#i hope the chiefs kick their ass
Vikings hope to spoil 'cool' Travis Kelce-Taylor Swift saga
EAGAN, Minn. -- Global superstar Taylor Swift has attended the Kansas City Chiefs' past two games. Will she make it a third?
That question came up Monday in the locker room of the Minnesota Vikings, who will host the Chiefs -- and Swift's friend, tight end Travis Kelce -- on Sunday at U.S. Bank Stadium. That would be "cool," Vikings cornerback Byron Murphy Jr. said -- but maybe not for Kelce.
"Oh man, the social media is going crazy," Murphy said when asked about the league's embrace of the Swift-Kelce storyline. "And I'm not hating against it. That's the world we're living in. Is she going to come to this game? We're locked in, but that would be something. I've been watching her since I was a kid. That would be cool for sure.
"Not for him, because we're going to try to get our hands on him in front of her."
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sevcasejay1chicago · 9 months
Im with you- Matt Casey
Summary: When an ovarian cyst ruptures on the job, Matt and Firehouse 51 take care of you.
Warnings: vomiting, cursing, probably inaccurate medical stuff even though I do have PCOS and get ovarian cysts.
Authors note: You asked and I’m delivering. Here’s a fic I wrote a while back. I hope you enjoy!
You and Matt have been together for a couple years. You have been best friends since you both joined 51, straight from academy. You and Matt shared everything. Your feelings, thoughts, personal issues, a bed. Everything was out in the open. Though Matt was your lieutenant, you never let it effect your job or your relationship. You said it was one of the perks of starting off in the house together. He saw you and your strength. He knew you could take his spot any day, but you were content with just being part of the company.
You started feeling some major discomfort on a call. You were doing a sweep with Severide when you kicked open a door, causing the fire to blow back, sending you and Kelly flying through the air.
“Y/N!” You were sure you heard Kelly scream your name, but your ears rung as you laid against the wall. Kelly quickly shut the door and made his way toward you. “Look at me! Say something!” He yelled, grabbing you by your jacket and making you face him.
You were a little further toward the middle of the door than Kelly, which kept him from flying far. You just went through the air hitting the wall HARD. You were disoriented and had some major ringing in your ears.
When you couldn’t focus on him, Kelly called a mayday of sorts through the radio. “Emergency! Emergency! Fire fighter down. I need a medic to meet me out front.” Kelly yelled, not wasting another second before he pulled me up and into his arms. “I’ve gotcha. Your okay.”
“Who?” Chief Boden asked.
“Y/L/N.” Kelly said just before he broke into a sprint when he saw the exit.
Outside, Dawson and Brett were waiting with a stretcher. As soon as Kelly put you down, Dawson was ripping the mask off your face. The light assaulted your eyes, but the fresh air was like a kick in the butt, which was exactly what you needed.
“I’m fine.” You murmured, attempting to push yourself up.
“Y/N.” Dawson said, pushing you back down with a shake of her head. “You were unresponsive for almost two minutes. I need to check you out.”
I shook my head, regretting it as soon as I did it. I laid back, pinching the bridge of my nose. “I said I’m fine Dawson.” I growled out. Finding the strength to sit up, I swung my legs over the edge of the gurney and tried to stand. My legs failed me as I collapsed into Kelly with a pained gasp.
“Fine my ass Y/L/N.” Kelly said, picking you up and putting you back on the stretcher.
“What hurts hunny?” Brett hummed, allowing Kelly to rip your jacket off as Dawson ran to help a civilian.
“My right side. Like all of a sudden.” You gritted out, swatting Kelly’s hand away as he palpitated the area. “Ow Sev.”
“Sorry.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “It’s not too hard like internal bleeding.” He informed Brett. “I’m going to go update Casey. He looks ready to abandon the company to come check on you. You ladies talk.” Kelly said, leaning over to place a kiss on your forehead. “I’ll be back.”
Once Kelly walked off, you snuck a glance in Casey’s direction. He was talking to the crew, giving orders, but his eyes stayed trained on you.
“When did this start? I don’t see any bruising or signs of a contusion.” Brett murmured, moving back to let the sunlight hit that area.
“I mean, it’s been a dull pain for a while now, but this is the first time it’s been bad enough to effect me.” I said, leaning my head back and breathing deeply. “I have an appointment set with my gyno tomorrow. I’m fine, really. Just extra sore.” I tried to reason, but I was fighting to keep back a sudden wave of nausea. “It’s uh.” I swallowed thickly before continuing. “It’s a normal woman thing I think. Matt knows. Just give me an anti-inflammatory and zofran and I’m good.”
“Zofran?” Brett asked, stopping as she was pushing me to the ambo, which I suddenly realized meant that Kelly was back and helping.
“Yeah. Kinda nauseous.” I said, shaking my head. Kelly hummed and placed a hand on my thigh.
Brett did a thorough head trauma exam before giving me the all clear once she was sure that I didn’t have a concussion. Kelly spent the entire time texting while I was being treated. He was listening and keeping Matt up to date as I waiting to be discharged from the rig.
“Casey said to ride back with Ambo and go straight to his office when we return.” Kelly said, leaning up to place another kiss on my forehead, jumping out of the rig before I could protest. He hit the doors and Dawson, whom I never noticed jumped back into the rig, drove back to the house.
“Well, looks like I’m off the rest of this shift.” I sighed, leaning back and trying to relax as Brett dimmed the lights to the rig.
“Might not be such a bad thing. He’s just looking out for you.” Brett said, sitting on the bench and buckling me around the waist to the stretcher before buckling herself in and propping her feet up to use as a makeshift desk. “Get some rest. We got 20 minutes till we get back.”
I gave her a confused look. “We shouldn’t be that far out.” I mumbled.
“Dawson has to pick up lunch.” Brett replied. “Just relax and enjoy the ride.”
I woke up to someone softly pushing the hair away from my face.
“Hey Hunny. Come rest in my office.” Matt whispered, trying his best to coax me awake.
“I don’t feel good.” I whispered, leaning my head forward and into his hand.
“I know.” Matt soothed. “I’ll carry you.”
Matt unlocked my seatbelt and gently lifted me into his arms. Doors were opened for us as we made our way through the house. The common area went quiet as we passed through, shuffling could be heard as doors were opened until Matt got to his office.
“Hey Matt.” Kelly whispered, stepping in and closing the door. “Brett gave me these. How’s she doing?”
Kelly shook a sick bag out and put it on the side table and then stashed the rest on the desk. Matt laid me down slowly, pulling the covers over me gently and turning me onto my side into the recovery position. I kept my eyes closed, wondering why Brett never gave me the Zofran, making me focus on not throwing up.
“Doesn’t feel well.” Matt said, sitting next to me and pushing my hair back again. “Baby. Kelly has a sick bag here if you need it. I gotta talk to Boden and fill him in. I’ll be right back.” He said, leaning in to kiss my forehead. “Can you stay with her a minute?” Matt asked Kelly.
“Anything for you guys. You know that.” Kelly said, standing and switching spots with Matt. The door closed softly as Kelly sat next to me. He placed a hand on my back and rubbed soothingly. “Let’s be real. Need to go to med?” Kelly asked, knowing I wouldn’t fess up to Matt unless it was dire.
“No.” I gritted out, frustrated by the whole situation. The pain was subsiding, but the nausea was ramping. “It’s a girl thing.” I simplified.
“Your sure?” Kelly asked, leaning forward and grabbing the sick bag as he saw me pale.
“Mhmm.” I said, not daring to move.
We sat there in silence. I was trying to steady my breathing as Kelly continued to rub my back. He was at a loss. He knew I hated being sick, as he has dealt with a sick me before, but he knew it was gonna happen.
“Sit up. I know it’s gonna happen.” Kelly said, moving to stand and help gently guide me into a sitting position. “Hold this. I’m gonna call Matt.” He instructed, placing the bag in my hand. Kelly went to the door and opened it, yelling for Matt. He knew not to leave me.
The nausea was winning and I began to freak out as Kelly called out again. “Kel- hurlk” I tried to warn him, but got cut off with an unproductive heave.
The door slammed shut as Kelly raced toward me. “Fuck.” He muttered, helping me hold the bag under my chin. With his other hand, he used his radio to call for Matt. “Case. You’re needed in your office. Now.” He said into the radio. A quick “copy” from Matt was all that was heard before I started retching harshly. “Shhhhhhh. Breathe.” Kelly murmured. “It’s okay. I’m here.”
“What’s going on?” Matt exclaimed, running and sliding to a stop in front of me. “Baby? It’s okay. I’m here.” He soothed , taking my hand and pushing my hair back. “Dawson’s gonna check your vitals, okay?”
I nodded as I finally started throwing up all the breakfast that I forced down. Kelly kept holding the bag and rubbing my back, Matt held my hand and kept my hair out of the splash zone, and Dawson went about checking my vitals.
“Pulse is fast. Oxygen is mid 90s. Pressure is slightly low, but not worrisome.” She said. “Any other symptoms?” Gabbi asked Matt.
“Ovarian cysts. Think one ruptured on that call.” Matt muttered. “Never seen her this bad before.”
“Does it hurt, Y/N?” Gabbi asked. “Just squeeze once for no and twice for yes.” Gabbi took my hand and felt me squeeze once. “Good. No pain.”
“What does that mean?” Kelly asked, noting how much I was vomiting and the sweat building up on the back of my neck.
“So, sometimes a cyst can rupture and be infected. This is her body getting rid of it, which is probably why Brett didn’t give her anything for the nausea.” Gabbi explained, writing some stuff down. “If she starts running a fever, tell us and we will take her straight to Med. I’d suggest camping out here for a few hours to make sure she doesn’t spike one. Then you can go home and get her rested.” Gabbi said, patting Matt on the shoulder and walking out.
“Breathe sweetheart. Your gonna need to switch bags in a second if you need to.” Matt said, trying to see my face better. He reached over and grabbed a new one, making a quick switch with Kelly and holding the new bag under my chin as Kelly disposed of the old one.
Talking could be heard as he opened the door. Gabbi and Boden’s voices floating in.
Suddenly, a cool cloth was placed on the back of my neck. “Herrmann got you a rag Y/N.” Kelly said, resuming his post of rubbing my back. “Chief has Herrmann taking lead on truck for the remainder of shift and offered to let me hang around to help unless Squad is needed.”
“Thanks Kel.” Matt said, patting his friend on the knee. “You done baby?” Matt asked, noticing the few coughs I was letting out, but also the lack of vomit.
“Yeah.” I breathed, leaning forward and resting my head on Matt’s shoulder. “It’s awful.” I moaned, resting my forehead into the crook of his neck.
“I know.” Matt whispered, reaching up and wiping my face with the rag from my neck. “Wanna brush your teeth and shower before taking a nap?”
I nodded and tried to stand when Matt helped me up, but swayed dangerously as I suddenly became lightheaded.
“Woah.” Kelly said, bracing me from behind. “You okay?” He asked, keeping me steady with hands around my waist.
“Yeah.” I breathed. “Just lightheaded s’all.” I closed my eyes and leaned my head onto Matt’s shoulder again.
“I gotcha.” Matt said, picking me up and taking me toward the bathroom. “Can you grab her go bag Sev?” Matt called over his shoulder.
“On it.” Kelly replied, jogging toward the locker room.
Matt wasted no time in getting me to the bathroom. He sat me down on the counter and pulled my head back into his neck.
Herrmann came into the bathroom with a sprite in his hand. “Cindy used to have this problem. This outta help.” He said, placing the can on the other side of the sink. “I’ve got Mills running to get some popsicles too.”
“Thanks Chris.” Matt said. “You’re a good man.”
“Anything for her.” He said, rubbing my arm. “It’s gonna be okay. You just get to feeling better.” He then patted Matt on the shoulder. “Take care of my girl.”
“Always.” Matt said, turning and placing a kiss to my head as Herrmann walked out and Kelly walked in.
“Got your CFD hoodie.” Kelly said to Matt, “I got everything else out of her locker though. Toiletries and her clothes. Also grabbed your stuff too Case.” He said, putting everything on the counter. “Need anything else?”
“Nah.” Matt said, shaking his head as he looked around. “Just set some towels in here. I’m gonna shower with her. I don’t trust her balance.” He said, rubbing my back.
“Good man.” Kelly said, patting Matt on the back. “Holler if you need anything else.”
“Thanks Sev.” Matt said, watching the Squad lieutenant leave. Finally, he turned to face me. “Ready to get cleaned up?” He asked gently, pulling away to see my face.
“Then nap?” I murmured, pouting at my boyfriend.
“Nap and cuddles.” Matt confirmed, nodding his head.
With that confirmation, I was satisfied and found the strength to get cleaned up. After brushing my teeth and gargling twice, Matt helped me off the counter and to the showers. He sat me on the bench before striping and going in to turn on the water. With quick persuasion, Matt was able to talk me into the shower. He made promises to keep me steady and to sit me down if I needed it, seeing as Mills just finished scrubbing the showers.
Once under the water, which was a little cooler than I usually liked it, Matt kept a secure hold on my waist, leaned down and kissed my head, then adjusted me so that my back was getting the brunt of the shower.
“Mmmm.” I moaned, practically melting in Matt’s hold. “S’ nice.” I mumbled into Matt’s chest, pressing my forehead into it.
“I know baby.” Matt said. “We can stand here for a moment, but we need to get cleaned up and get you resting.” He said, reaching around me and engulfing me in a hug. “You just relax.” He whispered.
“Mkay.” I sighed, losing any fight I could have left.
When Matt noticed me getting heavier, he made quick work of washing my hair and body before calling Kelly.
Matt only trusted you with very few men, one of which was Kelly Severide. You all had made a quick bond when in the academy and Kelly picked you up off the floor more times than you could count, but that was before Matt. Matt didn’t like overstepping, but Kelly had no problems helping you out in a bind and was there for you in more ways at the beginning than Matt, but you knew it had to do with Haily and not because Matt didn’t like you, so you never let it affect your relationship now. Kelly knew his boundaries, even now, and was the one person you trust other than Matt.
Kelly walked into the bathroom and scooped you up in a towel. Once Kelly had the towel firmly secure, he took your microfiber head wrap towel and wrapped your hair up in it. Then, he helped guide you into Matt’s CFD hoodie and stayed with you leaning into his shoulder until Matt came out of the showers.
“Thanks Kelly.” Matt said. “One more favor.” Matt said, cringing slightly into himself. He hated asking for help, but you were pretty out of it at this point. “Mind getting more bags from Brett and Y/N’s fan from her bunk and taking it to my office?” He asked, pulling on his underwear and pants before trading with Kelly.
“Hey man.” Kelly said, taking Matt by the shoulder. “Don’t sweat it. You guys are family. I’ve already got it all taken care of.” He smirked.
“You’re a life saver.” Matt said, turning and hugging Kelly once he was sure you wouldn’t fall over.
