#i hope this is all right!
talesofourworlds · 2 months
@ednaeflowers liked for a Spring Festitales starter!
Her nose wrinkled as she set aside the cookies she'd been tempted by. Only one bite had been taken out of one of them, and even as she chewed she found the same familiar disappointment. That boy had been so sure she'd like them, and she would have felt bad. In a way he'd reminded her a little of Laphicet. Still, she'd known going in that there was a chance of this happening. Her sense of taste hadn't magically gotten any better now that she was in Spring Rise.
Aside from that, being there wasn't as bad as she thought. Did the Lord of Calamity really belong there? Did she deserve to be having a good time? Probably not, but no one had kicked her out or anything. In fact, no one seemed to suspect for an instant that she was anything other than a girl who insisted on wearing bandages around her left arm. It was an odd thought, she told herself. She probably stuck out even more amongst the sakura trees of Cherry Hills. Still, there was an oddly peaceful feeling about the place. Just as long as she was there, she decided, she would allow herself to relax.
At least, Velvet could have relaxed if she hadn't noticed someone else nearby. Velvet had turned her head for only a moment when she saw Edna. A dead ringer for her older brother, that one. Even if Velvet hadn't been witness to the illusion Melchior almost had tricked Eizen with, she'd have an idea of who this girl was related to. But... what was she doing there?
Surely she hadn't intended to seek out Velvet specifically. Malaks were keenly aware of malevolence, Velvet knew, and she was pretty certain that even in that little village she carried a potent amount within her. For a few moments, Velvet just continued to sit there. Eventually, she settled with the idea of seeing how this played out. Velvet gathered her cookies and put them in her bag, standing up a moment later to meet the malak in question.
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"...I take it you're Edna?" If that was rude, Velvet wasn't about to act like she cared. "Your brother's mentioned you before. He speaks highly of you." Appeal to that much, Velvet thought. She still had no idea what the malak must have been thinking, or how she'd even respond. There was only really one way to find out, and that was to just see what she said.
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ecmotions · 11 months
@coconvtfm liked for a starter
Based on THIS (From the first bullet point in the kink list)
He remembers back when he first chose his dominant. He ended up finding the perfect one that would work for himself and Marco and them have been together since he was nineteen. He decided on waiting a year in between there to make sure this was who he wanted. Marco was called into their office that morning and he wondered what was going on. "You wanted to see me?" Marco asked after he knocked on the door and was told to enter. He was trying to think back if he had done anything that would have made them mad.
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draconesmundi · 2 years
Happy Dracones Monday!
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I was going to make the louhikäärme a subspecies of lindwyrm (as most serpentine dragons in Europe are) but I know a lot of cool people from Finland and wanted to have something special for Finland. I may change my mind and re-merge it with the lindwyrms later if I write the chapter and don't have enough lore to write about, but for now I am really pleased with this salmon serpent design!
For a new dragon every monday, consider following @draconesmundi :}
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feuerfliegen · 1 year
@miss-polly plotted starter
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"I do not wish to intrude on you tonight", it was already late in the day, dusk settling over the forest and shadows creeping along the paths. This was why Nella had stopped at the small inn, a place Maximus had discovered - surely to get her off of the road. "We need a place to stay, me and my horse. A barn would be just fine, miss, or maybe a sheltered place nearby?"
Nella did not actually want to ask for a room inside. Last thing she wanted was to leave Max behind, so far from home and after everything that had happened. And there was still the issue of her bad luck - curse you could call it. The black-haired woman in front of her seemed nice enough, there was no reason to bring darkness to her doorstep. "We can pay though", she shook her head slightly, "I mean I can pay. He's just a horse." As she motioned towards Max he snorted at that remark, as if he wanted to disagree. "But I have money, so your help will not be for naught."
Money and a dream were all she really had.
