#i hope this becomes a thing
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 3 months ago
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grey-purple-dragon · 11 months ago
Introducing: Pomegranate Academia
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Source: Pinterest
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 2 years ago
new villainess yuri just dropped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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phanfuckingtasmal · 4 months ago
im sorry but i cannot stop thinking about isha's pastel memories that play during her sacrifice scene.
look at how full of colour this beautiful fuckin shot is:
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it's been well established in episodes 4-6 how grim and dark the undercity has become under cait and ambessa's new rule. but look at how isha sees/remembers it - because of jinx.
jinx, who went through a severe childhood trauma that has carried over into her present self - she covers extremely destructive weapons and grenades in bright pinks and blues, neons, childlike doodles, graffiti. (joy and destruction, powder and jinx, a contrast so striking it becomes like a signature for her).
and then we see the world through isha's eyes. when we meet her in episode 2, she's running through sewers, from goons dressed in black; it's grimy and grim. and then all of her recent memories are done in these childlike pastel, almost crayon-y sketches. because what isha saw was jinx covering a dark and grim world in colours.
and so isha covered her world in colour, too.
because jinx made her world bright.
isha looked at jinx and saw the child in her. she saw powder and she saw jinx. she saw joy and destruction. and that's why jinx gave isha so much hope. isha knew the world was grim and dark - but then she watched jinx, and she learned that you can paint over all that grim darkness with neon blue spray paint.
that's why isha believed in hope. that's why in her final moments - in a scene that is lit dimly and dramatically - she sees nothing but a bright world coloured in pastels.
never underestimate the hope of a child.
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freitag1607 · 1 year ago
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1.05 / Battle of the Labyrinth
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saltwatersweets · 26 days ago
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i wish i could put into words how much everything about this small bit absolutely FASCINATES me. the way that shadow milk seems almost guilty or sad by something, and then immediately doubles down and becomes work with a sick grin on his face. the way he is so clearly projecting himself onto pure vanilla (does he believe his entire life before his corruption to hold no value? does he view THAT life as a lie?) the way he wants pure vanilla to be just as ruined as he is, to BECOME him… their dynamic is so twisted in all the best possible ways.
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llamahearted · 10 months ago
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two people will go through similar things & learn to cope in different ways
print ♥︎ song
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nokkiart · 3 months ago
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As a long time httyd fan who has been heavily involved in the fandom since the first movie and who has spent years working in the animation industry, I’d like to share my thoughts on the new httyd movie. Keep in mind, this is just my personal opinion and it's completely fine if you disagree with me. I just want to say a little something about all this that really bothers me.
The core reason that Dreamworks and Universal made this film is that it’s a quick and easy cash grab for them. Thats it. They don’t care about telling a good story or making a “better” version of the original movie for fans or even having an accurate portrayal of the characters/story. It’s purely about money. They know that fans of the original film will go see this movie, whether it’s good or bad. And those guaranteed ticket sales are all that matter to the studios. And with Universal, it has the added bonus of being a cheap promotional and merchandising opportunity for the new HTTYD land in Orlando that opens around the same time that the film is premiering in theaters.
And to help the studios make even more money out of this, they are using non-unionized VFX companies around the world to make this film, so that they can get cheaper labor and push the artists to do more that would be against American union standards. The same thing has probably happened with the costuming and fabrication for the filming, hence why the costumes look un-weathered and the sets look cheap. They don’t want to pay for the extra time and effort that it would take to make the practical bits of the production look good.
On top of all this, Dreamworks has already announced that they’re shutting down all their in-house animation projects in favor of using AI and outsourcing projects to cheaper international non-union studios.
With all this in mind, I just can’t support this film and I will not be seeing it in theaters. And I hope that others will do the same.
The only way to stop all these horrible “live action” remakes (which are actually just realistically animated remakes) is to not buy tickets to see them. Money is all that matters to these studios, and if they don’t make any money off of it, then they will stop and try something different. Maybe they'll even go back to focusing on original stories!
