for years, plural, to write really bad porn about people who could turn into animals fucking. I have no shame left. I’ve had no shame since the first time someone offered to pay me $500 for smut.
K. What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
It is, again, related to FFXV. I wrote If the Ring Fits and Backed in Silver years ago, and ever since, I’ve tossed around the idea of writing another sequel for Ignis.
The only issue is that my idea for it would forcibly make him realize that the Prompto that had been in their world was not actually their Prompto, and had not been for over a decade. And it would be a conflict he’d have to grapple with through the entire fic, trying to decide whether to force that same replacement on someone in a different world or to just endlessly keep hopping from one world to another because he can’t return to his.
I’ve never actually written any of it, and the concepting never got beyond Ignis’s revelation about Prompto. But considering If the Ring Fits was 10,000 words long and Backed in Silver was 20,000, I can only imagine what sort of behemoth it would be.
M. Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Like, WIPs, or things that I’ve pondered but haven’t started working on?
I’ve got a few WIPs. There’s the aforementioned non-villainous Ardyn AU. I’ve got another FFXV fic that’s been on hiatus on AO3 for legitimately over three years, and the next chapter is very nearly finished and I just...can’t seem to get there. I’ve got a Persona 5 new game+ fic in the works. That one’s fully plotted out already, and just the outline is like 15 pages long. Based on how the first chapter is going, each chapter will probably be anywhere from 10-20,000 words long. And I’ve got a melancholy immediately-post-season-two Mandalorian one shot in the works, spawned almost entirely so I could make Mando say ‘fuck.’ I know no one says fuck in Star Wars, but I don’t care. I will not say kriff and no one can make me. And I’ve got the Dragon Age uber fic that I’ve just sort of been plugging away at since Inquisition was released and none of it has ever seen the light of day, unless you count me shoving a few snippets at Siobhan.
Oh, and I’m rewriting an older Mass Effect fic.
For things that I’ve thought about but haven’t really worked on, they’re mostly more Dragon Age and FFXV. The “canon” stories for the two timelines not covered in the uber fic, and more AU nonsense spawned from ItRF and BiS.
N. Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
Like, finish one of MY fics? No. I would bite them if they tried. Hell, I love you and I would bite you if you tried.
Just, in general? At this point I would take a monkey paw-style deal to get someone to finish Home.
(for anyone who isn’t Jim, Home is a nuTrek Jim/Spock fic that I think I was in high school when it was published. I graduated from college over five years ago.)
Q. How do you feel about collaborations?
Mixed feelings. I’ll take feedback, assuming I’ve offered the mic for it. I’ll prattle on about whatever I’ve got cooking. I’ll ask for ideas or suggestions. But when it comes to the actual writing of it, I’m a control freak. So, people are welcome to help me gather up the building blocks, but I’m gonna wind up doing the actual building myself.
S. Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Overly elaborate AUs.
T. Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
That thing fandom does where if they’ve decided a character has anxiety, then it does not matter how that anxiety presents itself in canon, in fanon they are a weepy, shy introvert who can hardly string a sentence together because they’ve polymorphed into a shivering puppy.
V. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Does it count if I just say I wanna rewrite a series as a whole? There’s a FrostIron series I read ages ago before the MCU made me wanna gag, and at the time I LOVED it. And then not that long ago I went back and read it again, and it felt like I was saying goodbye to it because oh my god it was unbearable.
Loki was NEVER FUCKING WRONG ABOUT ANYTHING, unless he wasn’t in the room, in which case Tony picked the slack about not ever being wrong about anything.
W. Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
More specific. Not this past Christmas, but the one before that, I was doing some Advent Drabbles for one of my roleplay blogs, so I was open to drabble suggestions anyone wanted to see. Like 70% of them were just one or two words and I’m just staring at my ask box like ‘thanks, I hate it’
(Kudos, though, to the random stranger who gave me a very specific, paragraph-long prompt for a Spider-Man (PS4) fic.)
X. A character you enjoy making suffer.
...All of them?
Y. A character you want to protect.
I guess Din Djarin.
