#i hope this queue works <333
mixtapedoh · 19 days
literally ran to your inbox when i saw your writing event post. may i request hoshi with autumn by niki because i like pain and can not get this song out of head for days now
omg, a fellow niki lover <3333 jen, you always have had such wonderful taste. i love the way her songs allow me to bleed.
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ᴅɪᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴇᴀɴ ꜰʀᴇᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴍᴇ?
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x reader (not endgame) genre: angst, break-up word count: ~1k warnings: heartbreak, death imagery (don't we love angst and more angst and a dash of even more crushing angst?), barely there plot but fuck it, we ball.
olive's notes: a very interesting exercise for me! tbh, as a niki fan, i love to cast her songs as potential fic ideas, and when i hear autumn, my gut reaction is woozi, so to think about hoshi instead was a welcome challenge. hopefully i did it justice <3.
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You stare at those four letters, that single word, the broken sentence fragment not even deserving of punctuation until the blue light of your phone burns the impression of it into your retina in a persistence that lasts longer than your last conversation with him, just days before.
Not even four letters he had deigned to type out — some semblance of a response to your longing that you'd attempted to sever with a knife that, rusted through, meant you had to saw at that place where you deemed your attachment thinnest over and over: a back and forth motion, a seasickened sort of nausea that left you emptier than perhaps the hacking would have resulted in, had the cut been clean. But no; to all that you had spilled before him in your text (written and rewritten, drafted and thrown out, wept over, then created anew), all he could offer you — all he would give you, now — was silence. A read receipt. All your feelings still spilling out of you, pooling in shallow oceans, sales tax. Your anger, change. A transaction in the deficit. A run-up tab, a thousand I-owe-you's coalescing in just four letters, not even the ellipses of thought.
But did he?
When you fell for Hoshi all those months ago, it certainly hadn't been for his careful trepidation, or some thoughtful penchant for contemplation. It was for the lack of it, really. The way he so effortlessly swept you up — took your wary hands, and with a smile that seemed to embody the whole of him, coaxed the laughter out of you, and then following, the vulnerable, sticky truth. He liked it — liked you — he always pressed for more.
And so you'd give, and he would take. Then he'd offer, and you'd come closer to receive. Close enough to memorize the lines in his face, intimate enough to carve the worst of you into his bones.
And then work came between you, as it was wont to do. You were seeing each other in secret, of course (could you imagine what they'd say, if all the world knew?), but then people grew suspicious, an accounting of his every move including too many reports of you. So space was needed, but Soonyoung was apologetic, and you were hopeful you'd pull through.
"I love you," you'd whisper in the late night phone calls when he'd still be in his sweats and running choreography that was perfect as is.
(It wasn't right, he'd always claim. And he'd do it again and again, critiquing it over and over. Sharper. More focused. Harder. More precise. Another replay of the same, small moment. A circle that he could never claim was finished, an ideal he could never move past. It would be perfect. It had to be right. It wasn't enough if it were half-performed, it would never signify.)
"You love me?" he'd laughing, reply. Joking self deprecation, it had began, then a spiral towards something doubtful and unsure. A while yet and it began to hollow and turn cold.
"You love me?" he'd once said. "Not if I love you more."
And what if he'd stopped all together? A train crash or a too-long sustained whimper, it's silence a death.
Could you love him still, if this feeling is just aching? Could you love him if your phone calls were never picked up and only once, returned? Could you love him if you begged to hear from him and he'd go for weeks at a time without giving you a word? Could you love him if — at midnight — you texted him that it felt as though with each passing day he was loving you less, and every moment your breath was hitched in anticipation waiting for him to come home an agony of only half-living and drowning in your own insecurities and sorrow.
Could you love him if you sent it, and waited all that early morning for his reply, only for him to read it 4 hours later and not even reply?
"I'm so lucky I met you," Soonyoung had once said to you, with flowers in his hands, a bouquet of bleeding colors, a display near blinding when you looked at it head on. The assortment was so fresh, their fragrance assaulted your every sense, and the reminder of him lingered long after he was gone.
The aroma was gone, now. The savor expired, the petals wilted and sagged. You were perhaps due another fresh delivery, and maybe he'd bring it to you — every new batch of flowers less ceremonious than the last, with fewer words of endearment, rarely an explanation for all he'd done in between the death of the old set, and the replacement with something new.
Excuses rarely beget the same of their kind, and thinness only ever tried to be better, still.
. . .
He was typing.
Maybe that read receipt was still burned into your retinas. Maybe despite this offer of something, you were through.
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mythvoiced · 9 months
@tewwor | ♥
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"It's... Please, I need you to return that. I'm sorry, I'm- I'm not accusing you of taking it, it, I will say- I mean it was a mistake, surely, I will say that's what happened."