“I get that a lot.” Kelly laughed, the sound echoing behind the man as he walked to the door and exited the bathroom.
Matt helped me into some pants and left our stuff, claiming he’d get it all later, but knowing that someone else was probably waiting to come in behind you both and get everything situated. Once in his office, Matt laid me down near the edge of the bed, closed the blinds, and turned off the lights. He left the blinds connected to Kelly’s office window cracked enough to give him some light to see you, but also give Kelly a way to see if you and Matt needed help.
Once the fan was turned on and he was sure the radio was turned off and I didn’t need anything else, Matt crawled into the bed behind me, spooning me with an arm around my waist. He carefully rubbed my stomach and placed little kisses on the back of my neck.
“Get some rest baby.” Matt whispered, peppering my shoulder with kisses before leaning up and kissing my cheek. “I’m with you. We will get through this.”
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(Aladdin AU)
*Alastor the chief advisor of Queen Sera waited for a pimp named Valentino to meet him, standing by Alastor was his assistant Vox, a man who had the ability to hypnotize people which Alastor used to hypnotize the Queen, thankfully Valentino arrived*
Alastor: You are late.
Valentino: A thousand apologies Lord Alastor.
*Valentino bowed and Vox glared at the slimy pimp in disgust*
Valentino: Is this the cave?
*the men men stood in front of a cave that was shaped like a tiger’s head, it made Alastor think of Prince Adam’s beloved pet tiger Lute who would bite anyone who made the young man uncomfortable*
Vox: This is the Cave of Wonders.
Cave of Wonders: Who disturbs my slumber.
Valentino: It is, Valentino.
Cave of Wonders: Only one may enter here, the Diamond in the Rough.
Alastor: What are you waiting for? Go on.
*Valentino slowly approached the cave and when he stepped in the mouth closed crushing Valentino leaving blood and guts everywhere*
Vox: Great, another failure.
Cave of Wonders: Seek me out the Diamond in the Rough.
*the royal guards chased a short blonde young man clutching a loaf of bread with a slightly younger woman running alongside him, they were Lucifer and Charlie, a brother and sister who had to steal to survive*
Lucifer: All this for a loaf of bread.
Captain of the Guards: I will have your hands for a trophy.
*Lucifer ran until he found Rosie, a woman who was friends with their mother, who pulled them into her home until the guards went away, when they Lucifer and Charlie left they sat down while Lucifer tore the bread in half so he could share it with Charlie, but they saw a pair of homeless children who needed food more than either of them did*
Lucifer: You can have this.
*Lucifer handed his half of the bread to the older child*
Charlie: You can have mine too.
*Charlie handed her half of the bread to the younger child, it was another night without food, but the children being fed was more important, Lucifer saw a crowd gathering, it was a princess named Lilith riding into the city seeking the hand of Sera’s beloved son and Prince Adam in marriage*
Guy #1: Another Princess for Prince Adam to reject.
Guy #2: Why doesn't he just pick someone?
Lucifer sighed, Adam was the Prince Heaven, Queen Sera's only child after her husband the King passed away when Adam was still in diapers.
The children from before ran out into the street.
Lilith: Ugh! You little brats!
She went to whip them and Lucifer ran out and took the whip to his arm.
Lucifer: If I were as rich as you, I would be able to afford some manners.
Lilith: Out of my way!
She kicked him into the mud.
Lucifer: Look Charlie! It's not every day you see a horse with two asses!
Everyone laughed.
Lilith glared: You're nothing but a filthy street rat. You'll die a street rat and only your flees will mourn you!
The palace gates closed as Lucifer charged them.
Lucifer: I don't have flees..... Bitch. I hope Prince Adam rejects you.
A few hours later and Princess Lilith was storming out of the room.
Sera: Leaving so ...... Soon?
Lilith had some of her dress missing as she stormed out.
Sera: Adam.....
Adam was sitting by the pond with his pet tiger Lute.
Sera: Adam! Adam! Oh confound it Lute!
Adam: Oh Lute was only playing with that spoiled princess Lilith. Weren't you girl? Hehehe.
Sera did not look impressed.
Sera: Adam my dear, you know the law, you have to get married-
Adam: To someone of royal statues I know. But mom if I do get married one day I want it to be for love.
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the-guilty-writer · 2 years
Sleepless Seattle
Request from anon: hotch x reader who has insomnia? maybe with;  “Look me in the eyes and tell me what time you went to bed last night.  Or if you went to bed, for that matter.”
Aaron Hotchner x platonic!reader
Summary: When you can't sleep, you work, and a certain Unit Chief notices you've been working a little too much.
A/N: cheesy title, I know, but it works and it makes sense so we're going with it.
CW: reader has mild depression, talks about medication, medication changes, medication side effects
There were certain things in life that could be deemed necessary evils- taxes, politicians, and medication changes just to name a few. Currently the latter was kicking you in the ass.
Your depression was mild enough that it didn’t disturb your daily life until it did- you’d be okay for a while and then spend weeks on end just going through the motions, alive but not truly living. Medication helped significantly, to the point that you could go a few years without falling into the darkness, but sometimes they would slowly stop working. It would start with feeling more fatigued than normal and escalate to feelings of emptiness.
And then you’d have to go through a dreaded medication change.
You’d once heard that psychiatric medications were a crap shoot- the doctor would prescribe something and hope it would work, and when it didn’t they would try something else. That cycle would repeat until they found a drug that did it's job. You were lucky enough that you’d been able to take the same medication for nearly three years before it started to lose its effect, but now that it had stopped working, you were thrown into the chaos of trial and error in an attempt to find some new drug that would help stabilize your mood.
You’d been on this new one for about two months, and so far it was better than the last one you had tried, but it still wasn’t ideal. When you first started it, the dizziness hit you like a truck for a few days. After it subsided it hadn’t come back. Now the only side effects you were experiencing were a mild change in appetite and some pretty terrible insomnia.
You could fall asleep, but after about two hours you’d wake up and be unable to get any more shut-eye for a few hours. It seemed pointless to waste waking hours staring at the ceiling trying to fall asleep when you knew you weren’t going to- so you worked. The hotel you were staying at was right across the street from the Seattle field office, so you packed up your files and walked the short distance in the dark. It was the third night you had done this, so the night security guard just gave you a smile and a nod as you entered the building.
The evidence board was nearly full. You studied it carefully, picking apart every detail of every scene, jotting things down on a blank white board, but you still couldn’t get anywhere. As much as you hated to admit it, the team would probably have to wait for another victim to turn up in order to complete the profile. Still, you kept working. Rain pounded on the roof and clouds blocked out the sun, which is how you ended up losing track of time. Before you knew it, you were on your fourth cup of coffee and the rest of the team was arriving at the office.
“Watch out, Reid,” Morgan joked as he entered the room. “(Y/L/N) is trying to outdo you on the amount of coffee they can drink during this case.” He threw away your several empty styrofoam cups for you.
“How long have you been here?” Hotch asked you as he sat down at the table, ready to review the same evidence again and hoping he would notice something new.
“A couple hours,” you downplayed. “I’m going to get more coffee. Anyone need a refill?”
The murmur of “No thank you” and “I’m good, thanks” answered you as the team got to work and you left to go to the coffee station. You hadn’t even noticed your boss had followed you until you had set up the machine to brew.
“(Y/L/N),” Hotch started. “Is everything alright?”
You replied casually. “Yeah, this case is just making me antsy. That’s all.” It was a lie, and Hotch had been a profiler long enough and knew you well enough to catch it. The coffee finished brewing and you poured yourself a cup, adding in some creamer before turning to go back to the room where the rest of the team was.
But Hotch was standing in your way. The frown on his face was more pronounced than it usually was; the look in his never-blinking eyes less serious and more concerned than normal.
“(Y/N).” The sound of your boss using your first name made you stop. “Look me in the eyes and tell me what time you went to bed last night.  Or if you went to bed, for that matter.”
You felt your face blanch. “I went to bed when the team got to the hotel last night.” That was the truth.
Hotch’s expression took on a level of seriousness again. “How long did you sleep for?”
“Two hours. Maybe three?” You looked down, unable to meet his stare. “It’s just a side effect of my new medication. I’m fine, really. My doctor said it should go away in a few weeks.”
Hotch sighed quietly and held out his hand. Reluctantly, you gave him your fresh coffee. He emptied it in the sink and tossed the cup into the trash can. “No more coffee. You can work on the case until you feel tired, but once you do, you need to get some sleep.”
There was no point in arguing. The two of you walked back to the evidence room and began working. The combination of the gray sky through the window and the quiet of the room began to make you feel sleepy. You yawned, your eyes beginning to feel heavy and your limbs feeling fatigued.
Hotch looked at you from across the table. He nodded his head toward the couch in the room- an unspoken “go lay down.”
You closed your work and walked lazily to the couch, flopping down on it and closing your eyes. Within minutes you were sleeping peacefully on the old sofa, your soft breathing and the shuffling of papers were the only sounds in the room.
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jade-of-mourning · 9 months
listen the idea of lin & mako having history pre-canon is the funniest shit to me ever idk why it's just funny especially seeing how their relationship casually evolves throughout the series
edit: i wrote this before getting around to rewatch and i drastically failed in my characterization of lin please forgive me
There's a ratty kid running messages in the middle of a busted underground drug transaction. He gets arrested with the rest of the participants who didn’t scram fast enough and is taken to the station — where he promptly escapes his juvenile cell before he can get pulled in for interrogation. Lin knows his type, thin-faced with eyes older than their body, and she hopes that this is the last she sees of him, because she hates having to deal with kids involved in crime.
Two months later, she's on the night patrol when she runs onto the scene of a Triad raid. There's a small firebender wielding flame and settling the building ablaze, stark against the black sky; she makes eye contact with him and realizes that it's that ratty, slippery kid who had been running messages. As more officers arrive on the scene and quell the flames, she snatches him before he can flee with the rest. He's snarling sparks and biting at air with his teeth, kicking his feet viciously in an attempt to escape the metal cables wrapped around his body, and she hauls him into the station and sits his ass down in the interrogation room, where he gets his first mugshot taken and she fills out the paperwork to send him back to an orphanage. A few days later, she reads an offhand report that a kid’s run away.
She doesn't see him again until a year later in the aftermath of a violent robbery, this time hauled in the back of a getaway car that their pursuers don't catch. There's a woman lying in water with smoke coming off her body, and Lin can see the lichtenberg figures crawling over her skin.
They're on a stakeout on a warehouse when he fires lightning through the window, shattering glass. Lin's yelling orders and fighting off a triad of gangsters, and as whips her cables around the last man, she turns around to see the now-teenager whipping lightning through her officers' metal suits and kicking flames through the air. He spits in her face when she captures him in earth and breaks away the back to cuff his hands and calls her the worst of 'em all, the mighty fuckin' Chief of Police herself. He's sitting in the interrogation room with his hands bound to the table and infinitely subdued, dead silent under the weight of her gaze, meeting her eyes with a hard dirty gold edge. His face is still thin and young the way it'd been years ago, bones still jutting out of his cheeks, hair chopped unevenly and falling across his brow. You must be close to Zolt, to have learned lightning to any level of proficiency, let alone been taught, she says to him, and he scowls and hisses like a feral pygmy-puma and doesn't speak a word. His second mugshot gets stored in his growing file. She learns from other subjects of interrogation that he's Zolt's project and intended successor should he survive long enough, learns of their general resentment towards him. Someone still busts him out of jail by the next night.
He's way too involved in the underground for anyone's liking. He's Zolt's protege and he's constantly involved in raids and exchanges and assaults. He's often the last one fighting off several officers until he's captured by Lin, the warehouse scenario playing out over and over again: he's shooting lightning and spitting fire and fighting viciously until his blood is in his eyes, absolutely wild without reservation. He vomits insults at the police out of his mouth while driven to the station, curses them for the lack of care the world's ever shown towards him and his brother. Every time he ends up in a jail cell and the guards look away for a minute, he's managed to slip away, a slippery bastard eel-shark. He quits his silence, tears into her and her job over interrogation rooms in handcuffs and still escapes despite it all. (He even manages to snatch the blasted red scarf out of her office while on the way out. What the fuck.) He's got nearly half a dozen mugshots accumulated in his folder at the station, each one documenting his eyes darkening to a harder gold, the growth of bruises around his neck, evidence of his increasing inability to fill out his skin.
And then he vanishes. At first she doesn't notice, but his absence becomes more evident as Zolt's work begins showing up with increasing frequency rather than his favorite errand-runner. She doesn't really give a shit about the little asshole fire-spitting punk who'd only caused trouble while running with the triads, a notable accomplice in harassing the city for the past four years — but she also can't help but wonder what happened to him. No body ever turns up and she eventually forgets about him; crime never stops.
Imagine her fucking surprise when three years later, he's suddenly best friends with an even more asshole fire-spitting punk: the Avatar. She sees him in the City Hall when she comes to assert her support for the pro-bending arena, doesn't register who he is until he turns in surprise and narrows his eyes at her, familiar in the cold fire behind them. She realizes that he’s the Mako she’s been hearing on the radio, the rapidly rising star of the sport. She also doesn’t get the chance to address any of this madness before Tenzin drags her aside, and then the world moves too fast for her to figure out how the fuck he’s involved in this mess. She sees him fight now and she knows that he knows she knows, but they don't acknowledge it at all because there's too much more at stake. His voice is still low and scratchy, but it's now carefully articulate, no sign of vicious vitriol and derision that had once spilled from his lips, just reservation and consideration.
Their non-interaction lasts until after the entire Amon ordeal is (somewhat) resolved and her bending is restored. She confronts him, grudgingly acknowledges his role in saving the city, then flatly declares that she doesn't trust him for shit. He glares her down for a moment before the familiar fire fades from his eyes and his shoulders slump ever so slightly. He says that he’s trying to be a better man now, that he cares deeply for the people around him now, that he doesn’t ever want to turn back to who he was forced to have been because it was never who he wanted to be. She tells him that she can’t let him go unanswered for his crimes from when he was younger; he begs her to not ruin everything that he’s worked so hard to make for himself. It’s unexpected for all that she thought she knew of him, the desperation open on a face no longer carved by starvation.
And Lin knows in her heart that he’s trying. She can see it in the way he looks at Korra like she cradles the sun in her palms, the way he puts his hand on his brother’s shoulder and opens his arm to embrace, the way he talks to the Sato girl with softened edges and keeps his eyes on her face, not her pockets. But she can’t trust that trying of itself is enough. It comes to her: she needs to keep an eye on him, and he needs a stable job (— kids like him who’ve managed to crawl out of the gutter are always on the hunt for one after all, despite how rarely they find it).
