#i hope at least one of these points has been helpful
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qqueenofhades · 2 days ago
Gotta say, it's heartening to see just how terrible a time these GOP chucklefucks are having. This administration and its cronies are even MORE disastrously incompetent than last time, and that's saying something. Yeah, the next several years are still gonna suck, but at least we can laugh at these shit-for-brains assholes continuing to run head-first into the brick wall of their own incompetence. And perhaps even prevent the worst outcomes.
Honestly, the biggest fear for everyone was that giving the fascists four more years to plan and actually write down all of Project 2025 would mean that they were focused, competent, stone cold driven, ready to actually work to change things for real, and otherwise buckle down and be -- well, if not something approaching competent, at least effective. Or the fear that the American public, being fickle and underinformed at the best of times, would just sit back and let them do it. Because, yknow. Half this godforsaken country did just somehow shrug and vote for the orange monster again, so.
But that said, as I pointed out earlier today, it IS fucking heartening to see that they're the same mean, stupid, chaotic shitbags as ever, they really decided to go for the shock-and-awe LOL WATCH US BLOW EVERYTHING UP!!! approach that has gotten them nothing except turbo-sued and enraged the entire country, they basically united the entire world against Russia and for Ukraine in literally ten minutes yesterday (hope you enjoyed that little clown show, Vladimir!) and furthermore, nobody is afraid of them, which is death to fascists. I often point out that fascists desperately want people to be afraid of them and think they're cool, competent, unstoppable, and suave. They also especially, incredibly, desperately hate being laughed at and mocked. They can't stand it.
As such, the fact that they're just the same as ever except worse, and are not magically more competent (in fact, much worse) and are their own worst enemies, does in fact bode well for our ultimate ability to get through this. They will break shit, they will needlessly alienate friends and allies, they will torment every vulnerable group they can just to be dicks, and all of this was just so avoidable... but. Nobody likes them for it, even the people who deluded themselves into voting for them. They're scared little chickenshits who are having a bad bad time that will only get worse, especially if they actually try to cut Social Security and Medicaid, which is basically the death knell of stupid things to do in American politics. Because they just can't help themselves, but this is really, REALLY not going to work out well for them. It just won't.
As such, when they're already running from the heat ONE MONTH into the Glorious Eternal Rule of King Donald, like the little pissbabies they are, it tells me that there is literally no way they're gonna manage four years of this. They just aren't (and Deo volente Trump will finally have an aneurysm and die facedown in a Big Mac before 2028). To say the least, the 2026 midterms are gonna be interesting, especially if the GOP keeps digging their own grave, and yes.
As I keep saying: things are bad. They will get worse. But these miserable jabronies are just as pathetic and beatable as they have ever been, they did not suddenly get magically competent at being pointlessly evil, the country is showing out with a spirited will to make them suffer immensely for every braindead numbnuts piece of Nazi performative cruelty they attempt and often fail, and in these dark times, every day that we can fight back matters a lot. It’s working and we have gotta keep doing it. Idk about you, but I feel energized by seeing it. So yeah, say it with me:
The end.
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wildestheart4ever · 7 hours ago
Here are some scenes that have been sitting in my head for a while:
Jason quietly closes the door behind him, scratching the back of his head as he thought of the new information that has been brought to his attention.
The Joker’s dead, it had been a whole public ala execution affair. Killed by his grandfather’s hand.
The King was angry
The Infinite Realms and the human world [or at least, the US] had been at war for two years. Spirits were haunting the streets so often that civilians were secluding themselves in their homes hoping for some semblance of peace.
“War, since when?” As if learning the Joker was dead wasn’t enough, now there’s this? Why did he not know any of this, why did Talia not tell him anything about this???
His bafflement gets him a few laughs and a sympathetic pat on the back. He has to keep from bristling and growling in response, it’s not their fault his source of information has been faulty .
“You’ve really been out of touch with Gotham for a while, haven’t you?” The older man teases, taking another sip of his beer before continuing, “It’s been a whole thing that started two years ago - conoces el Rey de los Muertos? Well apparently he was our Robin’s grandfather, and when he learned that his nieto had been killed, se encabrono. Had a whole manhunt out for the Joker - you should have seen it, it was all over the news. He - como lo mato?”
“Froze the fucker from the inside out and then ripped off his head,” a skinny looking fella at his right offered, letting out a scoff “Good riddance, I say.”
Murmurs of agreement were echoed, as the old goon continued, “I’ll say - anyway! So he not only killed the Joker, he declared war on the US government ‘cause apparently they were hunting his people, you know?”
“What was up with that, anyway? I get all those bozos lookin’ to help the dead move on and shit - but hunting them???”
“I think the Ghost King publicly killing the Joker says enough on the why.”
Jason’s not even gonna touch on that, maybe point a few shadows in his direction, see how that line of thinking fairs.
“Yeah, but it was the Joker.”
“Yeah? And then the war happened, pendejo.”
He pointedly clears his throat to call their attention, giving them a flat look as they offer him sheepish looks.
The man next to him looked just as annoyed by the interruptions, grumbling under his breath before continuing, “So the Ghost King declared war, and we were - or at least the government and the Justice League - that is, were losing badly, which only added to the dead so you can imagine how that went.”
“And the big guy didn’t think that was enough, no, don’t know what he did, but the streets of Gotham were suddenly crawling with dead folk, they were running the streets, harassing people - it was terrifying up until we realized only the rich folk -“
“- And the rogues, don’t forget the rogues”
“Yeah, and the rogues were getting the brunt of their anger, and Crime Alley - donde estaba lleno de ellos? - fucking peaceful. Then there was rumors of people seeing their dead so and sos, and well, since the big dead hotshots we’re keeping the violent ones in line……”
“Fuck them, right?” Jason finished with a mean smile. He can only guess who the hotshots were - his old man had a lot of stories to share about what used to be his own rogue gallery. He huffed at the boisterous jeering, smiling a little before nodding, “So when did the war end?”
“Since this March. I’m guessing the big guy finally got what he wanted ‘cause since then everything has been quiet - his troops all left except for the residents of Gotham I think.”
“Good riddance - ow! Hijo de su chingada madre, what was that for?!” One goon swore, rubbing the back of his head and scowling at the woman who smacked him.
“We’re you born yesterday? Everyone knows that the dead like to talk. You know the phrase Even the walls have ears? Best take that shit to heart, ‘cause they’re everywhere.”
He huffed a large gust of breath before tensing, finally picking up the presence in his apartment, hand immediately pulling out his gun and pointing it at the shadowed figure sitting on his ratty couch -
“Now, sonny, you should know by now those things don’t work on me.”
The sound of that familiar voice had him relaxing a smidge, lowering the weapon and carefully eyeing his grandfather, “Hey gramps.”
It had been hard to differentiate the chill between all the strong spirits roaming the streets these days, but none of them resonated with his core the way only one ghost could.
Turning up the light switch, Jason watched as his grandfather studied the book in his hand with a bemused look, “You always were such an avid reader, much like my sister.”
“Great aunt Jazz?” Yeah, he recalled the stories his gramps used to tell him about his old friends and family. It had given him a warm feeling, knowing his family hadn’t been pervaded by cruel or indifferent relatives.
No, just mostly dead dead ones.
The old man hummed, smiling a little smile before setting the book aside, “Yes, though her taste in literature lied more in psychology than your old classics. It’s nice to know the beyond hadn’t changed any of your interests.”
“Nah, just a bunch of other things.” He hopes this wasn’t the man starting down the path of bemoaning the loss of who he used to be, he was already fearing it from Bruce.
“Yes, Fright Knight has been telling me about the things you’ve been getting up to. Blood thirsty is how he describes it.”
Great, so it was sounding a lot like he had a babysitter he wasn’t aware of. Deciding to ignore the thought, he offered the man a shrug, “Had some important plans I’ve been trying to set in motion but - but apparently there was some unexpected trouble I had to……”
Jason watched the man get to his feet, eyes drifting higher and head tilting back, once again feeling like that clueless boy pinned under the man’s heavy gaze. The years have done nothing to his grandfather [not surprising, considering he was dead], he was still the same looming figure he always was, he was in his human disguise - not that that changed anything about his intimidating disposition but…..
His eyes were red
“Something troubling you, Jason?”
He quickly shook his head, scratching the back of his head and feeling a little off kilter, “No no, it’s just…….did you really kill the Joker?”
“Of course I did.”
Of course I did. Like it was such an easy thing to admit, Jason couldn’t - he - but this wasn’t, “Why?”
The old coot blinked owlishly at him, “Why, ‘cause that sorry excuse of a meat bag killed you, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to let him get away with it, that’s why.”
“It’s because I’m the Prince of the Infinite Realms, your heir, right?”
Large rough hands carefully cradled his head, “Because you are my grandson, one that I had failed miserably - the least I could do is make sure your murderer faced the consequences.”
That…..that was a little too much to take this late in the day. Jason tried to resist leaning into his grandpa’s touch, taking comfort in the guttural growl of his core and letting out a shuddering sigh before mumbling, “Aren’t you worried about him coming back as a ghost? He certainly seemed obsessive enough for it.”
The man huffed, almost as if amused, “Trust me, my little ghostling - that’s already been taken care of.”
There was something sinister in that statement and Jason was sure he was going to regret asking but, “What did you do to him?”
“You remember what your teacher taught you about newly forming cores?”
“So you know there’s a window of opportunity while the core is forming it’s body in which stronger ghost can and will devour it?”
Jason blinked, leaning back to stare at the man’s seemingly peaceful expression and tried not to shudder at recalling that bit of information, “Gramps?”
“Yes, Jason?”
“Are you telling me you ate the Joker?”
The old man laughed, like he thought Jason was being funny, “Oh no, not at all. No, I let an audience of his victims get their pound of flesh of his newly formed body before I devoured his struggling core.”
Casual cannibalism aside, he got a feeling that there was more to that, “Aaaaaand?”
He let the old coot carefully dust him off, picking lint off his shoulder before adding, “Well you see, Jason, the Joker had a very long list of victims - and while some of them were very persistent in the notion of never seeing or hearing from him again, the majority really wanted their pound of flesh. So you can image it was quite a…..repeated process.”
Torture, the Joker was fucking tortured just as he got into after life, going through the most likely arduous process of reforming only to repeat the process all over again, and just when he thought he’d finally get away?
Bye bye, off to never after, never to be someone’s problem anymore.
Holy shit.
@stealingyourbones @ashfly
In this AU, Danny is Jason’s paternal grandfather. [Does DP take place in like the 70s if I'm making Danny this old in the current time? Idk, but the idea of changing the era in which it takes place is always an interesting concept]
It takes place in an "Ultimate Enemy" AU, everyone dies and Danny is left a sad bitter drifter [Destroying all Fenton equipment and research, and avoiding Vlad like the plague, every encounter growing more hostile]. To add to the general angst, he’s also basically on a one-man mission to burn down the GIW.
He did not take the GIW into that much account, so Danny spends years being hunted and equally destroying GIW bases. Unbeknownst to him, the GIW had been keeping a very keen eye on the Fentons and their work [not to mention unearthing Vlad's brand of work], and thus Danny seethes at his failure
At some point, he tries to lead some semblance of a human life after sticking to the Ghost Zone and learning the ways of the ghosts for a while [He finally destroys the portals after learning to make portals on his own - if the destruction of Vlad's portal leads to Vlad sustaining a fatal injury, well whatever].
He meets someone, someone he feels he can trust with his secrets, and pursues a life with them. Cue marriage in the courthouse, cue bun in the oven. Cue nice shit for a while that has him thinking everything will be okay
Cue GIW being generally awful [Police investigating, worried neighbors, ransacked apartment, and a missing wife. Cold rage and unsettled officers, his eyes turn red for the first time.]
Dead wifey on a metal table, bun in the oven missing, and cue Danny’s faith in humanity taking a severe blow.
He loses his shit.
Growing older, growing bitter, and his moral compass turning all the more grayer [at some point wondering why he's been letting these people live]. He hunts GIW bases with a bloody vengeance and any stragglers that might've escaped? Well, he's got plenty of hounds and shadows to send on the hunt.
He turns anti-ish humans, bitter and angry.
Years continue to pass and the staggering numbers of agents loyal to the anti-ghost organization grow smaller, enough for Danny to pull back and leave only a few shades to keep a lookout. With that, he keeps mostly to the Infinite Realms, dead and resentful but taking great care of his people.
Why did he never find Willis or Jason? Well, I say it's because Gotham is a pretty strong city spirit, so her ecto signature kinda masks the ghostly residents living there.
Baby grows up to be Willis, but more on the weirder ghostly nonsense side. I like the idea of him being a good dad before things went to shit, teaching Jason about all the ways of the ghost [Not that either of them knew that. They’re not as ghostly as Danny, it’s just subtle things like cores communication and sneakiness]
Jason goes through his tragic events before his and B’s fateful meeting. Cue Jason being noticeably weird and ghostly in the Manor halls [his and Dick’s first meeting is Jason scaring the shit of Dick. One minute Dick is angry and looking to pick a bone with Bruce, the next, there's a child standing behind him staring at him - where'd he come from? Cause he sure as shit didn't hear anyone walk into the room.]
Danny is part of JL, only as a member that they call for hopeless scenarios. He is pretty unapproachable and JL is just relieved he’s willing to help at all.
He's a somber man by the time that first meeting comes around, bitter, unapproachable, and carries a distinct dislike for humans. The JL are only grateful that he's willing to give his help at all. Do they know about his quiet war with the GIW? No, Phantom keeps measures in keeping it all hush hush, he doesn't let agents get the chance to report incidents or call for outside help, in fact, he makes it all look like an accident when he's feeling particularly vicious.
Jason meets Phantom in an apocalyptic mission he wasn’t supposed to be in. Shrinks under the man’s intense gaze and quietly thinks Dick’s opinion of the man is spot on, he’s an overwhelming force and it feels like he’s being stared down by a predator.
He thinks the old man looks kinda sad.
But strangely enough, he also feels familiar.
[I like to think that there’s such a thing as familial cores, that can communicate impressions and feelings, that resonate deeper than a core would with a stranger. Like beacons.] Their cores are the source of purring. Jason's embarrassed to say the thrum [The one he's known and taken comfort in all his life] within him sounds almost like a kitten's purr, questioning, and yearning. The man's? It sounds almost like Willis' used to: Like a crocodile, deep and guttural, a sound so chilling yet feels warm and tentative. Hopeful and just as strangely yearning as his.
I also just get the image of Bambi meeting his dad for the first time lol
Batman swoops in like an over protective parent. Phantom is demanding where did he find Jason, he’s agitated and asking all sorts of questions B doesn’t have all the answers to.
Batman asks for the reason for Phantom’s desperate interest in Jason.
“Our cores share resonance, a factor only found in familial relationships”
Now B knows about Jason’s oddities, has a year getting used to them - but it’s never occurred to him the source or read for them.
The age difference hides a lot, but B can see a lot of the family resemblance. It’s in their bro, the shape of their jaw, the shape of their eyes
The burning green Jason’s eyes turn to when overwhelmed.
Cue Danny finding maybe not the child he thought he lost, but a grandchild and he makes it abundantly clear he wants some involvement in the boy’s life.
And a health check. Gotham may have been able to sustain Jason but she is still a cursed city, god knows how that affected the ghostling’s health.
[If Batman tries to search up every possible thing about the Ghost Kings from his human life, well, it's not like Gotham will tell - heck, she probably helps nudge him along. Gotta make sure Jaylad's last living(???) biological relative would be a good thing in his life]
Jason’s life proceeds as normal, even as he tries to forget the fact he has a grandfather who’s the king of another dimension and that there are now shadows dogging his steps. That's not mentioning the trips he gets to make to the Infinite Realms.
If he grows impish and generally more creepy? Batman nor Batgirl mention it. A far cry from the mischievous demeanor Dick built Robin on. They don't mention how his giggle now feels chilling or foreboding, or how their adrenaline pumps when he exercises his invisibility, Batman refuses the thought of it feeling like a predator stalking prey - he's sure the goons already think that enough as is.
Then you know what happens: Joker has been keeping a keen eye on Batman and his lot, he knows about Batman’s little birdy’s weirdness and……well, he is eager to play with the new toys he got from that decrepit little organization he found.
Cue the tragedy, cue an angry grieving Bat and an even angrier king.
Phantom is there at the funeral, disguised as a human [He doesn't have a human form, not anymore.]. Making it clear to Bruce he blames him just as much for this tragedy.]
Phantom spent weeks searching in the deepest corners of the Infinite Realms hoping to find the forming remains of his grandson. Phantom is only left with the knowledge that the boy passed over to the beyond.
Anything left of his patience for humans snaps like a frayed thread.
The king is furious, demanding why the boy felt the need to find family elsewhere, demanding why he was left alone
He wants blood
[I suppose he turns into a different flavor of Dan, he’s not targeting just everyone, he’s just targeting those involved down from the Joker to what remains of everyone involved with that damned organization]
He basically declared war on them.
Superman in a typical fashion when faced with Batman’s first attempt on the Joker’s life, tries to reason with the ghost.
Phantom isn’t having it.
“I’m going to make this very clear to you, Kal El. The prince of the Infinite Realms, my beloved grandson, the last of my family, has been murdered by a retched human, using weapons designed against my kind. If you think I’m going to sit idle or let you and anyone else get in my way? Don’t expect mercy from me and mine.
Try to get in my way Kryptonian, I dare you.”
Ghouls and shades swarm everywhere, particularly in Gotham [She is facing the punishment of being unable to protect her bird, even if he’s left her reach], the ghost in the cursed city become visible to the human eye as they help search for the Joker.
He’s found, by the king’s knight. Dragged kicking and giggling as he’s thrown at the king’s feet.
The king grabs the retched clown’s head with a large clawed hand and stares the Joker in the eye as he slowly freezes his insides
While many silently rejoice over the monster finally meeting his end, they cannot stand to look as bloody icicles stab through the man from within.
The beheading seems pointless, but watching this man rip off the Joker’s head, they get the feeling the Ghost King could not help the display of violence
He was stating a point.
Danny loses all faith in humanity and makes it known. He's pissed.
Basically, Batman had one job and he blew it, so there goes whatever relationship the JL had with Phantom.
JL is now missing one of their heavy hitters.
Tim watches Batman spiral and Gotham grow more obviously haunted.
It's like a war zone
Jason returns from the dead and Danny instantly knows about it [he had shades guarding his grave, he knows]. Cue him following his catatonic grandbaby and basically becoming a helicopter parent - Ras is kept in line at the threat of his corrupted bath water being taken from him, and Danny vaguely threatens Talia as he discerns her intentions towards Jason.
The Prince returns to Gotham and the shades are supporting his violent hobbies.
Jason's a little thrown off to find that the Joker had been publicly murdered execution-style.
He goes back to his apartment to think and finds Grandpa waiting for him. He's a little shocked and ill at ease at the massive grudge the old man holds for Batman.
