#i immediately hit the bricks ‼️‼️‼️
fiomeras · 8 months
That blatant, uncensored sexual assault scenes dotted throughout the music video of that demon hotel series, which was storyboarded by a guy with an undisguised rape kink mind you, was basically full confirmation for me that Vivzie has not changed as a person. And I was right for thinking she hasn't.
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vampacidic · 1 year
watching a video about hello fresh being shit etc and the opening sequence has this and like
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god. so much here. do you think my reaction as an autistic individual to the first line is going to be ‘lol they’re joking’. do you think i’m a baby that needs all information spelled out to me because i lack critical thought. what the fuck does /pa even mean. it’s passive aggressive isn’t it. i KNOW it’s passive aggressive i can fucking ??? read ???????? i am not 3 years old. also what’s with the /p in the corner do you think i’m going to take this romantically huh. is ‘we are living the effects of a defunded education system in the united states’ going to be taken romantically. huh. huh. good fucking lord talk to an autistic person lmao
i want so badly to be one of these youtube leftists. to agree with them even. but so much of today’s concept of ‘acceptance’ is just watering down language and creating new words that end up with the same connotation as the last one and then getting mad that this happened (ie look at queer -> lgbt. same definition. still hated by conservatives. but now we have leftists complaining about the use of ‘queer’). also i hate tone tags
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jakegasm · 2 years
mistakes | lo'ak sully
genre: angst ♧ 
pairing: lo’ak sully x omatikaya!reader (mentions of neteyam and tsireya) 
word count: 2.5k
warnings: heartbreak, cheating (? idk why i put a question mark, there’s most definitely cheating involved 😂) 
brief info: upon moving to Awa’atlu the sully family agrees to have you tag along, you and lo’ak have been best friends for as long as you two can remember. Though to his parents it has been nothing but a friendly demeanor between the two of you, unknown to them that you and lo’ak have been in a secret relationship for quite some time now. While in Awa’atlu, lo’ak seems to be avoiding you more and more lately spending more time with tsireya than you, leaving you and your relationship entirely in the dust. 
flowers: lauren spencer smith 
two places at once: haley joelle
Punchline: aidan martin
notes:  ‼️lo’ak and reader are 18‼️ 4 years later after the sully family moved to Awa’atlu
Neteyam is NOT dead, bby is still alive bc I said so 
//again this was barely proofread and its not my best bc i kinda rushed it T-T i still hope you all enjoy though! and please I do not hate tsireya she's a cinnamon roll I just needed to use someone and she fit perfectly T-T//
Syeha si mì ulte lonu: breathe in and release 
Mawey: calm
Rä'ä: do not
Skxawng: moron, idiot
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The waves break around the rocks in the shallows, their foam crests becoming chaotic lace over the blue. You watch it swirl, mesmerized as if the movement of the water choreographs your thoughts. The crunching of the sand tearing you away from your thoughts, the space next to you now becoming occupied. You shifted your body away from them avoiding the inevitable conversation you two were to have. You felt him looking at you, his eyes burning into the side of your face. You were ignoring him and he knew it. He gently rocked his shoulder into yours in hopes of getting your attention, lucky for him it works. 
“Why are you here Neteyam?” 
“What? I cannot accompany a friend now?” 
Rolling your eyes, you set them back on the crashing waves in front of you. The waves swimming up to shore tickling your toes with the slightly cold water. 
“If you are looking for Lo’ak, he is with Tsireya.” Irritation hung in your voice, the male did not let this go unnoticed. Though he wanted to question it, he decided to ignore it. 
“So that is where he has been all these days…” His voice trailed out in thought. He noticed your body tensed up slightly at the comment, digging your head more into your knees that were pushed up against your chest. Your eyes prickled with tears but you blinked them away before he could notice them. But it was too late. He felt his chest tighten seeing your eyes glaze over in sadness as the setting sun reflected ever so perfectly on the tears that threaten to spill. Reaching out a hand he brushed away a tear that had managed to escape, his lips in a thin line. 
“My brother is a skxawng, he will realize what he will lose but until then…it will already be too late.” 
His words hit you like a brick. You didn’t want to wait for him to realize it because the more you waited the more you watched him fall for someone else. Scooting closer you nuzzled yourself into his side finding comfort in the warm embrace as his arms immediately wrap around you giving your shoulders a reassuring squeeze. You two stayed like that for some time as you wept in his arms, trying to make amends for your lover. That you were unfortunately losing. 
“Neteyam I’m sorry!” You laughed running out of his marui pod, trying to make an escape from the consequences of your actions. 
“Oh no, you think I’d let you off the hook for that? No way!” The male chased you even quicker. Laughter erupted from your throat as your feet moved as quickly as possible to get away from him. You peeked over your shoulder to see he was gaining on you rather quickly, and the smile on your face widened even more. Your destination was his parents' Marui pod since you knew that’s where your safety resided, his mother would for sure protect you from him. You hastily jogged up to the pod trying to keep your balance and speed as the walkway wobbled a bit under your feet. You managed to make it to the pod’s opening before you felt hands clasp your waist holding you tightly against their chest, swinging you away from the pods' entrance. You wiggled in his grip while your joined laughter filled the pod while you gasped for air begging him to release you. 
“Neteyam put her down.” His mother spoke a smile resting on her face, his father appearing not too shortly behind his wife. 
“You heard what your mother said. Put her down boy.” 
Nodding he gently placed you back on the ground, but not before poking his tongue out at you, something he had learned from Kiri. You just giggled at the reaction turning towards his parents who held a look wanting either one of you to explain what was happening. 
“That’s one hell of a way to say Good Morning. Mind telling me what’s that about?” His father spoke, his tone demanding but not harsh. 
“y/n threw water on me while I was sleeping, sir.” Neteyam’s eyes sent you a quick threatening look only to receive a small laugh from you. 
“Yeah, that’s because you wouldn’t wake up after you PROMISED me that you’d take me fishing today.” You added in, earning yourself an eye roll from him. 
“So you throw water on me? May Ewya help you for what I will do when–”
“Good Morning.” Neteyams' threat was cut off by someone entering the pod. 
The wide smile on your face disappeared; just as quickly as your playful demeanor. He greeted his parents before sharing eye contact with you, your stomach now doing somersaults. He nodded at you as a greeting, not daring to give you a proper greeting. You felt small. So small. You were on the verge of nausea as you watched him avoid all sorts of contact with you. 
“Lo’ak don’t be rude, speak to y/n.” His mother softly smacked him on the back of his shoulder earning her a low hiss from the male.
“Good morning…y/n.” His eyes stayed fixated on something that wasn’t you, annoyance radiating off of him. 
“Good morning lo’ak…Um, Neteyam?” Neteyam was quick to make contact with you, your eyes pleading with him to leave. Quickly he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and swiftly turned you away from the others to avoid them seeing the tears that were now falling so freely while you bit your lip so hard trying your best to stop them. 
“We will be back before eclipse. I promise.” He swore to his parents nodding at them and smiling, but not before he shot his brother a deadly glare, only to see his brother already held one against him. Wiping his head back around he guided you out of the pod making sure to keep your head down as he whispered sweet reassuring words to you along the way. 
“Syeha si ulte….lonu.”  The arrow flew from your bow grazing your fingertips lightly during the release, only for you to miss your target…again. Whining you turned your head to Neteyam who was trying very hard not to laugh at your failure. 
“Laugh it up while you can, mighty warrior.” Your tongue poked out at him tauntingly after “warrior”, though he cleared his throat his smile never left his face when he approached you. He stood behind you turning your body so your back lay against his chest, his hands guiding your arms back into your shooting stance. 
“Your arms should be straight, or you’ll miss your target again.” His hands held underneath your arms gently smoothing over the skin underneath them before pushing them upwards. “Take a deep breath and hold it. It must come from your stomach or it will not work.” Bringing his other hand down he gently pushed on your stomach causing your body to tense up immediately, you found yourself holding your breath for another reason. 
“Mawey, your heartbeat is fast. No wonder you cannot catch any fish.” He joked, his breath hitting the shell of your ear due to the close proximity you two were in. Shaking your head you tried to distract yourself from how close you two were. Straightening your posture, you sucked in a deep breath making sure to hold it in just as instructed locking eyes on your wiggling target and–
“Ahem.” Someone cleared their throat halting your motion. You both turn your head towards the person responsible for the noise, only to be met by the one person you didn’t want to speak to but also a person you yearned deeply for. 
“Sorry for uh… disrupting you two but can I talk to y/n?” Lo’ak watched as Neteyam refused to take a step away from you making him bite the inside of his cheek in annoyance.
The older brother never moved from your side, his body now shielding you in a way. The tension in the air felt thick, so thick not even a knife would be able to pierce it. You placed your hand on his arm giving it a squeeze to grab his attention, “Neteyam.” Your voice soft, his head turning down towards you his eyes immediately softening almost as if they were pleading with you. 
“I’ll be fine.” You tried your best to give him a smile, just enough for him to let you go. It was obvious your smile didn’t convince him, huffing his mouth turned into a thin line before nodding at you moving further to the opposite side to let you go. You nodded at him once more before following behind a rather fuming lo’ak. 
The boy ignored you as he walked fast in front of you slapping things out of his as he passed them. You tried your hardest to keep up but there was no way your speed equaled anything to his big long strides. Jogging a little you gained a bit of closeness to him his hand just in reach for you to grab. 
“Lo’ak wait–”
“What?!” He snapped at you angrily turning towards you. You felt like a turtle going back into its shell with his tone. A tone he has never used with you. 
“I just wanted you to slow down, you’re walking too fast.” Your voice sounded so little making his ears flick downwards. 
“Where are we going anyway?” 
“Our usual spot…We need to talk–about us.” A familiar ache started to churn in your stomach at these words. Your thoughts become jumbled up in your mind of all the possible outcomes of this conversation. 
Was he finally going to tell others of your relationship?
Did he finally want to call it quits? 
Mindlessly you followed him deeper into the closed-in cave area, the familiar scenery coming into your view not too long after you both decided to keep walking. You looked into the glowing water smiling faintly at the glimmering goldfish that rushed to the surface upon your arrival, seeming excited to see you again. You almost bumped into the back of lo’ak not realizing he had stopped moments ago, you stared confusingly at his back before his voice caught your attention. 
“What were you and brother doing before I arrived?” You blinked at him confusingly. Turning his body fully towards you now, his face completely ruined by the anger that he was trying so desperately to keep inside. The confusion on your face seemed to anger him more than he already was causing him to roll his eyes at you. 
“You and my brother. You’re way too close to be “just friends”, every time I see you two your both so close to each other!” 
You and Neteyam were friends. That was it. There were no romantic feelings involved once so ever whenever you two conversed. At least that’s how you saw it on your end. 
“If you are asking if I and neteyam ever did anything with each other the answer is no.” You were starting to take offense to the accusations he kept spuing out at you, rendering you into irritation at the boy. 
“Really? Because that’s so hard to believe when I see his hands all over you a few moments ago. And from the looks of it, you weren’t moving them any time soon!” 
“He was teaching me how to fish!” 
“Why him? You could’ve asked me. Me! Your boyfriend!” 
“Well, I can’t ask my boyfriend if he’s never around when I need him!” 
You didn’t notice that your breathing had started to pick up or even notice how the image of him standing in front of you became blurry from the water that swelled up in your eyes. 
“Or when he’s not with tsireya showing her all the things that you showed me!  Or–or ditching our plans for tsireya because she wants to go look at the stars with you!” The gentle wind from a small opening in the cave blew past your face making you feel the coldness from the tears that now overflowed from your eyes. 
“It’s always tsireya, tsireya, tsireya! Never me! I’m never your first choice anymore.” Your chest heaved up and down rapidly as your feelings felt like they were oozing out of you, your mouth just could not stop projecting all the feelings you had bottled up for so long. 
