#i honestly believe that mac is kinda strong
vikary401 · 8 months
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yeah you are so right bestie ☝️
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pitchcom · 2 months
OKAY f1 heathers au post starting NOW
heather chandler: fernando - cmon. look at fernando and tell me he doesnt have heather chandler energy. he is totally a mean girl and would be perf for this role
heather duke: carlos - he is supressed mean girl and im saying this as a carlos lover. he wants to put forth a perfect face until its publicly acceptable to be bitchy and charles is just the unfortunate bearer of that. i do think in this au he would be more passive aggressive mean then singing “kill yourself” mean but those are just little bits. i also think he has the capability to go mad with power
heather macnamara: charles - HONESTLY i think that he and carlos could be slightly interchangable based on your perception of them BUT i do think charles pulls off the innocent charmer look better so hes heather mac. but dont forget that heather mac is a heather for a REASON and she is also a shittalker so charles DOES have a mean bone in his body DONT BE FOOLED. charles here also plays into the macnamara/veronica angle bc he also has a bond with oscar
veronica sawyer: oscar - tbh i dont have a clear reason except it just feels right LOL like the narratives all line up … the carcar beef and the veronica/duke beef … the mcnamara/sawyer connection … loscar and martha/veronica …. i fear it all fits too well. also i think it would be funny for fernando to be a bitchy ghost haunting oscar for half the musical
JD: lando - this is mostly because hes been a menace lately and i DO believe he would be dramatic enough to blow up a school + fake their suicide note because someone broke up with him for killing 3 other people
martha dunnstock: logan - tragic unpopular bestie of the loser -> popular main character that gets hurt and left behind because of it. need i say more
ram & kurt: max/daniel OR pierre/esteban - no super strong reason for either of them except they are the two duos left on the grid that can give fboy but also hidden homoerotic relationship LMAOOO
mrs flemmings: lewis - sorry have u seen his whole peace love and plants front … he is so totally the teacher. tries to be pro mental health and diversity that it feels almost fake AND hes kinda unhinged with it. a case could be argued for seb but unfortunately i need him and mark to be oscars parenes LMAOOO
okay thats all for now folks 🫡 and if anyone ever makes any art of this …. pspspsps please feed it to me (tag me)
theres also another take on this thats vaguely developing in my head where its lewis + teammates = heathers with lewis, nico, and george being heathers and lestappen being jd/veronica BUT that needs to cook some more compared to this one LOL
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lordjimp · 2 years
Discombobulated rant about Fallout 4 companion dynamics I think would go hard;
Deacon and Cait:
fully believe they would complete each over in so many ways if they became friends. They both deal with alot of the same issues. They both regret enacting violent revenge, they both struggled with drug addiction, they both put up emotion walls to seem more aloof, both have serious anger issues (deacon hides it well, but i think he even admits it to the player a little bit at some point), and neither of them really have any allies they feel like they can trust.
cait is on the younger side, i think. she’s desperately still searching for the nurture she never received, even in her final dialogue the most positive thing you can say is that you’re proud of her. Then think of deacon. he’s gotta be at least 40, cause the terminals suggest hes been with the railroad for a long while. he wanted a kid, he was so ready to become a dad, but he never got that opportunity. so uh… found family anyone? I think they’d see through each-overs masks, and see themself in the other.
Imagine if Cait didn’t have sole, and found the railroad desperate for agents and saw it as a way out. deacon and cait would butt heads at first, and the path wouldn’t be an easy one. but eventually they’d end up in a place where Deacon is alot like Cait’s mentor, heping her get off the chems, cait convincing deacon to be more emotionally honest and not repressive, and deacon teaching cait how to keep her chill- like a perfect balance. I actually think that cait has the possibility of having a much deeper relationship with deacon than the player. just because of their connection and how she’d poke and prod and deacon unit he’d been worn down enough to fully open up.
Piper and hancock;
No, piper hates hancock. Hes a weird pervert, and a drug user, and always on his high horse, he hasn’t got any morals, hes litterally a killer! and a thief, and a criminal, and a-… oops, he wore her down.
Piper is a hot head, whos got a very passionate and ‘correct’ moral compass. but ultimately her and hancock kinda have the same beliefs. they both have hope for the commonwealth, they want people to be united and to have strong leaders with the peoples issues in mind. i think that given enough time to get to know hancock, piper would eventually come to see they have much more in common. which id imagine shed have a hard time admitting shes grown attached.
hancock on the other hand, doesn’t super mind her at first. i mean yeah, she’s a bit uptight about some things and he might get a little pissed off when she mutters something about good neighbour being unsafe and dirty. but pipers right isn’t she? hes a killer, and a theif, and a criminal, and all that other stuff. loves to hear her rant about stuff. especially mc donough. shes gonna be completely shocked when she finds out this whole time shes been talking crap about mcdonough… to another mcdonough.
thats how theyed really get to know eachover though, theyed get into the habit of meeting up just to rant at eachover and talk shit, maybe eventually they’d realise they could make a power team and actually start doing stuff instead of just talking about it. when they finally get out there, piper is like a loose cannon and hancock has got to actually play a responsible roll every now and then to stop her from going off the walls. its a roll he plays terribly btw. piper, no matter how close they get, will never want to admit their friends. ultimately whats holding them back a little is the chems and hancocks ability to rock it with anyone, even if its someone piper would really rather not. but maybe they could work it out.
Deacon and macready (thirdwheel preston):
its just guys being dudes. dudes being guys. honestly preston is always to busy and stressed he just needs mates. not ones hes got to work with. just people he can drink with and talk to. maccready it so gullible and dumb, its like deacon’s wet dream. he’d constantly be throwing mac fast ones every chance he gets, and mac would give him reactions. every. single. time. he’s like the gift that keeps on giving. also since they both use sniper rifles, mac is always trying to one up deacon to be a better shot. it doesn’t even matter whos better cause deacon always cheats.
then theres preston. poor, poor preston. mac and deacon might screw around with eachover, but when it comes to preston hes the target. you’d swear those two have a script the way they bounce off of eachover to make fun of him. preston is that guy in every friend group that everyone makes fun of (you guys are the real ones). but at the end of the day, they dont mean any of it. when its just mac and deeks, they talk about how Preston is ‘such a nice guy’ and ‘a really good friend’.
they laugh and drink with eachover, preston is usually busy so it’s mostly mac and deacon. maccready has no idea deacon is a spy and only really finds it sort of strange that every time deacon invites him to do a job its almost always synth related. honestly those three are just good buds and its not really much deeper than that.
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sukipershipper · 1 year
Heya Suki!
I gotta say I love all your works!
Your art style and skills are just *Chefs Kiss* and your fics are so captivating and fun to read!
Excited and awaiting eagerly for the next chappy of your latest fic!
Keep up the amazing work!
Also I gots question as well
What was all the boxers of branch A/B’s reactions to seeing Mac for the very first time?
Omfg anon you're gonna make me cry 💕❤️
Thank you so much, I'm honestly so happy you enjoy my content! I really love doing what I do so seeing these kinds of things always makes my day. Nga mihi nui Ki a koe! (Many thanks to you)
As for your question, I'll try and keep them brief cause this will be so lengthy if I do don't but here's the general idea for each boxerand their feelings towards Mac below the cut:
Glass Joe: Literally didn't think much of him. Kinda laughed at him before he got his ass handed to him and then it wasn't that funny anymore.
Von Kaiser: Didn't approve of a child being in the ranks but he quickly began to warm up to him, becoming very protective of the kid once he went up the ranks.
Disco Kid: Absolutely loved him right out of the gate. Took him in as a little brother
King Hippo: Small man, strong heart, head pat, leaves = pretty much their interaction after their fight
Piston Hondo: Found him admirable and courageous for taking this on. Nothing much else, other than yhat he seemed pretty funny when he first met him.
Bear Hugger: Smothered the boy in a lot of attention and gifts, and then welcomed him to the Major Circuit.
Great Tiger: "You're short lmao"
Don Flamenco: Fucking hated his guts and hated the idea of a younger champion taking his title away. Got very quickly humbled right after.
Aran Ryan: Believe it or not, he instantly warmed up to Macky, and he and Disco kidnapped him one night to take him out for a Starbucks run
Soda Popinsky: Tried to give him some soda in the hopes he would grow...he did not
Bald Bull: No real opinion, just think he looked dumb and small
Super Macho Man: oh bro this guy used him as a stand to lean on the entire first few minutes of meeting him. He still does to some extent
Mr Sandman: Obviously he wasn't too keen on a CHILD taking his title, but he wasn't too against the idea. He liked the challenge
Birdie Mac: Saw him as a brother from the moment he first met him, now the two are basically attached at the hip.
Gabby Jay: Basically same reaction as Joe but even more cocky
Piston Hurricane: He didn't really say much. Probably because he doesn't talk much but he doesn't mind him that much they're alright.
Bob Charlie: Oh they just vibed within the first few minutes of meeting each other. They're algudz.
Dragon Chan: Found him a strong hearted fighter, although he wasn't impressed by a child being in the ranks
Masked Muscle: Tried to give him a wedgie. Did not end well for him.
Mad Clown: Literally threatened to sic his lion on Maac if he came anywhere near him. Mac respectfully keeps his distance.
Heike Kagero: Used Mac as a canvas for some makeup he was testing. They actually bonded a wee bit through it.
Narcis Prince: Hated his guts and still does. Got humbled very quickly
Hoy Quarlow: He bonked him with his stick and then pat his head again in admiration saying he had a very strong head. Mac is still confused on whether or not that's a compliment.
Rick Bruiser: Actually on pretty good terms. Yeah Mac finds him a bit much but they get on beyond that.
Nick Bruiser: ???
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eightw · 2 years
finished playing life is strange true colours and honestly? it was immesnly underwhelming, and kinda disappointing.
im gonna rant about it here a little bc i dont have any friends who like the game lol
my biggest problem is that none of the choices matter, at all, and you can tell even as you’re making them. half feel like nothing more than dialogue choices, and the rest have no outcome on the ending. jed is arrested no matter who believes you, forgiving him or condemning him has no effect on either of them, and in the end the most important decision you make is the silly “do i stay or leave” bullshit. like, i really don’t care??? the one and only choice i made that felt like it had consequences was choosing to sign the affidavit vs taking pike’s fear and guess what, that choice didn’t fucking matter either! you take down jed and typhon either way! 
now don’t get me wrong im not against a happy ending (even if i prefer the endings in LIS 1 and LIS 2). my problem is mostly that they’re both extremely shallow, and have nothing to do with the game you’ve just played. the biggest change is who you romanced, but even that doesn’t change anything other than which character model is in the scene. but also, not to get on my high horse or anything, but insisting that they needed to make a happy game because you’re “tired of the depression games” (actually quote i saw on someone complaining about the criticism of true colours) means nothing. like, okay, so you want to ingest nothing but fluff and happy times, regardless of depth, i get that, it’s your right. but why does other media have to conform to your desires? i do think it’s worse that they didn’t stick with the themes of the other games, even if it was in the name of making things happier. seek out something that’s happy, rather than insisting something pr-existing change, or thinking it’s a good thing that it did. 
the last episode is also kinda unwhelming. like, i love the flashbacks, but they feel like they’re coming way too late in the game. up to this point alex has shown little preoccupation over her past, and they put so much emphasis on “you need to stop rewriting your memories” even though up until this point we’ve been given no reason to think she’s struggling with this, or the whole “you need to be strong thing”?? it’s like they invent a whole bunch of character issues just for the sake of resolving them. 
alex’s powers are also immensely boring. they’re interesting for the first fifteen minutes, where we see her being overtaken by mac’s rage and ethan’s fear, but then she just, magically overcomes that weakness, i guess?? and spends the rest of the game reading other people’s emotions with no problem, which isn’t interesting from the start because all the characters are already making it clear what they’re feeling, but made worse by the fact that there isn’t actually any gameplay for her powers. it’s just watching a slide show of the zoomed in object while listening to a voice over. most of the time, it isn’t even telling the player anything new. 
don’t even get me fucking started on the LARP. it was so goddamn long, and for nothing! none of it was plot important, and it comes right after such a build up, they’ve just stolen the usb, now what’s going to happen? oh. a hella long LARP where nothing matters. great /s. if i wanted to roleplay, i’d play a roleplaying game. if i wanted to LARP, i’d do it irl and not in a video game. 
the only thing i really liked about this game was the characters, at least the few that don’t get shelved halfway through. i love gabe (especially in the fifth episode), and alex, and of course i love steph and ryan. so if you see me reblogging art of them mind your business lol. i like the story, i like the characters, did not like it as a video game. 
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kiannjwriting · 3 years
Fallout 4: Companions React to Little Lamplight and MacCready’s Past (Mayor of Little Lamplight)
I mis-clicked and lost the ask but I hope you enjoy, Anon! I’ve been low on inspiration, so please keep sending in asks :)
Honestly, I don’t think she’d really care.
Considering her past with her parents, she thinks Little Lamplight is a damn good idea. No parents- no adults taking advantage of you. She’ll probably laugh at MacCready being mayor, but, overall, thinks it’s all a good idea.
“Children, alone?! What irresponsible parents would let their children live like that?”
He’d be too mad at parents abandoning their children to really consider MacCready’s job. He’s programmed to care for a child, so of course he’ll immediately shame the parents of these kids.
So confused. She thought kids needed parents and adults helping them learn how to live. MacCready being mayor just throws her off.
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Doesn’t say anything about Little Lamplight, but he thinks MacCready being mayor is hilarious. All he can picture is a small child decked out in a suit and tie, sitting at a desk signing official papers.
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John Hancock:
Just kinda accepts it. He’s a mayor, so he knows what needs to go down while on the job. With the right kind of attitude, there’s no reason a kid wouldn’t be able to be mayor.
Nick Valentine:
“Well, that’s not something you hear every day…”
Does the token “grandpa chuckle” when MacCready says he was the mayor. He honestly just kinda thinks it’s funny.
Old Longfellow:
He thinks it’s smart. We do what we gotta do to survive. Kids fending for themselves with a type of government in place? Smart. MacCready being mayor? Well, all governments have their flaws…
Paladin Danse:
“What an interesting tactical approach…”
Only cares about defenses. He’s super interested in hearing about MacCready’s methods of defending Little Lamplight. I mean, he was a 10 year old holding a whole rifle…that’s definitely interesting.
Piper Wright:
“A bunch of kids living alone and you, YOU of all people, were the mayor?”
Denies that this ever happened. She believes Little Lamplight is real but there’s no way MacCready lead a bunch of kids. She doesn’t have the highest opinion of MacCready…
Preston Garvey:
Super curious about how they functioned. How did they get their food? Did they trade? Did they let adults in? Honestly, he just doesn’t stop asking questions.
Porter Gage:
Thinks Little Lamplight is the best idea yet. If he would’ve been in that area when he was a kid, he definitely would’ve lived there. Not with MacCready in charge, though. Anyone but him.
“Interesting idea…”
Internally cackling at MacCready being mayor, but, honestly, thinks Little Lamplight is innovative, yet dumb. Smart idea, but if MacCready was running the show, they obviously didn’t have a great system….
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uh so for ur matchups i don’t really know how to do this but i’ll just tell you some things about me:
i’m 5’7
i’m a scorpio
my top kins are kageyama and tsukishima
i play lots of sports
i listen to music 24/7
i’m so lazy and it’s a problem
TRAUMA but it’s made me strong hehe
i’m an intp
i’m pretty strong and can fight back (but only if i have to because that shit is too much effort)
and yeah thank you :))
Romantic Matchup
Suna Rintarou
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How Y’all Met
you had gotten into a fight 😬
And APPARENTLY suna had recorded the whole thing
You knew he recorded it
So when the principal called him into the office because he was a “witness” you panicked
Granted you didn’t know who he was
So for all you knew he was bout to snitch you out
But he didn’t
He simply said he had saw some commotion but was late for practice so he ignored it
Which effectively got you outta trouble
You had caught up with him to thank him for minding his business
And he simply said you could make it up to him with lunch
So you took him out for lunch and paid for it
You both actually had a really good time
So Y’all started to hang out all the time after that
Nothing big
Just little hang outs at the park or at your houses
Honestly there probably never was a established confession....
Until one day...
You heard someone talking shit bout our boy
So what did you do?
Beat their ass of course 🙄
And in the heat of the moment you accidentally said
“Don’t you ever talk about my bf again”
Suna definitely teased you about it later
“Oho I didn’t know we were dating y/n
But deep inside he was happy
Honestly he’s been crushing on you for a while
And that’s basically how y’all became an official couple
What They Love About You
He loves how lazy you are
He honestly doesn’t see it as a problem
Cuz mf be lazy too
Y’all are lazy together 😴
He loves that you listen to music
Suna takes me as the kinda guy who always has a earphone in
And now he gives his other one to you
So you can listen to music together ❤️
Ok I’m sorry but...
Mf LIVES for your traumatic story’s
Not only does he find them entertaining
But he’s also very inspired by the fact that even though all that happened to you, your still strong and independent
Honestly he loves that you can defend yourself and your believes
He never ever has to worry about you
And it’s not because he doesn’t care
He knows you can hold your own and he respects that
Favorite Things To Do Together
Honestly he just likes to chill with you
Preferably indoors
Just like sitting on the bed or the couch and watching TikToks, Netflix, or YouTube
Omg he loves binging Netflix shows with you 👀
He likes to play games with you
Bored games, card games, video games, you name it
Random Hc
He records every fight your in
One of those fight videos is his screensaver
Also he can always be heard cheering you on in the background...
