#i hope I didn't miss anything
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kunikiiida-kuuun · 3 months ago
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Floorplan of the Armed Detective Agency Office, From Guidebook Vol. 1 - English Translation
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dengswei · 4 months ago
I LOVE this set and i was wondering if you could pls explain how you did the text, including how you added texture to the ripped text and the highlighting/circling/etc of words? thank you for posting your beautiful gifs 😊
thank you!! 🥺 & of course! (photopea tutorial)
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the majority of the texture for the ripped paper effect i can't really take credit for it's on the paper it's self all i did was make the paper white (because the texture was yellow) and used curves to darken the texture), i got the texture from one of photopea's templates but it seems their whole template section has changed drastically and no longer has like anything i used to see before ???? so i'll just share both versions here:
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(original & my edited version)
for the ripped parts i just played around with this brush set in the plugins
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once i decided which of the paper brushes to use i had a new layer and used it where i wanted, so top left in the gif above, i clip masked the paper texture (and the adjustment layers as well) onto it so you get that ripped effect (if you don't like or want to add to that you can always use the brush tool again (or the erasure tool) set as the paper brush to add or remove sections i did this a lot when i realised certain words i wanted to show weren't on there (also changing the size of the paper brush when wanting to add a little bit or take a little bit away was a massive help)
i also always add a drop shadow to my paper textures, the settings i used is mostly the same EXCEPT for the angle for all of the ripped paper (it's also my text drop shadow settings) because depending on how the ripped paper looks you might have to change the angle
also i know in the screenshot below it's on but make sure the use global angle is off if you're going to have multiple different angles of drop shadow in your one gif (so if you want your paper texture on 125° but anything else on 60° the global angle needs to be off but if you want them the same then you can keep that on, which is why it's on for me because the angle is the same for both the text & the ripped paper) (and by text this isn't the text on the ripped paper, there isn't any drop shadow on the text itself there, just to clarify this was for my "ripped paper text tutorial by dengswei" text)
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as you can see i also clipped my "handwriting" text to the paper layer this is so it stayed on the paper rather then going onto the gif itself (and it saved the fiddly part of masking it away & it felt more authentic this way too)
i found for me it was easier to seperate the text line by line so i knew exactly which part of the text was on which and if i wanted to change anything either it being a typo, changing the paper texture, or wanting a different word on a different line it was easier that way because it didn't end up messing up all of the text (though you don't have to do it that way, it's just what worked for me here)
font i used was: vag-handwritten (a default photopea font)
all of the next part needs to be above the text on your ripped paper:
for the highlighting, circles, and the lines it's pretty much all the same, i chose the colour which matched the gif (so say purple), for the highlight used the rectangle select & colour fill tools and set that to multiply & then played around with opacity (for most of my highlighting it's set to 50%), for the circles it was the same except the circle shape tool (no fill just stroke) set to purple, set to multiply, with 100% opacity (i found the circles looked better with 100% on some gifs depending on what colour i used), & then duplicated it once or twice and then just moved each circle to where i thought it looked best & the double lines is also the same using the line tool, set to multiply, & playing around with the opacity, & positioning them where i like
for the squiggly lines, the hearts, the 3 small doodle lines at either side of a word, & any other doodles i had on there i doodled them myself with my drawing tablet (you probably don't have to use a drawing tablet i just found it easier that way) using the free pen tool and then did the same thing set it to multiply and played with the opacity
if the colour you choose looks too dark or too light with it set to multiply either try a lighter/darker colour, try out something else like lighten, or screen, or increase/decrease the opacity more (i found i had this issue with the yellow being hard to see on the white paper so i used a darker yellow and kept everything at 100% opacity rather than 50%)
hope that helps! and please if anything is confusing or you want to ask any more don't hesitate to ask i know i ramble on a bit and it can sometimes get a bit confusing 🤣 or if there was anything i missed feel free to ask again 🥰
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suspensefulpen · 4 months ago
Anything Else?
TW: Noncon Drugging, Chain Restraints, Sadistic Whumper
Whumper smiled to himself as Whumpee struggled to focus their gaze. Their eyes refused to stay opened and on Whumper.
