#i hope in season 2 we can see more of cooper
beethovencool · 25 days
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Dare you to finish what you said…
Also the color version of Cooper :D
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buzzybee26 · 27 days
I've seen people saying that this season marks a transition from serious with silly elements to silly with serious elements (particularly after the 1st 2 eps) but now that we've had a lot more of the season, I think this is wrong. This season isn't silly with serious elements, it's a serious season wearing the mask of a silly season.
Spoilers under cut
Space Babies looks like it's just "lol babies running space station, lol snot monster, lol farting space ship" at face value, but there's a lot more to unpack from how The Doctor relates the Bogeyman and being the only one of his kind to the underlying themes of abortion legislation and honestly a lot more to unpack than I don't have the brain power to write rn.
Devil's Chord keeps the silly tone, but destroys the world and does some important foreshadowing about Ruby and The One Who Waits. This is the one that leans most into the silliness, but it has the stakes to work with this analysis.
The plot of Boom is "The Doctor steps on a glowy land mine" which is a hilarious sentence and the next time preview for it was absolutely left us with a lot of questions pertaining to how that was going to be a full episode, but it ended up being a thesis on how organised religion, capitalism and war are some of greatest threats to humanity and they all make each other worse. Boom is played straight for pretty much the whole episode, but it looks like a pretty silly premise before you watch it.
The 73 Yards next time preview, whilst creepy, made the episode look a lot cheesier than it ended up being and they ran with this until the reveal that the pub goers were just messing with Ruby, after which we don't get any more stuff like uncomfortable close ups or characters expositing about local folk lore. The horror b-movie is a lie.
And now Dot and Bubble. The brightest episode of the season has the darkest ending so far. At first glance it certainly looks a lot sillier than it is with its bug-eyed monsters and "phone bad" aesthetic. This episode is all about deception. Ricky lies about the home world, Lindy lies about Ricky being alive, but there's more. The residents of Fine Time get the lie of Fine Time. The whole thing is about them looking past a vale to see what's really going on around them. The Doctor and Ruby get the lie that they will save these people. They go in, they try to help and the get cooperation for a bit, but the rich kids' pride and prejudice stops them. We as the audience receive the lie that these characters could be saved in the first place. The episode sets itself up to have a hopeful ending where the rich kids start learning to improve themselves as people in a new home that the Doctor brought them to. We get so focused on that narrative structure that we don't step back and look at the bigger picture. These people think they're so amazing because they don't waste resources with their consumerism and they have followers and they're stuck in a n environment that affirms their egos yet they can't even walk without their bubbles and they mostly get annoyed when the disappearances get brought up. Their egos are so overinflated and they're so used to being in an environment where they can only talk to other people who think and act like them, of course they're not going with the Doctor. They'll use him as long as they think they need him but they refuse to accept that they can't do anything by themselves if they're not in absolute immediate danger because they think they're so amazing. This feels like it should have a somber ending where we mourn the losses and look to a brighter future in the moment because of the tone and structure, but take a step back from it and there was no other way it was going to end.
This whole season has been a tonal lie that's been breaking down as we go and I really hope they do something cool with that idea.
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cassafra5 · 2 months
besides the anti-feral drug (which is theorized to be something else), what are your thoughts on how the Fallout tv show Buffed the Ghouls?
Sorry for the delay! I wanted to take a bit of time on this. I’m not sure if the ghouls are necessarily buffed. They seem to be for the most part the same, albeit there’s the dependence on the drug and there seems to be more of a chance of ghouls to decay/breakdown overtime if they can’t get proper care. For example, Roger has a full chunk of his skull showing. Without the drug, overtime, it seems like they start to lose themselves like Roger and Martha who needed to remind themselves of who they are. Pretty heartbreaking not gonna lie :/.
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Roger brings up that Cooper has outlasted everyone to which Cooper responds that he’s just always been good with money so there was, at one point, a community and overtime they became feral. Cooper does look healthier than the other ghouls who seem much paler and have their skin pulling away. When we finally see Lucy’s mother in the final episode, she is mostly skeletal and missing an arm and has probably been that way for years. I know a decent bit of damage would have come from the attack on Shady Sands but it’s also been many years as well and there could have been ongoing deterioration despite Moldaver’s best efforts. She could have gone feral soon after and may have been unable to be further treated.
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How the ghouls turn feral reminds me of Rachel and Oswald the Outrageous from the Nukaworld DLC. After the Great War, they were turned into ghouls by the radiation and, overtime, some of their friends began to deteriorate and become feral. They describe it as a type of “affliction” and Rachel heads out to find a cure but ultimately concludes that ghouls are doomed to go feral eventually and takes her own life when she, too, begins to deteriorate. Maybe the cure she was looking for would have been something like the drug in the show.
I don’t think we’ve seen as of yet whether radiation cures or promotes healing in ghouls in the show. In regards to Thaddeus, I’m not sure if he is necessarily becoming a ghoul since the serum the snake-oil salesman gave him immediately healed his foot without the use of radiation and he also healed after being shot with an arrow. The salesman mentions that he has “serums that will make you grow an entire new foot.” Once Thaddeus takes the drug, the salesman is in a hurry to leave and even remarks that radiation “isn’t a thing to worry about” anymore. Some people have been saying it could possibly be the healing factor serum and that he now has that mutation, which is a possibility but I’m a bit skeptical of the salesman acting the way he did if that was the case. I actually like Thaddeus so I am a bit worried though with what clues we do have, it may be more likely that he could be turning into a super mutant of some type. FEV can have some regenerative properties depending on the strain and it could be that it’s taking a while to work…but we’re going to have to see what ends up happening in Season 2. I hope he’s okay though :(
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tulipsinthedas · 2 months
Just finished binging the Fallout tv show and 🤯 I've got so many thoughts running through this little brain of mine. So here's a very long rant no one asked for. Maybe I'll make a more digestible version later. Obviously SPOILERS AHEAD!!! Be warned!
First off - the lore. So many interesting things were added into the lore by this show that I find so fascinating, as well as theories I've had that were touched upon. All of which makes this very exciting but also leaves me DESPERATE for season two. The main thing that has really stuck with me is the confirmation that Vault-Tec were the ones to drop the bombs like hello??? I've always had an inkling ever since I started delving into fallout lore a good year or two ago that they were behind everything, but finally having it confirmed is so fun. Of course, some people out there are going to be irritated (L take) but this imo will make replays so much more interesting. Same with the addition of ghouls needing medication to keep from becoming feral. Although this begs some questions; what is the medicine? Is it just radaway, or something else entirely? Maybe it's connected to whatever Hancock used to ghoulify himself? Or maybe it's connected to Doctor Barrows' research into ghouls fom Fallout 3? Idk! But I hope it's answered in season 2.
Cooper being the inspiration behind the iconic vault boy mascot absolutely gagged me. It was kinda hinted at even in the beginning at the kids birthday party but I was still surprised. Pleasantly, of course. Other smaller things, like the BOS branding and helmets opening up, among other things, were also fun touches that develop the lore in ways that the games probably never would have. It's small things like this that despite livening up the wasteland, would be unnecessary uses of resources from a game-development standpoint. So I think if season 2 ends up being a banger like season 1, we could see a lot more tiny additions to the lore like this!
Secondly - the characters. I don't even know where to start. They were written so well which is such a critical part of a good series. Lucy, despite everything she goes through, stays true to her morals and by doing so, probably unknowingly, is changing those around her. Despite being stubborn, she's willing to listen and understand other viewpoints and adapt herself. It's so refreshing to see a main female lead who isn't written as either weak and naive or strong and boneheaded; she'd a perfect mix of both. I also appreciate them not making her a total push over, even in the beginning before she is given any reason to change. She grows, but never fails to stay true to herself. Plus the whole sex positive thing is an amazing touch to add as well, especially for a woman.
And while on this topic, Maximus is such a cutie pie. Writing characters that are selflessly aligned can definitely be a hit or miss, and without properly being fleshed out, can be one-dimensional, but I never felt that way with him. Despite trying to help others and be a good person, he still has flaws and does feels selfish things. They took the trope of the knight in shining armor, literally, and gave him actual human characteristics that made him feel real. Underneath his heroic demeanor, he's just a little guy who likes slippers and vault popcorn. Who just wants to be somewhere safe away from war and danger, to be where he can just relax and not have to worry. And his romance arc with Lucy is just way too cute. From the moment they met in Filly I knew something was going to happen and I was so excited when they finally kissed lmao. The sweet, innocent love at first sight thing they have going on is the perfect dichotomy to all the bloodshed and heavy themes going on in the rest of the show.
And finally, Cooper is reviving the inner ghoul lover in me and I cannot complain at all. As a certified Hancock lover, I feel seen ✋ also Walton Goggins is just incredibly fine. But that's besides the point. His character is arguably the best written because despite being an undeniably evil person, he is still likeable. 200 years have turned him into a man who had to lose his humanity to survive, and the pre-war flashbacks being shown through his eyes give him, and the story, so much depth. Despite his ways, you can't help but still feel for him, to still root for him and hope that he still has a little bit of that humanity left within him. Which imo was shown multiple times; for example him not killing Maximus in episode two even though he easily could have done so. And the fact that he's still searching for his family all these years later? When he was asked what has been keeping him going so long, I think they are his reason. Whether he is searching to reunite or to exact revenge on Barb for dropping the bombs while him and Janey were outside idk. But it makes his story all the more heartbreaking. I also love the writing for Norm, Moldaver, Dane, and so many others, but this is already too long ass it is.
Overall, this series was so good and I'll be impatiently awaiting season 2! Some things I'm hoping to see next seasons are super mutants for sure, as well as synths and more of the enclave. I think they went easy this season to test the waters and see just how interested people are. And now that they know people are very interested, I think they'll be more willing to invest a larger budget, and add more. Rant over!
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canaidliafail · 1 year
streamer ellie Williams x dancer reader 🌿
Id call this an excessively long shitpost. It is in the same timeline with staygrounded but I wrote it down for self indulgent reasons such as -to no ones surprise- venting. It ain’t good btw but its getting better I think.
CW: first of all, reader is a dancer/ dance teacher || short mention of self harm || MDI: there are sexual themes if I remember correctly || Ellie being very gay
If you by any chance do enjoy this concept I don’t mind writing a part 2 tho. Requests are open ✨
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“you blame it on the drugs I dont give a fuck cause the damage is done,
and you talk about suicide, its the way you manipulate”
1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47 ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
gossip, rumors, spreading a false narrative and falling in love with being a victim of life and most importantly a victim of you.
So many things that could have been said about her. So many and yet all sat stale at the tip of your tongue. You wanted to rip her to shreds, put a curse on her and considered spending life in prison for premeditated murder. Then you cried and just prayed she would leave you alone and that she would find happiness and that you would never hear anything about it. You scratched your arms, the stitches holding your flesh together getting irritably itchier day by day. flesh that you so willingly sliced a week ago and regretted right after.