So she offers him an application for the force, tells him that she’ll turn a blind eye to his past if performs this service under her watch. She admits he’s got a good head on his shoulders, that he’s a good fighter — she would know —, and states that if he’s truly so determined to do right, then he should be extending that to the city as well. He looks at her and asks, Do I really have a choice? 
She looks at him wryly, raises an eyebrow. I don’t have much of a choice myself, now do I? she tells him.
other random mako-related tumblr writings i did: x / x
this is also kind of the only way i can picture mako joining the rpcd initially, because it actually makes no sense to me lmfao. how he got involved, that is. like i can definitely see him being super passionate about it and ultimately coming to enjoy working for this fictional police force, probably finding some kind of self-appointed redemption for himself as a kid, but also how did this get started in the first place. consider me baffled.
… i kinda wanna write a oneshot on this now. oops. goddamnit </3
spat this out in maybe two hours cuz i thought it was funny. i'm still writing That Fic, it's almost 10k long somehow and i think i need to delete about half of it, but we'll see lmfaooo
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also here's a wip on him i started that i may or may not ever finish
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 months
Reactions to Exclusive Chapter sneak peek of Reckoning of Roku
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Boi, don't diss servants, Kyoshi was one. She'll kick your ass. No really this feels like such a slight jfsalkfj TT0TT You did this on purpose didn't you? I hope they fight. I want drama.
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Hmmmmm I could've sworn, that even tho other nations did have issues with Szeto, he was treated with a lot more regard during Yangchen's time. Maybe I glazed that part a bit in Yangchen's book (I need to re-listen to it tbf).
So either I misremembered....OR ...wait I can just look...:
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Ok cool, I didn't misremember keafjslf I thought at least one or two people from a diff nation that wasn't Yangchen or Fire Nation spoke highly of him akfjslkd Like he was still criticized for favoring the Fire Nation (iirc the WT chief calls him out on it when talking with Yangchen), but even HE still uses him as a reference/template. Hell! The other 4 nations liked his shit so much, they even used some of his procedures!
But I dunno, Roku makes it sounds like NO ONE outside the FN likes him now.
So now it's either......the author forgot/didn't know....Or more interestingly...... People's opinions are changing over time? I mean policies change over time, maybe Kyoshi influenced a lot more policy changes (girl was a live for like 7 generations she had to have done something kfdjlsakfj) and made people re-think Szeto.
That being said, I'm happy to see Roku might join the Szeto survivor squad~! <3 fjkklassjdfsaf
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vintagerpg · 7 months
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Maybe doing Role Aids was a mistake. This is Shipwrecker (1983), a module with a great name and a pretty evocative cover painting by Teanna Byerts. The name refers to a local deity, Shipwrecker, that personifies the violence of the sea and the macguffin for the adventure is a treasure stolen by pirates called the Chalice of Storms. This is a recipe for some seaside excellence, maybe with a Scarecrow of Romney Marsh angle. There is potential here, is what I am saying. And it is all squandered.
The primary dungeon location is a multi-level goblin cave. The goblins used to live in the valley, but then humans came along, tried to commit genocide and set up a logging business. The seaside town is the import/export hub for the region. So, like, explicit colonizers doing typical colonization. It gets worse! The pirates, obviously, have the chalice, but they lay real low because they recently got their asses kicked (by the goblins, who they live directly next to) and their town burned down. Subsequent attempts to locate the pirates have failed. But the goblins? They’re still a pain in the ass, so the guard captain sends the players against the goblins in hope the players will finish them off, EVEN THOUGH THEY DON’T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE THEFT. There isn’t a hint of nuance here, the adventure is just about killing everything and taking the treasure. A couple of spots mention the possibility of parlay, but the writer seems to have no idea how to account for how that might work, so they just…stop mentioning it.
I do like that the pirate chief is an illusionist. I hate that his name is Dred, though.
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My anthro Scugs!! + Enot/Inv/???
I'll leave design and personality notesnotes under the read more!! :D Hope ya'll like my takes on the scuggies hehe.
MONK - (He/They)
Monk is known for being kind and willing to jump after their loved ones, so I decided to sort of make it look like they're the last scug that would do that. He's very family-oriented.
His more closed-off appearance is purposeful, I view Monk as a scug that takes a bit to come out of his shell.
He's very cute and gets very flustered pretty easily when someone compliments him.
His clothes were made by Gourmand.
SURVIVOR - (They/Them)
The glaringly obvious prosthetic leg is also on purpose. Survivor's fall was very bad, and it resulted in their leg becoming infected to the point it needed to be amputated, from the ankle down.
They're actually dating a scavenger, and that scavenger is the one who was there for them through the procedure, and even had a hand in crafting the new leg. It's modeled after a scavenger leg.
Their folded ear is due to a bite from a lizard that tore off a good chunk, leaving it floppy.
HUNTER - (It/They/She)
The scar on their throat has left them a selective mute. It doesn't mind all that much.
Its clothes were made by No Significant Harassment, for ease of letting other Iterator Messengers, if they were to ever happen upon her, to know who she was created by.
It's very no-nonsense, and takes its job very seriously. When not assigned a task, they're often seen pacing back and forth, or hunting.
GOURMAND - (He/They/She)
I knew from the get go I wanted him to be BIG.
The pearls around his neck were gifts from scavengers. They wear them with pride and have in fact made pearl necklaces and bracelets for the scavengers as well.
She's the motherly matriarch of the scug population in the outer expanse, and teaches them all what she knows.
She's SO fucking pissed off it's not even funny.
She refuses to leave the metropolis, even after chasing out the scavengers. She was unlucky in her attempt to kill the scavenger chief, as he ran off as soon as she started trying to kill him.
It's been so long she doesn't even recognize her own species anymore, killing with no remorse.
No bottom jaw, and only their upper canines developed.
Often seen exploring around, often with Hunter when it's time to hunt.
RIVULET - (Anything)
This scug wears nothing but a swimming suit and not even he knows why. It just likes it.
It's actually almost as tall as spearmaster, lanky legs are good for running after all.
They talk FAST, often needing to be reminded to slow down a bit so the others can hear her.
Somehow always wet regardless of the environment.
SAINT - (He/Him)
I knew I wanted him to look extremely fuzzy.
His coat was crafted using a raindeer's wool, and it's helped keep him warm in the event of a blizzard.
I also wanted to make it look like he has many old man secrets under that coat. Tell us your secrets old man.
The beard was a must. I needed to give him a beard.
ENOT/INV/??? - (He/Him)
Yeah this dude it just a being that the gods want dead.
No matter what way anyone faces, his snout will never be front-facing.
He speaks in 2000's scene, and can somehow say emojis as well.
Will often attempt to match the hobby of a scug of the day he's crushing on.
Kind of a dick to Monk tbh. Surv has kicked his ass about it.
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somanyratsinthewalls · 9 months
FHey! If requests are still open, could you do fudge brownie + daisy please 👉🏻👈🏻
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Hi! OMG welcome to my first ever Sabo fic I'm so excited, I hope it's good!
Pairing: Sabo x Revolutionary Afab!Reader
WC: 2300 I got carried away lmao
Prompt: “I can’t even speak when I’m with you, all the words I’ve known are lost inside your body.” 
— — 
You and Sabo had known each other for a decade at this point. He was your superior, being the Chief of Staff, but you weren’t too far behind. You trained in the Revolutionary Army together when you were younger. He was your close friend, but you had no idea that he felt differently about you this whole time. 
— —
*Y/N & Sabo, age 12* 
“Stop smacking me with that stupid pipe, ugly rat!” You whine and cover your head with your arms. “We’re supposed to be training, anyway!” You kick your leg out at the obnoxious blonde boy who was nearly a foot shorter than you. 
“Rat? You’re the little rat, rat!” Sabo continued his barrage with his metal pipe. He had the urge to engage you in combat after he saw you practicing fighting with another trainee. He didn’t know why he suddenly felt the need to shift your focus to him, but he knew he had to get your attention somehow. 
“Get away from me, weirdo!” You push him on the ground and go back to your place on the training ground. 
Sabo snarled at you as you walked away. He would get you to fight him eventually. 
— —
*Y/n and Sabo, age 17* 
“You! Won’t! Ever! Win!” Your weapon hit Sabo’s repeatedly as you were caught in the heat of your daily sparring session. After wearing you down years ago, you agreed to train combat with him every morning.
“Hah!” Sabo huffs out with a smile. “That’s what you think, y/n. I’ve been getting special training from the boss and I’m going to learn powers you’ll never have!”
“Oh yeah?” You snort. “Well, until then, your ass is mine!” With those final words you land a blow and hear Sabo’s pipe clatter to the ground. You use your last strike to knock his top hat off his head. You smirk. Once again, he is defeated. Sabo pants heavily, chest close to yours and looking down at you now that he’s grown to almost his full height. You feel his hot breath on your nose. Sabo looks into your eyes, his own round eyes filled with the vigor of battle but also a little extra… sparkle. 
*bddpp bddpp bddpp* 
Sabo is knocked out of his trance by the sound of his mini den den mushi ringing in his coat pocket. He reaches in to his jacket, pulls it out and answers it. 
*muffled voices on the other line*
“We’ll be right there.” Sabo hangs up the snail. 
“Boss wants us. Special mission again.” Sabo meets your eyes again as he slips the snail back into his coat. 
“Fine, maybe you’ll learn something from me this time.” You playfully wink at Sabo and turn tail to jog up the road towards the base. Sabo felt something stir inside him when he saw you wink and smile at him. You had become so beautiful and it was hard for him to ignore his feelings any longer…
“I’m so fucked…” Sabo laughs to himself before he hurries after you. 
— —
*Y/n and Sabo, age 23* 
You speed-walk through the halls of the base towards the Chief of Staff’s office. You reach the office door and rip it open without knocking. 
“Oh almighty, all powerful, all knowing, Chief of Staff, I finished the absolute FUCK ton of paperwork you requested.” You dramatically flail the passive stack of papers you spent all day working on around in the air as you strode angrily towards the blonde man at his desk. 
“Incredible to hear, y/n.” Sabo flashed you a smile as you slammed the papers down in front of him on his desk and rolled your eyes. 
“Still can’t believe you got this promotion. Would’ve been mine if I had a penis…” You grumble as you fold your arms as you walk towards the door to leave. 
“Come on, y/n. You know I have a year on you in rank. Not sure how much it has to do with my, um…” Sabo organizes the papers in front of him instead of finishing his sentence. 
“Whatever.” You move to leave. You hear Sabo let out a big sigh behind you. You had to admit you missed your sparring sessions and occasional lunches together since he got his promotion. He didn’t have as much time to train and hang out as he used to. As annoying as he was, you did miss his company. You grab the door in your left hand and pause. You turn back towards Sabo who was sitting at his desk with his head hung low. 
“Hey… me and some of the guys having beers tonight. You should join us.” You give Sabo a small smile as he looks up at you from across the room. 
“Yeah? You think?” Sabo cocks his head.
“Yeah. Wouldn’t kill you to get out of this sad-ass office for once.” You chuckle warmly and head back to your room, shutting the office door behind you. 
— —
*5 hours later*
You sat in the dimly lit mess hall with several of your Revolutionary Army counterparts imbibing the last of the alcohol stores before you restocked tomorrow. 
“I was up to my fucking ass in paperwork all day, can we do shots instead?” You finish your beer and slam the empty bottle down on the wooden table. 
“Girl, you read my mind!” Koala grabs shot glasses out of the cabinet and brings them to the table and starts to fill them with clear liquor. 
Suddenly, the swinging door to the mess hall opens and the Chief of Staff strolls in. The merriment pauses and everyone turns to look towards Sabo standing in the middle of the room. 
“Speaking of paperwork. Come take a shot, Chief…” You grab another shot glass and add it to the line of shots Koala was pouring. Once full, you raise one for yourself and another shot for Sabo, which he gingerly steps towards you and grabs to raise against your shot glass. The rest of the party including Koala raise their shots to the center to meet yours. You meet Sabo’s eyes across the circle from you. You make a toast. 
“To us, to the revolution, and to no regrets.” You smile and clink your shots together. Your friends hoot and holler. After a messy clank, you all down your liquor. Sabo coughs and sputters along with a few other army members. You and Koala laugh. 
“Chief of Staff can’t handle his white rum? What kinda man of the seas is that?” You slur out at Sabo and giggle. 
You all pour more drinks and sink in your seats to continue the celebration. As the night went on, you felt Sabo creep closer and slower to you, eventually ending up at your side as you played cards with a few others. Clearly the alcohol was affecting him as he sidled up close to your body. You heard Sabo giggle to himself and he leaned into your neck and slipped his hand onto your thigh. He began to whisper. 
“How about I show you what kind of man of the sea I am y/n, huh?…” 
You pull back and look at him with wide eyes. He had never shown affection to you in this way, you were shocked. You took far too long to formulate a response. 
“Y/n… I-I’m sorry! I-I’ll see you tomorrow!” Sabo stutters out at you, clearly embarrassed. 
Sabo was already out the door of the mess hall before you could respond. 
“Sabo, wait!” He was gone. You rise out of your seat and go to follow him to his quarters. 
Not bothering to knock (again), you ripped the door of Sabo’s room open. He was stripped of his hat and jacket sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. 
“Sabo…” You lower your voice and move towards him. He doesn’t lift his head. 
“I apologized, y/n. Can we just forget about that. That’d be great.” Sabo still remains motionless. 
You walk slowly to right in front of where he has his head hung. You quietly drop to your knees, one at a time, and hold his head in your hands. You bring his face up gently to meet your eyes. 
“Hey… you didn’t give me a chance to answer your question…” You smile and look into his welling, shameful eyes. 
“Show me what kind of man of the seas you are, Sabo.” You whisper to him as you hold his face in your palms. 
Wordlessly, Sabo pushes his lips into yours and grabs your neck to pull you into him further. You tangle your tongues and lips together and take fistfuls of each others hair as you engaged in a kiss years in the making. 
It was messy, it was needy, but neither of you progressed beyond kissing for several minutes. The two of you were just relishing in the feeling of years of pent up emotions coming to a head. Sabo removes himself from your lips and moves down your neck. He bites at the junction of your neck and shoulder before he whispers to you. 
“How long… how long have you felt this way…? How long have I waited?” Sabo breaths out into your hot skin. 
“I.. I don’t know…” You grasped at his broad shoulders as he nips and sucks at your sensitive neck.  “I just know I need you now…” 
“I’ve loved you since I saw you, y/n…” Sabo moves lower on your body and lifts your shirt and bra over your head swiftly. He kisses your exposed chest and grips your breast and lifts it so he can take your nipple in his mouth. You head lolls back and you sigh as he moves his lips to the other nipple while squeezing the abandoned one with his fingers. He continues his confession to you. 