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forbiddcnsirvn · 2 years
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DEVILSERPENT: Today, we celebrated another year of our marriage. How impressive is that? Another whole year was spent with you and our children. You are the reason why I'm still here today; because you were fucking strong enough to get us here, Cy, to rebuild our lives with each and every new experience. But most importantly, you inspired me to do so much more than just survive, or be someone else’s puppet. You inspired me to fight for what I believed in. To get through the shittiest hell possible, laden with blood and filth and lies and all the things that a normal pair, I believe, don’t always have to go through, but if anything it only makes me think of how special our bond is. How I could never see myself with anyone but the same person who has gone through thick and thin with me. 
When it came to raising our children, we knew that by having each other around, they wouldn't feel the weight of being alone. Your courage for our kids is something I'll never stop being grateful for. They adore you and I love you more than anything in life. This is why your hard work pays off, we both get to spend time with one another and make sure they're happy and content. With every second that goes by, I realize how much more precious this really is. I strive for better every day as if it were my last, it's a promise I made to myself when we were together and nothing else mattered but us. As long as we have one another, nothing else can matter-after all, looking back doesn't do any good if you don't enjoy what's in front of you at the moment. You always knew how to make me believe in us againm\ even when we were fighting against an unbeatable foe. And now, we're getting better at believing back in each other.
We were such a mess before we got married, and we still are. And I’ve never been more thankful for that. I don't think sunshine and rainbows are made for people like us, but that's just how I like it, every bloodshed, every stupid fight that we had, it only makes me think of how passionate we are for each other. How we would rather die than live without knowing that you are there for us no matter what. That if I have to, I'd be willing to give up everything to come home to you and see the smile on your face, that little dopey grin that you have when you open your eyes, even when you have to deal with your sickness. We don't need anything more, you know? Not even a perfect wedding ring, or a million dollars in cash. All we want right now is to find out how to keep living. That's where my hope lies, my faith, where my future belongs. In you. And my children, of course. I'm happy, Cyrek, I want you to know that despite my many flaws, my fears, and my doubts, I am happier than ever before. And I couldn't have it any other way. I wouldn't trade what I have with you for anything else in this world. You're everything I've ever wanted; everything I've ever dreamed about. And now I have it with you all to myself. Forever. 
I love you, and nothing in this world will change that. And I know for a fact you love me too. There's no one else I would rather marry, there's no place that I would rather be with you, there's no one else I would rather grow old with. Everything's alright, Cy. Even we get stuck in bed forever. It doesn't matter, as long as you're here with me. The rest of my days, my life, are yours to thread along with.
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fxrtunas · 2 years
@theblackestnlght | sc!
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"If... one were to come across the ascians in their travels, would that put a target on their head?"
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yukikorogashi · 2 months
my hands are clean in all of this. / itsuki
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SHE WOULD STUDY @kaizokugaris with unconcealed SCEPTICISM, with one brow of hers arched up high enough to be concealed behind silver bangs then.
While the other villagers would distance and cower away (To the point of even ducking behind nearby bales of straw and peeking over them) from the rather intimidating looking bro, Itsuki had grown just a little too use to this. Having dealt with just too many BIG, IMPOSIN' FIGURES such as this here bro, during these past years. Something that she quickly learnt was all part of the job, when it came to leading and protecting her people.
The sight of them standing from across one another was laughably ridiculous (Yet all the same worrying to the villagers watching from afar), as she stood just a feet or so away from him... well, perhaps just a little more than that. As she tried to maintain a composed enough stance, Itsuki still needed to tip her head back and arch her back just enough-- so that she would be able to look him in the eye.
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As much as she hated to cast any suspicion on anyone, it would only make sense that these here NEW ARRIVALS would be the ones to turn heads. Though Itsuki was already quickly doubting that he had any involvement in what's been going on lately. Seeing as the culprits were often OPENLY PROUD about whatever CHAOS they wound up bringing upon the heads of innocent, hardworking peasants like themselves... it was downright infuriating, really. And would forever make her blood boil that such... BUTTHEADS, take such joy in doing this to others they see as beneath them!
"... Awraht, bro. Ah believe ya..." She would eventually let out a rather tired sigh, one just too tired for someone her age. She was gonna give this bro the benefit of the doubt. After all, no one had actually seen him DO ANYTHING, since he got here. And just because he looked big and scary, don't mean he was the one who was behind all this recent terrorising', "... We've jus' been dealin' wit' alotta OUTSIDERS who ain't been the most gracious lateleh. Takin' advantage of our HOS-PEH-TA-LITY..." She nearly spat that last part out through gritted teeth, as she thought further on this. He really came at a bad time, that's for sure. And so that suspicion could not be lifted off him completely.
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year
when it's rainin'
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billy hargrove x gn!reader
word count: 2,666 ;)
warnings: swearing, reader has a fear of thunderstorms, kinda newly established relationship, a few sexual innuendos, fluff
a/n: hi! this was very self-indulgent for me and i am decidedly dedicating this fic to all of my fellow thunderstorm fearers. i see you. i am you. i hope this isn't too bad. i revised it too many times and i'm still feeling a little fretful over it. also, the title is a fleetwood mac lyric. bite me. anyways, please let me know what you think! mwah mwah i love you <333
“Billy, I gotta get going.”
You squeeze the fat of his thigh where it’s draped over both of your legs. He takes hold of your wrist; his grip gentle, if not a little teasing. 