I mean, he still falls into the above ‘all of them’ but when I make him suffer it’s more related to exploring something that happened in canon, rather than me directly causing it.
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spacebrick3 · 4 years
WHG Day 3: OSHA Regulations Get Ignored.
In which there is just Emma.
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“No, this is a great idea, there’s no way it can possibly go wrong,” a thoroughly fed-up Emma mutters, trudging through foot-deep snow and trying not to notice the way it sinks into her shoes, or that she hasn’t really felt anything from her toes in the past half hour. Still no sign of her sister. “Look, look, there’s no way—God, I should have seen it that there was no way you were backing down, should have stopped you instead of letting everything go to—this souped-up, frozen-over hell!”
She shouts her criticism to the sky, voice echoing through the canyon beneath as if it will have any effect. Besides shaking a few drops of snow from the overburdened trees, it doesn’t. “Wonderful. Just great. I’m not even sure what I’m supposed to be doing, save not dying, and that’s more a dice roll than anything else. Capitol decides to set a pack of hounds, of damned wolves out here and then…then…”
Her words falter, then stop. For the canyon’s echo works both ways, carrying another voice up to her. “…the general duty clause places heavy restriction on weapons like those…check Section 5(a)(1)-“
“…Alice?” It’s hardly a question. Only one person would be fool enough to be reading off about ‘general-duty clauses’ in the Games. And though her speech is carried on the wind, faint, cutting in and out of hearing range, it must be close. She drops to the ground, checking the descent down the canyon walls towards where she guesses it’s coming from. Steep, slippery, but manageable, and then Alice is perfectly welcome to lecture her about how having such a dangerous drop violates some regulation or another.
She barely makes it a foot down before slipping, grabbing a tree branch to stop her fall. Her concentration on the descent slips, too, and she realizes that something is wrong. Alice is still talking, but her words are rushed now, almost panicked, evident even in their half-heard state. And Alice—Alice is the steady one. Alice never panics.
And then she stops. Abruptly.
“A-Alice?” she calls, dreading what will come or what will not.
A cannon shot cracks through the air, shaking the rock around her—and, more pressingly, the snow and ice from the canyon walls. She barely has time to look up, to see what looks like a fractured white wall descending upon her before it hits, dragging her grip from the beleaguered tree.
The canyon walls do not contain enough snow for an avalanche, or Emma would drag herself out of it in a much worse state than she does now, lucky to be only cold and sore and with an arm that aches in the wrong places. “Goddamn it,” she manages, rubbing at her head. “I—I mean they had to have known that would happen, right, they had to have known-“
The pieces fall (back, after having been rudely jostled out of) into place. “ALICE!”
She dashes across the canyon floor, steps irregular and limping, guessing at where she heard the sound. Everything is so very quiet now, muffled and still, even the wind flat between the two high walls. But it was here, it was close, and once she finds where it came from then—well, then—it has to be, it will have to be—it must have been-
She heard Alice’s voice, and then she didn’t.
There was a single cannon shot. One death.
Alice would never, ever, kill anybody.
“God damn it all,” she growls. “I swear, if you got yourself killed before me, Alice, I’m going to—well, something. I don’t know. I…hope you’ll be able to stop me, I really do.”
Her foot lands on packed-down snow, trampled and marked with bootprints. Whoever the tracks belong to, they’re too scuffed to tell—but people have been here, more than one, and recently. Her breath quickens as she glances around, one hand reaching to her side for the sword. Picked it up from the camp last night, nobody there would’ve noticed. Never thought I’d use it, but if they’re still here…. “ALICE!” she screams again, the words and the bitter air beginning to tear at her throat. “ALICE! Please.”
A glint of iron-black metal catches her eye, a small cylindrical object stuck into the snow. She walks over, half her mind already recognizing it before she pulls it fully from the snowbank. A pen. Alice’s pen.
Next to it, like some strange, bright winter flower is a bloodstain, still a brilliant red. Not much—not a lot of blood. She grasps for that fact, tries to cling to it as some last desperate hope, but…well, she’s too much Alice to believe it. The hovercraft would have descended and taken her away, and they don’t leave anything behind. A stroke of luck that she found the pen at all, discarded as it was.
