#i hope yall have a chill year too
not-quite-normal · 9 months
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so does anyone else talk to their OCs like this
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ssreeder · 9 months
Hi! Thank you so much for posting the new chapter :) I can’t even put into words how much I love your work. It feels crazy because I have been following liab for over a year now and I think I’ve never been this consistent with anything in my life :D i don’t know if it’s a secret but do you have the next chapters already planned out? And do you know how many chapters this part is going to be? Thank you for you hard work!!
Hiii aww I’m so glad you liked the new chapter! & yeah wow I’ve been writing this fic for like 2 years I think, shiiiit what is time ahhh. Thanks for sticking with me so long <3
I actually have pretty much all the chapter planned out until the battle begins but my problem is I do them by events so it’s like I want this this and this to happen in a chapter but idk how long it’ll take to make that happen but I know what I want to write lol.
(& sometimes the characters don’t LISTEN & I say be nice and make this an easy talk and they’re like no fuck you author I wanna fight right now and the convo takes 1.5k instead of idk 500 words lol. )
I just posted chapter 15 & I’m going to GUESS we are about halfway done. In my mind we are halfway through the last book and that means we have roughly 15 chapter left to go then the epilogue.
I’m pretty good at estimating chapter count but horrible at word count estimation haha.
Thanks for the ask I hope you have an awesome day!!
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aria0fgold · 11 months
There are times when I'm glad my sense of time is such a horrible wreck that the passage of time itself is a blur to me cuz I do not want to be constantly reminded that it's nearing at most 2 months since I have no phone. (It feels like it had been a week to me but then time chose to remind me that it has actually been more than that).
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zzencat · 4 months
Final Spouse’s Energy If You Met Them Now (+ how they would be like dating you) - Current ⏳
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Left to right. Choose the photo that you can’t get your eyes off of.
Where are they now? How are they doing? How would things be like if they were in my life now? May include some SUGGESTIVE comments, but is still very much SFW. I may have gotten carried away with this.
Note: This is your future spouse’s CURRENT energy, which may be prone to change within the next couple of years (ex: more maturity, better developed skills/assets, etc.) But if you were to meet your future spouse now, this is how their energy would look like.
DO BEFORE PICKING: Clear your mind. Close your eyes, inhale deeply, fill up your chest to the fullest, feel the air brush against the ridges of your nose. Breathe out.
Pile 1. “Hey. Hi, I guess?”
• very chill atm, very content with life. Goes with what life delivers to them (that’s pretty cute ngl)
• chill buuuut can be too chill to a fault. Not nonchalant but rather an innocent, “oh I didn’t know you were bothered by that *scratches head awkwardly* — think: Fred liu type of energy
• handles conflict calmly (they might be freaking out inside tho)
• likable and friendly person. Gets along with others well, tho they don’t seem too close with. They have only a handful of close friends, and it’s slightly difficult them to see people outside of that circle as close — selective with who they consider friends. If you got in a conflict with this person’s friends, it would def hurt your person a lot. Ofc they would want to hear both sides out with an unbiased view. (they won’t side with you just bc you’re dating btw, but they’ll let you know as gently as possible)
• doesn’t really have the capacity to yell at people. They’re pretty reserved or have solid emotional control
• definitely could be a loner. LOVES late night walks in the breeze, just the two of you, holding hands or talking or doing wtv- they really don’t care what it is bc it’s with you. I keep seeing this play out in my head tho, where a person with a grey hoodie, hood-on, hands in pockets, walks by your place at night and pretends they dropped something or makes some sort of excuse to see you even for a few minutes. ^^This is when they like the person tho- not actually dating (yet). They will take the chance to either invite you to walk with them (with or without excuse) or hope that you invite yourself lmfao 😂. OR they’ll lean on your doorframe and ask how you are, have a little chat, and every time you think of an answer or your eyes drift away while thinking, they’ll take the chance to check you out (not body, but facial features.) No thoughts in their mind, just how your face just…makes sense(?) to them? 😂😂 Pile 1, like, their eyes will trace the lines, curves, and dips of your face. If you have horrendous eye bags or dark circles, they’ll think it compliments your face somehow. Like you just “make sense” is what I’m hearing. The vibe I’m feeling is that they’re in stage 0 of this potential relationship—like they’re trying to figure out if they just like being around you or if they’ve actually grown romantic feelings for you. In this moment, they’re possibly at that point of figuring out that they DO have feelings for you and this little moment confirms it (altho they’ll push it back until they get home.) >>> (***little note here: they won’t mast*rbate thinking abt you yet and prob for a few weeks to months, bc this is still too early on for them, esp when they’ve just started to like you. It’s more of a respect thing for them- and ESPECIALLY if they haven’t gotten any signs that you like them back. After a couple of months (still not dating you), you could pop into a few of their fantasies tho, but only for a very brief flash. But again, the restriction is there IF yall aren’t tgt yet.)
• can be naive, and probably lets people walk over them too much/has too many open windows for others to take advantage of them. They have to learn to set boundaries properly and stand up for themselves. They will defend the people they love tho. They just let it go when it comes to themselves
• good natured, clean, and has good hygiene. You won’t see pube hairs (or hair in general) in their shower drain. They don’t mind cleaning it either- could honestly clean the house w no problem. It’s therapeutic for em
• pretty responsible person. Won’t argue if you tell them to clean smth or do the dishes. They’ll just do it
• amazing listener, willing to compromise/give you time. Will apologize even if they’re not in the wrong
• they don’t care abt your financial status as long as you’re responsible with money/show maturity over it
• perceptive of other’s emotions to an extent, and especially when dating you, they will pay attention to yours and your reaction to different things. If you look like you’re goin thru smth, they’ll ask right away. The concern on their face is unmistakable
• dresses up helllla nice for a date. Sometimes, subtly sexy and not even on purpose. BUT, there’ll be times where they’ll be in the mirror like “hm, looks kinda see-thru and kinda sexy…I’ll wear it since I know [y/n] will like it.” But they don’t expect you to jump them that night or anything. May hint at it and tease you thru out date night. (The “innocent” gaslighting might be goin crazy tho)
• forgives easily but they’d rather take the hurt than be mean to you
• extremely loyal. Absolutely no interest in anyone else aside from their partner. I don’t think they have the energy for anyone more than you either hahaha
• turns down their friends to hang out with you
• has a lot to say/wants to be heard but sometimes gets self conscious of speaking (as if they’ve said too much) even tho they’ve said the least in the room
• tall or there’s a height difference between you two
Points of Interest: Fred liu’s energy is soooo apparent- he’s not going away lmfao HELP, possible MBTIs: infj, enfj, awkward silence, bad jokes when trying to go off of your joke (like realllly bad- they should stick to the simple ones like ikea puns), nerdy, very put together but allows moments of mistakes, mentally stable, a bit boring, will walk your dog with no extra charge, gets your coffee every morning (if you drink it), remembers the little details, might be a bit vanilla in bed, arms around your waist, cares abt the romantic and friendship aspects more than the sexual relief, smiles more when you’re around, observant as HELL, remembers to pick up your meds, remembers important dates and times, very considerate and kind, simple watch, humble, “how about we make that one thing you like?”, homebody, doesn’t overdress (sometimes underdresses tho), very gentle and good hearted, learns your language to bond with you more, a total romantic and daydreamer, bro gets talkative in their mindddd (the scenario above prob came from them but shhh)
Pile 2. “I like the way you laugh. Eheheheh.” - Justin Bieber Interview
• a whole ass clown. Nah I mean “make you laugh until you die” kind of clown. Won’t stop even if you’re dying and gasping for air. LOVES to hear you laugh. They somehow have an intensive arsenal of jokes and will adjust depending on people’s humor- and they’re very good at this
• extroverted and TALKATIVE. Will go to Yapville and come back. Will share a lot with you and expects your feedback. Doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert or extrovert, they wanna hear your thoughts and opinions
• also they may have good leadership skills and are witty. The only issue with this is that they might be too agreeable sometimes- they want what’s ultimately best for everyone involved. The agreeableness thing is a 50/50 thing tho and applies to only some people in this pile, while the others’ future spouses will make better decisions and more sound judgments depending on the situation and what kind of person they are.
• they also don’t like to correct people’s wrongs, but rather show people how to do something. Some fs in this pile tho, can’t call people (you included) out on bs or mistakes. This may be an issue (since they might value harmony so much). This isn’t the best trait to have if you’re thinking abt kids in the future
• also if you have a dumb ass idea, they’ll hype it up and won’t think it’s dumb at all. They’ll be very supportive. Won’t ever make you feel crazy, unless you crack a joke more unhinged than they ever have/or you ever have. Maybe you’re not the type to until you meet them
• I will say, I don’t think they’re that much taller than you
• they’re so unserious sometimes that you can’t believe they’re as responsible as they are.
• somehow always knows the best places to go for a date or if you guys have extra time
• also don’t be surprised if it’s your birthday and they tell the restaurant staff to bring out the whole cake and candles, even mariachi band- be prepared that shit’s kinda crazy 😂 If you don’t like attention in general, I can’t save you in this relationship lmfaoooo
• they’re also pretty optimistic and prepared for emergencies. The type to track your period if you have em lmfao- *they get the notif on their phone* “oh you’re starting your period next week. Sweet.” “How’d you know that?” You ask, and they’ll say casually “Cuz I got the app.” *flashes you their screen w/ app open* and will browse it some more.
• these people are kinda crazy bc if they’re a parent in the future, they’ll bring a whole colossal ass backpack to an amusement park while carrying your kid. They don’t even care if it makes them look weird
• they probably have a weird feature(s) on their face or body that you love. You think it’s charming on them and while society might consider it weird or not conventionally attractive, they’ve figured out how to make it work
• doesn’t really struggle with jealousy. If anything, their form of jealousy is making you laugh even harder or doing something ridiculous to get your attention back on them and off the other person
• ^ they really do like your attention. They also love when you share things you’ve learned with them or you get them involved/inform them in on something you’ve been working on, reading, studying, watching, whatever it is, they’ll be interested. They’ll watch that dumb reality tv show you’re watching. You could even catch them up with some gossip/drama and they’d be invested af
• tbh im not feeling that they’ll ever be bored with you, regardless if you can keep up with their energy or not, because they’ll make you keep up 😭
• one sad bit I have to mention is that they probably have gone through something in the past where they weren’t on guard so they lost the person/opportunity. [I’ll keep this vague. The person doesn’t want me to dwell on it too much. They don’t want you to be fixed on negative things.] This event has stuck with them ever since and they feel that they can’t afford to make that mistake again. If you acknowledge their efforts in a serious conversation or just a random totally unrelated moment, they’ll very much appreciate that. More than you know.
Points of Interest: Getting a whole enfj vibe in here (healthy AND unhealthy enfjs), possibly enfp, entp, esfj, estp, esfp, surprise birthday parties, *dramatic gasping*, maybe likes drinking tea or making tea (esp one that’s pale-yellow colored- idk the name) and drinking it at night(???) speaking of which, night owl, flexible, will make time for you, “it’s okay! I got it!”, confident, on top of things, “sleep is for the weak” says while eye twitches, switch/versatile in bed—does not mind trying new things (they don’t even care how good or bad you are in bed. If they wanna spice it up, they will take the reigns if you don’t, with no problem), will try their best at anything and everything, the responsible class clown, loves board games, masculine and feminine energy is balanced well, probably a masochist bc they like to stress themselves out with all sorts of duties and responsibilities, very good at adapting, open to new cultures/living in countries completely different from them- weirdly, I’m seeing an Australian guy exploring the wild (…maybe that sort of thing excites them), “if you move, I move. No exceptions”, best parent award, “positions” by Ariana grande
Pile 3. “Hm.”
• in a bit of a stump. Probably has a part time job or multiple to support themselves on their own, but it’s better than being in their last situation.
• introvert. MAJOR introvert.
• minimalist
• straightforward, doesn’t beat around the bush
• not getting the vibe that they’re dating atm — single energy, but not really bothered by it
• would have a pet (eh, maybe) if they could afford to, since they neither have the time nor resources
• they would prob turn you down the first time you ask them out OR they ask you out but in a timid/unconventional/at a later period. I don’t think they have too much dating experience either (and I thought Pile 1 was a loner)
• tsundere type of energy
• the type to say they don’t want kids but when y’all get together, they start thinking abt it a lot, and may hint at it
• good at saving up money, bc they don’t really spend on much. but will work hard to buy you something expensive if they don’t think their efforts for you are enough OR if they don’t think they’re enough for you in general
• doesn’t care what other people think. Could care less if you don’t look your best on some days, have some break outs here and there or a lip filler gone horrendously wrong — if they love you, they LOVE you fr (…should prob sue that doc tho...)
• (expanding on the last point) generally, they don’t care what others think. HOWEVER !!! when you guys start dating, one or both of you (but especially on their side) will struggle with self-esteem issues. Be careful with this, because they will fall for you DEEPLY and literally can’t get out of it —> you’ve shown that you love them unconditionally, regardless of anything, and will be there for them no matter what. Pile 3, you’re pretty soft energy- I get burrito blanket/animal onesie type feels. Back to my point, if you’re not reassuring enough or emotionally available for this person when they open up, it could turn into a toxic relationship where you fall out of love first OR you get trapped in the cycle and now both of yall are depressed af.
• they don’t fall for people easily, like at all, so the obsession will be amplified by a million fold if they ever lose you. The idea of that crushes them and could take a huge mental health toll. It seems they could have leftover resentment from childhood (be it school, family, friends…). If they open up to you, that’s an honor. (At this point, they probably even trust you with their life, don’t tell anyone the info)
• In the worst case possible, you could get someone like this but feel an uneasy weird feeling around them. I’d advise you to keep you distance cuz that ain’t yo person. Obsession can get really bad with this group’s fs. Like real down bad bad. Like put a gps on your car bad. If you meet a person this creepy, don’t stick around in their life and definitely don’t have them stick around in yours. Chances are, this is a karmic person and they’ve come into your life as a reflection of your own insecurities or obsessive tendencies.