“Beat her ass, beat her ass”
“Cmon baby show em who’s boss”
“Rock their shit babe”
10/10 we love the support here
The Planets Mars and Pluto rule Scorpio, and the Planets Saturn and Uranus rule Aquarius.
Mars is a revolutionary, aggressive and spirited masculine energy, and Pluto enlightens these impulses and adds a rebirthing, cyclical quality.
Saturn is a cool, contained energy, and Uranus is about all things different and unusual.
Mars is emotional, reacting without thinking things through; such is the nature of Scorpio.
Saturn demands of Aquarius much hard work and discipline, while Uranus gives them that forward thinking mind.
A gentle Scorpio lover, careful not to tether an Aquarius in too tightly can teach their mate about a life based on emotional intuition, one that quiets the intellect sometimes in favor of physical sensation.
Understanding Aquarians can teach their serious Scorpio mates to calm down, to detach themselves from uncontrollable situations and to reevaluate their goals if they get off course.
Overall Aesthetic
Stylish Sloths 🦥
CYANIDE- Daniel Caesar
Small world- Mac Miller
Sunday morning- maroon 5
Sativa- Swae Lee
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allykakamatsu · 3 years
Hypothetical P5A
Okay, gonna make this clear right up front, I wanted to make this post for a while but the main reason I decided to do it now is because the Atlus announcement thing is almost here, and also cause I saw a video on this topic by Thorgi’s Arcade (go watch it btw it’s good) and while I agree with a lot of what he said, there’s also some things I’d change, not just cause I disagree, but also cause I think it would be fun. Anyway enough beating around the bush, let’s do this
I’m a firm believer in the phrase, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, and the Arena games are already really good so not much to change. That being said, I still wanna change some things. First off though, we are keeping this 1 vs 1, no tag team matches. The arena games already have a lot of Mechanics going on and trying to keep everything as well as some new stuff WHILE adding a tag team button, yeah no let’s not outside of maybe a bonus mode.
This means I can’t add Batton Pass in as a new mechanic to represent P5, but I have a solution, that being Technicals. Status ailments already exist in this game, so how about when you inflict one and do a specific combo you do more damage, also providing risk vs reward as the player with the status will have a better idea of what the opponent will do making them more predictable. Also as for Persona’s, mostly everyone’s will be fully evolved, minus Yu cause him getting a final boss persona normally is a tad to OP, meanwhile the P5 characters will have their starting Persona’s, but they will evolve for big moves, like awakened mode supers and instant kills
I’m also borrowing Thorgi’s Arcade idea of having supports giving a slight buff in battle, like if you pick Fuuka your meter can build faster for a bit, meanwhile if you pick Futaba you’ll get an attack and defence buff. It’s the fairest way to include them without having to make them playable. I know Rise is already playable but this roster is going to have to be small as it is, and being a support doesn’t mean you can’t be DLC later.
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Also, we’re not bringing back the Shadow Characters, just, we are not dealing with the likes of Shadow Naoto again.
I am about to cop out a bit here, but Thorgi’s Arcade video had a really good idea for the story so I’ll just link it here https://youtu.be/yyB5rEM9UVU
To summarise for people who don’t want to watch, Nyarlathotep, the main villain from the Persona 2 games, has been gaining strength from all the suffering humanity has gone through due to 3, 4 and 5, and has gained enough strength to create a new Joker to try finish what he started and destroy the world. Mitsuru might think the Phantom Thieves are behind it cause this is clearly persona related and the fact that the leader of the PT’s is also named Joker is public knowledge, Naoto gets largely the same idea, Katsuya and Maya decide to have their own investigation, meanwhile the Phantom Thieves are trying to prove their innocence and help save the world. Nice excuse to bring everyone together, but who will the everyone be?
Base Roster
Okay, I know the dream is getting everyone from Ultimax back plus the new P5 characters, but given Arc System’s standard for small base rosters, I’m not holding my breath. The ideal would be everyone plus who I’m about to say for P2 and P5, but I’m keeping it… somewhat realistic. Anyway onto the actual size, 16 seems fair enough. One more than the most recent Guilty Gear game for a series that had pretty big success so that sound fair enough. Let’s get the obvious out of the way though, all the base 8 Phantom Thieves besides Futaba are making the cut
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Okay so that’s obvious but how will they play? Starting off with Ren/Joker, Smash Bros already laid a great foundation with him being very fast on the ground and in the air plus being great at combos, so I see no reason to change that. Also no need for him to be a Jack of all trades either cause spoilers, Yu is coming back and he already fills that role.
As for the others, Ryuji I can see being a slugger charge hybrid. Basically starting out he hits pretty hard but is a bit on the slow side to compensate, but just like any good athlete, give him a chance to warm up, ie do a charge input, and he becomes a lot faster and has better combo potential. Or we could make him a toned down version of Little Mac where he’s great on the ground but he’s in trouble the second aerial combat is involved. Then there’s Morgana who with his ability to turn into cars and the fact he introduces thief tools like smoke bombs, I can see him being a faster but frailer successor to Teddie.
Then there’s Ann who, no doubt, she’s a Zoner, and with her fire she’ll be Yukiko’s sort of successor. However instead of healing, I’d implement the fact that she learns concentrate and have it so the more she charges it up, the stronger her attacks get, but the Meter will gradually go down over the match. Yusuke, as tempting as it is to cop out and say ‘have him play like Vergil in Marvel vs Capcom’, I have a different idea. Namely, take advantage of the fact that Yusuke can learn counter by having him be the defensive specialist, set up ice traps to freeze the opponent, and if they get close, he can either counter or go for some combos.
Then there’s Makoto who would definitely be a grappler. I mean, she practices Aikido and is really strong, she can 100% pull it off. Finally Haru…… TANK! I mean come on, Haru wields an axe, has a grenade launcher, and Melady is literally a dancing tank in a pink dress, it just makes too much sense. I’d also give her a bit of armor cause if she’s slow she at least needs a chance to get her attacks in.
Okay so that’s 7 out of our 16 slots down, and given that one slot will have to be saved for the Evil Joker who would be the villain, we’re halfway done with 3 games to go, lord help me.
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Okay, starting this off with P4, I’m gonna give them more than the others purely because they were the focus of the originals and there’s less realistic cuts I can make compared to 2 and 3. To make things simple, every returning character would play the same, and as for the ones I’d bring back for the base roster, we’ve got Yu, Yosuke, Chie and Naoto. Why them specifically? Well Yu is the main character, Naoto being a detective would basically mean she’d be the one getting everyone involved in the first place, Chie is currently training to be a cop as confirmed in P5 so her getting called in makes sense, and Yosuke is the best investigator after Yu and Naoto, he’s always up for a mystery and the second he learns Yu is involved he’s joining in. I just couldn’t cut him.
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Now before the really painful cuts, Persona 2 is really easy. Out of Innocent Sin party members, by the end of the series Maya is the only one left with a Persona, and Katsuya is not only older brother of Innocent Sin’s protag Tatsuya, but he’s also pretty important and a detective so he’s definetly the one Maya’s dragging into this. As for how they play, they both use guns like Naoto, but how I’d mix them up is with Katsuya, I’d let him attack while moving (unlike Naoto who has so stay still to fire) at the cost of less combo potential, meanwhile Maya dual wields her guns so she’ll probably play like Noel Vermillion from BlazBlue where she’d more or less just use the guns to get longer reach melee attacks instead of shooting.
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Now, for the hard part. There’s only 2 slots left, one of them basically has to go to Mitsuru (not that I’m complaining I’d probably add her anyway) meaning now I have to choose between the rest of the Shadow Operatives/SEES for the last slot. I narrowed it down to the 3 that were in the original Arena cause they’re the most plot relevant, but that still meant I had to choose between Akihiko and Aigis. I ended up deciding on Aigis though cause A, with Labrys not making the base roster someone has to represent the robots of the series, and B, with Akihiko currently pulling a Ryu by travelling to get stronger, it makes more sense that Aigis would be closer and easier for Mitsuru to call up. Honestly I was tempted to bump the roster up to 17 so I could have both of them on the base roster, but this is ArcSystems, 16 is already kinda pushing it.
Given that this is a modern fighting game, DLC is inevitable. However since this DLC will likely be like Ultimax where the story acts to wrap up loose ends and have a new story, it’s going yo be big, especially since there’s going to be a fight with Nyaraloptep, so go big or go home in this case. Okay so first order of business, anyone who was in the previous arena games who wasn’t in the base roster is getting added back in, it’s only fair. That out of the way, the new faces I’d add are Futaba actually being playable now and the big 4 P5 characters I skipped, Akechi, Yoshizawa, and Sophie. Before anyone asks though, Sophie was added into a Dragalia Lost collab with Koei Techmo not being credited so she’s likely Atlus’s copyright so she's safe to add.
With that out of the way, how would they play? Starting with Futaba, I’d think she’d be the resident puppet fighter, sitting on top of Necinomicon and only occasionally adding in some of her own attacks like a projectile. Also she'd also probably act as a bit of a grappler cause her Persona has tentacles (no hentai jokes please) which have long reach so that'll be perfect for it. Next up is Akechi who I can see as semi being two characters in one. My basic idea is that at first Akechi will be fighting with Robin Hood and he'll be a solid jack of all trades with a slight focus on rush down. However once he goes into his awakened mode he'll gain Loki, which will increase his speed and attack strength, at the cost of his defence, turning him into a glass cannon.
Next is Yoshizawa, or 'Sumi as I like to call her, and her thing will be she's the mobility focused fighter, namely constantly moving around the stage and poking at her opponent while doing it, at the cost of being frail. Finally there’s Sophie who would be a combo focused zoner, as in her standard projectiles (the yo-yo’s) wouldn’t hurt that much on their own, but she can string them together into the fancy yo-yo tricks to potentially do big damage. As for how much this DLC would cost, it’s going to be very big, so €25 to €30 sounds fair
I think that more or less covers my thoughts. I could keep going on about this for a while, but I think this is a good place to stop. Hope you like my idea!
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askintothevoids · 3 years
The Epilogue:
Roman and Virgil:
They never did get married, because they didn’t want to. Virgil believes it to be a british social construct to control women and the lower class, and Roman believes marriage to be bad luck.
They did get into that huge funky war that we were talking about, and had to put Babe with Protection. After weeks of convincing, Valentine, Mac-Kenzie, and Junius fought by Virgil and Roman’s side, and they won after 5 years of fighting.
Virgil fulfilled his lifelong dream of making Bonner regret his words, and plunged his mother’s dagger into his chest. Something about Bonner that Virgil never mentioned was the fact that the man often shared the same words as his former husband, so perhaps that fueled his anger. After a lot of crying, Virgil came to the conclusion that maybe he’d leave the fighting to Angie, and hire a royal therapist.
There was more to Virgil’s story than that though, he did raise Babe with his beloved partner, Roman, after the war. He made an excellent father. Anne even came back and apologized, earning her role back into Virgil’s and his son’s life. He even got to see his nephews more often.
Seeing that his son is now only 12 years away from being a full fledged adult (to him that isn’t very long), Virgil now has to see that Babe is very different from other children. Honestly, he never thought his own very very dead mother would be assisting in the parenting of his child, but hey, Virgil has to remember that he isn’t always right, even if he can see the future.
Meanwhile Roman pursued his love for music and theatre, he even opened a music program for Oteriphanne, showing the lovely folks the beauty of music that isn’t just only about killing the French and Brits in order to stop deculturalization of their land (though that’s not a bad topic, Roman literally just wanted 14th century vampires to enjoy Spice Girls and it worked).
He obviously, but admittedly very awkwardly, learned how to parent a child. Roman wasn’t as picture perfect as he would’ve liked to be, he did after all accidentally make his son cry many times. Like Virgil, he now sees that their kid is different. His son’s ears are full of words that he can’t understand, but hopes to try his best to ease Babe’s worries and hardships in life.
Through five years of virgous studying, Roman became a quarter fluent in Pterannan. With even more studying and training, he finally became a fully trained Knight and earned his spot next to Virgil with his forementioned music program (turns out teaching a population several new skills, means he bettered the population which is a requirement to become a king when you're not blood related to royalty).
Still there’s somethings that Roman still regrets, he never did come to an understanding with his stepfather, who was his namesake. Nor does he see Remus and his husband as often as he wishes he did. And he kinda wants to buy a cow.
Even after being together for almost 10 years, they still love each other, and yes, Virgil still calls a phone, a magic box because some things never change.
After he and Logan adopted the children from the Dragonwitch au that they accidently orphaned, Patton certainly was trying his best to keep going, and he did a pretty alright job.
Patton single handedly traveled across the country from Florida to Indiana with four small children whose identities he had to hide along his.
Once he had made it to the David-Dase residence, he explained what had happened and asked for help, and here’s what happened.
Nicholas and James owned property in rural Saskatchewan, which they had inherited from Jane Phoebe David (James’ deceased mother) and never really knew what to do with it. So in order to keep their son’s husband and their new grandchildren safe, James and Nicholas let Patton and their grandchildren live there. It was a good spot for them, it kept the reporters away from Patton and kept people away from Daniel, Jane, Harper and Buddy.
After receiving help from James and Nicholas, Patton had to figure out how to explain his disappearance to the police so that he could gain some form of normality, and a good enough job to support his growing family.
Stuff didn’t exactly go well at first. Still grieving over his separation from Logan, he did often find it hard to smile for his children, nor did he find it easy to explain to them that they couldn’t out in public without being hidden from the world’s view. It didn’t help when his O’Pa (Janus Van Den Bosch-Brzozowski) passed away from a deteriorating body, it was for the best, but it hurt to lose another parent.
He kept going though. His brother, Patton Reyes-Baker, moved in with him and got a job helping a local beekeeper. It wasn’t so bad, grief can strengthen some bonds. His step father, Remus, visited every so often, it was clear that he probably wouldn’t be around much longer either.
He’s doing a pretty good job raising those kids. Still it doesn’t help that Patton wishes he did it with his beloved. There have been many long nights of waiting and crying. There’s a good chance that Patton won’t move on until old age, which could be a good thing for a certain someone. Overall, if he were to describe it, it’s like the worst nightmare and the best dream ever at the same time.
Patton did get to open that diner, he did get to take his puppies home with him, and he did teach his kids how to ride bikes (except Buddy), but it still wasn’t the same. For all he cares, he’s still a married man.
Being one of the oldest motherfuckers ever, Hymnthian is still kicking it. Under Virgil and Roman’s rule, he’s pretty happy. He does find some common ground with his great (times a couple hundreds) grandchild though. Babe’s remarkable ability to hear the dead often comes in handy for a grieving widower. In return for hearing what his dead wife has to say, he teaches Babe how to play To-Ouch, an Oterian instrument.
Janus and Remus:
As you might've heard earlier, Janus passed away. It’s important to remember that death is an important part of life. In Janus’ case, they were fine with it. After an aspiring career as a ballerina and potter, not being able to use your hands or foot can often be depressing. When their body finally gave out, Janus figured it best if their sister took their place. Janus died comfortably and happily. What else can I say that will convince you? Death isn’t always a bad thing.
Remus O’Malley-Gator was a different story. After the death of Janus, he found himself once again lost. He visited Patton, Patton, and his step-grandkids every so often. Remus spent most of time adventuring, looking for some kind of fulfillment. I suppose that sounds bad, but I always write a bittersweet ending.
Camila and Lotte:
After spending most of her adult life in the void, Camila was beginning to feel hopeless. Her sons were already grown and had found their soulmates, while she had still had nothing. Camila wandered for a while, universe after universe, she turned up with nothing once again.
With Janus having passed, their replacement would soon have to come in. And well, she was certainly surprised. Camila had no idea Janus had a younger sister! Lotte had been frozen for over 200 years, and arrived fresh from the fridge at the ripe old age of 48.
Camila had her fair share of trying to tell this beautiful, intelligent, strong woman that she was from a soulmate universe and that Lotte was her long awaited soulmate. Let’s just say, it took her a couple years.
Lotte had her share of pining as well. I mean, Camila is an equally beautiful, intelligent, strong woman who was tall (every short lesbian’s weakness).
She found her footing as her sibling’s replacement eventually, while she didn’t wield a shepherd's crook but having arms of pure steel sure did come handy when dealing with the dangers of the void.
Eventually, you know that their had to be an equally cute lesbian void wedding, where Patton and Roman became cousins, so that’s cool.
As the only void dweller that actually only lives in the void, his life, honestly, sucks.
As the years go by, Logan’s hair only gets grayer and his yearning only grows stronger. He builds his tough exterior up once more, with some dull hope still intact. Logan knows the probability of never seeing his husband and kids again, and lets the gnawing feeling eat away at him.
But you know what? He did get to be cool Uncle Logan (his Ultra Secret Oterian Code Name was Protection) for about five years. He loved the shit out of Babe, even taught that boy some french and how to clear his mind even when people’s thoughts are louder than all shit.
Then he had to give Babe back to Virgil and Roman, knowing he should take the offer to live in Oteriphanne, he did.
Nothing became of it, he’s just a guy in a country full of vampires. There’s nothing there for him after all. Logan knows Babe isn’t his to parent, and chooses to keep his distance so he doesn’t crowd Roman and Virgil. Maybe in a few years, he’ll risk his life. For now, he’ll just become a grizzled middle aged man.
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rovewritesit · 4 years
Angel Of My Dreams (Chapter 3) John Deacon x Reader Series
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Meant to get this out last night but I’m on call 24/7 for my job so ya know, life.