He turns to look at you, head lolling against the back of the couch. His hair is pushed up messily behind him on the cushion. You know that if he were to sit up, it’d be matted in the way that it gets when he lays on it for too long. 
Billy knows the cogs in your brain are at work. The beginnings of a cocky smirk play at the corners of his mouth. He furrows his brow, faux concern written all across his face, as if something’s wrong. 
“But it’s rainin’, baby.” He gives his head a little shake, like he can’t believe you’d leave in weather like this.
His smirk is in full bloom when he laces his fingers with yours and lifts your hand up to his mouth. You turn to look out the window and feel him press a kiss to your knuckles. 
He’s buttering you up and you know it. 
“It’s just rain, Hargrove. And I do know how to drive.”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, the rain picks up, enough so that you can hear it pounding against the roof. 
Billy laughs, low and sweet. You glare at him.
“Fine. I’ll wait it out.”
“Mhm,” he grunts, peeling his leg off of yours and repositioning himself on the couch. He leans up against the arm, and holds his own out to you. You know what he’s doing, so you oblige. 
Billy loves to watch storms, and holding you this way makes for a better view out the window. You lean into him, back pressed to his chest. He wraps his arms around your shoulders and buries his face in your neck. 
There’s a crack of lightning and the rumble of thunder that follows seems to shake the earth itself. Your stomach drops. This is exactly what you hadn’t wanted to happen, and now you’re stuck here, with Billy, internally panicking over a thunderstorm. Admittedly, you do feel a bit safer than you would alone in your bedroom, but this fear isn’t exactly something you share with others. 
“You can’t drive home in that,” he argues. 
You grab hold of Billy’s forearms, his skin warm under your palms. “I said I’d wait it out,” you mumble. 
He kisses the side of your throat, and it’s the kind of kiss you might feel lingering there for the rest of the day. Like his lips have left a searing brand against your skin. 
“You could just stay,” he drawls. 
He lets out a breath of a laugh and moves his face back from you. “Yeah, I know. You don’t love me.”
You let yourself slide further down the couch until your head rests on Billy’s tummy. He doesn’t let go of you though, hands rubbing over your collarbones. “That’s not fair.”
It thunders then, at a volume you couldn’t have expected. It rattles both you and the windows, making you jump. 
“You okay?” Billy’s tone is sincere. 
You sit back up a little bit, and he uses the leverage to pull you into him. He wraps his arms around you completely, enveloping you in warmth and the scent of his body wash. The gesture is protective. He can see the way you glance out the window, and he thinks you might be looking for that flash, that queue for another rumble. 
“‘M fine. Scared me is all.”
Your grip on Billy’s knee says otherwise. He thinks he understands.
“I’ve never been with you during a storm before. You don’t like ‘em?”
You glance back at him. The concern on his face is genuine this time, but you can still see that underlying tendency to tease, like he’s ready to use it when he feels necessary. 
“Rain is fine,” you start. “I love it, actually. It’s just when it gets like this, when you can’t see down the driveway anymore and it’s windy. I really don’t like the wind.”
It is pretty damn windy. Billy hadn’t noticed it until you pointed it out. It makes him glad he parked under the carport today, knowing this is the kind of storm that leaves a mess behind. 
You’re starting to panic, not only because you’ve just told Billy about your childish fear, but also because you don’t know what kind of weather they’re calling for. You live in Indiana, for fucks sake. You don’t like that all of this is out of your control, that there’s nothing you can do but wait it out. 
“Hey, look at me.” Billy says, voice low and enticing. It pulls you from your spiraling thoughts. Your fingers are cold where they press into his legs. You twist around to face him and his hands meet your cheeks. His eyes are boring into yours. 
He kisses you. It’s slow, measured. The kind of kiss that steals your breath and demands your full attention. 
You realize too late that it’s a distraction. You don’t jump when it thunders this time. 
Billy pulls away, pleased with the blissed out look on your face. With the fact that he’s seemingly calmed you down for the moment. 
“That sweatshirt you like is on my bed. Why don’t you go get it, huh?”
You nod and he steadies you when you climb off of him and the couch. Billy wants to look at the weather, but he also wants to take care of you. He’s not letting you drive home tonight. 
You slip down the hall and Billy uses the time to flip the channel, assuming the weather will be on. 
You find his sweatshirt where he told you it’d be and stop at the foot of his bed, pulling it on over your head. It smells like him. Not like his cologne or cigarettes, but like the Billy who took a shower and got cold, who fell asleep earlier than usual and slept in more clothes than he ever has—this sweatshirt included. 
You see the lightning this time and are able to brace yourself for the thunderclap that follows. You still scramble back to the living room, seeking refuge in Billy. 
Your footsteps are quiet despite your panic, and Billy only notices you’ve entered the room because he’d sat up firmly against the back of the couch. You’re chewing on your lip, staring at the warnings flying across the screen. “What’d it say?” 
Billy turns the tv off. “Nothing bad baby, promise.” He holds out his hands and scoots to the edge of his seat, pulling you to stand in between his legs. He closes them against your own, gently trapping you there. “Just that it was gonna be stormy the rest of the night.”
