#i hid everything!!! emotions are Bad To Show!!!
not to brag, but my therapist told me today that i did incredible during our emdr session, which means i get an A for the day in therapy, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve 🙂‍↕️😌
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realisticjupiter · 6 months
haihaii!! your profile has been like.... THERAPY to me bc the aib fixation is back AND ITS STRONG ESPECIALLY TOWARDS CHISHIYA 💔💔💔 i love the way u write as well !!
so with this could i request a touch starved chishiya... like a chishiya that needs readers attention so bad but is too embarrassed to downright tell them "I WANT CUDDLES" or smth... still he does everything in his power to get readers attention atp the only thing left is to just BEG
also could i be 🎶 anon ? i picture myself being very active here from now on... have a nice day!!
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Summary: Chishiya can't sleep without you.
Genre: Fluffy
Pairing: Chishiya x gn!reader
Warnings: None! :)
Word count: 784
a/n: Aghhhh i hope this is okay!!!!! That is actually so sweet of you, I'm so glad you've liked my account!!!<3 And ofc you can claim an emoji, hello 🎶!!
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Chishiya tried everything to get you into bed with him. He tried seducing you, gaslighting you, and of course his manipulation tactics didn't work either.
All you were focused on was trying to fix the phone from last night's game. It was still on, so you thought it would be easier to get into before it powered off.
Every time he'd call your name, you'd brush him off. Mostly because he always used a certain tone of voice you've become far too familiar with when he tries to get what he wants.
All he wanted to do was kneel at your feet to tell you exactly what he wanted. To tell you he just wanted you to hold him, to tell you all he needed was your attention.
But he couldn't. He never has been able to ask for help, or ask for anything without feeling vulnerable for that matter. He was closed off, that's what people knew about him; that he didn't show those types of emotions in fear of being belittled.
Chishiya could feel his eyelids getting heavy and his eyes burning from keeping them open, but he knew no matter how hard he would toss and turn; he wouldn't be able to sleep without you.
It was pathetic, he'd admit that. It was a loop he found himself getting stuck into, and found there was no way out of it. He hid it pretty well, though. Through late nights where you'd fall asleep alone and wake up to him beside you. You truly had no idea he struggled so much.
He was so tired. He'd do anything if you'd just stop and sleep already.
And he found his last option, the one thing he dreaded the most.
"Y/n?" Chishiya whispered, his voice husky as he climbed out of bed and walked towards you with slow steps.
"What?" You hummed in response, never peeling your eyes away from the task at hand.
"Please," He spoke underneath his breath in an almost incoherent whisper as he stopped to stand beside the chair you sat in.
"I don't know what you want, Chishiya. No one is keeping you awake." You sighed, watching from the corner of your eye as he stood by your side, rubbing his eyes with his palms.
"You're keeping me awake." He murmured, watching your hands as they played around with the device's motherboard.
"How?" You said in defeat, finally turning your attention to him. You looked up at him with your hands thrown in your lap, clearly waiting for his response.
He let out a huff as he looked around the room; avoiding eye contact. When he finally looked at you, his eyes were soft and glassed over.
His next sentence was incoherent.
"Chishiya. Speak up, please." Your words were soft as you stood up from your seat, placing your hands on his upper arms.
"I can't sleep without you." He finally spoke, his words finally registering in your mind.
When he realized you had finally heard him, he felt like he could say anything. And with his new found confidence he continued to speak.
"Why is it so hard to ask you to touch me?" He breathed, letting his head fall onto your shoulder.
You smiled at his soft demeanour. You knew how hard it must've been for him to admit something so close to himself, especially since it was about you. You've found a new side of Chishiya you haven't seen before.
You brought a hand to comb through his hair as the other scratched up and down his bare back, "I'm sorry, Chishiya. I should've just read your mind." You whispered against his shoulder as you held him close to your body.
Your words were an obvious tease, trying to humor the situation at hand. Which did make Chishiya snicker.
"You should have. You've always been able to." He muttered, wrapping his arms lazily around you.
You smiled warmly as he spoke, pulling away to drag his hand towards the bed. You climbed in with him closely behind you. He waited for you to get comfortable, before he joined you under the covers to tangle his limbs with yours.
"I'm proud of you, Chishiya." Your sultry breath hit his forehead as you mumbled against his skin.
He stared down at the way your bodies fit together, processing your words with a smile he knew you couldn't see.
"Now go to sleep, 'm here." You spoke once more into his skin, kissing his forehead and massaging your fingers into his scalp.
His cold fingers danced around your bare skin, trying to bring himself impossibly closer to you before his body fell limp into a night's sleep.
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reposts and comments are appreciated <3
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daydreamerwoah · 4 days
Love Through It All Pt. 2
TW: Mentions of cheating, mentions of divorce, hurt, sadness, anger, crying
I don't condone cheating at all. But I know every marriage and even relationship is different. What one person might do in a situation, another might not do it..... Every time I write something, I'm always writing with the thought of the main goal being OC or in this case 'Y/N' ending up with the man I'm writing about (in this case it's Ghost). So this is going to be angst... but Y/n & Ghost are going to stay together at the end of this little story....
If this upsets you, pisses you off, or you hate it... I'm sorry :( Sort of my first time writing angst like this, so send me the feedback plsssss.
When Simon went to work the next day, it was clear to everyone that something was bothering him. He had yelled at the new recruits during PT, snapped at his teammate, Kyle Garrick, over some paperwork that needed to be completed, and hid in his office the entire morning. So when John Price walked into his office after lunch, he knew he was there to question him about his behavior.
"Wanna tell me what's goin' on or do I have to order you to?" he joked, taking a seat in the chair in front of Simon's desk.
The Lieutenant sighed as he glanced at his Captain, eyes somewhat puffy from the slight crying he had done thirty minutes ago. Something that didn't go unnoticed by John, and it was strange seeing the quiet soldier show any emotion... especially at work. But they also were friends, and John found himself needing to know what had his friend crying.
"I fucked up," was all Simon replied, making John's eyebrow raise in confusion.
"What do you mean?"
Simon swallowed the thick lump in his throat, "I hurt Y/n." John was utterly confused, but he refused to say anything else until Simon explained what the hell he meant by that, "I cheated on her."
Just like Simon knew it would happen, John's eyes widened as he looked back at him with absolute confusion evident in his eyes. "Ghost-"
"I know Price..." He signed.
The Captian's posture straightened. He wanted to scold Simon immediately, "When?"
He wanted to bang his head on the desk. The more John questioned, the more he realized how he ruined everything, "Christ..... listen Price it's bad."
"Well how bad we talking?"
A long and frustrated sigh left Simon's lips, "It's been goin' on since we got back from Al-Qatala."
"What?!" John yelled out, making him slightly cringe at the tone, "That was three months ago Ghost!"
"You don't think I know that?!" he yelled back.
John couldn't wrap his mind around what Simon was telling him. He had cheated on his wife. The wife he had met several times at their small outings; that Simon always seemed so in love with. He talked about her all the time. He always wore his black wedding ring on his finger, like he was wearing now. So what the fuck happened?
"Does Y/n know?" he dared asked. Simon's sad expression on his face confirmed, "Bloody hell... you told her?"
Simon shook his head, "She found out."
A hand ran down Simon's face, "Someone sent her videos of me in..." Simon paused, realizing he hadn't told John who the 'other woman' was yet.. "in Pvt Williams's room."
"The fuckin' recruit that got here four months ago? Her?" Simon nodded sadly and John wanted to hit him upside his head with his fist. Not only had Simon cheated on you, his wife, but he cheated on you with a new fucking soldier who was already gaining a reputation for herself.
She was known for talking back to superiors at times, she challenged damn near everything, and a lot of guys seemed to want to kiss the ground she walked on. She got her way a lot when she battered her eyelashes, and one thing that some other soldiers started calling her was a barracks bunny. But that's not why Simon was attracted to her in the beginning...... he liked the badass attitude she had. She was a firecracker, and that seemed to ignite something in him that you hadn't done to him yet.
You never argued with him, even when you were upset. You were bubbly, soft, the girl next door.... whereas Pvt Williams had a different aura about her. You two were complete opposite, and he had been thinking all morning about why the fuck he didn't just talk to you about his feelings.
It wasn't like he wanted you to change. He loved you for who you were. You were the peace and sanity that he needed... he just wanted to fuck you so good and hard when he was stressed or frustrated with work. But you hadn't exactly given off the energy that you would be open to the rough sex he wanted.
John found himself sighing as he rubbed his chin in deep thought, "She wants a divorce?" He asked, already knowing the answer before it left Simon's mouth.
"Yeah," John hummed, "But I'm not doin' it." He continued, ignoring his Captain's confused stare. "I know I fucked up bad, and I know she wants a divorce, but I'm not lettin' that happen Price."
"Why's that?"
Why didn't Simon want a divorce from you?
A beat went by before he answered, "She's my everything."
Another hum came from John's throat as he looked at Simon. Not once did he think this was what was going to come from his Lieutenant's mouth when he walked into his office. He had never seen the man look so.....defeated. But he couldn't ignore the disappointment in his chest as Simon sat there in front of him.
"You two should go see the chaplain. Get some counseling." He suggested, "She may not want to but.... if you want to work on your marriage, then it's a start."
Simon's eyes seemed hopeful as he nodded at the Captain, pulling up a tab on his computer screen to look up the information. "Thanks, Price."
John stood up from his seat, giving Simon a curt nod before walking to the door. Before he grabbed the handle he turned around and faced the soldier once more, "Ghost," he said making him glance his way, "You need to fix this. Everything."
Simon's eyebrows drew together, instantly knowing what he meant when he said everything. He needed to do something about Pvt Williams, which he had planned to do anyway. But he wanted to know a few things from her first. He couldn't lie to himself.. when you showed him the video the previous night, he wanted to go to Pvt Williams's barracks room and choke her - not in the way he had done so before either. He wanted to kill her.
She - just like everyone on base - knew he was married. It made his stomach twist painfully at the thought that he even fucked her with his wedding ring on. Yet, she knew that he had someone had home waiting for him. And sex was the only thing he wanted... so did she.. at least that's what he thought. Not once did he think she would videotape them having sex and then send it to you; to his wife.
How the hell did she even figure out who you were? No one had seen you besides John, Kyle, Johnny, and Kate.
John left his office, and he lowly groaned as he put his head in his hands. It was going to be difficult getting you to agree to see the chaplain with him. You had never been on base before... not because you couldn't, but cause Simon cared about your safety more than anything. People finding out that you were married to him was like serving you on a silver platter to potential enemies, and he refused to let that opportunity present itself.
"Fuckin' hell..."
You glanced at your phone for what felt like eternity. Work long forgotten at your desk. The message Simon sent you several minutes ago continued to display on your screen.
Simon: I want us to go to counseling
You hated the fact that you both had iPhones with your read receipts on. When you didn't respond, he sent another text.
Simon: We'll see the chaplain here on base
The chaplain? On base? After all this time he wanted you to come on base?