Not only were they tired from the past couple of hours of straight taunting, they were tired from whatever Whumper had injected them with. After getting the idea from a friend, he decided to try it out on Whumpee. He was very pleased with the results.
“So, what was all that you were saying earlier?” He asked with a knowing grin. “You said you were going to hit me, stab me, strangle me, get me back. Anything else you plan on doing?”
Whumpee’s lips didn’t move to form a response. Only a small exhale could be heard. The chains attached to their wrists and ankles holding them down to the bed didn’t rattle. He could see their eyes slowly starting to shut. Grabbing their chin, he forced their head up. “I’m talking to you Whumpee.”
Their eyes opened more before slowly closing. He hummed. “I thought you had things to say Whumpee. Why’re you so quiet now?”
Whumper yanked on one chain, forcing their glassy eyes to briefly lock with his. This was something he could get used to seeing. He smirked.
“You look so much better like this. You think I enjoy you thrashing around all the time? Nah, I don’t. I like you better this way.” He hummed. “Too incoherent to talk or even open your eyes. I wish I could keep you like this forever…”
His smirk fell as a thought occurred to him.
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akirathedramaqueen · 7 months ago
Is the knowledge of magic gatekept by Hell's elite?
Time for another shitpost speculative analysis. And, suddenly, no conclusions—just some facts I’ve gathered about the topic from the show and a bunch of questions for you. Because this time, as much as I would’ve liked to deliver some hot details, there isn’t enough information yet, and I prefer not to claim anything without having at least some degree of certainty in it.
So let's just talk and make some fun, semi-educated guesses, shall we?
Yesterday, @tealvenetianmask released a wonderful post about Blitzø and his insecurity regarding his intelligence. Give it a read—it's a topic that isn’t discussed enough. One of the points raised was his limited access to education, which made me think.
An infinitely powerful artifact possessed by Stolas Goetia is central to the series, at least before The Full Moon episode, as it is the only way for Blitzø to access the mortal realm. While it serves its own purposes for bringing together—and ultimately breaking apart—Stolas and Blitzø, it also has many interesting properties and details that allow us to speculate on magic as a whole.
It made me think: Who theoretically can use this grimoire or other spell artifacts? Why is it that no one but Stolas is permitted to use it? Are there genetic and/or biological reasons for this, or is the restriction societally driven?
Namely, would all hell beings be able to use magic if given the chance to learn it?
Let’s examine the evidence we have and try to answer at least some of these questions.
Clue one: Using the grimoire by anyone other than Stolas is illegal
It is clearly stated by Stolas himself in these two episodes.
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You know, I have been... permitting you to access the mortal realm less than... legally for quite some time now? S1EP1, Murder Family, 8:31
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You will be able to go anywhere you want in the human realm without fear of consequence. Without breaking demon law. You no longer need my grimoire. S2EP8, The Full Moon, 19:05
The question is, why? We know it’s not crucial to have Goetia blood to channel magic from the grimoire—Loona has read spells from it, as we'll discuss later.
Could the reason be that the Goetia family wants to keep their powerful artifacts a secret and maintain their hold on power?
Clue two: Magic books are written in runes
The grimoire and Stolas's book about Asmodean crystals are written in runes, suggesting the potential existence of a language barrier when sharing magic-related knowledge.
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Left - S1EP6, Truth Seekers, 17:44 Right - S2EP1, The Circus, 19:45
It is oddly convenient if you want fewer people to understand the sacred information you wish to keep to yourself.
Clue three: Stolas does not need his grimoire to cast spells from it
It is briefly discussed in the Seeing Stars episode.
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[Blitzo]: No chance you can conjure us a couple of those, can ya? [Stolas]: Sadly, no. I'm afraid without my grimoire, my powers are just a tad limited in the human world. [Blitzo]: What, you can't memorize your fucking spells? [Stolas]: Oh, your memory's so great?  S2EP2, Seeing Stars, 6:33
See, Stolas does not deny Blitzø's assumption and gets annoyed when his memory is belittled. Therefore, I believe we can safely deduce that it is indeed a matter of only remembering the necessary chants to cast a spell. It is still possible that the artifact holds power on its own and Stolas needs it to access magic in the mortal realm, but it doesn't seem like the absence of the book prevented him from making two poor little human beings soil their little fancy trousers.