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Closed starter for @the-blackened-dove Harvey carefully made his way through the crowds at the Rosebud. As usual, it was a packed house. The club music they were blasting was loud enough to make your ears bleed. He could barely hear himself think. The club was packed with mobsters, hitmen, and other assorted underworld characters. All on Falcone’s payroll, of course. The women mostly wore skimpy, revealing, dresses, or midriff-baring tops and tight, flattering shorts. Their faces were caked in makeup, lips painted in glittery red lipstick. Harvey was determined to prosecute Falcone. First he needed to gather witnesses, start building a case against him...what better place to start than here? He was amazed he’d made it this far without getting kicked out by security. He knew Falcone’s Dove was performing tonight. He had heard all sorts of rumors about the woman, but never met her. Not yet.  Somehow, Harvey managed to find an empty table, and one relatively close to the stage, too. He’d gotten here early, but not too early. He was finally going to see one of the Dove’s performances in the flesh...
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finsterhxgel · 2 years
@rebelliousfamily​ for Nancy ♥
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                            “Nancy?”, with a thud her bag drops onto the counter, keys still jingling in her right hand. The front door hasn’t even fallen shut completely yet and Holly is already making a run for the kitchen, the promise of ice cream lingering in the air. But the rest of the house? Too silent.  “Nancy are you home?”, her voice echoes through the hallway but the rest of her words are more whispered than yelled, “I haven’t seen you in days.” With everything that has been going on Karen Wheeler has turned her life into one endless cycle of sleepness nights and worried days, trying to help her town, to keep her children close... To not become the overbearing mother she never wanted to become. 
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aelsell · 2 years
@orcristwielder​ [sc]
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                        “We thank you for inviting us into your grand halls, your majesty“, she bows her head a little, hands neatly folded infront of her. Tilda has prepared for this, practiced with her older sister, yet she is not quite sure she is doing this right. After all she is just a little girl and mere months ago none of this would have made any sense. Now her people live in ruins, her home nothing but burned ash in the lake's watery depths, and they call her father king. So she has to learn, has to adapt. It is her curiosity that drives a smile onto her face in that very moment, as she looks at the King of dwarves, the one she remembers from that fateful night. “And I myself am so excited to see your kingdom, my lord. I have heard so much of this place. Is it true that it goes deep into the mountain? All the way into the dark?“
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chilope · 1 month
zero respect when people get all "oh nooooo i sure hope this post doesn't get a zillion noootes teehee, stop reblogging I can't have this be what people remember me for 🥺🤭" all coy and shit when the option to disable reblogs is right there. strangle that post in its crib to prove you're not a poser.
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stil-lindigo · 8 months
an ex-zionist jewish man recently went a bit viral on tiktok for sharing exactly how he sees zionism tie israel to the jewish identity and his personal experience with breaking away from it - I think it’s a really great watch.
He also made a follow up talking specifically about how he learned to humanise Palestinians, and a really integral part of it was his school, which would often bring in Palestinian speakers who’d share their perspective (here’s a link to it).
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bruderhcrz · 6 months
@miss-polly for Fairy Polly
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Something rustled in the trees behind him and Tyler stopped in his tracks, eyes trying to pierce through the shadows while his hand locked around the flashlight in an iron grip. He was on edge, to say the least, unsure of what dangers were lurking in this forest - the keys had brought him here, so there was no doubt that this forest was far from normal. "Bode? Is that you?", he called out, banishing all trembling from his voice, "You know this isn't funny anymore!" His little brother had used a magic key to open a door, screaming about Narnia, and now Tyler was out here - frozen and worried - looking for the trouble maker.
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ecmotions · 2 years
@imperfectox​ liked for a close starter Based on: THIS
Being at this party was the last place he thought he would be that night, but after the other said that they couldn’t hang out he decided why not? So, it was no doubt as to why Mason was already pretty drunk. It really didn’t take him long to do so whenever he wasn’t in that great of a mood. He had been dancing with some stranger all night and now he was allowing them to drag him upstairs. Mason followed and as the two of them made it up the stairs, the last thing he had expected was to see the stranger laying on the ground. “What the hell?” Mason questioned as he glanced over at the other who had interfered with his night.