“Years ago… I remember it was my birthday… 20 maybe?” Sabo says as he kisses from your breast down to the waistline of your pants. “You wore a pink dress… just barely covered your ass… that was when I knew…” He continues to kiss your abdomen and begins to unbutton your pants and shimmies them down your legs with your panties. You were now naked in front of your childhood friend. Sabo pushes you back on the bed and spreads your legs as he kneels in front of you. He silently gasps as he lays eyes on your dripping sex, mere inches in front of him. 
“That was when I knew I had to have you like this. Spread out, open for me.” Sabo leans in and takes a tentative slurp from the bottom of your hole to the top of your mound. You gasp at the sensation on your cunt. 
“Sabo! Please! More!” You writhe in his grip on your thighs. Sabo obliges and licks you up and down again, slowly. 
“You don’t need to beg, y/n, not from me. I’d give you the sea if you asked me for it… I just want to please you…” And with this declaration, Sabo dives into your pussy fully and attaches his lips to your aching clit. He swirls his tongue and suctions his mouth in ways that have you screaming and arching your back towards the ceiling of Sabo’s private quarters. You feel yourself being brought towards the precipice of pleasure when Sabo sticks two fingers in your hole and you whine and clench around his digits. 
“Sabo! C-close!” You moan out. 
“Do it, sweet girl, cum for me…” Sabo mumbles into your cunt and continues sucking and flicking his tongue on your clit. You cum hard into Sabo’s waiting mouth and flop back onto the bed with heaving breaths. Sabo rubbed soothing circles onto your pussy with his palm as he pulled back. You twitched at the gentle stimulation. 
“Shit, Sabo, I didn’t… I didn’t know…” You tried to catch your breath. He brought his body over your own on the bed and kissed you deeply. You pulled back and stared into his eyes. His blonde hair was disheveled, and you had so rarely seen him without his stupid hat, you felt like you were seeing him even more intimately than just naked. 
“Shh… I know that now… Let me show you how much I want you….” Sabo sheds his pants and hops up on top of you. He positions his cock at your entrance and pushes himself in slowly. The both of you moan out loud at the feeling. 
With Sabo’s huge cock spearing you, you grab the back of his head and push it into your neck. 
“Fuck! Sabo!” You cry out as he sucks on your neck again, pulling himself out and thrusting back into you. 
“Y/n… You have no idea how hard it’s been… having to work like this...” Sabo whispers into your ear as he fucks you slowly yet deeply. “I can’t even speak when I’m with you, all the words I’ve known are lost inside your body.” Sabo speeds up his thrusts and pulls your lower back upwards to hit your most precious spot. Sabo fucks you hard and passionately, nothing but soft praises and moans filling the room. 
“You’re everything I need, y/n… tell me you’re mine…” Sabo leans in over you as he pushes your knees back to your ears. 
In your lust filled haze you look him in his round, sparkling eyes and confess to him. 
“I-I’m yours, Sabo…” You grip the hair at the back of his neck tighter. 
“Y/n… yes…” Sabo pushes harder into your sweet spot with his rigid cock as he pushes you over the edge of climax and watches you keen and whine with pleasure. As Sabo feels you clench and cream all over his dick he finds himself uncontrollably releasing all over your insides. He comes to after a powerful orgasm and leans back to watch all his pent-up load drip out of your hole around the edges of his cock. He tried not to get hard again as he pulled out and flopped down onto the bed beside you. 
After a few quiet moments with only your breathing and the lapping of waves at the rocks on the edge of the base, Sabo turns over and pulls you into his grasp. 
“So… I finally win?” The Chief of Staff smirks as he caresses your lower back. 
“For now….” You smirk and nuzzle into his chest to fall asleep. 
xx Mo
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scientia-rex · 1 year
Reasons my life is better this year than last year:
-Umbrella reason: new job
-Work next to doc who consistently laughs at my jokes
-My boss doesn't get passive-aggressive and also doesn't mind profanity
-My boss, despite being straight, fully supports me providing gender care and likes to send me CME opportunities for conferences I can't go to because I can't take time off without a lot of notice but it's still a nice thought that he saw "LGBTQIA+ healthcare" and went "oh I know a doc who does that! she should go!"
-On my other side is an MA I get along with fabulously bc despite having different native languages we both appreciate the importance of snacks, naps, caffeine, and being a little bit snarky
-She always brings me a donut if somebody leaves a box in the break room and she knows I might not see them until they're gone
-My MA sits behind me and is possibly my long-lost twin? Except that she's a foot taller than me, GOD, I wish I was tall, but we're on the same wavelength at all times and we have very similar interests and senses of humor and I love it and I hope she works here until we both retire
-The other people who sit in our room with us vary between a delightful nerd who I only haven't befriended harder bc she has kids and is always making a point of going home to them on time, an older doc who works per diem for us now and taught me how to do greater occipital nerve blocks on a whim and is actually a decent person despite being an old white privileged man, and our dermatology provider who once told a patient I was, and I quote, "cool as fuck," which is funny because I think SHE'S cool as fuck
-Our nurses are the best. Just the literal best. They go all out, on a daily basis, to not only make sure I do the minimal amount of bullshit busy work, but also to make sure patients are getting high-quality care and that they have positive interactions with our clinic, and they never kick a request back to me with "we can't do that," they will always at least ask around to see if someone else knows. I love them. I love them so much I literally sometimes cry about it.
-Our chief referral coordinator is so much fucking fun AND so good at her job. I ask her for things and they just... happen??? She's relentlessly competent and also loves animals and also when I mentioned I need more plants gave me seeds from her double-ruffled hot pink poppies, which I WILL be planting next year.
-Seriously, I love everybody at my new work. It's been 10 months and I feel like a rescue animal, finally starting to creep out of my shell and have a personality, after working at my prior clinic for 4 years (2 in residency) of absolute chronically understaffed passive aggressive toxic workplace hell. Like, I love the providers at my former clinic, I love the support staff, I loved my patients and I loved what I got to do, but there simply weren't enough people and everyone was always being told to do more and more and more with no additional time or resources or compensation, and that was a big part of why I quit--I could see, very transparently, that the administrators didn't give a hot shit about how hard I was working and how I was busting my ass, any time they saw a chance to shaft me out of any benefit, no matter how small, that might save them money.
Life is better this year. I think it's going to be even better next year. I had no idea working in medicine could be this much better. Working in medicine is going to be draining, no matter what you do--but a good, solid, competent administration makes the difference between draining and soul-crushing.
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silviakundera · 9 months
Underrated aspect of A Journey to Love is how the ensemble's perspective is being widened & complicated by their experiences. Intro talks about a war that just ended between An and Wu. An are assholes, going around kicking everyone's ass for $$
First the spy squad from Wu country just want to complete 1 stupid doomed mission, in order to clear their sworn brothers' names who fell in the final battle. No real agenda or deep thoughts besides this personal obligation and Employee Following Orders. Avengers assemble! Our FL Ren Ruyi is on the run and was a Scarlet Guard spy member from enemy country An who are holding the Wu emperor hostage... but the Wu spy chief ML does only a spot of mild torture and basically tolerates this secret because (a) he's determined to retire and (b) she is retired (c) her identity doesn't match any know big enemy of his spy org and the state. But he doesn't want her around.
... record scratch: He compromises. Ok. I do want her around. I won't get attached but ok, she's helpful. I'll even trust her to mentor the princess as we travel to rescue the Wu emperor.
She is only a tutor, though! Won't get her involved in his country's buisness.
Yet then she joins a battle and risks her life to save a bunch of theirs. Ok, ML widens his POV again. She can be their partner!
Everyone loves the mysterious friendly & feral assassin.
Then the squad finds out her identity and tries to kill her. His defense of her inclusion in the group has expanded: (a) her identity doesn't match any known enemy of his spy org and the Wu state, (b) she saved our lives, and crucially (c) she Isn't Born in An Country [isn't truly An] + (d) she was working at the command of her superiors just like we do, a cog in the war machine, and also only killed shitty members of our spy org we don't like
Ok. Now she's on the team. ML & FL are dating now and all the kids ship it. There is 1 (one) Scarlet Guard enemy county spy they accept and support.
But at the same time, she's begun to care about them in return. And we're really IN IT now.
Let's mentor the princess and throw shade on the Wu emperor, considering how our actions matter & how powerful people affect the average person. Caring for the citizens of Wu. They deserve better than their ruling class.
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Being generally supportive & respectful of Ren Ruyi's love for the fallen An empress and RR's quest to avenge her.
The Wu delegation willing to (tentatively) ally with RR's former disciple, a marquis of An.
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An marquis revealed to have gone against orders to respectfully bury the bodies of their Wu soldier friends, because in his view all loyal soliders deserve it.
The Wu delegation digging up the bodies of their dead friends, to give them a final send off, and mastering their grief to wrench it back from turning into hatred of the An people - focusing their rage and hate on selish & war hungry leaders, not the soliders and generals ordered to fight.
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The focus of their resentment now turned to the right direction, expands their thinking & their plotting to have a consideratiom for all the residents of An and Wu, a care for humankind. An citizens are no longer the automatic enemy. ML tells the emperor of Wu to go fuck himself, directly to his face.
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Caring about injustice done to some Scarlet Guards and wanting to save active !! "innocent" Scarlet Guard lives. (So far from the starting point! No background check to validate that X, Y, Z don't apply to these people. No rejection of the ML by the delegation or threats for daring to care about a random Scarlet Guard's life or death.) I sure hope the An emperor pays big for being bad at his job, but we gotta be careful about how we deal with him and not mess up An for the nice jewelry makers & brothel workers who live there.
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"Having compassion doesn't mean irresolute."
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headsincloud9 · 1 year
Chapter 2 ma paysyul
Paring: adult ao'nung x adult female reader
Wordcount: 6.6k
Summary: nothing is stopping you now a flirtatious game of cat and mouse and one night truly alone changes everything in your relationship with Ao'nung somthing your both eager to explore
Warning: Minors DNI UNDER 18 NO MINORS AT ALL squirting, eating out, fingering.
Y/N Y/N" you open your eyes and sit up hearing Tuk running and calling to you "y/n come on come on you have to come quick its ready" she exclaimed pulling you up and dragging you to your own mauri.
"Tuk come on you are practically dragging me what is going-" you stop seeing Norm Max Jake even Tonowari. You look around seeing a avatar link bed a remote one….. her brain scam on the screen. Your heart lept into your throat nerves wracking you system. "Jake?" You look confused unable to say anything else but your body language said it all you were so nervous your flight reflex was flashing like a beacon. "Hey hey easy easy it's okay it's fine we are just here as support your avatar is ready" he chuckles. You couldn't help but smile and nod taking a deep breath "okay let's get started then" you say softly the nervousness becoming replaced with excitement.
You let Norm and Max fuss over your body as they put you in the link bed checking your scan making sure everything was normal before Jake looks down at you "see you on the other side" you smirk and roll your eyes "means I can finally kick your ass for calling me short" you tease as you close your eyes letting your mind go blank.
"-n…..y/n…..Y/N" you hear your name called by a familiar voice. Your eye slowly flutter open coming into focus seeing Norm Max and Jake. You looks around smiling "I hope you guys are this attentive when I'm on my death bed" you tease looking over them with a laugh. They help you sit up and you sigh softly rolling your neck "mmmm thanks I'm fine I'm fine like I was I a deep sleep" you reassure them before stopping noticing your arm….it wasn't dark blue it was almost teal.. unable to speak for a moment your mind putting together the pieces. This wasn't a omatikaya avatar, you stared at the mirror seeing a metakayina girl staring back at you just as shocked as you were. "We decided a long while you were better suited for a metakayina avatar and with the chiefs permission we decided to make yours the first…." Norm states. Shocked you look to them "thank you I don't know what to say" your joy and appreciation is immeasurable. 
You sighs a bit impatient having to go through the normal routine check the novelty of looking at yourself wearing off you wanted to swim, ride an ilu, be with Ao'nung…. Your ears flick your eyes widened thinking about Ao'nung he would have no idea. What if he didn't like her in this body. A large hand came to your shoulder and you smile seeing Jake "you look good…. Still short though" he teases and you get up still in fact shorter than him and punch him in the stomach "Shut up old man I can hear your joints groan every time you jump" she rolls her eyes smiling. Tuk had brought the entire family to see you pulling them into the mauri “ look look she’s like us now” she stops seeing you smiling “ wow y/n you are so pretty.” You smile hugging her tail swaying with how from the compliment. “ great now I can’t say im the best at diving anymore” Lo’ak groans and you roll your eyes smacking him on the head. “shut up skxawng” you stick out your tongue and look to Neteyam who gives you a warm smile and a hug  and kiri who looks happy to see you okay. 
Tsireya came into view gasping looking overjoyed running up and grabbing your hands “ you look beautiful y/n Eywa is smiling on you” she gushes pulling you in for a hug. “He’s going to love it too trust me”. She murmurs in your ear your tail slapping the ground from her words, she knew how close you and Ao’nung had become and your deepening feelings for him. “ i have so many things you can borrow to wear, we should all go on a swim together “ she offers. Jake smirks “ maybe you will run into Ao’nung” he chuckles. You turn your head and hiss at him for the first time your fangs coming out as your ears press to your head,he laughs  looking at Tonowari who chuckles as well. “Feisty” he teases as you walks away to the beach with the rest of them. 
Ao’nung came back early from hunting his mind wasn’t in it he promised to take y/n on a ride on his ilu he had learned everything he could about you in the short weeks you had been here learning and you had mention about being a dreamwalker being able to inhabit a Na’vi body and walk as one of them. At first the concept felt wrong but the more he thought about you as a Na’vi riding ilu with you, taking you out to the deep ocean, taking you to meet his spirit brother when the Tulkun returned. He couldn’t help the smile that came to his face thinking about the look on your face seeing them, but then his heart began to race thinking about courting you, truly courting you, and mating with you. He groans his ears pressing back to his head he needed to stop going down that path before he ended up with a hard on. Eventually his mind made up in a Na’vi body or tawtute body he felt the same you belong here with him his mate. “Hurry up Y/n lets go lets go” his head snaps to the direction of hearing your name squinting seeing the sully kids and his sister but you were absent instead another metkayina girl with them. He walked closer his eyes scanning for you his eyes trained for you sun- kissed kissed skin, but his eye caught the shell pin tucked in the metkayina girls loose hair. His heart began to race. Was that Y/n? His sister was the first to notice him staring and quickly grabbed the girl and spun her around to face him. He watched the girls eyes widen then her face flush, without hesitation his body moved him to her he could even stop to come up with some clever remark. 
You walked with Tsireya you had always promised yourself your first dive would be with Ao'nung but Eywa didn't have that in the cards for you which made you a little sad. "Y/n look" you feel your body being forced to turn in another direction and you blush hard seeing Ao'nung. Everything in your mind screaming run every doubt coming to the forefront your humanity, your 4 fingers your. Your brain stopped working not even realizing he'd walked right up to you your inner thoughts having cut that part from your mind. You stare up at him nervously your now blue eyes staring wildly at him your ears flick a litle, tail swaying gently anyone could see your were hanging on edge and nervous for a reaction. 
