#i hope people focused on them outside of shipping or being hot
maxphilippa · 30 days
i find it genuinely sad that people only talk about misogyny on the ii fandom when it comes to defending taco but no one goes over the way people treats most of the female characters which is like ACTUALLY misogynistic and the actual issue. i went over taco's thing a lot of times already but i'll also cover it here. like lets see how people treat women on ii briefly.
like have you seen how people treat suitcase. how she's often treated as a kid/constantly forgotten as a person outside of using her as a weapon to villainize a guy that does want to fix things with her. have you seen how little care people put on her. have you seen how they only remember that she exists for suitloon or barely even have anything to comment on her
have you seen people talking about candle outside of her being hot or outside of silvercandle? have you seen how people LITERALLY villainized her because she wanted to take care of herself? have you seen anyone say anything about her on a deep way? have you ever seen people focus on the way working with silver affected her outside of "silver doesn't deserve her"?
have you seen how GENUINELY HORRID people were about cabby winning s3? how they still SOMEHOW made it about silver? how people were incredibly ableist towards her? how they still kept going on how cabby wasn't an actual good person? on how she didn't deserve the win?
have you seen how mic, the character that genuinely has the best writting in the whole show, only gets talked about to completely miss the point of her arc AND ONLY for shipping, completely disregarding her growth as a person? completely forgetting that her story is one of growth and healing?
have you seen how people sexualized test tube to the point where she's only seen as a hot scientist or as a weird gal who's a freak instead of focusing on the fact that she's someone who heavily struggles with mental health and making connections? like people simped a lotttttt for her when she was having a whole breakdown because she was going to lose her friend, and no one really focused fully on those aspects of test tube's character.
have you seen the overall way people treat lightbulb? she's just a shell of her character for the fandom. she's genuinely so so deep and interesting but she got fully downgraded to just nonsense on fanon takes.
have you seen how people treat taco? have you seen someone even focus on her as a character outside of her being a "hot villain"? have you seen anyone actually get what she's going through? have you seen anyone wanting her to get better but also not forgetting what she has done? have you seen anyone actually understand why she can't get a redemption arc on the traditional sense? have you seen anyone not immediately go to defend her when taco herself does not want to be excused, nor does she think she should be? have you seen anyone getting that she's a complex character and that they can still enjoy her without having to excuse her actions? have you seen anyone ACTUALLY getting why taco needs to let go of ii and not make up with the people she hurted? have you seen anyone treating taco on a reasonable way? have you seen anyone treating her as fully capable of doing bad things but also capable of getting better if she really does try? have you seen SOMEONE that actually CARES about taco outside of her being attractive?
my point is. the ii fandom is rooted in misogyny, yes. but it is not because of people preferring other characters or what not. sure there MIGHT be some cases in which that's the thing, but most of times it isn't. the fandom is genuinely overall horrid about women and don't actually focus on them outside of being hot either. like i have once seen someone who genuinely hated candle but simped for her because her violence was hot in ep 17 and like. that's Not Really Good.
and most of the fem characters that aren't deemed hot or don't have anything to hate them for get often ignored (ex. pepper, soap, clover, etc). also don't get me started on how MOST OF THE TIMES THEY JUST HAVE TO give women a familiar relationship with a male character to which they happen to have a positive relationship with on hcs (ex. Candle and Yinyang being hced as mother/sons, Cabby and Yinyang is the same case) which uh. you know. it doesn't really sit right with me
you can think a woman character is hot/attractive and also care about her. you can like a fucked up woman as well while also not justifying her actions, it won't make you a bad person. like personally i really really love microphone and find her attractive but at the same time i genuinely care about her story and how much she's a story about growth and finding yourself, alongside with other people. a lot of the stories of the women charas are ultimately about growth and finding themselves on ii. and i think all of you should be focusing on the depth of a character instead on whether a character is hot or not therefore we can define if they deserve to be treated with decency, like that's ever done anything positive anyway
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wife-of-all-dilfs · 1 year
pretty fixation, wicked temptation | b. blake
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summary: season six - one-hundred-and-twenty-five years in cryosleep made both you and bellamy crave each other’s touch, but you need a place to satisfy your urges without disruption. perhaps a new planet would do the trick. and what better way to heighten the anticipation than with a little challenge?
warnings: porn with plot, sexual crying??, teasing/taunting, mild gore, mild exhibitionism, murphy being a cockblock, mild size kink, mild bdsm, begging
note: this is the first one-shot/smut I’ve ever written so I kinda went overboard, but I promise it’s worth it in the end. you can imagine a different season of bellamy if you want (fuck you) but I personally think he’s extremely hot in season 6.
word count: 16.7k
“…I hope your lives there will be as happy as mine has been,” an aged Monty spoke on the monitor. “Be the good guys. May we meet again.”
You stared out the window of Eligius IV in awe, arms crossed over your chest whilst taking in the view of the planet you would soon call home. Plant Alpha. A place where, hopefully, everyone could find redemption. For you, it would be a place where you would find peace with your friends and family. And your boyfriend, Bellamy Blake.
“I know this is a lot to process,” Bellamy’s deep voice spoke to the group. “Take an hour, and then meet in the mess. We need to game this out.”
A few people in the room had a short dispute, but you tuned out their bickering, gaze locked on the view outside. Everyone began to disperse, leaving the room to gather their thoughts about what the future held for the last remnants of humanity. Everyone but you and Bellamy.
Your vision shifted from focusing on Planet Alpha to watching Bellamy walk towards you in the window’s reflection. He had changed drastically since the day you and the other Ark prisoners were sent to the ground. His body was broader, and more muscular due to the unrelenting battles he fought on Earth. His arms were bigger, stronger, and probably capable of carrying the weight of two people at once. And his hands, god, his hands—they were your ultimate weakness. They were much bigger compared to your own; his fingers were thicker and longer as well, and the things he could do with them… indescribable.
He now had a short, dark beard that circled his mouth and sparsely covered the sides of his jaw. You always loved the way it tickled your face whenever he kissed you and when it rubbed against your inner thighs whilst he went down on you.
What had changed the most was his mentality, which somehow made you fall even deeper in love with him. Bellamy Blake may have been twenty-three when you first met him, but he was then still just a boy. Now, he was a man.
“You okay?” he asked, his arm snaking around your waist as his towering frame stood beside you.
Leaning into his body, you both soaked in the rays of the two suns shining through the ship’s window.
“Just hoping we don’t make the same mistakes we did back on Earth,” you spoke. “There are a lot of people on this ship in need of a second chance.”
Bellamy chuckled. “Yeah. More like a fifth chance.”
You smiled, humming in agreement.
“This time will be different,” he continued, eyes narrowed at the planet in front of them. “We can’t keep making the same mistakes without learning from them. We won’t have bombs, or missiles, or war. I’ll make sure of it; if not for the last of humanity, then for you.”
You turned your head to look at him. Such a softie.
“I ever tell you how much I love you?” You reached one of your crossed arms across your torso and rested it on his which was cupping your waist.
In response, Bellamy’s hold tightened just a little bit more, causing your heart to fumble from the affectionate gesture. “On a few occasions.”
However short the one-hundred-and-twenty-five years in cryosleep felt to your mind, your body could feel the effects of lacking physical touch for such a long time. Bellamy’s touch. Apparently, he felt the exact same way.
“I can’t believe I haven’t seen you in over a century.” His voice became soft. He turned your body to face him with his back now facing the window. Dark brown eyes gazed down at you with an intensity only he could create, sending a sudden desire to let him absolutely ravage you right where you stood. His free hand reached up to your face and gently stroked the side of your cheek, the other now caressing the exposed skin of your waist. “Or touched you.”
Closing your eyes, you focused on the areas in which his skin connected with yours. Having been in a relationship with him for a few years, his touch became a familiar sensation. Despite that, on a purely physical level, your body had forgotten the pleasure-filled heights to which he could take you. Everything seemed new again, like the very first time he touched you.
And no matter the fact that time in cryosleep seemed like it passed instantaneously, neither of you could deny the obvious pining your bodies felt for one another.
You stepped closer, hands moving to rest on his chest. The distance between your bodies closed and you whispered, “Or felt me.”
His hands stilled, realising what you had meant. He leaned backwards, enough to get a good view of the look in your eyes. It was something deep and hungry for release. Sure, you’ve both had sex plenty of times; you’ve fucked rough and fast, made love sweet and slow—however many other variations there were, you’d done it—but Bellamy had never seen your desire for him appear as powerful as this.
Your eyes were swirling with a dark passion, like rolling waves in desperate need of a crest. Your cheeks were flushed, pupils so dilated your irises were almost obscured, and lips reddened and becoming plump even despite having made no contact with his own yet. It was no doubt a mirror of what you were feeling inside.
He took in a long deep breath, eyebrows furrowed as he took in your appearance, trying to steady his heartbeat which was raging out of control. You looked so beautiful. All the blood in his body drained to the lower half of him, leaving him light-headed and fuzzy, lust being the only thing to fill the contents of his mind. Bellamy could never stop lusting after you, he had just learned to control it. A one-hundred-year wait seemed like a perfectly acceptable reason to let loose a little.
“Fuck,” was all he said before his lips came crashing down onto yours.
It didn’t start slow, but rather fast and desperate. So desperate. Even so, your mouth moved in sync with his, alternating between sucking in quick breaths of air, kissing his soft yet rough lips, and allowing him to run his tongue over your own. Your hands moved up into his pushed-back hair, fingers delving between his brown waves to give a small tug, pulling a groan from inside him that buzzed against your lips.
He pulled you closer to his body with strong arms wrapped around your back, the sensitivity between your thighs coming into contact with his hardness. The material of your pants rubbing against you only enhanced the shiver-inducing sensation.
You reigned your focus back onto his lips. His mouth was hot against yours, unrelenting, catching your lips with his between each frantic breath of air. His tongue rolled over your own, so intricate and possessive as it pushed into your mouth.
Before you knew it, his hands had moved to the backs of your thighs and lifted you into his arms; your lips never disconnected. This was a movement you had both performed many times, so it wasn’t done without skill. He took a few steps forward before placing you on the control bench behind you. You hoped there were no important buttons beneath you that would cause End of Humanity 4.0.
His mouth moved from yours and down to your jaw, cupping his hand on the side of your neck to keep your head steady. You couldn’t tell if it was a moan or a sigh that escaped you. Maybe it was a mix of both, but whatever it was, it egged him on further. He had moved down to your neck, sucking and nipping at the soft, delicate skin. This time you were sure it was a moan you let out.
He curled his hand around your neck just below your jaw, careful not to apply too much pressure, but just enough to remain in control. He loved to be in control; he also knew how much you enjoyed it too. You loved how small he made you feel compared to him, how he could dominate you without an ounce of effort.
Your legs and his were in between one another like two puzzle pieces fit together, his knee between your thighs and pressing against your clit without him even realising it. Grabbing onto his shoulders for support, you pushed yourself further onto his knee, beginning to grind yourself against him as he continued to press kisses to your neck.
“Eager, huh?” his voice vibrated against your skin.
Now he knew.
Having realised what you were doing, he pushed further onto you, heightening the pressure as you rolled your hips against him. Your head fell back. It had been so long since your body had experienced such pleasure; you knew it wouldn’t take much to reach climax. Not that it mattered. It always took you both a few rounds before you were too exhausted to move anymore. Sometimes, even fatigue couldn’t stop you two.
After deciding enough damage was done to your neck, he returned to your mouth, this time slower and more sensual.
You could have easily come undone the way you were going, grinding yourself against him but knew it would be nothing compared to the release given by his hands. Greedy as you were, you wanted—needed—more, and you knew he would never deny such a request. Your satisfaction was his own after all.
“Bellamy,” you breathed against his lips. “Touch me.”
His forehead came to rest against your own, he too breathless from the heat of the situation.
“Didn’t know you were into exhibitionism, princess,” he spoke lowly with a smirk.
“Who said I was?”
“Well, technically, we have a whole world watching us.”
You rolled your eyes, a playful grin stretching across your lips only to be intersected by a short gasp as you felt his hand slip through the waistband of your pants and press against your clit.
The second you felt his fingers apply pressure and begin to move, the door to the room burst open.
“Hey, you guys need… Jesus Christ!”
Bellamy’s hand left you quicker than it came, or quicker than you came to be more exact. The both of you jumped up from your positions and turned to see Murphy standing at the door, eyes squeezed shut.
“You ever heard of knocking, Murphy,” Bellamy grumbled.
“It’s the fucking comms room!” he complained. “Just–we need you guys out in the mess hall. Now. Oh my god.”
He made quick work of leaving the room, mumbling something about rather having a missile dropped on him than ever having to witness that again.
You looked at Bellamy who seemed to share the same flustered state as you.
He blew out a stabilising breath and placed a hand behind your back. “Come on, we should see what they want.”
Still slightly trembling, you nodded, allowing him to guide the both of you out of the room as you attempted to fix your dishevelled hair. After walking together down a few hallways in tense silence, you both reached the mess hall to see the group sitting around a table, discussing something quietly among themselves. Among them was Murphy, who overdramatically shuddered at the sight of you two.
Before you could walk over, Bellamy grabbed your upper arm, leaning down until his hair brushed against your temple and he whispered, “I’m not done with you.”
He slid past you and walked towards everyone else, acting casual as they all burst into conversation. A minute or two passed until you had regained enough composure to join the group.
It had been about two hours since the incident in the comms room. A plan had been set in place regarding their journey to the ground. One minute, you were safe and sound on Eligius IV, and the next, you and a small group were descending into the atmosphere of Planet Alpha in a ship.
There was a giant, wall-length window on the front of the ship that revealed the outside surroundings once you dipped below the clouds. This world was… otherworldly. Literally. The largest sun bathed the world in a constant orange glow, and the surface was covered in an abundance of vibrant green trees that sat atop various hills and rocky snow-covered mountains. All the clouds were a light orange; the sky was more pink and orange than blue. It was like they had entered a landscape painting depicting heaven.
Everyone seemed to share the same look of astonishment.
Shaw turned in his seat to face everyone. “Boys and girls, meet Planet Alpha.”
With a shudder, the ship finally planted itself on the ground, the machine hum cutting off as the rockets stopped firing. Belt buckles clicked as everybody stood from their seats, moving in front of the door, awaiting its opening. You looked beside you to see Bellamy with that same tiny grin he had the first time they opened the dropship doors. It seemed like a lifetime ago now. Technically, it was well over a lifetime ago.
He pulled down the lever and the door began to fall open. A gust of breathable fresh air wafted in your face and you inhaled deeply. It was sweet and unpolluted. Everyone remained still as they took in the incredible scenery. There were no words to describe it.
“Anyone got anything better than ‘we’re back bitches’?” Miller jested.
“Yeah,” you spoke. “Let’s not bite the apple this time.”
There were a few chuckles, a few sentimental words exchanged, along with a few heated words spoken between Shaw and Clarke. Some people were still upset over her betrayal back on Earth. What they were yet to realise was that this was not Earth, this was someplace new, a place for second chances and new beginnings.
They were supposed to be looking for a beacon that depicted a safe place for them to take up residence. Shaw, along with his tracking device, began heading in the beacon’s direction and soon enough everyone else followed suit.
You took a few moments for yourself to take in the surroundings and silently thank Monty and Harper for their sacrifice. A bittersweet smile sat on your lips and a single tear slipped down your cheek. A Garden of Eden this was, and they’d be damned if they let another serpent in.
Without even realising it, Bellamy had stood beside you, his arm wrapping around your shoulder before pressing a tender kiss to the top of your head.
“We’ll do better this time,” he reassured as if he could read your mind.
You turned your head and pressed a quick kiss to his shoulder.
His eyes crinkled as a soft smile grew on his lips. “Come on, let's catch up to the others.”
And so, you did.
Following Bellamy until you caught up with the rest of the group, you began the journey to the beacon, trekking through the new and undisturbed forest. Though it was beautiful, you still had a lingering fear of what might lurking in the thick clusters of trees. Maybe there were Grounders here too. At least they were human beings with actual consciences. This was an entirely new planet in an entirely new solar system so there could be animals or beings they had never encountered before.
All you could do was pray you weren’t on the bottom of the food chain.
An hour or two passed before the forest began to thin out and give way to a lake of pristine blue water surrounded by overlooking mountains.
“Looks like we found a water source,” Bellamy spoke as they stepped onto the tan sand. “We’ll camp here tonight and continue on at first light.”
They were confronted wave after wave with the planet’s beauty without end. It almost seemed too perfect. As everyone was distracted by the new view, Murphy began walking towards the water, removing a piece of clothing with each step, completely disregarding the fact that he had healing bullet holes on his body.
You stepped forward to stop him just as the others did. “Murphy, wait, your­–”
He glanced back at you, cutting your sentence off. “Comms room!”
That shut you up, as well as causing your face to redden intensely.
Clarke stepped beside you, watching as Murphy took off his shirt and stepped into the water, diving beneath the surface. “What was that about?”
“Uh, nothing.” You side-eyed Bellamy who was shifting his weight, clearly uncomfortable.
Soon enough, Murphy had resurfaced, his wounds bleeding and turning the water around him a faint rust colour. Not that he cared.
“Come on in, the water’s fine!” he shouted.
Emori was next to enter the water, though not entirely at her own will. It was nice to see her and Murphy enjoying themselves, but who said they could have all the fun?
Without a second thought, you unclipped your backpack and dropped it to the ground, tying your hair into a low bun with the band on your wrist. You lifted your long-sleeve shirt over your head, leaving you only in your low-cut tank top. You had thought it would have been Bellamy who was first to notice, except it was Clarke whose eyes were now trained on your chest.
Brows raised, you motioned to your eyes with two fingers. “Eyes up here, Clarke.”
She cleared her throat and mumbled an apology, focusing back on Emori and Murphy.
You walked over to Bellamy, standing beside him as he watched the scene in front of him. His attention quickly shifted to you as your hip brushed against his hand.
“What d’you say, Blake?” You unbuttoned your jeans, pushing them down to your ankles and stepping out. “Up for a swim?”
His lips parted as he stared down at your half-naked figure. Before he had a chance to answer, you were making your way down to the water with a tantalising grin. You were nothing if not a tease and he knew that firsthand. A little extra sway in your hips was all it took for him to start removing his own backpack and undressing his upper body.
The water had reached up to your hips before a pair of hands abruptly grabbed onto your waist. A short shriek escaped your throat before you were tackled beneath the water. Resurfacing, you wiped the water from your eyes, coming face-to-face with an amused Bellamy.
“Asshole!” You attempted to push his chest, but he didn’t budge, instead, he wrapped his arms around your waist again and began dragging you both further out.
“So easily riled up,” he teased with a smirk.
Sighing defeatedly, you leaned into his grasp, allowing him to keep you both afloat. Bellamy could just touch the lake floor, so you knew if he let you go, you would be drowning. Swimming wasn’t exactly anyone’s strong suit, so you just hoped you hadn’t done anything previously to piss him off.
Your legs curled around his torso. At first, the action was innocent, but then you realised that the little performance you made on the beach had consequences. Hard consequences that he seemed to be very aware of. Eyes blown wide with surprise, you squeezed your legs around his hips, grounding yourself onto him.
He grunted softly, tightening his hold on you. “You do that again and I won’t care if everyone is watching.”
The deep sense of possession enveloped in his voice sent warm tingles running down your spine, replacing the coldness of the water surrounding your body. Knowing him, he probably wasn’t lying either, especially given both of your rising desires for each other. For a split second, you were ready to test the legitimacy of his threat, but rationality was quick to jump in.
As you loosened your hold around him, you were unsure whether the look he gave you was of praise or displeasure. If you couldn’t do that, then you would at least take advantage of the opportunity for another type of intimacy.
Placing a hand on either side of his jaw, you leaned in and pressed your lips to his which he was quick to reciprocate. Droplets of fresh water dripped from the wet strands across his forehead, mixing between your skin and his, and alleviating the heat of each other’s desire.
His hands ran up and down your back underneath your saturated tank top, leaving a trail of warmth in his wake. Over and over, you kissed him and then you’d take a split second to get some air. It quickly became a pattern yet each time your lips met became more and more exhilarating.
The moment was rapidly becoming more fervent with each passing second. Soon enough, you were clinging onto each other, the water rippling from your bodies moving ever-so-slightly against one another to create some kind of friction. You could hear Bellamy’s breathing become quick and uneven, just like your own. You could feel his tongue glide across your bottom lip as if to knock before entering. And just before you could let him in, you were pulled apart…
“Hey. Hey! None of that shit,” Murphy demanded from a distance.
Bellamy pulled away first, visibly frustrated as he turned his head to your interrupter.
You simply pinched the bridge of your nose and groaned, one hand still holding onto his shoulder.
“Shut up, Murphy!” you and Bellamy shouted in unison.
Even Emori was quick to come to your aid. “Come on, John, they were just kissing.”
“You haven’t seen the things I’ve seen,” you heard him murmur to her.
The sky was blanketed in darkness long after the two suns dipped below the horizon. Insects were chirping, a small fire was crackling in the centre of the group, and tiny waves were cresting on the shore. You were leaning against a log of driftwood, legs extended in front of you as you gazed at the giant, ringed planet in the sky, its purple and pink hue reflecting on the lake’s surface.
Peace. Or so it would have been if not for the chaos running rampant in your mind.
Bellamy’s lips. Bellamy’s hands. Bellamy’s fingers. Your eyes fluttered shut. Bellamy, Bellamy, Bellamy–
A loud pop from the fire sounded which startled you from your thoughts.
Opening your eyes, you looked around the camp. Everybody else seemed to be in their own little worlds too, unable to shake the incredulity of knowing they were now on an alien planet. Clarke was on her back, gazing up at the foreign sky above; Jackson was enthusing about the unfamiliar wildlife. Echo simply admired the tall mountains that encompassed the lake, an expression of gratitude reflecting on her face. You would feel the same way too if your hormones weren’t raging like that of a teenage boy’s.
To add fuel to the fire—quite literally—Bellamy was bent over the flames, cyan blue sleeves rolled up to his forearms, and feeding more wood to the blaze. His dark curls were pushed back from his face apart from a few stray strands. His skin was shining from the humidity, sending your mind spiralling into a visualisation of the times he was on top of you, all sweaty and hitting that eye-rolling spot inside of you over and over.
You sighed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. This was ridiculous; he was your boyfriend and yet every time he was near, your body responded to him like a schoolgirl with a crush.
“Something on your mind?”
He had sat down beside you, your shoulders now pushed up against one another.
More like ‘someone’, you thought.
“Nope.” You crossed your legs over one another, thighs squeezing together in the hopes of providing some kind of relief. You couldn’t even bear to look at him, afraid that your willpower would come crumbling to ruins. “No thoughts up here.”
Bellamy eyed your visibly flustered state, one cocky eyebrow raised.
His hand moved onto your leg. “Liar. I know your tells. And this,” he murmured whilst squeezing the inner plush of your thigh, “is one of them.”
Finally, your gaze met his, almost like you were in a standoff. He knew how much you were suffering. Mostly because he was too.
“Bellamy,” you warned.
He turned back to the fire, slowly kneading your inner thigh. “I’ve been thinking…”
“Uh oh.”
The flickering flames reflecting in his dark brown irises turned them a blazing orange but did nothing to alleviate the darkness that was sitting just behind his eyes. Taunting him probably wasn’t the brightest idea at that moment.
Then again, it also held the potential to be a fantastic idea. You knew how he got when pushed to his limits.
“Seems like we can’t go five minutes without being interrupted,” he began, curling his hand around your thigh. “So, I figured we may as well turn it into a challenge.”
“A challenge?” you asked, moving your hand on top of his and taking control.
He nodded.
Slowly, you began to guide his hand further up your thigh, inch by inch. As expected, he showed no resistance. You could even see the imprint on the front of his pants which were now tight for the third time that day. “And what exactly does this challenge involve?”
As you got closer to the destination you craved most, your movements became slower, and more delayed, contrasting to the increasing pace of your chest rising and falling. Your shoulders pushed back against the driftwood, your body reclining just a tiny bit further as you stared up at him, lips parted.
Bellamy watched his hand travel beneath your own, completely transfixed. “We, uh, see who can last longer without…” he trailed off as your thighs clamped tighter around him.
The side of his hand brushed against your clit through the material of your pants and your breath hitched. Thank god everyone else was too distracted to notice the situation unfolding before them. The fire was probably doing you both some favours as well.
“Without…?” you coaxed him on.
You pressed him firmer against you, rolling your hips in small circles to create the sensation you’d been longing for. He didn’t move, only allowing you to use him for your own pleasure. The muscles in your stomach flexed as tingles quickly spread across the lower half of your body, from your toes to beneath Bellamy’s hand. You’d give anything to let him give you your release then and there, but you knew an audience wasn’t exactly favourable.
That didn’t mean you couldn’t enjoy the build-up.
God, Bellamy was right. You really were into exhibitionism.
By the way his brows were pulled together and his eyes looked almost pained, you swore he was about to come undone just at the sight of you.
He clenched his jaw and managed to ground out, “Without touching each other.”
Your eyes flickered between his, showing no sign of stopping your movements even when he finally managed to get out his explanation. You slightly bucked your hips forward, pulling him in further to which he inhaled sharply. Truth be told, Bellamy was the most stubborn person you had ever met, excluding his sister, Octavia. But there was one thing that could overrule Bellamy’s unwavering resolve, and that was you. Hell, on multiple occasions all you had to do was ask and he would be on his knees, mouth between your thighs in the blink of an eye, so he should have known the minute he announced his little game, you had already won.
“Okay,” you whispered with an innocent smile.
Within seconds, you had shot up onto your feet, now hovering over him.
Instinctively, he too moved into a standing position as if under threat. He stood so close that your torso was nearly touching his.
“What are you doing?” He leaned in close, voice low to prevent attracting any attention from the others.
“Um, winning?”
He scoffed. “Yeah, right. I’ve gone over a century without you; I can last a little longer.”
You took one step closer until you were flush against him. How could you not? It’s not like he’d expect you to make it easy on him.
“Only a little? Oh, come on Blake, have a bit of faith in yourself. You can last longer than that.” You looked him up and down. “I would know.”
He peered down at you, eyes half-lidded, and hummed a chuckle, one that was meant to say, ‘You are in way over your head, princess’. Maybe you were or maybe he was. What you both knew for sure was how the game was going to end, and despite your determination to win, that moment couldn’t come soon enough.
His body left yours and he backed away, a smug smirk resting on his face. He retreated over to Murphy and Emori, sitting on the log beside them and began engaging in their conversation.
You turned to face the fire, letting out a shaky breath you were hoping he couldn’t hear. It had become quiet now, the surrounding area seemed different compared to just a few minutes prior, but you couldn’t pinpoint why. The small waves were still rolling onto the shore; the campfire was still crackling.
Something was missing.
You scanned the area for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing.
Your eyes snapped to the sudden voice. Clarke was sitting on a plank of wood, rubbing the back of her neck with her brows furrowed together.
Walking over, you sat on a log adjacent to her. “What happened?”
“Oh, just got bit by a bug.” She gestured to the dead insect lying on the wood beside her.
It had big, round eyes, and wings like a fly. Wouldn’t have been a cause for concern if it weren’t the size of your palm and had a tail like a scorpion.
“Some bug.”
That’s when you realised—all the insects had stopped chirping.
Almost on command, Jackson and Miller stumbled over to the campfire, gaining everyone’s attention as Jackson rambled on about how he had captured the same bug in a glass jar and its behaviour had randomly become erratic. People began rising from their seats and crowding to watch the insect smash itself against the glass. Clarke and you shared a concerned look.
The air, which once was silent and peaceful, began to buzz like you were all surrounded by a cluster of beehives. Reality was much worse.
“What the hell is that?” Emori spoke.
As if to answer her question, the sky suddenly filled with hundreds, no, thousands of winged insects, which seemed to follow each other in groups that formed large patterns in the air. You were willing to bet your life on them being the same as the one that bit Clarke. Great—man-eating bugs.
“Everybody cover up! We’re heading to the beacon now!” Bellamy commanded.
You snatched your backpack from the ground, pulling out a black cotton scarf before slinging the bag straps over your shoulders. Not long passed before the others did the same and you were all running for your lives through the dense thicket of trees. Branches snagged on your clothes, shredding them to bits as you struggled not to run face-first into a tree. You wouldn’t be the first to do it, though…. Murphy.
Your breathing was becoming irregular as your body pushed to its limits. As awful as it sounded, when Emori tripped over a fallen branch and the group had to stop and help her, you praised the lord. Everyone huddled together, the bugs now surrounding the group, flying past and leaving bite marks on your bodies. Luckily, Clarke had the idea to light a flare.
“They hate fire! Light the flares!” she shouted.
Someone came running toward you from where Emori had tripped, placing a hand on each of your upper arms. Upon seeing their eyes, you knew it was Bellamy. He wordlessly scanned your features for any wounds, his gaze a mixture of concentration and worry. You nodded as if to tell him you were alright, and he did the same.
After the ten seconds you were provided to catch your breath passed, you were on the move again, the flares now protecting the group from the swarm. The trees were becoming less and less, and the ground under your feet had turned into a wide gravel path that ended at a large field of crops surrounded by metal rod towers.
You continued running forward, following the others as the field grew closer. In front was Shaw, who was multi-tasking between tracking the beacon on his device and leading the group to safety.
“Here! The beacon’s here!” he shouted.
Just as he passed through the towers that bordered the crop field, a bolt of what looked like lightning struck him. He was sent flying back into the group with a yell, landing at your feet.
“Shaw!” You crouched down, observing the minor burns that were littered across his cheeks and forehead.
He groaned, pulling himself back onto his feet with your assistance. “I’m alright.”
Jackson rushed to his side, immediately pulling out his med pack and assessing his wounds. The damage wasn’t lethal but if they couldn’t find a way to get through to the other side, they would have more to be worried about than burnt flesh.
Clarke was already searching for an answer to their escape and once again, she found it.
“It’s radiation.” She looked around as the bugs began to circle them, blocking their long-distance view. “We need to get through. It won’t affect me.”
Before anyone could stop her, she was running through the shield-like fence.
“Clarke, wait!”
“Get back here!”
To everyone’s surprise, she made it out the other side without a scratch. But how was everyone else supposed to get through without Nightblood?
You felt a warm hand slip into your own, offering a small amount of comfort. You didn’t need to look to know whose it belonged.
“Clarke, the tower—its Eligius tech. You need the failsafe code to turn off the shield!” Shaw yelled out. “Four-seven-eight-one-five!”
Exhaling a sigh of relief, you squeezed Bellamy’s hand. There’s a failsafe code.
Clarke rushed to one of the metal towers, opened the control panel and punched in the code. The energy sources atop each tower dissipated, signalling the shield's termination.
“It’s down! Come on!”
Murphy was the first to pass through, dragging Emori behind him. Copying his actions, Bellamy tugged you forward, the both of you passing through the towers together. Once everyone made it through, Clarke powered up the defence again, causing the swarm of insects to disintegrate upon meeting the shield’s radiation bolts.
No one said a word. Instead, they used the time to catch their breaths, some laying on the ground and others dropping to their knees. You tugged the covering off your head and placed your hands on your thighs for support. Multiple strands of hair fell around your face as you bent over, trying to replace the air your lungs lost, a few strings of curses spilling out in between.
Bellamy, who was so inconceivably fit that his breathing was already slow and even, placed a hand on your shoulder. “You okay?”
Lifting a shaky arm from your leg, you gave him the thumbs up.
He tenderly massaged your shoulder and scanned the group to make sure everyone else was alright.
“What the hell was that?” Echo huffed.
Night cycles on Planet Alpha operated very differently compared to Earth—darkness held the sky for a good five hours before the two suns rose again, much unlike the twelve hours everyone was accustomed to back on Earth. That and this planet sent man-eating swarms of insects whenever night fell. Or so you assumed.
The suns peaked through the distant treetops; orange beams of light were spread across the fields you had walked. A few hours had gone by since you first stepped through the radiation shields. A few hours of walking got you and the others atop a small mountain that seemed to be centred within the large circle of towers, providing a good bird's eye view of the fields of crops below.
You continued trekking up the well-trodden path on the hill, Bellamy and Clarke on either side of you. The last time you interacted with Bellamy was when you entered the protected area, but since then, you had avoided eye contact, physical touch, and conversation. You knew yourself; one wrong move and you would lose his game. Despite almost being eaten alive, you were still determined to stick to the rules, and even though innocent affection and conversation were allowed, you didn’t want to risk it.
Plus, total avoidance would only make him crave you more—the basic rule of men, unfortunately.
Emori walked a few steps in front of the group, her movements quickening as they reached a rounded corner. “Guys, look. Stairs.”
Orange-brick stairs came into view and you watched as Emori began ascending them, everyone else following behind her. You climbed up the stairs, Bellamy ahead of you by a step or two. Not for long though. Your pace increased until you were shoulder-to-shoulder, but only for a split second before you placed a hand on his bicep, dragging your palm across as you moved a few steps ahead of him. You could hear his breath hitch and a small smirk teased the corner of your lips. Now he was the one behind you—how he usually liked it.
If you weren’t going to interact with him, the least you could do was give him a good view.
Once you reached the top of the stairs, everyone stood side-by-side, taking in the view in front of them. It was incredible. It was like all the beauty on that planet had been condensed, thrown into a single area and turned into a village. That was what it was—a village. Plus, a castle?
“They have a castle,” Murphy said in wonder.
It looked like something from medieval times crossed with The Hobbit. The windows were circular and made of multi-coloured glass panes. The structure was made of bricks and rounded towers with various intricate patterns decorating different areas, and two round staircases curving up to a second-level balcony. It was so striking it had to have belonged to some divine being because no one else could have deserved such a beautiful palace. Well, there was one exception.
You glanced at Bellamy whose face was lit up with the brightest grin you had ever seen as he too let the beauty sink in. Your heart skipped a beat and you had to turn away. So, you turned to Murphy.
“Perfect for you, Murphy,” you jested. “King of the cockroaches.”
“Careful. Roaches bite, you know,” he retorted
You raised your hands in faux fear.
Clarke stepped forward. “Come on. Let’s see if anyone’s home.”
Most of the buildings looked modern and were made of glass and coloured wood or shipping containers, surrounded and covered by different types of flora. Flowers were not in short supply there, that was for sure; every garden held a new and exotic type. Even the pond in the middle of the village had flowers in it. There were coloured banners everywhere as well—some that hung from each building, and some that were standalone's. The suns’ light just made everything seem so much more vibrant and enchanting.
You and the others were going door-to-door, knocking on each one to see if anyone was there. So far, you had no luck, if that’s even what it was. Almost every home had been checked, but there was no one. The last house to be checked came by and apparently Murphy ran out of patience for simple pleasantries. He kicked the front doors open.
“Well, look at that.” He turned to the group. “This one’s unlocked.”
He stepped inside and began rummaging through the owner’s belongings, not that it surprised anyone very much. You watched as he bent over and picked up something that looked like a neck cuff connected to chains on a wall.
“Hm. Kinky.” He turned back to the group with a devious grin on his face. His eyes flickered between you and Bellamy. “Any takers?”
He gestured between the two of you with the chains as if he were offering them. Oh, you were so tempted to pull a knife on him.
Your eyes went wide, and Bellamy almost choked on his own breath. All eyes were now on you and him.
You took off in the opposite direction before anyone could say a word. “I’m–I’m gonna find a change of clothes.”
It was a perfectly reasonable excuse to leave anyway. Your clothes were practically threadbare from the rough escape through the forest. Thankfully, you could hear the group begin talking about something completely unrelated before you were out of hearing distance. You weren’t sure where you were headed in particular. Anywhere that wasn’t near Murphy or Bellamy would suffice.
You didn’t want to be apart from Bellamy at all. Quite the opposite. You wanted him. You wanted his hands to roam all over your body, to feel his arms tight around your waist as he thrust deep inside you from beneath, and to have his name dripping from your tongue as he made it impossible for you to distinguish the meaning between the words ‘love’ and ‘lust’.
(If only you knew that he was suffering the exact same way.)
However, his ego was much too inflated for you to let him win. It was a sacrifice for the greater good. The greater good being not having to constantly listen to him tease you for losing in the future. But as time went on and your body started physically reacting to the separation, losing started to seem like not such a terrible idea. You were conflicted. Give in, or push on? The decision was painfully frustrating and also just downright painful.
While amidst your thoughts, your feet had carried you to the opposite side of the village until you were standing outside a dark red-wooded house. Covering the poles that held up the structure’s second story were apple blossoms. “Let’s not bite the apple this time.” That was the first thing you had said after stepping onto the ground—a reference to the story of Adam and Eve. Now here you were, contemplating handing yourself over to desire. A literal bite of the apple.
You shook your head, pulling down the door handle to the red house and it opened. Locks didn’t exist in this place it seemed. Stepping inside, you noticed several cardboard boxes on the ground both opened and unopened. There was furnishing such as couches, bookcases, a round glass dining table, and leather seats, but they were all scattered across the room and half had white sheets covering them. It looked like the owner had just been moving in.
As you assessed the room, you noticed a floor-length mirror attached to one of the walls, so naturally, you moved yourself in front of it. The reflection did not match the person you were before leaving Eligius IV. Your bun wasn’t even a bun anymore; half of it had fallen out whilst the other struggled to stay within the hair band. Your clothes had more holes than you could count and were covered in a thick layer of dirt and insect blood. A grimace fell across your face. Gross.
At your feet was another cardboard box; it was opened with a variety of fabrics spilling out. Crouching down, you pulled out the black material at the top to find that it was a long-sleeve off-the-shoulder shirt. It wasn’t exactly practical, but it beat wearing insect organs. You exchanged your two previous shirts for the black shirt; the material stretched around your curves, clinging to your body like a second skin.