It was fucking embarrassing to fall to such depths of despair and misery cause of love. In life we allow things to happen to us. Saying that was comfort of some sorts. It gave you control over a situation that you were dragged around like a puppet.
Could truly another person's venom poison you this irreversibly?
And while you did crave love and attention you refused to humiliate yourself by asking for it,let alone admit to it.
“she didn’t love you, she loved the idea of being with you. You have to realize it baby, You are a known figure now…People will do that to you. This is a whole new world you just entered”
You shook your head and dully stared at the screen playing lo-fi on loop
“New world ? Feels like I'm back in high school”
You sat on the other end of the couch numb and mute. It had been a week since you spoke to your roommate and two since you last saw your whole friend group. You warned them
“I can’t talk but I really need you”
and they came and would chime in to whatever little but you were willing to share that night.
You all woke up around the same time the next day, exam season not really willing to cooperate with your mental breakdown and started getting ready. You had already failed 2 subjects. shit was not going your way so on the fourth day you just gave up and decided to go with the flow
“how bad can it get”
bit of advice fellas, never fucking say that cause it CAN get worse.
While initially you were well prepared for exams, You mixed up the days when you were supposed to submit assignments and the days when you were taking a written exam.
2 failed subjects, 4 more to go.
4 failed subjects… 2 more to go
Hot girl summer just doesn’t feel the same once you hit your 20s it seems.
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You were aimlessly watching one story after the other,barely there and hardly caring what exactly you were looking at. Abby had just posted one cryptic photo with a girl you saw around in the community and smiled. You could tell something was going on with her and that other streamer girl and you smiled. You thought they were a good match and quite frankly you were just glad to see that some people were doing better in their love life than you ever could. It gave you hope that things like that still existed even if you weren't meant to experience them. Ellie had also just posted and you took a minute longer to appreciate her slender form dressed in tights and a top while horse riding. She was hot and she knew it and you liked that attitude of hers. You checked the next story which was a black screen with a text
*I fell off my horse two minutes after taking that pic*
And chuckled. Your eyes drifted off to the green square mark and cocked a brow
So you were in her close friends ?
You sat up
“Wait since when has she-” You asked yourself out loud and noticed that indeed she was following you. In the midst of working on new content and getting out of your depressive slump you started checking your social less and less too busy with dance practice and trying to enjoy life and it seemed like in the middle of your subtle break things…. Happened
Maybe a few months ago when you were down bad for her this would’ve affected you but now you just shrugged and closed your phone. You need to get back to practicing a new dance combo for a video and you couldn’t be bothered. Your ex had scared you off from dating public figures for good. Dating was a strong word…You hardly wanted even a fling at this point.
You got dressed up and put on a wig, fixing your makeup in place and making a movement test before you went to the studio to record the new choreo so that you could only worry about the variation and not have any unnecessary technical issues. The studio was a few minutes away from your place by bus and you put on the songs you planned on rehearsing to get in the mood on your way there humming softly and tuning out any other thought polluting your mind.
There's was a text notification from the user
Which you forced yourself to ignore refusing to entertain whatever she could have texted you. If this was a month ago maybe you would have but now you didnt want to.
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Ignoring her was your plan until you posted the new video of your dance which admittedly you did look good and may have been one of your best videos up to date. Ellie Was the third like on that post and she had shamelessly double texted you. You chewed on your lip nervous and uncertain
“She texted me again”
Ophelia, your roommate, peeked her head from her iPad and looked at you curious
“ELLIE?! WAIT THE ELLIE?!” She jumped up and for a moment you for sure she came for your throat but instead clutched the blankets on your couch
“And what do you mean again ?! When did all of this happen ?”
“Relax it all started today and you know I wanted to tell you once we had time to properly hang out” You said fighting back a smile knowing that this was a victory. Ophelia had suffered you for months crying over your ex, then thirsting over Ellie and then back to square one. You owed her an update on your emotional affairs which you swore that they would stay stagnant.
“So what did she say ?”
You opened the Direct messages
Elliefuckingwilliams: Hey I have a question
Elliefuckingwilliams: Is your studio in Seattle ?
Elliefuckingwilliams: I have a project and am looking for a dance instructor. Let me know if you would be interested in a collab
“Ah. Just work stuff it seems”
“You are shameless”
You stared at each other with a smirk fighting to break through, wanting to seem equally serious despite the ridiculous situation.
“She does not”
“She does. I’m betting 50 dollars”
Oh fuck off ill just roll you a blunt”
“A WIN IS A WIN” she said with her hands in the air “No come on! Respond already you are driving me crazy”
You rolled your eyes and considered her offer. You were taken aback cause Ellie didn’t seem like she would do anything with…dancing. However you weren’t new to influencers trying new things to get back on the algorithms favor so you brushed it off as her chasing new heights to her already growing fame.
-Hey, I’m not sure where you are exactly and it isn’t my studio. I am just renting the space but I could give you a lesson or two
Elliefuckingwilliams: Sweet! When are you available ? I have a gap next week otherwise it can be next month
You stared at her immediate response and quirked your brow in approval. Professional and straight to the point. You could respect that. Not what you were aiming for. You tried to ignore the previous conversations you two had that showed above her new messages. Your fruitless attempts at getting her attention in the most stupid of ways. Can’t blame a girl for trying. Shoot for the stars they say. You’ll land on dirt but hey, at least you gave it a fair shot and therefore no one could blame you for trying.
-This week is good. Say Friday ?
Elliefuckingwilliams: Yeah yeah cool! I'll text you the day before so that you can tell me your location and everything
You pursed your lips and turned to look at Ophelia who was on all fours on your couch desperately trying to steal a glance at your phone screen. You tossed it on one of the floor cushions
“Not a date. I’m just gonna be her dance instructor so looks like you owe me that blunt”
“Nu-uh. Bet you’ll be raw dogging in the studio. We will see who wins on Friday”
_________________ 𓆩♡𓆪 _________________
“And the dance floor is filling up with blood, But oh, Lord you’ve never been so in love”
Ellie was convinced that God had specifically hand crafted her body to be incapable of dancing. She had no coordination and perhaps was even tone deaf which was ridiculous for someone who played the guitar and sang. Not that she was a pro at that either but who creates a musician who doesn’t understand how to step on notes in any way other than with an instrument ? So now that she had texted you she was frantic, bouncing her leg up and down and chewing on the flesh around her fingernails.
“What's gotten into you?”
Dina asked while folding clothes. She was at her and Jesse's apartment for the night and she had yet to tell them about her new crush and her impatient attempt at getting to see you as soon as possible. Ellie was aware of you as a creator. Be it from a post-share on her friends stories or you falling on her timeline she would see you here and there. She vividly remembered a month where you peaked and she went from seeing you once every two months at best to seeing you every week. And she was curious as to why was everyone going crazy over you and your content. You seemed to interact mostly with Abby’s girl.
That’s how Ellie referred to the girl Abby seemed to be crushing on. In a game of broken telephone and who told what, Ellie planned on seeing how close Abby was with her girl and if that was close enough for her to ask if she could…well ask her about you and then somehow for that information to get back to you.
But all that plan failed the second Ellie asked
“So is Cotton dating anyone?”
And Abby took that horribly wrong and now was set on gatekeeping her. Ellie was awkward and a mess and couldn’t communicate properly what she wanted because to her, what she asked was obvious and had no hidden meaning or intention but the world around her didn’t work like that and she struggled so fucking hard with it.
Ellie’s second grant failure was when she followed you back. She was sure that you wouldn’t have missed it. But the silence was so loud it was deafening. You were still posting but you were otherwise quiet everywhere else. You rarely even watched her stories at this point so Ellie decided to grow a backbone and some balls and directly message you.
She flinched at the dry responses she gave you to your previous interactions which back then seemed professional but now they seemed…So distant.
Finally, she texted you.
and you responded.
“Dina I did a stupid thing”
Dina tossed the clothes in the wardrobe and kicked close giving up on tidying Jesse’s shit
“Ok, stupid how? Like speaking money or-”
“I texted my crush-”
“You have a crush?”
“Yes and so I texted her and-”
“Who is she ?”
“A content creator, anyways so I texted her”
“Dina can you let me talk?!” she said frustrated and Dina grinned. She went to the kitchen aisle to grab a bottle of water and tossed another one Ellie’s way. She leaned against the counter listening to her friend endless yawping about this new crush. she called her twice a day until Friday, and would recite every move and gesture she planned on using to seduce you. Dina would turn each one down by saying
“You do realize that when you see her you will just shit your pants from excitement and won't say anything right?”
So ellie would hang up and call a few hours later with a new plan that aligned more with how she typically acted.
When Friday came she showered twice and changed outfits over and over again, as a result she was late. She was proud of her fit since the sleeveless turtleneck did a nice job at hugging her slim, well built frame and showed off her toned arms that took years of calisthenics to build and paired with a baggy pair of sweatpants she felt like she had the biggest dick in the city.
But once she parked outside of the studio you mentioned cold sweat ran down her spine and her hands felt clammy and sticky from anxiety.
what the hell am I doing
she questioned and rested her head against the steering wheel. She drummed her fingers on the soft leather and hummed a melody to ease her nerves till she heard light tapping on the window. She lifted her head and looked up and there you were. hair loose, shorts and a baggy graphic T that had a faded graffiti-like artwork of spiderman.
She hated how much she loved the sight in front of her.
she opened her door and slid out trying to gather her stuff in a hurry
“Hi sorry, were you waiting long? I missed the bus and had to wait a bit until the next one came…”
“no no! Its cool I was just, ugh trying to calm down cause I'm nervous”
you smiled and lowered your brows in empathy
“I assumed you would. You don't have experience in dancing right? Or at least you haven’t mentioned it anywhere”
She winced at how obvious her lie was and she didn’t know how to answer to that
I don’t dance but If that’s what it takes to fuck you then sure I can learn how to do a Ronde de Jambe
“ah yeah you got me there, I’ve never danced before”
“That’s cool with me. Just curious on what piqued your interest to start now. New hobby or…?”
“yeah new hobby!” she hurried to answer, glad that you inspired her on what lie to use for the day.
You nodded while checking her out head to toe and before she had time to boost her ego and assume that you did because you found her hot you said-
“Hm. I will need you to wear tighter pants next time so that I can see what you are doing with your legs. But for today it's fine”
and took the keys out of your duffel bag
“Well. Ellie williams. Ready to start?”