Phantom offers Lady Gotham an apology, citing her inability to interfere. But Batman is a different matter.
That’s all I got for now. Lol, this got very long and I wasn’t expecting to be hit with the inspiration, might think of more soon.
I’ll add what I imagine old King Danny looks like in a minute. Is it necessary? No, but I have to share it with you.
How Danny looks:
I know everyone is a fan of twink!Danny but I'm leaning more on Jack's side of the gene pool in this case. The dude is huge, broad, and towers over everyone by several inches [Jason's epic growth spurt makes more sense when you look at his family lineage lol]. You know that thing Walker does where he's normal heights one moment, and looming sky high the other? Yeah, Danny can do that.
His getup? From what comes up at the top of my head: Something between Dan’s suit and lightweight gothic-style armor, spikes, and beady eyed skulls galore. He doesn’t wear gloves so you can see he charred black claws and he doesn't wear a chest plate, so it reveals the tattered remains of the insignia Sam made for him [I’m honestly thinking of Infinity War!Steve, with how roughened up he looks].
He's like Alfred's age, maybe older. He always has a severe frown on his face. Generally looks like he's one step away from losing his patience
Corpse pale skin, almost bluish
Wispy hair. Some say it looks like it's moving like it's underwater, others think it's wispy and foggy lookin' like dry ice. Along with the crown, it looks like his hair is flaming, which he tries not to think about.
Three eye colors: The general acid green - default, pale ice blue - when using his powers, red - when he's really pissed off. There used to be a fourth, the soft sky blues of when he was human. Jason had his eyes, Danny's sad those were gone too.
He has fangys, he will use them. In fact, he can stretch his jaws wide open horror style to reveal rows of sharp teeth.
Claws, he'll use those too. Long black claws up to his second knuckles, cold blue up to the center of his palms.
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trippinsorrows · 20 hours ago
10 things + part three
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authors note: after 87 years of waiting, here is the third and final part to this mini series. def struggled with writing it, as i haven't been in the headspace for it, hence why it hasn't been updated in so long. hope it was worth the wait and not a disappointment. ❤️
words: 5k
warnings: angst
part one + part two
***gif belongs to @dejameflorecer ***
It’s been a week.
A week since an already tumultuous relationship went from bad to worse in a matter of minutes.
Nova isn’t sure if she’s ever cried as much as she has in the past week. Maybe not since the death of her childhood dog, Sadie, when she was twenty-one. But, this kind of grief is something different. Something heavier and devastating.
Something heartbreaking.
A part of her saw it coming. Nova knew it was only a matter of time before things with RJ and Roman reached a boiling point. The tension and animosity seemed like it grew by the day though something that’s actually existed for years.
The same amount of time she’s worked so hard to fix it. To repair what’s clearly broken. But, it’s always come at a cost. The latest expense, however, is unacceptable. On several fronts.
Roman put his hands on RJ.
He put his hands on their son. Their child. An act that resulted in RJ unintentionally hurting his little sister.
Two of her three children were hurt, in different ways, by their own father.
Nova knows Roman would never ever do anything to intentionally hurt any of their kids, but that doesn’t matter in the face of what’s happened. 
What’s done is done, and she doesn’t know how to move past it.
If that’s even a possibility. 
He’s tried to reach out. Both have. Roman and RJ, but she’s left them both on read for different reasons, only responding with, 'she's fine' with their questions about Bella. Roman hasn’t tried to come home in the past week, and she’s partially grateful, though it breaks her heart just a little when the girls ask about their dad.
When they ask where daddy is.
She has an idea.
Probably staying in the penthouse. 
Or, maybe not.
She struggles between caring and not giving a fuck.
And, her son, via Live 360 shows that he’s been staying with Jey. Unsurprising, to say the least. 
RJ has always been close with the twins, Jey especially. And given how Jey and Roman are on the outs, it only makes sense his estranged son would find escape with an estranged cousin.
Nova has to have an emergency session with her therapist. It’s not life-threatening, and she reiterates there are no safety concerns. She just knows she needs to talk with someone. But, even that conversation is only slightly as helpful as she would like it to be, because Nova omits a lot. Primarily the part where Roman shoved RJ, and Bella got hurt in the process. Things are already bad enough. The last thing Nova needs is DCFS opening an investigation.
She has enough going on in her life.
But, what does come out of that session is a realization. A few, but Nova is taking them one at a time. 
The doorbell ringing pulls her from her thoughts. She takes a deep breath, reminding herself that she can and needs to do this. 
Walking from out the kitchen of her spacious home, she makes her way to the front door, not bothering to look out the peephole.
Opening it, she’s met with the most sheepish expression one could muster.
RJ stands there, hands stuffed in his pockets. “Hey, mama….”
Instantly, her eyes are watering. As upset she might have been, and still is with her son, that’s her baby boy.
Stepping aside, she motions for him to come in. He does so, keeping an almost careful distance between them. Like, he’s being cautious. 
Looking around, he asks, “where—where are the girls?”
An understandable question. RJ is a good big brother, and the girls adore him. Have missed him the same way they miss their dad. But, they don’t need to be around for this.
“With grandma and grandpa,” she answers. Nova leads them over to the living room where she takes a seat on the big sofa. Junior remains standing, nervous almost. She pats the space next to her. “Take a seat.”
He hesitates, but only for a second. Slowly, he lowers his body onto the sofa, legs semi spread, big foot tapping. A nervous thing, clearly. 
Nova doesn't say anything at first, taking time to gather her words. 
“I’m sorry, mama,” RJ blurts, like holding it any long would be too painful. “I didn't—” He closes his eyes, shaking his head. “I would never hurt Bella or you or Cami or—”
“I know, honey,” she answers in a low voice. “It–it was a mistake.” Because, it was. For all her son’s faults and vices, that is most definitely not one of them.
Same for Roman.
But, that’s another conversation.
“Does she—does she hate me?” A quiet, almost fearful question. 
Nova smiles softly, reaching a hand over. “No, Junior. She doesn’t hate you. She could never hate you.” Because while Bella was understandably upset that night, the following morning, she was asking about her big brother and daddy.
Her little girl could never be mad at the men in her life for too long.
Something she clearly gets from her mother.
Another question. “Do you hate me?”
At that, Nova’s eyes widen. She leans over, taking RJ’s hand in her own. “RJ, I could never hate you, baby. I love you. I was….I was upset with you, yes, but I could never hate you.” The truth. The God’s honest truth. “But, I do—I do need to talk to you.” She swallows, jumping straight to it. “Honey, how do you know about your dad cheating on me?”
Because, in all of the things to come out of that terrible night, that has to be the one thing that’s kept her up the most. 
She’d prepared to go to her grave keeping that secret from her children.
Nova sees the way RJ’s expression shifts. Something cold and solemn. “I heard you crying about it that night.” Her stomach drops. “I was coming to ask you for help with my homework, and I saw you. I saw you crying onto Aunt Naomi’s shoulder.” 
RJ may not realize it, but he’s just taken her back. Taken Nova back to one of the hardest periods of her life. All of the emotions rushing and slamming into her with newfound intensity. She had no idea her son overheard and saw that. No idea he’s been sitting silently on such a thing for years.
It’s been years since that rough patch with her husband. 
“He broke your heart, mama.” She looks away, wiping at her tears. She didn’t realize she still felt so many things from that day. “He cheated on you, broke your heart, and you still took him back.” Her eyes shut, his voice desperate as he asks, “why?”
Nova takes a deep breath. This is the single most difficult conversation she’d both dreaded and never imagined having to have, but here she is. 
There is no escaping it now. 
“RJ…” Eyes closing, heart racing, she forces it out. “I cheated on your dad first.” 
His eyes widen, his jaw partially dropped. He’s stunned. “What?”
Nova forces herself to look over at him, momentarily taken back. It’s like she’s looking at her heartbroken husband all over again. 
She sniffles, wiping her eyes, moving into a well deserved explanation. “I was 23. Your dad was on the road wrestling. And, I was here, working a full time job, taking care of you. We were struggling financially, so he had to be gone. He was trying to help provide for us, and I knew that. But….but, I got lonely, and I—I started to resent that he was gone all the time.” A summarized explanation leaving out a lot of details that, even with RJ knowing about the affairs, Nova knows he doesn’t need to know. “He—” This is the part that she’ll forever regret and never be able to forget for as long as she lives. “He walked in on me and the man in bed, flowers and chocolate in hand. He—he’d come home to surprise you and I.” Her voice cracks, the emotion tipping over. “I’ll never forget how devastated he looked.”
Gutted. He was gutted. Furious but more hurt than anything.
“Sweetie.” Nova presses her lips together, shaking her head. “I broke your dad’s heart first.”
It was the reason she first started going to therapy all those years ago. Because Nova struggled deeply with how she betrayed Roman. How she’d allowed temporary emotions to lead her into making what remains one of the biggest regrets of her life.
RJ is stunned into silence, looking down, bewildered and floored. “I—I can’t—”
“You were right, honey. Your father did cheat on me, and he did break my heart.” Nova can’t and won’t deny that. Two truths can be right in the same universe. Roman was wrong, and so was she. But, they worked hard to move past those two major trust and boundary violations. So hard. “But, I chose to forgive him, because I love him, because he found it in his heart to forgive me, because he loves me.” She reaches over, gently stroking the back of his head. “The same way he loves you.”
He says nothing, clearly still struggling between maintaining his wall, and maybe, just maybe, letting it down just enough. 
“Do you….do you remember how I used to record all your games, and—” A small, silly smile breaks on her face as she recalls her scowling little boy blushing almost from embarrassment. “And, you used to always ask me why I did it? Used to tell me it wasn’t that big a deal?”
He nods, still saying nothing, a frown present on his face.
“Baby…” Her head tilts, that smile growing just a smidge. “I did it, because your dad asked me to.” Junior’s eyes widen once more at yet another bombshell being dropped on him. “And the first thing he did when he got home and had time, he’d watch them. Every single game. From start to finish. Take notes, too.”
RJ looks as breathless as he sounds. “What?” 
“I know….” She sniffles, tears cascading down her face. “I know he wasn’t there a lot when you were younger, and I realize now how that impacted you more than I realized, but sweetheart, he would come home as often as he could. Even if it meant us losing out on money, he would come home, RJ. And, he came because he wanted to see you.”
Another whispered confession from the depths of long buried trauma. “He did?”
Nova tilts her head, a small scoff leaving her mouth. “Roman is….he can be difficult at times.” Difficult feels too much of a simplification, prompting her to explain. “He’s stubborn and hardheaded, and he thinks he knows everything sometimes. If not all of the time, and he was wrong to put his hands on you. You can bet I’ll be talking to him about that.”
Because, she will. Because, Nova cannot see how there’s a way to move past that and act like nothing happened. 
Roman took it too far this time.
Way too far.
“But baby, you can also be stubborn and hardheaded. I know….I know you may not want to hear this, but you’re a lot like your dad, and I think that’s also why you two clash the way you do.” Two titans fighting for dominance. Neither willing to break or back down. 
At least, until now.
“I—” He finally speaks, ending his minutes long silence. “I didn’t know….I always felt….he never acted like….” Roman Jr. struggles to verbalize what is clearly years worth of pain and hurt. And, Nova won’t make him.
She knows exactly what he’s trying to say.
“RJ, in all the years I’ve known and been with your dad, I’ve only seen him cry once, and that was the day you were born.” Nova will never forget the silent tears that ran down Roman's face as he held his son for the first time. He was so happy. “Honey…..” She takes a second to find the right words. “Your dad….he’s always struggled with feelings and emotions and showing them, but I need you to believe me when I tell you that he loves you. He always has, and he always will.” RJ looks away, shutting his eyes. A lone tear escaping. “I know things between you two have been rough, and I’m so sorry if you knowing about the affair has played any role in the deterioration of your relationship, but please don’t let that get in the way of things. You need your dad in your life, and believe me or not, he needs you, too.”
They all need each other, but it starts with them.
Father and son.
It started with them, and it needs to end with them.
Roman was just readying to head out. He was doing his best to respect the space Nova clearly wanted, but being away from his girls was becoming too much. She graciously replied to only one of his many texts, simply sharing that Bella was okay.
Nothing else. 
And, it wasn’t that Roman didn’t understand the distance she was placing between them. He fully did, but it didn’t negate the fact that he missed his family. He misses his family. 
He needs to see them.
He needs to see all his kids and speak to them, but one step at a time.
Keys in hand, Roman opens the door at the same time his entire body stills.
Sure enough, his oldest stands before him, expression clearly torn. A similar experience to what Roman himself has felt the past week.
RJ swallows, gesturing inside the penthouse. “Are—are you busy?”
Roman takes a second to respond, surprised as all hell by the last person he expected to see. The last person he expected to want to see him.
“No….no….come…come in.”
Roman steps aside, and his son does just as such. Closing and locking the door, Roman watches RJ walk over and sit on the sofa, legs spread, hands clasped together as he stares at the expensive rug. 
For a moment, Roman stands unsure of what to do. Lord knows he has no idea what to fucking say. He was prepared to plead to and with his wife. Not his oldest son.
Not yet, at least.
Nevertheless, he finds himself sitting on the sofa, opposite of RJ, that tension previously felt between them at any given point suddenly melted into something almost unidentifiable. He doesn’t know what exactly it is. Just that it feels different.
Finally, Roman realizes he’s the one that needs to break this. In more ways than one. “Junior—”
“Mama told me what happened.”
Roman frowns, confused and lost. “About?”
He watches RJ swallow. “The affairs.” Roman’s back straightens. He’s most definitely wondered about that part of RJ’s angry outburst all week. Just how he knew. But, that’s suddenly less concerning in the face of what was just said. “How…how she cheated on you first, and you forgave her.”
The older man nods. “I did.”
RJ looks up. “How you cheated on her, and she forgave you.”
Roman swallows. “She did.” An act of grace and mercy Roman will forever be grateful for. Always. “Son….” Roman pauses, taking a deep breath. He wasn’t prepared for this, hadn’t gone over what he wanted to say if and when this moment came. But, sitting across from his firstborn, he’s realizing it’s less about preparation and more about honesty.
He needs to speak from the heart.
It’s time for all this to stop.
“I’m not a perfect man, and I never will be.” Roman does his best to keep his words clear, concise, and to the point. “I’ve hurt you, hurt your mom, hurt my family over the years, and I can’t….I can’t change that. I can’t take back what I’ve done, even though I’d give anything to. You…you have no idea.” He pauses, his own emotions taking a front seat. “I—I always said I would never be anything like my father. He’s a coldhearted bastard who only cares about power, success, and performance. Always told me I needed to be the best and anything less was unacceptable.” Roman runs his hand over his face, revisiting a long ago memory. “The day you were born was both the happiest and scariest fucking day of my life. I—I swore to you that day that I’d always be there for you, that I’d be a good dad to you, and that hasn’t happened.” His eyes shut, glazed over with vulnerability and accountability. “And, I’m sorry, son. I am so fucking sorry.”
RJ looks away, clearly overwhelmed by all of the emotions and unexpected confessions the day has brought. But, it’s time, and he knows it. Time to let go of the hurt, of the pain. It’s time to be honest.
“Mama told me….she told me you were the one who wanted her to record my games. That you…that you watched them.” He shakes his head, finally looking over at his father, also with unshed tears in his eyes. “All these years, I’ve been so upset with you, so angry with you. Because I thought you hurt mom, and I thought you didn’t care. Because….because you weren’t there, and I wanted you to be…to be proud of me.” He swallows, jaw clenching from the heaviness of it all. “I wanted….” His voice breaks. “I wanted my dad to love me.”
Roman’s exterior completely shatters. “Junior….”
Without thinking or even overthinking it, Roman stands and moves to sit next to his son, not wasting a single second to pull him into a hug.
A hug that RJ, for the first time in years, reciprocates.
Roman cradles the back of his head, offering the sort of comfort that his son has wanted for years. The love he’s craved. “Son, I’ve loved you since the day you were born. I’ve always loved you, and I always will.” A vow. A promise. Something that can and will never be broken. Not from this day forward. “And, I am so proud of you.” 
RJ’s eyes clench shut. 
For years, he’s wanted and craved for so long.
Something he’s had the entire time.
“You’re a fine young man, RJ.” Roman compliments, pulling back, hand gently on the back of his son’s neck. “A better man than I could ever be, and I’m sorry for the role I’ve played in your hurt. I’m gonna do better. By you. By your mom. By your sisters. All of you. I promise.”
Roman has a lot of work to do. He knows this. This one conversation, as heartfelt and vulnerable as it is, can’t undo years of damage and trauma. There’s a long road ahead, but it’s a road he’s willing to travel on.
A journey to healing he’s more than ready to make. 
Despite the unexpected appearance of his son at his doorstep, and the vulnerable conversation that followed, Roman still found his way back to the house.
He has to.
For a week, he’s suffered, as deserved, reliving the incident in his head like a bad song on repeat. He fucked up. A line was crossed that had never been crossed, and while he can’t blame Nova for icing him out, the truth remains that that’s still his wife. Those are his daughters. His son. 
His family.
He has to make things right. 
Or, at least, try. 
He’s certain Nova looked through the peephole before answering, because her usual greeting of “who is it?” is bypassed and traded with the door being swung open. And, there she stands, looking just as beautiful as she always has. 
But, there’s a sadness about her eyes that makes him frown. A sadness because of him.
Nova eyes him up and down. “You talked to RJ?” It’s not a question, not with the almost declaratory nature of her tone. Still, he feels obligated to at least reply.
“Yeah,” he answers.
She continues to look at him before closing the door behind her and walking over to the wooden bench on their porch. He’s prepared to remain standing when she pats the space next to her. 
He obliges.
She’s quiet, Roman able to tell she’s deep in thought, hence him not saying anything. Just giving her the space to think and speak, when ready.
“Roman, what happened….what happened was not okay.” She starts off, hands planted on her thighs. Nova looks at him. “You lost your temper, but not even that, you lost your temper with our son, and Bella got hurt in the process.”
He closes his eyes. She’s not saying anything he doesn’t already know. Nothing he hasn’t mentally berated himself over for the past week. As he deserves. But, there’s something about hearing her say it aloud, the devastation in her voice, that makes it that much worse. It twists the knife.
“I know,” is all he can say. He won’t make excuses. There are none to make.
“You’ve had an anger problem since we were kids, Roman. But, it’s never….” She trails off, looking away and taking a deep breath. “You need help.”
“You’re right,” he swallows. She’s always been right. He’s just been too stubborn and headstrong to see and/or acknowledge it. “I should have never put my hands on him. It should have never reached that point, but it did, and I’m so sorry, Nova. What happened was fucked up and not okay.” She glances over at him, Roman having to fight back the urge to wipe away her tears. “I haven’t been the husband you deserve or the father I need to be for our kids, and I’ve realized the only way that can change is if I get the help I need.”
