#i hear very small things and i smell things very intensely. and that's not good news for guy who is weird about sounds and smells
vulpinesaint · 9 months
every day i wake up so happy to be aro in large part because i would NOT have survived a world where i was expected to have a partner and this is mainly because i am a Freak about sharing my space. like it's bad enough just having friends who i like. enjoy being in close contact with. telling someone "you can't sleep in my bed because then it'll smell like you after you leave and it'll make me feel sick and be unable to sleep. it's not your fault and it's not that you smell Bad i just can't have my bed smell like anything but Me or i lose my mind" just doesn't work out with what people expect of significant others and in fact it's bad enough to deal with when it's people who are Not your significant other 😭 same goes for "sorry you Cannot fucking breathe in the same room as me or i will manifest an ungodly rage against you borne of the frustration of not being able to sleep. no it's not even that you're snoring it's the fact that i can hear you breathe." and "if you bend my charging cord at Any kind of angle i will scream and cry." physical contact and quality time is awesome but i'm not equipped to handle any kind of prolonged sensory input that is not dead silence or My Own Stuff and i do not know how to say any of that to someone without it sounding Incredibly hurtful 😭 anyway being nonpartnering ftw sdkjg
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kaivenom · 5 months
I just found your blog looking for Spencer white fics and yours are so good! I was wondering if you’d be willing to write something between spider and a gn reader who finds it really attractive when he speaks French (cause that scene did something to me-)
Thank you for feeding the small amount of hbh fics🙏🙏
French cuisine
Summary: you go to Spencer's house and found him cooking, you decide to help him and you discover he can speak french.
Pairing: Spencer "Spider" White x gn!reader
A/N: Sorry that this had taken so long, college is starting the final section before exams an i am going crazy. Words on cursive are the translation from french.
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It was an ussual Friday, you were going to Spencer's house, see some movies and eat popcorn. When you entered the house with the keys you borrowed, a french song was playing on the background, that was strange you thought, it must be his mother. Following the song, you found Spencer in the kitchen with an apron full of flour and humming the song.
"Look what we have here, the perfect 50's housewife," you joked while you get to hugh him from behind.
"Bonjour." he asked with a smile.
"Comment allez-vous?" you didn't understand anything and that made you question things.
"Wait, don't tell me you know how to speak french?"
"Yeah, i know, but i don't have to do it everytime... it's awful when people ask me: can you say something in french? or things like that."
"But you could have told me, i am your girlfriend." you tightened your grip among his waist and made a pout.
"I don't like to brag about it, but now you know."
"Yeah, right. What you said to me before?"
"How are you?" he turned around and kissed your forehead.
"Good, you?"
"Bon." something on the form he said it, made you blush.
"I suppose that means good."
"Correct." he put a finger with fluor on your nose, painting it white.
"Can you say more to me?" you make puppy eyes and like always, he can't resist.
"Tu es très belle," your heart skipped a heartbeat, you didn't know what he said but hearing him talking in french was exciting you more every secon. "i said you are very beautiful."
"Yeah?" his hands went to your cheeks and kissed you.
"Tu es la meilleure personne du monde." his lips drain your soul with every word and every kiss in between. You are the best person in the world
"Tell me more, please."
"Je t'aime... tes lèvres... ton corps... tes sons." his kisses increased, in speed, in intensity and passion, he was starting to feel very aroused by your reaction. I love you... your lips... your body... your sounds.
"I don't know what you said but i do too." you both laughed inoccently, for a moment unaware from the steamy interaction you both were having.
"Je veux faire du sexe avec toi." a moan almost escaped your mouth, you only understood one word and that was enough.
Then you started to smell burnt but apparently Spider was so concentrated in kissing your lips and neck, that he had forgotten he was cooking and also that he had things on the pans... that now are burning.
"How do you say the kitchen is on fire?"
"La cuisine est en feu." only a second was needed before he understood your words.
You both had to run to turn off the fire and open the windows to vent the kitchen. Nothing was saved from the disaster so you decided to order some french food to honor the ocassion and finish what you both started.
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moon4411 · 3 months
Azriel x mate reader (Rhysand's sister)
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Warning: angst? Fluff? Idk, my bad gramatic.
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Where is he?_ I forcefully open the front door, the intense pain in my lower back prevents me from keep walking, so strong that I let out a groan.- Mor, step aside if you're not going to help.
What are you doing here? You should be in be... oh my god, you're bleeding!_ Mor took my hands to guide me to the nearest chair. – Where is Azriel?
Mor, please, i need to see him, it's been so long. _ I beg, letting out a tear for my brother who I haven't seen since he sacrificed himself for all of us and remained under the reign of Amarantha.
okay, it's upstairs, but I must warn you; we have visitors._She directs me to the hallway where is Rhysand.
A small argument reaches my ears as I get closer, I can see the blur of a shoe ending on my brother's head, then Rhys turns his gaze and collides with mine. So many years avoiding looking in the mirror for fear of seeing the purple color of my eyes, the same color as my twin's eyes.
Sister_ he whispers, and from the color that leaves his face I know that he has already perceived the smell of blood, as well as my hands that have some stains and my simple blue dress with the folds of the skirt of a crimson red color that is already turning brown.
He turns his gaze to the thin girl on the other side of the hallway, she is wearing an ostentatious dress and seems to be frowning until her gaze meets mine and sudendly changes to one of concern or fear. -Rest Feyre, you'll need it. We'll talk in the morning.
As Rhys walks slowly towards me I can hear the guest's door close and my brother's breathing become more erratic. He take my hands and starts crying. -W-what happened? Are you okay? _ he turns to look at the hallway i came through, looks at Mor and then at the floor, finding a path of blood.
Maybe it's because of the adrenaline that little by little leaves my body or maybe it's the shock of meeting my twin again, but I only manage to take two steps and hug him before i faint letting all my weight fall on him.
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The next time I open my eyes again i'm on a bed, I recognize the walls, is my old room.
She's very pale, we have to call Madja_ Rhys's face is full of tears and his hands don't stop shaking. –Rhys, RHYS, calm down_ Mor's tone is severe. -She's fine, just a little tired, she should be in bed, not winnowing and looking for you in the middle of the night. Madja is already on her way with Azriel, but I need you to stay calm, okay? I promise you everything is okay, I know she's bleeding but in a moment you'll understand, you just breathe.
Apparently that calms him and he proceeds to take a seat near my bed while holding my hand.
I manage to smile slightly at him. –I'm fine, I promise Rhys.
Yes, well i'm not okay._ Azriel enters the room looking very angry, but I can't help but smile at how cute he looks carrying a small baby wrapped in a pink blanket.
I squeeze my brother's hand tighter as I watch how he is looking at Azriel and back to me.
Rhys, I want you to meet Emma, your niece.
Rhysand bursts into tears and Azriel brings our daughter to him so he can hold her for the first time. he smiles at me.- I think you two have a lot to tell me.
We let out a little laugh. –oh, believe me, they do._ Mor answers. –I'll go get Madja, I think she needs help carrying things to clean you up and make sure you're okay.
I nod and with a little help from Azriel manage to sit on the bed to take my daughter in my arms.
I missed you a lot Rhys.
Me too, I missed you sister, but don't worry, from now on, nothing will be able to separate me from you.
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I think you can tell that English is not my first language, so... Yeah I did my best. I spent like 5 years without writing because of my depression, but I think it's a good time to come back.
tell me what you think✨🫶🏽
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Catching the BG3 Companions Reading the Quarta Sune - Gale Edition
content warnings: 18+, piv, unprotected sex, thermal play, hurt/comfort, softdom Gale, lots of vulnerable crying
pairing: f!reader x Gale, f!Tav x Gale
word count: 3400
A/N: So, it’s like a two-for-one where the first half is very fluffy and the second half is very smutty.  I put a clear break so if smut isn’t your thing, you can exit safely before the movie-rating changes! Either way, enjoy ye merry folk!
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It was a rare day off from adventuring to allow yourself and your companions a day to recover from roughing it through the woods the past few weeks. You’d spent most of the day officiating a chess tournament between your companions and enjoying the spoils of an abandoned outpost with a well-stocked wine rack, together. Now, you stumble to a stand to collect more firewood as your companions roll with laughter, lost in drunken conversation. You smile warmly at your group when a small pang of guilt makes itself known in your chest.  Gale hasn’t been out all day; he said this morning he wanted to study some books you had picked up, but now that you think about it, he hasn’t so much as popped his head out all day.  You quickly walk past the wood pile and nervously continue towards Gale’s tent, and before you know it you’re standing in front of the canvas entryway.
Maybe he wants a break from everyone? From me…
Insecurity worms its way to the front of your mind as you freeze, feeling embarrassed at how anxious you feel after not seeing your wizard for just a few short hours.  You begin to turn around when you hear a familiar voice coming from inside.
“Delicious! Gah, but what flavor would she like?”
The relief you feel from hearing Gale’s voice is immediately infused with jealousy as you hear him pondering over the mystery “she”.  Before you can assess further your hand has already lifted the tent flap as you step inside and huff, loudly announcing your presence.  Gale turns in surprise before his face turns a shade of scarlet that envies the Esmeltar wine you had been enjoying with your friends throughout the day.  An embarrassed smile tugs on his lips as he steps towards you, away from the small worktable behind him full of herbs, flowers, and candles surrounding a boiling cauldron. 
“Sorry Gale, I hope she won’t mind me interrupting,” the bitterness in your voice more pronounced than you meant it to be, the wine somewhat overriding your logic.
Gale’s eyebrows knit together for a moment before he quickly realizes what happened.
“My dearest friend please-”
Before he can finish you cross your arms over your chest and inquire, “What have you been doing all day anyways?”
The wizard extends his hand towards you and you can’t help but soften just enough to accept his offer as he pulls you the few short steps across the tent to his workspace.  He hands you a small, steaming cup that smells like roses and honey, nodding towards the cup, “Do be cautious, it is very hot!”
You hold his gaze as your lips softly part to blow cool air across the surface of the tea, the steam visibly floating towards Gale as he deeply inhales the sweet scent.  You take a small sip and the floral tea immediately calms you.  It is more complex than you anticipated, tasting of rose, raspberry, dandelion, honey, and something…magical. 
“Gale…what is in this?”
His big, brown eyes grow wide with concern as his shoulders involuntarily slump, “You don’t enjoy it?”
The guilt is immediate and intense, it always is when he pulls out those ridiculous puppy eyes on you.  “No! Well yes, I mean- it is good, but why does it taste like magic?”
You scan the table as Gale attempts to stutter out an explanation, but then you notice the book on the stand behind him that he’s been concealing since you stepped in. He follows your line of sight and tries to step back in front of the book once more, but it’s too late.  You are already toe to toe and reaching around him to grab the book. 
“It is for educational purposes!” Gale cries out nervously as you look at the text in your hand; the left page has an assortment of tea ingredients and some suggested ‘aphrodisiac blends’. The right page is far more illustrative with a diagram titled ‘Threading the Weave’ with notes etched all along the side in a familiar hand.
Your breath hitches in your throat as you look at Gale miserably, jealousy and hurt taking over your wine-soaked brain that is conjuring images of your wizard and every pretty woman you’ve crossed paths with in the last few weeks.  You shove the book back at him with force, and turn to leave as tears threaten your eyes.
“Tav! I am sorry if my crudeness has offended-“
“Next time ask your secret flame to sample your offerings directly, don’t bring me into it.”
Your try to sound threatening, but the hurt in your voice is obvious as you step away from him towards the entrance as Gale sighs loudly, “You still don’t know?”
You turn back around with a glare despite the tears pushing out of your waterline, “What are you talking about?”
Gale sits down on one of the large cushions on the floor and pats the one next to him, an invitation to join.  You move slowly, eyeing him with suspicion as your mind races trying to piece together what he’s doing.
“I never have been good at this; I apologize for my poor communication. It’s just-“
“Gale I’m sorry.  You don’t have to defend your choices to me. It was selfish and stupid of me to pry into your things. You can do as you wish. I hope you enjoy your time with your new flame.” Your apology is sincere, though your heart still shudders in agony at the thought of Gale with someone else. You’ve been so focused on the many tasks at hand that you haven’t truly taken the time to tell him how you feel.  And now, you must suffer for it.
“My dear there is no new flame.”
Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise so quickly that it forces a tear out of the corner of your eye as you stare at the wizard, now truly dumbfounded as he gently reaches for your hands.
“It has been on my mind for some time now, yet I was far too foolish to recognize it as quickly as I should have.  I have watched you lead our merry crew through epic adventures and have admired you from the moment I felt your hand pull me out of the portal.  Your courage, your strength, your gentleness…and the more I speak with you the more enraptured I become.  I began to worry that my humble studies have never prepared me for how to woo a creature as fair and noble as yourself-”
Gale’s nervous confession swirls in your mind as you stare at him, astonished that you never allowed yourself to see it.  You had both been so caught up in your insecurities that neither of you had acted on your feelings.  Fuck it.  You cut off the wizard mid-sentence as you lunge from your seat, capturing his mouth in a desperate kiss as your hands cup either side of his face.  He hungrily kisses back as his fingers tangle into your hair at the base of your neck and he lets out a soft groan as you both pull back for air.  Now, straddling his lap, you look at his face and see his eyes are now also damp with tears.  You rest your forehead gently against his and stay like that for what feels like both a moment and a lifetime.  A loud sizzle interrupts the serenity as you both see the tea cauldron boiling over.  Gale leaps to his feet in surprise sending you tumbling backwards onto the floor cushions as he frantically puts out the small flame heating the cauldron.  You can’t help but laugh at his sheepish expression as he glances back at you, the crisis now formally averted. 
You stand and make a few short strides over to him as a mischievous smile spreads across his face.
“Gale, why are you looking at me like that?”
“Well, perhaps now that you know it’s yours anyways, would you like a cup of tea?”
You peer at the cauldron, the intoxicating aroma of rose and honey teasing your nose while the pink liquid swirls around the pot.
“Only if you will have one with me.”
a few hours later...
(also this is where the smutty part begins so if you’re only here for fluff, depart here friend!)
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You lie on your side laughing as Gale animatedly recounts a story from his youth, when he stole a forbidden tome out of his headmaster’s office.
“Gale you didn’t!”
“I did! And he always suspected my classmate!”
You both roll into another fit of laughter but it is soon replaced with a gleeful, breathless quiet.  The two of you cannot take your eyes off each other; a warm smile spreads across Gale’s face and soon, you’re overwhelmed by the intensity of his longing gaze.  You look to your teacup to take a sip, but hum quietly when you realize it is empty.  You stare into the shiny bottom and turn your head inquisitively towards Gale, “I don’t believe you ever answered my question earlier…why is this tea so magical? Hmm?”
Gale’s cheeks flush as his eyebrows tense with thought, but he laughs, “I can’t quite remember honestly.” And he reaches up to the corner of the table above his head, his hand searching for the guidebook.  You roll onto all fours and crawl across the short gap to sit by Gale’s side, flushing with anticipation.  He brings the book down into his lap and you glance around his shoulder, hovering so close to him you can see the chill run up and down his arm.
Sensual Tea Blend:
-8 parts water
-2 parts rose petals
-2 parts fresh honeycomb
-1 part dandelion root
-1 part raspberry leaf
-1 handful of jasmine flowers
Scribbled into the side of the list you read Gale’s handwriting:
Extract of Rogue’s Morsel to promote romantic appetite. Ergo and nutmeg to relax the body and mind!