• VERY SMART. Can be calculative to protect themselves and those they love
• on the bright side, a well developed pile 3 future spouse enjoys solitude and has managed trauma very well. Tho they might seem socially inept, they’re prob just blunt and honest. They will tell you like it is. Will literally do anything for you, uncharacteristic, even if they look like an idiot on the street
• prefers more intimate settings alone or with you. With another friend? ehh…they prob won’t go
• will only go out if you go out, bc it’s you
• either secretly freaky in the sheets or inexperienced
• jealous easily and is very possessive. They don’t have too many people around them they deem trustworthy so this reaction is to be expected
• this person handles aggressive or violent behavior well. It doesn’t freak them out. (Also right now at 3:01 pm where I’m at, their energy is very hesitant to give out the reason why so perhaps when you meet them and gain their trust, they will tell you.) {P.s I’m asking them very specific and personal questions on the side rn and the silence speaks volumes. I won’t pry any further but they ask that you have some empathy, since they’re not sure how you’d see them.}
• another p.s.: 3:09 pm I think I’ve exposed too much here. There was a strong resistance at the end since it’s so vulnerable and close to their core that it freaks them out to be outed for strangers to see and read about. I won’t say anymore about their past. I’ve also become more careful of my wording - but I will say this for their sake. There is a strong desire to change in this person tho so being someone who brings positive influence into their lives. Someone who can prove that there are still good people in the world.
Points of Interest: istp, intp, entj, intj, istj, either good memory or doesn’t care to rmr (no in between. It varies from person to person, their values and where the info is coming from), notices every little detail, doesn’t care about your flaws, desensitized if you have breakdowns, unexpectedly a good comfort person. Again, a lot of resistance and hesitation, so I won’t say any more abt them. Ooh, ominous. Also, do you struggle with gut issues? Or smth diet related? Could be a whack diet. Okay, I had to go back and delete an important piece of info I put in initially but there’s a lot of disapproval over it. I will throw a small hint out since they’re allowing me to; it’s related to growing up. They don’t want me to be specific abt the period of when but that’s what you get just as a preface. I can tell they want to tell someone about it though. There’s just no one they trust. Also, rmr I said they don’t care abt what others think? Apparently, they care strongly abt what YOU think. It almost feels regretful? Embarrassing? To admit/write this. Thanks pile 3. That’s all you’re getting out of me today.
*Teddy Note: Teddy here!! I hope your day is going smoothly wherever you’re at! We’re back again with another reading and this time, it was a bit heavier to take in. I mean, this is future spouse we’re talking about so there’s definitely going to be a handful. I have to mention briefly, this is the first time I’ve ever felt a clear shiver against my body when doing a reading. Like a full on force that left me blinking like “wtf just happened…” Especially for a certain pile, who doesn’t want me putting them in the light too much. I saw someone with so much guilt on their face, but they looked so…small? Innocent? Youthful? As if they hadn’t done anything wrong in their life, it’s just that people looked at them…not wrong, but differently? It’s uncomfortable to find the word even after finishing the reading but “differently” undermines their experience and what they’ve been through. But they also don’t want to use a more negative word to describe it either so I’ll leave it there. Thank you for reading!! Remember, take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. I would appreciate any constructive feedback and if you guys reblogged with what pile you chose. It helps a practicing reader like me learn to be more accurate and aligned! Until the next reading, Teddy outttt 😎😎
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4mnji · 6 months
FORGIVE ME, BABY ᡣ𐭩 eren yeager x reader
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synopsis: u find out ur fwb has been fucking other girls on the low and u hate being one of his options, so he comes over to “apologize” to you
warnings: kissessss, pussy eating, fingering, orgasm denial, choking, pet names (baby, my love, princess), eren is just a lil mean n nonchalant 😠, reader is kinda possessive hehe 🎀, reader and eren r both in their 3rd year of college, once again written with a black women in mind but anyone can read
wc: 1.4k
a/n: here’s another fic that has been collecting dust in my notes for a hot minute. i hope yall enjoy 💋
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you’re chilling on your bed, scrolling through instagram bored outta your mind when you get a call from your fuck buddy, eren. you shot up from ur position on the bed making sure u looked good enough to answer the facetime call. when you were just about to pick up, you stopped in your tracks and let it ring until the call eventually went away.
you wanted to pick up, you really did but you had remembered that just a few days ago mikasa, your best friend, had sent you a screenshot of one of her instagram mutuals close friends post with a message undernesth it saying “isn’t that ur man??”. you clicked on the screenshot and it was a picture of eren and some random girl laying in bed, eren with his face buried deep into her neck displaying all the hickeys he must’ve gotten from her with her hand touching his back. you instantly knew it was eren because of the tattoo behind his ear. obviously you knew you and eren weren’t together and probably would never be, but you just couldn’t stand the sight of seeing him give the d to anyone else who wasn’t u when he could simply just hit you up if he wanted a good fuck. your phone dinged 2 times, making you snap out of your trance.
rennie 💋💋
why u ain’t pick up?
i have ur location, ik ur ass is home.
you rolled your eyes at his messages, deciding not to text him back and just call him instead. he picks up on the first ring, instantly questioning you, not even giving u a proper greeting. “why didn’t you pick up?” he says with a blank stare. “well hello to you too” you scoff which doesn’t go unnoticed by him but he chooses to ignore it. “i was in the bathroom.” you lied. eren nods his head, looking away from the camera not saying anything. there’s a moment of silence before he breaks it and shifts his focus back onto you. “i wanna come over, i miss you.” you shake ur head laughing a bit at his statement. “you don’t miss me, you was just with some other girl like 2 days ago. if you really missed me you would’ve came to me instead of her” eren opens his mouth to speak, but you countinue talking. “eren, you know how i feel about being one of your lil hoes. if you wanna have multiple girls on your roster and pick and choose who u want to fuck on what days, you can get the fuck off my line because i’m not gonna be apart of that bullshit.”
eren sighs and doesn’t say anything for a couple of seconds. he thinks about his next actions and choice of words carefully. on one hand, he can argue with you, which would then lead to you not talking to him for a week, ignoring all his messages and calls and then eventually you’ll get tired of doing that and tell him to come over so y’all can “talk”. or he can just agree with whatever you were saying—and he chose the latter. his patience was wearing thin, he actually did miss you and he didn’t want to jeopardize his chances of seeing you with some stupid argument.
after thinking out his words he finally speaks “you’re right princess, i’m sorry” he says trying to sound as sympathetic as possible. honestly, eren didn’t give a fuck if u did or didn’t like his lifestyle, he does whatever the hell he wants to do. however, he didn’t want u to get any more upset with him than u already were, so he decided to make u feel like u had the upper hand so u would let him come over.
you were about to open your mouth to say some slick shit to him because you knew that these type of conversations between the two of you always ended up in some type of back and forth argument, so you were taken aback when he not only agreed with what you were saying, but even apologized. and eren never apologizes. “im right?” u question, confusion laced in your tone. “yea baby, you are and i’m sorry for making you feel that way. i’ll stop fucking around with all these girls i promise, just let me come over so i can make it up to you properly” after hearing all of eren’s empty promises and him actually “agreeing” with what u had to say for once, you folded immediately and told him to come over. you probably would’ve been standing on buisness a little bit more if u didn’t crave his touch so much but you did, you needed wanted him badly.
once you gave eren the green light that he can come over he was there in less than fifteen minutes and had you butt naked on your bed in less than five.
“keep your legs up, baby” eren instructs and u do as he says. you lift your legs up, locking your arms around them to keep them in place. eren begins to kiss all over the lower half of your tummy and slowly trails down to your pretty pussy. his kisses are so sweet, slow, and sensual that is has your toes curling in the air.
“mmm ren..f-feels good” you mutter out while letting out soft moans. eren hums, which sends a little vibration into you. eren knew u were close, even if u didn’t tell him u were. he was always so good at reading u like a book, but for now he decided to play dumb by pulling away and pretending like he didn’t know why u let out that little grunt when he did. before you can question why he stopped he starts rubbing on your puffy clit while looking into your eyes.
“y/n, i really am sorry that i didn’t come to you the other day. i don’t know what i was thinking princess, you think you can forgive me?” eren coos at you, with a little smirk on his face that goes unnoticed by you since your head is in the clouds with the way he’s rubbing on you. when he doesn’t get a response he slaps your pussy, earning a loud whine from you. “you didn’t answer me my love. you forgive me?” he asks again. “y-yes eren…i-i forgive you!” u hardly manage to let out.
eren smiles at you before he gives the lower half of your stomach another wet kiss. he moves his head back down so he can start making out with your pussy again. he’s being so sloppy with it but lord it feels so good. you try to push eren’s head away but he doesn’t let up and instead starts adding two of his long digits into your wet pussy while eating it.
you had no more strength left in your body to push his head away with the way he was eating and fingering your pussy. “erennnn im so closeee!!” you whine. and just when you were about to have your release, eren stops. he lifts his body up so he can sit down straight on the bed and he looks down at ur trembling body and just laughs.
“rennn what are u doing…?” u question quietly. eren rests his large palm on the right side of your cheek “i’m glad you forgive me, but you know…” he pretends to think for a moment, “i never got an apology from you for telling me what to do and you know i hate that bossy shit” his hands slides up to your neck and he gives it a little squeeze just enough to make you cough a bit. you rest ur smaller hands on top of eren’s, mentally hoping that you can make him forgive you and he’ll forget about all this and just make you cum.
“r-ren i swear i wont do it again im really sorry i-“ eren cuts you off and leans down to press a quick kiss onto your lips that were now swollen from you biting on them previously. he lets go of your neck and gives you his signature annoying (but sexy) smirk and god you wished you could slap that stupid look off his face, but you’re in such a weak state right now from how he was eating you out </3.
“show me how sorry you are and maybe i’ll think about forgiving you, sound good princess?”
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ayyy-pee · 3 days
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Discord 18+ - Twitter - Last Episode - Masterlist
Pairing: JJK Men x Female Reader
Episode Summary: Introductions continue! Which one of these contestants will be the first to make an impression on your heart?
Story Warning: DRAMA, lying and scheming, REVERSE HAREM, profanity bc I can only be me, arguments, fights probably, heartbreak and tears, (more to come)
Artist Credit: momoya348, Umbra3terna, ilameys,maoyaoyao519, _0_0219, maron.jp Divider Credit: Cafekitsune (Tumblr)
A/N: sorry for the wait yall! i'd give you an excuse but i know yall don't care LMFAO. enjoy!!!
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The ground is actually shaking as the King of Curses approaches you step by step. Suddenly, you feel a lot like the chauffeur from just a few moments before. Terrified, trembling and sweaty. He was smart, now that you think about it. Hell, you’d have run too if you could! Sukuna’s aura is so heavy, so scary, so damn intense you feel like you may vomit. You’re hoping the camera doesn’t catch the sweat that you can feel beginning to seep from your pores. Every step closer to you, you swear shaves half a year off of your life. And when he’s right in front of you, his four eyes landing on you, so full of disinterest and maybe a little disdain, you pray you don’t piss yourself on live television.
It’s only then that you begin to realize how incredibly massive this man…curse…is. You have to crane your neck, struggling to peer up at his enormous form. He folds his (again…FOUR?!) arms over his chest and frowns, deep and unsatisfied.
“They should teach you some manners, woman,” he grunts. His deep and gravelly voice sends a chill traveling straight up your spine, and you straighten up, causing Sukuna’s lips to curl down in further dissatisfaction. “You hold your head too high,” he speaks.
You raise a brow, and it must be the adrenaline coursing through your veins, because like an absolute idiot, you open your mouth and dumbly mutter, “How? You’re like ten feet tall.”
You could hear a pin drop, hear the way every single crew member inhales and doesn’t dare exhale that breath. You know the cameramen should probably pan over to catch what’s next, but they have more sense than you clearly, because they don’t deign to move an inch. It’s complete silence in the driveway as Sukuna’s gaze pierces yours.
This may be the end for you. And honestly? You’d be okay with that. Sad, sure, but you’ve lived a decent life. Aside from this very brief experience, it was nothing special. But it was comfortable, full of good times. If it’s meant to end here, you don’t think you’d be too upset about it. You just hope that they’ll do you the favor of censoring your probably gory and untimely demise.
Sukuna lifts an arm (one out of four…oh my God, will you ever get over that?), and you squeeze your eyes shut tightly.
‘Here it comes’, you think. The finishing blow. One shot from him and you’ll be wiped from this earth, a smudge on this world’s history. You’ll be forgotten shortly after your end and the world will move on without you.
You blame Utahime for this, because again, if you hadn’t listened to her drunk ass you would be sitting behind a desk doing paperwork. Not on the verge of death before the most powerful being of all time.
But after several seconds, you realize you’ve felt no pain, heard no screams or cries. But instead, a sound of something akin to a chuckle. You open one eye, peeking up to see Sukuna’s large hand come down to pat the top of your head. Gently, at that.
“Funny. I suppose I won’t kill you and your entourage.”
His eyes roam the landscape behind you and the confusion is clear on his face. You suppose it would be rather confusing for an ancient curse to see all the lights, large buildings and technology of today.
“What is this–” he waves a hand in the air. “This place? Why did you all bring me here?”
Now you’re confused. Didn’t he sign up for the show himself?
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Satoru throws his head back, cackles hysterically. “I just thought it’d be fun!” A wide grin sits on his features as he leans back in his seat casually, as relaxed as ever. “Just imagine the strongest modern day Sorcerer alive and the strongest curse in history competing for love of all things.” He sighs, wiping at his eyes as he comes down from his laughter. “Fucking hilarious.”
He’s quiet for a second, then he doubles over, arms wrapping around his core as he succumbs to another fit of giggles. Suddenly, his laughter dies, then he’s throwing his head back in a groan this time. “Dammit. If he goes on a killing rampage, then I’ll have to work!” 
“It’s…The Bachelorette,” you answer Sukuna’s question, your fear slowly dissipating as your casual conversation continues on. Which may be a stupid move on your end. You should keep your guard up. This is the King of Curses in front of you, after all. From what you know, he loves to make someone feel safe only to literally crush them a moment later. 
But also, this is the damn King of Curses in front of you. If he deems it so, your death is already guaranteed. You couldn’t do shit if you had to face a normal curse let alone the strongest among them. 
The cameraman has finally panned around to capture your interaction and Sukuna doesn’t seem the least bit impressed. His expression is flat, very obviously bored. “The what?”
“The Bachelorette,” you repeat and when he fixes you with a deadpan stare, you elaborate further for some reason. “It’s a dating show. Jujutsu Sorcerers compete for the heart of one Bachelorette –” you point to yourself. “Me,” Sukuna frowns further and you match his expression with a frown of your own. “And– alright, don’t look so upset about it.”
‘The nerve of this guy!’
“Why would anyone waste time on this? Finding…love.” Sukuna spits the word out like it’s bitter before he laughs.
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“A pointless venture,” Sukuna grumbles, picking at the paint on one of his many nails. Unfortunately, Sukuna’s size was severely underestimated, which is why the camera is only able to fit his torso into the screen. 
Behind the lens, the director asks shakily, “You don’t believe in love?”