Series Summary: After reluctantly joining a band with your childhood best friends, you are thrust into oncoming stardom with no sea legs and an overwhelming sense of anxiety. But you just might find your way, thanks to some seasoned pros by your side. And the interest of one particular bassist.
This series is a work of fiction, and is loosely inspired by real people and events. Absolutely no offense is meant to actual Queen or their families.
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 4
Pairing: John Deacon x Reader
Chapter Warnings: Strong language, you know the deal. Feelings of anxiety. Slightly sexual dialogue. Reader is kinda horny? Misogynistic comments towards reader.
Chapter Notes: I may have written out an ENTIRE episode of Pop Quiz before realizing that shoving music facts down your throats isn’t the best use of our time. Apologies if it got a bit disjointed in the trimming process. I work in TV so I just had to add in a cliche meet-cute. Sorry not sorry.
Song/Title Inspiration: Angel - Fleetwood Mac
Taglist: @yourlocalmusicalprostitute​ @brianmays-hair @deacyblues @squishy-geckboye
April 1982 - BBC Studios, London
“It’s not funny, Y/N! Stop laughing. You’re gonna ruin all my hard work!” Dawn chastises you as she sweeps a pale blue eye shadow across your lids, trying her best to complete your request to tone down your usual stage look.
You try to muffle your laughter, teetering on your chair set up in the spacious green room. It comes out as a wheeze, a soft whistle escaping through your nose. “I’m sorry, you said what!?”
“I kid you not, I took one look at his penis and said ‘What the fuck is that?”
A sharp laugh escapes from your mouth once again, failing miserably to prevent tears from leaking out of the corners of your eyes.
“I feel awful! It’s just that I had never seen one before,” Dawn whines.
“Okay, I know for a fact that’s not the first dick you’ve seen. Hell, even I’ve seen some of those. Like ships passing in the night as they raced out of your dorm bed,” you giggle.
“You know what I mean. I’ve never been with one that’s… intact.”
Your eyebrows shoot up, “Oh c’mon. Uncircumcised can’t be that different.”
“It wasn’t! I was just drunk and got spooked, I guess. It was actually kinda cute. Like it was wearing a little turtleneck or something.”
You lose it, yet again. Laughter falls freely from your lips, helping to alleviate the dreaded stress that has now become your constant companion these days. Appearing on a game show alone was not something you thought you’d have to tackle on your third day in London. You’re sure the boys were off exploring the sprawling city that none of you had stepped foot in prior to the trip.
Pop Quiz was apparently a big hit for the BBC, featuring a bevy of famous musicians battling out their knowledge of the industry. You’d never had the chance to watch, obviously not readily available to viewers back home, but a harried man had come in earlier to give you a basic rundown of the format. You were somewhat confident in your knowledge of music, having been a regular at your hometown’s local record shop, you just hoped it would be enough to keep you from making a fool out of yourself in front of an entire country. But your anxiety mostly stemmed from your upcoming appearance in front of the camera without the boys there to play off of.
“How was it, though? I heard they’re supposed to “feel better” or something like that,” your curiosity getting the better of you. “Ooo, was it curved? Sometimes that can be a great thing. Except for one I encountered that was going in the opposite way then you’d think. Like even it knew it should be running away from the dude.”
Dawn’s face screws into a pinch, “Was that Tyler... Wait, don’t tell me. Ew. And I wouldn’t know! The poor guy was so embarrassed he couldn’t even keep it up after that!”
“What a waste,” you sigh. “I thought I’d be at least getting some field research out of your antics. What did I even bring you to London for?” you joke as she holds a tissue out to blot your lips.
“Uh-huh. The day you do some “field research” of your own is the day I chop off my own hair,” she quips, narrowing her eyes at you.
You casually raise your right hand to flip her off. She wasn’t wrong; it had been a while since you’d been with anyone, let alone entertained the fact of jumping into a relationship. There were partners in the past, of course. A few geeky high school boys, a woman who worked at said hometown record store, and the occasional pretentious film kid while at NYU, who spoke condescendingly of women working in film but scratched an itch when needed.
“And there’s no time like the present! You know what they say. When in Britain…” Dawn trails off, failing to finish her bit.
You left eyebrow quirks, “Throw dental hygiene standards out the window?”
Her face twists in disgust again as she uncaps a can of Aqua Net. “Gross. Now close your eyes and shut up so I can be done with you.”
The spray sputters, emitting little from it. “Dammnit,” she curses, turning to rummage around her sprawling kit. “Of course, I didn’t pack a spare. I’ll be right back. Hopefully, their hair department has one we can borrow.” 
She rushes from the room in a sweeping motion, knocking over a coffee that was precariously placed on your chair’s armrest in the process.
“Fuck me,” you breathe, jumping up, your white blouse now doused in caffeine.
You hurry to jog out of the room, trying to catch up with her. “Daw- Shit!”
Your face collides with a hard chest.
Two large hands grip your shoulders to stop your momentum. “Oh! Apologies,” comes a light voice from above, muffled by your full head of ringlets. You jerk your head away quickly, and your gaze lands on a pair of startled greyish, green eyes.
“S-sorry,” you stutter out. “Completely my fault.” You glance down to the hands that still rest on your shoulders for a moment before looking back up. The pair of eyes go wide, and the hands quickly retreat back to the man’s side. 
The man being the bassist of Queen, John Deacon. You scold yourself for only having glanced at the day’s detailed itinerary this morning before heading out. How did I miss that one? Sweat begins to gather on your palms immediately.
“John Deacon,” he hesitantly smiles at you while extending a hand.
“Y/N L/N,” you squeak out as his hand engulfs yours, inwardly cringing at how moist it must feel. You hold it for a bit too long. “I’m one of the contestants on Team A today,” you yank your hand back to your side.
His brow knit together. “Oh? I was told I’d be with Nick Rhodes and Jon Moss today.”
You shift your weight uncomfortably from side to side, having yet to meet his eyes again. “Nick had to cancel, I believe. I’m a last-minute replacement.”
“Okay,” he replies with a tight smile. “Well, good then. I hope you’re ready,” he glances down, noticing the stain splashed across your top. “Or, at least close to it...”
“Huh?” you blurt out before realizing, looking down at your shirt. “Oh, yes. The reason I so rudely ran into you. I should go-” your eye catches something as they finally travel back up to his. “Aw, fuck.”
You grimace, pointing directly at his chest. Right to the giant imprint on his tight blue shirt. One that had been left by your bright red lipstick.
He follows your finger. “Ah! Will you look at that.”
“I am so, so sorry,” you rush out, absolute mortification seeping into your voice.
He dismisses your apology with a wave of his hand. “Not to worry. That’s what jackets are for,” he says, zipping up the oversized grey jacket slung around his shoulders. “And at least now I know this shade of red really isn’t my colour.”
You smile up at him, not really knowing what else to say—the full weight of your not-so-smooth first encounter with this man hitting you fast, as people squeezed around you two in the tight hallway. “I should go get fixed up,” you tell him, pointing your thumb back over your shoulder towards your dressing room, ready to make a quick exit.
“Alright. I’ll see you out there then. Cheers!” he smiles back with a wave of his hand, turning to find his own space to get ready.
You stand there watching him in a daze, mentally berating yourself for now having had two inappropriate run-ins with a member of Queen.
Dawn materializes into your field of vision, hands-on-hips.
“Honestly, what the hell. I left you alone for two minutes!”
- - - - - - -
20 minutes later, you follow a stagehand through the back of the soundstage, fidgeting with your outfit while trying not to crash into anyone else. Dawn’s top that she quickly switched with your own was cut much lower than you would’ve liked and left you feeling even more exposed than your current bout of nerves did.
You’re dumped onto the set with the point of a finger over to a tall man. Mike Read, the host of Pop Quiz, stands by a large desk, crew members bustling around him. You stick to your spot out of the way, not sure if to interrupt the conversation he’s currently having to introduce yourself. 
You take in the spacious stage, never having been on a show of this size before. A wave of longing suddenly washes over you, yearning for days on set where you were a part of the crew that moved around you. While at school, you’d worked on several student films, usually as a 1st Assistant Director or Line Producer. You loved the pace of production. Keeping everyone on time, on budget. It was where you felt most confident. While there were a variety of different types of personalities on set, you found it exhilarating to be the one to settle disputes and help everyone stay on track. Your subtle superpower of putting out little fires everywhere you went. Never had it crossed your mind that you’d be on the other side of the camera one day.
“A change of wardrobe, I see,” a voice says from behind you, pulling you out of your daydream. You turn to catch John’s smirk, his eyes trained intentionally on your own.
“It would appear so,” you reply, glancing down at yourself quickly.
“Have you been introduced to Mike yet?”
“Nope. I was working up the courage,” you admit.
“C’mon,” he gestures for you to follow him as he strolls towards the man. “He doesn’t bite.” You follow, trailing behind his long strides as he daintily weaves between the many bodies in your path.
“John!” Mike exclaims as you both approach. “Good to see you, mate,” he claps him on the back.
“You too. Thanks for having me back,” John greets him cheerily. “And look, I brought a present. All the way from America, I’m assuming. Mike, this is--”
“Y/N L/N!” Mike says, a genuine smile forming. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that we fit you in.”
“Oh, thank you. I’m excited to be here,” you mumble as he brings you in for a hug.
“Can I just say, your video for Heart of the Night is absolutely outrageous. I thought my eyes were going to pop out my head when I’d learnt that MTV in the States had aired it,” he laughs. “Daring stuff, really.”
You feel a heat creeping up your neck as you try to accept the compliment. “Yeah, thanks. Glad to hear that you’re all a bit more relaxed in terms of watching the explicit murder of a teenage girl on your screens.” You immediately wince at your own bluntness.
You can’t help but peek over at John, curious if he’d seen the violent clip now making its rounds across UK television sets everywhere. He’s staring at you with eyebrows raised and his mouth hanging open slightly. 
Great. He thinks I’m a lunatic.
“We certainly are!” Mike chuckles. “Have you been briefed on the logistics of how the taping will go?”
“Mhmm, I got the rundown from one of your producers.”
“Excellent. Well, you’ll be in good hands with John here heading your team,” he says, slinging an arm around the man’s shoulders and adjusting his large glasses with the other.
Good hands indeed, you think to yourself, remembering how large they felt when they gripped your shoulders earlier. No, stop that, you scold yourself.
“We’ll be getting started in just a few minutes if you’d both like to find your seats. And you’ll have to regale me with the gory details from that shoot of yours afterward,” he winks, gesturing towards your spots for the show. You turn to follow John to your side of the set.
“Oh, and Y/N!” Mike calls out. “I do hope you’re good. Deacon got absolutely spanked last time he was on.” You bring your hand up to your face to stifle your giggle. John makes a show of rolling his eyes but keeps walking. You notice his face is now tinged a lovely shade of pink.
“You must think I’m daft,” he says, turning to you slightly.
“Me? Oh no, I’m sure we’ll do great!” you reply, a bit too happily.
“No, no, not that,” he laughs lightly, his hand finding the back of his neck. “For not recognizing you during our... colourful meeting in the hallway. It seems you and your band left quite the impression on our dear Freddie.”
“Oh! That’s nice to hear. You can tell him he left quite the impression on us as well, but I’m sure he makes an impression on most everyone,” you shrug. “And don’t worry about it, please. It’s not as if I’m a part of the biggest band in Britain or anything,” you tease. He smiles shyly. You catch the crinkles on the outer corners of his eyes before he turns them downwards.
You reach the long table on your designated side of the studio. There’s one on the other side mirroring it, with three somewhat familiar faces already sitting behind it. You glance at the empty seats before you, moving hesitantly towards them until John pulls out the closest chair, gesturing for you to sit. He gingerly pushes it under you as you lower yourself down.
“Thanks,” you mumble. He nods and moves to sit beside you.
There’s a loud bang to your right, causing you both to jump and look to the source; a large Grip gingerly picks up the c-stand he’s knocked over. John hovers above his chair, watching on as a producer shouts at the poor man, his waist now at your eye line.
You had never understood the fascination with men’s butts. That is, until now. The tight jeans John had on left little to the imagination. As if that would stop you. You shake your head back and forth as if to clear your thoughts. All of Dawn’s talk earlier must have you seriously whacked out.
“Are you alright?” John asks, now situated in his seat.
“Hm?” you break out of your daze. “Yes, fine. It’s just- I haven’t done anything like this,” you gesture to the large room teeming with various crew and a studio audience, “before, on my own. Usually we’re all together, and I’m slightly less charismatic than the rest of them, I’m afraid.”
“Well, I would tell you that it’ll get easier, but I still feel like I’m rubbish without my lot as well,” he sympathies. “And I happen to find you quite charismatic as you are,” he adds softly. “You certainly had Mike going back there.”
“Oh boy,” a voice huffs from the other end of the table, drawing away John’s attention. You’re thankful for the distraction, finding yourself at a loss for words due to his comment, coupled with your previous thoughts.
“I see you two actually arrived on time, ya goodie-two-shoes,” the flamboyant man complains as he plops into the third and final seat at the table.
“Jon, welcome. Good to see you,” John acknowledges, shaking the man’s hand.
“And who’s this little thing at the end, then?” he points at you.
John’s expression turns slightly sour at the informal greeting directed towards you. “This is Y/N L/N of Lo & The…” he struggles to remember, “Legs?”
You bark out a laugh. “The Limbs. But The Legs sounds better actually.” You share a smile, holding onto John’s eyes even though it makes your insides flip.
An outstretched hand is shoved past his body. “Jon Norris. Drummer. Culture Club.” You accidentally brush John’s arm as you move to return the handshake, not missing how he jumps a bit at the contact. “Pleasure,” reply, tearing your eyes away.
The drummer retracts his hand, settling back to swing his shoes up onto the table. “I’m glad to have a bird on the team, actually. Maybe we’ll get a few extra points thrown our way for that tiny top of yours,” he smirks, not even glancing over in your direction.
You look down at your slightly exposed chest, but the color red quickly clouds your vision. John sucks in a breath as he sits up straight in his chair. “That’s a bit ru-,” he starts in an annoyed tone.
But you’re quick to cut in, leaning your body forward on the table to lock eyes with Jon, “Actually, we might get docked a few for that obnoxious suit you’ve got on. Didn’t anyone ever tell you that stripes bleed on camera, sweetheart?” you seeth.
He glances down at his bright pink and green striped suit, clearly taken aback by your quick comeback. “N-no…” he falters, shutting up for the moment.
You catch John’s expression, a mixture of confusion and awe while he gapes at you. You lean back, crossing your arms over your chest. Luckily you don’t have much time to stew over the misogynistic comment as the stage manager’s voice rings out a 10-minute warning.
“Just try not to show me up too much, would you?” John whispers, leaning in closer to you. Obviously, trying to lighten your mood.
You give in. “You, sir, are lucky to have me on your team,” you point at him. “Tell me, what’s more important? The scoreboard or your fragile ego?” You’re not sure where your sudden wave of confidence is coming from.
He brings his hand to his chest. “You caught me,” he says, trying to hide his smile. “One could say I’m overcompensating, given who my bandmates are. Roger’s won this twice already, and it only started airing last year. I’ll never hear the end of it if I muck it up again.”
“Well then, I’ll do my best to save your sorry ass, and maybe that one down there too, if he’s lucky,” you tease. 
Great. Now I’m thinking about his ass again. Fuck you, Dawn.
“If you’d be so kind,” he says before turning his attention elsewhere, content to watch the happenings around him until the show’s start. You hear him start to softly hum to himself, not able to place what the tune is.
You try not to watch him out of your peripherals for the next few minutes, hardly even noticing your lack of nerves as the studio audience starts cheering.
- - - - - - -
“And to end out round one, we have Adam Ant’s team with 3 points. And with a slight lead, John Deacon’s team with 4.” The studio audience erupts in a deafening cheer. “That’ll bring us into round two, which will be a team question. John, your team to go first,” Mike directs from his desk in the center of the set.
John lightly taps his pencil against the notepad in front of him, the current tight score starting to bring about his competitive side. He peeks over to check on his teammates. Y/N looks like a radiating ball of energy. Her feet are tucked up under her on the chair as she hunches forward, pencil already hovering while her teeth chew on the eraser. To his right, Jon doodles away, drawing exaggerated characachers of select members of the studio audience.
“Right, question coming to you in a moment, but first here’s the band, The Band.”
A large monitor towards the front of the set comes to life with a clip from their concert film, The Last Waltz. The chair to his left gives a loud squeak as Y/N begins to scribble furiously as if already knowing the question before it’s been given.
“Here’s a clip from The Last Waltz, The Band’s famous taped last concert. Please name 10 of the 20 rock legends that joined them on stage that night.”
John’s face scrunches in concentration, trying to recall the recording of it that he’d listened to many times before. He writes down the first few that come to mind, struggling to get past 6 names that he’s sure were present.
“Bloody American bands and they’re American friends,” Jon says, shoving his own piece of paper into John’s view. It has 4 names on it, 3 of which John already has down.
“They’re Canadian,” John replies, transferring the extra name to his paper.
“The Band. They’re from Canada, I believe. At least most of them are.” Jon shrugs as the clip fades out, their minute of deliberation up.
“Alright, that was The Band with a famous clip from The Last Waltz. If you’d please, John, name 10 of the acts that accompanied them that night.”