Next was a change of pants. You kicked off your shoes and peeled off your jeans, leaving you only in your black underwear and socks. And so, the search began. A good ten minutes went by and you found nothing but long skirts and dresses. You were not about to walk outside dressed up like some grounder princess. Not now at least. Maybe there were more boxes upstairs?
After locating the staircase to the second story, you began to climb. Just like the first level, there were boxes and furnishings. There was a large thigh-high mattress against the back wall with two glass doors on either side leading to a balcony. The mattress was covered in several different blankets consisting of shades between white and purple with a mountain of matching pillows at the head of the bed. On the wall facing the mattress was another floor-length mirror. These people had a vanity problem.
Much to your displeasure, none of the boxes upstairs contained any pants either, so there you stood in the middle of the room wearing only a tight shirt and underwear. You sighed in frustration, tugging your hair band from the bun and letting your locks cascade over your shoulders and down your back. With nothing else to do, you decided you might as well go outside and see what the others were doing. You stepped out onto the balcony; the house’s architect had the right idea by designing it with a concrete fence that covered your lower half.
The others were still lingering on the other side of the village. You rested your forearms on the balcony fence, watching as Murphy signalled for Shaw and Bellamy’s assistance with pulling a heavy wooden crate from inside one of the houses. Knowing Murphy, it was probably full of stuff he was going to take for himself, which would have explained Bellamy’s reluctant stance. There was also something else that seemed to be troubling him. He looked distracted, almost torn between choices, his eyes occasionally wandering to the opposite side of the village where you had previously walked off to. Nevertheless, he eventually did give in to helping Murphy.
And then suddenly time all around you began to slow down. You were in a trance and it was no one but Bellamy’s fault.
He shrugged off his jacket and rolled up his shirt sleeves to his elbows, exposing his tanned and veiny arms beneath. He placed his hands underneath the crate and lifted in time with Murphy and Shaw. Even from such a distance, you could see his muscles tense and flex under the weight, the size of his biceps nearly doubling and bursting through the seams of his shirt. His face carried a strained expression, something you had seen many times before but in very different circumstances.
Your skin flushed with heat, and your bottom lip curled between your teeth as you struggled to keep your breathing under control. Blood was buzzing in your ears; you felt fucking intoxicated. You were aware of how feral your behaviour had become but it was inevitable. In a game like this, it had to be.
Once the crate was outside, he and Murphy placed it on the ground. Bellamy ran a hand through his hair, his gaze already beginning to wander once again. As if he could feel your stare burning straight through him, his eyes found your distant ones up on the balcony. The feeling of a hole being burnt through him was understandable because your eyes were ablaze with sin. That had to have been the tenth time you’d made him hard now and it was becoming painful.
You weren’t embarrassed to be caught staring, instead, you were intrigued as to what his next movements would be. But he made none. He simply stared at you over his shoulder, eyes stern and calculating. Who was going to win wasn’t the question anymore. The question was: How could either of you prepare for what was coming? A century’s worth of abstinence was also a century’s worth of build-up, meaning the release would be messy, and Bellamy wasn’t one to hold back.
Finally, he broke the eye contact, but only for a few seconds. His eyes moved to the building beside him and then back to you as if he were trying to get you to follow his gaze. So, you did. What he had gestured to was another pair of chains and handcuffs connected to a wall. Instinctively, you gasped, feeling a pulse in your stomach which you knew was his exact objective. You looked back at him, seeing the self-satisfied grin plastered on his face before he turned back to the group.
That son of a bitch.
Your back slid down the concrete fence until your ass hit the cold marble floor. He was driving you to sex-crazed insanity and you didn’t know how to fight against it. You needed something. Anything to relieve the torment. But you knew if you started, your hands would never stop, not until they were replaced with his.
Maybe the cuffs weren’t such a bad idea.
“No!” you had to verbally reprimand yourself.
Your head fell in your hands. This was all getting too much for you. One-hundred-and-twenty-five years… and a day! You wouldn’t call yourself a nymphomaniac but holy fuck. It was getting to the point that even his name had you aching, tearing yourself to shreds. You couldn’t take it any longer.
Moving onto your hands and knees, you began crawling—yes, crawling—back inside. You managed to pull yourself up onto the mattress with trembling arms and fell back against the quilt and cushions in the middle of the bed. A shaky breath left your lips. If Bellamy couldn’t be there to take care of you, then you would finish the job yourself.
You slipped a hand beneath the thin fabric covering your heat, fingers racing to meet the spot you needed. Back arching into the bed and stomach tightening—that is what you expected to happen when your fingers began circling your clit, but it was nothing of the sort. All you felt was skin on skin and the slightest of sensations. Even when you pressed harder, and moved faster, there was nothing.
Letting out a quiet, distressed cry, you readjusted your position and switched hands. You began rubbing back and forth, side-to-side, every way that had gotten the job done in the past. You moved one hand under your shirt and began massaging your breast, pinching and grazing your nipple, trying to replicate all the moves Bellamy had pulled on you before.
Still, there was no relief from the ache you felt. You needed to go further. Your hand moved lower, fingers hovering over your slick opening before sliding one in. This was never your forte; it was Bellamy’s. Whenever you needed to pleasure yourself, you would stick with outside stimulation, so all you knew was what he had done to you. After sliding your finger in and out a few times, you added another, but it still didn’t feel right. There was something you were missing that he usually did.
He took over your thoughts and you tried to imagine it was his hands instead of your own, but you were just fooling yourself. They were your fingers, not his. You were alone and you were desperate. No one could make you feel as close to heaven as him, not even yourself. Somehow, he knew the workings of your body even better than you did. Without him there in your desperate time of need, it was useless…
So, you started crying—like, actual tears-running-down-cheeks-and-sniffling crying. You felt utterly pathetic and that was all you felt. There was nothing you could do to help yourself. Bellamy was outside with the others, and it wasn’t like you could just waltz out there without pants on and ask him to fuck you incoherent.
Your fingers slipped out from inside you, wet and splayed across your bare stomach as you stared up at the ceiling, condemned to the unshakable longing within. Too distracted by your inability to satisfy yourself and your attempts to stop the tears from flowing, you didn’t hear the door downstairs open and closd. You sniffled, continuing to feel sorry for yourself.
Footsteps were coming up the staircase, but you didn’t hear them either. Nor did you notice the familiar figure that was now leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest, feeling that same terrible longing that had led him to you. Only when he cleared his throat did you shoot up into a sitting position. 
“Bellamy,” you whispered, eyes wide and full of new-found hope.
He didn’t say anything, just simply observed you. First, he noticed the sparse clothing on the bottom half of your body; his pants became the tiniest bit tighter. Then he saw your eager expression—even tighter. And then, his eyes found the fingers lying in your lap, coated in a shine that had his entire body pulsing.
The drying tears on your cheeks were a dead giveaway of the desperation you had for him. He tilted his head, insincere pity washing across his features that you knew was only meant to taunt you. “What did you do?”
Your mouth opened to speak but you couldn’t find the words. “I–I–”
He pushed off the doorway and slowly walked over to you, each step measured in regard to prolonging the time it took for the distance between you and him to close.
You moved onto your knees as he got closer.
Once he finally stopped beside the mattress where you were sitting, he peered down at you. “Just couldn’t wait, could you?”
His arms were doing that thing again where they bulged beneath his shirt. He was right in front of you, all you had to do was reach out and touch. So, you did. You reached for his arm, but he was quick to intercept, catching your wrist in his hand. He looked like he was holding back a smirk, but his scheming eyes revealed how he felt. Smug.
For a moment, he moved his attention to your hand, turning it side-to-side to watch the light catch on the wetness. His eyes returned to yours and it was suddenly impossible to guess what he was thinking. He gently began to pull you forward, guiding you off the bed and you let him, oblivious as to where he was taking you.
When your feet hit the ground, he led you towards the wall. What you had failed to notice when you first entered the room was that there was another pair of chains connected to a handcuff. Scratch what you had thought before—these people had a bigger kink problem than vanity. Before you even had a chance to think, the leather cuff was bound around both your wrists.
You looked up at Bellamy. “Wait, wha–what are you doing?”
He sat back on the edge of the mattress. “Giving you another chance to win.”
The game. You had almost forgotten.
Winning and losing were a foreign concept to your mind now. All you wanted was Bellamy and he knew it which was why he found teasing you so entertaining. You tugged on the chains, trying to reach out to him even though you knew it was useless.
“Don’t think that will work, princess.”
You stared at him, exhaling sharply. Frustration was quickly building, and you wondered how long it would take until you were in tears again.
He looked around the room as though he hadn’t a worry in the world.
“It’s kinda hot in here, don’t you think?” he asked, brows furrowed.
Then he was pulling his shirt over his head and you were sinking to your knees. That was just cruel. His entire torso was exposed now, from his well-defined abs and chest to his broad and muscular shoulders. So cruel.
Your head fell back against the wall. “Bell–”
“What were you thinking about?” he interrupted, arms crossed over his chest again. There was no material preventing you from watching his muscles expand, from seeing the crafted curves of his toned arms. “Before I came in.”
I was pretending it was you who was touching me, you thought of saying, but your voice failed you.
He leaned forward, forearms resting on his spread knees. Staring at you expectantly, he was quick to realise he wasn’t getting an explanation. He nodded as if to say, ‘I see how it is’.
“Was it my fingers…?” He began cracking his knuckles one finger at a time, gaining all of your attention. “Or was I inside you?”
Your walls spasmed at the thought and you sighed softly.
“Were you imagining what it would feel like to have me between your legs after so long?” You closed your eyes, listening to him put the images in your mind. “How good I can make you feel? How fast?”
Goosebumps spread all over your body, your skin tingling with anticipation. You heard the bedsheets ruffling. He had moved off the mattress, now crouched in front of you, but you didn’t dare to open your eyes.
“You know, I’ve been thinking about it too.” His voice was a low murmur now. “I can’t stop.”
He watched your eyes screw shut even tighter as he got closer. You looked like you were hurting, and he almost gave in, with heavy emphasis on the ‘almost’. Instead, he ghosted a finger across your collarbone. “I think about kissing you here.” He trailed up your neck. “Here.”
You could feel the air flexing between your lips and his finger, and you shivered. “And here.”
Your eyes slowly peeled open to see his face in front of yours. His dark eyes flickered between your own, peering deep into your soul which was entwined with him. He was already inside you without even touching you; he was inside your mind and under your skin. Your body was his and his body was yours. You loved him so intensely that whenever he fucked you, you forgot you were two different people instead of one.
To Hell with the challenge. To Hell with losing. He was your Heaven, and such torturous deterrents wouldn’t keep you away from the rapture he gave.
In a single move, you leaned forward and crashed your lips to his. Your body curved into him and he caught you with both arms, holding you upright against him. There was a split second before Bellamy responded as realised you finally gave in which meant he could too, and his lips began moving against yours. Just like the first kiss you shared on Eligius IV after waking up, this one was hungry, but that word sounded inadequate compared to what it really was. ‘Ravenous’ was more accurate.
You moaned into his mouth, your body feeling like it was coming alive.
His movements were intoxicating and so were the small sounds he made when he tried to fill his lungs with air. There was a rumbling in his chest, and he sounded almost primal. He brought a hand to the side of your head, fingers buried beneath your hair as he deepened the kiss, merging your lips with his.
Your bodies rocked backwards and forwards, your cuffed hands pressed against his chest meanwhile his were around your back and the other was in your hair. Bellamy’s hand moved to squeeze your waist and your mouth opened, giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue inside and meet your own.
He rolled his tongue over yours during one kiss, and the next, yours had asserted dominance. You swirled around him, tasting him, mixing with him. During the time you took to explore the inside of his mouth, the floor beneath you had disappeared and was replaced with his arms. Your back was against the wall and if he wanted to, he could have dropped you at his feet; you had no way of holding on except for your legs which were wrapped around his hips.
You returned the power to him for a few seconds only to then lightly bite down on his bottom lip. He let out a quiet groan and slowly drew back to press his forehead to yours. For a while, you both stayed like this, breathing in each other’s breaths with your eyes closed.
Everything around you began to spin, and your head felt euphoric as you used his air as your own. The sensation spread through your body, it coursed through your veins and you needed to move, to feel it come to life. Your hips bucked forward but he was quick to push back, pinning you against the wall with a small grunt. His erection pressed between your legs, but he didn’t move. Eyes snapping open, you sent him a pleading look. How much longer was he going to make you wait? You tried to move your cuffed hands between your bodies, but he held them to his chest with one hand.
You wiggled against him, but it was futile.
“Bell,” you almost sobbed. “Bellamy, please.”
He lifted a finger beneath your chin, watching your reddened lips whisper the word ‘please’. He watched your eyes water, tears threatening to spill over the edge. You begged him over and over, and he allowed you to. He let you humiliate yourself in the hopes that he would give you what you wanted. You had completely fallen apart, and now he was going to piece you back together.
“What do you want?” His thumb brushed across your lips.
“Just touch me,” you pleaded.
A few more moments passed of you both just staring at each other, and then it was like something finally snapped in his eyes. He set you down on your feet. At first, you thought he was going to sit back on the bed, and you nearly choked out an objection. That isn’t what happened.
Instead, he pressed another tender kiss to your lips, then to your jaw, your neck, and down your clothed chest. His hands moved down either side of your body as he sunk to his knees in front of you and trailed kisses across your exposed stomach.
Your breaths started coming out in shorter, shallower intervals as he moved further down.
His hands squeezed your hips as he kissed the skin below your navel, causing your eyes to nearly roll back then and there. Finally, he made it to just above the waistband of your underwear. Your chest was rising and falling rapidly now. So close. His hands moved onto your thighs and he leaned in, briefly pressing his warm lips to your thinly covered heat. A jolt of pleasure moved up your body and you gasped. You could feel it—him.
He glanced up at your impatient expression before pulling the underwear down your legs, lifting each foot until it was completely discarded. He eyed the soaking mess that you already were and licked his bottom lip. This was all because of him. His eyes found yours once more, this time wordlessly asking for access despite your obvious enthusiasm.
All you managed to get out was a frantic, “Please”.
And when his mouth finally found your clit, a tear fell from your eye.
Your bound hands fell on top of his head, tugging at the soft waves as his tongue delved between your folds and flicked across your clit. His warm hands moved to the backs of your thighs, burying his face even deeper, exploring you even further. He moved down to your opening, spreading his tongue flat against it and dragging up to collect the mess that you were already becoming. Once he had returned to your clit, his mouth suctioned, sucking with pressure that caused you to let out a cry.
It wasn’t long before you felt the ghost of your orgasm begin to slowly step into the white light. The muscles in your stomach were tensing and rubbing together, preparing for a release that they were guaranteed to have.
Your back arched off the wall as you felt Bellamy’s teeth softly graze against the most sensitive part of your clit. He circled the surrounding area, the nerves beneath your skin setting alight with pleasure under his tongue, burning you from the inside out. When he mumbled something against you, you could feel the vibrations of his voice bury itself deep inside you, and you couldn’t hold back the filthy moan that had been begging to escape.
He pulled back an inch, your hips unconsciously following him as he said, “You lose.”
His mouth returned to your heat, focusing his attention on your throbbing clit, switching between flicking it with his tongue and sucking it into his mouth.
“No,” you managed to breathe out. There was no way something like this could be called ‘losing’. You were the one who got to feel Bellamy’s mouth between your thighs, bringing you to an extreme state of ecstasy. You were the one who had him on his knees before you. “I win.”
He groaned at the sound of your voice and you felt the pleasure move up another level. Your legs buckled beneath you as you tried to grind on his tongue. He took that as a hint to haul one of your legs over his broad shoulder. Now you were another level higher. Your hips bucked against him, feeling almost like you were vibrating as he continued his movements.
Just when you thought the sensation couldn’t get any better, you felt his thick finger suddenly slide deep into your opening and curl. Another tear ran down your cheek and you gripped onto his hair as your head fell back against the wall. You couldn’t even moan; there was only a chorus of strangled noises leaving your throat. He pushed upwards into the soft fleshy wall inside you over and over at a fast and steady pace, and suddenly, you were on the edge of pure bliss, ready to dive into the consuming waters.
His mouth sucked on your clit, tongue circling its peak, meanwhile, he added another finger to pump inside of you.
“Fuck, Bellamy!” Your voice had risen an octave, all breathy and needy.
Like a heartbeat, you could feel yourself throbbing, pleasure building more intensely with each pulse. The muscles in your stomach were so tight it felt like they were being burned with a white-hot flame. Your insides were twisting and coiling and with every curl of his fingers, the feeling only intensified.
Bellamy glanced up at you from below, your eyes meeting in a short exchange.
It all happened so fast.
“I’m–” Before you could finish your sentence, you were shot back up into space, seeing stars.
Your legs tensed up, heel digging into his back as your body began to shake. The coil inside your stomach unravelled, exiting through your opening but not before aggressively rubbing at your insides on the way out. For a moment, you forgot where you were. All you knew was the release, the buzzing in your ears and the way your vision swayed through half-lidded eyes.
Bellamy’s name flowed past your lips like a mantra. He didn’t stop; he kept pumping, kept sucking, prolonging the sensation for as long as he could. Everything was pulsing—the air, his fingers, your pussy. Everything. You would’ve thought you had ascended to a higher dimension if it weren’t for the man beneath you.
You felt his mouth disconnect from your body, fingers still moving inside, although, his pace was beginning to slow and so was your orgasm. The feeling was fading away, leaving you with an overwhelming feeling of weakness in the lower half of your body. Bellamy could feel your legs shaking, so he slid his fingers out. You couldn’t hold yourself up anymore and the next thing you knew, your legs buckled, and you were collapsing to the ground
Bellamy caught you in his arms, pulling you into his lap. He watched your thighs tremble as aftershocks washed over you, creamy liquid dripping down your skin. Your furrowed brows, half-closed eyes, and parted lips were a sight to see; he’d never witnessed anything more beautiful in his life.
You peered up at him through your lashes, cuffed hands resting on your stomach, and you smiled. Then you laughed, and then he was laughing too. His chest vibrated against your skin. Your hands reached up to push back a strand of his hair from his face and suddenly you were kissing again.
He placed a hand on your back and guided you until you were sitting sideways on his lap. Your taste was on his tongue and you loved it. You felt it seep into your own tastebuds as you rewound back to when you came on his fingers. You used his chest as support to help swing your legs on either side of his folded thighs so that you were now facing him.
His hands ran down your sides, stopping at the hem of your shirt before pulling it up over your head, exposing your naked breasts to the warm air. Bras were impractical when you were Bellamy Blake’s girlfriend; he’d always find some way of removing them anyway. Hell, you wouldn’t have been surprised if he had burned all the ones you used to wear.
He lowered his head to your chest, hair tickling your neck as he began making it his mission to cover your breasts in bruises that marked you as his. Despite feeling like your ability to walk was eradicated, you could feel yourself craving more of him, more of his sex. As previously disclaimed, sometimes fatigue didn’t stop you two from going multiple rounds and this time wasn’t an exception.
If only your hands weren’t bound. You wanted to touch him the way he did you. You wanted him to feel the world disappear and be replaced with a mind-numbing sense of sinful pleasure. You wanted to give that to him, but you couldn’t. Your hands were cuffed, and he had the key.
“Uncuff me, Blake,” you whispered.
His head lifted from your breasts, reluctant eyes meeting your own. “Why should I?”
You rolled your eyes at his stubbornness and turned your head away from him, but he was quick to pull you back with two fingers on the side of your jaw.
“You still lost, remember?” he added.
As if you didn’t already know that. “That was not my definition of losing.”
It was his turn to roll his eyes and even though you were supposed to be in a minor disagreement, you couldn’t help but think about how fucking sexy he looked. You leaned forward, lips ghosting over his. “Uncuff me, Blake.”
His jaw clenched and he leaned in, but you quickly pulled away. His eyes narrowed at you and the smirk you were biting back. He had played the ‘humiliation game’ with you and now it was time for payback. Bellamy may have been the one with the keys, but it was you who now had the control.
“C’mon, we both know you’ll give in before me,” he said, arrogantly.
Always count on Bellamy to be egotistical, even in bed. Well, ‘on the floor’ would be more accurate.
“Is that so?”
“It is.”
You hummed, placing your restrained hands on his chest and slowly grazing them down his torso. When you reached his stomach, you made sure to slow down and drag your nails across his skin.
He inhaled sharply when your nails scratched the area above his pants’ waistband. “Very conceited for a boy who can’t even handle being touched.”
His chuckle came out as a harsh exhale. “‘Boy’?”
“A man would take these chains off me.”
“You think taunting me will get me to break?”
Provoking words wasn’t what was going to break him; you knew that. It was underestimation that was going to be his fall. When it came down to it, men were very simple creatures. They chased after pleasure like it was the one thing that kept them alive, and you knew each and every weakness this man had. He thought just because he won the game, he also won the war. Well, guess again. You were going to knock him right off his high horse.
Your fingers dipped into his waistband. His hand quickly clamped over one of your wrists, pulling it away from his pants. Not that it mattered; you didn’t need your hands. He held your hands in the space between your bodies, his chest rising a little more irregularly than before.
You leaned forward, tantalisingly slow. This time he made sure not to move a muscle, allowing you to do exactly what you wanted. Your mouth hovered in front of his and you could feel his warm breath fan across your lips. Softly, almost as if the moment had become sugary and sweet, you pressed a kiss to his lips, a tender closed-mouth moan buzzing in your throat upon contact. He responded with the same energy.
And then the mood abruptly shifted as you glided your tongue across his bottom lip.
You could feel his cock twitch beneath you, and you knew you were headed in the right direction. Grinding down on his lap, you managed to slip your tongue into his mouth as he grunted. One weakness down; four to go. Your tongue swirled around his with each open-mouth kiss, and he had no choice—you both knew he was having the time of his life—but to reciprocate since he had already given up that area of defence.
Your hips continued to rock back and forth across his lap, occasionally applying a bit more pressure in the hopes he would be triggered to move. He wasn’t. Yet. So, you left his lips and moved down to his neck, sucking and nipping at the skin. His head tilted to the side with a sigh, allowing you easier access. This spot was not your main target, though. Your kisses trailed up to his jaw, running along the sides and the curve of his jawline before dipping just beneath the area where his jaw and neck connected. That was one of his weak spots.
His next exhale was shaky, paired with the quietest of groans. Two down. Then you moved on to the next target: just below his ear. Your tongue grazed the area before you left your mark by sucking on his soft skin. He was louder this time and your confidence soared higher. Three; two to go.
He had let go of your wrists now, resting his hands on the curves of your hips with his eyes closed. So much for the whole my-willpower-is-stronger-than-yours dispute. You watched his face as you dragged yourself back and forth over his erection. His eyes screwed shut, brows pulling together, and his fingers pressing hard into the soft plush of your hips.
Come on. Come on, you thought.
“Let go, Bell,” you purred into his ear. Your entire body weight shifted onto his lap and you almost revealed the same weakness you were trying to pull from him. He was so incredibly hard now that it probably wasn’t even healthy. He would have to unchain you soon. And just to pour gasoline on an already roaring fire, you added, “I want to feel you inside me.”
That was it. He couldn’t deny himself the heaven you were giving anymore. His hips bucked up into you, creating a pseudo-sensation of sliding between your folds—an action that erupted a full-fledged moan from his lips, causing your inner walls to flutter and your stomach to drop.
Weak point four—check.
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath before suddenly snatching the knife from the holster on his belt and splitting the leather cuffs around your wrists.
And five. Check yes Juliet.
Wow. he couldn’t even manage to grab the keys.
Your hands were free at last, and you wasted no time in using them. They rushed down to unbuckle his belt and tossed it on the floor with a clink. Before you could continue any further, Bellamy rolled you over so that you were now lying caged beneath him. His lips came down on yours in a flurry of passion.
Now that you had full-body autonomy, you couldn’t help but explore every inch of him that you were once denied of touching. Your fingertips ran over his back, over the ridges of his shoulder blades, and around his large biceps. You wove your fingers into the roots of his hair and tugged just because you could.
He reached under the curve on your back, pulling your body up into his, your pelvis’ meeting in a rough collision. He was a mess of grunts and groans and you were quickly inhaling more air than you needed.
You moved a hand to his cheek to deepen the kiss as your touch explored his body further, slipping between your bodies and settling on unbuttoning his pants. Unzipping his flier with one-handed skill, your warm, soft hand slipped into his boxers, finally coming into contact with his hard cock.
His head fell to your chest with a broken moan.
Your fingers curled around him, beginning to stroke up and down his length. Bellamy had taken many of your firsts, including your first time so you had no one to compare him to. However, you were well aware that he was bigger than average. Even if he hadn’t been, you were certain he would satisfy you the same; he was just that good.
He managed to lift his head back up and return to your lips as your arm pumped up and down. His hips lurched forward as your grip increased. All he could think about was how good you were going to feel when it was your heat that was engulfing him, how wet and warm you always were.
Your hand reached the head of his cock, thumb rubbing circles over his tip as you felt drops of precum coat your fingertip. He was usually able to last a long time, just like you, but this was different. Everything inside him was built up for a century, and it would not take much until he was coming in your hand. You wanted him to reach that point as soon as possible.
You left pecks trailing from his mouth, across his cheek, and to the side of his jaw. The bone of his jaw fell victim to your grazing tongue as your pace increased along with the pressure of your grip. He was breathing heavily now, every second breath mixed with a low, breathy moan or grunt. You were throbbing just listening to the sounds he made.
A few curses left his mouth, revealing how close he was—that and the way his cock was practically pulsating in your hand. You twisted your hand with each stroke, effortlessly gliding your palm down his large veiny length. Your thumb grazed over the sensitive band of skin beneath the head of his cock, and his entire body flinched.
He was almost over the edge; all you had to do was give him a little push. Wanting to see his face one last time before you did, you leaned back, cradling his jaw in one hand whilst the other continued below. His eyes were shut, inner brows pulled upwards in a painfully blissful expression and strands of dishevelled dark hair had fallen across his forehead. God, he was gorgeous. What you wouldn’t give to…
No. You had your pleasure; now it was his turn. With each jerk and twist of your hand, your fingers ran over his tip then moved back down to lightly squeeze and repeat. You pressed one last peck to his lips before travelling to that spot below his ear, running your tongue over the skin and then sucked.
His cock twitched in your hand, stomach tensing against your forearm before he finally let go. He let out a loud guttural moan of your name, almost a cry, as he released onto both your hand and the inside of his pants. His head fell forward into the space between your neck and shoulder, groaning into your heated skin which sent vibrations down to your breast.
He remained in that spot for a few moments as you continued to slowly pump him up and down whilst pressing kisses to his shoulder. As he attempted to get his breath back, you removed your hand from his pants and moved both onto his back, lightly dragging your nails over his skin.
Now you were both even, but it was clear this was far from over.
Warm pants fanned across your face after he recovered enough to hover over your body. You were about to tease him for coming quicker than you did, but his tongue was suddenly in your mouth, rolling around your own. And then you felt it—he was already hard again.
That’s a lot of stamina for a hundred-and-fifty-one-year-old man.
He left your lips again and rose to his knees. His carnally intense eyes never left yours as he pulled both his pants and boxers down to his lower thighs. You watched as his cock sprang from his boxers and bounced off his toned stomach. Still looking good for a hundred-and-fifty-one-year-old man too. Extremely good. Like, actually drool-worthy good.
And it seemed he was thinking the very same thing.
“You’re so beautiful,” he spoke, almost like he couldn’t believe the fact himself before he descended back down to you, mouth hot on yours.
His hands were on the floor on either side of your shoulders, essentially trapping you beneath him. You loved how small he made you feel compared to him; almost like he could hold you in the palm of his hand like a little china doll. The treatment he gave you was also like that of a china doll—such a delicate and treasured touch. Though, there were times when he would practically throw you around like a rag doll, mostly when you were both deep in an intense fuck session.
The length of his cock glided over your stomach as he moved his body into each kiss. It was so close to where you needed it, yet still so far. Your legs curled around his hips in an attempt to guide him to your entrance, but he showed slight resistance. His tip was just pushing through your folds, sliding across with each movement he made. It was torture.
You pulled back from his lips, hands almost clawing at the sides of his chest. “Please, Bell, just–”
A gasp escaped you both as Bellamy finally pushed inside you in one fluid movement, his hips almost meeting yours as he filled you as much as your previously abstinent body allowed. Your walls welcomed him and the long-awaited feeling of his cock brushing against that back-arching spot deep within you. He hadn’t even moved yet, but your eyes were fluttering, and your throat was already tightening as you struggled to let out a moan.
Neither of you could do anything but struggle to keep your composure, waiting for the overwhelming heat of pleasure to subdue just the tiniest bit so your bodies could start moving without the world crashing down around you. After moments of stillness passed, Bellamy finally began to move, his pace slow but so, so deep. His gaze was intense as he found his rhythm, sliding almost completely out and then pushing himself back inside you. Fuck, the way your warmth consumed him was hypnotic.
It was kind of like the first time you had slept together those many years ago, minus the nearly unbearable pain when he first entered you, of course. It was intense yet still so full of adoration.
Your body soon grew accustomed to the feeling of his cock stretching you open, making room for him to bury even deeper, to feel your walls completely swallow him whole. That is when his pace started to increase. Your arms hooked around his biceps, bringing him closer as he continued his thrusts.
Not long passed before his hips were snapping against yours; he wasn’t just sliding in and out of you anymore—he was fucking you, pounding into you. Each time he buried himself deep, the area above his cock ground against your clit, stimulating you from the inside and out, so much that it was impossible to hold back a moan.
He moved a strand of hair away from your face, nodding his head as if to praise your vocalisation. The sight of him praising you for simply enjoying yourself as he fucked you was something that turned you on beyond belief. Not that you needed any more turning on at that point, but still, the reaction stood firm.
You wanted him deeper, in any way that was still physically possible.
And then, a sudden, lust-bound thought entered your mind and before you could even ponder it, you had used all your strength to roll yourself on top of his body. Now, his hands were on your hips, head thrown back on the floor and mouth hung open as you rode his cock.
“Oh, fuck!” Bellamy groaned.
Your hands were on his thighs as to hold up your half-reclined position and you were bouncing up and down, rolling your hips so you could feel him everywhere inside you.
A shudder ran down your body, peaking the nipples of your bouncing breasts. You swore you could almost feel him in your stomach. You shifted your body weight into your arms and pushed yourself upwards, sliding his cock nearly all the way out, circling your entrance around his tip before sinking back down to his base.
The both of you let out a synced noise of satisfaction.
His eyes followed each roll of your breasts in a trance, and then he cupped one in his hand, circling his thumb around your sensitive nipple. You gave Bellamy a smile, one that was so sweet and unintentionally seductive. He let out a half chuckle, half groan.
Your legs began to burn, a reminder of the experience you had with Bellamy’s tongue just before this. The way your clit was slapping against his pelvis each time you dropped mimicked the way his tongue had previously flicked and rolled around it. Your pace was beginning to slow, and your rhythm faltered, but you didn’t want the sensation to stop. Instead, you let yourself sink fully down on his cock, and your eyes rolled back. Ok, now he had to be in your stomach because there was no other explanation for the deepness you felt.
He was permanently in that spot that had blood rushing to your head, and with your hips rocking back and forth the way they were, your gut was throbbing with a build-up of ecstasy.
“I–” you panted. “I can’t hold myself up much longer.”
You squeezed his thighs, surely leaving behind red marks as you tried to push yourself up and down a few more times, pleasure and pain fuelling each of your repetitions. It was no use; your arms were trembling, and muscles were burning.
Bellamy was quick to your aid. “I’ve got you, princess, don’t worry.”
His hands moved to your back, pulling you forward, and colliding your breasts into his chest. Next thing you knew, he was pounding hard up into your pussy, his movements so fast you couldn’t even count the number of thrusts he made every five seconds, but it felt so good. So good that you almost screamed.
Your clit was throbbing, inner walls clenching around his unrelenting cock. You were hot, your body slick with sweat, but it wasn’t just that; there was also a fire pooling at the bottom of your abdomen, spreading through your muscles, through every fibre of your being and you didn’t want it to stop.
Bellamy’s arms were wrapped around your waist, rendering you immobile to each of his insatiable thrusts but it made you feel all the more incredible. He was hitting that soft, fleshy spot inside you over and over again, and you felt like you were going to burst. Your stomach was fluttering, his cock was pulsing inside you, and you were a mess of whines and moans.
“You feel–” he couldn’t even speak without releasing a rough moan. His arms tightened around you, mouth moving against your shoulder to say, “Feel so good.”
You couldn’t help but cry out at his words; he sounded so drunk on pleasure.
He began pressing rough kisses to your neck and the noises leaving your throat were utterly impure. His knees bent inwards, allowing him to thrust even faster into you. You were both overcome with desire, hellbent on chasing your release that was taunting you from the shadows. Bellamy seemed almost animalistic, sucking and biting at the skin of your neck whilst pounding into you from below.
Like always, he had made it so that you didn’t have to lift a finger, and he liked it that way. He was making you feel like you had slipped into heaven, and only he could do that. One of his many sources of joy was that your body only knew his cock, and it would forever only know his because that was how long he planned to love you.
You placed a hand on the floor beside his head, hovering your face above his. His eyes were quick to find yours as you gazed down at him.
In between each of his thrusts, you breathed out, “I–love–you.”
He looked so flustered, so puffed out. He was unable to repeat the words back without them sounding like a laboured breath of air so instead, he jerked forward and latched his mouth on the bone of your jaw, turning your skin red and purple.
Your head turned to the side to give him easier access only to unexpectedly come face-to-face with yourself being absolutely destroyed in the mirror’s reflection.
Well… It sure wasn’t a vanity problem these people had, you knew that now.
“Bellamy, look,” you gasped.
His entire body stilled at the sound of your voice and he eyed you with a worried expression. “Did I do something?”
“No,” you tilted his head with your hand so that he was looking at the mirror too. “I just…”
He didn’t need to hear more; Bellamy knew exactly what you wanted—to watch. Watch as his cock plunged in and out of your pussy, watch it curve into your entrance, watch your body bounce on top of his with each thrust. Damn, he’d wished either of you had noticed the mirror before so he could have watched you ride him from two point-of-views.
His gaze returned to you. “Hop off.” You were about to protest, but he beat you to it by clamping a large hand over your mouth. “Trust me.”
You gave him a puzzled, hesitant look but eventually submitted to his command, sliding off him and onto the hard marble floor. His body had left yours entirely, leaving you feeling cold and empty, inside and out.
It wasn’t long before he positioned himself to face the mirror, kneeling in front of it. He curled an arm around your waist and slid you across the floor towards him. Like a rag doll. He pulled you backwards onto his lap so that your back was almost against his chest and your thighs were spread open on either side of his.
“Lean back,” he said, and you did.
Your back was flush against him, and you could feel his racing heart reverberating in your ribcage. His arms wrapped around the space beneath your breasts and he pulled you upwards, supporting your weight, knowing you wouldn’t be able to hold yourself up.
“Ready?” he whispered into your ear as you watched him in the reflection.
You nodded, reaching around to rest a hand on the side of his neck.
He kissed your cheek and your eyes closed at the sweet act of affection. One of his hands moved beneath you as he guided himself to your entrance, his tip pushing against your wet folds. Bellamy watched over your shoulder, his eyes focusing on the way his cock teased opening.
He finally slid inside, and you instantly fell further against him. Muscles were very handy in this kind of situation. You were captivated—his length disappeared into your body and then returned almost to the tip, covered in a thin layer of both your juices. His movements continued over and over, but you never found yourself bored or wanting to look away. Neither did he.
Your lips parted with a moan when he abruptly took one hard thrust up into you. You looked up at your reflection, seeing the expression on your face, seeing your dishevelled hair… your bouncing breasts. Not that you would say it aloud, but you looked sexy. For a split second, you found yourself finally understanding the attraction Bellamy had to you, and then your mind was torn apart once again.
His speed increased and he was hitting your insides harder and harder with each passing second. You saw your thighs slightly jiggling and weren’t insecure or afraid of Bellamy noticing, but instead found yourself feeling even more turned on.
The room was full of sex—the sounds were wet and harsh, the smell of your pheromones clung to the wall, and the visuals were etched into the mirror in front of your bodies. It was beautiful.
You moved your gaze up to Bellamy’s eyes, seeing him just as captivated as you were, alternating between watching himself slip in and out of your pussy and watching your breasts recoil from each bounce. He then met your gaze, talking to you through unspoken communication. Though you were unsure of the specifics, you were certain he was telling you how much he loved you, how beautiful you looked with his cock inside you, how no one else could ever compare.
His tip repeatedly curved into your G-spot, the rest of his length rubbing against your walls, causing the flames in your stomach to start rising. Bellamy could see the fire in your eyes, and he was ready to turn it into a blazing inferno. He shifted his hold on you into one arm, reaching around your body with the other. His fingers found your clit, instantly applying pressure as he rubbed fast circles around it. That was the gasoline.
Your orgasm was no longer creeping up inside you, but rather rocketing to the surface. You were pulsing around Bellamy’s cock, driving him even closer to his own high. His hips were slapping the skin of your ass as they kept snapping upwards. His abs were more defined as the muscles in his stomach tensed up, trying to keep you upright whilst fucking into you and controlling the orgasm that was threatening to release. You always came before him. Always.
His fingers pressed harder into you, moving side-to-side. Your G-spot was being hit without mercy, only intensifying the pleasure you felt as he rubbed your clit. You alternated between holding your breath and letting out shallow, laboured breaths, signalling how close you were.
You could feel it, Bellamy could feel it—you were pretty sure everyone outside could feel it too, feel the powerful energy leaking from the house you were in. That is what it felt like. Powerful. And now it was about to take over your entire body.
“Bell, I’m gonna–”
“I know,” he panted. “Me too.”