“Neteyam has been there for me when you weren’t. Night after night, day after day, HE has always been there. Not you lo’ak. And guess what? He’s cleaning up the mess you made…AGAIN.” Your last words held so much power, you knew those words were going to sting but, you needed him to hear them. Hear how much pain he has caused because of his absence. Hear what a mess he’s made of you. The scenarios of them interacting start to flood your mind, the acts of kindness and love the two radiated gave off a familiar feeling that you two once shared. You swallowed your fear down as a fearful question bubbled up in your throat. 
“Have–have you two done anything?” 
Silence. All you were met with was silence. But this was all you needed to finally make sense of his recurring disappearances. Your face scrunched up in disgust, your tears now producing more than they have ever before. 
“I knew it…” Swiftly you turned away from him almost jogging your way out of the small hideaway area, ignoring his calls out to you. You didn’t want to hear a thing he had to say anymore, his silence spoke loudly for him already. 
“y/n, listen to m-” His hand caught your wrist trying his best to make you look at him, instead you jerked your arm away from his grip harshly. 
“Rä'ä!” The anger in your voice shook him, you never raised your voice at him, though he knew he deserved this. He made a mistake and he needed you to understand that. 
“You do not get to touch me anymore. You do not even need to think about me anymore.”
His ears dropped dramatically, his tail hiding in between his legs. It was now his turn to breathe heavily, his brain not wanting to believe the words you were throwing at him. 
“Please, just let me explain what happ-”
“You have explained enough lo’ak. Now go, go before tsireya starts wondering about your whereabouts.” You turned away from him only to be stopped by him once more. 
“I don’t care about tsireya right now! Dammit just listen to me!” His voice shook massively, his eyes pleading desperately at you almost making you push your hurt and anger to the side and wrap him back in your arms that you wanted him back desperately in. Almost. 
“Goodbye lo’ak.” You took your arm away from his hold once again ignoring his pleas for you to come back. Your heart ached hearing how desperate he sounded for you, though you needed him to learn. You needed him to learn that someone’s heart is not something to gamble with. 
He needed to learn from all the mistakes he made.
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blues824 · 10 months
WAIT since its Sebek month rn, I'm requesting smth for Sebek as well‼️ its prompt #8 and #26~ 💚✨ (26 lowkey perfect for him bcs he cant handle the cold lol same sebek- ajdjs)
I love this man with my whole heart, and then some.
You requested: Snowball Fight + Cuddling Next to the Fire
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Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek did not know how to have fun, and you were convinced of that.
He took no breaks when it came to being a knight or when it came to his school work. Even his extracurriculars were not something he took lightly, which made it really frustrating whenever you wanted to spend quality time with the one you loved.
Your relationship wasn’t doing super well… to say the least. This was his first relationship, so you gave him some leeway, but it eventually had to come to an end. It felt like you were romantically involved with a brick wall.
Because you didn’t want to end the relationship, you went straight to Lilia for advice, and he immediately said that Sebek would have the weekend off. Malleus walked in and heard everything, and he agreed with the bat fae, and he would even make it an official order for him to go with you for the remainder of the day. Well, it was a foolproof plan, and it worked.
Now, you both can be seen trudging through the snow as Sebek is yelling about how you had the audacity to go to the great Waka-sama just to get to hang out with him. If you heard one more word about Malleus when you two were supposed to be on a date, you swear you were gonna end everything.
So, you stooped down, gathered some snow in your hands, patted it into a ball, and immediately chucked it at the half-fae’s head. He turned with the most angry look on his face, but you were too busy laughing to see it.
Oh, so that’s how you wanna play?
With a smirk taking the place of the anger, he, too, stooped down, gathered snow in his hands, formed it into a ball, and threw it at you, hitting you right in the face. Your laughing, obviously, ceased, and a battle had begun.
For a whole hour, you both were throwing snowballs at each other, laughing at the other's misfortune the whole time. However, you both knew it was time to go inside when you let out a sneeze as well as a few coughs.
Sebek grabbed the firewood that you had stocked up and started to build a fire in your fireplace. He was shivering as well as you, and you remembered that he typically liked warmer and more humid climates. Once the fire got going, he brought you one of your many blankets so that you might try and warm up.
However, as his arm extended to give you the blanket, you grabbed it and pulled him down beside you. It took him by surprise, but when he noticed the close proximity, he immediately froze up.
“H-Human, what do you think you’re doing?” He asked.
“I don’t believe it would be very fair if I were to be warm and you were to remain cold,” You answered, making sure that he got some of the blanket as well.
Upon seeing that he was still shivering, however, you decided to just lay on him. You put your hands on his shoulders to push him back into the couch, and you just plopped yourself right on top of him, bringing the blanket over you two.
“Y/N THIS IS ENTIRELY INAPPRO-” You covered his mouth, starting to get sleepy, and with how flustered he was getting, his body temperature was rising to a comfortable level. In a few moments, you were asleep.
The dedicated knight had no idea what to do in this situation… This was never a part of his training, so he just laid there like a plank until he eventually fell asleep as well.
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depressedpizza · 3 months
im just gonna drop my lil... immortal pizza tower au here :3
have fun reading guys!!!!
So in this AU I have brainstormed, Peppino gets turned into an immortal by Pizza Head telling a Pizzard to cast a spell that was lost deep in the tower, and just recovered. Peppino and Pizza Head were about to have what Peppino thought would be a fair fight on the top of the Pizza Tower.
It was storming... This was a strange occurrence to happen, especially for Peppino since it only stormed during the 3rd phase of the fight. Peppino has fought Pizza Head many times at this point. Peppino had a feeling this fight would turn out to be an unexpectancy. Before the fight, Pizza Head was talking to the Pizard in his office. After the talk, which lasted nearly 10 seconds, Pizza Head and the Pizzard appeared atop the tower roof.
Pizza Head knew this spell he'd found would cause Peppino more pain than happiness. Unfortunately, though, Pizza Head didn't think of how far he had to stand away from the Pizzard casting the spell and so, he was also hit by it. Peppino and Pizza Head were both in excruciating pain and they fell to their knees. Peppino fell holding his head, and Pizza Head fell holding his stomach.
The Pizzard realized he accidentally hit his boss with the spell, and immediately went to check on him. Meanwhile over with Peppino, Gustavo and Brick went to check on him. Both were still in much pain, but the pain soothed after at least 15 minutes. Both Peppino and Pizza Head were extremely out of breath. Nearly one type of each of the enemies in the tower were worried for Pizza Head and Peppino.
Pizza Head eventually got up, and he got up before Peppino did. Pizza Head had slowly walked over towards Peppino, still in pain, but Gustavo and Brick stepped in the way. They weren't going to let Pizza Head do any more harm than what he's already done to Peppino. "Get away!" Gustavo yelled out. Pizza Head just approached closer and closer. Brick was growling at Pizza Head, ready to attack. Pizza Head then just decided to stop. He then spoke up saying, "I'm... not going to harm him... promise... I just... I need to check if... he's severely hurt... unlike me." Brick still wasn't having it. He continued growling, but Gustavo would have put his hand in front of Brick and that caused Brick to stop growling. Gustavo was skeptical and nervous, but nodded in agreement and walked out of the way, bringing Brick along with him.
Pizza Head then walked slowly towards Peppino. Peppino looked at Pizza Head, and backed up a bit in fear. "Get-a the focaccia... away from me-a...!" Peppino shouted loudly, practically pleading. Pizza Head would have then suddenly grabbed Peppino by the shirt. "Any... last words... to... your best friend...?" Peppino couldn't say anything due to how Pizza Head held onto his shirt. Gustavo realized he made a huge mistake... He and Brick started to charge towards Pizza Head. Right before Gustavo and Brick got to Pizza Head, he looked back towards Gustavo and Brick with a sinister smile and dropped Peppino off the edge of the tower roof. Everyone, apart from Pizza Head, was in shock.
Gustavo then kicked Brick at Pizza Head and along with Peppino, Pizza Head fell off the tower. Luckily for Peppino, he had fallen onto a tree. It cushioned his fall quite well. Pizza Head landed onto something a little rougher than a tree... he landed on an old and conveniently placed mattress. The mattress was pretty beat up, so it only provided enough cushioning for Pizza Head to live. It was still very painful, though. Both Peppino and Pizza Head had fallen unconscious upon impact.
heres what Immortal! Peppino looks like after the fall and when he's all healed. (His wounds heal faster than most)
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probablylia0 · 1 year
hey 🤭‼️ hru? hope ur doing fine :p soo i was wondering if u can do argument headcanons with quackity 🤭? add others if u want 😽❤️‼️
Hii im doing good! Sorry if i was late to this I was taking a break, but ofc ill do argument headcannons!❤️
«F\s means favorite snack!»
Quackity Argument hcs 🦆
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When you guys fight he’d probably overthink after.
He’d tell himself things like “what if I went too far..” or “What if she leaves me..?”
He would feel really guilty after, even if it wasn’t his fault :c
one second he's all big and tough telling himself "I'm a grown man! I don't need her forgiveness!" and the next second he's on his knees begging for forgiveness.
He would probably end up apologizing first.
If he wanted you to apologize he'd do that thing where they get close to you too much.
Like him knowing you in the kitchen and he'd walk in every five seconds to "get a snack".
Quackity apologizing first!
You and Alex had just finished an argument and Alex is standing by a counter resting his head on his hand. He can’t stop thinking about it and he does so many thing’s to try and get his mind off of it. He goes outside, he gets a glass of water, but no matter what, that feeling of guilt kept hitting him like a brick. He decided to apologize to you since he knew he couldn’t get rid of the feeling until he apologized. So he went and grabbed your f\s and made his way to your shared bedroom. He opened the door slowly and quietly and he saw you sitting at the edge of the bed staring at the wall. He slowly approached you and sat next to you. As you both sat there in awkward silence, he slowly turned to you and spoke to you softly, “Amor.. I'm sorry. We both said some things but I felt like I should apologize. Please forgive me amor.” He placed the snack in your lap, “and I brought a peace treaty..” He watched as you looked into your lap and smiled. “Fine. But only cause i was craving this..” You said while smiling. He looked at you and pulled you into a tight hug and then kissing your forehead.
You apologizing first!
You and Alex had just finished fighting and he's sitting at the dinner table going over the fight. He thought that since he always apologized first he'd give you a chance. Yes he was being salty but he just wanted too see. He explained to his friends the argument you had had and they "gave him advice".
"That wasn't even your fault! she should've apologized not you!" His friend yelled through his mic. "I know.. but I just cant stay mad at her.. I love her too much." Alex said slightly lowering his voice toward the end. "Oh. I guess that's a valid reason. But how about next time you guys argue and your certain its not your fault, you should give her a chance to apologize to you." There was some silence until Alex spoke up, "ok fine. next time I'll wait longer to see if she apologizes."
He was gonna keep his end of the deal. He waited and that guilt came back like always, but he fought it. A little later he was hunched over the table scrolling on his phone, but he was immediately awakened from his daydreaming when he heard footsteps in the halls. He tried to act like he didn't notice. "Hey, I'm gonna get food you want anything..?" He heard you ask and was visibly disappointed that you didn't apologize. "Oh- uhm, yea sure." he answered without looking at you. "Ok I'm getting TacoBell so ill just get what you usually ask for, mk?" He hummed yes and waited to hear your footsteps as you walked away, but he felt confused when he didn't hear you walk away. Instead he heard you walk closer. He heard you pull out the chair next to him at the dining table. "Hey, I'm sorry for starting that dumb argument. I should've probably just admitted you were right, but you know how I am.. Will you please forgive me..?" He smiled when he heard the words that came out of your mouth and looked up at you. You were so happy to see that cheerful smile of his again. He stood up and immediately hugged you from behind and began kissing your cheek. "By the way.. did you actually want food because it was just an excuse to come apologize.." He looked at you with an "Are you serious..?" look. "I don't forgive you anymore." He said as he stomped away and smiled as he heard you run behind him repeatedly saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please ill go get food!". It ended with you two happily eating TacoBell in the car together.
