#i hope you and the boyos have a good day
viviennevermillion · 10 months
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My boyo. He's so adorable but SOOOO deranged it's not even funny. Like how do you work for human traffickers to make up for your inescapable poverty, use your magic to turn people into puppets to sell, enchant them to participate in a whimsical musical number for no reason but your own personal amusement, tell the terrified victims over loudspeaker how shit you think they are, let yourself be enraged by a bunch of sassy high schoolers and then decide by the end of the day, to quote my dear friend Azul Ashengrotto, I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!!! How does one go from trafficking children to wanting to found a school for magicless children in the span of 24 hours. How do you manage to escape a probably exploitative work contract AND steal your bosses' property in the span of 24 hours with nothing but 1 madol and a dream? How's he going to fund this school? He apparently has to be worried about getting enough to eat. How do you just go "you're right, no more trafficking children, from now on I'm gonna commit to the good of humanity :)"
His lesson from the whole thing was "actually schools are good!" rather than "wow I feel so bad for all the people I probably sold :/"
There is not a sane bone in his body and no rational thought in his brain. His thoughts probably contain so much cursing that the sentences are unintelligible when you censor them. Everytime he speaks to a person he doesn't like, he internally adds "you mediocre little fuckshit pissbabies" or similar to the end of the statements. He has the most deranged evil laugh ever. Even when he likes you and you tell him a funny joke he goes "hehehahahaaAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAH" like he's about to kill someone. He likes having his little ears scratched. He bites though.
He's like the biggest asshole cat you can mentally picture. He doesn't just push stuff off your shelves, he takes the vases and chucks them at unsuspecting pedestrians. He's mad at you and you ask him for a glass of milk and he takes the milk carton out of the fridge and pours the entire thing all over the floor and kitchen counters without breaking eye contact. There's a collection of knives on his bedroom wall.
He's my special little guy. They want to study him to update the DSM-5. He eats the rich. He needs some money to found his little school so he gotta work in retail, scanning the customers' products at checkout and muttering "fucking bourgeoisie cockroach" under his breath. Shamelessly lists "amusement park manager" and "salesman" in his CV as if he worked at a legitimate business. He once had a mental breakdown at the grocery store after closing hour and downed a bottle of whiskey straight from the shelf and then danced through the snack aisle stabbing his cane into the chips bags out of boredom while singing "you're never fully dressed without a smile". Gidel being mute is the only reason this kid does not curse like an uncensored Rapper version of Ebenezer Scrooge.
He's clinically insane. He's the most wondrous attraction at Playful Land. He hopes the afterlife is a musical. He's Fellow Honest. This is a fake name.
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d. di. dillo ml <3 could i maybe perhaps get hcs for the boys and a theatre kid! s/o? <3
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A/N: I’m a stage manager so I feel qualified to answer these asks. I went down the high school theater train here because it felt the most applicable and I felt most confident writing it so…yeah. Hope you enjoy!
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This man is an absolute saint and unofficially joined your set building crew once your show started because he works in construction kinda sorta and figured what better way to help your show than to help build everything you need
The rest of the cast and crew goes absolutely wild when he shows up the first time because let’s be real folks, Darry is absolutely stunning, incredibly strong, and an absolute gentlemen
He’s wonderful at helping you with lines too, if you need some assistance with memorizing or just someone to talk through them with, Dare is more than happy to help you out
Dare’ll give up his free time for that too, like in the evenings when he wants to do is crawl into bed and catch some rest before having to work again tomorrow, he’ll sit with you in the living room and recite lines until you feel confident
Come show time, he’s sitting in the front row with his brothers, grinning up at you when you’re on stage, clapping the loudest when it’s done <3
He brings you flowers too, a nice little bouquet that he gives to you after you’re done, congratulating you on such a good performance, he’ll tell you every show you do was even better than your last, no matter what happens
Sodapop absolutely loves that you’re an actor, he thinks it’s super duper cool and is literally so in awe of your talent no matter how talented you think you actually are-
He likes to joke, that if he were still in school, he’d be up on stage with you, acting right alongside you, playing every love interest you could ever have on that big stage
The theater director, I’m sure, would have loved to have Sodapop in the plays/musicals because just look at that man’s face and I will bet you actual money that Sodapop can sing too
On those rough days, the days where you can’t remember any of your lines, can’t hit any of your notes, miss every single one of your cues, Sodapop will be there to help you through it
Those days happen, I see them all the time, but Sodapop, with the gentlest voice you’ve ever heard and the sweetest smile on his face, will offer to help you with everything
Come showtime, Sodapop is sitting in that front row, right in the center of the stage, hearts in his eyes and flowers in his hands, eager for you to perform so he can see you doing your thing <3
Guess what buds, Ponyboy Curtis a stage crew kiddo because I said so and now it’s canon in this universe in which these headcanons exist-
He does lights or something, something where he’s around the cast enough to develop a huge crush on you but still separate enough so that he has to make an effort to see you
But once you start dating, Ponyboy finds himself being dragged into the cast circles and into your friend groups more often, being brought more into the acting group of people
One time, and I swear to you it happened one time, he was working one of the spotlights for a rehearsal and was so in awe of your acting talent that he just…forgot…to spot you during your big monologue��
When he notices that he missed his cue, he apologizes like a million times once he finds you again, and when you realize why he missed the cue, please give him a million more kisses because that’s really cute
After you guys finish your show, Ponyboy takes you out to the diner or something and have a little date with you and congratulate you on your job well done!
After talking with my dearest friend, thanks a bunch @a-person-who-didnt-wanna-be-here, I finally figured out what I was gonna say about this boyo, I stared at his section for WAY too long
But anyway! If you’re dating Dallas and you’re doing high school theater, prepare yourself for him either asking a shit ton of questions about what you’re working on or absolutely not caring about anything at all
For sure, he’ll show up at your shows and give you a rinky-dink little bouquet of flowers and congratulate you on a job well done and have absolutely no clue about what show you just performed
Dallas will literally get up in the middle of the show and leave because he’s bored when you’re not on the stage and he’ll just hang out outside and smoke until he’s bored of being outside and wants to go back in
If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation where you have to kiss one of your fellow actors for a scene, you don’t have any good options regarding Dallas
Either you tell him before and have to deal with him complaining and threatening your fellow actor or you don’t tell him and run the risk of him finding out <3 good luck!
Supportive! Boyfriend! To! The! Max! Johnny is absolutely wonderful with a theater kid partner and I just know it all the way done to the marrow in my bones
He would help you run lines, hanging out at your house until the late hours of the night until you’ve got all your lines down and just help you remember them because he just likes you so much
Johnny doesn’t want to be in the plays/musicals and he doesn’t want to be involved with the stage crew either, but he hangs around rehearsals when he can because it beats going home and he likes being able to walk you back to your house when it gets late and stuff
The rest of the cast loves him though, he’s a sweetheart and a little cutie and ya know, he just, he never does anything wrong. He’s a little baby boy and I love him-
He comes to all your shows! You can always find him sitting in the audience cheering for you at curtain calls and waving when he catches your attention
Johnnykid tries to get the rest of the boys to come with him too, mostly Ponyboy, because he wants to show off how talented you are and all that good jazz!
Two-Bit is not in any of the shows. He’s never on a cast list, never in the crew, he doesn’t help with anything at all. But he’s always at rehearsals-
Why is he wasting his time at rehearsals you may ask? Why is he spending afternoons in that old theater, sitting in the uncomfortable seats and watching people practice a show he’s not even in? Oh, it’s because of you, of course!
He doesn’t do much, especially not when he’s got you sitting next to him, and a majority of his time is spent sitting with you and running his mouth about the other cast members and stuff
A large chunk of what he says are compliments on your acting and mumbled remarks into your ear about how you’re better than whoever is on stage or how the two of you could be off somewhere else, doing something else…
But everyone else thinks he’s kinda funny and he doesn’t cause too many problems when he’s around cause you keep him on enough of a leash that anything he does can be considered more funny than problematic
When opening weekend rolls around, he tells everyone he knows to come see you perform, hyping you up consistently and making sure when you come out for bows, you’ve got an audience full of people waiting there to cheer you on!
I feel like I boil Steve’s character down to a cheerleader boyfriend way too often but like- that’s just the way he is- I don’t know what else you want me to say-
But anyways, just imagine for a moment, sitting in the garage of the DX while Steve’s covered in grease, working underneath a car, while you sit pretty by the toolboxes and run lines with him
He offers to pick you up from rehearsals and drive you home for multiple reasons because a) he likes taking care of you, b) he likes hearing about your rehearsal, and c) he’d never miss an opportunity to drive you around
He drags Sodapop along to your shows because he feels weird going by himself but still really wants to show up out of the blue and surprise you by sitting in the audience with flowers
Triple bonus boyfriend points, he takes you out for dinner after your final show to congratulate you on a job well done and treat you to something while simultaneously showing you off!
While you’re rehearsing and stuff, he calls you his superstar because he’s goofy like that and will state how you’re the next rising star and compare you to all these famous actors/actresses and ask you not to forget about him once you make it to Broadway
Tim popped by your rehearsal one time because…I don’t even know why, probably cause you forgot your script at his house or something and everyone absolutely lost it cause Big Bad Tim Shepard is at a theater rehearsal
He doesn’t really talk to anyone but you, handing over that script and offering to pick you up after you’re done and take you out to dinner or something <3
Tim’s a pain in the ass to work on lines with, but he’ll help you out if you really need a hand with memorizing them-
I’m getting this visual of you sitting in the Shepard kitchen late at night, deep in thought at the kitchen table while Tim sits on the opposite side and reads from your script, feeding you lines when you need a little hint
He drops you off at the theater on opening day, way earlier than the actual showtime because call times are a thing and they absolutely suck, but he sends you off on your way with a good luck kiss
Tim doesn’t sit in the front row, doesn’t sit with your family, doesn’t bring anyone else along with him, but he’s there at your shows and always gives you a little wave when you bow, winking at you when he manages to catch your eye
Imma just be real with you, there’s a really high chance that Curly might be thrown in reform during your show run, he’s a delinquent and ya know, he has a rough time staying out of the pen sometimes
In that case ^^ he sends Tim in his stead so that Tim can tell him all about how you did so that Curly can shower you with praise once he gets out
If he’s not in the pen! Yay! He comes to all of your shows and never buys a ticket, sneaking in every time because no one’s gonna stop him from seeing you perform during your big moments
He hangs out during rehearsals, causing a ruckus when he can and loping off with a smug smirk when he gets kicked out, after blowing you a kiss of course
Curly’s not gonna bring you flowers but it’s not because he doesn’t care it’s just cause he doesn’t have the money or the memory to get you flowers so he just gives you a bunch of kisses instead!
Random to finish, but don’t ever try and get Curly to run your lines with you because he’ll end up turning it into some sort of, remember-a-line-and-you-get-a-kiss game and then y’all will just end up making out instead of working on memorizing lines sooooo……yeah
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whimsical-roasting · 1 year
okay just imagine being friends with colin and jamie being like slightly jealous
okay so i’m thinking about doing like a psych major!reader who shadows Dr Sharon at the football club for experience and ends up having a thing with Jamie... like Jamie asks for her to tutor him on psych knowledge and being a better person and ofc they lowkey fall for each other but don’t know it... 
ANYWAYS AROUND THAT PLOT LINE... the reader and Colin end up as bffs (lowkey spoilers for Colin’s info in s3?).. also my bestie is @sokkigarden and i love and appreciate her support
okay, so reader is shadowing Dr Sharon and Colin is so nice that he consents to her sitting in on the session since Dani was a bit too traumatised to have any silent observers 
she doesn’t speak and tries not to make too much eye contact but when they do lock eyes, she gives him a soft smile, and he returns it
after the session, now only 3 people know Colin’s gay... him, her, and Dr Sharon. when she catches his eye at the end of the session, she does a little lock and key motion to her lips as if to say ‘my lips are sealed, promise’ with a soft smile, and he smiles and nods
the reader is usually extroverted and chatty but remains professional - not really interacting with the boys unless necessary (obvi Ted won’t have any of it, but that’s a diff point) so Colin isn’t too fussed about her...plus, she seems genuinely nice
in the next couple of weeks, the reader bumps into Colin in the hallway and goes, “oh!! Colin, I was out on the weekend and saw this and thought of you, so um, here :))” and nervously passes him a small pocketbook of affirmations since Dr Sharon instructed him to reaffirm “I am a strong and capable man”
he grins and thanks her, and then BOOM, they’re now good friends. he offers to drop her home when her Uber cancels, and they blast Taylor Swift and rap to Drake 
now fast forward a while when Jamie asks the reader to tutor him in psych/therapy, and it is a funny exchange:
Jamie: you’re uh, good at this psych shit huh?