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mito-itokondrria · 2 months
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For @red-sneakers´s post here
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sgterso · 1 year
@k4ssa : when was the last time you slept?
these days, dark circles rim her eyes more often than not, so much so it almost feels like they've become a permanent feature of her face, blending into the kohl she occasionally uses to line her lashes with. ( war paint, magva had told her with a predatory grin, painting jyn's face for the first time when she was ten. desperate for an echo of that warmth and camaraderie years later, jyn had kept up the habit ; she knows she isn't beautiful but magva had tried to teach her how to use her face as a weapon. ) but everyone on base is experiencing different degrees of exhaustion, the atmosphere only just relaxing now that they've officially fled the empire and set up an official base on hoth. she hadn't expected anyone to notice her in particular, let alone bring it up to her face until now.
the underlying assumption underneath cassian's words –– that it's clear ( to him, at least ) that she's not sleeping enough –– leaves her scowling, hunching up her shoulders and burying her face and neck deeper into her scarf. " last night, " she says, glaring, and it's the truth. she'd slept fitfully for an hour or two before giving up and getting ready for the day. when it's not the nightmares –– she bursts up in bed with sweat on her brow, a scream trapped in her throat, and one hand at her neck, clutching her mother's kyber crystal tightly in her fist –– it's the anxiety she feels sharing a bunk with three strangers, even with her blaster underneath her pillow and a knife shoved between the mattress and wall. the only remedy for her insomnia is to work herself past the point of exhaustion, to push herself to the limit and just barely making it to her bed before collapsing. when that happens, her brain goes blissfully silent for a few hours.
" i'm fine, " she stresses, eager for him to drop it and move on to another topic. she turns her head slightly, narrowing her gaze in on cassian's face. underneath the layers, she can just barely make out similar signs of exhaustion on his own face. she'd bet her last few credits that he's getting less rest than she is these days. " when's the last time you slept ? "
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@nervousleaderr liked for a Christmas starter
The store was crowded with people doing their Christmas shopping. Harvey carefully navigated the crowd, looking for something, anything, his sister might like. So far, nothing impressed him. Getting her a boring, generic, gift almost seemed worse than no gift at all. “God, what do you get the woman who has everything?” He muttered under his breath, thinking out loud.
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finsterhxgel · 2 years
@vandbaerer​ ♥’ed 1/2 // Jules for Calliope
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                          “Had I known to look for you in my dreams I would have gone to sleep hours ago”, her smile is radiant as her heartbeat already quickens. Jules reaches for Calliope’s hands, eager to feel the others touch - even if it is just here, in their land of make believe. “My parents are freaking out, but I told them they cannot keep me from you, forever.”
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theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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One wedding and three funerals
Background paintings under the cut
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#tomgreg#succession#tom wambsgans#greg hirsch#shiv roy#roman roy#kendall roy#yeah no im not tagging everyone thats too much#this is me going 'how much implications themes and symbolism can i fit in one painting'#yes i gave rose shivs haircolor. if we ever find out how she looks like and its not like this im just gonna pass away i guess#but yeah i hope yall connect the dots#i put waaay too much thought and work into this. i was googling pictures of all the actors as kids just for reference (sigh)#honestly kinda wanted to make tom and greg link pinkies as like. a pinkie promise. but that was too hard to draw in this angle#at least not without obstructing the view of the ring which is important to see so ya#my fave is actually the tomshiv wedding pic i went off with that. i love them... they should have run away to become sheep farmers fr fr#anyway im so glad im done with this UGH!! finally i can draw smth else without being like oh noooo i need to finish this#i see a lot of you wondering why there is no portrait of logan but one of ewan#it's bc the placement of the painting represent their standing. logans portray would not hang next to the stairs#his present portrait hangs at the end of it. all the way up at the top. alone and withering away#basically the picture you see underneath ewan to the right? its where toms parents would be. the right side of the wall is tom and gregs#and the left one is the roy siblings theirs. since they grew up rich rich. and tom and greg didn't#but ya thats why ewan hangs here and logan does not :)
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