Your hand fell over his, pushing down on it, applying more force even though you weren’t sure he could even press any harder. His hand was almost blurring in the mirror, and his cock was pounding. He was breathing so heavily against your back and into your ear that it sounded like he couldn’t even control the grunts and moans leaving his mouth anymore.
He circled your clit a few more times before your hand moved further down to the place you both connected. Your fingers found the area between his cock and your pussy, feeling him slide over your fingertips as he moved in and out. That was what sent you over the edge.
The blaze in your stomach exploded, sending sparks throughout your body. Your moans were uncontrollable, rebounding off every corner of the room. Your ears were buzzing with overwhelming silence, your vision partially blacked out and you felt so, so good. Tears were streaming down your cheeks, but you hardly noticed, unable to think about anything except Bellamy’s cock. You had ascended to a higher dimension and he was right there with you, endlessly pounding up into you, prolonging your mind-numbing high.
Feeling your walls clenching around him was all it took for Bellamy to fill you up with his come. His cock twitched, and the warm liquid came rushing out in spurts, coating your insides with white—with him. The thick warmth of your mixed juices leaked from your opening and dripped down his length. Your inner thighs were drenched.
His thrusts were sloppy and rough, desperate to keep the feeling coursing through his body as long as possible. The sounds he made were so guttural and raw that you weren’t sure if they made you come again or if they just prolonged the orgasm you were already having.
Somehow, in the midst of both your highs, you had ended up on the floor, partially laying on each other whilst frantically gulping down air.
You couldn’t move. One of your legs was tangled between his, and one arm was thrown across his chest. Your breasts were pressed against the hard ground, head turned to the side facing Bellamy. Everything was shaking, or maybe it was just your entire body uncontrollably quivering. Even your pussy was still clenching, causing you to flinch with each fraction of a movement it made.
Bellamy had a forearm over his eyes, panting heavily; his other arm was still wrapped around your waist.
The both of you just lay there for a few minutes, not talking, not moving, just recovering. Eventually, Bellamy gained back enough strength to speak.
“We didn’t even make it to the bed,” he chuckled.
You then realised you were both literally lying naked on a stranger’s bedroom floor and laughed. “We would’ve ruined the sheets anyway.”
“Probably,” he sighed, contently. He pulled you further onto his chest, bringing your face to nuzzle into his neck. He pressed a kiss into your hair. “I love you too, princess.”
You smiled into his skin, remembering the declaration you previously made. Tilting your head up and resting your chin on his chest, you stared up at him, eyes full of reverence. He peered down at you with a grin, and then his lips were on yours again, soft and slow; so tender that you–
“Oh, come on!”
You both pulled apart at the sudden new voice. In the doorway stood a very irritated Murphy. He seemed too shocked—more like too horrified—to even look away.
Bellamy ripped a blanket from the edge of the mattress and pulled it over your body. “Murphy, I swear to god I’m gonna kill you! Get out!”
“Oh my god!” he shouted in response. “I can’t catch a fucking break around here!”
His voice echoed down the staircase as he fled the building. Someone probably needed to find him a shrink after the number of times he had walked in on you both. He had made it back outside, returning to the rest of the group, though not far enough away for you to miss his very loud complaints.
“Where are the damn carnivorous bugs when you need them?!”
“What’s wrong?” you heard someone ask him.
“What’s wrong? They’re fucking animals, that’s what’s wrong!”
You turned back to face Bellamy, grinning in a daze. “I’ll say.”
Bellamy smirked, humming in agreement as he rolled back on top of you.
It was hard to say how many more rounds you went. The only time you stopped was when your bodies were screaming for a break, and during that time, all you could think was thank god for contraceptive implants.
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your-girl-nina · 26 days
Jegulus is the most pathetic ship I've ever seen, and it honestly makes me cringe. James and Regulus? Please. They have zero chemistry, and it's clear the only reason people ship them is to watch two emotionless guys who can't even hold a conversation pretend they’re in love. And the girls who write this garbage? Get a grip. Do you really think anyone cares about your fantasy of two dudes who wouldn’t even give each other the time of day? Maybe it's time to step away from your fanfics and get a reality check. Find a better hobby than projecting your bland, unrealistic fantasies onto characters who deserve so much better.
Congratulations on being the first hater to stump me while thinking about how to reply. 🎉🥳👏
On today's episode of "will this scare the haters away" we have this beautiful piece of shit that thinks the girls are ruining the fandom. 😱shocker! How nice of you🤍. So i of course had to thank your generous message by writing smut specifically tailored to your desires. Keep sending me ideas please, i really appreciate it. Enjoy!! 🥰😘
James sat behind his drum set, sweat trickling down the side of his face as he pounded out a rhythm. The rehearsal studio was hot and stuffy, the air conditioning on the fritz again. But that wasn't what had him all worked up.
Across from him, Regulus plucked at the strings of his bass with a focus that James found all too distracting. His dark hair hung in his eyes as he leaned forward, and James couldn't help but watch the way his fingers moved over the instrument. It was mesmerizing.
"James, c'mon man, keep it together," Sirius called out from where he was strumming his guitar on the other side of the room. "We've got to nail this song before tonight's show."
James tore his gaze away from Regulus and refocused on his drums. He tried to block out everything else and concentrated on hitting each beat with precision.
As they played through their setlist, James found himself stealing glances at Regulus whenever he could get away with it without messing up. He wasn't sure if it was just him, but there seemed to be some sort of tension in the air whenever they were near each other.
It wasn't like they talked much outside of band-related things. In fact, their interactions were mostly limited to nods and brief discussions about music or upcoming shows. But lately, it felt like there was something more between them—something unspoken.
Finishing up their rehearsal, they took a much-needed break before getting ready for their gig that night. James grabbed a bottle of water and collapsed onto one of the worn-out couches in the corner of the room.
Marlene plopped down next to him with a grin. "You guys sounded great today," she said, taking a swig from her own water bottle. "I think this show is going to be amazing."
James smiled at her comment. Marlene was always so supportive, and it meant a lot to him. "Thanks, Marly. I hope you're right."
She nudged his shoulder playfully. "Of course I am. Plus, you and Regulus have been extra... intense lately. The crowd is going to eat it up."
James frowned in confusion. "Intense? What do you mean?"
Marlene rolled her eyes at his obliviousness. "I mean the sexual tension between you two could cut through steel."
James sputtered, nearly spitting out his water. "What? No way! We're just... focused on the music, that's all."
Marlene raised an eyebrow at him in disbelief, and he could tell she wasn't buying it.
"Okay, maybe there's a little bit of tension," he admitted with a blush.
"A little bit?" Marlene laughed. "Trust me, Jamesie-boy, the fangirls have noticed too. There are whole fanpages dedicated to your 'forbidden love' or whatever they're calling it these days."
"What? Are you serious?" James asked, feeling a mix of embarrassment and curiosity.
"Deadly serious," Marlene replied with a smirk. "In fact, I may have stumbled across some smut about you two on a fan fiction website."
James's eyes widened in disbelief. He couldn't believe that people were writing explicit stories about him and Regulus.
"Wait, really? Can I see it?" he blurted out before he could think better of it.
Marlene chuckled and pulled out her phone from her pocket. She quickly navigated to the website and sent the link to James before leaving the mostly empty studio.
Scrolling through the page, he couldn't help but feel both mortified and aroused by what he was reading. The descriptions were so vivid and detailed—painting a picture of what it would be like if they actually acted on all that pent-up tension.
He was so engrossed in the story that he didn't notice Regulus walking over until he cleared his throat awkwardly. James looked up, his face flaming with embarrassment.
"Uh, hey," he mumbled, not sure what to say. How do you explain that you were reading smut about yourself and your bandmate?
Regulus just raised an eyebrow at him, his expression unreadable. "Enjoying the fanfiction, are you?"
James scrambled for an excuse. "I, uh... Marlene showed it to me. As a joke."
Regulus's lips quirked up into a small smile. "Right."
They stood there in an awkward silence for a moment before Regulus spoke again.
"I mean, if you're into that sort of thing... maybe we could make it a reality."
James's eyes went wide at his words. Was Regulus really suggesting what he thought he was? Or was this some sort of cruel joke?
Before he could say anything, Regulus stepped closer and trailed a finger lightly down the side of James's neck.
"I've noticed the way you look at me when we're onstage," he said softly, his gray eyes filled with heat. "And I can't deny that there's something between us—something that needs to be explored."
The air around them crackled with electricity as James processed his words.
"Do you want this?" Regulus asked, his voice low and rough with desire.
"Yes," James breathed out without hesitation.
That was all the confirmation Regulus needed before he crashed their lips together in a searing kiss. It was everything James had imagined and more—hot and demanding as their hands roamed over each other's bodies.
Pushing him back against one of the soundproofed walls, Regulus attacked James's neck with bites and kisses that left him shuddering with pleasure.
"Fuck, Reg," he moaned as Regulus ground his hips against him. He could feel how hard they both were, and it was driving him insane with need.
Regulus's hands fumbled with the button on James's jeans, quickly pulling them down along with his boxers. His eyes darkened with lust as he took in James's naked form.
"God, you're even more beautiful than I imagined," he said, his voice filled with a mix of awe and desire.
James would have blushed at the compliment if not for the way Regulus's mouth wrapped around his cock at that very moment. His head fell back against the wall as waves of pleasure coursed through him.
Regulus bobbed his head up and down, taking him in deeper with each stroke. His tongue swirled around the tip before sucking hard, and James knew he wasn't going to last much longer.
"Reg... I'm gonna..." he warned, but it was already too late. He came hard down Regulus's throat with a cry of ecstasy.
Regulus licked him clean before standing up and capturing his lips in a bruising kiss. James could taste himself on Regulus's tongue, and it only made him want more.
He reached between them and palmed Regulus through his jeans, feeling just how desperate he was for release.
"Let me touch you," James whispered against his lips, needing to feel every inch of him.
Regulus nodded eagerly and stepped back to let James undress him. As soon as he was naked, James took a moment to admire the sight before him—muscles toned from hours of playing music, pale skin that practically glowed in the dim light, and a thick cock that was dripping pre-come at the tip.
Unable to resist any longer, James wrapped a hand around Regulus's length and stroked slowly from base to tip. He was rewarded with a low groan that sent shivers down his spine.
Moving closer, James kissed and licked a trail down Regulus's chest, swirling his tongue around each hardened nipple before dropping to his knees. He could smell how aroused Regulus was, and it only made him crave him more.
Taking him in his hand once again, James ran his tongue along the slit at the top. Regulus's hips bucked forward at the sensation, urging him to take more.
Opening his mouth, James took as much of Regulus as he could, hollowing out his cheeks as he bobbed his head up and down. His moans filled the air around them, spurring James on to go faster.
Regulus's fingers threaded through James's hair, holding him in place as he fucked into his mouth with abandon. The wet sounds of their combined arousal filled the room, driving them both closer to the edge.
"James... I'm gonna..." Regulus gasped out brokenly, but before he could finish, James felt the salty taste of come exploding onto his tongue. He swallowed every drop as Regulus rode out his orgasm with a series of curse words and aftershocks.
They stayed like that for a moment—breathing heavily as they came down from their highs—before James stood up and pulled Regulus into a passionate kiss that left them both dizzy with want.
"I need to be inside you," Regulus said against his lips, his voice rough with need.
James nodded eagerly and reached for one of the discarded backpacks on the floor. He dug through it until he found what he was looking for—a small bottle of lube that Remus had insisted they keep on hand just in case.
Handing it over to Regulus, James watched with anticipation as he slicked up his fingers and circled one around James's entrance. It felt so good that he couldn't help but push back against it, silently begging for more.
Regulus took the hint and added another finger, scissoring them open to prepare him. The stretch burned slightly, but it was a good kind of pain that had James practically dripping with anticipation.
Once he deemed James ready, Regulus coated his cock with lube and positioned himself at his entrance. He looked up into James's eyes for permission, and when he nodded, he slowly pushed in.
They both gasped at the sensation—feeling so right in a way that James never could have imagined. It was a perfect fit as Regulus filled him up completely with each thrust.
As they found a rhythm together, their moans mingled in the air around them. The room was filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin and their heavy breathing as they moved as one.
James reached down to stroke his own cock in time with Regulus's thrusts, needing that extra bit of stimulation to send him over the edge. His fingers danced across his sensitive tip, driving himself closer and closer to release.
Regulus's hips snapped forward with each thrust, hitting that sweet spot deep within James that had him seeing stars. He was so close—so fucking close—and he could tell by the way Regulus's grip tightened on his hip that he was too.
"Come for me," Regulus growled out, his voice low and husky with desire. "I want to feel you come apart beneath me."
The words sent shivers down James's spine as he gave himself over to the pleasure coursing through him. His orgasm hit him like a tidal wave—spilling over until all he could see and feel was Regulus—the man who made him feel more alive than anyone else ever had or ever would.
With a final thrust, Regulus followed suit—coming hard inside of James as waves of ecstasy washed over him. He collapsed forward, their bodies pressed together in a tangle of sweaty limbs and racing hearts.
They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity—coming down from their highs and basking in the afterglow of their newfound connection.
Eventually, Regulus pulled out and they cleaned up as best they could with the limited supplies they had. There was so much James wanted to say—to ask—but he wasn't sure where to even begin.
Thankfully, he didn't have to. As he started to get dressed again, Regulus grabbed his hand and pulled him into a bone-melting kiss that said everything that needed to be said.
When they finally broke apart, James couldn't help but smile. They still had a show to do that night—and who knew what would happen afterwards—but for now, he was content just being here with Regulus in this moment. And somehow, he had a feeling it was only the beginning.
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vibratingskull · 8 months
Hello hello! happy new year 🎊🎊🎊!!! I was just wondering if you could do a part two to the stranded fic you wrote for Thrawn (totally optional ofc ignore this if you want‼️‼️‼️) I think it would be interesting to see the aftermath of their relationship like are they rescued or not? If they're not do they just say fuck it let's start a family? If so do they eventually get discovered by the rebels/empire (sort of like the plot for Ahsoka ig???) And they're like yo look at me and my family haha fuck y'all I'm not going back to civil society I love my partner and our children! (If you can't tell I have been thinking about this situation for ages it's making me go crazy with the possibilities) Your fics feed my soul tbh I'd actually die for your writing I go feral when you update the JC series or just post something in general 💞💞💞 (idk how to end this lmao I barely request stuff LMAOOOO idk if I'm even doing it right 😭) (also feel free to make it as horny as you want you can literally make it the sexiest of smut or just make it completely cute and tooth rottingly sweet!!!!!) (Again ignore this if it's something you're not interested in or if it breaks a rule or something!!!!!!)
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw thank you love ❤️Happy new year to you too❤️Thank you for your support, my dear. I hope you will love this one too❤️
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Part 1
Tag : Non descriptive birth, cunni, P in V, creampie
You open your eyes, your face bathing in a ray of sun. It is already quite hot outside, but the hut retains the freshness of the night quite well. You rise in a seating position, on your mattress of hay and palm tree leaves in a sheet of linen. Next to you Thrawn’s spot is cold already, he must be awake for some time now. You wince as your baby hits your tummy.
“I’m sorry darling, you must be hungry.” You gently caress your swollen stomach. “I will find something for us to eat.”
You stand up on your feet, a little bit unbalanced by your pregnant stomach and head for the main place. You wave at your neighbors that go around their business, greeting you in return.
A month after escaping the cannibal village you crossed paths with another alien species, beings you can at best described as frog people with their globulous eyes and slimy greenish skin, but full of kindness and a strong community sense. They welcomed you in their village, feeded you and soothed your wounds, and contrary to the cannibal village Thrawn did not detect any ill intent or habits in their art. He analyzed that they were former peaceful wanderers of the universe that crashed on the planet like you did millennia ago. In fact, the village is right next to the destroyed carcass of the ship that brought them here, the survivor took everything useful from the ship and built a new community.
They now speak a bastardization of Basic, permitting you to communicate with them quite well, even if there are still some mishaps here and there. You came to discover the cannibals took them regularly for preys and they had the greatest difficulties at repelling them, their former peaceful ways led to a more armed culture but they are still not efficient soldiers. That’s when Thrawn intervened. He trained with their warriors to get used to their different weapons and tactics and convinced the chiefs to let him lead their warriors on the next attack. 
And he did.
For the first time in the millenia of conflict between the two species the frog people didn’t lose any lives or children to the cannibals. The party that followed that night was grandiose and flashy, the frog people warmly thanked Thrawn and offered you both to stay at the village.  
You accepted, given they weren’t murderous cannibals. Thrawn pondered the question longer, still focused on the possibility of finding a way to come back to the Empire.
There wasn’t.
The frog people spreaded all around the globe of that planet and established colonies on all the continents and kept a tight diplomatic bond between each colony. The chiefs proposed you remain in the village to relax for while they sent messages to the other colonies to ask them. You have been in the village for some weeks now but Thrawn decided he would go to meet the other colony and have the chance to ask for himself. And you would not let his politically incompetent ass go anywhere alone unless you wanted him to create chaos, so you decided to go with him. But the morning of your departure you started puking and couldn’t walk without feeling weak so Thrawn carried you bridal style to the healer of the tribe, deciding to postpone his travel until you knew what was going on.
And you didn’t have to wait long.
After examining your body and checking your hormonal balance with some reactives plants the healer determined that you were pregnant! You had a moment of silence, brain frozen, taking in the news and asked for other tests to be conducted immediately, she obliged, and ended up with the same results. Thrawn wasn’t in the hut, politely waiting outside while she examined your body.
You were at a loss of words. A multitude of contradicting emotions raging in your brain and heart.
You were pregnant? Chiss and humans are compatible?
How would Thrawn react? How should YOU react? It was one thing to share a night of passion with your enemy turned ally while you were stranded, carrying his child and heir was a complete other matter!The healer noticed your clear lack of enthusiasm and asked if you wanted to terminate the pregnancy now.
You had no words. Should you do it? Should you not? How would your comrades react at the sight of you bearing the child of the Grand Admiral Thrawn?
Should you even tell him? If you took the preparation she was handing you and terminated the pregnancy in its early stage, was it even worth informing Thrawn?
You decided that yes.
It was.
You called for him and he entered the hut, kneeling down next to you he gently put a strand of hair out of your face with his fingers in a reassuring gesture. You smiled at him gently and warned him to stay seated for the news. He turned to the healer, squinting his eyes in concentration and maybe some worry.
“Is it a dangerous illness?” He asked, “Is her life at risk?”
“Her life is at risk, but not by an illness. This is simply the circle of life.”
He tilted his head, clearly not understanding the healer's words. You took his hand and squeezed it, looking at him in the eyes.
“Thrawn…” You started, deadly serious, “I am pregnant.”
He fully turned to you in complete silence, his eyes barely rounding up in surprise, his control remaining total. Will you one day be able to surprise this man?
He remained mute for a full minute, eyes fixed in yours, before opening his mouth.
“Do you want this child?” Was his only question, his only worry.
“I… Do not know.” You confessed. “What if we find a way to go home?”
“I would not impose you to follow me in the Empire’s ranks.”
“Then could I deprive this child of their father? Could I tell them their parents are mortal enemies?”
“Maybe you could send them to me.” He proposed.
“And have them in the Imperial system? Out of the question! My child will not be an imperial pawn!” You exclaimed resolutely.
“I could send them to the Ascendancy.” He proposed again.
You pondered that possibility. You live a dangerous life made of battles and combats, constantly on the run. Thrawn has more stability, but you will not make your child and Imperial citizen, they will be free and nothing else. Sending them to the Ascendancy, to Thrawn original worlds however… might be their best chances. He talked to you about it for long hours, revealing to you his memories, maybe… Maybe this is the best you could offer that child.
Of course it would mean being separated from your own flesh and blood, but the life you would give them isn’t a life for a child.
“That’s a good idea.” You finally nod. “It would be a more stable environment for them.”
Thrawn squeezed your hand approvingly in response
“But do you even want this child?” You raise your head to him, “We never talked about it. We don’t even know what we are.”
Since that night you shared, you didn’t leave each other's side, living, sleeping, bathing together, just spending the days hand in hand. But you are not in a regular situation, is a relationship started in such extreme conditions as of a crash a stable basis for a healthy couple? Do the standard relationships apply to you? So far away from all laws and civilization do putting a label on your situation even make sense?
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
“You are the one carrying the embryo, you have the final word. But if you ask me : yes. I want that child.”
But you are still unsure. Are you ready to be a mom? Delivery in those conditions could be incredibly dangerous for you and the baby, what about infections, complications? The frog people kept some techniques and technology from when they still traveled the universe but a lot of machinery simply died for lack of energy source or repair pieces. Could you give birth away from the comfort and security offered by a hospital?
The healer took the powder and poured it in an envelope that she handed to Thrawn.
“Take the time to think about it.” She simply said, giving you a bay to eat to help with nausea.
You exited the little hut in silence, the envelope pressed against your chest. Thrawn circled your shoulders with his arm.
“We need to talk.” He said very seriously, “Let’s put you to bed, first.”
He guided you to your hut and helped you lay down, putting the traveling gear in one corner of the room.
“I am sorry.” You breathed, “I’m slowing you down.”
“No need for excuses. You are forgiven.” He responded by coming back to you, kneeling at your side.
He put his hand on your forehead to take your temperature very delicately.
“Are you comfortable?” 
You nod, the nausea slowly subsiding. He remains silent for a long moment, only caressing your forehead, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. But he is never lost, merely reorganizing his brain like a computer.
“What?” you asked with a little voice.
“Nothing.” He said.
“You are fixing me so intently.”
“I am simply thinking, I thought about what you said: “We don’t even know what we are”.”
You purse your lips. It’s true you said that.
You were content about what you had all this time but the prospect of a child put everything into perspective and demanded clarifications.
“I am not wrong. We never really discussed about us, just lived in the present moment.” you argue.
“You are right, it was not a criticism.” He tampers with his deep melodious voice, “Were you happy during those times?”
“Yes.” you confess.
“Me too.” he admits too, “Do you envision yourself pursuing this relationship seriously?”
“I… Is this what you want? We talked about keeping seeing each other and all that, but… Does being a couple make any sense here? Does going official have any weight in our situation?”
“To me it does.” He tilted his head, “I want to be with you. Live with you, build a family with you.”
“And when we get rescued?” You ask, “You didn’t renounce that possibility. What then? We go our merry way, tearing the family apart?”
“I am afraid we will be blocked here for some time.” He responded, “If we ever get rescued.”
You frowned.
“You think there is a risk we stay stranded here?”
“This is a possibility to keep in mind.” He ominously said
You sighed, suddenly exhausted. You closed your eyes, trying to clear your mind.
“Do not take the medicine, please.” You suddenly heard him murmuring so low you almost doubted you heard him.
You reopen your eyes to look at him interrogatively.
“I want this baby. I want to be a father. I want to live with you and see our children grow. Leave me a chance to prove to you I am worth it.” He said, looking into your gaze with sparkly eyes.
His tone was assured and affirmative but you saw so much hope in those red eyes, all the dreams he had to leave behind when he became a Grand Admiral, he could live them here. He could restart anew, fresh,  become the man he dreamed to be deep inside himself.
You raised in a seating position with a grumble.
“I do not doubt your worth, nor your capacities to be a father, but… There is so much uncertainty, so much fog… I cannot take that decision carelessly.”
“I understand your doubts and difficult position. And whatever you do, I will respect your choice. But, if I may tell you my opinion, again, please do not take the medicine. I will be here for you and the child, I want us to live all together. As a family”
“I will think about it…” You clench your fist around the envelope.
“Of course, Cha’cah.” He leaned forward to capture your lips in an infinitely soft kiss that you would have never believed him capable of, “The final choice is yours only.”
He caressed your cheek, kissed your forehead and left you alone to nap and gather energy.
You didn’t sleep, a headache threatened you all day long. And as usual, when night came you felt his arms wrapping around your form, tighter this night. You were pressed against his broad chest, his warm body, shielding you from the rest of the world.
You never took the medicine.
You pondered it during long weeks before one day standing still in front of Thrawn and handing him the envelope.
“Get rid of it.” you simply said.
He looked at the envelope, squinting, before grasping your arm and pulling you in a tight hug.
“Thank you.” He murmured, nose buried in your hair.
And that is how you ended up giving birth to your daughter. A healthy little girl in a rush to come into the world.
You woke up in the middle of the night like someone stabbed your womb before realizing your waters broke. Thrawn, awakened in a flash, helped you to the healer and she woke up all the women of the village, all came in the middle of the night to help. A birth is a matter of the entire community here.
They helped you to get rid of your tight clothes and enter a bath, trying to help you relax and relieve any tension. Thrawn was pushed outside the hut unceremoniously at first, “it is a women’s affair only.” They said to him, you don’t know what he responded but he was finally authorized to stay after a back and forth. He came to your side and took your hand, circling your shaking shoulders with his long arm.
“You got this, Cha’cah. I know you can do it.” He praised and supported you.
He talked to you during the whole process, taking your mind off the pain, kissing your temple, squeezing your hand.
Until finally, you heard her first scream.
She was as blue as him, with the same red eyes, but she inherited your hair. You immediately took her in your arms, still shaking and full of sweat but so relieved and happy.
Your little baby.
Your daughter.
Thrawn cut the umbilical cord with the fang dagger he gave you and came to your side to admire his daughter, delicately caressing her head still full of blood.
“She looks like you.” You say out of breath and the heart spilling love.
“Indeed. But she has your features. She will be as beautiful as you.”
He hugged you both like you could vanish at any second.
“Welcome to the world, little one. I love you so much.” He murmured, taking her in his large hands.
“What should we call her?” You ask. “We should pick a Chiss name.”
He looked at you with a hint of surprise and gratitude.
“What do you think of… Thaishi?” He proposed with a thin smile, eyes fixated on the baby.
“Taishi… Little Thaishi.” You make the name roll on your tongue, “I like it a lot.”
“Welcome Thaishi. My daughter.” He let out still incredulous, but the love and warmth was unmistakable in his voice. He immediately initiated skin-to-skin contact, trying to appease your daughter’s cries before the healer took her to examine her.
It was four years ago.
Thaishi speaks and sprints everywhere now, she is unstoppable, making you run after her all day long under Thrawn’s amused loving gaze. 
She is already at the buffet this morning when you arrive at the center of the village. The frog people cook for the community and not for individuals, hunt together, fish together, gather together and they eat all together. But today is not your day to cook so you slept late.
You caress Thaishi’s head who doesn’t even take the time to sit with others to eat, she just picks what she wants and eats it immediately. She looks up to you with her mouth full, making her look like a hamster.
“Go sit with the kids, little terror.” You kiss her forehead.
She picks up three other fruits and runs to the kiddos and sits with them.
“(Y/n), we could have brought the food to your hut!” The lady in charge of the cooks today chastises you.
“No, it’s better if I come to eat with everyone.” You respond with an appeasing smile, “Did you see Thrawn this morning?”
“He was out hunting with the youngs early, they should… Ah! Talk about the wolf!”
You spin on yourself, your plate in hand, to see the hunters entering the village with their games. Thrawn stands out with his deep blue skin against their green ones, you notice him immediately. Everyone comes to them to inspect the meat and congratulate the hunters.
“How is my wife this morning?” Thrawn asks, pulling you in his arms immediately.
You giggle as he presses you against his large body, your pregnant belly in the way. He leans forward to kiss you tenderly and then kneels to caresses your belly with enamored red eyes.
You feel your baby giving a kick against his palm.
“They are full of energy.” He notes satisfied.
“Thaishi is too! I have trouble containing her sometimes.”
“Thaishi, listen to your mother.” Thrawn takes his daughter's shoulder in his hand, “It is important to obey adults, young one. We do it for your protection.”
“But I can’t help it, I want to run and jump everywhere!” She responds with her mouth full.
“Young lady, your table manners are lacking. We need to correct them.” He boops her nose.
She gulps her bite down and smiles at him with all her teeth.
“Go play, we will study Cheuhn later.” He smoothes her hair and pushes her gently towards the kids.
You both look at her running again to her comrades, the only blue skin and red eyes in the green and globulous eyes. 
You sigh, the heart so full of love it could explode any minute now, when you feel Thrawn arms circling your shoulders.
“She’s four already.” You let out.
“Yes. She is growing quickly.”
“I feel like I gave birth to her yesterday and now look at her… Running all over without losing her balance. Maker… Tomorrow she will be a fully grown adult.”
“She will not, do not worry. She will remain our little lady whatever happens.”
You glance at him with a little grin.
“Are you becoming sentimental, Thrawn? What’s happening to my tough warrior?”
He chuckles lowly in response, amused.
“I have always been sentimental since she was a baby. Do not tell me you never noticed?”
“Oh I did notice! It was quite endearing to see you melt before her by the way! Seeing your facade cracking before your own baby…” You lay your head on his shoulder, caressing his cheek. “You have a good heart, Thrawn.”
“When it comes to you three, I always do.” He puts a hand on your tummy “What did the healer say yesterday?”
“They are growing quickly and well. I gained plenty of weight, my hormones are balanced and she didn’t notice anything wrong.”
“Yes, but she doesn’t have the correct equipment, so much could escape her.” He argues, suddenly frowning.
“Thrawn… Women have been giving birth here in those conditions for a millenia! So much they spread all over the continents, their death rate is really low. She knows her stuff.” You comfort him, holding his cheeks in your hands.
He slowly nod.
“You are right, as always.”
“I already gave birth, I can do it. I know I can.” You insist.
He kisses your palms delicately.
“I trust you, Cha’cah.”
“Good.” You raise on tiptoes to brush your nose with his. “Did you eat this morning?”
“I did, right before the hunt.” He squeezes your hand, “I will be on the ship if you need me.” 
He kisses your forehead and grabs and carries Thaishi on his shoulders making her scream laughing among the children. 
You go back with the others, sitting on your ankles, observing your husband and daughter as you eat your fruits. Your minds start wandering back to the night you wed Thrawn, you remember being in his arms, heavily pregnant with Thaishi, laying on your mattress. He was caressing your hair as your cheek was pressed against his chest, listening to his beating heart.
“We should get married.” He suddenly said in the dark of the night.
“Why?” you asked, yawning.
“We have a baby on the way. We should do it for them.”
“For them? Not because you’re so in love with me you could feel your heart explode?” You tease him with a light laugh.
“Do you doubt my love?”
“No Thrawn, I was simply joking. I do not doubt you.” You brush your cheek on the skin of his pec to reassure him.
Something you picked up on is Thrawn's low self esteem, or rather poor view of his own person. You realized it listening to him talk about his time in the Ascendancy, he measures his self worth though his capacity to serve and obey his people, completely ignoring his innate value as an individual being. He thinks of himself as a tool, a cog, in the great scheme of things. Just a usable asset to throw away once he has served his purpose. And maybe the most terrifying thing in this situation is that he was contented by this. To him he isn’t deserving of respect and love if he fails his duties. It is a completely normal situation to him, something he has internalized and never questioned.
So he didn’t understood you throwing yourself at him to hug him tight and reassuring him that you loved him. He stayed still, like frozen, listening to you declaring your love to him so suddenly he had nothing to say, maybe a bit shocked.
From this day on you took care to tell him everyday that you loved him, hugging and kissing him, showering him with your love, proving to him that whatever flaws he had or whatever failures he may have committed, he was worthy of unconditional love.
“I love you, (y/n). It is a fact that I cannot deny. When I realize you are in my presence, my heart tightens. When you speak, my heart seems to jump. When you are in my arms, it races. I daresay those symptoms point to love.”
“I know, my love.” You grazed your finger on his chest, “I love you all the same. I am truly at ease and relieved when you are at my side. I worry when I do not feel your presence.”
He took your hand to kiss your knuckles.
“I will not leave you. I am whole and appeased only with you.” 
You raised your head to kiss his jaw tenderly.
“I want to tie my legacy to yours, be a family.” He continues. 
You looked intently at his laying form silently.
“Because you miss yours?”
He remained silent and his gaze fixed on the ceiling seemed to harden.
“There is no need to hide it, love. It is natural to long for the presence of your family, whoever you are. It means you have a heart and a home to go back to.”
“I have a duty towards them. I will not go back to them until it is done.” He finally said with a hard tone.
It wasn’t directed against you, you knew it, it was simply a testimony of his resolution.
“So you truly want it?” You questioned gently.
“It would fill my heart with bliss if you bestowed yourself to me.” He confessed with a tone of  confidence, caressing your cheek.
“If you promise to love me for all eternity, I accept to be yours.” You said.
He kissed your knuckles again before putting your hand on his beating heart.
“For all eternity, Cha’cah. You have my word.”
You lowered yourself and kissed his lips gently, he responded lasciviously, deepening the kiss.
He stood up, helped you rise on your feet and you sneaked away in the night to the Chiefs hut like children who would have stolen a cookie jar. The chiefs performed the ceremony according to their traditions and you were married to Thrawn.
To your Grand Admiral.
And him to his Rebel.
You shared the decisive kiss with the chiefs benedictions and felt your heart tightening with love. He kissed your forehead tenderly while caressing your cheek and you hugged him tight.
Now, with you pregnant, your destinies were intertwined forever.
And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
You never told the rest of the community, they didn’t need to know. You were together and that is all that mattered.
But there was one dark stain on the canvas.
You made peace with the fact that you wouldn’t get rescued by now. That is also why you carried the pregnancy to term and accepted his hand in marriage. Because deep down you felt you would never get out of this isolated planet.
But Thrawn didn’t.
Thrawn keeps fighting everyday to go home. 
And you’re not sure how to feel about that.
Was it his loyalty to the Empire or his relentless devotion to the Ascendancy that pushed him so much? He refused to answer.
But coming back signifies saying goodbye. And that’s tearing your heart apart. When you realized he was tempering with the ship communication device to send messages to the Empire you badly reacted, you had your first real fight. He refused to stay arms dangling when his duties called for him and you refused to help go back to his murderous Empire.
In the end you remained a rebel and a Grand Admiral.
And it created the first cracks in your marriage.
A chance Thaishi was still a baby and couldn’t understand why her parents were arguing, but she did pick up on the bad vibes and your cracked voice and started crying. Before Thrawn could pick her up to console her, you took her, shouting he better get used to not seeing his family if he wanted to go back to the Empire so badly and ran off to the hut of friends and remained here for a full week.
You regretted those words. So badly. He never once raised his voice against you, remaining calm, but also so cold, so calculating, his determined gaze terrified you so you preferred to flee with your daughter.
He came to your friends’ hut everyday to see his child and everyday you refused, hugging her against your heart. You were so mad, so terrified, so… So betrayed! How could he dare do that to your family?
When you accepted to receive him, he sat down in front of you in silence, just observing his baby in your arms with a loving gaze.
But he was actively trying to tear his family apart and you couldn’t forgive him just yet.
“How is she?” he asked
“Can I hold her?”
“No.” you placidly answered
He simply took a deep breath in response before opening his mouth again.
“We should talk.”
“Indeed we should. You have a lot of explaining to do.” You frowned.
“I had good reasons to try to go back to the Empire.”
“Yes, evidently you are still very much attached to this tyranny.”
“You do not understand. I didn’t tell you everything.”
You raise an eyebrow, what could he say to save his image now?
“If I am so attached to this tyranny, as you call it, it is to save my worlds.”
And he explained everything to you, all the secrets he kept hidden all this time, secrets nobody’s outside of him and a certain Ba’kif knew about. The true reasons of his mission and allegiance to the Empire, anything he didn’t tell you before.
You just listen silently, eyes round and mouth agape.
“... You may hate me now, but I will demand to keep seeing my daughter. This is all I ask for.”
“I…” You just manage to say, lost “I am sorry, Thrawn.”
He remained silent, sounding you with his inquisitive red gaze, awaiting your reaction once you gathered your thoughts.
“I shouldn’t have reacted like that.” You concede, “But I couldn’t turn a blind eye either…” You try to show him where you come from.
But he is determined.
“I know. But my success depends on the success of the Empire.”
“The success of the Empire implies the subjugation of all races and slavery.”
“Not when I will have taken control of it. This is a necessary evil for now.”
“This is horrible… How can you say that?” You said, pained.
“This is war, casualties are inevitable. ” He insisted, “But when I will lead it, everything will end. You need to trust me.”
You lower your gaze to observe your daughter’s face. She is peacefully sleeping in your arms, soothed by both of your voices. She is as blue as him, with the same red eyes…
You already tied yourself to him, for better and for worse…
You sigh, closing your eyes. You hear him getting closer and circling your shoulders with his arm.
“I need you to trust me, cheo Cha’cah. I do it for the greater good.” He murmurs soothingly.
You purse your lips.
“I will not hinder you, but do not expect me to help you in any way!” You annonce with tenacity.
“Alright.” He gently kisses your shoulder, “Are you still mad?”
“Yes! A lot! But… I understand better now.” You say giving him a side glance.
He looks deep into your eyes, squeezing your shoulders against his body.
“I love you…” He confesses like a secret.
“Me too…” You reassure him. “But I will need time.”
“Will you let me hold our daughter?”
You gently give him your baby and she opens her eyes to meet his. He presses her delicately against his chest, a skin-to-skin hug so important for babies. She grabs one of his fingers in her little fist and starts babbling, smiling at her father.
“Hello you.” He gently says, “I missed you.”
You purse your lips, feeling like a heartless monster for depriving him of his child, and her, her father.
He slept with Thaishi in his arms that night and you pressed yourself against him, looking at your baby, cheek pressed on the chest of her father, sleeping soundly, at peace.
And you cried, knowing that this could come to an end one day.
You’re being brutally called back to reality when Thaishi sprinted into your laps to smash into you.
“Leys proposed to me to spend the day with her!” She exclaims joyfully as you try to catch your breath after that hit.
You turn towards Ley’s mother, slowly nodding.