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ardensregias · 7 months
nsfw ver of cat!blade n puppy!reader Please i beg ‼️‼️
nsfw, hybrid breeding, reader is gender neutral, mating cycles, mating press, doggy, he's inexperienced lol
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what if one night kitty blade gets into rut (in his human form), but he has no one to help aside from the snoring puppy in his bed, unaware of his growing desire.
he feels bad about waking you up because he's horny, so blade will try to rub himself to no avail. it's just not enough :( only the warm and soft squeeze of your walls will help with the tent growing on his pants.
the cat starts off by smearing his scent on you, biting into the supple skin while grinding his hips against your ass, groaning and tightening his hold on you.
"...fuck, y'smell so good..." blade mumbles as his rough hands work to pull down your panties and reveal your tight hole, noticing how you got slightly wet after all that grinding. what a naughty puppy, he thinks.
he doesn't know how to prep his partner, and blade's ears twitch when he tries to push himself inside, finding it hard to even get the tip in. but your pained squeal caught his attention, and he notices how unprepared you are. he pulls out and lean down to try and comfort you—though he's not the best at it.
"sorry. 'm in rut." he simply says, making you wonder if the grumpy kitty even meant his apology. but the way blade's ears droop instantly show his guilt.
blade then use his own precum as lube, rubbing the slick liquid all over your opening and push one finger inside. at least this doesn't hurt as much.
"b-bladie..." you buck your hips up, and he takes this as a sign to put more fingers in, drawing even more lewd noises from your mouth. and damn, it makes his cock twitches when you moan so sweetly.
now you got yourself a very bricked kitty, unable to hold back himself anymore. blade then decides to try again to enter you, and he finally succeeds! now your kitty's tail is wagging so quickly you can feel the wind from all the swishing.
his thrusts are fast and hard, hitting your deepest part directly with his tip. every thrusts are making you see stars, streaks of tears running down your face whenever blade manage to find your sweet spot.
when he's about to cum, blade will push your legs up to your shoulders, making sure none of his seeds go to waste. would whisper "get pregnant"s over and over again into your ear with a hoarse and breathy voice. the thoughts of making you his pregnant spouse are consuming his brain.
his cum is thick, and it's the kind that immediately paints your insides white and drips out into the sheets—blade is in rut, after all, so it makes sense for him to spurts out so much, making sure his puppy is properly bred.
oh no! the big kitty is still hard even after spurting ropes of cum into you! so now you have to get on all fours as he jerks his hips into your ass like it's gonna bring world peace.
also licks your neck and litters your skin with bites. his smell will become your new perfume when you wake up in the morning. will scent you again if the smell wears off. you are officially his mate now.
blade's sex drive is even higher during these times! he ain't stopping until you pass out. poor puppy can't match the big bad kitty's stamina :( but don't worry! after he calms down, he will make sure to clean you up and tuck you into his nest.
bonus: his fav positions are mating press (obviously) and doggystyle (if u can't tell), he loves seeing your fluffy tail wags and your butt jiggle with every thrust, he loves how squishy and soft your cheeks are and won't pass the chance to spank them.
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love-toxin · 3 years
rq: "Sooo i watched demon slayer s2 and I have to admit that uzui and his gorgeous wives literally stole my heart. is it possible to have a yan headcanon for them (together or separate) please🙏🏼?"
a/n: pls forgive me if these are a little wack, i haven't got this far in the anime so i did some....external research.
warnings: super long bc i got carried away lol, yandere uzui/uzui's wives, dubcon, object insertion, cuckoldry, kidnapping, gaslighting, forced marriage, forced polygamy.
☆ hc / ♡ spicy hc / ♀️♂️ gendered hc / ‼️ dark hc (🔒 virgin hc )
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☆ So, somehow or another, you've got the attention of Tengen Uzui. Doesn't really matter how, does it? It just matters that he can't take his eyes off of you, no matter what.
☆ You wouldn't attract attention for the reason he might notice you first, because you're not all that flashy, or at least not like he is--but there's something within you that just makes something click inside him, and he wants to figure it out. But the only way to do that is to get closer to you, and the more he sees you and talks to you and just spends time with you in general, the more you won't get off his mind and the more he wants to pick you apart until he figures out why.
☆ The first of his wives to notice it is definitely going to be Hina, and she'll be the one to find some time to speak with Tengen about it privately. She's the one to reassure him that he has nothing to fear, that she, Suma, and Makio will always love him, and that's when he'll finally talk about his problem openly much to her amusement.
☆ "It sounds like you might be in love, my darling." The comment hits him like a brick to the face, and though he's quick to deny it in the face of one of the three people he loves most in the world, Hina knows it's true immediately and so does he, deep down. But the thought makes him so antsy. If he's fallen in love with someone new, then there's room for one or two or all of his wives to feel left behind, and that's the last thing he wants. He's just being greedy, he assures himself, and decides from that moment on to cut all ties with you for the sake of his wives.
☆ And that lasts for about a week, maybe two, until he's absolutely falling apart at the seams. The girls are the only things keeping him together at this point, but all three of them are so tied up with keeping him company in this rare period of weakness and depression that nothing else can get done. Despite not wanting to go behind the back of her husband, Hina will end up telling the other two about Uzui's problem with you--and somehow both her and Makio will find themselves being dragged along by Suma to go search for you, the youngest insisting that they get a look at the person that's causing their beloved so much heartbreak!
☆ When they find you and sneak up to spy on you, though, the picture is pretty similar to their poor darling. You look tired, sad, sitting by your little campfire all alone, and as if by some strange higher power....all three of them look between each other, coming upon the unanimous realization that they're not leaving without you.
☆ You, on the other hand, have been wondering why Uzui's shut you out so suddenly. You thought you'd made a good friend, and maybe you wouldn't feel so lonely traversing the wilderness all by yourself if you had a mentor to talk to. But after he stood you up when you agreed to spar together and avoided your presence following that, you haven't been able to shake this feeling of rejection that just makes you want to cry out all your frustrations into the night air.
☆ Luckily (or unluckily) for you, you won't have to dwell on those feelings for much longer. Because before you can breathe, a pair of hands are on you and your vision darkens, and the last thing you see is the ground and two pairs of sandal-clad feet approaching as you pitch into it and pass out into unconsciousness.
☆ When you finally awaken, you find yourself laid out on a futon bed, the air of the room warm and your clothes nowhere to be found beneath the thick blanket. But you're not alone, the oldest of Uzui's wives kneels at your side, and when she catches your eyes fluttering open, she lends you nothing but a smile as your explanation and gets to her feet to hurry out of the room. By the time you have the strength and fear-stricken curiosity to get up and dress yourself in the simple yukata that's been left next to you, you can already hear the chatter and clinking cups from the room across the hall, the door sliding open with ease when you finally find the courage to do so.
☆ Light spills out into the hallway, and inside you're met with the sight of Tengen and his three wives, sharing a meal around a small table with a seat left open by his side. He meets your eyes with the smallest amount of excitement, like his heart flutters just seeing you enter the room, and all four of them are eager to welcome you to the spot they left for you.
☆ There's really no room for you to question anything--the three women talk excitedly at you, bouncing from topic to topic so that you can barely keep up, and you're sat so close to Uzui with his arm just barely grazing your back that you honestly can't think straight anyways. It isn't until they get deeper into conversation about a wedding that you start to clue in, along with Uzui's possessive smile as he feeds you and then drops his hand to stroke your thigh. And when he tries to murmur something into your ear, you lean away and scramble to get to your feet without bothering to hear what it was.
☆ This is where the threat of danger spikes the terror in your heart, and when you try to backtrack and insist that though the meal was lovely and you're very grateful, you need to be getting along and return to your campsite. You don't even know why you're here or how you got here either, which you don't dare to mention--but when Makio reaches up to grab your wrist and prevent you from moving an inch, her grip too strong to even try, you know for a fact that something is going on and that you should have left the city while you still had the chance.
☆♀️ "Be a good girl and sit down. We can't plan your wedding without the bride, can we?"
☆♂️ "Are you trying to make me mad, little prince? Behave in front of the girls, and don't be a brat."
☆ However you feel about the situation, you really have no choice. You'll sit right back down where you were, except for being almost half a foot further away from Uzui than before--which he remedies quite easily by reaching his hand around your waist, and pulling you in so close that you practically fall into his lap.
☆ It's clear that you don't have a say. The four of them go on to talk at length about this so-called wedding, with Uzui rubbing and grabbing your thigh so possessively the entire night. Once it comes time to go to bed, the girls take separate rooms from the master suite so that he can have some alone time with you, and the night is spent in quiet horror as you ponder this new development, too frightened to sleep in case Uzui decides to take advantage of you while you're unaware.
♡♂️ And if you're a male, then he kind of will. He's just so curious, he hasn't ever felt this way about another man until you came along. His hand will creep down between your legs, those huge fingers pawing at your cock through the yukata and feeling it firm up as he keeps touching you. How can a man be this cute, how can you make such beautiful sounds as he strokes you that cause his heart to skip a beat? It's too much, if that's at all evident by the way his erection presses up against your back, and he slides it up along your cheeks as he growls into your ear that you're the reason he's this hard. He'll ask if he can fuck you and you'll probably say no, please don't, and he'll jerk himself into an orgasm in part with his hand and part with your ass, and finally leave you alone once he drifts off to sleep afterwards.
☆ The least you can do from then on is hope somebody enjoys all the food and belongings at your campsite, because it's obvious by the second day that you're not going back. Uzui and his wives make you comfortable in his home, giving you access to your own private room and cooking all your meals for you, and it's clear by the way they treat you that your relationship with them and Uzui is different from the ones they have with each other. Whereas Hina, Suma, and Makio are all self-sufficient and take care of themselves and Uzui, they all dote on you unlike they do each other and treat you more like a lover than they do a co-spouse. So there's no expectation for you to work very hard or to try and take on anything yourself, because all four of them have caring for you at the forefront of their minds.
☆ Besides, it's certain enough that the three of them have their own affection for you based on the frequency with which they visit you in your own room. Sometimes it's truly just for some bonding time, but others it's so that each of them can have their turns with you and tend to your needs as good wives would.
♡♀️ They've got their own appreciation for having another wife in the family. Hina visits you the most often, usually just to spend some time with you and chat or read something together, but on her conjugal visits she likes to focus on your pleasure and sit you on her lap, absentmindedly rolling circles into your clit to watch you come undone on her fingers. Makio often needs stress relief, and will gladly indulge in scissoring you to get out all that frustration that tends to build up inside her. And Suma's usually just bored, and will either eat you out or make you go down on her, happy to pull you away from whatever you were doing so she doesn't have to whine for your attention.
♡♂️ As a second husband, their efforts are focused more on "testing your abilities". Uzui thankfully has no problem with them doing what they like with you, and as a result, you'll often have the girls tugging at you to play with your cock or trying to seduce you into fucking them in various spots around the house, sometimes in front of Uzui himself. And he's happy to watch, a smirk splitting his face as you pound Hina's, Makio's, or Suma's pussy two feet from him, your breath lagging as you struggle not to cum too early and waste a good session. Little do you know that Uzui's always at the ready in that case, fully prepared to grab you and split your little ass in two with his cock as punishment if you dare to cum before his wife does.
♡ In Uzui's case, he feels pretty entitled to your body as a whole. He will wait if you insist you're saving yourself for marriage, but if you don't think of that ahead of time or if you're not a virgin, he'll show you just what he's going to do as your husband and as your lover. He'll leave bruises and sore spots just from how strong he is naturally, and no matter how big or tall you are, it's almost certain you're smaller than he is, thus he's going to revel in how adorable you look all snuggled up in his arms while he ruins you in a full nelson. He loves it when you scream, when you moan, when you insist he's too big to fit and when you cry at the overstimulation because he just can't stop making you cum. You make him feel so special and he's reassured that this gift his wives gave him was the best one he's ever gotten, and he couldn't be happier that you get to share his bed with him now. You're much better as his lover than he is as a mentor, anyways.