You giggle, hearing his voice read the note in your own head before you confirm out loud,  “Romantic appetite?”
Gale looks at you wide-eyed, biting back a smile on his lips, “Well, is it working?” He bats his eyelashes playfully, but quickly adds, “For scientific research, of course!”
The tea has certainly made you feel different, and you subconsciously bite your lip and scrunch your nose trying to come up with the right description.  Gale shifts his body to turn towards you, before he gently leans you back into the many cushions before sitting next to you and beginning, “M’lady, we shall begin with a brief physical exam if I may?” He wiggles his eyebrows and you gasp in surprise at the boldness of the wizard next to you, but you concede and nod your head to begin, trying to keep the grin from taking over your face. 
“Excellent!” He smiles before holding his palm up, closing his eyes and focusing until a soft, pink light glows warmly from his hand.  He slowly hovers his hand above your body, working carefully not to actually touch you, but to remain close enough to feel your skin relax in the warmth.  He slowly leads the light up one side of you, around the top of your head, and down the other. A small sound, almost a purr, rolls from the back of your throat at the sensation, causing Gale to give a satisfactory, “I see, yes. One more quick test…”
He retracts his hand and in a moment, Gale whispers a quick spell under his breath and a small ball of swirling ice replaces the flame in his palm.  Your eyes get big as he slowly drags his hand over top of your stomach, and breath loudly catches at the cold.  Gale looks at you, quietly waiting for your approval to move on; you bite your lip and nod, pushing your head against the pillow in anticipation of the sensation. His hand hovers up slowly, as he leans in closer to see your face as the harsh cold hardens your nipple and Gale lets out a soft groan as it pushes against your sheer tunic. His hand is a breath away from touching you, but you hold your breath as he hovers across your sternum and up onto your other breast.  You whimper softly at the cold and Gale tries to stifle another, louder groan.  Your hands jump from your sides; one holding his wrist, the other gently pressed against his chest.  You lock eyes for what feels like an eternity and in an instant, Gale shakes his hand and the cold orb is gone for only a moment before he desperately palms your breast and moves onto his side to kiss you. 
You both moan like beasts, weeks’ worth of tension breaking as your hands roam as far as they will reach.  Gale slips a hand under your shoulder to hold you up just long enough for you to slip your tunic over your head before Gale’s face is immediately at your collarbones planting harsh, wet kisses across your chest.  He lets a hoarse growl from his throat as your fingers tug at his soft brown locks.  Your hands tug gently at the shoulders of his shirt before he sits up to remove his own tunic and you slip off your trousers, his eyes wide as saucers, his mouth salivating at your nude form.  He quickly crawls back on top of you, taking both of your hands and pinning them on either side of your head as he leans in so close you can feel his hot breath on your ear as he whispers, “Do you often forgo your underclothes, or is it a special selection to visit my tent?”
You whimper as he lets go of one of your wrists to tightly grip your hip as he pulled you into him, the hard bulge in his trousers pushing against your bare thigh.  His hand slowly releasing your hip bone as he slowly caresses the softness of your stomach and travels down your hips to follow the curve of your thigh in towards your burning core.  His hand stops just short of the throb between your legs and you whine, louder this time before you cover your mouth, afraid you’ll alert your companions. Gale removes the hand from your mouth and whispers again, “I made sure to create a barrier for the sound in my tent when we began; I find it easier to rest when I cannot hear the snores of our dear Karlach, and thought it could come in handy in the off-chance I would be the noisy neighbor!”
You giggle at him before he gently moves his hand so that his middle and ring finger push firmly against your clit.  You moan loudly at the pressure and gasp as he moves you in soft, slow circles while his head swivels back to your mouth as he captures you with another deep, slow kiss.  You whimper against his mouth as his fingers move slightly faster and your hands fumble out, searching desperately as you palm the large bulge now fighting against the laces of his trousers.  He groans loudly with the contact and it emboldens you to reach for his wrists, as you slowly remove his hands from your body and raise them above his head while you move to straddle his waist.  His eyes grow wide in surprise at first, but then quickly become elated as he eagerly watches you take the lead. You lean forward so your breasts are just out of reach above his arms to turn the guidebook on the floor so you can see it again. One figure sits on the ground while the other figure leans back in their lap, their legs draped over the shoulders of the sitting partner.  Gale turns his head to follow your stare and lets out another groan when he sees the diagram.
He quickly sits up, and reaches out to grab your waist before pausing, sheepishly smiling knowing he has quickly struck down your attempt to lead.  You lean back onto your elbows and spread your legs wide, revealing your core with a smirk as you tease, “It’s okay dear, you can take me however you want this time.” You bite your lip, a bit shocked at your own confidence as Gale practically growls as he stands up to shed his pants and underwear in one motion.  His cock is already damp from your teasing, the sheen noticeable even in the warm candlelight that illuminates the tent.  You practically howl, throwing your head back, desperate to feel him as your thighs involuntarily shudder at the sight of him.  He smiles confidently as he returns to his knees before reaching out to pull you onto his lap by your ankles.  You feel his member brush against your folds as he positions your legs over his shoulder and you gasp out his name. He answers with a grunt as one hand secures your thigh over his shoulder, while the other drags his cock against your entrance again, this time with more pressure. 
“Gale please”, you plead with him, his enthusiasm and charm turning you into a whiny, desperate mess.
“I’m sorry my love, can you be more descriptive?” He just barely pushes the tip of his length into you before removing it again, causing you to moan and wiggle your hips to try and find the friction again. He gives a hearty chuckle before he asks, “Darling, all you need to do is tell me, please.”
His eyes are dark with passion, and he turns to give you a wet, open-mouthed kiss on your thigh before he turns back to look at you, encouraging you to speak with a nod.
“I want to feel you inside of me, now.”
Gale grunts as he pushes himself inside you, the movement is easy with how wet you are from the very drawn-out foreplay.  You rock your hips as Gale clamps his fingers into both of your thighs, thrusting his hips to chase yours as you both whimper and moan.  His thrusts become stronger, a snarl-like sound escaping his mouth as he watches your body jiggle with each impact.  The sensation is overwhelming as you lock eyes with the wizard and hold his stare as you begin to toy with your breasts.  You feel him twitch inside you for a moment as the sound of his hips bouncing off your ass becomes louder and his hands move from your thighs to your hips, pulling you onto him so vigorously that you feel each impact vibrate in your ribs.  The knot in your stomach winding tighter as you hold against him tighter with your legs, one arm propping you up while the other travels down your body to find your clit as you let out a cry of pleasure at the double stimulation.
Your wizard is groaning uncontrollably and you whimper at the sight of him as you feel him beginning to twitch inside you again before he lets out an ecstatic groan and you feel the warm result of your lovemaking filling your core as he continues with tired, sloppy thrusts while you gasp out, “Gale I’m so close!”
He continues to fuck you, tears welling in his eyes from the overstimulation and you let out a scream when you finally feel the tension in your body release in a flood of pure pleasure.  The sensation is so overwhelming you squeeze your eyes shut and ride the feeling as you come undone, Gale still buried deep inside you as you both slow to a still.  You carefully let your legs fall to either side of him while he carefully pulls out of you, causing a small mess between your legs that drips onto your thighs as you groan.  The wizard all but collapses forward, laying on his stomach next to you for only a moment before his arm wraps around your waist, pulling your naked frame into his.  You lay together silently for a long time, until your bodies calm down and you feel sleep trying to settle into your eyes. 
“Gale,” you whisper.
“Yes my dear?”
“Perhaps we should get dressed before we sleep? This is a bit compromising don’t you think?” You look down at your bare bodies tangled together and Gale chuckles softly before waving his hand; a blanket floats from his bedroll and stretches to cover the two of you. You laugh at his solution and cuddle back into his side before floating off to a deep, comfortable sleep in the arms of your wizard.
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I really hope y'all enjoyed this one! If you read the whole thing we're making friendship bracelets. If you like this kind of stuff, feel free to follow/reblog as I have plans for more in the future. Ask box is open if you have any requests, comments, or questions :)
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astrologylife1 · 1 year
Venus Aries - Type to take action. They aren't controlling but like to stay in the position of the Leader in the relationship. Showing love by "doing".
Venus Taurus - The senses are highly important here. They are the type to like to hold hands, smell your perfume/cologne and look at you LOL. Down-to-earth energy.
Venus Gemini - This Venus likes to have OPEN conversations. Lots of intellectual jokes and picking your brain. They don't mind texting throughout the day to get to know you.
Venus Cancer - This energy is about comforting and making things natural. With this placement, they have the tendency to "Say" whatever they feel the other person wants to hear.
Venus Leo - This can come off as superficial. They may pay attention a lot to your image, social media, or the status you hold in life. They are good at making you feel special or adored if you impress them.
Venus Virgo - This placement is very helpful. The type to ask you about your daily life and seem interested just to see how they can help.
Venus Libra - This placement is very romantic. I would say "traditionally" is more romantic. They show interest by taking/ going on fancy dinners. May show up or expect flowers and drink wine together.
Venus Scorpio - Interest here is shown by drawing you in with sexuality and intensity. They like to take control of small details like picking the place, movie or song. Introducing you to mystic environments.
Venus Sagittarius - They will be playful and funny around you. Taking time and providing a chill vibe to just be yourself. They show interest by not putting pressure on you and to build a friendship.
Venus Capricorn - This likes to build a connection by understanding who you are. They don't need a lot of attention but will devote time to you if asked. They show love by dedication to the relationship.
Venus Aquarius - This placement likes to keep an "open" aura towards it. They won't make you feel restricted but have a way of making you feel completely accepted. They don't mind doing what it is you like too.
Venus Pisces - Emotional and Romance are important here. They like to get you to feel emotionally vulnerable. They also won't mind getting vulnerable with you!
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
The Lollipop Dealer. | L.JN | PART 1
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— Prologue: "You don't want a cigarette, joint?" He got even closer. "You can smoke with me baby, or come over and have some fun. I guarantee that I'll make you feel good."
— Summary: Where your friends wanted to get high one day and they sent you to the local drug dealer who sells ‘Lollipops’.
— Genre: SMUT. High sex. Mention of getting high for the first time. One night stand type of thing. Jeno!drugdealer. Smoker Jeno hits different ugh. Squirting (?) when high. Protected sex and condom use.
— Notes: Part 2 anyone?
You don’t know why they sent you over to this guy’s house to get their stash. They even gave you the money for it and the secret word for it.
You feel stupid doing this because you don’t smoke. You don’t do drugs. The most you did was drink alcohol and so on, but getting high? You were always intimidated by it.
Brushing your hand over to the door you give it a small repeated two knocks. The shuffling inside the house you hear footsteps approaching and the door opens revealing the pale muscular lean figure, quite tall and handsome you’d have to look closely to notice how handsome he was. The boy looks sickly pale and there was a certain smell lingering out of the house shocking you. Was that weed smell?
You feel awkward when the boy was just staring at you down leaning against the doorway now. Do you say hi? Do you say lollipop to him? What do you even say to a drug dealer when you are the one delivering this to your friends?
In fact you feel kind of shunned out. You don’t even smoke so why are you the one getting this for your own friends?
The intimidation was real tense. The boy gazing at you up and down checking your appearance up and down as freely as he pleases, not even trying to hide it that he’s judging your appearance. You wore this pretty white skirt on since it was very hot today and you have this cute loose top with a round cross crucifix necklace on your neck. You look like someone who shouldn’t be at his door anyways. You look too, clean and healthy to be at his door step watching him with those pair of innocent eyes.
You were practically trembling. God you wish you could just disappear and suddenly you’re here regretting even agreeing to bring them their stupid drugs. “Uh hi…” your voice came out awkwardly like a long buzzing noise.
The boy looks at you up and down finally took out the lollipop out of his mouth and spoke. “What do you want sweetie?”
Jeno was using a tone that seems very flirty but he was checking you up and down finding this very interesting. You don’t look like you even smoke, so to him he wasn’t going to think much about you needing things from him.
You mumble in a different stutter. “Uh… Lollipop. I want a lollipop?”
You’re praying he understands what you mean by a lollipop because that’s what your friends told you the drugs they use are called…
Jeno didn’t quite believe you actually. You look like someone who doesn’t even need his special stash. He smirks then slowly walked over to you.
He got really close so you can hear him whisper. “What do you really want, cutie?”
He hears your expression falter and the air around you feels very intense when your faces are so close so you took a step back grumbling. “A lollipop.” You understand why he doesn’t believe you when you wanted pure hardcore drugs from him. Because you don’t look like someone who has use for them. “I told you what I want. I want a lollipop, dude.” You’re now slightly flustered and frustration written on your face which just makes Jeno wonder if you’re being for real right now.
Really? You want Lollipops? The hardcore drugs he has in the back of his storage rooms in his house. He doesn’t think he should sell them to you.
"You don't want a cigarette, joint?" He got even closer. "You can smoke with me baby, or come over and have some fun. I guarantee that I'll make you feel good."
You instantly gave up on the idea of you getting the freaking lollipops for your friend. You’re either going to come back to them with nothing or you’re going to exchange the drugs.
Your eyes lower at him, staring at the drug dealer in front of you sucking on the lollipop in front of you as you’re letting out frustration sighs out of your cheeks puffing them out. “Fine give me a joint.” You push past him to go inside the house.
When you walk inside, the place was a literal junkyard you had to be honest. It was a mess. Everywhere you look there was something misplaced our missing in the house. Not only did it absolutely smell of shear weed in the air which was a very distinctive scent of its own. You could literally taste the plant on the tip of your tongue. The whole air surrounding you was a pollution hazard. It was only thick smoke in the house and it feels like you are moving through a wildfire considering how thick the air was here. Nonetheless you sat down on the couch and wait for the dealer to come out.
Coming back from the room you couldn’t take a glimpse out of the boy came over to you with a whole packet of cigarettes and joints.
“Take your pick.” He tossed it over to you. “Just one question for you my beautiful little lollipop, are you alone? Or are your friends here with you?” Jeno smirks sitting down next to you with ease.
“My friends sent me to get their stash that you owe them… they told me to ask for lollipops…”
You look down at the two large packets now wondering what are you going to do with this, you then grumble back as you reach for the joints putting it on your dry lips and lighting the joint with the lighter you found on the table. The instant aroma kills your nostrils because you feel like this joint was so strong.
"So you're the delivery girl? That's hot." He smirked then started smoking a joint himself that he would light up on his own.
"So where's your friends darling? Are they all outside or did they run away knowing that I'm gonna keep you?" He asked you inhaling the joint between the fingers.
Many coughs come out of your mouth as you brush your hand over your chest hitting on it as you had a little coughing fit from inhaling the smoke once. You nearly felt your whole life flashing out of your eyes right now.
You sigh. “Yeah I’m the delivery girl…” you don’t really know what else to reply to whatever he was going to ask but you feel like this was going to be the death of you. Why was his stuff so strong for no reason? You wouldn’t really know because you barely smoke, actually you never smoke.
“Uh… my friends are outside in that park next to your house. They’re waiting for me…” And those lollipops they’re waiting for…
You’ve been trying to not question or reply to those hidden pet names he had for you. It sounds like he’s flirting with you or was it just you overthinking this too much?
Seeing how bad you smoke Jeno was trying so hard not to judge or laugh at you right now. The dealer has never seen such a bad smoker before until he saw you today smoking like this. You’re not even inhaling it probably you’re avoiding the smoke and just pressing your lips on it.
“You don’t seem very good at smoking to be honest, you only inhaled it once. I could help you smoke properly if you want baby.” The offer was tempting now that he was calling you out for your shitty smoking skills that’s for sure.