“You need some peace and quiet at that point in your pregnancy, (Y/n). Relax for the day, we will take care of the kids.”
You turn back to Thaishi, eyes full of hope.
“Alright, but you must promise to behave well when you are with them! And don’t forget your Cheuhn lesson with your father.”
“Yes, mom!” She already sprints back to her friends group, barely listening to you.
She only listens to her father. You sigh, shaking your head.
You yawn and decide to use this newfound liberty to take a nap, even if you just woken up. You were soundly sleeping for some hours now, back at your hut, when you felt a warm body pressing itself against your back and strong, large hands caressing your pregnant belly.
“Welcome back, sir…” You yawn.
Thrawn kisses your shoulders, pressing you tighter against his large body.
“How are you feeling?” He whispers.
“Heavy!” You burst out laughing “And fat! This belly gets in the way of everything, it’s impressive.”
“You are beautiful like that.” He insists, “I found you more and more hypnotizing as your pregnancy advances” He keeps caressing your tummy tenderly.
“Are you sure you are the most objective person in this situation?” You argue back with a side grin.
“I need not to be objective, I only need my eyes to witness your bewitching beauty. And I can confidently say you are the most beautiful of all.”
“Even when my body is limp and bloated like that?”
“Especially like that. You being pregnant is a real… Temptation.” He breathes lowly in your ear, “I have all the pain in the world to maintain my control.”
“You? Struggling to keep your control in check? I do not believe you sir.” You laugh.
“And yet, such is the effect you have on me.” He starts kissing your neck, slowly going up. “You mesmerize me in every possible way.” He licks your ear with the tip of his tongue.
“You are really touchy today.” You squirm in his embrace, brushing your soft body against his muscles.
“I have been struck by a real vision.” 
“Well thank you sir, I take care of myself!” You joke. “You are quite handsome yourself!”
Your hair has grown too by the time and he buries his nose in it to inhale your scent.
“I want to eat you up.” He says with a growl.
“Aren’t I delectable?” You keep joking.
“You are. Exactly to my taste, but you misunderstood me.” He leans again, blowing on the shell of your ear, sending shivers down your spine, “I want to eat you out until you are a shaking mess in my hands, until you can not remember your own name.” He gives another quick lick to your ear.
His deep voice has such an effect on you, you can’t help but shudder in response, much to his satisfaction. Thrawn proved himself physically affectionate, not shy to express his love physically in public or in private… Especially in private! And even though Thaishi’s birth didn’t stop your sex life, it is true it slowed it down a bit. Your last sexual relationship was some months ago and the new pregnancy didn’t help, even though… Thrawn looks at you differently when you’re pregnant.
You're convinced it teases something deeply buried in his psyche and entrails, it excites him, always looking at you wherever you are, always holding you in his arms in some ways, keeping you to himself…
You remember your first pregnancy, he had his hands all over you all day long, drinking between your legs for long hours, getting more and more unhinged as your tummy started to get bigger and bigger. 
Maybe it is one of his kinks… You have the occasion to verify it today…
You turn to face him with a cheeky grin.
“So you like me pregnant.” You state. 
“It is a wonder of nature.”
“Is that it?” You innocently pull on your shirt to reveal your belly to his eyes.
The light growl emanating from him was unmistakable. His gleaming eyes seem to shine brighter and you think you see him gulp.
“Just a wonder of nature?” You insist, blinking your eyes naively.
“I wonder what kind of reaction you expect of me, flashing your pregnant belly to me.”
“I don’t know… Maybe I am simply curious?”
He raises an eyebrow in response, not buying your innocent act.
“Curious?” He repeats cautiously.
“Curious about the fantasy of my man… What titillates him, what excites him, what drives him absolutely…” You keep your act, drawing sweet circles with your nail on your heavy tummy. “... Crazy.”
He takes a deep breath, eyes locked on your round belly, clearly interested in what you have to offer. His growl takes a dive in the deeper tone, squinting his eyes, trying to maintain his cool in front of your insolent temptation allurement.
He remains very set back in his fantasies, never truly revealing his true taste, preferring to oblige yours instead so you have only an unfinished portrait of his kinks.
But this…
This caught his attention well and you intend to play a bit with it.
“I feel like I have your full attention.” you smile cheekily.
“You do.” he says, cautious of your little game, but so tempted.
“My belly is so soft and warm, if only you could feel it like I do.” You tease mercilessly. “Do you like me pregnant with your child?”
“Yes. A lot.” His voice is no more than a growl now.
He extends his hand to caress your tummy and you slap it immediately. He groans, displeases, and frowns in response.
“No touch. You can only admire.”
“You have no mercy.” He mediates, “Will you really deny me?”
“Maybe. After all, physical exhaustion is really bad for me, I don’t know if letting you do what you want is good for the baby.” You clap back without pity for him.
“I do believe what I have in mind is really good for both of you.” He insinuates lowly.
“You have no proof of what you say.”
“Really? We can go ask the healer right now and we will know where we stand.” He responds without missing a bit, absolutely serious.
You observe him haughtily, like you’re not believing him and don’t intend to give up. He presses himself tighter to you. You wonder how it would get if you pushed him to his limits… 
He has always been soft and tender to you, but you’re curious. How is he when he is mad? When you push his dominant tendencies? 
You refrain from smiling like a deviant.
“Let me show you what I mean, and you will judge for yourself.” He proposes.
“I do not know if I will let you, mister. I am not convinced.” You put your hand on his mouth to push him back with a grin.
He licks your palm to get rid of your hand with a dark gaze.
“Do not play with me.” He warns.
“Or what? What will you do to your heavily pregnant wife?” You tease.
He flinches imperceptibly at the mention of your pregnancy, growling deeply like an annoyed animal.
“You couldn’t hurt a fly. I am not afraid in the slightest, mister.”
He looks at you intently and suddenly his Intense gaze melts into sparkling eyes and he lets out a sneer.
“You will not gain what you want by playing with my ego, Cha’cah.”
Oh Makers damn it!
“Come on!” You insist, pressing yourself more against him, “Humor me!”
“No.” He chuckles, amused like he would with a child, “You will not win that fight.”
“Pffffff… You’re no fun.” You purse your lips, sulking.
“On the contrary, I can be a lot of fun.” He embraces you tightly, “You just need to find the right levers.”
“I had one! You clearly were hanging onto every word when I showed you my belly!” You contest.
“Indeed. And you would have won if you kept playing with this strategy, but you made the tactical error of changing the point of pressure.”
You grumble, frustrated. You were really curious, how is sex with him when he’s mean and overly dominant?
“Do not frown, cheo cha’cah. You need not to play the temptress to seduce me, your innate charms work wonders.” He tries to soothe you.
“I wanted to see how it would go if you were mean and harsh.” You pout.
“Being mean and harsh to you is not appealing to me. I would rather honor you than demeaning you in any way.” He kisses your forehead.
You’re still deadly curious.
“I will find a way, one day.” You promise, seething.
“Do not sulk, my love.” He smiles, entertained, “Let me take care of you, it will ease the tension between your eyebrows, my darling.” He continues, lowering himself to kiss your clavicle and going more south.
He kisses your tummy reverently, leaving sweet kisses all over it while caressing it. You feel the baby giving him a kick and he responds with a final, loving peck.
“They too are quite energetic.” He notes, satisfied, “You keep giving me healthy and strong children. Thank you.”
He then reports his attention to your skirt that he slides down your hips and legs with ease. Still pouting, you close your legs shut to deny him, he chuckles again, sliding his hands between the flesh of your thighs and successfully opening them for him.
“Come on now, there is no need to be difficult, sweet thing. I know you love it when I go down on you.” 
It’s true.
With him being so good at it, you can only love it in return. But he doesn’t want to entertain your fancy so you won’t entertain his. You cross your arms over your chest with a grumble.
“You are unbelievable, cheo Cha’cah. You act like a spoiled child.” You hear his smug smile in his voice, hidden behind your stomach. “But I know how to make you react, I know everything about you.”
You feel the cold air on your pussy as he slides your panties on the side, he blows on your clit playfully, sending a shiver down your spine again but you refrain from the whine that threatens to pass your lips.
“I will have you sing soon enough, my love.” He says with his usual confidence.
He takes a sloppy lick at your pussy and you greet your teeth together. 
Do not make a sound! Do not make a sound! Do not make a sound!
Unimpressed by your headstrong attitude, he keeps licking your pussy lips lazily, like a tired, lascivious king, moaning his own pleasure for you.
He also knows that you absolutely love hearing him moan and groan, vocalizing his pleasure out loud, it goes straight to your empty pussy that starts to signify to you that it is scandalously empty.
He laps at your cunny slowly with the flat of his tongue, trailing your slit with his tip and sucking your nervous clit. You bite your lips and dig your nails into the flesh of your arms to maintain control over yourself.
“Your pussy is more honest than you are.” He notes, “It gets wetter to my touch while you childishly refuse to indulge.”
Oh, he’s one to talk about indulgence, mister frugal lifestyle!
“You do not! I am a dry ice cube! In fact I’m starting to get bored!” You manage to let out in a hurry before any tremors come to shake your voice.
Again he simply chuckles at you.
“You will break, my love.” He simply announces, kissing your sweet pussy between each word. “That is an absolute certainty.”
You’ll show him you can maintain control over your own person. You will not break!
But he is right on one point, your pussy does get wetter by the seconds, at you great damn.
You keep your jaws closed shut, froward. He resumes laving at your soft pussy that gets softer and softer as your blood travels south. You feel him spread your pussylips with his fingers to lick your hidden, tender flesh.
You feel your abdominals contracting at his sweet touch, and it didn’t escape him.
“Oh? Are those the first shivers of your undeniable pleasure?” He teases.
“I’m just cold.” You bite back
“Not for long, sweet thing. I will make sure of it.”
As he keeps licking your now dripping pussy you start hearing his purr resonating in the hut. He enjoys himself very much. He loves eating you out as much as you do, if not more. You suddenly feel his tongue entering your wet cavern and start tonguefucking you.
A single moan escapes you before you press your hand on your mouth. His purr drops down to deeper tones, sending shivers through your puffy, wet, walls, raising your hardly refutable pleasure…
“My little bird does not wish to sing for me? It is alright, I will have you crying, Cha’cah.”
And he starts fucking you harshly in retaliation, his tongue waving and grazing your G spot with such ease it is almost comical. His hand comes to flicker and press your clit, puffy with blood. He makes it roll between his fingers, titillates it consciously as he drinks your slick as he would drink water.
Maker those debauched sounds…
How the wet sounds of your little pussy and his grunts sound to your ears… This is highly depraved and debaucherous.
So exciting… Argh! Get a grip of yourself! Do not let him win!
He is… motivated, to say the least. He must have taken your vow of silence as a personnel challenge because he seems determined to have you cum hard and rapidly. He is eating you out with energy and a will you only encountered when you fought him in battle.
Despite your closed mouth, your uncontrollable whimpers can be heard well in this little room and it is the sweetest melody to his ears, only encouraging him to double his efforts. He eats you out enthusiastically, nastily, roughly, abusing your tender flesh with his swollen lips. He continues moaning without any shame, letting you know that he has no qualms enjoying himself to the fullest while you hold on to a childish pride.
Your dripping pussy convulses around his wet, flexible limb as he brushes your gummy spot with his tip expertly, making your pleasure rise more and more until it comes crashing down upon you. Your little cunny clenches painfully around his tongue and you come against his mouth and against your will.
“What a remarkably honest body you have, cheo Cha’cah. Letting me know everything I need to know without a fuss. Guiding me through your true desires so eagerly.”
“You’re full of yourself!” you spit out.
He gently kisses your thighs, licking you soft, plump flesh with a deep moan.
 “Abandon your immature act and just enjoy yourself. Why deny yourself like that, little rebel?” He asks curiously
You do not respond like a mutineer.
“Sometimes I do not understand you.” He sighs.
He kisses your pussy reverently, like he gallantly kisses your hand before rising up to free his erection of his constrictive pants. You look away, stubborn, refusing to look at the member that used to give you so many orgasms before.
“You looking away will not impede the inevitable.”
You feel him coat his shaft with your essence, brushing his cock between your slit back and forth, soaking it with your slick. It brushes against your erected, nervous clit and you have to fight another mewl rising in your throat.
“Your body gives me so much pleasure, I am thankful to you, my love.” He lets you know with a tone of secrets, “We should indulge more, sharing such intimate moments is so important to build a healthy relationship. I know our sex life slowed down since we became parents, but I still look at you as a woman first, not only a mother, with all the desires and craving it implies.” He continues.
He’s trying to win you over! To make you lower your defenses! You’ll not surrender for some sugary words, you have more will than that! He sighs lasciviously and unfastens his long hair, letting them frame his handsome face and draping his large shoulders. You gasp at this gorgeous sight.
“I know you think I am trying to sweeten you. I am simply telling my truth.” He brushes his noses in the crook of your neck, caressing your full tummy so tenderly. “Even if you obstinate yourself to deny yourself pleasure for an infantile vagaries, it will not prevent me from doing my best to satisfy you as it is my duty, cheo Cha’cah.” He informs you as a sentence.
You close your eyes shut as he pushes himself inside you, his size making it difficult for your little pussy. You press your lips in a thin line as he splits you in two with his massive member.
“I missed how your little pussy strangles me.” He gasps, deeply satisfied.
He keeps pushing further, pushing your inner flesh apart until you feel his tip brushing your cervix deep, deep inside your most secret place. 
You gulp, bracing yourself for what is to come.
“You are so tense, my love. You should relax.” He says tenderly, “There is no need to make the experience uncomfortable for you.”
“I am 8 months pregnant, I do not simply "relax "." You mock.
“A deep and warm orgasm should help you get more comfortable, my sweet. You can count on me.” He keeps offering you sweet words.
He starts moving, with shallow thrusts, taking it easy on your sore body. You breathe deeply through your nose, trying not to focus on the delicious sensations his ridges give you, how wonderfully full you feel with him inside, how right it feels to have your husband like that. A strangled yelp escapes you as he resumes teasing your clit with his hand as he thrusts into you.
“Give me your hand.” He orders softly.
You feel him trail your arm until he reaches your hand and intertwines your fingers together.
He deepens his thrusts, going deeper, slipping out almost entirely leaving just the tip inside and pushes it back in languorously, undulating his hips against yours.
You try so hard to fight back the waves of pleasure, tensing up your muscles under his inquisitive gaze, but he gives you so much, it is so hard to shield yourself completely when he puts so much energy and love in each of his thrusts, forcing you to endure the delight he offers. You feel tears building up behind your eyes.
You hiss as he rocks his hips with a quicker pace, sliding in and out easily thanks to your first orgasm, the waves of pleasure poisoning your veins and nerves ending.
“You are so reactive for someone who refuses pleasure.” He placidly notes, “You can try and hide as much as you want, you cannot lie to me, my love. I know you too well. Your body is an open book to me. Denying it is… useless.” He says, modulating his deep, melodious voice as he knows you prefer.
You shake your head vehemently.
“I experienced your body for years, sweet thing. I know it as well as mine. I studied it carefully, each and every single one of your reactions. I know how to please it, I know how to bring it to the verge of an earth shattering orgasm.”
He is so confident in his capacities to please you, you’ll give him that. He keeps rubbing your clit and you try to escape his sweet touch but he grasps your hips and impales you back on his cock, burying it to the hilt. You whine.
“You will not escape it.” It is as much a promise as it is a threat.
He accelerates his pace again, bullying himself into you without any mercy. Your cunny desperately tries to accommodate his size, clenching pathetically around his girthy shaft.
“Those are the reactions I like.” He says smugly. “Kiss me, cheo Cha’cah.”
He lowers himself to reach your lips but you turn your head away.
“Are you so cold hearted to deny me your lips?”
You grumble and swiftly kiss his cheek.
“Satisfied?” you bare your teeth.
“Thank you. But I hoped for more.”
You purse your lips but let him kiss you, you feel him purring against your mouth. You open your mouth and he enters it with his tongue to dance with yours. He squeezes your hand with his as he deepens the kiss, looming over your body. You growl in the kiss but feel his lips draw in a smile.
So you bite his lips in retaliation.
He licks the little bead of blood away, looking at you with a pleased expression.
“I love when you defy me.” He says lowly, keeping his hard pace, “I love it even more when it is clear you will lose.”
“I am losing nothing!”
“I have the clear memory of making you cum two minutes ago. And you will suffer another defeat in less than three. How does it feel, little rebel? Knowing your greatest efforts go to waste against a superior will.”
“Imperial dog!” You spit.
“Keep that energy up, my love.” He kisses your cheek.
He accentuates his hips action, making you squeal uncontrollably.
“Ca-Careful the baby!” You warn indignant.
“The baby is fine.” He replies with a mocking tone, “In fact, they can sense how good their mother feels. I reckon they must enjoy themself thoroughly with you squirming so desperately under my touch.”
“I… Fuck you!”
He snickers and raises on his knees, forcing your hips up in the air. He digs his fingers in the flesh of your plump hips to keep you in place, doing so he removed all control you had over the action. Now you are truly a victim of his will.
“Such foul language. I better understand Thaishi’s manners.”
He slows down the pace to give a circling motion of his hips to vary the sensations, making sure his girth rubs every sensitive spot in your vagina. You tremble terribly in his hands, like struck by lightning. You bite down your lips terribly to not moan.
To no avail…
“Ah yes, the sweet moans of my muse. It only motivates me to work harder for you.”
He plundges his cock deep, scratching every itch, making you sing against your will. You feel tears rolling on your flushed lips as you try to catch up your breath under such physical exercises.
He leans forward to lick your tears away, the salt tingling on his darted tongue deliciously.
“You are beautiful, my sweet. Crying your pleasure out loud like that.”
Embarrassed, you hide your eyes with one arm, only for him to grip it immediately to take it off.
“No, Cha’cah. You do not get to hide from me.”
“Pl-please finish soon…” You beg.
You have enough of this trial and humiliation, you’re too tired to get this beating. Something snapped in your stomach, begging for him to reach his climax and yours with it.
“Finishing this early? But I feel plenty full of ardor today, I had in mind to keep going for one or two hours more. Just to be sure you orgasmed correctly, I would hate to have you unsatisfied, my love, your enjoyment is my priority.”
You tremble, shaken by spasms, convulsing in pleasure, stiffness reaching all of your limbs as the waves of pleasure incapacitate you as they spread in your veins. You feel your little pussy gaping around his shaft desperately trying to keep him in.
“Okay… You won, I surrender. Please, finish soon..” You say panting, gasping for air at each of his powerful thrust.
“My, my, you are giving up so easily, my dear. But your wish is my command.”
He adjusts his position, and installs a break-necking pace. You’re being pushed against the mattress without mercy and you bite your tongue in the confusion. You cannot help the squeals escaping your pretty mouth while he moans in tandem with your plaints.
Your pussy clenches hard as you come, trying to retain him inside, strangling him just like he loves sending him over the edge. He slows down his pace and comes undone inside.
You’re shaking, crying, getting back from your high as he puts his forehead against yours, caressing your cheek.
“Cha’cah?” He calls in a whisper, “Are you alright?”
You nod, your visage hidden in your hands, catching your breath. He kisses your hands before taking them off your face and pecks your cheek and nose.
“Breath deep, cheo Cha’cah. Easy.”
He holds you tight, cradling your body tenderly.
“There… Breath. Everything is alright.”
You gasp, wiping your tears away.
“Oh Maker…” You whimper.
He brushes his nose with yours, his long hair framing his gorgeous face. 
“Everything is fine, you are with me, my love.” He keeps soothing you. 
A sigh mixed with a gasp escapes you as you feel your heart calming down in your chest. Thrawn keeps kissing your face tenderly, holding your cheek in his warm palm. He slips out of you, leaving you intolerably empty and slides to the side where he takes you in his arms to hold you close. You bury your face in his neck and breathe in his musk to calm down, his hand comes caressing your hair gently, appeasingly. 
“I love you.” He murmurs. 
“I love you too… “ You respond, exhausted. 
“We should bathe.”
“I'm too tired… “ You complain, nudging against him 
“Come on, ch'eo vir. Let me help.”
He rises with 8 months pregnant you in his arms and heads towards the river where he bathes you both conscientiously, laying you against his naked chest, surrounded by fresh water. You doze off, too relaxed to keep your eyes open. 
You were playing with Thaishi when you heard a familiar sound resonate through the air like a loud bang. Immediately, the sky darkens, the sun disappears and a weird silence takes place in the village, everyone looking up.
You raise your head, gulping, and Thaishi points to the large object in the sky. 
“Mum, what's that?” she asks, as fascinated as she appears terrified.
Massive and large,  the ISD floats over the village like a dark presage, brining death and fire with it.
“This is…” You start, feeling panic rising, “This is…”
The two headed serpent leave no doubt who’s ISD it is.
They’re here for Thrawn!
You pick up Thaishi in your arms precipitaly, making her yelp in surprise and run to your hut, hugging her tight. When you arrive you see Thrawn passing the doorframe in his white uniform, hair cut and black boot unsoiled. 
You almost hit him with your speed, but you stop just in time.
“I know, Cha’cah. Do not worry.”
“But… Where does this uniform come from? Why are they here? Why-”
“I managed to contact them.” He drops the bomb.
You look at him completely dumbfounded, at loss for words.
“What? But… How could you…”
He put his hands on your shoulders to ground you.
“Cha’cah, we are going home.”
You feel like the ground just opened under your feet and would swallow you whole. Your legs give up under you, in shock, but Thrawn catches you and Thaishi expertly.
“(Y/n)! Are you alright?”
“Mom?” Your daughter calls for you in the hands of her father, afraid.
You close your eyes.
You cannot believe it.
The day you feared the most came. You will be separated, torn apart, never to see each other again.
Some villagers came to you when you fell, Thrawn let you in their care, kissing your forehead and heading towards the Chief huts.
When you reopen your eyes, you are in the healer’s hut. You discard the wet fabric she placed on your forehead and go outside.
The ISD is here.
Ominous and threatening.
You reel for some steps before straightening yourself. Here you find Thrawn holding Thaishi, the Chiefs and a woman in an imperial uniform.
Where did he hide this perfectly neat uniform? During all those years he hid it from you, well tidied in a box, awaiting its hour. You suddenly feel a spick of ire in your vein at the sight of that clean white.
Thrawn turns towards you, and a light smile comes lightening his face.
“There she is. Commodore Faro I want you to meet Lady (F/n). My wife.”
Faro slowly bows to you, but something in her eyes displeases you.
She knows who you are.
She doesn’t recognize you as a crew member of Thrawn ships and the only other people present that day were Rebels.
She knows.
She gives a side glance at her Grand Admiral but abstains from any comments.
“Lady (F/n).” She politely but coldly greets.
“Everything is taking care of, Cha’cah.” Thrawn continues, “We will embark everyone on board and exit that planet.”
You turn your head to the chiefs, interrogating them with your eyes.
“We agreed to let your husband temper with the ship if he promised us to take us with you.”
“But.. You’ve been here for a millennia… This is your home… Your planet.”
“We are wanderers at heart, our place is flying through space, not remaining on a single rock.”
You turn back to Thrawn, mouth agape and tears behind the eyes.
“Thrawn… You cannot be serious…”
“Cha’cah.” He cuts you softly, “Our place is not here, our home and duties are away from this planet. It is time for us to go.”
You want to slap him across the face, scream at him, telling him that he will never know the child you bare, that he is killing this family.
“Leave me here with Thaishi.” You just say weakly.
You cannot resume your combat, you cannot fight your husband even if you know you’re in the right, you cannot say goodbye to your children and leave them alone.
“I am not leaving you on this backwater planet, love.” He warns, “We discussed this subject matter and agreed. Thaishi and the baby will be sent to the Ascendancy and live a safe life while we will go back to our responsibilities.”
“How can you say that?” You feel ire rising in your veins.
“We are both warriors. We both know our duties would supplant everything in our life.”
“Thrawn…” You beg.
He caresses your cheek and his thumb swipe one silent tear that rolls on your skin, you sob.
“Those four years have been a blessing. The miracle I stopped hoping for.” He presses his forehead against yours, looking you in the eyes with a sigh, “But the dream must end. It is time now to wake up and advance.”
“Thrawn…” Your voice is no more than a pathetic plea.
“I know, Cha’cah. I will never stop loving you and will cherish those memories I have with you both. But it is time…”
He extends his hand to you with a comforting smile while your image of him gets blurry with tears.
“Come home with me, my love?”
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thestobingirlie · 2 years
i'm loving everyone coming out of the woodwork to get their negative ron@ nce confessions off their chest, so i hope you don't mind mine as well: i think removing steve entirely from both of their perspective's is half the point of the ship, because as much as nancy has desperately needed a friend for years, this is one that wound up being much less about her and much more about her love life
robin and nancy's friction in the library was both because robin is socially awkward and nancy has a short fuse, and also because i think nancy was jealous of robin. they get along better once robin has proved her use to nancy, but also after robin made very clear that she and steve aren't dating. once they got closer, they have smaller background moments that show a more comfortable friendship, but all of their actual conversations are about the case or steve. i DO like stancy, and even i found it out of place and wished their friendship could be more about them (honestly i think stancy would be getting so much less hate rn if the duffers weren't such big fans of the matchmaker trope, but they're freaking obsessed with it)
fandom is always gonna ship two hot people together, especially if there's a tangible but nonthreatening amount of tension to their dynamic, but i think when 90% of their dynamic is about SOMEONE ELSE people start spite shipping, to purposefully re-imagine them when the third character is completely irrelevant
because yeah, the ship really does only work if you completely remove steve's personality and relationship with both robin and nancy. "wlw relationships shouldn't be about men" is true, and i agree with it, and that's how i know ron@ nce is never gonna happen unless it's platonic soulmates steve and robin sharing a girlfriend
good points! and yeah, i actually love that everyone is just venting to me about why they hate r//nance lmao
i do think it sucked that robin and nancy’s friendship became solely about stancy (and i hate the matchmaking trope so much, and it is used continuously throughout st). although, i will say that i think outside of their connections to steve and the upside down, they really don’t have much in common. maybe the duffers realised that, and figured the best way to make them friends is to just make every scene about steve lol
nancy does desperately need a friend, which is why i wish this season had focused more on platonic stancy then romantic. honestly, i don’t have anything against stancy, and if it was written well, i wouldn’t mind it being endgame (though to be fair, i never really care about endgame ships, i can just read fanfic, you know?) i just don’t love that we’re seeing these romantic scenes while jonathan and nancy are still together. but anyway, nancy’s arc hinges on the fact that she needs a platonic relationship, and so does steve’s! both nancy and steve will go through development when they learn they don’t need romantic relationships to be happy.
sorry got off track there, but yeah, i just can’t really buy into r//nance, romantic or otherwise because so much of it is about steve.
don’t get me wrong, i understand why people ship nancy and robin, but to me it just feels more like a crack ship, then a real one. and i love a good ship that has no basis in canon, but when people try and argue that this ship is the only one that makes sense, is when i start not liking it.
and, yeah, exactly like you said, there is no real way to separate r//nance from steve, a lot of characterisation has to be ignored in order for the ship to work. and while wlw ships shouldn’t be about men, i think to try and use that to describe r//nance is nonsensical, and feels like a point they’re making just to make r//nance seem progressive, and anyone that’s against it a horrible person.
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empyreanwritings · 2 years
January Book Review
Every month I will be doing a minor review of all the books I have read so far in 2023. I'll always include the title, author, and overall rating! I hope you all find a gem on this list the way I have ❤️
Good Girl Complex - Elle Kennedy: First impression is DEAR GOD PLEASE WHY DOES THERE HAVE TO BE A BET. I was thrown back to circa 2012 when After was all the rage and questioned everything about my purchase. And while this book was a little cliche, I really enjoyed that, unlike After, the characters are actually loveable and there's so much more charm to it outside of the bet & it delves much deeper than just bad boy meets good college girl. I was hooked and read the whole thing in 5 hours because I needed to know how it was going to go. Overall rating: 8/10
Ship Wrecked - Olivia Dade: My first impression is a refreshing one bc thank god I'm reading a book where both leads are plus-size. Media is so hellbent on only one person in the relationship being plus-sized that I actually was surprised to see them on the cover and know they'd still get the hot romance, smutty treatment other leads do. The overall story and smut were fantastic. I did enjoy seeing them grow and confess things they were afraid of as the story went on. That being said, the timing was weird. There were a lot of time skips, and in between each chapter, there were texts/interviews/fanfics that didn't coincide with the time of the story. So I was lost a lot, esp when they did a random 6-year skip without saying there was a skip at the beginning. Overall rating: 8.5/10
The Demon's Bargain - Katee Robert: If you didn't know by now, Katee Robert has me by the throat. I love all of her books sm so I was super excited for this one. It's a lot shorter than her other books in the A Deal with a Demon series - only about 120 pages, so I finished it in a few hours. There's not much plot development bc the story is focused on just a three day span then the epilogue shows what happened years later. This book has everything - revenge on shitty exes, non-binary demons, pegging, and a whole lotta bloody sex. If you want an in-depth, profound story then this one may not be for you. This is clearly just for demon-fuckers, and while I wished I could have had more of Lenora and Ramanu bc I really enjoyed them, I know we'll see them in other books so I'm okay with it. Overall rating: 10/10 bc I'm a simple horny bitch.
To Marry and To Meddle - Martha Waters: Martha Waters is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. I loved To Have and To Hoax & To Love and To Loathe, so I looked forward to this one a lot. Emily and Julian were a really interesting story bc they weren't enemies to lovers, they weren't constantly quarreling over things to rekindle their love - they were just two people attracted to each other that entered into a marriage of convenience. Their conflict lied within the fact they weren't supposed to fall in love, and they were only supposed to help each other with their respective problems. I'm also a huge sucker for a rake with a soft center, who just wants to be loved and accepted by people; and that's who Julian is. It was spicy and funny and so tender at moments that I read it within a day. Overall rating: 12/10
Sense & Sensibility - Jane Austen: I will be honest and say I did not pick up this book because of personal preference. I am currently in a class that has a focus on Jane Austen, so this was the first book I read, and honestly, I loved it. It took me a few days to really get into it, but MAN the drama??? Jane Austen was the OG scandal writer in my eyes idc. I was listening to the audiobook and when I heard someone say that Edward was engaged I went "WHO?" out loud. I felt like I was listening to a reality tv show in that moment. Marianne is my fave character, but I did not want to see her end up with who she ended up with. Nor did I want Elinor to end with her husband because he made her seem like a second choice. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed the story and characters. Overall rating: 9/10
Book Lovers - Emily Henry: The first Emily Henry book I read was The People We Meet on Vacation, and while I liked it, it wasn't something that made me go "WOW, I'd reread that!" But Book Lovers?? I absolutely would - and WILL - reread it. There was so much to unpack with the main character, Nora, and I absolutely loved that she did not have to change or lose herself at the end of the book because she found someone who understood her. If you are someone who roots for the woman that always gets left behind for the wholesome farm girl in cheesy Hallmark movies then this book is for you. Overall rating: 10/10
Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen: I don't know if Jane Austen was the first to really write enemies to lovers, but she sure wrote the kind I thoroughly enjoy. There's not much I can say about this book that hasn't been said by others. It was good--dragged on a bit longer than I anticipated at some points--but its a classic for a reason. Ngl tho I think I enjoyed Pride & Prejudice & Zombies a lot more. Scandalous, I know. Overall Rating: 9.5/10
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velvetroomkeeper · 6 months
Cross examining the ova (a critique of rirururu)
This is the final response I’ll make regarding rirururu’s analysis
Now rirururu has responded to me regarding the way I went about this with the insults and I admit that was wrong to go about it
I also have no more beef with @rirururu as it appears they do not act like they did when they made this post
That being said I am of the opinion that this analysis is downright cringeworthy and only panders to shippers rather than expands anything regarding nagito as a character
And of all the parts I’ve seen this last one is by far the worst of it
Strap in folks! we’re going in hot!
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Are you joking nagito never came to terms with anything in fact he rejected it(which furthers my ire towards this thing) second while the parallel is nice it doesn’t seem to symbolize anything outside of a helpful gesture so this feels like you’re reading to much into it
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Well yes he wouldn’t because they aren’t real people they’re mental manifestations and his behavior makes sense when you know the context of the thing and he’s still relatively stone faced of course
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I thought you didn’t consider despair arc canon and anyway you also leave out izuru finding Hope interesting thanks to Chiaki course you did hate Chiaki at the time (don’t know if you still do)
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That’s smile doesn’t exactly show fascination so much as satisfaction and again not izuru
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Character development baby! (No thanks to nagito)
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This is contradicted by v3 but still the ova cannot qualify since it’s meant to serve as a fill in the blanks the end of hope arc is meant to show the actual finale and production problems and constraints be Damned I guess
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Yes for some reason he is even though after all nagito did he should be I’m not saying nagito should never be redeemed or something but if did at least see why the class is suddenly okay with him I wouldn’t be complaining and another thing all this in 3 minutes when you called my ship underdeveloped I don’t care what you ship but please be consistent
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And I thought the reaching couldn’t get any further
So my thoughts
This analysis is pretty bad not only relying on mistaken information but focusing more on promoting a ship rather than furthering nagito as a character especially in the last part and it reaches quite a lot
Now I no longer have anything against rirururu in fact they seem to be much less frustrating then they’re earlier posts made them out to be so I’m no longer doing this out of Ill will
That being said this analysis is a relic of the past and it shows so yeah bad post
Thanks for indulging in my nonsense see you later
0 notes
rcksmith · 3 years
Dream a little of me — Kaz Brekker
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Resume: One bed and two hearts.
Requests :”Hello, darling! Could I request sleeping with kaz? Imagine or general headcanons, as you like. No nsfw (no need of touching tho, do what you like with it!), just sleeping in the same bed - maybe for the first time. Also bonus points if one of them will have a nightmare👀Have a good night/day, hun!🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️✨✨✨💗💗💗”
“My heart asks for all the angst of touch starved reader falling for Kaz Brekker... 😭😭😭 - 🐕‍🦺”
Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Grisha Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, mention of post-traumatic stress, angst, fluff.
Word count: 3k.
A/N: Thank you💖 I hope you guys like.
Normal Rules.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake. Requests are open. Love you❤️
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The rain was pouring down in torrents, in a fierce storm that roared into the shadowy forest like a hideous, unearthly animal. Platinum lightning’s streaked the midnight sky and thunder rumbled like as giants footsteps crashing into the ground and shaking the earth. Everything had been orchestrated to work. But nothing could have gone more wrong.
Unfortunately, not even Kaz Brekker's millions of tricks and plans could defeat the force of nature. And even you, an Infernal Entherealki, hadn't mastered the art of controlling fire or keeping warm while under a torrent of icy, biting cold water.
Your teeth started chattering, your lips turned purple, and you wondered if you could run another inch. Your muscles felt like stones and for someone who had lived with the heat of the flames his whole life, being under freezing water was extremely painful. But Kaz wouldn't let you stop. And you, as excruciating as the pain was, didn't want to stop either. The pain was strong but the desire not to let him down was more.
The two of you part of the plan that night was to go through the forest with the diamonds in pockets and find the rest of the Crows on the other side. You two would have to spend the night in that place. But all of Brekker's machinations were washed away by the treacherous and atrocious rain.
The only alternative was to run. Run to the direction where there was a small civilization and pray to find an inn or not die of hypothermia.
The angry drops of icy water were enough to steal Kaz's breath. Not because the cold was unbearable, but because his own demons, his past, were ghosts that gripped his ankles like monsters from horror stories. He didn't feel the rain, didn't feel the biting wind, Kaz just felt the sensation of the freezing, oppressive ocean drowning him. And for a second, when he looked at the small strip of fur on he wrist that wasn't hidden by his glove and coat, he swore he saw Jordie's dead skin in place of his.
He had to get out of there. But when the storm started, and Kaz run his eyes at you, your face wet from the rain, your skin constantly whipped by the cold droplets, and your cheeks extremely red from the cold, it made him gasp in a very different way. Blood pooled in your cheeks. Pulsing. Alive. He had to get you out of there.
Finding hiding places was one of his specialties, and he focused his mind entirely on it. When an inn came into view, a small relief rumbled in both of you. And Kaz looked in your direction to make sure you were okay. Alive.
As the receptionist gave the key from the last spare room to the two of you, Kaz couldn't help but feel that there was no longer any heat pulsing in your body. That made him feel miserable.
The night was cold. Unusually cool for the time of year.
"I don't think it's a good idea to carry out a robbery like that in these climatic temperatures." Inej said, walking down the stairs after Kaz "One of the Dregs caught a serious cold too while you were away."
Kaz had to be away for two days to sort out some matters of his own. Check some ship ports and finding out the weaknesses of some new merchants. And as much as he ordered his thoughts to focus solely on that purpose, he found himself daydreaming at certain times about…
"It got very serious after a few hours." Inej completed.
Kaz felt a trickle of worry trace his veins, tighten his throat But it wasn't for some bruteman of his Dregs. His source of concern was more serious, deeper, and for someone he didn't want to think about too much. Even though he told himself to keep every nerve in his body under control, in the end he was Kaz Brekker, he couldn't help but notice he picked up his pace to get faster to the live room that was strictly reserved for the Crows.
And when he walked in, following by Inej, the tree branches hit the windows, blown by the wind, tinkling. The cold was oppressive and biting, but not enough to stop Jesper from playing cards with Wylan, nor enough for Nina not to eat her candy and listen to Matthias tell of his people's legends. But the eyes of Kaz, that treacherous and treacherous organ, ran to you first. Magnetically, inevitably.
And he felt like he could breathe again.
The sight of you sitting on the black velvet sofa, with a book in your hands and your legs stretched out on the padded stool in front of you, calmed Kaz's heartbeat as nothing had ever done.
