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Congress has declared war on Russia along with the rest of NATO. There has been overwhelming military force now given to Ukraine.
This has also been followed up by the now Pro-Democracy and feminist China, controlled by Pyburn, attacking the southern border of Russia.
China and Taiwan have unified under the democratic government of Taiwan, and now China will be known as West Taiwan.
Congress has sided with the NSA to reform the National Security Act of 1947. In this, the NSA has now become the most powerful organization within the IC, and this new IC will be under the New American Review Committee (NS-Slay), which is headed by Lenzer. Congratulations on your new appointment! May you all live peacefully as one (under the NSA).
Members of this organization are all under re-investigation, and will be rooted out hopefully before the reorganization takes place!
Of course, due to the great slow movement of bureaucracy, nothing has changed in this very moment
Through the covert operation, and the power of Phil Swift, all of Russia’s nuclear weapons have been flex sealed to the ground and will be unable to be used for the rest of time!
Russia has begun to fall and divide to this multitude of fronts, with breakaway governments starting to be created further out west.
The US has become completely oil-independent from the rest of the world through an increase in production in Alaska, North Dakota, and Texas. Any further losses in oil will be made up for in widespread fracking!
Mike Pence has been found dead, killed by a poisoned burger from Borscht Burgers. In memorial, he will be put on the $10 bill and his brother Michael Pence will oversee the NOPEC proceedings.
Atkinson has been killed in an apparently failed kidnapping where two separate groups tried to take him. But, he was also then contacted successfully through the afterlife, though the Russian priest who did so is unwilling to relay what they saw.
A Russian oligarch has supported the Roses movement, which was associated with the hallucinations caused by skittles, and thrown their support behind the founder of it Rojas!
Bo Biden's family is holding a memorial for there loved one, who spread so much misinformation across the internet. They died doing what they loved in the NSA.
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(NSA ONLY) Crisis #6
Alex Jones's credibility has shot up rapidly after it was revealed had high-level official leaks.
Aucella however, has been swept under the rug, getting a slap on the wrist which has absolved her of charges.
Crisis Updates:
Putin has been attacked! It seems he was able to escape a kidnapping but his closest advisor and secretary of state were taken. It is unknown by who, but now Putin is blaming the west for this attempt. This has been seen as a vast increase in tensions over the war, and now either needs to be quelled or supported.
Pence has also been kidnapped! It is unknown who took him or where he is!
OPEC is now embargoing the US for oil, and it is known that Russia had this request, leading to more war-hawkish behavior in the US Congress. The US Airforce leadership has thrown their support behind the US declaring war on Russia.
Russia is, however, being overall pushed back in the war for a multitude of reasons. The Muslim Brotherhood has made vast gains, and other Ukrainian strikes have been highly effective against the now unorganized Russian forces.
The NYT's was informed that the FBI has unreasonably, and possibly unconstitutionally, arrested an NSA agent in the violent raid that had happened. Gaylord is now hated among the public as being seen as the orchestrator of the plan that injured 33 and killed 6. Those 6 killed are: Mary Thompson, Joseph Scnider, Walter White, Bo Biden, Tina Turner (unrelated to the actress), and Connor Lopez (unrelated)
They collectively leave behind 7 kids and 4 significant others, and the public demands justice.
In other news; a video came out exposing Germany and Egypt for buying Russian oil and grain from under the table! The international community is outraged.
Columbia, Venezuela, and Brazil's top political leaders have all been assassinated, and this entire region has now devolved into chaos with gangs controlling small sections of each country.
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(FBI ONLY) Crisis update #6
Putin has been attacked! It seems he was able to escape a kidnapping but his closest advisor and secretary of state were taken. It is unknown by who, but now Putin is blaming the west for this attempt. This has been seen as a vast increase in tensions over the war, and now either needs to be quelled or supported. - OPEC is now embargoing the US for oil, and it is known that Russia had this request, leading to more war-hawkish behavior in the US Congress. The US Airforce leadership has thrown their support behind the US declaring war on Russia. Russia is, however, being overall pushed back in the war for a multitude of reasons. The Muslim Brotherhood has made vast gains, and other Ukrainian strikes have been highly effective against the now unorganized Russian forces. -The NYT's was informed that the FBI has unreasonably, and possibly unconstitutionally, arrested an NSA agent in the violent raid that had happened. Gaylord is now hated among the public as being seen as the orchestrator of the plan that injured 33 and killed 6. Those 6 killed are: Mary Thompson, Joseph Scnider, Walter White, Bo Biden, Tina Turner (unrelated to the actress), and Connor Lopez (unrelated) -They collectively leave behind 7 kids and 4 significant others, and the public demands justice.