Your brow furrows. “It’s not gonna let up?”
“Doesn’t look like it.” This time you catch the way the corner of his mouth quirks up. Clearly he’s happy with himself and the weather. 
Billy’s always loved these kinds of storms, and he hates that you don’t, but if he can get rain and his baby to spend the night all in one go? He’ll be pretty damn content. 
You realize that you should’ve watched the weather report this morning, but it seems that when you know you’ll be spending time with Billy, he’s the only thing that occupies your brain. 
“Dammit,” you say. 
Billy squeezes at your hips, and it makes you look down at him. There’s a pout on his face: the crease between his brows deepening, his bottom lip jutting out just that little bit. He squeezes harder now that he’s got your attention. 
“Something wrong with staying here? You really wanna go home that bad?” 
Billy’s teasing and you know it. You know that he’d let you go if you actually wanted to, that he’d worry until you got home and called him to say you were okay. You also know that he wants you to stay, and you’ve known that since you got to his place and saw the relief on his face. Hell, he hasn’t stopped touching you since then either. He’s plenty needy today. 
You cup his face with your hands, swipe your thumb over the smattering of freckles under his eye. His fingers have made their way under the hem of your (his) shirt and are pressing into your skin. 
“I didn’t say that. I just told my parents that I wouldn’t be home too late.”
“So call and say you’re staying the night, that you don’t want to drive home in this weather.”
You decide then that maybe you don’t need to overthink this so much. That maybe you shouldn’t let your brain ruin what could be a nice night. 
Billy blinks up at you.
You move away from him and then you’re picking up the phone from its place on the wall, punching in your home number. 
Billy can’t believe that worked. You never listen to him. And clearly you recognize this given that you’re hiding a grin with the back of your hand as you talk. The phone call is over quickly, and when you walk back over to him, Billy pulls you down into his lap. Your fingers find their way into his hair before you can even think about it. 
“Have I behaved better than I thought?” Billy asks, tentatively rubbing up and down your thighs. 
You grin at him and place a kiss on his cheek. It’s warmer than it should be, because somehow you’ve managed to fluster him. 
“You keep giving me your pitiful little looks, Billy.”
He scoffs. “No, I don’t.”
“Don’t lie to me, pretty boy.”
He blushes. Goddamnit, Billy thinks. You can read him much too easily now. He’s really fucked. 
Billy exhales. “I’ve wanted you to stay the night for weeks. But you always had to be home or somethin’. And the storm seems to be working in my favor tonight, y’know?” He gives you this look then, his eyes traveling across your face, down your neck and back up. He bats his lashes at you and you slap him on the shoulder. 
He acts as though he’s appalled, grabbing you by the waist and maneuvering you off of him and onto the couch. Billy braces himself against the cushions and hovers over top of you. “Now that was just rude.”
“You deserved it,” you bite back, leaning up to swipe the tip of your tongue across the end of his nose. “Hate it when you flirt with me.”
Billy rolls his eyes and lets his weight drop down on top of you, causing you to voice an audible oof. 
He props himself up on his elbows, face inches from yours. “Mhm. Hate it when your boyfriend flirts with you. I believe it.”
You start to say something, something he knows will be a smartass remark, so Billy presses his lips to yours, stealing the breath from your lungs. You make a noise of surprise and Billy starts to laugh against your mouth, a low chuckle that makes you want to both keep kissing him and shove him on the floor. 
Billy pulls away to press kisses to both of your cheeks and the center of your throat. You’re lost in his affection when it thunders again, making you jolt underneath him. He brings a hand up to cradle your cheek. “Hey. S’okay.”
You start to nod when the lights flicker, and you swear your heart falls out of your ass. Please don’t let the power go out, you think. He can read the panic on your face. 
“Okay,” Billy grunts, pushing himself to stand. “New plan.”
You sit up, and Billy quickly hooks one arm around your back, the other under your thighs. He hoists you up and over his shoulder, making you squeal with how swift the action is. But you don’t protest, and only hope that he won’t drop you on the way to his next destination.
Billy sets you down on his bed.
“Thanks for the ride,” you say, running your hands down your face. You realize too quickly the opening you’ve given him.
He leans in to kiss your forehead, though he pulls away and lets his mouth linger over the shell of your ear. 
“You can ride anytime you want, baby.”
You fall back onto his mattress. “Billy, please.”
“Don’t gotta beg, honey. Whatever it is, I’ll give it to you.”
You hold back a groan at his antics. “I really should’ve gone home.” 
Billy laughs and lands a playful smack to the side of your thigh before moving towards his dresser. 
You push up on your elbows to watch him sort through his clothes. He grabs a couple things and brings them to you before pulling his own shirt off over his head. 
“Why are you stripping?” You question, looking over the shirt and shorts he’d handed you. 
“If you think that’s stripping, clearly I haven’t been good enough to you,” Billy snorts.
You grin up at him. “Are these for me?” you ask, holding onto the bundle of fabric in your hands. 