She heard her die. She heard the moment it happened. 
But…no, it can’t be. There’s something else going on. Nesri told me—they had a plan. There was a plan. Wasn’t there?
A plan. Alice would have laughed at it. “Unless it’s written in 12-point Times New Roman and accounts for every contingency, there’s no plan,” she’d have said. “Just a bunch of hopes tied together with string.” But if this half-cooked plan, with so many variables and so many unknowns and so many ways it could go wrong that it’s barely worth counting is Alice’s only chance at being alive, then…isn’t that hope worth something?
She stays there, waiting for who-knows-what. For a plan. For something which will let her know that her sister is still alive and not simply another statistic on the list of those who the Games have killed. And just like everything else here, she gets nothing. Radio silence, save a name and face in the sky that tells her nothing besides the fact that the Capitol thinks she’s dead. 
Was that the plan? Or do they know something I don’t?
Her ears prick up at the sound of careful footsteps, someone else seeking shelter from the wind she can hear howling past. Or returning to the scene, where they don’t think anybody else will be, where they think they’ll have scared everybody off. Her fingers, worn numb by the cold, tighten around the sword’s hilt, digging into the leather. As she draws it, she realizes she must look a fearsome sight in the dimming forest, hair matted with snow and blood, eyes wild and bloodshot with lack of sleep.
Whoever it is, they know how to be stealthy. Tall and surprisingly well-kept, he barely makes a sound as the blade digs into his chest. Not drawing blood, yet. “Was. It. You,” she growls.
“Ah…sorry? Was what me?”
“Did you kill her?”
“Again.” He holds up his hands in the characteristic ‘just look at me, could I really have done it?’ pose. Golden eyes, dulled but still reflective, glint as he speaks. “I’m not sure who you’re talking about.”
She doesn’t have the time nor patience for this. “Alice. My sister. Did you kill her?”
“I haven’t killed anybody, so I’m afraid not. You, though…” He looks down again at the sword poking at him, and back to Emma. “You’re not planning to kill me with that, are you? There’s a whole…thing going on about us not dying, and I’d rather survive this. So if you don’t mind-“
He tries to push the blade away from his heart, only for her to jab it in further. He backs away and she follows, pressing him against a tree. “Stay. You said there was a plan. For people not dying. I’m not—I don’t-“ She accidentally slices a line down his chest, the sword shaking in her head. “Shit! No. How does it work, the plan?”
“You know, that hurt.”
“Plan. Now.”
“I don’t know! They don’t tell us these things,” he says, wincing. “I think it’s the trackers, though. If the Capitol doesn’t have those, they have to assume that we’re…dead.” He glances around, looking for a way out.
Well, she can damn well give him one, then. “Where’s yours?”
“I don’t-“
“Where.” She’s starting to sound like Alice, all monosyllables and terse sentences. Curt and no-nonsense, and whatever sort of arrogance this man is spouting is certainly nonsense.
He sighs. “Shoulder. Right one. Don’t be-“ 
Without daring to think too much about what she’s doing, Emma pulls the blade back, spinning it in her hand before cutting deep into his shoulder. Beyond the blood—that’s a lot of blood, more than she expected—she’s rewarded by a hiss of electronics and a brief, sparking flash. The blade stops against his neck before she pulls it back.
“-too harsh.” He hisses out a breath, pressing a hand to the wound. “Was that really necessary?”
“Get out of here,” she says. “Your tracker’s gone, so go.”
“If it means you don’t kill me, then gladly.” Another grimace of pain. “Although if you weren’t planning on doing so, don’t think there was much reason to be that harsh with it.”
“When you get out.” If you get out, she amends. He’s…competent, but annoying. “If you find someone, Alice—black hair, glasses, will gladly lecture you about safety regulations so don’t let her start—then tell her she’s awful and I hate her and I’m very, very glad that she’s not dead. In those exact words, understand?”
He nods, slipping slightly on the snow as he stumbles away. She watches him go, hoping that Alice did the same only a couple hours ago, that the pen and bloodstain were left behind from the tracker and nothing else.