That’s the power that we hold as audiences. Our wallets help drive the decisions that the executives make. So support unique storytelling and gorgeous cinematography in movies. Support indie films. Support animators as they're fighting for fair pay and better contracts. But don't support a mediocre shot-for-shot remake riding on the coattails of an already successful film.
And I just want to wrap all this up by saying I have absolutely no hate towards anyone that has worked on the new film. Toothless looks incredible and I know the artists and creatives involved in this project did the best they could with what they were given.
But I also know that those same artists have so many more brilliant ideas that they would’ve loved to be given the creative freedom to do. I just wish hollywood would be willing to take a chance and let them do it.
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years ago
I love it when pre Original Trilogy era shows how much effort went into making the Death Star. It took decades, literal decades, and it took so much money and so many people and it was such a secretive thing and it’s staffed by millions because it’s the size of a small moon.
I cannot express how much all of the added information makes it so much funnier that Luke blew it up.
Luke destroys literally everything Palpatine built. He blows up the Death Star, which was referenced in universe as early as the second movie. He blew up the weapon of mass destruction twenty years in the making. And he blew it up pretty much directly after it’s first and only successful attack. It was operational for fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes that Palpatine had the thing he’d been building for longer than Luke has been alive, and Luke blows it up. First day retirement, but first hour retirement.
Luke convinces Darth Vader to turn back to the light side, a feat thought literally impossible by literally everybody. Sidious clearly doesn’t see Vader’s betrayal coming. Vader’s betrayal was not in his plans, nor was it something he was prepared for. Sidious is a powerful Force user with all four limbs while Vader is a man in the tin can Palpatine put him in. If Palpatine had seen Vader turning coming, he would not have allowed it to happen.
Luke literally should not even be alive. Palpatine almost definitely got Padme out of the way on purpose, and he almost certainly was trying for her unborn child as well (there was way too big of a risk that a cute liddol bebe would bring some humanity back to Anakin, and Palpatine did not want Anakin to have any humanity) Luke living is literally the first step in Palpatine’s ultimate downfall, especially once Vader finds out that Luke is his son. His very alive son. His son that is not dead, despite Palpatine claiming Anakin killed Padme. Implying that Anakin killed Padme and she posthumously gave birth. But, she didn’t give birth on Mustafar, which was the last place Anakin interacted with her. And once the mother dies, you have to get those fuckers out fast or they die too.
I imagine Darth Vader piecing all of this together is that meme with all the math floating around his head, because how could Padme have died by his hand and then given birth like two hours later?
Luke killing Palpatine is what ultimately leads to the dissolution of the Empire as an omnipotent entity. Luke killed the Empire. Luke spends a good amount of his adult life killing Empire remnants. We see that in the Mandalorian, since he’s so recognizable that Gideon immediately knows he’s fucked just by seeing an X-wing. We read it in Legends’ continuity, where Luke terrifies Imperials because he can walk into their changing room and stand in their for a minute and they don’t even notice.
Luke destroyed Palpatine’s life’s work. Everything Palpatine spent his whole life working towards, and Luke kills all of it. He blows up not one, but two Death Stars (he may not have pulled the trigger on the second Death Star, but without him, it never would have been destroyed). He convinces not one, but multiple Sith and Dark Jedi to return from the Dark Side. He is the only reason that Obi-Wan Kenobi, the biggest pain in Palpatine’s ass ever born, lives long enough to make it to the Death Star.
Palpatine went through so much effort. And just when he had finally won, when he finally had a weapon capable of destroying entire planets with a single blast, making it impossible for any planets or peoples to go against him, Luke shows up nineteen years late to the Jedi party with space Starbucks and a droid twice his age and almost singlehandedly destroys everything Palpatine ever had a hand in creating.
Luke manages to become even worse than Obi-Wan Kenobi, the ultimate thorn in the side of politicians, and Luke doesn’t even understand any politics. He wasn’t trained in diplomacy like Obi-Wan and Leia, no, he’s a farmboy who left home for the first time in his entire life, just this morning. And he is the one to destroy the Empire.