You found your fingers typing away on the screen before you could process your thoughts.
You: Please don't do this Simon
You sent it, wishing he hadn't read the text immediately. Like he was waiting for you to respond.
Simon: We're not getting a divorce
Fuck. Why was he being so damn difficult? But weren't you? You could go to a lawyer and have them draft up papers... but you had heard stories of when that happened. The embarrassment of walking into a courthouse for it made your heart twinge with pain. You were just as much a private person as Simon was, and you wanted him to do it because it would make it go quickly and smoothly.
Simon: I'll see you at home. Love you
You rolled your eyes at the text before tossing your phone on your desk. You wanted to cry, but you couldn't. You were at work, and you didn't need anyone asking if you were okay... that would just cause you to break down, and that would be really embarrassing.
When you got home, you felt torn when you didn't see Simon had made it yet. A part of you was relieved that he wasn't there. You weren't ready to face him just yet. But the other part was sad because that piece of you was happy to know he was coming home early.
That was the worst part about getting your heart broken. The pieces were shattered all over inside your chest, yet you still held on to the hope that everything would work out; that you would be happy in the end. Happy with Simon.
Slipping off your coat and shoes, you made your way to the ensuite bathroom, closing the door before you slid down onto the floor. You swore you thought today would feel different, but when the tears rolled down your cheeks, you knew it was the same as it was the day before. Silly you to think you'd get over what happened just because you had been hurt in the past before.
You were crying and in your head so deep you hadn't realized that not even 15 minutes after you arrived home, Simon walked through the front door. Taking off his own boots and coat, his dark eyes looked down at your shoes next to his before glancing around the living room. He slowly walked down the hall into the bedroom, seeing that you weren't there, but when he heard the sniffles and sobbing coming from the other side of the bathroom door, he was torn himself.
He knew you had every right to distance yourself from him; to push him away. He should have left you in the bathroom to cry it out... but he didn't. He walked up to the door and softly knocked on it, startling you.
You quickly wiped the tears from your eyes and got off the floor. "Uh I'll be out in a sec," you said as you turned on the faucet water and splashed cold water on your face. It was a futile attempt to clean your face, but you did it anyway. Once you were done, you opened the door and tried to quickly walk past Simon, but of course, he stopped you.
The two of you stared at each other, his eyes flickering between both of yours. The silence that swirled between you two only made you bite your bottom lip to stop it from quivering.
"Can we talk?" he asked.
The groan that escaped your lips should have frustrated him, but he was only angry with himself.
"Please, sweetheart." A beat went by before you folded your arms and nodded for him to start talking, "Can we sit?" Once more you nodded and he stepped away out of the door frame so you could walk past him.
You decided it would be better to sit in the living room so you made your way to the couch and sat, Simon sitting down after you. It was awkward and painful, waiting for him to say something as he continued to look at you in such despair.
You sighed, "I'm listening."
He cleared his throat, "I want us to go to counseling."
You wanted to scream but found yourself blankly looking at him as he reached out to grab your hand. "Simon, why are you doing this?"
"I know I hurt you. I fucked up and I don't deserve you. But I swear you mean everything to me Y/n. I want to work on our marriage."
You scoffed, pulling your hand out of his grip, "Work on our marriage? You want to do that now? After I found out you cheated on me with someone else?" You asked. You were on the brink of snapping, "You think I'm stupid don't you?-"
"No love, I don't think that at all."
"Then why the fuck do you want to-"
"I'll get the divorce papers if you go to counseling with me." Your mouth shut tight, his response floating through your ears. "Please... just do this with me. If you still want the divorce then I'll get the papers."
You should have said no. You should have denied his plea to go to counseling. Yet there you were again, holding onto hope as you stared back at your husband.
"Fucking hell," you replied.
Yeah this idea just came and now I'm running with it.... so part 3 is in the works lol!
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yoursweetwife · 8 months
how would Ratio comfort a crying sad reader? reason why reader is cryingis up to you (or just not include it thats fine too!)
Warning: comfort, fluff, soft Ratio., female reader, sad reader, bad english
Synopsis: Ratio expected to see anything but the way you cry.
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The first thing that Ratio thought about after he went home to your shared apartment was you. He heard from colleagues when he came to check on you in the office that you had left because of an incident, it confused him. You usually warned him in advance, but today you didn't even send a message. However, no one has been able to explain what happened.
Ratio was not good at showing his emotions, and other people might think that he was completely indifferent to you, but this is far from the truth. Meeting you is the best thing that happened to him.
You could easily have improved his mood with your conversations (he really likes talking to you about everything in the world), he realized this right now while walking home, annoyed with today. Fortunately, his plaster head hid his disappointment from prying eyes. At the sight of your house, a weight seemed to fall off his shoulders.
Approaching the door, he is surprised to find it unlocked. Ratio grunted and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"[name], I told you to lock the door."
After opening the door, he quickly went inside and called your name. The apartment was too dark and quiet, since you started living instead, such a thing as "silence" has practically disappeared from his life. It was filled with sounds of activity, teamwork, and love, even when you were angry at each other and not talking.
His shoes were left standing next to yours. As if feeling it, Veritas started walking towards your shared bedroom. Concern showed on his face as sobbing-like sounds began to come from inside.
He watched in horror as your tears stained the sheets. However, besides the bed, you were in a mess. Your hair and clothes were in terrible condition, and quiet hoarse screams came from your mouth, as if you had been doing this for hours. From his angle, he could see you trying to wipe away tears with your hands.
If another person were crying in front of him, there would be little he could do in such a situation, but in order to keep a smile on your beautiful face, the scientist is ready to do anything. Unconsciously, Ratio headed towards you. Strong arms pressed you to his chest, and your face was buried in soft hair. His brows furrowed when he felt you flinch.
"V-veritas? - Your tired voice filled the dark room. - I'm sorry, I didn't keep track of the time. You shouldn't have seen this."
You started frantically wiping your face. Veritas felt anger at the realization that you wanted to hide something so important from him. Do you really think he's going to laugh at you? This conversation can be left for later.
He took your hands and stopped them and turned you to face him. Ratio smiled gently. His hands gently wiped away the wet traces of tears and you could feel that you were ready to cry again, just from this one gesture. After today's incident, you felt very bad, and the presence of Veritas brings you an inexplicable sense of calm.
"It's okay, - Ratio pulled you closer to him, you nuzzled his shoulder. - Calm down, I don't like to see you crying alone."
The gentleness in Ratio's voice scared even him. He stroked your hair soothingly. Gradually, you stopped hearing his words, and the world around you plunged into darkness. But you could still feel his touch.
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pearl-blue-musings · 3 months
I had some thoughts…(spoilers for 2.3 update)
The Charmony Festival comes to a close, and the craziness of Penacony has begun to calm down. You watch as Aventurine interacts with Boothill via video call as you stand a few feet away from him. Clockie Studios Theme Park is relatively abandoned as most guests are in the central part of Golden Hour for the festival. The two of you needed somewhere private for him to interact without the potential of being overheard. After all, he did cause a big rift in the screen at the park and tried to get himself killed in a very flashy and public way.
You hear him chuckle as the broadcast ends. His boots click on the ground near you, alerting you of his closeness. He wraps a confident arm around your shoulder, briefly getting distracted by his phone buzzing. His eyebrows furrow as the messages flood in from a group chat. “Hmmm,” he ponders aloud. Aventurine’s touch isn’t romantic by any means, something you’ve come adjusted to since you realized your harbored feelings. His poker face and heartbeat give nothing away and you fear you may never know his true feelings. Of course the two of you have bonded over the course of his career and this trip, but he is still too much of a mystery to you.
You sigh deeply before indulging him. “Are you gonna tell me why your phone is blowing up?” You feel him chuckle next to you as he shows you the thread. Something about a bomb or multiple bombs on the Feldspar? His tone suggests there’s something eating at him but it’ll be pulling teeth for you to get the answer.
“Something about a bomb and Miss Sparkle. Although she is a Masked Fool, she’s been somewhat helpful in this trip I must admit.” You roll your eyes and remove his arm from your body. You miss the way he pouts slightly as he tries to catch up to you. The rift zig zags with specks of red and black flying all around. An uncomfortable feeling settles in your stomach as you crane your neck upwards. Your hands hold your arms and squeeze tightly. This man, your higher up, the one who holds your heart, tried getting himself killed in a dream all for the IPC’s gain. Was life not sacred? He was willing to do the unthinkable, and sure he lived, but he was willing to potentially die and that just-
“Something on your mind?” His purple and blue eyes travel to where your eyes are looking and he sighs. He can tell you’ve got some bad thoughts in mind and wants to calm whatever thoughts you have. Hi huffs and rests his elbow on your shoulder. “You shouldn’t concern yourself too much with the past. I’m here now aren’t I?”
You merely shake your head and try to escape his lingering touch. Your eyes gaze to the ground before shutting them lightly. “Look, I get that I hid some of my intentions with this mission. And maybe,” he extends, “I shouldn’t have flirted too much with the trailblazer to get what I want but everything worked how I wanted.” He tries again to touch you but you shrug him off.
You sigh and stop in your place. “It’s not that, although the flirting…w-whatever.” Your hand finds purchase on the back of your neck as you finally turn to him. “Why do you gamble your life away like that?”
Aventurine’s smile softens, finally happy that you’re facing him again. “I guess I’m just lucky. You know that. I’ve never lost.” He steps toward you and tries to hold your free hand. “You know that better than anyone,” he whispers.
“And that’s exactly why I care so much! Someone needs to care about your life even if you don’t! What about,” you heave as your voice gets louder. “What about the people that care about you, Aventurine? The ones that don’t want you to bet your life? The ones that want you to live!”
Aventurine is taken aback at your emotional display. He knows he can’t hide too much of himself from you. He lets his eyebrows furrow slightly with the frown settling on his face. The last time someone scolded him about this was his sister and then she…
You continue in your tirade. “I know you didn’t tell me because you didn’t want me to worry. But I also know how incredibly lucky you are! But, aeons Kakavasha, why do you let everyone use you to the point where you’re going to die?”
His real name slipped so effortlessly from your lips. And never had he heard the name sound so beautiful and cared for ever in his life. The fear and anxiety in your gaze starts to pierce the layers of his facade. The Sigonian stays silent as he lets your emotions take over.
“You’re, you’re way too important to me and others a-and you gamble your life away like it’s nothing! I know you’re blessed but…” you begin to pace back and forth in front of him, frustration eminent from the tension in your muscles. “You’ve made it out of insane predicaments but damn it!” Tears that had been held back finally release and it’s like a damn has finally burst.
Kakavasha gently steps toward you to cup your face. You don’t resist his touch as you lean into his embrace, shoulders shaking from your crying. He pulls you into his chest for a tight hug, breathing calmly to help bring your elevated heart rate down. Resting his chin on the top of your head, he softly confesses, “it’s been a while since someone other than family has taken a true interest in me. I’m not used to someone genuinely caring for me. And not trying to exploit or use me for something.” He shakes his head with a gasp from feeling your arms around his body.