Reader: uhh, you mean the 4+ years I’ve dedicated to this degree? Yea, I kinda hope I’m good at this psych shit
Jamie: can you help me do better at therapy?
Reader: um,, therapy is more of a personal thing.. you kinda do better yourself
Jamie: oh, then what do you do :/
Reader: -_-
Jamie:  no no, I didn't mean it like that, fuck sorry
Reader: I can tell you about tools and theories that can HELP YOU help yourself 
Jamie: yea yea.. that. let's do that, I want that
Reader: this isn't a drive thru, Tartt, you can't just ask like it's a dollar menu
anyways,, she agrees bc experience yea totally it’s the resume experience and not cause he has a cute thinking face and emotional intelligence is hot or anything like that
so they’re like a month in with this whole ‘tutoring’ thing and she’s at his place and he notices a childish bracelet on her wrist.. he seems to notice a lot about her but he tells himself it’s cause he’s getting more self-awareness (lmao dumbass, SELF-awareness has nothing to do with HER hair, eyes, and new accessories but sure)
okay the next day in the locker room, he sees Colin w the same bracelet??? so he asks and Colin’s all like, “it’s a friendship bracelet, boyo!” and Jamie just kinda nods not replying before they head out onto the pitch
next time he and the reader are tutoring he asks why she and Colin are wearing the same bracelet thingy...she tells him it’s a friendship thingy and she made it for the both of them.... Jamie just kinda stares and goes ‘where’s mine.’ 
she blinks at him and tilts her head, “are we friends?” and his mouth falls open “we’re fuckin not???” he questions, slightly offended. and she’s all like “no no, ofc we are... but maybe just not friendship bracelet level friends” 
Jamie fights back a pout, but there’s a crease in the middle of his brows and she wants to lean forward to flatten it with her thumb but fights the urge
there’s silence for a moment...
“when you upgradin meh?”
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gaybananabread · 7 months
Heya Kasey! If you wanna and have the time I was wondering if you have any tickle headcannons for hunter from the owl house? He’s such a silly and sweet lil goober and I wanna hear your thoughts if you have any? I hope you have a wonderful day! 💙🫂
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🌕🐺Hunter Tkl Headcanons🐦🌟
~Hi Pocky! Ehehehe I’ve been waiting for someone to request Hunter! The boyo’s of my favorite TOH scrimbles to wreck (*ᴗ͈ ˬ ᴗ͈ )ꕤ*. So yeah I’ve definitely got some thoughts- And thank you! May your day be filled with wonderful thoughts and lots of sweets! ♡ And to the anon, I included more teases than I usually would, just for you. Thanks for the requests!~
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I’m pretty sure the entire fandom can agree that he gives STRONG lee vibes.
He enjoys making his friends laugh sometimes, though, so I’m going heavy lee-leaning switch.
Can only say the t-word on rare occasions. More often than not, it’s adorable stuttering and blushes until you get the message.
With some proper motivation, he can admit that he likes it. It just flusters the hell out of him, so use this knowledge sparingly.
SUCH a cute lee, no question
He blushes like crazy, squirms and wriggles like a worm on a hook, squeaks and hiccups if you get him going, just- ‎°。⋆♡‧₊˚
He gets in a lee mood pretty frequently, and sometimes asks for what he wants. Usually he’ll go to Willow for, but Luz and Gus are close runners-up.
When he can’t ask, he’ll try his very hardest to provoke or tease his friends into helping.
Sassing people, sitting with his arms behind his head, slouching just right so his shirt slides up, and if he’s really gutsy, poking their sides. With these goobers, it works nine times outta ten.
If you don’t wanna get kicked/elbowed in the face, I recommend pinning him. Squirmy flailer boyo
Worst spot is his ribs. Will squeal, snort, thrash and blush like it’s nobody’s business.
Melt spots are his scars. If it’s someone he trusts and is comfortable with, he loves gentle traces (and kisses from Willow ( ,,^ᴗ^,, )) Airy giggles, gets all sleepy. If he’s having problems falling asleep, some light scar tickles will knock him right out.
A soft ler for sure. He can go rougher, but he normally prefers not to.
It’s pretty easy to fluster him. Instant compliance, telling him to not stop/keep going, holding your arms up around him, asking him to do it over and over again-
Yeah, he’ll be a blushy boy in no time
He can tease though. It's a bit rare, but he tries.
"Oh, this tickles? Good, I was worried it wasn't working."
"You blush reeeeeeally hard when I squeeze here. It must tickle so much!"
"You've got a pretty cute laugh, ya know. Think I'll have to have you share more often..."
"I don't know why you don't like this adorable belly. It's so cute and squishy and ticklish; what's not to love?"
"You're squirming a lot, but you haven't told me to stop once. You like this a whole lot, don't you?"
"Hmm? Sorry, it's hard to understand you with all that giggling. Try again~"
This boy cannot ask to tickle anyone. Asking to receive is hard enough, but asking to give? Yeah, good luck-
Willow can normally pick up on his ler moods, and if she’s feeling it, she’ll offer her help
He’s super mindful of boundaries. Stops the moment you say to, checks in every once in a while to make sure you’re still having fun
Doesn’t normally pin unless you’re a massive squirmer. He doesn’t mind, just scared of pushing boundaries
Super loving aftercare. Sleepy cuddles and movies for sure. Hot chocolate, tea or coffee (whichever you prefer), and some fluffy blankets. Can give a pretty relaxing shoulder massage if you ask.
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cheesylov · 5 months
Welcome home soldier
It's finally time for Steven to go on leave for the army, this wasn't anything new to him, while he was packing his uniform his dad walked in
"Hey boy I see your packing you things"
"Yup, making sure I've got everything I need"
"I hope everything goes well boy, stay safe" he patted Stevens shoulder gently
"Of course it will, this ain't my first rodeo, I'm sure everything will me fine"
"Man Im surprised Francis is so calm about this"
Suddenly something clicked in Steven, he forgot to tell Francis he was going on leave, and he's never went on leave while in a relationship, god how was he gonna tell him, his face shifted into one of worry
"Something wrong boy?"
"Dammit I forgot to tell Francis I was gonna go on leave" he pinched the bridge of his nose mumbling
"Ah don't worry boyo I can tell him for you, I'm sure he'll take it just fine"
"You sure dad? I know he's a deadpan son of a bitch but he's still got feelings"
"He's a grown man, he'll understand, I promise"
"If you say so then, I trust you".
A few hours later it was time for Steven to leave, he hugged his dad tightly before walking off
"Bye dad!"
"Bye son! Be safe!"
In that moment Francis walked up to mclooy
"Mmm morning Mr. Mclooy, where's Steven going this early? It's a Saturday"
"He's going on leave-"
Francises face went to one of shock
"He's what!?"
"Yeah, bein in the army means you gotta go on leave"
Francis ran out the apartment as fast as he could, he at least wanted to say goodbye.
Steven was just about to go before he felt something grab his hand, he turned around to see Francis looking worried
"Hey Franci, you goo-"
Before he could finish his sentence he was cut off my Francis
"Your going on leave!?"
Steven wasn't used to Francis raising his voice, so that slightly shook him
"Yeah, sorry I forgot to tell you, I was just busy getting ready"
Francises heart ached, he hated seeing Steven leave, especially when it was for a long period of time
"When will you be back?"
"I promise to be back soon, I should be back in like 2 months, it's a short leave"
Francises heart was being ripped apart, his eyes swelled with tears
"What if something happens to you? What if you get hurt!?... Or worse... What if you don't come back?"
"Oh Francis, you don't need to worry, I'll be fine... I promise"
Francis gently took off Stevens glasses to see his green eyes for the last time this month, he gently put a hand on his cheek and planted a kiss on Stevens forehead
"I love you" the only words that could come out of Francises mouth without breaking down
"I love you too Francis" Steven gave Francis a warm smile before putting his glasses back and and hugged Francis
"Be safe... Please"
"I will, trust me, I'll come back in one piece"
They shared one last good hug before Francis had to watch Steven leave, he could feel his heart ache with nothing but worry, Francis sighed and went back into the apartment hoping things will turn out fine
|a few weeks later|
It has already been two weeks and all the residents of the apartment were getting worried for Francis, they only every saw him when he delivered milk but on weekends or days off he wasn't anywhere to be seen, they would check up on him and it's almost like everyday he just got worse and worse, yes he wasn't exactly social but he would at least stop and chat a bit, but now he doesn't speak a word whenever somebody asked him anything, another few days like this and mclooy thought he would try and see if he could talk to Francis
The next day mclooy knocks on Francises door
"Open up boy it's me"
There was an unsettling silence before the door slightly creeked open
"Mmm, what do you want?"
"You look like shit"
"Oh gee I haven't noticed" he rolled his eyes
"Boy can we talk? What has been up with you lately? You never leave your apartment"
"What do you think it is?" He spat at mclooy
"Well I was just tryin to be nice"he crossed his arms
" ugh, I'm sorry it's just that..." Francis trailed off, words couldn't describe on how much he missed Steven "I just really miss Steven..." He looked down, simply talking about him made him want to break down
"Don't you send letters?"
"I do but.... It's not the same"Francis was now wishing these two months would go by as fast as they could, he leaned over the door and rubbed his face" I'm just... Scared"
"Scared of what?"
Francis sat down on the sofa looking up and the ceiling, mclooy followed in and sat down next to Francis
"I'm just scared something might happen to Steven... What if he gets hurt?.... What if he doesn't come back at all" Francis looked away, he could feel the tears in his eyes swell up like crazy
"Oh don't be silly Francis, he'll be fine"
"How could you be so sure? How come your so calm about this? Your own son is at the risk of getting hurt!"
Mclooy sighed and took a drag of his cigarette blowing out a large Cloud of smoke
"Because I know him, this ain't the first time he's went on leave, he's done it many times, I just got used to it and you should too, If your gonna date my son then you need to understand that this is his job, he can't just stop because your feelings got hurt"
Francis took that in, his words cut deep, but he was right, he was acting like a baby about this, but there was that feeling that he couldn't shake off, he loved Steven and cared for him, almost too much, but seeing how mclooy took this as an average thing he thought he should too
"I know you care for him but I assure you hes fine"
Francis sighed and looked over at mclooy
"Yeah I guess your right, Im sorry I've been like this, I guess I'm just not used to him not being around, but I'll try not to worry as much"
"Atta boy, now promise me to take things easier from now on"
"I will... ".
|7 weeks later|
7 weeks and Francis is still really sad to not see Steven, he still misses him but he tries to talk and open up more, at least he can actually hold a conversation with someone, Francis had marked the days on his calendar waiting, aching, for the day Steven comes back, he looked over at the cat clock that hanged off his wall, 10pm, he should get some sleep, he got dressed into his pj's and before he tucked himself under the covers he looked over the calendar one more time
"One more week, one more week" at that he sighed and drifted off to sleep.
|two days later|
Everyone was in their apartments while mclooy was outside, he was waiting for Steven, apparently he was getting off early, after a hour of waiting a familiar sound of boots hitting the ground was heard, mclooy looked up to see Steven running up
They hugged tightly, Steven missed his dad dearly
"How has it been since I was gone?"
"Pretty good, except Francis didn't take it too well, stuck in his apartment ever since you left"
Steven sighed
"Felt like that was going to happen, but I'm finally back, good to be home"
Mclooy whistled
Francis was in his apartment when he looked out the window to see where the whistle came from, when he saw Steven outside his eyes lit up like fireworks, he didn't waste any time, he ran down the stairs as fast as he could pushing everyone that was in his way
Once he was outside Steven held out his arms
Francis ran and threw his arms around Steven pulling him into a bone breaking embrace, Steven swooped Francis off his feet and spun him around, they laughed and tears ran down Francises cheeks, but not tears of worry or sorrow, tears of pure joy, he could finally smile again knowing his favorite person was back home
Steven put Francis down and took off his sunglasses looking into Francises tear stained eyes
"I missed you so so much... And now your home"
"I am, and I missed you more then you can imagine"
Francis wasted no time and pulled Steven into a loving kiss on the lips, their noses fitting like a perfect puzzle,he usually wasn't this lovey but he couldn't help it, he missed him too much, Steven pulled him closer as he practically melted into the kiss, he missed his home, his dad ,but he definitely missed loving Francis, Francis broke the kiss and looked at Steven, a soft smile creeping up on Francises face
"There's that smile... " Steven gently put his hands of Francises cheek and Francis held Stevens hand closer to his cheek
"Now why don't we get inside, it's getting cold"
"You two done yet?"