All truthful, painful, almost embarrassing confession from a man who’s gradually come to realize the extent and depth of damage he’s done. Somewhere along the way, Roman lost himself. Lost sight of what was most important, and it’s caused him to land exactly where he is.
Practically begging for another chance.
“RJ….RJ told me….told me that you two talked,” she finally speaks after a good minute. “He—he said that you’re going to try to work on your relationship. That….that you asked him to think about doing family therapy with you.”
Roman nods. “I did.”
She casts him a leveled look. “Did you mean it though?”
An easy answer, probably the easiest he’s given all day. “Yes.”
Roman doesn’t necessarily like the idea of therapy. He’s done it before, but still. Feelings and emotions, and talking about them, have never been the easiest for him. But, what he wants more than anything is to repair his relationship with the people he loves the most, and if this is the way to do that, then he’ll do it ten times over.
“And what about individual therapy?” She’s probing, prying to see where his headspace is and how far he’s willing to go to right all his many wrongs.
“That too,” he agrees. “Whatever….whatever I have to do, Nova. I’ll do. I love you. I love our kids, and I love our family. I’ll do whatever it takes to fix this, and I know it starts with me. Nova….” He reaches for her hand, her emotional gaze on him. “I’m not asking for your forgiveness, baby. I know I have to earn that. I have a lot to earn back….” He trails off but never breaks their eye contact. “I’m just asking for another chance.”
Nova doesn’t answer right away, and he doesn’t expect her to. He knows that sometimes she has to sit and think on things. That the gravity of the situation may require additional time. And, he’ll give her that. He’ll give her all the space she needs, because he owes her that much and so much more.
“The girls have missed you.”
But, have you?
Roman has to stop himself from actually asking her. 
“I’ve missed them, too.” 
I’ve missed you.
Nova takes a deep breath. “I think we should go to marriage counseling again.”
Yet another thing they’re on the same page with. They attended two times prior, both times to process and work through the affairs. Roman found it helpful then. He’s sure he’ll find it helpful now.
“I agree.”
She nods, looking at their conjoined hands, the sun peaking past and under the gable roof reflecting off her wedding ring and his wedding band. “I—I want your focus to primarily be on RJ. That has to be worked on, Roman, if this is going to work.”
“I know.” More agreement of a truth he can’t deny anymore. “I’m gonna make it right, Nova.”
She stares at him, looks at him in a way no one else but she can. Like, she can read him better than he can read himself. “You can come back home.” Roman closes his eyes, a massive wave of relief and joy coming over him. “But, I swear to God, Roman, if you ever put your hands on my son again, this marriage is over. I will divorce your ass so fast, and not only will I get sole custody of the girls, any visits you have with them will be supervised only.” She finishes her firm, assertive declaration with a pointed look. “Do you understand me?”
The thought of such a situation guts Roman. He would never hurt his daughters. Ever. Will forever regret shoving his son. And, he knows good and well as much as Nova might love him, she’s a mother first. Their kids will always be her first priority, as they should be. He respects that. Immensely.
“I understand,” he acknowledges. Roman runs his thumb over her knuckles. “Thank you.”
Nova doesn’t say anything. She just motions to the door. “The girls are in there with Junior.”
Her answer surprises him. He wondered who was watching their daughters while they spoke, but he assumed her parents were over. “Yeah?”
She nods, standing up. She offers her hand, prompting him to stand as well. “Come on.” 
Roman wordlessly follows her inside of their home, gently squeezing her hand as she calls out, “girls! Daddy’s home!”
The sound of his girls giggling and making sounds of excitement is accompanied by her squeezing his hand back.
A start.
It’s a start.
The Raw premiere on Netflix is major.
A groundbreaking, memorable occasion worthy of all the lights, glamour, and action. It’s a make or break night for Roman, the night where it’s decided, once and for all, who the real Tribal Chief is.
Nova and her girls are in attendance. A night so big that she can’t afford to miss it, won’t allow it to pass without her showing up to support her husband. 
In the months since the blowup, a lot has occurred. Nova’s ultimatum of sorts with her husband proved effective. He found a therapist and has been attending weekly consistently. They’re also in couples counseling. Not to mention, he and RJ have also been attending weekly therapy together, though virtual, what with Junior away at school and Roman’s schedule being hectic.
There have been some really great times and some tense times, but overall, Nova can see it. Can feel it. Can feel the healing that’s occurring. There are still a ways to go, especially between her son and husband, but they’re not where they were, and that’s all that matters. 
They’re moving in the right direction. 
It’s a tense, violent match. 
Nova is on the edge of her seat the entire time, a bit unsurprised and grateful that her daughters are tuned in mostly to their tablets instead of their daddy fighting. Too many times where Solo is close to pinning Roman for her liking, but the whole thing has just been too close for her liking. Matches always make her nervous, and the absence of her son doesn’t help.
Roman invited RJ, as did Nova, but he never gave a solid answer.
It definitely hurt, both herself and her husband, but she could understand why.
There’s still a lot of grounds for those two to cover, and RJ’s speed at which he progresses on this new path is something that can’t be rushed.
She won’t pressure him.
He has to do this at his own pace.
Though, she can’t deny the bittersweet sensation that fills her when Roman makes the pin, when that 3 is finally achieved, signifying that her husband is the one and only Tribal Chief. The true Head of the Table. The OTC.
As proud as she is of him, of the long, hard battles he’s faced to get this point, not being able to share the moment with their firstborn is rough.
But, she braves a smile and blows a kiss to him, holding Cami, pointing to Roman who continues to take in the thunderous applause. Bella stands on the chair next to her, holding onto her dress while also pointing a finger in the air, matching the other attendees.
It dims her sadness just a bit.
However, it’s when the sounds of the crowd shift, and she turns her focus to the ramp that her stomach drops.
She sees Dwayne, Roman's cousin, but she also sees someone else.
She sees RJ.
“The Rock is heading down the ramp, and he’s accompanied by Roman Reigns’ son, RJ Reigns!” She can briefly overhear the commentary, sees the gasp and shock of the crowd. But, it’s the two of them moving into the ring as well as Roman’s unsure expression that has her focus. 
Dwayne is the first to hug and embrace Roman, mouthing something in his ear. Nova watches with continued confusion as the hug breaks, and he moves to take the sacred ula fala from Paul. Roman’s shoulders move up and down, as he pants, still trying to fully catch his breath, lingering exhaustion from the match. But both herself and Roman still watching Dwayne's next move.
He hands the ula fala to RJ.
Nova gasps. “Oh my God...”
Tears spill over as RJ walks over to his dad, offering a warm, proud smile. He nods, and Roman’s head dips just enough so RJ can place it on him. Right before her son pulls his father into a hug. 
Her heart just about combusts in that moment.
It swells and nears explosion, watching the two men in her life embrace, both their eyes shut from the emotionality of it all. The crowd around them applauds, completely unaware just what this moment means to them. 
To her family.
And, Nova sees it. Sees the way RJ’s mouth moves, saying something to Roman.
“I love you, dad.”
She doesn’t need to see Roman to know and hear exactly what he says in response.
“I love you, too, son.”
RJ claps his dad on the back, breaking the hug to stand beside him, raising Roman’s arm. Ones in the sky amongst the thousands in attendance that chant OTC. A proud, emotional expression on Nova’s face as she cries, overwhelmed with happiness and relief.
For the crowd, the OTC is back on top. 
For her, for her family, the healing is just beginning.
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teliphone · 14 hours ago
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Summary: Joo Yeri is so attractive that being stared at is common for her. She hears the same compliments all the time. “You’re so pretty.” “You’re so beautiful.” She enjoys the attention she gets, but she specifically loves your attention the most after reading your sick little journal. 
Warning(s): Smut, Bullying, Selfish, Stealing, Oral
Word count: 2.5k 
You could not help but stare at Joo Yeri all the time. She is just so perfect and beautiful. During class, you would turn your head to the left to sneak at least one glance. She sits in a straight position with her legs crossed. Her slightly curled, long dark brown hair falls past her shoulders. It became a habit to watch her. It feels like a blessing to your soul when you look at her. 
Suddenly, Yeri turns her head to look straight at you. As if she already knew you were staring at her. Your cheeks immediately turn red, and you jerk your head back to your textbook. Being caught is the most embarrassing thing, especially if it's her. She lifts her soft hands to hide her smirk and softly chuckles. She tilts her head slowly back to her textbook. It makes her extremely happy when people ogle at her. It stirred something inside her. She put in a lot of effort to make herself beautiful, hoping to attract attention. After a few minutes, you turn your head to gaze at her again. It became a habit. 
It's so bad to the point that you accidentally crashed into a classmate while you were staring at Yeri down the hall. The papers the classmate was holding fell out of her grip. You quickly apologize and kneel to collect the papers. The ground hurts your knees as you scatter to grab the paper. You feel your body heat up in embarrassment again. Your classmate rolls her eyes in annoyance. She crosses her arms and glares at you.
“Can you pay attention to where you’re going?” She snaps. You don’t respond and hand her the papers. You stare at the ground to avoid looking at her. She ticks her tongue in annoyance. She snatches the papers out your hands, leaving a small paper cut on your finger. You nibble your bottom lip to avoid making a sound. 
“Since we’re classmates, I’m going to give you some advice.” She sighs, “If you want people to take you seriously… you should probably look them in the eye." The other classmates around her start to laugh and snicker. You turn your head to the side, completely opposite of what she said. You feel your heart pounding in anxiety. Your classmate shoves a finger into your shoulders in a teasing way. Her poke hurts, causing you to wince. 
“I said look at me,” She laughs. You hear footsteps to the left side of you, but you don’t look up. 
“Your voice is annoying me,” You hear a soft angelic ridicule. You can recognize that voice anywhere. You snap your head up to look at your savior. She has a bored look on her face and her hands in her pockets. The classmates nervously laugh and take a few steps back. She brushes her hair away from her face with a shy smile. 
“Y-Yeri… You look beautiful today,” She compliments. Yeri tilts her head, her expression not changing. Usually, she loved compliments, but for some reason, it didn’t feel euphoric. She tries hard not to grimace and wrinkle her skin. She sighs in disappointment. 
“I said your voice annoys me. Shut up,” She repeats slowly to mock the classmates as if she was talking to a child. The classmates blush in embarrassment. Her friends quickly tug her to pull her away from the situation. They rush down the hall, leaving you with Yeri. She turns her head to look at you. Your heart skips a beat when you make eye contact with her. You’ve never been this close to her before. Her beauty is breathtaking. 
“Thank you…” You mumble. Yeri softly chuckles and shrugs her shoulders. 
“I was helping myself. I don’t like loud noises,” She explains before spinning her heel to walk away. You drop your shoulders. Your angel is more selfish than you thought. Of course, you expected it to be that way. She’s too perfect… she can do anything to please herself. Pretty privilege. You smile and continue watching her walk down the halls. You didn’t care that she was selfish; she can be. Out of everyone in this school, only she can.
Once you snap out of the trance, you look down at your finger to see the small, dried, bloody paper cut. You let out a big sigh of tiredness. 
You sit alone in the classroom, writing in your journal. The pen runs quickly and smoothly across the paper. You slightly hunch over in secrecy. All in your mind is Yeri, like you’re a fan. You write about her beauty. Words lace with admiration, poetry, or flat out lustful. You allow your mind to run freely as your pen tries its best to catch up. You then write about how she “saved you”- making it sound more heroic and romantic than how it actually was. 
It was weird, but the more you wrote about her in your silly journal, the more you squeezed your thighs together. Your lustful fantasy about her drove you out of reality. You feel a different type of heat burn throughout your body. You bite your bottom lip and slightly buckle your core against your seat. Your pen starts to slow down a little bit as you try to write out the perfect details of her lips. 
“What are you writing about?” The angelic voice crashes in your daydream. You slam the journal shut and stare at the culprit like a deer in headlights. You failed to hear a student walk into the room. Yeri rests her hands on top of your desk and towers over you. She has a playful glint in her eyes. Her hair falls past her shoulders and curtains you. You shamelessly inhale to smell her sweet scent. Her perfume is so good, it's enough to make you roll your eyes. 
“Nothing.” You lie. She softly chuckles. Your eyes quickly analyze her glossy pink lips. You feel an itch to write it down in your journal. But you refuse to look away. You need to burn the memory in your mind before she leaves. She slowly scans her eyes to your notebook, then back up to your eyes. Her eyelashes flutter. 
“Did you write about your crush?” She asks. Your cheeks turn bright red. You tightly grip onto your journal and nervously gulp. 
“It’s nothing really,” You hesitate. She doesn’t buy it. Instead, she leans closer to you as if she were sharing a secret. 
“Want me to take a guess?” She whispers. Her close presence leaves you speechless. You try to calm your breathing, but your mind is short-circuited. Her lips turn to a small smirk. She can physically see you lagging and struggling. She decides to tease you one more time. She brings her hands up to brush your hair behind your ears. She can see your eyes more clearly. 
Then it happened. Something switched in her mind that she hadn’t realized before. 
You have beautiful eyes, and she wants you to become deeply infatuated with her. She wants your eyes to be the ones always staring at her. She looks back down at the journal and clenches her jaw. She wanted to know what you were writing about. If it was about someone else, she would be extremely mad and jealous. She hoped her beauty alone was enough to make you obsessed. The sound of students entering the classroom makes her pull away. She walks to her desk like nothing happened. Once she was far from your presences, you suck in a deep breath. You shove your journal into your bag in a hurry.
You plop yourself onto your bed in exhaustion. You run your fingers through your hair, letting out a shaky sigh. After a little time of thinking, you start to giggle. You couldn’t believe you were almost caught by Yeri. You push yourself off the bed and walk towards your bag. You blindly shuffling around to grab your journal. Your eyebrows start to furrow when you don’t feel it. You open the bag bigger and stressfully look around. 
Your journal is gone. 
Your heart drops, and your face turns pale. The air feels cold. 
“No, no, no…” You panic. Still in denial, you turn your bag upside down and watch all your products fall onto the ground. In stress, you run your hand into your head. You can feel your eyes starting to water. You start praying to God in desperation. You can not let someone read your sinful journal. You quickly grab a jacket and rush to go back to school.
The hallways are eerier and quieter than you expected. You are not used to being in school after hours. You tug your jacket closer to your body. Your footsteps are quick as you rush to your classroom. You slide the door open and zip to your desk. You duck under and check the inside of your desk. Nothing. You pray that you dropped your journal on the streets and a random person picked it up. You never wrote your name in it, so no stranger would know it was you. You hear footsteps coming, and it makes you panic. You think it's the security guard. You try to find a place to hide, but it is already too late. 
Luckily, it was Joo Yeri… Yeri? What is she doing here so late? She stands by the door with her hands in her pockets. 
“What are you doing here so late?” She asks you. 
“I can ask the same thing to you,” You reply. She smiles and slides the door shut. She slowly walks over to you with an unreadable look on her face. You take a step back, but the desk stops you. Her face expresses that she’s in deep thought. Then she smiles, a sinister one. 
“Looking for something?... Like a little journal?” She teases. Your eyes widen in shock. She crosses her hands and takes a seat on a desk in front of you. Her eyes are innocent looking, but it’s the opposite in mind. 
“The things you wrote about me are interesting,” She smirks. You immediately fall onto your knees. You feel your eyes watering in embarrassment and shame. You have never felt such a deep regret. You could die right now. 
“I am so, so sorry,” You splutter. She starts giggling with a hand covering her mouth. Your eyes are glued to her shoes. You feel too much shame to be looking at her in the eyes. She slides off the desk and walks in front of you. Her skirt is all you can see. 
“Do you really mean what you wrote?” She asks. 
“I’m sorry-”
“Answer me,” She cuts. You clench your fist and suck in a deep breath. 
“...Yes,” You confess. Yeri felt a chill run down her body. She feels enlightened. No one has ever said those things about her. The things you wrote about her would usually scare people away, but to her, it was different. She got tired of hearing the same compliments over and over. You wrote things that were specific and true. 
She brings her hands down to touch the top of your head. 
“You have such a naughty mind,” She giggles as she runs her fingers through your hair. She got tired of seeing the top of your head. She wanted to see your beautiful eyes again. 
“Look at me,” She softly demands. You slowly turn your head up obediently. Her eyes dilate, and butterflies flutter in her stomach. 
“You make me feel so beautiful,” She confesses. She knew you would worship the ground she stepped on and that you could feed off only of her and nothing else. That’s the amount of infatuation she wants from another person. Everyone else failed to see how needy and horny she could be. She pleases herself all the time during dark hours.
“Worship me,” She whispers. Her heavily lidded eyes stare at you, waiting for your movement. Your heartbeat hammers against your chest. You lean your lips to kiss her thighs. As you continue peppering kisses over her inner thighs, you loop your fingers around her panties. You pull them down and help her step out of them. She quickly gathers her skirt up to let you get closer to her core. You blush as you stare at her perfect pink pussy. You look back up to her. Her eyes are dark and filled with lust. Her chest moves up and down slowly. You lift your fingers to spread her lips apart. You stick out your tongue and give her a gentle long lick on her core. 
“Thank you,” You praise before going back to her core. Her thighs tenses each time you licked. Her stomach clenches, and she bites her bottom lip. Your eyes never stop looking at her. You wanted to keep watching how her face scrunched in pleasure. How her head would tilt back, exposing her neck. 
You can start to feel her wetness increasing, coating your lips in her silkiness. Your spit mixes in with her juice. You give her more long licks up and down. Her grip on your head starts to become tighter. You run your tongue in circles around her clit. She gasps and thrusts her core into your mouth. Her cheeks are visibly pink. You start flicking your tongue against her nub, and she lets out a delightful moan. She locks her hands behind your head and starts moving her hips. You stick your tongue to let her use you. You place your hands around her upper thighs. 
She cusses and moans sweetly. Not too loud, but enough for you to hear. Her movement starts to slow down which allows you to wrap your lips around her clit. You suck hard and her thighs shake. She moans and jerks her clit away. It felt too good, she was gonna come too soon. You lick your lips. 
“You look so lovely above me,” You profess. She blushes as she tries to catch her breath. Her hair starts to stick to her sweaty forehead. Before she can calm down, you go back to her core. You flick your tongue and suck faster and harder. You become pussydrunk. Her scent, taste, and moans are so heavenly to you. She shuts her eyes and jerks her core deeper into your mouth. Her moans start to become more high-pitched. Her legs shake uncontrollably. 
“Fuck," She moans, "I am going to come.” She looks down and realizes you have been watching her the whole time. That pushes her off the edge, and she comes into your mouth with another high-pitched moan. She moves her core slowly against your mouth to ride off her high. 
You pull away from her core. A trail of her juice connects with your lips. She tugs your head to come up. You listen and try to stand up. Your knees are a little numb, causing you to stumble. She quickly wraps her arms around your waist and pulls you into a kiss. Her pump lips move quickly against yours. You squeeze your eyes shut as you try to keep up with her. She moans again when she tastes herself on your lips. 
