☽☮☾Girl Of The Moon☽☮☾
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My name is Mya/Pagan blog🔮/♊/energy with I guess... I like gemstone👽, I reblog all kind of rituals Send ask, I like to talk with people 🙂 🌑🌘🌗🌖🌕🌔🌓🌒🌑
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
Tired of wasting my time
Did you ever question yourself. Why am I here? Does the internet playing with my mind? Do I feel like a do because of all this internet shit and social media...I mean how many of us feel ill or the need to speak up about what happening to you. Seriously it is super toxic for us all.
Like okay, I get it, all lives matter, our emotion matter to and its important to know ourselves, im the first that will encourage this...but it gets stupider the more we look at it. We becoming product with this internet bullshit, with the etiquette/price tag or whatever of black, lgbt, queer, witch, suicidal, survivor and ALL OF THIS ETIQUET, what does our parents say about it? It all in our head. Yeah its! And, Its my head.
With all this internet bullshit and cellphone shit everything know about everything. Stop sending your life and wasting your time fuck! Yeah you will feel like a depressive peace of trash because ypu do nothing all day except crying on the internet expecting more notes EVERYBODY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU STOP PRETENDING THAT YPUR EGO IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE YPU ARE NOT LIKE EVERYBODY GOVERNMENT ARE SHIT, INSTITUTION ARE SHIT, THE WAY WE ARE THINKING WITH CAPITALISM AND POWER TRIP AND IDIOTIC IDOLATION TRIP YOU ARE ALL STUPID TO THINK THAT ITS WORTH stop looking at ypur fucking screen in hope that it will change something, you're stupid if you act like that.
Go gardening some plants to save the bees and have your own
Start doing your diy you're keeping for later, in hope you have time, instead of wasting
Become independent, learn about herbs, nature, yourself.
If you want to know yourself stop crying about it on the internet in hope it will change something, learn about psychoanalyst and do the opposite of your bad habits fuck its not drink water-eat well (not junk food)-try to sleep or read instead of looking out your freaking notification (no they dont care, they just using useless concept to feel something with there emotionless face)-laugh (not fake laugh that last for not even 1 min, but the one you cant stop and you almost wanna cry because you didn't laugh like that in a while)-go outside, yeah it rain, yeah the sun is not necessary their, but fuck, our earth suffer and need love, not pesticide or garbage, be hollistique and analyse what you see, and dont look up for the machine, they are just there, by our fault, to destroy ourselves
If one day you want to see aliens (they will more destroy all of us, in my opinion, because we are all idiot with big big big ego that cant understand or see a thing before its obvious -.-) or whatever, learn to love what you have, not to plead for more object that juste waste real happiness and destroy what we already have.
You have so much more to learn and live before being, look at trump, is always on social media, does that make him more intelligent, same for the Kardashian or any of the superstar.
I dont want to destroy our world as it is, im an artist, i want to do the best movie ever made, but yeah fuck our society to idolize America, or any media, real thing, REAL GOOD THING are tiny, from local little artist all around, maybe poor, out of resources, out of money or internet, and he does better then us all because he have only himself and his sorry for my bad English
Sorry if i insult but fuck you are all looking in the wrong hole, with stupid people that just want to destroy everything...
I repeat myself but go outside, eat well, stop looking at internet and go outside sleep well and learn to live without the syssteme, because now you are wasting your potential, your time and your life and its not worth fuck internet - fuck tumblr - fuck facebook - fuck instagram - fuck messenger - fuck capitalist - fuck price tag - fuck our society - fuck racism - fuck ignorant - fuck extremist (even the feminist/lives matter/militarist/proud lgbt, ypu make it worst then it is, yeah all lives matter ok! But jeez live your life and let the other live and educate everyone instead of obligatory search for the acceptance, people are stupid, and they will stay stupid, play there game and you will easily win, if you can make them think they doing what they want to do, but you will loose by being violent, even in your language, because stupid people are better in that game, think and be the more intelligent and mature, not the one that say the problem come from only one side -.-)
Im a proud white pagan bi girl queer with a tendency of being gender fluid, and what it change to your life, im not racist, im a feminist and it change nothing. I know who i am, i know what i need, my person doesn't change what you are so stop bothering each other and let people be and stop being on all this stupid site. My post is just to let thing out, my frustration, im not an exemple, but im tired and i find all of us stupid...do better and stop maybe i am enough stupid to come back...but now i will do better with my life...and stop wasting like you all
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on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
☆Witch Tip☆
Your craft is always personal to you! Research and asking around will only help to a certain extent before it starts hindering you! Write your own spells, charms and hexes! Make a messy, unconvential grimoire! Don’t be afraid to experiment.
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on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
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“My pain does not control me” sigil requested by @katvonhall 💙 hope this help you! 
💫 Sigil requests are open! If you like my sigils please consider tippin me! thank you so much 💫
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on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
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“I am a wonderful artist” sigil requested by anonymus 💕 hope you’ll like this!