"Don't worry we're done dad"
Francis held Stevens hand and they walked into the apartment, everyone was happy to see Steven back, everyone was greeting and hugging him, when Steven got to his apartment he looked over at Francis, Francis slightly blushed as he looked down
"Hey... Can I stay the night and your place?"
Steven looked over at mclooy
"Fine by me"
Francis smiled and followed Steven inside his apartment, they lived right next to each other so it felt the same
|hours later|
It's night time so that means time to sleep, Steven could finally sleep in a comfy bed
Francis climbed under the covers and Steven slid in burying his face into Francises neck, Francis ran his fingers through Stevens hair, he really missed this
"Ready for bed?"
"You bet your ass"
They snuggled up warmly with each other and gave each other a kiss goodnight before falling asleep safely into each others arms
Mclooy walked by Stevens room and peeked Through the crack of the door
Steven and Francis were fast asleep still holding each other
Mclooy chuckled quietly before smiling
"Welcome home soldier."
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jungle-angel · 10 months
May Your Days Be Warm And Bright And Your Wedding Day Be White (Calvin Evans x Reader)
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Summary: The big day for you and Cal is finally here
Tagging: @floydsmuse @lewmagoo I hope you guys are ok with me including Father McDowell in this. Meggy, you've finally convinced me to write for Calvin and Leah, I can't thank you enough for including me on that taglist for the Rhett fic you posted. You guys are awesome.
Warnings: SMUT! 18+, religious references, etc.
Cal took a deep breath as he straightened his bowtie in the mirror. He had never really been one for black and white, but he was determined to make an impression, seeing as you had both been waiting for this day for a long time.
He thought back to that glorious fall day when you had been walking around campus, both of you newly hired at the college, him in the chemistry department and you, the new nursing professor. Cal had taken you and Six-Thirty down to a favorite spot of his near the river, a beautiful little spot near the river on a path that he had used on his daily run with your canine companion. When he had pulled out his grandmother's ring, you truly realized what you meant to each other.
"Hell's Bells boyo," chuckled the old Irish priest. "Sweatin through yer dress suit are ye?"
"Any more and I'll be a puddle on the floor, Padre," Cal joked.
Father McDowell laughed. "Well, if the worst I have to do is have Helen clean you up with a rag, then I s'pose it's a good day eh?"
Cal smiled and shook his head. He quickly noticed the odd, laughing expression on the priest's face. "What?" he asked.
"Thinkin back to the day when you and John ended up on our doorstep," he chuckled. "Now look at ye, a fine young man, smarter'n a whip and who can command a chemistry lab as though it be a U.S Cavalry regiment. I'm proud of ye Calvin. And I'm proud of (y/n) too."
"She's amazing isn't she?" Calvin said.
"Amazin ain't even the half of it," Father McDowell chuckled. "Brigid's fire burns bright in that one I tell ye and if any o' the pretentious little bootlicks at the university wish to go after'er, I'll break both their legs and their balls all at once."
Calvin burst into a full fit of laughter until his older brother, James, poked his head in the door. "Cal, you ready?" he asked.
"Ready as I'll ever be," Cal answered.
Father McDowell clapped a hand onto his shoulder. "Go git'er me boyo," he told him.
The smile that crawled across Cal's face, at that very moment, would have made you scream.
"Oh God I'm so nervous.....ow!"
"Sorry, sorry," Mei apologized. "There's just alot to work with."
You smiled at her, along with the rest of the girls. Cal's sisters, Barbara and Kathleen, were busy looking after Lucy, Barbara's daughter, while Georgina and Betty, were helping with each other's makeup.
Mei had done serious wonders along with her twin sister, Betty. You looked so natural and so beautiful with your hair all done up and the lightest little touches of makeup here and there.
You and the girls had all risen at some ungodly hour of the morning to get ready to do each other's hair and makeup with Lucy barely sitting still long enough for Barbara to run a brush through her unruly curls. Your wedding dress had been kept in the closet at Mei's house, the something old that your mother had given to you when she had heard you and Calvin were engaged.
"So we have a something old," Mei mused as she combed back the last bits of hair out of your face. "And a something new?"
"My shoes," you chuckled.
"A something borrowed?"
"Momma's wedding veil," Barbara piped in. "Which Tony brought down from the attic this morning."
You breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that Barbara's husband had brought Patricia's newly repaired wedding veil down from the attic. The veil desperately needed repairing after having been in the attic for so long with you, your mother-in-law and the girls all pitching in to help.
"Something blue?" Mei asked.
"Not yet I'm afraid," you answered.
"Ah, I'll take care of that," she said excitedly. "From me, Betty, Mama, Baba and Nai-Nai."
You opened the little black velvet box, a hand flying to cover your mouth. It was a small blue and gold hair pin that took the shape of a brilliant phoenix, the bird hardly bigger than the tip of your middle finger.
"Mei where did you.....?"
"That was Nai-Nai's when she got married in China," Mei explained. "When they left Guangzhou during the war, it was one of the only family treasures she could carry with her. She gave it to me when I got married and now, I want you to borrow it."
You could've cried right then and there. You gave her and Betty the biggest hug you could possibly give, when Patrica, Calvin's mother, poked her head in.
"Oh (y/n) you look so beautiful!" she gasped, trying not to be loud and give anything away.
"Thank you Pat," you said, trying to control the emotions as you hugged your soon to be mother-in-law.
"We're ready when you are," she said, her voice barely a whisper.
You took a shaky deep breath as you and your bridesmaids readied themselves. Six-Thirty made his way up to you, sitting up as straight as he could on his haunches, the small basked clamped between his teeth. It wouldn't be long before you were officially Mrs. (Y/N) Evans and though you were nervous, you wouldn't have it any other way.
Cal stood nervously near the church altar, the pews already full of family and friends and people at the college you were close with. He bit his lip with anticipation as your mother walked in with Dr. Powers and then his parents. His father, Henry Evans Jr., stood tall and proud in his Marine Corps. dress blues, his cap tucked under one arm and his mother, Patricia on the other. His aunt began to sing from the choir loft as your bridesmaids and their husbands and boyfriends all walked in, each one looking like a queen in their lilac colored dresses. Lucy and Six-Thirty trailed in front of them, the tiny little girl hanging onto his collar to keep her balance.
Calvin's jaw dropped the minute he saw you enter, his hand flying to his mouth to keep from breaking down right then and there. He couldn't believe it. Here you were in front of him, in your momma's wedding dress, ready to take a vow to be his wife.
Your father gave you away, a few tears in his eyes as Cal took you on his arm. Father McDowell kept his sermon short and to the point before you and Cal read your vows to each other, trying to hold back the tidal wave of emotions that threatened to pull you both under.
"........My love, I could never imagine where I'd be without you," Calvin spoke. "Where I once felt lost, I found you, so unexpectedly and completely out of the blue, that it felt like a dream. From the moment I met you, I wanted to give you the whole world. You are my how and you are my why.......I love you (y/n).....so, so much."
There wasn't a dry eye in the house when you read yours either. Even Cal's father, the saltiest Marine you had ever met, was biting his lip, trying not to cry and claiming it was just allergies.
Before long, Six-Thirty brought you and Cal the tiny little wicker basket with the rings inside, returning to Cal's side and sitting a little straighter than before. When Father McDowell announced that you were now Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Evans, the whole church roared with applause, especially when you and Calvin shared your first kiss.
The reception had all been one hell of a blur, you and Calvin having an absolute blast with your friends and family at the hotel downtown. You shared your first dance with family and friends joining you soon after, but not long into the night, the shenanigans had begun to ensue. You didn't really remember any of the family members with little home video cameras running around filming it, but once the film was developed, perhaps it would jog your foggy memory.
You and Calvin stumbled upstairs, laughing a little bit after having had a little too much to drink that evening. Knowing his family, they would still be downstairs in the reception hall at five in the morning, singing every drinking song they could remember off the top of their heads.
"Ready for bed Mr. Evans?" you purred.
"My head's a little achy, so I'd say yes," he answered, his voice a little slurred and sleepy.
He gently took your face in his hands and kissed you deeply. Even after all that, Calvin still couldn't believe you were his at last.
"Need some help Mrs. Evans?" he asked you.
The way the words rolled off his tongue made your legs clench a little. "Just with the back," you told him.
Calvin quickly undid the back of your dress, before you hung it up in the closet. You slipped into the bathroom to change into a little something that Barbara had picked out for you and when you emerged, fresh and clean from a bath, you couldn't help but blush when you saw the naughty look on your husband's face.
"C'mere," he beckoned, his voice low like the first roll of thunder before the storm.
You crawled right into bed with him, the sheets and soft comforters falling over the both of you. Calvin pulled you right on top of him, pulling one leg up over his hip as he kissed you deeply, softly rubbing your thigh and trailing to the swell of your ass.
"So gorgeous," he mumbled. "My pretty little wife."
Your own hand trailed from his chest, down the soft little indents in his belly, the marks of hard exercise and days spent rowing out on the lake near the campus grounds. Your hand dipped a little into his shorts, hoping that his cock would grow swell in your hand.
"Like what you feel there sweetheart?" he chuckled.
You hummed as you kissed him deeply, his hands roaming as they played with the hem of your white satin slip. "Wanna take this off," Calvin whispered under his breath. "Wanna feel every little bit of you."
You pawed a little longer at his cock until you felt it growing, eliciting a moan from your husband. "Sweetheart?"
"Help me," he mumbled. "Wanna let my cock out."
You giggled a little as you helped him off with his shorts, his breath growing rapid and the heat from his body radiating onto you. When you saw his now freed cock, straight at attention and red with heat, you couldn't resist. You desperately wanted it inside you and Cal could see the look in your eyes.
"Shhh, sweetheart, it's alright," he said softly. "I'm here to help......easy now.....good.....good girl.....oh sweetheart, you're taking me so well....."
You whimpered a little bit as Cal guided you down onto his rock solid cock, caught completely off guard at how big he actually was.
"Now, now it's alright," he cooed, reaching up and spreading his finger across your stomach. "It's alright......"
You rocked back and forth on his cock to get comfortable. You loved how deep he could go, just deep enough to rub all the right places so that your core tingled. You gently moved his hands to your hips to keep you steady, fearing that when your orgasm finally hit, you would fall over.
"There we go......" Cal murmured. "Back and forth.....back and forth.....oh......good......good sweetheart, there we go......feel better now?"
You nodded.
A moan fell from your lips as you felt his cock twitching inside you, the wetness between your legs obscene as it married with the noises you both made. Calvin sat right up as he kissed you, pulling the bedcovers around you as your legs wrapped around his waist and his deft hands lifted your satin slip over your head and tossed it to the corner with his shorts. He held you so gently in those strong arms of his, letting your head rest against his shoulder as he slowly drew your orgasm out of you.
"Cal...?" you moaned. "Cal....?"
"Shhhh.....sweetheart....." he purred. "Gently.....gently my love.....not so rough now."
You calmed right back down as soon as he kissed you again, his hands roaming over your back and shoulders. You had no idea that this position could feel so fucking good. You and Cal had experimented a little here and there, but now you were so close together, that the space between you both had become nonexistent. You felt your orgasm intensify when you felt each other's tits pressing against each other and before long, you felt a sudden burst and a gush erupting between your legs.
Maybe it was the booze, maybe it was the intense sex, but you and Calvin could barely keep your eyes open as you lay side by side in the comfy bed of the hotel room. You were more than content to sleep in the arms of your husband that night, knowing there would be plenty of time to do other things in the morning.
You and Calvin slept all through the night and for the better part of the morning as the sun came streaming through the hotel room windows. You didn't even hear the jangling of Six-Thirty's collar as he entered the room nor did you see him climb to Cal's side of the bed and begin licking his face.
"Oh, OH GOD!" Cal exclaimed suddenly. "Aw Six-Thirty, that's gross!"
Six-Thirty gave a sheepish little *WOOF!* before settling on the floor.