She knew she would taste good. 
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i-dared-myself · 1 day ago
Normal Life, Non-Normal Day
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Stray Kids x reader
In which Chan just wants a normal day.
Cw: Lots of lube, and a couple sex jokes, but I’m not marking it 18+. Reader’s gender or sex is not mentioned, so it’s entirely up to your imagination.
Bang Chan thought he was having a normal day.
He had woken just like any other day, and had even remembered to put on pants before he wandered down the halls. His breakfast was delicious, and he had settled onto the couch to watch his favourite show.
Then he realizes that it’s quiet. Too quiet, in fact.
He can feel himself tense, preparing for whatever nonsense is about to come his way. Someone is going to ruin his perfect day.
Chan relaxes when he sees you. You’re normal. At least, more so than the others. You probably won’t bother him with anything too crazy.
Then you open your mouth.
“I need to go to the hospital,” you rasp.
Chan blinks. There goes his normal day.
“Why?” he carefully says, pausing his show. 
“I swallowed a rock.” You open your mouth and retch, as if trying to cough it up. When nothing immediately pops out, you sigh in disappointment.
Chan pinches the bridge of his nose, getting to his feet. “You what?”
“I swallowed a rock,” you repeat. “It’s stuck in my throat. It hurts, Chan.”
He takes a deep breath. “Okay. Um, how big was it?”
You hold your hands out, making a circle with your fingers. “Like this, I think.”
It’s definitely bigger than he had hoped.
“Let me grab my keys and then I’ll take you,” Chan tiredly tells you. “I- How? How did this happen.”
You fidget with your hands. “I saw a rock, so like, I ate it.”
Chan almost cries. Why is this his life?
But he goes up the stairs, and when he returns, Changbin is behind you, attempting to give you the Heimlich. It’s clearly not working, and looks like he’s just punching you in the stomach over and over.
“Stop that!” Chan exclaims, rushing to you. He rubs your back soothingly as he glares at Changbin. “That’s dangerous! You’re not trained for that!”
“Where are you going?” Jisung stares at the keys in Chan’s hand, grinning widely.
“Hospital,” Chan briefly says. He’s busy trying to locate his phone. Where did he put it?
Jisung gasps. “Why?”
“I ate a rock.” You sit on the couch, unpausing the show Chan had been watching. “It hurts.”
Jisung nodded his understanding. “That one with like the grey line.”
You perk up and turn to face him, propping yourself up over the back of the couch. “Yeah! That one!”
Chan finds his phone. “Okay, let’s go. And I swear- If any of you have an emergency while I’m gone-“
Hyunjin bursts in, eyes wide. “Chan!”
Chan groans, the sound ending with a whimper. Why? Why is this what his life has become?
“What is it?” he asks Hyunjin.
Hyunjin shifts between feet. “Felix is stuck in the washing machine.”
“We’re in porn!” Jisung blurts out. “Who’s the step-dad?”
Changbin side-eyes him. “Excuse me?”
Everyone hears Felix scream for help from somewhere, and Chan sighs heavily. He just wanted a normal day. Was that too much to ask for?
Jeongin stumbles in, eyebrows singed. “Chan…”
“What happened?” Chan demands. 
“I- I was just trying to blow dry my hair.” Jeongin blinks, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. He sniffles. 
“How did we not hear the explosion?” you wonder aloud. “I mean, that must’ve been pretty loud.”
Jeongin shakes his head, wiping at his eyes. “No, it didn’t explode. I just- When the hairdryer didn’t turn on, I thought there was something wrong with the socket, so I…”
Chan rubs at his face harshly, trying to scrub away all of his panic. “Okay, you’re coming to the hospital with us.”
Changbin shifts between feet, leaning against the wall. “Are you going to the hospital or not? You’re taking forever to actually go.”
Hyunjin nods along, grimacing. “Yeah. Honestly, that’s not very responsible.”
“I- You-“ Chan points between everyone, spluttering. 
Seungmin whimpers, hobbling into the room. “Chan.”
Chan is very close to giving up. To quitting his job. Why is this happening to him? 
You squint at Seungmin. “Why are you limping?”
Seungmin gives Chan an innocent look. “Um, I fell down the stairs by accident.”
Felix lets out an ear-piercing shriek, reminding everyone that he’s still stuck in the washing machine. 
“Why did you emphasize accident so much?” Jisung asks Seungmin. “Kinda suspicious if you ask me.”
Seungmin’s lips thin as he considers the question. “Uh… No reason.”
Hyunjin raises an eyebrow. “No, Jisung’s right. It’s suspicious.”
“Come on!” You wiggle around. “Tell us!”
“Fine!” Seungmin spits out. “I was trying to moon walk and I fell down the stairs!”
“Okay.” Chan walks to the door, gripping his keys tightly. “You’re coming with us to the hospital.”
“What about Felix?” Changbin questions. “Do I just lube him up and pull?”
“I think I have some lube around here somewhere,” you murmur, rummaging through the end table drawers. 
Jeongin blinks. “Lube? Like car lube?”
You glance over your shoulder. “Yes, Jeongin. Car lube.”
“Actually, I know where some is. I can get it faster than you can find this,” Jisung offers. When you nod, he sprints up the stairs three at a time.
“Careful!” Chan yells after him. 
Jeongin twitches. “I don’t feel good.”
Jisung returns with a bottle. “Okay, now how do we use this on Felix.”
Jeongin narrows his eyes at it. “Why is it banana flavoured?”
Changbin rubs Jeongin’s shoulder. “Cars really like bananas. You’ve never heard about that?”
“Ew.” Hyunjin gags at Jisung. “Banana? That’s disgusting.”
“It’s disturbing,” you agree. 
“Let’s get Felix free so I can take, two… three people to the hospital?” Chan frowns and scratches the back of his neck. “I’ve lost count at this point.”
Everyone goes upstairs, to where Felix’s lower portion is sticking out of the washing machine. When Hyunjin pokes Felix’s leg, Felix starts squirming around.
“Get me out!” Felix’s muffled voice demands. “I want out of here!”
“Oh no, step-brother,” Jisung giggles, “how did you get in there?”
Felix stills. 
“That was Jisung,” you tell him, shooting the menace a dirty look.
“Someone get Jisung away from me. Now!” Felix shouts desperately.
“Got it!” Seungmin pins a struggling Jisung to his chest. 
“Okay, we have some lube,” Chan tells Felix. “We’re going to get you out of there.”
“It’s banana flavoured,” Jeongin informs Felix. 
“Banana?” Felix repeats. “That’s nasty.”
“Just get ready!” Chan cuts in. He takes the bottle of lube and squirts it over Felix’s hips.
“Why is that so-“ Changbin covers his mouth, “It’s so aggressively banana.”
“I’m going to die suffocated by banana smells!” Felix shrieks. “Get me out! Get me out!”
“Calm down!” Chan orders. “You’re fine. I’m going to pull you out now.”
You slam your fist on your chest. “The rock is still in me, by the way.”
Chan grabs Felix and tugs, placing his feet on the washing machine for leverage. Felix pops free and goes flying, knocking over both Seungmin and you.
“Now to go to the hospital.” Chan wipe his hands on his pants. “Changbin, clean this up. Jisung, throw that lube out. It’s disgusting.”
Felix stares up at the ceiling. “I… I feel traumatized.”
“Why don’t we just lube the rock out of you?” Jeongin studies you.
Chan grips your arm and yanks you away. “Nope. We’re going to the hospital. Everyone who needs to go, get in the car!”
But maybe, just maybe, Chan never wanted a normal day.
Maybe this chaotic life was what he wanted. With his group, his friends, and the excitement they added.
@velvetmoonlght @jinnie-ret @hansmic @imeverycliche @iwuberic @strawberryscentedd @lezleeferguson-120 @mbioooo0000
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popcornforone · 1 day ago
Bunked Up
A Mr Ben Fan Fic
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I gave you a vote & you overwhelmingly chose Mr Ben as this weeks fic. This one I’ve had completed in draft since the end of November but then I had Christmas writing then the January & February challenges, so it been patient waiting for its turn.
Synopsis:- You are need an extra teacher for your field trip, your new boy friend mr Ben agrees to help.
Word Count:- 3000
Warnings:- DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! PIV unprotected sex, swearing, muffling, orgasms, established but secret & new realationship, lover colleagues, PDA, bed creeping, small bed scenario.
Thanks as always for the read peoples, I hope you enjoy this, it’s been a very fun write.
“Free for a second Ben” you poke your head around his class room door. “I need to vent & you always love to tell me to calm down” in you stroll, youve only been back at school 3 days teaching & are already stressed. Being the new head of geography is already proving hard work. Bens busy reading a the new poetry anthology he needs to get his 15 year olds to work on. His feet are up in the desk. He slowly lowers his book & his glasses & eyes pop up from behind it. Instantly making you calmer. Who could ever be angry at such a handsome face.
“Couldnt this wait until later” he groans, but he knows from your tone this needs to be off your chest now, you both like to try & leave work at work.
“You’d rather I talked about this when we go out for dinner tonight?” It’s Thursday & you’ve decided to make tonight your date night. You’ve been seeing each other for the last 6 months & are soon going to have to have that chat about where you see this going.
“No you’re right sorry” he puts his book mark in & closes the anthology. You know he’s read this at least once, he took the book with you when you went on your mini break in the summer to the Hamptons.
“So you know George,”
“Well his wife now needs to be induced for the triplets they are having” Ben wonders why this affects you.
“Okay so…”
“The date they have been given in October 4th”
“It’s when our field trip to Florida is happening, to take the kids to the keys just before storm season”
“So….” Ben can’t see the point”how does he having his babies effect your trip, he doesn’t teach Geography”
“No but he’s a man & he has always volunteered for trips to be the spare man if one is needed.” Ben sees your issue. “Me Jenny & Scott are all the geography teachers & we have to leave 2 teachers behind to teach the rest & set supply, so we need another man on the field trip”
“Okay yes” you look bemused.
“What do you mean yes”
“Yes I’ll do it…” your jaw drops.
“Ben… I…I… I wasn’t expecting that”
“Why not”
“Well you don’t even teach a humanity & no one cares if a Religious study’s teacher goes away for 5 days, but your head of English”
“Did you just want 5 days without me?” He says & takes his glasses off & bites the end of them. You dampen your panties instantly. That always makes you want to jump his bones.
“Ben stop it”
“Make me” you lean across his desk & pull at his dark blue tie. He groans. His lips that you kiss every day feeling more plump today for some reason. He holds your neck gently, cradling it.
“You sure you want to come on a boring geography field trip. I only came in here to have a moan…”
“You’ve done that in both respects” he giggles.
“What” you playfully dig him in the ribs.
“I’ll need to go clear this with the principal, but if you really did want to, then it would be a huge help then me having to email everyone in the school tomorrow morning”
“If it’s okay with the head, I’m in”
“Ahhh” you squeeze him “my hero & don’t worry all you need to do is be a chaparone, we will do the teaching, we just need a male teacher.” He hugs you back.
“It’s geography, what could go wrong?”…
Ben wasn’t happy when you got to where you were staying for the field trip. Yes he got his own room but it was a half double bed & a little basic. He was upset you weren’t on the same floor as him. But he put on a happy face as the wind & rain blew at him as the kids collected data each day. You are built for these field trips. You can stand in the winds & speak to kids, you’ve been doing it for years, the cold doesn’t get to you until at least the last day of each trip which is why now as head of department, you’ve organised for the last day of the field trip to be either organising the data the kids have collected or going to a museum so your not all frozen. Ben however usually takes kids to plays or to readings or lectures. When you packed him lots of waterproof clothes & thermals he laughed, now he wished you’d packed more.
He stands there as the kids are busy measuring the long shore drift. You’ve told him he can have a break for a few minutes. So he’s sat on a sea defence, desperately clasping to a flask of coffee he brought with him to keep warm. You look up & see this & mouth to Scott to keep an eye on everyone & walk across the beach to Ben. He try’s to man up straight away the second he senses you walking over but you can tell he’s not enjoying this.
“Told you these weren’t for the faint hearted”
“I ain’t volunteering next year no way, thought you said this would be fun”
“It is”
“Since when”he scoffs struggling to undo the top of his flask, his hands shivering in his gloves. you sigh & take it from him & undo it straight away. A seasoned professional at how to survive the elements.
“Ben I promise you that we have one more day here on the beach after today taking data then it’s class room based & a museum & no more wind & rain & sea breeze okay” you rub his hat ruffling his hair under it.
“You’re made of strong stuff you know” he says a small smile forming on his face after sipping his hot drink. The colour coming back into his face.
“Years of doing this Ben, be glad we’re not doing this in December”
“Well I wouldn’t be here” he say & you look concerned. “Those triplets would be almost 2 months old by then” you both laugh & you slowly take his hand in yours giving it a squeeze.
“I know I say this a lot, but I really am thankful you did volunteer to do this” this makes him smile too.
“Anything to make my girl happy”
Tomorrow you are all off to a museum before flying back to New York. The kids you’ve all been looking after & who haven’t been in bed before 1pm no matter how hard you all tried every night, are finally all knackered. All in their rooms by 11pm. Clearly they have reached exhaustion, because no matter how many brave faces you & the teachers have put on, you’re all spent too.
Jenny has agreed to man the corridors tonight if there’s anything that goes on. She hadn’t done it for the first 3 nights of the trip at all & had got the most sleep. You slip into your jammies & sit on your half double bed which squeaks & is hard & sit there with a mug of hot water, reading your romance novel. Finally some you time as you hear the rain clatter on the window. Or so you thought, a polite knocking happens on your door & you grown. The kids know to not talk to you unless it’s a complete emergency tonight, you slink out of bed & grab your Hoodie to put it on over your top, it’s not completely see though but it’s not the best for a kid to see. You yawn as you open the door.
“This had better…” the door is pushed open. Large familiar hands engulf you in second, kicking the door shut behind the large man. Your lips peppered & your neck caressed.
“Oooh baby”
“Ben” you moan your hands all up in his hair. You can feel his erection through his bottoms. “Baby we’re on a field trip”
“Couldnt sleep, have only had about 6 hours sleep since we got here”
“Why didn’t you fucking tell me” you say & hold him back a few seconds. His puppy dog eyes filled with sorrow & tiredness.
“Didn’t want my girl to have something else to worry about”
“Ben you should have told me” you caress his face. He smiles at your touch. “I’d have got you another mattress or”
“It’s not the same, you weren’t there to wake up to”
“I’m not always there for you to wake up to”
“But your here in this building, sleeping the floor bellow, it’s ached not being able to touch you or kiss you or pleasure you” he closes the gap between you both again. Little kisses around the base of your neck. He loves to do that. His hand slips inside you jammies.
“Ben please”
“Why not” he relaises you have no underwear on.
“No Ben you misunderstand” his eyes dilate as you smirk”oooh Ben please” your own hand going into his trouser, teasing his erection.
“Oooh fuck baby” he yanks down your jammie bottoms & the two fingers that were on your clit slip inside your sex. You grab onto his shoulder & whimper.
“Fuck Ben”
“Just getting you ready baby, want my girl to enjoy it all as we have no lube”
“Any condoms” you hadn’t brought your birth control tablets with you.
“Erm….” He looks embarrassed.
“Ben there’s solutions in pharmacy’s.” You tug off his T-shirt as the rain gets heavier outside. He pushes you on your bed which creeks & takes off your hoodie & top. Looking at you already on the edge of bliss just by his fingers taking you.
“Your fucking needy baby”
“Only cos you like it.” You wrap your legs around him & get your feet in the back of his waist band. You both wriggle so his penis springs free, rubbing your skin just above your clit, getting some of your pubic hair on it. He takes his fingers from inside you & sucks.
“Fucking delicious” he moans before his fingers grip his length. Pre cum drips across your sex. The way you groan when he slowly Edges all the way inside you. It may have only been a couple of days where you hadn’t had sex, but this felt needed by you both. His eyes wide, as he sinks deeper into you & the way his moustache curls has you feeling even more in heaven than you already are.
“Fuck Ben” his hand covers your mouth.
“Shhhh the kids below” he reminds you. His first thrust powerful. You grip his skin. The bed creeks louder than your moan.
“Ben” you whimper “the bed will give us more away” he giggles with you. “Can you do slow & sensual?” So far all your sex sessions have been rough & passionate. No holding back, you both feel like you’ve had a work out by the end of it. He raises an eye brow.
“I can try beautiful” he whispers before then kissing all around your ear. His next couple of movements slower, rubbing your walls, hitting your spot as you hiss in pleasure trying to be quiet. “But when you look as sexy as this, it hard to control myself”.
No matter how hard you try to be quiet & he try’s to be slow, noises fill the room. The bed even slow creeks, the headboard hitting the wall. You moan every 3 thrusts fuck out loud. Eyes time you do he sucks on your breasts & then you squeeze his bum making him whimper. Feeling him raw always makes your eyes roll, his length knows what to do as you grip onto him. Your legs still wrapped around him. You’re squeezing him too, pushing him deeper, making him feel bigger, the pleasure unmatched. As your collective climax approaches, he gives up. His large hand no longer over your mouth. The bed rocking & rolling with you as you both pant & swear. The air turning blue.
“Fuck fuck b..” before you can scream Ben snogs you. He knows how loud you screech his name when you cum & he knows hearing it will make him reply back with your own name. His tongue taking over sets you off, your body jolting through your climax. As you clamp around you, his own high hits, filling you up with his seed. He always digs his hand in hard to your hip when he finishes. He pants, lying flush on top of you. You ruffle his hair eventually when your lips separate. His sweaty body warming your though. The bed no longer creaking as you both lie in silence as the rain stops & you both fall asleep in each others arms.
You both slept so well. Just being near each other made you both feel safe & secure. Your heat radiating. It was the perfect way to end your school trip. Or so you both thought.
Ben crept out of your room like he was a naughty school boy at about 5am after peppering you with kisses as an apology for not staying the whole night & went back to his bed. You both made sure to shower before joining the other teachers & your students in the canteen for breakfast. You walked in first & grabbed a coffee & a pastry. A few kids looked your way but not too many. But when Ben walked in the whole of your field trip turned to face him & then back at you & then him. Ben was never good at poker faces, he turned bright red instantly as the room filled with loud gossip. His name on everyone’s lips. He slowly went to get his breakfast & then sat down next to you at the teachers table like he had done every morning, with his hand on your thigh.
“Slept well Ben” Jenny asked.
“I did” he sheepishly replied.
“Probably too well that you almost stumbled up the stairs this morning” said Scott. He shot looks between you both.
“Fuck did you see”
“No” Scott said “but we all heard her bed creek for 20mins last night, the walls are thin” you both look at each other. You look a little more mortified than Ben. Ben then takes the hand from you thigh & locks it around your fingers, rubbing across your knuckles.