If they rewrote Star Wars and had it entirely from Palpatine’s perspective, Luke Skywalker would be his greatest foe. Luke Skywalker would be the final boss. Luke Skywalker is the antithesis of everything Palpatine believes in and he is the one character that Palpatine cannot predict. He isn’t as moldable as Anakin, he doesn’t respond to threats very well, he’s apparently impossible to kill via Force lightning (still the funniest scene of all times, the progression of Palpatine’s face falling and him looking like “what the fuck??? Is this kid rubber??? I’ve electrocuted him eight times???”), his unwavering faith in his father’s goodness makes Darth Vader want to be a better person, Luke Skywalker is the big bad of Palpatine’s story and—
There is nothing in this world that is funnier than someone’s biggest antagonist being Luke fucking Skywalker. Luke Skywalker, who saved the galaxy with the power of love and who shouldn’t exist, by Jedi rules and by Palpatine’s own attempts, and whose best friends are literally droids, which Palpatine canonically hates!
Everything about this is hilarious, this is the funniest thing in all of media, Palpatine loses absolutely everything to some backwater farmboy who fucking likes droids.
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art-by-fate · 1 year ago
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HUGE congrats to sir Skizzleman for hitting that big shiny 100k!!!!
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sualne · 2 years ago
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Old and new gifts.
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hiding-under-the-willow · 7 months ago
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"Put on the lab coat science boy!" I cheer while half of the fandom is still reeling from the minor skin changes he's already made
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radiance1 · 4 months ago
Danny often felt tired, as of late.
He wasn't certain as to why he did, though. It happened after his, apparent, coronation as the Prince of the Infinite Realms and after finally getting a boyfriend out of that damsel in distress who made him into one.
Which was unfortunate, because though he may try, it was very hard to pay attention on dates when Danny felt he just came from using the Ecto-Skeleton and no amount of sleep would make it go away. Fortunately, however, Billy was very understanding and accommodating of his plight, letting him sleep on him whenever he wanted and having their dates be less mentally/physically demanding things.
Man, Danny loved his boyfriend.
Unfortunately, he was away on one of his Justice League mission things.
Another thing he noticed, is that he liked to sleep in more cold places now. Very, very cold places.
So much so, that he genuinely debated moving to the Far Frozen if not for his parents turning his room into a literal walk-in freezer for him.
Did he ever find out why he needs to sleep so much? No, not really. But man.
Danny could go down for a nap right now.
Pariah was having a good, very good day.
He woke up, stretched, ate some food he didn't actually need to, did some light exercises after aeons of not using his sword and just fighting in general and sat down for some tea.
Even had a letter from the Master of Time with a P.S that two humans would be busting down his door!
Wait what-
"Ghost King!" Came the rather loud, effeminate shout accompanying the loud slam of his castle doors. "Where is our son!"
Honestly, Pariah is impressed by the lungs on that human.
"You heard her!" He looked down calmly at the... Actually, what in the infinite is that? Since when did humans go walking around with cannons??? "Tell us where our son is our so help me! Ghost King or not we'll exorcise you right where you stand!"
Pariah blinked slowly, very, very slowly.
Then took a sip of his favorite ghost blend then calmly placed the cup back down.
"You must be the boy's, human, parents I presume?" He asked calmly, gaze sweeping over them both. They seemed to be prepared for war, a burning fire in their eyes as they stared down the very King of Infinity and saw only an obstacle.
Oooooh, how that made the part of him that longed, sung for battle purr in sheer delight.
"Why don't you join me for tea?" He said, waving a hand and conjuring forth two extra, human sized, chairs on the opposing end of his table alongside two more tea cups. "And explain whatever is going on, while you're at it."
The two shared a glance between each other, then slowly lowered their weapons down to a point where they could still draw them at a moment's notice, yet not actively antagonizing the king at the same time-
Oh, he just loves these types of mortals.