You trail uncertain and pass him your joint so he can take it and show you how it’s actually done. “Show me then.”
“Like this darling.”
The boy smirks grabbing on your joint pressing it on his two lips inhaling a large amount of smoke and then putting the joint away you saw the face leaning down to yours with a sudden lean, going down your lips meet one another.
Stuck with your frozen body by the sudden kiss your eyes widen and then slowly shut themselves when the moving smoke going into your lungs filling it up with the joint smell. Your lips began moving on their own as you eagerly and quickly start kissing him. It felt like nothing you’ve ever done before.
The boy you’re kissing so eagerly couldn’t hold himself back so you heard a low moan of excitement leaving him.
Jeno whispers to you in the kiss while you’re here kissing him with urgency as if this was making you run wildly off your feet. “Does it feel good baby?”
The joint must’ve been very strong considering you feel like you’re surrounded by bright lights and clouds around the house. In fact the whole sensation was almost like you have wings of your own and you’re flying in the bright blue sky on this very sunny day. But you’re not. But it feels like it and sometimes you believe you are.
But now he can tell you have been loosen up thanks to the joint getting you very high maybe more high than he anticipated for you to get. “Mhm I need more…” you press your tongue into his mouth.
There was a minute long enough that has you waiting for the next thing you feel. You’re pressed on the couch with him on top of you kissing you hungrily as you’re looking so high and perfect for him right now it just feels so right to see you look very loose and relaxed.
Caressing your face with the two hands on the side while going more upwards while the kiss continues on its own between you both.
The feeling was mutual however. Jeno was feeling the same things you’ve been experiencing for your very first time. The high, the adrenaline, and the excitement.
The hands began running down your waist holding you closer to bring you more into the hold while the kiss was grabbing at your own heavy breaths. “I’m gonna bring you to heaven.” Jeno said with a smirk planting kisses on your neck trailing down having your skin crawling with goosebumps, leaving teeth marks on your collarbones.
The sensitivity of your own body must’ve changed since you were never feeling so much at once without even doing anything else. You were running on everything becoming hundred real quick off the charts.
“Oh god it feels so good…” You’re squirming as your voice was in a small matter making your hands tugging on the black shirt with miniature holes made in them as if you’re telling him to take it off. Jeno took the shirt off with ease then tossed it to the side. Starting to kiss neck with more nibbles. Jeno was in love with your perfect body too. He never expected to be enjoying this as much as he is right now. On purpose knowing how sensitive you are Jeno brushed over the bite marks with his hand it made you instantly moan out.
Your eyes stare at Jeno with a slight glare as you shuffle closer and your lips trail over the jawline. “Stop that, it tickles.” You warn him, pressing your nose on the body as he had this particular scent on him. A mix of his bodily scent and nicotine smoke. It was awfully addictive.
Rubbing his hand on the same mark again even though you told him to stop, Jeno somehow knew you didn’t mean it. “Do you really want me to stop though?” He said back tauntingly.
He whispers leaning closer as he then stands up lifting you up slightly. “Let’s go to my room.”
The high was covering most of your vision so you could barely do anything but follow where the boy dragging towards the dark room with black curtains, despite it being daylight outside there was no light coming into the house as the curtains were over the windows. The room was awfully messy too having many scattering clothes around and the same following scent of smoking in the air. Sight of few roll ups on the table next to the bed was there, as well as body lotion bottle on the table too.
The room was an absolute mess but you were not that sober to even pay your mind or attention towards it. You look around while sitting on the bed with your dazed expression.
“Make yourself comfortable darling.” He have you a little warning glint in his eyes as if this was going to be a very good experience for you. Right now the only focus was on you and after all Jeno couldn’t wait much longer. The man rolls the underwear down stripping it off the lower body before he crawls up on the bed going on top of you.
Climbing on top of you he put a hand on your thigh and caressed it softly. “This is going to be good baby.” He vows to you like it was a forever promise he was going to keep.
You lay flat on the bed when the weight on top of you was going down, the gentle thigh squeezes makes your mind going white again. You hope it will be good but at the same time you’re just too high to feel anything other than his touch, makes you feel so much more alive.
“It will be good?” You repeat back with a slurring motion as your voice was sounding drunk too.
Kissing your neck slightly Jeno slowly speaks back to you lowly in response to your daze out repetition. “It will for sure be good.” He then got off only a little bit to reach over to the side table drawer. It was a packet of condoms. “Don’t want to get you pregnant, darling.” He smirked at you when you saw the condoms he grabbed. While he took off your skirt and your panties in the meanwhile, you watch him now open the condom packet with his teeth as he’s gazing at you darkly in excitement.
The moment was an absolute pleasure to watch happening to you. In a way it feels like you’re watching yourself from third person perspective. The fire you can tell that he was pushing himself into your thirsty body begging for him as much as you could have given and hoped. Your cunt was stuffed with his cock between your folds flickering off your pleasure the more increasing it happened. The speed has your legs trembling underneath the pressure of the weight crushing you with each incoming thrust you were a moaning sensation. Not only were you high enough to think you were floating above waters. You would think you were going down the coast of ocean and drowning in massive pleasures now that you’re experiencing this with heighten senses. Your goosebumps were a sign of how good this was to you and you’re driving Jeno mad at how you’re causing this to become addicting.
The pace becomes like a marathon to who could have the most and blessing pleasure. It was like your darkest hours. But also your best hours. The highest you’ve felt was with him thrusting with his cock burying deep in your womb as the squelching noises remind you of your giggles and moans at the same time you’re squeezing round the length that’s giving your stomach and guts shape. “Ahhh… Is this how it feels to be high?” You mumbled with your words. “Hmm… fuck.” You said reaching to kiss Jeno back before your hands ran over his back and body.
Between the kisses breaking off you were rambling on as the sensation of being this high was too much for you but now you need more of it too, you’ve never experienced this before. “I feel like I’m floating.” You mumble again as the thrusts brushing in your stomach with the inner thick tip pursing through your body to give you so much intensity has your mouth widening.
Seeing you become a cloud just like in the sky floating around freely as much as you have pleased makes the man on top of you grunting in pleasure smirk ear to ear.
There’s nothing better than seeing a customer satisfied and you look like you’re more than satisfied to him right now.
Your pleasure were both at such a heighten max that your bodies were sure what to do with it, and that meant that all the thrusting inside you was leading the warm burning knot in your stomach to break like a string connecting your souls both. Your orgasm was nearing at your heart racing through the pondering process. Your walls squeeze softly going tighter when Jeno groans bringing his own high to the arrival of your own pace.
Now your bodies were leaving each other sooner than later Jeno feels your thighs shaking as the water spilling spread between your thighs and on your legs it made you exhale a heavy moan and breath as you’re gasping while you squirted, it makes Jeno feel so freaking proud right now.
He made you squirt while you’re high? He can definitely brag to this.
“Ahhh fuck fuck fuck…” You’re running your hand over your mouth as you’re shaking in the hold as he held you close with a wide smirk. The two orgasms you’ve been feeling connected like one high together and it’s bringing your minds both to earth.
You trail softly as the dizziness was hitting you closely. “Fuck I’m so dizzy…” Jeno saw you getting over your large orgasm as he collectively pulls out of you and kissed your lips lazily before he takes off the condom tossing it somewhere in the room before he looks back at you noticing how much of a mess you made in between your legs and the bed.
He snickers a bit. “Oh gosh Y/n…” He walks over to the wardrobe opening it up to grab a towel as he then goes back on the bed to rub your wet inner thighs and cleaning you up as you’re in a daze not even sure if you’re paying attention.
He whispers as you told him you’re dizzy again. “That’s normal I expected this to happen.” He coos a little at you giving your head a little pat before tucking you over to the duvet covers. “Rest my lollipop. I’ll be waiting for you to wake up.”
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating and copyrighting plagiarising my work thank youu! Please Reblog this fic and follow me for more updates!
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Accidental Admittance - Derek Hale x Reader
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Summary: You ask Derek to fake date you and it breaks all self-control he has
Words: 1.7k 
Warnings: none
I was so goddamn stupid, what made me say that? What made me lie to Greenberg about having a boyfriend? About having Derek Hale as my boyfriend? God fucking damn it, me and my panic brain and my stupid, stupid heart aching for the damn alpha. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!
I’m arriving back to the Hale house too soon, having skipped school not wanting to face Greenberg today. I fired a message to Stiles telling him I wasn’t feeling too good and now I’m back here, my stomach is rumbling and I’m feeling so anxious that I know Derek can smell it from inside. The only thing I can smell with my dull human senses is the familiar scent of the surrounding woods, quickly replaced by something delicious when I open the door, throwing my bag to the side and toeing my shoes off. 
Derek’s in the kitchen, stood in front of the hob, back to to me but from the way his head raises slightly in know he can sense my presence there. He doesn’t move, waiting for me to speak and tell him why I’m home at lunchtime and why I probably reek of anxiety. Damn werewolves and their super senses. It makes me take a hesitant step into the kitchen, my gaze fixed on Derek ’s back. His bread shoulders and strong posture makes him appear even more intimidating, but I know he’s not as unapproachable as he seems.
Taking a deep breath I rather my courage and clear my throat, “Der,” I call softly, knowing he already knows I’m here but it feels weird starting a conversation with him without making my presence known like you normally would with others. He turns slightly, kaleidoscope eyes meeting mine and there’s a flicker of concern in his gaze, “I did a boo-boo.” I don’t know why I say it like that but it makes Derek visibly soften even more as he reaches for my hand and pulls me over to him. His hands grasp my hips and he’s lifting me to sit on the counter next to him so he can keep cooking. 
“What happened?” Derek asks, his voice gentle yet filled with curiosity but all I can focus on his the way his touch sends a jolt of warmth through me, going straight to my cheeks. I try to ignore it, trying to focus on the delicious smell of whatever he’s cooking on the stove, “What kind of boo-boo?” Derek asks, capturing my chin between his thumb and forefinger. 
“Greenberg was bothering me and I may have blurted out that I have a boyfriend…” I fiddle with my hands, not wanting to meet his gaze as I’m going to have to emphasise the fact it wasn’t just a boyfriend I said but the very man in front of me is who I said. I have to take a deep breath, mustering up the courage to continue. I can feel Derek’s intense gaze on me, thumb gently caressing my chin as he waits for me to speak. There’s a mixture of curiosity and concern in his eyes, making it even harder to meet his gaze, “Wellll…. I may have said your name…” I finally admit, my voice barely above a whisper. 
Derek’s grip on my chin tightens ever so lightly, drawing my attention to his eyes. His expression having shifted from curiosity to surprise, and I swear I see a flicker of something else in his gaze - a spark, a hint of possibility. 
“My name?” He speaks softly, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and amusement and I’m nodding, feeling a rush of embarrassment wash over me. His gaze lingers on me, his eyes searching for something. I can’t quite decipher the emotions swirling within him, but I hold my breath as I wait for his response. It feels like forever before Derek’s lips curl into a small, almost imperceptible smile. He leans closer, his breath warm against my ear, “Alright,” He whispers, his voice sending shivers down my spine, “I’ll be your boyfriend.” 
Relief washes over me, and a smile tugs at the corners of my lips. I finally dare to meet his gaze, finding a warmth and understanding that makes my heart skip a beat and I know he hears from the way his lips quirk a little as he goes back to stirring the sauce in the pan. His left hand intertwines with mine, letting me trace gentle circles on his palm, feeling the texture of his skin beneath his fingertips. The simple act of touching him bringing a sense of comfort and connection, igniting a spark of something more than just a pretend relationship. 
I watch him with admiration as he effortlessly moves around the kitchen, his movements graceful and precise, captivating to witness the way he handles each ingredient, his focus unwavering despite our conversation and the fact we’re currently officially, unofficially, dating. The aroma of the food fills the air, blending with the soft sounds of sizzling and the clinking of utensils against pots. I lean in closer, inhaling deeply, my senses heightened in the presence of the man I have been in love with since I met him almost five years ago. There was just something beyond his suggest exterior and brooding demeanour that drew me in, a depth in his eyes, the way they hold a mixture of pain, strength and vulnerability that speaks volumes. Derek is a man of few words, but his actions speak louder than anything he could ever say. He has faced unimaginable loss and heartache, yet he continues to fight for those he cares about, never giving up. It's his unwavering loyalty and protectiveness that has always captivated me, making me feel safe and cherished in his presence. Underneath his tough exterior, Derek has a heart that beats with compassion and tenderness. He may not always express it in words, but his gestures, his touches, and his unwavering support tell me everything I need to know. He has a way of making me feel seen, understood, and loved in a way that no one else ever has. 
And when Derek looks at me, really looks at me, it's as if he sees all of me—the flaws, the insecurities, and the scars—and he still cares about me despite it all. He’s glancing at me out of the corner of his eye, a faint smile playing on his lips, “You know,” He finally speaks, voice low and velvety, “If we’re going to do this boyfriend act, we might as well make it convincing.” 
I just raise an eyebrow at him, “And how do you propose we do that?” I ask, my voice coming out a little breathier than I intend as he turns the stove off and set the pots of food aside so they won’t burn. His kaleidoscope eyes never leaving mine as he steps closer, slotting himself between my legs, hands on my thighs as he closes the distance between us until I can his warm breath against my skin. 
His hands slide from my thighs to cup my cheeks, touch gentle and electrifying, “Like this,” He murmurs, lips inching closer until they finally meet mine in a kiss that sets my heart ablaze. It’s soft, yet brimming with a fierce longing and desire. There’s a gentle urgency in the way our lips move together, as if we’ve been holding back for far too long and are finally giving into the magnetic pull between us. Derek’s lips are warm and inviting, melding perfectly with mine as they move in a dance of passion and tenderness. His hands remain of my cheeks. His touch both grounding and electrifying. As the kiss deepens, his thumbs trace soothing circles along my jawline, sending shivers down my spine, every brush of his lips against mine feels like a sweet surrender. There’s a rawness to the kiss, an unspoken acknowledgement of the emotions that have been brewing between us for so long, a Monet of vulnerability. 
We eventually break apart, our lips reluctantly parting, but the connection between us remains unbreakable. Our breaths mingle, and our foreheads rest against each other, a shared moment of bliss and understanding. It’s a little overwhelming and Derek can feel it all as his gaze falls to mine again, pulling me forwards into a hug where he smooths down my hair and coos out a soft, “I’ve got you.” 
I rest my head against Derek’s chest, enveloped in his strong embrace, I’m captivated by his scent - an intoxicating blend that seems to scream everything Derek. A subtle hint of woodsmoke lingers in the air intermingled with a delicate freshness you can only get after a downpour and finally something citrusy like subtle notes of orange. It’s heady and confusing and makes me a little lightheaded to the point I’m gripping the front of his shirt like a lifeline and there’s a rumble coming from deep within his chest as if the wolf inside him is purring. It’s a primal sound and I’m not going to admit it does something to me, heading straight between my thighs and a whine leaves my throat when he finally pulls away. 
Derek’s hands slowly release their hold on me, reluctantly pulling away from our embrace, gaze lingering on my face for a moment longer, filled with a mixture of tenderness and desire, before he breaks the spell and dislodges himself from between my legs to turn his attention back to the meal he was preparing. He expertly plates up the delicious meal he had been cooking, arranging the savoury aromas on the plates with precision. The tantalising scents waft through the air, mingling with the remnants of our shared moment, creating an atmosphere that is both comforting and enticing. 