“How would love benefit me? It’s for the weak.” He pauses, his scowl deepening as he folds his arms together. “I should actually kill you for asking me such an imbecilic question.”
“I won’t kill you since this pathetic endeavor you’re on for love will likely be punishment enough for someone like you.” He grins, the venom in his words clear as he speaks. He’s referring to you being a Window — weak, useless, undeserving of love and probably life to someone like him. Sukuna strokes his chin in amusement, eyes roaming along your form. “It will surely be entertaining to watch.”
He looks you over once more, and the fear that returns, rushing through your body makes you dizzy. You feel like you’re on the menu. One wrong move and Sukuna will be having you for dinner…and not in a sexy way.
But instead of acting on whatever temptation he may have, Sukuna simply…vanishes. Though you’re sure he took off and is just way too damn fast for your weak Window eyes to see. Either way, when you’re sure Sukuna is gone, you - and the entire crew - breathe a collective sigh of relief.
“Should we bring in the next contestant?” One of the staff asks nervously and you stare straight into the camera.
“I think I need a break,” you squeak.
Because you’re about ten seconds from shitting yourself.
- - - - - -
The next contestant pulls up shortly after returning from commercial break. You’re back in position at the end of the long red carpet as you wait for him. He exits his limousine quickly, like he’s got somewhere more important to be. And you’re not sure if this show is the important matter at hand.
He’s incredibly handsome, dressed in a nice suit that he adjusts as he makes his way towards you, face set in a serious expression. His deep brown eyes gaze down lifelessly past his large nose as he approaches and you suddenly feel as if you’re under a microscope, just waiting to be picked apart. There’s something unsettling about this man, something that’s putting you on edge. 
Is it normal to feel like someone is taking note of every small movement you make, every involuntary facial tic, even the look in your eyes and filing it away to use against you later? That’s what you feel this man is doing. Just collecting little things about you to throw into your face somewhere down the line.
His glossy black shoes seem to glide along the red carpet and the cameramen must also notice, because the lenses point right to his feet as he goes. He moves so quickly, you hardly have time to breathe before he’s standing before you. And now, you feel your nerves ignite. Suddenly, you feel you should watch what you say, because you can’t help but feel as though you’re on trial for something. And it makes sense because he opens his pretty lips to speak and his words immediately catch you off guard.
“Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony?”
“Um…” Your eyes dart to the camera, brows pulling together in confusion as you chuckle nervously. “No?”
But it’s clear he’s not joking, not a trace of humor in his face as the question hangs between the two of you. The man narrows his eyes, his tiny pupils becoming even smaller if at all possible. “And you’re telling the truth?”
You chuckle awkwardly, your mind screaming “what the actual fuck” on loop. “Ah– What happened to hello? How are you? My name is…”
“I know your name,” he cuts you off. Then he spends the next minute listing off facts about you. He says your name aloud, the sound of it on his tongue sending chills racing up your spine. He lists off your age, occupation, even your friends and their occupations. It’s all a matter of fact, because they are fact. He doesn’t get a single thing wrong.
You think this man is abrasive. Maybe a little scary. And definitely weird.
Weirdly sexy?
Something is so very off with this man, that much is apparent by the exhaustion in his eyes, the way he fidgets with his fingers even while they’re confined in his pockets. But something may be so very off with you as well because you’re finding this mini interrogation of his oddly arousing.
‘Oh my God, can you focus?!’
“And what’s your name?” You finally counter, blinking your filthy thoughts away.
“Higuruma Hiromi,” he states without a beat. His tone is clipped, his eyes assessing you curiously.
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“I suppose I will take your word for it.” He nods, and you fix him with a look of confusion. He waves his hand in the air. “Your criminal record. I’ll accept you saying you’re not a convict of some sort.”
“Ah,” you nod. “Well, glad you decided to trust me,” you smile shyly, and Higuruma frowns.
“I didn’t. Judgeman did.” He gestures behind him, and your eyes follow the path to where an enormous, terrifying blob floats in the air. You’re not sure how you missed that. 
‘Probably because you were too busy undressing Hiromi with your eyes?’
You clear your throat, glancing up at Higuruma. The stitch-eyed curse behind him simply sits there, staring into space. “Seeing as there’s no cursed technique for me to confiscate from you, it’s safe to assume you’re of no actual threat here. And also unlikely that you’ve committed gross atrocities given you are currently starring in this television dating show. I would imagine they would complete a thorough background check on you.” 
Now you frown. “Are you saying that I’m boring?”
Higuruma shakes his head, the tiniest of smirks sitting at the corners of his mouth. “On the contrary. The fact that you’re so normal…it actually makes you all the more endearing.” Your heart rate picks up, his honesty and compliment(?) making you the slightest bit flustered.
He sighs, tilting his head back to look up to the night sky. Like he’s reminiscing about something. “I only recently came to be a part of this world, the Jujutsu world, and I miss my old shitty life sometimes.”
The sudden deep confession surprises you. You expected this way later down the road given how closed off he was just moments before. It seems a flip has switched now that he knows you’re not some crook out to commit heinous crimes. You’re grateful for it, as well.
You can relate to Hiromi a bit. You also had no reason to be a part of the Jujutsu world, and yet you’ve found yourself smack dab in the middle of it as you chase after love with some of the most powerful Sorcerers you’ve ever laid eyes on. These are men you would have never crossed paths with in your daily life. And now, they will be fighting (hopefully not literally) each other to have you in the end. 
“Well, I know this experience is so far from normal, but I appreciate you coming, anyway.” You bow slightly in his curse’s direction. “And thank you, Judgeman, for proving to Hiromi that I’m not a convicted felon,” you tack on jokingly.
This is apparently what was needed to break just the tiniest bit through Higuruma’s walls because the corners of his lips curl up just a bit more as he peers down at you. He mutters your name once more, reaching a hand out to take yours. “I’m beginning to think it wasn’t a mistake to come here. It was a pleasure to meet you.”
He takes his leave shortly after, and the director calls for another commercial break. You take this time to head to your trailer offset for a quick touchup on your makeup. As you sit in your makeup chair, you wonder how the guys are doing…
Satoru groans obnoxiously from his side of the couch, beside Nanami. “Is anyone else going to show up? I’m so bored!”
“You could always leave and go back to your actual job,” Nanami quips. “I’m sure The Strongest is needed literally anywhere else but here.”
Satoru puts a hand to his chest dramatically, mouth falling open with a gasp. “You are so mean to me, Nanami.” He grins, nudging Nanami with his shoulder. “You trying to get rid of the competition already?”
He’s met with silence from the blonde, who simply folds his arms and closes his eyes, choosing to ignore his senior.
“You’re hardly any competition,” Suguru snorts on the other side of Nanami.
“I’m the only competition here. Be serious,” Satoru argues, standing from his seat. “Who wouldn’t want to be with The Strongest?”
“Me, or really anyone who loves themselves,” Suguru deadpans.
Satoru rolls his eyes behind his glasses. “You’re an anomaly. Besides, you both know I’m right. No offense, but Nanami is frugal, stiff and kinda boring. You’re a wanted mass murderer with strange looking people as followers, and I haven’t met any of the other guys to know what they’re like, but I can bet–”
The door to the mansion swings open and in walks Higuruma. His wide eyes roam across the room, landing first on Suguru who assesses him with vague interest. Then Nanami, who only glances over to him briefly before resuming his position. Then Satoru, who stands with his hands in the air, obviously in the middle of making a point before Higuruma had arrived.
“Who the hell are you?” Satoru scoffs, unimpressed.
Suguru and Nanami chide in unison.
“Must you always be so crass?” Suguru questions, pinching the bridge of his nose. It’s been so long since he’d been in the presence of his former best friend, he’d forgotten how annoying he could be. 
“Higuruma Hiromi,” the newer man states as he moves across the room, not caring in the least about Satoru’s tone. He takes a seat on the sofa opposite of the three men, observing his surroundings.
“Nanami Kento,” Nanami introduces himself when the other two fail to speak up. He offers a seated bow, to which Higuruma returns.
“Geto Suguru,” Suguru’s soft voice floats across the room, though he doesn’t offer a polite bow the same way Nanami does. Perhaps if he were the old Suguru he may have, but he’s long past bowing to others. If anything, others should bow to him.
“Gojo Satoru,” the white haired man mutters, rolling his eyes.
Higuruma nods, eyes landing at the buffet in the corner of the large space, staring. “...And who is he?”
All heads turn to the buffet where a massive man stands with a plate of food. His face has stray grains of rice littered around his lips, which is stuffed with tonight’s dinner. He scoops a large spoonful into his mouth, nodding to the other men as he chews.
He’s tall, so tall that his height rivals Satoru’s. Shaggy, black hair covers the most beautiful green eyes. And when he grins, his pretty lips spread wide, the scar running through both his top and bottom lips accenting his features.
This man is gorgeous, they’re all thinking it.
Not to mention, he’s fucking ripped. A skintight black shirt hardly does much to cover every hard muscle of his body. His wide shoulders and thick arms look as though he could crush them all without much thought. And he could. He has.
“Zenin…” Satoru and Suguru speak through gritted teeth.
“Fushiguro,” the man corrects them, taking another bite of his food.
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“What the fuck are you doing here?” Suguru questions, standing from his seat. His eyes narrow, hands clenched into fists at his side. It’s been a decade since he laid eyes on the man who altered his entire world, and he’s not someone he wanted to see again. He’s lucky Satoru let him off with his life after their last encounter.
“Placing bets on who the broad out there ends up with,” the man laughs loudly with a full mouth. “Bet it’s none of you, though.”
At this, Satoru bursts into a fit of giggles, laughing so hard he doubles over. “I’ll take you up on that bet. Seeing as you’ve never won one in your life, should be easy for me.”
Toji only grins, taking another bite of his food.
“Please don’t tell me you’re also participating for her heart,” Suguru sighs, feeling a headache coming on.
Toji shrugs. “Does it matter?”
At this, Satoru groans, flopping back down on the couch with Nanami. “Who invited the damn geezer to the show? Thought this was for real Sorcerers.”
Nanami inhales deeply. “She’s not a Sorcerer, either,” he states.
“That’s different,” Satoru doesn’t miss a beat. “She’s a Window, so she’s in our world at least.”
It’s true. In Satoru’s eyes, you’re weak, but at least you have enough cursed energy to see the atrocities around you. You won’t see a curse only when you’re on death’s door, you’ll see one before they strike. And sure, you can’t do anything about it, but that’s what he’s for. He doesn’t mind playing protector to someone who at least resides on his side of the fence. It’s what he’s always done anyway. Why not do it for someone he could potentially love?
It also helps that you’re easy on the eyes.
“Hardly, but I do see your point,” Suguru agrees. He takes the spot next to Higuruma on the other sofa. “Doesn’t matter. I’m here for one reason, and it’s her.”
An obnoxious yawn comes from the other side of the room, Toji now leaning against the wall. “When does she show up, anyway?”
The other four look absolutely bewildered, eyes wide and brows pulled together. 
“What…” Suguru asks. “You didn’t go meet her?”
“Was I supposed to?”
“Yes!” Satoru yells from his seat. “How the hell did you even get in here? Past all the cameras?!”
Toji purses his lips together, scratching his head while he racks his memory. Then he shrugs, like he came up short. “Guess I followed the smell of the food.”
You fidget with your fingers as you watch as another limousine pulls up. You’re exhausted, and honestly ready for this whole introduction ordeal to be done. It’s so late, definitely after 9pm, and even after all this, you still have to head inside of the mansion to mingle with the men. You would really rather go to sleep, finally crawl into bed after such a long and tiring day. But there are several eligible bachelors eagerly awaiting your arrival.
And here comes another one.
The door to the vehicle swings open, and a very nice Prada combat boot hits the floor. Out steps the one of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen in your life. Tall, muscular, and so damn pretty, you’re almost jealous. Even with the distance between you two, you can see how perfect his face is.
Already, he’s made an impression because he’s not dressed to the nines in a suit and tie like the other men you’ve met tonight. Instead, he wears casual clothing, with a loose sleeveless shirt and black jeans. His hair is messy, tied up into two high ponytails that sit atop his head. And even then, he looks just as good as the others.
Something about him looks familiar to you, though you can’t quite place where you could’ve seen him before all of this.
As the man approaches, the lights from the camera crew illuminate his face. You can make out deep purple bags that sit beneath his eyes. He looks as tired as Hiromi, more even. There’s a thick black stripe that runs along his face. A tattoo, maybe? He’s pale, the moonlight casting an almost ethereal glow over him.
‘Why the hell are all these Sorcerers so fucking hot?’
You try to keep it in your pants, focusing on the sound of the chains of this man’s boots jingling softly with each step until he’s standing in front of you. His deep brown eyes rake over your body before they find your eyes. His lips curl into a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes, but it’s not disingenuous any sort of way. More like he’s very nervous and trying very hard to not come off that way.
“Hi,” you throw him a lifeline, the camera capturing the way you smile encouragingly.
You offer him your name, trying to loosen him up because he looks like he feels so out of place. There’s something off about him that you can’t quite put your finger on.
“I’m Choso.”
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“It’s so nice to meet you, Choso. Tell me about yourself.”
Your question breathes life into the man, his face brightening up as he proceeds to tell you all about his brothers. He’s the oldest of four, you find out. And he’s very doting and loving to all three of his younger brothers. You find it adorable, the way he raves about each of them and their special talents that they have. Unfortunately, you don’t have too much time to let him continue.
“You’re very beautiful,” he compliments you suddenly, and you can’t stop the shy smile now spreading along your features that matches the one sitting on Choso’s. 
“Thank you. You are so handsome.” 
Choso beams, and then he does something that surprises you. He wraps his arms around your form, enveloping you in his warmth. He smells incredible, and expensive. You return the gesture, and for some reason, all the stressful buildup of tonight seems to just melt away.
When he releases you, you see the soft smile sitting on his lips and you just know you can’t wait to see more of it. This man is an absolute sweetheart.
“Can’t wait to get to talk with you more tonight,” he says softly, and you don’t miss the light dusting of pink coloring his cheeks now.
“Me too.”
Your teeth dig into your bottom lip, nibbling at the soft flesh as Choso takes your hand and squeezes gently. What began as an awkward encounter ended up being a sweet meeting between you and the man now heading into the mansion. You’re so excited to–
Wait. You think you know why he looks so familiar!
You spin on your heel, turning to call after him. He turns to face you, a questioning look at his face. “Um…have you ever skateboarded before?” You yell across the courtyard.
At this, Choso’s brows pull together, head tilting to the side. He’s so obviously confused. “Skateboarding? No, why?”
You shake your head, chuckling with embarrassment. “No reason…you just…looked kind of familiar.”