A sheet of paper smoothly glides in front of his, Y/N’s messy scrawl covering it with 10 names hastily jotted down. He raises his eyebrows to her, but she just nods at the paper, urging him to read it.
He starts, completely disregarding his own list. “Erm, yes, we have Eric Clapton, Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Dr. John, Van Morrison, Ronnie Hawkins, Neil Young, Bobby Charles” he struggles to read the small scribbling, almost illegible. “Um, Muddy Waters? Yes. And Neil Diamond.”
John lets out a breath, silently praying that the young girl beside him is as bright as she seems.
“Right you are! 10/10,” Mike exclaims. “For a bonus point, can you name the two artists that recorded pre-taped performances with them for the film as well?”
“Uh…” John glances at Y/N for support. She shoves another scrap of paper to him. Emmylou and Staples the only thing written on it.
“Emmylou Harris and The Staples Singers?” he answers, more like a question.
“Wonderful, a full 4 points to you all.”
He watches as a deep grin breaks onto Y/N’s face as she finally reclines. She looks over to him, a bit proud of herself, he thinks, as the other team begins their own round of questioning.
He’s quite intimidated by the American next to him if he’s being honest with himself. Her anxious demeanor seemed to have vanished into thin air once the game started, tackling each question thrown at their team with a hungry reverence. But her laugh is what keeps him on edge the most. It’s brash and full, consistently breaking him from his determined concentration to send a confusing jolt through his body each time.
“While your knowledge reigns superior, your handwriting leaves something to be desired,” he whispers in jest, not being able to help himself. She simulates a shocked expression as she leans over to look at her own paper that sits in front of him.
Her accent is thicker as she returns his whisper, “What ya tawking about?” She moves her eyes closer to examine, her shoulder bumping his. “That clearly says Muddy Waters.” Her hair hovers below his chin, almost tickling his stubble. It smells of something citrusy and light. 
“Y’ smell lovely,” he sighs, almost inaudibly.
“Hm?” she questions, bringing her body back into her own seat.
“E-ever-ly,” He stumbles out, still quietly. “I thought it read it as the Everly Brothers at first,” hoping to god his bad save is enough.
She snorts. “You sure you didn’t leave your glasses at home? Would’ve thought you’d bring them to something like this.”
He quickly fixes the flustered look on his face, “Hm, glasses aren’t conducive to my rockstar type of lifestyle. Take Rog, for instance. Always wearing those bloody prescription sunglasses indoors, looking like an absolute git.”
She lets out that sharp laugh again, immediately covering her mouth, embarrassed at the thought of interrupting the other team. “I’ll have to watch out for that. Eat my carrots, all that nonsense,” she answers softly. If Brian were here, he’d ramble on about how there’s no scientific evidence of that or some bollocks, he thinks to himself.
“Let us hope my ears are in far better condition. Then you won’t have to keep, how did you put it, saving our sorry asses?” She smiles down into her lap and bites her lip. Oh hell, don’t do that.
Mike is now wrapping up with the other team. “No, I’m sorry. Their other top 10 hit was “So You Win Again. 3 points it is.” He once again turns his attention back over to John’s team. “Moving on to our third round, we have individual questions. Y/N, we’ll start with you. Here’s the hit Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye. Please name the artists you hear in order.”
The sound bites begin, and Y/N is once again bent over her paper as she listens, brow furrowing. John identifies the first two singers instantly but is at a loss for the third, making him grateful the question isn’t his. The clips fade out.
“I think it was Glen Campbell.”
“Johnny Nash.”
“Good. Last one?”
“And... Bettye Swann?”
“Yes, top job! Known for her R&B hit Make Me Yours. I’ll give you a bonus if you can tell me who the song was sung by originally,” Mike counters.
“The Casino’s,” she says confidently.
“No, I’m sorry. I’ll give you one more chance.”
John realizes she was probably too young or not even born yet when the original was released. He slyly slides closer to her. “Don Cherry,” he mumbles lowly, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.
“Don Cherry?” she shouts as if to cover up his assistance.
“Yes, John Deacon, you’re right. It is Don Cherry. The point is yours for at least attempting to be subtle,” Mike laughs. Y/N shyly smiles over at him, silently thanking him for his help. 
John and Jon mostly breeze through their questions with ease, racking up a hefty amount of points in favor of their team before turning over to the others. He takes a sip of water as he smugly watches on.
“Glad to know my own ass is in good hands if it’s ever in need of saving again,” Y/N quietly comments. He chokes lightly on his water as an image flashes quickly through his mind. John racks his brain for a reply, but only overtly cheeky responses come to mind.
“Anytime,” he manages, afraid to catch her eyes. She lets out a light giggle, starkly different from her usual roar. It sends a warmth of color to his cheeks. 
Intriguing, he thinks, silently hoping that he’ll get the chance to hear it again.
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ritchieblackless · 4 years
[Ranking Of Cozy music eras]
Well, as many of you know, Cozy did A LOT of things with many musicians and playing different styles. He appeared on at least 66 albums and counting another session work, some hidden works (Like Supertision and Ballroom Blitz) in total is nearly 90 things that he did! (that's why it took me so long, I had to listen to all again) but always one era will be better than other so... at the request of @thespiritofvexation (and I wanted to because is a excellent idea) here are the ranking of Cozy music eras.
Note: I'll try to be objective about this but also you'll get my opinion.
9. Whitesnake.
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(As you can notice, Cozy's solo album is there. I put it because is in same era. I did this with all Cozy's solo albums 'cause the poor boy didn't have the time to make a proper solo career... he didn't like that very much anyway.)
Well first thing I'll highlight about this work... is the fact that his drumming is plain, so plain... for being Cozy Powell. You know, Blues rhythm, one bass drum and tomb with a little bit of cymbal... plain. But it's alright because the album needed that type of drumming (Not pun intended of course) I'm just saying that his drumming is so plain because the songs (Blues/Hard Rock) needed that, otherwise, it would have sounded a bit Rainbow-ish. Remember that Cozy was so versatile. He had a strong style but if the song needed the opposite of his style, he was going to do it.
Whitesnake era for me is not his best but LIVE. He on stage was another story. He was amazing.
Songs with Cozy's signature: Hungry For Love.
A side from Whitesnake we have his solo album which is one of his best works. Octopuss was a successful album. We have his mix between classical music and his drumming which is mind blowing. Hard Rock tracks like The Rattler, Formula One (Good one, Cozy) and Princetown and one ballad (Because he liked... a true sweetheart.) Dartmoore.
8. Michael Schenker Group.
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His work here is what I like to call "Angry Drumming"
He didn't get along with Michael Schenker so they were fighting everytime. So all he did in this only album with MSG he did it angry... that's why is so good. He was "in mourning" trying to get over Rainbow so he had no better idea that making his drumming sound Rainbow-ish (I can relate) taking advantage of the situation that MSG was a heavy rock band. Not Rainbow, but still. There are a lot of Cozy's fills and Cozy's arrangements on the songs too more than Whitesnake.
Songs with Cozy’s signature: Attack Of The Mad Axeman, But I Want More and Feeling Like A Good Thing (Live). 
Now, a side from MSG we have his second solo album. Tilt have jazz-fusion songs like Cat Moves. A  rock tracks too like The Blister and Hot Rock. And with some funky thing like The Right Side with another ballad (Because he is a sweetheart) Sunset. Tilt was an anti-commercial album with a nice success. Also, the album have two “Dark” songs which are Living In A Lie and Jekyll Hyde (Inspired of course in Mr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde... Cozy’s favourite book... such a nerdy.)
7. Brian May Band.
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We know how important Cozy was for Brian May’s solo career and Brian himself... (But I’ll not going to talk about this now, because I’m focused only on his drumming.)
Basically Brian told him “Be yourself, I don’t need a type of drumming” So that is what you listen when you listen those three albums... a free, happy Cozy. So powerful as always and creative. Of course Cozy had to be powerful because he was trying to cheer Brian up (He is so sweet). Believe me when I say that this is his best work in his last days! Its amazing the heavy-hand that he still had. For moments you think that you are listening Rainbow by the power of his drumming and the songs are completely stunning. 
Songs with Cozy’s signature: Cyborg, The Guv’nor, Resurrection, Rollin’ Over.
Now, his solo album. The Drums Are Back was not a successful album with bad reviews saying that Cozy was recycling himself. I personally don’t think Cozy was recycling himself, I just think that he had his own way to do songs and make albums.In spite the bad critics and no success, the album was top ten in Japan.. HA! The Drums Are Back have really groovy songs like The Drums Are Back, Legend Of The Glass Mountain (He really never got over Rainbow..). Rock songs like The Rocket and Ride To Win. And three ballads (Because he is a sweet-... well you get it) Battle Hymn, Cryin’ and Somewhere In Time.
6. Peter Green Splinter Group. 
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This album is a proof of Cozy’s versatility and still young drumming. 
He and Peter Green got along really well so their chemistry was reflected in the music and live performances (Unfortunately a very few with Cozy) Yeah, the whole album is basically blues, okay? But the thing is that Cozy, no matter how slow the blues was, he would let you know that was him playing the drums.And I need to say that: HE PLAYED BLACK MAGIC WOMAN WONDERFULLY... (just that, back to the point). 
Peter didn't tell him how to play drums in Fleetwooc Mac’s songs, Cozy just did it and he did it fantastic. Also, his drumming sounded so young, so strong and with presence. Its mind blowing really because you don’t expect Cozy at the age of 50 playing strongly but he actually did. He did his drum roll thing with just one bass drum, he was still so noisy as always (I’m so sorry just this era puts me soft)  
Songs with Cozy’s signature:Homework, Going Down. 
And his solo-... oh... right... *Runs to bathroom to cry*
5. 80s Work.
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 Well, time to time (For not saying always) Cozy liked to participate in his friends’s albums when he had a little free time with the band that he was in at the time. I did this 80s work section here because I cant believe that amount of things that he did while he was playing in other bands (I mean, u r for real?)...I put the most popular ones but out there are a lot of unknown Cozy works in the 80s with several bands. I just felt that his 80s works deserved a position in the ranking. This is another proof of his versatility but, with a little of his style of course. 
Songs with Cozy’s signature: Tender Babes by Jon Lord, Night Games by Graham Bonnet, Slow Dancer by Rober Plant, Believe by Tom Galley (Phenomena) Shakey Ground by Bernie Marsden, Running from The Storm by Gary Moore and well.. ETC (and many many etcs)
4. Black Sabbath
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This is when Cozy turns his “Beast Mode” on.
I don’t know why, maybe because he knew what Black Sabbath was (Tony: Join my emo band.... Cozy: okay) and what it needed..? because that is his normal drumming..? (I'm sure that is his normal drumming.) But he literally blows your mind in every- fucking *wheezes* song. The three Black Sabbath albums are filled with unexpected Cozy's fills (No matter how many times you've listened to those albums, he is unexpected.) His beat is very heavy and very exact too. He was a fan of Bill Ward so I'll be not surprised if he tried to get that heaviness! (I mean, Cozy has his own heaviness but what I'm saying is that maybe Cozy wanted to make a proper Black Sabbath sound) 
Songs with Cozy’s signature: Headless Cross, The Call Of The Wild. Basically all TYR and talk about Forbidden is forbidden... (I’m joking. Is a good album too)
3.Jeff Beck/ RAK 
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Well, for start I put them together because when Jeff Beck Group disbanded, the following year he signed a contract with Micky Most and RAK. So, he was a secessionist, a well-known secessionist. He was in the circle for someone who needed a powerful-jazzy style. It’s like the 80s works really (omg Cozy get a grip). He was a really demanded drummer, everyone wanted him and he eventually worked with everyone. He had a very well-known beat by that time, you easily can tell was Cozy but he also had to be more open to the different styles that he was asked to play (Basically he can’t play like him all the time). He also had some discredited stuff, like Ballroom Blitz by The Sweet (It’s so obvious) and Superstition by Steve Wonder (I know, I know that it says Stevie played everything BUT NOT IN THIS CASE DON’T BELIEVE HIM. What you hear in the song is Cozy playing.) and more like some Suzi Quatro’s songs.
Songs with Cozy’s signature: Ballroom Blitz, Superstition, Cosmic Wheels, Band Of The Salvation Army Band by Tony Ashton and Jon Lord.
Now his solo stuff: Here comes his baby, his household, his precious treasure, his (okay you get it) Dance With The Devil single. It’s a friendly instrumental which they did for a laugh but it became seriously successful... (Yes, they didn’t mean to do it but they did) Micky Most ask to Cozy if he wanted to be a single and Cozy said yes thinking that it was not going to be a big deal but *BUM* 1 Million of copies sold (Literally Cozy stayed at home two days laying looking at the ceiling because he can’t believe it) Of course they did the Dance with the devil part 2 which is Man In Black but it didn't work as well as the first one.They did Cozy Powell’s Hammer but it was kinda a fail too although the band had several tour dates. 
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This is when Cozy met his lost brother (okay no) This is when Cozy tried his best to play good jazz but instead came up this.. jazz fusion-rock-weird thing. So the thing here was: Jeff didn't know how to explain Cozy what the wanted him to play and Cozy was getting mad about it (Jeff: You can do ta.. tatada tss, ts ts ta da ta... Cozy: Honestly Jeff wtf?) so he did what he thought was better for the record and Ta-Da! Rough And Ready was born. Cozy’s drumming is a bit lighter and he uses a lot the cymbals for a swing-jazz rhythm.  
Songs with Cozy’s signature: Going Down, Ice Cream Cakes, Situation, Short Business.
2. Rainbow.
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(Omg Martina are you fcking crazy????) Yes I didn’t put Rainbow in the first place...A new hope for Cozy (This sounds like Star Wars movie or something)
Okay, this is one of his best eras because he was all recovered of his disappointment in music business in 1975. He literally gave up with music (poor babe) until Ritchie called him (Ritchie: Join my emo band... Cozy: okay) . He was ready and decided to show that he wasn't a poor drummer... and he did.He played all his tricks, he was so unpredictable and powerful. He actually was lead drummer (I’m not sure if that exists) He didn't played with the bass like a normal rhythm section, he played with Ritchie. Cozy live with Rainbow was so unbelievable, like the unexpected fill in Catch The Rainbow, Man On The Silver Mountain... To be honest, the first Rainbow album sounds so plain without Cozy, it’s like.. something is missing (Basically Cozy changed the band). His beat is so heavy, strong and incredible.Also his 1812 Overture which is just mind blowing. He was a happy Cozy in Rainbow, that’s why he played so brilliantly (and he was Ritchie’s goal friend... what is better than that?) Cozy did an amazing job in Rainbow... (No words...)
Songs with Cozy’s signature: Stargazer, Run with the Wolf, Mistreated (Live), Lost In Hollywood, Eyes Of The World, Gates Of Babylon, Light In The Black, All Night Long and.. all.(Literally all)
Now, his first solo work: Basically he had nostalgia for Hammer and the press still had bad relationship with Cozy saying things like “He is just Dance With The Devil and nothing more” so Cozy want to make an album so fantastic to shut them up. He called to his friends and all was ready... but they needed a bassist so Cozy took his chance and asked Jack Bruce if he can play in his album (Cozy was such a Cream/Jack fanboy.. he was almost his male crush lol.) Fortunately for Cozy, Jack said yes and they recorded it. The album had a fantastic success, extremely high success. The album had fantastic songs like Theme One (Courtesy of George Martin), The Killer, El Sid, Heidi Goes To Town and one sweet ballad (Sweetheart) The Loner (Dedicated to Jeff Beck... That is actually very cute). 
1. ELPowell
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(ARE YOU JOKING?????) No, i’m not joking and i’ll tell you why. Also this is when Cozy became a prog nerd. 
The only one reason that I chose ELPowell as best Cozy music era instead of Rainbow... it’s because he stepped out of his Comfort Zone. This is the REAL proof of Cozy’s versatility. He did amazing things in Rainbow yes but in the end was rock and roll... This is different, this is progressive rock (I don’t really care about Progressive people’s discussion about 80s progressive rock... I’m talking only about Cozy) and Cozy didn’t know a THING about progressive and he still did it amazing. Of course, he took what Carl did and he simplified it to carry it to what he can do... and he did it very well. He had to learn all the ELP’s songs studying them (That’s when he accidentally listened to all elp discography and some Genesis, Yes and well... he became a nerd) He started to experiment with new percussion instruments that Carl used before.. (Like those bells that you hit them with a little hammer... no? okay) He became a KONG BOY too. He literally learned a whole new drumming style but of course with his Cozy sound. Tarkus played by Cozy is amazing, and when he is doing the Congas in From The Beginning kills me every time (That tank tee and those muscles...) and those drum solos...(Damn) they are really something else. And this is the same case of Rainbow.. he was recovering from his disappointment in Whitesnake so he was so enthusiastic about playing with Keith and Greg.  
Songs with Cozy’s signature: Touch and Go, The Score, Mars the Bringer of War. 