♡♀️ In the case of you being a woman, the only way to describe his lovemaking is that he's addicted to your pussy. He has to get into a position where he can watch you whenever you have sex, just so he can see his cock as your cunt swallows it up and drool over how it can manage to take every inch of him if he tries hard enough. He's also obsessed with making you squirt, because even if he can't quite manage it, he wants to get the creamiest, sloppiest orgasms out of you that leave his lap soaked and your pussy leaking with both your cum and his. And don't be fooled, he's not finished until he gets to end the night with you seated on his face, his tongue working overtime to lick up all those delicious fluids while you suck his cock clean to return the favour. Though, more often than not, it ends up with him hard as a rock again and growling into your skin, needing to warm his cock with your pussy again to finally calm down.
☆♂️ For a male, he's honestly much rougher. Call him old fashioned, but he figures you can take it, and he loves to see how far you can go before you try to tap out. Contrary to popular belief though, he can already assume that a lot of prep will be needed, so he'll spread those cheeks of yours and stuff his tongue inside to get you loosened up right away. He's pretty fascinated with your cock too, so he'll touch it and play around with it and eventually start sucking at it until he's satisfied with how sensitive you prove to be, before he starts trying to stick it in your ass. It'll definitely take a while with his size, but once he manages it, he's totally dead to the world for a minute or two. It's such an unfamilar but certainly not unwelcome feeling, and the girls will surely be able to tell when Uzui's finally started fucking you when he starts groaning loud enough to shake the walls. He's totally lost in it and won't even realize you're cumming untouched until you start trembling and crying out his name, and by then, he'll just want to watch you do it again as he licks the cum off your chest and teases you for liking anal this much. He'll have to do a little more to turn a whore like you into a good house-husband, won't he?
☆ Speaking of which, the wedding is a non-negotiable part of this whole arrangement. Whether you've accepted Uzui's obsession with you or not by then, you'll still be all dressed up and given vows to read at your private ceremony, Uzui's huge grin almost unsettling as he locks the two of you into your new marriage. And rest assured, it's legally binding--divorce is the only way you'll ever really get away from him if you want to, and he will never let that happen.
♡🔒 And as an inevitable part of the wedding, if your purity is still intact by then, it won't be any longer. Denying him really isn't an option, if you've even still got the mind to try it and you haven't been manipulated into accepting this relationship like it's something normal, because you're married now! You have no reason to wait anymore, and he really can't stand another minute without ripping your clothes off of you.
♡🔒 At the very least he tries to be gentle, despite being hung like a horse in every sense of the word. The only real way to shape you to fit his cock is to break you first, so even if there's tears or a bit of blood he's so reassuring, his hand coming down to stroke your hair as he keeps pushing in and swearing to you that the pain will go away soon. You're such a good little doll, you take your husband so well, and he promises to fill you with so much cum and to make you shake so hard when you finish that you won't even notice the aches and soreness.
☆ Honestly, with more than one person reaffirming that this is all normal, you'll be inclined to believe it more sincerely than you might if it was just Uzui. He's brilliant at making you feel as though your fear and anxiety is nothing to worry about, thus slowly negating those gut feelings you get whenever you spot one of the many red flags in your relationship. Even when he refuses to let you walk around outside by yourself or reach out to one of your friends or family, it doesn't really click that it's a problem as much when you have three other women telling you that it's okay and that they'll be the ones to support you instead of all those other people, they probably don't even care the more you think about it.
♡‼️ However, if ever he needs to really put into perspective how lucky you are to be a part of his family, like if you try to escape or you agress against him or one of his wives, he has a punishment well thought out for you specifically. He'll strip you naked, force you into his personal training room, and fuck you with the handle of his katana. If he's feeling nice he'll undo the chain and just use the hilt, but if not he'll push them in uncomfortably alongside it and watch you cry and shake as he does so. Pray that you don't end up cumming from the stimulation alone, because if you do so while he's reprimanding you, he'll threaten to fuck you with the blade instead since you liked the other side so much. He won't really, but you don't know that. And when he's done punishing you, he'll forbid you from wearing clothes for the next seven days, thereby reserving the right to not only humiliate you enough that you'll never disobey him again, but also so that there'll be nothing stopping him from fucking you whenever he damn pleases, and he can blame it on you seducing him by flaunting that cute body of yours around.
♀️‼️ "This is what you deserve, don't go around saying I'm unfair. Now smile for me....there's my pretty princess. That's what I like to see."
♂️‼️ "Shame you couldn't be a good boy, like I asked. At least you're cute when you're being punished....and I think your ass misses me stretching it out, so maybe I ought to punish you again?"
☆ In the end, it's easier just to accept it all and take it in stride. Uzui is determined to have you be part of his family, and his wives adored you from the moment they laid eyes on you, plus being their captive in some way allows you to remain safe from the demons and other dangers that lurk outside the door of the manor. You may be trapped in this commitment for a lifetime, but if your life is filled with being doted on and cared for and loved, well....it's not so bad. Is it?
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devildomdoofus · 4 years
Lemon Dreams: Part 1
Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan
a bit of spicey lil dreams the brothers have of MC. If requested, I’ll add the undateables (minus Luke) into a Part 3.
Gender-Neutral as always.
Be smart, have common sense.
I’m not responsible for your irresponsibility.
You see the warnings. I put them out plainly. Adhere.
NSFW, mature theme, mature content, implied intercourse, nudity, swearing, light bondage, BDSM, tidbit of pet play, wet dreams,
Author’s Note (Sorry, I’ll try to be brief):
Trying my hand at some “light” N S F W content to see how I do and see how it goes.
Thank you all, once again, for the love and support and positive responses!! You’re enjoyment is the reason I keep doing what I love to do✨ Please: stay healthy, stay safe, stay you, and stay ruling them all, MCs 💕
- DevildomDoofus
Regrettably, it has been nearly a millennia since he’s had any amount of a decent shuteye due to his brothers’ antics, his oversight of R.A.D., and obligations to Diavolo so you can only imagine the amount of fatigue that he felt in his mind, body, and soul. But because of his image and his own personal desire to be nothing short of perfect, he couldn’t simply rest whenever or wherever he pleased. It was outlandish to even consider the idea. Unfortunately, the side effects of denying himself any form of rest were starting to show. It was causing him to make mistakes he wouldn’t normally make and Diavolo had to personally intervene, using his authority on behalf of his dear friend’s health or lack thereof and demanded that he take a day off. He was the only one in all of the realms that could try and convince this workaholic to put on the breaks. You, yourself, have tried before but Lucifer was as stubborn as the days of summer were long and you felt like you were talking to a brick wall. But because Lucifer could not deny his prince’s demands, he reluctantly obliged... but not without absolute confirmation that nothing would go wrong while he was absent and as soon as he felt rested enough, he would return immediately.
Locking himself away in his room while putting a soundproof spell on the outside of it, he finally sits down at his desk and leans back in his chair as he sluggishly closes his eyes. The silence was both mildly relaxing and extremely uncomfortable as it was so rare for the world around him to be so... quiet. so undisturbed. So peaceful.
It was a bit unnerving.
He sighs deeply. This whole resting thing was going to be a lot more difficult than he originally thought. He stands up to go grab a vinyl record, places it on the antique gramophone and turns the device on. The orchestra makes their way through the metal funnel and the melody of the instruments echo beautifully throughout his room. “Much better,” he hums to himself. He tosses his coat aside, unbuttons his vest and drops it to the floor, removes his button-up shirt, kicks off his shoes, and does away with his belt while his pants follow suit. He dons his nighttime robe and finally slides into his bed. As soon as he hits the mattress, his eyes shut and his mind turns off, allowing him to drift swiftly into a deep slumber.
The dream started out like any other dream he’s had in his life; it’s mundane and not much is going on. It’s practically the same as ‘bringing work home with him’ but in his dreams. He’s at his desk, crossing his t’s, dotting his i’s, finalizing some paperwork, and the like, while the stress from his waking hours begins to find its way back to him like a boomerang.
Then, as if by magic, all of his stress melted away as soon as he heard a knock on his door along with your voice calling for him softly on the other side. He smirks. “You may enter.” He kept his head low as you stepped in due to the fact that he was finishing signing a particular paper. “Just a moment,” he instructs, as the last cursive letter finds its place on the paper. He begins to lift his eyes to meet yours. “Now, what can I do for yo-...” He freezes.
There you were, standing before him, in nothing but one of his ties hanging loosely around your neck. His jaw clenches and his fist tighten into a ball so firmly that his knuckles turn white under his gloves.
‘Like a lamb to it’s slaughter,’ he quotes, internally.
Needless to say, the dream takes a more DRASTIC turn and he’s got you bent over the desk, hands tied up with his tie that you so graciously considered to bring with you, and his name pouring out of your lips like a faucet. He’s taking you all for himself, piece by divine piece, with every snap of his hips, bite of your skin, and claw of your flesh. What a sight you were beneath him.
The moment he wakes, his body is covered in a ‘morning’s dew’ of sweat and the sheets of his bed have become painfully heavy on his lower half. His heart is still thumping wildly in his chest and his eyes are darting everywhere in his room, ensuring that he’s alone and no one can see him in such a disheveled state. He uses part of his robe to dab away the sweat from his brow and then rubs his eyes as he collects himself.
Spends the next many few hours calming himself down and hoping that he is blessed by some unholy miracle where NOBODY walks in...
especially you...
with nothing but his tie hanging loosely around your neck and-...
Ah shit.
The following morning at breakfast, he is eyeing you rather heavily from across the table and his brothers take notice but never dare to say a word. They just assume that you’ve done something to piss him off again and want no part of it.
They are not entirely wrong, though. You had unknowingly irked him quite a bit.
You entered his dreams without permission, made such a delectable spectacle of yourself in front of him, and caused him to feel things that no other demon, angel, human, nor any other soul for that matter, has been able to make him feel. And now he has to deal with these explicit thoughts and feelings, especially when you’re around or in his vicinity, along with many other things that demand his attention and it’s all just so irritating. Delightfully irritating. The kind of irritating he secretly enjoys.
The next few days, you never really get the sense that anything is off with Lucifer for how well he carries himself, no matter his circumstances, and yet... he seems to be less physical with you. Normally, he would give you the occasional hand on the shoulder or upper back when you needed guidance, allow you to lean on his shoulder when your days had been particularly rough and you needed to rest, or pinch your cheek when he teased you but lately... he wouldn’t even keep eye contact with you for very long without turning away and- was that a hint of pink in his cheeks? No, surely you are imagining things. Lucifer, blushing? Has the devildom froze over?
This poor, sweet and a little bit sleazy man was just SO exhausted from having to get up early that morning when he’d normally sleep in, to go to a school he doesn’t ever really pay attention to, as well as constantly keep lower demons from getting anywhere near his precious MC, bribe Levi to do his homework in exchange for an exclusive Ruri-Chan figurine (which he went into further debt to obtain), keep his overbearing fanbase from his modeling jobs happy on social media... it all was simply too much for The Great Mammon to be doing when he could alternatively be doing something better. Like being lazy sleeping off this R.A.D lag.
He had skipped his last few remaining classes and told you he was headed to your room to crash before school let out and you two could hang out later. He plopped onto your bed, nuzzled his face into one of your pillows, and fell asleep shortly after to your sweet aroma surrounding him.
His dream began as they typically do, with him gambling his Grimm for higher payouts or watching the Devildom stock market fluctuate in his favor... or more often times than he’ll ever admit, it’s just the two of you spending some quality time together alone for a change.