- - - - - -
Jesse appears again once the cameras are set back up after another commercial break. He’s all poised as he grins at you. You haven’t seen him since you both first arrived on set, but he lets you know that he will be seeing you more often now that the introductions are complete.
“So, you’ve met all of the men,” he begins, the camera moving back to catch you both in frame. 
“Oh, that was everyone?” You could have sworn there was one more person who was supposed to show up.
“How are you feeling about them so far? Any you’re looking forward to spending more time with?”
Your mind goes through every man who has appeared so far, building a list of what appealed to you most about them. And you really like them all. There’s no way you could choose right now, not when there’s still so much to learn about each of them. You can’t wait to get some alone time. You tell Jesse as much, his response an amused shake of his head. “Looks. like you’ve got your work cut out for you, then.”
“Oh, absolutely. They’re all incredible. I could definitely see my husband being one of these men.”
And it’s a crazy thing to think, that at the end of all of this, you’ll likely be engaged and ready to marry someone.
“But—,” Jesse interjects. “You are down one contestant. Sukuna has chosen to leave the show…”
The camera moves closer to catch the nod of your head. Your brief stint with the King of Curses is not one you think you’ll forget any time soon, if ever. He could have ended this journey for you before it even began. He spared you, mainly for his own entertainment, but still. You came face to face with the King of Curses, and you of all people, lived. Not many can say that. Especially non-Sorcerers.
Jesse tells you that it’s time to get some one on one time with the guys and leads you to the mansion where they all wait. Your heart races in your chest as you approach the enormous doors, stopping just outside of them. You can hear the loud chatter inside, the men laughing raucously as they discuss whatever has them behaving so lively. You’re excited to finally be moving into this next phase of the process. You want to get to know each of them as soon as possible.
“You ready?” Jesse questions, his smile giving you a boost of confidence. “You’ve got this. Go in with an open mind, and an open heart. The man of your dreams awaits you inside.”
You laugh, and it’s all nerves, because that may be the scariest and most exciting part of this entire journey. “I don’t know how you did this, Jesse,” you chuckle dyly, to which Jesse lightly places a hand on your shoulder where he squeezes gently.
“Hey, you’re a smart girl. You’ll be able to find who you’re looking for. Remember…open mind, open heart. Can’t go wrong there.”
You swear you hear some of the staff swoon behind the camera, the crew sure to catch this interaction between you and your host, and it makes you grin. You can see why Jesse’s season of The Bachelor was so popular, and why he’s now the host of both franchises. So you nod, letting Jesse know that you’re ready to head inside to spend time with your men.
He pulls the double doors open for you and you head inside, straight through the doorway and into the living room where the men await. Jesse moves swiftly ahead of you, signaling for you to wait for a moment just outside of the living room, in the hall while he heads down the steps into the main room. 
”Gentlemen,” he announces his presence, and they all stand when they see the host. There’s an eruption of noise, the men greeting Jesse eagerly. Your heart beats wildly in your chest, knowing that in just a few moments, you’ll be seeing them all again. You can’t wait. 
“I know you’re all ready to see ___,” Jesse continues. “How are you feeling about her so far?” Jesse’s eyes land on the blonde man standing quietly, his hands hidden in his pockets to hide the way he fidgets nervously. “Nanami,” Jesse calls. “What’s your first impression?”
Nanami purses his lips together, carefully gathering his thoughts before he speaks. He’s unsure if there is a word that’s strong enough to describe how he felt about you upon first meeting. And he’s not sure if he’s capable of expressing how he felt upon laying eyes on you. Even still, he means it when he says, “An absolute beauty.”
The other men nod in agreement. “Definitely a sight to behold,” Choso adds. “Very sweet, too.” He says it with certainty, like there’s no doubt in his mind that you’re a kind person. He’d like to think that he’s pretty good at reading people. He’s been studying humans for quite some time, after all. You are one of the good ones, he’s sure of it. Your energy makes him feel comfortable, and he tells Jesse this as well.
Jesse beams, impressed with how the men already seem to be taken by you. “That’s great to hear. Now, I do have some unfortunate news or maybe it’s fortunate depending on how you see it.”
There’s a brief pause, which the camera crew uses to capture each contestant's face, making sure they capture any nerves on their features.
“One contestant has chosen not to continue participating in the competition.”
At this, Satoru snorts, garnering the attention of several others, but he lets Jesse continue.
“Sukuna has opted out of the competition.”
“Good,” Suguru interjects. “One less body.”
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“Honestly, I couldn’t give a shit if someone left,” he yawns, leaning back against the confessional room’s sofa. “Send the rest of them home, too.” 
He’s aware he sounds like a dick, too confident in himself, but why shouldn’t he be? He’s got so much to offer you, so much that the others can’t provide. He’s confident that with one person gone, he’ll be able to get that much closer to you. He picks at his nails in boredom before he asks. “Who even invited him, anyway?” 
The wheels turn in his head until he puts 2 and 2 together, chuckling quietly to himself. 
“It was Satoru, wasn’t it?”
“Can we please circle back to the bit about Sukuna?” Nanami speaks up this time. “You just casually had the King of Curses outside to compete for…” He clears his throat, as though the term itself makes him uncomfortable. “Love”. His eyes land on Satoru, because he’s positive it couldn’t have been anyone else who could have thrown this together but him.
The man in question shrugs mischievously, poking his tongue out when his gaze meets Nanami’s. He tries not to smile too hard at the scowl he receives from his colleague in return.
“How on earth were we meant to survive that?” Higuruma chimes in now. His eyes are round with disbelief. “Wait…did ___ meet with him?” 
Jesse nods. “Yes, and they actually had a pretty pleasant conversation. Though Sukuna wasn’t interested in moving forward.” The camera pans over to Higuruma who now seems lost in thought, no longer paying the host much mind. Jesse takes this beat of silence as his cue to continue forward. “Well, our lady of the hour is waiting patiently to have some much needed one on one time with you. Let's get her in here.”
Now, that’s your cue.
You enter the space, feeling the tension rise between the guys immediately, even as they all applaud upon your arrival. Your eyes take in each and every familiar face. It’s nice to see all of the men you’ve had the pleasure of speaking with for a few brief moments. You can’t wait to get alone time with each —
Hold on a minute.
Your eyes land on one man who sticks out like a sore thumb. From across the room, right next to the buffet, a pair of emerald eyes bore into your own, and you feel your heart rate pick up. You’ve never seen this man before. At least you don’t think you have. You have met quite a few people tonight and it’s all been a bit overwhelming. It’s perfectly possible that he slipped your mind after meeting. Though as you drink in the way his eyes shimmer even in the dim lighting, his chiseled features and the deep scar through both his lips, you highly doubt you’d be able to forget a face like that. 
Perhaps he’s another staff member, hired to man the buffet table. If so, he’s doing a piss poor job at it seeing as he’s holding a plate of half eaten food in his hands. He has to be a contestant, right? How could he have gotten past you? Even with your embarrassingly small amount of cursed energy, you feel like you would have picked up on his presence.
The camera swings around, cutting off your vision of the man, and in the blink of an eye he's gone. There’s a pang of disappointment, and a bit of confusion. You feel as if you imagined him. But you don’t have time to dwell on the mystery man your mind conjured up, because you need to focus on the men who are actually here. You turn your attention back to the ones you do know… only to be met again with the face of the stranger from just seconds ago as he stands right before you.
You almost piss yourself from the shock.
His gaze now roams your form, the smallest hint of a smile on his lips. He’s incredibly obvious in the way that he assesses you. And even more obvious in the way he seems to be enjoying what he sees. He slips his hands into his pockets, eyes once again staring straight into yours as he backs away to stand with the other men. “Well,” he hums, not breaking eye contact. “I was gonna snag some food and head out, but I think I’ll stick around…to observe.”
“Sorry,” Jesse interrupts. “But this show is only for those who signed up to participate.”
The mystery man rolls his eyes. “I’m already on the list.”
Jesse shakes his head. “We didn’t see you outside. There’s a proper process to follow here. You’re supposed to meet our Bachelorette,” he motions to you, and you smile awkwardly. “Why didn’t you come through the front door?”
“I’m meeting her now, aren’t I?” He questions, and Jesse nods, because technically he’s not wrong.
“Well, yes, but you should have come through the front,” Jesse argues weakly. 
Toji snorts. “Front door,back door, doesn’t really make a difference to me.” He says this shamelessly as he looks right at you, and you can’t help it! Your mouth drops open, just enough to get a reaction out of the man. The camera quickly captures the grin that spreads on his face when he sees your expression. “Unless it matters to you, sweetheart,” he teases.
You pick your jaw up off the floor, the camera moving around to get your response. You can’t possibly let him one up you on your own show. So you match his smirk, teasingly responding, “I mean…let's wait until we get to know each other a little better to find out.”
It’s the best response you can give in the moment, in front of a room full of men patiently (and hungrily) waiting to get even a smidge of your attention. And clearly it was a good rebuttal. The man’s smirk only widens. You can hear the staff muttering quietly behind you, clearly speaking into the earpiece that you know Jesse wears. You watch as the cameras move to capture the tension between this man and Jesse, who is now pursing his lips together in displeasure. “Are you a…Sorcerer then?” 
He stares Jesse down, and you don’t miss the way his jaw ticks just barely before he grits out a low and gravelly, “sure”. But Jesse doesn’t seem to notice. He simply nods, asking his name.
“Toji Fushiguro.”
Jesse sighs, his friendly host mask slipping just a for a second before he recovers. He claps his hands together, turning towards you with a grin that you’re certain is not genuine in the least. 
“Looks like we’ve got another man vying for your heart, ___. How are you feeling about it?”
You tear your gaze away from Toji, nodding to Jesse. “Hey, the fun of the Bachelorette are the surprises, right? I’m definitely looking forward to getting to know Toji a little more.”
Jesse throws his head back with a laugh. “Glad to see you being a good sport about it! Speaking of surprises, we have just one more.”
The doors to the mansion swing open suddenly, cutting Jesse’s monologue off. The sounds of light footsteps fill the space, and you watch the way Toji crosses his arms, how Satoru rolls his eyes, and how Suguru’s nostrils flare. Clearly, whoever is entering the building isn’t welcome. 
Jesse continues his speech. “I know you were looking forward to having time to get to know each of these men one on one, and you will get that chance, I promise. But…”
The cameraman hurries to catch the sight of shoes, slowly walking down the same steps you took into the living space and you spin around to follow the view. As the camera slowly coasts up the form entering the room, so do your eyes, trailing over the tall, well dressed young man who appears before you.
“You’ve gotten a brief moment to talk to each man, have gotten a good feel for who you want to move forward with, I’m sure.”
It’s not really a question. Jesse states this as though it’s a fact, and as far as this show is concerned, it is. Even if you don’t feel as if you’ve gotten enough time with the men, they feel that you have. And all you feel is a tight knot forming in the pit of your stomach, because you’re sure whatever’s coming is bad news.
“You’ll still get your one on one time with each guy, don’t worry, but at the end of it all,” Jesse turns to face all of the men. “___ will be giving out a rose to each man she thinks should continue forward on this journey with her. However, only one of you will be leaving here without a rose.”
“And him?” Choso questions, staring down the man standing behind you.
“Ah, right. Everyone, meet Sukuna’s replacement.”
The man moves ahead of you, taking your hand in his and pressing a sweet kiss to your knuckles. He’s as beautiful as the rest of the men, and you wonder again how it’s possible for every damn person in the Sorcerer world to be so damn good looking. 
The man has a smile that reminds you a bit of Toji’s, but that’s the only resemblance he shares with the older man. The eyeliner around his eyes looks better than your own, accentuating the color of his eyes, and his hair that goes from blonde to brown at the tips hangs loosely in his face, giving him an edgy look. The multiple black earrings decorating his ears adds to his style, and your heart flutters when he leans forward boldly and presses another kiss to your cheek.
He stands back, letting himself fully appreciate the view. He strokes his chin lazily, nodding seemingly in approval before he mutters, “Not bad.”
Your brows knit together, head tilting to the side as you reply with a quiet thanks. You introduce yourself, gently pulling your hand from his grip. “It’s nice to meet you…”
The man shakes his head, a cocky grin on his face as he speaks. “I’m sure it’s very nice for someone of your…” He looks you up and down, almost amused at what he sees. “...standing to meet someone like me.” It’s all he says, turning on his heel and moving across the room to stand with the other men without another word.
‘Okay, kind of an asshole,’ you think. ‘A hot asshole, but–’
“I didn’t get your name,” you call after him, trying to reel your thoughts in.
He cards a hand through his hair smoothly. “Zenin Naoya.”
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Jesse takes over, explaining that while the rose ceremony will still take place, Naoya will be immune as he is taking Sukuna’s place at the last minute. 
As your eyes roam across the room, taking in the sight of all of the men here competing for a chance at love with you, of all people, you can’t help but feel guilty that shortly, you’ll be having one on one time with each of them only to end up sending one home. They each have made your heart race, each have left an impression on you, each have made you feel something. You’re not sure if you could imagine sending any of these amazing men home.
The camera swings towards your face, capturing every bit of tension in your features as your mind reels with the idea of making such a difficult decision.
Your 1 on 1 time begins now,” Jesse announces. “And ___?”
“Yes, Jesse?” You respond, being pulled out of your thoughts.
Jesse offers you a tiny smile, this time it’s genuine. It’s a smile that understands exactly what you’re experiencing, what you’re feeling. He gently pats your shoulder as he moves towards the exit. “Good luck.”
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It's Voting Time!!!
Follow the link below to vote for the Sorcerer you think should NOT receive a rose and move on to the next round!
The guys get one on one time with you, and one man will be sent home without a rose! (Remember that Naoya is immune!)
CLICK HERE TO VOTE - Voting closes in ONE WEEK on 10/1!
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wonxlvr · 1 month
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High All The Time
you get me so high- the neighbourhood
— “your my best friend, ill love you forever.”
For @bywons ‘on ℴur 𝑙ove。✦ ’ event!! Go check out the other amazing writers :)
Pairing: stoner!heeseung x fem!reader || Word count: || 1K+ (1794) || Genre: LOTS of angst, fluff, second chance ||Warning: cursing, mentions of death, mentions of drug and drug usage, NOT PROOF CHECKED!
preview 🎬: The high school sweethearts, thats what you and heeseung were known for. Up until senior year when heeseung became a druggie, which took a toll on your relationship.
eve’s notes: STOP WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG FOR ME TO MAKE THIS 😭 anyways its finally out so i hope yall enjoy 🙏 it feel like it couldve been better but its still pretty good IG…
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You walked into school, usually with your boyfriend of 3 years but he ditched you to go smoking behind the school, yet again. You were wearing sweats and your Heeseung’s only good hoodie, the rest all reeked of substances and cigarette burns. You would’ve worn something more appealing, but you were too tired.