💫 Sigil requests are open! If you like my sigils please consider tippin me! thank you so much 💫
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on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
Excuse me while I do some magic 💫
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on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
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“I am safe” - “Sanctuary” sigils requested by @missmarissss 💕 Sigil requests are open! if you like my sigils, you can tip me here
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on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
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“We grow closer to one another” sigil requested by anonymus 💕
✨ Sigil requests are open! If you like my sigils please consider tippin me! ✨
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on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
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“Artemis watches over me” sigil requested by @beware-the-randomness 💓 hope you like it!
✨ Sigil requests are open! If you like my sigils please consider tippin me! Your help is truly appreciated✨
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on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
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“I am safe during astral travels” sigil requested by anonymus ❣
✨ Sigil requests are open! If you like my sigils please consider tippin me! ✨
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on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
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Sigil: “Focus” Feel free to use, just please don’t remove caption
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on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
Thymewitch’s Healing Tea Ritual
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Recently I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather mentally, physically, and spiritually so here’s a little ritual I do every time I have a cup of tea thought my day to recharge! This ritual is perfect for beginners, closet witches, low-spoons witches, and those with only a few moments to spare thought their day ♡
*This ritual is not to be used to replace medications or professional help, it is simply an aid
1 cup of tea (any kind) 
your intent
Take your tea and stir counterclockwise (to release anxiety, stress, and negative energy) 
Add a dollop of sugar or artificial sweetener (to sweeten one’s mood and other’s disposition towards oneself)
Stir your tea clockwise (to seal in universal love and well being)
(Optional) Cast a circle
Kneel or sit on the floor facing the direction that best corresponds with your needs
North for mental stability, prosperity, money, wealth, a green thumb, oneness with animals, mental strength, grounding, mental protection, nature, rebirth of one’s sense of purpose
East for mental power and focus, improved communication skills, easing travel anxiety, honing intellect, increasing abstract thinking, improved teaching, divination, freedom, happiness, new beginnings
South for the will to step into action, increased passion and lust, increased energy, purification and rejuvenation of will, physical strength, protection from bodily harm
West for emotional strength and understanding, achieving dreams, increased compassion, unconditional love, mending a broken heart or sadness, strengthened psychic ability, spiritual healing, feeling rested, emotional cleansing, astral travel, death of emotional pain
Drink your tea and focus on healing!
Note: Correspondences in this spell are personal. If one or more of them do not feel right, change them to better suit your needs. New ideas are welcomed but I am not looking for your criticism. 
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on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
Using Glitter In Spells
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Glitter makes everything better, including your spells. 
Using glitter when dressing your candles can add an extra kick to all of your spells. It is also a cheap alternative when all you have are white candles and still want to use corresponding colors in your work.
If you’re dressing a taper or coach candle you can simply put the oil on first and roll in the desired glitter. If you’re dressing a novena candle (glass encased) you can sprinkle a bit on top just be careful not to use too much since the top can catch on fire. Glitter and glitter glue can also be used to decorate engraved sigils/words carved onto your candles. Some ideas include:
Gold/Silver: Money work, luck, gambling, job searching
Green: Money, luck, growth in any aspect
Orange: Attraction, opening roads, success
Pink: Happiness, Love (best for new love and spells not focused on sex), friendship
Red: Lust, Passionate love, Courage, Strength 
Yellow: Communication, mental energy, Happiness
Blue: Healing, Water spells
Purple: Power, domination work, crown of success
Black: Substitute for any color, binding, hexing
If these correspondences don’t resonate with you that’s 100% okay and feel free to use what calls to you for your own practice. Happy Glittering!
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on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
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This is the current collection of useful posts that I have reblogged on crystals, all in one place. If any post is from another tumblr blogger, all of their sources will be below each post, so you can look through and follow the amazing people who posted them. (If you are going to reblog something, please, never remove the original caption, or sources). 
Basics: 🌙   How Crystals Actually Work 🌙   What to Know before you Start 🌙   Methods of Use 🌙   Properties of 14 Common Crystals 🌙   Beginner Crystals Identifying Crystals: 🌙   Crystals ID 🌙   Identifying Crystals by Colour
Crystal Associations: 🌙   Major Achana 🌙   Zodiac 🌙   Anxiety and Stress 🌙   Elements 🌙   Stress Relief
Cleansing and Charging: 🌙   Cleansing and Charging Items 🌙   Cleansing Crystals 🌙   Charging Boards 🌙   Crystal Care - Cleansing 🌙   Common Cleansing Methods 🌙   Methods of Cleansing 🌙   Crystals NOT to Cleanse in Water
Crystal Grids: 🌙   Connecting to Mermaids, Fae and Angels
 Animal Totems: 🌙   Swan
Crystal Asks: 🌙   How to Identify Crystals 🌙   Cleansing
Videos: 🌙  Crystals For Money Drawing
This list will probably continuously grow and I continue to find amazing posts and don’t forget to check out the blogs of these amazing people, they deserve it :)
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on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
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10 Different Crystal Shapes and How To Use Them
Crystals that have been smoothed or polished from their raw form are usually classified as tumbled stones. They have not been carved into any specific form, but are not jagged to the touch. These crystals are usually more affordable and are good for basic crystal use, including grids, meditation, affirmations, altar work, feng shui or more.