He sighs again. “You just want me…for me. And that scares me.” His voice lowers to barely a whisper from his admittance. His shoulders relax and you can feel him melt into the hug. “I forget I don’t have to keep being Aventurine around you. Thank you.”
At that moment, fireworks erupts in the sky illuminating it in a myriad of colors. Your face is awestruck as the gorgeous colors dance across the sky. Kakavasha chuckles as he realized what Sparkle had actually done. He lifts his chin off of you, takes his pointer finger and thumb to lift your chin. Soft lips kiss yours as the fireworks display continues on. You kiss him back reverently, wrapping your arms around his neck to bring him closer. A deep and warm feeling settled in his heart as it dawns on him what is happening.
He loves you, another human being. Someone who saw him for him; all of him. Sure he couldn’t be at the negotiations with Old Oti, but somehow he thinks this is where he was supposed to be.
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m3hgumi · 1 year
— when you have period cramps
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a/n: me at any minor inconvenience: omg more content 😍😍 cramps are hurting so bad and i was thinking about them … ooo the voices THE FUCKING VOICES
i’ll also be splitting the hcs into two parts with other characters so it’s easier to post
pairings: itadori yuji x f!reader, fushiguro megumi x f!reader, gojo satoru x f!reader
genres: fluff, hurt/comfort
word count: 853
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itadori yuji
baby was so scared and terrified and confused at first
he’s never had to deal with something like this before, having no female family members or relatives
so to say the least he was stumped
you tried to brush it off saying you were okay and the pain would pass until another wave of sharp stabbing pain hit your side
that’s when you told him to get the pain killers cause this was gonna be a Very Long Week
once you explained to him the horrors of being a woman with a functioning uterus, he didn’t hesitate to grab (steal) a heating pad from nobara’s room (which almost led to disaster, thankfully you had stepped in and no damage was done)
he hates seeing you in pain and tries so hard to make sure you’re comfortable
he’ll have you laying your head in his lap, sprawling the rest of you body on the sofa or bed of your dorm, and ruffle your hair as the two of you watch your favorite show or movie
when you’re napping, he’ll try to cook you something to keep your energy up and endure the pain
i bet he tries to look up recipes for meals that help with period cramps
and tries to cook them for you 🥹
even if he’s not the greatest cook, you appreciate those meals better than any craving you’ve had for the rest of the week
megumi fushiguro
he’s gone through this many times with tsumiki before so he knows exactly what to do
prepare a heating pad, stock up on pain meds, get her usual cravings and everything would be fine
though her cramps weren’t as painful (or so he thought, she just hid how painful they were from him) as he found yours to be, so he had to do a little bit more to help you alleviate the pain
including routine cuddles, plenty of kisses, many many blankets, and the occasional peace and quiet for your naps
he has your period tracker synced to his phone so he knows in advance when to stock up on any supplies you’ll need to get through the hellish time of shark week
he’d cancel any plans he may have had with nobara and yuji to stay with you (mad respect 🙏)
he’ll also summon his demon dogs for emotional support, even if it’s not allowed in the dorms (he’s such a real one 😭☝️)
he also has his phone notifications off so all of his attention is focused on getting you through this hellish week (ok but mans needs to catch a break too)
he’ll let you play with his hair as a distraction from the pain
if you ask for cuddles his face will get super red but he’ll oblige after
eventually he’d stop you from consuming all of chocolate and chips that is your cravings and get you to eat an actual meal
he won’t mind if you start complaining or yelling at him about something insignificant (like the temperature in the room being too low) because he knows it’s just the pain talking
instead he’ll pull you even further to his touch, soothing you and hopefully getting your mind farther away from your uterus twisting itself
gojo satoru
for ONCE his sweets stash under his bed is finally useful for someone other than him 🔥
i can imagine teen gojo first seeing you in pain and laughing (geto probably smacked him real good after that)
“wowww women have it SOOO hard 🙄” “OF COURSE YOU WOULDNT KNOW YOU ASSH-“
he has everything stocked up and ready for that time of the month: from pads to heating pads to pain meds (lots of them) and most importantly SO MANY SWEETS
he definitely uses this time of the month as an excuse to go out and buy an exorbitant amount of candy that will most definitely leave the two of you with diabetes
he’ll also bail out on any meetings or missions (except the ones with his students, he can’t leave them) so he could stay with you
if for any reason he can’t be physically be there, he’ll be on speed dial or he’ll get nanami or shoko to keep you company
you tell him not to worry and don’t bother staying since the pain will pass on its own and isn’t really anything to worry about, but he insists anyways
when he’s not busy he’s either cuddling you or having you wrapped around his arms, passing the time by watching his shitty collection of movies or any of your favorite shows
he’s definitely gonna feed you the giant chocolate cake he bought from the bakery down the street (and feed himself some ofc)
since gojo is just a giant pillow anyways, falling asleep on him isn’t much of a problem, even if your insides are attacking you with the worst pain ever
i’ve mentioned this in hcs before but he ABSOLUTELY has a whole album of pics where you’re sleeping on his shoulder or lap, cuddles are not excluded
(ok this is getting too long i should stop)
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kamisatomay018 · 11 months
Family is Forever
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Father Neuvillette- you both have a daughter. Slight angst with lots of comfort. Very fluff, lots of family love!
Neuvillette x female reader
This one is also gonna be a little long haha
“Mama, why is papa not home?” Your 6 year old daughter asked with a big pout, her beautiful big eyes filled with tears. She was a spitting image of your husband, with the same white locks and lavender eyes. Your heart broke listening to those words. Being the Chief Justice of Fontaine was not an easy task, and recently criminal activity had increased a lot in Fontaine for some unknown reason. This resulted in Neuvillette returning home very late for the past 4 months.
He was an amazing husband and father, and he loved his two blossoms- that’s what he loved to call you both- endlessly. You still remembered the way his eyes had teared up in happiness when he first held his newborn daughter in his arms. His happiness knew no bounds, he loved you both more than anything. But his duties had now caused a distance to grow between him and his daughter, which hurt him deeply. He would have to leave early, and come back home very late. Of course by then your little daughter would be fast asleep, and she missed her father dearly. It was safe to say that she was way more attached to her papa than you, and that fact made your heart very happy.
Now faced with this sudden question, you gently picked her up, sitting her on your lap and cooed her sweetly. “Sweetheart, papa has a lot of work, that’s why he gets late..”
“But..but I miss papa..I want him to sing lullaby for me, please?” She said, pearl like tears now falling from her eyes. You hugged her close, feeling helpless. No one was at fault here because you knew Neuvillette was trying so hard to come back home early. You had seen the way he would come back home and go to his sleeping daughter, his eyes filled with sadness as the rain poured outside. He would kiss her forehead, whispering softly telling her he loved her and how sorry he was. Almost every night you would stay awake to comfort him, and at times he would cry because of the guilt he felt. In his eyes he was being a bad husband and father, missing out on his little blossom’s childhood.
“Don’t cry my little flower, papa loves you so much, always remember that..”
“But mama…am I the reason papa isn’t here?” Your eyes widened, and heart shattered at those words. You immediately shook your head, cuddling her so close. “No sweetie, of course not! Don’t say that, you are papa’s little blossom, he loves you so much..”
She looked up at you with her big teary eyes, the amount of innocent sadness in her eyes wounded you. “Really mama? I miss papa, I want him..”
Before you could reply, you heard loud thunder as rain poured like anything. Your eyes widened and you immediately looked back; watching a silhouette hurriedly disappear into the hallways. Your worst fear had come true, neuvillette had come home early after so long, only to hear all this. You couldn’t even imagine how hurt he must be, and the heavy rain outside was only a fragment of his emotions. You stayed with your daughter for a while, quickly making her sleepy and gently tucked her in bed, and immediately made your way to your bedroom.
Making your way inside, you found your husband sitting on the bed, tears falling down his cheeks. Your heart ached at the sight, the father and daughter really were alike. You got in bed too, gently making him lay down as he immediately hid himself in your arms, soaking your tshirt with his tears. On the outside, he was always stoic and composed, never showing emotion. But you knew that his heart was so soft and sensitive, and when it came to you and your daughter, he was never afraid of expressing his emotions.
“Neuvi, breathe love, it’s okay..everything is gonna be okay, I promise..” You felt him shaking his head, and for the first time you heard his voice be so weak and sad. “No..I failed..I’m such a bad father, I made my blossom cry..I made her feel unloved..What kind of a papa am I? I don’t deserve her, I don’t deserve you…” and then came even more sobs. The rain only grew stronger and you felt your heart break.
“No Neuvi, you’re an amazing father..please don’t say that, she loves you so much..She’s young, she doesn’t understand right? She loves her papa so much..I know it’s not your fault love, I know how tired you’ve been, how much you have been missing her..”
He looked up at you, just the way your daughter had done a while ago “but I made her cry Mon Ange…she..she thought I didn’t love her..” You gently wiped his tears, placing soft kisses on his cheeks and forehead. He closed his eyes, letting himself feel your warmth and your tender love.
“She’s only a child Neuvi, and she cannot understand the complexity of our situation right? She’s saying that only because the change in these 4 months has been too sudden for her. Earlier you would tuck her in bed, sing her lullabies and drop her off to school, but now because of the situation you can’t..And I understand that, but she can’t right?”
He nodded at your words, still feeling so sad as he pouted in a manner so similar to his daughter, mumbling softly “but I love you both so much..I love my blossoms more than anything..” You gave him a sweet smile, gently kissing his lips “we love you so much too my love..everything will be okay, she knows you love her. This was a simple misunderstanding honey..we are family right? Family is forever, and our love is forever.”
You felt him ease at your words, the rain slowing down as he nodded at your words. “Yes, you’re right Mon Ange..” he then glanced at the seating in your big room, where two big bags were placed and sighed softly “I bought her favourite chocolates and a few toys while coming back home today as a little apology..” You smiled again, kissing his cheeks. “I’m sure she’ll love them Neuvi” he stayed silent now, just basking in your warmth which he had missed. Work had snatched away his family time, and that angered him. He was more than determined to end this series of criminal activities now. All these months he had been working tirelessly, connecting clues and organising investigations. Tomorrow was a big hearing, and if everything worked according to plan, then he would be free from the shackles of his endless work for a long time.
“I love you so much Mon Ange..thank you for being so patient and understanding, and thank you for marrying me..” he spoke softly, his words being so genuine as he kissed your wedding ring delicately. You chuckled softly, kissing his forehead while caressing his long hair, gently untying the bow to let him relax. “I love you more than anything Neuvi, marrying you was the best decision of my life. You and our little blossom are my everything..”
Neuvillette felt himself relax and calm down even more, your soft caresses and warmth doing magic. The rain stopped, as your dragon felt sleepy in your embrace after a long day. “Sleep my love, you’re tired. We’ll make everything work okay?” He nodded with a soft smile, and you two let the slumber take over.