Heeseung used to be the sweetest boyfriend ever. You met him in your sophomore year through mutual friends and several classes you shared and instantly hit it off. Casual meet ups turned into dates, and on your 2nd date he asked you to be his girlfriend. To which you obviously said yes.
Up until senior year is when things fell apart, he hung out with a bad group of friends and ended up ditching you to go do drugs with them.
You never really had a problem with it until he missed almost every date because he was knocked out cold. You were deeply concerned for his health and well being, that being the core factor to all of your fights with him.
Heeseung came over to your place on the weekends, tripping over his own feet and smelled too strongly of weed.
“Babe, Again? I told you that you needed to stop” you said gently.
“Im sorry, i promise ill stop, baby.” He apologizes, slurring over his words. It was obvious he wasnt sincere with his words, but again, and again, like a fool, you fell for it every time. Thinking he would change.
As you walked hands in your pockets, pity stares were thrown your way but you tried not to mind it. You approached your locker and quickly got your stuff. You saw a glimpse of Heeseung and quickly stormed over to him.
“Baby, where have you been!?” You said in a huff. Heeseung covered his ears to show as if you were being too loud.
“Chill, i was just out back with chenle and the others. And stop yelling, you give me a headache.” Heeseung said as he held his hand up to his head.
You scoff to the side, “I thought you said you would quit?” You angered. Heeseung shrugged and walked pass you angering you more.
“Stop running from your problems!” You yelled from behind, he pretended not to hear you as he went to his friends.
Your eyes welled up with tears, but you blinked them away before anyone could see. You quickly walked to your next class half expecting heeseung to show up but as always, he never did.
You laid your head down and tried to nap. You were tired of him, tired of school, tired of everything. Luckily high school would be ending very soon, in less than a week.
Days pasted by faster than you expected, and graduation day came sooner than anticipated.
Heeseung agreed to have his focus solely on you on graduation day.
The night before the big day, heeseung came over and stayed with you the whole night. School had ended already and now the only event left was graduation day.
You both watched movies and ate snacks together. You were laying on heeseung and you felt his breaths get calmer and short sighs coming out every now and then. When you looked up, he was fast asleep and it was the cutest sight you have seen. You kissed his cupid bow shaped lips and you swore you’ve never felt more in love with someone in your life. Soon falling asleep on him.
Graduation day came and went, heeseung had suprised you with your favorite flowers and a beutiful necklace with an infinity sign to represent your relationship. You made a silent promise to never take it off, the necklace meaning a lot to you.
Hugs and pictures were exchanged throughout the day, the last day was overwhelming for almost everyone.
Jay announced a graduation party that night at his parents house since they would be gone for the week. Everyone was going so you thought why not go as-well.
That night, you did your hair pretty, did your makeup soft, and wore something simple as jeans and a black top.
You went with your friends and told heeseung to meet you at Jay’s place. You and your friends arrived a little later and you stayed with them for a bit until all of you heard yelling.
“y/n!” Jay called. You snapped your head to his direction with a questioning look.
“You need to come with me, your boyfriend is going crazy!” Jay exclaimed.
You got up from your sitting spot creating a domino effect and causing all of your friends to get up as well.
Jay signalled to follow him, and that you did like ducklings following their mother.
When you saw heeseung, he looked like he was on something and was yelling at someone.
“Heeseung!” You said, but your voice was drowned out from his yelling. You pushed yourself through the crowd until you were close enough to reach him.
Just as he raised his fist, you grabbed his hand and led him out the house.
When he saw you, his eyes softened and his demeanor shifted.
“Baby, what was that?” You questioned
“That guy was talking mad stuff you know i cant let that slide, love,” he spoke in a daze.
“Babe, what did you take” you said plugging your nose to stop the smell.
Heeseung shrugged and muttered something incoherent.
“What?” You asked
“Never mind.” He sighed
“No, tell me baby.”
“Just forget it!” He spoke louder.
“Tell me, what did you take?” You questioned inpatiently
“I said forget it, y/n!” He yelled in your face. You were taken aback from his outburst.
“Oh so its y/n now, huh?” You snapped.
“Look, just let it go” he scoffed.
“Hee, dont you get it? I care about you, just tell me!” You insisted.
“Fine, i just took a few tabs. You happy?” He mocked.
“tabs!? Heeseung what were you thinking! Thats dangerous, you could die!” You yelled.
“So what?” he said.
“so what!? Youre SERIOUSLY asking me that right now!? Heeseung, i love you too much to loose you. Please stop this addiction before it gets any worse.” You pleaded with him.
“I dont need you to dictate my life. Just stop telling me what to do!” He shot back.
You scoffed, “fine, you know what? I will. Heeseung, im breaking up with you.” You said, tears threatening to fall.
“What? Baby, you can be serious right now,” Heeseung argued.
“Dont call me that anymore, heeseung we are done. Dont even try to contact me.” You cried, tears already pouring down your checks.
“No please, y/n please! I cant go on without you in my life!” He begged.
“You said you dont need me, right? So theres that, now ill leave you alone.” You sobbed, you turned away as he tried to convince you to stay. you ran away from him wiping your tears with your wrist and quickly dialed your friends number with shaking hands.
“Y/n? Whats up?”
“Isa, i need you to come take me home right now,” you said in broken sentences.
You heard her cut the line of and within minutes she pulled up in front of you.
You got in the passengers seat as you cried uncontrollably. Isa tried to console you while still trying to keep her attention on the road. She drove you home and told you to call her whenever you need and drove away.
You ran to your bed to cry in your pillow. Your phone buzzed several times, all from heeseung. Hundreds of missed calls and hundreds more unread messages. You put your phone on silent as you cried loudly in your bed.
When you woke up, your pillow was still damp and it was bright outside. All of the event of that night came hurling to you like a bad dream, causing a major headache. You only wanted to crawl in your bed and never come out.
You checked you phone and under all the notifications from heeseung, was a miss call from jay. Confused, you decided to call him back.
“Hello?” You spoke in a rasp when he picked up.
“Y/N! I need you to come to the hospital, heeseung just got into a bad accident.” He said in a panic.
You didn’t believe it at first, you didnt want to believe it. But still you called up isa and told her to go to the hospital.
“What happened?” She asked while driving with speed but with efficiency.
“I broke up with him last night, and now jay told me he got into an accident. Now i feel like shit.” You said burying your head in your hands.
“Hey, hey, its not your fault okay? Me and the girls will always be here for you” she comforted.
“Thanks, isa. I love you guys so much,” you thanked.
“ No problem, now go get your man!” Isa said as she parked outside of the hospital doors.
You smiles and thanked her again before you dashed inside. You spotted Jay and ran up to him,
“Y/n! Heeseung got into a car accident last night, he is in that room but he’s unconscious right now, i thought you might wanted see him.” Jay said softly.
You nodded and went into the room jay pointed to. There you saw Heeseung on the bed, countless of machines and wires connected to his body. You held his unresponsive hand and broke down on your knees.
“Hee! Im so sorry, I shouldve never left you alone like that, i was too harsh. Please! Wake up, I cant imagine my life without you!” You sobbed, holding his hand to your forehead.
“Im sorry for being a bad girlfriend, im sorry for being a brat, im sorry for not looking after you more, im sorry for everything, im sorry i never said ‘i love you’ enough.” You said in broken sentences and several huffs of air.
“Please, heeseung. I love you so much,” you cried uncontrollably.
“I love you too, baby” the sudden voice scaring you
“Heeseung! Youre awake!” You hugged his neck close, never wanting to let go.
Once you backed up to give him space, he confessed to you
“Im sorry babe, its all MY fault. I shouldve stopped using substances a lot time ago. I was meant to be in the position, anyways.” He sighed
“Hey, its okay, but please promise me you wont ever touch a drug in your life again.” You pleaded.
Heeseung smiled softly up at you, “i promise, your my best friend ill love you forever.”
And with that, you passionately kissed him cause you were the only thing that could keep him high all the time.
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myysaints · 1 year
Hello, I saw your requests are open.... if you feel like it and like the idea I'd like to see Japanese kpop idol reader x yuki where reader had been an idol for like 7 years and she's very private like when someone asks about her TMI she's just like i bought this shirt on sale 😐 so when she was asked in an interview if she watches any sports or stuff her members sort of out her for being an f1 fan and then her group gets invited to a race where her and yuki get spotted standing a bit too close (nothing couple worthy but they did look suspicious)... ensure f1 and her fans on twitter being in flames where a lot of her fans are like, lol no I refuse to believe we might lose our queen to a guy that goes vroom vroom but it just gets quite after that so no one thinks about it until a picture of them kissing gets out and people are like I waited three and a half years, Asian man did it in one week only for her company to announce that they had known each other since childhood and they are childhood sweethearts with a 10 year history and like the whole f1 grid being like yuki! You had a girlfriend this entire time
So sorry if this is too specific, if you don't like it you can just skip the request 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
... (PART ONE)
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YUKI TSUNODA x f!japanese!kpop idol!reader
⌗︙・ summary — you’ve known yuki tsunoda all your life, but the world doesn’t know that. so when your relationship is accidentally called into the spotlight, fans understandably freak out – after all, who thought that these two worlds would collide?
genre — social media au, fc: sakura from le sserafim
notes — thank you anon for the request!!! it was so cute i spent the whole day absolutely going ham on this fic, which is why it's... so.... so long.... i also changed some details but they're very very minor. hope i did your request justice, and enjoy!
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yourusername uploaded to their story.                                29s
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[caption: Thank you alphataurif1 for having me at the Suzuka GP! 파이팅 🤍💙!]
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Liked by le_sserafim, yukitsunoda0511, alphataurif1, and 3,274,302 others
🏷  alphataurif1
yourusername  ただいま (I’m home) ~ 🇯🇵🏎
view all 1,009,284 comments
alphataurif1  かわいい (Cute) 😊
       Liked by yukitsunoda0511 yourusername  thank you admin!
yukitsunoda0511  幸運をもたらしてくれてありがとう (Thank you for bringing me good luck)!
yourusername  どういたしまして (You’re welcome)!おめでとう (Congratulations)!
hannitokki  begging on my knees for just one chance
landonorris  Seeing you in the paddock today made me fearless 😉
yourusername  too bad that didn't help you go faster ... dearhyunjin  LMFAOOOO SHE HUMBLED HIM REAL QUICK
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Liked by 932,882 others
f1wagupdates  Submitted by anon 🙈 SPOTTED! After the Yuki Tsunoda and an unknown woman (could it be the same girl from Suzuka?) seen entering the driver’s hotel lift together. The pair were clad in matching outfits. According to anon, the woman had a mask over her face and “looked like she didn’t want to be recognised”. 🤔 Who could this mystery woman be?
view all 546,237 comments
miradrivescars  THEYRE IN MATCHING OUTFITS 😭😭😭
ynsserafim  someone find where y/n is QUICK
isaluvsyn  they just finished their world tour right?? i think their last stop was in dubai channieslix  that was like 3 weeks ago babe im sure y/n is looooong gone and back in korea by now LOL
bitemelando  it’s the same hat as the one in the suzuka picture so it’s probably the same girl
verstrappon  yall gotta chill it’s just a regular schmegular black cap damn 🤣
minimumverstappen  kpop twt is gonna have a field day with this one lol
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...to be continued !
© myysaints
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vampiriirot · 4 months
dear diary (k.ys)
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!! pairing: yeosang!nonidol au x fem!reader !! genre: angst !! summary: an arranged marriage that was steering in the right direction, except neither of you realized how much you loved each other. especially yeosang..except he found out too late. !! word count: 1.5k !! playlist: hug me cover by yeosang, j's lullaby by delaney bailey &, present by lloyd vaan
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notes: i will write fluff and crack soon i swear!! but oh gosh i sobbed the whole time writing this esp while listening to yeo's hug me cover OML.. but uh here yall go i suppose (this isn't proofread yet jjsjs-) alsooo credits to @fairytopea for this beautiful divider <3
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“I found this..when cleaning your room sir” the maid’s voice was distant, muddled as if he were underwater and she watched from the shore. “Leave it on my desk” the words were robotic, Yeosang’s eyes glued to the screen in front of him. Fingers clicking noisily at the keyboard, the laptop’s brightness burning holes into his lenses. Light no longer peeked in through the blinds of his home’s office, the darkness similar to the shadows casted beneath his weary eyes. Hours on end, without halt, were spent before the computer. He stopped going into the office, requesting to work from home. Sometimes spending days and nights, typing away, proofreading files that had been checked over thrice already.
He didn’t have much to look forward to these days.
Nonetheless, once the maid had wandered off, his eyes strayed towards the item she’d brought..a peculiar book. Worn out with time, but familiar regardless. Flashes of the book on the nightstand, sometimes on the porch swing, and then hidden at any other given moment. It was a silly cover, mimicking the book from the infamous anime ‘Death Note’. His heart shrank at the sight, soft laughs taunting his mind as his eyes stared down the inanimate object. He couldn’t focus on the repetitive work on his laptop any longer, so he heaved himself off the chair.
“Take a shower, you reek” a harmonious fit of giggles left her lips, and Yeosang rolled his eyes at the antics. 
Snatching the book off his desk, he trudged through the dim hallways of his home. It resembled a ghosttown at the moment, he was the sole inhabitant currently. The maid, long gone to her gold haven with family. His bedroom was swallowed in darkness, like storm clouds resided over the bed. He didn’t bother changing, only falling backwards into the plush, icy mattress. Chills settled permanently over the house, the atmosphere was constantly cold and lifeless.
He gripped at the notebook, lifting himself upwards so he was seated on the bed. Eyes lingering on the stickers pressed all over the gloomy black cover, little smiley faces staring back at him. It was a sight of normalcy he craved, the eccentric chaos he missed. Her beautifully peculiar nature. After a lifetime, his finger peeled open the cover, to reveal neat handwriting scrawled into the first page. It was dated for May 3rd, one year prior.
“Dear diary…No that sounds weird. Dear journal? I don’t know what to call this, I’ll figure it out. But today marks my first week of being married (even though it was arranged)! You think a girl would be swooning, especially since he’s such a hunk. But..I kinda think he hates me. Unfortunately because he’s so handsome, I guess it’s my mission to get him to fall in love with me. It will take loads of work, since he’s so quiet but I’m determined! My first tactic will be cooking him his favorite meal..and I will update once it’s done!”