“Come on baby, let’s eat first, I can hear your stomach rumbling already.” He leans over, pressing a quick kiss to my lips before leading the way to the living room. He doesn’t look back once as if he knows I’ll be following him and fuck me, he’s right. 
I’d follow him anywhere. 
Teen Wolf Masterlist
TAGS: Tag List Form
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thephantomsdream · 6 months
So I just have this idea in mind about a meet-cute with our dearest John.
[Notes: I am writing this at work, and it is raining, and no, I have no costumers, and yes, it is self-indulgent because why not. We're just vibing and dumping cute stuff with some spell-checking, but I could've missed something so I do apologize for that. No use of Y/N or Reader in this one.]
Imagine it's raining where you are right now and you work dealing with customers somehow, yeah? Anyway, John is in the city for work, as always, and he coincidentally entered your workplace. He's smitten, not gonna lie. I see him as the type of man to know, you know? Hell, he'll look at you and you'll also feel the want too, the way he's seizing you up, almost as he is planning how to slowly kiss you. I swear you can feel his warm and rugged hands running over your body, but you have to act professional because he's hot and you're most likely looking too much into things.
But you're actually not, yeah? He smiles at you, a little small smile, blue eyes flicking between your eyes and lips. And god, he fucking looks into your soul. If you have time to talk to him, he'll definitely ask you about yourself while telling you some things about himself, vague but enough to satisfy curiosity. It's also raining, meaning you don't have many costumers, so the conversation goes and he runs it smoothly. It's effortless, the way he talks to you and makes you comfortable. Yes, definitely, you can tell he's flirting with you, but contrary to some younger men, he's calm, he's not pushy, although he is a little in your space. Just a little intense, and you can tell he's like that all the time. Close enough for you to smell his cologne, close enough to hear his voice rasp as he finishes his sentences as he's a little bit distracted by your lips. When you notice and smile, he does too, naturally, happy to get a good reaction out of you.
But everything stops when he gets a message. His lips purse and he grunts, shoving the phone in his pocket and smiling at you, disappointment in his eyes. He sees you get busy as a client walks in, a little sad he has to leave and can't even say goodbye properly, but he reaches for something in his pocket.
"I insist. You said you didn't grab one when you left home, yeah? Take it, love." He says, pushing his damp umbrella in your hand. It was velvety and sturdy, and his hand brushed yours in the right way. Not too much, but enough to get an idea of how warm he was.
"John, really, you don't have to do this. How will you go back?" You'd question.
"Nonsense, I have my coworkers waiting for me close-by and afterwards I won't need it anymore." He did say he'd have to leave the city, showing no sign of wanting to ask you about... anything, really. No number, no proper full name, no social media. Maybe it was just meant to be a very pleasant conversation with just a costumer. It didn't help that you couldn't bring yourself to ask either.
You accept bashfully, smiling at him when he seemed relieved and happy to have you take his small gift. You then wished him a good journey to wherever he's heading. And good luck with everything.
It did look like the man wanted to say more than a simple "Thank you, dove." but he stopped himself with a nod then headed out. Basically rushed, honestly. It did throw you off, how interested he was and just how fast it suddently finished.
Rain stopped not long after and you didn't need the umbrella that day, ending up at home, put away somewhere safe. At least you got a good quality umbrella out of this ordeal, yet you couldn't stop thinking about him.
That story now behind, spring came full force and the rain did not come back until almost three months later.
Weather app lied, it seems, as you glanced outside the store and saw zero rain, and you sighed, having carried your (new and fancy) umbrella around with you all this time. As your eyes studied the outside scenery, someone walked through the front door and you already plastered your "Welcome, dearest costumer" smile when it faltered a little in surprise as you recognized the man that entered rushing in the store. Of course you would, as if you stopped thinking about him. As of today, you were slowly starting to think less about the mysterious John, having to accept that he was just passing by and that you were a little encounter in his busy life. But he was here. In your store. Again. Looking for something. Or someone...
Rushing through the door, almost out of breath, he scanned his surroundings in a milisecond to spot you already watching him. The relief was prominent on his features, making you feel excited? He looked relieved to see you, then he immediately looked a little hesitant, unsure. As if his legs brought him there before he could think it through, although it didn't take long for him to smile at you.
"Been a while, yeah?" God, his voice was even better slightly breathless.
You eagerly get to talking again, his chest puffed and his back stood straighter when you easily told him that of course you remember him because how could you not, really? Conversation was just a tad awkward, him searching in your eyes for something while trying to play it cool.
He pointed out the entrance with a small nod of his head and smiled as you both watched a few shy droplets of water finally hit the dry floor, seconds later it starting a downfall. His eyes locked back onto your face and he asked a simple "I trust the umbrella's been handy?" and to that you smile, explaining how you never got to use it but coincidentally, it was now hanging out in the back with your purse, since finally it was supposed to rain again (Weather App redeemed). To that he just looks at you, expression morphing from shock, to relief to amusement.
He had this way of commanding a room, having people wait for him to react and this would be the first time you'd notice a quirk of his as you yourself held your breath, seeing he was about to say something. He'd take a sharp breath, tilt his head and take a small step forward when he was going to say something intense, something from the bottom of his heart and guts.
"Would I be a fool to ask you on a date, love?" He'd swoop the the rug under your feet with that and continue. "Because I was a fool once to try to act subtle and I almost missed my chance." He laughs at something, something that will turn into a light-hearted joke between you.
As you stutter a yes, you also ask him what he meant. You weren't an idiot, he was interested few months back, but he never made a move, not even a subtle one, just rushed out. Just like that. Poof.
Funny, huh? How he slipped his number on a small piece of paper in the umbrella, thinking it would be cute for it to fall out as you open it. Also, he didn't want to bother you anymore at work, specially since you already had some costumers and he already took so much of your time. (They could've waited, but whatever. Ugh, that mindful dumbass.)
The first time you made him stutter was exactly after he explained that to you, as you raised a brow at him and asked. "What if I used the umbrella in a rush, in pouring rain and I'd never see the piece of paper fall?" It was indeed a question he surely asked himself afterwards a couple of thousands of times in the dead of the night, berating himself for it, yet he still didn't have a good answer for that, hence the stutter and the absolutely fucking adorable shade of pink painting his cheeks for a couple of seconds there.
The way John sees it is that he spent two months waiting for a message, a call, anything. He sometimes couldn't attend his phone but made sure that the number he gave you was always available, even if he couldn't answer immediately. Hell, he even pulled through missions faster to come back to base and look at the device and be greeted with disappointment. It took him a few weeks to accept that you weren't going to contact him and acceptance started to hit, although John can't really let it go before thinking of all the what-ifs imaginable (after some more weeks of sulking silently), so of course he checked the weather in your area after he left you. And of course he saw that in fact it did not rain again, yet he couldn't be sure if it rained that same day, and if it did, how much. Records weren't that clear in your specific area.
He needed to know if you found the paper or not. It was all he had to know. John Price was left stumped and in need of answers. Answers he came to get because John Price knew the moment he saw you that it would be too good to let go.
You had to check yourself, it didn't matter that it was at work with him there. You went back, grabbed the umbrella and opened it, and surely enough, with his observant eyes studying every single one of your movements as he followed right behind, you watched in fascination as a small piece of paper fell swaying side to side in its descend, as if mocking you.
"I'd love to hear from you again. Call me anytime. John."
As you'd tell this story to anyone who asked you two how you met, you'd roll your eyes at John any single time. He called it fate, said the wait was worth it to see you watch that paper fall out of the umbrella, meanwhile you ways end up calling him an idiot. Lovingly. For such a bright man, he was indeed an idiot. Your idiot thought. (In his defense, it was the only time he ever attempted subtleties with you, learing his lesson and all.) One thing for sure? The story never ceased to bring a smile on your face.
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wrathofrats · 6 months
Wrathhhhh, if you feed up to it/inspo strikes may be gets something where RainDrop takes Bug to bed for the first time?
I have fantastic news and 4k of me being weird.
Ao3 link
I got carried away raise your hand if you’re surprised.
4k of jealous dew, brat phantom and mean instigator rain.
It’s slightly toxic and dubious but they’re all having fun and enthusiastically want each other ok but just know it can read a bit dubcon until the middle.
Warnings for a bit of size shaming, degrading, dew acts like he hates phantom but he’s lying, dp, lots of fun weird jealousy, yeah idk what I was doing here
Phantom tried to focus on the plate in his hand. He dunked it back into the water, rolling his eyes in annoyance at the small speck of caked on food that simply wouldn’t come off. The water was a couple degrees too hot, leaving his skin red and uncomfortable. He could hear a mild chatter behind him through the sound of water sloshing and the abrasive sponge on the ceramic. No words to make out, but a more intense conversation at least.
Whatever ghouls' presence that was behind him was coming closer. He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, a nervous reaction or his sensitive quintessence acting up he never is quite sure, but the air around him starts to smell like salt water and smoke combined with the dish soap that covers his arms.
“Told you phantom would be in here” rain sing songs to a much more unsatisfied dew.
“And I’ll blow you about it later, can you just hurry up?”
Phantom drops the dish back in the sink, a problem for whoever found it next. He shakes the water and suds off his arms before turning to face the two in front of him. Rain seemed happy, a light neutral expression on his face. He tucks a piece of black hair behind his ear as he watches phantoms own body language. Dew however seemed less enthused to see him. His shoulders slump inwards towards rain, arms crossed in front of him. He’s not even looking at phantom, instead staring at his boyfriend like he’s about to drag him away himself.
“Dew and I have a proposition for you” rain starts, giving phantom a once over for any signs he may run. He’s still the anxious new bug they know, eyes full of something akin to fear and intimidation just from rain approaching him. It makes rain feel powerful in an awful way that he knows is greedy.
“Yeah of course” phantom only looks rain in the eyes, not bothering to look over at dew, an action neither of them have missed.
“We think you’re cute bug, we see the way you look at us” rain flicks dews hand as he rolls his eyes at the word cute, “wanted to come ask if you’d possibly like to join us tonight, wanted to know if you’d be our good boy”
“Are you sure?” Phantom asks. Phantom tries to study them. Is it a joke? Are they making fun of him? Rain keeps his friendly expression, dew resigning to stare at the floor instead.
“Very, I think we could have a lot of fun with you if you’d let us”
“Then I want to hear it from him”
Dew nearly growls, his eyes wide at the sentence. The simple but cocky tone having him want to abandon the situation and tell rain he told him so. Knew he was a shit head that didn’t know how to behave correctly.
If dew was being honest with himself he would be more than happy to spoil the little quint with rain if he acted as sweet as he seems. But an ungrateful brat? No one deserved his rain, especially such a greedy thing. It only makes it worse when rain cocks his eyebrows at him expectantly, cueing him to tell phantom what he wants to hear.
He’s more than baffled, even if he shouldn’t be. Rain wanted a challenge, and he was going to get one.
“I want you to join us phantom” dew mumbles.
A bright smile breaks out on phantoms face. Rain beckons him with a finger to follow them back up to his room.
Dew would be lying to himself if he didn’t admit that his enthusiasm was a bit cute. Maybe he just wanted to be sure dew was ok with him joining. Maybe dew was wrong.
Phantom doesn’t hesitate to kneel on the bed once they walk into the room. Surely a known and practiced move, probably how Swiss makes him wait during their usual shenanigans. His hands sit crossed in his lap, his eyes focus only on rain to wait for his next instruction. Dew hopes he can be good, especially if he was this well trained already.
He pads over to card a hand through his hair, tugging at the black and white strands. Phantoms eyes close as he gasps and leans into the pressure on his scalp. He doesn’t try to pull away, even opens his eyes with a look that practically begs dew to pull harder.
“That’s a good boy, you gonna keep being good for us bug?” Dew asks, rubbing at his skin.
Phantom nods in return. His head stays nestled in dews palm, practically purring at the soft touch. It’s nice, much softer than either of them assumed the other would be.
“Oh, see dew? I knew he was a sweet boy.” Rain coos. It’s silent as he walks over to the bed, both ghouls watching for his next move, to tell them what to do. It’s an unconscious reaction in dew to immediately listen to rain, even if he’s supposed to also be in charge here. He knows he’s not, only allowed to have his fun as long as rain approves of it.
Rain stops in front of dew first, pulling him in for a small kiss. Nothing more than a peck on the lips. It’s short and sweet, rains hand lingers on dews neck for another second as he pulls away, staring at the fire ghoul with a loving smile.
He steps in front of phantom next. Another loving touch to the side of his face, something to hopefully calm whatever nerves the new ghoul has. It was supposed to be another chaste peck to the lips but before rain can stop him, phantom has his fists in his shirt, pulling him closer.
The kiss deepens much farther past what rain had intended. Lips slotting together easily as phantom licks into rains mouth. Dew can’t help but watch in horror, he’s sure if phantom was any stronger he would’ve had rain in his lap with the way he’s pulling at him. The wet smacking sound from their lips makes dew ball his fists in the sheets to keep himself from forcefully dragging phantom out of rains grasp. It doesn’t help that phantom fucking groans as rain bites his lips.
Finally rain pulls back after what feels like an hour. A line of spit connects their lips and dew is certain phantom is fucking looking at him for a reaction. A horrible smug look on his face, purely waiting for dew to say or do something about the interaction that just transpired.
“That wasn’t very sweet of you bug, thought you knew better than to take more than you’re allowed” rain lightly chastises him.
“Sorry” phantom whispers, his head turned to dew just to catch his eye before turning back to rain “guess I just got excited”
Rain can’t help but smile. He can’t bring himself to punish phantom yet, especially since he looks apologetic, can’t fault him for wanting to kiss him so badly.
“It’s alright just can’t let you get spoiled now can we?”
Dew stares, baffled. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“What?” Rain looks at him with a knowing smirk. Practically daring him to do something when they both know he won’t.
“You’re just going to let him get away with that?”
“He doesn’t know any better droplet, stupid thing just got desperate” rain practically purrs, turning back to phantom “didn’t you sweetheart?”
They all know the truth. Dew knows he knows better, rain knows he knows better, and phantom certainty knows, that they both know, that he knows better. But to dew it feels like phantom is truly testing his limits. He wants to see what will get both of them to break.
“And since when do desperate sluts get what they want?” Dew asks, also looking at phantom. Rain still has a hand on his cheek, making phantom nuzzle into his palm innocently.
“I certainly give you what you want dewdrop, even when you act like a jealous bitch. So why is this different?” Rain scolds, not even looking at him. “Dew likes to give me a challenge sometimes stardust, but you wouldn’t do that would you?”
“No sir”
Rain could just beam at the obedience. A pang of pride in his chest at how well phantom listens to him. It’s adorable honestly, how enthusiastic and compliant he is to rains words, not to mention the thick air of jealousy between him and dew. It all goes straight to his ego, only fueling him to be worse.
“You can’t let him think he can get away with shit. Honestly shouldn’t even be allowed to touch you since our play thing has forgotten its place” dew sneers.
“Didn’t think you were in charge here dewdrop” phantom taunts back.
“Excuse me? I have mo-“
“He’s right, you’re not in charge here darling and you know that” rain cuts dew off before he can finish his sentence. “Are you just jealous? Upset that phantom is getting more attention than you? Do you not trust me to take care of my angelfish?”
Rains tone is sickly sweet, daunting like the call of a siren. It has dew immediately quiet, listening to rains words as if his life depended on it. A part of the jealousy fades out of him, grateful for the way rain smiles when he looks at him.
“I do, just-“ dew attempts to stammer out an excuse.