The next day came by, your daughter’s school had just ended, and she was still sad. Her friend’s father had come to pick her up, and that just made her miss her papa even more. While waiting for you to pick her up, she heard a familiar voice that she had missed so much.
“Is that my little blossom I see?” She gasped loudly, turning around and had the biggest smile ever, her tiny frame running towards her father. “Papa!!” Neuvillette had the biggest smile as he picked his daughter up, hugging her close as he felt his heart smile. “Papa you’re here!!” Her excited voice spoke, as he looked at his little blossom, who was just like him. “Yes my blossom, papa is here..”
Meanwhile you hurried towards your daughter’s school to pick her up, your work had kept you a little busy, and you hoped she wasn’t scared alone. But what you saw just made your heart burst with happiness, your husband and your daughter together, as she clung onto him like anything, refusing to let her father go. The sun shone brightly, as the smile on Neuvillette’s face never left. People around were shocked to see the Chief Justice so happy and smiley, but he did not care. He was finally with his family, his blossom. You approached the two, having the biggest smile ever.
“Seems like no one missed mama huh!” You teased with a sweet smile, seeing your daughter look at you again, giggling cutely. “Mama look! Papa is here to pick me up!!” You saw your husband’s eyes tear up, perhaps with both happiness yet a little guilt, as you joined the hug, kissing her cheeks. “Aawww yes sweetie, look papa surprised you!” “It’s the best surprise ever! I love you papa!” She looked at her father, who was so dear to her. He smiled even more, a tear falling down his cheek which he quickly blinked away, kissing his blossom’s forehead. “Papa loves you so much my little blossom, he’s so sorry for being a bad papa..”
“You’re not a bad papa! You’re my hero! Papa is the best! But can you please stay home with me and mama? I miss your lullabies..” she looked at him with big puppy eyes, making neuvillette chuckle. “I’m not going anywhere sweetheart, papa has taken a long holiday! No more work, only family time now!” Your daughter squealed in excitement, hugging her father even more. “You promise papa?” “Yes blossom, I promise..”
You looked at your husband with slight worry in your eyes, whispering softly “Neuvi, what about the trials..?” “It’s over Mon Ange, the criminals have been caught, Fontaine is once again at peace. Furina was very generous and gave me a whole month off, saying I only need to come to work if any major trials are there, and that she’ll handle the rest.” You smiled so happily, hugging him sweetly. “See? I told you everything would be okay!”
He laughed softly, feeling bliss. He was now home, in the arms of his two precious angels. He couldn’t ask for anything more. “Yes my love, and as always, you’re absolutely right. Now how about we go home? Im gonna make my blossoms’ favourite food today!” You laughed seeing your daughter clap excitedly, your mind now being at peace as they both were so happy.
Family was forever, and it was everything to you and Neuvillette. You just knew he was going to spoil his daughter rotten this month.
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My thoughts on the lives and deaths of the House of Usher
Prospero - I almost feel sorry for Perry. His ideas weren't bad and unlike his siblings he was doing them himself. I also found it hilarious when he tried to fuck his brother wife. If nothing else that kid had confidence. Fredrick was dick to both of them anyway and she deserved to have fun. If you remove the blackmail and acid rain and that would have been one hell of a party.If Perry hadn't been planning to blackmail everyone he wouldn't have deserved his death. But his death was EXQUISITE. Everything about that scene was so perfect I can't find words to describe it. Everyone involved in creating that scene deserves an award
Camille - We actually got to know very little about her. Her whole story was about finding dirty on the others and managing crisis for the family. Even her death isn't shown. I think the point was that she never got to just be. She lived and died for others but never connected with anyone.
Napoleon - Leo was to me the closest to likable of any of the siblings. He clearly loved them and that may have been the only love he way capable of. He certainly didn't love his boyfriend or anyone he had/was having sex with. He treated people like objects. His death is tricky to categorize. On one side what he did to Pluto was horrifying and anyone who treats animals that way deserves the same fate. But he never actually did any of those things. It was all hallucinations and illusions first from drugs then Verna. He was stressed and grieving and kept finding dead animals everywhere. I would be ready to smash walls in that situation too. He definitely didn't need to be a pet owner but I think his death should have been less torturous
Victorine - I wrote this one last because it was my favorite Poe story growing up and she played it beautifully. That slow steady decent into madness I should have hated this character most of all. Those poor chimps and who knows what other innocent creatures she killed with experiments she knew wouldn't work. Even with her father constantly pushing for progress she should have stopped. Verna gave her so many chances, she wasn't even there when Vic killed her girlfriend or herself. She could have stopped at any point. Yes she still would have died but it could have been painless and less tragic. T'Nia Miller's performance was so good that I actually felt sad for her in that final scene. At least until I thought of the chimps again.
Tamerlane - Knock off Madeleine. Where her sisters hid and guarded their personalities she never had one. Her entire existence was for appearances (hence the ridiculous amount of mirrors). Even when she tries to show emotion she couldn't look at the person she was talking to. Her death might have seemed the most passive but it was shoot beautifully. It was also the only thing she actively accomplished on her own.
Fredrick - Fuck you Frodrick. When his siblings said he was just like their father they didn't even realize how right they were. He might have been worse. His poor wife deserved so much better. I genuinely enjoyed watching the pendulum swinging towards him as he was paralyzed beneath it. I only wish there was more than one so he could feel more pain. He was so much a piece of shit Verna enjoyed killing him. Everyone else got warnings, chances to walk away and have peaceful deaths But this asshole, she knew he didn't deserve one. He got exactly what he deserved. Lying in a puddle of his own piss waiting to die. Seriously fuck that guy
Lenore - This sweet brave girl was the only good the Ushers ever brought into the world. So pure and good even Verna mourned having to take her. I loved that she got to know how much good she put into the world and how many lives she saved. Even knowing from the beginning she would die, it was still heartbreaking to see. At least it was painless and instant
Madeleine - She was cold and selfish but she was also usually right. I respect that even when making a deal with the devil she still had standards. She at least made sure not to have children incase. There is a bit of irony in the fact she didn't want to spend her life serving a man then chaining her destiny to her brother. Gave of serious twincest vibes that I am glad where not explored. Her death seemed a fair balance for her past and mirroring her mother's death brought everything full circle. She fell with the house of Usher. Also sapphire is a good color for her.
Roderick - Without doubt the worst of them all. He knowingly killed millions with his drug. He destroyed any shred of humanity in his children. Possibly worst of all, he knew the damage he was causing and who would have to pay for it but he didn't even blink. Being mentally tortured by his dead children was not enough. He deserved the worst death of all. I understand the poetry of him dying the same way his father did but I wish he suffered more.
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ninii-winchester · 3 days
Behind Closed Doors (Part 6)
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Pairing: Boss!Dean Winchester X Assistant!Reader
Word count : 1.7k
Warnings: angst, foul language, not proofread.
A/n: I hate Mary more than I hate John🥰
After Castiel had left, Dean was left alone with his thoughts. He mustered up the courage to finally tell Y/n everything. He would tell her everything. He was overwhelmed, all his emotions came crashing into him at once. He was angry at his parents, ashamed in front of his lover, and ashamed at his own dilemma. With an uneasy feeling inside his chest, he called her inside.
Y/n stepped inside the room looking completely unbothered but Dean knew better, he knew she was keeping up a facade of being fine and he wanted nothing more than to take away all her pain.
"Yes, Mr.Winchester?" She said, her tone void of any adoration he was used to.
"Don't do that." Dean begged. "Please." Y/n stared at him blankly and he cleared his throat, standing up from his chair. She waited for him to speak with her arms crossed across her chest. He stopped in front of her. "There's something you need to know." He said softly and she scoffed.
"Isn't it a bit too early?" She asked sarcastically. "I thought you might want to wait until your wedding." She sneered. Dean knew he deserved everything she threw at him but he wouldn't deny that he felt a bit of anger and frustration build up, she's not even letting him explain.
"Will you let me talk, please?" Dean replied softly but she could tell there was an edge to his voice. She nodded reluctantly. He led her to couch placed in his office and sat down beside her. Taking in a deep breath, Dean spilled it all. He told her how his parents are forcing him to marry Rachel, he stood against it and his father threatened to kick him off his position, he even tried telling them that he has someone in his life but they wouldn't budge. Y/n listened to him intently, a soft gasp leaving her lips at the mention of Dean losing his position as CEO. She could tell he was conflicted, she felt bad for treating him the way she did but then again he hid it from her when she asked so its not completely her fault.
"Why did you lie to me when I asked you what happened at your parents'?" She asked softly, now something understanding the situation better.
"I thought I'd deal with it without you knowing, I didn't want you to worry, but then Rachel showed up and it all went to shit." Dean said remorseful. She nodded her head indicating she understood. She was quiet for a while and it killing Dean on the inside, he really wanted to know what she was thinking. "Please say something." He pleaded, when she didn’t speak he added. “Look at me.” He placed his fingers underneath her chin and made her look at him. “I love you, and I’ll talk to my parents again. It’s true I don’t want to choose between you and this job but if it comes down to it, I’ll choose you.” Dean said sincerely.
“I know.” She spoke airily, giving him a gentle smile she added, “but I don’t want you to.” Dean opened his mouth to speak but she shook her head. “If this this position would’ve been given to you just because it’s your father’s company, if I didn’t know how hard you’ve worked to get here. I would’ve asked you to choose me.” She said placing her hand over his cheek. “I can let you go knowing you love me with everything you have than have you resent me a few years down the line for making you miserable.”
“No, it won’t ever happen. This isn’t important. You are. You make me happy.” Dean argued and she smiled sadly at his at his attempt to convince her.
“Right now—yes.” She concluded. “A few years later, maybe not. Dean you’ve worked hard for this. This is your dream and I can’t take that away from you.”
“I don’t wanna lose you, please.” Tears pooled at his eyes at the thought of losing the one person he loves more than anything in the entire world. “I need you in my life.”
“You won’t. I’m right here.” She chuckled through her tears, gesturing to her workspace outside his office. He shook his head again. “I’m not going anywhere Dean.” The moment hung in the air, heavy with the weight of words exchanged. His eyes turned dark and intense and she felt her heart stutter in her chest.
The moment lingered, fragile and bittersweet, as they sat facing each other, the weight of what was to come pressing down on them. His eyes were soft, filled with a sadness she had never seen before, as if he were memorizing every detail of her face. Time seemed to still as he reached for her, his rough hand cupping her cheek, thumb brushing lightly against her skin. She leaned into the touch, his lips crashed into hers and it was as if the world fell away.
When his lips met hers, it was slow, achingly tender. There was no rush, no desperation—just a quiet sorrow that settled between them like a final farewell. His lips brushed against hers with a softness that made her heart ache, as though he was trying to pour every unspoken word, every unfulfilled promise, into that one moment. Their moment was broken when the door slammed open and a loud gasp was heard. They both quickly pulled apart and saw Rachel standing in the doorway. She looked upset at first but then her faced twisted in to a condescending smirk.