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S1EP6, Truth Seekers, 19:11
And he does not need the book to summon the portals, it is seen multiple times throughout the series.
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S1EP6, Truth Seekers, 20:10
Not mentioning him performing small magic tricks quite regularly:
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Left - S2EP6, Oops, 7:42 Right - S2EP8, The Full Moon, 2:00
So, can we make a conclusion the grimoire is not so unique after all, if to memorize all the spells? Not sure, because... okay, I promise, we will get back to it later.
Clue four: Loona can use the grimoire, even though she is a lower-class demon
And she can shapeshift without any artifacts, which might suggest she has more magical abilities than other members of I.M.P. Her ability to read runes is also noteworthy.
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Shhhit! I can't... I can't read the spell in this light! I can't see dick! S1EP6, Truth Seekers, 17:43
Do you think she could become a skilled magician with proper education? It's quite impressive that she knows the rune language to begin with, given her origin!
Clue five: Blitzø, Millie, and Moxxie are never seen using the book
Is this accidental, or are they simply unable to use the book? If the latter, is it because they are physically incapable of channeling magic (e.g., due to being imps), or is it because they don’t understand the language of the spells?
I noticed them bantering about replacing Loona because of her horrible attitude once or twice (such as at the beginning of the Seeing Stars episode). Does this mean they could take on her responsibility of opening the portal, or is it just bluff? There’s no way to know for sure.
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If I'm so terrible, how about you just grow a pair and replace me? S2EP2, Seeing Stars, 3:03
Clue six: The I.M.P. crew is never shown trying any spells from the book other than those for portals
I.M.P. never tries any spells other than opening the portal, which seems strange, especially since they could have used disguise spells, as mentioned earlier in clue three.
Is it because they physically can’t use other spells, or is it an unspoken rule not to meddle with a powerful artifact whose true implications they might not fully understand?
Clue seven: Without the grimoire, the I.M.P. crew is not able to access the mortal realm
And it is posed as a big deal—the whole Season 2 setup revolves around Stolas freeing Blitzø by calling off the transactional agreement and providing a grimoire replacement, the Asmodean crystal.
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Official Music Video, Just Look My Way, 0:11
This seems to contradict clue three. Perhaps there are specifics we have yet to learn or understand.
Why? If simply remembering the spell is enough, they would only need the book once. If Loona can read runes, she could write the spells down when Blitzø stole it, making the entire ordeal unnecessary.
Maybe, just knowing the spell isn’t enough to use it without the book. Maybe, special education or training is needed to prepare the body for it. Or, maybe, being born into royalty is a prerequisite for channeling magic without artifacts.
Maybe, if not conclusions, let's at least make a guess?
So, here’s everything I’ve gathered on the matter.
Without additional information, it seems a bit contradictory, and I admit, I sometimes get the feeling these might be plot holes left because this isn’t the focus of the story. This would be surprising though, as the show is usually very detailed and well-built in terms of worldbuilding.
I’m going to try to fill in these gaps with my speculations, just for fun. Please don’t consider this as making any claims; it’s more about me engaging in some mental gymnastics because I’m a lore geek and love figuring out how the fictional world works in media.
So, my take on whether the knowledge is gatekept or not: in short, it is.
If not so short:
I speculate (like highly speculate, because I have no proof), that any hellbeing could theoretically learn and use magic. It might require certain genetic preconditions, natural talent, and extensive training, but success is possible to varying degrees;
Artifacts assist in channeling magic for those who are untrained—like the grimoire helps the I.M.P. crew open portals;
Magic knowledge is encoded in runes to complicate the learning process for those not taught in it;
This knowledge is kept secret and shared only within royal circles, with different branches having their own secret techniques and specialties;
There are also laws prohibiting the sharing of this knowledge with lower-class demons.
Why? It’s simple—power wouldn’t be power if it could be used by just anyone. Withholding resources and granting access to it only to the wealthy is a characteristic of non-democratic regimes, and, mind you, Hell is an absolute monarchy at best.
But what do you think? Share your opinion via poll, reblogs, and comments!
Instead of my usual funny giggles at the end, I’ll reiterate from my reblog yesterday:
Because only by sharing knowledge and making it public can the community truly prosper.