“Update, I nearly burnt the kitchen down. Thank god the maid was there and it wasn’t too bad but oh god he looked so angry..He didn’t even come into the room after..disheartening but I hope some takeout will make it up to him..”
A small smile tugged at his lips, the words ushering him into their first week of marriage. He remembered it all too well, coming home to her shrieking and the maid helping her put out the small fire. He was indeed infuriated, so much so he had spent the rest of the night in his office. At an ungodly hour of the night, he heard knocking at the wooden door. She peeked her head in, holding out a tray like a peace offering.
“M’sorry for the whole..accident. I got some takeout though!” he couldn’t forget the way his heart swelled at her gesture, when she placed the tray and rushed out of the office in a flustered hurry. The plastic container was neatly arranged with utensils and a crisp bottle of water. A note attached the napkin, and it provoked a snicker from him.
‘Sleep soon or else you’ll be cranky in the morning.’
Lost in the memories, he needed more, flipping frantically onto another page. This entry was dated to December 24th of last year, Christmas eve? 
“Dear diary (it’s so cringe but anyways). It’s already Christmas, wow time flies when you’re so busy. Things are the same I suppose, but I bought him a gift! It’s a really stupid gift but I thought it suited him really well. He’s like a doberman, Yeosang the doberman. It has a great ring to it, so I got him this doberman plushy. It’s big and super cute, and I wrote this card with it…I hope he’ll like it. He seemed extra stressed this week and I didn’t want to make it all worse. What’s stupid is that, no matter how distant he seems, I find myself falling for him even more. Beneath all his stoicness, he’s a sweetheart (or that’s what I keep telling myself). Anyways, I’m writing this like two minutes before midnight so merry christmas to my journal.. Thanks for listening to me ramble!”
Her innocence, and childishness, was so sugary sweet. A delicacy he pushed away constantly, for no reason besides the fact that their relationship was an arrangement. The smile that stretched over his lips upon opening the gift, and reading over the note when she was asleep. He didn’t realize it, but he was beyond obsessed, infatuated with this angel he’d been blessed with. In her sleep, he pressed one tender kiss to her forehead, and watched over her gentle form with sheer adoration. It was the best Christmas a man like him could’ve ever asked for.
May 2nd of this year…it was the page he flipped onto without mind. Her final entry, the morning before everything was meant to crumble. 
“Dear diary, today I’ve got an appointment with my doctor for a checkup. Yeosang’s busy in a meeting so he can’t drop me off, but he’s sent the driver to pick me up. Tomorrow’s our one year anniversary, and I’ve got a whole surprise planned. First: We’ll have dinner at the beachside restaurant and then we’ll go on a walk across the sand till sunset. Once the sun starts setting, I’ll tell him..how much he means to me. I don’t think he realizes it and I don’t know if he feels the same way, but in the year that we’ve been married, I felt my life take a 180. He’s one of the only people who deals with my antics without complaint, even though he seems annoyed..he’s still silent about it. Gosh I sound so lovesick…but he makes me feel complete. I love him so much, I know this was just an arranged marriage and yet..I can’t help but love everything about him. His pretty smile that is reserved for my silliest jokes, the birthmarks on the side of his face that I just can’t help but reach out and pet sometimes… I hope he loves me even if it’s just a little bit, I’ll be over the damn moon! The driver’s here now, I’ll update you later :)”
His fingers dragged along the penmanship, a tear staining the page. He couldn’t ruin this too, this didn’t deserve to be tainted. Streams of painful tears stained his cheeks and continued to flow, a choked out sob crawling out of his throat. Heart constricted and aching, he hugged the notebook and bawled. Nobody would come to comfort him in this loneliness, the sunshine long gone and he couldn’t even say a proper goodbye. He couldn’t tell her how much he loved her gorgeous smile that would brighten his world. Her sense of humor that would beat any comedian in her path. Everything about her made it all worthwhile.
“Yeosang?” her voice croaked, Yeosang’s hands holding onto hers for dear life. On the hospital bed, bleeding and bruised, the doctors at the bedside ready like grim reapers. “I’m here angel” a single tear trickled down her battered face, and he rushed to wipe it away. “It’s the first time you called me that” she wept, and pulled his hand close to her lips. She pressed a gentle kiss to the top of his hand, and all the strength he was mustering came so close to crashing down. He had to be strong for her, he wouldn’t want her final memories of him to be a sobbing mess.
“I love you Yeosang” the final part of his name came out in an exhausted sigh. Her hold on his hand fell limp, and the machines laughed at him with their flatlining noise. He cried out, shaking her as nurses shoved him out of the room. Their attempts were feeble, all the doctor did was place his hand on Yeosang’s shoulder. As if it could soothe him, yet nothing would. Nothing in the world would soothe him anymore, the sun was gone, the candle’s flames all burnt out.
“I love you too” he whispered into the mocking silence, with hopes that she was watching over him now. In his broken state, crumpled on the bed, with her book tight in his arms.
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iireneleee · 1 year
MY FAVOURITE PLACEMENTS FOR EACH SIGN (with explanation of course 😚😚)
remember, don’t take this too seriously cause this whole thing is fully based on my own personal opinion so im sorry if I didn’t mention your placement(s). don’t be offended okay?! MUAH I love all of yall 💋
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Aries: I’d probably say 50% venus 25% moon 15% sun — honestly this is kinda hard for me cause my best best friend is an Aries moon and I get along very well with Aries moons however… this one girl that I broke off all contacts with cause she was obsessive ( she still hasn’t stop💔💔 even though we stopped talking for 2 years, super creepy) 50% venus because omg literally almost every single lovely person I know has that placement it’s mad. maybe it’s bc my venus conjuncts theirs (I’m also an aries venus) they express love in a way I adore so 💕💕 for aries sun, 25% because I’m only close with one aries sun but she’s literally so fly I love. but she says some weird stuff occasionally though she’s too unfiltered HAHAHA love that.
Taurus: definitely taurus moon 50% and taurus mercury 50% — taurus moons are literally the cutest people ever. idk why but all of y’all are like little hamsters in my eyes. taurus moons remind me so much of hamsters. many of you are probably leaders and I love being around you guys. super sweet and always there when I need y’all muah muah. people always stereotype you guys as lazy people but every single taurus moon I know are the most hardworking people ever. super admirable individuals 😚😚 those who have natal taurus mercury people are the funniest. y’all are like LOWKEY old souls. very good people to be in a group project with cause they always voice out the best opinions and ideas. they are also really relatable individuals they say things that many people would like relate to idk how to describe it, meme worthy i guess?? I love y’all so much. sometimes they ignore people when they say stupid stuff but whatever they’re literally one of the best people so they get a free pass.🤫🤫
Gemini: mmmm I’d say 50% gemini suns and 50% gemini risings. honestly, I haven’t met many gemini placements 😭 my sister is a gemini rising so i might be a little biased HAHAH sorry my bad my bad. i love gemini risings they always give me one of the best first impressions. i tend to get along really well with gemini risings and tend to gravitate towards them hehe. also for gemini suns, most are pretty cool. i realise that gemini suns tend to be really nice and grounded when you meet them but when you get closer to them they’re little devils IN A GOOD WAY hahah. all my interactions and memories with gemini suns are actually really good. they always promise a good time 🙏🙏
Cancer: CANCER VENUS🔥🔥 for sure cancer venus. omg i love them. they give really good hugs LOL. super sweet individuals. i love the way they express their love it’s so cute especially when you’re the recipient of the love literally so 😍😍. one of my friends have this placement and oml she gives such meaningful gifts. she is the reason why I have high expectations for gifts LOL. i really hope i get to befriend more cancer venuses 💔💔 they’re really thoughtful people who take initiative very very lovely 🫶
Leo: leo moons 🙏🙏 y’all are so chill. literally are the 😐 people ITS SO FUNNY . I love y’all so much I always have ‘beef’ with leo moons lol literally tom and jerry but it’s so fun. bickering (affectionately) I know I lot who don’t study but r really smart or at least all of y’all tell me you don’t study😐😐 I know a lot of you guys who r dancers too and omg really pro dancers srs srs. super fun people but they lowkey about it.
Virgo: definitely virgo sun + virgo venus I have so many virgo sun babes (aka friends) they’re so so sweet. im always having a fun carefree time when im with you guys. never a dull moment. you guys are like my babies srs srs you guys just gave me that youthful feel and it’s so refreshing omg🫂🫂. virgo venus people are so funny idek why they’re so underrated. they’re also very big mouth literally tell them something humiliating that happen to you and if it doesn’t sound like you’re very bothered by it trust people around you probably also know about it BUT it’s okay cause they cute, I can never get mad at them. also very playful people. 💋💋 i love talking to them but at the end of the convo omg we are like probably fighting / arguing (affectionately) LOL i don’t get many gifts from them honestly but they LOVE to give food. hehe 💋💋 to my virgo venus sweethearts
Libra: libra suns + libra moons so 50 - 50 hehe libra suns are really helpful people. they’re like honestly very libra idk why. they’re so so sweet, always there to listen to you ramble. my mama is a libra sun and omg she’s always listening to me ramble and rant ITS SO FUNNY. sometimes you guys are too nice to people that they tend to take advantage of your kindness so always be on the look out and know your worth 😚😚 . libra moons ARE SO FUNNY. i love you guys, y’all always make me lose my breath over your jokes. super random people who talk about out of pocket things but it’s so unique and fun with you guys that I can’t help but laugh everytime i see yalls face. also pretty smart people. you guys always do your best in things that you’re passionate about and it’s really admirable however, when y’all dgaf about stuff man all that quality work is gone LOL but it’s okay me too. best people to have around y’all remind me of those circus seals. 🔥🔥firee
Scorpio: scorpio venus — I really love scorpio venus individuals omg. they’re always there for you and always ready to attend all your big moments without fail. I had this one friend who has a scorpio venus and she take time out of her own busy schedule to train me for my interview and we stayed at the place until like the sunset it was so wholesome. not only did she do that but she was with me when I got my interview results like I was so shocked I thought she stayed cause she also had something to do afterwards but turns out she had nothing to do and she planned to wait for me and leave right after omg i literally melted. I treasure her so much and because of that I’ve always had a good impression of her. super sweet individuals. little cinnamon buns, warm and sweet. they also really are big on physical touch cliché I know but it’s real HAHA. everyone should have a scorpio venus friend or significant other 😭😭💋💋
Sagittarius: sagittarius moons — out of all my close friends in my click, half are sagittarius moons, it’s literally mad. they’re such unique individuals all of them have different personalities even though they have the same moon. but one thing they all have in common is that they find the weirdest stupidest unfunniest jokes funny. it’s mad. I can pull out a photo of a cat on the ground holding a fish and they’d be cracking up like mad. they all really enjoy being around positive and responsible people, people who are like them. they always burst out laughing idk y they try to hold their laugh but they never laugh normally. I love them though it’s always so comfortable around them MUAHHH💋💋
Capricorn: capricorn moons + capricorn mercury 50-50 — omg my baby capricorn moons, they’re so athletic, or maybe it’s just the capricorn moons I know but omg they’re so competitive when it comes to sport. they’re actually really reliable people even though they may seem quite playful and reckless. they tend to be good at math. love food. they also like to make handmade things for their friends and it’s really random. sometimes I come out of class one day and they just ask me if I want a cookie. LOL and one of my friends gave me a piece of paper that she doodled and drew on FOR ME it’s so cute and random but makes me physically like become the 🥺 emoji. love u guys. for capricorn mercuries y’all have the most underrated humour YALL ARE SO FUNNY LOL. you guys make the funniest jokes with the straightest faces like this face, 😐. MAKES ITS EVEN FUNNIER LOL. y’all tend to text a lot and are quite talkative actually. love you guys cause you guys never hesitate to make the conversation about the other party rather than yourself LOL JOKING ( but FR though you guys make me feel like the main character whenever I’m talking to u ) 🫂🫂
Aquarius: mmm i haven’t really befriended many who have aquarius placements so this may not be relatable😭😭 sorry!! but I’ll have to go with aquarius moons. — I tend to get attracted to aquarius moons cause they seem really fun. idk why but they all seem like a ball of sun to me. they remind me of fluffy cows HAHAH. they’re really cool individuals and they’re really kind. super sweet people who are always willing to help you and take initiative LOVE THEM💕💕. wish I get to know more aquarius moons, they’re just so loveable and reliable. 🫶🫶😚
Pisces: pisces moons 50% + pisces risings 25% + pisces mercury 25%💕💕💕 — OMG pisces moons BRUU literally my babes. I love them so much. they’re always there to help. they’re really responsible people even though they like to have fun. best people to have for group projects. they’re also really good at putting themselves in other peoples shoes hence making them very good at comforting others. very good friends that would do anything for you. they tend to radiate the same energy you give them so always give your best to them for you to receive the best💪💪 for pisces risings, I just really like they’re features. they all give like a reserved energy and many people would think that they’re really high achievers and admirable people with a cute face HEHE. they’re really sweet and awkward at first but once you get to know them omg it’s a huge difference they’re little devils LOLOLOL (in a good way🤫🤫) I tend to have many pisces rising friends maybe cause their rising is in my seventh house but 😚😚 whatever. they’re little choco pies, random ik but it just fits their whole persona . pisces mercuries are really chill people who like to talk. I love them so much cause like tend to relate to one another a lot and i just love to talk to them because they’re so easy to talk to. just pull out a random topic and they would prob be able to talk about it, very versatile speakers. also, they don’t really share their opinions at times. like sometimes i want to eat something with them but their whole face writes “no that looks disgusting” so I ask them if they’re sure that they’re fine with the restaurant and they say that they’re fine but they’re not really fine LOLOLOL they’re so cute HAHAH love them. they always put others before themselves.
made by: @iireneleee
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theresthespark · 13 days
Okay Lestat is canonically a Scorpio and Louis a Libra which are both painfully accurate. I wanted to play Estelle and share my astrology headcanons
Leo rising – the hair, the general slayage, her association with yellow aka the sun
Aries sun – she’s so bold plus libra and Aries are sister signs so they share traits that present different which feels right for Louis and her’s kinship
Taurus moon – not prone enough to over emotionality to be a water sign but not overly practical in the way the other earth signs are. Very stubborn and does canonically enjoy beauty and luxury. Also if you know a Taurus I feel like it just makes sense
Virgo Rising – She just gives demure when we first meet her and yet no bullshit either. Virgos just seems very put together almost unassuming which is funny since every Virgo I know is crazy lol
Aquarius sun – the decisions she’s made in her life feel the best suited for an Aquarian. Also her talking to Armand? That woman stopped giving a fuck about what everyone else is doing years ago
Cancer moon – Almost did Scorpio here but her loyalty and intensity didn’t feel suited there. Cancer still has some of Scorpio’s snap but its homey and soft too. I also can’t see Claudia gravitating towards someone similar to Lestat at all lol
(Bonus: suspected Aries Venus. The intensity of her!! Her directness when she cares! How she chases life and joy!)