Germany and Egypt have been caught buying Russian oil and Grain from under the table.
A video released showed Rojas interacting with top Russian officials and giving them pertinent information. It was also revealed in this video that Rojas was behind the hallucinations with the Skittles being spread around the country.
Pence has also been kidnapped! It is unknown who took him or where he is!
Protests have erupted outside of the White House calling for the resignation or termination of Paul Abbate. This group, a Latina Lobbying Group for Latinas in National security and Government, have continued the protests and won't leave until Paul Abbate is fired.
The Patriarchy of Russia is under attack by a militant feminist movement after many feminist pamphlets and books were dropped over the major cities in the country. It is beginning to spread to China, where an anti-communist movement is beginning to take hold.
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(FBI Only) Crisis Update #5
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Crisis Updates:
The FBI website has been hacked, as well as a mass phishing scheme has been spread through the FBI! Though through the directive "National Stupid Alliance" it is known that this attack was perpetrated by the NSA, and was specifically authorized by Director, of NSA Information Assurance Directorate Callum Gill and the Director of NSA Signals Intelligence Directorate: Madison Atkinson
The investigation into the kidnapping has had good results, with one of the civilians (the Moldovan) having been picked up by FBI agents. Further investigation has revealed, however, that the kidnapping was orchestrated by someone in the FBI, specifically coming from the Department of State.
The NSA has also started lobbying against the FBI in the legislative branch by attempting to reform the NSA of 1947, specifically to make the NSA the head of all of the IC, including the FBI.
NSA has been informed to share declassified documents, will be updated once they decide what to do with the documents.
You can now request interviews with the NSA agents, though this will need to be done through the vote of both your committee and the NSA. A forceable arrest will need to be done through a short directive.
The Hallucinations seem to be caused by tainted Skittles with psilocybin, which have been spread through Miami, Atlanta, Chapel Hill, DC, Austin, Knoxville, and Auburn.
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(FOR FBI ONLY) Timed Crisis #1
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There has been an information leak to the media, and thus the larger public, that the FBI was instrumental in banning former President Trump from all social media platforms. This has lead to mass riots outside of the FBI headquarters (where you are all right now) that are threatening not only the building but your safety and the safety of national intelligence. You need to figure this situation out before protesters cause larger problems for the NSA and threaten to destroy the building. There is a mix between violent and peaceful protestors at the moment, but more chaos is likely to erupt. You all have 25 minutes to figure this out.
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(NSA Only) Crisis #5
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Crisis Updates
A beautiful wedding between Moore and Gill is now underway and everyone in committee is invited. It is today and no expenses were spared! (This will be done after this update!!!)
The one informing Alex Jones is none other than CATHERINE AUCUELLA!!!
In the Congress Committees the legislation to reform the NSA of 1947 is underway, it is unclear if it will pass the Congress in a vote, and this should be possibly prepared for in the future.
Furthering this, funding has been administered to pro-NSA legislators as well as anti-FBI mudslinging, but it is unclear how this will effect the legislation.
The FBI is requesting all unclassified information at this time, which the NSA needs to release or the FBI is threatening taking them to court.
Water supplies were found to be clean in all cities
Mike Pence has split ties with Trump, which has decreased support from his supporters, but increased support from moderate republicans and some democrats.
The hallucination investigation found that the hallucinations are similar to common hallucinogens (LSD, psilocybin, DMT)
You have picked up one of the civilians found in Moldova, wandering in a daze!
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(FBI ONLY) Crisis #4
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Crisis updates:
A large naval fleet has been moved to the Black Sea under orders of General Cavoli. This has further increased tensions with Russia, and NATO, while still firm in their support of Ukraine, have become more weary of a increased conflict.
LAXATIVE ATTACK! Right after the meeting with the FBI, all NSA agents at the meeting, and across the larger organization, all had to go to the bathroom at once to make up there... human needs. During that time there had been a data breach while security was all in the bathroom! This was a massive breach and thousands of documents have been leaked to an unknown source.
A new radical group has been forming across the internet, called XAnon, but it is unclear what their motives are or who is their leader.
There has also been a media leak of some of the most controversial NSA findings from the Associated Press, where about 10% of there documents have been leaked. This damaging to the entire IC community, and has lead to distrusts by the American people. It is known due to the directives passed this was a leak because of Russian interference. This has shown many more of the surveillance the NSA has had over the American people, and people are outside the NSA headquarters day in and day out protesting such surveillance. It is unclear if protests will start against other agencies.
Midterm results: - In a sweep, the Republicans have won the house and senate. Though they do not hold a supermajority in either house.