“Now I understand why men approach you, they know a skank when they see one.” Rachel sneered folding her arms across her chest. Dean stood from his place and walked closer to her.
“Apologise. RIGHT NOW.!” He growled menacingly and Rachel flinched a bit. Y/n quickly rushed to Dean’s side and placed a hand over his arm to calm him down.
“Get away from him you-“
“I swear to God, Rachel if you said anything to her, I will make sure you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.” Dean threatened making the woman gulp in fear.
“Why the hell are you behaving like this? I’m your soon to be wife!” She yelled.
“No you’re not. You’re just some girl who I went to school with. I’ve never loved you and I never will.” Dean yelled back.
“I’ll make you fall for me once we’re married.” She replied.
“You’re delusional.” Dean snarked. “I love Y/n and only her. I’ll love her until my last breath.” With a huff and a nasty glare to towards Y/n, she left stomping her feet but not before adding,
“We’ll see about that.”
Dean turned to Y/n, holding her arms. “You okay, baby?” He caressed her skin, calming her. She nodded but Dean knew she was still shook up from what Rachel had said. He hates that woman so much. “Hey, I’ll talk to Dad. We’ll figure this out. I promise.” Dean knew if he went to his Dad he might be able to get out of this arrangement. His mother is kind of a control freak and he hates it. It was only Sam’s luck that he had crush on Jess even before Mary arranged them. There’s a possibility John might listen to him if Mary’s not present.
The rest of the day passed rather quickly, and Y/n back home. While Dean drove to his parent’s house. He had asked Sam to keep Mary away from home for a while, so Sam made up lie about Jess needing help with wedding preparations, that would keep her occupied for a few hours at-least.
“Dad.” Dean said entering the house and finding his father lounging on the couch. The old man wasn’t too happy to see his eldest son after the scene he’d created a few days prior.
“Dean.” He greeted back tersely.
“Dad, I need to talk to you.” The green eyed man stated, staring down at his father, and the latter raised his brow with curiosity. He gestured his son to sit and talk. “Dean, I can’t marry Rachel. You have to understand. Mom wants me to settle down, fine! I will. But not with Rachel. Like I said that day, I have someone in my life.” Dean poured his heart to his dad and John was surprised to say the least.
“I thought you just it to get out of the arrangement.” John commented.
“Dad, I’m your son. I don’t just say things.” Dean sighed defeatedly. “I do have someone.” He added.
“You love her, son?” John questioned.
“More than anything, Dad. We’ve been together to three years and I proposed a few weeks back. She said yes. I came here to tell you about us and then mom dropped that bomb on me.” John was astonished at the revelation of Dean being engaged. He knew his son was a private person but he never expected him to keep his relationship a secret from his family.
“I didn’t know that.” John said, he didn’t wait for his son to reply and added, “I don’t know who she is but the question still stands though, Her or the company.”
“Her.” Dean declared without a second thought. There’s nothing he would choose over her. He’d been a fool to not realise it earlier but the more he comes closer to losing her—the more he realises he needs her more than anything. John smirked at his son, it was a test. It definitely was and he passed. If there’s anything John respects and adores most is true love. After all he went through all the sort of hurdles to marry his love, Mary.
“I’ll talk to your mother.” Was all John said but it was all Dean needed to hear. Even though the Winchester men were not the most emotional ones out there, in this moment Dean couldn’t help but hug his father. John patted his son’s back and Dean felt like he could finally breathe.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @deangirl96 @queensilber
@s0urw00lf @monkey-d-hoshizora98 @deans-baby-momma @fullbelieverheart
@riah1606 @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @hobby27
@starkleila @suckitands33 @m3ntally-unstable @kanekilovelove-blog @candy-coated-misery0731
@blackcherrywhiskey @ladysparkles78 @goest-and-fuckest-thyself-blog @graywrites5567
@thelittlelightinthedarkess @enamoredwithbella @winchesterwild78 @myuhh8
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panxramic · 6 months
Was just talking about this with a friend but I adore Tallulah’s hat options and how she’s started using them to reflect her emotions/how she’s feeling. I think it’s such good story telling for her because she’s very much an egg that wears her emotions on her sleeve. Before she would just tell people how she’s feeling, communicate it fully with those around her to show that.
This is Minecraft roleplay thus we do not have facial expressions or complete body moments with the egg models so having the hats adds that layer. I’ve always seen Tallulah as the kid who you can read her face like a book. When she’s frustrated and angry she puffs out her cheeks and crosses her arms. When she’s happy she wears a smile so happy and wide and when she’s sad you can physically see it on her face. How her eyebrows down turn and her frown lays there like a permanent mark. Tallulah’s emotions pour out of her like a river into the sea. She feels everything and anything, it’s also how she’s able to somewhat communicate with her dead siblings.
I think the hat thing is good for Tallulah too in general, just so she doesn’t have to talk when she doesn’t feel like it. It helps q!Phil (and others) catch on to how she’s feeling quicker. She uses them for comedic effect as well, which exemplifies how her emotions on her face range so widely. She’ll over dramatize her sadness and anger to get a laugh out of q!Phil, and the hats add that extra layer of drama. It exemplifies who she is as a kid.
I’d also like to talk about Chayanne in this regard because same friend (hi Kash ily Kash) brought up that for him it would be SOO beneficial for him to have som sort of way to display how he is feeling as an aid sort of? With Tallulah I see it more as her physically features changing or her acting a certain way but with Chayanne it’s a physical object he has that tells others how he is feeling. Both of them having a similar gimmick but used/come off in different ways because they’re different kids.
Chayanne is a kid that always has trouble wording things and speaking his mind. He’s quiet and his emotions are locked away. Some things you can notice, like how he moves slower or zones out more when he’s sad. But he never speaks up about it until he can’t hold it in anymore. Not only would it benefit him but it would benefit q!Phil as well.
q!Phil CANNOT tell when Chayanne is sad unless there is a specific or drastic change in his character, and there usually isn’t. It’s easier for him to tell with Tallulah, he’s usually good at understanding when she’s sad or off but that’s also because Tallulah is much more expressive. So when she’s quiet even for 5 minutes, he knows something is off. You can’t follow that logic with Chayanne.
And it’s not that q!Phil doesn’t care, let’s make that clear. In fact, he’s beaten himself up over it, he’s felt horrible in the past for not being able to tell when his son was feeling bad. And it’s exemplified by how for the first time Tallulah hid her feelings from q!Phil too and that’s the only time he couldn’t tell something was wrong.
q!Phil’s emotional intelligence is not high, he struggles a lot with understanding how someone else might feel. He goes off of assumptions (which can be very dangerous) or what he’s told.
So, with Chayanne, having a little symbol or object that shows when he’s sad or angry or scared, it would benefit them both. Chayanne who doesn’t know how to say how he’s feeling and q!Phil who can’t grasp emotions that well unless told directly.
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delreyshit · 6 days
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As a surrender
Summary: Your relationship with Ghost is not the best. But feelings are undeniable for him. Everything changes when your life seems to be in danger. Note: Not very explicit but it does contain sexual scenes(oral sex). The perspective in which I wrote this is not what I'm used to, but I hope you like it.
Warning: the reader can identify with the character of “Lisa Muñoz”, this is just a name I use for the background of the story but if you still don't like the fact that the reader is not textually represented, I'm sorry.
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When you joined the task force, it was Ghost that caught your attention the most. A man with a suit that made him look even more corpulent than he already was and a mysterious mask, which hid his identity, caught your attention as soon as you met the lieutenant. You were delighted by Ghost's mysterious attractiveness, but, that vanished a few seconds after they spoke for the first time. You remember very well, the first time you met, you didn't talk at all, he was minding his own business and you just admired his masculine body and... Did I mention strapping? For someone not very tall like you, that man could be intimidating with his presence. The second time you bumped into each other, that's when the mutual contempt and hatred between you broke out.
“Lisa… Who the hell is Lisa Muñoz?” Ghost's irritated voice was heard, between the walls of the operating room.
The murmurs were not long in coming, people felt nervous, which made you feel reckless as you rose from your seat. His eyes rested on your weak figure. He folded his arms, waiting for you to approach him.
“Do you need something, Sir?” you asked, feeling the bile rise in your throat fearing to be the source of his bad mood.
“Yes, I need to know how on earth you were employed. Your report is awful, I've never read anything so terrible before.” He fanned the envelope in your face, cutting the few feet of distance between you.
“The report is thorough. I doubt there's anything important missing in there.” You replied, somewhat annoyed by his sadistic attitude.
He watched you, impressed that you confronted him instead of giving him some apologies for, as he saw it, a barely perfunctory job. He pushed the enclosed folder to your chest and with a tense jaw said, “Do it again, I want it ready by eight o'clock tomorrow. If you don't deliver something that meets my expectations, I'll make sure my superiors fire you.”
The jerk had you all night working up at least 3 different versions of an old mission report (just in case he didn't like any of them). The next day, when you turned in your very hard work, he didn't bother to tell you, “I guess that's what I can settle for. It could have been better…”
A total jerk, no doubt. Sometimes when you were in a good mood, you tried to empathize with him by being “nice.” You always failed because, to whatever it was, Ghost would respond rudely. He didn't like you and you didn't quite know why. The truth was far from what you thought, Ghost was captivated and even almost in love with you and your loving way of being. He hated himself for that, being close to you he was vulnerable and didn't like to experience emotions like that. In his eyes, from the first moment he saw you, you became the most exquisite woman he had ever seen. I mean, Ghost wasn't a virgin man or anything like that, God knows everything that man has done, but with such a complicated life he never thought about love. You were always good at doing your job and people love you, especially men and he always knew that. That's why every time he sought you out to belittle what you did, all he would say to you were poor excuses so he could talk to you and of course it was his jealousy showing through. He never knew how to handle his feelings, which is exactly why he thought it was best to be a bully to you.
His hateful attitude changed when you started accompanying him on missions, he often worried about your health and despite teasing you for feeling nervous. Although when the two of you started to suffer from the uncomfortable atmosphere, he could think of nothing better than to tell jokes. They were strange and boring, but you felt almost blessed that he wasn't treating you harshly for a few minutes. They used to distract you from the fear and started to help you and Ghost get along better, gradually you felt closer.
Neither of you imagined that the next mission you would be alone on would turn your relationship upside down.
“When can we rest?” you asked with a yawn. “I don't know… But you should have slept before we started the mission.” Ghost muttered, from the other radio.
“I'd like some coffee.” “Maybe, when you get caught you can ask the narcs for a couple of beans, surely they must have some.” “What do you mean, when they catch you?” You asked quizzically. “They won't have a hard time catching you, Lisa. You're sleepy and alone, plus you always screw something up.” “Fuck you. I'll still beat you to the package. “You whispered as you walked down a narrow hallway.
“We'll see about that, doll.” He mocked you back.