“Mhm. For you to sleep in.”
You nod hesitantly, having just seen a flash outside of Billy’s window. This time the rumble is just that, not a clap, not enough to rattle the windows in their frames. 
Billy moves towards his door, with the promise of getting more blankets, allowing you a moment to change. He comes back with water for you, too.
He kicks the door closed behind him, internally melting at the sight of you in his clothes. You’re so pretty, it physically hurts him. He’s never felt that way in his life. 
Billy gets you to drink some for him before you’re scooting further into his bed and he’s kicking off his sweats. 
You watch him move around the room, the way the muscles of his back move as he’s shutting blinds and pulling makeshift curtains closed. He turns off the overhead light, leaving only that coming from the lamps he has. 
You’re in awe of how easy it is for him to take care of you. How he didn’t pester you for being afraid of the storm but instead has comforted you and seems dedicated to keeping you safe. 
Billy finally slips into bed beside you. “What are we doing?” you ask, eyeing his torso while he settles in. He pretends not to notice. 
“I’m protecting you from the big bad storm, baby.” He kisses your hairline. 
You smile at him, one of pure joy that starts slow and grows brilliantly. The both of you are bundled up like it’s some big sleepover, or like you’ve stayed up hiding a book beneath the sheets. 
“Well, I’m not sleepy. So what’d you wanna do? Tell secrets?” 
Billy props his head up, palm cradling the base of his skull, elbow squishing his pillow. He laughs and squeezes at your hip. 
“Trivia? Talk about boys?” you continue. 
He shakes his head, his smile matching yours and making his eyes crinkle at the corners. Sometimes he can’t believe he landed you. “You got a boy you wanna talk about?”
You snort. “Mhm. There’s one I like. He’s pretty but super grumpy.”
“Oh yeah?”
“I think trivia might be better since you’re just going to bully me.” 
Billy flops down on his back. You push up so you can hover over him. 
“Whatever you want, baby.” 
Billy rolls his eyes but kisses you again, pulling your face down to meet his, mouth warm against yours. The next round of thunder is louder than the last and your heart rate picks up, but with him here it feels okay.
It’s hard not to feel safe when he takes such good care of you, when he’s warm enough that everything feels protected, like you could weather any storm with him and his smart ass mouth.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
tagging: @clovermunson (for being such a gem and helping me)
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lostgracestories · 15 days
Hello! Can I request some Morgott/Tarnished headcanons about them being consorts and their married life? <3 Thank you!!
I have severe Morgott brainrot and istfg I love this emotionally constipated omen king <333 thank you for this request! Lowkey, as usual, this will probably be all over the place but I hope you enjoy none the less!
wc: 709 tw: do i need a tw for weapons?, mention of drunkeness (no one's actually drunk, also is that a word?)
~Marriage and Consortship~
Morgott is a very busy man. Like, very busy. Between paperwork and other kingly duties, he worries he hardly has time for his precious consort. However, he is ever so grateful for the patience you bestow upon him. he does not think himself worthy of such grace.
Whenever Morgott has a break in his busy schedule, he immediately fills it with you. Finished signing the last contract for the day? He's by your side in seconds with a cup of tea (he's old he probably likes tea, right?) and he makes sure that you know he loves you.
Obviously, it took him a while to get used to this new change in his life. Never in a million years had he thought he would be married and as such, he has no idea how to pick up on queues. "I wish a big strong man would come open this for me" "Wouldst thou like me to fetch one of the soldiers to help thee?" "...No Morgott I meant you" And you know he'd blush like an idiot every time something like this happens. (and he'd obviously help cause he loves you)
Morgott has a difficult time expressing his feelings through words. Despite his expansive vocabulary, he's never gotten a chance to speak in such a way with someone. Every once in a while he will try to compliment you and it will be so awkward that he vows to never do it again. (he will, in time) "Thy beauty is like a thousand swords, sharp, relentless, and unyielding" "...huh?" "...I meant... thou art fair...?" but lowkey, he would try to compare you to things he's familiar with and oftentimes it will have to do with battle and sometimes the erdtree.
Morgott unironically switches from calling you "Tarnished" to "My queen" and "My lady" the moment you both are joined through consortship/marriage. And he'll be damned if he admits that his heart beats a little faster when you call him "My king" although, it's so very obvious by how his body shifts around and his gaze leaves you when you say it.
Morgott had a ring handcrafted specifically for you. It definitely had a design resembling vines and leaves and the band is for sure gold. You don't even want to think of how much it cost him.
Morgott also sucks at receiving gifts. When he saw the mountain of gifts after their (albeit small) wedding, he nearly fainted. He still feels guilty accepting things from people, even if he knows you say he's worth it.
Morgott had always insisted that the two of you sleep separately because he feared he would accidentally harm you. So, when you came into his room on the night after the wedding, he stared at you in confusion. At first he thought you were drunk but instead, you had climbed into bed with him and expressed that you wished to sleep in the same bed from now on. He was hesitant but he allowed it. He had to admit, he actually enjoyed it.