“What can I say” says Ben now proud of his night time activities “she’s the love of my life & not sharing a bed with her this week has been torture” you drop your cutlery in shock at what he just said the whole canteen falls silent.
“You… you love me?” You say not realising the whole room can hear you.
“Yes baby, I do” your face lights up.
“Good cos I love you too” you both forget you are in a room full of high school students & tenderly kiss. His lips soft & full of the love you both just declared.
A collective awwwwww from all the students fills both your ears & you remember where you are.
“Alright you lot just shhh okay” says Ben.
“You know they’ve been shipping us for a while Ben”
“Really” he raises an eyebrow, you know that smile to well.”well then let’s given them something to talk about”. Ben leans in & presses a lingering kiss to your temple before turning back to his breakfast, acting like he didn’t just declare his love in front of a room full of teenagers. You, on the other hand, are still reeling, the warmth of his hand in yours grounding you. Jenny smirks over her coffee.
“Well, at least it’s official now. The worst kept secret in the school.”
Scott shakes his head, laughing.
“You two really thought no one knew?” Ben feigns innocence, taking a bite of his toast.
“We were subtle.” He proclaims, this makes some of the students near bursts into laughter.
“Sir no offense, but you literally stare at her like shes the star cheerleader in the team” one of the kids says, another chimes in,
“also she looks at you like you’re the only person in the room.” You glance at Ben, & he gives you a little shrug, as if to say, they’re not wrong. You roll your eyes but squeeze his hand under the table. Jenny sighs dramatically.
“So what happens now? A romantic wedding in the school gym? Matching ‘his and hers’ coffee mugs in the staff room?”
Ben grins, finally regaining his confidence.
“I was thinking something more low-key. Maybe just moving in together first?” You choke on your coffee.
“Excuse me?”
He shrugs, pretending to focus on his breakfast, but the slight pink in his cheeks gives him away.
“I mean… it’s not like I ever want to wake up without you again. I want to be bunked up with you…” he gulps & then looks you seriously but softly in the eyes, love pouring out of them “…forever”
The students erupt into more cheers and dramatic awwws as you sit there, staring at him in stunned silence. Eventually, you shake your head, laughing.
“Well,” you say, nudging him with your knee under the table, “let’s get today over with & then when we get back tonight we can have a chat without additional ears” you caress his face. Ben smirks, leaning in just close enough for only you to hear.
“I’ll make sure when we get back that the only person that hears you orgasm is me” you blush crimson, for the first time in days, despite the exhaustion, the cold, & the chaos of chaperoning teenagers, you feel completely, utterly warm.
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trainingthots · 3 days ago
This cannot be to me Delicacy Love,
I do not think if you as anything of the sort, and if anyone is the Narcissistic Ass it is me. I love every single one of your flaws, especially your tendency to project your insecurity onto others. I do the same things only much worse. I am not using anything against you, i do not fight against you. Its one if the problems in our relationship, that i never could tell you no and that your self loathing meant my love for you made me the least desirable person in the god damn world to you. This man, so easy to degrade and humiliate, to use and despise their girl, got spun around and lost when i met you and fell in love. All of a sudden out of my element i only wanted to love, care and respect you, but had no idea how to do that because of the toxic awful person i was. When i felt like j was never going to get to love you and have you completely, i frustrated and angry at myself for being so ineffectual at the one thing i wanted did what i always do, fuck it all up and pretend that i only failed because it wasnt worth doing. How wrong i was. How wrong i still am if i make you feel this way. But the facts dont line up. I have not been critical of you, i am dealing with pain and loss, but it is helping me realize my awful mistakes and filling me with regret and the urge to do better and right by you. This is once again orobably not for me but for the man you actually love. I am so tired of gim being the one who breaks your heart. I am not the jealous type, but i am amgry that while i am hurt from finding out about all my pain and losing you, i feel so much empathy for you being jn pain from losing him. I am a total pathetic mess. I am sorry for your loss, and i hope to be there for you while you grieve.
You are not unlovable, and the abandonment thing is something i have always accepted and ignored. You have abandoned me so many times its ludicrous. I am not belittling you. I am trying to understand your growth and change while ignoring my own pain. Once again i am not doing the best job, but i am trying.
Nothing I do or post js against you. If someone is doing that it is not me. There is a lot of stuff done in my name that is not me these days. Close your eyes, open your heart and know i would never intentionally hurt you. It is all love from me. I will not criticize you, i will not shame you, i will not even tell people what is going on with me because it risks people thinking poorly on you, and i will not have it.
Forever Your Cheerleader,
The Marquis De Sad
To you,
I'm a narcissist and you know it's true. I've projected all my insecurities just to protect this fragile ego. Now that you've exposed me, I can admit the truth about my low self-esteem and self-worth. I'm temperamental and throw tantrums like a child. I'm narrow-minded and get defensive in arguments. I hide the truth about my life because I genuinely hate myself and all my flaws. It's who I am. 
Thank you for showing me how little respect you have for me. I now understand your intentions of making me feel the pain and dishonesty I have inflicted onto you. There's no need for defending myself at this point if you feel encouraged to make me feel like the most ruthless immature person that has existed. I'm glad you feel a sense of fulfillment in your quest to making me aware of the hateful person I am. 
It's true that I'm unlovable. Everything I attach myself to doesn't truly belong to me. I chose to abandon both myself and others, so please continue writing about how much you despise me. Use everything against my will to prove to me that I was a mistake in your life. I deserve to be agonized and shamed for trying to love you.
You said it yourself that I look like shit, so please let me continue to deteriorate alone. I am unworthy of love and believe I will continue to be just an option. To tell you the truth, you were the first person I felt comfortable being around without a mask. I could be my most authentic autistic self with you, without fear that you'd abandon me for my weirdness. When I felt unsafe, you were always the first person I’d turn to because I gave you the key to my tender heart. I guess it never meant anything anyways.
The narcissist in me is frustrated that I can't control your desire to use my pictures, trauma, and love against me. If you wish to continue belittling me just to prove how terrible a human I am, you've already done an amazing job. And still, I can never hate you because I already hate my life, and you don't deserve that. I'm sorry for being unlovable. 
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February the last, 1966 Anne Sexton, from Complete Poems
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harmonizewithechoes · 6 months ago
My five year old has his very first day of kindergarten tomorrow 🥺🥺🥺 I didn’t expect to be hit with such a huge wave of emotions but I’ve been a WRECK all day
#personal#he’s so excited#we’ve been talking about school for so long and he’s so excited that it’s finally here!#and a little nervous too he said but he keeps asking about the other kids and if he gets to have lots of friends now#he really liked his teacher when he met her and he’s excited to see her#the only thing that tripped him up a little was when I told him that me and his daddy are bringing him to the school but we can’t go with#that he has to just listen to his teacher and we’ll see him after school 🥺#I’m mostly worried that he’s not going to get enough food at school because he doesn’t eat very fast at home#he doesn’t focus well on meals#I’m hoping that positive peer pressure helps him with that#if he sees the other kids eating he will hopefully follow their lead#he’s going to be taking the bus home as well and I’m nervous about that for him too#even though it’s silly because his bus will pick him up in the morning and bring him directly to the school and then drop him off first#after school#he’ll be on it for maybe 20 minutes each day#I just worry too much#i worry about how issues he might have that I can’t help with like what if it’s too cold in just one room#but I don’t know that and send him in shorts?#or what if he gets teased for things I can’t anticipate right now? how can I best set him up for success with his peers?#I only know what he likes not what other five year olds like#I don’t want him to feel like the odd one out#but maybe that’s inevitable at some point#I can’t protect him from the world if im not there 😔#that’s the hardest thing about it#obviously this is supposed to happen and school will be so good for him#but he was a tiny little baby just yesterday#at least that’s how it feels#they say it goes by fast but damn
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deus-ex-mona · 11 months ago
series i’m gatekeeping from my family vs series i’m ✨ok✨ with my family knowing i’m into:
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#‘why do you gatekeep hw from your irls?’ well. the thing is. i just ✨don’t want to✨#and. like. i’ve already led my family to believe that i bought bl manga when i was buying idol sengen at animate#so i think im already past the point of no return in that regard. so. um. yeah.#thank you village vanguard for the unexpected μ’s content in 2k24 you truly are yappa saikyou#i s w e a r falling back into my ll phase almost 10 whole years after i first got into it is unexpected tbh#compounded with the fact that i can now actually afford whatever im looking for. so. like. my wallet is in crisis lol#i had just reached my savings goal last month but now i’ve overspent bc i saw great deals on resold honoka-chan hoodies and i couldn’t help—#so now i have 2 identical hoodies lol. but i’ll keep one of them safe in its packaging bc im unwell like that ig#my merch whaling is out of control i s w e a r but my oshis are just too cute aaaaaaaaa#i probably should open another savings account instead… maybe that’d keep my spending under control…#b u t for now honoka-chan jersey im looking for you#tfw ur oshi is decently unpopular amongst the fans so hardly anyone resells her merch lmao#so ig the relatively fewer fellow fans she has are more dedicated to her than fans of other more popular characters lol#but at least her stuff (when resold) isn’t as overpriced as the actually popular members (birb and tomato)#so my wallet isn’t crying as hard as it could’ve been? ig? hunting for almost 10 year old merch is a pain fr though#either way. the grip idol series have on my wallet is truly insane#i wonder how many bags of chips i could’ve bought with the amount i’ve spent on hw and ll merch to date…#at least a thousand… i think. maybe even 2 thousand if my past gacha game whaling is taken into consideration…#…this is probably why it’s important to have a decent paying job ig.#oh well. at least i may be making b a n k this month with how much ot i’ve had to do this week so far…#i hope i won’t have to work till 5am again over the next 2 days… that had been a horrible experience.#help what am i even talking about anymore why am i having a life crisis right here and now u m.#anyways. dni if you dislike honoka-chan. thanks for coming to my crisis rant. see you when the last stage mv drops ig ok byeeeee
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hpdfag · 3 months ago
i need to ramble hold on. spawns in a cut so that people dont get blasted by unfiltered posting on their dash. i feel the need to disclaim that im only like 50% lucid right now so this might be disorganized or complete word salad i can't really tell right now
i love him so much it feels like it's consuming me from the inside out. i don't want to do anything that isn't for him. the only reason i haven't quit my job is because i want to make him proud of me. even playing games makes me guilty, because i know it's not with him. i married harvey in stardew. i ate the stardrop for getting 12 hearts as i kissed him. the taste reminded me of hinata. it's a strange irony.
this false body feels like it's trapping me, keeping me from achieving my true metamorphosis. there are streetlights glimmering in the distance. as i try to move towards them they always fade away. the morning will come in 7 hours and 43 minutes and the sun will rise and it won't blind me awake. i'm not reverent enough.
i should pray. not to jesus, not to any other false prophet. i should pray to Him. maybe that will bring me salvation? maybe that will free me from this hell? maybe it happened because i was unworthy of being one of his trusted apostles. if i was as holy as he was it would have been different, i would still have been beneath him but i would have served my divine purpose as his servant.
but that's not important. i dont think. im jor sure. i hate it. i hate Him. i feel like i should Worship him. there's a certain something i still havent fixed a glitch in my code i need ocean breeze summer sun beach sand shining brilliance he's perfect i need him i need warm sun and dry land i need to be with him on the floor i need to hold him i need need need need need need need.
more than air more than food more than clean clothes more than water more than anything else more than i need this terrible mortal life i need to become worthy for him of his love of his care of his touch i wont deny that i selfishly want him to hold me and touch me even though im unworthy even though im no more than dirt beneath him i desire him so deeply
#... servant's song ♪#🍊 ☆ beloved .ᐟ#i find that when im speaking more like... me. i use much more periods and much less exclamation points.#i wonder sometimes if i absorbed stanley at least in part. he very rarely fronts anymore and he talks like “me.”#but that's always how he spoke. before i came back in full. we never fully let go of being me but there was a period of time last year#from december of 2022 to at least november of last year#that i wasnt hosting. which was strange to say the least. it was stanley‚ and then jules. i think our body just couldnt take it anymore#but jules especially inherited all of the worst parts of me. the panic attacks. the delusional episodes. the delirium#he nearly wandered into the road once because he thought elim was calling him back home‚ that he needed to return to cardassia#slowly i came back. his similarities certainly helped me re-assert myself much more seamlessly.#it's almost like i never left. i don't know how to describe it. it's odd.#i feel almost like a parasite. like i'm not living a life that was built for me.#even though i've done all of the work. even though this world was quite literally built for me. even though it speaks to me through the cod#recently‚ the universe has been telling me about my future. and about storms‚ big ones that i'm in the center of.#it worries me. am i just in the eye of a hurricane? where i am i'm still dry. is that only temporary? another storm is coming#im on the end of the 6th loop of the roller coaster. there's another coming up. i worry it'll kill me. i hope i can survive and return home#maybe stanley will re-take the body. or jules. i havent seen him since i returned. even his source can't front trigger him anymore.#maybe he returned to his home. i hope he has. i hope his life on cardassia is beautiful despite all the terror#i see myself in him. i hope i can follow his example. return to my destroyed home and work to build a better future. l#hinata always talked about building the future. he knew there was a path we could carve out for ourselves. i#i want to do the same for myself. here. i want to carve a way back home.#simulated daydreams#<- i think#that tag started as a tag to scream about our ex when we were sobering up but its much more catchall nowadays
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blizzardfluffykpop · 7 months ago
why the fuck do i miss pigeons
#don't ask me i am going thru it today#ebhehbbehbhebhabh#i miss pigeons dude#oooh the poor little domesticed cuties#kate rambles from here#this is a small detail of the feeling i am feeling#like post leaving nyc is wrecking havoc on my psyche#i don't want to be in the fucking great plains#a few irls don't understand my want for city life- and i didn't know it was this bad until staying there for 4 days-#but my mom's whole family is from the city- i just feel so at home there- and everything i've inherited that way is in my blood#and i just wanna bawl my eyes out#i have been quite a bit but like ik i have a goal now- to move into the city- i've always had that goal to at least move to the city near m#but like nyc was like being somewhere i felt i wanted- it's not that i'm looking to make it big- i miss the noise the water and pigeons#around here you'll hear the occasional car go by- and crickets- i miss the city lights- i keep crying about it for so many reasons but#i just don't know how to actually express it?#because it's such an odd feeling for me to feel? because if yknow me well- i love being at home- i hate sleeping somewhere else-#taking a trip down south this last christmas- i couldn't stand the quiet- it's quieter the more south you go and i can't do this#i've always wanted to leave my small town but ?? like actually being somewhere that has felt home has been unattainable bc every#where in oh hasn't been home... and for once i felt like i could do this- and having to return here- just made me break down and cry#maybe it's the person i live with- that makes me wish to leave- but that's not the full truth- idk maybe a good nap will help#kate rambles#i have a life goal now but i wish i could do it now- i hope sooner rather than later i'll at least live in the city#i've been happily living but now i have a direction i wish to run towards- and i'm gonna chase after it#sure i miss seeing tbz i loved seeing them- but it's not even post concert depression- if that makes sense?#which it doesn't make sense- because for mx it was only pcd- but for nyc it's missing the city... and it feels awful#pls ignore this i just needed to be frustrated somewhere#ig knowing what i'm missing- i can finally work on filling that spot huh? i guess that's what i'll be doing#(also vv small point but the fact that one of the people i live with- refuses to ever visit nyc again- is so comforting to me)#pls don't send me an ask about this i just needed to ramble and i haven't caught up on my daily journal yet to do so- so this is here
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maia-radfemdu · 2 years ago
dear women I am taking L's unheard of. bothered unmoisturized anxious not in my lane unfocused decaying. in my rejected unloved failing exams era.
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yoohyeon · 6 days ago
Finally took an appointment to the employment Center my social worker told me to go to for help finding a job that won’t make want to kill myself 😭 jcjchjgfg
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tonycries · 2 months ago
Bed Chem - T.F.
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Synopsis. No, you’ve never gone through a heat. No, your big bad neighbor, Toji Fushiguro, hasn’t had a rút in years. No, you don’t think you’ll make it out alive when all that changes with your…bed chem.
Pairing. Toji Fushiguro x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! oméga! reader, alpha! Toji, OMÉGAVERSE AU, slight enemies-to-Iovers, rúts, breéding, MARATHONS, cúmplay, búlges, Toji is BIG, heats, face-sítting, 69, spítting, praise, oraI (f + m), knottíng, he goes FÉRAL, DÚMBIFICATION, one use of “ma’am”, fated mates, matíng bites, p talking, breaking furniture, pet names, swéaring.
Word count. 9.9k (whoops)
A/N. Hope you have a lovely week <3
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“-oh! And, darling, my friend recently showed me this new serum that could-”
“-help with my…condition, huh?” You’re finishing off, teeth grit almost as hard as your fingers were around your glaring phone. “Mom- I’ve already told you that I want nothing to do with those sketchy inducers. I’d rather stay dormant like this forever.”
There’s slight static crackling from the other end of the line, “I’m just so worried for you, especially with that massive alpha-”
“Who? Wait- Toji?” You’re braving out a chuckle, gut clenching at the memory of your utterly hot new neighbor and his muscles upon drool-worthy muscles. “Y’know, the doctor has already determined that it’s impossible for me to go into my first heat now.”
And despite it all, you can’t help but drink in a deep inhale the moment you step foot into your cozy local convenience store. Only for your senses to be met with…nope. Nothing, again.
“Besides-” Fingers hovering over that angry red End button, you’re speed-walking your way as inconspicuously as possible towards the Heats and Ruts aisle. “-Toji doesn’t have ruts.”
Nobody ever said that you weren’t a hypocrite - but, hey, you were desperate at this point. 
Even if you had to consider another one of your mom’s attempts to artificially induce your inner omega into finally putting in the work.
With your goodbyes hastily muttered, and your phone stowed deeply away into one of your pockets, you find yourself slowing down near that one particular section of the Omega shelves. Gulping at the somewhat-shady inducer portion that you found yourself familiar with ever since you’d reached late puberty without a single heat. 
It was ridiculous, but it wasn’t impossible. 
Mandatory school bloodwork revealed you to be an omega - yet, you felt like anything but that. Anything but what you supposedly were as you watched more and more of your fellow omega classmates miss out on a week or two of school to deal with their heats. 
Consoling you with pitying glances and half-hearted complaints that alpha scents were annoying anyway. But you didn’t care if the pheromones were obnoxious, and the cycles even more so.
Your months just came and went by without any of it.
You’d visited many fertility and growth doctors over the years, and not a single one had been able to pinpoint exactly what was blocking you from accessing the pheromones and biology that everyone else could. That you wanted to. 
Hell, even betas were said to have at least a faint ability to smell wafting clouds of musky perfumes.
Most professionals claimed that everything was as it should be, that you might just be dormant - a late-bloomer, if you will. A very, very late bloomer. 