You stopped your steps when you reached the entrance to a large lighted hallway/balcony. You walked to the edge of the metal floor and peeked out, careful not to fall, taking a close look at the drug-filled tanks.
<<What the fuck is all this>> you thought.
“Apparently you were right, you got here before-” Ghost's sudden voice from behind you took you by surprise. You panicked and by instinct your body lurched as you spun around. Your feet slipped and you fell. The muffled cry that came from your lips, calling out to him, sent Ghost running to the shore.
“Shit, shit, shit…” shouted Ghost, frightened for you.
He didn't hesitate a second longer and jumped in your search, to your rescue. Your body plunged into a tank full of grams and like quicksand, the tons of dope pressed down on your body, drowning you quickly. Ghost fell with momentum into the same tank you were already in. The strength of his body helped him avoid being trapped. The lack of oxygen kept you asleep for quite a while, as Ghost struggled to pull you out. When he finally found you, his big arms grabbed your hips, pulling you close and pressing your body against his, keeping you from being separated by the pressure.
He swam to the outside and while he held your fragile body with one hand, he levered the edge of the tank with the other to get you out. He held you like a sack of potatoes as he walked across the rough floor. He stopped on a roofed place and, with great delicacy, supported you on the pavement. He sat on you while holding your jaw. He took off a glove and with two fingers searched your neck for any sign of a pulse.
<<She is unstable, fuck>> he thought as he sighed in anguish.
“Lisa.” He mumbled a couple of times. However, you didn't wake up.
He lifted his mask up to his nose and slowly bent down until he was level with your face. His hands moved to your nape and jaw, holding you firmly as he pressed his lips together, giving you oxygen.
You moaned in pleasure as Ghost's soft caresses spread over you, opening your eyes as you smiled. Ghost pulled away, embarrassed and confused.
“What the fuck?” “You fell for it, you fool. You thought I was dying and-”
He didn't listen to your taunts, he understood perfectly well that you had wanted to scare him, give him a bit of his comeuppance. Bravely, he leaned in to taste the flesh of your lips again. As soon as your mouths met, your tongues danced with each other playing foully. Ghost lay on top of your body as you both rubbed each other with need. When you separated for lack of oxygen, a thin line of saliva held you together. You regulated your breathing, dazed.
“I think we need to finish the mission…” you whispered, still unwilling to let go of Ghost.
“No way, the mission can wait.” He answered you.
You didn't notice when your thighs were pressing against Ghost's head.
“You taste fucking sweet.” He babbles drunkenly for you as his tongue sucks intensely at your hole.
Your fingernails scratch the hard cement of the floor and your back arches with each suck Ghost makes on your needy hole. His fingers move between your belly and your extremely sensitive clit, warming you with every mark he leaves in his wake.
“Come on, baby. Lubricate my face.”
His warm breath crashing into you, drooling as he urges you to cum makes you dizzy. He playfully digs his teeth into your swollen lips, making you moan incoherent sounds. You were so shattered when he thrust a thick finger into you, that with tears running down your cheeks you come hard into his mask and mouth.
No doubt it was going to be a very long night….
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Extra note: English is not my first language, so I apologize in case there are some mistakes, I try to get better every day. Also if you think I need to work on something, don't doubt to let me know.
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jennaajoseph · 5 months
ㅤㅤㅤ ❛ Home. ❜ ⸻ Holden Worther x F!Reader.
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── ﹙౨ৎ ⋆。˚ MASTERLIST&INFO.﹚. ☆
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ SUMMARY. ⸻ Holden comes home after a long time at the mental hospital.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ PAIRING. ⸻ holden worther x fem!reader.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ CONTENTS. ⸻ fluff, kinda sad if you ask me, bf!holden, generally sensitive topics, mentions of: mental hospital, drinking, rehab, failed suicide attempt, female reader.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ A/N. ⸻ an universe where Holden got help he deserved tbh. Can y'all write more fics for Holden pls??
This one has quite sensitive topics, feel free to correct me if it's needed! Thank you!
Also it took a longer time for me to upload smth cuz someone requested Holden and I wanted to post it first!
(also I think about doing a part two on that, we'll see.)
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ CREDITS. ⸻ photo - pinterest (cropped by me) , divider - @/cafekitsune.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ﹙©jennaajoseph﹚
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After a failed suicide attempt caused by Holden's drinking problem, he finally agrees to get proffesional help. You were happy that he finally went to the mental hospital, where he was slowly getting better, going to rehab and therapy. Even if that meant not seeing him a lot, you were still happy that he was willing to work to become a better version of himself.
When Holden was in the hospital, he wrote you a lot of different stories. Your desk was always filled with sheets of paper. As time passed, his stories began to be less dark than before, and you took that as a good sign.
Sometimes he wrote you letters, writing about how he's feeling, and asking how you are feeling, how much he missed you, or how much he finally wants to finally see you and "kiss your pretty face". From the letters, you also found out that he started to really enjoy crafting. He sent you his every work; drawings, origami or small paintings made with acrylic paint.
Your room was full of things from him, and every time he sent you something new, you missed him even more.
Finally, when it was time for Holden to come back home, you couldn't hold your excitement. You were willing to help him with everything he needed, and support him all the time.
You and his parents drove to the hospital to pick him up. Of course, you were way more excited than them, but you were still glad they helped Holden get the help he deserved. They didn't show much emotion to anyone anyway, even themselves.
All of you were in the waiting room. Your leg bounced anxiously as you bit your nails. A bad habit of yours. Holden's parents were reading a magazine, not really caring about the world around them.
"Here for Thomas Worther?" A doctor appeared in the room, looking at some papers. Your head immediately jolted up when you heard his voice. Holden's mom confirmed, the doctor nodded, disappearing from the room the second after.
You let out an anxious sigh, but also a small excitement washed over you, finally being able to see Holden after a long time was something you were looking forward to for a long time. You couldn't visit him because of the policy. Only family members were allowed to, which was also quite limited because of his condition.
The door of the waiting room opened again after a while, Holden and a nurse entered the room.
"Okay Holden, wish you luck!" She smiled at him, and he nodded. The nurse turned to his parents and gave them some papers to sign, also talking about his therapy and rehab that he's still supposed to attend.
Holden quickly dropped his bags on the floor when he saw you. "Oh God, y/n" he quickly rushed in your direction. You stood up from your seat, and he wrapped his arms around you squeezing you tightly. You hugged him back as he hid his face in the crook of your neck. "I missed you so fucking much."
"Oh, Holden." You tried to hold your tears back, it was the first time you held him in almost 4 months. "I missed you too." You whispered, running your hand in his hair.
"I was scared that you won't be here." He gave you a pleading look, and your heart broke even more.
"Holden, I've been waiting for all this time." You cupped his face with both hands.
"I wanna go home..." He whispered, pressing your hands on his face harder. "...with you."
"Okay, we are going home soon, I promise." You reassured him.
"Tom," You both turned your head towards his parents and a nurse. "I think it's time for us to go home."
He quickly nodded grabbing your hand, and picking up his bags, everyone was ready to leave when the nurse spoke again. "Take care of yourself, Holden." She looked at him, then at you. You smiled at her gently.
"I will." He responded softly.
The car ride was filled with Holden's stories from the hospital. He sat very close to you, tightly holding your hand the whole time. He told you everything. What was his routine, his doctor visits, how his therapy looked like, what he learned. You couldn't stop listening. You missed everything about him.
"Let me grab this." His father said, when Holden wanted to pick his bags up from the car.
"Thanks." He said quietly.
His father carried his stuff into the house. When Holden stepped inside he didn't quite know what he should do with himself now, so his eyes just wandered around the house.
"Do you need something, Tom?" His mom asked from behind.
"No, no, i don't need anything." He replied.
His mother quietly nodded. His father stood next to her and sighed, placing his hands on his hips. "If you need something, we will be downstairs." He said.
There was a quite long silence afterwards that was interrupted by you stepping into the house. "Let me help you with the bags, Holden." You grabbed his backpack.
"Oh, right." He grabbed the rest of his stuff and slowly headed upstairs.
You took the last look at his parents and smiled gently. They returned the smile.
You went upstairs, right after Holden. He placed his bags on the floor and looked around. You quietly placed his backpack in the same spot.
He said turned back to look at you as you stepped closer to him, cupping his face with both of your hands. He gave you a pleading look again, and went silent for a second. "Did you cheat on me when I was away?"
A shocked look appeared on your face. "What? Holden-"
"Please be honest with me, you don't need to lie." His voice was getting cracky as a few tears rolled down his cheeks
You furrowed your eyebrows in sadness. Your heart broke at his words. The thought of cheating on him didn't even cross your mind. "Holden I could never do that to you."
"Please just tell me if you did." He buried his face in the crook of your neck as he broke down crying.
You held him, gently caressing his back, holding back tears. "I swear to God, baby I didn't."
"I was away for almost 4 months, how could you not." He sobbed against your neck.
"Because I promised that I'll be here for you, and I love you with my whole heart." You grabbed his face gently to make him look at you. This time you gave him a pleading look. "You are my home."
His bottom lip quivered as he pulled you closer to him.
"I promise you, I would never do anything like that."
He nodded his head slightly. You two sat on the bed as you helped him calm down a little.
"You promise?" He whispered.
"I promise, my love." You kissed his lips gently, and he held you tightly by your waist.
"I can't express how much I love you." He said, his grip getting harder on you.
"Easy, Holden, you are gonna crush me." You chuckled quietly, wiping his tears.
"I'm sorry, I just need you really really close." He said in almost begging tone.
"We can cuddle for a bit, is that okay?" You brushed your thumbs against his cheeks. He nodded instantly.
You both cuddled on his bed, his face buried in your chest, his hands holding you around your waist, this time not that hard.
"Did you saw the gifts I sent you?" He changed the subject, looking up at you.
"Of course I did!" You smiled.
"Did you like them?"
"I love them, Holden." You caressed his cheek with one of your hands, and he blushed. "You are very talented, you know that?"
"Maybe..." He murmured against your chest.
You rolled your eyes playfully, and placed your head on top of his. "You are."
"Okay" He grinned slightly. "I have something I didn't send you."
"Really?" Your eyes widened.
"Do you want to see what is it?"
"Of course I do!" You sat on the bed excitedly.
He smiled and grabbed his backpack. "I made it in one of my art therapy classes."
"Show me, please."
His hand was searching in his bag, after a second he pulled out two colorful bracelets. "I hope you'll like them." He held them up for you to see.
"You made that?" You took the bracelets from him, smiling. "They look wonderful!"
"They have yours and my name on it." He pointed at the beads with letters.
"Oh, that's right!" Your smile got wider as you saw that one of the bracelets has "Holden" written on it and the second one "y/n". "That's the cutest thing I have ever seen."
"Yeah!" You said, sliding the bracelet on your wrist. "I'll keep the "Holden" one and you'll keep the "y/n" one." You slid the second bracelet on his wrist too. "Now we match!"
He smiled widely, and held your face to give you a kiss. You quickly returned it.