“None of that then. Show phantom how sweet you can be to me”
Dew is on rain immediately. He easily rips his shirt off of him, discarding it next to the bed. His hands run down his lithe torso, hot kisses trailing behind them. Praising any inch of skin that rain will allow him to.
He runs his hands slowly down to rains sweatpants, giving a small look over to phantom who seems more flustered than he should be given the proposition. The quint can’t decide where to look, doesn’t want to look either ghoul in the eyes, doesn’t want to stare directly at rains tits, he settles for shifting his gaze wherever he can. From dews hands that grip rains waistband, to the floor, to rain looking down on dew hungrily, his arms now crossed in front of him, pushing his chest together. The slightest bit of cleavage that forms makes him want to drool.
“Want you to watch phantom, eyes over here starlight” rain whispers. Phantom swallows thickly, allowing his eyes to settle on dews hands.
Dew finally pulls at rains sweats, slowly revealing him to phantom. It’s a teasing pace, both ghouls watching to see his reaction. See how worked up they can get him without actually touching him.
The band finally stretches past the swell of his ass, loosening around his thighs, enough to drop to the floor. Rains skin is perfect, hairless, smooth, phantom thinks he may be drooling as he watches dew thumb over his hips with a possessive look on his face.
Phantoms breath hitches as rain bends over in front of him to kick off his pants completely. Still slow and teasing, as if he’s showing himself off. Rains completely exposed in this position, plump little ass practically in phantoms face, his cunt fully on display for phantom to gawk at. His folds are already slick and shiny with arousal. Phantom would do anything to taste him.
“Like what you see phantom?” Rain asks, standing back up to face him. He stands over him, looking down while phantom continues to stare at his chest.
“Fuck- “ phantom chokes “you’re so pretty”
“That all starlight?”
“Please rainy, let me worship you, let me play with your tits” phantom begs
And oh, that goes straight to rains head. The glassy eyed thing staring at him like he’s a marble statue, carved by the delicate hand of a master. It’s awful, he considers letting phantom touch him as he pleases until dew has his hands on his waist, pulling him back with a snarl.
“Absolutely not. Hands off”
“Dew” rain warns.
“You haven’t been good enough to touch him” dew growls again, staring phantom directly in the eye with a look that would be threatening to him if it was anyone besides dewdrop.
“And you’re still not in charge.” Rain scolds, tearing himself from dews grip. “Don’t be selfish, I gave you your attention. Didnt think it would make you so spoiled”
“But rainy” dew protests.
“Honestly I don’t think either of you have been good enough to touch me”
Dew and phantom look at each other in shock as rain moves to sit in the chair across from the bed. Thighs hiked up on the arm rests in a lazy position giving a perfect view of his cunt to the other two ghouls. He moves his hands down his thighs slowly as if he’s teasing himself, a wicked smile on his face.
“Think you two should make up, put on a show for me” rain rubs up between his folds, barely brushing his clit that is on display. He bites his lip at the electric shock that courses through his body from the small touch, a gasp on his lips.
“You don’t mean what I think you mean”
“You know I do. Make up with him and then if you do well enough you two can share me”
Phantom and dew stare at each other for a second in some kind of pseudo dominance contest. A silent argument of who will submit to the other, admit what is in their eyes, defeat.
“Gonna let me fuck you baby boy?” Dew asked, low and gravely as he crawls over to phantom who looks like he’s about to claw him if he lays a hand on him, “put on a good show for rainy? Sure you make such pretty sounds when you’re actually behaving”
“And who said I have to be the one whimpering like a whore? You seem to need to be rains bitch all the time, I might as well make you mine too”
Phantom sits up to face dew too, a mischievous look in his eyes. Another silent argument to see who backs down first without actually laying hands on each other. Dew wants a fight, more than happy with physical force, but the satisfaction of phantom possibly asking dew to fuck him is enough to keep him still in their stand off.
“You’d look so pretty though stuffed with my cock. I know you can be such an obedient little thing, maybe I just need to get you all stupid and cock drunk so you’ll be good” dew closes in, his face only inches from phantoms. Phantom can feel his hot breath on his neck, lips practically touching the sensitive skin. He doesn’t want to give up, doesn’t want to give dew the pleasure of knowing he’s won.
It’s hard to think. Between being able to smell rains own arousal, seeing him slowly play with himself at the sight of the two on the bed, and dew who is practically closing in on him. He would be lying to himself if he didn’t admit that dews harsh words and degrading tone weren’t getting to him.
“Just say yes bug, tell me how much you want me”
Dew grabs phantoms chin in his hand, looking down at him from hooded lids. There’s a dizzying feeling in his head from the way dews other hands roams his body. Pets over his hip, plays with the waistband of his pants asking to get rid of them. He wants it. He wants dews hands on him, wants him to shame him for giving up so easily. Doesn’t care if dew gets cocky about it, just wants to be touched finally.
“Please, do something just touch me, need you” phantom starts to babble. His hands fly to dews to help in tearing off his own clothes. He tugs at his pants with dew before ripping his shirt over his head. There’s no time to process his state of exposure before he’s throwing himself onto dew.
“God if I knew you’d be this easy I would’ve bent you over a long time ago” dew laughs.
“Shut up, just do something, anything” phantom growls. He roughly tugs at dews own clothing as dew simply lays back and lets him. He has a cocky aura to him, a smugness about letting phantom act desperate after his stunts earlier.
“Gotta stop groping me like a slut and then maybe I’ll fuck you like one”
Phantoms off him in an instant. He lays back against the headboard, thighs open as his cock sits red and angry on his belly. Dew can see everything in this position, phantom completely on display for him. The way his cock fucking leaks from being hard for what seems like hours now, his little hole that is basically begging for dews cock in it, he looks more obscene than dew would like to admit.
“Stop fucking teasing then and prove it” phantom groans while dew and rain just watch him. Rain still sits on his throne like he’s waiting to be impressed. A slow slick sound comes from his fingers as he continues to lazily stroke his cunt.
It’s a challenge, something to provoke dew into being rougher with him and they both know it. Phantoms dragged down the bed in a second, knees pushed up against his chest.
“Shouldn’t have to prove anything to you when you’re already whining for it. You’ll fucking take anyone as long as it gets your little dick off won’t you?” Dew spits sloppily into his hand, smearing the saliva around phantoms hole. It’s barely enough glide for two fingers as dew shoves them in haphazardly. Phantom scrunches his face at the burn, a small whimper coming out of his mouth.
“Yeah? Is that all you needed?”
“Just fuck me already please-“ phantom squeaks as dew leans down to tease at his cock. He mouths over it, cleans the pool of pre that gathered on his stomach. He can feel it twitch over his lips and if dew thought he had any more time he would be more than happy to continue to savor his taste.
“Gotta get you stretched out. Don’t want to hurt you” dew coos, scissoring his fingers to open phantom up.
“Make it hurt fuck- dew please make it hurt” phantom cries as dew kitten licks at the tip again.
Dew can’t help but let out a shaky curse at the quints begging. He tears his fingers out to spit again in an attempt to lube himself up enough for phantom, even despite the pleas for it to hurt. Dew thinks he may black out. Getting phantom underneath him is satisfying enough, but for him to beg him to hurt him? Let him make a mess of him in front of rain? Dew truly doesn’t know how he can control himself.
“Yeah, I got you baby boy don’t worry” dew reassures him. He’s cute, even despite his awful mouth.
They both groan in unison once dew finally pushes into him. He’s slow, watching phantom for any signs of actual discomfort, but phantom looks like he’s about to cry if he doesn’t cum soon. He arches off the bed, hands fisted in the sheets below him. There’s a pretty flush down his chest as he pants trying to adjust.
“Please move please dew you gotta move come on” phantom cries.
“I’ll make such a mess of you, promise I’ll take care of you”
Rain still watches in amusement. Seeing his dew fuck the brat out of the sweet ghoul below him is more than entertaining. It’s beyond arousing to see him so commanding, watching as he completely takes phantom apart on his cock. He fingers himself open watching the two desperately fuck each other. Slick leaks from the three fingers stuffed inside of him and onto the chair, hot and messy. He can’t help himself, can’t help the little grunts and whines he makes as he watches dew fuck phantom hard and fast into the mattress.
He can tell they’re both close, the insults and degrading words fizzled out into curses and moans that have rain trying to not bring himself to edge too just watching them.
“Stop, off of each other” rain calls out retracting his own soaked fingers from himself.
Phantom nearly sobs as dew does what he’s told and pulls out. He scrambles to grab at him to keep inside to no avail.
“No rain please I need it” phantom begs
“If you stay quiet I’ll let you both cum in me, give you a little treat for being good yeah?” Rain pets over phantoms hair, laughing a bit at the tears in his eyes before laying next to them.
“Didn’t think you two should be allowed to have all the fun. Especially since you’ve been whiny brats this entire time”
Rain beckons dew over with a finger, silently telling him what he wants. He’s already loose and slippery from playing with him, doesn’t take any effort for dew to slip right inside of him. He’s hot and wet and so fucking pretty that dew doesn’t know if he will be able to last.
“You too bug, come here” rains calls
“I- will I fit?”
“Baby I think aethers thicker than the two of you combined, more worried if you’ll even get me off like this”
It’s mean, degrading, rains harsh tone and uninterested expression making dew and phantom both desperate to please him. They can barely comprehend their own thoughts, long since close to their own edges. Phantom isn’t sure he will last either just being in rain, let alone with dew pressed tightly next to him.
It’s almost too much. Phantom barely fits despite rain chastising them for not being enough. It’s slick enough that he pops right in with a sick wet sound, making all 3 curse with each other.
“Can’t move rainy, too much” phantom cries. His limbs shake, thighs trying to keep from bucking into him even though he knows he will cum almost immediately.
“I know, let me cum around you two and I promise I’ll give you whatever you want” rain pants as he reaches down to circle his own clit. He’s sensitive, borderline painfully so. Can’t help but clench down every time he touches himself even though he’s stuffed to the brim.
It doesn’t help dew and phantoms situation, even just his tight cunt clenching around them has them both teetering on the edge of their own orgasms.
“Too close raincloud, it’s too much I won’t last please-“ dew calls out, vision blurry as rains continues to leak around them
“Cum for me then, fill me up” rain gasps. His fingers twitch as he gets closer.
It doesn’t take much, phantom and dew both painfully hard and sensitive, just a couple more strokes is all they need before they are both filling rain beyond his limit. It’s hot, too much as rain also cums around them, feeling his own slick gush out of him.
He’s gross, a complete mess as dew and phantom pull out to gawk at the sight in front of them. Rain is fucking gaping, cum and his own arousal leaking out of him. It’s obscene how ruined he looks, pussy swollen and abused.
“You ok raincloud?” Dew asked, slightly concerned as they all come down from their highs.
“M fine angelfish” rain pants. He’s flushed and tired, panting from exhaustion and how sore he’s starting to feel. “Proud of both of you, happy I finally got you to get along”
“Dew started it” phantom finally speaks up.
“Fuck you bug” dew laughs
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vintagepresley · 2 years
His Favorite Jacket.... PART TWO.
Okay, here's part two of that Austin requested fic for my double d babes!!!
Warning: 18+ SMUTSMUTSMUT Y'all, this is going to get dirty, nasty, etc. Oral (f and m receiving), titty fucking, spitting, dirty talk, some praise??, cum on tits, cursing, etc
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Austin plopped down in his seat, avoiding eye contact with you now, staring at the movie screen, but not even paying attention to the movie, he was nervous, frantic and most importantly embarrassed, he couldn't believe that he really had said that out loud to you, his feelings had gotten the better of him and seeing you topless just pushed him so far over the edge, that even still as he sulked in his embarrassment he couldn't stop thinking about it. You on the other hand were just stunned, not even at the fact that he said that but the fact that he felt that way, that he wanted you, wanted to do things to you. You just wanted to hear him confirm that that was what he said, but you noticed that he had gone real quiet, not even looking in your direction. Which prompted you to sit back down as well, glancing over at him every so often, hoping that he would at least look at you, but he didn't. So, you turned your attention to the movie as well, playing with the collar of his jacket which felt so nice and warm, the smell of him linger on his jacket.
For the next hour you both sat there in silence, neither of you paying attention to the movie at all as the only things on your minds were each other, but neither of you brave enough to truly admitted to one another. When the movie finally came to an end you both stood up out of your seats, your doe eyes staring up at him, wanting him to say something to you, anything. "D-Did you enjoy the movie?" he asked quietly as he gathered up his trash. You wanted to roll your eyes at him. He can't be serious... "Yeah... It was great." you lied, not giving a damn about the movie. "What about you?" you asked. "Mm, it was good." he cracked a small smile, lying through his teeth, he didn't care about the movie, you were all he cared about, that and the feelings he felt the moment your top opened in front of him, the way your nipples brushed against his hand, the way you looked in his favorite jacket. He was crazy about you and those feelings became more intense.
You both gathered up your things and began to exit out of the theater, throwing your trash away and the two of you heading outside, you both looked at each other and you cleared your throat quietly, staring up at him, his eyes so soft as he looked at you. "Walk me home?" you asked him with a bit of a smile. "Of course." he nodded smiling back at you and the two of you began the journey to your place the streets becoming quieter as you both walked side by side, your hands slipping into the pockets of his jacket, that's when you took the opportunity to bring up what happened back at the movie theater. "Austin...?" you asked softly. "Yes?" he glanced over at you answering softly under his breath. "About what you said at the movies... Do you really want me? And...." you paused for a moment, biting at your bottom lip for a second before you finished your sentence. "Think about doing things to me..." you said softly as you felt yourself start to blush at the very thought.
You saw the nervousness creep back up on him and his face becoming flustered all over again, he knew there was no avoiding this question now and that you in fact did hear everything that slipped out his mouth, he rubbed at the back of his neck nervously, looking over at you as a soft exhale escaped him. "Um....Uh..." he began to stutter over his words for a moment. "Yes... I-I'm sorry I said that... I hope I didn't offend you or come off weird... It wasn't because of what happened with your uh..." he gulped a bit. "Your uh... Brea- Your top... Well, maybe that was part of it...But I uh.. I like..." he was rambling so much and just stuttering over every word as he continued to blush, you couldn't help but giggle a bit at how cute he was being, you finally arrived at your house, but you wanted him to continue with what he was going to say, so you just stood with him right outside your door. "I wasn't offended and I don't think you're weird. Now finish what you were going to say." you said smiling up at him.
He felt a bit of relief after you reassured him of those two things. "I've.. had a crush on you for some time now.. Well, a long time, I guess. I just never knew how to tell you in fear of jeopardizing our friendship in case you didn't feel the same. When I see you, I can't get you out of my head, I think about you constantly. Then tonight.. When the incident with your top happened.... I... God.. I felt like I was going to lose control." he said as his confession just poured out of him. You were smiling the entire time, chewing at the inside of your cheek, wanting to confess your feelings to him as well, but you did something even bolder than that. You stepped closer to him, reaching up to cup his face in your delicate hands, pulling him down toward you as you leaned up a bit to press your lips softly against his own. He wasn't expecting that at all, but you could feel his lips curling up into a smile against your lips and then he kissed you back, wrapping his hands around your waist, the kiss between the two of you deepening and then you pulled back from him, biting your lip as you stared at each other, his cute little smile still on his lips.