Many of these republicans are moderates, however, and see fit to reduce the current US spending in Ukraine and attempt to shrink the size of government. Dealing with this will be necessary for the budget to not be drastically reduced.
Directive Updates:
FBI's popularity has skyrocketed among young people, and you have seen an influx of young recruits.
Counterintelligence has concluded electioneering has not been a massive problem except on social media bots. These bots seems to be mostly foreign in origin, mostly from China, Russia, and North Korea.
Choose who will represent your committee for the media, as that was laid out in the directive.
It was discovered that most conspiracy theorists start in the US, but many of their theories are spread by bots (through foreign governments).
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(FOR NSA) Crisis #4
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Crisis Updates: - Laxative Attack! Right after the meeting with the FBI, all NSA agents at the meeting, and across the larger organization, all had to go to the bathroom at once to make up there... human needs. During that time there had been a data breach while security was all in the bathroom! This was a massive breach and thousands of documents have been leaked to an unknown source.
There has also been a media leak of some of the most controversial NSA findings from the Associated Press. It is known due to the directives passed this was a leak because of Russian interference. This has shown many more of the surveillance the NSA has had over the American people, and people are outside the NSA headquarters day in and day out protesting such surveillance.
General Cavoli has sent ships into the Black Sea.
Midterm results: - In a sweep, the Republicans have won the house and senate. Though they do not hold a supermajority in either house.
Many of these republicans are moderates, however, and see fit to reduce the current US spending in Ukraine and attempt to shrink the size of government. Dealing with this will be necessary for the budget to not be drastically reduced.
Any communication between the NSA and FBI has now been encrypted and has little chance of being leaked to the public.
The social media campaign has been relatively unsuccessful, with many being made fun of. There has been a decrease in youth support of the NSA.
General media support, however, has been great and the general public seems to be further in support of the NSA.
Electronic Russian communication has shown that they are spreading misinformation across the internet using bots.
Mike Pence was made the director of the NSA, which has increased republican support for the IC/NSA, but overall has hurt the current administration standing with such a radical shift.
False War plans have been given to Russia, which has seen noticeable effects in stalling the counter attack.
Russian electronic warfare has been studied and can be more effectively countered in the future
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(FBI ONLY) Crisis Update #3
Trolls have spread across the internet, which has started to make it incredibly difficult for both the public and IC to separate fact from fiction. This is especially apparent on social media networks and has begun to swing the polls against the current administration.
A kidnapping of a Russian state department employee has happened in a rave in Moldova, along with 2 seemingly random civilians, one Russian one Moldovan. The Russian state department is confused about why this state employee was kidnapped, and are blaming the kidnapping on Ukraine, accusing them of torturing the official. The family's of the kidnapped civilians are demanding help from everywhere, both East and West.
A Tik Tok craze has swept the app, with popular song "Rasputin" being the back drop to anti-US government videos. The song is now being considered a dog whistle as well for anti-US movements.
The midterms are coming up, and it seems as those who are against the Ukraine support are going to win both houses of Congress unless something changes.
Messages leaked: 1.) It is now known someone in the FBI has been reaching out to former president Trump for endorsement. Trump has now endorsed Jason A. Jones for his position and future goals. 2.) The IC is requesting a grizzly bear from Steve Irwin's estate for unknown reasons.
The irregular communications are now indeed coming from within either the NSA and/or the FBI.
The PMCs have been stopped
A public statement released has been met with a lukewarm reception, though it did not seem to overall sway public opinion one way or the other.
A decentralized database has been created, but this has made intelligence become fragmented and harder for the IC to communicate. Expect cracks to form between agencies.
FBI's popularity has fallen due to NSA saying that they are not as invested in Ukraine. Congress is considering cutting the budget of the FBI.
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(NSA ONLY) Crisis #3
Trolls have spread across the internet, which has started to make it incredibly difficult for both the public and IC to separate fact from fiction. This is especially apparent on social media networks and has begun to swing the polls against the current administration.
A kidnapping of a Russian state department employee has happened in a rave in Moldova, along with 2 seemingly random civilians, one Russian one Moldovan. The Russian state department is confused about why this state employee was kidnapped, and are blaming the kidnapping on Ukraine, accusing them of torturing the official. The family's of the kidnapped civilians are demanding help from everywhere, both East and West.
A Tik Tok craze has swept the app, with popular song "Rasputin" being the back drop to anti-US government videos. The song is now being considered a dog whistle as well for anti-US movements.
The midterms are coming up, and it seems as those who are against the Ukraine support are going to win both houses of Congress unless something changes.