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Taglist: @concealeddarkness13, @rhikasa, @knmartinshouldbewriting, @maple-writes, @aeslin, @pen-of-roses (thanks for Lynn! Hope I got him right!), @makeitmonstrous, @the-moving-finger-writes, @nightskywriter, and of course @ratracechronicler​!
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thinkyoureholy · 5 years
Opposites Attract [17/End]
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[ a/n : so this is it...this is the end of Opposites Attract🤧 I want to thank everyone that read, liked, reblogged, and commented throughout the story. I really love to see what you all think as the story is developing, let's me know what I'm doing right😅 anyway this was extremely fun to right and considering it's my first time writing a fantasy fic like this I think I did alright...lolol before I make this too long I just want to thank you all again and enjoy this last chapter💜]
Warning : the much awaited smut is in this chapter!! Please skip over it if it makes you uncomfortable
Pairing : Park Jimin / [Fem] Reader
Genre : Angst, Violence, Language, Fluff, Smut, Enemies to Lovers! AU, Fantasy! AU
Words : 3k
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt 4. Pt 5. Pt 6. Pt 7. Pt 8. Pt 9. Pt 10. Pt 11. Pt 12. Pt 13. Pt 14. Pt 15. Pt 16. Pt 17.
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
-Jimin's P.O.V-
I watched with wide eyes, horrified by the scene. Y/N withered on the ground, wailing out in pain. Her cries felt like a knife stabbing my heart over and over again. I felt tears cascading down my face as I fought against the ones holding me down. I had already used my fire so many times, the veins in my arms felt like they were about to burst but I had to do something. I watched with anger eyes, clenching my teeth together as the wrath coursed through my body like a raging fire that only grew stronger with each passing second. I all but growled with Seokjin grabbed onto the collar of her shirt, pulling her up forcefully to kneel before him. The moment he pulled out his sword I lost it, my whole body burst into flames, the fire spreading over Gai and the ones holding us down, making sure not to hurt him.  The soldiers of Zeus let out cries of pure agony but I didn't care, finally letting go, using my power like I never had before. 
"Jimin go!" Gai yelled, on his feet now.
He didn't have to tell me twice, already running to her. I prayed I'd get to her in time, hoping Seokjin would continue with one of his annoying monologues for just a second longer but that wasn't the case. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach when he lunged forward, my legs coming to a halt at the sight before me. The blade never got to pierce through Y/N...someone had rushed over to intervene...and that someone was Mana. I watched with wide eyes as she looked down at the sword that had pierced through her stomach, the tip coming out through her back. She raised her head to meet Seokjin's shocked gaze, tears streaming down her face, blood dribbled out of her mouth and down her chin. I could see her mouth moving but I couldn't hear anything, gaze moving to Y/N who fell to the side, blood from her open wounds staining the ground underneath her. My heart rate skyrocketed when she slowly began to close her eyes. 
Without thinking I let out an immense amount of power. Within seconds I was at her side, picking her up just as she finally closed her eyes. I didn’t have time to  check if she was still breathing, a bolt of lightning coming down from over head. I jumped out of the way in time, holding Y/N tightly in my arms. I looked up to see Seokjin glaring at me, a dead Mana in his arms that had been badly burnt by my fire. I could see him grit his teeth as he attacked once more, lightning bolt after lightning bolt raining down on us but I dodged every one of them. 
“Jimin! Over here!” 
I turned at the sound of his voice, running over to him and Hoseok, “Here, take her somewhere safe,” I let out in a rushed voice, hurriedly helping Yoongi hoist her onto his back. 
When I saw that she was in safe hands I gently caressed her check for a moment before stepping back. I ran back to Seokjin who now had his sights of Yoongi and Hoseok who were running away from the scene. I brought a hand up, a wall of fire blocking his view of them.
"Your fight is with me now, asshole." I growled out.