Only this time, his dream didn’t end up the way it typically did.
In his dream, he was sitting next to you on the sofa with his arm resting behind your head wanting to wrap it around you so fucking badly and watching whatever you had put on when it was interrupted by the winning lottery ticket read out. He leapt from couch with a big yell and the winning ticket in hand, and rushed to hug the tv and to kiss the demon inside of it, thanking him, Lady Luck, and anyone else involved in his incredible fortune today. As he turned around to come squeeze you tight with excitement and have you share in his celebration, his whole body tensed and he stopped in his tracks. He had become a deer in the headlights.
You were now lewdly postured on the couch, bare and exposed, excluding how you were practically dripping in gold jewelry/accessories whilst surrounded by enormous piles of Grimm. With one finger, you beckoned him over.
To say that this is one of his all time favorite fantasies would be THE understatement of the millennia.
He was in front then over you in a matter of milliseconds, his demon form taking over his body and stealing noises from you that the entire House of Lamentation- no- the entire Devildom could hear and FUCK he loved that thought almost as much as he adored you he cared about you; the thought that the entire Devildom could hear that you were his and his alone, that no other soul could make you feel like this.
And just as it was about to get really good, he wakes up.
Red faced, breathing heavily, and a thick coat of sweat all over his body. Not to mention the newfound, painful tightness in his pants.
He’s jerking his head around the room to confirm hoping to deny that is was all simply a dream, and to be certain that you hadn’t come back from school early or something and found him like this.
“Unholy shit.” He wipes the sweat from his face and then takes his phone in his hand to check the time. “UNHOLY SHIT!!” You had texted that you were on your way back home 10 minutes ago! He had to be quick.
He replaced the sweaty sheets and pillow cases with new ones, adjusting them so that it looked as it had before he slept on them, tied his school uniform coat around his waist to disguise the ‘friendly neighborhood bachelor,’ and darted like a bat out of devildom to his room, avoiding major hallways and doors to ensure that no one could stop him or chase him down and see him in his predicament.
You can be sure that for the next few weeks, he’s avoiding you like the plague. He sends texts that he is “paying off a debt and can’t make it,” or “Sorry MC, I’m a little tied up at the moment. This Grimm won’t make itself.” and to you it was a little odd, but nothing he hasn’t exactly done before, so you go about your days as normal. Poor Mammon has once spent an entirety of four months working a few jobs to pay off one big loan.
If only you knew how often he was reliving that dream in his head, over and over and over again. For such a thing to become reality? Well... he feels he’d have better luck winning the lottery. But just as he gambled, he wouldn’t give up so easily.
It is not uncommon for Leviathan to have certain dreams about certain individuals he enjoys, be it anime characters, video game characters, idols that he fawns over, etc. It’s normal. Quite often, in fact, but he would rather LITERALLY DIE before he ever admits to such a thing, much less have anyone think he has a crush. With his brothers as they are known to be, he’d never live it down. Which is one of the reasons why he keeps himself locked away in his room and goes on binges of whatever it is he’s invested in at the time. He’s left alone to do and be as much of himself as he pleases without judgment. It is one particular episode of an anime he had been bingeing for several hours that has him with his head resting upon his keyboard and ever so slightly snoring away as the characters converse in the background. It wasn’t boring in the least, it’s just that his eyes refused to stay open any longer and his body decided for him that it was about time for a proper nap.
His dream began as normal, with him on a quest to save the renowned, royal heir from the ten-headed beast that guarded the tower in which they were kept. The journey to the tower was extensive and not without its obstacles, the battle was epic, in every sense of the word, and the reward for it’s heads would match the gratification of the victory that ensued it.
Little did he know that in that tower, it wasn’t just any royal heir lying in wait for their prince to come, as they had always been. It was you.
You, in all of your glory, draped across the bed and adorned with the finest of cloths that were barely covering your most intimate of skins.
As he entered your bedroom chambers, expecting to find a fictional character he adored in his waking hours, he stops dead in his tracks and his entire body turns red hot in matter of seconds. You could easily hear the thumping of his heart throwing heavy blows at his ribcage, and, if you looked close enough, you could see the steam trickling out of his ears. You could also hear the clinking of his amor, the metal plates shaking against one another as he trembles before you.
Leviathan.exe has stopped working.
Yes, he’s had plenty of dreams like this before but.. fuck.. they were never of you. Much less like this. Believe him, he’s tried on many occasions to at least see your face or hear your voice, ANYTHING. But inevitably, his anxiety and shyness won in the end and you never came passing through his dreams... until now.
You leant against one arm, your lips curling into a smile, and then beckoned him silently with one crook of a finger.
Anxiety and shyness who?
He quickly does away with the heavy armor, tossing them aside, and crawls across the bed to you, to your face, to those precious lips.
He takes a hold of them in his own and seemingly devours you as he strips you of what little cloth covered you and then pushes you back down against the bed. The dream continues with your bodies intertwining in every way that earned him the lewdest of noises from you.
Until he jerks awake with his face a deep shade of crimson, body covered from head to toe in a mist of sweat, and a heartbeat that could put a drum solo to shame. He quickly scans his surroundings as he’s coming back to reality, making sure he’s the only one within a mile’s radius. If anyone thought he was a hermit now, you can only imagine what it would be like if he was caught looking the way that he did. The anime that he had fallen asleep to was now on a screen that was asking for confirmation if he was still watching. He presses the power button on his computer and wipes away the sweat on his brow before leaning back in his chair, eyes glued to the ceiling as he’s recollecting the dream. He sees the faces you were making in pleasure pass through his mind once more and it makes his face turn 30 shades redder and increases the painful tightness in his snug sweatpants. He shakes his head, no longer wanting to continue digging this grave of overwhelming lust, and plants his head back onto the keyboard. Lord Diavolo, please, just kill him now.
The following months, Leviathan stays locked away in his room and avoids you as if you were the final boss of a game he never wants to stop playing. He knew that if he saw you, got near you, or even heard your name being mentioned, there would be no way of stopping his thoughts, his body’s reactions to those thoughts, nor his brother’s comments about how he’s “acting awfully strangely.”
As much as he wishes that he never had the dream in the first place because of all of the trouble it’s causing, he can’t help but relive it over and over again, putting it on repeat in his mind. But to admit to you these powerful feelings and attempt to bring it to reality? Only normies do such a thing... right?
Line after line, chapter after chapter, book after book, he simply could not put the new series he had discovered down. He was so invested, he’d finish one book and immediately pick up the next. His mind was reeling far too fast for him to stop now and nothing in all of the three realms could do so. That is until his own body waved it’s white flag and begged for him to shut his eyes, even if for just moment. Satan bargained, internally, that he’d allow himself roughly thirty minutes of rest before he’d pick back up where he left off. He sets the book on a nearby desk, settles down onto his loveseat and closes his eyes.
As a man of many talents and faces, his dreams were known to be as heavily diverse as he was, and often times reflected whatever book he had been reading, philosophy he had been pondering, or stress he had been managing. No one particular type of dream frequented more than another.
That being said, in the past few weeks, you had been a bit more physical with him. Whether it was a simple brush of the hands as you two reached for the same novel, late night study sessions ending up in late night study and cuddling sessions, or the occasional linking of arms as the pair of you walked the length of a museum and studied its inhabitants. It goes without saying that you were making an impression on him and his mind, leaving little to no room for any other thoughts than the ones involving you. Naturally, you had found your way into his dreamworld and you were the one constant in the ever changing slumber visions.
The dreams that you were involved in, which were now a majority of them, were mostly sweet; the most intimate being the one time you had placed a chaste kiss upon his cheek. If you were to ask him about these dreams that had him chipper than usual, he would smile and tell you that “they were simply pleasant hallucinations but nothing more.” And he’d be lying through his teeth, desperately trying to keep his cheeks from reddening in front of you. If you were lucky enough that his gaze lingered, you’d catch the tint of pink making its way across his face. The poor inner romantic in him couldn’t help himself. He’s mastered the art of poker face in its entirety, but when it came to you, his willpower and calm demeanor waned into nothingness and he was like putty in your hands. Just don’t push it or there will be Devildom to pay.
This particular time around, though, his dream would take a more unforeseen turn.
In his dream, he had invited you to join him on an outing over to the Royal Library and you two were now making your way to your favorite lone table in the farthest back corner, hidden behind the many shelves of books. After claiming your usual spot, he went to gather the books he wanted to go through and planted himself in the chair to finally open them up and get started. Meanwhile, you had wandered off, presumably, to find and create your very own mountain of novels to conquer.
An hour or so passed and he had made his way through five of his books when he felt a tap against the cover of the one he was currently reading. “Forgive me, MC, but I’m almost done with this paragraph and I need just one more moment to do so.” Another tap against the cover. “May it wait, MC? I’m nearly finished.” This time, you gingerly grabbed the tip of his book and tilted it away from him (a pet peeve of his). Just as he was about to give you his trademark glare of warning, his eyes widen and his jaw clenches, with his fingers letting go of the book and tightening into a fist taut enough to turn his knuckles white.
There you stood before him in little to no clothing, fluffy little cat ears and a tail to match, with a leash and collar adorning your precious neck. You took his stiffened hand, ever so slowly opened it up, and delicately placed the end of the lead into his palm, flashing him your cheekiest grin.
Now you’ve gone and done it. He snaps.
He jerks the end of the lead so that you’re aggressively pulled forward, bending over the table and sending the piles of books to the floor with audible thuds, and your lips crash into his. He uses his free hand to trap cradle the other side of your face as he devours your lips, devours your taste. Impatient and hungry, he soon lets you go with a low growl before standing up and dragging you behind him, forcefully, by the lead, coming to the front of a shelf that leant against a wall and grabbed your waist, lifting you up to push you against it, having more books tumble to the floor with a sound thud, while once again, taking your lips with his. Something about the way you looked, the way you sounded because of his actions, drove him completely mad.
Before it could go any further, he jerks wakes to the sound of someone knocking on his door. He quickly scans his surroundings and when he finds it empty, he breathes a heavy sigh of relief. The knocks continue and from beyond the door, a familiar voice requests his audience. “Satan? It’s Solomon. My apologies, but I just wanted to return a borrowed book.”
He reaches for a nearby cloth and dabs away the sweat that covered his face. He steadies his breathing and in the stablest voice he could muster, he answers back, “Alright. One moment please.”
“Take your time,” the sorcerer replies.
He gathers himself quickly, as the master of his own emotions does, hoisted up from the loveseat, straightens himself out and starts to head for the door but with a quick glance downwards, he pauses. There’s no way he could greet Solomon with such a visible... display...
He takes his coat from the coatrack, wraps it around his waist and finally opens the door with a welcoming smile.
“Thank you kindly for the recommendation. It was a pleasant read,” Solomon tittered in recollection then immediately shifted into a frown of concern. “Satan... are you alright? Forgive my intrusion, but you seem a bit disheveled.” The disheveled man in question nods, chuckling in hopes of deterring Solomon from pressing any further by lightening his aura. “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you for your concern. I simply had a bit of a nightmare.” Solomon raised a brow and Satan continued in his tall tale. “It had been so long since I’ve had one, so I’m sure you can imagine how unnerving it’s effects had on me.” Moments passed like molasses as Solomon pondered what Satan had said and the uncomfortable silence was wearing down on Satan’s last minute, makeshift composure. “Thank you for returning the book,” Satan’s voice firmly interjecting the fellow wise man’s thoughts as he received the book from his hands, “and I’m delighted that you enjoyed yourself.” He holds the book in front of where the coat covered his waist. “If you wish for more recommendations, I’ll be happy to share them with you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some tea to drink and a book to read to calm my nerves. Good day, Solomon.” Before Solomon could get a final word in, Satan slips back into his room and shuts the door. For good measure, he locks it and turns the deadbolt. He shuffles back over to the loveseat where it all began and dropped down, pinching the bridge of his nose and letting out a heavy sigh. The blush that wanted so desperately to creep it’s way into his complexion the moment he’d awoken was now set free and his entire face turned red. He knew how to keep a tight grip on every other emotion he’s ever had... but love? Lust? This was going to be a challenge.