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caffeinatedattorney · 4 months ago
Okay so there are two tapes in game where Harvey speaks.
The first tape Harvey appears in is (#10) where Harleen and Harvey appear. She complains to him about Crane's experiments, implying Harvey's partly responsible for his presence there? and that Harvey trusts him. Apparently Crane is there to help Harvey in court and evaluate inmates. He says it's a necessary evil and he tells her to kick rocks.
The second one, tape #13, is interesting. It's found in the ship where you find out Harvey is the rat king near the console. The tape starts with Harvey asking Crane for help. But then...
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HARVEY: I just... I-I lost it. You shoulda seen the police photos. This bastard didn't just beat his kid, he starved him! Kept him locked in a closet for six months. Eight years old, fighting with this- with the rats over scraps of food. When the cops finally freed him, his kidneys had failed and his heart was scarred by infection.
Foreshadowing. And guess this confirms for me that Harvey becomes retraumatized by his job and knows it but won't quit.
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CRANE: My goodness. Harrowing stuff.
HARVEY: And his dad has the nerve to take the stand and tell the court his kid deserved it? Piece of shit's lucky I only took a couple of swings at him. Besides, I might've just torched my whole career.
CRANE: Oh, I doubt that. You're a hero in the papers. "Two-Fisted DA Decks Deadbeat Dad." The public's behind you on this.
HARVEY: My own dad's to blame for my short fuse. But I can't lose my temper like that again.
CRANE: Your father? I'd like to hear more about him.
So Harvey had been having issues waaay before Batman was in the picture? (Also Harvey sounds so sinister saying "Piece of shit's lucky I only took a couple of swings at him." Love Troy Baker's performance and how Elijah Wood gives this impression that he's just letting Harvey talk to examine him like another one of his tests subjects-- i mean patients.)
And it's BTAA scarecrow and Harvey again, but Bruce isn't there to help
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HARVEY: You really think this stuff will help?
CRANE: Early trials are quite promising. Now, hold this, hold it- There you go. And take three deep breaths. Good.
HARVEY: *Inhales loudly*
CRANE: I want you to consider that your recent outbursts may be stress -induced. Building a case agaisnt Carmine Falcone clearly had you burning the candle at both ends.
HARVEY: Well, tell that to the press. All i hear about is how "the batman brought down the Roman Empire." We worked together, y'know. Me, him, Gordon, too. [laughs] Ah, I'm starting to lose my cool again.
Harvey's voice is way way lower. Okay, Harvey is mad about someone else taking credit. Guess that explains his reaction to seeing batman again. More ppl taking advantage of him.
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CRANE: No, no-no-no, that's good. Good. We've already touched on how much you've been repressing. Themore you try to contain your shadow, the more that aspect of your psyche starnates and festers. We need to bring it to the light.
HARVEY: [almost a whisper?] Drag if out of the darkness? That's what I've been trying to do with this whole city. Too many trials. Too many appeals. Better let fate judge. Fifty-fifty, like flippin' a coin. Better odds than my old man gave me.
HARVEY: No, it's um, getting worse. The headaches mostly.
CRANE: That's only a function of your conscious mind giving way to your shadow self. As it rises to the surface, your awareness becomes fuzzy in a neurological sense as you grapple with the--
HARVEY: [as a whisper? / hiss?] That's not it. It's never been this bad. Gilda is scared. And I am too.
OKAY so, Gilda must have left at some point because Crane is making him worse. He already believes in the coin. This Crane is so interesting thinking talk therapy is universally effective with dissociation and trauma. He seems to genuinely believe in what he's doing.
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CRANE: you fear becoming your father. You fear you'll assume his worst traits as you get older.Please: sit. Have a sip of water. Good, good, good. Listen thins always feel more intense just before the real healing begins. You are making remarkable progress.
HARVEY: 'We' are making remarkable progress
CRANE: Of course, Mr. Dent. This is good for both of us.
So, safe to say, Crane caused this lmao.
Also, In the tape between Arnold and Harley (#3), Arnold has the same symptoms as Harvey but he doesn't seem to have the puppet yet until she encourages her to do so? so unless i'm missing something, it kinda seems like Crane's treatment is the one causing DID like symptoms.