"Are you ok dear?" you laughed.
"No I've got dog drool all over my mouth," Calvin chuckled.
His disgust was soon broken when he saw a note attached to Six-Thirty's collar. He pulled it out and unrolled it, the message scrawled in black ink.
Your flight leaves for Key West tomorrow morning, don't be late---Dad
"What is it?" you asked, pressing a soft kiss to Cal's shoulder.
"Just a note from Dad," he answered. "Flight to Key West is tomorrow and you know what that means."
You were both filled with wild excitement, knowing that it would be your honeymoon trip......two whole weeks in a little cottage in Key West, Florida and no troubles whatsoever.
"I love you Mrs. Evans," Calvin mumbled, pressing a few soft pecks to your cheek and the side of your head.
"And I love you too Mr. Evans," you purred softly.
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mariacallous · 6 months
The inside cover of my grandmother’s cookbook is inscribed with her handwriting, “Think of me when you cook.” It is a copy of the same spiral-bound book that has been given to all of the women in my family. “The Sephardic Cooks: Comé Con Gana” has somehow made its way from one synagogue in Atlanta to Sephardic communities and families from New Jersey to California. It has all the classic recipes, including a section titled “Main Dish Pastries.” These dishes are the cornerstone of the Sephardic tradition, desayuno.
The word “desayuno” literally translates to “breakfast” in Ladino, the dying Judeo-Spanish language historically spoken by Sephardic Jews. Yet, the meaning extends beyond that one meal. In Sephardic culture, desayunois a category of foods associated with the large Saturday morning meal that would be served after Shabbat, including egg dishes and savory pastries. 
These desayuno foods are some of my favorite things to eat and the ones I most associate with my own family traditions. The blocks of crustless quajado (spinach quiche) that always seemed to be in my childhood freezer, ready to thaw for lunch. The doughy, cheesy spinach boyos my grandmother would have ready for our breakfast every time we traveled to visit her. The pasteles (mini meat pies) my great-aunt taught to a room filled with four generations of cousins at our family reunion last summer. The rice-and-cheese-filled bureka pastries my mom comes over to make with my kids and me. 
While delicious and crowd-pleasing, these are also some of the most time-consuming recipes to prepare. I picture my great-grandmother standing in a friend’s kitchen as all the ladies of the community work together to knead mounds of dough, mix a vat of filling, fold and crimp sheets and sheets of burekas. Whether this is accurate or just my imagination justifying why it feels intimidating to make these by myself, desayuno pastries do not align well with today’s fast-paced, individual lifestyle. Save for the times my mom comes to bake with us (importantly, bringing a container of prepped filling), making dough and pastry from scratch is not happening in my kitchen. 
I hope to be a part of the thread that keeps Sephardic traditions alive, yet I do not want to let perfection be the enemy of my intentions. I think my grandmother would agree. While she baked burekas with all of her grandchildren and always had a freezer full of freshly baked rosca (coffee rolls), she was never one to turn down a good shortcut. She developed her own boyo recipe featuring Hungry-Jack biscuit dough as the base and once described to me a full lentil soup recipe, only to end it with, “or you could just buy a can of lentil soup.” She loved when I would call her to share that I had tried a Sephardic recipe, such as cinnamon biscocho cookies or lemon chicken soup. Whether my attempts had been successful or a flop (like my rock-hard biscochos), her smile would be audible through the phone saying, “I’m just so glad you tried.” 
As Sephardic culture and traditions fade and assimilate, food provides an important outlet to preserve history and share it with family and friends. More important than getting it right or spending hours in the kitchen is remembering our traditions, trying recipes, talking about or simply eating Sephardic foods, regardless of who made them.  
In that spirit, I would like to propose lowering our standards, for the greater good of keeping traditions alive. Consider a desayuno with fewer parts or with a little help from the freezer aisle. Rather than the large spread my ancestors would prepare for days in advance, consider making one thing from scratch (though I won’t tell if you cook zero things). You could make a batch of burekas or a quajado, arguably the easiest of the Sephardic breakfast dishes, or even just prepare a pot of hard-boiled eggs. Supplement with frozen spanakopita, Ta’amti Bourekas or a Trader Joe’s Greek cheese spiral for a full table. 
Nothing will taste quite like homemade pastries fresh from the oven and I still aspire to make them (occasionally). Yet, even when I munch a makeshift Sephardic meal, I will be thinking of my grandmother, just as she inscribed in her cookbook. As long as we are sharing food together, talking about Sephardic traditions, remembering meals and people who matter to us, I will call it desayuno. I think my grandmother would be proud. 
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miintsprigz · 8 months
Hey there!! Can you write something about the mercs reactions to a GN!Reader showing signs of toxicity towards the mercs and them confronting them and rebuilding their relationship together. It would be really cute :3 especially with scout (I just think he's a soft boyo lololol)
Not gonna lie to ya, this one was a challenge for me, I even asked to have it proofread. It’s not often I see a prompt like this. I really like it though—I don’t think we see repairing relationships and changing toxic behavior enough. It so often gets shut down, and while unfortunately there are times where you must separate, sometimes you can work on it!
So thank you for such a raw and real prompt, Anon. I appreciate you, and I hope that this meets your expectations and makes you smile.
GN!Reader who shows some toxicity from previous relationships
Song used for inspiration: Heart To Heart by Mac Demarco
Characters: Scout (TF2)
Warnings: uh, I don’t know—there are implications of past relationship trauma here (toxic behavior is sadly often learned from previous toxic relationships), so please be wary of that. Also, this may be considered a somewhat “difficult conversation”, but I promise you it ends well.
You sat on your bed, staring at your feet as they dangled just above the floor. A fast heartbeat pounded in your ears, you swore you could feel the blood coursing through every part of you.
Jeremy had said that he…wanted to talk to you. He wasn’t always the most conscientious of the connotation of his words. As soon as terror flooded your face, he had immediately clarified.
“You’re not in trouble, I promise! Geez, now I know how Ma felt…no, but it’s somethin’ serious…somethin’ important, ya know?”
That still left a good bit to the imagination.
So as the Scout finally made his way over to your room, you felt sick to your stomach. You still got that trademark knock on your doorframe.
“Hey. All set?”
Ready as I’ll ever be. Which is not at all.
You nodded your head, feeling the beginnings of a lump in your throat.
You felt the bed sink just a little as he sat down beside you—light as a feather, always, even holding still.
“I’m sorry that I made a whole big deal here but…well, it is a big deal to me.”
You truly thought you knew what was coming. You’d heard it before, out of people’s mouths, in the things they didn’t say, and echoing for years longer in your own mind, after the people voicing it were long out of your life.
“…you’ve had enough of me?”
Genuine shock filled his voice, you could feel him go rigid.
“No. Absolutely not. That…that’s not even a thought in my mind, (Y/N), honest.”
Out of the corner of your eye, through quickly blurring vision, you saw a bandage-wrapped hand reaching for yours. You felt frozen, distant. Giving you a moment to move if you wanted to, he placed his hand over yours gently.
“Could ya just take a breath, babe? Please.”
You did just that, the sound rattling painfully. Why couldn’t you get through things like this without getting so emotional…
“I am not goin’ anywhere, okay? You know I love you, right?”
“…does it…not feel that way sometimes?”
The question sort of brought you back a bit, out of the haze of dread that conversations like this thrusted you into.
“Yeah. I could kinda tell.”
Oh no. “I’m sorry—”
“It’s okay, don’t worry, lemme just explain a bit here—”
His fingertips brushed the back of your hand. A few tears escaped your eyes, but somehow, the gentle touch grounded you a bit.
“See…I forget stuff a lot. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. You know it, I know it. And I know it’s not good. But sometimes, when I do that, even if it’s by accident, it feels like ya kinda…shrink back? Or if I tell ya somethin’s goin’ on… Ya get quiet, even after I say I’m sorry, and…I just worry.”
He fidgeted a little, trying to sit more upright.
“And so…Spy talked to me, the other day. He felt bad revealin’ it—ah, who am I kiddin’, the guy loves this stuff—that you said I’m… really loud. And I’m sometimes too… in your face?”
You could feel your face flush as you remembered what you had said. Part of you was mad at Spy for telling Scout, he surely knew this was sensitive information…but…
“He said he told you that you should tell me to cut it out…and it seemed ta him like ya thought I wouldn’t do anything if ya did.”
You looked up to find that he was already looking right at you. He didn’t look angry. Not anywhere. But surely he must have been…right?
“…was it somethin’ like that?”
Slowly, you nodded your head, feeling your shoulders go stiff.
He looked down at his hand, still over yours, and looked back up at you worriedly.
“…I think ya might be doin’ it now. And I might be too. Do you want me ta move back?”
Jeremy’s eyes went wide, blinking quick, before his mouth went taut on the edges.
“…are ya sure that ya mean that?”
You went to reassert that yes, yes you did…but you knew that you didn’t mean that. The contact had helped at first, but it was too much right now. Slowly, you shook your head.
“…yeah. See, (Y/N), this is why I wanted ta talk.”
His hands folded together, pulling away from you. You couldn’t look at him anymore, staring down at your lap through a veil of tears.
“Ya can look down if it helps ya. I know this is kinda…scary, I guess? But just listen to me, please.”
You nodded, and did just that.
Scout took a breath, and it felt like he was weighing each word.
“You want me to feel at ease when we’re together, right?”
You nodded again. His voice was so soft. The normally bombastic and energetic speed and volume had been dialed down. So careful. Very unlike how he was with the others.
“Yeah. I want you to feel that way, too. And if that means that I gotta knock somethin’ off, I’d like you…ta let me know, ya know what I mean?”
A slightly nervous laugh sounded from him, and you were beginning to see what he was trying to say.
He did forget important dates—you knew he didn’t mean to, but it hurt. And as much as you loved seeing him happy and excited, the volume and the physical contact could be extremely overstimulating.
“I’m not angry at you at all, by the way. I never wanted you ta feel like that. Maybe other people have gotten mad at ya for, for tellin’ em you didn’t like stuff they did. But I won’t. I promise ya that. And you know how stubborn I am about promises.”
A slight smile came to your face, even with how hard you were trying not to cry.
“…did people do that to ya, (Y/N)? People ya grew up with? Or other folks ya dated?”
Your lip quivered, and again, you nodded your head.
“Oh…I’m sorry, baby. That ain’t right. Not at all. You’re never gonna get any of that with me, and if you do? You tell me. Don’t hold nothin’ back, okay? Cuz that’s the last thing I’d ever wanna do to ya.”
Feeling bold enough to look up again, in spite of basically falling apart at this point, you caught a switch between the most serious you had ever seen Scout…and possibly the most adoring look he’d ever given to you.
“…I love you so much, (Y/N). I don’t know if I’ve ever loved anyone so much. I’m tellin’ ya all this because I love ya! You’re such a sweetheart—you’re always lookin’ out for me. Very few people have done that, so it means everythin’ ta me.”
You exhaled softly, a muted laugh, and that seemed to perk him up even more.
“And I don’t just love what ya do, I love everything you are. The way ya smile, the way ya make jokes, the way ya sing…it’s all so…so good, baby. You are so good.”
You couldn’t help but smile at that. If he had a tail, it would be wagging. The voices that so often nagged at you that he’d get tired of you went dead silent whenever he talked like this. And in moments like these, you knew he was telling the truth.
“You make me feel like I’m on top of the world. So, could ya give me the chance ta look out for you, too? Cuz I want to. Tell me anything, and I’ll do the best I can to make it happen. I’m always gonna be a little loud, a little clingy, a little…obnoxious. But…you knew that, right?”
Slowly, you nodded, wiping your eyes, your tears having subsided.
“Yeah. And I love you so much because of…a-and sometimes, in spite of those things.”
“See? There ya go!! That was great. May I uh…”
Scout stretched his hand out, and, now wanting to hold it, you quickly grabbed on tight, and tried to pull him in closer. He caught on quick.
“Oh…oh! Okay, hang on…”
Wrapping you in his arms, Scout held you close.
“Is this good?”
You fidgeted a little, then nodded. “Yeah. This is great, Jeremy. Hey…”
“…thank you. For talking to me. I know it can be hard to talk stuff through with me sometimes. I was so, so scared…that you were just done…”
“I knew ya were, babe. And I hate seein’ ya hurtin’ so much. But, I think…when ya love a person—like, really love ‘em—you’ll do what ya gotta do to make it the best it can be. Even if that means doin’ scary stuff.”