A majority presented at the start of puberty, or perhaps - in only very rare, alleged cases you found on barren forums - after meeting their fated mate. Two souls bound to fill in each other’s missing pieces. 
The theory was something you let yourself indulge in guilty sips, the sort of fantasy that flashed through your mind right before you wound up with yet another heartbreak.
But after graduating college without a mere half-sign of anything to do with your second gender, you vehemently called bullshit on that one. 
Some suggested that you might merely be a beta in disguise. It was almost comforting to think that it might have all been one big mix-up, yet, every medical test after medical test you’d done always came out the same. 
An omega.
“Damn second genders.” You’re grumbling, traitorously curious fingerpads skimming over the sterile boxes of medicines with official-sounding names. You’d tried out a few with the least amount of side-effects before, and it always ended up being a waste of your time (and your paycheck.) “Damn- damn inducers-”
In your reveried haste a few unstable boxes of products found themselves plonking onto the ground. Wincing at the withering glare of the manager unhelpfully peeking in from a few aisles down, you urgently dropped to your knees to put them back-
“Damn, what did those scented lotions do to you? Remind me not to get on your bad side, doll.” 
You see him before you hear him - strong, engulfing hands motioning into your field of vision to dexterously grab at the mess you’d created. 
And then once you hear him it isn’t any better, because you could recognize that richly rumbling baritone anywhere. 
“Wha-” Cutting your own self off with a strangled mess of a yelp the moment your furrowed gaze looks with viridescent eyes. “-oh.”
Oh? Oh?
Toji Fushiguro quirks up one brow in a way that is unfairly attractive, sultry scar engraved onto one side of his sleazy grin tilting up ever-so-slightly. And was that- a dimple? “Heh- n’ the pretty girl says oh. Cat got your tongue, sugar?”
It’s only then that you’re realizing that this was the first time you’d ever been so…close with the man himself. 
Usually settling for grumbling conversations from your doorstep and incoherent text conversations from his toddling, cherub-faced son stealing Toji’s phone.
So ah, there was one thing you’d forgotten to mention to your mother. Sure, you might have let it slip that Toji was…ruggedly handsome - all Herculean physique, a glossy black Harley Davidson bike, and long legs that carried him well over six feet - but you’d always omitted one thing. 
He was just so cocky.
And you can already feel your blood curdling strangely in your veins, scoffing out a heated puff of breath. “Nah, more like the alpha in the Omega section is.” Darting your eyes anywhere but at the strain of Toji’s sinful compression shirt sneaking winking at you underneath his leather jacket, practically painted onto the ridges of his washboard abs. “Thinkin’ of a secondary gender change, Toji?”
“Ah, yeah yeah-” He’s rolling those hooded eyes, leaning in so pointedly close that you can practically feel his slow, seeping look up and down. “-got tired of havin’ cute lil’ omegas falling all over f’me.”
You scramble to finally stand, “You wish.”
The bout of husky snickers that escape from him make your thighs squeeze together, and Toji’s promptly following you to place back all those fallen lotions. “‘Course I do. That n’ the brat is out on a trip with his lil’ pink-haired friend, m’just killing time.” Tilting his head at you, “You? Thinking of going for alpha? Or…” Crossing his big, beefy forearms, and he must know the effect that has on you and your greedily ogling eyes. “-an alph-”
“Just this.” You’re cutting him off before Toji could fray at your sanity even more, holding up that heat-inducing serum your mother had mentioned. 
But, oh.
That wasn’t the expression you’d expected on the handsome face of Toji Fushiguro. Maybe something more smug, perhaps even amused as he realized your little predicament- but never this.
Eyes stony, sharp jaw clenching with a jumpy little tick. And Toji’s fingers are so thick when they pluck the box cleanly off your hands, the split-second graze of his burning skin making you feel almost feverish.
“This trash? Yer takin-” He’s glaring down at the serum as if it had offended him personally five times over. Something about the utter look of discontent makes your chest burn, “-this trash?”
You find yourself defensive, “N-no. At least, not yet. What about it-”
“Because s’gonna ruin your inner workings that’s what.” And for all the world, you never expected to be getting lectured by Toji Fushiguro of all people on your health - though, one look at his sculptured body should have told you all you need to know about just how seriously he takes it. “Don’t even know why s’on the market. S’not good for ya, mama.”
And you knew that. Probably. But ah, the things you do when you’re at your ropes end. “And? I’ve never had a single heat my whole life, y’know?”
“And I should know, bratty doll.” Toji murmurs, throwing that oh-so-famed miracle serum haphazardly back onto the shelf and flipping off the manager who glares at him. “Haven’t had a single rut in years, not since Megumi’s- anyways, all these inducers here are full of shit.”
Wrapping a staggering arm around your waist to guide you, your body practically burns. Weird. “Tch- silly girl.”
Two peas in a pod.
Before you know it, you’re being dragged by a disgruntled Toji away from the treacherous clutches of the Heats and Ruts aisle and past the cashier - who only smiles as you so-very-subtly sneak in a long whiff of the air. 
Again. Nothing. 
With the stinging pang of disappointment, you sigh as you step outside. Only for Toji to rub your back with a hum, “S’alright. You’ll be alright, sugar- you’re my strong girl, huh?” Eyes widening at just how…sweet Toji was being. That is, before he opens his mouth once more- “Besides. Who needs inducers when you’ve got such a big strong alpha-”
“Don’ act like ya don’t like it, little miss neighbor. I see how ya look at me.”
“I- I don’t-” You did. And you do. And you will - in fact, you were looking at him that way right now as Toji swings over one thick thigh to straddle the padded leather seat of his prized Harley Davidson. Looking like he’d just stepped out from your wettest of dreams and it makes you almost simper out a sigh.
He’s jutting his head back at the tempting extra space behind him, and you could already hear the suggestion oozing into his next words. “Mhm— whatever ya say, girl. Now stop just standing there looking pretty n’ get over here, I’m a busy man.”
It’s almost as if on auto-pilot when you do.
Toji Fushiguro’s motorbike was big, and just as intimidating as he was. And it’s only on shaky legs that you manage to press yourself only mere precarious inches away from his hulking form. “Heh, ‘er name’s Harley. Fitting for a bike, huh?”
“If- if you crash I’ll kill you.” You’re puffing out a few thickly muffled words through the sleek matching black helmet he was deftly putting on you. Wondering just what led you to be…here of all places. 
“Yes ma’am, I’ll help ya hide the body.”
“M’serious- no funny business.”
“Uh huh, anything else, mistress?”
“And I’ve seen you run red lights so no-”
Your heart stutters with a loud ba-dump! as Toji’s rounded, calloused fingertips leave a good smack against the side of your thigh to get your yammering mouth to halt. And he’s letting off a titter at the shocked expression of your face even through the tinted helmet before turning to rest his hands on the handlebars. 
“Hold on tight.”
It’s all the warning you get - and, honestly speaking, you don’t think any sort of warning could’ve prepared you for the way that Toji rides. 
Something about it is so attractive. 
Maybe it was the creaking stretch of leather as his biceps strained against it from underneath, maybe the way your ears ring with his words even louder than the growl of the bike, maybe it was the way that you were holding him.
Arms stretching to connect over Toji’s broad front, your skin mushes against the curvaceous mounds of his toned pecs. Firm and warm. So, so warm that you can’t help the way that your eager self was mindlessly inching ever-so-slightly closer-
“Phew.” Startling - but not moving away - at the low whistle that Toji blows out, eyes still trained weaving through traffic. “Dangerous game yer playin’, omega.”
Sidling even closer, the defined angles of his back muscles only flexed at the innocent smooch of your tits. “What?”
“S’fucking close.” And not just to him, but to his scent glands. So sensitive and prickling the shaggy black hair at the base of Toji’s neck just from your heated proximity. Huh, strange. “S’a damn good thing I ah- don’t get my ruts, huh?”
And, suddenly, you’re despising what these helmets hide from you. “Well, it’s a good thing I don’t get my heats, huh?”
The exact same words playing over and over in your minds once Toji’s braking to a stop at his designated spot right outside your apartment building. And part of you almost feels upset that this little ride with him was over. 
Letting him do as he pleases when he’s seating around gruffly to take off both your helmets himself, you couldn’t help but notice that something about the air seemed…thick. Like it had just been dipped in candy and right now you were gladly suffocating in the sugary sweetness. 
Your eyes catch onto a lock of deep black that’d curled behind Toji’s ear - and you knew right then and there that something was wrong, you knew that you weren’t thinking. That you weren’t listening to your common sense. 
Because before you can stop yourself - before you can even register it - you’re swiping away the stray tuft, sensory curves of your fingertips just catching onto the skin above where Toji’s smooth glands should be.
“Fuh-fuck-” He’s hissing, willowy eyes curtaining behind a scrunch of his lids, and it’s almost as if on instinct that his thick digits fly upwards to trap your hands right there. “Hold on- just a little, mama-” Pressing down even tighter, and the way that Toji’s letting his head tumble back makes your mouth lacquer with a syrupy wave of drool. “-s-so you said you haven’t had a heat in years-”
“-ever, huh?” Dewy whirlpools of his eyes examine you, and suddenly you feel like running away. But Toji only grins, “Say, why don’tcha scent me?”
Your maw falls slack with a hot shudder, and you’re not sure if it’s in shock or if it’s from how much you wanted it. To have an alpha offering himself on a silver platter - let alone Toji. Letting out an eloquent, “Wh-what?”
You’re being reeled in even closer with a tug of Toji’s strengthened hands, plummeting onto his chest with a cushioned oof–! He only repeats, breathing bated like he didn’t want to know anything himself until you did. “Scent me, pretty girl.”
“I-I don’t know why-” Your fingers unlatch, and you swear it makes Toji’s chest rumble with a low whimper. Steadily planting them onto the collar of his overpriced jacket to pull. “But if this is your idea of a- oh.”
And something…is different. There. 
Was- was this how he smelled? This heady concoction of jasmine and something so undeniably…Toji? 
Something snaking and boiling bubbles up throughout your body, you all but slump yourself into his eagerly awaiting arms. You can’t even register what you’re doing, nuzzling into his tender throat. Can’t even recognize the look on your face when you’re gasping in greedy heavals of what was obviously his scent.
That you could smell.
With a gasp, you’re pulling away, eyes diverting to him and- oh, it was much the same for him.
There was no other explanation for the lecherous look of devastation on Toji’s pretty features right about now. 
Scarred lips parting in awe, weighty lids drooping down until those heart-eyes him were almost invisible, face veiled with a delicate flush. His palms find their way to rest on the dip of your hips and stay there.
You’re croaking out, “T-Toji-”
It happens so fast - too fast. 
It’s as if your mere voice was enough to send a zillion volts of electricity shattering down Toji’s spine, jolting him with something darkly visceral. Enough to snap up one tannish forearm and bite-
“Ngh-” Toji’s pearly canines coat with a slight tinge of red, eyes shuttering open - and you notice that they seem slightly less glassy now. Slightly. “-fuck ya really are dangerous, doll. Was almost g’na have me take you right here right now.” The slight dip of his strawberry-pink tongue as Toji pulls away makes you gulp, “N’ I don’ wanna spend my first rut in years here.”
Toji couldn’t think - he couldn’t breathe. And if he was any lesser man he’d have fallen to his knees with only one whiff of your candyland smell. 
Fingers clutched tightly underneath the plush of your thighs to carry you all the way in through your cozy apartment. Never faltering. Never slowing. You could almost roll your eyes at the blatant reminder of strength if you didn’t feel so feverish.
Toji’s steely eyes light up at the way your trembly fingers clutch the silken hem of your skirt, lips wobbling with every spilling word. “T-Tooooji, feels so hot.”
“S’that so?” He’s swiping the regal button of his nose down where the sides of your neck were swollen, breathing in the hot, sugary waves emanating from your skin. “Feel anything else?”
And the slight hitch of your breath is all that he needs as an answer, well, that and the goopy wetness that was formulating between your thighs. Shit, he never thinks he’s kicked down a door off its hinges harder than he has to your poor bedroom door. 
Draping you gently onto the plethora of silken sheets, you whine at the slight recoiling bounce.
Barely even given the time to gather your wits before Toji’s sliding his jacket and his t-shirt teasingly off, all thick, muscled limbs stalking towards you like a predator that’d just cornered his favorite prey. And you eye his rippling back, his rumbling tone speaking over your mattress’ creaks. 
“Ya better know…” he’s hurling out, mouth just only centimeters away from yours. Hot. “-m’not here ta fuckin’ play around jus’ cause you’re in heat, sugar.”
Ah, that’s what it was - heat. You were in heat. Fuck. 
Your fingers leave neatly indented semi-circles on his flesh when Toji’s grasping your throat tightly, padded ends of his fingers pressurizing right onto the treasure trove of your scent glands. “If I fuck you now, you will be mine. You and…” Before one largely crowned kneecap of his sidles into the snug cove of your pussymound. Weighing down- “...her.”
It’s the only thing you could do to bat your lashes up at him in a way that makes Toji’s achy cockhead twitch. “I want you…wan’ you to touch me, Toji–”
And that’s all that he ever wanted. 
Roughened hands shove you meanly back onto the cushy bed, and Toji’s sliding his palms languidly down, down, down every curve and dip on your body. As if he was trying to worship you with them. 
“Oh? Only wan’ me to touch ya?” Toji’s humming, Adam’s apple bobbing with wads of salivation once his fingers slink down to curl at your bra strap and snap! “Not to take this off or-” You gasp, the sting almost making you forget those minute rips! echoing from where he was grasping your t-shirt. “-this? Guess I can do whatever I please then, right?”
Before you can say a word of shrill protest, those useless pieces of fabric are tattered off. Ending up not-so-nicely in a pile right beside your bed with Toji’s intact clothes. 
“H-hey!” You whine, “Those were ah- limited edition-”
“Ah, I’ll buy ya five more of those.” Toji rolls his eyes when your lips part open, “What? Thought I wasn’t filthy rich or somethin’- Oh, girl, you are about to be spoiled. But first, a kiss-” Innocent and sweet onto your lips, “-here. And…”
Toji huffs out a few cocky sniggers at his own little joke, because of course he does. Leaving you off with a gentle swat! to the perfect curve of your hip and your heartbeat throbbing at your drooling cunt. 
He’s shuffling onto his very knees at the bottom of the bed, tutting at how unfairly far you were from his greedy mouth - well, that had to be fixed. You almost get whiplash from how swiftly you’re being dragged to let your jittery legs be thrown right near his tightly coiled deltoids. “-here.”
Head bobbing in an urgent yes yes yes when Toji rids you of your flimsy skirt and slowly slides down your drenched panties. All bunched up and leaving a glimmering coating of slick down your skin.
Stuffing it into his pants pocket, “This is a lil’ reward f’me.”
“Oh, well helloooo there, pretty girl.” He’s drawling, eyes flashing with such darkness at the heavenly mess of a banquet all laid out in front of him. “You’re so in heat- so fuckin’ in heat. See? Who needs fuckin’ inducers when ya have me.”
Toji’s pupils were swallowing up his verdant orbs. Needy. And he’s unashamed in taking a long deep inhale of your saturated pheromones. His favorite perfume now. “Lookin’ real happy ta see me. Happy s’your hah- first heat, hm?”
You’re squirming, fingers tangling into his silken tresses in an attempt to try and shove his face closer. “Are- are you talking to-”
“Hush now, doll.” Toji leaves a wet pap! of his fingers thwacking against the treacly slit of your pussy, watery with your flooding slick and greedy. “Lemme talk to ‘er- lemme talk this cute cunt through her first heat. M’honored, y’know?”
And honored just doesn’t begin to cover it.
Toji was devoted.
It’s like your wafting clouds of heady scent made his mind dizzy, until the only thing he could do was to let his slutty tongue loll out and sliiide at the splatters of translucent sap soiling your inner thighs.
“Oh- fuck-” You’re squirming your hips in a wild buck upwards, only to have him pin you down with the heavy-handed weight of his forearm. “-feels so- so…”
“Yeah? Good? Ya always get this wet or s’that jus’ f’me?”
Truly, you could only jumble out a few nonsensical syllables. Because Toji didn’t want to waste a single ounce of your precious juices, slurring out a few open-mouthed kisses across every inch of skin you’d exposed to him. And the moment that rosy peak of his tongue touches upon your teary pussy- oh.
He thinks he might just be the one about to cry.
Because you didn’t just smell like his favorite candied lollipops - you tasted like it, too. And, fuck, he can’t help but go in for seconds. Thirds.  
Guffawing out breathily with disbelief, he’s drawling his tongue to mush open the gummy folds of your pussy. Swirling out a lazy flick of his sopping muscle to stretch out the tight ring of your wide agape-
“Just look at ‘er all hngh- overflowing.” You watch with bated breath when Toji’s prying your quivering entrance with a bullying few inches of a singular thick index - only one, but Toji was so incredibly towering with his size and strength that you find yourself keening. Coral pink lips puckering up to give your hooded clit a squelching kiss. “Heh…like a damn waterpark, aren’t ya?”
Filthy words only making you filthier. Making your omega inside blink up and yearn.
Your gushing wads of juices bawling from between your legs in torrent. And you yelp at the lecherous sounds that echo out - the waterlogged squelches and slurring that only makes Toji grin. Wild and sly. “Mhm, real talkative.”
Arching your back into the perfect slutty curvature off of the prespired sheets, “Tojiii- s-stop teasing n’ give me- ngh- more.”
And just then you feel him fuck his softened digits into you slow and thorough. Curling up to swipe down the mushy soft spots of your walls - Toji was burning up. But you were burning up even more, and shit.
Shit. shit shit shit-
You don’t know if it’s because of your heat, or if it’s because Toji is just that good with that rude mouth of his - but you’re cumming faster than the thought could even flash across your melty mind. “Wait- m’close ngh- Toji- I’m gonna-”
It’s like a tidal wave of bliss peaked up further and further with every slashing motion of Toji’s gyrating make out with your cunt. You’re so very extra sensitive right now and he makes use of it - bumping up that rounded angle of his nose to press your fleshy clit just right. 
It’s so intoxicating. So heady that he finds himself pushing back those sweat-dampened bangs of his to lower down loooong breath. And then finally another passionate French kiss onto your bulging pussy. 
“Fuck- I-” Pearlescent droplets of tears welling up at the scrunched corners of your eyes. “M’so- sensitive–”
God, his wolfish canines were sharp nipping teasingly into the fat pucker of your pussy lips. Parting your slick-gleaming mound to squeeze his tongue into your tight hole, the stretch is incredible. It’s staggering. And Toji can only sully your insides with a gentle brush of his lengthy tongue along your gooey insides before pulling back with a huff. 
And then again- to let out a throat groan when your elastic walls push with resistance. And again. And again and again-
“Now m’offended.” Toji’s letting out a surly swat! where you’re trickling down viscous fluids of sickly sweet slick that coat his mountainous knuckles, his wrist, the raised trailways of his veins. “Wanted more but tha’s all ya can take- tch.” 