Pisces Rising – those big ole eyes are a big marker for this one. Also Pisces have big baby energy despite being the oldest sign which feels perfect for him
Gemini Sun – Please what else could he be? There’s the 27 different faces but more so, the love for technology and knowledge, the urge to always strategize. The near inability to ground into his emotions. The perpetual anxiety. Also Geminis are so funny without even trying but that’s just me
Capricorn Moon – Caps are ruled by Saturn which is in short a struggle bus placement. Fits well with the forever 27 thing (stuck in perpetual Saturn return) and his tendency to self flagellate. Also it being represent by the devil card in tarot. Iykyk
Capricorn rising – When you first meet him he comes off quite no bullshit in a way that only makes sense for Capricorn to me. Also fits for the workaholic tendencies (our risings tend to be a truest to self energy aka us at our best). Also feel that may be what draws Armand to him hehehe
Sagittarius sun – If you look up famous Sags all of them are silly goobers (and lowkey problematic 💀). Like him being a Sag makes SO much sense to me for San Francisco. Only a Sag would make that many dumb decisions just bc it was a vibe lmaoo
Aries moon – Thinking about Eric’s comment about Daniel not taking kindly to bullies. Also how similar him and Claudia feel to me I feel they’d share some major signage too
(Bonus: Gemini Mercury bc his got the gift of the gab, the quick wit)
Louis: (i couldn’t resist finishing their big three)
Libra rising – Ruled by Venus, Helen of Troy, Malena coded. What else could he be really?
Libra sun – Painfully canon
Scorpio moon – With how he talks about himself and his life versus how he moves through the world it makes perfect sense to me. So much emotion but also a lot of passion all bottled unless in the right company. Also he would loooove SZA (plus plus you’re more likely to become heavily attached to people who’s sun is your moon)
Aquarius rising – Leo’s sister sign (perfect for him and Claudia’s dynamic). She’s a rebel she does her own thing she does not give a flying fuck about the rest of yall. Only an Aquarius could be responsible for the events in Queen of the Damned
Scorpio sun – Again debilitatingly canon
Leo moon – Do I even need to explain it? Pull any TVL passage if you want an explanation lmaooo
I hope you enjoyed my analyzes I love astrology and would kill to get a proper birth chart for these characters. The house placements! The Aspects! The CHIRONS!! I need to chill
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atreyuinthemidle2 · 1 year
Hers another one yall
Joey jordison x reader
Word count: 622
It's a dairy entry about joey <3
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Monday February 9th, 1998
Today, I started my job, and most of my shift I hung out with this cute guy named joey he seems very nice he seems really chill to. i guess he's a manager
Tuesdays February 10th 1998
Today I talked to joey some more. He's in a band and he asked me to go to the show this weekend. I hope I can go.
Wednesday, February 11th, 1998
Joey was not here today, but I will be taking my friend and my friend to the show
Thursday, February 12th, 1998
joey said that there were like 9 members. i was like dang thats a lot of guys on one stage
Fridays February 13th, 1998
Today was rough some bitch came in bitching about her not getting her way she swung at me then joey told her to get the fuck out i got the rest of the day off
Saturday February 14th 1998
Todays the show im so excited i cant wait i havent been to a show in a while since ive been to a show im sill trying to figure out what to wear
Sunday February 15th 1998
The show was amazing joey is great at playing live after the show he saw me and we talked for a while it was nice.
Friday February 27th 1998
Joey asked me if i wanted to come to another show i said yes hes really cool he also play guitar and hss been playing drums since he was like 8
Saturday February 28th 1998
Today's the show im really happy i couldn't find someone to come with me so ill be by myself
Sunday March 1st 1998
Last night was great joey and his band were amazing just like last time but after the show this guy came up to me and stated hitting on me being really creepy and joey told him f off then we hung out for a bit
Monday a april 1st1998
Today I got to meet some of joey's bandmates Shawn and Paul I didn't realize how short joey was till he stood next to them they both seemed really kind
Tuesday april 2nd1998
I've noticed myself looking at joey a lot I don't mean to but his eyes and his hair it makes him so perfect
Friday April 4th 1998
Joey has been complementing me a lot here lately I've gotten a crush on him hes so fucking kind
Saturday april 12th 1998
Joey has been taking shifts that I'm also working to be around me I think he likes me too
Wednesday april 26th 1998
Joey has been acting quite strange around me hrs reel quiet and shy when I talk to him he gets really red in the cheeks
Friday August 3rd 1998
I've been going to joeys  shows  every chance i get and I've met all his bend mates im really close with the wierd one his name is sid
Monday August 10th 1998
Joey hugged me and was gunna say something but then walked away omg hes killing me
Tuesday August 18 1998
Joey told me he liked me then we kissed I was so happy and freaking out on the inside were going out on the 22nd I cant wait
Saturday August 22nd 1998
Tonight's the night me and Joe are going out
Sunday August 23rd 1998
Joey took me to the movies we saw bride of chucky it was good he kissed me again and we went to his house and cuddled
Monday Oct 29th 2001
I cant believe i lost this Joey and I have been together for 3 years he and I have a. Apartment together and he's in a new band called murderdolls
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running-with-kn1ves · 2 years
Too Close For Comfort
Male! Co-worker X GN! Reader
A/N: Turns out you can write so much when you have free time :0 Anyway I spent way too damn long on this so… here we are! I hope yall enjoy :’) (There are so many things wrong with this piece which is EXACTLY why you do not procrastinate, kids.)
TW: christmas/holiday themes, sour mood on the holidays, drugging, forced kissing/ touching, yandere themes, alcohol/ intoxicated characters
Synopsis: Feeling like an odd one out at your office’s christmas party, you find an overly eager co-worker to spend your time with-- who seems to prove that no company may be better than bad company.
Word Count: 3300
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When most thought of the winter holidays, great cheer and comforting cold weather took priority. Whether it was staying inside from the bitter cold with a cup of warm tea, or decorating with shining lights and pine tree scents, there was always fun to be had. Even the music was jolly, no holiday song consisting of a sorrowful melody when it came to the season.
However, you unfortunately did not share the same holiday spirit as most during December. Those who had fun on Christmas or their yearly holidays usually had someone to spend it with, a person or people to keep them company from the windy chill and the loneliness of solitude. You had no such company; your family was unable to make it this year for the holidays, and you had yet to find a spouse that could enjoy the Christmas spirit with you.
You tried not to bring your disheartened attitude in with you today at work, but it was a real struggle when it came to watching your co-workers mingle with one another. You had yet to make any stable friendships since you started your job, which your huddling form in the corner showed quite obviously. 
With eggnog in your hand and an ugly sweater covering your chest, you couldn’t help but frown at the floor as you listened to the sound of jingle bells and Michael Bublé for the 100th time this month. You desperately wanted to go home, to cry to a hallmark movie and down 3 cups of hot chocolate before passing out on your couch. But your boss insisted that everyone in your office stay for the christmas party else they’ll have to stay late on new years. 
You didn’t have any particular plan for new years other than your yearly ritual of drinking your sorrows away while the clock strikes twelve, but it would be nice not to spend it in the office with a bunch of people you hardly knew. So, you stayed. You listened to the bad karaoke and watched as your co-workers got slammed on spiked eggnog.
A particular person who displayed such a description was your boss: a man in his 40s, currently ‘busting it down’ on the makeshift dancefloor to some holiday rap. 
“He’s having a bit too much fun, wouldn’t you think?” A voice said next to your ear. 
You turned to find one of your co-workers faces right next to yours, his hot breath ghosting over your ear as he grinned. You jumped at seeing him so close to you out of nowhere. 
“Sorry, I just thought you wouldn’t be able to hear me over the music.” He apologized.
The man’s flurry of bright blonde hair and fair skin seemed to appear out of nowhere, his face flushed with a slight pink that must’ve been from the cold.  
“No its alright. Klaus, right?” You asked. 
“Yeah,” He laughed and rubbed the back of his head. “I’ve actually been standing behind you for a while now.”
You raised an eyebrow at his words, not expecting his choice of words.
“I mean-- I’ve seen you around the office quite a bit, but haven’t gotten the courage to talk to you ‘til now.”
You almost flushed at the sound of that. Someone had noticed you, and was really that afraid of talking to you? You had thought no one batted an eye at you after the first day of your arrival. 
You remembered seeing Klaus around the office a few times-- he always seemed to be nearby, never doing anything important but never so visibly available that you felt confident enough to talk to him. He seemed very popular with your other co-workers, always chatting it up with someone and getting a giggle out of them. Sometimes you’d make eye contact with him, but you turned away too quickly out of embarrassment to let it linger any longer. 
“Actually I’ve been standing here for 10 minutes hoping you’d notice me.” He bashfully admitted. 
“What really? I’m so sorry--” You tried to apologize, feeling yourself grow hot at how oblivious you were. 
“No don’t worry. I’m just glad I’ve finally caught your attention.” He gave you a small wink, leaning in closer to make himself more hearable. 
You widened your eyes at that, surprised at his forwardness-- you couldn’t remember the last time someone came onto you so obviously. Or rather, at all. You had been sort of avoiding the dating- slash- hookup scene ever since you moved for your job. 
“O-oh.” You weren’t exactly sure how to respond, taking another large gulp of your drink. 
“In fact, I thought you were looking rather lonely over here.” Klaus said, moving forward closer to you. You stepped backwards in time with his movements, afraid of getting too close to him. He didn’t seem to mind, keeping eye contact with you as he licked his lips and smiled. 
“Oh, really? Well… I’m, alright. Don’t worry about me.” You laughed awkwardly, caught completely off guard. 
He placed a hand on the wall behind you, standing beside and yet in front of you, in a non-threatening but trapping manner. Taking a sip out of his own drink, he watched as you fumbled to fill the silence he seemed so comfortable with. 
“Hey everybody! A shrill voice called. “Guess who’s under the mistletoe!”  
One of your female coworkers pointed towards you and Klaus in a drunken stupor, her dark skin flushed from the alcohol and showing mischevious excitement. 
You looked up to see a hanging green plant, ripe red berries intertwined in its leaves with a red bow holding it from the ceiling. Klaus didn’t bother looking up, continuing to stare at you as you admired the greenery. 
It wasn’t until a chant brought you out of your thoughts did you feel your stomach drop. 
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” Your female coworker started, shaking her fist in time with her intoxicated slurs. She stumbled and clapped her hands, the rest of the office following suit. Your boss even chimed in, becoming the loudest with his tie tied around his forehead and his shirt unbuttoned. You hadn’t realized how unraveled the party had become until all the attention was on you. The chant got louder as more joined in, Klaus looking at you for your reaction. 
You looked back at him and to the crowd, unsure of what you should do. Klaus looked prepared, trying to appear casual yet undeniably eager. 
“Should we give the people what they want?” He asked, though you could tell what he was hoping for. 
Yet, you hardly knew him! This was your first time talking to the man, and he was your co-worker-- someone who you’d have to see day in and day out 5 days a week. The world of problems this one kiss could bring, was a risk you weren’t sure would be worth it.
Despite knowing that, you began to lean towards him. Maybe it was the eggnog or the fear of disappointing the party attendees, but you kept moving forward as he grinned a bit too excitedly. 
Immediately Klaus’s hand shot to your back, pulling you so the inside of his thigh warmed your knee. His hand on your back pressed against your sweater and gently moved to support you, the other coming up to cup your cheek. You expected the kiss to be a short peck-- enough to satisfy the drunken herd, but Klaus’s movements read romance. 
His hands were warm, likely from holding his hot drink of choice all evening. He smelled faintly of snow and hot chocolate, his breath hitting your nose as he stood over you, waiting to get closer. His fingers fell to your chin as his pointer and thumb gripped to pull your face towards his softly. You let him take the lead, holding onto his cold jacket as he pushed you up to meet his height. 
You could feel the burn of a hundred eyes on you, all staring; watching, anticipating. 
Klaus’ lips touched yours, his mouth parting just slightly for yours to fit in like a puzzle piece. He didn’t dare shove his tongue down your throat or slime you with saliva like you bet half of the drunks here would have, instead squeezing his lips around yours with a hand on the back of your head, deepening the act of affection as if he waited a millennium to give it to you. 
 Thankfully, cheering commenced from the boisterous crowd, though you couldn’t hear it from the blood rushing in your ears. Neither you or Klaus wanted to let go-- though for vastly different reasons. Hands rushed to pat you and your male counterpart on the back once you forced yourself to break away. Klaus still held onto you, moving his hands to hold your waist as the crowd trickled closer to congratulate. The music got louder, a shout of more drinks being poured gaining another cheer from the crowd.
They all shouted words of praise and excitement, some more inebriated than others, but nonetheless all happy and excited with a holiday glow in their eyes and cheeks. 
Once the drinks were poured and called to be given out, the attention on you and Klaus was gone. The crowd moved away, diminishing all to go back to partying and their own groups of familiarity. Though Klaus still hadn’t let go of you. You looked at him, awkwardly shuffling backward as he let go reluctantly. 
The music had somehow gotten louder, though the attention was now pulled back to your tipsy boss making decisions he’d surely regret in the morning, and everyone else focusing back on their own groups. You felt out of place again-- though now with a partner instead of alone. You weren’t sure if that as any better though, since now it was two all alone rather than one. 
“Do you want to go somewhere more quiet?” Klaus asked, leaning once again uncomfortably close to your face. “Somewhere with less, you know, people?” He put a hand to the small of your back, hoping to gently push your decision.
“That’d be great.” You sighed with a smile, glad to be escaping in some way, even if it meant spending time with an awkward acquaintance. 
Klaus grabbed your hand with his, bringing a comforting warmth to your chilled fingers. He slid by the twinkling christmas tree, pushing past people with an urgency that would’ve concerned you if you weren’t so eager to leave yourself. You almost tripped over the small presents meant for white elephant underneath the tree if you hadn’t watched your step, trying to move carefully as Klaus lifted your hand to make it easier.
“Thanks,” You said, though you doubted it could be heard over the loud chatter and high note from Mariah Carey on the radio.
 You realized Klaus had been leading you back towards your desks, into a small hallway that only held your bosses office and a small janitor’s closet. People still paraded around the office everywhere you went, a few couples making out in their cubicles with the only light source coming from strung up christmas lights on the walls. You squinted your eyes, unable to see in the dark except for Klaus’ shoes in front of you. 