I stood before him, fists clenched at my side as I practically shook with rage, "I'll kill you for everything you've done. You better fucking pray Y/N makes it through her injuries alive because if she doesn't-"
"So what if she doesn't?! I have nothing left to lose now! Mana's gone! She's the only one I wanted to save but now… now she's dead!" He cried out, the skies crying along with him, "If only you had all obeyed me from the start! No one would've gotten hurt! I wouldn't have had to eliminate whole factions, I wouldn't have had to kill your loved ones!"
I stared at him in shock, mouth hanging agape after hearing his words. He probably thought I'd feel sympathetic towards him but he was wrong, very wrong. I just grew angrier, my fire reaching heights they never have before. The blue flames licked the ground around me as I took slow calculated steps towards him. I clenched my teeth together, my anger bubbling over with each step I took. This bastard...he's killed so many innocent people yet--yet here he is trying to seem like he's not the bad guy. The nerve...the audacity…
I opened my clenched fists, my open palm facing him as I hit him with my fire. He stumbled back at the hit but he didn't move to retaliate, his eyes on Mana who he had set down a few feet away. I was livid at this point, not knowing what to do with my anger as I hit him again and again, tears of frustration sliding down the sides of my face.
"Fight back." I let out through clenched teeth but he stayed silent, bowing his head.
"Fight back!" I bellowed, standing directly in front of him now.
I shoved at his burned chest, watching him stumble back but I did it again and like the times before he just took it. 
"Dammit Seokjin, fight back!" I barked out, reaching out to wrap my hand around his throat, "You killed my baby brother, a fucking child and you tried to kill Y/N...don't go making me feel sorry for you, fight back!"
"What's the point…"
"No...no you--you can't fucking do this! Not after everything you've done don't go playing this card now!" I said with a snarl, going to push him again but I felt arms wrap around my body, pinning my own arms to my sides.
I fought against the arms around me as they dragged me away from Seokjin, soldiers of both Hephaestus and Gaia surrounding him.
"Let me go!"
"No. Jimin stop! I want to kill him as much as the next guy but he isn't worth it! I mean just look at him!" Gai yelled out, squeezing me tighter in his hold, "Look at him...letting him live is worse than killing him. He's going to have to live with what he's done for the rest of his life...and that's worse than death itself."
I stopped struggling after hearing his words, my chest rising and falling as I panted heavily, still filled with so much rage but I knew he was right. Letting him live was more mercy than he deserved but it's also the biggest punishment I could give him.
-Y/N's P.O.V; 6 years later-
[a/n: sorry if the smut isn’t that good...:( I was having a hard time since smut isn’t really my forte]
I let out a low moan, moving my head further to the side as I exposed more of my neck to him. My nails dug into his biceps as my hips began to move on their own, grinding down on his hard member. He groaned at the feeling of me grinding on him, his arms pulling me closer against his bare chest. I felt him smirk against the skin of my neck before he thrust his hips up, a loud moan falling from my lips.
"Shh...wouldn't want them to hear us would you?" He teased against the skin of my neck, his hand reaching down in between the two of us.
His fingers had no problem finding my clothed clit, rubbing the sensitive nub slowly, teasingly. I bit down on my bottom lip, biting back a moan of his name that threatened to slip out.
"Fuck…" I trailed off, pushing myself further into his hand when he moved my underwear to the side, "This...this is why I told you to take it to the bed- ah fuck…"
He grinned at the whine I let out, his fingers curling inside me, "I'm not the one who who tackled me onto the couch after a string of dirty words. I was simply telling you what I wanted to do to you...you're the one who practically jumped me."
I glared down at him, opening my mouth to snap back but instead of a retort I let out a lewd moan of his name, his fingers hitting that spot in me that had my toes curling, "Oh fuck me…"
He grinned cockily, pulling out his hard member at the same time he pulled out his fingers from inside me, "Gladly."
And without warning he slid in my soaking wet pussy, the two of us letting out a moan in unison. I kept still as I adjusted to his size but he grew impatient, urging me to move and he didn't have to ask twice. I leaned forward, planting my feet firmly against the couch cushions, placing my hands on either side of his face as I began to move. I went slow at first, Jimin's fingers digging into my sides at the pace I set. I watched as he closed his eyes, biting down on his bottom lip to keep the groans that he would usually let me hear from falling from his mouth. I leaned forward, my lips mere centimeters from his ears as I began to pick up the pace slowly.