“ah yeah just, be gentle…? I've never done anything remotely close to dancing with my body and I might be pretty stiff”
“Don’t worry about it. I've had every type of student and all of them managed to pull a few cool moves in their second month. If there’s a will there’s a way”
she smiled more nervous than before. You were formal and professional leaving little close to no space for her to get flirty and she was at a loss. She should’ve done more research on dancer etiquette so that she wouldn’t have looked like such an uneducated swine but there was no point in getting angry over that now.
“We will start with basic breathing exercises and a warm up just to get you in the swing of things. We will start with body isolations”
Ellie stared at you from the mirror as you showed her the first few basic motions
“Alright so for the warmup just follow my lead”
you grabbed the remote and put on “never ending song” by Conan Grey which had a pretty standard rhythm and was easy to dance along to. Ellie was in awe with the plasticity of your body, every move being a continuation of the previous one all like a rolling tide of emotions complimenting the beat and the beat complimenting you.
On the other end, Ellie was too embarrassed to look at her own reflection
“alright so first to isolate your hips from your chest” you said and let the next song play. You laid your palm flat on her back and pointed a bit below her collarbones holding your fist in the air
“move with me, breathe in” you said and she tried to copy your move watching your chest rise. You shook your head
“no, I need only your chest to move. Relax your shoulders love” you teased with an easy smile and Ellie by now was a mess, from the proximity and from the simple exercise of trying to move your breathing pattern
You were oblivious to it all going from one body part to another occasionally fixing up her posture and tapping the part that she had to focus on, but all hell broke loose in your brain when you laid your hand on her stomach asking her to clench and unclench her core hunching within herself.
“You were so dramatic before, look at you Els. You just needed a little basic guidance “ you encouraged and she smiled and looked at you in excitement, oblivious to the fact that when she turned her head she was a breath away from accidentally kissing you
“ah! I-“
you smirked and pulled away
“I've been rehearsing this one choreo, best way to understand these exercises is through a dance routine. How do you feel about that?”
Ellie agreed and while dancing she kept being thrown off balance at the sharp turns that she had to take which in return slowed her down and she would miss a few steps. You let the music play in the background and let out an awkward chuckle
“Fuck ok this is my fault see I forgot to tell you about spotting”
You nodded and you pushed her back by her shoulder freeing up a line for you
“See when we turn, we always have a spot” You said and stepped into the appropriate preparation to do 8 simple turns, your head always snapping the back to the invisible mark you held with your eyes
Ellie pursed her lips. Seemed like such an obvious trick but one that went completely over her head
“Now I see that you struggle to look at yourself in the mirror, Which is fine. I’m sure you'll get used to it eventually, so instead try taking a few turns while holding eye contact with me, yeah ?”
You offered and she took a couple steps back
“Ugh…what were all those moves you made before spinning?”
“Oh don’t worry about that,thats ballet stuff. Just spin. Bent your elbows and hold your arms against your chest if it helps”
Ellie started off slow, picking up the pace as she neared you, eventually losing sight of what was in front of her
“Wow-wow-wowwww I got you” you said and steadied her by her shoulders and held her in place. She looked up at you taking in deep breaths, cheeks flushed and eyes wide open with her lips parted in a soft smile
“That went well, How do you feel?”
You said and you gently rubbed your thumb against the naked skin of her biceps.
“Great, I… I liked this it makes more sense now”
She said filled with excitement
_________________ 𓆩♡𓆪 _________________
Every time Ellie liked your story you felt your heart skip a few beats. You were in the studio for your solo dancing practice and kept bouncing from one leg to the other to keep your muscles warm while you scrolled through your phone to find some inspiration or a pic that you could post and in return give Ellie an opening to respond to. The image of her timidly trying to follow along through your every move, her flushed cheeks and her voice shaking did things to your brain chemistry, re-wiring its entire structure and flow. Every time she posted a story with a smug smile and pants lower than her boxer briefs you just laughed remembering what a shy and soft mess of words the girl was and felt an unhealthy amount of endearment. A spark re-ignited in your dead heart and you liked it. You liked ellie when you didn’t know her, and you liked her even more now that you did.
By now it had been…a good two weeks that consisted of 4 dance practices that you had with her. The first time you saw her up close all you thought was a “huh”
And then a “she is shorter than me-“ which for you was dangerous. You had an incredibly soft spot for masc lesbians who were shorter than you. Unfortunately they were never attracted to you though. You had always attracted the exact opposite of what you wanted and you blamed that on your overly dominant attitude.
On the second day you both had the same idea of treating each other to a coffee and so you ended up with 4 paper cups of iced almond milk lattes which you laughed about for a good 10 minutes
“We are so in sync!” You commented and she nodded excitedly, blushing all the way to her ears.
On the third dance practice you purposely pretended to assist her and correct her to find an excuse to touch her and when you saw how positively she reacted to it you pushed on the advantage that you had, heavily , which made you believe that maybe there really was some kind of ulterior motive as to why Ellie was so set on having you as a dancing coach.
On the fourth day there was a shift in the tide and something was in the waters. Ellie had her hair gathered and decided to wear the sluttiest outfit on earth ( aka a white top and grey sweatpants )
She went to greet you with a hug and you noticed her perfume, subtle but there to make you lust after it. She asked if she could record the Dance you were rehearsing for a post and you felt alright with that. And she excelled. She was a fast learner and her body had a good flow. It did need polishing but she wasn’t half as bad as she claimed to be. The fifth video take was close to perfection and in her excitement she yanked you towards her and wrapped you in a tight hug which you immediately reciprocated eager for the contact with the sex God standing before you. You took in the blended smell of her perfume and her sweat which had you feel insufferable discomfort with how tight your pants were. Something about her raw scent had you horny like a dog and you had to clench your jaw in patience not to act out of instinct and try to get closer than needed.
You both laughed and she yelled in excitement “I fucking did it”
And then your voice followed, a bit quieter “I told you, you could do it” she pulled back her arm still on your waist, her thumb caressing the skin as she watched the video a second time in excitement. You took the chance to stand a bit closer to her while she in sync wrapped her whole arm around you and leaned her head against your chest enjoying the dance and pointing out things that you could do differently next time, all in the comfort of each other’s embrace.
She posted the video and in the daze of the excitement of seeing what you two looked like next to each other you forgot to worry about the fact that you were yet again getting entangled with a public figure. An actually big one. While your previous relationship was just your ex leeching off of you and your success, this one…it had to be different. Ellie had nothing to gain from you and you put your trust in that and in the fact that the two of you seemed to genuinely get along
You decided to text her first
“You impatient fuck. We could’ve filmed a better take tomorrow”
“You are such an ass, let me enjoy my accomplishments”
You started tidying up the studio and decided to leave your bag with your ballet clothes and pointe there since you would come tomorrow for Ellie’s lessons anyways. You chatted back and forth all the way back and you almost tripped on your staircase too busy typing a response. You banged your head against your door though thinking you had unlocked it to find that you didn’t. Ophelia opened it for you
You looked at each other and you immediately broke into a smile the split your lips
“Ellie posted our video. And she left in the part where she hugged me”
“Oh-hooooo” she exclaimed and rushed you in. She tossed the mop on the side of the wall and nudged you to the couch abandoning whatever housework she was in the middle of to listen to you
“Aaaand we are still talking” You said smiling and Ophelia clapped cheering for you while you swung your way inside the house and fell dramatically on the couch.
“Oh my, I’m so glad the Gods heard our prayers cause I was sure I was about to send you off to priesthood”
“It wasn’t that bad”
You said with an offended gasp and she scoffed
“Honey, one more month and you were about to grow back your virginity. I’m just happy to see you back out there and not just with anyone but with The Ellie fucking williams!” She said getting louder with every word. You joined her cheerful demeanor hopping on the couch and you both started bouncing on it like kids in a playground
“I can’t believe this. I wanna wear something good for our practice tomorrow”
“Shorts and that nice red bodysuit!”
“No buts! I know it’s uncomfortable but she will see you and rip it off right away so how much will you really suffer, you know?”
Ophelia coming through with the obvious answer to any and every world known issue was exactly what you needed to finish off your day. Though to be fair, if there was anything you should have listened to regarding -making a move on your crush- that would have to be her. She had a banging record of pulling every single guy she set her eyes on and one night standing them for her own satisfaction. Of course now she had her sights on someone specific but that didn’t change or erase all previously acquired skills in the flirting department. Despite all of that, You ended up rejecting the bodysuit idea because that would be a hassle to actually get off if things would go anywhere and even if they wouldn't, anything that tight during summer was a nightmare in general.
“Hey can I borrow that white top you have?”
“Borrow whatever you want and do whatever you want just never let me know about it”
_________________ 𓆩♡𓆪 _________________
on the day that you fully planned on making a move a couple things went wrong. First and foremost well, It decided to rain down which meant you had to run all the way from the bus stop to the studio in a hopeless attempt to preserve your hair and outfit. It didn’t do much since you ended up like a drenched cat either way but you refused to let your mood falter.
You tried texting Ellie to ask if she could bring coffee for you two.
Few minutes later she came in with two iced coffees, not a drop of rain on her which you were awfully jealous of. Her cropped hair was once again all gathered in a short ponytail and she wore two sports wristbands around her arms which did unimaginable things to you. It was good sight with her sleeveless baggy tshirt. Ellie just knew how to dress plain and attractive.
“Looking good” she teased when she found you furiously trying to dry the ends of your hair with a towel
“Shut up. Please shut up”
“So sensitive” she said and rolled her eyes making her way to you and taking the towel from your hands
“Let me help” it wasn’t so much of a request as it was a demand when she pulled the towel out of your hands and moved behind you, wrapping your hair in it and squeezing it to get most of the water out. You felt your body temperature rise at the awfully tender gesture and unsure of what to do you just fidgeted with your hands looking at the floor
“ I can drive you back to your place if you want”
“No, it's fine. Ill wait it out”
“No no, I insist. Let me drive you back and look cool while doing so”
A soft chuckle escaped your lips as she rounded you up to give you the towel with a small shy smile, her cheeks a shade of pink now.
Practice was good if you were to ignore that Ellie seemed a lot more focused on your assets rather than the moves you were showing. You knew the biker shorts you were gave her a 4K view of your ass but you didn't expect her to be this obvious about it. You stepped back after a moment and just watched as she rehearsed the dance on her own and you were in awe on how much more comfortable she seemed with her body now
“Good. This one was very good. Want me to film you so that you look at yourself?”
you asked and she shook her head satisfied with the progress. You slouched on the ground, legs spread and ankles on your knees wiping the sweat of your brow carefully as not wipe your brow completely off with it and looked at the time
“Well we are pretty much done then for today. Unless there’s anything you wanted to ask me or anything else you wanna try doing?” you asked and Ellie followed your lead walking over to you across the room and crouching down on her knees in front of you
“Oh yeah I did wanna ask something”
“go ahead then” you said dreading having to get up. You didn’t have to though
“Can I take you out on a date ? for coffee perhaps?”