“Yeah…yeah, I think I got it.”
Giggling a little, Jeremy reached for the side of your face with one hand, and you leaned into it, craning your head upwards to peck him on the lips before you curled up against his chest.
“I know it’s hard when ya learned somethin’ one way for years, and now ya gotta…unlearn it, I guess? Honestly, it was hard not ta mess around with the resta the guys when I first got here, cuz I was used’ta it with my brothers back home. But…honestly, I got a different deal with these wackos, so the change kinda works out.”
Giggling at his teasing the others, you looked back up at him, feeling your once racing heart now only aflutter with joy at being in the arms of the man you loved.
“…I think this one works out too.”
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
This absolute genius just popped into my head 5 minutes ago-
So pjsk boyos reaction to their s/o using their favorite petname on them. Like, for example, their favorite thing to call you is darling, and instead you call them darling so now they can't call you their favorite petname
(Lmao sorry if that's confusing I tried 😭😭)
And also could I be 🦊 anon?? I'm hoping to come back and interact some more :))
weheh, dw abt it being confusing !! I wrote what i thought would fit the characters so Tsukasa's isn't exactly following the request, but ya !! and ofc, welcome aboard 🦊 anon !! I hope you like this !! <3
♡ STOLEN PET NAME - Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Tsukasa Tenma and Rui Kamishiro x Reader
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Akito honestly was way too embarrassed to use pet names with you at first-
However, as he grows more comfortable with the concept, he decides that calling you "babe" works the best for him!
One day, you have the idea to call him babe in return. After all, you usually called him something else
You walk up to him with a big grin, and he glances at you with a slightly confused look
"Hey babe, what's up?" "Nothing much, babe!" His eyes widen slightly, and he stares at you
"...Did you just take my thing?-" "What thing, babe?" He scoffs, yeah, you were totally taking his thing
"You know, my...What I call you!" "Hmm, well I don't know what you're talking about, babe!" He stares at you before shaking his head, "You're...You're so annoying-"
He really doesn't know what else to call you, so he's just a flustered mess as you continue to call him babe. At least you know what to do if you want to make his face red <3
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Toya just straight up doesn't comprehend the concept of pet names until he starts dating you-
After you start calling him a couple, though, he looks some up on his own time. He decides that calling you "love" was really nice!
One day, you decide that you want to see how he'd react to you calling him love in return. Considering his lack of knowledge on pet names, it'd be fun!
You walk up to him with a big grin, and he turns his attention to you
"Oh, hello love, how are you?" "I'm doing okay! How about you, love?" He blinks, looking at you with awe
"Ah- Um...I'm alright, love." You smile slightly, his face was a bit red. "That's good to hear! Say, love, would you like to do something with me?"
He simply nods, looking at you with wide eyes. You take his hand in yours and walk off
Needless to say, he's practically stunned to silence when you call him love. He's definitely not used to being flustered, so you can use it to your advantage <3
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Tsukasa may seem like he doesn't think too much on pet names, but he does! He's quite the romantic when left alone
It takes him a lot of testing on his own for him to settle on calling you "his co-star"! It fits his position as a future star, after all!
One day, you decide to see how he reacts to you calling him your star in return. The idea had never occurred to you, and you wanted to see how it would go!
You walk up to him with a big grin, and he simply returns
"Ah, hello my lovely co-star! How are you?" "I'm good, my lovely star! How about you?" His face immediately turns red-
"...Can you say that again?" "Hm? Say what, my lovely star?" He practically beams at you before he scoops you up in his arms, twirling you around
He doesn't speak after that, just laughing and grinning in pure glee. He knew he was a future star, but being called your star, well...It made him happier than he could ever express!
Needless to say, he asks you to call him your star a lot more after that! He loves being your star <3
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Out of everyone, pet names come to Rui the easiest. He teases people a lot, so why wouldn't something that can make you so easily red come to him easily?
He has many pet names that he likes to call you, but his personal favorite is "dearest"! It lets you know how dear you are to him
One day, you decide to call him dearest in return. He always seemed to love that one, and you wanted to see how he'd react
You walk up to him with a big grin, and he can already tell you're up to something
"Ah, hello dearest. What's going on?" "Nothing much, dearest! Are you doing anything?" He looks at you before grinning in return
"No, I'm not! You seem to be up to something, though." "Oh? What could I possibly be up to, dearest?" Did he really manage to catch on so soon?-
He leans closer to you, practically whispering in your ear as he speaks. "As adorable as you are, dearest, I promise that I have more pet names than that. Would you like me to call you them?"
Whether you want him to or not, he proceeds to call you every single pet name he can think of. There's a lot, and he delights in how red you are <3
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desertednine · 6 months
One Lone Pearl - Deserted Nine Chapter 1 (2.8K)
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Synopsis: Hyrule’s heroes of past and present venture to uncover a secret cruelly hidden by the history books. On a visit to Hateno Village, a hero overhearing gossiping townsfolk may lead him and his allies into yet another journey…
Hi everyone! Hope you’re all having a lovely day, afternoon or evening wherever you may be! After a long two months and a hell of a writer’s block, I’ve finally at long last finished Chapter 1, and am so excited to get this silly idea of mine on the road, I hope you all enjoy!
Word count- 2.8k
Warnings- Strong language, a man is an asshole to a woman (are we surprised?)
Tags: (mainly my lovelies in Fellowship of the Links Discord!) @the-cucco-nuggie @peepthatbish @beyondtheglowingstars @xxbuttercup @tomsishere @birb-boyo
“Hylia above, why did I decide to wear this today? Champion, I thought you said we’d be going to Hebra, not Faron!” The voice of a very warm and sweating Warriors complained as the nine heroes of past and present trekked around Hyrule of the Wild era, yet the Upheaval caused major geographical changes throughout the land, unearthing areas previously thought unreachable, but all good things come with a sacrifice, that being areas potentially being blocked off, meaning many a twist and turn in their journey, aching feet, boots causing an ungodly amount of blisters and many a bicker and argument, not helped by the blistering heat of Faron’s tropical climate, where they were dropped by the mysterious portals that guided their journey. Yet despite an environment as taxing as that, the group did as they always do and pulled through as they crossed into the much less humid region of Necluda, deciding to stop by Hateno Village to rest for the night, half of the group staying in Wild’s humble abode, which he now shared with his beloved Zelda and the other half at the local inn, and the people of Hateno always loved to hear of Wild’s adventures, and now there were eight more heroes, it would attract much more attention, the local mayoral election campaign between Reede and Cece did not even cause so much as a squeak compared to this!
The group finally arrived to much a surprised face, it wasn’t every day that you met eight legendary heroes of old, after all, with all the village coming to greet the heroes, with an array of excitable children gawking at their arsenal of weapons, with one child in particular begging to try them out with wonder in his eyes, to which the heroes allowed him to look at the less lethal items in their possession. By the time the children had somehow gotten their attention astray from the ancient weapons, the group were growing rather travel-weary on top of the bombardment of questions from the young children, though it did warm their hearts to see their eyes light up, thus they went to the Wild hero’s humble abode to drop off their items, where the hero was met with open arms and a soft, lilty accent.
“Oh, Link! You’re home!”
The princess, now also a part-time researcher and teacher collided into his chest, Wild lifting her in the air with a genuine smile, it wasn’t often he truly let go unless he was with certain people. He smoothed her now messy hair, a result of the schoolchildren of Hateno’s clumsy, albeit caring job of doing her hair, yet she could look in whatever state and Wild would equate her beauty to the divine itself.
“You look radiant, dearest.” He whispered in her ear as he kissed her hand with an undoubtable tenderness, her cheeks turning a rosy pink as she giggled sweetly behind her free hand before greeting his fellow companions, she had met them all before while they were in her era’s Hyrule, yet sadly not for long before they were once again swept into another adventure in their hunt for cursed black-blooded monsters under the spell of evil, a tale as old as time.
Princess Zelda Bosphoramus was truly known for her kindness, even more so after the Calamity and the Upheaval as a result of her selfless sacrifices for her people and their future, and the past heroes could tell everyone adored her, not because of her title, but her demeanour, a young woman wanting to simply do what was right, something they all knew very well with their duties. As they chatted, they got familiar with Hateno’s surroundings once again, it had certainly changed since the last time the heroes visited, what with the copious amounts of quirky fungal-based style around the village, and now seeing the school Zelda had overseen the creation of and often taught the children there, again showing just how selfless and caring she was, willing to use her time to serve her people in small, menial activities, which was always appreciated by her people.
As they admired the village’s changes and chatted to the friendly townsfolk, they began to discuss arrangements for sleeping, Wild obviously staying with Zelda in their shared house, with Hyrule, Legend and Four joining alongside them, leaving Sky, Warriors, Twilight, Wind and Time to reside at the Ton Pu Inn for the foreseeable future, which none of them minded at all, at the moment for them, home was anywhere they happened to rest their head after a long, weary day, whether it were a bedroll someone happened to lend them, a small single bed with simple covers or the most lavish possible with many pleasantries included, the heroes appreciated whatever they got from the people, showing they truly did care about the wellbeing of the group, the citizens acting out of the goodness of their heart as opposed to wanting to gain something out of their actions.
Not long after, the group wandered about the hustle and bustle of Hateno, the humble village now attracting new visitors, whether it be fashionistas to visit Cece’s clothing shop, budding researchers venturing up the rolling hills to admire the tireless work of old Robbie in the lab, or just simple trade with other villages, there was never a bad time to visit the comfy, nestled village that was made all the better by the people, a colourful cast of characters to say the least, yet all good folks.
The day rolled on, the group engaging in the town’s atmosphere, Warriors helping the eager, rather young ‘guard’ at the town’s entrance, finding him very endearing, reminding him of his youth, modelling the actions of those in authority around him, while Four was bombarded with questions from the aforementioned young children about his background as a blacksmith and how he would forge his weapons, Hyrule looking on with a laugh as the child cajoles him to tell more. Meanwhile, Time and Sky went to the pasture up the hills, and while the walk was exhausting, especially considering how far they’d walked that day already, it was worth it to see the adorable animals, Time being reminded fondly of home at Lon Lon Ranch with his dearest wife, and Sky cooing over the bleats and moos of the goats and cows, as Wind and Legend check out Cece’s fashions, the youngest hero parading around the shop in the… flattering fungal hat as Legend looked on with a chuckle, being reminded of a past adventure of his own with the rather quirky designs.
This left Wild and Twilight with the former’s Zelda in her house, where they were planning to cook for the group, a fish pie to be specific, thus with his proficiency in fishing from his rural upbringing, Twilight was the natural choice to catch whatever unlucky trout or carp that was unlucky enough to poke their heads too near to their bait, a soft smile painting his lips as he reminisces on those days, simpler times back in Ordon, whenever he’d catch a fish for Sera’s little cat and hearing the content purrs as it’d dig in to the fine meal before it’s furry face, and often frequenting Hena’s Fishing Hole whenever he got some form of a breather from his heroic deeds, helping him to de-stress, with the case being the same in Hateno, the chatter of the people being alike to white noise, a comforting sound at that as he sits at the wooden docks, taking off his boots and letting his ankles and below soak in the cool water as he begins his search.
The sparrows and finches tweeted their soft songs around him, making him feel grounded and thoroughly relaxed, yet also making him completely forget where he was, him shaking out of his daze and realising the sun was now close to setting and he hadn’t a fish to his name yet. The atmosphere about him was so… familiar that he completely forgot the task at hand, deciding to simply go to the general store instead, making sure to sneak so the others wouldn’t tease him about neglecting his duties and getting lost in thought longer than expected, but it was all in good fun amongst the group, thus he put his boots back on and began to make his way to the store from the docks, yet as he approached, he overheard a peculiar sounding conversation at the town’s water trough between Nikki and Amira, well-known about the town for their tendency to gossip.
“Did you hear about that young woman who came into the village yesterday evening, the one with the necklace with just one lone pearl on it?” Nikki initiated the conversation, in a hushed tone, clearly not wanting anyone to notice the conversation, wanting to appear as nonchalant as possible while telling her friend of her thoughts on the mysterious woman’, to which Amira shook her head, having not noticed any new woman around the village, likely too focused on their previous gossip session.