THIS IS THE END... GOD this took me an eternity and I explained so much i’m so sorry this is not going to happen again. This is the first and the last time that I’ll make a large post! (For my own mental health) This is so large, I didn’t mean to, sorry! Nobody will read it to the end but I don’t care... and if you do thanks very much this costed me two nights <3 (And sorry if there are any grammar errors) 
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The Ferret
I was reading about ferrets, and I read about how they go scurrying through the rabbit tunnels in the dark and they get the rabbits. And I thought, Hey, that's great! You could make a superhero about ferrets. The Ferret. Brave, fierce, slinky, kinda sexy. Right? Kinda sexy! "Ferreting out crime". Sounds like a thing. So I got out the ol' credit card and I had three interest free months, which felt like a sign. Right? What are the odds? Are you kidding me? So I went down to the fabric store and got a bunch of fabric and went to the hardware store for some wire and tools and whatnot and then went to a tailor with a pic of a ferret I printed out at the library and pointed at it and said "Make ME... into THIS." And I gave the guy three hundred bucks. The guy was like, whoa. I could see he was into it. Making a superhero costume, are you kidding me right now. Bucket list. Um, yes. And I handed him the bag of box cutters and LED lights for the outfit and he nodded and slid it under the table. I knew right then and there we had a collaboration going on. Like this guy was gonna be my Alfred, if Alfred made outfits for Batman. So the next day I came back and honestly the guy, the tailor, his name was Rod, nailed it. I basically gave Rod the job on the spot, although it's not a job so I didn't. There was a cute little furry cap with sharp teeth that hung over my forehead and red LED light eyes that glared fiercely. It was connected to a cape that went down my back but also had sleeves which had razor sharp claws at the end. Literally razor sharp because they were blades from the box cutters I bought. It was so cool. I put it on and twirled and snarled. I pounced on Rod and pretended to nibble on his neck a little. He was cheering. He loved it. I went out looking for crime that night but I couldn't find anything. Not to worry. It just meant that the streets were safe. I kept going out but I still couldn't find any crime. That's a good thing, right? You don't WANT to see crime. There must have been no crime, I figured. But then I checked the news and there'd been loads of crime. I just hadn't been in the right place at the right time. Rod suggested it was because I was too visible with my light brown fur. Crooks were seeing me and leaving the area. So we rebuilt the costume from the ground up with black fur. Now I was gonna blend in at night and the black fur would hide stains better too. I went out again but I still couldn't find any crime. I was starting to get bummed out. I was ready to stop crime but none of it was happening in the right place. I had to get back to basics. I thought about what a ferret would do. Well, for one, it wouldn't be a fucking HOBBY. Get the rabbit or die. That's the ferret's code. I needed to think like a ferret or it was just a costume. I stopped eating and vowed not to start again until I'd stopped a crime. The first night I felt pretty good but didn't find any crime. The second night I was light-headed and I found a guy breaking into a car. He said it was his car but I didn't believe that shit. I punched him and he came back at me so I slashed him with my ferret claws. Fair's fair I probably slashed a bit too hard because he started bleeding real bad and just died. Anyway I ran home and I got to eat dinner because I'd done Ferret justice. I ate two whole boxes of Easy Mac and went to sleep. The next day I felt so good. I went out again and found a guy stealing mail and a guy who looked suspicious. I gave them Ferret justice and ate some fried chicken and Mountain Dew. The next night there were cops everywhere so I stayed in. The night after that too. I was getting hungry. After four nights I put on my Ferret costume anyway and went out anyway. I'd barely started looking for crime when the cops stopped me. Hey, what's the deal? I asked. Nothing here but a ferret fan who loves justice. As if there's any other kind. But they had other questions for me. Of course, I wasn't interested in working within the confines of the law. What, does Batman turn up for his shift? Does Spiderman take anyone’s shit? More importantly do ferrets? You ever seen a ferret with a boss? No fuckin' way. A ferret is long and wriggly. A ferret is beholden to no one but the tunnels. Anyway, I wriggled on out of there but it kinda meant things were hotter than ever. And I still hadn't eaten. I couldn't go home on account of the situation with the police so I went down to the canal and found a nice dry stormwater pipe. It was cosy and had great acoustics. I hissed and snarled a bunch until I was happy with how my hissing and snarling was sounding. It was embarrassing that I'd even tried to fight crime before I'd really nailed down my hissing and snarling. A superhero needs an audible calling card, like Batman's gravelly voice or the "shink" sound Wolverine's claws make when they come out. The other great thing about the pipe was that it was like a tunnel. Like a tunnel but made of concrete, which is essentially exactly what The Ferret's secret base would be like. Right? Aesthetic references to the source animal but reinforced with cutting edge human tech? Are you kidding? Am I wrong here? So it was basically perfect. I couldn't run the risk of being stopped by the lumbering institutions of the law before I'd had the chance to tangle with a bona fide supervillain so I laid low in the pipe for a few more days, maybe a week. I was getting real hungry so I practised by catching and eating some seagulls since I figured it was basically allowed under a more relaxed definition of my character. I had no idea what supervillains were out there or how to find them. I needed to do some serious research. I was open to relocating, if necessary, if another city had a supervillain who needed dealing with. Switching cities was generally frowned upon in superhero lore but who'd be the asshole if I had no supervillain to fight and another city had a supervillain with no hero to stop them and I did nothing? Me. Yeah. And I wasn't OK with that. I rolled my costume up and stuffed it into a backpack and headed downtown for observation/research but disappointingly the first cop I saw yelled and started chasing me. I ducked down a back alley and hid behind a bin and he ran right past. Just then I noticed that he hadn't radioed for backup. And he didn't have a partner. I was pretty sure all cops had to have a partner, which made this guy pretty suspicious. At best he was impersonating a police officer but at worst he was a supervillain's goon. I felt proud that the supervillain, whoever they were, had already caught wind of me and considered me enough of a threat to send their goons after me. I sprinted up behind the fake cop and tackled him. He hit the ground hard and I wrapped my thighs around his neck and snarled. "Tell me who you work for!" I squeaked. He couldn't talk super well on account of my thighs but I could've sworn that he gurgled "The Bunny", although it could have been "get off me". Either way it was exactly what one of The Bunny's henchmen would have said. I realised I'd never actually had the time to deliver a catchphrase to a criminal before, since all my previous punishments had been delivered in an active combat scenario. I flicked on my LED light eyes and hissed "Nighty night," which I didn't feel great about, to be truthful, since it didn't really have a strong thematic link to the character, but it wasn't like the goon was in any position to critique it. I slashed his face. In fairness it was only supposed to be a Zorro-style superficial wound that would scar in the shape of a permanent reminder that he'd tangled with The Ferret, but at the last second I lost my balance and leaned in a bit too much. I didn't want another one to die so I was actually leaning forward trying to stem the bleeding when the other cops ran around the corner, not gnawing on the guy as they claimed. Turned out he had called for backup. Doesn't mean he wasn't crooked. In any case, if the rumour got around that The Ferret was found gnawing on a crooked cop it'd pretty much increase my reputation on the streets. Once I busted out of prison. Which I will.
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labyrinthofloving · 4 years
----Look After Me----
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Recap----“Listen to me,” he demands softly, “this is not your fault, you hear me? The only person to blame here is Zach, he made a choice. He made the wrong choice because he hurt you, but he made that choice. None of this is your fault, you did nothing wrong, this is all on him.” he comforts as he pulls (Y/N) into his chest and shares another pointed look with Grayson, who’s still making efforts to control his temper.
When he’s finally able to think past his anger, Grayson pulls (Y/N)’s legs onto his lap and exhales loudly as he begins to speak, “We love you so much, (Y/N). I’m so sorry that he did this to you, no one deserves this and especially not you. We’re gonna make sure you’re okay, this isn’t what will break you. You’re so strong, you’re going to be okay, we’ll make sure of it.”
Following Grayson’s words, the three of them sit there in silence just holding each other until they all fall asleep on the couch. (Y/N) curled into Ethan’s chest with her legs sprawled across Gray’s lap, surrounding her in a blanket of support as they drifted to sleep.
They were all peacefully asleep until the next morning when Kyle burst in screaming, “Does someone feel like telling me why the fuck I just got a call saying the car’s been towed?” 
After waking up, they decide to let Kyle and Grayson deal with getting the car back, agreeing to talk about everything with Kyle after the vehicle is back in their possession. They were all afraid that if Kyle knew what had happened before they got the car back, the drive home wouldn’t have been safe. So, that left Ethan and (Y/N) alone back at the house. 
“You feeling any better?” asks Ethan as they sit in the lounge chairs in the backyard. 
“Not really, I can’t believe Zach had the car towed. I mean, I guess with everything thats happened it shouldn’t surprise me. I just feel like I let everyone down.” she says shifting her attention to her fidgeting hands. “You all told me that he wasn’t good for me, but I didn’t listen. I really thought he was the one or whatever.” 
“I mean I won’t lie to you, it was frustrating to watch you with someone who was so clearly not good enough for you. But we all just want you to be happy because all of us love you.” 
“I love you guys too.” she responded. 
Little did she know that Ethan had wanted to say so much more to her. He wanted to tell her that he was IN love with her. That he was confused she didn’t seem to understand something that was so unbelievably clear to him, that they could be great together. But he knew that now wasn’t the time for them. He wanted her to choose him because she wants him, not because she’s hurting and needs someone. 
With that, they got up and headed back inside to start making some food for when Kyle and Grayson returned. Settling on some of the new vegan mac and cheese that the twins had recently discovered. (Y/N) made Ethan sit on the counter and watch, he’s already been so helpful to her and she just wanted to be able to show that she appreciates him. 
“Anything you want to do today?” asks E.
“Honestly? I’m kinda fucking exhausted. I think I may want to take a nap later.”
“I think that’s something we can make happen.” 
“How have you been lately, I feel like I haven’t seen you in so long.” (Y/N) says trying to reach the bowls for the mac and cheese.
“I’ve been pretty good. I’m really excited for the project we’re about to start filming. I feel like it’s going to be different than anything we’ve done before.” Ethan says getting up to help her reach the bowls on the top shelf. 
As he reached over her she could feel his front pressed against her, and smell the cologne that she had always loved when he wore. This wasn’t necisarily out of the norm for them, everyone in their close knit group had always been physically affectionate. But somehow, it had always meant something a little more to (Y/N) when it was Ethan being physically affectionate. She never thought about it though, because anyone who knows (Y/N) knows that she’s loyal as fuck. A ride or die for anyone she lets into her life and into her heart. She’s pissed that Zach betrayed that. 
“Anything you guys film is fucking amazing, you guys deserve all the love and I’m ready for the people to enjoy the shit out of everything you guys pour your hearts in,” (Y/N) said as she scooped some of the mac and cheese into the bowl.
“Thank you (Y/N), but on the real note, I’m excited as hell for you. I mean you have two new big deals you are close to making and like holy shit you’re a CEO. You help the merch shop and Wakeheart and now you are expanding and it makes me so proud of you,” Ethan said as he sat down in one of the yellow chairs at the dining room table.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you, E.” She said with a smile as she sat down in the yellow chair next to him.
“Crash and Burn,” Ethan said with a snicker.
“Yeah right,” She chuckled as she brought the spoon of (Vegan) Mac and Cheese to her mouth and ate it.
“HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS IS BOMB AS FUCK, PUT THIS SHIT IN YOUR MOUTH RIGHT NOW ETHAN,” (Y/N) exclaimed as she scooped more of the (Vegan)  Mac and Cheese on her spoon.
“Jesus Christ (Y/N), calm your ass down, I’m going to eat the damn mac and cheese,” he said and stook the spoon in his mouth.
“Holy fuck! You were right, this is the best shit I’ve had in awhile,” Ethan moaned as he pulled the spoon out of his mouth.
“I told you so,” (Y/N) said as she continued to eat.
As they were sitting and enjoying their food and making small talk, the door alarm went off signaling that Kyle and Grayson had come back from retrieving the towed car.
“Can we talk about what the hell is going on now?” Kyle asked abrasively and (Y/N) looked down at her hands again nervously. The carefree mood she was in with Ethan vanishing in an instant.
“I went over to Zach’s house and found him having sex with his assistant on the counter in the kitchen. I came here after because it was closer and I didn’t feel okay to drive, so I guess Zach had my car towed.”
Kyle’s mouth dropped open. “He did WHAT?” 
“I said he-”
“I know what the fuck you just said. I’m gonna kill him. I’m going to expose him for being the piece of shit that he is, and then I’m going to kill him. He can’t do that to you. Who the fuck does he think he is? He can’t just do that!” Kyle fumed.  
“Well he did. I’m honestly so tired of talking about it, I just want to ignore that it happened for a little bit. I just want to feel like it’s okay, just for a second just let me pretend that it’s okay.” (Y/N) said tearing up.
As Kyle saw his sister’s eyes filling with tears he walked towards her, arms spread wide as she stood up from her chair. She ran towards him and collapsed into his grasp, letting him soothe her in a way only he could.
“I’m sorry. I’m just really emotional right now and I don’t mean to take it out on you. I just don’t want it to hurt like this anymore.” She sniffles into her big brother’s chest and looks up at him through wide and tearful eyes. 
“You don’t have to be sorry, I’m the one that should be sorry, I just hate seeing you hurt, I love you more than words can describe, you’re my baby sister, my job is to protect you and seeing you hurt, kills me. I promise you that you will get through this, I know you, you’re stronger than I’ll ever be,”  Kyle said carding his fingers through her hair as she buries her face in the crook of her neck.
“I love you Mufasa,” she said as she laid her head on his chest. She let out a small yawn from the exhaustion that she felt from her emotions.
“Do you want to go lay down and rest for a while? And then after we can go out and buy a shit ton of deserts and watch Lion King on the projector?” Kyle said, stroking her hair soothingly. (Y/N) nodded, not wanting to speak at all at the moment.
“You can crash in my bed so that it's more comfortable than the couch,” Ethan said. 
She just followed Ethan to his bedroom and laid down on his bed, burying herself within his comforter. His blankets and pillows smelled just like him and it added a sense of comfort as she slowly began to drift off to sleep. Ethan smiled slightly at the beautiful girl that laid in his bed and turned the bedroom lights off and left the door slightly cracked so that he would be able to hear her just in case anything were to happen. He took a deep breath before walking back to the living room where Grayson and Kyle sat. The tension in the household had died down for the sake of (Y/N). In reality, Kyle and the twins were beyond pissed. Zach had abused her. Not physically but mentally, and had exploited her for the success of her company to boost his own ego and channel. They pushed down the anger for (Y/N) as they knew she was hurting and them getting angry just made her more upset. 
Grayson had turned on some videos on how to build a tiny house and Kyle pulled out his laptop, editing photos from a recent photoshoot that he had directed. Ethan sat on the opposite side of the couch and rested his chin on his hand. The look of (Y/N)’s face when she broke down was etched into his mind and broke his heart every time it replayed through his head. He wanted to make all of  her sadness go away, he wanted that douchebag Zach to pay for the bullshit that he did to (Y/N) and he wanted to confess all of his true feelings that have been around for months to her. 
“Ethan, stop daydreaming about (Y/N),” Grayson snickered.
“I’m not.” E grumbles and puts his head in his hands, tugging on his hair. 
“You so are, you fuckin liar!” Grayson laughs. 
“I am not! Now shut the hell up before your loud ass voice wakes her up.” Ethan gets up to pace around the living room, “Sorry, I’m just really pissed off right now. I don’t like seeing her hurt. It hurts me to see her like that.”
“It’s because Grayson’s right.” Kyle says looking up from his computer, “You’ve been in love with her for a while now.”
“How did you know?” E asks sitting back down on the couch. 
“You look at her how dad looked at Ma.” Grayson responds looking straight at Ethan with intensity. 
The room went quiet as Ethan thought over what his brother just said. The truth is, he’s known that he loves her for a while now. He just didn’t want to say anything about it because somehow, that made it more real. He’s scared of how he feels because he doesn’t want to get hurt, not that he thinks that she’d hurt him but the chance of it alone paralyzes him with fear. It’s scary how much she affects him, something that has become clearer and clearer as he’s seen her hurt in the past twenty-four hours. He can feel it consuming him and he’s absolutely terrified. 
“I love you man,” Kyle says looking up at E, “and she could definitely do much worse than you, just don’t hurt her because I don’t think I can watch her go through anything like this again.”
“I could never hurt her, not even in my worst nightmare.” 
They sit in silence again, no noise except for the T.V. quietly in the background and the sound of their own thoughts consumed the air. None of them really knew how much time had passed when (Y/N) walked into the living room, rubbing her eyes and plopping between Kyle and Grayson. She leaned her head over Kyle's shoulder and sighed as he looped his arm around her shoulders. 
“How are you feeling, Simba?”
“I’m okay, getting kind of hungry though.” (Y/N) responds by moving to get up for food. 
“Here I got you,” Gray says as he stands, “you stay here and relax.”
As Gray walks into the kitchen, E stands up and moves to sit by (Y/N), moving her legs into his lap and stroking the skin on her calf that’s not covered by his shorts that she was still wearing from last night. He can feel Kyle’s eyes burning into the side of his head as he gets consumed in his own thoughts again. He’s just a little overwhelmed. A little emotionally exhausted. But regardless, if he could, he would gladly absorb some of the pain that he knows for a fact she’s still feeling full force. He knows her, and he loves her. Even though he’s still scared, when he looks at her slumped on his couch against one of his best friends, he knows that she’s worth any risk of getting hurt. If someone had told him a year and a half ago that the feisty girl getting out of the car to help film was going to mean so much to him, he would have thought they were crazy. But now he’s just sitting there with overflowing amounts of love for her. 
He looks up at her and finds her eyes locked back  on him. In response, he gave her a little half smile and a reassuring squeeze on the leg that was still resting on his lap.
“Hey guys, dinner’s ready!” they hear Grayson hollar from inside the kitchen. 
With that, the three of them get up and go to meet Ethan’s twin in the kitchen to sit down for somewhat of a family dinner. 