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17mujipens · 11 months
the dragon prince season 5 live thoughts:
the way Rayla constantly has the weight of the world and her parents and her personal relationship and then the world again on her shoulders is insane
Terry is bf goals, he really saw his girl having a meltdown and was like here are some nice textures. autism wins again
Callum really was like ‘my girl can commit any crime she wants :)’
that little bug elf person is so scary for no reason
loooove the dragon designs. like every time we see a dragon i’m fascinated
im so glad that in-universe people understand that Ezran is just a kid. like its heartbreaking but i’m glad it is discussed
side note but Corvus and Soren are def fucking and Corvus is not proud of it
i love how everyone is experiencing trauma and Rayla and Callum are in some second chance romance fluffy story
VIREN mindscape
that scene between King Harrow and Viren genuinely has me hyperventilating
oh Harrow is that bird for sure for sure
oh to have a partner as dedicated to your success as Terry….
baby Soren is such a sweetie!!!!! im gonna cry
oh even more beautiful dragons
i totally forgot that Aarovos whispered something to the previous queen and now that intrigue is back
i feel like i gotta stop saying something every time Terry does/says something incredibly sweet because we’ll be here for so long
they keep reiterating how important family is to Viren and i mean it’s not a necessarily new characteristic but it’s more intense now. like the way morality doesn’t exist when it concerns them. before it was all for power and now its all for them and it doesn’t matter that Soren is on the ‘enemy’ side so it has me thinking that something is going to happen to one of his children that will. result in either Viren’s self sacrifice or his betrayal of Aarovos
Amaya and Janai are so so real
OMG baby Claudia!
Callum and Rayla’s frustration over being forbidden from going to Lux Area is hilarious, especially how Callum gave a freaking illustration shdjjdbdb
Aunt Amaya is a real one
oh i just knooow Karim’s storyline is going to be so so messy
also this made me think. like what the fuck do you even do after you get banished. like where do you go
Claudia and Viren sinking and saving each other is mirrored is just muah delicious
Soren running away terrified Viren but Claudia turning out just like him is scaring him even more
Claudia is my wet cat pathetic but also op character
some eye of sauron shit in Lux Aurea
the nerd elf is so cute and way too innocent for all this bullshit
Aunt Amaya is a real one pt. 2
omg. didn’t i say Karim’s story is going to be insane
i feel like Amaya’s monologue about love is going to be so heartbreaking in a few episodes
i’m usually a throwback montage hater but this one is so cute and sweet and it really highlights just how much they’ve grown and how far these two have come
Stella is a little kleptomaniac. sweetie.
Karim is constantly misunderstanding things because of his own biases. like how he thought the Janai wouldn’t fight because he came to the conclusion that the throne doesn’t matter to her because she didn’t lead like he wanted her to. and now he thinks that what Sol Regem needs is sight when what he actually needs is hope
the ‘i would do anything for you’ is sounding scary in the context of we just heard that that’s what started Viren’s descend into darkness
the library fight sequence is great, always fun to see their different fighting styles and how the cooperate
but it also gave me so much anxiety because Amaya is exactly the character that’s important and beloved enough that the writers might decide to make her infected so we all suffer
Dragon Queen to the rescue!!! oh how powerful dragons are…
why are u always leaving Bait behind :( he’s just a baby :(
AND CORVUS TOO??????? agony and pain in Xadia
oh and i totally forgot about the Queen herself!!!!
oh Viren’s brain is doing a full reset
i’m obsessed with Tina already. her design and her grumpy old woman attitude
oh Terry and Claudia you will always be famous to me
Akiyu and Lujanne would be besties
‘ when your mind is telling you to speak, instead you must listen’ LMAO
i know this Bloodhuntress is evil, they even say this out loud but… she’s kinda hot, yeah?
im really hoping that they find some way to cure the dragon queen. we don’t need to preteen kings
that boat set up is terrifying. and way too similar to Charon to be comfortable
bright hope cove…or scumport
this made me realise how much i just need at least a short story or something on Rayla years alone
this is such a fun setting. i have a soft spot for these types of towns in stories
i NEED the reaction pic someone already should have made of Ezran and Bait after Finnegran announced the ship’s price
omg pirate return!!
Claudia my girl who is worse <3
baby glow toads are 80% eye and 20% body lol
oh another return appearance!! i hope Nyx’ll bring some interpersonal drama
yeah, and she’s already pushing Callum’s buttons lol
damn, Soren is strong as hell, swimming in armour
oof i think she shouldn’t trust Miyana, wasn’t she Karim’s lover?
now that i see the Bloodhuntress in daylight, i have to say im not a fan of her colour scheme BUT powers are so cool visually, this whole fight sequence is amazing
Callum is just so powerful… i feel like we forget it sometimes but he is the first human mage to use any primal magic and the scale of the spells he’s using here is just insane
oh god seeing Anaya in pain and despair is somehow worse than anyone else. and seeing her grief turn into anger muah chefs kiss
why is this y-7 show giving me anxiety. i literally started watching this to relax and think about interesting fantasy concepts what’s all this!!
oh shit this intro has Callum in it. shits about to hit the fan
i feel like that sea shanty has to have some deeper meaning. i hope it’s not that they’re going to drown our heroes
don’t get me wrong i’m a tragedy enjoyer, i should know that by now but holy shit i just wasn’t emotionally prepared for all this
Soren, himbo of all time
Finnergrin is a great character to contrast our heroes actually and push them over
oh Callum :( i love those moments where his anger boils over but i also love how they show how that scares him
Finnegrin is putting Rayla in mortal danger…i HOPE Callum goes feral
oh yeah this is some serious levelling up!!! Go Callum!!!
Soren, sweetheart :( he really saw this wood man get treated like trash, recognised it and at great personal cost helped him free himself :) using his daddy issues for the greater good
oh wow that greater good is apparently killing! slay
i feel like i gotta say something about Callum using dark magic to free himself but god that’s just plain heavy
oh Zubeia is still grieving and she’s just going on for her kid :(((
it’s day 30, damon what a way to up the already high stakes
Ezran was so sure that the prison being underwater would stump them but they figured it out so quick
my one thing is, this is open sea, if they’re even approximately at the same place, shouldn’t they have seen each other?
Aaravos really says every single sentence like it’s some dirty talk. like bro is saying something about borrowing consciousness or whatever with the same voice u usually hear say some shit like ‘oh you like that?’
finally Claudia and Callum and Ezran meeting! the way she truly believes that the ends justify the means and that all that dark magic hasn’t had its affect on her… wow
OUR CHILD? this whole monologue has me in hysterics
also because like…if he didn’t say anything, and was just like ‘kill this homunculus and your life will be restored’ Viren probably would have done it
i fear that ultimately, Viren will be too little too late for Claudia. because while he turned into who he is while an adult, Claudia was raised to be like this. so if he tries to change her, it’d be a betrayal to her
yeah, see Claudia is even more extreme than her father. because she has nothing else besides him, there is not status or prestige, or brother, or anyone else. it’s just her and him
fucking hell, i KNEW Miyana wasn’t to be trusted!
i think Karim will have a devastating win in s6, but it’ll be short lived, because like i said before he lacks critical thinking
what the hell is this mushroom mage and how soon can he help us retake Lux Aurea
what the fuck did he mean by ‘swallow’
Claudia is literally destroying herself in her quest. like we know that dark magic is detrimental to not only your physical but also your mental health, like we saw with Viren, and Claudia’s hair, but now literally her leg is gone. how far will she go?
side note: i think that because Viren reset, that’s why all his mentality and soul came back and that’s why his morals are so much stronger than we ever saw them?
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murkystarlight · 1 month
DREAMZzz S2 spoilers pt.2
(And my personal comments)
Okay- I lost all progress once. But this time it'll be fine. Right? Anyways... I lost my energy so I'm going to make it a bit more shorter and brief....
Starting off with the sirens. Can we appreciate that glossy tail?? We need them as figurines ASAP.
Izzie and Cooper suffering
I like the sticky hand Mateo makes. Probably the best one he made during his... *I miss z-blob phase*
And- have I mentioned the opening song before?? Cause it's really nice
RIP Sandman... where did he go??😭
I personally loved all the ✨family drama✨ in this season (also, poor Izzie that keeps thinking she forgot stuff she doesn't actually know. Must be really confusing)
And do they not know that their parents got divorced? I mean... they gotta be divorced, right?
(Did anyone hear Mr. Oz grumbling while he took out the dreamy-screamy?)
Cooper, not having any knowledge on tech giving an idea for using a Lumi-Caster, that's used for making light, while they're in broad daylight? Sad. But adorable
Why do they have headphones in the library? For kids who have trouble with the noise?
Zoey winking? And mentioning Way of the departed?? Then she punches a siren in the face???
(Logan needs more appreciation)
Dallas is doing a great job knitting
Throws headphones, lands on their heads perfectly
Also, they almost get eaten. EATEN. By the sirens!? We need angst art on this👍
"Remember, DO IT QUIETLY" (he's Dumbledore) ((what color can I give mr oz? This is the only one left so))
Cooper stressing out from not being able to turn on a computer- he's losing brain cells, oh god... and he got a temper like have you seen Mateo and Zoey's face? Shocked
Mrs. Castillo is the best
(Oh~ then we must go north!)
Why are their colors the same? In the last season when they went through the rift the colors were like... faded and... dreamy
"The fantasy realm? Sirens dont belong here!" (That's a bit mean- be like Cooper->) "well, they have to be somewhere, don't they?"
Or preferably. Like Zoey
"I hope they don't eat anyone though"
Why did Mateo tell Logan to play his song before they left the rift?? Or- at least when they're a little bit closer to the rift?
Cooper was badass with that frying pan.
We got a new
He looks so happy when he tagged the ravennn (the wacky-tracky looks like it resembles a bird. Don't you think? Or... is it just me..?)
aughhhh my heart
(He also seems really down, he says so himself that "if I do one thing right today, please be this" he needs help y'alll)
José and Jasmin look so happy togethr
And Mateo got over his mom a teenie weenie bit "we're all just figuring it out, right?"
(Sounds a bit...🏳️‍🌈) just saying! Don't take any of what I'm saying seriously
Episode 4
Logan's song. Let's see the good parts I found-
Mateo singing along and dancing(and being mad about it- btw, the z-blob drawing right in front of Mateo when he wakes up has got to be one of the cutest drawings yet). Zoey, Cooper, Mr. Oz and Albert dancing
Why can't they be supporting? I mean... okay.. maybe it's a bit weird (and I thought it was a bit weird too- especially when the other guy suddenly got so popular just as fast as Logan) but he's your friend?? Is it that surprising that Logan have fans? ....yeah.. okay, maybe?