"That's my way of saying I've had a crush on you for a long time too and there's nothing that could jeopardize our friendship, ever." you beamed, knowing that you've felt this way for him probably since the first time you met, but didn't pay attention to those feelings until a few years ago, if there was anyone you would ever feel this way for, it would only be him. "Did you want to come inside? I wouldn't feel right keeping your jacket. I'll just throw a shirt on really quick." you said, taking your keys out and unlocking the door. "Sure, I'll come in." he said, smiling all of his nervous washing away knowing how you felt about him now. You got the door opened and he followed you inside, shutting the door closed and you threw your keys and your purse onto the coffee table. "I'll be right back." you said softly, making your way to the bedroom, but then soon getting an idea when you saw him take a seat on the couch in the direction that faced your room, you decided to leave the door cracked opened in an obvious way, hoping he'd pick up on your hint or would at least be looking into the room.
As he sat on the couch, it didn't take him long to notice the door was left a bit open, his eyes staring intensely into your bedroom, watching your reflection from the mirror in your room that you were purposely standing in front of as you slowly began to unzip his jacket, your breasts slowly popping out of his jacket and then you slipped it off your arms, sitting it on the chair of your vanity, smirking to yourself hoping he was watching, knowing how flushed the very sight of your d cup breasts made him, he had been watching the entire thing, practically drooling at the sight of you and the little show you were putting on just for him, he could feel the tightness in his pants soon develop. It was quite obvious that he was tit man, the very sight of them made him hard and he inhaled sharply when he watched you start to remove your jeans, making a show of taking those off too, then running your hands slowly over your panties, adjusting them a bit and wiggling your ass in the mirror just for him to see.
He smirked a bit as he watched you, shifting a bit in his seat as the tightness in his pants caused him discomfort and he let out a soft groan, he glanced down to see his cock was fully hard now, then when he looked back up he saw that you had disappeared from in front of the mirror, he was curious of where you went. You had climbed into your bed, carefully stripping off your panties, and lying back against the pillows, spreading your legs open, you weren't normally this bold but his words, "The things I would do to you..." kept replaying in your head, rather curious about what those things might be, giggling softly as you called out for him. "Austin.. Could come in here please? I need a little help figuring something out." you shouted.
"Uh, sure.. One second." he said as he got up from the couch, trying to adjust his pants in a way that his hard on wasn't so obvious and then he proceed to walk into your bed room and the moment he did his eyes widen at the sight of you, completely naked and your legs spread wide open, your pussy on full display for him and glistening already with your slick and you were propped up against the pillows in a way that your breasts were on perfect display for him as well, he licked his lips slowly, not able to take his eyes off you, his cock throbbing and begging to be released from his jeans as the tightness only made things more uncomfortable for him. "Uh... W-What did you need help with?" he said as he gulped thickly, feeling like the room was getting hot all of a sudden, his reaction causing you to blush. "Hm, y'know.. I was wondering if you'd show me those things you wanted to do to me.. Please?" you said softly, practically begging him with your eyes as you twirled a strand of your hair between your fingers, noticing the huge bulge in his pants.
"Oh... I..." he chuckled nervously, thinking this was all dream, he secretly pinched himself to be sure. Nope, not a dream... "Well? Are you going to just stand there or are you going to take what you've been wanting?" you asked, so turned on that it was making you impatient. "Oh, I'm going to take what I've been wanting, baby..." he mumbled softy, that nervous part of him gone as he was filled with so much lust for you and the way you were giving yourself to him like this. You watched with excitement as he quickly began to undress in front of you, almost struggling to get out of his clothes because he was so excited, you laughed softly, shaking your head at him. Once he was finally undress, you nearly gasped at the sight and the size of his cock, chewing on your bottom lip wanting him so bad, your toes already curling against the bed. "C'mere.." he whispered, gesturing you over to him with two of his fingers, ready to show you a few of things he's thought about doing to you.
You sat up in the bed, and slowly crawled over to him and sitting down on the edge of the bed, waiting and wondering what he could possibly want to do with you, as your eyes slowly casted down toward his cock and then back up at him, and he leaned down to kiss your lips, you leaned forward returning the soft kiss. "Can you get down on your knees for me... I want to feel your mouth around me..." he whispered softly against your lips, tucking some of your hair behind your ears a lips curling up into a grin. You nodded at his words, slowly sinking down to your knees in front of him, continuing to stare up at him with such an innocent look in your eyes, glancing down to see his cock directly in your face, you nearly moaned at the sight of it, feeling your wetness pooling between your legs, squeezing your thighs together to feel some sort of friction.
You reached a hand up wrapping it around the length of his cock, parting your lips just a bit, sticking your tongue out to swirl your tongue around the tip of his cock, keeping your eyes on him, wanting to see his expressions as you pleased him, he let out a soft groan as soon as he felt your tongue on his tip, resting his hand on top of your head, as he watched you. You smirked a bit at the sound of his moan, licking up some of the precum that coated the tip of his cock, tasting the saltiness of it on your tongue and then you parted your lips open even further, sitting up a bit more on your knees as you slowly took him into your mouth, feeling his body shudder the moment you did, his groans growing a tad louder now was your mouth was wrapped around him, getting as much as you can of him inside of your mouth, pumping him slowly into your mouth, seeing his happy expressions as his eyes rolled back. "Y/N, fuck...." he mumbled under his breath.
You moved your hand that was wrapped around the base of his cock and moved it down to fondle his balls a bit as you pumped him faster into your mouth, feeling him hit the back of your throat the deeper you took him, soft gags escaping your mouth, spit gathering at the sides of your mouth and coating his cock, soft whimpers escaping you and coming out muffled around him. "Fuck... I love the way your mouth feels around my cock.." he grunted, he reached down to grab a hand full of your breasts, his large hands groping and squeezing them, you loved that his hands were big enough to manhandle the size of them. You relaxed your throat a bit and decided to take his cock down deep, obscene noises escaping your from your mouth as you did, gaging a bit louder and more spit gathering around your lips, dripping down your chin and onto your breasts as you held yourself down on his cock for a moment. "Oh shit..." he growled, his groans coming out in droves, and then he grabbed a hand full of your hair, pulling you off his cock roughly, and it popped out of your mouth, strings of saliva dripping from it and landing on your breasts.
You giggled softly, licking your lips as you saw his expression and he leaned down to kiss your spit covered lips. "Can I do something else I've dreamt about doing to you?" he mumbled with a smirk, watching the spit land on your chest, only turning him on more. You glanced up at him again, nodding at his words. He grinned at your response. "Sit up on your knees for me, baby." he said softly and you did as you were told, sitting up on your knees for him wondering what he could want to do, he positioned himself in a way that his cock was inline with your breasts, he grabbed them with his hands quite roughly and burying his cock in between them, holding himself in place with them as he squeezed your breasts tight around his cock, he let out a soft groan from how soft they felt around him, his cock already lubed up with your spit and the little bit that dripped on your chest, but he needed more and he spit down into your breasts where his cock was buried and you let out a soft gasps, finding all of this so fucking hot and getting even more turned on, you could feel the slick between your legs dripping down your thighs as this point.
Then suddenly he began to pump his cock right in between your breasts, his movements more steady as if he was fucking your pussy, his groans becoming louder once again the harder he plunged into them, you stared up at him whimpering softly as you chewed on your bottom lip and glanced back down to watch his cock moving between your breasts, he grabbed a hold of your hands forcing you to hold your breasts for him to keep his cock in place as he grabbed a hold of your shoulders, fucking them harder. "Fuck... they feel so goddamn good..." he managed to mumble out between his groans, your whimpers growing a bit louder the rougher his movements became, but then he suddenly pulled his cock from between them as he breathed heavily, you pouted playfully at him. "God your tits will make me cum in an instant if I don't stop.." he chuckled softly. You giggled softly. "Mm.. Would that be a bad thing?" you whispered. "Mhm... I'm not done with you yet... Now go lay down on the bed for me." he laughed.
You smirked at his words, standing up and climbing back onto the bed for him, laying down on your back, watching as he followed behind you, grabbing a hold of your thighs and parting your legs for him, he saw the slick that had dripped down your thighs, glistening against your skin. "Damn... You're so wet, baby.." he smirked, he moved himself in between your legs, laying down in between them and pressing his tongue against your right thigh, licking up every inch of your slick that coated it, you shivered beneath him the moment his tongue came into contact with your thigh, squirming a bit. "Austin..." you whimpered out softly, feeling his tongue suddenly on your left thigh licking up on the slick that coated that one. He glanced up at you, licking his lips. "Mm.. Nice and sweet for me." he grinned, not wasting a moment as you felt his lips on your dripping, aching pussy, his tongue parting your lips and licking, slurping and sucking up every bit of your juices, your legs trembling around him as your hands grasped the sheets beneath him. "A-Austin... Fuck..." you whimpered out.
His tongue pressing firmly against your clit, flicking it between his tongue and playing with the sensitive bud, sucking lightly on it and circling his tongue around it, groaning softly against your pussy as he tried to devour all of you into his mouth, wrapping his hands around your thighs and squeezing them tightly as his tongue teased your hole for a moment before he plunged his tongue deep inside of your warm wet pussy. Your whole body trembling before him, as you moaned his name out repeatedly, your eyes rolling shut and your head tilting back as you cried out his name as you felt his tongue fucking you deep, his face buried in your pussy, his nose pressed up against your clit and you slowly grind your hips up against him, feeling his nose brushing up against your clit, creating more friction, more pleasure, your moans only growing louder as your body squirmed and trembled, so ready to just cum all over his face right then and there.
But you felt him slip his tongue out of you and you let out a soft whine the moment he did and opening your eyes, not wanting him to stop, he lifted his head up with a smirk at the sound of your whine. Your eyes on him the entire time as you watched him climb on top of you, his lips pressing soft kisses against your messy breasts, showing them so much attention as your labored breath hitched a bit as you felt his mouth wrap around one of your nipples sucking softly, you were already so sensitive to the touch, that it drove you over the edge, then you felt him move over to the other, wrapping his mouth around it and sucking softly, and then he released it, kissing up your breasts and to your lips. "Ready for the next thing I've been wanting to do?" he mumbled against your lips. You nodded your head, whimpering softly as you felt him brushing the tip of his cock between your soaked lips. "Y-Yes... Please..." you begged him.
He smirked at your pleading words and he slowly guided his cock into you tight wet pussy, a soft groan leaving his mouth the moment his cock pushed inside of you, feeling you clench around him which only made him force himself deep inside of you, letting out a louder groan and you gasps softly, letting out a whimpering moan at the rough feeling of his cock. "Fuckkkk... You are so tight... I always wonder how'd you feel around my cock, baby..." he mumbled softly into your ear as he began to pump his cock inside of you, your legs wrapping around his torso and as they did he began to slam his hips into your own, every inch of him was slamming inside of you, stretching you out and forcing you to adjust to the size of him and taking him deep, your hands reaching up and clawing at his back as you held onto him tight as he plunged into you, your moans only growing louder, filling the room with your noises, your eyes rolling shut as you moaned his name on your lips over and over, like your mantra, like it was the only name you knew.
He was pushing you further and further into your bliss, and you were so sensitive and overstimulated from everything he had done to you, that you were already feeling your orgasm building in the pit of your stomach, aching and begging to crash ashore, in between this amazing pleasure that you are experiencing you couldn't get over the fact that it was him Austin, your best friend, the man that you've had such a crush on for so long, the one person you trusted more than anyone and it just seemed so surreal that you were sharing your body in such an intimate way with him and how he knew just how to please you and make you feel good. Nearly having the wind knocked out of you as you felt him grab your hips as he slammed harder against you, his cock hitting places within you that had you shaking, he was moaning softly in your ear, nearly breathless as he was approaching his own orgasm. "Oh my... A-Austin.. I..." you could hardly get the words out, but you were about to cum, your orgasm hitting you with full force as your body tensed up, your body twitching. "I'm gonna cum..." you cried out against him.
"C-Cum.. for me, baby.." he managed to mumble out softly as he continued his rough movements, his name leaving your lips even louder as it felt like your body was exploding as you came all over his cock, breathing heavily and your head spinning as you finished, slowly riding out that high and he grunted lowly, his orgasm hitting him quick and he reached down to pull his cock out of you, stroking himself steadily, his eyes rolling back, his cock twitching and pulsing in his hand as aimed his cock at your breasts, warmth of his cum shooting out of him covering your breasts in the thick white liquid, milking every last drop of himself onto you, before collapsing onto the bed beside you, out of breath and his body trembling as he tried to collect himself, but you were feeling the same way, the room felt like it was still spinning as you laid there exhausted covered in his cum.
"I've been wanting to do that to you for so long...." he whispered under his heavy breath. You looked over at him, giggling softly. "That was so hot..." you said softly with a grin and and slowly climbed out of the bed, feeling his hand reach over to slap your ass and you let out a soft squeal, glancing back at him with playful glare as you made your way into the bathroom to clean the mess he made on your chest and strolling back into the room with a smile once you were done, grabbing a hold of his jacket and slipping it back on with a wide smile. He sat up on his elbows as he stared at you with a smirk, loving the way you looked in his jacket especially naked. You walked back over to the bed, playfully modeling yourself in his jacket before climbing on top of him.
"I bet you love this jacket even more now, hm?" you said softly, giggling.
"Mhm... It's my favorite, but it's my favorite on you." he said, leaning up to capture your lips in a sloppy kiss, wanting to go a second round with you was tempting as ever in that moment.
Taglist: @ccab @lindszeppelin @ilovehobi101 @peaceloveelvis @infatuatedharleys @pennyroyalcreep @krissy25 @purejasmine
tagging whoever wanted the part two. sorry if I forgot anyone!!!
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sweet-demiboi · 2 years
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it's Billy Hargrove x Male!Reader
warnings: smoking (both of you), implied smut, but it doesn't happen anything because you say no and Billy is okay with it, a few swear words, screaming (only Billy screaming at Max to open the door to let you in), and trans friendly, can be read by asexuals and poc ig
Summary: You tutor Billy so Lucas can get Max out of the house. One thing leads to another.
Lucas's voice had sounded a little shakey when he had called you. He had said something about you needing to distract Billy Hargrove for him, so he could get Max out of their house unnoticed by her step brother.
You had agreed, and were now on your way to Billy's house. Your excuse would be the promised tutoring of him by you, which basically all of his teachers had demanded. Both of you weren't too amazed of that fact, but now you could make it useful for yourself.
When you arrived, Lucas was out of sight, probably already behind the house to get Max through a backdoor or something.
You took a deep breath and knocked. You could hear some loud music through the door, which was interrupted by screaming. In the next second Max opened the door.
"Hi", you greeted "I'm here for Billy", she only nodded, probably already knowing what was actually up.
"It's for you", she told her brother when walking past him, you heard an annoyed grunt, then Billy got up from lifting weights and groaned at you the moment he recognised your face.
"Nice to see you too", you answered "I don't like this as much either, but we'll have to get through it."
"Can't you just leave? I got way more important stuff to do"
"Me too, you want to start with English?"
He groaned again but turned the volume of his music down and gestured for you to sit at the kitchen table. You had imagined this to be a lot more of convincing, but you weren't complaining, honestly.
After a good twenty minutes of you explaining some texts of important authors to him, he offered you a beer, which you politely declined.
He tsk'd at you "Always playing the good boy, huh"
You bit your lip, grinning, and decided to not answer, but you assumed he knew how that had sounded.
When Billy sat down with a can of beer in his hand, his chair was noticeable closer to yours than before, but again, you decided not to comment on it. Instead you asked him to underline the most important parts of the text while you would prepare another task.