Speechless again like the second time this time he wasn't going to shy away. He cradled your face in his hand thumb rubbing over your cheeks. A small smirk on his face but his eyes said everything dilated wide with amazement, excitement, and a third swirling emotion that kept shifting and changing as his eyes took you in. His tail sways and he presses his forehead to yours closing his eyes "you look perfect ma tsawksyul so perfect….." He murmurs in your ear before pulling away. 
You blush smiling and lean into his touch eyes closed before looking up at him saying nothing in the short time you both had been together conversations through body language mostly through the eyes became a second form of communication when words felt too difficult to convey. You stared into his eyes watching the small changes in his expression and you can’t help but smile your heart racing and. Slowly you pull him with you to swim. You gasp feeling him yank you back to his chest his strong hand on your hip the other tracing up your arm . His breath ghosting just behind your ear his nose nuzzling the skin he inhales and audibly groans pressing you closer to him "y/n i know they want to swim with you but i prefer what we had in mind before.” He murmurs his nose and lips never leaving that little space where your neck and your jaw meet. He pressed his lips into the junction his fingers roaming through your hair fingers grazing over you kuru making your mind fuzzy. “You can’t just hog my time Ao’nung , it's not like I'm going anywhere” you state looking up at him.  He smirks your heart fluttering but could see the glint of mischief “ but don’t you want to ride an ilu with me you finally can now.” You squint and turn around pressing into his torso “ you are not playing fair Ao’nung and you know it” he chuckles watching you begin to walk away following after you in to the water.
Swimming was different when you were actual suited for it everything felt easier. You smile touching tsireya’s arm ‘he liked it he really did….but i do need a favor, Ao’nung is wanting to teach me a to ride an ilu and id rather not embarrass myself in front of him’. You sign to her remembering the conversation from weeks ago with him and your mind returning to Lo’ak and the story of how everyone laughed at him his first go around. You would die of embarrassment if you get dragged around by an ilu infront of him. 'You really like him don't you' she signs a large smile on her face. You blush and tilt back doing a slow back flip and cover your face unable to stop the wide smile hurting your face. 
Ao’nung watched you swim and suspend yourself underwater unable to keep his smile at bay as he watch you truly enjoy the water, it was moments like this is why he wanted you here with him, why he wanted you he had never seen someone so in love with the ocean. He watch you interact with his sister he knew you had become inseparable with her which he liked at times when you weren’t being stolen by her to weave clothes or collect shells. He knew you'd fit in well with his family, his father often talked about your strong love of the sea and the people and how often he'd catch you working on broken nets for the hunters well past eclipse. He chuckles watching you flip and spin a huge smile on your face matching you with one of his own. He couldn’t help but watch you 
Ao’nung had managed to grab you before anyone else the next morning insisting he teach you to ride an ilu. You were panicking as he dragged you into the water you were supposed to practice with tsireya first but somehow your luck had run out. “Ao’ are you sure” trying to gently suggest waiting if not a few days then a few hours but he stubbornly wouldn’t budge. You sigh praying to the great mother to not embarrass yourself infront of the man you were completely infatuated with as he let go of your hand. You stand behind him hearing him call and chirp for an ilu your heart racing something about the sounds he made had your stomach doing flips and turns you bite your bottom lip and watch in awe as a few appeared one nuzzling against your leg. You giggle watching the creature come to you "hello there you are adoable" you smile and reach out petting the ilu that seemed to take a liking you. You felt eyes on you as you Bonded with the ilu turning finding the culprit to be a smirking Ao'nung. You blush and turn away smiling only to feel his chest against your his lips pressed to your ear. "Now you must make the bond hold here" he instructed taking your Hand and holding it secure and lets your make the bond for the first time your ears pressing back eyes dilated wide "oh wow that is a intense feeling" you gasp out hearing him chuckle "ready to try riding for the first time" you bite your bottom lip knowing now the creature you were blinded to could feel your nervousness.
It felt easy at first as the ilu took you under but like you feared the current and force was too strong sending you flying off the ilu your hair a mess as the force had tangled it. You felt like drowning yourself as you heard his laugh. Your face burned with embarrassment wanting to dive off the sea wall or just lock yourself in your marui,the one to take over warring in your body. You couldn’t face him not after that you stay under water willing yourself to inhale before a large hand yanks you to the surface amused smirk happy expression you half expected him to tease you like he did Lo’ak. You look away hearing him chuckle “ don’t laugh Ao’nung” you say upset looking away “why because you look like you got dragged through-“ you didnt bother to listen your ears falling down as you look away, were tears threatening to spill right now?
Ao’nung stopped his teasing seeing how upset you look from your mistake, he sighs gently pulling you close and fixes your hair gently his heart hammering he could not bare to see you this upset no matter how adorable it was to see you so flustered and disoriented. He sighs pulling you close cradling your face in his hand rubbing your cheeks with his thumb “ don’t look so upset it happens to everyone” he murmurs softly trying to stop the watery tears in your eyes from breaking past. He couldnt help himself but seeing you this upset made him feel bad. He leans in pressing his forehead to yours closing his eyes for a moment before pulling away. You whimper looking up at him your fingers curling around his wrist leaning into his touch “i promise you will get better” he smirks looking at you as you close your eyes nodding. He leans in still holding your head in his hands pressing a kiss your lips. You melt into him kissing back your tail splashing in the water your fingers teaching down his chest. He grunts pulling away  before pressing on more kiss to your parted lips “I couldn’t help but laugh a little yawne you look adorable flustered and disheveled” he admits watching you blush his smirk widening as you hit him again “ skxawng you are so mean” you slap his leg the best you could in the water with your tail. He chuckles tilting his head “let me make it up to you yawne hmm?” He murmurs his voice becoming a low whisper stepping closer tilting his head his thumb slowly grazing over your bottom lip. You look up at him heart racing your head barely nodding, his eyes darkens watching his jaw clench before letting out a deep sigh and pressing his lips to yours.
 Your heart soars and knees buckle unable to stop the desperate whine that escapes your lips as you kiss back pressing up for more of him. He groans hands slipping from your face down to your hip squeezing hard as if trying to keep itself grounded. You arch your body into him breaking the kiss for all of 3 seconds breathless lips barely apart staring into his eyes the blue hidden under a bit of black pupils dilated beyond recognition. He snakes his arm around you hips pulling you up on instinct you jump wrapping your legs around his hips feeling him move until your sitting on the rough wet platform of the reef rocks exposed in the water. His lips had never left your skin peppering kisses up and down your neck. You whine pulling him back to your lips your fingers tracing down the sides of his neck feeling his own hands grip and squeeze you closer chuckling as he kisses you again.
He growls wanting more of you his fingers craving to mark every inch of your body as he pulled you closer to him exploring your mouth with his tongue before his mind screamed for him to stop once he felt your fingers on his tweng. He wanted to court you and mate you right not fuck you in the middle of the reef as much as the though made his cock twitch. He looks up at you taking in your wide confused eyes asking him silently 'why? Why did you stop?' He groans taking a deep breath "you are testing what little control I have ma yawnteu" he growls staring up at you. You smile softly "didn't seem to mind a few minutes ago Ao' " his cock twitching just from your voice,you smile and trace a finger down his chest tracing random shapes over his pecs and chest "I am trying to be a gentleman Y/n when all I want to do is mate with you right now make you mine for all to see" he growls looking around his ears pressed back to his "it won't be soft or gentle or sweet like you deserve it will be hard rough and you will be screaming my name until I make your sore and you don't need that…yet" he runs his fingers through your loose hair. You shiver and look up at him your tail audibly slapping the rock in delight your eyes shimmering. He chuckles and kisses your jaw "come on ma tsawksyul try again I promise It gets easier" he helps you back into the water and back on your ilu. 
The sun began to set as you slowly caught on to riding a ilu. Ao'nung following you on his ilu as you ride through the water smiling and letting youe free arm flowing with the current behind you. Coming up for air you smile petting your ilu "we finally did it" giggling hearing a chirp as you pet her neck. "I told you y/n you would catch on fast" ao'nung deep voice comes behind you touching your lower back. You shiver smiling looking back at him as the sky began to slowly turn purple eclipse, ears drooping wanting to stay out longer so used to your human body forgetting you could stay out past dark. “We should get back shouldn’t we its not safe” she murmurs 
He takes your hand and pulls you closer "yawntu you've been a tawtute too long" he puts your palm against his 3 fingers to 4 as your ilus circled each other "come on yawne" he hums and dives with his ilu. You follow watching the reef come to life in brilliant bioluminescence and glide above him reaching out your hand feeling his brush yours. You smile swimming close your ilus twirling and swimming around each other in a sort of flirtatious dance mirroring the thoughts from your bond and his. You smile the tanhi accenting your face glittering in the dark water he signs for you to follow and you agree following his ilu until you both come across a small secluded beach hidden by rocks
You disconnect from your ilu and swim to the beach. "I still will say pandora at night is the best" you hum looking around. Your ears flick hearing his laugh as you both exit the water "I think there is one thing I like to see at night" he murmurs you could feel his searing gaze on your body and you shake your head blushing walking onto shore feeling his hand take yours. You say nothing, smiling brightly as you both walk on the beach. 
“Shouldn’t we get back” you say softly know how dangerous it can be at night pandora was a savage planet a savage beauty that you loved, respected and partially feared.
Ao’nung pulls you into his chest wanting to hold you straddling his lap,he sits against some rocks that faced out to the water and held out his hand “don’t you trust me you are going to be fine” he smirks leaning forward and taking your hand yanking you into his chest. With a soft yelp you fall into him rolling your eyes slapping his chest as he caught you “ was that really necessary” you sigh and shift getting comfortable in his arms going for your usual position eager to feel the safeness and security he gave you back pressed to his chest but his hands denied you staying on your hips preventing you from moving any further than as if he wanted you to be looking up at him instead of turned away from him. He was tired of depriving himself of your face just to hold you call that childish but he was greedy almost shamefully greedy when it came to you.“yes” he gasps making your heart flutter. 
“i was robbed of this and i want it back” he murmurs. You smile softly in the past weeks with Ao’nung one thing you learned is how possessive he was of you, during teaching you he made sure to take you as early as your bodies would allow to prevent any of the others from joining them even taking you to secluded secret spots he could have you to himself mostly to do just this fawn and kiss your skin. And why bother using your mauri besides to link and de link both of your bodies slept with him in some form or another you always was with him and him with you. He was even prone to completely scent marking you to the point a dip in the ocean wouldn’t wash away the smell.
“Ao’ what are you even talking about we spent the entire day together” you sigh tilting your head as his lips brush up the side of your throat “i know but not once did i get to hold you not like this” he murmurs “so beautiful,” he purrs mostly to himself his fingers tracing down your arm intertwining your fingers together. You moan out softly and look up at him his blue eyes smoldering in the bioluminescent darkness around you both. Your eyes closing feeling his hand trace over your jaw and throat slowly sliding up the length to tilt your head back further. “Is it wrong to want you….to have you alone” your eyes flutter open eyes shimmering with shock hearing his words and the meaning to them. He stares at you thumb brushing over your lips “its only fair when you tease and distract me with every breath you fucking take” he groans pressing his nose into the junction wher your neck meets the base of your skull. His tail smacking and swishing in the sand before moving to touch yours. You whine your ears twitching heart hammering in your chest.
Over the past few weeks he had gotten carried away becoming overly physical it started with a passing touch with every moment he passed you a touch on the hip or arm. But as the urge to resist whatever pull you both feel for one another was all but forgotten the light passing affection became touch starved, needy, and possessive. Often talking to other clan members the men there he was. His strong arms sliding over your torso and yanking you to him pressing his nose into your temple a content smile with a threatening glare to follow as you obviously accept his affection unaware of the wordless threats he shot at other males. His fingers had taken to aimlessly tracing the stripes and tahni you wear on your skin. Many joke he was touched starved with how often he had his hands on you. And if he wasn't around to physically stake his claim he did so in the fact you reeked of him. Jake didn't let you live it down so much so Ao'nung overhead and made his personal mission to scent mark you make sure everyone knew you were his
A sharp wave of heat snapped through your body hearing his words making her squirm slightly in his arms presssing into his shoulder trying to stop the pooling need not only in your lower stomach but now your cunt already creating a damp spot in your tewng. 
You can’t help but press your thighs together trying hard not to let eh whine that was crawling up your throat escape into the night further giving you away. Pulse ringing in your ears feeling his tongue press into your exposed  neck licking a long stripe right under your jaw growling your eyes fluttering open looking up as he stared Down at you eyes dark with lust only reflecting the dim light around you. “How is that my fault its not like you are doing anything about it” you asking making a valid point to your teasing shifting your body the view as lovely as it is was not your main concern. You gasp feeling his grip tighten as if to protest your movement but soon let go realizing you had no intention of leaving . Your body already  that sounds like a personal problem Ao’nung” you tease voice sultry as you smile eyes blazing with the challenge. "So unless you are going to fix the problem why keep talking about it" you giggle turning your body to straddle him wanting to see him 
He chuckles that smart mouth of yours was going to get you both in trouble right now you more so than him. He looks down at you seeing that spark in your eyes as if asking to challenge you. He smirks pressing a kiss into your jaw his hand instinctively grabbing your thigh pulling it “you’re right yawne it is my problem guess I'll just fix it the best way I know how" he chuckles his large hand sliding up your chest, fingers slowly tracing up your skin. He relished in the sound of your moans and gasp from a simple thing like his touch his eyes shimmering with a lustful satisfaction.
An intense hunger began to consume him his lips following his fingers exploring your body all rational thoughts leaving his mind and left a monstrous lust a cracking for you— your eyes, smile and voice become a siren-song driving ever closer to the brink of insanity.fingers wrapping slowly around your neck running his nose along your jaw line his other hand gripping your hip thumb drawing those ticklish circles in your skin. "Hands on" he growls pressing an kiss to your temple adjusting his grip the veins in his hands . He chuckles hearing you moan and gasp for air. He watches your eyes flutter close as his lips brush over your skin loving how you melted and reacted to his words his touch. He could smell your arousal it filled every crack every part of his already clouding brain.
You can’t help the shiver you feel run down your spine as he tightens his grip on your neck, the shock pooling in that ever growing tightening knot in your core. your walls clenching around nothing as a wave of arousal gushes from your now soaking cunt further ruining your tweng.your heart begins to race in your chest feeling his fangs on your skin the thrill of excitement making you squirm. 