"Oh c'mon I think you can let me hear a few of your groans of pleasure...don't you think?"
As soon as I finished my sentence he arms around me tightened before he suddenly flipped us over, pushing my back into the couch as he hovered over me, the look in his eye causing a shiver to go down my back.
"Don't fucking tease me right now." He growled out, giving one hard thrust that had my eyes rolling to the back of my head.
He grinned as he did it again and again and again. With each thrust I found it harder and harder to keep my moans to a minimum. Shit, he always felt so good. I couldn't help myself as I began to repeat his name like a mantra, the lewd sound of skin hitting skin filling our ears. I arched my back when he started to go faster, his dick hitting all the right places. I dug my nails into his shoulders, tears of pure pleasure beginning to cloud my vision as the knot in my stomach began to tighten. Our breaths mingled together as we chased out highs, Jimin reaching down between the two of us to rub my clit. The feeling of both his fingers and dick were too much for me, a loud moan beginning to fall from my lips but he quickly clamped his hand down over my mouth. My loud moans were muffled as my thighs shook around him, my orgasm hitting hard but he didn't let up. His fingers kept rubbing my sensitive clit as he continued to pound into me, my cries of pleasure muffled by his hand but I didn't dare try and stop him...it felt so fucking good. 
I stirred with a groan, turning over to bury my face in a sturdy chest. The moment I did that strong arms wrapped around my frame, pulling me even closer, soft lips placing a lingering kiss on my forehead.
"You really never learn how to hold back have you…?" I asked, my voice hoarse first thing in the morning.
He chuckled softly, his chest rumbling, "I don't know what holding back is when it comes to you."
I scoffed but smiled nonetheless, propping myself up on my elbow to look at his face properly. His hair was disheveled, strands going every which way as he stared back at me with a dazed look in his eyes. He smiled lazily, lifting his head up to steal a quick kiss. I smiled softly, resting my chin against his chest as I stared at him lovingly, thinking back to everything that had happened to get us here.
That day six years ago I almost died...I thought I had died but going against his word Poseidon saved me once again. But it wasn't instantly like the first time...I took a whole year to wake up and when I did everything I knew before I went into a deep sleep had changed. I had found out that Seokjin had not only killed Levi and my mother but everyone in my faction. Yoongi, Hoseok, and I were the sole survivors and that--that hit hard. I couldn't believe it at first but the grim looks they had on their faces told me they were telling the truth. I had gone speechless, my mind going blank and when I thought things couldn't get any worse they said he did the same to the Gaia faction. Only a third of Namjoon's soldiers had survived the battle and they had nothing to go back to. Knowing he had done this to us I wanted nothing more than to kill him with my own two hands but they stopped me. They explained how Jimin let him live, a bit reluctant at first but he agreed to it after some time. I was told that was the worst punishment Seokjin could receive. He had to live with the fact that he not only killed all those people but he killed the own he loved most in this world. Jimin had looked him up deep underground, giving Namjoon full authority over him. 
And now six years later everything was normal in our lives, the system of factions all but forgotten as we all lived together as one society. Jimin and I got married a year after I woke up and I got pregnant soon after. I smiled fondly at the memory, thinking back to my pregnancy and chuckling at the memory of Jimin freaking out after I told him.
"What's so funny?" He asked, looking at me through narrowed eyes.
I grinned at him, opening my mouth to answer his question but I was cut off by the door swinging open, the pitter-patter of feet on the floorboards hitting our ears. We looked over the bed to see the twins looking up at us, the older of the two already beginning to climb up the bed while the youngest held up his arms to be carried up. Jimin and I shared a look before we grabbed one each, lifting them up onto the bed and sitting them on our laps.
"Mama." The youngest one let out happily, clinging to my shirt.
I smiled fondly, pulling back slightly to cup his face in my hands, combing his dark brown hair out of his eyes. My eyes darted from his dark green eye to his dark brown one, the smile on my face growing when he giggled as I rubbed our noses together in an eskimo kiss. The two inherited my duo colored eyes, each getting a different color, their other eye the same color as their fathers; the youngest left eye was a dark green while the oldest had a bright blue right eye. 