As much as he denies, in those two days his mind has swarmed over you more often than he thought wise. Brekker liked to justify that action with the fact that you were part of the gang. As close and important as Jesper or Inej. It was normal for him to be worried about the Dregs.
But why did he only see you? Why did the questions about your well-being and comfort stood out so much from any other concerns with others?
It was you. Always late at night, when Brekker was a sigh away from sleep. You were what someone he was thinking.
"Who is alive always appears." Nina announced he arrival and Kaz was pulled out of his reverie.
"Did you kill anyone these two days?" Jesper placed a letter on the table and Inej sat beside Nina.
Kaz left his hat on one of the dark marble tables. “Does it matter?"
There were other seats available in the room. A leather armchair next to the burning fireplace - Brekker were sure that you was controlling the temperature - an extra chair around the table where Jesper and Wylan were play, and a small divan beside Matthias. But Kaz sat beside you on the couch.
You marked the page with your finger, lowering the book gently. He didn't need to see the cover to know what it was. It was a romance clichéd eighteenth-century. He had given it to you before he left.
"Everything worked?" You smiled and Kaz had the feeling that he wanted to memorize that smile in a painting to always appreciate it.
"And doesn't always do?"
Even with the biting cold that wasn't stopped by the fireplace, Brekker could feel the heat from your body emanating, like a delicious temptation. You were always so hot. Bathed in the sun's rays. He didn't know if infernal grisha like you gave off so much heat too, because it was impossible for that to be human. Were so intense...delicious. Even with multiple layers of clothing, if Kaz approached you he could feel the warmth of a tropical pirate island.
Was that why he always unconsciously sat beside you? Why did you radiate so much causticity that it made Kaz forget about the ocean's cold? Why were you like a piece of life and Kaz felt dead for a long time?
Or was it because, heat or not, you were the only thing worth being around?
All the questions were too disturbing. And Kaz Brekker didn't want to know the answer.
Now, even climbing the stairs to the room beside you, Kaz couldn't feel anything radiating from you body. Just the cold. And he hated it with every force of his being.
You're not made to take the rain, felling deadly cold, or turn your lips a bluish hue.You were not made to be cold as a corpse, with muscles stiff and sore like a dead. You were not made to look like Jordie. You were meant to be alive. To look alive. Exhale the heat of the most ardent fire and heat a room just with your presence. You were meant to scare off Kaz's winter with your summer.
For a second, Kaz wanted to hug you to give you the warmth of his own body.
You felt exhausted. The remnants of what you once day were. Every inch of your body protested, aching and tearing at muscles. The cold, sharp water did you no good. You didn't know if it was were something of your species or a trait unique to you. But it didn't do any good to you. You hated looking so miserable in that appearance, especially in front of the one man you always wanted to look beautiful to. But at that moment you were in too much pain to worry so much about it.
As soon as Kaz had put the key in the doorknob, his gloved fingers stiff from the cold, what you expected to find was a cozy room, promising a heat shower and a good, well-deserved night's sleep. But that wasn't it. You stared at the wide double bed with white sheets, perplexed. Shock competed with your pain and put your brain to work, and all your breath lurked in throat as your realized the situation.
Oh my fucking God.
You didn't have to look at Kaz to feel his entire body be rigid, in a way far more potent than the effects the rain had caused. As if the prospect of sleeping next to you was more whorse than dying of hypothermia.
You closed your expression. Half because your mood was already bad and half because the rejection was brutal. You didn't expect your passionate feelings for Kaz to be returned, nor did you expect him to feel the same longing to be close to you as you felt for him. But no woman wanted to see that a man would rather die of hypothermia than share a bed with her. Even more if he was a man she was in love with.
You entered in room first, the pain in your body clouding your thoughts.
"Do you mind if I shower first?"
Your voice was weak, and you didn't have the heart to look at Kaz. He hissed a “no” that hung in the air, and that was the last thing you heard before closing yourself in the bathroom.
His heart was beating eerily fast in his chest. As loud as the thunder outside and as unsettling as the chill of rain. His breath began to burn heavily in his throat, and suddenly his entire body was fully aware of the situation.
One bed.
Even when he took the diamonds out of his pocket and placed them on a small table, even when you came out of the bathroom and he walked in, even as he basked in the hot water, his heart still pounded wildly. Like a generator.
Kaz Brekker liked puzzles, challenges. Of things he could unravel and understand. Piece by piece. He played to win and to cheat, and the world knelt at his feet before the insight of his mind. Still, he didn't know what to do. You were like a fascinating and maddening riddle. The one thing that, no matter how hard Kaz tried, could never unravel yours mysteries. Or maybe, just, what he would never be able to do was unravel what he felling whenever he was by your side.
His heartbeat grew stronger.
Brekker remembered every deck of cards, every card played. He could keep up with the distribution of up to five decks, unlock any lock, and devise the most insane plans. But he couldn't stop the way his soul trembled whenever he laid eyes on you.
In those moments, when you looked at Kaz like he was someone much better than he actually was, Kaz wanted to be good. He wanted to be born again to become a damn decent man. For you. He wished he didn't have his demons and erase his past. Because that way, when the sun's rays hit your face and you were close enough for your scent of happiness to flood his senses, Kaz wouldn't back down. He would lean down and seal his lips in yours with the promise of a glorious future.
His heart beat faster.
Why did he feel that his whole life was always suspended whenever he were away from you? And why did he have the feeling his life could change forever if he walked out that door?
Kaz turned off the shower. The heart running like a horse. He fished out the towel and wrapped it around his waist, finding a small hamper that held neat, folded pajamas for guests. He was surprised he didn't notice you in those pajamas. You made him lose focus.
As soon as he dressed and walked out of the bathroom, his eyes immediately went to your figure. Sitting on the bed, your legs under the covers, your hands clasped together in a cupped shape with a small, flare of fire burning in the center.
You looked up at Kaz. “I managed to do something to warm you up.”
The phrase was: No for warm me up. No for warm us up. For warm you up.
Kaz lost his breath and his soul trembled. The air felt different since he stepped out of the shower, not just from the recent gust of heat. But there was something else, something lyrical, pink and lush. Something...beautiful. He did not say anything. First because he didn't trust his own words and second because he didn't know what to say. He sat beside you, a considerable distance away, but this time his fear was that you would hear the loud, racing beat of his heart.
You turned gently towards him, reaching out your hands towards him, not noticing how his hands trembled as they stretched under the hot flame. Kaz swallowed hard.
He knew how weak and drained you were, but he also knew you were aware that he loathed cold. Hated icy water. You didn't know the depth of his traumas, but the fact that you cared to the point that you were willing to use your last shred of strength to end his torment was something that reverberated in his soul.
You two didn't say anything else after that. After Kaz removed his hands from the flame, you understood that as the end of your two interactions. You two shared a mutual answer that neither would sleep on the floor. You two were adults and in no condition to be lashed by any colder.
The night moon bathed the dark room with lights in distilled silver, almost flickering through the windswept tree branches. You were back-to-back, blankets pulled up to your shoulders, breathing gently quickened. As exhausted as you two were, neither of you could sleep.
Suddenly, the whole atmosphere in room seemed to change. Like a private, enchanted piece of the world. The wind howled softly, on a calm note. The rain was still falling in torrents, but now it seemed to be adopted in a passionate tone. As if it had fulfilled its purpose and now hovered in the world with a romantic veil of water. Stars shining bright above the bedroom window, glittering like hundreds of tiny diamonds, accompanied by moonlight. Although the light was dim, it seemed to capture the lyrical essence, seem to whisper “Dream a little dream of me.”
Everything felt different, like the two of you had entered a rift in the world. A part inhabited romance, pure magic, love.
Your soul shivered, and as much as you could never prove it, you felt that Kaz's soul shivered too. Your breath hitched, burning in lungs, your body seized by a caustic tingle that snaked through every inch.
You didn't know why, but your body shifted gently on the bed, turning slightly towards the ceiling. The racing pulse in your veins. A second felt like an eternity. Kaz's body moved too, and you knew, just knew, that he was looking at the ceiling too.
Two hearts beating in the same time. Synchronized. And, by some magic or deity, you two knew that your heartbeat would never again beat another way. Always connected.
Your body moved a little more, now on belly up. And Kaz's seemed to do the same move, even without seeing you or your movements. His chest rising and falling with intensity. The rain calmed outside, turning the symphony of droplets hitting the roof into mysterious, passionate music. As if the world were plotting a whispering favor for you two.
Kaz could feel your body heat radiating once more, grazing his skin with rays of sunlight. Everything in that bedroom became poignant and intense and lyrical, inflicting sensations on him that Kaz never thought existed before. Later, it would be a shock for him to see that he was at the mercy of his own passions. Overcome by sensations that robbed him of control of his body. Later he would think about it. Later.
His soul tingled, sending gusts of heat from the inside out. The feeling was that, after 28 years of deep sleep, he had awakened. Awake. Alive.
His body moved once more, now completely on belly up. Kaz didn't have to look at you to know that you too had placed yourself in the same position. It was as if he felt the movements of your soul. His pulse was racing now, hot and boiling in his blood. And Kaz wondered if all the money in the world would bring half the sensations he was feeling right now.
What was he so afraid all this time? That question echoed through all the corridors of his soul. And Brekker feared for the answer. What kept him from having everything he craved?
Money? Pekka? Jordie's ghost and the cold ocean? Kaz feared never touching you any more than he feared his demons? Was that why he always walked away from you? Why was wanting to slide his fingers into your hot skin and not being able to fell you, be worse than any sensation he'd ever felt? Because, maybe, admitting it can change everything?
His breath hitched.
Would it be worse to be alone for the rest of his life? Doomed and cursing to a fate of revenge, death and red hate? Or, even worse for his heart, finding a girl with lovely eyes, sunny smiles and the smell of happiness? A girl that made him laugh, come out of his hiding. You. What do he will do with that? What if you open up the door that he can't close it? And If when you hold he and his heart is set in motion?
Would that be so bad? No.
His body became very aware of the approximation it was on to your. Your heat radiating into his. For some reason, Kaz was sure you was in the same condition as he was. Sharing the same feelings. The same passion hidden for so long.
Kaz should have thought of his brother, of revenge against Pekka Rollins, of the cold of the ocean. He should have weighed of his own traumas. Instead, he thought: What if I get a little closer?
The result of this was his fingertips brushing yours. And he knew the exact moment your heart sped up even more. Because his followed the same beat. Maybe following yours for the rest of his life.
You brought your eyes to him, calmly, as if that moment might disintegrate. and the world seemed suspended in that moment. Kaz slid his eyes to you as well, sharing sensations and emotions that didn't need to be put into words. It was all there, in the gaze.
His fingers crept higher, going to your hand, and plunging his touch - and his soul - into that contact. All your heat was too strong. Too intense. Doing Kaz wouldn't be able to think or feel, for the first few minutes, about anything but light, heat, summer and…happiness.
That's when you gave him a shaky, emotional smile. I would do anything for you. That's what that smile said. And Kaz answered, his hand tight with yours before letting go. Me too.
- -
As the sun's rays, shy and buttery, flooded the bedroom in soft color, Kaz's eyelids fluttered. The sound of birds reached his ears, and the scent of flowers and happiness invaded his nose.
It was nothing like waking up in Ketterdam.
That thought back him to reality. A reality in which he had stolen many diamonds, taken the rain and had to share the calm. A reality where Kaz Brekker touched you.
Kaz opened his eyes immediately, his heart racing again. He looked frantically around the room, past the simple furniture, the closed bathroom door, the window where the light came in, and then looked to his side on the bed. That's when he realized what position he was in.
His soul heated up.
You had your back to him, your hair spread out on the white pillow, your back showing by your pajama top, your shoulder rising and falling softly with your resonant breathing. You were close. Very close. And Kaz finds, perplexed, that he is facing you. One arm rests around your waist, over the thick blankets, in an intimate and…romantic gesture.
He lost his breath. His warm, hope-shining soul whispered to him: what if it was like this every day? What if he woke up with you by his side forever? What if in time he learned to be a decent man? Trying to be normal?
Would Kaz do this for you?
You shifted in bed, turning onto his side, front for him, snuggling deeper under his touch and moving closer, as if Kaz were your oasis in the desert. No skin was actually touching, your breath hit his warm chest, and if Kaz lowered his lips even further, he could feel your lips on his.
Yes. He would.
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Hello Miss Raven! Happy one year to you and your blog! May I request some wedding headcanons with Azul and Jamil with a fem reader please? Thank you! 🧡
I also wrote these Azul x merperson S/O wedding headcanons if you’d like to read those~
***Mild spoilers for the Scalding Sands Fireworks event!***
I do.
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The venue is to be on the beach, where the shore and the sea meet. It’ll be hot, so you take care to order tents to keep seating cool, and warn the guests to come in appropriate footwear. (You opt to go for strappy sandals yourself to make it easier to walk around in your wedding attire.)
Speaking of guests, there’s a mix of humans and nonhumans, namely merfolk, at the ceremony. Whereas the human guests happily wander on the golden sands, the merfolk guests splash around in the water. It’s a union of land and sea, a reflection of your perfect partnership with Azul.
Just because the wedding is outside doesn’t mean it can’t still be classy! The décor is mostly white, with lavender accents, pearl beading, and water lilies and colorful coral centerpieces. (Azul spent a long time meticulously combing through wedding catalogues to find the ideal silverware to pair with your decorations!)
There’s a large variety of food at the wedding, but of course, your husband-to-be makes a beeline for the fried stuff. It’s a special day, so he figures why not indulge? You join him to feast, offering to hand feed him a piece of fried chicken or a bit of cake every so often--which Azul graciously accepts with a bit of a blush.
You were originally going to hire an orchestra, but Idia ends up being all the music you need. (”He’s free and convenient,” as Azul had described him. “Not to mention he owes me, and the time has come to collect.”) With DJ Shroud running the dance floor, there’s a mix of classic and modern music sure to satisfy guests from all walks of life.
The weather’s so nice on your special day, so you take advantage of that for pictures! You can walk along the shoreline and perch on the pier, or even leave messages in the sand with sticks or your own feet and hands. Azul’s very shy and hesitant about having his picture taken at first, so it takes some encouragement on your end before he becomes more comfortable around the lens. As long as he’s focusing on you, he’s never nervous, and his smile doesn’t fade.
When the time comes to toss your wedding bouquet, you and Azul instead write your vows out on slips of paper, then place them in a bottle and cork it. The message in a bottle is set into the sea, with the hope of one day blessing its discoverer with true love.
The ceremony concludes with you and Azul riding off into the sunset on a lavishly decorated ship. Your guests see you off with smiles and waves--and with the smashing of a champagne bottle against the vessel (the twins’ idea, not yours or Azul’s) your voyage to newlywed life begins. 
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The wedding is to held in the heart of Silk City, in Asim Park. Of course, you’ve got Kalim’s full support and financial backing for the event! He’s so excited to attend his best friend’s wedding that he waives the entire rental fee for the venue for you. (Yay, money saved to go toward an extravagant honeymoon vacation!)
Being the worrywart and the overachiever that he is, Jamil originally attempts to arrange the entire wedding by himself. He’s used to this work thanks to Kalim’s constant parties, but it soon becomes apparent that a wedding is too big for even Jamil to handle alone. You intervene to remind your husband-to-be that this should be a team effort. Then, and only then, does he finally relent and invite you to assist.
The wedding pays homage to the customs of the Scalding Sands, with an extravagant twist (thanks to funding from Kalim). There are traditional instruments and foods, plus swathes of fabric and jeweled decorations abound. Your garb is just as bejeweled and flowy, with a sparkling headdress, fine slippers, and jewelry hanging off of your neck and limbs.
Jamil is obligated to invite Kalim and appoint him as the best man and ring bearer (much to his own chagrin). Kalim ends up crying while giving a speech about his friend, which makes Jamil want to disappear into the ground. Meanwhile, Najma is one of the bridesmaids, and excitedly helps you do your hair and makeup for the ceremony. (By comparison, she and Jamil bicker as they’re preparing.)
The centerpieces feature jasmine and desert roses--though Asim Park boasts so many flowers that the entire wedding smells lovely anyway. While you’re going around and greeting guests, Jamil picks a jasmine flower and tucks it behind one ear. “As pure and as graceful as you are,” he murmurs, a sly smile on his lips.
Most of the guests are standing or walking around the park. Kids enjoy running their hands around or playing near the peacock fountain, while the older folk like admiring the plants. But most importantly, people love tearing up the big dance floor! Jamil joins in himself, putting on a stellar break dancing performance in spite of his suit. It’s rare to see him so loose, so free--it puts a smile on your face. He catches you staring and grins, tugging you by the wrist to join him in the next dance.
Instead of doves, parrots are released into the sky. You and Jamil open up their cages and set them free together--and as the parrots escape and fly away, you watch them, hand in hand, wishing them the same happiness as what you’re experiencing today.
As the night draws to a close, you and your new husband board a magic carpet. You still hear Kalim sobbing happily as you take off-- Fireworks light up the sky as you delve into the diamond-dusted evening, promising a bright and colorful future for you both.
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eeunoia · 3 years
ENHYPEN Imagines
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pairing: lee heeseung x reader
summary: being the most popular students in your school, everyone can’t help but to ship heeseung and you. it was okay for you since you really like him but heeseung was just okay with it because of the benefits he gets from it.
word count: 6.4k
warnings: extra spicy and cursing
a/n: here’s heeseung’s version of niki’s concept in campus heart-throb. I will maybe post Sunoo’s after posting his prince one shot. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one because I actually had fun. ksksksk have a nice day 🌸
“y/n, how about you? will you be at the game later?” one of your classmates suddenly had asked you while you’re at the library.
It was library period and you were just silently reading a book while some of your classmates were chatting at the table where you’re sitting.
Your head raised up to face them and you already saw all of their eyes darted at you. “What kind of question was that? Of course y/n will be there. Her Heeseung will be playing, right?” one of them answered even before you can talk.
They cheered and even showed you a teasing smile. You can’t help a smirk to spread across your face after hearing how they address Heeseung as yours.
The librarian shushed you that made you chuckle and you signaled to them to just be quiet. They let out small giggles as they decided to talk more quietly again. You, on the other hand was thinking about Lee Heeseung.
A small smile was still plastered over your face as you think about him. He’s one of the most popular student in your school, president of the student council and captain of the basketball team. He was indeed the ideal type and everyone in the academy knows him.
Girls also go crazy for him but they can only stare from a far since you exist. Students in your school was shamelessly shipping the two of you with each other. They think you’ll both make a perfect couple.
You’re labeled as one of the prettiest girl in your campus. Smart, from a well-known family, and captain of the campus cheerleaders. Just like Heeseung, boys at your school adores you but they don’t even bother as they know you were already his.
It’s all almost perfect except for one tiny thing... Lee Heeseung doesn’t like you. If you’re crazy for him, he don’t even feel anything for you.
You were snapped back from reality when someone gently taps your shoulder. And when you look over the girls at your table, they have this teasing smile so you already have a clue who it was.
“Hm?” your eyes met his serious eyes as you turn and face him. He has this smile but only you can tell that it was fake.
“I won’t be able to wait for you. I’ll be off to somewhere. I’ll just see you at the game.” he mumbled enough for the students at the table to hear.
You smiled and nodded your head at him. He smirked and leaned down over to give you a gentle kiss at your forehead. Lightly shutting your eyes at the process, you can feel your heart racing by the sudden affection.
It wasn’t new, really. You two were used to giving shows for those people who ships you two. He needed this, he’ll stay more popular if he acts like this. Popularity secures his position as the student council president. In short, he was using you and taking advantage of the situation.
You weren’t ignorant about it. He was straight-forward when he said that to you. He also told you that since you love attentions so much, you can use him as well so students eyes follows you all the time. It was a good deal so you agreed. And besides, you have feelings for him.
He nodded once before smiling over at the students at the table before he turned and walk away. Your eyes were glued at him as he coolly walk out of the library. Eyes were following him as always.
“Huwaaa you two are so perfect for each other, y/n!”
“Yeah right. I envy you so much.”
“Heeseung is so hot, y/n. How can you survive him?”
They were talking nonstop and all your response was just a small smile. Even if it sounds a bit rude, you enjoyed looking how other people envy you.
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“You’re a bit late.” your head snapped over at the side when somebody suddenly talked.
Your brows furrowed hardly as you saw Jay leaning over the wall, both of his hands were inside his pocket.
“Jay? Why are you here outside and why aren’t you wearing your jersey?” you asked, now approaching him.
The corner of his lips raised up and he faced you giving you a full view of his bruise at the side of his face. Your mouth fell a bit.
“I was suspended so I cannot play for today’s game.” he said a smile now plastered over his face. 
“What happened to you? Did you had that checked?” you were worried for him of course. He’s your friend and you’re close to him so seeing him at a state like that made you worried.
“It’s fine. Don’t you want to go inside? The game’s starting already.” he said and even tilted his head towards the auditorium.
You can already hear muffled screams and cheers from the inside. You gave him a nod before he gently grab your things from you so he can carry it for you. Jay’s a legit trouble maker but he’s a gentlemen so it wasn’t really surprising for you anymore.
The auditorium was crowded as expected. You had to squished yourself through the pile of students and thankfully Jay was there. His firm arms helped you so you wouldn’t be just bumped by somebody. You gave him a smile as you two arrived at the seat Heeseung had saved for you.
You saw how the players ran over the other side of it, the ball was at the opponent. Heeseung was very attentive and so focused in the game making him ten times more attractive. You really love it whenever he’s so focus about something.
The game continued and of course, Heeseung was the highlight of the game. You just smile while watching him enjoy the whole game. The whole auditorium went wild whenever he makes shots.
They won the game and you just watch as his members hover around him. They cheered and celebrated for their victory.
“You wanna go approach them?” your head snapped over at Jay when he asked you that and you just gave him a small nod.
He smirked and led you towards the court. Students paved way as they saw you approaching, they already know what you came for. His team member’s eyes darted you and you didn’t mind the obvious desires that lingers over their eyes. For you, it was only Heeseung that matters. He’s the only one who exist for you.
You smiled at him as a small smile appeared over his lips as well. He tilted his head one of his eyebrows raising at you. His arm opened a bit, indicating a victory hug.
“Congratulations, my mvp.” you said, enough for the crowd to go wild and tease the two of you.
Heeseung felt the playful nudges of his team-mates over him. He chuckled and shake his head side by side with a slow phase. “Where’s my kiss then?” he asked, sounding like as if he was challenging you.
You rolled your eyes as a small smirk appeared over your face. With a brave expression, you approached him and quickly snaked your arms over his nape to pull him towards you. The whole auditorium roars as the students saw you two making out. One of his arms slid over to your waist to pull you closer to him.
After the kiss, he pull away and rested his forehead at yours. You looked straight to his eyes, “Oh how you love the crowd, Y/n.” he whispered at you.
You chuckled, “Don’t say it like I’m the only one.” and you gave him one last gentle kiss at his cheeks before you move away from him.
He told you that he will just take a shower so you gave him a nod sending him off. You were left there together with Jay. He greeted you with his signature smirk.
“That’s quite a show.” he said that made you roll your eyes. Nobody knew about your set-up except from you and Hee’s friends.
“I was just planning to give him a peck. He was the one who deepened the kiss.” you explained because that was really the original plan. To give him a peck but Heeseung pulled you closer so you were a bit carried away.
Jay let out a chuckle, “Who would let the chance of making out with y/n slip away?” he said that made you chuckle at him.
You walked closer to him and leaned towards him, face inches away from you. “So you will make out with me if I insisted?” you joked at him. Well, you’ve been friends with them for a while too so you’re comfortable with them.
You saw a glitch of darkness pass through his eyes before he smirked at you. He raised his hand and put his two fingers over your forehead before gently pushing you away from him.
“Stop talking nonsense, y/n.” and he scoffed at you. He handed you your things before putting both of his hands inside his pocket.
“You should wait for Heeseung here. I’ll get going.” and he waved at you before turning his back and walking away.
You chuckled and just rolled your eyes before waiting patiently for Heeseung.
“Where’s your victory party?” you asked Heeseung as you walked side by side after he showered.
Now, he looked extra handsome while wearing his clean fresh white shirt paired with his black jogging pants. He do look really really attractive, with that slight wet hair. His gym bag hangs at one of his shoulder while he held your small bag using his hand. You can’t help but to bite your lip as you stare at him.
“Frat house? I’m not yet sure.” he answered. You two started walking out of the auditorium. There’s still a lot of students left and their eyes were quickly darted at your direction right away.
“Dude that three point shot at the end was perfect!” one of his team-mate walk beside the two of you.
You just gave him a smile as his eyes went over you from time to time. Heeseung responded with a thank you as you felt his hand rest over the small of your back, making sure you are closely beside him.
“Will you go eat with us before going home to get ready for the victory party?” his team-mates once again asked.
“Nah, I think I’ll spend some time with my lucky charm first. I’ll just meet you later at the party.” he said politely as he tapped his shoulder before guiding you to walk faster, dismissing any chances of him to talk again.
A small smirk appeared at your face as you two walk over to his car. “That was rude.” you mumbled as he send last wave at his team-mates then opened the door for you.
He scoffed running his hand over at his hair once, “He was annoying.” he shrugged his shoulders off before telling you to go inside.
You were checking your phone as he finally get inside. Expecting for him to start the engine already, you kept yourself busy with your phone but then you noticed he wasn’t doing anything.
“Is everything okay?” you asked, worried.
His eyes were already darted over at you-- on your exposed thigh to be specific. A smirk slowly spreads through your face as you tilt your head at the side.
“Enjoying the view? My eyes are up here, Hee.” you pointed out and even snapped your fingers in front of his face to catch his attention.
He looked up at you, “Yeah, I do and I bet all of my team-mates enjoyed it too.” you saw how his jaw clenched hardly.
You pursed your lips trying to suppress a smile to form, this shouldn’t be the time to be happy about the situation, y/n. Heeseung did said to you that he doesn’t feel the same way and even rejected you for a hundred times already. But this is one of those times where he kind of gives you missed signals.
“I wore this for you, Heeseung.” you said and smiled innocently at him. Your hand rested over at his face and you saw how he seriously eyed you.
His hand raised and held unto your wrist, with a smirk he started pulling you to straddle above him.
“Then prove it to me.” and without even warning you he pulled your face closer to his causing both of your lips to crash with each other.
You groaned a bit as you felt him bite your lower lip making you open your mouth slightly. Heeseung took the opportunity to slid in his tongue as his hands slowly undress you.
You gasped as he pull away from the kiss. His lips made contact with your neck and you let out small moans as you slowly felt his erection.
“If you didn’t made it clear that you don’t have feelings for me, I might think you're jealous right now.” you mumbled.
Heeseung was continually placing wet kisses all over your neck and as he made it over at the upper part of your chest, he shamelessly suck the skin marking you.
He leaned away and starred at his work for a while before he looked over at your eyes.
“I don’t like it when other people take interest over my toy.” and you felt his big hands rested over your tiny waist before he kissed you once again.
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“I’ll pick you up at 8pm.” Heeseung said after rolling down his car window after he dropped you over at your house.
“For what?”
“Victory party. You need to be there as my date.” he said seriously. You bit your lower lip as you just gave him a small nod before waving at him.
He smirked, “Show people my masterpiece.” he shouted lastly before droving away.
You rolled your eyes after chuckling then just decided to just go inside your shared apartment with your cousin.
“Oh~ someone had fun.” you rolled your eyes as you plopped over the sofa.
“I didn’t know you were home, Jake.” you acknowledged him as you saw him sitting at one of the single sofas.
“Yeah, I went home to rest for a while because of the party later.” he said and shrugged his shoulders off.
You rolled your eyes at him, “You’re going? You know what? You have to stop fucking different girls per day, Jake. That’s not gonna be good for you.” you tried lecturing your cousin.
He smirked, “I don’t do that everyday, y/n. What are you even talking about?”
You sighed, okay maybe that was exaggerated but the thought was still there.
“I don’t even know why girls still fall for your trap. Everyone in the campus obviously know how bad of playboy you are.” you mumbled and rested your head at the backrest of the sofa.
Jake let out a snicker of laugh, “It's because of this, y/n. This--” he said pointing over his face that made you roll your eyes.
“This is the key to everything! It’s because I have a face of an angel.” he added.
You can’t disagree to him because he’s partly right. If you look at him the first time and you don’t know him, you’ll probably think that he’s very innocent. But that’s not the case, he’s very much corrupted.
“So where did you two did it this time?” Jake asked casually as his reached over the remote to open the television.
You were close to your cousin and he knew about Heeseung and everything about it. He’s cool with it as long you’re happy with your set-up.
You gulped as you fished your phone and acted like as if you’re doing something important.
“In the car.” you answered like nothing.
You can see from your peripheral that he turned his head at your direction.
“Woah, in his car? Really? Again, y/n?” he sounds like he can’t believe it. You rolled your eyes and sighed heavily.
“You two seriously need to stop doing the deed in his car. I sometimes hitch with hyung and to think you do the nasty there makes me uncomfortable.”
“Then don’t hitch anymore. You have your car for a reason.” you can’t remember how many times have you rolled your eyes already but you once again did it.
You stood up and decided to go to your room and leave him at the living room.
“Ah seriously. I just can’t understand why Heeseung hyung enjoys the thrill of getting caught.” Jake even shrugged his shoulders.
“Whatever.” and you finally left him there. He’s really annoying.
Heeseung did pick you up for the party and as you two enter, a lot of people were already there. Attentions quickly went over at the two of you as he was the main reason why there’s a party.
He stood proud beside you while his arms were possessively locked over your waist. Well, who wouldn’t be proud to have you as their date? You’re y/n after-all.
They had this cute short program for the team that made everyone laugh as they call them one by one. They were asked to give short speeches just to be fun.
“And lastly, for our MVP! Lee Heeseung.” the mc had called his name as the crowd cheered for him. Heeseung smiled and stood up from his seat which is beside you. He walked towards this small platform and a spotlight was pointed at him.
He chuckled, “Ah this isn’t necessary but yeah, I want to thank everyone for supporting and congratulating us. For coach,” he said and raised his fist for him. The crowd chuckled and so did you.
And then his eyes soon darted over you. “And of course, to my lucky charm.” he added and soon another spotlight was at you now. The crowd started teasing the two of you.
You tried smiling as your heart ache for some reason. Breath hitched at the current situation, even though you know any of this wasn’t true, you can’t help but to feel butterflies over your stomach.
“Thank you for always being there for me, y/n.” he said and he smiled meaningfully as his eyes starred right at you.
Your smile faltered a bit as you know how sarcastic his smile was. It hurts for you to know that your feelings aren’t being returned.
Your eyes roamed around as they cheered for you to go join Heeseung at the platform. You had no choice because they were really pushing you already. He was just waiting for you and when you were beside him, he then pulled you in a kiss that made the crowd roar in excitement.
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As the night went deeper, people get drunker as well. You were already with some of your girl friends when Heeseung told you that he’ll just go meet his friends. You agreed, mind still occupied of what happened at the short program.
And when you noticed that Jay was already flirting at some random girls, your brows furrowed as you started seeing his friends having their own businesses.
“I’ll just go and look for Heeseung.” you told your friends and they just nodded their heads at you.
You, then proceed on looking for him since it’s really getting late and you’re starting to feel sleepy. When you turned over the corner, you saw him sitting at a couch, beside him was a girl. You don’t know her and you’re sure she isn’t from your school.
You balled your fist, starting to feel jealousy took over you. With chin raised high, you walked over at them. Good thing the students around them were pretty much wasted so they don’t have any clue that Lee Heeseung was flirting with some stranger.
”Heeseung, i’m sleepy. Take me home.” you interrupted rudely. Both of their heads snapped over your side. Heeseung’s forehead furrowed and you sort of saw that he was a bit pissed. The girl broke into a smirk.
“Oh look, your lucky charm.” you heard how she emphasize the words lucky charm and it annoyed you so much.
“Then go and find Jake to take you home, y/n.” you were dumbfounded when you heard Heeseung said that. How can he tell you that?
With a pained expression you held unto his arm when he once again turned to face the girl, “No, you took me here so you have to take me back home.” you were serious when you said it.
If you saw him a bit pissed a while ago, this time he really looked like he’s really mad. You let go from him, kind of got scared of the way he looked at you.
“There’s no more crowd, y/n. There’s no need for that anymore.” he said with a blank look over his eyes.
You stepped backward from him, “So would you please leave me alone? I’m busy right now.” he said before he turned his head without glancing over at you again.
A tear fell from your eyes as you slowly backed away from them. You saw how the girl teasingly waved at you and seems like she was really enjoying what’s happening.
You sniffed and harshly wiped off your tear before turning and left the scene. You fished your phone to go and dial your cousin’s number. Your chest was hurting so much that you can’t even process things properly.
“Jake where are you?” you said as you heard him answered his phone. You can hear muffled sounds from the other line.
“Y/n? Why? I’m somewhere.” you rolled your eyes because you know so well what that means.
“I want to go home. Pick me up back here in the party.”
“What? Where’s Heeseung? He took you there so he should-”
“He can’t take me home.” you cut him before he can even continue what he was saying.
“Why? Wait, I’m currently in the middle of something so--”
“Never mind, i’ll just go home by myself.” you said and was about to end the call when he talk again.
“What? No! Wait up, I’ll go there. It’s late already you can’t go home by yourself. Where’s Jay anyway?” he asked and you once again heard muffled sounds from his line.
“I don’t know where Jay is--”
“I’m here.” your head snapped over to the side when you heard someone interrupted you.
It was Jay and his brows furrowed as he saw your tear-stained face. “Great! Pass him the phone, y/n.” Jake said from the other line.
You sighed and gave Jay the phone. You have no energy to fight with him anymore so you just followed what he told you.
Jay talked to your cousin for a while but you didn’t really understand what it is because your mind was spacing out. He handed you back your phone after the call before he starred right at your eyes then smiled warmly.
“Let’s go, let me take you home, pretty.” he mumbled softly and you pursed your lips trying to stop yourself from crying.
Jay did take you home that night, it was a silent ride but you were somehow at peace. To know that he was just there beside you, calms you down. He was very reliable and a very nice friend to you.
“Thank you for taking me home, Jay.” you smiled a little at him.
He chuckled and extended his hand and gently messed your hair.
“Anything for you. Go inside since it’s cold.” he said and pointed the door using his chin.
“Your jacket?” you asked and motioned him his jacket that you were wearing.
“Keep it.” you starred at him for a while before you waved at him then went inside.
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The next day in school, you were silent all the time. They were asking you what’s wrong but you just smile at them saying that you were just tired.
Heeseung acted like as if he wasn’t an asshole yesterday. He was doing the same things like nothing happened, walk with you in hallways, eat with you and now taking you home. You were at the parking lot of the school and there’s almost no students left.
“I really don’t like the way you acted last night, Heeseung.” you opened up.
You like him--no, you actually love him. One reason why you still kept up with this set-up with him. But last night, you were really hurt and you can’t let him do that to you all the time.
Heeseung rolled his eyes as he looked over at your side, “If you’re worrying for your image, don’t worry. Everyone was wasted that time.”
“Is that why you flirted with that bitch and sent me off like I’m no one?” you asked him. His face turned dark as he grabbed you by the wrist.
“Don’t call her like that.” you never saw Heeseung that way and it really scared you.
You gulped trying to act strong in front of him, “Well she deserves to be called like that by how she acts yesterday.”
Heeseung then smirked at you, “Then how should you be called? You let me fuck you here in my car like a slu--” you slapped him hard even before he can finish his sentence off.
He was dumbfounded as he raised his head to look over at you. Heeseung doesn’t know what to feel when he saw your eyes filled with tears. He was lost of words and his mind was clouded that’s why he didn’t have the chance to stop you the moment you walked out of his car.
You were crying so hard that you didn't even realized that you had dialed Jay’s number instead of Jake’s.
“Hello, y/n?”
“Please pick me up.” you said between your sobs.
Jay was in the middle of practice when he saw you calling. They were having a water break and without even thinking twice, he ran out of there ignoring the shouts of their coach.
“What happened?” he asked as he went out of his car. He was still wearing his basketball shorts but now wearing his plain white t-shirt.
His face looked so worried as you approach him with a blank face. You tried smiling at him to ease his worry but you just saw how he clenched his jaw hardly.
He raised his hand to cup your face gently, “If you don’t feel like smiling, don’t smile.” he said and he raised your chin so you can meet his eyes.
“And if you want to cry, then cry. It will help you feel better.” and that was your cue. You cried so hard in his shoulders that you even had a hard time breathing.
That time, you felt safe inside his embrace while Jay’s lips were near your ears whispering you calming words and his hands ran smoothly over your back.
You slept in Jay’s place that night because you don’t want your cousin to see at that state. Jay spent the night comforting you and you were very thankful for him. You don’t know what you’re gonna do if he wasn’t there.
“If it’s hurting you that much, stop with that set-up already.” he suggested while handing you over a bowl of popcorn.
You pursed your lips while watching him set up the movie.
“I love him.”
“But he’s hurting you.” he said, eyes still fixed over the television.
You stayed quiet and wait for Jay to lay beside you to give you cuddles for that night. You felt safe and a lot better because of him.
The next day, Heeseung was a bit spacing out. What happened in his car kept on replaying over his mind and he just can’t help but to curse himself.
His eyes darted over at the door of the classroom as he saw someone going inside. It was you and he saw how your eyes really looked puff, probably because of all the crying.
He was so worried and was about to call you out when another person followed behind you. You turn your head before chuckling at that person.
“Here, wear this. You look funny.” he suggested and handed you a sunglasses. You laughed but followed what he had said.
Eyes of the students followed the two of you including Heeseung. He watch how Jay sat beside you and rested his hand at the back of your chair. He saw how he lean closer to whisper something at your ear that will make you laugh.