Oh, by the time your white-hot tingles of pleasure were bating you should’ve known better than to think that Toji Fushiguro was done manhandling you with his superhuman strength to every whim and want of his. 
That he would give you even a second of a warning before hovering over your frame and flipping you into such a pliable position over him.
His back hitting the puff of the pillows, strands of hair making a dark halo underneath him. Toji looks so fucking handsome that you can feel your pussymound slobber a few streaky puddles of slick onto his heaving abs. 
Hands positioned on either side of his leering head, you mewl. “Give me a warning first, you animal-”
“Hell yeah.” He’s snarking up at you, but there’s not a single speck of heat behind his words other than towards you. Towards what he wanted to do to you. Planting a heavy smack! on your ass, “Tha’s right you’ve got me in a rut after years like a fuckin’- animal. Heh, so jus’ lemme throw my pretty omega ‘round a lil’, I can feel how wet that gets ya.”
“N-noo- it doesn’t-” But that was a fucking lie and both of you knew it, knew it from the syrupy pool of sap laminating his heated skin. 
“See? She’s on my side. Doesn’t talk back.” The curvaceous pads of his fingers twiddle and tease your plumpened clit, so dirtily that it only makes your dripping cunt drool even further. Leaving a gauzy cobweb of treacly slick with every swat! swat! swat! he gifts. “Has anyone ever had her seated on a mouth, sugar? Made you feel good that way?”
Your head shakes before the thought has even contorted itself into an understandable shape. “No- no one has- ngh- before.”
It’s a confession, it’s a line plucked right from Toji’s filthiest thoughts on those late, late nights.
And he couldn’t look happier when molding you to the exact shape and angle that he wants you in. Turning you right around to bare your sodden pussy from the back, your unbalanced thighs curling on either side of his ravenous head. 
Not even a single command, yet your head is swimming with honey at just how much you were like putty underneath his hands. 
Your head cranes over the plane of your shoulder to give him a pretty plea. “Toji?”
“Mhmmm, Toji’s right here, pretty girl.” He’s awestruck - stunned with the gumdropping droplets of sap plopping down onto his tongue and sliding right down his throat. Making him groan, “Filthy fuckin’ pussy, can feel ya ngh- dripping allll down my tongue.”
And he’s drunk. He’s babbling, he’s heaving and heaving to inch his intoxicated maw to connect with your saturatedly glossy pussy lips. “Lower her down so I can give her lil’ smooch.”
Your hands nimble down along the tufted black happy trail brushing from between his navel and going down, down, down. “L-like this?”
“Nah, more. Can’t believe all those pathetic boys never had ya hah- sitting on their faces. Spread those pretty legs n’ lemme show you-” You can’t even begin to think about merely hovering your entire deadweight above him, because Toji was ready. And he was hauling you to rest every single mass of your flesh onto him, “-how a real man fucks.”
Thickly viscous helpings of your generous slick flood his mouth the second that Toji’s lengthy tongue is burrowing between your folds and driving you mad. 
Sliding all the way up and down up and down up and down with a welcoming flit at your buttoned clit and then pumping you overwhelmingly full. Fucking you with the overheated scratch of his tastebuds exactly the way that he wanted to with his achy cock right now.
“Can still taste m’self on ya- haaah- good.”
Toji wasn’t holding back.
“O-oh my god, m’so sensitive.” Your moans come out mangled. Wanton. Spilling from between your parted lips right along with rivulets upon rivulets of waterfalling saliva every single time that Toji’s bumping the curvaceous search of his tongue into your earliest sweet spots. “Slow down, Toji–”
Your fists maze through the velveteen blankets and clench, hips jerking up-
“Nuh uh, doll, no runnin’ away from your Toji.” Sliding up one slick-glazed hand to snake the small of your back, he’s using his face to nudge your legs even further. Drowning your sobbing cunt with a fat wad of spittle, Toji’s licking down the stray speckles that gravitate back onto his own mouth. So dirty that it makes him delirious, nose crinkling, bottom lip bitten. “Yeahhh, crack ‘em open even wider. She’s eager.”
Eager you were.
Jostling your hips against his mouth until through your clouded mind you were wondering whether he would suffocate. But little did you know that this might just be Toji’s ideal death - buried right there between your pretty legs. 
You’re being bounced so hard that you can feel your legs aching with the strain, hollowing out shuddered breaths and whines of Toji, Toji—
“Say my name.” He’s huffing, easing in a thick few inches of his fat digits that fill up the snug geysering orifices. Each n’ every single volume of space that’s inside you, and those puckered pecks leave screeching squelches that have you halfway through sobbing. “Say my name- say my name heh, g-gonna have a looot of ngh- noise complaints after this.”
Even though he’s saying this, he doesn’t do anything to deter you. Why the hell would he?
Pumping you full of one finger, two, three until your gummy ring of muscle was being molded to the plump circumference of his lengths. Multi-tasking. 
All the way until he was slathering the patterned bumps of his knuckles with a sticky second skin of slick, Toji curls those rounded tips down the tenderized walls of your channel and drags. Feeling for that one special target of his-
“G’na make ya feel s-so good.” He’s whispering, breathing like it was the truest of true words. And shit- he hasn’t felt like this for ages now - years. Secondary gender growling from his inner depths with guttural need to give you more more more. “Gonna find- ah- found it.”
And Toji knows he found it with the way you squeal. Wafting scent intensifying, lashes fluttering with a clinging swash of tears once he jerks a good push into that bulging bullseye that makes you see stars.
“Right there- Toji– right there-”
“S’fucking loud.” He’s rolling his eyes for what seems like the nth time today, but it was impossible not to when you were just so cute being teased like this. Bubbling out a few sloshes of slick and spit when your fingers dip right underneath his trousers and push. “O-oh? Trynna keep yer mouth full, huh? Let’s see ya try then.”
Your low lip juts out into a pathetic sort of pout that Toji finds adorable, that only makes his clothed cock pool out a darkening patch of precum onto his boxers. 
“Wan’ taste you- make you feel good.” Your words are warbly and broken, tone hitching upwards with every tiny slip of his sticky underwear downwards. It’s like you were teasing him - teasing yourself. And your inner omega was oh-so-very impatient. “Wanna make you feel…oh.”
“Heh, cat really got yer tongue now, huh?”
And you couldn’t even retort, you couldn’t even snap back as you usually might have because you were stunned. 
Maw falling slack at the generous girth that was throbbing fatly between your fingers, honestly from this lecherous angle it seemed like a struggle to even close your fist around him. Because Toji was…big - and even saying that was an understatement. 
Just about nine throbbing inches with hefty breeder balls that your bleary gaze could make out, flushed a candied pink on the rounded curve of his mushroom tip. Graduating down, down, down into a pale baby rose - you didn’t know whether it was the heat talking but right now he just looked like your favorite sort of lolly.
“L-look so pretty, Toji.” You babble away, words getting breathier and breathier as sloppy as his kisses get. Your puckered lips are almost stinging with just how thorough he was. “Wanna taste…”
Oh, and you didn’t realize that one perk of having your secondary gender presented was realizing the shift in his pheromones. 
You didn’t know how you knew but there was a tinge of utter adoration in Toji’s jasmine-infused scent as you plop down a wet mass of slippery saliva right onto his strawberry divot. Lathering the split, plummy globe before planting your mouth down and kissing.
Your mushy tastebuds looping little motions over the creamy butter-topped cap of his splurging cock, he tastes so heady. Rich pre melting on your tongue and it was so musky, so…him. 
“Oh, girl-” he’s breathing out through a rasping sigh. Darkened brows marrying together at just how warm your mouth was sheathing around his painfully hard shaft, “That’s it- thaaaat’s it. Suck on my cock like a good girl, mama—”
“Ngh-” Your jaw aches, throat jumping at the squeezing sensation of his lustrously crowned tip tunneling right down. Craning your head so that he could count every bounce, “S-sho bwigh.”
You were so heavenly, alternating to leave shy little snogs over and under his sensitive slit - and Toji was one competitive man. It was in his nature, of course. 
Tumbling your hips to rest even greater onto his mouth, he didn’t need to breathe. Didn’t even want to even dream of it when he had the circles of his fingerpads latched on your jiggling ass so hard it was sure to leave battered bruises for the next week and weeks and weeks.
“Damn, she’s good, huh?” Toji’s whispering at the sopping wet purse of your lips, “But I can’t have myself  c-cum before- fuuuck- my girl.” 
Your eyes were sprinting all the way to the back of your heavy lids with ever swaying lash of his mean mouth. And it didn’t matter just how vulgarly you were sliding your starved tongue down the heated ridges and veins of his swollen cock - Toji was doing ten times worse. 
Every deepening inch you swallowed up into your cavernous mouth only made him plug you fuller. Every stray swipe of the thick, ivory beads of his pre made Toji douse out lumping masses of saliva lewdly. And every twitch that made you sure Toji was right on course to tumbling over the edge was urging him to push you headfirst into your orgasm with a final teasing pinch at your clit. 
And your mouth opens with an accusing gasp - did he just…pinch your clit? But all thoughts of his audacity and the fact that Toji was chuckling out right after washed away as soon as your high was flooding you.
Moans being muffled around his generously fat shaft, the only thing that you get is just a single wispy wire of condensed cum being lacquered onto your tongue. Just one. Right before Toji’s free hand splays out onto your scalp and pulls you free with a wet pwah!
“Tha’s it-” You hear him mutter in the blinding cloud of your orgasm, it felt so blissful that some darkly primal part of you said that you were never letting him go after this. He was yours. Your mate. “-louder. Louder– good fuckin’ girl cummin’ all over my mouth.”
Toji didn’t know how the hell was multitasking with your pussy kindly spraying him with a sheeny covering of all your remnant juices. But for you? Anything.
Anything anything anything and he was whispering the very same mantra into the quavering, slick-flooded entrance of yours. Letting your hips drag sloppy grinds to ride out every edge of your peak - to use him in a way that no other alpha might just.
Toji’s strokes up into your tightly-clasped fist were deep, and he doesn’t stop even when your eyesight stops tinging with black. Not even when your back arches with oversensitivity, waterfalls of tears producing from your ducts. Sobbing, “I-I’m- ngh- Toooji- I can’t anymore-”
“Sure, ya can–” Looking you right into your thoroughly half-lidded eyes as he nods along with the slurring symphony that he was orchestrating from between your overworked legs. “-she says ya- ngh- can.”
Toji wanted to taste you again. Needed it.
“But-” And, yet, he finds his ear perking up at the wobbly sound of your voice, blushing bludgeoning tip creaming out another thick mess of white. “-but I wan’ my next- ah- next orgasm around your cock, Toji–” 
And, well, how could he say no to that?
Toji thinks he could never say no to anything you ask ever again with the way you were positioned precariously on top of him and still begging. 
He’s saying goodbye to your pretty pussy with a slow peck as a lover would. Breathing in heavily - oh, how he loved the smell of you. “M’gonna see ya later, m’kay? Don’t miss me too much.” 
And another gifted spank! to your tenderized ass makes you jerk a few inches off of his sugary mouth. Sweet, sweet praises being pecked up the bending arch of your spine when he sits you down all cutely on his lap.
You’re heaving out a huff, scent glands throbbing with a spike of something slightly salty. Jealousy. “M’startin’ ta think you’re playing ngh- favorites.”
“Well, duh.” He’s fluttering his long, bestowed lashes with an eyeroll, barely even flinching before cupping your slobbering pussy with one large palm. Teasing, “I’ve got yeeears ta make up for.”
Years of desperation and need pouring and pouring out when Toji folds you easily onto all fours.
And that’s when you’re getting a thorough striking of exactly three times that Toji’s sappy crownhead jolts upwards with a few gummy kisses hello up and down the crying middle of your pussy lips. Smooching. Gently. Before he’s snuggling right beside your hole-
With you bent over and arched right how he wanted you - oh, he was so enjoying the view. Saturated bursts of cloudy pheromones hitting your feverish body and only making the fountains of translucent slick increase tenfold. 
Shit, you were so wet that Toji has to force himself to let one greedy hand go from its favorite job trapping you underneath him. 
Guiding a few dexterous digits to wrap around the bulkily bloated cylinder of his base, he takes his time slipping and sliding.
“Might wanna hold yer breath, mama, h-heh…” You’re squirming your hips deeper into those pronounced hip bones of his despite the fact that simply breathing won’t help you take on his monstrous size. But you wanted to. You needed to. “Gotta c-count- ngh- eeeevery inch like a good girl now, m’kay?”
And that’s exactly what he made you do. 
“Oh!” Saltily flavored globules of your tears had your lips wetted, blubbering unconsciously when Toji anchors the hills of his palm onto the ends of your spine and pushes. “Shit- Toooji, why the hell are you s-so big-”
“Now that doesn’t sound like a ngh- ‘one’ ta me…”  But of course, who was Toji if it wasn’t for a little bit of teasing. Just enough to get your lips pouting cutely and your gluey walls clinging around him as if afraid he would pull away. Adorable. “Now now, c’mon- don’t tell me the biiig stretch has made ya forget how to ah- count, mama.”
So easy to rile up, to get you shaking your head so fervently that you swear you could feel your melty mind tumbling about like a bobble head. “N-no. I can count.”
“Then, say it w’me-” And oh, you knew that tone. That feral tone of his that would never ever bode well for you or your needily dripping pussy. Toji’s inching his hips back mere sinful inches, drawling out all the while. “-oooone.”
He doesn’t even ease you in.
Hitting your spraying cunt with the full force of his mushroom-topped head pushing past the adhesive-like resistance of your flooding entrance. Pushing and pushing and pushing- “One.”
Toji’s hands are clammy - depraved - when they pry your bouncing ass ever-so-slightly to really take in the sight of your gobbling pussy. Because he had no shame. He had no fucking shyness letting out a proud puff of pheromones that make your boneless knees weak.
“There there.” He’s patting that curve of your hip he loved so much - birthing hips, the thought strikes him. Shocked at just how much deeper that drowns him into his heady rut. “My good omega. Now…two.”
“T-two-” You’re sobbing out.
“Hmmm, nah- no stutterin’.”
And, honestly, Toji half-expected your omega in heat to snarl at him a little, to let your hugging channel scoop up a hefty few dollops of milky pre right before he’s reeling the familiar pathway forwards again.
But, oh shit, he didn’t expect for you to bare your teeth like a fucking threat. For one hand of yours to dart behind with surprising accuracy and curl around his shaggy haircut, dragging Toji to pump you full. And it wasn’t just one inch. Not two. Not even three - you were damn near yearningly jackhammered with about halfway down his fuming red shaft before he finally got his cottony brain together. “Two.” 
“Damn, greedy girl–” Toji praises, though it comes out as more of a rasping growl that sends voltaged shivers down your spine. “Comin’ back for more, already? Knew my dick was hah- heat- alright then-” And the bed rings out with a few symphonied creaks when he shuffles his muscular thighs wider. Steadier. “-but ya better still fuckin’ count.”
Four. five. Six.
More and more - seven and eight. 
Up until Toji’s puffy head smudges a wet wipe at the canvas of your cervix. You were so soft there that he obviously has to greet the melty depths of your pussy with a good spurting of ribbony pre, swabbing around those drenched springs with a lazy circle of his hips.
“Eight.” Your jaw spills a surging slew of profanities at the feeling of him spearheading you so open, face pushing into the soft mattress when you perk your hips up and push. Only to gasp at there being- more? “Wait- I want-”
“Down, girl.” Toji’s sweat-shimmered biceps flex when he shoves your too-eager body back. “Gotta get you to at least cum on m’cock again before I give ya my- fuuuuck- knot.” 
And Toji fucks you like he’d going to make you remember.
He knows he’s going to make you remember - it’s why he has that big, dopey smirk smearing wider and wider across his face with every fat thud! into the rubbery bounds of your pussy. You’re taking him like you’re made for it, and that only makes his heart stutter even louder than your protesting wooden bedframe.
“Doll, m’gonna ahh- break this damn bed.” He’s uttering out, never ever sounding prouder of himself than right now. “And you.”
“Whatever, girl- talk t’me when ya haven’t gotten- hah-” Managing out through blissful hiccups of his breath, “-heart-eyes after bein’ hngh- fucked dumb by me, ‘kay?”
You’re not sure if you’ve heard that correctly - but luckily for you, Toji Fushiguro is allll about keeping his girl in the loop.
All about prancing his rough hands to entrap your wrists and pull you with barely even a wisp of his true strength. Beaded dewdrops of sweat perspiring up and down the heavily toned muscles of his back like their very own personal rollercoaster.
With you right along for the ride with the way that his rightly angled rotund tip romantically scours and scours for your magical g-spot. Jerking you up in midair to snap his slender hips with a particularly vicious pap!
The sensation of skin-on-skin makes your head dizzy, and your core overpour with another sudden downpour of treacling juices. But what was even blasphemously worse was the way that precious geyser embedded into the treasure trove of your walls were pummelled. 
Over and over.
“There- right there–” you’re sounding out as if you were a broken record. Every resonating moan of yours accompanied hand-in-hand with the loudest splish-splosh of sputtering juices. Secondary gender working overtime now to make Toji cum. To make him give you his knot- “-wan’ you to c-cum right there.”
“Where?” Toji’s deepening his angle to bump a heavy-handed slam pounded into your cervix. “Here?” At your vehement shakes - honestly, he wondered if you even knew he was taunting you at this point. “Then…” Only to give your peaked clit a mushy squeeze, “-here?”
You’re almost crying at this point, bursts of heat fluctuating between your goopy depths and your swollen scent glands. Full and ready. And it’s a sight so pretty that Toji can feel his stomach twisting already. “N-noooo.”
He almost loses it once your shakier, smaller hands take the lead to guide one of his own all across your thighs where he loved. Your cunt, where he loved just a bit more. And to about halfway along your pretty tummy to press- “Wan’ you to f-fill me up riiight here.”
And Toji only growls, “Riiight there, huh?”
Pinpointing his puffed-up divot to smudgeon repeated heavy collisions into the latched wall of your womb. Once. Twice. Before thrashing your permeated walls with hosing flushes of his cum. Of such thick ribbony wads - and it’s so fucking dense that you feel your hips weigh down.
Or perhaps that was because of your own orgasm the- third of the night?
Just about all you can manage out, syllables falling from your lips slower than you’re being hammered through the faintish spurts of your high. “C-umming–”
Before you know it, you have one of his muscular forearms around your throat in headlock, bulging Toji’s rounded biceps hard and possessively at the bumpy area of your glands.
“Cummin’ again?” Toji snarls against your ear, nails clawing at your hip to keep them under his control. “Yeah- yeahhh tha’s right. Milk your dear Toji, t-take this fucking cock. Take my…”
And Toji was about to overstuff your awaiting hole with the fat circular ring that’d swollen around his base, to finally give you his knot the way he’d been dreaming of ever since you waved at him on the day he moved into this fucking building. 