"Me me!" The older of the two chanted, holding his arms out to me, completely ignoring his father as he stared up at me with his blue and brown eyes.
I laughed softly before leaning over and repeating the action. I looked up at Jimin who was already looking at me with an expectant look on his face. I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I planted a kiss on his cheek instead of giving him an eskimo kiss, a smug smile tugging at his lips.
"I was starting to think you were picking favorites." He muttered under his breath, looking down at the child that was playing with his fingers. 
I let out a breathy laugh, rolling my eyes at his words, "Who says I wasn't?"
He choked on air for a moment before glaring at me, fighting the smile that threatened to break out on his face, "Boys your mother says she's picking favorites...who do you think her favorite is?"
They both yelled out in unison, glaring at each other, repeating their own names as their voices got louder. Jimin chuckled softly and picked Levi up, sitting him on top of his shoulders while he grabbed Jisoo in his arms as he got up.
"Alright you two no fighting. Daddy was just playing around."
"Dada I hungy." Jisoo whined out, staring up at his father with a pout.
Jimin smiled fondly and pinched his cheek, "Well what does my little one want to eat?"
The two four year olds began to shout what they wanted at each other. They always had something different to say, I think they secretly like disagreeing with each other. I smiled affectionately as I watched Jimin walk out of the bedroom with the two of them but my eyes turned sad the moment they were out of sight. Oh how I wished that my parents were still around to see their grandchildren. I would've loved Levi to meet his nephews, especially the one I named after him. Those two had the same personality, I was shocked to see it so early on, I mean he was only four years old but the resemblance was uncanny. Jisoo on the other hand was more reserved, shy in front of people at first but once he got comfortable with you he clung on for dear life. Jimin said that's exactly how his brother was in his toddler years.
I shed a tear at the memory of what happened, quickly wiping it away when Jimin called for me from the kitchen. I sighed out heavily, throwing the covers off of me. Going through that stuff in the past changed me, I hope it's for the better but there are some days I want to go back and change everything. But then I take one look at my boys and think I wouldn't trade them for the world. I guess all the trials and tribulations we go through in life are for a reason, sure I'm bitter about some things but there's nothing I can do about it now. I just have to live life to the fullest. I wanted to live the life Levi was denied of, if not for myself, then for him. I know he wouldn't want me wasting my life away crying over him so I've been living my life the way he would've wanted me to. And maybe one day...the hole in my chest will be patched up for good.
Tags : @rjsmochii @namflix
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seyaryminamoto · 5 years
To my USA followers
I’ve seen far too much misinformation on my dashboard as of late, and it’s been grinding my gears badly. I’m not surprised for it, because this is a trend that has been happening since I first set foot on Tumblr, but I think I’ve reached a breaking point and I need to at least make an effort, however pointless it may prove, to help you understand what’s happening in distant contexts you don’t fully grasp.
Latin America is a political disaster. It has been one for ages, probably since further back in history than I dare talk about because I don’t know enough that far back about the whole region. But in recent, modern times, Latin America has been a mixed bag of dictators of all sides of the political spectrums, with each country as good as taking turns between democracy and tyranny, some for longer or shorter periods of time.
Yes, there’s a far-right psychopath in power in Brazil. That is an undeniable truth and very much something to be feared. I’m not an expert on what’s happening in Brazil right now, but I’m 100% sure he’s up to no good and will end up causing a lot more harm than good to his people, especially the poor and the minorities.
That being said... there’s also a far-left psychopath in power in Venezuela, and I could spend HOURS talking about all the crap we’ve been through over the past 20 years because I’VE LIVED IT. I have literally not known anything but the Chavez-Maduro governments, I’ve spent my entire life here, and I have watched my country go from liveable (as a child) to tolerable (as a teenager) to basically apocalyptic levels of chaos (the past 4-5 years), to the point where I’ve even had periods when I stopped eating just to spend less money, and I’m not even amongst the people who are worse off in the country, who literally scavenge in trash for food because they can’t afford anything at all.