He felt strange an unknown feeling taking over him. Were you always like this with Jay? Well, Jay’s naturally flirty so he’s not shock at all but to think you act like that around him lit up something weird inside him.
He was still deep in thoughts when the bell rang. He snapped back to reality when Jake tapped him lightly at the shoulder to tell him that they need to go at the cafeteria.
He gave him a short nod before he saw Jay walked out behind Jake. He was about to turn back at where you’re sitting but you were already standing beside his seat.
Heeseung was actually surprised as he stare at you, he watched how you raised the sunglasses showing off your eyes before smiling.
“Let’s go eat.” you mumbled with your usual smile but unlike before Heeseung knew it wasn’t sincere.
He nodded after gulping, trying to get rid of that lump over his throat. Some students pass by over the two of you and you greeted them with a soft smile.
You two walked together over at the cafeteria like the usual routine. He was really clueless but somehow a but relieved that you didn’t shut him off completely.
As dismissal came, he was already plotting how he’ll say sorry to you. He was actually nervous as you both walked side by side over to his car. You were giggling moments ago with Jay but as he went in a different direction and was left alone with him, you grew silent.
Heeseung opened the car door for you but you were still silent after muttering a low thank you. He walked around and went inside his car. The drive was suffocating that’s why he cannot find the right timing to say his apologize for you.
“uh, y/n.” he tried catching your attention because you were already busy with your phone.
“huh?” you asked coldly not even sparing him any glance.
“I just want to say sorry for yesterday. It was an asshole move.” he said. He stopped the car because of the red light giving you a chance to actually look at him.
Heeseung was taken aback at how you look at him. It was cold and blank. He can’t even recognize you, it was very different at how you look at him before.
“Don’t mention it. I understand.” was your cold response to him.
He wasn’t satisfied and he was about to talk again but the green light appeared. He once again continued driving and you went back on texting over your phone. Heeseung tightly gripped unto the stirring wheel.
“Drop me off just there, Heeseung.” he was pulled back to reality when you suddenly talked.
His brows furrowed in confusion as he saw that you were pointing over to a place not even near your place.
“Do you need to go somewhere else? I can go with you.” he offered.
You looked at him and his heart ache as he saw that cold stares again. You smiled but he can tell that they were fake.
“It’s okay, Jay’s gonna pick me up here. Thanks for the ride, take care.” you said before going out of his car without even letting him to bid good bye.
Heeseung sat at his car dumbfounded. It happened really quickly that he wasn’t even able to stop you, just like what happen yesterday. He rested his head over the stirring wheel as he slowly sort out his feelings.
He was pretty clear that he doesn’t like you. Yeah, you were ideal. Beautiful, smart, sociable and have a great status in life but he just doesn’t seem interested in you... before. You were always vocal of how you feel towards him, making it easier for him to figure you out. Maybe that was the reason why he don’t take interest in you. Seeing you now slowly slipping off from him makes him mad. Not at you but to himself.
The days continued that way. You act like nothing’s wrong but obviously there is an invisible wall slowly grew between Heeseung and you. It was the other way for Jay tho, you two became even more close. The more days you dripped away from him, the more he have come to realized that he was indeed in love with you.
“This ain’t gonna work. You need to stop hanging out with Jay that often. They’re starting to make rumors that you are cheating over me with one of my friends.” one dismissal, you were planning to peacefully go home but it seems like Heeseung had reached his limit.
You sighed, “Fuck rumors.”
He was surprised at how you responded. If it was the old you who cares so much about your image, you would’ve take his suggestions but no. Jay had told you that there’s something else you need to care other than caring for what’s the other people are thinking of you. You realized that he was right.
“Y/n...” Heeseung sounded helpless as he calls out to you.
Actually, that was his last resort to keep you from leaving him. He may appear to be in control of the situation but the truth is, he was very worried. He’s afraid you’ll leave him and he knew so well that he ain’t gonna take it so well. He’ll go crazy. He cannot lose you.
You let out a heavy sigh once again and you turn to face him, “This isn’t working anymore, Heeseung. I’m out of this set-up. I know you can still win the next election for student council president even without my help.” you mumbled continuously before you attempted to open the door of his car.
Heeseung was still processing everything. He can’t believe you really said that to him. Between the two of you, he was expecting him to pull out of this set-up.
He went back to his senses as he quickly grabbed your wrist, refraining to let you go.
“I love you, y/n.” he blurted out.
You were stunned at the sudden confession. You weren’t expecting it and to think that it was from Heeseung was unbelievable. You scoffed at him and starred at him with full sarcasm.
“You’re just saying that because you’re afraid of what you’ll gonna lose.”
Heeseung clenched his jaw, “Yeah, and that’s you.”
You starred right at his eyes and you can see that he is sincere but still, the pain that he caused you tells you that it’s not enough for you.
So instead of believing him, you chuckled, “Good-bye, Heeseung.” and you shoved away his hold from you before going out of his car and left.
The next week, Heeseung was not himself. He was lost and everyone took notice of it and instantly indicating that it has something to do with you. The students around the campus had concluded that the two of you may have fought each other.
Heeseung was always lifeless, like as if he had no will of living anymore. He was always quiet and serious, everyone is really surprised and worried about him.
And when their basketball game for their finals came, you planned on going since Jay invited you, you were greeted by their stressed out faces.
“What’s wrong?” you asked Jay handing him the drink you bought for him.
He smiled a little, “Heeseung hyung is not here.” he said.
You furrowed your brows because you know how Heeseung was never late in his games. You roamed your eyes around and you didn’t saw him anywhere.
“y/n, can you do me a favor and please call him for me?” his coach even approaches you that you quickly agreed on.
You stepped outside of the auditorium for less noises and quickly dialed his number. It took him three rings before he picked it up.
“Yah! Lee Heeseung? Where the hell are you?” you sounds frustrated and mad at him. Even if you called off the set-up, you still worry for him of course. You know how much he wanted to win so it is a very big deal for him.
“Home? Your game will start in 5 minutes!”
“I know.” you were out of words after hearing him say that. You thought he just lost track of time but to hear that he knew confused you.
“Then why are you still there? Go here now.”
“I’m not gonna play.” his voice sounds so firm.
“What do you mean you’re not gonna play? Are you crazy? You wanted so bad to win this and you needed this for--”
“I don’t need that. You’re the one I need.” you were dumbfounded.
“Tell Jay I said good luck.” and he turn off the call.
You were stoned at your position the whole time and when you finally went back inside, the game was starting and they were left behind. Jay’s pretty much trying his best and of course, he’s scoring. But the duo from the other team just can’t be hand just by him.
They lost their first game in their finals and everyone seems to look so gloomy about it. Some of them were wondering why the Ace wasn’t there and you don’t know what to say to them.
The next day, it was the time where the candidates for the student council president will make a speech in front of the students. You were kind of worried for Heeseung because lately, he wasn’t himself.
Thankfully, he did appeared at the stage. He was all serious and not even smiling. When it’s his turn to make a speech, he went in front and you can see that everyone’s anticipating for him.
“Good morning. I, Lee Heeseung is here in front of you to make my speech.” his eyes roam around and as he find yours, it remained. He was silent and not talking.
He sighed and a small smile appeared over his face. “Actually, I don’t know if I can do this.” he said that made almost everyone to gasp.
You looked at him with worry. “I used to think that being the student council president is a piece of cake. I convinced myself that I’m very much made for this. That I can do this because, I am Lee Heeseung.”
You saw how the corner of his mouth lifted a bit, “Everyone may know me as a very responsible student, a role model for my hoobaes, a good friend and a good boyfriend.” and his eyes settled at you.
His smile fell as tear slowly show over his sad eyes, “Don’t get me wrong, I am indeed all of those except from one.” he added.
A smile appeared over his face as a tear fell, “I haven’t been a good boyfriend for y/n causing me to lose the most precious girl I have ever known.”
Your eyes started to water as well as you listen to him. “After losing her, I realized that she’s everything to me. She was the one who gives me encouragement whenever I get tired of my works as a student council president. She gave me assurance whenever I get nervous before my games during basketball games. And most of all, she showers me love even if I’m flawed and imperfect.”
He bit his lower lip, “Y/n, I wanna tell you that I would rather lose all of this than to lose you.”
You pouted and quickly stood up to go over at the stage to give him the warmest hug. The student cheered as you two embrace each other.
“I love you.” you mumbled.
“I love you even more, baby.” heeseung can’t explain the happiness he was feeling as he locked you into his embrace. To have you close to him sure is what he needs the most.
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I’m not good at making requests, so forgive me if anything come out wrong.
But, could you do something were reader and Tech are fixing some eletronics and listening to cientific things, and start talking about a wrong thing people said there, so they get distracted and when realize, they’re in to a awkward position (like him btween her legs or sth like that)
I love your writing and thanks (: <3
Omg I've been so soft for Tech lately and this prompt is perfect 💚 I hope this is what you were looking for, I really enjoyed writing it!
Tech x reader | 2k words
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...making bacta the most important scientific achievement in history...
"Dank farrik," Tech huffed beside you.
You came out of your daze at the sudden exclamation and looked at your friend with concern, trying to quickly figure out what had gone wrong. You were helping him with a project, though what it was exactly you weren't completely certain of. All you knew was it involved digging into the walls of the ship and untangling a lot of wires. You'd been instructed to hold onto several of them, keeping them pulled taught out of the wall so Tech could fiddle with the other ends, and the dullness of the task had caused your mind to wander.
"What's wrong?" you asked, doubtful you'd understand any explanation, but wanting to be sure you hadn't done anything to mess up his progress.
He waved a hand at you dismissively, not pulling his attention away from the work in front of him. "Just the radio," he mumbled.
You hadn't been paying attention; it had only been turned on as background noise to keep you from going insane with boredom. And since it was tuned into some kind of scientific news frequency, you didn't really understand much of what was being said anyway.
...with the most influential application simply being in the field of medicine, providing us higher life forms with a versatile tool in maintaining our quality of life, and potentially even prolonging it...
Tech huffed again. Scoffed. Your mouth quirked at how upset he was getting. It was kind of cute.
But, you had to debate whether engaging with his frustration would be worth it. He had only recently calmed down from his outburst earlier that day, the only time you had ever seen him genuinely upset. Wrecker had accidentally knocked over a piece of machinery that was... well, something very important, apparently. No one was too sure. But Tech had spent most of the week carefully arranging its parts just-so, so that when all his hard work went crashing onto the floor, his breathing had suddenly resembled that of a charging Nexu. He'd drawn himself up, trying to match his brother's height, and ordered the poor guy to never step foot in this part of the ship again. The other Batchers had tried to defend him and were subsequently banned as well.
That left you as the only option for help.
Maybe that meant he wouldn't kick you out for debating him....
"Sounds like they're saying some pretty reasonable things. Am I missing something?"
Tech's fingers, which had been deftly working through the wires before him, clipping some and splicing others, finally froze. The clone's face tilted over to you, his eyes looking a little too judgmental through those glasses for your liking.
"You think bacta is the most important scientific achievement?" he asked. You didn't like his tone, either.
You scrunched your mouth in thought, actually giving the question serious consideration. While you mulled it over, Tech stood up from his hunched position in the wall and started pulling on some of the wires, unraveling them from their tangled mess.
"Yeah," you finally decided. "I think medicine in general is pretty important. And bacta specifically is the strongest known substance to deliver fast and effective healing."
Tech was mostly focused on the wires, but he spared you a glance.
"And treating symptoms is the most important thing for humanity? Here, hold this." He added another wire for you to hold in your hands.
You knew it was a loaded question so you chose to answer it with one of your own. "Well if it's not bacta or medicine, then what would it be?"
"Electricity," he said quickly and assertively, as if it was the most obvious thing in the galaxy. He continued to focus more on his work and you were annoyed he didn't seem to want to offer up an explanation to his opinion, despite having made you give one. He'd finally untangled the wires and was back to leaning into the cavern in the wall and setting them into their proper places.
"Why electricity?" You hated how dumb your question sounded; obviously you understood the concept and understood its importance. You just really wanted to challenge him to give you some explanations.
"For one, most medicines would not be able to be mass-produced were it not for the electrically-run vats in which they are made." He held his hand out behind him and made a grabbing motion. "Blue, please."
You sorted out the blue wire and passed it over.
"For another," he continued, his voice sounding distant as he leaned further away into the wall, "we must ask what constitutes a quote-unquote important achievement. For example, is an achievement worthy of the title simply because it improves our quality of life? Green, please."
You handed over the corresponding wire. "I'd say it's more about preserving life. Even outside of war, there's enough injury and illness that would end life were it not for medicine to heal them."
"Ah, but in that same reasoning, electricity also sustains life. It powers sources of light and warmth, which can also provide a means of boiling water and cooking food. All keys to survival. Yellow, please."
"So does fire," you shot back. "People survived long before electricity, and there's still plenty of civilizations living fine without it."
Tech finally emerged from the wall and took the last few wires from you, the red and black ones. He met your eyes with an earnestness that let you know how much he was enjoying this conversation. "And people have survived without medicine. At least the manufactured forms that you're arguing for, like bacta. Traditional medicine is as sufficient as fire."
Before you could respond, Tech moved to the side, motioning toward the wall with his head and holding up the remaining wires.
"Now, unfortunately these last ones need to be clipped in down below. I'm not able to fit through the lattice of the floor, but someone of your stature easily could."
You stepped forward and peered down. It was a mess of machinery and pipes and beams, but you could clearly see the port where the wires had been yanked out earlier. You knelt down, resting your stomach on the edge of the wall, but paused before bending over.
"If it wasn't for bacta, you wouldn't have been born." You were confident in your comeback and thus didn't linger for his reaction, turning to bend down into the ship with your wires instead.
You were disappointed to hear his soft chuckle from above you.
"And what do you think powers the bacta tanks that hold the clone embryos?"
You were glad he couldn't see the frustrated frown on your face. While you tried to think of a new point in your debate, you snapped the red wire into the proper port. But then you realized you couldn't quite reach the black one, and started carefully shimmying forward, deeper into the wall.
"It seems we have circled back to the initial question," Tech offered in your silence. You felt his hands hold on to your hips, steadying you as your legs lifted from the floor, most of your body now inside the ship. You didn't think anything of it, though, your focus split between your task and his words. "What makes an achievement the most important? Both medicine and electricity are capable of preserving life, but neither are essential to survival. So, what criteria are we left with?"
You were finally within reach of the last port and pushed the wire into it. "Sounds like you already have the right answer, so why don't you stop teasing me and just say it?" you called up to him.
"I...I didn't mean to sound like I was teasing."
You could hear the apology in his voice, how truly caught off guard he was to hear that you had perceived his attempts at a friendly debate, a conversation, as mocking or disrespectful. Your stomach knotted up in guilt, making your journey to wiggle back out of the wall a little more difficult.
"I'm sorry, Tech," you said through a grunt as you tried to push yourself back. "I didn't mean to sound rude. I just don't know the answer."
You felt his arms snake around your middle, pulling you the last of the way out. You came to rest on your knees, breathing heavily at the sudden increase in air supply. Tech was crouched alongside you, his chest against part of your back, his arms still holding you.
"I honestly don't know the answer, either," he blinked down at you, speaking quietly. "I don't know what criteria would constitute the most important scientific achievement. I thought maybe we could figure it out if we kept discussing it."
You craned your neck around to look at him, unconcerned about the discomfort it took to do so. You needed to face him fully. "Or... maybe we don't need to figure it out? I mean, does there need to be one achievement labeled more important than any other? Can they not all be valued equally?"
"I suppose..." he relented. But only a little. "It is a fun thought exercise, though."
You smiled at that, and it made your heart flutter a little to see him return the expression. There were a few seconds between you where you sat pleasantly in each other's arms... before the realization hit that you were in each other's arms.
"Uh," Tech stuttered first. His eyes looked about frantically as if the more he saw of you practically sitting in his lap, the more he would know what to do about it.
Your face was hot and your heart thumped forcefully in your chest. But you weren't panicking. Even though you'd been around the Bad Batch for a while now, this was the first time you'd gotten physically close to any of them, especially this dorky genius, who made you feel just a little better about life than the others did. You hadn't been sure why, not until this moment, your face being mere inches away from his own. Now it clicked.
His arms had removed themselves from your frame and he was starting to crawl backward on the floor. You quickly grasped his shoulder to stop him.
"Tech, wait."
He froze, looking at you with wide, apprehensive eyes. His shoulder was tense so you relaxed your grasp and simply let your hand rest on it gently. You gave him a small smile. Thankfully these little gestures were enough encouragement for him to lean back to you. He still looked at you timidly, but he wasn't pulling away anymore. It seemed like maybe he had been feeling the same things about you.
He was waiting for you to make the next move.
"So, this project," you stalled, needing just a little more time to work up the courage. "What is it again? Why did I just crawl into the bowels of the ship?"
Your face was creeping closer to his, breath gently fanning across each other, warm but refreshing.
"I... I..." Tech seemed to be short-circuiting. "I was just, uh, re... redecorating."
Your nose had just brushed his when you suddenly frowned and moved back to look at him questioningly. "Redecorating... wires?"
You were very amused at how flustered he seemed to be in this situation. But then the tables turned as Tech rolled with it.
"Yeah, I didn't like the way they looked in there. Wanted to change things up. You know me."
The smile on our face spread as he talked and you couldn't hold back your laughter any longer. You bent forward, resting your forehead in the crook of his neck while your body convulsed with giggles. Tech laughed along, bringing his arms back around you to hold you in place. When you finally looked up at him and the shit-eating grin he had plastered on his face, you knew you'd finally found your courage.
"Oh, Tech..." you chided, pressing your smiling lips against his own.
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choptop-sawyer · 3 years
Hi again 😎💫 im here to dig at ur brain again bcs i. M. Aaa sorry i just love ur stuff but. I have this kinda rly specific storyline type hc area and I'd love to hear any hcs you might get from it if its at all jr thing. But um I keep sometimes thinking back to the idea of kinda, vaguely growing up in the same area as the Sawyers, being childhood friends (and being stupid 2gether, running arount the countryside, ditching school & playing in corn fields) -
But then having to leave in your late teens to school / whatever (I mean 😎 my sappy ass also thinks abt mutual pining w Bobby but you know...... nearly unrelated.......)
Then, later on (Bobbys now Chop Top, Nubbins is..... dead I guess but also >:( maybe not, the family is up to being a mess etc) returning to town to take a break from work or whatever. N meeting up w the family again, i mean, oblivious to the bullshit they get up to but.... yk
This is a bit rambly i should probs have waited to sleep but I can't get the thought of returning to the Sawyer door wearing Bobbys tie dye sweatshirt that hr borrowed u years ago and all the impact of being a former family member bc u were also kind of an outsider or whatever but also the drama of leaving so uwu sksjd
This got so long. All i wanted to ask is: sawyer family headcanons for a childhood friend returning to town after being away for years. Rip.
THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS god I love the image too of just standing in the doorway,, you're not home, you've changed a little bit, but you still fit into some of the old aspects you know so well they fit you and cover you.
Actually this is great because that fic that I swear exists has pretty much the same premise but!!! I can make this one less tragic than that one. 😎
(This is mostly Chop Top n you centric please don't mind)
Also this timeline is all fucky. I think that as soon as Chop came home from Vietnam the Sawyers had basically uprooted themselves and were living in North Texas because of the... Hardesty incident. But like can we pretend that that never happened they r still there in Newt? Just for this. (Hope you like it!)
Chop Top's Childhood Friend Returns
You don't think you would have turned out the way you did without the Sawyers.
They were the main element of your childhood, a mystery that you had to be a part of. A mystery, because they were closed off. Mistrustful. The sickness of small towns carried to the extreme, because they were mostly alone. The loneliness made them more miserable, the misery made them more isolated. A cycle, a legacy.
So it was a a miracle that you were even allowed to be apart of some of it, but you attribute that miracle to Bobby.
He seemed to think you were as much of mystery as what you thought the Sawyers were. Two kids looking through a small window into another world. But he liked that. He liked that you were something different, something new. From beyond that small world of loneliness that lived in the house.
You learned quickly that he had a desire for anything beyond that world. So he'd invite you out with him, when you were kids, to run free in the tall grass, when you got older, to drive with him to places unknown. He had a knack for finding these odd places, and he always brought you along with the music cranked up loud on the radio.
Bobby told you many times that he wanted to see the world. He had this lust for life that went beyond the restlessness of the young. He also said that he wanted to bring you along with him when he saw the world. You didn't ever mention how that always made your heart skip a beat when he said that.
Maybe you should have. But the past is the past and you can't change that.
You knew the other Sawyers too, but Bobby tended to avoid them sometimes. But occasionally, you got to hang out with them.
Nubbins was an enigma. You didn't think Nubbins was his real name. But that's the only one you heard from him, but the name situation was the least confusing thing. He was the most open person you knew. And yet you couldn't understand him, and decided at some point that you wouldn't ever. But he was fun. His energy was infectious, if he was filled with joy, you couldn't help but laugh with him too. That was Nubbins, so absent of any purposeful deceit that he was almost a mirror, you saw yourself around him, sometimes it was uncomfortable, but other times it was fun.
Bubba was the opposite. He seemed to be legitimately wary of you. Bobby once told you that Bubba didn't like to leave the house, ever. He stayed and did the chores. You wondered if he minded, being stuck with all the chores but Bobby said he didn't. It was comforting for him. Always having something set to do. You only saw him once. Nubbins had made him tag along when he needed him to hang some things from a tree. Bones from indeterminate animals, a clock with a nail through it. You don't think Nubbins actually needed Bubba to reach the branches (he climbed pretty well) but he just wanted his little brother to see his work. Bubba didn't make eye contact with you the entire time. He was wholly focused on his task of helping Nubbins. But he was gentle when he helped his brother, careful, and for that you liked him.
Drayton was... well. He was the one Bobby argued with the most. He was his brother, but with how much age between the two, it was almost hard to believe sometimes. Drayton was the one that everybody in Newt knew the most. People liked him well enough, but they said he was odd behind his back. He knew that. You don't think he trusted anything outside the insular world he and his family had existed in for years, and was at odds with Bobby because he didn't get why Bobby wanted anything to do with the world outside.
Oftentimes you would see Bobby after he and Drayton got into it. He'd be fuming, but he'd smile when he saw you. You'd leave with him whenever he came to you. These adventures were the most fun you had when you were there.
The other times you'd go off were when he'd convince you to skip school. Bobby never went himself. He didn't get the idea of all those kids sitting in classrooms for hours, doing nothing but writing and listening. Why do that when you can find things out for yourself? Get into some trouble? In his mind, he was saving you from a very boring thing.
You two knew the area around Newt well. The fields and the flat expanses were the best kind of playground. Your dreams were still set in them. A kind of sunshine filled melancholy.
Bobby told you things in the grass. His dreams yes, but his own thoughts. On music, on late night radio, on movies, on you. He perhaps thought of you as wonderful as voices on the radio, stars on the screen. He never told you that though. But your name was never far from his mouth when Bobby talked about the things he loved.
You and him loved each other as much as two kids who didn't know how to could. He was always on your mind now, with not much tangible objects to remember him with. A photograph taken by Nubbins, your faces blurred because you were laughing. A button, the pin on the back bent. A sweatshirt, which he tie dyed himself, and gave to you one night. The colors were faded. You never did get to return it.
The years away did nothing to lessen thoughts of him. No, they just blurred all together now, and the stream of the sunshine filled melancholy was almost endless. You needed a break. There was only one place you could think of that could help you with that.
So you came back. All things led back to this place eventually. Newt was dying, or dead. Didn't you see somewhere that when a ship went down, it took everything with it? You didn't want to stay for long. But you had to see all of them, you had to know that they were all not these strange figures you had dreamt up.
You went right to the house. You'd never actually been allowed inside, Bobby just always said something along the lines of 'Grandma and Grandpa are napping upstairs' or 'there's a mess' (never mind that he could care less usually about messes.) But you figured he had had a good reason. Maybe he was embarrassed.
When you knocked on the door, your heart was pounding. And that was all. Nothing happened, no indication that anyone was there. You waited, the sweatshirt was too hot but you didn't want to take it off.
Maybe you should come back another time. You were just about to turn around and leave when the door burst open, almost whacking you in the face. And there (you couldn't believe your eyes you couldn't this was a dream) he was.
Bobby had a hammer raised over his head, grinning, he was poised to swing it down, but then he saw you and he felt as if he was in a dream too.
It's been so long. He thought he made you up, a dream to carry him through misery, and you looked the part, even as you stood before him on the doorway. The light of the setting sun shone behind you, heat waves shimmered in the dusk, and you... you.
Facing each other, you stood, just staring. Over head the sky grew colorful, in the fields the grass whispered in the wind. Nothing had changed. Everything had changed. Bobby dropped the hammer and grabbed for your face, and he held it, fingers digging in so tight it hurt.
"H-hey you." He said, and fell to his knees, releasing your face. You numbly touched the marks his fingers left. Bobby still looked like a man who had seen a ghost.
You called his name, and his eyes looked lost, like he hadn't heard it in a long time. He looked up at you, and you could really get a good look at him. His face was leaner, he looked sickly and wiry, but his eyes were just as you remembered. You sank down to the porch to sit with him.
"Fuck... FUCK I didn't... I- I thought ya'd forgotten all about me... uh.. uhm. Fuck! I mean, r-really! Turnin' up out of the blue like you're some kinda... ghost or whatever... WHOA man... like, ya here to return m-my, my sweatshirt? You're wearin' it, you can keep it! You look better in it anyway... heh, fuck." He rambled on and on, hands tensing and twitching as if they were moving to touch you again, just to reaffirm your existence. Did he know how glad you were to see him? Did he know that you hadn't felt right for the longest time being away?
You forgot all about the sweatshirt, the hammer he had raised with a sadistic grin. You reached out and held one of his twitching hands, and he stilled and stopped talking. There was a peace now.
It didn't seem possible for your heart to feel this full. But it was. And by god, if this wasn't the best decision you made in your life to visit your old hometown, if only just for this moment.
Bobby stood, with your hand still in his, pulling you up. He smiled at you, and you knew you still loved him, and in your deepest heart, you knew he loved you too.
But this time around, maybe you and him could love each other right.
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healpeony · 3 years
Love Story
Levi Ackerman x reader
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲; Levi's and Y/n love isn't accepted by many specially Y/n's parents, an Eldian and a Marleyan? a great represention of Persephone's and Hades love.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; profanity, angst, scene of smut (not explicitly described), violence, blood, being called whore (by her mother), homophobia (also used by her mother), spoilers.
Taglist; @icedkoffees
Note; she/her pronouns used for the reader as well as female anatomy. Also I'm using what Isayama said about how Levi would act shy around his crush and him being uncomfortable with sexual intercourse. And I also want to add that I don't know much about what happens when the Marleyans invaded Paradise, and I also added my own thing to help with my plot so this could be call a cannonverse!au.
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PERSEPHONE a young women who's innocence was taken from her the moment she was kidnapped by her uncle, who fell in love with her. Despite her mother's (Demeter) attempts to fully get her back right away from the hands of her brother, it was too late that wasn't going to happened not after Hades persuaded Persephone to eat four seeds of pomegranate, which forced someone to have a connection with their captor, making them come back to them.
Each spring time Persephone would be living with her mother on earth, while in winter she was with Hades in the underworld.
Levi was the Persephone to Y/n's Hades, she being the one who used him and their love for each other was the pomegranate making Levi come back to her.
It's ironic how their love story started with y/n getting taken away from Marley, a place she called home.
Even though she wasn't necessarily kidnaped, she was sent away to accomplish a mission in a place called Paradise, she found it ridiculous how it was named that way when that land was full of devils.
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Y/n was shipped to Paradise along with the warriors. She was going to infiltrate into the Survey Corps where she would hopefully sabotage every expedition without getting caught.
Her mission was to make sure none of the warriors get too cozy in the foreign place, and to focus on their mission, but it was impossible to do so when all the people who were described as devils, were actually just like them. Humans.
She was older than those kids being 22 when they were still 15, y/n loved them, they were like little siblings to her and it hurt when they lost Marcel, the jaw.
"Oi brat! Stay focused" the voice of her captain took her out of her train of thoughts
Captain Levi, he was called humanity strongest and was also what everyone called their only hope. At first Y/n didn't understood why he needed such a big tittle, but after being in his squad and witnessing him showing his skills and his hatred towards titans, she got why.
"I'm sorry captain" she saluted, which was dismissed by him
"You called what you did back in the kitchen, cleaning?" he asked pointing towards the place he just mentioned "There is dust everywhere, go and clean everything again, I don't want to see any dust in there again. That's where our food is made, you idiot"
Without another word he left, and when she felt like he was out of earshot, she kicked a chair, breaking it. He might be Humanities strongest, but he was soo irritating, so obsessed with cleaning. That's what they always did for the most part of their time.
"there is dust everywhere my ass" she mocked Levi's voice while looking around the kitchen she just finished cleaning minutes ago
She had made sure everything was left without a spot of dust, how in the world did Levi saw dust anywhere.
After she had cleaned the kitchen area, Levi had send her to clean the stables which took a lot of time since he told her to clean alone. It was already sun down when she had finished.
She was exhausted, her clothes were pooled with sweat and glued to her skin making her uncomfortable, she really needed a shower.
"Go take a shower" the sudden voice of the raven man scare the hell out of her
"Fuck Captain!" y/n yelled, putting a hand on her chest as if that would calm her speeding heart beat
"Go now, and then come to eat dinner with us" he continued, the blank stare he gave her when they made eye contact given her chills
"Yes, sir" she saluted, before leaving
The mess hall was well a mess, the cadets eat like animals. The same soup and bread they always eat, Y/n found it extremely annoying how the Military Police get all the meat when the Survey Corps were the ones doing the only brave work inside the walls.
"Y/n if you're not going to eat your soup can I have it?" Sasha asked
Oh, how much she wanted to say no, but she had a reputation to hold and she didn't want the soup anyway.
Y/n faked a smile, (one that everyone thought that was genuine) before saying "of course, Sasha" passing the bowl full of hot soup to the girl
Y/n felt how eyes were burning through her skull and turned her head to look down the table, just to see Captain Levi staring at her with a suspicious look in his eyes.
Oh shit, if he in some way found out about who she really was, she was fucked. The young women tried her best to stay seated, but her nerves didn't let her making her stand up.
"I'm exhausted, I think I'm going to sleep"
It wasn't a lie she was tired from all the cleaning, but she didn't want to sleep, she just needed to desperately get out of there.
When she was finally outside, y/n leaned against the wall, sliding down while taking a deep breath.
"You know, it isn't good to fake smile to your friends"
Y/n immediately turn around at the sudden voice of her captain, he did it again, he scared the living shit out of her.
"Captain!, Stop doing that!" her face felt warmer than usual for some reason
Was she blushing?
"Why did you do it? Are you sad?" Levi asked putting down a handkerchief on the ground before sitting next to her, looking over at her examinating her face
"Oh it's just stress" Y/n replied, praying that he would just believe her
"I see.." he turned towards the sky where the moon shined brightly along with the stars
What Y/n thought that would be a awkward silence, turned into a comfortable one. They just stared at the sky above them, it remind Y/n that she had a family waiting for her outside the walls and she was not going to disappoint them by getting comfy with the captain, even though she didn't know what his intentions were.
"I'm going to take a nap" she stood up, and called over her shoulder "Have a good night, captain" before proceeding to walk towards her room
"Good night, cadet..."
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Y/n didn't know when it happened, was it when they continued sitting together and looking at the sky in complete silence, or was it when in some of those same nights they spoke more and more about each other's personal life (in none of those conversations she mentioned Marley, but still talked about her family). She didn't remember how her feelings for him changed, but they did.
Right now she was there, in the same spot on the wall with Levi next to her. They were even in first name basics with each other.
The raven man cleared his throat catching her attention, turning her head to the side to look at him she noticed how he was blushing.
"I.. I think is pretty obvious what I feel for— about you by now"
A surprised noice escaped Y/n mouth, she expected to have that talk with him some day, but not today or Levi being so straight forward with the subject.
The women could only nod, her brain still processing what he just said.
"I was wondering, if you felt the same.." his voice dropped to a whisper, while he looked down
"No" she shaked her head, making Levi looked up at her eyes widened with embarrassment at the rejection "Look, Levi.. it's just that I have done terrible things that you're not aware of. You don't want to be with me"
"Then tell me what terrible things you have done and let me be with you after your done" Levi said
"No, Levi you don't understand" tears pooled in her eyes, y/n didn't even remember the last time she had cry "I can't be with you"
"Why? Is it because of the terrible things you have done? Well guess what everybody has their own flaws, everybody in this world is an angel, at least until they get tired of the cruelty in it and let the demons take over" Levi grabbed her face between his hands, wiping the falling tears from her face "I want to be with you, wether you have let your demons take over or not"
Y/n felt the man lean in to place his lips to hers, they stayed pressed together without movement, before Levi pull away and kissed her again this time letting his emotions be known through the kiss.
Passion. Love. Care.
This is a moment in her life she would never forget not even when hers and the warriors mission is over.
Retaking of wall Maria
"I let you. I fucking let you in!"
Levi stood infront of her heartbroken, she told him, now he knew everything..
"Levi-" however she wasn't able to continue speaking since she received a kick right in the face making her fall on her side
She looked at Levi surprised, he had kicked her. Y/n knew she deserved, but it still hurt to have someone you loved hit you.
"You lied about everything didn't you? For what, to get information?" his voice was cracking slightly with each word he said "Was it necessary to use me for your stupid plans?"
"I didn't use you!, What I felt for you was real" y/n said defending her feelings
"I don't even know what is real about you anymore, is Y/n actually your name? Or is it just another lie?"
"It is my name.." she weakly murmured tasting blood in her tongue, she figured that her lip might have been split open from the impact
"Oh good to know"
Sarcasm tried to cover his hurt voice, which actually didn't work, since Y/n could clearly hear his shaky breath and it made her feel soo guilty.
"I hate you"
Those three little words were enough to make her world come crashing down, he hated her. Of course he did, it hurt so much but she had seen this coming, and she still didn't felt ready for it.
"I'm sorry, Levi"
That was all she said to him, before she was grabbed by a titan being controlled by Zeke, taking her away from the place where she meet someone who meant so much to her.
One thing that she was sure of was that
She will never forget Levi Ackerman.
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Screams, that was what was heard everywhere. Kids either with their parents or alone were running desperately trying to find shelter, and that broke Y/n's heart.
She was tired of all the fighting, she was tired of pretending to be stronger than she felt. For once she just wanted peace and happiness, something that she didn't quite have the past four years.
How did they got here? That was one of the many questions going through her head, but one that she paid more attention to was the most important
Was he here too?
"There you are, piece of shit."
That voice, it was him. It might have changed, but she could recognize it everywhere, the same voice who used to startle her everytime they saw each other, the voice that bought her comfort, the voice of the man she fell in love with.
It was Levi.
Slowly she proceeded to turn around, the fear for what might happen next running through her veins. She was ready to be killed by him.
Finally she look up and saw the same man she fell in love with, the only change that she saw was the uniform, apart from that he still seem like he had the same height as before and from the look on his face he still had the same temper.
"Nice uniform, I like it" she told him quietly not knowing what to say
Levi scoffed at her statement, taking his blade out. So he was going to kill her.
"You can go ahead and kill me, might as well add another ghost to haunt you"
Did she felt fear? Yes she did, but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing it.
"Shut up" that was his response, before he connected his blade with her cheek leaving a long but not deep cut "You're going to come with me"
"I'm not going anywhere!"
The last thing he told her was that he hated her, why would he want her to come back to Paradise?, Was it to use her for information? Or because he missed her? It was stupid to think of the latter question, but she was still hopeful.
"I'm not asking, you brat"
That was the last thing she heard before he knocked her out.
"How could you be with a devil?!"
Her mom's scream hurt her eardrums, Zeke had told them about how she had been in a relationship with a so call devil. That seem like the only thing Zeke could do apart from throwing rocks, snitch.
"You were send there for a reason Y/n! No child of mine should've or should be with one of those devils!"
"Mother, I'm so sorry it's just that it would be easier for me to get the information about them that I wanted"
That was a lie. She loved Levi, even though she didn't get the chance to say it to him. She did, and that feeling wasn't going to go away anytime soon.
Her father stood next to her mother quietly looking at her with disgusts as if she was the trash people get rid of because of the smell, she hated that, it hurt to have your own parents hating on you.
"So what? For a piece of information, you had to go and whore yourself in there?"
Y/n gasped looking at her mom shocked "What? No mother, I didn't do anything like that with him!" she argue
That wasn't a lie, Levi was uncomfortable with sexual intercourse, since his own mother worked in a brothel and he had been the witness of how much that act hurt his mother, he had trusted her enough to tell her that.
"Good, you still have your purity." her mom nodded, before letting out a sigh "At least it wasn't with a women, you would've been completely kicked out of this house young lady"
"Now go take a shower, make sure to wash away every memory in that land while doing so." her mom smiled softly her hand reaching out to touch her cheek, before hugging her "My poor baby, having to live with those devils for so long. Don't worry you're home now, you're safe with us"
What once was her home didn't feel like home anymore, her house was just a place, her home was the person she left behind in Paradise.
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Y/n didn't remember how many days have passed or what was going on outside of her cell. She didn't know in what prison she was in, but just a few days ago it had seem like there was a whole damn war going on outside.
She hasn't seen Levi since he put her into the cell, and she was scared that something might have happened to him. She heard the door of the corridor open, Y/n stood up walking towards the bars to see who it was, it was Hange.
"Y/n" Hange nodded at her as if they were saying hi "He said your name, so we think it would be good if you saw him"
"Who are you talking about?" Y/n asking looking at them confused
Her heart immediately speed up, something happened to him. Her anxiety grew each passing second as she took step by step through the halls, Hange having a hold of her arm to make sure she didn't try to run away.