You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out the look in his eyes something you couldn’t put in to words but yet you still understood somehow. Your body shudders involuntarily feeling his hands slowly shift from you hip sliding softly down your thigh the feeling ticklish yet lit a fire inside your body that made your heart pick up and stomach flip. You didn't couldn’t say anything feeling his fingers grip into your thigh the other following soon after. Your eyes never left his as you slide your hands ups his chest fingers dreaming over the swell of his pecs and around his neck feeling the bounce and shift as he slid you in to his lap the tension so thick you felt as if you were losing air as if venturing to far down in the the lagoon.
He couldn't stop himself as he pushed you into the soft sand bodies desperately pressed together as his tongue swirls around your own exploring your mouth claiming it as his, tail slapping the ground as his lips became a little more curious. He couldn't help himself. You had become his obsession he wanted to know, see, feel, every part of you inside and out. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone out loud but he was a man possessed happily so. A growl left his lips as his hand wrap around and grip into your torso and back pressing into your soft skin pulling 
He smirks “ here alone i have access to every single part of you and your body.” He chuckle his hands moving up your inner thigh. You whimper arching your back unable to control the reaction your body had under his touch. The look in his eyes was akin to a deranged or rabid animal if you said stop it would fall on deaf ears as if you would utter the word. You look up at him and his predatory grin, a desperate whine coming from her lips as she shift under the hard cage of his body. He chuckles watching you squirm and whine under him as he presses kisses down your body. His nimble fingers slide acros you back the woven top becoming loose and sliding from your body. “ you're so perfect” he groans out as he presses his lips to your hardening nipples reacting to the cool air. He lips latch around one sucking biting holding you down in his iron grip as you writhed in pleasure.  
You whine and whimper feeling him release your nipple with a pop pressing hot kisses down your body so,what idly tracing the soft tahni that adorned your skin. You relax let your body submit to him arching and accepting his kisses as he left a trail before stopping right at your thighs 
He licks your inner thigh his ears flick hearing your desperate whine as you arch your back moaning in frustration as his hot tongue hit the wrong place the junction of your inner thigh meets your pelvis. “Please” you whine your body rolling up as you turn your head to the side panting your pussy having soaked your tweng in its juices desperate for him despite his insufferable teasing. “ are you asking me to continue yawne” he growls pressing his cheek into your thigh glaring up smirking pressing another soft kiss to your thigh taking pleasure in his torture of you. “You aren’t being fair Ao’nung” you groan as his thumb caressed the soaked fabric pressing his finger into your swollen neglected clit watching as a wave of arousal re soaked the already ruined fabric. He chuckles and decides to give in to your whining it was hard to resist he pulled of your soaked fabric leaving you bare for him to see. He slid his fingers in between your soaked folds groaning “ soaked already fuck you smell so good” he murmurs his face buried between your legs nose nuzzling you clit sending shocks up your spine. He took. A deep inhale seeming intoxicated with your scent alone before carnal hunger took over “ you smell so good wonder if you taste the same” he smirks 
You could barely understand him your brain fuzzy just from the little stimulation from his nose on her clit. Walls clenching around nothing begging for release. You whine out begging for him “ pleas Ao’nung stop teasing I can’t take it” he chuckles loving how your voice sounded all needy “ but didnt you say if i wanted to fix the problem id have to do it myself “ he chuckles smug. Before you could respond his long hot tongue pressed into your swollen clit before licking the length of your soaked cunt. His eyes become black as they dilate from your taste alone something he could only compare to a Na’vi in heat or a shark in a feeding frenzy. His mouth latched onto your cunt his tongue flicking across your opening before making lazy circles around your clit. 
You squeal fingers instantly finding his hair gripping and tugging as your hips roll and buck against his tongue. He growls pulling his mouth away lips and chin already slick and glistening “ did i say you could grind on my face hmm? Did you forget im in control.” He chuckle his grip changing holding your thighs apart as his forearms held your hips down. You whine as the sensation subsided and a burning unsatisfied need took its place. “Aonung stop teasing fuck your being mean” You whine and let your head fall back into the sand  “ and your being disobedient im a metkayina warrior and a real warrior doesn’t need assistance especially when eating…..so. let. Me. Eat”  with each word a lick to your opening then a suck on your clit only for him to spit on your cunt and lick it up again. you whimper legs trembling from those words alone. He chuckles and kisses your thigh before sinking his teeth into the soft flesh your eyes rolling back as the thick knot in your stomach tightens the sensation bringing you to nearly cum all over his face.
"Fuck fuck fuck ao'nung" you whine nails digging in the sand arching your back legs shaking. Ao'nung didn't stop slipping his tongue deep into your aching cunt swirling and teasing your clenching inner walls squeezing and gripping at his tongue as your  needy cunt sucked him deeper. The tight knot in your stomach threatening to snap, he pulls away lapping and sucking on your clit the vibrations of his moans making your toes curl and wiggle."ao' nung, fuuck~ your tongue please" you whine beggin incoherently for more. He chuckles pulling away feeling your thighs shake around his face turning his head slightly chuckling nipping your thigh again. "That's right ma yawne wiggle your toes and let yourself go" he groans before continuing on your aching cunt. He licks up your juices groaning from the taste his fangs nipping your folds "fuck you taste so good" he groans out before letting his tongue lick and flick at your folds before slithering back into your quivering insides. 
You whimper gripping his hair the bun messed up long ago carnal need to devour you. Fingers twisted in his wavy hair the only thing grounding you as his long tongue turned your mind to jelly. Nothing more than his name and long moans escaping your lips. He pulls his tongue away despite how much he loving the way his name rolls of your lips each moan you give. "Mmmm where did that smart mouth go hmm isnt this what you wanted me to fix the problem" he chuckles slipping his fingers inside of you his fingers dragging and pressing on your spot as he waits for your answer knowing your brain is to sex drunk to respond. Your ears flick to the sound of his voice "mmm alright guess I will let your body answer" he chuckles pulling his finger from your cunt sucking your juices from them "I suggest you give me what I want before I get irritated ma tsawksyul if that I'll keep you on the edge until dawn" he growls in your ear before returning back to your cunt his tongue flicking your clit without mercy his eyes sharp demanding you to stop holding back. He presses his tongue against your clit and sucks pulling his tongue moving abusing her sensitive little clit. "Cumming wanna cum" you whine legs quivering as the tight coiling your lower stomach snapping. He growls pulling away with a sloppy pop before pressing a kiss to your sopping cunt "I want to drown in you" he groans before sucking and moaning flicking ypur clit keeping you firm and still.
You groan and squeal as the coil unraveled and you release into his mouth. Your sweet squirt drenching his chin. He groans opening his mouth swallowing trying to catch every drop of your sweet cum as you did just as he asked and drowned him. He pulls away rubbing your clit licking his lips "yeah ma tsawksyul cum for me" he groans watching you drench not only his palm but the sand as you spray and gush for him.
You whine trembling your vision becoming white as your eyes rolls back in your head, as his assault on your overstimulated cunt made your body lock and tremble your brain becoming static. 
"-/N…. Y/N" he chuckles tapping your cheek his voice echoing in your ears. Your eyes flutter open seeing his sweet concerned face "Hey there yawne welcome back you went somewhere" he chuckles. You blush and sigh smiling happily "I think I nearly delinked" you sigh panting. He chuckles smirking "I was that good….I'm flattered" he says smug. You laugh and smack his shoulder "Shut up it was amazing" you snuggle into his chest. And he kisses your head "you are amazing" he murmurs closing his eyes nose buried deep in your wavy hair. 
@pandoraslxna @xylianasblog @cinetrix
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my-favourite-zhent · 7 months
New Tricks - Chapter 15
Status: Work In Progress Version: 1.01 Pairing: Rugan x AFAB!OC Rating: NC-17 (This chapter NC-17) Genre: Adventure/Romance Summary: Misadventures of Rugan and the original Zhentarim Gate's crew before and during the year of three sailing ships.
Notes: This one was a tough one to push out, and I had a lot of help doing it.
As usual characterization chief @fistfuloftarenths played a big role. Whenever I have a feeling about a character that I can't articulate she has all the missing words on the "why" of it. You should definitely read Isn't it a marvel? by her!
@dustdeepsea of Trouble will Find me fame (go read that and Performance Review!) and @thisaccountisagainstmywill (read What Else Would We be!) acted as lovely beta readers.
Table of Contents Read Here on AO3 as this is an *adult* chapter.
Milder excerpt below the cut.
New Tricks - Chapter Fifteen Excerpt
Sal sighed as he sat his pack down and collapsed onto the inn bed. The road from Crimmor had been rough. Conditions had been fair, no beasts nor bandits had accosted them, and yet the mood had been nothing short of dour. Olly had sulked the whole time and Bellar had been terse and demanding. Sal was certain if they had spent another day on the road the two of them would’ve come to blows. For all his talk of seniority Sal had a feeling that Bellar did not actually enjoy the mantle of leadership. Bellar was more for fighting, less for responsibility and morale.
“Don’t forget to send Izzy.” Olly was kicking his boots off as he stretched out on his own twin bed across from Sal’s.
“Give me a minute to get my bearings, Olly.”
“Right.” Olly replied but continued to stare at Sal expectantly.
“Dammit, Olly.” Sal sat up and crossed his legs, closing his eyes so he could focus on the spell. “I can still feel you staring, Olly. Give me some space.”
“Sorry.” Came the sheepish reply, and he heard the lad shuffle to look the other way.
Sal exhaled slowly and envisioned the glyphs in his mind, his fingers tracing their various shapes in the air. Thinking carefully to ensure his message was clear, concise and no more than twenty-five words.
‘Hello, Izzy, we’ve arrived in Athkatla. We’re staying at the Adamantine Mug. How fare you and our illustrious leader?’
‘Sal,’ Came the swift reply. ‘he is well enough to speak. I will send him soon as he’s able, sooner if he doesn’t learn to hold his damned tongue.’
“What did she say?”
“Patience, Olly.”
Sal focused on casting the spell a second time.
‘Rugan, what in the nine hells did you do to fuck up the best thing that ever happened to you, nay any man?’
‘Sod off wizard.’ Came the terse reply.
“Fucker.” Sal hissed, regretting wasting the spell slot.
“He’s awake and making an ass of himself.”
Izzy hadn't come to see him again that evening. He had hoped she would return for supper, but a maid had delivered his meal in her stead.
As much as her constant coddling grated on him, being left to his thoughts was even less agreeable. What would Zarys say, or worse yet, do when she found out about him taking ill, and exactly why he had taken ill? He'd have to confront Olly about that too. He didn't look forward to the chastisement the lad was in for, but it was necessary. Probably sounded damn hypocritical coming from him, laid up as he was because his heart had taken pity on poor, sopping wet Olly.
Sal’s sending only added to his anxieties. If Sal knew he had fucked up, that meant he had ‘spoken’ to Izzy, and that Izzy had been angry enough to say something about it.  Why was everything so difficult here when it had been so easy in Waterdeep?
He had hardly eaten, and spent what energy he did have pacing his room that evening.
When Izzy arrived with his breakfast the next morning he felt a rush of relief. He stood from his seat to greet her, having felt well enough to dress himself from his pack, and anxious enough that he had woken early. She didn't seem angry, but she was guarded, her usual easy smiles absent when she greeted him and set down his tray.
“You seem much better today,” she said tentatively and pressed her hand to his forehead to gauge his temperature. “No fever either, I think you might be able to stop with the tea now.”
“Thank the gods for that.” He smiled at her, hoping to coax her out of her shell. “I’ve had worse medicine in my life but only just barely.”
She gave a polite half smile and he felt his own falter.
He bade her sit with him while he ate and Izzy assented, though while she sat across from him her mind seemed to be somewhere faraway. Her expression was anxious as she gazed out the window.
Rugan took the opportunity to admire her as he ate. She was beautiful, with her high cheeks and bright eyes, that soft mass of raven hair. It called to mind another memory, their first morning on the Prow: her hair pooled out across the pillows, mouth parted in a silent cry as he had moved inside her. The way it had felt to have her fingers intertwined with his own as they had rocked together.
As if sensing his gaze she turned to meet it. She must have noticed just how intense his scrutiny was because her cheeks reddened when their eyes met.
“You didn't come to see me last night, Iz.” He gently chided.
“I had an errand to run.” She replied softly, but Rugan felt strongly that wasn't the principal reason.
“An errand, at that hour?” He asked sceptically.
She nodded. “I have something for you, let me go fetch it.”
Without another word Izzy slipped out of the room. She returned with a folded bundle of cloth tied with twine and presented it to him with both hands. Rugan stood to gingerly accept the package and placed it on the bed to unwrap. Even before undoing the twine he could tell the material was a fine black wool. Slipping it free from the strings he held it out and realised it was a rain cloak. It was lined with another layer of wool dyed mustard yellow, and he guessed that it would fall to his calves.It was a fine cloak to be sure.
Mercenary work would earn you a fair bit of coin compared to common trades but you wouldn't get rich by it. And a cloak like this could be a month's wages. An amount he could scarcely part with. Hells, half his kit had been scavenged from the cooling bodies of friend and foe alike.
He had extorted for less, killed for less. It would have been one thing if he had bartered or threatened her for this, but to receive it as a gift? 
“Iz… how much coin did this cost you?”
“It’s considered rude to ask the price of a gift you know.”
“I can’t repay this, Izzy…”
“It’s also customary in many cultures to give a gift without expectation of something in return.”
Rugan continued to stare at the fabric clutched in his grasp as if it were a snake ready to strike. “How could I possibly accept this?”
“Olly still has your old cloak, it would be foolish of you not to.”
She was right of course. He couldn’t afford to fall ill a second time, could afford a new cloak even less, especially one nice as this. But the thought of taking it made his stomach turn.
His taking pity on Olly had been a chink in the armour. An unacceptable weakness that had left him in a position of vulnerability. And now she was heaping favours and gifts on him he could never repay, nor could he afford to refuse them. Were he hale he would've turned his nose up at the charity of any noble. But he wasn't, and Izzy wasn't. Even so.
“You can't just keep lording over me like this.” 
“I'm not lording.It's a gift.” He could hear the frustration in her voice.
Exasperated he dropped the cloak to the bed and turned to her, running his hand over his face and hair.
“I don't know what you want from me in return for all this.” 
“I don’t want anything from you, I want to help you.” Her tone was pleading.
Rugan searched her face, trying to discern what she was thinking, what agenda might be served by her generosity.
“Why did you give Olly your cloak? What more reason do I need to have?”
“You’re a soft hearted fool, Iz.” He breathed.
“In fairness to me, I commissioned this before you threw a tantrum over taking a bath.”
“I did not-” Rugan started darkly, and then thinking better of it, he instead took a deep breath and pulled her into a tight embrace. “I don’t want to fight you, Iz.”
“Then don’t pick fights with me.” She whispered back, her own arms wrapping tightly around his waist, her face desperately pressing into his chest. That broke what little resolve he had and he buried his face in her soft tresses. He breathed in her heady scent and when he finally pulled back Izzy lifted her head to stare up at him with wide eyes and parted lips. 