He got so close to you that you could smell the very masculine perfume he had on, when he was leaning over to grab a textmarker from your pencil case.
You didn't bother admitting to yourself that your heart had made a little jump at that.
Billy shot you a very small grin, he definetly knew what he was doing. Flirting with a guy. He seemed to have changed his mind about not wanting you here. Goosebumps spread over your neck, of which you hoped he didn't notice.
You discussed what he had worked on afterwards, which, again, proved to you that Billy wasn't stupid at all. He just wasn't interested in school. Which wasn't great, but it could be worse. You had to accept him wasting his potential. Or not.
"Why don't you go to school more often?", you asked, off topic "You could actually use your brain for something more complicated than going to parties, drinking, smoking, and all that stuff", you looked him in the eyes "You're smart."
He smiled teasingly "Why do you care?"
"I don't understand why you are wasting your chance of graduating, going to university, having a nice life, you know."
"I think you just want to see me more often."
You didn't know why you were blushing at that bastard's stupid flirting, but your cheeks were getting warmer and you narrowed your eyes down towards the worksheets again.
"Nuh uh", Billy tsk'd again, and put a finger under your chin, forcing your head up "Keep looking at me"
There were five intense seconds of eye contact between you and him before you kissed. Billy's lips were soft, and plump, and he kissed a lot more gentle than you would have expected.
"Would you still like me to continue working on English?", he asked with a grin much more obvious than the last one.
"I think you need a break", you answered, trying not to stutter - you were very surprised by the situation, but you guessed it was fine. Actually probably more than fine, it was nice.
"I always relax in my room" - "Then I guess, let's go"
He grabbed your wrist, pulling you up from the chair and leading you to his room. He turned around halfway "You don't seem to be the good boy I was thinking you were"
"You just don't know me that well yet, Hargrove", you said, finding your confidence again, and slammed him against his door in the next second, pressing your lips to his in a much more firey kiss.
Your tongue was finding its way into Billy's mouth, past his oh so soft lips, and brushing his tongue. Your hands were on his cheeks while his were lying on your waist. Right before he could establish dominance, you broke off the contact and got into his room, grinning at him.
He followed you in an instant, grabbing your collar and pulling you in.
Billy found the way to his bed blindly, now sitting, leaned against his headboard with you in his lap, one thigh on either side of his.
You could feel his lips moving to your cheek, your jawline, and your neck. Billy was sucking bruises into your skin, at which you moaned silently. His tongue was all hot when he licked over his work.
When he tried to get your shirt off, you broke the kiss.
"Hey, Billy?"
"Hm", he sounded slightly annoyed.
"I'm not really the type of having sex right away", you tried to reassure him with a smile "Sorry"
"What a pity", he answered "Did you really think I wanted something else than sex from you?"
You gulped down the lump in your throat and answered "Yes, I did."
"Well, you were right", he stroked your cheek "Fucker", you chuckled at that "Kiss me again, then", Billy demanded and you gladly fullfilled his wish.
Half an hour later you both were so out of breath that you decided to have a short break, in which you could smoke together.
When Billy offered you a cigarette, you declined, pulling out your own prepped one's. It was only then that you noticed you had forgotten your lighter.
Billy already held his out for you, and when you leaned down to catch the flame with the end of your cigarette between your lips you looked up at him through your eyelashes. You were still straddling him and he could see the fire reflecting in your eyes. It sent shocks through his body, giving him goosebumps as well, which he later wouldn't admit had happened to you.
Then the moment was over, you leaned back, but were still looking directly at him. He lightened his own cigarette as well, then the mood was set. Billy's right hand was placed on your thigh, while your own fingers were playing with his shirt. And you both still weren't able to take your eyes off the other.
Until Billy noticed the slightly different smell of your smoke:
"What's in there?", he asked, his own red lips engulfing his cigarette.
"Normal tobacco mixed with some mint and dried flowers, cinnamon on christmas.", you answered.
"Can I try?", his smile could only be described as challenging. You smirked and took another drag, keeping the smoke in your mouth this time. You leaned over to him, Billy already opening his mouth, and blew it inside, then sealing his lips with a kiss.
Billy moaned into you and was eagerly licking over your tongue, you assumed he liked the taste of your tobacco. You were kissing ever so slowly as to cheerish the moment until you broke it, swearing.
You quickly patted out the little flame that had been caused by your cigarette before it could properly damage Billy's bedsheets. The blonde only chuckled at that, seeming like he was used to that kind of stuff happening. At least he wasn't angry at you, because now there was a little hole in the fabric.
You still smiled apologetically at him, but he shook his head "'s no problem", he shifted a little under your weight "Pretty boys are allowed to burn my stuff all the time."
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vinylfoxbooks · 2 months
July 25 - Bundle | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 613 Part 16 of Medium!James AU Previous Part | First Part
“Reg?” James throws over their shoulder to where their boyfriend is sitting on their bed just behind them. When they hear the younger boy hum, they continue, “I’m running low on some of my herbs, would you want to run down to the greenhouses with me to collect some more? I might also need your help drying some of them.”
Regulus is silent for a moment before he hums once again, “Sure. Are we going right now?”
“Let me just gather up all of the bottles that I’m running low on then I’ll be good to go.” Regulus nods, despite knowing that James can’t see it, and starts to rise from the bed while James puts some of their glass vials holding their ingredients into their shoulder bag. When they’re done, they turn to Regulus and nod, “Alright, I’m ready.” And with that, the two of them head out of the dorm room, say hello to Marlene and Pete -- who are in a very intense game of wizard chess -- before heading out of the common room and down the stairs. 
Eventually, they make it to the greenhouses and James tells Regulus what all herbs they’re needing to refill, figuring that Regulus knows enough about botany and plants to know the best way to harvest the plants -- considering he tends to just know what flowers James is picking, they figure that he has spent a lot of time researching plants, not to mention his love for potions probably makes him want to harvest his ingredients right -- before they split off and start collecting their own bundles of herbs. 
When they’re done, the two of them haul all of their harvest back up to James’ dorm to start the drying and preparing process for each herb. James tells him what they’re wanting to do with each one after they’re dried so Regulus can have a headstart and getting it taken care of -- James loves that they can use their wand to automatically dry herbs now, even if it does make the a bit more brittle than drying herbs the muggle way -- and the two of them get to work. 
After about an hour and a half, all of James’ new herbs have been prepped and the two of them are putting them in their respective vials before James puts the vials back in their boxes and vanishes them. When that’s all said and done, and the room smells very strongly of oregano, James walks up to their boyfriend and pulls him into their arms, resting their head on his shoulder, “Thank you, my love. It would’ve taken me forever to do that by myself.”
“Wouldn’t your roommates have helped you?” 
“Pete probably would’ve, but he won’t be coming up for a while since he’s playing chess. Usually when he gets playing, half of the Gryffindors in our year and the year below try to go against him just to win, but he’s too good.” James hums, “Remus usually offers to help but his senses are stronger so he doesn’t like certain herbs, like oregano, that we collected, and I don’t trust Sirius to not fuck around with that stuff. He knows how to do it, but he just… doesn’t.”
“That’s fair.” Regulus hums, pulling James’ head from his shoulder to pull them into a soft, slow kiss, “I enjoyed helping you.”
“I’m glad. Because now, not only that you’re my boyfriend but also that you enjoy doing things like this and you’re good at flower arrangements, you’re stuck doing my witchy chores with me.”
Regulus smiles, a small thing that James can only see because of their proximity, “I don’t find anything wrong about that.”
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httpskuzuu · 1 year
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Yandere!Fyodor x Reader
I am spanish and I have no idea of english, I translated this by google so I am sorry if there are mistakes, idk
it's the first time I write for him so it's probably that fyodor is quite out of character, sorry for that too.
tw: kidnapping, yandere, manipulation¿, mentions of god, I think, stockholm syndrome, fyodor is a general tw.
I have been a whole month kidnapped by Fyodor.
The first three weeks there I was in a dark and empty basement, typical of a horror movie. I don't remember much from when I was in the basement, my brain decided that the best thing for me would be to forget everything I experienced there, I only remember very specific things. I remember that he didn't talk to me until the first week, and that I stopped crying on the fifth day. Since I stopped crying the emotions disappeared, there was fear, of course, but at a lower intensity than at the beginning.
After my stay in the basement he decided to take me upstairs, he gave me a room to myself and from then on all our interactions were cold and distant, almost null most of the time.
Today I decided to go back to writing, a hobby I had before I was kidnapped. It was relaxing and made me feel a little better, it made that emotional block that I had been carrying with me since the fifth day here disappear for a few seconds.
Everything was going well until I heard his cello being played, that made me not be able to continue writing. I don't know why I couldn't continue, maybe the simple fact of knowing that Fyodor was just a door away from me made me disconcerted. Now, for some reason, I am about to open that door that separated us.
I opened the door cautiously. The room is moderately large, with Fyodor in the middle, seated and holding the cello between his legs. His slender hands play the chords of a song, unknown to me, with such elegance, he has an amazing composure as his fingers lightly press the strings of the cello. His face is expressionless and cold, but suddenly he looks at me out of the corner of his eye.
The silence is suddenly deafening, with the atmosphere too tense to be true. Fyodor stops playing his cello and looks directly at me.
"I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?" I break the silence in when it becomes too much for me. It's been a while since he's spoken, not in full sentences, at least.
His gaze is different, I can't describe it accurately. I've never been able to describe Fyodor accurately.
"No, I was simply thinking about the meaning of your actions." Was it curiosity I'm noticing in his tone? I really don't know, I'm not that good at reading people.
Fyodor put his cello aside and approaches me calmly. He's much taller than me, much to my disgrace. I can smell his cologne on him, it's heady and expensive, I wouldn't mind smelling it any longer.
He smiled slightly, a fake smile, his eyes didn't move from his cold expression.
"There's not much to think about it." Even I didn't know why I walked in. "I guess I wanted to hear you play your cello closer, it sounds beautiful."
I noticed a small change in his expression, now he was really smiling, not only his mouth but also his eyes formed a smile. He keeps his hands folded behind his back as he looks at me intently. I feel nervous about his whole body language, and more so about the fact that he hides his hands, he can perfectly kill me with them in just seconds and I wouldn't see it coming.
"You were looking at me, weren't you? And yet you didn't join me. It's strange that you want to look at me."
The mere thought of approaching him and hearing him play gave me chills. I just shrugged, hoping that would be answer enough for him.
"Will you keep playing?"
"Of course, would you like to join me this time?" Fyodor's smile softened as he said those words, and I, surprisingly, returned the same smile.
I followed him to the center of the room, he sat in his chair and I sat on the floor beneath him. He feeling of inferiority didn't take long to come from being in this position, and more so with his gaze fixed on me, making me feel like I was prey.
I listen attentively to Fyodor's melody, while playing with my hair from time to time to try to calm the nerves of being under Fyodor. My gaze is riveted on him, I feel like a believer watching his God. From the perspective below, Fyodor's features stood out much more, making everything even more enigmatic.
Fyodor stopped playing and looked at me with those violet eyes, pale and piercing, calculating yet peaceful. "What is it, маленькая мышь?" he looked like he could almost read my mind. "What's in that pretty head of yours?" He almost seemed to want to annoy me by the way I looked at him, and more so when he kept a playful smile on his lips.
"Nothing important…" I felt too helpless against Fyodor, against the closest thing to a god in this world. I'm on the ground in front of the Russian, completely vulnerable and helpless, I'm easy prey for him.
"Lying to your God?" his hand came to rest on my hair and began to slowly stroke it. The first affectionate touch I had had in this whole month, it was inevitable to enjoy it and it was inevitable to close my eyes so I could feel it better.
"I'm sorry…" I know very well that Fyodor could kill me simply by activating his ability right now, but for some reason I simply couldn't feel fear about it. I simply stopped bothering and let myself go.
"You belong to me, моя любовь." His hand went down to my cheek and I just leaned against it. "I will never let you go, мой дорогой." He seemed to be talking more to himself than to me, but I nodded anyway.
"I know, I won't try to leave." And I'm not lying, I don't have it in my plans to try, I know well what Fyodor is capable of.
"You have no choice." I opened my eyes slowly to see his figure looming over me, he had a sadistic smile on his face, and leaned closer. His eyes moved to my lips. "If you try to leave, you will be punished."
I don't like that word, punish, it makes me feel like a helpless child. That was a bitter thought, to think of Fyodor as a father angry at his son for disobeying, to think of Fyodor as a God angry at his worshipper for not having faith.
I nodded again as I snuggled even more against his hand. Comfortable enough to forget those thoughts, comfortable enough to forget the situation I was in.
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Chapter 2: Planning Ahead
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Na'vi: Kaxltì -> Hello Appearances: So'lek, Ateyra (OC) Word Count: 1 812 Authors Note: There again is no need to have played the game. Since this is a So'lek fanfiction there will be minor Spoilers. I hope you enjoy reading and have a beautiful day ❤ The other Chapters are HERE
As you woke up, you already knew that this day would be hard. After everything that had happened yesterday you had a lot to get done.
First off all you wanted to ask So’lek for another Bow lesson. You knew you needed to learn this, so that everybody in HQ could stop worrying so much about you. And furthermore, you agreed with Alex. He might not normally be good at this type of thing, but for you to wait around until So’lek talked to you was ridiculous. After all it was So’lek. He never really talked to anyone if it wasn’t totally necessary.
Second you needed to check on Ateyra, see how she was doing, now that the Aranahe had taken her in. You also hadn’t forgotten that you needed a plan on how to stay close to her and redeem yourself in the eyes of the Aranahe. This would also be the thing you decided to do first. Since So’lek wasn’t particularly fond of you, even though you did your best to change that, and you did not want to ruin his day first thing in the morning, neither did you want to ruin your own day if he decided to reject you.
Slipping into the pod, readying yourself for the connection, excitement arose in you. Closing your eyes in your human body and opening them to see Pandoras forest and beautiful nature in front of you would be something that you would forever worship. There was nothing better than the sensation of the soft noises, the different smells and the intensity of how your Avatar body took all of it in. Eywa, you loved this feeling. More now than yesterday you whished to stay in this body forever. In the back of your mind the dread of going back to your small and fragile body, where you could not feel, hear or smell all those sensations was building up again.
Pushing those thoughts aside you stepped out of Wooded Glen Field Lab and started heading to the home tree. Priya had already informed Ateyra that you would come meet her there. As you came closer you already saw Ateyra waiting for you. Quickening your steps as to not waste anymore of her time you already shouted “Kaxltì” in her direction. Ateyra had taken a few environment samples for you to take back to HQ that she gave you the moment you stood in front of her.
“Here, I couldn’t take more. I also tried talking to them to let you in again, but it’s no use. I’m really sorry.” A soft smile formed on your lips “Don’t be. It’s their right to keep me out, after all that happened. I will find a way to prove myself to them again. Or at least I hope to do that. Anyway, did they teach you anything useful?” You knew Ateyra wasn’t the one to blame. Of course you were sad, that for one you couldn’t be with the Aranahe anymore and that there was no way for you to be a representative for the Resistance at the moment, but for now there was nothing you could do about it. It was best for you to fixate on the things that were within your reach and that was bow training with So’lek. Or at least you hoped so.