"What happened to him?" Y/n questioned scared for what the answer might be
"Explosion" was all they said, before entering a room that seems to be Levi's, there was only a nurse sitting in a chair probably just there just in case Levi needed something
"Thanks, you can stand outside. We would call if we need you" Hange told the nurse who nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her, but not before throwing Y/n a look of disapproval about her being there.
Y/n ran to Levi's side as soon as the nurse was out, he had bandages in one side of his face, and on his hands. Tears started sliding down the young women's cheek while Hange looked at her with pity, but also cautiously not wanting her to do anything that might hurt Levi.
"Levi.." she whispered, even though
y/n felt bad about disturbing him from his sleep knowing how difficult it was for him to do so, she wanted to hear his voice, reassuring her that he was going to be ok "Everything it's going to be fine, right Hange? Tell him"
“Yeah, I agree with you y/n”
She didn't knew who she was trying to convince herself or Levi, but that didn't matter, because she felt a squeeze in one hand and immediately look down to see that Levi was the one holding it. Y/n look back up to his face seeing how his eye was open and he was staring directly at her.
Y/n smiled "Hey darling, you're okay now" she let out those word between sobs "— I'm sorry for everything Levi, for not telling you where I was really from, for letting you fall in love with me when I knew how it was going to bed. I'm so sorry for every misery that I have put you through"
Levi squeezed her hand again "- 's ok, I f—orgive you" his words came out has a whisper and he struggled to speak but she heard him clearly
Hange watched the scene playing out infront of them, they could see how much those two loved each other. They were like a puzzle, that could figure each other out, knowing each piece of themselves like the back of their hands.
It has been a month and a half exactly since Y/n had seen Levi in the bed witnessing how helpless he looked, she had never seen him like that and wasn't planning to anytime soon, since then she hadn't left his side.
He was currently touching her bare back leaving kisses down her neck, their naked chest pressed together, hot and sweaty.
"Levi..." she moaned softly
This was their first time being intimate, and she didn't want him to feel pressured into anything.
"I know what you're going to say, and I want to how much as you" he said before continuing marking her, claiming her as his
Each move of his hips against hers, reminded her of who she was with. The gentleness in his touch making her forget about the world around them. The softness of his lips against hers taking her breath away.
It wasn't just the pleasure that made Levi take the decision of doing this with her, this was his own way of showing how far he would go just to be with her, to come out of his comfort zone just to shower her with intimate kisses and touches that he and neither would she forget.
“I love you Levi”
Her skin was the canvas, and his lips was the brush painting each part of her body.
“I love you too...”
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“You will come back with us immediately young lady!" her mother said trying to remain calm infront of the devils
The rumbling was over, Eren Yeager was killed. Paradise and Marley were allies, but that doesn't mean they have forgiven each other for what each have done. Many Marleyans and Eldians from Marley came to visit out of curiosity, while people from Paradise went to explore the world (if we are talking about visiting the outside world and finding new things as much as possible), but they never want to visit Marley afraid that they might get turn into titans and angry for what those monsters have done to other people.
"I'am old enough to make my own decisions, mother" Y/n had answered, wanting to remain as calm as she could
"His manipulating you isn't he?"
"How dare you!—" Y/n yelled, before regaining her composure, her voice going back to calm but being loud and firm at the same time "I love him, he didn't manipulate me into anything. It's bold of you to assume that, mother"
"We're your family, your place it's with us!"
Some of the Military Police who were there scoffed along with some of the scouts, they have warmed up to Y/n already, but the Marleyans didn't seem to accept that one of themselves loved an Eldian, specially from Paradise.
"You're my family? Then where were you when I needed you the most?, All I needed when I returned to Marley four years ago was my mother!, The one who an illusion of my mind created, a sweet mom who would love me for being her child, and not see me as an object" Y/n couldn't remain calm anymore she needed to let everything out "— The time I spent with him, I got to truly know what comfort was, what being loved and being needed felt like! And you—" with tears in her eyes she turned to her father who was quiet, like he always was "You're so afraid of mom that you don't even dare to speak for yourself!, You did nothing to help your own daughter!, You just watched as she was raised to be something she didn't want to be!"
She spoke out her mind finally letting out those built up words that haunted her, needing to be said "— I thank you for everything though, despite not given me the love that I needed, your own choices took me to where we are now. Without those decisions, I wouldn't have met Levi so I thank you, for what you both did" she smiled at them
Her mom stood there quietly, before turning around and walking towards the door, her father following close behind "Don't bother returning home" was all her father said
"I won't"
She was already home, she was standing next to it. Holding his hand, Levi Ackerman was the safe place she will always and forever need.
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“— And they lived happily ever after”
Y/n closed the book, looking at the twins, her daughter and son who had fallen asleep half way through the story.
“Please tell me you didn't read to them the explicit parts”
The voice of her husband scared her and she turned to him, who stood by the door leaning into it.
“Of course not you idiot!”
She stood up turning off the lamp and given both of the children kisses on their head, before going out of the room with Levi.
“I still think we should publish this book” Y/n smirked, a mischievous look in her eyes
“Absolutely not”
Yeah, their Love Story had a happy ending after all.
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This was so much fun to write! I wrote 4k words and I'm proud of that! I feel like my writing has improved in the past few days, and this might be one of the works that will show it, and I hope future ones show the progress too! Also I want to punch y/n's mother in the face.
Thank you so much for reading, you can support my work by hitting reblog or liking! But don't repost to other platforms!
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kingexpl0sionmurder · 4 years
Sour Candy - Bakugou Katsuki
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Author: @kingexpl0sionmurder Rating: 18+ (Smut) Words: 12,276 Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki/F!Reader (Aged up, characters are in college) Warnings: Language, smut, Shinsou is kind of a dick, I made Bakugou a fan of LotR alright?
AN: I have been writing this for 84 years. This is my first attempt at Bakugou. Please be gentle lol. Shout out to @unbreakablekiribaku for listening to me talk about this fic since FEBRUARY and @420bakubaby​ for being one of the first people to read this and then scream at me for stopping mid smut for like 2 months. Bakugou’s poor neck lmfao. xoxoxo Masterlist is here Buy me a Kofi?
You sighed, resting your head on your folded arms at the table. You tuned out the chattering of the girls around you, Ashido and Hagakure giggling at something to your right.
“You okay, Y/N?” Uraraka shot you a concerned look from across the table, causing you to lift your head and gaze at her.
“Yeah, I’m just bored.” And lonely, but she didn’t need to know that. Your eyes fell back to the table in front of you. 
“I think you just miss Shinsou.” Ashido’s tone was teasing and it caused you to roll your eyes a little. She hit the nail on the head, but it wasn’t him that you missed, not really. It was just the companionship. Sure, you had your girlfriends, but it wasn’t the same thing.
“I don’t miss him.”
“Did you break up?” Jirou leaned her face on her palm, raising her eyebrows and looking at you curiously.
You snorted. “We were never together. We just had an...arrangement.”
“He decided to focus on his training,” Ashido explained when you offered no further information. “They’ve decided to just be friends.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Tsu reached out and patted your arm from her place on the other side of the table, beside Uraraka.
You offered her a smile, letting your gaze fall to your lap. You weren’t all that sad about it. There were no real feelings between you and Hitoshi, there never had been. You just had a good time together, letting off a little steam when things became too stressful. You were proud of him for focusing on getting stronger, especially after everything he’d gone through when you were back in UA and how hard he’d worked to get into the hero course, and you didn’t hold his decision against him.
“You need a new distraction!” Hagakure trilled excitedly, breaking you from your thoughts. “We just need to find you a new boy.”
“I don’t need a new boy.” You groaned, leaning back. “I can function without one.” Eyes closed, your lips pulled into a frown. “I don’t want to do the meaningless sex thing again.”
Ashido, who clearly had not been listening, craned her neck to look around the cafeteria where you were having lunch. “What about Kaminari?”
You rolled your eyes. “Ashido, come on. I don’t want-”
“Ooh yeah!” Hagakure continued. “He’s cute, right? Maybe a little pervy, but I bet he’s kinky!”
Jirou gave her a look. “Keep it down! Don’t let him hear you say that! He’d never shut up about it.”
“He’s too easy. All I’d have to do is look at him and he’d cum in his pants.” Your lips curled up into a smirk, shaking your head. Kaminari was cute and you’d been friends for a long time, but you didn’t think the two of you would work out. Plus, you weren’t interested in him like that. 
The table burst into a fit of giggles. Yaoyorozu leaned over from your other side. “You want a challenge then? What about Todoroki?”
All eyes slid to the other side of the cafeteria where Todoroki sat, eating his soba with his chopsticks quietly, while Kirishima and Sero were laughing loudly over his head.
“He’s gorgeous, but he scares me a little bit. Strong and silent types aren’t my thing.” He was a little too...obtuse a lot of the time. Social cues went right over that boy’s head. 
“So gorgeous…” Ashido sighed, slumping across the table. “Okay, what about Kiri? I could put in a good word.”
You decided to let your friends have their fun, playing along. It wasn’t their fault they didn’t know about the secret crush you’d been harboring on a certain boy.
“Shark boy is tempting. I’d let him do anything he wanted to me. Have you seen him without a shirt? And those pointy teeth…” You trailed off, gazing into the distance.
“Eijirou has two quirks; hardening, and respecting women. He would probably be too vanilla for you.” Hagakure was right, of course.
“You never know, though. I’d like to call him Red Daddy Riot at least once.” You said dreamily, earning loud laughter from the girls around you. Kirishima was hot and had a great personality, but in all seriousness, he was just a friend. 
“Midoriya?” Tsu suggested.
Your eyes shot to Uraraka, instantly noticing the blush on her cheeks. “Nah, he’s off-limits.” You were one of the only ones who knew how Uraraka felt about Deku, and you weren’t about to do that to her, so you shut that idea down quickly.
You turned back to the table the guys were occupying, eyes wandering over each of them with feigned interest. 
“I’ve got it!” Ashido was too excited, her loud voice commanding the attention of the room. She sunk back into her seat when a few people turned their heads in your table’s direction. 
All of the girls around you leaned in to hear her better when she beckoned them closer. “Bakugou.” She said conspiratorially, wiggling her eyebrows at you.
“Do you think Y/N has a death wish?” Jirou huffed. “Ashido, that wasn’t a serious suggestion, was it?”
Uraraka winced, her pink cheeks getting ever pinker. “If you think Todoroki is scary, he’s nothing compared to Bakugou.”
Tsu, always the observant one, shook her head. “He’s not as mean as he makes himself out to be. He’s like sour candy.”
“Bitter on the outside, sweet on the inside?” Yaoyorozu was grinning, picking up on Tsu’s metaphor.
“If anyone could crack him, it’s you Y/N. You don’t put up with shit.” Ashido pressed on. “You’re strong too, and he’ll respect that. Plus, he’s nicer to you than he is to the rest of us.”
“That doesn’t mean much, cause he’s still kind of a dick to me.” You said. “But…” You glanced over to see Bakugou eating his sashimi with a permanent frown on his face. “If you think I’d let Kiri do whatever he wanted to me, then times that by a million, and that’s what I’d let Bakugou do.”
“I’d let him blow me up.” You could just picture Hagakure slumping over dramatically. “Those washboard abs, his bulging biceps…”
“You okay, Hagakure? Someone get the spray bottle.” Jirou’s eyes were alright with mirth, lips curled into a teasing smile. 
“You think I should try?” You asked the table, your gaze still locked on the ash blonde across the room. 
If you were being honest with yourself, Bakugou was the only boy that you could see yourself with. You’d been intrigued by him since your first year at UA, and had always wondered what it would be like to date him. You had given up on the idea of ever getting him to like you, knowing that getting close enough to him would be a daunting task. He had built walls around himself since day one, putting up an unapproachable front, and you’d always thought it would be impossible. And now, 4 years later, you were all attending the same hero college, and you felt like your chances to win his affections hadn’t gotten any better. 
But, what was the harm in it?
“If anyone can do it, you can,” Tsu confirmed, breaking you from your reverie. 
Ashido squealed, bouncing in her seat. “You two would be so cute!”
You turned to look across the room, catching a glimpse of bright amethyst eyes peering in your direction. Hitoshi smiled at you before turning his attention back to his friends, and you searched your heart for any feelings that you might have missed for him. When you came up with nothing, you knew you’d made your decision.
“Well, Ashido, I guess you better start thinking of ship names. Operation Bang Bakugou is in full effect, starting immediately.” You said finally, smiling at your friends.
They didn’t need to know how you felt about him, anyway. That was your secret motivation. You just hoped this didn’t blow up in your face. 
Twenty-four hours later, you had made zero progress. The most you’d gotten was a heated glare from the explosive blonde when he’d caught you staring at him during one of the classes you shared. You were starting to think the whole thing was hopeless, but you couldn’t give up. Your mama didn’t raise no quitter.
You decided this was going to take some time and a lot of research. You started by observing Bakugou’s routine. It was fate that you’d been assigned to the same dormitory, along with the rest of your high school friends, so you would have plenty of opportunities to watch him without being creepy.
He got up insanely early every morning and went for a run, and then showered and ate breakfast. After his last class, he would do his homework and hang out with Kirishima and the rest of his squad before wandering off to bed around 8 pm, like a grandpa. On the weekends he would keep the same morning routine, and then would spend his afternoons in the gym unless someone was able to convince him to break his regimen and actually participate in a group activity, but it was rare and he would be grumpy about it the whole time.
You filed his relationship with Eijirou away for a moment of desperation. You wanted to try to do this all on your own if you could, but it was good to know that you might have an in if you needed it. For now, you were going to try to get Bakugou to talk to you. 
You begrudgingly set your alarm for the ungodly hour of 5 am the night before you put your half-assed idea into motion. When it woke you up out of a nice dream you grumbled, dragging yourself to the bathroom to wash your face and fix your bed head. You dressed in your workout clothes and stumbled downstairs with your running shoes, your phone, and a pair of headphones shoved into the front pocket of your hoodie.
You sat down on the front steps to the dorm, lacing up your shoes and yawning.
“What are you doing here?”
Your head snapped up, eyes locking with Bakugou’s red ones as he stood behind you. You cleared your throat. “Hey, Bakugou. I was just getting ready to go for a run.”
His posture was stiff as always. “You don’t go for runs.”
“Not normally, no. But I think it’ll benefit me. I want to get faster.” You shrugged. “Are you going running too? Maybe we can run together?”
“Tch. You wouldn’t be able to keep up, princess.” He sat down and pulled on his shoes, no longer paying you any attention.
You didn’t want to push him, so you didn’t say anything, moving to the grass and sitting down so you could stretch. The morning was nice, a little chilly, but the breeze felt good and it was quiet. You felt his eyes on you but you ignored him, reaching out to touch your toes, flexing your feet. When you were satisfied, you stood, bending your knee and grabbing your foot to pull it back.
Bakugou was standing in front of you. “Just stay out of my way. I usually run towards the training grounds and then loop back around the dorms. It’s about two miles all the way around.”
You looked over at him, trying not to grin. “Yeah, okay. Thanks.”
“I’m not doing you any favors, don’t thank me.” He snapped. “Fucking Christ. Just shut up.” 
Your eyes widened as he turned his back to you, reaching into his hoodie for his headphones and shoving them in his ears. He messed with his phone for a second, before turning around and glaring at you.
You followed his lead, shoving an earbud in one ear and turning on your music. When you put your phone away he grunted and started jogging in the direction of the training grounds, and you followed, keeping pace behind him.
It was nice, it felt good to get your blood pumping so early in the morning. The campus was deserted, no one was probably even awake at this hour. Bakugou was quiet, but you didn’t expect him to speak to you, let alone let you run with him, so you didn’t have any complaints. You took this as a win though, because he’d at least acknowledged your existence. 
Your legs were burning about three-fourths of the way through but you pushed on, not wanting to seem weak in front of him. You assumed if you stopped or slowed, he wouldn’t wait for you, and you thought it might hurt your chances of getting to do this with him again. 
Your discomfort must have been apparent, though, because he grunted and looked back at you. “Oi! What’s your problem?”
You shook your head. “I’m fine.”
“No you’re fucking not, you’re slowing and you’re not breathing right.” He slowed down a little. “You’re pushing yourself too much.”
Your legs ached, and you felt a stitch forming in your side.“I said I’m fine.” 
“Stubborn fucking-“ He slowed further, back into a light jog. “Your body isn’t used to this. I shouldn’t have let you come with me.”
“You can go without me, Bakugou. I can handle myself.” You grumbled, hating that he was right. 
He rolled his eyes. “I usually start slowing down now anyway.” He reached in his other hoodie pocket and pulled out a water bottle, shoving it at you. “Drink.”
You didn’t even have it in you to argue, taking the bottle from him and unscrewing the cap, drinking slowly from it. You handed it back to him, keeping your gaze set on your shoes. You could practically feel the anger radiating off of him as he jogged beside you. It looked like all you’d managed to do was piss him off further.
When you finally reached the dorms you threw yourself on the grass, your heart thudding hard in your chest and your muscles aching. You closed your eyes, waiting for your breathing to slow, vaguely aware of Bakugou sitting somewhere to your right.
“Hey, dumbass. Don’t forget to stretch.”
You opened one eye to peer over at him. “Mm. I know.” You sat up and sighed before you started stretching, knowing you’d be in pain later regardless.
Bakugou drank from the water bottle, and then tossed it at you, watching as it hit the ground beside you. “We’ll take a shorter path tomorrow and work you up to more.”
You stopped, looking at him with your jaw wide open. “What?”
“Don’t tell me you’re going to give up already, idiot.” He stood up. “I didn’t take you for a quitter.”
“I’m not!” You said quickly. “I just...I don’t want you to fuck up your routine for me.”
“Tch.” He glared at you, shoving his hands in his pockets. “You obviously need the help since you can’t even handle two miles. It pisses me off. So I’m going to make you my personal project.” He turned to walk inside. “Same time tomorrow. Don’t be late.”
You watched him go, your eyes wide. You couldn’t even believe this was happening. “Hey, Bakugou!”
He stopped, not bothering to turn and look at you. “What?”
His shoulders tensed. “Whatever.”
You kept your eyes on him as he disappeared into the building, letting out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding when he was out of sight. “Well, fuck.”
“So what’s going on with you and Bakugou?” Ashido asked a few weeks later while you were sitting down to lunch again. “Any progress?”
There had been a little progress. Bakugou seemed to enjoy your company. It took you a few days to realize it, but he insulted you less. Like, he still called you an idiot and a dumbass, and occasionally he referred to you as ‘shitty woman’, but it wasn’t the same. It was like there was no anger behind his words.
“They go running together every morning now, didn’t you know that?” Hagakure‘s voice came from your right. If you could see her face you knew she’d be grinning widely.
Jirou gazed at you with her eyebrow cocked. “Interesting. He doesn’t let anyone run with him.”
“He does now.” You mumbled, looking down at your soba. “I kind of forced myself upon him. He’s taken me up as a charity case. But I’m getting better.”
“He’s such a hardass. He probably barks orders at you the whole time. I’m not sure it’d be worth it.” Ashido was concerned for you, and it made you smile. She was a good friend.
“He’s alright.” You glanced over at the boys’ table and caught him looking at you. His neck snapped forward when you caught his eye. “Actually, it’s going pretty well.”
“So when’s the wedding?” Tsu’s tone was light, and you knew she was making fun of you. 
You snorted at her. “Okay, not /that/ well. Not yet at least.”
“Do you guys talk at all?” Yaoyorozu leaned on her elbow and blinked at you.
“I talk, he sort of listens? I don’t know. He doesn’t tell me to shut up, so that’s got to mean something, right?”
The second day you’d run together, you asked him what he was listening to, and he’d shoved one of his earbuds at you in response. It was some heavy metal band, and you understood maybe every three words due to the screaming and growling of the lead singer, but it was fitting for Bakugou. You ran the rest of the time listening to it together, and it was nice and kind of unexpected. The next day you’d given him one of your earbuds and he’d listened to your music choices. You were pretty sure that was the first time you’d heard him genuinely laugh at something, even if it was just because he heard the lyric “Tell the haters to suck my fucking cock”.
“It’s better than him blowing you up or something.” Uraraka mused, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
“We’ll see. We’re going to study together later so…”
Ashido gaped at you. “What? He told us he couldn’t help us with the math homework. Kaminari asked him earlier and he said he had plans.” 
“I’m the plans I guess?” You could feel the blush rising on your cheeks. “I’m meeting him in his room after dinner.”
“His room? Y/N, no one has seen his room except for Kirishima! This is big!” Jirou looked absolutely ecstatic for you. 
“Shh! Not so loud!” You felt your face turning even redder. “Don’t ruin this for me.”
“You cracked him, Y/N.” Tsu looked almost proud of you, her smile lighting up her whole face.
“I never thought this would go anywhere! Good luck, Y/N! We’re rooting for you!” Hagakure giggled excitedly, and you felt her grab your arm and shake you.
The rest of the table nodded in agreement, offering you congratulations. 
“Thanks, guys. I’m actually hella nervous.” You turned your attention back to your lunch.
“If how often he keeps looking over here is any indication, you don’t have anything to worry about,” Yaoyorozu elbowed you, a teasing tone in her voice.
You looked over to see him staring at you again. You smiled at him, and he just glared back, but it wasn’t the heated one you were used to. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”
You were heading back to the dorms after your last class, your bag slung over your shoulder, lost in thought. You wondered what you should wear later, running through possible outfits in your head as you walked. If you dressed up too much Bakugou might get suspicious, and you were trying to keep things casual for now. 
“Hey, kitten.”
Your head snapped up, meeting the sleepy purple gaze of Shinsou as he fell into step beside you. 
“Hey, ‘Toshi. How’s your training going?”
He shrugged, amethyst eyes meeting yours. “It’s alright. I’m running myself ragged. But it’s good. It feels good, you know?”
You nodded, biting your bottom lip. You were happy for him. “I’m glad to hear that. You’ve always worked so hard, it’s going to pay off.”
Hitoshi lifted his hand to rub the back of his neck, his trademark move. “Yeah, maybe. How’re things with you?”
“Okay. I’ve been running in the mornings before class. I’m getting faster. I can do almost two miles in about 16 minutes.” 
“Wow. That’s pretty good.” He looked impressed, his hands sliding into his pockets as you walked.
“I’ve got a pretty good teacher.” You said vaguely, not wanting to give him any more information.
“Oh yeah? Who?”
“Just, someone in my dorm. It’s not important.” You knew he’d be less than pleased. You didn’t care what he thought, you just wanted to avoid the inevitable badmouthing he was prone to when it came to Bakugou.
You turned your head, looking forward. Bakugou was standing in front of the dorms with Kirishima just ahead of you. He looked up and caught your eye, frowning when he saw Hitoshi walking beside you.
Shinsou followed your gaze. “You’re training with that asshat, aren’t you?” He looked mildly disgusted. “I’m surprised he hasn’t killed you yet.”
“He’s not that bad, you know that. He knows his shit.” Your brows furrowed. This was exactly what you’d been trying to avoid.
“Maybe so, but he’s also a giant douchebag.”
You stopped walking, tired of the conversation already. You knew him well enough to know that this wasn’t just a casual catch up, anyway. “You haven’t spoken to me in like a week, Hitoshi. What do you want?”
Shinsou raised his eyebrows. “Chill out, kitten. I just wanted to say hi. I missed you.” He reached out, his fingers trailing along your cheek. 
You looked over when you heard yelling. Kirishima was calling after Bakugou, the fiery blonde storming away from him and inside the building. What was that about?
You jerked back from Hitoshi’s touch. “Nope. None of that. You’re the one who ended things with us, remember?” 
“So we can't be friends? Wasn’t that the deal?”
Your frustration was apparent in your posture. “It was. But that’s not what you were thinking and we both know it.” You turned, walking backwards towards the building. “I’ve gotta go. I’ll see you later.”
His face pinched. “What’s your problem? Are you fucking him already? You don’t waste a second.”
You felt your anger bubbling up in the pit of your stomach. Turning around, you fixed him with a glare. “No, I’m not. Jealousy isn’t a good look on you, Shinsou. Fuck off.”
You spun back towards the dorms, your hands shaking as you stormed past Kirishima and slammed the front door open.
“Y/N, wait!”
You kept walking, ignoring the looks you were getting from the group that was sitting in the common area. You didn’t stop until you reached the elevator, jamming your finger against the button harder than necessary.
The sound of sneakers slapping against the floor had you spinning around. Kirishima was approaching, looking concerned. “Hey, you okay?”
“Fine.” You snapped, turning back to the elevator. “What’s up?”
“Oh! Well, I don’t know, it looked like you were fighting with Shinsou. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
You felt bad for snapping at him. Eijirou was a good friend. “Yeah, sorry. I’m okay. He’s just a dick.”
Kiri chuckled, his sharp teeth on display. “Yeah, he kind of is.”
Changing the subject, you shrugged. “Is Bakugou okay? He looked mad. Like, madder than usual.” The elevator dinged and you entered it, moving aside so he could join you.
He pushed the button for your floor and then his. “Yeah, he’s fine. He’s just…”
“Being Bakugou?”
“Yeah, basically. You get it.” He reached up to touch his bright red spikes, before his gaze settled on your face, bright red eyes glinting conspiratorially. “What’s going on with you two anyway?”
You froze, panicking slightly. Was it that obvious? “What? Nothing.”
“Yeah, that’s what he says too. You can’t fool me though. I know for a fact that I’m the only person he can tolerate on a normal day, and he doesn’t let me go running with him.” He looked at you knowingly, raising an eyebrow.
You felt your cheeks heating up, imagining their color rivaled the hair on his head. “He’s just helping me train.”
Kiri sighed. “Just do me a favor and be nice to him. He’s my best bro.”
The elevator dinged again when it reached your floor. You stepped out and turned back to him. “Nothings going on, Kiri.” You repeated. “We’re just friends.” 
So what if you wanted to be more? Kirishima didn’t need to know that.
“Sure. See you at dinner, Y/N.” He winked as the doors closed and left you standing in the hallway alone. 
After dinner, you went to your room to grab your math textbook and your pencil case. You decided to put on your comfy clothes, slipping on your favorite pair of leggings and an oversized t-shirt, and throwing your hoodie on over it before you made your way to the elevator.
You stood in front of Bakugou’s door, taking a deep breath before knocking. You didn’t have to wait long, the door flying open moments later. “What do you want?”
You blinked at him, biting your lip. “We were supposed to study, remember?”
He frowned, his eyebrows scrunching together as he stared at you, his arms folded across his chest. “Thought you weren’t coming.” He was waiting for an answer. You raised your eyebrows at him in lieu of a reply, and he sighed, opening the door wider and letting you enter.
His room was neat, with an All Might poster on the wall above his desk. His bed was made, and he had a giant bookcase against the far wall filled with books. It was kind of fitting for him. You didn’t expect anything flashy, it was Bakugou after all.
“Why wouldn’t I come? We made plans.” You questioned him, shuffling over to sit on the bed.
“Tch.” He flopped into his desk chair. “Thought you’d be off with eyebags instead.”
You stared at him, confused. “Shinsou? No.”
“Weren’t you dating him?” He kept his gaze on the book in front of him, his shoulders tense, and fists clenched on the desk.
“No. Not really.” Was he jealous? Was that what that fit was about outside the dorms after class?
He didn’t say anything, and you could feel the tension in the air. If he was feeling jealous from seeing you with Hitoshi earlier, then maybe things were going better than you’d hoped. You knew you had to say something to fix this.
He looked up, glaring at you like he usually did, his eyes filled with something else other than anger. Hurt?
“I’m not dating Shinsou. I’m not interested in him.” Putting your book down beside you, you leaned forward, your elbows on your knees. “We used to mess around but that’s over. We’re just friends.” 
You couldn’t read his expression, but he almost looked relieved for a moment, before turning back to his desk. “You needed help with math?”
You nodded, getting comfortable and pulling out your book, flipping to the page you’d marked off, your notebook folded over to where you’d copied the questions. “I’m terrible at this stuff. My brain just can’t comprehend it.”
“Tch. It’s not that hard, princess.” He got up and sat beside you on the bed. “Gimme that.” He took your pencil and started writing, explaining the problem, and each step.
You were trying to pay attention, but you were kind of in awe of him. Katsuki Bakugou was the whole package; he was smart, strong, good looking. He gave a shit about people even if he was good at hiding it behind insults and a big ego. There was no doubt in your mind that he’d be at the top of your class again, and climbing the ranks to number one hero once you’d graduated.
“Are you even listening?” His rough voice startled you out of your thoughts.
“Sorry, yes.” You took back the pencil, working on the next problem, following the steps he’d given you. “Like that?”
He hummed. “Maybe you’re not as hopeless as I thought.” He looked kind of proud of you, and it made your heart flutter.
Thinking back to what you’d said to Shinsou earlier about him, you grinned. “I’ve got a good teacher.”
“Damn right you do. Finish the rest of them and I’ll check them over when you’re done.” He got up and moved back over to his desk, slouching down to read over his textbook.
You got to work, flying through the problems faster than you thought possible. Something about the way he’d explained it had clicked in your head, and it suddenly just made sense. 
“Here.” You held out your notebook when you were done. 
Bakugou looked surprised, but took the notebook from you and began checking them over. 
You stood up, walking over to his bookshelf, and looking at his books. A lot of them were manga, some you’d actually read yourself. There were some fantasy novels, like Game of Thrones and Lord Of The Rings, graphic novels like Locke and Key and The Walking Dead. You had a lot more in common with him than you’d originally thought. 
“You just need to fix this one. Make sure you show your work or sensei will mark you down.” 
You turned back to him and smiled. “Thanks, Bakugou.” You took the notebook back and sat back on the bed, working on the problem Bakugou had instructed you to fix. “I didn’t know you liked Lord Of The Rings.” You were formulating a plan, and as usual, it was half-assed. 
He grunted, turning the page in his book. “What about it?”
“You know they’re showing the extended version at the theater next weekend.” You chanced a glance up at him, surprised to see he was watching you.
He was either completely dense or he wanted to make your life harder. You were leaning toward the latter. You bit back a sigh. “So, do you want to go with me?”
“What, like a date?” He huffed, folding his arms over his chest. You tried not the stare at his bulging biceps.
You finished your math problem, shoving your notebook back into the textbook and setting it aside, leaning forward again. “If you want.”
“Hah? You want to go on a date with me?” His eyebrows were furrowed, eyes squinting, like he was trying to figure you out. 
This was going well. Not. “Yeah, I do.”
He clicked his tongue, shaking his head. “Aren’t guys supposed to ask girls on dates?”
“I mean, that’s kind of sexist, isn’t it? Does it matter who asks who?” Fuck, he was being an ass. You weren’t sure why, but you kept going. “Is that a yes?”
He seemed to be looking everywhere else but at you directly, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. “No.”
Your face fell, and you felt the tears welling up in your eyes. Determined not to let him see you cry, knowing he’d see it as a weakness, you forced a smile on your face. “Okay. Thanks again for your help, Bakugou.” 
You stood up, grabbing your book and your pencil, shoving it in the case and tucking it under your arm. You turned to the door, your heart aching. You thought you’d finally made some headway with him, but you were apparently wrong. This was an unmitigated disaster, and you couldn’t wait to crawl into your bed and never leave it again.
“Ugh, wait.”
You paused with your hand on the doorknob, turning to look at him. He stood up and walked up behind you, grabbing your arm lightly and pulling you towards him. You nearly dropped your book as your hand pressed against his chest to keep yourself from bumping into him. “What?”
“Go out with me next weekend.” He mumbled, his free hand moving up to push a piece of your hair away from your face. 
You blinked up at him, lost in the intensity of his stare. Suddenly, it clicked. “You just wanted to be the one to ask, didn’t you?”
“Obviously.” He rolled his eyes. “Don’t be an idiot.”
“Are you prepared to sit in a dark theater with me for three and a half hours?” You felt lighter, confidence back up to 100 percent. Trying to ignore how close you were pressed against him, you smiled.
He snorted. “If I didn’t think I could handle it, I wouldn’t have asked. I don’t do things I don’t want to do.”
He was right, of course. “Yeah, okay. It’s a date.” You leaned up on your toes and kissed his cheek before you lost your nerve. “Goodnight, Bakugou. See you in the morning.”
“Call me Katsuki.” 
Surprised, you just nodded. “Okay. Goodnight, Katsuki.”
You didn’t miss the pink blush on his cheeks when you pulled away, willing yourself not to look back at him as you turned around and opened the door, stepping out into the hallway.
Your night had gone better than you’d expected.
The rest of the week seemed to fly by, and the next thing you knew it was Saturday. 
You woke up at your normal 5 am and met Bakugou downstairs to start your run. You sat together on the grass, giggling and kicking his foot when he stretched his leg out beside yours. “What time did you want to leave later?”
He hummed. “The movie starts at 4. Did you want to eat before or after?”
Looking up at him shyly, you blushed. “We’re going for food?”
“Tch, of course. It’s a date, isn’t it?” He raised an eyebrow at you quizzically, looking at you like you were the biggest idiot he’d ever met. 
“Dinner and a movie? You’re really going all out, aren’t you, Katsuki?” Your heart swelled. You never imagined you’d get to this point with him.
He got to his feet, standing in front of you and folding his arms across his chest. “Keep it up and we won’t go at all.”
You squeaked. “I’m sorry!” You held out your arms and smiled when he grabbed your hands and pulled you up to stand. “After is good.” 
He nodded, rolling his neck. “Fine.”
You started running, trying not to smile when you noticed that he was letting you run beside him instead of making sure he was ahead of you. There were small things that had changed between the two of you since you’d decided to put some effort into building a relationship with him, and it made your heart flutter.
“Are you excited about tonight?” You wondered if he was nervous. Did Bakugou even get nervous?
He half shrugged. “I guess.” You didn’t say anything and he seemed to realize his answer was too short. “I didn’t get to see the extended edition in the theater so I’m looking forward to that.”
“Yeah, me too.” You had missed out on it too. Feeling a little bold, you continued. “Plus, it’ll be great to hang out with you.”
“You hang out with me every day.” He pointed out gruffly, shaking his head.
He had a point, and you felt like you probably sounded like a loser. No turning back now. “Yeah, I know. But this is different.”
He was silent for a moment, and you looked back over at him to see him deep in thought. His eyebrows were furrowed and he was biting at his bottom lip. “Why do you like me?” He asked suddenly, and you almost tripped over your own feet in surprise.
“What?” You managed to keep yourself upright, keeping up with his pace. He was blushing slightly, and it was probably the single most adorable thing you’d ever seen.
He kept his eyes forward. “Shitty hair says I’m scary. I know I’m not the easiest person to get along with, but you still want to go out with me, so I was just trying to figure it out.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re not scary. People just don’t know how to approach you.” He scoffed and you continued. “I like you because you’re not a pushover. You don’t take anyone’s shit, you’re smart as hell. You’re going to be a great hero someday, Katsuki.”
“Ugh, shut up, you’re being sappy.” You saw the corner of his mouth twitch like he was trying not to smile.
“You asked! I’m just being honest.” You felt proud that you were able to get that reaction from him. “You know, I didn’t think you’d ever want to go out with me.”
His head snapped to the side, a scowl on his face. “Why wouldn’t I? You must be an idiot.”
“Hey!” You laughed. “Be nice to me.”
“I am being nice. I’m always nice to you, princess.” 
You didn’t comment on how the nickname he’d given you since day one made heat race pleasantly through your veins.
“Your definition of nice is slightly skewed, but I’ll accept it, I guess.” You didn’t want to push him too much, but you were curious. “Why does that make me an idiot, though? You never acted as you would ever date anyone, so I didn’t think I’d ever have a chance.”
The two of you rounded the path by the training grounds and started heading back towards the dorms. “I didn’t expect to…” He trailed off. “Look, being the number one hero is my top fucking priority. I didn’t even want to make friends and then Shitty hair happened.”
You nodded. Kirishima was a ball of sunshine that no one could avoid. He just had this way about him.
“You’re the only one out of all those extras that ever had a chance, okay?” He snapped his mouth shut, scowling, and you decided to let him be. The last thing you wanted to do was piss him off.
You finished your run, stretching and then heading back inside. You promised Bakugou you’d meet up with him around 2:30 so you had plenty of time to get to the theater.
After breakfast, you disappeared to your room for a while to knock out some dreaded weekend homework. Around noon you stood and stretched, deciding to take a shower and get ready for your date. You decided to wear a pair of black skinny jeans and booties with a cute top. Bakugou had mentioned wanting to take you out for ramen after, so you decided to keep your outfit casual but put together.
You met him in the common area a little after 2, ignoring the knowing grins on your friend’s faces as you left the dorm together, Bakugou’s hands shoved in his pockets, your hand looped through his arm.
You were walking down the main path in companionable silence, heading towards the road so Bakugou could call you an Uber to take you to the movies. Someone called out to you and you turned your head, your stomach dropping when you saw Shinsou making his way over. You glanced at Bakugou from the corner of your eye, noticing his tense posture and the frown on his face.
“What is it, Hitoshi? We were just leaving campus.” Your tone was clipped, not wanting to drag this out, since Bakugou was giving him a murderous glare. 
He lifted his arm to rub the back of his neck as usual. “Sorry, Y/N, I just wanted to apologize for what I said the other day. It was kind of shitty of me.”
You let go of Bakugou, crossing your arms across your chest. “Yeah, I’ll say.” You weren’t about to forgive him, not wanting him to walk all over you. “Was that it?”
His eyebrows furrowed. “Are you not going to forgive me?”
Bakugou decided to speak up beside you. “Obviously she isn’t, eyebags. Are you done? We have somewhere to be.”
“Hey, I wasn’t talking to you, Bakugou.” Hitoshi snapped. 