You bumped into his back as he suddenly stopped in front of the closet, letting out a small ‘oomph’ into his thick jacket. 
“Sorry..” You mumbled, though he only seemed to let out a small, teasing laugh. 
Opening the door, he led you into the closet. You gulped, thinking this was a strange place to gain privacy. You thought perhaps the two of you would go outside, or maybe head back to one of your cubicles, even if it wasn’t the best way to be alone. Yet, you still followed him into the closet, hoping maybe you could take a breather without hearing incessant jovial laughing or wet drunken kisses from your co-workers who couldn’t keep themselves off each other. Hoping in, Klaus shut the door with a ‘click.’
There was no light in the closet, and no switch to turn on even a hanging light bulb.
“Well, here we are.” You said, hoping to lighten the thick air. 
“Yes.” Klaus said, his body in front of you though you couldn’t see it. You shuffled around, trying to get comfortable despite unknown items at your feet and on the shelves next to you. You stood in silence, soaking up the fact that there was no distractions to remind you of your loneliness. And, well, you weren’t alone. Atleast, not right now. 
Klaus’ breathing got heavier, loud enough to fill the silence of the closet. 
“I can’t believe…. We’re alone together.” He exhales. 
“Yeah….?” You say, unsure of what he means. 
Though the hands on your shoulders seem to put forth his meaning more clearly. 
“I thought we’d never be able to get away from them.” He chuckles, pressing his chest against yours this time, pulling you into a hug. “Though, I didn’t think the mistletoe would go that smoothly.” 
Klaus rubbed your back with a sensuality you didn’t expect, humming into your ear as he embraced you moreso than co-workers-- or even friends should. 
“I can’t say I expected you to kiss me so easily..”
He let go of the unreciprocated hug to cup your face with his soft hands. 
“So, does this mean you have feelings for me…. too?”
“W-what?” You back away from his hands into the supply shelf. “Klaus, uh,” You chuckle for a moment, trying to come up with an answer. “We’ve only talked once, and that was 5 minutes ago!” 
You tried to keep your tone light, giving a small laugh to hide your nervousness.
“But our kiss,” He argued. “Our kiss. Didn’t you feel something from that?”
He huffed and brought his hands down to your shoulders. 
“Not only that--didn’t you feel any sparks when we made eye contact last tuesday? When you brushed by me in the break room? Come on.” He spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, shaking your shoulders and pressing the toe of his shoe against yours. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t even remember that--” You tried to find his eyes in the dark, but could only make out vague shapes of his face. “I thought that kiss was just-- peer pressure.” 
Klaus went silent. His hands limp against your shoulders, the male hung his head in defeat. 
“....Nothing? You haven’t… noticed me at all?” He sounded pitiful, voice cracking ever so slightly. “And our kiss, was just an act to you?” 
Klaus bit his lip to stop himself from letting out a sob, his worst fears commencing together to build a crushing momentum. 
“I’m sorry… I didn’t know, it meant that much to you. I don’t know you that well, so I really don’t have any room to say I share the same feelings.” You sighed, patting his hands sympathetically. 
Well, that was certainly a turn of events from what you expected. 
Yet, Klaus perked up at hearing you.
“But that doesn’t entirely rule out the possibility, right? You could still… find yourself falling for me-- potentially.”
“Klaus, I don’t really think--” 
“It’s possible, with enough time, with enough-- convincing.” He interrupted. 
You were about to refute his rationalization, trying to let him down gently. That was until the feeling of familiar lips crashing onto yours came, devouring you faster than the first kiss had. Klaus shoved you against the supply shelf, forcing your head back with his as his nose bumped into yours. Tight lips wrapped around your mouth as the man desperately tried to convince you. 
“Klauth--!” You tried to muffle out, feeling your struggling hands forcefully pushed against the shelf.
“No--! Just let me--” He huffed between kisses. “Give me the chance to convince you--! I’m worth it!-- I promise--” 
Thumps could be heard outside the closet, cleaning and old office supplies falling off the shelves as the two of you danced in a struggling fashion. 
You let out a series of noises against his mouth, mostly poor attempts at trying to tell him to stop, to get off of you, all of which were futile compared to how overpowering Klaus’s desperation was. He was determined, and there was little that could stop him. 
Though with a rightly timed shove and a bite of his lip, you managed to push the man into the door. It let out an echoing clatter, Klaus being unable to catch himself beforehand. 
“What is the matter with you!” You managed to huff out, balling your fists up. 
Klaus ignores your upset expression, wiping his lips. 
“I’m really not a bad guy, you know. I don’t use things like chloroform or handcuffs.” Your heart dropped, panic beginning to set in. “I didn’t even really plan on bringing this with me tonight…. It was just a precaution. So I hope, you won’t think different of me.” Klaus frowned, coming closer to you with heavy footsteps.
“What are you even on about!” You tried to back away, about to tell him to stop once more. The more he came closer, the more worried you became. Clearly, there was something wrong with him on a level that you couldn’t understand, and you weren’t waiting to find out what it was. 
But before you could react, a pinching feeling was running down your thigh. Something stabbed into your leg, unwavering as Klaus’ hand covered it. His other arm moved up to shove against your mouth, your teeth biting into his arm as you tried to struggle away. He spun around, pushing you against the closet door as you tried to frantically get free. Klaus thumbed the end of the syringe, making sure the entirety of the sedative entered your system. Once he felt it hit the bottom, Klaus pulled the needle out of your leg and threw the syringe to the floor. He used the rest of his weight to keep you steady and silent. 
You tried to scream against his arm once you realized what he had done. You didn’t know what he had just injected you with, but it certainly was not something benign. Your arms tried to flail but could only wiggle within Klaus’s grasp as he held them down. 
Only a mere few seconds passed before you felt something strange occur within you, a limpness in your limbs beginning as your eyelids lowered. It was small at first-- just a nagging tiredness in your body. But it soon grew to a point that you could no longer counsciously comprehend, your mind flatlining.
“You’re so much work,” Klaus said with a struggled laugh, trying to keep you down while brushing a stray hair away from your slowly relaxing face. “But worth it. I promise, I’ll prove myself to you. I’ll make you beg for me.” 
You could feel your spit drool down your chin from Klaus’ sleeve, your attempts at biting and removing his arm leaving you a mess. It didn’t take long for the tranquilizer to work its effects, your eyes having gone hazy and body nearly falling to the floor. If it wasn’t for Klaus’s reaction time you would’ve slammed against the door, which would’ve been preferable when it came to Klaus’s intentions. Instead, he caught you with his arms, fighting to keep you upwards. 
“You’ll be convinced before new years, sweetheart.” Klaus planted a small kiss to the side of your mouth, cleaning the drool from your face. “Merry Christmas, my little present.”
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melanatedeuph0ria · 3 months
my initial thoughts on the bear s3 (having only gotten to ep 5)
im not even mad ab the whole sydcarmy breakdown in s3 rn I’m just like disappointed because what the fuck man
I’m only on ep 5 and I’m not gonna lie to y’all if this was as good and actually interesting as season 2 I’d be eating it up and binging that shit as much as I did last year. Well now I rlly can’t because I just HAD to rewatch the show w my parents so now that means I have to wait until they’re in the mood to watch it to watch it with them so I don’t feel like I’m betraying them for watching episodes on my own (mostly my mom tbh) but like ts is NOT speaking to me man
like I NEVER use “man” at the end of my sentences like that only when I’m actually exasperated and fucking tired of the shit something or somebody is pulling
Like what happened man 😕
It was legitimately going so so so SO WELL IN SEASON TWO
but then this WHITE MAN has the nerve to treat her like GARBAGE
okay main points:
* syd deserves better
* syd needs to stop being a lil mean to her dad idk I might be soft but like (it HAD to be said cs why r u being so rude to him for having genuine concerns about this murky ass apartment u finna dig into yo pockets to pay for?? ALSO this sussy ass partnership w this man liiiiiioke…)
* they seemed to care more ab carmys failing and anticlimactic relationship with claire than marcus’s late mother (ALSO I couldn’t help but notice SYDNEY was the only one, THE ONLY ONE who came to support this man as they were cleaning his mom’s hospice equipment out of his house…LIKE YALL HAVE NOTHING TO DO COME HELP??? like okay they came to his funeral which I appreciate y’know but still that part irks me)
* ts feels like filler at its finest somebody already said that but I felt like it had to be restated, like if CLAIRE YO
* okay I’m done thank y’all for listening
* also I’m writing this on my notes app so I just copied it over
*ok bye y’all ty for listening !!! :3
UPDATE: I just read a few posts on here giving different perspectives and now I feel like I might’ve missed some stuff 😭
like maybe this is just setting it up to LOOK LIKE syd and carmy aren’t ever happening just to make season 4 and have them
idk how to even end that sentence
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r1ya4aa · 4 months
Sultan e Qalbam
ꗃ ⋆ ࣪ . 𝟏 ᵘⁿˡᵒᶜᵏᵉᵈ.
Who did you add again bachira..
Chill it's raichui
now who in the right mind would name there child raichui.
You are so real for that
Who are you
I should be the one asking that..
Oh okay
N U?????
l/n y/n
who else is in this gc?
All our friends from blue lock
I think..
nagi changed xxx-xxx-xxx to y/n!
shithoe is online!
Bitch 😒
Alright y'all that's enough
Stfu wannabe hero
Thats embarrassing...☺️
Even she agreed 😜
Girl I was talking to u..☠️
Anyway gotta go I have training 🙁
Training? Do you play any sports?
Ye I do actually
Y/n is offline
Y/n is online
Mb what happened
reo is online!
It's been a while since a last played
Which school are you playing for?
Y'all are playing for nations  this year right?
We have a few more matches to win before we get to the nations
Matter of fact we unfortunately have a match tmr
Why 'unfortunately'?
1. We have two matches scheduled in ONE DAY.
2. The second team is hella strong n there secretary AND coach is mad annoying
Sounds like a hassle.
I hope u lose your match and get depression and become emo for the rest of ur life
Bye y/n!
Good luck and Byee!
Y/n went offline
Nagi went offline
Chigiri went offline
Reo went offline
Bacteria went offline
Isagi went offline
Kunigami went offline
Shithoe went offline
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Yeah I was wondering the same thing
I bet u lost😹😹
We won
But like that aomine guy was hella strong
Not strong enough tho😈
He's the reason I quit actually
It can't be THAT bad..
You don't wanna know...☺️
Thank you!
Who are u btw ?
I don't think you've ever texted since I've been here
Ye some of us had training yesterday
and omg
They seem normal unlike you
At least ma man wants me🥺
who tf.
Your brother ofc😜
Didn't he block you multiple times?
Imagine being so desperate
Stfu eyelashes jr.
I bet his eyelashes r beyond gorgeous
Aryu ✨:
His eyelashes really are glamorous✨
Eyelashes reveal when
I got u pookie
Pinterest coded
Art deco coded
You remind me of my cat
Thank u I guess @Y/n
At least I don't look like a fucking cockroach 😐
*picture of a cat*
I'll kidnap ur cat y/n ☺️
Fuck off☺️
Tysm pookie wookie
What's ur idea bachira?
Ye I'm down
ILL START batchira meguru 😋
Aww you're so cute
I wanna bite ur cheeks 🙁
Aw Tysm pookie 🙁
IM NEXT shodou ryusei baby 😈
2/10 ig (im being generous 😒)
(Eyeliner tut when??)
Aryu✨ (jyubei 🤕)
Aaoshi tttttttakkenmixysi
I got u takemitsu
Aoshi takemitsu
I guess I'll go next :)
Isagi yoichi
u look smart
Thank you!
Eita is online!
Karasu is online!
Barou is online!
Nanase is online!
Hori is online!
Kurona is online!
What are we doing
Face reveal
For who?
Read the chat fucking dumbass
Hello y/n! I'm Hiori yo
I Like girls who play basketball
Didn't you tell me a few minutes ago that you're into shy girls?
I Like em both😼
I feel like your a cheater
He is.
Y/n changed 'Eita' to 'Cheitar'
Karasu tabito
Fix yo Hair old man ☠️
I thought we where good y/n 😒
You thought wrong 😜
Reo mikage
Thank you! I'll do nagis one too since he's asleep
Nagi seishiro
He reminds me of a snowman
I'm so sorry y/n we have to go training 😔
Oh that's okay!
bye y/n!
goodbye Isagi 🫶
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989 WORDS!
[🥟]— hi…I’m still trying to figure out how to use and write on this app🙏 and can anyone explain to me how to add pictures without like the text disappearing or smth like that, TYSM!!
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smoshidiot · 10 months
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😎 the-chosen
Broke another MGS record last night. My purpose grows greater by the day. Impressive…
14 notes
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🐻 steviesblog Follow
Starting a new journey! Day 1 of trying to get Ian and Anthony to hang out with me
I don't think they saw me today. Maybe hiding in a bush is too discrete.
🐻 steviesblog Follow
Day 2 of trying to get Ian and Anthony to hang out with me
Anthony hit me with his car. Posts may be delayed for a bit :/
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📦 boxmann
@boxmansgf respond to my texts c'mon =(
🎁 boxmansgf Follow
not until you apologize for calling me a dude 💔
📦 boxmann
babe I'm sorry I miss you. I'd throw boiling water at anyone who wrongs you. come back pls =((
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🔍 smoshanthony
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i peaked here
#emo #smosh #y2k #emoboy
14.3k notes
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🌸 smoshidiot
ugh guys i'm ngl ian is so penis
🌸 smoshidiot
☀️ smoshian
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874 notes
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☀️ smoshian
Just found out it's not called a flashlight... YALL ARE SUM FREAKS.
#Anthony showed me one it was so nasty
39 notes
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😤 courtney-freakin-miller Follow
Ian looked at me funny today. I CAN AND WILL END HIM !!!!!
😎 the-chosen
You need to chill.
28 notes
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🕵🏻‍♀️ wet-cop Follow
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Please let me know if you see this man's whereabouts. My ask box is open for any tips.
😸 firecrotchney
😭😭 that's literally Ian Hecox
#bestie I promise you Ian did not kill your son
142 notes
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🌑 rredactedd Follow
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☎️ urmyfavepizzaplace
you're my favorite pizza place!
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🗡️ garretts-blog Follow
Stop calling me emo. I'm way cooler than those losers.
☎️ urmyfavepizzaplace
you're my favorite pizza place!
🗡️ garretts-blog Follow
shut the hell up
21 notes
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😸 firecrotchney
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Give me what they have
#ugh they're the besties of all time
83 notes
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👔 rasattack Follow
41 notes
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