-before slowly making their way to their seats, which were right next to each other of course. Married and whatnot.
"Tea?" He flicked a finger, filling their cups with the same that was in his cup but before remembering. "Ah, right. Human and your mortality." He casually mentioned, flicking his finger and changing the liquid to one of the few mortal blends he could still recall. "Worry not, for they are not poisoned." He chuckled lightly.
Honestly, doing such a thing would be beneath him, especially when faced with mortals of such fire.
"Now," He brought his cup to his lips. "Why don't you inform me as to what, exactly, has brought you to my doorstep prepared for battle?"
They, once more, exchanged a glance between each other, making sure the king was still in sight before Maddie opened her lips.
"Our son is missing."
The summoning was a success.
A terrible, terrible success.
One that the Justice League, One John Constantine especially, had valiantly attempted to stop.
But, unfortunately, once it got going it seemed to be incapable of stopping.
Faced with an entity being summoned from the Infinite Realms, they had called all of the heroes who were capable that weren't occupied. Shazam, unfortunately, was one of said heroes occupied.
Superman and Wonderwoman? Were not. So, at the very least, they had two of their heaviest hitters available.
The circle glowed a toxic green, growing and growing in glow until it reached its zenith.
Then was snuffed out as brightly as it glowed.
The air stilled, followed by a chill that rivaled the chilliest of snowstorms as if they were standing within one that very moment.
The next moment?
Pure, unflinching, jagged pillars of ice rose from the circle the same moment it glow returned. Sticking out from the circle haphazardly and nearly impaling those that stood too close.
Mist, thick, blue mist. Rolled from the pillars of ice, descending down onto the floor with a gentleness that was almost deceptive if not occupied by such cold and being completely and utterly unnatural as it was.
The Justice League readied themselves.
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demonic0angel · 10 months ago
“Falling for me, hero?” (click for clarity)
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Please enjoy this piece bc I made it while studying for my AP exams 😌
Inspired by this:
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sheyfu · 6 months ago
sunday loves it when you cradle his head close to your chest; the warmth that surrounds him, as well as the sound of your heartbeat, give him a sense of comfort.
he also loves it when you litter his face with kisses; the way your lips touch every surface of his skin, the way giggles accompany every kiss you plant, as well as the way you get 'cuteness agression' and eventually start squishing his cheeks give him the slice of life he's been craving.
it makes him wonder if he truly deserves your love.
he gets a kiss and a sulky you whenever he questions himself.
anyways, did i also mention he loves it when you touch his wings? yeah, he really does. he gets all shy and flustered every time he allows you to touch them. (he loves it though).
sunday also loves it when you wake him up. there's just something so domestic about it that makes him want to marry you right then and there.
are there more things sunday loves about you? hmmm well,
he loves how youre the center of his universe. everywhere he goes, everything he sees, and everything he hears remind him of you.
he also loves how youre in every dream he's been into. whether it'd be venturing the land of penacony or even the most random dreams like that one time where he dreamt of aventurine and the trailblazer break dancing, you were always there, alive and well.
(sunday would never admit it out loud, but he really enjoyed the display of foolery from the two)
everytime you smile at him, the world seems to light up.
everytime you stay up with him while he does his neverending paperwork, makes him question if he truly deserves your love.
he gets more kisses but a much sulkier you after that
everytime you remind him that you chose him, it makes him feel like the luckiest guy in the whole entire world.
every word, every action, everything you do for him is accompanied by your assurance and warmth.
yet, as he kneels down in front of a sea of flowers, your portrait in the middle of it, he wonders if he really did deserve you.
he waits for your kiss this time.
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acerobot · 6 months ago
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How to deal with a terrible breakup? Easy! You don't. Everything is okay in the fantasy sitcom suburb land where you control everything ever.
Silly goofy au hours. More crack than serious, but I enjoy it. I worry the three(3) episodes of Wandavision I watched and a Don't Worry Darling plot synopsis changed my neuron pathing for the worst.
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