(Also, Logan can do splits??)
Uh- I just noticed, Izzie has pickles on her lunch plate. Like- a full sized pickle! That's pretty much all she has on her plate
But Zoey. That was kinda mean- you... you were more than harsh
They really tried to make us belive that Jasmin is a witch or smth- but! I know my cliches. And at this situation? She's definitely just a normal person(and I was right)
Does Logan's beast crafting only work with his anger? I remember seeing a cool artwork with Logan using it with other emotions. Maybe later if he develops his powers?? Or.. something similar?
Why does some people only think of dancing and some people can keep thinking 'what the- why can't I stop??' And all that(like Zoey still complained)
Rupert Finneas Shufflebottom Oswald
How did Mateo and Izzie get up in a tree??
Cooper looks so darn cute!! Look at his smile! So precious
He looks... genuinely happy. Like... has he really been losing brain cells?
When Logan has his head down, the mouth animations looked really cool(also, I love the captions. Logan's official name as the blue gremlin is Lo-lo)
Zian and the frog cab is also dancing! Cute
"A lizard person from planet Sikoria!"
"And- why are we sitting on mrs. Castillo's food truck?"
"I don't want dad to hurt like I'm hurting right now.." such- a good kid
Is it just me or did Cooper really, actually get more laid-back than before??
Oh- so Logan is the tech guy now?
Logan looks so sad-
Well Zoey. You tried. It wasn't a bad apology, but.... not the best.
And Logan with a new instrument??
Episode 5
We need info! Why is the Never witch so mad?!!
But seriously- her incantations are just... really nice
Really sad that Izzie can't remember Phil...
Hate Royce
Cooper being...
Phil being the best wingman ever-
(The hug.... Phil- oh god)
"Coop, did you mess with this thing?"
"No, why?"
"Just wondering if you broke it"
The raven was being happy and cute making it's nest... aww
I like how Izzie keeps repeating what she did the first time(like trying to fly)
"Oh! Try asking it to lead us to the witch!"
"[Laughs].... oh, you're serious"
Oh right! The Grimm spawn disguise! We have a new costume now~
Logan's moms being bird ladies and everyone staring at Logan like he's gone mad
Izzie still doing the Naruto run
"We're close"
"Uh- close to what?"
Yup. He's losing brain cells...
And that one scene when they retrieve their memories?(kinda). Oh..... boy
Cooper you poor thing! Nooooooo
I was very happy when I heard the sound of glass shattering. And.. why was it so sad?? They do not have the right to make it seem so sad
But like- even though this is great. Love the angst and all...(he barely got to be sad about it? He barely showed it) I hope Cooper gets his tech powers back. He can be a chef, and a tech guy. Like that show on Netflix! Baking impossible? I think it was? Making functioning cakes. But maybe the whole "tech guy" thing was like... a fence for him? He only thinks of things in that way. Maybe that's why he was the most closed(least creative) person at first. But now he's out of that boundary. And he does look like he's being more care-free and seems more brighter? (...in case you haven't noticed yet. He's my favorite character. He's going to take up about... half of the space in my rambling;;)
Zoey's past!
That was dark. Like... really cool though
I love how Izzie gets her memories back!
The armor coming together? Coool
Inspector Strick actually helping them??
Previous part , next part
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titaniumrock · 2 months
My little review of the Fallout tv show season 1. *SPOILERS BELOW CUT*
Okay so, I finally finished the show and omg it was amazing. It was fun and had a lot of references and poked some fun at the players who complained ( The radio show with the minutemen music). It was nice and I enjoyed it.
Section 1 review -The characters-
So the characters were fleshed out and fun, I enjoyed their designs, personalities, and history. The most fleshed out was probably The Ghoul AKA Cooper Howard. Which works because he is pre-war, and that was nice to have to give us a little tell of what pre-war was like. Though I would have loved to see more of it and the more mundane side. Like the average persons life during pre-war, or someone who was severely struggling. Maybe for next season? Anyways, he was fun and interesting. His design was very fun, like who doesn't like a cowboy? Then his personality is pretty complex yet also quite simple, he is an actor which makes that complexity of him as I can't really grasp his thoughts and actions completely. He is a character I understand yet also don't it is very confusing. Then again it was probably also because I could hardly understand him half the time because of the accent and the fact there was no subtitles and the ambient sound was loud as hell, as well as the fact that we didn't really get to see too much of him postwar in the same way we saw the other two (three? if you count Lucy's brother) main characters. If that makes sense...idk.
Any who, Lucy MacLean was amazing and adorable loved her so much. She was in my opinion the best vault dweller rep, though she seemed too stable. For someone from a vault she was very calm and seemed to handle violence well. Like we saw no apprehension in her actions and she was very optimistic no matter what. And I know that people can be like that okay! But for someone from a vault that never seemed to at least have violence she was way too calm. I was honestly expecting her to have a mental breakdown at one point or something similar, like she has seen so much and almost died so many times. I also see the naivety that she has but that doesn't really excuse the fact that she brushes off things so easily. Yet even so I really like her, she is fun and adorable. I just wish we got a more "accurate" version of someone who has never seen the horrors of the waste, especially since for most of it she had no companion to make her feel safe and keep up such a optimistic naivety. Though even so it kinda works considering how the vault dwellers of the games are?
Now Maximus was fun, I loved him but he was less developed than the other two. He had his goals but we missed a lot of the bonding that he had with Lucy and Thaddeus, and how/why their companionship changed him and his goals. Like I know it is there but it wasn't really shown, we know that he likes Lucy and he was hoping to be friends with Thaddeus but we don't really see the whole picture of why. We don't see the growth of it which really sucks because it could have been really fun so long as they do it properly. Then his backstory is still mostly unknown, like what was his childhood like before the Brotherhood? What was Shady Sands really like? But he was still a decent character. His motives were pretty clear and simple and he is what you would expect from someone brainwashed by the brotherhood, someone who was also disrespected by the brotherhood. Not much to really say and I hope we have him more fleshed out soon. Sucks my review of his character is so short because I really like him and his little cute romance with Lucy.
So overall I feel that the characters were fun and nice, great designs, nice voices, decently made, etc. but they were unfortunately a little rushed in some aspects making them less developed and rounded of characters, but then again it is a series and we have time skips in it so it kinda explains why that is.
Section 2 review -The costumes/designs-
Loved how everyone looked. The costumes were really nice and fun, love how ghouls looked like ghouls although a little too pretty still honestly. Would have loved to see some ghoul designs from the other games instead of well the fallout 4 style. But they looked good and pretty real in some sense. I do wish that we got to see more ghouls that haven't gone or were going feral and I think that they did some interesting things with them (i'll talk more about it further down)
The power armour was awesome, loved to see how they would work in "real life" and it is what I expected and how I think the PA frames work (I have my own little ideas of the power armour variants one being PA frames that we see in fallout 4 and TV show, and the other from games past that Fallout 1, 2, 3 and New Vegas).
I also enjoyed that wasters and raiders looked, well like how they should. I do wish that we got to see more of them but it was pretty awesome either way.
Then the sets were beautiful, would have love to see more wild life though, missed opportunity there but it is okay since its literally the desert. Hopefully we'll see some more creatures, and I was really expecting to see some scorpions as that land is perfect for them. Do wish that we could see more locations though, especially more with story telling just in the way they are decorated. Not much else to say about it all, other than I liked it and it everywhere felt like a wasteland.
Section 3 review -Lore-
Whoo boy, now the lore here is...okay. It is in line (mostly) with cannon and what I expected.
-Confliction with New Vegas :/
2296 that is the year it takes place, and it seems okay. But the brotherhood is strong which is weird considering that the brotherhood over west were either destroyed based off of Fallout New Vegas many endings, and because they are there that means that the independent ending might of occurred letting the brotherhood stay alive. Which then means that in Fallout 4 the brotherhood was not destroyed over there based off of the endings though you can make almost every faction not kill each other with the minutemen. Why did I come to this conclusion, well because they have a sister prydwen. That is labeled the prydwen despite having a different name..Oh and the T-60's being used also hint to that in some way. Which means that the west and east coast brotherhood most likely absorbed into each other. Complete speculation though but that is what I am seeing here. Either way the TV show does conflict with New Vegas in that spectrum. It also conflicts with the fact that the NCR's Shady sands fell in 2277 and blew up exactly when Fallout 3 takes place. (Or seemingly anyways based on the diagram which is hard to really know if it was 2277 or if that date was the decline and it exploded later, yet even so it also works because the NCR was in decline during New Vegas so Shady sands getting destroyed isn't the most outrageous thing.)
So that makes New Vegas's lore iffy in cannon if the TV show is to be correct and considered cannon, which then can also makes certain things cannon from fallout 4 because of how it mixes with New Vegas's lore and the TV shows lore. I know I don't really make much sense but I hope you can understand? This is mostly me just trying to fit the puzzle pieces of lore together when they don't really fit, and well just trying to concur what is most likely cannon because of the conflictions. (Not like we have an actual answer on what the cannon endings for fallout 4 and New Vegas are).
Then I do kinda find the drug that ghouls use to no become feral interesting, we never do learn how it is exactly made but it is cool. Unfortunately because of it's existence and the lack of it being in any game over west or ever having managed to get over east makes it a little odd. Plus it was made a long time ago too because Cooper needed it to help prevent him from going feral, otherwise he wouldn't be in the show. But luckily this drug is something in the lore we can kind of mix in well with just an explanation that it existed but we just never saw it because reasons, and the fact that we never actually really played as a ghoul character.
Then the new drugs that witch dude had was interesting and I am curious if Thaddeus will actually turn into a ghoul or if he just has some sort of cool healing ability now. Cause I could have some fun with that drug for writing and I need answers on if he's now a ghoul because of it and subsequently, how the hell ghouls seemingly can't feel any pain (Cooper shrugging off bullets and his finger getting ripped off), how ghouls seemingly heal so quickly and seem to only be killed by a full on headshot.
OOh then Vault tec being that ones who dropped the bombs is actually something I already knew. So I don't know where or when or how I actually learnt this but I did. I knew that Vault tec was the ones who dropped the bombs, they armed and launched them to both the US and China, thus making the two countries drop more bombs in retaliation the other countries who were allied also following suit (most likely anyways). Now the reason why this works and why I feel that it is okay that Beth decided to tell us who started it, is simply because of one of the main message of Fallout in general (though I will say that this main message is not the only one, and it is a warning to the world.).