Gods, when had he last kissed her? Not since Waterdeep. Not since they had said goodbye in that darkened room. He dipped down to kiss her now, his mouth seeking hers out eagerly. Izzy broke the kiss first, panting softly, her hands fisted in his shirt. 
Read the rest on AO3
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lixenn · 18 days
Hi lili!!! 👋🏾 Hope you are well! For Chief...!
💔 (broken heart) - Who has your character hurt most? Physically or emotionally? How did it feel? Do they regret it?
🥩 (steak) - Does your oc have any coping mechanisms? Healthy or unhealthy?
🪓 (axe) - Does your oc have survival skills? Have they ever had to use them? What would they do in an apocalypse? Could they survive?
Heya Momo! I'm hanging on by a bare thread but I'm still kicking so that's something (I will defeat this thesis, I will kick it to the curb! I will murder it dead <- straight up in denial OTL)
Chief questions! Chief questions!!!
Let's see...
💔 (broken heart) - Who has your character hurt most? Physically or emotionally? How did it feel? Do they regret it?
Well, Dani-boy ain't a saint so he certainly hurt quite a bit of people. As for who he hurt the most, well that's [redacted] Ummm... huh? That's strange... Let me try again. Dan [redacted] ... One time he [redacted]
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Error 404 Answer not found.
You have entered the spoiler zone. Varia Quality censoring engaged. Please try again at a later date.
🥩 (steak) - Does your oc have any coping mechanisms? Healthy or unhealthy?
Dan is a solution orientated person. If there's a problem, he tries to fix it. If there's no problem? Well, there will be future ones so he plans ahead. ("Paranoid much Chief?") So you could say he copes with things by planning and scheming and working. He loves lists and graphs, likes sorting his thoughts by writing them down. He will list all the things that could possibly go wrong and then meassures to prevent them or how to react to them. Not really a healthy way to cope with life but when your part of the Mafia where sanity often goes on permanent vacation it can save your ass quite a bit.
When confronted with situations that are not in his plans (aka the newest Varia shitshow) or that simply make him uncomfortable (aka Vlasta's nonsense) then he often shuts down. Dan knows the value of a strategic retreat and he's not afraid to use it.
He also heavily abuses his hard workload as a distraction tactic. What do you mean Ottavio wants to talk to him? Can't you see that he's busy doing budget reports? Come in late (read: never). (There's no time to worry about the high death toll when he's mind is occupied with numbers and to-lists and meetings. Chief is good at compartmentalizing, locking bad memories into boxes and hiding away the key)
To break it down: Dan copes with contingency plans, compartmentalization and just plain noping out of the problem. It's not exactly the healthiest way to cope because he tends to take these methods to the extremes but it could be worse.
🪓 (axe) - Does your oc have survival skills? Have they ever had to use them? What would they do in an apocalypse? Could they survive?
Survival skills huh... bit of a broad term but I will try my best 🫡
Dan knows first aid and hand to hand combat. It was drilled into his head by his parents because they know how dangerous the mafia can be and they wanted him to be equipped to deal with it. (His siblings got the same training, yes even his sister though she isn't a fan of getting her hands dirty). He knows how to make a fire, set up camp and how get food in the wilderness (though his cooking skills are... not up to par, it's enough to survive but not really all that appetizing). Dan learned those skills on various camping trips he went on with his dad, it was their way to bond since Dan loves nature and his dad likes to hunt.
As for the apocalypse... Please, he has contingency plans for an eventual Varia zombie outbreak (he doesn't trust PoisonChem or R&D as far as he can throw them, he wouldn't be surprised if they cook up a zombie virus in their labs. Disappointed? Yes. Surprised? No.) and several other apocalypse scenarios. So as long as it isn't something that insta kills lots of people (aka natural disaster shit) he would be fine. He has a couple safe houses, common sense and knows how to use a shotgun. Also he's just way too stubborn to die because the world's gone to shits. Plus for some reason someone up above (the author) wants to torment him on a daily basis and he's got to be alive for that to happen so yeah...
He'd either be roped into some leadership role in a survival camp or he'd be the grumpy guy in the woods living off the land. Could go either way.
Red emoji oc ask
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direwolfrules · 1 year
Just watched the Grey's season 19 finale...
Don’t read further if you don’t want spoilers
I'm losing my goddamn mind!! The chaos! The cinematography! The ships that no one wanted together (Jo and Link)!
First, Maxine actually surviving was the biggest plot twist of the century. They foreshadowed her death so hard it’s crazy that she’s still kicking. Every episode since she first appeared I’ve thought “Oh my god they’re gonna kill her”. AND THEY LET HER LIVE!!!!
Blue and Jules are gonna be delightfully messy next season. God, I love you Mike Chang Intern and Hippie Izzie Intern. To be fair to Blue and Schmitt, the last time someone followed a DNR at Grey Sloan, Gary Clark shot up the place.
Simone ignoring all the signs from the universe not to marry Trey until she was literally walking down the aisle. I literally turned to my mom and said “well, at least Blue doesn’t have to worry about missing the wedding”.
Simone and McNephew having a classic on-call room romp. Because my joy at someone actually using the on-call rooms for their intended purpose this season could only last so long. YOU ARE MAKING THOSE COMMUNAL BED SHEETS NASTY!!
Teddy falling victim to Chekhov’s Toothache is sending me. My mom said before hour 1 was done that a toothache can be a sign of a heart attack, and that it’s really suspicious that Grey’s sent all the Cardio folks except for Teddy to Boston. And because she’s an English teacher I believed her, and I still lost my mind anyway. She doesn’t have a pulse, McPatient/McPilot is dying, and McNephew and Simone pull some impulsive shit. The cut from this to Jo and Link finally resolving their will they won’t they tension was so funny to me. ALL THE STUFF, followed by drama that we already went through less than five seasons ago.
At least Yasuda and Helm got to be cute. I love them. They’re everything to me. Yasuda kicks ass, Helm’s about to be the only Chief Resident thanks to Schmitt’s previously stated breaking of a DNR, and I’m not looking forward to the next season where we’ll probably get a plot line about how they can’t be together since Helm’s Yasuda’s boss. My mom said that since the relationship began prior to Helm’s renewed employment, maybe they’ll be an exception, but we’re not getting our hopes up. We’ve been burned too many times before.
Also Helm looked so good this season?! Like, I’m so glad they decided to develop her beyond “haha, frumpy lesbian in love with a straight chick”. She’s got confidence, style, and a hot girlfriend who drives the getaway van at weddings that never should have happened. Who’s doing it like Helm right now?
On a less happy note, *in Adele Webber* RICHAAARRRD! Next season better start with Richard not having drank that vodka tonic. Please Webber, don’t do this bud. Amelia cannot be your Charlotte King. Please.
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Pairing: Aizawa x Black!Catgirl!Reader
Synopsis: In which you find yourself in the weirdest predicament after you’re scooped up and taken to a cat cafe after you decide to take the streets to fight some crime, and you’re adopted by your very anti-social and hot coworker Aizawa aka Eraserhead.
Story Warnings: Smutty Smut, 18+ (MINORS GET AWAY), Swearing, Adult!Reader, Ear and Tail Stroking, Light Degradation, Spanking, Exhibitionism, Multiple Positions, Creampie, Unprotected PIV Sex, Facial, Scent Play, Collaring, Deepthroat, Cunnilingus, Begging, Edgeplay, Power Play, Rope Play/Shibari, Master Kink, Some Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Some Action
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: I decided to drop the last five chapters to this story at once cuz I'll be EXTREMELY busy with my summer job & I'm also working on a new fic. Thank you all so, so, soooo much for the love on this story! I had so much fun writing it. I'll be writing some brand new shit soon! Stay safe! -Jazz
Read on AO3 here!
Other Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Twenty-Four. Twenty-Five.
A week after being saved by you from drowning and possibly losing a limb, Aizawa’s dorm room is finally ready to be moved into again and he sees you everywhere: on the news; in the papers; on Twitter.
And he fucking hates it. 
It’s bad enough you’ve been all up in his mind, but now he has to see you in your hot-ass Night Claw outfit in every magazine and newspaper now?
Not to mention the viral videos. You were kicking Aqua Master’s ass in that pencil skirt and blouse. Though you look good and you certainly deserve your fame, he can’t help but also be extremely worried about how your life could go from here. 
Since last Friday’s mission with the Aqua Master, he hasn’t heard anything negative from Principal Nezu, the HPSC, or the police chief whom he was sure would slap some cuffs on you on Friday afternoon.
Aizawa would’ve damn well bailed you out himself if not raised hell to the police department if that shit happened. He hasn’t heard much from Endeavor’s hot-headed ass either, thank God. The man knows what’s good for him. Aizawa thought he had lost his mind talking to you in that manner. 
To say he wasn’t ready to teach Endeavor a lesson right there in front of everyone is an understatement, but Aizawa knew better. He didn't want his little Eri to see Daddy fucking up another pro on TV. 
All he can hope is that things go well for you here. He knows for a fact that the UA kids are talking as are the streets of Musutafu about the sexy, skilled cat girl hero who singlehandedly took down a villain and saved dozens of lives, including Eraserhead’s.
Though you’re absolutely insane, he has the utmost respect for you for kicking ass without your disguise, knowing fully well you’d be plastered all over Japan and possibly the world as a new hero stepping onto the scene. He just hopes the HPSC doesn't try to scoop you up. He’ll fight to keep that at bay, but if it happens, it’s ultimately your decision. 
These thoughts have been bugging Aizawa all week, so on a beautiful Saturday morning, he decides to take Eri to the park. There aren’t many people here yet, so he lets Eri have free range of the playground area. “Daddy, can I go on the swing?” she asks, eagerly looking up at him. 
He smiles, nodding. “Go have at it, but be careful and try not to get your clothes too dirty.” As she skips away in her baby blue dress, he takes a seat on a nearby bench to watch her. The air is clean, the breeze is cool, and the sun is warm on his face.
Definitely, some good weather to clear his head and figure out this you problem. He hasn’t spoken to you since last Friday when you saved his life. He wants to be angry at you for being so reckless like that, but his respect and adoration for your decision overpowers that. 
“Dammit,” he sighs, running a frustrated hand down his face. Why do you have to be so stubborn? 
“I knew I recognized that voice!” a familiar, cheery voice exclaims from beside him. “I’m not used to seeing you out and about, Aizawa.” 
Aizawa turns, finding a small mouse wearing a kind smile and a red tracksuit with a UA sweatband around his forehead. “Principal Nezu,” he says. “You’re out here? Aren’t you afraid of the gettin’ swiped up by a dog or something?”
Nezu titters to himself, waving his paw. “Oh, no,” he laughs. “That’s what I’ve got this for.” He slides something out of the tiny fanny pack wrapped around his waist, revealing it to be an animal repellent. “But don’t worry; it doesn’t hurt ‘em. Just gives off a very unpleasant smell.” 
Aizawa nods, struggling not to laugh at the idea of his boss carrying that around. Nezu hops up next to him, already knowing Aizawa won’t mind his company.
“I see you’ve caught wind of the new hero that hit the streets too, huh?” he chuckles. “I will admit, Ms. L/N looked incredible in that news clip the way she handled herself. I’m shocked she never decided to be a pro hero.” 
A record scratches in Aizawa’s head as he turns to the mouse. “Wait,” he says, furrowing his brows at Nezu. “You know?” 
“Well, of course, I do!” Nezu laughs as if it should’ve been obvious. “I always have! I will admit that I was worried about how it would affect the other staff and students here or how it could potentially affect her job, but Y/N has never disappointed me on that front. She knows how important it is to be an outlet for the kids.”
He looks at Aizawa, seriousness in his eyes. “Besides, after she saved your life when Toyoma attacked you, I could never go and fire her. She has a pure heart.” 
Aizawa sighs, his muscles relaxing. He has never felt so relieved. This means your job is safe! Nezu is still giving him that serious look though which puts him slightly on edge.
“I am sorry for what happened that night, Shouta,” he solemnly says. “To you and Eri. I’m just glad your dorm is ready to live in again.” He turns to Eri still on the swings, giggling happily. The two wave at each other, filling Aizawa with joy. 
“So am I,” the pro sighs, relieved. “And you have nothing to apologize for. I’m just glad I’m here and breathing.” Nezu smiles fondly, patting Aizawa on the arm. “That’s the right attitude.” 
Silence then descends on them, though not awkwardly. It is peaceful, but guilt eats Aizawa up with every second they sit in silence. He has to tell him the truth. 
“I have something to tell you,” he sighs, the guilt winning him over. Nezu turns to him expectantly and he swallows the lump in his throat before continuing. “A couple months ago, I adopted a cat for Eri to keep her company and help her make her feel more like a kid. Unfortunately, that fell through, but I’m sorry I went against your rules. I just wanted to give Eri as much happiness as I could when I’m not able to be with her.” 
Nezu says nothing for a while, just blankly staring up at Aizawa. He stares down at his boss, wondering what he’s thinking. Is he going to be fired right here, right now? Will he be banned from the dorms? Who will Eri live with then? “Shouta, I already knew about the cat,” Nezu matter-o-factly says. 
Aizawa’s eyes widen, shocked. "You think cameras don't exist in the faculty dorms? I’ve seen that cat walk in and out of that building time and time again!”
Nezu just laughs like this is the funniest thing he’s ever heard. “But since she never gave me or anyone else trouble, I never bothered. Plus, I could see how happy she made you and Eri since you adopted her. It's always nice to see a smile on your face. You’ve always looked so down.” 
Aizawa doesn’t know how to handle hearing that. So Nezu has worried about him too? What of everyone else? What of Eri? Had she noticed too? Maybe he needs to get better at hiding things. ‘Or maybe just express how you feel to the people you love, ass,’ he critically thinks. ‘No matter how embarrassing.’
“Pardon my saying,” Nezu continues, “but I feel as if that smile hasn’t always been from the cat though.” He stares at Aizawa, a knowing smile playing on his lips. “It’s from Y/N, isn’t it?”
Aizawa’s flushed cheeks say everything he needs to know, and he chuckles to himself. “I could always see you two had a special relationship which I’m sure can be just as strong now. It could just about be unbreakable with a little communication.” 
Aizawa raises an eyebrow at his words. He can't help but feel like Nezu is saying them for a reason. Does he know you and him are on awkward terms right now? Does this mouse have eyes in the back of his head or something to know everything that happens in his school? Whatever it may be, it is good and critical advice. “So you really don’t mind pets?” he asks. 
Nezu rubs his paw along his chin, thinking. “Well, I do have a condition for that,” he replies, making Aizawa’s heart leap. “If you are to have pets, you have to be sure they won’t eat me and you’ll have to carry me in your jumpsuit for the next five months…starting now.” 