But just one sneaking glance at the ivory lipstain your puffy pussy was wearing, the way the ends of your sopping slit drown with a swamping drip drip drip of his lustrous cum makes Toji go a little…crazy. 
Makes the bulgingly tender crook of your neck look so, so tempting. 
His glassed-over eyes lock downwards, breath hitching at the way he slowly sinks back out and in has your pussymound mewling out such a cute glomp! His second-favorite girl - after you, of course - was speaking back to him. Lathers of splashing cum painting his bulky heft with a ring of frosted seed. 
Toji would never get tired of this. How the fuck hadn’t he had a rut in years again?
And he says only one word, “More.”
“M-more?” Your fingers experimentally nudge at the tautly coiled pressure at your stomach and find yourself slobbering - from both drizzling lips. Even with the dredges of pouring cum, you were still so full you felt that you could burst. “Can it even fit?”
Right now he thinks the hazy fog covering his brain would never stop - and he doesn’t want it to. Waves of pheromones wafting off of him in such high concentrations that you find your mouth flooding with saliva all over again.
Cobwebs of it overspilling down onto the veined muscles of his forearm - only increasing in saturation when he tilts your head up in the perfect 90 degree curvature to face his boring gaze. And his mean mouth.
Spitting right onto the tainted bullseye of your tongue, streamy rivers flowing back into your mouth when he firmly nudges it shut. “If yer droolin’ n’ can still t-take ngh– that,” Branding the thorough push of his circled circumference into your cervix like he was branding the swollen indentation there permanently. “-then ya can take allll of haaah- this, okay, mama?”
Shit, was Toji glad that both your concoctions of pheromones kept him still hard. And he’d heard of ruts that lasted a week - two, uncommonly. The longest ever recorded was twenty days and by god was he going to gain the title of world champion.
Even if it meant he had to lift you cleanly off of the now-broken bed, the exact same one that you were only now noticing. Just barely so. 
You’re gasping, fingers digging into Toji’s smooth skin when two arms wrap around your middle and jostle you over a few coiling bedsprings that’d started to stick out from one sagging end of the mattress. Being pushed to bend over in such a complaint position at the end of your cool mahogany desk. 
You’re dipped deep, but his battering rams were impossibly deeper.
And the zig-zagging probe of his veins were massaging you just right, thrusts determined and practiced now that Toji had every scouring inch of your pretty pussy drilled into his mind.
“Th-three’s the ah-” Toji’s chest rumbles with a sensitized shiver once he hikes up a strong leg, caging you with him and his ruthless cock and him. Letting you gape at the documents rustling and flying about, “-charm. Or was it four? Ngh- f-five? Six?”
Just how long did he intend to mess up your insides? 
Though, you really, really aren’t complaining at the way that every merciless dab of Toji’s sharp hips into your fleshy mounds fuck you stupid. Entire body burning up - all the way from his lolling, sweat-stucken head in the crook of your neck, to the splurging torrents of streamy sap coating you.
And then there was that stinging plap! of his tightened knot behind you-
“C-can I have your knot now, Toji—?” 
Shit, his hips stutter their sloppy staccato, did you even know what you were asking for?
You never knew that heats came with such a side of begging, but right now you couldn’t really bring yourself to care. Or to complain. Because Toji liked it, earning your pillowy walls with extra thorough hits. 
“Impatient girl.” He’s raising a hand to give two messy spanks on your bulging pussymound, deep snickers hitting your ear in condensed pants at the way it only makes you filthier. “Real diiiirty, too. mmm, wonder if she’d ngh- m-make an even bigger ngh- mess if I…”
And at this point, you were hanging onto every word falling from his kiss-bitten lips. A side-effect of just how good he was fucking you into the digging edges of your clattering desk right now. “What- ngh- what? P-please-”
“Ohhh, know yer m-manners, huh?” Full body wracking at the oodles of slicked sheens frothing down the plump curve of his globed balls and making them clench. Dangerously so. “S-since ya asked so fuckin’ nicely, I’ll let you ngh- know, sugar.” 
Nothing could have prepared you for the way that Toji moistens his parched mouth with a few sultry licks of his lips as if preparing to share his deepest, darkest secret.
Nothing could have prepared you for the notched up burst of his jasmine perfume that makes your legs resemble weak jelly, and Toji’s support yours until they were hovering almost midair. 
Because he was craning his head down to nip at your scent glands, with a sudden snicker. Crazed. A few octaves higher. Like he doesn’t even realize it’s tumbling out before sighing, “-wonder if she’d make an even bigger mess once I get ya…pregnant, mama.”
And oh you think you’re cumming - hot spurts of bliss tackling you by surprise. Fuck, and if you thought that the last orgasm had taken a lot out of your Toji then you’re sluttily glad to find out that that was not the case.
The complete opposite, in fact.
You’re sure that Toji cums even more this time, sunken divot into the elastic material of your walls welling up with the creamy helpings of his bloated cock. So much seed spilling out of him that you wondered whether this was the rut or just him.
Just his urge to fuck you full until you were pathetically overspiling, until had had you in a hold so tight that you think you could almost feel Toji’s delicious crownhead fuck his cum into you until it reached your lungs. 
For what feels like rounds upon rounds until your saliva had amassed in a forevermore pool underneath you. You didn’t know what time it was. How long it had been- 
Only feeling the firm glissade of Toji’s washboard abs against your back. The way his thighs shivered and jerked at every one of your gripping clenches. And despite being so fucked, you were already drooling at the heavenly cushy push and pull of his Adonis-like pecs heaving in throaty gasps. 
So unfairly sexy that it made your primal instincts preen. Mate.
And, apparently, Toji was thinking much the same. 
“F-fuuuck-” He’s letting his mouth nuzzle the side of your throat with all the tenderness that he wasn’t bestowing upon your sappy cunt. “Think about i-it- you all ngh- round and glowing n’- rooound–“ Rambling and rambling at the wet splashes inside you of his stuffing, “You’d make the prettiest momma.”
As if to prove his point, a gentle hand greets the inflationary outline that was slowly forming its way at your tummy. Made by yours truly - Toji. 
“I…” And he looks at you like you’ve hung the stars. And his sanity right along with it somewhere up there. “-want that. Oh, I- hngh! want that-”
Words barely out of your mouth before Toji’s hand slams down - he had to keep himself together. He needed to. But that grating desk clearly wasn’t the place, because you flinch when one straining leg snaps!
And Toji’s alpha instincts are flaring up in an instant, wrestling you to the ground right - pulling out for only a nanosecond to flip you onto your prespired back, pretty legs strewn sloppily over his shoulder, even prettier face gazing up at him - beside the wreckage. One that you’d only find it in yourself to worry about much, much later. 
Definitely not when he’s patting the curve of your pussy with a softened thwack! Murmuring, “Then..g-gonna hafta- hngh- take it.”
And if you didn’t know any better, then you’d have sworn that the smug Toji Fushiguro’s voice cracked as soon as he was settling for drawing a languid heart pattern around the velvety perimeter of your entrance. Before thumbing his way inside-
“Hck!” Your lip wobbles with oversensitivity, nails clawing red, red lines of raw need across the faintly bubblegum pink flush of his body. “S-Soooo much–”
And, yet, you couldn’t get enough. 
You watch with a bitten lip with a fat goblet of sweat drips from Toji’s angular jaw and slithers between his pecs to disappear down below. More - you wanted to fucking ruin him.
The desperation of your heat plummeting in heady wavelengths all around you and making the room smell like a candy heaven.
One that you were very much lost in with the unforgiving stretch of Toji pawing his way to working your sprinkling cunt doubly open. Fingers pumping in quick, methodical half-fucks in the same way that his persistant hips were doing.
Every single recoil against your fleshy cervix causes you both to keen at the wet slosh of his mounds of seed piling up inside you from all the endless rounds before. 
Again. And again. And again and again until it feels like countless hours upon hours. 
“Ohhhh- w-ait-” Toji stammers out, attractively sharp jaw falling and wrenching shut a few repeated times. And then his hips slow down. “Think s’gonna- ngh- ohhhh yeah, gotta take this kn-knot okay? Like my goood girl, okay?”
You’re filled with countless inches of a staggering girth that you didn’t even know was possible. Because while alphas were big…Toji was extra big. 
Extra rounded in his sizable knot, rested upon thickly globular balls that still held such voluminous amounts of cum. Pounding open your eager cunt further and- further-
“I-is it in?” You’re shrilling out, syllables slurring and stumbling together with the incredible stretch being made evident from down below. Fuck, your nails create more painted patterns. You didn’t even want to look - you couldn’t afford to cum again just from the sight. 
“J-just ngh- one more inch. Scratch me, ruin me- anythin’. But m’gonna make it f-fit.”
And Toji only hooks in another one of his thumbs, this time swiping the fat pad of a few stray fingers down your buxom clit. “Count w’me, doll-” For his sanity more than anything. Neck straining with a few popping vessels of blood that swell, face reddening with such a maidenly fucking blush as he looks downwards. “-ooone more-”
“-inch.” You finish off, not expecting that exact moment to be when Toji snaps. His patience. You, full of that achingly hot knot that’d been just begging for you to take him the very moment you waltzed up to him with that sweetened saccharine scent. 
His favorite now.
Gulping in cavernous quotas of it the moment Toji’s inflated knot pops and he sinks his sharpened canines into your scent glands with a whimper-
Hard enough to taste your honey-glazed pheromones, to draw blood. To be permanent - just as he’d needed it. 
Hard enough to make him cum all over again at the feeling of your own teeth making their pretty mark on him. Shit, he didn’t even know if it was fucking possible for his overworked cock anymore. But he sure wasn’t fucking complaining at the delicate splat splat splat of milky cum hitting the back of your pussy. 
Already filled to the brim and spilling with every loving grind that Toji was boring down upon you. The only thing that he could manage when you two were connected so…tightly this way.
“Cute.” Toji manages to run his fingers over the proprietorial set of indentations set in his flesh, eyes still laminated dewily with an euphoric sort of stunned awe. “F-fated mates really have some good ngh- bed chem, huh?”
Fated mates. You could only smile and scent that overwhelmingly addictive jasmine scent of his. Taking in a long, deep breath as he held you. Tight. 
Yeah, jasmine. 
But jasmine was Toji Fushiguro’s.
And you’d be damned if Toji Fushiguro ever let you off that easily.
The smile you’re given is feral, predatory teeth glimmering in the dim lighting and making the neat circle of marks at your neck throb. And something about that told you this was far, far from over. 
You could only hope that your floor didn’t suffer the same fate as your bed, and your desk…and your fluttering cunt.  
After all, you both did have years to make up for. 
“Now the only haaah- way to really test our bed chem is to see whether we can make Megs a big brother.”
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A/N. Thinking about making an omegaverse installment for every JJK man- what do you think babygirls?
Plagiarism not authorized. 
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corkinavoid · 3 months ago
DPxDC Ring of Rage? More Like Ring of Engage
The thing is, Tim didn't mean to put it on. He was just kind of playing with it to keep his hands busy while he was thinking about the recent murder case. GCPD had their hands full with the serial robbers that didn't rank high enough to catch Batman's attention, and Tim never had a problem with helping the police if he had time.
And the ring was a perfect fidget toy, if he is being honest. Small and plain enough not to distract him, but the round stone in the middle was loosely attached, making it able to spin inside the frame. Which is what he did, again and again, like those fidget spinners.
Of course, he was just destined to drop it sooner or later. And then, when he reached under the table to pick it up, his finger caught inside the ring, and, well.
The ring was now firmly on his finger.
The problem was that he couldn't take it off.
It wasn't stuck, at least not in the general sense of it - Tim could easily spin it around, and it wasn't tight. But it wasn't loose either, and as soon as he tried to move it past the knuckle, the ring heavily disagreed, almost like shrinking down and absolutely refusing to be detached.
Barbara suggested soap, which didn't work. Dick tried for a more mechanical approach, first with pliers and then with a laser, which the ring resisted with no effort. Cass, who was actually the one who brought the damned thing into the Cave after one of her adventures in Hong Kong, just smiled and shrugged, which was of no help either. Damian offered to cut the finger off, which probably would have helped, but Tim rather liked all his limbs attached.
Bruce called Constantine. The magician took one look at the ring, barked a humorless laugh, and pat Tim on the shoulder sympathetically.
"Congrats, mate," he said, a wry smile on his lips, "I hope you file for divorce."
Although, while all the rest of the Bats and Birds devolved into fits of hysterical laughter (Steph), indignant sputtering (Damian), and cries of outrage (everyone else sans Alfred, who was pointedly unimpressed), Tim couldn't even bring himself to be surprised. Really, his life had been a shitshow since he was around ten. It's not like he didn't expect himself to be accidentally married to some otherworldly magical creature by this point.
The worst part - worse than the actual engagement, that is - was that Constantine couldn't exactly tell them who the spouse was.
What he did say was that the Ring belonged to the King of Infinite Realms, Keeper of Unseen Worlds, and Eyes of Universe. But those were only titles, and, as John Constantine begrudgingly admitted, there has been a change in the management recently, so no one really knew what the new almighty monarch looked like or what they were, much less their whereabouts.
"You can't blame me for not being keen to find out, though," John said, wincing, "The last one was a bloody tyrant, and the Realms operate under the right of conquest rule."
At least, the mage assured them that since the being had not yet come to collect their shiny new spouse, they might never show up at all. The Ring has been lost for ages after all, so maybe the King didn't even remember having one. Or, the previous King didn't, and the new one didn't know about or didn't care.
The first week after the incident, they spent anxiously researching and worrying. Bruce even went as far as making Tim wear a tracker at all times, which was not great, but he did appreciate the gesture. Kind of.
After the first month with no sign of any changes, the worry started to abate. In half a year, most of the family stopped trying to keep an eye on Tim at all times lest he suddenly disappeared. Two years later, even Tim himself treated the Ring as a natural part of his daily life. The stone inside was still a great fidget toy, engagement or not.
Three years, one month, and five days after Tim first put the Ring on his finger, when the world was falling apart and breaking in front of him and there was not a single thing he could do to stop it anymore, Tim pressed his lips to the cold, dark strip of unknown metal on his finger.
"Whoever you are, I don't even care, please," he whispered in a useless prayer, his voice hoarse and his throat dry, "please, help."
And the world came to a stop with a short, amused chuckle.
"Oh, I thought you'd never ask."
[part 2 ->]
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whateveriwant · 1 year ago
Task force 141 reacting to their very pregnant wife still trying to clean, cook etc
This turned more into ‘Task force 141 preventing their very pregnant wife from trying to clean, cook, etc’ lmaooooo I hope that's alright
HA! Good one!
No seriously, it's actually hilarious that you think you'd do anything for yourself when your hubby's around
That man has been waiting on you hand and foot since you first got together. So now that you're pregnant and you think he'd let you so much as lift a finger? You must have a serious case of pregnancy brain, sweetheart
Price is doing all the cooking, the cleaning, the running errands, etc. throughout the entirety of your pregnancy (and at least the first several months postpartum)
He's kept you practically bed bound these last few months to the point where you think there's a perfect indent of your body molded into the mattress
Seven months in, he's suddenly called away to a quick mission halfway across the globe, and you think finally you'll get some of your autonomy back...
Well, think again because who should show up at your door the next morning than your mother-in-law herself, ready to pick up where her son left off
She came at the behest of your husband, of course, and was armed with a detailed set of care instructions
What does your husband think you are? Some sort of one-of-a-kind, priceless artifact that needs special handling? (Actually that's exactly what you are. Price-less… I'll see myself out 🚶🏻‍♀️)
When it comes to having some semblance of independence during your pregnancy, Ghost will give you a bit of a longer leash than Price, but only just so
You’re going for a walk around the neighborhood? Hold on, let him grab his coat to join you. Or you're going into the backyard to tend the garden? He'll pull the weeds while you water the plants
But when it comes to letting you do certain things, there are some hard nos that he will absolutely not budge on
You try to use a stepladder to reach the top of the cupboard? Stop! You'll break your neck! You try to pick up anything heavier than 10 pounds? Stop! Give it here! You try to drive?... Don't even fuckin' think about it, precious.
The farther along your pregnancy progresses, the better he gets at predicting (and intercepting) your next move
You were gonna do laundry today? Well, wouldn't you know, he's already got a load going in the washer. You were about to make dinner? Well shucks, he just ordered takeaway from that Greek place you love
His ability to read your mind is honestly impressive once you get past how damn annoying you find it. Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you're incapable of fending for yourself, and you're tired of him acting as if otherwise
But really, you can never get mad at anything he does for you. After all, what kind of a husband would he be if he didn't take care of his missus and your little one?
If you take Ghost’s cautiousness, mix it with Price’s thoroughness, and crank it up to an 11, you get Soap
From the moment he found out you were pregnant, he put your house into full lockdown mode, stopping just short of booby trapping the front door in case you got any funny ideas
You want some fresh air? Just open a window. You want to go for a walk and stretch your legs? Just take a few turns about the living room like you're some Austenian heroine
Don't let him catch you doing any kind of physical labor, because so help him Jesus he will grab a spray bottle and use it like you're a feral alleycat he's trying to house-train (he wouldn't really... but don't test him)
You try to unload the dishwasher? Ehrr! Wrong move. You try to remake the bed? Ehrr! Nice try. You try to mop up your own mess. Ehrr! Enough already. You try to– OCH, WOULD YE BLOODY SIT DOWN, WOMAN?!
For nine long months during his requested leave from work, your husband is attached to you like some kind of loving, smothering barnacle
But doesn't he miss his job, or the lads for that matter? What if the world needs saving? What will they do without him?
Well, (in his exact words) fuck the rest of the world! You're his world, bonnie, and he'll give you everything you could ever wish for and then some
By far, you have the most independence with Gaz than you would with any of the other three men… at least, at the beginning of your pregnancy, that is
Once you get to around five or six months he becomes just as helicopter-y as all the others; he's just ever so slightly more bearable, perhaps
There's lots of peeking his head around the corner to check on you throughout the day or appearing seemingly out of thin air whenever you're doing something he'd rather you wouldn't
You've lost count of the number of times you've been in the middle of cooking or hanging up the laundry or whatever and his hand has suddenly appeared out of nowhere, gently taking the object from you before directing you to sit and rest
And like, look. He knows you can handle yourself. He knows you could conquer the whole world if you wanted to. That's one of the things he loves about you the most
But seeing you like this – so fragile, so vulnerable, so beautiful and soft and pregnant with his child; his child – it just… It makes him…
He just needs to do these things for you, alright, love? Just let him take care of you, please? Would you let him do that?
You already have so much you have to carry. Let him ease some of the burden off your shoulders. Let him do these small things for you because they don't even compare to all that you're doing for him 🥲
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