Outside of the door, not having moved an inch, Solomon stood with his chin snug between the crook of his forefinger and thumb. “Can demons have nightmares...?” He audibly contemplated as he waited a moment, following his train of thought before asking himself aloud again, “If so... then why did Satan have an erection?”
A pair of delicate hands found their way to Solomon’s shoulders and he glanced over them to see Asmodeus leaning in close to his ear. “It’s called a kink, darling.” Solomon politely shoos away the embodiment of lust with a gentle wave of his hand before starting down the hall from which he came, with the demon practically skipping in tow. “Kinks, we both know, I’m aware of. I had just assumed that his.. situation.. would be more relative to Belphegor.”
“Well,” Asmodeus chirped, “that’s what you get for assuming.”
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ateez-babygirl · 3 years
Isn’t It Tragic How Far You’ve Come - Part 4
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Genre: Angst, Friends to Lovers AU, College AU, 🔞+
Warnings⚠️‼️: None
Member: Han Jisung
“Y/N. Don’t do that to yourself, you didn’t do anything to deserve this.” You began to cry uncontrollably at this point, and Jisung knew he had to tell you. Y/BF/N has already put you through enough. “Y/N, I have tell you something.” You immediately got concerned. “Okay… Well, what is it Ji?” He took a deep breath again before continuing, knowing that what he was going to tell you was going to crush you. “I think I may have answer to why Y/BF/N has been ghosting you.” Your face began to become encompassed in worry, not knowing what Y/BF/N had been up to for the past few months. “One night when me and Changbin were walking home from the convenience store, we saw him with another girl.” “Well, maybe they were just going out as a friends, Ji. We shouldn’t just assume.” Jisung knew you were right to a certain extent, but he was also very protective of your heart and so were the rest of the boys. “Y/N, don’t be naive.” You immediately got defensive. “I’m not being naive Jisung. I just, don’t think he’d do that to me. Y/BF/N loves me. But at the same time, that would explain why he’s been so distant.” Jisung breathed a sigh of relief that you weren’t in complete denial that Y/BF/N couldn’t be cheating on you. “I’m really sorry this is happening to you Y/N, you deserve so much better than him.” Reality came and hit you like a ton of bricks, could he really be seeing another girl behind you back? “It’s okay Ji, but how are we going to find out for sure whether or not he’s actually cheating?”
“Well, Y/N. I wouldn’t want you to get involved in this since this information by itself is causing you pain. Let me, and few of the guys handle it.” You were about to open your mouth to protest, but Jisung stopped you. “I don’t want you to get hurt anymore by him Y/N/N, he has hurt you enough.” You scoffed. “So what am I supposed to do while you guys are spying on him?” Jisung smiled, coming up with a good idea that he thinks you’ll be okay with. “Tell you what, while me and some of guys are out. You, Felix and I.N. can make desserts and watch ALLLLL the Disney movies you guys want on my Disney+ account, how does that sound?” You smiled, Jisung knew just how to get you. You let out a long sigh, and eye roll to sport. “Fine… Just make sure to tell me everything when you come home.” Jisung smiled, “You know I will.”
Tag List (as always let me know if you’d like to be added/removed): @writertoo18 @softmon07 @jaylinguino @takimata2017 @barenecessiteas @oh-no-not-another-one @piinkcherries @dreamlesswonder86 @royalwolf @super-amberlynn @softforqiankun @freckledquokka
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strawbrrytoast · 3 years
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"𝒎𝒚 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒍! 𝑲-𝑨-𝑹-𝑳."
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕; 820 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔; none 𝒂/𝒏; baby boy :) also most chapters are gonna be 700-1.5k words ‼️ ✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
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Your day started off as mundane as it usually did. waking up, showering, walking to the bus stop, walking to work, and silently doing your homework in the swing chairs until your shift started. However what you weren't expecting, however, was there to be a customer in the café past 12pm; something that happened so rarely, that past 12 you would just sit on your phone for an hour or two, waiting for your shift to end so you could hop back on that bus and start your day all over again.
As you were just minding your business, your soft clothes pushing against the brick wall behind you, the bell on the door rings; making you look up immediately. you were absolutely not prepared to deal with a Karen right now- your hair was a mess, you were surviving on three hours sleep due to an theory paper due today, and your favourite outfit for work was dirty. quickly shoving your phone in the pocket of your jeans, you walk over to the counter and look up to see who you're serving and-
oh my god.
Looking at the boy who has just walked into the café looking a little lost, he had short curly brown hair, grey eyes swarming with confusion, wearing an oversized sweatshirt over-top a polo shirt with a pair of black jeans and converse. a soft frown covered his face, that combined with his large eyes made him look like a lost puppy looking for guidance in this unforgiving world.
and shit, you were staring.
as the boy looked over to you, you saw what could only be described as a wave of relief- and a rose-y pink- wash over him, and begins to slowly waddled over to the counter where you were standing. softly resting his phone on the counter, he looked you directly in the eyes and muttered a soft "hi!" you could see him twiddling with your thumbs as you answered your customer service voice. "hi there welcome to my humble abode, what can i get for you? would you like any recommendations?"
As he hummed softly looking at the menu you took a greater look at the boy- he had to be around your age, the light eye bags and posture said it all- but it was the smaller details you appreciated the most. his gentle smile, the polish that coated his nails, the tattoo on his hand that you thought looked really cute, and your favourite part was his hair, by far. It looked so fluffy!
"could i get an iced coffee, if that's okay?"
dragged back into the world, your eyes met with his, and blood instantly ran to your cheeks. you muttered a small "of course" as you put in his order, and then the price into the eftpos machine. as you put it through, your mind wandered again. you wondered what his name was, he looked like he had a super basic name like kyle or jake, but a part of you thought he had a unique name like kai or duke.
putting the lid on his drink, you walk over to the other end of the little barista area/counter, you realised you had forgotten to ask for his name to put on the cup. this made you angry for two reasons, reason one being that this means you don't get to know his name, and reason two is that you felt bad and would have to give him some of the snacks from the counter in return. before you ring the bell at the pick up area, you run back to the counter and pick up some bubblegum- people like this stuff right? was the only thought going through your head as you walked back to the barista area with your extra gift and hit the bell two times, the loud sound echoed through the room, disturbing the soft indie music playing in the background which always sounded familiar.
As lover boy walked over to the counter, you looked at him again and felt your face begin to heat up. coming a bit closer, he looks at your hands with a confused look on his face. realising it might look a bit weird, you softly explain; "i was an idiot and forgot to ask for your name to write on the cup, here's your drink and a gift because i fell bad." when you heard him giggle softly, your heart stops- he's so fucking cute make it stop.
"well, my name's karl, K-A-R-L. hope to see you around! thanks for the gum by the way!"
the boy, now known as karl, shoots you a soft smile as he walks out of the café, walking without care and immediately takes out his phone.
work wasn't that bad for the rest of the day, honestly.
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Taglist; @itsberrydreemurstuff , @na-n-na
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mobtism · 2 years
THANK U SO MUCH FOR THE ASK ur epic btw. <3
1. my terracotta heart - blur
ough... song from high school that i forgot i had in my spotify likes. immediately hit me like a brick when it came on shuffle. rlly good song still 😢
2. sleep alone - two door cinema club
WOOOO TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB‼️ rlly love this one... forgot about it tho😢
3. osaka switch - miaoux miaoux
Um... this one is just noises.💛
4. anniversary- autoheart
5. cold cold man - saint motel
good song... was a Big fav of mine in highschool also but i think ive heard it too much. lost its pizazz. still a v good song tho :-)
ask game
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What I Need
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Paring: Wanda Maximoff x Black!Fem reader
Summary: Wanda and y/n hide their relationship until y/n can’t take it anymore, they break up. Wanda doesn’t realize just how much she’s lost until y/n is hurt on a mission.🌈
Warning: angst but overall fluff!
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A/N: Making this because I know a little to well what it’s like being with someone who’s closested and every time your around family and friends your just a “good friend.” I hope you guys enjoy!
SEND REQUEST‼️ → Masterlist
“Morning baby.” You whisper rolling over wrapping your arms around Wanda pulling her close.
You take in the scent of her skin and hair. She always smelt like aged vinalla, the scent brought you home.
She turns her head facing you planting a light kiss on your lips. “Goodmorning.”
She untangled herself from your arms, propping up on the bed slipping into her house shoes and sweatshirt. “I should get going, before anyone wakes up.” Wanda explains.
You scoff, sitting up resting against the headboard.
Everynight and every morning it was the very same routine.
She came in around 12 a.m, you’d talk for a bit, make love for a while, then you’d cuddle and fall asleep in each other’s arms. Then as soon as the sun peaked through the bottom of your curtains she left. And it was back to being just “friends.”
You loved Wanda but you hated being hid. You never been one to care about what others thought of you, but Wanda she was already afraid of who she was and she was sure others were too. She didn’t want any other reason for them to be distant toward her.
“You know what Wanda.’ You pause drawing in a breath collecting your thoughts. “You always do this every morning, come and go like I’m a fucking motel pit stop for you to get off and keep warm!” You shout
“Well I’m done being that! If you can’t be with me beyond these doors well than I don’t want you!” You shout tears streaming down your face.
Wanda opened her mouth to speak but she couldn’t. You were right, she had kept you in he dark. Not because she didnt love you but because she loved you, because she was scared of what others would think of her. If they’d shame her anymore.
The team had accepted you for who you were through and through, but they loved you and always have. Unlike Wanda she hasn’t felt that love yet.
Tears swelling in her eyes Wanda quickly slips out of the room rushing to her own before breaking down.
You slumped in your bed in disbelief. You’d been feeling this way for a while now and it was only right you let it out for yourself.
Hopefully one day Wanda would come around..
It had been two weeks since you two had ended things,and you barely spoke.
The team even started to notice the shift, especially Natasha.
“Hey what’s up with you and Wanda?” She asks placing her hand on your shoulders.
“What do you mean by that?” You questioned pretending you had no clue what she was on about.
Nat gives you a look, the look read “you know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Out of the whole team Nat was who you trusted the most. She was your older sister, and you knew anything you said she’d take to the grave.
Taking a deep breath you prepare your thought. “We had been seeing each other for a while, nothing serious I guess.” You admit.
Natasha nods listening to you admit what you’ve been hiding for so long.
“Well for what it’s worth I thought you two were adorable.” Nat annouces slipping away to go train.
Your brows immediately perk up, mouth agape. I guess you truly couldn’t keep anything hidden from a spy like Natasha.
The mission was going smoothly. It was an all girls mission, so you, Nat, Wanda, Nebula, and Pepper were alone and out on the field.
“Hi right y/n.” Pepper shouts hovering above you in her silver and purple rescue suit
Immediately you force tons of bricks upward knocking out the enemies seemingly sending them into orbit.
Wanda watched you fight as she continued in her own battles, her moves so dance like. Truthfully she always loved the way you fought, so effortlessly but yet so powerful as you congured up all the earths natural elements to battle off the bad guys that swarmed you.
She watched wipe out enemies with the swip of your feet flames exploding from them, fist and hands shooting water and wind left and right, earth shifting from your fingertips.
Wanda was very much in love. She could never admit because she felt it was wrong, but it was so right. Or maybe she didn’t feel it was wrong, maybe it was too right and she was scared of ruining a good thing.
“Y/n your six!” Natasha yells.
You whip your head in the direction you heard Natasha warn you about. It was too late, you were blown back by a blast that was sprung from one of the aliens guns. Your head hit a rock, you felt a warm feeling through your entire body.
Then everything went black.