“Hylia’s sake! Do you live under a rock?” She jested well-meaningly, before continuing; “Well, apparently it’s been passed down through countless generations, said to attract future love to anyone who touches it and promises a long-lasting relationship once one is formed, but they must be faithful and true to the one they admire, showing true passion, and so must their partner, otherwise the necklace loses it’s value, just an accessory.”
“And that’s relevant because?” Amira questioned with a roll of her eyes, knowing exactly what her friend was about to say.
“…Well, you know that merchant with the donkey that once came by? Agus, I think his name was-“ She explained before being cut off by Amira’s laughter, amused at how quickly it took Nikki to fall for a man, before replying with an offended “Hey! Just because I’m married doesn’t mean I can’t have a fantasy!” and playfully poking the former’s shoulder.
“What? I bet you’d buy anything off him so you could have an excuse to get him on a date to eat your infamous Seafood Meunière!” Amira giggled, putting on a teasing voice so to get a reaction out of the woman before her.
“If I weren’t married already and if it meant I’d have to sit through him talking about that donkey of his and how they’re better than horses, I will!” Nikki replied, the two heading off from the trough to their own houses. The gossip amused Twilight, all the playful small talk felt very familiar and gave him a sense of comfort, but the conversation made him think.
This mystery woman with a meaningful necklace, who could she be? She obviously wasn’t a local to the village, as the two discussed, she could’ve very well just have gone and left before he and the heroes reached the village, but it intrigued him nonetheless, he hadn’t experienced a feeling of love, let alone passion in a while what with his adventures, whether it being brotherly love to the children of the village, fleeting puppy love with Ilia, a respectful love with the Zelda of his era and a lost love with Midna. He longed to experience that feeling again, but not knowing when that would come about again weighed on him, this pearl necklace may be the answer…
“Oh!” He said to himself, realising he’d been staring into space and lost in his thoughts, when he needed to get the fish from the general store for dinner, the combination of the gossiper’s talk of food and his rumbling stomach making it clear what he needed to do first.
After the dinner at Wild and his Zelda’s house, which went down a treat with the heroes despite the shop-bought fish, the moonlight shone over Hateno, and was a sign for the group to get some good rest, thus going their separate ways to their respective sleeping areas, Legend, Four and Hyrule staying in Wild and his Zelda’s house for the evening, setting up bedrolls as Zelda prepared a warm drink for them all, she wanted desperately to be a good hostess even though the heroes insisted she didn’t have to, that merely letting them sleep there was enough, but that of course didn’t mean they wouldn’t indulge in her kind offerings, it would be rude not to after all!
As they settled, the five remaining heroes walked along to Ton Pu Inn, Wind sleeping in Warrior’s grasp as the older hero almost cradled him, they all understood that although the sea-faring hero was the youngest of the bunch, that he didn’t want them treating him like a child, which they did stick to, admiring him for the hero he is and the obstacles he’d overcome, but moments like this reminded the older members just how young he is in comparison, insisting he’s not tired while clearly battling sleep. Sky meanwhile hummed a tune he had learned on his journey as they walked, feeling the Master Sword vibrate on his back, reminding him Fi was always there, even if she were also sleeping in the sword.
Just before reaching the inn, Time noticed his descendant looking a little… away in his thoughts, concerned, he cleared his throat and asked him. “Is everything alright? You seem distant, and were not too talkative at dinner.” He queries, his protective paternal nature coming out, despite not even being a father.
“Oh! Er, yeah! Jus’ got lost in thought, nothin’ to worry about.” Twilight replied, attempting to sound as convincing as possible, and while his ancestor didn’t appear swayed by his answer, he accepted it nonetheless, he would only act if it meant any of the heroes were truly in dire need.
When walking in, they were greeted with quite the scene, a disgruntled man of around 28-29 years pacing around the room, muttering under his breath, acting like a spoilt child.
“Damn that woman to the Depths, selfish bitch.” He huffed, his face almost as red as the tomato crops growing in the village, making the heroes uncomfortable, what with his childish first impression and the foul, degrading words from his mouth, clearly unsettling the inn’s poor owner, who undoubtedly has had to put up with his ramblings for the past while.
“Sir, please may I advise you to stop, you will wake my guests, and I shall see to it that you are escorted out.” Prima, Ton Pu’s receptionist warns, before the man marches towards the desk, making a spitting gesture and attempting to make an effort to leave before being stopped by Time’s imposing figure.
“You heard her. Hyrule has little need for a man, no, a mere child like you, so I suggest that you take your leave, boy.” He says, staring the childish man down with a look of resentment as the latter leaves, shoving past Twilight rudely, muttering under his breath before slamming the door, awakening Wind from his slumber.
“That damned Porphyria.” The man snarled.
After the overdramatic exit, the heroes checked to see if Prima was ok, the latter putting on a brave face and nodding, thanking them for being there, shuddering the thought of what could’ve happened if they had not been present, being kind enough to allow them to stay the night for free, yet they wouldn’t accept that, and certainly not their stubborn leader.
“I insist, though we are heroes, we are still simple men deep down, please take the money, your hospitality is very much appreciated, dear.” Time smiles, sliding her the night’s payment and a few extra rupees for good measure, to which she happily takes, thanking them all once again and wishing them all a nice rest as they retired for the night, all except one.
“Erm, ma’am, could I have yer attention just a moment?” Twilight asked, to which she nodded. “Have ya seen a woman with a pearl necklace round here the past couple o’ days?”
“Yes, that’s the woman that rude man was seething over, Porphyria, her name. Really beautiful woman, auburn hair and beautiful green eyes, had these flowers in her hair too but they looked wilted, apparently her and that… thing had been an item of sorts, don’t think I’d say the same now after that reaction from him. Last I’d heard she’d gone with him down to the bay, I hope nothing unsavoury happened…” Prima explained, a tone of worry now seeping into her voice, with him now fearing the worst, had she been lured there? Left to fend for herself? Hylia forbid…. taken advantage of for that necklace?
“Thank ya for telling me, ma’am, I’ll find ‘er.” He said, grateful for the information as he left into the night, his heart thumping in his chest with unease as he headed into the night to get to the bottom of this issue.
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
Roy/Jamie fic idea: just Roy being secretly obsessed with Jamie’s nipples ever since he flashed them at Roy at the gala in S1. One day in S3 or beyond, Jamie’s being a little shit and Roy finally snaps, taking Jamie to bed and declaring that he’s gonna undo Jamie just by doing all manner of things to those nipples. Jamie couldn’t be happier.
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! i love all the royjamie prompts I got, so I combined all three into one response!
Coach kink-Jamie calls Roy coach at practice to rial him up, a sequel to 4 AM
Jamie gets his nipples pierced. Roy goes insane
Nipple obsession/nipple worship
Hope you enjoy it!! I certainly had fun writing it!!
Insatiable Tartt
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Ships: Roy x Jamie Fandom: Ted Lasso Rating: Explicit Tags: Nipple piercing, nipple worship, public sex kinda, bottom Jamie, Roy/Jamie's ever developing relationship, The Infamous Boot Room, hand jobs, fic under the cut and on ao3, Jamie has a praise kink, and a coach kink, PWP
‘Coach this,’ ‘Coach that,’ ‘Yes Coach,’ ‘please coach’
Coach. Coach. Coach.
In the almost 20 years Roy has been in sports he has never given the word a sexy, second thought. But then Jamie fucking Tartt, his previous business and romantic archrival-turned friends-with-benefits had to go and sob the damn title while he was posted up on Roy’s cock. Begged him, his coach, to make him cum, again and again. And now, after one night together, it’s had an almost instant, pavlovian response with his dick. 
Goddamn you Jamie Fucking Tartt.
-A month later-
They've only hooked up two other times since the first time. The next time was in Amsterdam, after the little shit spent the entire evening teaching him how to ride a bike to honor his grandads memory and then took him to see a windmill because Roy had never seen one before, and then  to add cherries to an already perfect night, Jamie leaned over and kissed him, taking his breath away with a simple press of lips that he hasn't felt since Keeley. 
Jamie didn't kiss him for long, he actually misinterpreted Roy’s freezing as denial and started to retreat almost instantly. Roy was quick to remedy that. His hand was catching the back of Jamie’s head and pulling his lips right back down against Roy’s own, where they belonged. 
Jamie and he then hauled ass back to the hostel the team was staying at and Roy fucked Jamie into the mattress. At least until Roy’s knee started acting up. But then Jamie took over, riding Roy hard into the bed for another good half hour.  
The third time was after Roy’s ‘misguided though comical’ attempt at ‘teammate awareness’ with the whole dick tying thing. It wasn't all bad. Jamie had admitted that it actually turned him on. After he blamed Roy for the new pain kink he developed around his dick because of it. 
That night, Roy had spent an hour tying Jamie up with the remaining red rope, binding his legs and arms away from his front so Roy had unlimited access to his body. He even tied up his cock, like a nice little present for Roy to admire and praise. Before slapping it hard with his hand while Jamie sobbed and pled for more. 
“Like that, do you slut?”
“Yes Coach…” Jamie pants without a fuss. 
After that last time, Roy thought he had finally gotten a one-up on the man. But evidently, he had underestimated the little shit, again. Because when Roy walked into the locker room after practice and the team was getting changed, his eyes caught a shining glint off something and someone he did not expect. 
And he wasn't the only one who noticed. 
“Oi boyo, when’d you get those?” Colin asked Jamie, referring to the matching piercing bars through the man’s nipples that were currently making Roy’s mouth fucking water. 
Jamie smirked and tossed his shirt over his shoulder instead of putting it on, letting Colin get a nice long look. 
“Long time ago mate,” Jamie shrugged. “16? 17 maybe?” Roy hates that that fact means he could have had those bars in his mouth already but Jamie specially chose not to disclose having them until today. 
“Only wear em when I’m tryin’ get lucky, ya know.” 
Roy looks at Jamie just in time to realize he was pointing that intention directly at him and his burning arousal and fear of public displays of affections has him shouting a familiar threat in the full locker room. 
“I didn’t even do nothing wrong this time!” Jamie whines the second the boot room door closes and Roy’s mouth is on his to silence the bitchy noise. 
“Take off your shirt,” He says when he breaks apart and Jamie smiles, all the way up to his ears.
“Oh, oh, yeah, okay,” and then his shirt’s off and Roy’s hands replace it, running over every inch of skin he can reach before settling on what he really wanted to see. The silver and blue barbells through each of Jamie’s dusky brown nipples. 
“It's a good thing these aren't new,” Roy says, and before Jamie can ask why, Roy’s mouth is latching over one, biting into the pec hard before soothing the bite with a suck and several pointed licks around Jamie’s nipple. 
Jamie’s painful shout morphed into a pleased whine with the attention to the piercing with his tongue and Roy was happy this was making Jamie as crazy as its making Roy. He's admittadbily been obsessed with Jamie’s nipples since that little tart decided he was too good for a shirt at the charity auction. 
“Roy, please,” Jamie whines, breaking Roy out of his thoughts and back to the current moment. 
“No,” Roy growls against Jamie’s skin, and it makes Jamie’s cock twitch against their bodies. “Address me right if you want something,” 
“Coach,” Jamie whimpers, quickly entering the matter phase of melted goo in Roy’s specially crafted hands.
“There's a good boy,” Roy praises, and Jamie melts even farther with a pitiful whine. “Shouldn’t surprise me you have these pierced. Actually a little cross you didn't tell me sooner.”
Jamie’s eyes open and bore into Roy’s. There’s too much there to attempt to process it all.  
“Wanted to surprise you.”
“Suprise me? Why?”
Jamie flushed pink, now avoiding his eyes. 
“Don't know... Thought maybe you'd like them. Do you?”
Roy raised his eyebrow before grabbing Jamie's hand and holding it against his own cock. 
“Does this answer your question?”
Jamie hums and his eyes flutter and he nods. 
“Fuck me?”
Roy shakes his head. 
“Can’t here Sweetheart, as much as I want to. But I can keep this up, probably make you come apart without even touching your cock. Would you like that?”
Jamie’s whines don’t contain actual words. He just nods and reaches out for Roy, pulling him close so Roy can bite and lick across his chest any way he wants to.  
Roy does. He loves the way the metal feels against his tongue, how much it makes Jamie gasp and squirm when he just barely scrapes his teeth across the hardened flesh. Loves how loud he cries when Roy bites him so hard it’ll leave marks tomorrow. 