Morgott sometimes lets you help him make political choices. If he becomes stuck on a certain matter, he will seek you out for help. "My Queen, thou art so gracious, pray tell, wouldst thee help me with this issue?"
He 100% loves to garden. During your wedding, he had made your bouquet by hand out of erdleaf flowers. It was so gorgeous that when you asked him to help you preserve them, he instead made you a little bench in his garden (he can definitely do woodwork too) for you to sit amongst his erdleaf flowers. Whenever he walks past the garden and sees his beautiful wife sitting amongst his hard work, he is immediately pulled out of what he is doing. No matter how important it is. He can't help but admire you from afar.
And lastly, he of course always humors your little date ideas. Even if it means sneaking away from his kingly duties to go watch the stars. If the night was cold in those moments, he would definitely allow you to find warmth in his tattered cloak. (you could beg and beg but he refused to get rid of it for better clothes)
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garoujo · 1 year
hiiii guys ! as we all know i’m totes back to terrorise my super cute followers again (ó ꒳ ò✿) but because i’ll be in japan this month ,, i decided to be super organised + pre-write some posts to queue for the next few weeks so that i’m not starving you all again as soon as i’m back <333
spoilers for what’s being posted the next few weeks below cut (these will all be posted and pre written + anything else i get finished will be posted in addition to these) :
since i’ll have a lot of free times since i’ve been trying to keep organised (+ i have a 12 hour flight to amuse myself). i may post a few extra things here + there if random motivation strikes me or you guys send anything in like thirsts / prompts! so yeah ,, hoping u guys will enjoy the upcoming stuff <333
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liquid-luv · 9 months
Had to increase my queue to once an hour because well.. I went a lil crazyy. Hope you don’t mind! <3 Man I’m ngl I fuuukcing love tumblr, it’s full of the most beautiful humans and every day I get to curate my own personal art galleries and it’s like what my brain looks like on the inside :3
I go back to work in 2 days so I’ll be on here a lil less intensely haha, if you are reading this I hope you have a good day and that 2024 brings you many wonderful blessings <333
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mickmundy · 1 year
AGUAAAA to the anon that asked me about spy headcanons i am working on cooking some up for you!! ^v^ i've been REALLY busy lately so i'm sorry i haven't been active on here (been running on a queue), i hope you're all doing well and having a good start to your weeks! <333
i will also be elaborating on my werecroc sniper au too, i haven't forgotten!!! ;_; ILYASM!!!
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
hey ghosti!! i'm aware that you're taking a break, im sending you kind thoughts and the best of my wishes toward the coming weeks. you're a delightful, kind, and wonderful person,, rehydrate, go on a stroll, and above all things, take care of yourself
— big mer anon xxxooo
(also big mer anon) your content, reblogs of art and your writing is easily my favorite part of the day. i've actually found myself looking forward to seeing what you bring to the spotlight again. again, hope you're doing well and have a great day lovely ghosti!! please do not feel obligated to answer, this is just a friend checking on a friend :3 <333
Thank you so much!! I was on a deliberate break while we were sorting out care at relatively short notice for my step-dad and making sure my mum is managing ok, but now it's just... I have nothing to post and I've not really been around on here much either...? I'm lurking quietly, so knowing that you thought of me enough to send me this made me feel nine kinds of special, thank you.
It's currently super duper hot here (at least by UK standards), so I'm trying not to overheat, with lots of iced fruit tea and elderflower cordial, and doing all the things you're supposed to do to keep safe in blazing sunshine and near-30C heat (temps indoors have been about 27-30C at midnight, which is... less fun!!). My skin has changed colour so much in the past two weeks that I can't wear my winter foundation without looking like a ghost or a clown, which is kind of funny. Thanks, Mediterranean heritage :)
I'm going to see some super beautiful roses tomorrow with my in-laws, so that'll be a nice trip, and I'll be wearing my big, floppy straw hat too :). I've also been doing some coppice work and hurdle making outdoors, which has been a nice distraction from things going on at home. I'm not writing a huge amount at the moment, but the retelling of the minotaur/labyrinth story is ticking away.
I need to refresh my 'old stories reblog' queue because it's due to run out shortly, so I'll carry on with working my way through the old masterlist.
Aaaanyway, thank you for thinking of me, and take care of yourself, lovely Big Mer Anon!
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I just wanna say that ur my fav writer and I hope 2024 is going well for you!!
This is definitely very late, I was supposed to respond way earlier but then I started having horrible problems with the wifi. 😭
But I'm so happy that you enjoy my writing, waking up to this really made my night better. 2024 has been going quite well for me, I'm still in the progress of moving. I'm currently writing stuff and hoping to set it all in a queue to have it sent at the same time once I'm done, I have headcannons for Knives coming soon, one or maybe two oneshots for Neil, and some stuff for Ramona. But I'm working on everyone's request as fast as I can, while also organizing everything. But let me not ramble too much, thank you again. I hope you're day or night is going lovely, and that 2024 has been going well for you! Sending hugs and hoping I'll have some content out for you to read soon. <3
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drewexe · 2 years
(Justin Bieber; cover by Seungmin)
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Now playing…
Pairing: chan x reader
Genre: angst
Word count: ~1,7k
Playlist entry: ghost
Author’s note: so here goes the first one of the song requests fics ! writing this was a bit of a struggle of getting myself in the right space for it but i hope that i did the song and the request some justice; the song is meant to comfort but this has somehow turned out to be mostly hurt warning for implied character death i guess? request was submitted by @lenavlkr sorry for the wait and i hope you will like this one and also genuinely that you’re doing okay ;-; <333
🔻 Add to queue
You’d always thought that you and Chan would be forever. You’d always assumed that nothing could ever come between the two of you. You were too close for that, you loved each other too much for that. It was you and Chan, as simple as that. As simple as it needed to be.