Crystals in an Abundance formation are made up of an elongated quartz crystal with smaller crystals clustered around its base. This is a great stone to attract abundance to your life (hence its name) and is great for acting as a conduit to your wealth and business stones.
Natural points are not necessarily long crystals in a wand-like formation. They are any part of a faceted crystal with a point that has formed naturally, and has not been carved to perfection. These types of stones must be used with caution as the point draws energy to the body (when pointed toward a person) or it draws energy away from the body (when pointed away from the body). These properties make it a great tool for cleansing and healing work.
The Phantom formation is slightly difficult to find. These crystals have a hazy image within them, although most of the crystal is particularly transclucent. This phantom of ghost within the crystal is said to carry a vast array of information for the past, making it a powerful tool for past-like work and healing. Depending on the crystal that the phantom is found within, additional properties will apply. However, any Phantom formation will be a powerful stone to shake out your skeletons and pave a healthy path for growth.
A Generator will have six facets (of equal or unequal proportions) that meet into one point. It gets its name for its ability to generate amplified energy, boosting the power of other stones, or the stone it is made of. This type of formation is also very powerful for charging other stones.
These stones are elusive because they appear ordinary from the outside. However, when they are opened or broken they reveal a hollow cave with crystals sparkling within. Because of their contained form, geodes have the ability to hold energy within and soften it, allowing it to naturally flow out and disperse evenly. These formations are great for protection or for assisting with healing abusive habits such as alcoholism, drug abuse, sex addiction, shopping addiction, and abusive internal monologues.
Raw stones are in their natural form and have not been smoothed, polished or altered. Though they are more fragile and can break more easily than other formations, many prefer the look of these stones as they would appear raw in their natural habitat. Like tumbled stones, raw stones are great for all spiritual work and are often quite affordable.
Pyramids are stones that have been shaped into a point with four equal faceted sides and a square base. These formations are great for warding off negative vibrations or removing blocks within the chakra system. This shape is also a great choice to use in affirmation and manifestation work. The properties of the crystal are amplified in this formation. It is a good choice for healers.
The circle emits energy evenly from all angles, and the Sphere formation is no different. These are powerful formations and are often used in scrying as a tool to peer into the past and future. Because the shape is even from every possible angle, it is believed that light, energy and time pass through it with no rules or hindrances, hence their scrying abilities. They often have flaws or occlusions within them which help with the scrying process, though they can be quite expensive depending on their size.
This formation works well with grounding energies and intentions since its energy is contained and enhanced evenly within the stone. It acts as a foundation to meditation practices and has the ability to transmute negative energy into positive energy. They’re stacking ability makes them great tools for mindfulness and concentration, especially if you’re doing detailed work.
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on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
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on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
Discreet Altar Idea
I am personally out of the closet with very supportive parents and friends. However, I know a lot of you are not, so this altar idea might be right up your alley. Or if you have a very limited space, this idea also may help!  I currently live in a rather small room. My main witchcraft altar is upstairs in the loft, but since the loft is also my father’s workspace, I needed something easily accessible for my everyday worship/witchcraft. So I present to you…
The Vertical Altar!
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It’s a simple altar, pinned to my bedroom door, with above it, a piece of cloth that I can just pull down over it to cover it up.  I simply used a bunch of pins, some thread and voila. It was done. Every morning and evening, I light some incense and meditate a bit in front of it, and go about my day.  It’s the type of altar you could make on the door of your literal closet, at the back of a framed picture or behind a poster.
What you’ll need:
- Pins
- Thread
- Pouches, can easily be hand made with cloth and thread
- Anything you want to decorate, or things you associate to your deity (It could be a drawing you made or found online, a sigil, a flower, anything!)
- Or if you’re secular, anything you associate to your craft
It’s great to save on space, and since it’s on my door, I think about it more often. 
If you ever try this out, send pictures! I’d love to see what you have! 
Much Love,
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on-a-moon-light-blog · 8 years ago
Bonding With Each Element
Taking a walk in a park or forest
Picking flowers (though, not from other people’s gardens, of course)
Grounding, meditating, etc.
-The key is to surround yourself with nature, whether it be sounds of nature, or even getting into kitchen magic, which will involve herbs.
Taking a stroll on a breezy day
Sitting in front of a fan (as an alternative to the above)
Anything creative (Dancing, singing, etc)
Divination (Smoke of an incense, crystal ball, taro/cartomancy, etc)
-The wind element is about expressing and realizing your creativity and talent. By doing this, you are bonding with the element.
Meditation with a lit candle
Drinking a cup of freshly brewed hot tea or coffee (don’t burn your mouth, now)
Activity that involves breaking a sweat (exercise, etc)
-Fire is about passion and anger, whether releasing that anger so it does not build up inside of you, or invoking a passion you have for something. This intensity will help you bond with the element.
Taking a long shower or bath
Making Sun or Moon Water
Collecting Rain/Snow/Storm/Sea Water
Dream Magick: making peaceful sleep satchets, etc
-Water is about purification, love, and psychic awareness. Cleansing yourself daily, charging water for a specific use, and healing will help you bond with this element.
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