There are no winners, there are no losers. War is a dangerous thing, with no good ending. People die in war, people suffer in war. We all lose in war. Humanity suffers. War is not something good, it is never something good, many know this. Yet humans seemingly can't help but want that destruction. Those full of greed push it, create problems as they take and take. Greed from those who already have it all, yet they can't help but want more. Fallout in its core is the danger of greed, the danger of history. How history repeats, how war never changes. How people all want to save the world but can't agree on how. How we all can't help but rush towards destruction, whether we want to or not. Fallout is the message of danger of the human nature, the danger of letting greed corrupt, the danger of everything.
This is why I feel that Vault tec being the ones to press that big red button works. They are greed in itself. They are what Fallout warns us. They don't care what happens because they want it all. And it is not just Vault tec that is the one to do this, they are simply the ones who are put on that spot light. In the shadows are corrupt people like the Enclave who use those with so much greed to allow their greed to flow as well. Like how the Brotherhood takes and takes hoarding the tech and killing anyone in their path. How Caesar's legion took over land that don't belong to them to make things better. How the NCR try and re-create the old world. How the institute wants to purify the commonwealth by destroying it and replacing it. How factions all have their own way of fixing things, yet all fall into that same trap one way or another.
Don't know if that made sense but yeah!
Oh yeah guess what! My vault is cannon (not actually), in the scene where Vault tec shows off the vaults, you can see little America (Canada) has some vaults and with a good look at the map (or probably I'm basically blind), I could see that in/near the Rockies that there is a vault there. Near the border just like my Vault 21-B. I was so happy that there was a vault there even if it ain't my actual vault but heyyyy look at that eh? (lol) It's funny that I managed to create my own vault where one is actually located (well I'm pretty sure it is anyways), same with the other vaults that are up there, I managed to actually get the general location of them which are my hot spots of Canada (they are not in the exact spots though). BTW the hot spots are areas with vaults and habitual locations that aren't covered in snow. I decided on their locations based on the warmth of the coasts, and if they had large bodies of water nearby, and then if they were very populated areas.
(edit) Turns out I am blind and there is only one vault up there :( (Well luckily it gives me some more freedom in my own Fallout, plus Vault 21-B was supposed to be mostly if not completely a secret anyways soo.)
Anyways that's my review, very odd, very scattered and not really a review but shhhhh. It's okay because I enjoyed it and hope to see more, and hopefully it'll be even better. Sorry for how long this is BTW.
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Why you should vote Edelgard for the FE3H tournament
Come on. We all love Dorothea. She's an absolute queen and if it were against anyone else, I would defend her teeth and claws.
Now that that's settled, here's a bunch of reasons why Edelgard should wreck her in the finals:
1- Let's start with the obvious: Dorothea is a bisexual icon. Guess who else is ? Edelgard. What's more, the Crimson Flower route is centered on Edelgard leading a war against an oppressive religious system in order to ensure people are judged based on their own actions and not birth or status; so they can rise up for themselves and decide their own fates. This narrative has resounded with a lot of queer FE3H fans, who find it freeing not to have to conform to the standards of a society who would want to lock them into a certain role. 
2- When you see the Fodlanese geopolitical system as mostly dominated by feudal monarchies, Edelgard's project, though implemented by means you might disagree with, is more egalitarian and gets rid of the old privileges, which is always a good first step when you want to get to a democracy. The fact that she's also the only one to want to step down from power once her vision for Fodlan is put in place reinforces that.
3- Edelgard is also an abuse survivor icon. A lot of CF fans find Edelgard's more radical approach to change a nice change of pace- especially regarding religious trauma, but also familial trauma. Edelgard showed that even an abuse survivor who has to do bad things in order to survive, such as cooperate with her abusers, can and still deserves happiness. For irl abused survivors who couldn't just split from their abusers because the situation is not that simple, Edelgard's gradual taking over of the situation regarding TWSITD provides hope that they can do the same in turn. That they deserve it .
4- Edelgard is an amazing antagonist in routes that are not Crimson Flower. And even for people who dislike her, she is a very well written character, whose moral grayness sets the tone for the whole story. Edelgard forces you to think about if the end truly justifies the means, because she is such a multi-faceted character.
5- She is essentially Daenerys and Daenerys deserved better. Don't let Daenerys down like the writers of Game of Thrones season 8 did.
6- It's what Dorothea would want. She simps for the Empress. She would have a musical written about her.
7- Edelgard's route is the only one where Byleth is explicitely given a choice that can radically change the course of the story. Now don't get me wrong this doesn't mean that Byleth is any less "free" in the other routes ; but it does symbolically give them more control over who they want to be for themself, instead of accepting the role that was meant to be theirs. Then again, highlighting the main theme which makes CF an inherently queer route: finding your identity, while making a found family of people who understand you and love you unconditionally for who you are, not what they want you to be. For people that Rhea reminds of some abusive figures in their lives, Byleth's arc in CF was, as such, especially appealing and not at all a bad route for Byleth.
Now keep in mind this is funny propaganda for my blorbo- don't take it too seriously. I might have also missed some things. But in my opinion at least, best girl Edelgard 50000% deserves this win.
 If you do want to add more, feel free to do so ! =D 
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halliescomut · 1 year
Jeff Satur-Lucid MV costar Nene Pornappan Pornpenpipat
So I know we've all been rewatching Lucid's MV, because it's so wonderful and beautiful, but of course I was curious about Jeff's costar, because I always am. So I looked her up, and turns out if you're a BL watcher, you may have recognized her. (I did not, though I have watched both seasons of this show, but I did think she was really beautiful.)
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She's in 2gether the series, which is awesome. I did a very brief look into her, and the woman has a pretty wild career history and is also wonderfully talented. I didn't want anyone who watched Jeff's video to think that she's just a pretty face (though clearly she's very beautiful) so I did a smidgen of a deep dive.
I'll start with the basics...she is a Thai-Chinese (born in Bangkok, though both parents have Chinese ancestry) actress, and singer. Her Thai name is Pornnappan Pornpenpipat, and her Chinese name is Zheng Naixin. She uses the nickname Nene across pretty much all of her career endeavors. She's 25, and her birthdate is 25 June 1997. You can find her Instagram (nenevader) here.
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Her professional career starts out in 2013, where she competed in True Academy Fantasia 10 (AF10) as the youngest contestant, being 16 at the time. Two years later she would debut with Thai idol group MilkShake managed by GMM Grammy. (You can see her in the center below.)
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They released 2 singles, one in 2015 as their debut, and a second in 2016. While not officially disbanded as far as I can find, they have not released new music since 2016.
From 2016 to 2022 she would act in various roles in various countries, including Vietnam and China, and eventually play the role of Air in 2gether the series, which is also produced by GMM (specifically GMMTV).
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In April of 2020 Nene participated in the Tencent Video's Chinese girl group reality competition show, Produce Camp 2020, eventually debuting as a member of BonBon303 in August of that year.
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From 2020 to 2022 BonBon303 would release 3 EPs eventually disbanding in July of 2022. During those two years Nene would also continue appearing in various Chinese shows, including reality and variety shows.
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She debuted as a solo artist with the single Promise on July 12, 2022, under Sony Music China.
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You can watch the official MV here. (It's a good song, very much a kind of chill pop-y summer bop, appropriate to it's release date.)
In the midst of all of this she also works sporadically modelling (unsurprising, as she is very beautiful) and was also a brand ambassador and promoter for Leader and Lancome respectively.
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More impressively she also worked as a cultural Ambassador in 2022 as the China-Thailand Cultural Ambassador (I'm assuming one of many) and as the 2022 Thailand Customs Festival China-Thailand Cultural Exchange Ambassador. We have been seeing especially over recent years an increase in cross-country- and cross-cultural cooperation amongst many East Asian and South East Asian countries (Remember Jeff was also part of the KonnecThai Music and Arts event in late April of this year).
She also has her first solo fanmeet in Bangkok coming up at the end of this month for her birthday, which is awesome and I hope she has a really fun time.
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Now this is a lot of basic information, but doesn't give us much in the way of personality other than to clearly display that this women is multi-talented and determined. I can't personally attest to her personality, but based around her choices for her solo song/MV, and her Instagram posts, she seems to be very cool, she doesn't shy away from posting casual, candid, or unmade-up photos on IG, which always adds point in my book for authenticity.
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I'm not saying you need to follow her or stan her, or anything else, but I know how much Jeff values his own career (especially now that it's 100% under his control) and I don't think he would have chosen Nene, if he didn't think she was a pretty cool person. Here's some pics/clips she and Jeff posted of the BTS of the Lucid MV where they are clearly having a lot of fun.
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If you wanna look for some more info, you can start on her Kprofile page here, or also check her Wikipedia page here.
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alaffy · 29 days
X-Men '97, Ep1x05 - Remember It (1 of 2) (Spoilers)
Mid-Season episodes are usually known to set up the second half of the season, or have some sort of shocking moment/cliffhanger.  But this episode really outdid itself.  In fact, there’s so much to talk about in this episode that I’m actually going to create two posts for it.  This first post is going to be about the events leading up to the Gala.  The second post, naturally, will be the Gala itself and the aftermath.
The episode begins with Trish Tilby doing an expose on the X-Men.  Also, a bit of flirting with Beast.  Not too surprising as the two did date in the comics.  During these interviews we find out that Magneto, Gambit, and Rouge have gone to Genosha at the request of the UN.  It seems like the idea that Genosha should be part of the UN wasn’t just talk. 
We find that Genosha has been turned into a paradise for mutants.  We also find out that Madelyne has become part of Genosha’s governing counsel.  While Magneto goes to speak to the counsel, Nightcrawler (who’s part of helping with the interfaith based relations) decides to show Gambit and Rouge around.  And What I like about this moment is the little misdirection.  Genosha is being portrayed as the mutant utopia.  Yet Gambit notices that the price of food seems very steep.  If this had been the original show, this would have led to the X-Men finding out that something is not quite right about the island.  But, no, what Nightcrawler says is true; the high prices are one of the stumbling blocks they’re facing while creating this new government.
Speaking of government, Magneto is in for a big surprise.  So, the new government is led by several familiar faces.  Besides Madelyne, we have Callisto, Banshee, Emma Frost, Sabastian Shaw, and Moria McTaggart. Val Cooper is also there, but as a representative of the UN.  However, there’s one position that still needs to be filled; Chancellor.  They are hoping that Magneto will take the job.  Eventually, he agrees but under one condition.
Meanwhile, at the X-Mansion, the interviews continue.  Sort of.  Trish is interviewing Scott, while Jean and Logan talk.  Things are still pretty awkward between Scott and Jean.  Yet they just happen to tell Trish and Logan the same story about a time they went on a picnic (because they’re so in sync, I guess).  Anyway, Jean is still unsure of everything, so Logan tells her that he’s only seen one of her (which is a lie.  Madeline is still a clone of Jean, so he's seen two).  This makes Jean decide to ramp up the drama feel special I guess, and she kisses Logan.  But Logan just tells her she belongs with Scott and walks away.  Honestly, I really don’t see the need to bring this back. 