Okay, I heard the tape between Joe and Thompkins (tape #8) and it seems everyone gets headaches so it's not DID per se. (also Leslie used to have a free clinic in park row and a crisis center for kids. idk if at the same time or the same place, tho)
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LESLIE: Any other complaints?
JOE: Just some reactions to Dr. Crane's treatment. Headaches. Can't remember some stuff.
Okay, next part.
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HARVEY: Doctor, I wanna stop the treatments.
CRANE: But why?
HARVEY: Why? What the hell happened to your lab rat this morning?
CRANE: it's the unfortunate reality of medical testing that on occasion we have to put an animal through a measure of discomfort in order to-
HARVEY: The shit you got me breathing melted its fur off! Melted its skin.
CRANE: Mr Dent, the individual chemicals in this solution are heavily corrosive but, when properly diluted they are intert and stable.
HARVEY: Inert and stable? I-I-I don't know-
CRANE: Harvey, Harvey. I've been reviewing our recorded sessions and i'm confident you're on the cusp of a major breakthrough. Trust the process. If not for yourself, then do it for Gilda. Doesn't she deserve a healthier, happier husband?
HARVEY: [basically a growl] Crane, if my symptoms don't resolve soon, I'm out.
CRANE: I understood. You're making the right choice. I'll prepare the dose.
This is insane. There's... so much here. Crane manipulates Harvey into using the treatment bc Harvey loves Gilda so much. Harvey was aware of what that thing could do (adding humiliation to having his own face burnt off by some malone?) This must have implanted the idea in his head about being a lab rat and staying one forever bc of his self doubt and letting it get this far.
I wonder if Crane's treatment actually fucked him up the way something like, idk, joker gas would, rather than that darkness coming solely from Harvey? but then again, Harvey beat up a man in court in front of everyone so it wasn't that big of a step.
TLDR; Everything is kinda Crane's fault.
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swelteringfire · 26 days ago
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Welcome to my blog !
Other socials;
Tik tok
Spotify (You'll find all my character playlists there.)
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I am an adult, I will not partake in any odd interactions (jokingly or not) with minors. If you are a minor, I don't mind interacting with you at all, just don't make it weird with sexual jokes or implications of the kind. I do not mind suggestive content otherwise.
I do not enjoy petty and unnecessary drama. If you don't like what I post, if you don't like me for whatever reason then scroll past my account.
Proshippers. Self explanatory.
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Please do interact if;
You like the Chromatic crew, Emberheart duo, or Color spectrum duo! Any other characters are fine too, these are just my current obsession.
You write, make art, enjoy UTMV, want to chat, have art requests or want to start an artrade/art collab.
You want to rp. I rp! I get kinda picky with what and who I roleplay though so whether I start a rp or not is up to the situation. :~)
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You can call me Color, Fire, SwelteringFire or whatever nickname you come up with. Whatever suits you best and is up to less confusion. :~)
You can use my art for pfps, banners, bots, personal use, as long as you credit me for my work.
I'm still learning how to use Tumblr, please be patient with me.
Be aware than I am awkward when making new friends, that doesn't mean that I don't want to make new friends.
And I love music. I love to share about music, artists, instruments.
Dividers by Sweetmelodygraphics and Grungenglam.
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icantdothistodaybruh · 8 months ago
For your Ciel july day 1 post, is there a prompt list going on rn?? Id love to participate 😭 the fandom feels so lonely for sebaciel shippers
There is! I'm afraid it's focused on just ciel, outside of any pairings, but I don't think it should stop you! It's made by the artist Hoshi, I believe she has twitter if you want to find the original post
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And sebaciel actually has it's own July event! It's "Sebaciel Summer Spree" which you can also find on twitter, here are their prompts
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elementalladymallorie · 2 years ago
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Raeda moments from Watching and Dreaming
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savebylou · 11 months ago
Louis promo in LATAM data
I answer an ask about the promo of Louis in LATAM and share the data of the subscribers/followers of the media where Louis was interview. Wanted to make this separeted post with this info and screenshots as well.