Part of why Maduro and Chavez managed to stay in power for so long is because all the systems are rigged. There’s no separation of powers: our equivalent of the electoral college is helmed by someone who had been a member of the government’s political party. The company supplying our electoral machines admitted their results have been rigged. When this happens in a country, IT IS NOT A DEMOCRACY.
And that same thing is what detonated the Bolivian crisis right now. I keep seeing people claiming it’s a cover for a war on resources, a conflict of interests where somehow an allegedly hyper-competent US government is infiltrating and destroying Latin America, despite some of these US officials can’t even string two sentences together and barely get anything done in their own country.
Evo Morales was legally FORBIDDEN from being a candidate thrice in a row. There’s only one chance for reelection in Bolivia, and Evo Morales outright ignored that law, with no consequences, for one whole period by finding loopholes in the law. This new round? It would have been his FOURTH presidential period, and there were no loopholes to validate his candidacy anymore. They’ve had the same guy in power since 2005,  he’s even had the same vicepresident for all 14 years, from my understanding. This is NOT what a democracy looks like. Can you imagine how outraged you’d be if you had Trump for four presidential periods in a row? After questionable electoral results that indicated a second round of voting was necessary, only for him to conveniently decide he would just declare himself president for the FOURTH TIME, regardless of the law? Would you be out here saying it’s all a plan by the powers that be, or would you be outraged to be living in an unabashed tyranny?
This is not to say that the vandalism, that the violent protests, are right or good. I don’t see any worth in destructive protests, be them from one side or the other. Chile’s left wing is currently setting their cities on fire to protest over social imbalances and useless retirement systems: the very legitimate grounds for such protests DOES NOT justify the levels of destruction seen in either country. And these things are what most Latin Americans are worried about, as far as I can tell: destructive protests, social conflicts, the difficulties of living in ANY of these countries and the ineffectiveness, corruption and outright illegality of many of our governments...
Whereas all I see from US blogs I follow is “USA is just after all of Latin America’s resources, hurr durr, that’s all there is to this.”
I’m sorry to be so blunt, but honestly, shut up. Start having at least a modicum of empathy with people who have entirely different living experiences from your own. TALK to people who aren’t USA-based and learn about what they go through with their current presidents or leaders. Believe me, there are more than enough Latin Americans in this site and beyond it who can communicate in English without that much trouble, me amongst them. Want to understand what’s happening down south? 
And if you can’t do any of these things? If you can’t find anyone from those countries to talk to, anyone with a genuine grasp on Latin America’s problems beyond absurdly biased political analysis? Then please, do a favor to all of us in this shithole of a continent and STOP SPREADING MISINFORMATION. STOP JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING THE FULL CONTEXT OF ANY OF WHAT’S HAPPENING. STOP PROMOTING ABUSE OF POWER OR SIDING WITH TYRANTS JUST BECAUSE THEY IDENTIFY WITH THE SAME POLITICAL SPECTRUM YOU DO.
And alongside with all this... stop pretending Latin America is plagued by the same problems you are in USA. You can’t judge an entire continent with the exact same standard if you don’t know what’s happening in it. Do some problems coincide? YES. Do they ALL coincide? Hell, no. Heck, there’s problems in countries within Latin America that are 100% different or even absent in the neighboring one.
Yes, of course USA has a history of intervening and infiltrating Latin American countries, and committing heinous crimes in the process. But if this crisis in Bolivia is convenient for USA, it does NOT negate that the Bolivian people have a right to stand up against Morales for breaking the law and acting like he’s above it. It does not negate that Venezuela has been through a shitstorm over the last 20 years with next to no hope of recovery in the immediate future because all our structures and systems have been destroyed by a gang hellbent on holding as much power as possible, and in being as corrupt as possible.
And if you outright decide to ignore the valid plight of people in Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and more, all of it just to validate your own political agendas... then congratulations. You’re no better than an anti-vaxxer or a flat-earther who’d sooner deny science, history, and even geography just for your own benefit, without caring about how many lives can be lost while you’re flaunting your willing ignorance. Good going.
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