You watched as Katsuki lifted his right hand, his palm popping and sparking from his quirk. “Like I give a fuck? Fuck you, bastard!”
You grabbed his left arm. “Katsuki, don’t. He’s not worth it.” You looked back to Shinsou. “I’m not talking to you about this right now. We have to go.”
Hitoshi sneered. “Whatever, guess I was right, huh?” He turned around and started to walk away, turning his head to the side to throw a final insult over his shoulder. “Enjoy my sloppy seconds, Bakugou.”
It took an enormous amount of strength on your part to hold Bakugou back from running after the purple-haired boy. “I’ll fucking kill you, you fucking extra! Don’t fucking talk about her like that-”
“Katsuki, come on! It’s fine!” You tugged on his arm. “Let’s go.”
“It’s not fine!” He spat, but he let you pull him away, growling and snarling like a rabid dog. 
You kept a firm grip on his arm until he stopped looking back toward the other boy and you were a safe distance away from the school. He busied himself with pulling out his phone to call your ride, but you saw he was still seething quietly as he did so.
He shoved his phone in his pocket when you got to the road, moving to the side of the campus entrance and leaning against the wall. “What was he apologizing for?”
You looked away from him, knowing if you didn’t tell him he’d be preoccupied with it all night. You didn’t want to ruin the date but you knew how much he appreciated honesty, so you told him. “He insinuated that I was fucking you, and he basically called me a slut for moving on from him so quickly.”
He didn’t say anything for a moment, and you were afraid to meet his eyes. You were startled when he grabbed your hand, lacing his fingers with yours. “He’s a piece of shit, and I will gladly end his life if you want me to.” His red eyes were blazing, and you knew he was fully ready to make good on his threat if you said the word. 
You looked up at him, a small smile on your lips. “I appreciate that, but it’s okay.” Your heart was in your throat, and you felt your eyes watering. You knew Hitoshi was just being a jealous prick, but it still hurt your feelings.
“Fuck him. Don’t let him get to you.”
“I know, I won’t.” Somehow, Bakugou’s words made you feel better. “Can we just forget about him? I don’t want that to ruin our night. We have a date with some hobbits.”
He snorted. “Yeah, okay.” If he noticed your tears, he didn’t say anything. The Uber pulled up behind you and he pushed off the wall, his hand still gripping yours. “Come on, princess.”
It was nearly 9:30 by the time you got back to the dorms. You walked up the path from the road with Bakugou’s arm around your waist, your body pressed into his side while you walked.
You’d had a really good time despite the rocky start to your evening, thanks to Shinsou. But Katsuki had let it go, and you appreciated that he hadn’t let the purple-haired boy ruin your night. 
The movie had been great, and you’d been surprised when Bakugou had lifted the armrest between your seats and dragged you closer to him, letting you lean against him with his arm around your shoulder as you shared popcorn. You’d been half distracted by his warm palm against your arm, his fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on your skin through the whole film.
You welcomed this new development, the feeling of his hand on your skin was comforting. It was a distinct contrast from his normal personality, and it made you soft for him. You never thought you’d see this side of him, and you were not complaining. 
After the movie, he’d taken you out for ramen as promised, and you’d giggled at him when he ordered his extra spicy, and he teased you when you got yours without any spice. You got to know more about each other, quietly swooning over the smirk on his face when he made you laugh.
Now you were back at school and dreading the moment you had to say good night. You didn’t want it to end.
“Do you...want to come back to my room?” His cheeks were dusted pink, and he almost looked shy. “I don’t want to go to bed yet.”
“Isn’t it past your bedtime?” You teased.
He growled. “Shut up, dumbass. Nevermind then.”
“No! No, I’m sorry, I was just kidding. I want to. I was just thinking about how I didn’t want the night to be over.” You leaned your head on his shoulder.
“Me either.” His voice was so quiet you almost didn’t hear it.
“What did you want to do?” You had a few ideas, and none of them were SFW.
He just grinned, holding the door open for you when you reached the dorm building. You walked into the common room, the both of you stopping to kick off your shoes. You looked up as everyone sitting on the couch turned their attention to the both of you.
Before they could start bombarding you with questions, Bakugou grabbed your hand. “Come on.” He started pulling you towards the elevators, ignoring Ashido yelling and whining from her spot on the couch.
“Sorry guys! We’ll talk later!” You called over your shoulder, nearly falling over when Bakugou tugged on your arm and pulled you into the open elevator. 
You braced yourself on his shoulders, looking up at him slowly as the door behind you closed. Your heart was jackhammering in your chest at your close proximity, and the warmth of his hands on your waist as he held you close made you dizzy. You licked your lips subconsciously, the nerves that had been simmering inside you nearly boiling over as you wondered if he was going to kiss you.
His cheeks were ruddy as he gazed at you, his fingers flexing against your hips. The dinging of the elevator reaching his floor ruined the moment, and he was pulling away from you too soon, clearing his throat. His fingers intertwined with yours again as you followed him out into the hallway, hoping that you could get back to what you were doing once you were in the safety of his bedroom.
When the door clicked shut behind him, you watched him fidget around the room, pulling his desk chair near the bed and opening up his laptop, sitting it on the seat. He sat on the edge of the mattress and looked up at you. “Are you going to stand there all night, or are you going to come over here?”
You moved over, sitting beside him, watching as he pressed the play button on some animated movie. “Is this Studio Ghibli?”
He grunted. “Background noise.” 
You blushed when you realized he didn’t plan on actually watching it. You met his eyes, feeling a chill roll down your spine when he smirked at you. The mood had shifted so suddenly, and it felt like he was less of the soft and hesitant boy at the movies, and more like the Bakugou you knew.
You weren’t complaining.
“Now, where were we?” His hands moved to your waist, tugging you forward. You rearranged your legs to straddle his lap, your back facing his laptop, your arms hanging over his shoulders.
You felt his warm breath, his nose trailing along your jaw. “Katsuki…”
“Hah?” He asked, his grip on your hips tightening. “Were you going to let me kiss you in the elevator?”
You hummed, nodding. The anticipation was killing you, and it was apparent that he could tell. You let your eyes flutter shut, licking your lips, waiting for him to do something.
You heard him chuckle, your hips rocking slightly against his lap causing the sound to be cut short as he sucked in a breath. “Impatient, huh princess?”
His usual nickname for you sent a shiver through you. “Katsuki, please.”
“Fuck, don’t beg. You don’t know what that does to me.” His lips were on yours before you could reply, needy and insistent. 
Kissing Bakugou was just what you’d always imagined it would be. He didn’t do anything half-assed, so you weren’t surprised by the passion behind it. Being this close to him was exhilarating. You could smell the faint scent of caramel on him when you breathed in, tilting your head slightly as he ran his tongue along your bottom lip. Your lips parted and he groaned, licking into your mouth as your hips rolled down against him again.
He pulled away, the two of you breathless. He didn’t go far, his lips trailing down your jaw and to your neck, nipping lightly as he went. You sighed when his hands moved from your hips, fingers drifting under the hem of your shirt and trailing lightly up your sides. You let your hands move to his hair, nails scratching lightly along his scalp and tugging at his soft locks as his teeth worried at the place where your neck and shoulder met. 
When he was satisfied with the blooming bruise on your skin, he pulled away to look you in the eye. Vermillion met Y/E/C with his usual serious expression. “I want you to know that I’m not just fucking around with you, you got that?”
Your eyes widened. “I-”
“No, listen to me, idiot. I don’t give a fuck about eyebags and his bullshit. I don’t want you to think I think like that bastard, understand?” His brows were furrowed and his voice was rough in a way that usually made your thighs clench. 
You ran your fingers through his hair again, pressing a little closer on his lap. “I know, Katsuki.”
His eyes fluttered closed and his hands settled on your hips when you scratched along his scalp before they snapped open again. “Good. Because if we do this, I’m not letting you go.” 
“I’m not going anywhere.” You assured him. Your heart was pounding and you couldn’t keep the smile off your face.
“If that purple-haired freak even looks at you again, I’m going to rip off his fucking face and feed it to Hound Dog.” His palms slid to settle on your ass, squeezing and pulling you to rock against the hardening bulge in his jeans.
You moaned softly, nodding again. You were so turned on you felt like you were going to come apart, and he’d barely even touched you. You briefly wondered if you had a voice kink, cause just listening to him talk was doing things to you. 
Sensing he was done talking, you leaned back slightly, grabbing the hem of your shirt and pulling it up and over your head, tossing the garment somewhere behind you. His eyes were glazed over with lust as he looked down at your bra covered chest. He dipped his head forward, tongue tracing the lace of the cup over the swell of your breast. You reached behind you and undid the clasp, gasping when he grabbed the offending object and pulled it down your arms and threw it aside. 
A blush rose over your body as he gazed at you hungrily, but your embarrassment was short-lived, immediately replaced with pleasure. He left a wet trail of kisses across the top of your breasts, his tongue laving over your nipple, hot breath turning cool as he blew over the hardening bud. You were panting, grinding rhythmically in his lap, seeking friction as he showered your chest with attention, switching to the other breast and giving it the same treatment. 
You pulled him up to kiss you again, hands moving to his back to grasp his t-shirt and tug on it. He got the hint, breaking the kiss to remove his shirt. You let your eyes drift over the absolute work of art that was his body, fingers trailing over his defined shoulders and biceps, and then back up across his collarbone. You leaned over to kiss along his neck, your nails trailing down his pecs and over his nipples, earning a low growl from the ash blonde. 
Strong arms moved around your waist as he picked you up off his lap and moved you over to lay down on the bed. He was hovering over you in a second, his forearms resting by your head as his lips met yours again, kissing and biting on your bottom lip. You keened, arching up into him, your hands in his hair and sliding down to the back of his neck to pull him closer.
His lips trailed away from yours, down your neck and chest, his hands moving as he slid down your body, his fingers deftly popping open the button on your jeans. He settled between your legs on his knees, pulling your skinny jean down your hips and thighs. You lifted your legs to help him, shivering when the cool temperature of the room settled over your bare skin. 
Fingers smoothed their way up your calf, his warm hands slid up the inside of your thighs. Your breath hitched when he spread your legs wider, tracing one finger over your clothed slit. The look in his eyes was positively feral when they met yours. “You’re fucking beautiful, you know that?” 
You sat up in response, hands moving to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his jeans. “And you’re wearing too many clothes, Katsuki.” You grinned up at him cheekily, making him chuckle.
He rolled his eyes, shuffling back off the bed to pull his jeans down his legs. Your gaze trailed over muscled thighs covered in light blonde hair, the black boxer briefs that hugged his thin waist, and the noticeable bulge of his cock that had your mouth watering.
He was back on you in a second, pressing you back against the mattress, lips ghosting over your heated skin as he ground his hips against yours. You moaned quietly, committing every touch to memory.
“You don’t know how long I’ve thought about this.” He murmured against your neck. When he pulled back to look down at you, his cheeks were pink with embarrassment at the confession. “Too fucking long.”
“Me too.” You didn’t want to say more, afraid too many words would ruin the moment.
His hand slid down, fingers trailing over the elastic band of your panties, before slipping underneath them. The calloused pads of his digits dipped through your folds, brushing over your clit and making you whine, back arching again. 
“Fuck, you’re wet, princess.” His forehead rested on your shoulder, and you felt him shiver against you. “I’m gonna make you feel so good.”
You didn’t doubt him for a second, your breath hitching when he moved his fingers lower, pressing one into your entrance. The digit curled inside you, and you clenched around it, your body craving more. He thrust in and out a few times, adding a second finger, his teeth sinking into your clavicle when you keened at the feeling. 
You felt like you were on fire, Bakugou’s warm breath ghosting over your skin as his fingers worked you over, his thumb pressing against your clit. You let the fingers of your left hand trail along his back, feeling his muscles ripple underneath your touch. Your right hand let go of the death grip you had on his sheets, crossing over your body to trace your fingers along the elastic band of his briefs, dangerously close to sliding underneath. 
Lifting his face from your neck, he licked his lips and removed his hand from your panties. You whined at the loss, pussy clenching around nothing. You pouted up at him, watching as he positioned himself between your thighs again, tugging your panties down and off. Warm palms slid up the outside of your legs, gripping your ass and lifting your lower half off the bed.
He leaned forward, kissing up the soft skin of your inner thigh, teeth nibbling as he went. Your breathing was shallow, anticipation crawling through you, and you shut your eyes, waiting for what you knew was coming next. 
His tongue licked a stripe from your entrance to your clit, and you moaned, body arching from the bed. He hummed as he repeated the motion, the lewd sounds of slurping filling the room, nearly drowning out your gasps and the sound of the movie still playing on his laptop beside you. He kept you lifted up with one hand, the other snaking between your legs, his fingers finding their home inside you as he sucked on your bundle of nerves.
“Katsuki, fuck.” Panting, your hand moving to rest on the back of his head, your hips rolling into his face as you climbed higher and higher towards your impending release. You felt him smile against you, two fingers leaving you, replaced by three. He expertly scissored them, stretching you out, your body sucking him in deeper as you gushed around his digits. 
“Gonna cum for me?” He peered up at you from between your legs. His voice was wrecked already, your eyes rolling back at the sound. You managed to nod meekly, tugging on his hair and trying to get him back to where you needed him most.
He complied, sucking on your clit hard, pushing you over the edge. You cried out, body shaking in his hold and stars exploding behind your eyelids, his tongue flicking over you again and again, helping you ride out your orgasm.
When you’d calmed, he pulled back, kissing your inner thighs again, waiting for you to catch your breath. He lowered you back down slowly, rubbing his hands up and down your legs. You opened your eyes, grinning up at him lazily.
“You good?” His arm came up to wipe the wetness from his mouth and chin, a smirk on his lips when you nodded.
You cleared your throat. “So good.” You sat up on your elbows, watching him stand again and shove his briefs down his legs. Your eyes widened slightly at his size, appreciating his body quietly. He was an adonis, and you wanted to trace over every inch of his body with your fingers and tongue. 
He didn’t give you a chance, crawling back towards you. You spread your legs wider to accommodate him. “Do I need to grab a condom?”
“I’m on the pill.” You appreciated him asking, most guys would have just gone for it, thinking that this type of conversation was a mood killer. “Don’t worry.”
“Oh, thank god.” Palms flat against the pillow beside your head, he bent forward and kissed you. You could still taste yourself on his lips, your hand cupping the back of his neck to pull him closer. You were practically vibrating, needing more of him, knowing you’d probably never get enough.
Leaning his weight on one hand, he sat back and used the other to guide himself to your entrance. Your hips rocked up toward him, impatient to feel him filling you up once more. He slid inside you slowly, letting your body get acclimated to his size. He was huge, but the stretch was delicious, burning pain giving way to pleasure as he pushed himself deeper.
Your nails dug into his shoulders when he settled over you again, your breathing ragged as you closed your eyes. He was petting your hair soothingly, moving slowly, his lips trailing along your jaw. When he bottomed out inside of you he paused, and you knew he was waiting for you.
Taking a deep breath, you wiggled your hips, clenching around him. He made a punched out noise when you did, his hand rubbing along your side freezing. He was being so patient with you, but you were ready. “Suki, move. Please.”
With one hand on your hip for leverage, he pulled back, thrusting forward in one fluid motion until he was filling you again, his pace slow and steady. Every time his hips met yours you mewled, overwhelmed with the feeling of his cock pulsing inside you. He was muttering curses against your lips, his hand in your hair, thumb pressed against the side of your neck. 
The scent of burnt sugar wafted over you, and you readjusted your legs higher around his waist, the new angle causing him to grunt. He felt so good, so warm, your body was alight and you were desperate for more.
Your moans and mumbled pleas of faster and harder were answered with a smirk, the boy between your thighs raising himself up to his knees and lifting one of your legs onto his shoulder. Large hands held your hips firmly in place as he slammed himself inside, tip kissing your cervix as you arched up in pleasure. He picked up speed, the sound of skin slapping skin filling your ears as you bit down on your bottom lip, focusing on the feeling of him filling you up just like you’d always wanted.
“Fuck Princess, you’re so tight.” He turned his head to kiss your calf, and you couldn’t help but purr at how attractive he looked in that moment, skin shining with perspiration as he fucked into you. “Taking my cock so well.”
“Katsuki, shit, you feel so good.” Your hands slid over your own body, fingers tweaking at your nipples. He was watching you intently, his tongue darting out to lick along his plush pink lips. He adjusted your leg, pushing it up and toward you so he could lean down and press his lips to yours. You breath mingled when he pulled back to brush his nose against yours. “Hey, let me ride you.”
He stopped moving, lips curling into a smirk. “Hah? You want to be on top, princess?”
Humming, you moved your leg back to the bed, leaning up on your elbows. He slid out of you, moving to lay beside you. You willed your body to move, your legs shaking as you threw one over him and hoisted yourself up to straddle his hips. Wasting no time, you gripped his cock, lifting onto your knees and lining him up, sliding down on his length. His hands gripped your hips, your palms resting on his abs as you rocked forward. You moaned in tandem, doing your best to rut against him, alternating with lifting yourself slightly and rocking, dragging your nails from his stomach and up his chest, leaving red lines across his tanned skin.
Katsuki threw his head back, eyes closed, his bottom lip between his teeth. He looked so pretty like this, his skin flushed and chest heaving, hair mussed from your hands running through it. You leaned forward, dragging your lips along his sharp jaw, breathing in the scent of caramel. Briefly, you wondered how angry he would be if you left a mark on his neck where everyone else could see it.
He chose that moment to tighten his hands around your hips, holding you steady as he bucked up into you, forcing you to sit up, your back arching in pleasure. The muscles in your legs burned from exertion, but you kept moving, bouncing on his cock and clenching around him. You knew you’d be sore the next day but felt too good to stop.
One of his hands moved from your hip, fingers trailing across your skin to dip between your thighs, one calloused finger pressing against your clit. Gasping, you moaned his name lowly, your head falling back as you felt your body preparing to throw you over the edge again. “Oh fuck, I’m close.” Voice trembling, you held your breath, letting your eyes close.
He sat up suddenly, his fingers moving faster, his chest pressed against yours. Your hands traveled up and over his shoulders, fingers carding through his soft hair as he pressed kisses to your collarbones. His breath was warm as he spoke, his rough voice as he whispered into your ear, coaxing you over the edge.
You clenched around him, eyes rolling back as you came, his hands gasping your hips as he slammed up into you, chasing his high. Your toes curled as you rode out your orgasm, nails digging into the pale flesh of his back as you tried to keep yourself tethered to him, feeling as though you might float away, his name shuddering from your parted lips.
Groaning lowly in your ear, he came right after, hips stuttering, his head falling to press against your shoulder. Your heart was slamming in your ribcage, breathing labored and skin sticky with sweat, but you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. Bakugou’s hands were rubbing your back absently, his lips pressing kisses against your neck. 
Lying back with you still in his arms, you giggled quietly, moving yourself off to lie beside him, thighs aching and sticky with the mixture of your release. You watched him, studying the flush on his cheeks, the tiny freckles dotted across his nose that you’d never noticed before, never getting the chance to be close enough to see them. 
His tongue peeked out to wet his lips as he brought his hand up to push a piece of unruly hair away from your face. “You okay?”
You hummed, nodding. “Better than okay.” Your eyes fluttered shut as his thumb brushed over your cheek, fingers tucked in the hair behind your ear as he pulled you towards him to kiss your lips.
“Stay here tonight?” His voice was raspy when he asked, bottom lip tucked between his teeth. He looked so soft and vulnerable at that moment, almost like he was afraid you would say no.
Katsuki Bakugou was never timid or quiet or afraid of anything. You worried for a moment you might have broken him. Too tired to move or tease him, you smiled. “I told you I wasn’t going anywhere, Katsuki.”
Lunch was, once again, a rowdy affair. The girls sat around you, as usual, chattering and laughing. Everything was normal. Everything except for the fact that Ashido was staring you down, her elbow on the table, hand propping up her head.
You looked up from the math homework you were desperately trying to finish, meeting her eyes. “Is there something on my face, Ashido?”
“No, I’m just trying to figure it out.” She replied, looking at you incredulously. 
Puzzled, you frowned. “Figure what out?”
“How you did it.”
Before you could ask her what she meant by that, you felt a warm palm on your shoulder, and you turned to look into the ruby eyes of your boyfriend. He was holding out a bento box to you, his mouth in a tight line.
“Oh, thanks, Katsu. You didn’t have to.” You smiled up at him, taking the food from his outstretched hand.
“Don’t skip lunch, idiot. Eat it.” One of his eyebrows raised, as if daring you to challenge him.
You were hungry, so you didn’t, just nodding at him. He grunted and ruffled your hair before turning and walking towards his regular table, plopping down next to Kirishima and opening his own bento.
Moving your homework aside, you pulled the chopsticks off the top where he’d taped them to the lid and opened it, smiling down at the homemade meal. 
“That’s exactly what I’m talking about!” Ashido cried, and you looked up to see her wide-eyed, pointing at your food. “Since when does Bakugou do anything remotely like that for anyone?”
Hagakure squealed. “It’s so cute! Did he make it himself?”
Nodding, you shoveled some rice into your mouth. He was such a good cook, everything he made was always delicious, and it was definitely a perk of dating him. 
“Well, Ashido, when you’re dating someone, it’s not uncommon for them to bring you gifts.” Jirou chuckled, elbowing her friend. “They’ve been together for a few weeks now.”
“She called him Katsu…” Ashido continued. “Anyone else would have gotten a Howitzer to the face!”
Furrowing your brows, you blinked at her. “He’s my boyfriend, Ashido.”
Throwing her head back, she groaned. “I know I’m just saying, it’s so weird to see him acting so...domestic. I’m just wondering if you have like...a magic pussy or something.”
The entire table grew silent, the group of you staring at her in disbelief. 
“What did I just walk into?” A deep voice questioned behind you.
Turning in your seat, you saw Shinsou standing there, his hands in his pockets and his eyebrows raised. “Shinsou…”
“Can we talk for a second?” He looked nervous, and a little guilty. You cleared your throat, nodding as you stood up.
You could feel eyes on you from across the room, so you turned and looked over at Katsuki. He was standing up at his place at the table, brow furrowed and fists clenched at his sides. Kirishima was looking from him to you worriedly, his hand on your boyfriend’s forearm. Locking eyes with Katsuki, you smiled at him, shaking your head, mouthing at him that it was okay.
He didn’t look happy, but you watched as he sat back down, his glare trained on the purple-haired boy waiting to speak with you. You led Shinsou over to lean on the wall away from everyone, glancing up at him and waiting for him to speak.
“Look, Y/N, I just wanted to apologize to you again. I know my last attempt was kind of negated by what I said to Bakugou afterward and I feel like an asshole. You didn’t deserve that.” He slumped against the wall and sighed. “You and I were always friends before any of that other stuff, and I don’t want to lose that.”
You blinked up at him, biting your lip in thought. He was right, you had always been great friends, even before you started sleeping together. You knew he hadn’t meant what he said, but it still hurt you, and you didn’t know how to go back to the way it had been before. “I don’t know, Hitoshi.”
His brows furrowed when you used his real name. “Hey, listen. I’ll do whatever it takes. You just...take all the time you need. I’ll be here when you’re ready, okay?”
“I appreciate you apologizing, though. I accept it, I’m just not sure what to do from here. Our relationship has always been a little unconventional, and I’ve got Bakugou now…” Your gaze cut over to your boyfriend, his eyes still glued to Shinsou, a scowl on his face.
“I’m surprised he didn’t leap over the table and attack me when I came up to you.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “He’s kind of...feral.”
Snorting, you shook your head. “He trusts me. He’s not a bad guy, I tried to tell you.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you later then, Kitten. You know my number.” He smiled at you, bumping his shoulder against yours before walking away. 
Letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, you walked back over to your table and sat down, picking up your chopsticks again.
“Man, who is that pod person sitting there pretending to be Bakugou?” Ashido continued her rant from earlier, Shinsou’s visit and Bakugou’s subdued reaction adding more ammunition to her argument. “Normally he would have shoved his foot in Todoroki’s cold soba trying to get his hands on Shinsou.”
Shrugging, you glanced up at her, and then over to Katsuki, who was eating his rice moodily, his forehead creased. “He knows I can take care of myself.” 
“I swear to god,” Ashido sighed. “Aliens.”
She decided to leave it at that, the rest of your table giggling at her. You knew she was right though, Katsuki normally would have made good on his promise to rip off Hitoshi’s face. You had spoken to him about it a few nights before, however, and he respected your wish to handle it yourself. Even if he did grumble about it afterward.
When you’d finished your lunch, you packed up the bento in your bag along with the math homework you were never going to finish and stood up. Saying goodbye to your friends, you walked over to the boy’s table, leaning on the end of it. “Gentlemen.”
Todoroki nodded at you over his soba, slurping up the noodles on his chopsticks.
“Y/N, baby, how are you?” Kaminari asked, wiggling his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes, smiling when you saw him jolt, hissing in pain, and slumping over. “Bakubro, that was my shin!”
“Serves you right,” Your explosive blonde grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest. “Show some respect, dunce face.”
“Yeah, you can’t hit on her anymore, dude.” Sero pointed out before he turned back to you and smiled. “Hi, Y/N.”
Kirishima grinned at you. “Bakugou, that’s so manly. Defending your girl’s honor.”
“Tch.” Katsuki stood up, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and ignoring his friends. He turned his attention to you. “Did you finish your math?”
Smiling sheepishly, you grabbed his hand. “Nope. Come help me?”
He let out an exasperated sigh, his arm sliding around your waist as you walked together. “Maybe.” Smirking down at you, his fingers squeezed your hip. “What’s in it for me?” 
“My endless love and affection?” You pouted, batting your lashes up at him.
He shook his head. “I have that anyways, don’t I, Princess?”
You didn’t want to admit it, but he was right. 
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bonjour-rainycity · 4 years
Late in the Night | Part Four
Previous part
Prompt: Friends have a bet how long it will take the ship to get together (Content Challenge Day 7)
Pairing: Legolas x Female Reader
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1602
Warnings: None
Challenge participants: @game-ofthe-company @grunid @themerriweathermage @errruvande @the-reformed-ringwraith @awkwardkindatries
^^ Hey! If I haven't commented on your post(s) yet, it just means I haven't gotten the chance to read them. School has been ramping up, but as I have free moments, I'll be going back and looking at all your challenge posts <3
A/n: You guys...IT'S THE LAST PROMPT OF THE CONTENT CHALLENGE! What?! Thank you so much to everyone who participated and interacted with our posts. I had such a blast creating this past week and getting to know each and every one of you. I think it would be fun to do something like this again in the future, so let me know if you would like to be involved in planning/get updates! 
As always, I encourage you to check out the accounts tagged above and our masterlists! You can find the challenge masterlist here and my personal masterlist here. Okay, enjoy :)
Aragorn waits, keeping an eye on the trees.
The minute his friends from the eastern inn arrive, they will leave town.
He had a pleasant night — private room, hot bath, well-prepared meals — but is ready to get back on their journey. For all he knows, the brief rest he allowed them could have already cost them vital time.
That thought causes him to pace.
“Calm yourself, dear friend, they will be along shortly,” Gandalf councils.
Aragorn tries to heed the wise wizard’s advice. Sure enough, he soon hears the light sounds of feet crushing grass and twigs, and knows they are close.
The four of them break into sight at roughly the same time, and Aragorn notices two things:
One, Legolas and Y/n refuse to look at each other.
Two, Gimli wears a grin bright enough to rival the sun.
Aragorn knows he must speak with the dwarf as soon as possible.
Something has happened.
Merry, who doesn’t get enough credit for his observation skills, notices the oddities too, and elbows Pippin in the side. Their eyes grow wide, and it takes everything in them not to shout guesses as to what this means.
It is a good while before Aragorn, Pippin, Merry, and Gimli have a chance to convene and discuss the new development. All four of them, though of course dedicated to the task at hand, desperately want a resolution to their ongoing bet.
It had started innocently enough.
Merry made an off-hand comment about how well Legolas and Y/n seem to get along. Gimli noticed the lass was a clumsier fighter when Legolas was watching. Aragorn realized his friend seemed nervous around the human woman. Pippin saw how each of them smiled brighter when the other was near.
Somehow or other, the four of them had put together their observations, and the rest is history.
The bet was born.
Each of them had put down fifteen coins and a deadline, losing the coins if Legolas and Y/n did not become a couple by the deadline, and winning coins if they did. Knowing his friend’s shy nature well, Aragorn had given the two the lengthiest allowance — six months. Pippin and Merry recognized the bold nature of humans, and guessed it would only take four months for Y/n to speak her mind and Legolas to reciprocate. Gimli, on the other hand, thought the two were already head-over-heels for each other and wouldn’t be able to keep quiet about it, and had given them only a month and a half.
Each participant, knowing his deadline was drawing nearer, had taken steps to push the two in the right direction.
The hobbit friends moved Legolas’ and Y/n’s bedrolls closer when they weren’t looking.
Aragorn put them on watch together. A lot. To the point where he actually felt bad about the bags under Y/n’s eyes.
But Gimli, perhaps, had been the boldest of them all, and proudly tells his friends so the moment they are alone much later that evening.
“Quickly, they are suspicious why it took four of us to gather firewood and herbs,” Aragorn mutters, darting a quick glance in the direction of camp.
“Yes, just get on with it,” Pippin squeaks, then throws a hand over his mouth, knowing he might alert Legolas with his volume.
“Alright, listen up lads.” Gimli grins and proudly tells his tale. “Boromir and I got to the inn first, as planned, and the innkeeper asked how many were in our party. I said two, and the innkeeper made a comment how it was good we didn’t have more folk waiting outside, as his inn was almost full. Well, that got me thinkin’, so I inquired how many more rooms were available. The innkeeper said two, not including the ones Boromir and I purchased. So I whipped out my velvet pouch and paid for another room, fibbin’ a bit and saying I might have a lady friend visiting and wasn’t sure if she would want to sleep in my room or not after our activities.” He wiggles his eyebrows in response to the stunned looks of his friend.
Aragorn shakes his head slowly, a bemused smile setting in his lips. “So you paid for an extra room just to force Legolas and Y/n into sharing?”
“Right you are,” Gimli grins, placing his fists on his hips. “It wasna even that expensive — I’ll make it back three times over, now that I’ve won this thing.”
“Ah, ah, ah, hold on,” Merry holds up a hand, halting Gimli’s gloat. “You can’t prove they did or said anything to start a courtship, so you haven’t won!”
“They won’t even look at each other and the elf’s as red as a strawberry, of course something happened,” Gimli practically shouts.
Aragorn, reliably a voice of reason, intervenes. “We shall have to inquire then, but be smart about it. We do not want to jeopardize their potential courtship with our game.”
The companions agree, then quickly turn to the forest, gathering firewood and herbs to supplement Sam’s soup and their cover story.
Back at camp, Legolas sits on a low tree branch, keeping watch over all his friends.
But mostly Y/n.
He cannot pull his eyes from her face. She sits on a rock, staring into the fire, absently cleaning the mud from her boots. Without permission, his mind goes back to the way he held her this morning, tucked against his chest, her leg wrapped around his. It was wildly improper, and he should be ashamed of himself.
But he doesn’t feel ashamed. Because the way they woke up this morning didn’t feel improper, it felt natural. With all his heart, Legolas wants to wake up like that every morning — his favorite person kept safely against his side. He wants to guard her and give her a wonderful life and bring her home and have his people adore her, too.
Legolas’ resolve hardens, because he knows he can no longer keep this to himself. Y/n has a right to know how he feels, because it affects her too.
He pushes himself from the branch, landing on the ground in silence. With four long strides, he stops beside her, reaching down a hand. “Will you talk with me?”
She looks up at him, nerves like she’s never felt before erupting within her. But she gathers her courage, forces what she hopes is a smile, and takes Legolas’ hand.
She wonders what he’ll say.
All day, she had been lost in embarrassment. Somehow in the night, she’d thrown her leg over his and practically attached herself to his chest — who does that?! And he’d said nothing when they woke up, only got up and went about his routine like normal.
So obviously, he doesn’t feel anything for her.
And that’s what this conversation has to be about.
Briefly, though, she allows herself to remember what it felt like to be in his embrace, and knows that she will cherish that feeling forever.
The warmth of his hand in hers helps her hold on to that memory and, to her surprise, when they reach a secluded spot, he does not let go. No, he takes her other hand in his, clutching both tightly.
Legolas nearly shakes with nerves, and he wonders if she can tell? Does she know how he feels like he might be sick? Oh, he has never felt anxiety like this before, and desperately wishes for it to be gone.
So he wastes no time in putting himself out of his misery.
“I want to be with you.”
Y/n blinks. Surely she can’t have heard him correctly? “What?”
Legolas sighs — her reaction gives him no indication how she feels either way. He bolsters his courage, and tries again. “I feel affection for each member of this Fellowship. But whereas I love the others as if they were my kin, I am unable to deny that how I love you is different. Elves live long lives and thus take matters of the heart very seriously. And, well,” he shrugs, all eloquence leaving him the moment he sees the shy, hopeful smile spread across her lips. “My heart is with you.”
Y/n can hardly believe her ears. She thought that he didn’t…that there was no chance of…but rather than dwell on all her miscalculations, or the myriad of dangers that haunt their future, she decides to just enjoy the moment. She throws her arms around Legolas’ neck, and he grips her tightly against him.
She turns her cheek to rest on his shoulder, unable to contain her grin. “You hold mine as well. I love you, Legolas.”
He pulls back only to rest his forehead against hers, head swimming from the joy of her acceptance and at being this close to her. “And I love you.” She lets out a giddy laugh and he closes his eyes, soaking in the sound. But then he focuses again, for there is something important he still must ask. “Will you accept my offer of courtship?”
Y/n can’t help herself from bumping her nose against his affectionately, and it feels so wonderful, so free to be with him this way. She has no desire for her future to continue without him, and so, her answer is found easily. “Of course.”
Relief settles in Legolas’ bones, the nerves finally leaving him and being replaced with happiness.
Just as their lips meet, the four friends break through the tree-line, back from collecting supplies.
Gimli’s triumphant shout can be heard for miles.
“Pay up, lads!”
A/n The end! This is the last chapter of this mini-series! Thanks for sticking with me as I had some fun with this one. I keep tag-lists, so at any time, just let me know if you would like to be tagged in anything. I’m in the planning stages of a Haldir x OC fic, and while I usually stay away from OC’s, I just cannot fathom typing “Y/n” for the length that I’m planning on making that story. So be on the lookout for that! Hope you all are taking care of yourselves and please know that my inbox is always open. Lots of love!
LITN tag list: @angelic-kisses13 @lainphotography @anangelwhodidntfall @sheriffgerard @themerriweathermage @k-llama-llama @hirokosoul @wellfuckmyexistence @ipsychosocial @anjhope1 @my-lotr-obsession-is-unhealthy
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chocomd · 3 years
Are there any metas or links that you know of that go into how Zuko morphed from canon Zuko to fanon Zuko? My roommate spent the fall reading a lot of Zuko-focused fic and has just finished the series and said if she'd done it the other way around she probably wouldn't have liked Zuko at all and wonders why his characterization is so inside out in fanon. I never really liked Zuko and I don't read content about him so idk, but I figured I'd ask one of my fave authors!
Hello there, anon! I don't know of any metas that would answer your question, but I can give you a few of my thoughts based on my fandom experience. Also, it just so happens that some of my fandom friends were discussing the issue of canon Zuko versus fanon Zuko on the day you sent this ask!
So...I've only been in the ATLA fandom for 6 months, and I'm an adult who watched ATLA for the first time earlier this year. I was a blank slate going in - I didn't know anything about the show other than its title and that it was based in an Asian-inspired fantasy world. So I had the opposite experience of your friend, having watched the show first without any preconceptions, and then diving into fanfic later on.
I should also make the caveat that since Kataang is my only ship, I haven't read any Zuko-centric fics, and Zuko is a minor character in my fics if he shows up at all. (Thank you for reading my fics, by the way!)
That said, I have noticed the trend (even in some Kataang fics) for fanon Zuko to be much more mature and self-aware than he is in the show. In fact, fanon Zuko is often depicted as being MORE mature and self-aware than fanon Aang, when the opposite is actually true for the canon versions of the characters. Fanfic writers also tend to give Zuko some of Aang's greatest personality traits, such as the ability to deeply empathize with others, keeping a level head, and possessing great wisdom and thus being the main person who dispenses advice to others.
In contrast, canon Zuko is moody, brooding, hot-headed, impulsive, entitled, short-tempered, and bad at reading people. As best as I can recall, we NEVER see Zuko giving advice in ATLA - it is always Iroh or one of the Gaang giving HIM advice.
Why is fanon Zuko so different from canon Zuko? I'm not totally sure, but some think it's because there are people who want to ship him with Katara, so they ascribe positive personality traits to him to make him (and the ship) more appealing. Another reason may be that because he is one of the eldest members of the Gaang, as well as being brooding and cynical, people tend to view him as very "adult", so they unconsciously give him traits that reflect emotional maturity. Perhaps another reason is that he underwent such a drastic transformation in the show, going from the "evil prince" to "reformed good guy." For some reason, there seems to be this idea that his redemption arc excuses him from past and current misdeeds, and that becoming a better person automatically comes with certain positive traits, despite the fact that he doesn't display those traits in the show.
Don't get me wrong, by the way - I like canon Zuko just fine, and he's a great character. I loved his arc. But he's not super interesting to me outside his relationships with Iroh and Aang, who are the people who challenged him to grow and begin to meet his potential. (I think it's also no coincidence that Aang and Iroh are my favorite characters; they both play similar roles to the people around them.)
Anyway, these are my thoughts and observations on why fanon Zuko is so different from canon Zuko. I'm sorry I couldn't give you a better answer, but I hope I've helped shed some light on the issue!
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