Hi guys! That was chapter 2, hope you guys enjoyed it. @fxkthatdairy and I worked really hard on it and I'm excited to see what you guys think ❤️
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80alleycats · 5 years
Dee Day Thoughts and Analysis
Preface: For those who don’t know, I’m a homoromantic asexual woman of color (mostly black).
Anyways, unlike many folks on Tumblr, I did not have too much of a problem with this episode. It did feel kinda..”eh”...and it could have been much better, but I had some laughs and laughed more with this episode than last week’s episode.
Here are my thoughts on the controversies of the episode. They might help some hate the episode and/or RCGMegan less:
1. Yellow/Brown Face – When I first saw those costumes I was like “Oh, we’re doing that again.” But it didn’t surprise me too much. This has been a part of the show for a long time and the racist caricature characters are “old” characters (i.e. known to the audience and not new caricatures created for shits and giggles), so I’m kind of shocked that people are so shocked by this.
I love RCGMegan, but RCGMegan are just…white as fuck. As a person of color, my standards are low for white people. (I HATE that this sounds racist but y’all know what I’m talking about) Like, I can’t even be mad about it. I’m just glad that there were attempts™ to point out the racism and the shittiness of Dee’s characters, which is something they’ve always done as well.
I think RCGMegan really meant well. It’s PURE SPECULATION but it’s possible that that’s why they hired Pete Chatmon, a black man, to direct the episode. White people sometimes think that if they add a person/people of color to their group and they don’t say “PLEASE DON’T DO THIS THIS IS FUCKING DUMB” what they are doing is okay.
And even though this is PURE SPECULATION on my part, I think RCGMegan’s wellmeaningness is one of the reasons that Pete Chatmon chose to do the job and posted on Instagram that he had a good experience working with RCG and co.
I think RCGMegan were attempting to be “silly classic hijinks” Sunny but also “woke” Sunny but they are…white as fuck and sometimes just do not “get” it. (I get the vibe from interviews that they mentally/emotionally separate the show from themselves and from reality.) I hope they learn to chill out with the yellow/brown/red face one day because, even ignoring the racism issue, it’s SO BORING, but I don’t expect them to because…they are white as fuck. Some white people figure it out and stop doing awkward shit. But some just…don’t. Especially when they have a long history of doing questionable things.
For a person of color to be a fan of this show, we/they have to accept the nature of this show or just stop watching it. Those are the only real choices and both choices are valid.
I’ll admit that I think the “Asian driver” joke was actually somewhat funny because the purpose of the joke was to highlight the phenomenon of white people acting like they aren’t racist when they actually are and are too stupid and delusional to realize it (i.e. benevolent racism). I love attempts™ at highlighting benevolent racism because of the subtle and insidious nature of it.
2. Predatory Gay Mac – I get where people are coming from, but I feel like Mac’s homosexuality wasn’t the joke. I feel like the joke was that Mac was being a goofy idiot who happens to love Dennis, but can’t always express it properly. (example: Mac trying to get Dennis to get on stage with him so he could maybe kiss him…which is the kind of harebrained scheme you’d expect from a goofball 1st grader with a crush and not a full-grown 40 year old man)
Mac’s behavior in this episode was similar to Charlie’s messy over-the-top behavior towards the Waitress in previous episodes.
There was also the dual joke of Mac trying to “one-up” Charlie and so veering into accidental innuendo territory. (example: Mac repeating the comment Charlie said to Dennis about wanting to get in Dennis’ pants)
Also, it’s canon that Mac is often gross when it comes to sexuality in general and I think they were playing with that as well (example: the social network episode where Mac asked the distraught woman about where to find her leaked nude photos).
Everyone in the gang is gross when it comes to sexuality. I feel like a lot of fans forget that Dennis and Dee are canon rapists who usually rape the opposite sex (and Dennis has literally sexually assaulted Mac before even though he considered it a prank). Being an equal member of the Gang, I’m not surprised the writers decided to pass the baton to Mac this episode and even then Mac’s behavior in this episode was fairly tame (in the context of this show LOL).
And FINALLY, even though Dennis protested Mac trying to get them to kiss, I never got the vibe that Dennis was extremely uncomfortable. I think it was just supposed to be a typical “Dennis is annoyed at Mac because Mac is being stupid” reaction. Mac gets on Dennis’ nerves sometimes, but Dennis loves and accepts him and all his weird and stupid behavior. I don’t believe it’s even possible for Mac to make Dennis extremely comfortable. Like, these two are pretty much a hivemind…
3. Charlie and Dennis Kiss Scene - I TOTALLY GET THE DISCOMFORT WITH THIS. And while the second kiss was actually a surprisingly good kiss (Charlie and Glenn can ACT), the scene wasn’t really funny. It was just like “Why? What am I supposed to be getting from this?”
One criticism I’ve seen is that the scene was saying two men kissing is gross (i.e. homophobia). But I don’t think that was the purpose. It honestly reminded me of the awkward attempted kiss scene between Mac and Dee when they were playing characters in one of the lethal weapon episodes.
Another criticism I’ve seen is that Dee (who, as we know, raped Charlie) forced two child abuse victims to kiss. VALID CRITICISM. But when it comes to the characters: they just don’t give a shit. Charlie still hangs out with Dee and considers her a friend (which is COMPLETELY different than how he sees Uncle Jack). Dennis loves her and hangs out with her. Notice that they were more concerned with coming across as homophobic (which is so, so stupid but typical of them) and they hated that they had cheese breath.
And keep in mind that even though it was Dee Day and they were “supposed” to do what she says, they didn’t have to. They treat Dee like garbage 364 days of the year with little remorse and she always come back to them. I feel like the implication is that they CHOSE to do the kiss, considered it gross but didn’t consider it a big deal, and would not compare it to their child abuse experiences.
Dee’s behavior analysis: The previous season’s Mac/Charlie/Frank orgy with the Dennis doll that she watched permanently fucked her up. Like, she knows she’s making the Gang uncomfortable, but she’s lost the ability to comprehend how abnormal her behavior is. Boundaries are gone in her mind. In her mind, she’s simply teasing them and they’ll be fine no matter what happens.
I know people identify with the characters because of their personal experiences and I get that. I get that people have strong feelings about these characters and it’s totally understandable and valid. But I think we have to be careful not to project too much on the characters and instead try to keep in mind how the characters are instead of how we think they are. Like, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia has a ton of dark elements, but it’s a relatively upbeat show that often doesn’t take itself too seriously.
This is PURE SPECULATION but I got the vibe from the second kiss that “someone” (possibly Megan?) wanted to do a CharDen scene but needed to do it in the spirit of IASIP (awkward situations + the Gang willing to do anything if they are passionate enough about it) and that scene was the result. It’s also possible that it was the result of some kind of RCG “in-joke” that they didn’t realize might not translate very well on the screen to certain audience members.
At the end of the day, I think it was just supposed to be a goofy “lolwut the Gang is so wacky” scene and it’s not meant to be psychoanalyzed the way certain things on the show are.
4. Dennis Without His Make-Up – I get people’s concerns about this. But the show has occasionally made fun of Dennis’ self-esteem issues concering his looks throughout the show, so this is nothing new. I feel that the scene was designed to make you feel sorry for Dennis, but also it was supposed to just be classic Sunny. Like him hitting on the congresswoman wasn’t just funny because he looked “off,” but because he just kept saying weird and awkward shit to her (similar to the scene in Season 13 where he was trying and failing to hit on the fantasy baseball woman). 
And keep in mind that the rest of the Gang kept reassuring Dennis that he looked fine even after the scheme, which was sweet. The same cannot be said about Dee. She’s received a lot more abuse from the Gang and only scraps of affection and reassurance from them to the point where she always lights up when they show her basic kindness. If Dee (and we) can handle Dee’s abuse, Dennis (and we) can handle Dennis’ abuse. And, as mentioned above, he did not have to remove his make-up. He chose to do it and he chose to deal with the consequences of that. But he’ll be fine.
5. There was not enough focus on Dee – 100% agree. Nothing else to add. LOL.
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 125 Poll Results
The chapter 125 poll closed with 1,469 responses. Thank you for your support! This month’s poll results were compiled by /u/alooulla,  /u/_Puppet_, @shifter-lines​ and @momtaku​.
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While still overwhelmingly positive, and slightly improved over Chapter 124, the “wow” factor still wasn’t there for many. Those selecting a perfect five was less than half of respondents (49.3%).
Transitions were unbelievably good, hardly noticed we were at 5 different scenes this chapter.
Not really hype like some chapters have been, but it was wonderful to see all the character and story development.
Created a number of different plot threads, but was not as satisfying as recent chapters
Everyone in this chapter (except Flock) deserves love
Good chapter, juggles lots of POVs excellently and opens up multiple opportunities for where the story may go. I love how desperate everything is.
Beats gonna drop soon
Jean honey if you push Floch out the hole in the wall everyone will swear it was an accident
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They only appeared on two pages, but “Levi and Hange are back” was the top pick out of a long list of options with nearly one-third (27.7%) selecting them. “Armin and Mikasa’s argument” secured second (14.3%) and “Annie and Hitch together” (12.6%) round out the top three.
I loved Annie's backstory, the conversation between Floch and Jean, the talk between AM, Shadis, mr Leonhart, literally everything.
I loved hearing Annie and Hitch talk, and the Levi and Hange situation finally got addressed :)
I'm so happy to see Levi and Hange, and so happy that they've run into Pieck and Magath. I hope they can reach some kind of truce and work together.
Floch is the Queen of Paradis confirmed.
Shadis once again made this chapter for me. What a great, deep speech. He is a true hero.♡
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While denied the favorite moment, Annie was the favorite for chapter MVP with more than one-quarter of respondent (26.6%). Hitch, the other half of the girl power duo, made a strong showing (19.6%) for number two. Most shocking perhaps is that Hange (13.6%) squeaked out a narrow victory over Floch (12.6%) for third.
Annie is the best girl
Floch did nothing wrong
Hitch nipping at Historia's best girl-crown
Floch is such a crazy piece of shit, I love him, he's a great villain and I'm glad that Isayama added a character like that to the story. Also, funny with how he represents the rabid Eren stans, parroting the bs they keep saying ("we're free now reeeeeee").
S H A D I S  T H E  C H A D I S
Hange my queen how the hell did you save Levi, I wanna know!!
Hitch yeeting Annie made me scream, I love them together so much.
My babes Shadis and Magath are BACK!! 😍
So happy to see Hitch back. She is such a fun character and so underrated!
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The citizens of the walls are as divided as the fanbase over Eren’s actions.  36.7% are on the side that says the Eldians on the island would all be dead without Eren, while 34% respond with the fact that he’s responsible for many of their deaths himself.  25.1% don’t want to side with either faction.
“You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs”
Both are right and wrong at the same time…
Both sides are ignorant as to what is actually happening so it is difficult to gauge who actually feels what they do considering their limited knowledge but I'm edging towards the justification of it.
Eren has planned this all along, he knows there will be no true peace by doing the rumbling and has some kind of third goal
Even if the first expression is true (and no one can say if it is or not for sure) it doesn't make the belligerents right, or mean that Eren shouldn't be held accountable for his actions
Both sides are justified. Both sides reacted according to their personal views in response to an outside force they had no control of.  
I sympathize with both. One on hand, it seems as though the wall titans were the only effective retaliation the island had left, but on the other hand, Eren did kill many of his own people and aiming to wipe out the rest of the world is definitely pretty extreme for even Eren. That's why I think there's still a HUGE part of his plan that we haven't been made aware of yet.
There's no real right answer here. Obviously genocide is bad and no one can deny the fact that Eren killed his own people but, what other options were available in the limited time they had?
Whatever your thoughts on The Rumbling, Eren is being extremely reckless and it's going to backfire like crazy. Member when Erwin pulled off an almost-bloodless coup? I have a feeling Ereh is too preoccupied with thoughts of PATHS and FREEDOM to really consider the consequences of stuff like civilian casualties or letting a fascist cult take over the government.  
What the tic tac patty wack snick snack quarterback big mac heart attack race track double back guy named jack did he just do?
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Annie’s finally back!  And she sure got a lot of page time, finally getting her chance to speak her story.  The majority thought seems to be that it was okay, at 60.3%, whereas 33.2% absolutely loved it, and 6.5% thought it was a waste of time.
Develops her character a bit but otherwise not too important
we got an entire Annie backstory and it answered NONE of my questions about the crystal. If its purpose was just to protect her like the Warhammer's crystal, and she was semi-conscious -- why couldn't she escape it on her own?  Is there something unique about the Female Titan? Was it a chrysalis? Has she undergone a metamorphosis?
I'm just glad Annie's back
I really liked it and especially the Annie focus although I expected more from her justifications.
Don't care for her this late in the story tbh it's just a waste of pages
this chapter confirmed that Annie is the best character of SNK !
It was pretty much exactly what I expected, fairly boring and didn’t change my perception of her character at all
This puts so much context on the murders she committed back in the female titan arc and her personality in general. This is so great! Waited forever for this
I especially liked learning Annie's entire backstory, and her interactions with Hitch in this chapter were great.
Lil' Orphan Annie deserves more spinoffs. We need one about her awkward preteen years trying to fit in with the popular girls while continuously kicking them in half by accident.
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There sure was a lot to consider in all Annie said, and the two primary thoughts seem to be a feeling of tragedy that she never felt that anything mattered, and a hope that she’ll see her father again, at 23.7% and 22.6% respectively.  
Can't forget what she has caused, but glad she found meaning in life.
I hope she can find peace
I understand her reasoning, but her saying she'd do it all again hurt a lot.
Interesting plot point, but was it really necessary? Kinda felt like forced drama to add this "adoptive child" thing.
Is it wrong to wish for her happiness?
It may mirror Eren's motives. To her, nothing else matters except returning to her father, not even other people's lives. If Eren is intent on protecting his friends, then other lives wouldnt even matter.
It's interesting how seems similar she is to Reiner but how different they actually are. Annie is nihilistic and realistic because the lack of love, Reiner is idealistic and longing for love in a tragic way because he fantasize the love which doesn't exist
Annie has always been, in my opinion at least, one of the most honest characters, and I'm glad we can see that her core hasn't changed (but I’m so happy we can hear her talk and that we are finally getting some character development). Unlike Reiner and Bertolt, Annie never pretended to be friends with the Shinganshina trio, she never acted more nicely than she felt she should. She kept to herself and did what she knew she had to do. But this does not make Annie cold or resilient to atrocities; when she was manipulated by Reiner to take off Marco’s 3D maneuver gear, we can see she doesn’t do it easily and she does show remorse, in spite of everything. All of the SnK characters are tragic, some more than others, and for me, Annie is probably one of the most tragic ones. Adopted, trained to become a killing machine, completely alone with no one to really rely on once she joined the army, Annie goes towards her goal, stripping every bit of romanticism from the notions of peace, good vs bad governments, Marley, Eldia, humanity, etc. Annie does not fight, or pretend to fight, for the greater good; as perceptive as always, she sees the situation for what it is, just like she sees people for who they really are. I hope this brave young woman gets a happy ending with her dad.
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Hitch sure was surprised that Annie had actually been listening to her all that time, but the fandom wasn’t.  86.3% found it reasonable, but 10.7% still aren’t convinced it makes sense.
Considering we had Ms. Tyber being aware of her surroundings in her own crystal, looking back on that it's like "oh yeah that seems legit". Granted I'm sure Ms. Tyber had practiced the technic to use it in battle proficiently. But it doesn't seem too out there for Annie to be at least semi-conscious 
Honestly no. But this story has people transforming into giant monsters so I can't really complain.
I find hard to believe she is not crazy. Being unable to move in darkness for 4 years with only voices to keep her company is pretty brutal.
I'm wondering how her body condition is near to normal.
It reminds me of ymir being a mindless titan for 60 years
Wall titans also seemed to be semi conscious if I remember the original scene with eye movement and fear of light energizing them.
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We ended last chapter on Annie in a pool of this liquid, and this time we see Hitch follow it to where Annie is.  But… what is it?  66.2% think it has something to do with the crystal’s hardening, 15.2% DO NOT want that knowledge, and 11.6% think it’s a human bodily fluid.
A fluid to keep her alive (something like the lcl in evangelion)
Amniotic fluid is the warm, fluid cushion that protects and supports your baby as they grow in the womb.
a liquid that makes her body hibernate so she can stay alive
I think it's a weakened form of the hardening. Perhaps it was also this fluid around the creature in the well from Ymir's backstory.
If I recall correctly, some crystals do have water in the form of “hydrates” so in theory, the fluid in Annie’s crystal is what kept her alive by supplying nutrients and and water to her body. Because of this, the fluid may have possibly come from Annie’s Titan as it formed the crystal around her.
amniotic fluid - some unique property of the Female Titan
Tears of readers who waited too fucking long for Annie to break through
Armin juice
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So many groups in so many places!  Where is this one going to end up?  A little over half, at 55.9% think they’ll run into another group before they get to a specific destination, about a quarter at 23.4% think Shiganshina, and 19.2% think the port.
Following the Colossal Titans
Honestly it was very reckless of hitch to let Annie go. If she causes more trouble for Paradis then what will she do
Based on them leaving Stohess in the same direction as the colossal titans it is likely they will pass through Trost. They will continue south towards Shiganshina and maybe the port but on the way they will likely run into Hange, Levi, Pieck and Magath, or Connie, Falco, Armin and Gabi.