Alex Jones says he has a high-ranking US official saying that “Individuals at every level of the U.S. government, from the US house, the senate, and executive agencies, including the FBI and NSA, have connections to Russia and are working against the American public.” This has led to demonstrations on the ground in major cities across the US and has rapidly heated up the political scene for the upcoming midterms
Massive hallucinations are griping some of America's biggest cities, mostly centered around Miami, Atlanta, Chapel Hill, and DC. It is unknown why these people/places are experiencing such mass hallucinations. Theories include mass hysteria.
Directive effects:
With investigate the feds, multiple unencrypted messages have been released, though names were not attached.
·  Messages: 1.) It is now known someone in the FBI has been reaching out to former president Trump for endorsement. 2.) The IC is requesting a grizzly bear from Steve Irwin's estate for unknown reasons.
·  Russian communications are started to become intercepted and will be released to the NSA shortly.
All inbound and outbound communications will be monitored now
The social media campaigns have been mostly swept up under the Tik Tok craze and further social media disinformation.
FBI's popularity has fallen due to NSA saying that they are not as invested in Ukraine. Congress is considering cutting the budget of the FBI.
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(FOR FBI ONLY) Crisis Update #2
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With your speedy action this is the effect of your passed directives:
You have discovered a multitude of unencrypted signals/messages (both physical and digital) have been coming out of the FBI and NSA, as well as other government agencies. The most important will be compiled soon.
The leak originated in the US, though it is unclear from which intelligence agency. Also, no mole has been found in the FBI so far, but intelligence has confirmed some encrypted messages are being sent to unofficial locations. It is unknown what these locations are.
The mole-finding system has been established
Government devices have also been further encrypted in the FBI.
In other news:
Leaked documents have sown public distrust in both the government and IC. The NYT has published that the NSA board had decided that "only the leaders of the NSA, FBI, and CIA will know the truth." This is further pushed by the leak that the NSA has decided to classify even further documents, though it is unknown to the public/media what these are.
Along with public distrust, conspiracy theories are now abounding across the internet due to these leaks, including the outlandish (lizard people) but some have caught on with thoughts that this was a bid to make the IC more autonomous from the government.
The public is also becoming weary of the Ukrainian War justifying further government overreach, such as seen with the Patriot Act.
In response to this, some members of Congress have started to call for the defunding of these "corrupt and shadow-filled" (Senator Ray Gunn of Montana) organizations, as well as some further questioning the US involvement in Ukraine.
The military, seeing the use of PMCs to oversee programs in the FBI, is up in arms (not literally) as they feel as something of this magnitude should not be left to a private company.
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(FOR NSA ONLY) Crisis Update #2
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With quick action being taken by the committee, many things were discovered by the directives:
The plans found on the Russian officer come from the US, though it is unclear if it originates from the military, or was informed by the Intelligence Community (IC).
No mole has currently been found in the NSA under current investigations, but evidence of traitorous communication is coming from other parts of the government.
The Russian officer was a lieutenant and has no higher importance in the Russian government.
A new direct line of communication with the Ukrainian IC has been set up.
In other news:
Leaked documents have sown public distrust in both the government and IC. The NYT has published that the NSA board had decided that "only the leaders of the NSA, FBI, and CIA will know the truth." This is further pushed by the leak that the NSA has decided to classify even further documents, though it is unknown to the public/media what these are.
Along with public distrust, conspiracy theories are now abounding across the internet due to these leaks, including the outlandish (lizard people) but some have caught on with thoughts that this was a bid to make the IC more autonomous from the government.
The public is also becoming weary of the Ukrainian War justifying further government overreach, such as seen with the Patriot Act.
In response to this, some members of Congress have started to call for the defunding of these "corrupt and shadow-filled" (Senator Ray Gunn of Montana) organizations, as well as some further questioning the US involvement in Ukraine.
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Crisis Update #1: Breach of Security
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The Ukrainian Army has again launched another counter-offensive, hoping to recreate the effect of the first counter-offensive in late July. This counter-offensive, beginning on October 3rd, 2022, was attempting to make gains in Kherson, Kharkiv, Donetsk, and Luhansk Oblasts. It is now October 17th, 2022, and this counter-offensive has performed poorly.
In each region, the Russian forces, despite the previous disarray, seemed to counter the Ukrainian attack perfectly. Too perfectly some experts have suggested, which had led some to believe that the failure of the counter-attack was due to a leaking of intelligence. It is known that Ukrainian plans were found on a KIA Russian officer in Kherson. Though it is unknown how this officer and Russia found these plans. It is up to the committees that the President has created to figure out these problems.
In other news...
Midterms are coming up, and with many of you being political appointees, the stakes are high, both for your own positions and the funding of your respective agencies!
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Test post
Test post for the FBI vs NSA committee for UNCMUNC
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