“Well, we didn’t do much yesterday. I met some of the people and we shared a meal. But today is going to be very exciting. Nevika plans on showing me how to dress Na’vi and Etuwa also wanted to talk about something. I will keep you all updated.” With a smile and a nod, you said “Good, let me know if you need anything. Also, it be great if you will take me along if an opportunity arises.” You knew this was a selfish request, but Eywa you just wanted to be a part of this. You already missed the smells inside of home tree and while you knew that you would be in the way, considering your non existential skills with any weapon, you wanted to go along. At times like this you really wished, that during the first fight against the RDA, someone would have shown you how to properly wield a weapon. But then again you didn’t because now you could make So’lek your trainer. “I’ll do my best” Ateyra answered. With a last nod, the two of you parted ways.
Since you planned on bow training you started heading towards HQ. Taking your sweet time to take everything in. After all, you were more than happy to be back in this body. You grabbed yourself a fruit to eat on the way. The taste of Pandoras foods was another sensation indescribable. It made you miss the good foods from earth even more. You would practically kill to eat something properly in your human body again.
Once you had reached HQ it was time to search for So’lek. As he wasn’t in his usual spot you had to check practically everywhere, until you found him standing outside. He seemed to want to head off somewhere. Stopping him in his tracks your heart began to flutter. Eywa, that man had no business looking so good.
“What do you want?” his usual annoyed self made you feel at ease, as it wasn’t anything against you or anyone in particular. So’lek wanted his peace and quiet and did everything to protect that. He was a loner, and it was only on rare occasions, such as your bow training or when the Sarentu arrived, that he allowed someone invading his personal space. This thought arose something in you. You hadn’t yet thought about why the lone soldier had even suggested bow training you. You wanted to think about it more, but you still owed So’lek an answer. “I wanted to know if you would again show me the ropes on how to use a bow.” You began speaking. Already you could see him frowning at your request so you quickly added “I promise I will do better this time. No missing the target anymore!” still frowning he said “But only one more chance. However, it has to be tomorrow, today I have to go on a mission. Meet me tomorrow morning in front of the HQ. Be early, you have a lot to get better at.” With that he turned and left you standing there. Frozen in your spot.
You had expected him to say no, or to make it more difficult for you. He seemed to do that to everyone else. Maybe you had gotten away with it because he had a good day? He also didn’t seem to be too appalled seeing you today. When he was with Alma, you could see it in his eyes how he tried to keep his hatred in check. Today that seemed different. Or maybe it was your imagination whishing for him to like you. To at least become friends, so you could be near him.  
You headed inside, giving the people in the Lab the samples that Ateyra had taken. Now that Bow training was planned for tomorrow you asked around and helped where help was needed, in order to pass the time quicker. The thought alone of being with So’lek tomorrow made you cheerful.
So’lek wasn’t sure what exactly had ridden him to say yes to your request. It also didn’t seem to make sense to him as to why he wanted to help you train with a bow in the first place. You were a Dream walker, a human but sometimes you seemed more Na’vi. Maybe that was the point that intrigued him. How you managed to hide your roots like that.
He remembered well the day that he asked you to first train with him. He had always kept a close look on every one of the Resistance incase that any human, Dream walker or Na’vi decided to do something that he did not approve of. Therefore, he was one of the first to notice your change. It did not surprise him, after all you had spent a lot of time with the Aranahe, learning their ways and exchanging culture. However, to his surprise he felt sorry for you and wanted to help you get your mind off this topic. He did not know why, the two of you never really had a close relationship. All you ever did was exchange formalities when it came to missions. And now he allowed you to train with him again. It confused him. There was no reason for him to allow you to be close.
What made even less sense was the fact that you were talentless when it came to the bow, why would you want to continue learning? No matter how often he had corrected your posture and no matter how often he had told you to hold your breath in before firing your arrow you never seemed to really execute it. And Eywa the number of arrows you had missed were impressive. Just thinking about it made him annoyed.
And yet it also seemed to intrigue him. The thought of getting to know you better, to unravel what made you so Na’vi in his eyes, why you were so eager to get to know Pandora in all it’s ways. Yes, you were quite the opposite of the other dream walkers he had gotten to know. Most of them refused to let go of their ways. They made themselves look Na’vi, but their actions were disgusting and wrong. They were demons in the wrong body. But you? Somehow you were not.
He also remembered how angry you were at Alma the day she had confessed that the Sarentu children were sleeping in cryopods. It had made him happy, to see that someone felt the same way about it as he was. And when you tagged along on the mission? You might not had noticed it, but he kept fixating on you. You were no fighter, but the way you spoke to the children and lectured Alma, it had made him grateful. He saw himself in the Sarentu children, or at least a part of him. They had also lost their clan and lost precious years being in the TAP. He now wanted them to experience Pandora to the fullest and you agreed with him. While Alma needed them to fight for the Resistance, you told them that they should do as they pleased. Of course, Alma did not only want that for them. But there seemed to be something twisted about her, that So’lek had yet to uncover. He liked the fact that you appeared to think the same way about this. All of this had made him curious about you. Maybe that was why he agreed to give you one more lesson.
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thebottomfromhell · 11 months
What the demon kids do when their parent reader when he is not feeling well ? İ really liked your parent figure reader
This one I will make it GN, you have also asked me by chat to make one of Mother reader, but that one I will leave it for later.
To keep the GN terms, the kids will be calling Reader "Oya", which means "either mother or father" or "both mother and father" depending on the context.
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GN parent Human Reader get's sick and is taken care by their demon kid
Warnings: Mentioned cannibalism, Emeto (not in a kinky way, obviously), Other gross content related to bwing sick.
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Daki (ft. Gyutaro):
"OOOONIIIIIIIIII-CHAAAAAAAAAN" Daki screams at the top of her lungs. Your head already hurted bad enough, to the point you keep you eyes close, the light of the district is too intense, just like the cold (but it's mid summer). You can hear Gyutaro groan as he gets out of Daki's back, the sound of flesh forming and streching being as gross as the flavor in your mouth. Your stomach contracts, you forced yourself to eat normaly before coming and now you are regreting it. You can feel the phlegm and some acid pieces of what you ate at your throat. "SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH MY OYA! HE IS RED AMD TREMBLING!" You can feel the older brother's hand in your face, feeling a pleasant cold against your skin. That is weird, Daki is the cold one, Gyutaro has always felt too hot before.
""Your aya" is sick. Ne. Piece of shit! Why are you worrying my sister, ne?! If you are sick you should have stayed in bed!" You want to say that you are fine, but the pain and content in your throat don't let you. Of course you would get sick. You were fine enough when you left home, besides the lack of appetite. Still, that is coming back to you, you throw up, making Gyutaro back down to not get himself dirty, at least not more as some barf reaches his pants as he was kneeling before you. "EEEWWWW!" Daki reacts a lot more than him, who just looks a bit disgusted before actually hiving orders to her. "Take Y/N to our room to lie down. Get tea, a lot of tea, and some incense too. I will clean myself, find things to re-stock and see if I cat get medicine or shit." She does as told, getting you into some beddings, letting yourself cover up. She knows how to boil a good tea, that is part of her job, she sometimes also uses incese when some clients just smell awful, so she can do that too.
The air is hot, also the drink, but it helps a little. Still, you are very tired, you want to sleep, but Daki stops you. "No! Onii-chan said you needed a lot of tea! You only had a cup! Drink the whole keetle!" She orders before serving you more, fully trusting her brother's choice. You obey as she keeps helping you drink, kneeling besides you, moving crawling in a rather childish way. "Will you be ok?" She asks worried, still not letting you sleep, not knowing if she is supposed to. She never took care of anyone like this, never had to since Gyutaro was the one who helped her when she got sick, not the other way around.
You use your energy to keep your eyes open and smile to her as she reach your hand and presses it against her cheek, thankfully you already finished a small keetle. "I will be fine, Daki. I promise, I just need to sleep." Even the hoarse tone in your voice is painful, but she nods, not letting your hand go, as she watches over you. She won't let anything happen to you.
Kaigaku still remembers how it feels to be sick, is a very alive memory, as if it was yesterday. But yestarday he was a demon, just like today, and so he can't get sick. He is still getting used to that idea, but you? You are a human, you can get sick. You are sick. "You are an idiot, you oya." He says as he puts a piece of cloth he just cooled down with father in your forehead as he doesn't let you get out of bed. Kaigaku has a fair idea of what to do when someone is sick, he has seen the adults on the temple take care of other children, and more often than not some were asked to help taking care of the younger kids.
As you might guess, he hates doing this, taking care of others. In his eyes it was always a waste of time, one can barely survive on their own and everyone else wants them to think about some other. Really, he never allowed anyone to see him vulnerable, unless it was what he needed to survive, but besides that... he had pride, ambitions, he wantes to rise from where he started, and so he never let anyone take care of him when he was sick. Kaigaku wonders if he would having met you before being turned into a demon. "We don't have medicine, you will have to sleep and sweat this off." He says as he rubs gently the piece of cloth, it heated up too fast for his liking, making him scoff.
"Thank you.... for taking care of me." You tell Kaigaku in a weak and tired voice, so far he has been doing a good job with it, which thank goodness. You might just pass out, your throat is irritated, your eyelids heavy, and everything is too hot and cold at the same time, fluids in your body make it hard to breath and your head just feels as if something burning was preassuring into dizziness and sting. The kid is not only showing he cares by nurturing you this time, but he is putting an effort, which you refuse to leave unnoticed. He stops himself for some seconds.
Nobody has ever thanked him before for doing this things, noticed the discomfort or effort he put, treated it as if it was "his responsibility to the others, since he is older and has been through the same situation". It's nice... to not be taken for granted. You are nice to him in general, the only adult that cared for him not because he cares about orphan children in general, but cares about Kaigaku.... "Just rest for now, I will take care of the rest." That was what it took for him to care too, and that is enough. You do as he tells you, trusting that you will neither feel better when you wake up... or feel worse but be in middle of healing, still, both are good.
Ok, Zohakuten is not panicking, of course not. He is the strongest form of Uppermoon 4, the mix of the four clones and the best protector the main body will ever have! Of course he can deal with anything! "Fu- uuuuuurgh..... I feel like I will pass out....." Except now you are throwing up, skin red and trembling violently. THE FUCK IS ZOHAKUTEN SUPPOSED TO DO?! He never took care of anything that is not the main body, and that was only killing those humans who hunted him down, taking advantage of his smaller size! The cowardice! The evil!
"Wait. Wait. Don't pass out here. Don't...." he stops talking to back off the second you start to gag, clearly wanting to throw up. Really, what is he supposed to do?! He has never been sick! He is a demon! And he has never been around anyone sick! He has no idea what to do! "Can... can you hold it up? Just for me to take you home?" He asks looking around, as if someone or something would tell him the information he needs or calm him down. You nod, feeling both stomach and throat contracting in acid and heat, already smelling the vomit. It's disgusting, but your whole body feels disgusting as it's sweaty and snotty, without adding how tired you feel.
Zohakuten uses his drums, playing in the lowest volume he can as he commands his wooden dragons to bring you both home. To your home, where you should be able to rest. Rest will heal this, right? Maybe eating something? Demons always heal faster after eating, but he feels is not the case as a sudden movement makes you ho to the edge of the dragon and throw up whatever you ate the last. Not for the first time Zohakuten wishes he could physically meet the rest of the clones, to have someone to guide him. You have taken up that rol, but now you are not in position to tell him how to take care of this. "Oya...."
He grabs you in his arms once you botth arrive, helping you into the beddings. "I will bring some tea. Please stay awake." It takes him a while as he goes back to the kitchen as he remembers to add more water, to filter the leaves and to boil the water, but he manages to bring some tea. "Tha-thank you..." damn, it hurt to speak, but you still smile at the kid. He looks at you a bit sad. "Sorry... I'm not good at this." You spend the rest of the time awake comforting him, until you do pass out because of the headache and tiredness. It seems Zohakuten got creative you did, because you woke up with a kidnapped doctor taking care of you... you'll talk to the kid once you feel better, not before, so he gets out without being scolded this time. This. Time.
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darkness-and-books · 6 months
Thank you @stellarbluegalaxy for the name idea!
The species I was talking about last night is named! Behold!!
Ostaran are like Vulcans, basically only in that they are descended from an animal and retain certain vestigial traits from their predecessors. Much like a group of bunnies, one may also refer to a group of Ostaran as a fluffle. Ostaran is both singular and plural, “they are an Ostaran,” and “they are all Ostaran,” both correct. Ostaran are typically shy, but usually very happy as well. Easily frustrated and with a tendency towards foot tapping when angry/frustrated/impatient.
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An example of what one might look like, ~I used pixlr to AI generate this image cause I can’t draw, I might try though because I wanna put one in a Starfleet uniform~
Clucking- much like real bunnies, Ostaran are prone to making a very quiet clucking sound when happy with their food.
Purring- just like cats, bunnies purr, and so do Ostaran.
Humming- All bunnies hum, but this sound is most often made by a male bunnie attempting to woo a female- apply previous information to Ostaran.
Growling and snorting- Bunnies growl and/or snort when they feel threatened- Ostaran don’t growl so much as make an intense huffing sound through their nose when threatened.
Hissing- Bunnies hiss to keep away other bunnies- Ostaran don’t hiss at other species nearly as much as they hiss at each other (it’s kind of a territory thing), but if an Ostaran does hiss at you and you aren’t one… I’d get out, I’d get out now.
whining and whimpering- Bunnies mostly whine when unhappy with their environment or when uninterested/unhappy with a male’s advances- Same applies to Ostaran
Teeth grinding- bunnies grind their teeth when in pain- Ostaran will do this as well, but their teeth do not grow nearly so fast, so they have to be in a lot of pain to grind their teeth.
Screaming- Bunnies scream when being chased by a predator or when dying- Ostaran don’t scream while dying unless it’s a particularly gruesome death. They don’t tend to scream when scared, they just run really fast, you would have to scare an Ostaran really bad to make them scream. It’s never a false alarm when an Ostaran screams. It’s very alarming because much like bunnies, no matter how old an Ostarsn is their screams sound just like that of a small child.
Physical attributes
It’s sort a dice roll whether or not an Ostaran gets the classic bunny ears, the chances are higher that they get normal human ears, the bunny ears are like green/blue eyes for Ostaran, it happens and it’s not uncommon, it’s just not the most likely.
Much less likely though is the tail, some Ostaran still have them, but most don’t, it’s a point of envy because it’s definitely a valued trait.
Aside from that Ostaran tend to have small, round, very boopable noses (please do not boop the snoot without permission, they do not appreciate it)
Ear twitching- they have really good ears, if they start twitching it’s because they hear a startling sound (even if you don’t hear it)
Forehead to forehead- you know that scene in the Peter Rabbit movie where she’s like “That’s how they apologise”, I have no idea if it’s true of bunnies, but it is a Ostaran custom, the longer they hold you there the more sorry they are (If a Ostaran tries to do this please accept, they’re really sorry)
Nesting- mostly a female thing, do not touch, move or in any way disturb the nest ( it can be very distressing). Do not enter the nest unless invited, know that you are highly trusted if invited.
Not full blown a/b/o, but they definitely do the scenting thing and have highly sensitive noses. So I guess it’s less a/b/o and more that they’re smell oriented.
Hugs- if a Ostaran allows you to/wants you to hug them, they are okay with smelling like you (feel special, they mostly don’t want to smell like others unless they’re really comfortable with them)
Highly ticklish (please don’t tickle them unless you know they’re okay with it, they are not opposed to biting you for it)
Random Bonus
Humans are weird with their fashion, but it works the Ostaran advantage, they’ll totally cut holes in hats and hoods and thread their ears (if they have them) through to fit in, most humans don’t even know the difference. Silly humans
and that’s my presentation on a made up species
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