"I'm so lucky to have you." He mumbled between kisses.
You smiled into the kiss. "I love you, Holden."
"I love you too, y/n, so, so, so much."
You giggled as his kisses got all over your face. "Easy baby, I'm not going anywhere."
"I know I just, I missed you so damn much." He pulled you closer to him, panting slightly as he stopped kissing you.
"I missed you too." You gave him a soft smile.
"Do you think you can stay for the night?" He gave you a sad puppy look. Begging you to stay with him. "I know that you have work-" You quickly cut him off.
"I can stay for how long you need." You whispered kissing his forehead. "My home is right there, with you."
After two weeks, Holden got more comfortable being at home. You drove him to therapy once a week to help him with his mental illness, and after that he went to alcohol rehab, helping with his drinking problems. These days were the most busy, you just sat outside the room he was in, and waited for a couple hours, but it was worth seeing his big smile when it was time to go home.
He also needed to fix himself a new routine, which you helped him with. You always reminded him to take his meds every morning.
He also didn't quit his hobbies. Every day he did something new for you, a drawing, story, poem, painting, bracelet or small origami. You always were excited to see what he did, and he was always excited to give it to you.
Holden was basically glued to you all the time, from the moment you woke up, to the moment you went to sleep. On the days when you had work, he woke up at the same time as you, made you breakfast and helped you get ready. Sometimes, in the morning, you two took a shower together which usually led to heavy make out session before work, or even sex when you had more spare time.
He always told you how much he appreciates that you are still here for him after what happened, and he tried his best to make you feel loved and safe, showering you with kisses, hugs or literally any physical contact — his favourite way of showing affection.
His parents were also glad for your help, even though you didn't really talked to them, you knew they were happy with your presence. They didn't really mind you staying for that long, but to be honest, you wanted Holden to move into your apartment when he finds himself a job. Your money from working at Retail Rodeo wasn't much to cover up for you two, and for safety reasons you wanted Holden to stay with his parents a little longer.
You finished showering, and dressed in your pajamas, quickly went on tip toes to Holden's room.
"Okay I'm done, you can go now." You closed the door behind you and saw him lying on the bed, smiling sheepishly. "What?" You grinned at him.
"Come here." He opened his arms, suggesting for you to cuddle with him. You quickly jumped into his arms and he rolled you over so now he was straddling you.
You sighed with a smile. "We are not fucking."
"Who said that I want to fuck?" He grinned and started kissing your cheeks.
"I know you Holden, you are a very horny person." You giggled.
"It's hard not to be around you." He looked into your eyes. You gently ran one of your hands through his hair and smiled at him. He stared at you for a good couple minutes before finally speaking. "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."
You rolled your eyes platfully. "C'mon, I'm not that beautiful."
He rolled his eyes, mocking you. "Yes you are, at least for me."
You smiled softly and caressed his cheek. "You are very handsome to me too."
He grinned widely. "Thank you."
"For what? Complements?"
"For simply existing, you helped me a lot." He tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear. "I'm very happy it was you."
You couldn't help but smile. Holden appreciated literally everything you did for him, even if it was something small, he would be head over heels for you, and it's allways been like this. He would always return the favour with something bigger than you usually did for him.
You grabbed his face gently, and pulled him into a kiss. "I'm very happy it was you too." You mumbled into the kiss.
"I'm excited for our future together." He smiled sheepishly when the kiss ended.
"You have no idea how excited I am too."
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Can you do something for Koutaro Amon from Tokyo ghoul with a ghoul! darling please?
Sure! This uses info from mostly Seasons 1 of the anime, so human Amon for extra conflict.
Yandere! Koutarou Amon with Ghoul! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Angst, Violence, Blood, Ghouls eating people, Dark themes, Stalking, Fear of loss, Murder of darling, Kidnapping, Imprisonment, Restraints, Consensual relationship turned forced relationship.
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When it comes to Amon, a ghoul obsession would definitely cause... conflict.
Due to his beliefs, you being a ghoul would make him question everything.
Amon has always wanted to change the world.
He blames ghouls for making the world the way it is.
He feels the only way to fix things is to eradicate ghouls.
Then people can stop losing loved ones....
In the show his beliefs falter when he meets and fights Kaneki.
However, for this concept, what if he also met you?
Ghouls have been shown to be able to act human several times in the show.
What if you were a ghoul who was friends with Amon, but hid such a heinous truth.
Such a bond would only cause more conflict once Amon learns what you are.
Before he learns what you are, Amon's really kind.
He genuinely cares about you as a companion.
So much so he's actually scared to lose you like he lost so many others.
You two often go out to talk while he unwinds from his job.
All the while you play human, pretending to eat and making up cover stories.
I like to think you genuinely care for Amon.
He's an investigator, a dove, yet you still care.
He may hunt ghouls but you can't seem to leave him.
You hope you're different, you hope you can be there for him without having to hurt him.
Imagine if you are secretly a ghoul he's been investigating lately.
There's rumors of ghoul attacks, all attempts at you trying to survive.
To you, Amon is the only human exception.
You wouldn't eat his flesh even if you were forced.
You almost feel bad knowing your human companion is hunting you in secret.
It's better he doesn't know, really.
While Amon continues his job, he finds himself more and more attached to you.
Far as he knows, you're human.
A human he cares for... someone he's fond of...
Blissfully unaware of the fact the very ghoul he's hunting is the one he's in love with.
In fact, Amon may even begin dating you before he even knows the truth.
He calls you over once day before grabbing your hands, admitting he never wants to lose you...
He loves you...
More than anything.
You play your act well.
At night, you hunt as any ghoul does, mask and all.
In the day, your with Amon for dinners and little dates.
Amon adores you.
Some nights you force yourself to give up a meal to attend to Amon at night.
You play your double life because you don't wish to hurt him.
In fact, after your dating it's harder to resist nipping sometimes...
But you keep your promises.
The life of both of you comes crumbling once Amon catches you feeding one night.
You had told him you were tired, that you were going to bed early in your apartment.
Amon believed you and went to work, only to catch a masked ghoul in an alley.
He goes to fight, yet he catches the ghoul hesitate.
Too enraged by the sight of blood trickling down the ghoul's mouth and the carcass under them, he aims for the face...
He cuts the mask with a swipe of his weapon, the ghoul moving just in time...
Only to see you staring back at him.
Many emotions course through him... betrayal, denial, fear, sadness...
He hesitates long enough for you to push him away and escape.
You jump across the rooftops, leaving Amon there all alone in shock.
After that encounter, he doesn't see you again.
As if in disbelief he even checks your apartment... you aren't there.
This is where Amon's obsession really starts.
He loved you, yet you're a ghoul.
You're a monster who played him, aren't you?
Amon never wanted to lose or hurt you.
Even now... he finds himself still resisting the thought.
Amon's obsession becomes him focused on hunting you down.
He isn't even entirely sure why he wants to.
Does he want to kill you? Does he want answers?
Is he still scared to lose you?
Because you two were involved, he feels conflicted.
Conflicted to the point it nearly drives him insane.
To learn his partner was a ghoul... what a thought.
Amon isn't just obsessed with catching you, he's obsessed with you.
He'd rather deal with you himself rather than let another dove do it.
You're his responsibility.
His obsession only gets worse as you run from him.
You never like to fight him, you always run.
Amon could probably deal with his obsession in one of two ways if they're a ghoul.
He could kill you.
In some twisted version of "If I can't have you, no one can", Amon tries to reason with himself to put you down.
He's tired of you running from him.
You can't keep eating people.
He doesn't want to kill you, he doesn't want to lose you.
Yet eventually he vows he'll make it painless, before fighting you.
When you're dying, he lightly kisses your lips.
He promises he's always loved you despite what you are... He'll never love another.
Then he does the final blow to put you out of your misery.
It doesn't matter how strong your kagune is, Amon will keep it with him as his quinque.
It's a brutal fate, something that no doubt wears Amon's psyche down more than it already is.
He rarely uses it in battle, preferring to keep it safe with him as some sort of charm.
There's times he even strokes the weapon, naming it after you.
Now you'll always be with him... forever.
The alternative is this;
Amon imprisons you.
Amon knows he can't have you roam the streets any longer.
He also knows he can't kill you... He can't bring himself to do it.
So, instead, Amon resorts to imprisonment.
As he restrains you, he promises to take care of you.
The CCG no doubt has tech that can render a ghoul helpless somewhere.
I can see Amon using such tech to restrain you in his home, perhaps locking you in his basement to keep to himself.
You want to be let go, but he can't lose you again.
If you need to eat, he'll research ways to stunt your appetite.
That, or, he'll treat you with pieces of himself.
He's careful not to give much... but perhaps Amon loves you enough to allow you to taste his flesh... even if you hate the fact you enjoy the taste.
Or he's just insane.
Amon prefers to keep your appetite light.
It's almost like he's attempting to rehabilitate you, as if being a ghoul can be managed.
I wouldn't doubt Amon interrogating other ghouls on ways to satiate you.
Eventually he'll even give you coffee with sugar cubes, putting aside his hate for other ghouls to care for you.
You and Kaneki are the ones who make him change his beliefs more.
He loves you... and when he stops your hunts, you're just like how he remembered.
Albeit chained to his basement... like some sort of wild animal salivating over human flesh.
You may be a ghoul... but Amon still adores your kisses and hold.
Although he has to be careful as you may be more... snappy.
Amon loves you even now...
Even if he has to treat you like a monstrous pet in his basement...
He'll never let you go again.
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lillyspeakz · 19 days
reader greeting wilbur at the airport after a tour. when he first spots you he practically runs to you. he’s tired and clingy and hasn’t seen you in soooo long
hello! I loved this concept and I hope I wrote it well, I’m sorry this took a longer time, but I hope you enjoy!
warnings: fluff!!!!!
The boys had been on tour in the US for a couple months now, having played at festivals and all around the country. You sadly couldn’t go with them due to work and bad timing, but you did fly out to a show or two if you could. Even then, it’s been a month and some time since you’ve seen Wilbur in person, the FaceTime calls and small conversations hanging you both over till he was home.
Tom had made fun of you both for being so clingy towards each other, even when you were thousands of miles apart. He’d text Wilbur saying how gloomy you were and how you wouldn’t stop talking about him, and he’d also complain to you about how Wilbur would ask why you weren’t answering him when he knew you were with Tom and some friends. He just wanted to talk to you as much as he could.
You both pushed his comments away, only worried about the other and hoping someday soon you can see each other. So when Wil told you that they had one more show and he’d be home, you were ecstatic! You’d be able to see him in less than 48 hours.
To say you were a tad nervous was an understatement. You hadn’t seen him properly in a while, haven’t felt his touch and the warmth of his body and it made you ache for it. You did know what you’d do once you saw him, but all you knew was you were excited to be in the same room as him again.
As you stood in the airport, waiting to see at least someone from the group, hoping it’d be the tall brunette. Sadly your hopes were shattered as you saw Ash and Mark walking towards you with their luggage, Joe and David following close behind.