Jamie’s cries get pitchier when he sucks around Jamie’s nipple, licking the piercing balls on either side with his tongue, Jamie's hips thrust forward, bumping against Roy’s thigh and pulling another moan from the younger player's lips. 
“Coach, please,” Jamie begs and Roy moves up from the hickied and bruised chest to Jamie’s lips, biting roughly into his lower lip. 
Jamie whines and Roy chuckles, soothing his cries with another deep kiss.
“What do you want Jamie?”
“Make me cum, please, I’m close.”
“That all?”
“No,” Jamie huffed. 
Roy’s playful tug on Jamie’s piercing with his teeth had the younger man humping against Roy’s thigh now. 
“What else then?”
“Want you to fuck me, at home. You can tie me up again if you want.”
“You really liked that huh?”
“Your fault, you put the image in me head.”
“Something tells me you have the capacity to think devious thoughts up all on your own,” Roy laughed before slipping his hand down the front of Jamie’s track pants and gripping his hard cock tight. 
Jamie’s retort died on his tongue and his hand shot out for Roy, pulling his head forward and mouth back onto his chest. 
“Fuck, touch me, please,” Jamie pants and Roy goes to work. Jamie wasn’t kidding, he was getting close. Most of Roy’s hand was now slick with Jamie’s precum. 
The younger seemed to really like when he bit hickies into his chest Roy continued his pointed assault, squeezing the head of Jamie’s cock the next time his pumping hand reached it. 
“Fuck-” Jamie cries and it’s all over. His thighs tremble below Roy’s hand as his orgasm pulses through him. Roy’s hand gets slicker but he doesn't stop pumping. Not until Jamie’s pretty bite swollen lips beg him to. 
Roy pulls his hand out of Jamie’s pants and uses his clean hand to pull the man forward, kissing him back down after an intense, public, orgasm. 
Jamie hums under the kiss, slumping onto Roy’s chest and giving him all of Jamie’s body weight to support while he came back down to Earth. 
“Are you still hard?” Jamie asks after a couple of minutes, and Roy chuckles at the ridiculous question. 
“Course I am.”
“Still wanna tie me up? We can go, like right now. If you wanna.”
Roy chuckled before kissing Jamie again. 
“Insatiable tart.”
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wuffverine · 3 months
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good meowning moots i hope you all have a wonderful day / night ily mwah 🫶🏻 i noticed that on my carrd i forgor the sources of where my boyos are from . so i’ll fix that after work !! :]
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four-white-trees · 3 months
Sunday Six - sleepy edition
Slow start to the day for me. not sure if I've mentioned it here but I've been doing a month-long readathon event, hence why my writing is rather slow lately. This weekend was a wild one so i am. quite tired!
Anyway this week I'm introducing Gaius Argonar, twi'lek captain of the Incitatus and boss of the gun runner company. He's big, he's mean, he's very rich and loves getting richer. Hope yall love him as much as I do :3
tagging: @overdevelopedglasses @jichanxo @mike----wazowski @skysquid22 @passthroughtime
Gaius was getting a deep massage from his humanoid droid B3-LO when Joiner walked in. His presence didn’t disturb the droid, as they were more than used to Joiner. Rather, it was Joiner who looked disturbed; he faltered and awkwardly looked away. As if he didn’t get a good look at nude twi’leks as often as he could.
“That’s what happens when you don’t knock, boyo,” Gaius said as B3-L0 started to massage the base of Gaius’ lekku. He saw out of the corner of his eye Joiner fidget, knowing he hated being called “boyo”. It was too easy to push his buttons.
“Ye got a message from Szilb,” Joiner said. “Heard we gonna be on Coruscant and wants ta meet.”
“Szilb, eh?” Gaius said with a little grin as he recalled the exceptionally wealthy and notably unintelligent hutt. “What a pleasant surprise.” Joiner grunted, his way of showing he didn’t agree. Interesting, as Joiner had never before seemed to possess any strong opinion of Szilb either way, at least not since the last errand they did for him on Nar Shaddaa a few months back.
Come to think of it, that was when Joiner had gotten that facial injury and seemed to settle into a permanent melancholy. Gaius had never found out exactly how that had happened. Joiner’s lips were sealed about it.
He’d have to look into that later.
“I’ll let you work out the finer details,” Gaius said with a dismissive wave. When he didn’t hear Joiner leave, he looked over at him and caught Joiner glaring at him. “You got a problem, boy?”
He seemed to debate with himself over whether to speak, but the bigger part of him won over. “That ring ye lost, sir.”
Gaius sighed. “I know. I miss it too.” His pinky had felt naked ever since.
“I don’t think ye understand. That stone—“
“Yes, yes,” Gaius said, “it was a kyber crystal. I know. I’m sure it was very expensive.” Joiner fell silent after that. “I’ll get it back eventually, boyo. That idiot ain’t gonna part with it, you heard him yourself.”
Joiner said nothing more, but turned and left Gaius’ room. He certainly hoped this melancholy would pass soon.
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Happy late Thanksgiving to those who celebrated. If you didn’t, I hope you have a good weekend and enjoy the sales that are going around. 
Also the Sweetheart thing was something my mom genuinely said to me yesterday. Yes I was concerned. But we watched it anyways.
Also if you want to learn about the darker side of Thanksgiving and don’t know it, read about the King Philip’s War. It’s kinda twisted that it wasn’t ever talked about in my history classes in elementary - high school. 
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CW: Fluff, Crack, Slight Angst but not really, David just wants to cook, Angel wants to help but not really help and complain later, Asher isn’t allowed in the kitchen, Baabe is a mastermind, Sam is Southern, Darlin doesn’t understand the purpose of Thanksgiving, Milo is just a lil boyo your honor, Sweetheart enjoys menacing comments, GN Listeners, not beta read or anything so pls ignore any and all typos ty and have a nice day
Redacted Masterlist
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David shut off his alarm and rubbed his eyes, straightening out his spine to stretch it from the previous night’s rest. Angel still slept beside him, tangled up in the blanket with soft snores coming from their open mouth. He watched them for a bit with a fond smile for his mess of a mate. But he had a long list of things to go through before noon today, so he got up and looked around for a shirt to put on. He would probably wake Angel up in half an hour or so if they didn’t wake up on their own. But they didn’t need to be awake this early on their day off from work. He pulled on a random t-shirt before grabbing his phone and leaving the room after a kiss to Angel’s forehead. He went through his morning routine before going into the kitchen, water droplets still clinging to his hair.
He opened the fridge to stare at the large dead bird he had brining in there. Brining heightened the chances of growing bacteria, but Angel had insisted that it wouldn’t poison them because they had a superior digestive system, whatever the hell that meant. He grabbed the container to bring it out and place it into the sink. It was time to get to work, but he felt that rare urge of procrastination. So he grabbed his phone to see what his pack members were up to.
Sweetheart: Milo is overreacting.
Milo: I am NOT overreacting sweetheart. u just have to accept what you said is very concerning
Tank: whats going on
Tank: sam help i regret asking 
Baabe: Oooh this should be good right puppy?
Asher: beef between my bf and his mate? duh
Sweetheart: Milo wont let me watch my favorite thanksgiving movie trilogy
Sam: I’m sure there’s more to it than that, if you don’t mind me saying. Also happy thanksgiving everyone.
Baabe: Awww! ty sam
Asher: yeah u 2 bud. are u doing anything fun for thamkgibbing
Milo: Sweetheart is cooking the turkey right now so they wont be able to explain how they need therapy
Tank: i need therapy after seeing the beta call thanksgiving that
Sam: I have a plan, but I need to check to see if someone is okay with it.
Tank: good luck with that
Sam: Darlin I was talking about you.
Tank: oh
Asher: oh word?
Milo: Because thanksgiving movies are supposed to be comforting. You wanna share what you said to that with everyone sweetheart?
Sweetheart: The hunger games is comforting to me!!
Asher: ...
Baabe: ...
Sam: Oh dear...
Tank: Huh.
David turned off his phone with a snort before washing his hands and setting to work. It didn’t honestly surprise him that Sweetheart found the Hunger Games comforting. From what he had heard from Milo, the Stealth found all matter of typically disturbing media entertaining. And Tank was as oblivious as always. David expected that Sam would want to invite Tank to the Thanksgiving meal.
He heard the speaker in the kitchen sound to life and he glanced at it. He had bluetooth off on his phone, so either their neighbor connected or Angel was awake. It took a few moments before Doja Cat began blasting through the kitchen and David sighed. He loved his mate, but sometimes he wasn’t sure about their mental stability.
But he still let it play, trying to figure out which song it was. He didn’t really have a clue until a very iconic chorus showed up. And despite his best efforts, he couldn’t stop the smile that spread over his lips. 
“Can you kiss me more? We’re so young, boy. We ain’t got nothin’ to lose, oh-oh~” Angel popped into the room singing along with it before going over to David to put their arms around his neck, lips puckering. David simply smiled down at them, waiting patiently. It took a few moments before Angel’s expression soured into a pout.
“Come on, Davey. I used my words already. Gimme.” They were adorable, if a bit odd. But wasn’t that one of the reasons why he loved them? 
“Playing a song doesn’t actually count as asking for a kiss, you little snot.” He replied, but relented anyways. Angel giggled into the kiss, which made it kind of awkward but he didn’t mind. It just meant they were happy, and his mate being happy sent a burst of warmth through him. “Now get off of me. We have to cook for the damn holiday.”
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Sweetheart popped the spoon into their mouth, ignoring Aggro as he twined between their legs in hopes of making them drop something. Milo was standing on the other side of the apartment kitchen, his head shoved into the pantry as he searched for something. Sweetheart wasn’t entirely sure what, but they were content to let him continue. Especially since he had dissed their tastes in comforting movies. If they found watching the fall of a fascist government that killed at least 23 of their citizens every year, let them. And if it gave them hope that maybe DUMP wouldn’t overwork them one day, then so be it. Not that they would ever mention it to Milo.
“Sweetheart, are you sure you bought the marshmallows?” Milo asked, popping back up to look at his mate, who still held a spoon between their lips. They raised an eyebrow, silently asking for elaboration. They weren’t much of a talker, which was fine since Milo seemed to enjoy rambling to them. Unless it had to do with horror or their job. Then Sweetheart would talk endlessly. Or Milo tiddies. That was another one of their favorite topics. “For the sweet potato pie. It needs marshmallows or everything is all fucked up.” He explained.
Sweetheart gave the spoon one last lick before setting it down and stepping over Aggro to go search the pantry. Their taste buds lay with more savory foods, but they kept marshmallows for the colder days and hot chocolate. Or smores. Milo picked up the cat, Aggro rubbing his cheek along the line of the shifter’s jaw as Sweetheart searched.
“Tip toe, through the window. By the window, that’s where I’ll be. Come tip toe through the tulips with me.” They sang under their breath, their smile hidden from their mate. They could hear Milo’s nervous squawk and the soft meow of protest from Aggro.
“Sweetheart! You gotta stop singing cursed songs like that. Don’t ya know what happened to Tiny Tim after he sang that?” He said nervously. Sweetheart grabbed the bag of marshmallows from the lower shelf and stood up, turning to face him with a grin.
“Yeah. He died, painlessly I might add. If you ignore the whole illness thing and falling off a table.” They answered with a shrug before tossing the bag of marshmallows towards Milo. He put down Aggro quickly and just barely managed to catch them, if fumbling the catch a bit. Sweetheart giggled and went back towards the stove to continue stirring the gravy that sat inside, albeit with a new spoon this time. 
Milo moved towards the counter next to them to start decorating the sweet potato pie, a content smile replacing the nervous horrified expression of earlier. Sweetheart didn’t know which one they liked better. It probably depended on the situation if they had to hazard a guess.
“Are you sure that David knows what you and Ash plotted?” They asked calmly. Milo shrugged and Sweetheart took that as a ‘no’. This would certainly be interesting then. 
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Darlin didn’t understand Thanksgiving. They knew why it was celebrated, according to the history books from school. Of course it wasn’t very often that the history books talked about the territory grab from the Wampanoag tribe, the illness that the colonists spread to them. And don’t forget about the King Philip’s War that killed 30% of colonists and half of the Native Americans in the dubbed New England. How did that end again? Darlin couldn’t remember the exact details, but they knew that the new leader was dismembered and the colonists had his head impale on a spike for display of the next 25 years. Yeah, their parents had been really happy when they decided to share that tidbit of information at a pack meal the day after Thanksgiving. 