Aizawa rolls his eyes, but unzips the top half of his tracksuit anyway. Now he’ll be cleaning out mouse fur from his tracksuit and scarves for weeks. “Come on,” he sighs.
Nezu happily laughs as he scurries across the bench and up onto Aizawa’s chest before burrowing himself under his tracksuit. When Aizawa zips it up, Nezu’s head pops out from under his scarves, peeking at the world. 
“And thank you,” Aizawa softly says, smirking down at the little creature. Nezu smiles up at him fondly. “It’s my pleasure. Now let’s go to the swings!” 
The rest of the afternoon is spent at the park, playing on the swings with Eri and Nezu and walking along the hiking trails to help Eri pick flowers. After dropping Nezu off at his office back at UA, Aizawa takes Eri back to their dorm.
It feels so good to finally be back in the familiar halls of the faculty dorms after so long. Though the apartment Nezu rented for them was very cozy, Aizawa missed the cherry blossoms blooming outside his window and the homely feeling he got from his dorm room. 
Eri must’ve missed it too from how she was skipping down the hallway next to him, happy as a clam. “Daddy, are we still seeing the new Spider-verse movie tomorrow?” She asks, then gasps excitedly. “Do you think Y/N would wanna go with us? I think she’d really like it!”
This isn’t the first time she has mentioned your name. She’s been doing so ever since Toyoma's attack, wondering if she can visit you at your office or your dorm. 
And Aizawa always has the same answer: “I could ask her, pumpkin, but Y/N has been very busy lately. I don't think she’d–“ 
He suddenly pauses when they get to their door, noticing something there that is out of place. A little wicker basket with a soft, plush blanket on top sits in front of the door.
“What the hell?” Aizawa whispers. He furrows his brows in confusion at the basket, holding Eri’s hand a little firmer now. It could just be fruits or chocolates, but if he knows anything, you can never be too careful when it comes to receiving unexpected gifts. 
His defenses go up even more when the blanket begins to move. He swears his soul nearly leaves his body. “Daddy, look!” Eri gasps, pointing at the moving blanket. “It’s moving! I think there’s something in it.” She manages to escape Aizawa’s hold and runs over to the basket, kneeling beside it. 
Anticipation for something horrible under that blanket fills Aizawa’s gut as Eri pulls back the blanket. 'It better not be no baby,’  he thinks. ‘I’ve already got one of those.’ 
But his mind isn’t even close to the truth. Settled within the blanket with a side of cat food, toys, and litter, is a little calico kitten with the pinkest nose and prettiest swirl pattern Aizawa has ever seen.
Eri gasps, her eyes growing wide at the sight of the animal. “It’s a kitten!” she squeals. “She’s so, so cute! Look, she's got a scar just like you, Daddy!” 
Aizawa looks closer at the cat, finding a tiny scar under her left eye the shape of an upside-down present moon. Speaking of her eyes, they are so, so big! He can practically see the entire forest in the beautiful green shade of them. “Yeah,” he agrees, reaching a finger out to her. She sniffs him once with her little pink nose before brushing her head against his finger. “Where’d she come from though?” 
While Eri starts to gently pet her head, he searches for a card. There has to be something here to tell him where she came from. Luckily, he finds it. Taped to the bottom of the basket is a little white card scribbled in fast, pen-inked handwriting. He reads it over, his heart melting at the sweet words: 
A furry cure for loneliness and a great addition to any family. Meet Nea (for Neapolitan, like the ice cream). Enjoy! Feel free to change her name. -Love. 
A laugh bubbles from Aizawa’s chest once he finishes reading the card. Though they didn’t leave a name, he knows exactly who this precious gift is from and makes a mental note to thank them personally. After making a few calls first, of course.
“Who is she from, Daddy?” Eri curiously asks, still petting the kitten. 
Aizawa just smiles as he kneels down next to the basket and the excited, mewing kitten. “A very good friend of mine,” he answers before gently stroking the kitten’s head. “Nice to meet you, Nea.” 
“Anybody want another one?” Mic asks, already whipping up another delicious, pineapple, mint-flavored cocktail in Nemuri's dorm kitchen.
You sigh, pushing away the second cocktail you haven’t even finished yet. “Not unless you want my clothes off,” you joke, leaning your cheek on your fist. Mic pauses in his kitchenette, a wolfish smile curling onto his lips. “Well…” 
As you laugh, Nemuri pegs a pillow at him from her spot next to you on the couch. “Mic!” she gasps. The pro catches the pillow in one hand as he lowers the ice shaker of his mixed concoction with the other. 
“C’mon, I’m kidding! Look, I got a smile out of her!” He nods at your lips curled into a grin after your laughter dissipates. “You truly are a magician then, darling,” Nemuri hums, sipping on her drink. 
You gape at your friends, slightly offended by their words. You haven’t exactly been the most chipper person in the world since your reveal last Friday, but you’re not walking around like the world is about to end either.
“Hey, I smile,” you protest. “I’m just…thinking about things.” 
Things like if you’re going to keep your job. Things like if the police chief will change his mind and charge you as a criminal. Things like if things will change for you for the worse. Even now, the halls of UA are talking.
You get kids coming into your office just to gush about your moves, especially Izuku Midoriya. He’s even put you in his notebook, asking you all kinds of questions about your quirk and hero fit. “What does it look like?” he asked with stars in his eyes earlier on Monday. “You’re really, super flexible! Can you still move in it? Does it come with claws?” 
Though it was adorable, you had to hustle him out of your room just to get a breather in. Even worse are the news people who seem to know everywhere you go now.
Just yesterday, you were taking a jog in the park and you were accosted by a newsman and his camera crew, asking you about your day and if you’re a professional hero.
You know that it’s only a matter of time until someone starts asking questions like, “Do you go to the bathroom in a litter box?” 
To be honest, you don’t even know if you want to be a pro-hero. Though the idea of it is fantastical and alluring, that also comes with brutal training, fighting villains almost every day, and constant, unwanted attention. You don’t know if you could handle all of that, let alone the transition from being a nobody into a celebrity. The idea of it frightens you. 
Mic shakes the ice shaker filled with the contents of his cocktail, definitely having the means of a bartender if he wasn’t a hero. “Like about how you kicked that villain’s ass last week and ate up the cameras in the process?” he chuckles. "I’m still thinking about that too. You were amazing!” 
You smile despite your indifference. You don’t feel too amazing. “As nice as this of you to say, Mic, that doesn’t change the fact that I could possibly lose my job now that everyone knows who I am.”
Though Nezu hasn’t visited your office lately, you still can't help but be fearful of the police storming into your office or dorm room in the dead of night one day. 
Nemuri slings an arm around the back of the couch, her knees curled up under her sundress as she sips her drink. “Well, the chief didn’t take you in, so I’d think you’re in the clear.”
You shake your head, getting yourself worked up as you think of all of the possible things that could go wrong. “For now!” you argue. “Now that the chief has officially met me, I doubt he’s just gonna let me go free with all the buzz on me now. I still don’t have a license or–“ 
There is a sudden loud knock at the door, making you and Nemuri jump. “Who the hell is that?” Mic asks, scowling at Nemuri’s door.
You go to get up, but he beats you to it, already making wide strides toward the door on his long legs. Anxiety shoots into your body, making your heart pound in your chest. Nemuri puts a hand on your knee and you realize it’s to stop it from bouncing. “Yes?” he firmly calls.
“Amazon package,” a very gruff, deep, and familiar voice answers. A smile curls onto Mic’s lips and he winks at you before opening the door.
You nearly spill your drink at how fast you get up from the couch. Aizawa stands there in the tightest shirt you’ve ever seen on a man and jeans, his black locks calling carelessly down his shoulders. It’s so harrowing to see him there after not seeing much since last Friday. “Shouta?” you softly gasp. “What are you here?” 
He doesn’t say a single word as he comes into Nemuri’s dorm and storms right over to you in four, long strides. You can’t do anything but gasp as his large hands cup your face and he smashes his lips against yours in a hot, toe-curling kiss.
Your eyes close instinctively, your senses overtaken by the softness of his lips, the mint on his tongue, and the scent of his cologne. The hairs on the back of your neck and the fur on your tail stand on end, excited by the stimulation. 
“Oh, my!” Nemrui gasps from the couch in delighted shock. Knowing Mic, he’s probably just grinning at you two, knowing full well this was going to happen. That’s why he opened the door.
Finally, Aizawa pulls away from your mouth, his charcoal eyes soft yet intense. “That was for your sweet ass apology,” he breathlessly explains. 
From the door, Mic clears his throat. “U-Uh we should give them privacy,” he says, already heading for the balcony. “Come on now, Nemuri. Give ‘em some room.” Though she huffs in protest, Nemuri gathers her drink and meets Mic out on her balcony, shutting the door behind them. 
Your dizzy mind manages to piece together Aizawa’s cryptic words and your ears perk up excitedly. “So you got your present?” you ask with a beaming smile.
Aizawa returns your smile, looking unbelievably more beautiful with it. “Eri was so excited when she saw her all wrapped up at our door, I had to get Mirio to come over to calm her ass down. You didn’t have to do that, you know.” 
“Yes, I did,” you pointedly argue. “I’ve been lying to you and her for so long.” You plant your hands on his broad shoulders, breathing in his scent. God, you’ve missed his smell. “Neither one of you deserved to be deceived like that,” you mutter, staring down at your shoes, ashamed of yourself and your decisions. 
“I know why you did it though,” Aizawa replies, holding you by your waist. “You felt if you didn’t, you’d be taking away the happiness you thought you gave us while pretending to be our pet. But you’re totally wrong about that, Y/N.”
He tilts your chin up towards his face with his thumb, making you look into his eyes that sparkle with adoration. “It’s you who makes us happy. You make me happy.” 
You swear you could touch the moon now. You’re just about bursting with joy as you wrap your arms around him, pressing your face into his chest. “You make me happy too,” you softly giggle. Aizawa returns your embrace, his arms wrapped securely around your small frame. With the wall between you now broken, you feel like anything is possible now. 
“So how’d things go once I left on Friday?” you curiously ask. “Did Endeavor pop a gasket?” Aizawa smirks down at you.
“Several,” he replies, making you laugh. “Oh, and Hawks told me to pass you his number since you told him we’re friends. I threatened to skin him like a turkey if he tried it.” 
You let out another belly laugh, imagining Aizawa giving Hawks one of his death stares. But the happiness you feel doesn’t last long when you remember one important part of that day. “What about the police chief?” you nervously ask. “And Principal Nezu?” 
Aizawa’s smile doesn’t falter. “Nezu already knew you were Night Claw.” You blink up at him, baffled. “W-What?” you stutter, wondering how in the hell your boss is this smart, or if you’re just that stupid. “Why didn’t he say anything?” 
Aizawa presses a hand to your cheek, his thumb stroking the corner of your lip and making your tail embarrassingly quiver. “Because he never had a reason to unless you were a threat to UA, which you aren’t. You’re a big asset here according to him. Plus, even if he did wanna kick you out, I’d vouch for you. It’s what I owe to you since you’ve saved my life many times.”
You smile, grateful for him having your back. “As for the police chief, we had a chat earlier and he agreed to let you off the hook despite the buzz. The HPSC is on my ass about wanting you to join them too.” 
You sigh, feeling relief overflowing inside you like a warm wave. You can’t believe your luck! Is God or the universe throwing you a bone?
“But,” Aizawa continues, making you stop short and not celebrate so quickly, “if you wanna continue fighting as Night Claw, you’ll have to take a few heroes courses and get your license. Lucky for you, there’s an adult six-month program that UA offers to staff for free here. If you take it, you’ll learn everything you need to know about being a pro, if you want that.” 
You laugh softly to yourself, not believing your luck. This is just too much. “I don’t know what to say,” you confess, grasping Aizawa’s shoulders. “It’s almost like I’m dreaming.”
A secretive smile crosses his plump lips, a hidden message in his dark eyes. “Wanna check?” he murmurs. 
Do you ever! He lets you make the first move this time, his lips ready and willing when you press your mouth against his in another kiss. You softly moan at the taste of him, forgetting how amazing it feels to be kissing him. He holds you closer as your lips move against each other, his big, calloused hands moving to cup your ass while your arms loop around his neck. You want him as close as he could possibly get after so many days without him.
When he suddenly pulls away, you whine in protest, earning a throaty chuckle. “I almost neglected to tell you that I’m a professor for the adult pro-hero program,” he huskily informs you. “I teach training.” 
At his heated stare, a warmth begins to pool between your inner thighs that you have missed. You haven’t gotten this horny in weeks. “Oh?” you purr, playfully smiling up at him. “What kind of physical activities do you specialize in?” 
Your head leans to the side as he swoops in, devouring your neck and bathing it in kisses that have your eyes fluttering closed. “Hand-to-hand combat,” he murmurs against your skin, "fighting with quirks, stuff along those lines.”
One of his hands trails down farther while one strays gripping your ass, making your clit jump excitedly. “But with you, I believe you could use additional…”
His fingers gently brush your trail, earning a soft moan from deep within you. “Hands-on training,” he purrs in your ear. 
God, yes. You don’t care what the fuck he wanted to do, as long as he ends up on top of you. “Can we start now?” you mewl pathetically, moving away to stare at him pleadingly.
Though he has the same lust in his eyes, he has way more self-control than you, obviously. “Not that I don’t mind somethin’ kinky now and again,” he chuckles, “but would you rather have an audience for that?” 
His eyes trail over your shoulder and you turn, finding Mic and Nemuri’s heads peeking from behind the balcony door. You put your hands on your hips, staring at them pointedly as if you were a Black mom staring at her badass kids. Mic immediately breaks and points at Nemuri, terrified. “She made me do it!” he cries.
Nemuri’s eyes flick between yours and Aizawa’s, her face beat red. “U-Uh…don’t mind us!” she hurriedly exclaims, shoving Mic back outside. “Go on and finish chatting!” She then disappears back onto the balcony and shuts the door though you can hear her yelling at Mic about being a snitch. 
You and Aizawa look at each other once and immediately burst into laughter. It feels good to laugh with him. To talk to him. The feeling you get being with him is unlike any other you’ve felt. It feels like being wrapped in the warmest, softest blanket you’ve ever had the pleasure of touching.
When your laughter finally dies down, Aizawa speaks once more. “I actually also came over to ask if you wanted to join Eri and me for dinner later.” 
Your heart leaps at the invitation, already on the cusp of saying yes despite Aizawa still speaking. "We’re having pizza…nothin’ homemade though. And watching Into the Spider-verse ‘cause Eri is hellbent on seeing the sequel tomorrow.” He looks down at the floor, bashful all of a sudden. “She also asked if you wanted to go too, but I told her to may be busy, s-so–” 
You stop him with a kiss, hoping he’ll get the message through your action: I’ll go anywhere you go. 
But instead of saying that, you pull away and give him a smile. “I’d love to,” you whisper. 
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