But then Chan left. It was also as simple as that. As simple as one wrong step. Too simple. One day you were curled up in bed together, talking about just anything, the next he was gone. And you were gone too. Without Chan you had nothing. 
You had a hollow shell of a home. A home that once used to be bright and filled with music. Chan’s laugh. His jokes and his little dumb pick-up lines that you’d always cringe at but never failed to make you smile. His happy little hums and his loving voice whenever he had a love song he wanted to share with you. Like that time when you had just moved in together and he had pulled out his phone and played a slow romantic song, taken your hands in his, and danced with you, humming the melody and singing along so quietly that you could only hear him because you were so close to him that you could as well be one whole.
You had a bed too large for one person. A bed that you used to share with Chan. You’d lay there together, sharing a few minutes more than you were supposed to in the morning. You’d cuddle on lazy weekends and talk about anything and everything. You’d share sensual touches and kisses, giggling to each other every time Chan got ticklish. You’d hide under the blankets, in each other’s arms, when you had a bad day or when he got too stressed. Like that time he had a deadline for a complicated project and he had been so overwhelmed working on it that he couldn’t sleep for days until you had pulled him with you under the covers and had held him in your arms, playing with his hair and rambling about a series you’d been watching for hours on until he couldn’t fight the tiredness and had fallen asleep curled up next to you.
You had a wardrobe full of dust. A wardrobe that used to keep your clothes organized tidily and Chan’s just thrown inside unless you got too peevish about it and sorted them properly just for him to mess them up the next day. A wardrobe with a mirror on the inside of one of the doors that you used to fix your outfits, and whenever he caught you staring for too long, Chan would come over, hug you from behind, and whisper praises to you until you couldn’t help but smile and kiss him. Like that time a friend had taken you shopping for your birthday and you had spent so much time searching for the right thing to buy, yet every clothing item you tried on had been the wrong size and looked hideous on you, so you’d returned home on the verge of tears. You had looked at yourself in the mirror, examining all the things you hated about your body at that moment until Chan had come up behind you, pressing a kiss on your shoulder and telling you how much he loved every single part you hated as if he could read your mind at that moment.
You had an untouched pot of ramen. Ramen that you would have shared together. Chan would always make sure you ate well, and you’d do the same for him. You would cook together a meal for dinner, sometimes complicated recipes, other times, when both of you were tired from the day, something simple. Like that time you had made plans to prepare a complex type of pasta for dinner but work had been so stressful for both of you throughout the day that instead, you had bought premade dough from the convenience store and had settled on a homemade pizza, kissing on the kitchen counter as you waited for it to finish baking. 
You had an empty picture frame on the wall. A picture frame that used to hold a photo of you and Chan. Taken by a friend. Showing the two of you together, happy. Enjoying time together, believing you had all the time in the world together. Chan was smiling in that photo. His bright smile, his adorable dimples, his loving eyes as he looked more at you than at the camera. It had been taken that time you had gone to the beach with a few of his friends, a couple of hours ride by the train, jokes along the way, and childish excitement when your feet had stepped onto the sand. You’d laughed together, played together and you had almost missed how someone raised a camera toward you and captured the moment. 
You had an unused bottle of perfume. A perfume that was distinctively Chan. He’d wear it every day to the point that you would joke you can’t recognize him when you can’t smell the perfume on him. On the flip side, the smell made you think of him so much that even if you were walking down the street and someone passed you by leaving a trace of perfume, you’d feel warmth filling you up. Like that time you had been away visiting your family and when you got off the bus on your return, you could swear you could smell his perfume. He was supposed to be at work at the time so you owed it to your excitement to be back home with him again, but just as you unloaded your suitcase, you felt arms wrap around your waist, and there he was. His smell had reached you before him but he had always been there, waiting for you. 
You had a broken little tape player. A tape player that Chan used to carry everywhere with him. It was old and chipped, occasionally distorting the sound or skipping, but still, he treasured it so much. He’d say that just because it’s been through a lot and struggled sometimes, didn’t mean he should give up on it. Because that’s how Chan was, always caring, even when talking about an inanimate object. He’d record his favorite songs on tapes and play them for you. Like that time you had unconsciously hummed to a song that you had heard on the radio earlier, that you couldn’t recognize at all but had loved so much it plagued your mind for days until one day you heard it again, and when you looked up, it was to see Chan and his chipped little tape player, smiling proudly. You had no idea how he had managed to find the song, but the love you felt for him at that time was overwhelming in the best way possible. And you’d secretly started making your own mixtape for him. 