Kiyomi's plane
Marley, to Annie’s father
To Historia
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We jump across the ocean, only to find Mr. Leonhart starting a rebellion in Liberio!  About half feel there’s going to be an absolute bloodbath, 32% are glad they’re finally rising up, 11% are focused on Mr. Leonhart being a badass, and 6.1% are scratching their heads as to how this is relevant.
I feel it's setting up for eldians in all internment zones rising up, although i don't know what significance that would hold if they're gonna be flattened like pancakes anyway
I'm actually glad because while I have still and always despised the Warriors, Annie's dad felt relatable to me, good to see non-powered, regular citizens rise up against the enemy
Isayama stop trying to be clever with names is there a single part of this series you haven't put thought into?
It is rather unsettling to see since it all seems to head towards a massacre although the reactions of the Eldians are understandable and sound.
It makes sense why they'd rise up: they know what's coming, and they just want to get to safety. After all, they should be spared from the Rumbling because of their race. As expected of the Marleyans though, they won't listen to the Liberio Eldians' current plea, and it will surely cost them (the Marleyans).
The Marleyans are comically dumb it's not even funny; I mean why would they orchestrate a revolt now
This was Eren's plan all along, he wants Eldians everywhere to rebel under the threat of the wall titans.
Why should we care about what happens to anyone outside the Walls? This scene was totally unnecessary.
Worldwide Eldian Rebellion I am excited
I'm worried about them! :(
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A somewhat interesting split here; though most responders think there’s more to come with Annie’s father and being killed by the gate guard wouldn’t be the right way for him to go, especially with unfinished business with his daughter. The next highest response was ‘I am not sure’ followed by ‘No he won’t survive’ with a still respectable 24.7% of the vote. One to keep an eye on, here.
Weird that she wants to return home so much just because her dad was nice to her for a few minutes (he's been torturing her all her life).
It had some very much needed character development for A LOT of characters. I can't wait to see how certain plot points like Connie's mom and Annie's wish to see her dad will be resolved.
I saw some parallels between Mr. Leonhard vs. the guards and volunteers vs. Floch. Anarchy reigns; power struggles everywhere, yay! I want to see Mr. Leonhart leading a rebellion. I want to see Eldians all over the globe rising up and busting out of internment zones. Also - we got an entire Annie backstory and it answered NONE of my questions about the crystal. If its purpose was just to protect her like the Warhammer's crystal, and she was semi-conscious -- why couldn't she escape it on her own?  Is there something unique about the Female Titan? Was it a chrysalis? Has she undergone a metamorphosis? Will it even matter if Ymir is freed from her sand slavery and refuses to transform any more titans? Still -- it's interesting that Annie was adopted, and I have to wonder if her lineage is important.  Final thought: I'm growing tired of Isayama sidelining people by having them unconscious/uncommunicative. I get why he may want to render some characters unable to affect the plot at certain points but 'unconscious' is his go-to and I'm losing patience with it. Okay, Historia got stuck with 'pregnant' but I lost patience with that ages ago. Wake up already, Reiner. Say something, Levi. At least Falco's awake again. And Annie, for the love of Eldia, please explain your crystal.
Speaking of Mr. Leonhart, he may be crippled and defeseless against the Marleyan guards, but at least he wasn't swayed by fatalism against his current government unlike Jean/Armin.
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Instructor Shadis is still instructing, and 46.1% of you are still chanting SHADIS THE CHADIS.  23.5% loved his advice, 16.5% enjoyed the callback to being a bystander, and 12.1% wish he’d encouraged them to rise up.
Foreshadowing that they‘ll overthrow Eren and Floche.
He gives up too easily. I don't like this.
I'm glad he told them not to fight the Yeagerists but for the wrong reasons
Shadis doesn't want them to risk their lives, understandable, but giving Floch&Co time to gain even more power is not a good idea.
He's being smart and cautious because they've had enough losses for now
By far the best piece of advice he could have given them. Not is it only the most reasonable thing to do in the current situation, but it also goes to show how much Shadis values life and how well, thanks to his experience, he can see what the future might bring. When he thought fighting was a viable option, he wanted the trainees and soldiers alike to dedicate their hearts (and he dedicated his own as well), but now when he sees that they’re clearly getting overpowered and that any form of resistance would inevitably lead to death, he advises them to stay put, but not lose sight of themselves. That’s what a good leader/ elder/ parent does. Despite the fact that he failed as commander and that he was usually the only one to come back from his missions outside the walls, he shows that he has learned a lot and can strategize and draw the right moves. And it even reminded me of Levi, this desire to not waste lives. And Shadis is special, I just wish he’d realize that along with many others. Unfortunately, a very underrated character.
I am hyped to see these characters actually amount to something because of chadis!
A giant death flag.
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Armin has returned to being shell-shocked like he was in Shiganshina, and he took it out on Mikasa, but was he justified?  Just over half don’t think he was justified, but don’t blame him for snapping.  23.9% believe it was the right choice to try to make her more independent.  The last two options are tied at 10.3%, saying he was completely in the wrong, and the other saying he was justified in that Mikasa needs to focus on more than Eren.
Armin has been the one others rely for guidance, however at this point he seems stressed and probably over thinking (when he refers back to Erwin).
Armin just reached his breaking point. So much has happened in one day, and he needed to rant.
Asking ANYONE to stop thinking about Eren right now is pointless, let alone Mikasa. He was wrong, but stressed out.
Both. She needs to be encouraged to make her own decisions, but he didn't need to be mean about it. She has always been nice to him.
Feel like many are misunderstanding mikasa's comment about eren. He is the biggest concern so why shouldn't she mention him? Personally I don't think she was still in eren obsessed mode.
That's a complex question. Everyone is stressed right now, especially Armin, feeling guilty for being brought back and feels so much weight on his shoulder to be a leader so to say. So it reasonable for him to yell and it might spark something in Mikasa as well.
Armin needs a nap, a warm bath, and a foot rub.
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Mikasa’s character development is being pushed to its tipping point now, will Armin’s words make her start thinking for herself?  The majority, at 56.3% think that leadership isn’t her style, but she’ll step up and support what she feels is right.  18.6% feel that she’s already made the step into thinking for herself, and the last two options are split at 11.3% between a full ‘yes she’ll finally step up’, and a full ‘she’s always thought for herself.’
Armin: think for yourself! Mikasa: Where is my scarf?
Hopefully, I want to see more independence. Assertive and confident in her actions.
I don't know if she'll able to think for herself. maybe she will do something, but I guess whatever she will do on her own, I don't want to expect much from her. Anyway I have the feeling that Mikasa's own decision could be that she accepts Kiyomi's offer and leaves Paradis because the whole situation is obviously killing her.
I hope Isayama has something special planned for Mikasa's development
Mikasa has always thought for herself. She’s never been a leader, but she’s always followed her own hearts desires. Nobody knows what to do and for once it was actually reasonable for her to ask about eren, given what he’s about to do to the world.
Mikasa isn't wrong to look to Armin for leadership, but when she brings up the elephant in the room, he flies off the handle at her. But ultimately, I think that Armin is right. She'll have to make decisions based off her own judgement and I'm excited for it.
I kinda doubt that. She went to Jean, because Armin told her so and I don't think that she would do anything in the situation between Jean, Floch and the Volunteers. If she would be able someday to make her own decision, I'll think that could be to do with Kiyomi's offer to go on one of her ships, but we will see.
I think she will be an impromptu leader, similarly to what she did at Trost after eren got eaten by the santa titan
Mikasa did nothing wrong, she tried to take advice instead to run somewhere else like Connie or give up like Jean.
Yes she’ll become more independent. I think itll lead to “see u later eren”
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The question of whether Armin or Erwin should have been revived in Shiganshina proves to be one of the most contentious issues in the series, nearly on par with when we asked you guys what you think of Eren’s (stated) plan. 52.2% of you are Team Erwin, and 47.8% are Team Armin. Regrettably, I can’t make a good joke out of either of those numbers.
I've said it before, but I think Armin was the best person to revive from a story telling point of view. Erwin was the better leader, no doubts there, but it is the lack of him that has pushed all these other characters to develop more. I believe the relationships between characters and the characters themselves would've remained more static if he had still been there. So therefore, Armin was the right choice
Erwin wouldn't have let any of this happen
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There could only ever be one winner of this question; given the girls fandom of Eren in general and Mikasa in particular, 72.5% of you picked Louise as the scarf thief, particularly since she knew it was there and gave it a look after Mikasa left. The next highest answer was Eren having sent someone to retrieve it, at 13.8%, followed by ‘someone else at 9.1%, with Floch and Jean respectively taking up other minor answers. I look forward to the questions in the future of why the scarf was taken, and how will it affect the story?
Oh, and Louise definitely has the scarf. I think there will be a confrontation over it and Mikasa will Realise Things, so that's cool.
Louise totally stole that scarf.
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808 of 1,395 of you came out to represent Gabi Gang, while the remaining 587 of you like Mia better. Mia Myriad? Eh. Mia Myriad’s weird. I like Gabi Gang better.
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Floch tells Jean he can finally have the life he always wanted, what was Jean feeling at that moment?  40.5% think he was just totally shell-shocked, 30.4% think he;s faking weakness for a plan, 16.4% think he had an epiphany about Eren based on what Floch said, and 10.7% believe him to be considering what Floch has to say.
Definitely debating whether or not to kick his head in-- once he's decided I think he'll pounce
he has been asking over and over for how long they would have to keep fighting. So Floch telling him is over has a great effect on him. Although he will chose to keep fighting.
He is bothered that the Yeagerists consider him a “hero”
He is in disbelief over how AWFUL Floch is and once his brain processes it he will snap and punch the bastard in the face
He's both in shell shock and trying to fake weakness.
I think he's coming up with some sort of plan to finally rid the world of Floch.
Jean looks so tired in these panels, as in physically tired and mentally. He probably wants this all to be over, and Floch is giving him a way out. But Jean has come too far to give up, I think, so I hope he turns his brain back on.
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THE ROCKS ARE GONE.  About half of the fandom, at 46.2% are pretty sure Jean pocketed them to use as a weapon.  29.7% did not notice the disappearance, and 24.2% think it’s just Isayama overlooking an inconsistency.
Bitch boutta throw some rocks
I hope Jean can something do too otherwise the Volunteers would get forced to fight for Eren and to help him destroying their own motherlands (oof) or get killed. I hope the theory about the pocket rocks get relevant and true in the next chapters
Floch be a bitch with a nest boutta get moulded by rocks
Getting ready to bash floch
there was a gun next to him and then it was gone. The boy boutta blooooow
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Eren doesn’t seem to have confided his plan in anyone, but Floch says otherwise.  60% confess Eren likely told him a fair bit, but not everything, 32.9% think Floch’s just BSing his way through things to look better, and 5.6% truly believe Eren told Floch everything.
Eren is the only one who knows his true plan, anyone that claims to know what Eren is doing was just a pawn that Eren used.
Eren probably forgot who Floch even is
Considering how Eren is acting now, I fear he did tell him everything after seeing his extremism.
Floch believes Eren told him everything, but he probably didn't.
floch is an arrogant bitch who thinks eren and him are best buds
I mean, the plan so far seems to be 'let's retrieve Zeke, overthrow the government and unleash the Rumbling', so why won't he tell Floch all of it? He seems to be fully on board. If there is more to the plan, then Floch doesn't know it.
I'm still not sure how much of Eren's betrayal of Zeke he was in on, but I'm damn sure Eren didn't task him with any 'removing internal resentment' job.
Jean knows he has more of Eren's trust than Floch does. From this, Jean figured out either Floch is lying for his own gains, or is being used by Eren.
Floch is just a dumbass and Eren is using him to get the necessary pieces into place without him doing it all himself
Something tells me Floch actually just overheard Yelena talking with Eren about Zeke's plan during the railway opening ceremony. I could've sworn that in the chapter Floch mentioned that he "heard" Eren's plan, and the way he uses that word gives me the impression he only listened to parts of what Yelena told Eren without knowing what Eren's ulterior motive was when learning Zeke's plan.
That’s certainly what he *thinks*
Eren is manipulating Floch's ass six ways to sunday and I'm here for it
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From previous polls, Floch seems like a popular choice to die next, but who would do it?  Nearly ¾ of that fandom believe Jean will end him, though 6.5% don’t believe Floch’s dying anytime soon.  Eren, Mikasa, Shadis, and Yelena were other popular options.
Could be anyone at this point, really. Would be cool if it was just some random volunteer and the death would be meaningless.
Better not be anyone, Floch is making way more sense than Armin
I hope no one does, he's the most entertaining character at the moment
I really hope all of the above and I hope it'll be a gruesome death.
King Floch is the father and will outlive the rest of the 104th.
Let him be squashed under a Titan foot, pls
Nobody, Floch will be the only survivor of the rumbling
HISTORIA! QUEEN!!!! How is the rightful ruler of Eldia not a choice here?!
I hope he doesn't die at least next chapter, because him dying is too predictable. But if he does it should be Jean.
I HOPE IT'S EITHER LEVI OR HANGE. But I think it's probably going to be Jean.
I think floch is going to have an utterlessly meaningless death. Just to show the irony that surviving that day didn't change shit.
I think since he survived on pure luck and destiny up until now, I could imagine his death will be more by accident or by unfortunate circumstance then someone else succeeding to kill him
SHADIS THE CHADIS no but actually probably Yelena or Mikasa.
The 109th Recruits
Onyankopon, Jean and Mikasa, I hope.
Who knows. Hope he dies.
It'll be a team effort
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Bets for the Return to Ragako arc are placed, and the majority (~43%) of you think that the overwhelming scent of cinnamon wafting from Falco will entice Connie to spare him. Not far behind, with 30.5% of the votes, is the prediction that Armin and Gabi will swoop in and save the day. The next most popular option was Falco feeling the sudden urge to die for Reiner, causing him to transform and escape. Following that was Falco realizing his predicament without getting his memories back, and after that, a very small amount of you guys (18), think Falco’s gonna get chomped.
Connie finna die
I can't think of how bringing back Connies mom will save Reiners life, so it won't happen.
Is it weird that I think Connie's mom has already turned back to human?
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An overwhelming majority of you guys are most excited to see the Magath/Pieck/Hange/Levi squad team up, while the distant runner-up is Hitch/Annie, followed by Armin/Gabi, and then Connie/Falco. I can’t imagine why Connie/Falco got the least votes here.
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With a 31.6% majority, the… quad...duo… quaduo? That’s definitely not a word but it should be, technical definition pending. What I’m trying to say is that Team Magath/Pieck/Hange/Levi got the most votes for “Who’s going to meet up with Historia?” Following that was… uh, nobody. As in the next most common answer is “nobody”. You guys are not making this write-up easy for me. After that was Team Hitch/Annie, followed by Armin/Gabi, and then Connie/Falco. The graph is proportional enough that you can see all the percentages, so that’s cool.
Historia is the key to ending this story and getting all the context we need. Which means we probably won’t see her again for awhile.
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We didn’t ask for a reason behind this selection, but Reiner’s rather ill-timed cozy cottage snooze (58.5%) trounced Levi’s “return of the mummy” slumber (41.5%). Maybe it was the appeal of the fruit and snacks?
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Nearly 60% of you think Levi will recover enough to encourage the others to fight, 20% think he’ll recover enough to fight, and 15.3% think he’ll be unconscious for awhile. The white space on the graph is what happens when there are too many single-voter responses, but we can read them behind the scenes, and one of them suggested that we’re about to learn how titan serum affects Ackermans, and I just want to say that I appreciate your devotion to Titan Science™, anon.
Crack theory: he‘ll eat Zeke after Zeke offers himself up because he lost his will to live. So yes, he‘ll be fully healed and badass again.
He is going to become a shifter by eating Zeke with the cooperation of Pieck/Magath, fulfilling his promise to Erwin.
He won't be recovering but he'll fight all the same, with his teeth if necessary
He'll recover enough to make one last heroic action before dying
I don't really know. I hope he can still fight. I think Isayama-sensei didn't let Levi live to be a useless soldier.
i don’t want him to participate. i just want him alive
I think that Levi will not be able to fight, but he'll be awake, and I'd like to him take on a mentorship role. I would love to see him make a full recovery by the time the manga concludes.
Some unforeseen magic will happen
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The destruction on the ground, Floch’s reign of terror, and the 104th’s horror at what’s unfolding seems to have shaken some in the fandom with one quarter of respondents indicating that their support has lessened somewhat (20.6%) or significantly (5.7%). The remaining 75% are staying the course with close to 40% completely opposed to the rumbling and 35% in full support of it.
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The responses here are about what we might expect; a fairly even split between those who support Eren fully (or at least think he’s got some mysterious ace up his sleeve) and those that do not support him/are losing faith in him. Interestingly, the smallest response was from those who have lost a significant amount of faith in Eren, indicating the battle lines are still drawn at this point.
Eren did nothing wrong
Eren Yeager is GOD! Bow Down!
We're left in the dark of what Eren is really planning and so I can't judge this consequence too much. It is very extreme and I'm skeptical of it all.
Another aspect of the continual violence and really justifies Eren's position.
The inner fighting among themselves is going to get worse and they all will turn on Eren.
They should support eren, and the yeagerists, not plan to overthrow them
I DONT GET WHAT IS EREN TRYING TO DO? How is he gonna claim he wants to protect his people then end up killing him ??
I hope that among his friends there are on the eren side, eren's decision was correct, although it was too cruel, but it was all for the people he loved. why his friends no one sided eren , I'm sad to think about it.