“Y/n!” Wanda shouts running toward your still body
She slides on her knees next to you projecting away any other threats, building a force field around you.
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“Y/n, baby stay with me please.’ Wanda shutters. It was hard for her to focus her mind on the force field and hopelessly healing your wounds.
“I need help I’m getting swamped and y/n is hit. Help us!” Wanda pleads shouting through the coms.
“We got it. Back ups on its way Wanda, hold on!” Pepper shouts informing
Wanda rocks you back and fourth moving her hands methodically around the wound on your torso and head, her energy seemingly closing your scars slowly. “Shh, stay with me baby. Stay with me.” Wanda cooes.
“Wanda the quinjet is here, they’re gonna take y/n.” Natasha informs through coms.
Wanda immediately releases her force field. Making you levatate running behind your floating body still on alert, She just wants to get you home safe.
Your loaded onto the ship and the team immediately gets to work.
“What happened?” Tony asks pulling out medical supplies passing it along to banner and Dr.Cho
“I’m not sure there- there was this alien and the machine, it shot her. Is she going to be okay?” Wanda stammers pacing hands running through her messy battle hair.
“We are gonna do what we can, we can’t let the avatar down. Not the last of em.” Dr. Cho reassures
“Shit!” Wanda shouts slamming onto the floor shooting psonic energy from all angles of her body.
“Hey we don’t have time for a breakdown right now.’ Tony states. He walks over to Wanda examining her body language.
He wasn’t the best at relationships but one thing was clear. Wanda was indeed in love with you.
“How long.” Tony questions sitting down next to Wanda.
“What?” Wanda exhausts
“How long have you been in love with Y/n?” 
Wanda releases and low bellied chuckle. “Long enough.” 
The reality of it was, Wanda hadn't known how long she’d been In love with you. She knew being with you made her happy, more than happy, one day it just hit her. She was indeed in love with her.
Please get better.
You attempt to open your heavy eyes, shifting in the uncomfortable recovery bed.
Wincing, you reach up to touch your fresh wounds. 
Wanda sits next to your bedside her head resting between her palms, as she seemingly prayed for a healthy recovery and forgivingness from her end.
“Wanda?” You whimper shifting slowly to face her.
It was blurry to see but you’d recognize those big green eyes anywhere.
“Y/n!” Wanda gasps wrapping her hands into yours reaching over your stiff body to press a button. 
“What- what are you doing here?” You question holding your forehead in pain. 
“I’m here for you, I'm always here for you.” Wanda states kissing the back of your palms running her other hand on your matted curls.
You shoot her a small soft smile, signaling to allow be bygones to be bygones, for the moment.
Wanda couldn’t help but feel the tension between you two. Obviously you wer happy to see her and she was beyond ecstatic to see you up and alive, but the tension was unsettling.
“Hey look who’s up!” Tony elated slipping checking your vitals and dressings.
“Your looking better than we thought.” He admits
“Perks of being the avatar.” You state sarcastically
You felt Wanda squeeze your hand she often did this when she wanted attention.
Your eyes shoot in her direction giving her access to speak to you.
“Can we talk.’ Wanda whispers eyeing between the two of you and tony. “Once he leaves.”
Tony gets the que to exit leaving me and Wanda alone.
Silence fills the room until Wanda finally speaks up.
Wanda grips your hand even tighter, curling a strand of your curls behind your ear again. It was like a nervous tick of hers when she spoke with you.
“Y/n.’ Wanda speaks drawing in a heavy breath. “When I saw you there, laying there fighting for your life I-I was freaking out doing everything I could to rescue you.”
You saw the tears swelling in your eyes while You were already releasing tears of your own. “Wanda—.” You croke
“Please let me finish.” She interrupts softly
“When I saw you laying there. It made me realize how much I truly do love you and need, and want you.” She confessed now full on crying.
“I love you so much y/n and I don’t give a damn who knows it anymore, I’m beyond that I just need you.” Wanda cries
You sat perplexed by her sudden change of heart. You couldn’t pretend this didn’t make your heart swell from her finally admitting her feelings because it did. You knew what you needed to do.
“Okay.’ You speak gripping her face pulling it into yours.
Your swollen lips meet her delicate soft ones. You two begin to move in a memorized sync battleing do dominance.
The kiss was a beautiful mixture of tears and passion.
Jesus Christ Wanda Maximoff what are you doing to me.
Breaking the fiery kiss “I love you.” You whisper forehead rested against hers.
Wanda cracks a bold smile teeth shinning through. “Wanna make some s’mores.” She suggested pulling out the ingredients from her bag.
A smirk slides onto your face, fingertips illuminating with fire.
“You know me to well.”
A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed this!! If you have any requests from those listen in my Masterlist please send them!!
Also as I continue with my series TBAHA I will be writing short pieces like that to keep my blog going because it’s not only about cevans 😅😏
Thank you guys for the support and be sure to reblog and “❤️” this one if you care!
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junker-town · 4 years
See you soon, Hannah Roberts
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How one of Team USA’s potential breakout Olympic stars is handling the wait.
Luscious green trees surround the outdoor skatepark and grandstands at the UCI Urban Cycling World Championships in Chengdu, China. Freestyle BMX star Hannah Roberts — atop her pink bike, rocking a black full-face helmet — drops in and pedals hard toward a spine ramp. As she launches off the ramp, Roberts begins a 360-degree spin. In the middle of her rotation, she uses the handlebars to whip the bike around separate from her body, becoming the first woman to land a 360 tailwhip in competition.
The historic trick, thrown down on her sport’s biggest stage, epitomized Roberts’ young career. She has never stopped building to bigger and better things.
Rather than give the crowd a fist pump, or take a breather to soak in the momentous occasion, Roberts immediately hits a vert ramp and busts a flair — a backflip with a simultaneous 180-degree turn.
The year before, she took a disappointing third in the event, behind fellow Americans Perris Benegas and Angie Marino. On Nov. 10, 2019, Roberts avenged the loss, winning her second world championship at just 18 years old with a score of 90.0 out of 100.
After wiping away tears, she stood above the rest on the podium, smiling as she accepted a gold medal and a stuffed panda with a leaf in its mouth. She wore UCI’s iconic rainbow jersey, bestowed upon world champions of every cycling discipline since the 1920s.
Just one week earlier, she had won her fourth straight FISE World Cups Series, which also held its final event in Chengdu. Roberts left no question whether she was the best women’s freestyle BMXer in the world.
“I wanted to have the rainbow jersey going into the Olympic year,” Roberts says. “It was more for myself. I put so much work in, and I was so focused on showing that I wasn’t going to take second or third again. I wanted that year to be all about me, so I threw down some of my bigger tricks.”
Her mother Betty made the trip to Chengdu to watch, after she and Roberts had spent half a year apart. In order to train for the world championships, Roberts effectively emancipated herself from her mother and father in June 2019 while she was still 17.
She moved in with long-time medical trainer Trish Bare Grounds and Trish’s 18-year-old daughter, Olivia, 750 miles away in Holly Springs, North Carolina. As she moved, she changed her diet. More importantly, she strictly budgeted her modest income. Being a teenage action sports prodigy with international acclaim isn’t as lucrative as one might think.
There was no giant check waiting at the podium in Chengdu to signify the €10,000 in prize money she earned, but the win was huge for Roberts. Just four months prior, she wasn’t sure she could sustain her freestyle BMX career into her mid-twenties unless the sport became more financially stable.
The World Championships are one of the few annual competitions to award equal prizes to men and women. By comparison, when she won the final contest of the world series, the Men’s Elite winner took home €8,000 while Roberts received €1,500.
And though Roberts’ accomplishments show how far women’s freestyle BMX has come in recent years in terms of talent and viability, they are also a reminder of the wage and sponsorship gap that persists between male and female athletes. As impressive as Roberts and her peers have been, the most famous annual extreme sports event, the X Games, still won’t let them compete.
The now-postponed summer Olympics were supposed to be a launch pad for the sport and for Roberts. The games drew an estimated 3.6 billion viewers for the Rio Games in 2016. Freestyle BMX will be an event for the first time ever in Tokyo, and Roberts is the clear favorite to take home gold.
“Women are the future of our sport,” says Nina Buitrago, a pioneer of women’s BMX who continues to be one of the sports biggest advocates. “They’re very marketable, and it’s a big thing that BMX has needed for a long time. It’s just incredible that with something like the Olympics, it’s catapulted all of us in to try to progress more and just own our journey.”
Roberts is ready to lead the charge; unfortunately, there’s only so much she can control. She did everything right heading into the 2020 games — kept herself afloat financially, trained relentlessly, won everything she needed to and then some.
But she couldn’t predict the coronavirus pandemic that has put her Olympic dreams, and those of countless others, on hold until 2021 at the earliest. Roberts is used to addressing her problems through sheer willpower. Being forced to wait, a budding star without a showcase, has been an entirely different challenge.
In South Bend, Indiana, around the back of an old brick chocolate factory, past a chain-link gate and barbed-wire fence, and at the other end of a parking lot with cracked concrete, sits an old mattress factory-turned-world-class skatepark. The indoor park known as “The Kitchen” is closed most weekdays, but on an unusually warm Monday afternoon in February, the front door is unlocked. Roberts is home for the first time in more than six months to enjoy her formative skatepark.
That evening, she will ride with three boys between the ages of 11 and 14 who she has mentored for years. Roberts was invited to the park for a private session for them and their parents. She practically had no choice — she happened to be in town, and they were blowing up her phone all day begging to celebrate.
The official Team USA Instagram account posted a photo of Roberts earlier that afternoon announcing she was the first American to ever qualify for the Olympics in freestyle BMX.
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WATCH OUT, 18-year-old @hannah_roberts_bmx is the first American to qualify for the Olympics in BMX freestyle ‼️
A post shared by Team USA (@teamusa) on Feb 3, 2020 at 9:33am PST
“They’re supposed to be in school,” Roberts says, “but they were on their phones during the day and took screenshots, sent it to me and asked, ‘Did you see this?’ The first three times I told them ‘no,’ but finally, I just responded, ‘Do you want to ride tonight?’”
For hours, Roberts and her young pupils film each other on their phones while they attempt high-flying tricks into a large yellow foam pit and eat slices of greasy pizza. She’s proud of how they have improved under her tutelage. Their parents comment on how much she has inspired them. Roberts also expects this will be one of her last carefree runs before she transitions to a training regimen suitable for an Olympic athlete. She sits and soaks in nostalgia from her surroundings instead of sending her own tricks into the foam pit.
“The last four years of me living here, I rode with every one of these kids almost every day,” Roberts says. “I’d pick them up from their house if they needed a ride or I’d take them to a skatepark. If I wanted to make a day trip to Ohio just to ride something different, they were always in my car going with me.”
According to her mother, Roberts is at her happiest when she’s working with kids, though she still fits within a broad definition of “adolescent” herself.
“[Hannah] was the first girl I saw do a tailwhip. Once she has a trick, she can just do it. It’s not like it’s luck.” - Nina Buitrago, freestyle BMX pioneer
Roberts grew up in the 4,000-person town of Buchanan, Michigan, a few miles north of the Indiana state border and a 20-minute drive from South Bend. Decades ago, Buchanan’s rolling terrain gave birth to RedBud MX, one of America’s signature motocross tracks and now an annual stop for the Lucas Oil Pro Motocross Championship. In the fall of 2018, the track even hosted Motocross of Nations, which is billed as the “Olympics of motocross,” drawing riders from all over the world.
The fact Buchanan produced a world-renowned extreme sports athlete like Roberts isn’t a surprise. But Roberts is unique because her success never came on a dirt bike. If not for her father’s disapproval, Roberts might have given motocross a real shot, but the closest she ever came was working a taco stand at RedBud MX during her summers.