You had a promise ring. A ring that had not fulfilled its promise. You had talked about marriage, about starting a family. But both of you didn’t want to rush things. You loved each other to the moon and back, you didn’t need to sign anything to know that. The ring didn’t promise that. But it promised that you would be together forever. Naively, maybe childishly, both of you had believed that the little ring would protect you from the harshness of the world and not allow anything to come between you. He’d given it to you that time you went to Mcdonald’s on your anniversary - Chan could make any ordinary day romantic so you didn’t need expensive restaurants to commemorate your love. You’d gone to the park, feeding the finches together, and then you’d gone to Mcdonald’s, and as you shared a milkshake and you were feeding him fries, he’d suddenly taken your hand and slid the ring on your finger. You had almost cried back then.
You had the ghost of a boy. You had the sound of his voice and his laugh ringing in the empty rooms and echoing off the walls. You had the shape of his body in between the blankets covering the bed, you almost had leftover warmth of his body. You had the ghost of his smile over your shoulder whenever you dared take a glance in the mirror. You had leftover traces of his perfume in the air. You all of your memories together, enough to fill up your heart to eternity and warm up even the coldest of winters.
But actually, you had only silence you didn’t dare break because it wouldn’t be him. 
You had an empty bed that you didn’t dare sleep in because he would never join you. 
You had piles of clothes thrown around the whole room because you couldn’t make yourself move them. 
You had a pot of cold soggy ramen that you would never eat again because he wouldn’t be there to share it with you.
You had the empty photo frame that you’d never put a photo in because it wouldn’t matter if he wasn’t in that photo with you.
You had a bottle of perfume you didn’t even dare touch because you might accidentally spray some of it but you’d only have the smell and not him.
You had a mixtape on his nightstand that you had finished up too late to be able to show him and now you would never play because he wouldn’t hear it. 
You had a promise ring that had promised you all the time in the world. Except Chan should have been there to share it with you. And now you had the rest of eternity all alone. 
You had only memories of the way Chan would fill up each and every one of your days. You had all of your memories together, enough to make your heart feel empty for eternity and chill down even the hottest of days. 
You had a mirror that showed your pitiful reflection - pale skin and dead, red eyes, you’d lost so much weight you could see your ribs poking through your skin. You desperately needed Chan to hug you and tell you you’re beautiful and that he loves you. But he would never do it again. 
You had nothing.
And in your hand, you had a note. A message he could never receive. A message you could never send. 
I miss you more than life.
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jeniffercheck · 1 year
Will you post a new fic this week? Absolutely no rush, just asking.
I enjoy your work so much.
omgg i will put a progress update for what i'm working on currently:
Paris AU: first draft 85% complete
prompt request - karolina finds shiv in the "scheduling her grief" scene: 75% complete
shivlina have a conversation after logan's funeral: 80% complete???
fics i have in the queue to work on:
prompt request for karolina talking shiv down from a panic attack
shivlina during the panic room ep
& i also want to write something set during the norway trip, haven't fully figured out what the plot would be yet, maybe a 5+1??
My goal is to post the grief scheduling prompt request this weekend, possibly tonight if I don't let it get too out of hand!! the funeral fic I'm not sure will get posted, I'm not super happy with it rn so I'll probably have to let it marinate and if I'm not liking it I'll just move onto the other stuff in the meantime.
Paris AU I'm hoping to work on a lot this weekend and be able to post next week! It's flowing pretty well, I just have some key scenes to figure out and then I can start the second draft of it<333
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deletreatualma · 1 year
long story short, i have many changes happening in my life rn. a quick synopsis: I will be moving, have to process a breakup, continue on the never-ending healing/growing journey, seeking to further my education, career opportunity (this one is a maybe?), & possibly needing to take on a second job. That being said, it is all the more reason for me to touch bases with myself and remember to do the things I enjoy and to invest more time in myself and my hobbies. writing is at the top of my (hobby) list and i will primarily be functioning through queue until I get some sort of routine formed. I know y'all have heard this before so I am totally not going to take anything personally if any of my former writing partners do not feel like writing with me moving forward. I am planning on working on what few drafts i have and queue them. Once that is done, I will write open starters. Depending on how late in the day it is is at that point, I may be around for some back and forths. I hope everyone has been doing well! Sending much love to you all. <333
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jojotransparents · 2 years
hii, I like your jjba transparent edits a lot! I was wondering if I could request a panel of Phantom Blood. I read in your rules that you can't always find good chapter panels so I tried to sharpen it as much as possible so you are able to use it :)
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I'd also like to have this panel of Jonathan Joestar. If the first one is too much work I wouldn't mind if you only did the one with Jonathan :)
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first pic is from vol 3 chapter 44 page 332-333 (I hope I counted it right)
the second pic is from vol 3 chapter 42 page 298
aaa thank you! and absolutely, i went ahead and posted one of the transparents right now :] the next two posts in the queue will also be from that first page
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