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MTV Brasil youtube channel (3.42M subscribers), Nickelodeon Brasil (2.7M on instagram), CAPRICHO (2.5M followers on twitter), Foquinha (2.09M), POPline (184K), Radio Mix FM (91K)
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CNN Chile (841K), Bio Bio Chile (507K), La Cuarta (450K on ig), Los 40 Chile (56K subscribers and this without counting the radio listeners), Radio Disney Chile (35.2K on ig)
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Todo Noticias (4.18M subscribers), MTVLA (4.14M), Algo de Música interview is in LUZU TV youtube channel (1.37M) , Tu música hoy (1.24M), Telenoche (1.13M), Clarín (576K), DATTA (136K followers on ig & 200K on tiktok), Billboard AR (83.5K), Los 40 Argentina (52.2K subscribers and this without counting the radio listeners).
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Paraguay, HEi Now (5.94K) & Perú, Radio Planeta (39.8K). Radio Disney Latinoamérica (1M on ig).
I know that not all those followers and subscribers will see the interview but this is a good exposure in social media, there are account with million of followers and there is a diverse media where he did interview to reach different audiences.
Note: The name of the media has the link to the interview on tumblr and the number of subcribers has the link to the social media in case you want to fact check. Also I took this screenshots in the last few days so maybe a number could change. I only put the media where the interviews had been public and the ones that we can see the followers.
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acemakes-art143 · 2 years ago
i have decided I would like to try a thing out of boredom.
send me asks with pictures of characters for me draw in pixel art
It will be traced but in my style of shading/coloring/lines in pixel art. I am in no way claiming the original art as my own the only thing that's mine is the pixel art I will be making. This is just for me to have fun practicing pixel art!
Things I will need:
In general:
-The picture you would like me to make into pixel art
-if you will be using it for anything like a pfp or something (credit me if you use it!!!)
If it's an oc:
-any little details I will need to know to accurately draw the character (ref if possible)
If it's not an oc
-character name
-what they're from
Try not to give me anything too detailed as I may wait to do it out of fear, haha! Like I said I ma using this to practice pixel art and while I should step out of my comfort zone and I will do them eventually, it will take forever to do.
On the topic of takes a while to do, be patient with them!! On the off chance this blows up and I get tons of asks coming in, I might get backed up! And even if I don't, these still take a while!! Don't be surprised if it takes a day or a few. I will try to get to at least most of them!!!
i hope to be getting asks soon! Here's a little preview with my oc! (There are some details that are different because of the limitations of gacha club)
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evilforgood999 · 1 year ago
who are your top 3 ds favorite characters and why
try to guess who my favorites are-
one of them is a pyromaniac anarchist. He has basic skills in managing people, which is why he gained authority among antisocial elements. Made friends with marginals. Founded the informal association "Anarchist punks" many followers are minors
The second schizo-homosexual whose activity is to discredit the local government. rallies, protests, political provocations are his business. absolutely not used to using the resources of the brain for its intended purpose
third - is a local kind of marginal. leads an antisocial lifestyle. sometimes, under the guidance of an anarchist, he helps a schizophrenic in organizing political provocations. founded the forums of "homo-nationalists" and "The Revolutionary Union of Anarchists" (RUA) only to pit them against each other. he has friendly relations with a soldier of the local political authority.
there are unconfirmed facts that they use hard drugs and are in a sect where they are controlled by a demonic chicken
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brainoffroot · 2 years ago
This chapter took forever because I had to get internet, but GET INTERNET I DID!
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fred-erick-frankenstein · 2 years ago
[ID 1-2: two gifs of David Suchet, sitting on a sofa in a talk show. Someone from the audience says: "One of the wonderful things about your Poirot is the way he walks." David Suchet laughs and says "yes". The fan continues: "I wonder how long that took to work out." David Suchet answers, still laughing: "A very long time. Do you all know the story? Oh, gosh, you're gonna be horrified when I tell you. It's absolutely true. We did some takes with me as a Poirot. Films tests before we actually started shooting. And I watched myself as Poirot and I sort of was ok about it,"
ID 3: a gif of David Suchet as "Agatha Christie's Poirot", wearing a light jacket, vest and hat, and dark trousers, walking through a roofed street. David Suchet continues talking "but I thought 'I'm moving like David Suchet, I'm not moving... How did Poirot move, move, move?' Suddenly, I remembered there was a quote in one of the books. And I actually found it."
ID 4-5: David Suchet as Poirot, walking through a garden, between hedges, and in the second gif crossing a street.