I love eren but :(
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As much as I hate to think about the end of the manga, and the subsequent never-ending feud over the serum bowl and the Rumbling, we’re bound to become the next NGE at some point. It can’t be stopped. The majority, at 45.7%, think we have until around Chapter 134, which gives us about nine more months. Following that, 30.2%, think we have until Chapter 138, which gives us more than a year. A lesser but still significant quantity of votes say we have until Chapter 142+, and I feel a little bit like the Vince McMahon meme typing this. You know the one. Lastly, 8.7% of you think there are only 5 chapters left. Why anyone would even entertain such an idea is beyond me.
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Wow! A huge split of opinion here regarding hopes for next chapter, as might be expected; but out in front with 27.8% of the vote is a wish to see more Hange, Levi, Pieck and Magath; no doubt because we haven’t seen them for a while. Coming up in second place is Jean and Mikasa, with a number of fans hoping they will fight back against Floch. And of course, third place is the everpresent wish to see Historia once more. What on Earth is she up to???
Historia hopefully
A solid chapter with a lot of great character development. Who wants to bet that Connie and Falco are going to run into Historia at Ragako?
Give me Historia
Jean has an epiphany about himself and Eren's actions (since Floch is Eren's fanboy, like Jean was to a certain degree))
Jean and Floch will fight!
If Floch doesn't make Jean react, I don't know who else will. Their relationship has always been complex, so it would be beautiful to see Jean killing him. But as long as it's not a Jaeger, I'll be fine.
I can’t help but feel that there was something odd about the way Hange spoke about Levi to Magath and Pieck. “Rest assured, he’s just a harmless man who failed to die”. Harmless? Levi? Really? And Hange doesn’t speak like that, so to me this looks like strategizing and covering something up. I don’t think Levi is 100% okay, far from, but I don’t think he’s on the verge of death. And even if Levi will physically be unable to fight, he still isn’t harmless. He wasn’t dubbed Humanity’s Strongest only for his physical strength; Levi is smart, he’s an excellent leader, he’s compassionate and experienced. So, even if we don’t see him engage in fights as a soldier, I believe we will get to see him devise plans and strategies, negotiate, etc. After all, we still don’t know what the Ackermans are capable of. We know they have superhuman strength, so I believe we’re all in for a surprise (or not so much of a surprise) when it comes to Levi. He’s played an enormous part in the story already, but his story isn’t over. Best boi love him yes.
I hope he can still fight. I think Isayama-sensei didn't let Levi live to be a useless soldier.
All aboard the ship! Ms. HanjiXMagath is setting sail! (???)
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Reddit continues to dominate the responses to this question, and this month there were literally more people who don’t discuss the series than people who discuss it on Tumblr. A direct consequence of banning Titan-presenting nipples, surely. Lastly, something ominous is going on in the Snapchat cult, because there were only two of you this month, down from five last month. That’s still enough to reproduce though and it makes me uneasy. Regardless of where or whether you discuss the series though, we appreciate all of you guys’ participation in the poll. We literally couldn’t do it without you!
hE dID nOtHing wrOnG
I mean it's not like Eren could be like "wait while you're breaking out of the wall, can ya be clean about it?" but also....yeahhhhh umm I'm not positive that Eren cares for the majority of Paradisians
Petra's death still burns... Yet I can't really hate Annie.
[Annie’s] story kinda looks like a copypasta of Zeke's but I'm glad it's established she doesn't care for her grand goal and would sacrifice everything to achieve hers if it needs to be brought again
I feel for the wall Titans, they've been conscious for the last century, just chilling there.
Isayama couldn't have made the parallel between Annie and Eren any more blatant if he tried.
I don't know why people are so surprised with Eren being in cahoots with Floch. He is already killing billions to secure peace for Paradis, installing an authoritarian government for the same reason is not unlike him. He already said, he is going to take the freedom from people if they threaten his even innocents.
0/10 no Reiner. jk, the chapter may not have "action" per se, but i love the focus on how the rumbling affects all the characters, including the eldians in the camps. also, all the pairings are really interesting. i hope the HLMP combo leads to good things for the future. i wonder if Armin & Gabi'll talk, and whether she'll learn that he is the Colossus titan, or if she'll catch onto Reiner's great familiarity with these people…
another average chapter in SNK standards (awesome in manga standards)
Another set-up chapter - would be good to see some major events occur to keep the momentum going. Also want Eren/Zeke POVs
After 10 months of wondering where Levi was and if he was alive, i fully sympathise with Annie stans, who had to wait the better part of a decade. But I'm glad to know Levi's alive for now.
Seeing almost everyone other than the Jeager brothers was so damn fresh. Now everyone's gotta work together to stop the total downer ending.
Felt like this a needed chapter to see where all the characters’ directions are headed. Whether we see more compromise or more tension between characters. It creates more anticipation and excitement for what’s to become of Eren and his plan.
Isayama been sleepin on some important characters 💤
Very interesting seeing so many different perspectives, if only we could get Historia some day
Great chapter. But if hange teams up with Pieck and Magath I am going to be very disappointed. They have no reason to rely on the the people who have been trying to exterminate them for years. I get they need to stop eren but they cant let forget the atrocities Marley has done to them. Regroup with the rest and figure out another goddman way.
A very interesting chapter. I fully expect an emotional outburst from Mikasa any time now. Maybe directed at Eren himself.
aaahh I just want Zeke
Give me Eren
Give me Historia
How the hell will Isayama cover all these separated smol groups in only 12 chapters??? Can he rly end the manga this year cos I have doubts!
All pieces are on the move, time to wrap things up, Isayama-sensei! Though I don't see any way to stop Eren, unless they maybe use Historia and her royal blood? Can't wait to see how Isayama will solve all of this.
I love the setting of the rumbling as a slow moving mass of dust and meat that we’re all powerless to stop. I love how we’ve seen it from the perspective of people on the receiving end of the destruction, from people that support it and most of all, people who would never support it but are still benefiting from it. Regardless, none of them could stop even if they wanted too. It makes the issue seem so much more real.
Annie is pretty much like Eren right now, knowingly doing terrible things for the people they care about, both have accepted the cruelty of the world and acted accordingly and is not like the world has given them reasons to think otherwise. But this mentality has only brought pain and suffering around them and to themselves, I hope in the end she changes her outlook in life and finally goes against the "current"  of the way things are as she described and do the right thing.
Annie needs to get Armins head out of his ass. Floch was executing people next to his friends and he just runs off wtf
I DONT GET WHAT IS EREN TRYING TO DO? How is he gonna claim he wants to protect his people then end up killing him ??
Armin did nothing wrong. I've seen people complaining about he "yelling with waifu" and even comparing with Eren, even tho what Eren did was totally intentional, while Armin wasn't he didn't mean to hurt her, he snapped under stress, but when he saw he hurt her he regretted so much that even brought Erwin to the picture. But apparently his feeling and emotions are nothing compared with Mikasa's...
Armin made the right choice to go after Falco. His strategy is to ally with the Warriors and Marley. His tactic is to use Falco as barter. It is the best move he can make with the situation as it is. If he succeeds he gains Connie back in the fold, Falco, Gabi, Reiner, Pieck, and Magath. This type of quality help will raise morale and lessen the pressure that everyone feels. Hopefully they work as a team and communicate with each other. Don’t be like Eren who has no fog of war because he knows how it ends and, yet, doesn’t tell anybody about it.
As long as the rest of the world is unwilling to negotiate peacefully I’m not sure what other options were on the table. Obviously eren’s actions are irredeemable, but I feel that he’ll have the same sentiment Annie expressed: if this is the only way his friends make it out alive then he’d choose this path every time. I don’t think all of the blame is on eren(though he is still responsible for his own actions). Every side played a role in this and it should have never come to this to begin with.
I really appreciated the scenes with Armin, Mikasa, and Jean. The rumbling is a world-changing/ reality altering event and Armin said as much, but I'm really hoping these three can manage to salvage some peace for themselves despite the chaos.I think Eren has already accepted his own mortality re: the Curse of Ymir and has fully resigned himself to doing whatever he deems necessary for Paradis, I'm interested to see his end. I also enjoyed seeing Levi and Hange, I never doubted their survival; it also might be a further indication that Floch is BS'ing his way with his power grab when he said that they were killed...This series is excellent.
Wake up already, Reiner. Say something, Levi. At least Falco's awake again. And Annie, for the love of Eldia, please explain your crystal.
Can't wait to see Jean snap at Floch
It was great but isayama please let us see eren...
I just really hope Connie doesn't die but I'm not feeling too optimistic... I can't believe Annie's back and I'm really looking forward to whatever her and Hitch do next.
The reaction to the Armin and Mikasa scene initially drove me up the wall, because people's readings of Mikasa are just so fucking bad--she's literally right??? LMAO. Mikasa and the 104th have always followed Armin's guidance, so she isn't even wrong when she asks how to make herself useful. But the reaction to her question about Eren is just...
Levi surviving the thunderspear was bullshit. Hopefully he stays permanently injured and not overpowered again. Isayama give us Historia please. I hope we get to see my baby Reiner wake up next chapter. I wish that Reiner and Annie meet again please
I got emotional when Falco was starting to "remember" Connie. While Sasha's scenes after her death could have been written better, every time I see a Ymir reference, something interesting happens. We need to remember best girl, and finally we get to see that Connie was an important comrade of hers.
I hope Connie makes the right choices, my boy has suffered enough!
It somehow gave positive vibes despite the apocalyptic setting, and I was extremely happy we got to see almost everyone again.
I want to see more about what happened to Ymir Fritz after she gained her freedom.
I'm glad Levi is ok but i gotta know: how is he able to breathe when HIS ENTIRE FACE HAS BEEN BANDAGED UP
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fiiiiiiiiiine
Lame ass chapter, everything feels pointless and forced and the ambiguity and moral grayness of the story is gone.
Levi has to give meaning to those deaths. It's what will give peace to his heart. He deserves to fight one last time.
mikasa let me hug you and protect you
Can we agree Keith is badass? He advised trainees to not lose themselves despite the government. It's such a stark contrast with Floch in this chapter. He was so traumatized by his first mission as a SC, losing his comrades, watching them die meaningless deaths and seeing the SC fighting over who should be lived other than the commander. As he shot that voluteer he made it clear he casted his values aside for survival. In the end he learned they were just as meaningless as Marlowe's death.
More Yelena pls
This chapter was a lot of scenes I had been waiting for put together. We had Annie and Hitch interaction, an update on Connie and Falco, Gabi and Armin now heading their way, and Levi and Hange are finally back. Now all we need is Historia. The wait for her stopped being funny a LONG time ago...Actually scratch that, it wasn't funny to begin with. 😒
Levi is alive bitches
Really glad it's not all wrapping up with Eren activating the rumbling. Seeing how everyone is handling the chaos has been incredible. I was telling my friends that I honestly don't think the final battle will be against Eren. It's just everyone versus the pure chaos of the situation. I don't see Eren getting beat
The EMA trio was never my favorite, but it still kinda hurt to see them all split up.
The Erwin references were amazing!! Both in the manga and the end text!!
With all these relatively slow-paced, character-driven chapters recently, it seems as if the ending will be very rushed. I have faith in Isayama’s writing skills, but I just hope he will be able to pull off an ending that will do justice to all these wonderful characters he has built up, while rounding out the plot in a satisfying way. This story, in my opinion, is a masterpiece so far - and an ending could either make or break it at this point. Either way, I look forward to seeing the coming chapters very much.
Where is Kiyomi ? (2nd edition)
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ouronlyangelhes · 5 years
He’s a Keeper: Harry Styles One Shot
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Some cute little dating Harry fluff for you to enjoy!
The most beautiful green eyes and brown curly hair boy you’d ever met was on his way over. You had been going out with Harry for a little over three months. He was the most kind hearted, loving, and genuine guy you had ever met. When the two of you had met, you had hit it off instantly. Both of you just got in so well and just had the most amazing time together.
Harry was a very touchy guy. He was always hugging you, kissing you, and just always finding some way to touch you. And it wasn’t that you didn’t love that. Because honestly you did, you were putty in his hands and would’ve done whatever he wanted. The two of you hadn’t had sex yet. It wasn’t because you didn’t want to, you definitely wanted that with him. How could you not?
He was outwardly so attractive you that you’d melt and his heart was equally as beautiful. You wanted to take your relationship to the next level and you knew that you had that physical connection with him. What you really wanted was to know things about him. You wanted to know his dreams, his fears, things that had happened that shaped him into who is he now, you wanted to know it all.
“Love, I’m here.” Harry said as he walked into the door of your apartments
“Hi.” You said as you gave him a kiss.
“So what’s the plan for tonight? You’ve been all secretive.” You asked him.
“I was thinking we could head back to my place, I’ll cook us a nice dinner. I’m quite the chef, you haven’t gotten a chance to really witness my cooking skills.” He said proudly.
“Oh yeah? I’m down.” You said as you grabbed you jacket.
The chemistry with Harry was there and you were falling hard. You wanted to make sure before you let yourself fall completely for him that he was the one. He was different than anyone you had ever dated before, that was a good thing.
You just wanted to make sure all of the things you thought about him were true, you just wanted him to open up to you. He knew everything about you, your favorite things, things you hated, funny stories, the whole works. You knew the basics and some things about him but you just wanted to know more. You wanted him to trust you and let you in fully to his world.
The ride from yours to Harry’s wasn’t very long. The next thing you new he was pulling into his driveway.
“You ready?” He asked as you were obviously in a distracted state and weren’t paying attention.
“Yeah! Sorry.” You said as you got out of the car.
“Wow. You’ve out done yourself H.” You said as you looked around. He had the fairy lights on illuminating the sitting area, he had flowers everywhere, the brightest smile on his fave, and your favorite wine chilling in a bucket on ice.
“Hey, you haven’t seen anything yet. I am here to dazzle you with my cooking abilities.” He said with a smile.
You felt special that he would go through all this trouble and put in so much effort in to tonight. You could tell that he maybe was getting a little impatient with the fact that the two of you hadn’t had sex yet, but he would never bring it up. He was a gentleman who would wait as long as it took for you to feel comfortable around him. He was hoping that you already were comfortable enough though.
“I’m very much looking forward to this.” You said as you watched Harry get the ingredients ready to prepare the meal.
Watching him in the kitchen was a side of him you hadn’t really seen before. Sure, he had cooked for you before but it was nothing quite like this. This was a full meal with all of the finishing touches.
“So this recipe, I got it from my mum. She use to make it all the time for me when Gem and I were kids. She’s a great cook, I like to think I get that from her but I am no where near as good as she is.” Harry said as he sat down at the table with the plates.
“Thank you for cooking. This really does look lovely.” You said as you took a bite. He was handsome, musical, funny, romantic, and he could cook. What more could you want? He was a literal dream.
“Of course. I don’t mind at all. It feels nice having someone to cook for actually.” He confessed.
“I had a question for you, you’re more than welcome to say no and shoot me down if you aren’t comfortable. I was wondering if you’d maybe wanna stay the night here with me? I’m not trying to put pressure on you or anything and if you feel like I am just tell me and I’ll stop. I just really like spending time with you and I would like it if you stayed. We don’t have to do anything, that’s not why I want you to stay.” He said.
“Look, I want to stay. I do. I’m not uncomfortable or anything around you, quite the opposite. I’ve been having such a great time with you and I love every moment that we’ve spent together so far. We have so much fun and I feel like I can really be myself around you, which is super important. Sometimes I feel like we have this amazing physical chemistry and that’s so great and very important to have, but sometimes I just feel like you know more about me than I do you. You’re kind of mysterious which I like and I’m not saying you have to tell me your whole life story of anything, I’d just like to know that you feel okay and cool with telling me stuff if you wanted.” You said.
“I totally understand that. I guess just in the past I’ve always felt like everyone has known everything about me and I guess there’s just a part of me that just hated that. I like there to be a little of the unknown. To keep people guessing. But I shouldn’t keep you guessing, I know that my feelings for you are very real. The realest I’ve had in a long time. I see myself continuously wanting to be around you and getting to know you more. I’m sorry if I have seemed closed off or like I don’t want you to know things, because I do. I really do. Ask away! Ask me anything you wanna know.” He said.
“Look, I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll stay over, but we’re just sleeping. We can talk and drink all the wine we want. Is that ok?”
“Sounds like heaven to me. I don’t ever want to make you feel like I’m only keeping you around because I want to sleep with you. I mean, I totally want to sleep with you but I want all the other things too.” He said with a smile.
“I appreciate that a lot.” You said as you kissed him.
“So what do you wanna know about me? I’ve very interesting I promise. I like my coffee black, I love me some Fleetwood Mac, and most importantly I think I’m falling in love with you.” He said as you nearly choked on your wine.
“You’re in love with me?” You asked.
“Yeah, I am. How could I not be? You are the most magical person I’ve ever met. You put up with me, you make me laugh like no one has before, you listen to all the shit jokes I tell, you have such a big heart, I mean I could go on and on.” He said.
“I love you too. I was just kinda afraid to say something. I knew that you were different when I met you and I knew that we had a strong connection. I just didn’t wanna weird you out by saying it too soon or make you feel like you had to match my feelings.” You said.
“Believe me, I’ve known for a while I just didn’t want you to jump ship!” He said as he put his arms around you.
You knew you weren’t going to be going anywhere. You were confident in your relationship with him and you knew that any anxieties or worries you had about your relationship were all in your head. He was the most selfless, genuine, lovable guy. He was respectful of your wishes and desires and that meant the world to you. He was definitely a keeper.
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