Meanwhile, Trish is asking Scott about his baby.  Scott says he doesn’t have a child.  And, honestly, I really can’t tell is Trish is just extremely stupid or just a bitch because she keeps hounding Scott about the baby and demands why he lied.  Seriously, for all you know, you could be hounding a parent about a recently deceased child.  Not exactly going to look good on your resume here.
However, what happens (and what probably saves her ass) is that Scott loses his cool.  And let’s be clear, everything he said is completely accurate and justifiable; but it also could make one wonder if someone is about to follow the path of Magento’s old ways.
Back in Genosha, Rouge finds out that Magneto agreed to rule the country…so long as Rouge is able to rule by his side.  And not in a platonic way.  Which, my God, where to begin with this.  I mean, yes, he’s leaving the choice ultimately up to her; but the whole thing is manipulative as fuck.  She can make a difference for Mutant Kind, by becoming his queen.  Here’s a crazy idea, how about she become a part of the council?  She could help mutants that way too.  And then, if you two get more closer…..
Anyway, back at the X-Mansion Scott is talking to Jean about how he can’t believe he lost control like that.  Jean asks Scott to talk about his son.  He does and they kiss.  And at this point, we find out that this is all in Scott’s mind.  And he isn’t talking to Jean, but Madyline.  And we find this out, because Jean realizes what Scott’s doing.  Let’s just point out that Jean is being hypocritical about the kiss between Scott and Madelyne given the fact that she just kissed Logan.  Like, ma’am, you ain’t exactly innocent here either.
This leads to a huge fight between Jean and Scott.  Jean demands to know who Scott loves, her or Madelyne.  Scott says both.  And this leads to Scott demanding if Jean’s “love” is what she feels or a product of her memories (memories that might actually be Madelyne’s).  And I feel sorry for both of them here and I can see both of their points of view.
Both want reassurance that they are loved by the other.  Jean wants to know that she means more to Scott than Madelyne does.  The problem is, up until a month ago, Scott believed Madelyne was Jean.  And there are experiences that he shares with Madelyne, like having a son, that connects him to her in ways that he’s not connected to Jean.  So, to expect that connection to just go away is unrealistic.
Meanwhile, Scott wants reassurance that Jean’s love for him is based on emotions, not just what her memories (which may not be her memories) are telling her.  The thing is, though, he should know that Jean loves him.  Hang on, let me rephrase this as it sounds like I’m blaming him.  It is understandable that he is uncertain because no one knows when Jean was switched.  However, it is very unlikely it happened before she joined the X-Men (realistically, it probably happened sometime during the original series).  And the series has made it clear they fell in love when they were teens.  Therefore, Jean’s feelings for Scott are real.  However, they may not be quite as deep as they would have been had she not been switched with a clone. 
What they need to do is to acknowledge that something tragic has happened to them, that has put their relationship on shaky ground, and it’s not their fault.  And then discuss where to go from here.  And that might mean that they’re going to have to take a step back in their relationship.  Now, I’m not saying they should get divorced or even separate.  But kind of accept that they need to work on feeling comfortable with each other again, before they try to fix their marriage.  If that makes sense.
But, this being a drama, their fight ends as Jean suddenly has what looks like a psychic attack.
Ok, up to the last part of the first half.  Now, we have the conversation between Gambit and Rouge.  Again, this is one of those things where I feel for both sides.  I feel sorry for Gambit because, not only is he losing the woman he loves, but he knows this is a bad idea.  Like, he knows that Rouge is agreeing for all the wrong reasons.  Although he does have that one moment were he snaps at Rouge for not telling him the truth sooner and I was just…didn’t you conveniently forget to tell Rouge you had an ex-fiancé?  Like, I’m not saying she shouldn’t have been honest, but in Rouge’s case she thought it was all said and done.  Gambit, on the other hand, abandoned his Ex. 
Ahem.  Anyway, so the thing with Rouge…she’s making a bad choice.  However, she’s making a bad choice due to a very understandable reason.  Humans, in general, need physical contact.  Now, everybody has a limit to how much contact they need, but if they are denied the contact that they need…I do think, of the two men, Rouge is in love with Gambit.  I think she is attracted to Magneto, not just because he can touch her, but because he can be a charming person; but she loves Gambit.  But she can’t have physical contact with him.  And, in her mind, without physical contact they can’t have a relationship.  Something I think Gambit disagrees with.  He doesn’t say it directly, but his line about it being “skin deep” is very clear.  But Rouge, ultimately, is choosing a physical connection over an emotional one.  And she’s using the idea that she can help others as justification (and honestly, I do think that she believes that’s the reason why she’s choosing Magneto even though that’s more what’s she’s telling herself).  Anyway, Gambit decides to let her go. 
So, that’s the first half of the episode.  It’s amazing how much they got inside this episode and yet it didn’t feel like it was all crammed in.    
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hyenagurl · 9 months
I haven’t really super analyzed/seen the twin peaks/fire walk with me stuff but I am super curious, what’s Laura Palmer’s whole thing? She seems interesting if not tragic & I love to hear people talk about characters they’re passionate about so I thought I’d pop by and ask!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING ill try to keep this thing as coherent as i can. basically when twin peaks starts out laura palmer is basically just the Dead Girl and it appears at first that there isnt going to be much depth to her. that shes a mystery to be solved. her corpse is discovered washed up on the beach wrapped in plastic, and it sets the stage for the whole first season of the show: Who Killed Laura Palmer? and its like okay its gonna just be a murder mystery, albeit a fun offbeat david lynch sort of mystery. the fact that the first few episodes have an almost parody sort of feel that was poking fun at soap operas at the time didnt help either.
but the show creeps along and its a lot more than that. every person in the small town of twin peaks is unraveling bc of her death, her closest friends and family most of all but even people who barely knew her and we spend plenty of time exploring how every person is reacting to it. it becomes clear even before the audience knows her and the circumstances of her death that it has left a huge hole in the town, and her absence is constantly felt in every episode. shes gone but shes very much there. before long shes as much the protagonist as Dale Cooper, the FBI agent who is working on her case. i dont wanna explain too much about the details of the process of him uncovering her life and her murder, both to avoid spoilers and bc its convoluted david lynch mind fuckery, but the deeper he gets into the case, he starts seeing visions of laura palmer, begging him to help her, aiding him where she can.
when her killer is revealed at the end of season 2, its a gut punch not bc its so much as a surprise but because there was plenty of foreshadowing as to who it is, and youre hoping that its not true because its just so awful but you cant look away. Dale Cooper travels to the Black Lodge, a sort of hell where souls in anguish go (its david lynch fuckery, my best approximation of it), and he sees there Laura Palmer’s “doppelgänger”: that is, the part of her that is still tormented by her horrible death, and has been stuck there the whole time the show has been creeping at its slow pace, and dale cooper has been stuck unraveling the mystery. and when he finds her there, she shrieks. she is shrieking not just with pain and horror but with pure, unadulterated rage at what as happened to her. she cant get out and there is no escape for her here and she didnt deserve it.
this is the scene. it wont spoil anything if you watch it, but i consider this scene to be what really made me so fascinated with laura palmer and i consider it to be almost the heart of the show. dale cooper finds her here, and this is where he becomes “trapped” in the Black Lodge; any person who shows fear in this hellish realm will have their souls destroyed and can never leave (again, lynch stuff). so this is where he remains until season 3, 25 years later.
but even that is only scratching the surface. after season two, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me is released, as the prequel to the show. its here where we see Laura Palmer’s final week on earth and we see what she was really like. Again, I dont want to spoil it, but its here we really see that she knew her murderer and that she was being sexually abused by someone in her family, she was addicted to hard drugs and was promiscuous and leading a that double life completely unknown to her friends and family. as beloved as she was by people in her small town they had no idea the person she had really become and no idea of the agony she was suffering. not until it was too late.
now reading that its easy to think that this movie could have turned into an offensive, voyeuristic mess. but between lynch’s directing and sheryl lee’s phenomenal acting, the whole movie just aches with compassion for Laura Palmer. we’re with her every step of the way until the very last minute, and it manages this without showing any of the actual abuse or dehumanizing her (which since this came out in 1992 is very shocking to me).
and do you know what? when this movie came out, people MOCKED it at cannes’ film festival. they hated this movie, they thought it was campy, overwrought and goofy. and maybe some parts of it are, but it’s very clear that lynch intended this to be a very serious and compassionate look at a rape victim’s trauma.
theres a lot more, i mean you can write novels on the tv show alone, but when people talk about twin peaks they tend to talk more about lynch’s eerie imagery and less about laura palmer’s character, which is strange bc its such a potent emotional core of the show.
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firespirited · 2 months
Thoughts after the season 2 finale (imperfect but very impressive tying up of loose ends). Tomorrow or Friday if I can catch more than two hours spare I'll be watching "Fire walk with me".
Spoilers and speculation under the cut
I didn't like the puzzle box aspect of unlocking evil with time/place/formula one bit throughout this season.
The finale redeems itself with the dream logic used in the red rooms: places that go nowhere and never end, being disturbed by your coffee being wrong as much as a bleeding wound. The two women Cooper loved and got hurt being interchangeable in fear and guilt. That felt very real.
I hope we get answers about why Laura is there and hasn't moved on. I need to know she's fighting even if it takes 25 years to vanquish what hurt her and forgive herself for the hurt she gave.
If the black and white lodge turn out to be binary opposites like waiting rooms for heaven and hell I will rant about it or shit talk Lynch to every film bro who brings him up.
As far as I'm concerned Fear and Love are yin and yang, facets of the same emotion: you're not afraid if you have nothing to lose, you don't love without being terrified of how vulnerable you're going to be.
Those red rooms better be a place to face inner darkness and tear it down to its beginnings in broken 'good emotions'.
Not sure I'll be satisfied by The Return season if the doppelgangers aren't a way of discussing how easily we can be changed, hardened, even made cruel by circumstances.
And again I don't expect feminism from a 90s show but it doesn't take spirits from another dimension to do violence against women.
Bob didn't create that world. We did. Bob is in every person who exploits a power difference, who chooses to bully or to look away for profit.
Femicide is Laura, an abused kid who sought thrills and mindgames to escape her own head, it's Ronette the sex worker who thought she was going to a party, it's Maddie who was so careful but ended in the wrong place at the wrong time,
it's Norma who was almost strangled by Frank when she finally demanded a divorce and Shelly who's violent husband tried to kill her for fighting back and fell into a similar relationship. It's Josie who's trapped no matter how high she climbs and was unknown to the men who claimed to love her. Even rich naïve Audrey almost became collateral in a territorial dispute between two men.