ID 6: another gif of Poirot walking over grass. David Suchet continues: "The quote went something like this: 'Poirot crossed the lawn in his usual rapid, mincing gait, with his feet tightly and painfully enclosed within his patent leather boots.'"
ID 7: a gif of Poirot leaving a dark corridor, stepping into a lit one. David Suchet continues: "I spent a month on Bryher filming. I was on Bryher in the Isles of Scilly, trying to get this mincing walk. In the end I did a trick - and this is gonna horrify you but it's absolutely true - and it's in my book ["Poirot and me"], so I can say it. "
ID 8-12: five gifs, again showing David Suchet, now standing next to the sofa as he continues: "When Lord Oliver was playing Lord Foppington he held between the cheeks of his buttocks a penny. So when he walked and turned corners, he couldn't just turn like this, because the penny would drop out, right? (he walks normally) So he had to go like this. (he walks with his hips swaying, the audience laughs) So when I did the same, I couldn't walk like this because the penny would drop out. (he giggles and the audience laughs) So in the end, I had to learn to squeeze my [buttocks] very tight cause if you do that - you could do this going home, anybody could do this, you may get locked up, but you could do this... So in the end, I could walk... (does his signature mincing Poirot walk) like that. That was it. (applause). /end ID].
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David Suchet on his signature Hercule Poirot walk Agatha Christie’s Poirot (1989 - 2013)
- Gavin Esler In Conversation with David Suchet, December 7 2017
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suspensefulpen · 9 months ago
TW: Captivity, Multiple Whumpers, Bad Caretaker, Mentioned Torture, Choking, Degradation, Gaslighting, Self-Hatred
Whumpee had it all. Their life was perfect. They had the best house, the best cars, the best lovers, there wasn’t anything they didn’t have the best of. If they saw something they liked, they owned it. If they saw something they wanted, they owned it. Whumpee had a sculpture of themself for crying out loud. Their initials were inscribed into everything they owned. Everyone loved Whumpee, everyone wanted to be Whumpee. They were the best thing to have ever happened to the Earth. They were basically a god. 
At least, they were. 
Once upon a time, Whumpee had all of those things. 
Once upon a time, Whumpee was all of those things. 
Now Whumpee sat curled in a ball in the corner of their cell, shivering violently. What did they do to deserve this? Why did that cause them to deserve this? 
Whumpee wanted that life back. They wanted to go back to that life. They want to go back in time and change whatever it was that they did wrong to keep this situation from happening. They wanted to go back and humble themself while they still could. They thought that maybe if they had changed, this would’ve never happened. 
Back then, seeing three different faces a day wasn’t anything for Whumpee. But now, seeing three different faces a day meant three different kinds of torture. At first, they’d see Carewhumper who loved to gaslight Whumpee. Then they’d see Caretaker who loved to insult Whumpee. Then they’d see Whumper, who loved to test Whumpee’s breathing. It was later rearranged where they’d see Caretaker, Carewhumper then Whumper instead. 
Thankfully and disappointingly, their routine was changed up from that completely. Now, The three each get Whumpee to themself for a week to do whatever they want. No matter what it is. 
They could beat Whumpee into the next week. They could break some of their bones. They could collapse their windpipe. They could gaslight Whumpee until they pulled their own hair out. They could insult Whumpee until they didn’t think their own existence mattered anymore. 
They could do whatever they wanted, however they wanted. 
Every time they see either of their faces, Whumpee regrets their life more and more. They regret being put on the Earth. They regret being alive. Maybe Carewhumper was right. Whumpee really might be crazy. Maybe Caretaker was right. Whumpee really might be stupid. Maybe Whumper was right. Whumpee really might deserve to have their life drained from their body. 
The world would’ve been better off without them to begin with. They never deserved the life of luxury that they had been living for the past twenty five years. Not the cars, the house, the lovers, the statue, their initials inscribed onto everything they owned. 
Whumpee didn’t deserve anything. 
They weren’t the best thing that ever happened to the Earth. They weren’t a god. 
They were nothing. 
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partymammal · 2 months ago
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doom doodle i did to cheer myself up... i GUESS i will share it with everyone else /silly
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howlsnteeth · 1 year ago
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