But here they were, headed towards their mate’s house to celebrate the holiday with him. Sam had told them not to worry about bringing anything because he was from the South and had probably made more food than he knew what to do with. Darlin suspected this was another way to make sure they ate enough everyday. But they weren’t going to turn down the offer.
Darlin knocked on the door before remembering that Sam had given them a key. They knew Sam had specially tinted windows so he could have the curtains open during the day and not have to deal with the sunlight, but they still made sure to keep the door open for as short of time as possible. They kicked off their boots, hands going into their pockets before going towards the kitchen. The smells surrounding them was almost enough to have them drooling though. 
Sam stood in the kitchen, an apron tied around him and sleeves of his flannel rolled up as he put something inside of the oven and closed it. Darlin moved towards the island, taking a deep breath of the still steaming buttered rolls that sat there.
“Hey Darlin. I’m really glad you came.” Sam said softly as he walked over, rubbing his palms on the apron. Darlin reached towards the rolls, only to have the back of their palm lightly smack by Sam. They retreated their hand with an impish grin.
“You promised me food, cowboy. How could I turn that down?” Their response earned a chuckle from the Southern vampire as he pressed a quick kiss to Darlin’s cheek before returning to whatever he was making on the counter by the fridge. Darlin walked over, sniffing experimentally. It smelled strongly of cheese and pasta, so that gave them all the information they needed.
“That I did. But it doesn’t mean I’m about to let you spoil your appetite. We’re just waiting for the turkey to finish up, and that annoying green bean casserole. Honestly, I’m not that big of a fan of it, but my mother engraved the tradition of making it every year into me. So hopefully you’ll eat it.” Darlin moved towards the fridge as Sam spoke, pulling open the door. Three different types of pies. Why weren’t they surprised?
“You know I’m not that picky when it comes to food, Sam.” They responded as they closed the fridge to find an open counter space to sit on. Some kind of muffled music was playing from another room. No lyrics. It sounded kind of like lofi but... Southern-ized. Darlin didn’t know how else to describe it. Sam snorted as he nodded.
“Oh, I’m aware Darlin. The fact your fridge has more condiments than food points to you being more picky with what you put on your food than what food is there to begin with.” The shifter rolled their eyes as Sam laughed. They were pretty sure Sam was never going to let that go. They changed topics instead.
“Why are you making so much food if you don’t really eat food a lot to begin with?” They asked softly, unsure if it was the wrong thing to say. Sam shrugged, putting Darlin’s worries at ease. They didn’t know how he could do that, just a simple movement to calm them down so easily. 
“Well if there’s leftovers, then you might as well take them home with you. I’ll have no use for them, and it’s better to use food up instead of let it rot.” He answered. Darlin wasn’t surprised. It had been a ploy to give them food. They should have known. “I should have asked earlier, but is your pack doing anything for Thanksgiving?” He asked. Darlin stifled a yawn, they had stayed up too late, and shook their head. 
“Not really. Marie and David don’t see eye to eye on some of the cooking details and some of the others are visiting family in Ferris. I’m pretty sure Asher and his mate are going to crash David’s meal time. Maybe Milo and Stealth too. I’m not sure, I didn’t really ask.” Darlin left out that the last time the pack had gotten a pack-wide Thanksgiving was when Gabe was still alive. It wasn’t something they liked to talk about. 
“Marie?” Sam asked curiously. Darlin clicked their tongue.
“Milo’s mom. You met her a couple times. She’s got that east coast accent too, gives off soccer mom vibes.” Darlin explained and Sam nodded, recognition sparking in his expression. He took off the apron a few moments later before moving toward his knife block and pulling one out. 
“Do me the honors of carving up the turkey? It’ll be done in a few minutes.” Sam asked. Darlin nodded and got off the counter to take the knife. They paused a moment before looking at Sam quietly. He stayed quiet too, letting Darlin gather up their thoughts.
“Thanks for inviting me, Sam. It... means a lot.” They finally said. Sam smiled and kissed their forehead. 
“Of course. The near whole damn point of today is spending time with family, blood related or chosen, and being thankful you’re able to.”
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“Baabe! Come on! I said I was sorry!” Asher complained from where he sat on the floor. He was carefully on the other side of the plastic knives that lay out the end of the living room and beginning of the kitchen. Baabe stared at him from the other side, arms crossed over their chest. 
“Sorry doesn’t fix the fact that you ate the fucking turkey, Ash!’ They replied. They had gotten the last turkey in the whole damn store and left it running under water to thaw before going out to run a few more errands. And in that time, Asher had decided to conduct the experiment to see if raw turkey eaten in his wolf form would taste better that roasted turkey eaten in his human form. So now it was the day of Thanksgiving and they were without a turkey. Sure, they could make ham or something, but they didn’t have that either. The two of them had gone through a busy week so neither had time to actually prepare for it.
“Okay okay, I get it. But what do we do now?” Asher whined, twirling a stand of his hair around his finger as he pouted. He had been banished from the kitchen after his stunt. And for good reason. Baabe paced along the length of the kitchen floor, thinking. They certainly couldn’t have Thanksgiving here. And they weren’t going to their parents house. Holidays with parents was a stress they weren’t going to take on right now. 
“Is David doing a pack Thanksgiving or anything?” They asked, turning to face their mate. A shadow quickly passed over Asher’s eyes for a moment before he shook his head. 
“Nah. It’s just him and his mate. Why?” Asher asked. Baabe sighed, tossing that plan out the window.
“If he was, we coulda just gone. But since he’s not, it’s not like we can just crash.” Baabe explained. Both of them stayed where they were, thinking. Slowly, a smirk spread across Asher’s face and he stood up, still not crossing over the plastic knife barrier.
“Unless we get an invitation.” He said slowly. Baabe looked at him, confused, and he continued. “We could ask his mate if we could come over and get an invitation from them. And because his mate invited us, Davey can’t turn us away.” Baabe paused before grinning and moving towards the knife barrier, kicking a few out of the way. Asher made a happy sound as he wrapped his arms around his mate’s waist to press a kiss to each cheek. 
“Okay, but if we show up alone, David’s going to know something’s up. What if we invite Tank and Sam, and Milo and Stealth?” They asked. Asher shook his head.
“Tank’s having Thanksgiving with Sam. Plus it’ll be hard for Sam to get out of his house. But I can text Milo and ask him.”
Asher rang the doorbell, a tub of whipped cream in hand. Baabe stood beside him as Milo and his mate stood behind them. The door opened to reveal David’s annoyed face. 
“You all are scheming bastards.” He said before pulling the door wider open and stepping inside. Milo carried a sweet potato pie, decorated with marshmallows while his mate carried a container of gravy. They entered and Baabe stifled a laugh at all the fake turkey feathers that were thrown everywhere. Angel skipped over, a grin placed on their face.
“Happy Thanksgiving!”
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callsigncrash · 1 year
Eey I got an idea
Yamori, Naki and ur homelander boyos with a gn or male s/o that's autistic and has a lot of cute, happy stims, like swaying from side to side, flapping their fists when bored, whistling like a bird, hopping a bit on their heels, swishing their leg from side to side or bouncing their leg and such
But s/o has too anxious stims that can be confused by the happy ones, like flapping their open hands with a rather neutral expression when being rlly anxious, tapping their foot real fast and having to switch which foot their tapping since they get tired fast and that makes them sway a bit from side to side, whistling a rlly specific melody over and over again when scared or anxious, trying to swishing their leg/foot a but too agressively and bouncing it way too fast to be comfy and maybe scratching their own hands and arms ¯\_(ツ)_/
Idk I just got my own stims and hope that's some good examples and you can work with it, I was just curious on how the boyos would react to a s/o like that and such
Anygays! Have a great cycle of 24 hours! ^^
Autistic S/O HCs
Another ask that makes me feel seen! I’m not entirely autistic but I am on the spectrum and so is my dad so hopefully I do this justice!
He had a feeling so he was already observing what you did, what you like, and what your boundaries are. This man literally has a list.
He’s a very patient man so he doesn’t get annoyed with you at all. He also just loves you so annoyance is off the table for him when it comes to you.
Respects your boundaries like crazy.
He goes out of his way to make sure that you’re not put in a position that could make you feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable when you’re with him.
He strikes me as a guy who has days where he just prefers not to talk so if you get like that too, he already understands.
Feeds into whatever you hyperfixate on. He’s got money to throw around so go crazy.
He makes sure Naki understands your boundaries. He’s sweet but he’s a little too overexcited sometimes.
Likes to hear you babble on.
Gets on people for making you upset in any way. He doesn’t tolerate that.
His quiet and calm demeanor at home is a huge comfort and is seriously grounding.
He genuinely didn’t know until you told him.
He wants you to tell him if there’s anything that you need or if there’s anything he can do.
Your boundaries and needs are very important to him. Your comfort is his top priority!
Pays attention to your mood and surroundings just in case you feel like you need some time and space for yourself to collect yourself.
He likes how you think a bit differently than others. He’s a little odd so he likes bouncing his goofy ideas off of you.
If you’re someone who needs to be moving your hands or fiddling with something then please play with his hands. He really wants you to and he gets to be helpful!
He wants you to be open with him about how you feel so he’ll try his hardest to lessen any anxiety you might have about telling him things you’re feeling or needing.
Have hyperfixations on specific things? Tell him about them! He likes hearing about what you like and why you do.
Those days where you just don’t really feel like being sociable or verbal, he lets you do you.
He’s as supportive as a person can get so he’ll do anything and everything he can to be accommodating and make you feel loved and understood.
Like I said in my OCD post, he doesn’t totally understand or have patience for it at first.
He’s probably one of those people who does the whole “Just be normal!” type of spiel.
He does soften up and become more understanding later on.
It’s a bit of a “learning curve” for him.
During your relationship, his tolerance for people gets a little better as he learns what you need, what your limits/boundaries are, and how you do things.
The first time it really becomes something he gets and finds common ground with was at a Vought event.
He didn’t want to go, and he knew that you really didn’t want to go but you had to.
The music and the people were very loud. It was overstimulating but he had to keep going. Gotta keep up appearances. Then he heard your breathing really change.
He looked across the room to see you in the corner. He knew he was overstimulated but he could handle it, you couldn’t.
A wave of sympathy hit him hard. Excusing himself as politely as possible, he quickly cut through the crowd to you. Taking your hand, he nodded at you. Within seconds, you were out of there and on the roof. The air was cold and it was quiet in comparison. To your surprise he asked you if you were ok and sighed. He really understood you now.
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sleepy-planet · 2 years
Hello and HAPPY 2023!!! If you're busy feel free to ignore this request- hcs for the rise turtles please, the ai art situation is honestly really scaring me and i would appreciate reassurance.. thanks a million and i hope you have a great day regardless :]
Happy 2023, Nonnie! I'm not sure if you meant basic hcs or something related to the situation, but I'm going with the latter!
Raphy Boyo:
•He is upset by the situation, and doesn't understand how people can be capable of being so greedy and lazy!
•He'd sit by you, trying his best to comfort you and listening to you.
•He would definitely offer to beat some people up, but you know he won't be able to.
•He spends weeks encouraging you to let your creativity flow, whilst spoiling the crap outta you. You have no choice in that.
Leo Boi:
•When he heard about it, he was furious. He may not QUITE understand how this came to be, but you're upset and he doesn't like copycats.
•He would bother Don into corrupting many AI sites. You most likley wouldn't know until a good chunk was gone.
•Takes you on trips! Mostly to art cases to show you that some AI shmutz couldn't rip away what you have.
•He rants about it to his brothers, and they are equally as pissed. He tried to portal to some bozo's house in anger. He ended up in Nebraska, unfortunately.
Donnie Boy:
•he already knew about it, and the two of you would talk about it back and forth.
•He already took down most of the sites. And found some IPs. You mayyy have to intervene.
•He most likely talked to Sheldon about not plagiarizing or scraping. He would be damned if Sheldon did that on his terms.
•He sleep-talks about it. (I hc he's a sleep-talker) Sometimes you catch a snippet of some suspicious code-talk.
(Bonus! He'd also actually be able to beat them up, unlike Raph.)
•As a fellow artist, he's outraged!
•Comfort all around! You guys have drawing/painting dates, and he tries to take your mind off of it by making you laugh.
•Anybody tries defending the AI people? They will have a..stern talking to with doctor delicate touch.
•He likes to reach original fics to you/show you drawings he thinks you would like.
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