Fairytales exist to explain danger to kids without having to tell them that the wolf is the cute guy who made you feel pretty and blue beard was by all accounts a good husband until you open his secret room. Not sure how i feel about Bob as an adult fairytale after this messy season and so little explanation of what he represents.
Audrey's screams made me weep. There was so much more than fear, there was hopelessness and loneliness. I don't know how the actress managed to do that but I really admire people who can (see also Mitski's frustrated fury and powerlessness in Long Walk Home live version.)
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Zom 100 Episode 2: Bucket List of The Dead
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Is this second episode a good episode? Yes. Does it live up to the example of the first episode? Definitely not. Does this mean it'll be a letdown of a season? Most likely not. BUGS FILMS is still early on, and there's of course bumps in the road, but as I'll explain through this post, it points to smoother roads ahead if the right steps can be taken.
I think the most telling piece of the limitations of BUGS as a studio is their re-use of animation. It's not terrible, rather it's pretty efficient in most cases. I don't really think most will catch onto it in the episode, but I do think people will catch it in the opening which is more egregious. I get it, it's a great place to have that overlap in terms of quality, but doing it that way you greatly lessen the impact of both.
In better but disappointing news though, Shaft is going to be working with BUGS for the remainder of the series. I was hoping to see their solo effort, but I also don't mind them partnering with Shaft. The latter being a studio that has struggled on recent projects, I feel like a cooperative effort that supports a new studio is a good opportunity for Shaft to deliver on some quality work under the creative vision of Kawagoe. Also of note, they did not work on this episode, they only appeared in the credits.
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Anyways! The episode itself. Today's episode director, under Kawagoe, has a very strong sense of direction, which starts off with a well done nightmare sequence for Tendo. Though I say well done, I also think that considering the first episode (and the fact that it's a dream), there's a world's worth of creativity left behind in it. Good ideas in its execution, but great ones left behind because of it.
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Now that we're into the episode, let's talk about the strong sense of direction that consistently leaves stuff on the table in full. First person perspective is what we awake to from the dream, and remains a key aspect of the episode at large. I think there's a lot of cases of it being well used in the episode, but I also believe that it's borderline overused and suffers from a lack of purpose at times while underdelivering. Take the first first person scene, for example. Rather than using the established format of letterboxing to tie Tendo to his past, they use a less-than-stellar vignette in its place.
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Another piece of direction that remains apparent through the episode is close-ups. While it's more facilitated by limitations than creativity, I actually found it better used on average for stronger direction than the first person perspective. Take a look at this example of Tendo stepping onto his balcony. With the close-up, the focus is on the movement of his feet between the boundary of inside and outside, of the space between his literally nightmarish past and his ever bright future.
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Even though we're only a little bit into the episode with these clips, I think my explanations do a good job of generalizing both my praise and complaints at large. Ambitious ideas that end up more often than not underdeveloped and over-used, leading to less weighty and valuable execution overall. There's obviously great moments, but they're also clearly weighed down by limitations and experience across several fronts.
Speaking of limitations, I feel obligated to sing my praise for the work of BUGS in delivering such a "full" zombie experience. Their compositing work with 2D and 3D in the episode is so well done that you won't even notice the CGI zombies unless you're specifically looking for them. Great and seemless experience that's wonderfully full of the Undead. Also funny zombie face.
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Speaking of comedy, the first proper critique of the episode. I think a lot of the humor ends up falling flat. It's a delayed and often deadpan execution that relies on setup and perfect timing to be well done, and I just feel like BUGS hasn't really gotten down that expression with this episode. It's not some cardinal sin by any means, but can very quickly dampen the enjoyment of the episode for some. Hopefully they'll figure it out, but translating static humor to a moving scene with sound isn't the easiest thing in the first place.
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What does seem to be easy though is how BUGS works around their limits. I said this about the zombies already, but whether the direction is built around the limits or vice versa, they do a great job of using the former to mask the latter. Of course, it leads to what I said earlier, but it's far better than rushes work. And truthfully, it does look rather good.
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So while I've talked about limitations this far, the episode isn't completely devoid of quality animation or effort. Though it's a few minutes ahead, it's still a very well done scene that shows there's quality animators involved in the project. I just wish we might see a little more of this, but I won't complain so long as the overall work remains solid.
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Alright, last piece here we come. Close-ups remain throughout the episode and end Tendo's screen time here very well. Using the experiences of his day, he comes home to write his bucket list of things to do, and BUGS does some wonderful work through the tight focus on pen strokes in the sequence. While it can become excessive rather quickly due to how much we see up close and personal, it's hard to stay frustrated or disinterested in it thanks to how well done it is.
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And even though there's time on the episode, this is where we end with it, as we pick up a different character's perspective to rehash much of the same of what I've talked about here.
I think the episode is still worthy of praise, I also think it's far more indicative of the quality and execution we'll get from this series, but at the end of the day it will ultimately remain a promise of what BUGS FILMS wants to do. How hard they want to push boundaries, what they want to give to viewers. It's the sort of disappointment you express in someone that you know can do better, not something inherently sad, but rather hopeful that they can find the tools and experience to succeed in the way that they should. I don't forsee BUGS making incredible leaps with this series alone, but I see it as a near surefire success for them that will help build the foundation of their studio for the coming years, and that really, really excites me.
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madmag94 · 2 years
Fairly substantial Andor spoilers and discussion
One thing I’ve really appreciated about the last 2 episodes of Andor is how it suggests at the wider rebellion, while still keeping focused on the characters it’s chosen to focus on. Andor works extremely well at building on the foundation laid by Star Wars: Rebels, to create a more well rounded picture of the rebellion. Plus, it all works within the Star Wars framework to tell a story benefits and is benefitted by its own fictional universe.
For instance, last episode in what is so far my favorite episode of the season, we see Saw break down the various factions within the rebel movement, from the Separatists to the Neo-republicans, on and on and on and none of them can agree. Watching this scene, given that it was the first time many of thee factions and characters were mentioned, I was a little worried they’d just be left off and never addressed again, but now this episode manages to avert that and bring in those cells again to confirm that yes they are doing things and they’re going to be a running concern as the alliance is consolidated.
The other brilliant piece is how this builds on Rebels. We see in rebels all these different cells, even small ones like Phoenix Squadron, fighting to survive, but usually they’re willing to help each other out and cooperate. In rebels, building an alliance is easy (except for Saw Gerrera who likes to stand out). But Andor builds on this and shows the hard, dangerous, scary work that’s needed. Some of my favorite parts of Andor so far have been the Mon Mothma scenes showing how she can fund the rebellion without attracting attention. The high stakes dances played by both her and Luthien to keep the rebellion solvent and operating. It brings whole new dimensions to the low level boots on the ground rebel activity we see in Rebels.
It goes both ways too, not only does Andor provide a critical level of grim realism to the rebellion in other media, but the fact that other media exists is still palpable in Andor. You know the rebellion will unite, it will find its heroes, it will take its place in the sun and defeat the empire and bring hope back to the galaxy. We’ve all seen rogue one and a new hope we know how it goes. But this all means Andor is allowed to go to those dark grim painful places without feeling pessimistic, because we know it has to turn out right in the end.
Andor stands apart from the rest of Star Wars, but the fact that it’s there lends so much depth and complexity to the ideas from previous projects, while the hope embodies by the rest of the franchise keeps Andor from bogging down in its own cynicism. It’s a perfect symbiotic relationship producing some of the best television, and some of the best Star Wars storytelling, I’ve ever seen.
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shifting803 · 5 months
Shifting experience
So basically, today i wanna share one of my experience in one of my main DR.
PS :Sorry for not posting for 8 days, i was not doing well, i will try to post more often.
I shift to Riverdale, ik it's an uncommun DR . I watched this show in 2023 and i loved it ( the 2 last season were so weird like...). And if you watched it it's better.
I want to talk about the characters and their personality. We often see our cc ( comfort characters ) on screen but when you haven't shifted yet to your DR, you haven't experienced their real personality and how they act everyday.
And i seen so much people who had shifted for a specific person and their were kinda surprised or shocked of how their cc were acting. I just wanna say that it's kinda of normal because you only see their personality they show and not their personality in private yk? Its not common but not as rare as you can think of. And i wanna share my first interactions with my cc and how i thought they would act and how they really act.
《 PART2 》
Veronica Lodge: I thought she was really a bad bitch, a boss and with vibes of independant women. When i first met her i was so surprised ( not in a bad way ) that she is so sweet and actually not so strong. She is soo kind and she have much of a coquette vibes in real life. She cares so much about others people. It's so crazy. Her personality is the same as in the show but she has a side they didn't show in the show. I love her.
Betty Cooper : So basically she is the " perfect girl " and know how to handle every situations. But not all the time. And she is a lot more mean than i thought. Its not in a bad way but sometimes she is very honest. And she does not have have always good grades. She is so bad at science like its really bad. And she is soo funny. She make me laugh everytime. She wears more revealing clothes than in the show. She really has good style and not the style of a 10 years old like in a show. She is not as perfect as i thought ( Nobody is perfect ). She is really provocative and she is not scared of doing crazy things. One time she jumped of a cliff because of a dare ?!??! Happily she have nothing but it was so surprising. She is really cool and has more of a cool/chill vibes than coquette/perfect vibes.
Archie Andrews : I thought he was more serious. But this guy is literally a child. He have a dirty mind, every time you say something than can be related to ... he is laughing and telling a dirty joke. He is so funny! He is the clown of the class and he is the hell for teachers. He cant be serious for just 2 minutes. But he is so focus in sport than his actually grades. He love sport and everytime his team win or he win he is acting like a child a make fun of us... But i really love him. He really wanna save everyone and that's something not really good for him. Ik he is working on that and hope its working. Its really sentimental and he can cry for everything. One time i ate the last ice cream and he cried?? I really didn't know what to do so i just ran away...
Jughead : I dont have a lot to say about him expect he is like in the show. But he is sooo funny and not that serious too. But he is so intelligent. Sometimes he speak and i dont understand because he use metaphores. I dont judge him for that but he really likes using fancy words to impress us ( that's not necessary ). But he is so sweet and he remember every little things. He is always hungry!! Every two minutes he is like " Aargh, im so hungry. What time is it?? " And he really care about his family. He is really sarcastic and its annoying sometimes but that's ok. I really enjoy being with him.
I wanna to say that i take things out because i dont want to be traumatised 😍. And i made their lifes happier because they deserved it. I really like this DR and its the Show where i first shifted in. This DR gave me the motivation to shift and not giving up. They really helped me getting better and learned things from life. I hope you're motivated to shift tonight and be excited.
☆I hope this helped you and you enjoyed it. I really liked making this post. Stay motivated, don't give up and enjoy you're journey. Byye ~♡
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Picture of clouds so beautiful ~~~
☆Love you all and Happy shifting♡
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