As they spotted you, they all gave you tired smiles and waves. You hugged all of them, knowing that they didn’t really want to socialize with the jet lag and how crazy everything has been. But you all silently knew they were all glad to be back and ready to rest before grinding again.
Turning back around, you finally saw him. He was stood a few feet away, looking at you with the most relieved look ever, a small smile on his face as his eyes took you in. You smiled back at him as tears started to rise in your eyes. You let out a laugh as he waved at you, walking up to him as you threw your arms around his neck and hid your face in his chest.
His arms engulfed you in their hold as he dropped his bag on the floor and pulled you as close to him as he could. His hand held the back of your head, as one rested around your waist.
“Oh my darling, how I’ve missed you.” He whispered out to you, his face hidden behind your hair. He held onto you tightly, still trying to grasp that you were actually in front of him.
You both didn’t realize how hard and lonely the long distance had been until now, all of the things that made you mad or sad or feel lonely was all because you didn’t have your person beside you. It didn’t feel right until now.
Pulling away, Wilbur cupped your face in his hands and wiped a stray tear that fell from your face, smiling down at you as you giggled. Leaning down , Wil softly placed his lips on yours in a much needed kiss. The kiss was indescribable, so many emotions and feelings going into that one kiss. Holding onto his forearms, you rubbed his wrist as he continued to kiss you, neither of you wanting to let go yet.
“Ok, can we do this later? I would like to get home sometime soon.” Joe commented as Wilbur pulled away and flipped him off, a laugh escaping the boys lips.
“Yeah yeah. Let’s go, love. Once we get the whiney children home, we can take a much needed nap yes?” Wil asked you, silent hope shining through his eyes.
“Yes. Yes we can.” You said, laughing as he fist pumped the air in excitement.
“Hey! The chat wants to see you.” Tommy said as he came into the editing room that was part of his office. Wil had been editing the newest episode for Sorry since we was back and had time to do it, leading you to be dragged with him for moral support.
“Ooo yeah!” You said as you went to get up, but was quickly met with arms around your waist and a groan coming from behind you and a head hiding in your neck. “Once I get this little guy off me.” Wil groaned at the nickname but didn’t protest.
“Wil, man! It’s been a week! They won’t disappear if they’re not with you for five seconds.” Tommy complained as he waited for Wil to let you go and let you come with him.
“But I had them first.” Wil whined, pulling you tighter against him as you ran your hand through his hair, loving how close you were in the moment.
“I’ll only be a minute or two ok? I won’t be long.” You whispered to him as he looked at you with a small pout.
“Promise.” You said back as he huffed and looked at the blonde.
“You have 5 minutes max! Anymore than that and I’m stealing them away again.” Wil pointed a finger at Tom as he held his hands up in a defensive manner.
“Jeez man! It’s not me who wants them! Tell chat that!”
“Tell chat for me?” Wil asked as he looked at me.
taglist: @ivvees-blog @horny-p0et
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cenorii · 4 months
Indifference and Excella
Today I'd like to talk about an issue like indifference and its consequences. But we won't talk about whether it's bad or not, I just want to discuss how Excella's indifference changed the history of all the following games.
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Excella had known Wesker since about 2003, but had been directly close to him since about 2006, when she gained control of Tricell Inc. From 2006 to 2009, she was close to him, through which she began to experience romantic feelings that blinded her critical thinking. But even without the crush, she was indifferent to what kind of person he was, and that probably always annoyed him in people (Wesker's second report states how he hates people who elevate others only for their background and not for their personal accomplishments. Excella exalted Wesker perhaps not even for his research but for his looks, that is, she did not read between the lines at all and did not pay attention to who was actually standing in front of her).
Being indifferent to his personality, she did not notice at all, so unstable man was next to her. The object of her lust had a huge bouquet of psychological problems and inferiority complexes, which he hid behind a mask of calmness.
However, even this mask gave a crack in re5, you can tell by the animation of the sudden outburst of anger.
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But while in re5 he's angry because his plan is slowly falling apart, in the Lost in Nightmares DLC, it's much deeper than that...
He just learned the truth about his life, and his anger is probably directed at that fact. He's angry at the truth and the fact that his past continues to haunt him (Chris and Jill). His past in the form of Umbrella, who he ran away from, has also caught up with him again, turning out to be the truth he had to face. Because of his pretense and “calm” image, he never learned to deal with his emotions, and I'm surprised that Excella never noticed it, since he must have been angry when the cockroaches mutated on his ship.
Based on all of this, Excella hasn't been paying attention to the fact that the person next to her isn't what she thinks he is. Chris is blind to Wesker's psychological problems too and he is clearly not the person who would suggest he go to a psychiatrist, but he, unlike Excella, has good reasons for this. For example, he's blinded by his resentment toward Wesker (for the mansion, for kidnapping Jill, and so on), he's also blinded by hatred. But Excella treated Wesker well, was directly next to him, and still missed the fact that everything in his character screams that he needs help.
Yes, if someone had offered him psychological help, he obviously wouldn't have liked it, but he would have realized anyway that someone had shown him attentiveness. He would have felt that someone cares about something much deeper in him than his external image, and maybe that would have made a difference.
Just imagine that ONE caring person could have changed the course of further history by showing of the right attention. Especially if this person had appeared long before re5, for example in 2006, when Wesker was the most psychologically unstable because he learned the truth from Spencer. Feeling that someone didn't just sympathize with him, but wanted to help him deal with an deep problem, perhaps he would have made other decisions in the future.
After all, in fact, Wesker is not so much interested in Uroboros and power, as in getting people from it who would be equal to him and consider him. His main problem is a sense of detachment, as if he is superfluous, different from everyone else as a white crow, and so he needs a society made up of white crows like him. He strives to stop feeling "different". And for the sake of this, he has made the mistaken decision to “make others like him”, because he considers "ordinary" people unworthy.
However, he turns a blind eye to the fact that all these people he considers unworthy have a chance to merge with Uroboros and become like him. So it's the same "unworthy" people, just in a different cover, you know? This is another fact that proves that he doesn't care what kind of people will become the Uroboros users, he wants that they just exist. It's important to him that there are people like him.
And if just ONE person in his past had shown genuine empathy for his personality, advising him to see a specialist, maybe the whole RE story would have gone differently. There would be no Jill kidnapping, no Uroboros, no biological weapons and the organizations responsible for them, because Wesker, based on his words, is disgusted by war and pestilence. There would be no reason for him to do all this and pursue his dream through the dirty ways. His dream are of a world without decadence, a utopia where there is no destruction. And biological weapons are precisely the tools of war, pestilence and destruction. If he had other goals, Wesker would have gone up against BOW, and knowing how well he was able to counter his competitors, the bioterrorists wouldn't stand a chance.
Let's not forget that Wesker developed many weapons against bioweapons, the blueprints for which were later found by Blue Umbrella ("Albert System Weapon"). So even being a bioterrorist involuntarily, he developed means against BOW, indirectly speaking out against his own work
Draw your own conclusions, I was just sharing my thoughts on indifference and how Excella's blind love contributed to the situation <3
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lizaluvsthis · 7 months
SMG4: Trash Friends
Shit. Hello guys- I stole my phone and it is currently 4 am and I posted this (Because it's scheduled on queue)
I'm still not here but I managed to grab the phone out of the room, I can post for a bit. But then again, I wont be catching up to stuff while I'm at it.
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Okay so- this video is about SMG4 needing that usb where michael jordan is n stuff to become popular.
SMG3 is needing that one to become popular as well so that his shop would be flooded by customers.
And then where it comes to needing stuff, they'd do literally anything for their 'friends' to get it.
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SMG3 lied to him saying the business is running good, he just didnt want to face the problem in front of the protagonist that he's going downhill with running the business.
"I'm finally gonna get the attention I deserve, and prove to everyone YOU'RE THE WORST VERSION OF ME!"
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This? This was his thoughts. This is how it speaks for him that is why he was afraid to show that to him.
After SMG3 told Mario he needs that usb for Fame and Love because SMG4 has too much of that. He knew how much important it is to him. He wanted the same love like how SMG4 has, he'd never had all the attention like how SMG4 had too. He was lost of himself.
Mario being the gullible idiotic man he is, he never complained to three about his speak of truth, he had comforted his friends especially meggy. Mario figured that Three had exposed his inner emotions, the most that he can do is just vomit that sh-t out.
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Right after Three hid Mario from his hat, turns out he really does need shampoo. I mightve noticed that he'd been staying up late at night and doesn't shower because of his bad habits.
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Sometimes depressed people mostly forgot to shower and just cope sh-ts to themselves like curling up to the bed and wallow in sorrow. And mostly they just hide that feeling. And I guess you might've noticed SMG4 did. Thats the reason why he searched that up from the internet.
He was THIS obviously close to reveal he had been concerned about Three because he stinks.
When SMG4 told three what the matter was, since the only thing he knew from him is that his business is doing fine. SMG4 thought that three wanted that fame all to himself, being the selfish one he knew back then.
After four told him "you're being selfish! All you ever think about is yourself! JUST. LET. GO!" the soft spot where SMG3 got his by the heart because of it.
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He never wanted to go back to being how he wanted to be. He never wanted to show that whole destruction thing again from his ecil doings. This was the rrason why he ever wanted to change into a better person.
"OKAY!" "Okay...?" SMG4 noticed where Three easily surrendered himself, letting his guard down due to his anger.
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He opened up.
"YEAH! I dont know what I was thinking! I'm doing fine! My shop is ALWAYS flooded with customers, I'm SO successful. Nobody is EVER throwing my coupons in garbage.
HE said that to himself. When he thought he'd be the worst ever version of him, because he was supposed to be an antagonist. He was supposed to be SMG4's enemy, but he was also supposed to be partners with Four because they were both meme guardians.
SMG4 didn't knew. He always didnt know all of SMG3's antics because he thought Three also had everything to himself. But he didn't know he also felt like this, like Trash.
SO THIS GOES ON WITH THE MORAL. SMG4 noticing it just now is that he felt like TRASH. Because last time he'd ever notice is just Three wanting attention of how the golden child (aka SMG4) is when he gains that love and joy with everyone from meme warts.
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Yet Three is there saying that to himself. He was there being open to Four and to Mario that he is struggling as well. His whole life, his financial issues, everything that meant to him. He popped the balloon and spoke the truth.
Four picked up the coupon, he was sad about this when he had finally just realized the whole sh-t of things. Sure four has done alot of wrong things but this? This is sick to his guts feeling bad for three...
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Four looked at mario because he knows how valuable of a friend Mario is when dealing with emotions and open ups. And so- he got to the talk with three.
With all thats settled, SMG3 came back and fist bumbs Four to know that he's good now. What I also didn't expect is that three after using the usb, Four didn't even stop him. He looks at three with those softened eyes and just. Wow.
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Four really wanted to show three his kindness, he was soft on him so he gave him a chance. He wanted three to be happy too.
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