Her passion for BMX was passed on from her older cousin, Brett “Mad Dog” Banasiewicz, once an up-and-comer on the Dew Tour. In 2012, as a shaggy black-haired 17-year-old, he won his first Dew Tour park event in Ocean City, Maryland. The following week, his professional career came to a devastating end. During a practice session, he landed on his head while attempting a 720° and wearing an uncertified helmet. He temporarily lost the use of his left arm, and his motor and speech skills will never fully recover.
“It was horrible. To me, he was gonna be the next Dave Mirra,” says Daniel Dhers, one of the most decorated BMX riders of all-time. “He just learned how to compete. He had all these tricks that he’d worked on for years. He had the looks, and he could talk, and was funny. If he were riding today? He’d be the guy in the Olympics, for sure. That would be crazy because then it would be him and Hannah.”
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Via Hannah Roberts
Roberts herself has suffered numerous broken bones, but fear of suffering an injury like Banasiewicz doesn’t hold her back.
“You can take all the safety precautions in the world, but it still could happen,” Roberts says. “Brett fell on a trick that he’d mastered, that he’d been doing forever. It was five seconds and everything changed.”
Before the injury, a 16-year-old Banasiewicz self-funded and, with the help of his friend Glenn Salyers, designed The Kitchen. They equipped it with enormous ramps, foam pits, and “resi” ramps, which are covered in foam and a thick sheet of black rubber. By the time she was riding at nine years old, Roberts had access to one of the nation’s premier skateparks.
Swiss-American freestyle rider Nikita Ducarroz, five years Roberts’ senior and a likely qualifier for the 2020 Olympics for Switzerland, remembers trekking to The Kitchen from her Southern California home for a competition as a teenager. She almost froze at the magnitude of its jumps.
“The ramps at The Kitchen are huge,” Ducarroz says. “I remember going there, and I couldn’t even cruise the boxes and [Hannah’s] doing tricks over them.”
By middle school, Roberts was already performing tricks that seasoned veterans with sponsorships had never seen.
“She was the first girl I saw do a tailwhip,” Buitrago says. “Once she has a trick, she can just do it. It’s not like it’s luck.”
But as much as The Kitchen spurred Roberts’ BMX education, she eventually realized she had to leave it behind.
For years, Roberts believed members of her inner circle credited The Kitchen for too much of her success, disregarding her work ethic and determination. And she could only spend so much time mentoring other young BMXers without sacrificing her own progress.
“I love riding with the locals,” Roberts says. “I love helping them, but it comes to a point where, in every session, if you’re focusing on other people riding, which I love to do, your riding starts to fall.”
Roberts gave up her passion for mentoring, at least temporarily, to better her career. She had felt the pain of losing the 2018 World Championships and the rainbow jersey. She never wants to let that happen again.
Holly Springs — a pine tree- and strip mall-filled landscape similar to every other suburb in the Raleigh, N.C., metropolitan area — has quickly become the new mecca of freestyle BMX. That’s largely thanks to Dhers, who owns the massive indoor-outdoor skatepark known as the Daniel Dhers Action Sports Complex. Dhers, 35, is a five-time X Games gold medalist originally from Venezuela.
From the front, the DDASC looks like an office building or outlet store, industrial gray brick and dark windows covering the outside. The inside doesn’t look like what a typical sports fan might expect from an Olympic training facility. Plywood and two-by-fours are the predominant decor. But the 37,000-square-foot complex is considered one of the largest and best family-oriented, year-round skating and biking facilities in the world.
After spending her entire life in the Midwest, Roberts moved to Holly Springs to train at the DDASC because, unlike most other Olympic athletes, the best BMX riders like to train side-by-side, pushing each other.
The park officially opens to the public every weekday from 3 to 8 p.m. Dhers and the other pros do most of their riding in the morning to avoid crowds of young kids on scooters, but they often make exceptions on Tuesday evenings.
Recently, Roberts was joined by two other women riders: Ducarroz and Benegas, the winner of the 2018 World Championships. Roberts and Benegas are teammates and rivals. Their tug-of-war relationship only intensified after both became near-locks to qualify for the Olympics.
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“It’s very competitive now,” Roberts says. “We call it winning practice, which makes no sense because it’s practice, but everybody wants to win.”
The male riders include Dhers, Marin Ranteš of Croatia, American Justin Dowell and Australian Brand Loupos. All have finished on the podium at major UCI and FISE BMX events over the last two years.
During training sessions at the DDASC, each rider takes turns dropping in from the deck and riding for 30 to 40 seconds at a time, watching each other and offering criticism and encouragement. On one run, Roberts lands a tailwhip onto resi with relative ease. She then rides around the skatepark to pick up speed and hits the same ramp, performing a 360° tuck no-hander in which, while letting go of the bike, she leans her stomach against the handlebars before grabbing them again and landing.
Much of her competition would be thrilled with this short run, but Roberts is just getting started.
“Backflip bar spins over spines is her warm-up trick in sessions,” Ducarroz says.
Unfortunately, the sport of freestyle BMX hasn’t progressed as quickly as its athletes.
Freestyle BMX has been around since the mid-1970s, but didn’t achieve international prominence until the late 90s and early 2000s, after the X Games were started. Yet, to this day, women BMXers aren’t allowed to vie for a medal in the competition.
Instead, the most that X Games organizers have been willing to give them is an unpaid demonstration, the first of which occurred in 2014. For 10 years before that, X Games offered a girls BMX clinic. The riders hope that, one day, women’s freestyle BMX will have its own competition, similar to what women’s skateboarding and snowboarding have enjoyed for years.
It’s a big risk, especially the year before the Olympics, to ride at an event where you won’t make money ... [The X Games] are just a big slap in the face” - Hannah Roberts
“We’ve been working on this relationship with X Games for so long,” Buitrago says. “I feel like we’re so close, but they just were like, ‘Well, we’re just going to offer you another demo again.’ The deal that we made was [that] women are down to do the demo, so long as every year we’re working towards having an actual contest.”
But everyone has their limits. In 2018, when she was16, Roberts became the first prominent female rider to bail on the X Games, deciding her skills were worth more than a free hotel room and limited exposure. Some of the other professional riders protested her decision, saying it wasn’t best for the sport, but her mind was made up.
The following year, the entire women’s class agreed to boycott the event.
“It’s a big risk, especially the year before the Olympics, to ride at an event where you won’t make money,” Roberts says. “We barely get a crowd. They have it at like 9 or 10 a.m., so nobody’s really there. No events are going on. It’s just a big slap in the face.
“People should really open their eyes and realize that the class [of women] is growing. That people are getting better and it will take time for us to be on the same level as the men just because of the support. It’s hard to make [BMX] a career.”
Roberts learned from a young age that practice, more than exposure, would propel her career.
At the DDASC, Dhers is the unofficial coach of the group. He periodically pulls riders aside for extra one-on-one attention while they train. When Roberts first moved to Holly Springs, her day-to-day riding was inconsistent. One day, she might push herself beyond her limits, risking injury and wearing herself out. The next, she’d spend too much time on her phone or drinking an energy drink. Dhers and the other pros helped her change her mentality by pushing her to take a more mindful, calculated approach to practicing new tricks.
Now she’s deliberate about how much time she spends sending a trick to the foam pit, only moving to resi once she feels she’s ready, then moving to a wooden ramp when the trick is nearly perfect.
“I used to just send things [on a wooden ramp] and then go back on resi and then go back in the foam and work on them, which was a terrible idea,” Roberts says.
Her new mentality has paid real dividends. For instance, on a six-week training trip she took to Australia after her victory at the World Championships, Roberts learned more than two dozen new tricks, including what she called five or six “big tricks.” During that time, she traveled throughout the country, staying with Australian rider Natalya Diehm.
Roberts knew she had to evolve. She noticed other women catching up to her, and the number of competitors increasing exponentially. She’s stubborn according to those who know her well. She got to the top of her profession as a teenager, after all, even before she got to Holly Springs.
According to Dhers, Roberts’ persistent ‘send-it mentality’ came from her Kitchen days, riding massive ramps with no one to tell her she shouldn’t. On ramps that size, riders must possess a certain degree of fearlessness to commit to a trick. It was there she learned a fundamental lesson of the sport.
“If you baby it, you die,” Dhers says. “You don’t make it.”
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The Covid-19 pandemic first hit the freestyle BMX world Feb. 22 when FISE and the UCI canceled the World Cup event scheduled for May in Pu Yang, China. A few weeks later, a second World Cup event in Hiroshima was postponed indefinitely. After a period of insisting the games would be held as scheduled, the International Olympic Committee finally announced on March 24 the postponement of the Tokyo Games until 2021.
In the days following the news, Roberts spent more time in her bedroom than at the DDASC, moving back and forth from her bed, to playing video games, to her desk to email Team USA and other sponsors.
Focusing on a few companies at a time, she figured out which of her sponsorships were most impacted. The Milk Processor Education Program, the group behind the “Got Milk?” campaign, adjusted their contract with Roberts, but her contracted sponsorships within the BMX industry — Tioga, Alienation, Hyper Bike and Snafu — were still intact.
“It’s still just a little frustrating going through all the emails and making sure that we’re all on the same page and we all know what’s happening, who’s getting paid when and what is expected of me,” Roberts says.
Perhaps the biggest frustration was the notion that all the hard work she’d been putting in towards the Olympics — the stringent riding schedule, changes to her diet, dedication to the gym — wouldn’t pay off like she had planned.
“I was happy that the committee put in the consideration for athletes’ health,” Roberts says, “but it’s also disappointing and nerve-wracking because you have to keep the Olympic mindset for the next year and deal with all the same stuff over again.”
Thankfully, Roberts will not have to requalify. She will represent Team USA at the Olympics in 2021. And she’s still training.
Because of the pandemic, skateparks all across the country are closed to the public, including the DDASC. But all the pros agreed that if they only saw each other, and had all groceries and food delivered, that they could continue to practice together. Dhers turned the upper deck of the skatepark into a mini gym, equipped with dumbbells, a pull-up bar and two plastic trash cans attached at opposite ends of a workout bar.
Roberts still rides for three to four hours a day with the group, but she works out at home in the afternoons using exercise bands. She also tries to get up at 6 a.m. every morning for cardio and stretching. The UCI rainbow jersey hanging in her bedroom closet helps keep her focused.
“When I don’t feel like riding in the morning or when I don’t feel like getting up and going to the session or the workout, I look at it and it gives me that extra motivation,” Roberts says. “It’s like, ‘I don’t want to lose this again.’”
This should have been the year when Roberts’ profile skyrocketed. Through no fault of her own, 2020 feels like a step back, a disheartening tumble after a redemptive 2019. Still, it’s difficult to know how much an Olympic gold medal would elevate her career.
“CNN could pick it up and then boom, she’s a famous superstar, or no one could pick it up and then nothing ever happens,” Dhers says. “How many Olympic gold medalists are there for the women in other sports and no one knows they exist?”
Roberts doesn’t seem to be banking on superstardom, at least. For now, she’s being frugal, saving almost every dime from her contest winnings.
Certainly, the more visible Roberts is, the more popular she and the sport can become. For years, Roberts has been considered a leader in freestyle BMX because of her strong example. That ‘send-it mentality,’ again.
“One thing I’ve learned is that when you see a woman do something, you’re like, ‘oh, my gosh, it’s possible,’” Buitrago says. “For whatever reason, you see guys do the same trick but when you see a woman do [a trick] that you haven’t ever seen them do before, you’re like, ‘Oh, my God. Yes.’”
But Roberts doesn’t focus much on the stakes, only on how she’s pushing herself at any point in time. Others may see unlimited potential, and an opportunity for fame and possibly fortune, but her goals are intrinsic.
“I don’t necessarily want to be the best woman BMX rider,” Roberts says. “I would rather just be a good or great BMX rider, in general, rather than having the woman or the man label on it.
“I just do whatever I think is possible and if it works out, it works out. And if not, try it again.”
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